Eastern reflector, 21 October 1896

The Reflector is
pared to do all worn
of this line
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
u .
iv Miss Johanna. Port Laureate
Oh, don't r. number when
a boy
And tin- circus cairn-
How -Ion tin- Canvass and
ached to gel in,
you the jolly old
You i-i hear tin- band play and tin-
in. ray
t. ate . . o auto
i -1- i-.
A . , ;
in you,
A- patched
bad tried i pay. but, alack mi
Tin M i fun -i lb chance to
to h ill r i
mi in I.; i-iii . late, in
from n for lade a
Y a win lake steep
a-.- to creep.
till fortune and fate were
or a stood there, a
terrible air
At t . ready to pin
.-ii too ling rid about till show
While your tears made the twilight
ii from the the
lo ;
inn t miserable, poor .-in-
lean bare n lied by and
bind, d you high,
On the -lit
In your carriage
No matter what job
and are
lave to pay,
And now. you enjoy
That circus first fascination,
Take a lot of poor lads the one
And play angel in their
re are nearly active
Wild exist Asia
and Africa.
that there are species of
It is that earthquake
ears m the earth
ever. hour.
races inhabit the
earth and use different ton-
There are about re
The annual number of births is
about an average
of a day, an hour
seventy a minute-
Kansas editors excel in the
of eccentric names for
their i The Prairie Dog,
the r
the Thomas Oat are conspicuous
In across
sandy deserts the French
are beginning to employ
iron ties. A late pattern
of a wrought-iron bar support-
ed in the middle and at both
onus by globular plates of cast-
Watch the
An old lady of
the Observer morning
has rained in this on
the 16th October in year.-. The
16th her wedding ally years
and kept a record ever
since. Look out tin- and base
your political prognostications en the
weather d o. Ob-
Over way it has been about
pretty a day as one wish 1-r.
There are seven
in America.
The room the world
t .- imperial palace at Petersburg
is feet bug by wide.
ls in
No human bead was on
coins until alter the death of
the Great. All S before that
time were deities.
In order that i have com-
to Sell may Bell o tin-
best advantage, there must be plenty
of buyer; in older those who buy
may buy to the best
past plenty of sell,
and buyers
as to come in cow
Tail can be
. ; and
best b new .-
D. J. Editor and Owner
per Year, in Advance.
for 41.50
We have made ;
to furnish-
the Reflector and v
North Carolinian for the
above amount. Vs is
campaign year and you
should take the
leading papers.
in Ind
The on
money question before the Chi-
convention was well kn
We were opposed to ,
and did t very thine M could
impress noon our i
views regarding the
have always been loyal to the
fa you beard .
Dixie la i is Den
voice of a Democratic convention
it did not take us a moment
to make up our mind about our ; A new store is being built
. -I. innate where he had cue
last year.
Valuable additions have lately
made to the apparatus of
toe Physics department.
L Foushee, of the of
baa been awarded an
I Oct.
who re-
s ,,,,., Indiana, Mr ti
1- give an of on t
a a Ho Its stores S-
nit. lectures i dent advocate the s d-j f.,,
the near future- and ard Recent caused a
the silver sentiment rapidly i of his lo be made
Farmers, says, who and found many it
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report
L 1-
t .
tine vie
The ht cf the college
date was at Chicago.
our first issue after the con-
support of Mr. Bryan
Mr. Our support has not
been merely nominal and
all their lives voted the Re- I men. be called j
ticket are now lining up; twelve heads of be-1
h because they find him and
more hope for from the op no in his employ,
of debts and low prices j that he did not any an- j
Hull a n
shot me
come en d
fine rote in
A I q c Situation cf
themselves to the people t f North
now with peculiar
I force. How much liquor does it
impressed with the obliteration I far as near ax yon
honest hearty. We look j at John Hopkins. fa Es.; that you are -1 because
on Mi. Bryan as of the big- The Society based on former political are in f Ire e h
Seat and brainiest men on lb as lb-following he considers worthless, age of
and we know that he .- L,,
safe. Dent .- K. Cook, H. C Ci.
party could not have done
better its selection cf a can
fill, line vote in
paper Ink.
to carry its banner to
Likewise, our position
or any other kind of
was well known. We believe th.-t
the Democratic party can d
tight its own battles with
jut fusing with any party. How
ever, Ks-
Committee, by a
vote save one, decided
the Populate a division
elector- on the ticket.
has been perfected-
Although were op-
posed Co it, thing is now
to oppose it now would not
be useless, but would be to
to torn the State over to
a for
we could Lever forgive our-
selves. We will stand by
action of the committee and do
all we can for the success of the
composite ticket.
We are confident that
committee acted for what it con-
to the very best inter-
of the patty.
The members of it are honest
The new recently
chased for the water wot ks is a
over the
former of supplying pow-
for amt.
V, H . f the M.
u cut,
the In tier-
I th. languages.
The M . C mi t is hi I weekly
In. y- i .
L. J
ii II- snider;
II S E if n J ii of the
id, aid W. D.
The ladies of Mrs.
class pay--
patrons and an entertain-
in the pallets of Pare
Hotel on the evening of the
The con
of vocal instrumental
music, of the lives of
and that the victory of The the above
the Democratic party at the polls story yesterday, a of
November will be confirmatory canned
won b a majority fully up to the much labor
figure given. unions took toe matter up at
He ; nil en shoal a
It'll I. v.
say so
Can a judge the press
of this State so that they dare
not condemn intemperance on
His Worst Enemy Defeated by
P. P. P.,
Great Remedy.
alt done gum .
Colonel Bright is perfectly fa- weekly meeting- and Mr
with Indiana politics, as he ford was exec . d. The
has lived all his life in that State, crystal r, it. lie a p.
The from which be
ed his estimate entire
F r lie tin
Ii It's
i,. business has
K. drunken judge on
anyway North Fros-
E W. who spent several
, weeks mi special has
and and could . i t . i
retorted to Hopkins, where
have nothing view but the
good of the Democracy. They
realized the fact fully that this
action was absolutely necessary
order to save the State to
an- One alternative was to bare
electoral fusion, and the other as
to give the State to the
can nominee.
cud to our mind i. is the duty of
every Democrat to support it.
Every who wants Bryan
elected and defeated
should cease opposition to the
action of the committee and go
to work to see that end
It is well to state here
that the electoral fusion as
ranged meets with the approval
of Mr- the National
Executive Committee. No Demo-
can fail to support it without
putting himself in opposition to
his party.
have heard some Demo-
any that they would vote
for the five Democratic electors
on the scratch off the
five electors. We do
rot think they should do this.
the first, place they would by
this action be casting only half a
vote for Bryan as the Populists
on the ticket are as much Bryan
the Democrats. When
you scratch the Populist names
from the you take half a
vote from Think about
that. In the second place, it will
be acting in bad faith with the
Populists, and will give them an
excuse to scratch the
electors If Democrats refuse lo
for the electors
it i but for them to re-
t by to vote for
The arrangement h-s been
made. Let both aid
Pi in good faith and
vote the entire ticket.
Concord Times.
be receive
his degree next
following parsons have re-
made contributions to the
Law Edward
Thompson o., and Eu-
Encyclopedia of Law,
volumes; West Publishing Co.,
Black's Law Dictionary; Kay
Bro. Wharton k Medical
Jurisdiction, volumes; Taylor's
Hon. Walter
volumes of very valuable law
books- Jerome,
Code and Digest.
Forest, N- C,
The Best Salve in Cuts
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Fe-
So es. Teller. Hands
Corns, and all Ski-i
and cures Piles, or on
p guaranteed to give
p or money I
Price cents per box. .-ale b;.
Joe. b.
what does fee-
simple mean
the fee the man gives
to the when besets mar-
Miss ti
that the Rev. Mr. should
marry his type-writer-
The Riyal to-
She knew where he got his
is full ops and downs.
s, I a
who was went
his friends
throw him over.
alias you sure
as ten
c if our us re-
rich and.
try mo. Harlem Life.
foolish New York
has just an In-
who posed f H several of Lei
I suppose she
iii I- mod. I
C bis a between
r fur did
u-l, tell
hear r
Mo An
Shore in
of a
who an
meeting evening
this to t.
the views the
matter. Mr. is a very
wealthy ex of
tho society and a
leader social and life
a Lesson
is tie be
I van is best object j Mr. M. rt ,
In temperance this y from Catarrh id wont
i,. .-. t. i,. Truly, tali description of
known. He would have inf, Amis short or
An to of ire broken down Ions if he of couch, for th
.,. m. . , I, , ii i nights coming, he went to It with terror.
I been a dissipated mail, but that another long, weary, wake-
. Farm- has always led a dean,
plight, sober life, lie is as fresh side for two years. P. P. P.,
cured In quick time
Die lug fair week in
her visitors
las a daisy alter
three months
Raleigh, O
may expert t,. be
the following order Republican
Chan man Cook, of the term. Those in-
b.-t night,, i ,, ,.,, .,,,. , ., the
stated that Mr. Crawford a action an;
came within uses punished m it I work.
to ti
the law for
or i
the of a voter
A fin d of has sub
How free stands W. J,
of all He is
; i BROS.,
I have used nearly four bottle
of P. P. I afflicted from the crown
of my head to the soles of my feet.
P. P. P. baa cured my difficulty of breath-
smothering, palpitation or the heart,
has mo of all pain. nos-
closed for tea but mow I
can breathe II readily.
I hare not slept on either aide for two
years; In fact. I dreaded to night come.
Now I sleep soundly In any position all
m years old, but expect soon to
is it that Wigwag
two leading Demo-
r among the j to case,
has a great probably be filed
today. Nothing in the campaign
e far, true trust,
, . . . , , . . to get
in- In., . mil or heartily recommend It to
, and the public generally.
in. regular opening id the lair gates institution m country. This
Does lie
is the people love revere .,,
,, . TUB OF of
lie IS to the,
, . on this day. personally
for private g M. Ramsey, who. after being
,. . .,, .- in on that the foregoing
l. in ; stab e after p, in. .
this is a joke T
motion in this city.
He only tells his j
women with pretty
Philadelphia Record-
The milk will be in opera-
lion lo to in., and
t , f. i mi mat me
expense Of the people. made by him to
r r- la
Onto, Press. A. m.
The State elections held so
ate vary decidedly favorable for j
I County. Teas
t in
dales back to 1844 I
impetus to their increased use
was by the Crimean
of numbers of
lowed to cigars while , . ,,, . . ,.
, . , and naval adopted tins
method of smoking from in-
habitants of Russia,
Levant and other parts of Eu-
In Mexico the school
who Lave done best are
their lessons.
churning nm b liter working to
m, Bah,
k be operation rt
forenoon at the experiment Democrats, and indicates
Both mid steam
be used. are willing to admit.
Those who the location the
farm will ii id it wit bin tin
Catarrh Cured by P. P. P.
One of the Many Feature of the
Great John Roberson and Franklin
Bros., Combined Shows.
mill west of lair
Cue pole on the lawn makes the
Frank K.
where all other
. . t I , failed.
and distorts your
as was to have expected.
Alabama, Arkansas,
have voted, they kc
Florid-i ; the bf r
Woman's weakness,
and the system
A healthy woman to
, pimple, blotches, and all dis-
places I tie restored and
it t w I It ti
Georgia, and Oregon
There is no telling what j of Republican organs November election Factional
cigarette can when it on tho fact that Bryan fights will not the way
cured by P. P. P.
by Smaller p. P. P. will restore
, i . . i ., i you la
tO factional fights, all by P- P. P. that hoary, down.
, ., . . feeling.
gOOd majorities, Which there IS For and face.
no possibility Of at for and
gels a fair stow. A
Pa., boy has just been sent to the
One of the
with the grandest penitentiary for rifling his
and best w s, I stealing propensity being
which will be seen
in all their
p r o a c b able com-
at Green-
ville, Oct.
notable equestrian
act performed by
the world's most fa-
Miss Rose most
young horsewoman
whose surprising accomplishments have
made her the idol of every country. No
other rider has ever achieved that
high grade excellence accomplished
by this young artist. Even her
pit rivals her the palm
of superiority, and point with to
her as their leader- No prettier pie. tire I
can be conceived than this young girl,
endowed by nature with rare beauty of
form face, dancing and pirouetting
upon the back of a swiftly running j
h use, with the ease, and j
abandon as a behind tin foot-
lights the cage. Miss
rill is. only o . score
feat winch
in- settled by tins c ; i
us a woe, t. ;
any limns u
has ever known. I; the
in win re the i .
I s- can h s e i. I,. ,
i-r tented
i .
is the only one to pr I It.
by in cigar-
has bad his cut. They will and there will instead Demo
feel like com-1 Bryan. If
when Bryan snatches lie-1 there is anything in indications
early next the frosty about Republican
just now i- not be
regulation, P. P. p.,
Remedy, and gel well once.
I Block.
For sale by Wooten.
r a a. r
. . c a a
u s i, a e a in II
. a at
a a a i a a a
LL GOODS bought direct from the makers In large quantities and
sold at only one small more. The Complete Furnishing
and of New Houses a Specialty. Small orders receive the
same careful and prompt attention as large ones. Special lots of
Furniture bought from Bankrupt Manufacturers being offered at
less than their value all the time.
a a a
r AN
your Poultry and to Win
for he
I ii. and In ard
an to p you as much t any
J. B.
Mis. eh
you get along with
out linking such ti ten
Nellie Noyes mama- we
can't Willie's playing he's papa
coming home late at
Notice to Creditors.
In with a d c . n i a
term of Flit
t in a ease therein in which
of ft. A um
Is plaint IT K K. i tin. .-ml then
t the i it. .
ed t Hie with me the of
s tr a in or In to. r
tie b f ember u
made my y to to
term the
the pro sh ire of debt
th, Those is
to share the th
within above tin
Clerk of
M, C,
How to Make Home Attractive
Has been the study of mankind since the trouble in
Adam's household, and it is now universally conceded
that Music is the most potent factor in the accomplish-
Jg of this result. Now a Piano or an Organ is a necessity
if you want a Musical Home, and I have been studying
and working for years to get myself into a position to
iii supply the homes of North and South Carolina with the
Best Possible Instruments,
At Lowest Possible Prices, and on
Easiest Possible Terms.
My success is beyond my hopes, and I am now prepared
to give my patrons the benefit. Such a line as I can
offer has never been controlled by one dealer.
And I've The Leader In Each Different Grade.
Of course my low prices and easy terms are going to
stir up the small dealers, and when you hear the
about Andrews, just remember what Sam Jones says
about the one that has certainly been hit You
will probably buy but one Piano or Organ in a lifetime,
so you want to get the right one. Let me, or one of my
salesmen, help you make your selection.
Makes Fine Homes.
Th Moat Expensive Furniture fa Not Al way the It
Well Designed.
Well Made.
Well Finished.
I can furnish you with all of these, at less money than
other dealers will offer them. A great variety to select from
Bedroom Suits in Oak at
Curly Birch, Mahogany, Birdseye Maple and Walnut
Suits at all prices.
Parlor Suits in Great Variety.
Dining Room Furniture, every style
Hall Suits, to the Queen's Taste.
Pictures and Easels in abundance. Everything in
Furniture to make homo comfortable.
No m can
Boom Price.
We Save you Money on them.
it it it it it it
Hundreds and Thousands of Homes in the two Carolinas will testify to our goods and low prices. Our business methods are fair and liberal.
We want to do business with you. Makes no difference how small your orders are, you will get the lowest prices. My traveling salesmen will
call to see you if you wish. Write for and , ,
prices. One postal card may save you many dollars. M m hT I W
I He Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Furniture, Pianos and Organs, ,
Manager Music Department WeSt Trade CHARLOTTE, N. C.
. m ft mm m i

Greenville, N.
f Editor
red at the post at
N. C. J second m ail matter
Gives the Colonel a
He Won't Forget.
sou like every voice in the vast that is best country d-pends on
audience WM for Amid in this
ex-Senator K. under-
then went tor Skinner
speaker, the more nod wiped op what little
applause was so he could scarce t him. Skinner went to
Col. Lucas arose and it a. Manly, of the democratic State
a minute before the live C. u-d said, want you
subsided for to to untie my hands. want to be able
to out in t-is I have
been badly by that rascal, But-
the st the convention
and want a chance to get back in the
Democratic That is where he
f ought u be and it he goes around with
through of this
I will have him bark there
speak. lie caught Skinner slipping
nit of room and called him back.
Lucas began by expressing his
at speech, lie
had really expected to hear something
here but it was the greatest harangue
an hour that he had ever been forced t,, j
sit and to.
I learned something else on Skinner
8th and districts for Congress.
These you are to for. Don't
you know they are geld bugs t Have
en are getting to be
things. A little more than
week ago a man in Charlotte got hi
you too, that as things i toot hung in the while going
ahead i ft train switch, and
was run over killed, and in Norfolk
a few since another man was killed
m the same way.
Wednesday, Oct. was a day
not soon to be forgotten in Pitt county.
It was the occasion the discus
between W. II. Lucas, the
Democratic nominee for Congress
this district, an I Col. Harry Skinner,
tee Populist nominee and Republican
for the same office. This
speaking taking place at Skinner's
home it was expected that he would be
at his best and endeavor to make the
strongest impression possible, but the
miserable failure that he made and tin-
decent roasting he received a the
hands of Col. Loom can be judged by
what follows.
Skinner opened the discussion in a
speech of one hour. He started off by
saying everybody knew whom and
what he represented-that he was the
regular nominee of the party
and had been duly endorsed by th ; Re-
publicans of the Lucas don't
what he the nominee of. He
said he had represented the county in
the Legislature-and the in Con-
and challenged his opponent to
show that every act of his had not been
in the interest of the people. He
pointed to the dam at the river bridge
and the gates around tin town of
Greenville as to himself.
He he was a free silver man,
but did not. believe silver was a
remedy for all ills, it was only the
beginning of reformations. He wished
that all and the world
c be sunk to the bottom of the
and a law passed by the
who dug any of either metal
from the bowels of the- earth should be
boated. He wanted to do away with
as and
other of exchange.
He accused the Democrats of the
demonetization at silver, that the Re-
publicans were the- real guilty party
but Democrat were
to the act.
If Alliance never come into
there would have been no
bedrock from th party
could have He referred
Locke Craig saying at Currituck that
it was consistent for Democrats and
Populists to fuse on the electoral ticket
but for and
to on State and count
tickets. he
saving he had voted for up to
this hour and was a man whom they
could trust until be proved false He
accused the Democrats of
and wanted the
lists to understand that Democrats
hail no love tor them had rather
destroy them than to have free silver-
They love party above country and
The iii North Carolina
arc with the gold party, are trying
nu in this every-
body knows Lain to the cause of
silver He referred to the its in
Other district in the State, and said if
the Democrats w.-re sincere in their
advocacy of silver why didn't Like
down Kitchen the fifth district and
defeat Settle by rating for Dalby, and
why didn't they take down Woodard
in the second district and defeat White
by voting for Haw- course the
inference in this was why didn't
also down Lucas in this district
and elect
Some one in the audience asked
is Gov. Jarvis you don't say
anything about Yes, sad Skin-
a i. am glad you called my attention
l him. Jarvis is a timid man and
wants to be on land before he speaks.
He then referred to the silver convention
in in Gov. Jarvis
was there in the preceding caucus and
mule a speech but was timid to
come out and take a stand in the con-
next day.
then said he left the Demo-
party to vole for Cleve-
land was made the test of Democracy
in 1892. Lucas ought to have walked
out like I did. He made some refer-
to what the Democratic party
could have done but didn't do, and
abused them for passing a lower tariff
saying the reduction on lumber
lost a million dollars a year to this dis-
then tried to forestall Lucas
by telling some he was going to
in this way tilled up his hour-
He some applause from
m few Populists at intervals as he went
Instantly there acre cries for
ad the chorus was taken op it
He then made brief to the
c at Washington
him by acclamation, being a
farmer only an ordinary
that he felt the lack of means
the district and tried to per
them to nominate some one else.
But nomination as it did I
could not decline it. I am in this fight
to the finish and to whip. Skinner
may and cavort, hut he will find
on election day I have buried him so
deep his trickery a bubble can never
rise to stow where he is.
Skinner's knowledge of silver
wonderful, he makes himself out about
the only patriot in the wot Id.
He had the audacity to tell me n few
days ago that he learned Bryan what
he knows about silver.
He mooned the of Skinner's
reference to the tariff on lumber and
said now I want ask Skinner when
the emergency bill was up before
last Congress it he did not vote to in-
crease the tax bagging aid ties
Answer answer
Skinner says he is a silver man.
know I am and the question is which
one us is the best. I will examine
h'm on that. He asked me second
his nomination for
the Democratic convention
Raleigh in 1892, as he wanted a
chance to make a speech. Skinner
made a speech declaring a Dem-
.-aid that his voice would be
heard throughout the
the principles of Democracy.
Inside a month from that time Skin-
was nominated by the
in for Governor and when he
he saw at time-that his
in the field would endanger the
the State by turning it over to the Re-
publicans he would they
took him down and nominated
Now we see him w gold
R-publicans in this district. At Elisa-
beth City he was as thick Pale-
man John and Cobb as three in
Lucas then told the colored d
what Skinner said in his speech at
Raleigh a few months ago about no
need to ask for office, and read an
editorial comment upon that speech by
a colored paper in Wilmington. And
now Skinner has got the
to be asking the colored
him back to congress; lie can't
get there their votes.
it is because of this abundance brass
he possesses that he wants all the gold
and silver in the world buried in the
ocean, his new medium of
would develop in a scheme to get
self coined up.
Col. Lucas then went into an
of the financial question and
a comparison of the condition of the
country prior to the demonetization of
silver and since, and showed how the
party stands squarely for
silver. The Democrats have not
a man in North Car-
who is not honest silver man.
Skinner has asked me why d I
attack Ins record, he has none, he has
done nothing in Congress but draw
f-om the government and is
asking you to send him back.
I have asked t it he
will work to put a man in the
who will vote for a gold standard
man for the Senate, but can't get him
u Skinner says Bryan is a
Populist. hen he makes such a
statement as that he leads to doubt
nil he he has not sense enough
to know better he ought to get out of
this contest.
My opponent asks why I did n t
out of the party when he did I
thank God that I never march cut
The Democratic party for the
best interests of the people I stand
with if. Then he referred strongly to
the record of the party and how it had
kept with the people.
Skinner says we Pore party above
country, but hi tarns about so fast that
it is impossible tell what he loves
except that he loves office and Harry
Skinner above everything else.
time being up Col. Lucas to
stop here but told the Crowd he had
else good in his rejoinder.
All though his speech he was
cheered and made it so hot for Skin-
that the latter slipped away two or
three time.-.
coming to Greenville I have
been here today that Cot.
Jarvis said he heard Skinner lobbying
in Washington in favor of a bill to pay
clerks month the year through,
and fifteen minutes later went on the
floor of the House and made a speech
against and against the bid.
At this Skinner sprang to bis
and came near causing
Said he Gov. Jarvis, Dr.
or any one else says that they are
and damnable
there, sir demanded Dr.
as that old veteran pressed
towards the speaker's dare
you use my name in connection with
The wildest excitement followed for
a few minutes as people
around, and in some way Skinner used
the name of A. L. Blow in connection
with the others when that gentleman
also started for him. Skinner hastened
to apologize to both Dr. and
Mr. Blow for using their names.
When quiet was restored Col. Lucas
continued did not desire to create
trouble by mentioning this matter, but
I repeat that I was told today that
Gov s id th he Skinner
lobbying in bill to pay
clerks a month the year through
and fifteen minutes later he made a
speech against it and voted against
you all that r
went through the campaign two years
ago denouncing Branch had
voted tor a bill to pay clerks a
only while Congress was in
I give you as my authority that
Gov. Jarvis said this the names of W.
L. Brown, J. Blount and F. G-
S inner stepped forward again and
said I Gov. Jarvis s a
reigned again for a
minutes, but the crowd dispersed wit
having any trouble.
Col. has been severely
f r g the language he did ill
reference to Gov. Jarvis, tor besides
those gentlemen named by Col. Lucas,
Henry Harding, County Treas-
J. L. and perhaps numbers
of others Gov. Jarvis mike the
statement, and everybody believes that
what Gov Jarvis said about it is true.
Upon the whole toe joint discussion
here was a signal victory for Col. L-
He more a
match tor his many-sided opponent and
won hundreds of friends among the
good people of Pitt county.
now stands it means Cy Watson or
Dan Russell for G A member
of the State Populist Executive Com-
said a few days ago that you
could not now find a
few months ago there many o
them. Now they are all sol
and This I leans that
so fa-- as the result is led a vote
for however much yo l may
desire to see him elected, will count
In conversation with a
list Friday night he made this sensible re-
mark it now stands it is
or Watson. I would like to s e
governor and all i wore
equal in race I should for him,
President Cleveland has dismissed
from office Henry D. Clayton, a dis-
attorney in Alabama, because the
latter accepted the Democratic
tor Congress in his district. We
dare say that Mr. Clayton being en-
gaged in a canvass would not
Ins duties one-tenth as much as
the does in his frequent fish-
hunting jaunts.
CI airman II of the Republican
Stale executive says
but when it comes to a choice as it is e Will carry North Carolina by from
7.52 7.59
8.00 to 8.021 7.97
Kins Jan. 8.974
an . It,
Below Norfolk puces of
and peanuts a-,
by Cobb Bros. Coo mission Mer-
chants of
Good Middling
Middling S
bow Middling
Good Ordinary SB-M
J- G-
now Russell nod Watson it
does Pot take a minute for me to de
for This is the view
which we believe all who are
truly seeking good will
take and it they will do this Dan
sell will be K-ft at home. This is a
time when men ought to think and act
wisely. No man loves his
desires the triumph of Russell and
in this election. If you aid in
their election aid you still sutler under
the pressure of bad government y u
will have no right to complain, lie
member what some of your leaders have
done and said by their action and
for interest of your country and
w well.
to majority, and
by If the Populists will slop
and consider the question carefully,
the ought to see that their actions now
are aiding just such a result as
predicts. Either Russell or Watson
must be the next Governor of North
Carolina, and the Populists should
asking themselves Which ore they art-
going to help put in office.
W. HIGGS, Pres. i. S. HIGGS, Cashier
Is Hie lowest price any object to you Are the beet
If ho come fee our few stock
which we have just Our More is
full of New
were never lower.
lad examine our of
Dress Goods
We have a beautiful and up-to-date lite. You will Bad the
styles and we know we an please you- Oil, how hew
beautiful, the prettiest line I have ever is what our lad
say of We have a large line both in and blacks and
can please you.
One cf Host Gigantic
of Times.
A if consummated
will have under its control n inly
the largest plug tobacco
the United States.
A dispatch from New York to
News under date of Oct.
contains the following news may
prove interest to the tobacco trade.
What the outcome will be we arc yet
unprepared to say, but in this age of
we shall not be much
surprised if the entire plug tobacco
business of this does not fall
in the . rich
One of the greatest deals
Known to hf world is and a well-
known has been handling
a most important feature the
This deal is one similar to those by
English capital some years ago
got posses-ion of so many
breweries. The
figures extensively in the
deal is Charles M. As
in the case the brewery deals, it is
English capital that is seeking invest-
at this time. Their object is to
buy up all the important plug tobacco
the United Stairs and
to pool their put. Most of the
owners of the great concerns engage i
in weed have placed
a on their with the in-
of selling to the
This it. true also with reference to some
of th.- well known
throughout. Kentucky and . Tho
owners but one plant alone
to have objected to selling. That
was the Company of St.
Louis, effort was made to have
Some the northern
houses are working a clever ruse
fort Io make sentiment for the gold
standard. We have seen a circular let-
sent out by a New York firm to
banks ottering to ware them in ad-
against being hampered with
predated in the event
election. scheme put forth
by this firm is to furnish the banks
that want to lay by some gold any de-
sired amount the yellow metal at
small premium, ranging from one per
cent, on to of one
per cent on
Greenville, N. C.
In ard
GOODS have a
Representing a Capital of Kore Than a
Win. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md.
The Scotland Neck Bank. Scotland
Neck, N. C.
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N. O
R. R. Fleming, N, C.
D. W. Bros.
Greenville, N. C.
we have just what want.
In Men and
i ever
GOODS we have just the best need tor
stock to be found and prices were to sec- n-.
We hear it reported on the street
here that Harry Skinner, in a Speech
at Wednesday night, advised
the in his audience to vote sol-
idly II this is true,
some of the pet pie of that section who
heard the speech to give the facts
to the public. It is a nice candidate,
indeed, who professes to be a free silver
man and at the same time advises his
hearers to vote for gold men. We can't
say that the report is true, hut repeat,
if it is who beard the speech
should let the facts be known.
It is very evident the
i. very about the
vote. He skipped bis joint debate
with C-d- Lucas at Beaufort, in order
to make a t ii to Raleigh, and it is re-
ported that he was there in close con-
with Republican chairman
ton and S. Otho Wilson. Ike pro-
is that he was seeking
ton's influence to lo-
him. It is evident to the
most casual observer that the while
are slipping away from him. and
nobody fees it letter than the
v endear
to buy as will please the
We respectfully solicit the accounts the pi ices Shoes
of firms, individuals and the general j much lower than Give
a trial when you need
Checks and Account Books furnish ton or member of
Our object is to sell
est Al lowest pi
We have a of
id en
Have just received an
your faintly. We can fit the email-
eat or foot in the county.
Our L. Reynolds Shoes
for Men and are ranted
to give good service. e have
nix yearn experience with
this lice and know them to be Thin
we claim for them.
of the latest and are ready
the v ants of the trade at Prices
than ever
and k sales Is our motto. Our
goods are new and cheap to meet
of the m is.-es. We are
goods at a price far below the
casket we for
Col. Skinner took the stand again
and in the fifteen minutes for a
rejoinder he discussed a
issue nor answered any of the
put to him. He consumed the time by
trying to make small of
quoted some poetry and told a few stale
anecdotes by way of comparison.
When to close the
discussion he paid another fine tribute
For some time a few the
leaders and a majority of the rank and
file of the patty base been saying that
hey were tired and disgusted with the
arrangement and fusion with the Re-
publicans by which they were to aid
die They have
been demanding of their leaders fusion
with the Democrats have been
told that the Democrats were
and would not offer any terms.
this they have keeping t i;
together i Causing
to feel that a fusion With the Ki
was a necessity. Rut how about
it now The past Week they had an
to h D-mo-
both on ticket an I Con.
districts, and Oil liberal
terms- They get ball of the of-
fices h they would not cast over
a of votes. Their leaders
Raleigh said we prefer to fuse with
the Republicans and thereby turn over
Supreme Court to to give us
Dan governor, a gold bug
or Attorney gold-bug
Congressmen, and a
declared advocate and
the gold standard for Sen
shows the object of the leaders of
Populists in just many
the rank and file of the party have all
ready seen. It is to lead you into the
Republican party. All this is done, too,
the face the fact that the
had agreed to take down
arid allow Guthrie to be elected Gov-
they m-w positively
to do. This in the face, too, of the f.
l is having
hauled down to charged
with trying to prevent an honest
Th, matter is now settled. What will
the Populists do Will they be led into
Republican party Will they be a
party to the of Take
up your Caucasian of last week and
read what it says and see if it does
not ask you to vote for gold bugs. He
says ticket at the head this pa-
per i I the one which you will be asked
to vote, and we believe every Populist
ought vote See there the name
of Zeb Vance Walser. See there the
Hr. fl. Beaver-
says. Dr, New
I owe my life. Was taken
tho a price upon In it
property, only to be met with a
on their part. Here U was that
Mr. came into play. He was
s to effect a deal with the
moods, and at one time very recently
it that he would accomplish
what he had set out to do. The first
Offer for the St. Louis concern
was This sum within
pat few days has been raised to
The however
do not appear anxious to dispose of
their valuable property. At Las they
are now giving hut little
to carrying of
the deal depends upon the of
their plant, and thus may s-en the
confidence place I in Chatter
Such a compliment has been paid but
few iii--ii. Should the deal go through
he entire business of manufacturing
plug tobacco will be at-u um
near the ark. Should
the to sell
amount of English capital come to
as great as the lust Cleveland
bond deal. One man engineered
the thing so Though it in
not yet be known to Mr.
Colonel Joseph Hughes of
Hamilton, Ohio, a gentleman who
brought money into America
which to purchase is
the credited New York
with having originate this hist
and greatest of all deals.
with and tried the
for miles about, but of no avail
aim was given up and t I could not
live. Having Dr King's New
In my store I for a and
began Is use and from the first do e be-
to get, b tier, a id after using three
b title was up an l about again It is
Its Weight In gold won't
keep st or house without a
free trial at Jno. L. Ding
Store ;
and can vim anything yen
id v need at tho lowest prices on
ever heard of. Come and tee our
112.30 Solid Oak
To pass us by would be an
injustice to your pocket
s so because
say so, but because our
and prices make it so Here is n
fair If
give us nothing, but
yon find our goods and prices
. acknowledge it with
your patronage. Hoping to sen
soon and promising our l-t.
make your coming
and profitable, we are
Your friends.
o the Democratic party and said all I names of and Pearson in Ike
W. II. Smith, of Alabama,
for many years a staunch Republican
has taken the slump in his State for
and St wall. He says the
of would be the greatest
calamity that could befall the country
at this time.
of Carrol comity, Mis-
formed a secret society and
made a plot to exterminate the y
people of the county. They had
arming themselves for that
purpose when the finding of in
the road exposed the plot. Several
leaders were
These switch a contrivance
To the Democratic Voters of th- First
Congressional of North
Pros and Unlimited c linage of
at ratio of to has been forced
ill on the as the one
paramount issue in the Cam-
Al and
have and ac being made to
force this mesa upon the people, that
it may become the law of the la id.
This is not a but an
Measure upon which individual
members of all parties differ.
To prim
oppose this of free silver
age, ind who oppose the sill
methods, and the surrender
of principles of to
I beseech you as men who have
the coinage of your holiest convictions.
to enter your protest, to that
measure, o. Cheap threat-
ens overthrow American Institutions.
and bi log disaster to the peat
interest of the country. It is a
lack of courage to passively acquiesce
in hour such peril, but to the
Honest your best
is the exercise and
most privilege guaranteed by the
to every American citizen.
call on you to let no sickly sentiment
of majority Influence you In the dis-
charge s great privilege, but
as brave men exercise the courage
convictions. ISAAC A
Elector. National Democratic Party
First District.
N C Oct. 12th, 1800.
All we is a trial and will give en-
tire satisfaction.
G. A. O
Opposite Post Office.
Having this day before E
A. Move. Clerk of superior Court of
county, as administrator of
stale M.
Is to the c-.
of said i state to present their clams
duly to me for
on or before the 80th of September,
or notice will be plead in bar
of their All l
to said es at- are requested to make
mediate payment and thus save cost and
This it day of September
W. g,
Jarvis ; Blow.
We Offer You a
of Life to Mother
Liver Ills
dyspepsia, headache,
sour stomach. Indigestion are promptly
by Hood's Plus. do their
easily sod thoroughly. J I I a
Best or dinner pills.
cents. All m ,
Prepared by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell. Mass.
The only Pill to take with Hood's
Robs Confinement of Pain, Horror and Risk.
wife used
of her she d-d not
sutler from CHAMPS or quickly
I at the hour but
i bad pains afterward and her
recovery was rapid- . .
I E. E. Johnston. Ala.
Sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of
price, ppr Book Moth-
mailed Free.
of Pit
for the rear been placed m my
hands for ion sons, owing
taxes hereby notified to cone for-
ward settle promptly and save them
selves trouble and costs.
KING, her
Have opened up a new
and large stock
the new store next
door to j. c. and
call on us everybody
we are selling goods
very cheap
values in this department,
VI We've plumed ourselves tor the biggest
I business ever produced by
T money's-worth. The stock is in prime con-
The season has just buyer
is back from the markets, where he
all the weaves that you arc now wanting.
Everything as fresh as the first breath a rose.
cl Styles
At old stand.

Youth and Boys
Local Reflections.
Leaves are tilling.
Raleigh lair this week.
This u charming.
lie Mount fair next week.
Chrysanthemums are
Registrations books now dosed.
W inter overcoats are taking an air-
The hill hoard large
on Our
Fresh Carr Butter
today, at S. M
All our churches had services Sunday
J his is W. W.
can guess it.
All in and the Assort-
is greater than
ever. The price
has been greatly
reduced and
is just
same All colors, cuts
and makes select
from Give me a trial,
be satisfied
Che choice Apples,
at S. II.
New bill dress and Mazer parents
at L. Griffin's.
will soon
A Mrs. Hopkins Boy
Dry Goods,
in abundance and
will suit you in price.
Don't forget me
when want goods
The building
ready its
There was music in the air
out playing.
Fresh Mountain Butter,
per pound, at M. Shultz.
It you failed to register you have
only to kick it.
Democrats should put their best
work from now to the election.
The Convention will meet
in Washington on the 27th t.
The of November will be a cold
the candidates who get
The best tempered man the world
can't prevent his hair from having a
tailing out.
Something new in season, Buck t.
Oat Flake and Molasses, at
S. Al. Schultz.
The brakeman who announces the
wrong station may be said to
his calling.
There is so much politics our
now as to almost eclipse inter-
est in the war in
The have hold-
night meetings with the
people in various parts of the county.
have moved my
to the new block over Cobb's
store. D. L. James, i. S.
Cyrus Thompson is billed to speak
a; Greenville on We 21st, and
Cheat hum. colored, on Saturday,
i have constantly on hand the
Foreign and Domestic Fruits, also
Cabbages, Onion, and
J. S. Tl N.-TALI.
The village of Winterville. live miles
here, has petitioned the railroad
tor a depot there. It ought
to have one.
My tall stock of millinery is complete
in every line and can supply all your
wants. Mus. Al.
The Greenville Driving u
will have a series races at their track
here Nov. 11th and 12th. The purses
Evangelist Danville,
who conducted a meeting in the
church here two years is now
holding a meeting i
The are invited to inspect
my handsome display new millinery.
M. D.
carry the and largest
Cigars, Cigarettes, Cheroots and
Tobacco in the city. A new in
J. S.
J. G. Rawls, of Wilson, has rented the
store room under the hall the
building and will open a jewelry store
here about the first of November.
The lire is nearly tin
It is pronounced by all who have seen
it, the number inspectors is
legion, to be a splendid piece of work.
All who have Bean new Pattern
Bats pronounce them beauties i have
the very
Mrs. M. D.
Joe Evans was cut
. to he telegraph line Mon-
day, a pol fell striking him the lace.
and mouth were considerably
The says when
a man gets sick and recovers his
seem to think but little it. but
when he dies they publish a card
Hooker have just
a ear land of fine Kentucky bred ho
wart a thoroughly good
fail lo s them.
Hon. W Mason, the Demo-
nor. addressed a large at tile
Court. House Saturday, and we hear
bis speech spoken of as a mi effort.
The small building on the corner in
front of Dr. M.
been moved hack to another part of the
lot lo make room for a handsome
which W. Brown will build
on the corner.
J. of Everetts, was here
Miss Stunner home
Friday evens;.
J. II returned Friday even-
L. returned Friday even-
from Durham.
It. R Fleming mid wife, of
were here Monday.
J. A. Monday evening tor
a trip down the road.
Miss May Harris, of Falkland, is
wiling here.
J. J. Cherry returned Rich-
Dr. T. Cox, near Ayden,
spent Monday in town.
Mrs. J. II. returned from
Tarboro evening.
I. White, who hat sick for a
week, was to be out.
Miss Mamie Hooker has gone to
to spend a week.
Mrs. A A. Andrews an daughter
Went to Durham Saturday.
Mi-s Ida Rogers, postmaster at
Whichard, spent here with
Gregory, of Richmond, has
been spending a few days here with
lie boys.
Mrs. J. K Langley, of
arrived Wednesday evening to vital
the family of J. L.
Mrs. Savage and Mrs. Flam, of
son, who were visiting Mrs. C. T,
returned home
W. B. Whichard mid wife,
ard, spent Sunday afternoon and
Monday with the family of the editor.
Mrs. S. D. Lie arrived from Wilson
Friday evening lo in her hums here
with her sons, W. T. and V Lee.
R. C. of the government
at Washington, arrived
home iv evening to visit his pa-
C. F. S Virginia, u
of this passed down the
to visit his
mother mar
M. M. X who was sick
through most of the summer, has re-
s her position at Lang's store. It
looks natural lo her back there.
Miss lone May. of return-
a Virginia
spent Saturday night here Mrs. A.
Forbes and went to Sun-
Co. Skinner slipped off
Lucas, Friday, and went to Rd-
to see he could catch a new in-
from the bosses. He came to
Greenville Saturday evening and left
E. Warren left Monday
Salisbury where he wed Miss Mat-
tie dames, that town, Wednesday even-
The with his bride will
return to Greenville on Thursday
at to
If all the omens come true Bryan
and free silver will certainly win the
coining Something has just
occurred the office that
is somewhat remarkable and has in-
creased the enthusiasm over
the. bright prospects for the success
our ticket. When the boys came in
to begin Monday found
that our Hull office clock had
stopped at exactly minutes to
o'clock. It so impressed that
they would not start the clock at work
a nun and we have decided to let the
clock stand as it is until the of
election, just days from the
Mollie, daughter of Mr.
Tyson, died evening, Oct.
18th. She was fatten suddenly with a
yellow chill and though everything
done to relieve her, death soon claimed
her, and her spirit was
wings to the of God
was a fourteen
years of age. She was a dutiful
loving and all who Knew her
loved her for her bright, sunny
She was a member of the M. K.
church and died h hope a blessed
Mr. James an aged
highly esteemed
died 15th, his home eight
miles from . lie ha I
beyond the all three an tell
and hist few years it life
he was confined to his bed a g-eater
portion of the He was on excel-
lent man, an in his
manner, to Iris home and
and a I II was as
as the days long, a plain,
farmer, and l the
few men in the comity who by
strict attention to his that
something this world's goo s I e
accumulated by the plow b. n
Merit Maintains
the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla.
medicine cures you when sick; if it makes
wonderful cores ever;, where, then beyond
all question that medicine possesses merit.
1896. Fall Winter 1896.
On the 21st w
about one Ired mil i
Greenville man will
of t hem-
That fa the truth about Hood's
We know it possesses merit
because it cures, not once or twice or a
hundred times, but in thousands and
We know
when all others
rail to do any good whatever. We repeat
ail a Is the best-In tact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills
St He.
price is no object
takes the lead and the
Come and see me.
Sale of y.
The sale of the i v Mrs. A.
M. Clark's estate place Monday.
Hie house and lot were first
purchase by Miss Poole at
The tract land near the
college was sold in two parts, the rail-
road being the dividing line. The
of the railroad brought
and that east of the railroad
c. t. ping, trimmings, car-
both. Miss Poole the diamond l l it
brooch at an I was petS, Oil
also purchased by her. ladies, misses and
Wrap, Shoes, As.
In our store you will
sec nothing but the
Stylish Goods. You will
find nothing but
Newest Effects on our
counters. We have no use for out of date
styles. Our aim shall be to keep you
on the Newest and Best in every de-
and we cordially invite you inspect
the enormous collections of Dress Goods. Dry
He Was Absent.
It is T. J. Jarvis to
state that he was not present on Wed-
when Harry Skinner publicly
denounced him as
d but was absent in an-
other port of the State. We overlook
this oar article it
Doubtless it Gov. Jarvis had b sen pres-
Skinner would have been
to apologize to him as well to the other
whose used in the
Lang- Sells Cheap.
Examine Prices Below
Car No.
pleated to have ,, call Split Boots. to
Good Boots, o to Id,
There to be activity ill
the sales Greenville real estate in the
future. At any rate it the
predicted weddings take place will
have to be more houses built.
In the College at on Wed-
evening, 14th, at o'clock, Mr.
B. L. and Miss Minnie
were united in marriage by lie v.
L. Chestnut.
We were
Thursday from W. R. x lo
of car of the billing force John Plow
circus The car arrived this Mens
and the town is being Good Shoes,
with circus The
1.00 Ono ball Wool Dress Goods,
1.25 Big- line of Serges, Cash-
and nil
I wool, width,
pounds good
Chi to Island Molasses
to no Sack Salt,
Dispatch says it was the best ad grand- , to Good
eel show seen in that city. It rays Children it Boys Hats to 1.00 Furniture
he show was neat and had a Mens and Boys Hilts to 8.00 Good Patent Flour.
cleanly and worth twice the Suits Clothes Old stock Hen and Ladies
. . i all-wool Suits Shoes,
of to Large stock Laid, Pork and
to 1250 Sides always on band,
Will You Vote
now fore our people
is that either Cy. Watson or Dan Hus-
sell be the next Governor of North J
Carolina. Under such condition no
white man should hesitate about
his vote tor Watson. Vote
and you help to turn your State over to
the hands corrupt men.
are out of sight in style and color and below
par in price.
Every thing cheap.
C. T.
. ,
Greenville Wiring
EVANS CO., Props.
The old Greenville Warehouse is
and more lights added which it
the best lighted Warehouse in the State. With
plenty money and no pets, fair dealings and
hard work, we are going to sell aft high
as any one. Give trial and we will show
you. Your friends,
EVANS Greenville, N. C.
Highest prices paid
or Li, ail
N. C, September 22nd, 1896.
of This,
It is sale to say that t is not a
man in North Carolina who loves his
State, who really wishes the Stale to be
disgraced by having occupy the
Governor's The way. and the
only way, to avert this is to vote tor
Candidates at Bethel,
Democratic county
at Saturday to a crowd of
about throe hundred. The principal
speeches were by C. L.
I, B. Little and J. J. Laughinghouse.
Before closing Mr.
folded a more chapters of Skinner's
dirty record and the people over
smithing to think The
candidates made votes for
Thursday, October 29th,
a o
ST J o
-i -S D K
e A
ft p St.
U .,.
A Westerner ad in the news-
papen. for people. How
to get fat, by one who has done it. Send
ten cents in etc. All
got the same
it at the
The last Quarterly
the Station for the current
will be held Friday night, Oct
23rd. The Conference for
Ayden circuit be held
day. Oct. fifth. Elder Hall
will in I
It is not denied by anybody that
more money is being spent in
behalf I ban ever before spent in a
Presidential campaign. few
I simple enough to believe that tip
I ii-n who MB furnishing this money
Challenge and Bays.
The tune for registration for the
i election is now past, the
baffling las. Saturday
Next between hours
a. in., and p. in., will be
day. Between these heirs any
person ii-t entitled to vote may be
challenged. On the following
will be trial day. Upon that d y be-
tween a. in., and p. m., in all
except in incorporated
towns and cities, all challenges will be
heard and determined upon. The law-
says that in incorporated towns and
cities the bearings may be bad up to i
p. m.
It should be the duty of every man
to see that persons wrongfully register-
ed shall not vote. Challenge every
who you know is not entitled
vote and has been convicted . f crime.
; dot expect to get it back with
j can elect
As a for all forms of Headache
Hitters proved to he the
best. It effects a permanent cute
the in dreaded habitual sick
yield to Its influence. We
nil who are afflicted to procure s
beetle, this remedy a fair
u case of habitual constipation
Hitters cures by giving needed tone
o the bowels, and few cases long
use of this medicine. Try it once.
Fifty cents and 91.00 at John L. Hoot-
Drug store.
The Money Savers.
est garments of this season's manufacture have
been given to us tor this section and the prices
are much less than their real value
Cheap Excursion Rates on all Railroads.
Everything you want,
in Dress Goods what-
ever new and stylish in
goods manufactured
for the fall and winter
trade that's worth look
at may be seen in
I our stock now. Novelty
Suits in great variety.
Come and see them and
you will be surprised.
Prices never beaten.
A New plush
throughout, large and small
collars, jet or trimmed and plain. Capes
are made extra lull sweep. Neatly finished in
wool, broadcloth, beaver and The price
lower than ever known. Save per cent.
We never sell
a suit of clothes
that does not look well. That is why our aver-
age run of customers includes patrons who
deal regularly with us. The material is strong,
durable and comfortable, and the price is right.
The Money Savers.

a l.
Sole Owners and Proprietors of the
TO THE PUBLIC is conceded by all the surrounding country that Greenville leading tobacco market for the sale of Leaf f in
Warehouse with
vast amount of
it behooves all within reach of the Great market to sell their tobacco hare. There are four large Warehouse doors open to the public and among them is the Warehouse wit
to be used in connection with the that we may be able to handle the vast amount
from Greene county, they having purchased the interest
i direct to the . T A where you will always receive
CG., Greenville,
a corps of clever and gentlemanly assistants. We now have under construction a
Tobacco consigned to us. We have associated with us Messrs. H. L. Coward and T. E. Hooker, two large and successful tobacco raisers from Greene county, they having purchased the HI
Mr. Ernul, we are better prepared to handle your tobacco than ever before and when you get your tobacco ready for market drive direct to the . T A I where you will receive
and courteous attention and highest market prices for your tobacco. Your friends,
You the passing hoar
Upward of three years.
Bat there never a nor a trace
Of all you have seen and known.
Never a in your Tare
Of the joy and the tears
That have in three hundred years.
Yon only to the hours.
Not the sorrows worn of men.
The hopes that were crushed and blighted,
Tho deeds that still live in story.
The lives that were love united,
For love, alike now as then.
Is the mightiest power among men.
Time, which destroys so much.
Whose servant and slave you are,
Who holds the world in his
And who all men last
For none may his clasp-
On love leaves a
He is to hurt and mar.
For time is of this world only.
And, though he doth all things slay.
Yet for us u distant shore.
Where he shall be to harm us.
Where love is triumphant
And doubt and distrust are passed away,
And that was faithful will ever stay.
Yankee Sleds Beat Swiss Coaster.
Tho original for
long remained sufficient for
probably because
the pastime with them is hardly
more than the original moans of lo-
it provided for tho Indians,
and competition in speed was never
a successful possibility. The
Swiss coaster was destined to a
far shorter supremacy when put to
tho keen tests of the racing that de-
it. Men got all that
was possible in the way of out
of sitting on a wooden framework
balanced upon Cat bars. And
Mi-. L. P. Child of Now York sup-
plied the want by producing in tho
winter of American
which boat every rider in
out of whether native
or imported. He it lying head
first on his side, steering with one
foot swinging out be-
hind, after the method familiar on
the chutes of Montreal.
Owing to local and
it, this head first position had not
penetrated to till long
after it had well known else-
where. tho introduction of
n was not so
h tho long
r ma-
chine, C. steering
was fa c A
easy man with tho
of K.
another by Winning the
best race at St. Moritz, sitting on
one of the now clipper sleds, proved
conclusively tho of the right
machine, e when it was ridden
In the wrong way, and showed that
on hard ice as well as on the snow
of tho the new machines
and methods were a great advance.
W v . i K ,
It Al
i i
. Mi
. II lire
i on
I v
I 6-
mi l
I l
C 2-
i OP I
A. M
Ar W u
S . i
A. M
l n
P. K.
e ho
P. H.
P. H P. M,
L Reek
will It in
their interest to get our before
all its branches.
we direct from M u
buy one A torn
the t bought and
sold for having no
to sell it a
M. N C
Train on Neck
3.35 p. m., 4.10
arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 p
. Greenville 9.43 p. m., 7.45
j. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.2
id., Green ville 8.22 s. m.
at a. in , 11.20 am
gum 8.00 a. in., p . m.
Parmele 3.50 a. in., and 4.40 p.
a. 9.45 a. m.,
p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m.
6.20 p. in,, arrives Washington
11.50 a. m., and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-
Sunday. Connects with train on
Scotland Neck
Train leaven N C, via Albs.-
Raleigh R. R. daily except mm
lay, at p. m., Sunday; P. M .
Plymouth 9.00 P. M., 5.25 p. in
Ply mouth daily
6.00 a. re., Sunday a m.,
10.26 and
train X. C. branch leaves
daily, except Sunday, 6.0 a
1-. arriving 7-30 a. m. Re-
turning leaves 8.00
at 0.30 a. m.
Trams in Nag ville leave
Mount at 4.30 p. m. arrive
5.05 p. , Spring 5.30
. save
I Q m., a at
Mount 9.0 a in. daily except
Trains Latta branch, Florence R
., leave 6.40 pm,
p m, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave a m. 6.30 a m,
Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-
Branch leaves War-
aw Clinton except
1.10 a. and 8.50 p.
m. i
Train No. makes close connection
t all points daily, all rail via
ale at Mount
and R for
all juts North via Norfolk.
T. Manage-,
f. T. Manager.
Male Academy.
The next session
open on
for months.
The terms are a follows.
Primary i mo.
Higher .
The work and discipline of the
will be as heretofore.
We ask a continuance of past
W. H.
of the Democratic
party Pitt county for the Legislature
and the various county will ad
dress the people the political is
sues of the day. at loll wing s
laces, viz
Bethel, Saturday. October 17th.
May's Chapel, Wednesday,
Jack, Friday, October 23rd.
October 24th.
Tuesday, October, 27th.
Wednesday, October 28th.
Parkers School House, Thursday,
Fin Friday, October
den, Saturday, 31st.
parties are
ed in participate ii the
n. L. Blow.
Cyrus it.
Governor, will speak at
Sun Hill, Oct.
Urn Friday, Oct.
r Job we arc the
i e-
of Maine.
of Hyde count-.
Beaufort county.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured.
Land Sale.
By virtue i f a decree of the
they cannot each the seat of the die- t of Pict county in the ease K. ;
ease. Cut i blood or h, r- at law of T. It. i
. . . . . i J
and in order to cure it
you must take Hall's
Ca arm Cure is t ken i and
i the b o d and
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not i
It was , of tin-
best physician in I his country tor
years, and is a Ii
lost T. U. K. Dan-
aid H. L. tie ii
hit win fell cash
the Court door In on
Monday, I he day f Nov. ii. tin-
That part lot No. In the
town upon the
is composed id tho best t by Mn, It. U
with Hi. ow ,,.,,, by M. R.
eon bin
acting on the n
The combination o; lb-two
is such
results in curing t Send
F. J. CO. Props Toledo.
by pries
To in r of
of the Fa Mutual Fire
Insurance Association if X. c.
V- ii are her by notified that the An-
of the above
for election of will he held
at Die cunt In-ii e in on the
is Monday in October next at M.
All ti pres-
and a s St In said election.
it, R
now . lands, an I where the old
Print being the
in half of ti ll lot.
That part of lit No in
to-n of upon he
Store formerly by Mrs. M I.
lives occupied by or Co.
I. if. Cory now being I
s u halt of s lot,
i or track of land
in the
lauds of J. He.
and s, and known as i.
more or
is s for division.
Administrators No
qualified h
Jesse Brown
late Pitt State of Ninth
i- i h r I v n I In
prevent me for t i
twelve inn His from the date of
c i r it will ltd pie f t i
d in t
are II i ii
at p t of name.
An; 2-i.
is a here
Dr. G. in
III., Dr.
I owe my
with La I a
out. but of o
was given
live. Having Dr. King's Hew
in my store sent for
life or
make a We Can-
not make blood and bop. No.
But by means of the Shaker Digestive
we can enable the to
digest food would otherwise fer-
and poison the in. In all
forms of dyspepsia and incipient con-
with weakness, loss of flesh,
thin b nervous in
is the successful remedy.
Notice to Creditors.
State Ticket.
B. M.
A. C. AVERY, of
G. II. BROWN, Beaufort
J. J.
Tie Laving this day duly
Qualified the Coin
Clerk county an Administrator
of of Charity I de
i eased, not lee is hereby given to all
I to estate to make
it relieves at once. It e it to d,
and nature to nourish and all p baring claims
trial to show the estate must the same
cent-. I payment months
U date or this will be In
then. it in ,, , .
Of Ca-tor Oil.
U. C. a v
. of Charity Davenport.
Will open at
Oct. 2nd a School Gil
fro in years cf Nil
Mrs. MoO.
Norwood P. O Nelson C .
Tubules cure dyspepsia.
one gives relief.
cure biliousness.
cure indigestion.
cure Dud breath.
torpid liver.
Rip-ins sour stomach.
No superior work anywhere, North
or It ha now tho best it
over had The
u Art
James Dinwiddie, M. A.,
YEARS has taught the best Is
Hemp Rope, Building Pumps, Farming every
ting necessary for and house purposes, as well a
Clothing, Hats. Shoes. Ladies Dress Goods I have r ways on hand. Am
for Heavy Groceries, and Jobbing agent for Clark's O. N. T.
and keep courteous an attentive
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Doctors Say;
Bilious and Intermittent
which prevail in dis-
are invariably
by derangements of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health, j
The liver is the great
in the mechanism of J
man, and when it h out of order,
the whole system becomes I
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills j
Cure all Liver Troubles.
TA ma h
ii i Ii If this
i t to. In tho run . h
mi . r h -ti I
a roar
i o
be I L. W
. cure
i n i ;
t i i -i c i
a -y
v ii. W. W
Bl M
Successors lo I n A i
; k w. o-
swill Gal Iowa V, Ii. V.
Snow Hill, N. C. On I-, C.
Al IV.
re n e. C
in all
I. JAMBS, . i.
I .
lulu. B. i. . ,
Wilson, X.
n on abort time.
mm mm
t. elite i
dealers in all
nm m mm
material an i lo
. ti iI
t OBI-, Co. N C.
J. i in ii. i c.
Stock, Cotton, Grain and Provision Brokers.
and SOS Building, Water Site.
Ties and peanut Sacks at Lowest Prices.
and Consign
Life, Fire and Accident
N. C
All placed in strictly
current rates
John M. mill,
X. r. I X.
A i.
i , s i;
L, X .
In ail t n t.
pare-l for as a
for HI sold tin
cant, holding one-kill pound of
., n.,
arch I
I In a us kind- o but
i ii not i one i f k
for i the is I i saw
It is e-t n -c
of year.
i fresh lino of
Flour, Lard,
Meat, Coffee
Meal, Sugar
Ac, Ac,
I .- in
it B
I will
treat you fair
KB 15------
Wire and Iron Fencing
. work
With careful rotation
crops and liberal fertilizations,
cotton lands will improve. The
application of a proper
containing Pot-
ash often makes the difference
between a profitable crop and
failure. fertilizers contain-
not less than to
Actual Potash.
is a complete specific
V. .
,,. I--
K. Km u
its in me State.
Pa Limited
A met loan Silver
if ii- Ten Pit Cent. Tax on
Banks. Daily
pr month.
II, .
in I Ian
;. 1- Ivor it.
in A.
It ; at .
r I s
I a
I u j ;
tier on r
Tori and Bo
via Dominion
York. from
folk A Steamboat
BOX. Agent,
Ur V- .
Idea L
Protect Tour wealth.
Write- JOHN ft CO.,
P. their offer
and of
r simple
. v M
. If.
Fall Session Opens Sept.
i f r terms Ac. lo
L. o. . ,
, N. O
obtained all
J .; i for
i U. C.
we cans pa-lit in
eremite from I
S Bead model, or I
ti -n. . et
Our fee duo
A tot tali
the U. S. and foreign
free. n ,
Opp. Patent
To the Editor an .,
remedy By its timely
thousand of ix-less cases have dread
cured. So proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty to
send tao bottles free to those of your reader
have Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, If they will me
express and address. Sincerely,
T. A. Pearl St.,
r I- mil
The modern stand-
ard Family
Cures the
ills of humanity.

Eastern reflector, 21 October 1896
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 21, 1896
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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