Eastern reflector, 22 May 1908

. H.
in lit-
f CO ii the offer on i Prompt treatment sight
Noticed the
back ache, lot will often a
ii III fl The beat known A Parisian had a Cray
I C picture of made, which
15-5 l J IS rill f N I money refunded. Apothecary. J. L. Wooten. to find fat
In Charge of F. C. NYE
S by . L V.
Authorize J A- cad of The Eastern and Advertising Rates on Application
The End Came Suddenly Morning-
buggies are The new corn planter MARRED THEIR PLEASURE. A Shock to th; Community.
if yea want a nice the and, . , ., . J The announcement early this
date runabout you corn any distance soldiers Luce of that Mr. D. L. Duffy
better give Mm an earl call laired saved Club on Day of Reunion. ; had died suddenly was a
Prof. G. E. attended i by this wonderful
closing ; of found at Harrington Bar-
school Thursday and Co
purl j a most pheasant day. We just received
dress j and dress
Club on Day of Reunion.
Editor to the town, friends
The old soldiers, at their re-1 to the en
union Tuesday, were all pleased street only lo find
at the entertainment given them that the report was true and
by the rood people of Greenville j spirit had passed
raw hats are Come awl straw hats at prices to attract land Pit county. They enjoyed Mr. Duffy had for Mm
them. A W. i hearing the familiar rattle of been complaining of -wt
It Reached the Spot.
g i of
will at p. m.
Our Hoc of new spring drums, which was so v.-ll. and suffered from an at-
for the debate at the j just A W. Ange and rendered by a well trained tack of colic Tuesday, but
drum corps of The not taken his bed and was out on i of the century, nu treat
; and recitations by the young the street after Tuesday; ASK IS
U going. Call were highly as Bight- tie abort of an earthly awl
i i-i. v c C its feed of ice stock of be-1 was also the good speech we other members f tin of were takes
to M Pro- fore you buy. Prices are The dinner, arose this morn;
; . i etc. which were for the the boys heard a r.
to find fault
docs not bear the slightest
, r. I. u i i i to said he.
Mr. E. Humphrey, who a large i i ,, . . , ,
central y., and is l ll
of the Ad. ms County The artist protested, but all to
Co., as well as of the Home no avail.
Pike Loamy, . Dr. the had left the
saved my . , ,, , . , ,.
At least I think it it, to, portrait a
seemed to reach the f- magnificent of ass ears and ex-
of my everything it in the window, thus alter-
el e Dr. King's New Di to pub-
not reach s the cough spit; it .- r r ,
heals the sure sputa and to- Weak spots ;
in oat, and Sold under It t been long exposed when
J. L. the dandy entered the artist's
and Trial towering rage, and, finding
; that amounted to nothing,
he at last offered to buy it, even at
a considerable advance upon the
original price.
wasn't strange you didn't rec-
your resemblance to the
at said the painter,
I knew you'd notice the likeness as
soon as I added those
The or
Is supposed to be derived from
hearted slave owner
on Manhattan Island In the part
Hew Amused Himself.
interesting f the
Tc-4 of Ira Joy illustrating the
n p mini the man, as bountiful struggling from idea flow fine spirits,
. ii meet- and appreciated. Only one his father's room, and I M
. . . ,. . , . i- , , conn of time. Its on the erector
.- made by the A I thing delightful . . room y it was to the southern
I. I ho N-C. and that was the across the bed with bis feet of
teen larger this year than have dour for some indiscreet who tried re ting on the floor, his
ever and the lot of flue will to trespass the occasion in heavy A
be in position to forming a to physician was summoned, but
asked a salesman for
be in to a to
One i flues the coming season to our right that old veteran. Duffy was dead when
spring pants ever j customers and friends. We so- Ashley Home. We didn't like reached the home,
leeched town of Winter your early orders. this and hope that such efforts Mr. Duffy was about ye r
for inspection. I A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. I in the future will not be resorted old. and is survived by
Winterville, N. C. I to to mar the pleasure of our and two sons, both
Barber T- have a horse be must meetings. was a civil engineer -i r. of
, ., Ali, A-
an. -.- . r. to at; Tenn., . .
Produce Co., next May -i rs ago to assist
day. U on the
Re for Sale-A lot of Jumbo The World s Best construction ,
Of course
had been rod into a room ad-
joining the host's studio, the
ant telling him to go in, as M. Du-
mas was alone.
At that meat, says the
tor, I a ad burst of laugh-
fro a the inner apartment, so I
The ex
were n
of the Ms New
if yen stroll and st
of the bi yon will see them would sooner wait until
. I nil pretty lighted apt Plenty of visitor- are
I e occupied has no visitors.
remark tho
a --i;. Dumas very
n iv- this at bi
i. was true ii. The novel-
it alone, or, w in company
. rs, at
. . , .
y w.
in in of straw
f Improved Kin
hi rt entirely from disease, en , g I, Washington tn .- now
bi n elevations , .
lower levels i art or the Norfolk a
or leas extent, as or . . system. Since th i h
.----- re. me climate , ,. ,
pounds in seed, sons, malaria, aim -on
I in.-. at per bushel
L . . ,
to altitude
, . ,. o j U m malaria, u. ma
es g five hundred pound and and en- friends.
received. c , ,
at ii per bushel. Electric bitters, the great Ii
and c s
I will at
A, ; I. and
. Jun IX and
. Louse June
. i
B. F. Manning Lister Taker
The time i. almost at hand
when farmers will need such
implement as cotton planter
and s nets,
W. H. Harrington. of a.
special line of can and insomnia. Sol-
at J. L.
and purifier; the- for shipment and will he
every form of bodily weakness,
of the
i the blab man
t-. drug
.-. you balm bald-
course have
just i s good, I want J.
v I want. Seer Jot
are mistaken, said
t i
as i-t have
Is far K News.
fresh. H. L
hams are
breakfast these
mornings. We have
H. L. Johnson.
the Author
To People of
In response ti a number
cf Inquiries, I wish to say tn.-it
Bargains on doors and closing exercise of the
Mr. let us give graded will be
v. u pi ices on them. I in the opera house on Wed-
k w e r and Thursday evenings
A. i of next week at eight o'clock.
Fresh herrings at
Barber Co. will b
The A. G. Cox Mfg. O
sympathy is .
fir the wife and t. ,.
Zan R . r.- .
n co .-. . o.
o soothes .-- . . i;. II
J b. v;
Mei- -n
the night. ti
Rod sill in w
off. of ; Bk
i make
. be J
Bit. the
In ;. ; are not
Z id
yo r aiders early with A.
for these Cox Co. that the next
and then you be received advice of shipment should enact a law
our supply in ample time.
Misses Cox and Annie
Carroll gave a most delightful
The speaKers
evening the chap, freckle, Mn
held. The query
gold John L
of one of their cars of flue sheet, all children between the ages z-Pd re p r
therefore they will soon be In of to attend school at
, . , . . four months year. o.-piles. rd i
position to furnish their custom- ,. . ., .- old by j; . n
The speakers on the
are Conrad Lacier, Bruce .--.-.-
Hooker and Charles
The negative. Frank Brown,
Taylor and Wiley J. Brown.
The boys have very creditable
era and many friends with
flues. Let us have your
orders as early possible and
then, you will sure to get them
birthday party at homo of Dr.
Cox Friday evening S to ll
Remember the from the
rd orphanage will be here
April They
give excellent j think the people;
and we hope to have a full L, thing for your enjoy A
to hear hem. , ard A w Co i
P, ti. Kittrell and son. . m . . , , .
. ,, ,. i fresh Oatmeal. A. W-
went to o. t morning. ,
Ange Co.
Ice cream at Johnson's
every day,
Ice ard lemons at II L. John
lush on-
g . .
. W.
ll N
when t. C f
r v hen ex-
Mr--. la -live a
big i arty on birthday, f
b i trill Invited-; lira.
lost ray friends,
yon said y-i were lo
i i ; Press.
We are now read to lake
for the handy to-
buck. They will be the
price as heretofore,
ft. G s
Misses Olive and
Louise went to
Greenville this morning,
voe .
nice spread A Angel
Co. has them.
My soda fount in is of cur truck-
ten for the nicest cold drinks. I Cox
Everything is new i-d in ex-j Winterville, N. C.
shape i. L.
r i e still notice
the had better Go to M. G. Bryan Winterville,
awarded to speak r who
presents the best argument in
the best manner As Ben
won a medal last year he will not
be considered a contestant this
On Thursday evening
graduating exercises will be h- Id. j
and a buggy N, for fire insurance. He
for spring snort. S A G Cox represents the Co.,
r vi-t r of Greensboro, it
We for
following plows,
The A. C. Cox Mfg. Co. Alphonso
-1 e c . SOT of the English Language at
now on file for future shipment .
, the University. Will deliver the
orders for more than Mm M
of their Handy of tho finest Scholars and
This goes to show in the South; I am
a treat is in store r who
gradual class
this year. Some weeks
their essays were read
committee and Misses Lillie
Tucker, Margaret Blow and
Jamie Bryan were selected
having the most o essays, j
These represent I
the their
will be furnished by the
under direction of
I with it, for over j Miss
from Rheumatic Pains.
two Mr a. , , . ,
of Key West, Flu. T-0 both of these the
Harrington Barber Co settled In and lamed public h most
Fresh at of different aS Boa
kinds at A. W. Ange Co.
Have dressed at
the Carolina Milling Mfg. Co.
A new line of dry goods and
notions just in. Harrington.
Barber Co.
For Ricks house.
Nice five room
located. C. Smith, agent.
was for duty. the clap. of the graded
night when I was pain and , , . , . ,,
lame from it my wife went to the drug j school on next Monday right the
store and cam-back with a bottle part f the music class the
of a Pain Balm. I ,
rubbed it aid found the had regular commencement
nearly none daring the night. will give a public recital. Pi-
kept on for a little more than t r i-u j l
two weeks and found that it drove the Children the
rheumatism away. I have not h id I public ill J d t
trouble in m for
For tn by all Dr g-it
dealers in lies H. B. Smith. Supt.
The Great Cotton Fertilizer
Is known Cotton grown and Fer-
used, as the of large
Se that the trade mark is every guarantees
against imitations and insures you are getting the genuine
Royster goods.
D. J. WHICHARD, and Owner
Truth in Preference to fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
nil greatest Rood to the
S MRS- The saloon is just as
THE Al in the forgoing the man who keeps it,
ANOTHER OF the writer going to who is
CLOSES TERM on the HER as good as the man who votes
SCHOOLS CLOSE I turn. . remarked pleasantly might I
. , , -u. stayed home in your office W Never
Pf y and saved the by, ,. l our church,
II was of home and the school-and
same old commencement speech of and community over these trying to drag
The splendid graded school at that has heard on to hear Mrs. down are saloon, the
Grifton, in charge of Supt. W grown tired ; Nannie Curtis, of Texas, deliver den. the house in-
H. Cale and four assistants, held But not SQ It was a speech j an on There are three P's
its closing exercises this more than repaid time and repUtation of being the finest find standing on the side of
and the people of the section and to hear, for no j woman orator before the public j home and
many visitors an hear it without being her here,
f, A I-J fin tn
Mr. Joshua L. Tripp, aged
Seven Days Unrelenting Effort by; years, died at 4.30 o'clock, Tues-
day at his home on
in N. C. Pitt street. About two
To the Temperance
Forces in
ago he suffered a stroke of
but had recovered
and after listening to her
lease. alter h
The exercises began superintendent her argument for
with an interesting concert j this at plea for the pro-
of music, recitations, j won the prize of y of the home, the wife,
etc. Tuesday night woman's Betterment
was another concert that was county, the local
historical in nature, that striking association. in recognition of woman.
etc. the woman's Betterment j e children is ready
was another concert that was the county, the local that the half had
historical in nature, that Striking association. in recognition of
portrayed the progress of our Miss Lillie Grant
country. This concert was the desired
reputation of being
are the pulpit, the press,
the pedagogue. To each of these
the speaker paid a fine tribute.
But, oh, my when she took up
those who stand for the saloon,
the gambling den and house of
I infamy, how they did catch it.
sens She said she was an admirer
Mrs- Curtis is also a woman of whom she paid a
handsome appearance, in peering, and was
ordinary as to her a gold bracelet. a voice that is strong use an illustration learn-
unusual interest to the audience. Superintendent W.
A medal which had been j
ed for best punctuality
a . .
was awarded to Miss j did st and in
Eliza Brooks and was j language,
presented by Prof. H B.
yet melodious, from many
was requested lo per- perfect distinctions, and be-.
is duty, which
North . fl from get about
We are this chair, but on
Wednesday of last week became
worse aid continued to grow
weaker until the I d
Mr. Tripp was a
man had a ho t of
friends. He was a native Pitt
county and a Confederate r.
IA wife and eight children
him These are Mr. J. B.
of Mr. L Tripp,
of Washington City; Mr. II. B.
, in the open where it will do.
secretly where that plan is beat,
corruptly wherever money will
curt, by n
wherever they can Impose
upon the last we of the most
momentous campaign in the his-
of our State--
Today victory is ours, and the
enemy know it, and yet SO far
from quitting their activities,
these next seven days find them,
in fiercest, and bitterest war-
fare of all the campaign far
They know that we have won,
-and yet they hope now in one
terrible cyclonic campaign, act- Leila and Lu
Tripp, of Mis.
Jolly, Mrs. D. N. Branch
a-A Mrs. A. F. Cos
.;,. Ha was the o
r tho Fro
, ii t
d the
d at
Miss Janie teacher
of the third and fourth grades
s of he
tar a
other things Prof. Smith said in I groUnds to which-every I except a few ex-1 to the heir vigor, your j your
referring to him as our greatest was invited. Grifton I the you wish you J seal, your re- R I gotten
educational was that has every reason to i that does to a town Wei-e against their the
since retiring from the he of her any might bring more and let us see t- e. U- w -u.
had not made any educational. stand before-. Mrs. the man Ai e
speeches, and he honed the gov- m for sale. Th t an hour a for prohibition,
had net . half to the matchless homes, wives, their
Gov. Aycock that flowed lips of was V
replied to this by saying he never like u silver stream, man and then
made anything else but Died. when from the
speeches, for whether he infant son, by rays sun-
was addressing a jury, talking I f E g Edwards. and after taking her
about prohibition or on any other morning of as if
subject, it was always remains were bound anti t- hear
tn today for inter . . ,., n
L Tab far behalf of our farmers d men
asked. is not whet , Mrs. Curtis was most grace- g . he- is IV-,
A- rt
i that bis name was
nor convention two years
i strong run,
-ill this lead
Ion our side in this
V and nobly have and he made
ti North
. . ,.
My appeal now b for one Anal and action. He is
. . and most I'll
. week of untiring, unselfish.
we put into a thing, but what we. Found . Lady's watch and, fully introduced by Mrs. J.
bring out of it- Everybody and Owner can get same who u as greeted with a
everything should be describing and paying charges.; burst of applause when n c-m-
Then by forceful illustrations in
both the vegetable and animal
world ho showed how the best w
developed through education, and
Henry C. Smith, paring Mrs. Curtis with the New
One week's great interest b,
effect en. the part of him our
that it was equally true of the
human mind. Education in-
creases the value of whatever it
is applied to. also gives one
power to hold on and wait for an
opportunity, and then make the
best of that opportunity as soon
it is presented.
Education costs something, is
not worth much without sacrifice,
but is not obtained by any other
process. Books, teachers and
school houses do not make
cation, but there must be hard
work and Education
for selfish ends is worthless.
Educate everybody, as you get
the best yourself by giving
the best to others. It takes
competition to develop. The
orator must have an audience
who can appreciate his words or
his speech is a failure. The
skilled musician must have an
audience of trained ears or the
sweet music is lost. The
artist must place his work
before eyes trained to appreciate
it or the beauty of his picture is
not seen. You must have an
trained as are
trained or there is no incentive
to development.
Happiness consists not in the
gratification of the hour, but our
greatest happiness comes through
to and thoughtfulness of
We give only a few of the
strong points in Governor
cock's speech. For more than
an hour he de-It in truth and
there is one thing which a
very of North ;
it. is the stock la-, the Temperance welfare-
, ,
E. am glad ours is of the South, ; State. 11.18 being
1-i draw on
Will speak on prohibition North for I pM ,
the following times n ,
Stokes, Saturday. Ma to gm M h
urns . ,., .-hr
n On
an- J. G .
I Mr.
your j M Crisp,
seven Little,
J. G-
at o'clock p. m.
Black Jack, Sunday May 24th,
synopsis of Mrs. e . , said W
as nothing short of a appeal no less to one A.
i a century f . . W. Harris.
report do it justice.
said so much, and every sentence
was so forceful and so
ate to the subject in hand, that
at o'clock a. m.
Grimesland, Sunday May 24th.
at 3.30 o'clock p. m.
The public cordially invited to
attend and hear this question . ,
which so much for the to mention to the exclusion of
homes and happiness the others-
pie presented by a man who has She gave some statistics bear-
his life to teaching those on which show
things which tend to make
men and women.
J. Jarvis,
F. ii
J. L. l.-i.
B. King,
W, T. Pierce,
J. E. Meek,
W. M. Smith,
Leslie Smith
thing later but it is not true now, than to another. Because they J. W. Gums,
our genial, if somewhat, learned have not been so prominent in
, friend the razor-back hog is j this campaign as in some others,
ate to the subject in hand, that me for the some advocates have
it would be hard to decide w e even had the temerity to slander
This hog is a connoisseur, by the good women of the State and
cares nothing for the ministers of the gospel by
the roots of any tree except the saying that their hearts are not
So in this work as we have claimed. couple w re
Married in Buggy.
Last Sunday afternoon a couple
drove up in front of the residence
of C. D. Rountree. on
Greene street, and called for him
on which show- are sweet. out. w.-re
ed the hundreds of thousands of he havoc with the timber, j May the vigor and terrible ear, Mr Jordan and Miss
people who annually fall victims he were exterminated, or neatness cf work these, E Carney, from the
to it- Going back to the as hunger and taste by next seven days answer H- of the river The
from which she gave some at home instead cf slander Let every woman exert headed
And Committed to to Await Court.
Today Mr. W. C. Hines re-
turned from Bethel bringing
with him a colored man named
Sam Brown who placed in
jail. On Sunday night some one
broke into the warehouse of
Blount Bros., at Bethel. They
telephoned at once for Mr. Hints
who over with his blond
hound. The dog run a trail to
the house of Brown, but other
evidence was waited for before
him. With this clue
enough evidence to fasten the
upon Brown was not hard
to find, and arrest, preliminary
Just one more week s -it him to a
for this that I appeal, and one at once. He t
week's whole-hearted work now .
toil. as w. j .
from which she gave some kept at home instead cf slander Let every . x
and declaring that God being to lead the life of herself to the utmost.
was the first prohibitionist and a present, the result Just one more week s t
made the first prohibitory laws, North Carolina's pine
she took up and rapidly answer- be enormous.
ed every objection that has been he man who will have the
raised against prohibition. Sh law passed for the whole to appeal to you a--
just swept the win deserve a monument, j Remember, the eyes the
fellow right off his feet and left tor then a vast stretch of nation are on North Carolina.
him with nothing to stand on. will be reseeded and the long-1 The whiskey sellers all the
while the won't pine, which is the prince of country are willing flood the
well, he will be forests, be re- State- with money and with
ed to say that in public any more Fred A Olds, in j workers in the hope of so
, She told , run. SI to check the
young man handed
tree a marriage license and re-
will make it unnecessary for me
to appeal to you again.
marry them as they sat on the
buggy, and they drove off happy.
if he heard Mrs. Curtis. She told Daily Observer.
the fellow who said God made j
whiskey and left it here for us w
to drink God made rattle-
snakes and left them here. Why Will preach on prohibition at
don't you eat , Parkers chapel on Sunday May
How Cheap, But Hew
We desire to call attention to
the new advertisement of L H-
Pend r which appears in this is-
sue. Mr. Pender has long been
-i the tinning and healing
triumphant temperance wave in I arid well known,
the country generally and
, , ballot. Mrs. Curtis 24th. 1908 at o'clock p. m
to find, and arrest, preliminary As man A cordial invitation is given to
trial and commission to jail expressing only the public to attend this service
failure to give bond for hi. j. . and hear this plea for
Superior court, J m
lowed i regular order. w
our majority as to check the
the whiskey issue alive in our
own State.
Seven day's of earnest work
will forever defeat their
pose. We mus. have it, and
every friend of temperance must
Chairman Anti-Saloon League.
Since the town put in sewer he
has added plumbing to his
and employs the best of
When he tum
a job to you you can He-
being right. His motto i
how cheap, but how
m. r.

I Greenville's Department Store.
PRETTY is the general
w; when showing- the new novelties of the
MUM- the and Check effects from the dainty
and small to very swell in Urge effects. In White Stuff
can be fully, as we have a line that
v. ill Appeal to yea,
Life, Fire and Accident
What Makes a Bank Strong
let Ladies
Children. J
Summer ,
kind f
if Stock.
line Beauty Waist cambric J
Girls. each.
II .
ad I
girls, .; and
i . in small
shots end Oxfords
and Tan the best
makes. and
Children's all will wear
to please you. Latest shapes
received, car. Hi you
when others fail. Prices and
Styles Come take a
look let us demonstrate
our ability to lit you.
. I t
little Things of Interest.
wash J etc, Marcel
Wavers Pond's extract
. lovely
; low cover.
air selections before.
Large While
cloth best quality, ladies
vest, a good one,
I have appointed registrar
Tor ward for the purpose of
qualified voters of said ward
and to aid in the conduct of the election
called to be held on 1st. day of
June. in the town of Greenville,
N. C., tor the purpose of electing ore
I that I will b
polling place of said to a
grand jury n In the court home, oil .
Wednesday, May 27th, Thursday, May
and Friday, Mat . 1908, from
o'clock a. i i. to o clock l. m. v
. book of registration prepared
, i such rs an-
titled to register iii u id r ard for said
election. give notice no
shall be allowed to vote who
do not register,
Tins May -l.-t day
R of the 1st ward of the
town of Greenville, N.
m a
i a
of the
A W A Y It V
Now is Pleasant Time to go There
Hod. Fishing, Be,
train service -i-
I lutes.
Ni-v. u with i l
Parlor . i i u may, March
;. . Go d and
on on following
Building Bill Chairman
Representative Small made a
speech in the House today in
which he directed criticism at
the public bill. Mr.
Small objected to the secrecy dis
Flayed in keeping the contents
I of the measure from the
to of the House and the
manner In which it was
passed immediately following its
introduction. He also cited
case of Greenville, which was
denied an appropriation for a site
for a public building on the
that postal revenues
wen less than ten thousand do-
lore a year. Mr- Small said if
towns were treated alike he
would have no complaint, but he
maintained that towns with
revenues ten thous-
i bad r
bu appropriation. Chair
man said a North Car-
congressman should be the
last to protest the bill
He said the committee had
favored the Tor Heel
ant that in proportion to
Carolina received a
larger appropriation tor public
building than any other State
in the I
voters of tin ward of the
i . i . . will take notice
I I . , bet n d i . ti for
. r registering
d i rs . tail and
. i . . h i In an i .
I i be hi id on l I ; i
. . N.
In judging a Bank, always remember that it is Capital.
plus and Undivided Profits that give security to the
tor, because that money is what stands between you as a
depositor and any possible shrinkage in the securities held
by the bank.
Few banks in the State have a larger margin of safety than
OF GREENVILLE which, with the
watchful interest of a very capable and conservative board
of directors the inspection of the Corporation
Commission, has built up here one of bes financial
in the county, one whose
Capital, Surplus and
now amounts to over
Sixty Eight Thousand Dollars.
j R. L. Davis Pres. j. L Little Cashier j
the of i i
i jive that i III at the
i aid . ,.
. -i. on Fourth
. et on May 7th, Thurs-
. . i.-. and May,
in o'clock a. i o'clock
in. i my book .
BI to register person as
bu entitled to in said
-I ward for said election, no-
no i II be allowed to
I not
This May Slat day
i of the . id
i ii ilk , N. f.
Tin o of tho third
. i.
i ; ., i,
i . ward for the i if
o. i lie
. i t I sold ward
i i i Lotion
. . I i . Id i 1st day
ill I i of G
. .; i .
i m . i I will be I
To The
Do not forget those pretty
Pattern Hats at.
Your dress will not be com- I
without that Hat.
ii North Carolina aid
hence was a limited Hat of
buyers Th-3 matter was before
aldermen after a
out of Favor by
As usual, sleeves are of prime
in the warm r
ward , ,
in the June More
than any other detail of the
visit by the Green;
v manager, but no
j could be upon and no-n
Johnson to
ii the All that w .
when the
except ten gallons
don o the Soldier's
Luke's and
v. .-. Bold to Greenville.
News I Observer,
date of
May May tS creation. g old
b the Standard Writer
8.45 n i .
2.80 pi
IS p m
4.86 n Ar
p Ar
5.46 p Ar
m Ar
Hop n U
5.25 pin
i n
To The Plumber
requires that you judge him by his
work rather by the of his
bill. Ii we seat in our bill
doing our work, you would
that a sum no
th, and Ma. from
o'clock a, t, o'clock p. with
to to
register as may en-
titled to register in said ward for said
I also give notice that no
i shall ii allowed to who
It. A. Tyson,
I ward
This May, day,
of th
Ar 12.20 p
II. in a in
I. 10.80 am
I . i i
would be wrong. We do as
work as any plumber in the
world with your next job
8.00 am and admit we speak the truth.
Ir our bill is smaller than are
Tourist fares will in be on , , y
sale. For information . a.- rates. to, why should you if the
. ;, work
this c
T. A. Charlotte,
C. A. Dickens.
The voters of the fourth ward of
the of Greenville will take notice
t i have been A Lin registrar
. I v ard the i ; .
the of I rd
I, aid iii the conduct of an election
called in he held on the l.-t day of
June in the t of . i. N,
C, for the i of ling om
I I will at
place of th v ard. to
at Turnage store at live Point.-.
on Wednesday, May Thursday
Hay and Friday, Maj 20th,
from o'clock a. in. to lock p. m,
with ms book of I
to may be
entitled to register in said ward for
said iii I also give notice
no person shall be slowed to vote who
s not register.
This May day 1908.
. . Howling.
Registrar of the 4th ward f the
town of N. C.
a- i. an axiom of the
In Paris tho short sleeve is
The American
however, will not drop
it abruptly for the long sleeve,
She will be Inclined to
arise on account of the heat of
our long summer, but by Autumn I
Services Sunday, May
the 17th,
The of the different
churches in Greenville having,
greed to worship with their,
friends in the country on the 3rd i M W
Sunday, i Like pleasure in an
the following appoint-
for Sunday,
the 17th, 1808. j J. C. I. a practical horse
Rev. J. E. of tho this branch of the
tilt church, will be at Bethany j
Free Will Baptist church, Con
Local Agent.
certainty that
will have been bid J
work Ms attention.
hi ; in I he of Livery
of the court
o- of an other will
like a selected our
Hue of
Just for a break in mo-
of a season,
come in and look at our
Rich and Dainty
nut exquisitely
Tinted ART
and many other lines.
Hot and Cold Baths
Electric Massage
a Electric
Massage and Hair
Ionic given to
at their homes.
Greenville, N. C.
I. Maggie Whitley at the
near house, bakes every
day. mil-, and pies.
The voters of the ard f the
town of Greenville will take
I appointed registrar
ward for the purpose of registering the
qualified Voters of said ward, and to
aid in the conduct of an called
in be held an the 1st day June In
tho town of Greenville, c. for the
j. ;. of -h alderman.
I give that I will be at the
g e of 6th ward, to
at Kings at Ki. Points, on
Wednesday, Thursday May,
Friday, May 29th,
o clock a. m. to n o'clock p. m. with
my book of prepared to
register such be entitled
to in said ward for said
election, I also notice that no
person shall be allowed to vote who
does not register.
Tin May 21st day 1908.
Registrar of the 5th ward of
town of N. C.
at a
One of the host examples of
I the typical small h used in
the it is full length, of
Course, dose fitting and with no
at the
An excellent phase of it
in the of
shantung In the shade called
The little
coat has a square, seamed
ion hick and a V-shaped closing
in the that is to
one side with a darker tone
of silk, plaited and into
a of a double
The most
and unusual for it baa but one
and that on tho outside of
the arm. The sleeve buttons
from the elbow to the wrist with
l.;. k- r , who would dine to have a shod
a bias line of great buttonhole.-, I by an knows not the
bound in cloth, and small round fee, There no
. ,,. . ,. horse interfering or
0th covered buttons. The arm me a trial
hole of tho coat is under i No. shop
, i j ., . from
so that the seam is as
Hat as possible. j
E. A. Kline.
Beaver Dam township,
p. m.
Rev. D W. Arnold, of the J i A
Christian church will be at the,
Oak Grove church,
Carolina township, o'clock
a. At Brotherhood Hall.
Oakley, at 8.80 o'clock p. in
M. T. Plyler, of the
Methodist church, will at the
Methodist church, town-
ship, rt o'clock a. m. At
Pi school house,
township tit o p. m.
Men ind women, without re-
to sect and creed are
invited to attend these
Thus- J. Jarvis.
Tut Co. Anti-Saloon League
Raleigh, N. C.
choice em Lowers In
Special giver to
Bull, stock, plants for Winter
r.-.-, Hedge
plants Evergreen a id Shade craw.
Notice Contractors.
Sealed proposals will r, salved by
the Committee of the
Carolina Teach, Training School
II ii. in. of Thursday June
pi k, for the erect Inn am
N. f
The Administration Build-
two tori's and
in a ,. w,, drawings
Hid . p, iv s, of h
I lie after l y ;. at the
Roe. i i the Hook
Greenville Bays Raleigh
cream sold daily
Sold by L. Wooten.
at for the sum of
The inventory value of the
liq war
I Bale of the whiskey r
are the special act of the legislature
,.,. ., , , , . , i Hie Hook i
Who would employ N. C W
N. C of
l. J. of executive
com G e. villa, N. G, and J. Y.
Joyner. gen t,
Ran lab, N C.
A n ch vie made payable to
In the tun of one
Experienced bi I must ace m-
pane cheek to
in vent the successful
Lout actor to Com-
a surety bond in
the s m of one third amount of the
contrast w thin the
Has I
The is r a, I to any
J. Jarvis
Greenville. N. C., May 1st, 1908.
Grand Opening.
The grand opening ball at the
. , . Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City,
booze, the left over. N. C. be given
tho departed dispensary was night, June 1908.
yesterday sold to the dispensary j This will be a brilliant affair,
and will attract from far and
near. P. P. Morton,
until G.
Ailed in sure .
bad i. I,.
The beat drink pf coffee- Gold
S. m.
n. c
two daughters. Three of the
sons are successful men C. R.,
He Passed Away On the Eleventh Day of Washington. D. C; I. A. Jr.,
of Ga., and Benjamin
May, by Many Friends.
Col. Isaac A. has joined
the great majority. That death
a shining was con-
verified on this 11th
day of May, 1908, in the falling
to sleep of Col. I. A. Sugg, of
Greenville, N. C. in the h
year of his age. However fa-
we may become with
death, it never cases to shock
us, and the end of every life is h
Forty years of unbroken
friendship give me the pleasure
of knowing bin as f w could.
As a friend he most
and loyal.
As an adversary, open and
In the presence death we
become retrospective. A friend
having d be;, end the cur-
that separates Me from
eternity, there is nothing left
us but to follow backward along
the pathway that brings to us
memories of sweet companion-
ship, up here and there
A that have fell
en Ly
I r well the first
. , , town of
then lived
nearly years ago.
Immediately t with his
self roll and can-
glad t
him m companion.
a friend;. p gained
with years, ard
t; dim it-
Bruce, of Wilmington, N. C.
The fourth, Julius, is a youth of
fourteen years, living in Green-
ville, N C. The daughters are
Mrs E L. Brooks, of Elizabeth
City, and Mrs. Alston Clark, of
Kinston, N. C.
He is also survived by one sis-
lira Henry Harding, of
Greenville, N. C. and one broth-
F. Sugg, of Washing-
ton, N. C. James E. Clark.
Good Words for Chamberlain's
everywhere take pleasure
in testifying to good qualities of
Cough Remedy. Mr .
Edward of Ml,
wish to tell you that tan
Chamberlain's Cough Rem-
My, little Catherine, who is
two years old. hi been taking this
remedy whenever she has had a cod
the was two months old.
until ago contracted a dreadful cud
myself, but I took Chamberlain's
Remedy and was st-
This remedy is for all
dealers in patent
The man who Insures hie Me
wise for his family.
The man who insures Ma health
wise both for his
You may insure health by guard-
it. It is worth guarding.
At the first attack of
which generally approaches
through the LIVER and
itself in innumerable ways
And save your health.
Mr. S. P. Erwin Dead.
Mr. S- P. Erwin, a well
citizen and farmer of Beaver
Dam township, died Friday. Ho
TO years old leaves
several children and grandchild
The remains were brought
to Greenville today and interred
in Cherry Hill cemetery.
knew .
Valued Same as Gold.
B. G. Stewart, a of Cellar
View, Miss . tell my i-
e-i i bay a box of Ki
N v. Pill they get the worth of
gold in weight, if
malaria or
Si u L.
Cert Rolls
Off Sidewalk end
Over Street
. , , result
i . .;
have proven
u to many,
and t strength
from that wrung
success ,
reading law, was sell
supporting and after being
a practice ho gave such
promise of becoming a leader
in his profession that
Gov. J was pleased to
I j the child a severe
nearly over the left eye.
those heights j chM was to Dr. m. g.
Fountain who found the in-j ,
jury to be very painful though
not serious. It was an
dangerous for
Friday afternoon a Ms. Oliver
was rolling bar child up Evans
in a go cart. She stopped B
in front of the and
the cart on the sidewalk while If
went in to make some in-IS
about mail. The cart
and turned
Bone Pains, Can-
Scaly Bi,
We will send sample showing
how B. B. B. Cures above
also Eczema and Rheumatism.
Pot twenty-five Botanic Blood
Balm B. has curing yearly
thousands of sufferers iron
or Tertiary I
all forms I Discus l. e
the obstinate cases
cure., where else If
you nave exhausted the old methods
treatment still hive aches and
pains in bones, back or
Mucus Patches in mouth,
throat, Pimples, Spots
or any of the Ea
Sore , ate run down or nervous. Hair
lading out, take B. B. b.
It kills the makes the
pore nod rich, healing every and
completely w tire body
i humors, Risings or pimples E
coma all leave p-is n
and ii. the B.
tin. way a d of . ii
direct to the the
raid every
i and cut. i
i and safe talk; c impose
But ingredients. It
per large with
Directions for h-m-; cure.
Free Blood Cure
cut from Green-
N C. Reflector Is good for
large sample of
Bl I I ed free in plain
in your
name address on dotted
lines and m ill to BLOOD
R CO, Atlanta Ga.
th- Street on
pictured, n when his life
a monotone with no coloring to
give it encouragement.
he i with
Judge and Mr.,,.,,, but for the cart break
p. G. as Sugg
James . death v , la front
formed a sidewalk is
Mr J. mes.
State name of trouble
Sugg A i is
day of ray was
who I a b -t Ar-
i i Bu
T icy, mi's.
me g I
in .-i . I I i
C. i and o other
B . at
I. W. I e.
i -r
., pi
death, Col no
in the hi
in the practice profession.
He was ready at all to
break a lance with any opponent
in forensic death.
I love most to dwell upon the
social aspect of his nature, as it
i ii
q lash of
bore his
was here
was more
He was decidedly i
and cheerful u I
strokes falling from I
an adverse fate. H
long last with heroic
sustained by the
loyalty of friends- brother
Mr. F. Sugg, and nephew,
Mr. Jarvis Sugg, showed a de-
that was beautiful in its
constancy and unselfishness.
This was their especial
as Col. Sugg, at the time of
his death, was an inmate of the
Washington, N. C, Hospital,
and they were residents of tho
town- Col. Sugg married Miss
Rountree daughter
of Charles Rountree, Esq., of
Pitt who preceded him
to the unknown, ten years. As
I knew Mrs. Sugg well as a girl,
wife and mother it seems allow-
able that in performing this labor
of love for the husband that I be
permitted in loving remember-
to give evidence of her
worth in each phase of life she
was called to fill.
Col. Sugg left four sons and
Supplies and
For Farm
E carry a hill line at all s of the best
quality goods only- Don't toil to call
onus. We would call your attention to our
Agricultural implements, such as
High Grade Cultivators both riding
and which are great labor savers.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
We also carry the Highest Grade Lime and
Cement that can be purchased. We might
also call your attention to our line
. of forty ye tithe of Hit
OUR adjoining a a for you.
T in, We are prepared to the trade on any
OUR i terms res is. end If you w
fore purchasing I . r your interest. bust .
Give a and to
If any axle, spring or wheel breaks with fair and reasonable
one ear font date of caused by
In material or is v-- i
chaser, we w LU r same of chard, t
We also hive for it of Ion . ice
And folly guaranteed .,
R. J-. Davis at and j. I. Co, at
Buggies, and all o Is .
Greenville, North Carolina, U. S. A.,
which we keep complete at all times, and can
truthfully say that there is nothing better
made. It your house is to be painted see us.
and when you call then we will tell you all
about our wire fencing, rubber paper. Iron
Cotton and Corn planters.
Guano Mowers. Rakes, Cook
Stoves, and High Grade Ranges. The best
of Cutlery and lots other things too
to mention. Now, word to the Wise
is Give us a call. You will find
us in the Forbes building next to Bank
Cholera and
There in probably no medicine made
that relied upon with more implicit
confidence than Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera Remedy. Dur-
third of a century In which
has been in people have learned
that it that never fails.
When reduced with water and sweeten-
ed it is plea-ant to For. sale
all and dealers in patent
D. W. Arnold.
Will preach on prohibition at
Parkers chapel on Sunday May
24th, 1908 at o'clock p. m-
A cordial invitation is given to
the public to attend this service
and hear this plea for
General Hardware
Solo Agent for
Lead and Zinc Paint, Jewel Stoves and flanges. Syracuse
farm Implement fertilizer sower
Edge Tools.

C J. and Proprietor
a second matter Jan. i, 1907 at the at Greenville. N
C under of March
We from the Hews
and Observer the
crowd have counting on
Pitt as one of the counties that
will vote iii the coming
prohibition Son.
the; this on
fa.-t that Tin is i u of the few
counties in the State in which
liquor is sold openly, hat is in
there yet being a few
those left in the county. But
the whiskey crowd will
themselves badly mistaken in
their claim on county
the are cast and counted
on the Pitt county
been waking great reputation
fur i late years,
she .- u g l I i
ward l p. people are
in to ml more her r
giving a
prohibition, and that
she is in front rank of moral
lit as well as
i inn he
a i
i.- m
i i ,.
i .
i j .
i i in.---, i
exactly i i
and came u
the citizens.
says two men we
pretty freely r
k per-
This last week of the
campaign should be a
election is nest
Tuesday, and everything should
he done between now and the
closing of the polls to make the
majority for prohibition as large
as possible. No election
ever been held in North Carolina
that means much for the
of the State. Do
men. vote for prohibition.
We heard a man say am
against prohibition because I
love There are but
few who are honest enough to
express themselves so frankly,
it is about the only real
son a man call have for being oil
v ; am -h
excuses are merely wake shifts
to hide In when the real
reason i-- for
Says the Greenville Reflectors
Sew Bern Sun takes such
rapid steps from spring to
strawberry shortcake, or rhubarb
pie, raspberry roll, el cetera,
that keeps s mouth
i. a
;. to
The whiskey crowd are s
anti-prohibition tickets by
mail to people in different see-
Borne of them have
fallen into wrong hands
down this way, and the
must have mistaken
crowd again. There is nothing
for them in Pitt county.
The roar of the explosion of
that Now York lire works
the other day was said to
have been heard twenty miles.
That's nothing to the distance the
roar will be heard that follows
the convention in Charlotte when
some of them get left in the
nomination for governor.
Andrew Carnegie has raised
the alarm that the world's sup-
ply of coal will lie exhausted in
years. No need of getting
excited over that. None of you
will he concerned much about it
by then, and besides it will be
hot enough where some are for
to be entirely needless.
What cf prohibition Why.
i a
large majority for it on the 26th,
grand i county could not
afford to do otherwise. The
thing we want to do is make the
majority s large that Pitt can
continue to be pointed out as a
her county.
One block of the paving on WINTER VILLE
Brans street, from Third to
Fourth streets, has been laid
and it gives a good idea of how
the street is going to look.
The New Bern Sun
clear off our
prop mi ion.
The balance of i hem had about
as well pull out an let Taft have
it without opposition the
meets, as it looks
like it is going that way.
Thaw says he will go to Lon-
don to live if he is released from
the asylum. It would be a good
riddance release him and let
him go. Inn London might oh-
We see nothing significant in
shaking hands,
as both are gentlemen. Even
prize lighters do that much when
they enter ring.
If everybody who has done
service for the party must have
an office, we had just as well get
to work on some plan to make
more offices,
Dr. Address-Society Debate
and Closing Concert.
Winterville. N. C. May
Friday morning at o'clock,
after a piano solo well rendered
by Miss Janie Kittrell, the
was lead in prayer by Rev.
R. B. of Pittsboro.
was followed by a beautiful
chorus. Next came the
of the Rev. T. H.
King in his own happy style. Dr.
Dixon said that he was not feel-
at all well, but he gave us a
magnificent address. He
the vast audience at the
very beginning and held them
almost spellbound to the last-
He laid down some general
in the formation of
True manhood and
womanhood are the ams and
ends of life. Youth is the plastic
period of life and is the time in
which character must be shaped.
Everyone should crawl before
he walks. The baby reaches the
period in its life when the mother
Von can count on the Angers
of your two hands the number
of counties
will give u majority against
prohibition on the 20th.
Of course a man has th. right
to vote as he pleases, but he
should think seriously of the. con
sequences if he makes up hi
mind to vote prohibition.
Sets Forward Pace is Pitt County-
Great Success
Pitt county hat several
did schools and in the last three
weeks many of these have held
their closing exercises. The ex-
of these exercises and
the large number of at-
tending them bears testimony to
the progress Pitt county schools
have made.
It is no disparagement to any
other school to say that Winter-
ville High School sets the pace
in this county. For nine years
this fine school has been doing a
great not only for Pitt
county but also for some twenty
of the Eastern counties from
which it draws patronage. Those
going out from this school to
the various colleges make high
rank, and those who go from the
high school course direct to some
business calling are well
The commencement of Winter-
teaches it to walk. Even so ville High School just held, was
there comes a time in every one an innovation and approached
of our lives when we must a
out done in the. world. Be , Pitt
just what you are and be
ashamed of it. One of the
tendencies of youth if to appear
in Carolina they
one be poor,
be ashamed of it Secure
your own education. This is the
only process, for to a certain ex-
tent, we both pupil and
teacher. The finest teacher in
the stuff knowledge
into one's head, come
through application.
Let the girls learn to be
p d Living
j. . j . . not
to be
. i, In .
. I
the carnival, and the crowd
new l
, I y . .
, a ii
i Ii r her i in . If the
. I In of
of i- ; i
III keep ward o; In r
in I mi i f mint,
an Iii out h ii color
. no la n
i . u a In with a little
. , . i
the i
lid I, I n
found mil i i in-
ho i ii bu II i I in-
The Southern has
perfected a plan raising
ill ii- it- work
double i . a . I push for-
is putting n
. v
i , I .
. a nil I- ii id.
h In
note f it . free
i conn
has made an earl,
star i summer advertising s
j big i ;
tine i he monster i n oil i
The of the graduating
class of this session in
every way to similar
at a and de-
bate would have done credit to
any ion.
It gives evidence the
high of work done in
this school by Prof. G. E. Line-
berry and his , lent assistants.
i . ; , I
many ether things, bu
have .
i. v. . .
I -r.
perpetuated th i i i
the minds of ;, the Raleigh News
leaving some unpaid bills all honor
hind. Vet there arc- quite the men who have been
number of people who think
a carnival would l- a good thing
From now until the 38th the
whiskey crowd will make every
effort to turn the tide of
sentiment. Their paid
hirelings are rushing over the
State distributing misleading
literature and making speeches
in of carrying the Slate
-peaking over the State for pro-
in this campaign. A list
of the newspapers that are work-
in this cause and talking to
more people than the speakers.
Would make an honor roll equally
as long, if not longer.
The appendicitis fad that
struck town and set
people running to be operated
on and keep in the fashion, led
A eat deal i i being cone by
the candidates for governor and
their most sir-porters
hat will to be undone altar
the convention makes a
nation. Ana undoing is going
to hurt.
The school is the be-
ginning point. The boy
finishes an tits down i
though she be ever so humble in
-life. This is mark of the true
The Hon Settle, of g,
says prohibition is a These are the
failure. Perhaps Tor i is lg i that stand out in
everybody b make it happy.
We fee this address ac-
Tin re ore only two sides m
i prohibit ion it
or against
side are
wet. The friends of prohibition L
should be more active than ever
and every man and woman should
work earnestly to carry the
State for prohibition by a large
expect that if it should become
fashionable to operate for
On last Saturday nine more
counties held primaries or con-
to select delegates to
the State convention. This
makes a total of
ties which have thus far taken
action, having a total of
votes in the State convention.
The standing of the three can-
for governor in these
two counties U given as fol-
Craig, 224.16; Kitchin,
166.47; Home, 65.87.
Every day between now and
the prohibition election on the
18th means a day -f work, and
plenty of it. Let every
do his utmost to
the majority as huge as possible,
This is May 20th, made memo-
by the Mecklenburg Dec-
of Independence, ft w
a State holiday, but down
way not many holidays come in
for general observance.
North govern is
r there would likewise felt the
some found who have no brain. governors in Wash-
City. It is said that
A man with the brain of Tom Glenn made the best
Settle might be using his talent speech f any governor there.
m a more righteous cause
making speeches against
The man who raises his
voice to debase the home, to de-
manhood, to women
and children down to poverty
and disgrace, is an enemy to
That Republican con-
in Raleigh did not
amount to much. Thirty-five
reported to be present.
It neither the 4th of July
nor Christmas, but a big fire
works factory in New York was
blown up Wednesday.
vote for the best inter-
est of the State, your ballot will
be far prohibition next Tuesday.
V will offer the wager
more Home are Warn
than any Other kind.
ck p m. and re-
t,,.; R. Williams
has issued the following since
last report.
Louis L. Lizzie
much good for almost I and
sentiment was a gem. i E. Carney.
Prof. W. H. of I g. W.
in a very appropriate
address delivered the
proficiency college j for
course to Misses I .
Cox, Janie Kittrell, Magdalene f of No.
The old summer
is about to make its debut.
Doesn't that part of the street
look good where the paving
bricks have been laid Sure.
All of us wear Home buttons
on our pants if not on the
of our coats.
The Charlotte Chronicle is
taking up for the merry widow
hats and says they make the
women look pretty. Mistake; it
is the women that make the
hats look pretty.
Cotton is op a little in two
pries and out of the
As May has bad her cold spell
say you can now take off
without much danger.
As the panic is disappearing,
let panic talk go along with it.
Congress is going to
Cox, Miriam Johnson, Norma
Annie Carroll, Nina
Dixon and Messrs. W. A.
and R. T. Cox.
in music were given to
Misses Janie Kittrell and
In the afternoon the Vance
Literary Society gave its annual
The query Re-
solved, North Carolina
Should Have a Reformatory for
Her Youthful Th
affirmative was ably supported
by Paul D. R. Jackson,
and G. G. Dixon, the negative
by W. P. Taylor, C. and
J. L. Rogers. The judges were
Dr. a P. Dixon, of Raleigh; R.
H. of Rev.
R. R Lineberry, of Pittsboro.
After careful consideration the
judges decided that the negative
had won by a close margin- Dr.
Dixon said that he had heard
debates in colleges that did not
come up to this one,
Friday night the dosing con-
cert was given by the
Literary society. The
concert came up to the usual
The great attend-
at each exercise has been a
record breaker. The finest of
order was observed, and through
these columns the school de-
sires to thank the people for this
Nearly all th pupils and teach-
will leave for their respective
homes today.
The session has bean one of the
bast in the history of the school.
township, a little over three
weeks ago set a hen, and marked
three eggs in the setting Craig,
Home and Kitchin. When the
pee pies began to break through
last Sunday Craig came first,
Home second and Kitchin third,
following exactly the results in
the Democratic primaries the day
Concord Tribune.
For Sale-A fine lot of S. C.
Brown Leghorns, standard bred;
mammoth Bronze Turkeys and
Guineas- This is choice breed-
stock, and would not be sold
at this season but for want of
room. Be quick. W. A. B.
Hearne. Greenville, N C.
men of char-
and ambition, who can sell
things, to investigate an
opportunity for realizing
on their earning capacity. If
your services are worth
to a day you should and
can get the money. This is a
business notice to business men
and will not be interesting to any
who do not mean business. Ad-
dress W. A- B. Hearne, Box
Greenville, N. C.
Don't sough your head off when you
can get e guaranteed remedy in
Laxative couch It Is
recommended for children as It's pleas-
ant to take, is a gentle laxative thus
expelling- the phlegm from the
for cough, colas, croup, whooping-
cough and all bronchial
Guaranteed. Sold by John I.
q- th. Extern Application
,. .
R. Smith O.
Quite a number from here at-
tended the
day at Grifton and to hear the
address of Gov. Aycock.
See our line of books and
for holiday presents.
R. Co.
Mrs. W. C. Edwards returned
Wednesday from the hospital at
Carload cotton seed meal and
Smith co.
Mrs. Ferrebee, of
county, is here visiting the f
of D G.
planted your gar
den is the question every
one is asking. Woods Seed are
best for South- You will
find all kinds perfectly fresh at
Drug tore. Don't make
the of g some
J. T. SI . ha little emit
whim is very sick. It's grant-
parents, and wife, of
Rocky Mount, arc here to be with
it. We h j it may soon recover
Mill supplies, belting, valves,
steam J. R. Smith Co
Mayor J. F. is at
in attendance
upon the grand as a
from the C. F.
lodge of Ayden.
j. s- Ii i- Dixon want
to buy M
O k U . i--
were from I ye.
I . . . .
, M.
Smith ti I Mattie J h won
friend to lake her a box of fresh Ayden Milling Manufacturing
candy- at. M. Sauls has just re Co. They buy
a magnificent assortment cotton seed wood and logs will
at Dries from to 1.50. cart buggy and v.
on or sell you a new cart, wagon
or most any kind of plank or
lumber you may send. They
Walter Hooks has i
from Kenly, where he has been
Coffins and
can find him now at his
it t. e manager and will take pleasure
turtle hair
gathered i., one day and said j at
that was poor luck.
A nice rain now would a an
good- Especially
would the crops be greatly V g r r
fitted. . the Free Will Baptist church
Public generally
is doing some preaching in, .
the Free Will Baptist church th,
Claire fa one of the ablest
e i .-divines of his denomination.
The of Or-
shoe your J -1 Hi tool-
R. Smith Co. Dixon. , favorable
in tobacco tow o. A j
of hands and much material
Have You a Sob Then of
If you have a son, then vote to
remove the terrible pitfalls of the
drink demon from your son's
pathway and from the pathway
of your neighbor's sons.
Let prohibition win with your
vote, and some day your son at
college, boasting of the fair
as expatiating t w
The Average American Knows
Little About
Flab. IS. Deft
1700; time and a
Was be not
dock a widow named Mar-
was commander all our
our first
h.-id two terms; wrote -i farewell ad-
and Thomas
Delaware at
the -.-.-
record of North Carolina as a j just cur-
leader in temperance reform, prised tat beat
it look our
ville We are not and
hope they will not be.
Car hid of h and soft coal
b;. K. -mi
In lei
lie he
i, that was
this May, baa
under supervision of Pro. C
V. Cannon, of our town, who is
assisted in his. noble calling by
two charming lady teachers,
la a great to the
in which it is Es-
the teachers
praise for its
I management during the past
,. , Prof-
may make you proud that you
were one of those who stood
against the drink evil in this
Let whiskey win with your
vote, and some day your own
son, reeling home with his first
drunk and starting on a long
career of dissipation, may make
you curse the day of your error
and the men who led you wrong.
From the far, past and
bringing down through ion;,
that intervene, there com-.
t j us the fail and heart-rending
cry of David mourning over the
of his own wild and
less son.
But David had not contributed
to his s downfall; he had not
helped the tempter drag Mm
down; he felt no self-reproach
for the rain that had come to
Yorktown Bret la war. first
peace first In the hearts of his
These all facts. What
does the reader know of Washington
the maul More than likely it will be
Cut a cherry with a
up to bating Ohio so,
cannot tell i Us,
threw a stone very
up the side of the
Natural bridge and cut his Initials;
worked bard at was steady;
was good the time, every-
up to bin; of
brave, of coarse very o
one u
all hi . eras tall, v,
i-. . ;. . , el co days
n u
and tell you to be vi-
and would be
l not, Is reader's
., certain lot. .
live purely.-.- the
of several f-m-
owning there.
ls near
The it
a distance off.
said the -I don t
want Ii. I'd rather pay and get
In a good
Has It com the he
people their next door
even in a -New
la new Hoes of Is the
profits lie. The old that
denier keeps have prices cut
to pieces on them Get the new things
ahead of the other and make
money on Item. Frequent change t
the your Show eases
the effect new goods
The same old arrangement month
i-i d month out. matter how many
new goods, woks the tame old
strong mind-
she. .
peddler came hero and
live minutes sh.- s d
she mar- bar
I e
the i i
i .
j i.
to Winterville Ti. red j
tend the comm no m it
Cox Cotton Back
Bands and Guano distributors st.
Rev. i. T. was hero
from Greenville to
the funeral services o
the infant of Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
Edward . which died the
day previous.
Bring your cotton seed and
your small lots of scrap cotton in
the seed. J. U. Smith Co.
J. J. Edwards end Rev. Mr.
Tripp have returned from the
district at Au-
Do you go t j tired and gel
up tired Take a tie of Sauls
Sarsaparilla. Ced.
There was a grand rally at
Kinston, Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday of this week. The
occasion being the meeting of
three branches of this greatest
and most historical of all orders
combined. Many ended from
here and report not only a large
but a very pleasant meeting. Its
growth and development during
the past year has been wonder-
Just car load of
for top dressing.
E. Turnage Son
Gov. Kitchin-It was said here
the other day, later said at the
city of Winterville, and
till later at Green
ville, very much disgust of
the old soldiers and many visitors
there for other purposes, con-
fined by the smart class of that
burg. Poor Pitiful
cure and
Perkins native tablets at J. It-
Smith Co.
The remains of the infant child
of E. S- Edwards arrived here
yesterday on the noon train ac-
by its parents and
several friends from Greenville.
About o'clock it was carried to
the cemetery and gently laid to
. ti as
r and cannot t.
e .
. t peace.
Car load and coarse
salt J RS Co.
h .
T. C. of Scotland
on the Sunday
train and will spend a
few days here visiting Capt D.
iv m
n hi D
Mr. .
.; .
. ; , been
a . of the Grand
,. ,; of Odd Fellows as a rep
. the order at chit
XI.;. were regular services
in . . church Sunday
; came home
yesterday where
has en attending the
Rut at the last as the final
word that we shall write upon
th think what in
. will j gs
of austere,
with us, ad.
greater human, An
i- at nil of One of
-V- t- to be ways of
of an h to revere,
but lo love, to lie
a word. I i
and most effective
an ping tin ban of
prison U found In the
obJ process of lag f
. . .
Li and in
. .- .
; . I
f- I
. d
h t he e
if any fa h bad voted ii
son rain must be the day when
n comes, and i w, with
a heartache will last as long
as life, must be exclaim with
Israel's sorrowing
my i r. my son,
y son would God d
for thee, my son.
my sen
. .
n me State Norm
G , .
. i
in ti ;
. I. i
U I el pf
. -id
J . g I
. nil
I eh
-.-. u
CI , , ,
I. J. K. Smith, Cashier of the above
; the .- to the
e.-t my
SMITH, Cashier.
Windows, doors, blinds,
hi and J. R.
Kinston, been visiting Mrs.
Sack Smith on Third street.
A nice line of and cask-
eta Lo anybody at J. R.
Smith Co, Dixon.
airs. R. M. Prince, of Scotland
Neck, is here on a visit to
everyone exclaims
of the new line of Easter
at M. M. Drug store.
What a rain Monday
It was just fine.
Car load of cement,
lime and plastering hair at J. R.
Smith Co.
A full line carpenters tools
and mill fittings. J. R. Smith
Portland lime and
plastering hair at J. R. Smith Co.
J. R. Smith Co- Dixon. are
selling wagons and carts made
right here in Ayden. Call and
get one. Material and workman-
ship guaranteed.
Pneumonia Cure J. R
Smith Co.
Found a remedy for sunburn
and freckles. All kinds of harm
less toilet lotions at Saul's Drug
Store. Also the best face and
talcum that can be pro-
The prettiest baby caps and
cloaks in town at J R Smith co.
E. E. living near here,
bad his arm very badly torn up
in a machine sometime since. He
has been to the hospital in Kins-
black and white cow,
swallow in the left ear and
under cut in the right also a can
ed col owner by coming
forward proving property and
cost can have same
his 13th day of April, 1908.
ft ill Stocks, Ayden, N. C
The Cs;
Subscribed and
without making
You will admit that,
You en
If a man vows May 20th r,
the Manufacture and Sale of In-.
, u make
fore me,
to be-
of b.
Notary Public
j. . SMITH,
is the effect and
you can't help it.
You will
W. H. Smith has purchased
interest of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the same place- All
work promptly looked after. Mr.
Cox will still with the
Maine's Champion
The most forgetful man has
been found. He lives in a little
town in the upper part of
county. He fell ill with
toms indicating appendicitis and
submitted to an operation- To
their great surprise and
the surgeons found that
the appendix had been removed.
The patient afforded the
information when he
from the ether, stating
that he remembered that,
to think of that he had been
through a similar operation two
years ago.
rest ton tor treatment and came
of our whole com- home Monday and is much
proved. m . .,
Lost-A gentleman's
double combination pocket book,
containing a small sum of money
and a safe key, either in Green-
ville or on the train, or in the
town of Ayden. A liberal re
ward will be paid by Mrs. Agnes
Blount for return of same to her
at Ayden, N. C.
that, won't you Well
If you vote to make drunkards
some home must furnish boys to
be these drunkards. And the
point is
Are you willing for that home
to be yours
If you are, then you can con-
vote against
if not, we do not see how
you can.
Certain it is that when King
Alcohol comes for new victims it
would be a fairer thing and more
natural thing for him to turn to
homes where votes were cast to
welcome him to the State; and
most of his victims this next
generation will come from such
A vote to make drunkards
and than not to be able to add a
provision or amendment saying,
however, this
curse shall not fall on my own;
Isn't it a serious responsibility
We think it is, and we want you
to think about it seriously.-
Progressive Farmer.
display of the latest
Schloss models in suits.
have now received and arc now
ready to show you our Spring
line of the famous
Schloss Clothes
one thing you cm be sure of
and the mast-
behind us, absolutely guarantee
everything bearing the SCHLOSS
Label. Quality a certainty and
the style is right, the is better
than in most made to measure
clothes and our prices are as low as
-he v. Come and see whether you are ready to
You don't have to buy unless you want to. Also a
new things in mens and boys furnishings, selected especially for th. best
Spring trade.
Dr Joseph Dixon
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Building
Dr Good. Notions, Pants, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
. tings, Floor Oil Cloths.
Heavy and Fancy Groceries.
We are making a specialty LACES, usual
10-cent qualities, now going at and cents.
We cannot be surpassed on Linens, and all
White Goods,

COMMENCEMENT. they drove to the
home where an elaborate
A Great Sermon and Interesting Class I was held.
Exercises. The bride was handsomely at-
N. C . May 1908. white silk richly trimmed
The closing of Win- medallions, and carrying .-.
High School began, as of bride rose.
announced heretofore,
day evening May 13th At
o'clock D-. J. W. of
Forest College, preached the an-
DO d s- The large
Dearly filled,
weather ideal. sub
of Dr. discourse I
was its
from i are f id the j
. . i an out-1
line of this m i x
i i most
pictured i m . ii . r
The groom was dressed in a
very handsome black suit.
The bride be most beautiful
accomplished young lady of I
community, she is
daughter of Rev. Henry Tucker, I
near Greenville.
The groom is one of
best men. He is;
the son of Alfred J
who is a successful farmer.
The young couple have a at i
For Your Dinner.
try the following delightful
English Walnut meats.
I-. doz. rigs, up
O, flavor
the L-J in it pint of
When col am jut com-
to . in the
nuts. with hipped cream.
Do The walnuts,
JELLO-O can be bought at any
This makes enough desert
a large family and is very
Prof. G. E. Lineberry
Will speak on prohibition at
following times and
Stokes, Saturday, May
at o'clock p. m.
Sunday Hay 24th,
at o'clock a. m.
Sunday May 24th.
By the power of sale con-
in a Mortgage Deed
executed and by
and . , to R. L.
Smith on the day of April 1907.
and duly ed in the of
Deed-, office l county. North
Carolina, in Q. the
will expose to public sale,
re I he Court House door in Green-
to the bidder on Monday,
June 1st ID'S, a certain t-act or
parcel i-f land lying and being in the
county of and State of North Caro-
and b as follow-, to
The undivided interest of Fortes
and dower of Martha J. Forbes in one
j Notice of Execution Sale.
I State of North Carolina, In court.
Pitt county,
Hyman Company,
Joseph L. Keen and W. J. Kittrell
partners trading as Keen Kittrell.
By virtue of an execution directed to
the undersigned from the Superior court
of Craven county in the above entitled
action, I will on Monday, the first day
of June, 1908 at o'clock m. at the
Court door of said county, sell to
the bidder for cash to satisfy
said execution, ail the right title and
interest which said W. J. Kittrell
defendant, has in the following
number of friends throughout m.
The public cordially invited to
and hear this
which lie so much
them a long and happy life.
Pathway through
We attend
real estate, being an
divided two-sixth interest in and to a
certain tract or parcel of land
and being in the county of Pitt
State of North Carolina, and in the
town, known as the store lot of the
said W. J. Kittrell. bounded by the
. t which d reference is 4- B
U t altar to satisfy ; c- and lot of A-
Terms of sale . -V
, ii i. ,. t . . i
J. Kittrell in
log hi
and created by
. He most pa
of worries of life.
and their effect Among some i
of the cures was as f-11 I
go the country and get
to nature by the beauty
of the o of k Id and the
V f with
that days may be
; happily.
Cox's Mill, May
Mis Geneva Edward i- ad-
z a few days with Mr,
pie presented by who has
I given his life to those
things which tend to make
men and women.
J. Jarvis,
his g try
so I.
G. i
in the
i at and
. . t
. -i
. i in
lie .-
M b. Jo Dear
awhile today
P went ;
I H .
and b
a i f
. i-.
. I
. .
; i
d C
. .
r. r
the i
. . o i
. .- i
by M I
of the . . in s of i in
evening t class . y
W. a.
y I
p-em was
o .
.-r.- is
. Can
f our
r. k.
. eek.
. town.
f our ;
old sol r
. i i to
e ;
lot in Greenville joining
the lands of Wyatt Brown, Sam
V. . II. Harrington and others, being
ad of that lot to Joe
by Hooker d dated March
th, and recorded book G.
Sal I I, a ,
h of said W.
day April 1908. over and above
R L. Mortgagee. I ,
. b e , 29th of April. 1908.
n- j. L. W. Tucker Sheriff.
Letters of administration upon the
estate Jesse L. Smith, deceased.
having this day been issued to
said estate them to Carolina.
me for payment, duly authenticated, in , j .
to said estate are requested to make
Immediate to mi.
this the of April,
Ivy Smith,.
Ad i of Jesse I. Smith,
to Creditors.
;. .
tract of land bounded on tin
north by land of J. C. Taylor, on the
. I of Manning I ;
. ,. , of Fannie Briley, and
lore the ,. . p; .
county as number of
Sou h corner, thence north to
ti a north course to
-n persona Indebted .,, f k .,
pay- , ,. . ., , down the of
. the and all per- a. to
. i against said estate
ti . v must present
I ii . to the undersigned for pay-
n or h. fore the 81st of
M or this notice will be
n ;
i- Slat,
Harvey A. Moore.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all ether
put together, and until the last few
years was supposed to be
For a great many years doctors pro-
it a local disease and
ed remedies, and by constantly
fails; to cure with local treatment,
it incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
and therefore require
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure
manufactured by F. J. Co.,
Ohio, is the only constitutional
cure on the market It is taken in-
in doses from drop to a
teaspoonful It acts directly on the
I Hood and mucous surfaces of the sys-
They offer one dollars
case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
F. J. CO., To-
Sold Ly Druggists,
Take Hail's for
Greenville, N. C.
H. A. White,
Greenville, N. C.
I own receipt of yours of
date enclosing check for to
cover indemnity on account of
recent illness.
This is the second time in the
last twelve months that I have
had to call on the Maryland
Co. foe indemnity on ac-
count of and want to
thank you for the very prompt
n which you handle my
In each
ration of tie was no trouble
to no as you the matter en-
in bands i hereby
saving i trouble,
rt very truly,
C. Harvey.
When you buy insurance from
curt advantage of
corner, an extension over
t. t line to ,
It- containing more or j ;
tract of land beginning at II. A. White.
.- a corner of lot No. in
before the
to high, st bidder, en May
at I o'clock p. m. a certain
tract or parcel of land lying and being manner in which you handle my
n. the county of Pitt and St ate of r,
Carolina and described as follow. ,
North -i .
, A. Moore. , to a pine, thence North
deceased . .; ,; , u,,, .; . .,
i- i
. r piano
II; be
i world
. i
a week
i friends, and reports a
time. i
; . i . I
g. ix i
. . . ii. . . . ,. i. at of
.; this is to
all per i ii
i . said led t
i mi or to my n.; P. G.
, months from this
late be I in
if I IV . in
I v ill i . ii n
. . to attorney.
. ., i
C. JAMES, Atty. v .
i of Creek to e r
if No. X, th. with the
, Int No begin-
I or ii TO as I
ii. Terms of sale
Cl lb,
This the day of April
. i d.
Ellis BROWN, I
f. . I h . t
t. . .
h. i i to i
I take this
mys If a Candida
sos of
r the
e for
ti r Di oils of
i. . upon t.
W. .-. having
i this day I to me by tin E
Superior court of .
given to ail
Notice to
Having d.
was if
is Mini
. . .; . . . U
-.- is a .- county.
was visiting in our town
. . and . .; d e
i In
i ; . a
sermon ti
ii . night. He we
.- . to his in
if ICE and
.- . d i. v. . n
i rs
I. IV, I
. bu I the plant .-
nil ii
air M . ii
. a
. c
j before the
i in.- las w an teal i-
n. t I. W. Arnold,
lice i. to all parsons in-
to the r
late i to th- and
all pit on- having against the
estate i -.- o . the
j to th- i -n
the 27th of April,
will be in of re-l
, Tl is qualified Bu-
W. II of V,. y.
i A. Arnold of the last will a-id u-s
. i. I ,
notice is m to
holding claims against the estate of
aid I. W. Potter to present them to
it., for H-iii,
on or before the day of April
. Will bi in
Ail persons
. requested to
edible payment to me.
Tl is the day of April 1906.
William Fountain,
W. Potter
primary. Thanking my
friends tot their
two year
continuance of the
j I am
W, M. Moore.
i mo d and W.
Mr. i--. ; .
n and
r sit n ear i . i they
Letter t on than
level b I., woolen.
Notice To Creditors.
. In . ., . cm; .-
i. A Ma
ii l w is rent d to
the sch . was received
by . . a
short and a . i
The cl re a n
. . re
w i i.
i I
r report will be .
Misses Em J and Eloise
in of Greenville, came
Sal evening to visit
friends in the n
and returned Mond
ii r.
an E-
. b in. . t old vet-i
to Greenville Toes
the re inion and
. good
At boat of Nor-
folk an S Depot.
ants All
o Know-
Again we are making To-
h re, Miss SI of .
bringing i took the train at Arthur Tuesday
. morning for Greenville and re-
A Wedding j summer weather.
I turned in the evening.
Yesterday seemed more like
by a of Friends.
N. C, May
On Wednesday evening of this
week. May 18th, Mr. Oscar
and Miss Mattie
Tucker were united in the holy
bond of matrimony in the pres-
of a goodly number of
friends, at the home of the
bride's father, about 4.30 o'clock
by Rev. Bland, of Ayden.
The bridal party entered the
Charlie L. with
Miss Alma Tucker,
with Miss Lula Tucker, Willie A.
Tucker with Miss Corinne B.
and JIM.
Tucker with Miss Naomi E.
Immediately after the mar-
It is getting dry
and some crops an needing rain
very much. The latest planting
of cotton is not coming up and we
think it will until it rains.
of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
Notice given to the
public that application will be
made to Gov. of North Carolina
for the pardon of Curtis Taylor,
convicted at the April term 1907
of the Superior court of Pitt
county, of house breaking and
and sentenced to work
on the county roads for a
of three years.
April 1908.
J. Paul Attorney for
Curtis Taylor. 4-12 ltd
Hading, is.
s. c. co
of the to hand.
In y my
way fl tor benefit
the I will answer correspond-
o- as to my own case. I
to all I hear grumbling their
and bought y their
All that Is it s trial
It talks Itself.
Yours Tory truly,
C. H.
for Dyspepsia.
what you eat, takes
strain off heart, and
nourishment, strength and
health to every organ the body.
For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Inflammation mu-
membranes lining the Stomach
and Tract, Nervous
and Catarrh of the Stomach.
Digests What
You Eat
For by Jno. L.
Flues will be sold strictly
for cash- Positively none
sold on credit to anybody.
Place orders
If you want your HORSE to trot
fast and pull buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Lets
Money than any man in town,
W. B.
Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, com Meal and all kinds of
f M. Williams, .-. . I.
notice i given to all pi -ions in
ii.; to the estate n
in v undersigned, and
p j having claims against the es-
r i I ; .
. e ; for . .
fore ti B IT day of April, 1909, or
will I plead in bar of recovery,
this April
T. i.
Administrator Ii. M. Williams,
to Creditors.
Having duly qualified b tore the
p. c clerk of a; ad-
i of
;, i.-. i . i c i here-
by n ii p in the
. make immediate to
the undersigned, and . I
.-. st the estate . not
to pi the in I i under-
signed i or before
day of April, 1909, this
will be I in bar of recovery,
April 17th, 1908. a. I. Davis
Ad of Joshua Henry
Ho often you eat. not a
sail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box he prepared for
emergencies. Our
is a desire, and
we soc that your tool
box docs not lack a single
Of Course
You get
Horse Goods t c
I of
J. R.
I hereby announce I have
removed for practice of my
profusion Falkland to
i Rt -n Third
-v dot r I
where i can I malt times
when pi
v. here.
. docs
not but on the other hand
its ; principles gently move the
bowels. Children like it. Sold by
of Deeds.
In answer to many who have
asked me if would ho a
date for this will say that
T All I have to offer in my
behalf is my cast record as a
Democrat. Thanking any and
in advance for their support
in the primary, lam respectfully,
When your fond to nauseate take
Take until
you arc right There Isn't any
doubt about what it will do and you will
find the truth of this verified
after you have used for a few
weeks. It is here by L.
Local Time Table
Effective 27th. 1908.
Between Norfolk, Va. and N. C.
J Greenville
Ex. Sunday
Ex- Sunday
A. M.
Ex. Sunday
A- M.
A Custom Which Is General In
Growing Countries.
a custom coffee
rotting said a Brazil-
is unknown
utter parts of world. When a child
country a sack of
best is set aside as part of
to be received on at-
majority. Usually
Into Shoes
A lien's .
painful, nervous foot an .
and lbs
ting out of .
the greatest comfort of j
age. m.-
or new feel easy. It j
cure for sweating, callous,
tired, feet. it u day. Sold
by all Shoe Stores, b; i
mail for in stamps Don't pt
substitute. Trial Fie
from some friend or
guarded as sacredly
P. M
Ex. Sunday
Ex. Sunday;
Norfolk, Va.
For County Treasurer.
I hereby beg to announce my-
self as a candidate for the posit-
ion as Treasurer of the county of
Pitt, subject to the action of the
primaries of th
county. C. T.
d w
Speaking at May's
By the Christian courtesy of
the Free Will Baptists, Governor
Jarvis will speak in their church
at May's in Beaver Dam
township, at o'clock a. on
Sunday, May 17th, 1908, on State
Prohibition. People of all sects
and creeds are cordially invited
to attend and hear this great
and it i
cs If It were a of gold or bonds.
No stress would induce a Brazilian
parent to use coffee which was made
the birth gift of a child. As a rule.
It Is sealed with private seal of the
owner and bears a card firing all par-
about variety of grain. Its
a on being sacked and of
child to whom it Is
other details, are very
lug when the gift Is due.
coffee Is opened for
the first time when marries.
coffee for reception or mar-
feast U made from the legacy,
and. according to preceded, this must
be the first time the sect Is opened.
After the coffee Is made for the wed-
ding feast wick la carefully closed
and sent to new of young
people should keep this
for a year When both
bride and bridegroom have the birth
gift of coffee they have started life
under very conditions so far
as one necessity is concerned. Few
people that the older
grain of coffee Is the better
the flavor, wine, it grows with
and that which Is over twenty
mellowing proper
i will bring from to S
To Washington, D C and Return fit common
practice in r belt Friends ex-
H. C. G P A
Norfolk, Va.
F. W. P A
Goldsboro N. C.
in Stocks, Grain
to New York- Chicago
and New Orleans.
Spring leaning,
The on rage now, in
life, Spring
at that, get out spring .
etc., them dean-
and ready to wear. Also
your winter cleaned awl
with my chemical
prevent a
What Is the First
Law of Nature
sway until winter.
your, t
. i .
Account Biennial National Association Co
Dames, Washington, D. C. My
Tickets on sale May 3rd, 4th, Sett.
Fir. rel urn limit May
25th may be
obtained by deposit
of ticket and payment of tee
to special 1419 New
York Avenue, N. W. Not earlier May
3rd or inter than May for write to
Ladies and -i
these sifts and compare re-1409 St., opposite marble yard
when one cannot to .
e of coffee. It frequently la the
that tin pounds of the boat green
are III fancy case and j
I on a newly born chill,
i directions post not lie opened I
until the
y if U -j L
A inn
h ;
i IX
Traffic Manager
Pas Agent
Wilmington, N. C.
Get The for
and Felt
es ad a
Iron Bed have no equal.
rayon j J C .- i
picture of made, lie;,.;. j; I Cot i
afterward to fault. j,,.
with. . . ,
does not boar Mints, Carriages,
to he, um
I will not take ail
artist protested, but all
no avail.
After the dandy had left the cigars, Canned Peach-
added to tic portrait a Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
magnificent pair of ass ears mm as-
it in window, thin alter-; t ,.,
ed, to the gain of the curious pub- o
lie. Or-
It hadn't been long exposed when Candies, Dried s,
the dandy entered artist's
in a towering rage, and, finding
that threats amounted to War-, awl Crack
he at la-t offered to buy ii, even H
a considerable advance upon . .-.,.
your to the , a ,,,,.
tare at painter,
I knew notice the likeness
soon I added those
preservation is the first law of answers
Johnny Jones.
Correct, Johnny. Go right up to the head of the class.
This law applies to a community as well as to an
Under the severe operation of this law a town that
does not take care of itself, that does not look after its own
interests first, that does not look out for Number One, soon
falls into a Lad way.
That's just as sure as It's the law.
We must obey the law or take the
we in this town and com-
do not work t--
for our own good,
the mutual good ail of
us, iii lines
we In re only our-
elves if the
place slides down the in-
plane instead of
limbing the golden
r of prosperity an-1
for instance, if we
do our retail trading with
big city that haw
no in- rest us
apt in get money
and It, la
town property values and
farm land de-
and there you
Johnny Jones, who
knows the law, is a wise
lad, but how about his
papa mid mammal
Do they obey the first
law as applied to the old home place If they don't, Johnny
have to apply the law to himself win n he grows up. He
may have to go city to make a living.
Let's all think it over.
. i
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
Brick Stable
Greenville Co.
J. B. PEED, Manager
Dealers in
If C He
W t Will
We received our first shipment
and are ready for your orders. Him lb
block at One-hail at tine,.
Less then block IS cent per lb,
General Merchandise
Taft Vandyke
House Furnishings,
First-CUss Vehicles, Good Horses;
Your Patronage Solicited
In Front of Court House.
The School Closing
,. Season .
Is nearly on hand and per-
haps you to install a
Piano in your parlor upon
your daughters return from
college. Write us about a
certain and special Piano
we are now offering at
General Merchandise.
This Piano is guaranteed
for years and will fully
measure up to any
Piano offered by the small
dealer. Terms per
month, per quarter,
every months. Write
to the man who fives his mind
to his business. cannot do
ii you spend half your time in
over how to your .
No way you can devise is as safe as
depositing it in
Open an account to-day
can give all you attention to your
business without having the slightest
worry about th- safety what
already have.
Is headquarters for
kinds of Stationery,
Subscribe for
T. Daily
lief Sector,
All the News
all the Time,
Cents Per
J who is wide awake to
his business interests is ii-
on the alert for
BUSINESS and bus-
Now I
desire to that the be t J
and quickest way to f
part th; BU. I- j
is to at once j
columns of local
Newspaper. Its sound, j
common business
and the sooner you adopt
the method
longer you will continue
rile Io
Tic r;.
Home of Women's Fashion i, Greenville N. C.
Chas. ML
G. G.
Greenville, N. C. Box
Cotton Factors and handlers o
Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipment
Harry Skinner. J
Greenville, N C
L. I. W. H. LONG
Moore and Long
On February 1st I will open
a Shoe Shop in the
on 5th street opposite Hotel
Bertha. Shoes to or-
and all kinds of repair
work. Save your orders
and work for me.
Hotel Greenville
j. W. RIGHT, Prop,
I In inform
hot, I l no rends r m.-l
lily renovated,
lights, hot and Sold baths,
tent ilium., Ideal hi tot ladles,
traveling men.
Court house polite
i No. Call fr
Yo n to Serve.
J. W. Hight Pro.
W. C. d. m. gum
Civil Engineers and Surveyor
Greenville North Carolina.
Railroad, land
i Office on Thud street
I have on hand a , f
good n made brick. i m is
on application and sail a. I . n e.
W J Gardner,
The Brick Man, Bethel, N.
i .

i n. r n A. I
It Reached the Spot.
H R.
j In Charge cf F. C. NYE j
I end Application
i . ., mi
buggies go- The new O in planter
in, if mm want . Dice distributes the fertilizer
date runabout bad punt the corn any of
r give an call Think of th boor saved;
s II Julia by this wonderful machine. This
of re- Can i e found at Harrington Bar-
l Monday Co.
after having We have jut received out
for several days
Trial w
back a- be.
,. Mr. E. win a la---e
Satisfaction and b
Went of m- Count; Telephone ,
.- will the II I you nave two
or Pike . of Dr. hp
a MILL At I think it did it town, both good men. Now we
n , v r. ,
Cox s Mill, . . May e King-New legislature, and as the head of
Miss Lillie Carroll spent the set-ms filled, we
Saturday night and and under give,, now that Mr. Cotton's
Miss Parts of
Hardy, who had j the county will press his name
Governor Glenn stated
day that he had been requested her sister, near Reed;, Branch,
by a great local anti-saloon I returned home t
leagues and various ministers I Mr. Mrs. M. B. Haddock
been spending sometime with B. B. house at
GENERAL ; convention-
Mr. Cotten is well known, not
Murfreesboro. N. C. Mar. in his but in the
men and gospel to issue a spent last Sunday In To the Democrats of North
I am candidate for the
nation for office of Attorney
I am gratified to learn
boards of our State
for a number of years, he
has had much experience in
State matters, and one of the
I of the sale and attended church at Everett- from letters from all the and
manufacture of strong drink house Sunday. -state, that my candidacy is M as, as
r-f ring term.
fore you buy.
at prices to attract, setting aside the 24th of i dine.
are open. Come AW. May as a day of prayer for Henry Page and sister. Miss
i them. Our line of new spring pan's as to how the people should j Ha, to Winterville
Harrington, Barber On, opened. A Ange and I vote in the election in regard to A good many our people
ti her home cir the bug ,. . . , ,
Men, OB. attend- still Call to the Stat t After giving the mat- H. A- Moore bought bales considered by many m pro
rice stock of consideration and cotton Saturday at us the Lading people of state.,
Trice. inter- with those whom he thought I is r up i be nominated move that tends to the
I suitable he said that and planting again, to this high r.
, Pro- think it would b j tight when gets the people of my state will
. , rt post and cans for him to issue a proclamation year. have any cause to regret
oil A. of this kind, but while this is John Jr., went to I their if straight . wan .
j.-,. , Henry K. C. true, knowing as he does that upright and sober conduct,
,;., . H. left We have placed our r fen curse of i drink produces. of with what ability have,
day morning. L good lot of flue shoot and will poverty, crime, insanity, disease, n-ill prevent it. Should you deem j
On, be in position to rum indolence, rain, misery, vice of our to nominate some one
eat i ever flues the coming to our shame and death, thus destroy- Washington Saturday. your nominee will have the
Winter We so ins if the hon. angel visited
a M
d i
i. i licit your early orders.
wives widows, children
. Co.
. ill ii I .
. .
Obi i
SI .
p,, pis w re to
.- Si
I be
to . I
A G. Cos Mfg. Co. orphans, fathers fiends, and
Winterville, W, C. of them and beg- Sunday.
T ea mod N mu he d, i y
pl, . I. i; on i
and Mrs. Arch ,. the of the
child ;. Ft
y morning.
I r the last
II-. y.
betterment of his county and
lie is well rounded with
experience and health, and will
of much value and influence
in the Legislature, just the kind
of man we wain to represent
Pitt county. We have it from a
that if nominated
Cotton will accept. Now
lire up and stand firm, you Dem-
and give him the
iii i . to it . i
n r I
.-ii. Barber H
Jack and
. . over hi.-
i . in his vol i in i
. on i,.
. .; of I therefore,
, . . . .- y ;
-j per bush i will
. . . .
,. t I I
, s . . .
I . mi i
. . . . I .
I . , J. L.
. , i . . .- . i th
. . i . i la Wit, I C ;
, u ; . D. re n o . .
I i, i-i,
i a, .-
I em .
n it ready to
in . with
. .
l i . .
. . I.
B i
Ti a
i hew
Bi pi. W I ave
. Taker
fell v. j left f r
at band
w l . ed sue
us n
and i k So i i c
A. G.
. .
L. Johnson, j
on dot-n and wind-
. y King
instruct the
he A
fr these
goods ii yen will be sure
to supply in ample time.
Rev. T. H. King returned from
Monday evening
where he prohibition
W ow to take
b . o handy to
I Th y will be the
is m
W, A. Mon
day with I
To. n, don t y nerd a
nice buggy spread l A W, Ange
Co. has them.
We miss the I much
My soda fountain i
for the nicest c id drinks.
Everything Is ard in ex-
shape. H. L. Johnson.
G. E. and F. C.
Nye left for th
Hunsucker boggles are still in
the go. You had better crag
c a pie
for spring sport. A G. Cox
Mfg. Co., , M. C.
We hat die the for the
following plows.
Harrington Barber Co
Fresh seed peanuts of different
kinds at A. W. Co.
Have dressed at
the Carolina Milling Mfg. Co.
A W. Aug. .
n, Barb
The A. G. Cox Co. has
Birth of of the
ill- .;. n. , , . . ,. . . ,, tea
for Pr-f. Line-
the position with;
i hi. or
larked credit and ability . ., , . ,.
Our line of a
in j i I v
i I c n . no
our up
Wash., May
Mildred E. Lee Chapter of
received advice of i of the Cm- z, p;. r y. in
of one of their cars of fine she. t. j will entertain its V
prompt rs to any
they will soon lie in i and a number of of pie Sooth aid
position to furnish their custom- living in the Spokane A by J. L.
i ,. the v
iv to the .
The w i
. ;.,; Mr. Jania ii ii-,
kept on-
in st-
, little more two years Ago.
friends with Mme. J. M.
110.- avenue, the
flues. Let us have Jane in honor of
Order early as possible anniversary of the
then you will be to get them I birth of the president of the
when needed- Confederacy. for the
Dr. Hess's Poultry and Stock of Jefferson Davis
Food is the thing for pool, day at the last
try and stock A. W. Ange Co. meeting of the chapter at the
m L.
m N Z
tan and or t Ii C o I I n a
d. H
cut akin,
S. by John
Nice, fresh Oatmeal. A. W.
Ange Co.
Ice cream at Johnson's
Ice and lemons at H L. John-
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have
now on file for future shipment
orders fur more than five
of their Handy Tobacco
This goes to show what
people think of our truck.
A. G.
Winterville, N. C.
Go to M. G. Bryan Winterville,
for fire insurance. He
and represents the Co.,
of Greensboro. It is one of the
Nice five room cottage, pleasant-
located. C. S. Smith, agent.
Marion Crawford and
daughter, Miss went to
Greenville this morning.
B. F. Manning went to Snow
Relief from
with for over
K- co. gays Mr n
A new line Of dry goods and of Key West. Fla.
., . times it .-let led in my knees and lamed
notions just m. Harrington i a hardly walk, at other
Barber Co. I time it would be In my feet and hands
. I was for duty. One
For Ricks house. I night when I In severe pain and
lame from it my wife went to the
here and cam back with a
of Pain Balm. I was
with it and found the pain had
nearly gone during the night. I
on u-in for a little more than
two weeks and found that it drove the
rheumatism i not had
that for
Fur e by all D
id patent whirs.
of Mrs. L. A- Robinson,
when a committee headed by,
Madame was named
arrange a program of addresses,
music suitable for the
Hon. Miles J
judge of the Spokane county j
court and president of the,
Southern club, of Spokane,
be one of the speakers, and an
orchestra and will
sent a program of vocal and in-
music, including
songs, typical of th-1 southland.
It was originally intended to in-
a prominent Southerner to
come to Spokane as guest of the
Chapter and deliver the
pal address, but because of the
little time left for an
of letters this has been de-1
until later in the season,
when the chapter and Southern,
club will join in a basket picnic
at one of the nearby resorts.
Grows the finest Tobacco because
it is prepared expressly for To
twenty-three years experience
no guess work, but careful study of the
requirements of this particular plant
Ask your dealer for Orinoco and see that the trade
mark is every bag.
F. Royster Guano Company
Art Exhibit.
Some the graded school art I
students under Miss
a splendid exhibit of
of their work, Tuesday after
noon, in the school building.
Some of the work was excellent
For Sate or room r-r-,
on Dickinson avenue with
modem Apply
to Mrs. Hatti-j White.
An over many Lund and Bronchial It rid the
t by II a on the No opiates. Guaranteed to
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
Republicans at Applaud
Hi Flings at the
The folio dispatch is taken
from the Thomasville
of the Charlotte Ob-
server, in Sunday's
Mr. Kitchin, candidate for gov-
, r addressed about one
Wednesday fifty people at
that for ft time threatened
to mar the first of the commence-
exercises of the graded
Beautiful Operetta and Interesting De-
bate in Which Negative
Medal Awarded to Brace
There was a heavy downpour
North Carolina Overthrows the
and Sale of liquor
school in the opera house that
night. Fortunately there was a
break in the storm at an
tune time, and the was
filled with admiring friends of
the pupils When the exercises
began. They had been
there was something interesting
in store none wanted to miss
After a musical selection by
Misses Mattie Move King and
Margaret on two pianos,
the intermediate pupils gave
villa tonight. About one-third
of the audience was Republican, j
, . , , tr,,,
twenty minute operetta. Day
in answer to the
as to the he
stated that if offices were given j
as a reward for winning votes for i
the Democratic patty in p x
great campaigns, ten congress-. i m . m. .
men and two United States;
would have to step down j
and out in of twelve poll-
in Halifax county. When
the Republicans in the house
this he added
that we must have had tome
Nearly One Majority For
Great and Memorable Day.
then been made on u. I -u
REPRESENTATIVE W that it is my
REPLIES TO MR. SIMMONS. having special knowledge of , he
m-. facts gained, es chairman, to f
. , , , m. that a faithful party worker's
A Charlotte Supporter of Mr. Kitchin
R . . not denied credit for his wort.
Saw it u Not Proper r or Senator
; . -n. u- and elsewhere in your letter
Simmons to Throw His
tardy solicitude to reward Mr.
Craig i is party services.
you such a
to print the following re- j of duty to reward
ply to the Utter of Senator Sim- Certainly did
which appeared in the nomination
I News and on Thursday
of hist week.
Into Contest Be-
tween Democrats.
The News and Observer h
Tuesday, May
down in history a
26th. will -150. Forsyth Polk
Wayne BOO,
Mr. Letter.
Charlotte, N. G,
Senator F- M Simmons.
Washington, D C.
Dear I have just read
j our remarkable edict, proclaim-
Mr. Craig our Governor-to-
be suggesting by
implication that to vote against
Mr. Craig is majesty
after ten years of unflinching
i to you your political
ago when
I entitled to and got the
And why, did you
refuse lo assistance t
Mr. Craig when he ran f r
senate against Hen. C. E.
son and Hop. Lee S. Overman.
All the party services of Mr.
Craig to which you n f-r had
then been rendered, and is it iv t
strange e of duty
not impel you to help
him And if no anxious tor
Mr. did occur to
in that was really
charming, the young people
The event of
around which most interest
was the debate by th
young men of the Grady Literary
Democrats read that could
scarcely believe the it eyes, rub-
bed and looked
light Even Kitchin supporters were
astounded at an utterance
from a man who aspires to be the
head of the Democratic party in
Carolina. The humblest
in the ranks is too loyal
i i am no
.- Mu
the declaration of the Warren y
State in overwhelming number 1250. swam BoO,
the and
Halifax Hay
I wood Henderson 1200.
PITT county's
eating Mr.
I am
to the
In Pitt county the election was j 1200. Dare
quiet with pi of hard Hampton
charge. You say that those of
us who may have -your
in the ranks is too prohibition.
of North Carolina to make such a statement public- by is as
rounds of
should enact a law requiring all to be j Township
able bodied Children between the Republican applause It I Beaver Dam
. , . with poor
done that told in the Cleveland 1500. Davidson
Lincoln Mecklenburg
ages of seven and fourteen with poor
attend school at least four
The S
speakers were Conrad W North
and -slap in the face for Democratic
election officials is the
Frank Brown. Bennie Purest Republicanism we have
and Wiley J- Brown-
Superintendent Smith an-
that a gold medal would
be awarded to the best
debater in the contest, and
he requested Mayor F. M-
en, J. Burt James and D. J.
to act as judges to de-
which side won the debate
and to which individual speaker
the medal should be awarded
A contest followed that was
worth listening and would
have done credit to any college.
Every speaker as he arose was
noticed. Mr. Kitchin has put
the stamp of his on all
the outworn claims of the Re-
publicans. And coupling this
with his sincere attachment for
the populists of the State already
shown in The Dispatch, there is
sufficient reason for every loyal
Democrat to pause before ho
votes to make Mr. Kitchin the
head of the Democratic party.
It was no doubt this same lack
of political sense, so painfully
exemplified in hid sneer at Dem
roll holders, that has lost
Content No.
Swift Creek
and help
sens.- of
you may
unseemly interference in the
gubernatorial contest have
stood f
v; the crow a
lace it upon the w
i y now fee such i
duty I
would have
that merely as a pretext, for our
but bat the real
should come from
is we belong to
el in the State which ha.
get a lick at
Thia I r sent,
Jackson have sympathized
belonged to any political el
1200. Richmond
demands that the
me assure you I join
you in your . Mr.
rewarded, I fully up-
services and esteem
But I am
s i L
; unties
I given estimated wet
I tin Washington
haM r
to reverse p and
also without reward an
Mr. Kitchin.
who has so richly deserved
applause, and the to his party his own county of
approval of th audience
shown as each good point was
have, as already stated,
your uncompromising
Th t I hive
. . M .
In the present u v.,,.,,
c between Democrats is
true, for I think your activity is
in bad taste and
Durham I justifiable The of
Yadkin Willies is that you now occupy
The vote of the town of Green- Johnson 1250. the exalted United
the town- Tyrrell Sorry Senator by tho support of
ship which brings the majority ham Person friends of both Mr. Home
Majority prohibition
The vote of the
ville is included with
high honor to he
reason of lifelong
of his ii o
Democratic party.
Very truly
to while the majority
in the ton alone was nearly
Reports began com in
in on
Some of the larger towns give
Mr. Kitchin as well
as the
friends of Mr. Craig; that by
reason of the high position we
Runaway Marriage.
A today a
young looking couple who
helped to, you I in the train from Washington,
necessarily hive a lie-
. -n of i. than you would proceeded to. face of H.
Person, where formerly a man's after the closing of tn poll
Western Union wires early ; dry as follow. Ash
brought out in the argument.
The young men went down
the argument like veterans
in debate, and their speeches
showed that they had made
careful arid close study of the
subject in hand- Everyone ac-
himself finely, both in
leading speech and rejoinder.
At the conclusion of the de-
bate Miss Lillian Burch rendered
a beautiful instrumental was not represented in
while the judges were making special session,
after the closing of the
politics was indicated by the land from the outset showed Char-1 having accepted oar supp-rt to They were Mr
color of his skin, where every the State given a large . L-.
white man was a Democrat, but
where now the party has
and dwindled until the Re-
publicans have gained a foothold,
town of Roxboro, even, being in
the hands of Republican alder-
men. A Republican was sent to
the last legislature but having
secured the lo
he stepped out of office and the
for prohibition.
The following
i lotto about Washington 822.1 gin vantage ground you
GOO, Raleigh now turn upon us
it has pleased the
e maKing m . -i Great Spirit to enter the home of
And the I with his defeat by 1,700 votes our brother H B. Tripp. and re-
M 1.11.-1. m -a a. Ll
their decision .
judges had no easy before when he ran for the Hate sen-
both sides coming so near, ate, Mr. Kitchin has gradual y
together, but after over lost out in his county-His vote
the different points the balance has dropped from 1.700 fa
was found in favor of the the candidate for
and the decision that side, congress actually beat him in his
As to the individual speaker the home township. II we are to
matter of decision was even more judge the future by die past and
difficult, the contest between if a candidate a showing in his
Frank Brown and Bruce Hooker own community is to be
being almost a tie. but finally as significant, may the
the decision was for the latter Democrats of North Carolina
on only a single point. Mayor expect if Mr. Kitchin is made
Wooten in making the report for governor. Under his leadership,
the committee referred to this do you think the party will grow
and complimented both He has already es
men as both were most many good men by de-
Ho then presented the daring that they are not Demo-
medal to Mr. Hooker. Had it unless they vote for him.
been in the power of the com it strikes us that every Democrat
both young men would who has at the welfare of
have been rewarded alike- the party has ample reason for
Tonight will be read the theses
From the Lexington
Smith. May 8th.
estimated dry Rock-177.
Sham Beaufort -1 These towns gave wet major-
son-350. Cumberland Rocky Mount Tarboro
Buncombe Durham Wilmington
Madison 1500. Scotland small.
County Democratic Convention.
At a meeting of the Democrat-
Executive Committee of Pitt
county held this day, it was or-
that Democratic primaries
be held on Saturday, the 6th day
of June, 1908, at o'clock p. m.,
the purpose of electing
gates to a county convention
moved therefrom his father, and
whereas we know that Spirit
never makes an error His
vine providence, therefore be it
Resolved 1st- That we, the
members of Tribe,
No. I- O. R. M. to
Brother Tripp our heartfelt
this sad hour which has
Resolved 2nd. That we com-
mend Brother Tripp to him who
all things wall, and can
heal our sorrows.
Resolved 3rd. That a copy of
these resolutions be spread upon
against us. Is that fair to your
friends who happen also to be
the friends of either Mr. Kitchin
or Mr. Home
But you say, senator, that you
would your in
this contest but for the
upon you and Mr. Craig.
Let us Were you not active-
supporting Mr. Craig long
before it occurred to anyone to
Are not the
upon you, which you say
I are the direct and
aged of Lumberton
and Miss E-a Dixon, aged
of Washington. They stopped
at Hotel Bertha for dinner and
returned to Washington on the
evening train.
interference from Wash-
be held in Greenville, on Thurs in a contest here at home
Democrats You say
which delegates will be I that in the contest you de-
appointed to represent the , d M. your
i-. ., t
in the State, Congressional j de.
and Judicial conventions
Democratic party.
of th
Cox's Mill. May 1908.
Miss Lillie Cox spent Saturday
night and Sunday with Misses
and Reta Page.
Eddie Moore went to
ville Saturday.
Johnie Moore Jr. is real sick,
of your but we hope he will Boon recover.
W. A. Tyson, of Greenville,
herewith relatives.
Oscar Evans is our b-ti bar now.
Miss Cox sister.
Miss Queenie, of Haddocks X
loads, spent Saturday night
our records, a copy sent. ,
Brother and a copy 3- Creek.
The Reflector
early or at all for either with Mis. Bessie Moore.
are over before a senator from j Mrs. J. A. Moore was here
to elect the following North Carolina for one Saturday evening.
Democrat against another in such Grass is having a picnic
a contest And before you here and think we will save a.
for Mr. Craig did you lot of hay this year.
not write, or to be written, I Miss Bessie Moore is spending
a letter to him, or to another, this week with Miss Allie Cox
of delegates and alternates,
to ,
el, Carolina,
be sent to
C D. Morton.
W. P. Edwards,
H. S.
This 21st day or May. 1908.
P. C Hal-dins,
Chm. Dem. Ex. Com. Pitt Co.
W. L. Brown,
Buy the host odorless
at J. M. Schultz.
Shingles for
by G. T.
encouraging him to run, and
pledging your support And did
not your secretary, about a year
ago, with your consent and
a visit to
burg and other counties, and let
near Haddocks X Rads.
Misses Nannie Page and Myrtie
White spent last Saturday
and Sunday in on
William Haddock is on the
it be known that you were for sick list this week.

Eastern reflector, 22 May 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 22, 1908
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Joyner NC Microforms
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