Eastern reflector, 28 June 1908

In Charge of NYE
l , , Eastern and Vicinity- Advising Rates on Application f
Miss Chapman returned
borne Sunday, to the delight of
her many friends.
Joe says they are cur-
tobacco over his way and
surely are preparing for it
r. r . a are still go-
;. f x m nice Up-t
ff S S v- K Co the way flues and trucks
are leaving the A, G. Cox Mfg.
T UP dry goods on trains, on wagon, on
r V bed and box bod.
Barber Co.
Remember the Hunsucker bug
It refers to Liver Pills and
Are you
ANY then- and many
Inaction i I
they go. last Saturday
trucks were shipped and still
Still Call to see the orders come. The ha are
Mr ;,. be. whistling and turn-
Prices are inter out about trucks
N. C. June 1908
To another has come the Mas-
have need of
thee, come up
On June the ninth the earthly
carter of Mrs. Ada Fields Thorne
closed, and her sweet spirit
winged its v. bade to the God
who gave it-
From dust of the weary highway,
From the smart of HOW roil,
Into the Royal Presence
She has gone, the guest of God.
Every Man His Own Doctor.
cannot to
employ physician for every slight
or injury that may occur in his
family, nor can lie afford to neglect
them, so slight an injury as the
scratch of a pin has been known to
cause the of a limb. Hence every
man must from necessity be his own
doctor for his of ailments. Success
often depends upon prompt treatment,
which can only be had when
medicines are kept at
have been in the mar-
for many years and enjoy a good
r. on.
Colic, Cholera and
for bowel
I i to
. . I
VI U t
m-n. Lit P
i I
o-J Tar Hi
I per day. people have learn-
-in ed how labor is saved by
i wagons and carts using trucks and how much
b it is to the tobacco
i without bruising it. So it's good
people of Winter- old
,, iv organ- sack aprons.
Take No Substitute.
You served the
at your is
. Stokes pr.
tit, d Miss Miriam
. craw hats Johns. . n an., r.
.- . a r quality s mental and
imp ,. and what nobler
. i ;
A. W.
galore. The
tittle fellow ere having a tough
siege. The who p i heard in
almost home. I all
H . . i e very w
Mis- ;. .-. . I conn.;, i every The f Cox v
. ii
. depart-
. Hat-
v .
for the
S p. We them
special mu
Mr. Alfred James Dead.
Mr. Alfred James, one of the
county's oldest citizens, died
at home
in Carolina township. In Jan-
he had re case of
pneumonia, and had been con-
, ; ; , bed ever since.
Sometimes he could sit up for
an hour but was able to
wail; any more. He bore his
with all patience, at
first he v. a very anxious to get
well and hop d to be able to
by his birthday, March 13th,
tin toward he was will
to and he was
chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
colds, croup and whooping
She was SO well and happy only cough. m
, . ., Balm ant
a few , It seems Ham, bruises, burns.
SO hard to realize she Will be J sprain, swellings, lame back and
with us on earth no more. I Stomach and Liver
,. Tablets for constipation, biliousness
How long not years, but troubles.
live twice who live the first life
Her first life was lived well,
and to the the
will not be long, but soon
they may dwell together in
eternal city of God.
was to Mr. n
T. Thorne live yearn ago.
Their union a per-
one, for a happier i r
m congenial, o spirits are
seldom found.
The home now is so sad and
to the
her. Soon after her mar-
Chamberlain's Salve for diseases of
the skin.
One bottle of each of these
at ions costs but For sale by
i and dealers in patent
Via. No folk Southern and Seaboard
Air Line June 23rd.
On account of the Democratic
State convention which meets in
Charlotte on the 24th, the Sea-
board Air Line will run special
trains on the 23rd to
date the large crowds desiring
to attend the convention. The
tr tin that the people of this sec-
lion are Interested in and over
i ,
. ; .
. . good feed All
lo hi t
. ice Co., next
a . i on our s
she unit d with a M.
feel that of which
.,, la fact, was hard she lived an con- they will take
we think when his cold is better , to give him up I w her death, j
hA will only . ice i , r,
H . v. ;. wave j h work
r . i a arc . ;
, ,,. ii . or ii Was a
a Johnson's C. having
i j
will leave Raleigh at 11.30 a. m.
and r eh Charlotte at 5.30 p. m.
This will make connection
the i if
v th the
train at Raleigh.
The Norfolk
t rail- for seed a. pi bushel.
J. E . our.
road i .; lot of the Improved King Lot
with II
I . J i . i
r col I drinks
. ti is . J in ex- .
shape. H. L. Johnson. B. A.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carroll the . sat here, ht-i. y d
from the country, were in town to Mt. Olive. He in
Friday Sen
Mrs. Butt and
Ml- for P overflowing with m in
a lot of the Improved King boys and girls s king to battle of The tributes mm
ton seed pounds in seed v. , r . m- grand
life. children, mu. the i
Ice and lemons at H-L. John- h her task
ex- ; ton's. friends, arc- left cu mourn
A Sudden stuck some form
f i may conn to
i Even ally provided
BAlsam. Warrant db. Wooten
car load f hay just
received A. Ange Co.
We have just received out
men and dress
friends, ire left mourn
loss, but is
M c i
I .
straw hats at prices to attract
Our line of new spring pants
-1 A Ange and
just opened.
Colic and
have returned from a visit ti
Beaufort county. are glad
to have them horn a i
handle the We have a special line can
Girl goods fresh. H. h
I the reliable
and Tobacco Truck made in c , and
c Cox
N- C
We all enjoyed cry much Mrs. of them on hand.
Butt's in The orders at once before the rush
Reflector a d .-s ago. We comes
the I the moral in the Free Will
He preached and j
an, breaks th, bonds of
I And waits set of sun.
The Master ray; is enough, come
gain. j
The funeral services were con- p n day i
b Eiders Roberson and done,
. . n arms are lulled to rest,
the body was ,,,;. u,,. Master's
to re
In the family
At this season of
should have . me
I, i in w ,
c. e i
Whereas, The great Spirit has
seen fit in His all wise providence
take from the home of Brother
Denmark Seymour his little
i cl therefore be it
steep, and That extend the
and condolence of our
and we would point him to
.,, the Great Spirit who all
well. , , e
and, We would ask the aid
arc quickly relieved by the ; t Cl i
i;. Iv followed by
For sale by all r. with bottle of the
gists and dealers in patent y nil druggists and dealers
Don't Wait for the
Stages of a
patent in
Cox's Mill, N. C, June
for K .
I I. net h
in the o he, v i.
. , k back, w KW-
and They purify
the blood and the entire sys-
John L.
N C,
Jno. T. Thorne, Miss Agnes
Moore. A. C. Monk.
tho Great Spirit, to help him bear
the that has befallen
That a copy of these
be spread upon our min-
the brother,
family and a copy be published.
J W. Brown.
Chas. Moore. . Com.
W- P. Edwards
slavery to
Heal Rick i house.
live room
located. C. S. h, agent.
Hay and lime at . Ange
Mumford n m near
pie's Experience.
to notice the great improvement
by plastering the walls and
painting the interior headaches and
the church. Here is our hand arc common symptoms
me w kidney disorders. It's an emu- to
and best wishes ; , Th. attacks may
Nice corned hams are the . with
for breakfast these spring V, puffy below
m town Sun- mornings. We have them K if
. . I H. U Johnson, j ,., s
Poultry and We are prepared to fill your
A. R IMUS have your . .
before the rush conies Mrs S.
Sis as last year. A. G. .
Roscoe Cox I'm Madison
Cowan went to
H. A. Moore
went to church Sunday at Rose Springs.
Ex Senator R. Williams is
C. W of t here from Falkland attending a g
county, was here a while revival which is being held
the Christian church. he sen-
Miss Kate Chapman, of Win. many friends are glad to,
, Ayden Saturday, and Jack Lang left yesterday to.
Oscar Evans spend a few days at Panacea w M
D. W.
., A .
. y this
week. W
to next v. n of
interest A. W. Ange Co.
Fountain Cox passed another
of those annual mill in his
life also Cox
one y V family
i. lo make these
clays We remember u
v. we, like our young friends, you prices on them,
counted the days and sighed for
a birthday to come. It did take
so long to come, hut that in
the long A few streaks of
gray tell us we are so young,
even if we do feel so. and the
years pass so rapidly we
forget the month in which we
were born, to say nothing of the
And Provisions I
Cotton and
. some time I
Manufacturing Co., from M,,,,, v
A W. Ange Co.
Go to M. G. Bryan Winterville,
. . .
spent last week with see him in such good b
Misses Cora and Sadie Carroll C R. Townsend went to
our people went to son yesterday,
church at R d B inks Sunday. J. W. Parker left for Wilson
Miss Bessie Moore this morning.
w T
son. rear Pent ca
Our town is noted for for to attend the an
meeting the Red Men.
of the
now her all I can hear North Bankers
relieved the sides . ,. y.
restored the tour, IS gOOd
norm condition and at
.; action and at
had down
D. W. I
N or t h C a r o I i n
Store. The. soon
relieved the in sides
u r.
. I am
feelings deal bell or ill every
av la
u j credit for the treat improvement in y
wiSE Walk dealers
best. I the
For best roofing see A. W.
ft Co. .
A Car I for the Reflector
A. improvement over
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
i. North Carolina Executive Popular Not
, R of One of the strongest reasons
No City Pride Shown in the Paving of North Carolina, by virtue of and
Dickinson A. Outrage on Tax Act of the Assembly of
Paver.-Matter Referred to ; North Carolina passed at its
Committee and special session of 1908. and
Work Go,, On. lied on the 31st of January, 1908, a void the cl cheating
this my Proclamation the which WM openly
-Are you going over to the and defended as a
meeting asked Alderman the hope an-, promise
Swore His Bride While Her
Parents Say She is Only
A week or two ago Mr. Henry
Bullock, both
of this were married.
he license, which
i was issued Information fur
of the was that it would
on h was to that the
young lady was years old. It
the marriage was
of The Reflector man which election was bald to held out that
the sense of the people on j the ballot would
without consent and the
father of the bride. Mr.
lock, asserting that his r
Ex-Governor Jarvis Given in Ovation
Resolutions on Death cf Ex-
Special to
Charlotte, N. C, June -The
Pitt county delegation this
morning in Charlotte and select-
ed Harry W. spokes-
man for the delegation and J. L.
Fleming as a member of the com
on The con-
I Were cast at said election
Armed with this information , , d ard ,
and a note book the reporter m , b t be;
himself to the to J which one hundred said of our primaries And la
see what was doing. thousand, six not the man would
delay, fr
and some field
twelve which with us yen-
. . .-
The defendant had no
ballots r.
bride e that she
years old on the 9th day of
prior to this
year Mills had lived in their
Chi, Smith, the board
called to order with jam thous. , ,., the
present. J d t,
the only absentee, being too .,,.
petition that had at for the of ft I-
presented. was signed by q j year; he to
quite a number of one of of j by Train,
citizens and read as follows i , . in the humanity, avarice, cupidity.
We the hundred and in , A small boy named
could begin prompt-
at noon owing to a great
Ex-Gov. Jarvis was given an
ovation as he entered the ball.
He made a great speech as
chairman of the woven
The districts wen called
at the conclusion of his speech
that they might name their
members of the various cm j
The convention than
adjourned at p. m. for dinner.
Just before the convention
for P. Buxton,
Splendid Special Train Service-Char-
Charlotte. ML C. June 21-
The Seaboard Air Line railroad
gave people superb s
its special S ate
that was from ;
today. Th i
Southern train that took
of the stem delegate to
was transferred he i
station, where th
pressing regret th death of
President Grover I
stated be did adopted the
standing with bowed heads
while the band played
adjourned in resp. ct to his j
until p.
made to the
which was d ii
day coaches and P. mi
left pr
with every care d.
Mr. C. H the traveling
agent of th aboard
Raleigh, ace the
saw that
the had
and comfort.
The special r d
in and the
them. s a I
. t
Aldermen that have
he .
public questions on their merits Washington Hospital a a
R B impossible, he sever- s a,,, . . ,
paving of Dickinson avenue I every voter who listens over by an A U U
agreeable to the original survey., A- H. to the train p. m.
The slakes this survey
are to be seen thus showing
the line of this survey.
As curbing is now laid on
Dickinson avenue it is to
turn round a two horse wagon if
indeed it he done at all, on
Dickinson avenue. From the
People Have Cause to Kick at Paving
of his coin, and such an one, day on street.
having obtained I., a man- The w, t-d
so criminal, lo teal n n
may be tn befoul it. an the train, was
which is age.
We will net call or give I w as necessary. .
n Dickinson Avenue.
One on v has to look out Dick-,
least street ought to be wide t been , i . , when he carried
enough to turn around a wagon i Whether
,. a -.-
tobacco town, by reason m whether tie nut without going into this
contraction of Dickinson fathers, we pass on to say, generally, but it gave which
there is likely to be congestion j . blunder, a bad one, that the evil is widespread, and should have bean repealed,
in the fall when traffic is heavy r Thor, a the which should at the mo
and especially when is big . of the we be and made
tobacco breaks. , ., . and in. which is another way of saying more Every
There is a Laughter.
A laugh is a good thing-
kinds Of at least. Hut
there are smiles that are as I
Hi knife thrust, and the laugh- j
person fa says A-n,
Allan in July Designer
Ir. i; curious how, now
i I raise a laugh or a long
; the original jest or
has been A drawn I
down countenance u mis-pro-
word, even an
persona will draw,
a loud echo of what started
spontaneous mirth. One
on and on, because, seam-
it be
I to one's face lit natural
lines air.
Have you ever listened quite
in. sounds Ku
senseless, as void wit, wisdom
r real jollity as on
i i i
Crowd. at as it
tared for. re
everywhere working
respective tea d
high. Ai
ac tea a- to who win
for other i t
considered much until th n- r i
union for govern r i. n it th
way. All t e r
around i a id
the delegates i ave no thought of
anything -l- .
The . legation cam
through in g
c q ii at
and Central h
Gov. T. J. who will I
temporary n-
is th
of Judge
When the special res i I
Mm. Ada Cherry, who i
her father wt
d pot to I
the folks who
fairly intelligent person v.
Strip pawns . . i.-
a wide the street is crooked and in which is another way saying, and certain,
Some discussion followed far we fallen, that the immediately after
engaged in by two or three while at some other places candidate who has no money should required to
the mayor and several aid the two Bides i spend is a negligible quantity, or I file a statement
that seemed to throw but, space than the paved n the vernacular, he is in campaign expenditures
little light on looking it.- j made by him. or hi, friend., to
Some argued finances, want-, i A c L i n . it how his giving names of
ed to know why there j . wonder if the to the office in persons to whom paid,
a 26-feet paved roadway, hardly d a car path ability, fitness, thereof, applying this both
wide enough to turn a wagon it would have bean to duty how much contests for and
around in, abutted by a to have waited and made be give for the office in to election; and to offer an
side walk with trees and ft than o or ,;.,
phone poles about midway such shape We We all know these tilings to be for his vote, whether in primary
latter. I and criticism of true, and we know, ton, that general election, should be
it in is.
bear complaining true, and w
Alderman . , . ,
i ti complaining criticism aim w. or
r g and ., with than
brought matter to a head by and fl, in the five years in State's prison tor
appointment or a, . , shut not. nun
moving the
of three to go out and c
the and
at a subsequent meeting. The
committee was appointed, the
meeting adjourned and the
because they are not able
Request for Papers.
on him who accepts th
dally to stand the heavy drain e.
that would be made on them, and The writer is not, and does not
If some friend after reading because, further, they are to be, a candidate for
goes between two
goes mint on .
airings of curbing to feet send
his copy of The Eastern filling to resort to the, practices nor has he ever been
a . o T. n I. . -1 I a a . a . . ., n . n
could be.
But if the laugh is purchased
by the sacrifice of a kind thought,
by the telling of a half- truth, by
dragging down of
belief, either yours or
i another's to parade it as
the price is too high
here is so much that is
funny; there are many
ways besides unkind ones; there
is so much of the humorous that
is close to the borderland of ten-
that it u really well
while making people
by means as leave no
j sling, that carry no hint of
treachery. .
Use- your wit cautiously, see
I that your humor has vanity
nil thing it along Into notice; and
I if aren't funny a bit. and
remain content ti
jokes of others.
and to frown down quite
Let laughter b as honest
as your
J. W. Frank
Iris went in tire r lay.
L, went to Cox's
Mi Saturday.
I Is all now. It
Harris and Jim Smith
went to List Sunday.
Rosa Harris spent last Friday,
night with Pearlie Garris,
Bum and Henry Harris
of June 19th will which are necessary to win.
The committee work might
have been done to bet-
effect before the paving pro-
so far out Dickinson
avenue. It seems but nonsense
for such permanent work
out of a nomination.
He writes simply one standing
scale that is being followed on
Dickinson avenue. If the idea
was merely to thread out the
money and reach A. C L .
.,., . ,. ;. to the office it will We should know that ,,
be Our file number s action is taken, and that on the bank, who, with regret
was missed on and we speedily, to this and deep concern, much
desire two copies for that condition, the control our j of the wreckage of our political
State will pass into and remain fabric passing by. his only
in the hands of a corrupt and purpose is to sound the alarm- It
is time to call a halt. The Dem-
party must quit tome of
or go to over-
whelming defeat.
Laurinburg, June
Charlotte Observer.
railroad by the 1st of July, with corrupting moneyed oligarchy
on the something that could be called The remedy is simple. It
, . i r. II
paving, might laid a might b said of the Populist
wheelbarrow track for the pres- party, as of a certain English
and left the real street public man. that nothing it ever
to be at another time did became it so well as dying,
A Nice Place.
J. V. Harper's Palm Garden,
in one of S. T. White's stores, is
a nice place. It is handsomely
I fitted with the moat up-to-date
I fixtures for the serving of
drinks- was opened
I Tuesday for the first time and Mr.
I Harper says he gave away over
drinks, between the hours of
C and o'clock in the evening,
to prospective customers.
went to Greenville Saturday.
Frank Cox and wife are gone
to see J. II. Wilson to-day.
I think some of our boys will
b going to the register of
deeds before long.
Willie Wilson wen, to ii
Tom Venters fays he has got
cm vine tobacco,
jog Griffin has got the
cotton we have
We had a rain Saturday
, night.
Doll went t Ayden
House says he going
to California soon for his health.
W. King, of
j was visiting bis sister, Mrs. Joe
Hinson. last Sunday.
Frank Hinson, of Mill;,
was his Joe
I Hinson, last Sunday.
Wilson and
Wilson were visiting at Frank
Cox's Sunday night.
I am now at home, o . Third
street, where will dual. K.
of millinery work at Tea.- ,
charges, Mrs. Georgia Janus.

The Bank of Greenville
j in i
M C In State cf Nor.- Carolina the Sf business. May 14th
life, Fire and
Who Almost
Sire Lose the Race.
pi . . j ; . ire e h distance
Id paid an
. , M Ml Bias
, h t the New
p not chaos ii
for I trick la
U to It
. I . . Ill v
U-W r in
; r . . in
fa . .
S . i . -i I. .
From Any
. .
to by at that
.-. to Jo la -i pair S
. . -.-.; -r- ft
rt i u b--
. . . g
Mi.; an Hear.
Al i hour the
tot i I time
as it is I
i u
i is in the.
;, . . . leg an
i i . i f.- , ;.
en me that it
. , M thirty mile., i that the
. Hen real nm of . I and steal
r. p in a -it i of time
r I Hod I . ,;. at the
in I. This in . that the
it I r when .
Loans and
All other bonds
mil .
Due from Banks and
all minor
National n t
and other I S
. .; u
I ti I
. . e a of i i
. Is
I ti r t
. . lie all
; i ; . tin
, ; . , III
I I u i
i . vi
. . el i
s 11.133.00
Capital stock 25.000.00
Surplus fund 36,000.00
I profits less
taxes paid 18,084.17
Bills payable 10,000.00
D. j. sub ck.
. I
outstanding 480.25
Ii V
I. above named do sol-
, , -v. r true to the best of my
I , a , . . . . LITTLE,
Sal lie-It
of J.
OS Nev
If ,, . . . i . i-s ac-
ii thousand
. in it. III
. sent in
. , . . a awe
i . .
. . . lb . and V in
a Life Company
; for i ; rs old. Hi- . Insurance in
i Pays . i Is
The Greenville Banking and Trust
At the r May 14th,
. of the r, linden air
lie other i
v i .
the . . i
; eight
I, on limit of
v. i that the n trill carry, is
I v. is Ii a point
.;. other
. i I I enlarged,
f . Tl
of thew
i indicated
; b work per-
i ii the lo-
,. . high speed.
Take a r I any of
the roods. At i miles
;. and one-
j If ; in revolves
tin ow, re-
el-, ii r of h o Under,
on n rod.
i ; , ti
.- i i. r- and, must i
.,,. , forth a distance State of North
mil i Ii. i ; stock
cur I
. and
in- ml I
-I I.-; i
In in
coin, including
miller coin
notes A-
other .
l profits less
i . i ii--- and taxes
Notes and hills
Bills payable
Time 32.41
to banks
Total 171.357.00
. . .- of low rates; Does
i- it
. i;. Life . win well to call on
Special Agent, Greenville, N. C.
North Carolina Account State
i I SOS via. Sea Board.
Ii I We beg to announce account
f the this very low round
BEAUTIFY COUNTRY trip Charlotte return
will be as
. , . From Weldon
Now i tune to mere. Wilmington
Climate u Fishing. Boat- have excellent double daily
log. Driving, service to Charlotte as
southern L Weldon 12.07 p. m.
train service all ,, . ,, . . , .
the n ,
time the M
a . n I starts
from as f r f .-; the end of
each J of on must
ac a of r y-two fact
per or in -tn em of a
set ; I a m is lo a
re I in the o a period of
A ii in
has ore of
incl SI pres-
sure t ii Id
. fore exert n force on the piston
It all are -e Maori tillages of equal to Is. This force
s strange race on each j
who. n n ton time in a second
have within . x,, ,
memory of mun are now n m- J.
wit race and leaking Clear,
to the i In Wei- . . ,, ,. ,
women, In to mo last night, an
i. at of green and purple. referred him to yon.
are forever at big really don i
i and hither and thither much about young
.- i work the
I .
i i i domes-
tie work region
. nut w
i . alive
.--s II lot i
and .-- all
in . .
. .; still, the
. i
id i i and there
are ; n in a
i- ;. . ion ii for miles. The
i i with vol-
an l In the midst of
i. S. t honk, do solemn-
swear that the ab i- true to the best of my
i ii.;. V. s. CARR, Cashier.
I a ml . n t be-
tin . this b of May,
i i, house
;. . i. well the Maori women
E garden an hark yard has Its
I. r nature.
grow the mo r i n pares ii
mi ii padding or a Joint and drops
It Into a of natural
l lag v. r In Hi earth, and In n
ii The
i- iii i. Still In
and I i u . n are still more In
New through . and J 3.10 Arrive Hamlet 7.50 , r
March p, m, 6.35 a. m. tangle
n i Ash- Leave 3.00 p. , ,.,. .
viii.-. la R Pembroke 6.26 p. m. ,,. .
. a. m. 6.49 p. m. v.-, i r
L . h-. i . i I.
a. m.
No. f , . Arrive Hamlet 7.50 p. m. 9.15
Daily Daily r
o Hamlet 8.10 p. m. 0.415
. m .
; Charlotte 11.30
2.50 , v 12.35 p,
Train from Weldon and
p make din ct connection with
U Hi A. it in . r f i vi or, i
, ; . i A. C. L. and ii S. and
Ar v through to CI
a and to For
,. . rites etc., from other points
. as to rates, apply to C. H. f. P.
etc., Agent of Raleigh, N. C
Con or the Ii r ed.
R. L. I. II- WOOD-----
T. f. A. Charlotte, A N I V K R S I T Y
i i . lobe
,,. ; . .; . it-v-
r. i . In St.
A l . . o
fur o .,.;. re I; ;
fuel. The p i-
.;. ; . i. i
I . . n ,,,.,.
ad Ii tin lire with mere-
a st l p m the lower
of the ea but the ii
. have to
l r -When he to
arc to bin
and rill . n
be r i iv t ;
you ore i I
mi I am m
. n -1
I've l and
are to rein I in e n
him n r,
I am. . in I Bi sup; e
don't. Then d
II marry him just tin
lo if y have i
mole on i i you i
be while If yon have ii
r your arm promise you
am as well A mole i n
courage On III.
temple h mole ill n
find i ill or o.
the i hill If II lie
u i yea com.-
mi i u a man's
ii he . t t in n
i A mi i m-i
pM wealth l n m Ii
s New Tools,
Experienced Workmen,
L. H. RENDER when I
; want Plumbing, Steam or Hot
Water. Heating and Repairing.
Head if the State Educational System.
I College, Graduate,
Library contains volumes. New
water works, electric lights, central
lights, hot ard trans-1 system. New dormitories,
J. W. HIGHT Prop.
I i to inform that
my hob I ii re for re r
hotel entirely re
trail-.-, -.-
lent looms, Ideal home for ladies, and M. A. building.
traveling opp-site ., . M . ,
Court and polite Phone
No. Call see fur yourself.
to Serve.
HO students. in
Fall t.-rm Sent. 1903
the Water and rice
Puts I
ever d on this are pieced;
-i fowl and vegetable
The whole is covered with Stray
a cover, in the center of,
win. b is a bole four hos in Two red the
diameter, and in another
is often placed, the contents k , ,. . left
which arc cooked the steam. g.- e since latter part of March.
The were raised near
r- t
o It I
John L ,
P M t- hi Hare u
I Look in show window, Big
Reduction in Ham burgs. All
other goods at sale prices. t
M I Arts and
, c.
tuition all other expenses. Including use textbooks.
the dormitories is limited.
Fall Session begins September 16th, 1888.
and other information address
J. . FOUST, President.
Greensboro, N. C.
Yo-rs to Serve. r,
Lit. E BItS, . Or
I r. i lent ,;. ,.,.,. i. i.-. i-
I S Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
and Provision.
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Spring Cleaning, Spring Cleaning
The prevailing rage now, in domestic
life, is Spring Cleaning. While you are
at that, get out your spring dresses,
suits, etc., and have them cleaned up-
to-date and ready to wear. Also have
winter clothes and treated
with my special chemical solution to
moth eating, and pack them
Sway until winter. RIGHT NOW IS
Yours to please,
Ladies and Gents Tailor
son opposite marble yard
PASTOR RESIGNS HIS charge. Delicious Cream.
I . . iLl.
I This is
S our try it
Rev. J. E. t Leave Mill , rt
Pool large rub smooth
with live of sugar Add
teacup sweet am beaten to a
odd one package of
. I I I H-
Baptist Church
Some weeks since Rev. J. E.
pastor of Memorial
iv weeks as he wished to
six weeKs, as tie at toe. per package,
a summer course at the u
he would leave for this vacation ply is Cut OH.
the first of July, and added that
he might be gone six weeks o
An it an that seems to have
been missed in papers, is
he might be gone six weeKs o., m papers, is m
six months, or might not return; of which nae
at all. this latter p been M wet to its s
the church and congregation, y h, i,.,.
by surprise and leaving Danville an-;
as to what were took the cold
intentions. M several months ago But Milton
Since then the matter was fort Mecca fur the
cussed briefly between the pastor. thirst and the town
and deacons of the church. by folks
at the Wednesday to have it Recently the
meeting service he ed of Milton
resignation asking that his
, as .- j
time he would want to spend in
the university. His
Milton is one of the
i , . .--. of State , be dried before
made up to take the takes
by act of e The
tittle place has been well
study, seemed no other
alternative for the church but to
accept his resignation, though to
do so was ; every Th foreigners made
for . , a
his rs pa . re ham
ins,. spirits Herald.
himself to the and entire
people of the c i
Goto P. V. i- n w
feed store, b
depot, for low i
I ;.,, vi r V
can no obtain V, o .
Ii R
, , b rel
c . i
i re fell
j t. -.-.
ion .
times the
, . to I k -y- that tar, e
,. ,, p. Johnston on
. ,
, . i . w he recently
i t i, j, g In a
Is Hard Work -Its
menU are Very Enacting.
The young woman who wishes
to take a nurse's training should
first be sore that she does
it, says Minnie in July
DESIGNER. This seeming para-
is a bit of advice.
Probably the day Has
when girls think that nursing
consists of the fevered
fanning a handsome man
or feeding jellies to an
yet none the less,
the girl who to the
of graduate should
sit down and hold a reckoning
with herself. Can she face hard
work, a certain amount of
military discipline and con-
contact with a class of
who are not her own and
whom she may even
Bleat be she if as she does this
she answers. have done
it. Why not As a matter
of few sensible girls who
are firmly persuaded that they
wish to be nurses fail; yet it Is
always wise to count the cost.
The decision arrived at, the
question comes, are the
requirements entering such a
The answer i briefly
good health, good
id pi
does not mean
that me be
--r r. robust
he from any
. . . .-,
in 1866, reorganized and
in 1904 with authorized capital of 550.000.
Manufacturers High Grade
. . . i
Th P st . S Id.
. i
I ; . . I;
, I , V
. .- -.- .
.- e
I p I
and I
i. I
i i
. .-
,. . school i ca a
I.- .; Fr
. . y,
i .
w E
and a is a
wheel air
, l Ir P e t
Is i
i .
d 3.1
I .
. b
i . a.
. G
i . n try i. am. -.-
Ti The
to up a
nurse's it- A
knowledge Aid
try desirable, and if. one hi
I our machine
a lull stock,
nor. Ulna a high
I and an made in
our Machines
There is non
pairs r
mi .
. s
American Wire F
Is v r
l ;.
t educated
. h
; f U.
In the fall of 1904, there was Elected
formed at Guthrie, Kentucky,
an organization cf planters who Th, . m . o
raise practically the use . f-
, . the world. M I
The pr to all temple r . J i t
. . Europe, I
bu . the . ; j .
, , R. . .
. , II .
mind that
. K
i ill , .
Dear m
to buy . .
., .
. . . .
. . i tobacco
. . .
. ti . .
a I
b i
H. B i
O. II,
, .
H i
Tl .
bed I res
assortment always in stock to
Quality the highest, in fact there is none bet
it being guaranteed per cent. pure.
U v, u wish to build it is to your interest
to see r- as we are in position to look after
every need. Don't forget that our line
General Hardware is kept complete with
Se very best quality goods. We can Hi
your orders a box tax to a car load
nails. Give us a call.
I v. lout
remedies. Ai s i
F tree.
of p r in July by a it Ma H. Hard
cent. About the same time the
r. wars of the District.
cf central and eastern K
, , under the ;
S ,
. .
. -n.
. p.
. If
X Baker Hart.
General Hardware
remarked to
The U fleet that Greenville a
many i and t e
convenient schedules on which
. they run is almost as good as if
l Pitt county had a car
can run out to almost
any town in the county transact
business and get back within an
hour or two of the time you left
I home. Both the Norfolk and
Southern and Atlantic Coast
Line are giving us fine schedules.
Against Owners of
Richmond, Va., June 17--In
were returned by the
Federal grand jury to-day
Fred Cox and David E. Carter,
former owners of the Fair Oaks
Distillery, in this county,
intent to defraud the govern-
j is
h than it was
;. to Laud
m i ; m , i
ago. mi g ;
. .; . Gr Districts
, I
L t
i I
. id
i. .-.
c i . ., . i,
., i . . i.
. . , v. composed
,. . . ii
for I spirits. It is stated in the In
Lead and Zinc Jewel Stoves and Syracuse I ts that government
Gent's sower out of tax on about
v gallons amounting to
TA I approximately
Edge Tools.
.- I cut l
to the of the law Wising the lands. The ,, ,. ,, ,, r,,, ,
Supply and demand, but be i . ,,.
declare the pool has out the North and and it k. e in your B
this law. realizing. L that fine, J name,
that even this law many them a CO. Atlanta
works in a mysterious way. may be induced to h
wonders to perform, especially, buy homes in this State
when a monopoly is at the of L
end of the works, the, . Medicine.
growers, those of
District, are Wine.
, the tax on distilled hundreds in f and ;., had a bad or,
. nearly . Salve. Le
it until I
-J. Slaughter Carter, in soW L
Magazine for June. . drag

D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and
Entered as matter Jan. 1907 at the at N
C under of March 1879
preference to pinion
All t Charlotte. Hie of Dickinson avenue
. had Letter lie changed to Dick
It is all work now, alley. It is not wide
enough for anything
No doubt the president
Tenting laws to a fad
these latter
Now the thing to is turn
the trick heat Taft.
They are packing their
ready for Charlotte.
Taft an Sherman. It docs
not lit the worth a cent.
We hope get lost
mi the way the convention.
Wonder how
over cutting such u small
They all had a speech
for them Chicago
but Taft got the
on ballot.
If the census of Charlotte could
be taken next Wednesday
city would certainly be ahead of
all Greensboro's directory
It is noticeable that what
bragging they do now is not with
so much gusto. Fact is they
all feel pretty much at sea.
The Republican party's pro-
posed revision the is
on a par with the nomination in State
At this time it does not look The many friends of Major II.
like any body is going to get a A. London will be pleated to
minutes pandemonium
that followed the mention of
; name
, , ,. I Ins ambition.
. n v. i gut
lass i There is in Green-
Taft was kid the
ii, as
idea of reforming I lie saloons.
One might be expected as soon
as the other.
Of course they knew just what
they were in Chicago,
but they took a long time about
It to let the other fellows feel
good a little and. to give the ho-
tel a chance.
A undertook to burglar.
the home Editor Slew-
art, of the Salisbury Watch-
man. The found nothing,
of course, but the editor found
the with a bullet and laid
him up for
The president says has been
having corking No
doubt about his the
convention all right, and when
the cork was palled it came out
just to his liking.
hen- were I e-
the Si ate Inn r I of r
examiners in
and of
passed i he d ere
lie use to
It will nut i mo
hi re
la, .
a u tremendous
; , big head. Don't all try
to name him on -e, pleas .
her i i ii pro-
I ions to tho I for
, public build i ii
I. i in . not to
, Ill
t i i
he I
The tail
. II
lie I'll ill
i-l till it, i I . i
-In ii I
l- i ha I . I will
nickels ii,
Mr. h .
in .; u lit
i . i
., j, .
I .
i . i ;
lie .
and nil -o to
The i i i , , .
growth of .-, mil
C the e ;. . . ii
by acclamation, as there arc
several candidates for every of-
Hut Grimes, for secretary
of Suite, is going to come near-
est to being the unanimous
choice of all the delegates.
Watch this prediction.
Some folks w ill say it is too
hot to go to church, yet they will
swelter for hours in a crowded
convention hall. They will not
sing at service when n hymn is
given out, but at the convention
the very mention of the name of
their will make them
holler loud enough to be heard a
mile. Who says this is not a
great World
We have lately received the
of the A. and M. Col-
at Raleigh. The issue of
this year include-, addition
to the various in
culture and in engineering, a
full list of the of the col-
Since ill opening f
A. and M. in young men
have received diplomas. r-
desiring of th
may address y e
office, West S. C.
The i Fri-1 i
pleased u his i .
being i ; . I
lei f
j I i . re .
i . r e i
the State . I
ml Inn
h is so we ii
tin -e
oral l ,. in
mi many The f
of the Stale ill .-. be
pleased if the coin m
learn that his prospects for the
nomination for Corporation Com-
missioner are most encouraging.
Only counties have instructed
for that office and the vote in
them is I in fur London, for
Aycock, for Middleton V
for Bagwell. In the hotly con-
tested primary in Mecklenburg
county, on last Tuesday, the
vote was for London,
for Aycock and for Bagwell,
being a majority of Major
bunion over all competitors.
Some public money might well
be expended in providing a park
for Greenville. The town con-
to grow, and the longer
the matter is deferred the more
difficult will be to secure a site.
A large town must have public,
conveniences and attractions.
Black Jack, N. C, June 22nd.
Rev. W. H. of
Tarboro, filled his regular
here Saturday and
Sunday. The attendance was
very large.
S. Johnson, of Grimes-
. , ., . , , land, attended church here Sun-
I here is nothing that will help ,
If y.
I . . . . . There will lie ex
n u nice. . , .
e and turmoil in i u
very campaign a there has
is one point that in the one for d I-
I ; I idly behind in. yet , to Si i
in i
nil .
-i sap-.
ii. i
Mecklenburg n
n ; rest.
We doubt if there were ever
more North ears
in one are moving
Sunday's i-- the
New-and Observer was a Stale
and Charlotte
, in .
ii i gets ti .
th; no v.
hospital i i; i
all tin en
have held.
I. for, ,
One of the special i.
will run from Green-1
. . . . u him n ii i.
i ,. .-I . . i- lo lie a convention
n party.
half Salisbury.
As as the nun iii
i f I
lost. re will
I a
lied full. people
e had so much f j lit
. I
iv .
Word- truly spoken, and I here
i- danger of such indifference
working disaster to the
anymore than easy ac-
thoroughfares. We have
excellent railroad facilities, but
the town is danger of losing
permanent trade because of the
inconvenience which people on
the north side of the river mm
have to sillier. is only about
a month now before the tobacco
market will open, and that In-
convenience should be relieved
as far as possible before that
time. This is a mailer of con-
to all the business men of
the town,
Since better facilities
for moving truck, more of our
people ought go into that kind
of business. Trucking can be
made a most successful business
i astern North Carolina, and
can be one of the g
i By engaging in
y our people
lid no e lo depend entire-
cot I hi and ; for a
crop, Then truck-
. into l
in the spring and sum
bus gives a more en
i i . ye; r.
Charlotte say the re-
h have gained
Charlotte hotels are go-
charge advanced rates
delegates and attending
the State convention, are entire-
without foundation, as the
i lie ion ,
to a schedule of
charges run
committee and i
I. . v. be lived up lo.
this n do not see any i.
. to I veil I ion need fear
i h; ; v nil be
. for the -I
would be very
to and the
is not going to
hunt for any criticism.
Mr. F. A. Manning, of Shel-
attended church here
Miss Lizzie Stokes and Miss
Bessie Savage, of
were the of Miss Martha
Saturday night and
, Mr and Mr;. A. Clark, of
spent Sunday here.
Miss Lula Mills, of
the of Miss Martha
Clark Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. E. Clark went to Wad
Sunday and returned
The farmers art very busy
now curing
crops are very good.
Mr, W, H, Dawson, of Wash-
representing E. It Mix-
on Co., was here Saturday.
Mr. James Ellison, of Wash-
Porter, near
R ; here
. to
City They
re ;.
i. . H. on sick
i; . i will recover
u .
i c . . near
co. m y. . a
Mrs. Lewis Elks, from near
n is the guest of
Mrs, R. M. Williams Saturday
Sui day.
Glad see a large crowd at
Sabbath Sunday evening.
means some of the
may never reach the convention.
The president has the
faction of knowing he run the
Chicago ion even it In-
was not in person. The
long phone kepi him in
lady d
prominence the Republican
national convention
by getting in front of one of the
delegations and singing a song
i The mention t he dis-
Those ninety-three new doc-
tors just licensed in the State
means that many more trying l
make a living in an all ready
crowded profession. The best
equipped and most ambitious
speaking distance.
mailers not who gels it
the convention, there will be
somebody on hand to say told Barry Skinner, of North Caro-
Una, made a ringing speech in
j the Chicago convention in sec-
Except in size we believe Gov- the nomination of Slier-
she was a lady gowned in white
and wearing a merry widow hat.
The press dispatches say That was some notoriety.
Hughes i- the biggest man
ill the bunch that was mention
man for vice president.
So many drownings occurring
various sections of the State
Funny that they raised the is argument for boys to
price of meat right at this time
of year. Must have thought the
vegetable crop had failed.
be kept away from rivers and
mill ponds unless attended by
grown people.
This week will end the agony The fellow who bus no
so far as the nomination is con- about it, hut to abide
Then will follow the I by what the convention does, is
pouring of oil to heal the not worrying much over how the
caused the contest. candidates stand.
patches made of her was that ones will succeed, hut the ma-
will up-hill business
building up a practice will sup-
port them. The same thing can
he -aid as to the army of new
lawyers are turned out every
year. We are not saying this
to discourage any who desire to
enter crowded professions, but it
looks like the State has many
more business avocations that
hold profitable inducements. We
believe good, intelligent
is best of all, and that is one
industry that is not over crowd-
mistakes have been
made hereabouts not to keep ail-
to them. It was a
lake not build the now steel
bridge across the river at the
foot of Evans street let the
old bridge be open for traffic
while the new one is being built,
and thus save the expense and
indefinite worry of the ferry. But
it is too late to remedy that now. Jed.
It is equally as great mistake I
to pave Dickinson avenue so Ex-Gov. Jarvis will preside
It is remarkable that u man of
Mr. Taft's career ill public life
has never been elected to an of.
lie, every position he ha- ever
being one of I
The presidential nomination
came to him practically the same
way. by appointment, for had it
not been that he was selected by-
Mr. Roosevelt and the killer's
influence being exerted in
the delegates to him, he
would have never come any-
where near the nomination.
There were others the
really preferred to Taft,
but the president's
carried him through . It remains
to be seen if the same influence
can elect him.
John Ted, sentenced
to the a recent term of
When D . Dudley
went int the i early this
morning h dis f id that Teel
was gone The supposition is
or I to get
out early th This is
third time i has gotten
away. On day he was sen-
lie. broke away from a
deputy as he was king taken
from the court house to jail and
was stopped by a pistol snot in
the hip from the officer. Before
lie had hardly recovered from the
pistol Wound he broke out of jail
with several other prisoners, but
was recaptured in a short time,
and now he has gone again. He
is a hard one to keep.
The sheriff has offered a re-
ward for his capture.
narrow that it will be an eyesore
to this and future generations.
That should be remedied -before
it is too late.
at the opening of the
today. The wisest and best
thing to do will be to make him
permanent chairman.
One hundred and fifteen
left here last Sunday morn-
for a day's outing at More-
head City, and this during hard
times. People are not to blame
for getting u day's outing when
they have no public place for
rest and recreation in Greenville.
A sudden attack at night of some
form Bowel Complaint may come to
anyone. Every family should be pro-
with a bottle of Dr. Seth Arnold's
Balsam. Warranted by J. L. Wooten.
men of char-
and ambition, who can sell
things, to investigate an
opportunity for realizing
their earning capacity. If
your services are worth
to a day you should and
can get the money. This is a
business notice to business men
and will not be interesting to any
who do not mean business. Ad-
dress W. A- B. Hearne, Box
Greenville, N. C. d w
For Sale-A fine lot of S. C.
Brown Leghorns, standard
mammoth Bronze Turkeys and
Guineas This is choice breed-
stock, and would not be sold
at this season but for want of
room. Be quick. W. A. B.
Hearne, Greenville, N C.
Rates on Application
, a f Reflector for Ayden vicinity .
authorized The Eastern Be------- r ;
Paper roofing, rubber roofing
and tobacco barn sheeting at J-
R. Smith Co. .
Miss Mattie of Or-
is visiting Miss
See our line of books and
v for holiday presents.
R. Smith Co.
Mrs. Ferebee. of Camden
is here visiting the
of Capt D. G. Berry.
it Please your native at J.
Miss Marguerite Meredith for m round, Try one.
head nurse in the
, Curious Among the Na-
of Africa.
Mrs Consignee author of
this curious AW-
Estimable Lady From
Earth-Community Grieved.
It is with real s that we
are called upon to chronicle
sahib, s
of Miss Roth Barden,
. T R om a t occurred here last night at
bill to house all law, Mr. J L
.- , . v-
head nurse in
at Washington. N. C, .
rived on the noon train Morning session J a. m u P
for the of having head- Devotional, R-v. M. I. ,
of of in behalf of .,,,. , was am
and evident-
the practice of Address of welcome in
Miss S. S. Rev. C. W. How,
Carload cotton reCent ill-
J R Smith co. t v negs ind we have knoW
-in i I .
Miss had a sufferer
half of
ard; to a
Mrs. Ed- after
-spending sometime with relatives
in and around Ayden, left Tues-
day for her home at Morganton.
,. as
S. S. KeV. C .,. , no while woman .
Don't It It t Wonder
the big
cal i- being
daily at opera
house, will he next
day night, June 89th The la-
dies who worked so deter-
to make play
all other attempts in amateur
j theatricals, will be justly
F. T. Phillips; me
we have cause iv Ayden, Rev. r-. In
is not only proficient in Rev. i had .
but is a lady of reports; Address,
both of; H W. Battle
daughter of
more . garden, late
land a sister .
sell, of Greenville, and Mrs
and death was will be justly repaid
She -as painstaking
I Mrs. without doubt
; of Plymouth. N. --i the premier anything of hi
of Mr.-. -I. L Ha- here.
and Mrs Joe c
for her home at many ea p ,. .
Her husband, also who had ad and d; j. E. ma-, my
on a visit,
several day, ago. and Rev. J. M. open r
planted your gar- T the tact on S. S.
kind ever seen hen
of Greenville, turn Rehearsal- ere being c
Williams, of Wilson. She WM each day
only year old wonder-
securing her services;
,. .-.-.
S. W
Music by to
a of lovely
sweet graces.
The town of
in Borrow with
made by
. wet- the . St
iconic In
be most fortunate University
the best for the South- You will I
Hie . .
find all kinds perfectly at
Drug Store. Don't make
the mistake of gel
Forbes, of Greenville,
all M
Car load hard and co.
this admirable young
by J. R- Smith Co.
During the
here one day the week.
Mill supplies, -ii-r.
steam J. K.
A gentlemen e ; a
the other day t-H
a mistake In
side. The i
from the
could get, is a
so, end f
refer n to tin t.
which in
aide r e
t least.
c merit,
Isa of cotton on this market
living just two
I bad my
or the to-
to five go
home. did.
which ha received ward will hi i
do this right
Lost-A gentleman
,,. , ,., .
. if money -.- am
re-j later we
.-, . j it -not a
The remains be
at Cherry
. ;
he Is just in it.
n .
. .
I of mar
Hug farm.
g . ; id count,;
. .
Blount . n
it in. C.
and it
t I- it r . . fowl
ii Rom. in I h;
l f. ft hi-
S n P
eleven at
progress b
The ; ill be ,; e out
on light.
The play b b
. l
the cot ;
, X ;
, I . t v
and a full line of
J. R. Smith Co.
Miss Fannie
la here
Mrs. J. R. V
Dr Perkins Nat m
sale by J R
Mrs. R. H. from
country, hasten the
week with her here,
E. Hooks,
for bob lime.
Carload of mid
salt at J
G. P. Bills, has
On the of J h
. . men
in the opera entitled t or
binding the
, Gr-i
. i- t
smith Co.
i .
Chicago- Our
Carol a
is t
.-. p.
uncle, J V
to Kins ton
Mrs. widow of
t P
Si night,
South Greenville.
in I family
burial ground
y m
g its
tin, c.
. el
a beautiful
. ,.
;. .
I eyes in the
Hart gave us the
, . it,
of s
of this play by our
talent was not only excellent but .
a more delighted audience ha, we have Been
not been seen ill Ayden in a long , John
time. Every character was well
John t.
. ;
. L
; ,. . ,., u owner
I . . .;
., ear. r .
of were I.
In Gutter a York
. . ,;. New i-
. ,
.; ,; . ,;,.,.
h c mi
. ;
a u l-u
, . the of
i.-ii in
. ., . . .
I I .-;
r J too
. .,;,. ow am
. ,
. . ii .; . in ,
with J
. Oil I I
. .,, to ,
. . my .
. .;,. I. . , I .,.
;.,. foil . bin kiwi
i.- cried,
. . ac
In the State of North of lay U J-
i. ll ill
I I .
iii, .-i.
r in
I, .
. , i-
v -pl r fill
j I
.-ill- I
reason. Uncle John like
Wingate is one of the best
The baby caps
cloaks in town at Smith co.
just from a
trip to Tyrrell county
u that While there he
formed on authority that
for the past twenty years there
has not been in the court house
the law. How's that
Bands and Guano distributors at
JR smith Co aM
Miss Mamie of
ton, is here on a visit to friends
So you go to bed tired and get
up tired Take a bottle of
to be-
; day t May
placed, all thoroughly knew their
part and every turn and act
showed a thorough knowledge
and appreciation of pose
To specially select one from the
number as the leading star.
Whew each and
would be a task difficult we
would never make the
Surely though we believe, ill will
pardon us in saying Miss Rosa
Bland got there as Dinah,
every time. She never failed to
catch the house and the pleasure
it manifested proved soothing to
rheumatics. To make special
mention of Miss Jessie Hodges
whose performance m front Null
the foot was charming, Prince, of
we know we will be visiting her mother,
Her singing and acting was P
superb and never failed to win
an encore. The entire play was
a perfect success and we
any city, town or hamlet to
produce from home talent any-
thing near so good. The receipts
were between and The
entertainment was for the
fit of the band.
Windows, doors, blinds, locks,
hinger and butts, J. R. Smith
line, origin being
u to
homes of Hie
Ever n rot
yon uptown lo rt
order, to P
front rooms every
like .
I bribed sworn
i, in- . I i
I . Into n i
i nil , I pa
were n
-i oil
;., KM i bin face
y Public
K .
Dir tors.
, , , .
a human II to w
mid wild
and until the
Mrs. Sack Smith.
received A car load of
The Tenth District
be held at Ayden Friday,
June . Following the
everyone exclaims he
of the new line of Easter cards
at store.
Giving Him Hint.
boon anything about
to mother lately r ,
replied John, d
aha i.
that yon wore on
to of proposing to me. J
t you f,,
when you have anything of
kind to Speak to M, d W
manage the mother.
And saw ha
Sign of Precocity.
died and there mi exposed n
lighted with ibis
mi a
A Strong Maid.
A expert till
Only other night, i Uh
some friend -t
amp a
contained two
Our did not permit Ibis
to radio While e waited for
last one be mint
that a 1-
dally with nor. t think It to
disease. She a. I believe, a dairy
don that occupation on account
inability to the without
A if yon a smoker
and are going tout take your
tobacco and pip r M
American the Mid
m Franc, are unobtainable
Editor the large th
is international
be get. Hand. he to I ,
throw. Into the
Opening latest
models in light-weight
W have now received are now
ready to you our full Spic
Schloss Clothes
one thing you tan b sure of-
QUALITY We. and the man-
ors behind us, absolutely guarantee
everything bearing the SCHLOSS
Label. Quality i a certainty and
the style is right, the lit is better
than in most made to measure
clothes and our prices are as low as
fin M
y l

Miss Tessie Evans Becomes the
of Rev. W. M. Curtis.
A in a
deal of local and State interest
centers occurred in the parlor of
Greensboro Female College to-
day at noon, Miss
Let ilia and Rev. W M.
Curtis were united in the bonds
of matrimony,
The of this paper will
to learn there is at least
one that science has
Mile to cure in all its stages,
that is Hall's Catarrh Cure
i the on y positive cure now known to
the fraternity. Catarrh being
m constitutional
Hall's Catarrh
is n internally, acting directly
upon the b o and mucous surfaces of
the the
Inundation of and giving
patient i the
and in
C doing its The proprietors have
v. n r, c n much faith its rowers
was performed -th the offer One Mars
presiding any e a fails to cure. Send
k. J. CO.
Brans, of Golds o, sis-
of the bride, mat the maid of
honor, and Rev. A. ;. ford,
of Lexington, acted i s man.
i a a quiet,
simple attn by only
the s and a i friends
of the young couple.
E-v. Mr.
When need tn take,
it the lake
something you know i
thing like pail and
i to take.
it is reliable and is unwed to give
relief. It is I y lira. 1- n.
H you want your HORSE to trot Of I Sale.
last and pull strong buy your
Sold ail Tic.
Take K mil Pi Is for
I hereby announce that I have
removed for the practice of my
profession Cram Falkland to
Greenville Third
street next door to J. L. Fleming.
Office, Dr. Bag well i office
where e n found at all times
when not professionally
Dr. Jennet
Hay, Oats
and Corn
State of North Carolina.
In court
Vs. S.
of VT. B.
The Field of Friendship.
The field of friendship is a
wide one, and all our neighbor,
near and far. should be
candidates admission there.
cold esteem,
the passing empty of
gave formality.
you Better Feed and More Lets
than a- town.
W. B.
for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal. Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy. Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of
I virtue of an execution to
tile from the Superior
I court of county the above
; tilled action. will, on Monday the
j, . . day of July. at U o'clock. M. at
will sell, house of said
bidder for cash to
I the right, title
on train No at 1.15 this after-
for wed trip to Wash-
Ne Upon
their i will at
Rev. Mr- Curtis home, College
The bride is u native of Green-
ville and from Greens-
Female College in 1908.
sine time she has been
She is
an ; an woman jg Mi
and h i i if f
win I t an
i it t me.
Mr. s i . of
the W , N .
I For i
pas t-1 or j . .- i
sec I u d I r of
the .
I- . r . y
H of
. . w, en
it behind
Kennedy's C Syrup is
the one ,; BO well to
take as i- a r I I goad as
maple It net
on the the
cold out of it is solo by
For j
I her y to m my-
self as tar for u posit-
ion as T;
Greenville Livery Co.
I. B. PEED. Manager
d w
ii th
i that i
sold hi re
them than we are wont to
any rate, to
and e is
an indication as
and is far than the
that do their utmost
to mister us. c i
hall bring
ours- with some
of th .-- life, a id
come lo I U
and y ii i I
Nev v to bear
in m d the imp an
man i-t our y
r i nor
et t the of the
i . ; the
o .-
kl rt.
he i for
. . u mi h
I I III It it
Vehicles, Good Horses
Your Patronage Solicited
In Front cf Court House.
J-W. GO.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Ties and Bags.
i K
sell lo the highest
satisfy execution, i
and interest which the said W. S
son defendant has i-i th. foil
described real estate, to
Situate in township county
of Pitt and stale of North Carolina.
and being on the North side of
Tar river, and East aid of
Crank, and adjoining lands former-
to J. Sheppard
Allen Baker and others.
bounded as follows. the
run of Creek, at the mouth of
Reedy Branch and runs up said Brain
lo the mouth of a ditch, thence up Hid
ditch to a holly, thence N 1-2 de-
B, to a Cherry tree the road,
thence with the road N 1-2 West, to
a forked pine near the road, thence N
E in a din c to Allen
Baker, line, thence will. Bakers line
to J. Sheppard line, thence with
his line to gun in Laurel Branch,
with Ben line to the
creek, thence down the creek tone
beginning, containing acres man
or it being land
conveyed by Eliza A. Little, to J. B.
by said estate Jan,
which is of record in the register of
of in book
o page and excepting
conveyed .
t; , B. and J. J.
i in hi el.
g tanker conveyed by J,
l L. SI i by deed r.-
i book H pi .
SIm of Is.
i hare hand
go n.
II quote
Notice Sale of Land.
By of he of sale con-
in a certain Deed ex-
and Samuel Obey
U E. S. the day of
August and in
Register of in Pitt county
in Book Q S, nag.- the under-
signed will. to public sale be-
fore the Court horse r is
. Si the 27th. of June, 1908
at o'clock to lug nest bidder
the following described real
property to One lot in the town of
Bethel. A. C. on .-; aide of
Main street beginning at F. W. An-
drew s store lot runs with Main
t a to N. M. Hammond's
line a course feet, thence
1-2 feel to A i Lot. thence
with said lot to Main street, being 1410
feet and a the lot con-
K. Bessie
i an to Si m
Al.-o one lot in the town of
Greenville, N. C, b ginning at Sarah
i corner, thence
Clark feet,
thence northerly- with Sarah
Cooper's line ;,,;, east-
with street
lo Sarah Cooper's line, thence
Southerly with Saran line
feet to the In bag the same
conveyed to Sam Obey by Mary
Harris dated Feb. Hat, 1907, reference
lo deed i hereby made for ac-
d i on.
This sale t the
S. Mortgagee.
K. C. Attorney.
T Sale.
tail I in
I r, I
c. Ki b
I f r . f sale con-
in -age deed.
by Wm. II.
. Nth or . ii
b .
. .
-i if it
i. .
B . . .
i. r host i . lg
I I-.
. .
i i
i .
p I.
d w
U ,. .
to the p
of t i
to the
i .,. about
u r.
. b it to
nigh to
v i. I
; , . e
U i
. rush of
;. . is I
v . -.-
. ;.
i j,. . ,; i I era
. i
, i
In the I ;, r u, Pitt
ii i . ; The
. I. j.
b . n on-
. . i . . of Jury,
, highest
N. C
I-OR i Xi.
At Ht Market , r x-
and ti D i
I o. i L
t. n of a ii n, the
I will annexed, upon the of Sara-
j u i r tills day
j ii . . I me b; i Ii i ti i
II I if ll . . i
I i . . to C s . I ;
. i . . I la . lo I
It i i
. ,
or I ad
I to I I U it ;
h ii in . t
Ll IN. Ai
run t. l.
I t
i z
r L S
. i .
i,. .
I . ; K,
a . i
I X. r
M i if ;.
i ire
ti y
F. c
i- a
I I .
i. Co nil
i .
s and .
l; some. Sore
J on
I .
. .
of th n lit
We . i
our ;
Hill . .
I., d. .
N .
. , .
. i
i ,, to the
n lab if i . t this
. i s ,
All i to I
. will , make i i
I , the 4th of I
i. . ;
. .
not i.
. ,
. ore the
J. i ma r u ii . . th ii
t, .;
. ,
I Ha
If La
. Alt
. I
. . . .
i I . . . N
Raleigh, N. ,
.; .
kt -ii .
Sp i
Bill I .
Bull , i . i
. M,
i- I. at .
Ion e and w
desire a tor at
. -two ft i
i . for pro-;
ii take effect
i January will have the ten-
d to curtail the sale of in
tore v. Th r will
. the
from now until
Jam . Perhaps some who are
it think
. . n. c.
w. c.
i Municipal an i . ; .
a Office on Third street.
. qualified as -if
ii . i of T. . deceased,
Pitt count . Ni a,
this I i having
j . .
., , d her
G n lend, I .
before i 9th
. recovery. All pi Indebted
to will please
9th, .
Ii I T. n.
The School Closing
Don't V the
Stages of Illness
ice i I .,, r
in i e . to make up they think
they will lose after the be
on Four i t
. to dean, repair
Clothing and ladies
All work done promptly, suits
will be to v t it after made to order when desired,
may drink more than usual Your patronage Solicited
kidney . r I-
I i for time but return with
i re i ii,. If ere are . m
of ii j swelling below
the eyes, blunting; of
or any part of the body, don't delay a
minute, i,.
Pd k, and keep p the treatment until
the kidneys are well, when our
time health and vigor will
. in
of great kidney remedy.
Mrs. J. and
Evans Greenville, N. C says.
some time I suffered severely
from kidney complaint, The kidneys
wire very In action and at
times caused me annoyance. I
had bearing down pains through my
abdomen and sharp shooting twinges
through my causing me untold
misery. There was a tender spot across
my Kidney regions at times my
limbs pained Intensely. I read
of kidney Pills and was i
much Impressed I procured them
at drug store. They soon
relieved the paint in my sides and limbs,
the secretions to a regular
normal condition at present I am
feeling a great deal in every
way. I give loan's Kidney Pills the
credit for the great improvement in my
by all dealer. Price cents.
Co., Buffalo, New
sale agents for the United States.
effective. And there are
doubtless some who will
enough to they can
bring prohibition into disrepute
before the time by encouraging
free use of liquor for the next
few months, Scotland Neck
Greenville Lands Again.
At the State council of Red
Men in S. T, White,
of Greenville, was unanimously
elected great senior
the great chief of records casting
the entire vote of the assembly
for him.
Sherman Gel Second Place.
A bulletin from Chicago about
noon today says that the
nominated Congressman
Sherman, of New York, for vice
president on the first ballot. So
J We have just received a j
pound shipment
Remember the the ticket is Taft and Sherman-
pound paper. This paper is
without an equal in price. It
comes packed in a nice board
box, instead of the old unhandy
paper wrapper.
We furnish you
Envelopes to Match
packed two packs in a board
box. By buying in quantity
we are able to offer it at
per pound; envelopes per
We invite you to call and
examine it.
. season . I
a nearly on hand and per- P
haps you expect to install a
Piano in your parlor upon
your daughters return from
college. Write us about a
certain and special Piano
we are now offering at
This Piano is guaranteed
for years and will fully
measure up to any
Piano offered by the small
dealer. Terms per
month, per quarter,
every months. Write
Notice to creditors.
Having qualified before the
Superior court clerk of as
administratrix of the slat M
A. Moor,., d notice in In by
to nil i i ; . the
, late nil
to and till i
l claim again I ate an
notified to ii in duly
i . to the nil
the day of June, 1909, or
notice will be plead in In n
. y. of June, 1908.
Annie K. Martha
A. Moore. Deed.
for cash the following
; I . d I
In l t . . p . ,. North
Carol . of the
Corn IV ill m
. . . the
. ;, . I. . . . . . now re-
i i the terms
Thia the IS i,
S .
I . l I Mtge.
Notice to
i r
. Q
ate i
all b
. aid estate
same, duly
I on i . I day o
l n e 1906, or pl ad
ii bar of
I i e. .
C. H. I
of N
ad Noah
I-I .
. ti it t the e mi-
Chas. M.
G. G.
Greenville, N. C. Box
Wholesale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Eggs. Oak
Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc
Suits, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts,
Parlor suits Tablet. Lounges,
Safes, P. and Ax
Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots. Henry George
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach-
es, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly, Meat, Flour. Sugar, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Magic Food, Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples,
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware, Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni, Heat But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see me.
Notice To Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that I have
this day I an of
of the of William A. .
i d. be-fore D. e, clerk of
Superior Court Pitt county nil
persona Indebted to aid estate are iv-
sled to make to
the undersigned and notice is
given tn all i. holding claim
the lo H Ir
within twelve months from the date
hereof or notice will be plead in
bar of recovery. This the day of
May ion. I. K. Smith
of the estate, of
William A. Stokes.
How often get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and he prepared for
emergencies. Our
Is a you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not a single
useful article.
You get
Horse Goods l c
J. R.
A Fable of the
In a Pi c-i, us All Foot
h i -h.-.
In 1920 A. D. the
Stingiest Man in String-
town carted his House-
hold Goods to the Depot
and bought a ticket for
are you
to in-
quired a Citizen.
replied the Stingiest
Man. Whereat the
marveled mightily.
Now. be it known
that the Stingiest Man
in was wise
in his Day and Genera-
for along back in
1907 A. D. or there-
about it became the
Settled Habit of the
people to
purchase Large Sheets
of Little Stickers bear-
portraits of
Washington. B. Frank-
fa W. and other Late Illustrious Ones, which
of Art they straightway stuck on envelopes
sent Large and Luring Mail
Wherefore it came about that Seven
Stores in Shut up Shop, one after the
along in 1919 A. D. the Stingiest -Man found
him to begin purchasing these
Specimens of Art to present to the Maw of the Monster
in and the Aforesaid was Simply too Stingy
to stand for the Same.
. . ., , easy.
re lei to t ma and ban-
tons, the comfort
.- and lot -1
m At g
I t any e.
Free m
of the foot n
S. Le Boy, -V
It H.
a.-cl Grain.
. r lean i n in the
ii .
,, eta k
. A.
, and n I to
the ca m
ii . .
, ; . tor r;.
and cw I
lands its heavy
Sot i
v.;. . . north
,,.,., f, ,, to
enter H channel ;
I , ; that name and l
coast T mis i
. to dark n the air and
will find me with the largest
Hay, Corn, Oats, Wheat,
Ship Stuff, Cotton Seed and
carried by any dealer in I buy m
carload lots and give my the Den
of low prices. I sell the g
and feed line as than .
can get it elsewhere.
carry all kinds
If you can't see the Moral without
being look up the Ad. of an Oculist
in this Paper and purchase a Pair of Specs.
on . S
this dost
, lo vis in
I air
the Sahara A and had
it, . a to the
,; ;. . I II Still WM
shower that fell in nun
n i i A
. .-. t Ni I
. sh.
It I
ind Hi
f Garden Seeds.
needing any
for r I
of i my
broth. in
. .;. v I Ins. Co.
papers in this ease were
hand, d you on the afternoon of
., the check
received evidence of the
s that promptness
to doubt ii . in
Bl for some months it not
Local Time Table
27th. 1908.
your t
he of their
fain thanking y a. I remain,
Your. truly.
C i. Wilkinson.
. fall of a u me i-
en near the n of I
had been thrashing the
A. i .
r, r.-,
r. i
t i.
,. .,
with flails when
n torn
. lb
today is the
issued by
the Greensboro Life Co. See
me about l. A.
r. v.
Get The best for Comfort
and Borden Felt Hat-
ts a d piece B
Iron Bid have no
into the
doth was wept away b; ;
on, the n fell to the I.
. but were not injured. When i
atom had they were
Thew seemed doubt
the i
The North Carolina
j was Unit
to Mo-
Practical education in A
i i
Mechanical L T M
P. M
in as
OS -11
I x.
I- Pi
How l- the
Tommy Jones,
hi mother were invited to
Mrs, Brink. the
. and
, and
try. a
I a month Scholarships.
nations for at county seats ,
General Merchandise.
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
General Merchandise
Taft Vandyke
House Furnishings,
Mrs. wander-
ed two I gar-
and admired the
the of he.
Tommy alarmed her.
reappeared con-l
munching a huge slab
calve. . , ,,.
In her relief, a i usual. Mrs.
began to upbraid the lad.
you've been and
Mr. Brinks for that cake.
But the boy faced her fearlessly.
no. he e , i
he so rude I waited I I
the turned her back; then I
a piece Mail.
Water as a Cure.
best cure I of
headache is to wash your f e. ; I
a man.
suddenly to clean e
with cold water will i ;
ore-; ant probably start I
in circulation, and I will re-
ii headache in a i
i myself n man
times and in re always been
There is in
of stimulant in the cold water
treatment that braces mo right up.
My head it am
and the water makes
.-. Ir
For Coughs
and Colds
s Tournament
Wilmington, N. C.
June to Inclusive
A. C. L
Nearly all other Cures are
Constipating-, especially those con-
Kennedy's Laxative
Syrup moves the bowels.
Contains no opiates.
or more on one ticket,
chance to visit and Carolina
a dip in the ocean. For any information,
In the
Baltic sea,
from the mainland, lies i
forty ratio
. .-, N. C
of Gothic
,. the chief town n
the island, with its o
souls, may be studied
remain, of no less than ten
churches, some of which date from
and twelfth centuries.
The oldest of I hem Is the Church
of the Holy completed about
Cough Syrup
Cold or a Couch always
produces water
runs to the ayes, nose throat
of out of the system
through the liver and For
want of the bowels
dry and
Kennedy's Laxative Couch Syrup
relieves Colds by working thorn cut
of through a copious
action of the bowels.
W. J. Craig,
P. T. Mgr.
T. C. White,
G. P.
Wilmington, N. C.
Littleton Female College
On. of the most successful and o. H equipped boarding schools I i the
I electric light,
t boarding pupil, v ,. s l-M
For . J. M. RHODES. Preside . . ton, N. C.
Conforms to National
a , i Preparatory School for boys
Central Academy and young men, with and
cultural Located on TOO-acre farm one mil. from
I under the management the
B. f
For Sale by Jno. L. Wooten.
Subscribe for The Reflector.

, i.
in Charge of F. C. NYE
I .
.-- j
. v.
I arc so-I dry goods and COX'S MILLS ITEMS,
lag. if v. nice notions in. Harrington;
, ;. -.-. you had Barber Co. Mill June
r vive I'm an call. Remember the bug-. Tyson, of Greenville
I was going. Call to see and g
and a nice ox runabouts church Black
Hen b . v- fore you buy. Prices are Inter
;. the ii h r.
. a Please boar in mind the went to
Milli He.; wagons and I Sunday.
m by tin- a. G. Cox Halie j. on the sick
S. C. this week.
To j loud horse he must
of good All
This remedy sever fall to
Constipation Sick
. E ii
Liver and Bad Digestion
The natural result la Rood appetite
flesh. Dose small;
and easy to swallow.
Take No Substitute.
Jack Sunday
Ton Eva H. A. Moore and J Vote on First on
He Was
bu .
L .
Farmville, N. C , June
The Farmville base ball team
its first game yesterday.
Fountain took the game by to
The Farmville boys deserve
much credit for showing up as
well as did, taking into con-
the disadvantages
under which they played. Three
their best players were out of
the game, and the boys had to
take anybody to make out the
number. Weeks and Sheppard,
two of pitchers, wet
out of the game and their places
could not be fill. Fountain play-
to had, at, B , Moore, who hi
California, Colorado,
Florida, Georgia, Idaho,
Illinois. Indiana, Iowa,
been spending some time with
Sir i
;. . . Produce Co.,
. i Miss Mills near
a on our special turned Saturday.
j around here are
n i. Everitt to Kins-
Mary Gray i turned t K m go w p
I iv a. Bi Fri-
. in,
as. go.
ill Sue the Railroad For It
Trouble Over a Ticket.
Mr. W. F. Evans has a
against the Atlantic Coast
Line that will likely result in a
suit against the company. The
trouble seems to have been over
a ticket he bought at Whitakers
Saturday on which to return to
his home in Greenville. Through
a mistake the agent at
gave him a half ticket,
though the lull fare was paid for
it. Mr. Evans and the conductor
on the Plymouth division of the
Coast Line had a disagreement
over the ticket that result-
ed in Mr. Evans being put
off the train about half way be-
Arkansas, good ball but ought to have
played much better after having
gone into two counties to a j
H. A. White came up Bethel and Parmele and
20- Kentucky 24- Greenville yesterday morning to walk to the latter place
P- Mi spent a few hours here. storm. Reaching Parmele
u, i 16- v Sc c 32- G. V. Smith, of Falkland, this way
h. re yesterday. had he hired a team to bring
him on home, getting about
II at night.
W. J. Rasberry went to Mac-
New Jersey, N W York. Man Hi. Own Doctor.
for the Kidneys,
t Guaranteed. act ii-
I on the Kidneys and brine; relief
a----- m p.; .,.,., . ; . ; . ;. i n her
. . . ; , . . A Arizona, . e . .
A Li. Saturday evening on business. . . , . . th- mar- Miss Maggie Savage, Green
it. A. White in- . . a o can- , . . T . .,.,. ;,,., . a good ville-
c-- ; a h. L. Johns -.-- --t- , . .;. . Mexico. .; Quite a
. i our n ;. t. S young people gathered
. , . , . . 7-19 themselves.
. . n- V- Cough Remedy for Southerner.
. . . Cox
ii of then on hand. your
re the rush
Ha Barber Co
are glad i t
80.1 I .
for several d ; thing for these spring j brother,
r . York,
i Michigan,
New ; New Stork, C
Smith returned Iv. Ox- J Stomach Live
last week Durham Ta-et
Salve for
. . ,
for cut,
. s lame back and
returned Kentucky, New
ID. W.
Id v
of nice drawn
We have them. with her from school. shire. New South. th
H. L. Smith horn--
; tn d.-ors wind Monday
. us give
a, t each f th. mi five p O C G V I Q S
cypress sale.
Barber Co. ow. let give ., ,. . relatives
. you and good
dealer, is pending the J. B. ti Ohio,
wk at Springs with rel- I e bast roofing a. Monday to
. -.- of
N, C.
We r. take
for the handy to-
truck. They will be the I
price as
a. G Cox
F. A. rt
turned from a en the best.
in the interest of the A. G. Cox
Manufacturing C. He
trucks and Huts now in large
man, don't you need a
buggy spread V A.
Co. has them.
Mrs. L. G. returned to
Ayden Friday after having
some time with Mrs. Meg-
My soda fountain i
for the nicest cold drinks.
Everything is aid in ex-
shape. H. L. J
Miss Julia Hargett, of Kine-
ton, is spending some time with
Miss Janie Kittrell.
We handle the castings for the
following plows,
Syracuse, and
Harrington Barber Co
For Ricks house.
Nice five room cottage, pleasant-
located. C. S. Smith, agent
Hay and lime A. W. Ange
A hay.
a; t
j And Provisions M
Co. Mr. and Mrs. C E.
horn have the Ab York and
that at Farm- Carolina-
from Pennsylvania.
and South
He baptism evening
there were twenty
of ore It . one of the mi led. made h
. oh
r a It . . y
Wednesday and Thursday I- -t thing that can Chaw,
0.1 . , j and i
nights. has been good followed by oil a
much r tho remedy.
tale dealer n
and very
interest is manifested.
jg Cotton
T. son
Bland occupied by Mr. Cash,
v. r i-r kept ton-
-truck by lightning during the In Country ft-
storm evening
A owned
Mr. Cash,
west of the A. C. L. railroad
was SB
tie m.
the building .
electric wire and caught W.
the wire passed
the wall. The damage to j
building is estimated at t h Cam I i n a
The nearest transformer j
With Hint Sauce.
Mary I . e lamb
. . this l; bed
you heard be
a little
Lip f.
Dr. Poultry
the thing for .
try stock A. W. Ange Co.
We are taking inventory this
week. We shall have
to say next week that will be of
interest. A, W. Ange Co.
Nice, fresh Oatmeal. A. W.
Ange Co.
Ice and lemons at H. L.
Ice cream at Johnson's
every day.
We are prepared to rill your
orders flues on
Let us have your orders once
before the rush comes Prices
same as last year. A. G. Cox
Manufacturing Co., Winterville,
Heart Action
There certain nerves
control action
the heart. When
weak, the heart
option Short
breath, av
choking sensation,
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing fol-
low. Di-. Miles Hear Hire
adapted to the need
these and th
structure of the
heart itself. Ii is
strengthening that
brings speedy
Try it.
I with whit I
th- l . toM tn.- I h heart
trouble. I had r l
Dr. cam
Into my hands, conclude M
try Henri Cure.
taken am
nil. ; and
this it. write In
th- hop ii will
who l
Mali St. Ky.
sell Ml Heart
Cure, and we authorize him to return
price of first bottle If It falls
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Miss Carrie Belle Smith is
e i
is Don Not Lie
With all the discussion that
i Pile Rem-
. I
Opposite N. S. Depot
is now going on about what cons-
the clever woman, it is
interesting to get the opinion
a great English author and j
. M
A clever woman, as n wife, i- o
man who is skilled in the
You will find me with the largest stock of
Hay, Corn, Oats, Wheat, lye, Bran
Stuff, Gotten Seed Meal and Hulls
carried by any dealer in Pitt county. buy In
carload lots and give my customers the
of low prices. I sell anything in the grain
household, and. in th- feed as cheap or cheaper you
of her husband. Wt
t. stead, in the g can get it e.
I also carry all kinds of Garden Seeds.
Give me a call when needing any Feed
A woman who
July Di
neither read nor write
would be a bad wife for any or-
in a civilized cm- W Stuffs, wholesale retail.
but such an illiterate .
woman, if she were clever in all
the arts of domestic economy, in
the rearing of children, and in
b at once the inspiration and
comfort her would g
e it man in existence, .-.
An over many Lund and Bronchial It rids th.
For Salt by JNO L. WOOTEN, Druggist
preferable to the cleverest
woman in b that has
over been turned out by
a lady's open
silver watch with safety .
Finder will be rewarded for re-
turning same to Wiley
store. d
J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
in Session for Five Days and
w. C. Newland for Lieutenant
Sen, i. Bryan Grimes, Re-nominated for Sec-
of State-A Good Ticket all
Charlotte, N. C, June
last night end this morning
and visitors kept pour-
inti Charlotte,
the streets it had almost
of a town run over
folks, no one was heard to
that Charlotte was not
care of them a right.
me rooters were so
that they seemed not to sleep
t all, but throughout the night
streets resounded with
Everything was good
This morning the Pitt county
a caucus, in the
Club rooms and
H. Whedbee spokes-
J. L. Fleming was
as member of the committee
in credentials
The first district caucus soon
if caucus E. F.
as chairman. This
made the following
District vice-president of con-
S. B. of Wash-
Member credentials committee
William Bad-
ham, of
e on platform, W. L.
Members State executive com
W. G. Lamb, of Martin;
L. L. Smith, of Gates; E. A.
Daniels, of Beaufort; Everett
Thompson, of
Delegates to national
Walter Jones, of Hyde;
C of Beaufort Alter-
L. F. Wright, of
. K. Jackson, of Beaufort.
At o'clock the doors of the
immense auditorium were thrown
and delegates began pour-
in for the greatest
State has known. The
auditorium is ideal for such a
gathering, and Charlotte
did herself proud in con-
ft. The building seats
1,800 people and is
The assembling delegates
showed that they had their en-
and their lungs with
them. Some men would
vent to a shout for either of the
three candidates for governor
and instantly the friends of the
would raise their
tor their man, and it was a con
test to see which could drown the
others. .
j Ex-Gov. T. J. Jarvis was given
in ovation when he entered
about z to and took
his seat on the speakers stand-
N ear him was Chairman Chatham
the State executive committee.
Elder P D. Gold. State officers,
senators, congressmen, and other
distinguished visitors. Quite a
number of had seats in the
galleries and on the stage and
interest in what
Borne in.
j An Edgecombe county Kitchin
banner chat brought into
I the hall lifted every man
to his feet waving bats,
there was
cheering that lasted several
minutes. Above this r jar horns
could beard tooting for
Home. The band struck up
in an effort to drown
the noise but it kept right on
while the banner was paraded
around the hall. The banner
disappeared the crowd pang the
chorus to just
as Chairman . at
o'clock rapped with his. gavel for
order, some one cried out
and the demonstration
to him was as great as the
one for Kitchin. The hon-j
. ors and the crowd d
evenly divided-
A ye Home banner their
made its appearance and there
was another demonstration, j
winding up in all the factions;
; yelling at once. These demons
kept the
ling until to call the
convention to order. By this
time three-fourths of those, in J
hall had shed their cats.
I Immediately after
, was called to order Elder P.
D. Gold, of Wilson, led in a far-.
i vent prayer.
Chairman Chatham then spoke
a few minutes and after j
the convention ready for
, business called T J Jar
via temporary chairman Gov,
Jarvis spoke for fifteen minutes
such words as brought great
applause. He urged harmony in
all that be done the
Districts were Called
and members of
credential, platform and
Gov. R. B. Glenn not able
to attend a letter
from him was read.
R. P. Buxton, of Winston, read
a resolution expressing regret
at the death of ex-President;
Grover Cleveland which was
adopted by rising vote, the con-
standing with bowed
heads as the band played
The convention then adjourned
until p. m.
to their feet, mounted side of the house again
waved hats and an opened warmed up to lung action.
their faces for a noise. The J. T. Johnston
men could not. keep still j county, gave the Home
amid this The same large Edge-1 gent another inning in seconding
banner put in an appear-1 nomination of Home,
for another tour of the hall. Congressman F. Crawford
Pandemonium broke loose then; seconded the nomination oft
sure enough and was but before he bed finished the
going at the same time. Both crowd began showing that, it
sides showed the best of feeling now midnight, it was
and turned loose growing weary
I with a will. wanted to vote-
It was before the commit-; The fir-1 ballot was started n
tees were ready to report vast midnight and was
I the racket continued until then. I about There
but grew quiet When temporary was so much noise constancy
Chairman Jarvis sapped for or- going on with moving about over
. floor and frequent
committee on credentials j for this or that man, made it
was the first to report and all difficult for the clerks to near as
contests were settled. j the roll call of counties went on-
The next uproar came when a The convention continued in
delegate session all night, yet only three
undertook to a resolution I more ballots wen;
endorsing W. J. Bryan such a being so much interruption that
storm of noes objections progress was slow.
coming that the reading of ,.,. ,
resolution could not proceed. . , ,,.,.
This was followed with mo-
to proceed with nominations, J
and alter adoption the chairman 3.8. Craig .--. Home
declared for govern-
Kitchin, and the chair sustained
tie challenge. In the
or in order.
Third ballot,
C. W. Tillett, of Charlotte, in Craig Horne
spoke first and the a m.
name of W. W. Kitchin. When Craig Home
he named his candidate
Kitchin men again sprang to their
feet with cheers and waved nun- i About S o'clock after the
of small North Carolina ballot had been taken there was
He spoke minutes to adjourn so the
the conclusion a large picture i gates could some rest. This
was unrolled and car- opposed by the Kitchin men.
through the a roll nil vote was demand-
prolonged outbreak of led- This consumed an hour with
wrangling, end while
T W Bickett, of Louisburg, seemed to show a
next Spoke to present the name majority against
of Ashley Lome. Nd This brought the
been distributed among the Blasts into demonstration
Home men. and Mr. in which, their and
was applauded with much again paraded the hall This
horn blowing and shouting. Mr continued for s time when
speech an
o'clock Chairman Parsons ad-
lot the was again cast for
Kitchin and challenged E. R.
moved that the j
be referred to the
committee for decision. C.
Morrison spoke in opposition of
this motion and E It.
spoke in favor it.
wasting much time trying to
a roll call on this motion it was
The sixth ball-it showed
in votes standing firm while
of Craig ard Home began
lo shift to each other, Craig
pushing up t
dropping 188- The seventh
ballot reversed this, Craig
ting and Borne Two
more were taken up to
4.30 o'clock when the convention ,
adjourned to 8.30 j
The delegates wore not much
it- favor of adjourning Thursday
aft moon until even though
th- v had missed dinner and were
u. -d from tie- experience of the
all night session, bu
the statement was made by tin
of the motion it was
up rt and at request
of three
their managers that
a.; betaken, so the
delegates yielded- Out of this
statement grew of
reports that some agreement was j
en between the candidates by
which the Oiliest he
brought to an end, and it was
even said there would be Rome
trading that meant the sacrifice
of candidates for some of the
other may have,
been mere rumor, but it put
friends these other candidate i
the lookout and ail were
to get b to the night sea-
to see what .
j The galleries filled early and
delegates arrived and
their places it was evident that
their enthusiasm had not
particle. This not only,
record as largest
convention the State has had,
but it has, also d for
I being the most demonstrative j
and noisy the hard t
One Dollar Per Year
gone to Craig
Home. Former
the column as
exception of a
shifting between Crate a
the ballot closing Kitchin
880.446, Craig 327.065
Alamance started the
by giving half a vote back
Martin changed or.
vote from a to Kitchin. The
ballot showed Kitchin.
I Craig 331.735. Horne 144.82. B--
tore this tine it had become
the prediction that the
i would come
r had d, gal-
ed a ; thinning
The thought
something would happen
on the 13th ballot it only
changed the vote which
Kitchin 381.145,
Craig 335.235, 140.62.
Th Kitchin and Craig forces
a lung contest with
of banners, while
intended ti rally
the respective force to slick to
ii m in it was t to
that extent, for t
Craig Horne
a motion was i, i
recess to o'clock
; day morning on which a roll
vote was demanded. The roll
cull showed Craig
to adjourn, the
gates solidly
The vote stood 488.89 ayes and
noes at a t. r be-
fore o'clock the convention
ii lo a. m. Friday.
th invention
demonstration followed it noon, leaving the
At the conclusion of the Home still going on. The Kitchin men
demonstration at o'clock the W exception at adjourn
convention took a recess to 9.30 our was .
for the delegates, to get in an us
with the hotels to crowded roar.
the time was short enough j
cent r
The has
, to feed and get N. U. June a.-
Hut they came back per- This enthusiasm is
and shouting, enthusiasm wonderful, and it was as much
having lost none of its high ten- in h t
The galleries filled early cam back together at
Charlotte, N. C. June
I The delegates and visitors be-
reassembling in the
at o'clock Wednesday
and no cessation of the
interest manifested at the morn
The delegates show-
that they were ready and
j anxious for the contest. Many
left coats behind at their hotel-
land others took them off upon;
getting to their seats. All had
I f to raise a breeze.
The tumult of the afternoon
began when two or three Craig
banners passed through the
aisles The Craig men sprang
and the throng enjoyed the hi- t-
of the incoming delegates morning adjournment there had
and helped to swell the noise. At been all kinds of rumors on
every session thousands of streets that contemplated
pie are turned back from the deadlock was broken a
doors who cannot gain admission, -nation for governor would not
It was a quarter of n be long coming after
Chairman Parsons rapped for ling.
order, but at first the sound of The Interest of the ladies in
his gavel fed on unheeding ears, this- convention has been re-i
A megaphone was brought into markable. Many of
use to announce that ex-Gov. C copied seats in tho galleries and
B. would be the next to on the stage, and several re-
address the convention- At this through the all night
the Craig men went wild in their session. They joined ii the
turn and gave the speaker an demonstrations with waving
ovation as he advanced to the fans, flags handkerchiefs,
front of the Chairman Parsons rapped for
When Mr. a hear- order at and stated before
he presented the name that the eon
LoCKe Craig in a masterly Speech, had been in session since
He rehearsed the history of the noon Wednesday, and If it was
party during and since the try- to complete its work in any
fusion and pointed time there must be better
out the work leadership of older. He thought th.-re had
Craig in restoring the party to been enough shouting and dis-
ks supremacy and purity. His play of banners. The
d to arouse the con- applauded this-
the press men had an easy
i time, for n crowded,
by getting
at times when j
enthusiasm was highest, fuse
staving t
just v. hat such a convention i.-,
for nothing short of being right
it could give this idea.
When Chairman Parsons rap
for tonight the
Craig enthusiasts were in the
midst of a demonstration and
several rounds of the gavel
to quiet them. I
At the beginning of the roll
for the tenth ballot Alamance
created a shout by announcing
s and ore for
Craig. Her former vote on every
ballot had been Kitchin
Craig Home J. The one Craig
nun objected to a portion of his
vote being given to Kitchin and
there was an uproar. It was
passed over for the present and
the roll call proceeded. No other
county made any change from
voting on former ballots until
changed half a
Home to Craig. The ballot fin-
with Kitchin 880.500, Craig
329.435, Home
127.56. So ii
as it had not been stirred The roll counties was called
before, and at its conclusion the for the filth ballot for governor
Craig demonstration was in- which resulted as
tense. Several new Craig bar- Kitchin 877-585; Craig 827.646;
came out and were cheered Home 161.77.
as carried around Tyrrell county's vote had been
hall. challenged on a previous
At V. S. Bryant, of Dur lot because the delegates changed
ham, began speaking to second the vote from 1.02 for Kitchin
of Kitchin, for Craig to for
there had been any i
recess it did not show on
thus ballot, as Kitchin had only
votes in his load. Yet
his supporters went wild over
the result
The ballot led off with
all her votes
to Kitchin, and ah on as be-
fore until Gates gave her votes
to Kitchin, fractions having
Charlotte, N. The
m from to o'clock
m ruing the
u to catch some at
tiny wore fresh r
A rear, first to ti y
to stun but so
i end. n the band
o'clock there
two . r three rounds ft
en.- . The delegates
, . now in.-re -us
. fer noise h
the ranks
several having
to their homes by the t
early morning trains.
was n
.- i s c f
the to or-
and the secretary began call-
the roll for the 16th ballot fur
governor, the counties answering
slowly at first but soon
down to business, Tho line
up showed change of
The sixteenth ballot d
a break up of the line when x-
all her vote to Craig
Ashe gave ail of iv rs t
Kitchin. Nothing else occurred
until Montgomery changed -i
votes from Home to Craig, Thu
gain for Kitchin put his friends
to shouting.
The seventeenth ballot
gave Craig vote back to him d
all counties swung near to
j their line up in each ballot.
On the eighteenth ballot things
about as usual with tho
exception of Northampton gave
I her votes to T. Mason.
This was the first man for a dark
but it no following,
from other counties.
ford changed a half vote each
from Craig Horne and gave
it to Northampton came
back to Kitchin and Craig as.
By now the spokesmen
counties stopped
on page

Eastern reflector, 28 June 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 28, 1908
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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