Eastern reflector, 19 June 1908

D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
nomination of of State
and continue to vote for him
until he is
R. R Cotten then offered a
I motion that after all the
c. . are in the convention take
Selected to State. J
the soul.
m i i R. R There are many panoramas of
Paper Red by J. L Butt Be- found ,,,.
fore the Association of
-H. W. Whedbee, Chairman
The Democratic county con-
was called to at
noon today by F. C.
chairman of the county
committee, who in a brief speed
stated that purpose of the con-
friends of the different
dates for governor to retire and
select delegate to the State con-
i la accordance to the
of each in the county.
This motion brought forth a
warm and prolonged
J. L. Fleming offering an amend-
was to select delegates .,,. t the county to the
to the congressional and State convention Kitchin
gates, Borne and
The strength of each in the
county in reality Kitchin 10.40,
Borne 8.20, Craig
After much discussion it was
that the convention was ready the chairman and
to proceed with its business. to State
J. D. Cox. of at. with the
the name of B. W. going the county
judicial conventions
The secretary called the roll of
townships for delegates and no-
those present. A quorum
being present the chairman
bee for permanent chairman. for tie ratio
who was
by acclamation.
the chair Mr. ad potion passed
urged harmony and fairness on n Kitchin, Borne, and
the part of convention. delegate be sent to the
J. L. Fleming moved that convention, the for each
L. Brown, J. J Barrington and to be 10.40,3.20, and
D. J. Whichard 1.40 respectively.
secretaries, i Gotten moved that the
J. L. Fleming offered a motion retire and
delegates and alternate,
the friends of Home the
that the chair appoint a commit-
tee on resolutions, to which an
objection raised and the mo-
R. Gotten offered the fol-
recognize and
appreciate the strong, able ind
efficient manner in which Hon.
John B. Small has represented
friend of Craig
D. L. James offered an amend-
to this that the friends of
Kit chin not retire, as they
already had a list their
gates, wanted to present
them to the at once.
j The amendment and motion were
J Marshall Cox. R
Jacobs. J C Galloway. J J Elks.
W L Clark. W E Proctor. W L
J H Mills. B T Cox,
C L J F Harrington,
E Lang. J R Spier. G T Gardner,
Jesse Cannon, A G Cox, R R
Gotten. W M Smith. J S Harris,
R Home, C I Joyner, R L
Joyner. F G James. Harding.
J L Fleming. R W King. J J
W H Long, D J
Whichard, D C Moore, M G
W B M T Spier.
R R Fleming, J A Gardner, J C
Gaskins. J P
Alternates, C D Smith. B F
Crawford, D J Holland. M O
Blount, John A Staton, G G
Moore. L R Whichard, J S Flem-
Eli Rogers. C M Jones. B
Tucker, E Tucker, B Gal-
Alston Grimes. S A
Stocks. O Proctor. R M Elks.
B C Cannon, D G Berry. J C
Poison, J J Smith. B W Tucker,
. J May. R Smith. John B
Pearce, G W
Mayo, B Dozier. J W Parker,
Blow, R L Little.
I Bryant Skinner,
Oakley, L James
Evans. F Evans. C T Man-
ford W C Chancy. B Barn-
hill, P S Moore. G P Kilpatrick,
Wm. G L Tyson,
W L Brown. SC Whitehurst,
J R Bunting. C W Bailey, W R
Whichard. M A I H
Little, J B Galloway, S A
. Marshall Cox. L S
verse, ah
by sin.
ha in
words; the
daughters of Zion are haughty
and walk with stretched
was lot to be near the necks and wanton eyes, and
We are at this time waging a i vicinity of Johnstown Pa., at the tinkling
warfare in behalf of our boys, time of the great flood there. The, In that day tin Will take
let US along it sound a trump trimming from ladies gar-1 the bravery of n
to rescue our daughters from an and arrested by the twigs,
evil that is Hipping the life of d bushes the river, d hands the
a mother and daughter. ; source of comment for many who of t he tin Mi
with this message witnessed the scene People the veil, and there shaH be
to the mothers, and to who beheld the burning Instead
those who are launching cut. of t-lie littleness of those things.
upon life's ocean of busy work
with their little on. s.
Webster defines intemperance
St. Paul in ti Tim-
and how hearts in that trying d the manner in
hour turned u prayer and uplift-j which women
ling to God. A number were should adorn
any indulgence. closeted in prayer are his In
We mothers daughters are in a town not far distant. I manner also, women
fashion and heard through the clerk of a in
we to restrain our where the father of a family with i-
in some of their the head, that the mother n with go ,
some that sadly hinder their daughters Ht this merchant or cosily o
the ideal women for their h indulged in which women p.-.-
in life laces, ribbons, etc wit
failed in the clerk at In Hi . 3rd n
Webster's of 3rd now
of Se adornments at the home the husband, may do . n by the
young man became so dis- chaste o
at such procedure whoa adorning it be the
when he became head of a outward adorning cf t
H. in,
; be
h s giddy throng. i. , ,.,
u thought of a soul to save, family, wife and ,
Or of Lie an long. i to the other extreme, putting on of but i--
Work work work that a happy medium of I be the hidden man of the heart.
and of wearing gold, or
the people of the first adopted.
district, The Kitchin delegates and
be it resolved by the were then read and rat-
Democracy of Put county in con-
assembled, that we do
hereby endorse him for
nation, and do hereby
the from Pitt county
to cast its unanimous vote for
Hon. John II. Small for congress-
man of the first congressional
Mr. Fleming again offered his
motion to refer this and all
resolutions a committee on
This was objected
that never flaw.
But when human
Arc clothed with raga
in ii. t
th hoots all. .
A lib to k
Clio click click
The m whine . on
Click click
Ti frilling,
The following resolutions was
ottered by M. T.
it resolved that this con
instruct its delegates to
the judicial convention to cast
I their vote in said convention for
Hon. Charles L. for
solicitor of the third judicial dis-
This was unanimously adopted
with the exception that
A b Hudson, w E Proctor,
Jones, Moore, J R Harvey, and band,
L J Z Brooks,
E T Phillips, Levi Pearce, J F
G E Jackson, J R Car-
roll. T L Williams.
G V Smith. B II B S
Harris, W R Home, H W
bee. Brown. J G J
F Evans. B Jr. EB
Oh woman ill
i is not . you
Y y
la in your while sewing
sol a bitter crop.
resolutions. This was that he be re-
to and the immediate passage of A
the resolution called for, when
the motion to refer was again
The resolution instructing for
Mr. Small congress was then
unanimously adopted, Chairman
Whedbee alone requesting that
he be recorded at voting no.
O. L. Joyner then offered the
following resolution which
Democratic party of Pitt
county in convention assembled
desires to go on record in our
qualified endorsement of the ad-
ministration of our
Hon. J Bryan Grimes, as
of State
is with much pleasure that
we heard of such unanimous and
generous support of his
he assumed the
ties of the office throughout the
entire length and breadth of the
his courteous and polite
attention in the discharge of all
his duties and the correct and
business like methods which he
has established he has won the
as voting no.
The Home and Craig
then retired to select their pro-
portion of the delegates to the
State convention. After return
ling and reading Use. which
were ratified, the motion was
made that the several township
select their of
gates to the congressional and
judicial conventions. These were
all and ratified.
Col. J. Bryan Grimes
of state, was called for and
made a stirring speech that was
applauded. He thanked the
of the county for the
it had given him.
Below are the delegates
pointed the Democratic
convention to the State, con-
and judicial
Delegates, J. L. Fleming, E. A.
H A White, C J
Tucker, G E Lineberry, D G
H W Whedbee. W M
Lang, S M Crisp. Robert Staten,
J J F G James. R R
F C Harding. K King, and crime,
Joyner, Nobles, J
Davenport, W L Nobles. Walter
F Harding. J H Collins, J J
Nichols. J A M A Jam.
J J T Nelson, r O
House. G M Mooring. WT
L E Ricks. T Evan. -I L
i -.-. .- .
R Each t. other . el Mb
Harvest in
wort work
With never a t to
c. mo i end
plenty could reign the ornament a meeK
We must remember that quiet spirit, in
girls are to the sight of Cod gr -at price.
of the men of our For after this in the
then that should the holy women
I not allow this frilling and trust, d In m-
lowing be taking the very j selves.
strength they need to be garner- We have resolved in our
in noble work. to adopt a
Tho chine is a bane to plan of teaching our
a i-i-liter's health, it takes the children God's word; one that
r. a s from many a girl s cheeks, will be more in accord with
frills muS be made been quoted. Have
The business man cannot afford I found the time flares-
t. neglect any part of his work, not. As one season
gives every detail his utmost another with varying
attention. Why not we then our minds are so
this engagement, ting the body in time for
with God. concerning the
children He has placed in Hf is sadly
keeping, to work the
I same determination to succeed
that the business man does.
i Mow let us look tor a
, . ; , u rich with way o
ard in accepting my j start h our daughters, so
I do not mean at. all the false of
are in with the things
which we
.,. gen -rally busy
about the things we love. These
are true words, and when we
loved ones
and talents
W J J . m hour daughters, our on-aw m
Win- are lovely evidenced lime in . .-. ,,
so many object, to young hearts upon
, non H E Ellis. Jack admiration placed about us. line, precept upon precept. By a touch his
Sn Monroe Wooten. John is. we have perverted j We send our children to Sun to gold; he begged
sense for the beautiful and
through other glasses than
GE ST We to the beautiful.
Hooker, J
J P Fleming. J L Tuck-
E C Smith, H J Williams.
J. C. Lanier For Register of Deeds.
To joy this extravagance of
day school and it is the proper power removed, his
thing to do, but it is not the restored; he never cared
starting point- The Sunday riches again. So in the end.
school work serves as a refresh- fretful fever is almost
Slower, ordinarily reaching over, we may look back and wish
frills and . . J the seeds must; have more
n deeply looted and life, and to have had
the development. I watered to bring the heart more in touch with the
have known mothers to allow fruit. Master must adopt
to spend one in 6th , plan of training our
of register of deeds entire month in beautifying one ow P an g. . a
term is near at garment or a a b c J We cannot
hand, and as it is contrary to the table, a less elaborate one in thy heart. a to go adrift
customs of the Democratic sense of beauty would them , than a Sunday
in our county to continue one have admired.
confidence of Cotten. S T Hooker and W
Alternates, E B Higgs. F
Foxhall. C C Vines. J
, , unto thy children, and lesson and often that poor-
man in office longer than two Even mothers fall when thou red We are not half so
terms, we want to name a man this e r and a u earnest about these soul
whose name has previously been with those who thin
before O hen, them selves, of thou the weekday work
were more successful, but he often found
stood by the nominee without elaborate gar- inst up. l
dissension- That man is J. C. a outing, admonition w S to t .
Sow we bring have been Jen times, it surely cannot
planning for
spelling and reading. Let us
have it part of our home work
each week, to have the children
memorize a hymn, or part of a
the sinner live. Guide the
convention that the delegates of
this county, to the State
turn be instructed and they are
hereby -instructed to vote as a
unit Grimes for the
Woodard and W E Proctor.
Delegates, Smith. J H
Smith, H W Whedbee, S M Jones,
J S Brown, G M
new contract the Old yielding to , . I the of us
. day by
straight and narrow w .;
This narrow way is
In the.
on 4th

of Com-
i leader
th T J Chap-
f the Con-
fed . . u ck for to
. W. H- S. Burgwyn as a
. Stonewall
T. l. and the
letter was
received M . Es
r i
N . M.
Dear l
T J r; of
receive I today,
T. J. Ci
i;. C. i
i i .- .-v.- Jack-
. . t
ii one
i , ., i . i-
. u. . in
to .- ion,
. chi
. . . .
I P r the
who will be
the pupil i Stonewall Jack-
son Train; hope that
nob. ts n
lowed by
love and best
Very -i
The re
; , Bed l
. dread
able i
t is . V
I i
the med
Cu e is l
I Doll I
i. .
-o much
f. r an. c
l i .
.- I
; f this paper will b
at least
ire t at science
in all its stages,
Hall's Catarrh
. . cu c now known to
Catarrh being
e. quires a con
.- i Hall's
. y, acting direct
. . mucous
destroying the
the disease, giving
. i milling up the
and nature In
. The i have
h i-. its
I e Hundred Dollar
it ii to cure- Send
I I i Is for
June i;
Mr. Lloyd Smith left last
lay for Henderson to.
tor to ,.
few days hr
Smith left last v
i .
Beta They
day evening for to at-
tend the commencement of the
ac it; which her is a
pupil and to return home with
D. m held a kind of a
convention Saturday
cf Sale.
State of North Carolina, ,
Pitt County. In court
Sale of Land.
Few Notes
alright to carry in pocket.
Certain and
Not i-.-r.
. p i of a i in- dry and pant
evening it Arthur and fleeted But to carry considerable sum
con- The man who is
The were only have a lot cash about
behind the his or his runs a con-
of that were Cast. There Instead of carrying cash
w i no or if there try carrying
not show up. BANK CHECK ROOK ;
re any no
D. M.
By of an .- n directed to
tile from the Superior
court of Pitt county in the ire i
titled notion. I will, on Monday ti 16th,
day of July. 1908 at o'clock, i l
the court door of .-aid
sell to the highest bidder for cash i
satisfy execution, all th. tit
and inter, st which the said W. W
on defendant has in the following
described real estate, to
Situate in township county
of and state of North Carolina.
lying being on the North side of
river, and East side of
Creek, and adjoining the lands former-
belonging to Tarn. J.
deceased, Allen Baker and others, and
bounded as follows. at the
run of k, at the mouth of
Reedy Branch am runs up said Branch
to the mouth of a ditch, thence up said
N 1-2 de-
to a holly, thence N l-z cooper's line
K. to a Cherry tree at the road. I Vi.,.,. with Clark
in nil
.; .
. r-
u Ii
C y Can Have.
The t a city can
have live, up-to date news-
paper, by its very appear
of ; and news
more than
words, the world f the
prosperity of t lie city.
No city can grow u it con-
adds new life, new
en an i new
wants to live notable
to sustain a good
streets are Di right,
paved roads all so
are other that
denote prioress and
but the on
watch the paper and the
anything else to ascertain the
real prosperity i community-
Don't say it not pay to
advertise If can't see
where the paper brings you
directly on-i dollar's worth of
trade, it will pay you to keep an
in its columns in order to
help sustain it. that the
may be benefited as a whole.
For out of the whole you receive
a share of the lump
Our people don't think of these
matters as they should. They
are not as with their
newspaper a, should be ii;
the volume of business given to
it We are progressive in every
else. Why not as
support of a newspaper-
been . in
. . bill I ll
. .,. , . ;
. c until
; ; a ad led
.;. . i
ill tin I t of the
Ion i . b
. re but
. i
came over
ivy Smith. He
pi a very a;
May's el to a large
ind d horn
lay vi v-
Tom went to
Sunday and returned
the same day-
R. E- Willoughby and
i Nannie and Carrie Belle Smith
went L. Tyson's near
Sunday and returned in the,
Mr and Mrs. C. E.
went to Farmville Sunday night
and day attend a
series of meetings that is j
carried on chis we-l I y Rev,
thence with the road N 1-2 est, to
a forked near I he road, thence N
CO degrees. E in . t line to Allen
find paying by check much Baker, line, thence with Bakers line
,, J. Shop line, thence with
ii.,. to a gum in
with Hen Daniels the
up business raw. You more
much caster to keep track I or less. i. the land
by A. Little. J.
of the BOW of sale con-
in a certain Mortgage Deed ex-
and delivered by Samuel Obey-
to K. S. Brown dated the 22nd day of
August 1907 and duly recorded in the
Register of Deeds office in Pitt county
in Book Q page the under-
signed expose to public sale be-
fore the Court horse door In Greenville
on Saturday, the 27th. day of June, 1908
at o'clock noon, to highest bidder
for the following described real
property to One lot in the town of
Bethel, N. C. on the West side of
Main street beginning at K. W. An-
store lot and runs with Main
street 1-2 feet to N. M. Hammond's
line a course feet, thence
Si 1-2 feet to said Andrew's Lot, thence
with said lot to Main street, being 1410
square feet and being the same lot con-
from J. R. arson and Bessie
Carson to Sam Obey.
Also one other lot in the town of
Greenville, N. C, beginning at Sarah
Cooper's southwest corner, thence
with Clark street feet,
thence northerly with Sarah
more satisfactory in every
You.- creditors v. ill respect you as thence
you out.
, i Walker of Christian
. it s s i. ms hi n church.
. i into the The farmers were up
yesterday to get in their oats be-
by said estate
which is n cord i-i
Deeds office of Pitt
ii pace d ext
G. R. is. H
c book
by B. Little to
and J.
ii hook v also ex-
the timber conveyed . B.
Little to L. by
riled in pace
This day of June 1808.
L. W. Tucker,
SI of county.
s Notice
feel to Sarah Cooper's line, thence
Southerly with Sarah Cooper's line
feel the beginning, the same
lot conveyed t. Sam Obey by Mary
Harris dated Feb. 21st, 1907, reference
i i which ii- la by made for ac-
curate description.
Tins sale is made to satisfy the
i of said mortgage.
Thin the 26th day . f May. 1908.
E. S. Brown, Mortgagee.
F. c. Harding. Attorney.
of Execution Sale.
i Ii
. ,
. , . in
Ii reason of rat
in.- ii I
. hi i-
i-n i o r-i I i i i-
i .
in tend
.,. . . , i ml f
the i . which,
In . . the water,
., .- to I i J
n of s . i ill a up the
In S
in j .
t i-iv
. Ii inn-el I
i.- in ire in
. part of . p
. pin
n n . .;,
r I i-k.-i I in
yesterday t
fore it rained. that you judge him by his
C. E his
a wagon had of the our m before
like church -last;
night. I said a wagon load and
I ken there was a load, though
there were only nine on board
and w, cf Hum weight only a PAY FOR EXPERT
little more than four hundred. i You would be wrong. do as
The a work M in the
for. Great int rest is I and you'll admit we speak the truth.
with the
ii. in Sam-
this day
to till LI I.
Super notice
. riven i s
again; I id estate to present
, ti r-vi tome far duly
S he PlUmber on or the day of
June, 1900, or i I plead
; doing your work, you would
, that a small sum could
. bar of their All persona
to said estate are to
make i.
This Hie of .
S. W.
; of S. P. Erwin
Jarvis Blow, Attorneys.
of North Carolina. In court.
Pitt county. i
Joseph and W. J. Kittrell
partners trading a- Keen Kittrell.
virtue of an i directed to
the from the Superior court
of Craven In the above entitled
action, I will on Monday, the day
June, m. at the
Court door of said county, sell to
ti for cash
execution, all Chi right title and
Int. r. ; which said W. J. Ki t.-. i
has in the following
real estate, being an
two-sixth in and to a
tract or parcel of land lying
and b in the c i of Pitt
State of Carolina, and in the
town. Known Hie of the
said Kittrell, bounded by the
lot of l. and the lot of A.
L. Jackson Bro., and being all the
interest of the said in
over and above that attached
to him as a home stead
Tins 29th day of April. 1908.
L. W. Tucker Sheriff.
Notice to C
to Creditors
Having as administratrix of i Having duly
D. I- Duffy, deceased, late court clerk f Pitt r.
county, N. this is notify all of the last will an
sons having claims the t of P. W.
of said deceased them i ti e herein i-i
Ive months I I to the e
from the date of this ti
will be plead, d in I'm ; their, all p- r in ha-i.
should you object ii the; All n re the sane
use , estate will phase ii pay- to ed for on or
,. j- Win do April,
notice plead bar of
I If our till is smaller than you are
in to persons in-
to male
against, the
of parasites.
Io i. which will and eat
all of wild
who, slinking
behind h m, half
prov. hear his Ions
howl the
roar of hip when he
to devour leavings. But
Hie lion inveterate in
the which fly town r I
in i lead hint through
the thick bush till he pointed
nut the lions lair or sometimes a
of Precocity.
First Magazine Editor I I
youngster la cut oat for an editor.
tO the Second so First
he gets his hands on he
runs and Into
Cox Mill, N. C , June 1903.
Miss Helen Haddock spent last
Saturday night with Miss Rosa
Misses Halie and Reta Page
pent Saturday night and Sunday
with Misses Ros-i and Lillie Cox.
When you need to take something
it promptly for the stomach, but
something you know i rel able-some-
thing like For Dyspepsia and
Indigestion. is pleasant to take, I
it is and is guaranteed to give
It is sold by Jno. L. Wooten.
A Card.
I hereby announce that I have
removed for the practice of my
W-C. Haddock returned from l profession from Falkland to
Kinston hospital We i Greenville. Residence on Third
were glad to set- him back home- next door to J. L. Fleming.
The School Closing
. Season .
Is nearly on hand and per-
haps you expect to install a
Piano in your parlor upon
your daughters return from
college. Write us about a
certain and special Piano
we are now offering at
This Piano is guaranteed
for years and will fully
measure up to any
Piano offered by the small
dealer. Terms per
month. per quarter,
every months. Write
Office, Dr. former office
where I can be found at all times
when not professionally engaged
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Edwards
are on the sick list this week.
Miss Bessie Moore is spending
this week with Miss Mattie
son, near
Eddie Moore, J. M. Cox, Jr.,
James Haddock and J. Hi Stocks t.
went to Morehead City Sunday- take as it tastes nearly ac good as
They said they had a fine
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Edwards, j cold out of the system. It is sold by
of Red Banks, were in our sec-
A many of our people
went out to school house
Sunday evening to hear Rev. T.
H King preach, bat he did not .
come. Prof. Lineberry filled his Pitt, subject to the action of the
appointment He said he of the
not a preacher but I think he did, f
mighty well.
Chas. M.
G. G.
Greenville, N. C. Box
C. A.
If want your HORSE to trot
fast and pull strong buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn
W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Les
Money than any man In town.
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of
This the th day in
Julius Brown, Attorney.
Administrator's Notice.
Having qualified as administratrix of
I the estate of It. T. Wilson, deceased.
I late of Pitt county, North Carolina,
this is to notify all persons having
claims against estate of the said
decedent to exhibit them to the under-
signed at her residence in town-
ship near N. C, i or
before the day June, or
this notice will be pleaded in bar of
their recovery. All persons indebted
to said will please make
This June 9th, 1908.
Julia H. Wilson.
Administratrix of R. T. Wilson.
This April 27th. 1908.
W. II. Arnold, i Executors of f.
I,. A. Arnold
E. S. I Arnold
Jno. L. Wooten.
For County
I beg to announce ray-
self as a candidate for the
ion as Treasurer of the county of
C. T.
is the best known preparation
Operation for Fries will not be that is offered th people today for
a or indigestion or
trouble. It i t to t
bare by Jno. L.
if use Man Zan Pile Remedy, . or or any stomach
C. r, . trouble. U i to take. It is,
guaranteed. Priest SOc Sold John
Knave Weber, Weber
Pianola Style with sod
Lester with
Vote, and Bates crab
The ideal will probably be
in simply a piano, which
win be playable by hand or by the near
mechanical attachment at will. It is
the most popular piano in the world
For best st any price and on
easy terms, call on or write.
A. J. bridge
We manufacture ICE and can
supply the local demand. Two wagon
daily. orders
any time during th- day, and
delivery will be made at the plant at
any hour of the night.
We ask your and will do
our best to you.
The Greenville Ice Plant,
Hill Johnson, . . Proprietors
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county as ad-
of the estate of Noah
Forbes, deceased, notice is hereby given
all persons indebted to the es
immediate payment to the undersigned.
persons having claims against
said estate are notified to present the
duly authenticated, to the
on or before the 2nd day of
June, 1909, or this notice will be plead
in bar of recovery.
This 2nd day of June, 1908.
of Noah Forbes
Raleigh. N. C.
kinds of choice cut flowers In
season Special attention giver to
Wedding and
stock. Pot plants for Winter bloom-
Rosebushes, Hedge
pUnts Evergreens and trees.
W. C. D. M. Class
D. Clark
Civil Engineers and Surveyors
Greenville North Carolina
Railroad, Municipal and land surveying
a specialty. on Third street
Notice to creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county as
administratrix of the estate of Martha
A. Moore, deceased, notice is here by
given to all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate payment
to th.- undersigned, and all persons
having claims against said estate are
notified to present the same, duly
authenticated, to the undersigned on or
before the 3rd day of June, 1909. or
notice will be plead in bar of re-
This 3rd day of June, 1908.
Annie E. Dudley, of Martha
A. Moore. Deed.
Barber Shop
Edmond Fleming props.
Located in main business sec-
of the town- Four chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber
Our place is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
thank you for past patronage
and you to call again when
good work wanted.
Notice To Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that I have
this day qualified as Administrator of
of the estate of William A. Stokes, de-
ceased, before D. C. Moore, clerk of
Superior Court of Pitt county and all
persons indebted to said estate are re-
to make immediate payment to
e undersigned and notice is hereby
given to all persons holding claims
against the estate to file their claims
within twelve months from the date
hereof or this notice will be plead in
bar of recovery. This the 21st. day of
May 1908. L. E. Smith
Administrator of the estate, of
William A. Stokes.
good Field
hand made Shingles. Also a
quantity of Tor.
Can be found on Fourth street
prepared to clean, press repair
Clothing and ladies Skirts
All work done promptly, suits
made to order when desired.
Tour patronage Solicited.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
Kr lacking. Have a good
box and prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
Is a you could and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You jet a
Horse i c
J. Re
DeWitt's Little E
little Ii
J. I.
are by
the Reflector.
What Is, the First
Law of Nature
preservation is the first law of answers
Johnny Jones.
Correct, Johnny. Go right up to the head of the class
This law applies to a community as well as to
Under the severe operation of this law a town that
does not take care of itself, that does not look after its own
interests first, that docs not look out for Number One, soon
falls into a bad way.
That's just as sure us It's the law.
We must Obey the law or take the consequences. It
we in town and com-
do not work to-
for our own good,
the mutual good of all of
us, in all lines of
we have only our-
to blame if the
place slides d the In-
piano instead of
the golden lad-
of prosperity and
For instance, if we
do our retail trading with
log . Ly stores that have
no interest h; us ex-
got Our money
mill keep it, local trade
i bu and shrink,
own property values and
farm land
e -and there you
Jones, who
the law, is a wise
la I, but hi v about
law as applied to the old homo plan i If the;
the law to him grows up. He
may have to g to the city to .; .
Let's all think it over.
The Buzz of the and the
Shallow Forked TaM.
In Palestine, where several religions
sale by side, legends d
a w as W,
make a distinct folklore. A i I j
from In n lie ,
by Rev. J.
many Bible legends In new
and with
explains bow
buss why the ski I tall is ,
I After the fall of man the serpent
missed the reward which evil
I promised the
food In Ibo world. An was
to even creature j
Ins and phi The
for human II i- ll
and I. ;
as nobody bad ever n led bin u
ii was
was the i
bus be gained a in s r
. lure.
the was
round the world with
and the d of
living Al end
twelve ll was to report in open
the result f Us
I Now, Adam had a d hi that
bird the i i annually
males i. pilgrimage and nil
Ibis bird shadowed tin
nil the twelve
I he day of the decision. Then as
was on way to tin court
I swallow ii openly and asked what
h blood It I foil id
r, i Ito.
i. I am t i
On this the I
mouth wide ; u lie
in its bill mid In i i
ll R
, in the i
I ask d Hi.- f I i-
; I lie v. i in
nimble to make .-
, mid the ;
i-1 -1
i had sold ll
The Greenville Banking and Trust
At the o Hay 4th, 1908
C. L. Wilkinson Writes a Letter.
Greenville, N. C, Jan. 2nd, 1908.
H. A. White,
Dear Please accept thanks
check for in payment
of life insurance held by
brother, on, in
The papers in this ease were I
headed you on the aft.- cf dis I -.-., f.;,
bended you on the . . h,
Dec. .
received today is , expenses d
your company dis
., . r,. it IV
plays in the payment of their
Again thanking you. I remain,
Yours truly,
C L.
Note--The of-j
-ed to the public the,
issued by
die Greensboro Life Co. See
me about it. H- A. White.
S. not. ti I .-
Witt s Kidney an. BUdd i I Is are
prompt and thorough and will in i very
time strengthen the .
kidneys. Sold by L. Wooten.
State of North Carolina. County ; ,.
U .
edge and
and sworn to be- Correct
ton- o May,
R. C Pi l
Chas . lib.
Drop in at Bake- and
see their Denature.; Alcohol
lamp. They are and
will not explode. In- V SOUTHERN
h quart of water in o s
i; o
is Standard V
of v, o. .
lie, fa. and I I
hi id the fr-j the
f. mi. v .-
in i should I
l .
In ii--. nil .
. f
i d .
-i . I I
i iii in i -I i
, .;. i. .
his ;. ,, have
. i . i
i i
, .
. ; i
. V
. i
Get The best
Royall mil Borden Hat-
cs and a Bern-
Iron Bed have no equal
C. S.
General Merchandise.
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
General Merchandise
How Ons May Good I
Without Expense.
nil, is the
of odd of the day. I
example, b to my
the. I must sol up from
after or during my
must s Here are the
I rub fit
well nil over nu skill. I
tho warm wall nil I soap nil
water I can dip my hands
water give akin i
friction the palms of i .
bands. Th's will afford
a l shoulder
when I -I . i the I .
H ill to bur . i
and . . i will
and my body
It will need any
extra time.
When I BO out Into Hie street, and
indeed whenever to out, I la.
two extra deep and full breaths of
fresh air In through the nostrils. And
cm repeal this wonderfully healthy
whenever wait at a crossing,
whenever I wait all. before
go any from the street,
and also before any Important work
or Interview, and, of course, the
thing the morning and the last thing
at night. Here there Is not one mo-
of film time demanded, but
there Is so effective but easy
physical culture that at the end of a
year the Improvement In the breathing
capacity, the endurance, the vigor, the
complexion and even control
tho temper limy be almost be-
lief. And, best of all. the
habit of fuller and more rhythmical
Inhalations l firmly fixed.
In Metropolitan
Th Old Days.
Touched by his sad story, a
burg woman recently furnished n meal
to a melancholy looking who had
applied therefor at the Back door.
do you stick out the middle
finger of your left hand so straight
while are asked the com
passionate woman. It ever bro-
answered the hobo, with
a snuffle. during my halcyon
days wore a ring on that
finger, and old habits are hard to break,
The Carolina
to Electrical, and
Dyeing and Industrial
try. Tuition a
for admission at county seats
on Address
West N. C.
. i
. P,
Norfolk, Va.
. i
f P A
N. C.
have on hind a of
d machine made .
prices on application and can nil orders
W J Gardner,
The Brick Man. Bethel, N. C
For Coughs
and Colds
Nearly all Cough
constipating, those con-
opiate. Laxative
Cough Syrup bowels.
Contains no opiate.
Taft Vandyke
House Furnishings.
Th Candidate's
a candidate thinks he's right
e must suck to his
supposing all his
that ease be must show his true
great by easting aside all personal
Mae and emphatically assuming that a
majority be
Cough Syrup
Wilmington, N. C.
June to Inclusive
A. C. L
Otters Low Rates June 13th, 14th and 15th and for niching
trains of the 16th, with final limit June For
and for Firemen Brass Bands in parties of or more on one ticket,
chance to visit Wrightsville and Carolina Beaches and
enjoy a dip in the ocean. For any information, address
W. J. Craig, T, C. White,
P. T. Mgr. R
Wilmington, N. C.
Pulley boweN
of Women's Fashions, Greenville N. C.
y willing to go
popular I am.
I'm glad yon are. for
that makes It
Love your neighbor, but don't pull
gown the Proverb.
Cold or a Cough nearly always
runs to the nose and throat in-
stead of passing out of system
through the liver and kidney. For
want of moisture the bowels
dry and
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
Colds by working out
of the system through a copious
the bowels.
S M Cobb bros. Co.
Conforms to National
For Sale by Jno. L. Wooten.
Wholesale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Eggs, Oak
Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc-
Suite, Baby Carriages, Go Carts.
Parlor suite Tables. Lounges,
Safes, P. and Gail Ax
Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry George
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach-
es, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Jelly. Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Magic Food, Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges,
Nuts, Candies, Dried
Peaches, Currants,
Raisins. Glass and j
Wooden ware. Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni. Beet But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come Bee me.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Spring Cleaning, Cleaning
The prevailing rage now, in domestic
life, is Spring Cleaning. While you are
at that, get out your spring dresses,
suits, etc., and have them cleaned up-
j to-date and ready to wear. Also have
your winter clothes cleaned and treated
with my special chemical solution to
prevent moth eating, and pack them
away until winter. RIGHT NOW IS
Yours to please,
Ladies and Gents Tudor
4th St., opposite marble yard

D. J. and Proprietor
as MM d I natter Jan. 1907 at the at Greenville. N
C Congress of March 1879
runt to ed to the earning Stun- emu-en-
editor for us one of tin-
,, of his own, just ponder this large to the national
fifth congressional
convention Greensboro
and A.
I. Brooke far congress the
ballot. This it. Mr.
district Mr. Brooke was the
farmer solicitor.
If could charge a
good admission for die joint de-
bate ii would raise enough rev-
fa all die expense
i In- convention.
If Governor Wilmington is going fa git.- Delicious Banana Cream.
track bill did have Ike u big Use i highly
I oh rota die it Mate meets th.-r
oat ahead wader neat week.
the wire in York senate.
, pardoned. tea.
did complain f the that may be the las. heard
of her famous Kentucky
will just bet that Charlotte Hope so.
no to do likewise over th
gathering there next week.
one of our try it
for final b morrow.
large bananas, rub smooth
with live of Add
I one teacup sweet cream beaten to a
when mid with cherries.
with whipped or any
I . is
Denver. Major
a host of admirer
Don't get at the editor j throughout die State who would
because lie is for and you t s,,,. receive this
The thing w ill draw like a
are far may
be that
after the full ,;
will want some bait. With the teachers, the
it be u ill the doctors,
the lawyers, the politicians, the
secret orders, the firemen, the
to borrow your pole, and
then give you the bait
you'll lend us your pole
Mecklenburg giving
its rote Borne shows
what bad some of them
are. We there i also
going to lie surprises in the
Suite convention before it gets
The several
for the same are sol
the far govern-
or in employing
duet their campaign.
One week from today, tile 24th.
all interest will be centered in
Charlotte the State
The kind of primaries
the Slate . same tin e.
the result in the Mock- or
primary it is very
dent that the joint discussion ill
Charlotte between and
l them harm. If
had been general.
I about 11-
id soldiers and the religious
workers all holding I
, , , an I most of the counties; he'd are a
Borne folks seem to hare lost and the baseball f
all idea the state in for good measure, ,
. , either lea tinted and held all
lion is called for anything but to are not many stay-at-homes.
nominate a candidate
or. Even one man in the county
convention lore Thursday v ant-
ed to adjourn as .- ,
to I lie a con real ion
I here arc just
s gov r to
be filled u some
them of as much
lance to .
tin ;
piano . died
a inn
Mr. Home's candidacy might
have been regarded by sour as
a joke at but it i now
dent that the others are very
much afraid of him.
Dishonest and unfair methods
in getting delegates fa
to light sometimes
and are apt fa be a
in the long run,
good JELL-0 is sold
An Earnest Appeal to Mather.
from 1st
wish our children to walk in; we
must first the path, we
must learn sweet messages
s tho and or
plan with a whip when
Sometime d-.-ring the week,
there is work to be done that
, does not heart and hands
The silliest talk ii on the part J . mend.
or r-sting. a book
may be opened nearby; it is
prising how several
learned. This
They are yet not during the
out of the woods to say who will would keep us wide awake
. . , . f i
The full
not I
. of the
the would have far govern I Ll
, f ii by the time
. ti h
arc j
I. It
. .- say that
disappointed the
the attendance at
. national coin en-
. .- M ill u it
confront in
of gales .
ill W
lie .
The Durham Herald ,
the coming State com
the next is. W. ,
is going to have three g
Those to
on die in r's
wait until the .
you seethe
for it.
will out stand
of those who say they will not
vote far so-and-ii ii lie is
get the nomination far governor.
The campaign tot he
as to leaning upon Him who
sustains us, and will be putting
on the whole armor of God, that
II I .
I. .
. ;
to h. I
; . I,
in an .
mg u
. . . i
man ho ha ii
. a i. soda t.
; ; the lee an
. . us the cold drink business
Now if some
. ., .
trill Invent a pout
. ii die hi I lie
. . I -1
got I r,
far a
The id
ii ea
s I .
i luring asked who I J
loll B
ii be to stand against
I nation w ill make a .
. , u ., the wiles of the devil,
warm finish in
You can make up your mill
to the fad that Tali Bl
will head the
Our man is go
convention, in
I who gets it is our
Now is the
. . I if
and any aid I he I
will gr ,
no it would I
I.-low I
land a.
it the
. r
i, .-.
I -ii
in his
i . rear.
lining it
mi ti
I .
ninth I
this i
lore making
I id tor,
If the scientist
Letting rid of all the
will be ti
, .
., are will to
.,. , , the Mr at
, ,,. the r
I lie
Ii r own in
i- t he
prim ti In held in any county
before I In SI ate ion
. in In can-
. I idea of how
mil of he
Tin .
the Ii t In- -t
it tee in session at Chicago
in advance of the convention, i.-
to him enough
gates to -1 cure nominal
on the ballot. At this rate
doe, not look like the
will be long enough for
Chicago to get a rake of the
Well, we thought it was Miss
Charlotte, all the time, but i
hold the. News brings her, or
him, out dressed up in pants
spooning with one of the teach-
under a merry widow hat.
Maybe in another week he, or
she, will be back in dresses
again and with some of
the convention delegates.
t . .
. . timely lie a- i. a-
liver h II r, K. in
in Mi Baptist church,
fewer of our fair
i select the
it reel . place of rendezvous,
rime iii tell,
The in ad building artist on
Sews and Observer
must have been dreaming about
Bryan and an
were n as hinted
mi it 1- ii
county enliven.
The name of Major K. J. Hale,
of Fayetteville, will be
That Salisbury who
owns several buildings in his
town, has started out
his spite for the Slate going dry
by a big raise on all his tenants,
may discover that he killed the
goose that laid the golden egg.
A a prominent
remarked, this gubernatorial
campaign is costing the Demo-
party severely. That is
where the trouble comes in, and
the danger is that all the cost is
not yet computed.
Subscribe for The Reflector
n .
, . ion
. Hate
. s mall and
Solicitor And
all deserved it,
tut a North i-
concerned, more Is fell
in the Mi county
than in
national convention
Raleigh News and
must be good to I he
boys or else be put to the
necessity climbing up a neigh
telegraph pole to see the
The fellow w ho
press u choice 11-
mil ,. I
It duos seem th
who would a ii
hi a u-
I ion.
If people were believing what
Democrats are saying about each
might conclude
we had a sorry set of
what the
speaker ill when
the Republicans bring up all
of those charges to face them,
him e
paper would be
their s
ens don't they a In an
evidence faith, for the
amount ail
sire and send along copy prop 1-
signed, advertising Talk
about business. If tin re is any
business in a new,. r man
giving away any more
a ; Ii
we . to see
. it w ll ill
St .
St. Paul in his letter to the
e, bids them to put on
of I
to have their feet with the
preparation of the gospel, of
peace, the shield faith, the
helmet of and the
sword of the Spirit, is the
word of Col, where ye shall
ht darts
of the
committing of var- there
. Whit hi r-
,.;. to get tater
;. w
such -ave
;, . am I l we
in i poet
. a bee i said by good
man, i cannot live every
; . with
God, giving up time to
it. days and weeks.
lave had a great reunion
a small of condensed
milk, it milk cannot be had.
U Bills
Mix all thoroughly and
heat or cook it;
add This
makes w delicious ice
ream in at very small
Mil Straw-
at all i.
The Fl Co., U Hey, N. Y.
We hope
by the experience of some neigh-
boring tow and not delay our
public building several years by
charging several prices for a site.
F. King returning and
rounding himself to the Boston
authorities, is more evidence
that a fugitive dodging u
hard thing to do successfully.
The papers report Evelyn and
Harry making up about three
times a week.
this week. Memphis
gets the reunion next year.
After the very best claiming
that all of them can do, is
no certainty as to which will get
the nomination.
It is all over so far as
county is concerned, and now
everybody will wait to hear from
. . .-----
The opposing candidates are
not only claiming everything in
sight, but a good deal that is
not in sight.
A sudden at of
form of Bowel Complaint may to
anyone. family should be pro-
with a bottle of Dr. Beth Arnold's
Balsam. Warranted by U
men of char-
and ambition, who can sell
things, to investigate an
opportunity for realizing
on their earning capacity, if
your services are worth i
to a day you should and
can get the money. This is a
business notice to business men
and will be interesting to any
who do not mean business. Ad-
dress W. A- B. Hearne, Box
Greenville, N. C. d w
There is talk of be-
a running mate for Taft .
the national Republican ticket. I Hearne, Greenville, N C.
For Sale-A fine lot of S. C.
Brown Leghorns, standard
mammoth Bronze Turkeys and
Guineas This Is choice breed-
stock, and would not be sold
at this season but for want of
room. Be quick. W, A. B.
fa II
and mo J are gladly
;,, ;, ,, by women to
themselves in some pro-
or accomplishment.
Do then things
God are cheap that we can
obtain without
So do let us m
. .,,. re u ti to
.;,. in that pearl of great price,
with Him who gives
us all have-
Let us stun in weekly
work with the I
I r el wall
A light
holy Dove, return,
me. of
II hate the that made mourn,
And drove from my breast.
The dearest Idol I have known,
j that idol be,
I Kelp me to tear it from Thy throne,
worship only Thee
So shall my walk he close with God,
Calm and serene my frame.
Bo purer light shall mark tin rood,
That leads me to
After reading the above com-
position to the of Win-
it was suggested to send
it out to all the mothers in the
Since the writing of these
scattered thoughts we have en-
joyed the grand and glorious day
of victory in favor of prohibition.
Now. we feel that our boys are
safe from the temptations of
plead for the girls and trust
before another decade is passed,
they will be turning from folly
and fashion, to bend their en-
towards higher and nobler
Before the next round of com-
are upon us, if just
one daughter of Pitt county
would write me that sh e is plan
a less elaborate wardrobe
than usual, I should feel fully
repaid for the midnight hour
used in penning these pages.
Buy the best odorless
at S. M. Schultz.
w In Charge of J. M. BLOW Ari Rates on Application
m a Qt The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and
,., and
Mayor J. F. u J
the yesterday.
Amos Tyson has accepted a
position in the barber shop with
J. N- Alexander.
a orphanage the
next t o years, at Greens-
or Charlotte
There seem to be right
your kindness more high y
than ourselves and to see the old We mm a B
town grow under your assistance made by our
rubber Ayden. The first picture
June there v. ill be at work. it
th. Mr. ate one of
for the bandit of the Ayden end h.
and. It is going to be good d to m th
See our line of books and j jump if
where they will attend a summer
school. While they will
visit for or days for
cure and
Perkins native tablets at J. R-
Smith Co.
at l -c
A NOISY CONVENTION. . unfairly with the than the
of Turns I And Y no
Mow a little of ,,. , member C
Pace in
M -p. om- add my J candidate, L. C Esq
Mia kw -1 u.-. many other of the ca.-
of L, C. Bagwell.
for the office or corporation com-
Hid, a log missioner.
Bagwell was
born and raised in Wake county.
lived many years in
; thoroughly
Yours very truly.
Raleigh Times.
in this has issued t
Deeds R, Williams
Richard Wingate. one of our was
e. and has
best farmers, filled h
tobacco yesterday. IS. h
curing it today. is the . both in the towns and since last
life the country. For the past
M Bagwell W. M.
tat to state. ware favorably known; H.
of length
for holiday presents.
Smith Co. I goal fellow.
Several attended the J
from J. B.
Carload meal and Ir to each t
. fall, days ;
Tie stork the home Ch
i, g arc l-ft u and ma- t r col.
mu th Wm
tour at house now,
girl- hi a young man, a ., b i
ray. that can t i
you planted your . i l
the question
one is asking. Wood A u- w M-
the beet for the . J h
And all kind perfectly i n
known in the count
At the meeting of the Grand
Lodge Knights of Pythias at
Raleigh last week our townsman,
J. K. Turn re, was appointed
District Deputy Grand Chancel-
for this the second district of
the domain of North Carolina
This is indeed high and worthy
compliment paid Mr.
and one which he not only en-,
joys, but by the
members it fa lodge and the
community fa
one of the and fat
. and re-
, of order we In
North i-a the ye-
the length
was , , . .
m the -f 1880 of the state.
modem custom of come present com
W. If. and R
and I Mobley.
BL H. Mills and Ella
Ed. and Mary
.-- I
Ti., Seward . . . c; lawyer, Jones.
are a day the mission . w j ad
Son were merchant and farmer. w.
com the of be .
, n
J Y.
state which knows bolter I
it .
ii it
lot fiats
nets over s
t of
Dip I
note or a
the and
Drugstore. Don't i o. v
the mistake of getting h
from .
Helen . i r
Mill k
steam J- Lo.
Charlie B-id
Petersburg, are here on a visit to
the parents
j. T. Keel Sunday at
. .
Lime cement, ball
and a full
j. R. Smith Co.
Ice cream supper Wednesday.
evening which was
many young ladies,
Dr Perkins National Herbs for
sale by J B smith Co .
W. E. Lyon is quite sick at
Hotel Carolina with
Car load of line and coarse
salt at JR. Smith Co.
Mrs Braxton, an aged
lady, who has been very tor
a long time was token to the hos-
at Wednesday I
M M. make- the best
cold drinks that can be made at
the fountain- cold the year
Try one.
Miss Cora visiting
at the home of Elias
Windows, doors, blinds, locks,
hinger and butts, J. R. Smith
J A. Griffin is shipping many
of the Nelson trucks
from here to South Carolina.
Our town father are having
decided improvements made on
Lee street. They are having a
very deep ditch dug in which to
place tiling after which if they
will take Third street, then fill
up the lockup we believe our
town will be well and thoroughly
drained. Our aldermen are a
fine business set of gentlemen
and seem to sincerely appreciate
the position they
everyone exclaims
of the new line of Easter cards
M. Drugstore.
D effect
ht-n ; c-
, r r
p-c -l
. R. mi Lei
, c
as I and within ti.
Roe. at least we
is .
. p .
. d
d. Tl
. in t
. three y are
. o pi
B it
In I
Inn I
. , I
. e
p t
, .- ti were n
mi , . . . .
. . fro . .
. . a a
r I ; .
I .
Tony W
ii-5 Banks.
he just
.,. the
if a
, .
. ii
u . . . . f .
Drug Store. Don l p . . which may
J Sprout r th.
end. I composed of ; w ,
. fl of man- .
, to t o. r-r-Jg men of ;.,,,,,
the pa
. the
c ; o
.- .
I i
V try L-
. ll
c. It
I bun-
, . t
f . . n t.
It is a
. . Shoe
. it.
f v,
and the
-ml mill J. U. Sat-is one AYDEN.
returned. . .
. indeed. To i, ,, . . ;
. I compliment so v stowed f
iv here m-t . .
--i at proud and th , .;.;.;.;.,
j in i ;. ho r-i., .
T . .
May fa om and th k g ;. ,,
A,.,. n--1-
lour cap in
Che P ti
Smith Co.
The young ladle; of the town
are appreciative lo the extent
they will give an entertainment
in the opera tor the
fit of the Ayden band. Oh,
there we no girls on earth like
these fair girls of
Cox Cotton Planters
Bands and distributors at
J R smith Co
Miss Annie Joyner, Frank-
Ky formerly of Ayden, now
Greenville, spent Sunday in
our town.
Do you go to bed tired and get
up tired Take a bottle of Sauls
Rev. M. P. Ormond arrived
Tuesday night from Vanderbilt's
university, Tennessee, where he
has been taking a post graduate
The inter denominational Sun-
day schools of the tenth district
comprising the counties of
Greene and Pitt, will hold
their convention in the Christian
church at this place on the 20th
of June. Every one who is in-
in this great work is in-
to come, and be sure to
bring a well filled basket, as din-
will be served on the ground,
p. S- Barbecue, ham and chicken
are not exempt.
Just received -A car load of
for top dressing.
E. Turnage Son.
Lost-A gentleman's black
double combination pocket .
containing a small sum of .
and ; safe key either in Green-
ville or on the train, or in the
town of Ayden. A liberal re
ward will be paid by Mrs. Agnes
Blount for return of same to her
at Ayden. W- C.
W. H. Smith has purchased
We interest of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the safe place- All
work promptly looked after. Mr.
Cox will still with the
. .
pill , ran
l ;
In, ,;,, house. Tao
.,., n x n rt
iv. ; I
II hi foil In nor
the k 1908,
and fur.
she foil I.;
She mm family in
us on this that
hit I
c- I
, I.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
;, . . this 14th, d y lay
;. I . He
R. I
I. R.
Mrs. Marina Daniel, widow of
the late Mr. Beverly Daniel, died
about o'clock Saturday night,
at her home in South Greenville.
The remains were taken Sunday
for interment in the family
burial ground
Dr Joseph Dixon
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Building
Tho Tragic Weed.
Mexican known,
mo loco tho
of both men
who it. Horses and
. prairies after cm
it o
perform all kinds of
H ts If
L ho his souses.
insanity produced Incur.
it is that the loss of
the was no
duo to the that some enemy drug-
her taco. a
history has It that she wont D-
reason of he husbands
New in Spring
A Gentle
what is a dentist
from dent I rem-h
for loan who PUS
hand down to writ
Wife My dear, you said this Doming
that was from the Lat-
in a tongue.
-Yes Wife -Writ. dear. Is
a mail who pulls out tongues
No. madam. he
t .
Opening display the latest
models in light-weight suits.
We have now received arc now
ready to show you our Spring
line of the
Schloss Clothes
one thing you can be sure of
We. and the
behind us, absolutely guarantee
bearing the SCHLOSS
Label. Quality is a certainty and
the style is right, the fit is better
than in most made to measure
. clothes and our prices are as low a

Life, Fire and Accident
w r
z r.
o w
H g
Norfolk Cotton enc wired
by J. Ferry A Co. Cotton
Today Yesterday
Strict Middling VI
is shipping a large I Middling
The new buggies put the
occupants up in the air.
From Any Other
We Know
a drop in and look our
by looking them
one or two dollars a pair
FEEL the
are foot
. .
a ting in.
v i claim.
i Sir Low
quantity of cucumbers. ; Middling .
steam fire engine was J
1-4 to 3-8 H to 1-1
given a lest I strictly Prime SI
Imported . . little 27-. 27-8
ones, haw appeared in KW ANn
ELM says he MARKET
having tomatoes and corn from Bra Co., Bank
garden s d s.
More brick are for the
street paving ; will
start again avenue.
ii- rs s y folks
are coding u, mighty slow to
It is got to
f, I .
The Home Building Loan Association
Greenville, North Carolina.
National Hunk
Furniture unit Fix.
B. T.
IV Installments paid
We Committee, by The Home
Building and Loan Association hereby certify have ex-
the Books and Records said
could and Bud the above statement correct.
ties I
on . at
N . York c
. id we
and June July
mi sago
y ii
The Bank of Greenville
In the State of North Carolina it the of May 14th 1908.
ore Co
a, c
I Ne,
at i .-t to of
f c M.
I lull i by Ir.
;. r of lite serpent
v, so n. i r.- all
. . n. . ii
t M.
v . ma; i. were
I , of
,. .
lie .
. j the .
of III;. I
The Democratic
r r Hi-id n.
. time In
. . or
am Greek
no among
. mi his died
All bond
and mortgages
Fix. 8,872.82
Demand loans
Due mm Hanks and
Cash items
Cold coin
Silver ruin including
all minor coin cur.
National notes
and mill's I
. Surplus fund
j I i
current expenses
and id
p. 21.840.00
.,,. hecks
,., convention of the district
. company North Carolina
0.0 i; ; in
i d writes
. icy low I
;. v. ill Co well to call
.- c
N. C.
to meet on Thursday
I July 16th. 1908, at r th
purpose of nominating
for and the
on or elector.
A. L. Chairman.
Democratic C Ex
Commit es ltd.
n West
V .
Now is Pleasant Time to go There.
Climate Fishing, Boat-
train service affords excellent
and schedules.
New through train, with coaches and
Parlor Car inaugurated Sunday, March
1808, between Goldsboro and Ash-
ville, N. C, via Raleigh, Durham,
and Salisbury, on following
6.46 a m
8.46 a
8.65 a m
2.50 p m
3.46 p m
4.36 p m Ar
6.00 p m Ar
Eastern Time
Goldsboro Ar 8.30 pm
Raleigh Ar
Durham Ar 5.25 pm
Greensboro Ar 3.10 pm
Salisbury Ar 1.15 pm
Statesville Ar 12.20 pm
Newton 11.32 am
Hickory 11.10 am
Morganton 10.30 am
Ar Marion
8.00 am
State Convention
via. Sea
We beg to announce account
of this occasion very low round
trip rates to Charlotte and return
will be charged as
From Raleigh Weldon
Wilmington Maxton
We have excellent double daily
service to Charlotte as
Imperialistic Notions.
Some of the which
schoolteachers receive from late or
absent pupils arc and won-
Here arc
Frederick can't
lie ain't any nickers, it
the man fetches him have
to come naked. Yours respect-
I must strictly forbid you
to punish Thomas again for any-
thing he docs, as we never do so ex-
in self
strongly object to
my hoy learning Algebra. In my
; Ii still ti
Hi den
were dumped down from by the
old traders and kept In re-
before being s. Id in masters in
and for A naval
i r vim visited the the
Hull In I in
cam and other lea were In-
Ii Is Hint
bl . v at Ii . eaten
on iii-; were
to e we may
Infer that was
originally an form of voodoo
and at the mime a primordial religion.
The extreme antiquity of serpent
worship seems. Indeed, to be hinted
at In Genesis, where the devil appears
In the guise of the snake god Intent on
the ruin of In the story of the
brazen serpent healing qualities are
attributed to the
State of North
I. James I. Little. n
swear the
and sworn
fore this day of j
Notary iii
r -s
the t inn
; i S Ii
t my
.;. W.
Bethel Banking and Trust Co.
At the close of May 14th, 1908.
Leave; Weldon 12,07 p. m. humble opinion letters to
11.05 p. m. Raleigh 4.15 p. m. put with money are s. d. Perhaps
a. m. Arrive Hamlet 7.50 j you'll be kind to inform me
how much this is,
Summer Tourist will soon be on
For information as to rates,
schedules, etc., call on any Agent of
this Company, or the undersigned.
T. P. A. Charlotte, D. P. A. Asheville
p. m, 6.35 a. m,
Leave 3.00 p. m.
4.50 a. m. Pembroke 6.26 p. m.
7.53 a. m. Maxton 6.49 p. m.
8.15 a. m.
Arrive Hamlet 7.50 p. m. 9.15
a. m.
Leave Hamlet 8.10 p. m. 9.45
a, m.
Arrive Charlotte 11.30 p. m.
12.35 p. m.
Trains from Weldon and
make direct connection with
A. C. L. and N. S. and carry
through cars to Char-
and coaches to Monroe. For
rates and etc., from other points
apply to C. H. T. P.
Raleigh, N. C.
Hotel Greenville
J. W. HIGHT. Prop.
wish to inform the public that
my hotel is now ready for and
table hoarders, hotel entirely, re
modeled, thoroughly renovated,
lights, hot and cold baths trans-
rooms, ideal home for ladies, and
traveling man. Building
Court house and polite servants. Phone
No, Call and sea for
Yours to
J. W. Hight Pro.
dare employ a
who made no study of and
who would dare to have a horse shop
by any horns who knows not the
nature of horses feet There is no
need of your horses interfering over-
reaching. Give me a trial. All work
guaranteed. Phone No. shop across
from market. Experienced
Sam Mason.
pounds. I'm plain by name and
plain by nature and won't have any
newfangled imperialist notions put
into his head. Yours without of-
James London
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts 802.54
Fur. and Fix. 1.201.10
Due from Banks and
Silver coin, including
minor 8,220.40
Capital stock Surplus fund profits expenses Bills payable Time car. deposits sub. to 5,600.00 8,000.00 1,186.63 2,464.88
State of Carolina, county of
I, W. H. Cashier of the above-named bank, do sol-
swear that the statement is true to the best of my
knowledge- and belief. W. H. Cashier
Mrs. Maggie Whitley at the
court house, bakes every
day, bread, rolls, and pies. Or-
filled anywhere in town. lea
cream sold daily.
a f
lie was the engineer of an ocean
liner and prided himself on his
knowledge of electricity. On one
of his brief stays at home he ac-
companied his wife to a party. The
subject of electricity coming up, he
indignantly combated the idea that
it was possible for two people to
produce an electrical current
through the body of a third by aim-
pie physical contact. His wife and
a friend said they would prove it
and, leading him to a window, told
him to pall up hie sleeves and place
both hands flat on the glass. They
then, on th other side, took a Arm
grip on his wrists. At the and of a
few momenta wife
yo VI a pain, Willy f
he replied, and returned a
like to a second and a
third inquiry.
At his third response most of the
company began to laugh, and it sud-
flashed into his mind that the
pronunciation of pain and pane
th York Tribune.
Notice Land Sale.
By virtue of a power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed,
executed and delivered by Wm. H.
Clark to O. C. Nobles on the 21st day
of 1902 and duly recorded
In the Register of deeds office in Pitt
county, in book I page The
undersigned will expose to public sale
before the court house door in Green-
ville on Monday, the 14th day of July,
1908, at o'clock, noon, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described
parcel of land to
Lying and being in Swift creek
township. Pitt county North Carolina,
and bounded on the North by James F,
and on the East by James F.
Clark and on the South by Jesse Clark
and on the West by the lands of James
Wetherington, containing acres more
or less. This made to
the terms of said mortgage.
This the day of June 1908.
Stephen F. Nobles assignee
of O. C. Nobles mortgage.
F. C. Harding attorney.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 22nd. day of May,
S. Notary Public.
New Tools,
Experienced Workmen,
can on Li h. PENDER
you want any Tinning, Guttering, Plumbing, Steam or Hot
Water. Heating and Repairing.
Head of the State Educational
Medicine, Engineering, Law,
Library contains volumes. New
water works, electric lights, central
heating system. New dormitories,
gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. building,
students. in
Fall term begins Sept. 1908
Francis P. tenable. President
Special for Friday, the 12th, at
Narrow width SILKS, worth
from to at
is not yet formed, and
ed a duty or been indifferent to
an appeal for her unfortunate
Our will be glad to learn
that beautiful site of acres
I often have not the strength to ground has been secured in
King's Daughters Laboring evil. The effort of this
for Its Promotion and Solicit Aid , win be directed
ID . not only towards giving the boys
While our people have taken a j excellent educational advantages,
noble stand and valiantly but instruct them thoroughly
in the battle for prohibition, and in some of industrial work
won by their deserving effort in J will enable them to earn
the for the Eastern an living, and be a safe-
guard against temptation and
I Pi i, Gen.
Training school for our young
women, must not be content
to rest on their laurels until some
effort is made, some interest
after leaving the institution.
The reports from those who have
chat go of like homes from other
aroused in behalf of its great are most satisfactory
work which is now before our I that over ninety per
people, viz- The discharged
of the Man-1 the full length of
Training, and Industrial me them at the
for cur boys. Ill other
words an institution that wt.,,
give the youthful offender, the
incorrigible, the youth criminal. repeated and earnest
county, in which to
erect the school. It is an ideal
location feet above the sea,
miles from Charlotte and three
miles from Concord. There has
been a donation of cash.
The King's Daughters also con-
during the past
year, and have united to make
their State work. The
buildings are to consist of an
administration building, a school
building work shops and cot
Each cottage to cost not
more than and to j
boys, an officer and
his wife. This is preferred to
V-v- a
Organized in 1868, reorganized
in MM with capital of
Manufacturers High Grade
nave made good useful housing all the boys in one j
Ia not this result worth building. The idea to develop ,
an opportunity for reformation;, for five years from
making for Lima home, where and others
he will be subjected to a firm; realized the great need of
though gentle Christian the blessing which
line. Giving him an opportunity I to our State, The
to character. of 1907,
and endeavoring to i appropriated ten thousand
develop those qualities of heart this purpose While this
and mind which will make him a donation was most thankfully
good perhaps be an still, this rum
honor to his on the the work, and did jibe school fully expects to be
Statistics show that not executive feel that operation during the fall.
the young criminal has been I public heart in full the State convention of
serve out a with the effort and King's in Henderson
in our whose only cop- respond cheerfully to the on May 1-2. 1907 an association
that of vicious hard- need; they would feel d i was founded, known as the
men; becomes more great undertaking. But Association
more like those with whom they we believe in our people, and of this association is
the home feeling, make the
red that their is their
home and become interested in;
making it attractive. The
board ha been most for
tuna to in securing the services
of Mr. Walter J. Thompson as
superintendent, a gentleman iii
every way suited for the place, j
his whole is in the work and j
no one will give better service
or more loyal to the cause
Our of forty
i-d a lag is
I . v b-s t
th.-r t
fore We to p.- ,
Give us trial i e
. ired eh th on m
r o i tun
. t
are associated, and when dis- never yet has the strong heart
charged, were more depraved benevolent spirit of the
than when found guilty, North Carolinian, shirk-
obtain Liver
The Best Pills Ever Sold.
to felt first Pi f
to take. Clears the so a U. P.
t -2 aide, Sold at
f I., drug store.
i in
times the
Headquarters For Farm
Supplies and Hardware.
WE Garry a full line at all times t the best
quality only. Don't tail to call
on us. We would call your attention to our
Agricultural implement, such us Plows.
rows, and High Cultivators both riding
and walking, which are great labor savers.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
We also carry the Highest Grade and
Cement that can We might
also call attention to our line
which we keep complete at all times,
say that there is nothing better
made. It your house is to be painted
and when you call then we will tell you all
about our wire rubber paper. Iron
Reeling Cotton and Corn planters.
Mowers, Rakes, Cook
Stoves, and High Grade Ranges. The best
Cutlery and lots of other things too
to mention, Now, word to the Wise
is Give us a call. You will find
us in the Forbes building next to Bank
f. be the promoting of the
and Industrial
and t solicit subscriptions
the support and maintenance
said Any person
may feel an interest in the work
of the association and pay an
fee of shall be
as members. The R
will receive any donations
ever small, from any friend who
is interested in the rouse, and on
the payment of their names
will be forwarded to the
of the association for
membership, H w
Please all
to Stonewall Jackson
School, care Editor
Thinks It His Life
Lester M. Nelson, of Naples, M
in a
Ur KW many
or cough and I think it
saved life. I have found it a r. liable
remedy for throat and lung i
and would more ha without u bottle
be without food. i or
at the h- ad and lung
remedies. As a preventive of
and of WM his
no equal. Sold at
W- drug store. and T rial
bottle free.
any axle, spring or
u- within one ff p n a
in material or workmanship, an I is r -i is .
chaser, we Will replace the free of chars
We also have for sale best Wagons on by ;
and fully guaranteed -Piedmont and
K. I. Davis Bros, at J- R. Harvey Co., a- .;.
for our Buggies, and all our work by Hum is
Greenville, North Carolina, U.
i. iv the jest about the in the cam
The death has
visited the home of
and Mr.
bails at i q, W. Baker and
j them their only Child, little ,
That which makes Milwaukee thirsty
only days before ,
l-eked be; would have been a year old, our
S Heavenly Father called her to
mint is waiving y-but spend her first birthday
South dry. heaven with h
Bone Pains, Can-
will send sample
sister. now B. B. B. Cures above Trouble
By the on hillside in Ken- who passed away also Eczema and Rheumatism
all is before years Ho . t
For the refreshments in. B. U W
m Again the Cradle Roll of the f in-n. V-
stately gives his Memorial Baptist Sunday or
j., n
e its brightest B. cure l el el I
General Hardware
Sole Agent for
Lead and Paint, Jewel Stoves Syracuse
farm sower
Edge Tools.
Trip to Charlotte.
The fare from Greenville to
Charlotte and return to
convention is and the out-
look this far ahead is that the
convention will be the
price. You can leave Greenville
at 7.10 a. m., and reach Charlotte
that afternoon. There will
doubtless be many besides
gates to go from this section of
the State.
Venters X Roads, N. C- June
Misses Moore and
Kinston, spent last
week with Miss Pearlie Garris.
George and J. S. Garris
took a business trip to Washing-
ion a few days ago.
Misses Pearlie Garris and
Louisa Wilson spent last Tuesday
night with Rosa Harris.
Some of the folks are learning
to sing good bye booze.
Tobacco is line in this section.
J. S. Garris and George Rouse
reported a fine time frog,
Saturday evening.
R. L. Garris is on the sick list
Mrs. Katie Cox the sick
this week
Frank Cox lost a fine
I tat week.
Subscribe for The Reflector
It is useless at to be winK-
and her
r th u nae . d d
of the . ray sunshine. tn i,
For the cocktail is and her loving
and our loss in her
the South is going dry.
It is water, water everywhere, but not death,
drop to drink;
We no longer hear the music of the
mellow crystal clink, .
When the Colonel and the Major and
the and i he
Meet to have a little nip to give
their appetites n edge;
the eggnog it H and the
has awry.
And the punch bowl holds carnations
and the South is going dry.
All the night caps now have tassels and
are worn upon the head;
Not the nightcaps that were taken
when nobody went to bed;
And the breeze above the blue grass
as solemn as is death.
For it bear no pungent clove tang
on its breath;
And each man can walk a chalk line
when the are in the say,
glass the
Sooth is going dry.
Lay the jest about the the
chestnut tree at last.
For there's but one kind of moonshine
and the olden days arc past,
For the wagon through the
Southland on its trip,
And it to drop off to
pick up the drivers whip;
For the mint bed makes a pasture and
corkscrew high.
is along; the
Resolved, that we, the
Baptist school, offer
this humble tribute of love and
sympathy to the sorrowing ones
pains -r
Mucus i i HOT
Ulcers on any pert of b
me run down or tier
or brows falling out, J. B. B.
It kills the p won. makes th-
pure and rich, heating Mrs and
completed changing the c- tire body
into a c he. thy Itch-
itching r and every humor
or s re is healed and cured
is pleasant a-d safe to talk;
of Pure It
fies the Woo I.
Druggists, H per large bottle
reunited in heaven.
Resolved further, that a copy
of these expressions be spread
upon the records of the Sunday
school, a copy be sent to The
Reflector for publication, and a Directions for home cure,
copy be sent to the bereaved
Mrs. B- E. Parham,
Miss Sophia Jarvis,
Mrs. J. E.
South Is dry.
men who to tip he beer the
corn juice and the rye,
Mas often and glad be-
cause he knew he soon must die;
leave hid the little ones with
horn and bread-denied.
of he could not thins
for them he should provide;
now he gets safe for
his babies and his wife;
to better contract can be Mound than
Old Mutual Lit.
A Family Medicine.
gives me pleasure to speak good
for writes Ml.
Frank of No. Houston St.,
New York. a grand family
cine for d and liver
while for lame back and weak
kidneys it cannot be too highly
Electric Bitters the
digestive functions, th
Free Blood Cure
This coupon cut from Green-
ville, N. C. Reflector good fur
one large sample of
Blood Balm ed free in
fill in your
name address on dotted
lines below and m to BLOOD
Atlanta Ga.
State name of trouble
h-. ,
and impart renewed vigor and
and debilitated of both
Sold under L
Wooten's drug store c
Salve Wine.
When you need the beat
thy hay see F. V. Johnston.
Tom Moore, of Rural Route
I. ran, Ga. had a bad sore.
I on the instep of my foot and anal-l
find nothing that would it I
applied W-. . a
I than half of a box i r
i me by attesting a perfect cur .
I under guarantee at J. L.
I drug .

In Charge of NYE
l , , Eastern and Vicinity- Advising Rates on Application f
Miss Chapman returned
borne Sunday, to the delight of
her many friends.
Joe says they are cur-
tobacco over his way and
surely are preparing for it
r. r . a are still go-
;. f x m nice Up-t
ff S S v- K Co the way flues and trucks
are leaving the A, G. Cox Mfg.
T UP dry goods on trains, on wagon, on
r V bed and box bod.
Barber Co.
Remember the Hunsucker bug
It refers to Liver Pills and
Are you
ANY then- and many
Inaction i I
they go. last Saturday
trucks were shipped and still
Still Call to see the orders come. The ha are
Mr ;,. be. whistling and turn-
Prices are inter out about trucks
N. C. June 1908
To another has come the Mas-
have need of
thee, come up
On June the ninth the earthly
carter of Mrs. Ada Fields Thorne
closed, and her sweet spirit
winged its v. bade to the God
who gave it-
From dust of the weary highway,
From the smart of HOW roil,
Into the Royal Presence
She has gone, the guest of God.
Every Man His Own Doctor.
cannot to
employ physician for every slight
or injury that may occur in his
family, nor can lie afford to neglect
them, so slight an injury as the
scratch of a pin has been known to
cause the of a limb. Hence every
man must from necessity be his own
doctor for his of ailments. Success
often depends upon prompt treatment,
which can only be had when
medicines are kept at
have been in the mar-
for many years and enjoy a good
r. on.
Colic, Cholera and
for bowel
I i to
. . I
VI U t
m-n. Lit P
i I
o-J Tar Hi
I per day. people have learn-
-in ed how labor is saved by
i wagons and carts using trucks and how much
b it is to the tobacco
i without bruising it. So it's good
people of Winter- old
,, iv organ- sack aprons.
Take No Substitute.
You served the
at your is
. Stokes pr.
tit, d Miss Miriam
. craw hats Johns. . n an., r.
.- . a r quality s mental and
imp ,. and what nobler
. i ;
A. W.
galore. The
tittle fellow ere having a tough
siege. The who p i heard in
almost home. I all
H . . i e very w
Mis- ;. .-. . I conn.;, i every The f Cox v
. ii
. depart-
. Hat-
v .
for the
S p. We them
special mu
Mr. Alfred James Dead.
Mr. Alfred James, one of the
county's oldest citizens, died
at home
in Carolina township. In Jan-
he had re case of
pneumonia, and had been con-
, ; ; , bed ever since.
Sometimes he could sit up for
an hour but was able to
wail; any more. He bore his
with all patience, at
first he v. a very anxious to get
well and hop d to be able to
by his birthday, March 13th,
tin toward he was will
to and he was
chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
colds, croup and whooping
She was SO well and happy only cough. m
, . ., Balm ant
a few , It seems Ham, bruises, burns.
SO hard to realize she Will be J sprain, swellings, lame back and
with us on earth no more. I Stomach and Liver
,. Tablets for constipation, biliousness
How long not years, but troubles.
live twice who live the first life
Her first life was lived well,
and to the the
will not be long, but soon
they may dwell together in
eternal city of God.
was to Mr. n
T. Thorne live yearn ago.
Their union a per-
one, for a happier i r
m congenial, o spirits are
seldom found.
The home now is so sad and
to the
her. Soon after her mar-
Chamberlain's Salve for diseases of
the skin.
One bottle of each of these
at ions costs but For sale by
i and dealers in patent
Via. No folk Southern and Seaboard
Air Line June 23rd.
On account of the Democratic
State convention which meets in
Charlotte on the 24th, the Sea-
board Air Line will run special
trains on the 23rd to
date the large crowds desiring
to attend the convention. The
tr tin that the people of this sec-
lion are Interested in and over
i ,
. ; .
. . good feed All
lo hi t
. ice Co., next
a . i on our s
she unit d with a M.
feel that of which
.,, la fact, was hard she lived an con- they will take
we think when his cold is better , to give him up I w her death, j
hA will only . ice i , r,
H . v. ;. wave j h work
r . i a arc . ;
, ,,. ii . or ii Was a
a Johnson's C. having
i j
will leave Raleigh at 11.30 a. m.
and r eh Charlotte at 5.30 p. m.
This will make connection
the i if
v th the
train at Raleigh.
The Norfolk
t rail- for seed a. pi bushel.
J. E . our.
road i .; lot of the Improved King Lot
with II
I . J i . i
r col I drinks
. ti is . J in ex- .
shape. H. L. Johnson. B. A.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carroll the . sat here, ht-i. y d
from the country, were in town to Mt. Olive. He in
Friday Sen
Mrs. Butt and
Ml- for P overflowing with m in
a lot of the Improved King boys and girls s king to battle of The tributes mm
ton seed pounds in seed v. , r . m- grand
life. children, mu. the i
Ice and lemons at H-L. John- h her task
ex- ; ton's. friends, arc- left cu mourn
A Sudden stuck some form
f i may conn to
i Even ally provided
BAlsam. Warrant db. Wooten
car load f hay just
received A. Ange Co.
We have just received out
men and dress
friends, ire left mourn
loss, but is
M c i
I .
straw hats at prices to attract
Our line of new spring pants
-1 A Ange and
just opened.
Colic and
have returned from a visit ti
Beaufort county. are glad
to have them horn a i
handle the We have a special line can
Girl goods fresh. H. h
I the reliable
and Tobacco Truck made in c , and
c Cox
N- C
We all enjoyed cry much Mrs. of them on hand.
Butt's in The orders at once before the rush
Reflector a d .-s ago. We comes
the I the moral in the Free Will
He preached and j
an, breaks th, bonds of
I And waits set of sun.
The Master ray; is enough, come
gain. j
The funeral services were con- p n day i
b Eiders Roberson and done,
. . n arms are lulled to rest,
the body was ,,,;. u,,. Master's
to re
In the family
At this season of
should have . me
I, i in w ,
c. e i
Whereas, The great Spirit has
seen fit in His all wise providence
take from the home of Brother
Denmark Seymour his little
i cl therefore be it
steep, and That extend the
and condolence of our
and we would point him to
.,, the Great Spirit who all
well. , , e
and, We would ask the aid
arc quickly relieved by the ; t Cl i
i;. Iv followed by
For sale by all r. with bottle of the
gists and dealers in patent y nil druggists and dealers
Don't Wait for the
Stages of a
patent in
Cox's Mill, N. C, June
for K .
I I. net h
in the o he, v i.
. , k back, w KW-
and They purify
the blood and the entire sys-
John L.
N C,
Jno. T. Thorne, Miss Agnes
Moore. A. C. Monk.
tho Great Spirit, to help him bear
the that has befallen
That a copy of these
be spread upon our min-
the brother,
family and a copy be published.
J W. Brown.
Chas. Moore. . Com.
W- P. Edwards
slavery to
Heal Rick i house.
live room
located. C. S. h, agent.
Hay and lime at . Ange
Mumford n m near
pie's Experience.
to notice the great improvement
by plastering the walls and
painting the interior headaches and
the church. Here is our hand arc common symptoms
me w kidney disorders. It's an emu- to
and best wishes ; , Th. attacks may
Nice corned hams are the . with
for breakfast these spring V, puffy below
m town Sun- mornings. We have them K if
. . I H. U Johnson, j ,., s
Poultry and We are prepared to fill your
A. R IMUS have your . .
before the rush conies Mrs S.
Sis as last year. A. G. .
Roscoe Cox I'm Madison
Cowan went to
H. A. Moore
went to church Sunday at Rose Springs.
Ex Senator R. Williams is
C. W of t here from Falkland attending a g
county, was here a while revival which is being held
the Christian church. he sen-
Miss Kate Chapman, of Win. many friends are glad to,
, Ayden Saturday, and Jack Lang left yesterday to.
Oscar Evans spend a few days at Panacea w M
D. W.
., A .
. y this
week. W
to next v. n of
interest A. W. Ange Co.
Fountain Cox passed another
of those annual mill in his
life also Cox
one y V family
i. lo make these
clays We remember u
v. we, like our young friends, you prices on them,
counted the days and sighed for
a birthday to come. It did take
so long to come, hut that in
the long A few streaks of
gray tell us we are so young,
even if we do feel so. and the
years pass so rapidly we
forget the month in which we
were born, to say nothing of the
And Provisions I
Cotton and
. some time I
Manufacturing Co., from M,,,,, v
A W. Ange Co.
Go to M. G. Bryan Winterville,
. . .
spent last week with see him in such good b
Misses Cora and Sadie Carroll C R. Townsend went to
our people went to son yesterday,
church at R d B inks Sunday. J. W. Parker left for Wilson
Miss Bessie Moore this morning.
w T
son. rear Pent ca
Our town is noted for for to attend the an
meeting the Red Men.
of the
now her all I can hear North Bankers
relieved the sides . ,. y.
restored the tour, IS gOOd
norm condition and at
.; action and at
had down
D. W. I
N or t h C a r o I i n
Store. The. soon
relieved the in sides
u r.
. I am
feelings deal bell or ill every
av la
u j credit for the treat improvement in y
wiSE Walk dealers
best. I the
For best roofing see A. W.
ft Co. .
A Car I for the Reflector
A. improvement over
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
i. North Carolina Executive Popular Not
, R of One of the strongest reasons
No City Pride Shown in the Paving of North Carolina, by virtue of and
Dickinson A. Outrage on Tax Act of the Assembly of
Paver.-Matter Referred to ; North Carolina passed at its
Committee and special session of 1908. and
Work Go,, On. lied on the 31st of January, 1908, a void the cl cheating
this my Proclamation the which WM openly
-Are you going over to the and defended as a
meeting asked Alderman the hope an-, promise
Swore His Bride While Her
Parents Say She is Only
A week or two ago Mr. Henry
Bullock, both
of this were married.
he license, which
i was issued Information fur
of the was that it would
on h was to that the
young lady was years old. It
the marriage was
of The Reflector man which election was bald to held out that
the sense of the people on j the ballot would
without consent and the
father of the bride. Mr.
lock, asserting that his r
Ex-Governor Jarvis Given in Ovation
Resolutions on Death cf Ex-
Special to
Charlotte, N. C, June -The
Pitt county delegation this
morning in Charlotte and select-
ed Harry W. spokes-
man for the delegation and J. L.
Fleming as a member of the com
on The con-
I Were cast at said election
Armed with this information , , d ard ,
and a note book the reporter m , b t be;
himself to the to J which one hundred said of our primaries And la
see what was doing. thousand, six not the man would
delay, fr
and some field
twelve which with us yen-
. . .-
The defendant had no
ballots r.
bride e that she
years old on the 9th day of
prior to this
year Mills had lived in their
Chi, Smith, the board
called to order with jam thous. , ,., the
present. J d t,
the only absentee, being too .,,.
petition that had at for the of ft I-
presented. was signed by q j year; he to
quite a number of one of of j by Train,
citizens and read as follows i , . in the humanity, avarice, cupidity.
We the hundred and in , A small boy named
could begin prompt-
at noon owing to a great
Ex-Gov. Jarvis was given an
ovation as he entered the ball.
He made a great speech as
chairman of the woven
The districts wen called
at the conclusion of his speech
that they might name their
members of the various cm j
The convention than
adjourned at p. m. for dinner.
Just before the convention
for P. Buxton,
Splendid Special Train Service-Char-
Charlotte. ML C. June 21-
The Seaboard Air Line railroad
gave people superb s
its special S ate
that was from ;
today. Th i
Southern train that took
of the stem delegate to
was transferred he i
station, where th
pressing regret th death of
President Grover I
stated be did adopted the
standing with bowed heads
while the band played
adjourned in resp. ct to his j
until p.
made to the
which was d ii
day coaches and P. mi
left pr
with every care d.
Mr. C. H the traveling
agent of th aboard
Raleigh, ace the
saw that
the had
and comfort.
The special r d
in and the
them. s a I
. t
Aldermen that have
he .
public questions on their merits Washington Hospital a a
R B impossible, he sever- s a,,, . . ,
paving of Dickinson avenue I every voter who listens over by an A U U
agreeable to the original survey., A- H. to the train p. m.
The slakes this survey
are to be seen thus showing
the line of this survey.
As curbing is now laid on
Dickinson avenue it is to
turn round a two horse wagon if
indeed it he done at all, on
Dickinson avenue. From the
People Have Cause to Kick at Paving
of his coin, and such an one, day on street.
having obtained I., a man- The w, t-d
so criminal, lo teal n n
may be tn befoul it. an the train, was
which is age.
We will net call or give I w as necessary. .
n Dickinson Avenue.
One on v has to look out Dick-,
least street ought to be wide t been , i . , when he carried
enough to turn around a wagon i Whether
,. a -.-
tobacco town, by reason m whether tie nut without going into this
contraction of Dickinson fathers, we pass on to say, generally, but it gave which
there is likely to be congestion j . blunder, a bad one, that the evil is widespread, and should have bean repealed,
in the fall when traffic is heavy r Thor, a the which should at the mo
and especially when is big . of the we be and made
tobacco breaks. , ., . and in. which is another way of saying more Every
There is a Laughter.
A laugh is a good thing-
kinds Of at least. Hut
there are smiles that are as I
Hi knife thrust, and the laugh- j
person fa says A-n,
Allan in July Designer
Ir. i; curious how, now
i I raise a laugh or a long
; the original jest or
has been A drawn I
down countenance u mis-pro-
word, even an
persona will draw,
a loud echo of what started
spontaneous mirth. One
on and on, because, seam-
it be
I to one's face lit natural
lines air.
Have you ever listened quite
in. sounds Ku
senseless, as void wit, wisdom
r real jollity as on
i i i
Crowd. at as it
tared for. re
everywhere working
respective tea d
high. Ai
ac tea a- to who win
for other i t
considered much until th n- r i
union for govern r i. n it th
way. All t e r
around i a id
the delegates i ave no thought of
anything -l- .
The . legation cam
through in g
c q ii at
and Central h
Gov. T. J. who will I
temporary n-
is th
of Judge
When the special res i I
Mm. Ada Cherry, who i
her father wt
d pot to I
the folks who
fairly intelligent person v.
Strip pawns . . i.-
a wide the street is crooked and in which is another way saying, and certain,
Some discussion followed far we fallen, that the immediately after
engaged in by two or three while at some other places candidate who has no money should required to
the mayor and several aid the two Bides i spend is a negligible quantity, or I file a statement
that seemed to throw but, space than the paved n the vernacular, he is in campaign expenditures
little light on looking it.- j made by him. or hi, friend., to
Some argued finances, want-, i A c L i n . it how his giving names of
ed to know why there j . wonder if the to the office in persons to whom paid,
a 26-feet paved roadway, hardly d a car path ability, fitness, thereof, applying this both
wide enough to turn a wagon it would have bean to duty how much contests for and
around in, abutted by a to have waited and made be give for the office in to election; and to offer an
side walk with trees and ft than o or ,;.,
phone poles about midway such shape We We all know these tilings to be for his vote, whether in primary
latter. I and criticism of true, and we know, ton, that general election, should be
it in is.
bear complaining true, and w
Alderman . , . ,
i ti complaining criticism aim w. or
r g and ., with than
brought matter to a head by and fl, in the five years in State's prison tor
appointment or a, . , shut not. nun
moving the
of three to go out and c
the and
at a subsequent meeting. The
committee was appointed, the
meeting adjourned and the
because they are not able
Request for Papers.
on him who accepts th
dally to stand the heavy drain e.
that would be made on them, and The writer is not, and does not
If some friend after reading because, further, they are to be, a candidate for
goes between two
goes mint on .
airings of curbing to feet send
his copy of The Eastern filling to resort to the, practices nor has he ever been
a . o T. n I. . -1 I a a . a . . ., n . n
could be.
But if the laugh is purchased
by the sacrifice of a kind thought,
by the telling of a half- truth, by
dragging down of
belief, either yours or
i another's to parade it as
the price is too high
here is so much that is
funny; there are many
ways besides unkind ones; there
is so much of the humorous that
is close to the borderland of ten-
that it u really well
while making people
by means as leave no
j sling, that carry no hint of
treachery. .
Use- your wit cautiously, see
I that your humor has vanity
nil thing it along Into notice; and
I if aren't funny a bit. and
remain content ti
jokes of others.
and to frown down quite
Let laughter b as honest
as your
J. W. Frank
Iris went in tire r lay.
L, went to Cox's
Mi Saturday.
I Is all now. It
Harris and Jim Smith
went to List Sunday.
Rosa Harris spent last Friday,
night with Pearlie Garris,
Bum and Henry Harris
of June 19th will which are necessary to win.
The committee work might
have been done to bet-
effect before the paving pro-
so far out Dickinson
avenue. It seems but nonsense
for such permanent work
out of a nomination.
He writes simply one standing
scale that is being followed on
Dickinson avenue. If the idea
was merely to thread out the
money and reach A. C L .
.,., . ,. ;. to the office it will We should know that ,,
be Our file number s action is taken, and that on the bank, who, with regret
was missed on and we speedily, to this and deep concern, much
desire two copies for that condition, the control our j of the wreckage of our political
State will pass into and remain fabric passing by. his only
in the hands of a corrupt and purpose is to sound the alarm- It
is time to call a halt. The Dem-
party must quit tome of
or go to over-
whelming defeat.
Laurinburg, June
Charlotte Observer.
railroad by the 1st of July, with corrupting moneyed oligarchy
on the something that could be called The remedy is simple. It
, . i r. II
paving, might laid a might b said of the Populist
wheelbarrow track for the pres- party, as of a certain English
and left the real street public man. that nothing it ever
to be at another time did became it so well as dying,
A Nice Place.
J. V. Harper's Palm Garden,
in one of S. T. White's stores, is
a nice place. It is handsomely
I fitted with the moat up-to-date
I fixtures for the serving of
drinks- was opened
I Tuesday for the first time and Mr.
I Harper says he gave away over
drinks, between the hours of
C and o'clock in the evening,
to prospective customers.
went to Greenville Saturday.
Frank Cox and wife are gone
to see J. II. Wilson to-day.
I think some of our boys will
b going to the register of
deeds before long.
Willie Wilson wen, to ii
Tom Venters fays he has got
cm vine tobacco,
jog Griffin has got the
cotton we have
We had a rain Saturday
, night.
Doll went t Ayden
House says he going
to California soon for his health.
W. King, of
j was visiting bis sister, Mrs. Joe
Hinson. last Sunday.
Frank Hinson, of Mill;,
was his Joe
I Hinson, last Sunday.
Wilson and
Wilson were visiting at Frank
Cox's Sunday night.
I am now at home, o . Third
street, where will dual. K.
of millinery work at Tea.- ,
charges, Mrs. Georgia Janus.

Eastern reflector, 19 June 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 19, 1908
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Joyner NC Microforms
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