Eastern reflector, 18 December 1908

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ft, -v
Greenville and Ayden, N. C.
Every Animal Guaranteed as Represented
You should see MR. WINSLOW at Greenville, or his representative,
MR PATRICK at Ayden, before purchasing your horses and mules for the
Mr. Winslow, buying in large quantities and from the
Markets can give you better animals at lower prices than
can bead elsewhere He has a large stock, ranging from the good work
animal and Sly to the high spirited drive horse, to select from,
a WINSLOW GUARANTEE goes with every one
Mr Winslow is also agent for the HUNSUCKER BUGGY
and the TAR HEEL WAGON, manufactured at Winterville, He car-
them in stock at both Greenville and Ayden. Harness of the very best
makes can be purchased at either place. He can fit you out
altogether and on easy terms.
Greenville, N. C.
Ayden, N. C.
D. i. Editor and Owner
Truth In Pref Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
i Interesting
and Helpful.
The day was ideal and the at-
at the was
unusually large. The devotional
exercises were conducted by Rev.
Mr. Huske, pastor of the
pal church, after which the
meeting was called to. order by
the president. In the absence of
Miss Ada Tyson, secretary, Miss
Elizabeth Bo acted as sec-
The following were appointed
as a committee on supplementary
E. M. Rollins, of
Farmville graded school, J. A.
of Ayden graded
school, H. B. Smith, Greenville
school, G, E. Lineberry,
of Winterville High and
Mrs. J. B. Martin, of Bethel
graded school.
The was taken up.
Prof. W. H. made a short
practical talk on the time of
in school and closing school
each day.
The next was a most excellent
paper on Responsibility of
teacher in regard to the
Mrs. Butt is one of our
oldest and most experienced
teachers and presented this sub-
in a most practical and
in the public
was next discussed by Miss Daisy
E. Minor. In this paper she
showed the benefits derived from
the study of music. Among
those mentioned was the mind
training and the moral training
of the pupils as well.
work and best
J. H. Shore to Greenville-Re.
M. T. to
In the appointments of preach-
read out by Bishop Wilson at
the North Carolina conference in
Durham, Monday evening, Rev.
M. T. Plyler, who for two years
has so faithfully t Jarvis
Memorial church, was sent to
Washington, and Rev. J. H.
Shore was sent to the Greenville
The appointments for this, the
Washington district, are as fol
A. presiding elder.
Washington-M. T. Plyler.
Bath-F. E. Dixon.
Aurora-C. R. Canipe.
Swan F. Stand-
R. Grant.
J. L.
Greenville-J. H. Shore.
Vanceboro Supplied by E. D.
Ayden-J B. Bridges.
A. Forbes.
by J.
C. Reynolds.
Bethel-J. W. Autrey.
Tarboro-R. H. Willis.
Rocky Mount- D. H. Tuttle.
South Rocky Mount and Mar-
E. Tripp.
Spring dope and Mt Pleasant
B. E.
P. Reid.
Elm E. Hunt.
Wilson-G. F. Smith.
W- Martin.
H. Black.
E. Lance.
State organizer Anti-Saloon
LeagueR. L. Davis.
, . ,, ,. , Missionary H.
of was discussed Willis.
Fuse Away Saturday in
by Rev. Mr. Huske. He laid
stress on material, narration,
description and unity. Then he
laid down an plan of
correcting essays by indicating
certain mistakes by certain sign
and letters on the margin of the
composition. He said that pupils
should have suggestions in re
to correcting their essays
by the teacher. They should
always be handed in written on
good paper and written neatly
with pen and ink. Prof. Rollins
also made several practical
in regard to this.
Miss Bessie Harding next made
some statements in regard the
loan fund of the State
Normal arid quite a neat sub-
was received from the
We were sorry indeed that
Mis Mitchell was not able to
conduct her class in primary
arithmetic. Prof. Smith made a
few practical suggestions in re-
to thoroughness in reading
and writing. He said that no
pupil could make a scholar unless
he was thorough in those
branches. He also spoke of the
poor work done in the schools all
over the state in the
grades on account of there
any definite course
mapped out in these courses by
superintendents and leaders.
The climax of the meeting was
reached when Prof. Lineberry
conducted a general discussion on
the of work and
line- Quite a number of
cal questions were asked by the
teachers and he gave his views
in regard to these in an able
manner. Prof. Lineberry is one
of the best informed men in the
on the practical machinery
of school work and gave the
benefit of his experience.
was indeed a fine meeting.
Everyone seemed to have come
for business. It is the highest
aim of the to
C. Bell.
Other preachers who have
served Greenville and in whom
our people feel a special interest,
go to the following
R. B. John, presiding elder
of Raleigh district
F. A. Bishop to Louisburg.
J. A to Roxboro.
H. M. Eure to Carthage.
T. J. Dailey to Troy.
L. L. Nash to Si. John and
N. H. D. Wilson to
J, D. Bundy to Elizabeth City.
N. M. Watson transferred to
treat you
Lot Sale at Farmville.
As will be seen by a large ad-
in this paper, Town-
send Windham will have an
auction sale of lets in Farmville
on Tuesday, one-thirty
Farmville is of the most
progressive towns In this county,
and since the completion of two
lines of railroad there has de-
rapidly. It is in one of
the finest farming sections in
the State and the town commands
a large trade. An investment in
real estate there will be profit-
able and this auction sale of lots
affords a good
will treat you
was indeed a sad shock to
Greenville when the news came
Saturday evening that Mrs.
Harper was dead.
Mrs. Harper had been
in good health for some
time, and upon advice of
went to Baltimore
the last day of November for
treatment. There an operation
was deemed necessary and this
was performed a few days later.
The operation was not considered
serious, and Mrs. Harper was
reported as getting along -o well
after it that it was thought she
would be entirely recovered in a
short while. Saturday morning
a telegram to one of her sons
stated that was not doing
so well, and in the evening this
was followed with the announce-
that she had passed away.
Neither her relatives nor friends
were prepared for this, as all
were expecting her back home
in a short while.
Mrs. Harper years of
age, and a daughter of the late
Mr. Henry Sheppard. Her first
husband was Mr. Albert Carr, a
prosperous farmer of this county
who had a large estate near
Farmville. He died in 1882. By
this marriage there are now
three sons and a daughter,
these being Dr. R. L. and Messrs.
H. L. and C. S. prominent
business men of and
Mrs. W. F. Sutton, of LaGrange.
Her second husband was Mr.
Harper, of Greene county,
who died in 1899, from which
marriage there survives one son,
Alexander Harper. She is also
survived by one brother, Mr.
Henry Sheppard. of Greenville,
one half-brother, Mr. H. D.
Sheppard, of Hanover, two
sisters, Mrs J. T. Smith, of
J. N. Bynum, of
Farmville, and one half-sister,
Mrs. J. A. Andrews, of Green-
ville. She also leaves several
grandchildren and a large
of relatives.
After the death of her second
husband Mrs. Harper moved to
Greenville and made her
here. She was a of
character, member
of the Baptist church, a kind
friend and one of the best of
neighbors. Her life was filled
with good deeds and she was
held in highest esteem by all who
knew her.
The remains reached Green-
ville on the 9.55 Norfolk and
Southern train this morning and
wire taken to her late
on Evans street. The
funeral WM held at o'clock
Reported for Reflector.
There has been another meet-
of the Sans club which
was held last Friday afternoon,
and ye members shall hear the
secretary's letter since by me it
may be done, and I am
unto it
Mrs. Haywood was hos-
We know her well, and
with her spent delightful time.
Her purse, person, and extremest
means lie all unlocked to our
The business of the club was
conducted by Mrs. Woodward
Miss the president,
being absent. In the calling of
the roll five members were
absent following business came
Dame Fortune be-
stowing the prize upon Mrs.
Carper as after which re-
in three courses were
I need must tell you all. By
the leave of Mrs. Fred Forbes,
we will meet with her the Wed-
after Christmas. Fare.
Tell Him
What Yon Desire
Virginia Tobacco Men Will Ask For a
Higher Duty on Turkish Tobacco.
The Reflector will devote part I Danville Va , The
of next Saturday's issue to board trade
little folks for sending their a special meeting to-day
ten to Santa Claus, if wish funds to send a large
to communicate their wants to to Wat
him through these columns.
only conditions are that you
must write plainly only on
side of the paper, make your
letters not over words in
length, sign your name and send
the letters to The Reflector not
later than Friday afternoon.
As our space may be limited the
letters will be given precedence
in the order in which trey are
received, and if any have to be
to appear before the
ways and means committee of
Congress to the pas age of
laws which will imp a higher
duty on Turkish tobacco, which
is coming more and com-
petition with the i crown
in the bright district, which is
mainly in Virginia and North
Carolina. The
contend the
United Slates -rent pro-
left out it will be those that come.
in late. children, write in imp -sin h duty
your letters and tell Santa the bright
what you want him to bring you. growers should in a
spirit of fairness be afforded the
will treat you j Am
B who will go to Washington are
President n. of the
will treat you
Miss Marguerite Entertain.
Reported for The Reflect
On Friday evening, the
home of her parents on
son avenue, Miss Marguerite
Higgs most delightfully enter-
a number of her friends.
The guests were meet at the
door by the hostess and ushered
into the parlor, where two con-
tests and several games were
enjoyed. One of the contests
was a poem, with blanks which
had to be filled out with flowers.
The other was a number of
boxes, on the outside of each
box was something suggestive
of its contents and the guests
had to guess what was in the
box. Miss Florence Blow being
the successful guesser was
award d a beautiful prize.
Delicious ices and cakes were was in
then served by little Misses .
Bills for Libel Against
Him in Guilford County.
Greensboro. N. C, Dec. 14.-
The grand jury of Guilford
Court this afternoon re-
turned four true bills asked for.
Ex-United State Senator
Butler and his brother, Lester
charging criminal libel
against ex Judge Spencer B.
Adams, chairman of the Re-
publican party of North Caro-
The charges are based upon
articles published in the Raleigh
owned by the Butlers,
several months ago. The ex-
Senator and his brother were
arrested November 4th, and
bound over to the present term.
of court in bonds of each
I to await action by the grand
i jury. On motion of Butler's
i attorneys the trial is continued
until January term of court, not
withstanding attorneys
pressed for trial. N either of the
Commercial Association, and
President Adams, of he
co Protective
of Virginia and Caro-
Concerted action on the
part of the tobacco associations
in both of the two States has
Madeline and Annie Higgs. The I
guests departed at a late hour, I
declaring Miss Higgs a most
Pitt Confederate Pensioners
Ir. the list of Confederate pen-
in Pitt county are three
in the second class who receive
each, four In the third class
who receive each, ninety in
the fourth class who receive
each and fifty-two widows of on globe,
soldiers who receive each.
This makes a total of that
comes to the county for this
purpose, Superior Court
D. C. Moore has the checks for
Second Crop Apples.
On Sunday Mr. W. M. Elks,
near Grimesland, was walking
through his orchard and found
several second crop on a
apple tree, and brought
The Reflector three of them.
This second crop of fruit is
small but of good flavor. Just
think of two crops of
apples a year or. the same tree
Verily, we have the finest climate
this afternoon in the Baptist these pensioners and
church, conducted by Rev. T. H.
day needs of the teachers, and
the teacher that misses these
meetings will miss great
for improving himself.
A list of the supplementary
books for the different grades
will be published in The Reflector
as soon as possible.
For four-horse farm,
one mile South of Greenville. It
is fine tobacco land and has three
tenant houses. For particulars
John W. Tucker.
King, of Winterville, the inter-
being in Cherry Hill
tery. pall bearer were
Messrs. J. C Tyson, E. U
R. C. Flanagan. J. L. Little,
R. J. Cobb, F. If. Wooten, R.
Williams, H. W. Whedbee, H. L.
Coward, W. D. Pruitt, J. M.
and D. J. Whichard.
A large number of sorrowing
friends followed the remains to
their last resting place, and their
love for this good woman was
expressed in many beautiful
floral tributes.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sutton
and daughter, Miss Alice, of
LaGrange; Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Darden, Dr. Mrs. Wade
Anderson and Mr. W. G. Carr,
of Wilson; Miss Dorothy Carr
and Mr. C. R. Harper, of
Mrs. M. A. Allen, of
Danville, and Mr. A. T. Harper,
of Goldsboro, were here to attend
will you
The following
Boggy Collide.
Bryce Brown, a little son of
Mr. Wiley Brown, was riding
down the street on a bicycle,
Saturday evening, and when
turnings corner collided with a
horse and buggy going in the
opposite direction. There was a
general mix-up with the little
fellow under the feet of the horse
and he was painfully bruised,
but fortunately no bones were
hi .
The Cl
requests the
Suffolk Goes Dry.
Suffolk, Va., Dec. 15.-This
place went dry yesterday with a
majority of Considerable
excitement has been occasioned
for some time by the contest, and
the majority was larger than was
generally conceded by either
at a to given
nineteen I and I
in the Perkins hall
Greenville, North Carolina.
Invitations by
at Coward drug
at ten cents each.
Rev. M T. Plyler.
We congratulate Washing-
ton friends on their good fortune
in the appointment of Rev.
M. T. Plyler by tie Durham con-
to live and labor among
them. Mr. Plyler the
church at this place for
the last, two years and he leaves
us with the love esteem of
all our people without regard to
denomination or church
He is a close student and
his sermons are foil of deep re
instruction and beautiful
thoughts. Be is a toned
Christian toe best
and purest sense tout term.
He is progressive m d always
interested in r tends to
the uplift of community in
which he lives. Greenville has
felt and teen helped by in-
of his pure, noble life
among us and we heartily con
the good people of
a in having him among
Mrs. Mary Eliza Daniel
requests I of your
I. . .
her daughter
. a d
Rev. R R . Jr
on the g ;. y,
the .
One thous hi n d
at after eight
at of
Mr, and Mrs. Tl Moore
West Market I
c, . ion , .- . Carolina.
At ho i. l of February
Senator, Ills.
All kinds of candies, nuts and
fruits, jellies and celery for
Christmas. M, Reuse.
C. D. Tunstall, opposite Center Over three thousand people
Brick warehouse on Dickinson will visit Farmville on the
avenue, has the prettiest line of day, Dec. 1908.
holiday goods in town. It will
pay you to visit his store.
Fruit cakes and pound cakes
for Christmas at J. M.
Fresh Pork Baum
S, M.
A valuable lot, in gold,
a bag of silver given away ab-
free of cost. Be present
and deposit your coupon, Farm-1 Headquarters for works at
ville, Dec. 22.1908 at o'clock. J. M.

is is the Place
Titan Sp inking.
dues pot of
There is a
Mrs. M.
oz W. Nun- last will
free t. her
nun i , with
We will deem it a privilege you a very extensive
j assortment of
Dress Goods, Dry Goods,
Trimmings, Laces,
Ladies Tailor-made skirtS.
Shoes to Fit all feet and
Any Size Purse
Tho Slashing Teeth Club of
the Polynesians.
Clubs the of primitive
n y, but trite h-r from bee
, trouble in this way for of
I Bunt the chances art- ls
it can t help it, treatment ., Bl . . . . a. .
aged people
with mine difficulties t. or night. canine away
the and a
which In
carries a spike, while the blades
of several belabor
inserted the margin. The
that we . . . as they arc and
the the
. .
v . .
c . HERE
.-. .-, . line of Holiday Goods
. m then.
If Color Calls, It Calls
As every one who visits goes
to St. Peter's, so ever; one who visits
Cairo goes to mosque of
med All In toe citadel. gorgeous build-
in Situation, tile in-
always makes me think
of and of the of
life of prayer and self de-
More attractive t me is the
to i returned
again and again, enticed almost as by
the fas U in of the living Woe of a
u is tin- l;
U in . . i, w is I
to lover as the
i left of a i
i on side
, i i
when I I i . i l
i i
i . i . .
; .- ii, row
. ran
B . . , . till .
tin .
Mi i that
C to us ft . Look through
our beautiful u ; t will be pie
f x a r-.
of Good
f M r I will my entire
Ms ii
I ti
museum of the t States
a variety of
say. to down the
White man and to him and
cut him Into mine The Kings
mill Inlander and other
make dreadful sustains weapons by
cuing rows of teeth ;. . u
haft of
These Weakest vary from a few
w feel In and i;
baa been In all the of
devised by there
nothing more blood curdling t I
; on b the award may hat e
I v I fr H even by
ii v
,., . .
i .
. , h i
. . iv the ad Ion v.
I a j ; by
he Al .- ea are n
ell r r.
The or
,; . . , I I
J Afr no e.
m bi
; as a
. I In
I wall I
, r as lovely near
i lovely far From a
i m ii n effect,
i I I . I I
of n i f
p through e pi Ian
of a i -i or of
over Id the i summer
When is rinse to them they an
a miracle of art. The f
them a milky white upon which
an elaborate pattern of and
i y
f IS C I t
An .-,. . I
lied ,. ha ; In a G u u-
and theatrical paper under the
.;. c i; j the
statement, i ye
Beethoven never bargained In the or-
way. for a
u were demanded briefly and in
decided manner, and he always pointed
out when mentioning a price be
meant guinea and not sovereigns, or.
rather, their equivalent Austrian
coin, he wrote to a music
at the unpalatable
Less part Is done with. wish things
blue, generally conventional and rep- u. this
of DO known object, but There should be only one
showing tall trees some- to whom the artist
what resembling cypresses. But It Is
I take his work, knowing that he
Tribe the effect of these tiles of
the tiles that line to the very roof the
tomb house on the right of the court.
They an I cry of ecstasy going
In this otherwise not very
mosque. They It
they draw yon bark d it again
and yet again. On the darkest day of
winter they set of
In ; saddest they
there In
Hie rid; there v.-as In
hearts . i re artists years m
years f ; i r in
i I o to Hie
r . I II i ;
have ii
i I
As it is. he to lie partly a
tradesman. Good heavens, how
unpalatable this But
this pious wish was never and
Keel In veil to a
to and.
As u of how dedications
arc tally the
letter, which wrote to the
tame in from Is
., u u
I i. . i lay beat to carry
her it la i Id .;. The i e i
. i for ah
for a ;
. i i , ;
; . . . . ii. year
i i lay prop that I
. . ,,;
. . . i
. . . . .
i. . i
. ., . . . coal. ii
r- iii ii and cur-
. no ate sale. I an
going out of the bi I ell ray
goods This is sail tor i.-
Genera Merchandise.
All accounts II. A.
Son for the year and
lake for the year unpaid by Jan.
1st, 1909, to Ave dollars or
more will he put into a judgment,
nil under five dollars will lie advertised
in The Daily Reflector giving the names
and amounts and be before the
court house door in Greenville to the
highest bidder at the term of
court, 1909. J. T. Ti
This Dec. b, 1908.
Dry Goods and Ladies Goods
I have purchased the interest of I hi
late II. E. Pal rick in the ti. E
Patrick Co., and will ti
earn on a general dry goods
at the same -land.
A department with a
goods and trimmings has i
ad Miss Barnhill i
ch of this department. The
cordially invited to V ,
K. t S
a j mil i . I in
. ; . j
year Flo i i . . i. n
be rat i lie rent
i of the
and phi Th moth r-
lie must I re the
other ii r th y
quarreled by until It for a
i- l i i h had l s
bring u all I bit i In ilia trio
made I ; and
.- I I r the the action,
l v i I I to fee her
own i. i .-.- -f
this i cent I, Id to
ii h II
upon i .
I I the II Ii U
i i tit a II u hi. h la
co ; ii I tamarind w d .
I. . , u equal Ilia
capacity of a bucket. In dry
mi ii are i i on
or bamboo basket
eighty make one or
cart. This Is an of the prim-
Hive origin of most units of weight
The First Slow On,.
He uttered a Joyous cry.
I inn really and truly the first
man you ever
the beautiful girl re-
joined, her red lip curling slightly.
others nil took the
New York Press.
really the capacity for
answered the poet,
Is the capacity for going without eat-
la i .
i. so I he an
. . . . i .
I fur a
l In
ha a Ii and
. I
nil for
The Ward,
Reel the i of
th i her, Ii, l seven.
an u u i
lie the
ii-. . . r . lb Ii i i I In i . i in
I i r I
ii r won coin-
. it the vocal i n -1.
. . i was Ii i to slug.
I e
aid Run ii ml one the seven
; . . . ii ii i i -i a hi d.
Ken i.
Three Signs.
IN i i are a source
i . hi some poi pie
line man reached his
. II on Ills way
lie h three
lead as Bears lie
she said, looking up from
the paper, Is a political boom-
I'd define he answered,
a on the return
., Ledger.
Hi, of Luck.
Is the most
fellow at cards I ever met.
Then I he la In lore.
I so. At any rate, be
Impossible words to a to his require-
At the close of business
i, November
and discounts 1186,808.81
Overdrafts am
All other stocks, Bonds,
and fixtures
Due from
Items H
Hold coin
Silver coin
mill currency
Capital stock 26,000.00
Surplus fund 26,000.00
L less cur-
rent expenses and tax
Bills payable 16,000.00
Time of
Deposit 21,662.20
Deposit sub. to
check J 13,164.91 184,827.11
Cashier's checks
Total 217.446.64
of Carolina, of Pitt, u
Little, of the above
ii swear I bat above state is true to t lie best of my
, u . .
Subscribed and sworn to
in.- ibis i I. A.
t-r, W, B.
;. Directors,
I , ii r -7.
Surplus 16,000.00
taxes 5,751.80
.; sub.
. . ti i
i-. coin, all
minor coin currency
National bank notes,
other S. notes
. 300.70
Total if
Due bunks
Total 185,500.86
Stale of County of
S. Cashier of the bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. S. GARB. Cushier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 10th, day of Dec- j Cobb,
ember, . C. T.
Notary Public
U, C. Flanagan,
About 1838, Dicky
Turner, Hie weaver, i a
delivering one of his fervid
hotel, Preston,
Use cockpit whore the earls of r-
by formerly i r
i i in v. .
e, declared en at
but t a ti -tee-l I I
Ii Li
ii .
out .
, . i.
. . i
i .
, .
j Ii you want your HORSE to trot
hit and pull buy your
Hay, Oats
and Cool
W. B. He will sell
Better Fe and Mere Lets,
bi , man in
. . B.
it I rs for Con H
i . Cotton Seed
i, Chicken
, Meal . of
It a I I
that. ii i life is s
to . I, f lg
pi v. . k I and
mi i i I i I. i .
I. . not con
i i. . I nor
i I, and
., i f, i
I i of .
. Smiley.
N f R A L
r t f-x
in main business Bad
of the town Four chairs
in operation and each one
sided by barber-
Our place u inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
you for past patronage
and ask you to call attain when
work is wanted.
ed to mm
w f have and
tor to the old market
on Second street, where we
have plenty of stable room, nice and
convenient, to take care of our
trade, we can shelter your bug-
in rainy weather. Horses
I Jed at reasonable
thank our old for the bus-
they have favored us with,
and ask all to come to see us,
Land Sale Monday Dec, 14th
The heirs of Noah Forbes, de-
ceased, have to have the
embracing three tracts,
sold on time, one third cash and
balance in three years, equal
J. L. Fleming,
Hot and Cold Baths
Electric Massage
A specialty. Electric
Massage and Hair
tonic given to ladies
at their homes.
Opposite J. R. J. G.
I offer for sale my store buildings,
lot the entire stock of
my dwelling house at
lot, all in the town of Grime d.
if W M. Moore.
A s
mm s
We will on Tuesday, December 1903, at one thirty-o'clock offer for sale at Public a
of valuable building lots. We will also give away absolutely free of cost,
and person presenting one coupons bearing their
an chance at these prizes. Anyone can get coupons on the day of sale. These coupons
Norfolk and Southern Railway j
Fitzgerald, Kerr, Receivers.
OCT. 1908
t n. P-j mouth, U.
n m ton, E Cy. and
I to
v Tor Washington, and Int.
e. in
a. m. I I l-terr-e-
ii n r, late s.
Pros Inn tn an
i . c
Ml a m. I From V
p. in. I t .
H. HUi
G- P- A-
Professional Cards
Dr. Morrill
Office on Third
Formerly Occupied by Dr Bag-
Office R. L. Smith
tallies, and next door to John
Buggy Co's new building.
are now arriving, plant
to get best results A nice
line of Palms, and in all
sizes. Choice cut flowers a
specialty, wedding bouquets
and Floral off at short
Mail. Telegraph, and
Telephone order receive
prompt attention. Phone
Raleigh, N. C.
D mist.
Miss Pate
Offers her services to the people of
Greenville and community
N- C
Harvey's Cool and Wood
Yard will furnish you with
the best coal, all grades,
splint and soft coal,
hard anthracite, egg
stone and nut. We keep
dry wood and furnish de-
livery. -i-
and Dills of Our An-
hear it said
the and at the end of
is appalling, that
that spend more for
a bat than their
did for whole trousseaux.
Like many other often recurring
general this is fur front
accurate. The well known
French writer, If, Henry do
Io the current of
Revue a study on
Money In Days of
piled, from private do-, of
one or ego, from let
ten dating from
days, it appears that
a was fur then.
The I In the mat-
tar of is that
i sad t . h th
men quite as much
as if not than woman their
own I ire.
Today the man spends
I leas than the b
i. t; . . I In the
n If
ii lore ii since ll was n-
i . i j . , . f
a man con d ho
on him elf. n woman m a I MOO
month to drew
In the class, as in Hie.
; aristocracy, years ago more
things were required by n man. Ho.
of loco, his black,
I suit cot our hi hats
needed half a each.
II required silk stockings, woolen
and and.
five different kinds of boots, j
He had to spend several pounds a
year tho harbor's mill
The middle class Woman f those j
days managed to dross in a
way, though was the main ex-1
and memoirs establish
tho curious fact that the upbringing
of throe children cost n third less
than tho clothes required by
mother, n modest woman. Men
wore ribbons, lace,
jewelry in as largo quantities
as women.
As for jewels, men formerly worn
diamonds and pearls on their
hands, to-
day a man of refined i
with a modest ring, simple
links, a little pearl as a shirt stud
a largo stone as a
London Mail.
Now Open At Store
arc net allowed to tell you what these Gabs arc
like, or what Jut i crowd
and Grab. This ad u must cu. it
cents good r One Grab.
The Day Popular the ct of which
is to introduce a line tea candies,
Pulley. and and
Valve Anticipated.
k and or
5-as a great mechanical discovery,
but nature made every man carry
of these around with him
the very beginning of creation.
The most important of these
is found in eye. If you
turn your eye to look- at of
v. .- nose are this block and
I alley, which i a; perfect as
erected on a ship to hoist
m ii the ere
through the
invent l
of a hot is to
. S,.
Moore and Long
O If K N V I I, I. R N C
Office corner and Third
formerly occupied by the late Col. I
Mutual Life
1843. Assets over
Harry S Many Skinner, Jr
g. .
Sec w J. TURNAGE before buying
your coal for the winter. He can give
you a bargain.
Quite recently Chinaman In
London was hoard to wind up
another man with the
word-. paper Asked
what he oriental replied,
in China a tiger is a
too who talks much, but is
n mail is very
you would call up, he wont
on, compare him to a rat fall-
Ina into a and weighing him-
If a Chinaman overdoes any-
thing we say, hunchback
a bOW, A son who spends his
father's wealth quickly is
while of some of you rich people
hero who send money to the heath-
ens abroad and neglect your
borne we say, Ton hung your
lantern on which is
from a far, gives no light b
. . of tho
; learn engines ha tin i-
. and i d-
of property. It i ion
lb i i pro in to
in this ago of mo ideal
s. But d u
n safety which
. work i hotter any
made by man. If we did I
this o k live
valve Is Hie r sent,
glands, to make that
not run short of ll
hat bed body with
two and a half millions of
them. If our temperature t or
degrees we would within a few
hours, yet not run.
row. play tennis, hall or oven walk
safely any distance
our to tho danger
point if we had no valve pro-
so ingeniously by nature.
The cup ball socket and the
tight valve wore in tho
human body. If our hip joints ard
arms were not with sir
tight sockets would act too tired
to continue our v for any length
of in just holding these limbs
together by muscles, It is tho
pro, lire the air which holds
them in place, thus physical
effort is avoided. various
air tight joints and sockets found in
tho human body may Bad near-
nil mechanical principles in-
the air brake or tho n e
of compressed for a thousand
Some one exclaims
not discover tall i
mechanical which
tho world.
tho principle is almost developed in
the ball of the bone and the
of the hip, which are undo
smooth and ore so well oil I that
they beck forth with
and Atlanta,
Southern l y.
PULLMAN -G CAP. between Raleigh C.
Atlanta, on the convenient
Ar. a. m.
on Ticket Agents Southern Rails a-, Ion
lints detailed information, or
Norfolk, Va
Taft Vandyke
solid car load BUCK
Also Rolls Matting. Fine Line
i to I d J j
General re hand
The Power
At n prayer meeting u good oh
brother stood up said ho was
glad in give testimony.
wife ho said,
I in life with hardly n cent In tin
world. began at tho
round of the ladder, but tho Lord
has loon good to us, and hove
have prospered,
bought a little farm and raised good
crops. have u good home Bl d s
nice family f children, and, he
added, with much emphasis, am
tho bend of that
After down his wife
promptly arose to corroborate nil
that no had said, But she added,
with satisfaction, am tho neck
that moves tho
m uh ISM V.
J , aV
C. D.
Opposite t enter Brick
Rome of
tit mm
on sail in
s- M a
W Phi J
Fad mi.- ruin
s and
t n. and

Si I i
i .; I
I H I in
Reflector K
laird a i.
taming I
lie vastly different Iron it tiring It
of the best judges in is. The farmer who fails to trade a
make hit own supplies
. up I
. . off. and is a valuable
, w holiday trade of that
land hay, and put all of .
eastern town. We
B to the .
N. C, I mail .
Tiny ire
Brownsville again in congress.
There is one consolation about
it. a man is not a liar just be-
cause the president says he is.
It is noticeable that when a
political vacancy occurs there
are plenty of applications for it.
Don't get uneasy that
mas will lie an unlucky day this
year because it comes on Friday
The man depending upon the
price of cotton for his money
does not feel much like
id cat . n and
the a I Mill an en
Dec. -7 It. . he is going to
let us enjoy one more Christmas
before . so a dire ca-
Congressman Richmond
also wants to soothe his
rounded feelings by collecting
some damage money, lie has
brought suit for against
a brother congressman for saying
things about him.
Every business man in Green-
ville ought to start off the new
year by being a member of the
of Commerce, Get to
thinking about it now plan
to do big things for Greenville
next year.
Somebody has said, but we do
not know by what authority,
that Governor Glenn will be
candidate for congress in tin
fifth district in If lie rum
there is not a Republican in th
district who can beat him.
some time more, into
try t raise the so-called
and to
simply working for
other fell would pay
better to work for wages.
brother upon his
enterprise. Durham Son.
escort r. it's
The Greenville Reflector came
him out Thursday a splendid an-
The Daily Reflector is II years
and its weekly edition near
j years old. It is a good pa-
per, and a credit to its town and
R. A. who
was speaker of the house in
the legislature and was mention- j,
ed for that position at the next replete with facts about Green-
session, has announced that that well for the
Will not be a for that hustling little to the east of
position. His declining to enter Times,
the contest makes it look all the, with what The
that Mr. e I
a long extract from The
The way they
at the South shows that she is
coming into more general re-
An expert has been examining
into affair of Guilford
e and found things B
have been expressions
number of prominent
With eggs a dollar a dozen in
Chicago, the windy city folk
will have to look up a substitute
for eggnog.
Christmas presents will soon go
into hands of receivers. Some
of the purchasers of them may
do likewise.
i in session bin that
is a- nit a. Durham Sun.
No, indeed, the salary draw-
will well toked after.
plant blows i.-
the heading an exchange gives
a recent telegraphic news item.
What else did you expect it to
Congressman W. Kitchin,
now governor-elect, has sent his
resignation a- congressman to
Governor Glenn to take effect
Jan. I
Toil can help spread good
things about Greenville by send-
off a few copies of the
edition of The
As the president gets so sore
over that Panama canal scandal,
there must be more truth in the
charge than he would have the
public believe.
On Saturday Governor Glenn
appointed J. Adams, of
Carthage as judge of the eighth
judicial district to succeed Judge
W. II. who recently re-
Greenville's development this
year is practically completed
and the record been a good
one. We should be planning
now to make the coming year a
better one.
Judge Walter H. Neal has
tendered his resignation one
of the Superior court judges of
the State, for the purpose of re-
from a
men throughout the State favor-
a short session of the next
legislature, but the members
will be likely to stay there until
they get ready to
The is making busy
time these last of his official
days. Though it has been
a week since his extraordinary
long message that covered
enough space to talk about
everything in he
has sent another special message
to congress. The members may
expect another one for a Christ-
ma present.
Is i; possible there is only one
lady in Greenville favorable to
making the beautiful
Only one bus spoken in support
of the suggestion to organize
Dowd will be the next speaker,
and a better selection could not
be made.
We glad to hear strong
praise of our graded school to-
day. A gentleman who had re-
visited there spoke in
glowing terms of the conditions
there. The school is full and
the pupils seemed well
lined and very happy. A visit
to the different grades found the
scholars contented and doing
good work under the leadership
of Mr. Smith and his assistants.
tor showing some of the enter-
prises Greenville has.
The Raleigh and
in speaking of grain
old at the recent North
Carolina Conference in Durham,
had this to say one
The most distinguished lay-
man in attendance upon the con-
is lion. Thomas J. Jar-
vis. He held the highest
in the gift of the people
Monday, December will cell entire
stock of Genera at cost.
Shoes 18.60 per pair, now
Simpson and other standard Cal-
a cents a yard.
Riverside Plaid cent a yard.
Plaid worth now
cents a yard.
Domestic worth S cents, now-
going at cents a yard.
Plows, castings, hoes, shovels
axes, etc., go at cost. In fact
everything except flour, meat,
sugar, lard and pistol car-
HATS 1.50, 2.00, 2.50. AND 3.00 NOW HATS NOW AT CENTS
state legislator,
The Greenville people have it as K
a duty to take a lively interest Governor, Ambassador
in this splendid school. S. Senator.
has been more
honored by the people the
Male, lie lined each position
dignity and ability, out he
Board of County seemed so a man in
Ayden correspondent the
other referred to the old
turned over to I nigh official positions as now,
sunset a long lite, lie
is himself with the work of
teaching the in the
school, leading m build
church in ins home
n. Working 1.1 secure the lo-
y been a a College
their successors, and wanted to
know why, with so much money
in the treasury, the taxes
lie reduced. Our correspond
must have overlooked tin
that there has
due Last June at acting chair.
of levying taxes for the current trustees,
. . , ins town a
he commissioners reduced;
school, taking
county tax from la the
s o cents on aim still, these are the
to 8-8 cents, a difference duties to which he do-
of cents or a little over per votes as much time as he can
curse no reduction the
can In
made special taxes,
a but this is a considerable
law. Joe a loan three
score tell, who lost
a wound
on me tax received while leading his
Liquor dealers always die hard. I speaks well for the good in
battle in the
A dispatch from , Invent in Pitt county
says they are going to contest I
the recent election whereby the
city was voted by ma-
The priest of a Catholic
church at ha
announced that hereafter pen-
will not be accepted in the
collection baskets of church.
He says who are too
poor to give more than a penny
need the penny more than the
church He must not lie
familiar with what Christ said
about the poor widow who con-
only two mites.
Suffolk, Va. held a
election Monday and voted
by a good majority.
There is yet hope that Norfolk
and Richmond will get in the
column, and when they
do prohibition will be easier to
enforce throughout Eastern
North Carolina. If those cities
do not take this step early, they
will be the dumping ground of
many saloons driven out of
North Carolina when our
law goes into affect.
If the money that has been
sent out of Pitt county this year
for corn, hay and fertilizers had
been kept at home, the
of our farmers would be
Some of our brethren of the
press have made very kind men-
of the anniversary-holiday
issue of The Reflector on the
and the reference below
will show our home people how
their town paper is regarded
federate army, he is work
Would the powers a
man, is earning
title that been given him
Carolina's Old
It is mainly to him
that the special session of the
legislature this year submitted
State-wide prohibition to the
people that was rut I lied by the
voters in May by a majority of
Three of the
Mute has put the and the
still out of business and there
was a disposition to postpone the
Now is the chance to get bargains, no take sale. I am
going out the mercantile business and must sell my stock
of goods. This is a cash sale, don't ask tor credit,
General Merchandise.
The Most
Beautiful Line
Before fitting; out your
home you should come and
over of
Carpets, Matting.
Ross, and
Also i. hundred and one
things numerous
to you need,
v will out rival in looks
quality and price those found
Greenville is a growing town.; light for Mate prohibition until
The best evidence of it is the next year when Governor Jarvis
anniversary holiday edition of
The Greenville Reflector. It is
sounded the for
mediate action. The was
The Jewelry Store for Nice Gifts. I Have what
you Want for Your Holiday Present J
E. N. C.
bright, beautiful, breezy. The ripe for it and so
Reflector gives the true u leader sounded the
of steady tocsin there was a general re-
and the world Knows that
News and Observer. Carolina is the first
it DOM not know the to end the liquor
,. -ii i, ,, . , by a vote of the people as
The Greenville Reflector . , ,
. c i lit was by vote to
brutes its fourteenth anniversary i , y ,. , ,
. i . purity the the father
by issuing a large edition with . ,
illuminated ever appropriate to Gown a
both its anniversary and to i dint preacher and if be given
holidays. Incidentally, it is the dead to look down upon
something in the way of a boost this life, that
for Greenville. Which town, if it heroic oM
does not know it, has one of the to
best dailies in the footstep
lotto Chronicle. treading the courts of pub-
. TO i
, . , ,. , ,. public lilt in many cases leads
I he . . . .
. . .,, , away the sort Christian
Greenville Reflector , , , ., . .
work in which Governor
was a handsome twelve . . . , . . .
.,, . now takes delight, and
paper, illustrated cover, with all , ,. i- i.-i
. . . . labors in in.- church,
the charms upon it. , .
. . ., , . education and for temperance is
It and , t
a credit to Greenville, men of the Common-
brother J, Whichard, the an. wealth.
Superb Service to
on Saloon Decks.
Elegant Table Dinner Club Breakfast to
Polite attention and the very best service in every way
Leave Norfolk of Jackson daily
Arrive in Baltimore a. in., connecting with rail
lines for Philadelphia, New York, and all points east and west
For all information and reservations address
L T. LAMB, Gen. Aft. CHAS. L. HOPKINS, T. P. A.
eats run
At Big Store
The Big Sale is going on to raise money
for creditors. Come quick and get your of
the Low Prices.
Agent of The and vicinity.
N. C. Dec. 1908.
to a
Ivy and Lloyd Smith went to
Greenville Thursday on
F. M. Smith i Green-
A i.
in- Kit
. , ,
lay to t
ii-. t ,
short awhile.
We regret very to learn
that Mr. C. A. Fair and his ex-
family anticipate after
end at LR. Smith Mar.
If Pitt county baa to
her credit in the treasury,
wouldn't the people appreciate
the fact if there were a
reduction in taxation Where I of January leaving Ayden
there is such
certainly there can be no reason
for an additional increase to
years hence.
planted your gar-
den is the quest
one is asking. Woods Jed
the best for the South V i will
find all kinds perfectly at
connection with who was u. Ayden
Shenandoah other l. , .
Va., to visit her parents for a . , i
Santa Clans has
store of White St
Greenville Saturday to attend the
Miss Smith,
Smith and Master
i went to Greenville Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
her rs, bad from
part in the enter i i i mi
concert in the and
b by I
No p .
i . I .-.
I .
. i . .
Die i. I
i r ii
Taylor, in
to Pennsylvania where Ayden, as his headquarter for
These extreme-; this Christmas. On Dec. 15th children, Rapids,
in the largest and most to Ivy Smith's Saturday to
pleasant people have bee. i ., for some
in Ayden for the past i this town. Every a y went to
years and have the very latest
identified with Ayden people variety. Do not miss the
and surroundings. Our to see these goods and Mills Smith went to
selections before evening.
Drug Store. Don't make
the mistake of getting some o ti-
Those who have not paid their
State and county taxes can do so
by calling on Stancill Hodges at
the bank. He represents the
sheriff in this particular at this
Smith Co. Dixon are running
their factory and mills on full
time. General sawing trimming
and repairing of all kinds neatly
Large preparations are being
made by our merchants for
Christmas. Goods in quantities
people are greatly attached to
them and it will be with
that they part with them.
Wherever they may go it may be
with assurance there is not on
in Ayden but who wishes for
them pleasant homes and
lives. those among whom
they may cast their lot will have
cause to congratulate themselves
that such an excellent family arc
sojourners in their midst.
J. T. Keel has sold his stock of
light and fancy groceries to G
C. Moore and brother who con-
the business in the same
store formerly occupied by Mr.
once a year, therefore lie happy
yourself by making those around
you happy. Our store will lie
the center of attraction for
day trade, and any article you
desire can lie found here. Don't
forget the place. White A
and the date for the holiday
good opening. Dec.
Approaches Being Built and Bids Asked
That the Norfolk and Southern
must have a bridge
across Sound, in
order to accommodate its in-
creasing business, is apparent-
Freight trains from and to Nor-
folk, over the New Bern and
Raleigh divisions, have each
from to cars, and with two
to four freights and the
trains, to carry daily by only
a barge from Ferry to
popular the ,,.
. ti
i . i
lent. .
The wedding took place in the cued by bins
and from the door by bU I IS L
In e for bl
W. J. Boyd who has beer,
are here and still coming in S. P. Forbes Co. for the
all seem to anticipate big will be with them
M. M. makes the best J again next year. Messrs
cold drinks that can be made at Forbes Co. can never do better
the cold the year than continue this west excel-
round Try one. I lent gentleman their
W. J. who has Boyd wherever known is
constable of highly appreciated and
township for pat three; not at home but all over hi-
years, retired and Burwell j territory as one of the bust
Skinner assumed control and heartiest on the read.
will conduct me U to
during the next think; well t ram, out we
You will ii line . , not y.
and on . in ct r and true u nth in from a of
J. U. Smith principle contractors. The
only comes I b. I. Willoughby and J. B.
Joyner went to Farmville
Mrs C. L. Tyson, from near
came Sunday on a visit
to her father and returned home
Monday evening.
Mr. from near
Greenville, visiting in Smith-
town Sunday.
R. E. Willoughby went to
Greenville Monday to buy a mule.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
horn, from near Ayden. came
Monday to visit their
son, C. E.
T. E. Little found two whole
sides of meat last night in the
road near C. E.
house about a hundred yards
further down the road he found
another. They were very large
sides, but the owner was
around looking for it before nine
bright of carpet bad boon
spread. Thia flanked on either
tide a wall of eager cadets.
A the bride appeared about for-
to fifty of stepped for-
ward and immediately laid
side by side, down, upon
the . thus forming n living
pathway from the
the carriage.
I do not know who invented the
idea, but it was evidently a com-
surprise to the bride, who
sen red a- she I
the doorway. The bridegroom,
however, her band
and, himself walking on the ground,
persuaded her to
Once her c hod eon i
come and she realized the
I, the bi
was radiant m he I;
over line men with a care an
which wen- almost a
cure her little hoc i Flip-
per daintily anon the live
yielding bodies, which formed
is surely the most I us path-
way ever traversed by beautiful
Probably this is unique
even in a country
i-. carried to a pitch that work-
men and beggar in the street
gravely raise their huts to each
i ii r
however, shown
letter Hal i
x i n l
n It o I -.- i i
In the lie
folk to
for pro I
years he never heard r. l. or
Ere bi lie
The i .-
note t. . of war.
the called Be
office he
on and
rotary had the row
no-.- of i
Ins he only stepped
a a tasty l
V hi a he was nu i Ina for
ti.,. -natty plate of r
up I sorts f
he did
. r.; i i a fr. n .
r to his n. w
a word
i ii.- mode I. m
no and held no
en-e. letter
A Car-
A .-
Mr. and Hay weed Smith
the situation is one to went to Greenville yesterday I the sun
evening to attend
his aunt, Mrs. Alice Harper. , ., , in .
Hiss Smith, has an or
down with typhoid for the Urine,
for three is Improving tending f;
It on
A of u mi
i r
bridge, ks
among themselves, if this
-ire we
when gets better The
the only relief, and bid--.
a period,
Sunday evening .
Mr. i. .
were .
Elder t. T. ; .
J. Smith o. ;
hustling at the n.
plant, lie- reg
of work are bearing .-t nut
to be I worthy men. Since our
on this market. each and every one con-
The members the with the business
here so conducted
in. i
; at
q ti.
. B
. i .
V. i . .
the strenuous n
getting on very
on side of I
Sound o the bridge, from
and Ferry,
are constructed, so that
once the contract is let,
the can quickly
and the bridge
wore can go ahead rapidly
Woods Liver M in fem
the side hoed
none stomach,
chills lever and malaria. Its tonic
11-2 tunes us the nix.
John L. Wooten.
cured the service of Rev. Mosley
C. Morton as pastor tor the next
M. M. Sauls has just received
a tine lot of perfumes toilet
as to merit and deserve
and esteem of all. That
the Ayden tobacco market has
been a is largely due to
the buyers who have spared no
means to contribute to its sue-
Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, but have as w. II labored
Rocky Mount, came Wednesday zealously and without stint
Wore Robber Shoe root.
Brother M. O. Sherrill, the
State Librarian, is here attending
c inference, and is the of
Maj, W. A Guthrie. He is slight-
under the weather today from
a It came about in this
way, and it is a very singular co
incident, too. Brother Sherrill is a
good one. too. He lost his right
leg in a battle a. Spottsylvania
evening to visit the family of W.
H. Harris.
J. R. Smith Dixon have
a nice lot of coffins and caskets
on hand and can furnish hearse
when desired. Give them a call
when in need of any of their
goods. This firm has a good sup
ply of first class wagons, a few
good buggies, and are run over
making hogsheads and repairing.
Truly Ed Garris, the manager,
is a busy man.
Mrs. R. W. Smith spent a short
while in Winterville Wednesday.
For public school books go to
J, R. Smith Mer. Co.
and Bibles also on hand.
There is a great demand for
houses in Ayden. We can't
imagine why some of our money
men don't build a number as we
are sure they would have no
trouble in finding ready
Mrs. Barron Forrest
is here on a visit to her
daughter, Mrs. Bob Williams.
There are one or two nice
houses in course of erection on
West Railroad and Lee streets
which, when completed, will add
very much to those sections of the
If tobacco still continues to
come in surely Ayden will reach
the two million notch.
us spread.
Smashed a Window.
The cannon cracker shooters
got in some damage Monday
night. A big cracker exploded
against a window in the front of
barber shop and the
glass was badly smashed.
the betterment of the entire
community, and nothing our
citizens can do as a token of
their confidence and trust would
be amiss to induce them to come
next year, not only as
but to reside permanently
and make their homes among us.
Certainly Ayden would be great-
Miss Mamie Dawson up
on the train yesterday from
There were services in the
Missionary Baptist church Sun-
day morning and at night con-
ducted by Rev. T. H. King
There were also services in the
Disciple church under
of the C. W. B. M. Society.
Just Christmas there will
be a marriage in town. Please
don't all guess.
M. M. Saul, Edwin Tripp, J
F. Smith, Jessie Coward and W.
S. Blount have all been summon-
ed as witnesses to be at Clinton
next Friday in a case where a
Mr. Hobbs is suing the AC.
Line for damages sustained in a I
just below Grifton about
used Chamberlain's Stomach
an Liver Tablets for tome time,
y have done me more
good any tablets have ever used.
trouble vim a heavy dull K
eating.-D Freeman.
Nova Scot a. These i hen .
the stomach an improve digestion, i Court House, in May, 1864, and
They regulate the liver bowels. wears a wooden leg. In
T l disagreeable weather, he is
in the habit of wearing one over-
shoe on his good foot, but does
not wear one on his artificial
pedal. Night before last he
made a mistake and wore his
overshoe on his false foot, in-j
stead of his live one, and as a
consequence, he has had a slight
cold, from this change in wearing
the Sun.
wedded husband.
c vi d t r the
. ,.,,.;.;. . Ii
ti th mo be o
build a i e
monument to himself. Thin
laid upon a
small scale, so if t.
-r ha n i
t b As
. . . i
.;. . .;. in ;
thus pro mi -I to the I i
the build re tn. Thin theory i-
by who believed
that each be tin n
out upon n definite
of rue mid
. . Ii
They ate tar
no more Get x i i . u.
and Coward Wooten
state and see what a splendid medicine
it is.
W. H. Smith has purchased
the interest of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the sane place- All
work promptly looked after- Mr.
Cox will still with the
have half boil. ever, i
,.,. . ; . . if . will In i
. . ; .-. r-. y
i i i i .
. . . . ; . . ; . . . I .-
i i II ii-
. . ., i .
. ; y . . . .
Then i
,.,; . i . n at o
and we -re i
. ,;,. n cross ;.
; hi I
n. j we i
Oil IV.
. lie I
. . . , ;. . I ,.
i Mr.
,. . ;.;. or f r . The
ii. . ti i I
. el
v; tram
,, ., ,.,. . i. ,.
i-Mi- hi ha more
bin. r- boom
She she
hut she i .
four days later
when they waited lb bead the
firm closing hoar IS
and wild never In Ibo history
. r the had thing run as
as t had during the last low
At the Close of Business November,
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
Or Joseph
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank
bums and discounts 18,868.77 Capital
Overdrafts unsecured fund
Furniture and
Demand loans 7,800.00
17,272.14, cur. exp
profits, lee
and taxes pd.
Deposits sub. to check is.
to bk and
Cash items
Cold coin
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,418. outstanding
bank other Total
S. Notes
Total I
i year ago. This is quite a hard-1 , h K. of the above named bank,
gentlemen as it is . U the o. my g
the very busiest season of the o,, ho.
Wood's Seeds.
Seed Wheat,
Oats, Rye and Barley.
am not only the lamest
ere in Seed in South, but
sell the best, and
heaviest qualities
from the best and
crop, our
are fully equipped with the
and most improved machinery for
cleaning. If you want superior
Plant Wood's Seeds.
quoted on request
O Descriptive Fall
about all
mailed free.
pans cir-
elimination. When you
feel weak,
sick, is o
. be-
use you
energy, and
Subscribed and sworn to be-
year- , . . fore me. this day of Dee.
The Ayden Milling and Mfg.
Co. will on the first day of Jan- HODGES,
1909. open a buggy depart- Notary Public
pi CM
of and
life is interfered with.
cured thou; ands
. and will
benefit not entirely
you. Try it.
nun out
i .
sell Dr. Kw-
end w. him to
el bottle It It falls
to you.
Miles Medical Co, Ind

I Things a Man Saw In
I men;.
. II . o
i .
II . r.
. ; . i i writ-
,. . -I . 11.1
I .
i i. tills in via
. i . . few day, however, I saw
oil I stand. I aw
,. mires us exist nowhere pi
,,. . i . i rum i. rats as
i- lay door or through
Bulled In my In-
Elephants strode In with
swaying cranks,
time seated themselves and
in. their
. splitting
Haunted snouts In the
air guffawed. Monkeys Jumped
limb lbs trees outside
room. of nil colon, of nil
reptiles fantastic
upon their back and with
of sapphire or ruby or of milk whit
marble, wriggled Boor or
crept In or out of unseen
In the wails and Into
the water In my tub. They
around and around me. squirming
their darting
and out ferocious activity,
their no around the
doorways or through windows.
chickens roosted over my bead and
cackled, and wolves ran around
the room barking and snapping, 1-
Hew from one corner to
and cooed. I beard roaring,
tigers I while they opened their
mouths, like huge oats, In silent, angry
disapproval. Hiking their whiskers
pawl softly and
u this and far more.
saw crocodiles in droves. I'm.
scaly. beasts were.
foaming Jaws, long, swoop-
tails, or creeping
along the fool or my
bod and grinding their yellow teeth In
gluttonous auger as they
me, prey. I saw reeking,
slippery body of a crocodile slide into
the water of tub. Thin as I
Shrank breathless horror to escape
saw but greedy, filmy eyes arias to
the surface, bis cold, foul
Hush His Icy beak touch-
ed my cheek. The hot vapor from bis
lungs seared my I turned a
cold as ice and trembled like a In
a Magazine.
Notice of Sale for Partition
How Mature Adapts Food to Man
Man to Food.
of cereals.
c t ire of Chi n in me
. pr. i i
. . nutted. .-. v. . . . i . .
of ti.
. art . I I
I . . to .
. .
. at
i.,. . a i 1.1 on, i I. . v . I
., , ii O. Campbell d i
in and near the town
. v. has b up ml i
eleven or tract and
. hundred and twenty four town
lo s, as ill r o- map m
.-iii , of the clerk of
as fol
U. farm No.
i s shown said map. a rest more
Farm No a shown on said
more or
tarn No a. as on said map,
acres, more or less.
Farm No as shown on sad map,
fires, more or less.
No shown on said map,
1-2 acres, m re or
mi u. said mar,
more or leas.
Farm No shown on said map,
seres, more or less.
Farm as shown on said map,
US 7-10 more or leas.
arm No as shown on said map,
I 6-1 i acres, more or less
No as on said map,
acres, more or less.
Farm No as shown on said map,
acres, more or leas.
Also following town
Lots in block A. numbers to in-
as shown on said map.
Lots in block U, numbers to in-
as shown on said map.
L-1 in bloc C, numbers t- in-
on map.
Lots in block O, numbers to in-
as shown on s map.
Lots in i., numbers i to In-
shown on s id map.
Lots numbers to
as shown on said ma,.
Lots i block number one lot, as
shown on said ma-i.
in block H, numbers to
as shown on said map.
Lots in block I, numbers to
as shown on said map.
Lots in block J, numbers to
live, shown in said map.
Lots in block K, numbers to
I us shown on said map.
in blOCK L, . umbers to
as shown on said map.
Lots i block M, numbers to
m said
Lots in block N, numbers to
i needs live, as shown on said
kind lo to
Why Cm Eat at Every
Without Tired if It,
Fruits cf
and cf Frozen Arctic.
n e has shown that mi
lure Idea food for
marvelous end The bu
i a certain amount
dally to replace
tissue. Fish and meat sup-
;.;. large quantities, in
. however, these spoil so
use Is I united Nature.
an if to compensate for this, has given
I i certain tropical fruits a much larger
quantity of than northern fruits
. government analysis
in that have live units or
u ounce, dates two and five-
and bananas one and
Apples hive five-tenths, peaches
and pears seven-tenths. Prob-
ably the dates I ;
part of their moisture, and sonic allow-
should made for this.
The Arab van. therefore, maintain In-
vigor a diet chiefly plucked
trees, M. Stanley and his
. ,. .
banana Hour for two years I'm
African Their
was part attributed to
of this diet. The I
i . . of pr
double of ordinary wheat
At the opening of the mango season
Jamaica many of the natives
live on this fruit fur two or
three weeks. Tiny fairly revel it.
who was familiar
science of diet could not under-
bow they could not only main-
their health on this fare, hut
actually crow deck and fat. lie knew
that an off rt i live on the fruits of
hi native country would result In
weakness, and eventual death
Chemical analysis showed, however,
that contained enough i n
North Carolina, I In the S. C. re
i . . i II. i . c
H r. H F. s.
I; .- . i . i,
I. , I lee,
v. i . I
, l at d
a and A . in
mi r
v i if . -i . r .
by ii. C. . i . the
a the foregoing I
on -t I ml
1908, the undersigned I Carolina aw
will on the 22nd id i n--
n her, l-us. at o'clock, noon, ex-
I . to public s lo f re i
-n to
in- for cash, the following tracts cf
i e t i at or parcel of
in Creek township, county,
North at a sweet
gum on the west side of the r. ad
. leading from the Frank
home place to the Fred Cannon
place at c r of Lot No.
the i hiss o of the Willis Wilson
i la and runs S. E. poles to a
stake thence north -2 poles to
I a stake, them south cast no as to
a stake with and pine pointers,
j then south 1-2, poles to a
small post oak, on the south side of a
i Fred Cannons lit e then north
1-2, west pi lea to a stake,
of Lot No. in said division then with
said lire north 1-2. east poles lo
the beginning. Containing acres
more or leas.
Also i no r tract of land in said
township county and adjoining the
lands of Oliver Cox, Simon Mills and
others and being the horn pi of the
said Charles Frank U containing
acres more or less.
On a tract is one single
six room dwelling house, nicely painted
and well plastered, three brick . him-
; also good live room tenant
house with brick and
brick chimney, also one tin r good ten-
ant house lo x II feat, two shingle too
tobacco and good tobacco pack
with she and sh Hi attached,
with brick Inning ; one cotton
with shed and is
good well of water. Land has good
lay foundation, well adapted
Official Statement.
wing the i r of held
by t i . . i County
of the power en
in .-. certain den ii x
cut d and liver. M. i .
M to J. . .
Aye. ck . I Hi i .
u f. I i r . I i
. . . i . I . . t
ha. i i i
. the o d ill p so
ii lie to tit u h .-.-.
. m i e, to i be I. . r i
January ac
it c r p reel land g
in tie of inn Slat.-
do loll
own George Mo i n .-,
entire Tact own d by the said I I i k-, attended
IS . i at per day
t days each member
,. .; amounts .
i- i- i i 1st.
. j . Mon-
. inclusive.
V . . B
. t per
. . CHIC , i 74.00
--i null I, at
on c
Travels i miles at
i Handed
M. T.
Moor.- the time his in.
B at a line, . i line
an . runs then es u h IS, I
to a slump, corner
thence north 1-2. 9- to
three Vi m
thence north . poles to
pine, 1-2 we
to s st .
. poles to a
thence 1-2, west
poles to a i .,.; thence south
west pole- to swan ,., r ,, r-i-
with SWan p to l jg as at per day
AIM -tact I the n on com.
tract, b pi in g t lane Known Traveled miles at 36.26
I Georg.- and George Moore
i. . . U i ;. Ware's corner, thence Total
Ward's line to
Traveled at
P. J. Holland,
s id Fleming line to the corner
George Moore line and the Cooper
swam, up the Cooper swamp
a d George Moo to the George
thence up I be canal
in the above i anted In ; thence
with i he of the lane to be-
The at Is in-
tended to c acres or less.
owned B
and L. A. known as the
George Moore lands, to said
deed in T ; ma of one h
cash, balance to be paid Jan. 1st. 1910
v mortgage on the property.
his 0th any
. W, Aycock, Trustee.
F. U. Attorney.
Traveled mile's at
Total 5.05
Total amount allowed
No unverified accounts have been
I, Richard Williams, Register of
Deeds d clerk of of
Commissioners in and for the
aforesaid, do hereby certify
that the foregoing is true statement.
Given under m. hand in Green-
This 2nd day of December,
rd for Pitt Co.
of corn, cotton, peanuts and tobacco,
the 21st day of November, 1908.
F. C. Harding,
Sale of Land.
By of a power if Sale Of Real
Trustee's Sale.
Gray cf Stamped
With Terrors.
The average u r face
n l d bun on .- than a
fifty I- . . .- b be
to death have
a ram utter half a .
men, one of whom could have
mastered brute in a an
i of whom In
n coward. are I a
record of v.-lib bare
hands have held i id n an
bull. i i of
no -1
i n ;.
the loan t l
or sill I
.;. re v u I.
man, of
all. Ho has come up
out of a i; I was
con lit Ion i us u e fear of
e. of the r-
r violence, of falling, of
of our I r; M are
ti u.- i tenors, a
lug cf of
. a o H is t i
clearly. of heredity
ore not . trucks of
use and 11.-r. tore
we may most rend our past his-
He is our as truly
he la our bis every
shrinking and frightened cry
arc ii lee of the younger world.
lilies of of fear.
They tell if the days when wan was
not the master of the earth nor even
u highly considered of
same, but a runaway subject of the
meat eating whose
was tooth a -1. law, a plebeian
the presence of i; rued and
hoofed of woods fields.
They of the i win i
hairy sin i n In the forks of
i red softly at
dark dark
held so many enemies, whimpered
softly hi enemies should hear.
food lo man's ones, she baa
so In u to his
f. Yen . have wondered why
pm i e can i at meal
if It. ill . v of
callus quail .; day f. r
Is well I ml II
. ; ;
. ; f .
re l I.
p lb of foe
I l U
i- . sail of I ; .
to or in
v . y cocked,
;,,. . r . i i
Th . i l
i . .- i el
H i i . I
K .
Ki VT. . a, ,
i .
, , . i fa.
. i i III
. I I , I . . . l I
shown on said map.
in block numbers to
Also lot No I, fronting on new road and
Fronting i Laughinghouse avenue.
A i t- i. s to
i venue.
A so i umbers to inclusive,
new load.
Terms of and balance
in i. pa men's i f one and two era,
payments to be secured
upon land aid heir inter-
est from date of the deed at the rate of
six per percent per annum.
Moore .
G . C. Dec. 4th,
Under and by virtue of
vested in me by a certain deed in trust
to by
rife, the
day of May, nineteen hundred
toss the a
bond bearing even date therewith.
slid registered in tie office of the
register m- , . for I count
book an I
.,., i j-
ed ill a certain mu
ti and delivered by D. W.
wile to son,
the of October,
By virtue of a power of sale contained
in a certain deed execute d and
delivered by John R. Buck and wife
mi the i tn nay i i, , . .
said deed is recorded in Mary L. Buck, on the day of Feb-
registers in county in to L. E. Smith,
. . m . f i . ,
of record in the register of ill ids office
will in 4th day January, In Pitt county, in book Q.-K page
, , I . a-s.-. m II r . n
B page the undersigned
it g the first Monday in
expose to pub sale before the
court house or Greenville, to
highest bidder for cash, the
trio Is panels of land to
The t tract in
tow ship I'm county, North
beginning at Whites new road on the
east side of vine swamp aid
not having been
the quest -i. W. if-
ii,. therein
-I ill, the day of
en hundred and eight
at ten o'clock a. in., the town
Hi tin in of In Pan of Bethel,
expose to public r to the
highest bill a ed
in the ii
or puree, of I ed. in I i t
Mays I then Mays line
road, then a.
curse with Whiles new real,
to the beginning containing acres
more or leas and g the same cl
of land conveyed by A.
Jackson on the -0th
November, 1801, as appears of record
in A. page 3-6.
Also n other tract of and in said
ship and county adjoining tin
the will on the
day if. i. expose to pub-
sale b. fore the court house door in
lo the highest I bid r for
cash, the following o.- i arc. I of
lying being county
North Carolina, and fol-
I a part of the A.
g deeded
t it Duck, ml as
follow by Had
and . n South by W. A.
land, and on the west by K. O. Smith
and C. C. containing acres
more or This sale is made to sat-
the t. f mortgage,
L. E. NI.
f, C. Harding, Attorney.
and nun
I mu .
Mathew Sermons, deceased, i
. i
i . i-
lo i III
h I
.-. 11.1
l l I
My dear, -aid the banker to his
only have noticed a young
man attired in a dross suit In the
drawing room two or throe evenings
week of late. What is his
is present unemployed, fa-
fair girl, a dreamy,
faraway look In her big
lie Is g seriously of a
position of companion to a young
lady of
,. .
. ;. pi .
r i I,
arctic n , there hi
, . n -i live h
a a to
v , l s-
or- i. These re
ii l II
I ii I in body t--
iterate l. it I
of carbon and hydrogen,
which are the chief components of
f of vegetable
fuel needed by the body. The
i have fat In abundance, but
of and torrid
tones can eat it only In limited
To tin mere of
chewing; chunks of grease Is
The children of the frown north,
however, arc endowed not only with
the ability lo and lo digest large
quantities of fat, but with a keen
petite for It. One who Is sensitive t.
Impressions away
he natives of
Alaska, the swallowing sea.
I flavored by salmon berries with
gusto of a In y over Ice cream. The
Eskimos, farther north, will
her. Slightly III the h
an Indefinite number of
vi cf the power of -ale con-
in a i gage ex
. livered by W. E. and
Q. C. to Branch on
the of 1908, and
dull r. corded in the Register of Deeds
. if county. North ,
i, k J-, page d
will expose lo public sale, before the
curt house or in Greenville, the.
highest bidder on Monday,
a tractor parcel of land
gad icing In tin- county of
and State of North C and de-
as follows, to The vacant
lot described in said mortgage and
being t eastern part of said lot.
Boon d on th north by the lot of Mary
L on the east by the lot of
W. on the south by Second
strut, and on the West by the other
part of the said Isaac lot upon
which the building, the vacant
lot iii be sold I ab feet front
on Sec. aid g lack
about fee. Mortgage
Deed. Term of sale Cash.
This l Nov.
Mary Branch, Mortgagee.
K. G. lames, Attorney.
particularly d-. d m follows tow it
mug on the n ad I
from load to
Gum inn at of Ken
At ti Harri . i aground to thence
with a Harri re a nor h. i
e i o the line the
wit. ii e to Me
vii. S .-. id
Mi-i, .- line a sou
to the line of lames Ward;
thence with sad Wind's t to the
beguiling, Bl more
or less, mil know i. as lie- Sallie Ann
Matthews land.
the of 190-,
J. C Smith, e.
on i a t, Too Dull and others
on the south the can in gourd vine
swamp Hal Littles weal,
an i Whites new road n the
-e is mi re or less,
being same la d conveyed by John
W. to Jackson on
the day of November, as
appears of record in A. Page
This sale is to satisfy terms
of a ids and said sale will he heal
on the above mentioned at
I day of
Mort age.
By virtue of the power s
i- delivered
by Price aid wife Delia
to J. i . Co., on the 17th d
Hy virtue i f a power i f sale
eel d
delivered by Henry wife
Martha Anne to i
the d of BOB, and duly
led in the register of den us
ill v. c . In book 1-- page W,
d will on the
fourth day of January, m expose to
public sale before house door
in to highest bidder for
cash, the following property
Situated in C eek tow ship
Fine Nor h Carolina,
at a stake near Wiley Jones h use and
runs North ea t to a
then north west poles to a slake
t-. in y Smith's line, thence with his
line south west poles to a stake
ill Nash line, then with his
line east, tut be
B of the power of con- containing acres, more or t. Thia
d in a certain deed Bale is made to s id mortgage
d red by Been
wife Ida F. to i ins the 4th day of Dec
the of 1906, Buck, Mortgage.
and duly record i in the register it F. C. Attorney,
deeds i Bee of lilt county, North Car.
. mot .
of Sept. 1901 and duly recorded the Una, in book J-8,
register of deeds office in Fill j signed will expose sale, be-
North Carolina in book X page fore the court house door in Greenville,
the undersigned will to public to the highest bidder on Monday, De-
sale, before the curt house door In I comber 21st. a tract or
Greenville, to the highest bidder on i parcel of land lying being in th
Thursday, Dec. a certain tract of county of and Si
Notice to creditors
Her Object Attained.
me, said the v
alp humbly, I thoughtlessly
lo Mrs.
you told me In strict
;.; nothing to replied
the wise woman pleasantly.
for very purpose that I told them
to yon In strict
An Everyday Suit.
Thai Una Is certainly n dress
He has a suit of Clothe for every
he baa the suit on every
time see
that's the
The sweetest of all sounds la
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a curtained Mortgage
Deed executed and delivered by Silas
S. and wife to W,
tin 1st day of January. 1907.
i duly recorded in the of
deeds of county, Caro-
i i hook page the u
d expose lo pub Mis, before
the courthouse door in Greenville, to,
the bidder on Thursday, Dec
24th, la a certain tract i r parcel of
land lying and in the county
Pitt and State of North Carolina
described as follows, to
That tract of land in
township near the town of Grifton, ad-
the lands of William Daws n,
A. L. Blount. Louisa and
others, containing acres more or
less, the pieces sold For ac-
curate reference is hereby
mane to the The
tole sold i it the of said
Silas S. Worth in said tract of
I to satisfy laid mortgage deed.
Ti rm of sale
This day of
P. W. Brooks. Mortgagee.
F. G. James, Atty. ltd
dub; i -k-
or parcel of land lung and being in the
county of Pitt and Male of North Caro-
and as follows,
That lot in South upon
which the said Price and wife
now reside. Bounded the lots of
Stewart Gray, Joe Gray,
and by Main street extended,
just South of the Norfolk Southern
railway. For accurate description ref-
is made to said to
said mortgage deed. Terms of
sale cash.
This 24th day of Nov. 19-C.
J. B. Cherry Mortgagees.
James aid James, Attorneys,
. this
to a
are half an hour
said b
replied boy, who bud
been the day before.
was bile yesterday when I got
We give altogether too little
lo what say lo others and too
much lo what they say to us.-
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as executor of Mrs.
deceased, late of Pitt
N. C, this is to n all
persona having claims the
estate f to exhibit
them t undersigned within twelve
months from of this notice, or
notice will pleaded in bar of
their recovery.
A I persona indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment.
This the 23rd day of November 1908.
ltd Sheppard,
Under and of authority
vested in me by a certain deed in trust
executed to me by S. R. on
the day of July, and
in office of the register of
deeds for the county of in book
page Ac, and to secure the
payment of a certain bond bearing
t date therewith, and the
contained said deed in trust
not having been complied with,
upon request of the
then in named, I I, on the h day
of Jan., 1909, at ten
a. m , in the town of Bethel, N. in
said county, sell for cash, lo the high-
est bidder, the following
real estate,
Situated in Pitt county, Bethel town-
and adjoining the of Mack
Gamer. Alfred Andrews
and others bounded by the A. C.
It. K. near the town Parmele,
N. C, and containing two acres more
or and for a more accurate de-
reference is made to the
deed of said recorded in I
Thia December 4th. 1908
J. C. Smith, Trustee.
of N Carolina, and
follows, Being lot No. on the
north side of Fleming street in what
known at
Mrs Henry
n w C. T aid Cherry's
feet thence South west
feet to Fleming thence j
with said street 791-1
feet inches to the old line,
thence north 1-2 cast feet
itches to the beginning, containing one
quarter a-re more, or and being
the lot this conveyed to i
by Adrian to
said mortgage deed. Terms of sale
This 20th of Nov,
Adrian Savage,
Having duly qualified as
tor, with the will annexed, of the
i town of Mrs R. E. Bed her, deceased,
is hereby given to all
indebted to the estate to make
payment to the undersigned, and
all persons having claims against said
. stale are notified that they must
sent the same to the undersigned on
or before the 6th of November,
1909, or notice will be plead in bar
or recovery.
Thia 5th day of November, 1908,
of Mrs. R. E. Belcher.
MR. COBB'S VERSION. Attraction at Farmville.
Farmville, Dec.
Why His Mule Died After the successes of the
Town. was rendered to a large
Mr B P cf appreciative at the
the man whose sick mule Lady Turnage opera house by
came to town the look- the Farmville Dramatic duo m
for a doctor, dropped in to the magnificent musical,
The Reflector that v, ; entitled The
of the incident was not entirely The play was
correct with spirit, speed, sparkle and
was this said Mr. life, and held the audience spell
early in the morning after being i The slow drag that is inflicted on
harnessed for work. its the audience at so many plays
condition I slipped the the acts was foreign
off aid said to the mule-he was to this, and attention of
an educated animal, you one in the house was
straight to Greenville to Dr. riveted on the specialties of Miss
Fountain and get some medicine Eva Horton and Roland Joyner.
for colic The mule started as sandwiched between the
directed, but Tom Dupree stop- falls layers of icing between
him on Dickinson a Nabisco waif
front of Dr. and The entire was grand and
he could cute the colic. The has not be.-n by any
mule did not like being d ever seen h re. Mrs. J. Man.
that way. but was too weak to Smith, under whose
kick and rather that, be tr the play was rendered, is tie
by anybody Dr. lay
right down and died. Y. sir, Thia play will be given
the are the facts, and you can in on Friday evening, a. d
print b. repeat-1 here by
special request on Wednesday
sen i
, r . A
Land Sale.
By of the powers contained
in a certain deed by
H. A. Boyd and his wife, El
to M. on the
day of March. 1908, which said
died duly recorded in the
of Pitt county,
In nook 0-7. page the
will expose to public sale before the
house door in the town if Green-
ville. N. C , the 12th day
of January, the following
ed tract or parcel of land,
in the county of Pitt, State
of North Carolina, and d scribed
adjoining the of Grimes
R. J. J, Laughing
Fannie C Saunders, and
and known the Major J tract
of Ian containing more or
lea i. and being the land II. A.
bought of John R. sale
made to satisfy
of c I
II. M. Proctor, M
Skinner attorneys for
Hooker 1211 s .
Mr. Fred Carr
is Drawing Near J
And the Christmas is naturally
How about a piano We
on hand several discontinued styles
ranging in prices from to
These pianos are
sold at and
How about setting one aside for
yaw We only of one style i
and of another left
For FARM Supplies and
Wilson, Dec. 10.-A surprise
marriage here early
this morning when Miss Nan
Branch, daughter of the late YoU One
Branch, and Mr. .,,. ., . i
t c . . . on trial freight prepaid if you prefer.,
Carr, of Senator Over- t.,
man. were married at the home If you are a bargain seeker this j
of Mrs. S. fl Anderson,
of e bride. Mr. and Mrs. Carr
left on morning train tor
. ,. ,. . . .; man, box
L . ,. i. . . .- .
will tax I
I and
is a rare for
Phone write to G. G.
Don't to see our
We carry a lull stock, also lull line
pairs tor our v. hi-, is we
There is none better, remember
they always give perk-1 satisfaction. We
would also you to our .
American Wire Fencing
We carry the best quality only of Lime and
Cement and keep a stock on hand. Bear in
mind that Baker ex Hart's is the to buy
A of colds or n cl i
is certain to d in
cl which few persona ever
win, recover Give every the
It deserves and you may
How can
you Why n t Chi
Mrs, M. i t-
I r. yen I
I I with my
Someone told me of I
Remedy- I I
it and it relieved me -t one Not
throat and
night, 16th.
Pi r by J. 1-. and
fur a and colds is
now tit h n i and i much care cat
l. to the cl i I . ft
much more like ., t i . I
lever when
a cold The r you cure hi com
i h
Remedy i- soU- reliance many
rs, and to of those who have
. r.
Mrs. F. K. of Ripley. Va
i .
Fire Has
lire works dealers opened,
stocks Friday and the ex-
I n of them
Every now
cracker would go off. The
will be kept busy
;. iv . Cb in to
catch the the Oil .
,. , . H .
G .
Wholesale and retail Gr
Furniture Dealer.
i i for Hides, Fur, C
full r s
I. in i l
fer, H
; you i
. , a v. . . ii I
i; v
the vi quality
vi .
. . .
; S, Ml H
d the w irks
i. u
Out of Date.
Assistant Attorney General
Hayden Clement will recommend
to the legislature that all
of criminals take in
the State penitentiary, that as a
defendant is convicted of a
offense he be sent to the
State prison and held their pend-
final disposition of his
It is to be hoped that these re
commendations will be carried
out. The plan has been
for years and it should be
pressed upon the next
County hangings should
be abolished and it would be
better that an electrocution
chamber, instead of a gallows,
be fitted up in the penitentiary.
By long usage, the gallows Ins
been robbed of much its
The electric chair is some-
thing new and a more civilized
have never used
other than Chamberlain a Cough Re-
fur children audit has
given good
contains n opium other narcotic and
may be given us confidently to a
as to an t. For a J.
Wooten and I Wooten.
v. f mi . , .
I to be .- Safes, P. and Gail
Snuff, Life Key
I Wast Cheroots, Henry
until- Canned Cherries, Peach-
Pine Apple, Syrup,
virtue of of sale en- jelly, Flour, sugar,
in Soap, Lye Magic Food, ,
execute and delivered by J. A. c Seed Hulls,
d Seer's, Oranges, Apple,.
The dose of Business N--
Marked For Death.
XI r
death grave-yard
me, and hope ho
Dr. Ring's Ni
,. Bays Mrs. A. C. is,
Ky- Ural .
kepi . . I I
in v . Ill
health was restored Ti i d-
e holds the I rd
It prevents bold
a guarantee at I. .
Ding store. and Trial but-
Another Capture With
Wednesday night some one
in the house of Will Blow,
colored, who lives about
from town. Blow sent down
after Mr. bloodhounds
and the dogs struck a trail which
they followed to the house of
another colored man named Colo-
Hines. latter was
rested and Thursday had a
hearing before
C. D. Rountree. The was
held for the next term of
have a good deal with ma-
ard stomach but I
have now found a remedy that is
me well, that remedy la Electric
a medicine that medicine r
stomach and r i. and for run
down i v
of its
; id . i h the tone up
iv. . .
the . v I I.
. . yo .
I,. ore,
of a, . , ,
register of Heeds office of Pitt Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples, I Loans and
North Carolina, in book page Peaches, Prunes. Currant, see. J
51,088.08 Capita I
Overdrafts see. fun i
will to public i
before the court door in Macaroni.
highest bidder on Sewing Machines
day, De. a certain tract numerous Other goods.
entity cheap for
Carolina and described at follows, to- j cash. Bee me.
That tract i f land in Beaver Dam .
township, adjoining the of T. A.
Nannie B. Nichols and Alfred
land, containing I
or less. Ki own as lot No. in the
vision of J. B. land. Also one
or tract, the lands of
II G. Nichols, Mis Agnes and
T. A Nichol , being lot No, D in
division, W W acres, to
satisfy B Terms
sale ea.-h.
This day of 1908.
F. G. James, gee
ltd lit w
., . a
Notice. I
virtue of r of sale
. l in a i d id
. u
as on the Mac
u IS
. . .
i, , . i
Cobb Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York
New Orleans.
Due from bits.,
Silver coin, including
all minor coin currency
Nat. notes and other
D. notes
f 17.548
cur. exp.
2.704.00 . . i
Dividends unpaid
,,. ., i Bills
U 682.22
State of Carolina, County of
If. Davis, Cashier of the us
swear above statement
knowledge J. II. I
i my
sworn be-
me, this 2nd
i lief H
. .
He Bids Farewell.
Benjamin Franklin r, of
Norfolk, Va., U. S. A., who used
to come years f- the
selling cigars
is getting old now. stopped The
man yesterday to i
both howdy-do and good-bye. As
be was giving the shake, almost
with tears in his throat he said
man. this is my last
visit to Greenville. You
people have killed the dispensary
and I can't get any more
orders That's the truth,
Ben, and we are glad of it.
There will be an end of
traffic down this way after Jan.
1st. And when Norfolk knocks
it out can fall back on your
cigar samples and come to see us
Liniment is one of the
most yet pro-
the relief of rheumatic pains,
and for lame back, sprains and bruises.
Th-j quick relief from pain which it
fords in case of is alone
times its Price, 2.1
P i
L Cos ard
Casts for Pride.
and i. girls, up
stairs Ir. e Reflector
are justly proud of our
-h edition- if was a
piece of work, nicely
arranged and beautifully printed,
and reflects credit upon their
skill and patience. The editor
is proud of the force on the pa-
,. I Vi J i n i v
; ., , . can be found on i
. i i i . . clean, i
ii on I.
o F. ; lb
. N. X.,
j e. Id sore
; Ai .
once a days, n
, of th o
ore L.
Wooten's Drug store.
d the mi
i r . in
I Iii
. . m Clothing and
;, . i . i. work done promptly, suit,
with the pub . u made to order when
i t I s k
. ii . . . to
J. l i . with J.
I H's lino the i
it i,,,, lo . . ed to M b.
by M. ii. To said
. r . T r . of ale c sh
XI . Mil . November, IS
. t .
Al .
At I I ;
Ml. i
There was a large crowd out
at the closing of the bazaar Fri-
day night. A musical program
was rendered that might have
been enjoyed amid good order,
but there was so much noise in
the hall that nothing on the
stage could be heard.
Ladies and Gents
Greenville, N C.
Altering, Repairing,
Chemical and Cleaning.
. . i or i h .
Not Quite bread
r , , i I.,. cream void
i .
i i
Due . I
Silver mill,
minor coin .
In k
and other I . . mil
S of North I
I, W. II. i
hi lief.
me. thin 5th I.
T. N,
;. .
fool box be for
U U could desire, and
Start Now.
These who failed to get an ad-
in The Reflector an-
holiday edition still
have several days in which they
can advertise Christmas goods.
Time to get at it.
K see your
box not lack u single ;
I Of
l You get s
Horse c
of .
J. R.
wild daily.
At New Market in front of Nor-
folk and Southern Depot.
the Door.
Thursday Mr. S. M. Schultz
placed a new steel door over the
sidewalk entrance to the cellar
under his store. A man fresh
from the dispensary passed
along that way and christened
. new door by dropping and
breaking bottle on Jr.
Sole Agent for
Lead and Stoves Ranges. Syracuse
Implement sow.-
Subscribe to The Daily Reflector.

In Charge of F. C. NYE
z H. A. White
r.-v -f FT After s habit
Authorized Agent o The Eastern and Vicinity- Rates cm Application
Ins. in. T sewing ma
Barber Co cl Cat best on
Mm has See us for prices
b Gold Point, interest to
, ; ,. u ., e, A. W. Co-
Bead went to Green
A. A Co. U t a at ville Sunday.
m rig and ties rye.
Barber Co.
. . . ., -i.,;
i weal Rev. E. T. Philips his
ft- t at the Free
,. . List Sunday
a i reaching
Colored People
Many are indeed glad to know
B Sawyer.
Jr. H. been
to the pastoral charge of York
Temple, A. M. E. Zion church of
this city, for another year.
conference year began Nov. 1st
1908. The good people of Green-
ville wish for him a most pros-
Sunday o'clock and at
Bight he will preach two of his
great s At o'clock p
eat of
treat by
ill Use i
and m-r s.
Int. coaled.
Take No Substitute.
Great Sale.
On the 6th day of
Jan. 1908, we will expose to sale
to the highest bidder for cash, at
the residence of S R. Rosa, in
Carolina township, Pitt county,
the following articles of personal
property, to bar-
r la of corn. tons of hay.
pounds of fodder, a of corn
field peas, nine mules, ham
r .
t .
t . . .
. . i i.
. i , i new
A re e ; . v rig left this
n ore i. for I
after b; g spent
c .- i U . Mrs. a. IV,
A rue,
A second- tan buggy bi d
ban for a I
baa i in . a y
. ; p a I
tbs . ,, ail
. g .;. h only
. c m ii i one hi
I ;., ,; to i, i ; new preacher.
i y
M a
convince you
. . are
. cox Mfg. Co.
. the tree
evening at the
i i
ad ton
and B
a get the beat prices.
. , Barber Co.
m m spent -v it
Sale-One mule and two
Albert V ., of spent
the at a M. Bryan.
Greenville t- day.
. .--.
u . i . . .
,., , ,, r , i for firm of
ft in . , .,. s
P .- are W . u.
young men and
learn telegraphy;
for, the now 8-hour law be-
came u
. q any tin . i
Positions pay to
farm supplies etc., for
year of Let everybody
This the day Of Dec.
J. L. Perkins. Mortgage
S. ii.
., t
. i .- . d
. i a .
. k
and to
t-t. awn are
. t, . t . i . . .
u- .-0 i h mill
. it is
t I -r V
i l b M u. k
t j- t. . H Mil at, a . , roll .
Ct r-f i . i. I I -j
. I . i, . m y
V . I t.
I ill Knit I i .
W W i lit
J . -i a m . t . . i i i I hi -r an . mm
. r at i-, J i ,,.
.; ii . i,, i
; . ; .
in to
b one. Franklin
h for . nearly i aw.
Two second-hand
cheap. F. C. Nye.
J. K Barnhill ard .
went Greenville this
arc for good
A. G. Cox Co
Or. night, D e,
Winterville High School will
enjoy a delightful
. the will he
sin pi i U
All tn an loci in .
o this I
We have just opened a large
beat enamel ware. Come
and get your pick.
A. Ange A Co.
Our Christmas go will be on
the market in a few days.
A. W. Ange Co.
Remember the Tar Heel
wagons and carts made by the
A. ti. Cox Co.
N. C.
and service they cannot be
Any one in need of B good and
Will well to
Mr, at the A. G.
Co, before
buy Buggy business is
and w would
By virtue of a Judgment of
Pitt rendered b
Honor, W. Allan, judge
presiding at term. 1908, in
the ease of A B. Walker vs. H
C. the undersigned
will sell for cash
before the court house in
Greenville on M Jan. 11th.
the following described
lands situate in the county of
Pitt and in ad-
u, joining on the east the lands of
placed when Stephen Durham and
ii The Na-
Institute of
Columbus, S . arid five other
is operated under super
vision of it.
Write them for particulars.
i it a-
forgot Dr. Bach
is for
. l; by
Dr. II. Hyatt will be in
at Hotel Dec.
22nd and Tuesday and Wed-
for the purpose of treat-
diseases of the eye and fit-
ting glasses, Ail glasses
Hyatt Is always in
Kinston Thursday, Friday and
G. W. Venters, or. the south th
lands of G. W. Venters and
Durham, on the west
the lands of W. and
on the the lands of G. W.
Venters, containing acres,
more or leas.
This Dec. 10th. 1908.
F. G. James,
. I .
l ,.
bi . i .
v mill In i ; t v,
. i m ,
i . Mil .
Irk I,,.
i. I.
t tint
; V
. . .-j v .- y tattler I W C O. I.
s ii b i .
i v a Ml I I . kt ii
i . . W I ill . i will also i
-1 be If a . .
t-. .;. i p- n a
i r i . y . in i. .
r I ; ii. i r i l H buy .
iv well u ii you racial f will
vi i it h c
. e,. j. , . -t-f-T ff r i .; cl X Oil I T ff
i ,. ;
mini I ii . m v. i i our Ci which
aid Mai . urea at i
. i am hi i
i . i, . Write It
ailment la almost Instantly
I Many
have it.
. in j. i and Coward
one f . i r
hi t you pi j re i any,
i i I
. i ft I
. . prettiest lines i
I I . . . V
. i Barbel
i . . . i .
. .,.
I . . . .
i . I
I . L . i . . i J, I
. . ., i and
ion, i
i . bouts
i I
i r .
d j i ht, I
. . i . . i. In, a d
A I bi
tin, V Co,
h p sat
sago can be d at our
Lunches short
notice. Sutton,
The regular mis. ion meeting
. . .
i. .
. ; . Lie;
j. J. Hi . mil . .
. d i Warren,
of Sale.
North Carolina In court
county, i c.
Lloyd W. Smith
Mary Smith and
David Q. Smith,
Mar, David U.
and Smith.
By of tile Judgment and
of clerk th, mail,
Hi.- above entitled on the
of December, s, the under
, J. I. Fleming,
by court to mil th
In n will sell
to the highest bidder, for coal
hi . In one for
I at the court house door in Pitt
great best brass band ,,;
all the rig t, and i. o
to the . I pro
. n and to . I
i i i of ii d Thai
. . . and i
i. mil h to Smith,
,. by n i t I
. and i M
. of Pi . r.-. eon-
,. i . i- . i ml
i . t. I'm . Dam
. ,
l i ,. i i. i
till II I. . I II
; d y of
I lei i
in the state, ;. balloon
of fire
, a
i n ,
run out of while
in the a dab
put uh oh lo
we I lint for ten
II bad.
H the Inner bark of tile
red willow. You dry II. then you cut i
It up. It really mutes like
The Indians always use It when they
can't net the real thing, I Under-
stand that are certain Wanda
Canadian tobacco are
Th. African Elephant,
man and, as n rule.
At approach, tile elephant
When often light la
prey. have
very large earn that even back
beyond neck and cover part of the
flank. In color the Kongo elephants
are of a blue, almost
tint. No one has even reported
of the sacred while elephant
of In Kongo
have more than
fourteen feat high and
Si more than eight In
weight. Tusks obtained
i more than pound in weight mid
. fix feel I a half In length.
Changed Rods.
The l not
Asiatic except III
tin- absence u I ,
Ilk- mark which lat- .
It la the a
known inhabit and
the liberty of subject, said there
I i i are
I I h in .
, .
i .
i trial
. i . .
h .
. i ,,, Toys, dolls, doll
,.,. ,, , w hon , drum, o I
i Sam
I -1
i i depot. I I
Hen v S, Skipper and Bailie
Claudius S and Minnie
at the Baptist church Sunday Glover,
was well attended. Charles and Stella fer-
A. G. Cox
Co, ate now in posit n to sup
ply you with Heel
box bodies and Tumbling
bodies. Prices made right. Call
and see them.
. J. and
I-. Ida i I
ii . i i , ; i,
. of I . i ,. . u, . , It
i . i . ; .
I , , . , , i., I . i , . ml .-.
l i II mid f , ;.
i. v. n
. i . i
i, e . i. i. I
j i a odd for i
I t of in , .
he . sate and profitable investment,
i I to ire n -l, ,,, ,;. i ;,. i.,, ,
William Hathaway and Fannie i
an . now ii Dr.
It l the t. .-
These know how
by f i . ti
a Del In
w the reptile i at I ;
h It . h. r,.;
n In That.
. . . If i
I, i r i , i th-
he II el III I i.
ran lo I p i Tin what
. .-. much
Mr. I i i give bit i
i. . i . hi in i
enough In
park, on afternoons
to n the
oral home tea. It Is a
able fact, however, the he-
ti . In no Mate
re the i . u
rare or by
A Limit.
Mm, her
would you do If were to
ii would me
U. Would yon marry
Hi neck i think l would be
bi that. BI. Paul Pioneer
. the close of . Nov. s.
Wright Williams
George Hunter
Willis Harrington and Bettie
and Nancy
and Lillie
Lug i ail ii divided woman, and child can own a
n the following Begun a
point on feet Ir.
c of No, Bi, in
or Main
f. et. with Third I A pill in that will nine is
wist to rot No. I In Kb g Little r Pill For
line of lot No. north to Third street, They
there along Third street, t to the rut gnu, Sold by J no.
Dec. K.
I mid mil
It ill I
Pin- from Hunk
H inkers
i h i
i mill Coin
Hill or i all
minor coin i
bank notes
other U, S. notes
Total I
; . p
It. 007.12
current exp i and
paid 118.70
I i i
i in- I 1,830.1
D. p. in cheek 7,096.011
i i checks
F. G, James,
If Will.
state of North Carolina, of
I. I. hi. tie named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above i true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. L JACKSON, Cashier,
d to inc. I Attest
this 8th day Dee, 1908 i J F Harrington,
It. J E u.
Notary Public. I WK Directors.
is the n moral el the
Noon-who takes Dr.
f-ii ii- M
. I'm curve t.
h . i , I
An over Lung and Bronchial Remedies, because it rids the
Of a cold by acting a cathartic on the No opines. Guaranteed give
or money refunded. Prepared by CO. CHICAGO. U. S. A.
D. Editor and Owner
Truth In Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
I Christmas With
I The
k. chronicler of Chi tat Ball So-
Sea i;
I ii- has
than In the
line read the paragraph retail
to Hie of the h half
a sad weary.
The spun h every here
in chimera
when the hero. and
Ms servant start
Dell. t the hour of their i re
Is hi
n. if
the f r
on of I .
of In v. I
n. I
w.-r. id
he i
all ins null nearly boo
the fr -f ii.-i i . i
year i
lit-- i to
call hi.- I
of feasting rev, i lo
away. Oil .
u t -i.
. ill four i . lie . i
country where .
over tin- hard and i pr I w
Ins up as they near a
town, where are i It d.
then again along the open
road. the air .
their faces gladdening very
hearts fie;, arrive at
Pell, where we are ;
to personage, the boy,
He Is an old e of Mr P k-
but to Sam Waller fa Is
To follow this Dial ;
in settles
win. coachman, Mr anS
his Hires, footpath
walked I away,
Mr. an-l the hay con-
for the i.
i tho bey
without a word,
his t
the wen- still, the
of i line to hi- own use and
. ; . . i i by
It u-s l, to s- Mr
in tin- pan.
ed my Sid I hen Bad hiss-
ed on i .
on the s. and hear I e
i-r .; J
l day.
was . I -n l good
r The party aB
a of
where Mr. v
the of a man who
his there
of. by Mr.
aid. and
bay by their Joint efforts
col a all ban Is part
Says the of day's
v. . i s I Intel It ten
la I
ho viewed i person I
I i. i h .
I . I
. i I Ian,
around so I i all I . s ox I
,. . pa f-,, . i i . i I
He. an I
, . .
, . i lorn, t n Iv n
, tier i
, , . , . ; . illy i
, . . .
i and I i
. i . . ,, . . m. v. ,
. . every I
I . i .-.
I , . ,. . ii- ti.
I . . , Up . . h
I i .
a In the I ill I
i . u . a, which
, abate.
i. I a go
int. d a smart ran
,. . i i. . pet lo bed a I i given u i
II i ; lea of hot h,
b . n the . next
win i party from
Thu i tell is f
the t rend
could desire. Tl I no t .-ii n
In the
Club lo Entertain
Novelty Invented by
Approved by Kaiser.
If at
out. as
it than
Ire, .
this city remains alive Out Of
and tin waxen
he v. men , . ,
have been to the DeW president and H. A.
When tho
Chamber and Carolina j Themselves New
Credit. trustees the
oat, as son. people ., r. There was a called of j Seldom a passes does Carolina Training
the Chamber of Commerce in the; not forth something to will hold their next m in
.----- , I i -e t and
aid of
It has been not Education to
an in me l not to .
en-en mayor's office make us prouder of e
presided by F. M . Wooten. the the town is have invited the
long in the past, that meeting. of which will
White acting as secretary. very long in me mat
of Ex-Gov. T. was asked Greenville had no really be In inspect the work thus far
to .-ate the object of tie meet- musicians, hut the day is done on the new buildings, and
children of He said that as the Hoard of close by when he said to co i B tor their equip-
s.-r of EaSt Carolina any more, for there will n I e f of
Training School and the State them. Wonderful develop- the sol.
Hoard of Education were to meet in this has boon made Governor Glenn and all the
here on the 31st t. here in the pant yea-, other members of Board of
the I he talent of oar rising Education have agreed I attend
it proper to take recognition itself, has L-n the m on and
their coming and gratifying
when to-
her native
coming lo a
lea has made
tin i
. .
of the ad
vantages of -e
In bi
for their entertainment.
some discussion the
resolution- were adopt
Whereas. r
In the recital i.- ; or
i Friday night by the music pupils inter-
of graded school.
The chapel of the
. s
. v. ,, I-----
, , has heard with pleasure filled to overflowing and the
may be crashed, trusteed of ail t
m, .
., ti. out invited Mat . pi
into the Hoard of Education to meet w th and u I t report I
them at can be I raid that, ii
rent , . r n. 31st, to t a rendered. Th
German gin are tat do, to consider other matters of m and
all and .
That this chamber he j and
.,, .
. I
hi tho
. . i
i eta
. the notion of making I That this chamber and the largest were
h ,
I green i ids. each at the end of a ion in invitation extended to the was richly served.
I wire. the to- Board of education
requests member
a tapering trunk, invitation and to
trunk formed of nothing at all honor our growing city with th school. During the present Bes-
presence on that occasion. n pupils enroll-
That the preside-a of this taxing capacity of both
body is and directed i the building and the teaching
to communicate this action to the force. In the grade
several members of State which contains pupils and the
Board of Education, and tore eighth grade contains
H. Smith made some State-
regard to the graded
i learn
t, inst.
it that
bat in to-
Then she the tree
with and ts
area which the are adepts
and it In a not of nod
wast. Her parents were
quite proud of n Her who
mi , i the In Mu-
i -v It to his royal master,
ti ii. Kin
me for i in
After lo country soul
one i II an I
an i to that ho
in- he g sore
the daughter. -Sew
that they, with four there were none ab-
began stow the thin
In cart, while the lat hoy
and to it a In-
sort lo sou Mr. Waller
working by himself.
The of these two char-
Is too long III reprint but
not too much to use with the
Interest. We pass over
the story of the wedding, which was
the day before Christmas event lit
Hell, at which Mr. Pickwick
himself by n felicitous
get to story of
dance. description of the old
room Is a
Tho best room at Manor Farm
was a good, dark paneled room.
with a i. piece and a
up which you could have driven
ens of new patent cabs, wheel nod
nil. At the upper end roam, sealed
in a Shady bower holly and ever
greens, were mo i
only harp In n
and on all brackets
massive old i
limn-hes each The up.
named biased
crackled on it. and morn
voices rang
through the room, any of the
yeoman bad turned Into
Then died, It In
which they would held
KM dance was over, Mr. Pick-
having with
is told about
tho In famous old kitchen.
Hire hung the mistletoe and did Its
mission well In adding to the Jollity
of the occasion The artist whose
appeal on his pagan has done ex-
Justin to
Prom the of this
had lull
his own hands a of
and this same launch of
i.-. Instantaneously to a
scene of and most
and contusion, In or
which Mr. Pickwick, with n
would have done honor to a de-
pendant f Lady
l-i, ell lie I her ho-
in hi . I
. c
friends as may i sent and none in during i . chamber
will he the guests of this body of November, a record attendance. We
worthy mention. He cook the trustees of the
advantage of the opportunity to i o. i-,.,
urge the
children in school. I will be
while in Greenville.
We a i z I
Chan her of
Comm i already be in
I r Mo i is it. 21st, at
in , in
to the i i he b rd. This
will a v i. in i meeting
d i- a i very
i be in
i .
i the
Whereas the of do.
made a liberal donation to the ,.,.,.,. if t be , hem
erection of tin
wilding of the absence re-
East Carolina Teachers Training of the child.
School, therefore be it Greenville has reason to
of this be proud of the graded
and e work ii is ti and
mill the I progress In
county development I
i education,
That the priM lent t
is hereby
tor t story -re
longer. tho and lens
may we enjoy with the
Tree Burned. Miles
t; w
f . eight
being destroyed his, lighting of
the tn . before mid-
night, caused n flee which
his home In Cleveland, Allied Ham
trudge miles through
snow lie could rinse a re
and n u r supply of
cuts s th ii the faith
he lost
Tho were nil ; when Mr.
mid Mrs. completed
the i to. The father de-
lo light II I
did th i snow-
halls. The . n -1 the
it The
them In their mil rushed to the
street. Firemen brought a lot of
Bra ruined presents from the
been and gone and our things
is the children cried.
begun his
for nil store, lie
ployed the for
lone stretches, but trudged tulle after
mile ID fruitless search. he
rented a storekeeper from his Id and,
burdening himself with a new supply,
trudged home to turn sorrow Into
It High and tho
Cs-i Ever
below la a picture of
mammoth said to be and directed to invite
one ever made. Board of th.
last In a shop In
tie retiring and present members. will treat you
it seven feet blah and County Commissioners, and
the old and new county officers, i
and the retiring end year 1908 is rapidly
members of the legislature from the end-So are our
the county of Pitt, to be present new resolutions will
on December, 31st on the j be made for Some will be
of the visit of the State that is
Board of Education to the East
Carolina Teachers Training
School and be the guests of this
chamber on said occasion.
. d i
no less than
who may t. turn
a rival . may be I to I
that the foil
used III line
of butler,
of sugar, pounds of
pounds of p of
pounds of , 3.000
of peel,
Of lemon peel. pounds of or
It customary to bang up
r de pair
said Mr
o ed Miss Mi-
Brown, you bang de
,. i . ,. . ,,.
,. , . at t lo
. .
A Co ,
I to o a
Ci. . Bi
dent of this chamber be. and he
is hereby authorized and directed
to appoint a committee of seven
from this body to act with a
faithful to the
The new year brings with it
no leas responsibilities no less
duties, no less obligations, the
discharge of these may depend
upon our we were sure,
we would have no need to insure
those who are not sure
that they will see another New
Year should for the com-
like committee from the Caro-. fort of those th-y would like to
Una Club to compose a committee feel sure we are Insured. The
on entertainment of the State I Mutual Ufa Insures.
Board of Education and others
at the meeting of the trustees of
tho East Carolina rs
Training School in Greenville
on the inst.
said joint committee
H. Harriss will show
you how it is done.
II prom
i-i goo th tor Greenville.
It has bet n p r ml that one of
the Deed i ct this tow n was a
that i draw business
from u Is . ti. and make
Greenville a of trade.
During the la I week or two
there has been a movement on
foot looking the organization
of a stock tor
lag such a
This mi with such
gratifying a meet-
of interest I was held
Monday I
take the
to char
and r pi
We are Id the organ-
be .
and of has
will you already b
the charter.
., style of I i c in will
on the inst. , style of the corporate
or an said joint committee
of milk tao , , J , . ., After meeting of tin-1 . ,, .-,. i
of almond paste, icing have full power and authority Carolina
o pound of fresh lemon juice. provide for the entertainment do a general cash
J the State Board of Education, business.
Board of Trustees and other and
. . . a committee on the part the.
it will
of the
There Is a in
when Eve plucked fatal apple
mediately tho leaves of the tree
into needle points its bright
green turned dark, it changed its
.,. I the part of the
guests in such manner and at , L
such places as they may deem. y R
Williams, R. W. L.
After calling the directors of
the Chamber of Commerce in
tine and the evergreen, in all with him. President
, preaching story of man's
fall, only on II bloom
brightly lights and I- conic I
with Thu cam Is turn-
Into a at the coming
the Christ Child, and we have our
H. A. White, r. L and Schultz.
announced the follow
committee on the part of the
F. G. James, chair-
man, II. B. Smith, C.
H. W. Whedbee.
Hall and E. G. Flanagan.
These committees request the
co-operation of all people the
community in helping to make
the a day that will in every
way be creditable to Greenville.
Fresh Pork Sausage at S. M.
meeting of
of The National Bank of
Greenville will be held in its
banking house on Tuesday,
1909, at o'clock a. m.
F. J. Forbes,
d w
For Sale-2 show t. pair
scales, iron sale . i-l store
fixtures- Apply to D. D.

Eastern reflector, 18 December 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 18, 1908
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Joyner NC Microforms
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