Eastern reflector, 6 November 1908

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Under Democratic and Republican Ad-
Cotton Averaged a Cent a Pound Higher During
Cleveland's Entire Term Than Under
Entire Term. What It Go To Under the
. i;
put in u .
. mind I ii i i
i in bearing
, . national i -t- a-
to times and hard times
nil . rat on
on It if luted,
v ; ti
.- not that ill
i war i
v C
II . . .
I i
. . t I
-i t .
I he
I I . I
nu .,.,
i will H
lion. r. A
. d Hi-
s . i . i . i i
under .
which I w mill
price -i
tun be In u
a- the
in tin- the ii.
coin r cotton Iran
; in in ill-
The i M
from the fl I
it re
examining th i.
ton the lilts
i that tin v .
for . . ,. i ,
and M Ki
was ii M n ;.
The hi uncut o i
per low m
cent per pound in . .
price H 5-1
; 9-16 In it th
the H . .
the pr
wan In
I. The -I i
by for that year an
per the wan ;.
i tin-
lowest was in i .
price th -t w
th- highest v. n.
was n- .
will thus that cotton
its lowest the
rs of . J-
Taking the
the administrations i
I and we fol
year 1893, the year
Is administration, cotton
I per pound. The Ural year
15-16 . pond,
; i the year i fl.
-t . m-- n. r The second
IS . pi r pound,
he third y i s
cotton i
per pound.- The third year
v t
used . p r pound.
he fourth Cleveland id
ti n 1-K
is .-r pound The lust year
u In 1st rut Ion cotton
. tits per pound.
M win be -i en cotton
in raged during
U-7 rent per and
i mils
lowest average i
ever at n
n kepi of us price v during the
. year -i
prices referred to New
prices. North Carolina
least i t. u
the NoW ii
trust that these figures ma .
service to you Th.
t their I m
They are collected from i
Issued In made
d i-
he most cotton i
Of the United Stat.
verified by examination th-
r some the cotton mer-
it of Wilson.
ii win notice that y in I
. and while at
season cotton
hod in cents, during tin
year it also reached
while in it -1
the same season it
while In l it
w as ;. 9-18 cents, yet much i
cotton was sold at
the and third years
v administration,
tariff hill was In
the highest price i.
Sold was in i,
and In highest
cotton sold was ; i
Just before this issue was put to press an inquiry
from North Carolina, and Chairman of
Democratic Headquarters in New YorK for the last ten
and intimate knowledge,
that Bryan will carry New YorK. India
majority in the Electoral College. The attempt to buy
hard times cannot be effective after Republican
not succeed
The arc now
a practice the same deception
n the farmer that they on
he laboring man. It in the -full barn
now The binders toll
of bin crops and high prices, and ask
hat the party be given
credit for It. the Republican
hold the cloud In its Does
It scatter the rains in due
it furnish the sunshine and tho
tile soil it is sacrilege for
K leaders to acclaim a credit
to u
Is Republican legislation responsible
for the of farm products In
Canada farm product are a high, and
there is no Republican party In
Canada in farm products
are as high, and they have a
Republican party nor a high tariff
has the Republican party
for the benefit of the farmer Not one
thing. Rut it has permitted the farmer
to b afflicted by that
have grown up under Republican rule
the that the Republican lead-
i rs refused to remedy.
The farmer has suffered from the
extortion of the trusts; he has
d from the burden of high tariff; ho
has red from the insecurity of
deposit, and lie shares in the evils
follow from the growing estrange-
labor and capital.
in appropriations
U his income ho finds
taxed to support a
colonial policy In the Orient.
The farmers believe in the rule f
the people, and this has bean prevent-
ed by the Republican tho
farmers in the election of Sen-
by popular vote and this prop-
defeated the
can the farmers believe
in honest elections, a well a in honest
they know that
Republican convention rejected the
publicity plunk. Mr Tuft
mates the Intelligence tho farmers
the West, when ho asks them to
accept the Republican record of the
last eleven ears us evidence of tho
Willingness of lite Republican to
do to those who till tho BOll.
was wired Hon. Josephus Daniels, National Commit
Bureau of National Committee, who has been at
days. Mr. Daniels, from that vantage ground of ob-
and Ohio, and enough other States to give him the
and intimidate this year will not succeed. Threat of
c, and the attempt of the trusts to buy the election can
The Republican North
i no more of In
It In the or
Adam It In
was from
the of
l ii in h and haw
not perceptibly general
light of tin-
Remedies Which the Demo Party Offers to the
Restoration of Confidence and Quietude and an
Even, Equitable Prosperity. The Roosevelt Panic
Measures Republican Failure
of the l;. u i
n in in have not
fallen I Mr
the w Ind from On Ir it Is by ting.
out the .
. . . the I
the n i i I I
the return , i
Democratic parts i-
to rite
R an part ha had u- . c
mil it We are mm hi
a Km for
ml conditions are
in p m-.
hit failure for
on ;
i liabilities
d to ii meant ii
u m la I.
at are --1.
hr will -till j Ii
Is it
nature ha- not
Ii u
ill a n.
ill l
a It.
tan in
I'm lie
lie ii poll
vie-- a
here U, III l
Date u tariff -o u
h m
ii Mr. full
it ,. o Mi.
ii look a n
men it- ti
recently I i th
port ii
had pr
. f . .
had fallen
cape from It i-
III it, . . hi-.- n- poll
lea June for i not ml
of general h elf a re hut
lite i
of the people the
of the vast of the people, if e are
to vie mu-t restore
in The
doe not
On contrary, it Itself to;
a of the
trusts have
the expense of the
Democratic part floe- pi
to prevent the creation of
monopolies. To have prosperity v i
must have
between labor and capital The
party doe not promise this.
On the contrary it promises to con-
the policies which estranged
and capital, and have made
troubles The
potty justice labor
mid a of peace
friendship between employer and ,
Ill I
. pro-
to ti y hid-
r- more ii . id .
Th party d.
party doc
which will ii re Tin
who put, hi In
know in- mi
I hit
iv. by tho
Hi. iii.-ii
Ii to
. w.
I.- tariff,
la Hi-
is .
ti. n
to any
Hi.- candidate
i about without
vial HI meat
r. lion II th.
. m III la. th.
Hi. in. r am
fill . .- r
ill- in h hi. .
i-y n
. . . .
If till ;.
Will In . ,
I --iii
. in ind
for ;
. . in . m
only, . ill
. . H ill In pi ,
II in- in-
until . -i .,
can 1.1 . . urn.
an m. tho mo
ii I,,
mill in in
hi .
n .-Mi ii. ii-
a 1.1 -1
k I. In-
II 11- I-in 111- . n
I tin hr
,, hand In
III.- mi iii. ii did
II 11.11 Ink
II mil III.- nut
1-1 mi in-.
mil II
unlit- in In power
give i.
II. ll-l la
iii-i from
mid in lull amount-
Mali-lb- . In turn,
ii.-n him
III Mr op
law. In th.-
mil., ha
M-ll in
d pain,
1,1-11 III in-.
III- of
In la. I Ilia I i
mil around
a- a an
I- in a-
lo -in-.- i-
iii mi Nu 1.111
M- nil
tin- for
Hi- d
aid- in
in hi.
III a fair -hail- of ill-
ii in quite
ii- would a las nu
Mr. In tin- ill
roar of
smith, are iii
In a mi hi high
veil III- Hi, nil
I imp
of World,
air.-ii pa
if tin-
friend nun be
mi.- i-n-i mil in-
ii- -a-l. a-
1- -Iii in North
1- hail u- well
-mi th- rural n. de-
liver W. Kin
arm a -urn.
Carolina la-en -a.
a- fill i- In re-
purl- railroad
lain in-n-n-id
nil.--, h are
nu in state a hull
The Best Hit of the Campaign. Are the Cows to Go Dry
for Four Years if Bryan is Elected The Bryan Scare
of One Manufacturer is Called by Another
Who Tells Employees of the
Over to My Factory and Get WorK if Bryan is
Mi 1,1.-1 Mi
The Democratic Plan for Securing Bank Depositors. A
Simple, Practical Method That Will Secure the De-
Establish Confide Prevent Panics and
Money in Circulate n.
in tent i- iii-p that nun. n
pr-ha announces that
if in notice in- that
will e down an II I am elected
TI In lineal I read, I had
a would k. an milk under u Democratic
well as hut If
-I-II in-. Ii s in up In r
d f-i will ally bu
mailer be nib separator
man be manufacturing iii- that tho
party ban us for it that up-
Hi. . r. Hi- milk II given the the 1110-
tin milk to the real the kind
will longer be used and those who manufacture ii
n u. for the n H th- II
i day. d . at .
rail Hat . their own
Inn already
i-i empty, are to be year. under tie
la coming more more view
Mi a- tin- harbinger limes n turn and
particular eat. t
n challenged by rival u foil
I. Mm k, t National I
in close ill. I. in the event of Mr,
Me. a. largest r- of In tin- toiled
Mates, agree, in Hie f Mr. the
I pill lulu In lake II
Into our in lien tin- m, i,,, nu. of
. th. ran a separator factory and
steel I- 1.1 charge Ml per
. M per we
world's market, the t Is- 11-
in I Mule, t inn as
-1-pa inn Hirer-.
i Marsh, in.
git b pro-
lain I-. An who
little In whore
the plan in
II. a III. and ill belie.
t- -r 11- operations,
11- and an.-v.-rs
ii- simply, clearly and
In in its plat-
a safe, simple
and a, method -r
lug in. bank tho great
-s -I Individual without
v banking business
this country could not survive fur
II II la a tea-
proposition, tin-
pi. which is being applied every
p. every
life. A
plan common
m- wary a plan that
has tho attention and won the
support hundreds of
th- brainiest and
prominent all parties, and all
auctions of who
th.- that then- is it growing de-
for and
tin -r which v-
furnish the people who fur-
th- money upon
which Hi- the country
, and
, la
I in-
I I by Mr
I the Denver platform
s for a guarantee fund to
II small tax mi
in paid b the hanks and
held national treasury, and to
lie only tor n
in co. ii bank should fail
Hindu I should the
there la simply
. . mil into It
in depositor l-
blinker II and
institution do-
11.111,1 Hi., Hi-- peoples money
. ii cut
the ;. wants
Line to Mi- tho
united bonds bearing
interest as Not even tho
government fur Hie
security. If a railroad
your money it will
bearing bonds
by a mortgage on tin railroad.
null your
it a on
Its mill II wants your
he will you security
a his homo
and if he
ml . and 111-
He Id. you may
II lie loin the
in Hi.- pa ill. debt And
you I., think about It who
mi- individual
bunking are
pi up or Insured.
H hank if
bank building, the furniture and
Ills pi law, windows
u man he will
tell you Hie bank
to furnish security
for 111- their
duty and he ill u-ll you that such
one ii hi 1- to furnish
good for this
pose is this requirement regard-
ed i- a upon th. banker's
or ability Ask him II
Hi, carry m his
I- mil tell urn yea him if
life Insured and he
most tell yes. And
many of them toll you they
and you
would natural, every-
you will a k , i, furnish. tho
money upon -l a
and . he will
tell inn inn.-tenths it is fur-
Hut depositors.
Then ask him if these, individual de-
art- secured and he III say
oh, in. are nut Insured; they get
no security or guarantee.
la that fair Is it the correct
Is It the wisest policy Mr.
Bryan Bays no, the Democratic party
says no. panic that
money scare that
fright-tied dollar that's hiding;
-very uneasy all. In
acclaim that la loud and growing
louder, say that it is neither a correct
principle or a wise
clearing house and every
cashier's check that went out upon
financial Hurry a year ago a
earning that the principle or
the policy is sound or fair.
declaration on the of Mr.
Taft or any of the leaders
in favor of postal savings bank or
other government method of currency
concentration is a waffling to business
nun, and the every-
where that this diseased spot in our
financial system must have safe and
effective treatment, if a steady flow
of our currency Into Wall street
other is to be averted.
And what's the matter with the
method proposed by Democratic
. party It is practically the same
I co-operative principle that the in-
I company adopts to enable It
j to pay Hie loss sustained by
the hank building, or tho death
of tho banker whose life insured.
tho same principle upon which
the Slate raises a fund for tho
j of schools and educating the
I weak and strong alike
, discrimination. Do with this
principle of taxing the strong for the
, of weak and you
stray our system of government, both
j State and-
Hut Mr. says it is wild-rut
proposition. did not say that until
. he got to York. Out In
. Kansas and the Dakota, his
adopted the punt
I State lie said nothing
it being a wild-cat proposition.
I Out in Oklahoma, where Is
j operation and
universally endorsed By his own party
I and Where only one out or die
twenty have rolled
since the went Into operation, ho
would not think of saying anything
about It being a wild-cat proposition.
he did the banker ho met
would tell him that between the dates
of February and July ft the
deposits in secured banks
Oklahoma Increased more than
1,0011.000 while re was a decrease
In tho unsecured hanks of more than a
million dollars. This Oklahoma bank-
whether Democrat or
would tell him between
lb- dates of July and October
of Ibis your, days,
standing of tho Re-
publican panic individual
In the protected banks In Oklahoma
over three million eight
thousand dollars. These Okla-
merchants, coal miners
and men of all dealing-, would tell him
worn no frightened, dollars
in Oklahoma and that
instead -it flowing out of
into money centers,
it in rapidly flowing Into to
secure tho protection furnished by a
plan which Mr. Taft he
gets near Washington New
a wildcat scheme. Mr. Taft and
sonic of his sympathizers say that the
plan into Hie banking
unreliable, unsafe and wildcat
banks and hunkers, which Is
lent sating that tho national
administrations are going to
have no more sense than to go Into the
business of legalizing and
turning loose the public a lot of
wild, and
hanks and hankers Mr. Taft and his
party if than power,
might do this, but Mr. Bryan and his
party never would.
r. u.
D. J. and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Cue Year
Tuesday's Election Assures Him Nearly
Three Hundred Electoral Votes
Kitchin and the Stats About Major-
Democratic Congressmen Sure
County the Fine Thing
With 1500 to 1300 Majority
will b
Same and plurality
in 1904, fifty thousand.
N-w York State Chairman
The Globe Murphy, of th- Republican State
announces that Taft ha car- committee, claims the state for
tied Massachusetts by 100.000 Taft by a sweeping majority,
majority and that Draper has, York Tribune
been elected governor of York state will
Montgomery. Al-
bum give 85.000.
safely .
Arkansas a majority,
according to tho re
suit of a heavy vote
throughout the s e
s m
Tilt Bryan
CH i
. will carry Chic
. about 208.689, the ma-
i. gave
Bulletin from
II. that, the
. r Joseph
non claim his by a ma-
over Ins
Democratic lit H Bell.
of the
Republican State com- speaker is elected by six
chairman Taft will thousand majority,
carry Michigan by Chairman Hitchcock the
thousand and publican com.
increased th following
I Paul, few scattering
Minnesota give Tall
Lou's- 4.342
Associated bulletin from
returns from
th-state that th
will lo very with th
favor of Bryan having ,,,.,;
plurality thousand.
i t,. the
Polls iii Nebraska closed arose from a
p m. In Lincoln tho heave t, bed to go to Albany to cast I-
ever cast that I ballot which made possible
Returns from Buncombe up to,
indicate it goes Democratic
by except for Cane Monday
Democratic ., ,. an f several
majority close ., ,. fever, Mr.
very t.- .-,, . .,
will take count to decide j , . . little be-
estimates Demo- . .-. night
m teen
Tyrrell county small Demo-
era I,; j f th r in his c
county indicates Cole
. treasurer, . , . w M revived.
. R publican, elected ,,,,. , , in
the Republican vie All other county ,, . ,
president, accept D r
and I k u in.
t r the and with New ii. r county Bryan
ii have conducted the ii
campaign. Today's fully Columbus D about
concedes or State ticket.
York Times claims two
York at Dun am c u Bryan ,,,
Bays latest results Wm, Kitchen 1,750, Cox
vii. .
i,.; . ii from Chair IV;,
u Mr.
. and
elected by twenty 1,252
and plurality. probably A .
tn I-
Y. City man B or
. and ;,,.
that all mi c
Bryan ha made substantial
in his home city.
Omaha gives Bryan
Tuft 10.609.
Denver. Five of
a total of 1-16, in Deliver, j cum-
declares that the
t I house will have a good working
Connecticut, five town give of
Taft 1.015 Bryan Indiana
can gain i Indianapolis, Eleven
if in Indiana give
1.784 . Bryan 2.080. The -am.-
i in 1904 nave
2.184, Parker 1.702.
art .
Hartford, Taft 3.860. Bryan
d president Sol
Taft Bryan
A New York Herald
Fays Taft Connecticut b
for I
b. districts in
Bid. -t, Taft MS,
Same in 1904,
Republican governor and Parker
all Republican congressmen
i A
, . Associated Press bulletin from
i .
., . u , Des fifty precincts
I i. n
mates lifts ,
th state t three
New Tribune says Taft of 1904 of The
Taft carries Delaware by 2.000. ratio of loss will give
the slate by forty thousand.
Jacksonville. The election
passed off quietly throughout
the state, light vote polled. Con-
estimate places Demo-
majority from to
23.000 for both state and national
Savannah. Bryan has car-
Georgia, but returns thus
far received a larger
Louisville. Fifteen counties
complete, outside of Louisville
and Jefferson counties, give
Bryan 28.888 Taft 16.283.
Louisville. precincts out
of in Louisville and Jefferson
counties give Taft Bryan
Taft's plurality
I Maine, Republican plurality in
Taft and Watson vote than was this at about
generally expected. thousand,
votes in this, Chatham, county
thirty thousand.
New York Tribune says Maine
has given Taft plurality of thirty-
five thousand.
1,800 were for Taft.
Late tonight Clark
national Democratic Committee
Mr. Taft. Mr. Howell Baltimore returns from
the Associated Press parts of state show
following statement is a
landslide for Mr. Taft. Mr.
Bryan has made a wonderful
campaign but he could not over-
come the prevailing idea that
business conditions would be ad-
effected by Republican
defeat. As to Georgia it is safe-
for Bryan by about ma-
Returns from precincts out
of 1.260 in Chicago, Taft
Bryan Same precincts four
years ago gave Roosevelt
Chicago, precincts out of
1260 in Chicago gives Taft
Bryan 9.799.
off of Democratic vote, indicating
that Taft has Carried city by
five thousand more.
have probably elected
three of six congressmen.
State goes for Bryan by a
Twenty towns in
setts Bryan
Same towns in 1901
gave Roosevelt Parker
Seventy cities in
setts gives Taft Bryan
Same cities and towns in
1904 gave Roosevelt Par-
Massachusetts, cities and
Concord, towns and
out of New
give Taft Bryan
in 1904 the same
town- aid gave Roosevelt
Forty-seven districts out of 3.-
election districts in New
York State outside of Greater
York Taft
Bryan The same districts
in 1904 cave Roosevelt
Schenectady city complete
Taft Bryan 9.751
In Roosevelt's plurality was
Chanter carries Buffalo by
Rome complete gives Taft 2.-
Bryan 1.956. Same in 1904
gave Roosevelt Parker
1,912. Rome, complete returns
Hives Hughes 2.206,
2.032. Same in 1906 gave
1.730, Hearst
Times at o'clock, flashes that
Taft is elected.
City of Amsterdam, New York,
complete, Taft Bryan
2.110. Hughes Chanter,
Elmira, complete, Taft 1,768,
Bryan Hughes
New York. p. m. National
Chairman Hitchcock said to the
Associated Press stand on my
claim of electoral votes for
Taft. he will receive
not less than one hundred thous-
and plurality in New York state
and that Governor Hughes has
New York state, election
districts give Hughes
Chanter 1,202.
Same districts in 1906 gave
Hughes Hearst
World says Taft is elected.
The Herald is signaling Taft
Buffalo, Erie county complete,
Taft 30.101, Bryan
Tho New York Tribune
are that New Jersey has
gone for Taft by thirty thousand.
Hughes for governor
New York American displays
Taft's picture indicating his
New York p. Demo-
State Chairman
n. the for
passage of Hughes
int. track law was eh i
third i a Republics n,
At p m. Chairman Marl
Nat. Cum announce that u
he definitely from
Indiana. Illinois and other w.--
i et n states he would not it
on the result.
At P m. State Chair
Connors, who, with other
Democrats, had receive;
the returns at headquarters
said. concede the election
of Taft and Hughes. Taft
through. Chanter ran
ahead of a the rest of tho lie
et. We very well up State
but I thought we would
in the greater city. Although
we have no exact figures on tho
remainder of State tick t it
looks ash would follow the head
and be defeated.
. over I
I n i
nth districts
,, r
Dakota is y substantial
s four
at give
i. with Burks
most .
was a
knew i
wife .
was -11 years
and was the
an. Mrs. A. A.
i the farm a
he wed Miss
the fall of
to Green-
in the tobacco
i. marking
mg a tobacco mar
,. town. Since that
led here, and
. had prominent
. . the market. He
., energy and tact,
ids and
,, . i
.- is by a
. Ir. n
. . .
i Ernestine.
s his parents be all -leaves
I out
of 4.480 in Taft
Bryan-171. The same 1904 gave
Roosevelt , Park, r
T. ft said
looks land slid, can take
a short
ma City o'clock
State Chairman
four .-
G E., s
Mr. r
was i
that e .
ago a i
in the
the state for
Guilford county one
Democratic majority.
Buncombe very close. Tenth
district returns so
far received show large Re-
publicans gains.
Beaufort county about six
Raleigh, which four years ago
gave a thousand majority
Democratic, went today about
eight hundred and fifty Demo-
Vote appears to be full
generally here and in state,
Anson county Democratic about
twelve hundred on both national
and tickets, showing slight
gain for Democratic.
Vance county Democratic by
county, except two
precincts gives Democratic
Wilson county gives about
county Demo-
Telegrams from Asheville says
10th district very close.
being that Grant,
can, is elected to Congress.
county, state ticket
majority, national
Craven county estimated safe-
Democratic by 1.000. gives
Bryan majority Kitchin
The fourth district gives
Democrat, about four thousand
Granville county out of
precincts give Kitchin ma-
indicating majority
for county.
uncertain, very close.
Bryan by forty thousand-
Pittsburgh When the polls
closed in this city at o'clock, a
heavy vote had been cast.
Republican rs claim plural-
at four thousand for Taft in
Alleghany county.
Philadelphia. Republican lead-
claim Pennsylvania for Taft
more than 1.000 plurality.
mi.-c ii
The Hi
e brothers
Mrs. J. S.
, . ;. Savage, Miss
. ind Messrs. i-i. T.,
i-i A. A Forbes,
, skilled
. i; n and net, and
the band
i a years
the best
ii for many
. , i. .
. be sadly
. mi
Providence. Returns from
two districts in state out of
gives Taft Bryan His-
gen Same districts in 1904,
Roosevelt Parker
took place Tuesday
n o'clock, with
vice in th church and
interment being in Cherry Hill
cemetery, was con-
ducted by Rev. T. H. King, of
and the pall
Honorary, Dr. B. L.
James. Dr. R L. Carr, Dr.
i, Dr.
Messrs. R.
J T. Smith, T. R.
W. H, S. T.
Hooker and J.
Active, Mi C C. Vines, J.
It is conceded that J. C. Tyson, R. C.
nominees, state and national,
carried South Carolina by
fifty to sixty thousand majority.
All Democratic congressmen are
elected by normal majorities.
Nashville. Incomplete re-
turns indicate that Bryan will
carry the state by usual Demo-
majority. State Demo
ticket also elected.
Dallas. Returns indicate the
election of the entire Democratic
ticket, both state and national
by the usual majorities.
Salt Lake city. Chairman
Republican committee claims
Utah Republican by
One hundred and twenty-five
towns in Vermont give Taft
Seattle. Scattering returns
n fourth
Flanagan, L. L. p.
Wade, J. A. Ricks and G. J.
many fl tributes were
beautiful expressions of esteem
in which was held.
for October.
Secretary C. W. Harvey, of
the Tobacco Board of Trade, re-
ports the of leaf tobacco on
the Greenville market for the
month of October at
mm mis, the rage price being
total sales for the
three months since August 1st
were pounds.
Dr. Swindell Next Sunday.
Dr. F. D. Swindell of Wilson
will preach in the Jarvis Memo-
rial church n Sunday morning
and night. f Green-
ville will be this
well known mini- o well
beloved for his ma. y noble
qualities of mind and heart,

. I
, . c ii
I for the United States laws, as
well as most rigid govern-
supervision, make them
This bank has been established over two during
which time it has served the public faithfully and
built up a large and prosperous business. The best service
is none to good for both our town and country customers.
Our Stockholders and Directors are responsible, well-to-do bus-
Therefore in the of your bank, have permanency
in view and establish yourself for your present and future well
being; with a good sound bank.
The National Bank of Greenville
Capital Stockholders liability
F. G. JAMES, J. P.
F. J. FORBES, Cashier.
Subscribe to The Daily Reflector.
. --.-.-
Guarantee of
, .-. L
The I D.
. v.
. .;
The re
. id
e it pi
i the
is the
Our surplus and prof.
Al of i .
I e ;.
ill to SC
s h
L i a.
. I n-
. I'm
Ill it III and the
it l
.-. I e.
e . .
v and g ;
B the fame -v
tar to
This saves MON V.
our quality brick
when used same
t insures
11- J ON K
n .
i ml
. .-
In in i i unite Al ll
. ; in. , . i
me ii In III
I In., i
Th now Mil
-l i.- n o in
In i Tr.-
. Then
baby lo be
l's in I.
mature Bow
river the
her orders, Hinging the Into ill.
rater, it rolled about and
II was
a of lb--
Into the river
with u She save her
frowning child, doubt
the wife
he be and the
given to her. mandarin
bin bead and wife
woman In the
Meanwhile the
crept away. She was found out In
Imposture, and the
all brr In the
of little baby In the
ilk she find In her
White and
and red wines owe
to me fact that. the for
Is permitted to ferment
these an-
remain la the ease of the latter. The
rotor of the grapes makes
to the color of the wine
they produce, for the Juice of
all Is as nearly as possible col-
For Instance, the grape
champagne is almost black In
-An t no longer
kit at the
-And ye ye dun
in t
Golfer I
mind it fin. It was a
y And, man,
I up I lay deW on Um
i .
i .
ii, . i
. .
, lie
. if . i
from CO ct-
till the lose
are dead. After i
lie o ill
Hit Comment.
A r u t i a f.
thinks that i- ii player
j wrote and a book on the
i game and feat one copy to a famous
i Milwaukee fur hi- opinion
of if. In u week the Look
j a.- to him with the fol-
. lowing Dear Sir
of the 10th
j your book, wag duly re-
I have read it tery care-
It. seem to be a very good
game. I don't think it is M-food
a H
tie time s boy under a
street corner electric playing
With toads until he la Mind and
ls be bus to account to woman
why h com home earlier
AU bison
r.-tail Cr- c
Dealer. Ci-
paid fur Fur, Gotten S I
Oil Turkeys,
Bedsteads, etc
Suits, Baby Go-Carts
Parlor suit lab-. Lounges.
High Tobacco, Key
. West Cheroots,
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach-
es, Apples. Apples. Syrup,
Jelly. Meat, Flour, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Magic Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
I Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples,
Poaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and This is a List of Successful Business
Wooden ware, Cakes and Crack- Men Who Use Oliver Type
Macaroni. Best But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see me.
A Card.
I hereby announce that I have
removed for the practice of my
profession from Falkland to
Greenville. Residence on Third
street next door to J. L. Fleming.
Office, Dr. former office
where I can be found at all times
when not professionally engaged
Ii you want your HORSE to trot
fast and pull strong buy your
in the City
Notice of Dissolution.
The firm of
was this day by mutual con-
sent. All persons who are indebted to
the firm will please come and
settle, and all persons having accounts
or notes against said are requested
to present them at the formerly
occupied by
E. A. Ir.
I in
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Lets
Money than any man in town,
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Com, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of
Mutual Life
1843. Assets over
Messrs. Baker Hart, Rank of
Greenville, Dr. L. James,
Knitting Mills, Jarvis Blow.
CO, J. Ben. Dr.
Brown, F. C. Harding.
Brown, C S. Forbes, Greenville
Veneer Co., Greenville Manufacturing
Co., Moseley Bros. Coward Wooten.
D. Moore, Greenville Supply Co.
The John Flanagan Company.
J, E. Winslow, W. L. Best.
W. J. Turnage Co , Greenville Whole-
sale Co., David James, The Daily
Reflector, S. T. Hooker, Co.
The OLIVER Record has never
been Equaled. Sold on Easy terms
Write or phone
Barber Shop
Edmond S Fleming props.
Located in main business sec-
of the town. Four chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber.
Our place is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
thank you for past patronage
and ask you to call again when
good work is wanted.
Subscribe for
Miss Pate
Offers her services to the people of
Greenville and community
N. C
I hi.
. V ,
.-.-. i
. ii . .-
i ii d . ,
. , u
. it
. .
I. ., n or Mr A.
,., . H id
he h era i
u inn .- ed
. . at
, t
. . ., .
I . ilk
the i
. J
.; d tor t
. . .-
. . . . ii , , ,. , , . .
i . . . . , . .
. recognized ; both t .
the world, lo . .- , s . ,. wee, . . .,
grower and and harmonious ration . w ,;. ; t is very much appreciated, and lean
.-. said .,. that will re- highly recommend the Maryland a k
indefinable position I ; con, tor the p
men,,, and th intercom b. .,,.,.,. . .
an ;
i- ; th .
but as the
, , I re n,
ll i
.;. . ,. u who i imped
i Mi ii
. . .
In ;.
Late aft in v
l . it ii i R
i I
.;. i tr.
v. . ;. .
i hi t
. . .
e . in to b I i m
, ,. the two a
, i. t all clearly and dis- wing altogether
i -1 . -i ii.
, I have i id tit. tn it
newly coined phrase a A
twilight zone us nearly express- it has accomplished wonders and
sphere say condition
win houseman than an other not more and profit-
of i . able to grower and dealer.
From vantage prevailing prices for oar r
it be tailed, of this position tobacco may be
by very force of cause of this condition. Granted I Cough sweetheart,
his circumstances to look at that to some extern is true, j it a staple kill himself in her presence.
hat ; . m . i v.- idS , A
to tins . l ; w k
remedy this, j ;, . , , . but ha i .
dished wonders and .,;. in n- Brown intended to
.;. . .-,.,.,. ,. L . hr . . r and Pi
I , I
. ah -i. ed
b to remain
; ll in i
ii i tin Ban; n Brown intend id I
i bar. I young fellow, I hT .
-t. v
. Ii
. from this that m ire i
of to marry and con
the wow intention to her
. i
Edge Tools.
lie threatened to
I this preparation have made it .-i
with such prices it is of trade over a large
exception and not the
that much money has been made
questions affecting the interest
of both the seller and buyer,
from a wholly disinterested per-
point of view, the
warehouseman has
of forming a more
idea and estimating more
accurately the true relation of
the tobacco grower to the tobacco
dealers than any other factor
engaged in the trade.
At first thought it may seem to
some of you that this is a sub-
of not much concern to other profession, and to become
members of this Association, but marked characteristics need only
A colored woman of
Suiting the action
to the word
he went out and procured
which, returning, he drank
it where she could see it. Then i
he h ft her and was later found j
on the sidewalk. Doctors
., v-r
Not Quite
Where Bullets Flew.
upon reflection I am sure that
you will agree that there are
many matters affecting the in-
both alike, which if
they were properly understood
and adjusted, would result in the
solution of many problems with
which the trade stands confront-
ed. No one of us has the legal
or moral right to say am not
my brother's therefore,
with the view of presenting
some phases of this question for
in the hope
that they may lead to a
understanding of the true
of the tobacco grower to
the tobacco dealer, I have left
a very busy business to be with
you this evening.
In the first place, en,
for the past few years by our
tobacco farmers. The real cause
is the fact that our farmers are j A colored woman of
sufficiently intelligent to Va was on trial before a j pumped it out of him and he will
conditions and of that town charged Times.
enough to assign just motives to with inhuman treatment of her
the of others, attributes of I offspring.
character, always admirable Evidence was clear that the
wherever found, and found had severely beaten the
as often among farmers as in youngster, aged some nine years,
who was in court to exhibit his
battered condition.
Before imposing sentence,
his honor asked the woman
whether she had anything to
the proper cultivation. This
cultivation to be effective must
be done by tobacco dealers, that
is by men engaged in other
branches of the tobacco business
than that of growing it.
For eighteen years I have en-
gaged in the tobacco warehouse
business, and as I have tried to
become master of my art have
found it very necessary to study c l
closely the nature and character-
of the farmer. As a result
of my experience I give it now
as my deliberate opinion that the
farmer, considering his
and advantages,
environments and his training, is
ask a
inquired the prisoner.
The judge nodded affirmative-
then, I'd
like to ask whether yo was
ever the of b
David Parker, of N. Y., a
of the civil war, who a
at Gettysburg, says -The
I Electric have done is worth
than live hundred dollars to me.
I much money doctoring for a
bad case of stomach trouble, to little
purpose. I then tried Electric Hitters,
and they cured mo, I now take th-m
as i. tonic, and they keep mo strong
at Jno. L. Woolen s
drug store.
Had a Close Call.
Mrs. Ada Cram, the widely
known proprietor of th. Motel,
Vaughn, Miss., several
months I suffered with a severe cough,
and consumption seemed to have Its
on me. when a friend recommend-
is Dr King's New Discovery.
it and
the equal of any other profession I cure. The fame of this
life saving cough and cold remedy,
tune throat healer is world wide. Sold
at L. drug store.
of men I have ever mingled with,
and the superior of many of
how many of you ever seriously I them. He is possessed of the I and Trial bottle tree.
The Special Train.
Then, like the unjust judge in
Scripture, because of the
of the
cans, Mr. Settle called a brother
lawyer to take his place in the
case, hurried to the depot, board-
ed the special train and rode in
solitary state and at a great rate
from Asheville to Durham. He
got to the Bull city after the
meeting was opened but in
ample time to make his speech.
The trip cost the Republican
managers They surely
must have money to burn.
How often you can gel a
thing done -a
nail or screw driver or
Have a good
tool box lie prepared
emergencies. Our
is a you could and
we see that your tool
box not lack a single
Of Course
You get
Horse Goods t c
For a Short While I
are now arriving, plant early
to get best results. A nice
line of Palms, and Ferns in all
sizes. Choice cut flowers a
specialty, wedding bouquets
and Floral offerings at short
notice. Mail. Telegraph, and
Telephone orders receive
prompt attention. Phone
Raleigh, N. C.
All Our both fancy
and domestics.
A chance lo replenish your
Ail our baseball good at cost.
Can be found on Fourth street
prepared to clean, press
Mens Clothing and Ladies
All work done promptly, auto
made to order when desired.
Your patronage Solicited.
r-y y-

D. J. Editor and Proprietor
Entered us matter Jan. at the at Greenville. K
C . Congress of March
in to
It is over now.
How folks volt
Old always does
herself proud.
When you want county
to save the State just call on
Mr. is just as graft a
man this morning a.- lie H'M be-
fore it happened.
The Republicans seem to
made good use of their corrupt-
ion fund in New
We are not yet to
tell how happened,
seems to have happened.
Mow the folks can settle down
to business, and some should n
forget to settle up in the mean-
contributions to the
campaign fund, while he knew
all the time his denial
but he is as dumb as an Oyster
Bay oyster on that Panama
The Durham Herald got the
other papers a
as to what Glenn will
do with himself after his term
of expires. The
will i. -11 better
holding any i
can give him. but he will
never lose interest in politics.
from every part of Washington
indicate a plurality of at least
forty thousand for Taft and the
State Republican
for congress. Small
for senate, Blow Moore
No. 2-For con-
for senate. Blow Moore
Falkland For president,
an Taft for governor,
for congress.
Wheeling West Virginia. Re- j Small lit, Meek ins for sen-
publican says re- ate. Blow
Taft for president president
for governor have an Taft for governor,
carried state majority. Kitchin Cox for congress
All congressman republicans Small .
re-elected. president,
Bryan KM, Taft for govern-
Over Grand
Appleton's .
November. Mr. Jo,;, P. m the midst of ft
recites of
the part of grand juries, in I
received from different points in
or. Kitchin Om for
congress. Small MB. Meekins
. . Moore
state is safe for Taft and
that Davidson. for Fry-
govern r is running about for the of has
Kitchin for congress. that show either
people without
law or Mr. Ryan v
takes up the case of District
Jerome, in being
crucified for not bringing
against and
other men New when
these were in disrepute. We
quote from Mr. Ryan .
been high-hand-
ed procedure in bringing
under State jurisdiction,
what must be said of the Federal
situation f There are scores of
cases or the Federal records that
substantiate the assertion that
A clean, aggressive campaign
has been conducted by the
of Pitt county, tin-
Now get to work for
as actively s you
been at work for candidates,
yon will see things come
ha proven that th.-
made no mi.
in to lie
forces In this county. He has
had the support of a good
and h
lie due him and them for their
I untiring efforts in th cause
Press bulletin from
U -it voles ill
cast in the electoral college for
California, Connecticut
Idaho Illinois
Indians Iowa Kansas
. Minnesota New
i. New Jen
, Dakota Utah
i. Washington If
the present ratio is maintained
Small s. Meekins for senate,
tariff president.
. I . govern-
or, for con-
KM. Meekins for sen-
Blow Moore
Mere Cities.
Am has been tie after
every fair f t
the asininity or pliability of Fed-
grand juries, and the utter
disregard of even casual respect
human I
the article Mr.
Ryan that grand juries
are usually altogether too pliant
the hands of the
Also that many district
attorney proceed u i the idea
the more convictions
the bettor they are
plan town or govern-
a trial six month u
Kan. greatly of common de-
district attorneys cans.
to be made I
their the
I where
pleased. beyond
have administrative
t, .-, composed of a and
i to have been made.
in so far as Federal
Mr. Ryan's views
seem to be particularly
four commissioners, good
men. The city is being
gone Bryan improved, city
j- carried ,; every sort i with
Ohio urns slow touting in
swing to immense but
; n
I tail, in if nave a my in
The Rural Happiness So. . New York, lime
tun city has given its vote to
Possibly there enough J We are told that
Republicans left Pitt the election, lie
to hold Federal job,
. , . t
as many as they want.
The result of Tuesday's
is disappointing as to t
but as lo I
and there
abundant cause for rejoicing.
i of w did
ago. exceeded
e.,.; It's plurality in New
gathering as to
U, f lie
can be made
j,. . .
. .
While editor sat
telegraph key Tuesday night, i
taking the election returns, the
i I . i .
rest Of the was at won, up
stairs all night tn give
and taxes are already lower.
. K ,. is de-
to be
existing between all citizens, as;
a re.-ult of the of
the old and political feuds
and rows, which, in many
r plurality In new estimation, actually
vented the city's growth And de-
On October 8th
Mass., the
England city adopt the
. r .-.
Commission government
cities, variously known other-
as Houston
or Des Moines plan, HOW has a
very of till
and had I
when- cases
by over zealous employ
es the of
political motives. The de-
sire i i Mime has been more
to win a class of votes,
the vole, by
people without reasonable
of law of fact.
t to be
but brought
to lot ard am hi i ion or for i-
cal mot ires, are themselves
to Harry
lie b
story was told in the last
The He was
to r i message and it
to bun that the
man to whom the message was
I directed had left town. To.
delivering the
meant it,
and he pursued his man until he
had discharged the duty,
though it meant a trip of
miles on a wheel. It does not
appear that he was told to
sue his man thus far. In fact
his doing so was unusual that
his action created both surprise
and amusement. If In- had re-
turned the message undelivered
after the party to whom
it v. as addressed of town,
this would bare u .-;. as a
matter of course then would
have no criticism. But
Harry was in dead earn-
est. He saw only his duty and
lie did not stop until the work
was performed.
Glory to Harry and
may hit tribe in There
lug thousands and thousands of
Isms who have in Mid de
. is that
I here art few like
his ease should attract at-
In tin- the hope is
ventured the boy
The landmark read the story of
boy, in
the issue of this who
. . . i ill
the circus to pick cotton and
i mud lump of gold worth
In- boy, ii wise
i. hi . ii disposed to
i t I the good
boys in the Sunday
books and the reward I hey re-
. hi i. K I. and are
j of
. are rather goody
tor pro
overturning a normal
Iii Chronicle, and ah.
reaches Char-1 plurality of
. in the X.,. York bulletin says
lie country an show. is Maine
already, the farmers Lb, New Hampshire i l
and families are Vermont
to t ------u, Con- U goes marching
Liver of
of the troubles w
lo our readers
n. ii.
,. ml election returns
all , I
the telephone and l
id. Many farm , ., to midnight show f.-
, i; i I have I.
k. ft r The
I I to v
b, practical-
After the election there out of the
be more attention w business. market. Ho can up b.
Hy the way, suppose i
was pushed as vigorously
politics, wouldn't there a
difference conditions
One newspaper
says, Tail radiates cordiality as
a stove radiates heal.
If the author of that
squib had in mind kind of
depot stove we have down this
be did Taft is a
cold man.
, i in
national house of
The U. H. Sen-
retain present
. majority,
Ho, his wife and Ills daughters
can converse with neighbors In Mr.
city v. The rural ear- Lincoln,
houses at his door,
A mammoth cotton confer-
will be held In Memphis
LI, A number
of delegates hare been appoint
from North Carolina, and
there will no doubt be a large
from the cotton grow-
President may have
gone into office not a very rich
man, but through the help of the
canal deal he will come
out several millions to the good,
to Bay nothing of other grafts
that may be exposed by a change
of administration.
brings the mail each morn.
and in short, the
burg farmer lives at home and
enjoys himself. The farmer's
uplift problem has long since
been solved ill Mecklenburg and
President Roosevelt can get all
the information hero about it
that he may
p Mr. sent down
the following is
very gratifying to receive a com-
vote in home
and in the city of Lincoln.
We appreciate very much this
expression of good will on the
post of our neighbors the Re-
actual reward in real life.
Not every who stays homo
f e i . arks will
geld, and a n rule
should be allowed to visit
o.-i the
point always
Ins ii- reward, d c use
air.- ion. a ant is amt ; r,.
said these days about the j Bat In addition, sooner
or later, there are always other
rewards gold . r more than
gold for duty well
lie did not love
his home, We that man i
boys are suffering from the
A groat deal is
of making home attractive
so boys will not wander
into doubtful and danger,
places, This is important, but
there are some boys
HOt held at
feeler, of
reaped one way and
; ill, has
no in another. And both, if
what is done for them, and there I continue in that path
y I through life, will
reap larger rewards
but somehow we are impressed of all
las that. We may be mistaken, j
the exception of Wash-
who died at the age of
liT two years after leaving
most of the early presidents
lived to advanced years,
Adams was when his term
was done lived to be DO;
Jefferson was and lived to be
Madison lived to
be Monroe was and died
six years later; John Q. Adams
was and lived to be Jack-
son was and lived to be
Van and lived to
be Tyler was and lived to
he Polk was and died the
year of his retirement;
was oil and lived to be
was and lived to be
was and lived to
was and lived to
lie was and lived
to he Oil; was and
ed to be TO; Arthur was and
very died a year was
President Roosevelt was
nick to deny Judge Pa
charge four years ago about term and lived to be
and lived to Cleveland
quick to deny Judge s
Her Majority Will be Fifteen Hundred
or More
In Pitt the vote was large and
the county done herself proud in
a majority. Com-
returns could not be
during the night, but we give
enough below to show how the
county has gone, there being
but little in the
of the ticket from those
whose names w-e publish. In
next issue will give more com-
figures. From
Dam, and Bethel town-
ship no returns came.
senate, Blow
congress, Small
Meekins for senate
NO, Moore
No. I- For
lent, Bryan Tuft for
good many people outside
legal fraternity have always
felt that lawyers
privileges and
ties. is is true The
Landmark will not stop to in-.
., ., i . is very I hope for such a
quire. But it is preliminary ,.,.,
remarking that when they lock
up lawyers in tin- common bus-
tile of u small municipality,
done the other
day because u disciple of Black-
stone refuted to pay water rent;
when they lynch the legal lights,
as was done in the
other because they had
cured the passage of a special
act protecting the property of a
client; when they M
them tn the penitentiary for
robbing a client, as done in
we lire persuaded,
that transportation has become
so easy and It bus
fact that there is u gen- ville Land
tendency from I In-
sacred happiness that surrounds
the old home, It be that
this is due to the restlessness of
the age and the vast throngs of
our people that are constantly
moving to and fro. Our children
tire less contented w the
j pie happiness Of the home life,
but measure their pleasure by
I the trips they take. It is a dis
governor, Kitchen Cox d w
New York the other this
sort of thing Isn't stopped it
with truth be said that the law-
have no more rights -and
hardly us the common
has stolen
my bird dog, Friday night or
Saturday. Oct. A male setter,
white, black oars, the does
not cover one eye, black spot on
one side, brown spot over each
eye, ears brown underneath,
answers to tho name of Tony.
A suitable reward for
to recovery. Notify J. R.
Hutchings at Gum Warehouse.
For farm,
one mile South of Greenville. It
is fine tobacco land and has three
tenant houses. For particulars
see John W. Tucker.
militated against the
quiet joy of the family life. The
children who still find the high-
est happiness at home are the
ones who will count for most
they do go out into life.
The British political
responding to tho Democratic,
party of the United States, has
been in power for the past four
yours. The Canadian political
party correspond to the Dem-
party of the United
States has just received a fresh
lease of power. Let's
Kern Tuesday and make
the thing
Fresh grapes, peaches,
pears, celery, oranges.
S. M. Schultz.
A of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates famished
i i
C. Nov 1908.
Ayden. C. Oct.
F. G. returned
N. C. Oct.
had very heavy last
Rape seed at J It. Mer. I grows in strength and
power. During the and
a quarter that has elapsed since
oar entry into the circle of
pendent peoples we have grown
planted your gar-
den is the
one is asking. Wood Seed r---------r
the best for the South- You will prospered in material things
find all kinds perfectly fresh at to a degree never before and not
Drug Store. Don't make now known in any other
the mistake of getting The thirteen colonies which
i straggled along the seacoast of
Smith Co. are running the Atlantic and were hemmed
their factory and on full in but a few miles west of tide-
time. General trimming water by the
and repairing of ill kinds neatly wilderness, have
, the men
M. M. makes the best the
cu-. U mi
domains stretch across
from one to the
the fountain- lea cold the year
round, Try gun.
You will Had
coffins and t on at
J. K. Smith Ci,
R. Smith Co. Dixon nave
hustling at the
plant. Besides their reg-
line of work are maKing
2.500 tobacco to be
used on this
J. R. Smith Ca
Scotland Neck. N. C.
1903. The Executive Committee
Roman's Missionary Union, of
North Carolina, announces a
Institute, to be held
in the Baptist Church, Scotland
Neck. N. C, Thursday and Fri-
day, November and 1908.
The object of the Institute is,
by the simple, definite and direct
presentation of plans and
to enable leaders to work
more ii
Missionary Societies, Young
Woman's Auxiliaries, and. Sun-
r, u. .-- e o .--------
day night accompanied and Mrs. Jesse were at night and Fri
Philips, who is the guest of home to the ladies of the Chris-j a j.
G. Calhoun. Board of Mi. over
We were to see and fate a number of other I F.
even the growth in
Nowhere else in the
t world is the average of
i comfort and material well be
i high as in our fortunate
the very reason that in
We were delighted to see land a .-.------
Theodore Cox. of friends in a most B.
in Sunday. It did this afternoon. Music and quo Mis Lou
us good to hear his happy laugh. from the bent composers ford n.,.,, with to
He was by Frank and authors were m.
Edmundson and they were the features with a guessing contest. ,.
of Miss Olive Woodard. Mrs. Stancill Hodges winning, Miss t staple
W F Harrell left Monday for the first reward and Hiss returned home
and Mrs. Barton, R g lo
H B Philips left to day tied on the y. drawing o i bus, mm.
for Hertford to visit relatives the Miss won. Mrs q g.
and friends Mrs- Travis of children went L
Dr D of b.-st most , .
spent Friday night in Shelter singers. the by tun S.-
and Mrs. .;
Horace , who is well known, . s
win given in I home returning Mon .
two greatest oceans, and it and conducting Blanche Cannon, M- -1 j .
alike i. arctic well as a.
tropic will V at the piano, Mr- w
in wealth and population has an outline of work for f ,. instrumental selections, airs.
went to .
, . , , . w we nave
a nice lot
l m a . h we owe it to th-j Al-
on hand and , u,
an outline i Ur selections.
Study Classes in the of ham delighted her a. j meta
Challenge of will as a , . ,
. . c j, B. P. v.
in the church Sunday , J period
will throughout I . .
gates be sent from your Society, a farm. i
Burton. Beaman and
The many pleasing
and White j.
Man of
The Committee asks that
who will on their return, put
practice what have gained f-a
the Institute. Delegate,
, . v.
i c near here Sat-
what have gained
reach the In sen lo the Washington hospital j
show equal progress living too far to i
from home.
when of et t as
goods. ,
ply d ; .- -as. . an entertainment should be sent in J
and a m early as possible to the chair P--A from
making of the Hospitality
the two
be a
too place Sunday
f those who
in .
the Scotland Neck J; the home of
Oakley. Quite a number of -J
Mr. and H
attended .
B. P-
. i com
are well known to a
here and . ,
other present
voted the party a success.
inches. Call see them.
pleasure of the. It is requested that those
has been provided by
J. R. Hatchings Gum ware-
stolen from him a A plan has been
inches. on Upon mate, fad for the success of the Institute. very nice
For public U Mrs. S. Everett. glad for hi; Mend, a fr G. ,, w U,. with
j, R Smith Mer. Co. Test, . look oat and notify mm u dog to hold cotton for
p. F.
Chairman of Hospitality Com-j
M u s.
wont to visit .- . J-
I A.
morning inn
Ana it cam v. days
when the
Bibles also on of spirit, if this nation Mr. B. F.
, great mis
the residence of b., and all
Scotland Neck, N-C.
Blount and the store of J. J. .
a; Co. of the body are
will be liberally rewarded ,,,. i,
subscribe to The Reflector.
I lumber, i
prices. If men and ;.
farmers would combine as has
been done in Wadesboro there
would be no cause such
The following is the
. a
. .- i mer of
. i .
NOW Ready for Inspection
by leaving at store J. J. . r .; t m
corner ti
not be
For A
near Ayden
i.- for, in the nation In
the Individual, in in run
character that Counts. . us
particulars a;
Grifton, N. C. R F D. o.
II. M. Sauls ha.; just received
a tine lot and toilet
For some four or live weeks a
big n d an l white c with brass
knob-, en end horns has been
with my cattle and has recently
found calf. Needing attention
I have taken her up and shall
care for her. Tho owner cut
have the property by coming
proving ownership and paying
costs and expenses.
This 10th day Oct
Reuben Wall,
ltd Winterville, N. C.
cleared, same sold evil, and
reasonable terms. For further j,
and good will toward men,
I but with unflinching determine-
to smite down the
strive with all the that
I us for righteousness in
and private life.
New and winter St
From Chas. A. Stevens Bros.,
For Women's Wear
us .-. u. ,,
seres of which tea acres art so. The Greatest Exclusive la the
sold .
therefore, I, Theodore
president of the
States, do set apart Than
I ready for your inspection the complete large
ion books, and the samples of materials, shown. W
variety of styles in nigh-class man-tailored Suite. Skirts and
Dresses, to order according to your individual measurement
from your own selection of materials, perfect fit and satisfaction
guaranteed. Also a complete of ready-to-wear
five in cash, a bend
from the company that the cot-
ton will be fully insured and
protected from fire and Ii;. , .
and in case of loss. armer . y
saw bun an . i
light, for th . d
for g in a
of course
hi could
Q one
vi all
have to
in fed
receives full
The entire cost to the the
farmer, including
and the use of the
to Rocky and went i p the
railroad in
two dollars
The styles have undergone a complete change and if you are the .
but nU who desire are invited to
for your fall and winter apparel. Through Steven, into the combination and each m
thousands of women wants -very season who who advances money to loan ;
day, the 26th day of November by experience that we handle only the very latest Styles at
next, a day of general thanks- popular prices and that we guarantee mom than I
giving and prayer, and on that,
day I people you or i .
shall cease from their daily work,
Issued Saturday by President
Washington, D. C, Oct.
The President today issued the
in which he pointed out the
steady growth of the nation in
strength, power, wealth
and population and that our
average of individual comfort
and well-being is higher than
that of any other country in the
world. For, he
cans it to the Almighty to
show equal progress in moral and
spiritual things.
The proclamation
the President of the Unit-
ed States of
again the season is at
hand when, according to the
ancient customs of our people, It
becomes the duty of the
dent to appoint a day of prayer
and of thanksgiving to God.
by year this nation
and, in their homes or in their
churches, devoutly to
thank the Almighty for the
great blessings they
have received in the past, and
to pray that they may be given
strength so to order their lives
a.; to deserve a of
these blessings in future.
witness whereof I have
hereunto set ray hand and caused
the seal of the United States to
be affixed.
at the city of Washing-
ton this thirty-first day of
in the year of our Lord,
thousand nine hundred and eight
and of the of the
United States the one hundred
and thirty-third.
Secretary of
serve you and assure you of prompt and courteous attention.
MRS. J. T. SMITH, Jr.,
Ayden, N. C.
Representing A. Stevens ti Bros., Chicago.
in the State of North Carolina, at the close of Sept.
to the farmers, will receive
share of profits what th-y
put in whether it be five dollars I
or five thousand. Farmers arc
invited to join in as well as mer-
chants. The plan is to hep the
farmer hold his cotton.
The organization say
that they believe cotton will
cents a pound if it is.
held for three months,
here is what the farmer
gain after paying the two dollars
One five hundred pound bale of
cotton at twelve cents
If sold at nine cents would
.; p at i
Loans and discounts Capital Stock . .
Overdrafts . . . , , ,
Furniture and Fixtures 610.691 Surplus fund . .
Demand Loans Undivided profits, less
Due from
We are not only the
lo i In the Sou, bin
sell best, sad
heaviest qualities. s toes an-
from the bf-t
yielding crops, our
ate folly best
mil most improved
if you wan
current exp. paid
, 280.418
. . 280.00 Bills payable 10,000.00
Silver coin, including I Deposits subject to ck. 48,168.54
minor coin currency 1,244.681., ,
National bank notes
and other notes 6,969.00
out st a
Total, 181,728.09
Total, 691,726.09
Warning to Trespassers.
Legal notice is hereby given to
all persons that they are forbid-
den under the penalty the
law to hunt, fish or trap, or in
anyway to trespass on our lands
situate in Greenville township
J. R.
J. G.
Oct. 1908.
COUNTY PITT .,., . .
I J R Smith. Cannier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear
to H t to the best . my
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me. this day of Sept, J. R- SMITH.
,,. Directors.
Notary Public
Loss to farmers now
If held for three months en
payment of dollars a bale j
eaves the farmers thirteen do-
a bale clear profit.
If the end of three months
the wants to hold the
cotton one or more months
he can have it held at a reduced
of one dollar and fifty cents
for three months which would
be less than two cents a day per
bale, and this guarantees the
farmers against all loss.
Plant Wood's
Prices quoted on
O Descriptive Fall
full all
seeds, mailed . .
Dr. Joseph
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Building
W. II. Smith has
tho of A. the
Co. and will bus-
at the place All
work promptly looked after Mr.
Cox will still the
Company. ,
j Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.

Mice laM Soft,
by the Indian.
I I .
ban . i i
United i .- and in
ii ,. the
of the softest .
akin has n I
; e it IS It t I
sharp kn into a
strip in; feel in Tl
; i i en
with in i
rather more a i set an
n outer d i
. .
i I
. . v
A. I
B loll
. i
. ;
;. I
i s
, .
. .
of Sale.
hereby given
S i . . a of
. I . Smith, d. the
. of J . . i.
. III be i sale,
lo th.
. i day, . u
late .
i Smith.
. e mot
. . hogs, cart. .
i- Imp
lion I I
on promptly
I lit ll .-. Oct
J. .-.- I i
mm r,
Notice to s.
fating th
clerk of Pitt in
ilium sir. ; . .; Ii of I . K.
o to Or
ilk- u i
t t. n. . t
or .
. .
, i.
i .
blank, i
. . .-
or ill
i en
an I
. ii
fan .
ii .
the i
. .
. n i.
. iii.
w i i
lit . f
. l
n tin
U. . .
. ii
ft. T i i
i day Not
i n
. .
. St I
I I. ,
I. .
. St . .
V i .
. .
inn .
. l .
; in
fain d, .
. ii .
, ,
ail i will he on tot
L Unify
. Sun lay
. P. M.
t . i.
C . i.
,. M.
Train No. I Daily
. .
C .
lo, .
S . day
. i
I. i
,. K.
f. a f
urn h
r . .
. ,,. I
. t .
in i r
of Oct.
A. Mi.
of I U
in the office of the
. ,
. I Hi. .
, i
I. The I
ire ha
III. ll
, .,., i
. .
it iii a
m on
l a
. in mi
south I I a-- I
C; It . I . .
i .
I- I
. , I
. i ii, k t i
. . i
, ;
with Ki ton
i . 1-4 ll . .
acres n in or
; ail i of
, d. in -a i I State,
.- ; iv . I. inn ltd bi In in Ore. i
township, i at fork
. . . ii
1-4 i . ; o
i a i ill ti
I I , I th.
f th. .;.
the I road ll
; . j;
. , . I.
s acres more
, tail ii id p. of
i Si. . .
n a follows;
. k at a fence, m r or
v. Iii .- g .
I .- poles ;
. i. in a small
;. down the
of said branch below tile
i mill iii.
poles; north
tin- mill down the said
, road south poles ; thence north
8-3 to a thence
the on .-;
.,;. . IT to the
This o .
virtue power of sale
tamed In . c r , t n . i .
and v red i. Nathaniel
and Williams to
Tyson the 11th day of
i in
expos the
. art use ii On ville, lo in
n r on Monday, Nov. moor
16th, IS .- pa .
i y i d cine in he . u i. if
t an . ,
as Thai
Be Dam
j. the . . II
it v . ;.
Will . I . .,, i
. .; it. i. re or
d c i to
Nathaniel am by I. P. n
given to
i Urdu.-e to
d T.
K. ti Jan., . It
Hy virtue of p. of sale
iv- , in a de .
and S.
, . . sol- C Arthur on
day April, . duly
the of .
i c ii i. in
Book page the will
to public before court
i door to the
I. i n y. 24th of
N a or parcel
land and b in the county of
Pill i ; ate of North a d
bed as follows, ed
TORY OF H the control of NORTH
. . N. shows the water
supplied the Greet i i water wonts is
th.- .;. I i ons .
the reports o list arc always on file
. . nM . w an
offered by the Water Department. It not only means you
good to drink, but it will prove a great convenience.
Nothing to do but the spigot. No more pumping and -g.
We 3.000 gallons pet month an . allow you a dis-
count of paid Ly of month succeeding month in
, service is re. de.- . This makes the cost cents.
Information gladly to anyone regarding cost of making;
tap, etc. ,
L. D. Superintendent.
a. d
She i-
t exist- r inT and for tier north SO 1-2 st to r
But forms the t mill road ; thence south 1-2 west
educational influence for man. She
is trains in the that
discretion the
that shudders lo lie self as-
She it is teaches a few tho
Art of pleasing and all the Useful
of not displeasing. From her
m the lesson that human so-
is more complex and more
adjusted than is generally
by the politicians of the
but not least, it u she
brings home to the great truth
the ideals of sentiment and
the visions of faith are invincible
forces and that it is by no means
reason that governs humankind.
France in of
Pretty nearly everything about
Shakespeare is uncertain, and most
statements concerning him. need to
be made in a way. It is
generally understood that his
career began about 1589 or
when he was between
live and twenty-six years old. lie
died in 1616, and if, as is generally
assumed be the case, his birth
year was 1564, he died at the
early age of fifty-two.
York American.
to William corner ;
1-2 poles to the beginning.
containing 1-4 acres, more or less.
This the 6th day of October,
J. I. Fleming, Commissioner.
A citizen of culture and poetic
taste went to a public library and
asked for Shelley's
He was rather taken
aback when the librarian replied
with frat don't keep
pay unbound books is this library.
Administrator's Notice.
Having duly qualified as
tor of the estate of C. F. White, de-
ceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersign-
ed, and all persons having claims
against said estate are notified to
present the name to the undersigned
on or before the 26th day of October,
or this notice will be plead in
bar of recovery.
This 26th day of October. 1908.
S. T. White.
Administrator of C. F. White.
Notice of Sale.
i D. C.
. B
i with the .
Pin i
then with ; John
at right Till
. ; mi Lib i .
. house south-
ward with the line t-t
feel to
northern Tenth
corner at Ii
all of lot No. m shown by
made by I.
Land and Improvement Co.,
i one
day or Oct.
L. C.
Moore and Attorneys,
Greenville, N. C.
court bi fore
re. Clerk
Notice to creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county,
executrix of the estate of G.
deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersigned .
and all persons having claims against
said estate are notified that the same
must be presented on or before the 12th
day of October, 1909, or this notice
will be pleaded in bar of recovery.
This 12th day of October, 1908.
North Carolina,
Jas. A. Moore, Moore, A.
Moore, Edward Moore. Renie Mills
and husband, Jarvis Mills,
Cox and husband, Ed Cox, Maggie
Elks and husband, Henry Elks.
Elizabeth Moore, widow of John Moore,
deceased. Mattie Widow of
Willie Moore, deceased, and Wilton
Moore and Alice May Moore,
and heirs at law of Willie Moore,
By virtue of the judgment and decree
of the clerk of the Superior court, made
in the above entitled cause, on the 6th
day of October, 1908. the undersigned.
J. L. Fleming, commissioner appointed
by the court in said decree, will sell to
the highest bidder for cash, for
at the court house door of Pitt
county in Greenville, on the 9th day of
November. 1908, all the right, title and
interest of the parties to the aforesaid
proceeding in and to the following de-
scribed tract or parcel of land,
That certain tract of land lying and
being in the county of Pitt and in
township, on Cow Swamp, ad-
joining the lands of Robt. Smith, Eliza-
beth Moore, and the Joe Williams tract
of land, containing acres, more or
This the 7th day of Oct. 1908.
J. L. Fleming, Commissioner.
Notice To creditors.
qualified as administratrix of
Warren L. Browning, deceased, late
Pitt county. N. C, this is to notify all
having claims against the on-
to of said deceased, to exhibit them
to the within twelve
from the date of this notice, or
this notice will be plead in bar of their
recovery. All persons indebted to said
estate will please make immediate
This the 24th day of Oct.
Mrs. Lula C. Browning,
of W. L. Browning.
Julius Brown, Atty. ltd
D. W.
Administrator's Notice.
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county
Margaret J. James, administrator of the estate of A.
of G. W. James. Kittrell. deceased, notice is
And Provisions
Cotton and
vs on
This ailment is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles of the small
of the beck, and is quickly cured by
Chamberlains Liniment two or
three times a day and massaging the
at each application. For sale by
L. Wooten and Coward
Kittrell, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons to the
estate to make immediate payment to f
the undersigned, and all persons having
claim against said estate are notified
to present the same for payment to
the undersigned on or before the
day of October, 1909, or this notice will,
be plead in bar of recovery.
This 21st, day of October, 1908.
L. L. Kittrell,
A Wooten. ltd of A. B.
Fresh kept con-
In stack. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
n c
Special Service to
on Saloon
Elegant Table Dinner Re. Club to
Polite attention and the very beat in every nay
Leave Norfolk of Jackson daily Sunday
y. in. in a. m.
t New York, all points
with rail
St and west.
For all information and reservation
At Big Store
The Big Sale it going on to raise money
for creditors. Come quick and get your share of
the Low Prices.
Get The best for Comfort
Royall and Borden Felt Hat-
tresses and a piece Bern-
stein Iron Bed have no equal.
School Books and Supplies
If mortgaged, are you paying off the
each year day get to I
us care of you We r
you o i
r. t
, . i cat
ion an
us s
shelters y
ii st; I
v i ,
f repay-
the house that
Six i
H. A W i
GR N. C,
is Drawing Near
Story of a Survivor of the
tie of
And the Christmas gift is naturally
How about a piano We have
Spa hand several discontinued styles
ranging in prices from to
These pianos are
sold at and
How about setting one aside
We only have of one style
sand of another left
We will Ship You One
en trial freight prepaid if you prefer.
If you arc a bargain seeker this
a. rare for you.
Phone write to G. G. Fine-
box Greenville, N. C
Pianola Style with a
The ideal instrument will probably
in simply a piano,
will be playable by hand or by the
mechanical attachment at will. It is
the moat popular piano in the, world
For best piano at any price and on
easy terms, call on or write.
A. J.
it cost none
am. s. e,
Chas. M.
Hot and Cold Baths
Electric Massage
A specialty. Electric
Massage and Hair
tonic given to ladies
at their homes-
Opposite J. R. J. G. Move
Office after November 1st opposite
R. L. Smith stables, and next
door to John Flanagan Buggy Co
Personal Property Sale.
On Thursday, Nov. 12th, 1908, at the
home of the late John Moore, Sr. In
town hip, I will sell at public
auction for cash the following
property belonging to the estate Two
mules, one horse, one two
carts, one buggy, farming implements,
about barrels com, about
pounds fodder, about pounds hay.
and four shares of stock in the Farmers
Consolidated Tobacco Company. Sale
will begin at o'clock a. m.
H. A. MOOt,
of John Moore, Sr.
till sale.
e TH Tl
Harry Skinner. Han Skinner, Jr
H. .
An Advance Under Fire From
Barricades That Literally
Down the Charging Han-
to Hand Conflict In the Streets.
William a survivor
of the moat liar.
Victory the
war. tells iii Harper's
he saw the Victory as color bearer
mast have been, I think, -i
O'clock when rod.
to the head of the regiment mid we
straightened quick, as on parade. An.
he said Sharp a few words,
like. has a
name, and you win give it a still
I was In front and could hem
part what he said.
led us to the left, and
we a railroad track and WOW
through another little white tillage
then we fared n long slops
with a village on . the
Preach bad made a fort, and we,
our and others, were to cap
tore It. and were French
men and there.
rode on a horse, be
the majors and the adjutant. Out
usually rode. too. but th
day the sent their horses back
and went on foot.
our first men t.
fall, for we under the tire of
It was bard, for we
not see enemy. These
were many sharpshooters In a
and the noise of their Bring was like
that of a coffee mill They
drew off as we went forward. It was
only at a walk that we went a steady
Just as If there were no
now we would run forward
fifty and throw ourselves fist,
then another fifty and the hall
and the fulling flat, and time we
see village was a for
tress nearer.
save we were lying down
I saw that the were stand-
Just cool and quiet. It lo
a man has to pay In ways to
be an
saw the fall, lie Shot
from his horse and carried
major, he took command,
and he galloped to the skirmish line.
and he shot. Thea the
major, too. was and he tried to
get up. but he could not and he
-ii n shoaled tie
,. I lo
ii- but
rifles on
. i in-, ran. We
. . i-h i
i i
He smoke
In hearts.
re ants
ill each I
And . m my
Then lie my
big in his
from a ml Ii
v. ell. while many a i
died from
ill I we
charge, for Hie Ural
was a cheer, a wild and savage
and e rail on. eager to plunge I
bayonets, and we could see
near the village that the were
from barricades gar
den walls and from
we looked Into the wild fares
of the French, and they met us hand
to hand. Ah, we climbed over walls
and barricades, and we fired and bay
ousted, and we fought them in the
and on we went. It was a wild
time of shooting,
clubbing, shouting. On on.
but It was slow work and terrible, for
the French fought for step.
was at the front, for I
colors. There were a few still
left, and they were shouting and
their and other regiments
Into the village with us. and
after can't say how long
tho place was ours.
I tell It to It seems perhaps
a simple thing. when the
mi-iii was paraded before the battle
began we were more than men
and more than we
lost In the light forty and
more than u thousand men. Yes.
was the loss of Just my regiment
It was but It was
It was over. The village was
biasing, and many a dead man lay
the ruins. Some sat upright, dead,
with their backs
Raleigh, and Atlanta, Ga
Effective September 6th Southern
Atlanta, Ga., on the following convenient
Ar. a. m.
Ar. noon.
Call on Ticket Agents Southern Railway Company or connection
lines for detailed information, or
Norfolk, Va.
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
General Merchandise.
House Furnishings.
India's Fame.
They were holding an In a.,
east London school, and the tea.
was explaining the products of
the Indian empire. One child recited B
list of comestible. miss. In
produces curries and and
citron and chillies and chutney
yes. and what comes
after don't re
but think. What
India so famous
Th greatest of all human
that, st least, without which other
can truly enjoyed,
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville a C.
Cotton and handlers of
Ties and Bags,
and shipments
At New Market in front of Nor-
folk and Southern Depot.
Cobb Bros. Co. I
Cotton Buyers, Broken
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.

I In Charge of F. C. NYE
I Authorized Agent of Eastern Reflector Winterville and Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application
drugs in.
Barber Co.
Dr. B. T. Cox was with the
Other Candidates at Stokes yes-
Ho reported a large
number present to hoar the
A lot of i alt, in.
ton, Berber Co.
Rev. J. B. Newton, of Ft
Barnwell. Monday with
his who is in school.
K was i his way to the
ran As
time to have your painting done.
We have the best, with large as-
of colors.
A. W. Co.
Winterville and four miles from
Ayden. For terms apply to E.
J. Winterville, N. C.
Our immense fall and winter
of dry shoes, no-
clothing, hardware and
Oar Farmer. Should be Glad to Get
the Benefits of This Work.
Mr. C. R. special
agent of the United States de-
of agriculture, was
here Monday making arrange-
to have established about
seventy-five demonstration farms
See A. Ange i Co. for best
bagging ard ties at lowest, prices.
cream at Johnson's
every day.
A. G Cox gave the dormitory
i a t . Sunday afternoon
by b load
Out to the Ellis school house The sunshine is not so
gun lay m Mr. Cox always j now but the showers will be
kn to make the students Get you one of those
new umbrellas just in at
crockery is coming in every day. I,., COunty.
Give us a call. We are prepared The this work is
a first class article the farmers of the
i county practical object lessons
Harrington. Barber Co. inc best methods of
For good second producing such standard crops
hand buggy cheap. coin and cotton, and to induce
C. T. Cox, Winterville, N. C.; farmers to use the same methods
We are running a first j a few acres on their
market now at the Cooper store, i various farms. The farmer can
of Give us a call- Button.; compare results and decide
for himself as to the value of
methods that are being
The average format can,
elves. new umbrellas just in at better farming if
Re have just received t Barter Co. j property approached and shown
best flour actual experience
W. A. Forbes, who as-1 Harrington, Barber G
in the
system, and produces
Dyspepsia, Costiveness,
Sallow Skin and Piles.
There l no better
common diseases than D
LIVER PILLS, a a trial
Take No Substitute.
Reported for
Friday evening Mr. and Mrs.
C. D. Tunstall entertained at a
party in honor of
Miss Mamie Ruth Tunstall and
about fifty of her friends.
A ghost met the guests at the
door and ushered them into the
hall where fruit punch was
The house was decorated with
autumn leaves, golden rod, red
draperies and bats and cats cut
from black crops paper. Jack
James S Sherman Exposed in Big Land
W. E. Gonzales, editor of the
Columbia State, wired his paper
from New York last night as
York, Oct.
World the sensation of
the campaign this morning when
it devoted two and a half pages
to exposing the connect-on of
James S. Sherman, Republican
vice-presidential candidate, with
a land company that proposed to
secure a great block of public
and from New Mexico ac to
per cent, of its value. The con
first planned to buy
Ripe Strawberries Mat are Cotton
Believed Cotton Can be Raised.
The in the race
for the to be given the
producer of freaks of nature in
the agricultural or horticultural
line are coming with a rush as
election day approaches, and
some signs indicate that they
are likely to get as many
votes as Dr. E. B. Glenn,
Dr. J. A. and others
who made a great showing at
the .
Yesterday W. C- Daves, of
Dick's Creek, and J. T.
son, of Asheville, to the
front with a rush. Mr. Daves
acres by means of brought to The Citizen office
applications for acres each, several strawberry plants from
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
Workers in a Milwaukee brewery-
were the dummies.
bid place on Dick's Creek in
tan n.-hip, which show-
the promoters became ad blooms and rips fruit. It
alarmed and decided to get frostbitten berries either,
to sell
New Mexico
. . . .
preached s
i i
f m lungs
The Pitt C
School Desk are
afternoon. He
here. The meet-;
that better
methods give better results.
demonstration farms
. j. . larger
t . . . ill
r p per acre.
and candles in potato I blocks. Sherman, general
candle sticks furnished light. for the land company,
Fortune-tolling by a land introduced the bin. ft pees
. . at ; u its
it. Tl ere is Letter and
more desk on
market. th-
cosed Co.,
net t N-C . ; i the masses
l openly, yet v. feel Go and low at that pretty dis-1 now o- Lite Li all j
there some good
i o prove that
t the
u and the
bobbing for apples and g
i he toil on the black cat
some of the amusements.
Miss Forbes won t
. a rose candlestick, for
pinning the tail on the cat.
M fruits, cream and
ed the house and was only held
up in the Senate by one objector,
Patterson of Colorado.
of .--.- and gems u
. hoes and hosiery at. A. W. Ange, -n
r bu are f
you want a
d. i .- .-.-
Co. I v
Li e
b dona for
. ad, it
i ween eleven and twelve
said and all ex-
themselves as having
spent a most delightful evening.
A Healthy Family.
A whole family has good
Hi v began r. King's
. p,
A of Rural Routs
Would Mortgage the Farm.
A . e
Ca., W. A. I i. yd by name,
s Salve cured the Vt
v r one on ,
It is more than Wei. by have none.
big red, ripe luscious
as in June that they are not
entirely is shown by the
fact that Mr. Daves brought in
five quarts of them, which found
a ready sale at cents a quart.
Further than this he has been
bringing in ripe berries all this
month. does not think that
his plant are
those of his
not bearing, although
something is strange that one
patch have berries while
. ill . c
i .-. .- for the
f tame
I ; fr r i ma
s j. v h she I
i. c;.,
. i-1 .
r .
ha .
i .,. w.
position to how
their Tar how
Carts, box bodies and Tumbling
bodies. Prices made right. Call
see th m. mi
Harrington, Barber Co. i;.; .
builders do well to
. the
; . I
i e re
. . . Mr.
, t
; v.
. I
v i I in
i .
i u I
t. . .-. i
Prompt attention given
all orders.
The candidates
were It is re-
ported that T. King was the
principal r. could
not he present
We are headquarter for good see A w. for
horse blankets. and before v
A. G. Cox Co
T. H. filled his reg-
appointment at Goldsboro
and returned home Mon-
always have a nice line of
fresh groceries on hand.
Barber Co.
F. A. Edmundson attended
a wedding at Wilson last Thurs-
day and returned home Friday.
the Hunsucker bug-
are still going. Call to see
our nice stock of runabouts be-
fore buy. Prices are inter-
We are carrying a nice line of
i., their
acres of Corn
and lone
y that doc
, Ayden
y I ave been
., months
. c
bf have
,. to these
in I would not he without ii i
had the farm to get
Only Jno. i . Store,
S Offered for
Mr. G. D. Ellsworth,
of the depart-
of the government, arrived
here to day to inspect the site
offered the government th
location of a public building in
At the last
of Congress an appropriation
of was made to purchase
a site here, and in response to
advertisement several sites were
offered. While here Mr. Ells-
worth will carefully inspect all
of the sites offered and make
. ilia
morning the, his recommendation to the gov
i,. i,. .
Kill Ct
ac. at
corner, and the
gathered around
as to which location is
most suitable for the building.
In the event none are found
acres of cotton tin good music. satisfactory he will solicit and
to devote to the receive other proposals. Mr.
it be
tut meet-
Mr. brought several
boils cotton fully blown,
L which he raised
on his In West Asheville,
three miles from the city. The
cotton is of large boll kind
the producing it grew
i i rich soil. Mr. be-
that cotton can be grown
in mis profitably, and
next season may make ex
The fact that cotton
has not been grown here did not
i. mean anything, he
said, and he instanced the fact
that some year ago people
thought wheat could not be
grown in Henderson county but
experiment; showed that it could
be and later much wheat was
Buncombe takes to
raising cotton and
strawberries almost up to No
said a citizen,
are going b be the
ville Citizen.
tho method at
Bret Laxative Syrup always
quick colds.
d all
Ellsworth will be at the Hotel
Bertha today and tomorrow
and Caskets. Prices are
right and can nice hearse
service. A. G, Cox Mfg. Co.
Chickens and eggs a specialty.
Come and get the best prices.
Harrington, Barber Co.
We have opened a large
line of enamel ware. Come
and at pick.
the Tar Heel
wagons made by the
A. G. Co.
C. For
they cannot be
ex felled.
An in of a good and
up-to-date buggy will do well to
see at the A. G.
Cox Co. before
they Buggy business is
and we would advise
that place your orders early.
A Bill line of best mattresses
just A. W. Ange It Co.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
has issued the following licenses
since last report.
George A. Jones and Myrtie
Lee Gardner.
Henry Nichols and Stella
Joyner and
Washington Mayo and Louisa
James Bryant and Ids Lee-
first This U ail lo take, i y cold by Jno.
for the fa. mar of Pitt L- .
to . -of-, v expense. m b
the methods known to the; . .
farming world, These methods, Rev J. N F ; . who
did not originate at once served
but all the methods already in
Pleasant; possibly and will be
use by the most successful far-
in the South.
The civilization of a country,
as a whole, can rise no higher
the Presbyterian
church here, was recently in-
stated as pastor of the
church in New Bern. We
understand that Dr. Summerel
will again devote one Sunday in
each month to the Greenville
than the earning capacity of the I church, and this gives pleasure
farmer to support that to our people,
This work is designed to
If you are a sufferer from Man
Zan Pile will bring with
the application. Guaranteed
Price by Jno. L. Wooten,
Satisfied Policy Holder.
Williamston, N. C, Oct.
H. Bentley Harris,
Greenville, N. C.
I beg to acknowledge receipt
from you this date of dividend
statements on three policies I
hold in The Mutual Life of Mew
York, amounting to or
on each policy. My
band, the late John D. Biggs,
carried insurance in this com-
and all our transactions
have been satisfactory.
Fannie L. Biggs.
increase his earning capacity
without increasing his cost of
production. The records kept of
the work for five years show con-
that the objects are
being accomplished.
This work was started in eight
counties in the Piedmont section
of the State last fall. It will he
extended to eight more
this season, including Pitt.
The son of E. P. age
scar on left cheek. feet,
inches tall, weight gray suit
of clothes, has blue overalls,
name John, left home Sunday
night. Shelter forbidden under
penalty of law. Informant of
him will get E. P.
Bethel, N. C, R F. D.
glad to talk with any citizen re
this matter of such vital
importance to Greenville.
To afflicted with kidney and
bladder trouble, backache,
for the s brings relief
in the first dote. Hundreds of people
today testify to their remarkable heal
and tonic properties.
They purify the blood,
by Jno. L. Wooten, druggist.
Experienced found
gm i Lore lit by with a
U Hi I It. .-IT r. BALSAM.
It Impure water
of e War-
J L.
For Fine
D. D. Haskett.
male calf see
Chapped skin on the hall
or face may be cured in one by
applying Chamberlain's Salve. a
also for s re nipples, burns
and For sale by Jno L.
ten and Coward Wooten. ,
Bank of Winterville.
In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business July 15th. 191-8.
Prompt treatment cf a slight attack
of will prevent a
sickness. known Rem-
an is Dr Arnold's
Yo I apothecary, Jno. L. Wooten,
warrants it to give
Rings Little Liver fills for bilious-
sick-headache. They keep
well. Try Sol I fat.
Our Mr. W. H. Daniels is now
in Greenville. Mr. Daniels is
one of our factory tuners ard
can give your piano a through
overhauling. We guarantee his
work or will refund your money.
If piano needs attention
apply to Chas. M. or G. G.
box Greenville. Do
not phone but write your order.
Pigs-1 have for sale a few
thoroughbred pigs at
five dollars each. H. S. Tyson.
Farmville. N. C.
I have I pa mule year
Mock color, three white
low knees, unmarked, looks to be about
two years old. get
by proving proving property and paying
Loans discounts 13,88.46
Furniture and
Due from Banks
Bunkers 1,178.89
Cash 80.80
Coin 886.00
Silver coin including
minor coin currency
National hunk notes
other IT. S. notes
Capital stork
Surplus funk
Undivided less
current expenses and
Bills payable
Time certificates
subject to check
Cashiers cheeks out-
, . ii-.
5,000.00 .
y pr
R F. D. No.
, U C.
State of North Carolina, County of
I, J. L. of the above-named bank, do
that the above statement i. true to the best of
and sworn to before
this day of July.
James R. Johnson,
J F Harrington,
I GE Lineberry
W B Wingate,
CO., U. S. i
They Have Session
The Board of Aldermen met in
regular session Thurs-
day night with the members
present, and the meeting was
prolonged until midnight Owing
to the amount of bust new before
R. O. appeared before
the board in regard to having the
street improved leading from
Dickinson factory
of the Imperial Tobacco Con-
the matter was refer-
red to the street committee
E. H. Evans appeared with a
request the board aid Hope
Fire company in the purchase of
a fire In wagon. A c
was appointed to confer with
Hope Fire in regard to
the matter and also as to the
receipts from the recent carnival.
D R. King granted per-
mission to run a delivery
for the sale of bread and cakes.
G- E. Harris appeared in re-
to repairing Short street
leading to the wharf, and this
was referred to the street com-
The finance committee report-
ed that reports of officers and
bills for the past month had been
examined and were found correct.
The building committee re-
ported that they had conferred
with the finance committee and
concurred with the latter in the
matter of erecting a municipal
building on the property belong-
to the town en Fifth street.
Advertisement will be made at
an early day for bids to erect the
The mayor and clerk were
to execute three notes
in favor of the Austin Machinery
company, payable in one, two
and three years, in for
the street sweeper purchased by
the town.
The market committee reported
that front stall in the market
house was vacant.
A communication from W. H.
others asking that a
street be opened from
to in
West Greenville, was referred to
the committee.
A communication was read
from the water and light com-
mission in regard to extending
the water main from the corner
of Evans street on Twelfth street
to the corner of
street and then on Washington
to the corner of Eleventh
two fire hydrants to be
placed on the extended line.
This was referred to the water
and light committee.
The salaries of the police
officers were increased to the
same figures as last year, chief
per month, assistants and
night police to per month.
The mayor was instructed to
draft an in regard to
surface privies, to spitting on
paved sidewalk, and to have
owners of abutting property to
sweep paved sidewalks on Evans
each Saturday night so they will
present a cleanly appearance on
The proposition of R. T. Evans
to sell the town his lot and build-
used as a photograph gallery
on Dickinson avenue for so
that a sidewalk could be opened
there was accepted; also the
proposition of E. B. Higgs to
give the town for re-
of the lot and building
after the town has -token off
for the sidewalk. This leaves a
net cost to the town of for
the property for opening the
chief of police was
Total, Shown by the Return, of I- the of Drink Follow Republican. Get Three North Carolina
Ar- the i f the death
The official returns of Pitt
county show the following total
vote for the different
For president, Bryan electors
Taft electors
For governor, Kitchin
For congress, Small
Meek ins
For solicitor,
no opposition.
For senator Blow Moore
For representatives, Cotten
Cox Fletcher
For White
For register of deeds,
For surveyor. Jenkins,
no opposition.
For coroner, Laughinghouse
For Sheriff, Tucker
For county Cox
May Lang
King Barnhill Keel
Smith Moore
These figures show that
lead the Republican ticket nearly
a hundred votes. There is not
a township in the county that
gave the Republican ticket a
majority. Shortly The Reflector
will print a table showing the
vote of the county by townships.
will treat you
Countless Miseries.
If I had the power to this
country the one thing that I think
it truly needs next to the
Congressmen. tel
was known early Durham. N. C, Nov.
bad I Laws, a was arrested
of Ola Forbes was arm it
sent a shock of surprise to his
been defeated by Laws. was .,
in the eighth district, I morning about eight o clock ,
. . .
religion Of Jesus v charge
which in my judgment would
be mos; conducive to the
trial education and moral up-
building of the nation. I
unhesitatingly give it a strong
temperance law, and
the Republicans also carried the
fifth ard tenth districts.
Asheville, N. C. Nov.
G. Grant, of Henderson county,
has been elected to the National
of the United States
, j
it., enforcement by the from the tenth Norm Carolina
proper says R. B Glenn,
Governor of North Carolina, in
a symposium, I Wire a
National to the
I here all the wrongs
and iniquities of the tariff, and
all the robberies, and
greed of monopoly, do not carried t
pare with the sorrow, the ruin, The
n per-
ago he
.- . i with t no
. i be his
. battling five
reeks Anally
a colored Williams,
last near the
Lyon Park, where the is
on. The story told in the fell peacefully
this morning was such
Mayor Graham excluded ever;
district by a majority of
The official from all th-
counties in the district
with the exception of Clay, have
been received at Republican
headquarters here.
and estimating Clay for Craw-
i ford by a majority of which
the Democrats claim, Mr- Grant
district by
surprise to the
. Democrat- was the
the misery, he c. the .
the madness, vice, the, by
degradation, the death and dam-
nation produced by strong drink, j bad been fig-
It destroys home life; breaks the Siring on for Grant,
takes the off backs was first , Macon had
Crawford, although
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. s
has issued the following licenses
since la-t
E. B.
T. C. Hughes and Lila E.
J H. Harris and Lula Craw-
J. J. Turnage and Lennie
John Cherry and Maggie Lee
Jacob Button and Mary J.
William Moore and Susie Shep-
Anderson Dixon and Harriet
of little children and substitutes
rags; degrades manhood;
lewd women out of
stifles ambition, de-
hope, weakens the
blights the mind, blackens the
soul, until it turns this
made for man's happiness
use. into a hell for his ruin
In the interest, therefore, of
business; for the protection of
helpless women and children,
for th I suppression of crime; the
amelioration of want and
gone for
Che Republican booted the id -a.
Macon Grant majority.
foil badly in her
Democrat majority, while Bun-
went back on Crawford
Greensboro, N. C. Nov.
returns from all counties in
district show that
defeated Brooks
by majority. The vote
Fifth district
Durham, Guilford. Gran-
ville, Total.
one the room with the x
caption the defendant, wit-
officers and newspaper
men. That the story.
was such that it has M
not printed.
At the last minute the prison-
asked that he be allowed a
witness who was not present and
the mayor tinned u.-t
until tomorrow. The
oner was committed under bond
I the
witness were cum
in default of
bonds of each. All three
are it; jail and the case will
resumed tomorrow morning.
There i-. not much doubt but
the Will be sent over and
that he will have to face a jury
on th- life death
v, rake no more.
stood a; bedside of this
g man. who
was .-o in prime of
vigorous manhood and watched
, . j,. ; v fade, and
i. i a i that i is was
an I saw the
,. . row, m tender
, i y
. , ., to memory.
. ., . I
,. i j. y boyhood, and
abated each
;, u each other's
t for years
. our country
i, ,. . ,,. , school in
. lie Was a few
mom . ban I and he was
man led engaged tit--
Salaries State Officers.
The general assembly will
em .
Our i .
have i
I V.
, i .
th; prevention of Orange, Person, Stoke.
preservation of the salvation Alamance,
human souls, and for Hie sake
of more than eighty-six millions
of true, brave and noble
can men, women and children, I
would bestow gift of nation-
thus destroying a
fearful curse, and restoring man
to the godlike image in which he
was created. I would offer this
gift to the American people.
will treat you
will treat you
lived ; i
on We January
and the .
will appoint a day for the i
of Hon. W. W. Kitchin-
Bight years ago Gov. C
cock wee inducted Into office on
Wednesday. January four
years ago the inauguration was
on Wednesday, the 11th of Jan-
the legislature commencing
on the and it is probable
that Mr. will be ii ducted
into office on Wednesday, the
13th of January.
The legislature of 1907 i
Special Committee to Meet in Polishing the fee system , t,
the Legislature. in the state offices and placing n .; ,
and brings h
. is here a few
., married and
i tat y and as
, i life pass away a
.,;. i-me
i. . a big, noble
man, who d his
in loved by
most beautiful
I .-. . known was
p and children
. until this
death known no such be
.;, f
ii .
, .- child-
of his
. hi death
;, now
Juror, for December Court,
First week-R B Bynum, J M
Edwards, W B Harper, G R
Dixon, J T Hart, W L Brown
King Sutton, W A Cox, G L
Jackson, Joseph Lang, J M
J A Harrington, b A
Jenkins, WAG Gaskins, L H
J L Patrick, J A
L Williams.
Second T Skinner,
C S Forbes. P T Anthony, James
A Stokes, J E May, M M Stokes.
Harding, F D
Foxhall, W J Crisp, W C Mew-
born, Gray Moore, Jefferson,
A J Allen, Jacob
J R Highsmith.
Two Small Farms for Sale-
One acres, other acres,
as part of the land
owned by M. B. about
three miles from Greenville.
F. M. Wooten, Trustee.
for November
14th, 1908.
A. M.-Devotional
Rev- B. F. Huske.
A. of min-
A. and
its importance in our schools,
Supt. E. M. Rollins.
A. in the
fifth, sixth and seventh grades,
Miss Nannie E. Richardson.
A. M -High school Eng-
Supt. W. H. Cole.
A. Work and
Manner of Correction, Supt. H.
B. Smith.
A. Hon.
Jno. H. Small.
It will be seen that Hon. Jno.
H. Small will speak to the teach-
Saturday. This fact
with an interesting program
ought to insure the presence of
every teacher in the county. We
also cordially invite
to be present and hear Mr.
The Democratic State
Committee at its last meet-1
heM about the first of;
August, adopted a resolution
authorizing State Chairman A.
H. Eller to appoint a committee
of five, of which Mr. Eller shall
be chairman, tor the purpose of
revising the Democratic plan of
It is the purpose of State Chair-
man Eller to select for this
committee men well
versed in the Democratic party
law and custom, and who have
knowledge of all sections of the
State. He will announce the
committee at an early date.
The committee will meet in
Raleigh in January or February,
and map out the changes
may be deemed wise. Their
report will be submitted to the
executive committee, which will
be called to meet at such time
and place as may be deemed
salary basis. The law does
affect the governor's Light hearted, jolly playmate
which is but a separate boyhood and
act allows the chief executive donate friend,
annually for traveling ex-j
The act of 1907 fixed the
of state officers after Jan-
1909, as
Secretary of State
State treasurer
State auditor
Attorney general
Insurance commissioner
O. L Joyner.
will treat you
The Rev. M R. Hicks
For 1909, ready Nov.
best ever sent out, beautiful
covers in colors, fine portrait of
Prof. Hicks in all the old
features and several new ones in
Members each 3.000 book. The best
State bank examiner cal year book and the only one
The other elective officers are containing the ordinal
commissioner of agriculture, I Weather By mail
whose salary, fixed by the State on news I
board of agriculture is
and commissioner of labor and
copy free with Won and Works,
the best monthly in America.
to have restored the foundations
under that portion the stables
of E. B. on Fourth street
which had fallen out by reason
of work done by the town in cut-
ting down the sidewalk; and he
was also instructed to have the
plank sidewalk on Fourth street
that needs attention put in good
Poor Child
has stolen
my bird dog, on Friday night or
Saturday, Oct. A male setter,
white, black ears, the black does
not cover one eye, black spot on
one aide, brown spot over each
eye, ears brown underneath
answers to the name of Tony
A suitable reward for
to recovery. Notify J. R.
; i-ting, who receives Discounts on almanacs in
annually.-News and Observer, ties. Agents wanted. Word
Works Pub. Co., Locust
St. Louis, Mo. Every
New cotton seed meal and owes it to himself, to his
hulls, at F. V. follow and to Prof. to
Phone the
only reliable.
Greenville Fourth Place.
The Greenville market takes Bridge Order,
fourth place in the sales of j The Board of County
co for the month of October, here ordered that no per-
Winston, Wilson and son drive or ride across the river
Mount coming ahead in the order bridge here faster than a walk.
-When I grow up and marry, to recovery.
VI a husband Hutchings at Gum Warehouse.
ii i.
mother, will I have a husband
like asked Mary.
hope so, said mother.
if I don't marry, will I
be like Aunt
said Mary, as she
turned away a fix I'm
For four-horse farm,
one mile South of Greenville. It
is fine tobacco land and has three
tenant houses. For particulars
sec John W. Tucker.
d w
Best hay, corn and oats at F.
The order will go in effect on the
10th, and any person who
it may expect to pay the
penalty prescribed.
government re-
port of cotton ginned this season
up to Nov. 1st, was issued today
and places it at bales.
Seed rye and at F.
V. S S.
depot. -ltd
Sub be for The Reflector.
Xv V
av ,,
w . J

Eastern reflector, 6 November 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 06, 1908
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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