Eastern reflector, 7 August 1908

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hi I I M
In Charge of F. C. NYE
S . and Vicinity- Rat on Application J
M, .-
less. mind There was a water
. if ; vi, . lorn Tar Heel wagons and at the home of Mr.
. ,. ., you had made the A. G. Cox and Mr, M. G. Bryan Monday
. . . B. Winterville. AW report a most
W. L s student of time.
.,,. . college, was bare Bryan wont to Grain
H , . Sunday. He this morning.
;. Miss to
Sea our special at home at
I prices. Now your time. morning
,. . . a. W. Ange Co. as days at the home of Ml.
V. ill
i i.
Rev. H. E. Tripp, of filled, Maggie Butt
his ; . i. appointment hero
.,,,. list church Sunday OPENED.
v. i n t aid night very
. . e not only among his Waterway to
C-- . i P
but with all
i Bryan returned
was preaching at r Saturday after having
pal finished a business course in Nor
ea av, as Rev. Ho will rest at home for a
;. vacation, few cays before taking up
. v . ; A. G. Cox
with cur Co. have just received a solid
;. .-.- , ; . car of the
in., l . . Welded prices are inn r-
A ;. nice eating. Call to us before you
. EUre can
i, . . Co. it
At the
i- ;.
held a row
oh I th
Nov II
Beaufort Inlet.
stimulate the TORPID LIVER,
strengthen the
regulate the bowel, and are
as an
In malarial their virtues
ore a r-
MM peculiar In
the that poison, tie-
Take No Substitute.
Wilmington, N. C. July
A the of Earl L
Drown, U. S. A . in charge
corps of fir this
d strict, I ids Were opened
for dredging the waterway from
Sound to Beaufort Inlet,
N C am -t available for the
under the appropriation
The bid-
Li was Dredging
Company, of
Baltimore, 0-1 cents p r
yard the whole.
were eight r bidden. Th
Mr. Work for it Hi Greatest
Public The Dangers of
The following is a part of an
editorial from the National
in which our local
man and his inland waterway
projects are the
of bills in on
every side at each session of
and among them, are a
few measures that look well into
the future- John
II Small, of North Carolina, has
not only given attention to the
I local interests of his
Reptile Wat in the Southern
A real sea-serpent was brought
here yesterday by Frank G-
who stopped in the city
route to his home in
bury. Pa., from Key The
reptile, which was dead from the
which it made to es-
when being captured, was
of a poisonous variety known as
the a serpent which
lives exclusively in deep water.
The specimen was two three
Inches in length, although they
are often seen in tropical waters
to a length of four feeL The
reptile was of chunky build, a
yellowish gray color, with
light circles, and had a
b a appearance. Mr.
who has been on a pleasure
to Florida, captured the snake
with a hook and
ton Messenger.
The Death of Drew as Great
Mystery at Ever.
Troy. N. Y-. July 27-The
coroner's inquest in a final effort
to solve the of Hazel
Drew, the pretty governess
whose mutilated body was found
floating in Teal's pond, near this
city, two weeks ago. began to-
day at hotel, Averill
Park, about two miles from the
scene of the crime. Twenty-
eight witnesses were on hand,
among them William Taylor, the
uncle of the murdered girl, and
Frank Smith, the half-witted
boy. waiting to he interrogated
by District Attorney
After an examination of
witnesses a recess was taken
until Thursday, the session
developed nothing and the
mystery is bewildering as ever.
Taylor Smith, the half-witted
boy, U the same old story.
Odor, Filth cf the Thoroughfare
of Long Ago.
The automobile which
noiselessly and smoothly along
i well paved of would
general legislation, but ; not have had easy a time s
Kisses Annie and Helen Grice, two classes work,
;. party was of -ire spending; the
a . . . .- m time with Olive But-.
. A I nest ;
I ,,. . miss Berber Co.
. .,,. . Miss Vivian Roberson, of
spent Monday night ,
a fine w her way to a house .
r, by Miss L.
l ; eds cheap for the next d
i.; .,. s
ii s was
he on both and the local
j i that
be to the Maryland
is to
his greater; public service has
consisted in directing public
attention to the improvement of
the of the country.
Beginning in 1899, when he first
entered congress, he began to
concentrate much of
upon subject, H made
occasional talks in the house of
representatives, he appeared be-
he visited the
seaboard cities between
more and Jacksonville; he fur-
material to the press and
contributed to the magazines.
contended that i o sub
centuries ago. Nowadays one of tat
firs demands make
is;. n v. is the par-
in ; the sewerage shall ;.
To for
. . , mil J to conceive the
.- of old time an.
, i q ii . and
, I Some idea
Pi i;
, r. ,. . the next m . . nu .--
won- ,;, Calico, and the I chief end of and schools progress could be
ant in music in c Gingham, I train children in wisdom and r the improvement of our water-
High they may be able which did not embrace
very with all country and contemplate
,, U l o .,,. in its the waterways of all section,.
r.- van raid a . . . .,. . ,, .,.
Landslide one way f r Other.
We cannot agree with the
genera My accepted statement
that the presidential election will
he a close ore. the contrary
we consider a close contest as
The last three presidential
elections have shown a constant-
increasing Republican
until the South became in
1904 the only Democratic
that could be on.
This territory gives only a
over half the electoral votes
necessary o elect, leaving over
to be secured from the states
which have been safely
can for ten years. means
p u revolution
Bryan can re-
ill Ti
name by which
is said
come from a word meaning
This derivation is inexact, bat complete
was practically a
borne out in the condition of the vote in a single
from the houses, the roadways
wen- populated by pis, do
t The of Naturally, his attention was
nice buggy spread . a w. been education la H to directed to th construct
Co, has them. No goods charged at th t-.,,.; to I improvement of the chain
Miss Lillian Stokes, of Stokes, prices. Come A. W. to thorn from Boston to Flor-
after spending a few days visit- Co.
Mies Janie Kittrell, Profs. Lint berry and
down to ton to spends few P last week on the i in
days with there. interest of W. B. They J J
student of Winterville increased the patronage v-.
High sch i L . o p I section visited two or I
and wise ere ugh to thrive ya, But there
ore particular
As fast as they can j j,, that chain which he con-
put upon them in- of paramount
creased for their was the
own conduct, and their own use from Chesapeake on t
They e hi of time of. money. north. and
were glad to see her
castings for the gratified ever the ct I -r a
following plows. record breaking attendance i
Harrington Barber Cc
F- C. Nye went up the
road one. trip Friday.
lee cream at
every day.
Prof. E. n turned
Tl .
want of them finally is not mere through the and rivers of
to respond with docility, Eastern Carolina, and
to the tare that taken entering the ocean at
Chickens and eggs a specialty. them, but gradually to Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina.
Come and get the best become qualified to care of protected route will
Harrington, Barber Co. somebody And dangers e-f Cape
Joe who has been our Lookout, probably the
been coming to have a like at- most dangerous points on our
toward girls. They are, Atlantic coast, and will also re-
not boys i skirts, but the present barriers which
creatures; restrict the r traffic East-
. their work in life North Carolina. Those pt-r-
in Georgia the past year, is visit-
his sister, Mrs. J L
son, this week.
Remember the Hunsucker but
I going. Call to
our nice stock of runabouts be-
fore you buy.
street force is
things in tine shape.
To have a good horse ho must
kinds the best to be
from Pamlico c .
where he had h
k We are glad to knew t hat
so v are coming
from that section this year, but
it is only natural it should
be so for any one who knows the
work of Winterville High
Knows that no school in the State
does liner work, and very few
are under such wholesome moral
Influence. thorough
strong, moral char
actor, d a to work
marks the students of
We always have a nice lice of
fresh groceries on hand.
Barber C .
Vacation is almost In re for our
and right they
when they are u curing
tobacco to n d r. a little.
Then with a Hunsucker buggy
they drive around some and Cox.
joy themselves. Whether they Hay and lime at A. W.
b old people, with Co-
pains, middle aged, young people Prof. S. D. Watson, of
or tiny tots; ail enjoy riding Baptist Raleigh,
In became taking
. ., ,. ,. t. in regard to entering
it rides so easy, is so light on the fall. .
horse and the material Used in T. H. King was at hi
these is so fine that they
know nothing will break.
We are prepared to fill your
orders for Hues on short notice.
Let us have your orders at once
before the rush comes Prices
last year. A. G. Cox
Manufacturing Co., Winterville,
N. Ci
ho have made a st e
t, pr
profits- trip never rounding Capo
them ; but in, and will welcome a
them, too, we w more route avoiding Diamond shoals
Cape Lookout. The most
p to t cure th, dangerous point along the t
lave plenty of good feed. Ali and eventually of hers; to d I is Cape and lard-
had, indeed, p i, the
r. son of Louis
heir to the throne, was . lied while
riding in city streets by being
n from his horse by an ab-
, ,
Snows rains the
and the odor
.;,,., , rose far above t
;.,. rs. said that onto
darkest i a traveler, out
course, know by the
near lie was to Paris. The
n, of the gained an early
was a proverb f antiquity.
If clothes wore stained with it one
was advised to the piece out,
for it burns whatever it touches.
In the king, standing by an
open window of the palace, viewing
,, cart which had stuck in the mud.
a-M an by the stench that
he gave to lane the
This movement
rated the street department of Pat-
but the was a feeble one.
work was begun, but at the
expense. The kin offered
only ii slender contribution,
levied on duelists, on candles
boots, cake and other things. But
the enterprise was soon abandoned.
U was not until 1318 that any
and economic conditions are alike
in all, and if there is sufficient
discontent in any state to cause
the voters to the
can ticket, the probability is
that the whole west and north
fleeted and the result
If this does not
happen Bryan will again receive
a crushing d deal; possibly a
worse one than before Sussex
next ties that urn not in r i
for girls. S
Winterville Produce Co.,
doer to
The look
since they have been mow. ii
The carpenters arc also
the in good repair
the opening August 1st.
The A. Cox manufacturing
Co. is taxed to its full capacity
now tho urgent orders for
and They report
business in excellent condition
Mrs. Sadie Knight child-
of New Bern, are spending ,,, i c i-i-
the week with the family of A. ARE YOU SURE
. . ------a North to South.
with one another, and with the this danger would give a great
highest impetus to trade,
to Memory of Union
A party of gentlemen, com-
posing committee by the
of Rh de Island, for the
pose, in the city yesterday
to select the spot and make
for erecting e
to the memory of the sol-
from who are
d In re in the National
tery. The gentlemen completed
their work went on a sail
down the river, and loft going to
Beaufort on the east bound train
last In the party were
Hon. Wm. W. Douglas, chief
Island's supreme
court; Slate Treasurer Walter A.
Read ant Messrs. Phillip S.
Chaise, Gideon and Hen-
life holds accelerate this class of traffic, any
. care was taken of the
and denied the public
a-ax-s Even then tho cleaning was
to tho highways,
were still filled with
and hillocks of rotting ref-
The perm wise mind of today
w n Bern Journal.
t hie came- oat .
in Sue I for a large volume of bulky m
would then see this
i route.
of such conditions.
Dr. Hyatt Coming.
Dr. H. O. will be in
; n
for r. Mi i y
want him for that place, let's
nominate A Democrat
Railroad Directors are
Governor Glenn r
i ltd pointed all the old directors
the North Carolina Railroad for
at Hotel Bertha Mon-
en the
t. rear i day and Tuesday, Aug 3rd.
h u -1- i have for the -if treating
term of one year,
They an
best Sunday morning at the
Go to M. G. Bryan Winterville.
N, C, for fire insurance. H
represents the Co.,
of Greensboro. It is one of th
If you
PI Hf. I
know n.
ml Ir, awn la
r tali, nus roar
I not
. FOR A PLATE with
Jell-0 ICE Powder
It I.
on. 1.1.
Han it or n
of Till, I.
of pun
A good run
a ills, of two la
for and will on It,
S J i Pow-
Lemon and
Hold by all
The Omni Pure Food Co., V
II. G. Chatham. Elkin; W.
Williams, W. T.
II, War-
Allen J.
S. C. Pen,
aid L. Banks Holt, Ur
Evening Times.
Why is n
n man's name
he I- for
diseases of the eye and fitting
glasses. Those who desire to
Dr; Hyatt about having
worK or getting glasses
not l. charged any fee,
terms are agreed on. The
L glasses furnished by Dr. Hyatt
are UP to date, of the very best
material guaranteed as to
J quality and All who wish it
ABED INSTANTLY. Simply add boll- c in get .-- back within
water, cool aid per , . . w
over many tun. and
Yet by L.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Plan for primary
the nomination of democratic
dates for county township
and of the
township executive in par-
of resolution the
state democratic executive committee
at its meeting held in on the
26th day of July.
Section At the meeting
held for the purpose of calling s
county convention to nominate
candidates for county offices and
members of the legislature,
the county democratic executive
committee may, upon mo; ion.
determine the question of
such candidates by
election as provided for in
the following resolution of the
state executive committee;
That this com-
will provide an optional
primary, to be adopted by the
executive committee of any
county desiring to nominate
county candidates and members
of the legislature by a primary.
That the chairman is
ed to appoint a sub-Committee to
formulaic such a plan, and when
approved by the chairman the
said plan shall become a part
of the plan of
Where any county executive
committee has already called a
primary, such county executive
committee may formulate and
promulgate its own nil s for
such election already ordered.
The plan provided for in this
resolution will not supersede the
present plan except in
counties adopting this
Sec. If before such meet-
is held there shall bore-
executive com a petition in
writing, signed by one-fourth of
the members of such executive
committee, or a petition in writ-
signed by at least one
known democratic voters
of such county, asking that a
meeting of the county executive
committee be held the
pose of considering the
of nominating such
dates by primary election, then
it shall be the duty of said chair-
man forthwith to call a meeting
of his county executive commit-
tee within ten days to act upon
the said petition. In any county
where it has been decided by
the majority of the executive
committee to nominate
dates by primary election, shall
be held under the following rules
Sec The time of holding
the primary election shall be not
less than thirty days before the
general election, and not less
than fifteen notice shall be
given of the time and places
when and where such primary is
to be held. When a primary
election under this plan shall be
ordered, notice thereof, giving
the date and the various ballot-
places and the names of the
Persons appointed to hold the
shall be published in the
press of said county,
copies posted at every ballot-
place in said county, and
other given as the
executive committee may
In such primary
the county executive
shall designate the
where voting shall be
hi, the shall select, as far
the places
for holding the general
see elections. They may. how-
. et, select other places if the
of democratic voters
. change, but there
be at least one voting
inch township.
the purpose of
election, the said
shall appoint two
-1 for each
or other voting district in
I the county, who shall conduct
such election, receive the ballots,
count them, declare the result
and make a written statement
thereof. If any person appoint-
ed to hold a primary election
shall decline to serve, become in-
or become a
before said primary, the
chairman of the executive com-
of that township or
shall have power to
some qualified democrat to
fill such and if the chair-
man of the committee shall not
be present, then the remaining
j Doll-holder person authorized
, may designate some person to
assist him in holding the same,
and such person shall
have the same right and author-
therein as if he had been
originally appointed by
executive committee.
The -aid persons
I shall provide such boxes for the
reception of ballots as may be
but there shall be
; separate boxes for the following
glasses of candidates,
I Candidates for the general as-
shall be voted for in one
box, all county officers shall be
, voted for in one box, all township
officers in one box The hours
I for holding such primary election
be as From ten
o'clock m. to o'clock p. m.
Provided, that the county
committee may designate
other hours which said
primary election may be held;
hut in no case shall the time for
holding said he less than
. ix hours.
Sec Any democratic can-
who is voted for in said
primary election may attend the
Same, in person or by
and be present
the conduct of election and
counting the vote. Every white
democratic elector shall have the
right co vote at his proper poll-
place, and in case vote of
a man claiming to be a democrat
elector is challenged on the
ground that he is not qualified as
an elector, or is not a democrat,
he shall not be denied the
of voting by the
judgment of both poll-holders.
Every challenge shall be record-
ed, and any candidate or his rep-
dissatisfied with the
result shall have the right to
peal to the county executive
committee, and the county
committee shall hear the
same and allow or disallow the
vote, and shall amend the re-
turns from that precinct in ac-
with its upon
said appeal.
Sec. At the close of the
voting it shall be the duty of the
poll-holders, in the presence of
such candidates or their
and any democrat who
wishes to attend, to proceed at
once to count the ballots and
make a list of all persons voted
for and the offices for which
they were voted, and the
of votes received by each,
and they shall sign such list and
send the same immediately to
the chairman of the county ex-
committee. They shall
give any candidate or his
upon his request, a
copy of the said list and they
shall also give to the county ex-
committee a statement of
the number of challenges allowed
or disallowed, and how said
challenged voter voted or how he
offered to vote when challenged.
Sec. Within five days of
the holding of such primary
election, it shall be the duty of
the democratic executive com
cf such county to meet
and ascertain and declare the re-
of the same, and if any per
son has received a majority of
all votes cast for an office, they
shall so declare, and he shall be
the nominee of the party for such
office. And if no person has re-
a majority of all the votes
cast for an office, but has re-
a plurality thereof, the
said committee shall declare him
to be the nominee of the
for such office, unless the person
receiving the next highest vote
for such office demands of said
committee in writing that a sec-
primary be held, in which
case a second primary shall be
ordered and held under the
and regulations herein provided,
as near as may be. and such sec-
primary snail be held within
days from the time of said
call, provided that in the second
primary election no votes shall
be cast except for the two per-
son receiving respectively the
highest and next highest vote in
the first primary. In the event
each person voted for in the sec
primary the same
number of votes, the county ex-
committee shall decide
which of them shall be the can-
of the party for that
Sec At the meeting in
i which said primary is ordered
j under this plan, it shall be the
duty of tho committee
to fix the date upon which said
will meet to ascertain
land declare the result of such
I primary, and notice thereof shall
be given in the call for such
In case a second primary
is the date for the
meeting of the executive com-
to canvass and ascertain
the result thereof shall be fixed
and announced in the call of the
second primary.
Sec. The county executive
committee shall have the right to
make rules with regard to
holding the primary elections
which it may deem proper, not
inconsistent with the rules
scribed in this plan. It shall be
the duty of the executive com-
to prepare and furnish all
blanks and forms needed in
the returns from said
and any reported
and appeals therefrom. It
shall have power to provide for
raising the funds necessary to
pay the expenses thereof.
Sec. No primary election
shall be held under this plan
less the same shall be ordered by
the executive committee of the
county, and in case the executive
committee of the county shall
not order a primary election
this plan, nominations for
county offices and candidates for
the legislature shall be made
the plan of organization in
force prior to the adoption of the
resolution set forth.
Chairman State Democratic
Executive Committee.
ALEX. J. FIELD, Secretary.
to Mr. and Mrs. II. A
An angel passed n garden fair
With roses all full blown.
She paused to choose from them
One for her very own.
Softly she crept amid the Mowers
And all their beauty bright,
Where nestled close by mother rose
Lay a bud of purest white B,
Innocence with a baby face,
Watched by the keeper's tinder care.
Its fragrance hero was borne for aught
Why should it linger
Then the angel softly sighed.
here you cannot
Tenderly she plucked the bud
And bore her treasure away.
Then through the pearly gates she
One more jewel for a crown;
For God hail sent the angel
And taken back his own.
Mrs. W. G. W.
Aug. 1908.
Mr. Cleveland's Human Qualities.
Looking back over a friend-
ship of many years, I set more
clearly than ever before two
things that were characteristic
of Mr. Cleveland. In his
toward human nature then-
was a keen perception of its
weakness and limitation, com-
tined with a fifth faith in the
gradual and ultimate triumph of
its nobler qualities. ThU made
him in the broad sense of the
word, a democrat, but not an
obstreperous and flamboyant
and hopeful demo-
can trust the best
judgment of the rank and
he said, you always
reach it in a And
best part of every
man ought to rule, and when
you can get that all together you
have the real voice of the people.
That is what education is for,
to bring the best part to the
The second thing that was
characteristic of him was his
latitude toward the law. He did
j not want overmuch of it. but he
wanted to be profoundly re-
i and fearlessly enforced.
had a sincere mistrust of
j excessive legislation. The hope
; of bringing the millennium y
j statute was one that he did not
share. But for the law as
and tor the safeguards
which it offers to common rights
I of person and property, had
la very holy reverence. Con-
science and courage both enter-
ed into this feeling. It came out
again and again in his public
acts and utterances. It shone
also in his private conversation
and in the whole bearing of the
He had that kind of
which consists in application
large ideas to every-day pro-
He illuminated
questions with homely illus-
I remember his begin-
a discourse on the
boundary dispute with a ref-
to a rel between two
farmers about a line-fence. Be-
fore he had finished that
spun figure of speech he
every one see the real reason and
justification of an act of
can statesmanship which Wall
Street cursed for a fortnight,
but which the world at large hes
approved ever since.
It seems to me that Grover
Cleveland will take his place
among the great Presidents of
the United States. But his
greatness did not consist in the
possession of extraordinary
of common manhood to an
extraordinary degree. He rep-
resented the best type of a plain
American man raised to the Nth
His friendship, to which he
admitted younger men with such
a hearty and natural sympathy,
was frank, generous, and stead-
fast. The whole man went into
it. Those who knew him thus
remember him, not
as a personage, but as a
real and satisfying person-
of native
Cleveland at
by Henry van Dyke, in the
American Review of Reviews for
Why Not
Vote for for register of
deeds. He needs the place. Let
the new converts take millers
turn. A Voter.
Remains Were brought Home by Spec-
The remains cf Little Jennie
James White, two-year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
White, who died Saturday morn-
at the Atlantic ll-tel. More-
head City, were brought home by
a special train over the Norfolk
Southern railroad, arriving
here Saturday night about
it was first intended to
bring the remains via
arriving here on the A. C. L.
train Sunday morning, but the
damaged railroad trestle east, of
could not repaired in
time, hence it was necessary to
take a special train at New Bern
and come via Chocowinity- Ac-
the remains on the
train were Mr. and Mrs.
White their two children.
Miss a trained
been with them
Morehead, Mrs. F. G. James
and daughter. Miss Mary and
son Larry, ex-Gov. and Mrs. T.
J. Jarvis.
The funeral service was con-
ducted at o'clock Sunday
i by Rev. B. F.
the interment being in Cherry
Hill cemetery. The pall bearers
were Messrs. H. W. Whedbee,
R. O. J. L. C.
C. Vines, C. S. Carr, E. A.
Jr., T. M. Hooker, W. H.
Jr., J. G. Move, F. M,
M. H. and J. Which-
A large number of
friends attended the funeral
and there were many beautiful
At His Old Tricks.
F. D. Foxhall, manager of the
Star Warehouse, branch of the
Banners Consolidated Tobacco
Company, started right off with
the opening of the tobacco mar-
bucking every every other
house for high prices. On the
opening day lie sold a of
bottom primings for Mr. R H.
pounds at at
at at at
at an average of
Foxhall don't mind do-
a thing like that, it is just
his way.
J. J. May, of No.
for commissioner. Many
want him for that place, let's
nominate him. A Democrat.
July ltd
Conference With Regard to the Con-
duct of the Campaign.
Hen. W. W. Kitchin. of
nominee for
governor, and Hon. A. H. Eller,
of chairman of
the State Democratic Executive
committee,, arrived in the city
yesterday afternoon and were in
conference until a late hour
last night with the
dates on the Democratic ticket
with regard to the conduct of
the campaign. They also dis-
cussed the preparation of the
Democratic hand book, the
of the advisory committee
and other matters relating; to the
Chairman Filer while here,
will decide upon the time for
opening the headquarters in
Mr. Kitchin is in splendid
health, although he has had no
vacation this summer. He will
deliver the first of the
campaign at the opening of
Rockingham court at Wentworth
Monday, August 3rd, but this
will probably not be the keynote
speech as that will be delivered
after the Republican platform
shall have been published.
Chairman Eller will remain in
Raleigh today, Mr. Kitchin re-
turning to Roxboro this morning.
First Day's Sales are Light, Prices
Very Satisfactory -Record of
Warehouses and Buyers.
The Greenville tobacco market
today began sales for the
j of 1908-09 under most favorable
conditions. Following the heavy
storm of last week that put -x-
work on the farmers in
care of their crop and made
it too busy a time for them to
get to market, largo sales were
not expected today, yet each of
the five warehouses had very fair
bleaks the opening pries
were entirely satisfactory.
There were a number of
people out at tie- warehouses to
see how the market d off
and to get an idea of opening
prices, and several remarks were
heard that if prices kept o-i as
they Started today the farmers
all be satisfied this
The first sale was at Pas ham's
warehouse, then following in or-
at the Gum, the Liberty, the
Star and the Brick. The
wan houses had good forces,
and the buyers came u; with
their bids like they are for
business and anxious for tobacco.
As noted so far the working for-
of the different h
are as
B. E. Parham, manager.
T, D. Blackburn, auctioneer.
J. A. Jones, bookkeeper.
D. W. Arnold, assistant book-
H. S. Hardy, solicitor.
Gum Warehouse.
J. R. Hutchings, manager.
W. T. Burton, auctioneer.
S. Farmer, bookkeeper-
J. Smith, assistant book
Liberty Warehouse
S. T- Hooker, manager.
H. A. Timberlake, auctioneer.
W. P. Edwards and T- M.
Hooker, bookkeepers.
Star Warehouse.
F. D. Foxhall, manager.
N- Mallory, floor manager.
W. T. Burton, auctioneer.
E. B. Thomas, bookkeeper.
E. A. Brown, assistant book-
brick Warehouse.
Brinkley managers.
T. Broughton, auctioneer.
D. S. Spain, bookkeeper.
G. E, Harris, assistant book-
D. T. Beaman, floor manager.
The buyers on today were R.
O. and W. Skinner
for Imperial Tobacco Co.; E. B-
Furgerson and O. C. Gregory for
American Tobacco Co.; T. A.
Person Co.; Skinner, House
Tobacco Co., C. W. Harvey. E.
B. and J. A. There
will be other buyers later.
Largest Since the Weather Observer
Was Appointed Two Years Ago.
Mr. C. V. York, weather ob-
server for Greenville, gave us-
this morning some interesting
figures on the recent rainfall, as
His states that within
the last up to o'clock
this morning, inches of
fell at this point, and for the
previous hours 1.90 inch fell.
This is the largest rain that
has fallen in this vicinity
the last two years, by i
the rainfall being
January 2nd, 1908.

Sis life, Fire and Accident
The Bank of Greenville
In Stale of North Carolina at the close of July
Conference to the Cat-
duct cf the Campaign.
Hon. W. W. Kitchin, of
Democratic nominee for
governor, and Hon. A. II. 1- r,
of chairman of
Splendid Home and Farm Two Miles
From House Station.
The Fleming home
place, five miles from Greenville,
two from House station. on
Great Swamp, the lest farming
. Pitt county.
pew two room building en
Loans and discount 150,688.84
I secured
I and unsecured 2,019.77
D p All other stacks bonds
J and mortgages 2,400.00
Fur. Fix. 3,872.82 8,072.82
Demand loans
Due from Banks and
Bankers 24,626.88
items 668.48
Gold coin 198.50
Silver coin including
nil minor coin cur. 729.87
National hank notes
and other V. S notes 18,441.26
Any Other
We Know
I. I
the State Democratic Executive the Premise Will sell a,
. .;.,. or in separate parcels, t
committee, armed in the city
yesterday on and were in January 1909. Wish to show
until a lat hour
purchasers t he
. while crops grow .
Capital st.-k 26,000.00
Surplus fond 26,000.00
Undivided profits K
current expenses
Note.- and re-
Bills payable
Time 21,960.99
sub ck. 91,612.62 118,608.61
Cashiers cheeks
outstanding 462.88
for Interest 800.00
f 210,785.91
with regard to the com
the campaign. They
preparation of the
P Dem hand book, the
of the advisory committee
and other matters relating to the
say you in cut . ., .
m W filer here,
B decide upon the time for
nit be Me to bi looking them ;.,., headquarters in
t-A the from two dollars a pair
i nor, v U the difference.
Owing the th t arc foot m
-k; Ralston sh. c need on
while being
This is a FACT, mew
Make us you.
last night with the
the ticket J. L Fleming. tty.
to the conduct of .
They also dis- Australia.
In stating that the Australian
State of Queensland in be-
system i
the care their children,
; ens Agent Asbury
well, of Brisbane, writes of its
furl r
T idea has steadily grown,
and has been found wiser for
the State to pension the mother
for e care of her than
to condemn her to . employ-
which would cause her to
neglect the children, The fol-
lowing new scale of weekly
was authorized by the
recent parliament to take
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. Little, Cashier of the above named bank, do
swear that the is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. . Cashier.
and sworn to he-J Correct---Attest
fore this day of July, J. G.
Notary Public. I Directors.
The Greenville Banking and Trust
At the Close Business July
; t
M Raleigh.
Mr. Kitchin is in splendid
although he has had no
this summer. He will
H deliver the first speech of the
campaign the opening of
ham court at Wentworth
Monday, August 3rd, but this
, will probably not be the keynote
m as that will be delivered
Rafter the Republican platform I May For on.
a B W, shall e en published.
s-, .-, Chairman Eller will remain
S I Chairman Eller.
A , B f r deign today. Mr
Kitchin re-
GREENVILLE'S DEPART- Foreign to Last Fiscal Year.
two children 81.10 each
. children, each
four i cents
than four children, a max
Loans discounts Capital stock
Surplus fund
Mort. less
in ii Fix . expenses and taxes
i . in ii ; ens paid
and bills
ill Hills payable
.;. incl
bank c
801.18 114,107.47
Report of Condition of
The exports of the United
States for the fiscal year ended;
for the previous and In the State of North Carolina, at th.
i in the fiscal year
1906. The imports for same
State o North Carolina, County
I, c. s. i of hank, do
iv . is true to the Lent my
edge and belief. C. S.
fore me, I lay R.
Notary public. I Directors
Military Institute years were v.-
. mm
A Boarding School for Mer.
Prepare f.
I i
i S i
fl r I I j
W. H. Sept., N. Car,
I.,,, of , July
The exports of
from the United States for the
fiscal year ended June 1908,
amounted t
against the year
previous; of meat and dairy pro-
ducts. against
I I m I ;
Overdrafts d id
. m in-, i
S. Bonds to secure cir-
king furniture,
and fixture
n m I
tin t I
Due State Ban .
and r
Due from
i i at
r;. i ks . oilier
of cattle, sheep,
and of
j oil. against,
i i .
S. Treat per cent
of ii i
Dr. Hyatt
O. Hyatt will
B Mon
Dr. H O. Hyatt will be in j
LINt j Of
of the eye and fitting National bank notes .
., l t
and limited to
start on return trip August 16th.
Extension r turn may
be obtained until September
by deposit of Stopovers
permitted in New Yo on re-
turn trip, rot
DINNER For and reservations
Those who desire
I Dr. Hyatt having object to check 73,878.46
or getting glasses I Time c
f W. J. Craig, T. C. White
Traffic Manager. General
Wilmington, N. C.
t m
, Cashier's ch outstanding
W w T P A will not be charged fee, borrow d , 21.000.00;,
W. Hf. A. m on. The Notes and bill,
j la.
NORFOLK, Va. I glasses furnished Hyatt
Md. J me up to date, of the very best state of County of Pitt,
. m material and to
quality and fit. All who wish ;.; to u
can get their money back of my
days-. 7-14 w
I C. V. York, ob-
I here the weather i
II . hi us ii that
.,, total rainfall e
The end In the 8.17
; . , ., ii . , bi o
t I
I. Hi rd.
cos. Perfect
Indemnities assured against loss of time by either
H. A. WHITE, Greenville, North Carolina
For Sale or Fr
II. V-. Will
j. E. s.
Q. E. HARM.-.
am Building.
tot ;.,. beautiful rage
House and lot I
Baptist church. Electric
city water, i rooms, Z hall ways, P
dicing room, bath
and Kitchen also I furnished room
where I live, possession given
immediately. -i. J. Cherry.
Now is the time to Advertise.
d Mai
vi h ti locale
A with r-f-
The Morris
Cotton Buyer, Brokers
in Cotton. Grain
to New York
j New
per Term .
Union Central Life Insurance Company
forty Has
force over 1880.000,000.00; Pa-a annually; writes
all the f of Has very low premium rates; Does
-0 W to can on or
The Chamber of Commerce
Scores Another Point for
The committee appointed at
the last of the chamber
of commerce to take up with the
Southern Express Company the
matter of free delivery of ex-
press packages in Greenville,
have been notified that free de-
livery service will begin
first. The necessary out-
fit for this service has been or-
and the harness has
ready arrived. The free delivery
will be a convenience to the
that ought to mean more
business for the company.
An examination of the bank
statements now being published
will show excellent
Taking into consideration
that these statements are made
in the season of the year,
and when collections are unusual-
hard to make, are indeed
gratifying to all interested.
Mutual Life.
When The Mutual Life In-
Company began
in 1843 the city of New York had
inhabitants and Chicago
a population of Then
and cunt
and throat and lung healer is sold at J.
L. drug sure. an
The Remedy That Does.
King's New Discovery is
remedy that does the others
but fail to bays Mrs
It. of Auburn
It la curing me of throat and
trouble of that other
only temporally.
New discovery is doing me so much . . .,., j
good that f-el confident that its eon- but twenty-Six BOMB It,
for a reasonable length of the Union and the population or
will restore me to perfect . .
renowned cough and cold the United State.-, amounted to
King Edward of the
present day was a little toddler
of two j ears and Grover
,,., land a boy of six years
Capsized by Water ,
Washington, N. C. July 30.- home with his
The Lady a large wherein he recorded the fact
used in the river and that he had seen pigs grubbing
sound and plying- between j around on our famous Broadway,
this city and points on lower; brought down upon himself
Pamlico river, was yes the general condemnation of all
afternoon by a large good Americans. Charles Louis
waterspout near the mouth of Napoleon was an imprisoned ad-
river. J venturer in the castle of Ham.
It seems that the vessel was g Grant had just graduate
becalmed when overtaken by the Point, P. T. Barnum
water and opened his first snow in
the captain and crew York City, John Tyler was
clinging to her bottom until token tie president of United
off by a passing vessel. Several states, and the present Emperor
vessels arriving in port today re j and the Kaiser were
the water at a; unborn. The Mutual Life
Chills, Fever and Malaria sufferers
can obtain
In liquid s the liver,
and bladder, relieves
sick constipation, fatigue d
weakness. It's tonic effect on the en-
tire system is felt with
ti take. the comp ex-
Ion -1 bottle contains 1-2
times the quantity of the .
Carious Corn.
Mr. Stewart C. Leslie
into The Observer office last
night ear of
Mexican in his
lather's garden on
street. The exhibit was quit a
curiosity the shop,
Barkley, who is an exp rt on
corn and
yield per stalk is five r . .
and this country s ems l
right for
are at.
form of Bowel Col ill Ii
yourself with the
Dr Path Ann
by I.
distance of
lei, and it
business without a dollar of cap-
Pres. and
The John Flanagan By
in z d . d eon
1904 with I i i J
Manufacturers of
seemed to be about the of a .,
and traveling slowly from cast paid during the first year
west. No other casualties of business amounted to
have been reported in 1907,
result of the spout. changes in a com-
r. , , ,. . , short space of time
for the . a i,, . , , .
Guaranteed. act J he Lite pays Its
bring relief; its each year,
in the dose o backache, w . . , , ,.
lam. bock, Kid- policy contracts are iron
My and bladder .-. c; H. Harris.
the blood and entire
tOm. I.
It Can't B
He lest of all teachers is.
N .
a u may i Hitters does all that's c ii for it.
not have a income, but
. ., pro.
; mi .; I-, , . n .,,
i .
E I it . Mu-
r- I I p p p n
O v I i i
Our re or I of forty the
a a ; .
For Stomach, Liver I I n
can't it. it ,,, tried it
Mr. Harden i I Hie best I
. i, j
in all p n
Be I a for m i.
;. L. V i .
Garden Le.
Mr. D- Garden
day evening for Ai
make his home there in
other western town. Mr. Gar
den has lived ; for
ten years . d in tho o
business, i mod
. ,
I t I .
t r I J m- .
m . . e is . trial con .
y p i u
u a one .
Ii . h .
I or .
.-. we ace ti
here d nil
d i.
Et The
given me . u. to
per a Sh
say.-.;. of Hill, N.
C. am ii i-- ho best
salve the world afford-1. cured a
felon on my thumb, sad i; never faiN
to heal every sore, barn or wound to
it applied. at
drug store.
If there is any business, or any
sense, in keeping warehouses
open during the m of July,
we fail to see it. Perhaps ware-
housemen in the bright Bi
would want to Keep n a
of July, but ti tire matter
could be arranged, provided
would get to-
in Virginia, North and South
Carolina, ought to hold a
any way. Why
Tobacco Journal.
Laxative Cough Syrup for young
and old is prompt relief for coughs
croup, hoarseness, whooping cough.
Gently laxative, Guaranteed, Sold b;
John L.
Storm Along the Coast.
Those who have members of
their families at Morehead and
Beaufort need not be uneasy be-
cause of this north-east
The Reflector was advised today
from Beaufort that while the
storm is heavy no damage has
been done. The storm is quite
general along the cost.
One application of Man Zan Pile Rem-
forms of soothes,
reduces inflammation, soreness and
itching. Price guaranteed. Sold
John L. WOOten.
Don't sue our machine.
We carry ti lull stock, also a full line of re-
pairs Machines only, is the
There is none better, remember
they always give perfect satisfaction. We
would call you attention to our .
America; Wire Fencing
We carry best quality only Lime i
Cement and stock on hand, Bear in
mind that Baker Hart's is the place to buy
Hi . Hi e- . .
G North . i m , U, S
. v ,
in Charlotte.
Will . H. C, -For r m p- ;. . ,.
all . .
i I v. i . I
have I
H . in
Mount, i . . i a bit i
of and .
, i.
lull assortment always in stock to from
Quality the highest, in foot there is none bet-
it being guaranteed per cent. pure.
If you wish lo build ft is to your i u t
to see as we are in to niter
your every need. Don't forget that our line
General Hardware is kept complete with
the very best quality goods. We can fill
your orders from a box tax to it load of
nails. Give a call.
a i
General Hardware
Sole Agent for
Lead Paint, Jewel Stoves and Syracuse
farm lower
Edge Tools.
I . .
. I.
V son
. .
ii r. i
and I p- lice i
the i .;
. .
i c . v la-t V
b i . j . . I-11
. ; .
t. y Bid
of I .;,.;.
ii p n the city, ; .
; .
. Sc-
. f ex-
. i need
i laster-
this a
v as or-
. ;,
. .
j i .
From other L re
ports frequent . . , . i .-.
, or in . . .
leaves the that . I , w
bands are . , , , . . r. . . .- ; . man
east towns.
I hi-. . ; i if i . nil
j be . , e . i . . ., ,
in p
x w life . . I
. . and id . ., . . . ,
ex . right, Mr . .
on, II N V New Life mud i
with m th i
biliousness ard Hoc. at J. I.
Beys Back Home.
The drum and the
brigade, who have in camp
at Beaufort since Monday even-
arrived horns today. The
boys had a line time in of
wrath, r they r. d,
and the storm of
bi d Friday ; t g y
of i w How .
A .
I . r . i .
V .
; ,. t,
I., i m n and
th -t th h . fa
i . e . I . .
Ai i i; ti ii
I tie
t vi iv ;. s v.
ii In, mil , . r- , pi r. Or- t , i-i Mi.
den kw in w . J.-c
cream sold dully.
r ii

D. J. and Proprietor
Entered as second Jan. at the at Greenville. N
C Congress of March 1879
froth to fiction
Commenting further on the
count; primary the ex-
Reflector gave of
bow tin- campaign is being om-
ducted, th Free Press
We that had
in mind at the moment u long
draw ii out contest die
ended. Of
course there i no of shutting
it off and confining it to a limited
time. If a fellow baa a
political bee in bin it will
keep up a continual buzz. Hut our
idea was that it Would lie best to
limit the campaign so far as it is
possible by shortening the time
between the call the
careful at the same
time to allow the candidate am-
time to put in their work.
We admire way of dis-
posing of question of county
nominations, our purpose in
reproducing the call was to ask
our executive committee to go
do likewise, though we
thought it would probably lie
better to shorten the time be.
tween the the primary.
We have heard no friction in
neither do we anticipate
any in a
Ii seem as if the lb-pub-
Mean leaders believe that the
people of the South are lacking
in memory. Whenever,
imagine that i
existing in th
their party they a I I.
tiling to arouse sectional hatred,
for instance when in the lust
session of Congress a bill was
introduced to require publicity
of campaign
bill which every D
member favored they
attached to it an amend-
against for as-
the with two
for the hitter's refusal to
stop the train,
has brought suit damages
against the railroad for the man-
in which the conductor treat-
ed him. There will likely be a
big stir over it before the mat-
The Souther railway has been
remarkably free from wrecks for
several months, and there were
hopes that the hoodoo that seem-
ed to hang over the operation of
trains on this road bad been re-
moved, lint one occurred mar
Bessemer City Sunday night
that was quite serious though
not attended by loss of life and
without injury to a single pas-
The accident
north mail
m of ears. The
tender and one mail ear left the
track rolled down a 23-feet
embankment. Five mail clerks
in were badly injured.
Mr, last vi-it to North
Carolina caused consternation
and madness among our
friends. Although he then
told th in that their party in this
State u a- corrupt and not en-
titled to public confidence, We
that they have d
him to again visit the Stale.
North in- . ., . , mi
I hey hope now that lie ill be
The woman does not stand to
take the every time.
One in Pennsylvania drew a gun
and fatally shot her husband
while he was inflicting,
punishment her. Even if
it was needed e can't say that
we would have any sympathy
for rim.
The Independence party,
launched by W. K. Hearst, has
added a anther presidential ticket
to the already long list. That
party in its recent convention
nominated for president Thomas
L. of Massachusetts, and
for rice-president John Temple
Graves, of Georgia.
The Democratic convention of
county, held on the 27th
nominated Zeb V. Long
for the Senate and V.
and If, D. Tomlin for
the House. It seems that the
name of Zeb Vance carries good
luck to Democrats in North
We pleased to realize that
county can hold
a primary
All together the speeches of
acceptance would make big
women may want to
vote, but most them possess
no such desire.
should be elected it
would only be another term of
Roosevelt under a new name.
We hope it will lie a longtime
before the coming of another
storm like the last one.
The burning at the stake of a
in Texas will
more anathemas on the South.
The Man
The comment of The New
York Hun, independent
on the speech of
of Candidate Taft, is in
these awful
able as it is. will not lose him a
Republican vote. What a relief
it must be to him to-day to have
the fearful thing off bis mind,
and conscience; and how
ardently In- must look forward
to the time when he can say
things and do things not because
without en- th an. ,,,
posing in a of and but because they -ire
the dispenser of public pie
the next four years, so they
I have overlooked hi- rebuke and
notice and follow our example
and we v ill have an united
The deficit in the
Stales treasury i now averaging
about one million per day. We
wonder if the bad Democrats are
responsible for this as well a
for the panic and the hard time-
now upon us.
opening of the tobacco
market ought to make
The hopes
to feel the effects of it by swap-
ping Mime subscription receipts
for cash.
are to
to c
Nan It-
public again. I h
the past,
in be per-
.-. .
I n r
to tin. w if,. f a prominent i
, oil ill her with
This amen I
adopted by .
two J i .
j did be
compelled to make an i
the amount and lit tire
their corrupt ion fund during the
Presidential campaign. Second-
because of their desire to de-
feat the measure they could In-
the South compel
Democrats to vote it.
hear their campaign
managers expressing hopes of
Taft carrying North Carolina and
states, They
May as well attempt to bridle an
Those fellow u ho keep on
saying that North Carolina is a
doubtful State and may be car-
by the Republicans this
year, do not mind talking
i Ii rough their hat.
The Republicans are admit-
ting that they have on hand a
tough light to retain their
in the nation. This
admission and the fact that the
Democratic party worse united
than it has been in many years,
is good reason for us to take new
Courage and press the contest to
its utmost. Knowing that there
is nothing that so warms the
Democratic heart and
the blood as the prospect of a
good still battle, we are getting
our roosters together for a
crowing spell In November.
There is being quite a stir
made over the recent Baxter
The Southern
railway is pushing the
i -hand. Tl i p wife is i
I to N put out of Pi
. III i succeeded i
. the effort
cat lie the r.- of I he
city to lo their jobs, Nan i-
iii the city says she in-
tends to remain there. Wonder
what she'll do next,
Maybe the demonstrations in-
the Strength of the par-
tie-. Iii the Independence Lea-
convention the
lotted fifteen minutes,
the Republican convention it
forty-five minutes, and in
i he Democratic convention
was an hour and a quarter. We
hope ratio will keep up
the Democrats come out that far
ahead in the election.
The attention of our readers is
called to a t elsewhere front
Dr. Richard II. Lewis, secretary
of the State board health,
bearing upon preventive treat-
of hydrophobia, This is a
step the State has taken in the
Interest of humanity that should
have the of the
And Miss of recent no-
for disappearance, had a
little love affair at the bottom of
it, all seemed to know enough
about what -he was doing to get
As tin-re ii no censor to whom
Mr, Bryan must refer his speech
of acceptance for blue penciling,
he can make it as long as he
Philadelphia doctors have
found a new name for mumps.
They now call it and say
it i- some new disease attacking
the jaWS,
things to say and the right things
to do
nauseating incubus be-
neath which he staggers near-
every sentence would
ate any ordinary man. The
compulsion to seem and
not to the leaden sense of a
crushing debt upon which an in
creditor computes from
hour to hour his compound in-
the deadly obligation to
that makes that sweet-
est and simplest of virtues to
seem a very vice; the never re-
admonition t
ever a man, free.
independent and sane, his
neck in such a yoke
Taft deserves the
prayers as well as the votes of
every decent citizen in the
try. And when he is freed from
his dread obsession once
more walks in sunshine
no mortgage, he will -how
his that no
save death alone, can for-
ever frustrate or subdue an hon-
A legislature the South
wants to abolish flirting. That
is what comes of bes-
An Indiana man swallowed a
feather a few days ago. and it
was only by the moat heroic
fort that bis life was saved. We
presume that he was almost
tickled to death.
A Florida town has passed an
ordinance regulating the speed
of airships overhead.
Will Tom Watson get the
vote of asks
the Macon Telegraph. Yes;
right where the chicken got the
What could be more
than that candidate Taft
should first read hi- speech of
acceptance to the man who
him with the nomination.
A spinster is not always to
be blamed for her
says the Omaha Dee. No. in-
deed, often she lo be
They are selling booze in walk-
canes in Birmingham, Ala.
It is said that practically every
man that town has developed
a limp here of late.
rumor is not confirmed by
private Secretary that
President Roosevelt was
on learning of the re-
mission of the fine of
Judge Landis.
Mr. Taft's frankness reminds us
of the old who, when ask-
ed by the judge, you the
defendant in replied,
indeed the
nigger stole the
S has been persistently
circuiting a report to the effect
that I am a candidate for sheriff
in the interest of the present
incumbent, Sheriff L. W. Tucker,
under whom I have acted as a
for four years. I wish
to emphatically this
report, and to say to the public
that there is not one atom of
truth in and to say that I am
a candidate in own interest,
and not in the interest of any
other person. I have no
to make of the conduct of
the off under the
of Sheriff Tucker, except to
say that the same has been clean
and capable so far as it was in
the power of both himself and
myself to make it, but I believe
in rotation in office, and in the
time honored custom of electing
a sheriff of this county for only
two terms, four years;
and as Sheriff Tucker has enjoy-
ed and held this office for four
I feel as a life long Demo-
that I have the right to
aspire to this position, subject
always, of course, to the action
of the Democratic primary.
I desire to thank my friends
for their many offers of support
for this office, and will
the support any and all
my friends and fellow Democrats
of the county. If nominated
and elected to this office, I
promise the public a clean
administration of the same, and
as capable and efficient discharge
of the duties of the office as I
may be capable of.
This August 1906,
S. I. Dudley.
Mr. Hearst does not want
with any other party. He
i- n to count votes on
day with the leaders of the
oiler political thing
Marion Ruth;, par-
leader never lie in-
to Star.
v are now asking the usual
At Fresno, Gal., a butcher has
been arrested on the charge of
gathering in many -tray
and working them Up
Homebody must have
II piece of the ill hi- -ail
L. H. Pender has purchased
plumbing business of C. A.
Dickens and has moved to the
stand in the
building on third street.
The Roosevelt deficit for
month has passed the
mark. This is nearly double the
deficit for the same period last
year and year before, and this is
also the last year of Mr.
So Mr. John Temple Graves,
of Georgia, baa got something by
joining himself to the Hearst
The prospects for good crops
in this Democratic
National, State and local success,
is indeed encouraging.
Possibly the national
will all be over in time for
the election, that is if they get
a hurry about it.
question, is He
is not a Who's Who celebrity.
Hi name does not appear among
the in that list. The Rich-
News-Leader, impatient
for information,
is his trade,
his personal and political
Is he a newspaper re-
porter detailed by Hearst to In
a presidential nominee and t
write articles on It Feels
to be a Can he
peak or does he write, or has he
a I- he a horny-handed
son of toil prominent in local la-
circles or l he a
highbrow who simply
thinks Usually it is
the unknown who is sprung for
tin- vice-presidency, but in this
instance the order is reversed.
Colonel Gravel is known to a few
million people, while
head of the ticket, is such an ob-
man that people are going
about asking who he is. But it
doesn't matter, lie is never go-
to be President, and ha is
going to give but little trouble
John Robinson's circus is again
Notice has officially I making dates in this state
served on Mr. Taft that he baH an absence of several years.
bean nominated by the
he stood The candidate are coming up
up and said bis speech like a big registering for the primary,
tin soldiers. Monday was a good day for them.
Pains, Can-.
We will send sample showing
how B. B. B. Cores above
also Eczema and Rheumatism.
twenty-live years Botanic
Balm B. has been curing yearly
thousands of sufferers from
Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison
all forms of Blood Disease. We
solicit the obstinate cases for B.
B. B. cures where all else fails. If
you have exhausted the old methods of
treatment and still have aches and
pains In bones, back or joints,
Mucus Patches in mouth. Sore
throat. Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots
on any part of the body, Bating
are run down or nervous. Hair
or eyebrows falling out, take R. B. B.
It kills the poison, makes the blood
pure and rich, healing every sore and
completely changing the entire body
into a clean, healthy condition. Itch-
humors, Risings or pimples of
MOM all leave after killing the in
and the blood with B. B. B.
in this way a flood of pure rich blood is
sent direct to the skin surface, the
itching stops r and every humor
or is healed and cured.
is pleasant and safe to talk; composed
of pure ingredient j. It
ties and enriches the blood.
Druggists, per large bottle with
Directions for home cure.
For Silo-A fine lot of IS. C.
Leghorns, standard bred;
mammoth Bronze Turkeys and
Guineas This is choice breed-
stock, and would not be sold
at this season but for want of
room. Be quick. W. A. B.
Hearne, Greenville, N C.
men of
who ea sell
things, to investigate an
opportunity for
on their earning capacity. H
your services are worth
to a day you should and
can gut the money. is a
business notice to business men
and will no be interesting to any
who do not mean business. Ad-
dress W. A- B. Hearne. Box
Greenville, K. C. d w
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's -Ease, a powder. Relieves
nervous foot and
nails, and Instantly takes the
ting out of corns and bunions. It's
the greatest comfort discovery of the
age. Allen's Foot Ease makes tight
or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating, callous, swollen,
tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold
by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. By
mail for in stamps. Don't accept
any substitute. Trial package Free
Address Aliens, LeRoy, N. Y
Free Blood Cure
This coupon cut from Green-
ville, N. C. Reflector is good for
large sample of
Blood Balm mailed free in plain
fill in your
name and address on dotted
lines below and m iii to BLOOD
BALM CO, Atlanta Ga.
Slate name of trouble
Q -T- Presents
for Sheriff.
Authorized Agent of The Eastern for
I vicinity.
you planted your gar-
den question every
one is asking. Woods Seed are
the best for the South. You will
find all kinds perfectly fresh at
Sauls Store. Don't make
the mistake of getting some
The following teachers have
been elected for the ensuing
J, A. super-
Helen Graver Leasburg; Miss
Ella Harris. Youngsville; Miss
E. Richardson. Selma;
Miss Lucy Hodges, Kinston;
Miss Lillian Munn, Ayden; Miss
Lena Dawson
M. M. makes the best
cold drinks that can be made at
the cold the year
Try one.
With Prof. as sup-
and this able corps
f education as his Aid De Camp
expect glowing re-
from their efforts the com-
Smith Co. Dixon are running
factory and mills on full
General sawing trimming
o repairing of all kinds neatly
Advertising rates
township presents
to the voters of Pitt county the
i name of Joseph as a
candidate for the office of sheriff
and of Mr. for
it has pleased our office. If that is
ST y in His Mr. we d
wisdom and love to remove from be our next sheriff
earn, little Jennie James White to why is I
to her home in heaven. ; entitled to this office, we wish to
Whereas the cradle roll of is next to I
Memorial Baptist Sunday School the fT Democratic township
S of its brightest and It has always
The Ayden Lumber Co has members, there- been Democratic never wander-
overhauled their plant, and in- J K strange and new
but has held fast to the
Dr. J. C. Caldwell, of Wilson
arrived Saturday and be-
a meeting in the Christian
church. He is in fine spirit and
doing some good preaching.
J- J. Smith and family have
returned from Morehead. He
tells us he was seized with con-
of the lungs and came
near being. drowned
Mrs. Hart returned Mon-
day from Snow Hill. of its brightest county
most promising members, there-1 Democratic never wander-
In th. Slate of North Carolina, a, of business July IS.
Furniture and a
Due from
Bold coin .
Silver coin,
minor currency
National hank
and other s. notes
s or Capital .
Surplus fund . .
current exp. paid
. Hills Payable
, deposits
Cashier's ,
ins 28.03
stalled a mill for sawing gum
ash oak and poplar. They have
two boilers h. p. each, with
h. p.
W E. Hooks, J. J. stokes
returned Saturday night from an
extended trip north. Baltimore
and Washington city. They
at the White House, but
had failed to herald their coming
and was at
Miss Velma who
has been visiting Misses Cora
Lee, and Anna Garris, returned
. sub. e. out fast to the the . r
mission to His will, and extend II has never received an
our heartfelt sympathy to Important office It-
Parents, little sister and broth- have been content to let
others enjoy and have the honors
and emoluments and
. ,. sister and brother,
Levy Nobles, and them to the tender
of Him who alone can
comfort in these sad hours
Mrs. E. B.
Mrs. J.
Miss Nannie Wilson-
t t
To be Held in Greenville Friday
is c
owns i
in Pitt
old rm
early I
life. E
f lie
R. D,
H. King
j. n. t
was rink
Dr. J. C
will begin
the Christ
and i
and is wort
Miss May
she had bee
Mrs. W. C.
Mrs. Will
her mother,
at Snow Hill.
Our ware
for the
are up-to
ware-house pr
give perfect
in the golden
Mrs. R. H. B
Mount, left
Greenville to
J. Bryan,
time in Ayden
Mrs. C
will find a nice line of
and caskets on hand at
R. Smith Co .
tr. Lorenzo was
own Thursday and tells us he
titivating acres in cotton.
-res in tobacco, and so far
--------m we now
after all these years of
loyalty, of work and achieve
I is entitled to this office
There are several reasons
we favor and endorse Mr.
1st. Because he is a
man and wants him
to nave it.
He is a man of the people-
a working man from the ranks of
i tap . .
Subscribed and sworn to be-
Car,. .,. ,;,,.,,, ,. f ,,,. y T .
at mass of
up the rank
party and is so
seldom or rewarded
own exertion, con-
deportment stands out
Aug. 5th. . r
. We learn that ha. K
improved so much at , of
of to local speakers d representative of the work-
ton, Sunday in town These institute, are f
cure,. How would M Problems and no bf. Demo-
ware and take part and hi
AS. .
Loans and disc
Overdrafts unsecured
and Fixtures
Due from
Silver i- in including nil
nob b and
other V. S. notes
-i ;
; ital .- ck
lion S
rent I
i me e f
Cm g
is one of
our most in
Hind Watch j these discussions
without re-
. , .
the i
men. Be operates are than enough hone-
and mill, Last week witness H . ; , tile
and does an extensive time
besides is a
d builder. In fact. is a
the fact that j. A
f right can be re-
If-- tn washed
Miss Nana
no attempt is made to lay down
hard and fast rules for
and no lecturer at
a ways
lied upon.
has filled every office and
trust to which he has been called
efficiently and well.
people of the county know
i now well he fills the office of
North C r, Ii.-,, p;, .
J. R. DAViS,
y. m
. i-
me, Correct
and Greene bi. Enfield y
in t. Miss ; j I. .-
turned from heS that dozens of farmers I U-1 up
y man and believes in the Carr's, in Greene court this part of the State are
successfully at
is expected lo discuss or m the office
recommend practice which of the road force.
he himself has not done success , made a unstable and ii
The B
In the State of
of the co o
Banking and Trust C
to bed and
o , is a man
the bright side of
troubles him.
and Mrs.
died Wednesday and
conducted obsequies.
Company just re-
of lime cement.
Bell, of a
; for register of deeds,
mg hands in town Wed-
Caldwell, of Wilson,
a series of meetings at
an church next Sunday
He has a broad re-
s an educator, minis-
scholarly gentleman,
Miss Laura Carr, of Willow
returned Monday
Dr. J. C. Caldwell made a
business trio to
and returned on the
evening train.
,. tobacco buyers are on
and we
and officer.
We trust and hope that the
institute lecturers this e will give
year will be selected from among consideration
state a most successful farm- primary
the workers in our State de their for
of the
ii i
Loans a;. in It
Furniture and ; tun i
Due from Banks Bankers
Oliver . in i .,
minor coin cum . ,
rent .
1.778. IS
, 51.68
exp big things Wednesday.
United States department of
agriculture and the faculty of
the North Carolina college of
Do not forget the date of this
meeting and see that
neighbor know of it and attend
Funeral of Mrs. J. R. Whichard.
The remains of Mrs. J n
Whichard, who died Tuesday in
Atlanta, arrived here on the A
C L. train Wednesday evening
accompanied by Mr. Whichard I Earn, in Ls Than
and his daughter. Miss Ella. The i Year
services, conducted
held at
Smith returned from
Wednesday, where
A few days ago there was
o'clock this afternoon at the the directors of the
residence Mrs. A. F. e
the interment following in Cher- a of
Hill cemetery. was declared and paid
T. Hart is
Mrs. Celia
Hill cemetery.
The pall bearers were E.
n t E This dividend
aunt Whichard, A. F. Kennedy, f h been November
I of last year, and there
is now ready
sales next Wed-
5th, and we are
Glenn and Gentry,
judges of the
and will
so send
of Rocky
Wednesday for
her brother,
t some
Miss and
little Miss Fanni. Nobles left for
Rocky Mount Tin morning.
Mrs. Roberta of
Belhaven. is visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Worthing-
J- J- D. J.
W. L. Brown. W. B.
G. E. Harris. R.
hams, and C. E. Rountree.
Mrs. Whichard was before
marriage Miss Ella Roberts, of
Albany, Ga. and was a lath- of
Christian character
She was married in the spring of
1889, and is survived by the
band and three children, two
sons and one daughter.
Tho Wilson Publishing t ,.
pony has been placed in the
hands of The eon,,
was last fall t,,
publish the Daily Advocate
take over the Wilson
It ran about six months and
gone into the Receiver
W. A. Lucas, an attorney of
Wilson, Mr. j.
editor and moving spirit in tin
enterprise, being named co-re-
.- is yet on
enough cf this seas fir-1
product, to pay a
percent dividend when it is
The company make.-
baskets and crates in which
ship truck, and boxes in which to
ship goods turned out by cotton
mills, and also sells lumber Mr I
Pugh has been
of the plant for nearly three
years, during which time the
total dividends have reached Tm
per cent. It shows
of his management
M, T. M. D.
M. Holton,
Walter Luck,
I M.
R. Wall,
S. Moore.
Richard Wingate,
R W. Smith,
J. R. Smith.
J. Edwards,
W K. Edwards,
J. E. Pierce,
C. Cannon,
M Sauls,
J. R
W. J Boyd,
J. R. Spier,
H Johnson, M. D.
J. A. Harrington,
L. H. Witherington,
Elias Turnage,
F. Lilly,
J. Stakes,
II- S. Hodges, Cashier
E. T. Phillips. Editor.
of ,.
i n
i . ,
if. to beS
Notary Pi
AT .
Carolina, tit
so -v
. I .-
I i n . i i
i ;
I i
other I .
Pin .
s is b
citizens of Swift
and sworn to -r
20th f.
Pitt M; ,.
T. .
. Tl s
V. ; .
Or I
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Rank Building
contest now before th
pie for county officers, and
Will Change Hi, Very
a t m l , the name of Mr. Jesse
. .
.- paw
to each after Ur.
will be through outside doors. , of Swift t t with the
. Creek Township. Company.
.-. i will known . ,
i pool room in rear, the two m it the
. . f Hi
no you f Co. and will conduct the
t 29th of August 1906 at the same All
damage , . .;
th. r
J ;,. ,,,,,,
bridges th,. ,
r ,
-I .,,, , ,.,
damage ,.
t ,.,
heard a number farmers
speak of th storm and tho d in-
age it caused to crops and

Tilt re is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put t pet her. and until the last few
Administrator's Notice.
years was supposed to be Incurable.
For a many ears
Beaufort to Have Modern Summer and a mm
Winter Hotel. t a local and
local remedies, and by con-
Beaufort, N. C, July latently fatting to cure with
r- ; of pronounced it
Ever since the i j-J ,
disease and
1880. which away Beau-
fort's resort hotel, the
here hate been very anxious to
see it built Lack, but, although
many attempts have been made,
they have not been successful
in their plans to rebuild. At
last their wish realized.
A hotel composed
principally of the best business
men of the town will, a
day or two i for the par-
pose of establishing a good
modern hotel. They expect to
build it with all modern
and to the sum
mer business, they expect to
cater for the tourists from the
North in winter. There is no
fore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca-
Cure, manufactured by F. J-
Co . Toledo. Ohio, is the on-
constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from in
drops to a teaspoonful. It acts direct-
on and mucous surfaces of
the system. They offer one hundred
dollars for case it fails to cure.
Send for c mid testimonials.
K. J.
Ohio. Sold by Druggists,
Take Family Fills for
Having qualified as administratrix of
the estate of K. T. Wilson, deceased.
I lite of county. North Carolina, j
I this is to notify all persons having
claims against the estate of the said
to exhibit them to the under-
signed at her in town-
ship near Grimesland, N. C. on or
before the 9th day of June,
this notice will be pleaded in bar of
recovery. All persona Indebted
to said estate will please make
This June 9th,
Julia H. Wilson.
Administratrix of U. T. Wilson.
We have just received
pound shipment of
Administrators Notice.
Mr. Kern's Popularity in Home Town.
True to his antecedents and
the circumstances of his bring-
The Clerk of the r Curt of
Pitt this day issued let-
administration to me upon the
estate of B. F,. Patrick deceased.
Notice is hereby Riven to all persons
holding cl against said . to j
pres them to me for nu I
circa,.,, ; . ft
up, Mr. Kern is a in b f then- recovery.
democrats In manners, as persons indebted t Raid es ate are re-
in to make immediate payment
in principles, he is
pound paper. This paper
without an equal in price,
comes packed in a nice board
box, instead of the old unhandy
paper wrapper.
We furnish you
I Envelopes to Match
packed two packs in a board
box. By buying; in quantity
we arc able to offer it at
per envelopes per
We invite you to call and
examine it.
Is the Standard Visible Writer
of the World
This the 29th of 1908.
E. G. F
of B E. Patrick
v t a man of the people, though he
, in should not I ,
u a ; . if moat noDular by B
be made one o most popular ,,,;, n
resorts on the Atlantic coast, and mere affectation of
believed that this will Notice to Creditor
Haying qualified before the
of Pitt counts as
administrator of the estate of G. C.
. , . Roberson, deceased, notice is hereby.
and especially Ins ,,;,.,.,,., .; indebted to the
v in In- estate to make payment to
very few can equal it. j -N , i and all persons having
plan is lo build a Indianapolis is a Hour-1 cl , said estate are not.
tn. b
of his
claim more pl
j If you want your HORSE to trot;
last and pull strong buy your
is not so much in the building ma-
as in the solidity of its re-
sources and the ability of the
Both of these are fully
demonstrated in the conduct of
The National Bank
The present plan is to city, but present the
to a seventy-five room hotel p. on r
v L i and other t has not yet thrown off certain day w, or
with a will be plead in bar of recovery,
attractions on the premises. The; of the j. Ah of mob.
. . i. tow . L.
re the
re ltd
L. Roberson,
of G. Roberson.
will be situated on the overgrown country town. One
I the; of the pleasantest of
ocean and within blocks of
e. not which its citizens take in
that fall to the
it will be of their number, R be,,
popular resort for pleas- banks
, Kern, and lesser lights,
Administrators Notice.
Letters of .
. of W. A, James;
i.-.-1. d to the undersigned by the clerk
Sup court of Pi t county
hereby given to all
Hay, Oats
and Corn.
Its financial solidity is beyond
I as the last statement will show.
It is managed in a conservatively
progressive manner which
every courtesy to its customers con-
with the safety of its de-
Hot and Cold Baths
Electric Massage
A specialty Electric
Massage and Hair
tonic given to ladies
at their homes.
of W. B. He will sell; H ;.
you Better Feed and More for Less
Money than any nun town,
W. B.
N. C.
irrespective of aims against
j i h m vim
c- . t. f cal is ready to hang , authenticated, on or;
The Fir,, of Ca-P d
flings up I recovery. persons Indebted
When unusual distinction estate re u to mane
Stokes County. N. C.
Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, I
Brand, Hominy, Cricked
Com, com Meal and kinds of
Fleming props.
The first of the cam
in North Carolina
was made at Webster,
Jackson county, Locke
Craig. As in 1908, Mr. Craig
has set the pad party.
The friends who work d for him
in the recent con-
test never a more de-
serving and Democrat. I
any of them are feeling any
or because
fallen to a fellow-townsman.
spontaneously arranged for the
occasion of Mr. Kern's return
from Denver was, however, a
really remarkable and
testimonial to the
I popularity among his own
In a city Ir.
t the
This the day of July
W, A. James, Jr.,
of W. A. James, d.
Located in the beautiful
the healthiest spot In
Funned by the
breezes. Hotels under entirely new
management. Cuisine in
the South. All white help employed.
For further information, full
h. p.
To The Plumber
Located Sn business
of the town Pour chairs
ha him b his
over a skilled barber. Ht ,,.
Our work rather than by the I
Our tow sis clean.
port. We
Western county trio year in ,.
Mr. the . Dem- . .,,., .
tickets as m
and shipments
as they would had
been the nominee
Following is
speech at .
Crete's was
g M
erotic C
Austin in the .
for August.
By virtue of the power of
in a Mortgage Deed
and delivered by Henry whit
wife Martha White to Laura E.
on the 7th day of January, 1902, and
duly recorded in the Register of
Pitt county, North Carolina. Cotton Factors and
u I look page the undersigned JUgging. Ties and
will expose to public sale, before the
court house door in Greenville, for
cash, to the highest bidder, on Monday
the 24th day of August, 1908 at
o'clock, noon the following real prop-
One tract or parcel of
land in Swift Creek township,
Pitt county. Carolina, beginning
at a pine the third corner of a patent
anted to John and Janus Browning
Vehicles, Hors
Sharp for acres, thence
reverse of his line N. E. to
I Stable
Greenville Co.
J, i . will lead
r he;
Other may fol-
A Friend
Savannah's First Bale of Cotton.
Savannah, Ga. July 80.-The
tic to the core. The welfare later ct
of the h I, i n an led w.
the success the Democratic
ticket. declared that
interests of the State were tar
above the interests of any man.
and was to be considered above
all personal advantages. Every
Democrat ought to stand by his
party, said speaker. He
the reviewed the history of the
Democratic party in the State,
dwelling upon the fact that Dem-
stood for equal rights,
while Republicanism stood for
special -Newton En-
Fish Falls With Rain.
Mr. W. F. Carroll tells us that be elected president.
a colored boy picked up a red
pike in the road S. Cox's; I I NI I W F R S T Y
place, Friday. The fish was or v
inches long and alive when
found. The place was up on
I is 5th then with his
n vi No. E. poll a to the line
f the above named Browning patent
then with that line n versed S. W.
poles to the beginning containing
R more less to satisfy said
, ,.;, ed.
of July, 1908,
Laura E. Mortgagee,
F. C. Harding, atty.
first bale
or that received In the ordinary i , a. I W
course of business for Qt I
was bought at the
exchange by Murray
Stewart for the Bryan Demo-
Club. It was immediately
compressed, placarded and ship-
to Charles F. Murphy; leader
of Tammany Hall. New
The placard announces that it is article
the first bale and concludes j.-.-
surely as cotton is king, Bryan . .
Your Patronage Solicited
In Front of Market House.
DR. L. C.
Oilier corner and Third
formerly by the late Col. I.
A. Sugg-
. an. . bill before
thank you for past patronage you say
and ask to call again when a null sum could not
good work is wanted. possibly
P AT R O N E You be wrong. We do as
H O M E work as any plumber in the
. world. us with next job
n I . and you'll admit speak the truth.
If bill is smaller than you are
We manufacture PUBS ICE and can J why should you object if the
supply the local Two w. Ron work is all right I
deliveries daily. orders n.
time during day. and
he made at the plant ht
hour of the night.
We ask your patronage and will do
our best to please you.
The Greenville Ice Plant,
Hill Johnson, . . Proprietors
e Weber, Weber
t-x i ii Pianola Style with and
. player,
THE TAILOR Vote, . club
Can be found on Fourth ,
prepared to clean, press r; G A N
How often you get a
or driver or
Have a good
tool box be prepared for
em Twenties. Our line of tools
is a you could desire, and
e will see that your tool
a single
high land with no way for water
to get there, and it is supposed
that the fish came down with the
Little Jennie James White,
nearly two years, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. White,
died this morning at Morehead
City. The remains will reach
here via Kinston on Sunday
morning's train, and the inter-
will take place at 6.30 p.
m. in Cherry ill cemetery. The
death of this little one away
from home is very sad and much
sympathy is expressed for the
Head of State Educational System.
n ts College,
Medicine, Engineering. Law,
Library contains-18.000 volumes. New
water works, electric lights, central
heating, system. New dormitories,
gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. building,
. ,
students. in
Fall term begins Sept.
Fitzgerald, Wolcott and
N. C.
Week-end Round
Trip Tickets to Va.
The Norfolk and Southern Rail-
way announces the following; at-
tractive low during; the sea-
son 1908 to Norfolk, Va. and re-
N. S. Ky.
Hens Clothing and, allies
All work promptly,
made tr when
Your patronage Solicited.
At New Market in front Nor-
folk and Southern Depot.
The ideal
In a tiara which
will he b hand or by tho
mechanical attachment at will. It is
the moat popular piano in the world
best piano at any price and on
easy terms, cull on or write.
A. J.
You get
Horse Goods t c
J. P.
Wendell ,.
Zebulon ,,
Greenville ,,
Goldsboro ,,
,,. . I via. N. S. direct
I have on hand a large of
good machine made brick. Will quote
prices on application and can orders
W J Gardner,
The Brick Man. Bethel, N. C
Golds, and A. C. L.
New Bern
Francis P. Venable, President
For Rent.
Store on corner of Washington and
Thirteenth streets. A good stand for
the right man. Will Hell stock, store
fixtures and safe. for selling
want to give whole time to dairy
r lots a specialty in hay, grain,
meat, meal, etc. Special attention
given to phone orders. 7-9
Dr. Greene
Specialist on Crown and Bridge work
Office over Frank Wilson's Store.
i and A C L.
From Route Fares
Vanceboro N. S. Ry. 5.90
Chocowinity 5.00
Washington 6-W
Plymouth Ml
Fares for children five years of age
and under is half of the above fares.
Tickets on for morning trains,
only, Saturday June and every Sat-
thereafter, to and including
Saturday, September 1907, limited
three days, including date of sale.
Electric service from Norfolk, Va.
to Virginia Beach and Cape Henry,
Va. Round trip cents. Trains leave
City Hall Avenue, opposite
Hotel, every half hour.
Bunch, T. M.
H. C. G. P. A.
F. W. Dist. P. A.
Wholesale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
w I paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Eggs. Oak
6-70 Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc.
6.70 Suits, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts.
Parlor suits Tables, Lounges,
I direct p. and Gail Ax
Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry George
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach-
es, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly, Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Magic Food, Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples,
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware, Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni. Best But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see me.
The North Carolina
Practical in Agriculture;
in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical
Engineering; in Cotton
Dyeing and Industrial
try. Tuition a year; Board J
a month. J
nations for at the college
on 2nd Address
Raleigh, N. C
O. L. President, R. J. COBB Treasurer, W. H. Jr. Auditor.
The Farmers Consolidated Co.
Greenville, Wilson,
It is the experience of every stockholder in this company that he never
made better investment, for the five years of its operations the original stock-
holders have been paid 1-2 per cent in cash dividends. That is the result of
co-operation, good management and sound business methods.
Again it is the experience of every farmer who has sold his tobacco at the
warehouses of this company that he received higher prices than pother houses
could obtain. For the season is prepared to even surpass
the fine record it has made in the past, hence it is to the interest the farmers
to sell their tobacco with this company. J
Patti Once Threw Him Into a
Frenzy Madness.
He Frightened and the Great j
Diva by Hit Strange and
Munich It
Finally Sang Foe Him In
Di .- Him Wild.
on the Greenville market, will this season be in charge of that of ware-
housemen. Capt J. It. Hutchinson, formerly of Wilson, whom you hive only to
try to be convinced of his ability to please you.
on the Greenville market will again be in charge of that veteran warehouseman
and champion high prices, F. whose record in the past is a
of what he can do tor you in the future.
The warehouses at Wilson and Kinston will be under cap-
able and efficient managers who will carefully guard the interests all who
sell with them. The wise tanner will sell his tobacco with
When Paul D
of bar fame ii.,
of sot bis heart on baring her
lag for at private auditorium
In Munich, Be wrote lotter after let
tor. ex-
sums of but
i., bad heard
too of
and I.- of
at rue , her n i ;.
II ridiculous
it. n . ;.
courage and for y- u
and her alighted at the
not even . carriage there to
I meat had
name nest and n cab.
the u. diva's
nerves and A he
out to tee the town and
dentally to examine the porters nu-
linger. Not
of her n r could she
She mailed hack lo the h and told
August 14th, 1903.
i SOUTHERN RAILWAY has pleasure in
j announcing August 14th, as the
for the Annual Mountain excursion from Nor-
folk, Richmond and intermediate stations to
Asheville the Sapphire country. The
round trip rates be extremely as follow s
ASHEVILLE, N. C. 10.00
HOT SPRINGS, N. C. 11.00
N. C.
Tickets good on all regular trains August
returning on all regular trains within ten days
from date of sale, but not exceeding
For complete apply to Southern
Railway ticket or
j T. P. T. P. A., Norfolk Virginia.
A complete sire; of seasonable roods.
Books, Stationery latest Magazines, school .
and china.
Farmers Consolidated Tobacco Company.
her i pack the
j us show you these
a the kins. I, , ,
The letter Mated i u II. that hit needing them.
e wall r i At i it is for you to make the selection
precisely In tho royal palace, where I . .,
m In to US to Our Stock.
i ; r stock is new.
, late after the best is selected.
Only the very best goods for the money.
low is the time for you to come in
O. examine our beautiful goods
C quick before the best is sold.
Only the lowest prices, quality considered.
Paul the u
e wished
was Paul w
with rape.
have never I; en treated no Urn-
shall leave one.
ii the kin to. I will not sing
never, The officer
pleaded with the Irate
majesty had been wild with es-
ever he know she
come and bad slept for three
great was his Joy at the
,. et her.
Have you thought of the KIND of brick as affecting the
VALUE of your building Consider the quality and
it over to your contractor, for
may something cheaper to him than to
you, for its natural for him to want the cheapest.
Cost too much to use pressed brick Don't want a com-
brick What will you do
Just get our samples and prices before deciding that
question and you will be surprised.
WE have the QUALITY and PRESSED P.
WALTON BRICK CO., Macclesfield, C.
t AS BRICK CO. A infer N. C
H m
For of Deeds.
predate any support you see lit
to give m
d w j. C.
A Card.
I hereby announce that I
removed for the practice of my
profession from Falkland to
Greenville. Residence on
street next door to J. L.
I Office. Dr. former office
; where I can be found at all times
when not professionally enraged
Opens Under New Management.
White Waitresses in Dining- Room.
Services For The Price.
st Water in the State and is Recommended by Leading
I hereby b-g to my-
elf a candidate for sheriff of
Pitt county, subject to the action
of the Democratic primaries of
d w
For County Treasurer.
I hereby bog to announce my-
self as n candidate for th-
i ion as Treasurer of the of
Pitt, subject to the action
Democratic primaries of
county. c. T.
d w
Moore and Long
DR R. L.
N. C
N. C.
kinds o choice cut In
attention given to
Wedding Funeral
Bulb Pt plants for Winter
plants and Shade trees.
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville N. C.
General Merchandise.
General Merchandise
Taft Vandyke
the nicer.
your kins
n i
i then she
caught p
king commands Mme. to
appear In pure white, without any
color whatever, not n. nay
To tho r. I but wit wool.
I i PlY Is to his
Will be a candidate before the will have to pained.
I white v. gown except
for the for I I wear red
Register of and will
Bed bis majesty
If you r in re sen mi
and Ob, do be pa
I will bring
Fischer to you. She the
king's She will
He Bed
after Mine appeared upon the
cone. She soothed Patti Into good
and also attacked white
wool peignoir and transformed it lute
a most becoming Greek robe.
Before the carriage arrived
at the hotel and . i went the pal
she w.-a k-j through dimly
i lighted rooms corridors Into
private I heater, which was
; save for the
that entered through the
st,,,; t,,.
an out of sight,
began a prelude. Through the
she could make out a white
face In the royal the
stage. another auditor was the
t ball.
Patti felt the cold shivers creeping
with nervousness
fear, an when she should have
begun her no a m could she
make. She opened her mouth, bat her
throat was from
terror. a The king
forward out of
tho box, his gleaming in the
moonlight The dins repeated the
prelude, gathered to-
and made one heroic effort.
Her voice rang oat I .
empty place, n king sank back
into the
idly scared, made the
effort . v lire finished the aria
I stood I victory. Dead
n sound came from the
gloom before her. went off the
stage n temper. Mme. Fischer was
behind the and Patti waited
With her for sing
next A appeared
at the door. majesty had had
enough r c and bad to his
apartments. For u moment Patti
stood Then she laughed. The
rudeness was so colossal that It was
funny. Mm . Fischer took the diva lo
supper and home.
Tho next Mme. Pitcher
caned hotel once more,
by the conn chamberlain, who
bore th. prowls check, an autograph
letter of from king and
some of great value. King
Mi- . Fischer said, was in one
of Ids maddest moods, wild with re-
cursing himself and cursing rat-
Ho had walked the all night.
groaning ho was a traitor, for
voice bad so ravished his senses
for one moment he had gone over
to Italian music and had been false to
Wagner, one musician who alone
had his soul.
better than having bored
added Patti, shrugging her
A. B. Ellington, Company.
to one-half saved on every
dollars worth of Dry
Dress Goods, Shoes, Silks, Clothing,
chased of
r -5
Get The best for Comfort
tresses and
Iron Bed have no equal.
Borden Felt
a piece B
New Tools,
Experienced Workmen,
Call on L, H. PENDER j
you want any Tinning, Plumbing, Steam or Ho;
Water. Heating and Repairing.
For the
To the Democrats Pitt
I to announce that I am
a the nomination
to the house of the Stale
Legislature subject to the
primaries which are to
he held on August
It is with gratification
that I learn from letters
personal interviews from many
of the leading people of my
County that they favor my can-
and if I am nominated
and elected as one of rep
I promise to do
in my power that for
lest interest the of
Pitt county State at
large. Very truly,
W. E. Hooks.
Ayden, N. C.
Littleton Female College
One of the most successful and bast equipped schools h the
South wit hot water heat, electric
boarding pupils year, 27th annual session will begin Si pi 1908
For address M. RHODES, in;, ton N C
Central Academy ,
A high-grade Preparatory School fr
. young men, wild industrial
equipment Located o 700-acre farm one mile from from I
College under the management of the i board of Trustees
illustrated V. AIKEN, Littleton,
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
rt in am

I r
.-, .;
In Charge of F. C. NYE
Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application J
., , Plea boar in mind the DUDLEY, AND WILSON.
. nil o-j Par Heel wagons
. . .
. .
i to Win,
next do
to- Par Heel wagons and carts
bad f by the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. Man Favors These Three
N C.
Lots of are coming
i r in about school desks which the
A. G. Cox C . makes.
See our i t at close
w is lime.
h A. W. Ange Co.
o . j superintend
iv . he wants to Beat all bis
v them, which means
loads. The unusual that they use every Democratic
comfort if within their power to look
e low price commend; before they leap and reason with
their better wits in the selection
Farmville, Aug. -1. 1908.
Not that I wish to meddle with
things I'm not concerned
but judging from what
have seen and heard fed it
behooves every voter in this
grand old county of ours to see
r. or tried.
of county officials in the near or
coming primaries.
Not tint our offices have not
r Co. us for cracked corn.
. Co
. . . ,. . properly and efficiently
W. A his father in a series of meetings filled by our present occupants,
hast. I this week. He will be away for but inhering are
The genial e is a several weeks engaged in revival who are just as
. work, only getting into fill tent just as worthy and just as
. the regular appointments. i need; of the support
The A. G. Cox those now, and have
Co. have received a solid been for some time enjoying
and car of the famous j them in our county.
Wild prices are inter- i have beard many of our
Harri Barber eating. Call to see us Before you citizens remark that one term
Our F. L- carriers could we are sure can enough for any officer
their yesterday you but how about two or three
bridges We were glad to see W. L. Whenever that is the case what
V Simpson, in our town of the essence of the old
Ice four.-1 Monday. He is m 1- favorite
every farmers of the c He rights U all and special
Henry was looking the best place in privileges to r
M. F. Crawford went to the State to send his daughters ignorant people and we well
today. to school when he had care know that our county will and
liTe always hi. a nice lice of fully examined the buildings handsomely pay our officers,
rash groceries n hand. here and learned of the work of why should we continue to
Barber Co.
M. B Bryan this ming
i t i
We are prepared to fill your right place as hundreds of pat-1 aspirants
So Tired
may be from overwork, but
the chances are its from an in-
active LIVER. m
With a ell conducted LIVER
one can d. mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds j hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept in
by, and only by
Law Mutt be Enforced Elect R
Man for Legislator.
Wilson. K. C, August 1908
To the Friends of
The forces of
have prevailed against the
of ;. saloon; and here
after our fair State is to be free
from the gal sale
This, does not mean
complete victory. Only a p
of the liquor forces will quietly
Mrs. Alice Harper Entertains Her
Children and Grand-Children.
There was a family reunion
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Alice
Harper in South Greenville There
were with her to spend the day
Dr. R. L. Carr and Alexander
Harper, C. S. Carr and family,
H. L. Carr and family, of Green-
ville; Dr. Wade Anderson and
family and Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Darden, of Wilson; Mrs Emmet
Brown and children, of Cleburne.
Texas; A. T. Harper, of
and Charles Harper, of
the party numbering about
twenty five.
An enjoyable feature of the
reunion was a bounteous dinner
was spread on a table
in the under the trees, it
was a day of much pleasure to
all present, and to Mrs. Harper
in having her children and grand
children with her, all but one
daughter being present.
and submit to the
others must be made to. On the and
of some there will be a ready
r disposition to manufacture, sell
and I liq in spite of the
prohibition law.
Then e it is incumbent upon
us to tee to tie enforcement of
the law we have championed.
Duty i . that good
law, and
the school and the careful bestow upon one of our friends
N. C, July 19-8.
Miss Lillian Lassiter, of Scow
Hill and Hisses Bertha Joyner
of Grim
and Vernice Lang, of
F were visiting at Ivy
Smith's last week.
S. W. preached a
very good sermon at Smith's
Friday night and
v.- to ids regular appointment
at Saturday morning,
Little and
law It is better
law the law
yo, of Wilson, came
i i relative s
and rids for a while.
if k .- nay Saturday night,
given its students he seem- mote luxuries or flowers than
. satisfied has found the another And among the many
for office I see three Prohibition law of our State.
protect t
less. It is wiser to shield the
people from than to
the from
. r . r and not having a load they came
law. Let us. therefore, use
evidence and influence con
any person who
and picked up the young folks
until they were loaded with a
Treatment- Announcement
by the State Board of Health.
The general assembly, at its
last regular session, enacted the
An act authorizing the State
board of health to provide for
the preventive treatment of
Section That the State
board of health is hereby
and empowered to pro-
for and have conducted
its direction the preventive
treatment of hydrophobia or
rabies, whenever in its judgment
circumstances, financial and
other, will justify it. To meet
the expenses of this
the said board is hereby given
authority to supplement the
revenue derived from fees for
the treatment by such sums from
the treasury of the State
of hygiene as may be
Provided, that the useful-
efficiency of the said
laboratory is not thereby
Sec. That the benefits of
said treatment shall be given
free of charge to all residents of
the State who shall present to
the secretary of the State board
of health, or its representative
having in charge the manage-
of this special work, an
affidavit inability to pay, duly
sworn to and subscribed before
a justice of p ace. or, if the
ease be a minor, such an affidavit
by the parent or guardian. To
meet as far as may be the ex-
this special work, the
said State board of health is
hereby authorized and directed
to demand from I hose able to do
so the payment in advance of a
reasonable fee. not exceed in
any cave the usual charge made
by the reputable Pasteur
for flues n notice, can testify.
men's names that are well
la; . ;
C i.
. C
Rev. J. II. Griffith, of .,
id Rev. Mr. of .
in the
.,, Mr JaCK Harper,
b just in known in every section of our
county, and they an not only
the rush comes Prices Harrington, Berber .
i G Cox V was a romantic day
for cur quiet little tow every section but a-
. . a rather loving in every
up. It as strictly honest ard
learned that these business like gentlemen
were none other than t i,.,
. j ml i uphold the old
I lutes of country.
Then the r will step. I I The board of health, at its re
, , , seekers. Then for fun
I desire further to put you
your guard with reference
representatives our
assembly. I am sure
j place until about
they retraced their way
on r. . annual meeting, decided
they began their music, which. now
The following extract from the
He, will services
i of Greenville, and Miss
respect, and have never failed to
n Jenkins, the daughter of whenever opportunity presents
Tend M a
Cox shaH
to it, full capacity The noon W to help to nominate them
w filling the urgent orders for Mr. Husks and lad
other friends from Greenville, nominated for
All repaired to the home of Mr. Sam Dudley; for register of
M. G. Bryan, our popular post- deeds, J. C. Lanier. for treasurer,
where the proper vows w B Wilson. A Voter,
were taken and two fortunes
were linked in one. Mr.
the of license
leave no stone unturned car-
p; t nominate men
lief to represent
your county. they lay
plans ti I his d. Be wise and
cautious; and that only
men who favor
are nominated and elected, Find
they w re passing from place to
and flues. They report
in excellent condition
Hay and lime at A. W. Ange
Profs. Nye and Lineberry arc
looking up students. One
this about tenor twelve
ms were engaged. One man
county, writing to
age a room r is daughter,
, crops are almost
buy the storm, but am
to do part and
my children
man can do better. If we
part all will be well.
have a good hi he
l plenty of good feed. All
s of the best to b had, at
Produce Co., next
. Swain, of Vanceboro, was
yesterday co rent a house
love, his family. He has
work with the A. G.
Mfg. He says he
s to get work where
put his children in a good
Many children would be
r off if their were
the Hunsucker bug-
still going. Call to see
ice stock of runabouts be-
Prices are inter-
several weeks visit in
part of the State
Mollie Bryan has returned
reports a very
sojourn up there- She
with the fine water,
but driving over
hills and rocks are most
When it comes to
there is nothing better
the level roads of the
I you have a
and a good hors.-.
the nun o will properly fill
and deposited those they
picked up.
T. A. Willoughby died Sunday
evening, and his death filled the
neighborhood with sadness He
. was the son of Mr. Mrs. R.
i A. and was an ex
rice young man in
position press him into the
race. Only thus can we get the
best possible m By this
we of tn get excelled
men who would not otherwise
b. come candidate
served a bountiful dinner to the
happy party and all went on
their way rejoicing as a
A special opportunity to get
, Pursuant to the action of the
Republican county executive
I committee, at a meeting he'd in
I Greenville, North Carolina Aug.
goods cheap for the next few,.
Calico, and the best 14th- the
A. F. C. Gingham,
Star sheeting, notified that the county
in Greenville
Percale, was called
Lace, Shoes
and other goods have been re- noon, for the purpose
No charged and alternate.- to the
above prices. Come A. w. Ange State and judicial conventions
ft Co.
a co
Mr. and Mrs. A. W Ange and
baby left Monday for Jamesville
to visit Mr. father.
Chickens and eggs a specially.
Come and get the best prices.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Mrs. Taft left Monday to visit elect delegates to the county
and the election of
The chairman of the several
precincts will call their primaries
to meet on Saturday, August
at o'clock p. m.,
her daughter in Virginia.
The tobacco markets are open
and the farmers are hauling in
bright weed, no they have
made a rush on the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co., for their wagons.
convention and at which
meeting an executive committee
of mi v
be elected.
. n,
Chm. P.- p Ex.
important matter. See that your
cunt-, does safe and sane
If the friends prohibition
use their privileges and
sit by. while the advocates
of lie-use work for and nominate
through, the primaries and
conventions, men of their
choice, we can blame only our-
selves in meet reverses in
the Work while it
. It will be too late
tho primaries are over; and this
matter j entirely too important
to be We must give
It thought and attention. Some
men become candidates for rep
to legislature In our
behalf of
even though it mean per-1
and financial sacrifice. Help
me to preach i doctrine.
Yours for service,
R. I.
respect. He was buried
Monday evening in the presence
many sorrowing friends. We
greatly sympathize with the be-
in this hour of
We have been having very nice
showers the few days which,
we think, is very beneficial to
the growing crops.
R. A. Smith and Ben Joyner.
circular of information issued by
Quite a large number have been IS. I. Fleming, bee. pro. u m.
rolled out this week and still
orders are pouring in. Mr. Cox i
is justly proud of the Banana Cream
of these wagons and well he may highly
be, for his customers say there by ops of our
for tomorrow.
are none better. i bum mat,
one -t to a
tiff froth, add one ;
Lemon . n i-H .,
op- i in -hi
ii ,. , . hi y
. Mile
Go to M. G. Bryan Winterville,
N, G., for fire insurance. He
represents the Co., .
of Greensboro. It is one of the J
His Market.
M. has moved
his market s to the build-
opposite the Norfolk
Si depot, where
in addition t fresh meats be
will ;. all kinds of country
he of hygiene gives
the necessary
Rabies In no other disease is
an early diagnosis more vital
Importance. Fortunately, a
can in most cases be
made from a microscopic
nation of the brain of the rabid
animal. The suspected animal,
or its head and neck, should be
sent t the earliest possible mo-
to the laboratory for ex-
The head should be
packed in ice to prevent
faction, and should be sent by
express, prepaid. A careful ac-
count of the animal, a full
of of suspicion,
should be sent in every case.
treatment will require the
presence of the patient in
for about three weeks, but
residence in a hospital is not
necessary. The cost of the en-
tire treatment will be or will
be furnished free to pet-tons
unable to pay. upon submission
of inability to
duly sworn to and
ed before a justice of the peace,
or, if the case be a minor, such
an affidavit by the parent or
Attention is called to the fact
that the law requires the fee to
the undersigned, the paid in advance. It should be
incumbents of the office of j said also that, if after trial it
tho board of commissioners be found necessary for
county, hereby of this special work,
v r ho fee be increased. This
. I be. vi Di. C.
has now in ; i , p
l. -t .- . ,
. f
of Farmville S. J- Nobles, of
Greenville, were here Monday
to the burial ofT. A.
G. L. Tyson and his two oldest
boys went home Monday evening.
Mrs. C. L. Tyson and little ones
left for home this morning.
For Commissioner.
i j.
t .
. ,. i lie
s I f
public improvements has induced
us, as a body, to stand for re-
for second term.
his the 4th of Aug. 1808.
B. W. King,
M T. Spier,
J. D. Holland,
v , uM
t C. ii
g . N. T. Cox.
For Sale or For Real.
House and lot nearly opposite
Baptist church. Electric
city water, rooms, hall ways,
dining room, pantry, bath room
and Kitchen Possession given
immediately. J. J. Cherry.
c .
or money refunded. Prepared by
Sal by L.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
Plan for primary for
nomination of democratic
dates for and township offices
and members of the and
township executive committee, in
of resolution adopted by the
state democratic executive committee
at its meeting held in Raleigh, on th
26th of July, 1904.
Section At the meeting
held for the purpose of calling a
county convention to nominate
candidates for county offices and
members of the legislature,
the county democratic executive
committee may, upon motion,
determine the question of
such candidates by
election as provided for in
the following resolution of the
state executive
That this com-
will provide an optional
primary, to be adopted by the
executive committee of any
county desiring to nominate
county candidates and members
of the legislature by a primary.
That, the chairman is
ed to appoint a sub-committee to
formulate such a plan, and when
approved by the chairman the
said plan shall become a part
of the plan of organization.
Where any county executive
committee has already called a
primary, such county executive
committee may formulate and
promulgate its own s for
such election already ordered.
The plan provided for in this
resolution will not supersede the
present plan except in
counties adopting this
See. If before such meet-
is held there shall be present-
ed to the chairman the county
executive a petition in
writing, signed by one fourth of
. the members executive
committee, or a petition in writ-
signed by at least one
known democratic voters
of such county, asking that a,
meeting of the county executive j
committee be held the
pose of considering the
of nominating such
dates by primary election, then
shall be the duty of said chair-
man forthwith to call a meeting
of his county executive commit-
tee within ten days to act upon
the said petition. In any county
where it has been decided by
the majority of the executive
to nominate
dates by primary election, shall
be held under the following rules
Sec The time of holding
the primary election shall be not
less than thirty days before the
general election, and not less
than fifteen notice shall be
given of the time and places
when and where such primary is
to be held. When a primary
election under this plan shall be
ordered, notice thereof, giving
the date ind the various ballot-
places and the names of the
persons appointed to hold the
same, shall be published in the
Democratic press of said county,
and copies posted at every ballot-
place in said county, and
such other notice given as the
county executive committee may-
think proper. In such primary
election the county executive
committee shall designate the
places where voting shall be
had, and the shall select, as far
as practicable, the places
ed by law for holding the general
state elections. They may- how-
ever, select other places if the
convenience of democratic voters
justifies such but there
shall be at least one voting
in each township.
Sec. For the purpose of
holding election, the said
shall appoint two well
i. . ,., i
or other voting district in
the county, who shall conduct
such election, receive the ballots,
i count them, declare the result
and make a written statement
thereof. If any person appoint-
ed to hold a primary election
, shall decline to serve, become in-
or become a
date before said primary, the
; chairman of the executive com
of that township or
shall have power to
some qualified democrat to
son has received a majority of
all votes cast for an office, they
shall so declare, and he shall be
the nominee of the party for such
office. And if no person has re-
a majority of all the votes
cast for an office, but has re-
a plurality thereof, the
Shot Three Times. BUSINESS.
AL for Current Year-Elect for young men and boys
night, Mr. Charlie a lit 57th yea-
young man who keeps a CUss Sidewalk Paving. first.
in that town, was shot and killed
Oak Ridge Institute.
We have on our desk a copy of
the latest of Oak
Institute, the well known st ho I
git s
The shows a i
a plurality in that town, was and killed of more than
said declare him by a named Robert Robe, board aldermen g
to be the nominee of the party U No particulars could be monthly session
for such office, the except that while Mr. night with all the
receiving the next highest vote Whichard was in his market the Notwithstanding
demands of three times and special meetings .,.
commit in a see; L, He lived only a few lie M, in
I fill such place; and if the chair- primary be held, in which j
of the committee shall not case a second primary shall
be present, then the remaining ordered held under the s
person authorized j and regulations herein provided,
; may designate some as as may be. and such sec-
i assist him in holding the same, primary snail be held within
i and such substitute day from the time said
i have the same right and author- j provided that in the second,
therein as if he had election no votes shall A. president of the Mary-
I originally appointed by be cast except for the two Dredging Company, says
j executive committee. I receiving respectively the work
SEC The aid persons highest and next vote .
shall provide such boxes for the fir-1 prim the event ,,,.,
of ballots as may be each person voted in the see the o.
necessary, but there shall receives the This project, Mr,
enough to keep the board in sen
until a. m., when
was had to the
,, A resolution was adopted
the issuing of a rote
The location of the school in
the Pied i
between Greensboro and
Salem, with th pure cold
water, fine natural and
pure mountain fir. feet
en Canal Will Begin
, , inc vi a w . .
September 1st. for jg, 199.40 to the Norfolk above see
Baltimore, Aug. 11- Mr. Frank southern railway to cover an be asked for to hasten the
by town for freight.
the recommendation of the
i a committee levy
for the current year was
development of young
The equipment of the school
represents an outlay of
than to y in
South, This, with
For general cents j of men In
i each property vain
but there shall primary receives the This project, Mr, says, each property mm
folk wing number of votes, to but the of a poll. ; r, tr, , I d
separate shall decide V t t .,., ; For ma of graded o to the
of candidates, Schools cents on property and by any in th
for the general as-, huh o. In u,, e opening up an inland .,.,,.,,, L.
voted for in one party for . ,, Cam.; on poll. . try.
I the
i meat
shall be voted for in one
j box. all county officers shall be
for in one box, all township
officers in one The hours
on poll.
waterway the North Caro- interest on school
SEC, At the meeting in to Norfolk from which; cents on property and cents on
which primary is ordered; point vessels can continue m the poll.
it the inland coarse up the Chesapeake I For interest on Improvement
be as follow- From of the committee Bay to this city, bonds, first series, cents on
Which said, This, he believes result property and cents on
that the county will meet to ascertain Io an increased trade with the tor interest on improvement
committee may designate and the result of products of that
and notice there section, of lumber property and cents, r. poi
primary election beheld; he given in the call for such cotton tar, turpentine, his makes the total
In case a other commodities for each of property
is necessary, tho date; for the which Baltimore furnishes an Ration and on each poll, an
meeting of the executive market. In return the increase over last year from
to canvass and ascertain local merchants will be giver, but this increase
the result thereof shall be fixed cheap transportation for is mainly for interest on the ad-
and announced in the call of the I merchandise for distribution to bond issue that the town
The institute trains Hi
advanced college
walks of ii
but in no case shall the time for
holding election be less than
i six hours.
SEC C. Any democratic can
who is voted for in said s
primary election may attend the
the broader
the professions, and for MM
business life.
In this sch. h
the State Chan
bonds, second series, on among secondary schools for a
quarter of a century.
Those who pit-
a school ibis s,
should see one of the beautiful
J. A. and M. H. Holt, Oak
M. C.
I the South, by way of this inland i voted last year the training
same, in or by improvements.
and be I A note for was W
SI regard to For the ,
democratic elector shall have the holding the primary elections , hereby announce i m a i f.
right to vote at his proper poll, which it may deem proper, not; for due
place, and in case vote of j inconsistent with the Representatives subject
to cover an
for street
n man claiming to be a democrat in tins plan, it SUM Democratic primary.
elector is challenged on duty of the executive corn-
ground that he is as to prepare and furnish all
an elector, or is not a democrat, j blanks an. forms needed in
he shall not be denied the the returns from said e
of voting except by the any reported
judgment of both poll-holders. gM and appeal, therefrom.
Every challenge shall be record- j shall have power to i
J. F. Stokes.
Another Candidate.
To the people of mu other
A resolution was adopted that
all communications from the
water and light commission to
the board of aldermen must be
to writing and so trans
ii. d.
water and light
Th Re-Hector was In error
yesterday in saying the civil
term of court would
Monday, It will not begin
M 24th.
,, , . i, be record-1 snail nave , , I desire to say that I am a can-1 reported that had
the funds to
re dissatisfied with the the hereof, i solicitations or my friend,, but
result shall have the right to No election purely ad for the one
MS. ,
peal to the county executive shall be held under this plan
committee, and the county less the same shall be ordered by
the executive committee of the
article that keeps off cold and Twelfth streets. No action
hunger, and makes mi taken on the requests.
I have The street committee reported
committee shall hear the executive . , able and i nave P street had been
same and allow or disallow the county, and in case the executive j not that the street had
vote and shall amend the re committee of the county shall but the State manager has en- ordered.
me, those The market committee made
this plan, nominations for who me to put up the report of the stalls m the market
said appeal,
SEC. At the close of the
county offices and candidates for
the legislature shall be made
the plan of in
or more. I have in this
and adjoining counties six good
ids the plan of organization in speakers will employ two or publication made
voting it shall be the duty of the, force prior to the adoption the, N ,
if i resolution set forth. with
Executive Committee,
ALEX. J. FIELD, Secretary.
poll-holders, in the presence o
such candidates or their
and any democrat who
wishes to attend, to proceed at
once to count the ballots and
make a list of all person, voted j.
for and the offices for which
they were voted, and the Register of Deeds R.
of votes received by each, has issued the following licenses
house that been rented.
The mayor was instructed to
ere, but to make speeches to in- avenue that interfere with sew-
State Democratic or in private families, shall be cut down, and that
and they shall sign such list and
send the same immediately to
the chairman of the county ex-
Curtis Collins and Florence
another amend
that the property owners
be left to do the paving th,
selves and make their own con-
tracts therefor. The
amendment was lost. n
Flanagan explained that be fa-
the per i
would opp no a
tract At pries without
advertisement b first
and the contract let to the low
et bidder. The matter was fin-
ally left to the discretion of the
The purchasing committee was
given authority to sell such
belonging to the
for which there was now fur-
Several for
rant licenses we're granted, but
one by Henry for
selling barbecue the
Brick warehouse was refused.
Cobb tendered bis
nation as a member of the water
and light commission, which wan
and It L.
I elected to succeed him.
F. M. Wooten was elected a
No false statements or persons who are opposed to
will be allowed. the cutting down of such trees
induce my friends, both notified to appear at an ad-
between the ages of and meeting of the board on
to me. We urge our j the 14th when their objections;
friends to do the best for them- be heard,
selves and their loved ones, The committee appointed to.
. i. tho room horses dispensary commissioner tO fill
while supporting me. There is sell the town horses reported , ,
over five hundred million dollars so far they been unable to v g
at headquarters besides twelve; make a sale. chief of the Are department.
committee. They shall . millions of cash surplus to be J. V. Harper appeared in re- Mayor Whedbee and Aldermen
give any candidate or his Roberson and were appointed a cm-
upon his request, K to aid Jay, and the matter was referred to Investigate the conduct
On the question of the A of
the number of challenges allowed Boyd.
or disallowed, and how said
challenged voter voted or how he
offered to vote when challenged.
Sec. Within five days of
the holding of such primary
election, it shall be the duty of
the democratic executive com
of such county to meet
And ill and declare the re-
t and if any per
W. S. Cox and Rosa Lee Cox.
J, V. Harper and Helen
John Williams and Hannah
Robert and Ada Joyner.
William Atkinson and Lizzie
Louis Elks and Lula
maKing application me . A donation i MU u
passing the recruiting office at sidewalks on Evans street the Rough and Heady
Points Dr C avenue there was company for the purpose of send-
I in charge much discussion and mo- delegates to the meeting of
in .,. w the association.
Thanking my patrons for past were made Alderman W , A q
favors, and pledging my efforts moved that a contract avenue that
I am truly yours, an amendment to this that the, After
Bently Harris, j paving be done on a per cent. meeting, at o'clock, turned
District Manager, commission basis. Aldermen to Friday night, 14th.

Eastern reflector, 7 August 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 07, 1908
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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