[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
Thieve, in
i mi
in Charge of F. C. NYE
, Eastern lot and Vicinity- Advertising Application
j Mrs. Will and children,
f see Mr. Hunsucker at the A. G. here this week.
-lo Cox Manufacturing before The ministers confer
. W. ,. King, Of
re their
S- .
t. i
V. T U King
. f
i,. bar ii Co.
. F. Chapman
i; m lay
your early.
Little left this
to visit
i. ;.
conference of
la the church was attend-
ed by large congregations at each
service. Dr. St. Clair preached
Wednesday and Friday nights
and Elder Peden on Thursday
The conference closed
Friday but there will be services
and Sunday.
Elder Fred left this
morning for Hickory Grove
church to fill bis regular appoint-
rushing and
that you
morning for
A of best Hour just in
Harrington, Barber Co.
R. v. H. King left Thursday
where hi will fill
. Sunday.
. i
j in
. ii
The Pitt Co. School Desk am I today and tomorrow.
, going. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Barnhill
d you will never re-; left this morning to visit relatives
. . .-,;. and i the river.
. , teak or the The A. Cox Manufacturing
market Send your order to A. Co. has a full supply of the fa-
you warn up-to- Co. Win- Welded Fence.
date runabout you had G. ; Call to see them.
bet r give him an d Rev H. E. Tripp hi
Several of our young men at- , . -f Inge regular appointment at the
tended the play at Ayden Thur ear load of lime, A. a g here
day night. . . x r,,,,.;,,., night.
For hay. corn, and feed f
all kinds go to Pro
Miss Novella Bunting.
Bethel, is spending a time Rev. Strange, Bishop
all kinds go to Pro- , . East
duce Company door to post- J will preach at the Episcopal
f Thursday night.
here friend, here
and always ; invited.
on the A. D. C St re, it Go Miss Mamie Bryan, of Onslow.
nice drawn entered School,
A. large lot of wee selling them today.
. , p Harrington has returned I
Barber Co, from northern cities where he
Baker and sister. Miss Friday afternoon.
goods. He is one of our i
man was here Toss-
afternoon looking after in
, . c very best merchants and Knows
Lillian. Misses and Helen j One the prettiest c ;
. ft Co are adding R. H.
to their bugles Florence of
Lou on her way home ho.,.
to Friday evening. evening for her work near
We always have a nice line of of W. H. a. , ,
fresh on hand. toM A. one of our
H. Hun- cS morning
sucker took in the carnival Fri-1 examine our men's
day night. I c A have attending court at
Remember the Hunsucker bug-
It would be very much better
if all men were honest. How
good it would be if every man
would accept the idea that
is the best and
carry it out by its own example.
But all men are not honest and
it is useless to expect such a con-
of things in this wicked
world, men will take
advantage of others whenever
opportunity comes to them.
If men will steal in spite of all
that can De said and done they
should go at stealing as a
and take the chances of
being caught and punished.
Then the people would find it
out and be looking for them.
But this is not the way most
men steal- go into
every trade
These callings are often used as
cloaks for their Some
of them are doctors, same den-
and Others
Some ire lawyers take what
men have to get them out of a
little trouble, some stock dealers,
some horse traders, some mill
men and some ate politicians
who sell out the people after
hey arc elected. Some are en
merchants who take advantage
of customer.-- or w house-.
Some are laborers who kill time
when they should be at work.
some are employers who beat
the employees of their
Some are landlords who take
advantage of their tenants while
others are tenants who steal
from land owners. Net a few
are farmers who steal in dealing
with people of Other trades.
Sometimes thieves are
editors and teachers.
Thieves in business are in the
minority among the people in
the different lines of business.
Most people and especially
with enough intelligence to
do business, want to do about
A Paying
Mr. John White, of Highland Ave ,
troubled with a couch every winter
spring, l tried many ad-
but the cough con-
I bought a bottle of
Or. King's Nev. Discovery; before that
was half gone, the was all gone.
This winter the same happy result
followed; a few more ban
the annual cough. I am now
convinced that Dr. King's New Dis-
is the best of all cough and
lung Sold under guarantee
mi mi. L. Drug Store.
and Trial bottle free.
Into Every
On People
Raleigh. N. C, Sept. 29th
national reputation
have been assigned to North
So Tired
It may be from bat
the are U from an In-
active LIVER. m
With n conducted LIVER
one can d of labor
It adds I hundred per cent to
It can In
by, and by
it. I
how that I am
as 800.1 a Democrat .-any man
Carolina during October, which who v ,.,, ,, i and
will much to the life of the
campaign Democracy is waging
with every assurance of success
us xi to confine
my to fusing my
. drink when
in the State and in the nation as he ,; i,.,, g him he
well. Probably the most hag n, P too hard to It
feature of the State cam- . , Hon. Cy. Watson
will be the appearance of ., .,,.,, much left,
Democratic Walter Murphy is
discussions of tariff
with as much humor as if no
drought were in and with
. logic us m senator.
By nomination of a
ts n st at the lead . the
ticket and th. omission of
question from
it. i.- where it
the pale of
party politic-, and as the
people of the State have
settled it.
Hon. Jno, W. Ker
nominee for vice president, at
Guilford Ground, near
Greensboro, Oct. 6th, which is
to be made a great national
He speaks also at Ashe-
on 5th, and on the 7th
during the Piedmont fair at
Winston Salem. Mr. Kern is
measuring up to that could be
hoped for in vice presidential
timber, and f no more he is known
the m ire grows in public
fine cam-
will have its affect.
Hon. John Sharps Williams,
leader of the minority in
and by bis State for Look For the Ticket.
the senate, will speak at New
l; i n Oct. Hon. Ollie James,
who made more fame for himself
as an orator In the
national convention than anyone,
else, will some speeches in
the State. Hon. Henry D. Clay
ton, will peak
i Republican State platform
its that local self-government
the thing and this being
translated means that
Republican party, without
. so, favors local option in
matter of the whiskey traffic.
do business, want to do . . Cox is an
what they consider right, though p. and the
et will rut appeal to the wets
as it would have
led to them had the head of
tin in act in such a
. . .-,,
way as to throw suspicion
I-,, the State for Oct. 5th to 10th. I
others no matter how hard y p led to them had the head of
S to do right It should be have been. , n of
some -g of
should be by people in . . , . He i the question is, will not
are still going. Call to see The seals in the
our nice stock of runabouts be-, have been covered J
fore you buy. Prices are inter cloth which adds greatly to their
and comfort. Kev.
H a will Made Trail of Black
. ,. AL
Chickens and eggs a specialty.
Come and get the best prices.
Barber Co.
Mrs. W. H. Rouse and children
returned to Greenville Friday
his regular At th
conclusion of the morning service
of will be
cook stoves are among
till t
Bay and HUM at A. W. Angel the best We have them at prices
j that will interest you. We also
Mrs, Ernest Manning came in line of heaters and
Friday night to visit relatives. piping. Harrington. Barber
Our large line of men's pants Co.
has just been and
are right too.
MUs Louise Satterthwaite
Mrs. M. G. Byran has returned
home from a visit near Stokes.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
went to this morning. Co. are now in position to sup
Your children are accustomed; ply you with their Tar Heel
to having good comfortable chairs Carts, box bodies and Tumbling
at home and certainly they; bodies. Prices made right Call
ought to have a comfortable desk i and see th. m.
in the school room So much Harrington. Barber St
depends upon the comfort of our, Rev. J. B. Jackson of Fair-
Many a boy came in
girl has had his health injured
permanently by neglect along
this line. Let us give our child-
school rooms and they will nail
with delight the time the
of school. Give our desks
a trial and be convinced.
Chester Harriss left this mom-
evening to spend a short while
with relatives.
You builders will do well to
A W. for win-
and doors before buying.
Kev. St. Claire, D. U.
will preach dedicatory sermon
at the Free Will Baptist
Albany, Ga., Sept -There
is a reign of terror among the
inhabitants of a consider-
able portion of Baker
and Miller counties, as result
of a raid by Sat-
night, the trail of the out-
laws being marked by black-
ruins of thirteen
churches and school
The night riders
their ht a point three;
miles east of Kestler. re the
first church was fired. The
galloped away toward the East,
before the glare of the
fire had reached its height, n
other was being kindled a few
miles away, Fire followed i
and the destruction of
building to which the torch was j
applied was complete.
nothing for granted, and are the question is, will not
prosecuting a fine campaign Republican orators take that
every township
trying to run
year's campaign on past wet voters We think so.
Even upon the settled therein lies the danger of
of a Republican
are The
Carolina of fair is W the many dream, of Demo-
as it is explained, for
instance, by Hon. W. A. Self, I We want to see Senator Over-
that it has been settled in adman sent back-would rather
the him returned than any other
of the times. man we know my thing about,
people this and therefore those who are
question people have rub shouting about what
says Mr. Self, who opposed pro- can do had better look well to
him entirely although I their fences and see to it that
carefully as to the men by the properly ex- the legislative ticket is all right
we expect to deal with and if will of the people of the in some of counties.-Fair-
State, and with me that Everything.
every kind of business if we are
co have thrift, but no man should
take advantage of
just because h.- c in do it.
Thieves in business dealings
treat some people right because
they know no ether course will
do. They treat others right
sometimes to chance to
steal later.
What shall we with the
m business The correct
answer is very easy. Let bun
alone. Don't to him t. try
to get even with him or beat
him in making a trade but let
him entirely alone. We should
any of them are reputed on good
authority to be tricky dis-
honest we should avoid any and
all dealings with them. Such a
course would do great good as it
would have a tendency to purify
the business world and would
give patronage to men who de-
serve it. There are plenty of
Bank of
In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business July 10th.
Found His Mule.
honest men in every town and Loans and stock
with whom you can Overdrafts Surplus funk 400.00
deal. We do rot any and fixtures profit
to be suspicious but hope that,.
all thieves in business will be,
found Herald. c
to Sunday at nil home At three o'clock Sunday he will
over the river. also preach a sermon to the
For A house and lot con- Masons at the academy,
located to business i am now in northern markets
Saturday night Boyd,
white, a stock feeder on
Avon firm, which belongs to
Mr. J. a
mills from the farm, a
from a
Sunday morning at o'clock.; by and drove to Grin.- . .
Prom there he arc,
it U took the train at
this point for unknown.
During the meantime Mr.
section of town, with good barn purchasing our fall stock. They
and stalls. G. A. Kittrell, Win- will be in soon. Give us a call
N. C. be convinced we have
Mi. and Mrs. R. went lone of the lines of goods
to Greenville this morning.
Remember the Tar Heel
wagons and carts made by the
A. G. Cox Co.
N. C. For
and service they cannot be
and his
were where the mi n
and had gone.
day Mr. Hester, who about
a mile south of town. t
he hi
found the mule in hit field.
Mr. went
The fourth quarterly eon
of the Methodist church
was held Sunday night after
services by Rev. A.
I. ., The board
J. L. Little, A. h. Ellington,
R. A, C.
r. A. Person, J. W. G. E.
is, b. T. Hooker, J. K.
Hart and Cobb.
L H. Supt. S. la.
R. L. Assistant Supt.
, . I, ill .
notes am
i- s. notes
taxes paid
Bills payable
th. is true to best of
and sworn to before me,
of July.
James R. Johnson,
I Public.
G E Lineberry
W B Directors.
in town. J. F. Harrington.
Miss Bettie Warren and her.
Sunday school class
day here Wednesday on a
Subscribe fox The R fleet r. W I
a hp
and turned I.
No one knows where the wagon
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Year
father murders son.
State Superintendent J. Y.
Coroner Hold, and Jury Hold. Joyner has just returned from
aS of the Crime I Greenville. In company with
Committed members of the budding com-
he has been inspecting
About supper time Friday e-. work Eastern Carolina
Jonas Warren, a white nun
living near
n i ON i To
killed his year old son.
Dr. Charles
county went today
to hold n inquest, and the
of the jury
Warren came to his death from a
gun shot wound in hands of
At the inquest Mrs. E
Warren, wife of Jonas Warren,
testified that her husband had
been drinking for three weeks
and went home drunk Friday.
Daring the afternoon he
with the children and in
a humor, but continued
drinking. At supper he told her
to make him a toddy and while
she was doing so ho b ac-
of wrong thing. He
jumped up and cured her and
said he was going to kill her.
He took a gun from the rack and
started out the front door where
she followed him when he
snapped the gun at h.-r. He gave
the gun to Ollie and told the boy
to bring him some more shells.
Jonas bad two shells in his
pocket. As they ail were going
in the house Jonas said he was
going to shoot Ollie and did so
Several were
ed at the inquest the testimony
going to show that the murder
work there is progress,
very said the sup-
satisfactory and the
school promises to be one the
best-equipped and most
of the educational institutions of
the and in South, for
that matter. In two of the
buildings the brick work is com-
and two others are now up
to the second story.
Saturday. The
county candidates were there to
make initial speeches of the
campaign, and with them were
Hon. J. W. Bailey, one of the
electors-at-large and Hon- B. F.
Aycock, candidate for corpora-
commissioner. The
Brick warehouse was
Operation. and Cotton i. Held
for Hither Price.
We bad hoped that the spirit
At seven o'clock this morning , u
County Candidate, and Hon. J. W. in the Baptist church Ce. and Cotton i. Held
and B. F. Make large lumber of friends
Crowd Present, gathered to witness the
Mr. J N. Hart, of Green-
The Democratic campaign E.
Pitt county had airing
Just before the bridal party
entered church a beautiful
and solo was sung
by Mr. M. Leslie Davis. The
Find Matter.
To His Honor. H. Allen, Judge
Presiding at the September
Term f Pitt County Superior
We, the grand jury for
.,, term of Pitt county
its appearance in Eastern
Carolina, but the
has come that even this sec-
is not free from such out-
seats for the audience and a
stand with flags, and a
large crowd assembled to hear
C. M.
fully submit the following re-
We visited the county a
a body and found it k pi
The sanitary condition id jail
must be above the our
commissioners having
I installed a m rage
for which they
v------o- , We think th-
Willis, of Beaufort. I was placarded with notices warn M ,
bride entered with the owners that , they
wedding march was play d by rages. We learn that much
Miss Bessie Taylor as the bridal excitement prevails among the
party entered. Martin county
The Others were H. of the fact that on Monday
. ,., The ushers were Messrs. n- .
Brick warehouse was d f Norfolk, cotton gin in
arranged tor the speaking with w. . placarded with notices w
grounds contain or the speakers. Many ladies lent
acres. The grading of this land I their presence to the audience
has teen completed. One of the I and band furnished
most eminent landscape musk.
in this country planned the j County Chairman, F. C. Hard-
grounds and located the build- inK introduced the county
dates, each of whom spoke brief-
so as to give more time to the
State officers who were to follow.
After an introduction by ex-
Senator J. L Fleming. Mr.
Bailey spoke with emphasis upon
national He is a brilliant
speaker and he vividly portrayed
most cease or the
would bu destroyed.
brother, Mr. J. B. Hellen, and
the groom with Mr, Jesse .
of Greenville. The told that on the same night
ceremony was performed notice was posted
We are
. . ., , j i
The location is indeed ideal.
No more beautiful grounds can
be found anywhere, when they
are completed. The grounds
contain a beautiful forest of
native growth, including
tic oaks, holly, birch and nearly
at Fountain,
holly, speaker
every forest growth of eastern attitude of t and the Re-
Carolina. There is an unusual party toward trusts and
combination of hill and valley. monopolies,
plain stream. I Ex Representative J. J. Laugh-
people of Greenville -d Mr. AycocK,
of Pitt county, are investing
in this plant. The
B. W, of Kinston.
After the ceremony a large
number of friends the For several u,,.
couple to the Norfolk ft Southern have been at work in
St where they took the train j Kentucky and Virginia. wince
for New York to spend a number of tobacco
honeymoon. They were warehouses were destroyed and
far as New by Mr,.; recently a cotton gin it
Charles and Miss Bertha j county was -burned, but the e
Hellen, sisters cf the bride. j placards in Martin and
Mr. and Mrs. Hart will come counties are the first
in this section of the
it is awful to thin that the
parties guilty of posting these
placards are very serious in it.
good to come
to Greenville about, the 16th.
Mitt River Become. Bride of
Dr. J. J. Barefoot, Jr.
trustees have been unusually
f in the time of building.
and in my opinion they are going ,
. . th State and for the i
We can see no
The marriage of Dr. it but on the contrary
who in a telling manner and danger may result. It is
leading State issues. was solemnized Wednesday j a defiance of law and order, and
of Republican misrule at the home of g of the right- of ethers
and extravagance was strong and friend. Mrs. Charles I man should
to get for the State
was a very brutal one. Upon value
the verdict of the jury Warren .
was brought to Greenville and
committed to jail.
money expended than has been
and for
for the interest
. on South street
showed ; . .,., ., ,,,. v but I
The large audience showed, was g very pretty wedding but
inch interest in the speeches. , t relatives
very quiet, only near relatives, CUT AND ON ROAD.
Now i. the Time to Build.
If you are ever going to build
a frame house, do it now. This
is upshot of an elaborate
argument in the current issue of
Suburban Life. Lumber and
other building materials, it is
commonly known, have fallen
more than anything else in the
recent business depression; food-
stuffs have not been greatly
in price, but extension of
plant of all kinds have been held
up with a resulting sag in values
of all structural material in
every part of the country
But this is only half the
As soon as business resumes its
normal proportions again,
ban Life maintains, the products
of the rapidly vanishing forests
will go kiting upward to
figures. Certainly the ex-
of the last six years-
up to last October's depression-
justifies this view, and our
waste, through forest fires
this year, points only more clear-
to a dwindling supply of what
must long be the oasis of our
popular building operations.-
From the Boston Transcript.
obtained on a public contract in
many years.
architects, Messrs. Hook,
of Charlotte, and Simpson, of
and was great enthusiasm. friends of the j
It is evident that the campaign j present.
in the county is going to be performed by Rev. Dr,
very active one and it may be j of First
of Charlotte, looked for that Pitt will give a
New Bern, are giving the work Democratic majority.
and inspection
close attention and inspection
and seem to be taking great
pride in it. The contractors are
citizens of Greenville and seem
also to be taking local pride in
the building.
Jarvis, chairman of
the executive committee, is
a warm personal, as well as
public interest, in the
of the work, and is giving,
a great deal time for it. When
completed the State will have a
plant to be proud of, and the
school will be second to none of
its class in the
church. The wedding
march was played by Mrs. Allen
Saturday night Mr. Gaston
Clark was seriously cut on the
Skat Fired Into Norfolk and Southern
Because pretty Miss Lorine
Whitfield. of Middlesex, had
been to a party the night before
and was leaning back in her
march was played by Mrs. Allen Grey Chocowinity town-
Taft, of Greenville, a cousin of and o'clock,
the bride. There were no at- rank and Frank
the bride entered j supposedly as the result,
the room on the arm of All of
groom. She Was gowned in a
an altercation. All
. and the vein
handsome brown suit severed on the left side of
hat and gloves and carried a L and an incision five
shower bouquet of of on reaching to the
neat ard
have kept the jail.
We also visited the county
home in a body and found
in good shape. We heard
of no complaint whatever from
any of the inmates, say they
are well fed and being treated
well. We visited each house
separately and found th
pants perfectly satisfied and
contented. Their and
beds are all kept neat and dean,
which speaks well for
in charge He to
take an interest in his work,
to make what he can on
the farm. He also
nice hogs and milk cows. We
find that the yard is
also the cemetery, and under
the present conditions v.-hive
no suggestions to make. We
understand that a former grand
jury have suggested the ale of
cur county home for the
of purchasing one in a more
suitable place. We are of the
same opinion, provided that a
larger farm can be purchased in
a suitable location at a r. son-
price. A great deal of Car.- and
judgment should be used
in making change.
We went in a body to Pitt
county's convict camp,
found Mr. Joe in
charge with his full force at
work, he men with
kindness, all seemed to be mi k-
willingly, having no c m-
WOO .----
seat last night, sweetly sleeping The and groom
her soul is not now somewhere be-1 t for a ten trip to Wash-
the stars. And New York and other
Train. Go Through to Washington.
The Norfolk Southern pas
train which has been
operating between Greenville discussed at a
and Raleigh, leaving here at
a. m., and returning at p. m.,
will beginning next Monday be
changed to start from Washing-
ton instead of Greenville. We
believe this change will be con-
and helpful.
Mr. L. Joyner to United
State. Tobacco Association.
The 8th annual convention of
the Tobacco Association of the
United States will be held in
Richmond, Oct. 9th and 10th.
Some weeks ago Mr. L.
Joyner was invited to be present
and deliver an address on this
occasion and we see from the
program that is being mailed to
members of the trade that he
will address the convention Fri-
day evening, 10th, at Jefferson
hotel auditorium. His subject
will be relation of the to-
grower to the tobacco
a subject probably never
before discussed at a convention
of tobacco dealers and
but as the representative
of a tobacco business
organization that has an
record of success Mr.
Joyner is specially qualified to
discuss the subject.
Mr. E. W. Wells, of Virgilina,
Va., was also in the arms of
Morpheus, he is live and well
today. These were passengers
on the Norfolk and Southern
train that arrived at Raleigh at
o'clock last night in charge of
Conductor When the
train was about a half mile from
Wendell station, running at about
points north and
News and Observer.
plaint whatever to make of
It will be of much interest to
the many friends of Miss Bertha
Patrick to know of her
marriage to Mr. V. E.
of Bethel, N. C. which
miles an hour, a rifle ball event will be solemnized at the
through the car home f
window and went directly over Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Mr head. This gentle- Wednesday evening, Oct. 14th,
man was sitting pretty low in his at half after three clock.
Teat and was asleep. Had he j Owing to a recent death in the
windpipe, was made on the right
side of his face and
were taken by
Dr. P. A. Nicholson. The
timely arrival saved the
man's life, as he would soon
have succumbed from of
blood A brother of the wound-1
ed man, Fred was
him, and claims he was robbed
by Nobles and Harding. The
men are in hiding, and have not
been apprehended.
Mr- Clark is resting well at the
home of his brother, and it is
thought he will recover.- Wash-
The camp is well
managed and kept neat. Mr.
is doing did
work with the through-
out the county in improving our
roads, bridges, etc.
We would cm,
been sitting erect the bell would
have struck him in the head.
The ball went through the car
family of the bride-elect, no in-
are issued, as it will be
a quiet marriage witnessed by
bushels feed and seed
w i . .-r.-
out of a window on the only a few intimate friends and
other side, two windows back relatives. After their marriage
over and in front j the couple will leave for a trip to
of Miss face. News northern cities.
and Observer.
Tobacco Price. Up.
Swallowed a Pin. There is some good tobacco
Peed, a little son of coming to market now and it is
swallowed a pin Friday bringing old time The
evening and was taken to the are plenty of piles that sell for
Son hospital Sunday to have to cents a pound, and some
an operation performed. higher,
have not heard whether the pin
Forget Your Trouble.
Mr. Hughes knows that every-
body has enough troubles of his
or her own circle without having
to go to the opera house to see it.
I And he has constructed his show
along this line. If you want to
be happy, follow the merry
crowd the opera house, Mon-
day and Tuesday nights, Oct.
and and forget your troubles.
Court Adjourned Saturday.
Superior court, after
the full two weeks term,
adjourned Saturday evening and
has been located or not.
to Citizenship
At the recent term of Pitt
Virginia gray turf oats and court J. J. Page, of
at F. V. Johnston's township, who had been dis-
adjourned Saturday e franchise d. was restored to
Judge Allen and Solicitor opposite W a
Lows an Arm,
A colored boy named Dick
Gilbert was run over by a Nor-
folk Southern train near
Washington on Saturday, and
one arm was cut off. The boy
had gone to sleep on the track
and rolled between the rails.
to the magnificent
which just
at tar
river. There is also bridge of
the kind e v of
at Both of
these bridges do our county
credit and we can only speak in
the highest terms of our county
commissioners in having so faith-
fully performed their ; s.
And we take pleasure in record-
their names in full as Pitt
county's faithful
W. John Z. Brooks, D. J.
Holland, M. T. Spier and N. T.
We also visited the
register of
offices, finding everything in first
class shape, showing that we
have officers that are thoroughly
capable in every way to look
after our county affairs.
We are glad to make mention
of the work being done by the
order of our county
in re-indexing our county
records. The work is being done
by Register of Deeds R. Williams
thorough and -r.-1 way
and will be a I. good.
officer in the years to
A. G, Cox,
Foreman of the Grand Jury
left for their homes.
t R. L. Davis J. A. V foe, J i. little, st-
and Accident
,. .
g i
i. M OF
i E
. Wend be
. ,. on s
on . vie
j . .-. . I .
. I. .
. I
. . i . i
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, I .
Capital 25,000.001
i 1-0,000.00 j
Ca Profits 65,000.00
. . . .
I It
-i . . .
r .,
i Atlanta.
. .
is at i as coin
, .
Our . v in
. f- d
t established
h between Raleigh N, C. I
p m.
a. m.
. . a. OH
or n
. i I i
. . i in
i . Ml
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mi ;. . I
pro .
lines I at
Norfolk, Va.
,., .
p, y .
this first in
. how its .
. Lo ban ;
dance .; these m ,
Sta. laws is . ; I
i . ,. tram s
l . and I
v i. th
. WILL ;
V I- S M G
. been two years, during
which served banking faithfully and
. i ; business. The best service
is j goo- for both our town and country customers.
and ire well-to-do bus
There ire in the selection of -our bank, have permanency
in view i your and future well
being with a sound bank.
The National Bank of Greenville
Capital Stockholders liability
F. G. JAMES, Pres. J. P.
. I. h to it i T I
a m . i co y
; who i.- lacking in the
work of this association.
I have n said
elsewhere that we have the
I association that
I j exists any where, and feel that
its usefulness and power ought
I to he increased v,
i come and go. can he done
I by an earnest and active intend
in work by all of us. I l
that it is only necessary
I to your attention to the
I importance of attendance upon
meeting, in that you may
have your at once
to do your part in
future. enthusiastic begin-
will insure better results
than have ever been had hereto-
You are cordially invited to
f at o'clock
i Saturday. October 10th. 1908.
Supt. of Schools Pitt County.
Mr. Whit at th W
building near court every W
day, rolls, and Or-
filled anywhere it tow. Ire
king t Co.
John Doe
Greenville, N. C, Aug.
as i oW
The above is a specimen Deposit Receipt given for money deposited.
Dollar for dollar, there is no stock, bond, note, nor investment in Pitt county more secure
than a Deposit receipt given by
In addition to Capital Stack, Surplus, Stockholders, Liability, Officers bonded.
Burglary Insurance, State Supervision, and all other usual safeguards, IT IS SECURED by the
best guarantee that any bank any where can give its customers, to CONSERVATIVE
f, under strict supervision of a competent Board of Directors.
Should you have any business of kind in our line we gladly sere you.
Send Job Work to The Reflector.
and Health.
is the elixir
v .
. g P
., .,,. the m
I ; t i
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braces, M ; v . . who I .
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builds for to-morrow, the break of ,
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really builds.
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. bound O. K. at n.
to U
A Sure-E Knocker.
. halve a n
mt to Green- , A y.
Wednesday mat wonderful a V
Frank Stokes returned from
ti in
went out into
Miss Mollie Harper has return-
ed home from quite an extended
visit Gum Swamp.
Harper and Roy Stokes
burns, etc,
Prepared His Own
Morganton, Sept. 30.-From
th o r I t on cot up and went
out. her very
r hands and MR n up .
u could not them. d
with a look on
lose of the medicine in the
water into it and stirred
a .
went to Greenville Thursday j details which have just i
after noon lo attend the
Sam Harper and Frank Stokes
went to Ayden Saturday
Edgar Causey spent Sunday
afternoon very pleasantly in
the city.
We continue to hear the wed-
ding bells and there
will be several weddings here in
the near future.
Ar ,
Morganton from the country the
that ever
curred in the State n I
Monday night about six miles C. S
la ill.
T. tad a
are com m
from here.
Will Mull who had been
and drinking heavily for
sometime past went to his home
; dark in company with Ed.
Mull, a companion, and while in
. .
I m,
AU people who .
invited to be i
U and stirred , companion. and while in
went to, drunken fit he drove hi. family
succeeded. Greenville Wednesday. home with a razor and
L. H. Stokes went to Green- when his
dose, this . went off to sleep.
dose. this
time w were almost into Le
was to leave the train. I gave
The bottle to the husband to he in
case another should be needed
Coward Woolen.
On Wednesday afternoon at
5-30 o'clock Mr. Jasper Taylor,
of Bethel and Miss Lottie Ward
of ton, were married in the
parlor of Hotel Bertha, Justice
H. Harding performing the
The couple had eloped
and came here to be married
After the ceremony they drove
back to their home.
ville Wednesday.
J. G. Stokes went to Greenville
T. B. Stokes and W. B. Mayo
went to Greenville Friday.
Marshall went to
Greenville Friday.
J. D. Stokes vent to
dine Saturday night.
Watt Chapman and family
spent Sunday at W. B. Harper's
Gray Moore and family spent
Sunday at L. B.
G T. Stokes and family spent
Sunday at W. H. Harrington s.
Roy Stokes, Frank Stokes and
-.- .,,
things got quiet he and his be intended
companion went off to sleep.
Ed Mull, the companion, was
aroused by Will, who was piling
time the Mi
colored. He is
anting a silk Arm that la i
to establish a silk mill in p c
Greenville which will w ,
Industrious people to this
C g Smith, who well
white and colored, yOU SURE
MS .
. n
. .
, be i
Don't be afraid
Tobacco Sale for September.
bed clothes and furniture on the
fire, and was told to get out or
would be burned up,
Ed tried in vain to get the Harvey, secretary of the
to leave the burning house but he of Trade reports
would not. Ed went to the m
and saw Will crouched in t
one corner of the room, sullenly
waiting his doom. Wilt soon
raised himself up and with a cry
ran into the midst of the flames
and was consumed. I
Nothing was left of his body and
J p. Stokes spent Sunday at H. I e. pounds.
the Greenville markets for the
month of September were 4.094.-
pounds at an average price
of , .
The total sales for bath August
; at I
; riders
. . .-. pi
By the ii
The cotton
by th- Department
condition of the crop on
of a normal, on Au-
67.7 on
September .
1906; d G the i he
past ten years on September
v k.
D. J. WHICH ARD, Proprietor
Entered as record ch Jan. at the at Greenville. N
C r Congress of March 1878
in to
Just four weeks to the
Just as well run that straw hat
into winter quarters.
They are going let have
a pint a day in Charlotte.
Roosevelt has jct the worst of
the letter writing and has de-
to quit.
It is time for Hearst to take
the cue of Roosevelt and hold
upon letter writing.
The president says son-in-law
Nick is talking much, and
has called him down.
There is u call for
to the campaign fund, and
now is the time to subscribe.
When a up n of
Mr. Bryan he nails it, but there
are those vim keep
resenting him.
There is a play about
I he state call.
and it seem- i hat
its name imp.
remind you t
some garment
hid away
week see
record can i
Mr. Tuft is so busy making
speeches that he even crowds
them in mi Sundays. Same
thing with Mr. Roosevelt's let-
Roosevelt may think he is
making something for Taft bf
his numerous open letters
Bryan, hut he is making
chances surer.
It is an day when Mr.
an and Mr. Roosevelt fail to ex- need to fee
change letters. of the report of the
jury to the court. It
The people of Pitt county conditions that can be
going to hear some good at with pride.
between now and the
Some of the best speakers We hear that in some sections
in the State will be here. of Pitt county Republicans are
busy, on the quiet, organizing
In Beaufort county the
publican and Democratic
dates for county offices have
ranged a joint canvas and are
looking for some lively times.
What do you think would hap-
pen to the public schools of Pitt
county if the Republicans were
in control Better think of
things like I hi when you go to
The comity candidates begin
th A., h-n
row. The people should turn
out and hear them at their
in the different sec-
No, th.
notifications are not
and Kern are
i Ii,
in ;
Taft and Sherman clubs. This
should remind Democrats not to
go to deep on their oars.
in New York betting is
about even on Democratic and
Republican success in the
Of course betting has
nothing to do with the result ex-
to show ill advance how
fool about it.
We are unable to see the
m effect between
holding a third term him-
self, or dictating who shall be
president and running the ad
ministration by proxy. The
people have had enough of the
The Republican national com-
is talking about .
hellion. i
running n
lie preside
Certainly the Republicans are
scared, but Democrats must not
drop back into indifference on
this account. Folks sometimes
just put up their hardest tight
when they are scared and the
Republicans will do everything
in their power between now and
the election. Democrats should
be ready to meet and route
Of course Republican office
holders can preach prosperity
and brag on the dinner
as they have the govern-
treasury to draw on, but
starving school children
in the of Chicago give the
lie to their claim. And Chicago
is not the only city where the
laboring man sees the lack of
Hon. John Sharp Williams,
who for several terms has been
Democratic leader in congress
and is now senator-elect from
Mississippi, came to North Caro-
Saturday and a great
speech to an immense crowd In
that afternoon. Mr-
Williams is the foremost Demo-
of the South he is doing
work for the of
his party in the coming election.
South Carolina, is different from
the most of them, as he ac-
the corn when con-
fronted with charge Some
letters him and the
i ice
i I and
As we understand Mr.
defense of the
was entirely proper for
Mr. Roosevelt to solicit this
money, because he intended to
Mr. and did
Secrecy was necessary be-
cause Mr. Roosevelt's motives
might have been misconstrued
by low-minded persons who
would see in the transaction a
sordid attempt on the part of
to control the
through the use of tainted
Publicity of such a
before election might
have thwarted the high moral
purpose of Mr. Roosevelt in
from his
money without giving anything
in return.
Other presidential
dates should never be permitted
to engage in similar negotiations,
because even, were
patriotic to repudiate
the moral would
not be sufficiently practical to
deceive a man like
The fact that it was Theo-
Roosevelt who did this is a
complete answer to all hostile
Having defended the
perhaps, Mr. Roosevelt
will now explain just how the
money was used, as
said, to turn votes in the
election. New York World.
If Mr. Bryan
occupying in
fourth of in s
contrary I. i .
Registration books are
open for the November
If you have never register-
sure to g -i
.-- n
. . hi. .
g i
. i. can
lie . Hickory
that his charge that Hon. B.
. date ration commission-
Let Justice be D
The News believes in one
of morality for both males
and females. The News be-
in punishing all men alike
r violation
, ii may
in a
i i what
An Indian From cf
th Gulf of
An Indian legend the
la by the and oyster-
down the shores of Hie gulf
t Mexico.
A point reaches out into I lie gulf
the mouth of the riv-
The trees on It come utmost
to the water's between lies
a of while sand; a marsh,
a of swaying and
rustling grasses a gray
cypress hanging moss of
the tree swaying In lbs wind. To the
south the blue waters of gulf
stretch away, with little waves lap-
ping on the white clam shells
of shore
There In the evening during
abort twilight one hears soft music,
If It the notes of a violin, Insist-
sweet. It Is the book of
Long years before the
Indians bad lived upon this point. The
white men, the Spaniards, came la
and with them the hostile
Warriors of other tribes, to war
an-1 to drive the out of the
country. Coming from the Inland, the
enemy took away all chance of fight
and hedged them In on the point. The
fought for days and
nights In the dark pine woods against
outnumbering foes. Then they saw
that all was useless, that they could
not overcome, and starvation stare
them In the face.
The called a council of
and talked long together. T-
give themselves up meant lives of
or death, and to fight to the
last man was to leave the women
children to the mercy of the
men their allies.
The next morning the
put on all their and trappings
and burned their wigwams. The men.
women and slowly,
unflinchingly becked step by
step Into the water behind I hem, sing-
Not one faltered. They died with
their faces toward their enemies,
brave and free, and BOW lo the even-
when the wind blows over the
marshes the pines and grasses sins
the song of the
. .
; Ii late vice-pr. It who
I he
The editor of the
Industrial News said he would
vote for if Cox was
But he is going to
This being the mouth of fairs
an-1 the finishing month of a
there is not much
danger of people finding things
lint in Hickory on
. V . I
ii along
o.-re- i .
-ere of tot
i at
pea kin
people crowd to hear
his appointments for
Raleigh .
have big week.
Raleigh will the State
fair, and will Lave a
combination of home-coming,
centennial, good roads and peace
certain occasion, is
j According to son-in-law Long-
worth. Mr. Taft is merely to
i hold down tile lid for eight
years an-1 Mr. Roosevelt is to
come back to the white in
Thai is a nice program,
but the people must be reckoned
with in the meantime.
Only two
each from John and
Henry Harris, been
handed in at The Reflector
Ii be
lowed to sell liquor on
The matter ended in the
passing of an ordinance allowing
the druggists to till prescriptions
in quantities not greater than
n t. person can gel
one prescription filled
day. A pint ought to
aw and want of
. . I of
people than the tad that
certain in, y be and
sometimes are not dealt with as
a poor man would be in a com-
Let our officers treat
all alike and lei nil men be dealt
with according to
Par off
I Hie
i Mer-
The person that stands on the
street corner looking around for
. , . . . something to gossip about or to
enough and it must L is w -u i .-. i
fault can always find
of sickness hat he is But
Hon. John W. Kern, Demo-
candidate for
dent, is in North Carolina this
week and will make several
With all the given to
the President
is going to take the stump
and deliver several speeches in fr Bryan and Kern cam-
requires that much. We pity
the conscience of any physician
who would say a patient needed
a pint of liquor a day.
behalf of Taft. He must think
that the chances of his man are
getting desperate.
They got in a hurry to call
making speeches, but we bet if
There i a call for dollar con- the truth he WM
t the
campaign fund. Those who are had on his mind
going to contribute should do sol
in a hurry.
The president says he quit
writing letters to Bryan because
the latter grew
Republican politicians took the
view that Roosevelt was hurting
the party, so they insisted on
his quitting so much writing.
It would set North Carolina
back several years if the
wore to again get control
of the State. But they are not
going to get it.
Roosevelt is itching to take
the stump and may yet do so.
He is already making a spectacle
of himself and belittling the
office of president, and if he
does take the stump he may ex-
to catch it harder than ever.
Many of his own party are dis-
at his course.
fund. If there are others
who wish to contribute they
should not be long in doing so.
Mr. Taft was getting pretty-
close to the truth when he once
said in a speech at Greensboro
that it would be better for the
Republican party if there was
not a Federal holder in
North Carolina. He will see
things moving around to that
condition after the next election.
No, we have not heard that
the Republican candidates in
Pitt county want a division of
time with the Democratic can-
in the canvas. They
are not hunting for such a fight
as they would get on their
Since the adoption of the con-
amendment, Eastern
North Carolina has been free
from the danger of rule in
This feeling of freedom
will not continue if the
can party again comes into pow-
in the State, for one of the
planks in the platform of that
party to put the ballot
back into the hands of the
If you do not want to see tho
constitutional amendment
you should vote the Demo-
In the course of an address be-
fore the American As-
at Denver Wednesday,
Wilson, of
that must have caused
his hearers to wince. He de-
today no longer
fear the government, but now
fear the power of capital. In
other words, this is the ago of
money rule. Mr. Wilson re-
minded the bankers that in the
public estimation stand
remote from the laborer and the
body of tho people, and put
whatever collies into their
at the disposal of the big
captains of industry, the great
masters of finance, the corpora-
which are id the way to
crush all He de-
that the most isolated
and the most interest
of all is
what a life he lives. His soul
shrivels and withers until it is
shown in his manner and looks.
For a person's life has lost-
its savor. It becomes sour, mis-
anthropic, He pass-
es from bail to worse and sees no
good in anybody. His taxes are
always too high, no matter how-
low they may be and ho cusses
his neighbor because his neigh-
is prosperous and enjoys
life. In fact, he hates himself,
is a menace to a town's prosper-
a foe to God and no good to
the devil. These persons seem
to be a necessary evil in every
They ought to be put
Th East Believes Too Utterly to Cars
if Others .
Prayer the en-1
the sands when i
In the desert b
rising toward
city is there, it signals
by this mute appeal
where there are mini
great wastes of the dune l
broken even by any iv b
bird, camels are II
pointed hours, the poor i
are laid down
And Hie h man car-
pet and prays, mid half naked
nomad spreads nothing, i i prays
east Is of full of
money getting and full i, . ring
Hill of violence, but I. of
I din-.-ibis con-
n ridicule or
comment, believe too to
care if others are
in many Who do pray.
They do not man who
does, like Christian.
There Is I mil rUn in In
your Nubian lie
tern of your h,
Egyptian prays by rudder
of your boat. I black ii
boy prays n red rock bi the
and, ye- camel man prays
yon are resting i-i the noontide b-
tho lost
In some wayward dream
And must not pray, too, when
you oilier certain temples where
were worship d In whom
no man now
hi Century.
In the 1898-1 so-called Demo-
there were
bank failures. In the
1007-8 panic in Roosevelt's ad-
ministration, forty-three banks
stopped payment. That is one
fact that Republican orators are
kept bury dodging.
We are led to wonder if any
one really braced Mr. Roosevelt
and had him to quit his news-
paper controversy with Mr.
an, or did the man actually see
that he was playing smash and
quit of his own accord Mr.
Roosevelt is a man that brooks
no interference with his plans or
ideas, but something hit him
caused him to wilt. But
will he stay It is
now that he has ordered
Hitchcock, chairman of the
committee, to visit him
at Washington to
the idea being that he is
with the way things are
going. Senator is
in control of the campaign
and has for weeks, so that
Hitchcock is out of it
the fact will not be an-
Nerve energy la
force that controls the or-
of respiration,
elimination. you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely
cure you. Try it.
completely, and ma
of th. grave. I skilled
but got no permanent relief.
I got so bad I had to up my
I begun taking Dr. Mile
In a few days
was bettor, and I continued
to Improve ail cured. I
am In business again, and never
Myrtle Oregon.
druggist sells Dr.
Ins. and we authority him
price of first bottle If It fag
to benefit
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
I Agent of The Eastern Reflector for and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
Heavy and fancy groceries,
tobacco and cigars at Tripp,
Hart Co.
C L- Cannon, wife and child
came up from Tuesday
are. their father,
Jessie Cannon.
you planted your gar-
den is the question every
one is asking. Woods Seed are
the best for the Sooth. You will
find all kinds perfectly fresh at
Drug Store. Don't make
the mistake of getting some
Ed. Coward and wife, who
have been visiting their brother,
W. J. have returned
to bunt- in
Tripp, Hart Co. have all
of at the very low-
est prices Don't miss them.
Ayden band will furnish
music Aycock the county
candidates t
M. M. makes the best
cold drinks that car. be made at
cold the year
round. Try
Old Content. don't need no
speaking. This white ma
Always Democratic, this
Smith Co. are running
their factory and mills- on full
time. General
and repairing of all kinds
Mrs. W. J. on v.
to friends in
R. A. Fleming, who has been
canvasing in South Carolina for
the past several weeks, has re-
Calico prints at Tripp, Hart
Co's. store, from to per
yard. Drop in and examine
The colored Odd Fellows had
a grand rally here yesterday.
There was the usual dinner,
brats band, oration, parade and
a big time generally. Every-
passed off pleasantly.
Everything at living prices in
the general line
kept by Tripp. Co.
The Ayden band
music and many were coin
spoken for
manner in
Guy Taylor and wife spent
Monday in
Mrs. Miss
Browning, who nave been h. i e
with um late W. L. Browning
luring his returned to
I Heavy and fancy grocer, to
i Km.
of spout
Mr. W. L. Browning died at his
home on Third street, after a
long and protracted illness
several weeks. Mr. Browning
j was a most excellent young man,
i greatly admired and highly es-
teemed. His was a moral and
I Christian character and
was his kindness of heart and
genial disposition appreciated as
the residence of Mrs. Agnes
Blount and the store of J. J.
Hines Co. Any one finding
same will be liberally rewarded
by leaving at store J. J. Hines
The Democratic county can-
opened in Ayden Saturday.
The interior of the Brick
warehouse had been nicely
cleaned, ample arrangements
made for seating the large
crowd present, a stage erected
and flags tastefully
and everything for the
occasion done. At the proper
hour Mr. F. C. Harding, of
Greenville, called the meeting
to order and in very graceful
manner explained its object.
x acquitted After this introduced the
county candidates who each in
turn came forward, thank-
the good people for the honor
conferred at the recent
and promised, if elected,
they would do their very best.
Next came the speakers for the
day. Mr. Bailey, Democratic
elector for Scats at large, came
first and for and hours.
a re
at th-
Friday night W. L. , ,
did the crowd
i but by their
Hart ac U on,,
a ;.
of the
was evident from the fact if he
had an enemy in the world no
one was aware of it. For a long
time he was book keeper for the
firm of the J. R. Smith
tile Co., of this place and at all
times held their confidence, and
none regret more sincerely than
they the demise of this most c-x
young business man.
He was a member of the
order and was buried Friday
with the honors of this
order. A tremendous crowd
attended his burial, the religious
services being conducted by Rev.
C. W. Howard, of Kinston, who
about one year ago united him in
marriage to Miss Lula Smith, of
this town, who survives him.
All our people truly sympathize
with the widow and the
host of their loss. All
hope they may look to Him who
giveth and who takes away and
at all times does that which is
best and good for His children,
o pleased was Mr. Joe
with the excellent
music furnished by the Ayden
he expounded Democratic truths . , ,, . , .
r band Saturday that he presented
an orator of class can. . . , .,
,, D . . , its treasurer a one
Mr. Bailey is an orator, a . , .,., , , . ,
. , . . , ., and said the band was a it
a powerful At no . ., , . . .
. j . to the town, and a citizen he
time during his entire ,. . ., .
. i was proud of it. It others with
i i j- v i
, . I the pride and enterprise
their h
. .
I greatly appreciated.
Lot me say after being sic f r
so long a time and unable
work, do realize fully what t
means to be a member of such a
generous and band
of good hearted
extend my greatest thankfulness
to Eureka for the valuable
assistance, which has been
me, and do vouch that I
will try and be a faithful K. of
P. and a good wisher of Ayden
Fraternally yours,
W. L. Browning.
Used to Make the Goobers Look
Clean and Pretty.
re them.
a ii
not .
can i
only a
mast r
i. P.
i forward and show a similar
i. would indeed
N. C, Oct.
There were so many people
went to the carnival from this
section last Friday and Saturday
that I don't think that I
name them all, but I am sure
there were sixteen Smith's that
went and Some of went
two nights, and many others
went also two or three nights,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
hon and children went to C. L.
Tyson's Saturday evening and
returned evening in lime
for Sunday school.
The farmers had a very
time saving hay last week and
they use of the time
for there was lots of it saved.
One small farmer out up more
than a stacks-
On Sunday evening they had a
nice rain tor some of the crops
but not so good for the hay crop.
Still there was lots of hay to b
moved and was
moved and lying on the ground
that was not faring very
it did not get damaged, ;
has been fine
Besides Powdered, the Kilt Ate
Brushed Pollened
The; Are t
tho Mill by Experts.
Is t, n t
it It. Ii grows faun nod la
farmer, the
lite or
That would lie .
-ii. ii, The lot
if are
roll one piece dark
while ii lei
mils make them look pretty,
Is just why her face,
ind and girls
can hot
no former roll tn the
gamer. The he i- not lit
to pet on a at lentil i It
has Up. the
the earl and
how even run as
have sorted. bow
they are and how white
how y i-i I-
nil Hie different are. Tory
;. .,. I.-, ,.,.
Is grown is
and i n who
it In -i i later
over lo mill, l a
full of
,. every
cf am dirt out of
I more Hum the farmer
have done If he bad
trying. the
on in sort mill, and
loins their
; while Is
lime come
ma. hi are as while as
. .
ii . i re
i. i-; nip n
for mar
i Of I
v rd
j i K. of wan
. .
t Ceil
a i
tun.; Besides their managers, today.
line of work they are Hooks
hogsheads w Greatest Exclusive in the World
used on this
;. . it . .
, .-.-
bee., away on . visit to in
came home Wednesday morning, Ayden very
Now Rea
New and
From Chas. A. S evens R Bros., Chicago
s Wear
iv. a u
The very flu . best
, .
a.-e the j.
and will compete with mar-
arc Lo be found the
Hart Co.
Blount came home
from a visit to Grifton
Calico prints at Tripp, Hart
Co's. store from to par yd.
Drop in and examine them.
Lafayette Ange wife,, of
Jamesville, are to be w
their nephew, W. L. Browning,
who is critically ill.
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon have
a nice lot of coffins and caskets
on hand and can furnish hearse
when desired. Give them a call
when in need of any of their
goods. This firm has a good sup
ply of first class wagons, a few
good buggies, and are run over
making hogsheads and repairing.
Truly Ed Garris, the manager,
is a busy man.
Miss Cora Long, of Rocky
Mount, who has been visiting
Mrs. Osborn Noble, has returned
to her home.
The Chesterfield and Essex
hat as displayed by Tripp Hart
and Co. are made to suit the
young and the old and are of the
Miss Myrtle Whitaker,
Kinston, is in Ayden on a visit
to friends.
The very finest and best dress
ladies and
furnishing goods, the
and will compote with any mar-
arc to be at the store
Tripp Hart and. Co.
ell .
. as c
has m;
y way
i have ready your i the complete large
books, and the of mat rials. Showing a. immense
i variety of styles In high-class man tailored suit., Spirit-
;,, Dresses, made to order to individual m
I from your own selection of materials, perfect fit and
guaranteed. a complete line of of all
Tho styles have a complete change and if you wish
garments absolutely correct and up to-dale it is imperative
that you see these fashion books and samples of materials before
for your fall and winter apparel. Through
Agents thousands of women supply their wants every season who
and has in ways been of
great help in growth and
development of our town. We
all wish him success wherever
he goes.
For valuable farm
near Ayden containing sixty two
acres of which ten acres are
cleared, same will be on
reasonable terms. For
particulars apply to
Grifton, N. C R. F. D.
y w.
Those ginghams at Tripp, Hart
Co's. store for apron and
dresses from to are beau-
M. If. Sauls has just received
a line of Std toilet
Tripp, Hart Co's. little
co pony got so badly frightened I Resources
at the train that he. Loans and discounts
had a fit and fell down, and not Overdrafts . .
until Johnnie him in the Furniture
. . . r Us, hrs
side did he rise again.
A. W. Ange, a prominent mer-
chant of Winterville, was here
Having been appointed
for precinct No. Content-
township, for the election to
be held Tuesday. November 3rd,
1908. All persons of said
who have not heretofore
registered for said election and
are entitled to do so will please
call at my office in C,
and register in accordance with
r II C.
a ii .
. .;, .-. PI
the Bi
at our
did have,
C. L. Wits in our
Mrs. R. A. went
to C. L. Tyson, Tuesday evening
and returned Wednesday ever,
O. D. Smith went to
ton Tuesday evening on business j ,
C. E. wont; t
Mrs Mills Smith a very sir.
with and fever
and last night, but is some us
better this morning.
I , it w.
. i I.
All h
in his
n Ii T .
Pd M the mill, tons lime.
nicety by men. Who
have mid ii of
. lo u
is n I ; l
ii. one Hint tbs Hid I
; in- gel
Hi .
. time a I
i if
.,;. r I
know by experience we handle only the very latest at
popular and that we more thin satisfaction.
It will be a pleasure to me to hive you call the line
I whether you buy or not, and I will be too i;
you and assure you of prompt and courteous attention.
MRS. J. T. SMITH, Jr.,
Ayden, N. C.
Representing Chas. A. Stevena B.
in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business July IS,
Slat- Fair.
; t
and both the Atlantic
Lino and the Norfolk St
n .
trip ticket from et
including one admission to
Hi eye
hi h .
. the .-
. ; , ii
is v by e
one w .,,,,,, ,
tho fair. w in
The k . ;, hi .
run a train to i r ,
en leaving
Washington -it a. m. On any v,,. t ii i
day you can by r -ad
I to Raleigh, spend several hours
at th fair and return home
same day.
. V.
I out for
II might
; I.
I to
610.50 Surplus
Gold coin .
Silver including
minor coin currency
National hank
and other S. notes 8,611.00
80.00 exp. paid
588.00 Deposits subject to ck.
Cashier's i-ks. outstanding
W. II. Smith
Co. and will e
work promptly looked alter
Cox will still I
Total, 178,082.14
Total, 178,082.14
I J R. Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is to the o. my knowledge and belief.
SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
fore me, this 18th. day of July
the elections. This j
September 25th, 1908. J- M.
Blow, registrar. Notary Public
Physician and Surgeon
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
V e only
en in lo n lb,
re sell beat, and
heaviest Our Blocks
from best and largest-
yielding; and our
are fully equipped with the
and most Improved for
cleaning. you want superior
Plant Wood's Seeds.
s quoted on request
Q Fall .
giving full information about
seeds, mailed free.
Richmond. Va.
; i
t to
,. . ., l-
Ease if MM Gives.
Typhoid, if Pull
Gives a lo Stomach.
1.1 .
The Bank of Greenville,
AT n. u.
In r
That r. .; i . leaps
L cf
Cc i
. . i
Li I
Mr. H. A.
policy in me Maryland Ca P rt a
Small -.--
ha . .
. . ii . a
. , ., . time,
, cos, nu h i, and l can
. v. .
i ii i in ill i .--1 I
, . a .-i- T
. , ,. -I.-I; I,
and Mortgages
Hanking houses,
i and fixture
; i mil loans
. .
i h it
; i. in,
I ;
i. I
. idol i I. S
. I.
taxi- aid t
. hills
in coin currency i. ;.,. 1,805.7 I
, T
. . i . . . .
I .
. I i
I. ; . I
. A.
. .-.
. .
. .
.- .
.- i
.,, RICH S L
. g
, I . , .
.; ,
C HO ; ,
. .
j n I
; i SI
. cl
r. and one i ;.
. r by s ; ed
Our j .
. for past
and you t call a
i . wanted.
L Richmond a
. . . m. . i . , rat
J V. .-.
. ticket .
. late
. lit
i i .
. i . . .
,. . . In.
will I
. . , .
, . ;
mi .
m, Notice to Creditors.
. n what you i Hum.-
W. J.
Wilmington, N. C.
T. C.
lie i
Mei worn hi i
. . y in are
The iliac i I the tee tor
. the The bent the
and for and
the akin. eczema, i,. -i i ,, .
be found S
Write for Sam-
pie cake by mail,
an . . i j
Y n u j- I Get The best for Comfort
A. J.
Royall and Border. Felt flat-
tresses and a piece Bern-
stein Iron Bed nave no equal
or this be pleaded in bar of
, , cold ma, u ,
mire from u j immediate payment
m this way minor the of
that Samuel Flake. Administrator,
but unfortunately F. Q. Attorney.
man. for example ha
or lea
expecting that It will
one day. Now. if he
paid attention to the unifier the
Inning beaded the warning,
. he- hare been let in
liver attach later .
pain, every ache, every head
are warning
else is on the way and will
along Weekly.
Drug and Chemical Co
N. 9th. St. Philadelphia Pa.
, , ,
And Provisions
An of Business.
; -noes your titled son-in-law know
answered Mr.
had a lot of aX-
with notes, and
knows how to get a
The Champion.
V say that little man
was formerly lightweight
Yes. How
Id he lose the title he
lose It. He merely sold his
and News.
To feign a Is to hare
j Cotton Bagging and
vs on
; Fresh Goods kept con-
in Country
Produce Bought and Sold
Ii you want your HORSE to trot
fast and pull strong buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn.
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Leas
Money than any man in town,
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of
Was .
Alaska . . .
. . . i
Ii id. ii .
V lo, i or a
H. W.
z i
D. W.
North Carolin a
Taken up.
I have taken up eight pis,
ed, spotted black and white, weight
to pounds each. Owner can get
same by proving ownership and paying
charge. R. D-
Greenville, N. C
Cobb Bros. Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Fall Goods
Th. Mari; Rom.
or The cf Home is tale
murder and -nth.
,,.,,.,. nevi rep. t. n e
. IV. There i-
. .-.
-.- .
The minimum . I o any consume.
, ,
. Venn
roll .,. . I-. l
r have received a
ard ;
upon I
a; .
to m ;
as an excuse .
Di counts
, i
premise, without i
t s
. .
. ill
PI In p
lure to
. .
. an.
. v . Cc n
. . I
N C. Sept. 7- n
i;. ii
Greenville Banking and Trust
AT S. f.
.- I
I .
o n r
, i
. I
i s
; .
i . , s
. .
j .
. . I
in. .
. hi
. Ill
I l
. .
a I I
lire and tin- j hills .,.,.
., ,,. I fl.
if .
i. . Ban
her sh
. ,. .
r N .
ii. , . . paper a
.;,. n in rent
. I .
. ,
i . .
th .
. and not
Springs I
f County. N. C
the I
minor t.-K, . ., , .,
, . s all white ,., . ,, .
is s AU, Surplus fund .
and before
it-f. this f
Notary Public.
K. O.
Undivided less cur- M. N. CAROLINA. i
rent taxes paid
i-. , KT l-N .
at Grifton, N. C.
I .
Due from
Silver coin all
minor coin
Nat ,,
r. notes
Capital stock
Hills payable
Deposits to ck.
ck 03.12
Cashier's . ;
borrowed found on Fourth street ,
Notes and bills j to press repair ,
n. . i, Clothing and Ladies Skirts;
I, Forbes, work promptly, suits;
named bank, do swear to order when desired.
j patronage
F. J. FORBES, Cashier. I
Subscribed and aw. to before m-
Notary -.-
I I Factors and handlers of
Bagging Tie and Bags.
and shipment
I. W.
T n T the bank do sol.
I knowledge and
J and he-
Subscribe for The Reflector.
At New Market lo boot of Nor-
folk and Southern Depot.
I am prepared to do
Paper Hanging and Painting.
Drop me a note if you want
work in my line,
I. a. WEST. w J Gardner,
R. Greenville, I The Brick Man. Bethel, N. C.
me. this
W. W.
C. J.
are now arriving, plant early
to results A nice
line of and Ferns in all
sizes. Choice cut flowers a
wedding bouquets
and Floral offerings at short
Mail. Telegraph, and
Telephone receive
prompt attention. Phone
Raleigh, N. C.
I have on hand a large
good machine made Will quote
prices on application and can nil orders
General Merchandise
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
See w- J. before
your coal for the winter. He can
you a bargain.
Moore and Long
Ci R M K V N c
A Guaranty S ,,
School Books and Supplies
DR R. L.
Subscribe to Daily Reflector, . . n.
We manufacture ICE and can
supply local demand. Two wagon
daily. order,
any time during the day. and
delivery will he made at the plant at
any hour of the night.
We ask patronage and will do
our best to you.
comer and Third
occupied by the late Col. I.
A. Sugg.
General Merchandise.
of Women's Fashions, Greenville N. C.
In Charge of F. C. NYE
. The Eastern Reflector an- Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application
, c beet Any -n- in nerd of a good and Co. is shipping school desks.
, He do well to T. H. king filled reg-
Mr at the A. G. appointment here Sunday
Manufacturing Co.
buy Boggy business
rushing and we would advise
Four Persons Bitten by the Same
New York. Oct.
Harvey M. Day of Cherry
street, Elizabeth, N. J. died
today of rabies from the bite of
a pet bull terrier, in spite of the
fact that she had been under
the Pasteur treatment for the
and night, each several weeks.
that s
Miss Dora Cox, from the
is visiting Mrs. Martha L.
of Happenings toe State
Gathered from Oar
N. C Oct.
evening after h
one if the proprietors of the
Enterprise Company
had to the build-
after it had been closed for
the day. Before inserting the
key in the lock beard some one
moving the He sent
for officer aid the
building was entered fellow
jumped in an opening in the
a lubricant for humane inter- floor and secreted himself behind
course as the proper pint of
vie m.
Advice to the Aged.
An brings Infirmities, such s slur-
bowels, weak s and Mad-
th bowel, causing them
to perform their natural functions
In youth and
to kidneys. Madder and LIVES.
arc adapted to old and young.
There is no other so effective
. .,
i ;
being amended by large Her husband sits in an adjoin-
He is away this week room, fearing every minute
conducting a meeting at Ayden. that the disease will attack him
Ernest Whitley, from that he, too, will have to be
Wilson, entered school here last j restrained until relieved by c ,,.,. , , . . f
and Misses vie. It to a staple task to fir d in
A large U of best flour just in Porter and and In a neighboring house is Mrs. . if only one when t, e out.
Harrington, Berber Co. ; from Pat. Samuel an intimate friend through his and c ,.
. ii James-j Mrs- Chis. returned of Mrs. Day, who was also bitten a but a the black rascal
ending time, from the Primitive Baptist by the dog. She, too, a for Back He to jail and in De-
state of nervous collapse and the action which is not the tn answer to
doctors is almost habit. there is a reason. charge , f house breaking,
to develop hydrophobia. A the reason
carrier was also bitten. ; to action N
was a pet in I- , Monday evening of this week
a the team belonging to Mr. L. E.
Mrs. A. v. Ange. at Rocky Mount Monday.
Pitt Co. School Desk are. Our streets are in the
going. Let us have your or- in the of the town.
rs at once you will never r- This is excellent weather for
. id better and street and road working.
,. . .--k H is wonderful to see
of and hay A. G
the Day he me. was being wide experience
down the street by Mrs. Day a observation.
ago, when she became
c a new market. Send your to A.
.- A Co. G. Cox Manufacturing Co. Win- Cox has on three or four
toe t N-C. acres of land this year. Hy entangled in his leash. Sudden-;
p evening. The oil mill ginning the proper preparation and fertilizing y he began to show signs
II o-; staple now and B. F. Manning is a few acres will produce all the I rabies and attacked his mistress.
feed a man needs. i Five times he sank his teeth in
It is
v u asset in the daily
of Album.
Fellows to Build.
meeting of Covenant
.; i are still go-
j, . j v. ; a nice up-to buying bis share of it feed a man needs. times he sanK his teem in. At the
you had We have just received another Our should look after J her arm, hurling her to the nave- Lodge I. O P. Tuesday night,
h, him an ear v call car load of lime. A. W. Ange j the and hominy part Money Mrs. saw the discussed of the
. ,;,. an and Co.
. ii . Quite a
t-1 . . .;. tended Cole
. corn, oats and feed of Friday. the present prices. hands and arms. ad to take the under con-
Go and took at that pi Mrs. Maggie Bait is getting, The dog then started op the mid devise plans for
lime. A. W. Ange the hog and hominy part Money I Mrs. saw the w the question was discussed of the
cops are right, but the man tack and ran to the rescue of her a building hereto young man at once
from here at- who has to buy meat, hay and friend, when the dog set upon be known as Odd Fellows build-
show at I corn will undoubtedly feel it and bit her several times on the in r A committee was . He
. . , , , . , , ., . yearn age an
. to
d x
vi . i noon.
. l nice
for gal
., . I -r
. .
to post- of ladies and gents fine together material far a residence and met Mr. Lay, who the building.
n given shoes and hosiery at A. W. Ange near Dr. Cox's. had heard the screams of his plans mature it to the purpose of
and Co. They are telling them Missed and Mrs. The th,. order to have a handsome
Prices Chapman and Kate Chapman fast his teeth in Mr. with offices to rent on
who lives near Broadway,
N. C, got at some
bags of cotton near rood just
in front of r
house and ran n y, throwing
his sen. Alva from the
wagon, and the wheels passing
over his smelt broke it. The
man died at once. Alva
eighteen years of age and his
sudden death is regretted very
much by his many friends. He
was buried at Holly Springs
church on the evening fol-
Katie Bell Henderson, of spent Sunday with I Hay's leg, and the letter carrier ; tho floor and quarters for
We hope the
. , .
. .
who happened along tried to free; above.
the colored f the mad brute,. will meet with
department of Oxford he was bitten toe. The. encouragement to mike
. i and showed on j the building a certainty in the
today. crockery ever displayed n Win hare night to the mistakable signs of j near future.
at Harrington Barber people. All four came to New
their land Co. i a number of the and were treated at the
drawn Onslow county, entered Winter- Miss Eva Langston.
High school Friday, The orphans from
war, here last session.
. .- Hi-
.; .; v. are I
Be to .
j.,. . ,,., greatly in-1 Bishop Robt. Strange con hunting last night Institute. It was
, ; ; two excellent the They came in this morning thought all danger of rabies was
ft for South Caro- Episcopal church Thursday before Jay muddy sleepy over a ago, when
, in the and Friday morning. Al the with one little opossum, Day confided to her
close of the service Thur. pitiful ti them knew she was in-
int i
Dear Si-It
necessary, but a a reminder, I
beg to s that the registration
of voters from October to
this year, is the last opportunity
that those men who read
and write constitution, and
r- in
B . it rt
He Le away
night and Vida home every path
butt we-e confirmed, and at the they came to leading in the
nice line of of the service Friday towards home but
to no avail for boys his mind.
proved to no avail
Li .
We . v
. ; . i the Holy
i Barber Co. administered. Bishop Strange were
A went, Ayden conducted tho morning de- game.
It ; t attend the funeral of exercises at school
Mr. drowning, Thurs- an excellent short talk en the
day a . purity of thought and its
. n the Hunsucker bug-; on the lives of the young,
going. Call to see; When in need of a nice up to-
stock of runabouts of clothes come and
fore you my. Prices are our line of and
eating. boy's clothing.
ii , while on the train
returning from Greenville last.
F. D. continues foiled to get on permanent
make line sales at the Star Ware- j of w have to avail
house branch of the Banners themselves of the -Grandfather
TobaCCO Company.
Tuesday he made a sale that for While most of our settled
carrier has kept at C registered under this
that has been done on the
i cut by cook stoves arc among
N. C, Oct.
Mrs. H. B. Philips and Mrs.
F. G. are spending
time in
Miss Olive spent
I Wednesday in
she went to see Clans-
and this His
, He. pounds an.
nervous, now and the mental .
on him is
I on the arm. His the
wounds dressed by Dr. Cox.; that will interest you.
best. We have them ices ,, ,
Mrs. A. P.
William and ton
. . mi T j
c u Misses Jacob and
specialty have a line of beaten and f R
and get best prices. piping. Harrington, Barber
Harrington, Barber Co.
Quit number our colored The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. are now in position to sup-
ply you with their Tar Heel
Carts, box bodies and Tumbling
bodies. Prices made right. Call
Mrs. J.
or.- attending the Eastern
Association at Greenville.
Hay lime at A. W.
Miss Annie went to and see th m.
Harrington. Barber Co.
children are accustomed I You builders will do well to
A W. Ange Go. for
at borne and certainly and before buying.
u have a comfortable desk
in the school room So much
depends the comfort of our
I am now in northern markets
purchasing our fall stock. They
will be in soon. Give us a call
schoolrooms Many a boy be convinced that we have
girl has had his heath injured
by along
this line. Let us give our child-
c and beautiful
school rooms and they will hail
with, d light the time for the op-. ,
Give our desks
in town. J. F. Harrington.
For nice little one
hone farm three miles east of
Winterville and four miles from
a trial and be convinced.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Buck went
to today.
For A house and lot con-
located to business
section of town, with good barn
and stills. G. A. Kittrell, Win-
N. C.
Chas. S. Smith lost his horse
a few days ago with blind stag-
Remember the Tar Heel
and carts made by the
A. G. Cox Co.
Winterville, N. C. For
and service they cannot be
Mrs. F. G. Whaley and
Bobbitt attended th
in Greenville Friday.
Mr. Nixon, of Washington,
spent Wednesday night in town.
W- T. Sledge has returned,
after a very pleasant visit
Richmond, Petersburg,
Rocky Mount and other points
j of interest.
II. B. Philips spent Wednesday
in Rocky Mount.
Mrs. Boyd h quite sick at her
home on Pine street.
Miss Low Edwards has re
turned to her home in
after spending some
her aunt. Mrs.
J. W Mitchell, of Now Ben.,
spent Friday in
Mrs. Tucker and .--on, John,
arc spending sometime with I
Mrs. A. L. on
Give Work.
Toe charity
top-sins who are in need is to
give them work. Don't give
any bodied man a penny or
a mouthful unless he works for
i-. By the man retains his
self-respect, ard profession
of the tramp is not encouraged.
If a man needs help ard is able
to work and you are tempted to
give him something, don't you
do it. instead, give
made tor
yet there may be
some who have not done so,
and it to that some who
have recently moved into the
state or recently of age
of their
the average once
taking everything
Here are the prices
some of his I under the law You will,
Fred Button-116 at 14.25, see to it that this
at GO at at of your COunty are
average 27.70. looked after.
R. C. at One other The Bryan-
at at at Club at Wilmington has
at at
adopted the
Representation for New
J. H. in ail
at 22.50. at at av out
Johnson-202 at vote this year or lose
at 21.50, at at its rightful position in state and
work. Old jobs con always be
found, and set him at these.
We do not advise refusing to
relieve hunger, but we do ad-
vise that it be done in a manner
that will not dependence
in men. If everyone would do
this all over the land, this
try would soon to be the
paradise for tramps that it has
been. Ex.
W. A. Morris
23.50, at at
at at average 21.15.
I other conventions.
at C Very truly yours,
A. H. Eller,
Bank f Winterville.
In State of North Carolina, at the close of business July 15th. MM.
J. Winterville, N. C.
Our immense fall and street
stock of dry goods, shoes, no- Miss Lilian Biker, Irving
clothing, hardware and and Robert Pulley
crockery is coming in every day. ad to Winterville Monday morn-
Give us a call. We are where they are attending
to give you a first class article at school at W. H. S.
living prices. public school will
Harrington, Barber Co. the of October, ch
For sale-One good second be
hand buggy cheap.
Farm for Sale
f in o-
Cox, Winterville, N. C.
We are running a first
market now at the Cooper . . , . . ,
Give us a call Sutton. bu it i
Hunsucker is certainly
buggies, and the A. C. Cox Mfg. f S C
f th town of
Henry of the
Clark, Capt. G. E.
Bradshaw, was off
Point las; Saturday morn j
was trimming the jib .,, ,
when the sheet gave away and; ,
he thrown overboard head Nat
first. It was blowing a heavy i
at the time and it was
possible to save him, although
every effort was made by the
The body ha not yet b en
Washington II s-
Loans and discounts
Furniture and fixtures
capital stock I 6,000.00
r . .-i.
i am
Undivided profits less
current expensed and
taxes paid
825.00 . ,
r. cheeks oat
Ti die
of North Carolina, of Pitt, . , , .
; . of the above-named hank, do swear
statement la true to the test of
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Subscribed and to before
this day of July, MOB.
R. Johnson.
Notary Public
J. L. Cashier.
i teat
W ti Wingate, Director.
Improvement over many and Bronchial
of . cold by acting a. a cathartic on S
-r money refunded. by
fa . , i i.
D. J. and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Year
VOL. No.
Game Laws
The it Whirl Wind
all other successes, even that of
of the whole
civilized production
of the new Dixon drama set
Norfolk wild with
and three performances the
B. Smith. was crowded to its
nominate capacity while hundreds
w turned away unable to
secure even standing room. The
Norfolk Landmark said;
is batter than The
As a dramatic
Held First Meeting sf New School
Year Saturday Large Attendance.
The Pitt County
Association met in she
with n a hundred
present. services
were conducted Rev. hi. T,
after which the
Culled to r by
committee to
for the
of Prof. J. A. Misses
Lillie Grant and Cos re-
tired at once and after several
minutes deliberation
mended the following
the coming year. s
K. C. p
dent; E. II.
vice president; Ada
Farmville, secretary,
Greenville, reporter.
The was then
taken up. The discussion
was made by supt. on
worK in our schools the com
year. His talk was pointed
and mat practical recommend-
thoroughness and
grading in our schools.
The next talk was made by
Prof. G. E. Lineberry on the
of the teacher to com-
He laid
on religious services
in the community and visiting
the homes. By the
W. B. Burned
About o'clock
night the stables on the lot of
Mr. W. B. Wilson, in South
c- r,
Chicago. Oct.
mother y
-While she
aw had batter be
Mitchell. n
Greenville, were p
strayed by fire. Mr and Mm. They
Wilson were entertaining
a servant about to leave
Near Concord. j Our game
. repealed or
Concord. N. C. Oct. After, if We
being fifty yards
of Miss Pearl I the first of
Tucker, a only sixteen cars those want
u-as by h . fey
showing at all.
about to he,
saw flames y
. , .
e they
taking the
child with
In the car, besides the
were two women and three
This timely discovery
saved a serious fire, for
are thick in that vicinity.
Firemen quickly to c Mitchell, father
the alarm of the child, an employee of the
story it is far more affective and streams from the hydrant on the department, believes
everybody wants to see it. The corner of Ninth street. i
was an instantaneous
The Norfolk Virginian Pilot
received such a re-
as is rarely given a
of ago. was outraged by a
near this city this afternoon.
The told the girl who was
picking cotton in a field near her
horn-, that he been sent to
tell her to go to the other end of
the field to look for a hammer.
When the girl had gone some
distance she was picked bodily
up by tie and carried into
the woods, where he accomplish-
ed his purpose, after firing a
.,. . pistol and telling to re-
of Ninth street, women was bis member his name, that it was
the stables burned furiously the whom .
flames were confined to this, from Salisbury
budding and part of it was left, b. and were quickly on the
and a cow in J-ii
have no
n was
bragging a few days ago that
he had killed twenty squirrels in
o-.-day. If be had to
a piece, or jail,
some hogs get
Why n-t indict a
them tat is me v
production. The play is full of
action and hence i intensely
interesting, holding the
of audience and
them to outburst of
The Richmond papers were
equally enthusiastic. The
Times-Dispatch is a
white man's story painted in bold
colors with a fearless hand. It
should meet with success in every
section of the The
Journal said that it was a
and that is
of the
teacher has the opportunity I just the thing the majority
getting hold the afflictions
the people and also leaving their
in those homes.
Prof. J. B. Martin, of Bethel,
then a most interesting
piper on suggestions in regard
to the duties of the community
to the teacher, among which
were courtesy on the part of the
trustees to
the teacher, sympathy for the
teacher, co operation responsive-
There were discussions on
topics by several others.
The discussions were of a high
order and would that every
teacher and patron in the county
could have heard these. Surely
the teacher that misses these
meetings will never know his
full loss.
A rising vote of thanks Dy the
association was extended to the
retiring officers for the excellent
manner in which they presided
over the association
The association was delighted
to have ex Gov. Jarvis present,
who extended an invitation to
the teachers to visit the Eastern
Training school grounds at
We look forward for the best
year's work yet, to be done by
the association though she looks
back into the past with pride at
her great achievements. The
good to Pitt through the
of this association will never
fully be recorded this side of
The following are the commit-
tee for the Association
for year
Program H.
J. B. Martin, J. A.
Misses Lillie Grant,
Jennie Herndon.
Social committee-G. E- Line
berry, Misses
Ada Ward, May Brooks, Mrs. J.
B. Martin, Mrs. J. Bobbitt.
Miss Lillie Bennett.
Executive H.
of the people want
Already people are beginning
to talk about the new play and
are being written. A
Dixon play on the race problem
always the country from the
Atlantic to the Pacific.
will be the at-
traction in Mount,
and night, Oct. Goldsboro,
Monday, Oct. New
Bern, Tuesday, Oct. As
seats are selling out-of-
i. patrons should send their
orders for seats by mail at once.
Prices range from cents to
stables were gotten out j Th
as ere also e vehicles and
harness. A of feed
stuff was destroyed. that the
From the place
burning worst It supposed to when they they
have started in the trash in the
loft, but how caught g
There was no insurance .
on the
Chicago, Oct.
I Frances Mitchell, eight years of
I age, said to be an heiress to a
fortune of was kidnap
Register of Deeds R. Williams on with her
has issued the following grandmother. The little girl
i sec They Will
h m. a whose clothes wire
persons with weeds. The girl
time was too nervous to say whether
and it is not Graham was the man who
women hid assaulted her. The was
spirited away by the officers in
an automobile in the direction of
Salisbury. It is that
is the
since last
J. A Davenport and
J, O. Harris and Murray
John and Julia
Edmond and Hattie
William and Emma
Warren and Harriet
was snatched by one of three
men in an automobile and taker,
away after the grandmother,
Mrs. Caroline P. Mitchell, had
been knocked down. The police
are working on a clue that the
child was taken out of the city,
probably to Sparta, N. C.
will you.
Information on Registration.
Raleigh, Oct. 10.-Attorney
General has given an
opinion on registration. He says
that the new registration is
required for the coming election.
All persons registered in the last
election can vote without
again. Once on the per-
roll, they are always on
it. He says further that there is
no reason why any county can-
not order a new registration if
its board of election so desires,
but does not think the latter can
eliminate names on the
registration roll because
the persons do not re-register.
However, minors coming of
age must register. This the
last election in which those who
cannot read and write can
under the grand-father clause
as the Constitution of this limits
the time to December 31st next.
afternoon with Miss
. . . Helen Forbes spent the hour
Thomas Anderson and Minnie
,,,. I The program was
Samuel Strickland and
i dale read an interesting sketch
i of the life of the followed
a reading by the members
of two verses each of the poem
The marriage of
Patrick, of town to Mr. V. E.
of Bethel, took place at
o'clock this afternoon at the
home of the parents of the bride,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Patrick, on
Washington street.
Owing to B recent death in the
family it was a quiet marriage,
only the immediate family and a
intimate friends being pres-
As the bridal party entered
the wedding
march was played by Miss Lottie
Blow, and
The Sans Book Club met during the. ceremony.
Misses Irma Cobb and Glenn
Forbes were maids of honor, and
little Miss Mary Blanch Patrick
in f house
i, that
did musical
Runaway . I Is J ft
musical i d v it i
melodies, the work of
the composer of hour, Ray-
One of tr. many
hits is the song Kiss for Each
Day in the which is
den d the clever comedian,
George y, assisted by of
the most beautiful show girls
on the stage of the New York
Casino, where the piece for
seven solid months. The ad-
agent, Mr. Cook, is here
arranging for d. trails ard billing
the town.
San Book Club.
One Negro Shoots Another
Saturday night a shooting
scrape d a few mi
to north of the river. Si non
Brown, colored, went to th. I me
of another colored man
Gorham and undertook to a
rough house, when G
brought a i play d shot
Brown in the hip. Brown was
severely wounded was
brought over to Dr. J. E N
for medical attention.
Night Rider a Hoax.
Citizens of Martin county say
that the recent report that every
that had
gin in that county
placarded by j
warning the owners to cease
operations is all a hoax, that
nothing of the kind has occurred.
We are glad to know this, for
it looks too serious a matter for
any sane person to be guilty of
such lawlessness. No doubt
where any notices at all have
appeared it was only done by
some one as a but jokes
of this kind should not be
Foxhall Make Another Fine Sale.
F D. Foxhall. at the Star
a a-
an average of
Pierce Stocks,
Friends of Miss Annie White
were much surprised when
grams from Norfolk were re-
announcing her marriage
at a. m. to Mr. Chas. K.
Johnson, of that city. The Rev.
Or. Starr, of Cumberland street
from slips of paper containing
the verses that had been handed
them by the hostess.
An amusing contest was the
members handing in written
answers to the questions not
yourself whom would you rather
be And why The vote was
left to the members a to who
handed in the the best answer,
and the choice went to Mrs J.
L. Carper, who was awarded a
piece of
After enjoying delightful re-
the club adjourned
Ito hold its next meeting with
Miss Mary Higgs.
was ring bearer
The ceremony was performed
Rev. M. T.
The couple left on the
A. C. L. train for a bridal tour
to New York other northern
cities. They were the recipients
of beautiful bridal pres-
bore testimony of
Wide popularity.
A very cute post card r e -i ed
by The Reflector from
Ind., bears ant
was born to Mr.
Mrs. Lincoln Lash on -9th
at weighs eight ids,
name Charles Lincoln L sh
Mrs- Lesli was formerly
of Greenville, and
her many friends here ex end
Tire and Street
He sold for
.- . Ayden, at at at
Cole, H. B. Smith, Misses Addie n at at
Johnston, Agnes Moore, Nannie at average
Richardson, Mary Brown. For W. L. Clark, Black
i at at at
For Sale-Lot at at at at
on corner Washing-115,, at 14.104 at at
ton Thirteenth streets. Price
J.--Q Mossier Bring your tobacco to
ltd want the best prices.
happy couple left on a bridal
tour to northern cities, and will
return to Norfolk about the 15th
of November. We wish them
much happiness. A Friend.
Boy Getting Along Well.
Harry, little son of Mr. J. S.
Feed, who swallowed a pin some-
time ago and was taken to the
hospital to have it
removed from his throat, where
it lodged, was brought home
Monday. The place on his neck
where it was to cut
to remove the pin his healed
nicely and he is getting along
Editor R
We had a lire Tuesday
and the bell didn't ring. How in
the thunder is a fellow to know
where a fire is with the street
sweeper at work Tuesday night
this new appendage to our town
government went to work on a
dry and dusty street, and the
dust it raised was a caution. I
the suggestion that the
merchants all chip in cents a
piece and purchase water enough
from the town to dampen the
ardor of the dust when that
street sweeper hits it. Why. a
fellow could almost dig a post
hole in the air with a shovel, it
was so thick. And, candidly
folks, don't it look like our town
authorities are too stingy with
the water in this respect
How about it. Mr. Alderman
Foot Ball Artist.
Snail Friday
Cong John Small
the U equity can-
will address
of Greenville and community in
the opera house on Friday night,
16th. There will be a band to
make music and
should be on hand. The
have a special Invitation to be
I am on the market purchasing
horses and mules. Will have a
load of fine ones to arrive last of
Change Hand.
W. C. Hines has sold his Busy
Bee in the Brady building
to C. S. Brown and
Alex. two Greeks. he
Alex. two
the week. Will be glad to see took charge Tuesday after-
all parties wishing to buy. noon and are arranging to keep
R. L. Smith, the open day and night.
Republican Speaking.
Hon. Claudius Dockery will
be with the county candidates
at Ayden. Saturday, October
17th, 1908. All are invited to
hear this distinguished speaker.
R C. Flanagan, Chairman,
Fernando Ward. Sec
Wanted Mag saint
requires the services of a man in
Greenville to look after expiring
subscriptions and to secure new
business by means of
unusually effective, position per-
prefer one with
but would consider any
applicant with good natural
salary per
with commission option. Ad-
dress, with R. C.
Peacock, Room Success
Magazine Bldg., New York.
Virginia gray turf nits and
rye at F. V.
opposite N S depot.
I Subscribe to The Reflector.
v n win