Eastern reflector, 25 December 1908

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In Charge of F. C. NYE
z H. A. White
r.-v -f FT After s habit
Authorized Agent o The Eastern and Vicinity- Rates cm Application
Ins. in. T sewing ma
Barber Co cl Cat best on
Mm has See us for prices
b Gold Point, interest to
, ; ,. u ., e, A. W. Co-
Bead went to Green
A. A Co. U t a at ville Sunday.
m rig and ties rye.
Barber Co.
. . . ., -i.,;
i weal Rev. E. T. Philips his
ft- t at the Free
,. . List Sunday
a i reaching
Colored People
Many are indeed glad to know
B Sawyer.
Jr. H. been
to the pastoral charge of York
Temple, A. M. E. Zion church of
this city, for another year.
conference year began Nov. 1st
1908. The good people of Green-
ville wish for him a most pros-
Sunday o'clock and at
Bight he will preach two of his
great s At o'clock p
eat of
treat by
ill Use i
and m-r s.
Int. coaled.
Take No Substitute.
Great Sale.
On the 6th day of
Jan. 1908, we will expose to sale
to the highest bidder for cash, at
the residence of S R. Rosa, in
Carolina township, Pitt county,
the following articles of personal
property, to bar-
r la of corn. tons of hay.
pounds of fodder, a of corn
field peas, nine mules, ham
r .
t .
t . . .
. . i i.
. i , i new
A re e ; . v rig left this
n ore i. for I
after b; g spent
c .- i U . Mrs. a. IV,
A rue,
A second- tan buggy bi d
ban for a I
baa i in . a y
. ; p a I
tbs . ,, ail
. g .;. h only
. c m ii i one hi
I ;., ,; to i, i ; new preacher.
i y
M a
convince you
. . are
. cox Mfg. Co.
. the tree
evening at the
i i
ad ton
and B
a get the beat prices.
. , Barber Co.
m m spent -v it
Sale-One mule and two
Albert V ., of spent
the at a M. Bryan.
Greenville t- day.
. .--.
u . i . . .
,., , ,, r , i for firm of
ft in . , .,. s
P .- are W . u.
young men and
learn telegraphy;
for, the now 8-hour law be-
came u
. q any tin . i
Positions pay to
farm supplies etc., for
year of Let everybody
This the day Of Dec.
J. L. Perkins. Mortgage
S. ii.
., t
. i .- . d
. i a .
. k
and to
t-t. awn are
. t, . t . i . . .
u- .-0 i h mill
. it is
t I -r V
i l b M u. k
t j- t. . H Mil at, a . , roll .
Ct r-f i . i. I I -j
. I . i, . m y
V . I t.
I ill Knit I i .
W W i lit
J . -i a m . t . . i i i I hi -r an . mm
. r at i-, J i ,,.
.; ii . i,, i
; . ; .
in to
b one. Franklin
h for . nearly i aw.
Two second-hand
cheap. F. C. Nye.
J. K Barnhill ard .
went Greenville this
arc for good
A. G. Cox Co
Or. night, D e,
Winterville High School will
enjoy a delightful
. the will he
sin pi i U
All tn an loci in .
o this I
We have just opened a large
beat enamel ware. Come
and get your pick.
A. Ange A Co.
Our Christmas go will be on
the market in a few days.
A. W. Ange Co.
Remember the Tar Heel
wagons and carts made by the
A. ti. Cox Co.
N. C.
and service they cannot be
Any one in need of B good and
Will well to
Mr, at the A. G.
Co, before
buy Buggy business is
and w would
By virtue of a Judgment of
Pitt rendered b
Honor, W. Allan, judge
presiding at term. 1908, in
the ease of A B. Walker vs. H
C. the undersigned
will sell for cash
before the court house in
Greenville on M Jan. 11th.
the following described
lands situate in the county of
Pitt and in ad-
u, joining on the east the lands of
placed when Stephen Durham and
ii The Na-
Institute of
Columbus, S . arid five other
is operated under super
vision of it.
Write them for particulars.
i it a-
forgot Dr. Bach
is for
. l; by
Dr. II. Hyatt will be in
at Hotel Dec.
22nd and Tuesday and Wed-
for the purpose of treat-
diseases of the eye and fit-
ting glasses, Ail glasses
Hyatt Is always in
Kinston Thursday, Friday and
G. W. Venters, or. the south th
lands of G. W. Venters and
Durham, on the west
the lands of W. and
on the the lands of G. W.
Venters, containing acres,
more or leas.
This Dec. 10th. 1908.
F. G. James,
. I .
l ,.
bi . i .
v mill In i ; t v,
. i m ,
i . Mil .
Irk I,,.
i. I.
t tint
; V
. . .-j v .- y tattler I W C O. I.
s ii b i .
i v a Ml I I . kt ii
i . . W I ill . i will also i
-1 be If a . .
t-. .;. i p- n a
i r i . y . in i. .
r I ; ii. i r i l H buy .
iv well u ii you racial f will
vi i it h c
. e,. j. , . -t-f-T ff r i .; cl X Oil I T ff
i ,. ;
mini I ii . m v. i i our Ci which
aid Mai . urea at i
. i am hi i
i . i, . Write It
ailment la almost Instantly
I Many
have it.
. in j. i and Coward
one f . i r
hi t you pi j re i any,
i i I
. i ft I
. . prettiest lines i
I I . . . V
. i Barbel
i . . . i .
. .,.
I . . . .
i . I
I . L . i . . i J, I
. . ., i and
ion, i
i . bouts
i I
i r .
d j i ht, I
. . i . . i. In, a d
A I bi
tin, V Co,
h p sat
sago can be d at our
Lunches short
notice. Sutton,
The regular mis. ion meeting
. . .
i. .
. ; . Lie;
j. J. Hi . mil . .
. d i Warren,
of Sale.
North Carolina In court
county, i c.
Lloyd W. Smith
Mary Smith and
David Q. Smith,
Mar, David U.
and Smith.
By of tile Judgment and
of clerk th, mail,
Hi.- above entitled on the
of December, s, the under
, J. I. Fleming,
by court to mil th
In n will sell
to the highest bidder, for coal
hi . In one for
I at the court house door in Pitt
great best brass band ,,;
all the rig t, and i. o
to the . I pro
. n and to . I
i i i of ii d Thai
. . . and i
i. mil h to Smith,
,. by n i t I
. and i M
. of Pi . r.-. eon-
,. i . i- . i ml
i . t. I'm . Dam
. ,
l i ,. i i. i
till II I. . I II
; d y of
I lei i
in the state, ;. balloon
of fire
, a
i n ,
run out of while
in the a dab
put uh oh lo
we I lint for ten
II bad.
H the Inner bark of tile
red willow. You dry II. then you cut i
It up. It really mutes like
The Indians always use It when they
can't net the real thing, I Under-
stand that are certain Wanda
Canadian tobacco are
Th. African Elephant,
man and, as n rule.
At approach, tile elephant
When often light la
prey. have
very large earn that even back
beyond neck and cover part of the
flank. In color the Kongo elephants
are of a blue, almost
tint. No one has even reported
of the sacred while elephant
of In Kongo
have more than
fourteen feat high and
Si more than eight In
weight. Tusks obtained
i more than pound in weight mid
. fix feel I a half In length.
Changed Rods.
The l not
Asiatic except III
tin- absence u I ,
Ilk- mark which lat- .
It la the a
known inhabit and
the liberty of subject, said there
I i i are
I I h in .
, .
i .
i trial
. i . .
h .
. i ,,, Toys, dolls, doll
,.,. ,, , w hon , drum, o I
i Sam
I -1
i i depot. I I
Hen v S, Skipper and Bailie
Claudius S and Minnie
at the Baptist church Sunday Glover,
was well attended. Charles and Stella fer-
A. G. Cox
Co, ate now in posit n to sup
ply you with Heel
box bodies and Tumbling
bodies. Prices made right. Call
and see them.
. J. and
I-. Ida i I
ii . i i , ; i,
. of I . i ,. . u, . , It
i . i . ; .
I , , . , , i., I . i , . ml .-.
l i II mid f , ;.
i. v. n
. i . i
i, e . i. i. I
j i a odd for i
I t of in , .
he . sate and profitable investment,
i I to ire n -l, ,,, ,;. i ;,. i.,, ,
William Hathaway and Fannie i
an . now ii Dr.
It l the t. .-
These know how
by f i . ti
a Del In
w the reptile i at I ;
h It . h. r,.;
n In That.
. . . If i
I, i r i , i th-
he II el III I i.
ran lo I p i Tin what
. .-. much
Mr. I i i give bit i
i. . i . hi in i
enough In
park, on afternoons
to n the
oral home tea. It Is a
able fact, however, the he-
ti . In no Mate
re the i . u
rare or by
A Limit.
Mm, her
would you do If were to
ii would me
U. Would yon marry
Hi neck i think l would be
bi that. BI. Paul Pioneer
. the close of . Nov. s.
Wright Williams
George Hunter
Willis Harrington and Bettie
and Nancy
and Lillie
Lug i ail ii divided woman, and child can own a
n the following Begun a
point on feet Ir.
c of No, Bi, in
or Main
f. et. with Third I A pill in that will nine is
wist to rot No. I In Kb g Little r Pill For
line of lot No. north to Third street, They
there along Third street, t to the rut gnu, Sold by J no.
Dec. K.
I mid mil
It ill I
Pin- from Hunk
H inkers
i h i
i mill Coin
Hill or i all
minor coin i
bank notes
other U, S. notes
Total I
; . p
It. 007.12
current exp i and
paid 118.70
I i i
i in- I 1,830.1
D. p. in cheek 7,096.011
i i checks
F. G, James,
If Will.
state of North Carolina, of
I. I. hi. tie named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above i true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. L JACKSON, Cashier,
d to inc. I Attest
this 8th day Dee, 1908 i J F Harrington,
It. J E u.
Notary Public. I WK Directors.
is the n moral el the
Noon-who takes Dr.
f-ii ii- M
. I'm curve t.
h . i , I
An over Lung and Bronchial Remedies, because it rids the
Of a cold by acting a cathartic on the No opines. Guaranteed give
or money refunded. Prepared by CO. CHICAGO. U. S. A.
D. Editor and Owner
Truth In Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
I Christmas With
I The
k. chronicler of Chi tat Ball So-
Sea i;
I ii- has
than In the
line read the paragraph retail
to Hie of the h half
a sad weary.
The spun h every here
in chimera
when the hero. and
Ms servant start
Dell. t the hour of their i re
Is hi
n. if
the f r
on of I .
of In v. I
n. I
w.-r. id
he i
all ins null nearly boo
the fr -f ii.-i i . i
year i
lit-- i to
call hi.- I
of feasting rev, i lo
away. Oil .
u t -i.
. ill four i . lie . i
country where .
over tin- hard and i pr I w
Ins up as they near a
town, where are i It d.
then again along the open
road. the air .
their faces gladdening very
hearts fie;, arrive at
Pell, where we are ;
to personage, the boy,
He Is an old e of Mr P k-
but to Sam Waller fa Is
To follow this Dial ;
in settles
win. coachman, Mr anS
his Hires, footpath
walked I away,
Mr. an-l the hay con-
for the i.
i tho bey
without a word,
his t
the wen- still, the
of i line to hi- own use and
. ; . . i i by
It u-s l, to s- Mr
in tin- pan.
ed my Sid I hen Bad hiss-
ed on i .
on the s. and hear I e
i-r .; J
l day.
was . I -n l good
r The party aB
a of
where Mr. v
the of a man who
his there
of. by Mr.
aid. and
bay by their Joint efforts
col a all ban Is part
Says the of day's
v. . i s I Intel It ten
la I
ho viewed i person I
I i. i h .
I . I
. i I Ian,
around so I i all I . s ox I
,. . pa f-,, . i i . i I
He. an I
, . .
, . i lorn, t n Iv n
, tier i
, , . , . ; . illy i
, . . .
i and I i
. i . . ,, . . m. v. ,
. . every I
I . i .-.
I , . ,. . ii- ti.
I . . , Up . . h
I i .
a In the I ill I
i . u . a, which
, abate.
i. I a go
int. d a smart ran
,. . i i. . pet lo bed a I i given u i
II i ; lea of hot h,
b . n the . next
win i party from
Thu i tell is f
the t rend
could desire. Tl I no t .-ii n
In the
Club lo Entertain
Novelty Invented by
Approved by Kaiser.
If at
out. as
it than
Ire, .
this city remains alive Out Of
and tin waxen
he v. men , . ,
have been to the DeW president and H. A.
When tho
Chamber and Carolina j Themselves New
Credit. trustees the
oat, as son. people ., r. There was a called of j Seldom a passes does Carolina Training
the Chamber of Commerce in the; not forth something to will hold their next m in
.----- , I i -e t and
aid of
It has been not Education to
an in me l not to .
en-en mayor's office make us prouder of e
presided by F. M . Wooten. the the town is have invited the
long in the past, that meeting. of which will
White acting as secretary. very long in me mat
of Ex-Gov. T. was asked Greenville had no really be In inspect the work thus far
to .-ate the object of tie meet- musicians, hut the day is done on the new buildings, and
children of He said that as the Hoard of close by when he said to co i B tor their equip-
s.-r of EaSt Carolina any more, for there will n I e f of
Training School and the State them. Wonderful develop- the sol.
Hoard of Education were to meet in this has boon made Governor Glenn and all the
here on the 31st t. here in the pant yea-, other members of Board of
the I he talent of oar rising Education have agreed I attend
it proper to take recognition itself, has L-n the m on and
their coming and gratifying
when to-
her native
coming lo a
lea has made
tin i
. .
of the ad
vantages of -e
In bi
for their entertainment.
some discussion the
resolution- were adopt
Whereas. r
In the recital i.- ; or
i Friday night by the music pupils inter-
of graded school.
The chapel of the
. s
. v. ,, I-----
, , has heard with pleasure filled to overflowing and the
may be crashed, trusteed of ail t
m, .
., ti. out invited Mat . pi
into the Hoard of Education to meet w th and u I t report I
them at can be I raid that, ii
rent , . r n. 31st, to t a rendered. Th
German gin are tat do, to consider other matters of m and
all and .
That this chamber he j and
.,, .
. I
hi tho
. . i
i eta
. the notion of making I That this chamber and the largest were
h ,
I green i ids. each at the end of a ion in invitation extended to the was richly served.
I wire. the to- Board of education
requests member
a tapering trunk, invitation and to
trunk formed of nothing at all honor our growing city with th school. During the present Bes-
presence on that occasion. n pupils enroll-
That the preside-a of this taxing capacity of both
body is and directed i the building and the teaching
to communicate this action to the force. In the grade
several members of State which contains pupils and the
Board of Education, and tore eighth grade contains
H. Smith made some State-
regard to the graded
i learn
t, inst.
it that
bat in to-
Then she the tree
with and ts
area which the are adepts
and it In a not of nod
wast. Her parents were
quite proud of n Her who
mi , i the In Mu-
i -v It to his royal master,
ti ii. Kin
me for i in
After lo country soul
one i II an I
an i to that ho
in- he g sore
the daughter. -Sew
that they, with four there were none ab-
began stow the thin
In cart, while the lat hoy
and to it a In-
sort lo sou Mr. Waller
working by himself.
The of these two char-
Is too long III reprint but
not too much to use with the
Interest. We pass over
the story of the wedding, which was
the day before Christmas event lit
Hell, at which Mr. Pickwick
himself by n felicitous
get to story of
dance. description of the old
room Is a
Tho best room at Manor Farm
was a good, dark paneled room.
with a i. piece and a
up which you could have driven
ens of new patent cabs, wheel nod
nil. At the upper end roam, sealed
in a Shady bower holly and ever
greens, were mo i
only harp In n
and on all brackets
massive old i
limn-hes each The up.
named biased
crackled on it. and morn
voices rang
through the room, any of the
yeoman bad turned Into
Then died, It In
which they would held
KM dance was over, Mr. Pick-
having with
is told about
tho In famous old kitchen.
Hire hung the mistletoe and did Its
mission well In adding to the Jollity
of the occasion The artist whose
appeal on his pagan has done ex-
Justin to
Prom the of this
had lull
his own hands a of
and this same launch of
i.-. Instantaneously to a
scene of and most
and contusion, In or
which Mr. Pickwick, with n
would have done honor to a de-
pendant f Lady
l-i, ell lie I her ho-
in hi . I
. c
friends as may i sent and none in during i . chamber
will he the guests of this body of November, a record attendance. We
worthy mention. He cook the trustees of the
advantage of the opportunity to i o. i-,.,
urge the
children in school. I will be
while in Greenville.
We a i z I
Chan her of
Comm i already be in
I r Mo i is it. 21st, at
in , in
to the i i he b rd. This
will a v i. in i meeting
d i- a i very
i be in
i .
i the
Whereas the of do.
made a liberal donation to the ,.,.,.,. if t be , hem
erection of tin
wilding of the absence re-
East Carolina Teachers Training of the child.
School, therefore be it Greenville has reason to
of this be proud of the graded
and e work ii is ti and
mill the I progress In
county development I
i education,
That the priM lent t
is hereby
tor t story -re
longer. tho and lens
may we enjoy with the
Tree Burned. Miles
t; w
f . eight
being destroyed his, lighting of
the tn . before mid-
night, caused n flee which
his home In Cleveland, Allied Ham
trudge miles through
snow lie could rinse a re
and n u r supply of
cuts s th ii the faith
he lost
Tho were nil ; when Mr.
mid Mrs. completed
the i to. The father de-
lo light II I
did th i snow-
halls. The . n -1 the
it The
them In their mil rushed to the
street. Firemen brought a lot of
Bra ruined presents from the
been and gone and our things
is the children cried.
begun his
for nil store, lie
ployed the for
lone stretches, but trudged tulle after
mile ID fruitless search. he
rented a storekeeper from his Id and,
burdening himself with a new supply,
trudged home to turn sorrow Into
It High and tho
Cs-i Ever
below la a picture of
mammoth said to be and directed to invite
one ever made. Board of th.
last In a shop In
tie retiring and present members. will treat you
it seven feet blah and County Commissioners, and
the old and new county officers, i
and the retiring end year 1908 is rapidly
members of the legislature from the end-So are our
the county of Pitt, to be present new resolutions will
on December, 31st on the j be made for Some will be
of the visit of the State that is
Board of Education to the East
Carolina Teachers Training
School and be the guests of this
chamber on said occasion.
. d i
no less than
who may t. turn
a rival . may be I to I
that the foil
used III line
of butler,
of sugar, pounds of
pounds of p of
pounds of , 3.000
of peel,
Of lemon peel. pounds of or
It customary to bang up
r de pair
said Mr
o ed Miss Mi-
Brown, you bang de
,. i . ,. . ,,.
,. , . at t lo
. .
A Co ,
I to o a
Ci. . Bi
dent of this chamber be. and he
is hereby authorized and directed
to appoint a committee of seven
from this body to act with a
faithful to the
The new year brings with it
no leas responsibilities no less
duties, no less obligations, the
discharge of these may depend
upon our we were sure,
we would have no need to insure
those who are not sure
that they will see another New
Year should for the com-
like committee from the Caro-. fort of those th-y would like to
Una Club to compose a committee feel sure we are Insured. The
on entertainment of the State I Mutual Ufa Insures.
Board of Education and others
at the meeting of the trustees of
tho East Carolina rs
Training School in Greenville
on the inst.
said joint committee
H. Harriss will show
you how it is done.
II prom
i-i goo th tor Greenville.
It has bet n p r ml that one of
the Deed i ct this tow n was a
that i draw business
from u Is . ti. and make
Greenville a of trade.
During the la I week or two
there has been a movement on
foot looking the organization
of a stock tor
lag such a
This mi with such
gratifying a meet-
of interest I was held
Monday I
take the
to char
and r pi
We are Id the organ-
be .
and of has
will you already b
the charter.
., style of I i c in will
on the inst. , style of the corporate
or an said joint committee
of milk tao , , J , . ., After meeting of tin-1 . ,, .-,. i
of almond paste, icing have full power and authority Carolina
o pound of fresh lemon juice. provide for the entertainment do a general cash
J the State Board of Education, business.
Board of Trustees and other and
. . . a committee on the part the.
it will
of the
There Is a in
when Eve plucked fatal apple
mediately tho leaves of the tree
into needle points its bright
green turned dark, it changed its
.,. I the part of the
guests in such manner and at , L
such places as they may deem. y R
Williams, R. W. L.
After calling the directors of
the Chamber of Commerce in
tine and the evergreen, in all with him. President
, preaching story of man's
fall, only on II bloom
brightly lights and I- conic I
with Thu cam Is turn-
Into a at the coming
the Christ Child, and we have our
H. A. White, r. L and Schultz.
announced the follow
committee on the part of the
F. G. James, chair-
man, II. B. Smith, C.
H. W. Whedbee.
Hall and E. G. Flanagan.
These committees request the
co-operation of all people the
community in helping to make
the a day that will in every
way be creditable to Greenville.
Fresh Pork Sausage at S. M.
meeting of
of The National Bank of
Greenville will be held in its
banking house on Tuesday,
1909, at o'clock a. m.
F. J. Forbes,
d w
For Sale-2 show t. pair
scales, iron sale . i-l store
fixtures- Apply to D. D.

This is the Place
will deem it a privilege to show you a very extensive
Assortment of
Dress Goods, Dry Goods,
Trimmings, Laces,
Ladies Tailor-made skirts.
Shoes to Fit all feet and
Any Size Purse
What Being Burned Out May
Mean to a Business.
Remember that we represent all things as they
regulate the price by the true value of the article.
W confident that the most critical examination of our
complete and very Appropriate Lines of Desirable Goods will
you that they are NOT EQUALED ELSEWHERE
We have an especially attractive line of Holiday Goods
and Christmas Novelties and yew to call and see them.
w . AN
. Li-
. .
beautiful lock and you
of Good
Fitzgerald, I bit, Receivers.
Enormous Caused by
of and Drift-
Away of That Ara Not
Appreciated by the General Public
suppose you Hint
were out from roof to
tin- basement last remarks
who hasn't
seen the menial
they curried
hundred thousand of
returns speaker, at which his
friend settles buck with the comment
that thing la nil right then.
This Is Hie layman's conclusion
most Some big concern
bums out. Inn with Insurance to nu
seeming to cover the loss the
average man Is disposed lo feel that i
Is nil right. He doesn't stop to think
of the enormous risks of a business
which cannot lie colored by Insurance
and which for weeks, months or years
a are crippling and perhaps
ruinous to tin- victim.
Take, for example, a highly organ-
lied factory plant In prosperous times
which has been turning out n real
from bands of
thousands of workmen. This
plant. I with costly machinery, la
covered by upon risible,
material as eta. lire sweeps it and
lays v In hopeless ruin. If
every piece of machinery, every build-
S I and all adjuncts of tho
covered to full value
such a ; n . will the reader dare
make n r pie as to what the
II i ma
Only t tiny i stepped Into
a boo I in it ; as i
-r. cl on ll a III
Pa I In ; street. In the i
, tor i till it r
h ii at
SB n ii j i. weeks after an
. f Hie fire was i
plained the proprietor,
the am the water
bad for as. Sometimes it la a I nu t
better t. have lire yourself than
or to
ii reed to be
of ii Whore
failed to blot and ruin the
Mock, water from the engines in
had flooded It until ruin
descriptive. Everything had been
down, workers In the plant
were and the proprietor
tin- adjustment of the
which be had carrying. Bat
in the . ; f this Insurance Itself
was a knotty situation.
the use had carried pol-
I. lea would have left It the
n i mini rials t
Mm k and m rials, ordinarily a
further carried for
the c . i tho normal
I null on hand
owned by others and contracted
lib lint on y a few no-
re i the use had
I consign
i .
Offhand Wedding and
claim that he brought
marriage of Whistler Is thus
recorded In the of
I believe I am resp, for
marriage to the widow of Mr.
Godwin, the architect she was a re-
pretty woman and very
and she and he wore
thorough I was dining
with then and some others one even-
Karl's They were ob-
attracted to each
mid in sort of way they
thought of marrying. So I took tho
matter In hand to bring things to a
I said, you marry
he replied.
I said, you
she replied.
I asked.
some said Whistler.
won't I said. must
have n
So they both agreed that ; should
choose the day, what church to come
to for the ceremony, provide the
and give the bride I
Used an early date and got the then
chaplain of the house of commons,
the Mr. to perform the
It took place a few days later.
After the ceremony was over we ad-
to Whistler's studio, where
we had prepared a banquet. Tho
was on the table, but then- were
no chairs. on packing cases.
The happy pair when I left had not
quite decided whether they would go
evening to or remain In the
How Unpractical they were was
shown when I happened to meet the
bride the day before the marriage in
fir-, I I said.
she am Just going
little late for that. Is It I
v she red, I only
till m h and a
t. e i to have new
ones one
At the business, November 27th.
All other stocks, Bonds,
Demand loans 11,064.88
Due from 62,026.14.
Items 8,117.44
Gold coin 681.00
Silver coin
currency 1,462.18
V S notes
Total 1817,446.641
Capital stock 26,000.00
Surplus fund 26,000.00
I profits,
rent expenses and tax
Bills payable 16,000.00
Time of
Deposit sub. to
check 118,164.91 184,827.11
Cashier's checks
Total 1217,446.64
State of North Carolina, County of
L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. JAMES L. LITTLE, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me this day of
Notary Public.
Al the Close Business November
A opportunity for a
Bate and investment,
at the bi- land at
N. C. Each and every man.
woman, and child can own a lot
on Townsend
terms. i
and discounts 180,152.17, Capital stock
505.81 Surplus fund
All other stocks, bonds , , ,
, , , . , ,.,, , ., I prof, less
Furniture taxes
Demand Notes and lulls
from counted 7,760.00
Cash items 8.721.00 28,070.88
Silver coin, all , , ,
minor coin currency 401.20
National bank notes, Cash. 1,842.08181,020.48
other . notes
Due banks
Look at that handsome lot of
holiday Parker fountain at
Hector Book Store and have
one put aside to give to
friend. You could not select a
i more suitable
Great Sale.
; r
On Wednesday, the 6th day of
Jan. 1908. we mil expose t sale
to the highest bidder for cash, at
the residence of S K. Ross, in
Carolina township,
the i articles of
property, About
rt Is corn tens of hay,
ii in a r . m , P , , , .
. .,, ,., l. pounds of fodder, a lot of torn,
,; . field mules, one horse,
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
s. Can. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. S. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
fore me, this day of Dec- Cobb,
ember, C. T.
Notary Public i Directors.
. M
G i ,,
in, i . i lie, Zeb on, and
n .
aside fr v. r ; r
Ml I t. T
t- r t -1 n
r j were mil t ;, . a
. the and I
I i
I. . is
implements for about a . , ,, -i , .,
t., crop, carts and Monday. December will sell entire
hi ti cf
h I . . .- i i
; . ; i
i lire I Tl
at . iii,. Br
nil p In i
v.-. Hi
ti ;
for I; i r-
t of other
owned by f;. R.
opp I
stock of Genera Merchandise at cost.
I ti
ii Cl . . .; I etc., r N
under I year 1909. Lei
Grimesland, and Inter-
i W in n
I i p. m
I F v . CH;. Hertford. t .
C Bell Plymouth, Washington, and Inter-
t Hate ; i i .
-i in. From Raleigh, Wendell, Zebulon, n, Farmville
p. in.
NOT I ., Information; arc
I i . . ; II
court, will some one make n
; r. i-. i . feature
the sir.- ,. the binder, who ti
all h If u
lie settled III the supreme court after
r years, f, r example I
c me.
i This tin
ti of Dec.
J. L. Perkins,
K. Ross, Owner.
, ll
special ma
; and ii i
the morning
H. C.
G P. A.
6th through
Atlanta, pa., the following
Ar. ATLANTA a. m.
ATLANTA . a. m.
Ar. noon.
Call on Southern Railway Company or connection
lines detailed information, or
Norfolk, Va
fire the
full for visible, bow
has been
, of first consideration, perhaps, I the
enormous f the concern,
inn ii mi nu I, work of i
i bus me workers,
the in .- iv force
salary la a problem. The
. the owners la to
up i and proved
i i bill the
i bill -i i
I I oven If are u i in
i ., . . of ,.
i i ; in contractor h
have l i
fl i t of i
. matter tho
i. providing Immunity
i of Br . and
de. ever; line
The l ii a total lorn Before It
can he rebuilt ruins old
must i. clan red
f in who bars bean
for Oiling of it-
shut nut any
for receiving them. They turn
t one to other competing establish-
for the work Not only
burned mil low ii
from this work, hill It Is nil
a long chance of losing s-u i
of Ha
; Ti. -no.
will treat you
Hot and Cold
A specialty Electric
and Hair
tonic to ladies
at tin homes.
Shot a per
Simpson and other
a o cents a ya
fluid cents a yard.
Plaids worth
n cents ti yard,
Domestic worth S cents, now
going at cents a yard.
Plows, castings, hoes, shovels
axes, at cost. In fact
everything except Hour, meat,
lard and pistol car-
R. J. G. Move
For Sale.
On Friday, Jan. 1st. 1909, ti fore
the court I will s.- a; pub-
for the real
in the town of One
and on in Sou h
Greenville House its n n i, a
building on same lot. Abo one
lot in the MM
mentioned. Interested can
the property any
W, II.
Sop W- J. TURNAGE buying
your coal for
HATS 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, AND 3.00 NOW HATS NOW AT CENTS
Now is the chance to get bargains, no take sale. I am
going out of the mercantile business mid must sell my stock
of goods. This is a rush sale, don't ask tor credit,
General Merchandise.
Dry Goods and Ladies Goods.
I have purchased the Interest of the
late B. K. Patrick in I ho firm of E.
Patrick Co., and will continue to
carry on
at the same stand.
A ladies department with a
of dress and trimmings baa been
Bo ;
charge of i pi The
are cordially invited to call In I, t
this line. B. F. PATRICK
All accounts due II. A. Timberlake
Son for tin- and Timber
lake for the year 1908 unpaid by Jan.
1st, 1900, to live dollars or
more will be into a judgment, and
all dollars will be advertised
in The Daily Reflector giving the
and amounts and be sold ore the
court in to the
highest bidder at term
hie Dec. b, 191.8.
Official Out of the Var-
Presidential Candidate.
New Dec. 15.-The
total popular vote of the various
presidential candidates at the
last national was made
known to-day in an official form
by the filing of the last of
official vote, that of Michigan.
The total shows the
Watson 33,8.1.
Total tor ail
This total Is by
1,841.531 the total Lumber of
votes cast in the pi evidential
election of 1904. when the grand
total was 13.310.708-
sent i
w m oar
Write to-day I Mention Paper.
r i I
p. of
is Drawing Near
Mr. C. C. Serious
I At Falkland Wednesday after-
SE And the is naturally
on accident that maims
life. Mr. Adams was foreman suggestive.
the gin system operated at
He carted to shut off one of
stopped up on the
I box of the seed screw to reach
the lever. It seems that
crew lox
wagons, horns. drum, and all
r kinds Santa Claus
C. D.
Center Brick warehouse.
The colds l
now hand tao much
he t, protect the children. A
is much more likely to contract
diphtheria or scarlet when he
cold. Tl.- you cure cold
rS. Chamberlain
sole reliance of many
Mrs F P of Ripley.
Tin. have never used anything
other than Chamberlains Cough Re-
for children and it has
Contains no or other narcotic and
may be given s to a child
as to an For by J- 1-
Wooten and Coward to
How about a piano have
on hand several discontinued styles of
ranging in prices from to
These pianos are
time, and as Mr. Adams stepped sold at and
upon it his foot slipped in the How about one aside for
box and was caught
screw. Bis foot was i
and almost ground to a and of another left j
pulp. w One
house went out to see the d ., f i P
man and finding amputation on trial freight ii you prefer, r
tool; off the loot and a you are a seeker
For FARM Supplies and I
Don't fail to see our machine. i
We carry a stock, also a line pi re- L
Machines i i
dolls, doll I upon it his foot slipped in the
pairs tor our .
There is better, r
they always give satisfaction. We B
would also our . -C
American Wire lg
We carry the best quality only Lime
stock i Italic, Bear in .
Land Sale.
of the powers contained
V, V. ,
in a certain
H. A. Boyd and Ida
H. on the 15th
day of March, which d n
deed is duly recorded in the
of deeds office of Pitt county,
in book 0-7. page the
will expose to public sale before the
home door in the town of
Ville N. C , the 12th day
of January, the following
ed tract or parcel of land,
in the county of Pitt, State
of North Carolina, and d scribed as
adjoining the of the Bryan Grimes
heirs, K. J. J,
house, Fannie C S, anders, and others,
and known as the Major Jordon tract
of Ian I. containing acres more or
and being the land H. A. Boyd
bought of John It. Said sale
is made to satisfy laid
Terms of
H. M. Proctor,
Skinner bee attorneys for
O. Hooker assignee.
inches above the ankle. Mr.
Adams is reported to be getting
along as well as could be expect
ed such circumstances
though much pain.
is a rare for you. I j
Phone or writ; to G. G.
man. box Greenville. N. C.
Chas. M.
The Lot Sale.
tho auction sale of lots by the
Southern Land Auction Co. of
Raleigh, on the property
the crowd until nearly
Quito a number lots w e id,
and two
same i owe very
The r- r. i
to ll. T. K
inn to
who d
for I
By virtue of the of con-
iii mortgage
ex. rote and delivered I.
James on the rd day
a rial; record
s f Pit
A succession of colds or a protracted
cold is almost certain to d in chronic
catarrh, wine h few persons eye
who Iv recover. Give every cold the
attention it deserves and you
this disagreeable disease. How can
you cure a cold Why n t try
Cough Remedy It is highly
recommended. Mrs. M. White of nut-
U-r, Tenn., years ago
I wan bothered with my throat and
Someone told me of
Remedy. I using
it and it relieved me one. Now my;
throat and lungs are sound and
For -ale by J. L. Wooten and
Entertainment at Clay Root Neck.
Reported for
All are familiar with the worth.
Yet when mo
Wholes-ale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Eggs.
Bedstead, etc.
Suits, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts.
Parlor suits Tables, Lounges.
Safes, P. and Ax
Snuff, Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots. Henry
Canned Cherries, Peach-
es, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly. Meat, Flour. Coffee.
Soap. Lye Magic Matches,
Oil, Cotton Hulls,
Garden Apt
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples,
Cement and keep n stock on
that Baker . is
, to
full assortment always in steel to choose
Quality lite highest, in fact there is none I et-
it being guaranteed per cent j
Ii you wish to build it is to your inti ;
to see as we are in position to look alter
every need. Don't target that m L
of General Hardware is kept complete with
the very best quality goods. ran nil
your hum a box o tax to u c n load
nails. Give us a call.
mm .
Al The lose of
N. v.
of l-
Hi i. o .-. . i to be agitated, the .
-1 S Rot P.
and dis-
r Capita
th- i e o in
Mela-id . I
,. .
. ll j pi J; .
i- i . . . .
he fl ill ,
,. , . t i How ,
. .
I , t
And such was case the
I It.;, o Dec. when an n
r d . in
end was
,, i . . not op .
h . I
I .-. ; the
And when the time for
. ere glad t learn j
m of dollars
C me . ,
. C
i n, i i;
; .
aid , but I
have found a remedy hat
So well, and that U Electric,
a medicine s
and for run
down W. U
of Ark Electric it
h the blood, tone up the
and Imparts vigor and energy,
to the weak. Your be re.,
funded if it f help yo . at
J. L. Wooten Drugstore,
Noe. her,.
I. o. ;
,, . ,. . .-
ii made
all ix-
Leo P. s Gib p i st
t N Y cured the
sore ever ha i, with
j Nat. and
I I . ii
. .
It. Davis, Cu tin
, W r
with . . . ; ,.,
Lester, payer. , . ,
to e lie day of
I . ;.
Crowing of the Cock.
Will some one wiser than we j
are tell us why always j
crow just about
do, but News.
And we on our part, would
like to know why they crow at
three o'clock and also again at
the middle of the darkest hour-
just before daybreak
They crow at three different
times during the night and with
such accuracy that a clock may
De set by them and not be ten
minutes from true sun time.
Then there is another
If a cock goes to bed
growing-that is, crows during
the early hours of the night with-
out being disturbed or excited-
he will wake up with a wet head.
It will rain before morning.---
y recorded in me rag.-.-
com N in k s
Ms, tin undersigned
in Greenville st
on Monday, January I
p. m., a tract -r
of land lying and being in tho county
and of N. C, and
follow a to One house aid
and lying in or the town
N. C. Beginning the d
of the Bethel and Tarboro road and the
corner of W. J. Ts lot, thence
with the public road yards t
M. O. Mount's walling, thence a
line with W. J. line
about yards to M. O. back
thence about yards to W.
J, line, thence with W. J.
line the beginning, con-
yards more or less,
it being the lot convoyed to Mary
Rosa by M. Blount. To satisfy laid
mortgage deed. Terms of CM.
This the 0th day November,
Jesse Mortgagee.
Julius Brown, Atty.
of the Local Paper
The success of a local paper
depends upon the the local pa-
If it has to go away
from home support, sooner
or later it will become
On the other hand a
town that does not support a
local paper is losing ground.
People will judge a town by the
columns of the home paper.
There no getting away from
it, the town and paper are de
pendent upon one another.
Ch is one of the
most remarkable Mi yet pro-
the relief f rheumatic pains,
and for back, sprains
Th r, lief from pain a inch it m-
in ease cf r, is alone
worth many time; its cost i rice,
size cents. F r sale b
The ideal will be i
in simply piano
by or by till, r-
attachment at will, it is
the most popular piano
today. , ,
Pot beat piano at any price and o
terms, on or
ll, I. DAVIS,
r. m.
A. J.
i and
Not Quite
cents, for sale by
often you can get a fa , L Coward and
Marked For Death.
Three years was marked for
death. A couch was tear-
to my Pieces. Doctors failed
me, and hope had Bad, when my
got Dr. King's
says Mrs. A. C. Williams, of
Bee, Ky- dose helped me
and Improvement kept on until I had
Mined pounds In weight and my
health was y restored. This med-
holds the world's healing record
for coughs and colds and lung and throat
diseases, It prevent Sold
under a guarantee at J. L.
Drugstore. and 91.00. Trial hot-
W nail or screw driver or .
M lacking. Have a good
F void box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
a you could desire, and
we will that your tool X
box does not lack a single
W. useful article.
The Rt tells you where
to Christmas goods.
You get Harm- s
Horse Goods ; c
yon know that
hi. Hi.-
I. .,. I
FOR la A with
i. as of
,. milk
,. A r.- I CU
. i
Vanilla, Straw
I. i,. i
Bold pod arm
Pu-p F C., lo Roy, H
Harvey's Cool and Wood
Y.-J will furnish you with
the best coal, all grades,
splint and soft coal,
hard anthracite, egg
stone and nut. We keep
dry wood and de-
s;. .
,. irks,
I Silver r
minor coin j-,,,., , r ,
National hank notes n . .
. LU
, ii
State of North
PAUL mi.
Iv t I ;
Can be found on Fourth
prepared to clean, press repair i
Hens Clothing and ladies Skirts;
All work done promptly,
made to order when d.
Tour Solicited.
and Tailor,
Greenville, N C.
Scour i g. Chi d i
Mil .
Iii Bar
r Shop
Subscribe for The U- Hector.
s T.
i mi
s v.
. . i
Lead and
. S . I
farm tn
Edge To--is.

Subscription Year
may be ha upon
I th business elite in Th
corner Evans
thirds n
that hue goes right OH a great deal more than all
saying what lie pleases.
Medical Depository.
will come to the
demands from
ties for the establishment of a
The general public t
E in
N. C, 1- I s, .
the revenue crew.
All the time it looks more and I We understand that a move- The
This town is Mock to conduct a large j Was I can be procured for sick-
you can watch us grow. lime mercantile business j made pages end mm. This is a move in the
Such an establish- handsome cover in May
will help all business of it fee many more anniversaries
be much busier alum making the trade it draws, under the present editorial man-
the new presidential cabin.
than is Mr. himself. tiling you know the devil
I may actually get his duo.
The dub is growing
take a
Hie president may feel small seven
senate been arrested
on the charge graft. The
If the weather is bad. try to
forget it and be happy anyway.
Won't some people be tired
about the this week winds
Let us all determine to make
the 31st a great day for Green-
are not over hard to suit
just pass anything up tor our
They are gathering the holly
and mistletoe fur Christmas
Beware of the as eggs
are high enough to make your
head dizzy.
Do not overlook to make hap-
the children, and every one
else you can.
over the way
ed his Paulina canal scandal
but we doubt if he-
A ton of coal or n cord M
wood, or even a smaller
of r. would a timely
Christmas present for some
a handsome page illus-
right direction and will do much
to prevent the old-time drug
store blind tigers. Most drug-
gists will favor such a depository
because they do not wish to be
troubled with beeping
cants. Those- drug stores that
keep if for and sell it on
the need to be denied the
t rated edition as an anniversary-
bankers were bribing the number. The
. , . i stores into disreputable
and the whole push got Greenville the
lies offered are attractively get . , ,
forth. The is a We medical depository
I paper and is edited by a has solved the question
The Neck Common-
wealth this week issued quite a
handsome eight-page Christmas
edition. Mr. Moore, who re-
took charge of the
it spite of what Mr. is up t
gays about it and his threats, high standard and making
the Now York World stands pat splendid paper.
in wanting to know who got the i
Every now and then some
. low in this country starts out to
The Charlotte Observer gavel find the North pole. A man in
its readers a Christmas number has started an expedition
of pages on Sunday. It a hunt for the South
something tine in the way of a j polo. That sounds more like it.
newspaper. Go south when you want to find
the real thing.
By the time Mr. Roosevelt I
gets out of his
club may he so large lie cannot
manage it. It is already keep-
him busy.
in that prohibition county. It
supplies the proper need for in-
t at a
and makes drug-store saloons
ill tills
. I
Prom either the standpoint of
qualification for the
position, or for service he has
rendered to his party. Col.
Skinner should receive the
appointment of Federal judge
Eastern North
the late
u i strives for the
moral as well as the material
uplift of his
The Greenville Reflector's
trade edition was nicely gotten
up, and a credit to the paper and
to the splendid hustling city At no time of the year does
that sustains it. Editor Which- injunction unto others,
ard is a live newspaperman, one M
who stands up with might and bare force,
rim for his community and its M And yet-how
brilliant I . biog carried
mind The Reflector always an failure, is Christ-
fleets the heartiest and best for all f anxiety
. pr
it r. to
wash that comes
will I
scrutinized to see that all to
. darned in the stockings that i Judge
are to be up.
It is to a dis-
have named another tressed family, nor does it bring
. I a ,. ,, back to life for the
t, C. killing to I accidental, hence
. I , I careful how
r . ;. pi u weapons
moral, intellectual and industrial
development, Wilson Times,
The anniversary-holiday
of The Daily Reflector, of
Greenville, which made its
last week. Was as
pretty as shoes and red
It is a most creditable
a i well for th
enterprise of The Reflector and
to many, who might otherwise
be given a season of relief and
At no period of the year is the
excuse of no money, when a bill
is presented, so quickly
ed. At no period of the year is
the promised
January go generally given.
r matter of not
paying accounts, not buying
Initiating Young a Full
Member, of a
All the peoples in the world hare
been given to marking the coming
of age of their young folk with,
some kind of ceremonial. In
Africa this is quite a serious
A few of the customs in
use among certain tribes are
Bat in tie main they show a
kind of good
Among the people the
ire in all the initiation or
eon . age mysteries is a man
the rattler of the tails. He
makes with a bunch of
tails, wildcats being which
play a leading part in the witch
doctor's medicines. This
communicates ail kinds of
. t-i tie ideas of his
d iring the of months de-
roted to their initiation ceremonies.
He lectures on the customs of the
tribe and on morals. He teaches
unselfishness, for instance, and
among these tribes the man who re-
fuses to share his food with
is jeered at as
Daring these ceremonies the
boys new names, and it you
want to them past all for-
you have merely to address
them their childhood's names
after they hare passed through the
The or period of
with girls, lasts only one month
and includes all kinds of practical
teaching as to agriculture and
household work, the grinding of
mid the like. Many of the
ceremonies in use are purely
at. when the girls are made
to support a house roof to indicate
that they to be the pillars of
their future homes. But there is
also practical teaching, in-
full and blood curdling
recital of the penalties which attach
to wifely infidelity and particular
instruction. to ho host they
may the end make
pots and Standard.
i town in widen it is I Christmas gifts, and asking th
Now lion i . a
copy of lie N i r World to
go in the
suicide is sweeping the eon try.
Ii people i just slop
inns and . ; re
,. with.
Neck Den
The edition of I be
i-l. Ill F, IS Up .
. .
i. i , . I
. as well as the ,
if, in- i clearly
lb , . Ne . Sun.
in a paper tolls I he
Judging from the reports. ,
will a at the as faithfully and truthfully
Venezuelan navy and put out u ea i, without I ear and
No newspaper should die soon enough
allow in it- columns an N for
the first of Christmas,
means at i thirty d. vs credit.
and perhaps throe months before
being p But take the bills
last those
of -I of November,
of i must lie carried
by along with those
made week.
Add i the merchant, various
other.- to whom are
of a Th- newspaper, you
laying your subscription, long
If endorsements and re
of business with ii
Heller be careful Jim, how
his appointment count tor
you play with such as
it bring on an
anything. Gd. Harry .
should get the the ,
, . i- i- . . explosion.
North t district.
you all light- let a
house on it as quick as possible.
Venezuela is about the most
obstreperous little the
map. She needs to be spanked.
Mecklenburg and counties
registers of deeds by the
nine name, initials and
II. If Meek-
It really looks like is as good as ours ho is
Roosevelt is going to wind all right.
his administration under a
cloud. If a man leading a double life
could take the place of two men
The president may hand out as much as two, ha might
few membership cards in his I offer this as some excuse for his
dub a- Christmas though it would
If you do not expect too much
in the way of Christmas pres-
you are liable to
Such a funny world A
;,, in w ill wear a rat her head
ion run if a mouse gets any where
i toe.
And Mr. Roosevelt has given
another message. Per-
paps there will be some more be-
fore the week is Out,
be lame.
A about to be hanged III
Concord wanted somebody to
dot that Hew
over the scaffold before the
execution. His instinct for
chicken was with him to the
Saturday the building
and loan associations of Charlotte
which had jut matured a series
of stuck, in
mortgages on homes built for
the stockholders, and distributed
in cash, That is an ex-
ample of good done by
building and loan associations.
Bourne has introduced
a bill in the senate to increase
the salary of the president from
to a year
f the vice-president from
to That is going
some, and is not a good way to
keep down the expenses of a
government that is already
spending more than Its income.
The Durham gives some
good advice when it says
giving Christmas presents do not,
give yourself
Several cotton null men at
have just been acquit-
Of the Charts peonage.
The government is pursuing a
very business In these
frequent peonage trials through-
out the South.
We do not think North Caro-
will be much the loser by-
taking the revenue officers out
Mr. Pulitzer up and the Stale after the of
fee cannot he and it is Prohibition will be
Judge Thomas U. of
the States court for the
district of North Caro-
died Saturday afternoon
at his home in Raleigh, Among
those mentioned to succeed him
i- Harry Skinner, of
the present United States
for the same district.
We believe Colonel skinner is
better qualified for the position
than any other aspirant who has
named, and we would like
see him get the appointment,
out favor, comments oh it
with the best intelligence it can
A good is ill league
with all men and women who
think are with all the
agencies that strive for the hap-
if the people.
A newspaper shields no
wrong that ought to be exposed,
and stops at no truth that ought
to be uttered.
A good newspaper dues not
lend itself to the making of
strife between citizens, neither
rages like a demagogue nor
sweeps like a charlatan.
A good newspaper has ideals,
believes in progress, and wins its
way by courage, plain speaking
and fair dealing,
A newspaper assembles
each day as much of the good
things that are done in the world
as it can find and no more of the
foul than it must of news
A good newspaper has
cal opinions and may belong to a
party, but it cannot lie an organ
and keep the of the best
A good newspaper Knows no
boss, bows to no petty astray or
and knows no
but to that which it believes to
be true.
A good newspaper is rim on
business principled, and should
make money and prosper like
any other business, but probably
if that is its sole aim.
A newspaper takes a
cheerful view of the world, is
kind to human failings and
It may appear appropriate
to bring up this matter of pay-
just accounts, so that others
may take the same money, and
pay their accounts, instead of
taking this money, which ought
to be applied to debts and Mid
it for Christmas gifts,
poor and so many
dollars are given to subscription
lists, dollars that ought to be
honestly turned into the. mer-
Mail I Speech.
It i- very well for political
speakers u make classical allusions
in their peaches, but the thing may
he carried too far.
Somebody was making a speech
om -no matter was
his stirring periods
with plentiful evidence of his
knowledge of Shakespeare. More
and morn he grew; more
I from bard of
Avon poured from his boat-
ed Ii d as ho ed in his
i an individual sitting on the
It a i ii In lo platform
grew mi re and more pus; ed,
Al . i could stand
it no . lie Ii toward the
man him.
he whispered hoarsely,
can't ii . it
lie a republican or a Demo-
man this speech l
man do
tho fa ii Us Pews-
bury. V Is one
known as Turn of
which to church In
n murder.
is always rang on Its
It strikes tho
tap exactly Is known sit
Heart Action
There are certain nerves
that control the action
of the heart When they
to any charity, to weak, the heart
money away to buy liquors, fancy, is impaired. Short
articles Mines, when
every dollar for
already taken some person
at home, and win Ii was sold in
faith. Let us do honestly,
in our Christmas giving, in our
charities, but this cannot be
dune while honest debts remain
unpaid, In part, if not In full-
No could be
made a happier one that of
if the spirit and
should lie to pay debts, first,
and then to give to the
and last remember
those who may not need the
gills, I who are loved, and to
whom the love with the gift, far
exceeds the value of the gift.
For Sale-Valuable property
helps men by entertaining them in South Greenville, lot
rather than by ranting and scold-j with building also ad-
j joining lot Easy
Apply to D. D.
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
fluttering, feeble
or rapid pules, and other
distressing symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it.
For fears I I
told mo I had
I had remedies.
win a Dr.
Into my hand, to
try IT. Heart I
taken three J am
riot at all. I am cured
this in ilk did It, I In
hop that II will attract
of I
Main St. Ky.
Your lit Dr. Heart
Cure, authorize him to return
It It
i you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
over Yorkshire tin-
chant's cash drawer liquidate being the lien Christ
that represent food born tho devil died.
long consumed, clothing now
worn out, money that may save
the merchant financial
hardships, if not bankruptcy.
Do unto others, and re-
member the needy, but let there
honest giving and is not hon-
est to give presents, fan
Agent of The Eastern den and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
and also on hind. Each and every member
J R. Smith Mrs. A. R. Holton, of the troupe acquitted them-
I Spring and her friend, selves ii a most admirable man
We thanks for an in- of Greenville, were visitors owing to the
to be present at the in Ayden banquet of our business men the
of Miss Mollie Rollins Mrs. James Evans, from near previous and a social enter
Bo-van to Mr. Greenville, has been here spend- the tame evening, the
Fox happy event takes the week with the family of attendance was The
in the M. E. church brother. Charlie Manning. young people of Farmville
The banquet on th night of deserved more
I the 17th. in the spacious dining for their excellent per-
your of Hotel was a and would no doubt
beauty, have received it had
d with ferns and evergreens The stances been
the for the occasion was give., by
find all kinds perfectly f. business men of Ayden in honor
Drug Store. the tobacco buyers and ware
getting so,., housemen. The
. , of meats, oysters, fruits, cakes.
and deserts, and was
will give an entertainment
the opera house here tonight Lb and Mount, he-
entitled on. J
who have not paid their M- f-
State and county taxes can do so W,
by calling on Stancill Hodges at
the bank. He represents the
sheriff in this particular at this
We regret to learn of the con-
illness of little Bur
of welcome and reviewed our
many industries and past attain
J. B. Booth responded
to the address of welcome- J
R. Turnage on
of the future of Many
beautifully with us-
of cedar, Christmas
wreathes and mistletoe, and the
old fashioned chimney with the
Christmas yule log
took many of us lack
to the old time when we sat
around the Christmas fireside,
popped and waited for
The first part of the pro.
gram consisted of solos,
m- . .
Sauls at the home of her made
parents in this place, Little Bur-
is the of everyone in
We never saw a more co-opera-
set of business men than
town and all we have in our
, ., Norma aim
,, Monday for her home at New
Smith Co. are running Bern-
their factory and mills on full Mrs. Pattie Tucker, of Winter-
General sawing trimming was here Monday.
and repairing of all kinds was here Won
C. R, Williams and Mrs. J. B. Ban-fay
living in o.
fur me ; i year, have it-
tuned t their former I i i Mr. Bridgers,
our new
Greene, of
here yesterday en bu. ires.
Richard Wingate has moved
his family here from the country.
J. W. and daughter.
Miss Helen, went to
Wilbur Tingle, Turnage,
Osborne Turnage are home from
school to spend the holidays.
County Commissioner J. J.
May was here Saturday and said
he had attended a convention at
where leading
men in the different counties dis-
cussed the best way to work
their convicts and many other
things of interest that
of each county should
rod headed and red
neck calf with white streak down
back, red sides, about nine
months old. The calf strayed
away from my about 10th
November. 1908. A liberal re-
ward will be paid for return of
same to me- Dennis Dupree,
Ayden. N- C.
from Trinity, Alien
C and Dixie Cannon, from sweet beyond
The a Haw It Into the Family Circles
Where No Eater.
Mr. The traffic director of
Thursday evening I had the the lines, E.
pleasure of attending at a recent m ling in
Christmas exercises at City of the California
school house near Mr. L. Joy- Fruit Growers Exchange, paid
This school has the this to th-
reputation doing bat while g of advertising
ever it does well always wins a
favor with its entertainments. the is ts
Last evening was no a part of our everyday
to its merited praise for we say life as Bleeping and rating.
frankly it has never been our is a rare person n
pleasure to attend a more enjoy- least glance over his d p r
able and entertainment and t the great o-
than tins was. The it is the only av. . n to
were very effective. The their minds accessible to
and well arranged who have things to sell.
been made i as if pi strength whit b is all its
was on the outside is well put by a r--c
to step in. The writer the folio wine
N. c. c R
Mills Smith went t-i
Wednesday to sell
C. Smith
C. v i to
Gr v. o a
T. E. Little wen
to get bis little
; D. Smith r id
b . ft U I
. wedding.
v.-.-n. t A. i
M. it i,
v- .
in d on Hie
A. J. Pin
newspaper cur. Bug- section Friday evening
into the family circle .
leisure moments in P. II. Smith wont to
library, where no salesman ii Friday evening,
ever permitted to Ivy Smith went to Gm
is in closer an i
a greater influence In the Mills Smith and T. . .
homo any Otter printed went to
thing. To start There evening.
are- in the older Communities a P-
. .;
. inc
but there were so many that doings ha I i
forbids. It is deem their own good
to say that nothing was dose J to current point d but
could have been done L j g mere, a if
E. a .
,.; a U
d id
of U
ii. makes bi t
cold drinks t . n . i
the yea
. Tripp, J. ii.
. l CI
. y to . I c
in . . i r .
y, ii ii ii
. and cask, is hind at
J. Co ,
W L. Tucker came home Wed
from a visit to his
near Falkland.
J. K. Smith Co. have
things hustling the
plant. their reg
work they are
tobacco hogsheads to be
used on this market.
J. S. Moore, wife ard child.
. In i. iii.
. r i
. I II
rd i
Mrs. ;
t i. . .- .
Root, Worthing
John Coward, of
has been spending a few
with friends.
Mrs. v. Hunks ind cl I m
h v ho no t
vi In c
M. E i. i
. an
Black in
scene was rich. scene m
ed with a dance and song in today's pa-
Little Miss Lillian Joy. a m ., ,,.
in the center with the -4
And now that I remind
i-Cit, a friend or ii- Hit
neighbor if . r-l
r. its We u ,,. to
in saying that it . .,, , ,, , ,, , r ,., ,
i, u
risk m
. , . in .
favorably with in .,.,. .
the state in town r c tin- . , .,
Ki n . I, son are
Christmas with his ,
W- C. went to Kin-
ton Sunday evening and re-
turned Monday morning.
Mrs T. R. Lee and
of Kinston, have visiting
the family of her father, E l r
C. C. Bland, near here.
There seems to be no abate-
in the bringing of cotton
who have been on a to rel-to Generally just
near Farmville,
home Thursday.
M. Sauls has just received
a fine lot of perfumes and toilet
Mr. Edgar Worthington and
Miss Florence Sugg were married
at the home of the bride's mother
near here, Wednesday evening,
by Rev. T. H. King, of Winter
ville. We
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon have
a nice lot of coffins and caskets
on hand and can furnish hearse
when desired. Give them a call
when in of any of their
goods. has a good sup
ply of first class wagons, a few
good buggies, and are run over
mailing hogsheads and repairing.
Truly Ed Garris, the manager,
is a busy man.
That Rev. H. E. Tripp, who has
been in charge of the Methodist
church hero for the past year has
been assigned to another field is
a source of regret not only among
the members of his own church,
but to nave him leave is sincerely
regretted by all. Mr. Tripp is
not only a good preacher, but by
his conduct and sociability has
rendered himself extremely
pleasant with every one else and
all join us in wishing him in his
new Held abundant success and
the greatest blessings.
For public school books go to
J, R. Smith Mer. Co.
l en
. you g women Pt
class I -1 i
. o I n a to past ;.; , i
-i I
. t i
. ., Lo f r
informing her .- th ,. ; fa .
. . i. I .- . . . j. . an I. . .
i in my
of the r; r.
; .
j . iv r i ii
on t.
community and c to be mo t I of ad
i. . i ,. the; i the one
of hi little daughter, I a school with such
in their
Bonus, was
For Rent-
house and lot in good;
location. January 1st. I Santa Claus selected the
Apply to Miss Bills Cox, Green, store of White iv Taylor, In
ltd I Ayden, as his headquarters for
Christmas, On
open the am
command your cons
to Any
other printed matter involves a
distinct and separate work, with
all kinds of obstacles. When
you use the you do
i j not have to create circulation, or
must i attend to it. The circulation
hi it i
i won; i i f
to attend emu
Mil Si
went Pol i
her el Mrs, R. A.
at this season the sales her
light, but for the past few weeks
our has been very busily
Edwin Tripp, J. H. Tripp, J.
F. Smith and W. J. Coward came
home from Clinton Saturday
where they were witnesses in a
suit for damage against the A.
C. L, railroad by Mr. Hobbs.
The suit was compromised by the
railroad paying Mr. Hobbs
with the costs of the
Mrs. Addie Dudley and child-
of Washington, are spend-
the holidays with her pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Mr. Lewis, of Henderson, is
here for a few days with his son,
Ed Lewis.
Charlie Bynum, a soldier from
Fort Monroe, is here
Sunday afternoon at the home
of Mr. L H. Brooks and Mrs.
Fannie A. Brooks, In Lenoir
county, Mr. M. G. Taylor, of
Ayden and Miss Fannie A.
Brooks wore united in marriage
by Rev. E. B. Joy of Ayden.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor passed
through Ayden Monday morning
on their bridal tour. We extend
hearty congratulations.
Tho play, as
rendered in the- opera house
Friday evening pronounced by
present as a success in every
ever shown in this town. Every
used thing new and the very latest
and Liver Tablets for some time, and variety. Do not miss the
to see these goods and
a i any tablets have ever used. I make your before the
trouble wan a heavy dull ,
after eating. I
I for lever malaria.
.--- r y. it. t
year, therefore be happy felt with y- neat r ill
the stomach the by making those around I first do a. The
St. , . la MS
.--. C E
hon w. to
evening church.
T. E. w to
Standard cl
Liver Medicine In quid
lie. . the liver well need , ; ,,.,., ,, . .
stomach, U- T. B. to IS
orders and arts j. C
d Monday.
store will Ii
They also liver , y. s
but cost U, t of attraction for
no more a ire sample at J. I. V . .
121-2 times us as the
I Sold by Jehu L, Woolen.
day trade, and any article yen
desire can he found here. Don't
forget the place, White A
and the dale for the holiday
will treat you goods opening. Dee.
U i
and Coward
and see what a splendid medicine
it is.
At the Close of Business
Sold Her Starving Baby.
to e-t A. i. in the
I n
Loans and discount stock
Surplus fund
Car u Ma
was not because did c ,. v. ill conduct t .- bu
love him that nave him ii at the Al
because loved him
In this way Mrs, Mary Levin .
gave her for selling . r
six mouth old baby t. Abraham MISS C. L
of Sixth t. C Nu
for Protest against r- Jen,
action was made to tin; police
today; but they declared they
t unsecured
Furniture and
Demand loans
Due from
Cash items
Silver all
minor coin W
bank and other
profits, less
i cur, exp. and taxes pd.
ii nothing.
did not want to sell him for
money, I did not want to sell him
tall; but my husband deserted
me before he was born, and
Deposits sub. to cheek Is. 172.8 unable to provide for
him as my mother's hear.
, i
M. C.
Due and
I R. Hit of tho above do solemnly swear that
tin- t the boat my and
Subscribed and sworn to be- Correct
prompts. He was hungry and
with me, and he his
e life of hardship since the
was born. sold him that
he might be New York
lore me,
this day of Dee
Notary Public
these ailments is a st I
. Salve. M
.-. vi re s have n cured by it
by J. Ii. and Cowed
and Wool .
-i -iv i
Kit ---y-
i -OR
, . i,
; V
I Ma Si.
mi u
ii . i p

Land Sale.
Land Sale.
Official Statement.
a Of B of the authority in mo Showing the number of meetings held
. . . vasts an order court made in a the Board of County Commissioners,
he superior court fill COUnty , pending in of days each member
His nor court, entitled. Campbell, ad- hath and the amounts allowed
h member for services from 1st.
Monday in December, 1907, to 1st. Mon-
in November, inclusive.
Allen judge presiding at Dec. of H. O.
term, in the case entitled undesigned
i ,; . i. b . i. to sale to the highest
T. W. Co. et . of
against A. L. Jackson, et
the undersigned commissioner
will sell for cash before the court
house door in Greenville on Mon
day. January 18th. 1909. the
or of laid situated in the
county of Pitt and in
township. One tract adjoining
the of K. K. aim J. J.
A. Ii. H con-
acres .-r
and know n as the Alien Jackson
place. Also one tract adjoining
the of J. J. Jackson, Gail
lord Jackson, U. Heath
A. K
more or less better
the C K. place.
Tins id, c 1908
J. ii. James,
Commission r.
January, at o'clock noon.
the town of Grassland, . C. all the
of which H. O. Campbell died
ed in and near the town of
N. C, which has been divided up into
eleven farms or tract., and
two tracts i one hundred and twenty four town
as by map in the
R. W. King,
days as at per day
on com. 74.00
Traveled miles, at 14.05
virtue of the power of sale on
in a certain in rust
cut d and delivered y M. Ii.
Gowan and I. A. M to J. W.
ck on day of
January 1907. and y r. corded in the
r. of needs f
in F-8 page
etc. the will to
sale, thee
in to the highest ladder on
Monday, January 1909. a certain
or parcel of lying a id
in of Pitt Slate of North
Carolina d a. loll as, to-
known as the George Mo in I, i
Model a.
approve y
f freight. nm
time rule the
tent I. in
of the clerk Of 7- rooks, the entire tract own Ly the
ail count r at per day at the time his de th. . ,
horn, stead, farm No. on c mi. B ginning at a , . I , ;
W acres more Traveled miles at an . u h ea t.
------T corner,
and to
MM tut
the U. S.
it to any teat with. If ire not or do u
keep th ship it bark to mat our expense m tr m
w the it i to make
at one profit actual cost. Me t
to by buying direct u and have the
behind bicycle. DO NOT I or tire from arm
t i until you receive our and our
. and to agent.
I when our
WILL BE our nU at
make you year.
ti in ii any We are above factory
lilt can our on plate at
price. Order filled the day
HAND l-KS. We do not Hand bat
illy have a number on hand Liken in our retail e clear
prom. at price U to or mailed
. repair and
equipment all kind at
Farm No as on said ma;
-2 acres, more r less.
Farm as shown on said
acres, more or leas,
farm No-i. as shown on sad map.
. a more or less.
No as Shown
. acres, mi re or
on said map,
M. T. S.
days us at y
on com.
Traveled n lies at
said ma
Notice of Sale.
North Carolina, i In the S. C Bf re
Pitt Co i U. C Clerk.
Ex p lie.
Lloyd W. Smith. Smith,
band of Mary Smith, and Ivey,
Smith, Guardian for Mary I. Smith,
II, Gertie Mar-
15.11 . and Jesse Graham
Smith. I
By virtue of the judgment and
of the of the
m de in above entitled on the
day Dec 1.0, tie
ed, for M
avid G. Smith, Gertie
Martha Bell Smith and Jesse
Graham sell to the highest I
, e fore the e dour in
for cash the
balance in j the day of
. after due
accord to law, th right, title
t of i said Marj S
David ti. Smith, vi a
Bell Smith and Jesse Graham Smith in
and to the following or
t in land,
in t e . of Pitt and Sate of
North i aid more
. at a take
i in tween
., i
.- north ., -J
me canal
i i th
i n a ; i
; Smith
. . . .
i .
. . .
i oak the
. i.- . ii
i .-
. .
, . .- . i r, . ii .;
., . t. . , 1-
i lie
a .
i poll i the
i . re or
m as . o
more or less.
Farm No as Said map.
more or less.
N as shown on said map.
. 7-10 a r s, more of leas,
arm No ;. as shown on said map,
l 6-1 es, more or less
Farm as n on said map.
6-10 acres, more or
Farm No as shown , n said map,
acres, or less.
Also . lo g town lo
Lola in block A numbers to U in-
as shown on said map.
b. ck numbers l to S in-
as shown on said map.
Lot m blocs C, numbers in-
as shown on map.
Lots in block L, numbers to In-
as shown on Said map.
Lots in i to In-
as shown on s id map.
Lots in block F. numbers to
as shown on map.
number one t. as
shown said
Lots in numb, rs to
as shown on said map.
block I, lumbers to
as sh said map.
Lois i-i C . J. numbers to
as shown on said map.
Lots in block K. s to
as shown on said map.
Lois in blue . I., umbers to
as shown on said map.
Lots i block M, numbers to
Lots in bl
P. II. Hand, attended
C pet day
on c m. 22.01
Traveled miles at 86.25
east a. pol.
N. T. attend
i days as at i-r day
on com. HO
Traveled lull s at
Total 5.05
Total amount allowed Board
No accounts have been
Carolina Pitt
I, Richard Williams, Register of
Deeds d ex-office clerk of Board of
C In and for the
County do hereby certify
the foregoing is true .
Given undo- m band at In Green-
ville, n. a
Ti is 2nd day of b.
Land Sale.
By virtue a of
Pitt Superior court rendered by
Honor, R. Allen, judge
presiding at term, 1908. in
the A. S. Walker vs. H.
C. the
k will sell for
I here j north 1-2. cast pol. s to
e gums. m corner,
thence north . poles to a
pine, thence north 1-2 we.-t
to a stake Daniels Ii e;
poles to a
pine; thence south 1-2, west
poles t a oak; thence south l
west poles to Cooper's swan p;
swan p to the b.
ginning. Also at act adjoining
a tr. b g t a Known
as Geo g George Mi r
at corner, thence I
with the Ward's line to the
John L. g line, the
R lower c thence
Fleming line to the corner of
George hue and the Cooper
swam., thence up the Cooper swamp
at d George line to the George
Daniel canal; thence up
bridge in the above named I n. ; thence
with the lane to the be-
The a is in-,
tended to c or less, j
AH the land owned H.
and L. A. km as
George Moore lands, to satisfy said,
trust. Terms one
cash, balance to be 1st.
Secured by mortgage on the properly.
This 10th day Dec.
. W. Trustee.
F. II, Wooten,
Tit nest tires ii
per p.; V. lo
op will not th
pairs last year.
w pairs now in use.
ii . which
HI which s up small punctures
We Have hundreds of letters
i i-t. their tires bee n f
twice in season. They weigh no m
t allow-
by several prepared the
only So per pair. Alt orders shipped same letter
the thick rubber
and strips
and also rim strip
to prevent rim This
tire will outlast any other
elastic and
You not bay a cent until you have examined a
.-ill allow a rash discount of per cent
We C O. I. on
d them
price per it
WITH and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one
plated band pump. Tires to be returned at expense if reason are
examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us Is as safe a in a
If order a pair of these tires, you will that they will rote easier, run
better, last longer and look finer than any tire used or seen any price. We
B you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order.
We want you to send us a order at once, hence this remarkable lire offer. .
don't buy kind at price until you send n or
O Puncture-Proof on approval ind
write for our SIM Sundry
know the w,
Write it
describe . a.
T ac S
on tin
poll S to a .
with ti. .
Smith c
e n t
z. .
V ,
ham and i
In a I .
I J.
in an
said m p.
numbers to
as shown on map.
Low in hi -ck nu , I lo
said map.
Sol, on flew road mid
also fronting on avenue.
Al low J to
,. . v.-
A o i II to I
Mi- new
I, a.- I-- ash a i balance
i cl i. mi be s .
. I rt b r r-
r d at rat
pi i it.
ti him . . C. 4th. .
the price quoted
i. i and quotes all makes and
but write us a postal today. MOT
.- or a pair of tires from anyone until
are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything.
By virtue of the power contained
by Price and wife Del. P ice
t. J. L. Cherry Co., on day
of Sept. duly recorded in the
register of deeds
North i i-i book X page
will ex o public
Lire court T . ,.
on Monday, 11th. ft
before the court house door n before the, e
s in the
Pitt Mid in towns-hip. ad-
the east the lands of
Ni It C Durham and
Venters, south
T Venter and
f lards W.
n the north the
more i r I- as.
nit Dec. h.
tie we
Venter, a d
ids of
Kn Wind-
. h the
Ii a id . j- nil i o in
. t lion h
. i . ch; c up lie vii-i-
vi tn. of I
. la i ii,
wife. q. C. M . i
in ; day S- ti
in th- I
I'm .-.
ii i k Ilia,
will i public
court use door
r o.
K. and
. iv ch i
i l r.
North Carolin ,
l. lore the
ti. James,
I ale.
-t h
lira and as j
That lot in I ti v- i
i the said r an I
reside, by
l . Ma ell
by Iv
So S
railway. For ref-1
is to said i-, to
. deed. Terms
e de i .
, I. of Nov. I
it, Cher y fie . M I
At on
The Most
Beautiful Line
Before fitting- out your
home you should come and
look over our line of
a hundred and one
small thing-s too numerous
to need,
which out rival in locks
quality price those found
j. furniture
mark, d It H.
urn Ce
poles to a I l th
hi. l the con-
. ac ; mi re or
Tr let N c
Ian Smith
executors of d, and
know h u part t m t. h
d in Beaver Dam
sin, . .
more or . . . ; o.
K M h, as. Ivey
Smith, . . Sm
Guardian for Mary I Smith, David
Smith, Smith, Martha Bell Smith
and Jesse Graham smith.
highest bidder . Monday, Dec
. parcel of land
fine; county of
and State of N. C r de-
crib follows, lo The v c
lot described sail and
-g , art said I
mi north by the lot of Mary
K on t e by the
i, on the south by
sir,. t, and on the West by
pan of th.- said lot upon
a the . the vacant
lot I e in feet tr
Sec a d j t
about t- sat if;
Ii.- I. Term of Cash,
Mary Branch, Mortgagee.
p. G, lames, Attorney,
Sale of Land.
By virtue of the pi w r of sale con-
in a c I
Deed executed and by Silas
S. and wife to W,
s day of January, 1907,
and duly recorded in the
deeds office of I North Caro-
i-i book I the
s 1- i- before
door in Greenville, to
the highest on Thursday, De
24th, i, a.-lit in tract
i I bi g th
Pitt and State of North Carolina
follows, to
That of land in
i near tin- town of Grifton,
the lands of n,
vs. L. Blount, Louisa
others. is acres more or
MaB, ks the e sold if.
description, ref- .- hereby
to the .-. int
to sold being the inter, st of
Silas S. in said tract of
ti said
T. of sale
This is of r.
Brooke. Mortgagee.
F. ti. James, Atty. t-
By of a power sale contain-
ed in ii certain deed
ed and delivered by D. W. and
wife to
on the day October, which
said deed is recorded in
the rs office in county in
S page the undersigned
will on Monday the 4th day of January,
the in January,
1909, expose to public salt- before the
court house door in Greenville, to the
highest bidder for the following
parcel of tracts or pan-els of land to wit;
county The trait situated in Greenville
North Carolina In court
county, t -V D.
W. Smith
I. Smith and husband,
David G. Smith, Gertie Smith
an I Ivey Smith, General
for Mary I. Smith, David G. Smith
and Gertie Smith.
Bi virtue of the judgment and decree
of the clerk of court, made
in the on the
of December, s, tin- under
, J. I. commissioner
appointed by the to sell the
in the pa will soil
to the h ghost Udder, one-half cash
and 1- in one
at hi- t house door in county,
In h-, on tie th nay of Jan.
ID i-, all the right, e and interest
the entitled pr-
an . to the following de-
scribed tract of That certain
tractor of conveyed by
Jesse L. to Malissa Smith, his
wife, by deed dated the day
recorded in hook
pug.- , of county registry, con- I
acres more or less, situated
in the county of Pitt and Beaver Dam
township, adjoining the lands of
Lissie Willoughby, the Cobb land
the Jesse L. Smith
This the d of Die. 1908.
J. I. Fleming, Commissioner.
vi lure
i mo by h certain
me S. It.
ill day of Joy, ll ,
t re in he of
f authority
pad In
J. on
r. r of
,. s county of in book
page Ac, mil to recurs the
f a certain bond bearing
date therewith. the
contained in said dead in
not g with,
upon request lie qua trust.
tin-., in named, I ha I, on the day
of Jan., at ten
a. m , in the Bethel, N. C, In
county, s. Ii cash,
est bidder, th- following
r. to
Situated in
ship, aid a-joining Ian. s of Mack
r, Alfred Andrews
and others and by the A. C.
I, R If. ear the of I
N. C, g two more
or es, and for a more accurate de-
is made to the
deed of said Jenkins recorded in
of county.
I This 4th, 1908
J. C. Smith, Trustee.
The Jewelry St we for Nice Gifts. I Have what
you Want for Your Holiday Present.
Trustee's Sale.
Under and by virtue of authority
vested in me by a certain deed in trust
executed to me by Eaton Matthews
and wife. Elizabeth Matthews on the
th day of May, nineteen hundred and
eight, lo serum the payment of a
bond bearing even date therewith,
beginning at Whites new road on tin- and registered in the office of the
east side of vine swamp and register of deeds for county, in
run-up said swamp in an ea book at page and the
township. county, North Carolina.
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as executor of Mrs.
deceased, late of
county, N. this is to n all
persons having claims the
estate of deceased to exhibit
them t; the undersigned within twelve
months from date of this notice, or
notice Will be in bar of
their recovery.
persons Indebted to
will make immediate payment
This the day of November
ltd Henry Sheppard,
course with Hen St line to
Mays line, then with Mays line
to Whites i i-w road, then east-
course with Whites new road.
to the beginning containing n acres
more or less and being the Mime tr ct
of land conveyed by C. A. Whit
. Jackson on the 20th day of
dead. November, 1901, as appears of record
in book A. page
Also on other tract of
township and county adjoining the
Mathew Sermons, deceased, land and
the Tyson, lands
on the ea-t, Too and others
on the south the canal in gourd vine
swamp Littles on the west,
and Whites new road Ml the north,
containing more or less, and
same d conveyed by John
W. to Jackson on
the 20th day of November. 1901, as
appears of record in A. page
This sale is to satisfy the terms
of id sale and said sale will be held
on the dale above mentioned at
lions in in trust
not having been complied with, and
upon the request of J. W. II.
the trust therein I
shall, on the Hist day of
December, nineteen hundred and eight
to at ten o'clock a. in the town
in front of the Bank of Bethel,
expose to public sale for cash, to the
highest bidder, a one-third undivided
said interest in the following
tract or parcel of land, situate in t
county, Bethel township, and more
particularly described as follows
Beginning on the n--w read lei-ding
from the and Tarboro load to
Gum swamp at the con of Heb
Ann . at a ground bridge; thence
with Harri In a nor
course the line of the
thence Ii-e to Mel
s line;
line a southwesterly
to the line of James Ward;
thence with said Ward's I to the
beginning, containing acres,
or less, and known as the Sallie Ann
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
vs on
Fresh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
North Carolin a
Superb Service to
C. Saloon Decks.
Elegant I Club Breakfast to
Polite attention and the very best service in every way
Leave of Jackson daily
in Baltimore a. m., connecting with rail
lines for New York, and all points east and west.
For all information and reservations address
E. T. IAMB, Gen. A-r CHAS. L HOPKINS, T. P. A.
o'clock noon.
This the 3rd of December, Matthews land.
Jackson. This the 25th of Nov
Mortgage. J. C. Smith, Trustee.
At New Market in front of Nor-
folk and Southern Depot.
At Big Store
The Big Sale is going on to raise money
for creditors. Come quick and get your share of
the Low Prices.
Subscribe to The Daily Reflector.
We will on Tuesday, December 1908, at one thirty-o'clock offer for sale at Public Auction, a
number of valuable building lots. We will also give away absolutely free of valuable lot,
In Sold and a of silver. Every person presenting one of our coupons bearing their name will
an at these prizes. Anyone can get coupons on the day of sale. These
Dons will be put in a box, shaken up and drawn out by a little child. The first name drawn gets the lot;
five gets the gold, each, and everybody has a chance at the silver. Let everybody come
to the sale, men, women and children, you will have a chance at the lot, bid or not.
A treat to ail lovers of music. The best brass band in the state will be on the ground to make
music for the crowd. We will also have a balloon ascension and a great display of fire works. Meet
me at the sale and we will have a gala-day in Farmville. Sale to come off ram or shine.
n c.
the Young
Members of
n mi
Holiday Goods Are Here.
PLEASE shop early. If you wait until the last moment you
arc liable to disappointment, as then our stock picked
over. We now have a store full of Beautiful Christmas Presents,
Toys. Dolls, Games, Books, Wagons, Velocipedes, Etc.
We will also have a new department known as the
Fine Candy Department
Something special doing here. If you want to be happy make
others happy by buying your presents from this house and saving
yourself money.
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
Found Among
Various Nations.
There i great diversity in the
methods of sleeping among people
of different nation-, indeed, tho
things necessary to procure sloop for
one individual frequently to
jut things dial would keep
another awake all night.
The European or American in or-
m sleep well ordinarily requires
n soft pillow under head, but tho
Japanese, stretching himself on o ,
rush mat on tho Boor, put- a
square of wood under his
head and doe not sleep Well if ho
docs not have it.
The Chinese makes a great to do
in the matter of his bed. which is j
very low, indeed scarcely rising
from the floor, hut is often carved
exquisitely of wood, and it never
occurs to him to make it any softer
than rush mats will render it.
While the people of tho northern
countries cannot sleep unless they
have plenty of room in which to
stretch their legs, the inhabitants
of tho tropics often curl themselves
up like monkeys at the lower angle
of o suspended hammock and sleep
soundly that way.
The robust American will cover
himself with a pair of blankets and
throw his window open to the air
even in the dead of winter, and he
will not sometimes complain if
there is a little drift of snow across
the sill in the morning.
The Russian, on the contrary,
likes no sleeping place so well as
the top of the big snap-tone stove
in his domicile. Crawling out of
this blistering bed in the morning,
he likes to take n plunge in a cold
stream, even if ho has to break
through ice to do so.
While the American clings to his
feather pillow, he has long since dis-
carded his old fashioned featherbed
in favor of the hair or straw or felt
mattress. The feather bed has been
relegated to the country, and many
people that slept on it in their
childhood found it unendurable in
their later years.
The Germans not only sleep on a
feather bed, but underneath one as
well. The feather covering used in
Germany, however, is not so large
or thick as the one used as a mat-
tress, and the foreigner that under-
takes to sleep beneath it often finds
his feet suffering from cold while
his shoulders are suffering from
Taft Vandyke
solid car load BUCK STOVES
Also Rolls Matting. Fine Line Couches. and Lace Curtains
General Merchandise.
Full Fledged
All the peoples in the world have
been given to marking the coming
of age of their young folk with
some kind of ceremonial. In
Africa this is quite serious
business. A few of the customs in
use among certain tribes are
But in the main they show a
kind of good sense.
Among the Van people the
in all the initiation or
coming of age mysteries is a man
rattler the tails. He
makes play with a bunch of wildcat
tails, wildcats being creatures which
play a leading part in the witch
doctor's medicines. This official
communicates all kinds of
edge to the young ideas of his tribe
during the couple of months de-
voted to their initiation ceremonies.
lie lectures on the customs of the
tribe and on morals. He teaches
unselfishness, for instance, and
among these tribes man who re-
fuses to share his food with
is jeered as
During these ceremonies the
boys receive new names, and if you
want to insult them past all for-
you have merely to address
them by their childhood's names
after they have passed through the
initiation ceremonies.
The or period of
with girls, only one month
and includes all kinds of practical
I teaching as to agriculture and
household work, the grinding of
scorn and the like. Many of
ceremonies in use are purely
as when the girls are made
to support a house roof to indicate
that they are to be the pillars of
their future homes. But there is
also much practical teaching, in-
a full and blood curdling
recital of the penalties which attach
to wifely infidelity and particular
instructions us how best they
may the and make
pots and Standard.
Least Understood Most Abused of
Our Domestic Fruits.
The cranberry is the lean under-
stood and the of any
of our domestic fruits.
few know their possibilities.
Quite as few know how to prepare
them in palatable form. The ex-
is common, need r.
barrel of sugar tor a barrel of
This i- not true. They
are not sugar consumers compared
with most fruits.
If users will make the test they
have moved our and
transfer business to the old market
Se one h we
have of. table room, nice and
to take care our
trade, shelter your bug-
vies y weather Horses
boarded at rates. We
k our old for l t bus-
have us with,
and ask all to come to sec us.
of Her Grief.
en child stain to school it
Pulley a. boweN
is provided with a blank to be tilled
in its said a
ten teacher. simple
are asked, as the date
and place of child's birth, the
nativity of it parents, etc.
Susie was given one of
these blanks the other new
I scholars when she applied for
mission to one of the
in the north end. All were told
have the blanks filled out and re-
turn them to school the next, morn-
,. .
Susie came to
ten the day following something
was wrong. She began crying
most as soon as she entered the
room refused to be comforted.
The cause of her grief did not de-
until the blanks were called
for. Th-.-n little Susie
my excuse for being
Louis Times.
will discover more sauce
less sugar proportionately can be
made from a quart of cranberries
than from a quart of any other kin
of berry and if properly made will
be tempting and toothsome. A
barrel of sugar will sweeten more
than three barrels of cranberries. A
cranberry shortcake will vie with a
strawberry shortcake. Eaten raw,
cranberries are a laxative and liver
tonic, and. like the olive, one can
cultivate a foulness for them.
Cranberries are keepers, like the
apple, and. like apples, require
dry place. It is economy to
buy berries. Never cook hem
in till or iron ware. Use porcelain,
earthenware or granite. Do not
in cold water and allow to
mer, steep and stew over slow fire.
This makes tough skins, pale, sic
pink or dark, dull red color and j
gives acrid flavor. Use boiling water.
cook rapidly and not long.
a good sauce, to one quart of
clean cranberries add one pint
sugar and one pint of boiling
water. Place immediately over brisk
lire, stirring enough to mix sugar
with water and berries. Cover
soon as berries begin to swell
and Stand by and mash
against kettle until every berry is I
broken. Keep them boiling during j
this operation. By the time berries j
all mashed, or having boiled for
fifteen minutes, remove from stove
and turn into china or earthenware
dish. When cold this should be a
beautiful rich red.
If you want your HORSE to trot
fast and poll strong buy your
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Less
Money than any man town.
W. B.
Place is headquarters f tr Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed M. Hulls,
kinds of
Brand, Chicken
com Meal and .
Edmond Fleming props.
Located in main business sec-
the town Four chairs
in operation and each one
sided by a skilled barber.
Our place is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
thank you for past patronage
and ask you to again when
good work is d.
of r .
. C.
No man ever so
another as by
The Mn In tho Speech.
is all very well for political
speakers to make classic allusions
in their speeches, but thing may
he carried too far.
Somebody was making a speech
matter was
embellishing his stirring periods
with plentiful evidence of his
knowledge of Shakespeare. More
and more be grew; more
and more gems from the bard of
Avon's works poured from bis heat-
ed lip-. And as lie progressed in his
oration an individual sitting on the
bench below the platform
grew more and more puzzled.
At this individual could -land
it no longer, lie leaned toward the
man him.
he whispered hoarsely,
can't figure it
he a Republican or a Demo-
man this speech i-i
man do
Mrs. Mrs. Y.
for to come lo part
Thursday afternoon, Mrs. my
dear, don't speak It Von were not
Taking Him Down.
always pay cash for every-
thins exclaimed the
matter of fact person.
matter with Tour
Were Safe.
you an asked the
romantic young lady as she walked
up the platform locomotive
and smiled on the man looking out
of the cab window.
was the curt reply.
hold the lives of all us pas-
in your
you feel the fearful
so. mi---. I've a two
dollar dog back in the baggage cur
that I'm taking home, and shall j
take the extraordinary
Mutual Life
1843. Assets
Old.-.-. Next Door
to keep t e whole train on
rails and rigid end up until we
He Misunderstood.
I solicited.
handler o
a in n recent address,
be set nit with the
care in the wording or
standing, dissent, oven anger, may.
result. Thus as a train was moving
forth from n Cincinnati station a
stuck his bead far out of the
your head in a
station attendant shouted In warn-
it will be knocked
shouted the pas-
off, eh
won't lie oil by anybody the
size of bandy legged
BROS . Mill C.
offer for sale i-
lot and the entire stock y.
also my dwelling house and
lot, nil in tho of d.
W M. Moore.

In Charge of F. C. NYE
i Agent J The Eastern Reflector or Winterville and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
Fresh drags just in. i Ti e ma- WINTERVILLE CHRISTMAS TREE.
Harrington Barber Co. chine is one of the best on the
Wilson and Miss See us for prices that Hi h School Closes for the
be of interest to you.
A. W. Ange Co.
Walter Smith went to Green-
. . will be of interest to you. Children Happy.
d. v A. W. We saw a happier crowd
;. A Co. for Walter . th went to Green- of children, and many
Sunday. folks too, were
Kittrell gave a Fresh seed rye. gathered in the large chapel
a party at b r school test Harrington, Barber Co. Winterville High School Thursday
. The boys T no reversible disc Advantage was taken of
. our operator, J. s on an up to- before the closing
most excel- us before buy- the school for the holidays to
a neat ton. Barber Co. kg a Christmas tree, and it
i zed F. F. Cox plow for I occasion of unmeasured county, who do not know just
treasurer, i w grounds. stage was beautifully I where to and
going decorated appropriate to the quotations.
Co's tree the was a
Suggested for the Teachers of the
Winterville, N. C , Dec.
After having heard I
talk at the Winterville
Christmas tree, the good
he gave the young
people as to kindness and thought
I it would be
nice to emphasize them with
some appropriate
I ask you to publish the fol-
lowing thoughts, twelve in nun-
some of which I am giving
my pupils ls part of the morning I
They may be helpful to some
of the young teachers in the
So Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the chances are Us from an in-
active LIVER. m
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept In healthful action
by, and only by
z. a r.
. of fat i
OUt ., V . A
s d v.
Ti. . .
days. d ;
Yours respectively.
Maggie Butt.
evening at the tree that reached lo the
, ; .-. expect- ceiling and literally loaded with
presents better to send a afternoon.
l eggs a specialty. I Rev. y, was master; bouquet, , out
By virtue of the power of sale
contained in a certain mortgage
deed executed and delivered by
J. H. Moore and wife Maggie to
H. C. the day of Nov.
1907. and duly recorded in the
Register of Deeds office of Pitt
county, North Carolina, in Book
without fatigue. Page the undersigned
It adds a hundred per cent to will expose to public sale, before
the court house door in Green-
to the highest bidder on
day Jany. 1909,
tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the county of Pitt and
Stale of N. Carolina and de-
scribed as follows, to
That tract of land in Beaver
Dam township which said J.
H. Moore now resides being the
same conveyed to J. H. Moore
by W. Shaw and wife
by deed which appear of record
in the Register of Deeds office
of Pitt county in Book W page
to which is hereby
made, containing acres,
to satisfy said mortgage deed.
Terms it sale cash
This of Die. 1908
H. C. Mortgagee
F. G. James, Attorney.
Drunken Negro it Run Oat of Bank,
Buts Through a Glass Door.
A who had loaded up on
bad liquor, made himself very
troublesome in the of the
Greenville Banking Trust Co.,
He was
times but
C prices. called the To a living friend this very day, f d , d
. . . i.
Mr. Norman
clerk in the bank,
bushel o roses white and
. . I .
. .,.
n i two
. . Bar
mu insolent that
sing- To lay upon niB Warren, a
mg i i i in
Notice cf Sole.
By virtue fa power f sale contained
lot .
a, . . I
ll .
. y.
v. . i r
t p. F. C.
i tor r .
Mr. King then introduced
a certain mortgage deed
, delivered by Henry Forties and wife
gathered up a broom Martha Anna to Bryan Buck on
who Bed duly
. alter of
a I w. H. . , , v. the street and butted out the in book i-- ,
U glass in one door at Van- t ex
ck. . is Walt he's laid to rest, public the court house door
IV. A .
ti b For th ; n
. . h . . i
V mi . Poor thing at
. an I then o
shall p i
. . i I world ; .
u n
when the i . the
l . , lowing
I wife i- aid Hied . u-it din Swift C ship
me to,
and i refused to obey , North ea t poles to a tn e,
Bis wife did not
about it, but poles lo a stake
. I.
Co. ; Wu a tore that r , , .
. i.-ion ; Q ; him saying hole containing acres, more or
; neglect y to
. after an the j for i
. and light d and sparkled j again,
as; . .- A. G. Co. with brilliancy.
, was the signal for
TI lathe 4th day of Dec. 1908.
i ii Mortgage,
. C. Harding, Attorney.
, . are i his Broad and clear for some
th t i . a h d out the he-s
. . w. . ;., .; the with Leave task of
ii of heater i An hour was occupied
. .,. , ; i distributing tho large Any where on behind.
M . fr. ts more than two
. . . ,.
pass this way lie was not making
his mind to go, but by that
Chief Smith had given him an
invitation to go in the. Cl.,
lockup, and hither he went. , . . .
Rev. J. B. Cook, of
Sale or, Vs., has accepted the call
Make a by cheerful example
one .
; . lit . .
. .
public hut In were made glad. the
. e r
., . , w presents every
j .- ting. C ill t
our nice t of
. , . . II t . .-
; . .
Chatham i
. . .
.- i . .
. i
will r
. . i. new ones
I y at t was i up
last day.
y of
id s I
County Oil C-,
the sch
. . . i at ii . sud
i If with a
I .
bike a sunbeam all through the
i day.
Hide it net but i.,
whoever travels your way.
share of .
Start -i song ii stead
. . tear,
;. ; th world;
Will of i tear.
. .,.;.,
. i j . .
. . pi to Mi
ion in
. the vocal cl
came when Prof.
and in of
presented Pi B.
pi I
emblem pi a id a
. . em
i i ts i pup
t ;. i to Prof Line-
Jo and Ada h the interest he
manifests in those
A n I h I .-
I l. Pi i
rt .,. aw ,;. . .-.,. .
bound, . Vi,. i i.
. .
. I
and Anna
enough to be under his i i ruction.
Winterville High School grows
stronger each year in the esteem
Waiter Maggie T
great wore and exerting an in-
that is felt
id-, A. W. C .
.,,.,. , . . Brown and Lottie
before I We
give you a bargain.
full line of farm, the Eastern North Carolina.
, , ,, , . for Hie are
Harrington t r , to. ,. . which act direct y
w I .
Fr m ,
. u skies,
. u id i .
. . by which
t to
com easy
Do not wear . frown,
j-u i
Always it down.
Something each
A smile isn't much to give.
And the things of life,
Make sweet the way we live.
Do not look for wrong or evil,
You will find them if you do,
As you measure fur your neigh-
He will measure to you.
We are net here to play, tr
dream, to drift,
extended him to become pastor
of Memorial Baptist church. Mr.
We will st with small Cook advises the committee that
pat men-, balance on easy-terms, -m Greenville to
one farm . ,. . , . . ,,
feet of standing timber. I begin his duties as pastor on the
. One farm seres with first Sunday in January,
j 3.000,000 feet of standing tint- church is to be congratulated
securing him.
One acre.-.
Ail of these are beat of , , ,
land. to Sale o Real Property.
V. Davenport, . ,.
J, K. Davenport, US. . mortgage deed execute and
. ; l by John R. Buck and wife
. Buck, on the V day of I-
. T. t i L, K. Smith, I; p tars
; r of i.
. n . it iii tin
. f expose to pub-
fore the rt II r in
; . , iv. th -i r for
I i ; e; tract or are. of
. lying and being in Pitt county
Ii Carolina, and f-.-
Being a part of Ma-y A.
. . g the hare deeded
John Buck, and bounded as
, on the east by
. , i ii the South by the W. A. Smith
and on the by E. Smith
i r. C. Smith . acres
r or legs. This sale is made to
1.1 ma of raid mortgage,
Send any i,. k. Smith, Mortgagee.
Whittle, Lyons, Ga. j c- Harding, Attorney.
i Wanted
wish to i th where-
of my -u n S
colored. He is dark brown c
and years old.
last i. n he was at
M. C. with
If it is good job printing that
The Rt Hector to some want, try The Reflector
friend for a Christmas present,
Bank of Winterville.
the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Nov. 27th 191-8.
Will Close L. Wooten's Drug store,
Th A. G. Cox Manufacturing I u, with the custom I
Co. are now in position to sup- , ,,,.,. the country,
ply you with their Tar Heel of Greenville, Nation virtue of a decree of the Superior
C ; on s and , k of Greenville and the v I.
I made right. Banking Trust
and th m. d on
in need of b g and . t
buggy will do w ii to g . On Thursday
the A. a aft r supper until o'clock State
Cox Manufacturing . before will be opened to receive recently by th late Dr.
they buy Buggy is d.-r. its for those who care well. an. now M
t of it.
I the
Loans and discounts I
j fixtures
to do Demand loans
Due from Hunks
Bank rs
I Silver coin
That small things make the treat minor coin currency
ft-1 i i
We have hard won
loads to lilt,
Shun not the . face it,
Cod's gift,
sell for cash, n-
v it in Greenville on Monday,
Jan. 4th, tho the sea the sea
of land situate In said
Is true as true can b-,
Tis just an tan little drops,
rushing and we would advise
that you place your orders early.
A full of best mattress s
just in, A. W. Ange Co.
The government re
the prettiest lines issued today the
ever displayed in amount of cotton of this season's
.,. r . I tr Hue ll
bank in
profits less
current expenses and
taxes paid 148.70
Bills payable 2,000.00
Time certificates
deposit 1,850.15
subject to check
t checks
and being out f u; divided interest
n tho following at a
point Third street feet from the
e and south
with Evans or Main street,
feet, thence parallel with Third street,
west to No. thence the
line of lot No. to Third street,
j I thence along Third street, east to
This 5th day of B.
Nannie Bagwell,
Colds contracted season of
the year are quickly relieved will Bees
Laxative On, It laxative
quality of Dec, 1908
Pleasant take. Best K. Johnson,
f r colds, croup and whooping ; Notary Public,
cough. Sold by John L. I
that the above statement is true to best of
and sworn to before me, I Correct
P Harrington,
J Green,
W B Directors,
crockery ever displayed
at Harrington Barber crop ginned up to Dec 13th at
and Co. 111.892.115 bales.
We are carrying a nice line of j with a tube of
Coffins Caskets. Prices are. Pile win convince you Do not forget that s
right .,;.,,.,
A. G. O . . . e. L W i. i
An improvement over many and Bronchial
. .

Eastern reflector, 25 December 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 25, 1908
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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