Eastern reflector, 30 October 1908

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In Charge of F. C. NYE
Agent of The Eastern and Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application
Fr-h drugs just ii. I Remember the Tar Heel Give us a call. We are prepared
wagons and carts made by the to give you a first class article at
Hisses C Olivia A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co. living prices.
, -t N. C. For Harrington, Barber Co.
;. . .;.
t , d
live m -J
A lot of at. just in,
ton, Barbe Co.
. J St
Ange Co. for I
g ard ti lowest prices.
G v. Glenn is billed to
they cannot be
For good
hand buggy cheap.
Miss Bryan returned to c. Cox, N. C.
Gold Point Sunday morning. We are running a first class
Any one in need of a good ard market now at th-1 Cooper store.
buggy will do well Give us a call Button,
see Mr. at the A. G.
Cox Manufacturing Co. i are Your Boy. and Girls Read-
they buy Buggy business
rushing and we would
This popular remedy never to
effectually cure
Constipation, Sick
headache, Biliousness
And ALL DISEASES arising from a
Liver and Bad Digestion
The natural result Is good appetite
an j solid flesh. Dose elegant-
u and easy to swallow.
No Substitute.
Laxative Cough Syrup always
quick relief to colds,
hoarseness, whooping-cough and all
and throat trouble. Pleasant
to take, gently laxative. Sold by Jno.
I. Wooten, druggist.
Returned From Bridal Tow.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hart, who
were married in Beaufort on the
morning of the 6th. reached
Greenville Friday evening after
their bridal tour of Northern
cities. A few friends called at
their home in to
congratulate them and
the bride to our town.
Winston Man Found Dead.
dead body of W. J. Hayes, a
well-known notary public and
collector, was found in the
woods in East Winston with
a pistol lying beside him.
He had probably been dead
hours when discovered by men
who happened to pass by. He
had been drinking several days
and indications point to suicide.
He was ;. ears old and leaves a
wife and two children.
and lowest prices. d advise .
B. Glenn is to early. They are bound to read some-
with the candidates went to They read trash
at one . less you give something
The nor will give f better that is equally interesting.
A Try The Youth's Companion.
Ice at
Dr. C. L. Pi
was i d an ad
to the our
town, hi i i ac Pi f.
finding in the line duty
for courage and unselfish-
nets. More than such stories I
. T. H-
as a good speech and we hope
l F A. Edmund was in the of adventure in
,. .- the stones, and the heroes and
section . . . , ,. ,
These pretty fall days is the h
time to have your painting done.
We have beet, with large as-
i sort men t of colors.
A. W. Ange Co.
O. W. Rollins, M. B. Bryan and
.;. Cox and Nan L u
. . a
now but the an t will be
Get one of those
ii n just ii at liar
j lei Co.
D. Johnston, Kin ton
.-. at here
i r. i flour just
Harrington, Barber Go.
u. Sparks, of was
He ii a form r
Little Liver for bilious-
sick-headache. They you
well. c. Try them. Sold by Jno.
L. druggist.
Mr. If. Jefferson House died
in , , , . . , u
. . . Thursday at his home near Has-
Tar River Association ,. ,; ,
Will be Held in Green-
From Tuesday night to Thurs-
day night of this week the
churches in the division
the old
sell in Martin county. He was
rust of the Wilmington Wei-1 . ,
delegates and
A Healthy Family.
whole family has enjoyed good
we using Dr. King's
New Lite Pills, three years
A. of Rural Route
ford, Maine. They and tone
the system in a that does
you goo. c at J o. L. Wooten's
drug store.
don railroad had
meeting in Rocky Mount for the
purpose of organizing a new
association. About fifty churches
were represented.
The introductory sermon was
preached Tuesday night by Rev.
J. T. Jenkins, of Wilson. After
sermon the association or-
T M Ar.
the new for 1909.;
There will be fully as many
iii, as clerk.
of Rocky
moderator and
I o
S tbs
Mount, as
J. A.
ii bu i-3
. . ;.
. . . E
day c
the bet i Known
in the world.
of The i
laws for the
e pi of the paper.
n. v
h .
-ii i
,. i i
I ,
was adopted, An Incident at
a id a- selected as altogether in knowing
j hew. A woman on West
were filled with Market today when tin parade
J he of interesting sub-j went by. She had five children
j, re i. with that work and seemed , perfectly at home
. . i a . i
Salisbury Man Kill Himself.
about ten had boon
an invalid from paralysis. T
He was a son of the late Elder gal fifty
David a brother of fears, killed himself here to-
Mr. D. E House and uncle of night taking an overdose of
Mr. J. L. Little, of Greenville. opium. dead body was
He leaves a wife and several found In a of woods near
Bit Pi ice For a Coin.
At ale of old and rare coin
in iv . last we. k. a
piece was bid off at
The coins were
minted in county,
Carolina, ard
one was dated 1834. It
To those kidney and
for the s relief
n ha first of
t. day testify to their rem r able
and tunic properties. trial
morning They purify the blood, bold
and b- by Jno. L
government of the
was purchased in 1882 for
by U man tor whom it was
sold. Statesville
in reading Another woman, for
Would Mortgage the Farm.
A farmer on Routs It, Empire,
Ga. W. A. Ii-d by name,
Salve cured the two
r one on my
. more than weight
I would not without it if
. lie i
J led i
. i
it . .
I a, U
. I
J. I------ l
J u.
may be
to report.
ii of
. r
, ; , . -I . Ill
.-. ., . .
. , T. t
Prices talk. , . .
ox o important as welL Sunday B, A.
, J ever displayed m bring the farmer into Education,
r. at Harrington with the at
, ,. , , , , . ., . . . sores iv. r one on my
reports her. asked if she could not help it is worth
it. her. Oh no; she was all l ; . , ,
., . , , . I had to the to get it.
. Greenville her husband had the Only at Jno. L. Store.
ch for the across the street. How many
be held; others Four And Train on East Carolina Ry.
the woman was happy.- J Mr Henry Clark
next meet- Record. president of the East Carolina
Railway, having the interest and
Experienced found
, by taking them a
b of , BETH Balsam.
J. W. All- It illness caused by impure water
p p and of War
T. M. Ar-
. by j L. Wooten.
Barker . Co.
J id V. if
Point, came
in last eight
and Sunday with her parents.
the Hunsucker bug-
King. Call to see
nice Stock of be-
you Prices are inter
are carrying a nice line
and Caskets, Prices are
right and can nice hearse
service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Miss Lydia Roberson is visiting
her sister, Miss Vivian, at the
Chickens and eggs a specialty.
Come and get the best prices.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Quite a number of our young
men attended the play at Ayden
Wednesday night.
We have opened a large
line of best ware. Come
and get your pick.
A. W.
Rev. T. H. King filled his reg-
at the Baptist
church Sunday morning and
night. Large congregations
were present at both services.
At the close of the services Sun-
day morning the ordinance of
baptism was administered to
three iris and two young men
who recently united themselves
with the Ayden Baptist church.
Quite a number of the Ayden
people were
Miss Chapman left Mon-
Pitt Wini at Fan-
Mr L. Joyner returned this
W May from state fair at
have M Mrs. W. J AllX
G. j stock farm on exhibition at
General education and e fair and was awarded two
H I i.-.
and hi. y are nu fore id u- -c J. j. J ;,. the
When need of a to , tor .- .
date suit of clothe-come and the i and the other for best grade
examine our line of men s and roads makes traveling State u cow. Mr. Joy-
boy's clothing. pleasant, ii no, difficult. at his farm,
Harrington Barber Co miss . Dr.
The and I rural mall deliveries, the I. M. Mercer; Periodicals. T. L v
stoves are on table of Vernon.
the best. We have them at prices
that will interest you. We also
have a full line of heaters and
piping. Harrington, Barber
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. are now in position to sup-
ply you with their Tar Heel
Carts, box bodies and Tumbling
bodies. Prices made right. Call
and see them.
Harrington. Barber Co.
builders will do well to
see A W. for win-
and doors before buying.
For nice little one
horse farm three miles east of
and four miles from
Ayden. For terms apply to E.
J. N. C.
Tuesday morning at 7.30 Jesse
Forrest, of Vanceboro and Miss
Annie Nelson, of our town, were
happily united in the bonds
of matrimony, in the Methodist
church. The wedding march was
beautifully rendered by Miss
Butt. Rev. H. E. Tripp per-
formed the ceremony.
after the marriage they
drove through the country to
Vanceboro, the home of the
newspaper on
farmer early on the day of its
publication enabling him to trans-
act much of his business by mail
Sunday school committee-
Halifax, C. W. Wilson; Edge-
C. J. Austin, Nash, L. T.
and to take advantage of early Vaughan; Wilson, R. E. Hagen;
information as to fluctuation in Martin, S. A. Newell; Pitt, W.
the prices of his farm products. H, Beaufort, S. P.
Good roads mean that farmer
and the members of his family
can enjoy to a degree the society
of their neighbors and friends
in the town and country. They
mean that his children can be
more regular in school attendance
and can receive to a greater de-
the advantages of
They mean the bringing closer
together of the and
try, with on both
sides, for as the farmer is
fitted by being brought into closer
Willis; Washington, J. Taylor.
Order of business-G. P.
rill, W. H. J. A.
Religious pas-
tor and deacons of the Greenville
Finance committee-J. W.
Anderson, L. Pittman, C. F.
This is usually caused by
rheumatism of the of the small
of the back, and quickly cured by
Chamberlains Liniment two or
three times and the
parts at each application. For sale by
j. L. Woolen and Coward Wooten.
development along the line of
the East Carolina Railway in
view, has decided to put on a
passenger service on November
which will be operated
from the Hookerton end in con-
with the Atlantic Coast
Line Railroad via Tarboro, for
travel North, via Norfolk,
more, etc.
This will enable the citizens of
Hookerton, Farmville, and
stations to make close connection
with the morning train on the
Line at Tarboro for Nor-
folk and Baltimore, and return-
they will have a train
Tarboro at 12.20 p. m. or
upon the arrival of A. C. L. No.
train from Norfolk.
The passenger train from Tar-
to Hookerton will be
in connection with the Nor-
folk and Southern at Farmville,
making the quickest time to
and making good
for Greenville, Washington
and Wilson.
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans
Due from Banks
and Bankers
Will sell for cash a items
Gold Coin
Farm for Sale
Bank of
In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business July 15th.
Loans and discounts Capital stock
Surplus funk
acre farm, in one mile of the town of
Farmville. No dwelling house on the
fitted by , including
touch with the town, so all of mi nor coin currency
business interests of the
prosper as the result of the
I l
.- .
day to begin her school groom. Mr. Forrest is a popular
Farmville, N. C.
near Stokes. She taught there
last year.
Miss Cora Carroll and Harvey
Stokes were here Sunday.
Rev. W. A Forbes, of Farm-
ville. came in Tuesday to aid
Rev. H. S. in a series of
week at the
young man of Vanceboro and
Miss Nelson was one of our most
popular young ladies. We wish
them a happy and successful
Our immense fall and winter
stock of dry goods, shoes, no-
clothing, hardware and
crockery is coming in every day.
with which the farmers can
do their shopping. Good roads
also benefit the inhabitants of
towns and cities by affording
facilities for pleasant country
drives. They invite the
man to the establishment
of country and suburban homes,
such as he can enjoy only when
he is assured that the condition
of the roads will be such as to
enable him to h his place of
business promptly in all kinds
of weather.-President Finley,
the So. Ry.
Pigs-1 have for sale a few
thoroughbred pigs at
five dollars each. H. S. Tyson.
Farmville, N. C.
I have Stray male year
ling, black three logs Whits be
low knees, unmarked, looks about
two years old. can get same
by proving proving property and paying
J. R. Galloway,
R. F. D. No. IS. C.
National bank notes and
other V. S. notes
Undivided profits less
current expenses and
taxes paid
Bills payable
Time certificates
subject to check
Cashiers checks
f, 7112.70
State of North Caroling County
is true to the best of
Subscribed and to before me,
this day of July, 1908.
R. Johnson,
Notary Public.
J F Harrington,
; E Lineberry
W B Wingate, Directors.
CO. V. A.
D. J. Editor and Owner
In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
Behold, I and my fathers, the,
s trust
unto your supplication for, lo, Have
these many years, because you to The
have our N. C, Oct. 26-The
and voted as ye would and not as telegram received at
headquarters here
South Are Filled With
Now it came to pass in the
seventh year of the of
Teddy, that is called the
Terrible, that there was great
murmuring the people
and much arose, and the
people said, we will not have this
man to rule us, for, behold,
our dinner pail that were wont
to be full are empty and we have
not therewith to replenish
them ; and we dare not go into
the market-place to buy for
ourselves and families for the
prices are high, have we the
shekels wherewith to buy for
we directed you- Therefore, go
to, now, and when the
month is come, assemble ye and
say. we will Bill to rule
over us, for thus saith the king
And if ye shall do this ye shall
have exceeding great reward,
and ye shall still be permitted to
be a part of my dominion, and I
will continue to receive tribute
from you. And Bill went out and
did as the king commanded.
And it came to pass that there
was in the land of Dixie a goodly
province, the same that is called
it; and also, our din-
pails have no bottoms- And
great want was abroad in the
land, for food was and
shekels were scarce, and the
people said; Behold, for many
moons the king has promised us
relief and it is not yet; and, lo,
say unto the people of
Halifax that at a certain
hour on a certain day T
will tarry a while in your
land in a certain city that is
called Boston, and I will
set myself before your eyes that
ye and with
,. ,, c good advice delight your
the people may look
demand f And the
sore and spent and assembled to do
the promises o. the king. they Is
And the king said within
self. I must depart into h f Ku , And
. r t a i
the strewed flow-
n he should
no and with the timbrel and
the harp and the trumpet and
A. H. Eller,
Chairman Democratic State Com.
Raleigh, N. C.
We are confident that Bryan
will win in the electoral college.
I am wiring to urge you to call
upon the voters of your State to
be active and to appeal to those
in strong Democratic to
the full Democratic vote
so that a Dig majority of the
popular vote will be cast for
an and Kern. A large majority
of the popular vote will help to
secure the reform to
which our party is committed.
Av majority in
will help the Democratic party
everywhere. Please leave no
effort untried to get out the full
Democratic vote in your State.
to the Democratic papers
which have done so much in this
campaign to aid in this work.
Norman E. Mack.
will you.
Africa to slay me the lion,
tiger and the for I Ml
and for my sport,
so I will call together my
and my centurions and my and the voice did
from ail over make a joyful noise. And
cry was beard,
voice he and caravan
not for nigh three score years. in their midst
been heeded in the capital city, a to gaze
because, forsooth, they nave not; prince one
espoused the cause of and;
strong men
land, yea, even also
land of Dixie, whose
the cause of haggard gray his
my political fathers ; and that is called
cause a great throng to assemble I j and
hands and said, Praise be unto
in the city that is called Chicago,
and there shall they be you;
people that hereafter I him that the bag, great is
who cometh from Ohio, hear ye him And he
rule over them, for, verily, is be y up his ard said Be.
not a great man. greater in girth wake him
than all others And is he for not
my friend And is it not divine-, and the
appointed that I, Teddy, shall
choose him who shall occupy my
throne until I return unto my
own And, moreover,
Bill fat to bursting with
policies And the throng as-
and did as the king
commanded, and the king did
lift his hand, and the throng did
shout, Hail, King Teddy; Hail,
Now, it came to pass that in
the tenth month the King sent
out and called Bill into his pres-
And when Bill was come
into the presence of the king, he
fell upon his face the man-
in those and cried, O,
King, live forever Behold,
have I not unto thy
commands to obey them And
have I not gone at thy bidding
to spread thy glory unto the ends
of the earth, yea, even from the
great ditch that is called Panama
to the far Islands of the sea
And am I not filled with thy
policies both inside and out
But what am I that I should lift
mine eyes to behold thee Then
the king said, arise, Bill, and hie
thee to the great city by the lake
and thou shalt enter the
house of one that is called Pull-
man, and ho will have ready his
cars and his servants and they
shall take thee in great state
through a corner of my kingdom
that is called Dixie, for the
of that land are benighted
and have never beheld a Mai,
live prince; and thou shalt say
before sinners. And the people
clamor the more, and some said,
he spoke not the words of truth
and soberness. Then stepped
forth Tine that is
named Martin, and in his hand
he held a cloth white as pure
snow and he did wave it aloft
and with it he did wig wag, and
the caravan departed from the
goodly land of Halifax, and with
it departed Prince Bill and all
the servants.
And the people were sore vex-
ed and murmured among them-
selves and said, We will not
have this man to rule over us;
and, moreover, is not the king
the chief of the club that is
called Ananias and is not Prince
Bill his political son and heir
Verily, our land shall still be
called solid.-South Boston, Va.
Man Made Happy With Check He did
Know Belonged to Him.
Mr. Joy Wingate, a good
farmer of township,
walked in The Reflector office
this morning to tell us an
he had in selling tobacco
and which he said he thought
the public should know. About
two weeks ago he sold a load of
tobacco at the Star warehouse
branch of the Farmers
dated Tobacco Co. He got a
cluck to and
went home contented with the
sale, though he did closely
examine the sales statement
given him with the check.
On Monday Mr. Wingate
brought more tobacco to the Star,
and Mr. the auditor, asked
if he had his sales statement of
two weeks ago with him, as a
mistake had been made la the
settlement which the company
wanted to Mr. Win-
gate did not have the statement
with him but said he had it
among his papers at home and
could bring it today. He brought
the statement today and a com-
of it with the sales book
of the Farmers Consolidated Co.
disclosed an error of and
another check for this amount
was handed to Mr. Wingate.
He was a well phased man at
finding himself that much better
off than he thought, and he did
not fail to praise the integrity
of the officers of the
dated- .
Farmville, N. C. Oct.
Col. Harry Skinner spoke to
quite a crowd here Saturday
evening and of course he very
gracefully propounded the
of the day and ex-
plained the other side of the
Democratic party and compared
it to the Republican party's
emblems of purity which made
the whole quite an interesting
speech for we Democrats as well
as the few Republicans.
Mr. Samuel Brewer, of Marl-
died night about
o'clock after suffering a long
time from paralysis. He was
out fifty years of age, a
of the Free Will Baptist
church, and leaves a wife and
on a daughter to mourn hi death.
On Saturday night about
o'clock, Oct. 17th, Mr. T. L. Allen
lost his dwelling house and en-
tents with a narrow escape of
being himself. It seems
that Mr. Allen's wife and child-
were visiting their uncle, Watt
Parker, and Allen being
alone went over to a neighbor's
to spend the and
returning home he went into
his room and the door and
in a few minutes the fire came
bursting out from an adjoining
bed-room. Before he had time
save anything whole
house was in a blaze. His loss
was a heavy one, being nearly
a thousand dollars with only a
little insurance.
Chairman Lloyd in Three Centennial Celebration by in
Chicago. Oct. house
Oct. 27.-
Democratic by probable The centennial of
majority and possibly, in is being celebrated
opinion Jam-s T. this week with.
chairman of the in the Hay Street
Campaign church. Th
who made his anti- which will through
election prediction today. Lloyd Thursday was
. morning by bishop A. w.
-The congress consists son. of J
of members. There have that night on the Lay-
bee,, elections in Oregon and men's
Maine and six Republicans were Col. John F. , PI w
SoS from States. Of U. N. C delivered an address
yet to be elected, it is
reasonably sure that there will
be Democrat and
leaves sixty districts to
doubtful. If our
are correct, all the
districts may yet be given to the
Republicans, and yet the D mo
a of
of Respect.
At a meeting of the Ladies
Magazine club in Farmville,
North Carolina, on October
1908, following resolution
were unanimously
Whereas, it has pleased our
Heavenly Father to call to Him-
self our faithful member and vice
president, Mrs. Sue May
ton, we desire to place upon the
records of our club our
of her many virtues, as well
as the great loss we have
at her death. A charter
member, and ever ready and
active in the work to
which she gave the services
of her well stored her
warm heart, her wit and
keen sense of humor.
We feel that the
as well as the club she loved,
has sustained a loss by the death
of this good woman.
Be it resolved that a copy cf
these resolutions be sent to our
county papers, and also to the
family of our friend, assuring
them of our deep sympathy in
their hour of trial.
Miss Morrill, Sec.
J. Stanley Smith, Pres.
seven. doubtful districts
our judgment is that the
have at least an equal
chance, and may probably elect
as many as thirty additional
members out of this class for
D which would mike
a total Democrats am
Republicans, a Democratic ma
, principal gains would be
in the Northern Mississippi Val-
in New
The reason for the gain
is due to the dissatisfaction of
the people with existing political
conditions, and their disgust at
the autocratic rule of the present
Speaker of the House of
will you.
Sunday Mails and
The Sabbath Observation As-
of this State held its
annual meeting in High Point
last week. Judge Pritchard was
one of the speakers of the
ion. Among other things the
association passed the following
That this
do most earnestly solicit
from the people of our State their
support in an energetic
crusade for fuller Sabbath
to the of
which the pushing back of many
encroachments will be necessary,
and since if an inroad is to be
made at all it must begin some-
where, therefore it is suggested
by this convention that our en-
first directed against
Sunday mails and Sunday news-
papers as productive of
seriously detrimental to
Sunday afternoon on
A feature of the celebration
pastor of Bay
Dr. L. L Nash, of Gibson, a
former pastor of Hay Street
church, preached an excellent
sermon Monday morning on
the of the
World, Rev. A. Smoot,
of Wilmington, also a
pastor, delivered a very enter-
Monday evening
on Hundred Years of
Methodism in
Among the speakers en the
program is ex-Governor T. J.
At this morning
Rev. W. H. Moore D. D. of
Rockingham, preached an
. in tho Hay Street
church. This evening Rev. T.
N. Ivey, D. D., editor of the
Raleigh Advocate,
delivered a scholarly and highly
address n
aid and Rev.
D. II. of Mount.
discoursed eloquent I
The centennial celebration is
i a end will
undoubtedly aid in the-
o the o of Methodism.
will you.
Our Mr. W. H. Daniels is now
in Greenville. Mr. Daniels is
one of our factory tuners and
can give your piano a through
overhauling. We guarantee his
work or will refund your money.
If your piano needs attention
apply M. or G. G.
box Greenville. Do
not phone but write your order.
G. G.
will you.
Soil of Pitt County.
Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 22.-W.
E J. L. Burgess, Mr.
Hardison and Mr. have
been detailed under the auspices
of the United States and the
North Carolina departments of
agriculture to make a complete
soil survey of Pitt county,
an area of square miles,
during the coming winter and
the survey to be similar
to that already made with such
marked good results in New Han-
mans and portions of Craven,
Jones and Lenoir counties. The
surveys have had the effect of
greatly extending the trucking
interests and it is intended that
they shall extend ultimately
throughout the eastern section
of the State with this same ob-
in view.
Big in
Raleigh, N. C. Oct 27-A gain
of more than in the
resources of the State private
and savings banks in North Car-
is shown by the summary
of the condition of banks just
from the office of the
North Carolina corporation com-
mission here, the gain being in
local asses.
For m calf so-
D. ltd
reliable Wilson heaters
at Taft Boyd's,
st re for rent. Apply
to D. D. Haskett.
Everybody the Wilson
heaters are the best.
For mattings, rugs and squares
see Taft Boyd.
Fresh grapes, peaches,
pears, celery, oranges.
S. M. Schultz.
Chairs of all kinds, single or
in sets, at. Taft Boyd's.
For Rent or horse
farm. Good house, water,
seriously detrimental to house
Sabbath observance and Chris- at office.
d w
The sidewalk on one side of
Dickinson avenue out to the A.
C. L. railroad completed and
the workmen are coming back
Marriage License.
Register of R. Williams,
has issued the following licenses
since last
J. H. Forest and Annie
George Smith and Eva Smith.
J. B. Johnson and Leila t.
Tripp- c k
David Williams and Sarah
comparison with the total
sources shown by the last
summary, three months ago.
The total resources shown
the report just issued is
The total deposits, time,
subject to check and in
Listen-Will your widow and
children live in ease and comfort,
or in debt and drudgery Its up
to you. The Mutual Life is the
P. S. Moore and
C. C. Worthington and
Walter and Lena
James Warren and Jennie
Ricky Whitfield and Adeline
George Little and Hattie Net-
down the
For pool and bill
tables and fixtures and pool
room furniture, belonging to the
F. White. Apply to S.
T. White, administrator.
d w
Beginning Saturday, Oct. 31st,
we will run a day redaction
sale. Will i educe prices 1-3 on
entire stock of shoes, dress
goods, notions, cloaks, laces, etc.
J. F. Davenport Co.
Only two parties can carry the
risk on a married man's life.
One is a sound if i-
Which carries see
Bentley Harriss The
Mutual Life.

Velvets, Linings,
Dress Goods Wish Good
White Gross, Funnels
Toweling Domes-
tics. Blankets, Quilts, Com-
forts, Notions, Buttons,
men's Veiling,
Putters Art Goods. Hand-
kerchiefs, Glove-.
las, Women's Hosiery,
Men's Hosiery.
Women's Under-
underwear. Fan-
Good Goods,
. . i
;. Ladies Shoe
Children's Shoes, Men's
v. Men's Hats,
Boy's Hats. Ken's Caps,
Boy's Cap, Corsets, Over-
Waists, Petticoats.
Fancy Knit Goods, Infant's
Wear, Furs, Ladies jackets,
Misses Jackets. Children's
Jackets. Draperies,
Window Shades,
Table Oil cloth. Floor Oil
cloth. Linoleum, Bags, Suit
Cases. Mattresses, Furniture
Chairs. Cradles, Baby Car-
Rubber Goods, Toys
Clocks, Silverware, Cutlery,
and c. Goods,
Enc, China, Glass Ware,
Crockery Lamps, Tinware,
ware. Hardware, Gil Stoves
Baskets, Candy, Groceries,
Butter, Cheese, Fish, Pro-
visions, Cheroots, Tobacco,
Life, Fire and
or n
is now in the
It Cave S Shock to the Lady Who
Bo Anxious See It.
An elderly American authoress asked
to conduct lier to place l re
sit a
as required Ii for a Hf novel.
writes Paris of
London To the
My I took bar to Lac
an, an at the top of
the stoop Boa
It was early when we reached
place, and no or
were visible us yet. At last two char-
drove up to the door, and a
noisy company alighted, all misting
cigarettes. Including the bride, which
shocked my Mend exceedingly.
The then ant down to
luncheon, and we watched them from
a distance, while a photographer took
up his position near OS. The meal did
not last very Ions and ended In the
bride performing a jig on the table,
while the guests danced around her
I They then started games, bide and
seek, etc., and while the bridegroom
had hi back turned the bride threw
her arms round the neck of n half
This lad to a light between the two.
The became general, the
pulling her wreath and throwing it
at. her head. My friend
on breathless excitement.
while the guests Jumped over the
and chairs, but when lbs bride
turned a somersault, alighting on the
bridegroom's boulders, the good lady's
Indignation rose to a high pitch, and it
was only then that told her what
and the reader no doubt,
, l were a party of
i, i . a fine
. i
The Smart Set.
The Feeling In Camp Before and After
the First Nibble.
told the snides that It would be
better begin sapper right away
Order that we might not get too nun-
pry before the owl done. I thought
them their preparations for
the meal. It was curious, too, for I
had promised them they should have a
piece of the bird. v as generous.
lie said he would she Ms to
That he never really cured much for
anyhow. Why, once, he said, he
shot a partridge and gave it away, and
lie was hungry too. He gave It to a
boy that happened along just then,
and When another partridge flew up
be didn't even offer to It.
didn't take much stock In that story
until it dawned upon us that he had
hot the bird out of season, and the
boy ha happened along just ill time
to o incriminated by accepting It a
present. It was better to have him as
a partner than a witness.
Wood was gathered then, and the
fire blazed. The and
fine It the broiler and
on the There i. cook
Than It cooked some more and
sent up an appetizing smell. Now
then I said I thought the time for it
had cine, but there was a harden of
opinion that more cooking would
fit the owl. Meantime we had eaten a
pan or two of trout and a few other
things, the bird, of course, being Inter
the hill of fare. At most dinners
have attended this course Is
plate with joy. It did not seem to be
en this occasion. Eddie agreed with
J lei that he had cared much for
I red to take his
i rive him of it.
i.- . feel well and
f, -i . ;. i i to eat any-
, . re. i .-aid grimly that
I., . that he would
Guarantee of Bank Deposits
is the conservative and faith-
management of the Bank.
Our surplus and prof.
Capital, .
All of the above
the protection
stands for
every de-
Business solicited, and we extend a cordial invitation to call
in to see
The Bank of Greenville
i lying I. true, but l
much distressed at bear-lent
tag a small clique In her town refer it was served then, fairly
Si She
appealed to states
tor and ask. I I what he understood
by He re
think I can give you an
, tern port of Colo
rail i and the part of Xe
Is i large tract of land
known a; the It never
No In
a- food i- when men
are on short rations;. took the first
I was always
Then I wished
I I piece. Hut
he had tasted, a miserly
and I couldn't have got the
of it for money.
r there was never anything so
good as Unit breast of young owl. It
was lender. It was juicy, it was as
flavored as a partridge almost
Kiln M
All 9.00 M
Select M
M. less on all grades in
lots of or over
Special prices on large or-
is better
Lots of people tell us our Medium
than kiln run of other makes, but that dun
us raise the price.
We try to keep quality ahead of else.
P S. Cur Brick are no cracked up like
most machine made ones.
WALTON BRICK CO., Macclesfield, N. C.
as CO. C
Wholesale and retail
j Are the
for the United States laws, as
well as most rigid govern-
it supervision, make them
IT. . t
Small Isabel's particular friend, Certainly u was a dainty morsel to I Wholesale and retail
the Lent, had of late dealt so largely In Cab j and Furniture Dealer. Cash
Had we known where the rest i paid for Hides. Fur, Cotton Seed
of that brood of owls had flown are Turkeys, Eggs, Oak
Should have started after then then Mattresses, etc
and la i g gab j
mania Isabel was great
grieved until her mother convince
her lie had to heaven, liven
than she quite reconciled.
I heaven is such a good remark
ed the little -i don't see what
is policemen there
Outing Magazine.
Too Considerate.
say you w Into
at night . unintentionally
Why. then, had you taken on
shoes I heard
was if de house
Home Magazine.
Weber, Weber
Style with and
lister, with
Voe, and Bates club piano.
The ideal will probably be
in appearance simply a piano, which
will be playable by hand or by the
mechanical attachment at will. It is
the world
This bank has been established over two years,
which it has served the banking- public faithfully and
built up and prosperous business. The best service
is none to for both our town and country customers.
Our Stockholder; and Directors arc responsible, well-to-do bus-
Therefore in the selection of your bank, have permanency
in view and establish yourself for your present and future well
sound bank.
The National Bank of Greenville
F. G. Pres.
A. J.
Stockholders liability
J. P.
By virtue of the sale con-
in a certain d
by G.
and W. Harvey so L. C Arthur en the most popular piano in
the day of April. 1906, and today.
in the Register of Deeds of- For best piano at any price
of Pitt C North Carolina, in easy terms, call on or write.
Book the will
expose to public before the court
house door in Greenville, to the highest
bidder, on the day of
November, 1908, a tract or pal eel of
land lying and being in the county of
Pitt and state of North Carolina, ard
described as follows, Situated B
in the town Greenville and bounded
as follows. Beginning at the north-east
corner and streets, thence
northward with the eastern
of to Johnson's
then eastward with John-
ion's line at B from
strict feet to the line of the
wart house property, thence south-
ward with the line of the said Liberty
warehouse property feet to corner
on Tenth street, thence westward with
the northern bi unitary of Tenth Street
feet to corner the beginning. It
being all of lot No. VI as shown by
map made by P. Matthews for the
Greenville Land and Improvement Co.,
in containing about one half acre,
to satisfy mortgage deed. Terms
of cash
This th.- 23rd day or Oct. 1908.
L. C. Mortgagee.
Moore and Long, Attorneys,
Greenville, N. C. ltd
and on
Parlor suits Lounges.
Safes, P. and Gail Ax
I Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry George;
Canned Cherries, Peach-,
es. Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Meat. Flour, Sugar, Coffee, j
Snap, Lye Magic Food, Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples, i
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware, Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni, Best But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see me.
Hot and Cold Baths
Electric Massage
A specialty. Electric
Massage and Hair
tonic given to ladies
at their homes.
Subscribe to The Daily Reflector.
Opposite J. R. J. G. Move
This is a List of Successful Business
Men Who Use Oliver Type-
writers in the City
fast and pull strong buy your
Notice To Creditors.
Having qualified as administratrix of
Warren L. Browning, deceased, late
Pitt county. N. C, this is to notify all
persons having claims against the es-
of said ed. to exhibit them
to the within twelve
months from the date of this notice, or
this notice will be plead in bar of their
recovery. All persona indebted to said
estate will please make immediate
This the day of Oct.
Mrs. C. Browning,
of W. L. Browning.
Julius Brown, I'd
. MOMMA ft e.
Harry Skinner.
H V.
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Less
Money than any man in town,
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of
Mutual Life
1843. Assets over
Messrs. Baker Hart, Bank of
Greenville. Dr. D. L. James,
Knitting Mills, Jarvis Blow.
Co , J. Ben. Higgs, Dr.
Zeno Brown, F. C. Harding. Julius
Brown. C. S. Forbes, Greenville Lb r
Veneer Co., Greenville Manufacturing
Co. Bros. Coward Wooten,
J. Moore, Greenville Supply Co.,
Ii you want your to trot j, Flanagan Company,
J. E. Winslow, Best,
W. J. Turnage Co , Greenville Whole-
sale Co., David James, The Daily
Reflector, S. T. Hooker, Co.
The OLIVER Record has never
been Equaled. Sold on Easy terms
Write or phone
Barber Shop
Edmond ft Fleming props.
Located in business sec-
of the town- Four chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber.
Our place is razors
sharp. Our towels clean. We
thank you for past patronage
and ask you to call when
good work is wanted.
I am prepared to do first-class
Paper Hanging and Painting
Drop me a note if you want
work in my line.
R. F. D. N. N. C
. I
. i
GLENN AT of people gathered around to Good Newspaper
Shake hands with the governor. We are inclined to believe that
a n fr Democracy in Thai He came from to the by The Dur-
A B for on the A. C. L, tram ,, Herald is the one and
interval here, be adopted by all the
Gov. R B. Glenn was with the evening N. S. train The Herald is an
Democratic county candidates at tor Wilson. independent newspaper and has
Winterville on Thursday and to
its independence. It daily
institution which is constantly
working for the advancement of
your town.
Cut out the of ad-
and put more time and
into real advertising.
Greensboro Telegram-
spoke to a large and enthusiastic
audience. It was first planned
that speaking should take place
audience filling this.
Mayor H. W. Whedbee,
Greenville, presided over the
meeting and first introduced the
county candidates whom
he said would be allowed just one
minute each to make their an-
Following these Mr. Whedbee.
before introducing Governor
Glenn, said he wanted a few
minutes to refer to some county
matters that should be men-
timed. He named some false-
hoods Republican speakers in
this county are telling, and the
way he lambasted the
cans for it was a caution. He
said men should be just as hon-
est in politics are in
business dealings or around their
firesides, but honesty seems to
During the present cam
both the Democrats and
have rates.
MS. It is the same with all
the Republicans have the use of
likely to be contracted on the same basis.
The newspapers of North Caro-
lurks in a than in any of the , Q
ailments The easiest and
quickest way to cure a cold Is to take
Chamberlain's like some news-
give away their space,
of trade over a f large ; his doors Would be very soon
in Pitt County.
e of over a
world. sale by Jno. L.
The Democratic candidates for
the legislature and the various
offices will address the
. people of Pitt county at the fol-
If a merchant would give times and
Stokes, Wednesday, Oct. 28th,
at p. m.
Grimesland. Thursday Oct.
29th, at p. m.
X Roads, Friday Oct.
For FARM Supplies and HARDWARE.
Don't hi to see our Mowing machine.
We a stock, also full line re-
pairs tor our Machines only, is the
There is none better, member
always Rive perfect We
would also you attention to our . . .
American Wire Fencing
We carry the best quality only of Lime and
Cement keep a stock on hand, Bear in
mind that Baker Hart's is the place to buy
pose too much upon the good
nature of their local papers and
So-Called I nature of their local papers in at g p m
e friend-
, home pride. The Herald's
as it ceases to be
It exists only in name and as
soon as it to T t,
it is dropped. The friend- v t what
ship that the same in J g what;
prosperity and adversity be
, t ad other
be an unknown principle to Re-worthless. It matter DOt Chronicle.
publicans. a -d may to do;
Mr. Whedbee then eloquently and make a success
papers to boost them as a matter j Friday.
at night.
Ayden, Saturday, 31st, at
p. m.
Bethel, Saturday. Oct. 31st. at
I p. m.
lull assortment always in stock to choose from
Quality the highest, in fact there none Let-
it being guaranteed per cent pure.
It you wish to build it is to your inti re t
to u- as we are in position to look after
your even- need. Don't forget that cur line
of General Hardware is kept complete with
the very best quality goods. e can
your orders from a box tax to a ear load
nails. Give us a call.
introduced Governor Glenn who there is some
made a speech that aroused great j reptile, worthless wretch
enthusiasm and brought is ready to drag him down,
interruption of applause- He I to blight his hopes and blast his
captivated his audience at the fondest ambitions. The loss
very start by saying money property is not the
preacher. I want to begin by j greatest loss a man can
making a few announcements j th business world; far better
Where Bullets Flew.
David of N. Y.,
veteran -if th civil war, who lost a
at good
Electric bit-rs have done is Worth
more than hundred dollars to no.
I spent much money doctoring for a
bad case of stomach trouble, to little
then tried Electric
cored me. I now take th.-m
;. tonic, and tho keep
. Wooten s
election is going your money than to I
be held on the and j
1908, and to that
North C Is to s
to ma-
January, 1909, u
take the
1909. some
W. J Bryan,
United States.
Governor Glenn
a discussion of nit j. u B
that was arid o i. wing.
His comparison of the two
dates for president. Bryan and
following prominent
be with the
j dates
Hon. R. B. Glenn, at Winter
a i
J. H. Small and Hon. J.
B. Grimes at Grimesland.
Hon. J. B. Grimes at
Hon. J. H. Small Grifton.
Hon. J. B. Grime.- at Bethel.
F. C. Harding, Chairman.
L. Brown,
What and Ease of MM
New Without it.
September e
i Mr. H. a. White,
Greenville, N. C
at to
to customers
we all been told that a satisfied
customer is the host advertise-;
circular letters,
circular letters, The for
. and program adverting, news- the legislature ard the
pater advertising and whatnot, county address
merchant People of Pitt at
And the lowing times and
Very truly
Prominent speakers
with the candidate at
money on
advertising than All irrespective of
party as laboring for the up build- o'clock.
convention at Ch- must be tag of a town. Not only so, but, Oct.
by m.;,. newspaper it is Oct.
forced the of j it from the bottom conceded, brings
Taft as a means of furthering. lop i-h, college graduate I best results.
bis policies. Upon tariff and; is not afraid
the indirect tax it goto n
Imposes upon the people ho mi
the Lest argument we have heard
from any speaker, his
this being simply
In the discussion of State
issues Governor Glenn way
equally effective The records
of the two parties in North Caro-
were brought vividly before
his heavers who wore asked if
there would be any reason in
overthrowing the Democratic
goto agent tor
Lead and Jewel Stoves an.
kS Se
a far better chance than if he other ways of advertising man.
Not Quite
To maintain health, a mature man or
woman m ads Just enough food to re
the waste and
They are approached with all
Shrewd j
into town, stay
two days and co out with rev--.
Tax Notice.
will attend the following
on dates named for the
a hundred dollars purpose of collecting taxes due ,
pair the and L. town's good money; while for the year .
body heat. The habitual consumption Stokes, Saturday.
of more food than is the in most cases
or amounts to.
administration which had placed
this State in the foremost
of and prosperity,
turn it back into the hands of
the Republicans whose record of
plunder and extravagance was
so pronounced.
Ah through Governor Glenn's
speech was emphasized with
sound argument, now and then
some striking story being used
to impress a point, It was a patience a
great speech and made the
of Democracy stronger in
the heart of every who
heard it.
The singing by pupils of the
high school of just
before the and of
just after it, fitted the
most appropriately. Gov-
Glenn and the entire
audience joined most heartily in
the singing of both songs.
After the speaking hundreds
liver Tablets and you will soon lie all ,
right For sale by Jno.
Wooten and Coward Woolen.
Tin Can cf Bills.
Mrs. A. E. Brown, twenty-
five years an expert in the
States Treasury, has finished
a task that called for exceeding
deftness, A roll
troubles, and disorders ,
the kidneys, it troubled with nothing.
, revise your our as the same.
we have done before, look close-
J; into these advertising schemes.
Think the obscurity and
out of them and see
in nine cases out of ten are
getting humbugged. Think,
too, about whom you are helping
by extending patronage. In
nearly every is it not
somebody who will spend the
AH persons owing taxes
L. W.
Oct. 6th, 1908.
notified to met me and pay
often you can get
nail or driver or a-
Have a coo I
Soul be prepared tor
It sou could desire, and
we sea your
not lack a
article- .-.
Ladies and Tailor,
Greenville C.
Ci I-
. In roar of E
.-M Shop.
, ,.
em . . .- I. S ,
you is
of bank notes which had been I money you pay him miles and
a tin can and buried in w ere
the earth for years was given to
Mrs. Drown to examine. The
money had rotted and was little
better than green-tinted pulp.
She was so successful in
rating the decayed piecing
the bits and deciphering the
letters and figures, that
the entire amount was
not one cent of it will ever drift
back into your money On
the other hand, remember that
the money you pay the
per is turned loose right here
where it helps to swell the vol
of business and does its
part towards enabling us to
have a live, progressive,
ling town. Remember, too,
Ma th
, .,.
e Goods
redeemed and made good to the j that in extending patronage to
distressed owner. a newspaper you are helping an
It to f. Simply of
on,. of milk MM
of lea pure
A Ms
for and will saw
.,, ,
Finer I I
by nil
Pure f Co., U N. Y.
have on hand a of
m quote
i i, i ;.,
The Bethel. N. C
Subscribe to The Reflector.
are now arriving, plant early
to get results A nice
line of and Ferns in ail
sizes. Choice cut flowers a
specialty, wedding bouquets
and Floral at short
notice. Mail. Telegraph, and
Telephone orders receive
prompt attention. Phone
Raleigh, N. C.
J. before buying
your coal for the winter. Ho can
you n bargain. ,
L. I. MOORE , . W. H. LONG
Moore and Long
It K R N
comer Third
formerly occupied by late Col. L
j A.

D. J. WHICHARD, and Proprietor
Entered as second matter Jan. at the at Greenville. N
C Congress of March 1879
b to
The campaign is turning into
the borne stretch.
About this time nest week
you will know all about it.
Another fellow has come to
the front with the claim that he
is going to the North pole.
No Democrat should stay away
from the polls next Tuesday.
Come out, men, and do your
No doubt Congressman Hob-
ton will have many spells
while our fleet is in Japanese
The more Roosevelt and Taft
display themselves in this cam-
more votes arc made
for Bryan.
President Roosevelt has ac-1 One of the things the
a position on the in Pitt county are attack-
rial staff of The Outlook to be- and misrepresenting is the
gin after his term of office ex-
Then he can talk back
all he wants to, provided the
editor-in-chief does not blue
The farmer who did get
his cotton out before this wet
weather came cannot lay it to the bidding of his boss. Graves
Mr. Hearst's greatest desire
Menu to be to do Mr. Bryan all
the damage he can, and Col.
John Temple Graves is doing
lack of opportunity. There has
been beautiful weather for pick-
The Greensboro News says
made a speech in Charlotte
Monday night the most of which
The Charlotte Observer inti-
The New York Herald gives mates that the dense smoke of
the election to Judge
Fortunately for the country such
a gift i not in the hands of The
Tuesday was due to the great
forest tires in Michigan. May-
be some explorer had built a
around the North pole to melt
the ice up there, and the smoke
blew down this way.
Charlotte is even bragging
about going to have Marion But-
, , ., . .,, From the way the Republican
to speak there. Charlotte K
i ill. i speakers id this county are
has had lots of good things,
. i ., , abusing and misrepresenting oar
we see nothing in this lust to . .
. educational interests, it might
brag over.
. be inferred that they would de-
Do not think about every public school house
at home next Tuesday because j th if it was
you know Hie Democratic ticket power to do so.
will be elected. Go to the polls
It is just as well to go an, help make the majority There was a cabinet meeting
and beat the Republicans, large as possible. I in the House a few days
issue of bonds by which the
Eastern Training School was ob-
If the Democrats had
never done anything else for ed-
than to secure this
school, this would be enough to
merit the lasting gratitude of
every voter in the county.
they an just
death anyway.
The result is going to show
some s . bi et is
aver s will I plenty of tin m
to say i
Mr. Bryan put in twenty-two
in which the president or-
About the only hope the all the members to devote
now see is to steal this week to making speeches
buy election. The Demo-j for Taft. That is using the
should be watchful and; some, and is
It is too late to talk about
registration now, as the time for
that is over, but you men whose
names are on the registration
books should bear in mind that
it is your duty to go to the polls
on the third day of November
and Vote the Democratic
ticket from president to town-
ship constable. No other party
promises you good government,
as the records show.
The Republicans in their mis-
representations are saying much
about the management of affairs
in Pitt county. We want to ask
the voters to look over the list of
Republican candidates and see
if they think a single one of
them could conduct the county's
business as well as it has been.
If you have slightest
of voting for a Republican
you better think what yon are
doing before voting.
The Republicans have no hope I teen millions. An
. , . . . . . ed proportion, however, would
of electing any of their ticket . . . .
have to reckon with the facts of
Pitt county, in fact they are not pushed
going to poll as many as a thous- and general voting re-
and votes in the county, but in the country at
they are trying to make as big a large made more strict. Against
show as possible so as to stand these obstacles, and with apathy
. . , ,. u i prevailing to an unusual extent,
in more with the administration . . . u
sixteen votes would 41-
in case Taft should be elected. involve a change
president. In the hope of mis- j,, political complexion. They
mean, most probably, that
the Democratic party's two
wings, one or the other of which
has in large part kept away from
the polls for three presidential
elections past, had resumed,
voting solidly together and
thereby brought Mr.
election. Let us hope that
the returns of Tuesday week will
make an aggregate vote
large in its Democratic
constituent if not otherwise.
Charlotte Observer.
Pitt county is going fist
on the up grade of progress for
the people to think of letting
the Republicans her back
active enough to prevent them i lo a disgusting degree. I down. The worst thin
from doing either.
The campaign of
The next congress will be ask- the Republicans this
hours work Monday. That wasted to make an additional county are making is not at all
surely his I day, and what of for th; creditable to men take any-
better i .-. bi mite
Panama canal. Wonder to decency. We do not
much of that the Roosevelt and believe that men who have re-
If v- i; expect v ill
with outlook in Cur- -.- be by such
. The government report issued
takes v . little to please showing such a large ,
of cotton i;. Again let us remind the voters
off a the 18th, can be accounted for in that the
good on. . n. . weather for of county affairs by the
n long .;,;,. has prevailed this Republican speakers in Pitt
while a R lean
What tin . recent lynching of
public in . win . citizens of Tennessee by
b-W-a r-r
would be for the Republicans to
get control of it. We are not
writing this because there is
any danger of such a calamity.
lit just to remind the people
that they should vote the entire
ticket next Tuesday
them V
. i- an I of
are not worthy of
You should rebuke
by voting the entire Dem-
ticket and show that you
do not countenance falsehood.
the ti
outlawry can be The record of the two parties
III i- an evil that ought to be j;, Pitt county on the matter of
I education should easily convince
Governor Haskell of I II- . j the voters of the county which
falsehoods. id had another drawing they will support. To put the
card in Col. John Temple Graves Republican party in control
who there to make a speech l would mean the crippling of
Hut we expect progress and setting
colonel had not much to speak I the county back many years.
. Still Charlotte was glad
The Democratic ticket
leading a few people and gain-
some votes in the county
they are resorting to all kinds of
misrepresentations in
es are making over the
county. They may think the
people will be fooled-this way,
but will find out differently
when election day conies.
Another evidence of the inter-
est the Norfolk Southern
Railway takes helping to de-
the section through which
it travels, is the system of low
rate excursions from the West
the road has inaugurated.
Hound trip excursion tickets
from points in Ohio, Indiana.
Illinois and Kentucky to points
on the Norfolk Southern are
sold at about per cent of the
regular fare one way and limit-
ed to twenty-one days. The
purpose of these special is
to induce Western Farmers,
and invest ire who eon-
template a change of location an
opportunity of visiting this East-
section and investigating its
advantages. If any one who
reads this has friends or relation
in the West ii might w i to
write them-and call attention to ,
these excursions a afford to tho I.
getting them to advantage to pass from
and is no going to do so if the
people are to their own
best interests and these we are
urging them to safeguard. We
are anxious for Mr.
return to the course
we and aside from this
a.-e weighty reasons why
the I should be Dem-
. . I
will suggest them to
I Then there are county of-
The Legislative and County Offices.
While a full Democratic vote
all around is highly desirable,
for reasons pointed out in
editorial this morning, there
is no need for any one to worry
about the fortunes of the State
or national Democratic tickets
in North Carolina. They are
just as sure of large majorities
i the to the morning
of election day.
But are other
than these, and important
rations, too.
we the importance of
House to the Democratic
and the country and strove
to give some reasons why the
State should return a solid
Superior in importance,
ho- . i, even to this are the
Legislature and the county of-
is re-
We have already averted to
the fact that the of reg-
voters in New City
this year fails slightly under
i and that . very
o; slow . . ion
every voter in the county. Take also coming from the country
Hie of these men
compare it
Republican ticket, and the ,.,., ,.,. But
is plain. The same part
are trying to bolster up their I many voters has been I
by falsehoods in more than one campaign year
,. i now past. Millions of American
thinking man knows are untrue.
, , citizens entitle to vote, lo not
Do not deceived, but . .
exercise privilege,
men . are very close to
. , , ., prevalent, especially I,, , . . .
with those on the , ., . , . . I the people and should be from
i we consider tie admitted .
among the very nest men. Gen-
speaking tho Democratic
nominees . r these important
places are. They are so this
year in a, the counties, we can
Keep die C
Mr. bl to come
down this w . . I I n
of the mi i
club how not to get so
of his presence.
j Ex-Judge Montgomery is reach-
,. , . , ling around after Raleigh
It show i . r- B
., .,., . , News and Observer because that
the .
. . , published the letter Tom
reached when the president and
,. ,. , . , , ,. wrote about him. The
have to get so active-
. ,, judge evidently wants to soothe
into the campaign.
his wounded feelings in damage
The number of votes
candidates are going to get in
Pit county -iii hardly be
enough to make it look like they
were in the race all.
Every Democrat in Pitt county
should be at the polls next
Tuesday and vote tho entire
ticket. Make this election give
a record breaking majority.
learn with sorrow of the
death of Col. R. B. of
Elizabeth City, which occurred
on the 22nd. He was nearly
years the oldest active
Pitt county has issued bonds which well
, . . to study this line because
to secure the Eastern raining ,, .
also a census year, there were
School and to build two persons of voting age
Chairman Mack says lie is sure
it will be Bryan, and Chairman
Hitchcock says he is sure it will
be Taft. We will know some-
time next Tuesday night which
one is correct.
The Democratic candidates in
Pitt are conducting a clean cam-
while the Republicans are
conducting a campaign of mis-
representations. The people
should find no trouble in
between them.
bridges, matters that will be
worth many times more to the
people of than they
cost. Yet there are no meas-
that the Republican speak-
in the county and
misrepresent so much as these.
Their acts show that they are
opposed to both, education and
in the United States as against
actual voters.
than the persons of
voting age cast no ballot. Dis-
of voters in
the South and consequent
of white voters toward
elections virtually uncontested
account, together, for a good part
of this third. Massachusetts
, i ,. , ,. ,,, and one or two other Eastern
the world. Much of progress, and the people
his life was spent in journalism bear this . mind when they go .
and he was a writer of ability.
He was especially beloved by
the newspaper men of North
Just suppose the Republicans
had control of the of
cation of Pitt county, ca . you
guess who would be
dent of schools If such a thing
should happen you would be
ashamed to tell it away from
The campaign in Pitt county
is reaching the warm stage, and
the Republicans in
are resorting to all manner
of falsehoods and
in the hope of making votes
for their ticket. It is the same
old dodge that they follow in
every campaign, and they will
find on the third of November
that the thinking people of Pitt
county will not stand for nor en-
courage it with their support.
Such methods will be rebuked
by a big Democratic majority.
to vote on the third of
The prediction given out by
Chairman Mack, of the national
Democratic executive
tee, that appeared in Sunday's
papers, and his telegram to
State Chairman which we
publish elsewhere, ought to be
very gratifying to every Demo-
We want to see the Dem-
of Pitt county act on
Chairman Mack's suggestion and
roll up the largest majority this
county has ever given. Get to
work and bring your neighbors
out next Tuesday and see that
they vote the entire Democratic
foreigners cannot vote because
of naturalization requirements
unfulfilled. Residence require-
render voting impossible
or impracticable each year for
many citizens who have changed
their abode. Poll tax require-
ts are likewise a factor.
But after all conceivable allow-
the evident fact remains
that the merely indifferent or
else purposely abstaining voter
is not confined to any section of
the country and in the aggregate
is very numerous.
Nerve energy is tHe
force that controls the or-
of respiration, cir-
elimination. you
weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will believe
benefit if not entirely
cure you. Try it.
My system way
completely, and left me on the
of the tried
but sot no
I cot no I hail to u
On the basis of estimated pop- I
. to Improve mill runt.
am In and never ml
to recommend
W. I,.
Creek, Oregon.
Your Dr.
end we him to return
price of first bottle If It fella
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
increase since 1900 there
are now
of voting age in the United
States, If the proportion of the
whole number voting four years
ago is maintained this year the
vote will approximate sis-
y the party that gives you records straight and the Stale will keep
.-. eminent. of an indifference varying only straight. Do not neglect the
degree. In 1900, a legislative and county
dates and do not s. any of
the nominees on any of the tick
N. C, Oct. 1908.
I had occasion to be at Smith's
school house last Thursday night
. . i q of men.
especially on Sunday.
Rape seed at J R. Smith Mer.
J. W. Sparks and mother, who
have been visiting the family of
J. A. Forrest, left for their
home in Georgia Monday.
you planted your gar-
den is the question every
one is asking. Woods are
the best for the South- You will
find all kinds perfectly fresh at
Drug Store. Don't make
the mistake of getting some
Mrs. M. M. Sauls and Miss
Sauls are in Richmond
a visit to the parents Mrs.
Smith Co. are running
Having been appointed I a busy set of men
for precinct No. Content-
township, for the election to
be held Tuesday. November 3rd,
1908. All persons of said
who have not heretofore
registered for said election and
are entitled to do so will please
call at my office in C.,
and register in accordance with
the elections. This
September 25th, 1908. J M.
Blow, registrar.
Miss Dora Manning of Win-
has returned to her home
after a pleasant day spent with
Misses Ida and Pearlie Tripp.
For some four or five weeks a
their factory and mills on full big red and white cow with brass
time. General sawing trimming on end of horns been
and repairing all kinds neatly i with my cattle and has recently
i . H mil
found calf. Needing attention
I have taken her up and shall
care for her. The owner can
have the property by coming and
proving ownership and paying
The stork visited the home
J. F. Thursday and left a
present in the shape of a little
Rev. J. R. Tingle, of and expenses.
we are is here making This 16th day Oct
to move with
family back to Ayden, N. C.
leave, Out it's only to return. I We regret very much to learn
M. M. makes the that Nannie con-
cold drinks that can be made to her home with case of
the the j
round. Try had a very
Rev. C. toward will dose valuable horse to die Monday
engagement with j night
Disciples ibis A large bridal
next 4th Sunday. through Ayden Wednesday from
You will And a nice hue of on their
Peter Braswell and bride from
Hendersonville are visiting the
family of J. S. Hines here.
Richard Anderson who was
seriously cut some two weeks
ago by unknown parties is able
to be out.
Rev. C. W. Howard closed his
year's engagement as pastor
with the Disciple church here
last Sunday.
Mrs. Joseph Rawls, Early,
of Rocky Mount, has been visit-
friends in Ayden during the
past week.
Sunday morning at o'clock,
Mr- David William and Miss
Sarah Stocks were united in
matrimony, J. M. Blow, J-P.
officiating. The couple drove up
in front of the judge's office and
wen so timid they could not be
prevailed upon to alight and en-
the office, so the judge him-
self who anticipates at an early
date attempting the fatal step,
performed the ceremony while
I the couple sat in the buggy and
now David and Sarah have
fears and are no doubt
happy basking in the sunlight of
each other's smile. And may it
eternally last is our fervent
R. A. Smith, of Farmville,
was in our section last week
looking for a mortgaged proper-
seller, but failed to find him.
Miss Mary Joyner, one of the
teachers at Smith's school house,
went to her horns in
Friday evening and returned
to her school Monday morning.
Mills Smith, C. E.
R. E. Willoughby and others of
our section went to Farmville
Saturday to the Democratic
speaking, and reported a large
crowd. They said the speaking
was vary good.
T. E. Little went to Greenville
G. Hinton Crumpler, a student
at the Atlantic Christian College,
cams down Saturday evening
and preached at Smith's school
house Saturday night, Sunday,
and Sunday night. He preached
very and had
large and well behaved
at each service- All
seemed to be delighted with
the young preacher.
Capt. John King and Mrs.
John King, Jr., of Falkland, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Flanagan, of
Marlboro, and Miss Mary
of were here
Sunday to hoar Mr. Crumpler
Two colored boys had a scrap
in this Sunday
evening. One of them received
a bullet from a pistol in one
Mrs. Charles and
Mrs. Emma Anderson, of Marl-
town, were visiting at R. A.
Monday evening.
Mrs. Pattie F. Smith WM quite
sick last week and the first of
this week but has improved con-
We failed to see the little
group of people that your Stokes-
town said went
to church at Smith's school
house Saturday night. It may
have been Smith's school house
but not ours, though we had
preaching at our Smith's school
house that night.
Some of the Democratic
candidates came to Arthur
today to make it lively for Re-
publicans, and A. L Blow
the principal speaker, made a
very good speech, and what
pleased a portion of the crowd
it was they had.
barbecue for all
note and there is every
reason to believe that that State
will be in the Democrat
Few, if any. States in the Union
have a better or more effective
organization than New Jersey.
tour th. State
on Friday last the ovation he
received spelled victory t my
mind. The internal
in the Republican party in
Virginia and the awing of the
labor vote in that State to Mr.
Bryan art powerful factors for
his success.
we to win.
The are hot with n sent-
against a party branded
Thousands Re-
publicans there will either vote
for Bryan or not vote St all.
element is working our
and despite the great Re-
publican majorities oil previous
States will be in the Democratic
column. They are for b m to-
day, and there is .
believing .-
witness a change t
Eighty i the labor vote
plenty barbecue for all ., ,.
some left. in Stat b and I ally as largo
We bad it stormy Tuesday and a percentage the German pop-
Wednesday and without rain, are for Mr. Bryan.
until night, when it rained a
On Wednesday evening at
slow rain all night.
ii. E. Willoughby and C. E.
vent to
this morning.
Miss Pearl Robinson, of Con-
.-. who is school at
o'clock Mr. J. B. Johnson and was visiting in our
Miss E. Tripp were happily Saturday and I
and returned to Monday i
. o
. here Monday.
Tho Ayden Company,
J. R, , L
D. C
of Greenville, were here
day on business.
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon I
things at the m
taring plant. their
work they., machinery of
2.500 tobacco to be i
used market.
Barnes of .-.
is here on a visit tr. his
J. It. Smith e -v -1
a nice lot anti
on hand can i
ply of
good buggies, and re-
united in the bonds of matrimony
at the home of the bride's mother,
the Mrs. Nancy C. on South morning.
I street D. W. Arnold Mrs. of
. , , I was over here to preaching Sun-
On account of a recent death day
in the bride's family no d M Q L Tyson wore
dons issued and there were A.
chances; Mr. but
f he wins it s d be a
Slat all
Bryan ti
of the
policies Mr. i- In
particularly in
Mack Give Showing j State
New York.
Chairman Mack authorized a
only a few friends present
a dose down o
marriage very beautiful Sunday.
claimed the election of William
j ;, .
Mack announced that his reports
showed that Mr. Bryan would
receive at
vote, -r fifty-cine more than is
necessary for a choice. Mr.
people held their Mack's of the
Bl I
within f f
am I
in I
Lime, Mr.
, . from
will, I
r machine
th i
l which
. H
association at Paul's
when they their home, and had an immense gathering,
. .,. , , ,,.,; us
l. v,. tis w
W y- told and saves an immense
s. firm has a good sap . of as ex-
first a The
I buggies, the surrounding
Mow for
Fall and
of the
I thunder;
least el
elude in m;
West we already heard in the
Eastern States, and to can
There were large crowds
from and the
making hog. . it last Sunday
Truly the
is a busy map.
Chas. A. Stevens
Greatest Exclusive Establishment the World
For Women's Wear
have ready for
Mayor J.
Maple Cypress Wednesday and I
J. J. Edwards Son have just
another or load EH-
wood Wire
inches. Call and see them.
Mr. and Mrs. V,. J. Boyd
this morning for Edward, N. C.
where they will visit relatives.
For public school books to
J, Smith Mer. Co.
and Bibles also on hand.
Misses May Swindell
Webb, of Morehead City, are
visiting Misses Lizzie and Flor-
Lost-A plain gold ring between
the residence of Mrs. Agnes
Blount and tho store of J. J.
Hines Co. Any one finding
same will be liberally rewarded
by leaving at store J. J. Hines
J. A. of spent
the day in Ayden Thursday.
For Sale A valuable farm
near Ayden containing sixty two
acres of which, ten are
cleared, same will be sold on
reasonable terms. For further
particulars apply to Walter
Grifton, N. C. R- F. D.
Misses Lizzie Allen and Ms
Corey, of Greenville, a
visit of several days to Misses
Lillie and Fay Corey; have re-
turned t j their homes.
M. M. Sauls has just received
a fine lot of perfumes toilet
ion books, and the of material,
,. r-i
of Mr. That
in tho West will extend the
shores of t he At It
the national
will carry every doubtful State
this end in rock rib-
bed Republican districts h
. majorities of that party in t
to a mini-
Basing my forecast on
the most -n
view of the optimistic I
have received from all sections
Y ilk
South .
c absolutely correct and up to-date
civilization. that you these fashion books and samples
residence on West that we handle only the very at
, popular prices and that than
Mr. Ross, the popular sales- It be a Measure tome to have you, cal I and;
man of E. Sons, whether you wish to buy or to too glad
with his serve you and assure you of prompt and courteous attention.
Demand Loans
Out- from B km
parents at Aurora.
are preparing to
give an entertainment at an early
May Holton came
Wilson Friday and spent until
Monday with her mother near
here. She was accompanied by
her friend, Miss Marie Bailey, of
Elm City. They are both
dents at the Carolina Christian
Mrs. H. E. Tripp came home
Monday evening from a visit to
R. H. Bern
Federal court Monday and re-
turned the same day.
trip. coin,
Mr. of minor coin
after a pleasant visit to his
daughter, Mrs. W. H.
left for his home Monday.
Mrs. Nan Joyner, of Norfolk,
came Monday to visit her niece,
Mrs. F. G.
M. M. Sauls and Roy Cannon
I went to Sunday,
Democratic majority from
township next Tues-
day from to
Since the rise in the
buyers on this market have
MRS. J. T. SMITH, Jr.,
Ayden, N. C.
Representing Chas. A. Stevens S Bros., Chicago.
of the county, I figure that
Bryan will have at least
votes, or fifty-nine
than is necessary for a
comfortable majority
be Increased rather than de-
creased when the vote is d.
to tho votes
of the solid in
in the Stats of North Carolina, at the of Sept.
include am
Mr. Bryan will carry
New York, New Jersey, L
Idaho. Montana, Colo-;
Ms, Rye and Barley.
We an no
Mil the d in. I
m u
ire L .
Resources . Liabilities
Loans and Capital Stock . .
Overdrafts a . . .
Furniture and Fixtures 810.69 surplus fund
I .-j 14.68
National bank notes .
and other notes 6,080.00
Nebraska, Nevada,
Ohio, Delaware, Kansas,
South Dakota-a total of
votes. All over the country
there is a change of to per
cent, from th-.; Roosevelt, vote
of 1904 to Mr.
is no longer in
in New York. The thirty-nine,
votes of the State arc assured
for Mr. Bryan win by
a substantial plurality.
Empire State can no lo
Price, quoted c
giving Information
T. W. ft
Richmond. Va.
Total, 191,726.00
Deposits subject took. 46,158.64
Cashier's outstanding 76.87
I of the above named teak.
the . true to the best o. my
w. H. Smith purchased
A. in the
I lira Milling
r be Co. conduct the DU
included in that territory called the
the country. I speak work promptly looked after Mr.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this day of Sept.
Notary Public
Dr Joseph
Physician and Surgeon
from information gained from a
thorough canvass and reports
from every county In the State.
Connecticut I have re-
very encouraging reports.
Judge Robertson, the Democratic
candidate for Governor, will
carry the State by about
plurality, and the national tick-
et, backed by a united party,
has the best chance in years for
winning the seven electoral votes.
Jersey sounds an
Cox will still with

. .
It W Undoubtedly th Work of
The Great Wall is often stigma-
as a human
and by many
who are willing rhapsodize over
the Great Pyramid. A great
work pyramid .- not
It simply a stone and
got to prove that it
was nothing more than a
mausoleum, ii of the
vanity of the m march
tombed beneath it. and considered
either as mere or as an
teat it sinks into utter in-
significance the Great Wall,
a work vast practical utility.
It is fact the Groat Wall more
than anything which its
founder for all lime for what he
man of the highest order of
genius, the greatest
who borne sway on the earth.
The Chinese of lie cent
B. like the Ii e fir
had arrived cm stage in
course of
and each in pro-
a hero
to lead it to the
Notice of
Superior court before
D. C. Moore.
i i County.
I. Jolly aid wife Nannie E.
W. Alien
v, B. R. M. D. Cr . ford
J. Crawford, C. H.
Mrs. Nora A. M. AN
and Berth K. Allen,
Pearl A. Forbes,
Neva A. Forbes.
By virtue of the judgment and decree
the , of Superior Court,
made in the above entitled ca Sf, on
the 6th day of October, 1908, the
J- 1-- Fleming, t
appointed by in said decree,
will .-. to the highest bidder for
for partition, at the court House door
com in or. the
November, 190.-, all the right,
and inters i of the parties to t e
aforesaid proceeding in and to the f 1-
lowing described tracts or parcels of
Ian., to
1st A cert-in tract or lot if land,
paid and State, and bounded
m Lying and being fa the
of on the south side
. h and on the west side of
Washington street, beginning at a
at intersection of 10th street
.,, v.-. street, and
war about feet to a
Notice of Sale.
Notice is hereby given by the under-
signed Ivy Smith, administrator of
Jesse L. Smith, d. that the
personal estate of Jesse L. Smith, de-
ceased, will be exposed to public sale,
for cash to the highest b on
Thursday, the 12th day of November.
1909, at the late residence of the said
Jesse L. Smith.
Said estate of horses,
mules, cattle, hogs, carts. a- d
other farming implements, corn, fodder
hay, peas, cotton seed and household
and kitchen furniture.
Sale will begin promptly at
This the -2nd day Oct.,
Ivy Smith. Administrator of
Jesse L. Smith, deceased. w
Notice to Creditors.
with the pi i-
defensive tr . . e
man i m ire. I it th i
of e of the is
one of the
chief tea- hi re-eminent
place in th I The
guarded t the
the made e
frontier of I empire a n
the I tit
five rent II tang Ti
was it h l me p v
Ho ed it
science and r an
in history. re I id In ed
no barrier lie re I an
one. and r ten c the
northern bar down
from the great table in I
strove in vain to r Ii a
bulwarks i Ii he
between tin r. I and
the Ii ins of
Probably the Gr-n V nil was a
more form
barbarians of e; r i ll n
to the Gems of
Europe. Ii v. i l de-
fined fr r,
picket e r-
occupied b pi I
cation i II airy pa-
a v I
and at
wall and I
troop- o . .
wall i
L. E. Smith, administrator of Win.
Stokes, deceased.
Lena Stokes, widow of Win. A.
Stokes, and Stokes and Austin
.-tokes. law of Win A. Stokes.
By of the power of sale con-
in a decree of the Superior
made by D. C. Moore, c of the
Superior court, OB the 8th day of
the undersigned i. K. Smith
as a of the de. eased Win.
A. will expose to public sale at
the count house door in on
the r, 190-, at
,. o'clock, It t ring the first day of
the the November term of Pitt county
corner of lot No. thence with lot court, the following track of
, about f stake, I land to the highest bidder for cash,
i and parallel with Said land being situated in the county
W. . street feet to and Mate of North Carolina
.-. fa Swift Creek ad
street to the of Washington joining the lands of L. E Smith, Lottie
Haddock, Henry Haddock, ard others.
containing acres more or less. This
made for the purpose of making
for the settlement of the estate
A. s. deceased.
This the 8th day of r,
L. E. Smith.
Adm, of Win. A. Stokes, deceased.
F. C Harding,
to the
the beginning, it being the
. half of lot N . as shown on
a map by P. Matthews fa of
,. in Mo r land, mining one
fourth of an acre, more or less,.
fag the et convey, d to Victoria Me
Gowan by the Greenville
p my 1895 and by d which e rs
record fa
of Di Is of Pitt county, in b
page d the same lot de Ii.
to Noah F. by deed winch
rs of record in the e of t. Reg-
i Dee Pitt county, in
page reference to both of
which is hereby made for an ac-
certain tract or parcel if
. State, II Ii
follows g and being in Green-
gin the fork of
r road home place
i f Noah deceased, nil g
new north west
thence pol ;
c north Doles
Having duly before the
clerk of Pitt county as
of of F.
deceased, notice is
given lo u i indebted to the es-,
to ma payment to;
the undersigned, and all persons hay-
fag estate ill
take that they must present the
same far to the
on or before September,
n i. or this in in bar
of recovery.
This d n September,
J. Mart hall
d C. F.
of Vacant Land
S. S. and J. T.
r and Mains the following described
vacant land to
i-i Pitt
N C, on Indian Swamp and
K at bran h. the lands of
Moore. S. S. Arden Mills.
Cannon's heirs, Jno. S.
and others, containing acres,
or less.
This day of September,
B. Entry Taker.
Any person or persons title
to or in the
must their i in
writing with me within the n x thirty
days, or they will be barre law.
R. Williams.
Entry taker
Fitzgerald, Receivers.
Trains will be Operated on following
No. No. Daily
Sunday 6.30 A. M.
Washington M.
No. No. Daily
Washington A.
Do You Own the House
m isl
to CO
;. n . Ii r, ad ;
the of said ditch to s
thence north s 1-4 west
i. . a
.; south 1-1 i list tO
; tin . poles to
-ti p, . i line i
1-4 cast 1- i ti
. ;. r oak
i poles to a
i ; th .
i i .- to the Kb ;
v the road
i to the ling.
g . I acres more o
i- trace of
in aid i ii I d b ind I
f Hows; lying and ii
township, at the
he Ki an oar's,
um ; v iv i ad
; poles d
. to i.
said them with
c es Lite e
i l new road v.
r ad
Ki I
. iii to tn i
. en mi r tr lei .
. tr; ct
. .
mi tract, d as I
In Superior Court.
Notice by
North Carolina
Pitt County.
Annie Hopkins
Hampton Hopkins i
The defendant eve d will take
n that an d as
Notice to re
as executor of
May ton. decease., late of Farm-
ville. Pitt county, North Ci this
is to notify all string a claim
the estate of i i to
exhibit them within
I twelve months from this date, or this
trill be pleaded in her rt th
i ii led to said
estate will please make
P C. Dupree,
IF. G.
Effective on the above date, the operation of Passenger Coaches
on Trains Nos. and between Raleigh. N. C., and Washington, N.
C., will he
M. W.
Administrator's Notice.
ha-teen commenced in the superior I Having duly qualified before
Court of Pitt county, to cart of Pitt county as
v. r. e the bones of mat rim administrator of the estate
and the aid defendant will further
take notice t he is required
at n term of Superior
C of Pitt county to he'd on the
Monday after the
i g the 9th i f
1904, at con
Moore, a.-ed, notice
to all persons indebted t the
make immediate payment . under-
all persons claims
estate to e-
s same for payment or . lore
or this
r I n
or demur to the
a lien, or the will ply to the
for the relief demand d in said
This the 10th day of October. 1908.
O. C. O S. C.
Julius Brown, Attorney.
rt house in sail the 20th y of October, 1909, or
., ,. . . . . .
in said j This 30th day of October
J. K. Overton,
f W. Moon-.
in i in ton i .
at a fen e, c
nil. ii
the t
n M e's e-and .-
; ;
1-2 Poll
i ; I the
. and .
i ; I
; the no lo 1-2 east i Ii ;
em ., i es to a
t in red. the
; ; i 1-2 west
By virtue of the p of con-
in a mo deed
and red by Nathaniel
s and Williams to It.
the 11th d of January, 1900.
duly in the
. of
I, t ii page the .-. ed
will expose to public sale, the
curt in to th
. r on Monday,
11th, a tract or of
. being ii h of
State of N r h in and
as to That
. ii ship
ling he . H.
.; p, e v
the C Allen
i rs, containing To a- on re or
less, being sane d to
Nathaniel V am B.
th s i to
f money to . I
deed. T run cash.
This day of October, hi
Ii. K. Tyson,
For a Short While
by the Director STA I ii
BOARD OF HEALTH at RALEIGH, N. C, shows that the water
supplied by the Greenville water works u PURE.
Few the protection patrons
the of the arc always en in of the
me well or and get me me
offered by the Water Department. It not only means that you will
always have water to drink, but it prove a convenience.
Nothing to do but turn the No more pumping and draw
We furnish gallons per month for and allow you a dis-
count bill is paid 5th of month succeeding month in
which service b rendered. This makes the cost cents.
gladly famished to anyone regarding cost of making
tap, etc.
L. D. WADE, Superintendent.
mortgaged, are you paying off the principal, or are you satisfied to merely pay the interest
each year Some day you have got to settle, will you be prepared
Come let us take care of you. We'll pay the obligation and allow you the privilege of repay-
let call the house that
us in small weekly installments and in a snort 1-3 years you
shelters your wife and little ones in reality.
Sixth Series Shares now on sale, bearing date of November 7th, 1908.
The Home
H. A. WHITE. Sec. art Tims.
Loan Association
I . . William corner; thence
ii. . . r .
same a I
i null
C i . . . oil
in the lie Hi
of tho year
I.,, rules do
cattle market in the world, it
already am n n
made a; i
n a place for lire cattle
only, it lay i the i walls
in the i f cat-
n r pi ice of t m. i
hundred lab r the corporation
assumed i . the
beasts and , th
did not have I monopoly
of Smithfield, n th blood of the
the martyrs and i he of Bar-
He Know by
A little hoy who had just this
season joined Sunday school was
asked by his mother how he it.
exclaimed Charlie dis-
The teacher asked what was the col-
I was the only one who
what did yon say,
I told pretty quick
that it was a pain in the
. i l-l or I
In I. Fleming, Commissioner,
i e.
All Off China, both fancy t
and domestics. i
A chance lo replenish your
All our baseball roods cost.
Notice of Sale.
Special Service to
A LT i
virtue of the con
in executed
. i y Ii. D. Cox and
Cox, to Harrington, Barber
Co. on the 26th day
duly ed In the Re
n e of lilt county, North
inn, in V the
. a. will expose to public sale,
the Court door in Green-
for to highest bidder,
the day of November,
1908, the following property, to
t lit ill Hie town
of N. C, situated on the
; side of Rail Road street and on the
it aide of Academy and
bounded on the North By A. G. Cox
and on the by J. W
the south by I. Cox and on
lb i Ly Academy street, containing
acre more or less, to satisfy
This day of October. 1908.
Notice to
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county, as
xi of the estate of
deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersigned ;
and all persons having claims
estate are notified that the
must be presented on or before the 12th
day of October, 1909, or this notice
will be pleaded in bar of recovery.
This 12th day of October,
Margaret J. Jame,
ltd of G. W. James.
Carolina, I Superior court before
county i ii. C. Moore, Clerk
las. A. Moore, Harvey A.
re, Edward Moore, Mills
and husband, Mills,
Cox and husband, Ed Cox, Maggie
Elks and husband, Henry Elks.
Elizabeth Moore, John Moore,
clean, press repair
SIS Wens Clothing and ladies
virtue of the and
of the clerk of superior court, made
in the above entitled cause, on the
day of October, 1908. the undersigned.
Fleming, commissioner appointed
the court in said decree, sell to
the highest bidder for cash, for
lit the court house door of Pitt
county in Greenville, of
November, 1908, all tin- right, title and
Interest of the parties to the aforesaid
proceeding in and to following de-
scribed tract or parcel land,
That certain tract of land lying and
in the county of Pitt In
Can be found on Fourth street
AH work done promptly, suits
made to order when desired.
Your patronage Solicited,
on Saloon Decks.
Elegant Table Dinner Club V. I to
Polite attention and the very service in way
Leave Norfolk of Jackson daily
p. Arrive in Baltimore a.
lines for
w York, and ell points
For all information and reservations
E. T. LAMB, Gen. CHAS. L. T. P. A.
township, on Cow Swamp, ad-
the lands of Robt. Smith, Eliza-
beth Moors, and
of land, containing more or
This the of Oct.
J. L Fleming, Commissioner.
D. W.
At Big Store
The Big Sale is on to raise money
for creditors. Come quick and get your share of
the Low Prices.
Ill IN
Administrator's Notice.
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county as
administrator of the of A. II.
Kittrell, deceased, notice is hereby
t. all persons Indented to the
estate to ma e immediate payment to
the undersigned, and persons haying
claim s- estate arc notified
to present the same for payment to
the undersigned on or before the
day of October, 1909, or this notice Will
be plead in bar of recovery.
I This 21st, day of October,
I L. L. Kittrell,
ltd of A. B. Kittrell.
And Provisions
. i
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
Get The best for Comfort
Royall and Borden Felt
and a piece Bern-
stein Iron Bed have no equal.
If You Need a Piano
Is the Piano strictly high-grade, of a
quality, and made by a reliable factory
The use of best materials, best construction
by skilled workmen, profiting by the
the has had in its
sixty-eight years of continued
under the same management the
PIANO at the head of
Instruments. Its sweet tone does not change,
as docs the so-claimed as variety,
so often sold by dealers to unsuspecting per-
Chasers because there is more profit in the sate.
How can I obtain the BEST PIANO for the least
value being considered
thus guaranteeing Against excessive
often obtained when an instrument passes
through several ownerships before reaching
the customer.
How am I to know
claimed for it
what I select will prove all
If you buy a There are more
PIANOS In use In North
than any other three makes of
Pianos. Some of the m use have
been in the same homes fur over hall a
and to all purchasers we gladly
The is sold for cash or on terms to wit purchaser.
D. W.
North Carolin a
School Books and Supplies
, CHAS. M.
C G. Box No. Greenville,
General Merchandise
Varieties Have a Different Name
In Every
is called black locust in
Pennsylvania is locust in
while locust in New
York, red locust in one part of Ten-
and green in another, in
Maine it is simply locust, in
acacia, in Minnesota honey lo-
and in Maryland it locust
Those many overlap and are
not by line.-.
On the oilier hand, the true
locust belongs to an
together distinct from
black i known also as black
locust, sweet locust, thorn locust,
locust, three thorned acacia, thorn
tree, honey shucks, piquant
confederate and a few
other names.
White pine i- a tree so ms-
that it is en-
titled tn one name among lumber-
man well n among botanists.
But it doe- not have
In both and South
Carolina it is sometimes known as
which is its
name in Europe.
speak of it as
soft pine. as spruce,
in other arts of the south it is
called northern pine.
The pine is a southern
tree, and I ho people of the south
have boon liberal with names, some-
times applying in a restrict-
ed locality. In Carolina it is
torch, rosemary,
slash, sap, Indian, yellow,
swamp and each being
followed by the word In
Maryland i is in Dela-
ware in Virginia corn-
stalk, foxtail, spruce,
others. It is called meadow in
From New England to the Caro-
the tulip poplar is frequently
called or tulip tree.
low poplar is its usual name in
West Virginia and
Kentucky and on the market in the
form It is tulip pop-
in Illinois, poplar in Ohio,
white poplar Indiana, blue pop-
in Delaware, hickory poplar in
Virginia, in Island,
encumber tree In New York and
wood in Tennessee.
The birches are equally rich in
names, and some of tho names
after the lumber reaches mar-
furniture may lie made from what
in Maine is known sweet birch,
but its name at tho
every state line
the He's habitat is traced south-
half a dozen of the
most species of forest
found in the United Stales are pop-
known by their botanical
names. A few. however, are so
known, among them being
ard sassafras. But even these
fer mispronunciation by
those who try to speak
and Irrigation.
tbS Pavement to Luxury.
Tin crossing sweeper
who k-pi carriage was not en-
a creation of his
knew a says
net in the London
took his stand daily outside a pub-
house, fetched cabs and did odd
jobs. His relations were very well
oft indeed, and a year or two ago
they persuaded him to p to live
with them. After leading a life of
luxury for a couple of months he
reappeared one day outside the pub-
house. I. knowing his
stances, asked him why lie had left
comfort for the cold pavement.
had he said. stood it long
as I could, but when they wanted
me to dress for dinner every time
they had company I chucked
And That Ended It.
Two officers once appeared before
one of the crowned heads of Europe
to ask permission to fight a duel, us
one had grievously insulted tho
my said the
king. will be present myself at
On the day appointed the king
appeared on the scene accompanied
by a sinister looking person, who
proved to be the public executioner.
Pointing to the two combatants, the
sec those two men
after their duel you will be-
head the
nearly four, brought to
her mother two little branches
which she had broken from a bush
and stripped of their leaves.
are some switches to switch the
when they arc
objected mother, do
not want your dear brothers
to switched, do
when they're
emphasized. such
nice little
would be a pity to waste
Raleigh, and Atlanta, Ga
Atlanta, Ga., on the following convenient
Ar. RALEIGH noon.
Call on Agents Southern Railway or connection
lines for detailed information, or
Norfolk, Va.
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
General Merchandise.
Taft Vandyke
Pulley boweN
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville N C.
Cotton Factors handlers
Bagging. Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
At New Market In front of Nor-
folk and Southern Depot.
Cobb Bros. Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and Provision,
to New York, Chicago
and New Orleans.

In Charge of F. C. NYE
A light U a heavy
Sickness purse.
The U the seat of
tenths of all
a. v;
sad de it lowest
a Johnson's
V. bare lost d n r.
lot of A. W. Ante A .
buggies are
hr. if yon want a rice .
. l l.
go to the root the whole
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
canned tomatoes that no can-
I can surpass. Another
great advantage of the goods
I pat up by Mr. Jackson is the
tone to the system and I knowledge of their purity and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
Authored Agent The Eastern Reflector Winterville and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
drugs just in. I and four from TAKES STARCH OUT OF MEEKINS.
Barber t Co, For terms apply to E.
A lot Of in. J. Winterville. N. C. Out .
lee. ft Co. Oar immense fall and winter That Pits a a Hole.
Co. for beat stock of dry foods, hoes, no- Bethel. N. C.
lions, clothing, hardware and j Republican county
is coming in every day. I county met at
Give us a ell. We are prepared g mi an
to give a first article at for a crowd a
price . barbecue was prepared
Barber Co. L both
second Mrs. S. M. Jackson Dead.
ville N C ll A little past noon
of a great speech from M M Jackson died at
, their -biggest gun- Hon I. M. J of Mrs.
all kind, go to Pro- J- W. in South Greenville.
Company i- door to us n with enthusiasm which years of age
Prompt attention . knew no bound.-, and they health
all orders. THE TREE. sanguine the she leave two
fit art headquarters for . Senator speech and I
horse blank. upon the p,, here would of
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co . ,, . , , ;, feet entirely canceled sad torn in sister. Mr.--.
We always have a nice line of . i. i . of fragments by the eloquence y g Richmond.
fresh groceries on hand. Bar- pathos of their candidate for, residence in Green-
Barbi r Co.
a Hunsucker bug-
Nice Caned
Mr. H. Jackson, of
ville. who conducts a small can-
establishment in connection
with his farm, near that town,
puts up as nice cans of vegetables
and fruits a can be found any-
where. We have tried them
and know of their excellence.
Ike Youth's far
The of reading
given to subscribers to The
Youth's Companion during the
year is indicated by the following
summary of contents for
Fifty star articles contributed
by men and women of wide dis-
in public life, in
Saturday he brought us in science, in business, in a
cleanliness in packing.
This is usually by
rheumatism of of the small
f the ha. k. and is quickly cured by
am In B C Lu two or
limes and the
rt at each sale by
L. Woolen Coward
Blackberries in
score of
Two hundred and fifty capital
stories, six serial
stories; humorous stories; stories
of adventure, heroism.
One thousand up-to date notes
on current event.-., recent dis-
in of science
and nature, important matters in
politics and government.
Two thousand one-minute
sketches, anecdotes, bits of hunt-
selected misc the
weekly health article, the
weekly woman's article, time-
It is unusual to see blackberries. .
growing and ripening the latter j A of the
part of October, bu- Mr. W. C. volume will be sent with
Hovers brought a to this sample copies of the paper to
which he address on. request
There were several
VI .
pit . an going. all to
our race r runabouts
fore Prices are
j, . .
. . . . i leg
i I
A. c x
t., ck is i; .
Come d g the hi
We I ;.;.
test em n I ware.
sod g I your
to answer the grand eulogy home,
. . thick
. to
. I I f
, I k Of
x .
i In
, ., i- i.- tor the occasion.
, . a
i .
. .
r ll
. . I I I I
he proceeded to in if Bryan and Miss Jackson ff.
If of the O. P.
savored i . a school j
, ., . , . , . r- hi the tort dose. Hundreds of people
oration, prepared Mortgage the today to heal ,
in color.
led with kidney
1-14 Berkeley
relief I
h's Companion,
Boston, Mass.
Rings l Liver tor bilious-
i n
showed the great blessings
which had Rowed of a
protective tariff and declared if lag It U wort
I .; he could raise it to
. c so n th broad
I. tonic They you
S -me M c. then. Sold by Jno.
i r on. on ray
a , . I would i b ll if
I go Um form to gel It.
i . , . . . SI
Spend it Home.
Then are two ways of spend-
a dollar.
H at home, gain an easy
-.- i p,
i. bu
Si-i .
. i
rail I
;. I
l .
; .
. Ill . ;
. .
that you
A full line i
Justin. A. Vi
i i
U t,
A. n
; w
now the showers
taming. Get you one of th-
new just In at
, Barber Co.
A largo lot best flour just u
Berber ft Co.
The Pit Co. School Desk
still c Let have your or-j
you will never re-
it. There Is no better and
more desk on
market. Send your order to A.
G. Co. Win-
N- C.
Go and look at that, pretty dis-
play of ladle, and gents line
shoes hosiery at A. W. Ange
Co. They are selling them
too. Trices talk.
One of the prettiest lines of
ever displayed in Win-
Harrington Barber
and Co.
When in need of a nice up to-
suit of Cloths come and
gamine our line of men's and
boy's clothing.
Harrington Barbara. Co.
The and
cook stoves are among
the best. We have them at prices
that will Interest you. We also
have a full line of heaters and
piping. Harrington. Barber
The A. Cox Manufacturing
Co. are now in position to sup
ply you with their Tar Heel
Carts, box bodies and Tumbling
bodies. Prices made right. Call
and sec them.
Harrington, Barber Co.
You builders will do well to
A. W. Ange o. for win-
and doors before buying.
For sale-A dice little one
horse farm three miles of
. .
. i
i . y
i a
. .- ;
. la . t.- I
. live lives
tor expiring
secure new
a. of special
. ;. cl . position per-
-v with
. .
. i-u
I i
tr. to th.
b tor I
per day,,
an la
. th,. trunk
Iii . i f call lire I i
,,, i, f v . . . ill . n .
they i n
. I left In l
n e
of Roost
A. th of his
u gusto he m I
. . present reply
. j . i
, . . that hi could
hat minutes. , C;
D stated to him th I P. J ,
tot Ne York.
in a standing posture J
the sun was near tho
and he would content
himself by asking him to make
a, mi to the
Birds Scarce Should Be Protected.
The bird.- a e said to be very
You can pend it this fall- This is said to
be due in part to the unfavorable
. in in make another friend perhaps and , Particularly the
get the dollar back tomorrow. flood the latter part of
or you send it away, fed that which killed out a
u have sinned, offended the of the younger birds. Farm-
home merchant and forever lose might do well this season to
tho dollar and the blessed
for good to yourself and
; -Snow Hill Standard-
have found
ten, by them a
i. of i u. Balsam.
It illness impure water
and of Climate.
ranted by J I.
A by
Personal Sale.
On Thursday. Nov. 12th, at the
home Of the late John Moore, Sr. In
t- will fell pub
auction for the
g to th. estate Two
in-- horse, w. on.
offer every possible protection to
the limited number of birds that
survived the big rains of August.
The birds are among the farm-
best friends, and are there-
fore worthy of his especial pro-
Waxhaw Enterprise.
Prompt treatment of n attack
of will oft-n a n-
The b st known Kern-
ed Bath Balsam.
t Jno. L. Wooten,
warrant. to give
family has good
health w, l. r.
. w . n U
ti. ; i
slot, which . had so eloquently j that buggy,
. their .,. successfully made upon his. you good Be at I.
they III on ., to ,. four shares of , lock in the Farmer.
in. load of this r T. la.-e Company. Sale Friday evening.
He compiled With re- r., a. I will begin at o'clock
of John Moore,
Blind Her. Runs Away.
T. B Hooker Go's horse
. iii . i i. If e the I
Ho- trunk Into strips, put
make per
many In drought.
. except for prickly pear, l foil-
ago of tree are fed on
living alone, taro
I keen tho mean, of saving large
quest except one and
this he
He was asked by Dr. Grimes
to state the average tariff before
the late war which he claimed
to be and
compared it with the tariff of
per cent since the war. Also
It seem, strange that In the absence state that the panic of
of win tree, should were caused re-
The son of E. P.
scar on left cheek. feet, till
inches tall, weight gray suit,
of clothes, has blue overalls. WE CHAPPED SKIN.
name John, left home Sunday j chapped akin whether on the hands
night. Shelter forbidden under face row be cured In b
penalty of law. Informant of j applying
E. P.
moist Interior, as the majority of
i .; dry mid en.
But ill bottle
lifting it- dark leave.
toward the tho farmers
and torn longing -s in
hopes of wished for rain.
When th. dry ll and lb.
land In n very few week. I. covered
with green tho work of
the hi done. But, mindful
of It. past usefulness, no former
ion under fells this
and It may often
In solitary grandeur, Its
outlined tho blue
while the land at Its base bus been
pm under cultivation or has been
Into grounds for
him will get
Bethel, N. C, R F. D.
Balloons Far tho
Iii Ms capacity of high the
has to offer at
least forty-six to different
in tho of n year, and as
to each sacrifice Is dedicated one or
more holidays, which must pass-
ed by in complete solitude, the
miserable monarch time must be
pretty well taken up. It is also a
very religious rule that nil
majesty shall offer in the course of
every your many hundreds of silk
balloons before the tablets of hi
ancestors, tho unbroken lino of
whom extends before the
Christian era. These balloon are
made of tho richest silk obtainable,
and several of tho imperial silk
arc occupied the
whole year through with tho
cation the
the embargo of
Jar. Madison and the of
the U. S. bank. He stated that
this was true in regard to U. S.
bank and then insisted on Dr.
Grimes making any further
The statements reversed en-
the impression made by
two thirds of his speech and the
aforesaid impression was made
emphasis and pathos rare-
Grimes then left the stand but
crowd cheered with derisive
laughter which caused the
mediate return of Crimes to the
stand and in a short time he had
Meekins completely de
torn to atoms and the man who
was so eager for a rejoinder had
vanished and spake a
The Democrats are jubilant
and all agree that the only result
of speech is irreparable
damage to the cause of
Pigs-1 have for sale a few
thoroughbred pigs at
five dollars each. H. S. Tyson.
Farmville. N. C.
The government report issued
today of the cotton, of this sea-
son's crop ginned up to October
18th showed baits.
for s nipples, burns
and For sale by Jno L. Woo-
ten Coward Wooten.
with the delivery
Evans street, late
The horse is
blind and it ii almost miraculous
that damage was
not done. The wagon sustained
he only damage of consequence.
Laxative Cough Syrup always
brink relief lo coughs, colas,
hoarseness, all
bronchial and throat trouble. Pleasant
to take, gently laxative. Sold by Jno.
Bank of Winterville.
In the State of North at the close of business July 15th 191-8.
Farm Sale
Will for 11.000 a good SO.
farm, in one mile of the town of
Farmville. No dwelling on the
farm, but it has barns and Stable, and
good well of water.
i N. C.
subject to
Cashiers cheeks
I have tr male year
ling, black color, three leg. whit.
low Knees, marked, looks to be about
two years old. Owners can net same
by proving proving property paying I
, Subscribed and sworn to before me,
Oct. 1808. .,, this day of July.
. ,. v. , Jr I James R. Johnson.
It. F. D. No. Winterville, N C. i Notary Public.
State of North County of Pitt,
I. J. L. Jackson. of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear
that the statement it true to the best of knowledge and
JACKSON, Cashier.
j J F Harrington,
W Wingate,
If you a sufferer piles, Man
in Pile Remedy will bring relief with
e first Guaranteed.
,. V
An Improvement over Cough. Luna Bronchial because It rids th.
of . cold by . on h. bowels. No opiates. to i
A .
And Then the Republican Party Why You the
K or You should Not Vote the Democratic Ticket
Or tiny v
I. O In
that It ,, to a so foul
on be it.
In V , . . and
The . . In people
M, . Ml pol-t t b jar
of . Ike , rail. I- so clearly
Hut man will , . .,. Is
.- ltd- t o UH
ll I- .- . their to
. Ii ,. the
l .- .
the m fares.
In um it- a
l rat.-- a was
r he he
Pl the
Commission. ,,, r Mr.
n on the
Gas, . ,, lore Senate oath
U r bis preference
the people bin. i public school
Their a I . .,,, ,
and on till, do no. . public I.-
A . i . . an.
. in- Baal oar or pea.
i pension .
the Have J ,. . ,. of Ma nils.
of the as as ,.
ZS until the h of Male
St m
. b pop-
skis ff
which i .,,. . The
M. to Ho
and of Mr , In
tr, . 1.-ll
until , the In
k II l bis
A. ,., ,. I r-
had upon
and to bis .
tat. sf
WILL not the amend-
Democracy W
Ringing Statement From Chairman of the Re Which Inspire Confidence
in a Great Triumph on November 3rd.
. l. in-
-mis r. i. art
Our and
and Ii.
hate not dared to
mill mi ill mini-1
record u
M. v
n c
iii. re.
,. reason,
III. I i U I. MM
. . tat. heart.
II 11- Until I I
. on the . .
., I
.- ,. null ill
,. , lot 1-
Governor, Senator-The Leader of a People.
i- staled In to
the Idol of man on
the 11.10 .- high
am ; . lo Bad
for v .- 1.- I. ,,,,.
armor. It. i-r, toll . . .
,.,. power. u .
. add Us
another .- In bl. n
dawn Of , and which etc. In,
The a . ha. to lb. ran of De.
, H- lender. II known Hint Ids in
,. .-.-.--.
I I-
u. I
Inn h
u .-If .
. the Ira
it.-. mid II
. are
pi-, lain.
the purchase of Made
appeal,. mi l l
,,. the the
from Tat., a
on .
the And take. and putrid
,. r . political -.- It-
of bl
Hi- O,
mill hi- kn I
by Mr.
, by i
-1 .,,.
I. mill.-, run- in.
must be a return
lull. Will KB I
etc Wall
., SR S
Democrats ., r ,.,. the
And are going to . ,.,
bearer. two. ., Zn
.-i platform a a 1- .
. . . .,. . .
I- left
,. Hi,
Will 1- .--.-- . ,.,,.
,.,, ,,, .-
spare that t.
Touch not a single hough,
youth it sheltered me.
And I'll protect it now.
them the
Democratic For Governor.
of North Carolina
and have to
. keep ,,
lo people.
Democratic Nominee for Lieutenant-Governor.
The of Mr. for
met. a
land to rotor

Boast of a Republican Speaker Intro-
Mr. J. W. Bailey Says Cox b y His Silence Acquiesced in
The Impeachment That He Will Maintain The Stand-
ard of Holden and Russell. The Republicans Have
Decided to MaKe The Best of a Bad Cause and
fend Reconstruction, Holden's Regime and Russell-
Mr Democratic
date for elector
v from V .
on n
tin- fine
He also
H. evidence iii the
grown he- leas of
for and h
t- Russell-
-lion Tit is
nut the notorious
Mr. Bailey. In
Interview, the Republicans have
decided to the
the miserable records made b
two administrations they have bad
North Carolina.
October Mr Hart Brown Intro
Mr. Cox. candidate for
Governor on the Republican ticket
and declared with frenzied emphasis
that Mr. cox. if elected, would main-
Ma the standard set by Governor
XV. Holden. adding that all that he and
hie party asked or Mr. Cox is tint he
should make such Governor of
North Carolina as Holden made.
Cox III present and by Ins
acquiesced In the Impeachment
Brown's extraordinary declaration
came about In this I speak-
Inn to a large crowd of Democrat In
the court-house at when
Mr. Cox came In. I had referred to the
fact that In his letter accepting the
Republican nomination, Mr. Cox had
called upon the people to forget the
. . i
the political
and T had
i P
. . .
-a- at rate h
r .
how should to
ltd o tho other hand
of North n ,
r.- T in t
i. 1- had net only
. . , . o conduct our
. added that
H. n . with to
eh and Glenn the
us with
to forget went on to
the claimed for W.
. ., .
la that he will tin.
. . from Vance to and
eh the Republicans to
i. n., would maintain the
i Holden Russell.
When in presence of Mr PAS
., end
ll appears that the
have decided to make the worst of a
had and defend Reconstruction.
Holden's regime and u
them carry it.
.,,.,. responsible for these
the record Is theirs. It was sail
of old their fruits ye shall know
and so arc they known to North
The Republicans are
arguing that
can candidates for
Congress should be
elected because Demo-
have no influence in a
Republican Congress.
By the same toKen the
people should elect
Democratic Congress-
men this year because
the next House of Rep-
will be
Democratic and Joe
Cannon bossism will
be a bacK number.
Don't fail to get out a
full vote for your Dem-
Every one of the ten
have been faithful rep-
of the in-
of the people.
Ex-Governor of North Carolina
TWO of tin- IN
it- Governor .
hi moral n
r tin- battle or s . who Into or tin
m lib-ton a- among moot or sun.- for
and in
Governor of North Carolina.
The administration of them
Now. have done
later I hope lo lie aide
a more logical talk, i wish i aid.-
to CO from III.- to Hie
. 1.11.1 ill.--age
hut I
u. no J lb right
shall lit nulling
,. and
I say
i U
II hi the
round nothing hut ruin
I , help hut BOW.
Keep the Democracy Close to the of
The Club Importance and Value.
Organization Aggressive and to Be
The Democratic party, since us In- ,
has been anchored near to i
the hopes, heart and happiness of I
the American people, and this close
adherence to the welfare of the
masses has enabled it the
defeat In national elections
In North Carolina it has been found
that the most effective way reach-
the people, high and low. small
and great, been through this
splendid of or-
The present campaign received
close attention along this line with
strong sympathetic support h
the Democratic and to-
day there is scarcely a precinct,
let, village or town in the State with-
out an association of active Demo-
militant and enthusiastic,
and devoted to the principles of their
party. The underlying idea Club
Is to the Demo-
men of precinct, county,
State N lion Into closer union; to
to arouse In
and lo have every voter
feel he is an essential element
In party's success.
There are thousands of these lbs
the United State today; men I
classes, businesses, occupation and
hound together in one
common purpose and actuated by the
highest patriotism. You do not tin I
Clubs Inspired, conceived
or dominated by men Lent upon
or gain, hit that they are of-
directed unselfish
sens. who place principle before pow-
men above money.
The of Democracy are
ant on every hill-side and valley; by
seashore or by mountain v
ore drilling and or lie
most momentous battle s Y
town, surrendered
tyranny to American
This vast army id Democrats la de-
to wrest from the hands of
a few what for the
many, and on the November.
William J, linings Bryan, their
captain, with the high standard
equal rights to all and special
to none, on his .,
will lead Ins army to victory .
battles, like actual or . depend
upon the loyalty, patriot-
ism of tin privates. over i
his s changed the
destiny of England. Be-
cause lie behind him the most
men of conviction the world
has v -n.
clubs are mere In tins
army, hat are the mud-sills upon
rest this nation's destiny. Their
as units their
whole. No party Is
the voters who supply
In It. We have got to win.
and w. the Democracy of
North to clean their guns
th,. coming conflict
Only Per Cent, of Taxes For State Government Col-
From Poll and Property Taxes and a Largo
Part of this Goes BacK to the Counties From Which
It Comes Improved Schools, Enlarged Asylums, In
creased Pensions, Etc., C From Franchise,
Railroad, Insurance and Other Corporate
remaining for work
along practical and
lies; that is. the clubs
Democrat capable
lea This is the essence of
ought to he a special
in for the sole
I seeing that Democrats get
the old men who are
cams must he brought,
if unmindful must he re-
Mini-- v
. Hi.
No a -r. m op
been to know how
, ran. ins i.
to make the
In the public s. in. build
many new school houses, , th
asylums, pensions I
. , .
any increase tn tie pi op. or
for government.
The Treasurer
for lb last year shows only III
r.-r cent of the revenues of th, sin ,
government arc derived from the gen-
properly and poll collected
the sheriffs and in forty-one
counties of th Slat. an amount in
, this amount is actually re-
turned to in
of the land and in
the pension payments, and in tie
r s
i ah m for iii
I it i r , cut. of the
arc to
. 1.1. I-
,; per cent, of
. is d entirely
privilege taxes
on insurance
nth, r
I- r showing as
Indicating tie- progress that has
mad. under government
in tic of taxation,
a loll- time th- Stale collected
of from the
corporations, especially
i railroads and insurance companies,
t pay anything th. pro-
i ii. taxes but com-
little money was by
from and
i, go tax
t a with J.
Much has h, . n
party friends of his personal
I do led think it would b,
for me to say anything against h's
private if I were disposed
do so. and. besides, know of
to say It. freely grant
that he is sober, pays his is
immoral, and contributes to his
church, h. this to be Hue. not-
withstanding th- attack upon him
the editor of the Official organ of his
n Mr. Cog were u Democrat
of a good character
would not him II
N rule of Democratic to
nominate decent men for unit
when make SO much
noise about the nomination of
who Ins a it
would -is in to that with
pars it l- the exception.
Mr. ox's private
I- lire men III tile suite I
who by their Interests,
and o lo
the people In mi
ii. Cog. He for
all-round mil
I cm
The Democrats Gladly Accept the Issue Raised Against
Them by the Republicans on Reduced Passenger
Fares and Show by Sworn Reports of Railroad
that Railroads Have Been Greatly
by the Cheaper Fares, While a Hundred Thousand
Dollars per Month Are Being- Saved to the People.
Will The Republicans Restore The Old High Rates
Democrats Are Also Striving to Correct the Freight
Discriminations Endorsed by Hon. J. Elwood Cox.
What It Mean, lo Vole for Mr.
Winston Journal.
ii a mo, rat votes f.
Elwood fox tor Governor, in
Cog, I publican.
5th To absolutely kill
Mr. years all effort looking I
been tin
of the
lo Mr. and. I nave mi
lo the railway company
Mr Cox his given of III-
appreciation r the tin;
company has bestowed Bl I
lie Is us prone to thin
to fly
The one issue which the
cans have raised with the Democrats
in North Carolina and given the dig-
of of a position in their plat-
form is a criticism of the last Demo-
Legislature for reducing rail-
road passenger fares in North Caro-
they have made It possible
for tile people of tile -State tO
railroad tickets for less money than
Hi, had to pay for
Hear In mind that the Democrats
have been in charge of our
for ten years, and In these ten
years they have legislated so w
so for the promotion
interests of the whole
Slate that In all
publicans find n
have they
ram the sworn reports their own
have been helped, instead of
hurt, by the cheapening of passenger
And while is true
true, how about
the people
They have been saved an average
f one hundred thousand dollars for
month since the reduced fares
into effect, and this is a saving
that to tin in month
which the now have
hanks, or Invested
tin- II,
I,.,., clubs offer every
I., -i i art to for his party.
ii hundreds of clubs In North
do their duty as units, there
i one of the completes Demo-
North Carolina has
for Club members do
i- u upon -our officers to do all
work You ire an Integral part In this
r, and the Ideal club is that
in every member, regard- I
of his place or position, presumes
. ;,. , -.-r. The Democratic party
place all election ma
in the hands of Republicans. Hi
tie- r t- appoint
place the penitentiary in
the same hands that had it ten
I ran It in debt over
controlling this through
appointed him.
place our splendid
the Insane, our excellent
schools for the deaf, dumb and blind
our state Normal schools
A. and M. etc. all
control of Republican
an . ,
nil all vacancies in the cited States
Senate, all vacancies in stale
supreme Superior court
in the hind- f
four ; I,,, know whether I a- going
the , m enough to light in this
in freight but When the
the life met and put on their ticket
r. for
of the things you paying of the Mate, tin-
should you for out all over inc. lie was
a Inn lie went over
with the
full to for our to defeat us
Congressman. Carolina him the
now iii Congress, broke out just like
by ail means should I pot my oil
only way to put lee t
rules, th, i
hip- -pint of Hi
These so
will he voling
Mr. Cox
II and
of the
I of the
this r.-cord the
worthy of
It as I in their State platform hut this
one r of railroad rates.
The Democrats gladly accept tin
issue tin v thus raise, and take
in defending their action in this mat-
as one of their last accomplish-
for the benefit of the
at large, and have the advantage o
being aide to show, the sworn
r.-ports by tin- railroads them-
that, while they have thus
cheapened passenger fares to all the
people, they ha
their needs.
The D
Henna to
with tile I
rats ore glad t
and line
pie a
II lit
that. if again entrusted
th v would restore
in, an-
an end to K h
a If the old
man should h defeated in Ids
as now seems probable, the Re-
should hold majority
In Congress, would
Joe Cannon to put In the Speaker's
hair stand between the
and people. II Is time
now for a Congress.
I want to say to you lo do nothing
it I- toe n Dem-
B-rat lo s a ticket, I don't
scratch because
when I I left In my
--en only half a load, and when I
I want n whole load, of powder
same time
let earnings
fares in
Its destiny In your hands,
it looks for final
Introduced First Pension Bill in 1885, Which Was Pass-
ed Over Opposition of Re publicans. Including
ard. Now, After Democrats Have Increased Pension
Appropriations to One-Sixth of AU Taxes
by State Government, Republicans Pretend to
Friendship to Soldier.
it Is a fact h have bean
forgotten a great many people, and
which s to he remembered,
that the author of
and Dixon, Jr.,
the author of Confederate
bill adapted by the State of
North Carolina, and which was the be-
ginning of the system of pensions to
Confederate soldiers In North
Me came to the Legislature from his
native county of Cleveland In at
years of age, and drew and Intro-
and championed with his
eloquence the bill to pension Con-
federate soldiers, and tho claims of the
old veterans were well presented by
him that when the roll was culled out
pot a single Democrat In the
Assembly voted It. This was
the beginning of the pension system
g the Mate, which has been
gad generously us
proper that every
the to this purpose, until
has now reached per year,
one-sixth total taxes
by Hit
As are tills year
making a i of championing the
cause Confederate soldiers It Is
or record, also, that in this
Legislature of when
pension hill was adopted solid Dem-
vol. It was opposed likewise
almost solid vote,
the Journal of the Legislature show-
the following votes In
In tin- House, Brim. Hulls.
Wall. Ward, all
cans, Senate,
Montgomery Taylor
Thomas all Republicans.
It is also of note that the
Legislatures since which have not
Increased Di amounts appropriated
for th- i ware the fusion
baa tn s.
largely tin
the railroads from
North Carolina.
The sworn reports made to
of the Southern Hallway
Corporation Commission show
for the six months ending
II under high
rat-s, their receipts from
in North Carolina were
the six months ending
cent rate, their receipts were
an for the six months of
an of per
month and of nearly Per
reports from of
Atlantic Line for the same
slew th.
rat, and under th. low rate.
under low rat, of
IT. I TH per and
Like reports from of
Seaboard Air Line show passenger
under the old high
rate. 1303.102 under the
rate for the same period
months; an
tin reduction rat. ill ,
i per month
arc fails. They
lay the point that lb
made by
tin- Democrats have done tin-
an injury In reducing passenger fares
i- absolutely without foundation.
is true that the railroads in common
with every other clue and form of en-
in the whole country have
greatly within the last
teen months, hut their troubles are
vocable to th. imply freight cars
with which the panic Idled
aide lie ks from one end of the
to the other.
As shown above, railroads,
ends nil-
i that
trenched special
t i
His safe -a out of
Independent are
men who have tiled failed to get
office In Democratic Before
wen they talked long
ion about their devotion lo party
lb Ink beaten, tiny become
He a former party
the defeat
from the Democratic fold
gel nomination will
Rave not only lost the
confidence of former the.
general public but have s I
lo win tilt trust and r. spiel their
new antes.
the s mice
o loudly, and in do-
how that it Is profit and not
that controls political
r a n
i if , ours.- there are it few
Hot hut this is the rule.
Whit honor Is liters such
I ours-What Who can
trust a Who an nut run-
, In the man la blown about
wind of doctrine, finding a
resting place only where his personal
Interest dictates
For these reasons all
p. movements politics
out eyes of
folk and Cud U In
of the by
for lorn year
wilderness, he
read f forget
rates and lore, the p.
lain P. have to pay the per
inference between the old aim
Another enactment of the last Leg-
is in the Interest of people,
which so clearly just and proper
that it almost without
was to make a reduction of
per cent from local freight rates ,
on between point In the
State over two or more roads from
the total of two or local rates.
Still another enactment in Hie in-
of the people of the Stale was
Hie empowering and
the Corporation Commission to use
all reasonable means within their
power of the correct the dis-
North Carolina
cities ill favor of Virginia and South
Carolina cities, which arc so
and unjustifiable
that all North Carolina there has
been found bin man to defend
them, the lion, J. Cox. tho
Republican nominee for
and the Corpora-
Commission, noting under this
authority, are now prosecuting suits
heroic the Interstate Commerce Com-
mission to correct these
Perhaps it could been
of him-partisanship its
lust claims to a Certain point; hut
when of the Treasury
Shaw- was speaking with Ml
hitter's recent tour through North
Carolina did anybody hear him repeat
one word of those unanswerable
for bank deposit guaranty
ho made II became a
Some spectacles which would other-
wise make us tired, are redeemed by
th, large element of humor which
v contain in this Congressional
district w, behold Republican can-
taking of tho
ant hi- hands as manager of n
factory shut down from
to go around with boasts
about Republican
, t
Producers of Southern Pine Are Not
by the Small Tariff
On Lumber
A and Effective Refutation of the Argument
Republicans by One of North Carolina's Fore-
most Lumbermen. The Truth is, the Souths Two
Products, Cotton and Lumber, Cannot Be Pro-
by the Tariff. Since We Produce a Surplus of
Only Foreign Lumber That Can Com
With Us in This Territory is Canada. Canada
Has No Lumber That Comes With
Yellow The Protected Trusts Aid
Cost of Producing Lumber. The Demo-
This Burden, While the
Will Be TaKen Off by Either
Party That Wins.
, North or Southern pine
s product in
win other manufacturer, and
condition winch has lore, d .
price of lumber down. an
v m enumerates bi
Sew World twelve handicap
i. hi, Republicans have lo
. on,, in el,
he 1- I HI .-1 the people
p.,,,. if, ill i
lo nil hold, i-
g Th. lion of Hi vote
Th, life. and
i labor
i Milli m n out
. u i .
,. A willed I , .
Th, , mi d i
vision r. I fl
Tin h
he in rs
a Tie l
, ill. I -i
. x. . I
from from
buy Hons
II. Bl
any other
more . . .
any danger from the Democratic
As far as tills may
a answer to p.
fact, which may be taken as a
successful a ,
that the Republicans
in tn.
While admitting he
necessity and
pledge for u revision
lb.- Chief which
it ,.,.
of all
if. trust
lend to hugely
had ten Instead of
two dollars p.-r thousand. The gnat
s, up the
in,,,,. ., the
Canadian lumber. II has been
Mated that our
with the
b and as a substantiation
of that fact, we actually exported
Canada In the last year lumber
to the value of
It is a well known principle of
that any article of commerce that s
to any considerable extent
cannot be In the home mar-
by a protective tariff, unless the
natural laws of trade arc interfered
with in some artificial way.
n the home market i
by a trust, which Is not
now- and never has been Hue the
lumber business. It la us char as
that water will seek its level that no
will ship his product to tin-
foreign market as long as the horn.,
market bean a price in excess of what
foreign market will give. And
hence the export of any article In con-
quantity sufficient proof
that that article is not b
the tariff against foreign article
unless It is controlled by n trust. Ac
cording to the government reports
lumber w-as exported from ibis
try last year to value
in the
Han Halloing
The, have membership on Important
tag to l- i U ., Bud
. ,, , . taken
-d v a e I
senate, have heel, .,,. . .-f.- .
taken dining -t
following article, written by a
lumberman, Mr. Charles
Rosa, of the Bros.
Lumber Co., of county. In
addition being a very Instructive
discussion of th. question, shows that
th. lumber people have some
ideas of own about these
matters, and that are not being
I by Republican
Lumberman's Views on Hie
tariff is capable of some
arguments, tine
,., the of their
Is by the tax of
per thousand. Democrats
based their political
upon a monetary standard, as
our Republican friends have been ac-
to do. Nevertheless some
have disposed to say If
robbed by the protective
tariff In the interest of the North for
half b and lumber tariff
docs section. Hint we
should hesitate to take
i,. t it help us AH of
section a mark. I In
eastern The only
can compete with U
this Is lumber from
no lumber comes In
with our yellow pine.
does in
worth in ,
per thousand; New TorR
in. lumber Is worth, II
A Splendid Tribute to These Standard-
Bearers of Democracy by
Hon. I. M. Simmons
ii.,., 1- M our senior man In and.
whose master in. . I sh. i
the campaign, and Ilia u ,,. ,,, is elected. II
is one ,,. will seek lo
beat contributions literature l them. II there are any wrongs
b lb n ,.,,.,. , or
tributes and wrong, another wrong
I did , majority, as ought l
., Mr. , , . J tin
mat he
another great ; . .,. p. is elected he will
this I was Urn. s .,. ,
r. was cud
I, sis over in
nothing In my support of Mr. h , .
which ,,,,.,, If I should undertake to
my , or who Mr. is. . would
,., . ,., was no more use
o. who Mr. Bryan la than
Is for
w.,. I should
what Mr. Iii an stands
i.-ii He was no more
t, ii Mr.
. Is for
, stood fur.
If a Republican Legislature should be elected
this year that high type of statesman and Sena-
tor, Lee S. Overman, would be succeeded in the
Senate by Spencer Adams, the man who mix-
ed the vilest and dirtiest Kind of partisan
tics with his instructions of the law from the
bench, and who pointed out to a Columbus
County grand jury elements of in
rapists. It required he told them.
For mailing that charge he was lashed from the
bench by the press A the State. His continua-
at the head of the Republican party in this
State, and his domination of it, is the severest
indictment that be brought against the
party, and is sufficient reason, if there were not
a hundred others, why it does not deserve sup-
port, or even respect.
lb August
. d
h thought
bunk v
of ;
that yet been
Party bus
Clarkton Express, .
hill allowing the o
to vote on of
, .
l and c
m ;
no re was lo
who a no.
to lea I.
my support. I was In
Ins election I was up to tn ran
i -.-
, world.
. -i orator th, has
pi, n.
lb in lured
re th.
k the
Ml power- Hie
Man- administration are no cant-11
in an In 1.1.11-e---
Virginia and South -m
P. it 1-
am house
o much I ban business
la to support
I there was in
, . , . I;. , 1.11. . ,, . .
, should attempt Mi ,, .,,., throne, ,,,. ,.,, of . under
,.,., ,. . his mime fair freight rates
cal broad land .; and energy would Mm
hi no ., in all. The
, V . ,,. I. for
his n.
the says
that if Democrat does not
this national It will re-
a revolution oust
Those who
Hie mm. M
tilings of II. Ill he-
hut If will let
as back in power, nod,
II,. v us lo forget PSSt, but
e only
past. W
, n el
, i. the
hut if son will
p. the of this or bail-
will when tar
i complained mat
that lie was lending
he teed to Keep tin .
upon Hi,
of thine and
tho of thy
right C
trust t. stilled could
U,,,,. years from lo MO per ton.
Ad thus it with practically all the
to,, of lumber, including the
Cost Which
Of Per l
by of
has mad.- in
in the last few years under the com-
of protection and
to me point.
thinks not. Certainly It bus n
free I a save from
fail in prices -lo
Ina last eighteen month
w price of every
must know, has I. .- due
among themselves,
not to with foreign
mast he borne In mind
holding up the MM buyer, add the
product. But every manufacturer
He price paid was
I, pay
. In.- mm.
,,. would have brought in S w
Tills makes ll plain
, , rs. Then any
,, ,.,.,. i win i. ii you h-
. along tin
ran . line, ii.-r. .- the
lumber produces.
SB in r that they may
the local companies are protected
reason the las. n
is added by he
,, . boll, r and engine
is th.
per cent., as . result of the tariff
.-has. m
of the
stands lo in-
In lie i use
,.,. -I. , . Ml Will
, ,, . down hi it Win hi-
ll I . not I
v i. ii in him
.,. in,, did i
bl e he Kill will I
th ha
, a . I, Hi-
I. . II . . ii-
,. . ll.
. i .
lid. Ill Infill
. the rial up n
pi, i,,; Hi, ins,
Hid v ill . II
I, , , i
,. p.
. . . till.
, . of
., i In
, . . ,
.,, , r .- in II
I l
I i
tin- day IV .
m iii
ticket I unlit
., for
e man of I he
Mr. Cos.
,, Washington
or in
any as to
Cotton is worth on the
New YorK marKet .
about per cent. m-e
than the average New YorK
price during Cleveland s
administration. With
expenses increased
per cent, in the last twelve
years, it is apparent that a
pound of cotton will buy
less to-day than at any
period in the history
cotton production.
mil Mill N
-1.,. w
lb, In
one I Id-
I,.,,,, h. , ll lo vol.
vol.- an
. one who
,. , , ,
and .
ii, I now on
in van and own and
. mill. dollar- from
bank- and trust la
i a, iii lb.- 1111-
mil . ,. ;, .
for lid-
am a j
, , a-
.,,, .
all panic- In III- f. , ,. ,.
Y. sun.
of -i
r. -III.
and the
whole . iv
Republican Prosperity Properly spelled
P-A-N-I-C, is a curse to the People.

Under Democratic and Republican Ad-
Cotton Averaged a Cent a Pound Higher During
Cleveland's Entire Term Than Under s
Entire Term. What Will It Go To Under the
. i.
mind to I
; r Its
national mi .,
ml thin ring; .
it. ,;.
.- not ill all
p the war
feel tin . i- i .
ROOM , . t r
tin In I
t v-. . .
i. tn. i
-i i .
. I
It. tin
l hi
op th .-
lion. r. a
.-I ration . i .
under M. KI . .
Which W . low, price
be r and in Mu-
m. i price
ion u
in ii- pi,,, i.
In norm
largely Increased t
u hitch tariff if
tariff-it and i.
The fig in i.
from the
. ;
Wilson, N -.- ; .
ton the . ,
I ii,. ,
ens for i i
i i . ml
Cleveland i ,; i .
The in. r
ration during ii -.-
rent per tin low -t i
cent per pound in
price 5-10
as r. 9-11 In ii,.
the lowest was
price was
lowest was T 1-10.
was .
i. Tin- blithest
iii for . is
per lowest .-
lowest was S-16. In tin
was l i-l, the low, i .-
i Hi highest i,, . I .,.
.-.-t was ; s-l;.
i will thus i- seen .
had lowest during tile
rs 1899 ad-
Taking the
tin- of
I -mil
m firs year
.- administration, cotton averaged
cents ear
administration cotton
railed 5-16 , per pond.
i 1894. .-. , sear i
i administration,
. iii per
of .
i raged I . in . iii pi pin
he . I
. T
in i- pound.- Tin- y, ,.
K ii- ,., i pound.
lie I., i . i
. n raged
per p The
i-i i . , in- per pound,
will -i-iii Hun cotton
raged during
i rat Inn ; ii-t per
wilts per
lie lo.-i average
ever sold at ;
K. us price i, daring tin
c years
referred to New i
prices. Ninth Carolina
at least i-i ., -.-
the New York
trust that these in.
service i i u-
in their I in
t. They collected i
issued in 1907. i. ,
it as
lie must
s tin- ii, ,.
verified by
of some the cotton in i
i will that in
. while
Benson cotton
lied iii cents,
year it r. lied i
while in ii i. ,. i. ;. .
tin- same season II i .,. i.,
It , and while in it
hi as 9-16 . nun Ii i
.-a a
the second mill third years
administration, and I
tariff in
highest in i n In, i. ,
in i,
and In highest ,
. in, h cotton was i -1
k . .
Just before this issue was put to press an inquiry
from North Carolina, and Chairman of
Democratic Headquarters in YorK for the last ten
and intimate Knowledge,
that Bryan will carry New YorK, India
majority in the Electoral College. The attempt to buy
hard times cannot be effective after Republican
not succeed
was wired Hon. Josephus Daniels, National Commit
Bureau of National Committee, who has been at
days. Mr. Daniels, from that vantage ground of ob-
t--. .
and Ohio, and enough other States to give him the
and intimidate this year will not succeed. Threat of
c, and the attempt of the trusts to buy the election can
ring practice the deception
i l- Tinner that they practiced on
he boring mart. It in the -full barn
now The binders tell
big and prices, and ask
Republican be
fur It. Docs the Republican
hold the cloud In III hands
lit scatter In
Toes it the sunshine and the
fertile It is for these
leaden to a credit
Dial lo a
Is Republican legislation responsible
the price of farm products In
Canada farm products are high, and
there is no Republican party in
Canada In farm products
arc as high, and have a
Republican nor a
has the Republican party
for the benefit vi the farmer Not
Hut it farmer
lo afflicted by that
up Republican rule
the abuses that the Republican lead-
rs refused lo nun
The farmer has suffered from the
extortion he has
ii from the burden high tariff; ho
has from the insecurity of
deposits, and he iii the evils
from the growing estrange-
between labor and capital.
in Federal appropriations
lessens his income he finds him-
self taxed to support a.
colonial in the
The farmer believe in tin- rule of
people, and this has been prevent-
ed by the Republican
believe In tin election of Sen-
by popular and this prop-
was defeated the
can convention; the believe
in honest elections, as well a in honest
they know- that the
Republican convention rejected the
publicity plunk. Mr
intelligence of tho farmer.
the when asks them
accept the Republican of the
last eleven years as evidence of tho
of the to
do justice to those who till soil.
I in- in
ha- no more of In
It of
limn It In
when rape extenuating
was from
The of
Toms has
of the
In I in-
per e. lit
if the v
h lie
-how living
Remedies Which the Demo Party Offers to the
Restoration of Confidence and Quietude and an
Even, Equitable Prosper The Roosevelt Panic
Measures Republican Failure
d before
In bottom
o turn
line per
Ii pan
mil III
mall, a
i-i-r- in
, ,.
nM- ,, , , . nut
.- Mr.
the iv ,
I i
st. . . .
mum ; i
nil ha. ii. . arc mm m
a Ii
i inn- an-
in Hi an i. II. n
f ii.-
iii m- mi
I in II n
an in la, I.
Will -nil In- i I. .-I ,, i
it i
ha- mil In i
Ii 1,11111-
an- Hi, .
hair -i ,
in a -i l
ill III- Hi
ml a Hi ll-n- ill
lit , ii
trail i
do tin ii
in iii a i i
turn. In i-. Ii . ii
tin., a high Him . i,
Republican .
I hi
Mill i ha I ill I,.
ii i. tin lie-
ha- look In a i,
.; , i
., . . . ,.
. .
. j.
Hi. in .
i- i-i ii
I. . n-
. for l ma Mn- ail- ,
the v n
of Hi, u
Hie rM tin II arc
c In
line- mil
on ii t,,
i-c in -ii,
ha co-operation
between and Ki
party not
OH the it . .- to .
the which
and capital, made n-
a of
and i a,, i, ,
n hat . m i I pro-
Hi- mil
i ii tn take ii mom out bid.
In r. to the i
Th party
party does.
Which will
win. .,
know he withdraw .
i-iii by
s Ir
Ii going t
must have
i- tariff. Th- people n
is Hi-
arc ,,,
his. Hi, y ,. i ;
tn pr. Man any real
tin- publican ., i
about .
lint i . ill i
r. n tin it,
in-, it ii . ,. ii,.
in tin -t .;
man- that the .- ,;
for lour ;. in i
III- . Ill- n
an till
i to I
i .,, .,,,
Ii i
i mm, ,.
ill thick
politic fur .
pr . , n, ii, .
i u , ,,. , n ,
ii tin ,
until .- c
can bi no ,. i
in i- more ml.
In rained I I
In sober
III in la, l i
k I., an
a- ii i-
mil- T l- -iii-i- I-
-laud U, all
., ,.
be hi i-.
in gel a lair -ban- of
u in kin- II-
a- would a mi
great of
urn Iii-I
ii ii an-
i i.
l i-i
The Best Hit of the Campaign. Are the Cows to Go Dry
for Four Years if Bryan is Elected The Bryan Scare
of One Manufacturer is Called by Another
Who Tells Employees of the
Over to My Factory and Get WorK if Bryan is
ill referred
in the regarding i
II ill by a
-i . i Pennsylvania.
i i- i . ii . i- given
I In i i a will down for all vi. . i, II I elected
Thin lb, i I threat I have rend I
tie would null, under a
mil under i hut if
. the cow-a are lip In
i . i. for . n- n will b. .
II I . about
Tin- may h- tin- R.
i- I- Using, for It 11.-I . I
illy i ill- null, mid a given the
mill, real the That kind
I- longer it
lie- it Mill
nil.- will
1-11111111-11 a- bin a-
i- lie- in I
i- hail a- well
in in rural ti-i-c
IV. Kin bin.
-Ill I
arm a
I mi
it i, In
purl, la III
anting from ran-
nil-, win, b lb,
In He
in- inn
i in
ii i, nil,
I; under the
inure In view
I hi-
.- r. limn, i. mil,. tuber
rater mill longer
but for
In . a ii i at
In- tail
I with the dinner b
nil I, not to I-.- I year.
.-I la in
harbinger d
tin , i
I; ii h I. a i
I., k.
tin- ,, t
m -Imp. in Urn event
He ii- r- cream tin- I
win agree, in election Mr. and Hie
Mo, in lake
In of tail I or
-ii I- ran man rial a and under
in ii-ii-i I. in ii- all per mil
line. II. all per I till II lie
iii tin- ii I la- mil. a-
In I Mali- nil i rather than a-
ail aim- Hirer-.
,. l
VI S, Mm -b. .
mil i- i i, I o, l ii
The Democratic Plan for Securing BanK Depositors. A
Simple, Practical Method That Will Secure the De-
Establish Confide Prevent Panics and
Money in Circulate n.
nil Dial mm -tenth of it is fur-
Then If Individual de-
are and be will say
they lire not insured;
in, Si i or guarantee.
la that fair Is it the correct
Is it the wisest Mr.
Bryan says no. the Democratic party
says no. Every panic
every money that
frightened dollar that's
very all, In
that la loud and growing
louder, say that it Is neither a correct
principle or a. wise policy. Every
clearing house and every
check that went out upon
Hurry u year ago was
warning neither tho principle or
the pulley is safe. Bound or fair.
Every declaration on the of Mr.
Tuft or any of the Republican leaden
in favor of postal hank or
other government method of currency
is a warning to
and the every-
where this diseased spot In our
system must have safe and
effective treatment, if a steady flow
of our currency Into Wall street
money la to be averted.
And tin. i- with the
method proposed by the Democratic
II i practically the same
principle that the In-
company adopts to It
to pay the loss sustained by burn-
of bunk building, or the death
tho banker whose life a- insured.
It's the same principle upon which
the State a fund for build-
, of schools and educating
i weak alike without
k i Do with this
The Democratic patty in
proposes a safe. simple
and method r guarantee-
illy hank deposits of tin- great
muse individual depositors without
whose mom i tin- banking business
of ibis country could not survive for
ii single is a practicable,
business- the
which is being applied
day i, almost i very of
mid commercial life. A co-operative
bused on common
,, .--an a plan
has r el, attention and the
at it
thousand brainiest and
prominent men all parties, and all
s. the country, who
the t that is a growing de-
sum.- and effective
method, in, provisions of which y ill
furnish runts the who fur-
-tenths ,. th- money upon
v- hit ii in- banks tin.- country
plan proposed by Mr
, in the Denver
i.- simple -a
II a guarantee fund tn
, l, a small tax bank do-
I. t . paid In banks and , .
b. Id in He national treason, and to I
used only for
in ins- a ball
were draw a
ll ill bill -i, equitable ilk I,
i, ii would in every
u n alike
to lb,
In- -hi hi lilt him a i
am -upper
k bun after lie
lo II
mil l
limn r. would la-
method iii
h inn a
tin nun II
u bi. b has mil without
r of urn
elm ll I- ton
b strength-1
more than
nut of it if i
gain, tn keep In
gives ii In tie-in. .
II am arc
In III before
their arc i whom
are In but .
and In u lull i
t. . in-
bunk the
all there is in it. K simply
proposes i. Lite
n., , ii Into it
, n.
a, I dual depositor be
i-,. w in should
hunk, r and
haul- lie institution that de-
the money
. -Ill,, a mill
ll wants
i and it ti. it will
.-in- lo man
money bonds bearing
a Not even
asks fur Hie
.-a If a railroad
wants your money it win
by i the railroad.
ii a mill wants your
mil a mi
a. mill, an wants your
lie II lull
mortgage a. Ills With.
I s . l and if he
inn t in , i. and
ii ii, limn, ml proceeds
i ll in, tin debt. And
,,,, come l who
la n depositor , on-
el. ; urn
i i or Insured,
hank the
I i and -1011
plat- hiss a man, oil,
land limit mil
11-11 -i if
lab an security
and will inn that each
in. i- r tn furnish
pose 1.1 this regard-
ed is a reflection upon the bunkers.
r or bun
stale f the State
I- p carry h bank
ml in fas him if
Iii. I on,, Inn Insured lie
rill tell you es- And
insurance and
11.-1 Unit
y mil , tho
hank doe
n , in, will
principle of nixing the strong for the
of tin, weak you de-
our system of government, both
Stab- and-
Hut Mr. says it is a wild-eat
proposition, He did not say that until
In- nut o York. Out In
Kansas and the his
party plan their
Slate platform, he nothing
about it a wild-cat proposition.
Out in Oklahoma, where plan la
III operation and almost
endorsed By his own party
and when only one out of five
and twenty have failed
since tin. plan went Into he
would not think of saying
about It being a wild-cat proposition,
If he did the banker met
would tell him that between the dates
of February July the
deposits In tho banks
ll, Oklahoma more
while tin re was a
In the unsecured banks of u
million dollars. This bank-
whether or lie-
would him between
dales of July October
till year, days,
standing continuance of the
In tin- protected bunk In Oklahoma
over million eight
thousand dollars. Ti., .
banker, miners
mm of dealing would tell him
wore frightened, dollars
or In Oklahoma and that
Mislead of money flowing out of
the money centers,
it is rapidly flowing Hit,, to
secure the protection furnished by a
which Mr. Tan he
gels near Washington m-
a wildcat scheme, lint Mr. Tart
some or bis say that the
plan would bunking
I business unreliable, and wildcat
banks and which Is
lent o national
going to
have than to go tho
business or ring, and
turning louse upon the public a lot of
wild, and Irresponsible
hanks and Mr. and his
warty if ace power.
might do but Mr. Bryan and hi,
never would.
D. J. Editor and Owner
VOL. No.
in to Fiction.
, . P Year
Tuesday's Election Assure Him Nearly
Three Hundred Electoral Votes
Kitchin and the Stats Major-
Democratic Congressmen Sure
County Does the Fins Thing
With 1500 to 1300 Majority
in 1904, Parka-
The Globe
announces that Taft h- car-
and that Draper has
been elected governor the
Detroit. Republican State con-
chairman Tail will
carry Michigan by Ired
thousand and ail
by s.
Minnesota give
Ml-.-111 III
Mont Estimated
85.000, T if
ti r
bulletin from
th. that
Cl will be
m least fifty thousand.
v York State Chairman
Murphy, of th- Republican State
committee, claims the state for
Taft by a majority.
w York Tribune raft's
ii New York
New American states
speaker Ci six
. majority.
Chairman Hitchcock i i
. i i.
fr m the in vie
accept re; D
c and I
r ii.- wise n . ii.
y u have ed th.
Hi p-hes i ;
i;. b from Buncombe up to
by . x. p for con- The
as from
if. A ,
End Monday
j do- estimate.
very close.
take ll
Pa I k estimates D m
Ty c small Demo-
el i i . j
county Cole .,.,, hop for I ear-
;. i. treasurer. ,, . . . ,. Hut
Spam R publican, elected ,,.
r . . All i h
., ,, -i Mr.
Ob . ; i his
I i tie be-
. night
i, .
f I i
r tie.
Bryan ,.
World at
r- elect
safely .
AUK X-1-
It ck.
Arkansas a reduced
according the a re
suit of heavy
throughout the s
S m
a total of i- Denver. g, publican cm-
Taft the
i house will have a good wording
Connecticut, five town- give of
Taft Bryan
i Eleven
of in Indiana give
I precincts in 1904 nave Roosevelt
towns. Tuft Bryan lo,
i. go. will carry Chic-
208.689, the
j. i i gave
j y, i
Associated i n-s Bull-tin from
I i. says that,
f r Joseph in
;,,, by a
is over his
Democratic r H
I , i . f
; V
latest results
ii by
be very cl with plurality,
Hartford, Taft Bryan
1,784 , The
Ha to d r president in i
Parker 1.702.
A New York Herald bulletin s, Taft U
says Taft Connecticut by t in
governor and Parker
all Republican congressmen
Indianapolis. districts in
Associated bulletin from
,,., . ii , fifty precincts
-i ., m slat-- of
-how tn Tag from
Tribune says Taft The
. , i ,. i, same rat loss will give
Taft Delaware
the slate by forty thousand.
Jacksonville. The election
passed quietly throughout
the state, light vote polled. Con-
estimate places Demo-
majority from to
23.000 fur both state and national
Louisville. Fifteen counties
complete, outside of Louisville
and Jefferson counties, give
Bryan Taft
Louisville, precincts out
of in Louisville and Jefferson
counties give Taft Bryan
Tait's plurality
Savannah. Bryan has car-
Georgia, but n turns thus
far received a larger
Taft and Watson vote than was
generally expected. Of
votes in this, Chatham, county
1,800 were for Taft. Taft plurality of thirty-
Late tonight Clark
national Democratic Committee-
Maine, publican plurality in
this state is estimated at about
thirty thousand.
New York Tribune says Maine
live thousand.
man from Georgia, the ,.
ion of Mr. Taft. Mr.
the Associated Press the parts of state show falling
statement is a oil. Democratic
landslide for Mr. Taft. Mr.
Bryan has made a
campaign but ho could not over-
come the prevailing idea that
business conditions would be ad-
effected by Republican
defeat. to Georgia it is safe
for Bryan by about ma
that Taft has Carried city by
five thousand more.
have probably elected
three of six congressmen.
State goes for Bryan by a
Twenty towns in
setts Taft Bryan
Returns from precincts out
of 1,260 in Chicago. Taft
Bryan Same precincts four
years ago gave Roosevelt
Chicago. precincts out of
1200 in Chicago gives Taft
Bryan 0.799.
Same towns in 1901
cave Roosevelt Parker
Seventy cities in
setts gives Taft Bryan
8.787. Same cities and towns in
1904 gave Par-
Massachusetts, cities
will ,
chances h favor of Bryan having
Polls in
m. In the heave t
aver cast with
Bryan has made substantial
in his home city,
Omaha complete give.-; Bryan
Concord, IS i and wards
out of in New Hampshire
give Taft Bryan
Ki. In 1904 the same
towns aid gave Roosevelt
Forty-seven districts out of
i election districts in New
State outside of Greater
Bryan The same districts
in 1804 cave Roosevelt
city complete
gives Taft Bryan 9.751
In 1904 Roosevelt's plurality was
Chanler carries Buffalo by
5.000. I
Rome complete gives Taft
Bryan 1.956. Same in 1904
gave Roosevelt Parker
1,912 Rome, complete returns
gives Hughes Chanler
2.032. in 1906 gave
1,730, Hearst
Times at o'clock, Hashes that
Taft is elected.
City of Amsterdam, New York,
complete. Taft Bryan
Hughes Chanler,
Elmira, complete, Taft 1,763,
Bryan Hughes
New York. p. m. National
Chairman Hitchcock said to the
Associated Press stand on my
claim of electoral votes for
Taft. he will
not less than one hundred thous-
and plurality in New York state
and that Governor Hughes has
New York state, election
districts give Hughes
Chanler 1,202.
Sam-; districts in 1906 gave
Hughes Hearst
World says Taft is elected.
The Herald is signaling Taft
Buffalo, Erie county complete,
Taft Bryan
New York Tribune
are that New Jersey has
gone for Taft by thirty thousand.
Hughes for governor
New York American displays
Taft's picture indicating his
New York p. Demo
State Chairman
the for
.,,,; maw City by
Otto ti. F-raker, the
areas from a
; . x , two thousand
. j
men v. Bryan 1,700
I . r ,., ;. 1.759, Cox
.,. . t;,. state has
g n
I that i,
the el
lied to go to Albany
Which made
passage of Hugh s
, law was elect-
third i b i
At UP m. Chairman Mack of h
Nat. Com U
I,, definitely from O i
Indiana, Illinois and other
tern stales he would not
on result.
At p m. State Chair
Connors, who, with other prom;
Democrats, had receive
the B.
said. concede the election
of Taft and Hughes. Taft pulled
through. ran
ahead of all the rest of the lie
We very well up Stale
but I thought we would do better
in the greater city. Although
. , , .,
and nth district .
i i
4.000. and
over I
.,,, i
Dakota i for Tail
r i
give Taft
with Burks
y substantial
in; in
l out
of 4.430 in f.-e.
Bryan The same
Roosevelt . Park, i
Cincinnati. ft said
looks Ilk B land I can take
a short
i ,. vi.-.
.,. rears
. , was the
it IA Sirs. A. A.
id r Bred
i the farm a
. In
I . . red Miss
, ,, , the fall of
. ii I to Green-
; in the tobacco
i . .-j-i . , it
. u mar
,,,.,.,. Bin e that
. , i led here,
had prominent
. the market. He
.,,;,;. and tact,
, Rice of
by a
i . n two boys,
. .
. i. . id
d h.-i parents aim leaves
four.-- brothers-
I. J. S.
,. .,. Savage, Miss
. .,. rs. I-.
. A. A . it,
, , must-
h i and
,, he band
com i .
was a Ki-
ll I
Wife .
we have exact figures on the
remainder of State tick i it
looks as ii would follow the bead
and be defeated.
Guilford county
thou; Democratic majority.
Buncombe very close. Tenth
district returns so
far received show large Re-
publicans gains.
Beaufort county about six
Raleigh, which four years ago
gave about a thousand majority
went today about
eight hundred and fifty Demo-
Vote appears to be full
here and in state,
Anson county Democratic about
twelve hundred on both national
and state tickets, showing slight
gain for Democratic
Vance county Democratic by
county, except two
precincts gives Democratic
Wilson county gives about
county Demo-
Telegrams from Asheville says
10th district very close.
being that Grant,
can, is elected to Congress.
county, state ticket
majority, national
Craven county estimated safe-
Democratic by gives
Bryan majority Kitchin
The fourth district gives
Democrat, about four thousand
Granville county out of
precincts give Kitchin ma-
indicating majority
for county.
uncertain, very close.
ma City. Ac o'clock
Democratic State Chairman
Thomson the state
Bryan by tony thousand-
When the polls
closed in this city at o'clock, a
vi heavy veto had been cast.
Republican rs claim plural-
four thousand for Taft in
Allegheny county.
Philadelphia. Republican lead-
claim Pennsylvania for Taft
by more than plurality.
a years
nor.; best
m a many
, . I,
I.- was
be Badly
,., ins
.,, entire
Providence. Returns from
two districts in state out of
gives Taft Bryan His-
gen Same districts in 1901,
F. a
Mr. I
clan on
j I
a menu
ii -.-.
The place Tuesday
m at o'clock, with
vice In -i
Interment being in Cherry Hill
cemetery, service was con-
ducted by Rev. T. King, of
Winterville, and the pall bearers
Honorary, Dr. I. L.
James. Dr. R I. Carr, Dr.
., Dr. .
Laughinghouse, Messrs. R.
J. T. Smith, T. R.
Moore, W. H, S. T.
Booker and J. I.
Active, C C. Vines, J.
It is conceded that Democratic L, Wooten, C. Tyson, R. C.
nominees, state and national, Flanagan, J, e. L. V.
South Carolina by
fifty to sixty thousand majority.
All Democratic congressmen are
elected by normal majorities.
Nashville. Incomplete re-
turns indicate that will
carry the state by usual Demo-
majority. State Demo-
ticket also elected.
Dallas. Returns indicate the
election of the entire Democratic
ticket, both state and
by the usual majorities,
Salt Lake city. Chairman
Republican committee claims
Utah Republican by
One hundred and twenty-live
towns in give Taft
Seattle. Scattering returns
Wade, J. A. Ricks and G. J.
fl tributes were
beautiful of esteem
in which the was held.
Secret C. W. Harvey, of
the Tobacco Board of Trade, re-
the sales of leaf on
the Greenville market tor tho
month of at 8.678,080
pounds, the average price being
The total sales for the
three months since August 1st
were pounds.
Dr. Swindell Next
Dr. V. D. Swindell of Wilson
will preach in the Jarvis Memo-
rial church n Sunday morning
and night. The p
ville will be pleas. this
well known o well
beloved for his ma. y noble
qualities of mind and heart.

Eastern reflector, 30 October 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 30, 1908
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Joyner NC Microforms
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