Eastern reflector, 10 January 1908

f. J.
. matter Jan. 1907 at tho at N
c r f March 1879
;. is to
for Raleigh.
j Let your foremost now year
I resolution be to get on the
s over but paying the list of your home paper,
I with the cash.
Christmas, glad Christmas, If you will join the building
merry Christmas. The and loan association and build a
air resounds with the shouts of home, you will not haw to be
the young, while older hearts looking around for a house every
throb with joy at the arrival of j time a new year comes. Through
the joyous day. The Reflector i the association you can nearly
wishes that it may be a for a house with what rents
day for every one. and that ordinarily cost
may occur to mar its pleasure.
has; has about played
If everybody pays the first of
the year, who says they are
going to, will be money
passing around that day.
ho day was a notable
., for Raleigh.
If your new year resolutions
d has held out through first day,
r. dispensing. i stick to them and keep them
o me high with
the trait.
. l we'd be-
Sew Yea if you
When y u swear off stay off.
Many who have been walking
i will goto the wagon to-
There are vacant chairs
around the fireside this Christmas
where loved ones have departed.
It is useless to Bay not think of
these, for they cannot be forgot
ton Yet dear friends, do not so
brood over them as to rob you of
joy this glad day. Remember
God loves you. and it was Christ,
His only begotten son, whom he
gave up for you.
i yet squabbling wishes every cm-
. the water a and prosperous new
won in Raleigh by
. the election i Pi---
. diction that the earth will ere
have ha I a
. vision cf all going dry.
The Greensboro Record Bug-
eats that Christian Science be
S plied to the money
imagine there is none of it and it
will be all right Ii the Record
tries it h to work, wish
he would let the balance of us
know. Down this
will neither an empty
bin pay
While there has been no blow
or bluster it. Greenville
has made a good record of pro-
during the past year. You
can hardly pass through a street
of the town without seeing new
buildings that have gone up and
others that have boon improved.
The borders of the town have cooking is as bad s their acting,
been enlarged and area and pop- I; going to give his
both increased. The do;
brought us another through line
By a contributor.
sleep must be
much sounder now that he
hear the yowling of the
third term boom on the white
house steps every night.
The Buffalo Inquirer declares
that Gov. Hughes is a re-
Will, goodness knows,
there are plenty of fakes in New
York, who need reforming.
two thirds of the girls who
go on the stage would go to the
kitchen instead, there would be
a whole lot more happiness in
the says the Birmingham
Age Herald. But not if their
VI e death of Capt. J. B Tim-
which occurred
.-i. b en Christmas day, removes
One of the la y st banks in th, oldest railroad conductor in
A . go
It was
. ; a turn i . a; has
been in I . hands I the
State .
is d to prepare
I, i us ail a
resolutions to
. .
y five in
be broken the with the little ones in
I th joy of Christmas. Helping
to make hem happy will bring
ding ; your own
i few
well be called
I ts of horrors, it almost made
the St Capt. Timberlake was
in . year, had been in he
yaw of the Seat lard Air
for -four being a
for forty years. He
again was known to more people than
any other railroad man.
of a
too. He bagged
the reader
m away sick at
hi art to see such ; list of fatal-
t i Score another one for Governor
Glenn. The battleship North
will come into the
o of the State receive the
service. The presentation
will be in Cape
is the time of year when
everybody who travels through
the country complains of the bad
Complaining of
and yet doing nothing to make
them better, does no good. There
be better roads when the
people make up their minds to
have them, but until then they the holidays.
of railroad, inaugurated some
new enterprises, and perhaps
greatest of all the achievements
was securing selection of
Greenville as the location for the
Eastern Training school for
teachers. Upon the whole the
town has done remarkably well
in the year 1907, and we should
turn to the year determined
that it shall bring forth greater
things in our development
Cox's Mill, N. C. Di c.
I,. A. Stocks returned to school
at Littleton today.
Misses and Cam-
spent I week
Miss Bessie Moore.
II- A Moore. Oscar Evans and
Misses Viola Stokes,
and Bessie attend-
tho union meeting at Black
Jack Saturday.
W. Wetherington, of
county, spent Saturday night
and Sunday with H. A Moore.
Miss Louisa Wilson, of Had-
dock's X Roads, a few days
last week with Miss Helen Had-
G. L. Rouse, of
was here today.
The fared com
correct on the days of
eek is not the easiest
the holidays.
will go on traveling had
n; ., breaking down their
teams, wearing vehicles,
and cursing because they get
stuck, in the mud.
Early in the new year the
Chamber of Commerce should
Raleigh News Durban-, wisely re- get together and plan great
Friday had a right to Whiskey, a fool and a things for Greenville- Get your
sport a red bead. a get I suggestions ready and present
,. . ahead For proof of this j them when a meeting of the
t think about the do ,. t . lo Much can
row. they be enough further
over the after.
through united
occurred at effort, and with proper work
The girls gave them a good time.
Miss one of
our popular young ladies, will
move to Kinston next week.
Some of the boys are looking sad.
If you don't believe there are
some pretty girls around here,
just come on our streets some
Our next union meeting will be
held at Rose Hill, Sunday in
March, 1908-
H. A. Moore, went to Green-
ville today-
Lost or
he an be
i, o. possible. There are plenty of i months old, marked blackhead
it brings hour. He d
coming year lean year,
e will
crop of marriages. at th
turning a foreign country on
to try to collect those fraudulent
bonds. Maj be the writer of the
threat felt like cents when he
received th governor's reply.
not take j things the town needs, and they or
he threat I , ,, . spots over body. Liberal reward
can be j
days of this week will J,
keep up seem
in the right way.
E. B.
man i happy who ca get
year mo; and say he
re the world.
more like Governor
of New York, will be
nominee for
After the result in Raleigh no
other town, excepting
i r Salisbury, should be
afraid to a prohibition
The sentiment has grown
strong throughout the State
j that tho calling of an elect-on
every one try to make now means a good majority of
of the Condition of
In the State of Carolina, the close of Dec. 3rd. 1907.
ms as happy as
t way is to make others
lg drunk is a poor way
d Christmas, but that
be the pleasure some
out of it.
who can do most for
of his town and
this year will make tie
Never did Greenville have a
greater demand for houses that
cannot be supplied than at this
time. Almost daily we hear
inquiring for houses, and
there are none to The
town would grow much faster if
people desiring to move here
could get houses in which to live.
More houses should be built with
as little delay as possible.
and discounts Capital stock 10,000.001
Overdrafts s gob Kg Surplus fund 2.000
overdrafts . . .
Furniture and 1,630.50 Undivided profits less
Due from Banks and j expenses and
Bankers 34,490.181 taxes paid
Cash items 7.063 GO unpaid
Gold coin certificates of
Silver coin, including Deposits
minor coin currency 870.90 Deposits sub. to
National bank notes cashier's checks out-
and other U. S. notes 4,174.00
Total 102.811.14
foreign ambassadorship to play
don Bunch thinks the
president's message a joke.
That that Punch still has
a hazy idea of American humor.
Senator Culberson is looming
up a leader. Alabama and
South Carolina ere both contend-
for the honor of his birth.
Congressmen are getting the
a that a bill is not really
unless it appropriates a
million or more.
Governor should r
member as a warning the case of
Parker, who kept silent
until the people thought he didn't
have anything to say.
If the Japanese spies will furn-
their names and addresses,
Uncle Sum will be glad to send
them plan- and specifications of
ail the battleships-
Christine School
The evening of the 19th of
December was a happy occasion
at Pine The school taught
by Mi Delia Smith an
entertainment, which was fol-
lowed by a tree-
The room was with
holly, mistletoe, pine and other
evergreens from nature's store-
At an early hour the house was
filled with the parents and
friends of tho
At seven o'clock the exercises
began, an I the following program
was rendered.
Bible Selection, 2nd chapter of
Luke, by school.
Motion Recitation, The Empty-
Nest. and second grade.
Motion exercise, The Christmas
tree, First trade.
Recitation, While Shepherd
watched their Lottie
Song, Birth of Christ, school.
Concert Recitation, In the land
of Somewhere, Several boys and
Song, Happy, Happy Festal
Day, by school.
Acrostic, Christmas and Santa
1st, 2nd, 3rd. grade.
Six Little Candles, Six boys
and girls.
Recitation, Romeo's Mistake,
Song, Christmas at Sea, by
Popcorn hop, Bobbie
Song, Marching around the
tree, by little folks.
At the close of the exercises
the candles on the Christmas tree
were lighted and the presents
were distributed, making many
hearts glad.
Everything passed off pleas-
100.00 everybody looked happy,
5,497.51 to have caught the true
Christmas spirit.
a Plaintiff's i Had
Good Effect In a
Miss a
girl, is the only Indian woman law-
in the world. She is a member
of the Kansas bar, and at Kansas
City a recent Indian case
that she conducted she told an in-
legal story.
I put my man on the
lbs said. if your case is a
just one, is always the thing to do.
You know the story ox the Kansas
land claimant.
out here many years ago
a man brought suit before tho
squire to recover some land that had
been outrageously filched from him.
CUM a good one, but the
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, J. R Cashier of the above named bank, do
swear that the above statement is true to the host of my knowledge
and belief- J. R. Davis, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-i
fore me, this 6th day of Dec j W. Turnage
1907. R. L. Davis
J. A. j F. M. Davis,
Notary Public I Directors, j held tomorrow night
Petition Ready for
Those who are taking around
the petitions for the prohibition
election tell us that more than
the requisite number of
of qualified voters of the
town were secured the first day.
The petition will be presented
to the board of aldermen at the
regular monthly meeting to be
other Bide had doctored Its wit-
had even doctored tho
plaintiff's up to
the time when he the stand
himself a or at
in his favor had been record-
as soon as ho was sworn,
turned to tho justice and
brought this suit, and
yet the evidence, excepting my own,
is all against me. Now, I don't ac-
any one of lying. Squire, bat
these witnesses the most
en of fellows ever saw. You
know me, squire. Two years ago
you sold a Loss sound that
us blind as u bat. I made the
C and stack to it, and this is the
firs; time I have mentioned it.
u.-ed to buy grain,
squire, you stood on tho when
the wagon was weighed; but
never said a word. Now, do you
think I am the kind of u man to
kick up a rumpus and sue a fellow
unless he has done me a real wrong
squire, if you'll recall that
sheen speculation you and
at this point tho squire,
vary red in tho face, hastily decided
the CON in the plaintiff's
How Ho Know.
Tho H. I,. of Cairo,
II., has of attracted much at-
through hid observations on
the kiss, which ho has very vividly
described as cloudburst of
i and
Discussing the kiss with a report-
coarse it is not necessary for
me to state that I have never
experienced tho terrible and
baleful emotions which in my dis-
I have attributed to
of a type.
i. you know, understand
and a thing without per-
son; contact with it. Why, only
other night a dinner given
by a wealthy friend of as a
of cigars was passed about the
don't myself, hut you
will cigars
steals more of
them than of any brand I ever
Tho Ruling
Poor old Mrs. of rose
colored fame- in
and equaled in her van-
old Mrs. Blank, who died in a
England Village years
ago. She was part eighty when
brought to her deathbed, but even
then her personal appearance was
uppermost in her mind.
One morning her pastor called
unexpectedly, and after a little con-
he read a chapter and
with the old lady. After
is departure she was asked if she
did not enjoy tho spiritual-
offered her by her pastor.
she said, with an ac-
rid note in her voice, I'd en-
joyed it a blamed sight more if I'd
known ho was coming, I
had my hair crimped and my
teeth in
. I .
D. J. Editor ard Owner.
VOL. No.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
EDITOR Receive Petition for Prohibition
A few days ago, to my ion and Transact Regular
prise, I was to sign a
to be presented to the
of aldermen of the of
Greenville, asking them to call
an election to decide whether we
should continue to have a
or whether we should have
prohibition. I very readily signed
that petition, thinking at the
time that it was A-hat all the
of the town wanted. Since
that time I have heard there ore
many objections to it for differ-
reasons, some of which I will
mention later.
am aware that the of
town know that I did not
hat election was When
the petition was presented to me
by Rev. A. T. King asking for
an election to be called to vote for
a dispensary I refused to sign it.
telling him at the time that I
would sign it for prohibition.
His reply was that it was a step-
ping stone to prohibition, which
was agreed to all by tho
of the dispensary.
Now we are asking the people
of the town to help us to call an
and carry it for
or take the next step. I
have no doubt but dispensary
has done much good, and am
sure that prohibition will do
more good. Some say
will not prohibit, but I say it
will if the officers do their duty.
They very readily say could
locate and stop whiskey s
in town better if the dispensary
was out of the way.
I heard a man say a few days
ago that whiskey shop was
out of the way I could stay so-
That man was a drunk-
ard. I myself how hard it
is to resist the temptation when
it is put before you. I have been
a slave to whiskey myself in my
I life, but thank God it does not
I trouble me now.
Now for some of the excuses
for not signing the petition to
call an
First, wait for the next
I say let's do it
now. we have no idea what the
next will do.
Second, will male taxes
I say let's have it re-
Third, will not have any
streets in I say
let's pass whether we ever
pave a street or not. I had
rather see sober men walk in the
mud than drunken m en walk on
paved streets-
Fourth, not sell the
school I if will
stop the sale of the bonds, let
them go unsold. J bad rather
see children grow up in
sober, thin to see
educated and drunkards.
Fifth, petition was first
gotten up by an ex-barkeeper
and signed by a lot of drunk-
I say let's carry it. It
matters not who got it up or
signed it, it's a good thing, and
let's carry it, for God's sake.
The board of aldermen
Monday night in
the meeting being
from Thursday night of
the absence of a m at that
time. Six members of the board
were present. Aid -i. R.
Moore having t his
The matter of most interest
was the m for the filing of
election on prohibition which
it was would be
presented, and
Takes Action in the of Freight
The Chamber of
Commerce its quarterly
meeting night in the
-with a good attend
of business men present
Governor Glean Refuses a
E. Hart.
attracted the meeting. Speech
Yesterday in refusing to Grimes ins Ten on
the application of E. E. for f-ear
pardon governor J
defendant was convicted of and of the largest collection and
N. C. Jan. 1908.
Grifton graded school opened
Miss Sallie Louis Brooks re-
at November term, of
Lenoir superior court, -and sen-
to IS months on road.
were made the petition by
G. E. Harris, E. B
The adopted a
setting January 23rd as the
dale for passing on the petition.
The board then took up its
regular business.
The finance committee had no
report to make, nor the market
The. street committee reported
the streets in bad condition and
explained the need of more tiling.
A request was made for the
of a special committee
to investigate the matter of a
house being in Thirteenth street.
That is an unlucky house-
The cemetery committee re-
ported that the west side of the
cemetery had been laid out in
lots and walks opened.
The different officers made
their reports for the past month,
the dispensary report being or-
In connection with these re-
poi ts Alderman Flanagan raised
the point that they should be
Almost the entire meeting was At first I was inclined to
to taken up with discussions of j tho pardon. The defendant was
the matter of f Mason and was tried by
rites to Greenville. that body subsequent to his con-
J. J. by the jury, end after a
spoke at length in introducing full hearing mi To
the subject, calling attention to make no mistake. however,
the combination of s I sent for the evidence
the two the claim that taken before both the and
the State corporation i the Masonic and after
had ordered an in vales, j careful reading end
the against the testimony, IF-am
was guilty,
trial nor solicitor
to check this recommend and
ten immigrants which he
has on his farm near that place.
Grimes is loud in
of his newly acquired laborers,
and intends them as the
of a colony which he will start in Institute, Raleigh.
I Miss Mabel
most expensive Christmas pres-
Among her lovely pres-
is a piano.
Misses Gladys, and Ruth
Chapman have returned V
Pitt county.
are f mart, cleanly and turned to Durham.
he says. have Th brick hotel is
and urged immediate action j ed that
I Z Iran-1 Neither
in-1 the evidence seas
; the and ti
w-a not excessive, I l
Mr. says th
outrage the
of Greenville.
D-. E. Move, Mr J. R
Mr. and others
part tho discussion, citing I
instances of discrimination and
rate, and
river transportation J murmuring are heard
to these inst Green- among the advocates of the pro-
election that they ware
had them on my place a
short time, and have not worked
them yet, so car. say nothing of
their worth as hands com-
pared against the labor.
are the most intelligent lot
immigrants I have ever seen,
They Hire their new
well, much better than
did Carolina, from
compelled to
for Kiwi on
Stir Strife.
ville. a re tilt of dis-
two committees
appointed, one to investigate the
matter of rates an tho attitude
of the. corporation commission,
and the other to begin
steamboat transports-
the river- The first com-
composed of Dr. E A.
Messrs. G k, Harris and
J. R, the second of Dr.
Charles Laughinghouse, Messrs.
J. F. Davenport, and Wiley
was also
t his new
at the per-
which w on his land,
them plums, which
had often seen. He says
that they cone up his ex-
berry will fix it in grand
Miss Clara Gardner Is in town
Miss re-
turned to Raleigh
Miss Annie Bell Kittrell left
for A. College at Wilson.
Joe has returned to
A. and M College at Raleigh
Miss has return-
ed to Littleton.
Miss Jessie Coward left here
Monday to take charge of her
school again.
them bathe fall, There are
not treated with entire Chicago of
by the when the but by the time he
was presented Monday
in the matter of putting off the
hearing until the 23rd- Many-
think the hearing should have
been set for earlier The
Reflector has no imputation to
re; more these will probably
have assured-work and he will
send Europe for four or five
lovers fine
mi Mr.
against the aldermen, but lever after getting
with the petition so largely faith their work,
signed and the sentiment h the as veil S the
it seems t help, -they in
The latter committee j that the matter should proceed and
instructed to as little friction as spend the even-
cheeked up by the finance com- with congressman John H. Small and avoid stirring up bit-
before coming before the
board for action, and the com-
was instructed to perform
this duty us to. subsequent re-
W. P. granted
to a market
near the Center Brick ware-
Hay wood granted
license to conduct a restaurant
in a building opposite Center
Brick warehouse.
The ordinance committee was
to draft an ordinance
requiring that death certificates
be obtained before any burials
aiM permitted in the town.
Mayor Wooten and
Bo wen were appointed a com-
to negotiate for building
a driveway from Third street to
the water and
Messrs and
were employed to make
and profile of Evans
Dickinson avenue with a view
A committee of the
was appointed to confer with
other relative to the cost
of paving.
A committee was also appoint-
to the
for the election.
Accounts were allowed and the
board adjourned to meet again
on the 23rd-
and contention over it.
of Medical Society.
ten ii Mr. now
; family,
toot ms five daughters.
I The
relative to securing such
as will keep the river
in navigable condition
Another important matter that . , o. i
c ., t. At lass meeting of the Pitt . ti
came up before the meeting g, Md
the matter of street paving. This; on Jan the j
by Mr. we J. E. L.
H Ti La-
. S. Carr and Fir S p Dr. T.
Stakes IT Sunday evening
to act with and assist the H w e to hoe of
board of aldermen in securing fT I -Mies Mellie on
Miss Bessie Hellen has return-
ed to charge tit her school
a- House t find a
batter teacher than Miss Hellen.
She cannot head
closed forever the
first of January-
Best has returned to
Paul W. Brooks has bought out
Grifton Drug Co. Mr. Brooks is
a man of noble is, is
to any town. He is a
graduate of three s and n
fresh graduate of Bryant and
collage at Baltimore, an
Upright Christian gentlemen who
coma of one of the best families
in the state. He will no doubt
help the town. Mr. Brooks lost
his mother some time ago, from
ho no doubt his.
noble qualities
Grifton bank will soon
will hope-
Jacob has
A was appointed
the part of the chamber of cons-1
I of way the
Treasurer, Dr. E. H.
streets proposed to tie
This committee is Dr. diaries
Messrs S. T.
II. w.
meet again
to reports from the com-
on freight rates and river
Green ville.
Delegate to
J. E. Nobles,
Tiber adjourned E Nobles, first terns to, Dr.
C. M. Jobs, second
alternate, Dr T. c.
The society decked to r.
the by first c Feb-
Next Monday Night.
Next attraction for the opera
house is the
which will be presented Monday
night, 13th, by home talent
the direction of Mrs. H. W.
Whedbee It is going to be a I
play that will interest and amuse I
the audience, and there will be I
good specialties between the
acts. Seat sale will be-in Sat.,
morning at Reflector Book I and Annie King.
Man License.
Register cf Deeds K- Williams
has issued the following licenses
since last
and Lou-
Bennett Wooten and Lena
Ashley Bullock and Allie
Zeno and
u Remedy for
is a very excellent rem-
for asthma. Those who don't
know how to cut short their at-
sand not tried coffee
ch do by all means. It
light bet
S and o'clock at tie home of
E. D. Flanagan, at out
from Farmville, someone
a horse and bridle from his
succeeds admirably was last sen
st everything else has failed.
Then are one or two little points
to in coffee
In th e first place, it should be
very fact,
black Weak coffee does more
harm i good, if made very
strong, mi ch of it need not be
taken; a a
vantage, for it is
less absorb, d
only distends Then
it should be en without sugar
or milk, pure It
should be giver, on an empty
stomach, for when taken on a
full stomach it does harm
about yards there ii
the bands of the Color.,
gray; age about yea ; slimly
The rt mains were
widow of
de Lang-
N. Northern,
of id, Messrs J. L.
j of Littleton.
Lankier-, an old
faithful i an the
j tow a col-
of township, I
Mason, and
tho burial this afternoon was
lodge. Rev. J- E being
the dictating The
pall hearers were
Brown, Dr.
. .
Ii c
L. C. Such-
Among the New
night j.-;
more prominent th
given by
the local
to .-r n,
in Th-
table was daintily
twenty-five, and one of the
of the dinner was a
piano made of ices and fruit,
which was displayed greatly to
the of the guests.
The was the work of
the steward of the hotel.
Manager Steel was presented
with a handsome gold and
fob by the employees, which was
a complete surprise him.
built, short head, high m--. T
,,, ,. B. D. J. J.
After dinner was concluded
a happy little talk.
. Laughing- two cash prizes-one
Ernul, W. O. G. of
weigh s. He
was owned for the last two
by Mr- Ben near
Ayden. his
N. C , for the large-, sales made
since September when the
prizes were offered, and
one to
T- Simmons for the greatest
amount of collections
I sales
Tyson, D. C. Moore. R. J. Cobb,
L. J. B. Little.
The interment was in Cherry
whereabouts will appreciated f. T.
j . ,, . i I Hie cemetery. There w re
and liberally i.- i a i -L .
d t o . many beautiful floral tributes .
Notify Mr. R. I, Smith th from Richmond and from I to the
Greenville, or Mr. ft D. s . . Company's rooms, where
Q dinner host
at Farmville.
ltd w;
by putting a stop to the process
J-T. Hudson and Edith Joyner. digestion. -Family Doctor.
Will and Lucy
Rain or snow tonight.
Foreman Vines and Ora fair and colder.
The old N. and S. steamer R.
Myers being stripped of her
machinery. Machinists from the
resolutions is sell more
pianos in 1903 than any year of
past Va.
The annual meeting of the
To Subscribers,
Next week is court, The,
Reflector requests its
of the county come in pay
for their paper. There are some
names the postal Jaws
will compel us to drop from the
list unless they pay soon, and
we had rather not have to take.,.
any names. If you do day evening at
j come to during court week he sent to Norfolk, , Every member is cordial j
send us a remittance by mail Washington ed.
t . .,.
Mutual Machine Ladies aid of the
The old craft will Episcopal church will h.
ff W inn barge, and the machinery l evening at

n r s t m a s
i the i the season to all our
i . . n we ask you question of the hour
are a.-king it wondering
; c i of what Santa
. ;. v to bring them.
d it, not so much
id p .,. regarding the
. it ill bring to them, but
e tax inquiry an to how they are to pro
.-. . hi presents for
i. without too heavy a
u their lime s ind purse.
. the problem and
p., if doing your
v, l satisfaction and
I- the a vantage of selection that
; mi in extensive snow-
. take pleasure
will do in our
; .-.-. y.-u to just the right article at
; i , at you may leave our
i .-. , and perfectly
It. . . . es in respect,
xi i cordial invitation call
I i see every reader at our store at an
and Wishing one and a very
Merry Christmas, we remain,
Yours truly
. .- retail Or
re Deal ; tan Id
, .-Y. O in i U
Turkey . Egg, etc. V p
a .
.;. i arcing a
. Tab . Lounges,
i d and s Ax Snuff,
LL Life T u. Key
k ti roots, H George Cigars,
n s, Peaches,
j .-.-. P , pies,
i it . Sugar,
. lit -v Pond, Matches
Seed and Hulls,
. is. Oranges,
;. Glass Wan Tip
nil p. won l ware, cakes and
and numerous other goods
Quality and
c ah. come see me.
Th Bank of Greenville
and sound as a bell are ex-
that can well be
Its resources are ample,
its management able
It is and institution where j
tie interests of the
come first. It is a;
bank where you can safely
deposit your funds,
a man v nave i . r . m
If every night a dose he or large.;
your account and
offer you the security of
abundant r sources and I
we send
Most hearty New Year's greet-
Hoping that in the year
We may have frequent meet-
Then here's to luck and pluck j
and wealth,
IA happy life and blessed
Tho the earth with Jack Frost
Not a man will have the aches.
value of being well
dressed; everybody
out the tact that
people have to judge your
ability and standing by the
way you look, until you give
them something else to judge
That Means
w e
Of Mountain
Tea- Drug Store.
By virtue of the power of sale
in a certain mortgage
deed executed and delivered by
w A. James and wife Katie
James to Robert Harris on
day of December, duly
recorded in of deeds
of Pitt e North Caro-
in book page the
undersigned will expose to public
sale, I ton th court house door
in Greenville, o the highest
d for cash, or. Monday Feb.
1908, at o'clock a certain tract
or parcel of land lying and being
in county of Pitt and State
of North Carolina and described
las follows tract of
rand adjoining the lands of A L.
I James, L. C James and others
containing one hundred
more or less
One other tract containing
acres more or lees it being the
land conveyed to Katie
James in the division of her
father's land R. C. Crandall, to
mortgage deed
Terms cash-
This the of Jan.
Harris, Mortgagee,
Julius Brown, Attorney.
Robert Spell
in Winslow Stables on
Fourth All done
promptly nod satisfactorily
are in a position to increase
business value of every
man m this town; we've got
clothes for you; and if you
live up to your looks in these
clothes, you'll be a sure
will i flings
ore who
w . e hi
tit tin.
a short it
Heat for
the Money.
cu a s on
; enough in year or
for the furnace.
them as well as
Vail plumbing that
is looking after
C A Dickens
To My Friends,
I wish to thank you for the,
patronage given me in
to assure of my
appreciation. i
Trusting to merit a continuance
of same In and wishing
you a and prosperous new
year, I am.
Yours to serve,
F. O. Foxhall, Mgr. Star.
Coast Line
Tuesday Jan. 7th.
Account of CHRISTMAS
round Tickets on Sale December
January i. Final limit 8th
For further information communicate with nearest
Agent, or write
W. J. TC White A
It is to Laugh
Especially adapted ti cotton,
tobacco Bad corn. Good dwell-
Apply to
P. C- Harding.
d w
By of the power of sale con-
in a certain Mortgage Deed ex-
and red H. Smith and
Wife Lillie to J. B. White the
day December 1905 and duly
r corded in the Deeds office
county. North In Book
J-S the will ex-
pose t public Mir, before the Court
Home dour in Greenville.
on Monday, the 3rd day of Feb-
a n or parcel of
land lying and being in the of
Pitt and state of North and
described as follows, to In Con-
Township, and adjoining the
lands of M. Smith and R, C. n,
tho Shave corner
a Northerly with ii.
to J. H. p., i
a South with J.
line o line, I -r, . .
thence a Westerly course Music.
Smith's line to thence ,
course with I. J. I lever Dancers. Jan.
Norfolk Cotton and wired
; J. W. Terry Co.,
Today Yesterday
j Middling 3-s
; Middling 1-4
Low Middling ills U
ft Low Middling CO 7-S
Fancy 1-4 to 3-3
i i , . . . Strictly 31-8
A Farce Comedy with Music prime
I Low Grades 7-8
in Acts. Not a dull mo- i AND LIVERPOOL
from rise to fall of
j by Bros Co.
an Norfolk.
Hay r-7
J. Early Hughes, Fay, Coley July u
Jan. ad Feb.
May n 3-8
Harry Jr
G brood sows, horse, milch
cow, two-horse Hackney wagon
a number of plows, cotton plant-
gears, etc.
mouth turkeys, S C.
brown incubator and
N. C.
Ii. F. D. No
line to the beginning, containing eight n. . ,. , May Ribs
rices and yo cents
gage. Terms of sale Cash. , . May
day of January. 1903 Seats on sale at
J. I. White T,, J. II. J . U
J. L. Atty.
7-3 ;
rein by I
Chickens, Turkeys, Geese and
Ducks for sale at Rainbow
Stabler, in front of market
y Wishes to thank and every one for their patronage in the past and asks for a liberal share of their
f business In 1908
of ticket number is entitled to Iron Bedstead, in our prize sale, and can come and get same. Mr. W. H. of
largest cash purchaser during the sale, was awarded the Organ. j
Wishing each and one a prosperous and happy New Year, I to remain, Yours to
in his London town
said S New York
opened to a few of us oaf
convention at the South
Kensington museum.
Mr. Morgan's treasures
there was an old book that I liked
for its quaintness. This book, which
was splendidly bound, was Hop-
of It
was a chronology of remarkable
events, and I copied a few of
events down. We have none such
The decorator then
moon seemed turned
wore like
beside a true of a red col-
were scene
men as they
red with a girl's
head seen thrice in London.
blazing star on Palm
Sunday, the
H- Was Behind Him.
Admiral at a recent din-
praised the bravery of the
American troops during tho civil
aides alike wire
he said, and wrath, soldiers
and sailors. And the bravery of
recruits was it thing to be seen
to be believed.
to be
though, a good story about n Con-
recruit. This young man
after he bad got initiated fought
heroically, but in hi first engage-
he was very nervous.
chum of bis was in the line
of him, when bullets
began to fly tho chum began to
i lodge.
the recruit shouted
Jim, don't duck I I'm be
Almost a Niagara.
The Whitney Reduction company
announces the completion the
cofferdam, undoubtedly the
i in the southern tab , More
has been spent in
spanning the Yadkin river thirty-
one miles from Salisbury. Tho dam
is forty-six feet high end
long. The minimum flow of water
gives horsepower, second
only to Niagara. On next
year the water will be turned on
the turbines, and all the industries
within forty or fifty miles will
supplied with electrical power. The
have contracted for 20.-
The plant will
cost complete. Balls-
bury Dispatch to Baltimore
A Famous Work.
frequently at his
instrument until well into the email
hours of the morning, says Tit-Bits;
hence ho seldom rises until or
n. in., and immediately lie is dressed
lie gels to work, generally
on piano, but often
He keeps to his task until
o'clock, not a minute earlier
does be break his By that
t time, however, his appetite if- keen,
and the feeling he has already
earned his to make
the hour of his meal by far the
most enjoyable of tho day. The meal
itself never occupies long. He fol-
lows with s quiet game of
played He is
enthusiastic devotee of the game.
Frozen by by Cold.
In Germany, land of
curiosities, a has bees
produced by chemical experiment
which seems to contradict the law
that beat melts and cold solidifies.
The substance is called
and is formed by combining equal
quantities of phenol, camphor and
with n little turpentine.
its temperature is lowered
low the point at which water freezes
it becomes liquid, but when it is
heated it turns to e solid state.
Wants All
To Know-
of to hand.
In reply will Sly, most assuredly use my
latter in any way you sea fit for the benefit of
the suffering. I will answer all correspond-
as to my own case. I recommend
to all I hear grumbling about their
stomachs, and have bought many their first
All that Is required Is a trial at
II talks for Itself.
Yours vary truly,
C. N,
for Dyspepsia.
Land Sale.
By virtue of a de of tho
Superior Court made in case
of Q V Band,
against A K M B
and others, tho under-
signed will sell at
public auction before the court
House in Greenville on
day, of January 1908 fol-
lowing describe tracts or par
One tract in Town
Also one other tract lying on
the said main road leading from
Greenville U Pa
at a point on the f
read the d. line be-
tween of Mr.-- II
and late L A
Gowan and running
with d main road its various
courses to whore it tho
line, u bridge, thence a
southerly coarse with
line t. the
various of said
m u,. various of said
known as as a part of t a direction
Mr, H H Johnson's
the of Mrs J B Little, b r- .,,. or ,, .
been away for rt
months wish to announce
her line
Ward, M T Spier, , ., .,.;,,
Daniel and other part of the t
George Moore land, which is now
owned by M B con-
acre more or less.
digests what you eat, takes
train off of the heart, and
nourishment, strength and
health to every organ of the body.
For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Inflammation of tho mu-
membranes lining tho Stomach
and Digestive Tract, Nervous
and Catarrh of the Stomach.
Digests What
For Sale by Jno. L. Wooten.
is Have you en t
If not, you I r
or less, being the borne place
whereon late G A
more or d , his
Also one tract of land i . .- in ,,,,
ville Township on the north on
to of i J, tho
of the p act id- an .
ed on he a. is of J , L A live, at
u S b of her death, the other being
of Red Banks or s i rear of aid home
on the by
a,, or place, be
a edge or . , g f . d running teed by my firm for U year
line and o No th by i k t am, ,, l Those a
and feet
r ad,
,, . , , A wt
Also one pie e of of J s ,
i a part of the original Hat i
i ton and I tag on th main i------
my friends and
of Pitt that am
connected the of Chas.
M. and if bachelors an
to misuse the happy
term home as a synonym or a
hanging out I still call
Greenville my home, i
intend to be away from Green-
ville a great deal of
this fall a care i b
Greenville, will reach
within a or two
have a number of slightly
upright pianos, some of
have been rented during
Bummer months,
temporarily used fa
at the exposition and
work, at
We also a special
fully me
up in to any
This piano is es-
built for and
school work the
named above and is ml
V,. H.
Let fit your and
desired l
C. E.
Optician Jeweler
Graduate College
of Horology and
and road,
i on the west and
north b;. the rood
and on the east by the of I
J a the W
ac es more
or loss, being Office in National Bank Building
whereon she mill, stables, store
and stand.
i Al-
, the
t is more or
Also one r piece being a
pan the iV W M p
r-a the the
lands of J A T part
j Ha to land and on the smith
by ti o land of K a on
the east by a ; to r n i
a ram corner E II car land
ion the the
ore o- loss.
or in a good slightly used piano
for the homo should write
me at t to and will
it, and as ever I i alway.-
mindful of ray
inter ; well i
firm's interest, of. pas-
patronage. Very
Box r
Naming la a
Novel Game For a Party.
An and novel
tor an evening puny if
Each i- provided with
small and A
some talent
plays two or three measures
some well known or popular
n on gut
writes down what he thinks i-
name of the piece. If Use
i Is or three measures
middle of th o ti m,
will be .
deal in
the ten I
ti are pi I, all two u
for tie writing of es i
To the having
; . of now i
i I subj ct
n a A pair of
o i . bi y
T; a
; . . my .
tho door, ii R
proverb h c ll
f .
. t
. . i
Cotton tors handlers of
ring Bags.
and tag,
Holidays have passed
and all is down to business i
A d to the wise
is Sufficient.
I C Buyer-, Br in
Stocks, Cotton
Private Wire Ni C
i id
. i
. . i of avail
. u lie . r
Growth of City Population.
In 1790 the population of the
country was with
living in cities, in 1900 I ho
total population was
with a city population of
In other words, the
of in 1790
was 1-3 per cent, i-i 1900 it
was over per cent. The next
will probably show an urban
Stipulation of at least per cunt.
few York American.
Poor Mr.
A newly married man had been
rather discontented fumbling about
with n certain garment when ho
lost patience and called to his wife,
how it that each of these
clothes bags a hole, in tho bot-
tom of
haven't any clothes
what's this I've been put-
ting my collars and cuffs in all this
that's the sleeve
of my tea
The Reflector ranks as
of the best advertising
in Eastern North
Let us have your ads
and you will the re-
A i , from ii; .
I ed . i
., .;. i, . i ids .-
. , t it with .
e has.
i u.-. .
,,. e .-
i the ; i
in It
h cl
i .- .
n . I
. .
lungs. Th
b he
Cough cure.
The fir is
. h r. .;
. .
to o . .
ill a mi
Health co
A, -i. real c i
Health fee . . .-i i .
. t
it for coffee, i. . Co.
the i I . I be I
, CO
; .
ca a
. do o it-
y travel i
. tin
. Ar.
. . . . . . will
. . i
Send in your orders
for Job
The of till a rill K-j
pica ii i lea
u . d dis. i that
been able in II I .
is f r. I
is the . i
the lit,
a .-ii . a e a
at. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken din
iv upon tho irate
the m, th. tr .,. .
in of the I i
patient strength
and a bi tins Lura i I
its work. The pr i r.
much pow nut
th. . offer One Hundred am
case that It to cure. Sana
list testimony.
J, i O.
Sold by .
Take Hall's Ills for
. . . .
. .
. m .
Are you having trouble with your
kidneys There are people to-
who wonder why they haw pains
across the they are
and ambition. Your
kidneys need
without delay. T b n
and Bladder they are for weak
back, Inflammation the bladder,
and weak kidneys, soil by J. i.
A small bl r I
their In fears
I turned and ran as fast i
Bach In no
Trip Spoiled.
suppose you had o lovely lime
on your honeymoon
it wasn't at all pleasant.
met three of my former
bands and two of George's ex-

. D. J. WHICHARD, and Proprietor
Entered as second ch I matter Jan. 1907 at the at Greenville, N
C Congress of March 1879
in to
The business men of Green-
ville are sitting up and taking
notice of the way they are being
imposed upon in the matter of
freight rates by the Atlantic
t Line and Norfolk South-
railroads. Freights were
considered high enough when we
had only this
town, and instead of the coming
of the r-ad giving lower
rate; through as
was hoped for, rates are very
much higher than formerly. For
a time rates of the Norfolk
Southern were lower
than the Atlanta C and
in . i if the
bu .- In the N
Southern. came
the of i
advance in on both road,
the being th same on ch.
The reason given by the Norfolk
S making its rates
Atlantic Coast
Line was that the State
adopt the same rate as the c- m-
road. This seemed a
strange to cur
make an investigation of the
That figure eight is a
for getting out of place, but you
will soon learn how to make it.
Salisbury is falling in with the
prohibition movement. An
will beheld there April 4th.
The new year is now
down to business. Let's all put
forth our best efforts to make it
a busy year, sure enough.
Greenville is going to be Reports say that the Atlantic
what her citizens determine upon.
If we want a live, bustling, pro-
town, we can make it
Nothing is impossible,
that is gone about with organized
Governor Glenn refused to
pardon T. W. Dewey, the de-
bank cashier of New
Bern, who is a term in
the penitentiary. Again the
governor is right.
There is lots of misplaced en-
in the world. Some people
themselves more in the
fort to swindle somebody else
out of a than would be re-
quired o earn a dollar.
Cr are asking that the
Air Line railroad be
in the hands of a receiver.
We are sorry for that.
As a hand shaker President
is one of them. He
nearly six thousand hands
at the White House new year
If fir et paving can get well
under way this year, it is going
to mean a great Green-
ville. Attend the meeting of the
of commerce next Mon-
day night, and express your views
of th matter.
Coast Line is about to fall in
with other roads in coming to
Governor Glenn's terms on a
compromise of the rate matter-
If this is true an early extra
of the legislature may be
expected, and we hope it will
settle the rate for all
From way the petitions for
a prohibition election are being
signed, it looks like it is going to
be a quick case of bye,
in Greenville, too. Those
who are holding back had just as
well make up their minds to join
the procession and move along
with it.
Now for more disgusting doses
of the Thaw trial.
Did you keep your new
resolutions the first
After all that long
trial, the jury agree on
a verdict
It was only a few short years
ago that the name of Admiral
Dewey was on every tongue.
Now he has to have a birthday
celebration to remind people that
he is still on Wilmington
Oh. no. Didn't you read his
name the head of the naval
department in the new year
at. the White House
Congress is in session again.
If it gets very busy it will be
something out of the ordinary.
Yes, the roads are bad, and
are to be the
make up their minds to have
better ones.
The plea entered for Thaw at
H Had at th of Not Be-
An amusing story is related by
Maurice Baring in his book.
Year In Chinaman
came from a house in a tumbledown
Tillage at which a midday halt was
made. His child was ill, and he
sought a doctor. To lave the bother
of explanation Mr. Baring, who had
been picked out by reason of his
red correspondent's badge on his
arm, said he was a doctor and went
to the house-, where lay a brown and
naked infant. made him put out
his tongue. It was white. I asked
what he had been eating lately. The
Chinaman said raw Indian corn. I
prescribed cessation of diet and
complete repose.
Chinaman appeared to me to
be much satisfied and asked me if I
would like to hear a concert. I said
very much. Then he bade me sit
down on the natural
divan of Chinese
. , . I to look he
the present trial, is that he J Presently another Chinaman cams
crazy at the time of committing the room, and, taking from the
the act.
Kind of convenient in-
Kitchin and Craig both say
they are sure cf it. but we do
not how both are going to
get it. unless one waits and takes
a turn after the other.
If you can't talk up your town A Durham county
this year keep your mouth shut preacher has a new idea of the
Growlers and kickers should I matrimonial relation. He was
be countenanced and are entitled; arraigned on the charge of
to no quarter. We want folks bigamy, it appearing that he
The Queen Oily now that will get in the had one wife in Durham county
lion of and make things land another in Chatham county.
to pass. He plead guilty to the charge, j
moving to
a bank with a million
usually lands what it Starts after,
and the big bank will be a
There are people who, like
animals, make a
noise, in the dark but
when seen in the open are very
insignificant. There is nothing
in them but noise.
There is hope for Greenville as
long as business men take
hold of thing like the chamber
of commerce went after the
freight rate matter, Monday
It has also it these j night.
same railroads are giving the
town of Washington a freight
rate only two-fifths as high as
the rate to Greenville, and our
business-men have determined
not to submit such a
nation. At the meeting of the i
chamber commerce
night this matter fully dis-l
cussed, and wen
It was said at first that the
Southern was trying to drag the
Atlantic Coast Lin into the
A Washington City
said he thought it was all j dent reports District Attorney
Hi i friends throughout right for him to have two Harry Skinner, of Greenville, as
with just they were not in the declaring for Tail. v.
C pt. Swift Galloway, of Greene county. He has learned that the North Carolina
county, while returning from a delegates t the Republican
Airy, was taken quite j I national convention will be for
sic i train and had to be what there him
off to . hotel in Greensboro. All to rid the towns of dead beats.
wish that he may be . a.-. prohibition sentiment that
speedily There is a class that drops into a .
town to start up some small en
or work, slay long
is also moving to close enough to get in debt to various
growing so rapidly t
country, has aroused a lot f
Louisville whiskey sell, or-
opposing the rate law, but that town and parties for or labor, then What
it seems that the latter is prohibition. The death skip out to same el License Their plat-
matter fully and also to negotiate
the i
not give this town a more
freight rate the businessmen;
real obstreperous party. I knell of is being town. Ami a
I sounded everywhere, and we yet part about it h thee
Divisions and dissensions are expect to see state and national dead beats can get
not thine i that help a town that the established home man
ought to Greenville has
had some of these. p; o-,
Aside from what may be done. pie are welcomed to any
by individual enterprises, there should be no quart .
art public works in contemplation for dead beats.
to investigate the together
form is to purge the whiskey
of the lawless element
I i. ducted by res-
in n. If i i not a
what it
work with united effort for a
transports i then
If the railroads do moving along.
Every busings man of Green. a of
show his interest in j .,,.,,. and materially help
the progress of the town and Pit, county during this
draw all shipments from the
wall a large mid twisted clarion like
the wreathed horn old Triton blew,
he blew on it one blast
and hung it up on the wall again.
There was a short pause. I waited
in expectation, and the Chinaman
turned to mo and said. concert
is now
we had finished luncheon
i we about re-
journey the Chinaman in
whose lion e I had been entertained
r i up to inc. In your
said he, you go to a concert
do j i for con-
adds Baring, paid
The familiar cry of or-
was on e ruled of or-
by Mr. Speaker Peel. On April
1885, Arthur was
speaking on a motion relating to
and n- members gen-
were oat attention to
remarks Ilia T. M.
end to recall the
wander i; . its of the house
by persistent of or-
i I
not I o demons
in i. . .
I I i that is
i t r to i v
ho .
I e tone and the way in which
the honorable member expresses
hi i re our of answer ad
; r.
a said Mr.
b Hie , ;,
with th n i I m-
; the i
oral Ii
shall I i
order In ad-
. If
and have their shipments made the chamber of com-
b-v water- Monday night.
This ingoing at the matter
right. W a navigable river at This is campaign year, and the
doors Greenville does not army of candidates will be out
One of the reasons given for
The the Seaboard Air Line, railroad
s time ego made contracts going into the hands of a reed
for . eel bridges at
and at Grifton, and in addition the That is going out
have to submit to the extortion-
ate freight rates charged by the
railroads, and is not going to do
so. The river transportation
should be established as quickly
as possible and show the railroads
that we are not at their mercy in
the matter of rates, and will not
submit to their discriminations-
Night riders are again making
error in Kentucky.
Don't talk panic and hard
times, but get to hustling to do
looking for what they can find.
r man-
r Company, came in Mon-
day from Suffolk.
F. Whaley, of Suffolk, re
turned to Monday.
W. T. Sledge returned
to this the buildings for the East-j of the way to find excuse. There day night, after a pleasant visit
era Carolina Teachers Training has been as much railroad and friends in Nash
. , , , to go up this year and in other parts of the t
V, hat this country needs is less I , .,, , , . . . , n county, franklin,
. , , . be completed in time for try as well as in the South,
politics and more business. , I. .
The old year, already full
horrible fatalities, gave a parting
disaster Tuesday afternoon, when
in a mine explosion in New Mex-
thirty men were entombed
and none are expected to be taken
out alive.
; the school to open next fall, Let in some other sections passenger
everybody get busy and push rates were made even lower than
other improvements accordingly, in the South.
Report of the Condition of
Make a good start for the new
year by pulling out that money
you have hid away, and deposit i 3,908.58
The Atlantic Coast Line is put-
ting itself in position to take its
share of the kicking
It is to be hoped that 1908 will
not make such a record of fatal
disasters as did 1907.
Perhaps that quarter million
dollars spent ushering in the new
year in New York found its way
into the pockets of people who
needed it.
it in a bank where it can be safe
and draw interest. Hid money
nobody any good, not even
the owner.
Did you ever think that you
are twice as good a citizen if you
own your home than you are if
only a tenant And to own your
home will give you five times
more respect for yourself than
to live in a rented house. Get in
he building and loan association
and pay for a home with rent
money. You will be the gainer
by doing so.
W. R and family returned
Monday night from Halifax,
where they have been spending
the holidays with relatives.
Mrs. L. E. Ricks and daughters,
Misses Mary Balk and Dorothy,
I returned Friday night from Win-
In the State of Net- Carolina, at the close of business Dec. 3rd. 1907. and Greenville-
H. H. Stanley left today to
spend some time in the country
with relatives.
J. O. Bobbitt returned Thurs-
day night after a pleasant visit
to relatives in Rocky Mount and
Louisburg, Youngsville, Macon
and Littleton.
J. P. and S. P. Alford came in
Thursday night after visiting
relatives in Nash county.
Loans and discounts
Furniture and
Duo from Banks and
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency
National bank notes
and other U. S. notes 4,174.00
Capital stock 10,000.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits less
expenses and
Deposits sub. to cashier's checks
State of North Carolina. County of Pitt,
I, J. R Davis, Cashier of the above named bank, do
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 6th day of Dec
J. A.
I Notary Public
J. R. Davis, Cashier.
W. J. Turnage
R. L. Davis
F. M. Davis,
Reward for Convict.
I will give a reward of for
the capture-of Ernest Young,
colored, near sighted, weighs
about pounds,
who escaped from the county
convict camp Wednesday night.
There are also other rewards
offered for this same
d w Superintendent.
When Stephen well
known years a o an
was tho editor of the
Mr. the well
known California pioneer and an-
i him in on
religion, i Mr. attack-
ed, finally r up by saying,
hero. yon on hi to
i my L i k on Mr idem ca Against
That will convince
So the next lime he entered a brink
store ho I for it. Tho clerk
showed Ii tho work in two vol-
much i-i paid
replied the clerk.
dollars Take it hack, sir;
t kc ii back. prefer to remain a
A Provident Plant.
There is a plant found in the
Mexican desert of Sonora which
Elated to surpass camel in its
ability to husband Hi supply of
moisture. This is known tho
a relative of the pumpkin,
and it inhabits a locality In which
practically all rain falls within
u period f weeks. The hasp of
the stem of plant is formed by
a hard, woody structure, which is
really nothing more than a
reservoir designed tn hoard up
the scanty moisture received
the greed of a miser, exorcising nil
a miser's thrift in doling out tho
precious fluid to its own advantage
in time of need.
a long time in tho
far corner of the conservatory with
Mr. Willing last suggest-
ed tho mother. was going
you remember the occasion
en which you became engaged to
inquired the daughter by
way of reply.
course I
it ought not to be
for you to ask any
Thus gently the news was broken
that they were to have a
Weekly. j
This Department is in charge of F. C. Nye who is authorized to represent The Eastern
Reflector in Winterville and vicinity.
We sell Laughlin, Eclipse and
fountain pens.
B. T. Cox Bro.
Our entire stock of boy suits
at cost for the next days.
They must go-B. F. Manning
Rubber boots, rubber shoes,
rubber coats, and heavy work
shoes a specialty.
L. L. Kittrell to Green-
ville Friday.
The cutting seasons near-
here We sell one of the most
up to date stalk cutters on the
market See us before buying.
Harrington Barber Co.
Rev. T. H. King at
the Baptist church Wednesday
night. At the close of the
vice the ordinance of baptism
was administered to B.
Our whole line of clothing must
go at greatly reduced prices.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Glass ware and coffee mills just
a special line of shoes
from the nicest dress she to the
he ivy work shoe See us for
prices. B. F. Co.
Dr. J. H. Hudson want to
Greenville Friday.
We have on hand a copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price
Our price, B. T. Cox
The new year come
with delightful weather u our
farmers are taking advantage of
Pork time is here.
your salt at A. W. Ange and Co.
A. G. Cox has secured a stump
puller which is doing pretty
work. It requires only a
to a large He
is also using dynamite under the
The famous Hawks glasses
B. T. ex Bro Don't neglect
your eyes-
Luke Jackson, of Lenoir,
old of W. H. S. bas
spending part of tho week
Misses and Dora Cox re-
turned to the Baptist University
at Raleigh Thursday morning.
Dora will graduate this
of Kinds prepared
at the Carolina Milling mfg.
You talk about good neat and
comfortable school desk that are
cheap but I can assure you that
the desk made
by the A cox -Manufacturing
company has all these qualities
O. W. Rollins has accepted a
position with the Winterville
Grain and Supply Co. for tins
The A G Cox Manufacturing
company are selling
welded fence fast.
Any one in need of good fence
and barb wire will bu to their in-
est to call to see them before
they buy.
Josephus Cox went to Green-
ville today.
Miss Novella Bunting went to
Bethel today.
Misses Lottie of
Kinston and Helen of
Ayden, spent Friday afternoon
with Misses Roberson and Bunt-
Try a tree brand pocket knife-
They are under guarantee.
They are kept in stock by B. T.
Now is the time to get single
and double low down
at A. W. Angle Co.
Our entire stock of ladies jack-
must go slaughtering
prices. Good health depends
upon your keeping the
A. W. Ange Co.
Our entire of boy's suits
must be closed out. Doesn't
your boy need a good school suit
B. F. Manning Co,
of station-
must go. We must make
room for our immense stock of
new goods now coming During
the next forty days we will make
special prices to all our customers
on our box papers.
B. T. Cox Bro.
in need of nice kid
gloves, driving gloves, and work
gloves, see B. F Manning o- o.
cut your stalks and get them
of the way of your next crop
stalk cutter does
the work. Harrington, Bar be r
i and company.
department is in charge of J. ML Blow who is
Hi footer in Ayden and
to The Eastern
G. E- Lineberry went to Green-
ville Monday evening.
When a man goes to purchase
a home he generally considers
the location and the value as well
as the price, therefore why not
when you are thinking to
purchase saddles by
on the A. G. Co Manufacturing
Co. for their handy Economic
Back Band which is cheap be-
sides being durable.
Several more new students
entered Winterville High
Monday morning and most of
them entered well. All the
The new. year
here. All
farm supplies can be secured
from us. Prompt attention t.
our customers Harrington Bar-
We extend to our friends
depositors greetings for tho
year. We are glad the ion
cf the bank is all right in ever
particular. Place your deposits
with us, J. L. Jackson
Stray Taken Up-1 have taken
up a stray cow. red color,
marked swallow i .
right ear. Owner can get
by proving property and paving
expenses R. Callow--,.
are getting down to good R. No. Winterville, N C
work and the spring term bids 7-2-t 8-t-w.
fair to be one of the best we
have yet bad.
Before purchasing your stalk
cutter see the famous
cutter. If you not one on
The A. Cox Mfg Co . re
making shipments of their well
Cox cotton plan rs.
Simplex guano sowers and
back bands. Let us
; your orders as early as p
your farm you cannot co . The A. Mfg Co. are
still prepared to your o
promptly for the Tar H el
wagons and carts
The A. G. Cox Mfg Co mad
shipment of about of t i
Cox cotton planters yes;
this goes to snow that they re
still in the lead.
out one. when you buy you want
one that will do your
Think over this and examine
B. F. -Manning Co.
Rev N. C. Duncan has return-
ed from his old home at Lincoln-
ton where ho spent the holidays.
He left Saturday evening to fill Week of Prayer
h, appointment at A ii., .
Sunday. being observed by The
warehouse be Missionary Society of the Men
to Harrington, barber Co is church. Me
will be held Thursday .
with J. F. King.
been having very helpful
mi and invite you to come
and with them.
writing receipts
. l
i ail who receive their mail at
Merrimon y. of Bel-
haven, has lie. n visiting
here during the past week.
For fresh and cheap goods go
to E. E. Co., they always
have the best
Mrs. W E. Books and children
went to Winterville Monday and
A Tasteless Chill tonic with
Iron, positive permanent and
effectual relief in chili.- and
a general tonic only at M. M.
drug store, Ayden, N. C.
Misses and
non have home from a visit
lo friends in Winterville.
Your lady friend would
One thirty-seven acre
just outside a;
.-ill V,
as. o
A escaped from the
camp Wednesday
Superintendent Joe
oil. is a reward for his
hen; ion.
Mill supplies, belting, valves,
steam J. ii. Smith Co
and a full line hardware at
l. R. Smith Co.
Mrs, Will and little
son, who have been away spend-
the holidays, have returned
Tripp Hart and Co have re
and are y receiving
the nicest and freshest line of
or. the market
A. D. d fa
-re Tuesday or K I
Miss M Bryan return d to
her school near Stokes Sunday
T. Wood Sons 1.907
nips and ruts can now
he had at the drug store of Dr
B. T. Cox Bro.
Lewie r
Roy Kittrell, of Greenville,
herewith laves
We can furnish you ail kinda
of end turned weed
work for buildings on short
Milling Mfg.
The officers of th Vance liter
society for the spring term
are as U T. Cox,
W. House vice
J. secretary,
Paul Taylor, treasurer, F. C
Nye, critic, W. A.
supervisor, Johnie Worley marsh
A Core for Misery
have found h c ire for iii
m . p. i mi U. M.
. of S C. It's
rs. and comes in GO rent
rare of
of those fan
R a
drug store, Ayden N. C.
All the teachers have returned
from holiday vi i n ind
vi is humming
an I the sci
See our line of books and
for holiday on i its.
J. H. h Co.
Miss Rosa Lee Munn, of Kin
is In re or. a visit to Mi
and Lizzie i.
v. ill -i f line i
tor's Candies, also
you want in
and Christmas so .
N. M and C i
ion, o. .
hi r on n to ins Mr;.
F. G
Boys I have a nice
razors from 1.00 to 6.50,
i d well e and
save time and money See my
line of and other brands,
of pocket knives M M Sauls
Wednesday night the
e rs held a special
; an e m
paving q
One h
-n .
and ;
;. w.
e and the cost
r i
t baa traded ,
Lyon .,.,.,
. is
c ,
in i;
. they will make their I
Williams is an excellent in u
will be missed in v J .
Fancy coca i
l ti just .-.;
ton's. ;. .
D. G. and
have been away on . .
i. it came h mi Sal n
i. Is Son
d a c load of
c .
j . ; .
To n D
F, G.
N c
Chi i
Can i
, of
gray t Ed .
right n
Car load of
salt at
Gibb is , n a vi
to New York.
We have st line
Christmas goo Is v
come lo
There were services
and Christian
For Christmas goods and i n
for your children,
arts tail to i
Hart and company,
can pleas, I yo
Dixie Allen
. i .,
i rs
J. ii.
M Mewl
do dot rs, blind ,
; i butts
i by . i .
W. J i
is fa ;. In
, ;
.-. Co.
; J r- has
b m the . .
The a . . ;,, ,.,
nary in town do
or a no I for February 3rd, 1908. for the
and it puts yellow clean
com This met-1
quick 16-
ill stomach, liver and kidney
r-. plaints misery of lame back.
Sold under guarantee at
. co . Get
M y,
; ;. . .
It is with sine .-. chased the entire plant of th
r- m if L C ard Con.
l of ; v
to leave Dr. Skin-I . Light and heavy groceries
a tinny
a hostelry in
ill the leg-
the Grand
Canyon of said n man
has just returned from a
through tho west. stepped up to
The fall work was good desk to register when I r an
the prospects for excellent work entry just the space I
during the spring ,;. to lino read as
buggies are still go-1 and Mrs. Jones, Ar-
in. if you want a nice Two
date runabout you had I words mules were not
better give him an call. handwriting as that
,, n ,. . o e, I giving the names the recent
F. Manning for g A wild through
the nicest all ,.,,
The cold weather brings no
dread to those having plenty bed-
ding, blankets and i a
specialty at A. W Ange and Co.
have a large line of nice
oak suits of furniture., couches,
chairs, tables stoves etc., that
must goat some price during the
next few days. A. W, Ange
Now is the time to purchase
your Box Body Carts while they
are cheap. The A. G. Cox Man-
Co., have plenty of
them on hand. Call and see them.
Don't you need some furniture.
Make glad by bringing
home with you a nice rocker or
couch A. W. Ange co.
A. W. Ange went to Greenville
Tuesday afternoon.
Have your at
Carolina Milling Mfg. Co-
B. F. Manning went to Ayden
Mr. and Mrs. Frank White, of
Ayden, spent Sunday afternoon
he in the habit of characterizing
guests. My natural curiosity prompt-
ed me make inquiries.
tho replied tho
siding genius of the hotel.
Quito a party
Would you
purpose of submitting the
i of the town the
of prohibition.
Car load if i I n
lime an I plastering hair at J,
Smith Co,
Sine Christmas i has
sin up, our
busy and cotton coming
rapidly it reminds one of the fall
Th Ayden lg and mu-
plant was sold at
lie auction yesterday and
was bid in by F.
Alexander I Co.
Benjamin Smith and family
have moved her In in i
try and Is house
in South Ayden, Mr. i
moved to his form
Dam and will farm this ;
Tripp, are in
and tared to furnish the
general public with everything
moans that Mr. and his mercantile line to wear
going to down tho canyon
making the trip.
to go r
I said.
I had tho pleasure of son-
in him write after my
York Press.
A Startling Encounter.
A named of Holy-
wood, Belfast, hail a remarkable
fight tho other day with nu
rodent. He was shooting sea
fowl on the strand when a strange
creature, nearly three foot long,
from a clump of grass
attacked him. met tho
with a well directed kick, but
the animal dashed at him again and
this time sank its teeth throng- his
pea hoots held on like a terrier.
Thus embarrassed, it was five min-
before killed the
which fought with great
The which was as hi as
a Sited dog, has boon pro-
a coypu, a large rodent
the river Plato, whence it
probably came to Belfast in a
eat or make- life happy. Try
John Brooks, of
was here a short while yesterday
The prettiest baby caps and
cloaks in town at J R Smith co.,
Rev. J. T. Moore, of
will preach in the Christian
church hero next Sunday.
Go to E E new
market beef, fresh meats,
and fresh fish.
W. L. and family,
who have been visiting relatives
in Greene county, have come
We will have anything you
want Christmas for your mother,
father, brother, sister and broth-
sister and best of all for your
J. N, Alexander and t o-
Carload cotton seed meal and
Smith co.
s in
years ago has n it
elf to our p pie, but by ii
int ha p s
. mi
. or I i
field all
in . . .
he merit
Mr .
K ii
at Tripp Hi
a company.
u .
. . v
; . .
ts .
candy at
please man .
. r. t .
. . ;
ii a a L
. .
In State of North Carolina, i cl Dec. 3rd
Loans and
. . stock
fun I
I.,. q I profit current
Due from Banks Bankers 177.03 and taxes paid
sits cheek
certified chick-
Cali Items
Gold coin
coin currency
Nat. 2,709.00
I. . R. Smith, Cashier f the named do solemnly swear
the above inert is the best my knowledge and belief,
SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be
fore me, this 6th. day of Dee. J. R. SMITH.
Notary Public

Life in
Farmville, N. C , Jan. 2nd 1908.
The most brilliant social
of the season was that on
Monday evening from to
when Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley
Smith entertained at public re-
a large number of their
friends in honor of their filth
marriage anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Smith re-
in the reception hall and
ushered the guests us they came
down to the punch howl where
Miss Smith and Hal
Turnage served them with de-
To Subscribers. TO COTTON GROWERS,
Under the ruling of the post- La N. 1907.
office department of the govern- r.
newspapers cannot carry executive ,
on their mail lists persons who not understand why the cotton
are long in arrears on growers of your county are not
Newspapers are given sec- interested in selling the crop at
class rates of postage to The committee
, . . , , ask the cotton growers,
as the,
. what would you have sold your
department does not cotton for a the
want to handle any more papers m the South had as
than necessary at this rate, this matter as their work in that vicinity-
ruling is to prevent newspapers The speculators say that the There is an old grave yard near
f carrying dead heads or pad- j cotton association prevented an Boyd's Ferry in which in the
ding their subscription lists- cent this season. years long gone some people of
Destroy Grave in March of
Wednesday afternoon The Re-
received a telephone mes-
sage from Grimesland asking that
the jewelers here be requested to
keep a lookout for any old jewelry
that may be brought to them and
offered for sale, or to be repaired
or cleaned. The reason for this
request and precaution is that
some ghouls have been carrying
The con-
punch. From here they that a man who will not
went into the music room where pay or his newspaper in a
the numerous presents were dis
played showing the high esteem
this popular couple of five years
has won.
In the par, r in the receiving
line were Mr. and Mrs. J. Stan-
Smith, Mrs. Smith
her wedding dress of
satin trim-
time is not a legitimate
subscriber of the paper and his
name must be dropped or a high-
rate of postage charged for
mailing the paper to him
Many farmers being pressed j prominence and wealth
for money have sold their In year 1803 a
cotton. These may think Mrs. Susan White was
are not now concerned about the there- the so car
price, but how about the
crop, do you want a good
for that
Yes you
do, and now I urge
Under this ruling newspapers; you to attend monthly meet-
will be compelled to drop the at your Cl-. t on Jan.
names of delinquent subscribers, join the fight right now,
as they cannot afford to pay the for profitable prices for the next
med with real lace and pearls, additional postage to send papers crop
On their right steed Mrs. Nannie
. Smith, of the
groom and Mr.-;. Mary Ellen
Sh iv. n of -Me, both
wearing silk with
to On the
left y. and Mr . S n Ga-
cu received
to them. It is not a matter of i this season was due to the fight
choice with the newspapers, bat j others made for you, you can not
they must act in accordance with let the other fight
the alone.
In order to comply with this. At the monthly meeting, be
rule The Reflector will begin to elect delegates to attend
early revising its subscription State Cotton Convention at
Mrs. . I or.
d in j lists and cutting off the names of I Jan 21st. This will
preserved through the more than
a hundred years that have
elapsed. A few nights ago the
masonry of the grave was torn
away and the interior dug out as
if hidden treasure was being
searched for.
There has been an old belief
that the pirate. Teach,
who plied his trade in the waters
of Eastern Carolina, in some of
his trips up Tar river buried
treasure about this grave yard
near Boyd's Ferry, and there
have been occasional periods
when some persons seized with
white point over taffeta those far enough to arrears to the largest gathering of farm- the idea of finding the treasure
Before assembled in North Car- have secretly done much digging
there. It may have been a new
outbreak of this treasure hunting
craze that ltd to the demolition
of Mrs. White's grave.
with lace trimmings, come under the
Aft.-r were J dropping such names notice
received the guests given by placing a blue cross
through folding doors into the I mark on the paper.
What about debts for next
Those in that line, and
if a debt any kind must be
dining hall where a most see the should make it after Jan.
salad course with cream j promptly in order to keep their, 1909. burned child dreads
and fakes were served by Misses names on the list. the C. C. Moore,
Tabitha and Sue May We shall print this article N. C. Cotton Association
and Louise Dixon, under the few times so as to be sure that j
excellent supervision of Miss fail to see it. In the mean-1 male yearling, dark
Rouse and Mrs. J, Turnage. I time if you see the blue cross color, white nose, marked
The d-. throughout i mark on your paper do not delay smooth crop in ear, slit and
the house were red and green, j to act on it, If it is not in Reward for
with lots of holly and mistletoe to at the office, information leading to recovery,
where. In the dining hall send a remittance by mail and Jesse Baker,
table was will be promptly re- R. p. D. No Greenville, N. C.
from a beautiful red turned. ltd
boil with wide red ribbon
Reward for Arrest.
Governor Glenn has offered a
reward of for the arrest of
Major colored, wanted
for the murder of Chance,
in this county. Th murder was
committed early last fall. The
governor's proclamation
the reward is else-
where in this paper.
ii. th c and draped on the,
e, making a most beautiful
Mr, and Mrs. Smith ever;
be happy as on this
am live to celebrate many more
Mrs. Marv Price i
requests the pleasure of your
at the marriage of h r daughter
Rev. William Edward
on Thursday morning the six-
of January
Nineteen and eight
at nine-thirty o'clock
St. John's Episcopal Church
At Home St. John's Rectory
Wilmington. North Carolina-
Pres. and Gen. M gr
i d of v
Governor in in Interview with
Reporter of Reflector, sirs Yes.
Our reporter sought out Gov
Jarvis and asked him this
If the Legislature shall be call-
ed together in special session, do
you think it wise for it to pass a
general prohibition law for the
whole State The governor ans-
yes, and gives his
ons as follows.
While it is true that no law is
worth much unless it has a
strong, sentiment be-
hind it to enforce its execution, it
is likewise true that when that
public sentiment manifests itself
it is well to respond to it. It
must be manifest to all who take
note of passing events that the
people of North Carolina have
made up their minds to try pro-
Whatever one may
think of the wisdom of
as a remedy for the evils of
the liquor traffic, he must admit,
if he be not blind, that the
are determined to give it a
If the legislature shall be call-
ed together in special it
will be political wisdom to pass
on th Renovation of I
The fortunate possessor of very
fine laces cannot be too careful in
washing them. Even gentlest
rubbing must lie avoided if laces
ire to be preserved.
Lace should always be soaked be-
washing, more especially if it
i soiled, in water in which a
teaspoon of borax has Wen dis-
solved. The water should be boil-
usual proportion being one
pint of water to every teaspoon
of borax. Then make a lather with
some good soap and hot water.
Take the lace from the water in
which it has been soaked, place it
in the soapy water and squeeze it
exactly as if it were a sponge
till it is clean.
This will prevent the lace from
being torn, more especially if it is
of a fine make. Repast the process,
if necessary, in another basin of
soapy water. Then rinse in clean
cold water till all the is re-
moved. If the lace is white n little
blue in the rinsing water will
prove the color.
Transferring Pictures.
Take n small, cheap brush and
a little bottle f ordinary
tine, the picture you wish to
transfer with the turpentine and
blot with a blotter so that the ink
will not run. Turn face of the
down on paper you wish
transfer it Io end rub the entire
surface quite hard with a smooth
instrument, and the transfer is com-
It be transferred on
well as upon paper if a little
care i taken. This recipe is ex-
a carefully prepared act making for transferring designs on
it unlawful to manufacture or
sell liquor in North Carolina
after the 30th day of June, 1908.
If this Is done, prohibition will
be an accomplished fact and a
harmless issue when the time
comes to nominate and elect
for the legislature, and
this disturbing question cannot
bi injected into polities in the
campaign of 1908 Prohibition
is now an acute question in
state and it cannot be silenced
by anything short of an act of the
legislature which shall give it
fair trail, and it is to be-
become still more till such
an act is passed If the
of candidates shall
take place, in the present
disturbed and unsettled state
feeling on the question,
it will be impossible to keen the
wood for or scroll saw
work. ,
For an Invalid.
Toast o slice of bread a delicate,
brown and dip ii into a small
of water to which has been
added a generous piece of butter.
Remove from n pile on top of
toast the boa en white of an egg,
placing the yolk squarely in the
center. Salt lightly set in a
hot oven until firm, but not hard.
For Enlarged Port;.
There n to
science will remove enlarged
unless the skin is kepi
clean. -s warm, soapy facial
bath must taken every night, the
face then rinsed in several deal
waters and n good skin food applied,
A mere wiping of the face with a
wet is washing it.
Brightening Gilt
Take at flour of
to give n golden about one
and in
prohibition question out of the one-half pints of water, and in
. ,,. . . ., this boil four or five bruised onions.
of the state In the coming
apply with brush to any
which needs restoring.
it will be as lit as new.
Tobacco Seed
The Greenville Tobacco Board
of Trade has ordered a quantity
of the best varieties of bright
Tobacco Seed. White Stem,
and other sorts, which they
will put in the hands of the
Greenville and
drug stores to be given to all far-
who may ask for them who
have been raising what is known
as the Tobacco as well as
other kinds. None of the buyers
like to buy Tobacco and the
Tobacco Board of Trade has or-
seed to give away to far-
in order to them not
to raise more Cobb Tobacco.
So when you get ready to sow
your plant bed, do not use the
Cobb seed, but come to Green-
ville and get free of cost a better
Stray Taken Up
We have taken up a black male
hog, a few white spots on side,
marked half moon in left ear,
crop in right ear, weighs about
Owner can get
same by proving property and
paying charges.
G. W. Jefferson Bros.
ltd Fountain, N. C.
Organized in reorganized and
in with authorized capital of
Manufacturers of High Grade
We wish to announce to our many patrons and friends that we now occupy our
new three story brick; factory, on the corner of and Fourth streets, opposite R.
L. Smith's stables.
Our factory is modern in every respect, equipped with best machinery run by
Electricity, and only the best material is used for manufacturing our Buggies and Car-
We invite you to call any time to inspect the plant and material used, which
Mr. Flanagan will take pleasure in showing you, whether you wish to purchase anything
or not
Forty years experience at Buggy manufacturing, and the reputation our vehicle
have attained over the large territory in which they are used, is sufficient guarantee
our work is the best and that interests of our customers is protected.
We make the best Buggy on the market for the money, sell for cash or on
time, and protect the purchaser with this
If any axle, spring or wheel breaks with fair and reasonable
usage within one year from date of purchase caused by
in material or workmanship, and is returned to us by the
chaser, we will replace the same free of charge
We also have for sale the best Wagons made by manufacturers of long experience
and fully and Hackney.
R. L. Davis Bros, at Farmville and J. R. Harvey Co., at Grifton, are agents
for our Buggies, and all of our work sold by them is subject to our guarantee.
The John Flanagan Buggy Co.
i be
lied tn d and
which they
other will be lingered,
and thus you have question
i i you want it
a r
is h re is n why it
i. to have
d at one; if it be done.
These whiskey election tend to
th . back into politics
we have of these
elections my observation is that
-n dry,
Greenville, N. C.
were in and when the
legislature passed an act submit-
ting the question of prohibition
to the voters of the State, but
there is danger, if this question
gets into politics in 1908 of bring-
back some of the conditions
of 1882. There is danger, in
some localities at least, if
whiskey question is not settled
before, of having a good deal of
independent mixing and trading
in the coming campaign. If the
legislature assembles it will be
better to wipe the whole thing
out and be done with it. I there-
fore sincerely hope that if an
extra session of the legislature is
called that it will settle the
before it adjourns, by
the passage of equitable, en-
Winterville, N. C, Jan. 1908
Winterville would like to en-
what den
says about consolidating the
Greenville, Winterville, Ayden
and Grifton stock Jaw territory
by having one fence from to
Neuse rivers.
As the territory new is, it takes
about miles of fence to enclose
it, while about miles of fence
could give us a better protection
from stock ard there would be a
. great saving in the cost of gates
and fence.
It occurs to me that the fence
should start at Tar river, a few
miles from of Greenville, and
run in most direct route to
Neuse river, so the boundary
fence would be as far as possible
from th towns on either
This would place the gates so far
much i through
Let hear from cur Green-
ville and Grifton citizens, and
hope some one will name the
proper territory for the fence to
pass through Another Citizen.
Mr. J. E. Dead.
Telegrams received Rich-
announce the death of Mr.
J- E. Langley, of that city, W-j
day evening. He had been in There was organized a military
poor sometime and
death was not unexpected.
Prosing Stan .
When up woolen
that have to scorns praised
open, soap tin i on Urn
tide of ii press in
the ii mil They will found
to ii.- pi Hal stay so.
This can I I fin-
worsted to advantage.
Notice is hereby given that I
will make application to the board
count commissioners on the
first Monday in January, 1903, to
retail liquors in the town of
N C.
This Dec. 1207.
ltd W. W. Andrews.
The always glad
publish social items when the
tacts concerning them are fur-
the paper. We would
such information being
to the office.
In Cumberland a 10-
year old boy stabbed and killed
his 12-year, old cousin, at the
sight of the dead boy their
grandmother swooned and died.
A boy confined in the
town prison at High Point, set
fire to the bed clothing in his cell
and came near being
before help reached him.
ii lard or butter
the size English walnut rubbed
both sides, with rare exception. in with sugar the same a you would
get on a brisk hunt for votes. I prepare butter and tot a oaks
heard that in more than one of H
these elections have been ,;.,.,. j, excellent or
registered under the
father clause. extra.
Conditions are very different; carefully the yellow rind
in this State from what they of three lemons mid a hall
He slipped up on us unawares,
but all the same we are glad to
see Will Greer, of betwixt
more end Kinston, in town. He
is directed to take notice that
don't agree
with us.
pint of alcohol, In four days pour
off into bottle and add ounce
of oil of lemon. This makes n line,
strong flavor at less than half price.
Orange extract can be made in the
same way.
Four quarts of grapes to one
quart of let stand four
this, days, then strain. To each pint of
I juice add one pound of sugar; boil
i twenty minutes, bottle and keep in
I a dry, cool place, Red raspberries
I black are nice.
Farm For Sale.
Three horse farm, known as
F. home place in
Carolina township, four miles
from railroad station. For par-
apply to
Joshua L. Whichard,
R. F. D. No. Stokes, N. C.
More Pretty Calendar.
Some more pretty 1.908
have been added to The Re-
collection. Since the
list published a few days ago we
received others from Frank .
Boyd and
An Ironing Wrinkle,
When ironing a starched garment
and n part of it dry, do not
dampen with water, but with a
cloth wet with n little cold starch.
This will keep nil parts of the gar-
of equal
Freshening Clothes.
White dresses and waists may be
made to look fresh as new by
making a thin raw starch and damp-
with B clean muslin cloth.
Let set a few minutes then
press with a hot iron.
have moved my
feed store to the warehouse near
A. L. depot, where all can
find me ready to serve their needs
with hay, corn, oats, cotton
meal and hulls and feed stuff.
F. V. Johnston.
Kept v-
To keep shirts in shape, fold
evenly at the belt several times,
a largo safety pin through this and
hang it up by safety pin on a howl
North In Superior
Pitt county Court.
Mary Brown vs. Richard Brown.
The defendant above named
ill take notice that an action
as above has been com-
in the Superior Court of
county to obtain from the
defendant a decree of absolute
divorce for statutory causes set
out in the complaint that he
required to appear it the next
of the Superior Court of
i county to be held on the
Monday in January 1908,
it the Court House of said
in Greenville, N. C, and ans-
or demur to the complaint
said action, or the plaintiff
ill apply to the for the
demanded in com
This the 30th- day of
r 1907,
D. C. Moore, C. S C
G. James. for Plaintiff.
Mr- Langley was a native of
Pitt county, once a citizen of
Greenville, and was about
years of age. For mar y years he
was Southern representative of
a large Philadelphia house,
and his business requiring his
headquarters in a city he made
his home in Richmond.
He married Miss Alice Shaw,
of Littleton, is survived by
the wife and one sitter,
Margaret Langley. He was a
nephew of Mrs. Mellie Harriss,
of Greenville, and had many
relatives and warm friends here.
The remains will be to
Greenville, reaching here Sunday
evening and the interment will
take place Monday afternoon
Hill cemetery.
the jeweler asked the
replied the boy.
he in the
he be back
he leave any word for
The stranger looked sharply.
did he
he cay he'd be
wherein the dickens is
Guards in 1860 in Farmville town-
ship, composed of the young men
of that section of the county. It
was assigned to 27th N C.
troops which performed valiant
service in the war. between the
At the roll call at Appomattox.
at the surrender of Gen. Lee.
out of about one hundred and
twelve who originally enlisted,
there were but few left to
answer when their names were
called. Most of them had fallen
in battle or died of disease.
Those who escaped the ravish-
of war returned to their
ruined and desolate home with
sad hearts to contend
poverty for exigence. In the
dreadful ard almost
of that little band
j lave yielded to the cares and
t rials of and have joined their
the river. There
arc now left only a small rem-
who are fast approaching
three score years and ten. Would
it not be well for these gray
haired veterans to have a reunion
and once more behold the faces
and shake by hand their old
of the late war There
are scarcely one from the captain
down who does not bear upon
his person scars of battle, and
yet there is no
in the county to
orate the of this band
of patriots. after
throughout the state have
reared statue after statue to their
heroic dead, Pitt county,
which surpasses most of them in
wealth and enterprise,
made no effort, known to
to perpetuate the
land service of as brave and noble
I body of men as ever marched to
I wish to extend hearty thanks
to my many patrons for their
liberal patronage during the past
year, and heartily solicit it for
the coming year.
W. H. Farber.
Winterville. N. C
Tax Notice.
Taxes for the year 1907 are
long past due All persons de-
are to come for-
ward and pay promptly, as the
law Requires me to settle with I beg to state that
any man that makes any such
The Stunting.
N. CL, Jan. 1st 1908.
Editor of Daily
Will you be kind enough to
publish the following in answer
to article in your paper, coming
from Dee. 27th
1907, and the without signature.
You remember that the
started out by stating a
drunken row near that hole
of a barroom in and
no police protection
This writer is unfortunately
the keeper of that barroom re-
the State treasurer in January.
L W. Tucker, Sheriff.
1-4 d w.
Mr- Polk Miller, of Richmond,
the greatest Southern enter-
appeared before a de-
lighted audience in the opera
house here Friday night. His
Times in the enter-
and he brings back the old
scenes, the old the old
stories, in a manner that is truly
refreshing To those who lived
in those old times it was like a
trip back their boyhood days,
and to the younger generations,
who know nothing save what
they read or hear of those old
Southern is a
As a storyteller Mr. Miller
is and in
of dialect, he is
surpassed. It is a feast hear
Not only is Mr. Miller a versa-
tile entertainer, but he loves the
field and chase as well as a man
not half his age. Today he went
out to Mr- O. L. Joyner's for an
old time rabbit hunt with
of friends, and we know there
was great sport
battle. Robt. W. Joyner,
Captain Co. E, 27th
N. C. Troops.
Dr. and Mrs. J G.
request the honor of your
at the marriage of their daughter
Emma Bertha
Mr. John Arthur Staton
on the evening of Wednesday,
the fifteenth of January
at six o'clock
in the City of
North Carolina.
Week of Prayer.
Woman's Missionary
of the Baptist church
will observe a special week
to be held each afternoon
at o'clock beginning on Sunday
January 5th
Sunday the services will be
held at the church led by Mis
Pattie Cotton.
Monday at Mrs. P. E.
by Mrs. Alice Harper.
Tuesday, at Mrs. J G. Bow-
led by Mrs. B. E. Parham.
Wednesday, at Mrs. C. D.
led by Mrs. G W.
Thursday, at J. F
by Mrs. J. .
Friday at W J. Holmes
led by Miss Maggie Doughty.
At the Wednesday meeting the
envelopes for the Christmas
offering for China will bought
It is very that we
meet in the beginning of this
another to thank God for
his many blessings and
crate anew to Him and
His work. The President earn-
requests all lady members
of our church and all other ladies
of the town who wish to do so
be present at each of meet-
Especially does she urge
every member of the society to
be present, even at a sacrifice.
Land Sale.
By Virtue of a mortgage executed
and by Dudley and
Flow Williams to J. T. Moore on
the Slit day of December, 1808,
was duly recorded in of-
of the of of Pitt
i in P-S under-
d I for the
house do r in
noon o Wednesday, February the
1908, following l
parcel or lot of land, situate in
county of Pitt and in
that piece of land known us school
lot adjoining the Inn s of Triumph
Church, Little .-in I con-
one re and fell; described in
from K. t. to Dudley
Williams dated December 5th,
reference to which do d is hereby
r an accurate and being
the piece of land upon the
Dudley and wife now
to satisfy aid
This the 3rd day of January,
P, G. James Atty.
J. T. Moore, Mortgagee.
d w.
untruthful statement to lead the
public to believe that is
outlawed, and has not manhood
enough to sign his name to it.
The public ought to be entitled
to know who he is. His name is
,. J. Satterthwaite from
an ex-barroom keeper and well
skilled in r to other
g match was
hundred is from the
bar-room and I never saw a
drunken man that day. The
that did the shooting run
at once. As to the police and
government, I am a com-
missioner of the town and I know
that there is no better govern-
to be had in the State.
W. O. Cherry.
Reword for Convict.
I will give a reward of for
the capture of Ernest Young,
colored, near sighted,
about pounds, d
who escaped from the county
convict camp Wednesday night.
There are also other rewards
offered for this same
d w
A Proclamation by
State of North Carolina,
Executive Department
Whereas official his I en
late of county
stands with the
And whereas, it that t c
Mid Major has Bed tie
or so s th t the
ordinary of la be
s upon him.
Now. t. B. Go
of the North C. r. r . .
by virtue f authority in mo vested by
law, do issue this my
a reward of Fifty Dollars for
the and delivery tho
said Major in the he-
of comity at the court-house in
Greenville and do enjoin all officers o
the State and all citizens to
in bringing ; id criminal to
Done at our of Raleigh
of Dec. in the
oar I one th u--
and , and
one I and 32nd
our American In-
By the it.
A. Arlington, Private
ft ;
feet i or t .
pounds v Has
he ivy scar on left side of m ck mule by
u cut.
Notice of Execution Gale.
State of
Pitt county.
In the Superior Court.
J. F. Stokes vs. John Allen-
virtue of an execution
to the from
the Superior court of Pitt county
in the above entitled action, I
will, on Tuesday th 14th day of
at o'clock M,
at the court house door in Green-
Pitt county, sell to the
highest bidder for to satisfy
said execution, the right, title
and interest which the said John
Alien defendant, has in the fol-
lowing described real estate,
at a per
tree, and running north
with the said John Allen line to
the north east corn.-r of said
tract of land, thence a westward-
direction with the said John
Allen line, to Jesse L. Cherry
line thence a southerly direction
with Jesse L. berry line to the
homestead line of John Allen,
thence east the homestead
line to a forked tree the
beginning, containing seventy
acres more or less, it being all of
the tract of land conveyed to
John Allen by J. M. Smith and
wile, which deed is in
Book R in the j moved leaving
tor of Deeds office of Pitt county, . ., j
except thirty acres of the said about qualified voters
My son
aged years, well grown for
age, having left heme without
my consent, all are
hereby warted, under penalty
of the not to employ, shelter
or in anyway harbor him during
absence from
R. F. D. No. N. C
Mrs. Mary Hines, wife of Mr.
Hines, of Kinston, died
Tuesday night in a hospital at
Richmond where she had been
sometime for treatment. The
remains were brought to Kinston
for interment There are many
friends in Greenville, where
Mrs. Hines once lived who learn
With regret of her death, and
who with Mr. Hines
in his bereavement.
Election Petition.
petition a prohibition
election in
Greenville be presented to
the board of aldermen tonight.
The Reflector has obtained these-
facts regarding There are
names of voters on the reg-
bocks of the town as
they now stand. Of this number
are known to be
and which was allotted to John
Allen as his homestead, the said
homestead being situated on the
southern end of the said John
Allen ti-ct of land-
This 14th day of Dec. 1907.
L. W. Tucker,
Sheriff of
Young Firm
Alexander Harper and David
Whichard have formed
for installing electric
call and door bells. The boys
have put up bells and do
their work well and at a low
price. Any one who want bells
can get them by seeing either of
the boys-
I have purchased the interest
of the late T. Fleming in the
mercantile business heretofore
conducted under the firm name
of Fleming Mooring, and will
continue to carry on the business
at the same stand. All accounts
due tho firm are payable to me.
Thanking the public for the
patronage given the firm in the
past, and hoping to merit a con-
of their favors, invite
to sec me at the same
Sale of Lend for Partition.
North Carolina Pitt county.
Noah Forbes, Winnie Forbes,
Rosa Forbes and Allen Forbes
the last two minors by their Next
Friend CD Rountree.
By virtue of a power of sale
contained in a Decree of the
Superior court of Pitt county,
by D. . Moore, clerk, in
the foregoing special
the undersigned commissioner
will expose to sale before
the house; door it. Green-
ville, to the highest bidder for
cash, on Saturday th 18th day
of January, at o'clock
noon, the following parcel of
Lying and being in Greenville
township, Pitt county North Car-
adjoining tho lands f or
. Spell, Alice M. Move
Evans, William
and others, containing acres
more or less, and the tract
or parcel of land known as the
Forbes Mill tract near Greenville,
This sale will be made for
This the day of Dec. 1907-
F. C. Harding
Out of these qualified
voters have signed the
up to noon today. la all
there are about voters in
the town, including those who
have not registered. Among
those not registered there have
enough signed the petition to
bring the total up to and
there arc about who because
of or inability to see
them have not had an
to sign petition.
It will be seen from the fore-
going figures that there can be
no question about the
being called, as requires only
one third of the registered voters
to sign the petition, and in this
instance more than half have
signed. The sentiment, largely
n favor of prohibition.
Such Cad Roads
One man in town
whose home is about ten miles
distant, remarked as he was
leaving is twenty five miles
from here to my house now. The
roads are so bad I have to travel
up and down more than I do
straight This is a good
illustration of the loss bad roads
bring to the people who have to
travel over them.
Sale Land to Make
By of the author co
a uncle C. Moore,
clerk of Super r court Pitt
n the eleventh -lay
as octal
court, entitled J. i-. Fleming. Ad-
of Mary Man
I. Manning, or. I., c.
Skinner, W. Ii.
Demit gem ml guardian for Lee Man-
undersigned will expo e pub-
a lie to the t bidder, for
tho court-house i. the
town of Greenville, on Monday
day of January, It l-in the first
d of the January term of of
Superior court, the following
described tract at to
certain or parcel of
land, situate in Pitt county. North Car-
and in Township.
described Mary
Dennis share in the
vision of late land
and home place; and adjoining the lands
of Jones on the North. H. A.
Jones on the West. Jack Son and
Ga mi I Smith, and on the
North and the L.
g less,
excepting S S-l c--- h con
to S. i. m. tall
S acres tn North E
Terms of sale each.
I. L. commissioner,
Ti is the day of December, Hi -l.
notice to Creditors
Having qualified In
Superior com t, He-i i ,
county as
is her- given m nil
persons i- to
immediate lot-ho
and nil persons
having claims against said es-
are notified to present the
same, duly authenticated, to
undersigned on or before the 7th
day of December, or this
notice will plead In bar re-
This Dec. 7th, 1907.
V. M. Crawford,
of C. S. Vincent
Valuable Farm For
rail road.
miles from cove city, good water
good neigh g-
and church in neighborhood.
acres, acres cleared and in
good state of cultivation. Terms
easy. Apply to F. Harding.
For one
horse, a lot of hogs, corn, fodder
and hay, wagon, carts, plows,
hoes and shovels, cultivators,
mowing machine and rake
to take place Jan. at
a. in., at
son's farm.
Taken Up-
I have taken tip a female hog
irked, color black and white,
weighing about pounds,
owner can get same by tn.;
property and paying i i i
J. L Cherry, Greenville, i;

Mr. Fannie Moore, of Green-
spent Sunday here with
J Ate
and Ernest Dud
Gr r; here Sun-
F. u, d
from last
and family
their home at G I
Sunday .-,,,, spending a
I w days friends.
We to state that Mac
very improved.
Mrs Minnie
J st
I. Wk
. i,
b ;,.
I w .
I i . T
The sentence
.,, r u .
f N is
to ear.
. for
; i
res should
for they a
That Should D Applied
t. typewriter over
If cw renting.
typewriter is
Mt all the keys
t are u
ten .
be i
I i
r do the
for it
to tilt
t bis one I
I r.
n, a days
returned to
Mount Sue-
. . keys
I g
home at
in this
. v much and family, of
,.,,., and
, with
A. Manning went to Wash-
ion i es last
r. ES. Whitehurst,
.-- lie, h Mi n-
; ., some time
e with s.
V. it ill
,. apt
A Freak Among Freaks Is the Great
There is no evidence of recent ac-
of this volcano, nor are then
alarming that it
ever he Forest
True, there are live
vents on the the cone where
Vic and are
emitted, where the lava is still
hot and with ram-
and but the
of recurring have
it fr centuries u. if to
internal fires, and it can
considered now more than the
of heat which once warm-
he to
the base of the
red, and where it. is
I under a mantle of per-
summit once shone
Having duly the
court Clerk of county as ex-
last ill and testament of
Mary U deceased, notice is
to all to
i he make immediate payment
and all persons
estate arc
l- I to present the same to the
payment on or before the
or this notice
Mil be plead u bar of recovery
I. W.
Just Arrived At
to i.
with a
the electric a.
Having qualified before
th court clerk of Pitt
county as executor of the last
will and testament of J. J
Jr. deceased
glare winter than
ill is
I I- I
i . ; are
in i
i .
I hand mac hi
. w
., ,,,, e. II two
i en
rose in its
from the
i did Mount
is mi port i p
r -0 to it- present mi-
mil lings
inn of ii- i m bed
pi . what I after it
i to hold u shape
lire under
. up like b i i n i if a
or i
. .
,. In many I
the own
need i i
;. IS
U. i
o only
i lie -1
at i
Dev exercises-
. D. W- A-
leading of minutes of last
a. m. Announcements
I ;, conditions
,. .
.- . C X.
i i
. .
A . v. as
r l
I in s
I evolve to a
. i re
mi e el . .
r- v
p U
I . . l .
, mi and well oil-
i. i typewriter
the cleaning
. Herald.
; r
lies to the estate to
make payment to the
and all persons
But the freak having clams against the estate
among J are to present the same
region i- the re- for to the undersigned
on or the h day of
or this notice will
be plead bar of
i his IV;. 1907.
J. J.
ex. of . J, tr.
Two cows, one butt headed,
color white star
forehead, two white feet mark-
ed crop in right ear, hole in left.
The other brown brindle color,
and legs white, marked over
bit and under bit in bath ears,
horned and had Suitable
reward Tor information leading
to recovery. G. M. Baker,
d t w. Greenville, N. C.
Where you will find a complete
line at all times. They handle
paints in car lots always keeping
good assortments, quality
celled, guarantee it per
cent pure- Don't fail to see
their line, of Heaters, cook
stoves, shot guns,
Enamel ware It is the
place to buy your shells. They
also keep on hand the celebrated
American Wire Fence, the kind
that is pig tight and different
heights. Their place is head-
Quarters for Roofing, which you
will in Iron, Gravel,
and Paper Take a look at
their plows and other
a implements In fact almost
every want in the Hardware can
be supplied by
, i; I
re in tie
s Annie Perkins.
gr S
,. r-
p in.- S
lie teachers, Supt
. -t us have a great
as begin the
yea.-. Your attend-
-1 up to now l as been
good. W a
if t
will resolve to n I
every m
be your new year resolution.
. will move forward as the
and go,
came home
all right, Tuesday night,
was delighted. it
most amusing
has appeared hero this sea-
weather was very disagree
. which mid. the audience
than it w have been.
company is a g one.
G. Smith has move J into one
e Button
.-. . . la painful-
per and u
. . I-
mi . i ;
. and
. . distinguished him-
. ml decree daring a
. to
; palace, he
i i ; for by
., r who
x . . . v. iv home.
. ; , ;. f . said ten-
are a donkey.
t, o
I .
in . ; .,
u of .
i -i
of th
i ml the
or i. i-
; no or n.
i end i
or the gunny . i
to I
r. i n these slid,
flaked oft by
the for in
of winter, like the tr.
th of it
. to lint H Mas
dome last mode a move to l
peak or get in better v.
of the parent one.
j ii lie
i look
th in tho
Tl jg much
uplift came at a
r the
ii pro-
this dis-
ii he
v. live
i rial to be
ml the
i . re
I of
h have
the ac-
a ma
. -r
It Does Business
Sole Agent for
Lead and Zinc Paint. Stoves and Range.-,. Syracuse
Mr. K. E. Chamberlain, farm Implements
Maine, Salve
the i a used it
for piles end it cure. them. Used it
happed hands and i. cured them.
Applied it to an old Sore and; healed
without behind
at J L. drug store, j
Cant's fertilizer sower
Edge Tools.
t instead
, mil .
; caking to as a
I int. him at
. .; t . . moment h
,, . the
; that children and
suffer from a
. i the
drink soft water.
. ; immunity
;, , Is of life, ex-
no them elves w p
.,. tor he a-
r ,
.,; ii, . Is
w i- h .
i-t. drink but
. , . more
i take a reasonable
inking water.
. M Which
, n i port of
ii d to the v-
The teacher had found a lead
on the floor of the
she holding it
tip, -does this belong to any aT
there was
no a girl
raised i hand.
it yours, said the
are sure it. are
How do you
don't like to
you will have to tell or I
can't lot have
II teacher, by tho
way it's sharpened. If it wasn't
enough mine. I'd mighty
Notice Creditors.
Having duly the
Superior court clerk of Pitt as
of the estate of W. T.
Fleming, deceased, notice is hereby
to all persons indebted to the
eat to immediate payment to
the and all p.
claims Hid are notified
to present tho same to undersigned
for payment on the first day I
of moo, or this will be
p in bar over;,
Jan. 1st.
Fleming .
of T. ,
Not Quite
How often you
driver or op ;
lacking. Have a
tool box and be prepared for I
Our line of S i
Is a you count desire, u.
m will see that your tout
box not nick a
useful article.
Of course I
You get .-. v ,
Horse Goods . z
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought Sold
. ear
of up such a job
virtue of the power of sale
lined in a certain mortgage
executed and delivered by
. and wife Katie
to Robert Harris on the
I in the register of deeds
North Caro
J page the
d will expose to public
the court house door
to the
. on Mond
a certain tract
houses on
ten .
The Call of the Pact.
I got an
, I Jo of tho
. . , . e. m tho
Nannie Johnson has
d into one of the
son Ninth street in South
. Little has move into his
on Pitt street.
has a pretty home.
r .-
.- some suburban grocer
eh of money by
and then
, ii. who desired
tn loaf and be
trod to do much an
a furnish hi own tobacco.
The White
W is
March, the
tor plan for
to be erected in tho of
A Comp
was the de-
voted of i cloth doll caller
from which he could not
he it became so
dilapidated tho other member;
, ,;,. would have dispensed
with its company without a
r, One he started on a
i with his and as
was hugged in
his arms.
exclaimed his com-
throw that dreadful
looking doll away, and grandmother
will buy v u i
r -i
over the HI tie fellow's countenance
ll .- he sad-
W- A
day of.
office of,
tier for cash
or parcel of
in the county
of North Carol.
as follows
land adjoining t.
James, L. C
containing one
more or leas
One other
acres more or less
same land convey.
James in the
father's land R. C. C
satisfy said
Terms sale cash.
This the of
Robert Harris, M
Julius Brown. Attorney.
North Carolina.
How Diphtheria
One often hears
child a
expressions j
coll which
Prom the ,
W hen tired out, go home. When you
go home. When you
highest bid- developed when the ; want consolation, go home When you
a extra brilliancy go home and light
mes and whole To which we would
hundred . when you have a bad cold go home
j a Home n take chamberlain's
IT a measles which settled in her
to Katie and St last resulted in a severe
I and a quick cure is certain.-For sale
About two months ago our by nil and Dealers in Patent
lion of of We had two doctors but
to relief was obtained. Everybody
thought she would me.
,. stores to fin., a certain remedy
which had hen recommenced to me and
1908. ed to get it. when one of the Store.
Insisted I try Chamber.
Iain's Cough Remedy. I did so and our
baby is alive well today. Geo. W.
Holly Springs, N. C. For salt-
by all and dealers in Patent
By virtue of the power of
v, -1 throw Maudie away, Sad.
Sell to lose smith to J. n.
Band's First Appearance.
; Aeolian Band made its
i-i public Tues-
The boys came out
on the corner near
house before the open- J Th i
f the performance. Con-1 .- rt
i that they have had ,.,,,,., mechanic, was i
i month's practice they did The design
well, and their
by i gather- t t
street .
opposed to ho
hut tho w
; ii
i the
f December and
e en-
Rank Foolishness
attacked by cough or a cold,
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before
the Superior court clerk of Pitt
county as administratrix of the
estate of Albert Moore, deceased,
notice is hereby given to all per-
sons indebted to the estate to
immediate payment to the
undersigned, and all persons
having claims against said estate
are notified to present the same
r. corded in the Register of Dee
of Pitt county. h
J-S aW, the win t
pose to public sale, before the Discovery seven years and
door in Greenville. j know it is the best remedy on earth
bidder on Monday, the 3rd of end croup, and all
l Pell.
Down tho steps tho
Dr carefully picked his
way, then his feet suddenly
out, ho went down right
in tho. midst of a group of stock-
Mi good morning,
or your throat is sore, it la rank I to the for payment
foolishness to take other
than king's New
C. O. r of Empire, Ga. have
Discovery seven years and I
and My children are
of the wicked man whose foot slip-
. .
retorted tho good
rather do I seem
man who went down to Jericho
he fell among thieves
murmured the doctor as he got up
acres more .
gage. Terms of sale Lash.
day of January,
B. White Mortgagee,
moved decorously L. Fleming, Atty.
line to J H. Smith's line. I
thanes a South East course with J. H-1 A Health Level
Smith's line to Smith s line, i
. n; readied a higher health level
I ming Dr. King's New
Westerly course with J. Jacob Springer, of
line to the beginning, eight Maine. keep my
s more or lees, sod liver and bowels working
rather do
t down to Jericho. course with I. J.
chorused the
on or before the 17th day of
December, 1908, or this notice
will be in bar of recovery.
This 17th day of Dec. 1907.
Lorena Moore,
of Albert Moore.
If these nils disappoint you
on trial, m will be refunded at J.
L store.
From my farm on
the second Sunday in
October, a black male hog,
weight about pounds,
marked slit in each ear.
Would appreciate information
leading to recovery and pay in-
formant for trouble.
Mrs. N. E. Tucker.
R. F. D. Winterville, N. C.
Editor and Owner.
Truth lit Fiction.
VOL. No.
Session Fail of Interest.
Notwithstanding the bad roads
throughout the county at this
season of the year, a large crowd
of teachers was present Saturday
and the meeting was one of the
finest during the year
On account of the sickness of
the president, Prof H. B. Smith,
and the vice president, Prof. W.
H. Cale, ex-president J. C.
Superintendent of
den graded schools, presided
The devotional exercises were
conducted by Rev. J. E.
in a most appropriate manner.
After the minutes had been
read By the secretary, Miss
Boushall, the program was
taken up ,
Prof. W H.
the subjects the differ-
essays as Those
competing for the Arthur medal.
Schools of Pitt County In
for the Grimes medal,
County in North Carolina His
from 1860 to Those
competing for the Cox
Value of the Life of a True
Tho first two are
open to the boys and girls of all
the schools of the the county.
The last one to the teachers of
the county. The names of those
competing must be sent in to
Prof. W H. by the
first of March, and the essays by
the first of April.
Next Miss Laura Cox, of the
den graded read a
most excellent paper on
importance of She out
lined her paper under three
The Importance of
Order; What it should be;
How to obtain it Under
the first head she suggested that
order first law and
that in school character to a
great extent is formed; under
the second, that every pupil
should be taught to respect
another's rights; and under the
third, control yourself first and
be considerate of the
The subject, to
Solve the Problems of School
was discussed by Prof. G
E. who is easily one of
the ablest instructors in the
state. He laid special stress on
securing attention and laid down
three ways in which it may be
secured as follows; Prepare
your text well before recitation;
Love the studies to be taught;
Plan out each recitation by
the vital points to be
brought out. Prof.
handled his subject in a
manner as only one who has
worked out these problems by
actual experience. We regret
that space forbids giving a full
synopsis of his address.
According to previous an-
Prof. N. D. Walker,
of the University of North Caro-
who is traveling in the
interest of the State high schools,
was present and was introduced
by Prof who referred
to him as doing a work second to
none in the importance in the
State for its educational advance-
Prof. Walker spoke on
the place of the State high
schools in our educational system
and their importance. He said
i hat the elementary schools
failed to train the children for
citizenship in that they did not
extend their course high enough.
The high school must take them
at this point and prepare them
for collate or for useful citizen
ship. Nearly two thousand
of our State falling
out every year and to a great ex-
tent these must be replaced by
those from the county high
schools, because our colleges are
inadequate to supply all these.
He made a special plea for
trained teachers.
At the close of this strong ad-
dress, Prof. R G. Kittrell, super-
of public instruction
and Tarboro graded schools, was
introduced to the association and
was extended a hearty welcome
All the teachers present were
inspired to go back to their re-
schools and do better
work than ever after hearing
these powerful addresses.
Notice to the Public.
From information received by
the undersigned it is apparent
that great damage was done by
the rain fall on Saturday night,
to the roads, dams and bridges
throughout the county, and I
take the liberty of suggesting to
the public that this damage
amounts to considerable and
therefore, of course, require
some time to repair.
I also desire herein to instruct
those who have heretofore been
authorized to look after certain
bridges to go at once to making
the proper reparation wherever
has been damage, and I
so desire to request the public
to notify me, or some
other member of the Board of
Commissioners, as soon as
where the damage is that
needs immediate so
that v may proceed to send
some one to make the necessary
We hope the public will be
patient with the Board of Com-
missioners take into con-
the season of the year,
the weather and the necessary
hindrances and troubles that the
Board of will
encounter in trying to repair
these damages.
This-the 13th day of Jan. 1908.
R. W. King, Chairman
Board of Commissioners-
January Session.
The January term of Pitt
court began today with
Judge W. R. Allen presiding and
Solicitor C. L.
the State,
The i-rand jury selected for
the term is as Jesse
Cannon, foreman, J, H. Collins,
L. H. Worthington, J. F. Harris,
Job Moore, R. T. Evans, James
Isaac Kilpatrick, Ashley
Whichard, T. J. Cox, H. V. Sta
ton. S J. Brewer, R. C Tripp,
J W. Martha, Jr., FM. Davis.
E. El Josephus W.
P Clark.
C. E. Fleming was sworn as
officer of the grand jury and L
W. Lawrence is court crier.
Judge Allen's charge to the
grand jury was able and inter
It was not a general re-
of the i code, for
as the judge said, in this time
when people have such
for enlightenment a
of sufficient, intelligence to be a
grand juror knows what crime is.
Judge Allen gave a brief history
of the jury system, and said
there was no more important and
honorable duty
upon a citizen. He said some
m-n have a wrong of
jury duty and invent all kinds of
excuses to shirk this duty, and
he had noticed that most of the
criticisms of courts and juries
come from the very men who
shirk the duty.
In this age so many business
men have their money invested
in corporations, that they act
against their own interests
they shirk jury duty. The line
between accident and negligence
where an injury occurs is so close
that it is hard for a jury to dis-
weapon, pleads guilty,
i fined and costs.
C. R. Galloway, carrying con-
weapon, pleads guilty,
fined and costs.
Dave Adams and David
Smith, affray, plead guilty,
fined each and costs.
J. B. Bland, false pretense,
pleads guilty, judgment
pended on payment of costs.
Herman assault with
deadly weapon, guilty, sentenced
months on roads-
Richard Bradley, assault,
George assault with
deadly weapon, plead guilty,
fined and costs
Noah Lawrence Tripp, carry-
concealed weapon, guilty.
John carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, fined
and costs.
James Brown, appeal from
mayor's court, guilty, fined
and costs.
Charlie Lane, resisting officer,
guilty, sentenced days
Moss Dixon, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
fined and costs.
William Tillery and
Dixon. gambling, guilty, sen-
imposed roads-
He said some The case of Lewis
charged with murder, was set for
The following cases have been
disposed of;
Frank Williams, with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
Ross Joyner, assault with dead-
not guilty.
W. H. Harrington, Sr., assault
with deadly weapon, pleads
guilty, fined and costs.
Jim Shaw, incest, not
Rouse and George
Darden, assault with deadly
weapon, guilty, fined each
it, and these men who
New Weekly Statement Brings
Joy to Wall Sheet.
New Jan. Evidence
that New York banks are again
on a cash basis was given today
in the weekly bank statement,
which disclosed that they now
hold a surplus above the legal
reserve requirements. For five
successive weeks since last
when the money and bank
situation became acute, the
deficits increased until the record-
total of was
reached. banks reported
decreases in the deficit for
weeks, until today a surplus of
was reported.
When the ticker began giving
the results cf the bank statement
and the word was
used the first time in
months, a whoop went up in Wall
street offices On the Stock Ex-
changes brokers had information
that the bank would
be an unusually good one, but
few thought the deficit would be
entirely eliminated. Stocks rose
with a buoyancy that has not
been before in nearly a
year. Gloom has hung
heavy in many brokerage offices
an-J only the bears,
of they are a few ft,
seemed to dislike the develop
of the day
Several stocks the
return to better money conditions
advancing and points.
closing figures were the best
of the day, but at that time the
full import cf the bank statement
was not known. After the close
it was shown in I he bank state-
that there had been a gain Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Venters
in cash by the associated Saturday in Greenville
The stockholders of U
National Bank of Greenville held
a Tuesday
in the office of the hank. The
following directors were
F. G. James, J. P. Q H.
W. Whedbee, G. E. Harris. J. E.
Winslow, L. W. Tucker, J. R.
Harvey, E A Jr., and
J E.
The statement of the cashier
submitted the stockholders show-
ed that the resources of the bank
had increased about
the past year. The record
value of the stock, based upon
the net earnings of the bank, is
now a fine showing for
an institution less than two
years old. The showing was
gratifying to the stockholders.
Immediately after adjourn-
of the Stockholders, the
board of dirt held a m -c-ting
and re-elected all present
officers of the bank, as
President, F- G. James.
Vice President, J. P
Cashier, F. J. Forbes.
Assistant Cashier, M, L.
Assistant Charles
N- C. Jan
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Sykes, of
Rocky Mount, came in
night and will spend some time
with their parents, Mr, and Mrs.
F. M. DicKens, on Mulberry
Register of Deeds R Williams
has issued the following licenses
since last
and Martha J.
Jno. R. Hart Sarah Mayo.
Levi Harris and
Warren L. Browning and Lula
C. Smith.
T. B. Adams and Julia Cannon.
J. L.
Charles Smith and Irene Gar-
Smith and
J. Z. and Mary Tyson.
Bill Adams and Katie
John Briley and G.
R. T. Strickland and Eunice
G. C. H Worthington and Hat-
tie Sutton.
Thomas Quinn. and Minnie
Lee Cox and Eliza
Wiley Mitchell and Ella
Samuel Daniel and Georgia
Robert Barrett Jr., and Clara
W. E. Daniel and Bur-
v Charles Hines and Mamie
Thomas Hopkins and Nellie
Riddick and Margaret
For Sale loads cow
manure. D- D. Haskett.
evade the duty are first to
when they think justice
not been done.
he crime,
Judge Allen, and you at once
lessen crime. It has been
mated that to percent of
the crimes are caused by
key, gambling and lewdness.
The immoral house and the illicit
distillery are close companions,
and where these are allowed to
exist in a community all the good
men and women who live there
cannot raise the moral tune of
such a community.
In many counties the punish-
for gambling seems to
ply only to caught
but the dealer
in margins on cotton and stocks
is more harmful to a
than the crap shooter.
No county ever erected a
The grand jury found a true
bill for murder Major
John Allen carrying
concealed-weapon, and assault
this week of anal-
most unparalleled amount.
Everyone wanted
where the gain in
G- H Cole and family left
to know I Thursday for Halifax and Raleigh
cash came where they spend sometime
with friend-, and relatives.
H. B. Phillips, F. M. Phillips.
W. T. Harrell and F A. Manning
returned to
from, as the known movements
of money had indicated a cash
gain of about or
It was explained that
the interior institutions which i night
hoarded funds are now sending it Sallie and Mrs.
with back to the reserve centers. 9- teach-
addition, corporations which association Saturday in
, . . . . Greenville.
to lock up their money in
anticipation of January dis
the heavy
both cases.
Ed Avery, larceny, days on
Coward and George
assault, deadly weapon,
plead guilty, fined each
Levi larceny,
W. II. Harrington, Jr., injury
stock, guilty.
They Braved Storm.
On Saturday night Mr- Tom
Quinn and Miss Minnie House
were married in the office of J,
B livery stable, opposite
the c house, the ceremony
better monument or greater being performed by Maj. H.
educational institution its j Harding The couple
Bobbins is quite sick
his residence en Jackson u
O C Calhoun return u
distributions, and this money is
now returning to the channels happened to
I misfortune of having his
treasury did the ,
right much tobacco cotton.
sash as the figures of the j
ban statement disclosed
deposits were decreased
by this week. There
were important gold arrivals.
The banks now hold a percent-
age of of cash reserve to
deposits. In the week of No-
2-5. when the deficit of
was reported, the
cash represented only 19.99 per
Everything was burned, the
family barely having time to
escape from tho
county home and he urged by two of the bride's
.-.,. at,. sisters and two young men,
jurors that the norm this Jones, sonic
hers also being present to mt-
tho marriage. , ; , .
The couple run away and buyers, purchased b
Greenville in the heavy rain J, O. Proctor Bro., at Grimes-1 j until the night f
lived about miles The price was 7th. Everybody can vote
For Popular School
wealthy county of Pitt was what others also being present
it should be. No county will tho
prosper that neglects to proper-
care its poor.
These and other good tilings
were mentioned by Judge Allen
in his charge, and his
made an impression on the Bright, n op and get Easy,
that should mean future j Mr. Man, quit
good to the county. j panic get busy. e,
Henry Moore, larceny, pleads and show tho reading public that
sentenced S months on you have confidence in yourself
and in business. If you get
north of
At the monthly of the
association to be held
Large Cotton here on February 8th, the
, . . . Band will present a beautiful
The largest cotton deal in this Rod to the most
county during the present sea-popular teacher in Pitt county.
son was made Tuesday when W. decision will he reached by a
II, Kilpatrick, one of Greenville's
of Coward that will
their choice as many times as
they like, voles to cost one
penny each. When you vote you
help the hand Every vote will
be placed In a locked box. but a
list will be printed every few
days showing how t stand
It is reported that the Norfolk and
cents- Mr. total
purchases for Tuesday were
bales, which was n
for one day.
big business
I money from the people's pockets, Southern railroad that far
has run
country corn at F. V. John-
near A. C. L. depot.
George Mitchell, run mixed trains be-
weapon, pleads out. You i .
fined and costs. j g pan., talk , a 1907 are
Guilford Harper, Jr. carrying a rang raw, I regular passenger trains. The long past due All persons de-
concealed weapon, pleads . for these trains has not i are notified to come for-
and costs. Fresh lot of bran at F. V. yet been made public. ward and pay promptly, as the
Luther Moore and Andrew Johnston's, near A C. L. depot. . law me to
assault with For the best Timothy Hay For grain and seed of all kinds
plead near A. C. go to F. V. Johnston, near A. C.
each and costs.
Alfred Barnhill,
carrying ton
. pot.
L. depot. Phone
law me to
the State treasurer in J.
Tucker, .
1-4 d w.
. .,
. .

Eastern reflector, 10 January 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 10, 1908
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Joyner NC Microforms
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