Eastern reflector, 13 November 1908

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I In Charge of F. C. NYE
I Authorized Agent of Eastern Reflector Winterville and Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application
drugs in.
Barber Co.
Dr. B. T. Cox was with the
Other Candidates at Stokes yes-
Ho reported a large
number present to hoar the
A lot of i alt, in.
ton, Berber Co.
Rev. J. B. Newton, of Ft
Barnwell. Monday with
his who is in school.
K was i his way to the
ran As
time to have your painting done.
We have the best, with large as-
of colors.
A. W. Co.
Winterville and four miles from
Ayden. For terms apply to E.
J. Winterville, N. C.
Our immense fall and winter
of dry shoes, no-
clothing, hardware and
Oar Farmer. Should be Glad to Get
the Benefits of This Work.
Mr. C. R. special
agent of the United States de-
of agriculture, was
here Monday making arrange-
to have established about
seventy-five demonstration farms
See A. Ange i Co. for best
bagging ard ties at lowest, prices.
cream at Johnson's
every day.
A. G Cox gave the dormitory
i a t . Sunday afternoon
by b load
Out to the Ellis school house The sunshine is not so
gun lay m Mr. Cox always j now but the showers will be
kn to make the students Get you one of those
new umbrellas just in at
crockery is coming in every day. I,., COunty.
Give us a call. We are prepared The this work is
a first class article the farmers of the
i county practical object lessons
Harrington. Barber Co. inc best methods of
For good second producing such standard crops
hand buggy cheap. coin and cotton, and to induce
C. T. Cox, Winterville, N. C.; farmers to use the same methods
We are running a first j a few acres on their
market now at the Cooper store, i various farms. The farmer can
of Give us a call- Button.; compare results and decide
for himself as to the value of
methods that are being
The average format can,
elves. new umbrellas just in at better farming if
Re have just received t Barter Co. j property approached and shown
best flour actual experience
W. A. Forbes, who as-1 Harrington, Barber G
in the
system, and produces
Dyspepsia, Costiveness,
Sallow Skin and Piles.
There l no better
common diseases than D
LIVER PILLS, a a trial
Take No Substitute.
Reported for
Friday evening Mr. and Mrs.
C. D. Tunstall entertained at a
party in honor of
Miss Mamie Ruth Tunstall and
about fifty of her friends.
A ghost met the guests at the
door and ushered them into the
hall where fruit punch was
The house was decorated with
autumn leaves, golden rod, red
draperies and bats and cats cut
from black crops paper. Jack
James S Sherman Exposed in Big Land
W. E. Gonzales, editor of the
Columbia State, wired his paper
from New York last night as
York, Oct.
World the sensation of
the campaign this morning when
it devoted two and a half pages
to exposing the connect-on of
James S. Sherman, Republican
vice-presidential candidate, with
a land company that proposed to
secure a great block of public
and from New Mexico ac to
per cent, of its value. The con
first planned to buy
Ripe Strawberries Mat are Cotton
Believed Cotton Can be Raised.
The in the race
for the to be given the
producer of freaks of nature in
the agricultural or horticultural
line are coming with a rush as
election day approaches, and
some signs indicate that they
are likely to get as many
votes as Dr. E. B. Glenn,
Dr. J. A. and others
who made a great showing at
the .
Yesterday W. C- Daves, of
Dick's Creek, and J. T.
son, of Asheville, to the
front with a rush. Mr. Daves
acres by means of brought to The Citizen office
applications for acres each, several strawberry plants from
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
Workers in a Milwaukee brewery-
were the dummies.
bid place on Dick's Creek in
tan n.-hip, which show-
the promoters became ad blooms and rips fruit. It
alarmed and decided to get frostbitten berries either,
to sell
New Mexico
. . . .
preached s
i i
f m lungs
The Pitt C
School Desk are
afternoon. He
here. The meet-;
that better
methods give better results.
demonstration farms
. j. . larger
t . . . ill
r p per acre.
and candles in potato I blocks. Sherman, general
candle sticks furnished light. for the land company,
Fortune-tolling by a land introduced the bin. ft pees
. . at ; u its
it. Tl ere is Letter and
more desk on
market. th-
cosed Co.,
net t N-C . ; i the masses
l openly, yet v. feel Go and low at that pretty dis-1 now o- Lite Li all j
there some good
i o prove that
t the
u and the
bobbing for apples and g
i he toil on the black cat
some of the amusements.
Miss Forbes won t
. a rose candlestick, for
pinning the tail on the cat.
M fruits, cream and
ed the house and was only held
up in the Senate by one objector,
Patterson of Colorado.
of .--.- and gems u
. hoes and hosiery at. A. W. Ange, -n
r bu are f
you want a
d. i .- .-.-
Co. I v
Li e
b dona for
. ad, it
i ween eleven and twelve
said and all ex-
themselves as having
spent a most delightful evening.
A Healthy Family.
A whole family has good
Hi v began r. King's
. p,
A of Rural Routs
Would Mortgage the Farm.
A . e
Ca., W. A. I i. yd by name,
s Salve cured the Vt
v r one on ,
It is more than Wei. by have none.
big red, ripe luscious
as in June that they are not
entirely is shown by the
fact that Mr. Daves brought in
five quarts of them, which found
a ready sale at cents a quart.
Further than this he has been
bringing in ripe berries all this
month. does not think that
his plant are
those of his
not bearing, although
something is strange that one
patch have berries while
. ill . c
i .-. .- for the
f tame
I ; fr r i ma
s j. v h she I
i. c;.,
. i-1 .
r .
ha .
i .,. w.
position to how
their Tar how
Carts, box bodies and Tumbling
bodies. Prices made right. Call
see th m. mi
Harrington, Barber Co. i;.; .
builders do well to
. the
; . I
i e re
. . . Mr.
, t
; v.
. I
v i I in
i .
i u I
t. . .-. i
Prompt attention given
all orders.
The candidates
were It is re-
ported that T. King was the
principal r. could
not he present
We are headquarter for good see A w. for
horse blankets. and before v
A. G. Cox Co
T. H. filled his reg-
appointment at Goldsboro
and returned home Mon-
always have a nice line of
fresh groceries on hand.
Barber Co.
F. A. Edmundson attended
a wedding at Wilson last Thurs-
day and returned home Friday.
the Hunsucker bug-
are still going. Call to see
our nice stock of runabouts be-
fore buy. Prices are inter-
We are carrying a nice line of
i., their
acres of Corn
and lone
y that doc
, Ayden
y I ave been
., months
. c
bf have
,. to these
in I would not he without ii i
had the farm to get
Only Jno. i . Store,
S Offered for
Mr. G. D. Ellsworth,
of the depart-
of the government, arrived
here to day to inspect the site
offered the government th
location of a public building in
At the last
of Congress an appropriation
of was made to purchase
a site here, and in response to
advertisement several sites were
offered. While here Mr. Ells-
worth will carefully inspect all
of the sites offered and make
. ilia
morning the, his recommendation to the gov
i,. i,. .
Kill Ct
ac. at
corner, and the
gathered around
as to which location is
most suitable for the building.
In the event none are found
acres of cotton tin good music. satisfactory he will solicit and
to devote to the receive other proposals. Mr.
it be
tut meet-
Mr. brought several
boils cotton fully blown,
L which he raised
on his In West Asheville,
three miles from the city. The
cotton is of large boll kind
the producing it grew
i i rich soil. Mr. be-
that cotton can be grown
in mis profitably, and
next season may make ex
The fact that cotton
has not been grown here did not
i. mean anything, he
said, and he instanced the fact
that some year ago people
thought wheat could not be
grown in Henderson county but
experiment; showed that it could
be and later much wheat was
Buncombe takes to
raising cotton and
strawberries almost up to No
said a citizen,
are going b be the
ville Citizen.
tho method at
Bret Laxative Syrup always
quick colds.
d all
Ellsworth will be at the Hotel
Bertha today and tomorrow
and Caskets. Prices are
right and can nice hearse
service. A. G, Cox Mfg. Co.
Chickens and eggs a specialty.
Come and get the best prices.
Harrington, Barber Co.
We have opened a large
line of enamel ware. Come
and at pick.
the Tar Heel
wagons made by the
A. G. Co.
C. For
they cannot be
ex felled.
An in of a good and
up-to-date buggy will do well to
see at the A. G.
Cox Co. before
they Buggy business is
and we would advise
that place your orders early.
A Bill line of best mattresses
just A. W. Ange It Co.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
has issued the following licenses
since last report.
George A. Jones and Myrtie
Lee Gardner.
Henry Nichols and Stella
Joyner and
Washington Mayo and Louisa
James Bryant and Ids Lee-
first This U ail lo take, i y cold by Jno.
for the fa. mar of Pitt L- .
to . -of-, v expense. m b
the methods known to the; . .
farming world, These methods, Rev J. N F ; . who
did not originate at once served
but all the methods already in
Pleasant; possibly and will be
use by the most successful far-
in the South.
The civilization of a country,
as a whole, can rise no higher
the Presbyterian
church here, was recently in-
stated as pastor of the
church in New Bern. We
understand that Dr. Summerel
will again devote one Sunday in
each month to the Greenville
than the earning capacity of the I church, and this gives pleasure
farmer to support that to our people,
This work is designed to
If you are a sufferer from Man
Zan Pile will bring with
the application. Guaranteed
Price by Jno. L. Wooten,
Satisfied Policy Holder.
Williamston, N. C, Oct.
H. Bentley Harris,
Greenville, N. C.
I beg to acknowledge receipt
from you this date of dividend
statements on three policies I
hold in The Mutual Life of Mew
York, amounting to or
on each policy. My
band, the late John D. Biggs,
carried insurance in this com-
and all our transactions
have been satisfactory.
Fannie L. Biggs.
increase his earning capacity
without increasing his cost of
production. The records kept of
the work for five years show con-
that the objects are
being accomplished.
This work was started in eight
counties in the Piedmont section
of the State last fall. It will he
extended to eight more
this season, including Pitt.
The son of E. P. age
scar on left cheek. feet,
inches tall, weight gray suit
of clothes, has blue overalls,
name John, left home Sunday
night. Shelter forbidden under
penalty of law. Informant of
him will get E. P.
Bethel, N. C, R F. D.
glad to talk with any citizen re
this matter of such vital
importance to Greenville.
To afflicted with kidney and
bladder trouble, backache,
for the s brings relief
in the first dote. Hundreds of people
today testify to their remarkable heal
and tonic properties.
They purify the blood,
by Jno. L. Wooten, druggist.
Experienced found
gm i Lore lit by with a
U Hi I It. .-IT r. BALSAM.
It Impure water
of e War-
J L.
For Fine
D. D. Haskett.
male calf see
Chapped skin on the hall
or face may be cured in one by
applying Chamberlain's Salve. a
also for s re nipples, burns
and For sale by Jno L.
ten and Coward Wooten. ,
Bank of Winterville.
In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business July 15th. 191-8.
Prompt treatment cf a slight attack
of will prevent a
sickness. known Rem-
an is Dr Arnold's
Yo I apothecary, Jno. L. Wooten,
warrants it to give
Rings Little Liver fills for bilious-
sick-headache. They keep
well. Try Sol I fat.
Our Mr. W. H. Daniels is now
in Greenville. Mr. Daniels is
one of our factory tuners ard
can give your piano a through
overhauling. We guarantee his
work or will refund your money.
If piano needs attention
apply to Chas. M. or G. G.
box Greenville. Do
not phone but write your order.
Pigs-1 have for sale a few
thoroughbred pigs at
five dollars each. H. S. Tyson.
Farmville. N. C.
I have I pa mule year
Mock color, three white
low knees, unmarked, looks to be about
two years old. get
by proving proving property and paying
Loans discounts 13,88.46
Furniture and
Due from Banks
Bunkers 1,178.89
Cash 80.80
Coin 886.00
Silver coin including
minor coin currency
National hunk notes
other IT. S. notes
Capital stork
Surplus funk
Undivided less
current expenses and
Bills payable
Time certificates
subject to check
Cashiers cheeks out-
, . ii-.
5,000.00 .
y pr
R F. D. No.
, U C.
State of North Carolina, County of
I, J. L. of the above-named bank, do
that the above statement i. true to the best of
and sworn to before
this day of July.
James R. Johnson,
J F Harrington,
I GE Lineberry
W B Wingate,
CO., U. S. i
They Have Session
The Board of Aldermen met in
regular session Thurs-
day night with the members
present, and the meeting was
prolonged until midnight Owing
to the amount of bust new before
R. O. appeared before
the board in regard to having the
street improved leading from
Dickinson factory
of the Imperial Tobacco Con-
the matter was refer-
red to the street committee
E. H. Evans appeared with a
request the board aid Hope
Fire company in the purchase of
a fire In wagon. A c
was appointed to confer with
Hope Fire in regard to
the matter and also as to the
receipts from the recent carnival.
D R. King granted per-
mission to run a delivery
for the sale of bread and cakes.
G- E. Harris appeared in re-
to repairing Short street
leading to the wharf, and this
was referred to the street com-
The finance committee report-
ed that reports of officers and
bills for the past month had been
examined and were found correct.
The building committee re-
ported that they had conferred
with the finance committee and
concurred with the latter in the
matter of erecting a municipal
building on the property belong-
to the town en Fifth street.
Advertisement will be made at
an early day for bids to erect the
The mayor and clerk were
to execute three notes
in favor of the Austin Machinery
company, payable in one, two
and three years, in for
the street sweeper purchased by
the town.
The market committee reported
that front stall in the market
house was vacant.
A communication from W. H.
others asking that a
street be opened from
to in
West Greenville, was referred to
the committee.
A communication was read
from the water and light com-
mission in regard to extending
the water main from the corner
of Evans street on Twelfth street
to the corner of
street and then on Washington
to the corner of Eleventh
two fire hydrants to be
placed on the extended line.
This was referred to the water
and light committee.
The salaries of the police
officers were increased to the
same figures as last year, chief
per month, assistants and
night police to per month.
The mayor was instructed to
draft an in regard to
surface privies, to spitting on
paved sidewalk, and to have
owners of abutting property to
sweep paved sidewalks on Evans
each Saturday night so they will
present a cleanly appearance on
The proposition of R. T. Evans
to sell the town his lot and build-
used as a photograph gallery
on Dickinson avenue for so
that a sidewalk could be opened
there was accepted; also the
proposition of E. B. Higgs to
give the town for re-
of the lot and building
after the town has -token off
for the sidewalk. This leaves a
net cost to the town of for
the property for opening the
chief of police was
Total, Shown by the Return, of I- the of Drink Follow Republican. Get Three North Carolina
Ar- the i f the death
The official returns of Pitt
county show the following total
vote for the different
For president, Bryan electors
Taft electors
For governor, Kitchin
For congress, Small
Meek ins
For solicitor,
no opposition.
For senator Blow Moore
For representatives, Cotten
Cox Fletcher
For White
For register of deeds,
For surveyor. Jenkins,
no opposition.
For coroner, Laughinghouse
For Sheriff, Tucker
For county Cox
May Lang
King Barnhill Keel
Smith Moore
These figures show that
lead the Republican ticket nearly
a hundred votes. There is not
a township in the county that
gave the Republican ticket a
majority. Shortly The Reflector
will print a table showing the
vote of the county by townships.
will treat you
Countless Miseries.
If I had the power to this
country the one thing that I think
it truly needs next to the
Congressmen. tel
was known early Durham. N. C, Nov.
bad I Laws, a was arrested
of Ola Forbes was arm it
sent a shock of surprise to his
been defeated by Laws. was .,
in the eighth district, I morning about eight o clock ,
. . .
religion Of Jesus v charge
which in my judgment would
be mos; conducive to the
trial education and moral up-
building of the nation. I
unhesitatingly give it a strong
temperance law, and
the Republicans also carried the
fifth ard tenth districts.
Asheville, N. C. Nov.
G. Grant, of Henderson county,
has been elected to the National
of the United States
, j
it., enforcement by the from the tenth Norm Carolina
proper says R. B Glenn,
Governor of North Carolina, in
a symposium, I Wire a
National to the
I here all the wrongs
and iniquities of the tariff, and
all the robberies, and
greed of monopoly, do not carried t
pare with the sorrow, the ruin, The
n per-
ago he
.- . i with t no
. i be his
. battling five
reeks Anally
a colored Williams,
last near the
Lyon Park, where the is
on. The story told in the fell peacefully
this morning was such
Mayor Graham excluded ever;
district by a majority of
The official from all th-
counties in the district
with the exception of Clay, have
been received at Republican
headquarters here.
and estimating Clay for Craw-
i ford by a majority of which
the Democrats claim, Mr- Grant
district by
surprise to the
. Democrat- was the
the misery, he c. the .
the madness, vice, the, by
degradation, the death and dam-
nation produced by strong drink, j bad been fig-
It destroys home life; breaks the Siring on for Grant,
takes the off backs was first , Macon had
Crawford, although
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. s
has issued the following licenses
since la-t
E. B.
T. C. Hughes and Lila E.
J H. Harris and Lula Craw-
J. J. Turnage and Lennie
John Cherry and Maggie Lee
Jacob Button and Mary J.
William Moore and Susie Shep-
Anderson Dixon and Harriet
of little children and substitutes
rags; degrades manhood;
lewd women out of
stifles ambition, de-
hope, weakens the
blights the mind, blackens the
soul, until it turns this
made for man's happiness
use. into a hell for his ruin
In the interest, therefore, of
business; for the protection of
helpless women and children,
for th I suppression of crime; the
amelioration of want and
gone for
Che Republican booted the id -a.
Macon Grant majority.
foil badly in her
Democrat majority, while Bun-
went back on Crawford
Greensboro, N. C. Nov.
returns from all counties in
district show that
defeated Brooks
by majority. The vote
Fifth district
Durham, Guilford. Gran-
ville, Total.
one the room with the x
caption the defendant, wit-
officers and newspaper
men. That the story.
was such that it has M
not printed.
At the last minute the prison-
asked that he be allowed a
witness who was not present and
the mayor tinned u.-t
until tomorrow. The
oner was committed under bond
I the
witness were cum
in default of
bonds of each. All three
are it; jail and the case will
resumed tomorrow morning.
There i-. not much doubt but
the Will be sent over and
that he will have to face a jury
on th- life death
v, rake no more.
stood a; bedside of this
g man. who
was .-o in prime of
vigorous manhood and watched
, . j,. ; v fade, and
i. i a i that i is was
an I saw the
,. . row, m tender
, i y
. , ., to memory.
. ., . I
,. i j. y boyhood, and
abated each
;, u each other's
t for years
. our country
i, ,. . ,,. , school in
. lie Was a few
mom . ban I and he was
man led engaged tit--
Salaries State Officers.
The general assembly will
em .
Our i .
have i
I V.
, i .
th; prevention of Orange, Person, Stoke.
preservation of the salvation Alamance,
human souls, and for Hie sake
of more than eighty-six millions
of true, brave and noble
can men, women and children, I
would bestow gift of nation-
thus destroying a
fearful curse, and restoring man
to the godlike image in which he
was created. I would offer this
gift to the American people.
will treat you
will treat you
lived ; i
on We January
and the .
will appoint a day for the i
of Hon. W. W. Kitchin-
Bight years ago Gov. C
cock wee inducted Into office on
Wednesday. January four
years ago the inauguration was
on Wednesday, the 11th of Jan-
the legislature commencing
on the and it is probable
that Mr. will be ii ducted
into office on Wednesday, the
13th of January.
The legislature of 1907 i
Special Committee to Meet in Polishing the fee system , t,
the Legislature. in the state offices and placing n .; ,
and brings h
. is here a few
., married and
i tat y and as
, i life pass away a
.,;. i-me
i. . a big, noble
man, who d his
in loved by
most beautiful
I .-. . known was
p and children
. until this
death known no such be
.;, f
ii .
, .- child-
of his
. hi death
;, now
Juror, for December Court,
First week-R B Bynum, J M
Edwards, W B Harper, G R
Dixon, J T Hart, W L Brown
King Sutton, W A Cox, G L
Jackson, Joseph Lang, J M
J A Harrington, b A
Jenkins, WAG Gaskins, L H
J L Patrick, J A
L Williams.
Second T Skinner,
C S Forbes. P T Anthony, James
A Stokes, J E May, M M Stokes.
Harding, F D
Foxhall, W J Crisp, W C Mew-
born, Gray Moore, Jefferson,
A J Allen, Jacob
J R Highsmith.
Two Small Farms for Sale-
One acres, other acres,
as part of the land
owned by M. B. about
three miles from Greenville.
F. M. Wooten, Trustee.
for November
14th, 1908.
A. M.-Devotional
Rev- B. F. Huske.
A. of min-
A. and
its importance in our schools,
Supt. E. M. Rollins.
A. in the
fifth, sixth and seventh grades,
Miss Nannie E. Richardson.
A. M -High school Eng-
Supt. W. H. Cole.
A. Work and
Manner of Correction, Supt. H.
B. Smith.
A. Hon.
Jno. H. Small.
It will be seen that Hon. Jno.
H. Small will speak to the teach-
Saturday. This fact
with an interesting program
ought to insure the presence of
every teacher in the county. We
also cordially invite
to be present and hear Mr.
The Democratic State
Committee at its last meet-1
heM about the first of;
August, adopted a resolution
authorizing State Chairman A.
H. Eller to appoint a committee
of five, of which Mr. Eller shall
be chairman, tor the purpose of
revising the Democratic plan of
It is the purpose of State Chair-
man Eller to select for this
committee men well
versed in the Democratic party
law and custom, and who have
knowledge of all sections of the
State. He will announce the
committee at an early date.
The committee will meet in
Raleigh in January or February,
and map out the changes
may be deemed wise. Their
report will be submitted to the
executive committee, which will
be called to meet at such time
and place as may be deemed
salary basis. The law does
affect the governor's Light hearted, jolly playmate
which is but a separate boyhood and
act allows the chief executive donate friend,
annually for traveling ex-j
The act of 1907 fixed the
of state officers after Jan-
1909, as
Secretary of State
State treasurer
State auditor
Attorney general
Insurance commissioner
O. L Joyner.
will treat you
The Rev. M R. Hicks
For 1909, ready Nov.
best ever sent out, beautiful
covers in colors, fine portrait of
Prof. Hicks in all the old
features and several new ones in
Members each 3.000 book. The best
State bank examiner cal year book and the only one
The other elective officers are containing the ordinal
commissioner of agriculture, I Weather By mail
whose salary, fixed by the State on news I
board of agriculture is
and commissioner of labor and
copy free with Won and Works,
the best monthly in America.
to have restored the foundations
under that portion the stables
of E. B. on Fourth street
which had fallen out by reason
of work done by the town in cut-
ting down the sidewalk; and he
was also instructed to have the
plank sidewalk on Fourth street
that needs attention put in good
Poor Child
has stolen
my bird dog, on Friday night or
Saturday, Oct. A male setter,
white, black ears, the black does
not cover one eye, black spot on
one aide, brown spot over each
eye, ears brown underneath
answers to the name of Tony
A suitable reward for
to recovery. Notify J. R.
; i-ting, who receives Discounts on almanacs in
annually.-News and Observer, ties. Agents wanted. Word
Works Pub. Co., Locust
St. Louis, Mo. Every
New cotton seed meal and owes it to himself, to his
hulls, at F. V. follow and to Prof. to
Phone the
only reliable.
Greenville Fourth Place.
The Greenville market takes Bridge Order,
fourth place in the sales of j The Board of County
co for the month of October, here ordered that no per-
Winston, Wilson and son drive or ride across the river
Mount coming ahead in the order bridge here faster than a walk.
-When I grow up and marry, to recovery.
VI a husband Hutchings at Gum Warehouse.
ii i.
mother, will I have a husband
like asked Mary.
hope so, said mother.
if I don't marry, will I
be like Aunt
said Mary, as she
turned away a fix I'm
For four-horse farm,
one mile South of Greenville. It
is fine tobacco land and has three
tenant houses. For particulars
sec John W. Tucker.
d w
Best hay, corn and oats at F.
The order will go in effect on the
10th, and any person who
it may expect to pay the
penalty prescribed.
government re-
port of cotton ginned this season
up to Nov. 1st, was issued today
and places it at bales.
Seed rye and at F.
V. S S.
depot. -ltd
Sub be for The Reflector.
Xv V
av ,,
w . J

Department Stores
c of
a iI-E
Velvet, Over-
, . . V
waists, oats,
I , . . .
i Quilts, Com- ,,.
torts, Buttons. Jackets Draperies,
d , Lacs. Em- Shade
Oil cloth,
, ,,., . x I . S
North i
c i D. C. Moore. Clerk.
Na a T. tin r
j . Bi in and row .
B virtue of the judgment and decree
I of the k of the Superior C i
if In en it c u.--.
the Mi day f .
approved by o. th
-r court, i; judicial
i Ca i . i
Nana . Brown, pun d an for
n I I, I.
her attorney, J. I. HI
for -a. Mid soil an e
, .-.,. it. en the I
i . . ., Id
II i . . Mil
, m r S, .
rt of la. d in county,
Sp. o
r, . j
u i.
I n Whit . d i l
I lei . . d
. ;. .
. . a i
. . i . i a r. i
. thence north
a i .
I-.,, t P th
i II. . .;. . i . r .
I . -i .-
y J vi. Parry A Co. factor.-
1-1 95-16
l. Mb
7-S 15-16
-as. Cull.
Grade- i 1-4
y A
i Norfolk.
i .
i an.
Mar. H
Guarantee of Bank Deposits
is the conservative and faith-
management of the Bank.
Oct. Nov.
h -ten
. . ha
. i. .
. .-
;. V I.
II 3-4
c s . U i
Our surplus and prof.
I All of the above stands for
the protection eve y de-
. ;
. . .
S .
. . . . .
n .
in, A .
n t
. .
we a .-. to call
IS in to sec us.
drown Mid Helen
The of i
h av
t I
La J Sale
Arc the safest places to
for the United States laws, as j
well as most rigid govern-
supervision, make them
so. w w
This bank has been over two years,
which time it has served the public faithfully and
built up a large and prosperous business. The best service
is none to for both our town and country customers.
Our Stockholders and Directors are responsible, well-to-do bus-
Therefore in the selection of your bank, have permanency
in view and establish yourself for your present and future
being with a good sound bank.
The National Bank of Greenville
Stockholders liability
iv in r
will sell, s
at the
, n u
K a
ca h Re-
nib r ad
above date.
of Greenville,
hoods to
id are among
in Pitt
for you g
j life on
School will
and then
to it.
x While you
can he
my other
Carr, on
y. Norm
. court
N. C.
,, . , . .
. . .
. . , i land
I Den r in and
d as toil.,
or lying in
t v said
m at the
No. western
. Hue cl the A. L. Carr tract, and
north x
to said tract,
, I a pint; thence with the outside i
of said tract north
i chains to a stake; thence
i 1-2 west with south east x chains
the said road poles to near boundary line tO a
Richmond a i I k
of Pool i
i tin i a i i i y
Co lag of
Norfolk, Va. N
th, limit, d t. N
. th. i
For further . c.
P. T. M.
i her
, . I
. I
11-s with n- Ma
F. G. JAMES, J. P.
F. J. FORBES, Cashier.
Subscribe to The Daily Reflector.
more or
O . . .
a bridge on the ditch; thence north
1-2 east with the ditch poles;
thence north 1-2 west with the ditch
to the road; thence
with the Tarboro road north east
poles, to a ridge the road;
thane south 1-2 east poles to
the for. of the ditches aforesaid,
Randolph corner; thence south
west poles to the Tarboro road, the
beginning, containing 1-4 acres
Lot No Beginning at the bridge
in the Tarboro road, a corner of lot No.
and running north east
thence north 1-2 west poles;
thence north 1-4 west poles;
thence north f poles to
corner; thence a northerly
course with the back line of
Atkinson. Wilson and others and the
colored church lot, to the road leading
from the Whitehead fork to Parkers
X roads; thence with the road
leading to Parkers X r. ads North 751-2
east poles; thence with the said
road south 1-2 eat X poles to
the bridge across the road, the line of
Randolph Bros, thence down the said
ditch south 1-2 west poles with
the line of Randolph Brothers to the
f. of the ditch, Randolph bi others
corner; thence north 1-2 west
with the line of lot to the
on the Tarboro road, the be-
ginning, containing 1-2 acres
No. Beginning in the center
of the road leading to Parker a X
roads, opposite a gum, Ashley
corner, and running with said
rood south 1-2 east poles to a
bridge across the road, Randolph
thence with the ditch and Randolph's
line and the Adam Fleming land. North
1-2 2-3 poles to J. L. Woo-1
ten's fence; thence a north-westerly
course with Wooten's and Proctor's
line to a comer; thence with the
tor, and Tee line to a
sweet gum, the beginning, containing
by estimation acres or
These land offered for sale
in and parcels, as above set forth,
first, and then as a whole The terms
of a
UM . . v.
with said boundary line to a
stake; thence north east with
said boundary chains to a
stake, thence with the various
courses of the outside boundary
line of the said A. L. Carr tract
of land to Little
creek; thence down the various
courses of said creek to the dower
line of Mrs. Alice Harper and the
line of lot No. thence with the
said dower line and the line of
lot No to the fork of a ditch;
with the line of lot No.
to the beginning containing
acres, more or less; and being
the identical tract of land that
was assigned to C. S. Carr in the
division of. the lands of his
father, A. L. Carr, and known as
lot No. in the said division.
Reference is hereby made to the
record of division of lands book
No. pages 159.160, and of
the clerk of the Superior court's
office of Pitt county for a com-
description of said lot of
Also the life estate and dower
interest of Mrs. Alice Harper in
and to that small triangular
shaped piece of land embraced
within her dower upon lot No.
in the division of the lands of the
said A. L Carr, and
a portion of the land which
was allotted to R. L. Carr in the
I division of the lands of his f
A, L. Carr, containing twenty-
acre-, more or less.
The dower of the said Mrs. Alice
Harper covering the entire lands
of lot No. assigned to the said
C. S. Carr, and twenty-two acres
of the lands assigned to said R.
X,, n
Wholesale r
and De-n. i C
paid for Cotton
Oil Turkey, Bug-.
Bedstead, etc
Suit. Baby Go
Parlor suit Lounges.
Si-fps, P Ax
Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry George
Canned Cherries. Peach-
es, Apples, Apples, Syrup,
Jelly. Meat, Flour. Sugar, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Magic Food, Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Mel and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples,
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Glass and
Wooden ware. Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni. Best But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see me.
y your
lay, Oats
and Corn.
of V . B. He sell
you Feed and More for Less
Money than any man In town,
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls.
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Com, com Meal and all kinds of
Fresh Oysters
I fresh oysters every day,
and delivery anywhere
in town at cents a quart and
Phone your orders to Number
Market. J J
Mutual Life
1843. Assets over
Dr. Morrill
Office on Third Street Opposite Masonic
Temple, by Dr Bag-
well. M
Harvey's Cool and Wood
Yard will furnish you with
the best coal, all grades,
splint and soft coal,
hard anthracite, egg
stone and nut. We keep
dry wood and furnish de-
said A. L. Carr for a more par-
description of said twenty
two acres of said land embraced
in the description of lot No. in
the to satisfy said
mortgage deed.
Terms of sale-Cash, or on
reasonable deferred payments.
This Nov. 1908.
C. S. Carr, Mortgagee.
Skinner A Whedbee,
to The Reflector.
Dry Goods and Ladies Dress Goods.
I have purchased the interest of the
late B. E. Patrick in the firm of B. E.
Patrick Co., and will continue to
carry on a general dry goods business
at the same stand.
A ladles department with a special
of dress and trimming's has Men
added, Nellie Barnhill being In
charge of this department. The
Offers her services to the people of
Greenville and community
, N. C-
and Bryan Will set Snatched Valuable Papers From Ex-
K, v.- A robbery
towing l m
electoral .
. . j.
i-, .
North . . .
lean. .
The Ex Company
. . l-y in.
I farts fit
h s. c t . -1 boson,
., mot the Hi
em i a
I e
money in mid
of valuable it i
iv-r the door of office, i
is -i few yards
Fits Darer
. u. i it-
i line in
Ii N
. .
. . .
d .
shed, an u m n
e in
e i
. .
pi .
. i
the mm
. N aw-i
, I
o .
nun in
. . .
of o. ,
. u
coin., . i
the r us ti;
Ha., i
it. o v
. .
be. .
. iv
win m-t
; , x
Wei. . m . .
A. I. I
Votes, lie rt
in r j
Mr .- J
ant; I.
Mr. i. ;
con e With r i
Rot in
. . . r
., in
l, thinks it v.
. ii
i IlK
I p.
;, .
it. interest
Ii -ti r . wan
. ms urn
ii h.
. before
in ll
m c
by on hi way i
. v. and i
. I i-
f v
. .
I. i
. . .
,. -.-.
. hi
. Ail
,. ,
. . . i .
mil Ah ;
;. l. i.
For FARM Suites 2nd
Don't fail to see our
W carry a stock, i ill
pairs tor our Machines i
Tin e is
I bey s ; I
would also call you to
A . I
We carry the Ix-st
and ; i
mind ti i
a .
I. Ill
ii nit
you wish
j to see as we
I your v need.
if i In
. i
ii it
General is ;
the very beat r.
your older
. ma i
nm v
it a
What Satisfaction ant Ease Mind
,. . i .
i. . .
l bey .
. William
N. C
i Dear Si.-; ,
V., . a, i policy in the Casualty .
Janus was
about two weeks, , . , ., .
The check presented me to-day in
i v.; Cough
m i . .
, lib -I been
;, at i since
c i answer to Judge Adam
action for libel
n and Lester Butler.
a i i
you you will
known n i.; it.
that to cure. .
on Lester at
ii I Raleigh, this morning and
. d in at
i . a KIM LAM W
. i
am i rendered.
hike, fly I .--old b an.
i. t a,
also covering cost operation
. ,
similar . was served
M upon, acts on
expectoration, the
o i 1.1
,. a h I n.
many i. ti n
use u-i . yet t learn .
vase cold or i
grip having m
when r. in. was
that ii i ii
preventive that dangerous disease,
Oh Remedy con-
no or
may be confidently to a baby
us to for J.
Wooten and Coward Wooten.
. i
Sprains, and are
h .-
liniment reduces in-
so that n
mu. b cured in about .
the time required by th- treat.
mom. and certs sizes for -ale
J. I. Wooten
I J. L.
filled wit i
. burned
hay in th
in N
I General P. Iredell, j
a d J Brighton.,
passed through j
en the N, S. train m t-. i
, to Raleigh.
. has in North Ba-s
i -t-
. he .
The total
W. TI.-
j.; a. vi . I
feed at
Carolina, and his visit is
. V. . Iredell is a fa-
name in North Carolina
sod he may not find much
in relatives,
I daughter, Hiss Violet Iredell, is
. ,, la noted Ringer who has
ton Messenger.
, l and
eM Tools.
Was Conscience Stricken.
A remarkable case of
came to to light last week
when a man paid and inter-
est to the family of a man he had
defrauded. Six years ago a
Lexington citizen whose man
is omitted, sold to a man in Lin-
wood, now deceased, a piece of
real estate. The seller wanted
for it, and the buyer offered
even. That night the man
who owned the property concoct-
ed a scheme to get the He
told the purchaser next morning
that his wife wouldn't sign the
deed for less than and he
got that amount, although his
wife never was told a thing a-
it. Last week, six years
after, he went to the widow of
of the man, paid her the and
interest, saying he couldn't sleep
good with the thing on his mind
Organized lawlessness is today
the national shame of the United
States. It is a disgrace in the
eyes of the people of every other
country professes
We hold up our hands in
horror at an outrage in Russia
or a fanatical mob attack in a
foreign country, we bristle with
an indignation that brings quick
apology and reprisals and the
punishment of the guilty as a
general rule. We can force a
to free an American
from a brigand's stronghold
in Morocco tut we cannot tr
do the citizen from
the organized mob at home.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Wood's Liver Medicine in liquid form
for malaria chills and fever, regulates
the liver, kidneys and brings
quick to e-s, sick-head
ache, constipation. Pleasant to tale.
The bottle contains 1-2 time,
quantity of the c size. dose
brings relief. Sold by John L. Wooten
It area from piles, Man-
Remedy will bring f
the Guaranteed.
Sold by John L Wooten.
quite a reputation in London.
v. .
little girl is subject to
Mrs. Wm. H. No. Fifth
street, Wheeling, W. Va. w n-
she had a spell a terrible
cough, but I cured her with Chamber-
Remedy without the aid
of a doctor, and my little boy has been
prevented many times from having
croup by the timely use of this syrup.
This remedy is for by J. L. Woo-
ten and Coward Wooten,
Foal or Fair Weather.
Small Wallace accepted an in-
to a party, as
I will come U
your party if it don't
thinking that he might have U
stay home in that
it December De
line tor.
Mr J. J. and Miss
Lennie Fleming were married at
o'clock, Wednesday morn-
the home of the bride's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. K. H.
Fleming, on Evans street, by
Elder Sylvester Hassel. of
Only a few relatives
and friends were present to wit-
the marriage. The couple
left on the A. C. L. train fir a
bridal tour to cities.
Can be made and in
minutes at cot of
On Cant Plate.
Stir contents of one package
Into a of and
No cooking, no heating, nothing
else t add. but the
ice in the package.
This makes quarts of most
delicious ice cream you ever ate.
tut .
packages at your grocer,
or by mail if ha does hot keep it.
Bee .
Ca, . T,
are now arriving, plant
to get b-st results A nice
line of and Ferns in all
Choice cut flowers a
specialty, bouquets
and Floral offerings at short
Mail. Telegraph, and
Telephone orders receive
prompt attention. Phone
Raleigh, N. C.
Not Quite I AT
How often you ran gal SP, i f
. thing
. . an. r
nail or screw driver or
per lacking. Have a
tool box and be prepared fur ,
emergencies. Our
Is a you could desire, and
we will sec that your
box does pot lack a
useful article.
ii a Short While
Moore and Long
Maggie at the
building near courthouse, bakes every
day, bread, rolls, and pies. Or
filled anywhere in town.
cream sold daily.
ill table
J AH our baseball cog,
Office corner and Third Sta.
formerly occupied by the late Col. I.
A. Sugg.
Of Course
You get Harm
Horse . c
I Corey
, . . . , Not e or Dissolution.
An order has been pawed by
that Board of County Com mis- The firm of Mays
forbidding any
persons from riding or driving and
over the bridge across Tar river g
at Greenville in a speed faster
than a walk. Notice is hereby
given that this order will be
strictly enforced after Tuesday,
Nov. 10th, 1908. W. King.
or Mi InSt
to present at th If
y .
,. ,
E. A. Jr.

D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor and Proprietor
Entered us second I matter Jan. at the at Greenville. N
C r of March 1379
to fiction
Lets try and forget it.
Wonder how the Ninth pole
Get in the habit of talking for
No Sir, T. Roosevelt is
Wonder how
going to doubt.
Maryland i
Mr. is heavy enough
hold the chair down.
Post examinations
seldom amount to much, hence
it is useless to keep probing
after the election bullet.
Pitt county cause for con-
on the size of her
majority in comparison with
other counties in the state.
Governor majority in
was Governor
Glenn's in 1904, and
Governor in
Be glad that another election
does not come soon.
We hail rather hear business
now than politics.
How much have you seen cot-
ton go up since the election
Now get a much interested in
Greenville you have been
The turkey is also worried
over the approaching lick
The fellows who said North
Carolina would go for Taft will
have to guess again.
by a shot killed
the intruder. Examples of that
kind go a long ways in deterring
However much any of us might
desire to see a change in the
national administration, it will
lie four more years before there
can be another dig agitation
over it.
give some sort of u garbled re- East to West he traveled in
port, what the fashion. making
after speech daily, bis
physical unabated, bis
superb nerve unshaken, lie
went down but went with bis
and big corporations did.
Mr. Taft will receive a con-
majority of the
vote, but when the actual
votes of all the States are com-
and the popular vote Mr.
Bryan received is made known,
it will be seen that the Demo-
party in the nation is by
The fellow who said u means dead.
was going to defeat Small for
congress in this district is
bulging bis eyes worse than
ever at Mr. Small's ma-
The Republicans are asked to
send along their promised pros-
The country needs it,
but so far only the trusts and
protected monopolies have been
getting it.
Several of them are trying to
explain how it happened, but we
don't see any good to come out
of that, as well accept the
result and go to talking
something else.
As Taft is elected, we cannot
now to bring more capital and I nope tor much light to be thrown
business to Greenville it OB that canal deal
more good than political from which bis own and the
When the street work is
and the rubbish cleared
away. Greenville is going to he
a pretty town along the paved
If everybody will get to work
will I
Yes. the fell
was coining out
making himself
The returns from the alma-
tell us re will be
year after December.
A-the Republicans won out
all right you will not hear much
more about r . the tariff.
No use of j a it hap-
Take the result and go
tn work. i the b ; to
the business men of Green-
ville do not look out for bringing
to the town, they have
no room for complaint if it does
The Haskell suit will be
enough to keep Hearst occupied
for a time, and likewise the But-
relatives are said to
have been large beneficiaries.
The Republicans are always
going to do alter a
while. Their past election talk
is that they will carry North
Carolina next time, but there is
more in that than in their prom-
to reform the
One thing the next legislature
should do, abolish the home-
stead law. That law once served
a good purpose, but its day of
Usefulness has long since passed
and it has become a refuge of
wrong behind which men can
avoid meeting their just
It works more injury
than good, and should re-
moved from the statute books or
greatly modified,
Though it may not have been
intended that way, the Greens-
News came right close to
the truth when it said Mr.
the best friend the
can party ever The Re-
publican has indeed found much
to imitate the principles and
policies advocated by Mr.
and but for the adoption of
face to the foe and his flying.
So then;
harder you're thrown, why
higher you
Be your blackened eye
It isn't the fact that you're lick-
ed that
It's bow did you why
though you be done to the
death, what then
If you battled the best you
If you played your part in the
world of men.
Why, the critic will call it
Death conies with a crawl or
comes with a pounce,
And whether he's slow or spry.
It isn't the fact that you're dead
that counts.
But only how did you die
Charlotte Observer.
The Democratic party in North
Carolina owes a debt of
of Hon. A. H. Eller, the
State Chairman. Mr. Eller
given all his tilde to the work
since his election the big
victory in North Carolina is
Happy Coming.
Since the politicians have
down from the clouds and
room has been made up there
the airship people again,
they are arranging to renew
their aerial performances.
What is known as the Aerial
Navigation Company has been
formed Button to operate a
line of airships between that
city. New York, Philadelphia.
and Washington, from which
latter point a branch line will
be later extended to Charlotte.
The first airship will have a ca-
of seven passengers. We
are told it will be equipped with
double motors capable of attain-
a speed of to miles an
hour. It will be similar to the
United States government
for 1909, which will be
built along the same lines and
The airship line is to be start-
ed as soon as the ship can
be built. And we have been
thinking. Does the Inter-State
Commerce Commission, that
heartless organization that took
up the railroad have
minion over the birds of the air
and the airships thereof If
not, then joy be. When we can
till our pockets with airship pass-
es, we will sail and revel in the
largely due to bis wise general- of travel far above and
ship. In nearly every other
state the Democrats lost heavily,
whacks from Adams.
The Durham Hera
does not seem to stop
what is the matter
Rocky Mount method
Mr. Briggs,
ran against Mr. for
congress in the fourth district.
Mr. majority of 1,300 is
sufficient notice to Mr. Briggs
Then that he can continue his job of
licking stamps.
but North Carolina the losses
were not large the victory is
one that shows the tide against
many of these principles by Democracy made little headway
the Republicans that party would
Mr. is the best type of
the militant Democracy in
North Carolina. He has the
confidence of bis home people,
has represented them ably in
the senate, and when chosen
State Chairman the
difficult task and has devoted his
every energy securing party
success, lie found not a few
factional troubles in the
ties, there were differences to
not have had such a sweeping
victory on Tuesday, t is well
known that President Roosevelt
adopted some of Mr. Bryan's
lending ideas as his own.
It will be noticed from the
program of the meeting for next
Saturday of the Pitt County
Association, that Con-
John II. Small is to
deliver an address before the
association. only the teach-
but the people of the town
and community also should show
their appreciation of Mr. Small's
The Record is coming by being present to bear
If they give Mr. Bryan all the I among the last we would have bin. Not since Mr. Small has
jobs the papers are suggesting thought guilty of being a in congress bas be ever
for him, he will have his hands. of a corruption fund, yet missed an opportunity to do
full. Doubtless he is able to j it seems that paper received a
take care of himself. check for from
, for a year's subscription.
out of the way of the
of railroad bulletin boards.
We will be independent of these
slow crawling creatures of the
earth. We will lie at
It is worth noting Judge
Parker gives no countenance to
the claim made by the
can press that the election of
Democratic governors in several
States which Bryan failed to
carry is evidence of Bryan's
weakness. D is evidence of bis
strength as the opponent of the
corrupt men who have the
by the throat. Every one
adjust, and so confident were knows that the predatory
Democrats of victory that even care nothing about the
in the counties that were doubt of the
fill it was not easy to arouse Their bribe money is
The bulk of the northern vote
have II
j is purchasable, and the favored We had rather not hear
j trusts and protected j more about politics in
the babies for Taft. the be- up ,. money ,
reported from miss it.
being defeated
tall but
They are talking a plenty
about returning prosperity, but
we had rather than to
bear of its
Some of them have begun
talking about who to run in 1912.
That thing ought to slop and let
the country rest from politics
long enough to get busy.
Congressman Fowler, of Now
York, has announced himself a
candidate for speaker. If he
beats Mr. Cannon there will be
If Greenville is to keep up her
pace for progress and improve-rejoicing
the people should be lip
and doing. The Chamber of Commerce
j should wake up and gel to meet
Those factories that were going I some more. Think about
to resume operations soon as this, business men, and be ready
a good
longtime. Turn your attention
to Greater Greenville and push
for development and it will put
more money in your pocket than
all the politics in the country.
The postmaster of New York
was shot perhaps fatally
wounded, Monday morning, by a
what he could for Pitt county,
and no call is ever made upon
him by our people to which be
fails to readily respond.
them. But he did so and, with
the efficient assistance of Mr.
Fields. Mr. Myers.
and others of the
headquarters force, he organized
the forces that brought out a big
upon the election of the
national for, under the
usurpations of the federal
these corporations a
refuge in the particular national
government which has been put
Democratic vote probably the in power by them. On the con-
largest that has ever been cast.
This called for ability and
and zeal, as well as tact
Mr. Bryan Defeat.
The case of Hon. William
Bryan is one full of pathos.
Prom whatever motive, whet her
selfish ambition as his enemies
assert, or an unselfish desire as
he claims, to be in a position to
serve the interests of the
there is no doubt that he
was keenly anxious to be elected
president-never so anxious as
man who had been disappointed this year, nor so confident as in
Judge Parker declares
that, because Bryan has re-unit-
ed the Democratic party,
and capacity for leadership, All j should therefore congratulate
of these be displayed and called
to his assistance men of all sec-
and all differences of view.
He has grown in public
as a man of affairs and as a
man lit for leadership in the
great Demo party of North
Taft was elected should be get-
ting a move on.
Yes, it was a on
the presidential vote, but it
went the other way what
our folks hoped for.
Do not trouble yourself about
Mr. Taft's cabinet. Leave that
when a meeting is called.
Of course the South does not
expect much from the govern-
but she is pretty well
to take care of herself, and
her part of the taxes,
Republican candidate for gov
in getting a position in the post
office, After firing the shot at
the postmaster, the assassin
killed himself.
When you consider the falling
oil in some other districts, the
way the district held her
own with for Mr. Small is
something to feel good over.
And the part Pitt took in this
puts her at the head of the list.
At New Bern on Wednesday
the governor of Massachusetts
accompanied by his stall and a
large number of the members of
the G. A. R. will unveil a
Mr. Bryan and ourselves upon
this improvement of general
party conditions under bis can-
to him, or at least to Mr. Cox, is reported to be ex-
to select for him.
The Wilmington Dispatch
thinks our admonition to try
and forget it would be difficult
without the aid of chloroform.
Go fishing, brother.
pressing much satisfaction over
the, result. He certainly did
get beaten bad enough to be sat-
the campaign just ended. His
disappointment, therefore, in
result of y election
must approach anguish of mind,
and be the keener by reason of
the fact which must be perfect-
apparent to him that his lust
opportunity t be president has
passed. Men have run for this
office three times but none four,
and Mr. Bryan's name will now
be dropped, no his own
instance, from the list of the
available candidates of the
Clearly in the lust mo-
of the he real-
that his star was about to
set; one reading his speech at
Kan., Monday night,
could detect between the lines
that he had seen the finger of
in the national cemetery fate. Every mail with a heart
there dedicated to the him must feel very sorry for
of Massachusetts. whose twelve
years has been dashed.
A citizen of Rocky Mount,
whose home was being burglar-
The Republicans did not make
public their campaign
before the election, and
and there is hardly any use of
doing so now. But they may
But he made a magnificent
tight. He spoke splendidly
with fine ability, with
able good temper, and under
such physical strain as no other
man could have endured.
Raleigh, N. 1906,
Mr. J. Editor,
Greenville, N. C.
My Dear Sir
The editors of the Democratic
newspapers have, as always,
again contributed more to the
success of the party than any or
all other factors concerned.
I am impressed with the fact
that you have displayed during
the campaign just ended even
greater interest and a
a wider and more potent
than ever before.
As chairman of the executive
committee, I would be remiss in
my duty to close this campaign
without a grateful
Knowing, as I do, the many
dangers that beset us, I am able
to say that the party may well
feel proud of the general result
in the State. We have polled
our vote, and have said
that is and
shall remain Democratic.
Again thanking you personally
and. assuring you of my high
esteem, I am, Sincerely yours,
A. H. Eller,
Nerve energy is the
force that controls the or-
of respiration, cir-
digestion and
elimination. When you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely,
cure you. Try it.
completely, and led mo verge
of the I tried skill.-,
but no relief.
I not mi bad I bod to Jive up mt
I Dr.
few day
much bolter, and, continued
re until entirely cured. I
am In
opportunity to .-.-
MM. J.
unit never
to Improve
Your Dr-
end we him to return
price of bottle It It falls
to benefit you.
Milts Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Do not forgot Beth Arnold's
an, i Balsam is -he bout known remedy for all
Complaints. Warranted by
J. L. Wooten.
. i
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
Rape seed at J EL Smith Mer.
Mrs. W. C. i
Thursday miming visit
planted your gar-
den is the question every
one is asking. Woods Seed are
the best for the South- You will
find all kinds perfectly fresh at
Drug Store. Don't make
the mistake of getting some
twice, in fact both sides of Kansas
the street was lit up with his Kentucky
smiles, and well it was so for the Louisiana
stork had visited his home the Maine
previous night and left him a pair Maryland
of as pretty Misses Patrick
one rarely sees. And now Ed Michigan
continues to smile. Who Minnesota
smile Mississippi
Dr. E. L. Stamey and little Missouri
daughter, of Montana
yesterday in Ayden. Nebraska
In this town on the 5th inst. j Nevada
Miss has accepted I Miss Jane Lemon and Mr. j New Hampshire
h school in the country. Sweet were happily united New Jersey
Smith Co. Dixon are running in marriage,
their factory and mills on full
time. General sawing trimming
and repairing of all kinds neatly
Frank Wilson, of Greenville,
was here yesterday.
M. M. makes the best
cold drinks that can be made at
the cold the year
round. Try one.
Fred is at home
spending a days with his
How happily extremes do meet.
In Jane and Ebenezer;
She is no longer sour but sweet.
And he's a lemon
You find a nice lino of
coffins and caskets on hand at
J. K. Smith Co ,
Charlie Smith, an Ayden
boy, married lust week to a
in and he and his
bride have been spending
time with his parent.
J. It. Smith Co. Dixon have
things hurtling at the
B sides reg-
of work they are matting
hogsheads be
used on
W. J.
Miss Lee Nichols spent a day
in Greenville last week.
Miss Agnes Dixon went to
Greenville shopping
It is said the wedding
will soon ring out merrily the
notes of joy to waiting hearts.
There was a big i of cotton
on the market yesterday.
Mrs. R. W. Smith and master
Larry are visiting in
When farmers are holding
cotton for high prices-, they
never one lime realize
lune cause the poor to
his because he can't
met mat guano note he signed
last spring to make the
The poor merchants govern j
the price of nut ah
is behind nous, ah
Hie same.
Hart, the
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
the recent vi it . the last and .- u
his home who brought --u
little girl. peep are for
Smith Co.
a nice lot of coffins and i
on hand can
Git .
when ii. of . u
goods. i is ;
ply of first class
good buggies, .-. .-. v. .
making hogsheads an . n
Truly Ed
is a busy n.
prisoners out
. L. L. .
lie I
. .-. III i
. i.
i-i lbs
l i.
II t. ;
i. i.
i i
,;,, , .
. Ml
Ill .
its night . Roads, Has
tilt u . I
is at
go to
week, i
turned and the
For public school books
J, R. Smith Co.
meats and Bibles also on hand.
At. M. . . d
a line lot of
i. Cox, has
been here on business and also
visiting This M-.
Prof W. A.
at Pierce's, and still we can
spare more.
The Loyal Legion
rendered a splendid at
the Seminary Sunday evening.
were m ids by Hisses
Smith. Joyner and Harris.
order is under the leadership of
Mrs. T. E. Peden, she is like
Nathaniel, doing good, is her
N. C, Nov. 1908.
T. E. Little went to Scotland
Neck Friday to visit his daughter
and family and returned Mon-
div morning.
Mrs. Pattie F- Smith and
Miss Lou Crawford returned
home from Marlboro section Sat-
Ned of Green-
;. ville, spent Saturday night
B. P. of and
returned home Sunday.
. I Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
i horn, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith
and Mr. and Mrs. B. P.
I by went to May's Chapel Sunday
I to church and heard a very good
; sermon by T. H. Barnhill, a
Free Will Baptist teacher.
We had a very good Sunday
school at Smith's school house
last Sunday with a much better
attendance. This is very
and we hope they will con
to swell the attendance
until we can have a full
every Sunday evening.
Miss Mary Cobb, of
went to Greenville Sunday morn
Turnage, of Farmville
section, was at Ivy
Smith's Sunday evening.
K. A. Smith and W. C. Joyner,
of Farmville, were in our burg
Noah Oakley's infant baby
died Monday.
R. E. went to Farm-
villa business.
We team Ola one
of the loading citizens of Green-
i died Monday evening. We
I extend great sympathy to the
bereaved family.
K. E. Willoughby has hired
a hay press and is baling his hay
like others ought to do.
I C. E. went to
Tuesday evening on
C. E. went to
Wednesday on
I T. W. Lang, of Farmville, and
Cobb, of Standard, were
visiting at Ivy Smith's Sunday
Baling hay is the order of the
day with some of the farmers
just now and is an
ant crop of it saved this year in
this section.
Taft is elected, just like some
expected, and the is over
Bryan is defeated, and it may
j be be was cheated, but to some
things we have bow. But it may
be for the best. Providence
j knows,
N. C Nov,
B. P. Cobb, of took
I the train at Arthur Thursday
night for Greenville and return-
ed Friday morning.
C. E. went to
Arthur Thursday evening to meet
vile to church
Miss Nannie Smith and David
Smith ad others of the neigh- Entomologist Smith Hew la Sap-
went to Farmville to Them,
church Sunday. j prof K j of th A.
J. B. Joyner is a entomologist of
man. He can step about six the ca; ,,.,
or less, just because the stork
passed his home Sunday and Lei t
a fine boy there.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
and Misses Martha Belle and
Jessie Smith went to Waller
Mi.-s May Brooks went
Friday evening to visit her people
and returned Monday morning, j
Mrs. C. C. of Norfolk m bu
was at and left ,.,,. t,, touch.
Monday morning
Joe Cobb, of Standard,
in our burg Sunday evening.
Ivy Smith went to Greenville
Monday. worK as
A. J. Flanagan, of lags
stopped in our town a while as n. . collected quite i y
station, in a bulletin on the .-up-
the terrapin
the t; in ion of the writ
there are only two
methods of destroying terrapin
t one being hand picking,
and death by or drop-
ping in the
the use of a contact
; I
t c.
bugs are very ; . hand
is e .
Children may do th-.-
work as and
he was to Greenville. .
Misses May Brooks and Mary diking the plants. .-.
Joyner. the at Smith's -m,. . , , r.
school house, request rat to say
should be done on warm,
day, when th I not
in hiding, and I i
t Bet ; ; l
old home and ail arc Capt. G. F. Cooper has re-
when he comes to see US. signed his position with J. R
A Miss Hipp has come to j Smith Co., and has gone back
make her permanent home at the to running the log train for the
i of J. C. Tripp. She is Ayden Lumber Co. He is hue
said to be a comely lassie and joined to ms idol, log-
the pride of the family.
they having a
bazaar at Smith's school nous
on Friday night, Nov. 20th, for.
purpose of raising funds for
improvement of the school I. or three times and h r-
grounds. They want every-,.,.,
body co that will and bring picking ;.
well filled pocket books to help j f the f mer f
a good cause. and cost
Mr. and Mrs. Smith which I a
H. Flanagan's Sunday, crop is of r .
pi ill I
I i s . i ft a c of
until may
he kill. by or
p I
Be j . that bug are d-
b-, th y m o
m thud is of a. me vi . ,
a it for
use this time the yr.
i to CO
b . ill
it can I i I was to
r i-. u re-
I .-
r II r
grown bugs
m y
. far
ii. .
Cox's Mill. N. C, Nov. 1908
Harvey A. and brother
are a nice
They are hustling young men.
Henry Tom Tyson,
Misses Lela
Roach spent Saturday in I,
Oscar Evans went to Winter-
ville Sunday.
Some of our boys went fox
hunting Saturday
they caught the I. .
H. A- Moore went to Green-
Bid. S. W. who cam-
and preached a line sermon at
Smith's school house to a very
attentive crowd. He spent the
with Mr. left Friday
morning for Martin county to
rill an appointment there.
who lives at
went to Ayden Mon-
day evening, to be there
Tuesday to vote, being villa Monday.
be and to, and Everybody is busy just
he came home be corn and p
brought wife with him. and they have g good crop
suppose his main was of these. Cotton is most all
to get married. Ho married a Picked out. and a very eh rt crop
this section.
C. E. went to see Looks as if th
en can
I plants,
used with goad
killing the bugs is cone
ens. of -n m r. I
returned in the have already begun. o ring th ;
I bas started up nicely with Miss . .,,,.,,., be
Roach teacher. She taught annually to Caro-
D. Who has been con-
fined to his room with lever is so
far recovered as to be out at-
tending to business.
has been coming in
quits rapidly recently, but just
now it is a little off.
Misses May Swindell and
Webb, of City, who
have been visiting the Misses
Blount, have returned to their
L. L. Kittrell, of Winterville,
has been a recent visitor.
W. L. House and little son. of
Winterville, were here a short
while yesterday.
We are indebted to our young
friend H. G. Mumford for the
largest sweet we have
seen this season. It weighed
1-4 pounds. We are going to
Miss Ella Wayne has accepted
a clerkship with the J. R. Smith
W. J. Hem by, our constable, is
working out at the big mill.
Ed Patrick came down town
Monday morning with a double
smile on. Yes, was
Thanksgiving is approaching.
Let us remember the less
his father, J. R. n attend school, u g o
Saturday and
T. E Little went to Far.,.
Saturday evening on special bus- , .
pleased to have her back again,
and David Smith John White is on the sick
went to Greenville Saturday. .
Ivy Smith and Smith I thy
went tn Greenville J. D, passed lat
Mills Smith to Greenville tight on way to
Sunday even- Friday evening. Herbert Cox, of w,
Ivy Smith and Mum yesterday on KM
C. D Smith went to to Snow way to
Monday to sell tobacco. day evening to see Noah Edwards housed a .
Jasper Joyner went to Green- who is sick, and returned Sun- crop of potatoes and some
ville Monday to sell tobacco. day. We that is.
R E Willoughby went to I Mrs, C. E. and j why ho I so fat. Your
Greenville Monday on business. I Mrs. went to Farm- has digging crop, and
be is a tut . C
also has line
died h.
On Dec, 1st, I
i at auction . ti I
bidder all of toy
line . mules and
, . i .
t ii la
. I
Place f
; miles
L. It,
s face's.
Complexion of Next House of
The Republican party will con-
the next National House of
I Representatives by a majority of
The figures show the
of Republicans and
in the State of North Carolina, at the close of Sept. 1908
Furniture and Fixtures
Demand Loans
Due from
Democrats, for the latter Cash items
party of The following table
shows the number of
elected from all the National hunk notes
States. and other U. H.
164,605.07 ,, . . . .
j n i l Stock . .
610.50 Surplus fund
6,000.00 less
Found Dead Night.
Rocky Mount, N. C, Nov.
wife of Mr. J. R.
went to bad Saturday night
apparently i n good health. Later
during the night ho was
y cry from one of t h
small children and after calling
his wife and receiving no an
lie lighted a lamp and
found her, who he thought was
asleep, in condition,
and it was later determined that
She had evidently died a shut
time before. mother, father
and two small children
i sleeping together,
dent that aha must have
Total, 191,726.09 away without much of
current exp. paid
Bills payable
Cashier's outstanding 76.8
Colorado v
Smith, Cashier of the above bank, f at
the statement to the best of my and belief.
I SMITH, Cashier.
I Subscribed and sworn to be-1
fore me, this day of J. R- SMITH,
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
Rye Barley.
We am not w
en in .
,. mU Hie ;, i sad
heaviest . Our I I
from Hie beat and
u I- n . s
are fully with ball
most mat
Plant Wood's Seeds.
Prices on
information about
mailed ore.
W. H. Smith has
the A. D. Cox in
Notary Public
Hr VOn
Ur will conduct the bin-
Physician and Surgeon
Office r Hank Building
promptly looked after Mr.
Cox will still with

There Is No Physiological
virtue of the power of wile
tamed in tOM deed
I and to h. ,
How Tourists In Mexico Wrestle r. r. . of as m Mr
end y re order; in tn. . U I ,. , . t- r of D
i ed of co . v. i lie, . of i I c BUt. N
Q i -w. . j
i., m J ; re the j, . . ,
. house our III Ore o Hi .
h N n
By of the of sale con-
in certain de d i
i tn G. Pritchard
and V. so . C
, a i. court
n v ,. to the -t
Perfect and Moot of L
injure Exact i-.
Bet dig
Would Physical
. ; .-.
,. . . . ;
I lie I
. .
, ., . . .-I
l i
II .
bent. v.
tide u
lag. There
lug a a .
man body
entirely .
livery f w
,., r
. i
,. I i-
re I
Would American Woman
I With a Demand F-r a
TI the
r .
, . . v.
. . down to M- tit -ii
. Mi D said
n la y
I In
half l
u is in only
la a
mi ti.-r
. i . i and pa
. i Id
m. iv. i.--. s And i
i i . handy book of
a null
I. n . d in
an State of Nor C
. as to
and in Be t
th. I. . oh .
I o i .
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in if i
h- e w d r -.- l
i I am lap B
I g, -e- I a,
c money to I i
ed. of
Alt m Ho i e
i d y. Lb
I of I i net m i
in in the
, I .
i r bed u . i
i, , . i; v.;. iI
as lows. c a
. i. of real a
. f
i . . r a
. . r, a I
a lino at . s . . lit
to the tin
war h .
the Hi-., of I. id I
v . nil . i.
i . . it i
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la- the
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i f.-.
bald ill r
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i .
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. i an
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. .
. II
. .
. I
. .
e bus pi
. o of
Mill In
bill .
I id
tool I
. g
am h
. r .-
our, and
lie barked
. i ii
f r la i -r
i i
. . I
North Caro i
Fin r tut , i In I parka l
W A.
d ii
V .
d I. J m s. B Win
i . -II h n
the dale Ha in- I
V. I. h t i z- .
d- an i n e
i i e. e.
I i, i as be- t in-
C Pitt . J
the- C era to sell e i i-t of
I mi James, d. c- in w
said def
t-. . that .-. w to
, j. r at of
i nor Court I ill
. . Dec .
t . aid answer or .
ii an t I .
n. i will a pi- i
i rial-
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ft c .;.
lot No. a . it
. . ; ma Mat . r U
Gr . II i Co
.- j; . .
. . j . .-
. . .
I- iii
air. V
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Trams will be or th f
S .-v.
Cl I .
i .
lo . .
i u fa-
,. i ii,
i -i
i -win
A .
I i .
o o
I. Ki-I
. . 4-
K. C.
C- P- A
. No.
r. r. p.
.- o No. I
A. M.
A. M.
. I
. o rail
n i
M. f.
A- Ai-- I
II j an
is given by ho under
-o I. Smith, d.
. i
.- will oN
i., ii.
l ;
. u . .
Which i i. i. -s
a l
estate to make
i ;
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d. net
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i. h. n by
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HI i
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us in
at the bite I the pea
aid of
r i
ill. and h-
. i I .
. Smith, Hied.
A I. .
, chard.
i a C
Notice to Credit s
. the
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a l. a
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Mice U hereby riven to all
I. U the to
i, payment tn d,
pet having, c lie said
, are that they must
, 5th ii-
. ., vi ill I-.- plead bur
5th of r, I OH,
r. of Mr.-. U. Bi
a- j j-
the of C. K.
is t-
u -I i.
p . . i i
t d, claims
s a- notified lo
s in.- lo tn
of r c
S. T. While
f. While.
ltd .
Analytical tests by the Director STATE
TOP v OF the control of t.
by water H
the o apples
for .
the old n and get the int
by t not that you will
have good to drink, but it a great convenience.
Nothing; to but me.- . ins d- ;
a-alb p.-r lo- a dis-
o pet cent .; paid by month in
which service is re the COlt TO cent.
anyone cost
tap, etc
L. D. WADE, Superintendent.
, . a
w . i o iv
wastes la pan
loin. in I
become i Iron
The bl.
this condition
exists bad Of organ
of the and old and
death gradually ensue.
too. has u great deal i do
of Mental sci-
bus I
that mean, and I
act on the I
of the body, while lb of
And Hie of win-
of ore drawn, when the
temple's door Is closed final
Is within, when the spirit
up a newer
of Ha own creation,
us tint Hie I've
Here least physical la
an assured
Theology has us
that the body In Inanimate
The of
la it returns to Hod. The
word in field of biology l nil
nature, Including all mother
Is animated and with the
principle of life.
More matter la
and eternal. There la not an
ghat can in all the
Far reason our do not really
die They are In the of the angel
f the elements.
that farmed them Into a beautiful body
the action of oxygen
Cay chance position of the atoms
It, but the latter
w lib In them selves and
principle of life as much
Into perhaps more
mi of life.
i n.
-tie r.
o of her .
iii ii. a
iii a
e. l
gal v.
;. anything and
was when
proprietor, bearing the excited
entered learned that the lad
merely wanted U her bill. Had
be known that not
but es la is the
account is the correct expression she
would have been saved trouble and
and Culled
have set forth In federal
the of a real
alga of to man.
The need Is growing more
with every day, n our relations In
trade are glowing with Mexico dally.
Hut I that federal publications
hit people at large as a gen
of the easiest ways to a
foreign language Is to rend good
els In that tongue. You get as Inter-
the story that you hate to
go on to the end lo learn h
hero and heroine come all right.
of Spanish don't adopt
method In New York. I for
you find any Spanish novels on
secondhand bookstore tables up
or down or across the city. The only
specimens I have found been
Spanish from the
French It la strange, too. for
there are many excellent
by Spanish writers.
an Instructor hi needed
lo obtain the correct pronunciation, but
on Mexico with a good, ready
knowledge of the language yon can
noon acquire needed pronunciation.
Ia fact, yon hare to do It In order to
get York Sun.
Notice to
in executor of gun
V inn decease , late of Farm-
North Caro . r
, alt ; . av in
in- -tat of I ;, lo
. it them to ti e within
in. month dale, this I
. . a in u r th.
i- ti to said
estate will please make immediate I
Notice To creditors.
Hawing qua as ad r of
county N. i y all w
the es-
of s cl. t exhibit thin PR
from I-1 of
this p oar of their
recovery All persons Indebted to said Jg
j. .- ma. .-
Mis. Browning, i
Ami, of W. L.
Julius Brown, . ltd a,
Special Service lo
Notice to creditors
Having duly as
tors of the estate of J, S. Harris, de-
ceased, notice hereby given lo ell
persons indebted to the estate lo m
immediate payment to the undersigned,
all persons having claims against
said estate are notified that must
present the same to the undersigned on
or before the 2nd day of November,
1908, or notice will be plead in bar
of recovery.
This 2nd day of November
of J, S. Harris.
on Saloon Decks
Table Dinner Club to
e and f- new way
Leave Norfolk daily Sun
p. 1.1. Arrive ii Baltimore u. m., connecting with run
lines for Philadelphia, New York, and all points 1-1 R id west.
Administrator's Notice.
Having duly qualified before the
court cleric of Pitt county
administrator of the estate of A. B,
deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons to the
estate to make immediate payment to
the undersigned, and all persons having
claim estate are notified
to present the same for payment to
the undersigned on or before the 21st
day of October, 1909, or this notice will
he plead in bar of recovery.
Thia 21st, day of October, 1908.
I. L. Kittrell.
ltd of A. B. Kittrell.
Any coward can fight a battle when
aura of winning, but give me the
man who baa to he's
of allot
Notice to creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county,
executrix of the of G. W.
deceased, notice hereby given to all
persona Indebted to the estate to make
Immediate undersigned;
and all persons having claims against
estate are notified that earn
must he present on before the 12th
day of October, 1909, or notice
will be pleaded n bar of
This 12th day of October, 1908.
I Margaret J. James,
of G. W. J
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton and
. t n vs on
Barber Shop
Edmond Fleming props.
Located in business sec-
of the town Four chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber-
Our place is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
thank you for past
and you to call strain when
work is wanted.
ail information and It
E. T. LAMB, Gen. Aft. CHAS. L HOPKINS, T. P. A.
At Big Store
The Big Sale is going on to raise money
for creditors. Come quick and get your share of
the Low Prices.
Fresh kept con-
stock. Country
; Produce Bought and Sold
Get The best for Comfort
Royall and Borden Felt Hat-
tresses and a piece Bern-
stein Iron Bed have no equal.
D. W.
j N C
North Carolin a
you will not
comes or to those n v
Is h o s i
saving We J
I r
Stun Proportion.
r to the
7th, 1908.
VI l N. C.
is Drawing Near
And the Christmas gilt is naturally
How about a piano We have
on hand several of
ranging in prices from to
4275.00. These pianos arc
sold at and
How about setting one aside for
We only have of one style
and of another left
We will Ship You One
on trial freight prepaid if you prefer.
If you are a bargain seeker this
a rare for you.
Phone o write to G. G. Fine-
man, box Greenville, N. C
h Weber, Web. r
Le with concealed payer,
and Bales club piano
The ideal instrument will probably be
in simply a which
will be by hand or by the
mechanical attachment at wilL It e
the moat popular piano in the world
piano at any price and on
terms, call on or write.
i. J.
Chas. M.
mm am. am. . e.
School Books and Supplies
N. C
Office after November 1st opposite
R. Smith sublet, and next
door to John Flanagan Buggy Co anew
Personal Property Sale.
On Thursday, Nov. 12th, 1908, at the
home of the late John Moore, Sr In
town hip. I will tell at public
auction for cash the following personal
property belonging to the estate Two
i mules, one horse, one two;
carts, one buggy, farming i
about corn, about
fodder, about 4.000 pounds hay,
and four of stock in the Farmers
Consolidated Tobacco Company. Sale
will begin at o'clock a. m.
H. A.
of John Moore, Sr.
till sale.
Harry Skinner. Skinner, Jr
In u character abate
H in America . i
story of the kaiser's relation with bis
loyal The was re-
by one
when be had la-en drinking too much.
-And no remarks M
was more
was under Influence of
lien- Is a part of the
The relations between William and
Ids mother, the Empress Frederick,
became at lost bitter William
placed about her. even to the
bedroom of Invalid father.
Through one of William
learned of the existence of a Journal
which Ids father had kept for
Frederick had a taste for writ-
and the fact that there was cold-
between him and bis eon led WU-
Ham to fear that secret Journal
might contain criticism of his
The empress, however, clever
enough to conceal the diary before
husband's death. Eluding the
lance of eon. the to
her mother. Queen Victoria, or to her
brother, then Prince of I don't
remember which.
had father drawn his
lust breath when William over tho
dead body performed first
It to demand of bis widowed
mother the Journal, which be termed a
The feigned Ignorance.
William Insisted. He spoke master,
giving mother the order to obey.
She persisted In declaring that she
knew nothing of the papers.
I M he commanded, purple with
wrath, will remain under
arrest until you have obeyed
Bismarck, arriving at two
hours after this, found palace
by of armed
emperor, whom be found
told old chancellor bow be
had met the disobedience of bis moth-
the need not expect pity or
until has obeyed
he declared. understand that,
Mr. Chancellor she hat obeyed
The pupil bad gone much too far.
Bismarck saw at once that tho
continued might mar the
whole of William's reign. Later In
life, he he used to wonder bow
be kept from laughing In bis
What be did to receive
news with deferential silence
later, when the emperor
calmer, show that bit course
sure to meet with general
There a way. he thought of pro-
same I liar Way
income of Ilia
r I
said Hi
pride Force,;
accepting u at
in. but
can reals
know her
rest she can
a sort of
sir, the money
he Ml I tactful anon
probable of
laud. moment,
-The i.
lo counsel. The
rest of the ore-is was The
cavalry back lo
and William turned his attention
to the of bis father's
Which he wished to lie most
Raleigh, and Atlanta, Ga
The Carrots.
The garret is ii thing that no mini
of nervous temperament should look
at seen It never can be forgot-
ten. Just to think of It months after-
ward brings up a choking
which makes one long to tear away
collar breathe the free air as
deeply be can. It rests upon a
raised platform, an ordinary straight
backed chair, with thin iron clasps on
the elbows legs of the chair. These
are for the and of the
condemned criminal. At the top of
the bock of the chair la a band of
Iron, one end of which swings out so
as to admit of a neck being Inserted.
This band around In place, and
all la ready. A twirl of a crank In
back and as the band the neck
back a pin pierces the medulla ob-
York Sun.
on the following convenient
Call on Ticket Agents Southern Railway Company or
lines for detailed information, or ,
Norfolk, Va
p. m.
a. m.
a. m.
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
To Cure May Fever.
Take one pound of ragweed leaves
flower and
or without boll In
two quarts of water down to one
quart and Divide one
quart Into three one pint
and two half On the first day
take one-twelfth of the one pint every
doses. The second day
I take one-twelfth of one half pint
I cry hour, end on the third day take
the one-twelfth of
one-half Free Press.
General Merchandise.
Taft ft Vandyke
House Furnishings.
and Sail.
And the mystery still
Is It necessary to salt a flab caught In
the A sea baas off
requires Just as much salt
In a bass
might in waters of
Brie.-New York Press.
The Might.
She So your friend Singleton
voluntarily Joined the ranks of the
baa he exactly;
he drafted A widow married
In the face of a man you may see
the secret of his and
Pulley boweN
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville C
Cotton Factor awl handlers
Ties and Bags,
At New Market front of Nor-
folk and Southern Depot.
Cobb Bros. Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Cotton. Grain
and Provisions.
to New York- Chicago
and New Orleans.

In Charge of F. a NYE
v . v.- Tic and Vi Rates on Application
I in and four miles from j A fell line of tabs and buckets
; Ayden. For terms apply to I , A. W Co.
. , J- Winterville. N. O. I Fresh beef. pork, oysters,
;. v. i returned from a
. .
A .
I i. Co.
from the
p. , . attended the
.- Ass
v, he. . . Kinston
, . , most ex-
be . .- ;
Cr fish can be our
spent Sunday here inches on short
i notice,
We carry a full line of
rise faT
stuck of dry goods, shoe, no- and carets. prepare them
clothing, hardware and
is in day. also excellent.
us a call. W are ;
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
. article at I Horse blankets and harness
. specialty. -A. G. g. Co.
n, Barber Co. Dr. C. S. Blackwell delivered
WORD that word U
it rater to Dr. Liver Pills and
Are you constipated
Si. . headache
ANY ; other
indicate inaction the LINER.
yea c
Take No Substitute.
. .,. u. Ayden,
nigh every boy and
I church. heard i,., ad-
;.,;. church came- ; ; . t WM lull in,
. ,; . t the Cooper store. finest thought and
. . , . Sutton. i truth. He told
iii . .
tery. . have our
. in . ad
v. I .- accompanied R v.
X. H. K.-I
. on to i the
funeral i e.
just received a i v
lot A. W. to.
i i, Eureka, .
i rest
.;. In you had
i j in, who
in life, I said that
Gold Point, in had an aim to bes
. . .
t . . . ;
the beginning and the
h d r all. Hi
admonished the stud to u A
. . . be afield of h l and
j . . t e w be pathway life.
G t you of those the and
in at make failures.
. Duncan
B; at New Orleans Nov.
to Secure
Now Orleans, Nov. -A nit
increase of per bale on
of cotton raised in the
S U pronounced a certainly if
t i plans the con-
of the National
Union at New Orleans Nov.
are carried jut along the In-
and modern lines
.-. considered by the men
and m of the .
C. S. Barrett of
Methods of Work of
Let give n to show John
Rockefeller's fundamentally
mode of
In the early he found
himself in of gnat deal
el in the iron ore in
the Lake region. To make
the hind, was as an
investment, yield any interest it
was to get tins ore to mar-
His controlled
the means of end he
shut out of the beet
and most effective facilities. This
the way he went the task of
overcoming these
lie sent, a representative to
find out who knew most about ore
transportation and the building of
ore vessels. The of the
man was easily discovered, and it
was. of course, I man who I him-
a large factor in the control of
the trade into which Mr.
purposed to enter.
Most people would have concealed
their plans from the one person who
was to be the chief rival in the new
business. This is exactly the
site of what Mr. Rockefeller did.
He asked the gentleman t call
upon him and then ed to
expert that he was i Ito
ore business and that lie
him to build the boats. .
lore man recovered from hi an
he declined and explained that
I ho had no idea of working to aid a
new rival to co into his business.
Than i a ore Catarrh in th
of the country disease
pot together, and a-i lest few
supposed v- e
For h groat many pro-
it a local disease at d
ed local and by
constantly failing to cure with
it in-
hie proven catarrh
to I a a t and there
for.- constitutional treatment.
H Catarrh Cure, n by
F. J. A Co., Toledo, Ohio,
the only cure on the
n It is taken internally
lo drops lo It act
Ely . . . . mucous s-r-
fa e of tie hey offer one
r -i case it fails to
cue. rd r tin -rs and
J. I CO.
Ohio. I
Bold In
Fa mi Union, which ten minute Mr. Rockefeller ex-
. 2,000.000 cotton farmers W
. . ., . to market iron ore from hi
. from
to market
I land to get an income from the in-
Issued a call for vestment he was willing to pay
important meeting builder a profit for the
So many seek I held by the organization am
r; ,.
U i Ky., Mrs, Garris, wife of Mr.
I .
Cher Mrs. M
r art t
id f up.
.- ; . . i. . ;
all . I
c. .
well, of
, will c . . in this after
lies emphatically
t made Texas that
speculative cotton interests are
but that the
i.-. rt emanates from the
This state-
by E. S.
Rev C J having in charge
. of
i . here. was years oil
Bryan spent Sunday at age, and is survived by the
band and three children. New Orleans stands
.; attend school for Garris, near Winter-,
. further i paring of apoplexy int la by
ministry. We, afternoon and was buried Sunday
.- very mu h for he
;. . . at young man
A . lot test just in
Hi .
. R ml
i i. on all
and banking
.,., N best boats that could built, that
. to give an order
. then and there for
worth of ships, but that if he did
n t care to take this order he would
have to go to the next best man.
which would deprive the ore man of
I the profit to be gained from build-
the boats, but that the work
would surely be done by some one.
He had logic and common sense on
his Bide, the ten talk
was sufficient. The details were
worked out at the office. The ore
man incepted the order at a price
profitable to him. and the result
was a good bargain for both,
sure that the satisfaction
to Mr. n was the
with the
Even in hi- mo I
. Even in hi most
Bethel Miss Will Decide Renter the south, located
. . . . . i . rt-.
N . . Bu
The Pitt C . c
. art.
New Orleans, have just made
was not de-
the item the ware-
Spring Hope, Nov. 9.-The . . arc
election ,
in the
N. in
Inebriated Churchgoer.
Tin man sat quietly in the pew
of St through
. . very drunk. When it
man i awhile and
then n and some others
of the church.
yard and through the
. shut on him.
. in here to church
S raid the
a strange thing.
They there truth in the
There are also reminiscences. In
hi brought up by
. i i , . . lie taught him to go
S . he ha
he . i here as a mat-
V of habit. It is a -d of
thin lo have to pet him out so
r I to
Doctor patient
weaker than does
this mean- Haven't you been fol-
low in; iv it .
Patient f doctor.
tor- .-tin animal food
right aloe . you
i to
Well, doctor. tried to. but some-
how it did seem to agree with
me very well. managed to worry
down the Bi the clover tops ail
right. thistles kind of stuck
in throat, and I had to give it
you advise rue to k Into
answered Senator
mere fact that you are
modest as to advice about It proves
that you are unfit for the
Seven Years of Proof.
lave years proof
Die ovary is the
beat to for co
olds and for very Diseased
of throat, or
V. of I am a. Mo.
The w rid her- eight
pi- Dr. Discovery
the best remedy fore s
Rip e. list ma hay fever,
hemorrhage of the lungs, the early
stages f n. use
prevents tie of
told under . at
0.1. v e. and
Tr I f ex.
i .- .- -.- n . a mm, .
predict and endorsed him when they
and is stopping convention.
S aS ISl F
hosiery at A. w. Ange a Democrat, an-
Hart sell., as an j year
fresh on band.
n Co.
M s Hattie Kittrell. Kate
Chapman, Cox
Mb have begun their
Remember the Hunsucker bug-
g-;. . . stall going. Call to see
our rice of runabouts
you buy. Prices are inter-
t-ti . , c
i carrying a nice line
s Prices an
right and can furnish nice hearse
service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Chick and eggs a specialty.
Come and get the best prices.
Barber Co.
and Co. They are selling
too. talk.
Mrs. B. T Cox went to Green-
,.; s afternoon.
One of the lines of
crockery ever displayed
Rt Harrington Barber
and Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley G of
n, were here Sunday to
the funeral of Mrs.
near here.
hen in need of a nice up-to-
suit of clothes come and
examine our of men's and
Harrington Barber Co.
A Cox is having the large
Joel Tyson
as an , of
dent candidate. received cleared.
votes and Griffin only i room dwelling house, good to-
As was noted in this house and four barns.
-1 land for growing any crop.
Annie to Mrs a Tyson,
confessed irregularities n
while serving as postmaster at;
Nashville and was sentenced to headache
a term in penitentiary from
served a term in jail with
It ii that be and Liver Get
not eligible to office.
.,. a. I out from Missouri John Randolph
cut Jno. L. made great use of the phrase, which
up by all the
of the country and thus
m For Rent. ed the celebrity it still holds.
Expert Criticism.
like that
-I the
r are
of Execution Sale.
of North Carolina.,,.
Count v-
The B
How is Your Digestion
Mr. of No.
Ave. recommends a
remedy for stomach tr i
W. B.
By virtue of an execution directed to
undersigned from Superior
court Pitt county in the above
action, will on Monday.
at o'clock If. at the
court house of said county, at
Greenville, N. C. sell to the
bidder for cash to satisfy said
all the right title, and interest
which the said W. K. Move, the
has in the following described
property Situated in the town
Ayden on west side of railroad and
north side of Second t, beginning
on Second street at W. I. Jenkins
Coward drug and
cause this L. L. an try It
candidacy at
hour, and, it is said,
will make a strong pull for the
office. It seems that a number
We have opened a large concrete store repaired, which
of best t ware. will add much to the appearance
and your pick.
A. W. Ange Co.
Remember the Tar Heel
in section.
The and
cook stoves are among
carts made by the the best.
I . a . .
A. G. Cox Co.
N. C. For
and service they cannot be
Any one in need of a good and
up-to-date buggy will do well to
see Mr. Hunsucker at the A. G.
Cox Manufacturing Co. before
they buy Buggy business is
will interest you. We
have a full line of heaters and
piping. Harrington. Barber
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
, .
Gratitude for the wonderful affect oils. E. corner and runs a northerly
Electric in a ease of acute ind with said Jenkins line a
prompts this I Mary E. line, an
am fully convinced that f r stomach easterly course with M d ditch and
an liver troubles Bitters la I Mary t,. s line to V. U. yum-
north west corner . a
and alternative course With aM a
to Second street, thence with
I have taken op a male year
, ling, black while
of eminent lawyers has said . looks to her bout
. . two year old, Own can get
is ineligible. say by proving proving property and paying
he can hold the office. Therm-. ,.
,.,,.,,, t Get. an. 19-8.
tight will begin in earnest when j r. Galloway,
it com. s lime No- M c.
courts will be
ed to decide the matter.
Ran Away.
the blood is especially helpful in Second I treat a course to
all form Of female , ginning, containing 8-8 acre
Jno. U drug
son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S.
Edwards, which occurred at
o'clock this morning. Mr and
There no question that has
some before the of this j The son of K. P. i
county in years that has crested scar on left cheek. feet, j
so much interest and discussion I he- w ray
more or less, and formerly known
the Isaac Hardy lot.
Th. following, a described, is except-
ed from the above lot from sale; it be-
. . n of lot which is
A telegram from Bailey, in. u,
announces the death of the in- fully appear on record.
Also one other lot on Main street
beginning at W. I. Jenkins- S. E.
on Main street, thence with W. I.
i line a course to a
Mrs. Edwards recently moved to ditch, these said ditch an
from Greenville.
Watched for Fifteen Years.
interest blue For have watched the
Each every man has an John c, t Sunday i of and It
Co. are now in position to sup- A final adjustment Shelter
, Tar n of the matter will awaited , law. f
course feet, thence a
and with Jen-
line to Main street. with
Main street, a course to
W. I. corner, the beginning.
All of laid lot except that portion just
described as being within the home-
stead allotment W E. to
ply you
Carts, box bodies and Tumbling
they buy buggy Prices made right. Call
rushing and we would advise I j .
that you place your orders early
with interest.
him will get
Bethel, N. C. it F.
A full line of best mattresses
just in. A. Ange Co.
These pretty fall days is the
time to have your painting done.
We have the best, with large as-
of colors.
A. W. Co.
Harrington, Barber Co.
You builders will do well to
see A. W. Ange Co. for win-
and doors before buying.
Se. our large line of up-to-date
furniture before buying else-
where. It must W.
In case a burn or scald what would
yon do to relieve the pain Such in-
arc to in any family
and should he prepared tor
them. applied on
a cloth will relieve the pin
instantly, and u. It the injury is a
very a one, cause the parts
to heal without
I., an . h
tie .
I at Jno. L. drug store.
a many
stem of cold by a
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
Gnu Dollar Year
VOL. No.
EXPRESSES VIEWS ON N. CARO- lean remember; the day v
Say General Assembly Should be
Against Large
Tobacco Corporations.
Greenville, N. C. Nov. 1908.
Will you me space to
write a few lines on the tobacco
situation as I view it.
I have read in the daily papers
of the country the decision
the United Stat- circuit court of
New York district the
American Tobacco Company.
Have also read the comment
thereon in many of our state
papers. Some are very bitter,
some a little mire conservative
but general tons in my
have a cripple
a great North Carolina industry,
namely our tobacco. Now I am
DOt attempting to reply to any
particular article referred to at
all, but express my individual
opinion of the situation based
upon a personal knowledge of
business, tasked by years of
practically all tobacco shipped
abroad if successfully sold in
foreign or western markets
Talking to Court
In a moment, apparently in
health, in the midst of a
to be branded Virginia of friends, and with pleas
factories had talk going on.
The Virginia home
the lead in all manufactured out-
put, and North Carolina goods
were tears known. How is it
today Will any well informed
man doubt it I should say that
three plan- in North Carolina
control the tobacco
ant talk going on. Capt. John
Duckett. one of the best known
educators of the State, connected
with the department of Public
Instruction, passed away
day afternoon.
His unexpected death took
place in the hail on the first floor
situation Durham, court
Durham Bull and Reynold's he M seated in a chair
plants predominate the booth at the
the trade. end of the hall opposite the door
North Carolina stand ii;,,. Supreme court
at the the t. it is known library, fie had entered it just
in every port upon the seas of the; a before a
earth, it is in o'clock, and had joined
language, and is paint- d ; a up friends for a moment
upon the road sides of of talk before going to the office
continent and empire, even upon State superintendent of
the pyramids of Egypt and instruction on floor
the buoys of the Bess and re- Li
I believe that Carolina tobaccos.
done this Th-
is just where it ought to be, that
is in the U. S. courts, not in
State courts.
I am not in accord with much
of the writings that
and I a danger ahead that
might bring it great o;
our North Carolina farmers
practically g ruin to
to the extreme
measure suggested to the
legislators soon to meet in
our capital and indent effort, North Carolina,
to shape public and I months the
Duckett was born in
county, S.
C, and was fifty-eight years old
on the fourteenth of November.
Bis first wife was a Miss
of Montgomery county, and
about twenty-five while
residing at Apex, he married
named, Duke, Cobb, Smith with Herring, of Lenoir,
Reynolds included. Now j him, their children
being Mrs. Fred Miller, of Win
fleeted by electrical currents
upon the great rivers and is now
fast crowding out the opium
dens of China and its possibilities
yet unfinished.
This is the true State of North
New Officers Elected F.
is Presided
There was a very good
dance at the meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce in
mayor's office Monday
It the time for election of
new rs, that business being
Wt over from the regular
meeting, this was gone into
first, and the meeting
ed mainly to laying plans for
term of the three directors
for one year expired,
D. L. Janus was re-elected, and
C. T. and A. I.
ton were also elected as
tors These with the old
tors then retired and selected
the following officers for the
President-F. M. Wooten.
Vice-President-J. J.
L. Little.
The filling of office of
secretary was left open for
election f Mr. Wooten as
president made another vacancy
Large Able Address
Congressman Small.
led. Now
North enter into ex-
legislation to drive such
plants from us and run such men
Reported for
Despite the weather,
there was a large crowd of
teachers present at the
The devotional exercises were
conducted by Rev. M. T. Plyler
in the absence of Rev. Mr. Huske.
who was away
Miss Lucy Manning acted as
secretary protein, as Miss Ada
the secretary, was detain-
ed at home account of sick-
in home.
The regular program was
ed UP, the first topic,
of Literature in our
was ably discussed by j ;
Supt E at. R of
He said that must be,
taught literature in that it.
become a part of
I that in order for them to . .
I date life in its fullness.
must be brought in touch
the master
become patriotic by reading
Webster and the of the
other statesmen, not by
Temple Bat Service
visit on Sunday of Bishop
A-, to the
E. Z; church h re, was an
ca. . and
El P
t, bishop
pr, . York Temple Sunday
, . R. Sawyer,
Jr., pastor of the church, had
arr an program
i r this t and can well feel
n e with which
it . I our. i in-
i., ice i to attend,
v then I so and
tell the
Vi an
., . t wed he
. intellect.
. . . extensively
u .
to the
the beard directors, brass bands or cheer-
s out of our
Honor to him to whom honor
is Here is our danger. Hip-
our legislature meet
and act rashly and pass some
measure not allowing first wife. Mrs, K. M Biggs,
these people to do business in who is expected
and then in six; to reach here today,
States Duckett was one of the
formerly Miss Ella Duckett,
Mr. Alfred Duckett, Miss Annie
Duckett and Miss
Duckett All these except
Miller are in the city and
arrive today. There
i s. i survives him a daughter by
E. G. Flanagan
to that position.
Upon being escorted to the
chair President Wooten made a
brief address in which
were made as to future
work of the chamber.
There was some discussion as
to getting all business men of
the community to become men;
of the chamber, and on
motion a membership
was appointed to make a canvas
to take i-
legislation as to effect
our entire state.
Now, Mr. Editor, I am fully
aware that any man who Cans to
dip pen in ink to say one
word or sentence that could he
construed in favor of the
can Tobacco Co. is liable to all
manner of criticism and the
charge has sold out to
the Now am not
throwing at these people,
and have nothing to sell them,
but I have a principle and con
that are dearer than
money to me.
But I might say and will say
in defense of life long friends
whom I likely know better than
any man in North Carolina, that
when men in North Carolina go
to far as to say that J. B. Duke,
J. B. Cobb and Robt. K. Smith,
two latter friends of my
young should wear stripes
and all such rot as that. I would
commend to all such the example
of Him who set the standard and
guides the destiny of human
beings, when He said of the
man, men who are not
guilty cast the first Who
of these writers would not organ-
a trust if possible, or accept a
or job at
the hands of those whom they
would persecute Oh consist-
ency, thou art a jewel. My in-
was aroused much
recently when an unjust attack
was made upon an employee. T.
J, Walker, of Richmond, as high
class, high principled and broad-
court dos not confirm i best known teachers of the State.
decision of the lower Court, and j,
educated at Furman
for members and report
decision or lower educated ac.
we have turned them from in Greenville, S. C,
what have we began his career as a teacher
f to
North Carolina tobaccos.
I say while we in the
lei's hold t-it and bi
cautious not to do anything to
injure the tree of
Carolina tobacco. pose the
Supreme court does confirm the
decision of lower court, we
then more than ever do not want
or need any drastic legislation.
be continued
will treat you
The Reformatory.
The Legislature may well
afford to come to help of the
Reform School at Concord, which
has so promising a future and so
great a work to do. For years
there has been a crying need for
it. They wayward children of
the State have not had the care
they deserved. Old North Caro-
has been unfaithful to her
disobedient boys. If this
is wisely conducted
we have no doubt it will it
will prove a
p. ice. It has a distinct
tile field. It ought never to corns
in conflict with any other
Latin and music need not
be in its curriculum. Its great
business should be to save u
wandering soul to
in county, N. C,
when he was years old. He
taught in that county, in Martin.
Pitt, Wake and Robeson. While
teaching at Apex, in this county,
he was elected County in-
of Schools and made a
fine impression. He taught at
Lumberton for eight years and
was in charge of the High School
there when in 1901 General T. F.
Toon, who had been elected State
Superintendent of Public
appointed him as Chief
Clerk. When General Toon died
Duckett was continued
in office by Hon. J. Y. Joyner,
being in late years assigned to
important lines of work in the
field for the department, filling
each position with the highest
degree of efficiency.
Wherever Captain Duckett
at a
meeting to be held the first
Friday in December. This
if composed of B. A.
White, E. G.
One m a committee on
advertising was appoint d,
of R. C T.
M. Hook, r C. t. Car.
It is proposed to make the
next meting a very interesting
lay their
Turned Over lo
the County.
The final detail of tendering
and accepting the new steel
bridge that spans Tar at
transpired one day last
week. Mr. L. Moseley, of
Greensboro, Southern agent of
the Bridge Co. the
contracting company. Mr. J. H.
Hershey. of N. Y., one
. the flag a-- i. passes.
next topic School
was discussed Supt. W.
H. Cale, of Grifton. He laid
special o i thoroughness In,,
the lower grades so that the
appreciate I
and rightly interpret the K
the grades.
Miss Nannie Richardson, of
Ayden, read a most excellent
paper on in th-
fourth, fifth Six
Ly tins time Congressman Jno.
II of Washington, N-C.
had arrived, lie was
by Prof. G. E. who
referred to .,.,., as one of the
congressman in North
Carolina. Prof. Lineberry also
of the deep interest
had shown in the educational
advancement of his district.
of Mr. Small's
able address was.
He spoke first of the
essentials in the of
an urban community; good
good sewerage,
good lights, good hospital
service. essentials in the
rural community were good
educational so that
the children may by educated,
good highways, good
mail facilities, laws
child in factory sec-
He enjoined it upon the
S includes
i ins. at now
, . his
A , the
e . re
, Those
.;,,. know
. Ill C t
They time part
of the t
on . table
i c
i th
; .
. , .,. will
. i
, . .-I illy
. .;. . hind.
. i, their
cad out w
They n l a
friends lesson n
will treat you
Bryan Advertising.
It is the lot of
wise man
to be asked fool questions. In
fact, the asking is an
of the wisdom of the
man of whom the inquiry is
made- Nobody ever ans a fool
question of a fool, for a fool an-
taught he left a distinct .
for good on life of the Board of County Commissioners,
community, both in an Mr. D. M. Clark, supervising
and a moral way. He engineer on the part of the
was a genial man, loving all county, made his report to the
commissioners that the bridge
was complete and constructed
according to contract. Upon this
v v-f-
of the directors of company, and would be looked up as the
Mr- S. Neal. of Scotland Neck, leaders in their respective com-
the sub-contractor, were here in This was practical in-
this final settlement with the deed, and we hope that we shall
to go out and help bring a fool according to his
these things about, because they , and there is no question
whereto the asker so honestly
r-., , honor. It be on the
minded a man as ever trod North I lookout to help the lowly and the
Carolina soil.
have always said that if the
laws of my country permitted
men to do an organization
then let the law stop them,
and any individual who sees no
further than a bomb, or stripes,
or hemp, is an anarchist. Yes,
this is a national question and I
let the government handle it
,, r ii
want to i-1
and ever seeking an
it will it. a kindness,
blessing beyond was good deeds
and it was a high privilege to
have him as a neighbor. He
was well known throughout the
State and his friends are legion.
The news of his death will carry
deep grief to many for he held
d a place close in the hearts of all
who knew News
ignorant. It should never put
on airs or frills. Its mission is
among the neglected and forgot-
ten, and it must keep its rudder
true -Charity and Children.
report the bridge was accepted
for the county and final settle-
made with the contractors.
Chairman R. W. King, of the
board, tells the contractors
and builders were pleasant to do
business with and that the settle-
was in every way
The cost of the
Duckett once taught a complete was It is a
successful school here, back in I modern el structure, securely
there's a but
where there is nothing to will,
the way is hard for the widow.
Nothing like a Policy in the old
. i , .
is well remembered in
where he had a great
many friends. His death is a
loss to the State.
will treat you
Those Tear
are snappy and just the thing
. , h order.
have the pleasure of hearing Mr.
The association has made an
excellent beginning for another
fine year's work.
treat you
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
has issued the following licenses
since last
Benjamin Murphy and Rosa
Lee Stocks. ,
Robert G. Barrett and Mary
R. V. Fleming and Fannie E.
L. Willoughby and
Mary Turner.
G. C. Harris and Florence
wants a wise answer as a fool
This being so. the man who
asked William Jennings Bryan
whether he really
advertising paid Mr. Bryan a
compliment. It happened in
Reading. Pennsylvania, last
winter, and the modern Com-
indeed showed that he
was a wise man by the reply he
made. It
fellow who tries to at-
tract business without
is like the fellow who throws
his sweetheart a silent kiss in
the dark. He knows what he is
nobody else
Augusta Herald.
built and will stand for ages-
The bridge is 1556 feet long and
feet wide. The turn table,
draw when open leaves a clear, colored
The bridge is a one Greene
and a credit to the county. Mills and Sallie Jones.
trait yon Peyton and Mary Teel.
The Odd Fellows.
The Odd Fellows had a de-
time at their social meet-
and oyster supper Tuesday
night. Excellent . were
made by ex-Gov. is.
Dr. D. L James an . r. F. C.
Harding. There a large
. a . i m

Eastern reflector, 13 November 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 13, 1908
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Joyner NC Microforms
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