Eastern reflector, 27 November 1908

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i ii in
in i
In Charge of F. C. NYE
S A Agent The Eastern Reflector Winterville and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
A G. Cox is having the large
concrete store repaired, which; WASHING MACHINE AGAIN.
just in.
Harrington Co.
F. and J. B.
cf u
.;. week here
with relatives. They returned
In few days
the; a ave Ky.
Where Mr. . n spend
y.-r th
will add much to the
in that section.
The and
cook stoves are
the best. We have them at prices
that will you. We also
have a full line of hearers and
for Recovery of Notes Decided
Against Payment.
There are people in Pitt county
whom the mere mention of
washing machine rights gives a
bad i n the mouth. A fellow
stimulate TORPID LIVE.
strengthen digestive
the bowels, and arc
as mm
In district their virtues
it i a-
the system I m that
canto coated.
Take No Substitute.
B- W. Edwards et ah-
Snow Hill Supply Co.
Facts About CoW
N. C. Nov. 17.1908.
, . If one to examine a snail
R. E. Willoughby was hauling ho f on a
Tho snail is a cold
animal, and with a
warm hand
the feeling which result in
us from placing the hand or body
on ton of the range. The
less the i lie agree-
able to his ho will
mere fence wire last week. I j piece of
think he has brought in three or
four wagon loads.
Mr. and Mrs. went
to Greenville last Tuesday.
Frank Pollard was called to the
bedside of his father about two
weeks ago. near Fremont, who. travel along, rapidly
, . , , . his broad,
had a strode and
died a little more than a week ,.,,., .,., protracted in an
inquiring manner, and a linger is
laced in front of bun he will prob-
ably walk these feelers
come in coated with it. Then the
tentacles arc it and waved
about in the effort to see the ob-
He was about seventy-six
years of age.
Ivy Smith, administrator on
the estate cf the late Jesse L.
Harrington, Barber named Crooner came through
ton. ft Co The A. G. G X j bit L Allen, judge pr. siding 3rd property belonging to the estate I feel r c it
Hi ; .-, returned Co. ere now In position to sup- at- district of North Caro- it sold t, but II
f. J and Industrial ply , with their Tar Heel slick scheme. The -her t corn fodder and
. . Friday Carts, turned out to be one the rank-1 before the v. . . . ,
course in i bodies,
the t training
a Co for best Am
.; warm tor the said against the , y
. Fresh beef. pork, and he slipped away to Supply Co, and any competent K. L
High -school is . ., . ,.,.,,. .,; as to the went to Green-
j. two Ired mark.
urn i. . new u;
can be other Efforts were motion of any as to-the went
ft Sutton. him back, and once he was. of and any
are . Th,, meeting th. arrested in the by,
. .;, the but insolvency law of North
,. Dr. made a
I . . d . upon our
. through his strong
Tin re f i
others went hunting a
few nights ago and caught three
of that tribe.
. . .
; at
i . i
. . in a I
T r . iv . pro-
the meeting
. at p-
I . a a
; i
t have a n
. A. .
A . . o i ;
;. Asa
I . ;
. Bug y
. . a s j . .
a cash bond and it
i manic, in Pitt are further to The runaway that pass-
,, than th. music in on date mentioned, why c, oUr town
b; received and .
; The the deals washing
baa been greatly strengthened rights was to resist payment
this meeting. Dr. notes that hid been given.
Well left Sunday afternoon.
v. T. and J
their to
t married passed
re went to cross
Sunday afternoon where
Kr- King d his
county, various sundry accounts, amount-
next on the part of to due fr
those who had been fooled into received by Company to
machine September h, 1308, the Saturday as lovely as two
date on which application
receiver was should not. j. j.; went to
filing claim turned in the evening,
has been extend I to David Smith went
to Farmville Saturday evening
Kid Supply Co.
At almost civil term
court recently there has
some suit to recover on
these notes. An interesting
ca of this was disposed
of Wednesday, the can being W.
here with relatives and C. against Calvin
home Si
S . l-h
Hooker .
. .
. F . in I
. y new.
. rs, i o
F. C. Nye.
will be a bi i
service at the Baptist church
; I the
;, m
I n ease a burn r scald what
do to relieve the paint Such ii-
e to c a in family
. .
snowed ., ,., w, i r. i t
note was . i ; fraud, that in I y to a
. .
came in . .
ore it was due and sale by J. w u . I Cow rd
Lawhorn, The plaintiff Rodman
ma claim that he had purchased
note as an innocent party
but th
with tie Knowledge
washing machine right business
was fraudulent. Upon this the
. Taylor, of Held by cf answered ail the issues in
week at
i Tl .- Aid S -f Jar-
J Julia v-u ;.; e. church, of
the in of
the defend-
a i am
A .-r- ,.;
his In r .--v He
not p I v into their
re tarns inside
out, j the of
a n i in ; off ;
r v little creature baa a
i I and fairly well
i . lose o
rents . Ii
. ,.,.,. i hi
aide, one n Fie a dis-
t;. re, . open a few i manta
and th a i This is
ply cavity in th IV body, into
which he a quantity
air to r n r he
of e
When i- Hi way
in i hi interior he p it
until it- f- v his
laden with r- I, ii c lowed
1.1 . j by i the
; . i ailed
by i h
armed with
a . like
a long, narrow . coiled in
mi a r only a part of
ii i use i p. Di
r if Ibis ribbon
are I . one animal some-
tin ca having a .-
om worn
f H . on, i I
h . I Mrs. Clyde
Vt t arc . rs for i J
horse I
A. G. C x Mfg. Co
have a nice of
fresh gr hand.
i Barber .
Watched Fifteen Years.
if . I have watch
a it
ha- never cure any s re. bi .
or turn to applied. It
. . . .
i I A. F Hard Hilton Maine,
committee, are extensive
to be
a very pretty invitation
which Mrs. F. G. is pi
. . A. . Mrs.
L, Carr and Mrs.
pr a
on Dec. 8th.
reads as
Ben Hunsucker bug Won't come to our Bazaar,
e II Call to .-
our lock of runabouts be-
E re; are Inter-
We are g n nice of
s Caskets. Prices are
right and can nice hearse
service. A. c. Cox Mfg. Co.
Com. and get th best prices-.
Harrington Barber Co.
We have a large
line of enamel ware.
and get your pick.
A. W. Co.
Remember the Tar Heel
Wagons and carts by the
A. G. Cox Co.
Winterville, N. C. For
and sen ice they cannot be
Any one in need of a good and
up-to date buggy will do well to
see Mr. Hunsucker at the A. G.
Cox Manufacturing Co. before
i- the h of Dec.
We'll ;
.- . . . .
a of I ,
a fa tooth, i a
With ard One,
We've rolls forth little fobs and all
Thai will suit Santa
ii- and useful ones.
Of refreshments, a d
i. and oysters, and sweets
of kinds
i to lurch there cash
r and
By of the ale eon-
in a de
and b lard
and I. C. A-- a the
lat March . and duly
, co.-d d I tin
h . , . , e ii th C ,,
i. page .
will i to ; ;. . i.
c . , i, . do In . , to the
i. b doer on .
lying and bi I . ii county
of North Carol
and in the town Greenville, bounded
described as One
lot at the corner of Evans
and l and
thence with western i Evans
street, a direction, f
to the corner of
thence with the northern line of
happiness, Was called on to a westerly
ii thence a . i,
form a double ceremony in the ,,,.
of the register of deeds with the n. line of 14th
and returned.
Mr. and lira. B. Will ugh-
went to Farmville Saturday
and returned.
Misses May aid Agnes
Smith went to Farmville Sunday
to attend church.
We learn Mrs. Miry
Tyson, widow of Seth Tyson, j away by leaf
who died some years ago. died ribbon is I the teeth
. . rapped at
Sunday about . ,. ,, r.
o'clock was buried Monday; .,,,, ., ,,,.,, . , . ,., preying
the food ti I upper
of the mouth thus cut-
clean in,
The shell of a horny
covering i protect him
of Farmville,
came over Thursday, and has;
been visiting since in our neigh, j
and went to
Smith went to
M i day.
, store.
Justice of the Peace H. Hard-
who quite a reputation
as a dispenser of matrimonial
lied on to
the I
, o . an east direction. feet to
Monday afternoon. He joined acre.
both the couples, who were less. One o lot beginning
, . ,. , ; at corner of
in his usual good style, in i,. with
the presence a few interested the line street a
witnesses. When the
southerly feet to he
corner of and 15th streets;
Id the two grooms they thence with northern line of 16th
, . . i-i 1611-2
their brideS, B
OS it was a honored custom parallel with line, feet to
, . I street, thence wit.
to seal all . westerly direction,
kiss, there were grins feet to the beginning, contain-
their faces with nothing doing on;
their part. An old woman pres- cash.
16th day N
M as M Cobb, cf
returned home Monday morning
;.;. Smith, went to
ville Monday on business.
and Miss
a teacher
i school house, and Miss j
s Smith went to
of Mrs. Mary Tyson
Monday evening.
Miss May Brooks and Miss
Mary Joyner, teachers at Smith's
school house, request me to say
to the public that they have
changed the time the bazaar
at Smith's school house from
Friday night 20th, to Thursday
against his t .
are live a
life awl need no
all. The is
lime ii ti on
. . . . i
are on oil which pro-
i lime
All take notice and
l night, 19th.
We of your friend
help as in
rend US some money, if yon
article f your own making.
We'll thank yon sincerely for little or
you feel y u can willingly give
mi re
to Rive
they buy Buggy business re know you'll remember this oft
and we would advise
that you place your orders early.
A full line of best mattresses
just in. A. W. ft Co.
The sunshine is not no
now but showers will be
coming. Get you one of those
new umbrellas just in at
Barber Co.
Go and look at that pretty dis-
play of and gents fine
shoes and hosiery at A. W. Ange
and Co. They are selling them
too. Prices talk.
One of the prettiest lines of
crockery ever displayed in Win-
at Harrington Barber
and Co.
Bona blankets and
a specialty A. C. Co.
ant, the mot her of the two brides
who had come along to see the
performance well done, said
kin do and forthwith
proceeded to osculate the whole
much to amuse-
of the spectators.
C. Arthur Mortgagee.
Blow, HI
For year 1909, the Joel Tyson
farm, miles we.-i of Greenville.
Contains acres cleared,
room dwelling house, to-
house and four barns.
Good land for growing any crop
distressing disease results from Apple to Mrs. Louisa
a disordered condition of the ltd
and be cured by taking
Iain's awl Tablet, .
,. free sample at Jno. h Wooten's and Ran Away.
Coward drug stores and
try it.
J. S. has opened an
Seen Years of Proof.
I have had seven years proof
that Dr. New is
l-l medic to take for
and olds for every diseased
condition of throat, or . , , ,.
says W. V. Henry, of Panama, Mo. agency here for the New
and Wheeler Wilson sewing
Is the beat remedy s and cold-, snow
la grip, e, ma hay fever, j on Street.
hemorrhage of the lungs, awl the early
of Its timely use
the development of
pneumonia. Sold under guarantee
drug store. Be add
Trial free.
The ton of E. P. ago
scar on left cheek. feet,
inches tall, weight suit
of clothes, has blue overalls,
John, left home. Sunday
night. Shelter forbidden under
of law. Informant of
him will get E. P. he
N. C, R F. D.
H Not by tho
Hams u Bear
In i i . by
i. the story
the or execs-
lion which was named for r.
tin in the days of the
la Ba u truth
In the story, so long says.
that the genial old Invented
the which was named for
and iv of u be la said to
have I, life shortly after Us
la keeping with the
time, proposed on Oct.
to, that all
of birth or be dealt
with alike by law, and six months
later proposed la the
that convicted ho
beheaded by means of a simple
The of he and
no one else had any Idea at that
was spoken of as the
by of UM day, and
phrase was used to make its pro-
poser when a nut-
china anally was adopted the of
the time named it guillotine. The gov
evidently val-
of the suggest. asked one An-
Louis, a surgeon at
to devise a and utter
gave a similar order to a carpenter by
name Of million, who offered to
construe an tor
for This was consul
toe high a price, and the contract
was given i a German cabinetmaker
name of Schmidt, who
received for accepted
model in made
tor all the es, and In-
a for-
which he proceeded
In raft, Dr. who
had to do With the making
of a machine which bore ids name.
Oh, but, you I was in ; , practice Ha profession
quietly and In
until he died there on March 86.1814
Every traveler from on-
ward has descanted on the physical
cowardice of the Persians. But
there are mysteries about the valor
of Asiatics which no European his-
has yet set himself to solve.
It was currently said in early
that the
Egyptians wore cowards, yet under
AH they defeated Turkish
armies and fanatics and
would have overthrown the Turk-
empire if Europe had not inter-
There are
in Persian Nation.
Made All tho
asked me to be his wife
last she told her chum.
I'm so delighted, Gertrude.
And how did it
ho just asked me, and
laid, and then he just stood
up and folded his
He was no more inter-
Sprains, and lame are
relieved s
Nation M An over Co .- P -.-- . h. I- rids the
Do not forget that Seth Arnold's I O. V, . A.
d sale i.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Year
VOL. No.
Sara General Assembly be
in Against Large
Admit the principles of the A.
T- Co. have been wrong, it
has been legal until de-
otherwise and if this is
done, then let us as a people
hold out the laurel leaf and say
by calling the attention
to the situation, and ask them
to be on the lookout, and
keep an eye open to our
interest and the interest of our
state. I ask every farmer who
reads this article to study the
situation carefully ard see if I
am right and if so should I call
upon them, I want them to stand
by me and we see that our
North Carolina tobacco is cared
for in the future.
I might add that I nave
talked to the farmers on
and now we need int
. . am
to these men, boys you have done gent organization, as our trade
wrong, but we forgive you. now
come home, we need you to buy
these plants when sold and push
our North Carolina tobaccos.
We do need just such brains to
do business in our State arid hold
the supremacy of our goods.
Let these plants fall into the
hands of some sharper and let
is in such shape that it is
to say how much North Caro-
tobacco do you need and we
can make a deal to Bell mil
lion pounds or even more at
stipulated prices per grades. It
is not impossible, and we must
stand together Not half of our
state raises tobacco, so it is the
the brands of these factories j our tobacco belt to look
begin to be lowered and doctored for tobacco
to gain a few quick millions for
other people, and just so soon
You will hear some people
making criticism and saying that
you would see our goods begin nae out to the trust.
to depreciate and too soon we just tell them that Hutch-
might be supplying practically knows the situation and
local trade, then would be-
come of North Carolina to-
In days before the trusts buy-
used to ring on sales. Just
now the Japanese business is
practically a ring by a
ion of markets to interested
parties. This class of buying is
a to which the
has always been subject.
So let us not be so ready to
stone these people, nut act with
judgment and the
heritage of North Carolinians.
Let us as a people take our
guidance the greatest lesson that
was ever handed to man-
kind, that of charity. The
Book says, speaking of the many ,
virtues, greatest of these
I have trust
principles, they made a mistake
in lowering prices several years.
Along about 1908 the farmers will treat you right
d been paid more for
has it for years, has
always been conservative and
has faithfully served the farmers
and on the lookout for the to-
interest, and now sees a
danger ahead and has not con-
a human being or
no on earth and is simply
giving utterance in regard to
facts that concern every tobacco
farmer in North Carolina and is
urging consideration,
and proper guidance in
dealing with one of the greatest
industries in our State, from his
own standpoint and own per-
opinion, and stands ready
to co-operate with the tobacco
farmers and battle every inch of
ground in of this
n. c-
the consumer should
have paid more shared in
making dividend money. If this
had been done night riders would
never have been in existence.
But the last several crops have
sold well and as a rule farmers
have been pleased.
Casting aside the trust
as an leaving it to our
national government, the fact
turns up boldly that our North
Carolina tobaccos have been
placed in a high standing
before the world; and I
believe with these three plants
behind our North Carolina to-
we are in better shape
than any other tobacco raising
State in the union.
think such men as have done
so much for North Carolina to-
should be honored rather
than kicked out of our State.
They have gone forth and con-
the world in the tobacco
war the old North State has
come out on top. Then I am
ready t give them credit for it,
and if I am the only friend they
have in North Carolina they
have lam ready to ex-
tend a hand and say
come, h
Every factory that has been
bought I as been used in a great
measure to enhance value of
North Carolina tobaccos, then
let us this advantage. There
is much ore could be said
to out the facts, but I
think the mere allusions will give
an insight into the situation
to . that we should be
careful in our And
T am g to this article
Strikes White Mas a
Saturday sight there was some
trouble at Stokes between a
white man named Bullock and
a named Mai Brown.
After some words between them
turned away and went
in a store. The Brown
got an and waited outside
the store for to come out.
While Brown was waiting an-
other white man named Dave
Whitehurst came out of the
store, and the mistaking
him for Bullock slipped up be-
hind Whitehurst and him
a murderous blow on the head
with the Brown was
caught during the night and
here and placed in jail.
Mr. Whitehurst is reported in a
critical condition with only slight
chances of his
will treat you
Small Fire.
About 10.30 o'clock Sunday
morning a small fire occurred at
No. Front street. The build-
which was owned by Charles
Patrick and occupied by Charles
Williams, both colored, had
inside under the
tin roof, and supposed to have
started from a stove in the
in. The hose reel from the
near the court house was
hurried to the scene and the fire
was put out in short order. Only
., little was done to the
Suggestions How to Advertise the City
Greenville. N. C, Nov.
While business men in this
community are talking about par-
post laws, improving and
advertising the city, I would like
to have a or two through the
columns of your paper.
Monday night at the meeting
of the Chamber of Commerce,
after the election and installation
of officers for the coming year,
etc., a very important matter
was brought up-a matter that
every public spirited citizen in
the community should take an
interest the town.
All of us know the good to be
derived from advertising, rut
how to advertise is the question
that confronts most of us.
Some people sail in and blind-
and getting poor results sour
on the method of publicity used.
Having observed a great deal
along this line and hearing the
suggestions made at the mo-ting
leads me to offer my on the
subject, thinking p they
will be of benefit to the
city and the progress
of which am very much inter-
I think advertising in the
local newspaper, together with
other which will men-
the very best. The local
paper reflects what the
really is, and as a man is
sized up by bis face so is a town
Bleed up by the thrift displayed
by its business men through the
advertising columns of local
newspaper. Good, bad or
the newspaper the
town have given your
the right and unless the
business men advertise in
help make something cf their
local paper It will show their
lack of interest in one of the
most vital factors of the com-
and going out into the
world the will counteract
any other advertising they may
do. Every merchant and
man of whatever calling
should have a good, snappy ad, no
matter how small, in the paper.
It will help him immensely and
will greatly help the community.
Then the Chamber of Com-
or Board of Aldermen
should take a large space from
time to time, set forth the ad-
vantages and needs of the town
and community, keeping on hand
a number of the papers contain-
the ad to send to inquirers,
leaving the special editions of
papers in neighboring towns
alone, for they will never realize
one iota of good from them.
The combined ads in the local
paper, showing that all their
needs can be supplied, may lead
dozens of new families to move
to the town.
The suggestion to issue a book-
let is a good one. A nice one,
gotten up in good style, setting
forth the advantages and
giving a short sketch of the town,
will accomplish a great deal by
being sent out to inquirers.
After the above has been done
I would suggest, to get in-
that they take a space
in the Sunday edition of some
northern or western newspaper
or a widely read magazine from
time to time, telling what they
have to offer. Then as the an-
come send the local paper
and booklet.
In the meantime the mer-
chants and other business men
of the town and community will
getting direct results. The
results of such advertising are
Cats His Throat With a Razor and is
Found Dead,
dry. N. A.
D. Hunter, a Baptist minister,
committed suicide at his home
here this morning by cutting his
throat with a razor. Rev. Hunter
has been depressed for several
weeks, due to financial troubles
and no other reason can be given
for his act. He was in Mr.
store this morning settling
with a tenant and requested Mr.
Jones to straighten his accounts
out as he was in trouble and
could not. About o'clock Mr.
and Mrs. Hunter were walking
in the back yard of their home
together. Mrs. Hunter went
over to a neighbor's next door,
Mrs. and Mr. Hunter
went into the At
he was missed and a search
was made The cook, an old
woman, found him lying on his
back in th with his
throat cut, the razor still clutch-
ed in his right hand.
Mr. Hunter returned from one
his churches yesterday even-
and family noticed last
night and this morning that he
was in trouble, yet not a word of
reason did he leave. Mr. Hun-
has been married three times
and leaves one daughter by his
first wife. Miss Elsie Hunter;
three boys and one daughter by
his second, and two small child-
by his present wife, who was
Miss of Mr.
Hunter was a candidate in the
late primary treasurer of
Wake county-
In his r Hon. J. Y.
Joyner, State superintendent of
education, following in
formation in regard to s
justice to the and
i me o.- the information f some of
has been appointed to our people who have been misled
take the matter and thinking that a large part
receive offers from the t white
that want to put in bids for the i; ; apart for
Greenville might get active in
Greenville Should Bid
The grand lodge Knights of
Pythias of North Carolina have
decided to establish an orphan-
age at some t
in the State, and a corn-
the education of the it
may be at the outset to give
this direction. The are; a he facts in
strong here, we have one of the apportionment of
best and healthiest towns in sch fund . . .
State, and it would bean ideal The i-r.
location for the orphanage. distribution of th
w , i i , I I
people should get busy and Put
in a bid for it. What is
must be done quickly, as bids
will Feb. 15th, 1909.
Our line is complete
and we are prepared to fill orders
immediately for any kind of hat.
tad alley Bowen-
Demonstration Meetings.
C. R Hudson, of the govern-1
agricultural department.
Will meet with the
th it in
fund no
II i m ids in
r race. This re-
1905 the
l ding
i 226.976
age, The
port I
I i
district., rec i
salaries and
children of
I whiter,
I a for
age The
th r constitute
about population
and an
Pitt county the following name ii-poses as the
times and places for whites of 1-. Lie-fifth of
farm demonstration work, . report
curing the co-operation of that . . paid for
farmers in this rural school their
Farmville, Monday, 7th, property
early Mr. Hunter
was pastor of Memorial Baptist
church in Greenville for some
years, and is well remembered
by many of our people.
will treat you
8th, at
Daughters of Confederacy Proposed to
Erect a for These.
The North Carolina Daughters
of the Confederacy have in view
an enterprise which is to provide
a home for the wives and widows j
of the heroes once wore the
who have need of
An officer of the State
has written to Dr. B. F.
Dixon, the State auditor, in
to this enterprise, which
was given a start at the recent
meeting of the Daughters of the
Confederacy in Goldsboro.
The purpose of the Daughters
of the Confederacy is to raise
such a as to make it possible
to erect on the grounds of the
Confederate Soldiers Home at
Raleigh, a building that will be a
home for the aged wives and
widows of Confederate soldiers.
Dr. Dixon is greatly pleased
with the purpose to do this and
hopes that it may be carried for-
ward to success. He says that
he heartily endorses the plan,
and that he thinks a good work
will be done, that many of the
noble women who suffered and
kept the home during the war
are now in needy circumstances,
and that they should be cared for.
The entire State would endorse so
noble a work as that which is
proposed to be undertaken by the
Daughters of the Confederacy.
Raleigh News and Observer.
at a. m.
Falkland. Monday,
at p. m.
Ayden, Tuesday, D
a. m.
Winterville, Tuesday,
8th. at p. m.
9th, at a m.
Stokes, Wednesday, Dec.
at p.
All farmers convenient to these
places are invited to be present
and take part in these meetings,
as this demonstration Work is for
their benefit. J. F. Evans,
Agent for Pitt County
that they rec-.-i
purpose. Add to
share liquor
half of all
tor school
their just
uses and
forfeit ires
of which
their .-bur-
tax paid by
which they
of reason
that it y
man ever f w
for I'll i-
is so ;
really pay. and
it wist be apparent
part of the taxes
. . mount
., who
about ashamed of
, x In f- of these
Over or uppers in black j .,,. man
fur or men s wear
low shoes, at Pulley Bowen's.
Wholesale Charily is Dispensed.
Approximately, four-fifths of
a million people are fed in New
York City on day.
Baskets are sent to one hundred
thousand homes; meals in public
halls and missions amount to
three hundred thousand dollars,
and thirty-five thousand poor are
fed, besides those in the free
wards of the hospitals, in
asylums, reformatories, jails,
penitentiaries and institutions of
all kinds. The Salvation Army
supplies twenty thousand baskets
on this day, besides the dinner
they give annually to five thous-
and poor in the Grand Central
Palace, and Uncle Sam through
the public charities, is host to
fourteen thousand
December Designer.
must see that v. e i r i in no
of giving the more
than they are entitled to by
every dictate of justice, wisdom,
humanity and
We are a strong
of cloaks and wraps.
Pulley Bowen
We are offering our entire line
of and children's clothing
at cost, as we will discontinue
this line. Bowen.
See our line of bed room slip-
for ladies and children, at
Pulley Bowen's.
Fire at Jamesville.
Williamston. N. C. Nov. 24-
Twenty frame buildings were
destroyed by fire at Jamesville
early Sunday morning. The loss
is at Many of
the buildings were insured.
The origin of the fire is unknown.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
has issued following licenses
since last report.
Z. V. Whitehurst and
W. T, Swindell and Bertha
James Evans and Willie Ann
Jesse Mitchell and Malvina
J. EL Tyson and Ann E. Joy-
Charlie Jenkins and Julia Pitt-
Joseph Banks and Daisie
will treat yen
When in need of shoes be sure
to see our line before buying.
Fresh Pork Sausage at S.
Daniel Joyner Shep-
Just received a new line of furs
at Pulley Bowen's.
A line of tan shoes
ladies at Pulley Bowen's.
Infant's and
specialty at Pulley iV
i a
I will treat you
V ;

Notice cf Sale.
By Hi of con-
in deed of trust,
delivered K and
I i dated on
lit of January, 1806, and of
cord the of deed office of deceased,
N . . i in BOOK
Z . pi ex-
to pub c bi tore th
, . door in Gr i rill . f i cash, toll
bi Id
lying on the south side of
the rod from North ,
to Great Swamp church, l. C. Moon, Clerk.
which was allotted to Leonidas Part
in the divisions of the Na a T. Brown. Guardian for
Ivey Fleming, Broom and Helen t
adjoining the. virtue of the judgment and decree
r i- the Clerk of the Superior Curt.
k. land of Kenneth and ; ma m .,
court I Other, containing, according to. the st. day November, 1908,
time secured by mortgage upon said
Guardian for Jack Brown and Helen
Brown, by J. L. liming, her
On , land allotted to I
foil real property, to Fleming in the
acre more or less.
Lot No. Being the share
it he lands of Ivey Fleming.
certain tracts Of land, adjoining the lands of
lying in the county Kenneth Fleming, W. J.
id, and and others,
I I den as according to plot, acres more
to or less.
present home . satisfy said deed of trust
of U Nov. 6th, 1908.
m h it . known u
I. ii homo farm
. part
heretofore conveyed
L. A. M v a n
m. . t adj
lands . n L A.
v.,. .-. . J. By virtue of the power of
Bi . Randolph Bro. and certain mortgage
em, . . said lands situ ed and delivered by
side of Tar river, W. Moore to C. S. Carr, on
approved the dare the
; the Sid Judicial
t of North the
Nana x. Brown, guardian for
Jack brown and Helen Brown, will.
through her attorney, J. I.
By virtue the power of sale
contained in a mortgage deed
executed and delivered James
and wife, Mahala
to R. L. Smith Co., on th
Administrator's Notice.
Having duly qua before the
court alack of Pitt county as
of the state of A. B.
deceased, notice is hereby-
given to all persons to the
estate to . immediate payment to
the undersigned, and all pew haying
claim against estate are notified
to the tame for payment to
the undersigned on or before the Slat
day of October. or this notice will
be plead in bur of recovery.
This 21st. day October,
L. L.
ltd of A. B.
offer for sale and sell day of November, 1905, and
duly recorded in the register of I
deeds Pitt county. North
Carolina, in J page
the undersigned will expose to
public sale, before the court
house door in Greenville, for
Notice of Execution Sale.
State of North Carolina.
Pitt County.
In the
with the terms of to th-
highest bi at the court deer
Pitt county, in on Mon-
day, the 7th day of December, 1908,
that certain tract of lard, in the county
of Pitt, In I. township, on the
north side of Tar river, within a mile
the town of Greenville, and adjoin-
i Attorney.
Administrator's Notice.
Having duly qualified as
of the of II. N, Gray, de-
ceased, i- given toad
s indebted to the to make
mediate to the inn-
d all per.
having claims
i-re t
R Salisbury, Trustee, the I cash, to the highest bidder, on
A. lanes, the Adam Fleming Monday the I'll day the undersign, d
I lands i others, more particularly de-1 1908. at noon, before 16th day of November,
i-V the 1st day of the or this will be in
of way of the Atlantic Coast Line rail- DOT term
n lb
. . ;.
tin of and
i south . recorded in the
., , con-deeds office of Pitt county. North
. , in book r-8. pages
. , far etc , the undersigned will expose
j,.,,;. , . ,;.; sale, before the
wood I in the county fill
certain . North Carolina, and de
la w
L las I .
of th. ming,
. . i pi con
ad on th Tan rood, and
running with the road north
I SI poles thence north
w t poles 1-- -1
thence 1-- west
poles to s bridge across the I ;
north 1-2 e.-t ft poles
the itch; ti. 1-2 west
p I to the road thence with the j
north east IS p In ; thence
north 1-J west toles; there,
1-1 west
west poles to ,
fork of the road th re with the real
to Parker's X north
1908 Of Pitt county
the following
parcel of land to Situated
in Pitt county, adjoining the
of Silas Hardy, Guilford
and others. Beginning
at an
of November
H. A.
of H X Bray.
Silas Hardy's Mary
and Cherry's
Land Sale.
By of a decree of the Superior
. . .,
the Pleas-1 house door in u., ,. north i-s east east
Pl. being to the highest bidder, on Monday, thence south 021-2 east liner
h. W two certain , . ; ;
,. tracts or parcels of land lying and ,;., ,, .,,. line to
.;. ., . . ; in Che county Pitt Proctor line, a thence with the.
corner thence west Court of made pro-
poles to stake
.,.,. ,, e Harris against J. dun t I,
Hardy s Corners, commission,
poles to Guilford a .-n for cash before the court house
thence his line reversed in Greenville on Monday
. . as follows,
piece or parcel lying in
township, State
and county, beginning at the
,. if lei No, U in the
the L. Carr tract, and
and ad j g I la d of K n-
r, Joseph Brat and runs thence north
Pi i. . tar
in . v ii -2
Proctor line, a con thence with th
Wooten line a south-west-
i the I.
n, Adam ming land, and
the Brown land; south 281-2
west 2-3 poles to a bridge across
th. road; then the course with
ditch to Uh
I i h Brae, .
thence south with
ml line to the line of The A;
N. W. township adjoining the land of
he beginning, containing Levi A. Worthington, E. K
to satisfy said mortgage
This 7th of Nov. 1908.
Mara the following described piece.
or tract of land lying in Con-
ship a
Worthington and others, containing W. I
thirty seven and a half acres more or
less, being the home of the late
Matthew. Hart, and where he d
R. L. Smith Co. Mortgagee, j the time of said land
By F. C. Harding,
Notice of Sale.
virtue of the power and
subject to the dower interest of Mrs.
Matthew L. Hart, and sold for partition
This the 7th. day of Nov. 1908.
J. H. James. Commissioner.
The of
W. V.
By virtue of an execution directed to
the undersigned from Superior
of Pitt above
action, will on Monday,
lit S. at o'clock M. at the
court house of said county, at
Greenville, N. C, sell the highest
bidder for cat to said
the right title, and interest
which the said W. E. Move, the
has in tin following described
property Situated in the town
Of en west of road and
north side of street, beginning
on Second sire.;
S E. corner and runs a northerly
course with I Jenkins line a ditch,
Mary E. line, thence an
easterly e ; d ditch and
Mary E. line to W. B.
s north west corner, thence a
southerly course with said
line to Second Street, thence with
Second westerly course to
containing 8-8 of acre,
more or less, d t . ;., known
the Isaac
The , as . d, is except-
m the lot from sale;
that part said I which
ed in the
E. fully appear on record,
Also one lot On Main street
at V. I S E.
on Main street, m with W. I.
Jenkins line a course to a
ditch, thence with said ditch an east-
wards course feet, a south-
coarse a d with Jen-
line to Mai; hence with
Main a course to
con . . i
All of said lot ; portion just
I as bung n the home-
dead allotment o, W E. to be
wider this n .
This November
L, W. Tucker, f Pitt county
Sen r, Joseph Brat and runs thence north GO x Randolph's line to the line of The a-.- virtue of the power and Administrator's Notice. By the of ale con-
c i- chains to the corner of said tract, l authority vested in me by law.
with tin , he C. -ft
th K a- boundary said A,,. . ; ;. ., Forbes, administrator of Noah the state D. and duly recorded in the u. of
. J. F st chains to a l. containing acres deceased, will expose to Moore notice is hereby given office of Book Q-s
Others. SOUth east X lot ., public sale, to the highest all persons indebted t tin to will
n , p . . r . , . . .; u. , . ,. sen t from description . . , . .,.,. .,,. to sale, be ore the I
south east .-. .
with said boundary a
stake; thence north east w .
ch to a
more or , will be offered said
for ale pare i, and stake, thence with the various
th as ii to of outside boundary
v. line ii the said A. L, Carr tract
I. .; the of laud to
bi , piece, bounded on thence th
th west b; W, of said creel
the I the I of Mrs. Alice I
road lead from H useS j line of lot No.
m;. . c , the aid dower tin
I, iv ting and
a from .
four Ii lots Jed off by S. O.
Bro . B. J, H . M. Brown,
the of lac road adjacent to
what is as Pork,
, n . all A the Atkinson
lot. V- i a- others
in I hi lore I it. As a whole,
. in separate . t and parcels.
Lt No I Be i- the center
t re-
public sale, to the highest bidder
cash, at th late residence of
said Noah Forbes, deceased,
on December 1st. the per-
s of the said Noah
, Forbes, deceased, of
mules, cattle, hogs, farm-
implements, carts, wagons,
i buggies and harness, household
and kitchen furniture, corn,
to III
be ore
tin estate to
immediate payment to the under- public
I, and all persons having claims
against the estate are to est bidder, on Mon
sent at
the 20th of October, 1809, or this bung the day
. F
U l
ii- I
the n
,. B
fr the
one C vi the
c ard I I
it No I., ti .
with th
from to the beginning
i acres, more or
. line
I tie of No.
an , being
or the, tn
i. . ; m was assigned to C. S. Carr in th
j r, A. I. Carr,
ii lot No. in the
. R ti is hi n b; ma the
of the , road, west ,. v . . el u.;,,
the Atlantic Coast Line railroad hay, .
h of way, and with th said
r . -i i north west 1-3
poles . tin North 1-2
I . h to
the n of K . h's
; in . 1-2 e. in poles with
hand line ti take, corner of
promptly at o'clock.
This the 10th of Nov., 1908.
C. Forbes.
of Noah Forbes, deceased.
notice will in b r of recovery.
This day of October
J. R. Overton,
of W. I. Moore.
Great Lard Sale
new room office of Pitt county for a com-
no lid lot
Lot N on .
n II . the i
from Station to Mt- as- interest of Mrs. Ali
ant . that small triangular
cf the ti j
A . Line d sail I ,
t; in in west W poles to . , . .
. , , .,, . coast Line rail-1 On the first Monday in December
,. I and on Tuesday after I will sell,
. under the hammer, at the court
r , ., to more thin a
th i . containing M acres small farms, some rash,
but of them on long time, with s
of division book , ; . stake on I payment of only one-fourth cart Be-
No. hi. and of the road, a corner N .
Superior court's and with said
7th and
; eat; tin h went
v n
I gum K. O.
. r of No. hence
. p I, . ., of
i near a gum,
I . ; u
ii f ad, n
; the if- Ma; ,
. th. hi t
H r lands, containing
41.1 acres more o less.
Lot No. Lying on the south
aide of . i leading from
House Station to ii. Pleasant
c . . ; the east side of
the new road, just staked
leading from the mouth of the
Fleming mI, near the
v. ii hi to
pit. .;
v. i . . . ; . No.
r tin in the of the lands of the
I to the said A. I. arr, d i
canal, Ran I l due, .
nth I the itch; a I
t V , . ; h
the No. to
s I
more or
in the the
of I No.
mi ml the dates
also some for sale privately on
time between now
lands are all within from one
to live miles of the town of Greenville,
and in the best neighborhoods to live
to be found anywhere, d are among
tin agricultural lands in
Notice to Creditors.
duly qualified before
i c nit clerk of county as
the o I. .
Whichard, Is hereby
given to a I ind bled to the
to make immediate
the undersigned, ons having
claims ft the i mi sent
on . ; of
October, 1909. or this notice will be
p in bar of recovery.
of Oct. Ill .
of I. Q. Whichard.
; rm of Pitt County
I lie f, parcel
will expos
noon, it
d in the Town of V
on th east side of th.
Gil I's I d
south by lot of W Hie Buck,
by the lot Elizabeth
on the north by
the nit by Church
1-2 acre more or less. Tn
I on the
the west
i and on
. naming
is made
to satisfy terms of said e.
el r.
P. II. Mi
By K. r, Attorney.
North C
Pitt Count Hi
A. Savage and u. c.
A. Slat ; c
Administrator's Notice.
L W,
Hy virtue of
wherein ti A.
Savage trading
n is-
id A.
row pi
i .,. ;.
ii portion the land it
toR. t ;
I. la r,
A. L. Carr, containing
two ace , more or less. .
The of the said Mrs. Alice
Harper covering the entire lands
in No. assigned to the said
ls. Can.
of the lands assigned said
L. Carr. Reference hereby
made to said division of lands
said A. L. Carr tor . more par
Raving duly qualified are
the White, is u.
ceased, notice is hereby given t nil tin; superior
indebted to the estate to make j Court, Fill under-
L. W. of
to begin Ufa on J, , win on the
. present the s me to the undersigned 15th o. it
or before the day of October UM ,, of
1809, or this notice will be i,,,,. 1908, of
Training School will
open in Greenville next fall and then
it'll want to be convenient to it.
tO I
t . L. A. Mayo, and ad- description of said twenty
j ands of L. A, Mayo, two acres of said land embraced
in l an I ,,. the description of let No. in
lands, contain the lid to satisfy said
r m or
Lot No. Lying on the east
of the I. Fleming
opposite the new school
building, and on the north side
of i . r lei ding from House
Station to Mt. Pleasant church,
adjoining the lands of O. w.
and the ether lands
Leonidas Fleming,
acres mere or less.
Lot No. Whereon is situate
the dwelling h use, kin house.
Stables and etc. of the
said Leonidas Fleming, and lying
on both ides of the
Fleming road, the
lands of Harrington.
j. Fleming, Elihu Briley, Ran-
Bros., and others, and
adjoining the line of lot No.
straight from Ran-
corner to O. W.
ton's containing 81.83
acres more or less and what is
now called the home field of
Leonidas Fleming, on both sides
of the road.
The lands allotted to Leonidas
Fleming in the division of the
lands of Ivey Fleming, deceased,
will be offered for sale in two
lots, as
m deed.
Terms on
reasonable def i
C. S. Carr, Mortgagee.
Skinner e,
North Carolina, j
County, i In Superior
A. administrator
Alfie I James, deceased.
David I. James. Nancy K. V
Harriett L. Ward el ail, heirs at law.
The defendants Harriett I. Ward,
i r Allied
Swindell and Swindell will take
notice that a special Proceeding,
led M above, has been i in
Superior Court of Pitt county before
the Clerk to sell the real estate of
Alfred James, deceased, in order to
make assets for th payment of debts;
aid the -aid defendants I further
take notice that they are required to
appear at the office of said Clerk of the
Superior of Pitt County
day December 3rd, 1908, in
N. answer or demur to the
and complaint filed in said n,
or the will apply to the Court
. I i with the l poles;
I the . north . . I,
I . p , . to . . Tarboro road;
1.1 ti the ad th e n i ;
I . to a ridge a d;
ii.-I to
II . said,
ii rm l w
to I he bi road, the
, L mil . con lining i-1
or a
Lot No B I
in l he T. road, a c, -i of No.
I i
1-2 vi, poles;
. .-,. north i-1 weal
. . ; to
. r; thence a northerly I
with tho back line
Atkinson, Wilson end others and the
colored church lot. to he road leading
from the fork to i
roads; thence with the road
leading to ; X r
; i ; In i the s
road south 1-1 east poles to
the bridge sen i the road, the line of
Bros, down the said
ditch south 1-2 west poles with
the line Randolph Brothers to the
fork of the ditch. Randolph
I-- wast ll-r
polos with the line of lot to the
bridge on Tarboro road the be-
ginning, containing lot 1-2 acres
or h s.-.
No. B Beginning in the renter
of the rind leading Parker s X
roads, opposite a Ashley
T. corner, running with said
road 1-2 east poles to a
bridge across the road,
You h. ii better not while you
have i i opportunity.
Plots and other information can be
had my office. See also my other
a in The It. Hector,
J. L FLEMING. Attorney.
i b r of rec v.
Notice to Creditors
Having duly qualified as
tor, with the will annexed, of the
slate of Mrs R. K. her. deceased.
hereby given to all persons
indebted to the estate to make
payment to the undersigned, and
all persons having claims t said
estate are notified that must
present the same to the
or before the 6th day of November.
1909, or this notice will be plead in bar
or recovery.
This 5th day of November, 1908,
of Mrs. E. Belcher.
This day of October.
S. T. White,
Administrator of C. P. White.
Notice to creditors
; December term, 1908, of Pitt
county Superior at l o'clock
I p. in. upon the
adjournment stud court for the
I noon recess on said day, expose
I to public sale at the court house
Greenville, Pitt county.
to the highest for
bed tracts of
Having duly qualified as tn following
tors the estate of J, S. Harris. de-j , J
, notice is hereby given to all
The tract lying and
i indebted to the to make
payment to the undersigned,
and all persons having claims against
said estate are that they must
present the same to the undersigned on
or before the 2nd day of November,
1909. or this notice will plead in bar
of recovery.
This 2nd day of November 1908.
and H. S. HARRIS,
of J, S. Harris.
Notice to creditors.
Having qualified as executor of
May ton, decease ., late of
ville, Pitt county, North Carolina, this
is to notify persons having a Claim
inst the estate of said decease I to
exhibit them lo tie undersigned within
twelve months from this date, or
notice be pleaded in bar of their
recovery. All persons indebted to said
estate will please make immediate
C Dupree,
K. G. James, ltd
D. W. If,
Notice To creditors.
for the relief demanded therein.
This day of November
C of Court,
Lot No. the acre A for
thence with the ditch and h's Having qualified as administratrix of
lino and the Adam Fleming land. North Warren L. deceased late
2-3 poles to I. Woo- Pitt county. N. is to notify all
ten's fence; thence a north-westerly i having claims against the es-
COUrse with and of said deceased, to exhibit them
line to a corner; thence with the to the
tor, Teel line to
sweet gum. the beginning,
by estimation 1-2 acres
These lands offered for sale
in lots and parcels, act forth, j
first, and hen as n
of n-
, a I months from the data of this notice, or
containing this notice will be plead in bar of
recovery. All persons indebted to said
estate will please make immediate
This the 24th day of Oct. 1908.
of W. i. Browning
balance in Julius Brown, .
ltd w.
And Provisions
Cotton and
. i vs on m
Fresh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
it township, Pitt county
beginning at a sweet on the
new road, the corner of L. G.
land with his
line to a stake on a ditch,
down said ditch a stake at a
bridge, thence a straight line to
the run of creek to a paw-
paw gum, thence down the run
of creek to M. E.
corner, thence with her line to
to the beginning, containing
acres, or lean.
Also the undivided interest
D. L. Whichard in and to that
certain or parcel of lard
and Doing in town-
ship, Pitt county, adjoining the
lands of Willis Whichard on the
east, the lands of W. M. Sermons,
Whichard and Manor
containing acres more or
Also one other parcel or tract
of land situated in town-
ship, Pitt county, adjoining the
lands of M. E. West-
Ross and others, containing
acre more or less.
This sale be made to
an ext issued from the
Superior Court Pitt county in
the above entitled cause. This
the 14th day of November,
L. W. Tucker,
Sheriff of Pitt County.
Get a large display a
our nit ii
c v r
Steals of Sells it to the
Consignee Who Himself Writes
Check to Pay for Own Goods
It does not often happen that
something is stolen from a man
that the is sold
Stop a Plant
Sheriff L. W. Tucker and De-
R Hyman were out on a
hunt. Thursday
night, and captured a still
in township. The still
was in a more than
mile from the public road. J
that the is th
to the man to whom t belonged beer and
and the himself writes
Sergeant and Officer
Rod One.
Thomas Lewis, a young Dur-
ham soldier who went into
early in February and,
m stationed at Fort Miles, Va.,,
was caught here last night by-
Sergeant J. B. Pendergrast and
Officer G. P. Gates.
The young fellow did not like
Cliff CHI I
to run
I Write to-day; Mention Paper.
and hands it to the
in the stolen
but exactly such a case has
curred here
On Tuesday evening a crate of
tobacco consigned to the Liberty
Warehouse by W. R.
of Vanceboro, came in over the
Norfolk Southern road and
was delivered at the warehouse.
Mr. did not show up
Wednesday, and no instructions
having come about selling the
tobacco. Mr. Hooker did not have
and its lure was a
other ingredients around in read enchantment He broke
operation to begin. , camp June and has success-
The officers poured out fully dodged the army officers
beer and brought still to
town. It was on a to
front of the court nil
morning and attracted a large
number of spectators.
Be a careful as can you will
a medicine of known one
an and
that U certain to effect quick cure.
a is Chan
. it has i.
it opened an put on the sale for
Wednesday morning.
William Watson, a colored man
who had done
some g
warehouses and was
wide reputation i . .- .
of most common ailment-
always depended upon. It
nature's re the l
open, the ions
nature in the system
until this week. Sergeant Pen-
had a tip several days
that the boy was wanted
and Wednesday night received
the papers. Last night he went
to his father's home here and
found him there.
Young Lewis said he had been
unable to stand the life of the
soldier and was not strong
enough for it. While his offense is
regarded as very ignoble even
in times of peace, the punish-
isn't so drastic and the
army court will be merciful to
For Supplies
Don't toil to see
We carry a full stuck, also Ml
pairs tor our only, which is
There is none better, remember
they perfect Ne
would also call you n to our .
in B
about the
it tn uses aim a v .,,,.
Ir With the way consigned
a was held for instructions;
Mind Your Business
it was not put on sale Bight
there i concocted a scheme
that led to his downfall and has
landed him in jail until he
a sentence to ho oat Jo
no opium or o
b-given as tea
Wooten and Coward
If don't nobody will. It is your
business to keep oat of the
can and you can and will keep out
liver and bowel trouble if you take Dr.
New I The- keep bit
malaria out of
your system. cat Jno. L. a
vice on r
th ; i started and
the force had got busy
on the the
Wan- i. the
weigher and said, -Bow,
you'd get my crate on Boor
it morning.
weigher it anything
wrong, II trucker and sent
Mm with to put out the
William led the way to
the I crate over m
corner and said it was ins. It
on the door in
. cc and
sold. ,
When th
Mr. Hooker hurried to the
la ding
asked fort. cluck i r
Brown which Mr.
Him. a fraction
had the
cashed the bank
M Payable to
and disappeared.
Wed v Mr.
received a letter Mr. bum-
of tobacco
had been the day before.
about it wanted it sold and the
proceed-a by Mr.
Hooker knew where the crate
had and to see
hot no crate was there,
An investigation of books and
of the force develop-
ed the facts of Watson selling
the tobacco us stated above.
Mr. got busy to
catch the He found out
that Watson lived in the Clark
down below
He had a warrant sworn out,
Which he took himself and car-
to where ho go.
Constable Sugg Flaming to go
on with Wm to the
Watson was found and arrest-
ed and they were about to leave
With him when he let it out that
he COUld get them part of
money. He carried them to a
log crib and from between the
Cracks pulled out a purse in
which were Mr. Hooker
brought Watson to Greenville and
turned him over to the
This morning a preliminary trial
was held before Justice C. D.
at which Watson made
a confession and was held
Still Long Hair.
Mr. T. L. Chisholm attend-
c at the
of the week. While there hi
had a talk with Mr. Philip
who declared twelve
Take the Intern Paper
Did you ever think it We do
not wish to appear egotistical,
but suppose every business man
in the city took much interest
in the of a city as the
newspaper man. He works for
Whatever Her Deficiencies, She is Fr
from This Feminine Deficiency.
Men understand each other,
and women understand each
other, and the same sexes get on
together indefinitely, but those
of the opposite sex pull at
reins, fret, break away,
restless and then irritated and
irritating, says
in the December Designer.
The best remedy for
tent and even lies
I learning the art of letting each
j other alone It is not too strong
a statement to say that if
wives had studied the art of let-
ting their husbands alone, there
be fewer divorces. Two
personalities need never serious-
jar if each gives the other the
right of way. A man is far
more apt to accord this privilege
to a woman than a woman
is to a man. The very
spirit and temperament which
makes her the one in the house-
We carry the best quality only
Cement and ck i
mind that Baker k Hart's
is the place tn buy
lull assortment always in stock to choose .
Quality the in there is none be
it being guaranteed per
Intel e
to in position to
If you wish to it is to
your every med. Hint our
General is kept
the very best, quality
your orders
to a car
load f
n c
i O
, better roads,
; g
have hit
elected Thus f- h
basket word
beard, and his t.-s
Ho made his p
when Mr. i
in After th
w Th.
came to Bryan
. m'S
i i
hair aid K
hundred and one things for the
general good; be urges, pleads,
colds, badgers and cavorts
around generally until he gets
what he sots out for. Imagine
hie feelings, then, when some
I lame, string halted kind of a
low reproaches him because ha
boom things enough, and
out of tea that same follow
K has m paid one cent toward
the pap-T,
n hi
i tin
and the
paper he reads with marked
, is either borrowed from
his neighbor or picked up from
,. i c in the store which
he Olive Telegram.
hold to correct children from the
cradle up is what dictates this
corrective spirit toward her
band. . i
Strange say, this is rarely
the of a masterly worn.
an. She is apt ti think pa man
does, and know that each sou in
the a agent and
a perfect right to work out bis
own salvation. She
convince in crises, but
never nags. Usually the woman
who wood not for world Hit
her voice against her husband
matters of moment will be the
who i-am. let e in
small things, She is apt
stonily to question his right tn
carry out trifles in his own way.
it is one the ironies of hie
that the woman who can not, or
will learn of lulling
a man is one to lose
him altogether, or least to low
free confidence, his chatty
t i
Norfolk and Railway
A. and H N- c-
mM prediction; .- tali;
for Bryan's election. Mr. lie- To ,,;,,. with w to- of H,
Rue is still hoping and growing
hair Hut he is a
impatient. In the of his
with Mr. Chisholm
he , ,
in the thunder
with he
expect to long hair and
whiskers all my
Ki H I retina into
. l
Th y purify
by Jno. L. Wooten, druggist.
h.-r only
Aden e is h
is enough to insist upon
iii.-. right of ht to
make her miserable until she is
either taught i h lesson or sub
into indifference.
Round trip on s at
S i
. -j . , toe and under
for wen, ti c an g
Tickets on Number g.
until Saturday,
into the city of Norfolk.
M- la subject to
M h Wm. H. Bar ;,. n
mil W.
but I her with
Cough Remedy without the aid
of and my little hoy ha been
roil I V
k Woo-
ten and Coward Wooten,
of in
William H.
Michael, of Calcutta, reports that
India has about different
most of them unwritten,
and it not happens
that Indians drift Calcutta
who can find no one able to
their vernacular. Not
a trouble is caused such
visitors. The courts, too tn-
have trouble with
and witnesses who talk a
language that neither the court
nor the court interpreters under-
ard all
to take, gently M by
L. druggist.
hobo dress, d In men's over- m ,,, Pia
passed through n.;,
yesterday morning in an empty Li Wooten.
box cur westbound freight
train Tho train remained here Ambitious young men
EX and th, ham I
woman got out of the Car aid,
walked about the station A
man who conversed with her said
she was a very pretty girl and
stated that and a male com-
who was in an
other car, beating their
way to Honda
She wow pants for
of them drew
swinging trains to
herself as a man.
In. C.
G. P- A-
a .
for, the now 8-hour law i
there is g-
Positions nay from
month to beginners,
Telegraph of
S five other
cities is operated super
R. H. and all
p when
Write them for particulars.
j in-11
Pile will bring
We. Boldly John L Wooten.
Medicine in liquid form
and in
i vi . and
to toke.
K bottle 1-2 time
Re dose
Sold by John I.
Land Posted.
hereby warn all sons
r in any way o.
known . Will
I., i
and John K. May.
Tim On lee you buy la
know .
jell-0 ICE HUB
i x d hog-
l 1.1 ii or two ll
I Not Quite-
you net s
; r- I F
Mil or acre driver or V
,, good V
fool box and , Vi.
I have nude
aim ml
I can than
a ;
useful a
.,. your
. a i
. r
Of Si
You get
Horse C
J v
a i
; -1
Tho C
In Roy
t .
Corey; tools.
. v . V a

D. J. Editor
as second mailer Jan. , 1907 at the at Greenville. N
ft, Congress of March 1879
in to
season again arrived
when it is fitting t pause in the
march of life, and with thought
lifted up to the Giver of all good
render thanks for the many
blessings He has
While ye should to be
thankful daily for
mercies enjoyed, it is
ate a year for one day
we the of
life and the perplexities of
and spend the day in
thanksgiving to God. Our
tom M ft ion observe the
day is a beautiful one, and it is
the duty of every true t
take part Hi tin . All should
recognize Go I and Ilia
over us. and not
withhold the praise that is due
Take a of the
during the I you will
enough to your heart
swell with i and your
lips exclaim lie Lord,
i my soul, an . for; u it all His
i one
poor in this ls who
yet , mil to
thankful for. i are none
who have suffer . Ii can
see th re is hey have
spar -l en are lune
who haw had son w i i the
midst of which a Comforter was
sent. There is much for
which we should thankful,
and our on these,
And in the of our
thinks ll t Our
not en I in meditation praise,
but may it expression in
the of that pi
is m ire i to give
has -n us
much, . id wt i a i our
and gratitude
by doing something for
others, have
done h unto i i o the l a -i of
ye have d.
Let all try to make Green-
ville hotter hulking.
The beat way not to lose on a
foot ball game is not to bet on it.
Make up your mind that
is better and you will find
it batter.
It is time some other
big enterprise was launched fur
Atlanta, she is always in
trouble, and mostly of her own
If you started out
good citizen you would not
the man who runs a
a Mr. Taft regards Mr. Cannon as Webb in the is ostracized and
obstructionist to legislation., claiming that he was cheated
out of it.
Mr. Roosevelt is credited with
saying that if it had been him-
would have broken the solid
With street and sidewalk
paving finished for the time be-
Greenville must get busy
on something else. a a
as Mr. Taft did.
With prohibition carrying this
State by majority, it will
be folly to have any further
of the question in the
next legislature.
The mail which brought The
Enterprise brought also the
You do not help conditions any Sun, a paper of
self running for president he complaining. Business in not equal intelligence, which says
Borne of the guests of
dent labor dinner in
the White House, a few night
ago, declared it was a
Doubtless that ex-
. it de-lighted the
to nave cost a
going to the bad if you will do the same thing on the same sub-
your part to keep it on the up and says it well.
grade. He a booster and do referring to
pull backward. Everybody put to
, and one these sources of
his shoulder to the wheel and
The hope
IS some
thankful for.
It is
lion a half dollars to get
Taft elected. He is never going
to he worth anything like that
sum to the country.
The big railroad systems are
helping to bring prosperity by
making a per cent, advance in
freight rates. Prosperity for
themselves, you see.
Numerous hunting parties are
fur Thanksgiving
everybody has something to
day. It is to be hoped the
hunters will be careful to shoot
Rockefeller says he was happy game.
when he his
Who wouldn't be
X you don't you live
be beat town in world, pull he bought cheaper now
up and go to another than a year hence
The fifth district is already
If we don't have but a quarter
we are going to be thankful for
that much, but will be more
thankful if in
rears will round up a few
and roll them our way by
Thanksgiving day.
If President-elect Tail's broth-
got all that was charged out
of that Panama canal deal, he
could well afford to contribute
a hundred and sixty thousand to
the campaign fund, and then
have plenty left to get along on.
At a New York infirmary
thirty-six nurses and forty-live
patients were nude quite sick
by eating chicken and
chicken hash served with pi-
weakness which it may safely
point out now while other
sources are held for future
is the adoption for
the last four years of the party
primary. Its effect party
organization is demoralizing and
There are some good f you want to see a
around Greenville that ought you must work to
I have buildings on them. These that end, and a good way to
work for it is not to send your
money away for anything you
can gel home. Patronize
your home enterprises.
Waller Williams, promised
One man pulling back
There is interest in both
trotting out candidates for con-1 thin state and Virginia in the
two years from now. games to be played in
and expedition fame, has had
i on Thanksgiving day.
harm B town more than two men .
can do in trying to build here cornea a Buffalo doc I
I publishing company for
up. tor who accuses a cabbage and . . , . .
I fur his expedition
lettuce worm of being the cans.
Governor has been
chicken should also come under
the ban of things not to eat.
Next thing you know they will
be some fault with
sum and yam
A was hanged in Char-
Friday for the crime of
murder. After the execution
the man's father took charge of
the body and placed it on
at cents peep. It
caught the curious and
the old man gathered a pile of
Montgomery has en-
suit against the Raleigh
News and Observer for nOn
for publishing the letter which
Thomas Jr., wrote about
him. If the Judge could
the sums asked for out of
both Mr. and the News
and Observer, he would have
enough to get on for
brought suit against a magazine,
showing Governor-elect
what the inside of mansion
looks like.
he wins that will pay much bet
of cancer. First . . , . . ,, v .
than looking tor the
we will have to stop eating.
Open your
the pm r an I the
orphan I make a of
than ii to t hem.
According to Mrs.
been found alive
again. Tie y had bettor her
slay dead.
call easily lead between
the lines that Mr.
like have the job again
alter aw bile.
General J. Durham,
has donated 12.600 for the
fund of Greensboro
V, male loll,
There is hardly a matter that
really inter-
in to more advantage
water transportation,
Thai splendid afternoon paper,
the Record, has
completed its eighteenth year.
The Record is a credit to
and to the Stale.
ll crops out that it was the
Greensboro Industrial News it-
self, and not i's creditors, that
made the application to have
the paper declared bankrupt.
The Johnson county citizen
I who offered to be one of two
I hundred to subscribe a year
each to keep the Greensboro In-
News going, is on the
hue. That is the kind of
interest that helps a newspaper
to be of good service to the
it serves
pointed Mr. Alex, J. Field, of
is wailing to I to be his private
ti can carry
a load more than twice as heavy
as one ran carry alone. One
man may lack U little
strength to turn a
wheel, n that little added by
another the wheel and
keep- ii going, see the
unity there is
f you find a man
trying hi push Greenville for-
ward, join hands with him and
the united effort may
wonders. At any
don't hinder, but help. Help
each other, by
keeping everything possible at
home, by saying an encouraging
word. Touch shoulders with
the other fellow and let him feel
that there is somebody standing
by him.
That was a big deal the Amer-
Tobacco Company made in
paying the
co stored in Kentucky. It prom-
to put end to
troubles in that State.
In hit testimony Mr.
feller is getting in a lot of free
advertising for Standard oil.
The old man i far from being a
sue a call for the Women to meet
and organize a civic pride club.
say the Word, ladies, and
our columns are at your service.
The teat has opened for
shooting through mistake
for wild turkeys game.
A man who cannot tell his game
has no business going out with a
Too bad that Employing against party friend.
methods of electioneering that
would not be honorable even if
employed against party enemies,
can result only in destroying
party enthusiasm if not
party loyally. The in-
of the party primary may
be all right; but so far as ex-
and practice go, it
usually associated with much
that is wrong. The old precinct
meetings and county
may have been open to
abuses and perhaps were but
they did not furnish
for machine manipulation
where the primary furnishes a
score. Nor did they generate
party feuds and fraternal strife,
to be Fostered and fed until they
become destructive all through
the campaign of that free spirit
of liberty and loyalty without
which no party contest can be
won. Honor and honesty, truth
and justice, are car virtues;
so long as they are
zoned upon our party standards
may we go forth confidently to
battle. I'm we cannot employ
against a party brother any
row, under-hand method of
party competition, and then in
the end expect him to prove
himself a saint where we have
have been a
If the Democratic party of
North Carolina does not realize,
the truth of these sayings with-
out argument, then argument
would be useless. It may, how-
ever, be added that in
of the character of the
Hut he will hardly d
Tin- treasurer of the
can national campaign commit-
tee has given out his report
showing about ex-
pended to secure election of
Tali. Th- largest contributor
was Charles Taft, a brother of
president-elect, who gave
Nothing is said ante-primary campaign
. , ,. . . ,. ling the State convention in
the contributions
I June of this year, it is amazing
L ; that the party made in the re-
cent as good a showing
as it did, and that it cannot
take the chances on an-
Newton Enterprise, such exhibition. The ti-
cussing the that of the minority in the
Slate Chairman will under the circumstances
New York is boasting that
there is less suffering in that
city this winter than But
A New Jersey woman ,.,
a mouse,
mt have alarm
frightened to death the sight
An elephant would
The fixing and of the
marriage comes
along about as regularly as do
the newspapers. One day it is
all arranged and the day it
is not arranged at all.
That is a peculiar state of
fairs ill
went there to hunt for
blind tigers, one of the de-
has beau arrested for
selling liquor himself,
Cannon will get a hard knock
against re-election for speaker if
President-elect Taft opposes
as now looks likely to be done,
when he is inaugurated.
Mr. has for several years
been secretary of the State Dem-
executive committee,
and Governor has made
a good selection.
keeps having spasms
over what he thinks is
war between this country
and Japan, and is urging the
president keep our
ships at a convenient place in
the Pacific waters. First thing
you know a commission
will be needed
If the sugar trust has to shell
out the for which the
government is suing, there will
be an advance in the price of
Which will be the bigger
in the management of the gov-
Mr. Tall or Mr. Can-
to be seen after
the of March.
The matter of who is to be the
candidate in might well be
deferred until comes, and
let the country have some
in the meantime,
Mrs. Katharine
Gould, who is suing for divorce
husband, asked for
f a year alimony, and
said she c mid not get along on
less. I low a woman can blow in
that much money in a year is
to understand. The court
must have taken that view of it
also, for she was allowed only
In the lust election
cans elected three congressmen
in North Carolina, and the in-
formation is sent out from
that there will likely
be a contest for fourth. J.
A Smith, who run against Con-
appoint a committee of live
of the State executive com-
to formulate changes in
the Democratic plan of
to be submitted later to
the lull committee, says, with
its accustomed good
aim should be to mini-
and not to accentuate the
Importance of the primaries, if
we could get rid of the voting
between Democrats and Demo-
altogether and get back to
the old system of appointing
instructed delegates to State
convention, it would be better
for the party. The arraying of
Democrats against Democrats at
the ballot box makes breaches
in the party that cannot be
bridged over before the election
and have served as prolific re-
stations for the
if the committee decides
to retain the primary elections
in any form, let the people now
resolve, while the incidents of
of the last one are fresh in their
minds and while there am no
candidates in sight to whom any
personal application can
made, that they will not stand
another speaking campaign by
candidate for Governor, Senator
or any other important office or
headquarters from which money
is distributed active work is
Serried on to boost one man and
inspires new confidence in the
good faith of humanity, but
there is a point beyond which,
under frequent tests, it will not
endure. Char lot Observer.
Nerve energy is the
force that controls the or-
of respiration, cir-
digestion and
elimination. you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause yon lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely
cure you. Try it.
l.-ll inn on tho
of l tried
clans no l
I hod tn my
l. hi Hr. Mil.-
was much I
mil In ml
In till
Your Or.
end we him to return
of first bottle If It fall
assassinate another. The next
man who undertakes to to benefit you.
rite this system hill Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
rivals to follow suit, should be
mm sue
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates j
Rape seed at J. R. Smith Mer.
Wednesday afternoon about
o'clock near the Ayden
Co's. shops. Pandora Chapman, a
ville, whom we had not seen for
several years. It was indeed a
pleasure we appreciate. They
in company with Mrs. Rosa
Burnes. of Scotland Neck, spent
colored girl about years of age the day with the family of Capt-
had her dress to catch fire from a D. G. Berry.
and was so badly burned
that sue died in about four hours.
pleated your gar-
den is the question every
one is taking. Woods Seed are
the best for the South- You will
find all kinds perfectly fresh at
Drug Store. Don't make
the mistake of getting some
Miss Blount spent Tues-
day Bigot with Misses Lee and
Nannie Nichols.
Smith Co. Dixon are running
their factory and mills on full
time. General sawing trimming
and repairing of all kinds neatly
We are pleased to learn the
condition of Mrs. W. L. Brown-
is very much
Oakley N. C. Nov.
Miss Kettie Roberson, of Has-
sell. is spending this week with
Miss Ella Corey. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. B Whitehurst
spent Sunday with J. S. Cherry,
of Stokes.
We welcome our new neigh
Mr. and Mr. El
who were recently married near
morning and turned the lit-
girls over at Farmville to Mr.
A. F. Flanagan at whose house
will their home in the future.
They being motherless and Washington are now making
I agree
Hew They Are Nursed and Reared Said I
Prepared For Market criminal K I
are in. will have U be
of tie deep. They own their
Mrs. J. J. Stokes and children
left Thursday for Greenville
where they will spend several
days visiting relatives.
Mrs. C. D. Rountree. after a
visit here to the family
of her brothers. Dr. Hardy John-
son and C. K- Johnson, returned
to her home in Greenville
D. O. Moore has been to Wash-
this week on business
Several of our people are
attending the annual convention
of Disciple church at Kinston
this week.
Rev. C. Manly Morton, of
son was here Thursday.
W. G- Smith has moved his
family to the country.
Mrs. W. E. Hooks, Misses
Mr. Flanagan and his good
wife agree to take the children
and care for them. Mrs. Flan-
a sister of their father
E. Little the father of
their mother.
and family, of
Greene county, were visiting at
Ivy Smith's Saturday evening
and Sunday.
C. D. Smith went to Greenville
Monday on business.
Mrs. C. E. and Master Alston
went to Greenville
Monday shopping.
C L. Tyson and three of his
boys, from near were
in our town Saturday.
David Smith was in Farmville
Monday sailing tobacco.
Jasper Joyner took a load of
tobacco to Greenville today to
sell for J. B. Joyner.
i .--
M. makes the Florence Blount and Marguerite
cold can be made at
lea cold year
Oakley home. We wish
them a and
Mr. Mrs. J. L. Corey spent
Sunday with his parents near
A are
passing through out
They must have fount
the farmers have sod their cat-
Miss Lenora Corey, of
spent Sunday with Miss
Pearl Jenkins.
Mr. Gray Corey, one of our
prosperous farmers, sold from
one acre of land barrels of
potatoes for HUB he plant-
beds and teed down SIX
cultivate them carefully and watch
their crops and scarecrow off the
predatory fa men
fish, that otherwise would
upon them, j-.-t a the I
labors in his fields, s
an oyster bed as this may comprise
a tea covered of re
from M acres of ,
floored preferably with good, clean
sand or broken rock or yet
frequently devoid at the start of ail
natural of the oysters.
On the natural beds the
pawn tremendously in the
warm months of
spawn attaches itself like v
of freckle t. anything
foothold anything sharp,
broken shells, old bottles,
oysters and rocks. With
whole troth. Did the
you . baring
n the accused
man. not i to
the I
tho fact from you
i. I
much of it have you
all pone but about ClO.
i the ea
lawyer, patting on hit
better plead one
throw yourself on Hie mercy of the
won , , . .,,
j Both
ed the same acre in corn and , mg ,,.
the use of nitrate of soda,
do it if
What are you s
t for the
so. sir.
ills to
these freckles expand.
coming finger nail
oysters, already housed in walls o
comes the oyster man, ho
its two big iron
and ho in the skiff with his
round Try one.
Rev. H. B. Tripp his
last sermon i i the Methodist
church here f r the rt con-
Mr. Tripp has
been one year ard our
people are not J
him as a but have
very high r for mm as a
and gentleman. It
wish may b
turned to this station.
You will find a nice
and on baud at
J. C,
Tucker, VI. L. .-
and L L. of
a second crop of 1-5 bar-
of corn, and left a good
of for the stock.
On Wednesday morning, Nov.
18th. a very pretty marriage was
iiI y
from Friday when Mr Z T
Miss Earl Tucker, of ton. N. C. Nov. 1908.
and her friend Miss Clyde hag return-1 daughter. Miss Reba,
Nair, from Red Springs, home from quite an extended Mr. Simon A. Congleton
Saturday in Ayden I
Those fine horses Mr.
Martin, of was sport-
though our street Sunday
The Disciple Sunday school
e this place out to Mr.
i DicK church, about three
line from here, and organized
a Sun Jay
was a very large
went from
There ban b-.-en a perfect rush
ii be great.
were in Ayden
noon. Now th lb
i., smith Co. liar. e-
things g t the P f
plant. Beside . re
work they ate u
Used on this
Miss a
Greenville Thursday.
J. K. Smith Co.
a nice lot of and caskets.
on hand can furnish hearse
Give them a call
when in need of any their
goods. This firm has a good sup
ply of class wagons, a few
and are run over
making and repairing.
Truly Ed the
is a busy man.
Misses Lizzie and Pearl
Thompson, of are
visiting the family of Rev. E.
For public school b go to
J, it. Smith Mer. Co.
and Bibles also on hand.
James Dawson, of Grifton, was
in Ayden on business Thursday.
M. M. Sauls has just
a fine lot of perfumes and toilet
We regret very much that Mr.
Richard Wingate, a very prosper-
and successful farmer living
near here is selling out his fine
plantation and anticipates
his family to Missouri
earlier part of next year. Such
men as Mr. Wingate add much
to a community and our people
are sincerely sorry that lie deems
it best to move away out in the
far West. All, however, wish
them the greatest success
a happy life.
One of the infant twins of W.
E. Patrick died Wednesday night
about o'clock and was buried
Thursday afternoon. The pa-
rents have the sincere sympathy
of everyone in Ayden in their
sorrow and loss.
The Daughters of Rebekah
will give an entertainment in the
opera house here tonight for the
of their lodge.
We were delighted yesterday
to meet our friends Mrs.
Goodwin, of Philadelphia and
Mrs. If. M. Nelson, of Green-
j i
iv r
spent Sunday
Daughter, Mrs. Frame
Mrs. Thomas Nichols from t
country is spending a day din
town with relatives.
The attractive place i-.
town is Dr. M. Id. his
soda fountain, fountain pens, his
clerk the fountain of all a,
and the doctor the very fountain
itself. If you don't believe it
look in and see. The olds folks
line him. the girls can't
and the boys are always
John F. Evans, of Greenville,
was here yesterday.
Miss Mamie Dawson, of
ton, came up Sunday to visit
Miss Florence Blount.
Misses Lena and Clyde
son spent Sunday in Winterville.
Mr. Ferrall, one of the buyers
on the tobacco market here, left
Saturday for Baltimore to enter
a hospital.
Workmen are here lengthening
out the depot platform. This is
J. A. Stokes went to
Monday morning on
Stokes went to
dine Monday
G. T. Stokes went to Green-
villi; Monday.
Stokes went to Ayden
Our prosperous merchant,
L. H. Stokes, bis moved to
Ayden where he will continue
his merchandise business.
S. F. Harper end J. D. Stokes,
spent Saturday at CoX-
j Wyatt has moved to
the residence formerly occupied
by L. H. Stokes, Mr.
will engage in the merchandise
business on Main street.
S. la erecting a fine
residence West f
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stokes
went to Greenville Monday.
Herman Stokes and mother
Saturday and Sunday near
Joe Jackson and Jasper House,
of Greenville, spent Saturday
night at B. F. Stokes.
George Moore spent Sunday
afternoon in the city.
Mr. and Mrs, Herman
spent Sunday afternoon here.
performing the impressive
that made them man and
wife. bride was handsome-1
attired in an exquisite cream
taffeta hat gloves to
The groan is a rising young
business man of Oakley. The
bride is a general favorite,
by her charming grace and
traits of character is held in
universal esteem. The
of the nappy couple was
by the numerous presents
They left on train for
an extended tour of the northern
cities, after which they will make
Oakley their home. We
them a long, happy, and pros-,
The indications are that CUpid
is still busy in our Community
and the Wedding Will soon
be ringing again.
fetch up tons of .
bock end tons of
rock or broken shell far the f it-
hold oysters yet to end.
to their out fan
all beneath the
ore the private
beds divided one from r-n-
b the t of
hedges, but each ii
ago n into many smaller
to facilitate the work. This K-
the scad
three i
A aim. . I
young lady in a down east
received along call fr m a
who. after prolonging her call be-
the lady's endurance,
came to the main a I it
brought her r.
been asked t
if you were or ad
Now. if they hat
will I tell them
-Tell I the ; S
her calm I .
unblushing steadiness a I ii-
feature of the.
them that think
you arc t
in the
quarter of
her child i H
the i v
v the
. of i. r-
How ii You.-
with advent
September, reason for
has begun are
red i.-r-.-.-n proper, who
down to out a Hire a
crop for the towns.
are from the be
just as rapidly n- men and . hi
can them forth.
comes f-on tho do
. f Its
its arrival o.-l Hi
and over it for .
while ii of
r-e-i ore cull at fie
y. -ore- f the o;
era c
ten f
tented ti m r
men, d with h
work, give
lap at
break i A
, .
load her r
schooner r x ;
v I, all
teacher over I
. ,. .
tame to the
is .-
Mrs. Mary of No.
Ave. recommends
for ill.- wonderful
Electric in a c is.- of
am convinced r stomach
liver troubles Electric Bitters i
111- ma t-
. ,,,,. .-
. in
fl .
I n-v e I
. her
; m
like m
h especially ;
provided with
. j, in,
r .
-hi I
. it
o I
. . , ;.,, I,
. . n.
, allow the to
in war.
Watched for Fifteen
lie-b-st .-.-
This and alternative tn fatten for ct
invigorates of the tide, be r
the blood is helpful in . , , , , v .
all of weakness. a. .-; . . , ,
Jno. I. slur
fifteen I have watched the one m
For farms,
South Greenville. It
ii. t exactly t
badness i
work of Salve; tobacco land and has
has never fails to cure any sure,
ulcer Lam to ch it was It tenant
a sec W. Tucker
A. F. of East Wilton Maine, ,
at Jno. L. store. a
out the depot platform, is , .
the second time within the year; in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Sept.
this has been done. The in-
another hurried
The tanks pumped out,
the floats, and men d
I upon them like rubber de-
particulars t them swiftly to
trow. And now, absolutely
at their finest, mud all be
cot my wife through
Then you'll admit that advertising
admit that
was cautions
r.-r tho third day in cession
the strode forth,
ed to beat his re tor the eight
eon which was A
and his little by
. . . . . .; -I,
. Whack The .
flew in all
h Whack and
i -.-
or, we
I n
his re-
,. . .
. . 1.1
it bring
crease in shipping and other
business resources of Ayden
require enlargement.
See us grow.
hums and discounts 164,606.07
Overdrafts . . .
Furniture and Fixtures 610.59
Demand Loans 5,000.00
Due from 12,828.64
Cash items
Gobi .
coin, including
minor coin currency
National bank notes
and other notes 0,860.00
Capita . .
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, loss
current exp. paid
Bills payable
Deposits subject to ck.
. .
. . .
millennium Unit v
carry out their
Total, 191,725.09
Cashier's outstanding 76.87
Total, 191,725.08
N. C, Nov.
Mills Smith went to Farmville
Tuesday on business.
Miss and Master Mark
Smith went to Greenville Tues-
day returned.
The teachers at Smith's school
house had a bazaar county
the benefit of the school it Smith, of the above named swear
j i- a link b-U-f.
and r a nice , , SMITH, Cashier.
sum. We have heard amount I . .,.,.
was between and Subscribe and sworn to be.; t
thirty dollars. I mi
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North .
T. E. Little took his two little MOB.
to Wilson Fri-
day evening and returned Mon-
Notary Public
Physician and Surgeon
e r Rank
W. II. Smith has. purchased
the into est of A. Cox in th
Car lira
Co. and will conduct the bu
the A
work promptly d after. Mr.
Cox will still with th
M Wheat,
Oats, Rye and Barley.
are only deal-Q
in Bead in ll but
we tell the t,
from the and
lire fully equipped with best
most for
B you want
Plant Seeds.
on request
full about
Richmond. Va.

deem it privilege to show you t very extensive
assortment of
Dress Goods, Dry Goods,
Trimmings, Laces,
Ladies Tailor-made Skirts,
Shoes to Fit all feet and
Any Size Purse
to Fourteen
of Liquor Daily.
is M now thing.
as U by Italy.
particulars of what
to, tho of
writ t. from
excessive drinking are given suggestive
In Turin Medieval I
three Mich documents in tho
of Milan. of records la
in sworn on spots by
to ft two
r within and will
likewise ;
pa nil v . m behalf Tin- penal-
ft. r any reach of this oath i-
. to
In de
p. Plot I to
MB from for a certain
exception being made on
game of
h. however, he not to lose
more than on day.
Further, lie undertakes n to visit
any inn for drinking before
. , . era on M A
Urea of of the pledge
Involve the of
r. n lib will tract to
pa is . i to
I id I runs I m f r
In j p e of resort or
is Drawing Near
And the Christmas gift is naturally
How about a piano We have
on hand several discontinued styles
Remember that we represent all things as they are
the price the true value of the article.
that the most critical of our
complete a-id very Appropriate Lines Desirable will
convince you that they are NOT EQUALED ELSEWHERE
f r r n Is Is not
Mated. is presumed they
,. . , into cos whoa
t . ., ;
, h i . Th r.- la m h e In
d , ; , is -i the . of
.,. , , n u I it the promotion of
temperance honor of being Ural
I Id In Ibis I
mill rents with Germany, where two
;. were founded In
, the sixteenth century.
i I the Order of ft.
is formed by do
on Jan. and
Order f
.-. low Tie me
l.- f the no order were
fr m and the
Ts . other k n- -i
i . . , than plan
liquor a that oftener
than twice a day. Phi ago New.
ranging in prices from to
These pianos are
sold at and
How about setting one aside for
you only have of one style
and of another left
We will Ship You One
on trial freight prepaid if you prefer.
If you are a bargain seeker this
is a rare for you.
Phone write to G. G. Fine-
man, box Greenville, N. C.
Guarantee of Bank Deposits
is the conservative and faith-
management of the Bank.
Our surplus and prof.
Capital, .
All of the above stands for
the protection of every de-
Chas. M.
Business solicited, and we extend a cordial I invitation to call
in to see us.
The Bank of Greenville
. xv
At Big Store
The Bid Sale is still going on to raise money
for creditors. Come quick and get your share of J
Get The best for Comfort
Royall and Borden Felt
es and a piece Bern-
stein Iron Bed have no equal.
. us for any you may need. Look through
l you will be pleased.
. G.
of Good
All Our China, both fancy
and domestics.
Are the safest places to bank,
for the United States laws, as
well as most rigid govern-
supervision, make them
IT. . . .
The That
In the
s.; lion
. . f the way the
t-i women, la one
that raw worked bis
pat W
There v a and . W.
baa they
i i. ea h in
from i
Kin. i n wand
. ;. i
,,,. by i
lit, to the , In I
, i; . v . v l- m
ibis he
. i cir i
it- r i n.
r V r
i her inure like re
. v n iii i f
, . ;,., i, ; . her In
. r Al
t v. n i . ; led fr
.,,. , , ;
be ii inn Pi
., i rice fir bi i limit h id
b -f la
The la no Inn an
h nae
t . i n f
I; , t . any ii hi
Mi . i up.
i . i are then
the i no up
Ah Ni
At bare left, yon
I re J
i ,. . , r .
m . hi . Tin -i H Hint
v. i I and the i
In wan
A chance
to your
Ail our baseball foods at cost.
Richmond and Norfolk, Virginia.
Atlantic Coast Line
Account Knot Ball Game between of North Car-
and University of Virginia, and Agricultural and
Mechanical N. C, Virginia at
Va., N 24th. trip on November
limited to return Ni 2-th. The games of the
tin in.
Round Trip Fare to Richmond, to Norfolk,
For further information call on Ticket Agent or write
P. T. M.
N. C.
Pouring Prosperity
Through a Puncture.
The in probably
in e a piano,
Furniture Dealer. Ca.
for Hide,, Fur. Cotton Seed
Bate and Bate. piano. Oil Turkeys. OaK
Bedsteads, etc.
M I O i Suits, Baby Carriages, Go Carts,
Parlor suits Tables. Lounges,
P. Ax
Snuff, high Life Tobacco, Key-
West Henry
Canned Cherries, Peach-
es. Apples. Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly. M. at, Flour, Sugar. Coffee,
Soap, Lye Magic Food, Matches,
Oil. Cotton Seed and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts Candies, Dried Apples,
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Glass and
Wooden ware. Cakes and Ci
Macaroni. i-st But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see mo.
or by the
I at will. in
piano the world
This bank has been established over two years, during
which lime it has served banking public faithfully and
built u a Luge and prosperous business. The best service
is none to good tor both our town and country customers.
Our Stockholders and Directors are responsible, bus-
in the selection of your bank, have permanency
in view and establish yourself for your present and future well
being with a good sound bank.
The National Bank of Greenville
Capital Stockholders liability
F. G. JAMES, J. P. V-Pm.
F. J. FORBES, Cashier.
The Opel.
An la
lip n-l b
Away weal with the
placed at the i f n very
hill, A few s Inter his em-
w ml to ace how the board
put up and, It bottom of
the I III, d found alike.
didn't you nut that sign In the right
ain't Mike.
all the it the
to Expect It.
old fellow, lend ma a
hundred, hundred
what hundred
I Blot Oh, your Joking,
I was
never more In my life. Tin
broke. My dear roan, you're
not you're cracked
and Times.
j will be
th-- moot popular
I today.
piano at any price
rail on or write
A. J.
We have moved our stables and
transfer business to the old market
on Second street, where we
have plenty of stable room, nice and
convenient, to take care of our
trade. We can shelter your bug-
in rainy weather. Horses
boarded at reasonable rates. We
thank our old patrons for the bus-
they have favored us with,
and ask all to come to see us.
Not Designed For
it in aura Cupid had nothing to
do with the alphabet What
gives that Impression He-If he
had been doing It he would have placed
are now arriving, plant early
to get beat results A nice
line of Palms, and Ferns in all
sizes. Choice cut a
specialty, wadding bouquets
and Floral offerings at short
notice. Mail, Telegraph, and
Telephone orders receive
prompt attention. Phone
Raleigh, N. C.
Fresh Oysters
I oysters every day,
and delivery anywhere
in town at cents a and
Phone your orders to Number
Market. o
T It A N K P O U
It you want your HORSE to trot
fast and pull strong buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn.
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Leas
Money than any man in town,
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and ail kinds of
Mutual Life
Assets over
aw wan trying to
on bottle with the bottom broken
, it's a treat waste, It loot
mighty silly.
But it's morn Moils, no n
than for a man to
his town to mi i
bubble over with when
to is continually pouring
tote world
torn of his home town.
Dr. Morrill
Office on Third
Temple, Formerly Occupied by Dr Bag
Can be found on Fourth street
prepared to clean, press repair
Clothing and ladies Skirts
,., All work done promptly, suits
-t a- , J IS st I made to order when
Subscribe tO The Daily patronage solicited.
Dr. Major P. Manning
I am now and will located in Beth-
el, N. C, until Jan. 1900. Anyone
desiring service a can find me at Hotel.
Harvey's Cool and Wood
Yard will furnish you with
the best coal, all grades,
splint and soft coal,
hard anthracite,
stone and nut. We keep
dry wood and furnish de-
livery. -I-
Office comer and Third
formerly occupied by late Col. I.
Dry Goods and Ladies Dress Goods.
I purchased the interest of the
late B. E. Patrick in the firm of B. E.
Patrick Co., and will continue to
carry on a dry goods business
at the same stand.
A ladies department a special
of goods and trimmings has been
Anyone Nellie being in
charge of this department. The
Hie cordially invited to call and look at
this line.
Subscribe to The
Miss Henrietta
Offers her services to the people of
Greenville and community
N- C
A man who once a bad fall
down cellar stairs now baa
n broad strip of pointed
floor at the end of last Step. This
la easily seen. If the Collar be
dark, and a nasty accident u
avoided, if Hie is rented i
you not like t. paint tho boards a
piece of white oilcloth can be lacked
to floor at the foot of tho stairs. I
Bee the tacking H securely dona
or a worse fall may follow than from
Modern version.
Then you Will be ever my
and Inquired Aladdin.
With the exception of Tuesday
afternoons, Monday mid
day evenings and every other Sunday.
Brilliant Fish Hues.
many assume
brightest when they to at-,
he opposite
The of tho male
become Intense,
In the breeding
eel also puts on an Intense
noticeable end at one caused
t It as a
i lea. males of tho tench, roach
in If MM breeding season.
Mental Arithmetic.
Two years ago I asked Aunt
visit us for a fortnight, and she has
not gone home
-It's a
I What's a
That you didn't her for s
walked many to see
began the tramp,
said Um
old man. are go-
well, that
Horace-I can't understand you girls.
Now, halo Mabel, yet Just
know. Hut
bow the freckles show where I kissed
the powder Taller.
Whom did you support the
last . .-
A wife, two children and a mother-
at the same
Is One of the
Landmarks of Paris.
This Picturesque Ha.
a as well as
a Lovers
, is the largess and
of the Paris
I ,.;,., . named after the
.-, i of Louis XIV. whose conn-
of the present
until ground was male a
,,.,. IS l. U acres
Is but
lovely. Hare wrote about the
that -weight was
m all monuments looked
,.; if ea. h had as
mar as their
, . i
r,.,. liaise baa a hist.
In i i me fought tho n
rave them a beating. Dur-
among the tombstones and
damage. Hui
,,. . U With the or
mi as will, the burled In
have to deal. A
l with tho mere of all Urn
men and women in
It, as Victor Hugo wrote,
burled In la like
mahogany furniture-a sign
h most visitors Is
and W
the The
,,, creeled r
their and lo
in 1317 from tho museum where
i . iron during the revolution. An-
tarn as lover. Alfred Mussel.
lies burled not far from tho
over tho grave, and
David, the Met
. Scribe. Ml .
.,,, ,,, other well f.; k t
,., hand. Admiral BIT
Seymour and ;
known Englishmen are in
. of the
literature Is represented not i .
but by
of unties.- In the famous legal
Mall Imbroglio,
has more
.,,., tombstones, cm
flay of tho old s Mi;
are the keepers of tills -k.
lean some farm U.
dull moment,
,,., , .,,, think our
,. is monotonous, u are
If you do so. To
an- the
,.,; . them. There
kinds of There
th- who .
;, valuable .
., . the works of
s ii in their
.,. is a
i L through the
of things worth having are
, ,
.,. ran
,. pockets and make from
a day at tho game mill
while ago a bus wet .
was taken out f
over one of walls. But
of the
.,. the new ones. v. are
weather stained. Batten
,,, tombstone.
u, them nadir their dresses, and
have got away them
have no right to search even aw
looking them
S to whom they tell tho we
of a poor who
has need of
Yon would hardly believe It. Mil
are the forlorn widow t bin
boxes and tho
-Yes. are hundreds of
in who to believe
J one old gentleman who
salad . hi.
are little hollows an
widow Is n f.
pretty woman.
suits her.
rarely the same one.
hen a -.--, r- .
pother sex In. .-i
I ,, consoles her pretty soon,
i; had eve other lit
The Daring That W.
by a German Doctor.
a small
lake states lived a western millionaire
, with his little daughter
i with a com-
plaint, a unpleasant manifest.-
Son of which was frequent Me-
cough, eminent both
i and Europe, had
Ml the and
I Her came lo in the
I-, a with a girl effected
similar to the
This as a delicate. Bower
ct . wistful from ;
,,. , have her lot. and
the peculiar
made at mil
II, and. being a um
I if rather Ignorant man, he
I about his
but and showered afflicted
with .
four months after the win-
advent an Herman d.
,,, In the village, and. his per
I,.,.; being sought by Hie widow, he
gave hit in
I I It
, to
.,.,. his own daughter under
; .,. , ire, l f
fa a-, lb
t a type
with a
wealth um He
up a i the lawful limit ma-
I however, after Hie father
had l m
Herman to
., id en
w n-1
I.,, tract of land In Texas for a n
and i Mm for bis tot
, sum of This th.
tor had cash flick
ed with .;
by love. I . bid W-n made the
. ,,., .-, i- . i a- swindle.
flow.- rued of the widow
had been to a disease,
nM, the Herman was no doubt her
He was
not his
Mart U.
j-H I
U .
,. i i
. , I
., . I.
. , ,
. mi I
i . .
., .,.,. , . I .
, .,. h in
. the
. .
, TIM .
. Hi U
,. . . .
. .
, V .
,. This
.,., oilier
o n on
. i icy
. in a
. f
a squadron
oil., i
th.- Way of Punish
rotor tho Croat, . f pun
traitor on ii not .
u Way nut w urns
present wrath
were still III vogue.
chieftain of the
had . of Sweden
whoa, was war Ma
was in tried by
Hal .
deal., was . -id
however, was safely In
Ike kin Lot
fa t
were mm led
The was Ural
and a I
I mi -l
. that red cm
bad worn.
i- cavalry st l near a
. i .
. i, a e. Then i
,, the putout
Hons. up and
h'm This done, ho tho wood
. a powerful blow Lu be
of the mover
,.,,,,,.; he threw a over
it by
until It was
a Shovel.
Tho foreman of a Chicago Iron M
a tramp who bad
began a
the tramp to be and
cheery. as a cold autumn dawn,
mo trump had h. front of a
on a war. stone. He
being of
morning of
thought ho would give
he ,. do any-
thing with a
i could fry a of
on Journal.
The Pompous
i do not like pompous man. I
Mt wish tor n bull
on such n
condescend, and when ho
hi, ,.,;. i- sprained, to
be owned lira earth as though
and contained a
i, of sterling worth. With
t joy I see him tread upon a
head and let.- of smoke be-
From Limb lo Limb.
Hobo i mean limbs . tea
Kansas I'll; Independent.
Criticism often from the
caterpillars and blossoms
Raleigh, and
on the convenient
; ,
Call on Ticket Southern c
Taft Vandyke
Opposite enter Brick
General Merchandise.
i Q M O O H i F G
a. as- -----ail . A
lO J
General Merchant
b . .
Home of Women's fashions, Greenville
Hot and Cold Baths
Electric Massage
A specialty- Electric
Massage and Hair
tonic given to ladies
at their homes-
Cobb . u Co.
Cotton Buyer. Brokers
in Socks. Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to Now York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Cotton Factors and handlers
Bagging Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Hat. c.
S- M c
for The
Moore mg
Ci R

In Charge of F. C. NYE
Authorized Agent The Eastern Reflector tor and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
Notice of Sale.
Fresh drugs just in. , N. C. For
Harrington Barber A Co.
Ml. T. Proctor, of Grimes-
land, spent while bare
this week with relatives and
and service they cannot be
Any one in need of a good and
Up-to buggy will do well to
see Mr. Hunsucker at the A. G.
A lot of salt, just in, Cox Manufacturing Co. before
V A. Edmundson and F. F.
Cox went to Greenville
day night to bear the Wake For-
est Glee dub. They report an
I entertainment.
S i i. Ange Co. for best
they buy Buggy business is
rushing and we would advise
that you place your orders early.
A full line of best mattresses
just A. Co.
The sunshine is not
now but the showers will be
Trustee's Sale.
Under and by virtue of authority
vested in me by a certain deed ii. trust
to I y
and wife, Matthews on the
th day of May, nineteen hundred and
eight, to secure the payment of a
bond bearing even date therewith,
and registered ii the office of the
register of deeds for county, in
book at and the
contained in said deed in trust
not having been complied with, and
upon the request of J. W. H.
the trust therein named, I
shall, on the 31st day of
December, nineteen hundred and eight
at ten o'clock a. m., in the town
in front of the Bank of Bethel.
T . i
. II, King will j and hosiery at A. W. Ange
i-.- ii
i p at H at
i the and a
th . Ba lei church T
i . p. m. and Pr f. G. Line-
ill c service
tool h at
U one here health abounds.
With Impure blood there can-
not be good health.
Wit ha disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
revivify the torpid LIVER and restore
its natural action. ,
A healthy LIVER pore
Pure blood health.
Health happiness.
Take no Substitute. All
from Tarboro road
swamp at the of
. Ann at ground bridge; thence
Co. They are selling them with said line a northwesterly
p j course to the line of the James
I, thence with nail line to
One of the prettiest lines of thence with laid
,. . . s line a southwesterly
ever displayed HI to the line of James
i ilk at Harrington Barber to the
, beginning, acres, more
id CO. or less, known as the Sallie Ann
The people blankets and harness m.
to t i services.,. specialty. -A, G. Cox Mfg. Co. J- C. Smith. Trustee.
amount of furniture going The
i A. Ange cook stoves are among Notice.
r best days j the best have them at prices
North Carolina I S. C. Before
Pitt County D. C. Moore, Ck
B. F. and wife, Nannie
Ed Forbes. W. Harvey
Allen and wife, Clara J. Craw-
ford, C. H. Forbes, Mrs. Nora
A. M- Allen and wife.
Bertha E. Allen and Pearl A.
By virtue of the judgment and
decree of the clerk of the
court, made in the above
entitled cause, the 13th day
of November 1908, the under-
signed J. L. Fleming,
appointed the court,
will sell to the highest bidder for
cash, for partition, at the court
house door of Pitt county in
Greenville, on the 14th day of
The North Carolina Christian December, 1908, all the right,
Missionary Convention has just title and interest of the parties
closed an interesting session at to the aforesaid proceeding in
Kinston. The following officers the
. , . . tracts or parcels of land, to
were elected the next ., ,. int
i c t i l 1st. A certain tractor
of Rocky in and State.
president. and bounded as Lying
J. H. S. Hodges, of Ayden, and being in the town of Green-
vice-president ville, South side of 10th
T R Rountree of Kinston street and on the west side of
j. k. or union.
corresponding secretary. I a stake at the intersection of 10th
Geo. Hackney, of street and Washington street,
treasurer. and runs about
CM, Morton, of Wilson, re- f to a stake, lot
,. No. thence with lot No.
secretary. about feet to a
stake, thence n and
WHAT WOULD YOU DOt parallel with Washington sheet
n of a burn or what would feet to 10th Street; thence
you do to relieve the pain v such with street to
Missionary Convention Officers.
branch; thence down the various
courses of the said branch poles
below the mill thence south
1-2. thence north
1-2, east poles to the mill
road; thence down the said road
south poles; thence north
east poles a .-take thence
north A west to red oaks
near the mill road; thence south
1-2, west poles to William
corner; south 1-2,
poles to the beginning,
containing acres, mow or
This the 13th day of Nov. 1908.
J. L. FUming.
T f are at low that will interest you. We also
d hiding i have a full line of heaters and
e them a trial ping. Barber
. B. Harper n I , of Co,
,; Thursday A g Cox Manufacturing
with j. N. Harper, Co. are now to position to sup-
ply you with their
i . ts, bodies and Tumbling
, bodies. Prices made right.
By virtue of the power sale contained
e deed executed and delivered; them.
Such in-
liable to in any family
be prepared the of Washington street,
Iain's Salve applied on the beginning, it being the east
as shown
Moore land,
North Carolina in book x page Coward containing one fourth of an acre,
more or less, and being the lot i
by Price and wife Delia Price j a soft will relieve the pain lot No.
U. Cherry on the in-. -j-Km the injury a P
of Sept. and duly recorded in the very one, will the parts J V
of office Pitt county, to leaving a scar. For a
in V I. mid Toward K- h i
ft e love just received
lot of salt. A W. t o.
R. Greene spent
and at his old home
While away
E. H Small, of Suffolk, held bis
down Mr. Small
the will expose to public Wooten.
sale, before the house door in
Greenville, to the highest bidder on
Tar Heel I Thursday. Dec. a certain tract
or parcel land lying and the
and State of North Caro-
For Rent.
and see th m
Harrington, Barber Co.
A lint line of tubs and buckets
. beef, pork, oysters, lo ,.,,.
i. led to morn can be found deed.
Lunches on short j h day Nov.
buggy and notice, Sutton. i J. B. Cherry
harm s tor sale cheap. .
about a j ear.
For year 1909. the Joel Tyson
farm, miles west of Greenville.
Call and follows,
I lot in South Greenville upon ,,.
I which the Trice and contains acres o
now Bounded by the room dwelling good to-
Stewart Gray, Joe Cray, house and four barns.
by Main street extended, lying Q for growing any Crop.
A. W . Ange Co. I just South pi the Southern . . t ,, , T,.
railway. For accurate description ref-
conveyed to Victoria
by the Greenville Lumber Com-
in 1895 and by deed which
appears of record in the office
of the register of deeds of Pitt
county, in book U-6, page
and the fame lot deeded by II.
C. and wife Vic-
to Noah Forbes,
B- W. Edwards et
a VS.
Snow Hill Supply Co.
A corporation
virtue of an order issued
on November 1908, Hon.
O. L Allen judge presiding 3rd
judicial district of North Caro-
you are hereby notified that
a hearing before the undersigned
as referee, will be held at Snow
Hill, N. C. beginning on No-
1908. at o'clock a.
m. and to continue until
ed, to hear all contests as to
claims against tie Snow Hill
Supply C. and any competent
motion of any creditor, ; to the
disbursement funds, if
desired before the dis-
of and any
other matter contemplated by
the insolvency law of North
You are further notified
cause on date m why
various sundry accounts, amount-
to due for
received by said Company
after 1908, the
date on which application for
receiver was made, should not
be paid in full.
And, further, that the time for
filing claim against said Company
has been extended to November
C. r, Receiver,
Snow Hill Co. Referee.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
by deed which appears of mortgage
rill.,. r and delivered G. S.
in the Office the register to , on the
deeds of Pitt in of March 1605, duly
page reference to both of I recorded in the of
proof j Which deedS is hereby made f lice, of r ma,
has been rung
i n.
Miss Ho of Jami
. spent several her
v Mr. in d Mr A W.
Sh r d home day.
B d-hand p n
heater t sale, nearly new.
. ors,
cheap, F. C.
Mil E f w to
in May.
a l for
hon bl. ts.
G. Cox Mfg, .
V. A. W.
. n. T. Co and Di
The sewing ma-
chine is one of the best on the
market. See us for prices that
will lie of interest to you.
A. W. Ange ft Co.
Fresh seed rye. is one who does into in-
Harrington, Barber Co. tend to treat the tradesman fair-
Rev. H. filled his reg and squarely. There are
appointment at the Method-1 persons who seem to believe that
East church here Sunday morning they have at once a right to
and night. This was his last i ignore their financial obligations
appointment before the annual and the right to demand that I
conference meets The church j their tradesmen, and others who
prospered under his excel-are acquainted with their
lent leadership and he has a accord them a degree of
host of friends here among all courtesy that is accorded to per-
ch sons who recognize their
Years of Proof.
have had years of ,.
that Dr. King a New U the an accurate description.
beet to take tor 2nd- That certain
K page
will expose to n
house door in
before the
to the
The Way of the Dill Dodger.
The man who hotly resents the g
attempt of tradesman to Dr. New Discovery i.
what is due his establishment near the
hemorrhage of the and the early place Of deceased.
of Its timely use and running With the new m,
along the various courses of said I with the first line, foe to
If it is job printing that ditch to a Stake; north; with the line of
i a have a nice lite
fresh groceries on band.
Lust Wednesday evening
the prayer meeting
vice eight candidates received
the ordinance of baptism a the
Baptist church.
the Hunsucker bug-
are going. Call Lo gee
our nice Stock of runabouts be-
fore you buy. are
Mrs, F. C. Nye went to Green-
ville this morning.
are carrying a nice Una of
Caskets, Prices are
light and car. furnish nice hearse
service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Mrs. Mack Smith of Grimes-
to Ayden last Miss Laura Cox. who is teach
graded school at
, dropped in on her home
quite unexpectedly last Fri-
day night and remained
Monday morning when she re-
turned to her work.
Rev. Mr Huske, of Greenville,
will preach at
next Sunday afternoon at
o'clock at o'clock. All are
moat cordially invited,
Vivian Roberson and
Elizabeth Boushall spent Sunday
with Miss Eva Langston.
The Meeting of Win-
held a most interesting
w In the auditorium of the
academy Monday evening at
All in highest terms of
Miss Norma has
do their utmost to dis-
charge them promptly. Such
persons, rather than collectors
who are sent to solicit settle-
and a public nuisance. That the
exasperated bill collector does not
use violence in such cases is to
the credit of his calling. Louis-
ville Courier-Journal.
you want
The Reflector 1881, west
Do not that Dr. Both
is the best for nil
Bowell warranted by
J. Wooten.
Drank and
A porter In n bin New York ware-
house in Greenwich
discharged for drank and
a The
sobered him Instantly, coming a sud-
den hard Chock, lie he would
take the oath never to touch liquor
again, but ids tor reinstate-
were unheeded. He searched
everywhere for the parcel, but could
not recollect what disposition he bad
made of It. Of his honesty there had
never been a question In twenty years.
. Overcome by the loss of his place, he
i i an easterly direction, feet to
. J.-S. OWL the containing one acre.
Black gum; north One o her lot beginning
st poles, to a a at the comer of and
I Saw dUSt pile; thence south I ts and running from thence with
. ii ,,,,,. thence eastern line of street a
to a nut. v to the
W B and 16th
stump, M. G. near j thence with the northern line of
direction, 1-2
northerly direction,
the first . to
., thence southern
thence north It, West poles of street, a westerly direction,
to a Stake; thence west poles. 1- feet to the beginning, contain-
tn o north east more or to satisfy
16th day Nov. 1908.
This distressing results from
a disordered condition of the
and can be cured b taking Chamber- got violently drunk and while In this
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get condition recollected where he bad left
a free sump O at Jno. . and I parcel and went and recovered It.
Coward i;
try it.
drug stores and
land is visiting relatives a school up in the
this week.
Chickens and eggs a specialty.
Come and get the best prices.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Miss Jeannette Cox gave a
party last in of the
Junior class of High
For Sale One mule and two
horses cheap. Harrington, Bar-
Miss Hattie Kittrell went to
Greenville today.
We have opened a large
line of best enamel ware. Come
and get your pick.
A. W. Ange Co.
Remember the Tar Heel
wagons carts made by the
A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co,
J- E. Greene spent Sunday
night in Grifton with relatives.
Miss Vivian Roberson left
Tuesday afternoon to attend the
wedding today.
She will play the march.
Mrs. J. Di Cox and Miss Laura
Cox spent Sunday afternoon
with relatives at Ayden.
Leon Smith, of Greenville, was
here last Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Evelyn Cox left Friday
morning for Wilmington where
she will visit her son, Rev. W. E.
J. L. Jackson spent Sunday at
F. A. to
A Tremendous Task.
you are going study law
to make a specialty of
are too easy.
What I want is to be accurately
and reliably informed as to what
months in the year and days in
the week it permitted to shoot
certain game in the various sec-
of the
New York Times.
Where Willie
The the dinner
Oh. by the way. have
you seen your little boy Willie lately
Mrs. Ho, professor, have
not seen him since o'clock, and I
can't Imagine what has become of bun,
thence with the Kinston road
South west poles to the
beginning, acres
mo. e or less.
J. That n tract or par-
of land, in said county and
State, bounded as follows, lying
and being in Greenville township,
beginning at the fork of the Kin-
and new road, near the
home place of Noah Forbes, de-
ceased, and running with the J
Kinston road north east public sale, be-
thence north east I fore the court house door in
1153-5 poles to a small bridge i the bidder on Monday, De-
w.- i 21st. 1908, a certain tract or
across the said road, thence with , of ,. in tn, town
the various courses the ditch j of Greenville, county of Pitt and State
the field to the new road; of Carolina and as
thence with the new road Being lot No. l on the
i. .- . ., V. Plan,, nit
C. Arthur Mortgagee.
By virtue of the power of con-
in a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by Perkins
and wife, Ida Perkins, to Adrian
age on the 16th day of February, 1906,
and duly recorded in the register of
deeds of Pitt county, North Caro-
in book J-8, page the under-
r- In sale
Sprains, swellings and
promptly by
This liniment reduce in-
and so that a
I may be cured in about one-third
the time required by treat-
and certs for sale by
J. L. Wooten and Coward Wooten.
Subscribe for Toe Reflector.
i which unfortunately escaped
it was just about
I think, that saw little Willie
down the
be hear op-
do fall-
tire d . all
4th. That certain tract or par
col of land, in said county and
State, known as the Mill tract,
bounded as Lying and
being in Greenville township,
beginning at a wire fence, corner
on William line, and run-
south 1-2. east 1-2
poles; thence north 1-2 degree
west 1-2 poles to a small
feet to Fleming street, thence
with said street 1-4 east
feet inches to the old Clark line,
thence north 1-2 feet
to the beginning, containing one
quarter acre more, or less, and being
the lot this day conveyed to
by Adrian to
said mortgage deed. Terms of
This 20th day of Nov.
Adrian Savage, Mortgagee.
because it rids the
r, Cough, tung and Bronchial Remedies,
as a cathartic on the No opiates.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Pd Year
VOL. No.
How Draws Attention to Ike
And Gets Other people
The Reflector is in receipt of
the following letter from a
man in Massachusetts,
shows how a local paper attracts
the attention of people gets
them interested in its town. W e
frequently receive requests for,
sample copies of the paper from j
people in other states who want
to know something about Green-
ville and this st of the State,
and these judge the town
largely by the paper.
The letter referred to
Greenville, N. C-
I wish heartily to thank you
for the copy of i Daily and of
Weekly Reflector of recent date
kindly sent me at request.
My asking was that
I hope to take a little vacation
trip winter, and had some
desire to see some parts of the
eastern section of North Caro-
I am not prospecting with
a view of locating; but from
prints, especially some of the
N. S. R. R-. and similar
became interested to see
the region and enjoy the pleas-
ant climate. And, because
thought that might gain some
interesting points from some
local papers sent to you and to
a very few others. I was glad
to see your little articles with
reference to Mr. Bryan; I had
but dimly hoped he might be
elected, and I voted for him.
Though born in Boston. I had a
home in Georgia from the time
was six years old until I was
grown, and have lived in other
Southern states a of
years besides.
Permit me to say that you
alone a copy of both
Daily and weekly; the others-
weekly. And, I
have no hesitation in telling you
that yours is a far better paper
editorially than any of the others
that came. I note that very
soon you are to have a trade
edition; probably that will have a
good deal that would interest a
and I request you to
send me a copy.
If you know of any little pub-
that describes minutely
or in good detail that section of
country and the points interest-
to visit, or the ways of reach-
different points, I will thank
you to tell ma of it and of i the
price of the little book. Railway
official guides show all railway
routes and schedules and all
through steamship lines. They
are not descriptive. And they
do not give much about inland
waterways of travel. Yet, I
have, as noted above, some
prints that are partially
and I know about some of
the boat lines and have some
hotel rates listed in some of the
little folders,
A Word to Subscribers.
It is December now, and so far
not many of our subscribers have
paid for The Reflector. Know-
that money was tight we
have not said much about pay-
during the fall but the
year is now near out, and money
is so much needed in this
establishment, that we ask all
to let s have what they owe.
To our good subscribers we be-
this simple statement is
Retail of 1908 Election in N. C.
Showing Great Gain in Democracy,
Gain in Democratic vote on
State ticket over the vote in 1906,
over the vote
Glenn received in
received in 1906.
123.272 vote.
Kitchin received in
votes. .
The State ticket earned the
fifth district by 1,875 majority.
The State ticket lost the eighth
district by majority.
The State ticket lost the tenth
district by majority.
Except on presidential years,
the 8th district is Democratic.
Barring a colossal corruption
fund, the 10th district is safely
Democratic. Apart from local
personal contests, that may
come to any party at any time,
the 5th district is a
stronghold of Democracy and
will remain so.
The Republican vote this year
is a mere spurt. It is abnormal
and cannot be maintained. It,
was their last opportunity to
fool and frighten the illiterate
vote about the suffrage amend-
It was their last
golden opportunity to practice
duplicity in regard to both rail-
load and prohibition legislation.
It was their year to use the pow-
of commercialism in politics
to frighten the honest and timid
and to purchase the purchasable.
The Democratic gain this year,
great as it appears, is normal,
and will be maintained. The
Democratic party is accustomed
to cast a large vote each election,
because it has worthy measures
and men to be voted for. Not
so with the Republicans. Since
1896 thousands of Republican
have refused to vote they
had no stomach for their party.
This time they were able to sit
up and take their medicine even
in company with a large inert
of the brother-in black.
The Democrats have taken
notice and are glad to know just
what the utmost strength of
their opponents They are
for the people of North Car-
to know that they are safe
only so long as the true Demo-
remains true, true to
true to party unity and
true at the ballot box. They are
glad people to be re-
minded how easily the benefits
of white supremacy can be lost,
lost irreparably the moment the
present to
their old allies in charge of the
registration and election laws.
The chief boast of the
is that Bryan's majority is
only In 1900 it was only
with a much smaller vote
than he received this year. Judge
Parker had a larger
in 1904, but his vote that year
was Mr. Bryan's vote
this year is 136.927, a gain for
Mr. Bryan on the presidential
vote of
What hope for Republicans or
fear Democrats springs from the
see-saw record of the 8th and
At Three of the Town's Churches
Prospective Preacher Preached.
Sunday was a day of especial
interest to three of the churches
and their large congregations of
At Jarvis Memorial church, be-
sides a good sermon by the pas-
tor, Rev. M. T. the sing-
was much enjoyed, Mr. J.
Wesley White, of Wilmington,
being with the choir at the morn-
service. He sang a
selection for the offertory.
At the Presbyterian church,
Rev. G. W. a missionary,
preached in the morning. At
this service a splendid new organ
purchased by tin church, was
used for the first time. At
night J. N. H.
preached. He is to serve this
church one Sunday night in
each month. He has served
the church before and is esteem ,
ed highly by Gr
At Memorial Baptist church
Rev. W. Smith, of Louis-
ville, Ky., preached both morn-
and evening. This church
recently invited Mr. Smith to be-
come its pastor, and while
the matter under
he decided to make the
church a visit. His sermon made
a deep on our people
and many expressed the opinion j
that tho church and the
will be fortunate to secure
such an able preacher. It is
earnestly hoped that his
will be to accept the call. The
choir gave splendid music at
both services.
At the Christian church Rev.
D. W. Arnold preached as usual
at the morning hour for service.
Neither this church nor the
Methodist church had service at
both the pastors attending
the service in the church.
The of Christian fellow-
ship between the churches of
Greenville is very strong.
To Be Held Greenville at Early
Greenville is soon to have a
grand auction sale of some of her
beautiful city lots, the date of
which will be announced in these
later. Mr. L. C Arthur
has consigned to the Southern;
Land and Auction Co , of
beautiful dwelling house
Iota, which will be sold at
to the highest bidder, which,
means at your own price, let
owner make or lose-and on.
terms so easy that anybody can,
own a lot.
This company is composed of
the State's best business men
whose character and reputation
is unquestioned, and is capital-;
Hon. James H. is president, I
Mr. Albert L. Murray, vice pres- j
and treasurer and Mr.
David F. Fort, Jr. is secretary.
Mr. Murray and Mr. Fort are
acknowledged all to be among
the best real estate men in the
entire State, as the results o.
these operations will show. Let
everybody mike arrangements
now to attend this grand sale.
and see the biggest land sale ever
held in Pitt county.
At this sale they will give
absolutely free a choice
lot, in gold a bag of
I The best in the
I South will sell this land, and all
who attend will hear a good
band free.
What do for the Poor at Christ-
ii Extended.
William Astor pro-
the lodging
with a Thanksgiving or a Christ-
mas dinner. E. H
that figure of the financial world
upon whom so much vituperation
and praise is alternately hurled
is found to be the mainstay of
the Club, and furnishes
eight hundred dinners every
day. Mrs. William
Sloane and Mrs. William E.
Dodge are women
whom the world is fa-
treat you
Justice H. was called
for this morning to go in the
country to a marriage
ceremony for a runaway couple.
The contracting parties were Mr.
N. C. of this township
and Carson, of Beth-
el. The marriage took place at
the home of Mr. Dud-
Year Senate House Joint
x Ind.
Examine the
Tenth dist.
The man who is wise and loves his wife
Will carry enough insurance on his life.
So that when he is dead,
won't suffer ford
T L. I
10th districts
Eighth dist.
1900 Republican
1902 Democratic
1904 Republican
1906 Democratic
1908 Republican
What Republican is so bold as
to count on victory; what Demo-
so timid as to fear defeat in
the legislature with the following
table before him
Year Senate House Joint
The legislature of 1882 was
lost to the Democrats of this
State following the prohibition
of 1881. In Ohio and
Indiana the Republicans this
year had to bear the brunt of a
prohibition election, and they
went down in defeat. Rock rib-
bed Maine barely escaped.
That the Democracy of
Carolina has grappled with this
problem and with the other
great problem of regulating pub-
service corporations and has
emerged from the conflict with
its vote increased 21.880 over
two years ago per
and with its great majority in
the legislature unscathed, may
well cause our critics to pause and
asK themselves if the wish is not
father to the thought when they
tails Democratic
treat you
Wanted A
At the last regular annual
meeting of the alumnae
of the State Normal and
Industrial College of North Car-
a committee of alumnae
was appointed to select a song
that may be and
by the college as distinctively
her own.
The committee, therefor-,
offers a prize of ten dollars in
gold to the person who
write most appropriate song.
Any one desiring to may
for this prize, but the
committee reserves the right to i
reject any and every poem that
not adequately represent
the spirit of the college.
The literary value of the songs
sent to the committee will be pass-
ed upon by competent judges.
If any contribution is accepted
as worthy to be made the col-
song, the writer will be
notified of his success as early as
possible after the
is reached.
In the event of the authors
desiring to set his own words to
an original musical composition,
such a composition will be care-
fully judged by musical critics,
with the understanding that the
committee of alumnae may reject
any or all of such contributions.
In order that the song may be
introduced, the name of the
author announced, and the prize
awarded at the college com-
in May. 1909, all
competitors for the prize are
urged to have their contributions
in the hands of the committee
before April 1st, 1909.
L. Barnett,
Bertha M. Lee,
Emily Austin,
Ethel Lewis Harris,
through the
as leaders of and
Mrs. Sloane is known among
the poor as the fairy godmother
who ended the handsome Sixth
Street industrial and who
B over children
with a Christmas
dinner, a tree, clothing, toys and
candy. Mrs. Dodge is the pa-
saint of the Lodge, on
i Second to the
of which she a Christmas
dinner and warm clothing and
blankets the winter.
The West Side Lodging House
has a membership nine
i hundred and eighty boys. List
each received the
present of a shirt, he-
sides the
the donors in this instance
being Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Robinson. The
School is the special interest of
Miss who is one of
its founders, and of Mrs. An-
drew Carnegie is a woman of
wide philanthropy. We find her
connected with many homes,
schools and institutes, and
ways willing to lend a listening
ear and ready sympathy and aid
to the An evidence
that she of tie
characteristics was shown in
her gift last Christmas to the
School of a library
of some two hundred books.
Mrs. Beverly Robinson has her
especial in the West
School, which
I presented two hundred
shirts at Christmas,
to which, during th pat
she has given fifteen
other garments. Among
other social leaders we find Mis.
Osborn, Mrs. Anson Phelps
Stokes and Mr. Philip Sands,
looking out for the Phelps Indus-
trial School; Mr. and Mrs.
for the East River
School, and Mrs. Richard Irvin,
Mrs. R. E. and Mrs.
Frank Browne prominent
among the managers of the
Day De-
signer for December.
Blood Hounds do Good Work
the Criminals.
Recently Mr. R. A. Nichols, of
Beaver Dam township, has been
considerably by thieves
into an near
his and stealing
which he kept stored there.
Twice the was entered and
the thieves got away without
detection. A few nights ago
there was another robbery, and
Mr. Nichols being tired of such
annoyance and loss came to
Greenville to get Mr. W. C.
Wood hounds to hunt for
the The were
taken to the scene and struck
trails which th y followed
to the homes f colored people
living in the neighborhood.
Four arrests follow d, and two
of the at a preliminary
bearing bond for appear-
at court, an j the other two
were brought to Jail. The two
in ire Jim Holloway and
Fred Washington, and w learn
they have e confession of
the part they took v the house
will treat you
Turkish Tobacco i-i North Car
A left r which in.
great to Carolina was
received to-day by Governor
Glenn and was immediately
turned to the Agricultural
Department. l ii from
Bros., New York tobacco
and cigarette
who are Turks and handle
tobacco and mike
The firm in-
forms the Governor that for
twelve years it has been
these cigarettes; that
when it first began business the
imports of Turkish
aggregated only in value,
but y v retched the
great of
Km, say
they ii mil n i be
co for tells
the Governor that it that
in all probability North Carolina
is the best in which to
this tobacco in the United
States and that it will pay
far better to raise it than the
ordinary leaf. The firm, there-
fore, desires to know whether
any persons in the State could
give the use of acres of
suitable land for a test of this
Turkish tobacco. If a tender of
such land is made the firm will
send a representative to North
Carolina to reside and to give
thorough instruction as to the
growth and curing of such to-
the methods being entire-
different from those in vise
here curing leaf. The firm has
had years of personal experience
in cultivating and curing the
Turkish leaf. This is a very
Big Day Coming.
Next Monday will bean .,,
day. The new county important matter and
ho inducted into of Agriculture Graham is
officers will be inducted into
office and take charge of affairs
for the beginning of a new
year. A term of civil court will
begin that day. and several big
land sales are also to take place
before the court house door.
Tobacco Sales.
Mr. C. W. Harvey, secretary
of the Tobacco Board of Trade,
furnishes us the following figures
of tobacco sales for the
Sales for month of November
220.036 pounds at an average
naturally much interested in it.
Raleigh Charlotte Observer.
For Sale-A four-horse farm,
one mile South of Greenville It
is fine tobacco land and has three
tenant For particulars
I see John W. Tucker.
I in and w
will treat you
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha Mon-
day Tuesday and Wednesday
Dec 7th, 8th and 9th for the
purpose of treating diseases of
the eye and fitting glasses.
Those who desire to see about
having work done will be charged
no fee unless terms are agreed
upon. All glasses furnished are
per hundred upon.
Sales for season from as to fit and quality
1st to November 30th,
a fit .
1st --y j
pounds at an average price
per hundred.
See our line of bid i m slip-
for ladies and
will treat you Pulley Bowen's.

Eastern reflector, 27 November 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 27, 1908
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Joyner NC Microforms
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