Eastern reflector, 20 November 1908

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In Charge of F. a NYE
v . v.- Tic and Vi Rates on Application
I in and four miles from j A fell line of tabs and buckets
; Ayden. For terms apply to I , A. W Co.
. , J- Winterville. N. O. I Fresh beef. pork, oysters,
;. v. i returned from a
. .
A .
I i. Co.
from the
p. , . attended the
.- Ass
v, he. . . Kinston
, . , most ex-
be . .- ;
Cr fish can be our
spent Sunday here inches on short
i notice,
We carry a full line of
rise faT
stuck of dry goods, shoe, no- and carets. prepare them
clothing, hardware and
is in day. also excellent.
us a call. W are ;
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
. article at I Horse blankets and harness
. specialty. -A. G. g. Co.
n, Barber Co. Dr. C. S. Blackwell delivered
WORD that word U
it rater to Dr. Liver Pills and
Are you constipated
Si. . headache
ANY ; other
indicate inaction the LINER.
yea c
Take No Substitute.
. .,. u. Ayden,
nigh every boy and
I church. heard i,., ad-
;.,;. church came- ; ; . t WM lull in,
. ,; . t the Cooper store. finest thought and
. . , . Sutton. i truth. He told
iii . .
tery. . have our
. in . ad
v. I .- accompanied R v.
X. H. K.-I
. on to i the
funeral i e.
just received a i v
lot A. W. to.
i i, Eureka, .
i rest
.;. In you had
i j in, who
in life, I said that
Gold Point, in had an aim to bes
. . .
t . . . ;
the beginning and the
h d r all. Hi
admonished the stud to u A
. . . be afield of h l and
j . . t e w be pathway life.
G t you of those the and
in at make failures.
. Duncan
B; at New Orleans Nov.
to Secure
Now Orleans, Nov. -A nit
increase of per bale on
of cotton raised in the
S U pronounced a certainly if
t i plans the con-
of the National
Union at New Orleans Nov.
are carried jut along the In-
and modern lines
.-. considered by the men
and m of the .
C. S. Barrett of
Methods of Work of
Let give n to show John
Rockefeller's fundamentally
mode of
In the early he found
himself in of gnat deal
el in the iron ore in
the Lake region. To make
the hind, was as an
investment, yield any interest it
was to get tins ore to mar-
His controlled
the means of end he
shut out of the beet
and most effective facilities. This
the way he went the task of
overcoming these
lie sent, a representative to
find out who knew most about ore
transportation and the building of
ore vessels. The of the
man was easily discovered, and it
was. of course, I man who I him-
a large factor in the control of
the trade into which Mr.
purposed to enter.
Most people would have concealed
their plans from the one person who
was to be the chief rival in the new
business. This is exactly the
site of what Mr. Rockefeller did.
He asked the gentleman t call
upon him and then ed to
expert that he was i Ito
ore business and that lie
him to build the boats. .
lore man recovered from hi an
he declined and explained that
I ho had no idea of working to aid a
new rival to co into his business.
Than i a ore Catarrh in th
of the country disease
pot together, and a-i lest few
supposed v- e
For h groat many pro-
it a local disease at d
ed local and by
constantly failing to cure with
it in-
hie proven catarrh
to I a a t and there
for.- constitutional treatment.
H Catarrh Cure, n by
F. J. A Co., Toledo, Ohio,
the only cure on the
n It is taken internally
lo drops lo It act
Ely . . . . mucous s-r-
fa e of tie hey offer one
r -i case it fails to
cue. rd r tin -rs and
J. I CO.
Ohio. I
Bold In
Fa mi Union, which ten minute Mr. Rockefeller ex-
. 2,000.000 cotton farmers W
. . ., . to market iron ore from hi
. from
to market
I land to get an income from the in-
Issued a call for vestment he was willing to pay
important meeting builder a profit for the
So many seek I held by the organization am
r; ,.
U i Ky., Mrs, Garris, wife of Mr.
I .
Cher Mrs. M
r art t
id f up.
.- ; . . i. . ;
all . I
c. .
well, of
, will c . . in this after
lies emphatically
t made Texas that
speculative cotton interests are
but that the
i.-. rt emanates from the
This state-
by E. S.
Rev C J having in charge
. of
i . here. was years oil
Bryan spent Sunday at age, and is survived by the
band and three children. New Orleans stands
.; attend school for Garris, near Winter-,
. further i paring of apoplexy int la by
ministry. We, afternoon and was buried Sunday
.- very mu h for he
;. . . at young man
A . lot test just in
Hi .
. R ml
i i. on all
and banking
.,., N best boats that could built, that
. to give an order
. then and there for
worth of ships, but that if he did
n t care to take this order he would
have to go to the next best man.
which would deprive the ore man of
I the profit to be gained from build-
the boats, but that the work
would surely be done by some one.
He had logic and common sense on
his Bide, the ten talk
was sufficient. The details were
worked out at the office. The ore
man incepted the order at a price
profitable to him. and the result
was a good bargain for both,
sure that the satisfaction
to Mr. n was the
with the
Even in hi- mo I
. Even in hi most
Bethel Miss Will Decide Renter the south, located
. . . . . i . rt-.
N . . Bu
The Pitt C . c
. art.
New Orleans, have just made
was not de-
the item the ware-
Spring Hope, Nov. 9.-The . . arc
election ,
in the
N. in
Inebriated Churchgoer.
Tin man sat quietly in the pew
of St through
. . very drunk. When it
man i awhile and
then n and some others
of the church.
yard and through the
. shut on him.
. in here to church
S raid the
a strange thing.
They there truth in the
There are also reminiscences. In
hi brought up by
. i i , . . lie taught him to go
S . he ha
he . i here as a mat-
V of habit. It is a -d of
thin lo have to pet him out so
r I to
Doctor patient
weaker than does
this mean- Haven't you been fol-
low in; iv it .
Patient f doctor.
tor- .-tin animal food
right aloe . you
i to
Well, doctor. tried to. but some-
how it did seem to agree with
me very well. managed to worry
down the Bi the clover tops ail
right. thistles kind of stuck
in throat, and I had to give it
you advise rue to k Into
answered Senator
mere fact that you are
modest as to advice about It proves
that you are unfit for the
Seven Years of Proof.
lave years proof
Die ovary is the
beat to for co
olds and for very Diseased
of throat, or
V. of I am a. Mo.
The w rid her- eight
pi- Dr. Discovery
the best remedy fore s
Rip e. list ma hay fever,
hemorrhage of the lungs, the early
stages f n. use
prevents tie of
told under . at
0.1. v e. and
Tr I f ex.
i .- .- -.- n . a mm, .
predict and endorsed him when they
and is stopping convention.
S aS ISl F
hosiery at A. w. Ange a Democrat, an-
Hart sell., as an j year
fresh on band.
n Co.
M s Hattie Kittrell. Kate
Chapman, Cox
Mb have begun their
Remember the Hunsucker bug-
g-;. . . stall going. Call to see
our rice of runabouts
you buy. Prices are inter-
t-ti . , c
i carrying a nice line
s Prices an
right and can furnish nice hearse
service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Chick and eggs a specialty.
Come and get the best prices.
Barber Co.
and Co. They are selling
too. talk.
Mrs. B. T Cox went to Green-
,.; s afternoon.
One of the lines of
crockery ever displayed
Rt Harrington Barber
and Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley G of
n, were here Sunday to
the funeral of Mrs.
near here.
hen in need of a nice up-to-
suit of clothes come and
examine our of men's and
Harrington Barber Co.
A Cox is having the large
Joel Tyson
as an , of
dent candidate. received cleared.
votes and Griffin only i room dwelling house, good to-
As was noted in this house and four barns.
-1 land for growing any crop.
Annie to Mrs a Tyson,
confessed irregularities n
while serving as postmaster at;
Nashville and was sentenced to headache
a term in penitentiary from
served a term in jail with
It ii that be and Liver Get
not eligible to office.
.,. a. I out from Missouri John Randolph
cut Jno. L. made great use of the phrase, which
up by all the
of the country and thus
m For Rent. ed the celebrity it still holds.
Expert Criticism.
like that
-I the
r are
of Execution Sale.
of North Carolina.,,.
Count v-
The B
How is Your Digestion
Mr. of No.
Ave. recommends a
remedy for stomach tr i
W. B.
By virtue of an execution directed to
undersigned from Superior
court Pitt county in the above
action, will on Monday.
at o'clock If. at the
court house of said county, at
Greenville, N. C. sell to the
bidder for cash to satisfy said
all the right title, and interest
which the said W. K. Move, the
has in the following described
property Situated in the town
Ayden on west side of railroad and
north side of Second t, beginning
on Second street at W. I. Jenkins
Coward drug and
cause this L. L. an try It
candidacy at
hour, and, it is said,
will make a strong pull for the
office. It seems that a number
We have opened a large concrete store repaired, which
of best t ware. will add much to the appearance
and your pick.
A. W. Ange Co.
Remember the Tar Heel
in section.
The and
cook stoves are among
carts made by the the best.
I . a . .
A. G. Cox Co.
N. C. For
and service they cannot be
Any one in need of a good and
up-to-date buggy will do well to
see Mr. Hunsucker at the A. G.
Cox Manufacturing Co. before
they buy Buggy business is
will interest you. We
have a full line of heaters and
piping. Harrington. Barber
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
, .
Gratitude for the wonderful affect oils. E. corner and runs a northerly
Electric in a ease of acute ind with said Jenkins line a
prompts this I Mary E. line, an
am fully convinced that f r stomach easterly course with M d ditch and
an liver troubles Bitters la I Mary t,. s line to V. U. yum-
north west corner . a
and alternative course With aM a
to Second street, thence with
I have taken op a male year
, ling, black while
of eminent lawyers has said . looks to her bout
. . two year old, Own can get
is ineligible. say by proving proving property and paying
he can hold the office. Therm-. ,.
,.,,.,,, t Get. an. 19-8.
tight will begin in earnest when j r. Galloway,
it com. s lime No- M c.
courts will be
ed to decide the matter.
Ran Away.
the blood is especially helpful in Second I treat a course to
all form Of female , ginning, containing 8-8 acre
Jno. U drug
son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S.
Edwards, which occurred at
o'clock this morning. Mr and
There no question that has
some before the of this j The son of K. P. i
county in years that has crested scar on left cheek. feet, j
so much interest and discussion I he- w ray
more or less, and formerly known
the Isaac Hardy lot.
Th. following, a described, is except-
ed from the above lot from sale; it be-
. . n of lot which is
A telegram from Bailey, in. u,
announces the death of the in- fully appear on record.
Also one other lot on Main street
beginning at W. I. Jenkins- S. E.
on Main street, thence with W. I.
i line a course to a
Mrs. Edwards recently moved to ditch, these said ditch an
from Greenville.
Watched for Fifteen Years.
interest blue For have watched the
Each every man has an John c, t Sunday i of and It
Co. are now in position to sup- A final adjustment Shelter
, Tar n of the matter will awaited , law. f
course feet, thence a
and with Jen-
line to Main street. with
Main street, a course to
W. I. corner, the beginning.
All of laid lot except that portion just
described as being within the home-
stead allotment W E. to
ply you
Carts, box bodies and Tumbling
they buy buggy Prices made right. Call
rushing and we would advise I j .
that you place your orders early
with interest.
him will get
Bethel, N. C. it F.
A full line of best mattresses
just in. A. Ange Co.
These pretty fall days is the
time to have your painting done.
We have the best, with large as-
of colors.
A. W. Co.
Harrington, Barber Co.
You builders will do well to
see A. W. Ange Co. for win-
and doors before buying.
Se. our large line of up-to-date
furniture before buying else-
where. It must W.
In case a burn or scald what would
yon do to relieve the pain Such in-
arc to in any family
and should he prepared tor
them. applied on
a cloth will relieve the pin
instantly, and u. It the injury is a
very a one, cause the parts
to heal without
I., an . h
tie .
I at Jno. L. drug store.
a many
stem of cold by a
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
Gnu Dollar Year
VOL. No.
EXPRESSES VIEWS ON N. CARO- lean remember; the day v
Say General Assembly Should be
Against Large
Tobacco Corporations.
Greenville, N. C. Nov. 1908.
Will you me space to
write a few lines on the tobacco
situation as I view it.
I have read in the daily papers
of the country the decision
the United Stat- circuit court of
New York district the
American Tobacco Company.
Have also read the comment
thereon in many of our state
papers. Some are very bitter,
some a little mire conservative
but general tons in my
have a cripple
a great North Carolina industry,
namely our tobacco. Now I am
DOt attempting to reply to any
particular article referred to at
all, but express my individual
opinion of the situation based
upon a personal knowledge of
business, tasked by years of
practically all tobacco shipped
abroad if successfully sold in
foreign or western markets
Talking to Court
In a moment, apparently in
health, in the midst of a
to be branded Virginia of friends, and with pleas
factories had talk going on.
The Virginia home
the lead in all manufactured out-
put, and North Carolina goods
were tears known. How is it
today Will any well informed
man doubt it I should say that
three plan- in North Carolina
control the tobacco
ant talk going on. Capt. John
Duckett. one of the best known
educators of the State, connected
with the department of Public
Instruction, passed away
day afternoon.
His unexpected death took
place in the hail on the first floor
situation Durham, court
Durham Bull and Reynold's he M seated in a chair
plants predominate the booth at the
the trade. end of the hall opposite the door
North Carolina stand ii;,,. Supreme court
at the the t. it is known library, fie had entered it just
in every port upon the seas of the; a before a
earth, it is in o'clock, and had joined
language, and is paint- d ; a up friends for a moment
upon the road sides of of talk before going to the office
continent and empire, even upon State superintendent of
the pyramids of Egypt and instruction on floor
the buoys of the Bess and re- Li
I believe that Carolina tobaccos.
done this Th-
is just where it ought to be, that
is in the U. S. courts, not in
State courts.
I am not in accord with much
of the writings that
and I a danger ahead that
might bring it great o;
our North Carolina farmers
practically g ruin to
to the extreme
measure suggested to the
legislators soon to meet in
our capital and indent effort, North Carolina,
to shape public and I months the
Duckett was born in
county, S.
C, and was fifty-eight years old
on the fourteenth of November.
Bis first wife was a Miss
of Montgomery county, and
about twenty-five while
residing at Apex, he married
named, Duke, Cobb, Smith with Herring, of Lenoir,
Reynolds included. Now j him, their children
being Mrs. Fred Miller, of Win
fleeted by electrical currents
upon the great rivers and is now
fast crowding out the opium
dens of China and its possibilities
yet unfinished.
This is the true State of North
New Officers Elected F.
is Presided
There was a very good
dance at the meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce in
mayor's office Monday
It the time for election of
new rs, that business being
Wt over from the regular
meeting, this was gone into
first, and the meeting
ed mainly to laying plans for
term of the three directors
for one year expired,
D. L. Janus was re-elected, and
C. T. and A. I.
ton were also elected as
tors These with the old
tors then retired and selected
the following officers for the
President-F. M. Wooten.
Vice-President-J. J.
L. Little.
The filling of office of
secretary was left open for
election f Mr. Wooten as
president made another vacancy
Large Able Address
Congressman Small.
led. Now
North enter into ex-
legislation to drive such
plants from us and run such men
Reported for
Despite the weather,
there was a large crowd of
teachers present at the
The devotional exercises were
conducted by Rev. M. T. Plyler
in the absence of Rev. Mr. Huske.
who was away
Miss Lucy Manning acted as
secretary protein, as Miss Ada
the secretary, was detain-
ed at home account of sick-
in home.
The regular program was
ed UP, the first topic,
of Literature in our
was ably discussed by j ;
Supt E at. R of
He said that must be,
taught literature in that it.
become a part of
I that in order for them to . .
I date life in its fullness.
must be brought in touch
the master
become patriotic by reading
Webster and the of the
other statesmen, not by
Temple Bat Service
visit on Sunday of Bishop
A-, to the
E. Z; church h re, was an
ca. . and
El P
t, bishop
pr, . York Temple Sunday
, . R. Sawyer,
Jr., pastor of the church, had
arr an program
i r this t and can well feel
n e with which
it . I our. i in-
i., ice i to attend,
v then I so and
tell the
Vi an
., . t wed he
. intellect.
. . . extensively
u .
to the
the beard directors, brass bands or cheer-
s out of our
Honor to him to whom honor
is Here is our danger. Hip-
our legislature meet
and act rashly and pass some
measure not allowing first wife. Mrs, K. M Biggs,
these people to do business in who is expected
and then in six; to reach here today,
States Duckett was one of the
formerly Miss Ella Duckett,
Mr. Alfred Duckett, Miss Annie
Duckett and Miss
Duckett All these except
Miller are in the city and
arrive today. There
i s. i survives him a daughter by
E. G. Flanagan
to that position.
Upon being escorted to the
chair President Wooten made a
brief address in which
were made as to future
work of the chamber.
There was some discussion as
to getting all business men of
the community to become men;
of the chamber, and on
motion a membership
was appointed to make a canvas
to take i-
legislation as to effect
our entire state.
Now, Mr. Editor, I am fully
aware that any man who Cans to
dip pen in ink to say one
word or sentence that could he
construed in favor of the
can Tobacco Co. is liable to all
manner of criticism and the
charge has sold out to
the Now am not
throwing at these people,
and have nothing to sell them,
but I have a principle and con
that are dearer than
money to me.
But I might say and will say
in defense of life long friends
whom I likely know better than
any man in North Carolina, that
when men in North Carolina go
to far as to say that J. B. Duke,
J. B. Cobb and Robt. K. Smith,
two latter friends of my
young should wear stripes
and all such rot as that. I would
commend to all such the example
of Him who set the standard and
guides the destiny of human
beings, when He said of the
man, men who are not
guilty cast the first Who
of these writers would not organ-
a trust if possible, or accept a
or job at
the hands of those whom they
would persecute Oh consist-
ency, thou art a jewel. My in-
was aroused much
recently when an unjust attack
was made upon an employee. T.
J, Walker, of Richmond, as high
class, high principled and broad-
court dos not confirm i best known teachers of the State.
decision of the lower Court, and j,
educated at Furman
for members and report
decision or lower educated ac.
we have turned them from in Greenville, S. C,
what have we began his career as a teacher
f to
North Carolina tobaccos.
I say while we in the
lei's hold t-it and bi
cautious not to do anything to
injure the tree of
Carolina tobacco. pose the
Supreme court does confirm the
decision of lower court, we
then more than ever do not want
or need any drastic legislation.
be continued
will treat you
The Reformatory.
The Legislature may well
afford to come to help of the
Reform School at Concord, which
has so promising a future and so
great a work to do. For years
there has been a crying need for
it. They wayward children of
the State have not had the care
they deserved. Old North Caro-
has been unfaithful to her
disobedient boys. If this
is wisely conducted
we have no doubt it will it
will prove a
p. ice. It has a distinct
tile field. It ought never to corns
in conflict with any other
Latin and music need not
be in its curriculum. Its great
business should be to save u
wandering soul to
in county, N. C,
when he was years old. He
taught in that county, in Martin.
Pitt, Wake and Robeson. While
teaching at Apex, in this county,
he was elected County in-
of Schools and made a
fine impression. He taught at
Lumberton for eight years and
was in charge of the High School
there when in 1901 General T. F.
Toon, who had been elected State
Superintendent of Public
appointed him as Chief
Clerk. When General Toon died
Duckett was continued
in office by Hon. J. Y. Joyner,
being in late years assigned to
important lines of work in the
field for the department, filling
each position with the highest
degree of efficiency.
Wherever Captain Duckett
at a
meeting to be held the first
Friday in December. This
if composed of B. A.
White, E. G.
One m a committee on
advertising was appoint d,
of R. C T.
M. Hook, r C. t. Car.
It is proposed to make the
next meting a very interesting
lay their
Turned Over lo
the County.
The final detail of tendering
and accepting the new steel
bridge that spans Tar at
transpired one day last
week. Mr. L. Moseley, of
Greensboro, Southern agent of
the Bridge Co. the
contracting company. Mr. J. H.
Hershey. of N. Y., one
. the flag a-- i. passes.
next topic School
was discussed Supt. W.
H. Cale, of Grifton. He laid
special o i thoroughness In,,
the lower grades so that the
appreciate I
and rightly interpret the K
the grades.
Miss Nannie Richardson, of
Ayden, read a most excellent
paper on in th-
fourth, fifth Six
Ly tins time Congressman Jno.
II of Washington, N-C.
had arrived, lie was
by Prof. G. E. who
referred to .,.,., as one of the
congressman in North
Carolina. Prof. Lineberry also
of the deep interest
had shown in the educational
advancement of his district.
of Mr. Small's
able address was.
He spoke first of the
essentials in the of
an urban community; good
good sewerage,
good lights, good hospital
service. essentials in the
rural community were good
educational so that
the children may by educated,
good highways, good
mail facilities, laws
child in factory sec-
He enjoined it upon the
S includes
i ins. at now
, . his
A , the
e . re
, Those
.;,,. know
. Ill C t
They time part
of the t
on . table
i c
i th
; .
. , .,. will
. i
, . .-I illy
. .;. . hind.
. i, their
cad out w
They n l a
friends lesson n
will treat you
Bryan Advertising.
It is the lot of
wise man
to be asked fool questions. In
fact, the asking is an
of the wisdom of the
man of whom the inquiry is
made- Nobody ever ans a fool
question of a fool, for a fool an-
taught he left a distinct .
for good on life of the Board of County Commissioners,
community, both in an Mr. D. M. Clark, supervising
and a moral way. He engineer on the part of the
was a genial man, loving all county, made his report to the
commissioners that the bridge
was complete and constructed
according to contract. Upon this
v v-f-
of the directors of company, and would be looked up as the
Mr- S. Neal. of Scotland Neck, leaders in their respective com-
the sub-contractor, were here in This was practical in-
this final settlement with the deed, and we hope that we shall
to go out and help bring a fool according to his
these things about, because they , and there is no question
whereto the asker so honestly
r-., , honor. It be on the
minded a man as ever trod North I lookout to help the lowly and the
Carolina soil.
have always said that if the
laws of my country permitted
men to do an organization
then let the law stop them,
and any individual who sees no
further than a bomb, or stripes,
or hemp, is an anarchist. Yes,
this is a national question and I
let the government handle it
,, r ii
want to i-1
and ever seeking an
it will it. a kindness,
blessing beyond was good deeds
and it was a high privilege to
have him as a neighbor. He
was well known throughout the
State and his friends are legion.
The news of his death will carry
deep grief to many for he held
d a place close in the hearts of all
who knew News
ignorant. It should never put
on airs or frills. Its mission is
among the neglected and forgot-
ten, and it must keep its rudder
true -Charity and Children.
report the bridge was accepted
for the county and final settle-
made with the contractors.
Chairman R. W. King, of the
board, tells the contractors
and builders were pleasant to do
business with and that the settle-
was in every way
The cost of the
Duckett once taught a complete was It is a
successful school here, back in I modern el structure, securely
there's a but
where there is nothing to will,
the way is hard for the widow.
Nothing like a Policy in the old
. i , .
is well remembered in
where he had a great
many friends. His death is a
loss to the State.
will treat you
Those Tear
are snappy and just the thing
. , h order.
have the pleasure of hearing Mr.
The association has made an
excellent beginning for another
fine year's work.
treat you
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
has issued the following licenses
since last
Benjamin Murphy and Rosa
Lee Stocks. ,
Robert G. Barrett and Mary
R. V. Fleming and Fannie E.
L. Willoughby and
Mary Turner.
G. C. Harris and Florence
wants a wise answer as a fool
This being so. the man who
asked William Jennings Bryan
whether he really
advertising paid Mr. Bryan a
compliment. It happened in
Reading. Pennsylvania, last
winter, and the modern Com-
indeed showed that he
was a wise man by the reply he
made. It
fellow who tries to at-
tract business without
is like the fellow who throws
his sweetheart a silent kiss in
the dark. He knows what he is
nobody else
Augusta Herald.
built and will stand for ages-
The bridge is 1556 feet long and
feet wide. The turn table,
draw when open leaves a clear, colored
The bridge is a one Greene
and a credit to the county. Mills and Sallie Jones.
trait yon Peyton and Mary Teel.
The Odd Fellows.
The Odd Fellows had a de-
time at their social meet-
and oyster supper Tuesday
night. Excellent . were
made by ex-Gov. is.
Dr. D. L James an . r. F. C.
Harding. There a large
. a . i m

II ill
e of Sale
lying side of
the read from Elihu Carolina, superior Court Before
to Great Swamp church,,
D. Moore, Clerk.
r of sale con- to Great Swamp Put a
, . i b a deed cf trust, executed and was allotted to
rd to in the divisions of the . Na a T. Brown Guardian for
n- V I lo R on the , I Brown and Helen brown.
. . W ;
,.,. t r of deeds deceased, the Clerk of the Superior Court,
county, N la Book ,; Kenneth i in on
ex- , containing, according to the day --i
. ,. acre, more or la I approve by the . the bu-
. ins.
pee sale,
,.,. door ii Greenville, for
payments, covet lag
time secured upon said
Guardian for Jack Brown and Helen
by J. L. ruining, her Alt y.
By virtue of the power of sale
judicial contained in a mortgage deed
r Lot the share the and by James
t Sin. land allotted to Brawn, guardian for and wife. Mahala
following real property, to Fleming in the divisions of to R L. Smith Co., on the
, the land. f
,;,, tracts of land, I deceased, adjoining the lands
i i, in the Fleming. W.
and jog and cone
to .
T present firm
Fleming, composed
. i.; was known as
. that p the
. ;
con ii
;,.,. r and adjoining the
, , ,. . i. W. Harrington L. A.
, w. Fleming, w.
Randolph Bros,
, . . . . lands bing
according to plot, acres more
or less, , ,
To satisfy said deed of trust.
This Nov. 6th. 1908.
U. Salisbury. Trustee.
by L. Fleming. Attorney.
with the to the duly recorded in the register of
highest bi d. r. at the court house door Pitt county. North
Hit fa Mob- c in J page
day. the w -ill tO
that certain of land in th-county
of in township, on the
tide of Tar river, within a mile
of the town of Gr. and adjoin-
i lands, tin
By virtue of Hie power f Salt
contained inn certain mortgage
delivered by
W. W. Moore to C. S. Carr, on
the undersign d will expose to
public sale, before the court
house door in Greenville, for
,. cash, to the highest bidder, or
i. the Monday the 14th day of
i and others, more particularly de- at o clock noon, It
scribed as being the 1st day of the
I at the of f county
I running with the Tarboro road north parcel of land to wit- Situated
thence north -I. in county, adjoining th-
then. . f Hardy
with at an oak Silas Hardy's. Mary
Notice of Execution Sale.
State of North Carolina.
Pitt County. I Court.
The Bank of
W. E.
virtue of an execution directed to
the undersigned from the Superior
court of Pitt county in the above
action, will on Monday.
IS C, at o'clock M. at the
court house door of said county, at
Greenville, N. sell to the highest
bidder for Cash to satisfy said
the title, and interest
which the W. K. Move, the
has in the following described
Situated in the town
of Ayden on west side of railroad and
north side of second treat, beginning
on street at W. I. Jenkins
i E. corner and runs a northerly
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage
and delivered by S. Pritchard
and C. W. Harvey so U C Arthur on
of April, and duly
in the Deeds Of-
fie.-, of c North Carolina, in
Book page the undersigned will
expose to public before court
house door in e. to the highest
binder, on Tuesday, the 4th day of
November, a tract or parcel of
land lying and being in the county of
Pitt and of North Carolina, and
described as follows,
in the town Greenville and bounded
as follows. Beginning at the north-east
corner of and Pitt streets, thence
northward with the eastern i
of Pitt street feet t Johnson s
then eastward with John-
son's line at right angles from Pitt
street feet to the line of the
at an
side of Tar river. VI. . the thence north 621-2 n Hardy's and Cherry
, and be- the Of . thence with the
recorded o ,. , ,.
v deeds office of county. North north 1- west l
t . ;. .,;.; ins con n
d will expose
r id a
,. ; a- be the Pleas-
, . id, re
; , farm about
. .
e two r-i
, , , . v- w. re a I
L . ,, i-
,. ands Ivey Fleming,
. . ., . pie ca
etc , the
to public sale, before the court
house door in Greenville, . Ci ,
to th highest bidder, en th
7th. 1908, two certain P
tr parcels land j i
being in the county and
State cf North Carolina, d de-
scribed as follows, .
I piece or parcel lying in
township, said
mi county, beginning at the
nor h 1-4 wet
north west poles to hit
fork of road i the road
e Parker's X Roads M
IS n I
T .
lamer and running thence west
poles to a flake
Silas Hardy's corners, thence S.
poles to Guilford
line, thence his line reverted
east to Mary Hardy's second
621-2 east line reversed N. W.
sweet gum, Ashley Tel a the beginning, containing -ii
, to satisfy said e
7th day of Nov. 1908.
I corner between J. U l Smith Co. Mortgagee.
w;.;. ; By F. C. Harding,
west lo a
The following, as described, is
in the it be-
part of tin which
ed h of W.
E. as will appear on record,
one lot on Main street
at W. I S E.
on Main thence with W. I.
By e of a decree of the Superior Jenkins line a course to a
of cash
This th-- 23rd or Oct.
L. C. Mortgagee.
Moore and Long. Attorneys.
Greenville. N. C. ltd
Land Sale.
Court of Pitt county made in special pro-
o. entitled J, E,
Harris against J. R. Hart and
Hart the Bed
I sell for cash e th.-court house
door in Greenville on Monday Hoc. 7th,
I following described piece,
I parcel or tract of land lying In
township adjoining the land of -.-
vi A. Worthington, K. K tins ex.-
and others, containing
ditch, thanes with said ditch, an east-
course feet, thence a south-
course and p lied with
to Mai I. with
Main street, a course to
W. I. come.-, the beginning.
All of said lot ex. pt that p just
as being the home-
st-ad allotment o W K. M lye. to be
or less.
. .
,. . and the other piece
, ,. more or
the lands
,,, iV. J. Fleming and
, .
Cue home farm
c i let No. in the v. .-u n
of the A. L. Carr tract, and
runs thence north x
chains to the corner of said tract,
a pine; thence with the outside
boundary of said north
av chains to a stake;
;. east X
said boundary line to a
;., home farm
with the various
an. .
th as a whole, as follows, to. , A. L. tract
v i Known as Little
;. creek; thence venom
c said en to the dower
lute of Mrs Alice the
line of lot No. thence with the
dower line the line
c house piece, bounded
it lands of W
on south by the
the -.-.
, , . from h i
i . , . p crunch, op the
. the Lei mg
W. .--
and a straight line from
oft W.
ton and to the corner the
and -n
. lands of
l -a. Briley,
acres or
th i I e
one Bore lot conveyed o the
Pitt .; at i
n the new two
now stands.
Lot Kw. Situate on e tn
side of the public road lea.
from House Si to Mt-PI i
, the w at side
i the i e h
, poll of the
ditch and canal, Bros, corner;
thence south .-. . i poles with
line line i f The At
d company;
with the of The Atlantic
Line ale r souths 1-3
w .,, I. . IS west
to the begin containing acres
i ,. ling and re-
serving from above
four conveyed off by S. O.
Brown, I. J. Wilson Brown,
i- the of the roar adjacent to
what known as
,.,.,. . I tin Atkinson
Wilson lot and others,
and the colored church lot As a
and also in separate lets and
t No i- the center
of the Tarboro r . . I west the
line of the C i
and h I
of Sale.
thirty seven and a half acres more or
i less, Doing the home place of late
. Matthew L. and where h d
the time of death said Ian I being sold
s to the dower interest of Mrs,
L. W. Tucker,
II ltd
of Till county
; ; u .-.
, Matthew I. Hart, and sold , .,;.
virtue of the power and This the 7th. day of Nov 1908.
. w u. I i
a e t
th new road, just staked, it, Vi ; ht,
. h i
road, near the non
. i to
lands of L. A. Mayo, and adjoin
an of L. A , division bis fall
j r the other , ,.
d , lands, containing
44.4 more or less.
Tarboro . id I ;
;.; to me of. ditch; Nth
the line No. . .;.
to the beginning containing j t, .,.,. .,. to poles with
acres, more in- less; and being ,,,. take, corner of
was assigned to C. S. Uri ., ,;.
division ms p .
t r Carr, . . ice
in said i . ion. . I
mat. t-the . ; ;
record division lands Lot No.
No. pages loll. d ,. . lot N . .
of the Superior court s and .
of Pitt county for a p,
said lot .,, .,., near K. Jet-
gate, . .- No.
a ea the life estate and dower north in the fork
in the ditch and canal,
th. I. -2
authority vested in me by law.
tin. undersigned, C.
Forbes, administrator of Noah
Forbes, deceased, will expose to
public sale, highest bidder
for cash, at th late residence of
fie said Noah Forbes, deceased.
on December 1st. the per-
propel of the said Noah
Forbes, deceased. of
mules, cattle, hogs, farm-
implements, carts, wagons,
buggies and harness, household
and kitchen furniture, corn,
hay, etc. Sale will begin
promptly at o'clock
This the 10th of Nov., 1908.
C. Forbes,
of Noah Forbes, deceased.
J. B. James, Commissioner.
Having duly qualified before
c art clerk county us
of the of W. D.
Moore, notice is her. by given
to all persons indebted t the estate
make payment to the under-
and all persons having claims
against the estate are notified to pie-
sent same for on or ore
the 20th d y of October, 1909, or this
notice will be plead i-. y.
This 30th day of October k
J. R. Overton,
of W. Moore.
Notice to Creditors.
of the power of -ale con-
gag- Ml executed and
delivered by Jno. A. Nichols, to P. H.
ii on the day
and duly in the Register o
Deeds office i is in Book Q-8
undersigned will expose
t. sale, la. ore the Court House
door in Greenville, for cash, high-
est bidder, on Mon the of
December 1908; at o'clock noon, it
the first day of tin December
term of County Superior
the following parcel of land,
Situated in the Town of Winterville, N.
C, on the east side of the i near
the Gill's the
lot of W Hie Buck, on the west
by the lot Elizabeth Whit on
the no th street and on
the a t Church t. containing
11-2 o re more or less. Th e is made
to terms of raid mortgage.
T 7th of 90-.
H. Kittrell, Mortgagee.
Great Land Sal
On the first Monday In
and on Tuesday altar will
y under the hammer, at
house door n Greenville, more
;., small farms. Some
I. i mi st of them on long time, with a
of one-fourth Kc-
the dates 7th am.
Have also son e for sale on
long time between now and above date.
Tin lands are all within from
to five miles of the town of Greenville.
and in the best neighborhoods to
c I By V. C. Harding, Attorney.
Having duly qualified before
c of i co as
of the in I. Q.
i Whichard. d, not CO is hen by
p given to a ind bled .,. . duly . before the bu-
strict- estate to to of Pitt as
the court i he all having I the of A. H.
th-n a it the estate must present use . a
r qua
the same on or d
1909. or this notice
p sail in b r of recovery.
Th t day of Oct. S.
of I. G. v
ma e
I the under and I p.
Ma payment to
interest of Mrs. Alice
i ii.--.- ti
in of the lands the
Bald A. I-
a p the land which
was allotted to K. L. Can in the
L. Carr, containing twenty-
two acre . more less.
east with the i .
. pole tin n -.-. i i I- . a
comer of lot No. nor I i
east in-1 it . lino of I, to
b git
or I
LotS Begin in the center of th
Tarboro opposite a gum, It.
gate, i corner of lot No
and running i 1-2 west with
the s i n pi to m
bridge on th ditch; thence
Having qualified as
to found anywhere, and among P. White, de-
b st agricultural lands in I notice is given to all
, i the estate lo make
This la a great opportunity ate undersign-
men others wishing to begin life on
claim said st
I to am
ard. the I on
of October, or notice will
Notice. ,.
t,. I. Kittrell.
ltd A. B.
the farm. , ., , , .
Th- splendid Training School will
open In Greenville next and then
you'll want to be convenient to it.
You had better buy now while you
have the opportunity.
Plots other information can De
had at my office. See also my other
notices in The
said division of lands of
said A. L. Carr for a more par-
description of said twenty
two acres of said land embraced
j the lands u a. description f lot No. in
O. W. Harrington. the other satisfy said
Leonidas Fleming lands, contain
tag 40.2 more or was. T f or on
of This Nov.
road opposite the I . g Q Mortgagee
building, and on the north aide
lading from House
Station to Ml. Pleasant church.
Harrington and the other lands
of Leonidas Fleming, containing
ea more or
is Fleming near the
new school building, straight to
u . , Is L, A. Mayo, and ad-
j the lands of Mayo,
Bros, r; thence south estate Mrs K. h. her.
west poles to the Tarboro road, notice is hereby to all persons
1-1 to the estate to make
payment to the undersigned, and
lot No I Beginning at the bridge ll persona having claim against mm
estate are that
in the T ac r
and running north east p lea;
thence north 1-2 west I- poles;
thence north west boles;
thence north weal I pol i to
ins corner; a northerly
e with the back line of i
Atkinson, others and the
colored church lot, to the read leading
the to
X road; thence with the raid
to Pork, rs N r ad. N. 7.1
east W poles; thence with
road south 1-2 east VI poll to
they must
the same to the
before the 5th of November.
or this notice will be plead in bar
This 6th day November.
of Mrs. U. E. Belcher.
rd, and ah persons having claims
against s estate are notified to
present the s-me to the undersigned
on or before 26th day of October,
1809, or this i will b in i
bar of I
This 26th day of October,
S. T. V.
Administrator of C. F. White.
ltd I
Notice to creditors
Ha- duly qualified as
tors toe estate of J, S. Harris, de-
cease notice is hereby given to all
indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersigned,
and all persons having claims against
said estate are notified that they must
present the same to the on
or before the 2nd day of November,
or this notice will be plead in bar
of recovery.
This 2nd of November
and H. S. HARRIS,
of J. S. Harris.
For a licit While
Notice to creditors.
qualified as executor of Sue
May ton. decease., late Of r
r. Whereon is situate i
the dwelling house, gin house,,
Stables and etc. of the
said Leonidas Fleming, and lying
on both sides of the Leonidas
road, adjoining the
lands of O. W. Harrington, W.
j. Fleming. Elihu Ran-
and others, and
adjoining the of lot No.
straight from Ran-
corner to O. W.
ton's containing
acres more or less vi
now called the home field of
Leonidas Fleming, on both sides
ands allotted to Leonidas
Fleming in division of the
fend, of Ivey Fleming, deceased,
will be offered for sale in two
lots, as
Lot No. Being
I North
Pitt tint., In Court.
A. Janos, Jr. administrator
Allied James, de eased.
David I-. James, Nancy K. Williamson,
Harriett I,. all, heirs at law.
The defendants Harriett I. Ward,
W. the t r Knell, Allred
Swindell and Minnie Swindell will take
notice that a special Proceeding,
led as above, has been in
Court of Pitt county
to sell the real estate
Allred James, deceased, in order to
make asset- for th.- payment of debts;
the said def indents v.-i I further
comer; thence north 1-2 west mi
pole with the line of to I
bridge on the road th. he-
ginning, containing 1-2
more or
No. I Beginning in the center
of the real leading to Parkers X
roads, o a l gum.
corner, and said
n. d 1-- poles to a
bridge across the road,
thence I's
twelve months from this date,
notice be pleaded in bar of their
r, Al persons to raid
estate Will please make
C. James,
And Provisions
Notice To creditors.
the Adam land. North e K S all
All Our China, both fancy
and domestics.
A chance to replenish your
AH our baseball goods at cost.
Cotton Bagging and
. i on
v- -f
and what is i notice that they are required to fence,
at the office of said of the
Court of Pitt County on Tues-
day December 3rd, 1908, In
N C. and answer or demur to the
and complaint filed in n,
or the p will St ply to the Court
relief I therein,
day of November
U, C. Mr ore,
C S-.--i- r C
1-2 east poles to J. L.
thence a
course with and Proctors
line to a corn.-; with
tor. Tee line to a
-welt gum, tin- C lining
by or
land I for sale
i in lots as above a t forth,, r
first, a who's toms , ,
, , . . . I
Pitt county N. C is to all
against es-
of Slid deceased, to exhibit them
months from th. data of this notice or
this notice will be in t of their
recovery All persons indebted to said
estate will please make immediate
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
i d. W.
Barber Shop
Located in main business sec-
of the town Four chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber.
Our place is inviting, razors
Our towels clean.
thank you for past patronage
and ask you to call when
work is wanted.
Kerry Skinner. Skinner, Jr
H. . Whedbee.
Official Returns for Pitt County in the Election of November 3rd, 1906
Beaver Dam
Farm vi lie
Swift Greek
ill ISM
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Kerr, Receivers.
A. and M. COLLEGE of N. C.
aid a dealer,
ante Who Were Caught Cat-
In olden days, ism
the em. rib-
n a scale
privilege mi; this
earth and i I
ancient Home, when
of marbles and l ere Iran-
planted from to I.
and it vat again when I r t Na-
Italy and Spain. S eh
however, art. t tI the
within the scope of this
which is with petty
criminal appropriation of .-
o i-rt.
The deed of this ire
which I have been able t trace the
record occurred so far n I
when two eat oil
St. in Antwerp
j cathedral. The fragment Is said
be even now an English private
the thieve were
caught and speedily pat th.
Other cases are on
thefts committed the dim part,
but in moat cases they n
bare statement that i as I
a picture or at
such end n date i
heard of Rim .
lack romance
to r i en
the peregrinations f
of stolen property be
Round trip tickets on sale at exceedingly low fa-es, from
A blanket is laid over and tun
is sprinkled with sea water
and oatmeal. The fish will live for
a long time this way in cool weather
owl prow nice and corpulent. The
flavor is also greatly
Fares for children, five years of age and under twelve, halt
of above fares.
Tickets on sale Wednesday, November 25th,
return passage until November 28th.
The only line in Eastern North Carolina operating trains
into the city of Norfolk.
found it way to
There i; n distinct clement
in the cir rt-
the a by
Ton a in; years
from the house f a wealthy
in Vii win i
the public I i his
the affable ,.; ; ,.,. f
manager, next a , ,
he really m immediately offer i for
. , .,, ,;, its and o the
something new; . , ,
H. C.
G. P- A.
M. W.
Superb Service to
on Saloon Decks.
Table Dinner Club Breakfast 2.1 to GO;.
Polite attention and the very best in every way
Leave Norfolk of dally
Arrive In Baltimore a. m., connecting with ran
lines for New York, -mil all pa its west.
indeed. have engaged
the famous stage
manager, to the evolution
and of the chorus. have
retained the
costumer, to plan end
pare garments worn by the
principals and the
have engaged Redden the
renowned scenic to execute
stage settings,
picture were rent to the dip-
representatives of
The result was that a stranger
called at colic tor's ho and
arranged to return the picture
against of the promised re-
ward if no further were
asked. His terms were accepted,
and his painting,
which fitted exactly into the open-
Can you beat that had been cut the
canvas, the stranger
For all information and address
L T. LAMB, Gen. L. HOPKINS, T. P. A.
who are to write tho music
the .
Pooh Haven't had time to
think about that
Testing Water.
To ascertain if water is free from
. or, pollution place a lump of
sugar in a bottle nearly full
up. if after thus
the air and keeping the bottle
, n the for two or three day
j no is but the
paid his promised reward. II
some time afterward, when one
of the collector's friends expressed
as to the authenticity of the
found l be a copy of the stolen
A Youthful
three, was
ways Tr Tier
free from Phosphates est .
which i j
;. .
. in
i n iv. .- day.
Literary Taste. I . j
hare written a i t every-j.
j body to tho author, i , .
nm afraid II won't answered . . .
tho the I .,.,
j to want l- a nobody j
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
J S. M O O R I
General Merchandise
At Big Store
The Big Sale is going on to raise money ,
for creditors. Come quick and get your share of
Low Prices.
will ,
E .-.-
If you are in need of any good
call to set us.
We are still running our reduction sale. We are
daily and they are going at sales prices. Our stock of Dress Goods,
Get The best Comfort
and Burden Felt Hat-
es and a piece Bern-
Iron Bed have no equal.
Women's Fashions, Greenville it C
a. in
9.45 a m.
Atlanta, Ga., en the
Call m Agents Southern Railway Company connection
lines for d. tailed information, or
Norfolk, Va
Taft Vandyke
solid car load BUCK STOVES
Also Rolls Matting. Fine Line Couches, and Lace Curtains

D. J. Editor and Proprietor
Entered as second matter Jan. 1907 at the at Greenville. N
C, Congress of March
in to fiction
Charlotte i happy with the
mayors week.
It Lee county has
elected legislator with nowhere
to seat him.
Governor Glenn's
proclamation affords some
good reading.
The price of cotton lately
been about as near a standstill
us it ever gets.
Even if Atlanta is a dry town
the mayor-elect seems to know-
haw to get It.
Mr. Bell, of Morganton, is
another man who had better
kept his mouth shut.
your purse strings and
pay some of your debts, then
times will not be so hard.
The advance age at of
has not yet announced tin-
date for seats to go on sale.
Georgia is not so had after all.
as John Temple Graves got only
eighty-live vote in the entire
President Roosevelt will
plenty of the Standard Oil in
the Outlook to the wheels
Champ Clark says tariff re-
in the recorder's court on
the of drunkenness on
the street. Atlanta is u dry
town, too.
The merchants will say they
want trade to come to Green-
ville. they overlook the
fact that the best way to bring
it here is by judicious
in The Reflector.
The press of the country
will sympathize with Col.
Henry Watterson, editor of the
Carolina in the recent election.
The chief claim for
him is that he made the largest
gain in votes of any Republican
candidate in the South.
Every merchant, every
CO man, every professional man.
every business man every
man who is interested
in seeing Greenville go forward,
is urged to lie at the meeting of
the chamber of Commerce in
the mayor's office Monday night.
Show your by your pres-
Keep your eye on Greenville
if you want to see the grow
This town is coming, no doubt
about that, and the next year is
going to show remarkable
The man who wants a
home here should not be losing
time in securing a lot, for it
stands to reason that the coming
Louisville Courier-Journal, large buildings and
the tragic death of his son which
occurred in New York.
form by the Republicans is a
game. And lie is not
far from right.
Anna Gould seems to tire
quickly of her husbands. This
soon she is seeking to get her
second divorce,
a letter in his own defense, a job
no one else seemed disposed to
undertake for lain.
Hi gets the plum. Mr.
Taft has decided to spend the
winter it Augusta. Hut it
makes Atlanta lee bad.
Every man put his shoulder to
the wheel and help make Green-
ville roll forward. This is no
time for drones and
Mr. Morehead is as
saying he is sorry lie got elected
to congress in the district.
Hi- n ill get over that way of
feeling about it.
We have Republican authority
for the statement that the
for tariff revision is not
strong. Certainly it is not with
the Republicans.
The Training School buildings
being pushed to completion, a
municipal building for the near
future, the Odd Fellows build-
and a public building not
so far away, looks good for
The recent death of both the
Emperor and Empress Dowager
of China leaves a three-year-old
boy heir to the throne.
he will make some improve-
in the conduct of affairs of
the celestial empire.
Speaker Cannon cannot
vent the president-elect from
calling an extra session of con-
for the purpose of revising
the tariff, but he may be able to
prevent anything being done
after gets together.
If the example of a Virginia
town, that has passed a law
placing a tine of on every
prises will make real estate
more in demand and consequent-
Mr. Business Man, go to the
Chamber of Commerce meeting
in the mayor's office, Monday
night, with something on your
mind to suggest for the good of
Greenville, This meeting can
be a very profitable one to the
town if the business men will
decide to make it such. Lay-
aside your individual work for
one evening and devote an hour
or two to the welfare of your
The conviction and sentence
of Charles W. Morse, former
head of the ice trust, w ho
other people's money ill
speculation, clearly shows that
the financiers, whom the people
have to trust with their savings
or never invest their money,
must keep in paths
than in time past or serve a
suggests is the establishment of
a parcels post, but our opinion
is that while this would help
the mail order houses and bring
more postage from them, it
would be such a detriment to
town and country merchants
that the falling in post-
age from them would the
gain to the department by the
parcels post.
Owing to ill health Mr. E.
Billiard has retired as editor of
the Scotland Neck Common
wealth, and is succeeded by Mr
V. C. who was formerly
connected with the
News and Observer. We sin-
regret the failure of Mr.
Billiard health and his retire-
from journalism. He was
one of the best editors in the
State, a man thoroughly
in all that he did and
wrote. In Mr. Moore he is
by a young man of ability
whose aim will be to keep the
Commonwealth up to the high
standard it has attained.
of hot air. The result of the
last election in this State should
convince any one will
consider it that there bus
already been too much agitation
along certain lilies. There are
too many politicians who think
the way to gain notoriety for
themselves is to jump on tin
corporations and wolf w hen
there is no For goodness
sake give the corporations u rest
during the next legislature, and
do with such agitation as
hinders the development of the
State. Let the motto be build
up and not tear down.
The killing of Senator Car-
mack, editor of the Tennessean,
by the Coopers, at Memphis,
Tuesday was the most
deplorable tragedy since the
murder of Editor of
the Columbia State. Senator
was one of the most
brilliant editors in the South
and a strong, courageous
and he will be greatly
missed by the State in which his
efforts were put forth to keep a
clean government. It is a great
pity that an editor in the South
cannot express himself through
the columns of his paper about a
public man, since a man places
himself in a position to be
when he goes into public
life, for fear he will be shot
down as some worthless cur.
Recently The Reflector
The object of the farmers co-
operative-demonstration work is
to place an object lesson in the
various communities to illus-
the best methods of pro-
the standard farm crops
and to secure such active par-
in the work as will
prove that the average farmer
can do better work and will do
it if properly approached.
These demonstration farms
show that better and larger
crops can be raised on the aver-
age farm and at a vastly greater
net profit per acre. Incidentally
they are designed to prove that
there is no necessity for the
present wide spread
of the farms and the com-
poverty of many of our
farmers. Like all great reforms
this work cannot be done for the
people to be but it
must be done by them to be
sick man is the
one who should take the
cine if he is to be cured. It
will do him no good for his
to take it for him.
As a rule from to
The Best Gift Would be
the Desire for
If I were the nation's Santa
would, on my trip across
the world on eve,
1808, drop into every heart tho
gift of the of
F. N. Phillips,
President of the Philadelphia
Santa Association, in a
Were a Nation-
Santa in the
I would visit
each home where love and
had grown cold, and kindle
the anew. I see that
every orphan had, not only a pair
of shoes to warm his little feet,
but a love that might take the
place of a mother's love to warm
his little heart. I would see
that he had not only a coat to
protect him from the winter's
cold, but a sheltering arm that
might take the place of a
in protecting him from the
blasts of a freezing world of
thoughtless people.
Were I the Santa
the of
would exist ill every heart every
day, and there would be no de-
sires for great riches and power;
no employer grinding down the
wages of his employed; no pub-
official using his trust for
gain and no
and doctrines save that
in Christ's you
love me Simon Then feed my
And so, if it in
my power to give, I would leave,
not only in every city, street
and home, but in every heart, a
living, loving Santa Clans, and
the world would awaken Oil its
day in paradise, with
Love as king.
A Stand Play.
The Florida
farms are established I thinks the so-called peonage
throughout a county A good leases are on a par with those
tern, behind the bars. Stealing My about civic
under sixteen years of pride and threw out some
it. and the time has come when M beautifying Dick-
caught smoking a cigarette,
should be followed by all towns,
fewer buys would be indulging
ill this injurious practice.
While the Republicans seem
to have all the votes they need
keep I hem ill we
are unable to see why they are
anxious to break the solid
South. If i vi was all
one way it would not be long be-
fore there was a split coining.
the fact.
must realize
A municipal convention will
be held in Charlotte next week,
beginning the 17th. The
of all cities and towns in
North and South Carolina, as
well us all citizens who are inter-
in good municipal govern-
are invited to attend.
A woman has been arrested in
a New Jersey town for claiming
to be Eve. The charge, it is
supposed, was indecent ex-
of person Wilmington
It might have been that she
was too fond of apples.
It has been given out that
President-elect Taft will early-
after his inauguration call an
extra session of congress for the
purpose of revising the tariff.
As we do not expect to attend
inauguration, we
do not feel over-concerned about
the event taking place on a later
date than March Hut that
Virginia also is putting in for time of the year is usually mark-
a cabinet place, Congressman ed by such weather as makes the
Slemp being suggested as the throng of people who attend
Fully half, if not more than
half, of the Slates will have
Democratic governors after the
coming inauguration. If every
State that elected a Democratic
governor had gone Democratic
on the national ticket, i. would
have been Bryan instead of Taft
to occupy the White House.
The thing to do is to keep ham-
mering away until the Democrats
in all the States are brought
around to vote the whole ticket,
State and national, and not
split up so bad.
The Greensboro Industrial
News does not seem to have
found the flood of prosperity
that was heralded as following
in the wake of Taft's election,
that paper having Bled a
in bankruptcy and been
placed in the hands of a receiver.
Announcement is made that
publication of the paper will be
continued for the present. It
looks like there are enough Re-
publicans in North Carolina to
keep one daily paper going, es-
when it has the
and all Federal office
holders in the State to draw on.
avenue and other streets
of the town. One citizen in ex-
pressing his approval of tins,
said he thinks a good way to
the spirit of civic pride
is to enlist the interest and co-
farmer is selected to locate these
farms and supervise the work
during the season. The
followed on these farms are such
as are advocated by the depart-
The methods did not all
originate at Washington, how-
ever, but are the methods
ready in use by the most
farmers throughout the
country. Any farmer
to take up the work can do so by
communicating with county
Records kept of this work for
live years in the South show that
the men who are using the
methods have been greatly
flitted by them. They are malt-
operation of the women to ,.,. cent
town in it. He pointed per cent more
where in many towns, especially formerly without much
in Northern States, there are increase in the cost of
women's organizations having There are farmers
,. , . , ti. using the methods this year,
this object in view. I hey talk, , . , . .
J , . , This number will probably be
and work for the beautifying
the town in which they live, in- f most important
themselves and their things advocated is deep fall
trumped up in North Carolina
believe a conspiracy ex-
but we do not believe the
officials of the Fast Coast road
are the conspirators. We think
that distinction belongs to
officials of the Department
of Justice. We know
forts were made in this State to
convict men of peonage, and we
know something of the star
chamber methods of the prose-
We know the peonage
charges which have been made
only against the South have kept
immigration from this section,
and we believe they were de-
signed for that
Under Bonaparte, in most
cases the Department of Justice
cares more for grand stand plays
than to punish real culprits. It
has done much boasting, prose-
many, convicted a few, and
vaunted itself as doing great
things have not material-
for the public good. News
and Observer.
neighbors in having pretty front
yards, and arouse the citizens
and governing boards of the
towns to give more attention to
the cleanliness and beauty of
breaking of the soil, especially
where there is some clay under-
neath. This should be done be-
fore the clay gets wet and in
such a manner that the sub-soil
will not be thrown out on top.
Heart Action
the Streets. This is not a bad . not want the soil turned
idea, and we believe the women upwards until it has
of Greenville could through a weathering pro-
for two or three years, by
which time it will have become
soil and the plant food in it will
much in this direction. We
would like tO See a civic improve-
club with the beautifying
of Greenville for its object.
i an. Southern Republicans
must think they are the whole
Atlanta is in the public eye
again, her mayor being a
run considerable risk.
They have started an
of a cabinet position for J.
Elwood Cox, the Republican can-
for governor of North
The announcement of the post-
master general that postal re-
run nearly be-
hind expenses for the fiscal year
have become available. The
depth of plow should be six
eight inches, or ten inches if
. Other instructions
Elsewhere we are printing a . .
, will follow in the work from
letter from Capt. J. R. Hutch- j Mme
relative ti the tobacco Mr. Evans, whose post-
in North Carolina, address is R. F. D. No.
which he cautions the coining is the agent of this
legislature against meas-1 in Pitt county, and will be
., , , . to get in touch with any
tires that may seriously J . . ,
tanners who desire to co-operate
this industry in the State. It
a timely warning that
gives. Already there
is agitation looking to such
and we see no good to
ending June 80th, shows come out of it except to stir up
that Sam is losing money strife and give some politician;
somewhere. The remedy he
Two Small Farms for Sale-
One acres, other acres,
as part of the land
owned by M. B. about
three miles from Greenville.
F. M. Wooten, Trustee.
an opportunity to blow out a d w
There are certain nerves
that control tho action
of tho heart When they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired, Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
fluttering, feeble
or rapid and other
distressing symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it.
years I with what X
thought was trouble, when
tho doctors told me I heart
trouble. I had tried many remedies,
when the Dr. cams
Into my hands, and I concluded to
try Dr. Heart Cure. I
taken bottles, and now I am
not at all. I am cured and
this medicine did It. I write this In
the hope that It will attract the at-
of others who suffer as I did.
Main St., Ky.
Your sells Dr. Heart
Cure, and we authorize him to return
price of first bottle If It fall
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Authorized The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates tarnish
R. Smith Mer.
seed at J
The infant of Mrs. W. L.
Browning was buried Thursday
by the side of its father who
died about one month ago.
planted your gar-
den is the question every
one is asking. Woods Seed are
the best for the You will
find all kinds perfectly fresh at
Drug Store. Don't make
the mistake of gelling some
Mrs. R. W. returned
from Kins ion Thursday.
Co. Dixon are running
their factory and mills on full
time. General sawing trimming
and repairing of all kinds neatly
to see our good friend
C. E. of
on our streets Saturday.
M. M. makes the best
cold drinks that Ci. a be made at
the lei cold the year
round, Try one.
Rev. C. J. Harris was here
Monday projecting with a view
of locating.
You will a nice line
; a
coffins and caskets on hand
J. R. Smith Co,
Mr.-. J. J. May
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon have
things iii
plant. Besides reg-
tobacco i-v.
used on this
is here.
J. R. Smith have
a nice lot
on band and can fill i. I
when Give lie
when in ;.
goods. ban a e
ply of class
good buggies, and ;. i
malting r
Ed ti.; i.
is a busy nun.
Lemuel Taylor, of L
been visiting
tor school go
J, R. Mer. Co.
menu and Bibles also on band.
J. W, Rouse and from near
spent several in
Ayden visiting friends.
If. Sauls has received
a tine lot of perfumes and toilet
II. II. Harris, of Greenville,
was h-re on business Tuesday.
Mr. who was q lite
at is much better.
Rev. J. R. and family
have to Ayden and will
make this their home.
Seth Nobles and several others
went opossum other
night and bagged three line
Mrs. C. A. Fair received a tel-
Tuesday morning
the death of her mother,
Mrs. C. E. at her home
at Md. That after-
noon she and Mr. Fair left on
the train by way of Farmville
where they were joined by Miss
Julia a sister of Mrs.
Fair, and proceeded at once in
order to be present at the funeral
Thursday This ex-
family stand very high
in our community and all
with them in their sorrow.
R. L. Joyner, of Farmville,
spent of Thursday here on
Miss Blanche Cannon went to
Greenville Thursday.
Prof. J- T. Bailey ha gone to
Kenly to instruct a band just
organized at that place. He
will still continue to teach the
Ayden band two days in each
Owing to the inclemency of
the weather very few of our
teachers attended tho meeting
at Greenville Saturday.
R. H, Garris, from the country
Sunday afternoon in
There were something like
bales of sold on this
market last week. From present
indications some or more
bales will be sold here this. It
is coming in at a rapid rate and
the hearts of our merchants
rejoice with exceeding great
R. Moore went to Snow
Hill Friday.
We regret that Mrs W- L.
Browning is seriously ill at the
home of her on Third
Miss Meredith spent
part of the day in Greenville
We would be pleased to learn
what progress our business men
are making on that tobacco
factory. If they give us
the points we will pull it from
the wood go. Let us bur from
you, gentlemen.
G. W. B. Garris is erecting a
commodious dwelling house on
West avenue.
Clarence Hart is building a
residence near the city limits.
Our people had a pleasant
Stale in Union, thus giving
every boy and girl a chance for
a liberal and sufficient education.
Morally virtue overcoming
wrong way right;
soberness taking the place of
intemperance, and youth
our State being taught higher
ideals and given nobler
thus enhancing the value
of true manhood and advancing
the cause of a high civilization.
For these and other
blessings and benefits, in order
to give all an opportunity to ex-
press their heart's gratitude to
a Triune God, I. R. B. Glenn,
Governor of the State of North
People cf State Called Upon to Give
for Year's
Governor Glenn has issued his
annual Thanksgiving
It reads as
Another year has come and
gone, bringing its sorrows and
its joys, its reverses and its pros-.
parity; but, if a true account is j Carolina, do unite with the
taken, we will find our mercies of the United States
largely exceed our ills; j Thursday, the 26th
therefore, we have much for day of November. as a day
which to be thankful. I of general thanksgiving and
It is a beautiful custom for the
president; of the United States i this day I hereby order ail
and the governors of the various public offices be closed and all
States a year to issue therein to cease, and
Thanksgiving proclamation, ask- most earnestly ask all business
the people forget not all private an ;
their but to praise the far as practicable, to join with
Lord, as with me in efforts to make this
loving kindness and tender mer- one rejoicing and
and our mouths thanksgiving by closing their e
with good and giving a
This Thanksgiving day. set holiday to employees.
apart from all other, is no mean- j g
observance; neither . in
Should it be regarded simply as paces gt u
a day of pleasure or thanks to God for all
ordinary labor, but as a day His goodness and
, all days, on which we can. , , . lives of
skate at the tobacco . , ., .,., to r . , , i.
The children say it should usefulness, as well as
our Master for undeserved bless- . f
t know. . , j ox mi
mere hi
f the country thin all
pat together, tin- i. st few
j- an. to e
For a great many i . tors pro-
J u a disease a
local remedies, and
.-1 failing to cure with
pronounced it in-
curable. Science has proven catarrh
to be a constitutional disease and there
lore constitutional treatment.
H- Cure, manufactured by ,
F. J. Ohio,
me cure
market. It is taken internally in doses
from to It acts
the and
of one
hundred any case it fails to
-ire. rind fir circulars an
J. CO.,
Ohio. . B
Sold by
fake Hall's Family
Dale Changed.
The time for holding the
school house for
betterment ct the building
and mentioned recently
by oar correspondent,
has bean Changed to Thursday
19th. It is going to
bean interesting occasion.
-S i;
Hart and wife left Mon-
day for on a
lake the
which there
. this week.
t the P.
IVY. B is
welcome a tn cur
piles Sent i. t. tho
I out.
T. -.-.-e c Id
g o
t C-o- I i
iv- m iv
j m in o
i North Carolina M
Convention which w eta
We have not been invited to
an old fashion corn shucking, no
a hunt season
Wonder if we are growing old
or less important or loosing
Mrs. of
is visiting her son, II. C. Or
this week.
John Randolph, Greenville,
was here Monday.
Waiter and Elmer
made a flying visit to
Greenville yesterday afternoon.
Joe of Scotland Neck,
visiting relatives in Ayden this
Mrs. Louisa Lilly, from near
Vanceboro, spent from Friday
until Sunday evening here with
her son, P. Lilly.
Dr. E. W. Stamey. of
was here Monday on
There were very large crowds
in Ayden Saturday and Monday.
Our chief had an unruly
to contend with Saturday, but
he eventually cooped him.
On this day let us not forget
tho widow, the orphan and all
as a State and nation.
We have, indeed, much for
which to be thankful. Daring
with have threat- . fl of our
stance as God has prospered up.
And lot us do nothing, as H . ,
to mar the Joy. A street
and sanctity of this
the country with danger or
marred our peace and happiness.
As a State, no pestilence,
famine, earthquake or other dire
. evil, save rains and flood in
sections, have visited our
people; but. with this one named
, exception, our crops have been
bringing fair prices,
and, in spite of a panic, producing
distress in other States, our
I State to a great extent has been
entirely free from wane, employ-
paying profitable
homes peaceful, and our lives
happy and blessed.
a single instance of mob
violence has occurred during the
entire but all have ac-
quiesced in and obeyed the law,
thus upholding the dignity and
majesty of the
Tremendous-, has been
made along all lines of industry
and thrift. The Slate
debt and so prosperous and
Two men wrote n
joint humorous
cast they thought it was humorous
pent it to They
not each other for
When they mot joint author
remarked to joint, author No.
writing that thing I've
thought of some awfully
twist.-i that might have put in it.
Too sent it away no
I have liked lo make
With joint author
; put bis head in h's pocket,
on envelope addressed to
and drew therefrom tho
of the joint production.
it ho paid.
all the
Th a Clever Won a
example of
appeal to Iranian
during trial and
of the appeal closed case I
a western court.
The plaintiff was a
for to a which
bad been ti on fire, i
Ir.- from a lot
Counsel the road d hi
defense on the ground n
the fire by employee
the train and the ti-a n in e
only four . I
therefore have been c I
fore the into i in-
Poor minutes, he i
constituted a period
fur a fire to start
On the hand.
the plaintiff argued b this i
If a man, sitting on o
with his best ; her
the time travels like on .
of on the pine r I a An
building in summer n
i.- ample to settle ii h
despite all a
There were -I
at Tho
oat hi-i watch
tho m tile Jury, rt
him lo aim i the termination
a period of r
jar I n or o u
; . n h. Then
.-. i ; a
. The inn i f I i .
i hit i . I the
of T I
In witness I have
hereunto set my hand and
caused the Great Seal of the
State to be annexed.
Done in our City of Raleigh
the eleventh day of
1908, and in the one
and thirty-third year of
our American
K. B. Glenn,
A. H. Arrington,
is she raid i
Willie, her ten-year-old r.
called tho
I did do, asked
arc I I or with n
replied Willie.
Willie held out Ilia hand.
is one he i aid,
It a caterpillar. had
found the name for
how his mother does not know.
Denver Post.
How is Your Digestion
Mrs. Mary of No. 8th
Ave. a
stomach tr
for the wonderful effect of
An Comparison.
majesty's inspect r test
OUt of prompt this to-ti
nm fully that r
. , . Hitters i
in business activity that; the remedy. the ma to-
. m . This great alternative
its name lame have extend-1 invigorates tho s st in,
ed even unto remotest j
, ,,
bounds, I Jno. L.
we have
than ever i
greater advancement I . m , a is ,
before, and spending in the Wends far mow
education of our youth as
a per cent., i to
value of our property, as any
I ho in knowledge.
-Now. ho said gravely,
. -your I has explain-
in you tho most
the mottoes apply to the
months of the year. Thus, if Feb-
much snow, a line sum-
mer it doth and Jan-
if sun opp March and April
1.1-v full But wonder which
of yon can what co lies in
like a lion and out like a
There was an awestruck silence
f- r n few moments, and then n polo
it's our landlord
,. i. bis arrears paid
London Answers.
in the State of North Carolina, at the close of Sept. 1903
Loans and discounts
Capt. Galloway III.
Saturday and Sunday several
newspapers in the state
the death of Capt. Swift
Galloway, of Snow Hill.
of The Sun's are per-
acquainted with the vet-
gentlemen, who take great
pleasure in stating that the re-
port sent out and published was
absolutely false and incorrect.
The captain has been confined
for a number of weeks due to a
general break down of health.
Mr. A. P. Harrell, of this city,
a son-in-law of Capt. Galloway,
received a phone message at noon
Overdrafts . . .
Furniture and Fixtures
Demand Loans
Due from
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
National hank notes
other notes
no hi
260.00 Hills p
Capital Stock . .
Surplus fund . .
profits, loss
current exp. paid
Cashier's outstanding 76.87
A Body.
An explorer lately returned from
i is travels was relating his
. said ho,
the thicket, and there Mora me
n is
remarked an Interfering critic.
i over heard of a
replied the
traveler body that
of an He then resumed
his Globe.
, i i . I r- Tl
,. I n m
. -.- t;.,.
the c i
, A
. I I
.- was the
and re
sci c Nearly o r-
man i the had a
i u,
i f i
i ,
they were .;
In i the n cf ii
arm i in II o terrain
To or i
the f had . , J M
twice as I mg. .
him said
. e u I
o -v
It an in, a
in -l
four minutes.
lime in la
H t the
lira i i
and ate nae
no i r.
for v-f i ii; e
or m i
York Tribune,
No For
i n
I i la o t i-i Ilia
v. -i. i a hi
lo whom n i-o
was i r or bi i
a mil liver.;.
A man Ii mess, Mr.
who might
i ;
I i
I i ., ii I
to i in
I i It's
correct ii
roared the
j Croesus. do think my
crests s
take us for a of
w mid n
asset but for
I Yon can soil It fr it
.-- leader
a I
Deposits subject took,
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
Total, 801,725.00
Total, 891,735.00
I J R Cashier of the above h ink. do solemnly swear
the above statement to the best o. my knowledge an I
SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-, Correct-
a ,.,,,, . ., , T t
today his wife, who is with i fore me. this of Sept.
V at
her father, stating that the cap-
rested well last and
his condition perhaps a little
Bern Sun, 16th.
Dr Joseph
Physician and Surgeon
Office r Bank Building
H. Smith purchased
the of A. D. Cox in
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the
at the sane place- A
I work promptly looked after.
Cox will still with ti-
Wood's Seeds.
Seed Wheat, L
Oats, Rye and Barley.
We are the
in Bead in the. but
sell boat, and
heaviest qualities. Our stocks
secured from the best and
fully equipped with tho best
and most improved machinery for
cleaning. If you want superior
Plant Wood's Seeds.
Prices quoted on request
Q Pall
giving full about all
seeds, mailed free.
. Richmond. Va.

We will deem it a privilege to show you a very extensive
assortment of
Dress Goods, Dry Goods,
Trimmings, Laces,
Ladies Tailor-made Skirts,
Shoes to Fit all feet and
Any Size Purse
Remember that we represent all things as they are and
regulate the price by the true value of the article.
We confident that the most critical examination of our
complete and very Appropriate Lines of Desirable Goods will
convince you that they are NOT EQUALED ELSEWHERE
Come to us for any Goods you may need. Look through
our beautiful and you will be pleased.
Notice of Sale.
North Carolina I S. C. Before
Put f D. Moore, Ck
B. F. and wife, Nannie
Ed Forbes. Harvey
Allen and wife, Clara J. Craw-
ford, C. H. Forbes, Mrs. Nora
A. M Allen wife.
Bertha E. Allen and A.
Neva A. Forbes.
By virtue of the judgment and
decree of the clerk at the Sup
nor made in the
entitled cause, on the 13th
of November 1908, the
signed J. L. Fleming,
appointed the curt,
will sell to the highest bidder for
cash, for partition, at the court
house door of Pitt county in
Greenville, on the h day of
December, 1908. all the right,
title and interest of the parties
to the aforesaid proceeding in
and to the following
tracts or parcels of land, to wit
1st. A certain tract o.- lot of
land, in said county and State,
and bounded as Lying
and being in the town of Green-
ville, on South side of 10th
street and on the west ride of
Washington street, beginning at
a stake at the intersection of 10th
street and Washington street,
and runs ab lit
feet to a stake, the corner of lot
No. thence with lot No.
about feet to s
stake, thence n
corner; south 1-2,
east poles to the beginning,
containing acres, more or
This th 13th d of Nov. 1908.
J. L. Fleming.
Weber, Weber
Pianola with and
on, Lester, with concealed player,
Voe, and club piano.
The ideal instrument probably U
will be by hard or by the
mechanical attachment at will. It is
the piano in world
For piano at any price and on
easy term, call on or write.
X. J.
Just Stop and Think.
. G.
of Good
Are the safest places to bank,
for the United States laws, as
well as most rigid govern-
supervision, make them
IT. j
with Washington
feet to street;
with street, to
the corner of Washington street,
the beginning, it being the east
em half of lot No. as shown
on map made by P. Matthews in
1892 of the William Moore land,
containing one fourth of an acre,
more or It and being the lot
conveyed to Victoria
by the Greenville Lumber Com-
in 1895 and by deed which
appears of record in the
of the register of deeds of Pat
county, in boot B-6, page
and the same lot deeded by H.
C. and wife Vic-
to Noah Forbes,
by deed winch appears of record
the of the register of
d eds Pitt county, in nook G-
page reference to both of
which deed la her. by made for
an accurate description.
2nd That certain or
parcel of lain, in said county and
State, bound, d as lying
and being in Greenville
i ship, beginning at too fork
Kinston road, near the home
place of Noah deceased.
land with the new road
north west poles; thence
I north w.-t to a small
bridge across road; thence
I along various courses
ditch to a Stake; thence north
What it to be a kin, and you
will understand why we named our
it is as much above
ointments in cuing eczema, itch,
rink worms, worms, piles, fever
sores, ulcer, corns or any of Bore
or disease of the skin r -alp as a King
is over one of his servants. It U for
sale at I. H. and at
Tripp Hart's. N also at
gt. n Barber's, Winterville N.
C. or we -end it on re
of pr-e. box. or
cents per jar. Give it I We
guarantee it cure or we take no pay-
Guarantee of Bank Deposits
is the conservative and faith-
management of the Bank.
Attend, to Beautify Ha. Bee. Scored for This Par
in Town.
as a corporation has A few weeks ago The
son avenue, and the adjacent
Our surplus and prof.
All of the above stands for
the protection of every de-
Business solicited, and we extend a cordial invitation to call
in to sec us.
property owners have been re-
quired t-i put cot sidewalks
of Ointment Company.
R, K. No. BOX
N. C.
We have moved stables and
transfer business to the old market
building on Second street, where we
have plenty of room, nice and
convenient, to take care of our
i trade. We can shelter your bug-
in rainy weather Horses
boarded at reasonable rates. We
thank our old for the bus-
they have favored us with,
and ask all to come to see us.
Richmond and Norfolk, Virginia.
Atlantic Coast Line
Account of Foot Ball Game University of North Car-
and of Virginia, at Richmond, Agricultural and
Mechanical of Virginia Institute at
Norfolk, Vs., November Both. trip ticket on sale November
25th. limited to return M 29th. The greatest f the
season. miss them.
For further information call on Ticket Agent or write
P. T. M.
N. C.
Notice of Dissolution.
The of Hoy
wan this day d by mutual c n
sent. Al persons who Indebted an
the will forward a-d
settle. Mid all person having
i r notes against s id firm are requested
to them at th formerly
Oct .
E. A. Jr.
went poles to a marked .
black gum; north DAWSON
w. u pUs. to a near a
aw pile; thence
eat poles to a
east poles to a pine
Stump, M. G. line near
the Kinston road;
the road sot, east chemical d
to a Stake and oak; or no charges,
thence north west rearer Bar
to a Stake; west poles
to s stake; the north
poles to the Kinston BREAD
with the Kinston V
west pol.-s to the Mrs. Whitley at the
or less.
Ladies and Gents Tailor,
Greenville, N C.
in town.
H. H.
This bank has been established over two years, during
which time it has the banking public faithfully and
built up a large and prosperous business. The best service
is none to for both our town and country customers.
Our Stockholders and Directors are responsible, well-to-do bus-
Therefore in the selection of your bank, have permanency
in view and establish yourself for your present and future well
being with a good sound bank.
The National Bank of Greenville
Capital Stockholders liability
F. G, JAMES, J. P.
F. J. FORBES, Cashier.
THIN Sin. WHISK . c.
for av
Subscribe to The Daily Reflector.
. tiers tilled .
3rd. That certain tract or par-, cream sold daily
eel of land, in said county and
Slate, bounded as follows, lying,, x
and being in Greenville township,
beginning at the fork of the Kin- Moore and
and new road, near the
home place of Noah Forbes, de-
ceased, and running with the
road north Hi. east
poles; thence north east
1153-5 poles to a small bridge j
across the said road; thence with
the various courses of the
across the field to the new road; j
thence with the new road south,
east north
east poles, thence south
east poles to the beginning,
containing acres more or less.
4th. That certain tract or par-
of land, in said county and
State, known as the tract,
as Lying and
being in Greenville township,
beginning at a wire fence, corner
on William line, and run-
south 1-2, east 1-2
poles; thence north 1-2 degree
west 1-2 poles to a small
branch; thence down the various
courses of the said branch poles
below the mill dam; thence
1-2, fast poles; north
1-2, tat poles to the mill
road; thence down the said road
south poles; thence north
poles to a stake thence
north west to red oaks
near the mill road; thence south
1-2, west poles to William i
Wholesale and retail i
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Eggs. Oak
Bedstead, Mattresses, etc.
Suits, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts,
Parlor suits Lounges.
Safes, P. and Gail Ax i
Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key;
West Cheroots, Henry
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach-
es. Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly, Meat. Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Magic Food, Matches,
Oil. Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls.
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples,
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware, Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni. But-
New Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see me.
Fresh Oysters
I set fresh oysters every day,
and delivery anywhere
in town at cents a quart and
Phone your orders to Number
Market. J .
Ii you want your HORSE to trot
I fast and pull buy your
j Hay, Oats
and Corn.
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for
Money than any man in town.
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of
Mutual Life
1843. Assets over
Cotton Factors and handlers
Bagging Ties and Bags.
end shipments
Dr. Morrill
Office on Third
Temple, Formerly Occupied by Dr Bag-
well. M
Two Small Farms for Sale-
One acres, other acres,
as part of the land
owned by M. B. about
three miles from Greenville.
F. M. Trustee.
be for The Reflector.
Dr. Major P. Manning
I am now and will located In Beth-
el, N. C, until Jan. lit, 1909. Anyone
desiring can find me at Hotel.
Office corner and Third Sta.
formerly occupied U Col. I.
A. Sugg.
Harvey's Cool and Wood
Yard will furnish you with
the best coal, all grades,
splint and soft coal,
hard anthracite, egg
stone and nut. We keep
dry wood and furnish de-
Dry Goods and Ladies Dress Goods.
I have purchased the interest of the
late R. E. Patrick In the of B. E.
Patrick Co., and will continue to
carry on a dry goods
at the same, stand.
A ladies department with a special
of dress goods and trimmings has been
added, Miss Nellie Barnhill being in
charge of this department. The Indies
are cordially invited to call and look at
this line. B. F. PATRICK.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Miss Henrietta Pate
Offers her services to the people of
Greenville and community
erection of a handsome Odd
Fellows building here, and that
the lodge had appointed a com-
Ordinance bidding spitting j success of the enterprise seems
upon these sidewalks assured. The lodge, the con
and requiring property owners
to keep them clear of trash.
This is and every citizen
should interested in giving the
town the best appearance
Our people should be imbued
with a spirit of civic pride and
have in mind the of
the entire town. Dickinson
avenue offers a splendid
to begin a work of
kind. Between the paving of
the street and the concrete side-
walk there has been left a park
strip about three feet wide. If
these park strips were all leveled
uniformly and sown in grass
the would be beautiful.
An enterprising citizen was dis-
cussing this matter with The
Reflector, ard said he would
take pleasure in contributing
enough for use on these
park strips if the citizens along
the avenue will agree sow
grass and look after it.
Now if you avenue
people want to
of this, you can get the name of
the gentleman making the offer.
Then when Dickinson avenue is
beautified let the spirit spread
over the entire town.
of has
chased from the heirs of the late
Mr. Alfred Forbes the triangle
lot on Five Points in front of
Hotel Bertha, and the deed
thereto has been executed.
This is a beautiful lot for a
building and m feel sure that
the Odd Fellows will erect one
that will be a credit to the town,
The lodge should have the co-op-
of all our citizens in this
Be as careful as you can n
and he
Sabbath be a Day of Lore
and Never a Day of Labor.
God intended that there should
be one day each week an
day for the culture of
home duties. A when the
father would be home from
work, and the children home
from school, and the mother
have less household care, when
all could put on their best
clothes, sing their sweetest
songs, and enjoy a day of love.
The Sabbath should never be
made a day of labor in the home.
The work of each home should
be so arranged that it can be
done entirely in six days
and evenly as possible in each
day. days shalt thou labor
and do all thy
The and cooking can
be done on Saturday, and Sunday
can be made almost entirely a
day of rest by warming over the
food prepared before. We fear
many good housewives a
mistake In giving too
much time to Sunday cooking.
Others ate perhaps in
error by on
get a m. of known reliability, one , . y t h properly
that h- an lied reputation and ,
core. rest or enjoy
the day.
that is certain to effect
a is Chamberlain b p t j ought to
on that day
this most common ailment, and on any 0th
always be depended upon. It on
W re the uplift and
expectoration, op. the
and nature in the
a health ton.,
years in which has been in
general use we have yet U learn Of u
sin cold or the
grip having resulted in pneumonia
when this remedy was us. which
hows conclusively that it is a certain
preventive of that dangerous disease.
Cough Remedy con-
no opium or oner narcotic
may be given as confidently to a
to a. For by J. L.
Wooten Coward
r. A day of
ii to be
made in every
For FARM Supplies and HARDWARE.
Don't fail to see machine.
We carry a lull stock, also a lull line re-
pairs our Machine. which is the
There is none better,
they always give perfect satisfaction. We
would also you attention t our . . .
Bees Laxative Cough always
brink relief colds.
go all
bro and I
to take, gently I x Sold Int.
Basin, Men Help Help Yon.
Merchants business men
generally should co-operate with
us in making the rial trade
edition Reflector which
be issued the of
the most beautiful
one ever issued in Eastern
Carolina. It will be a good
thing will help us
out our plans. It will a
th community. We r
trying t. get up a
cover fr it, which will
expensive and we must nave a
liberal to offset the
expense. We ask to give
us this. But remember you are
not t charity, you are
your money in son e-
thing that brings returns.
We are getting out this
edition we think
town and needs it,
we think it i-- good you and
the entire community, it i
our to it, with your
help, so attractive that every
one who sees it will read it, from
cover to cover. We expect to
them broadcast.
American Wire
We carry the best quality only Lime and
Cement and keep stock on
hand, Bear in
mind that Baker Hart's is the place to buy
lull assortment always in stock to choose worn
Quality the highest, in fact there is none bet-
it being guaranteed per cent pure.
It you wish to build it is to your
to see ii; as we are in position to look alter
every need. Don't that our line
General Hardware is kept complete with
the best, quality goods. e can till
your orders horn a box tax to n car load
nails. Give us a call.
little is subject to
Wm H.
Wheel V. V-. w
she a server spell
but I cured w th
Remedy without the aid
of h and hoy h been
prevented any time from have k e
th- use of this
U for by I, I. Woo-
and W
Gov. Folk on Mail Order Buyer.
do not believe in the mail
order citizen. It a place is good
enough for a to live in and
While to Sell It at the
Sometime Thursday night
about pounds t was
stolon from tin Gum warehouse.
Baker Hart.
Farmers their cotton for higher p.
should not the risk of less by
it is missed
Swift Galloway Dead.
Kinston, N. C, Nov. -A
tonight from
Snow the death
that place of Captain Swift Gal
lat- this afternoon. He
had been poor health for
months and death was not
Be was about of age
an. by two children
and grandchildren.
Captain Galloway was one of
the most prominent figures in
Eastern North Carolina.
He was of superb mental at-
and was endeared to
all who knew him.
He served several terms as
solicitor of his judicial district,
was a member of the last
from Greene county and
has occupied many positions of
trust. .
To those afflicted with kidney and
r trouble, backache, rheumatism,
for the s brines relief
in the first dose. Hundreds of people
today testify to their remarkably heal
and tonic properties. SO trial
They purify the blood, bold
by Jno. L. Wooten,
make his money in it ,, . , th
enough for him to spend his morning and telephoned the fact
that Whenever
find a town that to not w
citizens of that town make it
worse than they suffer it to be-1 invest, found th-
i u t the and tobacco from the Gum.
AtTn To catch th- thief was them
can the kind of people step, but there was not long to
Miss Mary l.
Wilkinson, came to Greenville
and went home of Rev.
W, re that gentleman
united in marriage.
couple spent the night here and
left next morning for Baltimore.
it is said the age of the bride-
groom parental
to the hence they run
I have made arrangements with my companies to allow me to
issue Certificate for any amount, it makes how or
Sow I write them for one day any length of
time you desire.
THE IS VERY SMALL. Call on or address.
that live in that town.
newspaper filled with
advertisements of the mer-
chants indicates a progressive
and prosperous
Wood's Liver Medicine in i form
for malaria chills and fever,
the liver, kidneys and brings
to sick-he-d
to take.
The bottle times
quantity of the c size, dose
relief. Sold by John L. Wooten
wait. The tier-. came to see
about the tobacco when he was
bald under guard until Policeman
Clark phoned for aid went
up to take him in
man gave his name as John
Clark and said he New
is Drawing Near
H. A.
Not Infectious.
I used to be very much afraid
that my children while playing
with others would be exposed to
some contagious disease, and
they were constantly on the
lookout for trouble of this kind.
One day little Louise
came rushing in from the
street where she had been play-
with a crowd of children.
In a very excited manner she
burst out. mother, two
of the Meyers children have
something, but sister says she
don't think we'll catch it,
what is it,
It's the pigeon she re-
plied. -The December
Killed by Fall.
A colored man, named Louis
Langley, who was at work on one
of the new buildings being
erected by Mr. J. L. Wooten in
met with an
dent Wednesday that cost him
his life. The man was on the
roof the house and in some
way lost his footing and fell off.
The distance of the fall was
not high, but he struck on a
piece of about midway
his body and was so injured in-
that he has since died.
relieved Chamberlain s
This reduce j In-
and so that.
sprain may b cured in about
the time required by tonal treat-
. and certs for I ale by
J. L. Wooten and A; Wooten.
I Liver Pills for
MM, e. They keep you
well. them. by
I,. Wooten.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bunting
invite you to be present
at the marriage of their
Maggie Novella
Mr. Henry Vernon Staton
Wednesday afternoon,
the f th
nineteen hundred and eight
at four o'clock
Methodist Episcopal Church
Bethel, Carolina
And the Christmas gift is naturally
How a piano We have
on hand several discontinued styles
ranging in prices from to
These pianos are
sold at and
How about setting one aside for
you We only have of one style
of another left
We will Ship You One
on trial freight prepaid if you prefer.
If you are a bargain seeker this
is a rare for you.
Phone write to G. G. Fine-
man, box Greenville, N. C.
Genera Hardware
Sole Agent for
f and Paint, Stove an
farm sower
Edge Tools.
School Books and Supplies
The life of a man is
the capital of his family; his
earnings are its income, and
they be guaranteed by
life insurance. The old Mutual
Life is the best.
H. Bentley Harris.
Mind Your Business
If you don't nobody will. It is your
business to keep out of the
can and you can and will KM p out of
liver bowel trouble if you lake Dr.
KinK's New I Pills. keep oil-
I ma aria and jaundice out o
and a quantity of condensed
milk, fresh milk cannot
milk . . .
all together thoroughly and
beat or cook it;
don't anything This
makes two delicious ice
you know a
package at all
Tin Co. to By. H. w
Chas. M.
are now arriving, plant early
to get results A nice
line of Palms, and Ferns in all
sizes. Choice cut flowers a
specialty, wedding bouquets
and Floral offerings at short
notice. Mail. Telegraph, and
Telephone orders receive
prompt attention. Phone
Raleigh, N. C.
I Not Quite
be found on Fourth street
clean, press repair
fans Clothing and ladies Skirts
work d-me promptly,
to order when
four patronage Solicited.
How often JOB can eel
thing don
nail or screw driver
lacking. Have a
box and he prepared for
emergencies. Our lino of tools
is a could desire, and
we will see that tool
box does not lack a Single
useful article.
You get s
Horse Goods c c
Cobb I Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Cotton. Grain
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
; ft. L.
LE, N.
Sec W. J. TURNAGE before buying
your coal for the winter. He can give
i you a bargain.
Office K. I
and next
for The Reflector.
-if .

i ii in
in i
In Charge of F. C. NYE
S A Agent The Eastern Reflector Winterville and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
A G. Cox is having the large
concrete store repaired, which; WASHING MACHINE AGAIN.
just in.
Harrington Co.
F. and J. B.
cf u
.;. week here
with relatives. They returned
In few days
the; a ave Ky.
Where Mr. . n spend
y.-r th
will add much to the
in that section.
The and
cook stoves are
the best. We have them at prices
that will you. We also
have a full line of hearers and
for Recovery of Notes Decided
Against Payment.
There are people in Pitt county
whom the mere mention of
washing machine rights gives a
bad i n the mouth. A fellow
stimulate TORPID LIVE.
strengthen digestive
the bowels, and arc
as mm
In district their virtues
it i a-
the system I m that
canto coated.
Take No Substitute.
B- W. Edwards et ah-
Snow Hill Supply Co.
Facts About CoW
N. C. Nov. 17.1908.
, . If one to examine a snail
R. E. Willoughby was hauling ho f on a
Tho snail is a cold
animal, and with a
warm hand
the feeling which result in
us from placing the hand or body
on ton of the range. The
less the i lie agree-
able to his ho will
mere fence wire last week. I j piece of
think he has brought in three or
four wagon loads.
Mr. and Mrs. went
to Greenville last Tuesday.
Frank Pollard was called to the
bedside of his father about two
weeks ago. near Fremont, who. travel along, rapidly
, . , , . his broad,
had a strode and
died a little more than a week ,.,,., .,., protracted in an
inquiring manner, and a linger is
laced in front of bun he will prob-
ably walk these feelers
come in coated with it. Then the
tentacles arc it and waved
about in the effort to see the ob-
He was about seventy-six
years of age.
Ivy Smith, administrator on
the estate cf the late Jesse L.
Harrington, Barber named Crooner came through
ton. ft Co The A. G. G X j bit L Allen, judge pr. siding 3rd property belonging to the estate I feel r c it
Hi ; .-, returned Co. ere now In position to sup- at- district of North Caro- it sold t, but II
f. J and Industrial ply , with their Tar Heel slick scheme. The -her t corn fodder and
. . Friday Carts, turned out to be one the rank-1 before the v. . . . ,
course in i bodies,
the t training
a Co for best Am
.; warm tor the said against the , y
. Fresh beef. pork, and he slipped away to Supply Co, and any competent K. L
High -school is . ., . ,.,.,,. .,; as to the went to Green-
j. two Ired mark.
urn i. . new u;
can be other Efforts were motion of any as to-the went
ft Sutton. him back, and once he was. of and any
are . Th,, meeting th. arrested in the by,
. .;, the but insolvency law of North
,. Dr. made a
I . . d . upon our
. through his strong
Tin re f i
others went hunting a
few nights ago and caught three
of that tribe.
. . .
; at
i . i
. . in a I
T r . iv . pro-
the meeting
. at p-
I . a a
; i
t have a n
. A. .
A . . o i ;
;. Asa
I . ;
. Bug y
. . a s j . .
a cash bond and it
i manic, in Pitt are further to The runaway that pass-
,, than th. music in on date mentioned, why c, oUr town
b; received and .
; The the deals washing
baa been greatly strengthened rights was to resist payment
this meeting. Dr. notes that hid been given.
Well left Sunday afternoon.
v. T. and J
their to
t married passed
re went to cross
Sunday afternoon where
Kr- King d his
county, various sundry accounts, amount-
next on the part of to due fr
those who had been fooled into received by Company to
machine September h, 1308, the Saturday as lovely as two
date on which application
receiver was should not. j. j.; went to
filing claim turned in the evening,
has been extend I to David Smith went
to Farmville Saturday evening
Kid Supply Co.
At almost civil term
court recently there has
some suit to recover on
these notes. An interesting
ca of this was disposed
of Wednesday, the can being W.
here with relatives and C. against Calvin
home Si
S . l-h
Hooker .
. .
. F . in I
. y new.
. rs, i o
F. C. Nye.
will be a bi i
service at the Baptist church
; I the
;, m
I n ease a burn r scald what
do to relieve the paint Such ii-
e to c a in family
. .
snowed ., ,., w, i r. i t
note was . i ; fraud, that in I y to a
. .
came in . .
ore it was due and sale by J. w u . I Cow rd
Lawhorn, The plaintiff Rodman
ma claim that he had purchased
note as an innocent party
but th
with tie Knowledge
washing machine right business
was fraudulent. Upon this the
. Taylor, of Held by cf answered ail the issues in
week at
i Tl .- Aid S -f Jar-
J Julia v-u ;.; e. church, of
the in of
the defend-
a i am
A .-r- ,.;
his In r .--v He
not p I v into their
re tarns inside
out, j the of
a n i in ; off ;
r v little creature baa a
i I and fairly well
i . lose o
rents . Ii
. ,.,.,. i hi
aide, one n Fie a dis-
t;. re, . open a few i manta
and th a i This is
ply cavity in th IV body, into
which he a quantity
air to r n r he
of e
When i- Hi way
in i hi interior he p it
until it- f- v his
laden with r- I, ii c lowed
1.1 . j by i the
; . i ailed
by i h
armed with
a . like
a long, narrow . coiled in
mi a r only a part of
ii i use i p. Di
r if Ibis ribbon
are I . one animal some-
tin ca having a .-
om worn
f H . on, i I
h . I Mrs. Clyde
Vt t arc . rs for i J
horse I
A. G. C x Mfg. Co
have a nice of
fresh gr hand.
i Barber .
Watched Fifteen Years.
if . I have watch
a it
ha- never cure any s re. bi .
or turn to applied. It
. . . .
i I A. F Hard Hilton Maine,
committee, are extensive
to be
a very pretty invitation
which Mrs. F. G. is pi
. . A. . Mrs.
L, Carr and Mrs.
pr a
on Dec. 8th.
reads as
Ben Hunsucker bug Won't come to our Bazaar,
e II Call to .-
our lock of runabouts be-
E re; are Inter-
We are g n nice of
s Caskets. Prices are
right and can nice hearse
service. A. c. Cox Mfg. Co.
Com. and get th best prices-.
Harrington Barber Co.
We have a large
line of enamel ware.
and get your pick.
A. W. Co.
Remember the Tar Heel
Wagons and carts by the
A. G. Cox Co.
Winterville, N. C. For
and sen ice they cannot be
Any one in need of a good and
up-to date buggy will do well to
see Mr. Hunsucker at the A. G.
Cox Manufacturing Co. before
i- the h of Dec.
We'll ;
.- . . . .
a of I ,
a fa tooth, i a
With ard One,
We've rolls forth little fobs and all
Thai will suit Santa
ii- and useful ones.
Of refreshments, a d
i. and oysters, and sweets
of kinds
i to lurch there cash
r and
By of the ale eon-
in a de
and b lard
and I. C. A-- a the
lat March . and duly
, co.-d d I tin
h . , . , e ii th C ,,
i. page .
will i to ; ;. . i.
c . , i, . do In . , to the
i. b doer on .
lying and bi I . ii county
of North Carol
and in the town Greenville, bounded
described as One
lot at the corner of Evans
and l and
thence with western i Evans
street, a direction, f
to the corner of
thence with the northern line of
happiness, Was called on to a westerly
ii thence a . i,
form a double ceremony in the ,,,.
of the register of deeds with the n. line of 14th
and returned.
Mr. and lira. B. Will ugh-
went to Farmville Saturday
and returned.
Misses May aid Agnes
Smith went to Farmville Sunday
to attend church.
We learn Mrs. Miry
Tyson, widow of Seth Tyson, j away by leaf
who died some years ago. died ribbon is I the teeth
. . rapped at
Sunday about . ,. ,, r.
o'clock was buried Monday; .,,,, ., ,,,.,, . , . ,., preying
the food ti I upper
of the mouth thus cut-
clean in,
The shell of a horny
covering i protect him
of Farmville,
came over Thursday, and has;
been visiting since in our neigh, j
and went to
Smith went to
M i day.
, store.
Justice of the Peace H. Hard-
who quite a reputation
as a dispenser of matrimonial
lied on to
the I
, o . an east direction. feet to
Monday afternoon. He joined acre.
both the couples, who were less. One o lot beginning
, . ,. , ; at corner of
in his usual good style, in i,. with
the presence a few interested the line street a
witnesses. When the
southerly feet to he
corner of and 15th streets;
Id the two grooms they thence with northern line of 16th
, . . i-i 1611-2
their brideS, B
OS it was a honored custom parallel with line, feet to
, . I street, thence wit.
to seal all . westerly direction,
kiss, there were grins feet to the beginning, contain-
their faces with nothing doing on;
their part. An old woman pres- cash.
16th day N
M as M Cobb, cf
returned home Monday morning
;.;. Smith, went to
ville Monday on business.
and Miss
a teacher
i school house, and Miss j
s Smith went to
of Mrs. Mary Tyson
Monday evening.
Miss May Brooks and Miss
Mary Joyner, teachers at Smith's
school house, request me to say
to the public that they have
changed the time the bazaar
at Smith's school house from
Friday night 20th, to Thursday
against his t .
are live a
life awl need no
all. The is
lime ii ti on
. . . . i
are on oil which pro-
i lime
All take notice and
l night, 19th.
We of your friend
help as in
rend US some money, if yon
article f your own making.
We'll thank yon sincerely for little or
you feel y u can willingly give
mi re
to Rive
they buy Buggy business re know you'll remember this oft
and we would advise
that you place your orders early.
A full line of best mattresses
just in. A. W. ft Co.
The sunshine is not no
now but showers will be
coming. Get you one of those
new umbrellas just in at
Barber Co.
Go and look at that pretty dis-
play of and gents fine
shoes and hosiery at A. W. Ange
and Co. They are selling them
too. Prices talk.
One of the prettiest lines of
crockery ever displayed in Win-
at Harrington Barber
and Co.
Bona blankets and
a specialty A. C. Co.
ant, the mot her of the two brides
who had come along to see the
performance well done, said
kin do and forthwith
proceeded to osculate the whole
much to amuse-
of the spectators.
C. Arthur Mortgagee.
Blow, HI
For year 1909, the Joel Tyson
farm, miles we.-i of Greenville.
Contains acres cleared,
room dwelling house, to-
house and four barns.
Good land for growing any crop
distressing disease results from Apple to Mrs. Louisa
a disordered condition of the ltd
and be cured by taking
Iain's awl Tablet, .
,. free sample at Jno. h Wooten's and Ran Away.
Coward drug stores and
try it.
J. S. has opened an
Seen Years of Proof.
I have had seven years proof
that Dr. New is
l-l medic to take for
and olds for every diseased
condition of throat, or . , , ,.
says W. V. Henry, of Panama, Mo. agency here for the New
and Wheeler Wilson sewing
Is the beat remedy s and cold-, snow
la grip, e, ma hay fever, j on Street.
hemorrhage of the lungs, awl the early
of Its timely use
the development of
pneumonia. Sold under guarantee
drug store. Be add
Trial free.
The ton of E. P. ago
scar on left cheek. feet,
inches tall, weight suit
of clothes, has blue overalls,
John, left home. Sunday
night. Shelter forbidden under
of law. Informant of
him will get E. P. he
N. C, R F. D.
H Not by tho
Hams u Bear
In i i . by
i. the story
the or execs-
lion which was named for r.
tin in the days of the
la Ba u truth
In the story, so long says.
that the genial old Invented
the which was named for
and iv of u be la said to
have I, life shortly after Us
la keeping with the
time, proposed on Oct.
to, that all
of birth or be dealt
with alike by law, and six months
later proposed la the
that convicted ho
beheaded by means of a simple
The of he and
no one else had any Idea at that
was spoken of as the
by of UM day, and
phrase was used to make its pro-
poser when a nut-
china anally was adopted the of
the time named it guillotine. The gov
evidently val-
of the suggest. asked one An-
Louis, a surgeon at
to devise a and utter
gave a similar order to a carpenter by
name Of million, who offered to
construe an tor
for This was consul
toe high a price, and the contract
was given i a German cabinetmaker
name of Schmidt, who
received for accepted
model in made
tor all the es, and In-
a for-
which he proceeded
In raft, Dr. who
had to do With the making
of a machine which bore ids name.
Oh, but, you I was in ; , practice Ha profession
quietly and In
until he died there on March 86.1814
Every traveler from on-
ward has descanted on the physical
cowardice of the Persians. But
there are mysteries about the valor
of Asiatics which no European his-
has yet set himself to solve.
It was currently said in early
that the
Egyptians wore cowards, yet under
AH they defeated Turkish
armies and fanatics and
would have overthrown the Turk-
empire if Europe had not inter-
There are
in Persian Nation.
Made All tho
asked me to be his wife
last she told her chum.
I'm so delighted, Gertrude.
And how did it
ho just asked me, and
laid, and then he just stood
up and folded his
He was no more inter-
Sprains, and lame are
relieved s
Nation M An over Co .- P -.-- . h. I- rids the
Do not forget that Seth Arnold's I O. V, . A.
d sale i.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Year
VOL. No.
Sara General Assembly be
in Against Large
Admit the principles of the A.
T- Co. have been wrong, it
has been legal until de-
otherwise and if this is
done, then let us as a people
hold out the laurel leaf and say
by calling the attention
to the situation, and ask them
to be on the lookout, and
keep an eye open to our
interest and the interest of our
state. I ask every farmer who
reads this article to study the
situation carefully ard see if I
am right and if so should I call
upon them, I want them to stand
by me and we see that our
North Carolina tobacco is cared
for in the future.
I might add that I nave
talked to the farmers on
and now we need int
. . am
to these men, boys you have done gent organization, as our trade
wrong, but we forgive you. now
come home, we need you to buy
these plants when sold and push
our North Carolina tobaccos.
We do need just such brains to
do business in our State arid hold
the supremacy of our goods.
Let these plants fall into the
hands of some sharper and let
is in such shape that it is
to say how much North Caro-
tobacco do you need and we
can make a deal to Bell mil
lion pounds or even more at
stipulated prices per grades. It
is not impossible, and we must
stand together Not half of our
state raises tobacco, so it is the
the brands of these factories j our tobacco belt to look
begin to be lowered and doctored for tobacco
to gain a few quick millions for
other people, and just so soon
You will hear some people
making criticism and saying that
you would see our goods begin nae out to the trust.
to depreciate and too soon we just tell them that Hutch-
might be supplying practically knows the situation and
local trade, then would be-
come of North Carolina to-
In days before the trusts buy-
used to ring on sales. Just
now the Japanese business is
practically a ring by a
ion of markets to interested
parties. This class of buying is
a to which the
has always been subject.
So let us not be so ready to
stone these people, nut act with
judgment and the
heritage of North Carolinians.
Let us as a people take our
guidance the greatest lesson that
was ever handed to man-
kind, that of charity. The
Book says, speaking of the many ,
virtues, greatest of these
I have trust
principles, they made a mistake
in lowering prices several years.
Along about 1908 the farmers will treat you right
d been paid more for
has it for years, has
always been conservative and
has faithfully served the farmers
and on the lookout for the to-
interest, and now sees a
danger ahead and has not con-
a human being or
no on earth and is simply
giving utterance in regard to
facts that concern every tobacco
farmer in North Carolina and is
urging consideration,
and proper guidance in
dealing with one of the greatest
industries in our State, from his
own standpoint and own per-
opinion, and stands ready
to co-operate with the tobacco
farmers and battle every inch of
ground in of this
n. c-
the consumer should
have paid more shared in
making dividend money. If this
had been done night riders would
never have been in existence.
But the last several crops have
sold well and as a rule farmers
have been pleased.
Casting aside the trust
as an leaving it to our
national government, the fact
turns up boldly that our North
Carolina tobaccos have been
placed in a high standing
before the world; and I
believe with these three plants
behind our North Carolina to-
we are in better shape
than any other tobacco raising
State in the union.
think such men as have done
so much for North Carolina to-
should be honored rather
than kicked out of our State.
They have gone forth and con-
the world in the tobacco
war the old North State has
come out on top. Then I am
ready t give them credit for it,
and if I am the only friend they
have in North Carolina they
have lam ready to ex-
tend a hand and say
come, h
Every factory that has been
bought I as been used in a great
measure to enhance value of
North Carolina tobaccos, then
let us this advantage. There
is much ore could be said
to out the facts, but I
think the mere allusions will give
an insight into the situation
to . that we should be
careful in our And
T am g to this article
Strikes White Mas a
Saturday sight there was some
trouble at Stokes between a
white man named Bullock and
a named Mai Brown.
After some words between them
turned away and went
in a store. The Brown
got an and waited outside
the store for to come out.
While Brown was waiting an-
other white man named Dave
Whitehurst came out of the
store, and the mistaking
him for Bullock slipped up be-
hind Whitehurst and him
a murderous blow on the head
with the Brown was
caught during the night and
here and placed in jail.
Mr. Whitehurst is reported in a
critical condition with only slight
chances of his
will treat you
Small Fire.
About 10.30 o'clock Sunday
morning a small fire occurred at
No. Front street. The build-
which was owned by Charles
Patrick and occupied by Charles
Williams, both colored, had
inside under the
tin roof, and supposed to have
started from a stove in the
in. The hose reel from the
near the court house was
hurried to the scene and the fire
was put out in short order. Only
., little was done to the
Suggestions How to Advertise the City
Greenville. N. C, Nov.
While business men in this
community are talking about par-
post laws, improving and
advertising the city, I would like
to have a or two through the
columns of your paper.
Monday night at the meeting
of the Chamber of Commerce,
after the election and installation
of officers for the coming year,
etc., a very important matter
was brought up-a matter that
every public spirited citizen in
the community should take an
interest the town.
All of us know the good to be
derived from advertising, rut
how to advertise is the question
that confronts most of us.
Some people sail in and blind-
and getting poor results sour
on the method of publicity used.
Having observed a great deal
along this line and hearing the
suggestions made at the mo-ting
leads me to offer my on the
subject, thinking p they
will be of benefit to the
city and the progress
of which am very much inter-
I think advertising in the
local newspaper, together with
other which will men-
the very best. The local
paper reflects what the
really is, and as a man is
sized up by bis face so is a town
Bleed up by the thrift displayed
by its business men through the
advertising columns of local
newspaper. Good, bad or
the newspaper the
town have given your
the right and unless the
business men advertise in
help make something cf their
local paper It will show their
lack of interest in one of the
most vital factors of the com-
and going out into the
world the will counteract
any other advertising they may
do. Every merchant and
man of whatever calling
should have a good, snappy ad, no
matter how small, in the paper.
It will help him immensely and
will greatly help the community.
Then the Chamber of Com-
or Board of Aldermen
should take a large space from
time to time, set forth the ad-
vantages and needs of the town
and community, keeping on hand
a number of the papers contain-
the ad to send to inquirers,
leaving the special editions of
papers in neighboring towns
alone, for they will never realize
one iota of good from them.
The combined ads in the local
paper, showing that all their
needs can be supplied, may lead
dozens of new families to move
to the town.
The suggestion to issue a book-
let is a good one. A nice one,
gotten up in good style, setting
forth the advantages and
giving a short sketch of the town,
will accomplish a great deal by
being sent out to inquirers.
After the above has been done
I would suggest, to get in-
that they take a space
in the Sunday edition of some
northern or western newspaper
or a widely read magazine from
time to time, telling what they
have to offer. Then as the an-
come send the local paper
and booklet.
In the meantime the mer-
chants and other business men
of the town and community will
getting direct results. The
results of such advertising are
Cats His Throat With a Razor and is
Found Dead,
dry. N. A.
D. Hunter, a Baptist minister,
committed suicide at his home
here this morning by cutting his
throat with a razor. Rev. Hunter
has been depressed for several
weeks, due to financial troubles
and no other reason can be given
for his act. He was in Mr.
store this morning settling
with a tenant and requested Mr.
Jones to straighten his accounts
out as he was in trouble and
could not. About o'clock Mr.
and Mrs. Hunter were walking
in the back yard of their home
together. Mrs. Hunter went
over to a neighbor's next door,
Mrs. and Mr. Hunter
went into the At
he was missed and a search
was made The cook, an old
woman, found him lying on his
back in th with his
throat cut, the razor still clutch-
ed in his right hand.
Mr. Hunter returned from one
his churches yesterday even-
and family noticed last
night and this morning that he
was in trouble, yet not a word of
reason did he leave. Mr. Hun-
has been married three times
and leaves one daughter by his
first wife. Miss Elsie Hunter;
three boys and one daughter by
his second, and two small child-
by his present wife, who was
Miss of Mr.
Hunter was a candidate in the
late primary treasurer of
Wake county-
In his r Hon. J. Y.
Joyner, State superintendent of
education, following in
formation in regard to s
justice to the and
i me o.- the information f some of
has been appointed to our people who have been misled
take the matter and thinking that a large part
receive offers from the t white
that want to put in bids for the i; ; apart for
Greenville might get active in
Greenville Should Bid
The grand lodge Knights of
Pythias of North Carolina have
decided to establish an orphan-
age at some t
in the State, and a corn-
the education of the it
may be at the outset to give
this direction. The are; a he facts in
strong here, we have one of the apportionment of
best and healthiest towns in sch fund . . .
State, and it would bean ideal The i-r.
location for the orphanage. distribution of th
w , i i , I I
people should get busy and Put
in a bid for it. What is
must be done quickly, as bids
will Feb. 15th, 1909.
Our line is complete
and we are prepared to fill orders
immediately for any kind of hat.
tad alley Bowen-
Demonstration Meetings.
C. R Hudson, of the govern-1
agricultural department.
Will meet with the
th it in
fund no
II i m ids in
r race. This re-
1905 the
l ding
i 226.976
age, The
port I
I i
district., rec i
salaries and
children of
I whiter,
I a for
age The
th r constitute
about population
and an
Pitt county the following name ii-poses as the
times and places for whites of 1-. Lie-fifth of
farm demonstration work, . report
curing the co-operation of that . . paid for
farmers in this rural school their
Farmville, Monday, 7th, property
early Mr. Hunter
was pastor of Memorial Baptist
church in Greenville for some
years, and is well remembered
by many of our people.
will treat you
8th, at
Daughters of Confederacy Proposed to
Erect a for These.
The North Carolina Daughters
of the Confederacy have in view
an enterprise which is to provide
a home for the wives and widows j
of the heroes once wore the
who have need of
An officer of the State
has written to Dr. B. F.
Dixon, the State auditor, in
to this enterprise, which
was given a start at the recent
meeting of the Daughters of the
Confederacy in Goldsboro.
The purpose of the Daughters
of the Confederacy is to raise
such a as to make it possible
to erect on the grounds of the
Confederate Soldiers Home at
Raleigh, a building that will be a
home for the aged wives and
widows of Confederate soldiers.
Dr. Dixon is greatly pleased
with the purpose to do this and
hopes that it may be carried for-
ward to success. He says that
he heartily endorses the plan,
and that he thinks a good work
will be done, that many of the
noble women who suffered and
kept the home during the war
are now in needy circumstances,
and that they should be cared for.
The entire State would endorse so
noble a work as that which is
proposed to be undertaken by the
Daughters of the Confederacy.
Raleigh News and Observer.
at a. m.
Falkland. Monday,
at p. m.
Ayden, Tuesday, D
a. m.
Winterville, Tuesday,
8th. at p. m.
9th, at a m.
Stokes, Wednesday, Dec.
at p.
All farmers convenient to these
places are invited to be present
and take part in these meetings,
as this demonstration Work is for
their benefit. J. F. Evans,
Agent for Pitt County
that they rec-.-i
purpose. Add to
share liquor
half of all
tor school
their just
uses and
forfeit ires
of which
their .-bur-
tax paid by
which they
of reason
that it y
man ever f w
for I'll i-
is so ;
really pay. and
it wist be apparent
part of the taxes
. . mount
., who
about ashamed of
, x In f- of these
Over or uppers in black j .,,. man
fur or men s wear
low shoes, at Pulley Bowen's.
Wholesale Charily is Dispensed.
Approximately, four-fifths of
a million people are fed in New
York City on day.
Baskets are sent to one hundred
thousand homes; meals in public
halls and missions amount to
three hundred thousand dollars,
and thirty-five thousand poor are
fed, besides those in the free
wards of the hospitals, in
asylums, reformatories, jails,
penitentiaries and institutions of
all kinds. The Salvation Army
supplies twenty thousand baskets
on this day, besides the dinner
they give annually to five thous-
and poor in the Grand Central
Palace, and Uncle Sam through
the public charities, is host to
fourteen thousand
December Designer.
must see that v. e i r i in no
of giving the more
than they are entitled to by
every dictate of justice, wisdom,
humanity and
We are a strong
of cloaks and wraps.
Pulley Bowen
We are offering our entire line
of and children's clothing
at cost, as we will discontinue
this line. Bowen.
See our line of bed room slip-
for ladies and children, at
Pulley Bowen's.
Fire at Jamesville.
Williamston. N. C. Nov. 24-
Twenty frame buildings were
destroyed by fire at Jamesville
early Sunday morning. The loss
is at Many of
the buildings were insured.
The origin of the fire is unknown.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
has issued following licenses
since last report.
Z. V. Whitehurst and
W. T, Swindell and Bertha
James Evans and Willie Ann
Jesse Mitchell and Malvina
J. EL Tyson and Ann E. Joy-
Charlie Jenkins and Julia Pitt-
Joseph Banks and Daisie
will treat yen
When in need of shoes be sure
to see our line before buying.
Fresh Pork Sausage at S.
Daniel Joyner Shep-
Just received a new line of furs
at Pulley Bowen's.
A line of tan shoes
ladies at Pulley Bowen's.
Infant's and
specialty at Pulley iV
i a
I will treat you
V ;

Eastern reflector, 20 November 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 20, 1908
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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