Eastern reflector, 13 March 1908

This is in charge F. C. who is authorized to represent The Eastern
in and vicinity.
Rubber rubber shoes. Now is the time to purchase
rubber and heavy your Box Body Carts while they
a are cheap, A. G. Cox Man-
Co., plenty of
Miss Novella went to them on hand. Call and see them.
Ayden Friday evening. Beautiful souvenir cards at
We can you all kinds Harrington. Barber Co.
of and turned wood Mrs J. K. Cooper left
work for on short no- day evening to spend a days
Carolina Milling Mfg.
New Tobacco Market.
A new tobacco market will be
established at Snow Hill, the
county seat of Greene county,
I Eastern North Carolina. Two
j warehouses, two leaf houses,
storage houses, etc., are being
built, and the market will be in
bunt next season Snow
i located in what is known
Th. story of j the finest bright tobacco sec-
in n. f. ti-r. in the world, and as the
Directly the harbor from. will be in charge of men
the v of Nassau, V i. ere is , backed by an
island called lb i
side of
in Ayden
seed potatoes
Mis.- Chapman came in Barber A Co.
Stokes night Oliver PI at A W. A-
The season is now
hand whew most of the farm- rs
win likely need carts
wins Co.
citizen .;
made address on
Everette school
A. G Cox Sat
are making their I M and all
well Heel carts for buildings
bee us prepared quick notice. Can.
y ., buy we can came Una Milling and Mfg. Co.
;, i . ,. . . i. oats and feed ;
ii I t went
n tho
rd the
pecan is a
which i used in the tourist
Mason in the winter.
The fee for bathing ii
and includes nil fruit
ii.-. Hie bather may wish. The
i peeled put on long
which is considered the real
way i have it. in no limit.
. i -i there is a
t-. .
abundance of capital, predict
a r future for Snow Hill.
Winston Tobacco Journal.
Old Time Fiddlers.
Of North About
The Great External Remedy
For Co.,,
make it a never to
mend medicines until I have my-
self them, ax there are a
in land that are perfect
.- . but having tried your Cure
for Colds, sore throat and other in-
troubles, I have no hes-
in cordially
it to the public, for I it in,; to the people
the children. have n of its being used
for PNEUMONIA and throat with
effect. It is with pleasure I give you this
in the world that I can a word
Company, I do so without hesitation or re-
For Sale by All Druggists, and
to kind
Is. ; i d ice C.-. door to post-
i lie; Prompt attention
, ;. want a nice Cheap cash sale on
date i h you had We must have
K ,, him an call space for spring stock.
r ;. i Me s . Kangaroo priced
. r . 1.7 for I
j i j here. All heavy shoes riced 1.50 for
., . ii . c. shoes ii
2.00 I .; heavy
. I.
. -2 nu
., i.
. . .; .
lie Mi . . .
.; ;. hosts o
. i, i. i to i i.
i h i n
f;. be secured
fl .
ti ii. ; . . .
. . . G;
Ii is s fa-
. i . in Nassau. At ii a l i n
ever . men v. ill fry la i II you
th -that is, if j m ; long
i . a . ti tares
I sat it
i . .
Mr. I a. i other
I-, s the ii
M . an, a ,
of An . v taking
it. . to i lei n i r in So.
I i ; ., i . ii
i w i
i-i can go
l I'll
ii . . .
. , ho
pi.-. h n mint. I
. convention March
i under Ola
P. All the old fiddlers
sin an pickers be
and at ; convention will some
immense. who can
to take part in it should
ml their names to Mr. Forbes-
deadlock in the
legislature hat
by th--- election of former j
, William Bradley,
Use to Die.
tn-ind nut there Is no
Of long ad i
get Hr n New -j
J. of
i Pa. would o be today
u I j
. up a cough Hun any-1
. and e n i n j
Id r , ,.; o e
mo-t re to i . e j
o lag ; i . i. I
. Ii , r t, is i d
i It ii
. but .
; a
i n w he alt
x i. mother last
M . ii .-. heavy
i-. of dry and 8.76 Harrington
i just in. ii
. I n . n, .
i old
i. i-. .
V lien two A
I ladder the
I; met the purser, i
who was mt.
been here ho
if yon want
t- to lift
to be
Wm. who for distributes fertilizer
been doing a con any distance
it Think id labor
recently moved farm I by this machine.
i. at Harrington
t . is f kinds cir Co.
from th -i W, Ange Oar line of new
ft Co. just opened. A W. Ange
,. r.,. Ash
day, March See our new line of ladies an,
through there will be shoes. A. V. Ange
at the Episcopal church land Co.
y V. and Rev T. H- King his reg-
at o'clock. Every-j appointment Sunday mom-
attend and night ac the Baptist j Nassau was a which the
these will consist; church. congregations Nassau name for an
of evening prayer and five attended both services. He New Providence.
was telling the
it I've in-, it
been in m oil I
it's And you can i
get all you want,
i ii the prim of the
lath. All you can eat for a
I a
r. ii a fellow over
I;. J thirty
By and by maybe hi- conscience i
both . and ho to the
old fellow who runs
eating too much,
n says the old chap.
hi ii the island its
name one of you fellows came
On board the boat it left
Everybody. I
Mr. u i. , ii ,
in the Delbert Bull mg,
I fully till
i. i r been of c ii t- r- as,
ion. , It corrects
i in u ; w t and
i., u .-
. ii best I
I ding,
r it is
u at J u, drug
If you inches, you
to be tail.
la the World.
Rev. P. of Fast Raymond,
Maine, have used
Salve for years, on my
wound, and other
and lino it tho h in the
I use it too with great success
in veterinary business. Price
at J. L. Wooten's drug store.
I preached on the first temptation
suddenly turned to one
A new line of dry goods and of Christ St the morning service, Americans and
notions expected this week, and on the second one at night. ho you island
Come and them. A. I We handle the castings for the lighthouse and the wreck
following plows, entrance F Well,
ducted Sun- and j ahead. Tell as the story of
day in.
The time -s almost at
when will need such
lent cotton planters
sowers. So
Harrington Barber Co
W. H. Smith
t r early with A. G. I tHe interest of A. D. Cox in the
Cc for these
goods sad then you. be sure
get; supply in ample time.
Guy Taylor, of Ayden, is
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at tho sane place- All
work promptly looked after Mr.
Banding a few days here with i Cox will still with the
Fresh seed peanuts of different
kinds a. A. W. Ange ft Co.
Poultry of all heights at
I -r ii Co.
Uri B principal
of Pia Business
College, w a ere Tuesday in the
rest of . institution.
The A .- Co, are row
ex; lot poultry
Fence, v. . I be to
our i d to
come i before they buy
We can quote prices that will
talk. Plow still go-
Co. I
Carroll and Lela
Bosch Sunday with
oats Harrington
Co. m
Rev. T. H. accompanied
Cox went out to the
Everett school house Sunday
The Little
Little things are not to be g.
because they are trifling
The fa tooth will make
the be.,. give way tn
the strongest language. Grains
of sand, h they be, com-
pose this and grand
of ours, it is the of pen-
nil b that make you rich. Little
things in youth accumulate
character in oM age, and form
your eternal destiny. It is the
close observation little things
that is the secret of your
in all the pursuits of life.
Knowledge is only the
of facts. The science
of printing owes its origin to the
rude impressions carved on the
bark of a beech tree, Durham
For lot of Jumbo
peanuts, hand picked, especially
for seed at per bushel Also
a lot of the Improved King Cot-
ton seed pounds in seed
makes hundred pound
the man who ate i;. r cu and
then was told maybe that's how tho
island got its the Amer-
com b, v. a Ii pi
i i details,
what i.- tho
this chap went over there
and stayed all afternoon and ate
more oranges, probably
forty-two, lea so have heard,
and lie going tn go lie
sighed I . i the
I In had my
money's worth. But I don't
t said tho
fell . .
i i , what i m
is i the com Ii
in i ion.
admitted one
Ai . , i ,
Fretting about tomorrow's
many troubles never drives them
The Lucky Quartet.
Is ore pay cut fur a box of
King's Now Lilt. Pills.
bring the health that's more
for head-
If m u the
will refunded at J. L.
drug store.
.;. j
now t list
The to make it comply
i la . Post-
into effect
April it. Under dies no weekly
be sent to who
do not renew I n i after the
date to is paid.
To send it longer without payment will
require a on each paper.
Therefore we ask eve y subscriber to
The owes for one
year longer to i at
once so we your on our
list. The publisher can have no choice in
this, but will to comply with the
We hope every subscriber attend to
this promptly is had rather not drop a
single name from cur list. But bear
mind that The Eastern Reflector cannot
be mailed after April 1st. to any person
who owes for one year or longer.
. .
D. J. and Owner
VOL. No. N
of County Claims I
sum for
April Court,
of county
the 2nd,
the members
s were drawn on the
county horns
1215.51; bridges court
Truth In to Fiction.
Ons Dollar Tear
Of Pitt
To the
Now that it is a fact an
iron bridge is to be across
Tar river at ill , and that
a contract has bean made to be-
at an early v. it not be
wise to place it at the foot of
Evans street When you con-
r every phase the
lion it is m do this and
it will prove ; ring to
en th. North side of
she river as the town of
To tear up the and
compel all to cross the
river on a flit 1st. Dan-
2nd. Inc 3rd.
I roads jury
tickets index
of deeds court cost 130.20; 2nd.
county Great loss of tin , and time is
roads up
dollars can easily be figured
Swift the
From old bridge the Allan-
tic Line runs parallel with
i road for a mile
From eight to trains com
The road near T.
for at February m
in. soldered laid out.
Two p were
for township, one
from the end of the road
Cross to the Green-1 When a farm.-r wants to
Washington road to town he has to send a
creek; the Other from hand on account of it.
bend in road near W- H. His and his children have
the Wash at home because of it
the run of a year the north
Ivor them to ran
a constant
Sidewalks, Water
and Other Matters.
of met in
monthly session Thurs-
day t. ail the members g
C. S having been
. to the vacancy in i
ward, was in
The water and light commit-
tee report that the plant had
been thoroughly inspected and
no are needed at pres-
The has bean over-
hauled and affords sufficient
water for the needs of the town.
The cemetery re-
commended a revision of prices
of unsold Iota in the old of
the cemetery asked for the
appointment of s special com-
assist the standing
cemetery committee in
the premises and arranging
the seal.-- of prices. Aldermen
and R J- Forbes
Loss Folly Covered by Insurance-
Mr. Barnhill Away From Home.
Bethel N. C. Hare 9-The
of Elder T. H
boot miles was
d strove. by are Sunday
was not
homo at the urn-i, having gone
Tyrrell county U Sat-
Against tn People-
h.- ell worn chestnut
the pr bill discriminating
the country people and in
favor of town people is
d around the
nm in quarters is
g its effect. We
of i-v people in the vicinity
who declare
Pleased With Location Set K
r .
Slat-; Y-
tees of the
Sc re
i the
They d
arc vote against ,.
because th bill hearing arc el
privilege of buying their
denying It W other steps as w-. re
All anybody with half
tense need to do is to get a copy on i
of the and read it for them- buildings i
selves to seethe falsity of this
statement Every drug store
licensed to medical t.
at home.
the fire near the in the
o'clock; and it
caught from the flue. Moat
Che house bold goods were
burned, hut these the build-
were fully insured.
A man who came here this
morning from Mr.
with Paris en on it had been
found just back of
and I mm. h
occupied by sheriff a
m, it must ha
; an
hare bes i
T. J. Jar
C W.
every sale and the Neck; F k
the to whom ton. i i. On
the sites are made, which record the
shall be subset times to w, fr. v,
the inspection the
at the mouth of
There was also a petition for a
road from the old Plank road
the Tyson place to tho new road
leading from the
road to the road.
J. S. tendered hit
were appointed.
Several property owners on
Dickinson avenue appeared and
through R W. King and T. E.
Hooker present id a paper sign
ed by ail tut of the
owners on the agree
On i
the aM i
v d;
T en-
Th, it is no as to who
cf the Fire at His
Elder T. H. Barnhill, whose
home mar Bethel was burned
the mayor and i with V.
the city or town in u
Men .
side of the river is deprived of
more than the difference in the
cost of changing the bridge as
above suggested.
Driving is one of the principle
pleasures of th town of Green
, , night was in town
to enough property had
a m and on
width in case of paving that not more
route from Five Points to the
Alderman Bowen was apt
ed a committee to pure
.,.,. The AC L. road running to connect the
nation as constable of Carolina with the public road . ;, M
spot in the bill is a by ts to
made to the farmers who grounds. This
apples and grapes. We the grounds are going
have been delighted if that cow-1 b o ether
clause had b.-en eliminated, In beauty.
he city or town . . Mr, u . .
and registered , r. -i.
i.-ts, Is located, i i of the i i
The only week I to this . and w
. .- kin la a ti-o trustees to I
nation as .- ,
township, which was accepted- ; those would drive
R a Smith was elected con-i pleasure of the
stable to fill a vacancy in Farm- roads on the north of
x.; all
the river. Taking all this into
consideration, it is economy to
put the bridge at the foot of
Evans street. This bridge is a
permanency, it is for the
coupling t
fire engine with hydrants
tip cover loss. Two
washstand and a gun
. all that was saved from the
Mr. Barnhill told us that
t. am were all sick from cat-
permanency, it is for side of street ii
and profit of everybody. town will construct the
therefore it should be moved crossings. Aldermen Carr
. j i i were
away from the railroad.
Have your dressed at at per bushel.
inn Milling Mfg. Co. W
Mrs- Noah Forces died
o'clock Sui day evening, at bar
about four miles from
She leaves a husband and I
children. Three of the ii r
Mrs Nora Jolly and Messrs. KI
and Forbes, live in Green
Simply Add boil-
cool serve. per
ville township.
Some additions were made
the pauper list, and some
and exemptions to
tax list.
The following were drawn as
jurors for the April term of
First week-J S Warren, Thad
David J R Dozier,.
Cotton, E C King, Josephus of Saturday,
J A Teel. E B March 1908.
J Evans, R I May, P H Kittrell. . Devotional
O-E Warren, J A R G Arnold.
Chapman, A M Moseley, J B J-
Richard H
R Bullock, J D Williams, Charles
the poisoned fodder
it needed in case of fire,
C submitted a prop- by tone
from owners of pr . th. m.
agreeing to lay side- m
walks Davis street, showing
Greenville Heights down
north side of screes
side of Pitt street if
There are several prominent
building architects of wide r U-
competing for the i ct
J. T. Bundy, R J
Moore, J T Nelson, W
J A Adams, Joseph Tripp, W
Hart, W C Joyner, J R
Barnhill. R L Little.
Second week-J H Browning.
Nobles, Joyner Wingate, L
English why it should
be taught in the public schools.
Supt. E. M. Rollins.
Illustrative lessons m
spelling and reading, based or,
Ward's method.-Miss Bessie
R. D.
W. Connor, Sec. N. C Historical
and P. J. Forbes were appointed
to take charge of the matter and
make necessary contract for the
A resolution was adopted pro-
that previous to
any street of the town
taps water be made to supply ad-
property owners for do-
purposes, to cost of the
of the taps to by abutting
property owner when it is put
in u-e.
Alderman Carr was apt minted
a committee to consult E.
A. Kline In regard to clear-
up the old public graveyard,
belonging to the town, lying o
The best drink of coffee- Gold
Medal-at S. M Schultz-
fine cabbage plants
sale. D D.
For Side -Female calf, Jersey
and D- D.
for the very people whose favor
is sought by it will vote
the bill anyhow, and It will ,,.
carried by real prohibitionists for building plans,
are opposed to wine r E. of U
cider as well as to whiskey. We p. Stanley
are ashamed that, if iSl,,. Wilmington; W.
we are informed, New Bern; t.
considerable opposition to the Mitchell, of Norfolk ;
in Davidson among the cl Durham;
I try people on the ground have j of t.
mentioned. However, aw Tuesday evening Sup i,
glad to say that blithe counties visiting
in the State are not as ant I entertained at supper y ex-
as face know of I Got. and
no other county quite o low in j home Fifth T.
the scale of intelligence; I even From to
here with all our ignorance
must hope that there is virtue
enough in the county to save it
from the shame of giving a ma-
th visiting architects were ex-
tended of Carolina
spent the time
; i
, , , .
between Fourth and boyhood days-
Everything the way of feed
F. V. John.-tin a.
It is the talk of the town. The
convention on the
Hay of all kinds at F.
i near A C. L. depot.
The old convention
will take you Lack grandpa's
pleasantly in club room
enjoyment of guests
greatly Increased
Nobles, Joyner Wingate b Raleigh. N. C
Chapman, W G Little, C S Carr, m discipline.
W B Williams, J R Newton. H S l
W ii o iv
Tyson, C H Forbes, N R Corey,
G A R J Lewis. A P
A J Flanagan. C H Rogers.
n m
Is known wherever Cotton is grown and Fer-
used, as the greatest producer of large
See that the trade mark is on every guarantees
imitations and insures you are getting the genuine
Royster goods.
Delegates to District Conference.
The District Conference of the
Washington, district, M. E.
Church South will meet at
May 6th. The following are
delegates from Jarvis Memorial
church; G. Prichard.
Brown, L. H. and J. U
Little. Alternates; Jas. Brown,
J, W, Higgs. D. D. Overton and
James Long.
At the quarterly conference
held in Jarvis Memorial church
Sunday night. L H. Pender was
elected Sunday school
to succeed Geo. S.
ard, resigned.
The waist sale to be held
by the Ladies Aid Society the
Baptist church, will place
Friday and 13th and
-Supt. Julian B. Martin.
Discussions on
Announcements by Supt. W.
N. C. Mar.
Mrs Catherine Robbins died at
her home in Feb.
26th. 1908 in her seventieth year
of age. She is survived by
Fifth streets.
The different officers made re-
port of collections for past
Accounts were allowed and
paid amounting to 51,641.60.
gasoline boat
j, at the bottom of the river at
Old Sparta with a load of oysters
in the shall
The boat returning from
Washington where the bivalves
were At old Sparta
the boat sprung and be-
Remains were taken to her old
home near Rocky Mount,
interment. We deeply Jo
with the bereaved family, Southerner.
and that our Heavenly For Rent-5 room house n
comfort lad Greenville. Apply
re, agent.
Lowest prices on cotton seed
meal and hulls at F V. John-
r-e ID.
I have limited quantity of seed
corn, will produce to
bushels per for sale.
in favor of liquor- We
must meet this old falsehood that
appeals to the passion
dice of ignorant country
show them that if there was
ever any the
Watts and Ward law against
them the bill wipes
it out by making the sale of liquor
illegal In town
well as in country. Intelligent
farmers can he of
vice in this campaign by making
sacrifice of time, and visit placed
those dark places where the The had not
demagogue loves n
vocal b rendered
ignorant country people I by Mi's. Travis E. or.
.-. r l i his morning
. C in
V. II. K, or-
president; C. W. a-
R. Cobb, tn bu T. J.
Jarvis, J. Y T.
bond of the tn surer was
, upon
You certainly had better be
paying your taxes for last year.
Subscribe the Reflector-
Cox's Mill, N. C. March i.
of Chocowinity-
spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends here.
Miss Lillie Corey visited Miss
Bessie Sunday.
Miss Wilson, of
is spending with
Miss Bessie Moore.
J. If, Cox went to Kinston last
Ed. Moore and Oscar
went to Saturday.
This fine weather has got the
farmers to hustling.
L, F Everette and Griffin Rouse
went to Washington Saturday.
There will be preaching at
Black Jack nest Saturday and
infamous trade and expose his
sophistries and his falsehood. W e
are striking the snake this time
wherever we find mm, and in-
stead of driving liquor into the
towns and cities as the Watts
law did, we propose to drive it
dean oat the -Charity and
. r, butt spec-
the h for t.-o
school and think it ideal.
.-.,. of the
n branch the
old mi in
i March 20th and
What La v Says.
The Reflector has been ;
to print the law in regard to .
seine and net on purpose of the meet-
river, for the information of is ad-
interested. The law of of the cause of
reads; ., Such a meeting ought
If person tho 15th. much
to tho 10th day of
and will
of every year, from
o'clock meridian Saturday
sunrise Monday morning of
each week shall any
set net, drift net or any other
net of any name or
in the waters of or
Tar rivers and tributaries, ex-
bow or skim nets, he shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor.
no doubt do so.
We have for sale some nice
hand made cypress and pine
shingles at Also
field peas at Of
tho little pea. it U which
is the best pea Know r.
p, , , . ,,
G. A. Johnson Bro.

Greenville's Department Store
the- buyer, and
being able to Hipp y your wants is equally
gratifying to the seller. This is the
e what; u want. The are
prices right
Was N--t Compete
B Attempted
One evening there a
of men from man;
nations Mated about a
in an open court of the
a well known .,
restaurant. The conversation, be-
was in English, and the sub-
of Whistler a pastels was
up by one of his
American admirers. A
named was flippant
and depreciating, ridiculing them as
works of saving that
he was willing to that ha could
make half a as good
as Whistler's, and, if they
mixed with his. nobody tell
apart. The American I
at attitude and re-
let a champagne dinner for
all present v
right, I'll lake your bet and
w .; BOY,
one gives
the at roil j i r
m i I
a book on a certain
could find it
Report of the Condition of .
at Greenville
and more flexible
whenever ha State of North the close of business Feb. 14th. 1908.
and . .
wrote one.,
There i- a lea
that. meant each of
ran find out as much about any
thing we to informed upon
as human being in the
world if we will only determine to
do to. can achieve and
anything another can if we make
up our minds to the performance.
it and make the determination th.
law of our life. Success has it
laws, the beau principle of which
is, your best to get the
A writer on mental forces say-,
and you win
n i and discounts
Over drafts secured
an unsecured 2,061.17
Ail other stocks, bonds
and Mortgages 2,400.00
Ranking house 4,200.00
Fur and 3,872.32 8.072
Dun from Banks and
Cash items
r coin, including
all minor coin cur-
National bank notes
and other U. S. notes
Applied Externally.
While slaying in the north of
England a commercial traveler con-
prove I toy, at will make
. ii must be tinted a town cold, which
him to remain in bod. Hit It id-
tier's pat- lady, n sympathetic widow, was mi I
U I- I i .
will roe to at i
c n in see tn
Undivided profits, less
current expenses
and taxes paid 17.144.80
That 2.970.17
Cashier's check
at o and made Buff i
ton onion p re, which
ii him,
. apartment i tilled with goods
he needs the family, the home, the
. the
goods, trimmings,
, Just row is the
All this i e
r. who . the r m
I in i
i II
for the e of his Russian nest, came lo inquire the
lie I chat and i
I I . c , pi up
I on care- e
fully, sly, and a I
placed then ire him upon a J the invalid. got it on
r u an easel. j my London A
was I he v . o
r .
. I for fix
t toe in
t Ferret, hi South
. which at l ck
. .;. cS.
levies, s,
it.-. mI ii .
Report of the Condition
e Banking
Trust Come
In the State of North Carolina at the close bushiest Feb.
i .
not i i
;. n .
. T .
T let him
i lie man-
,. i
ti in
p e i v. pastel
. lie i d all he wanted
or I ho need for the easy
k of making a Whistler paste
and i exceptional
returned to his saying
he would be ready for jury I
a week.
How or by whom the is jurors
were i not In r, hut I
that two f rangers, an
end n Dutchman, were
among . Spain n present-
ed by . En by Hen-
. . A. i ca by
Frank Ii k d r By
t i g w I lie wager.
The jury m n on the
cot far from the a
near enough for him to bring hit
I pastels conveniently. The meeting
I was a Ion room facing the
14th 1908 lagoons. The American who had
Belle, th
it n i-
. . y ,. .
Mr. and M s W T.
Will f,
North Carolina, County Pitt,
I. James L. Little. ashier of the above named bank, do sol-
y wear that the above statement i true to the beat of
k n and belief. J ES T
Subscribed and before I Correct
me, 25th day
Notary Public.; Directors
J. ;.
Te I Mimi
If; vest in a good one
n. f there
be th .
to Invest
Loans and 127.451.22
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 5,152.49
All other Stocks bonds
and mortgages 1.000
Du from Banks and
Silver coin, all
minor coin currency
National notes
accepted the wager was not there.
was at home, sick in bed.
Whistler was in the darkest and
Capital stock 25,000.00 farthest corner, with his hack to
Surplus fund e on a
Undivided profits, less
. K , leach exhibit from Whistlers hands
and place it on a high backed chair.
MS. 943.19
Due to banks and
i Bankers
560.12 j checks out-
ether S. notes
I. C C Ca the bank, do solemnly
that the statement is true to the best of my knowledge
It was an extraordinary position
which Whistler placed and a
I veritable ordeal which he faced. Ho
j was serious and wore a troubled
the that ha
. nervous at the possibility that the
might let one of the Russian's
1,132.04 pastels slip by as one of hit own. I
I am glad lo say, however, at when-
. was in-
i .
i now, i
. a reason why.
m .
; y it i a firm of established
nor in . . r house you deal with
Roods it sells has
protection to pat
i- Campbell Pi-
low en a partial number of Green-
Campbell Pianos, and
piano buy r is r I the following
is apt to blow out it the boiler
is of poor quality or the plumb-
has been improperly done.
i. G.
Dr. E A
Dr. Laugh-
i .
J I ten.
H. Cut,
H. L.
j W. B. Wilson,
JO. L. Joyner,
Greet Opera
sworn to before
mo, this day of Fib. 1908.
Notary Public.
C S. Cashier
latently received with and
i; N it tor
one was there the least
doubt or a dissenting
in Century.
Report of the Condition of
In the Si of North Carolina, at the close of business.
. I will make the last visit over
Directors to collect taxes due
for the year 1907 t the following
times and
Lon and
Fun Fix.
Due I Banks and
Cash items
Gold coin
r c in, including
all cur.
hank notes,
stock 5,600.00
1,892.05 Surplus fund
Undivided less
current expenses
and paid y;.
Time certificates of 2,853.04
Deposits sub. to 29,617.68
C. D. Store, Beaver
Dam township, Mar.
Bell X Roads. town-
shin. Tuesday March
Stokes, Carolina township.
Saturday March
Grifton, Swift Creek township.
Saturday March
All who to pay will be ad
and cost added to their
taxes. Pay promptly and save
cost and trouble.
Ira L. Tucker, Sheriff.
There will be no such if
We guarantee, both the
quality of all materials and
articles and the s
of our work. We expect every
first order for our services to
win us many others. We so-
licit a trial as a test
our ability too plumb-
promptly, thoroughly and
reasonably. .
C. A
Hotel Greenville
J. W. BIGHT, Prop.
I wish to inform the public
my .; i- now for w a d
table entirely re-
d, renovated,
lights, and cold baths,
idea home for ladies, and
traveling men. opposite
Ci house and servants. I
No. en see for yourself.
Yo rs to Serve.
Robert Greene,
Wiley Brown,
James Brown,
M. Pugh,
C. v.
. .
S. T. White,
W. I. e,
E. B. Higgs,
A H.
D. l. Overton,
A . ,. f .
D. Smith, r. f. d.,
Ivy Smith, r. . i
r. f, ;.,
F. Ward, r f. d.
J. J. Jones, r. f. d.
J. r. f. d.
G. T. Tyson, r ,
L H Lee,
Z. T Vincent,
J. B Little,
J. R. Corey,
C. B. Mayo,
Baptist Church,
D. W.
O. E Warren,
Warren, Jr.,
J G. Bowling,
J. J. Jenkins,
W. F. Godwin,
W. H. Ricks.
F. G. Hartman,
E. M. Cheek,
Fred Cox.
N. W Jackson,
W. J. Manning,
J. S
H. C. Hooker.
W. O. Barnhill,
T. R Moore,
Mrs. Julia Crawford,
Mrs- e,
A. B. Ellington,
R. A. Nichols.
Profit by getting in line with above representative people
of Greenville, Terms to suit your convenience.
Very respectfully,
of the above-named bank do solemn-
a statement my
sworn to before
this day of Feb. 1908.
Notary Public-
Little Risers, small,
f.-. little liver Sold
L. W Store.
Civil Service
An examination for the
of and
and carrier will be held
at the post-office in this city on
March 28.1908.
For application blanks, and for
full information relative to the
ties, salaries, vacations, promo,
etc., address Secretary,
Board of Civil Service Exam-
W. H. Cashier.
Directors Post-Office, City-
J. W. Hight
Samuel M. Short
I. v .
Office next to Sale an,.
Exchange Stables.
Phone No. N. c.
For Your Sunday Dinner,
try the
English Walnut meats.
doz. Hg., fine,
I. the -I l.-M n a r-f
When cool and just com
to thicken in the figs
nuts. with Whipped cream.
can be bought at any good
grocery. makes enough
for a large family and is very
G. G. Factory Representative
Get The best for Comfort
and Borden Felt flat-
and a Bern-
stein Iron Bed have no equal.
Chickens, Turkeys, Geese and
Ducks for sale at Rainbow
Stables, in front of market
Ladies and Tailor.
Greenville, N. c.
Dyeing, Scouring, chemical
and Dry cleaning.
S or no charges.
of Edmonds and Fleming
Barber Shop-
are doing all kinda of Jewelry
Repairing. Why not have done
You get
Good Reasonable Price
also applies to my entire
of Jewelry. A line to make
from. will me
order for you
do my beat to by
you the best for the
C. F. BRADLEY, Jeweler
from P. O.
New Shoe Shop
On February 1st I will open
a Shoe Shop in the building
on 5th street opposite Hotel
Bertha. Shoes made to or-
and all kinds of repair
work. Save your orders
and work for me.
How Many Bricks
Have You Sent
That sounds like a funny question, addressed to every cit-
of this town and but it's a one.
There is now completed a magnificent build-
of red exterior and concrete interior right in the
heart of one of the biggest of American It
occupies a whole block and itself in a
Largest In the It has
floors, with about a hundred floor apace.
entrances are of solid marble. floors are tiled.
Altogether it is accredit to
the big city in which it
stands. Oh, ifs a Jim
Noe, how many bricks
have you sent to the city
to go into this big build-
Honest, how many
Of the hundreds of
thousands of bricks put
into the walls of this
building the city where it
stands has contributed not
a single red brick.
try people, the people of
towns and far
away from the big
have font in the
bricks for the
of this splendid
You may have font in
a few of bricks your-
without knowing ii-
cent structure, which or-
a city you prob-
ably never will see your-
self, is built bricks
bought with the- dollars of
people in towns
like our.-towns that
woo I like to
I It i then no and th i
contributed to the y be g n
hod of bricks for this bur, in
the of its kind. Thia building put up, through
the kind donations of their unknown country consult, by a
firm that ran a U stone that city a age.
this firm conceived idea Laving thou-
sands of strangers contribute bricks to build its fine, large,
And the building is a Mail Order Store. Bee
Every dollar
Contact In the Early
Steam Fire
In what arc sometimes called the
halcyon days of the volunteer fire
department of New York there was
a prejudice against the of steam
power on fire engines. The New
York firemen still believed in the
work of ready and proved
their sincerity by challenging an
Ohio inventor of a steam fire engine
named Latta to a public trial of
strength and excellence in the city
hall park. The challenge was ac-
and the engine reached New
York on Feb. P, On the next
day in the city tall park in the
presence of spectators the
trial skill took place. At the re-
quest of the common council the
Exempt engine company entered the
lists with hand engine No. the
old and proceeded to
compete with the Latta steam en-
applied to the kin-
wood in the Ohio steam en-
which in eight and a half min-
began to pump and discharge
water through two large suctions.
The led off by throw-
a stream of water toward
street through a one and one-
eight Ii inch nozzle, steam en-
following with a stream in the
same direction through a one and
five-eighths inch triangular nozzle.
When measured, stream of the
former was found to ha feet
long and that of the latter
Again the competing engines play-
ed. At a distance of feet
a of small boys Brood in the
demanding to lie
endeavored lo
them, but when the Sew York-
engine In to play they Bed W the
t of a drenching
in was
Ancient Economist Who Said
Would Ruin
The first seen in Eng-
land was about tile yea 1553, and
another years pasted before
stagecoaches began to run. They
were not received with much favor.
In a treatise was published
in London by Lover of His
and Well Wisher to the
Prosperity Both of the King and
in which were used
many elaborate arguments and
lent tirades against them.
Wholesale and retail
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Hides-, Fur. Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Eggs, etc
Bedsteads, Mattresses, Oak
Suits, Baby Carriages, Go Carts.
Parlor suits Tables. Lounges,
Safes, P. and Ax
Snuff, High Life Key
Cigars Canned Cherries, Peach-
coaches and Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup,
said the writer, one of the Jelly. Meat Flour bit jar
Soap. Lye Magic Food, Matches,
by fifteen
Then a third trial
ii the ; if of- tho
i hose
pipes . I
id lb
aid th
ii Ire to fer a las
I -.-. I
lit. Th n, amid id i
greatest mischiefs hath hap-
of late years to the kingdom,
mischievous to the public,
to trade and prejudicial to
He laments the decay of good
horsemanship, which would
if everybody rode to . in a
coach. He calculates a coach
from York, Chester or Exeter
would have forty horses on the
journey to the capital and
eighteen passengers a week. In the
whole year it would carry about
1,872. Suppose there were return-
passengers. There would be
and for these forty horses
would be but if people
traveled in the good old fashioned
way then least. horses would
ho required for the work. The use
of so many horses would give em-
to many who were by the
.-. out of
such cloth workers, drapers,
shot makers, ors and
The inns would
suffer, tor the stagecoach stops only
at a few. when nth a
i i .-. o ii . as
they u were, by t three
stop i . any and
as often they i aid that en-
ill ho
by the for to i n ,;
Oil, Cotton Seed Me-1 and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples,
Glass and
Wooden ware, Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni, Beet But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see me.
Raleigh, N. C.
of cut
and ,
Bulb stock, r it plants i
pi a .
Will go if
You Don't
Few people realize that the time
advertise is during
It helps to keep go-
and it when
livens up.
The Public is Ever on
The Lookout
for good bargains, be it dull or
thrifty season and the man who has
the bargains put before it in the
style of a nice advertisement
is the man who does what business
there is to be done.
The Reflector is one of the best
advertising mediums. It reaches
everybody in the county a
many all over the
; States.
mil In
New Y the
i r r above that II t con-
id kept it o until
New Sun.
Local Tine Table
Effective January 1808.
Norfolk, . and N, C.
Mo. No No.
STATIONS Sunday I x. Sunday
a. a. r,. M.
I , .
i h
v .
K. .
. i.
Ni . . i
I lo
No. IS
E . Sn lay
P. M.
It. iS. L. BUNCH, T M
Norfolk, Va.
H. C. G
Norfolk, Va.
lo to
I .
. .
I .
i l
y in
Lord S. a n ti at i i
t , a journey from the i
purposely to black-
whom found In
on a little
hi-; forge. His tied his
to a tree then addressed
I've heard re-
i of your i-i.-l i. d i
way to see which of us two is
i wit ;.
I his lordship, pitched
i fa
self ;
re hi
you'd I
ma my hi
SI dill
I .
During these cold Winter months
A Trip Via
The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
Would be just the thing to make life worth living.
trains, excellent schedules and tickets which otter
advantage possible for a pleasant and trip
For full information or Pamphlets call on your nearest
Ticket A gent, or write,
W. J. CRAIG, P. T. M. T. C. W G. P. A.
. ma I . is
i It i music b n
i i. It has
. in ;.
Well, for i
i m
it Blow Killed
Y . b; t I
v. . .
it I i tho tune of
. Hi
Customer-111 hike it.
corn ; i in o i
. a called
out h I I
. I- ,
. , , ,. ; l ;
heat i i with
ii or Ii
, . an-
. i with
re I lb i
. I re were i
the n I and
foul roads.
In short, t is fully con-
in . Bit traveling
,; the country wilt go
to r tin. i lie lived lo see the
vi- have I on bereft of
fey i w , k
j -mm
with rid-II
ease. He knows better II
than waste his time
like in
r .
kinds. C
I i.
Headquarter; all kinds
of Feed.
The National
It only the safety your
cash involved it would
I be well worth having an
count there. there are I have on
I many other advantages. Good Double
to the Market
ban ; for sale one
th ether advantages. An I Good Double l Planer,
record pay- Matcher and r, Ma-
. I
he I
is one. The cheek on j chine and i h
thoughtless spending I will sell on i a y I i ms.
W. B. Hi
ion. i d t so
d .
end win the
at i .
. i i
, I Ilia
. .
r i him
many others.
. .
Co ton B ,
ks, i
.-.- i
y. h
Edmond S
. i,
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville N. C
Tail Ox.
one i I her
little how to spell. She a
pictorial primer, and over each word
was tho accompanying illustration.
Polly spelled and
the thought
she was making
perhaps even too rapid. So
she put hand over picture
and then
answered nimbly.
do you know that it
his she responded.
i i
a ii
.- n i
; i.
The In
. Tin man .
. bill
; red i
in and pa id into
station. A range o
tho one i id i com o J
the boy win ho nil answered tho
big men. tee no
gel i i-face
in i boy. big
link was
Way Out.
did your out
of the building after he had located
the gas leak asked reporter.
nearly as he could remember
it said woman,
went out just above the base of tho note, due
Kinds of
more than kinds
of said a physician,
from the more com-
forms may cure themselves ac-
cord The more frequent forms
arc a dull across the forehead,
due to a pain the back
of the head, due to the liver; a
bursting in both temples, due
to malnutrition; an ache on the top
of the head, as though a weight
pressed on the skull, due to over-
work; ache between tho brows
to mi-
ore in r. m re co
o . ad r i T n
in you for i I wish-
in . ii co no of sea urn
at ever,
Phone Ladies and Gent tailor
Fourth , st. Marble yard.
L in . sec-
I barber-
. .
. .
.-. .
Tie and
and shipment
to eye Newt.
Shop in Stables on
Fourth Street. All
promptly and satisfactorily
W. H.
Office in National Rank Building
Especially adapted to cotton,
tobacco and corn- Good dwell-
Apply to
F. C- Harding.
W. C D. m. Clam
Civil Engineers and Surveyors
i villa North Carolina.
Railroad, Municipal and land surveying
a specialty. Office on Third street
Mr-. Maggie at the Wm.
Britt house, on street, bake a
fresh broad every day. Orders
anywhere in town and

D. J. WHICH Editor and Proprietor
Entered as elM I matter Jan. 1907 at the at Greenville. N
C Congress of March 1879
old Joe We won-
how it feel to fee
the Republicans of
State all lining up for Taft.
Let turn loose all tin
money they want to in North
Carolina, The folks can find
tor it.
The ground hog's next appear-
will he next Sunday. If he
is to do anything rash with the
weather in the meantime he
must be in a hurry about it.
The recent extra session of the
legislature passed a bill
ting the office of auditor tor
county. Under author-
of the act the commissioners
of that county at their last meet-
elected a man to fill the office
and fixed his salary at ,
year. If that auditor does all
the says he shall do he
will certainly earn his salary.
Here is what the bill
It shall be the duty
or the auditor of county
to make one copy of the taxi
list of each township a per-
copy and to deliver
bridge across Tar river is soon to
built, and the
of Pitt and Lenoir will also
jointly build a bridge at Grifton.
Then Greenville is getting
ready for paving and that
work will be started The
Cabinet Veneer is pushing
right ahead on its plant, and
enterprises are not far be-
Of course with all this work
going on public enterprises, in-
will catch the spirit
and go in for building
proving. The Reflector has et
the figure at not less than a
big anti-prohibition State
convention with three delegates
present maybe a good indication
of the anti-prohibition vote.
The Gannon not
seem to make as much noise
around Republican primaries as
it does from the speaker's stand
in congress.
Mark this right The
percentage of
growth for the next live yearn its
going to be larger than any town
in North Carolina.
Raleigh has thrown up the
sponge and decided she can t
build, Greensboro is making
promises to build, while Char-
has already built. The
committee should see which one
is able to deliver the goods.
March Huh means much to
That day a
of her representative
men before a con-
presenting the claims
of the n for a public build-
The same day the lard of
trustees of the Eastern Carolina
Training meet
here to arrange for work to be-
gin on the buildings for the
now you cannot get
houses in Greenville as fast as
people want to occupy them.
This raises the as to w hut
million dollars
copy and to m .
original copy to collector spent here this year in
of said county, t. I
all duties
, . , , i
i. ii all.
o .-
US j- .
deli I
new I
h prospect
I I- . quit g . .
to reap the
thing I ii-i
According to recent statistics,
it will not take many more in-
for the Raleigh Re-
publican club to claim as many
members as there are voters in
the city.
S;, Cannon stands but tit-
show r the presidency, and
v, ill
up .
en in congress there
Farmville, N. C March 1908
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thomas and
their little boy, Scott, who have
been with us since last August,
left for their home in Rocky
Mount Mr. Thomas
was the American Tobacco Co's.
buyer on the Farmville manteL
Luther Y. Thomas, who has
been with Monk. Davis Com-
left last Friday his
home in Virginia.
C. E. Allen, the clever
who has been with Monk
Davis Go,, left for his home
W. E. went to Rich-
A. M. Moseley, of Greenville,
was in our town yesterday.
Dr. and Mrs. G. E- Weeks,
will I. i of relief
in many
.- .
j. i
A ll
. . the
it ill i
. i
. .
., . I
We I i he
. . , is promising
, t has
XI . has
in printing
, fraud in the railway
mail and the
kepi up it will
; . . id some win re
ii .- dept
We thought there was some-
thing strange about it. The re-
port came out from Charlotte
that the assayer of the mint in
that city had resigned
while now the information
comes from City
that his resignation was asked
for. It another Republican
Morton might
have had ail the proxies sent to
him Wilmington, written an
address t himself, put ii
the and voted
all the pf for it, tin
sent over the State as an t x-
of the great
convention. Possibly Mr.
Neill and Mr. would have
to .
the condition will be a few years
hence when the demand for j who went to last Fri
day, returned yesterday.
The of Farmville
so it is said, held
primary here last Saturday.
S. C- Wooten went to Fountain
this morning.
houses rill he even greater
now. It is hard to tell, but The
Reflector believes that the best
and safest thing for every new
comer to Greenville to do, is to
buy a lot and build a house on it
as early as possible after getting
here. There is good building
and lean association here to lend
a helping hand to this end.
I Remedies in
borne y that
c Japanese suffer as m
from quack as we
Ann us and the English. In
the Journal of the Asiatic So-
i Japan, says a London
makes h .
. I I
my C.
. the sale of quack mod ,. of ,,,
of the n , .,
,;. J .
Grimesland, N. C, March
E Proctor and wife spent
night in
T. and W- B.
hail a nice the
last Friday night
u sapper the end
. r are
. or the most popular girl,
ard Mamie Stanly took the
kc The cake
rec was
.; ii i
. killed.
. ii up the ides
. . Tor .
to I a because
year tin all justices
,. th i id said
county. . a. r-
ii Ii
; .
open a set of in just in time
which shall he shown the total
,.,. mil HUH tie streets mil el I he
month; i
a of all the Ii ml I -i ti ea see them in bad
I in ; it.
i . Ill I
v v
i i he
i i from
;,. ;,
to ti-
ll about that
Those three delegates to the
; may send out fr location,
an . sounds
it. It will be M
of the frog pond in
. was mi king all
ii--. id to
tn E Can II
in I- Training
i. n
, irk o on bull
new i wry
to get l ; ii i d. Aft i
. . and noting tin
enthusiasm of our people for the
. ho the trustees can see that
the State board made a wise
. .
mil if I i lira-
of rather th in
p. A g the lugs
are healing
j . .
VA Miss
, . i
. . I
; if Ii tin i
each I
. . r his pr I
. i .
ii. In s
, K i
ii I; pi
by t
. up for
ii . i i ;
Ii all
. , to
no i m i
., . i. ;. he ii lei mi n
re v . way
. Five
to i
I by said board i
mi rs shall be cm
d auditor In
fore they shall be
paid by th treasurer of said
Thai it shall be the
duty of said auditor to familiar-
himself with the market
prices, and to a in buying
the supplies i
i ii lotto if going to send
leg Ii when
I in
i-e en
e for
; State
W . i . . n ill i.
i i aim I
If tin anything mean go-
and Marion Butler is
e in reach, sound the
to the mi u id he i-
to In found in it. He was fore-
. rob N-
old bond matter,
now going
. r that In
. in
I . D its, of
, lay. W are
.; i i
Mr Ham, rear ere, died
He an
i. would be I
, told a
lie . , .
is spending some time with
pan id Holliday.
mentioned where
doctors are to be ad
Boston Herald.
I The fire low of the United
States and Canada for month
-y, the-
cords Che New York Journal
it Commerce, amounted to
a pi
. in
u hey have by i
. . . . their in
Ii strikes us that some of the
papers are giving more attention
to Republican doings than there
is any need of.
Hoke Smith, of
Bays he wants ii again, and
he has begun his campaign ac-
. . l
Ii V
iii claims
, . fore the i
. in hat we are
u as Tin
Henry got riled and The figures for the
j same of the years
l but and
in the fact our near together, those for the
vet es ended their two February's preceding the last
. for as the j having been
j. . the year i n
i . .,. and of
I . mu-rs are going to encouraging
. . on th I I per at
pa i try B . m, . . i ii it . I The
. c tin it. . the int .,., by fire last year was
the i the value
Morton, of New-
Hanover county, a state
of anti-prohibitionists
to meet in Salisbury, and when
he got there he found just two
more beside D. Me-
N. ill, of
i heard, we
he sen the p
;,;,. be had it would
. they d the new J
he river f m
. if t I
it won
a lit to
I it
. . j A
imp ii ant to con I I
; that a new site was
for the n w bridge it not
be n ti down the
old bridge and a ferry
while the new bridge is being
built. This would make a big
of tin i pi .-. the value
did not know them, or i Cotton crop, of the year
for a before, approximately
i;. ., a favor of prohibition, its Observer.
i hut and Child
or r . i
of Hon. B. J. of
a mighty that
look at what Is ahead for
Greenville and Pitt county, and
see if you ought not feel good at
the prospects. In a very short then what
while work is going to begin on
the buildings for the Eastern
Carolina . Training
School, and that school is going
to be a help to all of Eastern
North Carolina. Then the steel
If the South Carolina
commission fails to do what
Federal Judge says,
We actually heard a man talk
about street cars in Green-
ville. Better watch this town
Nothing is impossible if the folks
take the notion.
The commissioners of Wilson
county have been imitating
President Roosevelt in the mat-
of tossing a coin to decide
the disposition of patronage. The
chairman of the board took a
out of his pocket and told the
editors of the two papers there
to choose heads or tails to see
which should have the I contract
for publishing the county state-
. i
the House of Representative In
the last General Assembly, and
whose name has been mentioned
as a candidate for Attorney Gen-
era of the State, has written to
a close personal friend that he
will not be a candidate for that
office and in a strong letter gives
his reasons for reaching that de-
They are people all over
the State who wanted to support
Mi. Justice for the office, and
they regret that he will not be
a candidate for it.
in ling i night,
or of e,
jug on
up i; i ;
that the love of gold and
.,, r, ii all
the great nations of the ancient
is g hold on
nation. He expressed the
opinion that if the
States were transplanted to
heaven the bankers would have
the golden paw dug up in
three hours and be charging in-
on the gold, and that a
revenue tax would be placed on.
harps of the angels to protect
American New-
Bern Sun.
Nodes Payers.
All parties who owe taxes for
the year 1907 requested to
pay same before the I-tn day or
March. Positively ail who do
not pay by that date will
served with cost add-
L. W.
mar d w it.
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as Administrator of
E S. Dixon, deceased, late of Pitt
county, North this is to
all persons having claims against the
estate of said den seed to exhibit them
to the undersigned properly proven
within twelve months from this
date, or this notice will be pleaded in
bar their recovery
All persons Indebted to
will please make immediate payment.
This the 6th of March
W. H. DIXON, Administrator.
Edwards, N. C
F. JAMES, Attorney.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
. vs on
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
Oakley, M
several times we have
been thrown iD the wast, basket
but we come again. Oakley has
been on a rest. When aid you
get in the waste basket-Ed.
C. H. Ross and family, of
are spending a few days
this section with friends-
We regret to state that Mrs.
Bettie is bat little better.
S- of Charleston, spent
two days here the past at
his old home.
Mack and family, of
Goldsboro, were here last week.
War en and family have
moved Mount.
Charlie Moore, of
was a here Saturday.
Farmers are pushing farm
work in this section.
Miss Willie Everett, the ac-
and worthy teacher
of the Piney Green school, gave
a basket party Friday night,
which was attended from
both Pitt and counties.
The baskets were the
were all smiles, and the
young men wore Pitt's and Mar
tin's host specimen of manhood.
This department is in charge J. M. Blow who is authorized to represent The Eastern
in and vicinity
t t-a writing
we in
M receive mail s
for printing
Car load of hard and soft coal
by J. R. Smith Co.
The remains of Mrs. Palmer,
of the late Dr. J. R
Palmer, were brought here from
Hookerton and carried to War-
for burial.
conduct the funeral of Mr.;.
Your lady friend would
of those fancy
of at Sauls
drug store, Ayden N. C.
Frank Hart returned from
Pitch Kettle Wednesday evening
with a load of shad. Says the
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon are
doing a nice business at the old
The and Atlanta While prohibition
will not stop all crime, it will
y greatly lessen it.
For the first time in
years is not a in
prison in the of Atlanta
Two years ago when Atlanta
was full of saloons and diveR,
criminals thronged the
The contrast between the
empty jail where State
prohibition prevail, and the
crowded jail here
criminals thronged e are wide p
jails and their whiskey-produced en jg argument for pro-
crimes caused the most horrible News and O
Rev H. E. Tripp was called to, Pine Tar cough balsam will re-
Galloway's X Roads Thursday to cough and cold Get a
bottle from M M Sauls
W. A. Darden,
Sugg, Oscar Harper, Miss
Martha Harper of Snow Hill, and
Miss Boyette, of Dunn, were the
guests of Robert Coward Sunday.
Car load of fine and coarse
salt at JR Smith Co.
L. H. Cox and wife, of
race riot of this decade.
There are over sixty saloons
Wilmington. Mr W. E Hocutt,
writing in today's paper
Tuesday I visited the
county jail and found every nook
county j an under the name
and corner of this tremendous of d
building rammed and packed full dissolved
of men. women, boys and , consent.
girls-over two hundred waiting W the firm.
f,. nil C I Tue.-tn
boys are catching lots of the finny ton, were visiting the family of
tribe now. J. F. Smith last week.
Paper roofing, rubber roofing, The prettiest baby caps and
tobacco barn sheeting at J cloaks in J R Smith co
H Saturday during the absence of
R, J. Cobb, one Greenville's
clever bankers, was here Wed-
the criminals in the jail at
just as there has been what matrimony
Mr. Joyner, one of the seminary
students, some one broke into
shaking hands with room ransacked
ads. -Sum was not a can j generally. Nothing was stolen,
the room had the appearance
i , from a
Z, v w l presents. j S- largest and Joe
uLt add f. B. Smith Co. of two
Sir. ; here Saturday i Gen until you have examined M. M-
T. H. King, of Winter-1 pt r. ; fr
last week. ii,
To- i services
mi i, isl
.,; v. .
-a 1.00 to you Mrs Books and
K. v. , , one and . . h -Jg
W. I. ;. of B d i and money-
Mourn ii . ii do
. f hi W A.- ii
Ayden Milling Manufacturing
Co- site. They will buy your
cotton seed wood, and will
repair cart and
or. or sell you a new cart, wagon
or most any kind of plank or
lumber you may send. They
so have a nice lot of Coffins and
caskets Ed Garris is the clever
manager and will take for all sorts of
spent from Friday until Monday
here wither Miss Hen- at
Brown, one of the teachers
at the graded school.
To Restore Fort
Senator Simmons has
ed in the Senate and Mr. Thomas
in the House a bill appropriating
to restore and equip
Fort Beaufort harbor.
The restoration of Fort Macon is
made necessary by the connect-
ion, through the construction of
by the government, of
and connecting sounds
with the Atlantic ocean. It will
be apparent, after this canal is
constructed, that in time of war
B vessel of the enemy entering
The mercantile heretofore
doing business in the town of
under the name
C. L Tyson,
money, but nothing at i
u to
AYDEN, N. J.-e-
In the State of North Carolina, at meet U,
Loans and discounts
and Fixtures
from Hankers M
Winter-,,. hi for toe Harbor penetrate
were into . ., North
. . , in one direction to New
I patterns kept on band, ., Washington,
a bu i i h re
other brands.; i ; very some
., MM Sauls w Sunday. Mr
M the Mrs. J re pleased to learn, is
, , . B v improved.
. Curry, h fas on the train Ca
f DO
j a id I to the Denton
it.-i-n f w mill in the country
X. r, I--.,; t i- y laid to rest in
church at Parmele Sun- the family ground.
day,. , Carload cotton seed meal and
John Moore- of visited Hulls at J K Smith co.
here Sunday J The held their
E. C went to mi here Thurs-
J. K. . of ii. REAL ESTATE
caller here Monday. thirty-seven acre form
just outside corporation at
c And plastering hair at J. R.
J. Green and Fountain Cox
re. ever from a
. Sunday afternoon.
carpenters tools
and mill J. R. Smith
pi primary her
Peru, in another to Washington,
in another to Elizabeth City and
in another to Edenton. After
the practical Hat
. k inlet no Inlet by
, vessels drawing over rive
a six could Th re-
If. , when canal a con-
vessel of
enter Beaufort harbor and
destroy it, as -lid
Silver coin, all mi
coin currency
bk notes other 3.00
stick 0.00
d k m rent
as mid tax v -id I
I hi k. do
Subscribed and sworn to be-
this d v f
Notary Public
J. R
I ah bi
a Int.
Cooper, of Winter-
To the Chamber of L,, Mrs Frank
Senator Simmons i .
of i . valves,
Lo the House J , ,,
and t-.
Having on January 1st
withdrawn from the of
Cannon Tyson
in he n,
herewith avail of this
opportunity of thanking my
friends for their pa t patronage
and respectfully ask them to con-
, , i with Mr E. C. C
look him up. , .
fifty t
agitation of that tobacco
,. t not die out
dollars rise Ayden is much
canal . I when w get it
waters he to our
at On
March 2nd, no Introduced a bill t it it never
providing for a of regret.
to the eat; or a I loot; j R
channel from the respective Q .
mouths of the following rivers-
emptying Into the Pamlico and
Neuse river to Kinston;
river to Trenton;
to Weldon; river to
Elizabeth City; river to
Pamlico river
purpose of calling the at-
of the Chamber cf Com-
to this matter is to impress
the necessity of insisting that
the Pamlico river is opened up
as far as Greenville and farther
if possible. It is not known that
it is practical to establish a ten
foot water way as high up as
Greenville, but this is a golden
opportunity to get an accurate
survey made of the river and
determine what depths can be
obtained as high up as our city.
The Chamber of Commerce
should take this matter
mediately with Senator Simmons
as he can and no doubt will if
properly brought to his attention,
amend his bill to include Tar
It's surprising how little money
a man can get along on when his
family needs it all.
lumber 1-2 inches thick.
Mrs, David Manning died at
her home near here Sh
had been sick for several months
She leaves a husband.
Dr Perkins National Herbs for
sale by J
The little of Mr. and Mrs,
J. R. is very sick.
Cox Cotton Planters Pad;
Bands and Guano distributor at
J R smith Co
Rev. T. H. King, of Winter-
ville, filled his regular appoint-
here last Sunday.
Our clever attorney, W. J.
Hooks, left Saturday to
several weeks his family at
Kenly. He will take a special
course of lectures at Wake Forest
before returning to Ayden.
Bring us your cotton seed and
small lots of scrap cotton in
the seed. K Smith Co.
R. W. Smith left today for
Rocky Mount to meet his family
who are on their way home from
an extended trip to Florida.
Repairing neatly done on bug-
wagons, plows, also
shoe your mules and horses. J.
R, Smith Co, Dixon.
Saturday was a tame affair,
e are there were five pros-
. a very large store. No
w about it
. II There arc but
if , any
u have to
. have a revival hence
cure and
native tablets at J. R.
i , hair at J. R.
j. R. Smith Co- Dixon, are
Belling and carts made j
get one. Material and workman-1
ship guaranteed.
. c
i mi at J. B.
C. . Tyson.
Register of Deeds It. Williams
,.;., d th lie n
Who makes a specialty of fine
n r n
J. Mayo James.
George May. Annie Mob-
Ellis Adam ind
l . . i. . Mary E.
L i
. a. a; I Ada
I . .
ant visit to her i.,
A. L. returned to her.
home in Greenville Monday.
Pneumonia Cure j.
smith co Physician and Surgeon
Misses Lillie Savage,
Whitehead, Letha Fair and Ga-, Office over Bans Building
belle Dawson went to
N, lie
lot b, Notions, Pat, Shoes Hits, Mt-
; loot Clo
Fancy ;. .
i ; i HI I
10-c . ; tie , now g at and c
We on India Linens, and all
Friday and returned yesterday.
Windows, doors, blinds, locks,
butts, J. R. Smith
Misses Edith and
Mumford were very pleasant
callers Friday afternoon.
Lime cement, plastering hair
and a full line of hardware at
J. R. Smith Co.
A colored man rode a horse
belonging to Mr. Charles Smith,
near here. Saturday evening and
tied him to a post until he could
go over town and transact some
business. When he wept for his
horse to go home the animal was
gone and it was not until late the
next afternoon that he was found
tied in another part of the town.
Some had ridden him
the night
Otters his professional services
to the citizens A and
in Building
Residence, W. B. Alexander's
house, Ayden, N. C.
Farmville, N. C.
Rheumatic Pains Relieved.
B. F. Crocker, Esq., now years of
ice and for twenty Justice of
the Peace at
am terribly afflicted with sciatic
in my left arm and right
hip. I
Loans discounts
Furniture and Fixture;
Hue from Banks Mid Bankers 67.188
Cash Items Sob no
Coin -08-00
Silver Coin, including minor
cum currency
National Hank notes, other
U. S. notes
Capital stock
Undivided less cur-
rent exp. and pad 3,981.45
Time 161.81
Checks outstanding 1,261.06
Balm end it did this 24th of 1908.
me Tots of For by all J. A.
and dealers in Patent
R Smith Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
th, i. true to the beat of m, and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, Correct .
W. M.

Where Liquor His Been Driven Out
There the Schools Flourish.
Hon. J. Y- Joyner, the State
Superintendent of Public In-
is emphatic in
that Prohibition will be the
best thing for North Carolina.
In an interview with him
day he had the following to say.
have d my views
on prohibition. I shall vote for
it and support it most heartily. I
consider a temperance a moral
and civic question rather than a
political one. The end of
the in which I hate
been engaged during all the
years of manhood and the
chief end of the office I now fill
is the of humanity to a
higher plane of civil and moral
life through the development of
childhood by education, the pro-
motion of all forces that tend to
ambition and aspiration
some child's heart, and make it I On Monday morning, March urge AND Col. W. J. Hick, Ha, No I
possible for many another child the 2nd. the spirit of Frances A.
to be put regularly into the, Barfield. the beloved wife oil
i W t .
Leaving the Oxford
In the News and Observer of
when vote liquor out Walter Barfield, at home in r j . r , In the News and Observer of
of the home, vote thrift into Greenville, N. C- took its flight . . Wednesday appeared an article
you take the burden of family God she served. Her
support off the little shoulders of death was not unexpected as she
many a little child in factory been declining very rapidly
and shop and put it again where j last few years. It seems
it belongs on the big shoulders of that age and a complication of
a working man. and put that diseases was the cause of her
child into th- school again where death. She was one of a large
he family, most of whom lived to be
believe it to be true that aged, but all have now passed
drinking and drunkenness, b- the river except two; Mrs.
cause of their deadening Patsy Davis and Mrs. Nancy
Barfield of Ayden. Her father's
ambition and
and hope and con j name was Gardner Jones who
science, and b. cause of their in-1 has been dead near fifty years,
tendency to Aunt Frankie, as she was
shiftlessness, idleness had many fine qualities
poverty, are the chief and was greatly beloved by a
causes of child labor and admiring relatives and
to the education of j For many years she
children, and among the had been the faithful devoted
obstacle to attendance upon the of her husband, standing
public schools. Believing him for the past years,
elevation, the of childhood I Was a good housekeeper, neat in
Childhood from ell that of education, and given to hospital-
tend to degradation. against crown to her
stand far prohibition, band and adorned her life by be-
the Gay in which it was stated that news
Smith Cobb's skating rink in been received that at an
Brick warehouse, was the cay Mr. W. sup-
of attraction Friday night, of the Oxford Or-
the masquerade carnival being would retire from the
great success. There were over position as soon as his sue-
a hundred disguised skaters on was elected, that Mr
tend to degradation.
f the world
and my
own observation have f believe will de- a devoted Christian. She
king and drunkenness ; b . a member of the Free
to e c that ten .-
hum .
the d
c;. . i further
. . . .
.-i many
I Her
the floor and the number of spec
was many times larger.
The Aeolian band was on hand
and helped out the merriment
with their good music.
There were all kinds of cos-
and made quite an
scene as the skaters whirled
around the floor. Miss Irma
Cobb was awarded the prize for
being the most graceful skater,
and Charles the prize for
the best costume.
The Reflector tried to get a
list of the skaters and what they
represented, but it was
even with the assistance of
both managers of the rink, to get
Hicks had tendered his
ten months ago. but had
agreed to remain until his
had been elected and
learned his duties.
This information is stated to
be incorrect and with reference
to it the from a
letter received from Mr. G- Ron
the secretary and treas-
of the Oxford Orphan
um makes a
have been authorized by
Colonel Hicks to advise that
your reporter has been
formed and that he has no idea
of retiring from the superintend-
of the Oxford Orphan
i .
th . I
el with tho .-
i a J . t
. .
i .
o . . own ac
s. having fir r
I . q lion,
. ; . lisp .- Tl
i Carolina
i sis.
; in is .
is were brought to
. train, Tues-
through the
the J one i b ins
Ormond And
if a . A
i and f
r by th-3
n hat
teen the
. .
d her.
the lorn
in this
more than half of them. at present. On behalf of
skaters just would not keep still the Board of Directors of the
a minute, and on I institution I beg to that
the run something alee. no vacancy,
n- who won mask and have been
tad their Dames in
t w, need not lodge any i Hie many friends of Colonel
complaint against anybody. I will be glad to u that
would suggest that at the next to continue at the Oxford
kind every has
Notice of Sale.
North Carolina, c
Pitt i I
E. P. Stoke. Fred and Wife
Minnie Mills, W a and wife
Mary V. Puree-,
C. H. Stokes, L. A. Reel and wife Fan
By virtue of an order of the Clerk of
Sui-nor Court of Pitt County in the
above action directed to the
Commissioner, I will on
Monday the day of March, 1908.
at the Court House door of Pitt
in Greenville, to the highest
bidder for cash partition among
the s named other than L.
A. Reel and the following
tract or lot. of land,
Lot No. in the division of the lands
made in this cause, and allotted to the
he rs-at-law of Ma y Ann Stokes, con-
1-4 acres more or km and
described as
at a pine, a corner of the
Patent. running north
degrees cast poles to a stake, the a e
1-i east 1-2 poles to a
Cum stump, thence north 2-3 de-
3-5 poles to a stake with
pointer, thence south degrees west
4-5 poles to a stake on a on the
east side of the path, thence north
.-2 degrees west 2-3 poles to a
stake at the corner of a ditch, thence
with the ditch south degrees west
1-5 poles, thence with the ditch
south d west to a
thence south degree
poles to a Make, thence north
east poles to a stake, on the
west of the path, thence south
1-2 degrees east
stake in the Hickman Patent line,
thence said line north i-2
1-2 poles to the
as shown by map with the
rip -t in this cause.
This the 12th day of February.
. In the
pa. along a card on which been to aid the
is written the name of the m his care e notice
b -1 character represent and Observer,
and card with I
do . per, then none will b
Y .
Cobb and
. d tow. i
in . out. ; I to meet Aunt
, ; . . is fairer
-.- t-
ti i . p see ii
success; nor can I easily
Matt tho cf
ho tho
I worst of it. Every one b
. , , . . Every Us
x . represented . . , , ,. , . ,
s Ruth . . ti won
r s; i these. But .
. Smith. . and .
Burch, fairy .
given. We pat our
liberty; M. .,;.,.;. .,. .,, , .
mi . ; ; I . done I I
James, folly; Miss Estell lit of wore their
flower Miss Emma I i
EU,; jg
owling, Ruth a instead of a
lie Tucker, cowboy girl; pain, and earth will
Pattie night; heaven, become not
unworthy follower of him
Maud Lee, Christine Tyson, Am-
. . that great,
, and religious
Pi pendent the N, C Kin Japanese girls; Mis
p of number of the Farm- Annie Tyson,
engaged in this great worn . ,. vi ,. attended ,
. ., ., is an absurd- . he Priscilla. . Stab of
mod can conscientiously do . , cl , night and . j. s
the pa,. age and gave. tor, t U m I
th , hi., Miss Alice old lady. t
. . in
t a
f r.; din the of
mi ;. and def
ill n u he is
re of Superior Court of
iv to be held 0.1 the
d after . Mon
. i. the 16th
1908, at the Court
or I. to
I in said action or
the . f will apply to the
c he 1- lief demanded in
This 28th day of Jan,
D. C. More.
Clerk Superior Court.
Julius Atty. for plaintiff.
pie hi
been mm
the of more th in e y
and have been by
vi local tax districts at tho av-
of about woe;, and
rural at an aver
about one a day. In all
the history of this State, there
has never been so treat progress
in education and temperance as
during- the five year.
the of these facts,
who will dare assert that there
is not some strange relation of
cause and effect between
and temperance May it not
be true that when men waste
less money liquor they have
more money for schools; when
men less time in drinking
and drunkenness they have more
time for work and wages When
you vote liquor out, you vote
bread into some child's mouth, a
coat upon some child's back, a
iv surface
ti; j . of the
I V,
. . .
b well pres
and very thick, It was so hard
cutting through these timbers
that it was decided to put the
drain sewer on the side of the
instead of near the center.
It hardly looks reasonable that
Evans street feet lower
years ago than it is now, but the
depth of the old
below the surface shows this to
be true.
A torpid liver deranges the
system, and
Sallow Skin and
Thar Is no better remedy for
common diseases than Oft.
PILLS, a. a trial
Take No Substitute.
art of January, s Larry James, cowboy; David
and r, Whichard, Aunt Dinah; Bruce
mail d to J ; J. L. An-
. I i Tom Du-
. 51.00 In arr Norman and
. I . E. . . an I
paying, and A. Vick, plumbers; Roy He
. I ind rs Pigs i, I; Cl I
; with the remittances. But Tunstall, foxy; Seth Hooker,
of subscribers Jack Horner.
have paid do attention whatever
to the stat and because
of this we are having to mail
th m a second statement. After
sending them the paper on credit
it looks very unjust that they
should force us to such
expense to get pay it, there-
fore we hope those getting the
statements will not delay longer
to remit.
We also call attention to the
notice to subscribers, published
on another page, relative to the
law that goes into effect April
Postmaster Flanagan Confirmed.
The United States senate has
confirmed the nomination of Mr.
Flanagan as postmaster
at Greenville for another four
years, and both
and the patrons are correspond-
happy. Better
than he are not easy to find.
A Card.
I hereby that I have
removed for the practice of my
profession from Falkland to
Greenville. Residence on Third
street next door to J. L. Fleming.
Office under Masonic Temple
where I can be found at all times
when not professionally engaged
Services in Episcopal Church.
r Rev. J. H. of Kins-
ton, came over Thursday after
noon and held service in St.
Paul's Episcopal church that
night and next morning, return-
home Friday. Rev. Mr.
Griffith will preach here each
Thursday night and Friday
morning during Lent
notice Creditors.
bbl hi ins.
. in. . frill
that an a .
Bits In . , . I in
Court Pitt county to obtain
. . . Court
of administration upon the
day been Issued to mo the
clerk Superior Pitt
and having duly qualified as each
ml notice is hereby given to
nil persona
to present them to me for paid
duly authenticated, on or before
day of February, 1909, or this
notice will be plead in bur of their re-
All persons indebted to said
estate to make immediate
payment to me.
Me the 28th day of
Administrator of W. Tucker,
Notice To Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
Court clerk of Pitt county as
executor of the last will and testament
of William Bryant deceased, no-
is hereby given to all persons in-
to the to make
ate payment to the undersigned, and
all persons haying claims the
estate are to the same
to the undersigned for payment on or
before 16th day of February,
or this notice will be plead in bar
Thia February 15th.
a-15 ltd w.
Executor of William
from . def .
divorce, and the defendant will
further take notice that he be required
to appear at the next term of the
r Court of said to be held
on 20th day of April, the
Court House in said and in
N, C. answer or demur
to tho complaint in said action, or the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in said complaint.
This the 24th day of Feb.
Clerk Court
P. G. taut.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
Letters of administration upon the
estate of James D. Bullock, deceased,
having this day been issued to the
by clerk of Court
of Pitt county, and having duly
as administrator, notice is
hereby given to all persons
claims estate to
them to the signed for payment,
duly authenticated, on or before the 8th
day of February, 1909, or notice
will be plead in bar of their recovery.
All persons indebted to said estate ore
requested to make immediate settle-
to me.
This the 8th day of February, 1908.
.,, Caddy
Administrator of James u. Bullock,
Attorneys. 2-10
of Pitt County to Sell the
Bonds is Folly
Believing that the opinion of
the Supreme court of the State.
in the matter of suit to enjoin
the sale of bonds, is of interest
to all people of the county, we
take pleasure in publishing the
full opinion
term, 1908. No Pitt
A. D. Cox et appellants v.
Commissioners of County.
This is an action brought by
the plaintiffs as and tax
the county of Pitt to
enjoin the issue of certain bonds,
not exceeding fifty thousand
dollars, which defendants are
about to issue to aid establish-
a training school or near
the of Greenville in said
county in pursuance of the act
of the general assembly ratified
March An application
was made to His Honor Judge
Lyon in the Superior court
enjoin the issuing of the bonds.
From is order refusing tin in-
junction plaintiffs appealed.
No counsel for plaintiffs;
Jarvis Blow and J. l,. Flem-
for defendants.
Brown. . The objection to
the validity of the bond j and the
legality of the issue are fully set
out in the complaint and we deem
it necessary to notice four only
a purpose that is not corporate in latter the case the court had
its character, viz; not within the consideration the act of the
scope and purpose of a municipal general assembly of Illinois
corporation, and therefore viola- proved March establish-
of the State constitution. , the school.
This position seems to find sup- The provision authorizing
port in the decision of the municipal corporations to donate
court of Ohio in the- case money to secure the location of
of Hubbard v. the school within was
Ohio but is contrary to our, sustained, there being nothing in
own rulings- v. Oxford, the constitution of Illinois, as
N, C. and cases cited. We construed by its in
regard municipal corporations as conflict with it. The authorities
instrumentalities of the State are collected and reviewed in the
government and public in their, opinion and support fully our
nature. The general assembly own views. We are of opinion
has control over them and may , that the bond issue contemplated
enlarge, modify or curtail their is valid and that his honor prop-
powers as it deems proper within refused to enjoin it.
the limits of our constitution. It j AFFIRMED,
may authorize such corporate true
Farmville, N. C. March, 1908-
J. C. Williford went to Wash-
L. P Thomas
Be sure to clear out
trash fr- your
houses after you finish grading
and selling your crop If you do
Green- not you will certainly have to-
and returned bugs, they do much
damage to tobacco, particularly
t-ii . n -i r- t tobacco. Tobacco
Bill Smith and Cecil of ,. v
Farmville ,, look like
Tuesday evening.
Stray Up.
Greenville, were in
Paul a promising
young of Snow Hill, white and black barrow hog
visitor in our town for a
Dr. C. C.
in ears. can get
same by proving
cost-and damages. V. J.
R. F. D. No. N. C
in d w.
With Hock.
j day afternoon between Y. r. W.
I J. Turnage and a Alex
in which Mr. Turnage
was painfully hurt. Bailey
s unloading some hay from a dray
Mr. stable and be-
coming very insolent Mr. Turn-
age struck him with a
whip. Bailey assaulted Mr.
with a cotton hook tear-
one side of his face and
a wound in the back. At a
hearing before the mayor Bailey
was held for trial at Superior
bodies to apply their revenues
and credit to legitimate purposes
tending to the general good and
of the community
although every individual tax
payer may not be directly
fitted thereby.
While such corporations cannot
donate their to strictly
private enterprises, there is
nothing in our constitution which
prohibits them, with legislative
sanction, from
takings of a public or semi-public
character which are
and intended to promote the
prosperity and general welfare
of the community. The purpose
in issuing these bonds is to
cure within the
i county of Pitt of the Eastern
S. Kenan, Sec.
Per Seawall D. C.
for of Saturday,
March 1808.
a. m. Devotional
Rev. Arnold.
Reading of minutes.
English and why it should
be taught in the public schools.
Supt E. M. Rollins.
Illustrative lessons in
spelling and reading, based on
Ward's Bessie
Address R. D.
Connor, Sec. N. C Historical
Raleigh. N. C.
t-d by
of the contentions urge
It is insisted first that bond
act is and void
that said act is a
private act and that thirty days
notice was not given as required
in section article of . the
constitution. It. is immaterial
whether the act be a public
law as defined in State v.
N. C. and similar
cases, or purely a private act as
contended by plaintiffs; the courts
will not go behind the ratification
I of the act to ascertain whether
notice has been given in accord-
section article of
the constitution of this State.
While that is binding
upon the conscience of the gen-
assembly and doubtless is
intended to be observed by that
the courts will not under-
take to review the action in that
respect of a co-ordinate depart-
of the State government,
and will conclusively presume
from ratification that the notice
has been given. v. Tar-
N. C. Broadnax v.
Groom, N. C Worth v.
Railroad, N. C. v.
Commissioners, N. C
State v. Powell, N. C.
Second-That said act is
and void because it was
not passed in the manner re-
quired by section article of
constitution, in that the yeas
and nays were not recorded on the
second and third readings, as
ed by said section. An in-
of the journals of both
houses of the general assembly
show that this contention is with-
out foundation. Commissioners
v. Trust Co., N. C
Third-That the act violates;
article sections and of
the constitution in it em-
powered defendant to order a
new registration. position
is untenable. The suffrage
amendment of 1900 a new
for voters but left
the matter of their
I legislature before.
t When and how tho registration
of voters shall be had is left to
the wisdom of the legislature-
And that may it to the
local authorities, such is boards
of county commissioners,
anew registration if body
deems it proper. v.
Commissioners of
N. C. Com-
missioners, N. C White
v. Commissioners, N. C.
Clark v. Statesville, N. U.
the to
be issued and the tax for
School discipline.
Supt. Julian B. Martin.
Discussions on
school, with the
terms of the act establishing it.
Ch acts That such
donation is not for a private topics,
pose but intended to assist a; Announcements by Supt.
great public institution which H.
will doubtless be of Adjournment.
local as well as general benefit j
cannot be doubted.
The principal endorsed by fut
Supreme court of the United There was a fire alarm just be
States is that if the donation o'clock, Friday night, that
for a public purpose, viz, for the; cam e a house occupied by
benefit of the inhabitants of people out on King row,
municipality then it would be west of the A. C. L. railroad. No
for a corporate purpose of was
road v. Smith, done.
and quoted from by Mr. Justice
Harlan in his elaborate opinion Do not tread in paths,
in county of Livingston v. you are a landscape
U. S. In this
Just Arrived At
Where you will find a complete
line at all times. They handle
paints in car lots always keeping
good assortments, quality
celled, guarantee it per
cent pure- Don't fail to see
their line, of Heaters,
stoves, shot guns,
Enamel ware etc. It is the
place to buy your shells. They
also keep on hand the
American Wire Fence, the kind
that is pig and different
heights. Their place is head-
quarters for Roofing, which you
will find in Iron, Crave,
and Paper Take a look at
their plows and other
implements In fact almost
every want in the Hardware can
be supplied
Pres. and Gen.
Organized in 1866, reorganized and
in 1904 with capital of
Manufacturers of High Grade
Sole Agent for
Lead and Zinc Paint, Jewel Stoves and Ranges. Syracuse
farm Implement fertilizer
Edge Tools.
We wish to announce to our many patrons and friends that we now occupy
new three story brick factory, on the corner and Fourth streets, opposite
L. Smith's stables.
Our is modern in every respect, equipped with the best machinery run by
Electricity, and only the best material is used manufacturing our Buggies and Car-
We invite you to call any time to inspect the plant and material used, which
Mr. Flanagan will take pleasure in showing you, whether you wish to any
or not
Forty years experience at manufacturing, and the reputation u vehicle
have attained over the large territory in which they arc used, Is sufficient Out
our work is the best and that the interests of our is protected.
We make best Buggy on the market for the money, sell for cash or
time, and protect the purchaser with this
If any axle, spring or wheel breaks with fair reasonable
one year from date of purchase caused by j
in material or workmanship, and is returned lo us by par-
chaser, we will replace the same free of
We also have for sale the best Wagons made by manufacturer; of long experience
and fully and Hackney.
R, L. Bros, at Farmville and J. R. Harvey Co., at Grifton, arc agents
for our Buggies, and all of our work sold by them is subject to our guarantee.

This Department is in F. C. Nye who is authorized to represent The Eastern
in and vicinity.
boots, rubber shoes. Now is the time to purchase Mrs. E. F. Tucker is in
coats, and heavy your Box Body Carts while they more this week selecting her
a specialty- are cheap. The A. G. Cox Man-1 spring millinery goods-
Bather Co.
John Flanagan Flan-
students of W- H- S. went
to their homes near Farm to
spend Sunday
We can furnish all kinds
of and turned wood
work for buildings on short no-
tic-, Carolina Mfg.
Miss Daisy Porter was called
home Thursday on account of the
death grandmother.
. ii cow almost at
ha; d t the farmer
i carts and wag
o. T . G C x
C. their
Co. have plenty of
Norfolk Southern Will Send Out
Special Train.
The Norfolk Southern Rail
way has arranged fur a special
train of two curs to be b as
the corn special, to go over all
the lines of that road, leaving
here March 22nd. There will
four specialists on board,
in Dr. F. L. Steven and Pi of.
R. I. Smith. These talk on
the culture of corn and its prep-
fertilization, the test methods i
of feeding the crop, the p j
to harvest it. and will give
full instructions is t the self et- j
ion of the right kin; f
The be cm t
will s-- i
At t points
mi Che-t
. .
v.. v Call and ate us
. we can name
; ll. sting.
i, . . ;.
Dr. I Ed of
th of
V. s I . . will r
in Ii of W.
. ;
s o
ant a nice
ii . i . r y you ha i
,. and W B.
K f ct r c
at y in
i . ii
The .-ear is here.
farm s secured
u. Prompt attention to
our customers Harrington Bar-
r id .
A moving
m it will be in the
tor; i v H. S. Saturday
night March 7th at o'clock by a
fr ii Greenville They
A new line of dress shoes for
them on hand. Call and see them, ladies and just opened
Prof. G. E- Lineberry Harrington. Co
been informed of his election to j There will be a temperance
deliver the annual add rally of all the Sunday schools in
the Literary on the fifth Sunday morn-
Wake Forest college this We expect to have some
spring. is a coveted honor distinguished present.
He has accepted and will deliver j The . v ill be at o'clock,
the address some time in April. announcements a week
Beautiful souvenir cards twenty places.
Barber Co. i Produce Co. is of i-
to welcome back j a car of the prettiest cultural and
into our town John David Smith, hay ever delivered in Winter on ii
time beer, in villa and at prices right too. This corn I will
business in Greenville. He will J. II. Hudson left educator and it
conduct business for Cross Roads where enterprise on the part of
the the name of J D. ho will locate for further the Norfolk , to sup-
Smith Co. They will be next to lice. We regret very much to . pit-mp
the post office. lose Ho had man the value an
potatoes at here, we hope him Char-
Harrington. Barber Co. much success in his new field observe. j i
Mrs. of Bethel. . .
with her many, m
at A W. Ange returned borne n,
Saturday. um to die of an
G. ii. Lineberry and A. G.
to ii o NOTICE
morning to attend the u- H ;.
t c
I n a rule Km-
until f have my-
self t h eat
many in
but inf i J our
Mr oner in-
try i, I n.
in tine
I th ; a bi. i. in; to in people
r I i the h l-no-n of used
c. It is with that I you this
i in the that c-n b-y a
-r C I so v, or re-
For Sale by Druggist , 1.00, and
la . long
can get K- New Disc .
Pa. . d no b i I I y
ms than
, of A. D. Cox in ,
Carolina Mi ;
l . fee
. place
fir v
quick notice. Can promptly looked after Mr.
i ; and Mfg. Co. Cox ill still cc with
Eda Woo ard left tins c . ;
morning to Sunday at
home i ear Stoke
. I
r i-
u i
try ii
For hi
corn, oats and feed of i
highly recommended by
who have seen their Meas heavy
. for 1.21
seed oats go to Winterville
S Smith spent Thursday
A new line of dry goods and
notions ii. Harrington
Barber Co.
We are requested to announce
the services at the
pal church will be at every
Wednesday Friday afternoon
instead of p. m.
Garden of kinds fresh
from the A Ange
A Co.
The Vance Literary society
will a public debate next
Friday , March 14th at 7.80
. an most cordially
hay corn, oats , of fin M , .
ail kinds go to Pro- band picked, especially i,.
next door to post- for seed i p r bushel Also Francisco, u is- do. i
v- w v A ITS t nit ins U. is.;.
office. Prompt attention a lot of the Improved King Cot- .,.,,.;,
Misses Cox an
Lawrence to Green
ville this morning. per bushel.
Cheap cash on W H. Harrington-
winter shoes. We have-------
for cur stock.
. i at. . .- ,
id ton pounds in seed bod. It correct liver
a pound .
priced Coach is
g no .
gist i
u-- i i
. .-. r . .
it i
. i i
Cough Remedy want Le
If you to lie by inches, you
. i Remedy
heavy shoes priced 1.50
Women's box priced the pleasant to take
a fin i -ft Oil n in any way in-
2.00 1.-0 -x a
is ;. d, the South
w national in-
flu.; next half
tin i the The boys
arc ii , id lively do-
bat . expected.
. Ii . dry goods and
notion expected this week,
id A.
boots for 3.00. Men's heavy mothers. Mr. W. S. Pelham, i
r. i chant Iowa,
3.00 boots tor to. These must
go. A. W. Ange Co.
L. L- Kittrell went to On
ville this morning.
Men's heavy rubber boots
price 3.75 for Harrington patent
Barber Co.
n the World.
Rev. F. of East
Maine, have
t for sow year., on my I
j old army wound, and other
Mrs. John Smith left Evelyn Will Today Begin Proceedings j off-
morning to spent some time with. for of Marriage.
Fretting about tomorrow's l
many troubles never drives them
j . . .
We revising list
Es Reflector it comply
with th . G Post-
c-cc s into effect
April J t. Undo this no weekly
r can V- . who
after the
date to which subscription is paid.
To send it payment will
require a each paper.
Therefore vi every subscriber to
The owes for one
or send j remittance at
year same on our
list. The can have no choice in
this, but will have comply with the
We hope every subset attend to
this promptly we had rather not drop a
single name from cur list. But bear in
mind that The Eastern Reflector cannot
be mailed after April 1st. to any person
who owes for one year or longer.
relatives at Bethel.
The Lucky Quarter.
Io t one for a box of
Dr. King's New hit.,
bring the health th it's n ore
Try tot
ache, bill and ma-
It they disappoint the price
by this wonderful machine. This allegation that the
pres I The query can be found at Harrington Bar inSane when the
cheerfully refunded
Prof. E. Lineberry conduct proposes to defend the suit. The
ed services at the Free Will the case be served
church Sunday morning
the absence of the pastor.-
some time tomorrow and an early
trial is expected. In the mean-
i mm a ii mi ii
Our line of new spring pants tin. Dy agree-
just opened.
A W. Ange and
meat, will remain apart.
Luring today Col. Franklin
We have established a broker counsel for the elder
age business in the store
Mrs Thaw, made a statement in
which he said that there was no
the Post office, car lots a special
e ti almost at We will have in a few
. . will need such All orders promptly attended to truth in the that
J D Smith Co by Mrs. William
in, mi .- as cotton planters
your orders early v. A. G.
i o for these
I'd be sure
to get supply in ample time.
Fresh seed peanuts of different
kinds A. W. Co.
heights at
Harri-ion, Barber Co.
The A G. Mfg. Co. are row
expecting a nice lot of poultry
Do Not the
T. Brat warm of spring
. them
Pence. Would be to have post and all kinds of
our friends and customers to on short notice at Caro
come to see us before they buy Milling and Mfg Co
We can quote prices that will A new lot of fresh flour just in
Thaw had had her daughter-in
Remember the debate Friday under for months,
Al are cordially invited, j
Miss Iris Ives, of Grifton.
spent Sunday here with her
Miss Ethel who is a en-
of H S Joy the air and sunshine. I
U that hove housed up all
bee our new lire or lames and brought out and you
shoes, A. Ange
and Co.
Church seat, and
door frames, mantels, column
talk. Plow saddles are still go-
A. Q, Manufacturing
Seed oats at Harrington Bar-
Have dressed at
where ah come The
winter i- thrown mid
; lied their Then ii c
wave comes and people y that i;
Colds reason u
even dangers than ii r,
there is more danger of
Take Cough
however and you have
nothing to fear, it ard
we have never a cold to
in pneumonia en used. It is
Pleasant and sale to take.
it. For all Druggists
Harrington, Barber Co
We handle the castings for the
I Fut Kettle and
and. Along Down Town
pi the
Harrington Co convention on the ltd
Grows the finest Tobacco because
it is prepared expressly for-
twenty-three years experience
-no guess work, but careful study of the
requirements of this particular plant.
Ask your dealer for Orinoco and see that the trade
mark is on every bag.
Fa S. Royster Guano Company
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
He is Delighted With Spirit Shown by
Board of Trustees.
To rive an idea of the feeling
of the trustees and the outcome
of their meeting to organize and
plan the beginning of the work
on th- Eastern Carolina
Training School to be located in
Greenville, The Reflector asked
ex-Gov T. J. Jarvis, the
dent member of the board of
trustees this
are you pleased with the spirit
exhibited by the different
of the board of trustees, and
what do you think of the out-
come of th.
To this
I am delighted with the spirit
shown by every member of the
board at the recent meeting on
the 10th and They demon-
i y their words and ac-
that they realized that they
were laying the foundation of a
great institution, which would
great service to their
Mate, and become an important
factor in educational forces.
They seamed determined to prof-
it the experiences of the past
in adopting all the good and
avoiding all the errors that have
been made in planning for such
an institution. They wisely
availed the services
of Mr. H. an ex-
landscape architect, to
lay out the grounds and t
the location of the various build-
now and hereafter to be
erected, that we may have an
artistic plan to up to.
I think we are especially for-
in the selection of
to get up the plans for the
buildings now to be erected. The
Something like two million brick
will be required and other ma-
in proportion. It is earn-
hoped that those desiring
to furnish brick and other ma-
for these buildings will
keep in mind that it is great
public institution and that they
will enter into the spirit which
seems to animate everybody to
contribute something to the pub-
service, and that they will
make their prices for material as
low as possible. We do not ex-
to obtain material and labor
for nothing, nor do we expect
anybody to charge more than .
seasonable compensation for
So I may say that I am greatly
pleased with the outcome of the
meeting of the board of trustees
and that I look forward with
bright hopes to the future work
of board in connection with
the institution.
Rev. B. W. and A.
Addressed the
Miss Harding Conduct
Model Recitation.
Cox's Mill, N. C, M
J. got a
stove, row we all think he is
somebody to use it.
D. Evans is sporting a new
We sent a good number to
church at Jack Saturday
night and Sunday.
W. A. Tyson came out from
Greenville to spend Saturday
night an-1 Sunday with relatives.
Miss Arley Moore spent
day night and Sunday with
Misses Cora and Sadie Carroll.
Mr. and lilt. H. L Forms, of
Greenville, has been visiting
D. G. Moore, of Grimesland
was here one lay last week.
There was a light fall of hail
in this section Sunday night.
At ll Saturday the
Association was called
order by President EL
Smith. After devotional
by the president,
Bessie Hording conducted a
model recitation en reading in
the first trade, which high-
enjoyed by the audience. Next
came Rev. B. W.
J of the Sun-
day school workers in the South
The subject of bis address was.
in the The sub-
was a striking and he
had the most m
beginning to end. He said
we get somethings outside of
that have the greatest
effect in shaping life The boy's
THE that each may feel the teacher's DEMONSTRATION OF FARM WORK, by this greatly in-
concern him. There creased crop Thus, it should
PRETTY DAY-LARGE NUMBER should De singing consisting of TO BE STARTED IN PITT COUNTY, not require a great many year
PRESENT. religious songs, national airs, and to readjust agricultural
lullabies. The reading The Advice of Dr. S. A. set dons in the Southern States and
j should be some Forth as Having place agriculture upon the high
poems and stones. . the Demonstration Work is level which it Should
Memory gems are of untold val- Conducted. Through the of Con-
The teacher must plan and A K of Brass n Small this
put life into these By g D of is ,,,, I, in
pupils are inspired w of tho preliminary way in this county.
to he in school on and Ur L. C. has
that will go with cal . y,, to have charge He
them through laM and taught it
after a few announcements by
Prof one of the finest
this country and spent
number of years studying
. . i vi -dis i -t.
sessions of the year , . , .,,
. , ., , ,, countries-. Anything
was idea and ,. ,. ., .
from mm. therefore is worthy
I careful notice.
He contends that there is no
was large,
the dangers.
net d f the widespread
of farm lands and the gen-
poverty of the masses on the
in ad
to this as
c count can do .
u-- the n
by conferring with Mr. Arthur
in person or sending him
The work is not experiment
Possible Will bi Dene
continue Be- I ,. .,,, t
. i a u-ii Oar very civilization de. is
, , -r r .
I pends upon the uplifting o the a
S. H. Wilson in farmer. No
burg can be higher than the
What is the great danger t. earning capacity to support.
Miss Mattie Moore, of Grimes-
board selected as architects is spending this week
firm of Hook of Char-1 with friends,
N. C. who have had large j Macon Haddock was on the
experience in planning and sick list last week but is
erecting school buildings, and R,
W. Simpson, of New Bern, N. C.
who has also had large
and lives near at hand and
is thoroughly identified with the
section to be served by this ins-
The hoard has secured
mind is a medley must be
guided by the teacher and in this
way the teacher finds his great-
est opportunity. The teacher
must mingle with her pupils
in this way she has one of
est opportunities of life,
prohibit-n j work, therefore, is tn
in the on the hi average and
reach t
R . .-
. e follow g . a
r., n I
Blind ford.
R. M. and
of Hay confidence, hit practices
On every hand hear. re such as will increase his earning
is no., of the The capacity.
writer agrees with this prophecy, j In the of Moses the
of the had to be
. opportunities of lite, for have been laboring, boiled down to ten staple
shaping the lives of under I long ard too hard for them or rules, so that the L,,. is
her charge The game of base to throw away victory when it is great masses of the, people could
bail brings cut the essentials for their hards; but there is the easily understand them A
success in life. A ball gravest danger to in theology, therefore, COLORED.
must his guard. He We are say in-, was contained in ten simple
watch for every opportunity d
never lose one, so in life a man
must not lose the opportunities
laid before him. He must
know how to play The
world wants men who know hew
to things puts a premium
or. him,
and our enemies are Just so, the great bulk of j
is But there agricultural information got out
by the United States Depart
and various State
of agriculture, must be
will be a doubt unless we bestir
Ti e were have held a
Resolutions of Sympathy.
Adopted by
Tribe No. Greenville, N. C.
Whereas, it has pleased the
Great Spirit to take from Brother
tie services of these three ex- John E. Forbes, his infant child,
architects at the com
usually paid for one
architect, to per cent of
the cost of the work.
Through the liberality of the
therefore be it resolved,
1st- That we humbly bow with
submission to Him who all
things well.
2nd, That we extend to
inc. . i
to the erection of the
buildings, and the Pitt
in appropriating a like sum for
that purpose board has at its
command with the appropriation
of by the State, fully
for the erection and
equipment of buildings after
paying for the site. While the
board will aim to keep within the
I of the funds in hand in the
in his sad hour be-
3rd, That a copy of these
resolutions be sent to the be-
and a copy sent to the
Eastern Reflector for publication.
March 1908.
J. H. Harris,
S. T. White,
C. E. Moore.
limits tunas in G m
present expenditure, its object
will be to adopt such plans and It was a real pleasure to sec
as may be added to a id , Col. I. A. Sugg walk into
developed hereafter in perfect office Saturday. He
harmony with the plans made a terrible operation
the landscape architect. The in the Washington hospital,
board elected T. J. Jarvis. much of his tongue being cut
Joyner Y T. Ormond an out, and his friends were
who does not know is set aside.
Self reliance. Every man
must perform his own individual
duties in the world or he
prove a failure. Physical
vigor. The world needs strong
and brawny men and every one
to reach life's highest attainments
must have a strong and healthy
body. Reliability.
ball player will never take the
advantage of another
player If we would do the
the greatest good, we must
be reliable. Business is founded
on honest principles and he that
succeeds must be counted on.
Sacrifice The i layer sacrifices
his own honor many times for
the best interest of his team.
is one of the great-
est virtues and he who
would b- a true citizen must
possess this noble quality.
Stay in the game. The play-
who loses interest in the last
innings ought to be put oil the
The men who are making
the greatest success in lite are
the ones who stick to their duties
to the end.
Mr. made a fine
upon the large
of teachers present and sure
such pungent and practical
as he brought out, must
make a lasting impression upon
their lives-
Prof. A. J.
f racer where they took to a few
needed action to regain are easily
hold on the South. Those and put into practice by
of the liquor average farmer. may
what that summed up about as follows
of Better preparation cf soil.
have been I Rotation of crops.
Sam Hill and Joan Hi
William Martha God-
Nathan Lewis and Ida Downy.
are wise in the way
politicians know
means. A number
that she
may grow rich by debauching
to consult how to
the State from this terrible wave
of The men who
have corrupted the State in other
days by every means, that they
might grow rich on the bodies
and souls of men and women, are
yet alive, and their greed for
gain is as conscienceless as ever.
Rest assured that
possible will he done to continue
between law
The Life
Company of New York's pa-
to Po increase
Steadily but rapidly.
Best varieties of seed to plant.
Better use of home made Amount
commercial fertilizers
More intelligent cultivation.
He must use better teams and;
better implements so that he can
do more work in a day. He
must, keep account of his
farm work so that he can profit
t y bis mistakes.
The next problem is how
. j present these principles so that
everything I take and apply them.
The only really successful way
ms to be by demonstration. In
other words, we must get inside j
. .
1303 . .
1900 . . .
1907 . .
Increase In
four years
H. Ii
the hell. whiskey forces
have given up tho Not of a man's environment if
or. your life. They are studious-1 would influence him- We
Small Next Monday Night
On Mind i of week
J ii
H. Small will address the
C of
proclaiming that lathe strong-1 to get Into the radius of on the question of water trans-
holds of prohibition sentiment. his environment ind come into Every business man
and they are moving earth and direct touch with him or some of of community should hear
hell where they have any chance I his neighbors. We start a little him.
of gain. They hope to woo demonstration with one of
to sleep with honeyed words I to show that the average yield
Awake. Sampson Philis- lean be and tripled with-i
tines are upon you out a increase in i
What can we do For the; the. con of prediction.
agitate Let every The best man to reach the av-
preach Let every farmer is a progressive
prayer, pray Let every talker, in whom he has
tall Lev. women, who have This pi farmer is
to loose and all to gain, use
i- Gold
their constitutional
executive and that he would not recover. That also Jg
and them duty he is up again, and the power of and an
of having the plans prepared still spared to him even dress on how the
detail for a subsequent meeting j though t is imperfect, is
of the board to be held on Thurs- indeed. He will go back to
day the 16th of April. The the hospital for two weeks and
bring such moral force to
l tar upon the man or men she
can influence that for her sake,
If not for hi-i own and his child-
Mi, he will join to destroy
in schools should be I
conducted. He gave some very
v. y of feel
excellent suggestions as to how
meeting with the architects and charged as well,
went over the general outlines of
the plans. The architects are to
prepare these plans in detail with
estimates of the cost to be sub
A Curiosity.
Mr. J. F. of Ayden,
,.,,;,;. brought us a vegetable curiosity
sprout from a collard stalk that
at a met ting to be held April P it tried a
As soon as the plans are being fan shaped and
matured and adapted work on eight inches wide at the
commence, end.
ducted to he of the greatest
Among the leading
were that the first
teen minutes should be spent so
in the recitation so
that each might be put in the
the most pleasant frame of mind
for the days work,
should have his roll book and
note those who are absent so
employed to superintend tho dam-
farms. His business
is to see that the are
understood and Flay of
plied. When n farmer has made to r A
one crop thus, at a less cost did w.
ever before, he is so elated Lowest prices on seed
meal and hulls at P. John-
The best drink of c
Medal M.
fin- plants tor
sale, ii
F. If, Jersey
D. D.
Everything h I
V. V. r.
kinds at P. V, John
L. i
success that will not think of
going back to his old methods
His have watched him.
They discuss the methods, until
The effect therefore, is
not remote but immediate.
By working a county thorough-
a general public opinion is
Rev. D. W. Davis of Washing-, th is
ton, preached in the
church here Sunday morning and
evening. He had large
at both services.
Rev. George E Spruill, of .
South Carolina, who with his; formed. Merchants,
wile is visiting her parents, Mr agricultural editors all con-
Mrs. J. L. Moore, occupied influence to for
tie Memorial ,. , .-
church Sunday morning and the
movement because they are all
We have for sale some
hand made and r
Also some nice
field peas at and bu. of
ii little peas at which
is the best pea Known All F. O.
G. A. Johnson Bro.
It don't cost much to it a
shad, but it is different if
to eat one.

Eastern reflector, 13 March 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 13, 1908
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Joyner NC Microforms
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