Eastern reflector, 28 February 1908

of the Geese of
To the naturalist wild is every
ray more interesting than that of
domesticated Nowhere
can life better than
in regions least frequented by man.
Captain Snow tells in
to how complete-1
unacquainted with man were the
birds those American is-
lands. What particularly interested
him the fellow feeling shown
among the sea fowl.
r- one when I
to give the Ben a change of diet at
island I shot in an hour and
a half twenty-nine of the best
and quite as good and large
as oar finest at home.
not always, however, that
I to shoot these birds. They
in pairs or threes when feed-
. On to which re-
fer I was making sad slaughter
among them, when observed a
male bird turn from the
flight which he and his companion
ere making and look around. I
had shot bis mate, and the poor
just dropped on a hillock
Of North Carolina, says About
make it a rule never to
The Great External Remedy mend medicines until I have my-
. . , self anther
Fer Creep. many in the land that are perfect
shams, but having your Cure
for Colds, sore throat other in-
troubles, I have no hes-
in cordially
it to the public, for I it a to the
the children, i have of being used
for PNEUMONIA and throat troubles with
effect. It is pleasure that I give you this
Anytime in the world that I can say a worn
for your Company. I will do so without hesitation or re-
For Sale by All Druggists, and
Tribute to Thai Culinary Triumph
Gastronomic Joy.
Very often when a person site
down to s dinner he is confronted
by the or
The former is a clear liquid
far from me.
a intent the male
Ways In Which tho
Is To lured.
I well
nil at. say,
m July
to And arc i
gain n
with I
r doing l work twice.
i II
in till
nor-e if you don't Is the
lo or is
as usual, tight as an
groom can draw it
to the blankets in p
. it i; n the animal
up, it i far i re so
I if
., i .-. .
all film two or
in r in; u for n
. .
. ;. . in. T care-
.- i i
in n .
in ii. in w n l r n, I w it will
. . o a- in illy i it.
of as the d days
,. not he so hard w
,. it in mind and body
,. and
tr i dreading worrying about it
y .; lie .
,;. likely to in its
Abraham pioneer, at
the I for r and
read; to magi
,. . mo of a la go
s . I up one
,., deal of vi-
, I backwoodsman
very Ii n tanging eye-
r and wore lea
off after alighting
ho again re-
t in ., on seeing the
lei , On b
v r I the fallen bird and so in-
,. his to that for a sec-,
c . . I did not shoot,
;. .;
f. if grief he had, by making
. the fate.
I that I winced
tor. win re could see
to represent the strength
meat, and the latter is the
infusion into a cream of the virtue
of some vegetable. The former is
really the dinner soup and the lat-
a lunch affair, and when a per-
son makes his choice upon these
considerations he leaves out the
. altogether.
I would end his I But what are want to select out of
all the category of soups,
or puree, is that form of the latter
known a- tomato and boost
it up on the pinnacle of glory as the
revelation of the culinary
art. You say it is not entitled to
and captured n, but did
his poor ever
I wandered
.; quite .
i to mis faraway suggestion mace
ion and bay all pi;
t and sleep Ii
r a
v. irk, it
, .-. . m i f band,
i, to the
. f a large percentage of our .,
; , , brows
. , instead re-
. when they
. r, , . One day he came
mg int i his cabin and seizing his
rifle aimed it carefully through a
crack of the door at a great oak
tree that i near and fired.
whispered his wife.
wildcat, the orneriest
wildcat ever see, an I missed
He hastily loaded and again
and then again.
in, Joshua,
good .; mi
v, it's but
said his
look at yon.
ti or.
I .
. .
. . an
could several in-
;.,. . .,; i noticed of affection
these wild birds, but must
give only the One of the
loggerhead ducks had been caught
alive and carried about with on
tho beach. The ether bird, seeing
his companion in this situation, at
once came on shore for it and fol-
lowed us about to some distance.
until at last allowed the captive to
go, when they joint i each other and
waddled away
A Stag Hand Him With
Star, of tho Part.
travel on their nerve so
much nowadays it makes think
they're said the old car-
was with a show
that had delay opening two
weeks because the star discovered a
fancy interior done in blue and
gold. He said blue got on his
nerves. So we lost time while the
scene was painted over. Same way
with woman star. She
wouldn't work because a parlor set
had panels decorated with peacocks.
Said she was picked one day by a
peacock, and even pictures of
scared her.
you can bet that's done
mostly tat advertising. They do
I their acting for the press agents,
and the more hot air is wrote about
in the newspapers the better
actors they think they arc.
to he actors had to produce
delicious blend of tomato and cream,
h i trace in it and a the go -and do it on real acting
and on- too. could act and talk so as
nut into a bar- to make tho ice think it was
with an
as delicate as a dream of a
There is nothing in all the
en that more completely em-
soul of good things than
puree, whether it is of celery or
corn or tomato, for there is no com-
over which the graces of
the cook can more hover
on one o your eye-
In Of
. said the
to the
a balmy moonlight night, for in-
a lot of electrical
stuff to help out. There's often
m re stage hands working realistic
effects nowadays there are ac-
tors in the whole cast, and some-
times what passes for I good show
would he just as interesting if there
was no actors in
is lacking in the modern
Id school
a .
. , allow the
volt are about it just
. shank and see if he
ii lie down. Many a horse is T
tied too short to save the
,, ; , to plan and perform
the r work m i y, an- sailor, seen a
. in with it all man in a dock chair
and troubles hard at a photograph.
They go to sleep
mind, and I says
which a They go to
in trouble in cleaning him; also
ii o nose of the halter is
o enough so that he can chew
that the throat lash is
i light, that the crown piece
and i band are not harsh edged
leather, which will rasp and irritate
his ears, and then offer him a
of water or two and if James
has as usual, left him about
half cared for to get along until
t best way he can.
Again, find i at if he is afraid of
the horses if
he is a night kicker. Bo sure that
he does thus dread the departure of
daylight and an artificial light,
dim or bright, but, at all events,
enough to allay bis paroxysms of
terror. stall kickers in the
Ired will abandon the practice
forthwith if a light is left in the
stable. Tho expense is small, the
I M. Ware
in Outing Magazine.
Wort the o
to him.
grinding, exhausting men-, cure for says
processes go on he. your thoughts on some one
result is that instead of feeling hate, and the qualms pass oil.
Surf Bathing.
The oft repeated warning to
bathers, and particularly to those
who dive, to protect their ears from
the water by cotton plugs, etc. is
not heeded, to judge h
then over this viand. spoke of
the tomato bisque. When you put actor compared to the
spoon in it, it blushes up at asked the student.
you as if it were a kindred spirit, of
isn't symphony in which to be good ;
all nature joins, where one feels
the plow of the sunset, the
ain't got the
Satire of Logger.
In the nine clad hills of a certain
tats the country folks bud
n neighbor's house to spend
the evening in a social dance. Tho
male contingent of the gathering
was composed of farmers, mill men
and logging hands; the fairer sex,
the wives, and sweethearts of
the men, the district school-
teacher, who was the center of at-
traction of tho young men and who
seemed to be aware of her own pop-
During the evening an
awkward, bashful and roughly dress-
ed logging hand was introduced to
the schoolteacher and asked if
might have a dance with her.
schoolteacher drew herself up
haughtily and sir-eel I
refreshed and vigorous in the morn I feel a lilt
wake up tired and
, I
These men ruin their minds for
real creative work and destroy their
ability to grasp opportunities and
seize situations efficiently. By on-
anticipating their business,
thinking about it out of business
hours, they lose that mental fresh-
and buoyancy of mind
make a man resourceful, inventive
and original.
Many people when they retire cot
pass in review even the
of the work of the next
day, but also go through the
of the past day m retrospect.
Doing work over and over before
one really comes to it has a very ills-
effect upon the disposition.
It makes a man fractious, irritable,
touchy. His nerves become
strung. His mind loses its
its freshness and buoyancy. The
constant strain Upon his brain wears
I him out. and before middle life he
is an old man.
The man who locks his business
in his Office at night, who positively
refutes to talk business or think
business out of business hours, ac-
very much more in a
year than the man who is always do-
Another time I seen a hypnotist
do a good business on the long
southern ran from New York to
Naples. Every time the sea rough-
this here chap hypnotized
them that felt themselves
sick, and he fetched round
again with tho return smooth
weather. That there hypnotism
was the nearest thing to a genuine
cure for seasickness that's ever
come under my
cream clover, the sunshine of
the tropics and the gurgle of the
All there Yes, sure, to
the soul that discriminates and cuts
with grace. Anyhow, one will he
able to away the roasts,
the the is the
climax, this is the answer to my
The colors of the waters of the
Mediterranean vary considerably at
old man. you figure any
dude society stars pulling off
fierce sword fights and struggles like
or Forrest No, sir.
physically able. And
that's what makes us when we
have to Maud in the wings and
listen to them fool the audience late
thinking what wonderful heroes
they S. in
the damage often traced to its neg-
says a medical journal. They I
who have lost the need
to especially careful and to give
up diving. The tympanum is
protected by the cotton plugs
firmly introduced, but in diving
even then the air in the nasal
i strain.
undisturbed it of a bright deep , . y in
blue. In the among, ,.,
the islands of tho archipelago tho j m
is of varying tints, in some j m gUM more
high in the nasal as to pain-
fully irritate the pituitary
and leads to protracted con-
The prince of Spain's name has
been entered the roll of a
and lie wears the
In sold pinned on his bib. A MM Q t t a purple.
the barracks Is reserved for as tn
latest recruit.
The Greater
A well known baritone, who very
much resented being accompanied
indifferently, completely lost his
, ., I temper at rehearsal and threatened
the instrumentalist that if he play-
laces being of a liquid blue grad- j
I bating brighter green and in
assuming a blue so deep as
to see you as
to hear
you sing
Why He Didn't Care.
declared Mrs.
laying down the law to
long suffering husband, the end
of the century woman will have the
rights she is fighting
shan't care if she has, re-
you mean cried his wife.
last brought you round
to my way of thinking Won't you
a bit, my
her husband resignedly.
dead Express.
bis work over and over again-
Innocent, but
A man running toward the Read-1
railway station in
the other day as if in great haste to
make the train was the cause of en- i
livening the gait of a number of
other pedestrians bent on that
pose, among whom were
men who fancied they were late for
the train. As the latter wore shoes
r. i none too roomy,
Whereupon the logging hand re-
plied, with an air of th reached
am not a mite, or I would never , .
am particular with whom i none too discomfort in
When, I
am not a mite, or would never the fitting
have asked you. reading a
with ten margin before
train time. One of the women,
made bold by indignation, advanced
upon the cause of her anger with
the query, were you running
The answer was. my
A Money Sever.
just given for
this diamond ring for my wife.
a beauty But isn't
a bit. Think what it Record,
ill save in l
Plant Wood's
Garden Seeds
Our business, both in Garden
and Farm Seeds, is of the
largest in this country, a result
due to the fact that
L Quality is always
Q first consideration. Q
We are for
and Clover Seed
Seed Cow
Peat, and
other Farm
beet end moil
An r-
on ell
will save in gloves
The Great Cotton Fertilizer
Is known wherever Cotton is grown and Fer-
used, as the greatest producer of large
See that the trade mark is on every bag-it guarantees
imitations and insures you are getting the genuine
Royster goods.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
at Chm-ch Door Had
Con i Himself Well
The people of
our town want to correct the
stater published in your
issue of in regard to
the c remittances connected with
the murder of Mr. E. B.
here Holiday night
that any whiskey
bottle were found near the
man old one
which had been seer, there be-
fore by parties attending Bishop
mission services. Mr.
was drinking during
the previous but had not
been drinking any for four days
prior to This is
berated by several besides the;
writer- who him within one
half hour before he w is shot.
Only one shot entered his body,
going straight through his heart.
base of left ventricle leaving
more burns with his wound, the
Other shots being flesh
wounds. The ball was taken
from the body by Dr. Warren, a
thirty-two and is now in
the possession of Sheriff Craw-
It is untrue that
was ever tor his life. He
was a native of Pitt county and
nobody there, or his family ever
heard such charges before
There is a general disapproval
of such report here. Mr.
may have been in
but nobody here can sub-
such a black record-
He has conducted himself as a
gentleman, as a resident of this
town. He leaves a wife and nine
children. We can say that he
has four children yet in their
minority, who are honorable and
useful citizens, two sons, con-
tractors, now completing a
residence for Mr. Marshall
Wilson, planned and built by
them alone, one daughter in the
i printing office, who is
a lady of intelligence and
try, and it is a
Suffers Stroke of And Dies
Short While.
Mr. Frank M. Smith died sud-
about o'clock, Monday
evening, at his home in South
Greenville. For some time he
had not been in good health, Out
recently seemed much improved.
Just before night Monday even-
he went to the store of Mr.
H. A Timberlake to make some
purchases, and talking
with a friend there remarked
that he felt better than he had
in years. A few minutes later
hi was seized with nausea and
violent pain in the head and had
to be carried home. Medical aid
was quickly summoned and all
possible was done for him. I it in
a short while he passed away.
His death was due to
Mr. Smith was years of age.
He was reared near Greenville
l and nearly ail of his life on
the farm, changing his residence
to town about two months ago.
He leaves a wife and five child-
Mr. Joe Smith, of Norfolk,
Mr. E. V. Smith, of Georgia,
Mrs. Margie Evans, Mrs Dora
Tripp and Mrs. J, E. Fleming,
the latter having recently gone
to Georgia. He is also survived
by two brothers and one sister
HIS VIEWS. Republican convention for the
of deli gates to the State
In Favor of Dickinson and Congressional convention,
pie On It Entitled to called for the purpose of elect-
and Congressional
WHICH ROUTE SHALL BE PAVED republican county RALEIGH EVENING TIMES FAILS, farewell to the home state.
PLACED IN HANDS OF W. H. PACE is Now Making Last
AS RECEIVER. Tour Through Carolina.
That famous play of
era, ;
is now a i r well
and South Carolina. It
posse. s n interest for
the States both
S of piny
are laid in Sou C and b
cause the author, Mr. Thorns
Dixon, Jr , on f the most
r. I ; evolved
by the N B ate. On
account t quired for
Editor Reflector;
I in
your pap r last Saturday, by a
citizen am tax payer of Green-
ville. This not Intended to
answer his contentions, but I
thought I would like to call the
town attention to
some facts, in a friendly way.
are all honorable, honest
and high toned gentlemen, and I
am sure they will in the
with forethought and
wisdom, as have in all mat-
that have heretofore come
before and I assure them
whatever may be their decision
in this mutter it will meet my
1st. is not Dickinson avenue
the practical street to pave
There is more travel over that
Street than all the other streets
2nd. What are streets paved
For the benefit of the
whole people, or the of a
3rd. Is it not a fact that
Chief of Police J. T. Smith, Mr. Dickinson avenue be paved
I, Q- Smith and Mrs. half the money it would
to pave street to
Besides his immediate family I Ninth street, then to depot
there are a large number of
and friends who are grieved
at his death.
The for the funeral can-
not be stated, as the arrival
of Mr. Smith's children from
Norfolk Georgia will be
delegates to His National Re-
publican Convention which to
convene in the of Chicago,
III., on the day of Jane, 1908.
By virtue of the authority in-
vested in m and by direction
or the executive of
Pit county, h call the
Republicans of Pitt county to
meet in tin respective town-
ships, at the usual place of pub-
meeting on Saturday, March
1908, at o o'clock p. m. for
purpose of selecting delegates to
attend a county convention to be
held in the county court
in Greenville. N. C. OH
day Marco 1908, the
purpose of selecting delegates to
attend the State convention aid
the Congressional convention.
The basis of vote in t con
is on the Governor's
j vote of 1904. and the following
townships are entitled the
following votes in this
and to the same number of
delegates and the same number
of alternates,
I Dam Beth-
Falkland Farmville
Greenville Swift
He Is Appointed by Judge Biggs
Application of Creditors- Pub-
to Continue
Raleigh, N. C, Feb. -W.
H. Pace was today appointed re-
of the Visitor Pr. Pub-
Company, which publish-
es the Bah Evening Times,
this appointment by Judge
J. Crawford Biggs, of the
court, on of H.
J. Brown Company and all other
creditors of the corporation
No schedule of assets and of . North
is yet filed but the Carolina . is
creditors the February Wilmington;
very in excess February
the assets. The hearing as to R arch Hen
permanent receiver is
February Dun
The corporation in .-. ; Marco
Then is a bonded, Match
indebtedness of and bury; March Charlotte;
floating debts, with March
complications as to the ownership I This is tho I. vi -St through
of some of the machinery of the South a years, it
plant. Drewry is booked for to tour
dent of the corporation, and J. the inning with
Grimesland, N. C, Feb.
Hon J J. Laughinghouse was
in our city today.
J. H. Clark, who has been
taking a course in the Southern
Shorthand Business College at
Washington, has returned home
to spend some time
D- J. a short
shame to have us one week
Would he elections last g
R. C. Flanagan,
i. of Pitt Co
E. E
such an undeserved record him.
up to the character of
their murdered father.
Wm. E, Warren, M. D.,
Supt. Health Martin Co.
S. J Everett,
John R. Mobley,
Post Master.
S. R. Biggs,
C. D-
J Merchant.
J. H. Page,
Chief of Police.
Wheeler Martin,
J. D.
Asa T. Crawford,
A. D.
Williamston, N. C. Feb.
Raleigh News and Observer.
Col. Isaac Sugg, of Greenville,
underwent a very dangerous and
difficult operation at the Wash-
Hospital that
of having his tongue removed on
account of cancer. His condition
is reported today as being very
This is one of the first, if not
We are having so rain
and cold weather the farmers are
not doing much on their farms.
Max Pincus, of Norfolk, was
in our town today-
Several from this place attend-
ed the funeral of Charles W.
Taylor of Washington Sunday.
J. O. and A. O. Clark
went to church at Black Jack
Mrs. W S. and children
went to Chocowinity today-
Miss Susie Edwards, of Snow
Hill, is spending some time with
Mrs. W. E. Proctor.
T. B Holliday, of Whitakers,
came over last week to see his
April have been carried as a
unit had the people known ,. ,
money for improvement bonds i
would be used to pave any other
ed on the property owners j Per Cent of Public Fund, Now
on the avenue, to know
they would do towards helping; Washington, Feb The
secure side walks I have heard Secretary of the Treasury to-
there is a committee, but day announced a call upon
they have failed to act up to this banks for approximately
time. per cent of the public funds now
Is not Dickinson avenue held in active depositories having
the main thoroughfare through on deposit in the sum of
and leads out to the or more; and per day or, way to U to
Norfolk Southern and A. C j cent, of the public funds how held
L. depots I by active depositories where the
8th. Is not that territory deposit is of such funds,
around the depot one of the bus or in thereof, and where
parts of town, and tho such withdrawal can be made
property beyond the most without inconvenience to the
able Department in the
9th. Are not the citizens i transaction of public business.
v. Simms, recently of Charlotte.
has been for several weeks
i manager, having succeeded
George B. Crater, now of At-
The receiver is directed t
print and circulate and
in a card he announced that the
paper will be continued without
Farmville, N. C Feb. 26th. 1908.
Miss Alice Lang is visiting Miss
Fannie Joyner.
C. R. Townsend, J. S. Thomas,
and L. P- Thomas went to Wilson
yesterday and returned this
B. S. Smith went to Richmond
J. Y. Monk returned from
Greenville last night.
Thomas J- Jarvis
London, E. June.
Those who seats should
send accompanied by
remittance to the Manager of
nearest Opera House, who
will promptly forward the best
available ticket; of tho kind de-
sired The prices of tickets are
nights cents to and mat-
cents to In order-
be careful to state
tickets wish
She Don't Belong to Beaufort.
Mr. A- J Moore, of Greenville,
is a repeated visitor to the Old
Ford neighborhood, via this city.
It is to be desired that Mr- Moor-
who is a rising young business
man of Pitt county, would abide
with us, instead of seeking to
decrease the population of geed
old Beaufort by one. Washing-
ton Messenger.
on Dickinson entitled. Under the call approximately
to side and is it not will be returned
duty of the town authorities to the Treasury,
give side walks in way Payments under this will
They arc citizens and tax payers be made as Ten per
of the town, and they should cent, of the amount called on or
have some consideration. March 9th, and the re-
am a Citizen and Tax Payer, per cent, on or before
Too. March 23rd.
I Secretary stated that
from all parts of the
Marriage Licenses. country are to the effect that
Register of Deeds R. Williams this proportion of the govern-
issued the following licenses funds now on deposit with
i these national banks can be
drawn without detriment to
conditions in any section.
attend which is now in
J. H. Starkey in Farmville
W. P. Edwards of Greenville,
came up to Farm yesterday.
On Friday, Feb. the
Farmville tobacco market will
close, having sold more tobacco
than in all previous years put to-
There will be a dance
in Farmville on Friday night,
Feb. 28th. The young people
a.-e expecting a large attendance.
Good Music.
The large congregations at the
Christian church Sundry morn
and night thoroughly enjoyed
the first operation of this kind excellent music Messrs.
ever performed in North Caro-, Johnson and Roy Hearne
D- T. and Joshua
Tayloe and Ed. Brown were the
surgeons. Washington
in the singing and Prof. Bailey
with slide trombone assisted the
regular choir and added much to
the music.
since last report
Lawrence Dunn and
W. H- Hyde An L.
S. T. Casper and Wilson.
Banks and Mary Joyner.
James Brown and Lela Carr.
Abram and Lena
Moses Langley and Ada Locke.
Claude Cherry and Margaret
Mrs. M A. White has taken
the agency for a life
book that shows the pathway to
mental and physical perfection
We were keeping on our boat
gun, Remington,
cost about Rifle,
shooter cal. Winchester,
about They were lost from
our boat some time about Oct.
or Nov. 1907.
We will give above amount
to any one that will find either
of the above guns and bring to
us. J. O. Bro.
ltd Grimesland, N C.
The But Carolina
been completed between Farm-
ville and Hookerton and trains
according to binding. Every will begin running through to
family should have a copy, the latter place early in March.
Returns to Greenville.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
came in Tuesday evening from
Guard, Ohio. Mr. host
friends here are glad that he
returned to and
will again engage in the tailoring
business hero. After B
of several years here, he
left early last spring for a trip
to his old home ii Eur Re-
turning to America he in
in where be married and
has since lived. Now that he is
in Greenville we hope he is
here to stay.
Hanrahan, N C Feb. 1908.
W. L. went to
den Monday,
Daniel ii on sick
J W Perkins went to Green-
ville Saturday and returned Sun-
Ethel Mumford, who has
been visiting Miss Mumford,
left for her home at Clay Root
O. W. Mumford went to Little
J. F. Mumford . pent Saturday
night and Sun with G L.
Moore at
J. C. Dawson went to den
Miss Eva Smith went to
ton Saturn ; to visit relatives.
Miss Smith went to
Mrs. Smith, of Grifton,
is visiting relatives near hero.
J. E. went to Ayden
Frank Holloway and Clay
Barney, of Gum Swamp, visited
in the neighborhood Sunday
Harris and family are
all seriously with grip
J. S Surl spent Sunday in
the country.
Rumor tell us
A to
Result of Competition.
The Atlantic C Lino is no
selling tickets from Greenville to
Wilson at to meet the
price of the Norfolk and South-
em to that point. It is a shorter
distance by the Norfolk ft South-
and the regular on
that road is hence the A.
C. L. comes to the same figure
That makes the A. C. L. carry
passengers to Wilson at a lower
than the State rate.
v s, who for
past half century or more
stood as the masthead of
Washington Star, is dead,
journalism of America
one of its most worthy
j valuable patrons.
In th year Mr. Noyes as-
editorial control of The
Star, and the standing that pa-
gained his guidance,
a business standpoint,
duct i his wise and
Just received a fresh lot of
wheat bran and ship stuff at F.
V. Johnston's.

in the Confederate
March. 1804.
John S.
M J.
J j. France. April. lap. of North
I James Fagan.
Having in a previous , .-
the full generals
and lieutenant of the
rate army the lat- war
bet- th we n. pro-
id to t be list of major
with State and of
rank w
David L. of
2- Van D.
,. Smith, Ken
tuck. . .
October, 1861-
B. Virginia s
. . Maryland
I n, K
. I
. Mi
ti; James B Gordon, North
Carolina, May 1864.
Joseph B.
R. Johnson,
Tennessee. May, 1864
Stephen D. Ramseur.
North Carolina, June, 1864.
It will abolish every licensed
whiskey and brandy distillery in
the State.
It will every saloon and
in the State.
It will stop the wine traffic
within the State. For wine can
I be sold only at the place of man-
Charted by the State
Public attraction.
State Superintendent Joyner is
issuing to county
county boards of education,
treasurers, judges, solicitors
and clerks of the Superior courts,
and mayors of towns and cities, a
circular letter containing a com- j
of the law in regard to;
fines, forfeitures and penalties
and reports of required by
law of the various officers of the
various courts. Under section
Article IX of the constitution of
North Carolina all fines, forfeit-
Just Arrived At
CO. E C Mis- in quantities of two and , and penalties are
June, 1864 gallons or more and not; by the constitution to the,
Henry D- Clayton, shipped anywhere in the State. public school d of the county. J
t .
. ;
ma, July,
William Virgin-
John J. Brown,
Lunsford L.
Au 1864
Matthew Butler, South
C .- i j-or
pt r. 1864
it. Virginia, j
r, 1864.
K . i . 1864.
; P M B Young, G o
e mi r,
T . I. Rower, Tex.
i ;
i G i.
It will stop the sale of all those I The Supreme court has decided. I
in the case of school directors vs.
chemical mixtures by whatever
name kl own that will produce
It will place under the most
and binding regulations
pharmacists and physicians, who
intoxicating liquors
i a I purposes only.
It will the officials of any
town to regulate or
prohibit th sale intoxicating
. i liquor by pharmacists in the
the city of that all j
such fine.;, forfeitures and pen
imposed by municipal
for the violation of town or
city ordinances, or for any other
misdemeanor, belong to th-
fond the
under this of the con-
i News and
Where you will find a complete
line at all They handle
paints in car lots always keeping
good assortments, quality
celled, guarantee it per
cert pure- Don't fail Io see
their line, of Heaters, cook
stoves, shot guns,
Enamel ware It is the
place to buy your shells. They
also keep on hand the celebrated
American Wire Fence, the kind
that is pig and different
heights. Their place is head-
quarters for Roofing, which you
will in Iron, Gravel,
and Paper Take a look at
their plows and other
implements In fact almost
every want in the Hardware can
be supplied by
To Remove
Tax en
B. St -a
G. French,
.-. 1862
SI n,
. 1862.
0.-i. .
i . I
Apr,. 1863
Martin W.
rd . I
from inn
I .
ii l
hold t
not prohibit the farmer means has I
g cider from fruits able report on
own land and sell- by Mr. i
it home or in his removing th
tax of six c
o V- P which
win ind i
. of
, The bill .-;
lb- of
them or
leaf n
Unstemmed To-
ways and
o favor
f I
in-1 on
i u
. tn-
p i pro-
such votes wet, while
Whiting on Wednesday night bury has the other way.
. ;. Maury,
b . 1352
L. Smith,
J P. Waker, Missouri,
November, 1862.
Arnold Maryland,
Frank Gardner,
Patrick Cleburne, A-
II. Mary-
land, January,
David Donaldson, Ten- countS
January, 1868.
W. h. C.
f 1863.
Edward Johnson, Virgin
February, I
Robert E, Rhodes, Ala
ii. T. r.
. 1863.
Heth, Virginia,
May, 1863,
JohnS. Missouri.
May, 1863,
Robert Ransom, North
Carolina, May, l
Carol . M IS
O mus M Wilcox, Ten-
I my Gilmer, North
Carol in i, Au 1863.
. . Virginia,
August, I
Cobb, Georgia,
September, 1863,
John A. Wharton, Texas,
November, 1863.
William T. Martin. Mis
November, 1868.
16- W, Field. Kentucky
J. Patton Anderson, Flor-
William D. Bate,
see, February,
P. Texas,
April, 1864.
i . the sale of
wine to ministers or church
fAr i
If this law fails to be ratified
i South by the people at the polls on May
Mi sf f
;. d h bi
to the de
Sole tor
, and Syracuse
, t. MM
Carolina, April, 1863,
26th. 1908, it will not affect the j
h of the above named major present status of any existing
generals commanded a division, prohibition law in the State. In
and a division i; composed of other words, the dry territory
three or more a brigade will rot be changed.
is made up of three or more reg-j We are sure when you have
and a regiment is com- studied this law you will agree
posed of ten companies. j with us that it is fair-
The brigadier i be I this aw Greensboro's
flamed in a few days. j voting wet would not make it
. wet. and Salisbury's dry
would not it dry.
local option Greensboro has
Pros, and Gen.
Mr. A. P. Dead.
Mr. A. P. one of Pitt dry. and as a locality she
remain so until the locality
died at
his home
last week, of spinal
He had been fined to his room
only for a few days before
all loving
do to alleviate his
and restore him to
health was done, but God knew
I b and now he is resting under
, the shade of the trees on the
other fide.
True to his friends, and they
were many, charitable and kind
hearted can truly be said of him,
and his death will be greatly
Mr. in Gran-
county ; tars ago and
moved to Eastern Carolina in
He was an
veteran, entering the service in
1861, when only years of age,
throughout the entire
war. lb; was one of the brave-st
men in his company was
made a sharp shooter.
He leaves a wife and seven
children, among them being Mrs.
C. G. Morris and Mrs. B. t.
Ross, of this city, also two
brothers two sisters to whom
extend our deepest sympathy,
and trust that when they are call-
ed they will be prepared to meet
him in his Heavenly home.
The funeral service was con-
ducted from the Methodist
church Friday afternoon at
o'clock by the pastor. Rev. A. P.
The John
This vote on manufacture
and sale of intoxicating
in North Carolina is quite a
thing from local option.
Ag this law is right For
the influence of r is never
local. Salisbury or Wilmington
citizens, while controlling the
sale of the traffic, do not control
the dangerous and damaging in-
of this traffic. This in
felt for of j
miles around. Every citizen in
th State has a right to self-pro-1
against the influence of
this traffic, now centered at a
i few points, and the only
is the abolition of the traffic
throughout tin State,
Organized in 1866, and
in 1904 with authorized capital of
Manufacturers High Grade
We wish to announce to our many patron; and friends that we now occupy our
new three story brick on the Corner of and Fourth streets, R.
L. Smith's stables.
Robt. F. Hoke,
Carolina, April, 1864.
North interment in
The little I have seen of -the
world me to upon
the errors of others in
not in When I take the
history of ore p or heart that has
sinned and and
sent to myself the struggles and
temptations it has passed
the brief pulsations of
joy, the of
hope fear, the pressure of wart,
the of friends, I would
fain leave the erring soul of my
fellow man with Him from
hand it
YOU IO any . , ,
Flanagan will take pleasure in you, whether you to purchase anything
or not s
years experience at Buggy manufacturing, and the reputation our vehicle
have a. a over large in which they are used
our work is the best and that the interests of our customers protect.
sell for cash or on
We make- the beat Buggy on the market for money,
time and protect the purchaser with this
h fair and reasonable
material or is the
chaser, we will the same tree charge
also have for sale the best Wagons made by manufacturers of long experience
and Harvey ft Co., at Grifton, are agents
for our Buggies, and all of our work sold by them is to our guarantee.
time, protect
If any axle, spring or wheel breaks with fair an
within one ear from date of purchase caused
in material or workmanship, and is to i.
The John Flanagan Buggy Co-
Greenville, N. C.
How Many Bricks
Have You Sent
That sounds like a funny question, addressed to every cit-
of this town and community, but it's really a one.
There is now completed a magnificent build-
of red brick exterior and concrete right in the
business heart of one of the biggest of American cities. It
occupies a whole block and calls itself in a large lettered sign
Largest Monolithic Building In the It has
many floors, with about a hundred acres of floor space. The
entrances are of solid marble. The floors are beautifully tiled.
Altogether H is a credit to
the big city in which it
stands. Oh, it's a Jim
Now, how many bricks
have you sent to the city
to go into this big build-
Honest, how many
Of the hundreds of
thousands of bricks put
into the of this
building the city where it
stands has contributed not
a single red brick.
try people, the people of
towns and cities far
away from the big me-
have sent in the
bricks for the
of splendid
You may have sent in
a few hods of bricks your-
self without knowing it.
cent which or-
a city you prob-
ably never will see your-
self, is built of bricks
bought with the of
people living in towns
just like that
would like to have some
new brick buildings themselves now and then. Every dollar
contributed to the city building fund means a nice, hefty
hod of bricks for this big, beautiful skyscraper, in
the of its kind. This building was put up, through
the kind donations of their unknown country cousins, by a
firm that run u small store in that city a few years ago.
But this firm conceived the cute idea of having thou-
sands of strangers contribute bricks to build its fine, large,
new store.
And the building is a Mail Order Store. See
Th Way
The admiralty trains divers, and
I British carries at
least one representative of the craft
and frequently more. There are
schools at Portsmouth,
and Sheerness.
One of the difficulties with which
; divers have to contend is probably
; not realized by a
that the greater the depth the
greater is the pressure of water on
Wedgwood achieved his great
fame as the inventor and producer
of jasper ware. This invention was
the result of his great love for the
art and classic history, to
which he was introduced
Wedgwood was intent on widen-
the field of ceramic art and
longed to imitate the cameos of
Greece and home. After years of
patient and secret
Formerly apothecaries used a red
light as a sign of their Now.
it happened one night that u drug-
gist, finding without the
necessary red made shift with
a bottle of red liquid placed in the
window with a candle behind it.
The fleet was so good that he put
a similar decoration in another win-
The sign was excellent.-o
excellent that a rival apothecary
tried to improve upon it for his
own benefit. His idea was to
a bottle of liquid beside the
red one, then he surpassed his
Serve You.
i the man's and the greater the
labor and exhaustion of working., he the jasper ware . bottle
The naval authorities limit their to inseparably connected with his r; , , other
men to a depth of feet The name and through which much of a
greatest depth to which a man has fortune was acquired fin, druggist in the
descended is said by to have ; This ware is of an extremely in of their
been feet, and the pressure at texture Its ingredients rivals. In course
that depth was extraordinary sulphate of carbonate of were replaced by
the way o
Complete stock to t-el
from and
promptly anywhere
I am
namely, eighty-eight and one-half
and flint. In the
I the magnificent colored vases which
to the square inch. One her pieces the entire was stain- j a , n where,
wonders how human being d with the metallic oxide used for i ,.,.,.;,
could stand it. Twelve fathoms, or j coloring. This is known as
about seventy feet, would be enough In V in order to secure
London Chronicle.
for most men. The ears and nose uniformity and evenness in the col-
would probably begin to bleed, and; of the fields the later forms
the pressure on the head would be received merely a wash of the me-
tan serious. A practiced diver can I and are d
course descend much deeper j by the term
without such unpleasant sensations. stage of the process needed
than the most careful attention. Much
His dress costs more
t with flay. Own
kinds of Stuff.
orders r.
supplied. Ills
a pleasure t
depended upon the grinding and
mixing of the materials, still more
Couldn't Stand It.
A Cuban official tells tale of
a certain Cuban
unfortunate man once ob-
d access to this millionaire and
started to lay In-fore him his woes.
He his wretched poverty
in mo-t vivid colors. Indeed, so
is of tanned twill and rubber and
made in one piece, with a big open-
at the neck. The helmet is of the firing of the molded was the man
copper and screws on to the The process was apparently simple the millionaire felt
so tightly that the water can-j it was mastered,
the joint. Air is modelers were employed
pumped down to him by a pipe made
of canvas and rubber, and outlet;
Daily and Weekly.
Is located in one of the
j brightest farming districts in East-
I North Carolina and is
j ed by a class of people only to be
I found in such localities.
GREENVILLE, Its home, for nearly
years is now enjoying the
vices Eight trains a
day by two of the largest
Railroad corporations the South
i along With all enterprises THE
,. . enjoyed its pro-
part of the 20th century
prosperity and i now
lated over both of gigantic
Railroad systems and is read by at
people each day.
Let The deflector advertise your
business and the volume of the
came surety will increase.
Advertise Advertise
valves, which only open outwardly,
placed at convenient places to
the vitiated air to escape.
These valves are extremely
taut, as by them the diver can reg-
his supply air.
In addition to this pipe the
a life line, enabling him
The best
wax models, many from,
others from paintings, prints
and medals. Clay molds were taken I
from the wax model and fired.
Into thee the plastic clay was.
pressed. The reliefs obtained there-
from were placed in their colored
bare and while still oft were gone
by a modeler, who retouched
them when necessary and did a
with Ids
above water. This was
done b; ; of concerted
j on the line, but that
has been superseded as a means
of communication by the telephone,
the wires being conveyed by the life
line, lie therefore touches the bat-
and talks as if he were in the
Another great improvement is the
use of the electric tamp, though in
some West Indian waters a diver
see dearly for some distance.
In other darkness
is intense twenty or thirty feet
down. The weight of the dress is
extraordinary and is necessary to
the diver to maintain his
His helmet weighs
over a quarter of a hundred-
weight, and his boots, taken to-
weigh about as much, while
if these be not sufficient he chips
lead upon his
Getting Oft Easy.
A sergeant in one of the Irish in-
fantry regiments a small but ac-
wife, of whom ho stands in con-
awe. One day he In-1 his
temper. The object t his wrath
was a dog i the wife
one of his superior officers. The
lady overheard some the state-
and took him severely to
ought be ashamed to say
such things and to Io e your temper
with an she mid, while
sergeant looked and
anxious. shall your
the soldier.
so, the i
cheerfully. well it.
v. i i you n cant to toll
assistants amount of
which beautiful a feature of
all of jasper ware of Josiah
Wedgwood's period. The pieces
were then fired.
It was until 1777 that
wood perfected his process and be-
came absolutely sure of his results.
Danger in firing was obliterated
and ht in reliefs made
T. Halsey in
Young James Cook, destined
Inter to become England's greatest
was seventeen placed
m probation in the , a be attended to at
as he had never been before.
With tears in his eyes he summon-
ed his servant and in a quavering
-John, put this poor fellow out.
He is breaking my
i to tie Market
a rise.
I have hand for sale one
Good Double r, I Planer,
I Matcher Molder, Ma-
chine and of other
cry. I will Bell on easy
w. b.
said the lady
tradesman at near longer you put it oil the
S a new shilling e till, of a serf-
bright shilling, searched Cook's
box and found it there. for a
constable and for Cook's father
charged the boy with theft. The
declared his innocence and ex-
WE WiLL do the
Whether the damage be
expressed his; much or little. Do it prompt-
egret, and, although Cook's father j prevent as
much trouble and annoyance
i-s we can. Though it is
our own
and the ma Ii ; f sod him to j
-lay. his reply father,
Once always a thief.
I must And i then went to
Whitby and there apprenticed
to the sea. James
After the . of had
been won by tho great Duke of
ll I-., Lord Job i lb y,
of Si
h when lie regiment of
foot the .
i ; .-; ill men, hi lit Led lo m
their arm mid i
ordered, to prevent their running
away and tho no of setting a
guard over every
i n . a i the
i ind i f I . which
I III i up .
one hand, in re they
marched r en-
Plant a Camel. I
i thin r to a camel i XII. did I
is a curie p I ; the Mas
interests we
urge you to send for at the
first sin of trouble. There
will be less tor us
you to pay then.
IT p T A f
Barter Shop
Fleming props.
Located in business sec-
of the town- Four chain
in or. and i ch
sided by v ski ed
Our place h;
sharp. c .
thank for p; st pain
and you toe ;. when
good work is wan; .
.-;. which be
e ii of tho M lea n .
the I. is a
. desert, and has I
ml t t n o
, . , tho in o
d, , H com only om e n i
., provides the n res-
store up i h
to g I .
the of n ; o i
lead in r a d
e Ii
c- d in tho d , cross
street, he ton min on the
The organ shoulder j in i
X . .
. J
Cotton Buyer
in Stocks, O Lon.
and Prov ins,
. VI. ,
v k
. I go Below
in h tho tore Is lo-
i the base i I stem. It i;
covered with sort of mackintosh
envelope, through which the water
can r c nor
This water holder rests on the sand
throughout tho period of
drought, but when the rain comes it
springs Into Francis-
co Chronicle.
ti the
The man, who I i in
a bud per, I i round and.
looking the man, said,
it's between . i n key and an h-
paid Pat, related
both of Illustrated Hits.
The most selfish man ever
knew never it pay. He was
poor and unsuccessful in every
The man could have
made a success in life had he
Some years ago there lived in
Perth. Scotland, a man convivial
habits, well known by Christian
name. Jamie. Hue dark night an
acquaintance found Jamie lying at
the foot of an outside stair.
that you, Jamie asked the
the rights of others and acquaintance in a voice of the great-
est astonishment.
it's replied Jamie in
a tone of complete resignation.
you the
tho next question.
I fell but I was com-
I whether or
less conceited as to his own ability.
The longer e the more we be-
come convinced mat decency pays.
A little public spirit pays. A little
loyalty to your town pays. a
man becomes known as a hog
business Globe.
sou Advertise.
Few people realize that the time
to advertise is during th.-
It helps to keep business go-
and it will when business
livens up.
The Public is Ever en
The Lookout
for bargains, be it dull or
thrifty season and the man who has
the bargains put before it in the
style of a nice neat advertisement
is the man who docs what business
there is to be done.
The Reflector is one of the best
advertising mediums.
Ch En
.-. .
id. ad a
, j . ct
i . toll o
Al the Old dill, i
I, and c with I bi
with all bi . ;.; prove-
live-, . l .
oxen and four ; of pr mules, will
, l r p r i
J. S.
or T. Moore
I have purchased the interest
of the late W T. Fleming in the
mercantile business heretofore
conducted under the name
of Fleming Mooring, and will
continue to carry on the
at the same stand. All accounts
It reaches rm are to
everybody in the county and a Thanking, the public for the
peat many all over the United Patronage given the firm in the
past, and hoping to merit a con
I of their favors, invite
LET US HAVE YOUR all to call to see me at the same
i stand.
. j

D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor
All may be candidates who
; want to, but all cannot get office.
The Republican executive
What this country needs is
The people of Peru could not
Entered as second matter Jan. 1907 t the at Greenville. N of Guilford our battleships for
C, under Congress of March 1879
in to
ed a n endorsing Speak-
Cannon for the presidency.
GREENVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY FEB. 1908, These days you do not hear
singing; was born in
The Greensboro Record says It will take Kentucky a Kentucky If you meet a
that Cannon money is floating time to live down the bad repute fellow now who was born there
around in that town. Taft will into which that State has fallen he ashamed to own it
have to get his barrel ready to j
roll out The Hon. A. C Lattimer. one
discontinue the sale of liquor on the United States senators from
merchant dining cars the first of March. died in Washing-
in his local paper a boy. This is one step more toward ton He was elected
and the next day twins arrived making prohibition effective. the senate in 1903, but had
Another editor a congressman
migrated to Gotham. It seems for four
at his h; me. both boys. Another
pi that it pays to advertise.
A Kentuckian is in in
and prefers staying there
to going back to Kentucky.
Wonder what Mr. Hearst will
be able to do with a new nation-
party if he gets one launched.
No. the American fleet are not
Peruvian barks, but the
on board of them are Lima beens
Those States which have thus
far held conventions have en-
W. J. Bryan for the pres-
Some men wear good clothes
because they can't afford not to.
What needs not
to pass any more days without
Talking out explosions, one,
in a factory in Wharton, N J.,
not demolished things gen-
throughout the town, but
also b o . the of a pas-
train was passing at
at th
i .-top kicking
and . , . bas the New
Bern St You might make two
exceptions t Let the foot-
ball pi r kick i U . wants, and
th. r n keep up
his .
If the Taft boys do not spike
the Cannon in North Carolina it
Congress has given the
A law suit that has been going rather a hard matter to make
on in Union county for eight prolonged and editors At this late dry Russia has con-
years over the possession of stay put in the Cracker to death General
book worth about cents, c State. as in command of
. o It , Arthur at the time of the not De because they do not
to an end a low days ago- it With such weather as we are .
here hard
that the west to in the g
; midst of a terrific not occasion dent a jolt by deciding that the
section the world national motto God We
climate. mu t go back on our
The Leader to the name of r. sticking ordinary pins in some i
new afternoon paper just started people will not wake up.
at T with J. E It take or No ore need take any comfort
, the apparent division
,. T s a What made spoil that by Republican rank in Caro
,, . putting i little thing like They will all be together
good K ,
mite in s class with u hen voting time comes.
With part of the Southern Re- yon had said, or a
wanting Taft, part roll pin it would have ailed
wanting Cannon, all tee the bill
roes for there prom
Mr. Kitchen's language in ref-
to Governor Glenn did
not make him any friends.
can't quite feel yourself
walking on paved streets in
Greenville, but they are coming.
Greensboro ought not to com-
plain or hard times if much of
the Cannon money is turned
loose there.
If the business men them-
selves keep talking hard times
they can expect the influence to
spread among other people. In
this way they injure their own
business, for when you make a
man believe everything is going
to the bad he gets scared and
s else but a
low feast it
Th f rm merchant of
county held a meet-
Charlotte, Saturday, to
The rd Air Line to
to reduce the salaries of em-
pi yes to takeoff some of its
is, I i no t. teen
taken to cut down the big pay
the three receivers of th i road
As an instance of the value o
newspaper advertising to in-
crease or force trade, the follow-
facts are Dur-
December the orders
ed by Douglas Boot and Shoe
Company of Mass.,
fell off in consequence of the
business depression following
the panic The advertising man-
ager of that large concern men-
toned the matter to Governor
Douglas, and asked his advice,
whether under the circumstances
they should place the usual
amount of advertising during
January and February, which
are usually the slowest months
in the year in the shoe business.
Governor Douglas at order-
ed an increase of per cent, in
the amount appropriated for ad-
declaring that an in-
crease would help to overcome
the unfavorable business outlook.
There was considerable
holds his money all the tighter, u the amongst
the principle employees of the
The gold that is being found I Douglas company. But the re
by the diggers of the Panama; suit shewed almost an immediate
ditch is which comes out of j Improvement in business, which
Uncle Sam's treasury.
on story.
We hope th rumor that Ger-
many wants to buy the Philip-
pines will develop into a fact.
Uncle Sam should jump at an
opportunity unload them-
year daring these usually dull
months.- Free Press.
in Cuba.
American influence has
. bout some important
Cuban customs and
notably the abolition of the
i ring and the pit, which
Dickinson avenue or to be chief Sunday at-
Bod Ninth streets as the best to fractions of the populace Not a
begin paving on to the local. few the better class of Ha-
. . ., ,,. Biro the late for
most discussed no.
. i . i
. in congress r
the c .; bu i to daily
l f -r E lei j by having all
cf colt ginned, instead of of the candidates
in Craig done farm-1 now tell you some
; f states would Home-there to speak. We take his about bad roads, but for-
launch the candidacy of Air. C. are getting.
C Moore for commissioner of.
J-. Moore has The farmers who are hauling
to s ill;
era of th State, and paid his own thing about bad roads, but for-
it for granted that the one who . be reason are lacking
Um best speech will
Let's pave both ways so as to
have a circuit to around on.
v rejoice lo see
the closed forever.
High and ow wager
on this rams and many
It is funny that so much North stories of ruined reputations and
Carolina news comes by of businesses are connect-
i . ed with it. Every has its
Washington City. Correspond-
j prevailing vice and its compare-
there seem to be knowing
lit with from that
ti I is Hooded cannot
put much check on the wave of
prohibition sentiment. Like a
Advance information
freedom from others. The
things going on down here be- are incurable gamblers,
fore they are found out at home but virtually
in enthusiasm for better . known among them. Both sex-
I As long as people think time class of the A. a great deal
,. j i . time n the numerous air
of the no and that wear and j seem to have
Advance or .--------.- but they drink, for the
President Roosevelt sees more investigation going on in tr on team occasions no that the people who are ,,,,,,,.,, fruity
man, th. whiskey trouble ahead in the of government printing office they will be content consume the institution are beverages, which there are
. . , . , , ., . . ,, i a day a few miles over had at the secret an extensive variety peculiar to
folks at every straw, but wages of by the rail-the report will show a half fa UM . .
. . ., ,;. I investigation of the recent country.
hence they another ,,.,, ,
. , . , .,, i- Court Remedy a Safe
f his , En i printing to private establish- Since former Collector E. C. statement which they believe
the i . n's. instead of running a big Duncan has got another position, is due the State. Their state-
, plant in there is all kinds
-.- . i
i them roads, in that it is regarded by U m dollars deficit in operation
th r i is a further result of the, if the government would put out
for Children.
is ting on shape,
. pr sen
ready i i C i i in d
i a fl the
North C I
to y U
directly i n
i . . .
is or. n,
As this is led n y r, at-
i to get in its
work. A young lady stamp clerk
in the revenue at Raids-
villa who performed her duties
------.- In buying a cough medicine for
no the investigation be to buy Chamber-
an no I , ., I t There is
. . a I get its print- tho government pie counter, he cured to warrant us in ,. i
n . . ., . i , .- of . the withdrawal
is he has written a let- t, it its print-; ,. , ., .
; . . c h u in d n one-third less than it is reported breaking out of j insisting upon the withdrawal t ;. . ,, ,;,, and
. , , . . ,.; o- the No boys, the
an in- costs and also save such and turning against two men. v .
pie the institution i, turn i n a
i-i i co will
are not satisfied with whooping
e ,. nor-p. hen remedy la
of for the M,
m m
i deficits.
lent may use
. the in
lacy I
, . but I m
the presidential It
is said will use his
against Taft in the select-
ion of Eastern North Carolina
Y. hen a railroad a per-
of is depression
mi id in or crating
are a let of to the national
or before th
how money it to
. . n the farmer i
s floor and nominated n . bad crops and does not
Cannon r to his demonstrated that ho to a good
Added to his many other good
i Governor Glenn has
of such outrages. Their or other be
, as to a baby is to an
names should be given to the adult. For sale by all and
public and the criminal court,
should inflict the proper punish-1
. . .
p ti t
Keeping Open house.
-r enough to pay he u
. . t iced . any figures started out on attain the railroads losing money in drug
and cheering. I but little Mid about it from Raleigh, Saturday operations just now. The
Even with the president's on plowing the . . .
to attend a celebration at same thing can be said for many
Holly Springs. The train had other enterprises. There is
is not going to. get; year to make another crop, and Holly Springs. The train enterprises. .
the nomination in a walk. to forget the gone only four miles when it was hardly a business that does not V .
Instead of
to lay the the past year.
,.,.,, . . blame for the recent panic and
has been removed to . . , A
make room for a man who is a
politician. The young lady can-
not vote, you see, and will not
a to any of the political
Two wagons loaded with eight
bales of cotton raised in Guilford
county, were driven into Greens-
the other day, and created a
sensation almost equal to a cir-
i Even Andrew Joyner join-
in the crowd of spectators and
patted the bales of cotton, it re-
minded him so forcibly of
reduction of salaries by railroads
to the rate legislation here and
there in states, you had bet-
probe the tariff system a bit
and see if that does not develop
the real cause of the trouble. If
not a legislature in any State in
the Union had said one word
about rate regulation, we believe
the panic of last fall and the con-
following would have
come just the same. What is
done by a few States not
have such wide spread effect,
while the tariff effects every con
With every town of any
having one or more
banks, and these banks paying
interest on time deposits, we
very much doubt the wisdom of
measure now pending in
congress to postal
banks It cannot give the
people much better opportunity
than they already have for de
positing their savings, and as
the government proposes to pay
n y about half as much interest
as the banks pay on we
fail to see what the advantage
will be.
wrecked, and the foot-
ed the distance back to Raleigh,
arriving there none the worse
for the tramp.
Candidates Kitchin and Craig
both made speeches at Wades-
on Saturday, each in his own
behalf setting forth his claims for
the nomination for governor.
Candidate Home, who had been
invited, could not be present in
person, but he sent a letter in
which he set forth the principles
for which he stood Reports from
the Wadesboro meeting say that
all three of candidates have
following in Anson county.
hive periods of dull-
and depression. There are
years in which the merchants
make nothing. There are years
in which the crops the far-
fail and they fall behind.
There are years in which the
practice of professional men
below a sufficiency to meet their
obligations. The newspapers
have bad years that draw on
their to keep
them alive. The manufacturers
sometimes do business at a
loss. The thing to do is quit
scaring the people with panic
talk and everybody do his best
. to make times better.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
v on
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina
E ; . . en we feel
and el only when
. ,; fan i i prop-
We do not see why SO much to Ur. New Ufa
, the action of stomach, um
do should be made over some of bowel to one
Mi. c-. n
This Department is in charge F. C. Nye who is authorized to represent The Eastern
Reflector in Winterville and vicinity.
M G. went to Bethel I A. G. Cox has the finest pile of We handle the castings for the
today. at all. He is having following plows,
Rubber boots, rubber shoes, j his stumps split and sawed up
rubber coats, and heavy work ready for use. and
shoes a specialty.
Barber Co.
H. A. Litchfield, a student of
W. H. S-, who was called home
to the bedside of his sister, has
returned to school and reports
his sister out of danger.
We can fut you all kinds
of and turned wood
work for buildings on short no-
Carolina Milling Mfg.
Misses Vivian Roberson, Eliza-
beth Barnhill and Hattie Kittrell
went to Bethel today.
The season is now almost at
Now is the time to purchase,
your Box Body Carts while they
are cheap. The A. G. Cox Man-
Co., have plenty of
them on hand. Call and see them.
Beautiful souvenir cards at
Harrington, Barber Co.
seed potatoes at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Harrington Barber Co
The Jumping Off Place.
ion had me in its grasp;
and I had reached the jumping
place when I was advised to try
New and I want
to right now, it saved my life.
began first bottle.
., and after taking one dozen bottles
at k W. a happy man
fays George Moore, N.
v. C. As a for colds
Miss Olive Woodard left for. and and for
department is in charge of J. M. Blow who is authorized to represent The Eastern
in and vicinity
Vii i j- w -j pneumonia New Discovery
at J. L.
J. Baal f
Wooten, Trial bottle free.
Too Young to
There is one New
hand obediently and held it
high he could. The strap-
more than two or three
She was accompanied
by Miss Cora Ferebee.
.------ and all kinds of
hand when most of the farmers finishing- material for buildings; being brought up in the
will likely need carts and wag- don quick notice. Caro j way she go. She is a young
ons. The A. G Cox j Milling and Mfg. Co. woman of perhaps three years, and
are still making their officers Smith and Elliott riding with her father in a
well known Tar Heel carts and L Saturday fie
Call and see US; with Mr ; and on in the
you buy we can name hid one under arrest and aisle.
prices are interesting. of his were threat- hold of the strap.
Rev T. H. King filled his N to relieve Mr. Smith of his jag
appointment Goldsboro i prisoner by force. They were in
Sunday n returned Monday j Harrington Barber A Go's store D
at the time. Mr. J. F. feet above it.
ton came or tho with his the
if you want a nice up-to- BOon had everything ll m New
date you a. . people must
better give him an call to resp-ct law and rot try-
Rev. T H. King, left Friday , u, ; , ; of their number
evening to regular he has openly violated the
at Goldsboro y . v,. impress I by Dr.
. ht . ; in
The new is here. All r u, the murder of the
farm a can be secured a f
from u . Prompt lo ; . .
our Bar- and feed of
and all kinds go to Pro-
.- filled Company door top
Prompt attention n
J. E Greene went to Williams-
tor Wednesday and
Cheap cash sale on heavy
a tr
and writing for
W have lit
who receive until at
We also
Rev. C. W. Howard will preach
at the Christian church next
fourth Sunday. He is their
former pastor and is very
Your lady friend would
one of those fancy boxes
of candy at
drug store, Ayden N. C.
See our line of books and
y for holiday presents.
R. Smith Co.
R W. Smith and Bar-
wick went to Maple Cypress
Boys I have a nice line of safe-
razors from 1.00 to 6.50, you
a. . morn-
night i the Methodist
seed oats o to Winterville
A new line of dry goods shoes. We must have
notions In, Harrington space for spring
For All Comers.
; were suddenly
startled b;. a of rice that
foil from bride's parasol when
took ii rack. The
o d stalwart chap,
, observing the . plat i his arm
iv bride and then
fa. the w r . with the fol-
low i-i
r n i need for
me to say we I en married
long, but i can tell you all one
;. u vi smile any
more she my
returned Weltering oak,
Ma i
Car load of hard and soft coal
by J. R. Smith Co.
Mrs. Morrill, who has
been visiting Miss Olivia Berry,
returned to her home in Green-
ville Tuesday.
Pine Tar cough balsam will re-
your cough and cold Get a
bottle from M M Sauls
Dr. M- M- Sauls conducted
Rev- C W. Howard, of Kin-
filled his first appointment
at the Christian church hare 4th
Sunday Services he held
there now on Sunday only
instead of fir.-t and third as
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon are
doing a nice business at toe old
Ayden Milling
prayer meeting services in site. They will buy
Missionary Baptist Wed- j cotton seed wood, and logs, will
night. repair cart nu
Car load of fine and coarse on or sell you a new cart, wagon
salt at JR Smith Co. or most any kind of plank or
Walter of Bel-1 lumber you may send.
haven. has been here this week i so have a nice lot of Coffins and
in attendance upon the funeral Ed the clover
and will take
of his uncle.
Light and groceries, I in waiting on you.
cigars and tobacco at Tripp Hart j Frank of
and company. has been visiting WE Hooks
W. J. of Grifton, Sunday,
had important business here This morning W. E. e and
procure one and the k. I Frank Yelverton left through
save time and money. See The prettiest baby caps and, the country for Fremont in-
line of and other brands, -cloaks in J ft Smith co. on Wednesday evening th y will
of pocket knives M M Sauls A bale of cotton now on our attend the marriage of Mr.
Prof- T. E. Peden and market is a rarity and when one George Hooks and Dicker-
will celebrate Washington's comes in J. J. puts on his Sun- son.
birthday Saturday at the semi-day shoes. Walter .
with appropriate exercises. The largest and cheapest line Greenville Saturday i
Tripp, Hart Co. are in stationary in town don't buy on legal business.
and prepared to furnish you have examined M. SI. just located
general public with everything stock. pl he is
in the mercantile line to wear, patterns kept on hand,
eat or make life Try latest styles- J. R, Smith ca.
them. C, V. Cannon and sister, Miss
W. B. Alexander has moved his Blanch, spent Sunday in Bethel
v. to
an at
on .;
family to his nice residence Car load of Portland
Lee street Dr. Hardy Johnson lime and ring hair at J. R.
occupies ins former residence Lo.
.,;.;, street Forbes, of was
At the regular meeting of he here M i lay.
Knights of Wednesday can tools
J. R. Smith
Barber Co.
Gard n of kinds fresh
heavy Kangaroo
1.7. for Wens
from the A IV. Angel heavy shoes priced 1.60 for 1.15
Women's box calf shots priced
Miss Overton, of Stokes 2.00 for 1.50 Men's heavy J
is ti i with her
sister, s B. . . Highsmith.
Take i Up--1 h
up a stray cow, red color,
headed, n I aw fork in
right ear. I
by proving property and paying
expenses. C. R. y,
R. F D. No, Winterville, N. C
7-2-t d t-w.
F. I ; ft Mond
o b on road
some tune for the A. G. Cox
A new line dry goods and
i feted this
Come and b j them. A. W-
Th. ti ban
v, n will n such
a i o a p
and o i S ;
your orders early with . G.
Cox Manufacturing Co for the
goods and then you will be sure
to get y our supply in ample time.
Fresh peanuts of different
kinds at A. W. Ange Co.
Miss Laura of Has-
sell, who was away last week to
attend the of her sister,
has returned to school.
Poultry wire of all heights at
Harrington, Barber Co.
The A G. Mfg. Co. are now
expecting a nice lot of poultry
Fence. Would be glad to have
our friends and customers to
come to see us before they buy
We can quote prices that will
talk. Plow saddles are still go-
A. G. Cox, Manufacturing
Miss May school at
very interesting
and enjoyable entertainment last
night to the parents and a few
friends, celebrating George
Washington's birthday.
dressed at
the Carolina Milling Mfg. Co.
boots for 3.00. Men's
3.00 boots tor These must
go. A. W. Ange Co.
We deeply sympathize with
G. E. in the
of his aged mother, who
away Sunday ac r
home near in Cb
e had i been at
one week . . d
the his broth
He left Saturday evening a d
at his old I me Sunday
morning, too late to
her alive.
e for Harrington
Mrs. E. D. Charley of Harbor,
Maine, i
is i
It ti b.-a
every gives quick
; i .
m and general
ii ; on the Ii oil. a a
i u ; ca i useful
. medicine.
. r. Ia under
at J. I. U at e. ode.
by Proxy.
i ii ;
; j it i no. u;
he tried to i i
. last, how-
ever, hi out, and the
d in,
i p and re
v. i tin do ct. lie look
. ; nun I
. . up come r
written on box,
or n . I
.- ii. rs, IV
the following officers were and mill fittings.
installed by Deputy J. it. Tin- Co.
Mrs Sarah Smith is pending
Rev. R I. week with friends in the
was taken very sick while visit- country,
parents at Oriental and Ayden Loan Corn-
is not to live. is doing a nice business.
Tripp Hart and Co have re They pain a percent, cash
are daily receiving dividend to their stock holders on
the nicest and freshest line of the 15th. J. F, is
on the Let manager. Ayden,
Rev. Duncan Is visiting Dave Whichard, of Greenville, of Cannon
members of his congregation down to us Friday and
will conduct services in in company with Ives he
the church Sunday, paid many
Carload cotton seed meal and Us well as i visit. He
bulls at R Smith co. is a hustler and added n
REAL n Re-
One thirty i. . he hi i our .-
just r t than . He i
i in be on . much i . ,
o aid ; our town
Th remains of tho late ii. B, th
the of
C in Tyson d n
. in the . . A-
her I n . . If t if
; of i my
friends n
a i r . p t .- a. k them l c n-
ti with Mr It. n-
non, ;. i in i th they will
the Lb d
C. L Ty m.
The fl heretofore
doing business in tho town of
tho name style
on, In s
lay been dissolved by mutual
consent, C. L. T; on withdraw-
; . . is -l.
I ho ill
f birth . , . . .
by ii- .
Mi But school at Antioch
. tool lay .
the ex r i are
a bask a y was given and n
nice little sum of money was ac
quired for a library. No school
can do its best work without a
good library.
The Juniors went over to
yesterday and delivered a
Bible and flag to the public
school there. Prof. G. E. Line-
berry made the leading
showing the principles for which
this noble order stands. The
boys report a royal time and
wish to extend hearty
thanks for the kind treatment
accorded them while there.
Seed oats at Harrington Bar-
accompanied by i ;. . in
and a few . . ,
rived here on
Wednesday and
the n . tn , our i t t.
of .
all For .
W. H. Smith has purchased
interest of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the place All
work promptly looked after. Mr.
Cox will still with the
m the .
. and i ho
Sir . . .
V, ii i l on o I
me hi i ml new touring
car taken with a
the back of his neck. He went mid
i all about it.
ho said, there such
things automobile
not was doc
may develop tendencies to
that lie dormant under or-
wish yon would look at
that spot on tho back of my neck
and me it the excessive use of
motor cur has anything to do
Tho doctor complied.
he said gravely.
looks if it might be a car-
or an
Youth's Companion.
Suffering and Saved.
E. S. of N. Y.,
am a carpenter and have many
cuts healed by Ar-
Salve. It has saved me
and dollars. It ii by far tho best heal-
salve I ever Heals
burns, sores, ulcers, fever sores,
ma and piles. at J. L. Wooten,
carried placed in
church, b . y
. . , id by very largo
.; and
. y were
. , .
n I . his c ward y a
. i . b. i
. , u f r this . .-
Mill belting, valves
steam J. R. Smith Co
Lime cement, plastering hair
and a full line of hardware at
J, It. Smith Co.
Mrs. W. J. Boyd went up to
Tuesday afternoon.
Windows, doors, blinds, locks,
butts, J. Smith
Irwin J. A.
and Joseph
in response to a telegram went
to Williamston Tuesday to be
with and assist for the time being
the family of the late E. B.
Pneumonia Cure J. R
Smith Co-
Mrs. W. J. Hemby was called
bedside of her mother
Sunday, who is very sick.
Robert Rountree, of New
York, was here last week visit-
Mrs. R. C- Cannon.
M. J. R.
. .
.;. services
i is i ; id
i . . ding.
. rs
, .
Who makes a specialty of fine

I Greenville's Department Store
Getting What You
Always brings satisfaction to the buyer, and
being able to supply your wants is equally
gratifying to the seller. This is the
Greenville's Department Store.
We have what you want. The goods are
right and prices are right
Stock Was Never More Complete
Every department is tilled with goods
for the needs ct the family, the home, the
farm, or the office
Ladies, dress goods, trimmings,
, ,. we unsurpassed. Just now sea-
son for
And we are giving special attention to laces.
embroideries, edgings, etc.
Claw at Catching Finny Pray
and Dainty In Eating It.
Hunters and trappers have so de-
fur bearing animals that few
are left who catch and eat fish, and
it is fortunate the otter is now com-
scarce in our northeast-
states, for he is a terrible and
persevering foe to fish. He is so
dainty that he will frequently kill
several fish in a day, devour-
only those portions which, best
please his palate, leaving the re-
on the water side to be-
come the prey of other fish loving
For the pursuit of his finny prey
the otter is admirably adapted by
nature. The body is lithe and
the feet are furnished with
a broad web that connects the toes,
which are of infinite service in pro-
the animal through the
the tail is long, broad and flat,
and the short, legs are so
loosely jointed that it can turn
them in almost any direction. The
hair of the body is of two kinds
one a close, fine, soft fur, which
lies next to the skin, protecting it
from extreme heat or cold, and the
other composed of long,
coarse hair, which permits the
to glide easily through water.
The teeth are sharp and powerful,
preventing the slippery prey from
escaping so that the quick and
nary fish fall easy victims to the
i superior aquatic powers. So
does it glide into, the water
scarcely a ripple is seen to mark
the time and place of its entrance,
and on emerging upon the shore its
i from the stream
with the b less ease.
ii e otter is In eat-
-k captured, it h the
prey between ii-
. j .-- with the I sex the
the line, flaky
meat shoulders and rejecting
the head. ; end other parts. The
y food is about four
fish, weighing two or three pounds,
not a I tr lit, but trout
m are preferred to
. in
been away for several
months wish to announce to
my friends and patrons of the
of Pitt that I am still
connected with the firm of Chas.
M. and if bachelors are
allowed to misuse the happy
term home as a synonym for a
out I still call
Greenville my home, and while I
intend to be away from Green-
ville a great deal of my time
this fall a postal care of box
Greenville, will reach me
within a day or two We now
have a number of slightly used
upright pianos, some of which
have been rented during the
months, others which
were temporarily used by artists
at the exposition and for
work, at bargain prices.
We also offer a special school
piano for fully measuring
up in stand Jard to any
instrument This piano is es-
built for college and
school work the special price
named above and is full
teed by my firm for years
Those interested in a school piano
or in a good slightly used piano
for the home should write
me at once and will profit
by it, and as ever I am always
mindful of my
and interest as well as my
firm's interest Grateful of past
G. G. Fine-man.
Box Greenville. N. C.
Greenville's Department Store
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging Tics and Bags.
Correspondence and
New Shoe Shop I
I On February 1st I will open
a Shoe Shop in the building
y. on 5th street opposite Hotel
W. M.
Ladies and G m in s Tailor.
Greenville, N. c.
ring, R p iring,
Dyeing, Scouring,
I Dry
ion or no charges.
In rear of Edmonds and Flaming
Barber Shop.
L. I.
I Bertha. Shoes made to or-
i and all kinds of repair
S work. Save your orders
I and work for me.
-.- Skinner, J
H. H.
LAWYERS. Greenville. N C
Hate at First Eight.
e who argue that
love j- born first How-
ever be, I certain that it is
often thus with hate. I have seen
men in my time the first sight of
whom was ti insult to
stinging, like slap on the cheek.
It is a strange thing, have
never heard ii explained
Sometimes in my own ease
I have attributed it to even so slight
a thing as a certain turn of the
roe. a curve of the lip. a droop of
the eye, and again have felt that it
was due to nothing visible about the
man, hut rather to some subtle em-
from the very soul of him
that maddened me as though had
inhaled the fumes of devilish
drug. Have you ever felt this
American Magazine.
It cyclone to lift a house
off the farm, takes a life
insurance policy to lift the
gage. insurance, is simply
a matter of d U end
The Mutual Life of New York is
the oldest, largest, and
the best in America,
H. Harriss.
ltd Special
Just a fresh lot of
wheat bran and ship stuff at F-
V. Johnston's.
days and rust proof Bead
oats just received at F- V.
Johnston's near A C. L. depot.
R. L Davis, J. A. Andrews, V-Pres. J. L Little Cashier.
The Bank Greenville
Would be pleaded to have your
business and solicits your patron-
age, with the assurance of Us
ability t give courteous and sat-
With its
Capital paid in of
Surplus and
Profits of more than
a Total of Capital
Mad profits in excess of
t has also
Deposits amounting to
total sum for the accommodation
of our customers of more than
It is the policy of this bank to aid in every
mate way the development of the financial in-
interest of Greenville and Pitt county.
Get The best for Comfort
Royall and Felt Hat-
es a piece Bern-
stein Iron Bed hive no equal.
v. i Jr-u-a
Moore arid Ion
u n v i i, x r house.
Chickens, Turkeys, Geese and
Ducks for solo at
Stables, in front of market
Truancy Vindicated.
An old gentleman peeing a
small boy playing in the street and
remembering that school term
had begun n short time previous
thought ii his duty to take the
youngster to task for being absent
from school. Approaching the boy,
ho inquire
son, how is it you are not at
school instead of idling in
Hesitating a moment, tho lad re-
pap's of work,
rick, brother Johnnie pot
r the Hi,
got i Ii .- and, besides that,
no school
Judge's Library.
sharply demanded Mrs.
Ferguson as they sat at breakfast a
few mornings ago, did you do
with that letter to Aunt I
pave you to mail for mo last
Mr. Ferguson clapped his hand on
the breast pocket of nil coat.
it to Aunt
hastily extracting from the pock-
et a handle letters and
documents and looking
them over.
course it was. I wrote to
ask her to come and spend the next
six weeks with
gasped Mr. Ferguson,
I mailed Tribune.
The Iron Crown.
The famous iron crown of Lorn-
was of gold and precious
stone- set in a of iron
which was believed to have been
formed from a nail of Christ's cross,
It made by order of the queen
of the in and
rented to her husband. With this
crown Charlemagne was crowned
and after him all the emperors who
were kings of Lombardy. It
this same crown that Napoleon put
on his head at Milan on May
1808, exclaiming as ho did
has siren it to mo Woe to him
who touches I
Last Round for Taxes.
I will make the lat visit
the county to collect taxes due
for I he year at the following
times and
Falkland, Falkland township
Tuesday March 1908-
Farmville, township,
Tuesday March
Bethel, Bethel township,
Thursday March
Grimesland, township,
Saturday If area
Ayden, township,
Saturday March
C. D. Store, Beaver
Dam township. Tuesday Mar.
Bell X Roads, town-
ship. Tuesday March
Stokes, Carolina township,
Saturday March
Grifton, Swift Creek township.
Saturday March
All who fail to pay will be ad-
and cost added to their
taxes. Pay promptly and save
cost and trouble.
L. W. Tucker, Sheriff.
Clay is the very
best, at S. M. Schultz.
financially and a world of
are the titles bestowed on
Open an account with It
and you are assured of the
safety of your money. la
addition you secure a
banking connection that
may prove of great
cal service to you in many
ways. Inquire at the bank
what they are and how you
may secure them.
W. H.
Office in National Rank Building
Especially adapted to cotton,
tobacco and corn- Good dwell-
Apply to
F. C Harding.
d w
.-. .
Tremendous High-grade Stock of Fine Merchandise Having been brought to Green-
ville and Placed in C. T. FORD'S big store for a quick sale.
After what we and our Creditors think best, and they say the only wise thing to do with this combined gigantic
I stock of merchandise is to sell and satisfy our creditors, the best way possible, as we have no ready cash to keep
them quiet, we must listen to them, have this sale, and throw this Immense stock on the market. We must take their advice, mark it down like they say, so we
can a few dollars to send them so that every time the train blows our color won't change, knowing that as soon as the mall Is handed to us we will open
after where some house writes like must pay this bill at
Our Doors will be open to the Public January the Twenty-fifth, 1908
C. T.
The Atlantic Coast Line and Its Relief
Department Involved Of Special
to Railroad j es
The Raleigh News and
contains a synopsis of a case
from Pitt county that went up on
appeal to Supreme court, that
will be especially interesting to
all of the Atlantic Coast
Line as well as to the public. It
case of much interest to
railroad men generally and s
to of the At-
Coast Line will be argued
this week in the Supreme Court,
the question at issue being the
legality of certain provisions of a
contract entered into by em-
of the railroad with the
Relief Association of the Com-
appears that the A. C. L. j
maintains a relief department,
under the operation of which
Why the Route Should be Through
Ninth Streets Instead
of Avenue.
I see through the columns of
your paper that the Board of
Aldermen of the town of Green-
ville have not yet determined
whether they will pave
avenue from Five to the
depot, or whether they
will pave Evans street through
to Ninth street, and
thence up Ninth street to the
depot. As a citizen and tax pay-
of the town of Greenville, I
am naturally interested in all
TM popular remedy to
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Liver and Bad Digestion
The natural result U too appetite
and solid Dose small; elegant-
sugar coated and to swallow.
No Substitute.
of North Carolina,
PAVING. In the Superior court,
A. H. Taft vs. Mary Davis
Sale of land under execution
Will Dickinson Avenue r Evans St. be
Paved From Five Points
to be Made of Evans St.
North Carolina.
County. .
E. P. an i
Mills. W C. or and wife-,
Mary V. Puree-,
C. H. Stoke, L. A. R- and Fan
By of of tho Clerk of
to the Court of Pitt
sheriff of Pitt from the to th
Stop and Think How Much it Costs
The following letter, written
to a Pennsylvania grocer,
interesting reading rut
men who spend money for liquor,
bat to men hi legitimate bu.-i-
matters of public interest relating i nave
to the development and welfare been ac-
of the town.
To my mind there are several
reasons the paving should
extend along Evans street to
Ninth street and thence to the
rather than
son avenue to the depot.
1st. The paving of Evans
every contributes a ,
per of his wages J Ninth streets will make a much
every month, the proceeds being better appearance than
used to indemnify such son avenue, making a very much
as are incapacitated either by; better in by
or injury received in the; reason of on- long straight
none of employment, thoroughfare from the
When an is injured or; house to Ninth Street,
becomes sick he is paid 2nd. Dickinson avenue is
amount per day, graduated upon in proper shape to pave. The;
the am Hint of wages he receives, end near Five Points has no side
for the first month of his of consequence, and I
and afterwards at half am informed that the
the p r diem paid during the first owners Dickinson avenue;
month of such incapacity. I went an enormous price paid by
the contract or the town for the right to extend
which the signs the street and side to proper,
when he becomes a member width I do not think the town;
the relief department, he agrees should expend thou ands of do- ,
that the decision of the advisory to a street that is
committee of the department too narrow and unshapely to
who may be appealed to make a decent appearance, and I
the decision of the i do not think the tax payers of
dent of the division on which the the town should be called upon j
was working when the to pay an enormous to the
incapacity occurred- shall be owners along
final determination of the son avenue for the Privilege of,
of his right to draw from making a side walk wide enough
the fund. In tho case that will for a decent appearance, when
be argued, the plaintiff was paid the town i. greatly enhancing
to spending twenty
cants a day for whiskey, find
by saving it, I can from
you one year the following
Barrels of flour,
Pounds granulated sugar,
Pounds com starch,
Pounds macaroni.
G Pounds ground pepper,
Pounds i white beans
Dozen brasher,
Pound.- roasted coffee,
Cans tomatoes,
Cans mackerel.
pounds beat raisins.
l packages herbs,
Pounds oatmeal.
Pounds rice,
Barrel crackers,
Pounds wince meat,
Dozen brooms,
Bottles oil,
Pounds tea,
Cans green pea,
Pounds dried apples,
Pounds prunes,
Pounds laundry starch,
Pounds table salt,
Pounds lard.
Bottles maple syrup,
Bars soap,
Gallons chow-chow,
Ream note paper,
the relative Dickinson being the first Monday of
avenue and Evans street, as to March 1908, sell for cash to the;
which should be paved. bidder, to satisfy the.
The committee appointed to said execution, all the right, j
r i-i j and interest, which the said
make a selection of brick made a Mary Davis, defendant has in
recommendation as to which of
those d should be
chased. The recommendation
or lot of land,
No. in the division Um I
in and aliened to the
he rs-at-law of Ma y Ann con-
1-4 acres more or I i-i. and
more described
at a h th
the following described real ea-1 Hick man Patent and running no-t-
That certain let Of pole. o ti; n e
parcel of land lying and being in g'S
the town N. C. .;, , i, to st e with
on East Wash pointers, thanes south west
street, between the lot j ,
. i .; east . thence i.
occupied by ,. ,,,., ,. .
the lot owned by J. It. Move, at tho corner s thence
Other matters of minor
cat id t i I
Of, the came. , will and n stake, thence
to question of ch route should testament of her Foster William east iv poles to
be paved after leaving recorded in will book No.
Points. Assurance was given on; in the office of the clerk of the
good authority that a substantial
was adopted and committee con-
with instructions to make
contract with the brick
amount would be contributed j
should the route be,
decided on. It was ordered that
a survey be made of each route;
and a committee consisting of E i
t P. J Forbes and
L. Tucker.
Sheriff of Pitt county.
Notice to Creditors
ii on th--
able the th r.- south
i i.-.--.- east -1 1-5 s
stake in the Patent due,
thence th said line north 1-2 do-
poles to
m shown by map filed with
nil it in this
the day of
Having duly qualified before
the Superior clerk of Pitt
C. S. Carr was appointed to as- county as executor of the last
certain the cost each, to in- will and testament of Jennie
disadvantages of each, and to
Important Land
the coat to in- will testament Jennie
and consider thorough- Cherry, d, notice is here
to conditions, advances and
payment to the aw
i i
bidder in
Mar h
lowing s
make a report and a person having claims
to pr
I the same co the for
board at an early j said estate are notified
I date.
fits a City at Kings-
ton, Jamaica.
Mr. W. who i a
of at. KinK-
ton, We.-t Indies, writes as
I- of Chamberlain s
Remedy had good ed on a
that was giving me trouble and I
I should have teen more quickly
had the
That it ii quick In re
i no doubt and it is
Intention to another bolt
Kit sale by all gists and
Patent Medicines.
for sever;, months and the value of their by an T
wards examine i and hi- allow- outlay of of dollars in no in.
improvements on been costing me so much.
Colonial Records in Clerk's Office.
He appealed to way public improvements
the advisory committee and the Dickinson avenue.
la the future Evans and
hp streets will be more gen-
used by the public at large, Te-g M-. Year
Dickinson avenue, All the It is almost impossible for a
The point involved in the easel tobacco brought to Greenville young man who does not save
is whether or not the agreement i from all directions on the south money to make a business start
final decision resting I side of tho river passes down in the Most young men
with the advisory committee is i Ninth street, except what comes are wishing for better positions
constitutional, the plaintiff's con- j into Greenville from the Wash- and the impossibility
tendon that it seeks road New if the greater of on B small
prevent the of goes over They want to strike out
an action in the courts upon a I Ninth street, and in view of the for they want to go
contract. On the trial of that street from Five West or South, they want to
I I . I I II
case in the lower court this view
was upheld and the appeal is by
Newspapers for one year
papers of the state have
requested by State Librarian
live better and buy more for my O. Sherrill, to inform their
of the ,. war vented in me
i r i the
, N r. on lion
s. t the fol-
o; land or
may be rec to-
Thai part of the lands of
Yellow lay to the
and by said
on tin east by the lauds of the Ute
on, on the the
lands of Mrs. Ravage and T. W hire
and on west by Town
and Town it the
described and c live.- d in a mortgage
mad- by Emily Ha and
W. H. H- Jan-
and ii book
, and
-----I of court . to which deed refer-
i is
i by me an of J. II.
i tie of paying off the indebted-
secured said mortgage. In
making said Sale I will first sell that
said land which to the south
of Fifth street ex tendon and ii that
Hannah Home, vs Dennis Home I tells for enough to said
The defendant above name I will lake I will not sell f e inc
. . . J .
payment en or before the
day of January. 1909. or this
novice will be plead in bar of re
This Jan. 23rd. 1908.
Jo.-t G
Executor of Jennie
State of
North Carolina,
In Court.
notice an action entitled as
the railroad, or relief depart-
is stated that on the A. C.
L., there is practically in force a
rule requiring all to
have membership in the relief
society and to sign the
referred to. Under the op-
of these societies, the
has the option, when in-
of accepting the relief of-
as indemnity or looking to
the road for damages. The c
in point is whether, when he has
decided to look to the relief de-
for compensation, he
can Hue it upon its contract not-
withstanding the fact that be
has agreed that the decision of
the advisory committee shall be
plaintiff in the case is
represented by Fleming
from Pitt, and the defendant by
Hon. Geo. from
to Ninth street is make money handover
to make a hand- their are checked right
appearance than at the start for the want of a
son avenue, and in view of the little ready money to begin on.
fact that it is impossible to get a A young man who has not the
side walk of reasonable width on stamina and backbone to put
Dickinson avenue without temptations and save
ring considerable expense, it a portion of his salary each
seems to me that the or each month is not likely to ac-
logical route from much in life. If his
Five to the depot is along purpose is not strong enough to
readers of the fact that complete
sets of the Colonial Records,
volumes, can be found in the
of the clerk of the super-
court, in every county.
of the county and
have i right of access to the
records and can use them
i whenever they so desire in the
j clerk's office. The request for
j this statement made by Mr.
because s many letters
are received by the librarian
asking for extracts from these
records. They are accessible to
. citizen of the state- They are
in the office of the clerk of the
court in your Take due
notice of mentioned fact
and govern yourselves accord-
Stray Taken Up.
Whit black spotted barrow h-- .
weight pounds smooth and
in Owner
has been commenced in the Superior
of Pitt county, to dis-
solve the bonds of matrimony heretofore
solemnized between plaintiff and d-
aid the said will
further take notice that he is required
to appear at the m term of the j Carolina
I or court of said county to lie held on .
the second after the first lion- .
in March it being the 16th.
day March; at the Out L. Roberson
.-f -f . p
North Carolina, and or demur u
action, the By virtue of an execution
Execution Sale.
In the Superior
t W. G. Mat
w I to the court for the i no undersigned
the Superior of Pit. county
d. C. Moo, e. c. S. C. in the above entitled act ion, I
Notice To Creditors
on Monday the of March
1903, at o'clock p m at the
court house d or of this
Having duly qualified to the highest bidder for
the Superior court of Pitt I cash to satisfy said n, a
count., as of the last one half interest, or all th-
i-i a-
will and Jesse title and Interests
Carson deceased, i tic i is hereby I following real
given to oil persons indebted to which G. R Matthews has con
the to make immediate toW. G. to
payment to the undersigned,
all persons having claims against I House and lot situated
said estate must the on Pleasant Street, Bethel, N.
same to the undersigned for known as the Dock Andrews
on or before 21st day I place, and being the which
of January, 1909, or was willed to W. and U.
will be plead in recovery. Matthews by their mother, as
This 21st day of Jan. 1908.
Theo. Carson,
. . ,. hole get
Evans street to Ninth street and him to make a few M
thence to the depot rather than for the sake of his ambition i B. f. u. No. N. c
down Dickinson avenue. I do Bot expect to be success-1
not favor taking from property ultimately. The history of
owners of Dickinson avenue, successful men shows strong
will appear of record. ad-
Joining the of M. Blount
Executor of Jesse W. Carson. and containing J of
1-21 ltd I an acre more or less
This Jan. 30th. 1908.
kind fruits and candies
at J. B. Johnston's
Maine Seed Irish potatoes at
J. B. Johnston's.
Subscribe for the Reflector
their private property at
prices in order to lay a
for a public improvement
that would enhance the value of
the property along Dickinson
avenue more than the value of
tho small narrow strip of land
necessary to widen the street and
side walk to a proper width. Let
tho paving down Evans street
to Ninth street and the public in-
the town will be better
served than by going do Dick
A Citizen and Tax Payer.
A medium white ox with white
horns and red took,
I y tail, marked s it and in
bot i Been since of
September, Suitable reward for
information lending to recovery.
N. C.
purpose and
nation American Boy.
Stray Up.
I have taken up one yearling,
years old. unmarked,
lowish color. Owner en get
same by proving property and
a. E. Tripp,
ltd N. C.
II Not Quite
I will have a supply of Maine
seed Irish potatoes, Give me a
call before buying.
J. B. Johnston
Why Suffer From Rheumatism
Do you know that rheumatic
can relieved you doubt
just try one application of Chamber
Pain It will
possible, an. means
a gnat deal to any one afflicted with
rheumatism. by all Druggists
sud Dealers in Medicine.
How often you nail kill
nail or screw driver or nu-
W a
tool box and be prepared
Our line of tools
la a you could desire, and
re will see your tool
box does not lack a single
j. set hi arm
I J p.
Notice to
letters of upon the
estate of I
having this day been ed to the
by tiers Superior Court
of Hit county, and hiving duly North Caro
fled us such administrator, notice is
hereby given to all per
said es to pr sent
them to the for payment
duly authenticated, before
day of lb B, or this notice
will be plead i i bar
Ml persons Indebted t. said
in t to me.
This 8th day of .
Administrator of Jam a u. Bullock,
s. Z
L. W. Tucker,
Notice To C editors.
Having duly qualified the
Court clerk of Pitt ton
in the Superior
Pitt County
vs. Noah
i named
will take n nice I lat an action
entitled i v i mm iced in
the Superior
for a o from the b of
and dam
will forth n he is
required to appear at the
of Superior Court of
Pitt county to be held on the
2nd after the 1st Mon-
day in Mai ch it being the Kith
Hay of March at the Court
house in county
of the last will mi i .
of William Bryant d, no- v n or demur to
a . Sn . ti In. r as i i
the complaint in action or
given to all In-
to tho estate to make
ate payment to the undersigned, and
ail i arsons claims against the
estate are notified to the same
to the for p on or
before 15th of
or this be pi. ail in bar of
This February
2-15 ltd W.
Executor of William Dixon.
the plaintiff will apply to the
the relief demanded in
in said complaint.
This 28th day of Jan.
D. C.
Julius Brown, Atty. for

-.-i, .
-.- of bus ism Feb. 1908
. .
II .
I 1-
. i
Nat. S
nil minor
. , i m
. . m j
sits subject . cheek
I ck
forged With Food. His African Maj-
No Fight.
That the lion i- the
d .
; , . description may
. . . . . story,
by ii i a hunting es-
; . s bI la to secure
f k
, our camp
aft r a Sunday visit to
;,. the totally unprepared
. to capture, I or kill except
when ; I to Jo m in self de-
About a
He is a traveler who
himself to a tbs
first time without misgiving. It is
the of the river ft
that ply the iv or or 1.-
charge cargoes at the Manila
wharfs. A is a cross
between a bamboo raft a
and is propelled by poles.
is a little faster than a hit
it takes a great deal of
it at oil, and the passenger is
in danger of rolling oil in the
; if be is not careful. It is in-
tended for freight, but the brown
boatmen are always glad get a
fare, if any one can be willing
to trust themselves to a tricky
, craft. The amount a I
I can carry without capsizing is
large one will often hear
twenty-five or thirty men, women
children, several dog, a
of chickens and boxes,
barrels, bundle of pots,
pans kettles and other utensils, be-
sides provision for the voyagers, j
and arrive at its destination without
mishap. The of
the bamboo it afloat. It usual-
travels with the current, the men
at the poles merely keeping it in
the middle of the stream and clear
. of sandbars and floating logs. In
of constant watchfulness, how-
ever, sometimes a heavily laden
will go aground in the shallows,
end then the boatmen will lay down
their poles and go to sleep until the
fide floats it off again.
Several days are usually
ed in a by
during all that time the travelers
cat and sleep on board. The me
Consist of cold and dried
fish. There i no of any
kind from ton, rain or heavy night
d and no privacy for anybody.
and women go to sleep
I ever them, and the
sure to be j
of the cargo, make the small
hours of the morning hideous with
their crowing, while the dogs add to
the din by frequent lime scrap-
Of North Carolina, says
Great External Remedy
Far Ck.
I make it a rule never to
m medicines until I have my-
many in the land that are perfect
attain . but having tried Cure
for sore throat and other m-
trouble. I have
cordially din
Salt by All Druggists, and
i -ii .- dip
had jut topped a long in-1 babies yell in chorus.
, was walking my Occasionally a too sound
. a .-It .-1 n i
o-q was occasionally a too
j when on around a corner of; overboard, ard
Hie road hidden by some trees I. p until he is fished
, seventy yard in front of me, York
I J. j Cashier of the above named do a t
. v
Sucre .-. to be-
h. day of Fob.
Notary Public
hi king in the i in n open patch
of grass, a magnificent full
grown lion. The sun not strong,
and he was very, very lazily flicking
hi tail from do to side. He had
Treating Warts.
Children's bands often
by and they
1-, amber red in the weak sun-i cured in a way. harts
and sweet oil
Oral sensation was one of and paint the warts tins
profound amazement each It is yet thorough-
at such a fine j satisfactory. touched
beast He was a beauty, and into the most tenacious warts will in
to that be time kill them and they can
,, ., . . u v removed.
Farmville, N. C.
Fixture 1,680
i is and Banker
Gold ii
I I . deluding minor
Nation note, other
i . . 4,174.00
Capital stock
Undivided less
rent exp. and taxes pa d 3,934.46
Time Certificate of Deposit 551.82
posits subject to check
Ci outstanding 1.264.05
was really wild as be lay on his side
looking at me with his head raised
removed. Host children,
however, object to your cutting
I'll --j. .
as a dog doe, when he hears bis even the dead part since they
master's footsteps. He was as fat have a fear of its hurting. After
h, .-hi r of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
. true to the beat. f my and belie
J. U. DAVIS, Cashier
ard to me,; Correct
J. A. G. L.
Notary Public,
Dry G Caps, Met
Heavy and Fancy Groceries.
as butter, sleek coated and glossy.
pony, as the breeze was com-
from the other direction, did
not mind him and went steadily on
without so much as pricking up his
ears. dog was walking on in
front about ten yards and luckily
did not notice him. It was not
I was actually passing him, which
I did within twenty yards, that I re-
that if the lion took it into
hi head to fancy a bit of white man
I should unable to dispute bis
I had proceeded
yard the lion got up leisurely and
followed along the road behind me.
bat after going about yards ho
turned into the bush at the side
the road.
troth of the situation was
that his majesty had just gorged
himself, and a lion will not attack
unless hungry or wounded. This
; condition saved my dog, for lions
j and tigers have a strongly developed
love for canine
i Dispatch.
j end
The co ks and hens of tire barn-
removing wart wash tho parts with
a weak solution of carbolic acid. A
drop of peroxide of hydrogen in the
will cleanse all
Do believe in such absurd
things as superstitious persons en-
for the removal of warts,
for wart almost difficult to
remove as teeth, and the foolish no-
which ever prevailed of
causing them to disappear through
some magic is not to be thought of
in this enlightened
We r vi log list
The ; . to it comply
la the Post-
-i goes into effect
; . this no weekly
.,. f-e sent to subscriber who
i the
subscription is paid.
without payment will
required I each paper.
Therefor we ask ever subscriber to
Ti . ten who owe for one
year or I to tend a at
can your name on our
list. he can no choice in
this, but will have to with the
We hope every subscribe.-will attend to
this promptly as w; h-ii rather not drop a
single name from our list. bear in
be mailed after April 1st. to any person
who owe one year or
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth iii Fiction.
VOL. No.
One Dollar Per Year
Address of the Mayor of North Caro-
Closing Day of the Session
at New
New Orleans, Li., Fe .
At today's session 16th
annual meeting -f the United
League of Local Building
and Loan the
address of
Mayor O. B. Eaton of Winston-
Mr Baton spoke on scope
and character f the building and
loan association work, declaring
that it was truth is institution
that the American home is es-
Considering th.; scope and
of its work the Build
yard arc unique among
in the fact they have
I no name. call them
i but us a of a
I chicken a young barnyard fowl,
i-,., and not applied
We are making a specialty usual i and to an e have so
qualities, now going at .; cents. ,,., calling them chicken, how-
cannot be surpassed on India Linens,, Lawns and all ever, that there is little of
white Ca d i making n change. It seems strange
White not
COUNTY PRODUCE BOUGHT SOLD j a suitable name at tho
. Tho
. . . ,, . . quarter said a nu-
which contains over feet -should a very
of floor space. Even with SO , ., t U nothing but one
a tore, it requires two or thirteen. There are
; i t c i additional to ,. ,,, it th
mere Friday. the by jg mt
firm I. . .
den is the
towns in Pitt county and is
ahead at at a fast rate We did
not know until seeing it Friday,
that it possesses the largest
in the county. It has this
distinction in the two-story brick
tore of the J. R. Smith Co.,
firm , , . . , holds in its claws, there are thirteen
Ayden has quite a number of the tail,
substantial merchant-; who have thirteen feathers in its
large stores and carry nice stocks-1 there are
these are that lines, thirteen
they are out for business by tn, thirteen arrowheads.
advertising space in the Av- the words Quarter
den department of the weekly . . thirteen
edition of The R that is so
well conducted by J M. Blow.
the finest Tobacco because
is prepared expressly for To-
twenty-three years experience
no guess careful study of the
requirements of this particular plant.
Ask your dealer for Orinoco and see that the trade
mark is on every bag.
F. S. Royster Guano Company
There is nothing comparable in
power, in influence and in
in the development of
as the spirit of home
ownership among men, and for
every dollar invested in the en-
of this idea thous-
ands of dollars will be by
lessening crime and by building
up a citizenship imbued with
principles of life and duty, who
stand ready fight our
win our victories and who are the
conservators of liberty.
If he who caused two blades of
grass to grow where formerly
grew but one is a benefactor to
the race, how much greater
factor must that organization be
that builds homes where former-
there were none. Through
the instrumentality of the Build-
and Loan Association millions
of homes have built where
virtue resides in the warmth and
purity of vestal fires and where
m .
and Loan Association is one j contentment dwells like a
. . . .
summer. Around these homes
vised all the dearest and sweet- quarter of 1906
of.-the greatest institutions
mind of man has ever
produced- in its j associations of life, upon them
potent in i B influence, the hopes of happiness of
the nations of the earth and above
of Railroad Wu Better Under
Low Rate.
The quarterly report of the
Southern Railway of its business
done in North Carolina for the
three months of last year,
November and December,
was received by the Corporation
Commission yesterday, having
bun due since 1st.
Although the effects of the
the panic are plainly reflected in
report for the quarter ending
December 31st, 1907, as
ed with earnings shown for the
previous quarter, ending
31st. a significant fact is
that earnings from intrastate
passengers and freight
a quarter during which there
e was general business depression
an increase over earnings
m the same sources for the
OF IN CARRYING Republican convention for the TOO SHORT FOR SEPARATE
MAILS. of delegates to the State;
conventions ,
U the Charge Made by called for the purpose of elect-,
Lloyd, of State and Congressional P
r . n n o delegates to th National Re- Salisbury, N. C. March 3.-
Washington, D. o March g Convention which is to j Unknown robbers loot I th, post-
-The that the govern P city of Chicago, office
been robbed . , . ,. I
, .-.,. station
been robbed of 1908. of r. last
since 1880 by the. ,.,,,, blown
railroads carrying the mails was, direction,,,,.,, and about two hundred
of dollars taken. T did
today by Mr Lloyd, of Missouri. ca the their work at midnight and es-
He referred to the new system to , w ,;,,,,. as de-
their respective town-L. I There is
introduced at the usual place of y
General and declared that it as Saturday. March
an admission that the
Department allowed the t.
Pf a county convention to be
for S goods
Louisburg N. C, March
News of n disastrous fire at
Spring night reached
here this morning. One store
to Mr Spivey was
in its achieve it
next to the public school
in power, in and in
port, It is an institution
to the people, most char
the people and
lest of hope for the people. It
great unit expressing itself,
in the first place, in the product
of human labor. A piece of
money in an old stocking is no
more n a leaf upon a tree. It
is the coin is taken out and
used that it becomes of value,
and the nature of the value de-
pends upon the quality of the
The building and loan
collects the numberless lit-
rills of capital which flow
from labor and which would min-
less effectively to human
needs them into
visible and substantial wealth
most needful to man. It i the
poor man's bank in the highest
and truest sense. It receives
and lends his money and then
organizes and utilizes the full
force and effect of his capital
and makes it contribute its part
to the wealth of the world and to
the sustenance and welfare of
the people
shines the ever blessed star
that lights the pathway back to
the paradise that man lost
, i
-en filed purpose of selecting delegates to ;
call attend the State convention aid
the com-
These iron amount to
from passengers and
from freight, considering
only intrastate business, as
by the following digests
from the reports tor the last
quarter of 1907 and 1906
Farmville, N. 1908-. . .
C L. Wilkinson, of Greenville, Intrastate passengers
who has been visiting his par- .
returned yesterday L over same
Perkins went
Wilson Saturday and returned
J. C Lanier, of Greenville was
in our town yesterday.
Dr. C. C. Joyner, and S. C.
Wooten went to New Bern last
Thursday and returned Friday.
Miss Bessie Pee Law one of
the teachers in the Farmville
graded school, has been quite
quarter 1906. .
Intrastate freight De
and none suggested.
audit and control
and the following
exclaim, d. o townships are entitled the
declared that they M Rep.
the beginning all men, b
because of their connection m Ex. Com- of Pitt Co.
one way or another with the sup-
E. E
1907. certain publication.
Intrastate freight have much
1906. . . he exclaimed. need
laws less departmental
Increase over same .
For the quarter ending De-
1907, the earnings
from all sources of intrastate
sick, but her many friends are including passengers,
. it- . .
I glad to learn that she is rapidly
The East Carolina Train made
its first regular trip to Hooker-
ton yesterday, and the schedule
has been changed so we will
have only one mail each day, in-
stead of two-mails, on Tuesday's
Thursdays, and Saturdays.
The farmers in this section of
the county are getting busy, and
Register of Deeds R. Williams
has issued the following licenses
freight, express and mail and since last report;
express and miscellaneous, were
greater than of the T. A. Ange and Hattie Arnold.
. . v. e.-o-----
teaches the purchasing pow-j every indications points to a good
of money; it increases a crop
earning power and his capacity
for service; it teaches the great
lesson of economy; it teaches
him to accumulate something for
his declining years; it teaches
that some measure of self denial
is an invaluable condition and
blessedness in life; it
teaches a man that in order to
build himself up in the
he must own a home or in
some way tied in business
direction to the community in
which he lives; it teaches that
one of the roads to good citizen-
ship lies in the ownership of
homes and that in communities
where this is secured society and
individuals arc having their
highest development and the
largest allotment of human hap-
It encourages industry,
it means progress, it means push, I
it means development, it means
a steady movement to better
things and more glorious achieve
It teaches a man to
stand upright and self-respect-
working out his in
the sweat of his brow, loyal to
his town and earnest in his
wherever it rests.
A nation's power and great-
Cox's Mill, N. C. March 2nd.
Our farmers are making good
use of this fine weather at work.
H- A. Moore and Oscar Evans
spent Sunday in Craven county
and reported a fine trip-
Miss Haddock spent a
few days last week near Had-
dock X Roads.
Misses Lillie Carroll and Nan-
Page spent Saturday night and
Sunday with Miss Bessie Moore.
Ed Moore went to Greenville
and Winterville today on
quarter of 1906 by
230.53 these totals of
earnings being for the two
December 1907
December 1906
An increase of
Raleigh News and Observer.
Spring Hope, N. d Feb.
Please allow me space your
W. Smith and
Wilson and Annie
i a-.-y, others were
badly damaged. L is estimated
at to
W. J- Hick la
Orphan Atrium.
Today at Oxford
dent Hicks and his wife
i will celebrate their golden wed-
I ding anniversary, and with this
happy event there comes the
he is to from
the of the or-
as soon as his successor
la chosen and has been shown
his duties. Mr. Kicks has been
superintendent ten years. He
tendered his resignation some.
but agreed to re-
main until successor had been
I selected and also to initiate him
into the various and arduous
ties of the position. Two men
are in view, one A. C. of
who for h number of
years was the of the
Davis Military the other
being Leon Hash, of
It is that the
choice will be some time
Hawaiian, N, C , Mar- 3rd.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
visited relatives near Grifton
Mr. and Mrs. N. L.
of Ridge Springs, spent
ac W. L.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lang spent the News
Sunday with relatives near and Observer
Miss Eva Smith, who has be n
visiting relatives at Grifton,
came home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs- R. Johnson, from
Willie Cooper and Celia ton spent Sun Jay after-
ton- noon at J. E. Mumford's.
Jesse Bradley and Lena Smith visited in
Thorn. last week.
Wm. Cox and Mary Cox. Smith,
Mills and Lou by Miss Ell Mumford,
to her home near Green-
ville Friday and returned Sunday
Drum Corps.
A movement is foot or-
corps hero to make
music for the var-
ans at their annual me and
reunions. It will take
to get the and
this amount
paper to state that my wife's
mother, Mrs. M- T. Hambrick,
died in the parsonage at Spring
Hope. N. C. Feb. 19th. 1908, at
p. m-
She had been in declining
health for several months,
gradually grew weaker until
did not seem to
N. C.
Geo- Daniel
Essex and Louisa
May and Eula Vines-
Thad Muse and Jennie Hines.
Dave Washington and Victoria
Amos Edwards and
soldiers are
pass is ard we should
do to All with
pleasure the few years remain-
to them. Maj. Harding
will v for tho
, drum
Miss Birdie one of
the teachers of the school
Honor Roll.
J. A. Smith his son
near Grifton Sunday.
Capt. T. F. Johnson went up
the road Sunday.
James Griffin and E. Lang, of
Grifton, here Monday.
Jacob f Grifton,
spent Sunday afternoon at W. L- to her
J. H. of Clay Root,
L. F. Avery says he has some
tobacco plants nearly large
enough to set out. He is one of
our lucky men.
There will be preaching at
Rose Hill
end came. She
much pain, but general I was here last
debility of her. Several from her, attended
death. To her death had no s fol- service at Gum Swamp Sunday.
horrors, nor was she afraid. A. L. v. as
she had been a faithful and con- R Stella in the neighborhood Sunday.
follower of Christ for a g bribing. I
long number of years. Like St h Emma
Paul she whom she had c
Paid she knew i
believed, and was persuaded . ,,. a,.
to keen all she had ,.
the was able to keep
next j committed unto Him.
She was seventy five years
the 28th of last December, and
Baker, Walter Loftin, and I
Banks Make Good
The banks of Greenville and
Pitt county are making public the
statements of their business as
by the sick-
of her parents, and whose
mother, d reached
has ;
. she cannot r-
to c t
.; . , is
teacher i d all in-
t in the t that
she c return.
PI c-t-
Sellers, colored,
highest average was made the 14th of February, as called. at w horn.- in this city, this
Tobacco Sale.
The report C. W.
Harvey, of Greenville To-
board of Trade, shows that
the of leaf tobacco-on the
A nation, market to
lies in her homes where the of February were
spirit of ownership reigns and at an average price of per
around whose altar liberty is hundred.
enshrined in their own hearts The sales for up, to
Home is the basis of society and March 1st were pounds
good government. at an average price o.
, ,,. of consumption. Bell-
leaves two sons and one and the comptroller of ,,., oldest and most
and two brothers with a host Teacher. I currency. A reading of these fireman in the Atlantic
of friends to mourn her
But our loss is her gain.
Yours Truly,
B. E. Stanfield.
shows what excellent
banking institutions we have and
well they are managed.
are absolutely safe and
Old in May.
The Confederate veterans
Pitt county will hold their re-1 convenience and ac-
; union this year on May 14th, and n tho
Mrs W W. Thomas died early the committee is already at
Monday night at her home near arranging a good program. Sen-
Stokes She leaves a husband, L S. Overman will deliver
two daughters and one son. the address.
to the public.
The best drink of coffee-
j C Line service and for the
years has been running
with Mr. between
here and Weldon. until
when his health broke and he
was forced to quit
is of the finest among
men in the A. C. L. service-
Kinston Free Pres

Eastern reflector, 28 February 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 28, 1908
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Joyner NC Microforms
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