Eastern reflector, 28 August 1908

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-.-- I W U Lao
in Charge of F. C. NYE
. . Application j
. v.
. ,.
had .
, in mind the Rudolph Croom is visiting rel-
and county.
Miss Alice Tripp is having her
two-story residence in
gr Hinds
A. G.
. . v r
, front of the
lay. painted white.
. .
was i- t
I . One of pr lines of
. , crockery Win
makes, Barbel
D. Cox returned
morning alter
fix weeks
Marlboro South Caro-
in the interest of the Beau-
fort County Lumber He
looks he is hi i b
while away. We are glad to
it B I
i r;
. visit to
A. W.
ii v was
of Km.
day They
ill be at m of
Party Has Never
in Its Favor.
Richmond. Va., Aug. 1908.
i wish to call the attention of
the laboring classes to the fol-
lowing letters, one from a gen-
demon in Mississippi and the
other from Has. John Mitchell
The former says, alluding to the
industrial rank and file.
p deserve to be and
They will not accept
will they appreciate any
fort made in their behalf. They,
Mari a had rather
led to the slaughter by the pro-
demagogue who lives
in their simplicity and credulity
Delightfully Entertains friends on Her
Monday was the sixteenth an-
of Miss Mattie
King, one of Greenville's sweet
and attractive young misses.
In malarial districts their While not giving t formal birth-
re they . .,
peculiar in freeing day in honor of natal
I day she entertained a large
stimulate the TORPID LIVER,
strengthen the digestive organs,
regulate the bowels, and are
as an
Take No Substitute.
, . .; Mi . i
i, .- r cracked corn.
. ,,; . . y ,.;. . Co
;. . El . . .
. . , . ,
i were i . .
. i I
.;.;.,. ; ;,. v. Ange
Co. I
Mis .
.; Miss
of friends from i to p. m.
at the heme of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. W. King, corner of
Dickinson avenue Washing-
Candidates Registered for the streets.
J The party was held on the lawn
The time in candidates I of the
could register with the chairman arrangement being most at-
of the Democratic tractive An of
committee for the was arranged over
to he held on the 29th, expired the gate, and lines
Saturday. Only those who cents festooned the lawn and
the of their true con- arrival were
but it will too late, for the different t at the by Carl
their in- a. Mow j with Mabel King, of
doom, no one to L mow, was served
; . . Wilson with Mini Mat-
John Mitchell says. SC King,
ever be n one to that ten, S M . .
has j. ,, N
near the cam ,.,.,
.,. back home.
look a that pretty dis
of ladies a line
. h s an i h at A. W.
and Co. They are i them
Miss Alice
h r
J. V -a
j capital.
I am one of those who For SheriffS I Dudley,
The t games of the even-
wore progressive whist and
flinch. Tie a piece of
. that not one wrong chat i Joseph b Carl
r t g . . , I a-J- to ID. MM
x Manufacturing th .,, labor will do its own duty all .,,,;,. it to Mi. Susie of
. several Co. . .-. r a
. . gs a id at ii famous
ti . u h . W F i
I u ,;.
re can pie . i
Betsey Cox, the aged d labor do its own cut
. A. G. Cox, is he misery and all th ; Buffering ,,,.,
i . , here with hr t the r
. ; . the world will
Monday the A. G Sow it scorns these j gentle.
out sixty men, one in the .
W i
of C Ki,.,,
Moore, Ric
, ; . . .
. I A very amusing event within
doors was down the
C r i.-r . silver stars to
,,. the ceiling and the guests each
at. stars
. ml
. d e past two
w . . I
. p-- . iv c
. d .
; C
.-.- . . .
; to have ;.
turned school room. it
den upon l of
ho must school Many a boy .
had health and most u-fined .
p by found anywhere
this L child . be. are the
c ,. Produce Co., next and .
I will c,, main hope,
the this nation. Ye.
Bi .
. e
a horse he
, . to be at
which from Greenville is only Susie
wax, in
d the time th
of school.
a nit
-r -rut
tickets will good to vocal solo by Miss King.
return on any regular train as Elegant refreshments were
I Thursday, nerved on the lawn, the ices be-
specially ordered from Nor-
or three folk for this occasion the cream in
e solicitors to ct as white in keeping
M C G . desks -the nation. to pet as and white in Keeping
v. r, v. Fran I . a trial and be convinced. for last or fifty n. with the color scheme of the
. row Vincent of Green. years they have been ignored and g
Miss Cox is county e vine spent a short while here discriminated sell them- The out of town present
Mr. G. E. Jackson's he has promised to burdens have been -J- were Misses Perry, and
. . i . n-j--
in the country. educational
W- always have a nice lire of i A
have been The were Misses
the wheelwright . Q of Kinston;
North besides a host of Miss MM King, of
Caro- Conner Allen. Henry
Let u;
Manufacturing Co., No at
M r. prices, Lome A. W. Ange
Chapman, after a . r . ,. ,
visit rear Stokes,
turned Tuesday evening.
in town yesterday in the
in highest terms of the plow
Lira by Rev. Sylvester v. th,
Hassell, of Williamston.
rare treat to hear such able men I
as he is.
Miss Cox
evening. . ,. ,. f
The A. G. Cox manufacturing
, . . ;. .;. register of deeds. He met Aim
k is taxed to its . . .
., ,. .-tr- r,. very reception here. m., .
She spent
trues flues. . ; Greenville one but there with Mr. and Mis.
. . com . in , T ,.,.
r the
at J. Car-
. buy.
However, the boys put any
day please, and y a could
mi n
, Dr. D. L.
runt, bouts be- popular was in
inter town to extract a tooth
a merry party of young
people re entertained by Miss
Bryan Monday night
That t music d through
our open window on the gentle
was very e. It remind-
ed us of days, when the
girl play to
the delight of the listening
The las- we heard was
the music for Morpheus claimed
us as own. but hear that
refreshments were served and
all report fine time.
Chickens specialty.
Come and get the best prices.
Barber Co
is said to be a
in town Tuesday, but did
F. L. the efficient
book-keeper of the; A. G.
Mfg. Co
Republican party
went into power nearly fifty
, year.-, the farmers lab-
i or owned per cent, of the
returned wealth country. How
from Morehead Saturday evening than per cent.
I The legislature at our capital
city has been to rich
able to contribute to campaign
A distinguished United
senator In a speech
I have been in the United States
senate a number of and if
I there has been a single
fed in the of the laboring
manor by the congress
the ;. I have
too obtuse to see But the
hard working man
for special favor,
On a ride in the country, last
NOTICE Sunday afternoon, we saw sever-
Go to M. G. j n of cotton in
N, for Hi; He of a of Mr.
represents the Co., it looked almost
Greensboro. It i.
W. J. Wyatt
Miss Lola Roach, of
spent pert of last week with
Misses Kate and
is an old pupil of H. S.
aid are always glad to see
A. G. Cox only ex-
Bank of
In the State of North dote f 16th.
but e i. mi
of Raleigh,
excellent farmer. During the
I i spring he had the stump.-.
taken out of part of
now he is building a large
storage for corn and
The r m
vacation. He going to his old ;,.,. of c r,,
, u i and discounts
D ;
, Rankers
-s today for a short
me near , .,,,. ho
We are glad to see that K. . .
moving fat tho hog
around is going on in town. Mr. hominy n.
Wain has moved in on Main; Rev. T ii. Km, assisted is
street, west of the railroad. T., n s-i, of
C. Nelson in tho Fair house east. Ft
i chance to have equal
that he may not. be discriminated
against, lie to
profits less
, . paid
,.,., , ;
l I
himself socially, mentally and
. a
now to achieve what th em w tores to the
long wished for. The wise Id I
. around hew are
a for and K-
C. T. and Cox have I of the old academy. j . r . .
r. The t Id
r.- are pi to before mo,
, . TI
returned after a pleasant visit to
their brother. Rev. W. E. Cox,
in Wilmington. We missed very
much the genial laugh our
good friend C. T.
Hay and lime at A. W. Ange
moved from near Miss Nannie after
Baptist church to the dwelling some time
formerly occupied by Clint
Smith, east of A. G. Cox's, .
Mr. of Vanceboro,
move. in the ;
. n .-.
. , . I
m r
ii t
D. J. Editor end Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
He Heartily Endorses the Present
Some of m friends, without
my consent and approval, have
proposed my name as a candidate
for a member cf the board of
county commissioners, and while
I appreciate tho confidence thus
expressed by them in me, I can-
not, under any circumstances,
and would not under the present
circumstances, be a candidate.
It has always been customary
to re-nominate of com-
missioners for the second term,
and I think this board, equally
as much, if not more, entitled to
tho than any
board we have had for a long
The present board of county
commissioners have made more
improvements and started mere
new permanent public improve-
that will be for the Rood
of the people of Pitt county, than
any hoard recollection, and
I understand that they have
ready made several contracts for
public improvements that cannot
be completed during term
of office, I think it would be
both and unwise not to
re-nominate the present board of
commissioners, although the
r men mentioned as
dates are good and competent
It would appear to me to be
almost an impeachment and p.
reflection upon the good and
faithful representatives we now
upon the board of
not to re-nominate and
re elect them, and I hope that
my friends and the Democrats, of
the county think
about the matter and not do
these good men an apparent in-
Many dams, bridges and roads
in the county have already been
built, and many improved, and
if this board permitted an-
other i, I believe-the people
of the county will realize that
thy have taken good and rapid
for in the
direction. Nothing, in my
opinion, is more important today
to Pitt county than the improve-
along the lines already
begun by tho present board of
J. A. Gardner.
This the 20th day of Aug. 1908.
to Tom Harvey and
Connor Allen, of
Saturday evening from nine to
twelve, Willie entertain-
ed most delightfully, in honor of
Tom Harvey and Connor Allen,
of Kinston, at the home of his
father on Evans street.
The guests were met at the
front door by Willie Wilson and
Miss Blow. Connor
Allen, of Kinston, and Miss Lil-
Burch received in the front
parlor; and Tom Harvey, of
Kinston and Miss Ethel Skinner
received in the back parlor.
Progressive conversation was
carried on between and
thirty and Miss Lillian Carr was
awarded a prize for being the
most pleasing talker.
and barn dancing
were two very enjoyable features
of the evening. At a late hour
delicious ices and cakes were
served by the host. After en-
joying much music, both vocal
and instrumental, the guests
departed to their homes
Mr, Wilson a most charming
host and expressing wishes to
meet Messrs. Harvey and Allen
again on the sea of life.
Carriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
has issued licenses to the follow-
couples since last
J. O. and Mag Gal-
Caleb Young and Charity May.
L. W, and Mary
A. Jackson.
Spencer Jones and Bettie How-
Columbus Gay and Caroline
Travis and Harriett
J. M. and
Young Man of Promise.
Rev. Sidney A. Edgerton, of
Wilson, a young man who
paring for the ministry and was
spending a days here,
preached Sunday morning in
Memorial Baptist church. His
sermon was an excellent one,
well prepared and splendidly de-
his there
A Card.
Someone has been persistently
circulating a report to the effect
that I am a candidate for sheriff
in the interest of the present
incumbent, Sheriff L. W. Tucker,
under I have acted as a
deputy for four years. I wish
to just emphatically deny this
report, and to say t. the public
that there is not one atom of
truth in it; and to say that I am
a candidate in my own interest,
and not in the interest of any
other person. I have no
to make of the conduct of
the under the
of Sheriff Tucker, except to
say that the same has been clean
and capable so far as it was in
the power of both and
myself to make it, but I believe
in rotation in office, and in the
time honored custom of electing
a sheriff of this county for only
two terms, four years;
and as Sheriff Tucker has enjoy
ed and held this office for four
years, I feel as a life long Demo
that I have the to
aspire to this position, subject
always, of course, to the action
of the Democratic primary.
I desire to thank my friends
for their many offers of support
for this office, and will
the support any and all
my friends and fellow Democrats
of the county. If nominated
and elected to this office, I
promise the public a clean
administration of the same, and
as capable and efficient discharge
of the duties of the office as I
may be capable of.
This August 1908.
S. I. Dudley.
Card From Mr. King.
Some person or persons, have
been ignorantly or otherwise per-
circulating a false state-
to the effect that I have
been receiving or charging the
county of Pitt the sum of five
dollars per day for my services
in supervising as best I can the
construction of the new bridge
across Tar river at Greenville.
There is not one word of truth in
I this report. I have never re-
or charged one cent, for
i any services I may have render-
ed the in any respect to
the supervision of the
of said bridge, never had
any idea of so doing and will not
receive one cent for said
I make this statement in
that all the people of the
county may know that the re-
port has not the slightest
in fact.
East of the A. C. L. R. R. from
We, the undersigned voters
beg to ask the privilege of being
represented on the board of
county commissioners for the
First, Because we own one
half of county.
Second, We have men of brains
enough who are ready and will-
to do the work because they
realize that duty demands it.
These men's names are register-
ed among the candidates as Al-
V. Lang, of Falkland town-
ship and John J. May, of Con-
R, B. J. P. Sec. of
board of supervisors of
ville township.
G L Lang,
W G Gay,
G C Barrett,
M T Horton,
F M Smith,
H V Lang,
W E Boyce,
F M Dupree,
C C Joyner.
W R Home,
B Streeter Sheppard
Joseph N Bynum, Jr.
J T Flanagan,
J A Forbes,
J L Wilkinson,
G L Fields,
R Turnage,
L A Joyner,
J I Baker,
J R Newton,
J R Allen,
Joseph A Forbes,
T L Turnage,
R E Belcher,
FL Allen,
S V Joyner,
C I. Joyner,
W R Fields,
W E Barrett,
D Horton, Jr.
N. C., Aug.
R. H. Garris went to Grifton
on the shoofly on business today.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
was Mrs. sis-
Mrs. L. C. Garris, Sunday.
Miss May Hart, of
den, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
N. E. Garris.
Mrs. S. E. went to
Ayden on business Monday.
R, F. Hart was calling here
Sunday afternoon.
Marcellus attended
the quarterly meeting at Bethany
Saturday and Sunday.
A. Stocks, of Greene county
visited his uncle,
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Esther Jones, of Ayden,
visited Misses and Ella
Garris last week.
A. L. and J. F. Mum-
ford were near Clay
Root Sunday.
Rev. L. W. Worthington
rived home yesterday
by his bride. wishes
to the married couple.
A. B. Garris is attending court
at Kinston this week.
Frank of Kinston, is
visiting here today.
Democrats Lets Send J. F. Stokes to
We the undersigned citizens of
the county of Pitt respectfully
ask the Democratic party to
nominate for house of
Mr. J. F. Stokes, of
Greenville, and our reason for
doing same is that his standing,
character, fitness and ability is
second to none in the race for the
nomination. He is
alive to tho questions at issue,
and in touch with the needs of
the whole people besides being
able to cope with any problem
effecting county State. His ed-
passed by few, if any, in the
county. As a tireless worker
and able debater he can hold his
own anywhere and everywhere
he meets the enemy. Moreover
there is in him those elements
that tend to constructive states-
thing to be anxious-
sought after at this time.
Standing squarely and firmly on
the true principles of Democracy,
and always with a keen
of eternal of things,
he will ever dare to stand for
right as against wrong, and, if
nominated, will carry in
a manner befitting a true
of the people of Pitt.
Where is the man more accept-
able at this time Gentlemen,
lets make his nomination
and a victory proper will
be ours in November.
Yours for good government,
J. H.
J. It. Williams
Z. P. VanDyke.
E. Taft,
J. W. Bryan,
J. J. Tripp,
W. C. Vincent,
P. Pollard.
W. P. Edwards,
J. H.
J. J. Nobles,
Henry Dixon,
E. H Thomas,
W. A. Morris,
J. A. Mills,
J. W. Tucker,
L. C. Mills.
In Tent on Banks of Potomac
Await. His Fate.
Washington Aug his
only solace, Jno.
Early, a leper, is isolated in a
lonely tent on the Potomac river,
where, guarded day and night,
he awaits his fate. At Lynn, N.
C, his wife and child face the
horror of becoming victims of
disease. The health authorities
are taking steps to get him out
of the country. They have
pealed to the North Carolina
health authorities to have him re-
moved to his home. He may
be sent to the leper colon y
in It is supposed that
Overflowing and
Crops are
Raleigh, N. C. Aug.
There is much here
as to the effect of d
heavy rains on the crops. -v
lands corn and other crops are
already badly damaged by over-
flow on the streams throughout
this section and the rain con-
with no indication of any
change for fair weather at least
for forty eight hour.
throughout the county are over-
flowing the low lands and if the
rains are to continue for many
days the upland crops of cotton,
corn and other crops will be very
Early caught the disease in badly damaged. The rain fall
Philippines. He is an for hours up to this morning
in the Salvation Army, and con-1 was 2.72 inches. The rains are
ducted services at N. Y. I heavy throughout the inland
He recently worked at Lynn. N, j sections of tho State and are
C., where his family now resides. . stretching from Texas, through
The discovery of the case was j Georgia to this State. Advices
Friday, but the facts from today indicated
not made public by the health that the Cape Fear river was
department until yesterday.; rising steadily, being now at
has been placed in a tent j feet with indications that flood
especially erected for his would be reached
in the rear of the smallpox t day morning, that being feet
quarantine station near the dis-1 Tar river at Greenville is rising
jail on the bank of eastern; steadily, being already up
branch of the Potomac. He will feet or more, and Roanoke river
be kept there under guard at Weldon was feet above
cold weather comes when if normal and steadily rising. There
necessary a house will be indication of clearing
to make him more weather for hours at least ac-
He has been supplied with bed j cording to the weather bureau
clothes and clothing and utensils; authorities.
necessary for living. His food is
carried to him and poured into j Lumber Read Discontinues,
the vessels for his per-, Lumber
discontinued operation of
Early asked the health de-,
to keep from his wife a
information as to the character,
of his illness. This being
service has been d.
Notice of the discontinuation of
the road was made public I
week, and was pursuant to an
order of Mr. George L- Roper
receiver the road. The re-
am perfectly willing ,,,.,;
right here or anywhere else at of
authorities may say until the
possible he expressed a desire to
return to his wife and child and
to be permitted to die near them
this is not possible then I
end said he.
lie Wrong
Chief of Police W. G. Rouse,
of Dover, brought to the city
this morning, m alias C L.
Grimes, a who
is wanted in Grimesland for
shooting a constable. John
Galloway two years ago. Grimes
was arrested by Chief Rouse,
Saturday, upon of the
received from the
at Grimesland. A Deputy
sheriff of Pitt came over from
Greenville today and carried the
back to
Free Press, 24th.
Grimes turned out to be the
wrong man and was turned loose
after getting here.
Change in Episcopal Services.
The service announced for
next Sunday morning at the
Episcopal church, will be post-
until Sunday night at 8.15.
Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. ind
Evening Prayer at night will be
the services for the day.
There will be services at
den Sunday morning at and
at at p. m.
r . v I .
R. W. King.
F. Lee of Winter
ville, was brought to the city
morning suffering with
fiver and taken to the
hospital for
Free Press 19th.
Revival at
A revival meeting, conducted
by Rev. E. B. of Sharps-
burg, and J. A. Sullivan, of
Washington, will begin in
Baptist church on next
Sunday, 30th, and continue for
ten days or longer. Services
Made a Fine Sale.
Did you notice sale F. D. FoX-
hall made today at the Star
Warehouse, branch of the Farm-
Consolidated Tobacco Com-
He sold pounds of
will be held twice each day, at I mostly tips, and showed on aver-
a. m. and p. m. Every- j age ill through. That was
body is cordially invited to at- some good selling, but it is the
I tend. way all the time.
Splendid Teacher for W. H. S.
Among the various
company in this city.
is a rumor current on the streets
today, that the company bus
notified the Norfolk and
em Railroad of the
of the road instruct, d
of High school,
all of which rank with the best, were
none is superior to that by the
Miss Vivian
musical course
em some time
is a so
h t
the rd is
. property of the A. and N C.
music this year. She won
Roberson who was principal send-officially
year in charge of this depart-1 way
is again in charge, of the
a strong
medal over all competitors at tho
conservatory of music
for her skill in this art. Miss
Nannie Lou of
N. C, will be assistant.
Miss also won the medal
last year at the Durham
and is a very fine
Few schools can offer
the musical advantages that this
school can.
Re-elect the Present Board.
ed that there is
Norfolk and South-
taking over and operating
Officials of both companies
seem very reticent when
approached for information. In
fact, to one's inquiries the in-
available reply is, don't
know anything about There
is a wail of protest going up
from the people living along the
line and a petition is in
requesting that the federal
judge order the continuance of
operation, for the present at
least. The heaviest sufferer
along the road is the
Lumber Company, which is
without any
Falkland, N. C. Aug. 1908
I wish to go on record as one
heartily in favor re-electing
the present board of county
commissioners. Under present j bottled up,
conditions I think it would be means of getting its
lumber to market. It is said
that the Rutledge mill has
already feet of lumber
sawed and for market.
Kinston Free Press.
great injustice, both to them and
to the county, not to elect them
again. W. II. Smith.
Coming Next Week.
Those favorites, the
will open the season in
Masonic opera house
playing a three nit i.
The company ;
stronger and better t. . . ever
and our people may expect some
good shows.
lot iv
. .

. V .
, I
Life, Fire and Accident
HA i j r m
SHU W. ,
r s Goods,
I . Net Bull
. in
. .
kerchiefs, Gloves,
;., . Worn Hosiery,
Men's Hosiery,
Hosiery. Women's Under-
wear, Men's Underwear,
underwear, Far.-
Leather Goods.
Toilet Stationery,
Men's Shoes, Ladies Shoe,
Cl Shoes, Men's
. Men's Hats
Boy's Hats, Men's Caps,
Boy's Caps Corsets, Over-
alls, Waists,
Fancy Knit Goods, Infant's
Misses Jackets. Children's
et-. i
TaMe Oil cloth. Floor Oil
el Suit
. Mail
rs, Cradles, Baby Car-
Rubber Goods, Toys
Clocks, Silverware, Cutlery,
and e. Goods Brie;
Brae, Chin. Glass Ware.
Lamps, Tinware,
ware, Hardware, Oil Stoves
Baskets, Candy, Groceries.
Butter, Cheese. Fish, Pro-
visions, Cheroots, Tobacco.
Home by; at Oak City.
New Absorption Method. I of Police F. P.
if you suffer J was notified this morning of a
protruding Piles, a t daring robbery at Oak City,
I a, Tuesday night when robber, en
d will sum the new brick store of
home treatment fro for
I trial with from your own
H if Immediate re-
lief d cure
no money but tell this offer.
, Writ, today to Mr
Notre Dame,
The sandwich.
A reputed
from his
;. .
.- . i i R. II. .- a man
n-ho Inn on-u
Lo i
;,;. ., day like a haw-
. .
. the
. i, tho II. H.
repeated the vie
R. L. Davis Pres. J. A. Andrews, V Pres. J L Cashier.
Would be pleased to have your business and so-
your patronage, with the assurance of its
ability to give courteous and satisfactory service.
i i y, h
. U, Catch
I Come to see us. We prom- i ,
I fair dealing and i
treatment. All goods are i
sold at lowest prices.
;. .
,,,. . . m from off his
.- i he
the Then h
., . . puddle-
;. . . . in
helped them.
selves to worth of new
good that just been mark-
Harrell received the
consignment of
i-r the letter pan
and complex I
the stock para ton to opening
the new store.
lei robbers gained entrance
through a rear door and hauled
o merchandise away in a
The only to the
robbers is the wagon track.-.
Mr. of Greenville; with
s blood I a called to
the scene of ti.-. robbery early
this morning. wen
unable to follow the trail as
robbers used a but Mr.
followed the wheel track
Tarboro, distance of n-
miles, arriving here
afternoon. He went before
of the Peace F. II.
and secured B search warrant
and expects to find the
in this
Capital 25,000.00
Surplus Profits 40,000.00
Capital Profits 65,000.00
Resources 200,000.00
It is the policy of this bank to aid in every
I mate way the development cf the financial inter-
eat of Greenville and Pitt county.
of the condition of
The Greenville Banking and Trust
At the Close of Business July 1908
Loans and l 14,734.7
Furniture and 4,573.42
items 6.00
Silver coin,
minor coin currency 875.21
other I . S. notes 6.119.00
Capital stock 125,000.00
Surplus 16.000.00
Undivided profits less
expenses and taxes
paid 4,600.70
Notes and hills 0.060.00
Hills payable 80,000.00
Den. suit. 90,080.47
Cashier 114,107.47
cheeks 88-00
State of North Carolina, County Pitt,
I Carr, cashier of the above-named hank, solemn-
swear that statement i.- true the best f my know
and belief. s-
v . . . Splendid and Farm Two Mies
r.,, ;. . . House Station.
j ., . i., . The Leonidas Fleming home
place, five miles from Greenville,
., on
n . . . . two
r i t o A I mp, t est
I GREENVILLE, U. S. A. ;. , in Pitt county.
. . . new two room building en
Reduced Trip Tickets to Norfolk. Va. From the Fol-
division. ;
From .
--f .
V- .
,,. g
.,. . A ,,. a . ; . limited for
i i
Ti e only II n Fa C I i trains h to
cit; i r i ii
Will sell as whole
, . K . i I
i n i
. . . pun I the pi m
. ., i pr .
the . . i n -i , i-n
and sworn to be-
fore me, this day f July,
II. u.
ti. Flanagan,
. t U it
sea ii .
etcher it
salty ,
A to
n to to
fl. i-
i,. ;. ., i-f
ii v. i.
Gem r
OR r
DINNER For particulars and reservations
The attractive thing in the
Low cost. Perfect Projection.
against loss of time by either
H. A. WHITE, Greenville, North Carolina
I Removal Plumbing.
E. T. LAMB, Gen. W. W. T. P. A.
F. J. G. P. A. Baltimore, Md.
r. sound bank.
Business in a town without o. c
conducted lb
are s
iv by
Every in
help.-, the reputation S town,
jets a well.
Often an account I here and th. ad-
will me
It accrues t a small as
a large one,
gale of Prep
Au .-
t . ., i will or i l f
,; ii bidder lo
, .
tho cf C A.
have rem my shop to the on third street
m l . do all kinds of Plumbing and Ba-
i- work cheerfully as low as
work material.
have a nice line of plated room supplies.
J. S.
o i . ti f I i k, I r ;
Hot and Baths
. a Electric
ii, l
i i baskets, r
At ii . rel, i
wire, c . .
Inch boiler flues l lot
I stems,
The will shown prospect
c. W.
C, . S, co.
The Racket Store.
r to lie re as our
i- the lowest
China, Glass, School Sup-
plies, Household Goods, Sta-
N. C,
. I.
A. B. Ellington, Co.
Taft Vandyke
Certified List of Those Who
for the Primary.
I, F. C. Harding, chairman of
the Democratic executive com-
of Pitt county, hereby
certify that in pursuance of an
order made by the Democratic
executive committee of Pitt
county, requiring all candidates
who are to be voted for at
Democratic primary e held in
Pitt county on 29th day of
August, 1908. the following per-
sons have registered as
dates for the offices hereinafter
For Sheriff-S I Dudley. L W
Tucker, J J Joseph
Lawhorn, W Harrington.
For Register of Deeds-J C
W M Moore. R Williams,
H A Blow.
Bell. R L Little.
For County B
Wilson. ST White,
G M Mooring.
For Laugh-
For County F
For County
P R W King. John Z
Brooks, N T Cox. If T Spier, D
J Holland, A V J J May,
For the L Blow, J
For House of Representative
R R S M Jones, SC
Wooten, B T Cox, N R Corey, J
F Stokes.
Beaver Dam township
For N Nichols.
For Justices of tho
A Joyner, J W
For Executive J
W Crawford, W H ii
Joyner. S V Joyner. I Smith, labor
For II
For Justice of Pi aceD C
Barrow. T E Pollard, T A
pen, John Bell,
Executive -D C
Barrow, A T v. Pr-
For Constable- -J W Tucker.
For Justices of the Peace-C
D Rountree, H Harding, J L
Hobgood, J W Allen, Jr., Jesse
L Cherry, L A Mayo, J G Taylor.
For Executive
L Fleming, Joseph Tripp, M G
W J Briley, J W Brooks.
For S Fleming.
For Justices of the Peace-J
R Overton, J R Barnhill, A J
W L Nobles, J T
Moore, J P Fleming, H M Jones.
Executive R
Davenport. M T J R Over
ton, H M Jones, J J
The of paper will be
I to that there is at
one disease that science has
been able to cure in its stages, and
that is Catarrh Hall's Catarrh Cure
only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh
a constitutional disease, r quires a
constitution. treatment. Hall's Ca-
is taken internally, acting
directly upon the and
surfaces of the system, thereby de-
g the foundation of the disease,
and the patient strength by
building up the constitution assist-
nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much In its
curative powers they One
Hundred dollars for any that it
fails to cure. Sen of
F. J. Co., Toledo,
O. Sold by Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for
I have disposed of my
business at the city mar-
house and am now with
J. Q Smith the
Norfolk and Southern-
depot where my patrons
will find me prepared to sup-
ply their needs in fresh
meats, fish, sausage, etc. I
will pay the highest cash
prices for chickens, eggs and
country produce-
Is the Standard Visible Writer
of the World
J R Barnhill, Nobles,
R R Fleming, T W Mason, J T
Moore. i
Swift Creek township
For Constable-S G
of the Peace J
Gaskins, Robert A Wall. J S
Pittman, B A Gardner, J
Burney, G B J now selling at Farmville on,
N. C. Aug. 1908.
C. E. went to
Farmville Thursday and
Pianola Style with
Local Agent
tobacco selling at good prices, and club
and some of the farmers that j Q D Q
i have been selling at Greenville jg
The ideal will probably be
We have just received a
pound shipment of
Bethel township a
For Constable M
W L Simons,
of the
G Bullock,
A James,
. a P Carson.
; hip
j S
. . .; Hen p,
re is story
has it j own mo
Bailey, V.
For Ex emit j .
Robert i, I
Little, I. .
. I
For ,
.-. . J
son, J R m, J
For Executive i No.
Levi Pierce, Dr.
Dawson, MM Sauls, J R
For E Committee No.
2.- AG Cox, II E Bill . E
Jackson, j Harper, B i- Man-
C W Cox, W White.
For Justices of the
Harvey A Moore, Alston Grimes, dollar bill
J Marshall Cox, J M Stokes,; more school or
For Executive
H Job Moore. B A Gard-
J A Moore, C C Smith, E A
Johnson, E S J
J Moore, H J Williams, Jesse A
F. C. Harding,
Chairman Dem. Ex. Com.
This the day of Aug.
I hereby announce to the Demo-
Pitt county that I
re the the party
for State Senator from the
f Pitt, and that my
will be before the Democratic
voters at the Democratic
be on the 20th
day 1808.
The people of the county
familiar with my to me i two week
which I have beer. , . ,, . . ,
n. I have when I said J. H. Jr.
j .,. i I should have said
pi y . i And when i Hugh
I should have said
very cane my av
n . . . Q ,.
.,.,, ., ; ; ; i B. A. Smith and Burnett,
. p cf Farmville, were visiting at
in- it s for . i r j Mills Smith's Sunday,
shall be aid d , Mr. Mrs. Ivy Smith went
to Snow Hill Saturday and re-
. , ,.,, , . turned Sundry
the county m i-i eh; Mrs. C. L. son,
of the in.-, Leon, were visiting her father
that ii credit . p. n my land family Sunday evening and
Walter was
The result of the primaries will at Ivy Saturday
in nowise effect my allegiance to y and left Mo . .
account of better prices. Green-
ville should hurry up and put
the price of tobacco up if they
expect to hold their old
We expect correspondent
has not informed himself as to
prices, but simply bikes some-
body else's word for it. Ed.
A good many of the farmers
i attended the farmer.-- Institute at
; Greenville last Friday and say
they were by It
Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
j lion went to Greenville
day morning to get the
j to lance her finger that has a
bone felon on it.
Miss Ellen Smith g visiting at
S- near King's cross
in simply a piano, which I
will be playable by hand or by the
will. It
-.-. at
piano la
the popular
For bust piano at any price and
term, call or write. j J
A. J. bridge I
N. C.
By virtue of the of sale eon-
tan ed in a certain
and i C. W. Harvey
I and wife, Maude and
I S. Prichard and wife. Mollie J.
, A. Andrews on the
of an duly in the
of Pitt county.
In. ilia, book i. i age the
will e t , sale,
the court Ii use d -or in Green-
v to i lie on
day of . a two
t in to
a E Ian i Kin
Gr Pitt
North fol-
I to wit.
in the town of
I in
. by
sire t-, adjoin-
l X Hi I . . i ; . . . I a
M. P. et Be i at a
stake on Hi-S side of street,
Victoria s in running
i with ball to
I Greene strew ; with
I Greene lo th t;
thence with 11th t
stake, th- Ire half
Green and Washington
i N with
j Mm 2-1-2 fast to s in tie mi
idle of said n ; ti
1.1 with 11th street feet U
J Washington N rt
street J. feet to
stake in
i thence westerly with
back line to a
her Southwestern
northerly with her line it feet
i to lo h street, the inc
i tot No . -4, 3- and west in ha f of
It . i th Northern half of I No.
pr reads this week.
now arriving, plant
to get best results A nice
line of Fins in all
Choice cut flowers
specialty, wedding bouquets
and offerings
Mail, Telegraph, and.
Telephone order receive
pi attention, Phone 119.1
, N, C
v. an equal in price. It
es packed in a rice r
. i
pap r wrapper.
V. I
to Match
packed two packs in
box. Ry buying in quantity
we arc able to it at
We invite to call
examine it.
P Mm
. i- Cd
it . in
in ti w I
i t Ii
W 1.1 .
Also i. i. oil., r Ir
rid a
I . i
. . a sum
. .
Ml th i I L f
ll V r . ; I
it. . ; tr; i . y
, i i i Bin-. f.-t
. if V i ii . c ; t. n
i., . s Ii in an i . .
V r t; I i m-e
l. V. h .- i ill . I to th. . i-
nil I , i. . .
t ; I;
Aug. 6th, I
i. . . Ti
. N.
t J
. an I
. u
C an
W and
. ;.
Illy . . .
. IS,
. for
i .
th t, I
neon i
; .
i mill; . . I ling
i a ;
I John i I Jam H as
i. n .
b l he m i
. n a
. i n .
Ail. at tis
hi of night
. . your , w
iii do
rs. a
the party or earnest I
its nominees.
Alex. L. Blow,
The Story of
m a
i., as old
Tuesday to look after th i
bore felon on Mr . I. iv
a Anger i
h r
Is c ail .
C ton Buy r.--, rs
in S p in. In
I d
; w a
. Or
u i years All . j . Joe ,
Kan . i in put h Is . . , . ,
on . II bill. ho i . ,. ,
to the t town . n
it with a i .
ore the year i he ; I
dollar back. Pot r times in i . I Smith
,. came hack ville
prod . and three h th to
heard it in the p another
neighbors last time he got
our years ago ii.
sent it to a mail order ho
i V
t . b
The Ice Plant,
Kill Johnson, . . Propel
; o I rm S
. .
for i the
. . i . i i to
. . III r line
. I'd i
i- .- . W.
. i i
, ii. I
. I
lie has
since and
Jesse B Galloway,
For Executive
Grimes, J Marshall Cox, Ur
L E Ricks, W E Proctor, S A
Falkland township
For Constable-C V Smith.
of the
H Moore, F G J R Doz-
Abner Eason, L
J H Smith.
For Executive Committee-J
H Smith, F G Dupree, R R Cot-
ten. T L Williams, S M Crisp.
Farmville township
For T Flan-
For Justices of the Peace-R
E Belcher, R L Joyner, E F
R B Bynum.
For Executive
R Horne. J W Parker, W J Turn-
age, J R Davis, A J Flanagan.
Greenville township
will never build
of the homes of the community.
He sent- it entirely out of the
realm of usefulness to himself
and to his neighbors when he
sent it to the mail-order house.
The moral is plain. An appeal
through the newspapers to this
man with the bill would have
kept it at home. The mail order
man knew how to get the dollar,
he talked to him with
on ft i
hope ii can be v
comes to a head I
had awful suffering
first one. , .
i. P,
Greenville yesterday
he reached home ho
r brighten any young lady bad taken up hr
there. He was proud CASK PAID
r r in the i
will, That
never pay any
road tax for him,
. . . . J d
Not Ice to Creditors.
Having qualified us administrator of
T. J. Pollard, deceased, late of
county. North Carolina, this is to notify
all claims against the
estate of the said deceased to exhibit
them to the undersigned
within twelve months from this date.
or this notice will be pleaded in bar of
their recovery.
All indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment.
This the 13th day of August
Samuel Flake, Administrator,
G. Attorney. ltd I addition.
Administrator's Notice.
Having qualified us administratrix
the estate of R. T. Wilson,
lute of Pitt county. North Carolina,
this is to notify ail persons having
claims against tin- estate of the said
to exhibit them to
signed at residence In town-
ship near N. on or
before the 8th day of June, or
tins notice will be pleaded v bar of
their recovery. All persons Indebted
to said estate will please make
This June liMIt-.
II. Wilson,
Administratrix of K T. Wilson.
New Market to front Nor-
folk and Southern Depot.
School Building.
The graded school building is
being overhauled in preparation
for the next session. Putting
in sewerage is to be one of the
improvements, the trustees
I having recently decided upon this
comer and Third
formerly occupied by lute Col.
A. Sugg.
Dr. Greene
Specialist on Crown and Bridge work
Frank. Wilson Store.
Mrs. at the
building near court bakes every
d-y. rolls, and s. Or-
filled anywhere in town. Ice
ream sold
;. N, -v- St. f . .
. . L
Si. County N. C. i i r t
Into is v. . t . . hilt
I of r
i in the beautiful Alp lo
tho In ,
America. the Mountain this the h ii v A I
Hotels under entirely new It, I.
management. d In t,.
South, All in
For further Information, full
, ,., Notice.
DR. H. P.
The Cork the r C if
. .,;. i 1.1
tors of a ration tn no
estate of II
i hen by riven tn nil
ill cl lo
pi to tor i. j v
or before th,
day Jinn notice will
be nil in Ii r of their
p Indebted t . es h
in make In payment to
This th June
E. F
of It K. Patrick
Blow, Attorney .
Can be found on Fourth street
prepared to clean, press repair
Mens Clothing and ladies Skirts
All work done promptly, suits
made to order when
Your patronage
. i
A . . t . . J

D. J. WHICH Editor
Entered second matter Jan. 1907 at the at Greenville. N
C, Congress of March
in to
One thing Pitt county can con-
herself upon is the
cleanness of the county cam-
up to this time. Every
candidate is doing everything
he can honorably to advance his
own cause, but so far we do not
recall hearing one ill of
The item in columns a
few days ago in effect that far-
were giving too much at-
to the so-called money
crops to the neglect of the more
important food crops, led one of
the urged supply merchant in
the county to remark that his
bills for purchases of Western
corn to sell again to the
of Pitt county had been much
larger this year that his bills for
purchases of meat. He said it
was a sad commentary on
farming that so much
money is sent out of the county
fur corn, and the farmers
never be prosperous so
long as they followed this con-
It impoverish any
county that continually buys its
food supplies instead of raising
them at home.
This is indeed true. If the
total amount of money annually
sent of Pitt county for corn
could be named the figures
would be amazing. And this,
too, in one of the beat corn pro-
counties in the Slate.
There are enough swamp lands
in Pitt county, if properly drain-
ed, to grow sufficient corn to
feed the people of North
Una. But instead of raising
corn to sell, the county is -pend-
a large part of what is made
on other crops for corn grown
A- long as this continues our
farmers be poor, and they
should set about at once to
change this They
should begin now taking close
observation f fields
with tn of selecting the
i till
; ; ;. And when liar-
v,. ; . . . i
be gathered to them-
wives put aside r planting
next spring. Let your motto
; r lie as much
com as Go about
this intelligently by -electing
the be.-i g ed, planting on your
best laud and cultivating the
crop thoroughly. The county
mu-t raise more corn.
In the State gubernatorial
campaign there were some who
charged that if one candidate
was nominated his
would be directed by
than himself. But what do
you think about the presidency
if Taft is elected He will not
know how to send a message to
congress or to sign a bill without
asking Roosevelt.
Mr. Bryan is sticking to
text the People
strongly emphasizes what he
to say upon it. Mr. Taft is
also sticking his text,
by Mr. Sherman, all
utterances are second-
the people endorse
the administration of President
Quite a contrast
in the-e texts, my countrymen.
There are good men before
the people from which to select
the nominees for the legislature,
while The is not
going to champion the cause of
any sf them before nomination.
it is not out of place to say
that the primary next
day will do veil t follow
the time honored precedent
taking one from each side of the
The lat issue of The
Farmer was a good
roads special. It contained
and many excellent
articles showing the advantage
good mads. This is a sub-
our people need
There may be many things you
can with propriety do at the
primary, next Saturday, in work-
for your choice of the
dates. But one tiling we would
advise you not to do, is to lose
your head and say or do some
thing the aftereffects of which
will be injurious to the party.
There will be enough
dates left in the primary run-
to form a good sized cam-
club to work for the
winners. Of course they will
take defeat gracefully and go
to work for the nominees.
Rocking the boat or rocking
the train are two entirely differ-
things, but the fellow
guilty of doing either ought to
be sent to do duty on the rock
In the way of convenient ex-
and low priced trips the
railroads have this season been
doing the handsome thing by
the people of this section.
Bryan may not do much for
that trick mule, but what be
will do for the G. O. P. elephant
will be worth talking the
morning after the election.
The Republicans are now
toward their state con-
at to put up
a ticket for the Democrats to
knock down.
Some of them well make
up their mind not to take it too
hard if they are defeated. The
average to get there is only
about one in four.
The recent conviction of those
former commissioners of
son county for carelessness in
the management of county
fairs, takes the mind back once
more to the days of
will not be much need
of an equinoctial storm next
month alter What has already
come in the storm line.
Raleigh is taking one more
step toward being city-like by
ordering gates to get off the side-
Rear Admiral R. D. Evans,
of the United
States navy, having reached
the age limit has been retired.
The Wilmington Star says
looks like some politicians have
got to go to work after their
county conventions are
That hits the mark for the Pitt
county primary, too. Major.
Wants is
what some of the headlines are
saying. He wants a great deal
that he is not going to get.
Those keeping up with events
in politics, and nearly every-
body is doing so, can easily con-
that Bryan's chances of
election grow brighter every
Former Vice-President Adlai
Stevenson, now Democratic can-
for governor of Illinois,
sees victory ahead for the Dem-
of the nation this year. It
looks more and more like a Dem-
hind slide is coming.
They even tried to lynch a
a at Lynn, Massachusetts.
And that is the state that want-
ed to send missionaries down
and this special number of
The Farmer will purred on tins side of the
Those fellows who have been
working off the Bryan cam-
buttons of 1898
were a slick proposition.
If it was not for the pay con-
with the offices there
would not be near so many as-
Governor Johnson has been
renominated as the Democratic
candidate for governor of Min-
The candidates have much
more time to work and wait, as
primary is close by.
What with a
will remain a problem. We
have them in
of line parentage who have
turned out only drunkards,
but thieves. They have had
careful attention as far as one
can judge, but there must be a
screw loose somewhere that
needed tightening, but has been
left until the machine
been Bee
They are in every community
and in cases out of every
the parents are to blame. It
was the late Joel Chandler
who had Mr. Billy
to say that instead of expressing
sorrow for the parents when
children went wrong ho
with the children because
they had no parents to rear
instead of the parents
Where is my wandering boy
wanted the boys to
Why didn't my daddy mammy
And Mr. Joel Chandler Harris
was about as accurate in this
matter as he in interpreting
We send sample
how B. B. B. Cores above Trouble
also Eczema and Rheumatism.
For twenty-five years Botanic Blood
Balm B. has curing yearly
thousands of sufferers from
Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison
all forms of Disease We
solicit the moat obstinate cases for .
B B cures where all else fails, it
you have exhausted the old methods of
treatment and still have aches and
pains in bones, back or joints,
Mucus Patches in mouth, bore
throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored boots
Ulcers on any part of the body. Eating
Sore-, are run down or
or eyebrows falling out, take H. B. B.
It kills the makes the blood
pure and rich, healing every sore and
completely changing the entire body
into a clean, condition. Itch-
humors. Risings or pimples of
all leave after killing the pois
and purifying the blood with B.
this way a of pee rich blood is
direct to the skin the
itching stops r and every humor
or is healed and cured.
is pleasant and safe to talk; composed
of pure ingredients. It
fies and enriches the blood.
Druggists, per large bottle with
Directions for home cure.
Free Blood Cure
This coupon cut from Green-
ville, N. C. Reflector is good tat
one large sample of
Blood Balm ed free in plain
fib in your
name and address n dolled
below and m ill to BLOOD
CO. Atlanta Ga.
much good in direction.
The tax of bud Is i-
the heaviest burdens the far-
haw to war.
i- that David B. Hill
will in a few days declare for
and will enter vigorously
in the campaign in New York in
i behalf of the
. castes
If would raise their
own supplies at home, they need
give them -el about
reported advance in the prices
of flour, meat and bay. But
so long us they cultivate
exclusively what i- called the
money crops and depend upon
purchasing their supplies in the
West, they are going to have a
hard time and fail to prosper.
The authorities of the town of
Wilson have instructed the
lice to arrest every man,
or black, does not
business, work or visible means
of support. If such a rule was
strictly enforced in every town
it would be very beneficial.
Loafers are a nuisance and
to a community.
Certainly Taft wants the solid
South broken up. He would like
to break up anything that is
against him.
in York are charged
to hard times. With the West
wanting harvesters, and the
South wanting laborers, the
army of unemployed that con-
the cities might
i if the will move out.
is brethren of North
Carolina press have cause to feel
proud of the address of
II. B. before the
National Editorial Association
in session at St. Paul. Varner
certainly acquitted himself ad-
The New York World coming
over squarely to the
Bryan and the Democratic tick-
et, is worth two like the
more Sun going the other way.
The political fate of not a few
Pitt on the
result of next Saturday's
It is in accordance with Scrip-
men sometimes fall
into trap they set for others.
Yes, watch Greenville grow,
but get hold of one of the hand-
yourself and help push along
the growing.
When yon hear one man con-
running down the
of another, it is safe to re-
that man with more or less
suspicion. No one ever
benefits himself by speak-
disparagingly of a
tor. .
Mr. Sherman, Republican, can-
for vice-president, say
overshadowing issue of the
campaign is shall the
of President be
Doesn't that jar
you some.
One thing that should be kept
in mind in selecting a legislative
ticket is to guard against any
tampering with or effort to kill
the prohibition law.
There may be some lighting to
do between the primary and the
election, therefore it is just as
well to be careful as to
the nomination at the primary.
The man who sees any hope of
the Republicans carrying North
Carolina bases such hope on very
The speeches of acceptance of
if other
create but little interest.
It is expected that Governor
R. B. Glenn will make the op-
address at the and
convention to be hold at
city, August 26-28
The importance of this
cannot be over estimated
and for this reason Governor
Glenn intends to attend the con-
and give personally his
reasons for calling same.
If our and. oyster
tries are to be protected and
prevented from being
it Is absolutely necessary
that some vigorous measures
shall be adopted which shall in-
that adequate legislation
shall be passed at the general
assembly of the de-
sired results. The individual
cannot give the protection or
enforce the laws, but the state
can and will if the people of th
State desire and demand it. The
and oyster industries should
be among the most valuable as-
sets of the State and should
bring a large revenue into the
State treasury. How to bring
about this result and at the
A Card.
I hereby that have
removed for the practice of my
profession from Falkland to
Greenville. Residence on Third
street next door to J. L. Fleming.
Office. Dr. former office
where I Can be found at all times
when not professionally engaged
For Sale -A fine lot of C.
Brown Leghorns, standard bred;
mammoth Bronze Turkeys and
Guineas This is choice breed-
stock, and would not be
at this season but for want of
room. Be quick. W. A. B.
Hearne, Greenville, NO.
Wanted men of
ambition, who ca sell
things, to investigate, an
opportunity for realizing
on their earning capacity, it
your services are worth i
to a day you should and
can get the money. a
business notice co business men
and will not be interesting to any
who do not mean business. Ad-
dress W. A- B. Hearne, Box
Greenville, N. C.
more profitable to those
that are engaged in them are
the questions that will be dis-
cussed and receive serious con-
at the convention.
President Roosevelt has an-
that he will not take
the stump for Taft. No need of
it, when he can sit still and
the campaign anyway.
hard to get away from
the idea that Taft is merely
You are not helping Greenville
when you are fighting against
somebody else instead of all
pulling together to build up the
Every woman is afraid of a
mouse, yet practically all of
them wear rats in their hair.
The big slump in the price of
cotton in the face of a very short
crop is by no means comforting.
From all over the State there
reports of damage arising
from the recent excessive rains.
Washouts on railroads have
traffic by stopping trains,
and there has been great injury
to crops in all sections. The
to be wide spread,
Republicans are going ahead
naming tickets in many Demo-
counties in the State like
they expected to elect some of
Judge Pritchard expresses
himself as content with the
he now holds. Sensible man
He is not the kind to throw
away a certainty for an
The county candidates will let
no grass grow under their feet
this week.
We suppose the wireless
phone will do away with the
necessity of calling
According to Candidate Sher-
man, Teddy is the whole show.
You are liable an attack of some
form of Bowel Complaint and should
provide with the beat known
remedy, Dr. Seth Balsam
Warranted L. Wooten.
Delays Has Been Danger-
in Greenville.
Do the right thing at the right time.
Act in times of danger,
Backache la kidney danger,
Dean's Kidney act quickly.
Cure all distressing, dangerous kid-
ills. .
Plenty of evidence to prove
Abraham Light, Furniture Dealer,
on St. St.,
N C has used s
Kidney Pills with excellent results.
When she began using them she com-
plained of nagging
of pains through her The ac-
did not act properly and caused
her great annoyance. After using
Kidney the name in her
back and loins ceased, and the annoy-
arose from the kidney
Kidney Pills proved of far more value
to bar than remedy previously
and is glad to speak in their
sale by all Price
Co. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the
take no other.
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
you planted your gar-
den is the question every
one is asking. Woods Seed are
the best for the South- You will
find kinds perfectly fresh at
Drug Store. Don't make
the mistake of getting some
Miss Eliza Kennedy, of La-
Grange, is visiting Miss
M. M. makes the best
cold drinks that can be made at
la cold the year
Try one.
Mrs. J. J. Smith and son.
Monday for Richmond where
they will spend sometime visiting
Smith Co. are running
their factory and mills on full
time. General sawing trimming
and repairing of all kinds neatly-
The Ayden tobacco market de-
sires and invites honest
But don't strike below
the belt if so some one will
You will find a nice line of
coffins and caskets on hand at
J. R. Smith Co ,
Darin the severe electric
storm last Wednesday lightning
and killed a for
Wyatt Tucker and also one for
Bascom Whitford. both living
near here.
J. R, Smith Co. Dixon have
things hustling at the
plant. Besides their reg
of work they are masting
2.500 hogsheads to De
used on this market.
Misses Lula Lynch and Rosa
Lee Nunn, are visiting Misses
Lizzie and Lorena
Mrs W. E. Hooks and children
are out in the country visiting
her father, R. H- Gar is
Roy Cox and Hebe-
horn with Misses
and Miriam t r
vine, were in
while Saturday.
T, L. and wife, of
Some notorious liar of another
market has had the effrontery to
and circulate throughout
certain sections of the county
that the Ayden tobacco market
was a failure. None but a low
street tramp or half starved
pin-hooker would be guilty of
such. The Ayden tobacco market
is here as a fixture, here to stay,
backed by men not only of means
sufficient to sustain it, but men
of character, integrity and ability
men who have been a success in
life and who will see to it that
our market shall not only rank
with the but will at all
times pay the very cash
prices for the product, all envies
lying scoundrels to the y.
Candidates for treasurer S. T
White was here Tuesday and G.
M. Mooring Wednesday.
All Trains to be Dispatched
Orders have been issued from
the Norfolk and Southern in
Norfolk, that completely changes
the present system of train die-
patching on this road. the
River Overflows new order, beginning September
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon have
a nice lot of coffins and caskets
on band and can furnish hearse
when Give them a call
when in need of any th
goods. This firm has a good sup
ply of first class wagons, a few
good buggies, and run over
making hogsheads and
Truly Ed Garris the
is a busy man.
E. G. Flanagan, of Greenville,
was here Tuesday on bush in
connection with his undertaking
Miss Marguerite Meredith is
visiting in Washington.
Frank Carroll, of was
a pleasant Wednesday.
We team parties who
have been to that Mrs.
F. of
. it
iV T. E. has r
ore r vi .
The F c Baptist
N- S. Road An null Trains.
Mr. C. V. York, the weather
observer here, says that for the
twenty-four hours ending at
o'clock this morning the rainfall
was 1.10 inches, and for three
days it was 4.78 inches. The
river rose feet in the
ceding twenty-four hours,
and feet since Sunday, the
water reaching the 11.1 foot
this morning and con-
The water in the river is so
high that the ferry cannot be
operated and passage suspended
for the time being.
The railroads are troubled much
by washouts and trains on this
the Norfolk South
were annulled today. No
trains from the west passed
Tuesday, and those from the
east had to stop at Wilson.
A Monster World. 1,300 Times
the Size of Ours.
1st, all trains will receive
from the New Bern office. The
new order means the abolishing
of the offices now-
existing en the several divisions
of the Belhaven
Ferry, and
other points.
As a result of this change of
dispatching all trains from this
office, extra help has been sent
here ahead of time to get
liar with the condition, and some
of the dispatchers here
been sent out over the to
learn the routes and
themselves with these divisions.
New Bern Sun.
Atlantic Coast Line trains are
fairly regular so far.
Crops have suffered materially
from the excessive rains and the
Hooding of lowlands.
Humane to Your Horse.
Th late Judge Battle.
while he was editor of a
paper, set on the
The I that gave us our statute
Cox's Mill, N. C. 1908.
Miss Helen Haddock last
t e full mid
some time will.
. m o
We aw learn the
little- Mayor is
The infant child of
Saturday night and Sunday with
j Miss Bessie Moore
Oscar Evans went to Simpson
I Saturday evening.
Miss Kizzie. Hardy is spending
this week with Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Moore. Roads.
Miss is spending
week with
H. A.
City Sunday.
J. A. Moore was on our streets
Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. II Cox went
to Morehead City Sunday. They
reported a fine trip.
Misses Cora Carroll and
Page were here, a while Saturday
cruelty to animals. This paper
has many times Insisted that
law should be enforced. The
Wilmington Star recently
your horse when left
standing in the broiling sunshine
for several hours these hot day
makes no complaint, as would a
man under similar conditions, i
why you should think
that your horse does r. t suffer
from the heat under such
spending who has sick for quite
r. and Mrs. C.
The prospects for a short cot-
and corn crop are certainly
W. H. Harrington and Carlos
of Greenville, were here
Thomas of Cone-
tot., is here on a visit to his aunt,
Mrs. Burton.
Miss Freddie Tucker, of
has been visiting Mrs.
W. B. during the past
H. C. Ormond left Monday for
the northern markets to purchase
the fall and winter for the
J. R Smith Mercantile Co.
Capt. D. G. Berry and family
have returned from Bertie where
they had been to attend the fun-
of the late Mrs. Mary E.
mother of Mrs. Berry.
Lester Cox, of Greensboro, is
here visiting friends and
at his old home. Every-
body is glad to see him for he is
both popular and by all
of us.
We take this opportunity to
express our sincere and heartfelt
thanKs to all the good people of
Ayden and elsewhere who were
so very kind to us and showed
such tenderness for us by vis-
and aiding us in every way
possible during the protracted
and sore affliction and death of
our dear mother, Mrs. Mary
E. To you all we owe
a debt of inexpressible gratitude
and kindly feelings and best
wishes for you shall be yours to
Sincerely and truly,
Mrs and Mrs. D. G. Berry.
Ayden, Aug. 24th
while, suffered so intensely last
Monday that one of its
popped out and fell on the cheek.
The little child died Wednesday,
after suffering the most severe
pain. Everyone with
the parents in this sire affliction.
I The breaks out at the ware-
house continue good and the
weed is bringing the best price.
Bel, candidate for reg
cf deeds, has been a visitor
in our town during the week.
Miss Ada Tucker, of Whitakers,
is visiting the family of H. C.
Jennings Harrington, S. I.
Dudley and Ola Forbes, of Green-
ville, were here yesterday.
Every day is a busy day ii
Ayden now.
The Masons held their
monthly meeting here Thursday.
There were quite a number ii
j attendance.
The new warehouse is about
completed and we
have its first break w
J. W. Dixon and
will have control during e sea-
Large Tobacco Sales
Regardless of the heavy mint
preceding, tobacco ware
houses had immense breaks
today, it took until the din-
hour to finish even with
double sales. Prices are showing
a good advance and farmers
well pleased.
W. H. Smith has purchased
of A. L. Cox the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the sane place- All
work promptly looked after. Mr.
Cox will still with
stances. me. love my
in such is to
love your
seen instances
I . ., ,
take it tot granted that th w
. -l are not sensitive to heat.
; they do when r
red to stand the of th .
time that were
he man who forced them
so required to do the same
by a one who had th-
to do so he would complain
of ii cruelty.
he left en
ti do so the fearful
In this awful weather
have regard-for the comfort of
those beasts, who have
control of th m. Rem
that they, well as human
beings, suffer from the heat an .
try to make life for them as cam-
The humane will in this
weather look for i i
comfort of his hors-s; the hums
will seek the shade tor
himself while he will r.
faithful n n to
ii-. the Bun wit n
thought of
land Neck Common th.
Dr Joseph Dixon
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Building
It Spin Around at Such a
Gait That a Furious Gait Perpetual-
Inhabitants and Its Moons.
It Is curious bow little the
knows about Jupiter, lie-
beard n lot. much perhaps,
Kara, but that world. ill.
of ours, whirling in the
outer of
its months
as Jupiter is almost if not quite a tr;
In the first Jupiter,
to some is Inhabited
So are of its t.
midst of which the peat planet
around like n top at such
speed that it causes the
a furious wind that blows C
at a rate of miles
the midst of this never ending
bowling lit Boon
astronomers My that because
is so much heavier
the no creature of
can itself. A man
j . tut earth would,
to Jupiter, weigh GOO pound .
Ural b- .
l a cat could I
t wort
; i-N N no
Jupiter still or revolve
I in Mir earth all that BU
v. he true, a terrestrial
not its
as n fact the tremendous rate of
is so much faster than
earth's that in spite of its
it turns about in leas
as our
As it is. a man of
if transported the
Jupiter, would actually feel
lighter than be here on curt . I
the rotation of r.- ;.
would lift him from his
and throw Into
,. w feel II hi I
hour that blow
pieS him up and I
around and around
of dust.
in order to keep on his feel
Jovian or woman would I
oat feel
would doubtless i.- h Hie
Wet. Like all
Jovian would have a ten n
of motion. Having once i
himself, he a
i; inn at his breakfast and
eighteen at ids and I
ably . his . If his i
allowed bun less than six
his lunch.
by the would nay
,.;. our and II
I . r than five of there
, this work for
i I at ms rates speed, i
, . v. . i
, far off. have .
res so like
a i i on l
E . for these i
. i
. r I
.- ;. n, for v It I
. w
; s., , . I
. ii i
The Forgotten Lite and the Bad Fae
of Herring.
The I SOtS I science
to tho
who la
the Stow,
which physics
if we forty
birth mouse,
will be born
Hut a
b Use i n i
all th worM at
The . ; I the w
all frees n I
, I its animal
I In
i r, i. , i o . n is d it
i relative
of habitat made by animals.
live i . Bi to . the
and kepi s of sail
Ever; the i
out this vat half a
if salt and replaced ii with
. of fresh water
The survived and
m the- of
the of Van l la l
tank rend n
Net a f salt v, It.
the far i cheerful
in the Ti
i- deprive the Bab.
of the fresh water
In winch i. lived
and after a
led around in a perfectly .-
The bi it i r next l ii
tare m e. a i- d
. , i noticed
to 1- the matter -M
his pet
lie forgotten to give
to drink.
he put la
Th.- next when the
professor came bis Ball a
melancholy awl his The
herring had fallen bend into
and had been
Harper's Weekly.
A Turks For
bad with i
a Turkish i to art
whose virtues he boasted and
ill clean the
and the of the t. seem-
ed a worth;
and of -i- I
t as i y
i. silt. V
was used t close In Ills
the chill, but now at
. .; . i c Ill
tethered camel. his sad lie
and vent off lo ii.- bar
racks lo u with
it n guard. I was
I . the cook's .
r. i. -j i . Lu camp.
fad .
was in bis aster's u ;.
i . dreadful attack, u
. plunge.
.- ii d the
l -.-. e .-
. J . i . i.
. . can
., . .
For d c
in v it
one i
. -i so
t the State of North at the close of
; l
Excursion to Richmond.
The Atlantic Coast Line will
sell tickets on Monday,
31st, to Richmond and return at
special excursion rates, good to
return on any regular train out
of Richmond up to and including
Wednesday, Sept. 2nd. The fare
from Greenville is only and
from Winterville, Ayden and
A special train will leave
don at a. m. on arrival of
the train over this branch, reach-
Richmond at p. m. This
i is a tine trip.
Loam and discount
. . .
furniture and Fixture
Gold coin .
silver coin, including
minor coin currency
National bank notes
and other notes
Stuck . .
610.601 Surplus fund .
current exp.
Hills payable
Total, 178,082.14
. 81,405.99
Total. 178,082.14
I. J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above named
the above is to the best my
Subscribed and sworn to I
fore me, this 18th. day of July ; L.
. ,. I Directors.
Notary Public
. .
slat, and I
. I
It Is
i ti .
. , , .; i
. i i.
It ill, ; ire i i all ; I I
. .;.
pi ha l.
,; i i,. i . y on the in
by advantage i
the . Inns can I
I. ed
is ; i
in i he swept I
, ;,. -v. the I
i.;. . . curs, but with ii device,
mi by
his ears, when h
; listen.
This tremendous. Jo
has skin to
himself from the t
ii device for sining the nil
Hint he breathe for Jovian
is full of float, and in spite
the difficulties his existence he is i
long lived gentleman. On the
be exists for about Sim of our
Probably many a Jovian exists n
; .
.-. G
tit a
d S i
., . i
. i s
s. kl
revalue I .
order. i d
re i
n .
. .
I the
i . nil l . -i
i, in
., the
legal of sin h hip i
med fair the
should r.
City N-
But t
None us know when the
of a careless word will
Id the hearts of some that hear. I Lender.
Her System.
o you
expect them to he
let them I
So I'm disappointed

Market Beat Lat Good on Plant dog that hangs about the union
in Work in Two Month, passenger and has
Doc Beat Rides.
a liver colored bird
are always some We took a stroll Wednesday
ready to run down an tiling and afternoon up to the plant of the
regard, of Cabinet Veneer Co., and were
there are any facts to bear surprised at the great amount of
out whit Some of
them have recently been making
very statements about
the tobacco market,
saying other things that
the was going backward
and not doing much business
this To show the ab-
of such statements and
to let the public know the
we have some figures
that speak for themselves.
The Greenville tobacco market
since the opening of this season
on Monday, August 3rd, to
and including the sales for
Thursday, 20th, sold exactly
pounds more than the
market sold the first twenty
days of last season.
A conservative estimate places
the quantity on the warehouse
floors today, August 21st, at
pounds, while the same
date of last year there were
So it will be seen that for the
first three weeks of this season
the Bales have been over a
million pounds more than the
first three weeks or last season.
work going on there. What once
looked like a wilderness has given
pi ice to an immense
plant that will give em-
to scores of hands.
The exterior work of the build-
four stories high, is nearly-
completed and placing the ma-
will soon The
location, accessible to both river
and railroad, is ideal for such a
plant. It will be ready to begin
work in about two months.
A Faithful Friend.
have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Remedy since
it was first introduced to the public in
1872. and have never found one in-
hero a cure was not speedily
effect d its u-e. I have been a com-
traveler for eighteen years,
and never out on a trip without
this, my says H. S.
of Oakland, Tor. When
a man has used a remedy for thirty
rive years he knows its value and is
competent to of it. For sale Ly
J. L. and Coward i Wooten.
Chronic Relieved.
Mr. Edward K. Henry, with the
United States Express Co. Chicago,
Mr. Quick, handed a bottle of;
Ch Colic, Cholera and
Remedy, om time ac to check . population, to teach them correct
an attack of the old chronic orthography and pure English,
I haw
The Sunday Colored Newspaper Sup-
There is evident a
growing sentiment against the
Sunday colored newspaper sup-
intended to delight and
calculated to debase and
boys and girls. We spend
millions yearly in the public
to educate the juvenile
.-. i it since time and cured
oped considerable of the hobo
habit, only he takes his trips at
expense of the railroad
on first class trains and does
not have to ride the rods or
bumpers of the passing freight
He showed up around the station
several weeks ago and was such
a friendly, good-natured canine
that who are employed
about the station refrained from
throwing things at him. Since
this or unknown dog
has been on several trips up and
and down the road. No one
knows the place he visits- He
will stand watch the
trains and every few days sails
on a passing train and takes a
trip for two or three days. He
has just returned from a trip
down the Sun.
For ship stuff and bran see F.
V. Johnston, near N. S. depot.
Excellent Health Advice.
Mrs. II. M. of No.
Ave. San Jose, Cal.
The worth of Electric Bitters as a
general family remedy, for headache,
and torpor of the and
bowels is so pronounced that I am
prompted to say a word in favor.
the benefit of those relief
from such There is more
Health for the digestive organs in a
bottle of Electric Biters than in an-
other I know Sold under
guarantee at J. Woolen a drug
to the
have no ailment ex
. i lea which this
p For by J. minds memories school-
ten d O ward A with witless and
rial buffoonery ex-
plained in misspelled and
of Confederate
X. C. Aug. grammatical language
19-The annual state reunion of indiscriminating children accent
Confederate veterans opened this for fun. Children are naturally
morning with 1600 boisterous, and need no- o Han Zan Pile Rem-
not such forms of Pile,
and the public
So Say we AH.
If you have and are
not of your company,
let us know so we can put it in
e it to your
as to your
may be an
interchange of visits and neigh-
courtesies shown, but if
the presence of visitors is not
known you can hardly for
the attentions to be paid them
that they might receive.-Hen-
Gold Leaf.
but enthusiastic veterans in at-
Features were the
addresses of Gen. Young,
and Gen. Walker, of
South Carolina. Hon. Cyrus R.
Watson and Mayor Eaton
the veterans and
H. A. L responded.
which is taxed millions for
education, l take steps to
-top this mi
. .
. i .-.
be elect his i
veterans i r b .
,. L Got Welt.
inflammation, soreness and
itching. Price guaranteed, told by
John L. Wooten
Why the Present Board of Com-
missioner Should be
We, the undersigned Demo-
v and citizens of Pitt
county, request a small amount
of space in your paper, to call
the attention of the Democrats
of the to a few of the
many reasons why the present
board of county commissioners
should be re-nominated at the
Democratic primaries, to be held
on August 29th. 1908.
1st The present board of
county commissioners were
elected at the last general
in November, 1906, and con-
will have served the
county for only one term or two
years at the expiration
of their present term of office,
and as it has been the almost
broken custom of the Democratic
party to re-nominate and elect,
not only the of county
commissioners, but all other
public officers, tor at least two
terms, which custom is, in
our opinion, a wise and just one,
especially for county commission-
who serve th public
without pay, and generally
without the plaudits of the
of the county, regardless of
how well they may have served
them, and we can see no reason
now to break the custom of our
party, which is of such long
2nd. The present board has
inaugurated and begun the con-
of a great many new
and permanent public improve-
in the county, and several
contracts that cannot
possibly be completed during
their term of office, such as the
completion the steel bridges at
Greenville and Grifton. and it
would be, indeed, awkward to
put in a new board to see to the
carrying out of contracts made
by the present board, as well as
unjust, both to the present board
and to any new board. The pres
board should be allowed an-
other term at least, in which to
complete the improvements
ready begun, so that the same
W. S. Williams.
S- M. Crisp.
E. C. King.
T. L.
C- E. Gardner,
W. W. Dawson.
W. J. Kittrell,
J. L. Patrick,
G. F. Gardner,
K, F. Jenkins.
C J. Tucker,
Wm. Dawson,
J. L Tucker,
Vance Wall.
ID. W.
And Provisions
i vs on
Wm. Alton Takes Life
by Drinking Laudanum.
William Alton a
young farmer on W. L.
place about five miles from town,
committed suicide Tuesday
by drinking laudanum. Mr.
had been
dent for several weeks and told
two of his friends. Redden Jones
and Taylor of his intention
to take his life and asked them
to sleep with him, but they
thought he was joking.
Mr. spent Tues-
day in Tarboro, returning in the
evening to his home. He board-
ed with Mack Davis and slept in
a one room house between the
homes of Mr. Davis and
Mr. He retired
between and o'clock
and was found dead this morn-
at o'clock, when he failed
to come at breakfast and Taylor
summoned Mr. and upon
making certain that the young
man was dead, the coroner was
left a note to
his sweetheart. Miss Sarah
Laying beside the note
table was a
empty bottle, which had con-
The young suicide was the son
of William of
near Speed, was a native of
Martin county and years old.
Tarboro Southerner,
Fresh Good kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
M North Carolina
I Not Quite
M. How often you can a -4
rail or screw driver or
. per lacking. Have a
X tool box and be prepared
emergencies. Our
v is a you could desire, and
we see that your tool
box does not lack a single
M. useful article.
You get s
Horse Goods i c
Salesman Wanted-to look
our interest in Pitt and ad-
counties. Salary or Com-
mission. Address the Harvey
Co. Cleveland, O.
. Cured.
i re
. I.-
V In B of , Ky.
.- I . . . . . . ,
I .
t and m
I .
o. I
v .- i- e i and i ha r stored
.- .
I might bring credit to them, if
rye and chicken wheat at and economically done,
F. V. near N. to if
gently and incorrectly done.
. , . 3rd. A member of the board
mt I . , . , , ,,
r p of commissioners of the county
i tells you, should reside at the county seat.
Mr. fro-n reading i will prove a
your I especially in the con-
. w and in the report of dam-
And Mr. Kramer U pretty near done by storms, rains etc,
correct his diagnosis of the to the roads, bridges and etc. as
popular ailment. as in many other ways,
For FARM Supplies and
-1 f Carolina
the tow n
I. i E ch
of Green
Car . . ha been
. v. . i
. ii i. but i the
of gov n . . and I
on i is . I his tho National Bank of
j in position to give
. accompanied by checks or letters of credit to any
members of the club, will be country in the world at reason
admitted to the reception room able rates,
at any time.
By order of the board of j Good
Dr. E. A. Pres. Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West Frank
WT Maine,
. L. Had Sect y. adopted New
Life Pills as our family laxative
cine, because they are and do
their work a fuss
about These painless purifiers
sold at J. I. Wooten's store.
Sore Feet
Bur An
. for
t, as v
if K.
Maine. I , ti too for
; I under i
at J.
a ire f i
a ire,
father has for years
troubled with and
every means possible to a cure,
a cure, without writes John II.
W. Va. saw
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Remedy advertised in the Phil-
Republican and decided to try it.
The result is one bottle cured him and
he has not suffered with disease
for eighteen months. Before taking
this remedy he was a constant sufferer.
He is now sound and well, and although
sixty years old, can do as much work
as a young Sold by J.
Wooten, and Coward Wooten.
Be Finished in Few Weeks.
Work on the bridge is making
good progress, and those in
chance now say it ought to be
completed in three weeks more.
The work forward as rapid
Come Here to Work.
Says The Journal
U. A. Underwood, carried
hands over to Greenville, N.
C, this morning where he will
put them to work laying brick on
the new Eastern Carolina Train
School, which will be con-
under the supervision of
Messrs. Rhodes and Underwood,
contractors, of this city. The
brick these buildings
Bees Laxative Cough Syrup young
and old prompt relief for coughs.
Child; en a Blessing.
. at a man would be
n little b r than a savage but
for woman, With equal truth
we may assert, both and
women Would be hard and
fish beings but for children.
These call out, and refine and
soften the best feelings of the
parental heart. Their little deeds
are so many, and their simple
innocence so affecting, and their
caresses so winning, that love
and attention flow out to them
always instinctively. That must
a hardened nature which can-
not be moved by the soft touch,
the playful childishness and the
hundred little pranks of a baby.
won. as e hoarseness, whooping cough.
as lumber for the flooring Gently laxative. Guaranteed. Sold by
be delivered, John L Wooten.
What is the Best tor Indigestion
Mr. A. Robinson, of On-
been for years with
indigestion, and recommends Chamber-
lain s Stomach and Liver Tablets as
the best medicine I ever If
troubled with indigestion or
give them a They are
to prove beneficial. They art
easy to take and in effect.
Price, cents. Samples free at J. L.
Wooten's and Coward Wooten's
drug store.
-h. The present board of
county commissioners have had
considerable improvements made
to the roads, bridges, dams and
etc., in the county, and have, as
we are informed, i
, plans for further
v along this line,
which will be of material Si
to the public, and will event i
satisfy the people in each locality
of the county, as the work ; i
in particular localities has
ready pleased the people of
localities. Of course, the board
could not, in i year and a half,
reach every locality in the
but we think they have done
well indeed, and will, if
and elected, according to
the usual custom, do much good.
5th. In saying what we have
said above, we do not want to be
understood as reflecting in any
way upon the ability and
of any of the other gentle-
men who have registered as
candidates for county
on the contrary, we de-
sire to say that the men
are among the best in the
county, and would make good
and efficient commissioners.
Why then elect a new board
at this and turn down the
present board of capable and
faithful public servants contrary
to all precedent
J. R Davenport,
R. R. Fleming,
A. J. Whichard,
T. L. Moore,
Don't fail t see our machine
We carry a hill stock, also a hill line re
tor our Machines only, which is the
There is none better, . member
give perfect satisfaction,
would II attention to our . . .
We carry the best quality only of Lime and
Cement and keep a stock on hand. Bear in
that Baker Halt's i-. the place to buy
lull assortment always in stock to choose from
Quality the highest, in fact there is none bet-
it being guaranteed per cent. pine.
It you wish to build it is to your interest
to sec as we are in position to look after
your every need. Don't forget that our line
of General Hardware is kept complete with
the very best quality We can fill
your orders from n box tax to a car load of
nails. Give us a call.
Baker Hart.
General Hardware
Solo Agent for
Devon Lead and Zinc Paint, Jewel Shoves and
farm fertilizer sower
Edge Tools.
O. L. Present. R. h COBB H. PAIL, Tr- Auditor.
The Farmers Consolidated Co.
Greenville, Robersonville, Wilson, Kinston
It is the experience every stockholder in this company that he never
made a better investment, for the five of its operations the original stock-
holders have been paid 1-2 per cent in cash dividends. That is the result of
co-operation, good management and sound business methods.
Again it is the experience of every farmer who has sold his tobacco
warehouses of this company that he higher prices than other houses
could obtain. For the coming season is prepared to even surpass
the tine record it has made In the past, hence it is to the interest
to sell their tobacco with this company.
on the Greenville market, will this season be in charge of that prince ware-
housemen. Capt. J. R. Hutchinson, formerly of Wilson, whom you have only to
try to be convinced of his ability to please you.
For Sheriff.
I hereby beg to announce my
self as a candidate for sheriff of
Pitt county, subject to the action
of the Democratic primaries of j
Pitt county- John J. Elks.
In d w
For the Legislature.
I hereby announce that I am a
candidate for nomination for
j House of Representatives subject
I to action of Democratic
J. F. Stokes.
on the Greenville market will again be in charge that veteran warehouseman
and champion of high prices, V. D. Foxhall, whose record in the past is a
what he can do tor you in the future.
The warehouses at Robersonville. Wilson and Kinston will be under cap-
able and efficient managers who will carefully the interests of all who
sell with them. The wise tanner will sell his tobacco with
For County Treasurer.
hart by beg to announce my-
self as a candidate for the posit-
ion as Treasurer of the county of
Pitt, subject to the action of the
primaries of
county. C. T.
To the of Pitt,
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for th office of county
I commissioner for county of
Pitt, subject to the Democratic
I primary to he h Id on the
of Angus, J. J. May.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a
l candidate for sheriff of Pitt
subject to the will pf
the people as expressed in
I Democratic primaries on the
I will
any rapport given me.
y O. W. Harrington.
Tickets on sale 17th. Limited to return
August 20th. Fare for round trip from
Greenville to Norfolk
For further information apply to Ticket Age or
W J. P. T. M., T. C G. P. A.
a--, is
Farmers Consolidated Tobacco Co.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for sheriff of Pitt
to tho Democratic
primary to be held Aug. 29th.
will thank every one for any
support given
3rd, 1908.
t w.
courses of study preparing for Business,
Coll. students from wide area of patronage. i; com
, .-.;,. to A,.;. Faculty;
location, i under same t. B TO
. desert the school fully, together with a handsome act
Card Views, Write to the
V. N O
If one brick is as good as another, why do
buy pressed brick at fancy prices They want
LOOKS as wall but hey cost more.
If get quality and they are and
they cost less.
BUT, If they can git both results combined in
one and at the pries of the that
Why certainly.
We have that k and want an
to show you. Ask us for samples, prices,
freight rates etc.
plant ea f- o. u .
WALTON BRICK CO., Macclesfield, N. C.
Wholesale and retail
Old Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid fir Hide. Fur. Cotton Seed j
Oil Turkeys, j
Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc i
Carriages, Go-Cans.
For Register of Deeds.
To the voters of Pitt,
I will be a candidate before the
Democratic primaries on August I
29th for the nomination
and will
predate any support you see
Littleton Female
One of the most successful and best equipped boarding schools in the
South wit hot water heat, electric lights and other modern improvements.
boarding pupils last year. 27th annual session will begin Sept
For address M. RHODES, President, Littleton, N. L.
to give m ;
Very Respectfully,
w J. C.
I font--. A high-grade for
. men. with industrial aw
cultural equipment. Located on 700-acre farm one mile i i Li
College and under the management the same board of
j For new, illustrated address J. B. n, .
For Treasurer.
V .
I announce myself
fur the of
UM. county, subject to
Safes, P.
Snuff, High Life tobacco Key on 29th, and will
West Cheroots. Henry Of on J p-date .
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach- u. Mooring.
es, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup.
Jelly. Hear, Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
T P . J B T k t . .
o. C t
For the Senate.
To the Democratic voters ft Pit
am a candidate for
nation of State Senator
is All
ware, mutes aim voters their support
Macaroni. Cheese, Best Hut- at primaries to be
New Royal Sewing held of 1908
will be
S d w
Soap, Lye Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls.
Garden Seer's, Oranges, Apples.
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples,
Peaches, Prunes. Currants.
Raisins, Glass and China ware,
Wooden ware, Cakes and Crack-
and numerous other goads.
Quality and quantity cheap
cash. Come see me.
Gd best for
Pot . ; n
t f; s
t in Iron B
Military Institute
A Select Boarding School for and Young Men.
am or Personal car,, and
Beautiful, elevated, healthful location. Good moral
admit Students from on
very Reasonable. Term of School will begin
Sept. I, 1908. rite at fur
W. H. RHODES, Supt., Kinston N. Car.
Barber Shop
fie Fleming props.
Located in main business sec-
of the town Four chairs
in operation and each one
sided by a skilled barber
Our id inviting, razors
Our towels clean.
thank you for past patronage
and ask you to call
good work is wanted.
J. before buying
your coal for winter. He can give
you a bargain.
A High-grade Fitting School,
with Business College and
Normal Departments.
pares for the Professions, for
Business, for Life. Diplomas
honored by Leading Colleges
and Universities, North and
South. Fifty-seventh year
begins Sept. I. For beautiful
For County Commissioner.
We, the undersigned, the pres-1
incumbents of the office of i
the board of commissioners of j
county, hereby announce
our Ives as candidates re-
nomination for said
Our board has now in progress Z.
certain permanent public
J. A. M. H. HOLT.
of great importance i
General Merchandise
to the county and to the people,
and our interest in the economic
and completion of these
public improvements has induced
us, body, to stand for re-
nomination for the second term.
This the 4th day of Aug. 1908.
R. King,
Jno. Z, Brooks,
M. T. Spier,
J. Holland,
N. T.
A Card From
To all who favor me for Regis-
; u r deeds.
tr My individual tickets will be
n the of my friends at
---------the twelve voting places in Pitt
county on August 29th, also my
It l O j will be on the tickets fur-
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
i I have on hand a forge of
I Will
on application can Jill
W J Gardner,
The Brick Han, Bethel, N. C.
. I. W. H.
Moore and Long
i N C
executive commit-
tee with the other candidates for
same office. Either tickets
will good, but be careful
you vote that the one you wish
to vote for may receive your
support. Will In advance thank
each and every one for their sup-
port at the primaries.
J. C. Lanier.
August 1908.
d w
Announces Low To
Account Republican State Convention
J t
i no
Tickets sold August to 30th,
For information apply lo Southern Railway I
Agents, or address
W. W. T. P. A.
Hume of Women's Fashions, Greenville N. C.
, -5. .
m A -k

Charge of F. C. NYE
;. era Winter Vicinity-Advertising Rites on Application
. .
bear in mind the tarn- MAUDE LEE ENTERTAINS.
j . f a r j. Tar Hod and carts j
had A. for Reflector.
I N-C. On Tuesday afternoon from
You P Christian to o'clock, Miss Maude
Union about thirty, Lee a few of her
cent to Frizz Us mill Saturday J friends by giving a progressive
no the most party. Miss Lille Lanier
At sunset they I winning the most games was
-Id list meeting for the awarded the After several
p grounds. flinch being played,
home about o'clock j were served, and
. night, and speaks in j the guests returned home, de-i
. of the they had spent a most
them by Mr. enjoyable evening.
ii in home. Those present were. Mis.-
r. m
. . ,
i by
.-. corn, u.
not dim
. -1
V. bit burs I,
It refers to Liver Pills and
Are constipated
ANY of and in say
indicate inaction of the
Take No Substitute.
. . I .--. j
largo t of best flour just in Forbes, Annie Leonard;
Berber Co. Tyson. Mary Brown, La-i
. Christine Tyson, Barnes-
. J .
s tine Forbes, Ellie Brown, Grace
Smith and Ellington.
cf Sympathy.
TO have horse he
. have plenty of good feed.
Fr. i. Been tit to enter the home of our I
v. corn. Brother H, A. token
Co tender fee
Dr J. ii. Hudson, of their Gloved little
Co Roads, was we
II. members of
in that section. No. resolve.
Monday morning the A. G. 1st recommend
C x shipped out sixty v. bite to the car.-
. durability, Spirit, who a things .
i tender to i.-m his b
The Pun e to the
h held I
echo . , y
into patient
which n or.
;,;. i cheapness
thee Th had .- n I , made by A. G. Cox ,.,,. ti the sincere
evening t AU. Co. cannot led.
Pare of Mi Cox I r looking for,
ward to the opening of W. S
a week with pleasure, New
prof he the a large crowd m
canvassing from MP of pupils fop the ,. request to
the road evening. of life. the same,
his way he w . the W have th ,,
A- U- C. Moore,
of our in
. . time.
That a copy of these res-
be sent to brother White
rain. Ugh how c II Aug
seem j .
We always have a wee of
fresh groceries on hand, liar- -a, ,,. .,,
that pretty
i . and hosiery A, W- Ange
a iv
v-u. . . a
Little Misses Rosa and and Co. They are selling them toot
.-., . inn , and it. takes
Naomi Everett, of Robersonville, corns and if
and of If
. . . . , .,,.,. ,. I. r
spent the day at the ;
G. Bryan.
Several of out young people
attended a pa -y
the home of Nash in
honor of Muse Pearl and
Miss Olivia Cox. who has beep p, county, Aug.
spending vacation at her home
, trip up the road yesterday eve- w
bu u -y cations,
. r lines of I d. feet. Tr it Sold
the prettiest all -d Shoe Stores.
ever in win n for in accept
Barrington Trial
Prof. G. E. is hilled
Address Boy, N. V
to speak at a picnic at
Felt Like.
I; I l-
This makes the fourth on. in an i choir, ho
at which he has made addresses . out of in Ibo
Queer Places In Which the Cubans
Secrete Their Spare Cash.
Although there are now excel-
lent wrings bank in Cuba, for
iterations the people have been
i to rate A
traveler of one hiding place in
a bird is a The
had n looted a
Ham during various
revolutions, but the raiders bad
never suspected the bird in
tree. After the death of the
ad of the family the valuables
vi re removed by children am
y . hi bank. Ii
. ., r all of a build
with r-
. Oil I
all, I ire i.
I i
. I .
. ;
. . a III
i I
it I two i
. . i. .
an. . I with mi it. I-
if ., ;, till
. r
; exists
man h had
.-i hiding plane a
a .-. If up under
l us I ling
, . i chosen i n
i , of of a m
I n -1 there. s
1- will not take much interest in
-1 lung a in tho vicinity of
wasps or hi I
of in wit . I
i ft, a few months the
I a in a and r
l ,. a box
hi in stung, lie was I
In t lo
and ladder.- and
the b A
; just a- he I
I ,;. ii fell I
j . i-, and
Hi I . hours were r
in In t
. v I that ha
n his . in n
in .
Singular Story of the of
awe., the wall of the
old monastery to Italy,
Like every
pointing required many years of pa-
labor, and as a result of
labor it U perfect Id Its naturalness
of expression sublime in its
of love. In to these qualities,
it bas an incident history
contributes not a toward
It the It Is.
It Is said the In
faces of the studied lb
countenances of good men I.
When, however, he was
to paint the face of Jesus In the pi
he could none that
satisfy his conception. The face I.
would serve us a model for the fine
Christ must be in Its
and majestic its
After several years of
painter happened lo
a choir boy . f .
voice. to a I
Being struck by the
tender manner U
spoke an angelic soul, the ii
the boy to be the for
i 1- of the face of Jesus.
All done most carefully
but the picture was us
for the face of was
absent. with
seal of a true lover of his art. set
in search of a countenance that
serve for face of
veins Ins search was re
picture coin
As was In
the miserable degraded
wretch who had been Ills awful choice
up at and
oil have
end dumb with H
painter learned man was
D Ibo-e
years bad been
bad met with
,., had given up to
B I had fallen Into
The Kind f Sales Makes at
Star Warehouse
By far the largest and best
sale any warehouse has made on
the market this season, was
made today by V. D. Foxhall at
the Star warehouse branch of
the- Farmers To-
Co. He sold pounds
and the average price all through
And here are prices he got for
some of the farmers selling with
W. J. pounds at
at at at
at at
Asa Jones at at
at at at
E. O. Smith at at
at at
at Average
G. Ii. Smith at at
at at
These figures talk for them-
here, ft Thursday morning tr
Oxford where she takes up her
work again with
In rt few days more- our
people to leave u.
some to teach and others to take
up duties at college.
the bug-
are going. Call
our nice stock of runabouts be- to attend the con-
fore you buy. Prices are inter-1 t. u. .,.;.,
this summer.
Miss Dora Cox and II. T. Cox
spent in the
near Ayden.
Prof. P. C. Nye left Monday
for Onslow county In the
of School.
A. O, Cox and Prof. U. T
Lineberry left for
; i and crime. Tin
was the for
f. . . t bail 011-e been model
f the lace of Christ.
of commonest dream
or l
fool the a
u I
in or
helping in t a
, in lie had in bail
; injures up whole a
Certain on
i- coll in n
Ly i- I I
. i nit fr mi
lest nm this a aid apt
near children animals
i, r heir .
adults in, ward ,
, like,
Chas. Smith and are
away neat
eggs a
the beat b.
ii, Co
Hay lime A. W. Ange
of the county
of the state.
F. A. after ten
vacation, returned Monday
and resumed his work with the
A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co.
Lia and Magdalene
Cox went to May,
Mr. and Mr.-. J. L. Jackson
. , Sunday in Conetoe-
The campus of Winterville . .
High school has just been J- f- Cox
and presents a beautiful appear-1 dine
The have
been repaired and are in excel-
lent r a re r
breaking opening Monday
are it
to having chairs
at home and certainly
ought to have a comfortable desk
in the school room So much
depends upon the comfort of our
schoolroom. Many a boy- and
girl had his health injured
permanently by
this line. Let us give our child-,
comfortable and beautiful
school rooms and they will
with delight the time for the op-
of school, desks
a t and be convinced.
Rev. H. E. p, of Ayden,
filled his regular appointment at
the Methodist church Sunday
morning and
Lots of inquiries arc- Doming
in about which tho
A. G. Mfg. Co. makes.
Miss Janie Kittrell is spending
a few days in the country.
Rev. T. H. King returned yes-
A- W. Ange returned
from Jamesville yesterday ac
ho re, The
I, i the no was ha
trip it- I-
v en he p he I ; .
and he I ll he
his linen
I bu
. . in i In
I. I r an Bingo
ii n for the
to the et to h
will l , . I I
ill the .
.-. . n j
I r. ; . I ;
I . lite a I
A , mi sol I nil r i
ti her that I
ha neat a versa
when tho ring was mad .
plate, u .
had ; lino
child in the said, I. I
i n
the had
or Id at ti
i or t el her
. l
; nil a
I f ash in a hollowed r
Wife of Baptist Missionary Dies in
Durham, N. C. Aug.
A telegram has been received
by Capt. J. F.
chief of police, tolling of the
death in China of his daughter,
Mrs. Lula wife of Dr.
T. a well-known mis-
of the Baptist
Mrs. Bryan had
afflicted for several months and
death was expected. She
was years of aim and has four
children, three in Chin, and one
In Mississippi, where she is be-
educated. She left in ad-
to her and four
children, father four half-broth-
and four half sisters. Mrs.
Bryan went to China in 1884,
in mediately her marriage
Rev, Mr. Bryan, has paid
visits to this country since
then. The telling
if her death came the
in Mississippi and a telegram
sent here told the father of the
death. She died several days
ago. The interment takes place
in China.
r j- i for it- p mil
. of furniture. Tin
i . leg f h Bi
ho pi
a tightly fitting door
when this i closed
ti in-lee ho hall
not oil
if home- of ll
lights arc
a of-
by her mother TOUCH IT.
Letha Fair and
Irma Cannon are visiting
Dorothy Johnson.
M. G. Bryan left Tuesday for
Mill Burned at
We learn by that the
saw mill the North
Carolina Lumber Co., at
was destroyed by fire early this
morning. Tho dry kilns
planing mill were saved but the
trill and a large quantity of
Son UM
futon I. mill. l-y mo
sept he
to It K
and Our i
ICE is to Make.
a .
I t.
Mix. mid
in I ill
two of smooth,
IV owl W
At coat cal
bold b
mat . . -T by I m
Pt f C
i If
I tho f The
ti. . miry
hall hall
, el
stun to I- .
hiding place for yearn
, the h burned
I in, went it- j
. .
Boss Tree.
Tho hum rose tree
, . . i- I., bin
on church of tin
ii . ;
many , as at rt own I
a en in t.
. ., . re I mil
j II i
, a- planted by
Ir ink in. . I as bi v
Th five
limb i
. ii. tho tree I pf
mi no
about i. piers l
soldiers iii
am tho tree, Catholics
town, drained the ind, the
, . of me up tho
branches with and those
a a
don Globe.
Varying His
I'm be
ton I, getting in on the
I has made
in icy fur mo In a business
it's up to m to get even with
the world
himself this of State, grown
reasoning, he worse for several weeks
tho window and . ., , , , , ., -m u
-nil Tribune. lot y .
in a critical condition for
Mn. Grimes Worse.
throughout the State will learn
with deep regret that
lion of Mis. J. Bryan Grimes,
wife of Col. J. Bryan Grimes,
Go to M. g.
N, I ., for fire He
represents tho Co.,
of Greensboro, It is one of the
and treatment at John Hop
Hospital, Baltimore.
Two bad storms, of several
duration, within a month
have put crops in a bad way.
Bank of Winterville.
In the State North Carolina, at the business July 15th
mid ., ;, 5,000.00
Overdrafts funk
tuxes paid
Dills payable
, ,
, . ,. to -70
ll . .
. . ,,.
if Total
. la true tn the lest o.
d and n t before me, i At test
Nut. I lie. j W Directors.
m mm syrup
An Improvement over many J
system -f s eh. by . . V A.
Hi- I
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
Will be Catted to
According to the plan set forth
in the call for the primary that
was held on August 19th to
candidates for the various
county offices, the Democratic
county committee met.
in the court house at noon Tues-
day to canvass the from
the several voting precincts of
the county with the following
For the senate A. L. Blow re-
votes and J. J.
Laughinghouse votes, and
Blow was declared the nominee.
For the house of
R. R. Cotten received 1206,
Dr. B. T. Cox M. Jones
S. C. Wooten N. H.
Corey J. F. Stokes
Cotten and Cox were declared
the nominees.
For coroner Dr. C.
Laughinghouse received
votes, having no opposition.
For surveyor R. F. Jenkins
received votes, having no
Joseph M
No nomination
J. J.
office, no
Farmer. Who Come With
Team Skip Here.
Regardless of the rains there
was a big tobacco break today,
the warehouses having fully a
quarter million pounds. So many
of the farmers are poorly equip-
for housing and keeping
their tobacco through such a long
spell of bad weather that they
do not want to take chances in
holding it, hence they
rainy days as well as fair ones
The best thing in their is
the continued good prices even if
the sales are large.
The high water in the river
preventing bringing teams
across, several car loads of to-
are being here
daily from stations beyond the
r idle
one receiving a major of the
votes cast.
Fir W. B.
received P. T. White mi,
G. M. Mooring C. T.
ford No nomination
neither received a majority of
the votes.
For register of deeds R.
received W. M. Moore
J. C. Lanier
Bell R. L. Little J. C.
H. A. Blow
resulting in no nomination as
none received a majority.
For county commissioners D.
J. Holland received 1443, N. T.
Cox 1365, J, P. 1352, J.
J. May 1236, A. V. Lang 1210, J.
Z. Brooke M. T. Spier
A. R. W.
King Holland, Cox,
May and Lang were de-
the nominee tor
All the townships nominated
their township officers, except
and failed to
make a nomination for constable.
The largest vote cast. for any
office was for sheriff, that
representing the number of
voters who took part in the
It was agreed by the executive
committee that a second primary
be called to make nominations
for and register
of deeds, and for constable in
and town-
ships. In second primary
only the two candidates for each
office can be voted for who re-
the highest vote in the
first primary,
For L. W. Tucker and
S. I. Dudley.
For treasurer, W. B.
and S. T. White.
For register of deeds, R,
and W. M.
t For constable of town-
W. O. White and G. W.
For constable of
township, Burwell D. Skinner
and J. S. Moore.
After consultation with the
candidates it was decided that
the second primary be held on
Saturday, September 12th.
Let every Democrat attend the
primary of his precinct on that
p-i vote for choice
Thomas J. Jarvis
of Greenville, passed through the
city yesterday afternoon on his
way from As where he
spent three weeks in
The grand old man is in almost
perfect health and will go back
to his work, which is
dent of the building of the East-
Training schools which the
ordered built in the
last general assembly. The
amount of money spent in those
exceed by a
fortune. Governor
vis is chairman of the build-
committee and is getting
handsomely in the work.
Durham Herald.
Cigarette Law a Dead Letter.
Judge Webb the law
that prohibits the Bale of cigar-
to minors in his charge be-
fore the grand jury, and the
citizenship ought to take notice
of it. The law la a dead letter.
It violated with impunity and
the inaction of the officers furn-
immunity to those who for
the of a few cents prey
upon the youth of the State.
One single arrest and conviction
of an unscrupulous dealer would
end the illegal and immoral
practice in any community. The
judge spoke true when he
that the cigarette evil one of
the that besets boys and
young men, and that it far
greater than most people think.
We have heard thoughtful men
condemn the little hired
that go about in the
of the candidates who are paying
them, but they shouldn't be con-
too They
couldn't do anything to produce
results without so-called voters
who permit themselves to be
The fellows who
place themselves in a position to
be are the ones to con-
They ought to be made
ashamed of by an
outraged public sentiment that
will either learn how to vote
without having to tell
them, or quit voting until they
can learn how to think for them-
Home of Marshville
of Over the State
Gathered frost Our
Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 81.-The
labor onions of Raleigh are
paring for an elaborate Labor
Day celebration September 7th,
a big barbecue and
stew to be one of the special
There will headdresses
by State Treasurer B. R. Lacy
and Assistant Commissioner of
Labor and Printing M. L. Ship-
Raleigh, N. C, Aug.
burglars, a white man and a
were discovered this
in the residence of Ed.
in West Raleigh, Mrs.
was alone. She fired at the
white man, who was rifling her
trunk, wounding him
slightly in the hand. Th two
men turned on the woman, over-
powered and chloroformed her
and completed the burglary.
Mrs. revived sufficiently
to fire four shots at them they
left the house.
A colored man was brought
in the city this morning from
Snow Hill and taken to the hos-
to be operated on for a gun-
wound received over a year
ago in an altercation with an-
other The who
did the shooting convicted
of assault with deadly weapon
in the Greene county court some
time ago. The wounded
considered in a critical
operation be
Fr. e Press.
N C, Aug.
marked the of
the year in Winston
market Leaf sales for the past
year were a
gain of of pounds over
the previous year. The
price the past year was
per hundred. Tobacco
this month shipped
pounds, this being a de-
increase over the
month last year, stamp sales
this August,
Raleigh Dispatch, Aug.
Cold and in death the body
of Mr. S. G. Ryan, a lawyer of
city, was found tonight at
o'clock in his office in the
and Bank
building. Mr, Ryan had prob-
ably been dead for twelve or
teen hours, as he had not been
seen all day. For some time he
had been a sufferer from asthma,
but death is supposed to have
been from heart trouble.
la Two Feet of Highest
Dem Beyond Bridge
Report from Tarboro this
morning stated that the water
in the river reached a stand there
last night and would soon begin
falling. Ordinarily the water
stops rising at Greenville about
twenty-four hours after it
reaches a stand in Tarboro, but
with the continued rain of last
night and today it is hard to tell
when it will stop rising. The
rise here last night was inches,
putting the stage this morning
within two feet of the high water
record. Water has reached the
top of the dam beyond the bridge,
and it has been necessary to haul
dirt on it today to keep the dam
from washing in two. Much of
a rise tonight would be a disaster
to it.
The National Bank.
In a large ad on second page
the National Bank of Greenville
tells you something about what
good banking is. It is some
not hot they
give, and they show why Nation-
Banks are the safest places to
deposit your money. This bank
is giving good service.
No Use for a Doctor.
If nobody did better than Mr.
M. F. of this place our
friends, the doctor, would have
to go out of business. He was
years old the of this month
and never a dose of
tor's in his life. If
Mr. lived in China where
they pay the doctor to keep his
patient from getting sick instead
of for making him well, his long
years of good health would have
A Fiend Captured.
Wilson. N. C. Aug. 30-This
morning a rape fiend, Abner
old, enticed
two little girls, aged three and
eleven years, of Peter
Handle, to the woods there to
commit his hellish purpose, which
he would have
had not the children
screamed. sheriff
fled and after a long he
was found about a mile from
where the crime was attempted.
The black on last Monday
succeeded in outraging a ten year
old colored He was lodged
in jail.
An Old Tax Receipt -Probably an Er-
in Date.
Monday Mr W. F. Carroll
showed us an old tax receipt
ed August 20th, 1819, that was
signed by B. G- sher-
The receipt was for
for taxes for the year 1818 due
the county by Mrs. Car-
roll, great grandmother of Mr.
Carroll They must not had
printed forms of in those
days, as this one was written out
on a narrow strip of blue paper.
The writing on it is
However, there is evidently an
error in the date, as the records
of the county show that B. G.
was in
that there were two sheriffs Jesse
Rountree and Peter Sugg in 1819,
hence this receipt must have
been written 1849.
Parts of die
Alexander P. Stewart, one of
the last two surviving lieutenant
generals of the Confederate
States army, died at his home
here to-day. Although in his
87th year and suffering from the
infirmities of old age, General
Stewart's death was sudden and
came as a distinct shock to his
relatives and friends.
New Orleans, Aug. 30.-Fire
which broke out in the
of the commercial district here
this afternoon swept over
of three blocks, destroying
a large number of wholesale
houses, manufacturing plants
and small stores. Originating
at and Chartres streets,
the flames worked way
north as far as street and
toward Royal, bringing
a property loss of between
one and two million dollars be-
fore they were finally subdued.
Huntsville, Ala., Aug.
Charles Eaton, an aged one-arm-
ed man, who had been released
from jail by Federal Judge
Hundley to visit his sick wife,
surrendered himself last night
after having walked over
miles to fulfill his promise to
return. After visiting his wife
at Winchester, Teen. Eaton
found himself without funds and
was forced to walk back tot
where he was serving, a young man has employment
a sentence for illicit distilling, j that is giving him fair
I for his labor and he
Chair Factories. I to give it up for fear that
What Shall I do About it
This is a question that con-
fronts many a young man at this
season. It will soon be time for
the various schools and colleges
to open and many a young man
who has perhaps for years de-
bated with himself the question
of a college education now
to decide finally what he will do.
What shall I do about it is the
question that he has asked him-
self perhaps hundreds of tines,
and now must be settled.
Well, it is sometimes a hard
question to decide. Frequently
he may an opportunity to
make money and at the end of
his college course he may be no
further along in the race than
when he left off his work to go
I to college. This would be a hard
. question with many young men
chairs is n o
work. Parties, some from a
come in and get the chairs J within college walls.
A chair factory has been start-
ed in Wadesboro and through it,
pleasant and profitable employ-
is being given to families in
the community. The
telling about it, says that
Dr. Hyatt Coming.
During the month of
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will visit
professionally Wilson. Farmville
and Greenville, dates at each
point to be announced later. He
makes a specialty of treating the
eye and fitting glasses.
Central Academy, Littleton, N.
C. an advertisement of which we
have been printing for the
or three months had the
largest opening in its history.
This school, located in Warren
county on a acre farm,
tics of the peace and constable, I g great future and will doubtless
and of the executive continue to have a large patron-
chosen. age.
Will Piano Here.
We will have a first class tuner
in Greenville in the next few
days. Parties desiring to have
their pianos tuned can get it
done at a very reasonable rate by
dropping us a card, care of box
It is our aim to have our own
make of pianos, or those which
we handle, kept up by our own
men. Any unsatisfactory work,
if such complaint will be reported
to our Mr. G. G. our
check for the charges will cheer-
fully be refunded. Parties find-
fault with tunings, tone, or
action regulations will kindly re-
port complaint to our Mr. Fine-
man in writing. This we want
for our file as a precaution
against our tuners.
Very Respectfully,
Chas. M.
or rather the frames and take
them to their homes. The bot-
toms are put in by women and
children with only a little
and by practice many be-
come and learn this work
very fast. The best work so far
has been done by Mr. E. G. Hall,
Mrs. Mills, Mrs. F. T. Rogers,
Mrs. Joe and young
Around High Point
and farmers drive in
from miles away to get the
work and complain when they
fail to get a load of chair frames
shut off most pleasures outside
of students life is not a very
pleasing prospect to the
man who loves pleasure. So
much for the young man who
has the money to pay his way
through college. In many in-
stances the young man who fault
most concerned about a
education who needs it most
little or DO money and if ht goes
to at all he must borrow
money. In such case he finds
himself much in debt at the end
of his college course and the
among those from whom the
must be taken. No other
persons than those named can
voted for at that time.
Later we will publish
names of candidates nominated
in the several townships for
be Fooled.
For years our people had
the blessing of cheap foods. It
is so no longer, whereas the
clothing of the American the
highest priced in the
great dealer higher than the
Canadian has to pay. The clamor
for tariff revision comes from
those who are pinched by the
enhanced coat of living. There
are millions making the demand
for cheaper food, cheaper cloth
cheaper shelter. They are
intelligent, in earnest, and can-
not be fooled. Post
The price paid here is it toke
cents for each bottom, while the I pay
company here has been paying M h and
cents for the work. The splits
for bottoms are furnished by the
factory. Many housewives bot-
tom six or ten chairs a day at odd
times and very small boys and
girls do the work remarkably
well and are developing excellent
In this way, establish-
of a chair factory opens up
new employment to the people
and Is of t to the
Close grained wood for
around almost every North Caro and
in making money with which to
pay his debts cuts into his life
considerably; and to settle upon
he wisest course is no trifling
question. But there are two
sides to it. The young man who
braves the situation and takes u
course of college training
himself much better prepared
life's duties in any vocation,
we have yet to find a man
town. It would seem that, studied well and made good
there ought to be more chair
put in operation in this
Renews Contract With Piano Co
It may be of interest to the
many friends of Mr. G. G. Fine-
man, whose resignation with the
Piano Company was re-
announced, to know that
he has closed another contract
with the old reliable house.
Mr. has now been with
the above firm and the
long association and he
has with his house carries with
it a reassurance of his usual con-
and squareness with
the trade.
his opportunities express regret
that he took the time and toil to
secure an
Neck Commonwealth.
Keep Off the Bridge.
Engineer D. M. Clark, of the
bridge construction crew, asks
us to notify persons to keep off
the new bridge during the hours
that the work is in progress. So
many have been on the bridge
and crowding around where the
hands are at work as to get in
their way and with
what they are
want to look at the . go
down where the hands at c not at

Eastern reflector, 28 August 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 28, 1908
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Joyner NC Microforms
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