Eastern reflector, 10 July 1908

I i I. I
In Charge of F. C. NYE
of hi Eastern Advertising Rates on Application
Hum aw.
lot. if . a -p-to
. you
r . a i . .
U. . our; villa today.
Anew line Of dry goods and For Ricks house.
in. Harrington live room cottage, pleasant-
located. C. S. Smith, agent
went to Green- . Hay and lime at A. W. Ange
had; Barber Co.
i Co-
the ;.
cent i i
.;. Mill .
Kine ;
, ,
Remember the Hunsucker bug-1 x. H. King returned
going. Call to see Goldsboro Monday morn-
r. cur stock of runabouts be- fag where he filled his regular
r you buy. Prices are inter- appointment Sunday morning
i and night
Daring the storm Thursday R. . Hess's Poultry and Stock
while standing in his, Food the thing for
. stunned by light try and A. Ange Co,
t seriously, we are Prof. G. E. Lineberry is spend-
this week at bis old home
i r in mind the Chatham near
. Ht.-l wagons and
by the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. ere taking inventory
. c.
.- . at Char-
. . H. K m
vi it rel . s.
ft Friday
r Seven Springs
week. We shall have
to say next week that
interest- . A. W C .
Miss Annie Carr
pa ; i in . n i e
f. . .
A. W.
I a horse he must here with M
plenty of good feed. Ail this
kinds . the best to had, at ice, fresh
all kinds go to Pro- Produce Co., next Ange Co.
i p doer to post-office. he quarterly conference of the
office. Pron . i given Albert of Chapel circuit of the Methodist
rd . -u was held I Saturday
F. F. stack in hi; afternoon after spending by Rev. C. D. Me
i made a few d with Mr. and Mrs. presiding eider. He
ii-j . C. preached
i iii u i . u a
So Tired
It may be from but
the chances are its from an in-
HARRY W. WHEDBEE S MAYOR. Dispensary commissioners, J.
L- Wooten, J. C. Lanier ard
SELECTED BY NEW BOARD OF J- R salaries for six
With a well conducted LIVER Other Officers Elected for the New
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
it adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept in healthful action
only by
The fiscal year of municipal,
administration in Greenville, be-
ginning July 1st and ending June
30th, there has been considerable
activity today around the seat of
The of aldermen of the
past year met at a. m. to finish
. . up its work end turn over the
. board. Four members of the
Corn and oats at lowest prices, old board are continued on the
F. V. J phone new board- four B members
d chosen at the last election.
The members of the new board
HARPER'S GARDEN. came forward at and were
in by Major Wooten as
First White,
d S- and
V. Harper has
struck a popular chord in open-i
i A. Bowen.
Third Ti, and
bis palm garden in the bite; . ,,
building. His garden is indeed
most attractive and is going
ideal resort for cold
pi ached two
cu.- special
th . . pile; i . J u
r., . We . .
r have for
and pr .; meet
H Ci r Rem m the us
with A. . .
Langston left this
morning to spend some time with
in the . i
night in of
whooping Its remains
were t . t. .
Rev. T. . Kins the
Sunday sch o com en i
yesterday and r
J. i j tell
the K.
lot -i nil
for ti
Miss Laura Ha
of Jumbo
hand picked, especially
I . j and
speak t.-1
Ii -i .-. .-- on
. -y.
Ice and lemons at L. John
The Pitt county Co. is in
prove an
Om one side cf the garden is a
beautiful 14-foot innovation
fountain of and
onyx that is th latest
of the factory's output. The
. ; gun. any Cu lei
. and p i and
bevel r.
The s-pace i furnished
praise of palm garden equipment,
the tables and chairs rising of
; design, the combinations
and cl seats being
sally attractive. The entire
equipment for making and dis-
ice cream and
months, chairman others
A communication was rad
from ex-Gov. T. J. Jarvis
that the term of D. C. Moore
and himself as members of the
board of trustees of the graded
school had expired and their
should be elected at once.
that the board of trustees had
recommended the re-election of
both, but that he could not serve
O. CL Moore was unanimously
to succeed himself.
For the other member the
names of S. T. Hooker, T. M.
Hooker, C. D. Rountree and Dr.
J. E. Nobles were presented.
Three ballots were taken without
election, and on the fourth
U t T. M. Hooker received a ma-
of the votes, and was de-
After appointing a committee
to advise the dispensary
i of the action of the
board, adjournment was fatten
Thursday night, the time
for regular monthly meeting.
Fourth G. Flanagan
and E. A. Sr.
Fifth ward -W. S.
Alderman Flanagan Confidence
chosen chairman and mayor pro wise child
U m. and Alderman K. A. About one-quarter of
secretary. the the new business
The board then unanimously Mutual Life in 1907
as mayor
lOT t
e; H. W.
or th coming
. a C and A were
to Mr
of his election. Mr.
. he was given
ovation by the spectators and
accepted in a neat speech in
which complimented the work
. the retiring administration
Q j and promised his best efforts to
promote the work of the- present
to the best inter-
was secured from its own policy
holders. They know their com-
and nave confidence in it.
thou and do
Bently Harris, will show
at per bushel.
lot of the Improved King
ton seed pounds in
it of the town.
makes a rive hundred pound bait i
at St
. .
V. Cox
i visit hi
the p.- t
a half with her bop, G E. Jack
son. near has moved int
W Harrington.
Henry day
V, i have a special line can
;. is , j II. i. l .
1.1 ;. ; I
of A i
i l up one
of r. and splitting open
the post the bedstead her new near Dr. Cox's,
which Mr. Mr,. Her sons, C. J. and . R. ard
ton were to herself, will the family,
c; were only
led. -y had a narrow escape, them to our town.
the o-d at Jo
i. Truck made v day,
J the A. G. Cox Manufacturing ;,. B ,
Y Co., Winterville, N- C Plenty j intensely for
them on hand. Bend your four weeks, died yesterday
by f,
is most complete
j The cream freezers
horse p r boiler at their plant. v.- . operated by electric mo-
expect to greatly tor, orders for family use or
with a l s new ti ins be filled promptly.,
Manager . Mr. also a large; office was then i
. ,. I line cigars and smoking to-
a hustler. You may expect j, preparing to add
hear things begin to hum over in and fine
the season stationery,
for handy to-
I be
same price as h
ft. G
town rs -arc adding
much i streets
by . . . all I ditch cleaned
t at direction when
opens up. ;
equipped do yo n
and n .
E. Tripp,
id ;.;. night.
X . ho
been g for the past year
For Register o
A farmer voter and
. put
st ;. .
stood by th .
for the p. n
the i i.
he to the
is C.
u an t to the of-
after d I'm.
i t
Superior o clerk D. C. Moore.
The salary was made
per month
The board then proceeds to
the following i by
acclamation were agreed
up .; in and fixed
Clerk, J. C.
per month.
Assistant day
ID. W.
Groceries I
And Provisions m
L. Carr
Clark. per month.
W. ii.
pr m nth. Sr
Fr i n
Produce Bo
D. W.
i ii a
s lour.-
nice b
Co. has them.
We r . st much
A Ange;
the death
of Clinton
v; i
. hear of
; r of
the b in h here
at the . He
was a y r
and a an ft our
people. He held h rs
quarterly and I
church made
under hi- watch c n.
orders u once b are the rush .,.,.
I number of her relatives.
ham are the r . King will . the
thing for breakfast these spring burial service at the home about
mornings. We have them. o'clock after which there-
H. L. taken on the
Bargains on deers and wind hearse to Ayden for interment,
ow, Mr. Builder, let us give leave a husband ard
. . and a
Opposite N. S. Depot
A W. Ange Co.
A. W.
number o. r
r b roofing see
Ange Co.
A car best hay. just in. deepest sympathy.
.- have our
i. i. j;,
Winterville Supply Co. I We deeply sympathize with pi
Lucile, the eleven Mr. in m
months old baby of Mr. and th- of their i Sunday m
p. C. Nye. passed away It suffered vend days
My i
for ii- cold rink.-.
Everything is new d
shape. Ii. L. Johnson.
p pie's meetings
are making fine pr s. They been Buffering severely for
hold meetings on Saturday
g at-
tended. . wish
vacation last all a-
we could have m . men
and young ladies with us. They
that I
buried in th May
weeks with whooping afternoon,
i. All was clone for her We are prepared to fill you
hands could do for orders for flues on short notice.
her recovery, but God knew beat Let us have your orders at once
On account of the rain the fun- before the rush comes Prices
exercises were as last year. A. G. Cox
render us such excellent Thursday evening o'clock in j Manufacturing Co., Winterville, M
the home By pastor Rev. N C
You will find me with the largest stock of
Hay, Corn, Oats, Wheat, Eye, Bran
Ship Stuff, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls i
carried by any dealer in Pitt county. I buy in
carload lots and give my customers the
of low prices. I sell anything in the grain
and feed line as cheap or cheaper than you
can get it elsewhere.
I also carry all kinds of Garden Seeds.
Give me a call when needing any Feed
Stuffs, wholesale or retail.
but we must not be selfish.
Other- need their v service
We do not know a town
that can show Up a ;
t of young
people than ours, and we are
proud indeed of them.
We handle the castings for the
following plows.
Harrington Barber Co
Buck, who was so badly
hurt at Rocky Mount, -it horns
T. H. King. At the little,
for was born away to the new
cemetery to await the
morn. Through these col-
the parents wish to ex-
press their heartfelt thanks for
the many expressions of
and help rendered during
Tn-- A. O. Cox manufacturing
Co taxed to its capacity
now Ailing the urgent orders for
trucks and flues. They report
business in excellent condition
f. y
Ft lowest prices on hay see
P. V. Johnston, opposite Nor-
folk South, depot.
Go to M. G. Bryan Winterville,
N, C., for fire He
represents the Co.,
it is one of the M by
Ore p- vi. of Sin p p n
i Mi.
. . i . j
L. i EN,
An Improvement over many Remedies, because
.,,,. , cod by cathartic on the bowel. No Guaranteed to iv
Prepared by CO. CHICAGO. U. S. A.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
consequent wear and
tear on stock and vehicles is no
longer an experiment, but a plain
. .
produced by the labor of others
should be made criminal, and all
sons or corporations entering
Education, Foreign and Public Service
Corporations, Campaign
and Right.
The democracy of North Caro-
in convention assembled, re-
affirms its allegiance to the car-
principles of
government, and
the people upon the wise, the
progressive, and the economical
conduct public affairs since its
power in
In the inaugural address of
Aycock, January 1901. is
this year we
meet under extraordinary cir-
one party goes out
and another comes in; one policy
ends and a new one
The democratic party again en-
into democratic pol-
icy became the controlling policy
of OUT State. The
of those years are
great. To the trust imposed,
the democratic party has been
wholly The
of Gov. Charles B.
cock and Gov. R. B Glenn have
added prestige to our
and given prosperity to our
affairs have been con-
ducted with cl- an efficiency, and
to the pot has come pence. j
Out of the very shadows of
r begins. There
is now no more disorder, and no
more doubt The people have
into their own
Conditions encourage the full and
free development of our
tries. To the child is given
greater and greater opportunity
for knowledge, and North Caro-
is become a national r
in popular education. A stable
has inspired conn
other States where such
are in and believing that
with a constantly improving
school system, a system of good
roads, linking the east with the
Piedmont with the mountain sec-
will be cf great good to
North Carolina, therefore, w
v .
bonuses, trusts and monopolies
and they should not be tolerated.
Congress should so amend the
interstate commerce law as to
prevent discrimination and r
in interstate traffic,
produced in the most; congress to enact a law forbid- GROUND BROKEN FOR THE
acute and panic in one inferior to
history of the United States. the operation of state law
The effect of its policy has without notice or
panic, blighted industry declarer op- y
and trade with prolonged de- position to the of
closed factories re-; tn
and halted expense of the just powers v
crippled and w- d-. At clock
can . Under this the bold and in-
can panic suffering has been threat, that the of who had
, r. laws . , i.
number f
r to
universal, soup houses have been the states
for the punishment by
improvement to the people
our State for their investigation,
and suggest that the next gen-
assembly take such action
on this matter as may seem beat
Reports of the railroad companies
show that this reduction of rates
has been accompanied by in-
revenue on that class of
business affected by the of
the State reducing the rates.
W i declare that the best in-
of the State demand that
all of our people shall unit in
earnest endeavors to secure em-
at fur wag-i for all e
our fellow-citizens who are now
idle, or who are working or.
short lime, by fault of
We believe that education h
one of the fundamental needs of
all government. We believe
that every prospective citizen
has the right to receive, and it
the duty of the State to furnish
adequate preparation for
citizenship. We congratulate
the people that a four months
school in every district to no
longer a promise, but a
We recommend the ad-
ministration of our educational
affairs, and pledge the continua-
of that policy has ac-
so great good.
been of
roads and other common carriers
and public service corporations,
violating SUCh laws; and
to make unlawful
discriminations as are now, or
may in the future be practiced by
railroad companies and other
common carriers and public
vice against all
North Carolina points in favor of
points out of the state having no
greater natural advantages.
The party in power in the
that has so long failed to
correct such in qualities is equal-
guilty with the public
corporations for the
ages r which this has
No railroad com; any, telegraph
or other public service
corporation, should be permitted
to issue or grant to any person,
except officers employee.;,
and free pass, frames, or other
free service, privilege benefit or
favor, and any person receiving
any such free pass. franK tit
other service, privilege, benefit
or favor, t-b he made equally
guilty with th corporation
the same.
to pass laws it, dirt broken for
strikes within their foundation the buildings for
of almost powers, may he treated Teachers
these T J.
govern Unto the hands of the chairman of the board
its branches for I government, which may then trustees,
past eleven years, and now proceed as if s pow-,.
in the midst of crops, were possessed
and boundless national resources the constitution-
j started and t i eon
it many Cur the good of
it has brought about the most
destructive panic in our history.
We point to the fact that every
panic which has occurred since.
the formation of the republican interests, voted
party was precipitated,
Though promising
demanded y the people,
in their national con-
at the behest of favored
down every
reforms, and
that party was In power. of the or for
condemn the republican j i, g the power of trust, in.
for its in the convention, by federal
national congress t, revive the
bitterness of the civil war, and f,., president a office-
renew I holder, who was elects
by taking to the the people any
publicity bill. adopted a platform that on every
representation important straddle, or
lion The passage of Lives promise to the ear only to
break it to the hope, and com-
his people, had the honor of
reforms j throwing the first dirt. For this
the i ho us d a new shovel
which is going to be painted a
Silver color and mounted to be
I kept in the when c m-
as a memento
I breaking of ground for the w
dirt was thrown at
his bill through the lower house
f was an act of cheap,
critical politics, designed to
corral the vote in the
doubtful states for their
denounce the republican
party for Its failure to enact
during the last session of COB-
a campaign publicity bill;
f the country
work by nominating,
to tune of
Through a candidate
for vice-president who has led In
throttling every reform measure
offered in the last session of
congress, including a bill to meet
the pressing need of the
of our national
opening waterways, prevent
g the same. e the country opening waterways, prevent
We pledge, not only to citizens k
f but to citizens . w in the patriot-
of this state, hut
that all capital
has kept j
and materially re- in North Carolina, whether tor
its promise corporate or
rates in the state,
given to
the people lower rates.
Local improvements are but by reason of the pa.
with vigor. Good Republican
and good roads are no longer a enterprise looking to the invest
dream, but are growing realities. I-. , i . ,;,, . n
domestic, corporate or
private, shell nave the equal pro-
the laws the equal
friendly consideration of those
a party
on corruption money, and which
could not carry on a campaign,
or win a national election with-
out corruption funds from favor-
ed interests.
We denounce the present in-
aged with credit and without
scandal. The record is unmarred
official misconduct.
have increased as
needs demand, while taxes are
reduced. Even the convict i
who u .-
enterprise looking to me further pledge that all such per.
of capital and employment
of skilled labor should be foster- of the law
ed and encouraged by the State.
All foreign corporations doing
business in this State should be
required to obtain license to do
so, and the license of any I
T I famous and tariff,
who administer the laws; aid by
republican and renew our
demand for. its immediate re-
vision, to the ore all unfair
We have faith in the patriot-j
ism of our people and in the
development cf the
natural resources of the State.
and we call upon all North l
to unite in a common
fort to restore prosper to re-
establish to forget
factional differences, and to
peace and good v. ill
the north-east corner of i he
dormitory, which is to
east of any on
j the ground. As Gov. is
began throwing the din I e M
have met here to begin the
foundation for a great
of learning will be a p -v
in Eastern North I
ask for you and those t- c me
after you your hearty
We con
begin to calculi to the it
will e.-
to this eastern
and more to Pitt
aid Greenville. When th fee
standing hire old as
will back with
--ride the day Pitt
Greenville gave
each for the erection of c
institution. One year
you see hire a group
burdens .-hail be removed, and
especially those upon the
of life, those that
enable the trusts to extort from
made to feel and Buffer the
penalties for such violations
We condemn the practice or
professional lobbying.

reduced, even corporations should be revoked j and P . their products to con-1 met in
able to add his part to the if watered stock to- at home at higher prices
support of our government. by it in violation of State , the
The Confederate soldier has without approve of goods to foreign
been remembered properly constituted legal I .
denounce the Cannon-
Aldrich currency bill,
which was passed by the last
session cf congress in the
and increased provision made
against want in the days of his
old age. The needs of the
fortunate are met, and the call
of the afflicted is answered. To
the blind and to the deaf the
Foreign corporations doing
business in this State should be
required to submit to the
diction of the courts of the State
the blind and to the deaf the under ,
state not holds open the door of
We denounce the republican
party for its wild extravagance
during the last session con-
In the last five months
the republican congress spent
of the people's
levying a of
in Session Met
Noon Tuesday.
The Democratic National con-
Tuesday and was called to or-
T. A. of California, was
appointed temporary chairman
and made an enthusiastic speech.
Josephus Daniels was re-elect-
ed national for
North Carolina.
After temporary
was completed the follow.
hope. For unfortunate in
sane she provides a refuge of
comfort. That the legislature-
could dedicate one half million
dollars for the adequate care of
all our unfortunates shows the
growth of our ability, and the
certainty of our care.
And the democratic party
pledges itself to maintain those
policies which make for the de-
of every section of
our state, and for the security of
our people, and the stability of
our institutions.
We endorse the able and pro-
administration of Gov.
R. B. Glenn, and the state
and we approve and com-
mend to the people of North
Carolina the record of our sen-
and representatives in the
congress of the United States.
We regard with approval the
increased interest in permanent
road building, and recognizing
that the advantages in the way
of greatly increased land value,
in the quick and easy
All contributions to political
parties, or for political purposes,
should be made public at once,
and the charter any domestic
corporation doing business In this
State, and the license of any
foreign corporation, should be
revoked, if any such corporation
contributes to any political cam-
fund, or to any fund tor
the purpose of aiding in, or pro-
curing the nomination of any
candidate for public office-
All public service corporations
and natural monopolies should be
brought under strict control
money, levying a
great OIl, very man, woman resolution was offered
was shamelessly rush, d through, and
me hods of the at the end of the next fiscal ready to go right
the czar like i The republican billion in National ahead with the work, much of
it has pleased the ruler of
the Universe to remove from our
midst Graver Cleveland, late-
president of the United
who was three times the
be it
of the Democratic party; of
beautiful and in S---
this sch.
will n. yon will s e
four or five hundred beau
in these beautiful
Watch and see ibis
TI e sun was hurling
down upon the heads -f the e
who and just be. e
Mr-. Jarvis
y have worked enough u .
I. is w; rm
is a of and
not replied
admonition cf
his good wife. He had been
throwing dirt all the while ha
was talking, not seeming to real-
how oppressively warm the
weather was. nor to heed the
drops of perspiration falling
from his
The ladies and gentlemen pres-
then formed a
j about Gov Jarvis as he stood will
I shovel in hand, and Photographer
j R. T. Evans took a picture o th j
I group. ,
The contractors for t
the buildings,
known the world's buildings that will present a com-
our deep and me
his death wan basement and one
them should be allowed, after
paying operating, expenses, in-
just and ample wages to
Private monopolies should be
Conspiracies by pros-
purchases to put down or
i down the prices of articles
the triumphant election of
measure was rail democratic, president in the com
through TOW election,
. r the treasury of We condemn the republican
the United States as to inters w the administration for turning over
business, and of the State to ex of dollars of the public
business, and but a e of six years, money to pet in New
fair return on a fair valuation of change or a period y money to will
property owned or operated of the power to , the treasury to such an modern in every particular.
or retire one half million that it became and a copy
dollars or for the republican to Mrs. ice cream by the or
disaster, according t. to issue bends and borrow measure at Busy Bee e. I .
ever best suits their bet- money to meet the daily oblige-, as a further mark door T.
ring book of the federal government. of ct to his memory the
the republican We
We condemn tn .
party, whose policies and con- party for failure in

Life, Fire and Accident
Ralston's Different.
From Any Other
Shoes We Know
the same if you will in and bait our
Styles b
You may not X- to by baking at them that
they're different one or two dollars a pair
But try oil rand y Mill FEEL the
Owing the arc foot while being
made . no
This is . i claim.
Make us
A Most Peculiar I
Found In Venezuela.
The giant ant cater of Venezuela
is one of the most outlandish look-
creature in the domain of
nature. It is an animal about two
and a feet high. The body and
tail taken together measure
seven feet in length. The tail is
usually carried curved over the back,
draping and shading the I In
appearance the tail may he
likened to a clump of ornamental
The head is small, but
it is prolonged into a foot
or more in length. The mouth is at
extremity of this snout.
The eaters belong that
group of the animal kingdom known
the a class
toothless. If they have any teeth
at nil, they very few in number,
f a or pimple form,
in the hack of the head. They re-
in this respect b rd. and
re bi r
to the rd in
; in of mus
t e tin
i that they all have s ;
the covering of the The
for instance. ha a
r. the n series of
c the a i
t coven J with I
Iv, mil i a I a
the b ;
o i.
ii .
k I
I'd. last
. v ii-
Splendid Home Farm Two Miles
Front House Station.
The Leonidas Fleming home
place, five miles from Greenville,
two miles from House station, on
Great Swamp, the farming
section in Pitt county.
new two room school building en
the premises. Will sell as whole
or in separate parcels. Options
at once. Possession given
January 1st. 1909. Wish to .-how
prospective purchasers the
while crops are a-
J. L. Fleming, Atty.
Their Unceasing
Keeps Us
The Bank of Greenville
In the State of North Carolina at the close of business. 14th
Loans and 128,418.70
Overdrafts aerated
All other
and mortgagee
Fur. Fix. 8,872.82
Due from Hanks and
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin including
all minor coin CUT.
National hank notes
other V S notes 11,128.00
Total 189,717.90
State of Carolina, County of Pitt.
, I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above named bank, do
swear that the above statement is true to the host of my
knowledge and belief. I. LITTLE, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to he.
fore me, this day of
LO. .
. .
I .
. ts, for
.,. .; D i
white T.
the wilds I. .
the t t .
. r ; J
n it
i Li
i ailed,
i it
. i I . . . .- ; .
t . and with its
i mud
Ail the blood in the bu
kidney once v
The kidneys tiller
They and
remove about
impure matter daily;
tome part of impute ma I i i
hi the blood, Tris or n. c
eases and symptoms, pain n . c
s. hot,
rheumatism, gout, i
the eyesight and
heart, debility.
deposits in the
if you keep e
have no trouble with
Mrs. T S
. have proven of i ,
lo me i
hi ii the I
i m ii tin
i Hack, re was
i my kid
; r. . lo get
darting t
i I . When iv if the
d and languid
ill y little s-i
ii . Kim. .
ii cl and I.
.;. ired, I d i nut n I
that i.
disappeared. h
Kidney s .- n s-
factory do m give
h m m end M.
Flossie all dealers.
Co., Buffalo, York,
sale agents for tin- United s.
Remember the name-
take no other.
The Greenville Banking and Trust
At the Close May 14th,
us and discounts I . ;
and V
I a Loans
i-r coin, including
i .
hunk notes
I S,
v Total
I i
. less
use ii ml
; m
e. link
in, ell
r 1.1
i North Carolina, County s
I. S. co the
ear t lie i
.;. and belief.
Subscribed and sworn lie-
fore 20th day May.
in IS.
Notary public.
n mi
It, do
t ill
i . t
ii. tin pan,
mi A
i i .
i i i i
Fall .-
. i
. n a
raiding . .
. . i
J. I. FOUST, President.
Greensboro, N. C.
Get The best for Comfort
and Borden Belt Hat-
and a piece Bern-
stein Iron Bed have no equal.
lick- up out of every
and en e.
, . r way of
. . It is . in t
pa its fore claws of
its limits i ii led
they a . tail
i i; . hut i
i. .
-i . I
it n I id in i. iv, as it
. i. . .,. . ii .
. hi lo
m . lien b ill .
. i ed h
; nit, A iii Ii nil iii a
. I one and
in veil-
. i
r he had
I for i
. did an I
., . . . is a ii
d u a vine ill r in i in
In .
. His I a n . and girls,
a Is, was us as
less outspoken, though
evident in his hook-. There U
i a as sweat at
English can make her. Ho
sh, and retiring and not given
n s
Division Passenger
When you need
an; ind
. I tin
Goldsboro, N. me .
Week-, n i Round i
Trip Tickets to Norfolk, Va.
Tic Norfolk and Southern Rail-13
y th- foil. It-
trActive low tar
n to Norfolk, .
Goo . n . com 1.00 per
Host. Oats at cents .
Pr; other
Iii I j
On one occasion when Henry
Ward was on a
tour Major his
beside him in the railway
car. Suddenly the preacher slapped
his on the little watch pocket
of his and drew a
small lope. For a moment he
looked at it in surprise, then opened
it and smiled. Presently he turned
to his companion.
said ho, married a
great railroad magnate a few months
ago, and as I was taking leave
him he handed mo an envelope
which I slipped in my pocket
opened. That was the last thought
of it until today. Just now I opened
it, and this is what I
The. major took the envelope
Within it were five bills.
end. II
ii i
N. . Ry.
ii. .
ii. i
S, direct
Ids. C. I.
,. i via N. direct
Berni AC L.
Prom Fan
Vanceboro N. S.
Chocowinity S.
. ii 5.00
O v.
I New Tools,
Pares for children live yearn of age
and under is half of the above fares.
Tickets on sale for morning trains,
only, Saturday June and every Sat-
thereafter, to and i eluding
Saturday, September 1907, limited
three days, date of sale.
from Norfolk, Va.
to Virginia and Cape Henry,
Va. trip cents. Trains cave
Hall Avenue, opposite Monticello
Hold, every half h
R. Bunch,
H. C. G. P. A.
F. W. Dist. P. A.
Experienced Workmen,
Call on l. h. PENDER when
you want any Guttering, Plumbing, Steam or Hot
Water. Heating and Repairing.
how cheap, but how
Stokes County, N. C.
Look in show window,
Reduction in Hamburgs.
other goods at sale prices.
Union Central Life Insurance Company
Is over forty years old. Has assets over Insurance in
force over Pays large dividends annually; writes
all the best forms of policies; Has very low premium rates; Does
not deal in fluctuating securities.
Those desiring First-ClaSs Life Insurance, will do well to call on or
write to
n. Carolina. Special Agent, Greenville, N. C
Located in the
the healthiest spot in
America. Fanned by the Mountain
breezes. Hotels under entirely new
management. Cuisine in
the South. All white help employed.
For further information, full
our I
A Critic Take U tS
While Intending to change
the date- of any anniversaries n
remarks the meddler,
do wish to make a few timely and
original remarks upon the absurdity
of the custom.
should the of
a gnat man be held upon the
of his birth r Was there
anything remarkable in that Din
am benefit accrue to the world at
that time Is there any part of
his existence for which be is less
responsible Sorely not. It II ab-
surd that in a long and illustrious
lifetime the date that should be
for an anniversary i- his ad-
vent into an indifferent world as a
naked, blind animal without
oped senses and without a mind.
not April the date of
Washington's inauguration as the
first president of a new nation.
symbolical of hit life than
The birth of the i
year it passes with-
out notice. The Declaration of In-
dependence was fine, but it did not
assure the launching of the ship
state. Washington had much ti do
with the launching of ship,
it i fitting that he should be
remembered chiefly in connection
therewith. Feb. forsooth We
might as well celebrate the chop-
ping down of the cherry tree.
are many men whose an-
might well fall on July
It was on that day that Thomas
Jefferson signed the Declaration of
Independence, he had drawn
up. But there many who
had a share in proceeding and
in that day to pass it i
bettor July should remain ;
a national anniversary and not the
of any one man. i
-I submit a revised i-t of
Franklin, Nov. j
On that day in the year 1789 he
the treaty of between
American colonies and England at
Jefferson. April On
that in the year 1803 ho bought
the Louisiana territory from .
Icon Bonaparte for the sum of j
000.000. ,
Lincoln, April P. On j
that in the Lee
rendered Appomattox. tins being I
the thine which Lincoln spent the
best part of his life bringing to
It meant the preservation of
Davis, Feb. On.
this in the 1868 ho was in-1
of the
K. Lee. May It was
on this that the battle of Chan-
In at least one conspicuous in-
the achievement of
a life has fixed a date in the
public mind. Who knows in what
Columbus was born Who
does not know, from schoolboy to
grandfather, that he discovered
America in 1403 r Birmingham
One-third to One-half Saved On Every Dollars Worth Of
Goods, Notions, Dress Goods, Shoes, Silks,
Laces, Furniture and Millinery Purchase m
, The greatest, the bargain feast
I been invited. Prices on new, earner s
I record low marKs. Many of the th -yes. It a
I year are yours. . . . .
C. L. Writes a Letter.
Greenville, N. C, Jan. 2nd. 1908.
H. A. White,
Deer accept thanks
for Cheek in payment
of lite insurance held by my
brother William M. Wilkinson in
the Greensboro Life Inn. Co.
The papers in this case were
handed you on the afternoon of
Dec. 31st, 1907. and the check
received today is evidence of the
your company dis-
plays in the payment of their
Again you, I remain,
Yours truly,
C L. Wilkinson.
Note-The Policy of-
fend to the public today is the
issued by
the Greensboro Life In. Co. bee
me about it. H. A. White.
Men's and Clothing, 1-3 Off.
to gel your year's
supply of at nun one-third to one-
half the regular price. Von will have to hurry
as the will ten
tin, Men's o ill
these suits are positively
worth your money any
time during this sale; Clean Sweep
Men's Suits, an assortment worth up to
Clean Sweep
One lot of Suits, sizes
Clean Sweep 4.98
All Suits reduced t- one-third
of former
two piece suits in Cheviots
and well
values, Clean Sweep
serviceable Suits sell
regularly at ti
Men's Shoes, 1-3 Off
A limited leather Men's
mid Clean Sweep
here at Clean Sweep
Men's guaranteed solid leather
The famous Dress Well Men's Shoes,
patent leather and
AH our stock of
men's slims, made at dean
pep Prices,
Ladies Shoes, 1-3 Off
Oar Shoe is very We
have room to quote only a few of the many
good tilings in this section. every
shoe in this will be
prices that defy the cost of production.
line Shot's, worth sizes.
Clean Sweep
solid leather
price, Clean Sweep 2.29
heavy Box-Calf former
price. 48.50 Clean Sweep 2.69
Ladies patent tip or plain
sold at Clean Sweep 2.98
Table Linen
ii, a- worth
.- yard
. . rd
7-2-inch Table Lit .
linen ; .
Bleached Towel- worth
Clean Sweep
Large Towels worth
Clean Sweep .
Hemstitched size
worth Clean Sweep .
Heavy bath worth
Clean Sweep
. -c
id brass pin
per pap
ii in- i
Double width fancy a
variety patterns, t
Suiting in new spring
well a- rail effects ill
mohairs and other leading
All new and
regular price in p
Lot W-inch Suitings,
the leading weaves that are lie-
in- worn today, and new spring
in plain as well as fancy
worth Clean Sweep
Price per yard
fancy Mi hairs in u broad variety
A to
aided from. inches wide.
ii-i . -t
mm dozen extra l
Buttons, worth
Hunks and Eyes, lean
Sweep per curd
Safety Pins, regular card of
pin; Clean Sweep
and Children's Hose
and black or tan
Hose, -J for cents Clean
with garter tops,
Clean Sweep
Kine quality black, tan or
k Clean Sweep
v, re.
. I.-.
Laces and
Clean p
ace value
White Seeds
French wide, worth
Clean Sweep
fine quality white Madras fur
worth per clean sweep
Clean Sweep
All our Calicoes.
,,,. reserved, worth and He
Clean Sweep
dark nice
worth ii I-- yard; lean
i i in worth
I lean
Clean Sweep
Apron l values
Heavy Canton
Sweep per yard
Very best bleached Domestics, worth
Clean Sweep
Mrs. at the
near house, hakes
day. bread, rolls, and pas. Or-
filled anywhere in town. Ice
cream sold daily.
I ; J;
question The chance of years to save money.
doz. Pure Lin-
en Collars. A bar-
gain at cents.
N. C.
cents Widow
; Sweep
Dr. Greene
Specialist on Crown and Bridge work
over Frank Wilson's Store
Moore and Long
is kn
N. C
Raleigh, N. C.
All kinds of choice cut Mowers in
season Special attention giver to
and Funeral
Bulb Pot plants for Winter
plants Evergreens and Shade trees.
Harry Skinner. Skim Jr
H. .
LAWYERS. Greenville, N C
Taft Van
1793 1909
Omni, lot and
AM--- COL. K. . R. V gM
Littleton Female College
One of the most and beat equipped boarding in the
South wit hot water heat,
boarding pupils year. 27th annual will begin Sept. 16.1908.
M- Littleton, N.
Subscribe for The Reflector.
C, l A Preparatory School for
men, with industrial and
Located on farm one mile from ft. Lit-
College and the the same hoard of In.-
illustrated address J. . Littleton. .

D. J. Editor and Proprietor
as ch-- n Jan. at the at N
C Congress of March 1879
in to
Even though its regular meet-
been wry infrequent,
owing to a provision in the by-
laws that they should held
quarterly, there is no question
t Chamber of Commerce
if having
a great deal the town. It
vat principally this or-
that groat
of last year for the location
of the Eastern Carolina
Training school was waged
won. It a committee to
Washington City that was very
helpful in the mutter of the
secured by Senator
Overman Congressman Small
tor a public building site in
Greenville. It has been a great
factor bringing the people
of the county town in closer
friendly relations.
These things arc hut th- be-
ginning of such an organ-
can as the
meeting Monday light v. ill shew.
Ax this mi i re were dis-
appointment of
commit look securing
time in the convention. Under
such circumstances Major
ham. who holds this nomination,
should readily see that it did
not s to him Fairly, and the
way we look at it he would do
the honorable thins by sending
a letter to the executive com-
declining the nomination
requesting that Mr. Moore be
put on the ticket in place.
We believe there are plenty
more people over the State who
hold just this view of it.
Monday night of next week.
Inly is the date for reg-
quarterly meeting of the
Greenville Chamber of Com-
A these meetings are
held only once in three mouths,
there should lie a large attend-
of men. This is
the last mi before fall
opens, and i might bi ell
I . i some . In
, . re.
ail i it
town. I. . ii .
. r
i town on r.
It is to be hoped that the ti-
troubles of the Norfolk
ft Southern railway that have
caused it to be placed ill the
hands of receivers, will not re-
in its being gobbled up by
Some other road. The Norfolk
A Southern is doing much in the
of Eastern North
Carolina, and we hope its em-
will be only tern
We heard one old soldier re-
mark I hat it is nice to put Mow-
on their graves after they are
lead. but something done for
them while living to help them
through their declining years
would be more appropriate. The
younger politicians seem to
crowd them out when it comes
to filling
We ire hearing inquiries as to
holding the primaries
and convention to
; ii i vi county officers. We
do ii it what the
commit tee has in contemplation,
but think t
, i . v id be
better Ma Is .
ship and . I ii
the county. a de- .
livery i f
i'S . he ton n.
from tin unity con
mission rs an
to i . .
a map in i turn
t ion of be ii pay lei
Another n is rotate it .
r was i .- . . ii ii a
for l lung
through the -i fall
b never
monthly . . a
discuss . .
. .-.
and i- urn
There is yet too much hard times
talk for the good of business.
True money is scarce, but if right, let her have it, and any
t is
. the
pie would talk more
make some effort to pay at least
a part of what they owe, and
keep money circulating instead
of biding it. conditions would
The North Carolina delegates
to the national
at Denver will stop at Lin-
to pay a call on Mr. Bryan.
Ho telegraphed bis thanks for
the endorsement the North Car-
State convention gave him
Charlotte is very much wrought
up over the water rent. Maybe
the difference might be account-
ed for in the fact that since the
town has gone the people
have to use more of it.
If what the papers are predict-
in advance of the convention
is true. Bryan and Gray will
the ticket nominated by the
Democrats at Denver.
The Greensboro Industrial
Xi n expression of sorrow for
Senator Simmons is a waste of
Wars that the senator does not
need to be shed in his behalf.
thing else she wants.
comes to the front
with the baby.
There will likely be many of
them before the election
Much money may have been
spent in getting the nomination,
ii is going to take much
more to got elected.
This is highly recommended
by one of our try it
for desert tomorrow.
Peel five large banana, rub smooth
With five of sugar. Add
one U amp sweet en am beaten to a
stiff froth, then add one package of
dissolved in J 1-2 tea-
cups water. Tour into mold
when varnish with rancid cherries.
Serve with whipped cream, or any
JELL-0 is sold
y Grocers at Inc. package.
No doubt the other towns en-
vied Charlotte for having
at the delegates for so
long a time.
The Asheville visitor who was
robbed of about did not
seem to mind carrying a wad.
with him.
The day of the old soldier
seems to be over so far as his
getting office on that account is
The hand of the Old
of Pitt was recognized in
bringing an end to the .
i. .
In re we print a lei
from Mr. C. Moon I
how he was in the
nomination for commissioner
agriculture in the State
convention. There is no
i inn hi- being .
badly, and that I lie
nation rightfully belonged to
him. If the nomination had
been made iii the early stages
of the convent ion it mild have
gone to by a large majority.
for more people over the State
certainly favored Mr Moore above
any other man, more of the
delegates were for The
convention was in a pro-
longed contest over the
for governor that most the
farmer delegates had
for their homes as soon as this
was over, leaving only the
and trailers there
the work. When the
nation for commissioner of
culture was reached near the
end of the closing day, there was
nothing like full vote, and
even after all the bud treatment
Mr. Moore received bis
was given the nomination
only on the barest majority of
the votes actually cast at that
convent i
c-l the I.
g -i
unit .
it i t i m
, the
ion. i hose being
for second place on
tin latter ticket is another
-i x-Gov. Douglass, of Mas-
known the world
lie shoe man.
Joel Harris, the fa-
in the lit-
dead. He passed
away at his home near Atlanta
day night, lie was among
the foremost authors of the land
and hi- writings were a source of
pleasure to millions of readers.
Hi- death i- a distinct loss to the
President Roosevelt has been
offered one dollar per word for
the privilege of printing the
story he will write of his bunt-
trip in Africa next year.
That is a pretty big premium on
gab. Plenty of bettor stuff goes
at a much lower price.
The strenuous ante-convention
campaign and the even more
strenuous convention now being
things of the past, the news-
papers have a harder time to
find something to talk about.
; .
v l.
l . y
well. The
of the tick-
enemy that
i the election
i one.
tilled that
a I
The North Pole seekers are
another expedition. When
, in it. the
cf the rainbow chasers can
i I ass
In II in
ex pi
ii r en to have
of same and
live I
, -e of re i j i
many a i- Al.
story in Every-
lit . i
The Times thinks it
would be ell c ill up Tall
long dist a telephone
. him his
save the
The in Sun has
out its year and
is u healthy yearling. From the
very it has been putting in
licks for its town and keeps
the limes in progress. It
is an all-round creditable paper.
The Johnson and Cray man-
ager- seem to think they have
things fixed so that Bryan will
not have walk-away
with the nomination at Denver.
But the latter is not much dis-
over the prospects.
Business men of Greenville
and community should
that Monday night at 8.80
is the time for the reg-
meeting of the chamber of
commerce. Be on hand with
something to suggest for the
good of the town.
have struck
thing of the recent
in Charlotte.
are printing the
platform adopted by the recent
State convention. It is worth a
can reading by one in-
in go id government.
And the New York court has
decided that duly
elected mayor. So H gets
only pain for his trouble in
Si v Simile rail-
been placed in the ban i
of receivers, the company
failed to meet the interest
nil bonds.
The lawyers are holding their
at Morehead
and are, taking thing-
easy for the time being.
Mr. Bryan will get the
nation all right, and hope
him will be a.-easy.
Popular Couple Wed
Make their Home Here.
In the presence of but a few
most intimate friends assembled
in the Christian church, at
clock this evening, Mr.
Lawton of Green-
ville, and Miss Elizabeth
of Winston, were united in the
holy state of wedlock, by the
pastor. Rev. P. B. Hall-
The wedding came as a great
surprise to the many friends of
the young people in the city.
Miss Tesh, who has made Kin-
her headquarters since
up the work field secretary
of the Woman's Board
of Missions, of North Carolina,
has for herself many friends
by her attractive sincere
manner. Mr who
formerly lived ii Kit .-ton and
worked with Sr. J J- Rogers
in the was
very here, and i equally
so in II hi s now
New York is u sky-
scraper over nine hundred feet
That i- going up some.
the R rail
r alt mid In ii warn-
The fat
We are in if
fifty years to give
another com
it v. ; n
Wonder what t.
party launched at Win
lent expects to
We can't see that- Mr.
needs to quit because I
asked him to do so.
e t i
Line noon eras
The co
. i ii
given .
s Coast
, north.
i re-
That is the right kin new-
sent out from Asheville that the
is to rally to the
With twenty-six candidates
for vice-president before the
Denver convention, there i- no
danger of the nomination going
They are predicting a lot of
things to happen if Bryan does
not get it on ballot. But
there will be no such if.
The action in regard to
Senator Simmons was wise, for
his services are going to be need-
ed in the campaign.
The length of time the
gates had to stay in Charlotte
meant much for the city and she
reaped the benefit of it.
Perhaps Greensboro can
more than two votes after she
gets her auditorium up.
the for it is I
Present day national
ions are hardly m in
If is as warm in Denver at
here, tin- convention will a
hot time.
i- a town now,
and the recent
helped to make so.
F. I
church, d Ive
night. The congregation and
people are delighted with him.
Mr. Huske a y u g man of
did address, sermons
show i study and thorough
preparation. la for
in securing such a well
equipped man for rector.
W i. . E men
i ; i ca
thin . to .
on ti . capacity.
to . and
i M .
I .
and . ill not be renting to any
do meat, business. Ad-
dress W. A- B. Hearne. Box
Greenville, N. C. d w
so bad.
Chronicle calls
That i- not
When Mr. a
it broad
The ticket and the platform
are both all right.
saved the day.
in between
News from Denver is being
listened for now.
Don't forget to
Don't Greenville get there
For Sale-A fine lot of IS. C.
Brown Leghorns, standard bred;
mammoth Bronze Turkeys and
Guineas This is choice breed-
stock, and would not be sold
at this season but for want of
room. Be quick. W. A. B.
Hearne. Greenville, N. C.
Nerve energy is the
force that controls the or-
of respiration, cir-
digestion and
elimination. you
feel weak, nervous,
it is often be-
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely;
cure you. Try it.
nervous gave
and left me on the versa
of the Brave. I tried
but no permanent relief.
bad I had to give up
began taking Dr. Mile
In a few
I wan much better, and continued
to Improve until entirely cured. r
am In again, and never
an opportunity to recommend
Myrtle Creek, or. ton.
Your Or.
Ina, and we
price of bottle If it
to you.
Miles Medical Co, Ind
gr In Of J-M. BLOW Application j
a Monday lay
one is asking. Wood- are j friend to her j j
one m m I M. M. Sauls has just re
Store. Don't make I at prices from
the of gelling some
Juan DeLeon, while
searching for the fountain of
youth where he might
himself and became and
well, discovered the beautiful
land's of Florida- So
has gone to Seven Springs to
join Warren L Browning to,
W. L. Browning, the clever
book keeper for J. R. Smith Co.
is at Seven Springs for his
health. ,, .
Benjamin Craft, of Falkland.
was here Thursday.
Smith Co. Dixon are running
their factory and mills on full
time General sawing trimming
and repairing of all kinds neatly
join warren ,
regain his health and satiate his improving
thirst in the waters of .
these historic and noted springs.
Do you go to Bed tired and get
up tired Take a hot tie of Sauls
Sarsaparilla Ced
W. F- Hart and wife left Mon-
day for Kinston, where they will
be joined by Mr. A. L.
very rapidly under Prof. Bailey.
They will soon be so they can
make music on most any occasion
Adopts of to Senator
Overman and Small
That was truly an interesting
meeting of the Greenville
of Commerce held in the
mayor's office Monday night
The meeting did not begin until
a little past o'clock, owing to
the fact being overlooked that
Monday night was also the
meeting time of Hope Fire
Company and that body having
first use of the hall.
But when the chamber did get
bu tors. It's
Greenville Monday to lay Tribe No.
the county commissioners Adopts by a J.
board of education a proposition
for having a map of Pitt county
published, the map to show the
complete topography ind bound.
of each township in the.
county, together with important Greene, out of this sinful
I. v. iv- sting out corn .
. i A the greatest comfort
Whereas, it has pleased
Grotto take soul of
Mrs. Sallie Greene, mother of
our worthy brother, W. B
to his own keeping. Be it re-
1st That we extend our sin-
and heartfelt sympathy to
Brother in this sad hour.
statistical information of the
county. A. L. Blow had been
appointed on the part of the
county and W. H.
the .
of education to supervise the That we commend him to
data for the map. and the keeping of the great spirit
to who all things well.
That a copy of these re
in D
OS substitute. Trial u v
make music on most any occasion- when e am
They are a handsome, clever set to business it put in an
young men and Ayden is hour in discussing matters that
proud of them.
S. Blount, our clever
says his
who is the owner man win
ton, is improving, that t- i-
ager the
spend on tin-
waters bi
Ayden. He sets
a good table and traveling men
Major Blount.
Smith Co. Dixon
at j a nice business. They
count for good in the progress of
the town and county. The meet-
was not large of the
late hour-only twenty odd
being present-but it was
representative of Greenville's
best workers and foremost men
in matters of enterprise.
Among the first matters to
ft at
. a nice i Among turn
Maple ,. o e ; ; . , u come was the recent
arc preparing passed by for a
to large quantity of hogs- building site in
p tobacco. and in this connection Prof. W-
v i. will her snare of g, read the following
, resolution which was unanimous-
i I- l
Whereas, we, the Chamber of n
I to of the town Green-
are conscious of fact
ii a i
appointed its president to
co-operate with these gentlemen
on the part of the town Five
hundred copies of the map will
be published.
The final topic discussed was
the holding of instead
of quarterly meetings of the
chamber. This was
dories the
and and when
bad ii will the
that aw l r eat-
call of V
board of m
solutions be spread on our mm
ates and a copy be sent to Broth-
Greene, and a copy to
the Daily for
Respectfully submit
D. C. Moore,
cold drinks
the founts
round, Ti
The 4th
. y
The ti
top on
so we .
J. W
V. I
resolution; op
R. M
Whereas, H. C-i -t
Register of R-
has issued licenses to the follow-
M. C. Whitley and Mary
Sam Lee and Jones.
Jr., end
; Sherman
Anderson She
j M
J Cos and
Louis Tyson
. i
; n .
of If;
that the town has been i
. urn
, i.
i I
. . H
. i
ii. .-
n I express our appreciation
raised here and had a host interest manifested in our
of friends and relatives among town by our beloved senator
whom was popular
is a
flourishing E ;. Brown,
corps of teachers-
week and left a
weak for tar.
Moore the
to writ seventy ,
where would he have been a.
at state
lion keeping the n
Miss Cannon
in Kinston.
A. W. Ange, i
few H
Mr. Mi v
his daughter Mrs. J
Stancil returned L L Kittrell, of Winter-
day to D C. has been spending several
Capt. and family, who J her daughter,
made many friends here as con- g-
on a local freight train, over from
was in town Sunday o .,,.,.,., the funeral of
Mrs. H. G. Burton
co favored in the appropriation
c . i the United States congress of Um
. manager, is in general a i
L th bill passed at its recent cu a .
to a site for a pub-
lie building in the town of Green-
ville, and whereas, we realize
that an unusual effort was
to get the appropriation by his breast
distinguished Senator, Lee S. j Ned
Overman, and oar cut one hand,
pressman, John H. Small, the. .
I 1st That we of his wound and was
seen fit
to take ti
1st T
I to
I .
Daily R
Ye oil
r i
l Lena
i v.
re to
f Mr -J- F. Bart
butted at
T. of Greenville,
I,. V; . days
Tm attend, at the funeral
of Mrs. Lillian N Wednesday,
was one ever seen
was born
from Bethel.
was in the
received ore or
S. I.
D. C
M ore. ,
Compliment to
. in His ail wise Pr
to take from our be
Man. worthy brother, E.
Chronicle Be it resolved.
compliment to our of
representative, and fully real
, . flow I oar lasting obligation to them for
covered persistent and untiring
to foot. in our behalf.
with the be Resolved 2nd. That a copy of
the young these resolutions toe
these gentlemen and
era lit
r . v.
hold without bail to September
term of Superior court.
the following
townsman. Dr. D. L. James, who
was president of the
meeting in that city last
The presiding Or. D.
L. James, of is a man
cf magnetic personality and
pleasingness. He was delight-
fully at ease in the chair and
of to
Mo. do mourn
gathering of his
,, . ., .
r ,,.,. friends
i were
. children,
and the other
of these gentlemen i- ,. n i
II. Bag the touch of command that
be recorded of place before the
of as of graded State
testimonial of
appreciation of the favor shown
us by these honored and faithful
representatives of our people.
The next matter, which was
Therefore be it resolved,
the board of trustees of Green-
beloved brother,
Master at Arm.-.
2nd. We
of our de u
sympathies in . i-
of b i
. i
3rd. That a .
bes .
to the .
I hat the
.- Lodge
of our
by our
by the
. from
.-. . it
tr. ix.
Dr. Johnson returned
day from Morehead. Ho tells
us he was present at the
of the silver service to the
battleship North Carolina- Tina
ship It is
feet and feet wide,
draws feet water, and makes
knots per hour, has two
anchors weighing pounds.
He butler
for dinner and the items were as
pounds dressed
chicken, dozen ears of green
corn for soup. They keep
soldiers on board, and dined 1500
visitors, including himself.
Our merchants tell us that
business is improving, Our
farmer friends tell us their crops
were never better than at pres-
Our flue factory has sold
out its stock of iron, and ordered
more. The brick kilns are run-
heats night and day in or-
to fill orders. Marshal,
Dump, and Joe Caleb are selling
lots of trucks, So we are ex-
better times ahead.
Misses Nancy and Carrie Smith,
of Greenville, returned home
a short visit to relative here.
Mr. Nunn, Wednesday.
R. Chapman. J. R. Cooper,
. v.-. roads for Greenville township
M G Bryan and quite a number and ultimately for the entire
of others have been here from I county. To better bring about
. . .,. i. i, i. a committee
m and Surgeon
discussed with interest by d th o
oral present, was better public board has a
. upon
. our
ad hour
, family, a
with re-
. c
of our
tins week.
Mrs. Martha Cox has returned
to her home after a visit
The stork visited the home
Robert Davis this week and left
a fine girl.
J. J. Smith and family are at
Morehead for the next days.
Owing to very poor health,
after the 6th inst, we will be
away from Ayden some or
days to recruit. If our ab-
any of our patrons should
have work for us we will
results in this need, a committee
consisting Mr. H. A. White, j
Mayor H. W. Whedbee and Dr.
E. A. was appointed to
confer with the
relative to the
of considering a proposition
formerly by Congress-
man Small to have a government
expert come to this county and
make practical demonstration of
permanent public road building.
Then the oft promised
deferred inauguration of free
and zealous member, who had
close at heart the host interest of
the school and community.
Be it further resolved, in
j memory or Dr. W. H. Bagwell,
this board cause a copy of these
resolutions to be recorded on
the minutes of the board
Office ; Ban Building
mm mm
the state of
ed to the family of the deceased, Liabilities
and a copy be given for
have work for us we will deferred .-
their keeping it for us until. delivery of express packages
we return. We thank everyone t the southern Express Com-
for the many kindnesses shown
Done at the regular annual
meeting of the board of trustees,
this the 2nd, day of July 1908.
D. S. Spain,
W. L. Brown,
R. L. Carr,
tor many
us and sincerely hope at an early
date to be in some measure able
to repay them, Our friend K-
W. Smith has kindly consented
to write items for the Ayden de-
during our absence-
We congratulate the readers
The Reflector and consider our-
selves fortunate in securing the
services of so fluent a writer and
one who knows how to give ex-
l- Li m o man.
Gold coin .
Silver coin, Including
minor coin currency
National hank
and other note
Capital .
Surplus fund
came up consideration.
To bring this urgent need of the
town to as speedy conclusion as
possible, a committee consisting
of Dr. D. L. James and Mr. H.
A. White was appointed to
respond with officials of the
Southern Express Company and
ascertain why the promises to
one Knows now put on this service are not com-
to his subject in a man-; with,
both interesting and called to the
J- M- I
W. H. Smith has purchased
interest of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the same place- All
work promptly looked after. Mr.
Cox will still with the
Total, 10,880.86
,. .-
the above w true to the best my
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 14th. day of May
Notary Public

Th re V. mere in this section
of than all otter
I t g v. end
m .
t. .
J. .
. .
I, ;
ii i
E S court t
i ; Rainbow stables, c of Co-
treat- and Fifth streets in front,
-x, market Manager
. Peed invites his friends to see J
c, Ce.- mm there for Die, S
. J. turnouts,
i-even me . ,, Ohio, ii the on-3
on If
ft, u of j
j tn a U , j
. ,. .- us surfaces of North Carolina, i J
, offer one hundred Pitt County.
. . . it to care.; I J
, . iv M r. s re , M. Co. Vs. S. S
. . v f . i
. virtue of an directed to
rake Hal foe the from the Superior
, . court Pitt c t; in the
titled action, I i s
day July. IS S it i- o'clock, M. at j
Victor aid the court house door of said county,
ell u th highest bid
With there must sum-- . all
,,. , w. s.
. the vanquisher. ., ., hi the
. r
. v. .
I r
. J. L.
n i rs
for .
i . t
i d a
that .
. defendant in the
v with every described real estate, to J
.- tun ,. Situate in Pi county j
c tho thorn of B , ,,,. ,. N ,
Is th S aide of if
Tar riv, of
h c close h is ,.,, . . , . .-. .
of n any b. I . Sh.
. , I
. . Iv an- i . i
Rec . n . It ram
; v a offices to , X
I hear
th pi ii urn y a jury a f . I pin near . N
. of th ,
in the smiles of fortune, I to Tim. J. Sheppard Hi ,
-.-. ti a i i,
are b riving ., . ,. . , . . . .
. . def at . . tin
thought that
e d and i st
n I .;,. ., ;
. Lo
. I.
. her
paper paper is
without in price. It
comes packed a nice board
box, instead c I the unhandy
paper wrapper.
We you
Envelopes to Match
packed two packs in a board
box. buying in quantity
we arc able to offer it at
per envelopes per
invite you to call and
. i v .
Is the Standard Visible Writer
the World
. brick
hi p . while
. pang
th brick
. I to
. i. .
re s
withdrawal s i hes of
of . , j
service In th
war . w h re-
ii at of
their fellow-citizens was .- , ,
dogs they make
in the extreme. We r. I
. . m
or n I
. Kites i. . n.
Lit . . Ian,
is i r . in v register of
of Pi I .
.- mi
K. .
I in h .
r the ti . I. K.
to B L.
. T ii ; r
f Pitt
S. J. N
Hot aid Old Baths
Electric Massage
A specialty Electric
Massage i Hair
tonic r, to ladies
at r
Money Rules
World. i
j but only when it is handled
gently. The miser who hoards his
and spends his time counting
;. it has the contempt of his fellow
i and unceasing worry for himself.
The worry comes to any man
who keeps his money where it may
be lost, stolen or destroyed. is a
stranger to him who wisely
its his cash in
The National Bank
That is the place where
moth nor rust corrupt, nor
i thieves break into and and
I we add-where lire cannot
J break out and steal.
Local Agent
Lurid Sale,
Ii. pi
on drays i -one, for here more particularly to the
three and o on ail conduct of Col
over three. Horne in withdrawing
There were five applications j from the gubernatorial fight
for restaurant licenses, four of the speech of Gen. Roberts in
them being granted and to make the election
refused. There were also three Mr. J. Bryan Grimes unanimous
applications tor to i It is a pity all of the candidates
pool one of which not Lave been elected. It
refused. I is hard that to the majority falls
chief of police was direct-i a double portion of disappoint- pare
ed furnish the board with a pen -bet such is politics,
property, tools, etc. II in every avenue of
longing to the town, and activity.
fire department was News,
directed to furnish all
V. power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed,
, s . an i by urn. H.
r to C. on the
duly recorded
in the of I . i- in Pitt
in book IT The
undersigned will expos, to public sale
ill In i d in Green-
ville i n Hi day of July,
. o . to the high -i
bidder r cash,
or Carolina
. I of the Educational System.
Departments College,
Medicine, Engineering;, Law,
Library contains volumes. New
water central
heating system. New dormitories,
; Y. M. C. A. building,
students. e. fa
Pall term begins Sept. IsmS
P. Enable, President
The police were instructed to
the tax collector as far i
they could in collecting the in-
Aldermen and
Notice to Creditors.
were appointed a purchasing
committee, their duty being to
purchase aid contract all
used by the town.
Aldermen a. and
dill; quo d I i
. of Pitt I as ad-
of the estate Noah
notice is
all ;. ii to thees
immediate payment
d all i sons having i
. . to pr, . the
gem hi to
iii I m or re the 2nd day
June, I ids notice i. bi pleat
in bar of
This 2nd June, 1908.
of Noah
Lying b S. creek
township, Nor. . Carolina,
an I ind Ion i j Ian F,
Clark and i En F.
and i by lease I
and o t W .
In n res mi re
or lei . T . m de to
terms .; e.
This the 11th . f u
.-.;. phi Noble
v c, i m i
F. C. Harding m j.
were .-pointed to
the town horses, The
was directed
the cost of a street
and report next
. I . tho action
of the is in deciding
to widen th paving n
son avenue between the two de-
. t
. J.
. work.
pay far
front of
pots, and
to i
e complete i
The- . . t e
agree to
g, . Ii . in
their property on Evans street,
K Tl Fifth streets,
as soon h paving can be
done, I .-, i best
plan in . sidewalks
paved c with having to
wait sufficient
on i. ; to a . for
the work,
The following
were appointed
m en
and Flanagan.
Streets- Aldermen
Bow n and White.
Bowen, W,
S. and
Water Lights-Aldermen
E. A. Carr and W. S.
E. A. and Higgs.
Cemetery-A id emu n
W. S. and Bowen.
Notice Land Sale.
ed In i i I ex tut and d
I b; It. F. to S.
P the o i. i
and in i s
. Pit I e
. the Mo
1908 at o clock
noon, v.- to i before the
house the
highest bidder for cash the following
real n ; Ii .
in hie o tow Pitt Nor ill
Carol lands of
r Lewis, .
the L-i d
when- i;. Tyson and wife now n
lido Hires
i de Is to tho t. n .
of I
This the 11th m June in .-.
S J. Noble,
if Perkins, Mtge.
I Not Quite it
How often you can Let a
C done-
V or driver or
i go. lacking. Have a good
l I mil f-
g com-
by the
box in prepared j
emergencies, Our line
is a could desire,
we will see that your tool
box does nut lack a tingle
lit useful article.
I Of
t You get s
i; horse Goods c
s Notice
letters of i m,
will annexed, i tin estate of Sam-
P. Erwin n as . I living i
been issued to n Clem i
Superior court i county, it
hereby n to a persons g
c b L said to pr. c l
them to me for payment,
it. d, on or before i of
In e, 1909, or this i will be plead
in bar of their All persons
indebted to estate r U ii
make i
the i June,
s. W. IN. A i
P. n
Notice to editors.
Having u a In i of
L. of Pitt
county, N. is to notify all per-
of said o d them to
. .
n m the of . or this
not i ill i I in bur
AI . i d b
n i
the day of . 1908.
Brown, Attorney.
as ad of
the K. Wilson,
i . of I'm u . Carolina,
.- to notify ail persona having
. ii i tat of the
;.,. to the under-
. Is I -i . i town
Grin i N. C, on
tin . . ;.
this b In I of
re All
. i said will i d
Tins p in i,
II. .
Administratrix of U. T. Wilson,
Cobb Co.
Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton,
and Provisions,
to Now York Chicago
and New Orleans.
To The Plumber
requite that you judge him by his
work rather than by the of
bill. If sent in our bill before
doing your work, you would say
that such a small turn could not
You would be wrong, do as
work as any plumber in the
world. Best cs with your next job
and you'll admit we speak the truth,
ii our bill is smaller than you are
use to, why should you object if the
work is all right
If want your HORSE to trot
fast and pull strong buy your
and Corn
of V. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Less
Money than any man in town,
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
I Corn, corn Meal and all kinds
Barber Shop
Located in business sec-
of the town Four chairs
in on arid each one
sided by a skilled barber.
Our is inviting, razor
Our towels clean.
thank you for past patronage
and ask you to call attain when
-oil work is
C. A.
We ICE and
supply the demand. wagon
deli veil, a orders
an., tun during i. y, and
delivery will be at the plant at
any hour of the .
We your pa r- and will do
our Le-t you.
The Greenville Ice
Hill Johnson, . . Proprietors
Factors and handlers
-nil ;
not Bay-
Notice to
Having duly before
Superior court clerk Pitt
of the estate of Martha
V. Moore, deceased, notice is
to all persons indebted to tin-
estate to make immediate payment
to th.- all persons
laving claims are
ratified t the dub-
authenticated, to the undersigned on or
the day of June, 1909, or
his notice will plead in bar of re-
This 3rd day of June, 1908.
Annie E. Dudley, of Martha I
A. Moore. Deed.
S. C. Co .
C. His.
In 1607
and bowels. Some told m.-
said I would not live
and lour I en a
market. I could not
I ale. and In the 1902 I picks, t up
one rs a poor
Hill and
that Almanac to to my life
I a cult of
CURB received
that bone ALL. THE GOLD IN
taking It and in two I went back to
my work, as a and in months
I v as I still
as rind it a fine
and t tonic
May you live Ions prosper.
This is only a sample of
the great good that is
daily done everywhere by
for Dyspepsia.
W. W. T. P. A. E. T. LAMB, Gen.
Norfolk, Virginia
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
Pulley boweN
Rome of Women's Fashions, Greenville N. C.
For Sale by J no. L.
General Merchandise.
General Merchandise
N Joly 2.1908.
end laving
corn are the order of day
no. ., ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
hon, Joyner v
to Ayden Friday
to attend the Sunday con-
Miss return-
ed to her homo at Farmville after
having spent about a week visit-
at D. Smith's.
Mrs. C. D. Smith and Misses
Belle, her
Nannie and Carrie
daughters, vent to
yesterday evening
R. A. Smith was visiting in
our town and returned
to his home at in the
See die
In another column we publish
the committees on the
board of aldermen who are to
serve this fiscal year. These
committees are appointed by the
mayor to have supervision of the
coming under res-
departments. In this
connection we want to make a
If people having
any complaints or other matters
to be ed will go to some
member of the committee to
which it properly belongs, the
matter might he considered and
i tea Laxative Cough Syrup for young
and old is r. coughs
croup. cough.
Guaranteed. Sold
John L.
adjusted, without delay and
save the trouble of going before
the entire at a regular
meeting to have it looked after.
It Cant Be Beat.
The Vest of all is exigence.
C. M. Harden, Silver City. North
T E Little and little Martha Carolina. I
does all Huts claimed for it.
For Stomach. Liver and kidney
kl it can't be beat have tried it
it a most medicine
Mr. Harden it s the best all
also tor lame
bade, all run down conditions,
two for chills and malaria, bold
old under guarantee at J. L. s
Belle and Jessie Smith went to
Scotland last Friday and
returned Monday.
Mills Smith went to
yesterday evening and returned.
Crops are looking very well in
The are lots of
MM in our to try
to false a plenty of bay, I
think la
F. M. a sick
C. E t
Editor IF
As It i
say will
least to s
will writ
little ii-
We all
v. a
Monday and
nomination In.
wife I. P.
i As the Great Spirit has seen
S ii
I n, be
we ii n of Mi
hie do
U Nun., i distress and M
the great
i, i i
A .
r Nunn . his
ii i, he It for that
ii. K hen he
. I-. to
i of a
in th.
. ., . .
m I. ice no
The Town That Trade It.
It is not the wish for
trade that gets it. Neither is it
enough to simply extend the in-
to buyers. There are
several thirty be in-
under the head of invited
and it is all import ant that both
merchant and community fully
understand the way of inviting
trade, to that the invitation may
have character and weight.
Two of the ways are
and sending after trade.
The merchant advertises in the
best medium the newspaper,
and the newspaper, goes to the
possible buyer, and makes
the buyer, through its offerings.
It is the way, this newspaper ad
of being constantly
people. It is the daily
hint, because each day the mer-
chant's name, what ho has to
sell and its cost is seen and read.
There is nothing like the daily
paper. It is ever on hand. It
is on the table in the home, or
on the chair, or on the floor. Its
big ads force one to read, and
read again. There i i one
to dodge, to get i from
the newspaper ad an is to
be blind. The person unable to
read is attracted by the big ad
letters, and n i- asked,
what does it all
Pres. Gen.
The John Flanagan
Organized in reorganized
in 1904 with authorized
Manufacturers High
to alt i
form of Bowel i i i
provide yourself with h.
Dr m
ranted In I
j l
U V. lit. .
lore is
e Reflector
to the
read this over
i a ii-;
us a trial and
. , . lee l
h tn i
i , i-i
Operation ti th
gar.- M
A of ti.
.;., , J
.; . i.
and built bonfires d
and holler-d dud I v -i
as bells,
tin pans and almost
that would make a r and a
band of mimic and t me
wagons and paraded tho town
and kept i-. late
in the night
Put I'll the sub-
that i .-ii ed i I
On the Bi p
ti t
composed you i ;
which was a beautiful sight
Then in the roan where the
class was, it being com-
posed of forty or fifty men,
and another room where the
class of about
thirty older m and is,
And l all me in
to see the A
I r more
little and Annie
Biggs, teacher, met me at the
door and welcomed me with a
pleasant hand and
seemed almost like I had met one
big angel and a hundred little
ones- I sat and listened at them
recite and Miss Annie failed to
ask them one question that they
could not answer. It seemed to
be a perfect lesson and in the
main building of the church
there was several classes com-
posed of different numbers. The
whole school numbers more than
three hundred. T. E. Little.
For FARM Supplies and HARDWARE.
a i r,
or vi
i one -lit A
f Ir
Greenville, North C U.
Don't fail t see our machine.
a lull a lull line re-
pair tor our Machines only, which i
There is none better,
they always give perfect satisfaction,
also call you attention to .
j We carry the best quality only
I Cement and keep a on
; an
Examinations for S.
Thens are about fifty vacancies
the grade of 2nd Lieutenant in
I Marine Con , the
result of legislation
l. There is an opportunity for one
more ; men from .
i Brat
. if are
and are am-
. . .
Best The World
that Ha
the .
i v s
e ti
, properly
to ;
recommend . ,
of Hill, N.
am d Its ho p
wive the world It lured
felon on an it never had two y.
A Greenville C Ti I
Christ Red
A very we
contra .
lull assortment always in stock to choose
the highest, in
. . , were Mr.
W. I Hall and . .,.
Is from to Greenville. N. C
minimum height feet G inches, ., the New Bern
minimum weight j Nor k train las
The e lamination
r. it being guaranteed ion per
It you wish to build it k to your
look . i
to see in as we are in position to
tour every need. target that out line
General Hardware is kept complete with
the very best quality goods. We can
your orders from a box tax to a car load
Give us a call.
for a 2nd Lieut
s, u
W. C
x- C. j. . .
. . to.
.; . ill
. I
f th ire n
, , think conn up to .
requirements, and who de- N. .
to I shall , n
t II be glad to forward circulars Beach, after th y. b.
Baker Hart.
G. Mr.
other details as to the
s, . .
ii ,. i
j be
ire I
t and
. i
. . and
, and
.;, ,
. r
. i n -.-
. . , cine
r, kid-
, i
Jno. H. Small.
for the
set ill
in the
My and trouble,
and the entire
tern. John L.
character cotton i he,
bride one Greenville a meal n,,, ,,,,,,,; . i
popular, beautiful and lovely on
belle.-, and is possessed an the quantity of
exceedingly charming voice. On
a number of occasions has
entertained an audience with
beautiful solos. New Bern Bun,
Just Exactly Right.
The Remedy That Docs.
King's New Discovery is the
remedy does the healing others
promise but fail to says Mrs
E. R. Pierson, of Auburn Pa.
It curing me of throat and lung
trouble of long that other
treatments relieved only temporally.
New discovery is doing me so much
good that I confident that its con-
for a reasonable length of
time will restore me to perfect health.
This renowned cough and cold
and throat and lung healer is sold at J.
Wooten's drug store. and 1.00.
rial free.
General Hardware
Solo for
Lead and Zinc Paint, Jewel Stoves and Ranges,
farm fertilizer sower
Edge Tools.
I have used Dr Key
., Pills for several ye.-.-, and tad
of just ex
ton. H-i
fort. Beat
N Y New
w the
J. I
biliousness malaria,
drug store.
North Carolina Leads all Cotton States.
The crop report inn board
the Bureau of Statistics reports
that the condition of cotton on
June 25th, was per cent
normal, compared with 79.7 on
May tis year, and on
June last year The report
by States is as follows. For
this year, in North
Carolina. South Carolina;
Georgia; Si. I application of Pile Ken.-
Louis-1 of soothes,
Texas; Arkansas, and
RE, Tennessee; Missouri; litchi. Sold by
Oklahoma. Woolen
i. fur Is l
The 4th brought a home
grown watermelons along with
Pram Hi.-
pure and
ICE CHUM is to
tn quart, of
la lo
Sold by row I
a Ly n
But It.
Tl Few Co., Boy, H. V-

In Charge of F. C. NYE
The Eastern t and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
Ml I A new line of dry goods the fire could possibly have
, S Harrington been checked as it was- This is
, k Barter A Co due to the tact that our people.
J ;., white and colored, all
the town worked
,,;. in their r, companies. Trojans
. Ires bug- Some were baked fa
are still going. Call to see some sauced with the fall-
i nice Block of runabout be-; tog water, but I am glad to see
you Prices are inter- j all out again safe and sound.
personally interested, I
of Ayden. appreciate very much the saving
,. ,, property, but I appreciate tar
v . bear in mind the more the spirit of self-sacrifice
,. Tar H el wagons and love for shown by
our people, o through cur
. .,,;., I desire to
is pend-j appreciation for their
How the Nomination Was Taken
Charlotte, N. C. July 6th, 1908. nomination. I lost it by I
was the wish of their county men,
with it all, lost the nomination
by one vote only. I made a
clean honest run, I won the
j am very thankful to my friends.
I hope may ever be worthy of
Advice to the Aged.
Age brings Infirmities, such as slug.
bowels, weak and
an I
i nope i may ever wormy
It certainly is comforting to a; ,
defeated candidate to know them
deeply concerned so many .,
are in the case
My friends in Pitt county want
to know, how a candidate, going
into the convention with the
large instructed vote and backed
by more votes at the polls than
eras any other candidate, as was
time, in any way I can.
C. C. Moore
. are
v r. Nu
th i v e
i i
. n -in t
my how could such backing
be defeated
Before giving reason for
defeat. I want to tell my
Those Who Will Serve the Ensuing
At the meeting of Greenville
Lodge No. A. F. A. M.
held Monday night, the follow-
effect on these organs,
stimulating the them
to perform their natural functions i
friends in Pitt, that I am not in officers were Installed by
the least sore, I am not sulking. Past Muster M.
am not abusing any body, and R. Williams, W. M
with all my
Miss heroic work. Happy is
v . town with such people.
left Thurs- To have a horse he A. U-
,; ,. K plenty of good feed All We are prepared to,
. , ,. We of the best to be had. at orders for flues notice.
t . , Produce Co. next as have your orders at once
. before the rush cornea Prices
I expect to support v
might our State and we
must every man on it.
But lam cleaning out of
our party all fraud and ad
of fraud, I want the
Pro- Prof. G. E. re-
same as last year. A. G. Cox
evening Manufacturing Co.
,.,., i., . extent i from b visit of several at N-1-
. w-old home, in He The A. G. Cox manufacturing
Hal Cat
H. P. S. W.
W. Harrington, J. W.
E. E. Griffin, S D.
A. J. Griffin. J.
W. B. Wilson, Tm.
L. H. Pender, Sec.
J. L Home, and J. W. Mar-
tin, Stewards.
Sam Flake,
farmers especially to read this
carefully and ponder --n what I
There was held a
in several c neatly every
country the farmers Editor
large majority over What have the Baptists done
other candidate. counties, in your town that has
; n were re; ex Co is taxed to its full capacity
no there. now the urgent orders
;, on our trucks and flues. y
, . . . goods and
vi r; goods w must
. r, for ll em in or-
to meet cur
the goods go.
the vets of the farmers them from having r voice in y. u
and it my it ,
the the Have you no on
co a
of a
. and gave honorable body n
m .
who was nominated. are passed
The most outrageous insult they are allow
business in i condition ,,,
A opportunity to ti information,
go cheap for th
days. Calico, land the
A F. C. 121-2
Ca j for the school.
July 7th. l
The Reflector cannot answer
these questions but passes them j
the powers that be. Ed.
On Saturday June 27th. the j
delegation Tr-m
and divided the
Walton Brick Co . of Mac
vote and N c appears
entered into an agreement to issue for the first time ii a
cast the vote as follows, ow for j at
two for Graham, seven for East
Moore, If Scott drops and is under the same
Moore to have and Graham t
;, Barber Ci
V. . id . see i-
-i. Bid
of nice
in I for
ring , . . . .
.-s Ernest people are ready to lend No goods at
another a helping hand. They prices. Come A.
day h relatives. spirit Tuesday morn Co.
We now ready to take during the fire,
den for the famous handy t. For lot of fins Jumbo;
They will peanuts, hand especially Stocks Dan
heretofore. for seed at per bushel. Also ,
A. G tot of the Improved King Cot- ,
Our farmers are in excellent ton seed pounds In N. C July t.
Fm seasons for crops, makes a five hundred pound Fire broke out in store
rood for potatoes an at 1.- bushel. J. S. about
them feel bright w. W H. Harrington- It was first
Z J. ft. Smith covered by C. T.
as busy .
of ahead, so they are with the fire, he one on fire.
maid,, my complaint. The let and lemon, at H. L. in the
i the school are good. stock of J. S. Co.
are in the hands of Prof. Clarence Cannon ard was consumed, H- U Johnson,
the printer and will soon be brother were here a short while Eastern Co. A.
to be mailed out. evening. Ange o. Bro.
need a Nice, fresh Oatmeal. A. W. j Mrs. B. F. Tucker and G. Tucker
nice buggy spread A. Co. sustained loss on s toe,. . .
Co. has them. M. G. Bryan returned from By heroic work the con- j q and Lin Carolina Teachers
Chapman went to Norfolk Monday evening. lined to one store,
Greenville yesterday.
My soda fountain is week. We shall have something
in and
t kidneys. ard LIVER.
arc adapted and your.-.
Cory of His
In ills old flu- widow Stephen
who v.-.-ii known in tho
early of New York city. Is
if yon tao of
broken In In
mind Hi.
, exile an st In tao
j city where be bad
monarch of nil be a a
Dan in .- and r
the If
old man. smirking
bis and
r -f in rheumatic
joints with bis mouth toll of
i conn lo the
ow of herself
prime if year and Remove
from Its
s. . yon bare n l it of pure
In of foolish
But something of his old time now-
f lo charm the must
In of mental
misery, for suit for
the widow hand and fortune
be won Re-
dared In raga that on a
given Jay would arrive
man I i i by. a
who should marry on spot
He w bis prospective bride
quarter, no chance from
at the throat
dismissal old man With more than
her usual c of Burr
tuck to avowal and one July day
roiled up In a carriage, and with him
a sumo Who years
before performed the marriage
; for Burr sad the mother of bis
daughter, beautiful
was something of a scene In
on this day. There were
j tears of anger part Burr.
j Burr remained
All feared a scandal. The
I hook stood
. In I There
, were ire lea.-s, more of
the widow
on the delegation
away, when the vote.
management a Dunning j ,.
Company of N, C, j drawl room of tin-
who have made such a Burr with
. I ti. v.- i ;. V
at the latter point that they were ,; ,.,,,., f his
. . ,,,. . ., i . r . . ,,.,
w. g J induced to locate a plant at Mac i. r. Them were many bit
Mb es with stacks here yesterday on business his store for . h tor between the pair.
lire; . r . v.-.
Graham- reputation for quality,
On his return to Catawba L. tad be.
county he was asked why he had
broken faith with
His answer was
nothing from
aim l the nominee for
the senate from
speak for them a liberal
Brick Laying Begun.
Things are netting busy now.
the guM out on the site
. j. ., . eastern
o Norfolk Monday evening. lined to one store having School. Toe first dirt
We are taking inventory tins proof walls on each side. j , the Maj,, one day
We shall have something store was Dy A. G. Cox L . m the
the nicest cold drinks, to say next weak that will be of and Martha L Cox. There was
Everything is new a-d in A, W. Ange Co. no on the building,
shape H. L. The A. C Cox are over
handle the castings for st. have a large number streets this morning. The cit
tobacco trucks ahead them, sens responded to the alarm
Hess's Poultry and
and Food is the thing for your
try and stock A. W. Ange Co. Notice to Subscribers.
Harrington Barber Co; Mr. and Mm. A. G. Cox
Graham. on Tuesday afternoon th
Now my Pitt county was laid by
you see that our convention sys- J j chairman of the
Item will not accomplish the ex- of trustees, in
pressed- w of tie farmer, a number of people who
j even he cast a ballot in witness Today quite
the box, maKing a choice bricklayers are at
work and the walls will soon be
What we want and must up
Subscribers to The Daily Re- to n wide primary
and they were Ban
died In but madam until
a and a miser, the
from estate
boarded unused
Ctr; and
The of
live In should not throw
ii. Ai the line of
and London used to
their win-
the mischief, n
party of smashed win-
of lb known as
Hi The favorite
i . replied,
who live In
glass houses should I careful bow
Killed in a Cave-in.
R . and located.
Ml Kittrell is spending I to Greenville Monday. Mr. j to In all State on the same;
this eek Miss Louise attended the meeting of board of that do can force
education. daily papers to be mailed longer of the primary and I Emmett n. a young
Ice ream Johnson's For Kicks house. than months on credit, hope will demand it. man, at Winston won-
Nice five room cottage, pleasant- This law went into effect lam pleased to tell my Pitt day evening by the caving in
Smith, agent. those who paid up to that Mecklenburg in was
time should now make another aft work. Ha was digging sand
remittance. We hops all who handsome vote, both in the pr. Mn a feet deep,
as much as three months mar and in lie convention. t fell n ard crushed
in arrears will make a My friends in Pitt will be against the other side
promptly without for a prided and disappointed when
statement to be mailed them. I ell them that not one Vote of l Bridie Moving Along.
and thus avoid the necessity of Pitt county was cast for my j Work BOW seems to be getting
w to Ayden last Hay and at A. W.
night. must be some at-
there. Rev. T. H. King his rag-
lire of appointment at
fr s on hand. Sunday morning and
r l .
I; . i reliable
Band made
A. G.
Co., IV X C- Plenty
I wish to extend my sincere
of on hand, Send your thanks many valiant work- let y air subscript
orders at once before the quickly checked for your
come .
Ni I hams are the
mi these spring
We have them.
H. L. Johnson,
on d tors
and wind
Mr. Builder, let us give
Pi ices on
A W. Ange Co.
Ft best roofing see A. W.
Ange Co,
A car bad best hay. just In.
Supply Co.
Chickens and eggs a specialty.
Come get best prices
i Barb r Cu
fire here Monday night.
few minutes time the
In a
workmen say it will
any names being dropped from this was faster on the new steel
the list. You all want to keep not know, but I do know that across the at least
tend my Up with the news now, so do not have many in the county done shows more.
any valiant work- air subscription get , should have
nomination. be completed by t
Now with the political j August.
.,.,.,.,,. fore h m. with
town had turned out and no . I r .
town in the state could furnish Go to M. G. Bryan me of my primary vote. For lowest prices on hay see
better workers. With any or- with many delegates voting F. V. opposite Nor-
or equipment, It is one of quite contrary to knew folk Southern depot.
went it best.
into very flames and at the
risk of life, fought back the fire I .
and did not allow it to spread; The county board of education I
one store and that was Monday
falling in when the alarm but-m
. meet OH II
in August to make the i
Those who have looked at the apportionment of th-- i
bail-ling since can hardly lie cl .
The appointed Juno
lo draft the proposed Dec-
of Independence con
tho following Thomas
Franklin, Roger Sherman and Rob-
Livingston. tho mover
the resolution for independence,
being homo the
tho Jotter-
ion put in his place, and it
therefore loll to him to draft the
Declaration. The document
pared dis-
in and general
verbal elm in
the famous paper is today
just n it was when handed in by
The O.-ct Man.
. dear Girl.
hi-.-e It's because lie Is beet
growled fussy Old
your know I love
Isn't very well, and we've
kept It from Weekly.
I An Improvement many Lund a
of cold s cathartic on
y Prepared b
r Ly L. V.
Lund and Bronchial because It rids the
n the bowels. No opiates. to give
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
for vice-president. I BRYAN NOMINATED ON 1ST BALLOT
The hoard of county
Executive Committee Adopts i met in regular session on
This Method of Nominating all the 6th, all the members
County Offices. Orders were drawn on the
amounting as
At a meeting of county home
critic executive
Pitt county, held health bridges and
on Saturday. July. ax
lowing resolution was adopted and insane
relative to the m
and stationary
of the county to nominate j.
, L r, of deeds
resolved by the
executive and blind
Pitt county, in Mi
that a primary b, held ; Mk-
for the county of Pitt, ,
I Denver. CC. July 10.-The
of County Superintendent Democratic Nation.- convention Aft AU Night Session .,
concluded its Ms a
Have Made. I by the by I. J. Nebraska.
. do in the situation. amid the u ding of
The town some years ago built made in the . , w Er No
a market house on the corner of county ballot was tide
Fifth street, and from these statistics that can
Street-, and from these statistics that can i f
allowed fresh meats to be sold with every statesman,
of the mar- citizen of the county. , after State
-.- .-
d township roads .
only from the stalls of the mar- citizen or u u . ,,,,, after Si ate
Of course this was to get c vote his
revenue in return for withdrawing
town's investment, but at was fore the universal demand for
day. the 29th day or w roads 531.54; same time it created a monopoly
1908. for the purpose; Farm ,. in market business that . ,,,, The convention, tor adjourn-
candidates J law d a tax on . t d
the legislature, for county than the town, mot Mr.
Mr and ard has . . p
tor members to no BoW ;. . . .,
committees, at m m c for aid of the And the market business be- m c. of
election all Democratic to be upon as quite I T. h for the On
who are entitled to those engaged in U I-
general election, to be held m l- W passed charing any price thy pleased 5.000 any bunted the Kern;
November, 1908. for what was on sale and trance last Werner
to vote. .; .,. with .
That shall beheld for consume, there
and conducted in the J was no where else to buy. with volumes.
townships at the places of D. H.
mediately t
a motion to
the nomination of Bryan
unanimous, and this was adopted
in a demonstration that was long
in subsiding.
The speech placing Mr. P-i
v. . lode by I. J.
of .
and i in
n d
William van.
Governor B of
North Carolin ma i th- first
Jed by
no where else buy. u T term
The front have been . of these term
it tie -i , , d . r, . The four front
same shall be opened an.
Thomas, placed in nomination
Charles A. To . of New
Connecticut placed Archibald
and Georgia, Clark
Ho well Th names of Judge
. i month, commit went to There were new bu J pI
a. a., until pal the stall, a. auction he erected the past year at a not owing to ex-
it, m. in ell of the v J. . something doing that . , . of gentle
Jones at p- , . .,
in Levi House at per month.; found something doing
in . . lie in
county, e mt, i . .
Greenville. to; income from market away there are two or more
and No. which. . were
speech no ion
of speech also
brought out tumultuous applause.
As many other
speeches re to How. when
Governor ., a
motion rod and adopted
that all other speeches
be limited to five minuter.
W. S. of
Its, presented the name of Gov-
I Johnson, of that State, and L. I.
hand, way
. fop the year 1907, re they those front was
that said the sheriff had made showed that some other folks, , seconding Kern's
lie held and conducted in accord-, it apparent
poll holders heretofore appointed, granted. Small It was a big jump, but and grade.
not presented, owing to the ex-
requests of these gentle I
men not to have their names Johnson, o;
before the convention. Handy, of presented
r a time us- . e
he name
that State.
Gray, of
of these r-
a demonstration, but it
i was small in to
the name of Cyan.
in person was the
first candidate to the
decisive nature of the Death of Lucille
movement, in a ringing fit to visit
withdrew his name and
. . .
Passed by the Jr. U. A. M on
duplicate and send the original
thereof immediately to the chair- j The fol owing were drawn to
man of the county executive as jurors for August
committee and the copy thereof
., . First week
.-. . i T. Turner. but Low with consent in
chairman of the ft
executive And Tucker. who will foot the bill it Over
TUB- toe, like another case -in the of the
declaring the result of said
the Democratic executive
f. tor consume, in schools
not do away with of the county has been
thing and let anybody sell , is
-tone in the field. t
The withdrawal i ,
of Greenville, on Tuesday Israel Moore D. M.
of organization . j. j. just a few of the baSed by a board
legislature and Nobles. D. F. Owens, P. the board of aldermen will
candidate was
by a motion that the
of Kern be
The motion was carried
with a deafening shout and the
great brake into
clamorous demonstration on the
its work and
the completion of the Democrat-
National ticket.
row, A. t. t-ox. and which we
r p p
cause to be filled with the j . w con-
or secretary of Tucker, E. A. Johnson. take the
the bereaved our
sympathy in this sad
from their loved one.
2nd. That we commend th l
to the one who bids us bring
our burdens to Him, and who
alone is able to comfort and eon-
3rd. That a cw of these
resolutions be spread upon cur
minutes, a copy sent to the pa-
rents, and a copy sent to
r c . j ;,.,. Daily Reflector for publication.
State Superintendent Report j
are in Excellent
Another man who has a band
in Pitt county's public school
fairs is Treasurer S. T.
G. E.
G. It.
M. L. Barker,
It is a proud record Pitt the paying off of
has made, and even with vouchers and there is
, in special session ; made and even this. teachers- vouchers and there is
I aider. You can take saw, are just in g teacher in the county who A Flood in
gentlemen, and we nope you of for WU not testify to the for Short While,
or j will come out of the knotty prop- show fay him a
chairman .
executive committee, on
the 15th day of August, l . dawning or will not m
ten of their Ice cream by the saucer or will come out of the , years will show still by him at all times. But
shall pay to the measure greater educational development what started out . y was, On
chairman, such sum as shall door to C. Family for the town S suddenly
be determined by the executive orders promptly filled. Dr. Hyatt e without warning came crashing
of said primary election
n the rear
f said primary arising in respect to
cause to be published in the hon
Greenville Reflector, that part
the Democratic plan of
relating to primary
and shall cause to be
printed copies of the same,
to the end that M Democratic
central executive committee of
Pitt county, with full power to
act and their action shall be
deemed and held to be the action
of this committee.
F. C. Harding. Chairman CO.
vote n. may familial Ex. t om.
last w ,
W president Dr. II O. Hyatt be to up down to the
Little Creek .- d on- The , was a

Eastern reflector, 10 July 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 10, 1908
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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