Eastern reflector, 8 May 1908

In of F. C. NYE I
, Agent The Eastern and Rates on Application
buggies The earn planter D- Chapman, of Greenville,
log. if you want a nice the fertilizer cue. spent Sunday night here with
dare buggy you had corn any de-, fa. parents.
better give him ear call s. Think of th. The A. C. Cox Mfg. Co. have
men drew I by is machine. now or file for future shipment
straw hats are open. cm at Harrington Bar for more than riv
to, Barb r Co,
c Handy Tobacco
of the Juniors Win- to show what
was a attended the People think of our truck.
Pat Guard Speech.
All the three candidates
governor are upright and. honor- j
i able men. They are men of
impeachable private character,
are men of conspicuous
i vice ability- If any one of
them is nominated the
party will have a standard
bearer, of which it will be
and who will lead
it to a single victory-
How little, does it become
the friends of any candidate to
belittle or any other can-
Only one can be
fa. C. April
F. G. Whaley returned from
Suffolk Monday night
Dr. and Mrs. Ricks spent
Registrars, Poll Holders and Polling
The board of aldermen held a
special meeting for the
Monday in shopping, j purpose of naming the registrars
Miss Mary Belle Ricks is I and poll holders and selecting the
spending a few days in Green- j polling places for the election to
with Miss Mamie Ruth be held in the several wards or
the first Monday in June, and the
following were
First ward-J. D. Garden,
registrar; Charles Cobb and J.
at school house last r exercise of the public
night. exercises begin at school at school
eight conducted j pr the a lib
by M'S Maggie in the afternoon, Rev.
pg, readings t. making the address
recitations by indentation The boys
i of the can ; i pleasant day indeed
tn. . It vat formal v i
. in resting and entertaining
m it . . t mod
. . .- i
haw Just received
hats at prices to
A W.
I tor v H
A.;. Cox
N. C.
is Lucy Bell and
were driving a
. i to school here morning
i the
ks they entered the cam-
bit broke be be
lit- but bu not
i i hi rt ; re i . . re-
buggy torn to
.-. OS.
The town Winterville ,. Id
annual convention the
J. D. Cox, of
came in Tuesday night.
James Alford several . , , ,.
days last week with relatives White, poll holders; polling
and friends at his old hone house
and somebody will have to Nash county, returning ward-W. D Pruitt
eat some crow if a better guard F. B. Barber returned J. J. and M H
is not placed the speech from he went White, holders- polling place
Let every man do to attend the exercises, Window's on Fourth
all he can for his own candidate of the Aulander graded ;
every honorable way. and 1st P. H. Harrington ward-R A. Tyson Sr
contest be fair bat Monday from a C. D Rountree and
lei us also remember that we are tour- He would not tel what P-B holders; poll-
Democrat that a business but store on
word spoken be easily thinks he fixed it r nil right G. Bowling.
Concord Times.
in the
cm- ,; ;
in I i teach the church
i , t. night.
mi a.-d of Pitt county, Our line of new spring pants nomination of officers to be elect
i . . nth campaign, just o A W, Ange for the ensuing
V. c n t important Co, XI I were to
en I , ; ,. . beams Baptist R-G-
a rare treat -x.
by there d . ,, ,;.,; A G ,,., L. for
. to the county horn, w. own
i tho
. . . -1
T A- and
T. K poll holders; polling
place, store on Five
i Dara Trial Si
u Vt i .-k .
. rim U to her home et after
s Dr. Gaston G. Bell, of Oriel.
was the of lira. J. place, office
Joyner in Taxation, last week j
Miss Olga Harrell. of
, registrar; L. Coward and
It Kilpatrick, poll
R .
lo i o-
ti p s
R .
Roads Fri-
. made a
j is.
at u i e o Kisses
.;. six.
tic Hunt him not
. tan season
pr and cheap-
est of pants ever
re. i Winter
. . ; r . inspection,
C u i
i, I
i to be cons up I the
. .
e i . . t to
i as o r- i t
i . ch a ever beard
i Mr, Xi .-. .
support in our town and
singing from
i oxford asylum g.-. a de-
.,. I Lineberry at the
o. prohibition to last night to a large
y report nearly The receipt
g d for
. . I . . A
o i who lorn
. as this,
still g G ii I
. cf rum bouts i
. . Prices are .
. i
G. and J. D. C
i . i
Is, i
i- i -lit
peep e of ii . ii
i ,;.; u
scribe to the J ;. I
thought the echo
to tie end of the i
toe high
i i
Hera the
chap, tun It. U
. i i u
C U cl . I .
So by L
I B. Duke,
night ii
home after
several days with Mi i. J.
D- Adams a. family have
tn wed Pine street and . W.
and family i the
in which lived on
Mulberry street.
the money. This is a
notice CO business men
will be interesting to any
not mean business. Ad-
A B. Hearne. Box
G N. C,
Man Pile
k-, j-.
P ; G. 1.1
mi prohibition
;.; I f straw ha
receive for quality
Barring w, Barber Co
Rev, T H. King left Friday
i y ft i
mind the fain- . ,
tar Heel wagons and carts Go to Bryan Winter
by the A. tor
Rev, i-;. Cog, of
ton, spent little while last week
here with relatives.
We have placed our for
The of i
-us, A. g. A. ii .
minstrels, i a here i u
piles. i .
sold i.
, On
t .
represents the Co.,
of Greensboro, It is one of the
l Charlotte
Mr. J. Benjamin Higgs who is
And Provisions
Southern the
Mack Manufacturing Company
.- 11- n
evening from Goldsboro to h
his r appointment Sunday. fl lot and
The lime is almost at hand u. in position to furn
when farmers will need such flues the to our
.---- .
colored ,
known among the colon u now wing unloaded in
This the min J . i. . in to do the street
mt as cotton planters
customers and friends.
and towers. So place
.; with A. C.
To the Democratic Voter.-; of Pitt
We the undersigned citizens of
j Farmville township wish to an-
A. C. Cox Mfg. Co. that we will present the
Cox Manufacturing Co for N. C. j name of Mr. Stephen C. Wooten
then you will be were regular services at Ito county,
to- i your supply in ample time. church Sunday after- on for House of I
P. the from the noon conducted by N. C young man
orphanage will be character, a
Tl, .- i April They To horse he
States here, has closed a contract
d.-r e and Mr Allen a shipment to Char-
ill , nil i t J .- ,
for the paving city is
now doing. Mr. secured
r a
of ma
both of these order.; over strong
to I e man nu ho u competitors.
Cotton n and
. i
H in stock. Country
Bought find Sold
D. W.
North Carolina
m excellent have plenty of good feed,
aim we a ill kinds of the best to had, at
to heart. Produce Co., next
We arc now ready to take w door to
tor the famous handy to I For lot of fine Jumbo
They will be peanuts, hand picked, especially
same price as heretofore. for seed at per Also
G C Co,; a lot of the Improved King Cot-
; ton seed pounds in seed
makes a five hundred pound
We handle the castings for the at per
following plows,
Han n
. and
and a
kl in the of
Nice line cf always
II. L. Johnson.
the party. He is a worthy and
deserving young man, and ha
by his own efforts made himself.
The people of Farmville town-
s-hip have for many years in
past supported every
ticket put forth by the
self, and for this reason we be-
that Farmville township is
entitled to this recognition at the
hands of the Democratic voters
of Pitt county.
We earnestly ask tho people of
Harrington C.
R. T C x went Greenville I
Fresh b i d different
kinds at a. W. Ana A Co,
We have a line of Pitt to give their influence
g. fresh. H. L. supp n to the whom
Ed Nell en is erecting a cottage we place in nomination.
near the girl's dormitory I Respectfully signed,
Nice corned hams are T J- Harris,
m i J
Mr, Meggi. Butt, H, L Johnson. .
and returned home Fri lay.
dressed at Mr. Builder, let us give
the Carolina Milling Mfg. y J prices on them.
R H. is away A W.
a few days in South Carolina in I corned herrings at
tire interest of the A G. Cox I Barber Co.
of dry T A. G Cox Mfg. Co.
notions in.
Barb r Co I sheet,
Mr. and Mrs G. B. they be in
to Greenville Friday even- Position to furnish their custom-
Bargain on doers and
I A. C. Monk, W. J.
G. L. Lang, T. R.
J. C. L, A Joyner,
T. L. Turnage, B. Turnage,
W. J. Turnage, B S.
C. E. Weeks, M, Smith.
F. M. Rollins, Joyner,
C. V. Newton, R. L,
The Great Cotton Fertilizer
Is known wherever Cotton is grown and Fer-
used, as the greatest producer of-large
See that the trade mark is on every guarantees
against imitations and insures you are getting the genuine
Royster goods.
Our are now busy set-
ting out tobacco.
R. G Chapman went to Green-
villa this morning.
and many friends with to-
flues. Let us have your
orders as as possible and
l cough your head or when you
Mm a remedy
La It la
for an pleas-1
ant to tale, i a i e lex iv
phi. i in
, h, , .
then you will be sure hi all
w hen needed . .
over many Cough, Lung and Bronchial because H the.
aid by as a cathartic on the bowel. No opiates. Guaranteed to give
refunded. Prepared by A.-
, ii An
or a -o
D. i. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Delivered by W. C.
ad Diplomas
Under a law passed by the
last legislature the school a;
Farmville became a high school,
and the closing exercises of the
first year as a high school took
place Friday. A number
of people of the town and
rounding country, and even some
distance, were
and the occasion was one much
enjoyed. The exercises reflected
great credit upon both
and pupils of the school.
Friday morning there was an
interesting musical program fol-
lowed with the annual address
delivered by Hon. W. C. Doug-
lab, of Raleigh. Mr. Douglas
spoke along educational
and concluded with a red hot
prohibition speech in which his
argument for temperance was
most convincing- band
furnished music for the day.
The debate for the K. L Davis
medal and the exercises of the
graduating class took place at
night in opera house.
The graduating was com-
posed of David L. Turnage,
Joyner, Thomas E. Joy-
and Misses Bertha Joyner,
end Lucy Barrett Diplomas
were presented each of these
in a most appropriate speech by
Mr. Stephen C. Wooten, follow
ed with a to his pupils by
Prof. E. If. Rollins,
the school- The de
tor the Davis medal were
members of the Athenian Liter-
society. The judges de-
J. Lloyd Horton win-
of the medal with David L.
a very close second.
The medal was presented in a
fine speech by Rev. H. H. Am-
of Wilson.
During the school
had the largest enrollment in its
history, and during the coming
summer more room will be
by the addition of two recitation
rooms and an auditorium x
feet. The building will then
consist of eight large recitation
rooms and there will be a
ponding increase in the teaching
force Farmville High school is
doing excellent work under
Rollins and splendid
and the people of the com-
are justly proud of it.
Farmville, N. C, May
There was a big crowd out
last night to hear Rev. M. T.
and T. H. King,
speak on the of
Both of these gentlemen
made eloquent speeches, and
won votes for the cause
Miss Annie Perkins, one of
the teachers in the Farmville
graded school, left yesterday
morning for her home in Green-
ville. She is an excellent teacher
and we hope she will return
when the school opens in the fall
Miss Bessie Poe Law, one of
the teachers in the Farmville
high school, left this morning
for her home in Her
work in the school which has just
closed, has been above criticism
in every respect, and her many
friends deeply regret that she
will not come back to Farmville
next year. She will not accept
the position.
G. L. Lang went to Greenville
Roy Bailey went to Greenville
Revs. M. T. Plyler, Greenville, and
T. H. King Speak-
Farmville, N. C, May 5th
The prohibition campaign op-j
here last night in the Christ-
church. Revs. M- T. Plyler.
and T. H. King of
Rev. Plyler opened the meet
in a earnest and con-
speech. are
some conditions of
upon which we are said
he. industrial activity.
hence we welcome the mill
factory. Second, educational ad
vantages, hence we foster our
educational institutions. Rut
with these, we must have
strong moral and religious
mer. therefore this whiskey
problem must be solved and it.
traffic prohibited. the bus-
world is against the liquor
the railroads, the great
labor are all
opposed to it. Second,
the religious world is against it.
Every church has declared
all the preachers and religious
leaders are on one Third, j
the home is against it. Hardly
a home can be found has not
Buffered. Fathers and
are for the protection of their
homes children
This is the first time the
pie of Farmville had
opportunity to hear Mr. r.
He made a Strong appeal. His
speech will I par its
Rev. T. H- King, of Winter-
followed with a strong and
eloquent talk. He Drought with
him a map illustrating
of North Carolina where
there is a sale of liquor
He showed that seventy-five
per cent, pf the State pro
th in
North said he,
sell liquor publicly. three-
fourths of them are east of the
Wilmington and Weldon railroad
within a radius of miles
the good old county of Pitt is
right in the He stated
that the drink habit cot North
Carolina last year twenty million
dollars, ten times as much as it
pays to educate its young man-
hood and womanhood, seven
times as much as it spends for
food. said he
dollar spent for whiskey is
lost to the legitimate channels of
trade, for everyone realizes how
strong drink destroys the energy,
life and vitality of man. There-
fore that means that forty
millions, counting the twenty
millions spent for liquor,
the liquor traffic in North
Carolina. This forty millions is
measured in the degradation of
manhood, the poverty it brings
to our homes and the numerous
crimes it causes man to commit.
Eighty percent of the crimes
committed in North Carolina
are caused by intoxicating drinks.
Listen, men of Farmville, you
have here a growing and pro-
town, the eyes of all
Carolina are upon you. therefore
in the name of Heaven, go forth
to the ballot box on the 26th of
May and register your will
against the liquor traffic and
show to the world that you arc
against such an
These two strong speeches will
show results on the 26th day of
May- The people of Farmville
predict a majority in favor of
prohibition in Farmville town-
At the
Jams Makes Welcome Address.
Tuesday night at eight o'clock
the Conference was
called to order by the president,
P. Hall, of Kinston, in the
Christian church. Devotional
service was held by the
minister. D. W. Arnold,
prayer by Mr. A. B. Wade, of
T. J. Jarvis was
to the audience by the
minister. Go.-. Jarvis delivered
the address of welcome to the
Annual Address Will be Delivered Vet. for and Wee
Mrs. R. R. Drinks. I
It will be of interest to the Some days ago tho editor of
people of our section of the State this paper addressed Elm B
that Mrs. R. R. Gotten Elder P D. sat solved. Mr J.
is to make the annual address fee and the
the graduating class at Greens
Primitive Baptist h- city hall
Female College on asking his views upon
day. May 20th. Those of us who the pending St ford and f
with Mrs Cotton's proposition he this we. k m far. e
both as a writer and I knows Oder Gold h-v- brother , he
speaker will whatever . .
college on the pleasure which and for what he conceive, to be .
awaits them, and feel sure that the light, and that h doe. the officers h-re need a worry
will on that occasion so tor any ac. tn-. a. .
as it hung on the words of that noble old to print
wisdom and superb rhetoric while
he portrayed the beauty of the
the From my the deceased tho night of
of the I have considered the letter
es of com a written U lira aid
sacred will told her about plan and why
welcomed the and o,, Sunday evening by Rev. J L be was to
visits to the hearts and home, g- , . . ch up a
and fr sermon on . -ale
Veil ten, -eider . letter, but have , M
Ti-p of y
hi hearers as the with which Mis. Gotten will w , , ,, , ,
Di tore J , . . . . love to m a held to the suicide ll wry
of nil and as stated above ,
greatest or an . , i very man i. evidence before the
calling should be adorned by Mi Patrick, the . rs ;.,. . t c . .
humble life, being filled the I living of the of, It i. d to eat
humble life, being we
and fullness of God. will present the Bibles
The earnest and Wednesday evening the
family knew i. tho
whereby brother far. ;.
dent made to
hie thoughts with the adduction, the music department will be J
i and she uM
said so then, instead of
, ., the people to mar
witchery and alluring -i to ti--- or aid the to
beauty and It eS
poetic fancy, or adorn the tar and many other ; in to and
of his with sparkling section of ,. . d. ,.,
of brilliant metaphors, tend the , . sh. .,,;.,
But gave discourse that which promise to be
was strong and power for it more than ordinary interest. j J it Run w -1 q.- . r.,
was armed with the One of the most imp.
of L j prohibits of the day
with the insurmountable ,., about which tn; general public
B . .
of unanswerable
and clothed with the
beautiful hind of eloquence, the
eloquence of truth, of facts, of
and of earnestness.
It was an ad
One Change.
The annual meeting of the
p. i-. GOLD, of owners of timber
N. C. May in different parts of
In this letter Eider Gold in o
the chief reason from i
will actuate good men i-i refusing the Northwest, th.
stockholders of tie Home
and Ass. was
held Tuesday night in the
i o the manufacture tr K-.-.- Fie
. . a goo, Every Just, elected U
dress o force and power, for hi. attendance and much ; r d ,. u
masterly array of fact, had the was manifested m what the ab- M do m .,,.
sweep of an don a is doing. , prohibition, care, plans include a
mountain It had the rush In calling the noting to order terminate the of b
of the waves when are H. A. White of . .
It had the force of a the growth the association
S C. Wooten went down the
road this morning.
old reunion will
be held next Tuesday, 12th, and
it promise, to be a great day for
swim when forests are
It was a tornado of logic in the
unbridled sweep of massive
It was an irresistible cyclone
of overwhelming argumentation
in its undisputed march to con-
and in every utterance
he reminded us of some power-
Vulcan hammering out
truths that will outlive the ivy
that will grow upon the tomb of
time and glow with the of
its own eternity of beauty amid
the sunbursts of the
splendors of immortality.
This morning an organization
was instituted by which better
work could be done among the
Disciples of North Carolina.
Some splendid addresses were
made during the Tonight
there is to be rendered a most
interesting program.
The ministers in
are J. A Hopkins, Winston-
Salem, Messrs.
Walker, Outlaw and Morton,
Wilson; Hall. Lewis,
Marshburn and Howard, Kins-
ton; A. B. Wade, Belhaven; Geo,
Moore. Swan Quarter; E. E.
Moore, Grifton; H. H. Ambrose,
Farmville, D. W. Arnold, Green-
during the past year and
for future development. He
was followed by Mr. H. W.
Whedbee who showed what the
association is doing for
ville in the building of homes and
that it was worth more to the
evil of drunkenness Of course tho work done by tho
it will not do that. It will lessen United State. Fore.-t Service in
the evil and remove temptation,
but no human law can make men
good. Elder Gold, while looking
at the question as it is and not
by any false hopes,
adds, I cannot give my vote
of conscience should be
It was worm more me -.-
town than any other institution I what might seem to
here. He urged the stocK-1 a the great of drunken-
holders to aid the officers and
directors of the association by
speaking a word for it at every
opportunity and influencing
to become int rested and
take part in it.
The report of Secretary and
Treasurer N. G. White showed j allowed
that during the past year the to Observer-
amount of business done was
There are now 1511
including th fifth series
which began May 2nd. A de-
tailed financial statement of the
association will be published in a
day or two.
The following were unanimous-
elected directors for the
ensuing H A. White. C.
T R n.
C. Moore. H. W. v bee. D- J
Whichard, B. W- Moseley, R. C.
Flanagan, R J. Cobb. C.
Laughinghouse, S. T. White and
C. C. Vines.
guarding against and extinguish-
Organizations of similar kind
and for a like purpose are at
work in Oregon and Idaho. In
the latter State, a portion of the
expense is loin by taxation and
paid from the State treasury. A
He then quotes the Word western railroad company which
of God in support of his view i holds large tracts of timber has
and concludes with righteous taken steps to guard its property
admonition to Let every man I from fire, and during the short
vote in this matter right time that its plans have beau in
to him, or not vote- Bitterness met with most
should not be encouraged but .
encouraging success.
Similar work h done on
the other side of the continent-
Forest owners In Maine
gone to work in the same
way to control the
The best drink of coffee- Gold
S. fa. Schultz.
Stephen C. Wooten for Legislature.
To the voters of Pitt .-. .
Farmville township having great enemy, fire. organ
strongly candidacy j are in other parts
of Stephen C. Wooten for our count how
next representative, we .
citizens cf it is now realized that pro-
township desire to against fire is of the
with Farmville in their endorse-1 greatest
respectfully ask that, is safe to say that fires
the voters of Pitt county nominate ,. , , destroyed
him next county convention. nave
Mr. Wooten was raised among i more timber than lumbermen
us and we can recommend him have cut- When timber was
to the voters of Pitt county with abundant, the waste passed
Abner Eason. J. C
G. W. Jefferson, D. F. Lang,
J. L J. R. Owens
A new lot of bran at F. V. i a. J. Jefferson, J R. Dozier,
Johnston's Phone G T. Puckett. Dr.
most unnoticed, but now that
a scarcity is at hand actual
wood famine threatens in
near future, the owners of r-st
lands are waking up and
action to save what is left.

i Jill
. ,. . ., . ,
Greenville's Department Store.
W all t
There is Catarrh in this i
of the th n all other diseases
put together, and until the last few
was to be
Mr a great ninny years doctors pro-
it a Meal and
ed lee and by
g to with local
it Science
to be a mil
i leave ire
cute u
Now that the time of spring
fever an J other dreaded maladies
has come around the
boy and are once more think
up all sorts of novel excuses
for not fretting down to work in
-WHAT PRETTY is the general
when showing the of the
Kate Check effects from the dainty
small to very swell in large effects. In White Stuff
wish car. be supplied as we have a line that
will appeal to you.
I . Misses and
Ladies. Summer
, es and
2-c. I
beys i 2-c each.
B K Ice boys and
b, and
I r cloth
Black tad Tan
makes. Men's
i I
to please you. Latest ;.
o received, V; can you p
when others fail. i.
Styles Come take I
look c; us demonstrate
our ability to fit you.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, the school room on time. Some
cure on the market It is taken in-1 these times of frenzied fashions
the youths have a large scope for
i meow surfaces the sys-j their explanations. The
tern. They offer one hundred doll ., business at which
for case it fails to cure, bend tor . , . ,
and a written explanation is required
F. J. CO., To- in each case of was not
Ohio. i . . , , ,
by Druggists, j a little bit the other
i ills for day when he found the following
. , . , , .
reposing on his
c . . . i five minutes late this morn
Science in farming. . ,,.
mg n-cause a girl wearing a
Scientific is young. hat got stuck
It has had to wait until leaving the Whether
prepared the way, by i tardy one was imprisoned in
the farmers time to think and by the girls predicament i
to spend. The first ad-whether he lost time as a.
. who took notice of form-lint rested spectator he did
explain, but the excuse was av
no found the
water, in 1783, and
in the midst of many discover-1
ice, when a Paris mob milch cow
him to the guillotine. The fa- ex
next appeared and I en. Bros, R. F
founded the agricultural ex D. No. Greenville, N. C.
station. Then
. I ;
i lawns
terns, i .-
. Io .
Things of
i Knit . S Marcel
, , . act .-.
i Cash Bouquet soap,
Large I
best .,. f, lie. I. .
a r.-x-
. cents.
the father of
tic chemistry with his
announcement, soil
the new farmer
himself touched
Bides. k t thus
are things in om
ch of then i
. Hi, the . globe. H
ow i i an take a h all
earth from
, I different, of his farm.
. I j them together, send one
to a and fled
out exactly the kind of crop that
will give the best harvest
And more, now that science hie
given him a peep into
factory, he can even feel a
host drink of coffee-
A. S. M. tilts-
Notice to th
Tor. of
Voters of the
ti .
i M
. b
i . Gr
Western North Carolina
Land f the Sky.
IA Woman Finds Ail
and Ambition
Slipping Away.
women how the
and that come when the
kidneys make life a burden.
hip dizzy
Now is Pleasant Time to go There. I
kidneys and warn you of the
i . V i-
; . the
t a n
j I . ,,. i
a ii . ;.,. s. .
i . on M i ,
day . V r .
. e If a . it-,
-if i town i
. n t-
first ward elect one aide
for term of ore
I he ward will elect one
man or a t rm of two years.
The thUd ward will elect enc
mi for n term ii two years.
; f will sleet aide
r of yearn.
i w I elect one aid r-
of one year.
. . T . i books he
the elements that redden , in I-
I ml town on Wed-
. the
i 27th end th.
, from nine o'clock
a till p. in.
U i- who are
, rue v,. o.
. i of the boar f Aider-
N. t.
of kinship between himself
acres, b he knows tit; l
hi blood ate p the preen
. . . on his and forests.
There are now new far
mere who have from
agricultural colleges; and since
Prof. W. Atwater
5th Series i 5th Series
5th Series
Begins May, 2nd. 1908.
Over Shares
Already Spoken for in This
-v w it u
Shares New On Sale.
The and Loan Association.
5th Series. 5th Serbs. 5th Series. I
K. M. W
Attest C in.
, sick
Climate Fishing,
train affords ;
an i
approach of .
lentil the first American expert- Vs .
station in fifty others
have sprung into vigorous life.
There is also at Washington an
Agricultural which
has become the greatest
of farming-scientists in
the world To maintain this de-
Uncle Sam pays
a year. He
pays much more than this to
Boat-j and Bright s disease. Kidney
i Pills permanently i are all these
I Here's proof of it a
i woman's
Mis of No. Fifth
Greenville, N. C. have
, train, with coaches and derived great benefit from use e .
Parlor Car mat pirated Sunday, March Fills and take food and blankets to a horde
of lazy Indiana or for th bull 1-
N. . . Durham. i from dull nagging backache. i Ml
. on n. pi,,., two or three warships.
kidney My But it at least more than is
weak frequent action the . . . .
secretions I me great am I o l new m
My back pail me and
Ma, i
S.-j m
ha .
p in
in .
. n
6.00 p in m
5.43 p n- m
in in
a m
Summer Tourist will soon be on
sale. Ii format t rates,
schedules, i call v.- of
this or l . .;
R. L. VERNON, T. . win in
T. P. A. P A. Asheville
CK pained me severely and
first in morning would be to
lame and s. re that
In t . . I saw dial's Ki i-
n. v ills procured them at
store and a
en these The
fa t that my kidneys ii me no
y leads to
For sale by all dealers. Price cents
Co., New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name-
take no other.
if , c ii THE TAILOR
Wink a Mat- Can be found on Fourth street
j prepared to clean, press repair
Clothing and Ladies Skirts
promptly, suits
With YOU
it is
Quarts, Pints. Half-Pints
;. smaller sizes
We black ink, fluid
ink, blue Ink, red ink, stamp
ink, indelible ink. fountain
P-n fact we are
headquarters for INK.
I made to order when desired.
Your Solicited.
At New Market front Nor-
folk and Depot.
Unloading Car Choice
Timothy Hay, car Gilt Edge
Flour Just received. Finest
money can buy.
J. K. a J. G.
widows are never as
green us pretend to be.
any country.
by step is be-
coming a sure and scientific pro-
The risks and
that formerly tossed the
farmer back and forth between
hop and despair are being mas-
The Weather
which sent half a million warn-
year to the farmers,
has already become so
that six-sevenths of its
come true. In Kansas
has become so
sure that there has been no failure
for thirteen And in the
vast Southwest the trick of
ration is changing the man-kill
desert into a para-
where there is nothing so
punctual the crops From
New American
by Herbert N. in th
American Review of Reviews
The Atlantic Coast Line will
II round trip tickets to
for on account of the
Lodge I. O. O. F. May
12th to 15th. Tickets on sale
May 10-11-12, final return limit
May 18th.
When your food to nauseate take
K Take now until you know
There Isn't
doubt about it will do and you will
And th- of this verified
used for a few
It is sold here by Jno. L.
With and Fork.
In the middle ages people knew
not knives and forks, but ate with
Later they held the broad or meat
in a napkin in left hands and
cut pieces with a dagger held in
tho right hand, the food being car-
to tho mouth on the knife, even
in tho most polite The next
development was to have a special
sating instead of the
dagger, which might have been used
for the dispatch of an enemy. Each
per.-on kept an eating knife, and
when he was invited out to dinner
be brought his knife along with
him. Forks were used in Venice in
but it was not till that a
Venetian traveler, one Thomas
introduced them into
In the of n discussion on
In the medical societies n
speaker in his remarks
a thinks be Is
when he Ii only
John A. Oates.
Will address the people on
State prohibition Sunday, May
Salem Methodist church, Chi-
cod township at o'clock a. tn.
Mill's School house,
Stocks p. m.
School house at
at o'clock p. m.
Mr. Oates is master of hi-
subject and I big th it nil
people in reach of these place-.
whether they be for or again
the manufacture and sale of ii,
liquors in North Car
will go out him Hi-
cuss this vital question. The la-
dies are especially invited to at-
tend all these meetings and I
beg that they and the men
near by will see that all
are made-
Thomas J. Jarvis,
Pitt county Anti-Saloon
Makes a Strong
Jo a Bank always remember that it is Capital,
plus and Undivided Profits that give security to the
tor, c is hat stands between you as a
depositor and any possible shrinkage securities held
by the bank.
rev in State a larger margin of safely than
THE BANK OF which, with the
watchful interest en a very and conservative board
of Corporation
has us here one bes financial
in the
pita, Surplus and
now amounts to over
Sixty Eight Thousand Dollars.
Business solicited.
R. L. Davis Pres. J. I. Little Cashier
To The Ladles-
Do not forget those pretty
Pattern Hats at
Your dress will not be com-
I without that Hat.
Is the Standard Visible Writer
the World
Local Agent.
hind a
I h on
o d m do b
on and can nil
W J Gardner,
Th Brick Mar. N. C.
Hotel Greenville
J. W. BIGHT, Prop.
I to inform the public that
I is now reedy for and
table hotel entirely re;
renovated, else-
lights, hot and cold baths, trans-
ideal home for ladies, and
traveling Building
polite Phone
No. Call and see for
Yo rs to Serve.
J. W. Hight Pro.
c. i. i. i .-,.
Si Clark
Civil Engineers and
Greenville North Carolina.
Railroad. Municipal and land surveying
a specialty. Office on Third
for The
Advice to the Aged.
Ace brines Infirmities, such as
bowels, weak and
List of Officers the Confederate
Army of 1861.64-Sixth
John C. Moore, Texas. 1862.
Patrick T. Moore, Virginia,
S. P. Moore, South Carolina.
John H. Morgan, Kentucky.
John T. Morgan, Alabama,
Alfred Manton, Louisiana.
Thomas T. Virginia,
Allison Nelson. Texas. 1862-
Francis T. Nicholls, Louisiana,
Ed- A. Alabama, 1863.
Richard L. Virginia.
B. Palmer, Tennessee,
M. Parsons, Missouri,
William H. Payne, Virginia,
A. Perry,
Edi .
Cat. ,
John a.
have specific effect on these organs.
stimulating the bowels, causing them
to perform their natural functions
In youth and
to the kidneys, bladder and LIVER.
They ore adapted to old and young.
Bone Pains, Can-
Scaly Ski,
W will send sample showing
how B. B. B. Cures above Troubles
also Eczema and Rheumatism.
For twenty-five years Botanic Blood
Balm B. has curing yearly
thousands of sufferers from Primary,
The newspapers of are PitS
its looking glasses. It is in them most obstinate B.
B. B. cures where all
Newspapers a Town's Looking Glasses.
P. Virginia,
. Pack,
Pendleton, Virgin-
you see yourselves as others see
you. You smile at and
they smile back at you; you frown
at them and you repaid In
kind. They a.-e the reflectors of
a town. If the town is doing
business the will show it
in their advertising columns. If
the merchant are
fellows, whose stores are
of junk and jam, the
papers will show it by the lack of
space the merchants take. If
you have exhausted the old methods of
treatment and still have aches
pains in bones, back or joints,
Mucus Patches in mouth, Sore
throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots
Ulcers on any part of the body,
run down or Hair
or eyebrows falling out, take B. B. Ii
It kills the prison, makes the blood
pure and rich, healing every sore and
completely changing the entire body
into a clean, condition. Itch-
humor, Risings or pimples of
all leave after killing the pois n
and the blood with B. B. B.
way a flood of wire rich blood is
direct to the
itching stops forever and every humor
or sore is healed and cured.
you want the world to know you BLOOD BALM B.
have a live town, you CUP only and safe to talk; composed
. , , i , , Pure ingredient.-. It pun-
be known through the new- lies enriches the blood,
Observer.; large bottle with
directions for cure,
for I.
T. M. We
i. i
hi i,
y i
the o
League. The
i .
. i.
Pinter, Ari v
. ,
. .
E a
Preston, South Caro-
i i
. r
n H
u official f
e L. V.
Job i R.
i-s. end J, P.
. All
cue have
Mack, of
Free Cure
N. C is for
one sample of
ed free in plain
y fib in your
name and on dotted
lines . m to BLOOD
R i CO. Atlanta Ga.
ii i
II. on
Ci .
i . K
i e
Ch iii r
lit t,
; . . L i
id of
Md ,
that I
ii Cough
his i-id
T in r i
Hi Grade
A. Pryor, Virginia, 1862
A. Tennessee,
J. h Cr-
Geo I
Horace Randall, 1864.
George W.
C. Reid. Alabama, 1864.
Art E. Reynolds,
Alex If. Reynolds, Virginia.
II. colds, Arkansas,
Robert V. Richardson,
Roswell b. South Car-
Selden Arkansas,
William P. Roberts, North
Beverly H.
Felix H. r. ti . Texas
B. Robertson, Texas
Phillip D.
Ross, Texas. 1863.
Reuben R. Res.--. Texas. 1866.
Daniel Virginia,
W. W. Russell Alabama.
Albert Rust, Arkansas. 1862.
John C- C. Sanders. Alabama,
Alfred M. Scales, North Caro-
since she v vi norths old,
m, myself. to
r the Run and soon w-ll as
Daughters has most This . by all
Next Year In Greenville.
The St i
, , drugs i
dealers patent ii-
Crop of Alfalfa.
On a plot near his office
during th last few days.
Through Mrs. Williams
an x to the
,. . t
. and the W--
crop of alfalfa, his experiment
that alfalfa can be crown
. i.
A Luck.
luckiest of my life was
when I bought b tn Ar-
-s .
of Tracy, California. i boxes
ii -j of
which had l me for
years . to no
S i . m at
J. L. -1
j in sec non. Ir. i.- a profitable
forage crop easy to produce.
Valued Same as Gold.
B. C. Stewart, n of
View, Miss., I tell custom-j
buy box of I
Life Pills .;. . the worth -if;
that gold If afflicted
constipation, or id
I under guarantee J. L, i
drug st-ire. i
Headquarters For Farm
Supplies and Hardware.
carry a hill at all times of best
Relief from Rheumatic
suffered with rheumatism for over
two says Mr. Holland Curry a
of Key West, Fla.
times it settled in my knees and lamed
me so I could hardly walk, at other
times it would be in my feet and hands
so I incapacitated for duty. One
night when I was in severe pain and
lame from it my wife went to the drug
store here and came back with a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I
rubbed with it and found the pain had
nearly gone during the night. I
kept on using for a little more than
two weeks and found that it drove the
rheumatism away. I have not had any
trouble from that disease for over
three For sale by all Drug-
gists and dealers in patent
quality goods only. Don't fail to can
onus. We would call your attention to our
implements, such as Plows,
rows, and High Grade Cultivators
walking, which are great I savers.
We also carry the Highest Grade Lime and
Cement that can he purchased. We might
also call your attention to our line of
I . i
. . .,
i , . A
Our of forty ye tithe people if
n and co guarantee I t ; i.
r r- are prepared o sell th on of reasonable
rill us
i pun . l . I .
in ii. u cod.
If any axle, spring breaks and
one ear date of purchase caused
in material or and ii r to as by
chaser, we will replace same of
.; .
and ft v c
PI. v. Bros, at Fa and J. R. i., at
our Buggies, and all of sold by . . .
Greenville, North Carolina, U. S A.,
which we keep complete nil times, and can
truthfully say that there is nothing better
made, your house is to be painted see us.
and when you call then we will tell you all
about our wire fencing, rubber paper, Iron
Rooting Cotton and Corn planters.
Guano Mowers, Hakes, Cook
Stoves, and High Grade Ranges. The best
of Cutlery and lots of other things too
to mention, Now, word to the Wise
is Give us a call. You will find
us in the Forbes building next to Bank
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
There is probably no medicine made
that is relied upon with more implicit
confidence than
Cholera and Remedy. Dur-
the third a century in which it
has been in people have learned
that it is one remedy, that never fails.
When reduced with water and sweeten-
ed it is pleasant to For sale
all and dealers in patent
Raleigh, N. C.
kinds choice cut flowers in
season. attention given to
Wedding and Funeral Decorations,
stock. Pot plants for Winter bloom-
Rosebushes, Hedge
plants Evergreens and Shade trees.
General Hardware
Sole Agent for
and Zinc Paint, Jewel Stoves and Syracuse
farm Implements fertilizer sower
Edge Tools.
w. . .

r. J. Editor and
Entered as second matter Jan. 1907 at the at N
C Congress of March
On Saturday, May 2nd, The
Home Building and Loan
of Greenville rill open
its series of stock. Already
more than one hundred and
thirty shares have been sub-
scribed for in new series,
and the number is to
be larger by night.
Every person who can do so
take some shares in the
new series. Besides being a
safe and profitable investment,
no institution is so helpful in
building town. You have
only to look around and sec the
great good it is doing. Since
the of the
two ago more than
three of the new build-
Better save the
for the enemy.
The campaign for the
The Raleigh Times thinks it nation for governor by the
State convention is be-
conducted OB about as mean
low plain as ever existed in
to make up his mind campaign between two op-
If Democrats will look at the The Sun says it is
size personnel Of the painful to see two women wear-
State convention just held hats sit
in Greensboro, it should close together in church and try
them that this is no time to Del to to each other,
each other within
Durham way they get up
in the audience call the
speaker liar. Bather danger-
is late for third term
much. It takes the
dent only about thirty seconds
thing rash. By the time the
convention comes he may a
very willing candidate for the
posing parties.
The country has had much
anxiety for some days over the
condition of Cleve-
land, and the announcement
that he is improving carries
pleasure with it. He his
friends and his enemies, but we
believe all would glad at his
restoration to health.
New Bern rill be years
old in and the city has be-
have been erected
aid of association,
serves your i
by the
i cell brat ion
.; big
of the
, Ne Bern has made
much l her career, and
We know of no pi- to whom j fie S join with
. , .,. ins her two
ll I
blessing than the women,
their far .
campaign u . in s is
Mr. Home seems to know when
not to write a letter and then
when to write one. For instance,
it has not been shown that he
wrote a letter to Williams, but
he did stay home and write a
letter to Wadesboro.
If somebody in the Republican
convention at Greensboro had
done Marion Butler like Colonel
did the in the
Columbia convention, we doubt
if then had been a tear shed,
m think all they
have do to get dice is to pitch
Into the trusts and corporations.
To lie candid, the people had
I rather Bee the country
settle to business progress.
most i .
hoping that
the w
to i
are do-1
b .
. .
. tin campaign for
. . all
are so
How one, in
cry out
It likely
v than the
,. are ha n
hi n sentiment con-
c increase in Pitt
county does
majority for pro-
resent outlook.
With the Democrats doing so
much lighting among themselves
there hardly seems any use for
an opposition party.
Maybe some folks just keep
on talking hard times because
they haven't anything else to
talk about.
Prospective candidates should
be careful how they write
letters and what they say in
After the cold spell in May
you can wear as few clothes as
you like, but stick to them a
while longer.
what the president
do for writing messages
w In n congress goes home.
That feast
in York hurt the
To the Democratic voters of Pitt
We, the Democrats of
township, who know the
did service rendered our town-
ship for years as a magistrate
and chairman of the township
board of supervisors by Capt. J.
J. put him in
nomination for the senate in the
coming election in November.
None know the work he has done
for the Democratic party so well
as us the voters of town-
ship. He been one of our
most managers of the
party in this township since 1870.
No one has contributed more to
make it the banner township of
the county than J. J. Laughing-
house. For years he
three fourths of all cases in this
township, wrote three fourths of
the wills, mortgages and deeds,
and charged a Democrat a
for any service during these
years. fees, if collected,
we believe would have amounted
to several thousand dollars. At
no time was he too busy to stop
and write a mortgage or deed
and a private
. for
., . to and
. , up ill which
. poll tax
to Vote. The
. ; of poll
. ; forfeits this, hi- . , n;
; . hose who did
poll tax have dis-
indifferent. it i simply mock-
for woman I my
then ; fort h in
fort herself to save him. We
hope tin en .,
in this matter, as they have an pot tin
influence that no other power on I Ives,
earth can exert.
The way tilings are going
are satisfied Cannon is about to come
at the way they have been the conclusion that it will be
out of Republican gatherings I easier for him to retain his pres
job than it will to secure
the nomination for the
In other words he sees that
bird in tho hand is worth two
in the ,
; n Mr. Craig had
to show up
oh letters, First
. the folks will
of them have
saying something.
Th man w ho thinks the
of the depends upon
lion is drawing
i, .-. of egotism.
He may realize that there are
others a.- good as himself.
anybody else.
. this season of tin
year . worked off-
and fields now ;
in , ,, pretty pictures in
A Home
On Thursday evening of last
week, April 30th. Mr. Lloyd
Smith Miss Dell Clement
were united in the holy bonds of
matrimony in the presence of a
goodly number of witnesses at
the residence of Mr. Ivy Smith.
At about half past eight Miss
Agnes Smith rendered the wed-
ding march very beautifully and
through the north door of the
parlor Miss Clement lean-
on the arm of her brother,
Mr. Clement, and through
the west door came Mr. Smith
with Mr. Mills Smith as best
man, and the two met at the
and were united together by
the Rev. S. W. of the
Christian church.
The bride was dressed in beau-
white silk and carried a
of pink carnations. The
groom was dressed in a very
handsome black suit and the
men wore red carnations.
After the marriage rice began
to rain down on the married
couple and it was kept up at in-
for an hour or more.
The bride is one of the most
. .- y.-------- ---------1
of some poor fellow's y, of the
mo or deed and Mr. L W-
one the daughter of Mr. i. W-
of Warren county.
came down here about two
years ago and has been teach-
school. Mr. Smith was one
pupils session
fair minded men know that we i.-- was a very
the fellow a five or ten dollars j r
Our people are all
his as a member of the
of representatives. All
I a
. en apple is
to double
up the
are indebted to him the in-
ion of the first railroad
,,.,.,.; v.- fare bid that
h's passed the house,
v. es to and would
i -s . the senate but the,
of railroad .-
control of it This
ii to tho people of the
State cl half million dollars an-
no illy. The passage of this
teacher and take delight
in of the
L i. workers. The
i-.-i. I . . j w II and she
-o much help see
. well
w,. he ;.
The is one of Heaver
beet young men.
He is a so Jesse
I, Smith. a
The man who talks least
have the less crow to eat.
is again in tin
this year and ignored in the
of delegates. Claiming
that the Republican conventions
have been irregular, the
have issued a call for a State
convention in Raleigh on
12th to name delegates to the
national convention in Chicago.
Each county is asked to hold a
convention and send delegates
to the State convention in
Eighteen counties held con-
Saturday to select
to the Democratic State
convention. That brought the
number of counties up to in
which conventions or primaries
have so far been held. The
Charlotte Observer of Sunday
tabulates the result in these
counties and gives the
dates for the nomination for gov-
the following vote, omit-
ting Craig
Kit. hen Home
Congress setting down on
President Roosevelt's
for four more battle-
ships has made him so mad that
he says he is sorry he made that
pledge not to be a candidate for
a third term. Now watch him
loom a candidate again.
Those New York editors who
are advocating social equality
and miscegenation are good sub-
to send to to
keep company with Harry Thaw.
Remember that carrying the
State for prohibition by a large
majority is of greater importance
just now who shall lie the
nominee for governor.
The kind of recruits the Re-
publicans want are those who
are not after something. There
are not offices enough to go
around among the old ones.
Apropos of the conference of
State Governors and others call-
ed by President Roosevelt, the
Review of Reviews for May
in three articles a remark-
able summary or America's
assets, together with an
estimate of our wasted resources
and an exposition of the methods
already introduced for checking
the annual waste. In the same
magazine Miss Agnes s
an impressive showing of Can-
recent growth and newly
discovered wealth.
-------r. if
giving us better Lloyd is
freight rates when it can farmer, for he ha
enforced. His work in the the farm all of his life,
the laws pertaining there.
ti industries will be of We a happy and
value to our people. prosperous life. We hope their
Give us Capt. J. J. Laughing- j pathway through life may be
of Greenville, for and that all
this year. of may be spent in
H J. Smith. ,
J. A. Hudson.
J. C. Galloway.
The superintendent of a Pitts-
burg institute refused
to proceed with the exercises
until the ladies present removed
their hats. It
took about two hours to get them
to yield to his demand.
A pointed paragrapher says
who try to use their
friends wear them In
campaign years there is plenty
of this wearing in evidence.
The Greenville Reflector is
perturbed over the fact that
Judge Pritchard is going
about the state making speeches
for prohibition, his son, an Ashe-
ville doctor, writes a
on which wine for a society
supper is obtained from a drug
That's a small matter,
Whichard, when compared with
the man is a prohibitionist sole
South Carolina Republicans
might at least have been a little
more gentle with their
brethren. Their State
met in Columbia Tuesday,
and a making himself
prominent in taking the
chair to preside over a recess
meeting, was pitched headlong
off the stage by the collector of
Somebody please tell us why
a stairway gets the name of
of We heard a
man directing a boy to carry a
bog to a certain place and told
him he would find a of
by which he could go up
to the second story.
The Chicago young woman
named Miss who stole
of diamonds,
went went back on her
man is a so e- r
for political purposes, who
Mr. Hooker Dead.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hooker, who
for several months has been in
feeble health, died at
o'clock Thursday night at her
home in South Greenville. She
was a women of many virtues
a loving mother, a true friend,
a good neighbor, kind hearted to
all, and a true Christian.
All of her surviving children,
eight in number, had been sum-
and were around her bed-
side when her spirit took its
flight from earth. These child-
are Messrs. S. T. and. Law-
Hooker, and
and Mrs. Louisa
Abbott, Kinston; Messrs. Oscar,
Henry and Z. V. Hooker, of
Richmond. She is also survived
by one sister, Mrs. Horton
winks at and patronizes blind
tigers, making it hard for the
law to get its clutches on them.
New Bern Sun.
The investigation in congress
is about to show that the paper
trust is a reality, hut it is likely
to go on robbing the newspapers.
is getting tony
and wants to erect fine em-
in foreign cities
where he representatives.
He should first get government
building wherever they are need-
ed at home.
If some people could be as
quiet as the oyster for the next
few months it might do the
country good.
Jeffries Davis is to the front
once more, but will not stay
there long.
The Greenville Reflector
wish a large number of
Pitt county's leading farmers
would go to the Democratic State
convention in Charlotte, and
while there take a ride out on
fine roads. If
they will do this, and fail to
join the agitation for good roads
in Pitt county, we promise to
let the subject drop. It will en-
anybody to see those
Mecklenburg It is a
safe proposition that The Re-
would not have to drop
the discussion. Those farmers
The funeral took place this
at o'clock, services
being conducted in Jarvis Me-
church by Rev. M. T.
Plyler, and the interment in
Cherry Hill cemetery. The pall
bearers were Brown,
E. A. Move, Charles
house and R. L. Carr and Messrs.
M. H.
R. L. Smith, Wiley Brown, D. J.
Whichard. T. R. Moore, J. A.
Daily Reflector, 1st
C. C. Moore Also
There was an interesting part
of the exercises in connection
with the close of the Forbes
school, Tuesday, that we did not
get in the report of it published
that day. A life size crayon
of In e beautiful
frame was presented by the
school to County Superintendent
W. H. the presentation
speech being made by Prof. G-
E. Lineberry, of Winterville, as
the portrait was unveiled in view
of the audience. Miss Mavis
Evans was awarded a prise for
proficiency in music, the
speech being by Prof. H.
B. Smith.
At the conclusion of the other
exercises Mr. C. C. Moore, of
Charlotte, was introduced and
made a little
talk that was instructive and
amusing to the audience.
Wanted-Young men of char-
and ambition, who can
things, to investigate an
opportunity for realizing
on their earning capacity, if
your services are worth
to S a day you should and
can get the money. This is a
business notice to business men
for good dress W. A- B. Hearne, Box
Chronicle. N. C. d w
The 10th of May occurring on
Sunday this the annual re-
union of the Bryan Grimes
Camp, of Confederate Veterans -A
Pitt county, will be held at
Greenville on Tuesday the 12th
day of May. The veterans are
hereby requested to come early
and assemble at the court house
promptly at o'clock as we have
a longer program than usual and
we want to get through with the
exercises by the dinner hour.
All are requested to
come, a full attendance is
ed- The address will be deliver-
ed by U. S. Senator Lee Over-
man, and several patriotic
and songs will be render-
ed by the young ladies, and mus-
will be furnished by the Bryan
Grimes drum corps and the
Aeolian brass band. Dinner
will be served as usual.
H. Harding
The Eastern
m B
Paper roofing, rubber roofing,
and tobacco barn sheeting at J-
R. Smith O.
Mrs. J. R. Smith and
spent Saturday and Sunday with
relatives in the country.
See our line of books and
for holiday presents.
R. Smith Co.
R. L. State
for prohibition, was here Mon-
Carload cotton seed meal end
Hulls at J R Smith co.
Large crowd from Ayden heard
Dr. Parrot deliver his temper
lecturer at creek Sunday.
The doctor is making quite a
reputation as a lecturer.
planted your gar-
den is the question every
one is asking. Woods Seed are
the best, for the South- You will
find all kinds fresh at
Drug Store. Don't make
tho mistake of getting some
Cannon let; Monday to serve as
jurors in the Federal court s;
New Bern this weak.
Hill supplies, belting, valves,
J. R. Smith Co. A Dixon are
It will please your doing a nice business at the o.
steam R- Smith Co
Mis Snow
Hill, i spewing the week wit
. .
J. R. Smith Co ft Dixon warn
oak In
Una week. J.
Glenn, of Winston,
charge of Ibis season.
Dr Perkins for
sale by -i R Co
G. J. Cherry, president of the
Ayden Lumber company, i here
this week looking after the
of bis company.
Cox Cotton Planters Back
Bands and Guano distributors at
JR smith Co .
The town passed off
quietly yesterday. The fol-
lowing gentlemen were elected
for ensuing
Mayor, J. F
J. H. Tripp. Stancill
Hodges, L. H. Witherington,
George Worthington, R W.
Smith. .
Bring us your cotton seed and
your small lots of scrap cotton in
the seed. J. R. Smith Co. A
Mrs. W. E. Hooks and children
friend to lake her a box of fresh
candy M. Sauls has just re-
a magnificent assortment
at prices from to 1.50.
Allen's show here Friday was
pronounced good.
Repairing neatly done on bug-
carts, plows, also
shoe your mules and horses. J
R. Smith Co- Dixon.
The family of J. W. Alexander
have moved to Bertie county to
Car load of hard and soft coal
by J. R. Smith Co.
Mrs Flynn and two children
came Saturday from Old Point
visit her mother, Mrs. Early.
M. M. makes the best
cold drinks that can be made at
the fountain lea cold the year
round- Try one.
W. J. Braxton aDd daughter,
of Reedy Branch, were hen
Car load of and coarse
at J
J. O. Stocks has
Windows, doors, blind locks,
butts, J. R. Smith
v,.,. i Alexander
day her former
and cask
K t d R.
t. ., has. been
a time, is
Ayden Milling
Co- site. They will buy your
cotton seed wood, and logs, will
repair cart buggy and wag-
on or sell you a new cart, wagon
or most any kind of plank or
lumber you may send. They
so have a nice lot of Coffins and
carets- Ed Garris is the clever
manager and will take pleasure
in waiting on you.
The closing exercises of the
Ayden graded school will be
held May 8th, in
the beautiful grove in front of the
school building. Hon. W. W.
Kitchen delivers the annual ad-
dress and Prof. W- H.
the to the
graduating class. Music will be
furnished by the excellent Green-
ville band. The exercises begin
at eleven o'clock.
Lime cement, plastering hair
and full of hardware at
J. R. Smith Co.
Mrs. C. C. Bland has returned
from a visit to Kinston where she
her daughter
Mr. Warren, of
who been here on a short
t. her sister. Miss Lilli
at, school baa J
o her
It is difficult for at form
That Long Ben of the
Among Negro-. represented by tilt-
Among the colored people of frost recorded
south every commonest event has Russia. Sir Leopold k
or tells in one of h,
. a sailor was foolish to
Whether those all date back to do some outdoor work
tho African mace ancestors of the this temperature. His hands
many of when he rushed the an
hem are similar to those current and plunged one a
among Sent eh and in of water so cold was . he and
It is that in ac- that the water was on-
the language into a block of u . At .
imbibed Dr. tom
the superstitions in vogue among and under Up form
the white people of the south at beads of dangling ice. Put out
Lat I TOO tongue and it instantly freezes
Kens of weather are as is to this icy crusting. our
On Ton Party
Ho.-S oX
half awake.
ts ,
he went to
squanders lots of
. weather are many, b
natural, and some of them are very
curious. It a cat sneezes or if she
washes her herd behind her ear it
will rain. -he rubs against ob-
or is especially frisky it fore-
bodes .
In the winter if a COW lows in the
evening it will before morn-
a cow in walking and
shakes her foot there is bad weather
behind he. the cattle are
driven e if tho bull goes
first, it will rain.
If a dog eats grass in the morning
or if he digs n hole in the ground it
is a of bad weather. are
believed to lie able to the
If they ran about and
squeal without apparent cause it i;
a sign of cold and stormy weather.
Alone- carried for three days in
a y safely wager-
ed is to win.
The tree ii
a trick cf freezing to your upper
jaw the aid of your beard.
eves have often been so glued as
show that even a wink was
The weight of the blood expelled
each contraction of the left
of the heart is about four
ounces. The multiplication o. this
us two and a quarter
foot is, force
of that number
ids one foot the work
formed at each
I left In adult per-
son in health are per-
formed seventy-five
per minute. .
work me by the
, . one-third tho
. I that the
. 11.- heart i-i
Ming the
r- G
, r
Visit Jr. ,. r .,.,., tie crown of
left Monday for . , ,., v. .,
, in Rocky Mount, j it is unlucky to burn for
Sous have added firewood a tree
a new line to their already
stock of general
at M .
Hon. Locke Craig will deliver,
the annual address at the closing
of Prof. at The
Will Baptist seminary on
of May at clock a. m.
pattern kept on hand,
latest styles. J. R, Smith Co.
Mini Bland spent
Friday Monday with
her in
. Carload of Portland cement,
lime and plastering hair at J. R.
The school taught by Miss
Lillie Corey, at Cross
Roads, closes tonight.
An address will be delivered by
Rev. T. H. King.
V .
f r
would to
t lean.
money, doesn't he
lots of it.
a dollar on
gars yesterday, did he not
WOO the day before for a
that for Port.
A Handicap of th Sc.
A hale middle aged English sea
captain, commanding a big
vessel given to long voyages, drop-
anchor in New York harbor re-
and came ashore look up
a friend or two. One of those,
to do what he cull for the vis-
Bought his company
evening in a family circle uptown.
The captain declined.
like to go in a way, said Be,
tell you bow it is, my boy.
I'm so little that upon my
word I don't how to when
set into a
J feel I'm
ail the I I fear of or
doing the wrong sou see, I
have to strict discipline
aboard el. v I'm pretty much alone
during the week,
Coward, one of their clerks
sing down the store
his attracted by a
hissing Bound. Turning quickly
hi a huge moccasin snake
on the top of a barrel,
with erect, flashing eyes
dilating tongue, ready to;
Mr. Coward was
Calling for
from others in the store
they dispatched his snake-
ship and taking his measure pro
to be something more than
four feet long and about eight
struck by lightning. This is sure to
upon the house-
I I.
have portents con-
with the-i. If a heel is
from the shoe it forebodes a death
in the family the
If new shoos arc accidentally
before they arc worn you
step into trouble with
on Tour
I-. i.
at the close
t Be;
43,413.02 Capital stock
Surplus fund
prof ts I
fixtures . expenses and tax paid
I. f. ., Bankers ,,,.,,,
certified dwelt
n Feb.
i 280.49
A full line carpenters tools
and mill fittings. J. R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Lamb Withering
Mrs. W. ti. and Mrs. if
are spending the week in ton are the week at the
R H. Ed J M Dixon. and
country at R. H. Ed
is gone, too. and we are staying
with Will Hemby until they all
come home.
Hyman, Rice, of Kinston, made
a flying trip here Monday.
R. R. Jackson, a prominent
farmer living near here, is
Do you go to bed tired and get
up tired Take a tie of Sauls
F. G. and wife have
returned from a trip of business
and pleasure combined to Roch-
ester, Niagara and New York
Just received-A car load of
for top dressing.
E. Turnage Son.
J. J. Smith came home
day from Richmond. He says
the weather there last week was
just awfully cold.
The prettiest baby caps and
cloaks in J R Smith co.
Gardening seems to be the or-
of the day.
The town convention to
officers for the ensuing year
was held last night with W. E.
Hooks as chairman, and the fol-
lowing were For
mayor, J. P. for com
missioned, R. W. Smith, L. H.
Witherington. George Worthing-
ton, J. H.
home of Capt. J. M Dixon,
cure and
Perkins native tablets at J. R-
W. Kitchin delivers
the annual address at the graded
school building Friday, May 8th
at o'clock a- m. The public is
cordially invited to be present.
Portland lime and
plastering hair at J. R. Smith Co.
D. W. Taylor, from near Kin-
spent yesterday here with
his son, Guy Taylor.
J. R. Smith Co- Dixon, are
selling wagon and carts made
right here in Ayden. Call and
get one. Material and workman-
ship guaranteed.
Mrs. Taylor spent Wed-
in Winterville with her
Pneumonia Cure J. K
Smith Co.
inches in circumference The
Messrs. Turnage are not making
this of goods a specialty,
but should one be desirous of tho
article the firm will undertake to
supply the demand, as they are
strictly up to date,
C. S- Smith, of Winterville,
was here a short while
R. W. King, of Greenville, and
B. R. King, of Goldsboro, were
pleasant callers yesterday. We
are always pleased to have the
boys call as it reminds us forcibly
of the good old times when we
were boys and the recollection of
later years tell us of a friendship
that has ne'er waned e'en until
now. Dick and Ben have always
been among our specials.
Election for town officers comes
off Monday next
Sew shoes must never be placed
on n shelf than the owner's k.
head, a.- it bi luck, lore
shoe should be
out the other for fear of c bad NORTH CAROLINA.
or perhaps sudden death.-1 COUNTY , ,
Baltimore Bun. I J. B. Smith.
above statement is to Cashier.
me, this 24th.
The Mail Ho
Frederic, the Great of Prussia
often told a laughable story of an
experience of his
campaigns in S
t bis habit to stroll through
camp in disguise at eight to
in touch with hi soldiers. One,
night he was stopped by a sentry,
but, giving the password, was per-
proceed. Instead
so, however, he
tempt the sentry into accepting a
cigar, saying that a smoke small
solace his long watch.
is against the said the
soldier. . .
you have my permission,
said the
permission who are
Notary Public
Designs in Spring Cloning
Takes Up.
One black and white cow,
fork in the left ear and
under cut in the right also a calf
red color. The owner by coming
forward proving property and
Found a remedy for sunburn paying cost can same,
and freckles All kinds of 13th day of April. 1908.
Saul's j ft
Store. Also the best face and
talcum that can be pro-
Minstrel shows are
billed here today. Every-
body is going. The little folks
because they've never been,
old folks because they must see
worn after the little ones and the
to see the show
W. H. Smith purchased
interest of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the same place- All
work promptly looked after. Mr.
Cox will still with the
am the .
king the
incorruptible sentry. would
my captain say r
Putting It
Although Mr. Lawton was wont
to indulge in a sort of language
which left his hearers in some doubt
s to his exact meaning, yet when
he was to he never failed
to make himself understood.
I shouldn't want to live in
a house like he an-
to Mrs. Lawton on the
evening of his return from a visit
to a nephew. cellar, now
it's most desperately overflowed
whenever the weather is anyways
what do you mean by
asked Mrs.
Lawton. .
said her husband mild-
all they had to do was to
open the door that led from the
kitchen down cellar, and the
come floating right in on to the
kitchen floor. Is to ye
Opening display of the latest
Schloss models in suits.
We have now received and are now
ready to show you our full Spring
line of the famous
Schloss Clothes
one thing you be sore of-
and the
behind us, absolutely guarantee
everything bearing the SCHLOSS
Label. Quality is a certainty and
the style is right, the fit is better
than in most made to measure
a clothes and our prices are as low as
the lowest. Come and see them
MA ,
Dr Joseph Dixon
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Budding
Dry Good., Notions, rant., Shoes Hats, Caps, Mat-
tings, Oil Cloths.
Heavy and Fancy Groceries.
We are making a specialty LACES, usual
10-cent qualities, now going at and C Mfr
We cannot be surpassed on India Linens, an
White .

ii j
Harp on the Beautiful Word
They Want Whiskey.
realty want
whisk-w conditions back,
are to Bay so straight
attempting to peddle
their woes t mt
void We mutt sty
word in in i f The
key on ;
Lack. Lib is
of it i in
i i it
n .; of the
he ex-
.- in- whiskey
to society.
That opinion has forced its ex-
ii statutes until nearly
ail of the South and much of the
North already in prohibition
territory. And every wind
brings tidings of new
Is it any part of liberty to
In a use Allen's Foot
mum one small- State Revenue to
AI. It. Make Inspection.
it is announced that the
ates Avenue Depart-
It is a meat will investigate the An
groceries sell it. Don't accept
JELL-0 c with all
Pure Fond Laws.
Orange. Strawberry.
Cherry, Peach.
IN w A r
it .-
f I
this b i
opinion. ; I
opinion ill c .
business t
What Shall we have for de-
Try JELL-O, the dainty,
economical Can be prepared
instantly arid boiling water
and serve when cool. Flavored just
will investigate the
that are being sold in the
i re.-. any o. especially in prohibition
i. . rev
. S. Le R , N. Y.
i territory. It u said that such
drinks be examined by a
representative of the Internal
Revenue department, and that
Cur N Wealth. ; if they contain a per of
lit round figures we in excess of that allowed
square miles out soft drinks, which do not re-
miles Quire Federal license, the par-
the world's area. We have s opportunity to
population of 86,000.000, or a ; the license, and in the
fraction over per cent of the the license, the
world's. With an area of State or municipal officers can
per cent of the world's and a the
population of 5.2 per cent., we News and
are raising per cent Observer.
of the world's total production
of wheat, corn, and Of SPROUTS.
corn of the most
important cereals known man- J N- C, April
kind, -we are producing 78.8 j I reckon I ought to call you
per cent.; of tobacco but I wont. I'll just ask
31.1 per r. and of cotton to correct one little mistake.
per cent. in You made ma say Mrs. Mills
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain Mortgage Deed
executed and delivered by Frank
Forbes and Martha J. Forbes to R. L.
Smith on the 25th day of April
and duly in the of
Deeds office of Pitt county, North
Carolina, in Book Q. B page the
undersigned will expose to public sale,
before the Court House door in Green-
ville, to the highest bidder on Monday.
June 1st a certain or
parcel of laid lying being in the
county of Put and Scat- of North Caro-
and bun as fol ow, lo
Toe of
and dower of in one
lot in town Greenville adjoining
of Wyatt Brown, Sam Brown,
W. H. Harrington and others, befog
To the Voters of Pitt County
We the undersigned
ting a majority of the county
, . i . ,, . that lot to Joe
board Of elections for the COUnty Hooker by dated MaTh
of Pitt hereby give notice that an
election will be held on 26th day
of May, 1908. at which nil who
favor the manufacture and salt-
of intoxicating liquors in North
Carolina will vote a ticket with
the words thereon the man-
and sale of intoxicating
and those who are op-
1902, and recorded in book G
page which reference is
made for I description to satisfy
said m aced. Terms of sale
This 27th day April
R. L. Smith, Mortgagee.
Notice to Creditors
indulge in things at would -i- n n point of ma-1 when it
I min mast
ii I o
i H
v. hi
or a .
to . i . i ; .
; O.
of if . . .
. -i i- eon-
One d J. th
r v i i ; of safety
m i. st
. . . i , , .
lie . v
,. i
are I
. f
. V
. I
d t
f r
. u . ii
. I
. as
i mo I
.-. i
troy, s
. .
the no rig;
. .
a i
of t
. t folks . .
i .
DO .
. kit g the i.
for .;. i.
comparison i
f the
it. of
of mat 1.11
I i of
S the ad
i m
. xi o. the .
of the
. rise furnish
d as the best
. we
i u i .
i f the world's
barrels.- -iv. i;
i the
. . n
Smith and Miss
to the
i day to be at the
;. ;
duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county
executors of the will
posed to the manufacture P. W. Arnold, n
i i- to all in-
sale of liquors t
in North Carolina will late to undersigned, and
u all pr having i against the
vote a ticket the words are
thereon the
and sale of intoxicating
to th for payment on or
the day of April. or
this notice will be plead i i bar of re-
This A 27th,
In order in that Arnold Executors of P. W.
,, , . . A. Arnold.
all other elections, it j e. s. Arnold. Arnold
of Farmville,
State North Carolina.
County of Pitt.
to be properly
It is our opinion that the
v Vs used the
i are ion on I of May,
it. the
election. We therefore
every voter who did not ma,,,. t Gov. of North
m that election to see. tor t he pardon of Curtis Taylor,
i- is rut on the at. the April tern 1907
is hereby given to
public application will
the close of I of the Superior court of
of May v, hen
will be closed
J. N Hart,
J. G. Move.
Parker, of Greene
in Smithtown
went to
to be
cousin, .; b
s school house
they h-id,
-r at the school j
school G
i .
. not to be either I
and ac D.
, I left all
. i don't think I ever
enjoy themselves
The folks
i next biggest i and want to
off j thank you for the very prompt
and the iii
house breaking
v ind sentenced to
i. roads a
.- years.
A; II, 1908
4-12 ltd St.-
Notice of Execution Sale.
State of North Carolina, I In court.
Pitt county,
Hyman Company,
Joseph L. Keen and W. J. Kittrell
partners trading Keen Kittrell.
By virtue of an execution directed to
the from the Superior court
of Craven county in the above entitled
action, I will on Monday, the first day
of June, 1908 at o'clock m. at the
Court door of said county, sell to
the bidder for cash to satisfy
said execution, all the right title and
interest which the said W. J. Kittrell
defendant, has in the following
real estate, being an
divided two-sixth in and to a
certain tract or parcel of land lying
and being in the county of Pitt and
State of North Carolina, and in the
town, known as the store lot of the
said W. J. Kittrell, bounded the
lot of R. C. and the A.
I. Jackson Bro. and being all the
interest of the said W. J. Kittrell in
said lot over and above that attached
to him as a home stead
This 29th day of April. 1908.
L. W. Tucker Sheriff.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed ex-
and delivered Thomas Beach
wife Katie Beach to W. L. Ran-
on the day of December 1905,
and duly recorded in Register of Deeds
office of Pitt North Carolina,
in Book L page the undersigned
will expose to public sale before the
Court House door in N. C.
to the highest bidder, on Monday
1908 at o'clock p. in. a certain
tract or parcel of land lying and being
the county of Pitt and State of North
Carolina and described follows, to
of land in the
by land of J. C. , on the
-i b of Manning .
. of d on
tn west by land known ms .,. Pine
Beginning at a number of
th South west corner, thence -th to
a y n . thence a course to
the of o at
some tiers, i i ran of
n to
with la the
i-i n i more or
r tract of land ; at
i d i; lie
of administration upon the
estate f lease L. Smith, if . i
j . having this day been Issued to
. or court of t .
county, having duly r.
N- C. M i- j
. ll holding claims,
. estate lo present them to.
. . . . . .
. . I
i . N
i I
a i
No. ., I i
.-. the b i.
the d i i April
W. L.
ors Notice.
f n receipt of yours of even ; i
. , . , , . . . . , on the 10th day of April
It let j date for tO. or this notice will be plead in bar off
over indemnity on account of persons
. . I to estate are requested to
recent Illness. immediate payment to me.
second time in the.
that I
. Maryland
indemnity on
i a day of April.
Ivy Smith
-f Jesse L. Smith,
Notice to Creditors.
h yen my
talking farm- In each case the
topics That was I of
know what
.; . i
. . , t .
i. ii use, ,.
. .
July the
Cleric of Pitt county as
executor of the last will and
in in Moor.-,
Is hew by given to all persons indebted
to me as you took th matter en-11 the estate to make Immediate pay-
in your hands thereby I to the undersigned, and all p-r-
about. me the trouble, having claims against said
, t r i ii L v . . . . notified that mu.-l present
. too close t on or before th.- 81st
. ,. ;. rt n IN-t- I March, or this notice
I you buy insurance from,
m cure tho a of
W. Pot
been iii day I to me by the clerk
of ii- Superior of county,
given to all persona
. holding claims against the estate of
I said J. Potter to present them to
II i
I on or before the 10th -lay of April 1909,
I .; ;. . ti make
to . .
tho day of April 1908.
f J. W.
i a whole
red it and at,
I . n
, . .
pl plowing
i la I ti tin Ir
lives d . d . mi gel
. K
. i ,
tor m
II very over
. . long ye Result Satisfactory
. f that pleasant adjustment of claims.
H. A. White.
This March 31st, 1908.
Harvey A. Moore,
of John d. I
Notice To C
Having duly lined f. r e
Court Pitt
M. .-.
notice in hereby n to persons in-
to the i e to
payment to the undersigned, and all
i having cl. ms
., i- . I I p
, and while they are
r . it the
t en a com
the best e
y class t liar
Ii .
. i. y delighted
by Jno.
Early -re
sure and gentle little pills.
a . .
I in the way cf
feed ; F. V. Johnston
A C. L. depot.
. I .
A Card.
that I have
Sorbet Shop Improvement.
r v i for the practice of I
profession from Falkland
Greenville. Residence on Third
Herb,, rt E has next j, l. Fleming. I.
considerable improvement in his Office, Dr. former
all the plowing and planting he barber shop. The wails ha
would have been told th it was
nothing more nor less than a
Union county way of praying
blessings on a sick brother. Mr.
carter has been sick for some
time and is unable to prepare his
land and plant his crop, and his
brother member J of Mineral
Springs camp, Woodmen of
World, met as above stated and
planted his crop for
roe Enquirer.
S Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York.
and New Orleans,
where I can be found at all times
been nicely papered in imitation when not professionally engaged
Of grained paneling, and
wood work painted in
mahogany finish. It adds much
to the of his place.
I will give liberal reward for
information of strayed heifer
yearling, well grown, 1-year-old,
pale red and white spotted,
marked split in each ear.
S. O. Page,
ltd Stokes, N. C.
Want on the Street.
guess you will be glad when
all these brick are got off the Mr. John v , u,. ,
Street, remarked a Stranger in have been selling DeWitt's Kidney and
town today, commenting on the
long piles lining the Sidewalks. ever Sold by Jno. L. Wooten.
sir, but we will be glad
when all of them are got on the
the reply made him,
and he tumbled.
A woman tells n man he's
good-looking to make think
he's also smart.
New Blacksmith
Horse Shoeing a Specialty
J. C. Griffith, a practical horse
and do the very work itself for I will give branch of the
stomach. It is pleasant to take. Sold . B . .
completely digests all classes of
food. It will get right lit the trouble
by Jno. L. Wooten.
Wheels seek the
when they are tired.
road bed
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup does
not constipate, but on the other hand
its laxative principles gently move the
bowels. Children like it. Sold by
Jno. L. Wooten.
It's awful selfish of a man to
wear as good clothes as the sons
he supports,
work his special attention.
Shop in the rear of Livery
Stables in front of the court
E. A. Kline.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging. Ties and Bags.
I and shipment.
by Jno. L. Wooten. solicited.
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as administratrix of
Dr. W. II. Bagwell, deceased, late of
county, North Carolina, this is to
notify all m s having claims
the estate of said deceased lo exhibit
them lo or to my attorney, F.
James, months
date, or a ill id in bar
I ii-. rec . . All per ons Indebted
i-said please make
i it i I
I .- Of
G. JAMES, -I IS ltd
we are making To-
Flues at
Flues will be sold strictly
for cash. Positively none
sold on credit to anybody.
Place orders Now
Subscribe for the Reflector.
fore n day April, i.
i i be pie id ha
i m-
or this
T. I. Williams,
Administrator of Ii. M. Williams,
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly before
pi i of I ill county nu-
is tor of the estate of Joshua
Henry deceased, notice here-
by given to I to the
to . lit to
the I . all persona iv-
i against I are not-
., i I ; th to the under-
signed for pay or before the
of I KB, or this notice
will In- plead it- bur -it their recovery.
.-ill be plead bar of i
This 17th,
This 1908. R. Davis
Administrator of Joshua Him-y
Not Quite l
ml How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is a could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course
You get
Horse Goods c
J. P.
Corey .
Local Time Table
Effective January 27th. 1908.
Between Norfolk, Va. and N. C.
A. M.
Ex. Sunday
A. M.
No. .
Ex Sunday
P. M
P. M.
Ex. Sunday
A. M.
Ex. Sunday
To the of Pitt County.
Some doubt and confusion
arisen in the minds of some
persons as to what registration
books be used as the legal
legislation books for the
of voters for the election
to take on the 26th of May
I beg to say that the reg-
should use the book used
at the election on the day of
May 1907 and no other.
Whenever a new registration
is ordered and taken all previous
registration and registration
books become useless and cannot
be used at subsequent elections.
The registration for the elect-
ion on 14th. of May 1907 was a
new registration and not a spec-
registration. is therefore
j certain that the registration I
books in use at the election on
the 14th of May, 1907, must he
used in the coming election Any
voter whose name is on the
used at tho j
I on the 14th of May, 1907
I need not attain All
whose names -re not on these
will hive to register for
the coming or they can.
not vote.
The registration wen
To Washington, D C and Return via opened on the 24th and the
, Season
Is nearly on hand and per-
haps you expect to a
Piano in parlor upon
your daughters return
college. Write us about a
certain and special Piano
we are now offering at
A Fable of the
H. O. G PA
Norfolk, Va.
F. W. ti P A
Goldsboro N. C.
This Piano i.-- guaranteed
for-10 years and will
measure up to any
Piano offered by J
dealer. Terms per
month. per quarter,
Atlantic C
G. G.
Greenville, N. C. Box
Account Biennial Session National Association of Co-
Pauses, Was D. C. May 6th-9th.
on sale May 3rd, 4th, and 5th.
Final limit May 12th.
25th may be
obtained by deposit
of ticket and payment of fee
to special agent. 1419 New
York Avenue, N. W. Not earlier May
3rd or later May 12th. for Information write to
Traffic Manager
General Pass- Agent
Wilmington, N. C.
Get The best for
Royal I and Border. Felt
es ad a piece B
Iron Bed have no equal.
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
General Merchandise
Taft Vandyke
House Furnishings,
General Merchandise.
Before you -draw a
law requires them to be closed
at sundown on Saturday the
day of May, 1908. The law
requires the registrars to be at I
the polling places in their res-i
precincts on Satin-1
day during the period of
but the registrars
register the voters other
times places. it s ,
that every voter whose name is
not on the registration books
used at the ion in May 1907 j
has ample time opportunity J
to have it put there if he so de-
sires and I make this publication
for the purpose of the
voters to register and vote A
great moral question is to
which will seriously I apt to think
the homes really want what it is to
lives of and especially I Many times you will
the boys and who are that and the
to become the men and women is drawn. That's one
of the near f You cannot; th,; advantages of having
vote in that great question An
the 26th of May unless vim are a-
registered. therefore
you to register. This great
question will e presented to you
in the form of two ballots. One
of these will
the Manufacture of In
The other
ballot will read Against the
Manufacture and Sale of
If any man is in doubt as to
which of these ballots he
to deposit in th.; box let him ask
his wife that darling little
girl for whose he
National Bank.
It makes you think and
helps to start such an
account and pot a check on year
The less money you
have the more need care in
parting with it.
Wholesale and retail Grocer
and Furniture Dealer.
paid for Hides, Fur, Cottonseed
Oil Turkeys. Eggs, OaK
give his life or that bright eyed j etc
P. Ax
Snuff, High Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry George
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach-
es, Apples, Apples, Syrup,
Jelly, Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Soap, Magic Food, Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seer's, Oranges, Apples,
boy future b s deter
the result of this i
in. They will tell him and tell
him right. But I put it to
every father and
in the county of Pitt can yon
look that mother, that darling
girl and that dear boy in the
face and then turn away
the Manufacture Candies, Dried Apples,
Sale of Intoxicating I
am expecting, hoping and pray-
that the men of Pitt will roll
up a great big majority
the Manufacture and Sale of In-
Pitt Co. Anti Saloon L ague
Pulley boweN
Home of Women's fashions. Greenville N. C
Prohibition Speaking at Fa.
Rev. T. H. King and Rev. M.
T. Plyler will speak to tho
of Farmville and surround-
country at o'clock Monday
night May 4th, 1908 Men and
women from town and country
are cordially invited to hear these
Godly men discuss a righteous
J. Jarvis,
Pitt county Anti-Saloon
For County Treasurer.
beg to announce my-
self as a candidate for the posit-
ion as Treasurer of the county of
Pitt, subject to the action of the
primaries of
county. C. T.
d w
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Wooden ware, and Crack-
Macaroni. Best But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see me.
Barber Shop
Edmond Fleming props.
Located in main business sec-
of town- Four chairs
in operation and each one
sided over by a skilled barber-
Our place is inviting, razors
sharp. Our towels clean.
thank you for past patronage
and ask you to call when
good work is wanted.
Stray Taken Up.
Young heifer about years old,
marked slit in right ear. Owner can
get same by proving property and pay-
charges. W. H. HARRINGTON.
I 4-5 ltd
In 1920 A. D. the
Stingiest Man in String-
town carted his House-
hold Goods to the Depot
and bought a ticket for
are you
to in-
quired a Citizen.
replied the Stingiest
Man. Whereat the
marveled mightily.
Now. be it known
that the Slimiest Man
in was
in his Day and Genera-
for along in
1907 A. D. or there-
about it became the
Settled Habit of the
people to
Large Sheets
of LiSe Stickers bear-
portraits of G.
Washington, Frank-
W. ether Illustrious Ones, which
Specimens of Art they straightway on envelopes
and sent to a Large and Luring Mail Order Concern in
it came about that the Seven
Store in Shut up Shop. after the other,
until along in 1919 A. D. the Stingiest found it in-
upon him to begin purchasing these Small
Specimens of Art to present to the Maw of Monster
in and the Aforesaid was Simply too Stingy
to stand for the Same.
If you can't see the Moral without
being look up the Ad. of an Oculist
in this Paper and purchase a Pair of Specs.
Is headquarters
kinds of Stationery,
j i
Subscribe for
The Daily ;
AU the News
all the
Per Year,
Cents Per
is awake t
I business is
, ways the .-
t m
j quickest way t .
U to at
Newspaper. Its
common business sense.
suet the sooner
r V; I a
I . i i.
M r q pa
Knot c Weber,
Style will
Em- We PI R ICE end ran
I with local Two
Eater, Vote, and Bales
t th
delivery will lie made the plant at
any hour of the night
The ideal will ably be
in simply a piano, which j
will be playable by hand by the
attachment at will. It is i
tho most popular piano in world
For best piano at any price and on
easy terms, call on or write.
A. J.
We ask your pa and will
best to you.
The Greenville Ice
Hill Johnson, . . Proprietors
Moore and Long

. .
In Charge of F. C. NYE
. T , I Rev. Arnold and Mr. E.
York Sunday World Will U- by Tribe No., A speak
the Largest Newspaper Ever
On Sunday. 10th. The
World will issue a
I of The Eastern Winterville and Rates on Application J
which will
i .- D-1. Chapman, of
w go-j new ht here with
if you want a bum up-u the sun
tad corn any distance de Co Co
L can re found at Harrington. Bar-1 orders for more than five full ate newspaper pages.
I. R. M.
North Carolina.
be without exception the great-
est, most attractive and best
selling number of
per ever issued It will contain
mm attended the mu
Ayden but Co.
men and dress j j. C. Galloway, of
are open. Come and I was here Sunday.
examine them. have jut received our
We deeply with mens and
Mr. and Mrs. T. R Alien, who bats at p ices to
live few miles in the country, j you. A W. Co.
in th loss their child. Is, Quite a number of our people
remains will interred today, j attended the quarterly meeting
Harri n, Ba
per hay, con oats and feed of j Our line of new spring
i Pro-1 just opened. A W. Ange and
dosing Will
;. Phi G Cal High school will as
i t were her. f evening
of their Handy Tobacco . cost to
TrucKs. This foes to show what and the issue.
people think of om truck. I Each copy will cost about ten
A. Com c, -0 produce. There will be
Winterville, K. C. J separate color sections devoted
Misses Lucy ell to automobile, music, real
Myrtle were driving a; national and to New York
to school here this morning the Wonder Beside all of
and the animal become frighten-1 this, there be the usual
ed just as they entered the cam-1 newspaper wok weekly
Mt broke and he be and magazine. The price re
j came unmanageable. They were j mains the same. No extra
thrown from the buggy but the
at Mount Pleasant church
Sunday afternoon May 10th at
Whereas the Great Spirit p. m. The people are cordially
seen fit in His all wise invited to be present at these
to take from our midst sermons.
father of Brother L. A. Arnold, J
it SO the offer on
. V T-u . u . A back ache, weak
1st. That tribe extend to bark, pains. Best
sincere or- and
, guaranteed or money refunded,
and direct him to look by L
to Him who alone can and will
comfort him in his sad hour of
. , . ,
2nd. That a copy of these Sunday is the second Sunday
Brother Arnold their
a copy of
be spread on
in and, with the grand
minutes, a copy be sent to Broth- United Order of Odd Fellows, it
Arnold, and a copy be sent to I a great day throughout Amer-
The Daily Reflector, with I o. n .;. wit, tr,
quest to publish.
C. Flanagan,
John E.
;.;. 13th S k sermon by
the and cheap- Rev. J. W. Lynch of Wake For-
, t s pants ever
j.- i i to a of r
m. is now r
;. . I be
Barber Ce.
C. T. to Ayden
hurt, glad
port- buggy was torn to
town of Winterville held
its annual for the
nomination of officers to be elect
St once.
Thursday eve; May 14th,
at 7-30 exercises by
class; Friday g May 16th
literary address
Or. B. F- Dixon State
by ,
C. Smith, town
ed next Monday for die ensuing
year. They were as
Mayor, R. mm;
a. G Cox, J. K.
bill and L. L. Kittrell; for
Society; p. in.
t in
of straw d rec ion of the
Li i
1.0 n bug-
.-. ; going.
mad a
. See for quo
Ci and
i is Greenville to-
b i. r
is to be congratulated upon the
excellent men
It Reached the Spot.
Mr. L. a large
U , r.
i. eat of fie ma
as well as h a
c. O . of Dr
King's New saved
At if-st I think i
to a, i the
.- at i toy ii
i e Dr. ting's New Di
net i-
heals son t spots
i; l, and t
. id . o.
The World's Best Climate
j of the G. U 0.0 F.
j in America it is our
day, and every hearty Odd
low within holders is kindly
; notified at their hall at
one o'clock sharp, and march
It not entirely free fro .,,. to Pit street
hi h elevations church, the thanks
lower levels malaria
to a greater or less c
w altitude To .
tour, lassitude, malaria, I
and a. . and ; en-1
h the great alters t v
iv. f of i
and under
at J. L. Wool n's drug
giving service will take place-
The sermon will be pr .-ached by
Past Noble Father R. Henry
Sawyer, Jr., of City lodge.
New Bern. N. C. After the
services at the church the pro-
m will proceed to the
tery will be placed
Ion graves o our
N. B. i.
selection th
r j
. citizens went to
. . to near Hon. W. W.
. Kitchen m They Will weak the
it as one the strongest and of -t u
a d speech s ever heard liquors In North Si i
was hold Simpson .
, . . support in our town and at o . m
.- Sunday i lards X Roads school house at
The is at please bear in mind the
farmers will need ova Tar he sing
Imp r. cotton planters by the A. G.
and cowers. So place
early A. G.
for these
e be sure
t ply in ample time.
Ca v to Greenville today
l; m ; class from the
v. ill be here
Tuesday April They
give an entertainment
and we hope to have a full house
Rev. T. H. King
speech last night at Rose
Hill church to a large crowd.
a de-
entertainment at the
, , u.
F. C.
,, , , ,,. . r. amounted
went to Git. .,,, , , ,,
We nave Quite a of our Red
lot of flue sheet will j Men district
be to furn the order at Farm
Sues to our
and friends,
licit your
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
o'clock p.
i. in
Broughton i- a fine t
I gives the 11-
three addresses i
his love for humanity art ; r
y friend of f he order is
invited to be
. c he-
the Ayden graded
of this week A
will be arranged la t
J grove in fr of
school building. At. Ill .
leek a- m. an
come will be delivered iv
Mr. of
ill time and
B J. G
w. be followed by o
a by Chi pupils. The annual
lie delivered by Boa.
W. W. in. i i n s
for those who n .
g i on this to
d- s.
of the
W. S
to his God and to make F.
Go to M. G Bryan Winterville,
N, ., for lire insurance. He sermon.
Winterville, N. C. represents the Co.,
The members of the Junior It is one of the Co.
Order of United American it
Winterville Council No.
i bespeak for him great nattier-
of men and women at nil
three places. Those who mi S
bearing him miss a great
in Ayden. Let everybody
Thomas, J. Jarvis.
Saloon League
We are now ready to take
for the famous handy to
truck. They will be
same price as hen
. G
Mi I o veil a went to
her Iv i at Bethel this morning
to b t
V . . n, don't you need a
spread A W. An-e
Co. ii--. Hera.
y . . ii
is in ex-
H. L. Johnson.
Hunsucker are still in
the go. You had better come
and Bet you a nice buggy in time
for spring snort. A G. Cox
Mfg. Co., C.
Hunsucker make a good
he Ai o
wit ca a remedy it.
stand square on
question. Lax-live It is
l v a for children as u pleas-
To have a good horse he must if a
have Plenty of good. feed. All, expelling the from the
v- for colds, croup, whooping
kinds Of the best to at and all
Winterville Produce Co., next Guaranteed. John L.
Man n Pile mo y. is
n One
rein f t- f tn
piles, I
SoU it J. h i . Wot-t n.
Man Zan B s re to
u-o in a tote,
. Una application aid heals, re-
a Price
old by John L. Woe ten.
the Spring
chap, tan and
C a p C for
cuts, sores bur a, skin.
by John L
Cotton Bagging-and
Goods kept ton-
in stock. Country
Bought and Sold
D. W.
N Ca Una
door to
For lot cf fine Jumbo I
peanuts, hand picked, especially,
for seed at per bushel. Also j
a lot of the Improved King Cot-
. , j ton seed pounds in seed
, . , makes a five hundred pound
at per bushel.
W H. Harrington.
We have a special line of can
goods fresh. H. L. Johns in.
Nice corned hams are the
think for breakfast these spring
mornings. We have them.
H. L. Johnson,
Bargains on doors and wind-
Mr. Builder, let us give
A W. Ange Co.
Fresh corned herrings at
Barber Co.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. has
just received advice of shipment
of one of their cars of flue sheet,
therefore they will soon be in
Are Owners Favorites
Recently you offered space to
one who wanted to do some j
kicking, so here
The question struck
Billie has not yet
been satisfactorily answered.
Neither is it known why rive or j
six citizens of the town pay the
entire dog tax of Greenville.
Are the majority of dog owners
favorites of the town govern-
Or is there such a thing
as justice among our town of-
Tax Payer.
We handle the castings for
following Plows. on
Harrington Barber Co
Rev. T. H returned from
where he and Rev. M. T. Plyler, . , ,
of on to furnish their custom-
kinds at A. W. Ange Co.
William Moore, an insurance
agent of was here
Prompt treatment of a slight attack j
of will often a
sickness. The best known
J. L.
Bethel Graded School.
The exercises of the
Have your dressed at
i orders as as possible and
I then you will be sure to get them
when needed.
I Dr. Hess's Poultry and Stock
Food is the thing for
To-morrow the annual
address will be delivered at
o'clock by Hon. W. W. Kitchin.
In the afternoon at o'clock
there will be a declamation con-
test and other exercises. At
a w f, lest exercises. At o
the Carolina Milling Mfg. Co. I J; o'clock in the evening the final
Grows the finest Tobacco because
it is prepared expressly for To
twenty-three years experience
no guess work, but careful study of the
requirements of this particular plant
Ask your dealer for Orinoco and see that the trade
mark is on every bag.
Fa Royster Guano Company
R H. Hunsucker u away for
a few days in South Carolina in
the interest of the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
A new line of dry goods and
notions just in. Harrington
Barber Co.
P. T. of Greene
was here
Nice, fresh Oatmeal. A. W-
Ange Co.
at Johnson's
every day.
Ice and lemons at H L John-
Rent-The Ricks .
concert and recitation contest
will be tad. These exercises at
the close of this school are
enjoyable and the program
this time promises that they will
excel anything previously held.
The management of the school
Nice five room cottage, pleasant-. would be pleased to see a large
located. C. Smith, agent crowd present.
to and i aw.
An many Bronchial the
of a cold by acting a cathartic on the Bowels. No to five
h E CO.
D. i. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Ce Dollar Per Year
J. C.
Speaker of Evening.
At 9.30 o'clock Wednesday
Exercises and Address by ming the
MaN f
Hob. W. W. with P. B. Hall Exercises by
There was a very crowd Devotional service held by .
at Ayden Friday to attend the C. F. Outlaw. Organization for day
a dosing exercises of the graded better at. by
there. Greenville added a n Or Veteran of Pitt
nation. The report of ma it proved b. one
to the crowd, th- for
. many
noon train from here
crowded it pulled
the station.
Hon- W, iV. Kitchin was
the same train, ard met dent, Mr. Louis T.
I On Tuesday while the com-
Attendance With a Club with About was preparing the Candidates for
Members. the house square for the
Perhaps largest Kitchin I M was so lad j
club that has j et been organized that a Mayor Ti-. ard .
in North Carolina v. as Wooten to have streets near regular
in the court house tare Tuesday The .-
to . -x.
met -n
I r;
Her president pf most interesting
cf fir.
ill p t-
hive u
the station by the entire d, secretary
Cecil F. Outlaw,
d; the county
Jesse C. in history of the old and went,
; of Atlanta Everything that r. just after tH for
i large law. Mr- Cecil F- Outlaw, enjoyment of day shows organize a club. Policeman I the
number of The well their work was j the court, house large. was asked to go to the mayor in down th
Cession of children in charge The president elect At an early hour old gathered there. r Could
of the teachers made a pretty absent the vice-president and
picture as they marched around escorted to the chair and presided a snort while the street
the depot and through, streets through the afternoon and even- filled with
c .
the ti n i Id in V
, ,;. B,
r t and
ti mi , J
back to the school grounds.
crowd attending the exercises a
stand surrounded by .-.;
been erected in the t.
in front of i
The began
by Rev. T. H K
Rev. E. T. Phillips
an address of welcome to
in which he r
eloquently to his career in both
private and public life an I
honor of add
at him
After another son v.
school, County
The address by W G. Walker,
State corresponding s
was well delivered aid a
impression The up the street to t-- court .
of th address was corps was recently or .-.
and meeting was called to arranged for. Policeman
H W. in
Strong speech in he p a, k
The first of interest entitled n
the visitor, and even to the a the nomination this v
town people, was th that the east wants W.
of Bryan Grimes Drum Corps Kitchin. i
D were y L. T.
he At p m Mr. I. A.
H of de-
an address on
Missionary Co-opt This
address showed Bible study and
and this was first c
in The corps consists
Major W T
-G- J. Woodward
C. E. Rountree,
Color Bearer Ben Taylor.
was for the of
i the j .
th ha is i b I u
. . II. I. White and L
Fleming to act
la taking the Dr
ed am not a but
. the chit f of the d
r and Ir- act had ;
Policeman v i ii
., c ii J
i s was r i tin to s
if the .
ti -e v r.
i ; which h
, i on en .
ire and st
v. i
on and went up
whose authority i
if- taxing no
Brow, Percy I man W-
of the Apostle, was Whit Brow., Hooker. Fer- , followed But he ; V
set forth with . a that -w
ha i
;. n r i I
a ti In t n hi
bra i ; e
. IS
. .
if . e
r .
. . , .
ti or.
ac; j
. i had
-l ho was
h i. e n fire
.--.; f-. re-
id been
.-. I
W. H.
lasting His
words gr. i ail pres
The of the
of the
by Mr. A. H.
ham. of Wilson. The Call of
The drilling and music the
even if brief.
on motion a
m .
was splendid They beat V
j the assembly at o'clock which D. Cox and J. R
called the veterans to the
house where the camp held a
to the value of such r. roan, the he said, demanded of session Major II. Hard
to Not th ministers to be clean, manly Commander,
The people listened to continually on the of A-
splendid address with standing for the right, and bat- File roll
closest all being ting against the wrong, let the t m . r
to catch from the world say what it may be a
message he gave them The
address was practically along
Lewis, of Orphan Heights.
camp had pissed over the
i river in year.
was appointed to recommend pr-1
the committee for i Is
While committee was out
were Prof. gs-
dale, d lie made the ROdi-
i idling speech. He said
he knew W. W.
of the mayo,
f mayor
do with it.
i water eh and to- t
. h. A few
between the chief
dinner in
I They then formed in butter than any one
the same line M the one deliver- , u U an by the for he
marched to the where and he wanted to nil
J of man
life-fuller reference -I W decorated the graves with I Prof. paid a high
which we have previously made.
Prof. Arthur, superintend-
of the school announced that
on the Opportunity
at A. C. Wilson. The, to the opera to Loch the public and vale
president of the college was then house following exercises life of Mr. Kitchin and he
introduced and delivered one of, wk;, R w better to he
sprinkling, and th
I eat their
Later the policeman went to
,,.,,, mayor and that a
warrant be issued for
but the refused i it- a
warrant, it was u . f
the n. i;. -rand
the chief of the department
would i the
board of -m fur
iv In
. n i r ;
iii. t a
. . v i h
e tee i . aft r
-I i
i. further
the best addresses we have heard
.-- on College
Bland. Lorena ,, .
Missionary Factor It was
; a great address.
The music was all that one
Dixon, Elizabeth Dixon, Clara
Forest and Alice Lee Smith
composed the graduating class of;
the school the past session, and w ,
. r, . ,, . in shape as it is always,,
ca ed upon County . , F,. . M T V,
j I t j . .- under the leading or Mrs. I. r.
dent to
mas to them. Prof. de-
Spirit has
s. r to ti-k Brother Z.
Hooker his mother, be it re
t. Thar, members of
these diplomas in a beau-
speech, and after
the young ladies upon
what they had accomplished in
their studies, turned to the par-
in the audience and remind-
ed them of the fact that not a
boy was in the graduating class.
He expressed some regret at this
coupled with the fear that par-
taking their boys
school too soon to put them at
instead of letting them
continue the full course
had been completed, which
would start them upon the duties
of life with better preparation
Ayden has an excellent school
sad Superintendent J. A.
Arthur and his seven assistants
given the highest
in their work.
Miss Janie Tyson sang a solo
with the sweetness of a bird and
thrilled her hearers through and
through. Nothing so soothing
as the melodies of song that
reaches the
The new preachers in
dance Wednesday were J
a i than any m
by Aeolian B in Stale.
Invocation by Rev. M. before
J. D. was C lied
Song by class from graded, and made a
school. told how Kitchin had Ant
Patriotic airs by band. j won his heart by routing Settle Tribe extend to
n by Miss Florence in the Fifth district and winning brother Z- V. Hooker their heart-
Recitation by Miss Nina Democrats or e bereavement of his by
district in North was dear
Song by Miss Annis Bright. j went down in defeat- j
America by the band. The committee to recommend i 2nd That we direct Brother
Recitation by Miss then made the following Hooker to him, who alone can
Whichard. report which was adopted. him in this sad loss.
Recitation by Hard-. President, Dr. E. A i That a copy of these res-
i past month
n Mi ore a i
i .,
i notes for
. of tin
. wore n up and
;. i c of tho
I v I
old he paid on the
n. i , . , Ii ; . demur
Dr. E, A. elected i
trustee of the graded school
d by death
the election to congress at a time; in this sad hour m cause
the Democrats of o bereavement of his by W. H.
R. Tingle, Plymouth; C.
Caldwell, Wilson.
Our line of millinery is very
complete and any order for hats
can be filled on short notice by
our up-to-date milliners. Pulley
tan and patent leather
pumps just in at Pulley Bow
Prohibition Speeches.
Messrs John A- and N.
B. Broughton, Raleigh, each
made three prohibition addresses
on Sunday at in this
county- Large audiences heard
them at each appointment and
Just received a line of
parasols, all colors, at
of Washington. Secretary, H. A. White. he sent to Brother
A. L. Blow read a letter from Township vice presidents. Hooker, a copy to Daily Re-
had Smith, Beaver J. R. be spread on
accepted an invitation to address i Bethel; G. M. Mooring, the minutes,
the camp why J. Marshall Cox, CM- S. T. Whit ,
was in j R g j L n. Moore. t Committee
J. a f Moore. S
in which he es- in . i. a. v.
private No. J. H. Smith,
soldier in the Confederacy, and Falkland; John R. Davis, Farm See our inch white lawns,
tho private soldier since the war. h. A- white, Greenville; very best values at and
M camp L Bowen.
In going into the election of a
tax list taker for tie year lie
candidate were placed in
nation. They were C,
tree, R. H. A. Blow,
T. R Moore and D. Garden.
Twenty ballots were token before
an i was reach d,
a lie vote C, I en T R
Moore and H. A. Tyson, which
the mayor decided by voting in
favor of former
then favored
Creek; John
line . on
ore of these miserable sidewalks
and so badly Injured an ankle
The best line of men's CO cents
shirts ever shown at Pulley
For County Treasurer.
I hen by bey to announce my-
self as a candidate for the posit
the prohibition cause in Pitt was Treasurer of the of
materially strengthened.
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Pitt, subject to the action of the
primaries of the
county. C. T.
H W if.
audience with I Chapman,
which old soldiers gave i Be and see our lice
a vim. Executive Committee,, low shoes in tan pat- tint it required the assistance of
in fl w chairman, leathers, and learn a ; his
the camp, returned . ,. . ,, J ,. ., . , , , i , , .
thanks to all, the la- Greenville; Dr. Morrill Pulley it. Bowen r, labored navigation, he had to
dies, for what they tad done in and Jonah Briley, Greenville; J. .- submit to such aspersions as be-
making he exercises a A. Bethel; W. R. Which that lists of names asked times in one day
Song he with You Carolina; J. J. handed in for membership had the if he
y W. L. one thousand could be found living high
Benediction by Rev. D. W. J- J- Hines, No names, on them, and there enough to catch the gout. Away
Arnold. i M- No. more yet to come, which gives with your silly questions And
At the conclusion of the D. Smith, Heaver Dam; E. C., Pitt county the largest K we hint going to
the veterans repaired to the B. M. Lewis, i club that has so been report- either.
and they enjoyed this no less Swift Creek. of the county is largely for
than what had preceded. Senator J, L. Fleming an- Kitchin.
The best drink of coffee- Gold
Medal-at S. M. Schultz.

Eastern reflector, 8 May 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 08, 1908
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Joyner NC Microforms
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