Eastern reflector, 22 January 1909

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In Charge of F. C.
W. have them at prices
you. W
iii e of beaters d
., Bi ft
. drugs just in.
I . Cc
., Ki, his r b h iv
. i the
. Bu
Tl .
of ran
. W. An
. . these days.
. . .- -I ;
,. left Tuesday I r
attend .
N C. W;
Th new year dawned bright
. land Let us hope that
fur . i ,
. hat urn, to a
. p cull r u us
alone, there is some consolation.
r. The farmers are wiving their
. Ange
Id of Mrs Cherry.
VA die g off by e
until there are few left to
our old story. And Sally
Ann Cherry, my mate of
yore and fr long ago, is
added great bout expect
ant. knew her as a little girl,
a tiny thing; as a and a
matron, the pride d toast of
the to a ii
gilded all her future; then i a
Christian woman, absorbed in
Thin remedy never falls to
effectually cure
Constipation, Sick
odd. he, Biliousness
And ALL arising from a
liver and Bad Digestion
The natural result I Rood appetite
and DOM
l fill and easy to swallow.
Take No Substitute.
of . i
i i and are
their N i N
the care; of life and rt Bring
her Children f January Terra in Session- C
fl . of time. And
standing loss of sight, ., u term cf
a ; h said A
was amiable and to
Disposed of
The -la term cf
e court began Monday wit
i of r fast failing
health, and on the eve of the
Judge O. H. Allen presiding and
State. This being
Hail an Session Sat-
Reported for
Despite the inclement
there was a good attendance
at the Association
Saturday and the
informal but full
i of interest from to end.
Alter the devotional exercises
J. B. Cooke,
pastor of Memorial Baptist
church, the president called the
I association to order. In the ab-
; of the secretary, Mia Ada
Miss Elizabeth
as secretary
The first paper by Miss
,. of Nativity of our
with re I and a
d, r-11 sent I i a i reel i g
Cox on, to organize a
Betterment was
an able one. It was practical.
Solicitor first court her own experience
. since the beginning of his new ; j the work.
the oath of
was at.-1
cutters. . . . better in hear that D.
f , of or j .- ,.;
ma- thorough and
, farm. We c n ,., h
t j , ,. . , , . .
n, Barbe ,, l by t mi
s, . id ,;. i, i r use of
ls n ; . . and
. i
i. .
., . the adopt i
i . u , .,. j
ti. Barber Co. .
,, C n
of the i i school
and a
. I
. II,
aching f
; . . not I
; I
. i who
. . ii r.-- .
, Cl n m i
r I t
. . most I
V t p .
. r peace,
ind mi pi shin
Y i
c. ,
. N. C.
was next
discussed by M. Mitchel.
teacher of the fourth in the
following compose the j Greenville graded school.
i grand W. S. Atkins, fore-; as of the best papers
man. G. A. Jackson, C. J. heard on reading.
Charles Aldridge, kindly to
S, K. Jackson, J B. in The
E. Cash. V. G. V
. T. L.
William . Joshua N J- F
.;,. , W. A. J. W.
. , i r S. H-1
. Tl r
j C. B
ii I .-. lies
the grand jury will
re cat to it.
i; whig .,. i
. forty
v i
. .
. .
. WOT,
;. in ii w ;.
She- has
allow it to
Reflector in
i. future, to we will not at-
U to comment on it further.
only that every teacher in the
c. ought by all means to
read it.
he i
ducked by the
intern I i
i i d
by Job.
u-. Edmond on,
. . Ci
I .
ire bi
. .
. i
, .
I . i
. c immunity, is mot
. r
. . to Turn
. . .
. I. .
, ii
in l Is
. ma, I
Ho rent
. in re
. th
i M
K, ware
that the time for
mis very practical discussion on
. e different phases of our i
A vote of thanks d
i by the to J.
A. ls, a.--, h for the beautiful cards
. ; .
,,.,. ,. Be presented one to each
cost and I i who would have It
ed put it in her room.
association also truly
his kindness in
it the use of his columns
. in publishing
reports of
The Betterment
regrets very much to lose
i w
a , II
mi U
.- .
b i
way i
of u d
ti i bu
. Mr,
, , . There was a
. . ,;., the in om Mrs.
. while . E. A. Jot,,, u
I hi days age from
. i
., e v
ming i st
, .
. in
. H
,;. . i this p
am .- a few weeks year
; , She M. B.
y, of and Annie, returned to h
i. b . days ago aft r
of n.
, . .-.
. . I
re. . . . . ,., re . or in the I ,
d. G. A. Johnson A Co.
Jane their
i ensuing
. -v.
. I .
let .
th ,;
. , r.
regular m ; . of the
Banking I Co. ii- Id
the bank today,
Mr. B. J.
as and
having no- pt-i to take
Sam- d
a--. .; t
carrying con-
. pleads guilty of
with deadly weapon in
is bi s
that they have made a
most excellent selection.
Ali o in the of
who hat been
unavoidably detained, the Teach-
Association elected Miss
p tided.
i net i .
in d i-
i I jury returned a
bill for murder against Cl
Howard charged with killing
the holidays with
t, . . spent
, . -i C o i Whitfield.
mill today. It
Joseph us
. . . Co I on the lo.
;. County
w advise attended
orders early.
r i
that y i
A In best
, ; Feb. 1st
Mr. J. H. vice president
of the hank, was elected to
Mr, Cobb, Mr.
business men and bis elevation
to the office of i
Miss Elizabeth Boushall
., elected reporter the
Miss Wright
has been explained above.
G. Bryan and eon, tr. board Monday. , .
, ant to Stokes Monday confidence
r. , b j d .
I i A Co,
Tl i w reversible disc
row j, bl on an up-to-
date farm,
to relatives.
m and i
,; B.
. us b fore buy-
of this growing
. oft-n saver turns, patting
lout then use
and forget them. It
, out pain. For Burns Scalds, Wounds,
For Rent or -man;, its
farm. Terms reasonable.
house and location. curt. ,.,,,. Belief la Instant
Get the plow for
ti up new
Barber Co-1
and a specialty.
Come and et the best prices.
Harrington, Barber Co.
We have J opened a large
line of best enamel ware. Come
and it-.-t your pick.
Remember the Tar Heel
wagons and carts made by the
A G. Cox Co.
N. C. For
and service they cannot be
Hone blanket.-, and harness
a specialty.-A. Cox Mfg. Co
The and
cook stoves are amain
it of
the year are relieved w
it, the cow.
to take. B for children
colds, croup and whooping
a- G. Cox is pulling stumps Monday night.
. his farm
in excellent condition. P.
Eugene Cannon, from fr r, fr of
H i Barber A Co. has accepted a sold by John
, th A. G. C a Mfg. Co Farmville.
ff Juror, for March The firm of MI Smith A I
J W Smith. E D doing a mercantile
J R W L Farmville. this county, has made
is week with her husband c
a r the legislature.
Beth Le-
Jurors far March
Smith. E
m. B. T. Cox is in Raleigh Manning J. James, of
W r. J H Byron. ville, is assignee
R Owen--, J H Barrett, V H
Kilpatrick, A H Taft. Charles
, James, S I Fleming. L A Rue,
Bey Loses Beth Dudley, G B Kilpatrick,
Wake Forest, Jan., -While Harris.
Of freight trains J. M ha fox, K C Buck,
Va, the thirteen G S Porter.
of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wood- j R J L Williams. H
had the mis- W BF
W I Harrington,
Ema Gardner, W E Barrett,
Do not forget that Seth Arnold's
Balsam it the best known f. r
BU Bowel Complaint,
J. L.
lief, of this town,
fortune of losing both his legs.
If you want job printing for, A LAW-
j ti
o The
t- The Reflector.
D. J. Wilt Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Cr. Tear
First Report of Board of Trustees to
Governor Glenn.
To His Robt. B.
Glenn, Governor of North
The Board of Trustees of
East Carolina Training,
School begs to submit as its re-
port the following rep rt of its
executive committee out
in detail the work of the board
to date and the needs of the
This report and the
contained therein were
unanimously approved and
adopted by the board of trustees
at its meeting in Greenville.
December 1908, and
to be transmitted to your Excel
as the report and r.
of the full board.
Greenville, N. C. Dec 1908.
To the Board of Trustees of the
East Carolina Teachers
At your meeting on March
1908, you elected Messrs. Hook
and Rogers, of Charlotte.
and H. W. Simpson, of New
Bern. N. C, associate architects
for the buildings to be erected
for said school.
At the same meeting
the undersigned, the
committee of the board, and
directed us to cause the
to proceed without in
the preparation of plans and
specifications for the buildings,
to be submitted to a subsequent
meeting of the board.
on April 16th
N. C.
Rhodes A Underwood, New
I Bern, N. C.
, C. King Lumber Co., Char
Jno. T. Wilson Richmond.
S 000.00.
I W. B. Barrow, Raleigh, N.
Holiday Crouse, Greens-
N. C 92,000.00.
T. C. Thompson Bro.,
Charlotte. N. C.
Moss, Newport
News, Va.
Nicholas Atlanta.
I. J. Rose A Co., Rocky-
Mount. N. C.
C. Morris,
N. C.
N. Underwood, Durham.
N. C.
Winningham A Fries,
Greensboro. N. C.
J. Phipps,
News. Va.
The cost of making the change
was insignificant in
with the great advantage in the
tile roof over the slate roof.
We also advertised for sealed
prop for heating these four
and on the 9th of
June, 1908, we opened these bids
J. W. Sargeant, Richmond,
Webster Sys-em.
L. Winston,
N. System
Webster System,
Atlanta Steam Heating Co.,
Atlanta, System
Webster System,
Crawford Co., Winston,
Webster System,
Long worth Co., Rich-
Va Paul System,
Webster System,
Newport American Machine Co.
Charlotte, N. C. Paul System,
and after an examination by upon the grounds, is in
architects it was deemed the laid out
;. r.
. N w
York I
,. System,
Building Company
Greenville, N. O. .
It will be observed from an I B.
examination of these bids that N.
the difference between the high
and lowest bid is
and that the bidders came from
Georgia, South Carolina. North
Carolina, Virginia and New
One of the conditions
scribed the bidders war that
each should deposit a certified
check of one thousand dollars lo
with the other require
j meats prescribed by the commit-
tee, if the bid was awarded to
Alter consulting with
architects and hearing
of the systems, and
some of these bidden explain
the different systems, we adopt-
ed the Sys em and gave
the for the hating to
B. Greensboro, N.
C , at the sum of
which was the lowest bid for
that system.
The bid for the construction
of the buildings was so much
the west end o the foundation grounds in the State,
for the building the contractors The grading, the location
dark, quicksand. the buildings, and every thing N. C , Jan. 1908.
B. P. of
Tuesday evening after
necessary to drive the landscape married, said
this point, order to secure by our board, and j, m . d, ard I am going
a safe foundation. A hundred should be in accord- , d and boarded
large piles, averaging from trance with plans.
inches in diameter and or The town Greenville laid
feet in length, were at this pipe and wale, mains up to
point This piling, with the school grounds. We continued, B p, parsed
concrete foundation for the the mains the grounds, through our town Vi
whole secured, in and these together with by- on his way to w an-
opinion a perfectly safe were located a j, th sheriff
lion The of this to the plans specified by the- ,,,,,,,. .-. -.-. and
work was cape architect. .,.
The bids were based upon placing these mains a B ;.;. t j . . , , Farm-
low pine doors for the in the grounds Were ville, was ling in our
The contractors proposed to us By placing In the f ,. .-.,,; .
to birch veneered in toe we ,.
doors locks, for th protection against fire, as wen
pine doors, for the interior , i. as the use water the
buildings, and a hard I or of the buildings.
and finish for the main story Under their the con-
the refectory, and to make i i tractors are required to pay, and
in the doors and the fin- Paid, for the water Died
of the refectory for the for construction pun
Alter consulting plans for the
and an exam building provide
and m t n-oms when they shall be
but tie
call for their sent
we authorized the change, and As the for the , and had
we think that when you could be d very much
the doors and of the now than aft
tug is erected, u
u nave e H
j of the doors,
ling the sanitary
hard wood floor in the refectory,
At your meeting on aim . ck
the outlines of these plans and Another prescribed
specifications prepared by your was that the
architects were submitted to you, I enter
and after a careful examination, g for the
were accepted. At this tie buildings, accord-
you directed us to advertise for the plans
All of the bidders deposited this I tower than we had hoped to re-
with their bids. that we thought
bids for the erection of said
buildings, and authorized and
prepared by the architects,
and that he should give a bond
us to proceed with the sum of one third of the
erection of the same.
We now have the honor to sub-
to you a full and detailed
report of our proceedings.
Immediately after receiving j
instructions we directed the
architects to prepare full detail-
ed plans and specifications of the
four buildings, which you ordered
to be constructed, to the
administration building, two
dormitories, and a refectory.
We also made advertisement
for sealed proposals the con-
of these buildings, and
in these advertisements we gave
notice that sets of these plans
and specifications could be ob-
by application to either
the architects, or that they could
be seen at the office of Hon. J.
Y. Joyner, Raleigh. N. C, or at
the office of Jarvis A Blow,
Greenville, N. C, and we further
gave notice that these sealed bids
would be opened in Greenville on
June 1908.
We made these advertisements
in The Record,
in The Engineering Record, in
the Raleigh News and Observer,
and in other papers, with a view
of bringing the matter to the
it of responsible bidders.
In addition to these advertise-
the architects sent notices
to a number of well-known con-
On the day for the opening of
amount of his bid, as a
tee, and that per cent of his
bid would be retained until the
final acceptance of the
The Building and Lumber
. , B
id to-j
J. ;. . Si .
Th m . Had
, , , ti .
vi i U
. ;.
us ,
.- . .
to eat
ii to
. bey made
C .
or other
fitted up into
rooms at very little
to award the contract for the
heating also.
The plans we adopted will
necessitate a central power
house and excludes any boilers
or separate heating plants
any other buildings. A
plant is much more
and reduces the danger of
fire to a minimum.
The contract tor the heating
plant shall be completed to the
location of the central power
Company complied with
conditions, and having made the
lowest bid, the contract was
awarded to that company, and
it entered at once upon the work.
The bidding was all done upon
a basis that the buildings
of the r. you
-hen this
not only beautiful, but are free for laboratory,
from the swelling an J shrinking poses, it
of pine doors in our climate
One of the architects has visit
ed the grounds every week, and
inspected the done upon
the buildings, and the material
, j ti. mad
used, and in addition to
committee has made sever;. vis-
its of Inspection, and glad
to report that we believe that
the architects and contractors
have lived up to their contract.
We believe, and are
by the architects, that the Contract for budding, with
tractors have used material fully as above
up to that specified, and Excavating t
done work in a skillful and
workmanlike manner.
We confidently believe that
your inspection of the buildings j
The of excavation,
cubic yards at cents per
cubic yard
Our already
to be n a to to
contracts, are a
Purchase of 9-20 acres of
Hand at per acre
Fess of landscape architects
tin i .
cow d i over i
A .
.-. .
.; on .
R. A- .
It. A.
n .
Mrs i
were i ;
. to
. ; a, of
We ha .
school i.
Ivy Sn
Contract for heating
land sale
water mains and
,., M. ,; J- Robert
in Mills
Smith's .
nice Sunday
i ,. i. house
. i t.
to be covered with slate I contract for construction and for
and tin valleys. About the time
we were making the contract a
representative of a clay-tile com-
visited us and offered
for tile for the roofs
of the buildings, if we would
substitute that material for the
We asked the contractor, The
Building and Lumber Company
for its lowest offer to change
the buildings from slate to a tile
roof. The contractor proposed
to make the change for the ad-
cost of eleven hundred,
heating we will have four
buildings, equipped with all
modern and
ready for occupancy
as soon as they are furnished
and the central power house is
completed and attached to the
heating plant.
As the work progressed
found it advisable to make some
further changes in the contract,
of the build-1 will convince you that the State hydrants for grounds
beautiful buildings, Grading grounds
in I Architects fees for plan.-,
specifications, supervision, etc.,
Indeed, doubt if any public per cent on cost of buildings,
buildings have ever been con- estimated in part
which surpass these in
beauty and workmanship, at so
small a cost. , other
house. The piping
tags and the large underground I ii getting
mains provide for enlargement constructed of good
of all buildings, and for the ad-j excellent style, at small cost,
of new buildings, without
tearing out any of work
installed under this contract.
So with the completion of the
Miscellaneous -Paper under
finished floor of refectory
to basement of
H I.-
i w
. M.
. David
Jesse L.
C. E.
, u right
Register I D Moore
, items, including the expense
In excavating for the
of the refectory, th
tractors struck some springs,
which made it necessary to use
damp-proof in the basement
wills, and an additional concrete.
i. i.
the board meetings,
at about
by State
foundation in the basement, and
and damp-proof paper also in or-
to make the basement per-
The additional cost entail-
one and 08-100 dollars milted to the architects for their
and to change from investigation and approval before
to copper valleys for an addition- it was passed upon by us. The
but in every instance we
ed the contractor to submit his The by
proposal in writing with
cost of the same, which was sub-
the bids, we had sealed bids
cost of one hundred and
eighty-eight dollars
and a further additional cost of
three hundred dollars
for paper to go under the tiling,
making in all hundred,
eighty nine and 08-100 dollars
by town of
Greenville 49.000.110.
Appropriation by county of
Pitt, 000.00.
Total, 113,000.00.
So our expenditures made and
to be made, under the contracts
Board of Education is rolling, nil- j let, are estimated to be
Iv ground, which necessitated of our receipts
since r pi
Ned in.-- U
P. Cobb.
A. ard Jen-
And r in.
Luther and C
Nathan Eason aid I
J. .
F. B. and l. Is Ow ins.
Levi Buck- ind Bettie Mobley.
Lonnie Tucker
considerable grading for
grounds, in accordance with
plans of your landscape architect.
This grading was not included in
i contract.
We advertised for bids for this
possible, and but for the
seen trouble about foundations
we would have come out
even; but when these four
and Mary
but have kept, as near- D
y within the amount in hand as
Albert Newt n and JacK Ann
It is well-known that tile is
eighteen responsible and most
tractors, whose names,
and bids are as
Wharton, Belle-
N. J.,
C. L. Johnson, Florence, S.
roofing, and that life of cop
per valleys is much
than tin.
We think acted wisely in
making the change from a slate
roof to a tile roof and from tin
J. T. Co. Greensboro, to copper valleys, and we
K C i will
K our action the
bids were based upon a certain
depth of excavation for the
foundation of the buildings,
which was in detail
by the architects.
While the contractors were
excavating the foundation of
the building, and i cubic yard
reached the depth prescribed by contract for the grading at
he architects, they cents per yard, with a pro-
; vision that the total cost should I Into this magnificent
exceed The grading plant, belonging to the
longer has been the f
the attention of be until the buildings are only It only
completed, and the grounds needs that a central power house
cleared of the building material, j and a moderate sued infirmary
, , concluded that it was The grounds are beautiful, be added, and that all shall
rut in a concrete by proper improvement can be, be furnished.
, . . as es om
grading, and the first bid was buildings are completed,
cents cubic yard, and then under these contracts the
two other bids at cents per due upon them and the
we finally made purchase of a most beautiful site
of will only be about
and the committee.
We had a meeting with the
architects, and after an
which we estimate
on Second
Willoughby, Jr., and
Annie Hemby.
Riley Churchill and Eva Allen.
Cleveland Chapman and Eva
Shade Ewell and Amanda
and Hannah Dupree
Robert Brown and Caroline
Edward Nelson and Susan
George Moore and . e Dan-
Gay Dixon.

n ii
is ft
number of trained R.
for country I
This institution will help to sup-;
. . i . i
J. A. ANDREWS, v. r-
m- .
S i i, a-1 an
in a, . .-.-
n serves the ire and liberal j
home treatment, , ,
no bet en
ii . i. -r . .
o Don't blame
Si ;. i. .
,. the public m
is incumbent upon the State to
with number of
We will deem it a to show a very extensive
Dress Goods, Dry Goods
Trimmings, Laces,
. p; i
Shoes to Fit as i feet and
Any i
from first
. can be done for the St at
I will then own at Greenville an
The Bank of Greenville
Not to mention the double
furnish a number of j
trained. of Stockholders an
for these public schools, and that -J
is the special mission of this in-
other gives absolute
opinion the State thOSe
will then Sown at Greenville mike T, worth
educational plant that turn will yield US. IS a
Business cordially
from two to tare. -.-
t . . . . the first
. . . I I . f I
that we represent all things as they arc and We are
. . i students we
This result baa been m of these we
v . I i i . t-----. J i
of ,. . and under the act
v Pit ch I, will pay
of the Greenville corn, no tuition. We are, therefore.
and we
bid Lie no tuition, we are.
Ml for the construction of these opinion that at
buildings. year will be i
. by the true artist.
that the most critical examination of our
i Complete and very of Goods will
tack and you be pleased.
I will gladly make the that the board ask for that
appropriations to furnish
buildings and to erect and equip I With for completion
I the power house and equipments and per
j With this done the school can be tag maintenance we vi
opened for work in September, will do a work for the
i with accommodations for which will not be second s
students, which could not importance to that
possibly be duplicated for institutions.
of any of h r
it was know n how th
He said that the state-
watchman, who
makes a complete round of the
plant every hour of the night.
was teat on his round between
k everything
.-ht On his round
between and as he came to
the barrel factory building he a BENTLEy HARRisS
saw smoke, and an
Mutual Life
I are so lo
. an e
S . ions ca ti mad i r i
cost and without marring the
plan, as the
may be d at
room may be
the cost of v
use and infirmary, ti
ft-, report that we have . f , ,,,.,, ,.
th R. J. Cobb,
Dec. . and find his
J. Jar i
V. r,
Y. T, Ormond,
, . . t
. ; V-
start d u; d the
run m
too from boiler p. L- , , , r
. b kept and correct, and be communicated I LO.
hi report in accord with his ac- . . I I
Th. factory, the NORFOLK. VA.
. Cotton Buyers, Brokers
and Sacks. Cotton. Grain
in costing some and Provisions,
of J I R E
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
I material.
saw H
of Good
board a summary of th . CO'S P. ANT BURNED W-n
. mates as follows- f h
b Boiler house and laundry, -a Day of. w
including machinery and equip the Greenville Veneer L Bros, and H. A.
menu cu, Alarm. White on th part destroyed.
A tire which started a little
Infirmary. .
g and i before o'clock Friday night,
plant, destroyed about of
j drainage piping to, . . the
I ;., TIME
Service in M. E.
r J lime to buy Fresh Ground
Cayenne Pepper, Black
i people
Dormitories equipment. plant is so far from any
supply that there was
and at
ard I i
. j
These estimates do not include great in
f I to be done the lire. Much good was
the grounds, in the way of done buckets and shovels,
S I and other but it and by moving truck packages
can be readily seen that the sum out of the path
; ho p. to i th to op it i
I p I the . I
. . r . Ii
I .,. .-. ask t end lose tog r
. . aided much in
. there
school and a great v i i th. h
. do. The weak i. w. ugh. ma.
. . . i. ;. i
. r
has been paid, who it,
the church cost, and what is now
owing. member of the
church Ms earnestly urged to be
present to beat this report and
part in the proceedings.
The the public
Hot and Cold Baths
Electric Massage
A specialty Electric
Massage and Hair
tonic given to ladies
at their homes.
Opposite J. R. J. G.
ally are invited to he folk and Southern Depot.
present. is the
duty of every member of the
who can to d.
, a the I
plant, ascertain if int
. . or
. .
. t, re, third
i-s. Maggie t the
courthouse, bakes
bread, roll. end pies. Or-
r. i ice
For Sale-Oyster shells at the
lid w. J. J. Cherry.
m S
MAYBE you were not entirely sat-
with the Fertilizer you used last
MAYBE you want to try some-
thing new.
NOT a new brand, but maybe
new to you.
We make other brands too for all
YOUR dealer can supply
don't cost any more than others, but
maybe you will like it better if you
it out.
NOW don't forget ask your dealer
For FARM Supplies ant HARt;
Don't tail to our
We carry a toll stock, also a full line . re-
pain on.- only,
There is none better, win
give .
you to our . J
American Wire j
We carry the Lime
Cement and keep stock on . and.
mind that Baker Hart's is the -i
until he sighted the wagon
of a four fine
g., horses tied there-
Jarvis being a pall bear, at
the th. sound of his hors v
paper. Th R. B, d Will,
faith i t -a making ,
Waco Tex-, Herald- of the
th. I A Is
i i
month from the d re
. II.-.
of E S. e, d.
a Lasts.
During of a r. th
trial in
morning. woman on the
was buns cross
by the he called
a boy, -as also a witness.
testimony ti woman i t
boy. At Mort
u ;
that boy. k the
th The.
for in
m . Kr. .
u- v-
mil assortment always in stock to choose
Quality the highest, in fact there is none
,.,. .,, per
u to build it is to you.
to as we are in to look j
your every need. Don't that our d
General Hardware is kept
the very best quality goods We .- ;
load i. j
nails. Give us a ca j
The i
in limply a
of con- , ,.,;,,, ha or by th.
in c .-.,. i .,. . . will
N J. N piano in the
. . w. P. Webb
. .
county, North n i.
. age x, win
Ca Bi C
j , t . , .
. u hit on or write. r
If you have any
. p. Mo.
have i- any I .
Lime for stomach i l . , n
i Stem i h I
I ever used
J I. ft W. n
fit r
; ;
and f. m-
heard he tire
nor the amount of b-f. Mr.
Williams insurance on
his stock in H. A. Whites
agency, and there was also small
insurance n his building.
On Thursday afternoon at
o'clock at the home of the bride
in South Greenville. Mr. Nathan
of Greene county and
Miss Florence were mar-
Kev. M. Person, of
Snow Hill. Immediately after
of land lying and in t
Pitt of North
Carolina and as
One town lot In the town of
. Mo corner on Wilson street run-
i tag street
Dunn's thence
M ore's lino, th . art M l-s
with Moore line
loot lo the it
was conveyed to
the said Dr. J. N. Moore, to
mortgage deed. Terms v
Mi day of D. W
W. c Webb, Mortgagee.
ft Long, Attorneys.
This is a common form of
No treatment
Apply s
freely a
,.,,.,. i ,. has
woven especially valuable r or
and and is sure
give quick relief.
Liniment in most
and bruiser. Price. .
I roe size cents For ale by . i.
Coward ft Wooten.
r THE TAILOR ,,., and stock
awl Ladies Skirts
All work done promptly, wits
made to order when desire.
Your Solicited.
cur. exp. taxes p
,.,,,,,,. is.
In a
and delivered by Daniel P.
and wife Basal.
J L. ft the
v to d v of 1908, and duly r.;
o, the r, the home of the groom in Greene XX
the ceremony the couple h ft for
inure of the power of sale
are now arriving, plant early
to . best results A nice
line of and Ferns in all
sizes. Choice cut flowers a
specialty, wedding bouquets
and Floral offerings at short
Mail. Telegraph, Mid
Telephone orders receive
prompt, attention. Phone
Raleigh, N. C.
Cash items
Gold coin
. sub. to cheek
all m I 58.3
f. S. notes -.---- Total
Carolina, County of Pitt,
Davis. Cashier of the
ear the
knowledge and belief.
it is true v
U. DAVIS, Cashier.
.,. I
Subscribed and sworn to be-
f.- me. this 2nd day
v .
Notary Public.
V, M. is
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy have
always claimed that their remedy did
not of these drugs, and
he truth of this is now
proven, no mention of them is made
In the label. This remedy is not only
one of th- safest, but one of the
in use for coughs and colds.
has been proven beyond question
the many years ft has Wen
use. For sale by J. L. Wooten
and Coward
Thursday night at the home of
the bride on Greene Mr.
J. H. Boyd. Jr., and Mrs.
Butch were married by Rev. B.
F. Huske. The marriage took
the friends of the couple by
prise, but all extend best wishes
Can be made and in
minutes cost
One Cent at Plate.
Stir contents of one package
ice ma mm
into a quart of milk and
No cooking, no heating, nothing
else to add. Everything but the
lea and milk in the
This makes quarts of the roost
delicious ice cream you ever ate.
packages at your grocers,
or by mail if he does not keep it.
T r c i aw, v.
Fever sores and old chronic sores
should not be healed entirely,
be kept in healthy
This can be done by applying Chamber-
Salve. This salve has no super
or for this It is also most
Coward A. Wooten.
s the expose
before the court house door
S, town of to
bidder for cash; Monday, February i,
1909 the following tract or of
tract of land adjoin the Ian it
of the late John Moseley he rs and
Moseley. containing
also their u interest
allotted to the John Moseley
heirs the whole tract being known
Tine and It being he
and Gents Tailor,
Greenville, N C
Altering. Repairing.
Ch. d t leaning.
mi; or no charges.
In r. r of t
her Shop
Hundreds of orphans have
by the President of I he Indus-
trial Orphan's Home
Ca Who have
Bitters in this for
It has proved a most ex-
for Stomach, I
Not Quite
How often you can get a j
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good g
box and be prepared for j;
emergencies. Our line of tools
la a and
we will that your tool
box does not lack a tingle
Of Course
You get a
Horse Goods t c
J. R,
me ,
died-the heirs own one half
tract which c 1-4 acres.
of Sale-Cash. Sale
ft Co.
Skinner A Whedbee.
organs, purifies the blood, aids
Sen, creates appetite To
and build up pale, weak children
k has no
Best for female complaints. Only
at J. L. Wooten's.
At the Close of Business November. f
Leans and
Surplus fund
Silver coin, Including I current exp. paid
minor coin Time of Deposit
that the above statement
knowledge and belief.
and s on, to id
For Rent or house
and lot in West Greenville.
took all kinds of remedies and treat-
doctors, but found
Dr Ki,
and was wholly cured by six
bottles. a well man It a
to relieve and the surest cure for
o- lungs, coughs
ma and all Me and
I bottle free. Guaranteed
by J. I. Wooten.
Notice to Creditors.
duly before the
clerk of Pitt as
executor of the last will and testament
E. Nob es, deceased, notice is
hereby to all persons indebted to
tin- estate to make prompt t.
the undersigned, and aft persons
having claims a. said estate arc
notified to earns for pay-
on or before the 24th day of De-
1909. or notice will be
plead in bar of recovery.
This Dee. 24th.
ltd S. E. Nobles
Plant Wood's Seeds
Tor The
Garden Farm.
Thirty years in business, with
a steadily increasing trade every
we have one
of the largest businesses in seeds
in this country-is the best of
evidence as to
Superior Quality
of Wood's Seeds.
We are foe
Grass and Clover Seeds.
Seed Potatoes. Seed Oat.
Cow Peas, Beans and
Farm Seeds.
Wood's Catalog
the roost useful and valuable or
and Farm seed Catalogs
mailed free on request.
. Va.
m, this 6th day December,
Notary Public
M. .
m i
e v
ard war
Lead and Zinc P U I d
Edge Tools.
Subscribe to The Daily Reflector.

Six M.
At a caucus o the county hist yew far the
Wednesday night, rood supplies m the cotton
tor Lee. Overman was brought in.
to succeed himself
unanimous rising vote. This
election ill take place on tin
is human nature to lot
wear out their lives in
DO NOT INCREASE THE CROP. crease in production not be
greater than what may
Some Timely Advice by L. Joyner,
President Farmers
be an average crop
is made from an acreage as large
as that of 1908. Let every far-
Tennessee seems to have made
to live ii h r
ii be upon up her mil
N. C,
. ;.;,. IAN.
Meter readers in
good sin
service led on I
not to I i it
That i
judgeship is another
settled things.
Govern tin
of good
his inaugural address-
mi a
is ill
are at the I lie of
and much of last
not yet closed up.
the people, as a man who
is doing something, and you will
find tin coming your i .
If they keep ringing to
light on the pr km, he
will regret that he started the
Tin- I lungs arc
veil Ii .
r ii
i o-
With airships s
we ha in idea l among
the ea
t go it a foot.
ii K
North Car din i ti and
elsewhere, i an n iv In ten u
year- lie i i. is.
We ha h pi that the
but bar a day i w
reading r i I self
In the past week u Slate
bill and an I
I lop bill have passed
We give much space today to
a report of the trustees of the
East Carolina Train i
School, which necessarily ex-
some other matter. The
report is imp and
l. read i cry one.
The aldermen of Washing m
p an ordinal for
the distribution from
house to house of s
patent medicines and other nos-
There ought . he a law
to that in all towns.
The North Carolina
for the Prevention of Tuber-
has closed an
meeting in Charlotte.
The light against the dreaded
disease goes forward and will
prove a blessing to humanity.
The Greensboro Record cornea
pretty near to the truth the
situation when it says those who
complain that no good shows
that way are not
i to for they do n it go
is over thirty cents.
The man w goes about doing
what is called
when the satin-
time he owes everybody who
would trust him, must a
stranger to and have;
his conscience m the a rung i
The Georgia Anti-Saloon
league has announced that it
Will prosecute newspapers
p . whiskey advertisement
mi ground that they are
hired agents and solicitors of
whiskey houses. To say the
least of it. the newspaper that
professes to favor prohibition
; pints advert
is a double face.
vice for accepting it as a Co , to Tobacco Grower, of I who to increase his
Monday President
sent the senate the name i f II.
K. II. of Carthage, as
judge of the Eastern district of
North Carolina to succeed the
late Judge Purnell. That seems
settle matter, unless some
should arise over his
the way.
Judge Seawell, is a son of Dr.
V. N. Seawell and lived for a
n Idle in Greenville when a buy.
North Carolina.
course, snow-1
our appreciation until it is The general opinion of the
I, late the intended trade is that the tobacco
. , in Extern North
out to he encouraged or strength-1
their value until alter are
e rush with , , a conjunction with
silent and affecting the trade, he in
responsive tomb, when these who a
same tokens by a sooner bestow-1
might have cheered a
t crop W much as or
percent Instead of doing this
increase bis corn crop, ind let
even one who plants tobacco,
I Una will be very largely In- instead of a thousand to
creased in 1900. It is twelve hundred pounds of com-
ion now. carefully to the W,
praise and weighing conditions use raised manures
that if the rotted, and in
. farmers, who alone hold the these use only about to
M to the situation, permit this per Cent
be they will and according to the experience
et it before the close
Id's 1909. many farm-
of the the best tobacco
one of the world's 1909. T sere are many farm- of Pitt county, who have for
poets, suffered for want of the era who sold their crop of the last few-years tins
necessaries of life am. died in 1908 dun, g September and they will be richer to
, . . October on ;. market glut
poverty, ye a years, . .
manner In it wan
later great sums of are whet seemed to be
spent in celebrating the satisfactory prices. It will be
by the tobacco trade that .
these not having been just per cent, of the
of his birth. How help-
a little of that money would
have been in his life, and how
comforting would have been
some of the praise now lavished
coin . i -.-- .
on;, market glutted by I the amount of from to o
every acre of they
plant, as a result of a superior
of tobacco and
they will be richer in pocket
affected by the subsequent de-
in prices of tobacco will
regardless of the present selling
price on the market, plant a
upon his memory This is just crop with the expectation
President Roosevelt's barber
being on the government pay-
roll as an at a
salary of Mrs.
messenger being on the
printing office pay-
disclosures in the investigations
going on at Washington City as.
reported by a correspondent of
the Columbia State. Isn't that,
pretty doings for the folks at the
head i f the nation
one in millions that selling it again this year as
similar, not alone in ages they did tat. early in the season.
fertilizer bills.
is no way of
controlling the price of any pro-
duct other than by meeting the
requirements of supply and de-
Controlling the price by
other agency or means
but in present, a id doubt-
less the future has as many in
store. Vet we dare not hope
that these lines will
the close of the season. many
any farmers attempt to carry out this
impression upon those policy they will realize to
II at a salary of are recent H, I oW great loan this mistaken no-
I don't believe that in the t i
mere telling of some S
, and thus gee the advantage of i necessitates going
better prices than have prevailed law. and whenever this has
tor the last two or three years at been attempted the consequences
have never been or
desirable. It is my firm
ate opinion if the acreage is
largely increased, low prices will
fall. On the other
hand if a normal acreage is
WHISKEY CASES PREDOMINATE pounds be an average then
Wednesday two white men
Its cram acreage . w
very materially increased. m . t
have talked many
should not a II next tall at pro-
during h
home -Ii
for her h urn
wrote an
paper in
We believe the proposition to
allow sheriffs a fee of for
every moonshine still they cap-
and destroy is a good one.
If they do not any stills
there will be no to pay. and
Mr. say- he lost tin
Ohio through
cry and fraud. There is much
of that kind of thing in present
day politics.
The State legislature today
Unanimously re-elected lion.
S. Overman to succeed himself
as United States Senator. A
worthy selection.
When suspicion enters one
door, friendship goes out the
other. Beware how you let
against a friend place
in your heart.
Farmers certainly ought to
see the need or raising their
own corn, hay and meat. As
long as they fail to do this they
may expect to grow
South Carolina i catching
the State wide prohibition spirit
and is discussing the matter in
the legislature. We yet have
hopes of that state and Virginia
falling in line.
Talking about an
law with care should
if they do find any
worth the price.
it will be l
It matters not how great or
tall men may be they are only a
little over two Bern
And some of them grow very
little over two
And fewer still two eyes.
who had been convicted in court an, they seem be a fact that the
of affray, were called up for view the situation front a
A lady from a far away , ,. ,,,,, cal standpoint. They, prices.
had occasion to stop in Charlotte ,,,,,, . ,, ,., ,,,,,, believe the acreage i buy
, f. . , i., .,, nun of their business, and
not soon forget, re- . not to in-
to both of them being were
go, a sharp ,,,,,. ,,. their influence jg
for allowing so spitting on J in an keep it from being increased that ls
the sidewalks that a lady could j f -n is,., their community. It a few to I an be operated keep down
Whiskey, he said
-the cause of this as
,, had been of nearly every case exert their moral ,. e to, P
prevent an increase of tobacco as arbitrarily hold-
down the price a product
and keeping it down the
demand that is
greater than the supply, is an
one They reason
stop view the making and selling of a country today. On other
and dwell on them for crop of tobacco in an entirely .
The article published else-; the who light from what they did a
where from the pen of Mr. A ,,,,., is place few years ago. They know that
r u. . the production of a surplus
Joyner, president of the la re- lower prices. and the pro-
en Consolidated and those who attend fewer pounds
should be read by every tobacco. g.-t than the normal demand means
grower. No man has made into criminal prices. They have learned
not walk on them and keep her
Thereupon Char-
i lotto's got busy and went
t i arresting all the. offenders
against the spitting ordinance.
The Greensboro Record suggests
that they also look after the
low win. throws a banana peel
on the sidewalk.
before him at this court.
aide of the cases caused by will not be increased.
,., ,, .- . Sentiment and policy the
whiskey there is little , ,
courts to do. In passing
, upon cases like the
i before him liked t
tobacco farmers have changed
very much in the last few years.
one They reason differently. They;
hand, the production of any
product in greater quantities
man the demand, will inevitably
produce a condition of low prices
that nothing will remedy except
removal of the surplus.
L. Joyner.
s. into criminal
closer study of the tobacco a from bitter experience that there
. , ii farmer can
A phi in that will save nine is
than Mr. Joyner. and
, . . is no crop a farmer can produce
He wished all the preachers were western meat,
none is more capable of tag attendants upon hay and grain, and they have
good advice on this Important. M else j leaner, that a very large
having been through
two murder trials with
in both, may make him bold
to try his gun again to
see if he can run the gauntlet a
third time, lie ought to have
been hanged years ago for the
murder he committed.
subject than he. He makes a
of what is for the best in-
of the farmer and tries to
bring that class of our citizens
up to intelligent and concerted
action to improve their own con-
The farmer who follows
Mr, Joyner's suggestions will
not go wrong.
acquainted with real per cent, of their surplus profits
conditions and find people their entire farming opera-
have heretofore been con-
by the enormous fertilizer
bills made necessary by the plant-
of more than a normal acre-
. .
nous, sick headache, constipation, l hey
not gripe. Trice Sold by Jno.
L. Woolen.
ill need of the Gospel.
Before prohibition is well put
into effect the property owners in tobacco and other so
of New Hanover are confronted
We would like to drill it into
the plan of every farmer in Pitt
county, to plant enough to raise
all In needs in the way of corn,
hay and meat to run his farm be-
fore lie gives any thought at all
of the so-called money crops.
About the poorest business a
farmer can engage in is to raise
cotton and with which
to buy his supplies.
When farmers first give at-
to raising their own com,
hay and meat, and plant the so-
with necessity of additional tax
es to keep the public schools
j c j j
money crops
It is estimated that more than j
be taken not to bite off too called money crops as a
much. There is sometimes
of being over zealous and do-
the State more harm than
they Will find their condition
growing better. do not be-
it is as far from true to say
Business men are the ones
themselves who should strike
out to restore confidence and re-
vive business. As long as they
hold back with a do-nothing in
they will other
people following their example.
Activity begets activity. Hus-
begets hustle. Likewise in-
difference begets indifference.
A business that seems to be go-
backward drives people from
it. while the business that has
the appearance of hustle and
push attracts the throng. Don't
sit with a long face and expect
business to come to you when
you do to bring it.
out and hustle for it. Get your-
per cent Mm profit on all
open the requisite length time. I tobacco and made in
Wilmington Star.
If one-tenth of the money
that formerly went for whiskey
Wilmington should go for the
schools it would more than keep
them going the requisite length
of time, and the property own-
yet have the other nine-
tenths for their personal use.
The Star seems to look only at the
revenue from the sale of whiskey,
and not at what prohibition will
really save the people.
as much money went out of before the reading people,
A western judge granted a divorce
on account of ill-temper and bad heath.
Dr. King's New Lite Tills would have
prevented it. They cure Constipation,
causing bad breath and Liver Trouble
the colds, banish
headaches, conquer chills. at
J. L.
the county of Pitt is required
annually to pay for fertilizer and
supply bills that should be made
on the farms of the county. I
feel impelled to sound a note of
warning to the tobacco growers
of Eastern North
against an increase in acreage of
tobacco in the face of conditions
as I know they exist today. It
is possible, in fact probable, that
if a normal acreage is planted
the production will be anywhere
from to per cent, greater
than it has been for the last two
because the last two crops
have been from to per cent,
below a normal production in
yield per acre.
The tobacco trade is probably
prepared to take care of a slight
increase over the last two years,
but I hope that the in-
Sot. of
of county boards of education.
We regret very much to learn
the sickness of Miss Lena
Dawson, of most popular
Authorized Hasten, Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rate, furnished
at Smith Me, L limes been away on a came home
though the notoriety attained M
by our sectional the present ltd S a b.
term of the teachers at the graded
rather it by no We hope she may soon be well.
Also one Edison phonograph with ween.
a hand painted horn, records, were services in the
Apply to C A. lair, Methodist and Christian churches
Aider, N. C.
W. E. Patrick tells us he sold
worth horses and
mules last year in Ayden.
The receipts of the A. L. C.
Relating to
Elliott presented a
petition from
asking that an amendment
. ,. . .
c .
. d . .
SENATE. r ill la-t
I ;. o . I
of the personal property ex- was devoted I .
to measures.
to a vote o. being a I
Gay to
Senator North Carolina.
till relating to the equalization
peremptory in cup
There were .
bills introduce in the
t only n f i
. u
. i
name and welfare of a L
inK people me -torn
other k y
the fact something is
ed for the betterment of
as well as the good of ail.
Those who have not. paid their
State and county taxes can do to
were among the interest.
were the i
elect all county; To separate whit,
superintendents or education I y
popular vote.
by calling on
the bank. He represents the
Sheriff in this particular at tins
Frank Lilly returned from
Oxford Wednesday evening
where had been to carry three
small children to the asylum.
Smith Co. are
their factory and mills on full
time. General sawing trimming
and repairing of all kinds neatly
Tom Jenkins and John Cheek
have returned from Raleigh
where they took in the
the meeting of the grand
of and several
Hodges at here from all will ex
Sunday conducted by their re-
pastors, Rev. Mr.
Bridges and Morton. Large
congregations were in attend-
To amend the
mechanics lien law.
To encourage the
growing of email fruit and truck.
Another to amend pension
and increase pension of certain
soldiers to per month.
To establish a differ-
per month. We Ii arr
the railroad company
plates converting the present de-
pot into a freight warehouse and
suitable passenger de
pot This has become a
-m the fact that such a
quantity of cotton tobacco is
shipped from hero.
Last Saturday one week Dr.
M. M. Sauls brought a for
to. After feeding it a week
ac a cast of he sold it the
next Saturday for one cord of
wood payable fall. The
doctor is fa-t forging ahead as
one of cur shrewdest and be it
other things, and it has been financiers.
intimated they seem to have II, of
taken In. They say It was from Until
pretty Sunday g with Mrs. L.
M. M. makes the best j Hooks.
cold drinks that can be made at
the fountain i-- cold the yea
round Try one.
A. a
delivered a splendid
the Methodist church Sunday
and held quarterly meeting
Monday f r that congregation.
Miss Carrie Smith, a teacher
it the seminary, spent Sunday
11- i
mi i .--
convicts the
convict camps at sleeping and . and th . .
g hours. r bill I if t
some representative t , he j;
for training of i i id i
youth and th
Latham; To regulate th j Sam has . en mi. .
of pistols and cartridges. with his R. P. D. u
I By To regulate w
trial of capital u slat every man's
Dr. Cox's bill to
squirrels between March 1st is we k
by t
ham. Mr. of Pitt,
spent Sunday squirrels between 1st art Ii week.
her father near Cur
on I was add d the train t l
. . a
Mrs J. T. Harris,
ion, c. me up Monday to i-pend
Whet Our Law Makers Are Doing at
The senate met at o'clock
and was called to order by Lieu-
tenant Governor W. C. Newland,
the new presiding officer.
Sens tor introduced a
The principal bill introduced by
Senator Lockhart. of Anson, that
is an anti-trust measure, de-
conduct within the
State of North Carolina that
interferes with trade and com-
The bill sub-
section of the Reid bill that
created much t two years
bill to require judges Superior ago.
J. Ros, Esq. of
was n. re on
will find a
coffins and caskets i at
J. K. Smith Co.
family from Lee
Richard Wingate,
Blount and J- U- G.
leave Sunday for a prospecting
Texas and Oklahoma. They will
be gone about one month.
J. K. Smith Go. Dixon have
things bustling at the
plant. Besides reg
line of work they are matting
tobacco hogsheads to be
used on this market.
K. W. King, Greenville,
was here Tuesday.
M. M. Sauls has just received
a fine lot of perfumes and toilet
Anyone wishing to purchase a
first class that will work
anywhere, cheap, and is fully
guaranteed will do well to see M.
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon have
a nice lot of coffins and caskets
on hand and can furnish hearse
when desired. Give them a call
when in need of any of their
goods. This firm has a good sup
ply of first class wagons, a few
good buggies, and are run over
making hogsheads and repairing.
Truly Ed Garris, the manager,
is a busy man.
Mrs. J. A. and
have been visiting relatives
in Greenville during the week.
red headed and red
neck calf with white streak down
back, red sides, about nine
months old. The calf strayed
away from my about 10th
November, 1908. A liberal re-
ward will be paid for return of
same me- Dennis
Ayden, N- C.
Barnes has had plans
and specifications drawn for a
handsome two-story residence
which he will have at once erect-
ed on Lee street.
I hereby announce to the pub-
that I
time with i--
Pi White is
i. . p
D.-. I
i j e
, r
courts to remain at county
seat during the entire term of
After the introduction of a few
local matters, the hill relative to
adjournment on February 15th
was called up and given a warm
discussion. A motion to post-
pone n of thy bill
January . was finally
Senator Blow, of was
d to the committee on
Graham also called the
Other new bills
to persona to of-
Tuesday was the y f r
of United States senator and
both branches voted separately.
The Democrats voted unanimous
for Hon. Lee Overman, re-
electing him to succeed f.
the Republicans easting r.
vote for Spencer B.
Both branches rum
in honor of the birth lay of Gen.
it. E. Lee.
There was much new bus
of in a
Bill is u
Ci list
iii s week,
up in.
Eh Everett is i
i. e
to mi r h i;. w th
y f nut p pie
was on i
lo a e bin bi
. I -1 ,
, soldiers married
, , , c
cents per bushel and our fa-mi r.
to order at o'clock.
rushing them on the m
Richard Wingate. II. L. Blount
and J. M. C. Nelson left Saturday
for Texas and Oklahoma on a
prospecting tour with h view
locating. Mr.
been cut there Why
such men as these should pull
up stakes where they have been
so blessed and successful as here,
and leave for parts is in
comprehensible to us. One
these gentlemen, Starting out
in life a poor man without
means, and being only about
years of age now, today
credit more than
cannot surely do better, unless
he anticipates finding the tree
whereon pieces do grow and
none but the lucky can pull.
We hope, however, they may
change their and conclude
to remain here. .
At the home of the brides
father, Mr. Titus near
Ayden, on Thursday Mr.
Luther was married to Mist
Clara Rev. G. C.
Friday J. W. Glenn bought
from R. B. one of our
large and successful farmers.
pounds of tobacco for which
he paid an average of
cents per pound. How is
for a sale
While the court house at
Greenville may have no special
attraction for certain of our
still the magnet
seems daily to aw them that
way. Some, however, i
taken to the woods.
J. J. Smith, who has been con-
fined for several weeks at his
home with sickness, able to
be up town Saturday. We are
A petition was presented from
citizens of Greene county to in-
crease the number of county
from three to five.
were quite a number of
bills introduced but nearly all
local in their nature.
One Representative Turner to
enable men to collect small debts
created a laugh.
Representative Lee introduced
a to establish different
form for different grades of
Other committees were an-
Mr. Gotten being
named on the pensions committee
and Dr. Cox on education.
eighth day.
Among the new bills intro
1670 to draw a pension.
For benefit of the
State school for the blind.
of Resolution
relating to the
position, asking for
appropriation for a North Caro-
exhibit there.
Representative Weaver, of
Buncombe, introduced the same
antitrust hill that was offered
by Senator Lockhart in the; sen-
Representative Green, of
often d the same resolution
relating to the Alaska Yukon
exposition that was presented
the senate.
Other new bills of importance
Perry of and
of both introduced bills
relating; to pensions.
For benefit of State
school for the blind.
Allowing Beaufort
county to levy special tax.
To promote the drain-
age of wet swamp and overflow-
Speaker Graham
G to prohibit i c
drunkenness in North Can .
and to amend the as l i .- o
of the .
By Scott to appropriate fin
the deaf d dumb. By J
to allow to cultivate
the lands of their wards.
Elliott to increase the
State librarian.
In the house Murphy offer
bill to facilitate release of
gages and deeds of trust. By
Connor to authorize payment of
deposits made in trust and for
relief of persons in who e inter-
est such deposits are
Genii y
d w
. . ., tin- . of vow
., ran
. A mm ii
. . .;.,. th i ;
i . I N.
i ml year
gives U
i. . i
Alien S. Key. i
. Pt
Fresh Pork at S. M.
virtue of the powers
a lain
G. aid
ti U I. Moore
or . the y m
, in
K. A.
i i
Land Sale.
At the Close of Business November,
By of the contained in
a certain mortgage by G.
W. Venters to Hooker, in.-
which Mid
mortgage deed is duly recorded in the
register deeds office Pitt County,
in book H t, page the
will expose to pin lie sale before in
court house d or in the town of
ville, N. C , on, February
the following described tract or
parcel of land lying and being in the
county of Pitt and State of North Caro-
and in township, which was
conveyed to the aid Oscar Hooker by
deed C.
Mary Adams, fully described as
Adjoining the lane's of David
C. G. W. Venters a d
others beginning at a large gum
in or ear the tun of
a direct course to a b
,;,, In ; ;
k w
ho court do G-e n-
, N.
.,,,.,,., o ;. ate
own an g
pare. known
come G -i-r. .
st.-i e. K
and with Slid n v. in
thence the a In
corner of the lot row by
A. A. the in. -i
fl. .,. he Mid 1.1 from h
with the
. the cm-
one of an or
i. .; 1-- .
i U A. M-e r. .;
.,. .,
Ire tor the e .
Loam and discounts
Overdrafts unsecured
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans
Due from
Gash items
Gold coin
Silver coin,
coin cur.
bank and
S. Notes
or A
cur, exp. and taxes pd
Deposits sub. to
n mi.
gum. thence to a light ml post,
. the corner a pitch p thence to
Geo. W. Venters thence
said Geo. W. Venters line to a Ii
with Venters line to the c.
in Boot swamp, thence to be-
ginning, containing
and seres more or less. Tin
mortgage covers the whole
seres i- mg on
, the main t-J
Ills to Calico Hill Ins
heretofore been to Re.
it her
I Due to and
Cashier's 80.11
Or Joseph
to said mortgage. Terms
,.,, Oscar Hooker,
Skinner M
W. H. Smith has purchased
the of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will the bu
at the place All
STATE Of promptly after Mr.
the to the best o. my and I Company.
Reliable, Para I
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me. this day of Dee.
pleased to note such a
Notary Public
change for the better.
Mia Lucy who has
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
, l, , it
S T-.

Land Sale.
Land Sale.
B of a judgment of
th Put county
rendered by His U. n.
Allen, judge presiding at Dec
t, mi. in case
V V- Go. et
a. L et
a. a fore the court
b door hi Mon
d e. 1909. th
t., 01.1 t
I On J
I. I h o J.
ii and A i
ac. m re or lea.
a d known Mine Alien Jackson
pUce tract
lands of J J Jackson. God-
ford Jack in. B.
A. it
more or less and
r K. Jack
day 1908.
Official State-merit.
of the authority in mo
an order of court made in a
pedal Boating in Pitt
N. W . I
ed. s part, the signed will
to i I. ale fit-
odder the
January. . at o'clock noon.
. l the
h Campbell died seal-
ed in m n. at the town
S which divided up into
eleven ii mall or tract and
. .,, . .
u .
i So as
. m. or
m a
Shoving the number of meeting hold
the board of County Commissioners,
the number of day member
hath attended tho amounts .
member for vice iron. 1st. i
in December, to 1st. Mon-
p . , . map A oil in the
. i i Pitt superior
j. . id, farm No.
. acre
id ma.,
R King, at ended
a .-t par day an
on com.
Traveled mile, at I
. s eon at per day
i n I
miles at
shown on
Notice of sale.
N Can
i i M
B rt
, Clerk.
Ex p
Lloyd W. Smith. Hay Smith, hue-
band of Marj I. Smith, and
Smith. . for Mar, Smith,
I avid h, Ger Smith. Mar-
Bell Mil I .
By virtue of tin and re-
sup court I elusive, a
,. . . .
ed Sn an for M try
Hit re, more or I .
sail map,
. r . a, .
, i No , on said map.
1-2 acre m re or
farm Nod, as said ma;. in
ac . more less.
,,, No a, shown on said nap.
air. . more r lea. .
I N , as on map.
S rt, mi
arm No shown on said map,
n-l more or less
ha m No a on said map,
more or ea. ;
acres, more . .-
. . town lo
.- . block . number to in-
on said map.
Lots i bl ck i . I to in-
ass on said map.
I., t in bloc- number to s in-
shown on a map.
Lots in block numbers I to m-
s id map.
numbers i to in-
i s id ii
l to
number one t. as
M. T. S Mended
day at f-
1-1 on com.
Traveled mil at Be.
P. i. Holland,
day a day I
on com.
Traveled mile at
N. T. Cox, attended
day as at tS t day
IT on com.
Traveled miles at
I allowed ard
. in
i, Mar ha
i . ., . fore
i. . for i
i .
Smith and J
Smith, Gertie
. ii
i doer in
i i the
. .
I. Smith,
. Martha
., Smith in
Ho unverified account
I. Richard Williams. of
Deed ard ex-office clerk of Board
c in and i r the
said, do hereby certify
that the foregoing is a true
Given under in j hand at in
vi N.
This 2nd day of
board for Pitt Go
Lot in
s as
Lots in
.- .
L i
. land, situate
and Sate of
in ,
ind to the ed tracts or
pa.-. of .
Hi.-, e i ;
in t e of Pitt
Nor i i ii
describe i as folio vs
at a stake
on In. between
wives, and run ii g I 1-2 west
poles to a canal t
with the
u anal
Sn . weal -2
and So- . a
u -ll-. .
,,. . i I.- seal
chain, i a . and blacK
i urn;
chains fas . oak on the
road; road south
to i
e, .
Tia I r
the . i
h Sn line north 1-2
thence up the
canal i I a -lake; thence
with in. d pole to the
begun c more or
Tract K a the Wind-
ham the
head a . Ii and I n g no th
; l welt .
in a .- I .-a
i . to several
mark aid
poles I i aim
I p-1 .
T ;,, ; ,
, I., Smith
n i.
know .- i. pan a,
I -a d leaver Dam
. i. con a out o acres
more or us the land
K. M Smith, horn,
Smith. C. Smith and others.
This the of Dec.
Ivey Smith,
Guardian for Mary I. Smith, David G.
bloc's numb
e. h e I . ML
Lots in bloc
Lot in ii
Also lot
also fronting
numb to ii
umber to
. lo
. r
. to in
,., S
i inn
Terms to
i r ARTHUR, Greenville N- C,
From Missouri;
You Have to Show Him.
of Vacant
.-. .,,.
M .
v. ,. en that -L
p, Ha
ii, a January, l
Ii an entry on . i
N. number to
-aid p.
lumber to
. said map.
nun to
f renting on n w read and
m avenue.
i to inclusive,
By virtue the r i
,.,,,, . ., in o a i r
,. ii . i
J. ii. Moon
H. C. the lo day Nov. I in ,,,
1907, and duly in
of Deeds of Pit
county, North Carolina, in Book
Q Page th-
will exp to public before
the court house -i or in
C ed
J. W. by hi attar-
Harding, and urns
i t or parcel of land
e. of I and
North and in -wilt
township .,; h on
l of C Creek
La avenue.
A- -i-H
tr new road.
1-2 and balance
deferred to
e, II.
land and r inter-
rate of
to bidder on
day Jany. 23rd, 1909. a; w-i
or p of land lying and water ad
being in th county of Pitt and it. nearest
North d .- r ; ,,,; w ;
Scribed as fOllOW. tO known as the n lands on the;
That tract of land in Beaver sou h of the of J. L.
Dam said J., K
lands Cannon on the North
and the land known as
Mu-ford and the
Cox lands on wt containing
ah acres more or less, this
the of
Perkins by F. C. Harding Alt y.
Willie W. M. Moore.
H. Moore no a- being
same conveyed to J. Moore
by Chas. W. Shaw and wife
deed which appear of record
in the Register of Deeds
of Pitt county in Book W
to which is Hereby
Beautiful Line
fining out your
yen cold
Also a hundred one
mall numerous
lo that
rival in looks
Smith J.
n. If
in t he i.
cool t .
sell r
fore the
i n Monday
the follow u
i tract
id, Frank
with Frank
in a
Bran h;
a i.
line; hence
free F
Ann C.
with line
with the
lie n contained in
. , s d by W. B.
Ll e. one
e other March
of d of
public n
d in
. nay M,
lands, situate
. v , snip
.- it Ayden
,,. in- and runs
n I k line
. ton to middle
p ii i Mild
. Ollie me
n in
ht c with Al-
nu, toM.
corner; theme around
to the road; thanes
road to the beginning,
containing 11-16 acres, I
to satisfy said mortgage deed. By title t
Terms sale cash in lam-
This of Dec. 1908. with me their protest In writ-
H. C. Mortgagee day or th-,
F. G, Attorney.
barred aw t us 14-h
, M. taker ex-
T. It. Moore C.
Governor Folk Is from Missouri.
regarded as a pretty good
himself. See what he says about a
certain sort of
-I do not believe in the mail
order citizen. IT IS BETTER
ONE LARGE CITY. If o place
Is good enough for a man to
make hit money In, it certainly
be good enough for him
to hie money in. The
merchants have a right to
all th of the town in
which they have their
and every good will help
them to get
Did you ever a FINE
FACT SO simply stated
Quenching a Blaze In a Hurry on
Board a War Vessel.
There Were Lively Time on Deck
When the Big Monkey Cot Hire, elf
Mixed Up With Hot Pitch and Gun
Cotton and Took a Trip Aloft.
We were making from Nor-
folk. Va. to Lisbon. Portugal. In
United it
shortly after I o'clock
gone lo room r I
with a scared face.
i your room. Mr. be
Yes; here's a
cod's sake Rive -i I i me
.,,,. bUt .
I'll bare It out In a into- ,
., going lo take .
on man-of-war
f not ala
, ran to the boll and
lire alarm as furious;, a
I less than It lakes l. read
hand grenade were and
water was the now
fling of burning canvas.
jumped In among the great of
, furled sails and passed out. and
; when one could not endure the .
any longer another took his place. At
the was over, and. began
to look around and lake stock of the
often wondered what I would
II do In case of a fire on
would save my watch.
One Week Commencing
In A Repertoire
City Successes.
Of Later Day
The Opening Bill Will Be
A Act Comedy Drama.
Free Monday Night ii Ac-
companied by One Reserved
Scats on Sale at The
Book Store.
Ext Rates
account of
Tickets on sale December 23rd,
25th, 30th 31st, 1908 and January M
limited to return not later than 6th I
For etc
nearest ticket agent write.
i en
want your HORSE to t
and pull strong buy your
W J CRAIG, Passenger Traffic
T C White, Genera. Act. t.
Land Sale.
By the p sale c
a d. the a executed fa
court of Pitt in p d-1 delivered Alt red N and LA.
in-No X the i id Nichols his wife t i
of and
door in Ore v lie Monday the duly the of
s of following I North Ca
Q-8, the
lire at a coin on x public sale, the court
e i . VT. . . . -----III. tr
; i, Z, i. r saw
rd et i, x to public sale, lie fore the
No l and runs for cash,
I the bidder, on
containing acres more or less.
A one other tract beginning at
Dad's corner and runs a souther-
course to his ditch; thence i.
Superb Service to
on Saloon Decks.
Elegant Table Dinner flub to
Mile attention and the very best service In e way
Leave Norfolk of Jackson daily
p. m. Arrive in Baltimore a. n.
lines for New York, and all points art and west.
v ,.,. A Is
never sen. so It hung from a
nook over be
t take along mi beat gM a n .
and were a few other little be-
longing which must a
With. Well, when the thing
what had I gathered V
watch, not my best picture,
not anything I had thought I
would, but
with of beef and nothing lo.
not n of
of good to in
dire extremity.
How did Ore start
whoa It la to keep
all In la to go
to the Mil at any time, but he M
to carry a f- ;
,.,.,., of car.
l a of born,
enough light tor
of W. B. He will
you Better Feed and More for
M than any man in town.
W. B.
Brand, Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all o.
In Turkey.
In China ladles arc attended by
who hold umbrellas over their
heads. The Chinese and Japanese In-
both umbrella and parasol
Into their decorative work and athletic
In western Turkey It Is
to close an umbrella on meeting
people Of high rank, n European
traveler who was passing one of the
mince of the sultan was nearly run
through by the guard below he eon-
that be must down th
open umbrella he carried.
passing the actual residence of the
sultan lower nil umbrella as a earn
to brother of the sun
I s M O O I N
. pi,., room and larger
Sam White store on
General Merchandise
Opposite i enter Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
solid car load BUCK STOVES
course to his ditch; up; the late Ur. w. n. u.-.
Guardian for Mary I. Smith. David G. S. w Henry line; thence an undivided one half interest in
Smith. Gertie Smith. Martha Bell with line to Forbes d . ,
and J Smith.
Land Sale.
By of the power contained
in a Certain mortgage deed by
H. A. Boyd and his wife, Elizabeth
to H. on the
day of March. 1908. which said
deed is duly recorded in the
of deeds office of Pitt county,
in book 0-7. page the undersigned
will expose to public sale before the
house door in the town of Green-
ville N. C . . i, Tuesday, the 12th day
of January, 1909, the following
ed tract or parcel of land,
in the county of Pitt, State
of North Carolina, and described a
adjoining the ands of the Bryan Grimes
with line to Alfred Forbes
line; with Alfred Forbes line to
a short leaf pine in edge of a pond .
thence a straight line in a
course to an In the avenue ; thence
a straight line to the beginning
mg more or to
said f Trust.
This the 2nd day of January.
i J. R.
F. G. Son, Attorney.
This the 6th day of Jan.
Nannie D. Bagwell,
F. G. Jame Son, Attorney.
satisfy said mortgage
This 31st day of December, 1903.
Julia Crawford. Mortgagee.
F. C. Harding, Atty. ltd
For all information and reservation
By virtue of the power of ale con-
in a mortgage deed, executed
and delivered by Walter Hardy
I William on 3rd day or Feb y, 1908,
l and duly recorded in the register of
deeds Pitt county, North
in book 0-8, the under-
Pitt county. B e D. C. Moore, W he door g for
Lloyd W. Smith I h the highest bidder, on Monday,
.-. , u at o'clock M. the
Mary Smith and husband, Haywood real property, to One
ninth, David G. Smith, Gertie Smith in township on the
and Ivey Smith, General Guardian ,., bounded by
the river on the the
D. W.
of Sale.
North Carolina I In
And Provisions
j Cotton and
, -i on
Notice to Creditor.
Having qualified executor of Mr.
Bettie P. Sutton, deceased, late of Pitt
county, N. C, is to notify all
persons having claims against the
of deceased to exhibit
them to the within twelve
month from date of notice, or
this notice will b pleaded in bar of
their recovery. .
All persona indebted to estate
will please make immediate payment.
the 23rd day of November 1908.
ltd Henry
I appointed by . w-.
H. II. Proctor, in the petition, will sell
Skinner Whedbee attorneys for to the highest bidder, for one-half cash
O. Hooker assignee. 1211 ltd and balance in one year for
v. i a court Pitt county,
in Greenville, on the day of Jan.
1909, all the right, and of
the to the above entitled pro-
in and to the following de-
tract of That certain
tract or parcel of land conveyed b
I. Smith to Mali Smith, his
wife, by deed dated the day of
and recorded in book
page , of Pitt county con-
acre more or situated
in the county of Pitt and Beaver Dam
township, and adjoining the land of
Willoughby, the Cobb land and
the L. Smith
the 15th day of 1908.
J. L. Fleming,
door to Sam
All kind of Candy made
Large line of choice
When you want the best in
thew line call on us.
kept con-
Produce Bought and Sold
At Big Store
The Big Sale la going on to money
for creditors. Come quick and get your share of
the Low Prices.
w; tn trim
be bulled aft fa
could and rolled gun
con, ii. ct even. I
It and ran aloft
rs Have n saying, devil to
d no
i, mi. time, and the
Home of the
ran after him. hut It was Impossible to
him. no was too shrewd for
that The gang up
that gun men never did so
m their before and put
Int. the for bad that fool
y dropped
would have the ship to king-
without disaster, but for hour.
that creature sat there picking
cotton from and throwing It
As I taM, the sods
would have been had It not
been fraught with so much danger. It
have been en mys-
but It We. Du
D. W.
North Carol i n a
Furniture And House Furnishing Goods
For Cash or on Installments.
In Occupied by Dispensary. Stick of
He bear misery beat Who
, We have Scale to weigh your coal,
I keep all kind on the yard, dry wood
and quick Phone
Cotton Factor tad o
See W J. before buying
for winter. Be can
you a bargain.
ha run up a heavy
are manager here, eh
Well, six month ago I dined here,
unfortunately, being unable to
pay my kicked me
The m-
sir, but business, you know
that b all right, old
chap, but-might trouble you
The Warning.
oner, you used half
wilted fellow
have beaten most cruelly.
i lie attacked
me first. i- n and
me no end of trouble on Hie
farm. not ray fault his being
idiot, my lord.
Judge should
member, that idiots, after
nil, are men like yon and me.
London Scraps.
Not tho Gardener.
When in 1883 Freeman
was Battle abbey be
found dogged by a mm
who, ho thought, somewhat
obtruded his offers of
After trying to
ho broke forth
don't want your assistance. he
Duke of Cleveland promised that
should not bl interfered with by the
gardeners. ,
was the reply.
hope they have obeyed my order.
I am that Duke of Cleveland.
any danger no. .
tire, and the pi. . tho i u
I of n now amid
tho that which we know to
I II- before ho
, ,, ,, ,. , ,. from New
i upon tendon bridge Mr.
down Into of a It the with
had that applied It to ma. a
. of and An bad
. Mil m there, they W r ,. ,, , an article In
all hauled k toM
the sun to dry and to lint, nm, Horace says In one
A Fair
A. quarrel had taken place at a
fair in Ireland, and tho culprit
being for manslaughter.
The doctor, however, had given
to show that the
abnormally thin. CM
prisoner on being asked if he had
anything to say for replied,
honor, but I would ask,
that a for a man to go to
what the damage bottom
of the on
, found of candle and
put it In his pocket. Tho
Us,, favorite on
found out bow the
They knew.
The captain the
that Is. lo the deck. But
he couldn't prove anything. So after
a week or so be restored him to hi
We came near tire
once, and. while It have been
very serious. It was really funny.
We had hundred pounds of
run cotton on board, and. that
It might have gathered dampness,
got up the case from
the magazine, pulled It all out and
It on the warm decks fur aft In
the sun to dry. Away forward the
boatswain's mate and his gang were
busy with tar pots and ropes putting
Mine of their stun In order.
We had on a mascot In tho
of a monkey, one of the largest
I have ever seen. He would stand
quite three feet high.
Tery Old Nick for mischief. He was a
great nuisance, that monkey, and must
always be doing what he saw any
the men doing.
Well Mr. Monkey saw the men with
warn tar, and nothing would do
but he must have a hand In the job
literally, so ho ran forward and
hands Into the pot and a
Of his letters. last some
traveler fro. Lima will visit England
and give a of the ruins f
Norfolk aM Southern Railway
ill he
wrote in Blanche
album that ho wished her a
life of
that all right I
it would been if
he hadn't turned around and within
months married
as City Independent.
Some women's hair is naturally
or wavy, to the envy of then
friends of the sex. Others
have straight hair, which can only
be made to wave or curl by artificial
means. The difference between the
two is easily explained. Straight
hairs are oval in section. A s
hairs kink because they are flat in
nieces. The heat of the curling
tongs when applied to straight hair-
causes each of them to contract on
one side and to curl In that
whence the beautifying effect
obtained, which is necessarily
for th.- abut.;
from point
b SI Washington
c a
Ami ft Wine
limited .
H. C
star key
Has a Nice Line Fresh
Groceries and can Supply
your needs. He pays high-
est for all kind Fur
est price
N. C.
All work
French Cleaning and Dying,
W. Ant .
Barber Shop
Edmond Fleming props.
Located in main business sec-
of the town. Four chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber.
Our place is razors
sharp. Our towel
thank you for p.
and ask you to call i . when
work wanted.

In Charge of F. C. NYE
I. and Rites on ;
i awl service they cannot be
perjury, not
Horse blankets and .
Nichols. carrying con-
I . , . . ;. plead, gull,
; . . Clark, carrying con-
. weapon,
., ,. ,. . i . ,. . sentenced tour months on roads.
rut . a Peter forgery,
. . defendant pleads guilty of
. . was suspended.
. nice hearse
f .
p i
i. .
i . .,.
I . , . .
. . of . .
. .- . .
. Cox .
, suspended
. liar at
rose to you.
. . . I
rs, Syracuse
. . i
that will i
, Barber
ill farm I
. .
i-. x, carrying concealed
ads guilty,
true bill for murder against
I Charlie . charged with kill-
Luis Little.
Ned Clark William How-
affray, mistrial.
James Smith, liquor
without license, guilty,
suspended on payment of
Ed. Fleming, Ed. Fleming, Jr.
Joy and Noel Joyner,
affray, both not guilty,
both judgment
suspended on payment of costs.
George Philips, secret as-
sault, rot guilty.
judgment bi Dennis At-
days or. for
carrying concealed weapon,
stricken out and judgment bus
upon payment of
Mike Atkinson, larceny, plead.-;
guilty of forcible
judgment suspended upon pay-
of costs.
Notes Finn Our
N. C Jan. 1909.
Dr. II. W. Battle, of
will deliver a lecture in the
of Winterville High
Friday night, Jan. St
V o'clock. All are most cordially
i invited to hear this lecture, for
to the root of the whole mat- I . . f
sat U a treat in store for us.
and restore the action of the ; Dr is ore of the leading
liver to normal condition. preachers in the state and for
Give tone to the system and j oratory he stands second to
We are glad to announce that
light purse is a heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER Is the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
1704 1603
Import Notice.
My sketch of Pitt c are
now y for the print
the convocation meeting of
the New Bern district will con-
with the Episcopal church
here Jan. and All
cordially invited to attend
these services.
L. A. Manning, one of our
C id y and Robert Dar-
n, affray, guilty, judgment
suspended n payment of costs.
r v. forgery,
. on roads. Si i
,; fend a guilty of
r y in which j. mt was
non and S. S.
guilty, n
fir i all
i ; H I, carrying con-
i, in, pi guilty,
ins, against
d r had e .
an I
; day. 19th.
murder, jury
. have decided
r the printer, and leading young men, left Monday
to add of , Florida where he
prominent . ,, the future. Our
wishes g with him.
Miss Mollie Ward, of
here Monday accompanying
Charlie Pi.-. .--------. ,
returned verdict guilty of man- .
slaughter and no a .
mercy of court, up scheme and I have
S small colored boy far minded t
recently a girl by a f her water who entered Winter-
and shooting High School,
be Judge alien said he who have and are making things ,, v. T. H. King left
ed it best to the boy P day Goldsboro to attend to
until he i. r People and ,, n ,
., . life or who u. v
p in, i .-. , . i
I a
and children
turned Tuesday from
p Hill where they had been
Vi Ii
V in.
it. months i n
. up . n f
for convocation
at Episcopal church
. it
. I
d .
I. . .
.-. .
. .
. . .
ills, at i
i ; , I
. .
ply j with He-c
i .,.;.
d and ti
y, 20th.
r Hi hi
murder th
i I cl he ltd
i , . i .
. .
an I Ella
i, . i, guilty.
. . . . guilty.
,;.;. , c in-
en. I the i i In
. at ,.,. i Ii . i up d
n David I . . O-kl-y.
it j . ck . o . will
. , . the
till and , . kill; ;. White
. it.
Ada I .
m . p on
I N d Kit-1
temp i ire not
Mi Butler, r
for such . i I N. C. Jan.
,. . public re -la char e Tuesday night, service and
i, will I on half of which Wednesday a. m.
must be in advance. vie and communion.
will also p. m.
No man can afford to
a record. ,. .
T . can-
i. ,
The for
.; inn i i- .
. , . i ,. I ill KM
morning's session M of Pitt county will
. , . ., i .
just before i hi t for I cloth, sell for
Wednesday night, service and
urn. Thursday a m. service
sermon. Thursday p. m
tan's Auxiliary and
V .
. .
at vi r-
The jury o
mil in V . often receive severe I
which was guilty of murder in cm
, , , . . . V mill I
record r. .
n the prisoner.
T. King. I
fer the are little
globules which act n
the kidneys. A will convince you
, , for Backache,
feeling. trial They
blood. Sold by John I.
. .
Ii Boon
Scald i,
i I i
Quickly l In i
I boils, felons; beat
. from whiskey., Relief is
, . I. W n.
n e,,
v, abusive I In I to his
and i .
, i Is i son.
, t j i aid, when wed
will treat you
Sale of Personal Property.
insisting of mules, farming
Implements, boiler and engine,
hit cart and bunks, farm carts.
Tie Editor Made Clad. Also screws, logging
, . ., chains, ropes, axes, etc. Corn
At the Geo. Moore
farm, near on
c .
per Carroll
i Tin Mellie
bodies. right. Call . f not guilty.
,. ,, . Herbert Dudley,
i ; n
. g j ,,, -i on
do well . W
. . t i. ., . . lit fill
. r a token near em
k had bet non end a 22nd, At
i. hard to J P
m Sew of it.
whiskey for the j This morning M
love of it, but for tho he for up in the Woods
. i in v n in the liver relieves heed-
gets out of it, on kidney dis-
,.,.,, . . ,. . , man. hf was presented .,., M., ,.,
man. B ,,., chills or and r
license the . liquor we- . ,. carved and engraved on system the
are to some parties to the tad ,, Te token , g ; ;.
Mr. H I
,. c ,. re
.;,,. , . mayor h
Id advise S Mays on road
n- an i
i id . -l months mads,
r appeal
mayor's pleads guilty,
., i ii- orders
A i S
. .
r, E for i
. is re
talking to our young men in , . i, guilty,
regard to II judgment suspended upon pa-
; ; .,. ti es ha been
b, B. J . . lit,
on and John
rut .- of coal
Henry House, assault with
.; y weapon, pleads guilty,
next r
Fresh seed rye
Barb r Co.
The new reversible disc bar and costs.
row an up-to- Henry
date farm. Sec us before
Harrington, Barber Co,
Get the plow for
tearing up new ground
Harrington, Barber Co
B. T. Cox came in from
Raleigh Thursday morning.
Chickens and eggs a specialty.
and get the beet prices.
Harrington, barber Co.
We have just opened a large
Una of best enamel ware. Come
and get your pick.
A. W.
Remember the Heel
wagons and made by the
A. G. Cox Co.
Winterville, N. C, d
with deadly weapon,
guilty, fined and costs. Same
d f id plead guilty of carry-
weapon and
was suspended.
James Smith, with
de . ; guilty.
right assault with
d v. guilty.
The jury returned a true
lull against Primal
Perkins, charged with killing
Simon Brown, Jr. They w re
turned a true bill for murder
against Jonas Warren charged
with killing Ollie Warren.
Frank King, affray, guilty, a
months on r
In the case of M,
and Ella previously
c fornication, Williams
was sentenced months to the
roads and to pay all costs in the
months on roads.
Atkinson, carrying
concealed weapon, guilty, m
days on roads,
Wilson Wright and Arthur
Price, gambling, plead guilty,
each days on road,
Alfred Atkinson,
and larceny, guilty,
I s on roads, defend-
ant plead guilty of carrying
concealed weapon, in which case
was suspended.
Tobe Stevenson, assault with
deadly weapon, guilty, SO days
James Donaldson, larceny, not
J. Moore, assault
crime resulting it. With
out of I we
will have lit e crime that
, m ants anything,
is at the I of all our
The pi of county have
an important lesson to ham
trim this case. This sentence
it . .
j on 21-8 times as much us the
touched our hear as an b
of and .
will treat you
fir their constant d p of
1.0 the interest Remedy will you
and also tor tins marK or j, for ail form of
esteem that comes from riles, Bold by John
I one of them.
was a term of four years in the
penitentiary, Tho judge said
this a very light sentence,
but the case was pitiful and he
thought this sentence will meet
the ends of justice and reform
the offender.
will treat you light
it this
the quickly relieved with
system com.
pleasant to take. But for
treat you right
not that Dr.
is tho beat known r-r
all Bowel Complaints, by,
J. I,.
A over Bronchi.,
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar For Year
Law Are Doing at
said he had not classed
ton as a four-dollar-a-day roan,
but it seemed he was making
day. J the senate there
While there was considerable few new tall.
high school
An act relating to a
primary- By same, an
act to require all railroad com-
I money He said he to
One by Sena- ,. and he with electric headlight.
to place solid it. To
business and many u. fix their were commissioners to
no .- I i
I .,, the senate and house on on salary
Wednesday, nearly all were of,
purely, local nature third read-
only certain sections. v
15th. Put upon its passage the
resolution was defeated, as were
also a motion to reconsider and a
Senator Blow and
Gordon yesterday introduced
bills to abolish the fee system of
the solicitors and place those
officers on the salary basis. Mr.
bill provides that the so-
of Confederate
levying a tax.
Relating to mailing
public documents by state
I to support the prohibition
law as to th.- laws
There is a proper and not for .;,.;.,. to en-
public interest as to the ,. ,.,,,.; are
present North , matter of
Anti-Saloon League,
to this feeling we
thought it advisable to the
The committee gave the bill to
increase the salary of the corr-
labor and printing
a favorable report. There
a resolution to pay the expenses
of the inaugural committee.
Among the new ills
To amend code as to seduction;
to amend law as to inheritance
passed two years ago, and that
when the revenue bill and
had been made we
should go home on the date
With two work. That grouse and quad for two years
w people at home were working provoked more than
; I for cents an hour, while the
legislature drew a dollar an hour
for the work done. Fifteen days
following statement.
Cyan overwhelming majority
also in the matter
prohibition, duty of the
U the ii
,, should be
people of North Carolina
and their
. e
i i
by the statue.
the people M w
have declared for the suppression Ly t t
of the liquor traffic in this ,;.,.
The State Anti-Saloon j;. .
simply for the enforce- sentiment
of this expressed will of behind
any other during the day. the of the and such c;
house. anneal with confidence w minority, the
bill to put solicitors Ly laW a ,. . the
game enforce-
I General Assembly
will save the state about salary to see
If the body set for special order and . v
bills would com. every After being an M b,.
m having come already. He ed to it passed
elected by
shall receives
lieu of the fees they now receive,
to paid quarterly by the State
treasurer upon a issued
by the State auditor. The bill
would require the clerks of the
several Superior courts to collect
in every case tried and disposed
of in their respective counties
the costs which now are allowed
by law to the solicitor, and to
make out and certify an itemized
statement of these sums collected .
forwarding the state
together with the amount
collected State treasurer.
In the house the bill to increase
the salary of the of
labor and printing came up as a
special order, and after discussion
was re-referred to committee.
grace on sight drafts; as to
liabilities of banks us to forged
Representative gave
notice that on Saturday he would
introduce a joint resolution to
adjourn the session February
20th, and ask immediate
sixteenth day.
The senate met promptly at
o'clock with Senator Pharr. of
Mecklenburg, in the chair, Rev.
Dr. White conducted devotional
Senator Ray, of
raised the question as to whether
there was a quorum present.
Sherrill, of Caldwell,
read a section from the
not and he hoped of more man local
and n.- wanted to the band b estate
w . , v
The moral
have declared for, nor do i. ; stressed
The people require I i ion here,
declared but we do th, wt
Sr it becomes the add that con paW-
day Pro- have l;
cases the proper in brining th p u of North
machinery for enforcing ant,
and tot new policy o, .
all die
that the As a part of o i progress is
is now I i striving for
B of our own State j ship, and because
we call attention to the I .
of St Satin most counties no . g.
is allowed the Scum n
the illicit which it
night Mr. H- and several members sh
found a plate with bar were standing on
he had found the reason I
for wanting to go.
It was At the
the other
v .
distilleries, and wee ask educated
it. and when it went down the
said it was the coldest mu he; c, cases and incidents
as re-referred to committee- a section
The privileges of the floor was, requiring a majority to be
extended to Col. M. B. Whitfield. present and a roll call was taken,
of Lenoir county, who was a I It found that there were
member of the legislature fifty twenty-five senators present, one
discussing for a general law providing for
years ago. Representative Cot
ten. of Pitt, tendered Col. Whit-
less than the required number.
motion of Senator Blow the
ten of motion w
field his seat, it being the ordered to
seat the latter occupied when he oUt, hunt up and In
was a member.
D Another matter that provoked
considerable discussion was a
divorce bill, or rather a bill to
repeal the divorce law that pass-1
ed at the last session. Speaker
Graham took the floor and stated
that the law of was re-
ported to have been passed to
meet a special case, but this was
denied by Representative Kitchin
who said he introduced the bill
by request.
These were among the new
An act relating to
more efficient municipal govern,
The bill related to
and is the matter over
which there has recently been
such a stir between the officials
and good government association
of that city.
An act to protect the
earnings of railway
and give them the benefit of the
KU -a-
the senate all members WOO
not leave of absence.
Senator Mills moved that a list
of the senators who have been
excused be furnished the senate
in order that the mine of those
absent without leave could be
known to tho senate. The clerk
was directed to make out a list
of the missing.
A second roll call found the
the Lawyers.
After the adjournment
evening, Judge C , an
z . also
, upon a
cap- sober J having
thought during Jam tr,
was why he wanted to go. The business the term being has v
Continuing Mr. Dowd said the judge was if he j in Cu u there
house and, home on the evening x .
and other committees had morning and come nothing.
formed their work. Mr. to the court house a We do not believe that the
shaw interrupted to ask if there are any matters Interests can bring any
could not be done in days that need looking over and sign- to bear upon our
Dowd replied yes, but he before I law makers for any
it not wise to an The reporter had joined tho present law, but we do
I group in time to hear this not think M to warn
felt and reply, and the
By order the
Committee of the North Carolina
Clarence H. Poe,
, man.
A v-a. .
same number of senators present,
Mr. Henderson said he
flattered at
to his looking at galleries, bill offered or m the ant amendments.
and that he had to confess to require judges to will
we hid to we had t j remain at the county seat during;
places we had to confess we I the full time allotted for a term;
were ashamed of. but court. ;
knew him W if he got one j Oh, I like that all right, he-
look at the gallery ho would vote, a law would make
to stay here indefinitely. difference with me, a
. , people against agitation
of Judge Alien was asked on , s, innocent o.
bill offered or suggested in talent amendments. To
change will open up the whole
subject afresh, and offer another
much-coveted opportunity for the
forces to spend money
in an effort to corrupt pubic sen
We have seen
a plan to
, Caro-
,, blind man
B , walked
on Neuse
, to tin-
,,. He
and Senator Blow moved
the search for the missing
be continued and that the high-
ways and byways be diligently
Senator Barham moved that
the senate adjourn till Monday
morning at II o'clock- The
motion was lest.
A half an hour went by and no
. for example.
It went to committee or. my custom to remain to the end, the apple growers as rate
of the term any way. But interests
endeavoring to arouse a
The senate all right
would like to offer one amend
to such bill, and that is
every lawyer having business
business at o'clock. There and that they be allowed to con-
J. W. Cahoon,
living near Nu
into an open
river bridge, an
water below
wife and
C. C. Suther, near
Concord, comm suicide by
looting breast.
The Southern R a; has con-
d working
force in the shop- at Spencer.
senators were dragged in. At
-35, Assistant Sargeant-At-
appeared in
the senate chamber and reported
senators to be
On motion of Senator Blow the
was a long list of new bills, but
most of them were of a local
tun- against tuts
no cases, even though afford to make a
counsel on both sides consent to j dike which
and give them the benefit of the to meet Monday
homestead and personal property,
exemption laws. I house
and telegraph companies. J-f. . J
Among the new bills in this and mixed some fun along with
create a library of the bills
. . were to amend the law as
. in.
,. r, . ,
graph companies.
To repeal section of
divorce law; also to expedite-
trial of capital offenses.
The divorce matter brought
out another discussion and was
finally erred to committee.
protect the traveling public;
provide equipment and
of Eastern Carolina Teach
Training and a
number of local bills
Mr. sent forward a
Senator Blow introduced an
act relating to the Eastern Train-
school; Senator Elliott, an
act requiring Superior court
clerks co report to the attorney
The house met at noon.
the new bills were the
By To amend the
constitution as to poll tax and
extend educational qualification
to 1916. , ,
By To amend the
intro- law as the cocaine-
morphine and opium.
By To prevent break-
the Sabbath.
By To establish a
training school for teacher in
Western North Carolina.
counsel on both sides consent to dike i u
it, unless the judge gave to bringing down tho whole
approval to such corruption and Intent-
This put the laugh one
on the
present, but
nor Jarvis remarked can
put me down as agreeing to that
amendment right
If such a bill should be enact-
ed, with the amendment suggest-
ed by Judge Allen, you would
see the courts, especially civil
terms, disposing of a great many
more cases and there would be
fewer crowded dockets.
spirit among
them In the hope of weakening
the law for their own ultimate
advantage. We warn our farm-
against these schemes; we
hole in
d in the
again upon our homes
It is our belief that the- people
of the state, the Anti-Saloon
League, and tho general
are resolved upon
I tan become known For seed oats
policy. Let us have no F. V. Johnston
S. depot.
will tr. you
N. C. Honey in I frames,
cents, at S. M,
Genuine seed oats for
. sale, Apply to C. B. Rountree.
d w
will treat you
to committee. r.
in tho hall of the house resolution pledging the adjourn-
I i , if I i Mi
under tn M rum forward an
Among the new bills intro-
An act to regulate
To protect
hurtful agitation, and If it come,
let the blame be upon the- heads
of the whiskey
If they seek to violate the law.
swift and sure punishment must
be meted out to them. Upon
this point we ask all good citizens
in to be alert. It is the duty
L every friend of temperance,
B. C. Pearce. Jr. who for that our prohibition
years was a clerk in the, thoroughly enforced, but
here and a very more duty of
one, has taken a position man than of any
the railway mail service, and n. it is now
present his headquarters are at, . statutes which
Hamlet. D. C. Dudley succeeds is sworn
him as clerk in the ard whatever his
here. original attitude may have been,
,.,, it is as much the duty of every
will treat you i
of N.
Bell your cotter, seed to F. V
Johnston and get the highest
market price.
Sell your field to F. V.
Johnston, in front of Norfolk
Southern depot, and get the
highest cash pries-
Have just received a big ship-
of 90-day oats. Call to see
us. The Central re r Co-
Heart Shingles . at
j. H. mill. G. l. Tyson.

Eastern reflector, 22 January 1909
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 22, 1909
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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