Eastern reflector, 12 February 1909

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

In Charge of F. C. NYE
So Tired
Fresh l to. b of best enamel war
Co and i
;,; . , i in be A. ft.
i . .
Tn, Ea I , ck- k . . . .
. a-
. f- A.
i wend these days. . A . .
; r fall line hi
U Sc has
;, short
ex r-
night He has been
re before and gave a
, Nannie and Cora
u n n
Wingate is suffering
We have a lot of rubber
shoes chat must go at once.
See as for your own bargains.
A W. Co
i o.
and I
. i g
of c
, Lest Fa Unknown
are Elizabeth City. N C Jan. SO.
The Diamond
reports an unknown
Balboa. CaL, Tea-
It be from overwork, but mountain lion crunching tin
the chances are its from n in- less and mangled body of he.
LIVER. boy was the sight that
With a conducted I greeted Mrs. Brown last
one CM Io mountains of labor when she enter, d the
tent, four miles fr BO the
Hotel after a short
walk. The mother in despair
rushed screaming at the beastly,
slaver of her child. Th. lion j chicken broth or fed
growled and bad ed i from a spoon, and as these
out of the rear of the law increased, gradually de-
tent, its mouth with the amount of home lo d-
the baby's blood. disappear Soon after it turns its first year
It adds per cent to
ones earning
It can hi healthful act ion
By the time a baby is a year
old its diet should begin to in-
scraped meat
the whites of ages
Dr. Leonard Keene
berg in the February
Begin with a wineglass of
n .
lay worn-
. mark
f i luring the to-
Solder Honor Rep-
With Gold Headed Cane.
Washington, D. C. Feb.
the child should to drink
a small cup. After that its
be reduced to five a
day, with an occasional drink of
orange juice and plenty of water
in the intervals.
The first meal, on awaking in
u Mr. M. V. i. i Mi ii the morning, had better have
led. The lion had partly dis-
numbered the child after
it- We family arrived
I from Delaware two weeks ago.
In appreciation of his interest Ne Ufa with half as much infant
. John i
r J
A. W. A
We an
pig-l .
or wreckage is to be Small has received a
and the fate of crew is cane inscribed as
.,. j follows;
i , at John H.
. rate of miles an and lie and
from the Durham Sun,
sounds excellent. If the Sun broth.
The second meal, in the middle
the morning, may be a
the first. Early in the
afternoon a gill or so of chicken
or half as much
, .
. .
iv. y Hi ii
C Savannah Ca, J. , . w,,
, h I
I . rep ts Cape of
. . n. from the fol I
this to be true from may be given, and
experience, it is certainly may be every
in a class higher up than moat with the white of an egg boiled.
. win . c mm S. r,;
C J. B n
. Z. P. S
, i .
. . .
. r,
t n dO.-Me
I .
. .
Ann .
i more
. , .
. .-. ii
If you to go n
take the Smiling high
i ;., p Gladsome p
y .
I., s,
was stated was in
, if Mr. gen-
in the National
Dick hi
say, for one minute. The two
ii meals better have
their mainstay. After a
month or diet, if the
. . ,. good health, ml-
meal meal my
ii chide dry toast, zwieback,
oatmeal and other cereals,
and its afternoon dinner may
i i
. . ; .
r i i.
mer one to three SLEEPLESS OW-
, r r i IS .
I this it cannot be if mi winter pant my wife
. w. all about
. ;.,. v. . viii
Ii ; . .
i .
. .
. u
. I I
. i
. r
. .
still I ; all i
, oUtS
t bar
, ii . r Co.
., . . of ii is-
I.- ill
, r
. v
. ,.
. . .-.
. far
,. i. .
I Jet you a i
plow to I
; so II
, . ,
on a
Mil Bro-
and Ci
. an
. KM .
I. all
b t Ml j
; .
all the way. If
it h pool wit -i
, . . r her.
a an,
. ii-. song. you
Id, i a little and think ,
that will make your include a whole egg.
I . is long, or poached, and a
how you trudged every chopped raw beef,
to your best girl b should be given freely, but it h
. never got tired. beat to have them well
mi of Rev. J. N. H.
Accidentally Killed.
were tried
New Bern, N. C. Jan.
Hi ward, the fifteen-year-old son
Rev. J. N. H.
I Fr, . here, met with a dis-
i lite. I.
go i
j. ;. . t, .
i. i ii
,. . down
i i . year h
; In N
v- . i .
, the
d by John I. ;. s C-ugh
,. wared and hat million o proved He went hunting early this
he had not
; at the time appointed.
I.,,., . . his parents became alarmed.
I. in the of his
. . ii -o had I my -H . . . . ,.
. . . . resulted in the
i -.-- .,., , . ., Bitten ,,. that he had not been seen.
cured Bee.
earing that he had wandered
. o
,. i. ;. . ,
. . an have it read;
i ti it . tats I
. m a aw
,; j as off at the
. mom lat fall because of L. j
i . i
the received her. from San
n devout .;.,., s
ii her. fr
ya a
,. ,,., .,.,. r,;. room Being a Spain, a
and a earthquake has
, . were married this after- in
. of home of the brides Southeastern Spain.
put up o i- on . the
submerged the
Into some of the thick under-
growth of the swamp be-
came mired or wounded, a party
citizens went in search of the
boy. and the dead body was
found in the marsh near the
county home, five miles from
The gun had discharged its
. .
with Miss I
her f Laura, it the
., ,
a I i tin. b-
I Ba I Co.
A full line of I church Sum
just in . . Co,
Fresh beef, Miss Pattie Sutton
sage and fish can n
market, Lunches on short J, L. Jackson has
notice Sutton, farm about one m
The A. G. Cox
Co. are now in position t sup- J. D. Rogers, of
ply you with their Tar Heel entered
Carts, box bodies and Tumbling morning. He is an old
Prices made right. Call but taught school in th .
and see th m. . Dr. B. T. Cox j
Any in need of a good and returned I
up-to buggy will do well to Monday.
see Mr. Hunsucker at the A. We are glad to roe
Cox Manufacturing Co. before I out again after ha .
they buy business confined to his room
rushing and we would advise about two months with p brr-ken
that you place your orders early. I leg-
A line of best Miss Lola Roach, of
A. W. Co. Sunday here with Miss
Fresh seed rye. Kate Chapman
Harrington, Barber Co. High School has
The new reversible disc a lino lot of Con-
row is indispensable on an up-to- Records through the
date farm. See us before buy- of Hon. H. Small.
Harrington, The . on
Get the plow far ha malling M of ,;,,
tearing up new grounds. Historical Society. Much try
Harrington, Barber ft CO- history will be added in
Chickens and eggs a specialty.
Come and get the best prices.
Harrington Barber
opened a
V. . ., barns are filled Capt A. L. A tidal wave submerged which under the
th corn, Th .- are cu S- . jaw and brain
ahead at his house. ,. the the shot. The
and bride left this .,,,,. and several .
Mr. and bride
,. for when
village of and several had evidently caught on
I hundred inhabitants. a in the undergrowth and
Register of Deeds W. mar.
mis a prominent young m-, N, ., that d the
Haddock and Nelli
Edwards and
many houses were damaged in j
the town of and several
I villages in the province of Mar
This is sad news to the many
Lot. Tare, j of Mar.
N. Greenville and Pitt county.
Cox told us today of a serious, A from says. their heartfelt sympathy
accident to his little boy, Barcelona had been over-; him
wave. The w
roaring preceded
years, that occurred a few. by a ti
days ago. The little fellow was
COLORED. j out with another boy who was m
Daniel and Jamie Cox. chopping about a stump with wave, causing a fearful
Cox's son People on the From
Peyton and France, walking around lite stump he and in the buildings
dawn, an in an to ,,.
, . i keen from falling threw out his I
Abram Johnson and
Weaver and Edith boy WaS
. , down the
, j . . . . struck hi a . dim . . .
Howard Williams and r w -n,,. failed.
three fingers. h
m. W
Walter and Mary Eliza . form f f and will continue to do so as the
The blade of three doctor,; in bod for
,. J struck his hand and cut bit,,
U a Square Deal,
what we can we see
there is a town in
North Carolina with a more flat-
prospect before it than
Greenville. The city is not
dreaming but is awake and go-
ahead. It's merchants are
alive, the place looks lively and
is lively, the people take pride in
their town and it's going ahead
piles Its
and Alice
I orders and nets a gentle laxative. .
chills and
Charlie Graham and
fur sped oats of all kinds see
h; mi
. first, The bottle contains j.- y. Johnston in front Of N.
timer s as the sire.
by John L. b. depot.
people of Greenville are broad
minded, liberal, industrious, full
of vim and all that it takes to
made a great city.-Snow Hill
Square Deal. ,
. y
Offered for one black sow With
in aft ear and wallow-,
fork in right ear and wattles under
also one black with I
short tall and iron in j
one black and bull with
m .
i ii ;
i . .
, i. N
bum food mo law.
An over TS
D. J. Editor and Owner
VOL. No.
Truth in Fiction.
One Dollar Year
Members Declare
in Favor of Training School
The climax to the visit of the
educational committee of the
General Assembly to Greenville
Thursday, was the banquet be
ginning at 3.80 p. m. in the
room of Carolina Club.
After of the splendid
repast, ex-Gov. T. J. Jarvis arose
and addressed the committee.
He expressed pleasure at a meet-
of this kind for a common
purpose on a common platform.
One question upon which men
of all creeds, all politics and all
localities can come together on
is the education of the children
of our State. H
have lived to
the people of North
although some of them live
miles apart, are practically all
neighbors. He then briefly gave
the history of the location of the
Eastern Carolina Teachers Train-
school in Greenville, pointing
out that the State's
of had bean supple-
by a donation of
from the town of Greenville and
from the county of Pitt,
with which there had
chased a beautiful site of
We What the people the war he had followed MATTERS WITH THE ALDERMEN.
and S the ways before, must be that W.
Jill Apply to the for
Amendment to Charter for Election
last. Senator Means paid Mayor by Vote, Also
eloquent tribute to education., Authority to
declaring the cultivation of j The Board of Aldermen met in
mind is the development of soul-1 regular monthly session
life that was breathed into man day t members
We are all one
provided for the he was the best for
State to furnish the money he
felt sure it would come.
I Representative Connor said he
he discovered one dis-
note in what Gov. Jarvis
as his voice seemed to in-
some doubt that the
would give what is asked
for this institution. He went on
to say that such doubt, if the
governor felt it, was groundless.
While he as chairman of the
committee could not make any
pledge for the committee, he felt
no doubt of the appropriation
was he wanted
the and beautiful for this school. He was one
He expressed pleasure at who voted t, o years ago
finding the unanimity of spirit and was going to
among the people for an help support it .,.,.
as they are establish- Barnes was.,.,
of educating , The standing commit-
God Himself
on the question
mind, soul aspirations. no make.
Down here you have a way of
making your men and
worthy of the highest honor.
What you all want so far as I
can do shall be done. North
Carolina is not poverty stricken
and she is to provide for
the education of her children.
Representative Rise said he
An ordinance was adopted rel-
sanitation in the town
and was ordered to be published.
A from The King's
Among the new hills were
To promote the proper
management of forests in North
Carolina; to regulate the powers
of corporations; to encourage
oyster culture; to revise the
militia to provide for
form law as to stock
relating to picture BOO
The bill to sale of
quail grouse for a period of,
two years taken again
and given another
Among new bills
To fix the closed season for
hunting game; to repeal the law
of 1907 relative to encouraging
immigration; to make a uniform
tax receipt; to capital
punishment except in cases of
criminal assault; to prevent the
of worthless checks; to
express o to
make prompt for C.
O. shipments.
Among th hills th t passed
third reading was the one to
extend the limits of th town of
i erected thereon four
magnificent buildings, all nearly
completed and ready to be turned
over to the State for an invest-
of only These
buildings, he said, will be useless
for the purpose intended unless
they are furnished. A central j every
prised at what he had seen in
Greenville. Though he was an
eastern man he had been
here b fore, but be knew it was
in God's country. He can beat
testimony to the
He referred to Gen. Lee as
the greatest man the South had
ever produced, and his
forts in educating the children,
said Gov. had follow-
Mowed t th. P.-W-.
minority party in the State he
stood squarely for progress and
educational advancement. If
ways and means could not be
provided otherwise, he would
vote for bonds to supply
educational institution in
will also be needed. Careful, Senator said he was
estimates have been made than pleased with h vis.
erecting these two buildings here. He could not claim to
and furnishing all of them an educator by as he
ready for use. and it will lived on a farm.
With this additional but he was an educator by
appropriation the State, for an He had raised a large
investment of will have family, and by hard work and
a school Plant that could not self-sacrifice he had given his
again be duplicated less than an education. It
The legislature is his pleasure to see
I need not tell you that I
for making your school ail that
it deserves to be.
Representative said
that he was a western
this was his first visit east
Raleigh. He was greatly
pressed with this beautiful east-
country and with the
did institution located I ere. i
When tell you I live in a county
with a training school it is
useless to a d how I am going to
vote on this appropriation.
Representative Smith confess-
ed that two years ago he felt it
unwise to establish this school,
is convinced of his error,
learn what
rest room in Greenville for the, ,., war.
fit of women P;
country to spend the day. A
motion was made to grant the having in
and after
.,, u. s, per month the W.,, .
made report which
K. J. Cobb and P. G. Perk. . th ,.,., of
appeared before the board re incumbent.
to a supply at he
of the Veneer u, A. . P
a motion was carried hat
company he permitted to make, , . r
connection with the water r
.- inhabit, red by
the board as to the Cox. of to amend law as to
of continuing a
the American Tobacco
. and the Imperial Tobacco from
Co., for similar fire protection. A v i
p C Harding appeared before I of M.
building for an . pen
on Fourth -s read from the
property The of a letter
referred to superintendent of the
, ,
board. .
n Carr was appointed
amend the law s
to require
employing worn. provide
a committee to confer with . P all the new bills in-
End of Century
T second am. third
certain charged very busy one.
A from the
seats for i
in i strait
relief of the ;
Among the
To p
and i x; n-
board; to
of i i.
ex officio f livers-
it; to promote the
R. p. D. i v . to x the
office of engrossing of the
and how much
work is done in
to require clerks of
Super r court I and
register of an
to publish a lift of fees re-
b them.
bill to issuing
by telephone companies
was reported as was
also the bill . the sys-
of holders
of railroad m
The n
the day was
lot committee ,
to am C
child labor.
i . for
. , ports
. thy
I . as to
appropriation for equipment, and
also for maintenance of
the school.
Superintendent J. Y. Joyner
followed Gov. Jarvis. He said
this was an occasion when all but
members of the legislature
should be silent, but it was not
a time for any of them to be
silent. He said it was not
to attempt to add to what
Gov. Jarvis had said, for the
latter had this institution and its
needs upon hi heart and had
done more for it than any other
man God had wisely not given
this great man children of his
own that he might adopt all the
children of the State, and when
future historians come to write
the history of North Carolina,
the names of Jarvis and Aycock
will stand out as our great
lam not trying to . . .
;, you want, but came to see if you , . collection of governor MS read as w at sent
asked to make this additional graduate last and need what you have due by property owners the senate. Many former
could congratulate the for. Having seen the bills passed their final Editor
here upon what they have done; . nave I was instructed to and were In the large , , , ., -and
he felt more like congratulating, you in regard to number of new bills there The Reflector
I none of State wide importance.
that a bill be I TWENTY SEVENTH BaX, J
miles of the
in matters of this Kind Knows,
i , r, he could for education. . I Issue bonds to the amount of
no sectional lines, no Senator Blow, superintendent nm from one to ten
line, and he can to Re Rev. j. N. id the rate
secure the appropriation asked in some remarks e This bond is-
for and for educational progress., pleasure at intended to debts
Senator said committee here and appreciation I already pasting
not come
here f
not come here knowing there J had said
would be an opportunity to referring to construction, and
speech, but like every candidate many in the school for for etc., for
he had hopes. There worK said the greatest obstacle water and light plant, allot
had been much good eating and ft d f u trained which were necessary expenses
much good speaking he and the legislature. It that
enjoyed both, in fact had make provision to that the charter of
this if we are to town be so amended that the
ed everything here. He had
never been in Greenville before,
but had a here.
He once had a sweetheart, has
once o on- .-.-
dent Joyner complimented Green- her yet, and it had been her
ville and Pitt county and said pleasure to make visits to Green-
the school was located here be-
cause the people deserved it.
He also spoke highly of County
Superintendent and the
ville, and though she was a
truthful woman she had never
told him half of this town's
cordiality and hospitality.
work he had done to awaken j Speaking of the school he said
educational interest in Pitt have found out what you
making it take rank as one of want and are going to give it to
the foremost in the State. money is as good as
appropriation asked for is if the ways and means are
best investment the State has
ever made, for it will receive a
plant equipped and ready to ac-
young men and
women with the State putting in
only a little more than for.
every put in by the people of i
C u
provided, and it will be
ed. This institution is a source
of great pride and it stands as
a monument to your
to educate your children.
Senator Means said there is a
responsibility, and he was
v. ,, V I. U Ii
He in war in years
come this it we are to
educational progress. election of mayor be by popular
Of course The vote. The motion was made to
each speaker said. It was as i was not adopted.
fine collection of impromptu at-1 of were
speeches as we and approved.
heard, all of them good, some, Restaurant license was grant-
with eloquence, many ed to C. Brown.
It indicates that
the General Assembly Is of in accordance
posed of able men who have the speCifications.
interest of the State at The question re-
and are going to measure up to a tie vote and Mayor
their duty.
It gave Greenville as much
pleasure to have these gentle-
men as her guests as they ex-
pressed at being with us.
will treat you
ate, all of them being of only
local interest. One offered by
Senator Blow was to amend the
charter of the town of Farmville.
Also in the house there were
none but purely local bills, but
there was quite a busy session
with these-
There was not much doing in
either branch of the legislature
Saturday and there were no new
trills of much importance. Sena-
tor Blow introduced the bill to
amend the charter of Greenville.
The senate also passed a bill
reducing the number of
for the defendant in
trials from twenty-four to
eighteen, and increasing those
for the State from four to
twelve. If the house will also
of one of s of
my platform
paper last July. was
insisting on c
I officers on
previously don. the
other than b
to join me in
this righteous
jam glad that some o
at last spoken.
busy and insist
ts get
give us this ;
the fact by putting our
officers on salaries, i no. . i could
be saved the f a above
salaries and,
which would in a t S
sufficient to liquidate bonded
indebtedness, lie is right Why,
a saving of year for
twenty years invest- d annually
at six per cent, compound inter-
est, would not amount to but
m p n pound
cents, at a.
Whedbee cast the deciding vote
against the erection of the build-
at present the existing
financial condition.
It was ordered that an
be drawn in regard to
heavy objects being rolled or
dragged on paved sidewalks.
The board adjourned to meet
j on the 18th the
twelve, ii
pass this bill it will be a big a
over the present jury that worth
system. Now a word as to what con-
In the house Dr. Cox, of Pitt, I proper salaries. If I were
introduced a bill to prevent to make the law, I think would
and running
at large. I deeds each, and our treas-
The house adjourned at noon
in respect to the memory of according
Representative T. N. Hays, of save to . x -iv-
look ova.

,. I.
inc in
H it
Mike to
It i
o-it i
; . . ;
. ad,
; i . it he will give lot
. . .
.,; o is north lots
more L hi
. i
for h
,.; i replied that he
would not trade for anything like j
Hist, India i kept raising hi
bid. lie i
,. a
final l
Vt of,
. . nodded
Saving Time on the Phone
According district
of one of the local
, . tar. I
I U- u ft method of
I a conversation over the wire i
no do . to M r
j . .
. ;. . rite ma; be over the wire, said the
I ii
ii publications i- from I and I think people are
and marked ginning to realize it. Tin
and therefore. . .
of hast resistance is a very good
one to follow in
i haw what is called rec- and may con-
tar t practice, in with unnecessary
re of each kept will find that those
and reported to the department. m he business have
,,., entirely. Take
, ;. except v case of turret for instance the operator. See
two of them ma be how they've cut out the
the same time. The a. , r i
.;. , . f the sun in done by the with them that's all
;. it. Now the pro.
to talk the t
is to establish your a.
o ice ;. d right down to
u i i r
I .
. ;.
. d
. I
hi . is most direct
i .,. . ;. the end of finding out what
. . i pay i .;, people
.,;,. nil e answers
lilt C
purpose of a half words.
, let a Mr
. i
. .
Smith ill- era th
ten, hone by
th other can
.- of Vacant lard.
v, . hen b that J. t
it It l-
Other Can N, . . i that J. . i
; busings without . . I
on th phone or other need .
l V w. hi
; i. IV. IV i Id r
, ,.,. . .
have issued I I
to Hi
; . . the firm
. . . .
i e j . . . i
. . . i
. .
Norfolk, Va.
Tie Most
Beautiful Line
fitting out your
en c co
cut cf
Alto i
n ail thirds
to mention you
I ill v ii t ii J lock
. I
in . i. r.
H HI i .
i I a stoves.
m . ,. mum
. . fit . -i Bi II i
containing rt-s m n or
. j w; t i ; H
Superb Set vice to
f en
. . I I
. .
Ill- I
t Latin I
t i ii ii
of I
v . mi I ill
I .
down m the table and eats
plea am i i are mightily
. i
A Child's
I of children.
sent i
plate two r i r times i ml hi
been I ill
, . ., make o
r, I i
looking r in at
unfinished plate of
matter. Ethel
i John. look
i the matter,
Ethel. am
then h wondered why
Inn i
lot i
i, on is a
. now l-mil . . ,., . . ,. . ,. , .
i acre and ,. D,.,
y It , . , ,. ,. . . i I
D i d I. I era i I sale . , th, . .,,
cash . . public sale, b. for.-th
XI th Hi February, . . . i . . to th
t A. . . . , , .- . Feb 13th
Brown, ,,,,., ,,.,. ,,,. .,, . , , ,
At Ilia in i u
, i i i
. i I
M, u . ; in . i of Greenville
b said Mi i. and
B, i a PO , -J
. . . ,. ,,, i, n
and i- A . W I . on
V.,. , .;
; in i Dinner Club Breakfast
e attention and the very best service In every way
I., Norfolk of Jackson
n. i;. Arrive in Baltimore . in., connecting with rail
lines for w York, and all p lints and v.-
all . on and address
E T I Gen. L. HOPKINS, T. P. A.
. . .
to lie . b. . re the court . A .,
ii, r Saturday i .
,. . . or el J j
k L. ,. IV Mill.-
n low,, to Unit
ill .
-I. Ill . II
; n
well i I
i to he-
ll .
. i . ; an
I . . ;. i
J ii
Wide W I I o
, in s., of river i n .
township known the D. , ,., l
h tin I. U.
the H. W. B land awl K
to b;
Tl U M u tin log . i Cg
the land to I n H
C, n by D M
ii. i I. to said mi
in sale
Ins I he of Jan.
i; Gard ml P. Jan
In Per Goods,
Madras, India Linens, Lawns. Having
bought a big lot of goods it enables us to sell
hem at low prices.
At Big Store
t Provisions
p ii J .
n ltd N. C
Stray Taken Up.
lad i
mi . in in. Say. but t
the train i in he's to
. mail. ft tho
express, check the Hi
signal put U i
st the street crossing, the tram
n tho I. ill. tin hoard
Instruments i earn tin
he o ling
Cotton Bagging and
W Goods Kept on-
Furniture And House Furnishing Goods
For Cash or on Installments.
In Occupied by Dispensary. Large Stock of everything
Needed in your House. Our are low.
each, g. Produce and w Come
ownership g Now i Shu. White at
ore on live Mots room larger stock. Come
to me.
R. V. I.
T, I
General Merchandise.
for sale several f
Tar at a barrel, pork barrel
a of s Sup; 13.60
per sand. Hearts i.
J. O. and Bros.
be R
Opposite f enter Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
i y
it will be to your interest to see . railroad sidings for sale.
I also have some splendid mg sixes
Terms to suit
7- f V-
Of New York
mm M
w V
. v
. . i
, .,. .
Hi ;
I ; -i
i ask ti
Hi the
. .,,,. out. V- ell
Norfolk and
y . i ,
in New York Stale 1842.
The Record cf 1908.
lave advanced.
of b as
nth T
. .;,,
. .,
Tl, I. V
.-,., . a. .-.-a
. .
, . .,. ,.,
i,. r h
increased Dividends
In . f V result
of Management the Company Stands
This is K-r able to show. It has
gating making a
Balance Sheet, December 1908.
tin UH 716.00
Net Policy Reserve H
Div payable in
Held for future dividends SIM
I be
., I
than lb el I. r
a In
passengers. Moreover. k.
body busy re
Sow baby to kW of Its own
I r.
i. M is, Ha ,
p,; in were on a I us
. . .
,, . ,., lb lb;
i t never to
. .,. in.
I n
. h iv ill
7.-., .,. Wilson h.
i. ,
i v ins
i e
. .
, From Z
; i,
. . mI
.,, i
G- P-
. , .
. I
. f ft
. HI. of I
. . after
Atlantic Coast
H Account of ceremonies Bled
starting point not than , M,
my r i I n
ll .
h,. e-id nearest
or write
Hr Month Was Closed.
Miss to Say
didn't Tom Why not Jar
I took words right oat
lier mouth.-
W J CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager
T. C. WHITE, Passenger
Wilmington, N. C.
r Vandyke received a
Car Just Received stoves
Subscribe to The Dally Reflector.
Loans on Real Estate
on Policies
Collateral Loans
Bonds and stocks
and Rents, due and accrued
Premiums in course of collection l
Total Liabilities
Trust Charlotte,
The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York
Home Office, Nassau
H. Bently Harriss, Local Agent, Greenville M. C.
Cotton Buyers. Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
j. H.
Has a Nice Fresh
Groceries and can Supply
your needs. He pays high-
est price for all kind Fur
Ii you want HOUSE If
last and buy yo
and Corn.
W. B. He
you Better Feed More .
Money than any man
Place is H.
Oats. Cotton Meal,
Corn, corn Meal and km
r the winter.
TURN AGE before buying
you a bargain.
We to your coal,
keep kinds on dry d
delivery. Phone
want try The Reflector------
Cleaning Hying. A

A Weak.
i . v .-.-
Six Months
E G p
They must that xx ill
is I It OH that has already t
New is short
long coat tor t
changing tin-
s allowed in capital
ii A reform in this
her --f B by Sea
hat will a carp.
i certainly needed.
lib tin- British it
Who Died Few Months y , f g
Ago Searcher. Were Dis- ,. y,, for t. shores
covered by Police. of China. She will carry eight
A strange story of the quest of bodies of Chinamen
hidden treasure came to light who hare died in this country.
report from the police For some days trains from all
. t n Greenville
FRIDAY 1909.
A i- about h
catching the bit
They lit I i tampering
Another fellow has broken
with the ii -nil pole lever.
Don't your hump of pride for
Greenville feel a whole lot big-
ll looks like t rum lose
his crumb unless Taft comes to
the rescue.
It is a wonder that nobody has
to include pumpkin pie
for Mr. Taft.
Suppose in a blizzard a
machine should freeze up in ink
air. then
And the senate is getting is noted for,
because the president funny that they are kicking up made of Manager K. I. of
aid something about one opposition to Southern Bell
heir number. g presented in
muds yesterday morning and requests the country east of
the Mississippi have been bring-
these corpses to New lock
that city. Company, that certain part.-, a to await the sailing of the char
May I-.- the repentance is
Mr. Tuft get an
mi his side-line allowance,
is lie i too fat to take
, young man a young lady
whose names are not given, be
. allowed to excavate the
of storage warehouse
ship. It has been several
year-since there has been such a
shipment from the United
the number of
Mr-. i-
horse back rides.
In Brazil the butchers and tin-
bakers have a strike.
the folks ill have to lie
in . n bread makers.
Ii the talk about the -lap-
keeps up much longer they will
get to thinking they are the big-
folks the census list.
Thai story from the
ton of the young people
hunting for hidden treasure i
something interesting. Here's
hoping they will it. but we
hat e our doubts.
tor her
as a State builder
ill the speeches by
of the legislature hen- Thurs lay,
in referring to the par; he
in getting built the nu r
mansion when her
Front bodice to be transported is
the telephone
and Ann streets, in search of a usually large some of
vessel in money have been in their graves so Ion
. .
r .
said to be buried there left
by the late Captain
rel ired sea captain a ho
died in this city several mouth-
ago, leaving the treasure to the
that nothing but the bare
tons remain In be buried in
their native soil. Such ship-
of Chinese bodies is made
every few years under the
, young holy in the present ease, lion of a society which meets
Yesterday morning between the expense by small monthly
and o'clock Officers T. at. Hall from the family or
K. while on friends of those who die in
is the thirtieth ,.,,,. from the time of death
the young man young until a shipment in made.
anniversary tin
as governor our townsman
lion. T. on that
date by invitation of the joint
committee on education he de-
livered an address on education
in the hall of the house of
in Raleigh.
We hope the legislative com-
xx i fully comprehend
the of the Eastern Train
School and xx ill
as liberal appropriation as eon-
will allow.
The bill has passed the
legislature requiring
recommend in that State to
attend pa rule s -ho- N
The of is con-
too much time
in the States Senate.
i for some xx la
I Roosevelt says the exclusion
Greenville wants more Japanese children from the pub-
The way to get this is to is unconstitutional and
have something for people to do I will be tested by the courts,
when they come. Von can give.
, . i i,. . The present General Assembly
them thing to do by
I has served out half of its term so
far. large amount
Possibly the ground hog business has been done by the
mad at the criticism of his though most of it been
half ship, and is getting ready to of a local nature.
back. Al any rate it more to be and fie
airships. That is going in the is going to most important work will
happen to the weather. in the last half of the session.
If she
A youngster is New York Before present legislature
will not together on her new lined for taking three there ought to be
charter in to put before off his landlady, a Mrs. cation made far charter for a
the legislature. to be tall, willowy and manufacturing enterprise in
; That name would Greenville. H will be two
If tin- i as prompt that she was sweet, too, before the legislature
a promise as they are to meets again Greenville is
one there would be a great Out of forty eight applicants t need such a charter be-
in the world. before the Supreme court for fore that time. Some interested
i license to practice law, thirty- might get together and act now.
What is the matter with . were successful. Just one-
that so many people third of those receiving licenses
there are shaking off the town from Wake Forest College,
by the suicide .
I A Chicago dispatch says a
Express offices are joints I town out that way of duo
We hope the day is Dot j tauts is feet underwater, and
far distant when the law will it is impossible to get in
lady in the rear of the storage
warehouse named armed with an
shovel and bar of iron, with A correspondent of the
were exploring the lot Observer writing that pa
I yard as if in search of something I per in of the home-
buried in the earth. The officers; stead las
were attracted by a small light la no in is day no
which they carried upon, need for the homestead
confronting the treasure seekers, u. The whole thing should be
they learned the entire story speedily repealed every
but were enjoined to secrecy as left subject to
to their mission. The officers bis debts and obligations. It is
frankly told them they could not a crude measure and no
parse their investigations attempt u evade his
i r it permission from by resorting to any inch
owners of the premises and methods as this law allows,
through one of the officers a law has caused many to
was made in their mortgage their property and
yesterday to Manager Boyd, of then, becoming careless, go on
the telephone company, that spending till they lose the prop-
they be allowed to search the Let any property owned
premises in quest of the buried ,,. subject to all just debts and
treasure. Manager Boyd did obligations of the owner and
not take well to the story on business will be adjusted more
blush and denied the honesty than now and no
but is expected that he hardships result as sometimes is
may later relent and allow case under present law. If
search. the law cannot be entirely done
According to the story as it away with at this time, tho next
has leaked out. the young lady best thing would be to reduce
in the case says that she nursed the exemption much lower than
Captain through his it now is. I um a and
illness and cared for him J believe this law is detrimental
for many months previous to, to our best
that lime; that the day before It s. ems to us that the fore-
he died, he gave her a diagram going is packed full of common
which indicated where he had sense. Is it not a safe
burled in money when he j to say that man's prop-
retired from the sea years should be subject to his
telling her that the money was j debts and Either
hers that she could that is true or the reverse is
it by making the exploration true, namely, that proper-
is subject at A's debts and
Aid With Resolution of
Township, Feb.
Please allow me f pace in your
columns to mil the attention of
the people of Pitt county, and
especially our representatives
nor in the legislature, to one
The governor of our State gets
a salary of a year. The
Supreme and Superior court
judges get Our Superior
court clerk gets something near
in fees. Our
dent public schools gets a
salary of Our sheriff
gets or mote in fees, reg-
of deeds or more in
and treasurer near
in commissions.
Why should some of these
county officers get more the
services rendered than our gov-
or judges, or clerk, or
superintendent Why not obey
the resolution of the last Demo-
county convention to
county officers, which
introduced and passed without a
dissenting vote, that the officers
be placed on salaries
with the services
rendered Why should the
wishes of the people be so dis-
If a law is passed placing
the officers of county on
salary and take what is left in
lees, I truly believe it will
amount to a year. Create
a sinking fund of this and use
said fund for the purpose of pay-
off and discharging the
and we can cancel these bonds
in less than eight years without
costing the tax payers one cent.
Or we can create. sinking
mid tor the of the
of the
county and the whole
of it could be paid off in less
than fifteen years.
This is something for the
of our grand old county to
Tax Payer.
break up such shipments.
W. Bryan was badly hurt
in automobile accident at
Palm Beach, Fin., on Saturday
narrowly escaped death.
The communication In lion
day's in regard to putting
officers on along a
line that is being discussed now.
That Taft dinner at New Or-
l.-ans is going to cost a plate.
Pretty high eating even if
gator steak is included in the
The legislature has just given
Durham a recorder's court, and
HOW the city is going to ask for
a police commission. Better not
be after too much all at once.
That committee report on in-
of the hooks of the
officers is getting some
more knocks. The latest charge
is that the committee seek-
with it. We expect it
is rather hard to reach it at that
Just think of the press dis-
patches telling that there is
about to be a race riot in Pitts-
Folks up that way have
gone to doing the very things
they used to charge against the
The bill before the legislature
to stop the practice of the rail-
roads requiring holder of mile-
age hooks to exchange for tick-
before riding, got an
report from the com-
Those merchants who make no
c to draw trade to them-
little room for com-
plaint when soliciting agents
and mail order houses take
away business that the home
dealers ought to get.
It is to be the house of
representatives of the present
The King's Daughters got
some subscriptions from the
business men of the town to
help support a rest room for the
benefit of the women who come
in from the country to spend the
day, and the Board of Aldermen
voted to appropriate per
month for that purpose. But
this appropriation added to the
popular subscriptions so far
guaranteed is not sufficient to
maintain the rest room. It is a
waste of time to argue the ad-
vantages of a rest room, and
The King's Daughters should
have sufficient help to establish
Of course we want to see
Greenville going forward and
would like for the town to have
a municipal building, but Mayor
Whedbee did exactly right in
casting the deciding vote against
the building being erected just
now with the present condition
of the town's There
is already something like
floating indebtedness against
the town, and the legislature
will be applied to for authority
to issue short term bonds to pay
this amount, and that debt
should be out of the way before
other large expenditures are
which she was engaged early-
yesterday morning. She en-
trusted the secret to a young
gentleman friend of hers and to-
with the chart which
they exhibited to the police
when accosted, they were look-
for the money at the early
hour. The facts as to the death
of Captain who is re-
ported to have had no near
are current history, but
just how much importance at-
to the hopes of the young
woman is hard to ascertain from
the secrecy which is being main-
in regard to the by
all parties concerned. The facts,
as stated above, however, are
from hand and the story is
an altogether interesting one.
It is expected that there will be
further developments, as the
earnestness of the young people,
both of whom are intelligent and
the average, is expected
to result in still further
of the telephone people
to allow them to pursue the In-
to a conclusion.
Wilmington Star.
obligations This latter is the
gist of the law as it stands. Per-
haps the time is not ripe for the
absolute repeal of the law, but
surely it should be amended
with the view of decreasing the
exemptions. Greensboro
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds W. M.
Moore has issued the following
licenses since last report
William E. Smith and Emily
W. J. and Delilah
W. R. Owens and Katie
Wooten and Addie
W. N. Biggs and Wynne
John Grist and Estelle Little.
Sandy and Francis
George and Jane
Hay wood May and
Strong effort will be brought
to bear on the legislature in be-
half of a constitutional amend-
looking to in amendment
of the homestead law. As it is
now the debtor has rather too
rank a hold. The creditor
should have more of a square
deal than he gets. We hope
that some happy average, fair to
both debtor and will he
struck. Greensboro Telegram.
We talk a lot about the ex-
of dress, by both
women and men, but suppose
they should draw their horns
and economize to a large degree,
what would happen We would
have a panic. The old fellow
was not far wrong, who, learning
that a neighbor had been left a
fortune, of it;
don't know of a man who would
spend it faster and I'll be sure
to get some of Keep the
circulating medium going.
Greensboro Record.
While the legislature is
with the divorce laws, it is
of interest to State that in North
Carolina from 1887 to a
twenty-year period,
have been granted this
State, to husbands and
to wives. In that period
divorces were granted in
Mecklenburg county. Wake
lead all the counties with
and Forsyth was u good second
with Chronicle.
A pill in tin, that will save nine is
Little Pill. For bilious-
sick constipation. They
do not gripe. Price Sold by Jno.
L. Wooten.
Senator ,
Vet of The Reflector for Ayden and vicinity.
Author,,, -v,
R seed at Smith , with the firm of J. J. Hines business.
Discussion Before
tobacco on ac-
count of great risks taken in
Large numbers of tobacco buying leaf tobacco in r to
representatives up prices for their
Durham, more on the leaf
Wilson. Henderson, than they made on the
Roy Cannon spent Sunday in Kinston, Rocky Mount and other He named many towns
the country with his parents. towns of the State toe
Misses and Fay gathered in the Senate Chamber present ,.;,.,, had been em
. . ; . .,.;. before the n their war i
t. Hake.
sting is
that the in will I asked
I., pass r I
chi of ll e town
as to the
in x or by
Those valentines at
drug beauties.
Smith Co. Dixon are
their factory and mills full.
time. General sawing
and repairing of all kinds
Robert Worthington ac-
a position with E
and Sons, as
garden lot, For sale, of the year.
one B. l it C. G. Conn Con et in
class condition, silver and
r gold pearl finger tips
;. Also one Edison phonograph
a SIS hand painted horn, records,
Apply to C A. Fair.
N. C.
Dr. of
spent a short while here Thurs
M. M. makes the
. . . , U n. ail
cold drink that can be made at
the lea cold the year
round Try one.
Miss Meredith, who
has been away sometime
her parents near Washington,
D. C, has returned resumed
her profession as trained nurse.
She has a case in the country
near town.
You will a nice line
coffins and caskets on hand
J. It. Smith Co , ape. ore u.
Harper, a deputy N. C. Terms
from Craven county, was here
Tuesday after a prisoner, Mr Boyd and daughter, Miss
he had our constable to arrest j who have been here on
and back for him. visit t the family of W, J.
R. Smith Co. Dixon have returned their home
things hustling at the
plant. Besides their reg A. D. Williams, of Kenly. has
of work they arc a position with R.
tobacco hogsheads be I Smith Co. Dixon.
used on this A. L. Harrington, of Kinston,
We arc to see V. was
Hart, who has been confined to j. u. Smith C-.
reliable young men to
Good salary guaranteed. Easy
work. Apply to Hart Flem-
Ayden. N. C.
Those who wish to pay their
town tax will do well to see
Chief of Police C. G. Moore.
For Beach at Pitch
good boats. flat, seine
run year good as row, and
camp outfit. Beach in first class
shape. See or write J. R. Smith
d--n, N. C. Terms
w i
r and alt-
in I s- v
A., the f. . wing
r. shall
s. me n.-t r as the n
the Beard of
said town are i
able person M
town, who.-e f Hi
continue for tho ;
year.-, or until his
have ho
n d ii I
, shall begin on m-
of July bis
a re-
to tin
The wife of Mr. Dan Moore,
suffering with a car mill and will m- make who lives near Ayden, died Sun-
top of of nice and day morning and was buried
g, I same day at family cemetery
in Greene county. She was the
able to l
lb. A. Sauls bus d
a fine lot
L. K.
rm, of Monroe,
have been visiting the
Mayor J. left for their
home Thursday. Mrs.
is a sister of Mr. Bar-
Anyone wishing to purchase a
first class filly that will work
anywhere, cheap, and is fully
guaranteed will do well to see M.
J. J. Smith went to
villa Thursday.
Wanted-15 or good
sober young men to travel.
Good salary guaranteed. Easy
hi g.
K. Lilly to Ki j
J. Q went i. G
vine Thursday
of Richmond, has of the warehouses at of Gr em closed the discus-
been spending the past two days which he said sum in one of the most con
M had four, which sold live million log arguments th bid.
Rev. John Sara J each. This statement. He appealed most . u
here Monday soliciting aid for based on expense of the con ere t
the Chaldean children. house idling five million pounds, and to its to
D. Gibb left Sunday evening he claimed, even under the re- raw it. He a i
for Charleston and will begone charges of the proposed his thirty-six years
about one week. law, would yield a net profit a an I d .
Miss Annie Dixon spent one warehouse of in that if he
day at Gardner's X sale. This he said, an auctioneer, and
We are informed the store and did not include the expense of, made up or losses in buying t
contents of A. J. Moore, near insurance. , tobacco Id
Cox's Mill, was destroyed by He insisted that the been In the poor long ago
Saturday night. The amount of who raised tobacco needed some; Mr. mods UM .
stock was about with an relief from extortionate ware- or he N In. b hat
insurance of j house charges. led h I tor t. . u; 1--;
Mrs. Alexander went to Rf i v e of to the , A--
Hanrahan yesterday. next advocated the hill ;
R. Smith has gone to Kin- a statement of changes o lock inn , . , . ,, ,.,
on business. of pound
Mr. White, from near tobacco at a Raleigh . ,,
has been in Ayden for the past to illustrate his claim and everybody
two days on business of the that the warehouse men were re m
greatest importance. I getting more than they were , ,. one
Ayden Loan Ins. Co. held to. considering the U, g
their annual meeting last of they did in
Alter cash dividend to the tobacco. , L,.,,, mi.
stockholders they J. Mr was pretty rigidly Observer. Uh.
R. Smith, president; R. C examined by several of I
non vice-president; and employ- the present, and , am yo right.
ed J. F. manager. he ground and contend-; h
Mrs. Pattie Sutton. of hat the tobacco raisers had Honor
ville, is visiting relatives in t y much warehouse. . . ,,
Raymond of Grifton I The is the hone
was here Monday.
d Gal-i , ,.
Mr. Thomas H. Butler, a bank x j,. If you are one
president of Rocky Mount, Minnie
asked by Senator to
Section of Act, I
the am I
u e M y t not lie
Section Th t this V t
in force its
Get Tea Tar
There are tome
subscribers w ho are about to let
their dues for The get
I daughter of the bite Ross
n- land leaves a husband and two
j children who have the
will he thy of the community.
extent the limits of Ade. Mr. J. R. Turnage is all smiles
asked by Senator Bassett Edwards, Guy Buck,
make a statement, since he Edwards, Guy Elks,
knew that the Edwards. Alice
of Rocky Mount were not Edwards. Bertha RiggS,
than making a living at Laura Edwards. Willie Hudson,
charges, and to reduce them. Emma Hunt z Edwards, Be.-
would certainly very seriously Hattie Mobley,
so as to take in J. L. Buck
H. C. Venters property.
and Windham were
here Thursday arranging to have
an auction property sale here
in the near future.
Walter Gardner will move his
family here from He
is the carrier of Route No.
from Ayden.
Please Take Notice.
have been reliably informed
that some of my Winter ville
Goon , friends are circulating that those
work. to Hart Fleming, who sell me their cotton teed
Ayden. N. C. ltd will be robbed ten pounds out of
of those behind send us a money
order. Every subscriber
very near how long he ow s ; r
his paper, if not he can Bad m
easily. Come em and pay up.
today, a little came to his
home Sunday, and will call him
Colds contracted t this season of
the year are quickly relieved with Bees
Syrup. laxative
of the cold.
Pleasant to take. Best for children
for coughs, colds, croup and whooping
Notice to per-
sons having accounts M.
B. and who have not
already verified and filed them
with me, are required to so be-
fore March 6th, 1909.
F. M. Wooten, Trustee.
cripple the of
auction sales. He had
heard no complaint whatever in
section of too high warehouse
charges from the
Following Warehouseman
came a succession of far-
Mamie Mobley. Mollie Briley.
Willie Mobley and Jim Buck.
Eczema, t and salt keep
their victims in perpetual
Th- application of Chamberlain
Will y allay this aid
many have been cu ed by Its use
tobacco raisers, each of by J. L. Wooten and Coward
Archie Tripp, an old Ayden
boy who has been absent for a
long while on business, is at
home again for a short while
visiting relatives.
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon have
a nice lot of coffins and caskets
on hand and can furnish hearse
when desired. Give them a call
when in need of any of their
goods. This firm has a good sup
ply of first class wagons, a few
good buggies, and are run over
making hogsheads and repairing.
Truly Ed Garris, the manager,
is a busy man.
There seems to be no abate-
to the shipping of liquor
to this point.
red headed and red
neck calf with white streak down
back, red sides, about nine
months old. The calf strayed
away from my about 10th
November, 1908. A liberal re-
ward will be paid for return of
same to me- Dennis
Ayden, N- C.
Richard Wingate is preparing
to build a handsome two story
residence on Main street.
I hereby announce to the pub-
that I have severed my
every hundred. Now the one
who circulates this is a liar and
a thief and the truth is not in
him. Any party or parties who
would do this will steal and no
liar or thief can enter the king-
of Heaven. I buy seed on
honest principle and invite
honest competition, but I never
know where to look for one who
will stab me in the dark.
F. Lilly.
ltd w
The board of supervisors elect-
ed J. F. chairman, and
James Cannon clerk of the board
last Saturday for two years.
Mrs. W. E. Hooks and children
are visiting the family of her
father in the country.
Elmer Gardner, John Pierce,
Roy and Raymond Turnage went
to Greenville Monday.
Mrs. Mattie Harper and Miss
Sybil Taylor, from near Kinston.
have been visiting Mrs. F. P.
Taylor here.
Personal experience with tube of
Pile Remedy will convince you
it is immediate relief for all of
Piles. Guaranteed Sold by John
L. Wooten.
whom testified to the fact, that
if did not get a
profit out of the business, it
meant closing up markets, and
meant less competition and
lower prices for their product.
Among these farmers were
Messrs. Charles F. Kirby. of
Smithfield; Morrison Webb and
W. R. of Wilson
C. D. West of Greene county,
and Charles Muse, of Nash
Land Sale.
At the Close of Business November, 1908.
By of the powers contained in
a certain mortgage by Q.
W Venters to Oscar Hooker, on the
19th day of December f. which MM
mortgage deed is duly recorded in the
register of deeds office of Pitt county.
in book H-1-. page the undersigned
will expose to lie sale before tn
court d or in the town et
ville, N. C . on. Saturday,
1909, following described tract or
parcel of land lying and
county of Pitt and State of North
and in township, which was
conveyed to the mid Oscar Hooker by
C. aid
Mary Adams. fully described as
Adjoining lands of
C G. w.
others beginning at a tweet . ,
in or near the of Clay Root J
thence a direct course to a small K
gum. thence to u i
t. the corner a pitch thence to
Sen, W. Venter com-r. theme wt.
said Geo. W. Venter- line to a II.
hence Venters line to the corn
Seth I
Hal-am is the or
nil Bowel W by
J. U Woolen.
y virtue of the in
G. E. Cherry and . t-
Cherry u 1- and l- a.
on the -f I
in -lg duly
book W-o.
undersigned will lo public uM
before tn court house in
. IS,
th or
ate 1-. tie
own Green-
the known m
the beginning
comer v.-i u- and W
and g S in
a westerly die
thence along the ii a
the of ow
A. A. xx -h IV
fence U iron,
the said A A.
to a III-
lire t
of an
less;. e I t vex.-.
I. E A M
t. Cherry -1
Resources Liabilities
. , , Knot thence to ti.-
Loons and stock
Overdrafts unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans
Due from
Cash items
Gold coin
coin, including all
minor coin cur.
hank and other
Notes ,
Surplus fund
250.001 and seres or less.
exp. and taxes pd,
Deposits lo check
Due to and
I the of
tract except about SO acres . on
. the main rood from
Green lite to Calico Hill which h
heretofore been conveys 11-1
to said mortgage.
sale cash. Oscar H. r.
ti wad
I. .
x i in
not .
lg .
f Mill.
i i
I. M
t .
W. H. Smith has purchased
the of A. D. in the
Carolina Milling
lino Co and will conduit the bus-
Miss Myrtle after a tho above to the boot my Mot
Mrs. m. m. earns, re-
turned to her home in Richmond
F. Lilly has gone to Norfolk on
Notary Public
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
I x.
I p.,.
. .,.
. r-T
J ,
1411 St. K,.,

ills is Pi cc
will deem a ft
a very extensive
She For Him. What He
n. , . .; ,,,, . A i
i;, out of the window tor end when
I ft hour.
B not on the key mm-
IN per had become well distract- around to i. ,
lone km be quite ace
A well known at behind one
the man. there came ml cola and then He I
, moment when the got the all but the tor-1
nil ; hands together In op ,
-1 know j lit how M I never ,.,.,,. i . ., a I
could whittle ladies . celebrated glue.
It .
Dress Goods, Dry Goods
Trimmings, Laces,
Ladies Tailor-made skirtS.
hoes to Fit all and
Home Journal
quarrel always r
i of ,
I la He
. U ill
Ii i-
f. r a h man a
la a vacancy la
ink. when- the a
comma- . n i- i
a fr
. r. rich item
Any Size Purse
Mr. C. H Dead.
Mr. Charles Fl. n died
Wednesday i- norm
and the ii man i i
Italy i mama or two
a But ho
In real life Ah. how teeth
g township. He was odd years
old and leaves two Many I
that ad thin,. and Z tS
There is no transaction too
small nor any too large for us to
We carry all
trice b the true value the
confident that the most critical examination of our
complete and very Appropriate Line of Desirable Goods will
. .
I red
Stock el Sale
Tl . .
in i
C .
Opposite City Market. Greenville
No h Carol
Bu ;. C . c i farm-
a repaired, repair-
, in . log a repaired, Furniture repair-
II. Smith A o,
f. . i I, s ,, rt.
at once, for n
all LINES of goods
All to b s s
K J I a beat, aid lower than el
i mat
Mb a. u. m a
t r TO WORK. Tax
; . u G A may
out beautiful stock and will be pleated.
and a full line of
all staples and fancy DRY GOODS
and Plow Points, Hers, Shovels
and all Tools used on the farm. In
we will and can supply you
p a- ., ,,.,,,, the line
m la. I n l aT hp r
I pr pared lo do
. i n
It will ho ;
those interested i Li
I i m.
j. R. J.
of Good
those interested in .
to note the wonderful
S of the Old M
rife of New York. Truly it is a . . i
; at the right prices.
Sue us before buying your FERTILIZERS.
of New York.
W ii
n i o
; Ties and
and shipments
P A Notre Dame
all kn v Notice of Charier Amendment,
n, or th joints,
i he.
The Central Mercantile
J. F. Davenport, Mgr. .
i. bu made to the As-, m
to her for a which has at
these i,, amend the chart r of
ii v t W town of Greenville,
. cure yo at
I i home HI testify to ,,,,,,
R. L. DAVIS, pres.
J. A. v. p-
e of climate en if
d ,
; loom I .
He tic I ; hum. tie
. it;, tone i
,. If h v Int I-
j. Mrs. M. turn-
Inure, R. lid.
Stray Taken Up.
And time to buy Fresh Ground
Sage. Cayenne Pepper, Black
Pepper and at
Coward Wooten
The Swart
that world
all a
Yea, Hie at
debt for an i-
have taken up one heifer, not grown
white c marked swallow
fork cm. Ii Owner can get Mine
and i r
charge. N. H.
R. F. D No.
The Bank of
Not to mention the double
Liability of Stockholders of an
other gives absolute
Mows are W w t-
to those who deposit
This is a feature worth
remembering. Business cordially
wear a ale a man that bath not In ,. . . . . m
h. Solicited
and for breaking con.
in new shoes. When rubbers or over-
shoes become and y. shoes
pinch. Allen's Foot-Ease gives instant
omen, o . w.-w-----s-- ,
relief. Sold Sample
For for evils that;
spring from want of thought, thought I I
j must a remedy L.
Roy, N. Y. Don't accept
Gold Leaf Tobacco
MAYBE you were not entirely sat-
with the Fertilizer you used last
MAYBE you want to try some-
thing new.
NOT a new brand, but maybe
new to you.
We make other brands too for all
YOUR dealer can supply
don't cost any more than others, but
maybe you will like it better if you
it out.
NOW don't forget ask your dealer
World Cooks to Prepare
New Orleans Trying to,
lit Hr
. 4.-Th
President Taft
to Orleans Feb.
from Panama to Washing-
ton fr the Inauguration, will
in all the
one the moat de-
in honor of n in-
New a-, it is
for lavish h vitality.
of all Southern Secretary
of War Luke E. Wright. Ten-
and other
men have been to
be the of the Progressive
Union, under wins, t.
entertainment is u inn
a Court of
of a number famous N. Or
. e rated for
some .
will prey
the feast, Which will be given
either at the ii bi.
hotel. One
hosts are expected to dine With
Mr. i alt as at a
. which
by all the adorn-
of Louisiana's resource.
The bail Will De j
rated in Spanish moan,
ease, oranges, rice, cotton and
v natural w I
fast sCoUt
met at the the river
a flotilla of v .-.--U loaded
la i-
view before the cit
at the head of Canal street, a
Albeit top and
white will receive
with bared beads.
Governor Sand rs has ordered
out for the grand
military civic and
tn. Eighth Coast Artillery
U. S. A. Has ordered
by war to pro-;
New Oil ans to
pate in the while the
United troops at Jackson
Barracks this city and the
and Marines from the
warships States naval
gade, add and
to the
morning Mr. Taft will
play golf and lunch at the
try Club. During the
he will make a public address
god Mrs. Taft and the ladies of
her party will be entertained by
ladies of New Orleans at a
Sometime during the day will
be set aside for a short talk to
the of New Orleans.
Mr. Taft will leave Saturday
morning and may go to
his old home, before pro-
to Washington for his
inauguration March
N. C. Feb.
M H Annie Carroll, who is
tracing at Conetoe. came
Friday and stayed until Monday.
Roberta and
and brother.
were the
Saturday Sunday.
We ate very glad to know
Williams is improving.
Miss Sadie Carroll .-pent, from
Friday until Sunday visiting
Maggie Hudson.
M. Sums went to Wash-
Saturday to be present at
the burial of his brother-in-law,
Mr. W. A. Bright. We extend
deepest sympathy to his
bereaved family.
T. S. Tyson went to
went to
Saturday to
i and home Sunday
afternoon. ;. ,
i -i
c a prayer me. tin,, at
Mills school house. We hope it
will he as we to
h work earned on
in our community.
Mrs. M. C Haddock and Little
bop, L e. spent Saturday
visiting her
tar, Mrs. Stanley.
Carroll to Winter-1
You will pay f-r a.
bottle of a it i
H far of the other cough
money in
it The saving is i i
what you pa The
i.- n l in
you r-
t New lop
and h
h medicine you
Sou are one cue
in to B
Write this Paper.
We moved our stables
transfer business to the oM market
on Second street. her. w.
hive table room, nice
convenient, to take care on
trade. We can shelter
in rainy v. ether
at rates
Ir. lot
have favored u w
r W
, . I
. , , . I
, ill-. x
., . . . K y
. i r e
Apples, Syrup,
I r
M ,
. in-,
. , . i
. .-
, , H But-
. M
ch n
For FARM Supplies ant
m i
Don't fail to see our machine.
tarry a full stock, also a tall lint- re-
pairs tor our only, is the
There is none better,
they always satisfaction. We
would also call you attention t our . . .
American Wire Fencing
We carry the best quality only of Lime and
Cement and keep a stock OB hand. Bear in
mind that Baker Hart's is the to buy
lilt .
id ask all to come to see us.
Hot and Cold Baths
Electric Massage
A specialty Electric
Massage and Hair
tonic given to ladies
u homes
j I J. R. J. G. j
Candies C-Mi
. . Kb
. .
I re.-.
pro . I
; no.
and o by
will is
i, i world
my w
. write
. C.
always in stock to choose
highest, in fact is mm
,,.,, ,, . . . p i lit pure.
ii ii it i to your
to see i in i ti look after
your n . Do. I that our line
o. timer. Hardware is, kept complete
Roods hi
t tax tone r load of
nails, tine us a call.
t Hart.
Pair Forceps in the Abdomen for
Eleven Years.
A pair of surgeon's forceps
accidental sewed up in her;
abdomen LI years ago. caused
death of Mi-s Mary G. D-m-
in Philadelphia last we. k.
The operation was performed by
an eminent Burgeon, now dead.
Miss Donovan, was a child
at the time, developed
symptoms and an invalid
ever after, her life one
continuous search for the cause
of her illness.
Recently the presence of the
forceps was suspected and an
them. An operation was per-
formed but the patient died In a
few hour.
Why use
when you have
Hire the will be
U l
not yon- Try it. It coal but a
For sale by J. L. Wooten
end Coward Wooten.
,. ,; end y.
i . en e made
lie. . ,.
. so n a
Purity, a l
our motto.
S ,. . . free,
j Phone No
It seemed to -I A. Stone, a civil war
of Kemp. that a plot
between a deep rate long
and the his
h I a stubborn cold,
, writes. that developed a cough
that k to me. in spite of all
for My ran down
unrivaled and
Guaranteed by all
ls r
W d.
tan th.
Why four
a plate
ft U a of
Matrimony a a Cure For Appendicitis
After a week, there has come
to Durham a story of Miss Glenn
Perry's marriage Saturday. Jan.
This pretty young
lady of was a girl at the
She had
a sweetheart in Elizabeth City
who had been after her parents
to allow them to marry since the
fall. The father was unwilling
and the marriage was headed
On the date mentioned, the girl,
who had left here
for Norfolk where she was to
have an operation. The young
fellow showed up and she took
him instead.
The conservatory who
did not want this to get out
kept it B close secret. They
don't even know the young
man's name. He is to be-
long to a rich family of
City people.
The youthful bride was a most
popular girl. Her marriage broke
several Durham for she
was the sweetheart of half a
dozen men. She surprised every-
body when she took this
Dur San.
Mutual Life
Ore . Assets over
Office-. Next Door to
On account of the high price o C
leather I have decided to raise
price as
half sole and heels stitched
ladies men's half
sole, and heels 1.00
ladies and children All
work guaranteed.
i SI
. .
. Skirts
pi . BUttS
u r,. n
.,,. plant early
A I- ;
, ms, an. in all
s Choice cut fibers
wedding bouquets
and Fl offerings at short
Mail, Telegraph, and
prompt Phone
. . v
ch r
Not Quite
How yOU .-an a
driver or
Mr lacking. Ba a
box and be prepared
Our line
is a COUld desire, and
m lee that your
box does not a
I You get flame s
Horse Goods ; c
of -3
de i Se Fleming prop
in ma in. business
-own Four chair
i.-, end each one
sided by a skilled barb
Our is inviting, r
sharp Our towels clean.
t lank for past patron;
and yoU to call
grind is wanted.
Plant Wood's Seeds
For The
Garden Farm.
Thirty yearn in business, with
a steadily increasing trade every
we have to-day one
of the businesses in
this the best
evidence an to
Tie Superior Quality
of Wood's Seeds.
We are headquarters
Grass and Clover Seeds.
Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats,
Cow Peas, Beans and
ail Farm Seeds.
the most useful valuable of
Garden and Farm need Catalog
free on
. Richmond, Va.
Lead and Kin-1
farm Implement is i
v.-, mid Syracuse
Edge Tools.
; p
. . .- r,
., ,. in. ii. . ,
, ; . ,. t . .
. . is Li
I .
. . ,.,.; . .
. I
in u
Mint. i. , , .
. ; .-I
. .,.,. -i
I., rim
mil .
make -i I.
t he U Hector.
Full supply of blank land
and deeds, chattel
and crop liens at
Rook Store.
not wait g


In Charge of F. C. NYE
Fresh drug's just in.
Barber A Co.
Author Agent of The Extern Reflector tor and Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application
w A Tyson Sunday
has with his parents.
Jesse is
very sick. We hope he will soon
be well again.
Johnnie Carroll spent Saturday
in Greenville.
Mr. and Mrs. Josephus Cox
spent Sunday here visiting
Our little town received an-
other great shock Saturday night.
About eleven o'clock H. A.
Moore's store was burned down.
It was partly insured but his loss
is estimated at between
Hone blankets and harness
out to his farm near town.
Winterville High School
Mrs G. Bryan returned j been the happy recipient of;
horn Friday after pent another lot of from
one time mother j Boa. H. Small. Among
pear these is a set of maps showing
of furniture going the diagrams of all the battles
out from AW. Ange Go's I in the Civil war. These will be
is wonderful these great benefit in teaching
They Belling at low prices United States history.
and th people arc finding it out- We have just opened a large
Give them a trial. I best enamel ware, tome
Clyde Chapman, and get your pick.
lotto and Minnie A. W.
Whitehead went to Greenville
and made by are among extend our deepest sympathy to
A. G. Cox Manufacturing have them at prices Mr Moore.
We arc for that u interest you. We also Miss Bertha is
horse blankets. have a foil Una of heaters week with Miss Lillie
A G. Cox Mfg. Co Harrington. Barber I Carroll,
, . Co.
and n of have in
vi W morning
Advice to the Aged.
and LIVER.
have a specific on
to perform their natural
in and
to bladder and LIVER.
arc adapted to old and young.
of Respect.
Whereas, it has pleased the
Supreme Architect of the
verse out of His mercy to
remove from our midst our
brother, J. J. Mason, on Jan.
1909, from a transitory existence
full of cares and troubles to a
state of eternal happiness, and
causing us to anticipate our
fate, and whereas he
was father, husband and Mason,
therefore be it resolved by this
lodge now la regular
1st. That we bow in humble
submission to the will of Him
things well, who
A great many sewing machine holiness, fearful in
rents have passed through in wonders,
Coffins and Caskets. Prices the last few weeks death is always
be met the educational committee nice hears.-1 supplied the people with in the land.
to inspect the mining J. An I machines, hot the best machine 2nd the apologies of
. w------
, a specialty. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. and This is the third fire
. u i The and had this winter. We
, . ,, , .
, piping.
Cox g
day horn-and returned
Will be Held Here in
April 8th.
The lodges of the
I second district embracing New
Bern, Tarboro, Washington.
Elizabeth City. Kinston. Green-
ville, Ayden, Beaufort, Jackson-
ville, Morehead City and Eden-
ton, will meet in Greenville en
April 8th. This district meet-
will be entertained jointly
by Greenville and Ayden. and
representatives of these two
lodges held a conference here
Monday to arrange tor the meet-
The result of this confer-
was the appointment of the
Reception For G i e e n v
Lodge, H. A White. W. E.
Hooker, E. G. Flanagan, H. B.
Smith. For Lodge, W. E
W. J. J B. Pierce.
Greenville, Dr.
R. L. Carr. E. B. T. M.
Hooker, A. B. Ellington. For
Ayden. F. Lilly, J. H. Coward.
E. L. Turnage.
Toasts and
F. M. Woe-ten, C. S.
Carr. Dr. E. A. Move. For
Ayden. Dr. L. C. Skinner, J. M.
Dixon. S. F. Nobles.
service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. I machines, hut the best machine
school sewing was around
m the; j. M. Cox, a
still going, tail to see See us for prices that new store. We wish him
are inter , A w ,, Co
I I th, treat you right
fore you buy.
, , pea-tooth and
. .
, . you prices n .
U Harrington. Barber
b ii m Rex Ho- u . .
, . Axes, i bush-
Cm me and is doing axes and
r-d be found at our store, the
. two-hi N
do without th. v i ma-
chines -n his f rm. We can
farm grades ht pi
Harrington, Co.
Tho A. G Cox Manufacturing
Co., have plenty of famous
N. C
Miss Little went to
spend visiting
in section Wed-
and returned Saturday
Mr. ard Mrs. C. K.
went to Greenville Thurs-
Mrs. Ivy Smith and Mrs. L.
W. Smith went to Greenville
Prices right and them f, m. went to Greenville
Ira. Mills Smith has been
Cox . O bet re
they buy Buggy business is
rushing and we would advise
y u p i rd rs early.
A fun n, n
v W.
i rye.
n, Barb r Co.
r r r
Tobacco bed cloth just red iv- went and
led. Barber wood smith.
i out
to Farmville Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
tools. H ; Co.
Miss went to
Gr. morning.
A full of tubs buckets
just in i- Ange c Co.
Fresh beef, pork, oysters, before you buy.
sage and fish can be found at our Co. School a-e still
market. Lunches on short Let us have your orders home lot the Last
notice. Button, as early as possible. weeks nursing cough.
The d. G. Cox Manufacturing A. Cox M Co. and one very bad case of it.
are position to sup- A. W. Hawks Co. Atlanta he other three cases have
you their Heel have a specialist at our some.
. I Tun el . will I t- and Mills Smith
right. Called to and
an. see th m. adjust glass, t. x i-
Any one in need of a good and
i u i do well to
Mr. Hunsucker at the A. G.
of furniture Mrs. C. L. Tyson and three
at almost y children, of came in
ice fore sh. Sea us quickly Saturday to visit her father.
to, ins. A. W. Ange Co. R. A. and
Our line of i returned Sunday evening,
of all kinds has just come in. U. E. Willoughby went to
Harrington, Barber Co. Farmville Saturday.
u for credit. We Mr. and Mrs. B. P.
must sell for cash. We by and children, of
human nature are sufficient
pleading to his foibles, for
perfection on earth has never
been attained by any one. for
even the best and wisest of men
are prone to err.
3rd. That tho lodge set apart a
i page in the minute book for
j these resolutions of respect to
Feb. J the memory of oar deceased
brother who was a member of
Lodge No. A. F.
A. M.
th. That a copy of these res-
be sent lo The Easier.
Reflector and the Orphan's
Friend for publication, also that
a copy be sent to his family
This FeD 2nd.
William F. Proctor,
John J. Elks,
Amos O. Clark. I
Program fer February
a. m. Devotion-1
Rev. J. H. Shore.
Heading minutes.
How should we teach
Supt. J. C.
round table talks,
led by Prof. F. C. Nye.
Language in the first grade-
Miss Annie L. Irvine.
Literature in the 6th and 7th
Cora Moore.
Primary Lil-
lie B. Grant
p. m. Adjournment.
to p. m. Informal confer-
upon matters intimately
connected with school work.
The above program promises
an exceedingly interesting and
profitable meeting.
On account of inclement
a number of teachers failed to
come to the last meeting. We
are very anxious that this meet-
maybe largely attended.
It will be seen from the pro-
gram that we are to have an
afternoon session, strictly from
to o'clock. There is a de-
for this second session
upon the part of the teachers.
Some of them do not get in early
enough to attend all of the morn-
session, and h
feel fr coming. A Urge
number have to remain in town
until the late afternoon
they would prefer having
this afternoon We be-
that this informal confer-
will be to be just
what most of our teachers who
several my
been troubled
tent a id c . .
var XI I d a p Ti d
.- d c her many
writes Will J.
ii-r. Colo.,
tin. wore
var. v no beneficial result
In Nov r th i gain put
in their
We are hoping for a
the second
entirely disappeared and Ii not Let every teacher assist
remedy Isl. , . . .
sale by J. L. h a and Coward in making t such.
Wort n.
W. H.
County Superintendent
A Preach has
of long His method
deals with th. blood. But long
of proved j
I fie Bitten s lift- and ma es
worth It I
and vitalizes the blood, wasted
nerve imps t
entire It a to weak,
had my
writes W. M. Sherman, r
mt Only
Oakley, N. C. Feb. 1909.
Mr,. John Taylor is spending Falkland. N. C. Feb.
a few days in j
I read Payer s comma-
some little interest, as I
Tobacco for January.
According to the records kept
by Secretary C. W. Harvey, f
the Tobacco Board of the
of tobacco on the Green-
ville market for the month of
January wens pounds at
an average price of The
total sales for tho season up to
February 1st were
pounds. This is already a little
in excess of the entire sales of
last season, with a month more
of this season to be reported.
T. H. Manning, of
pent Sunday here friends.
T. P. Nelson family spent
Sunday at Bethel.
Several from this place at-
, d d church at Flat Swamp
George r Sun-
day Norfolk and Stony
Creek, Va., where he spent a
week on as.
Mr-. John Roberson. of Stokes,
pent day here t w
Several drummers were
think it effects every tax payer
in Pitt county. I was present as
a spectator at the Democratic
county convention he refers to
that adopted the resolution ask
log over law makers to place
our county officers on
At the time I gave but little
thought or study to the matter.
After reading in your paper
what has to say,
i I he is correct as to the amounts
the sheriff, treasurer, and
of Is receive in fees, I
am sure there is not a roan in
the county but thinks as he
does, entirely too much
For instance, if the clerks
office is worth less than per
can give you better by visiting at
, j Lo doing. Sunday.
. Got you an Sunday of our
. , f to do your breaking land, people went visiting in Marl-
Get plow for of
tearing up A. W. Ange Co. of alter ding Sunday school
haVe a lot of rubber mad, the attendance a
and shots that mutt go at once. rather
See us for your own bug-ins. be
A. W. Ange Co- i future.
David Smith, of
will treat you Mr. and Mr. Hay wood Smith,
v K w.-re visiting at
to was kept bi
weeks, l a . .
bit.- caused deep so to j take the present
incumbent is satisfied with this
cured wash- there is no better
pays his clerical
and eggs a specialty. I
Com- and the beat prices.,
Pi i Co.
Rev. T. II King
at the school
house Sunday afternoon.
There to Sunday school
at each place upon which
people are to be
Mr and Mrs. Bobbitt,
nit- -.---
, acne constipation ch. kidney
small We hope orders and arts as a gentle laxative.
the I and malaria.
more in , th- felt with the
The bottle
21-2 it much as the I
by John L.
Cox's Mill, N. K.
The old saying foolish
Mids Smith's Sunday evening-
Miss Mamie Carr and J. R.
at ail
Missed it the Stumps.
Mr. J. B. of Content-
was here again Saturday,
and dropped in to tell The Re-
that we gave him more
credit than was due in the re-
cent item about the work he and
his sons had done since the first
of December. He said they had
cleared the acres all right and
was an
preacher hero Monday night
soliciting funds for carrying the
Gospel to his people.
At a meeting of the directors
of the Hank of Winterville las
Friday the of
j L. Jackson as cashier was
and J. EL was
elected in his place, and
A Edmundson as assistant
cashier. Both of these gentle-
men are excellent young men
and have fine business qualities,
so the patrons of the bank may
rest assured that they will re-
prompt attention. We
regret very to I
ha twit
He has moved
have taken one to school
Sunday afternoon, if it was fair
when we left home; for quite a
number were grieving over their
finery getting wet.
L. N. Edwards is on the sick
Miss Ella Pate, of Goldsboro,
is visiting Miss Bessie Moore this
week. .
Rev. T. H. King preached an
Another Fire at Cox's Mill.
On Saturday night the store of
H- A. Moore Bro. at Cox's
Mill, was destroyed by lire of
Joyner, of Farmville. were at some unknown origin. it ready for
Mills Smith's Sunday evening. of and stock of stump
; visiting at C. E. about insurance in Mose
, agency.
J. R.
the are little
golden globules which act directly on
the kidneys. A trial will convince you
of for Backache.
Lumbago and
purify the blood. Sold by John I.
spent Sunday here. of was complete. The firm had
an at C. E. j insurance in Mose-
I i fair weather Wist evening
son leaves home But
Would have been wise for all to
Pippin, of Farmville, passed
through our town Monday on
their way to Greenville.
C- E. went to
Farmville Monday evening.
C. L. Tyson was in our town
yesterday evening.
will treat you
in an old field and not in the
new ground.
Your said three doctors
t Mrs. M. t. Fisher, Detroit, Mich
Buffering from rectal e,
lies in an I used Dr.
Kings New Life
wholly They prevent
Appendicitis, cure Constipation,
I be. at all Druggist.
force. Why not take his office
as a basis and regulate all the
others accordingly Put the
officers on a f salary, and do
as suggests, place
the balance after paying the
salaries of the different officers
in a sinking fund and pay
county's bonded in a
few years without one penny of
cost to the tax payers. Our
senator and have
already had their instruction to
pass this law by resolution from
the Democratic county
Let them act accordingly.
Because meats are they are
consumed in great excess. This leads
to stomach troubles, biliousness and
constipation. Revise your diet, let
reason and not a pampered
then take few doses of
Stomach and Liver Tablets
and you will soon be well again. Try
it. For sale at J. L. Wooten and Cow-
ard Wooten.
Offered one black sow with
crop in left ear and wallow-
Kev. T. H. King preached an ear under
excellent sermon Sunday after-
noon at school house. no boll with
always ,,.; p. .,
i Jenkins, N.
W pure food ad law.
An improvement
p, J E Greene.
, in
i i
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
inserted a, a Demo- WITH MR. AND MRS.
Should be, and is fundamentally Give
WANTS SECTION A ENACT- j presumption must,
ED INTO attack to the well considered, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
r n . judgment a majority of the, entertained at cards
Therefore, if its en- evening in honor
Pledge of the Party Platform. into law is resisted, their guests, Miss Irma F. .
Governor Kitchin Wednesday
sent the following message to
To the Honorable, The General
Assembly o North Carolina.
It is needless to repeat at this
time facts and show-
the evil of private industrial
monopolies commonly called
trusts. Few advocate them,
and fewer, perhaps, think them
Probably the greatest
that a conspiracy by
purchasers to put down the
price of an produced by
the labor of others, is wrong, is
so clear and convincing in its
simplicity, that it would seem
idle to argue its justice to any
to amend the law as to shipping
n. birds; as to the sale of
,,., em.
policies without notice; to amend
the law as to for the
Governor antitrust
message was read in both
In the senate some new bills
of much importance were intro-
Among these To
authorize the issuance of State
was played pay bonds maturing up as
seven tables were j to require all politic;. I
The entire lower floor was; select their candidate-
thrown open to the and ., rho camp to
people. Therefore. II Wednesday evening in
into law is resisted, their guests, Miss Irma F.
the obligation is upon the Miss Mary D.
to show the error of a. L. J. Boswell, of
principle, or the injustice of its chase City. This was the
policy. j card party of the season, six
A statement of th prop- land euchre was
insane; to protect policy holders
in assessment to
amend the law as to penalties
on freight; to prevent walking
on the tracks of railroads.
The principal of the
day was on the h bills which
i panics w
for office on the same day ; to
legislative and legal problem of American body,
this generation is how to repress community which pro-
There is ground for hope
that with our present anti-trust
law amended and
provided for its
enforcement, we can protect our-
p from trust evils,
and perhaps to far as a state can
her people from them.
An opinion has been placed be-
fore the people in the press, that
the present law cannot be en-
forced, though nothing was
to strengthen or render
the law enforceable. I conceive
whatever difficulty exists,
is largely in the machinery for
its enforcement Two years ago
many able legislators thoroughly
antitrust legislation.
All the difficulty of the
state's with the evil
, their efforts
the . ; chemical examination in
of death where poison
scene. An suspected;
cant menu was served at
close of th- game.
Saturday was a g day
local bills, and bat one -he,
new bill j introduced
The one
The were unique
local in nature, one
common carriers; to provide Senator Spence for
for deficit in insane asylum of hold rs of ac-i-
, ,. Goldsboro; to prohibit s.
score dangerous traps on the lands of, . a p holds a
won the first prize, a lovely cellar., another. I policy in more than one company
While Mr. Charles James was i house some of the
daces more than its people
consume, must suffer the op-
that comes from any v , u
artificial depression of the price fortunate winner we were;
Of its products. A community, m-n. receiving a b pack .
producing peanuts, cotton, were also
wheat, lumber, or other J honor e
article in excess of its own
to limit
death arises from accident.
companies; to
fraudulent packing of
Mr- Wyatt
of such article, its Mr. Frank Wooten Mr. J.
unjustly deprived of material
wealth, hindered in its industrial
development, weakened in its
revenues, injured in Us
progress, and crippled in
B. J lines
called on by the host,
a few happy remarks
each one and they in turn
made very eloquent laughter
The more Important bill- in
relating to tin
directors of u
mend section of the re
. w. l
to copies public records I county.
shall not be
lowed to prorate but
each pay the full amount f;
policy. This is a
; The bill to amend the charter
of Farmville reading,
land also the ill ard to the
of holding courts in
. -.-- to amend-
all it. social life, by any barter of the North In the
racy of men or of much Fire Insurance-new bills
which put-; down the price
such . The
defense, applicable to stales as
. ,. . , . their I
house there were do
much importance,
r much Mutual Fire Insurance- new urns . .--
, the price enjoyment Mr. Mt o motor but of a local nature.
e Mrs. proved most . Senator to The bill to amend
acknowledged principle self J inspection of to the practice of medicine h
of the applicable to states m vi It J. to long and then went
individuals, would destroy a J the relating. the to another day -consider
J conspiracy so damaging in n Daisy Minor, in
effect and general in its a constitutional payment of debt lost on
s of wrong skinner, i reading.
aimed. A bill was considered, general in I of debt
which by its supporters was of repressing wrong Katherine u t first second reading,
thought the bast that could be, those who cannot j Glenn i June. 1911; to amend The house is now h
devised, it became a law in all themselves, requires the tie I low. i
its essential features save one.
Irma Cobb, , .
Janie Brown, constitution of North Giro
The lat convention of the
party, with
the action legislature
in its platform the
following declaration, and on
that platform the dominant party
carried the state, securing a ma-
in both senate and
protect Janie Brown. , constitution of Norths
law to put the Hardy Mrs. Ire-1, for quadrennial
power of the state against such B J. , v
mend that th
of putting down or
monopolies should be keeping down by purchasers of
destroyed. Conspiracies by pros- j prices of articles produced by
purchasers u put the labor of others. In
or keep down the prices of SUch conspiracy, t
make a new
Alamance a. ii-n
assembly comply with that
it is right i Wilson. Jr.,
ought to be the law, and because I y.
Among the bills ii
v. i-
punishment of safe
I for furnish-
books indigent
the State board of
Ont the Best
The weather though threaten-
did not at ell large
attendance at the meeting Sat-
d to. s were
I conducted by Rev. J. H. Shore,
pastor Memorial
Methodist church, in a
impressive which
the regular program was
ken up.
The first topic. we
was ably
Arthur. of i gr led school
ard Cale. i Grifton
v.; sat imp I
how why . lings are
done on our farms.
The next topic, in
the w I
by Miss- i. the
Greenville grad . I Miss
Irvine i . v- I
Moore, of Sc i
read o
papers on
sixth and it
produced i- tin;
line and a dish
u-d a t;.
Prof. U. f the
Greenville g ad d
a short very talk
He a.- I.
remarks in manual
enthusiasm that bad
recently t n u in
f the
a basis.
. to all
county. The m i
o el;.
At o'clocK the man's
., tin
Called t
Nye. ii
nose v.
. r
-y P
Hooker. W. H. V,. L. bills in this Senator s h
To aid law
. . 1.0
of those
.--------- -1
ticks produced by the labor
others, should be made criminal, j pear wrath
and all persons or corporations who u principle and
entering into such conspiracies I no if legislature
should be of the State of North Carolina
The opportunity has come to, with the with of her
make such conspiracies criminal majority, to punish the
for in their grasp,
C. Skinner, Thomas Moore,
V. J. of Bob
state's f authorize the
state board of
county in draining Ian-.-;
made enough to law as to sale
the for to require
necessary In cases.
on salary having
University; to establish a killed he new one
index in the secretary of chat solicitors shall
for their
. r any
criminal court which
and to punishment for
such conspirators. You are face
to face with the duty of obeying
the mandate of the Democratic
convention. Two alternatives
confront one to perform
that duty and have the
already in their grasp,
rather than obey the laws,
should not affect the judgment
or paralyze the as it can-
not nullify the duty of those
whom the people have chosen to
do their will. Assuming, as
. necessary In casts. qualification for architect.
A district prosecutor contested election case
that duty nave an men .
of faithful execution of assume, that the general
in amend the
shrinks from so arduous a task
as the admittedly most difficult
one of enforcing a state anti
trust law, and especially of en-
forcing it under local conditions
most unfavorable to enforce-
Under such conditions
each hopes another will
party pledge; the other to ignore
the instructions of the people,
and shoulder the burden of
your failure to do their
will. You should not. and will
not be goaded into or deterred
from action. Threats and
of legislative rarely,
assembly will amend the law
in accordance with the specific
platform utterances, I
mend that the attorney genera
be given the power and charged
with the duty to institute action,
civil or criminal, in the superior
courts of this state in Wake
a week,
tin for
and shall no other
compensation, that the usual
fees taxed for solicitor shall he
put in bills of cost against de-
and paid into the State
Among the new bills in this
To regulate the manufacture j
and sale of
to enlarge the
and issue in bonds;
.; i
P. C.
i the
, .
, . i
i, t all, of
School and
of legislative rarely this am w- perfecting,
if ever, accomplish any desired county, or in any other county that P
on. in and Bil w
Failure to make such
criminal can be justified only
in case it can be clearly demon-
that the convention was
wrong in adopting such a plat-
form. While the enactment of
a law making such conspiracies
criminal, has been ordered by
from Dare county came up
final hearing and the majority
report in favor of Williams was
Among the new bills An
. act to promote agriculture and
have elapsed since enactment , the
brought out a warm the day
It was finally laid on the table for
by a motion of Senator Blow.
The bill to amend the charter
of Greenville passed third read-
When adjournment was had it
was in honor of the anniversary
of Abraham Lincoln.
of our last
yet, so far as .
action has been instituted under
am, therefore, of the opinion
as far
. how the
As i shad
Archer's paper
elation as it affects the -moral
and social uplift the
The from the vice
presidents of the several town-
ships, some of them especially.
were interesting indeed. Only
time can tell what this better
work means to the up
building of the Old Suite.
Saturday's meeting v. as good
indeed. The lance was
fine and the was of
a high order-
county, or in any otter laws
of his selection, in any and as o .
cases of violation of any our decking the ,
anti-trust laws, or any amend- scribing the
to them. Where such
r- .
important and even essential, to
doers inspire and and giving
that the people did not. and do officers are under part d
not, desire anything which U n. t ll
Senator Barringer introduced
a joint resolution to submit
the vote of the people the ones-
of removing the State
capital from Raleigh to Greens-;
Other senators regarded
essentially wrong, or contrary to
their interests. The proposition
not only from local
prejudice and favor, but from
lack of facilities and time for
-J , joke and .
were to provide for the electro r amend-
in the I town
and speeches
mm every
curing evidence, including the
u a compulsory production of books condemned to
time tor J -Sh
Press and generally by the fortunately left of law. the Greenville to
pie throughout the State. and they remain on the were. i . ,. floating
no. tail was to
will treat
debt, the other to amend the
general school law to provide a
special tax in every school dis-
so as to give a four months
school in every district in the
There was a Hood of new bills
in the house, but all of them
were of local nature and without
general interest. The drainage
bill came up for another discus-
as did also the child labor
I bill. The latter after several
amendments passed third read-
L. I.
N. C. Honey in p
cents, at S. M,
W. Kitchin,
will treat you
A x

Eastern reflector, 12 February 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 12, 1909
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Joyner NC Microforms
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