Eastern reflector, 11 November 1896

V ; t
hi P. is p e
pared to do all wort
of this
f L E.
Plenty of new
rial and the best VOL, XV.
of Stationery.
J. Editor and Owner IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year, in Advance.
fa nm .,
the Reflector and
above amount, is
I campaign year and you
I should take the two
NO leading papers.
Gen- Evans Grave of Crisp.
A man c die if e
Knew a friend, who
hi-, virtues a d ins
n bis funeral
. i in i h n v and hOD
on i hi. It
a s; Ii . when
Mark Anti ti p.-.-.- the funeral
of his ii d, -i it. B
id in used his
to-ti. b of the
lace. It is it far r sight
one who lived in an era
of light the noble
i of the old mi days
his clasped the
. ire Ch leaches
I ii .
A. I taught
Friend, the
ii I
in e i
. l
, . supreme and
boor a m i life
r k o b
a by ii- Me;
. i II It
the Common and Lords Are Var-
candles and oil
lamps an- need to light the
buildings, says
in most general use. The of
electric lighting from
the basement, and throughout the
building the lamps themselves are
very where arranged with great
and In dining -v
looms, for instance, lire placed voting
very high up, so lei the sap-
ply of is ample there is no
glare over the tables. In the tea-
Booms, In -ides the lights from the
there are wall
the tables and oven movable table
lamps those who to use.
them. And the and the
. room adjoining com
mons dining room nil the fittings
are made . iron, than -i
brass, so i In y may as
as I from am.
With as. , of it i.- men .
superintendent i all
Boris of ingenious and pretty
tings. And, as r .-; t
the which is everywhere
A in way of bad
is from Paris. A
bus gone into here
who will collect c-
The most wonderful city within
limits of United States, and j
which no existence whatever j
daring summer months, is Fish f fT
How lonely it must tor the
City, This municipal oddity
is built on the toe of bay
regularly every winter and
co a which ordinary col lei tors by men and their families who
are engaged in catching, cleaning
and packing lake trout and white-
fish for the market. Fish City is
situated in tho same nearly
winter and Is built of rough
pine boards. In tho winter of 1693-4
it had a population of nearly
visible, ii may be mentioned that h calmly awaiting
have been able The
employs to
sue particularly
from whom he
has in collect. One of
for instance, ii- to stop
at a debtor's with his wagon
top i f which he dis-
plays signs which am n
very hind colors bug-
only slops in front of
of people who will no
. their and
this so
I ha pit f-r to the full
amount of claim tn 1-
t n Army of Start the Ship the
All the been taken
down except n tow that reach
operators in these little way station , little way up the aides. A platform
telegraph offices at a news. I with n railing, on tho
paper man remarked the other wart workmen may rest the stout
in the smoking room of tho
Southwestern limited as the train
Hashed past the switch, semaphore
and office lights of one of tho tiny
lonely, remarked the
pieces of timber they vise as batter-
rams when they are driving
homo wedges, bus been erected
along the sides of ship There
nearly workmen distributed
along the sides in gangs of
each. Each gang has five wedges to
of all in Leavening U. S. Govt Report
and in 1894-6 almost twice that i W after. The time sot for
who is seated
iii i ; me
ii . ii ed to be
priest the black
b ; b I lie
gown sent to
Prince of Eternal.
holds on earth i
its tot
i-i the
an i th t i
ii s. and friends in
. i tin- las being rue
man on ii is
Li-id. In the article alter
i mortal i l w -j
. the eves of
torn i ii
T see as we
i. i
n h
. el
lb i . u
. t
e a the fa
s u a to I
e r. tho
i . f
. is
i i
the pure in I
. lie c
, . ,. ,., .,. . ;
I- I
I d and ii
, I i-i
i I r
the deli
a- f ; i l lie
H d
in making many
of the old lit
tings. The i
that in central ball,
weighs and bears
tho smaller ones in
the I it
hall and i i re i re to he
and . ; for
cleaning or placing broken
lamps. has, high
up in one, a crane, which
B r on tram by
tho el are carefully
aside on another tramway
that they may not i in
lie ii
being lowered. And in roof above
the of lords there i similar
arrangements, but with simply a
weight am a couple of earthenware
pulleys in place of crane.
chamber is
lighted entirely by electricity.
Bound the arched doorway
incandescent lamps, which are
required in show the
carving and clock lace, and tin-
one win i
buggy tin
it in
tho -ll-; y
allow a mob collect iii
the place in
the if
d has u-
man sit in
move on.
; s i j f ii i. ct i u
in front it st-re a f-v.
minutes, a-hen somebody rushes
so. which
Iv brought man's
d if it- very nominal for
ii to appear a second time to
r mind i is debtors of pron
to pay
this time not taken any part in
I the conversation, they have
I fun than you'd think. I used
to one of thorn myself back ii
the eighties. I was at a little
try station where about my
business night long was report-
to tho dispatcher tho time of
as they passed, with occasion-
ally a train order switched in.
in awhile would have a
i message to send on
. wire, and the rest of time hung
According to j heavy on our hands,
tho Old Testament contains ill fated Dennie Murphy,
distinct words, not counting proper was killed in Hastings
names and obsolete roots. A few, was a student in the office
comparisons with above ma ho wonderfully
not prove uninteresting. The fertile to make time
and through the crowd, you
Gentleman these
safety matches Why, they won't
light at all.
wot could you
The total number of distinct
words in Mew Testament, ex-
rinding proper names and their de-
is The vocabulary
of the Old Testament is much larger.
is usually just before high
where stream has a tide, j
A dredge has been used directly
in the path the vessel will take when
makes her plunge, so that she
may no obstructions. i
part of the ways has been inspected j
If file weather is cold, lard oil
been mingled with the tallow ti.
I make it soft, and if tho weather
warm has been mixed with I
it to it hard.
It is about an hour before the
for tho ship to move. Tho
workmen are summoned, and tho
signal is given for the first j
All at once a great din arises. It U
if an army of street were i
at work beneath the ship. If you
Weal it If Hail.
Here is a story about that
. late Lord
bury. It has I ho merit of being true.
Lord was standing bare-
headed in a well known
shop in Piccadilly while his bat was
being ironed A being
till alive, not yet reached bis
turn fur posthumous anecdotes and
must consequently nameless
entered the shop in full attire, and
seeing Lord bareheaded
mistook fur a Taking
off his own head covering, tho bishop
said, want to know if you have n
bat like Lord
the bat and its owner
turned on bis heel with curt 10-
mark, I haven't, and if I bad
I'm d------d if I'd
Affability BUM Who
J. K. Chambers, Union depot tick-
et agent, when in a reminiscent
mood, can tell many interesting
the side galleries there is a lamp stories of tho west in early days.
.- an I
ti i
. i-v-
red f
ft I
u ell. to in -i
;. here is
hi i i
b. .
t I
pi for
. eh
Catarrh Cannot -red
the the is-
m i-ore it
email n
i II i r. i ,
q ck . I-
v on III
I ill
i I n
. .
J lull i
ii ill I
m tin- i.
n a i i lb
I -I I ii. II
j in d a reg
i- in -f
i it ill. be i
j tin . y on the
I to i mill us -pi-Ii hod
res Its in Bend
f r n
A-CO Toledo.
placed behind each pillar, so that
while it cannot Itself be .-.-mi, ii
vents may be
therefrom being in deep shade
and so invisible to speaker.
principal lighting however,
cornea through the painted glass
roof, behind c powerful gas
lamps i. gas being preferred
to electricity hero both on account
of its ling powers and
because tho heal i a draft,
and so assists ventilation.
the glass is n very wire net-
work, so were a breakage to
cur there be no danger of a
cabinet minister being decapitated
In the lobbies and tho libraries i
electric lighting is used, however
In the libraries and reading room-
It is placed lower than in most parts
of the for obvious reasons.
And in all larger i
lamps are divided into three groups,
which independently of one
another. Tims, on a dull day one set
of lamps would be in use; ii it were
foggy, there might be two sets, and
at night all throe are employed.
and Si-I-n.-p.
One of the worst en of sci-
published his on Fish-
which was of such
in determining the n
ages of tho strata in they
were found that the United Stales
government contributed to
of publication, Mr. Buskin,
in volume page
says, a mere
to paid for all that end draw-
of the nasty, ugly things, and
it didn't matter n stale herring
whether had any names
a piece of criticism written I
with the pen of ignorance. Rut
what shall we say when we see
same writer of
i oil
in heaven n a
quote fr. e i v Sorely, if
a man was grant both as a man
and an of nature's
it was son who
made hi.-1 y from the pi of a
Hi. new to t hat i i the neat
est . that over lived
and Queries.
contain distinct words. Milton
used different words and forms
of expression in bis entire works,
Shakespeare, the peer of all
twisters, d over or
one-third more -a used by all
the writers of both Old and New
Louis Republic.
little Bink.-,
egged on by bis wife, who insisted
that there was a burglar in
returned the burglar.
my snapped Links,
exactly what I told you.
Nobody's there, so do go to sleep
One of interesting of
newspapers i l the Now Zealand To
or or Seven
Slurs. It enjoys distinction of
having a king for an editor. His
royal highness is not, it
is true, on independent sovereign
He was in tho service of tho gov- like Emperor William, but when i
eminent at Sydney when that town
was tho toughest place in Nebraska,
if not in the west, and whence per.
sons bound for tho Black Hills
A few days ago Mr. Chambers was
Bitting in the Milwaukee city office,
and the turned to early
days in the country
and bra very.
Mrs, V. aid, in the course
of a recent address on the subject of
book- and their uses, reminded her
bean rs f I prediction of Dr.
descends from royal throne to
editor's then, in-
deed, is he monarch of all
even of that wise bade
pendent personage, the
a small eight page
paper, three columns on a page. It
is printed in tho English and native
tongue.-. Sometimes translation
is in center column, sometimes
in one of outside columns.
Maori language is a
dialect. It closely approaches
that of the Islands, of tho
played night on a
young operator up tho lino that
never think of without a smile
was Dannie's idea, and it worked
like a charm.
see, operator in question
was of tho sort of young
fellows who fancy that an operator
who works of the country
offices must of necessity a
as used to call a poor operator
in those days, and that it is at all
times advisable to sit down upon
in every way possible when
there is tho slightest excuse for it
and frequently when there isn't.
This particular operator was cordial
detested all along tho line.
Dennie and I fixed
fake message to send
Hie way, it might well to men
that tho brass pounder in
lion was not half so good an opt
or as he fancied a;.
bad tho message prepared
sprung it on when business v i
message purported to come
from Milwaukee, and we
signed of repeating office
at western end of the circuit,
first thoughtfully th
wire west to avoid detection.
those days Dennie was a
remarkably good and
way ho pushed that message into
have kept the latter busy indeed
It is said that an apple aster will
never be dyspeptic or given to
see the men drawing back the bat
taring rams and then projecting
them sharply against wed go after The lovers this fruit say
wedge This work continues for that one must always eat it raw,
four or five minutes, and then an others consider it only edible
is made. It is necessary When cooked. This latter is wrong,
that wedges be driven uniform- however, as a ripe apple well
Tho effect of this rally seems is a healthy food. Among
imperceptible. It has resulted, excellent ways of cooKing apples are
however, in driving the apple apple
lose up against sides of the j staffed, fried, preserved, jellied and
ship, and when that was baked.
has driven the sliding
down hard upon burgeon once described Noah as
ways, , out the tallow outside ark at twilight
and there. But the ship still rests This reminds
upon keel blocks one by a
After arcs of or minutes ding his own
second rally comes. In go the m with a pair
wedges, and great hull seems to
tremble just the least bit. She is
beginning to rest on launching
Ways, At last is raised
small bI of an inch above
the blocks. Now comes the
for quick work. Hove is where
the begin to swing their
of born framed spectacles.
of Spectacle.
Spectacles, to enable the user
see objects near at hand or at a dis
made in a variety
forms. In a common form the glass-
es in two parts, joined at the
center, tho upper halves being of a
One gang of men rushes to and tin
pr e chat are still rest
against the sides the hull.
lower halves to reading. Sometimes
a piece is cut out of tho glass and n
Quick Wows are given; timbers and piece of a different power is put in
begin to fly, and prop after its place. Sometimes tho variation
prop fails to the ground. Another
gang of men is rushing after the
pioneers. the painters,
and with long brushes on tho ends
of polos they daub over tho places
where props rested, which could
i place
is by contenting a wafer
glass over a part of tho spectacle
glasses, and sometimes by grinding
away a part of the claim
There made also spectacles with
crescent shaped glasses, tho
It today, and I must
It brought a emotion
At I of tin. time when happiness
Wan by fed devotion.
I of a pore, boy.
With plans fur our future union.
And the life, with their base alloy,
entered our communion.
But the tide my life om
In a full and
And I the lore had
With many a worthy pleasure.
Many years have pasted that lot
In my frank, impulsive fashion.
And my mind has to a plane above
My most ardent dream or passion.
I think of those dear old
When my heart w.-is and tender.
And that little with her dainty ways.
Was the shrine of my surrender.
Edmond in Detroit Free
Ho broke a good many not be painted until props wore tho glass being cut out on-
finally had it ell. Hero is a copy , taken away. I
Why Maker
J i ii ii i; taster of who Navigator's group and of
shall come in the future Natives of these mutually under.
to teach entirely by tend one another.-
Wei all begin with life which
is most familiar to life
of shall and
more put before our children tho
great examples of
they shall have from begin-
heroes and friends in
of the message as near as I tan re Underneath tho ship another gang
Paid ; t Bate.
Wis., 8th.
John Join,
Our are too Mew. If any more
onions, options r delivery.
of men is making havoc with tho
keel blocks. Sharp s
inserted on tho sides of
blocks, and sledges are used as I
workmen come from tho river
, .,.,,. , , . toward the bow, knocking this way
you said Mr. Grate mads , that
bar, for a long time I couldn't words, while the body ,
what brought our neighbor, of the message counted and back
the wearer reads through tho
glasses and looks over them to see
at a distance. There
called clerical glasses, that like
glasses with tho upper halves cut
off; tho looks down through
tho glasses to road, and can see
over them without effort when ho
looks it
York Sun.
You can no more escape the an-
of your misdeeds than a
boiled climb a telegraph
c Herald.
More Thai,
club. Did bear what ho said
said that they were tho first
duplicate presents that
Mrs. he had received
Brook i Ufa
s it
I a i
spec d
Tommy Sun.-- a
I f neighbor, Hark-
Mr. Tucker,
jives at v n deal in
and i ii left never
. r I -s right hand is do-
e i e take boxing lea-
i . i ii Tucker.
. Expo
will N May
i. i a
he Union- The is to
cost all
has be n sub-
scribed. Work
i a pose i f tho
his been
buildings are beau
of an i
aVe spacious picturesque
every adapted for Notice to Creditors.
pose intended- exposition In with a decree made at
sis The 1890 of Pitt Superior
will continue six ,
in J, N. r.
are ., en-
Mr-J. t R. A.
railroad being
president. Misted Mr , l day u;
A- ft- Wills an I, my to
. u Inc.
prominent en of Nash- pro . n each debt in
Louis -d creditor desiring
i u- la assets their
the past t n days within ah time
steps to full K. A.
, I products I and rick of the Court.
C, 1338.
Mr. Anthony in to see the
us so often. Mr. was a should be
retired boiler maker. He bad been Dennie;
a journeyman boiler maker and then under tho it
a boss, and having made a modest customary for the receiving
fortune bad retired to enjoy it. to tho body of tho
He lived only two or back to the sending
from and used to come in of that is, repeat tho first letter of each
ten evenings. Ho seemed word to verify tho check,
to like to bear children the error can be quickly detect
play on tho piano, and if they didn't So Dennie
play ho would always ask to have
them. I used to wonder at this, be- came loiters with a
I I never bad any idea that Mr. spiteful
Yes, I heard it at the especially fond
music, and day I asked and over again
about it. him repent this frank admission
you Mr. Ham- operator on tho line was
that every man enjoying it. Ho finally tumbled and
has a feeling of affection for the would not respond to our demands
or profession that be was to letter it just more, but it
brought up in. I know that I have was a long time ho heard the
that for my own, and when of our connection with
I bear your children play duets leaked
tho piano with tho bard pedal on all York Press,
time, it makes mo think of the
old boiler
York Sun.
One day a rich but ill
who sad havoc of tho French
apparently lifter much confusion, Breach of Discipline.
but really in accordance with a care-1 In February, 1718, Lord Robert
system, all tho blocks are, third son of first
knocked away, and the of Lancaster, afterward
moment has arrived. All the wedges in tho army and colonel of the
been driven borne, and their regiment of foot guards,
edges are in a lino as straight a reprimand, such reprimand
as a file of on dress parade. I convoyed to him by Duke
Tho ship rests on an entirely now of Cumberland's aid-do-camp. His
foundation and a very treacherous I military offense was that had
one. There are no side supports to blown his ho relieved guard,
keep her from toppling over. The I beneath bis grace's window in St.
l-Kit-; Shirts.
Genuine cashmere shawls are so
that one measuring three or
square yards could
within shell of a small walnut.
But an even delicate fabric is
manufactured on tho Philippine is-
lands from the fibers of pineapple
leaves. To properly
fibers for Weaving involves much to i language called upon Jules
work. For instance, the tiny tho French critic, and began
fibers are tied together by band to
suitable lengths. Tho weaving of a
quantity sufficient for shirt is
the work of several years, and so it
is no wonder that such a shirt costs
about but rich planter
of and
afford to indulge
Mr. c. Druggist, Beaver
vibe. in-, King's New
Discovery I ewe my taken
a tirade upon trivial matter in
execrable French. listening
politely for some time at last
replied to his visitor in Latin.
do you mean, If.
demanded tho man angrily.
don't understand you. I can't speak
sir; cried the great
critic. could not speak it
worse than you do
The o.
Piano does it happen
that in this pedal is bro-
with I tried the ken every week
w is
. Having Dr King's New
in my I tent for a e and
began r use and from the first dost-
Ki gut better, and three
b was up an i about again It is
its In gold we won't
keep or without, Get a
free trial at L. Drug
Bring your Poultry and to
for the highest market pikes
Buy and ship in large and
m to p you as much any
Most of bookkeepers and cash-
employed in business
bosses Chinamen, who are
en preference for such positions
because of honesty,
I dislike an eye that twinkles like
a star. Those only beautiful
which, like have a lam-
bent light, are luminous, not
I. of l n--.
Tho chief thing about tho great
is, after all, that it is very
big, but intaglio, found at
Delphi or Olympia, is of more inter-
est, in way, and infinitely more
fascinating. The opprobrium of
newness lies upon the Amer-
and there
of Americans who would ex.
change all Now York, and Chicago
into tho for ancient
monastery or for-
tress of tho past. Our transatlantic
a wonderful and delight-
but cannot show a
unless have
ported it from tho old world. It is
not surprising, then, that as soon as
they have their or are
on the way to making it, the first
thing Americans think of is a visit
to Europe, and, most of all, to tho
old land. It has boon said that
strongest wish of every American is
to an Englishman. But, if t bey
only knew it, they Englishmen
London Standard.
Dr. G,
says. Dr. New
Discovery my life. I was taken
With La Grippe and
fur miles bill avail
was sad told i no
live. Having Dr. King's New
in my store I Rent for a bottle
began its use and from dote
began better, and after using
and a bunt
Deceit is the false road to three bottle was up and about again.
i i. is worth its In
and all the joys we travel keep or u.
through to vice, fairy banquets, a at John L
when we touch them. Dreg Store.
toboggan slides are ready for work,
and they must in their in-
in their horizontal
or the ship will wrecked
as goes sliding down toward the
water. is held entirely by
stout piece of timber that clamps the
James palace; this, and this only
was all ho bad
Beacon Hill's Glory Departed.
Who among tho prophets could
foretold years ago that real
estate on far famed Beacon bill
stationary and sliding together depreciated in value
section of
a Great by is fat;
in St Nicholas.
Island, although the least
of the states, is strong in
employing hands and
producing worth of
lines of goods.
manuscripts of fifth and
twelfth centuries were written with
very good black ink which has not
shown least signs of fading
All that is good in art is ex-
of one soul talking to an-
other, Is precious according to
tho greatness of tho soul that utters
Gallon was originally a pitcher e
jar, no matter of what size.
Here is a diamond, here a of
Both carbon . yet between,
them of magicians
food on your
own bod; ; the same,
vet between two the
lion, the arbiter el growth or decline,
or death.
We cannot make a diamond, we can-
not make blood and bone. No.
But by means of the Shaker Digestive
Cordial we can enable the
food which would otherwise
poison the a
forms of con-
weakness, loss of flesh,
thin m the
dial is remedy. Taken
with fool it relieves at one It
and assists nature to nourish
trial to show its merit
is t e be-t medicine for
en it hi place-
Th Pint Preparations Are Mad
the Are Laid.
It has often said that man
begins to die the moment that he
begins to live. It might also be said
that a ship begins to be launched
the moment she begins to built.
Tho first thing in actual con-
is to arrange tho keel
blocks on which ship is to rest
while is building. must be
placed at distances apart,
and each must a little
than its neighbor nearer the water.
These blocks are usually of the
Stoutest oak and are placed from
two to feet apart. They must
a regular inclination, or
Ship cannot be launched. In
like St. Louis the incline is
about half an inch in height to
a foot in length. In smaller
It is often more than one inch to
foot. Larger vessels so much
weight that a sharp incline is not
as necessary as with smaller ones.
Tho keel of ship is laid o
blocks, and as fast as tho sides of
the vessel are up great props
against them to make
sure that by no will
topple over.
At length bull of ship is
completed. it is that
launching apparatus is prepared.
This consists of two parts, one that
remains fixed on the ground and
one that glides into tho water with
the ship. The part that goes into
the is cradle. It is that
part in which tho hull of the vessel
rests snugly, and probably that is
why it is called a cradle. When the
time comes for the launch, a long
row of blocks is built under each
side of tho ship at an distance
from keel blocks and of the
same inclination. On those
first the stationary
These consist of broad planks of
oak from to feet wide, capable
of sustaining a weight of from to
tons to square foot On top
of ways the
of nearly tho breadth,
and between the two the tallow is
A narrow cleat runs along the
edge of the stationary ways so that
sliding ways shall not slip off as
carry tho ship along. Above
tho sliding ways is what is called
the This consists Of
pieces of timber packed
curving of vessel to
hold it firm to tho sliding ways be-
neath. Tho in the hull vary
much that it would be impossible
to lit sliding ways to them, and
so, by moans of packing, ship is
fitted to the ways instead. The pack-
and the sliding ways constitute
the cradle, and it is fastened to the
ship by stout Along its length,
at intervals of about are
big Wedges, the points of are
Inserted between the sliding ways
and packing. A rope about the
thickness of a clothesline runs from
wedge to so that none may
be lost when they float into the
are now ready for the
Tallow to thickness of about an
Inch has been spread between the
ways as were put in position,
nearly barrels being necessary
for a ship like the St. Louis. The
sots snugly against the ship's
bottom. Tho vessel, however, is still
resting on the blocks. The task
now is to transfer the ship from
those blocks to the launching
supports and to take away keel
blocks. Then, when the weight of
the ship rests on tho launching ways
alone, all that is necessary is to saw
away the at the bow,
where the stationary and sliding
ways are fastened and the
ship by her own weight will
into the If she needs
a start, several using
power are ready beneath the
keel to lift her a trifle and give her
i Great
Asa remedy for all forms of U
Bitters has proved to be
best. It effects a permanent cute
most dreaded
headaches yield to Its Influence We
and it illustrates how tho whims of
fashion dominate all things
I told you of the Spaniard
who always put on bis
about to cat cherries, that
might look bigger and tempt,
In manner I make tho most
of my enjoyments, and though I do
not my cares away, I pack them
in as compass as can, and
carry them as conveniently as I can
for myself, and let them an-
Pores of Habit.
A story is told of an old
miser, who, at the point of
death, resolved to all his
to a nephew at whose bands
had experienced some kind-
said ho, for that was
bis nephew's I am
about to world, and to
leave you all my You will
then have Only think Yes,
I feel weaker and weaker. I think I
shall in two hours. Ob, yes,
I'm going Give me per cent,
you may the money now
Running tho gantlet as a military
punishment was, it is said,
ed by to punish
thieves in bis army. It was
towed by the English from Gar-
mans, who copied it from Gustavus,
and om ployed in British urge all who are afflicted to procure a
regiments in America was readily bottle, and give this remedy a
taker, up by the Indians of this of constipation
Bitters cures by giving needed tone
to, the and few cases long
the use medicine. Try it i r -e.
cents and 61.00 at Joan L.

Greenville, N. C.
Entered at the pot at
Me, N. C. as second o ass mail matte
in Our Correspondent
Wednesday, November 1890.
Greenville, N. MM.
To Tue Public in
King's Weekly, a paper
published at this place, contained
attack on Mr. Skinner in which
my name was and offensively
used as a witness against him. It was
not the first time my t had been
used in that paper in a manner offensive
to me, I tut paid no attention to it and
would not now if the matter involved
myself alone. The statement In the
paper, as I remember it, is
Jarvis is now in the western part the
Slate and says these things are true and
the hall has not been If it was
meant to charge that had discussed
these things in public the charge is
true. it is meant to say that I bad
discussed them in private, if true, it was
gross of confidence to give H
out publication, but as a matter cf
fact, it is not true that have used the
language attributed to me in
to Mr. It is well known
I have assisted in the adjustment o
some of bis financial mutters and it may
be that in talking about his
to some individual creditor I may
have said that is not hall of his
; but I emphatically deny that I
have ever discussed Mr. Skinner's
fairs in the manner or in the spirit
in said
When I was engaged in my canvass
in the western part of the Stale I read
a telegram Greenville published
in the daily papers purporting to give
t of an incident Mr.
Lucas and Mr. Skinner in their
discussion at Greenville. The telegram
made Mr. Lucas say, have been told
h today that Gov. said he
heard Skinner lobbying in Washington
in favor a bill to pay clerks a salary
a the year through ; and
minutes later went on the floor Con
-ind made a speech against and
voted against the I
from the and I say I have
never made a statement to any
one. I never heard Mr. Skinner lobby
for such a bill. I never heard him re-
any one to vote it w any-
way, or indirectly, in any man-
try to influence them
do so; and I have never suited to any
one that he did. The facts about what
I saw and heard Washington and
what I have suited in private
m Greenville are I hap.
to be in the lobby of the
Representatives last spring when the
bill referred to was under consideration.
I was in conversation with Skinner
and two or three other members of
House when something was said
the matter under discussion. Mr. Skin-
remarked that he wanted to see the
bill puss but that he could not vote for
it; and some of the other gentlemen
aid the same thing. In a short time
thereafter I was sitting with my back
towards the seats discussing
with from the West th;
probable outcome of the Chicago Con-
when beard a familiar voice
on the floor speaking, and raising up
and looking in the direction of the voice
I saw Mr. Skinner on the floor making
a speech against the bill. have joked
Mr. Skinner about speaking
against a bill which he wished to see
I have also stated these
facts to and laughed about them with
those with whom I am in the habit of
associating in Greenville, but it never
occurred to me that one use,
them in a political discussion. Nor
could have imagined that
man who aspired to a seat in Congress
could so far forget the common pro-
of life as to make use on the
stump a private conversation as
coming from me without first
f-om me the facts and my permission
to my name in connection there-
with. When I read the t of the
discussion I fell indignant at Mr.
conduct and I so wrote I trust
he may be able to say it was thought-
and not deliberately done. I
make these statements facts because
feel that those who desire to know
the truth of the matter may do so; and
because will not allow the coarse and
brutal language to have been
Used by Mr. Skinner on the occasion
referred to prevent me from doing
in the matter.
Titos- J.
I Peel Sarah Bright
Alex Venters SO,
SO Elisabeth I Amanda
Dunn .-0 Alex Harris U
The following orders tor general
purposes were issued
i Henry the, defeat
J W Smith J B Little
Henry Lewis J L
J Brooks James Barrett
Ed Page E A
It M Starker Luke
It W Kin- B W King better than the Republicans did
j parts might find that it would
advantageous to after its
j Had the Democratic
, i party teen organized as it should
Washington, Nov. Gib 1896 been Senators Jon, and
Democrats are would have bad more
had wall of defeat again.
Greenville, Nov. 1895.
The Board of Commissioners for
county met this date, present C.
son, chairman. Leonidas Fleming, S.
M. Jones, T. E. Keel and Jesse L.
The following orders for
Martha Nelson II D Smith
Nancy Moore Susan Briley
Henry Harris Kenneth
Henderson Eliza Edwards
J H Henry Ann
Cherry i Fannie Tucker Alice
Corbett Winifred Taylor
Polly Adams Mrs. J W Crisp
Long Edwin Had-
dock Matilda Thomas Mrs. I
Joyner Hannah
t as or
whelming as the
tried to make the country believe
it was. but still it is defeat. Dem-
do not like defeat any bet-
now than the past any
It W King W H J
L W T Godwin
Alonzo Jones S T Carson
A A Joyner J M
Morris Meyer Woody Mo-aw-
horn W It Whichard Henry
CHas Council W
B Wilson S E Ponder F
W Brown F W on,
M B Go, D J Whichard
It W King E A
W B Moore K F Williams
Wiley Pierce S V
four years but there are
numerous reasons which serve to
make the defeat of
aggravating, not the least
of which is the knowledge
his el action would have ho
easy had the gold Democrats
en him as loyal support as the
silver Democrats gave to Cleve-
land in his campaigns. Still
there is very little bitterness ex-
pressed by Democrat. They
made their against the
I Barton Woody Me- great eat odds any party
W L House So, N L
Gray iv II Williams J It
Congleton J J Perkins J W
Murphy E G Cox E B
C M Bernard N
K Cory James Cox D C
Moore J II M t
Bullock It I. Davis W C
Askew J A bang W
Whichard See, T II W
H Boss, II T King J O I
J L Smith , S M Jones
L Fleming C
T E Keel W M King C
Laughinghouse -o.
A petition from T. F. and
others asking for a new road across the
lands of F M Smith. J W Allen and
others was lead.
that the lands of Miss F M
Hill, in township, be in
valuation from
W W Gardner,
S F Hardy and Edward Stocks were
released from poll tax 1890.
The persons were allowed
to list
Little, J W Wig-
gins, S II Abbott, C -de, It M
Kennedy, Henrietta Dixon, John Little
James J C Foy, W A Forbes,
J Teel, W W Al-
A Mills, James
Hardy, Mills, Mary V Evans.
Canady Evans, Augustus Evans,
May, A Boyd.
Swift E May.
.-lardy, Noah Hardy, Hardy,
C Harris,
A Gardner, James II
Coward, Groan
William Jones, II II Hardy, S
L Graft, I. C
Cooper, Limn.
t warren.
M King settled tor hire Henry
Bennett and was released Iron same.
trustworthy information from I
oral States than they far-
with, and had the ;
that were lost they might have
taken steps that would have
saved them and possibly have
changed the result of the
It is the custom to
at party machines some
but for all that they are
adjuncts of most
Below we give the total to iv
ed by different in t is county
the on th.; right indicating ma
Snowed Here Years
In conversation with Governor Jar-
vis Monday he mentioned that he was
for the time in Greenville years
ago that day and in he remembers
it then it was a a place.
He told us the circumstances of his
visit. He Raid his 8th,
in which he was a company commando
was in camp at A courier
brought the news there that the Fed-
troops had at
and were burning and destroying every-
thing before them. Col. Shaw with his
regiment, the 8th, a battery of
and some other troops made a rapid
march over to to the
Yanks and to protect the people.
The report turned out to be
and the troops all returned the next
day. The Governor tells us that his
regiment camped that
of November, the woods on
the old plank road about miles
Greenville near Mr. Stanley
Smith's, that he went to with
some pine straw and the earth for his
bed and a blanket and the sky for his
covering, and that he woke up next
morning covered up about two inches in
He also tells us that he came into town
early that morning, the 9th Nov.
and that it was snowing, that about
ten o'clock he received orders to act as
Baser of the Rear Guard on a
eh back to and that he
Greenville eleven o clonk, and
that they were compelled to go by the
way of Hookerton to cross the Content.
and that he went into camp at
dark. He also says
that the snow melted during the
and that it made the roads very sloppy
and disagreeable. The reason of the
forced mar h back to Kin sum was that
a dispatch was received that
by Col. Shaw to hurry hi ck to
Kinston, collect all his available
force and proceed with all possible
speed to threaten New which
was done.
It must be some thirty or more
from Greenville to Kinston by way of
Hookerton. To sleep on the ground
snow and then mike that march
on from eleven o'clock to dark in
the slush and mud. reads like of
Stonewall Jackson's marches or pipes
romance ; but such was the soldier's
fought against and no near
winning that they frightened some
of tho other follow almost to
death, being
and thorough believers in Hie rule
of the majority, they are general-
disposed to accept the result
philosophically and to wait for
time to even up things, as it gen-
end does, in politics in
everything else.
Although it is too early, owing
to the absence if full
tic returns, o pass full judgment
on the extent of defeat, is
known that a majority of
electors have been elected and
probable that a majority of the
popular baa registered
against the free cf silver;
it is that a of the
next House will be
Republicans, feared that
enough legislatures have gone
Republican to elect enough Sen-
to wipe out the silver
in the Senate give that
body over to the control of the
anti-silver Grant-
that these probabilities will
all turn out to be they are
not so terrible, a Democratic
print of view, as they at first
glance appear to be. In fact, if
the Democrats rot have
the Presidency and both branches
of it is much for
the future of tho let it
be forgotten that the
party is tho one deathless
cal that this has
that the Republicans
have them all. With the
of the government in their hands
can be no shirking of re-
on the part of the
Republicans. They have
the country a renewal of
prosperity, if they were
to power. Now that is exactly
what the country stands most in
what the
hoped to accomplish A
majority of the voters of the
country have decided that the
Republicans should have
trial. All right, let thorn go
ahead and give us prosperity as
soon as possible. If they it,
the voters will be sure to give
fall credit for it, and they
may be sure that the Democrats
will be too anxious after their
long period of under
previous republican legislation
and policy to get a of that
prosperity for themselves to raise
obstacles to prevent its com
or drive it away after it
rives. If they fail, as they have
done before, the voters will see
their mistake and will give the
Democratic party a to tee
what it can do towards making
the country permanently prosper-
instead of spasmodically
prosperous with long intervals of
Many things might be
the methods pursued to
cure election, but as
the case is analogous to that of
some of our unscrupulous rich
men who have no hesitation about
violating moral to get
but are almighty careful nut
to violate the criminal laws, it is
probably best to let them go with
out comment.
Since election there has
been considerable talk about a
reorganization of the democratic
party upon some basis which
bring together in one
all those who believe the
fundamental principles of the
party. Such a movement proper-
conducted is worthy of all
commendation, but if it is intend-
ed merely as a means of restoring
to leadership the men who failed
the party its hour of need it
will be certain to receive the con-
it deserves, from the
rank and file of the
men who bore brunt of th-
battle just lost. There may b
two as to the need of a
reorganization of the Democratic
party, but it is certain, to
mind, and I mink to that of the
most of those who are fa mi I i
with the working cf the campaign
just ended, that the
party needs organ very
badly in some states- That i
one of the few things that th
The above shows that th fusion can-
received ave-age
ties years ago. The vote
Bryan aid indicates bow
county would stand if the white
people voted t.
In there was a
lie between two of the
for magistrate. Under the election law
this will necessitate another election in
that township to fill the the
to be called by the Superior Court
Lincoln Nab., Nov
an today gives out the following state-
to the
cause ever had supporters more
brave, and devoted than those
who have the cause of
They have
and have fought with all the
zeal which conviction inspires.
will prove whether they O,
wrong. Having their duly as they
saw it, they have to regret.
The Republican candidate has been
raided as the advance of s-
It the policy brings re. pros-
to the America-, people, those
who Opposed will share ill
prosperity. If, on the other hand, his
policies prove an injury to die people
th. of his supporters who
do not b. long to the
class, or to tho privileged owes, will
sailer in common with those who op-
posed him. The friends of
have not been vanquished ; they have
simply been overcome. They believe
that the gold standard is a conspiracy
the money-changers against the
welfare cf the human race, and until
convinced of their error, they will con-
the against it.
-The contest has been waged this
embarrassments and
against great odds. The money
has been the paramount issue. The
held out the de-
hope of international bi-met-
while the loaders
labored secretly for sold
Gold standard Democrats have
the election the
Indianapolis ticket, while they labored
secretly the of he
ticket. The trusts and corpora-
have tried to excite a fear of law-
while they themselves have
been defying the law, and American
financiers have boasted that they were
custodians national honor, while
they were secretly bartering away the
nation's financial independence. But in
spite of the efforts of the
and its in spite of the
threats of the money-loaners at home
and abroad, in spite of the coercions
practiced by corporations, and spite
of the a hostile daily press,
has almost triumphed in
its first great right- The loss of a few
Suites, and that, too, by a very small
plurality has defeated
present, but bimetallism emerges
from the contest it was
tour months ago.
desire to commend the work of the
three which have
joined in the management this cam-
Co operation between the
hers of distinct political
is always difficult, but it Las been less
so this year than usual, Interest a
common cause of great importance has
reduced friction to a minimum. I here
by express my personal to
individual members, as well as the
officers of the national com-
cf the Democratic, Populist and
parties for their efficient,
aid tabors. They hive
lain the foundation
and will be remembered as
when victory is at
o.- politic need
grieve became of my defeat. My am-
has been to secure immediate
legislation rather than to the
honors of office, and, therefore, defeat
brings me no feeling of personal loss.
Speaking for the wife who has Shared
my labors, as well as myself, I de-
sire to say we have been amply re-
paid for all that we have done. In the
love of millions of our fellow-citizens,
so kindly expressed, we find full com-
for w we have
pat forth. Our hearts have been touch-
ed by the devotion friends, and our
lives shall prove our appreciation of the
of the plain people, an
We prize us the host re-
ward which this campaign bes brought.
the lace of an enemy rejoicing
in its victory Lt the roll be e died to.-
the next engagement and urge all
friends of bimetallism to renew their
allegiance to tin; cause. II We are
right, and I believe we are, we shall yet
triumph. Until convinced of their
let all advocates of bimetallism
continue the work. Let all silver clubs
retain their hold regular
meetings and circulate literature. Our
opponents have succeeded in this
and must now put their theories
test. Instead talking mys-
about and an
they must now advocate
and defend a financial system. Every
slip by Hit m be publicly
considered by silver clubs.
cans has prospered most where
the money question has longest
among the people. During
the next lour years it will be Studied all
over this nation even more than it has
been studied in the past.
year is net far away. Be-
fore that year arrives international bi-
will cease to deceive ; before
that year arrives those who have called
themselves gold standard Democrats
will become be with us
or they will become It-public ins and
be open emirs ; before that year
rives trusts will have convinced
mere people that the trust is a menace
to private and public safety ;
before that year arrives the evil effects
of a gold standard will b; even more
evident than are now and the
people then ready t Hid an Am
financial policy for the America
people will join with us in
ate restoration of the five and
coinage of gold and diver t the
present legal ratio of to without
waiting for the aid or consent of any
other nation.
confess to oar
today. Hope is
in sorrow. Exultation
piece to despair. Tue down trod
den are lower than over
before in m history. But for
faith an Providence
we would despair of our country
its institution-.
in our history we
have a somewhat
condition. before, in 1844,
Henry Clay mot defeat as
as did . on
Tuesday. your Hi tits and
try said lie. God rules
in all things how sub-
to Hie will and
chastisement on my as a
blessing in disguise. Ho may
out to us the fail
of ids wrath, and
a butter
to us as a nation, than
the party. bow
in humble submission to bis
wrathful and we in-
bis mercy while pours
out the vials of his displeasure
from cup of Republicanism
which holds Ins
But after all, tho nice is
ways to swift nor tho battle
to strong. Victory is
the or speedy
defeat. As sure as God rules.
Democracy has been a chosen
vessel the history of this
try. has been instrument
of its progress and It
has bad severe but
it has always come out of them
purer, burnished,
brighter, more stalwart de-
Lot us not loose faith
in its loyalty, heroism, its
steadfastness and its patriotism
Let us not cease to venerate the
memory of the illustrious Demo
every period of our his-
that have given to our
i Venerable men Patriots
all They speak to us from their
graves admonish us to
City Economist-
No comment on tho def of
Democracy that we have lead so
impressed us as above from
the pen of Col. B. the
venerable editor the Economist
Having already passed his four
score years and being familiar
with the history of our gov-
through a large putt of
its existence, no is so well
prepared as he to picture
ilia rule of the party
means. What lie says reminds us
of a conversation the
had a few Saturdays prior to the
election with a prominent minis-
of Primitive Baptist church.
Al his
of Mr. and ins desire to
see him he
I feel hope that he will be
elected this When asked
for his reason for he
remember the
history of the of
how because of
wickedness and rebellious
He permitted bad men to
rule over them, and often sub-
them to overthrows and
even to captivity. feel that way
now- There is such great wick-
in this nation, the people
are so possessed with a stunt of
rebellion, there is so much envy,
strife, bitterness and do-
that I fear God will permit
us to meet defeat and suffer fur
punishment lie de-
livers us from our
I., News m -an
but It cent per line
will he for obituary notices of
all business men who do not a he Use
while Delinquent
ill lie la cents par line tor
obi notices. Advertisers and cash
v. I r is
off w a I'll- I V t .
. v m
men in
will gladly pay their
Below are Norfolk prices r.
and for
by Cobb on Mer-
chants of
J. J.
J. B
J G-
Low Middling
Good Ordinary
CO t
We You n
Life tn Mother
Robs Confinement of its Pain, Horror and Risk.,
My wife used N-
fore birth tier chi d, did not
suffer from or quickly
I relieved at the critical hour but,
no afterward her
was rapid.
E, K. Johnston. Ala.
Sent Mail or on receipt of j
Mr bottle. Moth-
matted Free.
Is lowest price any to you Are the best y
I If come in and see our stock
which we have just received. Oar store is
full of New hi d prices
were never lower.
To the
lad e we extend cordial to examine our stock of
Dress Goods
We Lave a beautiful up-to-date You will Bod the
we know we can please you. O lovely, how
beautiful, the prettiest line I have ever is what lady friend
say have B hue and blacks and
cm please you.
in Ladies and Gent
GOODS have a
splendid line.
In DIES LO for Wraps
jaw what want.
North Carolina, I
County. tn the Court
Sarah J
The defendant above named take
that an action as above
has eon commenced in t
of for a divorce and
the will take
notice tint she Is to appear at
the term of
to lip held at the
House In Greenville on the 18th Mon,
lay after 1st in
1806. answer or demur to the com-
plant of the plaintiff, or the relief de-
will granted.
This f October. 1886.
K A.
Clerk Superior
F. Attorney.
Sale of Valuable Land.
By of the i vested In me by
a decree of of Pitt
comity made at September term ism in
In which Brown,
K. Everett Is
an I Skinner are
I will offer for sale at the Court
door in 7th
day of December to the highest
bidder the follow Ins described tails of
land situated the county of
One tract in on erst
aide of creek adjoining the lands
Louis Galloway, James R.
T. Wilson an nth rs live
hundred a res nu-re or less and
as the Smith
One trait in Township north
Bide of Tar River the land of
Moses Teel Rives
laud Others, and known as the
The terms are one third balance
one two years, interest from day of
sale, title r tabled all the purchase
money Is pal I with the privilege to the
purchaser to pay the whole take his
title J. JAR VIS.
C. October 7th, 1898.
A. Notice I
Having this day qualified before K.
A. Clerk of Superior Court
t county, as administrator of the
notice is hereby to the creditors
of estate to present their claims
duly x ed, to me for payment
on or before the -nth of September,
1801, or s notice will be plead la bar
of their All i- r-o is Indebted
lid es at are to make
mediate payment thus save cost and
Tins day of
Blow. Attorney.
Notice to Creditors
The undersigned duly
before the superior Court of
county Executor of the Last
and Testament of
ard, notice is hereby given to
all persons indebted to to
make Immediate payment to the under-
signed, and all persons having claims
said estate mast present the
same for payment on or before
day of October, 1897. or this notice wilt
tie plead In bar of
This 24th day of
of Jam s shard
Men and PANTS
GOODS we have just best
to in- found and prices were
SHOES. shoes we
or to buy Mich as will please
wearer, the prices on Shoes are
much lower than
us h trial when you Deed Shoes
or any member of
your family. We can fit the small-
est or largest foot in the
L. Reynold Ac Shoes
for Men and warranted
good service- We have
ix years experience with
line and know them to lit all
claim them.
and any goods you need for
family come to see u-.
Our object is to sell lion
eat goods at the lowest prices.
have a huge line of
and can give anything
may need at the lowest prices
ever heard of. Come and see our
112.60 Solid Bedroom Suits.
To pass by would be
injustice to your
book. This is not ;, w-
say so. but because gooK
and prices make it so Her is ii
fair if deserve
nothing, u nothing, but if
yon rind our goods and prices
it with
Hoping; to see
you soon and oar beef
efforts make your
profitable, we are
Your friends.
q j
. C ,
ha ,
To the Sports.
are now headquarters for all kinds of
Have opened up a new
ad large stock
new store next
door to j. c. and
call onus everybody
arc selling goods
Is ml by MM liver, prevents
and to ferment and In
If not relieve.
or I S
Pills stimulate tho
the liver, cure eon-
and defy all competitors as to price
and high gr goods, -ac
cents per box.-T
in abundance and low in price. Don't forget the
Wilson Heater,
The Great Fuel Saver.
C We line of
U Trimmings
a I AN Our h the u l the
I I IN are exceedingly low
rs Oil K at very
And a complete line Ladies Underwear, both
woolen and cotton. A full line of Gents Fur-
Goods. Come and examine our prices
and they will please you.
At Bros, old stand.

Local Refections.
ii in
am .-t loans.
mu at
flutter at S. M
S. M.
m got ready win-
Youth and Boys
in to It to i
eking day,
tile be l
suite re now.
People K Them as They
Around Vow.
K. Ins returned fro n
J. of I.
in Monday
I ; . of Hi in
. italic fa r it to snow.
Miss of Snow Hill,
is visiting the Misses Wilson.
Hove, infant son of Mr.
Without Water.
The fir.- been
Mr. . X. Hart, iv eight ,, there have boon two or I
Fall Winter. 1896
he the not
p Maori lie III looker now.
The Baptist State ml
be held Ibis week.
tour all
Jail at
W. William is elected
i but in- in. U ilium are masted.
The . utility will go
on iii-t in
Miss Fleming, k
visiting Miss Sophia
Mis. E. Barrett, of Wilson, is
visaing Mrs. A. H.
F. Friday morning on a
i rip to West Virginia stock it ark
Miss s
a visit col weeks
J. arrived
open jewelry
and store
I. C Flanagan,
I lO t.-day.
En. Left For
Mi. i tin- are
but two little fellows above say they
are going to over the fact that in
three townships in Pitt
Democrats elected their candidates for
Constables and Magistrates.
also honored itself in
Majority r that peerless man,
Bryan, the man whom we
as -v II in as a crown o
o'clock. The I had
j about two months, and during
a part of I s it -red in-
tensely. is a sad bereavement to the
parents, their only being taken,
and our people sympathize
. with it. tie- sorrow that
he s, ices were
I m .-. . I m
. n
the work was
done, ii.
been with iii- in.
;. in many;
ii la a it bud
the I
work is net done
On Thursday a colored man giving
bis name as Cobb was offering
several pistols for sale in Bethel.
over there had read in
Tun about some one breaking into the
store of L. Starkey Bros here and
stealing a lot of pistols, and
Fa t.
to d
you to e m M a
mm i .-cl
me and I will tell you how it can be
done. 12th, 13th and
I shall be at the King House, Green-
ville, X. C. G. W.
Agent Imp. Pub. Co
Bullock took a man in custody, be
victory nested upon his brow, and in I confessed that be in the
giving majority, even was store. He was brought to Greenville
d i;.
It i now iii to t ;
III a large lid
ii. calls to bi r
.- hi- stun
and and
n carries.
All in and the
is than
ever. The price
has been greatly
reduced and
is just
All colors, cuts
makes to select
Give me a trial,
will be satisfied
Mrs. Hopkins Boy,
Dry Goods,
Xe is prayer of n
pure blood, i-
U. e and
Sines run bus
en much cater is more sea-
bis moved from
here to to a school i
the place.
i In- predicted good lanes
should i;
Herbert has
barber to the corner in the
for will set in
early. are
to to pie
a ball cent
got better
-i- people will now
lie agitation the
men should get in their ad-
Ia lb.
Evaporated and Peaches, at
S. M. Sell
The Italian band made more delight-
Monday The
g- n ; engaged then for the Ger-
man on the 18th.
is not are
hoped, we are glad el- e is over.
can now go to work and get
Now For
U inter Early
I; mi
X. C.
is not. dead.
It can ha defeated, but the party and its
placed in jail Several keys were
found in bis posses-ion that be-
to have been taken from D. D.
store night it was
and the man has that be bad
Town Council affairs a hand in also. He raid
At meeting of the lard be came Greene
Town night
trade that had be. n in existence as to
v -d night
Snooting at Washington,
learns In
in the Court House.
Monday morning a colored couple got
in the Reg
They went in bagel
and were married at once. The licenses
was issued and the marriage witness-
ed by Resistor of Deeds, and
Ceremony was performed by the Regis-
Deeds elect.
the lead and the price is no
Come and see me.
are out of sight in style and color and
par in price
Every thing cheap.
Taken tor Trial.
A. II. Mash
came lo
fa I evening and left next morning taking
One colored h I bill. John who has been
ed the salary of night policeman R
went in the telegraph
an began fag. Jordan killed It man named Cat
, pursing tic- ma. K. J. ; b It in Meant M Sept.
Tin- i-i was ordered out office, land because of threats to lynch bin be
when h-J become more was r- moved to Wilson jail and at-
the most oaths, and to
Bethel Items
X. C. fib, a color, d Man was serving will, Man
. ,, . to
Kate Dean spent and
i-, is, ., , , .- service. ins let the
in town. She r
i., i . ;. i out of the bag, the o in-
home an Henderson this
crease the salary evidently being with
Miss Cornelia of j at dividing ii between
bas token a a I
in W. I pal it was
lien. II. of Greenville, tendered bis
passed through here Ibis evening. The Board then elected
J. L. Daniel to till the place.
Another matter discussed by the
such errors
Murphy be from per
month to fin, During tin
that follow d this motion a colored
member made remark to
that latter bad out been
the month or s. with Henry j a
Both, a colored who bad bean
j ,
replied M not l
the men the town that
Can't Understand the Clocks.
I'll- Reflector office has got some
comical clocks. One in tin- printing
Copped work at minutes to
a dangerous day. U Thai
bound over to bis dock ., .,., o ,,
bail hi planed S
doctors not
their minds on
Several earn rs who
been work and Barnes on
L. I. Moore, Greenville, spent
Thursday here on legal business.
; Hoard t e
. Morton, in
pent last here on legal bus.- by Johnson, and
tor which be already been paid, as
Ex. of .-pent to a revision the ii-t.
i W. f. was chosen to do the
John went to work revision.
Saturday night and returned Sundae i .,,,, .
The a
morning. , ,.
It is said the expense day.
Rev. Mr. Ricard, the near pastor of jibe Art Calendar
preached Friday w it ;.,
in the usual quantity it could
Daring the of October twenty
tour marriage licenses were issued
Pitt county.
William Barren and I. Spain.
C. I. and K.
R. Mills and
J. J. Parker and Martha A
s. and Dixon.
Dunn and Caroline
V, r Long v and Ailee u.
Foley and bile.
John I. Warren and Lidia Tucker.
J. Ii. and S. J. Stocks.
J. II. Manning aid Bundy.
J. A. Andrews and K Moore
J. T. and Jennie W. II
night and Sunday.
I not be sold tor less than one
j Four are
Built j
ii ibis morning
in abundance and they
will suit you in price.
Don't forget me
when want goods
homes in Suffolk, having com-
their here.
fall races at the Greenville
Dining Association will begin next
Wednesday, 18th. Some the finest
race; seen here may be expected.
I p to this time there are entries.
J. F King is oft in West Virginia
baying none and mules for this mar-
He says tell the people to wait
until be gets back and be will be able
to sell them good at their own
Lang looks quite at home in his new
store. Being the same location be
so long a time previous to the
lire makes look natural to see him
back store is being made a
place beauty.
colored people had on a
spirit night. They held a
or two and the band on.
Well, it is their victory anyway, and
they have a right to orderly if
they wish to.
The election is over now and the
country can settle down to business.
Let all bitterness that may have en
political differences be put aside
and everybody work together for
best interest their
An Italian band came in on Friday
evening's train and stopped at King
House. Alter supper they made some
charming in the hotel
was enjoyed not only by those
present but by several who had their
es connected.
Mrs. Warren Breaks an Arm.
Mrs. Allen Warren met a very
Monday evening. Early
after supper she started to go from her
sitting room into the ball, she stumbling
the rockers of u chair and fell to
the floor. In trying to catch in
the fall her right arm broken near
the wrist. Fortunately her son, Dr.
W. E. Warren, was home at the time
and be phoned at once for Dr. Charles
to and they
broken limb without delay.
While Mrs. Warren is suffering con-
her injury is
along as could be expected.
Her host friends wish her a
Greenville Market.
Corrected by M.
Batter, per
Western Sides
Sugar cured Hams
Corn Meal
Salt pet Sack
Egg a per
I Beeswax, per
to M
o W
Lie. to
to it
to I co-
to H
C, Nov. 1896. on folding pages. Bach
Reflector-I desire the w in twelve colors, be-
u-e your to make a brief I a true reproduction of the original
and simple statement concerning the j water-color painting, was
mention the name of i ed because its excellence of design
Jams in the joint discussion at of color and tone. i.
Oct. 14th,
Boa. W. Lucas myself.
The rule if debate upon be-
tween Mr. Lucas and
our joint was that party
closing in his reply should
no new matter, and should
his remarks strictly in reply.
This day Mr Lucas closed the de-
bat-;. In his last fifteen re-
he violated the rule of debate
by introducing the subject
and said on the subject as I
now recall Skinner, as I have
been informed the
heard Gov. say that he saw
and beard Skinner lobbying for the bill
giving vacation clerks salary and in
minutes afterwards be was
the floor making a speech against the
It Mr. bad have introduced
this matter his hour to me, he
would have afforded me an opportunity
in my rejoinder to have met this false
charge in a deliberate, orderly and con-
manner, satisfactory to all and
offensive to none.
But coming as it did surprisingly, in
violation of the rules of debate, array-
the influential evidence of Gov Jar-
an acknowledged personal
against me in absence, an in-
tense partisan excitement and pressure,
a when f had no opportunity
of reply, could not have been ex-
to have controlled my thoughts
or expressed them in measured terms.
I simply lost my usual temper and em-
ployed in connection
With the name my personal
friend, Gov. Jarvis, which I have
been and am contritely sorry and take
this method of g to for
the personal affront and to the public
tor using such language. With this
statement I now deny having
ed vis as a damnable in
the sense as was wired over the Slate
and published in press to my injury.
I simply said the irritation and
provocation surrounding that he
or any one else that made the statement
as used by Lucas a damnable
aid not, I could not believe
that Gov. Jarvis had made such a state-
and his recent statement
in Nov. col firms
my belief and satisfies me that he, to-
with myself, has been wronged,
and that he never made such a charge
against me.
Under any circumstances I should
not have used such
concerning or in connection with
such honorable and faithful public
servant and excellent Christian gentle-
man as all know and acknowledge Gov.
to be.
i- is
of each the four folding pa
by inches,
it is by far the best of
work the Companion has ever offered
Both as a calendar and at a gem the
it is so attractive that
t becomes a addition to the
mantel or center-table of any
It is given free to all new subscribers
sending to the
ion year who receive also
paper free from time the
lion is received till January
For free illustrated Prospectus ad-
W. and Mary Elks,
ban Smith and Jane II. Moore.
J. L. Hobgood and Rosa M.-Law-
T. Goodrich and Move.
R. Davenport and
De-mis and Hannah A us in.
Cur and Mary William-.
Mac Alice W s
Albert Can- B Kittrell.
Gen Crawford and Ward.
Ma ,. Little W.
be mi
election and is ticking along
all right, but the one in the telegraph
room slopped right still minutes
after the final BOWS came Friday m on
am Russell's election,
and sen i since lo get it lo
work have proven fruitless. We are
send that dock to
Tired Feeling
Makes you seen with-
out life, ambition, energy or appetite.
I It is often the of serious ill-
or the accompaniment of nervous
troubles. It is a positive proof of thin,
weak, Impure blood; for, if I he blood Is
rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, It
parts life and energy to every nerve,
organ and tissue of the body. The
necessity of taking Hood's
tor that tired feeling Is therefore apparent
to every one, and the good It will do you
is equally beyond question. Remember
lathe fact the On- True Purifier.
Removal Notice.
e have moved into our large two story
completed, in the new brick block, at about
same place we were located before
fire, and with a complete new
-----stock of-----
We now better ever to do business.
W a stock in all its branches we are
for business. the public for very liberal
they have favored with in the past and if
is wort, anything, we know we
will have a continuance of your Come and see
us in our new store and we will treat you right-
Ed. H. Co.,
Mi a
e o C
Hood's Pills
easy to operate.
t-end the News.
Now that campaign is over and
so much time is not given to political
discussion, the hope., to
hear from its correspondents
We would b-
glad to have a good correspondent at
ever in the county, one who
will send us the news items dice a
CY O. L.
Funeral Directors.
Have just received an
of i In- latest style and are ready to v
the wants of the trade at Prices Lowe
than ever offered re. Small
and sales Is our motto. Our
goods are new and cheap to meet the
wants of the masses. We are
goods at a price far below the
casket we sell for
All we ask Is a and will give en-
tire satisfaction.
G. A. CO.
Op; o Post Office.
. F. SUGG. Manager.
Into the New
Store we have
Will be pleased to serve one and all.
Prices Be ow
Mens Split Boots, C to
Men j Good Boots, G lo
Boys Roots, lo
Mens Shoes,
Womens Good Shoes,
One-half Wool Dress Goods,
1-25 Big line of Serges,
1.10 meres and Flannels all
wool, double
1-00 pounds wood
Whole Grain Rice
Chi Shoes, to English Island Molasses
Ladies to 1.00 Sack Salt, pounds,
Ladies Goat Button, to 1.50 Good Buggy Harness,
Children Boys Hats to 1.00 Furniture in
Mens an i Boys Hats to 3.00 Good Patent Flour,
all wool Suits Clothes Old stock Men and
Mens all-wool Suits Shoes,
Clothes 2.50 to 18.00 Large stock Lard. Pork and
Mens to 12-50 Sides always on hand,
Highest cash prices paid
N. C, September 22nd, 1896.
R g
. S
i e
. o-
f AFT.
All-wool Dress Goods.
Cheviot Melanges,
Scotch Homespuns
Basket-weave Cheviot
Fancy Coverts
Imported Persians
French Broadcloth
Tufted Granites
The new blues, reds, greens Two
and three colors and tones
Never before were
condition so favorable
for making your Win-
Clothing purchase.
Our stock is brimful of
newness in all depart-
Not a clothing
want has been over-
looked. Best goods,
best workmanship.

Mr. Cleveland Day foil
the to Gather Together
Offer and Thanks
Washington, Nov. the Pres-
of Suits.
The people of the United States
never lie the
they the God of for
His which hits shielded
then., and point d
out to the way peace and
Kt should they t vi-r refuse
to contrite hearts,
their to turn from
God's leaching, and to follow with sin-
pride after their own devices.
To the end that thoughts may
be quickened, it is titling that on a day
especially appoint, d, we should join to
in the Throne
with praise and supplication.
There ore, I. Grover ,
President of the United State-, do
hereby and set apart Thurs-
day, the twenty -sixth day i f the pres-
mouth of November, to be kept
observed as a day o and
prayer throughout our land.
that din let all our people
v and occupation, and
their places of
we ship; let with one accord
thanks to the Killer of the Universe
for our preservation as a nation and
our from every threatened
danger; for the peace that has dwelt
within- our for
and pestilence during
the year that has for
rewards that followed the
tabor our husbandmen, and for all
ill other that have been
vouchsafed to u.
An let us. through the mi
has taught us how to pray.
implore the forgiveness sins and
continuation our Heavenly
Let us not on
this day the poor
needy; and by deeds of
let our praise be made
mi iv in light of the
Witness my baud and tee seal of the
United States which I have caused to
be hereto affixed. Done at
Washington, D. C, this day of
November, In the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and ninety-six.
and tin- independence of the United
of America the one hundred and
Secretary State.
cLues .
The of the election u now no
longer in doubt. The fight was a hard
one, contest close, but as the
of battle chats away it is that
ha- a of the
college and Russell Ins carried North
by y.
At o'clock the
the following
telegraphs last night the fol-
lowing to
-Senator Jones has informed
me that returns indicate your .
ha-ten to extend ray
We submitted the issues to the
people and will is law.
Russell's in the State i-
City a. th Part of the
emu Continent.
After taking into full account the
claims of the sensitive city of Chi-
it be truthfully stated
flint city if Now York is I
of America. There arc other
municipalities which doing their ;
best in their several ways to
her, but it is toward New York that
oil the eyed in the country ate turn-
ed, and from which take
as a cat laps milk. The real
of us are in a measure provincial.
Many of us profess not to approve
of New York; but, though we cross
ourselves piously, take or read a
New York daily paper. Now York
gives the cue alike In tho secretary
of the treasury and way of Lon-
to the social swell. Tho ablest
men in the country seek New York i
as a market for their brains, and
the wealthiest tho country
move to New York to spend th
patrimony which their rail splitting
fathers or grandfathers
Therefore it is perfectly just
refer to tho social life of Now York
as representative of that element of
the American people which has been
most blessed with brains or fortune,
and as representative of our most
highly evolved civilization. It ought
to be our best. The men and
who contribute to its movement and
influence ought to be tho pick of the
But what do we find find as
the ostensible leaders of New York I
society a set of shallow
whoso existence is given up
to emulating another in
rate and social
; They dine and wine and
dance and entertain from January
to December. Their houses,
in town or at the fashionable
places to which they move in
summer, are as sumptuous, if not
more so, than those of the French
nobility in its palmiest days, and
their energies are devoted to the
discovery of new expensive luxuries
and fresh titillating creature com-
Conduct of by
Robert Grant, in
tart Work.
Mrs. surprised that
husband earns so little if he works
as hard as you say. What does be
Mrs. B The last thing be did
was to calculate how many times a
clock ticked in the course of
Captor of Ono
Cold Blooded Murder.
As we came abreast of a tiny cove
or cleft in the
suddenly stiffened with excitement,
and he muttered in
an undertone. There in that little
cleft lay a monster just
awash, a tiny spiral of vapor at
showing to be accompanied
by a calf. Down the mast and
sails as if by and in loss than
one minute, we wore paddling
straight in for the cove. Tho water
was as smooth as a mirror, and the
silence profound. A very few strokes
and tho order was whispered,
to the Louis rose,
poising bis iron, and almost
darted. Tho weapon
was buried to the socket the
broad, glistening side.
was shouted, and backward we
glided, but there was no
need for retreat. Never n move did
she make, convulsively to
clutch tho calf to her side with one
of her great winglike flippers.
carefully approached again,
tho and officer having
changed places, and, incredible as it
may seem, almost wedged tho boat
In between the and the rocks.
No sheep could more quietly
submitted to slaughter than did this
mighty monster, whose roll to one
side would have crushed our boat to
and whose straggle,
bad it taken place as usual, must,
in so confined a corner, drown
ed us nil. Evidently fearful of in-
her calf, she quietly died and
gave no sign. Case hardened old
blubber hunters we were, felt
deeply ashamed, our deed looked so
like a cold blooded murder. Ono
merciful thrust of a lance the
misery, and, rapidly cutting
a hole through the two lips out
prize, buckled to oar. heavy task
of towing it to tho ship.
soon joined by tho other boats, but
all combined made no groat
and had seven hours of
heavy labor before we got the car-
home. Securing it alongside,
went to a hard and well earned
meal and u good night's
among the manifold con-
to tho commissariat of
London that of milk asserts itself
most loudly. there is the
rumbling transfer at railway
of those truncated tin cones
containing it which have arrived by-
night trains from the country into
carts, whoso jangling
cans add to tho rattle they make as
drive furiously to tho various
where it is distributed by
thick soled, white aproned women,
who, in filling the household jug,
also leave a of it on the door-
libation resented by tidy
mistresses. Tho noise of its arrival
before tho London milkmaid fills
pail might lead one to wish that
its transporting carts fitted
with tires. No other
makes such a seemingly need
loss row in going about its business.
But every Londoner must have his
apply of milk betimes, mid in this
respect the poor townsman is better
off than his mate in the country.
a p daily working in
tho midst cow pastured fields, is
often unable to get n jug of it
family. It is sent away to the city,
in whoso meanest streets the house-
wife can always buy a
There is no real elevation of mind
in a contempt of little things. It is,
on tho contrary, from the narrow
views that consider those things
little importance which in
fact, such extensive consequences.
A tobacconist named Farr had the
following painted above his door,
best tobacco by A rival
tobacconist, at the other end of the
street, painted better to-
than the test tobacco by
A Bird etching Insect.
In this country talk of
or insect eating birds, and
few of us ever beard or read of
a country where tho tables are turn-
ed to such a degree that they speak
of a bird eating insect, but is
the exact condition of affairs in
southern Brazil and In
those countries they have an
called great mantis, which is
four or inches in length,
not including his strong jaws and
immense fore legs.
This pair of enormous
equal in strength to those of a
or a crab and used by
tho giant mantis in capturing
prey. The food of this
insect consists of spiders,
small snakes and lizards, and,
according to tho most
robust specimens of tho will
not stand aside with an empty
if he can to get his nip.
on a bird of the size of a canary,
warbler or chickadee. Tho groat
mantis resembles a combined loaf
and twig both in color and shape,
and being aided by
is able to stealthily approach its
prey. Whether it insect
or bird, and seize the unsuspecting
with its claws.
St. Louis Republic.
Broke Che Hank at One may.
A local sport named
ed into tho gambling rooms of the
at the commence-
of play the other afternoon.
The first hand at was being
dealt. Laying down what
to a bill with in silver on
the top of it on the do bas-
he awaited the result
of tho draw. Tho card won, on
the proceeding to open tho
bill he was surprised to find
neatly folded inside two bills.
The sport bad won which
was promptly paid, although it took
the bank and more to do
it. The lucky rolled a
in the customary Mexican non-
manner, and, bowing polite-
to the croupiers, left the room,
leaving those gentry staring vacant-
at the waste of green cloth in
front of and wondering what
the beat thine to do.
la Business With
T. T. of this city, who
recently returned from
railway survey through
Central and South America, says one
of the most interesting things to be
seen in the tropics is loaf carry-
loaf carrying ant is peculiar
tropical America. The two species
occupy different nests. They are
never soon in tho same roadways,
and they always enter different
holes, but those ants such groat
burrowers could not say
positively that tho do
not communicate with each other
under ground. Their boles do not
cross, and there is no communication
between the holes ground. As
an experiment, members of one col-
were transferred by hand to the
path of another. There was no con-
The strangers made
haste to get away.
continued Mr.
Lovelace, tho same habits,
save that tho red fellows the
most industrious. Tho black
ways work in tho beat
of tho afternoon, the red ones
struggled along all day, although
there wire fewer workers to seen
in the paths and
o'clock. There being no trees on
Moro island to supply leaves for the
ants, they gathered hay instead. A
grass that grow to tho earth
and produced short seed stalks was
just coming in tassel. The seed heads
just peeping out from their in-
folding leaves when I was there,
heads of seed were tho favor-
saw half inch ants carrying
stalks an inch long and of twice
tho weight of tho carrier. They
cutoff the grass leaves earned
them in, moist crumbs
bread and vegetables cut up
and carried also. Very dry
wore ignored. I did not Bee them
carry meat of any kind, and when I
put a piece of freshly killed grass-
hopper in their path they refused to
notice it. But certain bits of damp,
rotten wood carried into the
nests as quickly as soft bread.
peon who came to see what
found of interest in tho little work-
dropped a flaming wax match
among them. did not
it, for rushed into the flame
as would have crossed a bit
paper. A number were burned to
death, while many of them were
crippled tho flame was
The dead and the crippled
remained in tho path perhaps two
minutes at a spot five foot from the
nest entrance. Then came a gang
workers from tho nest, who picked
up tho dead and tho crippled and
carried them several inches away in-
to the grass at right angles to the
path. Tho wounded left
tended, as ere the dead. Tho work-
then attacked the extinguished
match taper. It was nearly an inch
long, and a dozen took
hold of it, pulled it in all directions
at once, rolled it another
over, stood on their heads and crawl-
ed under it, tho leaf carriers
streamed by and over them,
bee of their presence.
It was a case of wholly undirected
labor, for any two, possibly any one,
could dragged it from tho path,
hut it took tho dozen minutes
tumble it across two inches of th
in Honduras an American
told mo that the leaf cutting But was
to blame for much of tho laziness of
tho natives, who do not try to make
gardens or cultivate fruit
cause tho ants destroy everything
that kind. However, tho American
solved tin.- of keeping those
ants away from his garden by dig-
a ditch around it and
water running through it, an
City Star.
Tho egg of tho ant is uniform,
smooth, tight bright, without
any division. When t ho larva has
come from it, only a thin
membrane is loft, which rolls up
and is reduced to an imperceptible
point, and even if the egg does not
hatch it is still so small as to escape
the This is why these eggs
so little known, for what is com-
Improperly called the
egg is really tho larva and is endow-
ed with life and motion. Those eggs,
or rather larva, of ants are
much sought after by barnyard
Science Monthly.
A shoemaker was fitting a
with a pair of boots when the
buyer observed that ho had but one
objection to them, which was that
the solos wore too thick. that
is replied on the
boots, and tho objection will grad-
A Practical
doctor, how is it with
my husband
to middling, so to
peak. Ho wants all
things. I written out a
for an opiate.
when must I give him
Tho opiate is for
you, madam.
Of what consequence is it that
anything should be concealed from
man Nothing is hidden from God;
ho is in our minds and comes
into tho midst of our thoughts.
Comes, do I say As if he were ever
Yard was once any stick, rod
pole. The expression is still used
with this meaning when applied to
various parts of a ship's equipment,
as yardarm. and the like.
Alan, Poor mo tor man.
A life is not a happy
one. While the self satisfied con
is the coin in his
jangling the register,
the boll cord or blithely
street names, the motor-
man is silently grinding out his life
at the his mind strung to its
utmost tension, and his hands and
arms never for a moment Idle. Yet
he's the one to be blamed whenever
an accident happens, without a
thought being given to the many
calamities have been avoided
his alertness and
Before parting Napoleon spent a
few moments at her side, and at the
end, turning, pulled from a a
beautiful rose, which he offered
with gestures of gallantry and
age. moment tho queen
at last put out her band and said as
she accepted it, least with
the frigid reply,
is mine to give and yours to ac-
But he gave his arm to con-
duct her the carriage, and as
descended tho stair together tho dis-
appointed guest said in a
emotional voice, it
that, hag Lad happiness
to see so near tho man of the
and of all history, ho will not
afford me possibility and the
satisfaction of being able to assure
him that ho has put under
rations for
With solemn tones Napoleon re-
I am to pitied
It is a fault of my unlucky
Queen Louisa's own lady in wait-
related that her sovereign's bit-
overcame at the
as she stepped into tho carriage
She said, you cruelly de-
Sloane in
What It Coat
Mrs. We have
cleared off the last of that church
debt, and it never cost you men a
pent. See what women can do.
Mr. don't know about
the other fellows, I know you
made me spend more than
for extra meals down town while
you out monkeying around.
Indianapolis Journal.
Fiat hunter hates
you allow tenants to keep dogs
Landlord tho wrong
Well, ye-, sometimes.
settles it.
won't tho York
Tho ab-i-t man, who it
also religions, walked into church
while the t was breathing forth
a long, low melody that seemed to
tho of heaven. And as ho
listened to ii his air grew
occupied, a light not of earth came
his suffused eyes, all better
his nature were moved
in accord With tho melodious strains,
and fur that moment ho was not
Then he walked into his pow and
started to lake off his overcoat. So
preoccupied was ho that ho did not
realize he was palling off his
coat until he stood there in his shirt
full view of the worldly
congregation, which tittered so it
could ho beard.
Then the man who had been in
heaven a moment before sud-
back, and his fee-lings
like unto those of tho suffering souls
v it. i
In Ufa i
M. l
Ml . no J
To the Editor have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured So proof-positive am I
of its power that consider it my duty to
send two bottles free to those of your readers
who have Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will writs me their
express and address. Sincerely,
T. A. M. C, Pearl St., Hew York.
Tim and
f. I
j l,
v Wilson
v Col
Vi Wilmington
P. v,.
P. M.
i a I the j ion
i y
V. II j v
V ,. at ham r
s Pills
Liver Ills.
constitution undermined by ex-
in eating, by
the laws of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
Notice to Creditors.
T ii d V
I -ll. I I I
; j m r. t r
u . 1.1 Ice in .
v Wilson
Kooky Ml
la .
P. Ai
M P. M.
V B. . y on,
Know Hill, N. V. -v X. C.
Greenville, X. C
Practice in all fowl,
m H-
R. I. I,.
H. O.
pared especially for stick, u well M j
man, for purpose i- d in tin
holding one-bin of
Franklin Co.,
I have all kinds of m i
I would not Rive om i of ii b k
1-. n v for the ever aw
It is the tiling f r n or cattle In
be of year, an I will cure
sicken ch time.
i. Ian.
; I
B M .
of content must
Spring up in mind, and who
has so little of
as to seek happiness by
changing anything but his own dis-
position will bis in fruit-
loss and multiply tho griefs
which he to
is a necessary and important
ingredient of complete fer-
Crops of all kinds
require a properly balanced
manure. The best
contain a high percentage
of Potash.
All results of Its by e.
on the best farms in the United
told in a little book which we publish and will gladly
mail free to any farmer in America who will write for it.
Nassau St., New York.
Train on ;
Weldon p. in., Halifax 4.10
i. m., arrives Scotland at i sq p
6.47 p, m., Kinston 7.46
. in. Returning, 7.2
a in., Greenville a. in.
I at a. m., n
1.11 w Branch leave
Washington 8.00 a, m., 8.00 p . m,
Parmele a. m and 4.40 p,
-n., Tarboro a. in.,
in., a. in.
6.20 p. in,, arrives Washington
a. 7.10 p, m, ex-
Sunday. trains on
Scot In Neck Branch.
Tram leaves r C, via
it. H.
. at p. at., P. M ;
Plymouth 9.00 P. M., p. m.
0.00 a. u;., 8.80 a -n.,
10.2 am and
Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves
except Sunday, a
arriving m. Be-
turning leaves 8.00 a. m.,
rives at a.
Trains in N h
Mount a p. in., arrive
Nashville 5.09 p. , Spring Hope
p Hi-Hi in ave Spring Hope
m., N a at
Mount 9.0 in. dally
Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
leave Latin to
Clio i n. Returning
leave a 6.80 a in,
Latta 7.80 a m. daily except
Train Branch leaves War-
i for
a. in. p. in-
rave-1 lilt a in. ill.
a. makes clone connection
it Weldon all points daily, ail rail via
me. else K Mount
Norfolk and H for
lie all points North via Norfolk.
r. M. K
I. H. KS Y. -r.
Ripens ass
-----A line
A .
Flour, Lard,
Moat, Coffee
Meal, Sugar
I tun
selling low
bat it
and will
tr at fair
and sonar a.
ft K
Will open
Oct. a Home School s
tr. years of age. 1-
limited to
Mrs. AL
Norwood O Nelson C
i-i-i-. i 1.1 estate to make
and I i having claims against
the 11-1 ; i-i tame
within ton
p or -i Ice III b plead
r f
T i- October. If B.
D. . POUT.
V Davenport.
s Notice.
ac i , .,,
of Jesse Brown
County Stale .,; North
I ii- claims
Id-1 e are hi r by -milled
in me for t i inn
i- e in m ill- Iron tin- no.
II v. . . i.- . n ,,.
And all ; .
. . .
d ate are -ii. u in
at me
Li- i.
Land Bale.
By of tin
Ii in the -I. M
and tin h- i . f I;.
Li I . . . . l. I.
. I. I, the ill d
-i n w in -e i for
the door In
Monday, the day m Nov. B. the
I in-- ma ii t I
I. Th it pan No. the
town . i tin upon i-
occupied Mi K. U.
now by M. g
no an th
Iii p e
m hull Id lot.
I art of lot No I- in he
low i -1-.--11 b v. ii In-
, . . pied by -i .
II in- or
an -in b I
t II i lot,
. in n
in I in- . ling Mi
of in-. V ,.
and w a i.
i. I i-i a
e or .---.
i j.- hi for
. . i .
fl bill .,
Gild and K
i- . . r. inn m .
r . . In
b u . n .-.
Ml .
. wen ace
Sold .
Pro pi.
A n n a
. N C
M and dealers in nil
All if done
We H-.- ski lie I d good
material prepared to
on i ;.
His Worst Enemy by
P. P. p.,
I. Id
YEARS has taught aw that the best Is tie cheap
Hope, Building Farming Implements, and every
ring necessary for Millers, Mechanic and general limn- purposes, well a
Bats. Shoes. Ladies Dress Goods I have always on hand. Am head
for Heavy Groceries, and Jobbing agent for Clark's O. N. T. Spun
keep attentive
N .
;. PUt Co. n c.
T. J. up
their year's will
prices be U re
all Its
a. way 1.1 at
we buy from
at one an
always i-nil prices i-i
th limes. HUt gOOdS areal I bought
old mi -i-
V. N
Stock, Cotton, Grain and Provision Brokers.
Offices and Progress Building, Water Street.
Bagging, Ties Peanut Sacks at Lowest Prices.
and Consign merits Solicit
All editions Codes used
I iii, Fire and Aden. Insurance.
All Risks placed in strictly
At current rates.
. rs a a
and Iron Fencing
First-class work
i .
ail; k
f be Only Daily o
its Class in the State.
Favors Limited Free Coinage
of Silver and Repeal
of the Ten Per Tax on
State Banks. Daily
per month. per
cure Indigestion.
for sour stomach.
cure Cad breath.
one gives relief.
and touch mi at all
in-j- on Monday. We
n I hi M
A. M.
Thursdays and
I. A. days.
a on Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk, Baltimore.
N York and
Shippers should roods
marked via Dominion fr
from Baltimore. Miners
son. Agent,
. C
N. C.
Mr. A. M. of Texas,
u id Us
his of his suffer
Hi-f-in la-
stead of bis
as went to terror,
weary, wake-
in was
him. He Dot on either
-iii- for two r. i. i.
In quick tune.
Mi-r. On.
I bars used four
P. P. I from tin-
of my head the of my feet.
P. I. of
of the
and me of ail
was for hut I
run throngs it readily.
I not on either for two
ream; In fast, to see
Now sleep In any all
nm years old. hut expert to
I he to take hold of the plow handles.
I I feel that lucky to K
P. P., I heartily It o
my and the
A. M.
tin or of
on thin day. personally appeared
A. M. n ho. after being duly
says on
made by him relative
of P. P. I. U
to and subscribed me
August 4th. I
. M. N. P.
Cured by P. P. P.
Ores where nil other
remedies foiled.
end distorts your
hands and feet. agonies Intense,
lull relief and R lien i pure
Is the of P, p.
Woman's weakness, whether nervous or
otherwise, ran be eared
bunt an b P. P. r. A healthy woman b
Pimples, blotches, and nil d's-
of the skin removed
cured by P. P. P.
P. P. P. will restore your
your system and regulate you In
P. P P. removes that down.
For and Pimples on
lake P. P P.
for and thorough
take P. P. p.
Remedy, and get welt at once.
Block, J
For J-L.
Wanted-An Idea i
Who run
your may briny wealth.
. f-r their
Hat of two
obtained and all Pm-
C, U.
mid we ran time those
Send model, drawing or photo., with
We If or n t, of
charge-. Our fee not due till h and
A with
cost of same in th U. b. an I
sent free.
OPP. D. C.
Ill u u modern
Family Medicine Cures
Tin- session s
The terms are a
Primary per mo.
work and of
Will be
We ask a o
W. H.

Eastern reflector, 11 November 1896
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 11, 1896
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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