Eastern reflector, 16 October 1908

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In Charge of F. C. NYE
. The Eastern Reflector an- Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application
, c beet Any -n- in nerd of a good and Co. is shipping school desks.
, He do well to T. H. king filled reg-
Mr at the A. G. appointment here Sunday
Manufacturing Co.
buy Boggy business
rushing and we would advise
Four Persons Bitten by the Same
New York. Oct.
Harvey M. Day of Cherry
street, Elizabeth, N. J. died
today of rabies from the bite of
a pet bull terrier, in spite of the
fact that she had been under
the Pasteur treatment for the
and night, each several weeks.
that s
Miss Dora Cox, from the
is visiting Mrs. Martha L.
of Happenings toe State
Gathered from Oar
N. C Oct.
evening after h
one if the proprietors of the
Enterprise Company
had to the build-
after it had been closed for
the day. Before inserting the
key in the lock beard some one
moving the He sent
for officer aid the
building was entered fellow
jumped in an opening in the
a lubricant for humane inter- floor and secreted himself behind
course as the proper pint of
vie m.
Advice to the Aged.
An brings Infirmities, such s slur-
bowels, weak s and Mad-
th bowel, causing them
to perform their natural functions
In youth and
to kidneys. Madder and LIVES.
arc adapted to old and young.
There is no other so effective
. .,
i ;
being amended by large Her husband sits in an adjoin-
He is away this week room, fearing every minute
conducting a meeting at Ayden. that the disease will attack him
Ernest Whitley, from that he, too, will have to be
Wilson, entered school here last j restrained until relieved by c ,,.,. , , . . f
and Misses vie. It to a staple task to fir d in
A large U of best flour just in Porter and and In a neighboring house is Mrs. . if only one when t, e out.
Harrington, Berber Co. ; from Pat. Samuel an intimate friend through his and c ,.
. ii James-j Mrs- Chis. returned of Mrs. Day, who was also bitten a but a the black rascal
ending time, from the Primitive Baptist by the dog. She, too, a for Back He to jail and in De-
state of nervous collapse and the action which is not the tn answer to
doctors is almost habit. there is a reason. charge , f house breaking,
to develop hydrophobia. A the reason
carrier was also bitten. ; to action N
was a pet in I- , Monday evening of this week
a the team belonging to Mr. L. E.
Mrs. A. v. Ange. at Rocky Mount Monday.
Pitt Co. School Desk are. Our streets are in the
going. Let us have your or- in the of the town.
rs at once you will never r- This is excellent weather for
. id better and street and road working.
,. . .--k H is wonderful to see
of and hay A. G
the Day he me. was being wide experience
down the street by Mrs. Day a observation.
ago, when she became
c a new market. Send your to A.
.- A Co. G. Cox Manufacturing Co. Win- Cox has on three or four
toe t N-C. acres of land this year. Hy entangled in his leash. Sudden-;
p evening. The oil mill ginning the proper preparation and fertilizing y he began to show signs
II o-; staple now and B. F. Manning is a few acres will produce all the I rabies and attacked his mistress.
feed a man needs. i Five times he sank his teeth in
It is
v u asset in the daily
of Album.
Fellows to Build.
meeting of Covenant
.; i are still go-
j, . j v. ; a nice up-to buying bis share of it feed a man needs. times he sanK his teem in. At the
you had We have just received another Our should look after J her arm, hurling her to the nave- Lodge I. O P. Tuesday night,
h, him an ear v call car load of lime. A. W. Ange j the and hominy part Money Mrs. saw the discussed of the
. ,;,. an and Co.
. ii . Quite a
t-1 . . .;. tended Cole
. corn, oats and feed of Friday. the present prices. hands and arms. ad to take the under con-
Go and took at that pi Mrs. Maggie Bait is getting, The dog then started op the mid devise plans for
lime. A. W. Ange the hog and hominy part Money I Mrs. saw the w the question was discussed of the
cops are right, but the man tack and ran to the rescue of her a building hereto young man at once
from here at- who has to buy meat, hay and friend, when the dog set upon be known as Odd Fellows build-
show at I corn will undoubtedly feel it and bit her several times on the in r A committee was . He
. . , , , . , , ., . yearn age an
. to
d x
vi . i noon.
. l nice
for gal
., . I -r
. .
to post- of ladies and gents fine together material far a residence and met Mr. Lay, who the building.
n given shoes and hosiery at A. W. Ange near Dr. Cox's. had heard the screams of his plans mature it to the purpose of
and Co. They are telling them Missed and Mrs. The th,. order to have a handsome
Prices Chapman and Kate Chapman fast his teeth in Mr. with offices to rent on
who lives near Broadway,
N. C, got at some
bags of cotton near rood just
in front of r
house and ran n y, throwing
his sen. Alva from the
wagon, and the wheels passing
over his smelt broke it. The
man died at once. Alva
eighteen years of age and his
sudden death is regretted very
much by his many friends. He
was buried at Holly Springs
church on the evening fol-
Katie Bell Henderson, of spent Sunday with I Hay's leg, and the letter carrier ; tho floor and quarters for
We hope the
. , .
. .
who happened along tried to free; above.
the colored f the mad brute,. will meet with
department of Oxford he was bitten toe. The. encouragement to mike
. i and showed on j the building a certainty in the
today. crockery ever displayed n Win hare night to the mistakable signs of j near future.
at Harrington Barber people. All four came to New
their land Co. i a number of the and were treated at the
drawn Onslow county, entered Winter- Miss Eva Langston.
High school Friday, The orphans from
war, here last session.
. .- Hi-
.; .; v. are I
Be to .
j.,. . ,,., greatly in-1 Bishop Robt. Strange con hunting last night Institute. It was
, ; ; two excellent the They came in this morning thought all danger of rabies was
ft for South Caro- Episcopal church Thursday before Jay muddy sleepy over a ago, when
, in the and Friday morning. Al the with one little opossum, Day confided to her
close of the service Thur. pitiful ti them knew she was in-
int i
Dear Si-It
necessary, but a a reminder, I
beg to s that the registration
of voters from October to
this year, is the last opportunity
that those men who read
and write constitution, and
r- in
B . it rt
He Le away
night and Vida home every path
butt we-e confirmed, and at the they came to leading in the
nice line of of the service Friday towards home but
to no avail for boys his mind.
proved to no avail
Li .
We . v
. ; . i the Holy
i Barber Co. administered. Bishop Strange were
A went, Ayden conducted tho morning de- game.
It ; t attend the funeral of exercises at school
Mr. drowning, Thurs- an excellent short talk en the
day a . purity of thought and its
. n the Hunsucker bug-; on the lives of the young,
going. Call to see; When in need of a nice up to-
stock of runabouts of clothes come and
fore you my. Prices are our line of and
eating. boy's clothing.
ii , while on the train
returning from Greenville last.
F. D. continues foiled to get on permanent
make line sales at the Star Ware- j of w have to avail
house branch of the Banners themselves of the -Grandfather
TobaCCO Company.
Tuesday he made a sale that for While most of our settled
carrier has kept at C registered under this
that has been done on the
i cut by cook stoves arc among
N. C, Oct.
Mrs. H. B. Philips and Mrs.
F. G. are spending
time in
Miss Olive spent
I Wednesday in
she went to see Clans-
and this His
, He. pounds an.
nervous, now and the mental .
on him is
I on the arm. His the
wounds dressed by Dr. Cox.; that will interest you.
best. We have them ices ,, ,
Mrs. A. P.
William and ton
. . mi T j
c u Misses Jacob and
specialty have a line of beaten and f R
and get best prices. piping. Harrington, Barber
Harrington, Barber Co.
Quit number our colored The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. are now in position to sup-
ply you with their Tar Heel
Carts, box bodies and Tumbling
bodies. Prices made right. Call
Mrs. J.
or.- attending the Eastern
Association at Greenville.
Hay lime at A. W.
Miss Annie went to and see th m.
Harrington. Barber Co.
children are accustomed I You builders will do well to
A W. Ange Go. for
at borne and certainly and before buying.
u have a comfortable desk
in the school room So much
depends the comfort of our
I am now in northern markets
purchasing our fall stock. They
will be in soon. Give us a call
schoolrooms Many a boy be convinced that we have
girl has had his heath injured
by along
this line. Let us give our child-
c and beautiful
school rooms and they will hail
with, d light the time for the op-. ,
Give our desks
in town. J. F. Harrington.
For nice little one
hone farm three miles east of
Winterville and four miles from
a trial and be convinced.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Buck went
to today.
For A house and lot con-
located to business
section of town, with good barn
and stills. G. A. Kittrell, Win-
N. C.
Chas. S. Smith lost his horse
a few days ago with blind stag-
Remember the Tar Heel
and carts made by the
A. G. Cox Co.
Winterville, N. C. For
and service they cannot be
Mrs. F. G. Whaley and
Bobbitt attended th
in Greenville Friday.
Mr. Nixon, of Washington,
spent Wednesday night in town.
W- T. Sledge has returned,
after a very pleasant visit
Richmond, Petersburg,
Rocky Mount and other points
j of interest.
II. B. Philips spent Wednesday
in Rocky Mount.
Mrs. Boyd h quite sick at her
home on Pine street.
Miss Low Edwards has re
turned to her home in
after spending some
her aunt. Mrs.
J. W Mitchell, of Now Ben.,
spent Friday in
Mrs. Tucker and .--on, John,
arc spending sometime with I
Mrs. A. L. on
Give Work.
Toe charity
top-sins who are in need is to
give them work. Don't give
any bodied man a penny or
a mouthful unless he works for
i-. By the man retains his
self-respect, ard profession
of the tramp is not encouraged.
If a man needs help ard is able
to work and you are tempted to
give him something, don't you
do it. instead, give
made tor
yet there may be
some who have not done so,
and it to that some who
have recently moved into the
state or recently of age
of their
the average once
taking everything
Here are the prices
some of his I under the law You will,
Fred Button-116 at 14.25, see to it that this
at GO at at of your COunty are
average 27.70. looked after.
R. C. at One other The Bryan-
at at at Club at Wilmington has
at at
adopted the
Representation for New
J. H. in ail
at 22.50. at at av out
Johnson-202 at vote this year or lose
at 21.50, at at its rightful position in state and
work. Old jobs con always be
found, and set him at these.
We do not advise refusing to
relieve hunger, but we do ad-
vise that it be done in a manner
that will not dependence
in men. If everyone would do
this all over the land, this
try would soon to be the
paradise for tramps that it has
been. Ex.
W. A. Morris
23.50, at at
at at average 21.15.
I other conventions.
at C Very truly yours,
A. H. Eller,
Bank f Winterville.
In State of North Carolina, at the close of business July 15th. MM.
J. Winterville, N. C.
Our immense fall and street
stock of dry goods, shoes, no- Miss Lilian Biker, Irving
clothing, hardware and and Robert Pulley
crockery is coming in every day. ad to Winterville Monday morn-
Give us a call. We are where they are attending
to give you a first class article at school at W. H. S.
living prices. public school will
Harrington, Barber Co. the of October, ch
For sale-One good second be
hand buggy cheap.
Farm for Sale
f in o-
Cox, Winterville, N. C.
We are running a first
market now at the Cooper . . , . . ,
Give us a call Sutton. bu it i
Hunsucker is certainly
buggies, and the A. C. Cox Mfg. f S C
f th town of
Henry of the
Clark, Capt. G. E.
Bradshaw, was off
Point las; Saturday morn j
was trimming the jib .,, ,
when the sheet gave away and; ,
he thrown overboard head Nat
first. It was blowing a heavy i
at the time and it was
possible to save him, although
every effort was made by the
The body ha not yet b en
Washington II s-
Loans and discounts
Furniture and fixtures
capital stock I 6,000.00
r . .-i.
i am
Undivided profits less
current expensed and
taxes paid
825.00 . ,
r. cheeks oat
Ti die
of North Carolina, of Pitt, . , , .
; . of the above-named hank, do swear
statement la true to the test of
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Subscribed and to before
this day of July, MOB.
R. Johnson.
Notary Public
J. L. Cashier.
i teat
W ti Wingate, Director.
Improvement over many and Bronchial
of . cold by acting a. a cathartic on S
-r money refunded. by
fa . , i i.
D. J. and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Year
VOL. No.
Game Laws
The it Whirl Wind
all other successes, even that of
of the whole
civilized production
of the new Dixon drama set
Norfolk wild with
and three performances the
B. Smith. was crowded to its
nominate capacity while hundreds
w turned away unable to
secure even standing room. The
Norfolk Landmark said;
is batter than The
As a dramatic
Held First Meeting sf New School
Year Saturday Large Attendance.
The Pitt County
Association met in she
with n a hundred
present. services
were conducted Rev. hi. T,
after which the
Culled to r by
committee to
for the
of Prof. J. A. Misses
Lillie Grant and Cos re-
tired at once and after several
minutes deliberation
mended the following
the coming year. s
K. C. p
dent; E. II.
vice president; Ada
Farmville, secretary,
Greenville, reporter.
The was then
taken up. The discussion
was made by supt. on
worK in our schools the com
year. His talk was pointed
and mat practical recommend-
thoroughness and
grading in our schools.
The next talk was made by
Prof. G. E. Lineberry on the
of the teacher to com-
He laid
on religious services
in the community and visiting
the homes. By the
W. B. Burned
About o'clock
night the stables on the lot of
Mr. W. B. Wilson, in South
c- r,
Chicago. Oct.
mother y
-While she
aw had batter be
Mitchell. n
Greenville, were p
strayed by fire. Mr and Mm. They
Wilson were entertaining
a servant about to leave
Near Concord. j Our game
. repealed or
Concord. N. C. Oct. After, if We
being fifty yards
of Miss Pearl I the first of
Tucker, a only sixteen cars those want
u-as by h . fey
showing at all.
about to he,
saw flames y
. , .
e they
taking the
child with
In the car, besides the
were two women and three
This timely discovery
saved a serious fire, for
are thick in that vicinity.
Firemen quickly to c Mitchell, father
the alarm of the child, an employee of the
story it is far more affective and streams from the hydrant on the department, believes
everybody wants to see it. The corner of Ninth street. i
was an instantaneous
The Norfolk Virginian Pilot
received such a re-
as is rarely given a
of ago. was outraged by a
near this city this afternoon.
The told the girl who was
picking cotton in a field near her
horn-, that he been sent to
tell her to go to the other end of
the field to look for a hammer.
When the girl had gone some
distance she was picked bodily
up by tie and carried into
the woods, where he accomplish-
ed his purpose, after firing a
.,. . pistol and telling to re-
of Ninth street, women was bis member his name, that it was
the stables burned furiously the whom .
flames were confined to this, from Salisbury
budding and part of it was left, b. and were quickly on the
and a cow in J-ii
have no
n was
bragging a few days ago that
he had killed twenty squirrels in
o-.-day. If be had to
a piece, or jail,
some hogs get
Why n-t indict a
them tat is me v
production. The play is full of
action and hence i intensely
interesting, holding the
of audience and
them to outburst of
The Richmond papers were
equally enthusiastic. The
Times-Dispatch is a
white man's story painted in bold
colors with a fearless hand. It
should meet with success in every
section of the The
Journal said that it was a
and that is
of the
teacher has the opportunity I just the thing the majority
getting hold the afflictions
the people and also leaving their
in those homes.
Prof. J. B. Martin, of Bethel,
then a most interesting
piper on suggestions in regard
to the duties of the community
to the teacher, among which
were courtesy on the part of the
trustees to
the teacher, sympathy for the
teacher, co operation responsive-
There were discussions on
topics by several others.
The discussions were of a high
order and would that every
teacher and patron in the county
could have heard these. Surely
the teacher that misses these
meetings will never know his
full loss.
A rising vote of thanks Dy the
association was extended to the
retiring officers for the excellent
manner in which they presided
over the association
The association was delighted
to have ex Gov. Jarvis present,
who extended an invitation to
the teachers to visit the Eastern
Training school grounds at
We look forward for the best
year's work yet, to be done by
the association though she looks
back into the past with pride at
her great achievements. The
good to Pitt through the
of this association will never
fully be recorded this side of
The following are the commit-
tee for the Association
for year
Program H.
J. B. Martin, J. A.
Misses Lillie Grant,
Jennie Herndon.
Social committee-G. E- Line
berry, Misses
Ada Ward, May Brooks, Mrs. J.
B. Martin, Mrs. J. Bobbitt.
Miss Lillie Bennett.
Executive H.
of the people want
Already people are beginning
to talk about the new play and
are being written. A
Dixon play on the race problem
always the country from the
Atlantic to the Pacific.
will be the at-
traction in Mount,
and night, Oct. Goldsboro,
Monday, Oct. New
Bern, Tuesday, Oct. As
seats are selling out-of-
i. patrons should send their
orders for seats by mail at once.
Prices range from cents to
stables were gotten out j Th
as ere also e vehicles and
harness. A of feed
stuff was destroyed. that the
From the place
burning worst It supposed to when they they
have started in the trash in the
loft, but how caught g
There was no insurance .
on the
Chicago, Oct.
I Frances Mitchell, eight years of
I age, said to be an heiress to a
fortune of was kidnap
Register of Deeds R. Williams on with her
has issued the following grandmother. The little girl
i sec They Will
h m. a whose clothes wire
persons with weeds. The girl
time was too nervous to say whether
and it is not Graham was the man who
women hid assaulted her. The was
spirited away by the officers in
an automobile in the direction of
Salisbury. It is that
is the
since last
J. A Davenport and
J, O. Harris and Murray
John and Julia
Edmond and Hattie
William and Emma
Warren and Harriet
was snatched by one of three
men in an automobile and taker,
away after the grandmother,
Mrs. Caroline P. Mitchell, had
been knocked down. The police
are working on a clue that the
child was taken out of the city,
probably to Sparta, N. C.
will you.
Information on Registration.
Raleigh, Oct. 10.-Attorney
General has given an
opinion on registration. He says
that the new registration is
required for the coming election.
All persons registered in the last
election can vote without
again. Once on the per-
roll, they are always on
it. He says further that there is
no reason why any county can-
not order a new registration if
its board of election so desires,
but does not think the latter can
eliminate names on the
registration roll because
the persons do not re-register.
However, minors coming of
age must register. This the
last election in which those who
cannot read and write can
under the grand-father clause
as the Constitution of this limits
the time to December 31st next.
afternoon with Miss
. . . Helen Forbes spent the hour
Thomas Anderson and Minnie
,,,. I The program was
Samuel Strickland and
i dale read an interesting sketch
i of the life of the followed
a reading by the members
of two verses each of the poem
The marriage of
Patrick, of town to Mr. V. E.
of Bethel, took place at
o'clock this afternoon at the
home of the parents of the bride,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Patrick, on
Washington street.
Owing to B recent death in the
family it was a quiet marriage,
only the immediate family and a
intimate friends being pres-
As the bridal party entered
the wedding
march was played by Miss Lottie
Blow, and
The Sans Book Club met during the. ceremony.
Misses Irma Cobb and Glenn
Forbes were maids of honor, and
little Miss Mary Blanch Patrick
in f house
i, that
did musical
Runaway . I Is J ft
musical i d v it i
melodies, the work of
the composer of hour, Ray-
One of tr. many
hits is the song Kiss for Each
Day in the which is
den d the clever comedian,
George y, assisted by of
the most beautiful show girls
on the stage of the New York
Casino, where the piece for
seven solid months. The ad-
agent, Mr. Cook, is here
arranging for d. trails ard billing
the town.
San Book Club.
One Negro Shoots Another
Saturday night a shooting
scrape d a few mi
to north of the river. Si non
Brown, colored, went to th. I me
of another colored man
Gorham and undertook to a
rough house, when G
brought a i play d shot
Brown in the hip. Brown was
severely wounded was
brought over to Dr. J. E N
for medical attention.
Night Rider a Hoax.
Citizens of Martin county say
that the recent report that every
that had
gin in that county
placarded by j
warning the owners to cease
operations is all a hoax, that
nothing of the kind has occurred.
We are glad to know this, for
it looks too serious a matter for
any sane person to be guilty of
such lawlessness. No doubt
where any notices at all have
appeared it was only done by
some one as a but jokes
of this kind should not be
Foxhall Make Another Fine Sale.
F D. Foxhall. at the Star
a a-
an average of
Pierce Stocks,
Friends of Miss Annie White
were much surprised when
grams from Norfolk were re-
announcing her marriage
at a. m. to Mr. Chas. K.
Johnson, of that city. The Rev.
Or. Starr, of Cumberland street
from slips of paper containing
the verses that had been handed
them by the hostess.
An amusing contest was the
members handing in written
answers to the questions not
yourself whom would you rather
be And why The vote was
left to the members a to who
handed in the the best answer,
and the choice went to Mrs J.
L. Carper, who was awarded a
piece of
After enjoying delightful re-
the club adjourned
Ito hold its next meeting with
Miss Mary Higgs.
was ring bearer
The ceremony was performed
Rev. M. T.
The couple left on the
A. C. L. train for a bridal tour
to New York other northern
cities. They were the recipients
of beautiful bridal pres-
bore testimony of
Wide popularity.
A very cute post card r e -i ed
by The Reflector from
Ind., bears ant
was born to Mr.
Mrs. Lincoln Lash on -9th
at weighs eight ids,
name Charles Lincoln L sh
Mrs- Lesli was formerly
of Greenville, and
her many friends here ex end
Tire and Street
He sold for
.- . Ayden, at at at
Cole, H. B. Smith, Misses Addie n at at
Johnston, Agnes Moore, Nannie at average
Richardson, Mary Brown. For W. L. Clark, Black
i at at at
For Sale-Lot at at at at
on corner Washing-115,, at 14.104 at at
ton Thirteenth streets. Price
J.--Q Mossier Bring your tobacco to
ltd want the best prices.
happy couple left on a bridal
tour to northern cities, and will
return to Norfolk about the 15th
of November. We wish them
much happiness. A Friend.
Boy Getting Along Well.
Harry, little son of Mr. J. S.
Feed, who swallowed a pin some-
time ago and was taken to the
hospital to have it
removed from his throat, where
it lodged, was brought home
Monday. The place on his neck
where it was to cut
to remove the pin his healed
nicely and he is getting along
Editor R
We had a lire Tuesday
and the bell didn't ring. How in
the thunder is a fellow to know
where a fire is with the street
sweeper at work Tuesday night
this new appendage to our town
government went to work on a
dry and dusty street, and the
dust it raised was a caution. I
the suggestion that the
merchants all chip in cents a
piece and purchase water enough
from the town to dampen the
ardor of the dust when that
street sweeper hits it. Why. a
fellow could almost dig a post
hole in the air with a shovel, it
was so thick. And, candidly
folks, don't it look like our town
authorities are too stingy with
the water in this respect
How about it. Mr. Alderman
Foot Ball Artist.
Snail Friday
Cong John Small
the U equity can-
will address
of Greenville and community in
the opera house on Friday night,
16th. There will be a band to
make music and
should be on hand. The
have a special Invitation to be
I am on the market purchasing
horses and mules. Will have a
load of fine ones to arrive last of
Change Hand.
W. C. Hines has sold his Busy
Bee in the Brady building
to C. S. Brown and
Alex. two Greeks. he
Alex. two
the week. Will be glad to see took charge Tuesday after-
all parties wishing to buy. noon and are arranging to keep
R. L. Smith, the open day and night.
Republican Speaking.
Hon. Claudius Dockery will
be with the county candidates
at Ayden. Saturday, October
17th, 1908. All are invited to
hear this distinguished speaker.
R C. Flanagan, Chairman,
Fernando Ward. Sec
Wanted Mag saint
requires the services of a man in
Greenville to look after expiring
subscriptions and to secure new
business by means of
unusually effective, position per-
prefer one with
but would consider any
applicant with good natural
salary per
with commission option. Ad-
dress, with R. C.
Peacock, Room Success
Magazine Bldg., New York.
Virginia gray turf nits and
rye at F. V.
opposite N S depot.
I Subscribe to The Reflector.
v n win

Life, Fire and Accident
The Bank of Greenville,
At flow of business,
V--. lining,
Less Goods
Goods. Flannels
; . T .- Domes
to. Na.--.
T. . . l-a-
Ribbons. o-
las, Women's Hosiery,
Men's Hosiery, Children a
Hosiery, Women's Under
wear, Hen's Underwear,
Children's underwear. Fan-
Goods, Leather Goods,
Toilet Articles Stationery,
Shoes, Ladies Shoes,
Children's Shoes, Men's
Furnishings Men's Hats,
Coy's Men's Caps,
Boy's Caps Over
alls, Waists,
Fancy Knit Goods, Infant's
Wear, Furs, Jackets,
Misses Jacket. Child-en's
Window Shades,
Table Oil cloth. Floor Oil
.; T. Suit
Case.- , Furniture
Chairs, Cradles, Baby Car-
Rubber Goods, Toys
Clocks, Silverware, Cutlery,
and c. Goods,
China, Glass Ware,
Crockery, Lamps, Tinware,
ware. Hardware, Oil Stoves
Baskets, Candy, Groceries,
Butter. Cheese, Fish, Pro-
visions. Cheroots, Tobacco,
In the r
by Ike
tin- Wall of
On Bring in a
food plain hash if you've got a
thins on the
Yon mean an
Mid the waiter In a lone of
Perhaps He
One pupil whispered to the next.
our learner is a duffer
The had put
to the thought hoy
iv framing i
my lad. speak up. yon are
At Stokes.
The Democratic county
dates had a big day at their
speaking at Stokes on Friday.
large crowd was present,
there was a big barbecue, ard
the speeches aroused much en-
The report indicate
that Carolina township is going
to give one of her old time big
Democratic majorities in the
coming election.
All other stocks, bonds
Banking houses,
Demand loans
Due from
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
National bank notes
other S. notes
Total 1324,086.41
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, lens
current expenses and
taxes paid
Notes and bills
Bills payable 41,000.00
91,805.71 13,808.64
Cashiers checks
outstanding 1,064.18
Total 1224,088.41
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, L. Little, cashier of the above-named bank, do sol-
wear that the above to of my
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-1
Our Buyer is now in the
northern markets. New
arriving every day.
Look to your interests.
of Dutch Village.
The village women of Holland
take special lo keep the I
of their while hoods stiff
starch, which is as necessary u r-
in toilet as y l
and collars
is worn over a
black skullcap that lit the closely
clipped head very much the
i i nun. The
women, I are, often wear a straw
o it. A jacket of dark
; . v. i a breast piece i ream
cloth . dark blue border of the
same i at tho hips, constitutes
the of the women the
I iris. The A at the
hips in n fashion on ac-
many flannels w h
Well Known Colored Man Dead.
J. R. Russell, a well-known
colored man here, died
day night. was a car-
by trade and a good
workman, and was well thought
of by all of the community,
lie was a prominent member of
the colored Masons and that
order conducted his funeral this
fore me, this 28th day of
Notary Public.
W. B.
Fresh grapes, peaches,
pears, celery, orange.
S. M. Schultz.
We have leased the front stall,
aide of hallway, in to market
I and can supply needs in
meats, sausage, fish, etc. Or-
promptly anywhere In
. i town. , ,
as without. having b or
to sell do well to sea us.
L R. I J,
of lie I a k forest, win r I
ii-,, ;,. prevail- to wear i j
I will a ow,
adding ; one every war.
I . i. who I Mil hut re-
mi stored her catechism, con-
t with it
ii in I .
vet n . . re bit
, . . th I. I'm put
bed even i k rt
the I. I or.
New supply Buck Hot Blast
heaters. Vandyke.
Good Health
Analytical tests made by the Director the STATE
TORY OF HYGIENE under the control of the NORTH CAROLINA
BOARD OF HEALTH at RALEIGH, N. C, shows that the water
supplied by the Greenville water works is PURE.
For the protection of patrons samples of water are submitted monthly
and the reports of the are always on file in the office of the
Commission for inspection.
Discard the old well or pump and get the benefit the advantages
offered by the Water Department. It not only means that you will
always have good water to drink, but it will prove a great convenience.
Nothing to do but turn the spigot. No more pumping and -g.
We furnish gallons per month for and allow you a dis-
count of per cent, if bill is paid by 5th of month succeeding month in
which service is rendered. This makes the cost only cents.
Information gladly furnished to anyone regarding cost of making
tap, etc.
L. D. WADE, Superintendent.
Are th safest places to bank,
i for t United States laws, as
well most rigid govern-
supervision, make them
YOU l N-
IT. .
New Norfolk i
The Norfolk S rail
way announces folio
change in schedules over
vision Monday, Oct.
Trains No. and
I; n Greenville
are to 0.1
Train ave v
a p Greenville
II Raleigh at will
m , passing
reaching Washington at 8.25
operation of passenger
coaches on trains No. and
the freight between
Washington Raleigh id dis-
Th . bank has beer, established over two years, during
which time served the banking public faithfully and
built up a and prosperous business. The best service
is n t-. for both our town and country customers.
Our and Directors are responsible, well-to-do bus-
the selection of your bank, have permanency
in view and establish yourself for your present and future well
being j sound bank.
The National Bank of Greenville
Capital Stockholders liability
F. G. JAMES, J. P. V-Pr.
F. J. FORBES, Cashier.
Subscribe to The Daily Reflector.
Don't Forget.
The constant drop of water
the hardest t ;
The constant of
the ;
Tho constant lover
off the maid.
And the mt advertiser
the one who the trade
Now the question is what to do
with the store fronts that are so
much above level of the sidewalks
on east side of the street.
B. v ff the power con-
tainted in a Heed
and delivered by K. D. Cox win.
K. Cox, to
Co. on th- of
and ed in the
of Deeds office of county, North
V page if, U
undersigned will expose to public e.
before the Court H e door in
for lo th highest bidder,
on the 5th of bar.
the real property, to
One town lot d in the
of N. C., on the
east side of Road treat and on the
west side of Academy and
on the N by A. O. tux
and on the weal J. u- r. on
th L. and OB
I a
1-; acre a or a, to iii.-i .
The Banking Co.
Greenville, N. C, Aug.
The above
Dollar for d
than a Deposit receipt given by
is a specimen Deposit Receipt given for money deposited.
Pitt county more secure
. . ., given by
In addition to Stock. Surplus, Stockholder
Insurance, State and all other usual safeguards. IT S SECURED by the
that any bank any where can give Its cg
f, under strict supervision of a competent
Should you have any business of any kind in our line we will gladly serve you.
Stokes Town Items.
j v
.; a---
to Get Democrat to Introduce Him.
N. C. Oct 7.-CA
Harry States
District Attorney,
Miss Carrie Chapman, of
spent the past week
L. Stokes.
Sam Harper and Roy Stokes,
went out of W i Site a number of our people
church a,
CoT to the
which he did gracefully.
After Mr. Skinner concluded
his speech, Col. Murchison arose,
to the discomfiture of the
KU, May Die From Gun Shot Wounds
Haddock Arrested.
As the result of an altercation
between Jno. Williams and
Haddock, both white, this
morning on the Fleming farm
near Washington Heights, the
former is in the Fowle Memorial
hospital in a serious condition.
It is not known what the cause
of the trouble was, but alter hot
words Haddock fired both barrels
of a shotgun into Williams, th.
very pleasantly at W. B. were small
Colonel Skinner when he
J. D. Stokes and Roy
went to Gardner's X roads
was a c
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bland
lungs. The shots were small
but the full charges took
effect and may prove fatal.
Haddock was arrested by
Ricks shortly after the
afterwards told me Mr Mrs W a a.
that he was a Republican and Sunday at J. A
when I was asked to introduce
him. I did it because I thought
it would give him an opportunity
to repent i his political sins,
but I found Mm worse than I ex-
I have been a Democrat
all my life and by the help of
God, I expect to die one, all that
Col. Skinner said to the contrary
. , .
The applause that greeted the
remarks of Col,
loader and more prolonged
use given Col.
Jimmie Smith and sister, Miss
Linnie, spent Sunday afternoon
st L. B. Stokes.
Frank. Stokes has returned
home from quite a stay in Green-
Miss Mollie Harper has return-
ed home after quite an extended
visit to friends near
Bob Stokes and Walter
About Hoarding
The accumulation of money for
the purpose of hoarding it is a
great wrong. We are persuaded
that many do not stop to study
the moral qualities of such a life.
That which they gather and de-
posit in their private coffers is so
Farmers Beware.
It is an every day occurrence
to run up with reports that
is off at Greenville; and
when traced it originates with,
drummers from other markets.
All such drumming is to ;
the core, and intelligent men,
should not listen to it.
Our sales at the Gum ware-
house deny such talcs. Oar
entire sale today averaged
Our farmers were highly pleas-
ed and went home happy. Will
Brown and Harris averaged
for a of tips.
C. D. Smith sold at
at at
at at at
C. D. Smith and Barrett,
at at at a-.
at Hi. at lit at
at at at
W-H. Shiver, at Hi.
at at at at I
at at at
Don't listen to slimy tales but
come right on to the old
and you will be pleased. Give
me your next and I will
prove it. J- K- Hutchings.
For FARM Supplies and HARDWARE.
We carry lull stock, also a lull t re-
pairs tor Machines only, which is He
There is none better,
SHU-. A.
would you to .
American Wire
We carry the best quality only
on Bear in
to buy
A ft
. much taken from forces designed
spent a short while here Sunday. w be for the
Sam Harper and Calvin g He who mold
spent Sunday evening ,. c by dam or
,,. of ,. , divert from the
W. H ,.. can, if not
Skinner I
treatment a attack
I give Hon.
M Sue -y
Sn- ii
that town
pal church i
noon at
Huske, th.
Messrs. R. I
J. R.
Mrs. AH
Mrs. T. E i
She also
Misses Tab
Episcopal and
of much
Mr. and
J, Stakes a. d
tended ;
j . .
. L.
; i . .
Fail Jo Prosper.
If farmers would their
own it home, they
give no concern
and of flour
elf, is in the Judgment of gut as they cultivate
moved by a prodigiously exclusively what called toe
money and upon
purchasing their supplies in the
West, to hove a
hard time and fail prosper.
assortment always in to .
the highest, in tact there is
it being guaranteed per cent.
it wish to build it is to your
to see as we are in position to
your need. Don't that our hue
General Hardware is kept comp th
the quality o. We
nails. Give us a call.
i i
. i
impulse For the
; the comforts, and even
pend upon th
that stream, Suppose
million dollars
m effect
th-1 to
. died
is for
f several, a gr.
umber, whose
i ;, int f
n of
. Stand
-i f .
i i
. .
l ,
leaking t Various mi
Mr. I
. Oct. IT.
. I .
. S J
. .
j direction,
. I
or- -era tie
C .
nay. Out
. .
i i if, K
ac .
tot cm . .
i the and 1-1
Ii to
J-5, B
The bottle
i t
Oct. , .
persons owing t . .
notified to meet me
the same. h. W.
Oct. 6th. 1908.
no oil t
Every Two Month.
Dr H. O. Hyatt, the eye
specialists of Kinston. has just
closed a three profession
visit here. He is at
the liberal patronage he received
and hereafter he will make
regular visits to Greenville every
two months. Thursday. Friday
and Saturday of each week he
will devote his office practice in
his services can visit him on
those The other days in
each week he will visit neighbor-
towns for convenience of
Dr. Hyatt he
If sufferer from Man
Price We. Sold by Jno. L. Woolen,
and the us
, will address tho
,,. ; , at the I
, times and
, Wei i -day.
at m.
. ,
Saturday, Oct. 17th. g
following prominent i
speakers will be with the
Hon. Lee S. Overman at
Locke Craig at
And other speakers at places
. l. .
,. He
, H. A.
Greenville, N C
weeks. . t ,
highly recommend. Very
L r w. E. HOC ER-
County Club at
From the Tar Heel, the official
organ of the University of North
Carolina athletic association, we
got this
The Pitt county Club met
Tuesday night, organized and
elected Eighteen
were enrolled and the fol-
lowing officers were
L. A. Brown, president; Judson
Blount, vice-president; W. K.
Wilson, secretary and treasurer.
Dr. Hyatt say. n.
the people of Greenville Kg them. Sold by Jno.
-L, feels L. Woolen,
and Pitt county, and f sure
that they like him and
ate Mb work, hence going
to be one of regular points
to which he professional
In the interval between
he will be glad to have
any one call on him at office
in on that he
To afflicted with kidney and
bladder trouble, backache, rheumatism.
for the relief
Editor Weather Prophet.
The editor of a weekly
ed the following query. Can
you tell me what the weather
will be next month In reply
he wrote. my belief that
the weather next month will be
much like your subscription.
The inquirer wondered for an
hour what the editor
at, when he
think of the word unsettled.
He went in the next day and
squared account
which will he advertised later.
AH people who are interested
in government are cordially
invited to be present at these
speakings. . .
W. L Brown,
Snake in the Ground Squirrel.
Another snake story came to
the notice of this reporter yes-
and it happened Sun
day when Mr. and Mrs L. J.
were on their way to bun-
Jay school at Hopewell. Burns-
ville township. Mrs. saw
a pretty ground squirrel
digging away at a hole in
the ground and her husband
decided that he would capture
the squirrel. Taking hold of it.
he found that he could not pull
the little animal from the hole
as easily as he at
Exerting more strength he man-
aired to pull it but was
draw forth a black
snake five or feet in
length. The snake had
ed the head and inch
by inch was completing the job,
intending to make just one
mouthful of it. The snake
How often yon
thing s
nail driver or an- ,
-a .
box prepared fir.
Our line
Is a . and
we will that
box not lack
useful article.
Of v our Si
You get
Horse floods . c
J P.
Subscribe for The Reflector.
Barber Shop
Edmond Fleming props.
Located in main business sec-
of the town Four chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber-
Our place is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
thank you for past patronage
and ask you to call when
good work is wanted.
Harry Skinner. Skinner. Jr
H. .
T. P. A.
Baltimore, Md.
Account Virginia State Fair to
5th to ,
on r o i M, d ore
10th inclusive, F-i.
12th returning. , a .
For further call f- , r
on ticket or .-p
Wilmington, N. C.

with what the said in Charlotte j bid for that town to be nil the
while her young starting returning point for
hand were being detained in the j this train so as to give the
station there for the pie there an opportunity of going
as cl I n r Jan. 1907 t the at Greenville. N
C u. r Congress of March 1879
rival of her mother. In this
vase our sympathies are with the
young man, and we want to see
him win out and get
The president grown very
quiet, aim.-st painfully so.
Stories of at the
fairs are coming along through
the papers.
If you don't believe Green-
ville is a dry town, follow the
street sweeper.
As the days gel shorter it
takes turning about to get
through in time.
For the last days the
the newly paved streets
are cleaned off, lets have
enough to keep them
They will certainly be
pretty streets if a little
is given in this direction.
are more good things
yet ahead for Greenville. Go
to the meeting of the Chamber
of Commerce and Tobacco Board
of Trade in the court house,
Tuesday night, and talk about
some of them.
to Raleigh and returning the
same day. We hardly see how
this can lie done unless the train
has to double between Washing-
f his bride who has been ton and Chocowinity, or else put
tally stolen from I n a local train to run between
i New Bern and Chocowinity to
The statement is given out at the latter place with
hat the total contributions to Raleigh train. However, we
The State department of
column of the m Greenville so.
Herald has looked like Editor
King was off fishing.
When raft comes back to
North he may be
to take what be said
on his former nail.
It used to be the Far
whence came the war talk, and
now it is the Near Bust.
place in the sales of leaf tobacco
for the month of September.
Wilson was the only market that
went ahead of Greenville in the
number of pounds sold.
Sure Son-in-law
says he did not a
on to the
the bi,
as I ii
. . .
It is
tome, i
A . ,
eleven y. And
We are lung to see where
Nick m
. Pass
are ii.
hi up
. ll
e won tin
i After all the
their engagement,
consent of the royal family
been given for the duke to
marry her. the announcement
comes that Miss Elkins has jilted
the Duke of Maybe
she can find an An in cord
enough for her.
the national Democratic cam-
fund so. far amount to
think of
that sum in comparison with the
at the solicitation of
dent Roosevelt to buy
votes in New York for the Re-
publicans in the campaign four
years ago. The entire Demo-
campaign fund this year is
not as large as the amount
tried to get for the Re-
publicans out of the Standard
Oil Company four years ago.
is an opening in
ville for a profitable business if
some enterprising man will take
hold of it. ii a
coll .
would not only prove profitable
to the promoter, but would also
be a convenience to business
men who would like to get some
responsible person ;
their account. If the in
town that are
; i
believe it is the policy of the
Norfolk Southern to furnish
every convenience possible to
the people along the road, and
the officials may devise some
plan to give all the towns what
they want.
In an advertisement elsewhere
in this paper the superintendent
of the water and light plant calls
attention to the analysis of the
water by the State chemist in
which that official declares it is
pure water. As a safeguard to
health of those using city water
the law requires that samples of
must be not
frequently than once a
month. It is gratifying that all
analyses from the Greenville
have shown that the water
is good and wholesome. From
the standpoint of health,
and cheapness it is to the
inter of every home in town
Say the
The New York Sun started out
to support Taft, but is having a
hard time staying in line; in
fact, every few days it jumps
the fence and gets out of the
pasture. It could manage to
swallow Mr. Taft if only Mr.
Roosevelt would keep out of it,
but when he butts in the Sun
gets all wrong. To add fuel to
the flames. Son-in-law Long-
nerves, and inflict upon
her friends.
She mastered the art of saying
pleasant things.
She did not too much
from her friends.
She made whatever work she
had to do congenial.
She did not lose sight of her
illusions, and would not think
all the world wicked and
She helped the miserable and
sympathized with the sorrowful-
She never forgot that kind
worth has made The Sun very
tired and it thus goes after him words and a smile cost little and
because of his speech the other are treasures to the discouraged.
more unfortunate
She did unto others as she
would be done by and her re-
has not yet been made in ward is love and consideration
this canvass, and if it attracts lier she has
the general attention which learned the secret of n long and
deserves it is not unlikely happy life,
make Mr. the Burch-
if o
the will break
He is n i
The v i IV over
in Bulgaria is not in it in inter-
est with tho political warfare
now in progress on this side of
the pond.
i; II
.- same
r i r re
that it would be a thing
or the Republican party the
Federal offices in this State were
filled by
. . Ii-
party in North if
s they get ii
The Norfolk Southern rail-
and our people appreciate
convenient schedules that road
has given this town.
ill- on i v. there
.,, water. It is better
i health to
it from
It is more
spigot in
an a bun
by a turn.
. . tiresome
also far
cit i water.
.,,,. a cost of
. . , . and ill
to keep a well or pump in
repair. These are good reasons
r . the people should use city
tor a time
Wilson and Raleigh,
I was not for the they get a in;. Wilson in the morning
saw an opportunity
It is a pleasure to again see to get the benefit of this train,
Putting college boys on their
honor not to engage in hazing, is
on a par with looking to the Re-
publican party to revise the
ard of the campaign. It is well
known that Mr. Roosevelt, in
graciously permitting the Amer-
people to select his
always that it
was Mr. Taft or
said to intimate friends that
while he could no longer serve
his faithful people for the
four years and would change his
worn of multiplying bears into
the destruction of lions, yet at
the end of four years his faithful
people could reasonably expect
his triumphant re-entry into the
scene of ms former achieve-
It is from Mr.
statement that
expectation is enjoyed not only
by the inner circle of Mr.
friends, but also by his
immediate family, and it is
reasonable to suppose that Mr.
would have n,
his august ;. .
if he believe i
was other
Mr. Roosevelt
Another R
Wales, on a t
gave a Whit.
Wednesday, w i
for a good deal .
by reason of a win
trident. The .-. .-i .
band of
about it at a subsequent concert
in a Methodist h
He told of the hearty
reception accorded the choir by
the president, who especially
applauded the singing of
Men of
over the rendition
Predicts Certain Victory for
Josephus Daniels, head of the
press department of the national
Democratic headquarters, do
that it is the belief,
amounting to conviction, with
Chairman Mack and others as-
with him in the work at
national headquarters, that
election is already assured.
They do believe any
could arise to change this
outcome. Going into details,
Mr. Daniels declares that a
month ago there was a strong
belief that Maryland and Ohio
were doubtful Slates with a
probability both would go for
Taft. Today they are assured
that both will be in the Bryan
Column. Every Western State
shows big gains for the
racy, with the party united and
.-i New York. Mr.
i. r i. . i-
. . .
pendent canvass of presidential
Total vole in electoral col-
Necessary to elect a president
the Concord Evening Tribune.
A few months ago, because of
the stringent times and expense
of running a daily paper. The
Tribune stopped its daily edition
temporarily. We are glad that
it has found condition such that
the daily edition can be re-
The people of Concord
As not scare not long in seeing what
a war between this country and they were missing without their
Japan, he might get interested daily paper.
in the scrap that seems
over about Bulgaria.
Charlotte is a dry town, hence
. the folks up there are very
Keep it in mind that to get hold of booze when
books for the coming
will close on the 24th. If
your name is not on the books
and docs not get there it is your
own fault.
Mr. Debs says Mr. Gompers is
a liar, Col. says Go v.
is a liar, Son-in-law
husband says
they are all liars. And there
you have it.
Mayor Whedbee has ordered
that dogs be kept off the street
while the sidewalk building is
in progress. Would it not be
delightful if such an order was
made permanent
there is any in reach. A half
barrel of liquor that had been
the police was stored in
an upper room of the county court
house, and a few nights ago
some thirsty citizens climbed up
to the window, prised their way
into the room, let the half bar-
rel down to the ground got
away with it. And they did
not even have a doctor's
for so much.
asked for it, and the Norfolk Ar
Southern officials very readily
gave it to us, making Greenville
the starting and returning point
of this train instead of Wilson.
This convenient schedule gave
our people an opportunity of go-
to Raleigh in the morning,
spending six hours there and re-
turning home at o'clock in the
The people of our neighboring
town, Washington, have since
sent in a petition, in which
Greenville concurred, to also
give that town the benefit of this
train, and the railroad officials
have decided to extend tho run
there, leaving Washington in
the morning and returning there
in the evening. This leaves
Greenville with just as good a
schedule for Raleigh as when the
end of the run was In ad-
to this, the new schedule
with the train starting from
Washington makes it convenient
for farmers in that section to
come by train in the morning to
Greenville, have nearly all day
here to look after their tobacco
sales and get back home in the
Doubtful. Republican leanings
, . Democratic
one of the doors. ,, .
opened and an attendant carry
What the press dispatches
quote Miss Speer, the daughter
of the Atlanta millionaire who
run away and married her
father's as saying in evening.
Paris does not at all correspond Now New Bern is putting in a
That little band of Federal
officeholders, known as the Re-
publican party of Pitt county,
were called together a few days
ago and made some
moots for their county
dates to go before this
gent people and misrepresent
the affairs of the government,
both county and State.
Democratic will see
that their position on public
questions cannot be
without those who are
guilty of such misrepresentation
being held up before the eyes of
a people who know the depths to
which the Republican party has
stooped in the past. It is the
same old only after long
practice and hard training has
learned how to stoop lower.
No thinking man will be mis-
led by arguments as are
being used in this campaign by
the Republicans. It is a party
made up of and
in their vain efforts to prove one
fact they disprove another.
We will later on point out
many of these inconsistencies,
and show to the people that the
Republican party cares very
little for the truth.
a large tray, on which there
were glasses containing sherry.
When the tray was passed to us
we declined with thanks. We
are all prohibitionists. The at-
passed with the tray to
the head of the line of the
The first singer declined
with thanks. The next man,
and the next, and the next did
the same thing. It was the
same way all down the line.
Then the attendant, evidently
realized that a mistake had been
made, hastily disappeared. The
members of the choir are all
hard-working men in their
five country and they are all pro-
They use neither
sherry nor any other wine at any
This account of the in-
by the Welshman was
heartily applauded, The
dent was always accused of get-
ting Fairbanks into the cocktail
trouble, but there is avenue
of escape open to him for the
claret incident. There's wine
in the White House and the
president is indiscreet in the
passing of it
Subscribe for The Reflector.
How to be Loved.
How seldom you see a lovable
old woman, whose age is as beau-
as was the bloom of her
youth. And when you do, you
wonder how it has happened
Well, this is
She learns how to forgot dis-
agreeable things.
She did not give way to her
Heart Action
There are certain nerves
that control the action
of the heart. they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it.
I differed with whet I
thought stomach trouble, when
the doctor told me had heart
trouble. I had tried many remedies,
when the Dr. almanac came
Into my and I concluded to
a Dr. Heart Cure.
en three and now I am
not suffering at all. am cured and
this medicine did It. I write In
the hope that it will attract the at-
of others who suffer as I did.
Main St., Ky.
Your druggist sells Dr. Ml
Curs, and we authorize him to
price of first bottle If It fall
to benefit you.
Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
M, .,
Taft to win must get of the
doubtful votes
Bryan to win must of the
doubtful votes
The battle is yet to be won.
Charlotte Observer,
. .
. v
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
Rape seed J. R. Mer.
Rev. Mr. is preach-
some able BOTTOM at the
Missionary Baptist church. The
entire public to out to
hear him.
plaited your gar-
den is the question every
one is asking. Wood Seed are
the best for the South- You will
find all kinds perfectly fresh at
Drug Store. Don't make
the mistake of getting some
Mrs. and Miss Lula
of Conetoe, who have
been Mrs. W. C.
m to their homes
M. M. makes the best
cold drinks that can be made at
the cold the year
round Try one.
Mrs. J. S. and daughter
went to Greenville one day
tee week.
Co. are running two
their factory and mills on each
evening Mr. Cox
and Miss Lancaster were united
in the holy bonds of matrimony.
To each of the above happy
couples we extend hearty Con-
A plain gold between
the residence of Mrs. Agnes
and the store of J. J.
Hines Any one finding
same will be liberally rewarded
by leaving at store J. J. Hines
J. D. Jones, salesman for J.
R Smith Mer. Co., went home
Thursday owing to being ski.
For valuable farm
near Ayden containing two
acres of which ten acres art
cleared, same will be sold on
reasonable terms. For further
particulars apply to Walter
Grifton, N. C. R F D.
The Ayden Lumber Company
started up work on the
They have recently
engine, 27-r
I- have
and is some fine
mons and do doubt will prove of
telling effect before the meetings
A. G. Cox and Mrs. Cox, of
Winterville, attended church
here Sunday.
Mrs. F. T. Carr. of Willow
Green, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Agnes Blount.
The county Democratic
committee have secured
the services of the band
at several of the appointments in
he county during the campaign.
Our boys for the time they have
been organized make good music
we are glad they are
dated away from home. It
speaks well for them and Ayden
Mrs. Agnes Blount went to
Greenville on business Monday.
Application has been made to
the authorities at Raleigh for the
admission in the of
Bertha Richardson, the wife of
Lorn Richardson, a very pro mi
colored man of our town.
The Jeannette Recital
amp will be at opera
As waiters, were Jarvis Cox
and Miss Mattie
Will J. Cox and Lizzie
Leslie L Cox and Rosa Skinner;
Jim G. Lancaster and
Miss Jessie of New Bern,
N. C, rendered the wedding
march in a most tasty and grace-
manner while the Rev. Mr.
King, of New Bern,
After the ceremony the beau-1 Saturday Sunday,
Min Sarah Clement ITS ,
Friday for her home at Bander
son. after spending several N. C . Oct. ;.
visiting her M's. D c
W. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith
and Misses Martha Belie lira. N. Cox, .
Jessie Smith went to x V .
to the show list Friday. shopping I
T. H Barnhill held H. W. Philips in-
yearly meeting at May's Chapel j fr on .
f for
loving couple, with their
drove to the bride's
father where a delicious supper
was them. It is be-
the power of the pen to
write of the good things that
had been so nicely arranged for
the pleasure and comfort of v.
those present. After supper,
all present seemed to participate
in the social of the hour.
The groom is a very
very good preaching, es-
on i
he shot his big
Mr. and Mrs. Noah
of Level, were visiting
Mills Smith's Sunday.
Mr. Mrs. R. A.
Mills Smith's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
and children, from near M r-
were visiting
a l F. . I
Tips attended at I
I Sunday.
C. D. fit and P
Mrs Ii.
in the ,
Mrs. .
ii. F. G. .
i .-.,
promising young Sunday,
the son of one of the most re- C. L. R was
and high our town v
citizen, of Pitt Co. The bride i It being an
is one of most highly i to any last week the
esteemed daughters Their j angel visited Mr. and Mrs Prank
many friends wish a long,
James of
1- i. ; ;
L. P. It
happy and life.
time. General trimming boiler
. , , .
The tobacco Drought umber lands at an option ct ten
quite a number o p at once commerce
Ayden who make it their work cutting, Baaing and
burg, was
took from fond Ti day
embrace their darling Mr. of U
Sept. 27th. 1908. It
was about two and half months
old, and had been sick about hi.
Its life. Ii wan said that
a fine
j r.
You will find
coffins and i hand I
J. R. Smith C-, Dix- .-.
Mrs. John .
here, left on ti
for Grifton
several days
J. R. Smith
things hustling
line of
2.500 tobacco
used on ibis nu
Mrs. C- D. K
have been
Dr. Hardy
J. R. Smith C
a nice lot of c I
on and
when in reed , .
firm bus a
ply of first s wagons, a
food buggies, and are run
making and
is a bu.-
Tuesday n
col., called on J. M. Blow
to unite in
with Hot ,
readily agreed.
In company with t we
rode out to the home of the
prospective groom only to find
the bride elect had changed her
mind and all the pleadings and
prayers of the and
seemingly broken hearted groom-
elect amounted to naught. So
we returned homeward realizing
how uncertain the bird at large
and how the bird
ready caught. After supper sit-
ting in the quietude of our room
the door bell rang and in response
thereto we found quite a crowd
assembled at the front door.
Upon closer inquiry Thomas and
Minnie made their presence
known and the blushing Minnie
informed us she was now willing
to become the happy spouse of
the loving Thomas. So n and
there we spoke the words that
made them man and wife.
Jenkins was master of
monies with M. M. Sauls and
Luther assisting the
J. J. Edwards Son have just
received another car load Ell-
wood Wire
inches, inches,
inches. Call and see them.
Mrs. W. E. Hooks and Miss
Florence Blount spent Thursday
in Grifton with friends.
At the home of J. E. Mumford
Wednesday evening Mr. Amos
Garris and Miss Garris
were united in marriage.
At the home of the bride Wed-
of ploy a of
M. M. Sauls has r
N. C, Oct
It as if prices of tobacco wirier n r
had bee, satisfactory with the
farmers for a while until last. .,
. .
on the company is of a flat- the big tobacco companies g J
taring nature, Therein no on the Greenville market
but that the people have
treat on Ivy Smith sold some on that mar
per rum i
tore a
ion. The is
. J to be of a wry order.
C. G. Moore, W. K Alexander
. . S. A. i Kins
i at j
get Thursday and said the price n. i
was off at least one third and I is up
guess that makes the farmers sew.
f el like holding their tobacco.
b la-c
vi i
To i.
p i-
a been
. the
III . .
r C.
a. a
if vows
Wife- O
bride i
-.- I in
who nut
I registered said
are entitled to do so will please
call at my office in Ayden. N. C.
and register in
. fry.
Joseph New
Luther MM
speak of here,
are hi ii
Ready for
ail and
, i , r-.
and the
A. S evens S Bros., Chicago
by their crop.;.
S f Sen
Greatest Exclusive la the World
for l.-.; l-t
. . . v samples am.-. U a-
of in high-claw man
made to to your individual
you selection of perfect fit
a complete lino of o. .
The styles have a complete if you
garments absolutely correct and
H W Wait-
j . i
I J r
ii I . .
Willie son of this
died m-J at is
I two
. .
z; ms-
i n. . r. . Stevens, her, and it 1.4
J, R. Smith Mer. Co.
and Bibles also on hand.
The Ayden band attended the
public speaking at Bethel
day. Several of our citizens ac-
companied them.
Josephus Cox attended the
Primitive Baptist association at
Seven Springs Saturday
Mrs. A. W. Ange and Mrs.
Martha Cox, of Winterville, were
visiting friends here last week.
Several of the teachers went
to Greenville Saturday to be;
whether wish to buy and will be only .
serve you and assure you of prompt courteous attention.
MRS. J. T. SMITH, Jr.,
Ayden, N. C.
Representing A. Chicago.
to left hero Saturday Sunday
to attend the Primitive Baptist
association at Rocky Mount
J. Congleton, who ban
been doing same work for C. G.
Little, cam in
our old friend
has secured the position as hay
mower from Ii. O.
about three months
to Greenville to AT AYDEN I ,,,.,. . . ti . .
present at the of the j Carolina, at the close of business 1908. . J
institute. s,
. . . a few we
In the contest Friday
as to the prettiest and most pop-
young lady in Ayden, Miss j
presented with a beautiful vase.
Miss Lizzie Dixon was a close
second to Miss Freddie.
04,606.07 ,, ,. , ,
Stock . .
Freddie Tucker received and Fixtures 610.69 Surplus . .
largest number of votes and was Demand Loans Undivided profits, less
Due k, B .
Cash items 97.27 current exp. paid
Gold coin . . . 860.00 Bills payable
Silver coin, including Deposits subject took.
J T Keel left Saturday for minor coin currency
Springs where he will hank
spend several days for his health.
In a game of ball here
day between Jackson Town and
the Ayden team the score stood
to in favor of the former
team. The game was snappy
throughout and was greatly en-
joyed by those present.
The meetings in the Baptist
church are largely attended and
much interest is manifested.
Mr. is an able preacher
V. S. notes 6,969.00
Total, 191,726.00
Cashier's outstanding
Total, 191,785.08
vamp high school
opened a few weeks ago
very large attendance.
W. H. Smith has purchased
the of A. fox in
Carolina Milling
will conduct tho bu
tho Al
work promptly looked after. Mr.
Cox will still with
I. J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above named do solemnly swear
the above statement is true to the best my knowledge and belief.
SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-1
fore me. this day of Sept. J. R SMITH,
Notary Public
Or Joseph i
Physician and Surgeon
Office Pan Bulking
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North
Seed Wheat,
Rye arid Barley.
We are c the
era Seed Grain n tho . but
the best, and
Our tot
from the best and
arc fully equipped with the best
and most improved machinery for
cleaning. If you want superior
Plant Wood's Seeds.
Prices quoted on request
Descriptive Fall
Mm I M mm

s i
How Men Feel and Act With
Death All About Them.
Com. Fear, but Soon
Away In For Killing.
Varying of
A. of battle of
do told by a veteran to
Robert In
It la. word for won a chapter
of as seen by a man In the
ranks. which Impressed him
We halted, and a on
the cried am dying.
mo to Whereat my com
stooped to offer him a flask
mid as he stooped the
at him with bayonet, but
Jumped back, and It
Kissed him. he said. Tyro-
said you wanted n drink be
fore died, and you shall die
without the he stuck his
bayonet throw as a boy would
tick ii pin
-The MO began again, and
It was It was soon
we came to that we were to cap
a little and the hills
the Tillage. The village was name.
and there were walled
barns and gardens, the
were strong there
-The bunting of the very
bad. Sometimes all of us close
would be thrown down and I.
with mini and but most of
cs would jump up again, l.
but there were some win
tip again, because
were lb d dead.
At the Kg
afraid the beginning m
battle I t i
that other men i
was our Ii id
what it was b
Notice of Bate.
Carolina, I court before
Pitt County I U. C. M MM, CB.
B F ard wife Nannie E.
W. A and
wife e R. Alle . M. D. C.-
w, e J. C. H.
, Mrs. Nora y, A. M. Al-
an i w Berths K. Allen, and
Pearl A.
Neva A. Forbes.
By virtue the and decree
the Jerk of the .-up. r, r Court,
made in the above s on
6th of r. 00-
J. L. g.
appointed by in
will I to the high- st bidder for ash.
for the court no. s-- door
of Pitt in Greenville, on the 9th
November, , all the right.
f 1- This is. List of Successful Business
lowing described tracts or parcels of Who Use Oliver I
land, to writers in the City of
1st. A cert in tract cf Greenville.
Baker t Hart. Ban. of
. Greenville. Dr. D. L. James.
of street and on the west It at rial
Washington s begin,, g at a Co
intersection of 10th street Zeno Brown, F. C. Julius
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county M
administrator of the t. r.
Harriss, deceased, notice is
given to a I person indebted the ea-
to immediate payment to
the undersigned, and all persons
take that must present the
for payment to the u
on or the 23rd d of September.
1909. or this notice will I e plead in bar
of ,
Th s g of S.
J. CoX,
Ad of C. V.
Greenville Banking and Trust
AT N. C.
At the close of business, September Midi
Notice To Creditors.
Having as executrix of John
S. deceased, late of Pitt
county, this is to notify all persons
having claims against the estate of the
said deceased t exhibit them to the
undersigned within twelve months from
this date or this notice will be pleaded
in bar of their recovery.
said estate
All persons .,
will please make immediate payment.
This the 7th day of September
F. G. James, Attorney.
and discounts
Overdrafts 8,888.97
All other stocks, bonds
and fixtures 4,575.57
Demand loans 10,000.00
Due from 78,061.98
Cash items 2,618.47
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency 711.62
National bank notes
and other U. S. notes 10,027.00
street, and run-south-
at out f et to a Stake, toe
corner of lot No. ; thence with lot
about f el to a stake,
the nor and l
Washington street feet to 10th
thanes with
street to the corn- r of Washington
Brown, C. Forbes. Greenville
Veneer Co., Greenville Manufacturing
veneer w., .
Co Moseley Coward Wooten,
D Moore, Greenville Supply Co.,
J E. Winslow. W.
W. J- Co
sale t o , David
James. Tl
beginning, i S. T. Hooker. Co.
So It was I at l
death, bi I
. thought no iv of
of the Ii i l the An i
I me
There were heads and
I me i ti
a i
care. Vie
do not iv
saw hut
to me us i sit
f Urn l We did
, I Until It I
i . . have
, fell
i .
and , e did
meat we i
pieces in
to Ore i
Int i
. ii
id his I
turned a
I'D l
many who
I d.
i; II
not i
that I
with s i
he ran n
and I thou
after that I
of a
,.; the
m e.
if then
I till
not I
eastern half of lot N .
a map made by P. Matthews II
the William Moon- land, c-, i
fourth an acre, more or
the t
Gowan I y
In 1886 d d
of rec rd in the i
of i of Pitt i
page and the
C. and
an tn Noah .
rs of record In th t;
of s Pitt
.;. ; age ref.
J. That certain tract
land, in said county i d I
a. g .;,. b
i I i i .
N Forbes, ii i a.-
.,. it n W ;
; . . . ice s
; west
across the r
us B i
It I
; tn
l-l .
,. . i
i, s lea
The Oliver never
been Equaled.
Administrators Notice.
Total 264,957.30
Capital stock 25,000.00
Surplus fund 15,000.00
Undivided profits, less
current expenses and
taxes paid 4,786.75
Notes and bills
Bills payable 30,000.00
of 88,068.88
621.29 17,938.55
Due to banks, 83.00
State of North Carolina, County of
I, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. S. OAKS, Cashier.
Having as administrator of
Mary Porter, deceased, late of Pitt
State of North Carolina,
is to notify all persons having
against the estate of said deceased to
exhibit them to the undersigned on or
before September 8th, 1908. or tins
notice will be pleaded in bar of their
. . . , All persons indebted to said
Sold on Easy terms estate will please make immediate
This September W.
A. II. Porter,
Subscribed sworn to before
me, this 89th day of September
Notary Public.
Write or pi
i and retail
Furniture- c .
for Fur
, . i W.
i .
,. .
Notice of a
R. O.
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.
at Bethel, N. C.
at the close of business September
A. a. Moore. Harvey A.
Moore, Edward Moat,
I and -vi
I Cox and husband, Ed Cox. Maggie
and Henry Elks.
Elizabeth Moore, John Moore,
d e widow f
d as and
Moore an Alic May r ore,
and helm -it law Willie Moore,
. i- d
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts 658.88
Furniture and fixtures 1.310.00
Due from and 0,889.98
Gold coin, silver coin
all minor coin
. virtue of the
. .; -.-
, II
. . .
w i or h, I,
. u vii
,,. . el
lie .
, mi,. It
,. . v
. . e
. ., I ,.
. .
. I
. , t l
.- ; Kile I
, i es of
ad ti
, ; east
, . Ill ,. ;
r i in
. ,
I i
i and
. . i
h ii
I, ;
. . ;
Capital stack
Surplus fund 8,226.00
profits 1,697.79
Time of 8,804.83
nib I 27,858.10
. . n bank, do sol-
m o u i u
an r
S. S. S ii
,.,.,. . .-
la d
,,,, and W
I e .
H . l
t , N C. on Indian W. II imp,
V- h
items 7,184.271 Dividends unpaid
Gold coin payable
i i
V .
. D
us a inns
. bis id
u o
lit. lie fall
him no more,
U i.
A . Ml
of tin
e . U
iii Cr
. win
, eh
i re
with Mi
i ,
t Ft i
. .
with .-. P
and cl b piano
h, hi Q A Sm
., I
there rays the fighting.
Sturm and the blackness,
made of n- a great mixing. Yes; It
was a very great tangling, for lines
were lost, and know that sometimes
at and
sometime Italians struck at Italians,
for we were in a very mixing
and very In the blackness of that
storm. , ,
were told to lie down and sleep
go we lay down where we were, among
the dead and the wounded, the
Italians and the Austrians.
we Slept we were tired
we had fought hard for all that
long long day. and on that hill that
had gained we slept, and
gave no heed to the dead men or the
The wounded made very great
cries and there were men sent to go
among them with lights. Some were
surgeons, and some were men to carry
them to the Held But the
most of us we lay there and slept, and
we were very tired, and we knew that
with the morning there might be an
Oct. In History-
Cervantes de
died 1616.
Case, statesman
sad pioneer, died 1866.
of completed by the
of papal territory.
proclaimed tn
i by
aW celebrated Italian ac-
, died; 1822.
i. dual ; be
a simply a
road south poles; thence north 191-2 most popular piano in the world
piano at any price and on
road thence south 1-2 west easy terms, call on or write.
poles tn William ; then
. I BU
. f
or less.
This th Se
. S
.- M
s. mire
a i- ii sub .-I
,. iv
S, notes
; -in
south 1-2 east poles to the
containing l-l acres, more or l
This the of October. S.
L. Fleming, Commissioner.
Cobb Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
R. Williams,
Any person or persons claiming title
or interest in
land must tile their protest in
writing with me within the thirty
day.-, or they will be barred by law.
U. Williams.
Entry taker
knowledge and
A. J.
It you want your HORSE to trot
fast and pull strong; buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn.
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Less
Money than any man in town,
W. B.
A Card.
I hereby announce that I have
removed for the practice of my
profession from Falkland to
Greenville. Residence on Third
street next door to J, L. Fleming.
Office, former office
where I can be found at all times
when not professionally
Subscribed and sworn t be-
fore me, day of
General Statement for Quarter ending October 1st,
Sales quarter ending
Get 1st
Inventory Oct. 1st
th. r
that th. I
St as
Place u headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of
Cotton Factors and handlers
Bagging Tie Bags.
Correspondence and
At New Market i- of Not-
folk and Southern
1.1. SMITH.
D. W.
And Provisions
Inventory July 1st I
Purchases, stock
inn quarter
Purchases, bottles
General expenses
Freight and
State tuxes paid
Fall Millinery Opening
at Big Store
Wednesday, Oct. 7th
Gash paid to Town and County
Dispensary Com. U
j Cotton and
; Fresh con-
I In stock. Country
Produce Bought end Sold
Taft Vandyke
House Furnishings.
General Merchandise
Get The best for Comfort
and Felt
and a piece Bern-
Iron Bed have no equal.
. . i
The Republican candidates for
legislature and the various
offices will address the
t. Pitt c at the fol-
Vt, at o'clock.
Falkland, Oct. o'clock.
Oct at
Ayden, Oct. at o'clock.
Out- at o'clock.
Bell X Oct. at
Bethel, Oct. at o'clock.
Winterville. Oct. at
Oct at
Oct. at
will be
each up-
Ail invited
The Story of the Famous Old
Long Winding Waterbury.
School Books and Supplies
We have just received a
pound shipment of i
pound paper. This papa is
without an equal in It
packed in a nice board
box, Instead of the old unhandy
paper wrapper.
j We furnish you i
Envelopes to Match
packed two packs in a board j
box. By buying in quantity
we arc able to offer it at i
per pound; envelopes p.-r
invite you to call and
examine it.
Hot and Cold Baths
A specialty. Electric
Massage Hair
tonic given tn ladies
at their homes
Opposite J. R. j. G. Move
Mutual Life
I Assets r
. vast
Ladies and Gents Tailor,
Greenville, N C.
Scouring, Chemical Dry Cleaning.
Sat or no charm.
In rear of i Fleming f oar
Can be found on Fourth street
prepared to clean, press repair
Mens Clothing and Ladies Skirts
All work done promptly, suit
made to order when
Your patronage Solicited.
See W. J. TURNAGE before buying
your coal for the winter. He can give
you a bargain.
are now arriving, plant early
to et best result A nice
line of and Ferns in all
sizes. Choice cut Sowers a
specialty, wedding bouquets
Floral offerings abort
Mail, Telegraph, Mid
Telephone receive
prompt attention.
J ii. CO
N. C.
Office corner and Third Sta.
formerly occupied by the late Col. I.
., ,
. c. t On
W aid, a
Way Spectroscope the
Sun and
one lights u
match In the Hark It Is worth while to
notice what first. Its
out yellow
almost at the same time the
begins to burn with bluish
i beams. . ,
As yet the
I In a or two the the
match lakes lire, and
of clear pours
of tin- of tile
II phosphorus, and
shone In a Of its
in a street lighted by electricity
e; detects at once the Oil-
between the rays of
the yellow beams of IbO oilier.
If nitrate of is set on lire we
have n red f
burn i of greenish
blue, n blue is bad
when sine are ignited. Those
other furnish the
of Kr his materials
nil derive I
tints at.
of ii- i
who i
conn on suit. Iv u r a
trace on I lie
will km is
when lie ii.------1
Sir I to
understand Hint kind
loll a Knew
the , to led ll
is ruddy, ,
Sim-, I
while. Ml hi
ii Hume, i., on
i II
How the Connecticut Shoemaker's Idea
Was Up and Worked
That Came to Be Known
All Over World.
n country
a He Wall
poor man I peculiar one. The
called a some
thought But ho kept on
ill the even of his way. bring
his own life and thinking his own
thoughts. thoughts was
he eon make n watch that would
have only wheels.
A out Of a Job heard
the cobbler called at his little
shop, ibis was the beginning of the
famous Waterbury watch, which was
the Oral cheap watch o lie
It Is now ii thing of the past.
Hut cheap price and Its
long ill was n stem
were known around the world.
The Waterbury was named for the
where i was made. It had more
than the three that the cob-
had planned, but the little old
shoemaker's idea was the original
germ from which was evolve the
successful cheap watch.
Baring got the idea, the purchaser
of the found that the I
first difficulty in his path was lack o j
money. He looked about for n .
with money enough, nerve enough
Imagination enough to lead him to
the financial aid without
no first step could be taken. lie
I found, because it was a Yankee
an Indomitable win that was looking-
for him.
much money will it lake and
bow long a time- do you want before
begin make your watches
hi sufficient quantities make tin
thing a be Inquired.
will be frank with replied
the inventor. will
I shall need eight month for
If You Need a Piano
Is the Piano strictly a
quality, and made by a reliable factory
The use of best materials, best construction
skilled workmen, profiting by the
K- the has had in its
years of continued
under the same management,
PIANO at the I ad f High-Grade
instruments. Its tone
does the as vane y,
Po often sold by dealers to u
x-cause there is more profit in V
chasers bee
How can I obtain the BEST PIANO the
value being considered
Answer BUY
E the
thus guaranteeing against . profits
often obtained when an instrument
through several ownerships before reaching
the customer.
How am I to
claimed for it
know what I select will prove
Answer-You are I buy There are more
Sate t in North
T makes of high-grad
Pia us. the use have
hi. in the same horn. for ever hall a
to all purchasers we gladly
sky. real. i
j body was
i Ills
I fruit Is ii-
i j
of all,
i I . b
or In lb
s taken up. and
i Hie
is n el to break lip
I the him- hues, are ill-
I dark Hies,
to us the mil slurs built
of mill as compose our own
Yet more. tell us what kind of
atmosphere is and. most
of all i Hie rate at
which a i-
from the Hoy orb we -Sew
I. ,.
Taken Up.
Moore and Long
Mrs. Maggie Whitley at the
building near courthouse, bakes every
and pies. Or-
filled i in town. Ice
cream sold daily.
Dark red heifer with white on tail
and legs, judged to be
about month old. Owner can got
same by proving ownership and paying
charges. Warren Peyton.
Stray Taken Up.
I have taken up six pigs, unmarked,
that weigh about pounds each.
Owner can get same by proving prop-
and paying costs
ltd Mrs. M. B. White
Dry Goods and Ladies Dress Goods.
I have purchased the interest of the
late B. E. Patrick in the firm of II. E
Patrick Co., will continue to
on a gene dry goods business
at the same stand. .
A ladies department with n
of dress goods and trimmings has beer
added. Miss being ill
charge of this department. The ladies
are invited to call Io
this line. B F. PATRICK.
I am prepared to do first-class
Paper Hanging and Painting.
Drop me a note if you want
work in my line.
p. a N. C.
I have on hand a large
good machine made brick. Will quo
prices on application and can till order-
W J Gardner,
Bethel. N. C.
Thy His of
These New York waiter have got
my nerve. III It
from ii Iowa.
In Hie
ruins would Ir ii Joy If one would ,
remove the while
i think of nothing but the big.
head In
nil In black, and they look so
mid gel or their
to you your dinner that yon
feel like throwing at
When waller lies a
smaller after you.
tilling glass, removing dishes,
more butter, If you look
from him the waiter has
his eye on you.
most maddening thing of nil to
me Is the way the waiter your
dinner for One took me In hand
the other Bight, I let him have his
way Just to see hat he would do to
me I hate he averred that
was the best thing I could eat and
one particular was the chef's inns-
lie brought it ye gods.
It was all with a dope made
of cheese and mushrooms that
finished met but. fortunately, he only
let me take two bites when he whisked
mi plate away art down n
bud kinds of fruit laved
lettuce leave, with strips of red
and green peppers French dress-
over Him. i barely that
when he took it away In triumph and
in.- an ice cream thick with cheat-
nuts fruits.
Now. I dine on rare roust plain
lettuce and never lake so you
see how Bear he to suiting
he. Not If I'm
, ,
said the daring capital-
, .
He went alien., lie met unexpected
difficulties -I bud spent and
used up before be
turned nil n h. But
never faltered. Then
for which every piece of ma-
in I be
daily i out first
w ii d es.
i f th -in w aid go Among
of bra which were
Me. of watch
. . round
i. a
,. i in were A
,,. . , ,, ;.,. went, bill i i
,. . . . . . . w
i . i large,
i,.,, , i . how
the cheap
. ,. ii,. of perfection
in pi-r cut
n lie wore t
,,., hum face, cl
;.,, I T p,
;., i-. Ii in
i on the purl ho made, so that
i- w.- In pin h
; , .,.
.,, . i. ii i
nod over was
la ;,. ears of Its v, in
h. Some of the
;. i used were Imp-sting.
A r pal I
open their hat
from Waterbury. the bind
eternal referring to loin
wind fie
Will eh.
day tit of one of these
was winding it on
Across the aisle n traveler noted
his neighbor was winding his watch.
Ii no though until n second
look then It showed wind
under way. Then the astonish-
ed mini sir, hut
are you a
said the winding owner,
I'm tired of it You wind awhile, will
This to re
suited In the ordering by the
who never seen a
of watches for the use of
Ida business Ill Its China trade.
The great went on. and
large sums of money were made in It.
All over the world people were Inlying
these watches, so cheap were they
All over the world people laughed lit
the The old hacker of
the enterprise had died, one of
successors fell his
son In traveling In some remote part
of Hungary was asked If the Water-
bury he came from was the place
where the watch with a long wind
was made.
said the man.
the product f my factory laughed
ill-lit all over the earth But his
led him try make a good
watch. The new field be soon found
was by this time occupied by most
successful competitors, and after get-
ting Into hopeless the old
Waterbury company died la
the house of those who should have
U-en Its friends. John T. Simmons In
New York Tribune.
The is sold for cash or on terms to suit purchaser.
G. G. Representative, Box No. N. C.
Masons our brick to those other make. W HY .
REASON. There's no twist. They're
Think the saving TIME in this to say
brick broken up other kinds in trying to break right.
the point
We have plenty on hand and they are sold at COMMON
PLANT . a. C f. K. a
WALTON BRICK CO., Macclesfield, N. C.
Raleigh, and Atlanta, Ga.
av U I .
Atlanta, Ga., on the following convenient
Call on Ticket Agents Southern Railway Company or connection
lines detailed or
Norfolk, Va.
p. m.
a. m.
a. m.
. J noon.
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
Had Him.
Mm hare tan
New Woman u nave
U successor to FLEMING S MOORING
General Merchandise.
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville N. C.

. .
In Charge of F. C. NYE
V .
I Ma
i. Extern Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application
the Tar He.- Mrs. Frank James returned
wagon carts by the to her home near Tues-
A G. afternoon.
, N. For C A. Fair, of Ayden. was
the t Tuesday.
V.-. .
; who enters I
Rev, T. H. King returned
Monday, where
m the preached Sunday
. H. S. last Mon I Ilia Miriam Johnson went U.
I Greenville afternoon.
hi Ufa Is
wise for bis
The man woo his
is wise both for his and
You may Insure health by guard-
it. It is worth guarding.
At the first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the and
itself in innumerable
. j
I .
G ;
v. .
. .
m in need of a g d and J- D. Cox has returned from
ii buggy will do well to South Carolina.
. . Mr. rt A. G , Rev. Mr. Forbes, of Farmville,
. . vi before will aid Rev. H. E. Tripp in a
Buggy is series of meetings, beginning
we would advise Monday night after the third
your orders month. All are
Dr. B. i Cox left morn- most cordially invited to attend
he these s
. day. Mrs. Laughinghouse, of
A line of beat is visiting relatives here.
jut in. A. ft Co. spent Sunday
T. H. King left this at home and returned to
morning for Edenton where he I ban Monday,
will preach at th church Rev. Mr. Goodwin, of the
t. in the absence of at Ayden, tilled Rev.
r. Par tor who is holding E. T. appointment at
; . this week. I the Free Will Baptist church here
pr it; fall day the Sunday. A large congregation
to have your painting done, was present
We have I . n h as-; H. Jackson is taking In the
of colors. State fair this week.
A. km Co. Mrs. F. C. Nye and children
i had
E. .,. just in ac ton. Sunday visiting at
And save your health.
Nan i Scarce.
Naming after news-
papers St, Louis
infant christened Louisa
Great, fancy thundering
down the ages as I she
Brown, the
Vindicator Smith, you remember to say
Red Dog Gulch Bowie pleasant to Mrs.
. a w. I .
Probably She Meant it
Lucille, a carefully brought up
of returned
from her first party in great glee.
was a good
id, and talked nice
N. Y. Telegram.
. -rug
Gr. n-
. .
la not so spent at the home of
give now but will be O H. Jackson.
Get you one of Rosabel Taylor, of
for His Experience.
are telling about
one John White of Eat
Carolina, a thrifty
who that the
Lord wanted him ti go t,
as a In spite of the
entreaty of hi friends against
it, he his farm tool
colds end them without
kind, do n t for
moment imagine that colds not
and buTS
in a common cold Consumption
is by a but th cold I
prepares rec-
of the that
is the same h
fever, co arc
I to be acted
child a You will
a from ti is real dun i-r
a c lid than in any bat of
common The and
way to cine a is to
Co sh Ram
many elf.
have made t a s
of a large -.-; of
his j worM L. Wooten
just before
her mother asked.
yes I was the en-
reply. I and
said, enjoyed myself, Mrs.
Townsend; I had a lots better
dinner than I thought I'd
The r
family to Egypt, expecting a
special revelation from tie Lord
to teach him the language of the
natives and provide for his daily
After nine months in
the far country lie ins written
his friends for m may to
begin life over
He learned some sense, but the
was high. Charily and
and C.-ward
Had a CalL
Ada . the widely
Found Van's Body.
N. C , Oct. Sat-
while out
a of men found
ii-. y of a man named Bank
Sanders, who had bean missing
several The d
Slew Companion f r Mistreating Little
Charlotte, N. C. Oct.
an acrobat
Haw hers show, who
Sunday killed a fellow
by him in his
head with a store, has confessed.
said h I slew Kit-
because had
mistreated little
girls in the show for whose care
Mr L. G. Whichard died at
o'clock this morning at the home
of his mother, Mr. D. L. Which-
ard, in township. He
a stroke of paralysis a
few Weeks ago from which his
was some
son of the
Barber Co.
V ii
i you one of
in ac Sunday .
r-u me, when a friend recommend
ed Dr New I
just in The officers of the Mission I pan taking it. an-i three bottled sir
the Baptist church
.-. c
. i.
pi ,. ; ate the coming year were elected
as J. t
tiers at once you will never .- Greene, president; F. F. Cox,
n There is better and vice president; Miss
more comfortable desK on the secretary.
market, I your order to
G. Cox Mai i fa- Co., Win.
J; v . I received another
had a slight of paralysis
partially r-n-i it is I death resulted. . .
had another over fifty years of age,
while cut walking alone in the. and the eldest so
Mot.- i i,. years I Mr. James Whichard.
Si old and a well-to do farmer and;
to hive a coroner's; Question for Good of The Tax Payers.
jury returned a verdict to
effect deceased came to his Editor
death by natural causes.
Is saving co I re and
throat -1 wide. So
;. . . .-,; store.
and.;. Trial bottle , . .
skin on
or lace be cu-ed in one by
applying Salve, it is
and o by L.
or.- John White, of ton and Coward Wooten.
I tern North Carolina, a thrifty
The Failed.
papers arc
Who pays the. bills for
the circus signs from the
U light pole, tax payers or
the men who went to the circus
on passes for the of
orating the poles K.
Mr. D, A. one of who dreamed that the
n , i men not r I wanted Egypt
Robbed by
Charlotte, N. C. Oct. 13.-D.
M, living twelve miles
; C-
. v v ; Greenville
C are adding
to their
One of the pettiest lines of i n hi.
of the banks to give th
crockery ever in
at Harrington i
and Co.
guaranteed I.- f
., ck
in x i in
will mean postal banks,
u of a nice up to-, d ,;.,. and
and . , ., .
,. was
en. r- ii
W a . iv
on hand.
ring in Barber Co.
L. k R bite, of
he-. Friday.
Remember the Hunsucker bug-
, to see
cf runabouts be-
fore you buy. Prices are inter
G. one of our most
. y n and
is erecting a real
sand i specialty.
d I I
Has- v n I Co.
I- lira A. W. Ante
Mr. and Mrs. R. Croom went
Your i
at certainly
ought t-
it tHe room So much
depends upon the comfort of our
school room. Many a boy and
girl had his health injured
by neglect along
this Let us give our
n i fort able and beautiful
school rooms and they will hail
with delight the time for the op-
of school. Give our desks
a trial and be convinced.
es A. W. Ange and
Louisa Cox went to Ayden Fri-
day to visit relative.
For A house and lot con-
located to business
section of town, with good barn
and stalls. G. A. Kittrell, Win-
N. C.
suit of clothes come
examine our line of men's and
The and
stoves are among.,
tho best. We have them at
that will interest you. We also
a full line of and
piping. Harrington. Barber
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. arc now in position to sup-
ply you with their Tar
Carts, box bodies and Tumbling
bodies. Prices made right. Call
and see th m.
Harrington. Co.
Y u builders will do well to
A W. for win-
and doors buying.
I am row in northern markets
purchasing our fall stock. They
will be in soon. us a call
be convinced that have
one of the lines of goods
in town. J. F. Harrington.
For sale-A nice little one
horse farm three miles east of
Winterville and four miles from
Ayden. For terms apply to E.
J. Winterville, N. C.
Our immense fall and winter
Stock of dry goods, shoes, no-
clothing, hardware and
. ; in
ii ha written
. . come
. price was
The we-k following the State
fair in Raleigh the colored
hold their industrial fair
be held
k South-
in Charlotte. He thoroughbred -hire pigs at
absolutely indifferent about Mi
apprehension and admits taking
the money.
guaranteed by the government.; hi
I This would put the government j
deep into the s Where
would take m y out of tho Part r, N. Y. a
, .; . . . ,, r iii war, win a
a no,
in the of r. . . .-.
For Sale-A four-horse f;
one mile south of Greenville
is line tobacco land and has t
tenant houses. For
John W. Tucker.
i dollars each.
Farmville. N. C.
H. S. Tyson.
Notice of Sale.
Notice is hereby given by the under-
signed Ivy Smith, administrator of
I. d. that the
personal of Jesse I. Smith, de-
ceased, will be exposed to public sale,
i for cash to the highest b on
Tho moral of this is plain.
The Democratic party stands
for guaranteeing lank deposits;
th Republican party stance, In
its pledge in its platform and
a hobby of the for
a portal savings bank.
bankers-not ail of them by any
n,, than Iv to roe.
I snout much i. doctoring n
.-, . trouble,
i. I then Electric Bitters,
Homicide at
N. . Oct. 12.-W.
Harrell. of
platform and in favor of man of a
the in platform,
does it mean Dies it
Farm for Sale
Will for n
cured mi I n -w take th m e farm, In one . the to o
we I of water.
N. C.
. Thursday, the day of November,
I at the late residence of the said
Jesse L. Smith.
Said estate of horses,
mules, cattle, hogs, carts, wagons and
other farming implements, corn, fodder
hay, cotton seed and household
kitchen furniture.
Sale will begin promptly at
This the 2nd day of Oct., 1908.
Ivy Smith, Administrator of
Jesse L. Smith, deceased. w
train, is dead and Amos
well, Seaboard Air Line op-
the Democrats Seaboard, is under
would carry out their rd on chat go of killing Harrell
while the Republicans would f.-. Sunday.
the people, d
ton Dispatch. on board tho tram No.
from Norfolk and had been
be t in a ; parted. When the train arrived
Bank of Winterville.
In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business July 16th. 1908.
Loam and discounts stock
Overdrafts Surplus
Furniture and
I . I.
York. Oat In
package not much larger than
an nary traveling A.
at and while it was
at station
shots rang at the rear
to Port Myer. where token effect in Barrett a
It will be ass the M in a minutes,
tomorrow. Hr
. he will probably r.-1 Would Farm.
i in
. .
.;. i i .
I . int
Undivided less
i tuxes
1,173.891 my, payable
mM deposit
if 10,588.41
A farmer on I, r. e
crockery is coming in every day thirty
Give us a call. We are prepared , l one . my
. It i.-. wort i U
to give you a article at ,,,,. h i
living prices. A i h u. K farm t. i
For sale-One good
hand cheap. u Ba of Rural I, Gull.
c n Winterville N C ford, They tone
C I. r,. . . n t w y ht
are running a first g ,. , . n C
now at the Cooper st-r . I .
Give u a call
is certainly u ,
and the h. G. Cox
Co., is d
b to the test of
and sworn t i me,
W H Wingate,
apes, peaches,
. . ii
An mm .
, A . -fa MS o CHICAGO.
. i. m, -s.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Fine Speeches by and Small-
Large Numbers Hear Them.
N. C, Oct. 1908.
was a Democratic day
Farmville. There has
such a throng of
here on occasion as this
little city saw today. They came
from every direction, and by two
o'clock the Lady Turnage opera
house was packed to overflowing.
When the county candidates
had finished Mr. J. B.
James introduced Hon. Locke
that able, eloquent and
matchless orator the
speech by saying that one among
the fundamental principles of
Democracy is that every man
has the right to vote for whoever
a he no leas
he was
before h.- W is def for t
a masterly
way the history of the
Horse Back Crowd
Grit ton, N. C, 1908.
Democracy was out in full
force at Johnson's Mills Thurs-
day. Preparation for this Dem-
rally had been going on
for two weeks. It had been
heralded through thin community
that Hon. T. W.
date for attorney general and
Hon. Jno. H. Small, candidate
for congress, would arrive from
A procession of one hundred
young led by two of Pitt
and sweetest
young ladies. , horse back, met
these two distinguished speakers
at the station, was
in this the Ayden
brass band, give to
Democracy the ring of At
o'clock, L. H. Cox. chief
r d that this
procession of
Democracy was in sight of
Johnson's Mills There were
already present fully eight
con of men,
and children from the
oldest to the youngest The old
gray-haired J interrupted with aD-
The greatest applause
I of the day came when he sub-
Three Buildings Destroyed and an
Norfolk, Va. Oct. 20.-A fire
. . . that started at this morning
Discussed National, State and County
Politics Aeolian Band Furnishes
Were Present
C. F. WHITE AND A. B. KITTRELL Town Will Erect Nice Building Some-
is own Ian
n party, but
called for
pealed what they
each other. H-
to know more am
than he did. M r.
He r.--
. -d said about
lid they ought
u each other
Craig was f re
A large audience assembled in
Masonic Temple opera house, Fri
day night, to hear the speech of
Congressman John H. Small,
ladies being among
them. The Aeolian Band was
present and enlivened the
with excellent music.
After an introduction by Chair-
man P. C. Harding, of the
county executive committee,
Mr. Small spoke for some over
an hour filling his hearers
-m which they expressed
in frequent applause. Mr. Small
first referred briefly to notional
issues, then gave the
rec rd of the two parties in
Carolina. point-
corruption and bad
government when the
cans were in control, contrasted
with th- honest administration
and good government under
Democratic control.
babes that they
trained up in the way that
should go, the good history
to pledge anew their faith in the Bryan from tn Chicago con
principles of Democracy, and 1896 to the White
demonstrate to these people that J Q people e
I never heard a greater speech.
I At the of Mr.
they arc not forgetful of what
the Democratic party ha done
them in the past. It was
Democracy's day, and if there j
was a present he was I
silent in seven languages.
The band had arrived, and
when it struck up on
the old headed war
got young again.
Hon. T. W. Bickett and Hon.
Jno- H. Small, amidst a great
demonstration of enthusiasm,
were escorted to tho platform,
while the band played
H. W. Whedbee introduced
Hon. T. W. Bickett, in a
Mr. Bickett spoke for an hour
and a half, and our people have
never heard a greater speech.
If it be true in politics, that as
you sow so will you reap, there
will not be a Republican in this
section of the county on
3rd. next. This can
not to Mr.
speech, and will not even at-
tempt to give a synopsis of it.
Hon. Jno. H. Small was next
introduced by Col. F. G James.
In a great speech Mr. Small
expounded the principles of
The people listened to both of
these speeches attentively, and
when the speeches were over
the people is good
for us to be
Our people were not forgetful,
and when the speaking had fin-
there was barbecue, chick-
en, turkey and everything good
to eat. There was enough left
to feed two hundred people. In
all it was a fine day for our great
party, and the spirit of
racy is abroad in the land.
Craig's speech Hon. Jno. H.
Small, our well known congress-
man, spoke for on.; hour. Most
of his speech was devoted to
State issues.
The old time Democrats, who
had traveled for miles to hear
these eloquent men, went away
The Ayden band furnished
music for the occasion, was
a Democratic day and Farmville
will the same old majority.
i a time seriously threatened
this city with a disastrous con-
the in
lire in a district thickly
surrounded by name buildings
and a stiff breeze blowing at
time. A fortunate shifting in
the direction the wind great
aided the firemen in get-
ting control of situation, so
that by a little past o'clock
tin danger over.
The fire was discovered in
the rear of the store
C. F. Brown, No. Washing-
ton street ii-is holding and
the Jockey adj in-
in destroyed,
toe stuck of the
Hardware Co,
Every stall in the
JocKey Club was occupied
and several
rushed there to get the horses
out. An later
snowed that two and John
a boy, were miss-
an Italian
of s. story of a
near tire,
excited and Began throwing his
his mad desire to save his prop-
the father up his
months old in a mat-
tress and burled it out of the
window. The child crushed
to death in the fall to the pave-
A Tragedy Sunday Night
Shocked the Entire
the Cause.
A -it tragedy
curred h.--re
snowed us
drew of the
ling the
town on
against th
Th- .
Star., .
in i.
i a i
Mr. D. C
plans which
The plans show that th. build-
will be a hands and
en one. It will occupy
the entire spice between the
market house and the Hooker
ville Wholes-;
the walls
white pr.
and be two .
One th
devoted t-i
of our citizens are
wounded, and the
recovery very much
; occurred a little
I ck. Messrs. J. H.
I A. B. Kittrell were
he counter in Harper's
Jen partaking a
the Green-
C . a id will
if huh of these
Jurors for November Term Court.
First W Bailey, D
W B F Tripp, J W Gay,
A V Lang, Elisha D
F Lang, Peter Brown, James L
Little, L Ii Brown, H R Johnson,
F L Andrews. L J D
J W Flake, J F Cox, W
E J R Gay.
Second week-D W
J Harvey Boyd, W L Bryant, C
L Thigpen. S M Crisp, Isaac
A J T A Duke,
C D Whitehurst, M M Ewell, J F
Evans, C P Moore, W K
James Brown, It F E F
Williams. T H Bowers, C A
When he referred to education-
matters he said that there was
no county that gave better illus-
of this subject than Pitt,
for this county had made such
progress educationally that it
stood at or near the head of the
list in the State. He said Pitt
had the best county
dent in North Carolina, and that
our school buildings and
advantages were as good
as any. He complimented the
community spirit prevailing in
Greenville and Pitt county and
referred to securing the Eastern
Training school as a result of
our people working together.
Mr. Small's speech was an
excellent one and he showed
plainly why every voter should
support the Democratic ticket on
the 3rd of November.
Several of the Democratic
county candidates occupied seats
on the stage, but none of them
made speeches, all of the time
being given to Mr. Small.
will you.
Fine Potatoes.
Mr. W. F. Carroll, of
township, is taking the lead in
sweet potato raising this season.
Tuesday he brought The
tor eight potatoes of the Norton
yam variety, the combined
weight of which were pounds.
Beats Them All.
The statesman the speaking.
The editor booms the town,
lever does the popping,
The damsel turns him down.
The poet does the dreaming,
The farmer clears the woods.
The eagle does the screaming.
But. the stork delivers the goods.
Subscribe for The Reflector.
A Toast.
Here's to you, dear ladies,
May you live one thousand years,
To sort keep things lively,
In this vale of human tears.
And here's that we may live,
One thousand years, too.
Did we say thousand
No, a less a day.
we should hate to live on earth
Marriage Licenses.
of Deeds K. Williams
has issued licenses to the follow-
couples since last
Ollie Van and
V. E. Staten and Bertha A.
Moses J. Harris and Pennie V.
Ernest Jones and Hannah
Peter Bagley and Jennie John-
Nashville, Tenn., Oct.
Colonel R. Z. and Captain
Rank in, Trenton, are
the latest victims of night rider
outrages- Rankin was hanged
and into his swaying body a
number of shots were fired, the
shots causing death. Taylor is
missing, Governor Patterson has
offered reward, and has
abandoned his political campaign.
Two companies of militia are on
the way to the scene of the
Foot Lake, in the
part of the
State, and two other companies
are under arms at Memphis.
Governor Patterson reached
Union City, miles from the
scene, about midnight and in
response to his telegraphic or-
a company of militia-
men met him at the station.
Armed posses are the
s vamps and woods in the vicinity
of the lake but no trace of Taylor
or the night riders was found
The two were taken
from Ward's hotel, at Walnut
Log, carried into the woods, and
while one was hanged and shot,
the other was made away with
in some manner.
. White was on the
someone on the
to him to come in
up to the counter
to Mr. Kit-
calling him, which
plied that he had
Ir. White drew a
. Mr. Kittrell
air and held it out
to ward off the
then drew a
J three shots, the
lid, one entering
K breast above the
u i i striking him
id. Mr. Kittrell then
. the from Mr.
. s hand shot the latter
in the with the
w. upon, felling him to the
Mr. then handed the
pistol to Policeman
who the room.
Both men are dangerously
wounded. At this writing Mr.
Kittrell is said to be sinking and
it is not thought he can live
many hours. Mr. White was
taken on the morning Norfolk
Southern train to the hospital
in Washington.
It is a most lamentable tragedy
and is deeply regretted by all
people of the community,
reason can be assigned for the
difficulty except that Mr. White
was drinking and supposed he
had been Re-
i city hall will
brick front
in height.
ground fl -or will
quarters for the
and h and
the other side arranged in offices
for city clerk and
tend, of the water and
plants and storage room for
electrical A stairway
will i . up from the enter of
the front to the story
in which will mayor's
office and court room, for
the water and commission,
and a large hall for the firemen
and other meetings.
Work will begin on the build-
in a short
will you.
Mr. John S. Harris Dead.
We with regret of the
death of Mr. John S. Harris,
which occurred at his home in
Falkland township on Tuesday,
after a long illness. Mr. Harris
was about years of age. and
Candidates at
Fountain, N. C. Oct. 1908
The Democratic candidates
spoke here yesterday to
one hundred voters. Every
argument made by the
cans here a few days ago was
successfully answered and they
Mr. Allen B. Kittrell, who
on Sunday night was shot by
Mr. C. F. White, died about
o'clock this morning. While
his death was expected, this
sequel to the awful tragedy
cast further gloom over the com-
Mr. Kittrell, was nearly
years age, a widower, and
leaves eight children, three sons
and five daughters. He also
leaves three brothers and two
L. L. Kittrell, of Winterville;
W. J. Kittrell, of Grifton, and
Charles Kittrell, of
township. He has been living
in Greenville the last few years
and conducted a grocery store
on Fifth street. He was a quiet,
peaceable, hard-working man
and had many friends.
The remains were carried to
his farm near Haddock's Cross
Roads for burial this afternoon.
Daily Reflector, Tuesday.
is survived by one daughter and
four sons. He was truly a good
man, and one of county's
y best Among his
neighbors ho known as a
Ni man of exceeding kindness and
generosity, and was never known
to turn a deaf oar to an appeal
for charity or help. He was one
who loved uprightness, and his
own life was marked with the
highest honor and integrity.
His death is indeed a loss to the
requires the services of a man in
Greenville to look alter expiring
subscriptions and to secure new
business by means of special
unusually effective, position per-
prefer one with
but would consider any
applicant with good natural
salary per day,
with commission option. Ad-
dress, with R. C.
Peacock, Room Success
Magazine Bldg., New York.
The curtain has fallen over
the terrible tragedy that occurred
were defied to prove the false in Harper's Palm Garden Sunday
Wilson Firm Makes Assignment.
Wilson, N. C, Oct. Cut
Brown, dealers in men's
statements made by them.
Much good was done by the
speaking, and this section of Pitt
county will give the same old
fashioned Democratic vote.
For Sale-A four-horse farm,
. one mile south of Greenville. It
furnishings, made an is fine tobacco land and has three
to Alvin Clark for the benefit of houses. For particulars
their creditors. The and see John W. Tucker.
we to live their
And learn th, t you had passed m not yet given OUt.
night, and both participants
have passed into the beyond.
Mr. A. B. Kittrell, as has
ready been stated, died here at
o'clock Tuesday morning, and
a little past o'clock that after-
noon the wires brought the in-
formation from the hospital at
Washington that Mr. C P. White
was also dead. His mother,
sister and one brother had gone
train and were with him when
the end came. The remains
were brought to Greenville on
the evening train.
Charles F. White was years
of age and eldest son of Capt.
and Mrs. C. A. White.
the parents he is survived by
three brothers, Messrs. S. T,
J. B. and R. C. White, and one
sister, Mrs. J. L- Fleming.
The funeral took place at
o'clock this afternoon, interment
being in Cherry Hill cemetery.
Services was conducted at the
grave by Rev. M. T. Plyler.
The pall bearers Messrs.
R. C. Flanagan, J. C. T in, H.
W- Whedbee, J. L. A.
H. Taft, F. M. Wooten, R. L,
to Washington on the morning Carr and T- R. Moore.
. o

Eastern reflector, 16 October 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 16, 1908
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