Eastern reflector, 5 June 1908

In Charge of F. C. NYE
I Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Winter-ilk and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
buggies has been
tag, if you want a rice
runabout you had Governor Glenn as a
beta r give him an e call-
f. C. and G. E. Lineberry
returned from the Wake Forest
yesterday after-
and iv-port moat delight-
men and dress
bats are open. Come and
Mi a of
Point, cams last to see
would lose hie district
Well, the committee
those Butler and
his lieutenants had helped to put
in office, and they considered
that a victory, with Butler and
his lieutenants on top, would be
worse than defeat, and they
refused to accept the advice of
Mr. Kitchin, and under lead
of Simmons, cock, Glenn and
then opened fire on Russell and
Butler and their lieutenants, and
hip and thigh, and
State. These honor are an
deserved, . referred to the attempt of i .,
A c load of lime and hay just M f USe the Demo. But Mr.
with Marion Butler ard and and
We have just received his coterie of pie in
men dress has been
I ,
, v. I guaranteed or
the blind institution at by Job. L
He also elected a trustee of
Wake College Thursday ML KITCHIN AND FUSION.
and as president of the Alumni As the campaign waxes warm
association of Wake Forrest Col-. . re beginning to take
logo He Stands out as one of. of some things that were
about all we had left-if we did I AS TO MR. LOCKE
not fuse we had no chance of j
winning in the state and that he Letter From a Prominent Who
the leading school nun of the
about to be not
corn, oats and feed of straw hats prices to attract
ah kinds go to
due C
J. .
A W. Ante i Co.
Craig. and their able and
followers did not do it at
; -that they do not deserve the
on to it by other re- . if fa
Pro-you. A W. a letter by Mr. Che W. -he
Laura Cox and Ethel of Charlotte written in J m and
-i. Gain the B L. foe Ir. j,
W. commencement at Mr. M C. Freeman, a ft --h. h
roil are , the tor- line of new spring puts of county
est and Baptist com- just opened. A W. Ange an open letter,
week. Co. which the following extract fits
The play in a Bar G of Ayden.
was given last night here Mr. you mention
at the at to a parents, i the fact that Mr. Kitchin has not
.--. of in been in Mr. Craig's
high terms. We wish ill th-L are going. Call to see a district to make a single
people in the c aid s our stock of runabouts be- speech. I believe that this is u
this ; fore you buy. Prices are u my memory serves
Our immense line of straw I j. me right I don't think he put
just received. us tor quality j-v. H. E. Tripp, of Ayden, himself to-much trouble about
. . .- . h j going up into Mr. Craig's dis-
morning and night. Uric; and 1898-and I
war in mind the don't to have heard
x wagons and carts very about Mr. be-
ma Cox Mfg. down in my county or down
N. C.
continue to say, never tin
of saying. It is w hat Butler said
and is still saying. What they
mean to charge is that we did
not the State in
stole it Democrats have
always resented that statement
when made by Republicans.
Why should w endorse it when
insinuated by a Democrat It is
Hon. C. W. Mitchell, a
fawner and business man
of Bertie county and whom his
people have for years honored as
their representative in the
and as State senator,
writes the following letter to a
citizen of Greenville that speaks
Aulander, N. C, May 1908.
Mr. Joseph
Greenville, N. C.
Your letter received I do net
know the character of the
that are being used against
Mr. Craig in your county. I de-
sire to say that no man has ever
and from Bertie
county who is held in art liter es-
teem by the best people of this
county than Mr. Craig- Four
years represented this
county in the legislature, the
Democracy cf the county without
i dissenting voice instructed mo
to vote for him for U. S. Sena-
tor. I know that some of the
men who were enthusiastic for
him then are now traducing and
a serious charge.
is lit
; . d to ii
Rebus, who was
. d by
toys ago. N. C. feet of
m a i believe say was
at Black and Up the fifth district a
for and if my memory
To nave i. horse he must servos m right I think he has
j have of good feed. All been up the fifth district in
kinds of the beat to had, at j every campaign since, making
Produce Co., conspicuous a running
teachers and Sunday.
Hi.-, have oar deepest
A. lot of nice
cypress shingles for sale,
Barber Co.
I will ho at the following places
June Sand o.
Ayden June and
June and 12-
Tucker's school house June
have made it we have
branded it as false, it is now
for tho first time made by a
Democrat, and that Democrat is
a candidate for the nomination
of his party for governor
If we nominate him will we
have to admit the charge
Does the Democratic party
want to nominate or elect a man
governor of North Carolina who
rather than a divided union.
Many of our best men in the
South held similar views. The
Rev. Mr. Craig died leaving
Locke and to the care of
their mother, who, being with-
out means to educate them, went
to the University of the State,
ran a house and by
that means educated her sons.
Locke Craig located in the
Western part of the State and
by his own energies and ability
has achieved distinction and
standing second to no man in
Western North Carolina.
I am told, and he does net de-
it, that at the age of the
I first he ever cast, having
read the life of Jams G. Blaine
and being strongly impressed
with the greatness of the man,
that he voted for Blaine electors.
The balance of the State ticket
he voted for the
nominees, and this is the only
instance where he has ever fail-
ed to support the party nominees.
I think when we take an
partial view of this point in his
he should be commended
rather than consider-
the environment of his boy-
hood I don't believe any man
in the State has done harder
work or made greater sacrifices
for the cause of Democracy than
Locke Craig, and it is a shame
that men, who call
good Democrats, should seek to
injure him before the people of
trying to injure his good name. State by vile slanders and ma-
If by a united voice of the
county he wag worthy to
sent State of North Carolina
lies. To those who
sure for voting when a
boy for the Blaine electors. I
Carroll and C. J- Jack
a , ., ,., ,, ,
But what I want
to know is did Mr. Kitchin try t
not the voters carried the election
, ., ,.,., 1898, and adopted the amend
Wake Forest fuse with Mary Ann in
are at home for the It's charged that he did,
and he not denied it. If he Nominate Mr- Kitchin after
fine Jumbo didn't tell he ought to and thousand
For Sal Una C ten -u
J. picked, especially Ly the charge. If he did, stumps in North
Also then I say that no democrat in
campaign, point
, P. Manning Lister in the
away J-J J and be of scorn u,
You it. for you
ts and addresses -s a v . , ,. ,., nominated for governor the man
Prof Lineberry left for Stokes H P , Mr. Freeman h said ; and stand m
W. U. Harrington. story very out he does Sun.
Janie Kittrell went tel. it. The truth is
Greenville yesterday afternoon, j that Mr. Butler fused
We have a special line of can-, j., m gave him the pop- Relief from Rheumatic
goods fresh. H. L. Johns in. vote against Mr. Settle, with or over
Nice corned hams
for a
in the U. S. Senate, surely he is would sight them to the example
worthy to be governor cf the of Mr. Bryan in years
There has boon no change j voting for Weaver electors.
in ; he man in years. I don't know what will be t .
I think I Craig almost as I of this fight, bu
I am
ow myself. us w.-re, firmly convinced that the best
the I interest of the party will he
i-. county em r .--
-me day of the same year. Mis j e d by his nomination. I consul
father a as good as
preacher, coming to the county any man. I Pitt county
pi to the war and marrying a; will give him a re-
I am told the vile slanders that
that his father, who was not a being circulated to injure p.
of the South, when the worthy and deserving son of our
Question f secession was who years baa lab-
ii g the minds of the people, held j on d for be St interest of the
gain it secession and his State,
sympathies were a united I C. Mitchell.
Winterville, N. C.
At the Close of May 14th, 1903
he will speak on prohibition this,
We are now reads to take or-
for the famous handy to
truck. They will be the
same price as heretofore.
A. G Cox Co.
A solid car load of flue iron
just received- We are prepared
to fill orders at the same
price. A G. Co.
mornings. We have them
H. L. Johnson,
Mrs. A. G. Cox and son,
are attending the B. U W.
commencement at Raleigh. Miss
H. L. Johns I vote against Mr. Settle, with rheumatism for over
hams are the thereby bringing about what is
st these spring now claimed as a brilliant times it settled in my knees and tamed
. . . . i . i- 4.1 maul n While, at other
B. F. Manning has just re-j Dora Cox year,
turned from a business trip bargains on doers and wind-
Norfolk. Mr. Builder, let us give
Y-j. r .;.;. don't you need e you prices on them.
nice buggy spread A W. Ange
Co, has them.
My soda fountain is
for the nicest cold drinks.
Everything is new ad in ex-
shape. H. L.
buggies are still in
the go. You had better come
and get you a nice buggy in time
for spring sport. A G. Cox
A- W. Ange Co.
hut did not walk, at other
victory, out n. not ,;,,,,,
fuse with the for duty.
for fa pain end
Crane from it my wife went to the
in that year, and they were de- s re here and cam been with a bottle
Mr of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I was
Just d with it and found the had
Kitchin was by Butler nearly gone during night I;.
. in -p do not on for a than tori
tor w e not Know . . f , , , it . th
Loans and discounts
i 228.58
and 1,178.58
Demand Loans
Duo from Banks and
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
National bunk notes
other notes
Capital stock I
Surplus fund
Undivided profits less
expenses and tuxes
Bills payable
Time certificates
Deposits subject to
Duo to banks
weeks and found that it drove the
but it may have on account rheumatism away. I have not had any
who from that for ever
Of Captain Buck months .
was Butler's first lieutenant. Or dealers n patent
of North Carolina, County
I Jackson, the above-named bunk, do solemn-
It swear that the above is true- to the best of my know
and belief. Cashier.
A. Cox,
J. B. Green,
G. E. Lineberry, v
Subscribed and sworn to be-
, this day f May,
James R. Johnson,
Notary public.
. m-m
J. K. Barnhill has moved to I ft may have been because our.
his new home near the oil mill.
Nice, fresh Oatmeal. A. W-
Ange Co.
election passed off quietly
yesterday. There was hard
work done but every one seemed
candidates, seeing how
many Butler and his
lieutenants had helped to put in
office, refused to fuse with him
But Mr. fusion rec
Colored People for Fr.
The colored people of Green- j
ville could not much hand I
the voting Tuesday, but
showed their interest in
and that was nearly every young
Mfg. Co., . C. I
We handle the the
v, r ; um v, with his election by holding prayer meetings
to be in excellent spirits. We over Settle W MM. In the year and their church h--Us.
were struck with one good sign, when the democratic party
Grifton, N. C.
At the Close of Business May 14th, 1908.
met in convention at Raleigh,
Cutler had a row with
following plows,
-ton Barber Co
v ed peanuts of different
kinds at A. W. Ange Co.
A new line of dry goods and
notions i-;. Harrington
Barber Co.
For he Ricks house.
Nice five room cottage, pleasant-
located. C. S. Smith, agent.
The farmers hand tobacco
It Reached the Spot.
j j are the hope our county are he came to the owns .
p ,, J their actions yesterday are com- j democratic convention with the ., store at and is
indeed. stink of a thousand office k ant of the
at Johnson's j Mm and proposed to
every day. I fuse with us o-i the basis of King's New saved my
Rev. T. H. King returned from the
Monday morning and; m of n-y everything Stat. Carolina, Pitt County,
went back there today was L i
L. John- committee resolution,
Ice and lemons at U- u. ft that short work L. store.
Loans .
Due from
Silver coin .
bank notes .
Total. 115,602.86
Undivided profits . . 136.48
Deposits subject to check 5,840.48
ion s. . .
Mrs- T. II. King and Miss
Nanni- Braxton went to Green-
ville this morning.
Go to M. G. Bryan Winterville,
T. GARDNER, Cashier.
been made of it. but l to
For see A W. U me. this ,, day of May,
Ann-ft Co
Notary Public
urgent and
upon He
, ft Co-
A car of best hay,
Th ;, r Bryan ed why it Supply Co.
trucks are the thing to handle, N, U, for fire insurance. He be adopted, but the
. . ii tho In. ho with
W. W.
t Directors
tobacco. Send in your orders at
once. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Hay and lime at A. W. Ange
Dr. Hess's Poultry and Stock
Food is the thing for your
try stock A. W. Ange Co.
IN, s., .-
Co.,, which he pressed with
of Greensboro. It is
greatest force and
was that he had been able to beat
have found; Settle and be elected to congress,
our other candidates had
c-u ed by ,;. of the
. That Ms . as
k k v. TO AND
An improvement
. I
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per tear
VOL. No.
Thinly Senator Should Hold Hands off
Since He Was Elected by Friends
of Candidates.
In the course of his speech in
last night in ref-
to the letter of Senator
Simmons, Mr. Kitchin
February of last year,
Senator Simmons assured me he
would be impartial and
in the gubernatorial
contest. I was guilty of the fol-
of believing it. Within three
weeks before the Legislature ad-
Mr. Craig
to run and told him he would
support him if he He did
not tell me of his change of mind
until the following December.
Heretofore our Senators elected
by friends of all candidates,
a position and
having a special and
influence, have not fit
throw the great weight of such
Influence and prestige in favor
of either candidate, and this i
Senator never did it before either
two, four six years ago,
behalf of any of the dozen
who been before
the people, and even now he
does not, in his open letter, give
his weight to any candidate
Corporation Commissioner, or
Lieutenant Governor, for Com-
missioner of Agriculture or other
position. It is remarkable also
that in this instance he throws
his weight against Colonel Home
and myself, from his section cf
the State, when by the custom
of a generation the nomination
should come east, and ho gives
no reason for seeking to
custom. He does not say
there is any political exigency of
a public character that justifies
it- He does not say that no mar.
in the East has the character,
experience and ability to fill the
office. Ho does not say that any
man in the West towers so fir
above all Eastern men as to
justify it- But the Senator
tries to make the public
think this a contest
himself and Governor Aycock.
He does this for the purpose of
arousing their friends against
Col- Home and He
knows that he and the beloved
ex-governor are involved in
this contest except in so far as
they aggressively sought to in-
themselves in it. He even
speaks of the right to
himself. Will Mr. Craig's deft at
be any upon him Has he
guaranteed Mr. Craig's
Will it be his defeat If
so, why did not the senator let
the public into the secret reasons
that support his position, instead
of in his letter, carefully leaving
the public to its guesses. The
public will think, as I think, his
reasons are personal rather than
patriotic hostile to me as well as
friends to Mr. Craig, for he
advances nothing in Mr- Craig's
favor that has not been claimed
by his friends all over the
for him. He merely adds the
public use of his name to conjure
with, when his favorite has had
the private us of it for fourteen
I regret exceedingly the
of the Senator and the ex-
Governor. I heavy
burden they upon
shoulders in this campaign. It
is unfortunate other
date that they not their
of rum for the
office of Governor. When they
and tho Charlotte Observer line
up my Western
it is more serious to me than the
opposition of the Southern Rail-
way and the American Tobacco
Company. It may be serious to
the people. If the Senator and
the ex-Governor now, cannot
they and the one they name
hereafter constitute a
who will operate a more
powerful machine in naming
candidates than the one I am
now up against The
tic party shall not, with my con-
sent, fall under such ring rule.
Never before in the history of
this State has such a
hold attempt been made
against the time-honored
custom of letting the people
choose their nominees free
from the undue and
hypnotic suggestions of the
mighty ones whom the friends
of ail candidates have raised on
high. After I am nominated I
have the consolation of
knowing that I made a bold and
fight with charity to and
malice towards and did ell
in my power keep the Demo-
near to the mop- free
from the bossism which ever
threatens its usefulness well
as free from that wrongful in-
GREATER THAN EXPECTED. Your editorial suggesting ex-
i Gov- T. J. Jarvis as the proper
, States That Kitchin Led Craig by Forty person to save the day in the
Four Votes, is only Twelve Behind present gubernatorial contest hit
Craig Now and Lead Him the bull's eve. has been
This Week. tested, he is from the east, he is
Mr. J. S. Manning, of Durham, i He is
the State for Hon. W. an old soldier, he is not of
Kitchin in his campaign Southern r the
Democratic nomination for American Tobacco Co., h never
j governor, last niche telephoned j was elected to office and spent
the following statement to the his king for
News and
from the
the ct of the one he had, he
does not want any position p.
holding primaries today gives step the senate, he never
Mr. Kitchin more vote, than I voted for Blaine and he never
estimator in the pub- in a scramble for office.
in the News and Observer he is not wanting office.
on Thursday morning. This would a good rebuke b
votes of today, as far the now on. Let
ascertained, gives Kitchin mm continue one cannot
Home or Craig 10.85,
i making lead over Craig
j in those counties acting,
with a lead o
unless i, has a
account or n seat in congress.
The poor now w no show.
h -i--Y
only about
votes. Kitchin will lead in the
primaries to held this week
he know.-, but he knows
more th m
overcome lead of he is f but
foreign corporations
that ever seek unjust advantage
over the public.
W. W. Kitchin.
Craig. I stand by my statement
Kitchin will lead Craig by
votes at
News and Observer.
As F. m but few. if
any. men are furnishing employ-
to labor than does
Home in the cotton
fertilizer factories and
the various other industries
with which be is We
Democrats have never
ed a manufacture for Governor.
If elected, Mr. Home will be
Governor, and be will not use
the great office as a
to something higher.
not a politician;
he is net one of tho
but Le is lo the
the other
dates combined. Give us Jarvis
and let the Simmons machine,
the buster and the farmer
Howard A. Corrects
New Bern Son's Statement
Durham. N- C. May 1903.
Mr. R. M.
Editor of New Sun,
Hew Bern, N. C
Dear you as I
do, I astonished to see in
your paper of May 23rd your
double column editorial entitled
Kitchin and in
which you say that Mr. Butler
fused with Mr. Kitchin in
and gave him tho populist vote
against Mr. Settle, i hereby
bringing about what, is claimed
as a brilliant Democratic
This is unqualifiedly untrue. I
was chairman of the Democratic
executive committee of Durham
county that year and a
of the Fifth district Democratic
.-tonal executive commit-
tee and was then and been
since in close political .
Mr Kitchin. The I
chairman fused with Tom Sett
and Butler did every-
thing he could to th
to vote Tom
letters were sent out by
the populist chairman urging
the populists to vote for settle.
Some of them fell into the bands
of the democrats and their con-
tents were published throughout
the district. After the camp
opened, it soon became
Satisfied Kit Taft
Will Win.
D. C. June
j The adjournment
didn't mean that President
Roosevelt have
holiday. a h mi tier
fact, the i
let up a bit. ii got off
his hands only to g t tho
convention on them-
The w f-ks will he
busy at the LI us ,
for o pi Li is i
that if it be i- his t
vent it no . i at
. He is
that there be
tho in a lot of oil t i i
d t . u he
is in -.-. in
the n
r to It
. . is
y c y
candidate have a rest. US
the from the East that Sir. Kitchin was getting the
Citizen, bettor of Mr. Settle and that
many populists were to
Ir-a-. and th lie prefers no farther
Governor is Tired and Worn but Happy
Over Result.
Tired and worn from a cam-
of m two months,
which time he spoke nearly
every day, Glenn re-
turned Raleigh today
where yesterday
he cast his vote for prohibition.
He delivered an address there
may said the gov-
am broken down,
but am in splendid spirits. I am
happier over the result of the
election than I have been over
anything in a long
Governor Glenn is considerably
tanned from constant exposure
to wind and weather and is
hardly able to be up. He was at
his office early today, however.
Evening Times.
We appeal to the merchants to
support No
man has been named by
the Democrats of North Caro-
in years.
Wounded Man Turns Others Gut of
Sometime midnight Sun-
day night four colored prisoner
made their escape from the
county jail, and two of them are
yet at large. Their names are
Valentine. Cleve-
land Taylor and.- Charles
John T is the
who made a dash for liberty, a
few weeks ago, while being taken
from court to jail, end was shot
through the hip. Since being
placed in jail, because of his
wound was not confined in
a cell with other prisoners,
but was given a cot in th i
where he could be better
attended to. He had not walked
at all since being shot but had
made much complaint of his
wound all the lime, especially
when an officer was around. Sun-
day night John got off his cot,
took some iron from a
stove in the corridor and- broke
the lock off the cell in which the
other three were confined. Being
released from the cell they found
it easy to cut a hole through the
brick wall and swing out to the
Teel was soon captured,
came back and gave him-
self up, and officers are after the j
other two.
North Carolina has
one in sixty years. Give
i . . . i of
if, i v, i . y
v ; . . . . i-
f t tho do
not u i ii
all. He only smiles when it is
recalled him that in
Grant In 1880
in 1888, each went con-
with the nomination
apparently tut that
. tho
crate Marion
r had the populists called
I fret her in their
and Dr.
A -J of .-.
who as populist
from that county.
nomination was brought about
If the sole purpose of aiding
Mr. Settle.
In the interest of fair
I request you f publish this let-
and correct e
error Into which you have fallen.
Yours truly
Howard A.
o o I
1.36 1.04 j
4.10 2.00
Hew Watch
Cr unties Holding
May and
Union S
than when
much the
U . t occupied by Taft
is thing of a citing
u . and
u; re leas a reputation ; s a
precede, He a
he can sec
me bus
Mr. Home knows the farmer-
need, and is
eminently th farmer's friend.
60.66 15.671-1.77 i Contribution the
lead over Craig M
May 88.01 May
May 12.421
The vote now stands;
Craig Kitchin 237-215
Homo 38.219
The counties holding this week
In Sunday's Raleigh News and
Observer is published a cartoon
drawn by Mr. C. James, of
Greenville, that is a real work of
art. It is a suggestion for a
monument to commemorate tho
Marriage License.
Register of Deeds R.
has issued the following license
since last report.
Sylvester Adams and Dena
Emory Norman and
Eva Dixon.
Henry Craft and Can-
Amos and Sarah
W. M. North and Ellen Butts.
William Barrett and Amanda
Robert Taft and Queenie Wash-
President of one bank and
associated with others
Home knows, also, a few
We Democrats have never
nominated a chant or
man for governor. Now is
the time and Home is the man
Mr. G. S. Prichard Dead.
A message received here Sun-
day from Littleton announced
the death of Mr. George S
ard which occurred Sunday morn-
at Panacea Springs. Mr.
Prichard was a prominent
will put Mr. Kitchin in the lead, i recent temperance
North l ct
Durham, N C. June 1908.
Ashley Home has been a work-
man all his life. Give the;
working man a chance. Vote for,
Home, the working
Mr. Noah Forbes
i shows a monument with the in-
and on the base another
On top of the monument arc
Horns is a
j not down
to Males it
one the Nicest
Held Here
Th germs . to
held here June will
of the dance.
this year. Weave
orchestra of twenty men
j from Washington, and it is said
to be the finest dance music in
Eastern Carolina. We a-e
many visitors from near-
by towns and if the young ladies
who are expecting company, will
phone their engagements
will be mad.
will have enough stags to
secure all engagements so invite
as . any friends as you h,
all engagements will be made.
We have a committee appointed
to look into the matter and Bee
what arrangements can
to have at
rooms after tie
i can't done, the young
will have late
Mr. Noah Forbes died at one them cooing
night at his homo while an owl,
about four miles from town. He perched on a limb overhead sings served at their homes,
had been sick only a few days, j world goes on just
W. B. W.
being attacked with some heart
of Greenville and made his trouble on Thursday of list week,
home hero during the wile died about months;
living at He is survived by eight
the summer. He was a member children. j
of the Methodist church here.
and Rev. M T. Plyler went to
Panacea Springs today to con-1
due the
All kinds of Democrats will
vote for Be has no
Now is the to make
. Mr. successful farmer a successful
leaves a wife and governor of North Carolina.
r. u i , ., When you need the best
Cotton seed meal, bran ship . .
stuff at R V. phone V.
The Sunday trains the
Norfolk Southern railway will
I pirate between Raleigh and
Beaufort, beginning on the 7th,
will run only every other Sun-
Mr. F. H. Dead.
Information has been received
I by friends here of the death of
Mr. Fred M. which
occurred in Roxboro Monday.
Ho was a son of Rev, J. A.
who was
pat-tor of the
in Greenville and made
hens for a few
is learned here with sorrow.
. B

Life, Fire ard Accident
V m
w r
n r
The Bank of Greenville
In the State of North Carolina at the close of business. May 14th 1908.
N. C. May
Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
went to sec- his sick father,
Robert near Ayden
and returned Sun-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. B- P. Willoughby
went to Will Brown's, near Cot-
last Monday, to visit hi;
wife returned the same
C. Smith went to Washing-
Tuesday on business and
W returned that evening.
m We expect S. W. Sum-
to preach at Smith's school
house night, Sunday
Sunday night.
if you will ire in and look oar ; We had a nice rain
. , Th. passed off very
.,. to till by at Out i.
From Any Other
Shoes We Know
It Will Long After It
Eels are peculiar even among fishes.
A mysterious race, the
.;. jell them to not the
I,. , i Very many
mm the
eel l ml has I worm
. i i I I
. Hid
i the I
. A. Its body
v. i .
,. . i .-. I
I . . lull ii la
r i is ;
.- . II to all
,. . In . . for
. have .
. a a
Loans and discounts 138,413.76
Overdrafts secured
unsecured 2,289.75
All other stinks bonds
and mortgages 2,400.00
house 14,200.00
Fur. Fix. 8,072.82
Demand loans
Due Banks
Bankers 24,386.62
Cash items 1,168.87
Gold coin
silver coin including
all minor coin cur. 8,660.08
National hank notes
other S notes 11,128.00
t 188,717.91
stork I
Surplus fund 26,000.00
Undivided profits less
current expenses
and taxes pail 18,684.17
Bills payable 10,000.00
Time 21,840.00
88,708.49 110.544. is
Cashiers checks
outstanding 489.26
I 189,717.90
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, I. Little, Cashier of the above named bank, do sol-
swear that the above is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. JAMES I. LITTLE, Cashier.
and sworn t be-
fore me, this
Notary Public.
e n r t j a n you a Sui
ml quietly
, ,
. r, it
school that consider a
while model one. I a Utter
from one of my grand daughters
M at Neck, the other day.
she me there were
v young ladies in her
it required teachers for
She that there were more
three hundred
H i think it must be one of the best
Sunday in the State. It
. . . r-
of i co dead I
New Tools,
Experienced Workmen,
w i O Sunday in the Stab
, J Blown Down Colored
W . . Daring the raw storm
DEPART- Henry a
colored man took shelter in the
a building on Ninth
, Southern railroad was
;. beach,
; . II . tbs of
. to handle It ill
en . Micro . I shall not
r-. which l en
n , i ii in I
a i n II
Xi Ike. bead oh
i the
Ion . In h's hi
the he v ; l i
Bin . . i re II
sin . .
the i . s
co i ; . -i i I , .-. m. relate .
w i
, ho i r move
. I tbs e
i like
r one of most weird
of uncanny Whether
to by
life In severed
no or i i re mechanical
only the
i And he
making a guess.- SI.
. .
Western j h
. the
New it go There.
once used as a hogshead factory.
A hard . . e
building down and caught Henry
it. Some gentlemen going
by a little later on their way to
, the ward meeting beard Henry's
.-.-i rescued him.
L was considerably bruised but
I not seriously hurt.
rte s I
Ti . Improved
trail, service ken
;. v. h with and
Sunday Train to
Beginning on June and on
I II Q I C p every other Sunday during the
J-U -O- I V- E. fa Souther,.
New through with coaches and PI m I will run
Parlor C . -i i i I I , , M ., ,,,
a, v., . ., ;. , , and Ash- to
viii.-. c. via Judge him by his Beaufort
on .,,,. ., L- c; . a. m at
work rather than by the of bis Raleigh at a. m. Greenville at
. bill. cur before a. m., running through
doing your work, would say to Beaufort, returning 1- ave
. , ,. ,,. a small sum not m. This will
;.. Ar Rive an opportunity spending
2.60 it Ar i round trip fare Greenville
do as to
good work as any plumber in
; world. with your next job
you'll admit we speak the truth. Hard Always
If our bill is smaller than you arc
r . to, why should you object if the
fan-. M. -v .
etc., call on any Agent work is
Comp u th .
r. H. WOOD
D. P. A. fa
Is the V.
the World
J. S.
It is sometimes hard to con-
a man wife that he should
carry a Life Insurance policy.
But alWay easy to convince hi
The old Mutual Life of New
is thy oldest,
most liberal and the beat.
H Harri B agent.
A Which Defendant
.;.,;, d.
An -as
a broker sell n
for the recovery of
. i. ; . I t for
. . -as
. . lib i d
as I lie pin hit
be I i. l-
nil i The On
The a .
own in
. trial i ;
and twice he re-
i i Ii illy I
i for i
At ii-
tan to c
hoarse he
. . i
are ;, to oat, and I say
; all there u us,
ain't ii Now, n If
or th ; and i
Immediately I'll my
The saw e
of this and the
;.,; he to do.
was the reply.
no The la made to
aid the
that it was so-
duty to submit to the
The solicitor The bro-
himself was th a ask d if ha would
v. in happen to ma if I
said ho.
his local
said he tin
case, loss the And so
want .; Plumbing, Steam or Hot
Water. and
C t VI M O
j MONDAY We will sell the
in. bleaching, 1-2
cent value for between
the hours
ft s
I f f f
Dem. Candidate for Governor
Will the of Pitt county at
Ayden, M C June p. m.
and at
Greenville, Friday Night, June
In Opera House
Music will be furnished on both occasions by
The Brass Band
Let everybody come out and hear the people's candidate for
E. A. MOVE, Jr., President
Pitt County Kitchin Club
J. L. FLEMING, Secretary
I j Notice to School.
Hot and Cold Baths
Electric Massage
A specialty Electric
and Hair
tonic given to
All members of the who
I are entitled to rewards will please
be present tomorrow as the re
wards will be presented.
L. II. Ponder, Supt
Greenville, N. C.
For sale at Stock
Farm head of fresh mild
cows, one yoke of legging oxen.
All stock with a
Address Cobb Bro., Greenville,
N. C, R- F. D. No.
for Th
. Mrs. at th It
Local Agent. t wise,
v-s. Or-
Allen In town.
J . CO
N. C.
kinds of ant flowers in
Special attention
Wedding and Funeral
The opening ball at the
Atlantic Hotel. Morehead City,
N c be riven Saturday
night, Oh.
This Will be a brilliant
and will attract from far and
near. F. P. Morton,
N. C.
At the Close Business May 14th, 1908.
Resources Liabilities
Loan and discounts Capital stock 10,000.00
drafts 1189.00 Surplus
and Fix Undivided profits less
Banks expenses and
Bankers , ,
Gold coin 85.00 Deposit
silver coin, Including Deposits subject to
minor coin currency 173.03
National hank
unit S miles
Cashiers checks out-
d know the candidates
and they will
I w. ft. i
Moors and Long
State of North Carolina, Pitt County,
I i K Davis, cashier the above named hunk, do sol-
the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. p
be elected Monday.
-s W VIM, M
to be-
fore this i day of May,
J. A.
Ably Answers Charge Made
Him and Ring Clear on
braes Before the People.
A very large audience, almost
filling the was in the
opera house Thursday night to
hear the speech of Hon
Craig, one of the candidates for
the. Democratic nomination for
The introduction was by Mr.
F. G. James, who made a hit
when he said his attention had
died to a mistake that had
been made that needed
That a few weeks ago
when a certain gentlemen was
being introduced to an audience
here, and enthusiastic admirer
presented him us next gov-
of North That
et years ago. did vote for
one man on that G.
Blaine for president-but voted
all the rest of the Democratic
ticket an-i have voted the Demo-
ticket ever since. I made a
mistake then, being young and
not identified with any party,
but it looks like the years of
service I have since rendered
should at for that mistake.
They even charged that I voted
the Republican ticket when I
lived in Bertie county, but cir-
were such had
to move away from that county
the age an, never
heard boys being
allowed to vote in Bertie. Other
Democrats have made mistakes
similar to the one I made,
some of them even in mature
There is more Catarrh in this section Notice tO the Voters Of the
of the than all ether diseases
Town of Greenville,
North Carolina.
put together, and until the last few
was to be able,
tor a great many year- do-tors pro-
it a disease
ed weal remedies, and by constantly
failing to cure with local
pronounced it incurable. has
proven catarrh to be constitutional
and several
treatment. Catarrh Cure, the first day of June, of for the
mar d V. J. CO., purpose of electing as
-j . I. ml. ed the charter of said town and
Notice is hereby given to voters of
the town of Greenville that the Boa id
said town at a meeting
in April ordered that an election
be held at various in the
several of said town on M
Notice Sale of land. Notice of
By virtue of the
in a certain
and delivered by Samuel Obey
to E. S. Brown land day of
August and duly recorded
Register of Deeds
lice in
Toledo, Ohio, constitutional
cure on the market It it taken in-
in doses from to a
teaspoonful It on the
Wood and mucous surfaces the sys-
They offer one dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and
K. J. S CO. To-
Sold by
Take Family for
in made a mistake in his
fusion with yet
was the mistake I am going that does not my
correct, for I am here to tell you taM
that next governor of We toe mistake of
North is the gentle- one
Greenville. N. C.
H. A. White, m ,
Greenville, L.
years, but their action does not Dear .
Mr. I own receipt of ran of
date enclosing check tor to
cover indemnity on account of
recent illness.
This is the second time in the
last twelve months have
had to call on the Maryland
Cc. indemnity ac-
count of sickness, and want to
for the very prompt
manner in which you handle nay
claims. In each case the
ration of the claim was no trouble
to me as you took the matter en-
in your bands thereby
saving me the trouble,
-Yours very truly,
C. Harvey.
When you buy insurance
me you secure the advantage
an experience extending over
years. Result. Satisfactory
adjustment of claims.
H. A. White.
amendments to-.
The first ward will elect one
man for a rm of ore sear,
second ward will elect one
man a t rm of two years
ward will elect one alder-
men for a term of two years.
The ward will elect one alder-
man a tern of two years.
Th ward elect alder-
man for a of one year.
The registration books will
at tie various in
of said town on W ed-
Thursday, and the
dates the 27th. and
of May, from nine clock
a m. five o'clock p. m. Io.
Only those persons who arc
vote. .
Done by of the board of Alder-
men of the torn of N. C.
or. the cay of April.
F. M. Mayor,
Attest Tyson Clerk.
., i ; h on hi n. wary
was an the applause -u
being so prolonged that h-
moment, for it been positions
J . years and then disfranchise me
advance, a position of
Mr. Craig. of the arduous labor Mr. Kitchin has
this campaign has required, I for confess f r
doubt if I have entered campaign t,, people
the race, much a, the honor of me to the d to; he
aged with their support I
have been greatly no
When I first entered the race for int ;
this nomination ;
. of r
Report of Tin Condition of
The National Bank, of
in Book Q the under-
signed will.- pi be-
fore the Court horse door in Greenville
on Saturday, the 27th. day of
noon, to bidder
for cash, the following described real
to One lot in the of
Bi th. C. on the Weal MO
Main ii . at P. An-
lot and ram
to K. M. a
line a
With Said lot street,
feet and th
. R. Carson and
Canon to Ban el- y- ,
Also one other lot ti
Greenville, N. C at Saran
Cooper's thence
w v. i . st-s-et f- et
thence with Si rah
Cooper's line BO feet. east
with Clark street u
feet Sarah line, thence
Southerly with Sarah Cooper line bu
to the b ginning.
lot ed lo Sam by Mary
Harris dated Feb. 1907, reference
to deed is hereby made ac-
curate description. .
This sale is node -o satisfy
of said mortgage.
This the 1908.
B. P. Brown. Mortgagee.
F. C. Harding. i y.
State of North I
Pill county, I
Hymen C
partners trading at K n A
By virtue ii an I
of i raven j . ob i
action, I will on Monday, the Brat
of June, 1908 .
Court hone- doer i , sell to
the High st a i
i ,
interest .
defendant, hi the I
J . v .
n pen .
being In
State A North i
, . e .
said W. J.
lot R. C.
I. Jackson
lot i d U -.-1
to I
29th day cf
. I
e. digests all
It get the trouble
in t-.- ti of North Carolina,
close u i
Loans and Discounts I
. secured
U. S. to secure
Di g house, furniture
a id
Due from National
Due from State Banks and
Due i
Mr. would remain in
congress to which o
elected him, that Mr.
would lain w his
KI .
. pit C
Into -i
and do th
Jno, L
get .
very wont i for
ii plea to
in Clay ton, and would re-
main at my home in Asheville,
and that there would no
campaign has r cited, and;
the like of which I h.- the,
State not see again.
I have no charge, to make
against either of my competitors,
and wish to say either
them would i very best
governor he -1
think I would mi -e the beat one.
Before T -mt-
took the advice
fr i, t , ,
ts, e c. ; i were
u i in able
from b m a
made a ion on his
I tn co this method of an-
myself a I to
the of Register Deeds
Pitt county to t Dem-
primary. Than . i
many friends fr . i
the continuance o
same, cm
W. Moore.
mo d and w.
C cl cash
in . es
.;,. ti r Nat. Bi
per .
S 1-782
. I
.;. .
CI .
. i.-- h given that
t . qua as . .
ceased, b fore D. C. Moor .
Sup t of Pitt i y
indebted to
. . i
I . r. lined and I .
By i i
In a c it
executed and
. ii
and I
Deeds office of t
Carolina, in r-
i will
re the i
d pan-el i f ii
of county of
in i d
Te u id
persons claims e
f I'll
within twelve months date i a of
. ,.,. , v.-i nib
bar of This th t. . in, .
May 1908. E- Smith
. i. r
A. Si
Notice to
, G
. .
. G
i i i
Having duly re the
Pit c
of I l an
W. . ed, n
e th- i
. .
; 1-, It ii II.
., .
j i r . ,
this .
S I.
E . of P. W.
l .; .
. having
. .
. I I
. .
. .
. .
. i. y
whose Democracy
Family at
Mr. and R are
hi vi ; t entire
family with them th i inter-
C ti
Lieut. n n,
Mr. John of Vi la.,
have been tell DeWitt a Kidney i n I
r fills about a in y
. Better than any pi l
ever Sold Jno. L.
. n it p id
Sui I ii d
. .-. lite, Ii .-
j pi I
I Bank at-
d pa its
de ts
out ,,.,.,
aiding 2.83 .-l.--;.
Notes bills re
. i 14,500.00
I hereby hat I
removed tor the of c. , .
icon o, , I i
id on
oft . i r-
i; iii or ;
lacking. Have food
. Pitt i ii
j tea
t of . a wed,
her ., .--
lacking. H-v x ,, ti. ; . , to all p. r In.
tool box . Ii
m .,, m , I all
Is a desire, .- . the .
we see U t . . . I th same to
M box does lock a slug . . .; ,., or be-
k article. , . , . . or
. tin
v.- r . , ,. ,.
. is.
-.-- . , i.
next door too,
I, Perl C
,,,. i . to
is above
j i . d i is Since
question, and they were a id
to try they thought j and Mr, and U
the honor of this Wesson, of
should be conferred upon Cotten, of
Other Democrats had been ya.; Lieut. Bruce Cob-
when not mall
r .,
all ,
em g
ten, U. S, Mr. ft
i Raleigh; arrived. J
and they thought I should
be honored too. Another and two children, of
why I became a candidate is that I
western section of she State
nearly mil s above
Ii S;
not constipate, or n e t I
laxative S ; .
bowels. Children like it.
me I
. I
g . i i
, v -i . . .-.,.
, i .
n . lo contractors
among who I lived Lieu.
that I The great wag m foreign waters a
a t i If.
b ship
at time
Salisbury, that had always come
to the call of . not
had this nomination in years,
at the same time it baa always
stood loyally by the nominees.
Conditions in west not the
same as in the east, there
were times when the west did
not approve of principles
by the east, yet the west
always responded when the call
went up for help, as was shown
in the constitutional amendment.
Another Democrat who said he
would be glad to see me get the
nomination is Mr. Kitchin, but
he wanted me to wait four years
for it He has been frequently
honored, and if there are any
people who can afford to wait
four years it is Mr. Kitchin and
his family.
I regret that since becoming a
candidate some unkind things
have been said about me, but I
do not believe they are endorsed
by the rank of the party. I re-
that these things have been
said. But one charge they made
against ma is true. They say
that I voted the Republican tick-
Mr.-;. Wesson- were married.
deprived of being
that occasion. We
know will a happy and
interesting family meeting.
deduced R M
The Norfolk rail-
way announces rate two cents
,. capita for
or more
; per mi
ties of ten
;. ,;. e
. -v
a. m. of K
,;. off
The A i trail a I.
two mi and the
on one ticket n th th ; an
all on th, Norfolk -p g a
Southern railway. rates
f Kg y
. I
A Luck,
luckiest day of my life was
when I bought a Bucking s Ai-
of California. boxes
cured of an annoying case itch
piles, which had troubled me tor
four years and that to no other
Sold under
J. L. Wooten's drug store.
are open to the
.,. . . Rogers,
Charlotte, N. C. H. W.
-v i, N. C. and at the I
. r. J. an of .
Bunch Traffic .; ,
I Raleigh, N. C. the most popular piano Ii
A certified .-heck mode payable to ,, ,.
the undersigned In the one, beat piano at any n
He Said.
have already
my family
to leave
well provided
A little ready money will
greatly facilitate the settlement
your estate. Nothing is more
fickle than riches. The invest-
regarded as safest to-day
may prove worthless to-morrow.
A policy with The Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York
will remain as secure as a Gov-
H. Bently Harris,
ltd Special Agent-
When your food seems to nauseate take
Take now until you know
you are again. There t any
about what it will do and
find the truth of this
after you have used for a
weeks, it is sold hero by Jno. U
Woo ten.
For County
I hereby beg to announce my-
self as a candidate for the posit-
ion as Treasurer of the county of
Pitt, subject to the action the
primaries the
county. C. T.
d w
thousand dollars must . ca
. I
, ban .
; l
piano In uM
or i.
i . rec .
he go-
Hi .-.
to the
, th
a- of
. bl
TI ,;
r. Smith,
I., S
each said check to
forfeited in the event the
Contractor fails to furnish the
a surety bond in
the sum of one third the amount the
contract within weeks of or the
award has been mad.
The right is reserved to reject any
and all proposals. , , ,
Thomas J. Jams
Chairman committee.
Greenville, May 1st. 1908.
on or write
A. J.
Who would dare employ a
who made no study of and
who would dare to have a horse shod
any horse who knows not the
nature of horses feet There is no
need of your horses Interfering or over-
reaching. Give me a trial. All
guaranteed. Phone No. shop across
from city market. Experienced horse-
Sam Mason.
I am now prepared to do
all kind of
All work
rugs etc. .
guaranteed all you to do is give
us a and can be round at No.
4th. st. Yours for Business.
Thomas Designer.
DR R. L.
It you want your HORSE lo trot
fast and pull strong buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Less
Money than any man in town,
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of
Notice to Creditors.
qualified as of
W II, late of
county, North this is to
notify ail persona having i aims against
the estate of said deceased to
in. or to n y attorney, F. Q.
within IS months from this
date, or this notice will In
t their recovery. All persons indebted
sold estate will plea.-.-
mediate payment to my attorney.
This the 14th day of April.
F. O, JAMES, Ally. I
I have taken up in my field in
the stock law territory one sow.
color brown, ear mark a split in
both ears. Said sow has twelve
pigs apparently about three
months old. The owner will
please come and get said sow at
once and pay charges,
ltd Amos Williams.
c m
v .

D. J, WHICH and Proprietor
Entered as second d n alt -r Jan. at the at Greenville. X
C of March 1879
campaign of tin Demo-
Air Governor
and more
It is making strength Castor tor
the Republican party in North
Carolina than anything I ho
Democrats have done be-
fore. There are three ; men
aspiring for the . nation,
the supporters of one tin
others just if the were
mies instead belonging t the
same party, and Some
want to make the of a
certain man a Di
some think u
who not agree with
them. The campaign tor the
Domination i. iV on the
party by the i
Democracy are profiting,
State convention month or
two further off v ht i In
people would r
by ting a in n w hi
is not in the . w
Many are acting like
card to the Mews d they thought the salvation at
Carolina depends entirely
upon who gets
for governor, overlook the
mentions the name of Editor
of Charlotte, as
good man for
nor. No need of looking any that the State
further. There is not a man in
North Carolina of Oner
than Dowd, he
would ably fill the lieutenant
place f
a is about the queerest, the Governor Glenn had a
most suicidal, the most silly
campaign within the party we
over saw. Democrats to
have lost their heads and gone
to fighting each other with as
much bitterness as they ever
fought Republicans or Populists.
Men who have been close per-
friends party
ors all their lives are fulling out
and saying all kinds of abusive
things about each other just be-
cause one favors Kitchin
another favors Craig, when both
will have other important things
to do besides nominate
for governor. It is time they
were cooling down a and
stopping this hitter light within
the ranks of the party
letter in Sunday's Raleigh News
and Observer in which he
that the convention
instruct delegates to the nation-
convention t. vote for Bryan.
Now we wonder how many of
If you want to know where
The Reflector stands, it
a light entirely within the party
we ore not overmuch
which one gets the nomination.
But after the convention speaks
Von are all right as long as you
agree with the other but
all wrong when your own opinion
happens to be different. At
a right to favor any
If what Queer condition of flairs,
Democrats are men are posed to In
i was folks could
free to think for themselves.
p re mi
th tin are u
. i authority
many rascals
. s iii the
Di . bi ever
party take . ,
,. . . , . , .; publican
i he k r i.
the ., .-. .
one of the can
great i .
we think the i
per, on
it i
. ,.
. ; III
apply i
for honesty an
; ; Mil
. .
I .
the par-
The par-
inch in-
i it is
ho will
I ii
School, and
gave large
last i i .
; in-chief i
at V.
of in unite
year o.
iii mi
of the
that is
id progress
The is Um reply of
the New Bern Sun to the letter
of Mr. Kitchin which appeared
in the issue of this paper Thurs-
In regard to the statement
that Butler fused with Mr.
Kitchin in he says is
true. He says the populists
agreed to give his district to Mr.
Settle in 1896. True, they did
enter into that agreement; but
they didn't stick to it any better
than Butler stuck to his declared
conviction when Carr was
nominated for governor in 1892.
Butler then advised the
lists to support Mr. Carr add-
that if they did not do so, in
any action they might take in-
of the democratic
party, they would be at the
of the republican
party, both now and
He wrote that or words to that
effect, we are quoting from
memory in the Into
hi Clinton. Sixteen
days alter Butler was chairman
of the populist convention in
Raleigh which nominated T f-r-- Co-
to.- career
the agreement was made , . . . ,,
to the to Settle, I C
it Settle would not knuckle t Commissioner a judicial one.
Former and Dr. Most of the that come
K. f Arkansas, put up a dummy.
,. . . v ;. o- t a nature.
national Democratic , important under the ante gov-
. . ,. could not nave ,, .
them will be jumping on w,. shall the man is
governor for expressing an i- That is more
some of the others are saying.
Mr. La speech of
nineteen hours must have been
an effort to outdo in length the
messages of the president. It
is up to Mr. Roosevelt to be put-
ting in his spare time on his
next message to congress. As
has six months tori i he
may go ahead of
sins, and made full atonement;
Mr. Kitchin has rot, and is trust-
ins to evasive denials and the
memory of the people to
lit out.
And in saying this we wish to
it plain to Mr. Kitchin that
we not supporting
in this contest. We are
and avowedly for Hon.
Ashley Home. lit is
and if he has made
any attack on Mr. Kitchin or
anybody else, the proof has not
yet appeared.
Repent of your sins, Mr.
Kitchin. and come the
people with clean hands. Don't
try to atone for political errors
by stating that you had company
and that Mr. Mr.
Daniels or anybody was in
favor of the unholy, undesirable
and revolting trade with the
populists which you admit you
favored in
One word more. Accusing
the poll of your party
of stealing elections, is entirely
too a matter for a
candidate for the highest
office in state to joke about.
committee, died Monday if
noon at his residence in populist views
Both sides an
claiming and
up their . i-
i. h are i
oil .,. .; ,.
i. it
Kitchin h-d
. c- u . represents any
t he
man should be
populist n -r
have received their s represents any
sup- for the
Mr. d l
. o some
. ., r , .
i , . i special I
l . . i. u man- of judicial
ti . ii. o capable of
. . fa p
.-. .
. C .
. .
.;. .- i in, i
gin .
iii Ni . .
it . . lie .
. .
;. II n
in Tiles-
in. is I
in es
en .
Federal -ii I
to have i,. . ;
help to pro
those who
of selling
. will I. .
. entertaining this i
; . n tail merchant a i
. . on j meet I lure.
. . ,
. . . . . i
. j rear in in ,. , ,
lea- fiver. I . i tan is
A. o
t . y, b
for the position. U
B HI . position in the
State but he- is
and parody that tor the position of
r- Commissioner, He
his feet
hi- , .
Governor Glenn
I self as gratified at the great vi
tor n. lie a
They are having . . , v. rm- right to be.
not because
. re j in favor of the
. . pity.
by trying to dodge this
neither could he be
wheeled into granting improper
concessions to corporations, In
addition to his qualifications for
arc .
times rather
In. governor In
by ;
be laid th of en he
unfair a I
. Horn
stands before th , n
a-i- for their supp X on
and does not
the hi through at
tempts to injure the
a . . .
time over lie
than ii .-
But ; l ,
teal lay,
the the . . things in this campaign
. lie .
. i i
Mr. Kitchin knows
rd h against m, and he B
. ice u i
and has . record of intelligent
and faithful which
recognition.- States-
; i in e Landmark.
. our view were
By his own Ian t a r i
r, four
. . m t our.
ft is . A man who has trial it fays,
saved tor the time,
hope will he saved every
ll convention in Charlotte it needs saving,
June 24th wants to do the
We they will regret when the
that we.
if our farmer friends who have
line is over.
ii th.-
a i i e. I l ii
or besmirch the reputation n I would not only make a good gov-
; for he has been triad and
Tin next thing do, tn
,, it so -lore.- annul -ell
the i u are making such then work for u law will
scramble for governor and the shipment of II Into
nomination in the of territory,
Hoc, . Ionian J, Jarvis, II
there should be the same hones
dealing in politics that I here i-
among honest men in the
affairs of
The Reflector stands corrected
and hereby makes for
the unintentional injustice done
Home. The is right in
saying The Reflector did not in-
tend its remarks to apply to
for there is nothing in his cam-
to We have not
seen nor heard a word that he
has said against any one, and
we believe Mr. Home is a man
against whom not a word can be
never found but would
lie damage dune to
the present cam-
As the question of
is settled, more interest will now
lie taken in politics and
I ; It.
j -with striking i. replanted tobacco will put
do not mention n H m. handful of guano
The poor folks are going up to
interview the tax
Davidson College in this State
gets i the distribution
of the fund recently donated by
John D. to education.
The man who does not agree
with you may have just as good
reasons for his views as you have
for yours. At any rate he has
as much right to his opinions as
you have to yours. This is one
of the hurtful things in a cam-
that one man will talk
about another man just, as good
as he is for no other reason than
a difference of opinion.
The friends of any candidate
could come nearer winning over
recruits by considering the fact
that some other people as well
as the es have a right to
their own opinion.
Charlotte i- going at
right. The aldermen have
refused fourteen drug stores in
that city license to sell liquor on
As public sentiment was so
largely behind the prohibition
election, it looks like that same
sentiment will be able to enforce
the law.
Cannon has about
to the conclusion to hold
on to the he has Instead of
taking the risk to get something
No doubt the Wilmington
has discovered how the election
went and is not yet looking for
wet counties.
The June bug can now have
his inning until the hoy gets u
string tied to him.
Craig was the head the only
Eon party
v our State
c ; hit he
was it We have
n ; thought fusion or. the
tors, ticket was in
. . ; and have never defended it We
are never any lien ones in
will hat so now. Mr, Craig
simply obeyed the expressed
mandate of his party. Neither
we think any more of Mr.
to every three or four of such
plants, they would soon see,
with good see ons, the plants
catch up with of the
plants in the field.
Mr. Craig made a great ell
in the opera house Thursday
night, and it made him friends, j Craig for having, in his early
life, voted one Republican ticket,
Congress did not on the but in justice and- fairness it
but is still rug
the same stand.
The greatest interest now is in
those counties that have not held
their conventions.
If the political pot does not
boil over, it is going to come
very close to it.
should be that the striking
point of difference hare is that
Mr. Craig has repented of bis
The New Bern Sun says
Cannon has Bight
Go up head.
June will tell us something
from Charlotte.
It is not safe to bet on who
will get it.
pounds cotton seed, hulls
See before you buy. P. V.
Johnston. 3-26
men of char-
and ambition, who can sell
things, to investigate an
opportunity for realizing
on their earning capacity. If
your services arc worth
to a day you should and
can get the money. This is a
business notice to business men
and will not be interesting to any
who do not mean business. Ad-
dress W. A- B. Hearne, Box
Greenville, N. C. d w
, SIm from tin
Ki and o
nut th,
id la
I too know that th hull
la Why not ,
ICE Powder
It ll M my. Simply of
on Into a of milk and
without or the ad-
of . two
quart, of and
A l ma b
bought for a dollar or two which will
for and will moo
old all good M
U, U In H T.
For Sale-A fine lot of S. C.
Brown Leghorns, standard
mammoth Bronze Turkeys and
Guineas. This is choice breed-
stock, and would not be sold
at this season but for want of
room, lie quick. W. A. B.
Hearne, Greenville, N. C.
Don't cough your head off when you
can get a guaranteed remedy Bees
Laxative syrup. It is especially
recommended for children as it a pleas-
ant to take, is a gentle laxative thus
expelling the phlegm from the
for rough, colds, croup, whooping
cough and all bronchial
Guaranteed. Sold by John L.
In Charge of J. M. BLOW
Authorized Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden and Rates on Application
The week we have had the
commencement of the Free Will
Baptist Seminary,
an institution of which Ayden
Ant Build NOTICE,
It will please your and partly with r The ants, or-termites,
treat builders. A naturalist
S in across
cone shaped and clay hill which
and partly with
friend to take her a box of over what
candy. M. M. Sauls has just re was and what might
a magnificent assortment; be with now and then a I
at from to 1.50.
whir in our big arm chair, the j
quietude of our surroundings
were in upon by the deep
bass tones of a man's voice, who
The Story of the Leader,
feels proud. There has been a
, j the Oh these
large attendance and all the and never can.
exerciser-were much enjoyed. were here yes- .
The commencement began I y, office There he
Tuesday night with address who can what he K
before the Society, m he or he jg. he
Mr. Dickinson, of Wilson I Every.
Wednesday Dr. St. of , are
Georgia delivered the address in for
before the A. C Society done on buR.
and Thursday morning he wans. plows also
seed the sermon. i shoe mules and horses. J.
Thursday Hon., R Co
Locke of one of j There were of our
the candidates friends here w
UM, for governor, delivered t is
to mention all.
Car load of and soft coal
by J. R. Co.
M. M. the best
cold drinks that can made at
cold the year
round Try one.
made for the speaking to be wt Car of and coarse
of the Duelists.
Than Tarnish His Reputation
For Bravery Ha Accepted the
Invitation and Went Voluntarily to
which was
eighteen feet in while
many were from to
high. When one com-
pares the of these with
that of men it becomes apparent
Hint these ii ore red
from the termite viewpoint, if there
is any. While i
live feet hi; ii, on
an inch high. There-
crowd in attendance any
the exercises was out to hear
Mr. and his was
much enjoyed even though ho
delivered it under great
vantage-. Arrangements
fore a ten bill i
the size it- builders, while
r a structure as tower,
feet, is only
it times t the average
invited us to him just
beyond the of the town I
where awaited others who would j
extend a We ac-i
, The of bus
the invitation, at once; down la M
donned our c at, put an extra j of comm the or
twist in our then who in
forward on our journey. Soon aT. a
. , or St.
we arrived upon a deep , , ,, , ,,,.,.,, . .
. j mi. me or was a re-
down in forest Of, .
Swift Creek swamp where a; duel, to
f. u ., . expel
maiden fair and a g-l-, of
soon mad known the; all the I ,,
earnest and sincere desire of our of about bis power j .-
Presenting the the
in ah-wt order
in the three be was excluded A of Seattle
. . j polar n u-o day Bl i
W. H. Smith has purchased
of A. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the AH
work promptly locked after. Mr.
Cox will still the
Here the Spring to
j chap, tar.
r p t for
in.- a, skin.
Sold by John L. Woolen.
Lost-A gentleman black
double combination pocket
sum of money
and a safe key either
His Luck.
The intoxicated individual
bumping the same of Ayden. A liberal re
n times, bemoaned fact
lost iii . I It
the or in the
. i- no r .- .
ward will be b Agnes
mount for . to her
at Ayden, K
and iii . Um of a
owl, united bonds of
of doors, and after an l matrimony Mr. Amos
Mr. t. O. James i j windows, locks, horn and Mi S
before j. b. Smith some-
a shower stopped
the crowd to t
la I
tog hi . an hr in
thing to
.; t
after th ah
spoke h a half
and i
r v
t .
and u i i,
waiting -i r rain to ;, .
t i v speech to
many ts c in i
Free Will eh,
did not a rs i th I s th-i
It a
lasting on a
enough to
Thursday night wen
five original orations . .
contest for a medal, i six
music. The medal
was won by L. Jones, of
Georgia ; in an
to two
The major-
had not rail
would have
been dry right w.
to . at J.
Smith Co,
and g
. c
i ton
. .
; as i
J. B n
doing ;
of the new of
at M. M. store.
hour v.
i be moat Influential political part;
; Japan, who
tor Um But
of era.
forced way Into
for the .
be removed bu
cost himself on a In
Is demanded
c H I I I. of
y n i
at In
;.;. . y. . Ins fol-
hi. . led
r . .- .
OS the wine
expected ,. , ii
of bis , m
. . Is tree .
iron Ire .
The V.
.- .
. iV o;
.; M
u. with a
, d
ill the
. c n
. i
, at
buy your
, logs, rill
. .
f pr
I. o I
bi ring
I .
In I
me a re ,
u sue
and cement
hair at J. ll-
Mr. C.
St. Claire
and Mi of
W Ba; tint Semi-
its best far, had pupils from
of p.-
lime and piaster l
Smith Co.
A full line tools,
and mill J. R. Smith
At the next regular meeting of
th here elect
r; for
y win . j
repair a. bu. . wag-
oner y c . v
or most any i d i or
lumber you may send.
so have a nice lot of Coffins and
ts is the clever
will take pleasure
Miss Marie left Sat-
morning for her home in
,. ; mo i present
Portia Hue
ring Smith
ii. Co Dixon, arc
selling wagon and made
five States, North Carolina, South right here in Call and
Georgia, Alabama and
Ohio. Dr. T. B- of Ohio,
is president of the institution and
is by able
Paper roofing, rubber roofing,
and tobacco sheeting at J.
Ii. Smith Co.
Allen Cannon and Can-
non came home Wednesday
from Chapel Hill to spend the
summer at home.
See our lino of and
for holiday presents.
J. R. Smith Co.
Carload cotton seed meal and
Smith co.
Miss Anna Kittrell, of
Grifton, is here visiting her
aunt, Mrs. W. E. Hooks.
you planted your gar-
den is the question every
one is asking. Woods Seed are
the best for the South. You will
find all kinds perfectly fresh at
Drug Store. Don't make
the mistake of getting some
Kittrell, of Win-
attended the commence-
here Thursday.
Mill supplies, belting, valves,
steam J. R. Smith Co.
Miss Letha Fair, who
has been very sick with fever,
we are pleased to learn is now
getting along finely.
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon want
get one. and workman-
ship guaranteed.
Turnage say he can't
goods account of so many
pretty girls passing. It gets him
sorter and ho has to
stop and look. The same over in
this direction. We stop, too.
Pneumonia Cure J. R
Smith Co.
In a game of ball here
day between Ayden and Jackson-
town, the score stood C to in
favor of Ayden. Our boys
ways bear the banner.
Found a remedy for sunburn
and freckles. All kinds of harm
less toilet lotions at Saul's Drug
Store. Also the best face and
talcum powders that can be pro-
Our tobacco warehouse is just
From the talk of the
farmers we expect to be com-
to build another right
away. Everything is
tic, We expect to open with the
first sales in the county the com-
The prettiest baby caps and
cloaks in town at J R Smith co.
CA protracted meeting is in
progress at the Methodist church
The pastor, Rev. Mr. Tripp. is
assisted by Rev. Mr. Ormond, of
Durham. Large crowds attend-
to buy feet of good seasoned, ed and much interested is mag-
oak lumber 1-2 inches thick, j
Mrs. C. N
Lime com . ring b
and a full .
J. R.
Mis. ft . sick
o street
D is .
ft smith C
W. S. Blount, G. C. M
J. are off to
witnesses in the court
this week.
Cox Cotton Planters Back
Bands and Guano distributors at
J R smith Co
Janie Kittrell, of Winter-
ville, baa been visiting her sis-
Mrs. Guy Taylor, for the
past few days.
Bring us your cotton seed and
small ts of scrap cotton in
the seed. J. Co.
Tom Dawson, of Grifton, is
here on a to his sisters.
Do you goto bod tired and get
up tired Take a bot tie of
Sarsaparilla. Nun Cod.
Irish potatoes are getting a
move on. Right many have
been shipped from here during
the past few days. It seems a
little out of order that potatoes
and cotton should both be on the
railroad platform the same
time awaiting shipment.
Just car load of
for top dressing.
E. Turnage Son
One of our Greenville visitors
the other day was delighted to
run up with that clever gentle-
man, J. A. L. Templeton, whom
he had not seen tor sometime.
The visitor feared that friend
Templeton had passed away from
his long quietness, but was glad
to find him hale and hearty.
cure and
Perkins native tablets at J. R.
Smith Co.
. .-.
I ex ll
Hi. 1.1
.- ; ,. How
I .
; hit-
and a pi
drop of pr . n I ; -i
beaker of powerful
ii; . . It'll
; rt-j
lUg i. i . t . III I I.-I.
com; feat with
bpi me u
offer j I
a Hi
.; I ; II
. . . v j-, .-
Ibo ,
mi lib i to i
t o . . ,
;. . v . i. I
, ; . I
Hot hi .-. y. . .
i o e
. i,.,,.,. f , ,
i ten AH V. i i
bled to view unique n . . . .- .
,. that the
have outwitted r I do-
I to pl The i
, . . ii In-, i fro i
i. , . hi h nil re
he lower m. i ;
. I ,
,. i i altitude o n.
. j; i i, , j lie,
. t. v. i i
, . e-v. .
I, ,. .
It ;
linens t
ill T
. U-
i r ; v
iv r
.-i. r
; .
. m
Off .
i VI
. . ,
he bad ; . .
h . per ,
. .
. lady
her new
. .,
-a n to
V, .
I Kohl by J
e if
. One
t rm
Ac of North Carolina, at the I ll y
,. and
rd . . .
I. i i . .
told coin . . . .
silver coin, i
. V
i .-
. i
T .;.
;. i;. the . I b i; Is.
to th t .
to re ;. D.
. to
. .
I, . lier.
i on accepting ii. ho I
threw upon him with
drawn swords.
enabled to
thorn, when be proceeded i
to the rear apartment.
me, your ho.
announcing attend; .
bare forgotten to do
Quarrel with you. Twee but a .;
for I watered that nil nix could
a bath to refresh
Alone bis
corded his gun
and in-1 in bath. The
water bot was
boiling, from bath,
but tea by
forced him back.
by blood, Ml
to ground.
lining on their
when a loud heard, in-
revealed the
who were come to seek their
Is drunk and Me you
leader la We hare
brought bis
The were dumb with as-
had divined the
yet, preferring to rep-
of daring untarnished by any
accusation of fear, had voluntarily
gone to bis
; . . Pi
R. c.
J. R.
display of the latest
in suits.
have and arc now
ready to show you our toll Spring
line of the
Schloss Clothes
one thing you can be sure of
QUALITY We. and the
behind us, absolutely t
bearing; the SCHLOSS
Label. Quality is a certainty and
the style is right, the fit is better
than in most made to measure
clothes and our prices are as low as
the lowest. Come and see them whether you are ready to buy or not.
You don't have to buy unless you want to. Also a splendid showing
new things in mens and boys furnishings, selected especially for the best
Spring trade.
J. J.
fine Matter I
C .

Use Allen's Foot Ease.
A to be into the
s. Your feet feel twain, arm
and damp, and tired easily. If
y. aching try Allen's Foot-
e It rests th- feet makes
or tight shoes
s sweating feet, s and
callous Ch
corns and bunions of all pain and gives
res. and comfort. Try it today. Sold
by all Druggists and shoe stores,
accept any substitute. Trial
free. A dress. Alien S.
Roy. N Y.
Of To
The National Democratic Con-
Campaign Committee Plenty More Like This in
has active operations Greenville.
its headquarters at Washington, I of w tel,
D In addition to its regular yon about Kidney Pills. Many
,.,,. u citizen makes a state-
II IS preparing a cam-, a case
pair. hand-book which it hopes of it. What better proof of it can
Latham. Ml St.,
months Greenville. N. C. Kid-
Pills in my case far any
I kidney remedy I had used.
charged For some time my kidneys hail MM in
a disordered condition, the secretions
with the duty of resisting, Um in , the
to have ready for
by July or three
than heretofore.
committee is
every way possible, the election i s attended with pain- When I
N. wish the active Oil John . Wooten's drug store. They
. . .
try. We
Editor of The San.
New Ber.
Your hostile course an me
has doubtless taught you- read-
in that it is not your purpose to
give them any fair understand-
of my record or my
Yon state in a double column
article in your issue of May i c and
Truth is that Mr.
fused with Mr. Kitchin in
and thereby helped elect me.
Your statement is untrue.
The in their fusion
with the Republicans agreed to
give my District to Mr. Settle.
Populist Chairman wrote a
the district the
lists, setting out the agreement
got e pi a of l
published the i over th
District. After agreement
made and i-
th Populists would not
Mr. Settle, the
lists out out Dr. A. J. Tor
c against me,
I would, and I
honest reader of your paper
went directly to the seal of my trouble
gave me relier in a short time.
My kid were restored to nor-
condition, the accretions gave me
I no trouble and I f. t better
benefit the in every way. My wife also used
Doer's Kidney Pills when suffering
every voter in the United States
who believes, with us, that the
election of a Democratic congress
must rely upon
nagging backaches
tO Sustain Our work and tin results de-
e .; I rived were highly satisfactory
giving information as to local
our guidance.
Each individual can at least
us by making a contribution.
Will he not do so and interest
rs in helping us too
We wish our campaign hand
t distributed as generally as
p we will a
a soon as published, to
one who contributes to our
Seed remittances to me
Washington, D. C.
James T. Lloyd,
by all dealers. Price cents.
Co., Buffalo. New Yolk,
sale for the United States.
Remember the
toke Other.
Try this for Desert.
The Dram Corps.
Among the good features of
election day in Greenville, the
Bryan Grimes Drum
not h added I W all
not De j mo,.,
much to the day. The children or bowl. When cool it ill and
will not forget for may a long cream
day their behind the
drums. It gave the whole pro-
cession a martial air. The boys
had been out once before, on old
They take great; Enjoyed.
interest in their corps and should Just before the children's pa-
have the encouragement of the in the afternoon of election
town for they add no little to day T j
Dissolve one package of any . .
pin- -f water. j Pitt County I Majority
When partly beat until light and Sale of Id-
adding one whipped -ream ard six I .
Following is the official report
of the prohibition election re-
turns for Pitt
any good pudding
The per package
and cm obtained at any good
these civil and patriotic
the boys of
the Bryan Grimes Drum Corps
Ah honor to the on May
would, like to
Valued SanK is Gold.
B. G. Stewart, a merchant of
tell my
. .- in they bay a box of Dr. King s
eve Now Life PiUs get the worth
that gold iii weight, if afflicted
sup. u or
motive j so L.
which you to
then, if, i . . I, h d any
other d ire Locke Vole.
t injure i The advocates of Locke Craig
I i h .- to about vet
hi v Butler ; r Jim e. in 1884,
Bone Pains, Can-
Scaly Ska,
c will
how B. B. B. Cores
For war-. Bo Blood
i I baa
S Blood
Bl i we
c B.
Good Crops.
It is encouraging to take a trip
through the conn try those days
observe the
of crops and the look
of gratification on the faces
of the farmers- Prospects are
better at this season than they
have been for several years. We
hope there will be nothing to
lemonade to who took part,
including the drum corps. It
was enjoyed much and the
paraders were loud in their praise
of Mrs. Jarvis.
Good Words for Chamberlain's Cough
People everywhere take pleasure
to the good of
Remedy. Mrs.
Edward Phillips, of Md.,
wish to tell you that I can
Chamberlain S Rem-
My. little Catherine, who is
two years been th s
remedy whenever aha has had a co.
sines was two month old. Ah a
month ago contracted a dreadful cold
myself, but I Chamberlain's
Remedy and
Majority prohibition
. .-. .- us soon is II as,
Bet them back between now and for ed it is to For by
I and dealer in patent . denier in patent
harvest time. I
i n in . yet, with
striking . it d
not m ion
.; v. . . i . th
ion . r's
ever I h our
Corn , or
once was a B
i . . . . re I
answer it your .
your hostility beer,
since then
You also say that I was
earnest, urgent and
anon i he Po
. i
. i . a
i i .
. .;,. H
y .
I j
Then three members of the Com-
Gov U. a. Dough-
ton, Hon. Josephus Daniels and
myself, as I recall, favored of-
i count proposition in
accordance with the relative
strength u two parties, de-
to place the
on the- Populists if we failed to
get together. In Committee our
views re out voted and that
the matter,
A.; to your comment on my
jocular reference to the votes
which our assured for
the amendment, which you dis-
tort and misconstrue, I make no
comment, as I made my refer-
in your city and elsewhere
to large crowds, and you can
probably not mislead them.
I will be glad to meet your
favorite anywhere to repel any
attacks he may make on me-
W. W. Kitchin.
Roxboro, N. C, May 26th, 1908.
th y ; the
e to that he cast
in i i and is c
. . s Accord
. -a- . ion l
Southerner from
in eighties he
his first vote was cart
i and T.
. headed the Demo-
ticket that year as
C in but
the ; Republican
h y . s n
O H. Dockery Is Craig on
of th ts f
B B. cures where all falls. If
old methods of
Ire t and still h aches
y iii . . .- . . f
i, i Sore
t las r- o ; Sp its
or f y i I ii y. E
. . . Hair
t, tan . ;. .
.,, II . i -i .
c . ;
t.,., . i ire b
into i c I lo .
j . ; i I of E
. . I . c n
I pi v the -it
r ax b
sent to I he the
hi r av humor
s is ;. I i sore i
B B.
n safe to composed
of . . c It
fies th
per large bottle with
Directions r h . cur,
Pros, and Gen.
Organized in 1866, reorganized
in 1901 with authorized capital of
Manufacturers of iii Grade
Free Blood Cure
This cat from
N C, Reflector is for
lane of
in i free in
puck . y fill your
name end on
lines an m ll to
A lats Ga,
A; . ;
i .
. 15-19
, .
e of ti i
Our of forty ye service to of Pitt
and adjoining is a t . -j.
Headquarters For Farm
t ii
Hod. W. W. Kitchin
Candidate for governor, will
address the voters of Pitt
county at Ayden, N C, Friday,
June 5th, at o'clock p. m.
and at Greenville, N. C, Friday
night. June 5th, at 8.30 o'clock
in Masonic opera house.
Music will be on both
occasions by The Aeolian Brass
Band. Let everybody come out
and hear the people's candidate
for governor
E. A. Jr., Pres.
Pitt County Kitchin Club.
J. L. Fleming,
WE carry a full line at all times of the best
j quality of goods only. Don't tail to call
I on We would call your attention to our
Agricultural implements, such as Plows,
i rows, and High Grade Cultivators both riding
, and walking, which are great labor savers.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
We also the Highest Grade Lime and
Cement that can be purchased. We might
also call your attention to our line of
We are to sail t on any kind of n
terms either for cash r on time, ii you will see us be-
fore pure m I to your interest We sail th bust buggy the
Give us a trial and to convinced.
If any spring or wheel breaks with fair and reasonable
usage within one from date of purchase caused by
in or workmanship, and is by the
chaser, we will replace the same free of charge
also have for sale the best Wagons made by manufacturers of long experience
and fully guaranteed- Piedmont and Hackney.
R. I. Davis Bros, at Farmville and J. R. Harvey Co., at arc agents
for our Buggies, and of our work sold by them is subject to our guarantee.
Greenville, North Carolina, U. S. A,,
which we keep complete at all times, and can
truthfully say that there is nothing better
made. It your house is to be painted see us.
and when you call then we will tell you all
unit our wire fencing, rubber paper. Iron
Cotton and Corn planters.
Guano Mowers, Rakes, Cook
Stoves, and High Grade Ranges. The best
of Cutlery and lots of other things too
to mention, Now, word to the Wise
is Give us a call. You will find
us in the Forbes building next to Bank of
Inspecting Test Farmers.
Mr. T. B. secretary
of the State board of agriculture,
and Mr. C. R. Hudson, of the
department, spent
Wednesday inspecting the farms
in where seed tests
and demonstration work is being
carried on. Several farmers in
Pitt are carrying on these tests
and demonstrations and so far
are making satisfactory progress
Man Zan Pile Remedy comes ready to
use in a collapsible tube, with nozzle.
One application and heals, re-
inflammation a J soreness
and itching. Price
Sold by John L. Wooten.
Fable of the
Cholera and
There is probably no made
that is relied upon with more implicit
and Rec Dur-
the third if a century in which it
has i i . have learned
that it that
When with water sweeten-
In 1920 A. D. the
Stingiest Man in String-
town carted his House-
hold Goods to the Depot
and bought a ticket for
are you
to in-
quired a Citizen.
replied the Stingiest
Man. Whereat the
marveled mightily.
Now, be it known
that the Stingiest Man
in was wise
in his Day and Genera-
for along back in
1907 A. D. or there-
about it became the
Settled Habit of the
people to
purchase Large Sheets
of Little Stickers bear-
portraits of G.
Washington, B. Frank-
W. and other Late Illustrious Ones, which
Specimens of Art they straightway stuck on envelopes
and sent to a Large and Luring Mail Order Concern in
Wherefore it came about that the Seven
Stores in Shut up Shop, one after the other,
until along in 1919 A. D. the Stingiest Man found it in-
upon him to begin purchasing these Small
Specimens of Art to present to the Maw of the Monster
in and Aforesaid was Simply too Stingy
to stand for the Same.
Barber Shop
Sensations cf by
Pastor was
with a of
Feeling tired, be lay to rest
while the Others proceeded and was
overtaken by the of He
felt us If struck by
ins bead was perfectly clear, but
body was lie tells his
kind of prayer was up, and
then I resolved to study
progress death. The was
not palatal, hut at last my band be-
came and it seemed
to that squeezed I
my heart so to extract my life.
never felt such pain, but It lasted only j
for n and my life went out
i i. what they call
I a dead man, and here am, a captive
balloon to the earth by ,
spring and going up and
I ware up When my companions re- First-Class Vehicles, God Horses
in main business sec-
of the town- Four chain
in on and each one
o by a skilled barb a
Our place is inviting, razors
Our towels
thank you for past patronage
and ask you to call train when
good work is wanted.
Brick Stables
Greenville Livery Co.
Dealers ill
The Greenville Banking and Trust
At the Close o Business J 4th, 1903
Loans and discount
Sun k, and Wort.
Furniture Fist.
Demand Loans
Cash items
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
National bank notes
other l. S. not
. ; taxes
psi i
17,869.011 No tee and bills
Bills parable
Due banks
1.221 i;
Your Solicited
PAUL sworn
fore me, this 20th day of Hay,
lie found on street
prepared to clean, press repair
clothing and ladles Skirts
tarn they say. profess r's
do not know I never was , , ,
to as I am The proof is see In cf Court house.
Is a
of my -Go on. old fellow Eat
the e if you for I hone m;
will never
I Th Is my going to Lucerne.
Well. wife, I
not call dear the one that has always
very dear to me. I felt neither
i . nor Joy leaving her. My only
pm, suns
I felt that somebody I made to
polling the down. My grief
was When I reached my
body T bad a last hope. The balloon
much big the mouth. PAID
I uttered the roar of a u
corpse swallowed FOR CHICKENS AND EGGS,
was Bertrand . c , T
I At New Market hi front
,. words, the of Southern Depot.
friends In
him. ill
State of North County cl Pit,
I, C. Carr, cashier of the bank,
v swear that the statement knot i
ledge and belief. C. Cashier.
R. f. Flanagan,
I ;.
i -i
You patronage
Local Table
Effective January 27th. 1908.
Between Norfolk, Vs. and C.
j. Q. SMITH.
If you can't see the Moral without
being look up the Ad. of an Oculist
in this Paper and purchase a Pair of Specs.
I .
Get best for Comfort
and Border. Felt Plat-
es and ii piece Bern-
stein Iron B j have no equal.
Over Five Million Have
Haiti baa scene t more
than any place on
with the coming
mill the rabble root that fol-
lowed bins. ii years Its
bad utterly, i
and sword and by labor bi
to they were utterly
Iii nil history I no tragedy
more colossal and more pitiful than
Host the the
mill wreaked
Spaniards In
On the first day f
liT. will be
man- for
I the hour or;
o'clock p. m
pi ice will i for vehicle and
occupants and for each
-r r.
of Pitt
R. W Chairman.
No. So
i ,. mi .-
I .
Ex. day
A. .
. . . y
. .
S ill
M n
that even the cM of w
worst of the atrocities only In the Latin
the and Cir n
brief there was some semblance
peace. But iii th re-
sad practically all
whites, scenes enacted resembling
those that place
elsewhere during the Indian mutiny.
magnified a thousandfold.
On account of these fright-
reprisals France
In due the
But the their time
presently rose again under n
This time they dbl the thins
Nut only all the
put to death, bat all having any
admixture of white in their veins .
tailored fate. Many of the vie-
thus were alive after having
been Orel tortured.
u all it is that over
men. women and children
met with violent deaths on
Norfolk I Park
J. ,. BUNCH, T M
Norfolk, Va
P. M
. .
s m
H. C.
No; Va,
P, M.
R ;
v. rt
in ii
. S
General Merchandise.
A Stock Just In. I i
We have You
We can lit anybody.
Suppose you COOK in and try
it costs you nothing, and introduces
you to the best pen on earth.
General Hardware
Sole Agent for
Lead and Paint, Jewel Stoves and Ranges. Syracuse
farm fertilizer sower
Edge Tools.
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
It Ii n curious fact whoa
In their sleep ore always troth-
mid never evasive, hut If their
they will betray groat anger.
Their eyes ore always tightly closed.
the Intonation the voice Is very
different from the tones used when
person Is fully awake. Bleep talk-
may by brought to
a dream within a
pad will what
in dreams. Very
will make talk In
their steep when other conditions
they would never do It.
General Merchandise
Taft Vandyke
House Furnishings,
There Is called the
which In Booth and is
very with Its fangs. It Is
brown, but
it; Induces sort of
tile victim's body.
Ho as If every Inch of him wore
being to breaking point, and
ho agony which Is awful J
words, however, the
a pain the bitten man
before vary long, four
boars he senseless
Her Objection.
Mrs. Would yon like come
to church with me this morning Yon
may sit In my pew if you like. Mrs.
my dear, bat my bat
isn't trimmed for aide of the
Cobb res.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton.
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and Now Orleans
t-l Bertha. Shots to or
Ii kinds of
Nearly all other Couch Cures
constipating, especially these con-
opiates. Laxative
Syrup the
Contains no
On February 1-t v own
on 5th Lintel
work. Save your orders. H
and work for roe.
Hotel Greenville
J. HIGHT. Prop.
We ICE and can
supply local demand. Two
daily. orders
any time during the day, and
delivery will made the plant
any hour of the night. .,, ,
We ask your patronage will do ; .
best to you.
The Greenville Ice Plant,
Hill Johnson, . . Proprietors
I wish to inform the public that
hot-l is now ready for and
boarders, hotel re
modeled, thoroughly
lights, and cold baths,
lent rooms, Ideal for ladies,
traveling men. opp
and polite Phone.
Call and sec for
Yo rs to Serve,
Horse Shoeing a Specialty
J, C. Griffith, a practical hors
J. W. Hight Pro.
Pulley boweN
Home of Fashion. N. C
Something Gained.
Mrs. hoar the customs
authorities seized all the finery you
brought over from Will It be a
total loss Mrs. Park-Why. no. dear;
I got my name In tho
and Mushing are tho
Cold or a Couch always
produces water
runs to the eyes, and throat in-
stead of out of the system
through the liver and kidneys. For
want of moisture tho bowels become
dry and
Kennedy's Laxative Couch Syrup
relieves Colds by them out
of the system a copious
action of the bowels.
Conforms to National
I have on hand n large o
co machine made Will quota
on application and can
give this branch of the W J Gardner,
work his special attention. Brick M. Bethel, N.
Shop in the roar of
Stables ii from of the curt I
E. A.
w. c. D. M. Cotton and handlers
Civil Engineers and Surveyors j Correspondence shipments
I In limn.
For Sale by Jno. L. Wooten.
Greenville North Carolina.
Railroad, Municipal and land surveying
a specialty. Office on Third street
FOR SALE------
Bushels Rood Field Peas.
hand made Cypress Shingles. Also a
quantity of Tar.
d w Grimesland, N. C.
Dr. Greene
Specialist on Crown
over Frank -e
DeWitt's Little Early r.
in ill. safe, sure gentle
Sold by Jno. L. Wooten.

In Charge of F. G. NYE
bet give a
a few days h
Furl I II. Mr.
; eh id Sun-
; . f are
ere Cora I
. . E T S C-.
at to Rob
.;. is c
go lo i; ; Pro
. i . ; . ,
tight purse is heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
Hie LIVER Is the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
to normal condition.
new spring pants bat week, has been Give tone to the system and
Audi by a citizen . Charlotte, to a
,. , .- for j
if m v.; a nice up-to W. A-l Co.
,;. . r.- had just received A Citizen a KB that
s . a to attract
A V. Ange Co.
following bill, I
lo the one ratified by the
g ; ere in. to s
I our nice stock of runabouts
If, ; you buy. Prices are inter-
to the Legislature next
. hi be
r in mind
i and
to and of
prohibition really effective
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
, the f from bey rd its
A j Sill to be An Act but if it is crime to
to Prohibit the Drinking drink liquor, it matters not where
of Intoxicating Liquors liquor comes from, inter
. i r Medical Purposes. Slate commerce is no to
A. G. Cox The General Assembly of North an indictment against the fellow
A is it Into eye- B. W. C.
he must Section That person C. O H.
feed. by sue- All who , . this . h. A. and . L.
Their Only Child Dead.
heart in the community
was touched with sorrow at tie
death of little Elizabeth, aged
about one year, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker,
which occurred at o'clock Tues-
day afternoon of meningitis
after only a few days- illness.
About a year and a half ago
their first born was taken, and
death now claiming their last
and only robbing the
home of is light and joy, is sad
beyond expression. Much
Danger Ahead.
The Greenville Selector
campaign for the Demo-
nomination for governor
grows more inure disgusting.
It i- making strength faster for
Republican party in North
Carolina than anything the De-
have ever done before.
There are three good men
for the nomination, yet the
supporters of one malign the
others just as if they were
enemies instead of belonging to
is expressed for the heart I the same party, and vice versa,
broken parents, and may God Some want to rapport
them in their great of a certain man a test of Demo-
The funeral will take at
this afternoon, be-j
and some think every-
body is a rascal who does not
with them. The earn-
conducted by Revs, M. tor the nomination is a
Plyler and J. E. the by which
pall bearers will be Messrs J. F. the enemies to Dam
Davenport, J. N. Karl. A
And the sentiment ex-
pressed we are in accord. The
scramble for the in
North Carolina becomes more
and more undignified. The cam-
was pitched on a wrong
key to begin with ; and the lesser
have caught up re-
and vied each other
ill mud-slinging ability. False
charges have been made all
,. B. L Johnson, i shall be puma a violation , goto him and
. I ,. f .-., town i on doors and wind- this act, and evidence . four o'clock train returning will
Builder, let us give be to sustain a Earl, son of Mr. the extra
you prices on them. and Mrs. John L- Wilkinson, of
, , That the place near Farmville. was born Dr E. A
Nice. Oatmeal. A. the odor of the died
from . M. May his, J- L. Sec
f at Johnson's th breath of any person stay on earth s year eight i
I v. ill at the following places
f ;. your
Juno G.
A; i .
June, and 12-
conclusively pr
and three d
vote for
be conclusively presume .
be the place taken very ill. Sunday Home, the com
liquors were drank, ard died Saturday night father.
the venue of any indictment with the meningitis. All was
G-to G. Bryan act be laid ac- don for him that a loving
-.- . r mother, father and the members
Section shall Jg has set apart next
to any who is could stay no hand death. for weeks
bright eye war soon
de of
The Memorial Sunday
B. P. Manning Lister .
v i-i
b st roofing see
; not apply t
v fide sick, and
day here.
We are row n ads to take or
the famous handy to-
truck. They be the
same heretofore.
Bryan left Saturday
to pursue a
i v. be; . i .
upon th prescription of a
licensed physician,
in death, how pad it was to
give up, and sweet
past, in fact ever the
began to occupy its new
class rooms, the r has
patient such voice no mute in home
the lime; nor to that he once
rt and bright, he w-s a
. . t of bl no was ,
In Nottingham, England, a few .,,. very pleasant, loving and Kind
eeks ago, a teamster loaded ., ,.,. child and was like a raj
m that the houses j-. .-. in home. But Oct
dentist, qt
rt it began chair under treatment at h-d this lit e
course in banking in business
in Norfolk.
A solid car load of flue iron
received. We are
to your orders at the same
price. A G. Mfg. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Tucker
i the time; nor to the pastor, of- win
, HI HI. v. .
communicants of any
lashing them
a crowd gathered, but no
lift at the j or religious society while
the horses get a ,. celebration of
on the wagon. The driver was i or ceremony in which
away when a
Standing across the;
Him there no

happy hours
Lucy A. Moore.
he purpose of the coming rally
day is to make the
even it
die exercises very
day program will
be a good one. Everybody h
invited to attend next Sunday,
Attorney General
i receiving letters of
inquiry regarding the
of the Supreme Court's de-
on the poll tax question,
replies that court holds
mi State and county poll
tax cannot exceed and no city
for levy a larger sum
He cites the court's opinion in ,
the Mecklenburg county ease
ii fully when
He says t other or further
; pull
can be levied any purpose.
Tin s all levying prop-
tax and poll tax combined
ill of are invalid. This
There are special does not affect the poll
es every Sunday that mike with
Mr. Home is a
motor, not a panic maker-
returned from ft.
day mewing.
man. don't you need a
nice buggy id A Ange
Co. ins them.
My soda fountain ii
for the cold drinks.
Everything is new -d in ex-
shape. H. L. Johnson.
Hunsucker buggies are still in
the go. You had better come
yet you nice
for spring snort. A G. Cox
Mfg. Co., N. C.
We handle the castings for the
following plows,
Section That this act shall
be in force from and after its
s ho -s
road at him with open
and him by
I bit him so savagely,
I ho bad to go to the for
If the
The man lashes a horse
cause horse can do no
It will take the votes
ratification. the next election. Home is
This if enacted a law, the man to poll them.
will make it
County Democratic
At a meeting of the Democrat
Executive Committee of Pitt
county held this it was or-
pension tax, that being a
tax and combined with
the other tax does not exceed
i. The county commissioners
in vying taxes for the present.
year will therefore eliminate all
special tax on polls and levy the
n as construed by the
Supreme in the case. This
decision in no manner affects the
poll tax levied by the Slate but
only re pi ires all special poll
taxes levied by county
ill excess of are void.
Raleigh Charlotte
the horse can do no of
n he can deserves a sentence of
every Chicago J Jaw
. . . .,. . .
Relief from Rheumatic Pains.
with rheumatism forever
most the argument that
The Democratic executive com-
have called tin primaries
to at. the voting
places in Pitt county, Saturday
, places in
does not It 1908, clock p m.
will go lo root of the matter.
with for over legislated
,.;,. two Mr n
J Fla. .-s,;,. the
and settled in knees and lamed or Millions of
that unless ho attends
the primary place
he will have no voice whatever
walk, at other , he nave no voice
times be In my feat and hand gallon of it may made n who i. the next
n Barber Co s-I was for duty. harm if r f Carolina.
A new lino of dry and it were used to rub with, or in E. A. m Jr.,
notions s h Pitt county Kitchin Club.
Barber Co.
Per Ricks house.
Nice live room cottage, pleasant-
C. S. Smith, agent
The farm -rs I a id
are thing to handle
tobacco. Send in y r orders at
once. A. G. Cox Mfg, Co-
Hay and lime at A. W.
Dr. Hess's and Stock
Food is the thing for year
try d stock A. W. Co.
We taking inventory this
week. We shall have something
to say next week that will be of
interest. A. Ange Co.
paints, or in the arts and sciences. county Kitchin Cub.
drinking of the stuff j L Sec
that makes wives
Paw Balm. I ,
d with it in d found the pain pan It i
nearly Bone faring
or for u , ,, ,
weeks and found that it drew the orphans, and fills up the
that disease foe . , ,
three Drug-Hi the manufacture and sale p
id n patent is to continue there
A for ii vote for
political freedom ring rule.
be held in Greenville, on Thurs
day, June 11th, 1908 at IS o'clock
m., at delegates will be
appointed to represent the
in the State,
and Judicial of the
The several townships are en
titled to elect the following
of delegates and alternates,
Swift Creek,
N This 21st day May,
r. Harding,
Chm. Ex. Com. Pitt C .
W. L. Brown,
ID. W.
And Provisions
I must come to buy it. The ,,
Mr. Horne is not the any,
t Dr
. .
thing to prohibit the .
the people's governor, there were no people to drink it
its manufacture and
Laundry-Left at J. B. John- He a natural
store will be sent to Another important matter
T Prompt ah tit this law I
Con Lanier, h . ; mis u on
i. . into
time is on. D not
yours off until the last of the
Cotton and
Pr Sh kept ion-
In Stock.
D, w.
v or t h Carolina
HP; w;

Eastern reflector, 5 June 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 05, 1908
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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