Eastern reflector, 26 October 1892

Job printing
Thoroughly Equipped
Give Us a Trial Order.
Friend is a scientific-
ally prepared Liniment, every
of recognized value and in
constant use by the medical pro-
These ingredients are com-
in unknown
WILL DO all that is claimed for
it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor,
Lessens Diminishes Danger to
Life of and Child. Book
to Mothers FREE, con-
valuable information and
voluntary testimonials,
CO., Atlanta. Ga,
B. K.
and Schedule
trains SOUTH.
K o K o No
Apr. 19th. daily Fast Mail, daily
ex Sun
Weldon 12,89 pm
Ar am
Ar Wilson
D. J. Editor and Owner
per Year, in Advance.
Treason to the Organic Law
Violated With the
Cays of the Loyal League and
the Ku Klux to be Revised
AsHEVILLE. N C, Oct. C. 1892.
Dear Sib I have your recent
favor about my con-
with the order known as
superiors. Mr. Wilson stated that
the object of the organization was
to aid and promote the Reform
movement- The initiation fee was
12.00- This conversation took
place after Mr. Wilson's return
from the Indianapolis Alliance
Altar Mr. Wilson had revealed
tho whole thing; lo me, I told him
Oil i
Ir Goldsboro
Ar Wilson
p m pm S Kan.
No No
daily daily daily
ex Sun.
am IS am
the secret auxiliary of a
political party, and brought
home and fireside in tho land
under the shadow of a hand which
neither the laws of God or man
can stay against the inexorable
command of its invisible chief. It
will be recalled how under the
fostering care of that party this
terrible gained such
hero that it required a
counter secret society and nil but
Wilson dangerous one, and that I thought revolution to break its hold upon
the liberties of our people.
It was thought of these so-
and all similar
admittedly dangerous in a
free country like ours, had been
crushed in North Carolina never
to return again. The rigorous law
against secret political
now upon our statute books
order, were placed with tho
learned he fence of those days fresh in the
I regarded the movement, as out-
in answer i lined by him, as being a very
Gideon's Band, and
would say S. Otho
me in the order of Gideon- j it would result in tho destruction
at Goldsboro in August, 1891, i of the alliance and the defeat of
on my return from State Alliance i the reform movement then pro-
which. mot at Ho kept I posed, and I positively refused to
the obligation I took and and I do , have anything to do with it. Mr.
not its exact terms, but will Wilson then in my pres-
you it was a regular i the obligation which he had
head and bloody bloody j read to mo, and pretended ho was
affair. I was ashamed of it as ; merely considering the
soon as I found out what it was, j of organizing the
and have had nothing to do with though I have
Gives His Views to the
People of His
Zion's Landmark.
Baptists have always been noted
for their conservatism or
They are a sober-minded
people. That is, God has given
them a sound mind and they are
steadfast and unmovable, or not
driven carried or tossed every
You would a slave. All
powers not for
the government should re-
main with the people, and all re-
serve rights should remain with
the people, and only enough pow-
to enable tho government to
execute the trusts committed to it
should delegated.
Whenever you entrust all into
the hands of the government, and
you become a borrower from it
wind of doctrine of men or furnish all the opportunity
. , . , corrupt men want to enable them
I hey are slow to change their , ,.,., , ,
. . . i . to grasp dictatorial power be-
it since. If I had known before had initiated Mr. M. L. Reed, of
hand what it was I would not j Buncombe, during tho
am p m pin
Ai Mount
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Meek Branch Road
leaves Halifax 4.22 arrives Scot
land Neck at 5.15 P. M., Greenville 6.52
P. M. Kinston p. m. Returning,
a. m., Greenville
8.10 a. in. Arriving Halifax a. m.
Weldon 11.45 a. m. except Sun-
on Washington Branch leave
Washington 7.30 a. m. arrives A. R.
Junction a. m. returning leaves
B. junction 7.00 p. in., arrives
8.20 p. m. Dully except Sunday.
Conned s with trains on Albemarle i
Raleigh K. and Scotland N ck
Local freight train leaves Weldon
Mo y, Wednesday aid Friday at
m., arriving Scotland Neck
a. m. Greenville 5.88 p. m.,
7.40 p. Returning leave
Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at
7.20 a. in., arriving
a. in. p. Weldon
5.15 p. in.
i. . leave N C, via
Raleigh R. daily
P M. Sunday a no p M, arrive
X C, M, P M.
p. in. 5.22 p. m.
Returning leaves Plymouth daily except
a. in. a
X C. 7.38 a m, am.
arrive Tarboro. X A V
Trains on Southern Division, Wilson
1st Congressional district.
Tours respectfully,
J. S. Bell.
have joined it. But Wilson told
me it was a good thing and would
aid the Alliance cause, and being
an earnest I joined.
As soon as I thought about it
after having learned what it was, I
saw it was a dangerous thing, and
no honest man could have any-
thing to do with it-
Tom Long told me the other day
I was the cause of the Third party
being a failure up here. I reckon
he had reference to my failure to
work and fight in Gideon's army.
The plan of the Gideon's Band,
as I remember it is about this.
There is a State Chief, who was at
that time, as I understood, S- Otho
Wilson ; there is also a Chief in
in each Congressional district;
and a sub Chief in each county,
whose duty is to obey and have
executed the orders of their
Chiefs, they getting their
orders from the Chief. A
failure to obey is made in the ob-
a very serious
, There are three hundred members e
, ,, , , . . . , State but root and if
of the band in each , . , ,, , .
ceased to exist, tho duty o
i i-f .
August, and appointed him chief
in the 9th Congressional district.
During the conference Mr.
son stated to Mr. that he
minds of our people, and express
their determination never to
tolerate in our midst such a
menace to liberty.
Both of these societies, tho one
against which this legislation was
had selected him to be chief in aimed, the one which now de-
fies it are of foreign inception, and j
were born of disorders and j
from which are happily j
The was of
; Northern birth, begotten of tho
Editor Through the me-
of tho press I desire to lay
before the people of North Caro- times which immediate-
two letters recently addressed introduction here,
to mo by Mr. Reed, a member of. and the s is the
the present House of M ;
and a prominent member of
the Alliance, and Mr. J. S- Bell, a
member of the present State Son-
ate, and recently State Alliance
Lecturer, disclosing the existence
in this State of an unlawful and
number in each
I have forgotten-
I em thoroughly impressed with
the hit a that this is a
order if it is being worked
North Carolina. About this
dangerous political society, whose
chief is S. Otho Wilson, tho
head of the People's Party in
North Carolina.
The letters show exclusively
that this society did exist in this
it has
f show-
this fact rests upon tho men
who it is shown introduced it.
which characterizes the
nationalities which constitute
the lower strata of western metro-
which now and
I then breaks forth in Hay Market
riots and Mafia butcheries.
A man better acquainted than
Mr. Wilson with the sentiments of
our people would not have attempt-
ed and introduce here
an institution so obnoxious to our
most cherished conceptions and
ideas of free, open and honorable
political action. If ho was himself
imbued with the wild vagaries and
methods of tho
with which he was
thrown in contract on his visit to
Indeed, when once they are
settled in the truth, they are
movable. There is nothing new
under the sun. Hence Baptists
abide in one and the same perfect
and unchangeable doctrine.
They are and always have been
opposed to secret societies and
factions or parties that
or spring from secret societies.
Jesus, their Master, never taught
in secret, but always taught openly
and publicly, and no Scripture is
of any interpretation.
Secret societies are unfair. They
do in secret what they do not want
known by the public. For ho that
truth to tho light
that his deeds may made
fest that they wrought in God
Secret societies array one class
of men against another and
hatred or suspicion and gender
strife. This is wrong.
As secret societies are wrong
their products or fruits are wrong.
They in mischief
bring forth that which is corrupt.
come exceedingly rich, and your-
selves correspondingly poor and
We have been blessed with a
good government. But liberty
must be guarded and highly
if would and enjoy it.
But the cry is, we in great
distress, we are in debt and cannot
pay out, our lands are mortgaged.
We must have relief. Like a
in great pain aid some quack that
docs not know the of tho
nor tho remedy proposes
brandy, making the patient drunk
who is already flighty with fever,
and making him feel for a short
while that he is rich and well, but
leaving him fir worse off, there
arc political quacks deceiving the
people, and making them think
the government can take every-
thing in its hand and issue any
untold amount of money, and
make us all rich, tho trouble
will over.
The deluded people readily
swallow this poisonous opiate
thinking it wonderful. Can a
Baptists a people that regard government even print money
their obligations and prove their j without a basis or reserve fond of
honesty by paying their debts, and; gold and silver, and make that
keeping their word. They hold money good any more than
that it is a duty to pay tax to whom man can Do you remember
it is due, and tribute to whom it is ; what she Southern Confederacy
due, or to submit to the powers tried to do in the issuing money,
that be because they ordained and how soon it became so worth
of God. not to speak evil less that it died Suppose I am
of our rulers, but to pray for worth one thousand dollars, and
or for those in authority that conclude I will become rich, and
may live a quiet and peaceful life issue promissory notes for ton
In exposing this
a to the liberties of the immediately preceding
pie and the peace and good will his overtures to Mr-Boll, his bot-
Train on H Branch lean
Go daily except Sunday, M
N C, A M. Re
laves X -s A M
wive Goldsboro. SC I A M.
Train Ho- make.- at
Weldon for all North daily. All
ail viii and Sun-
day via Line, also at Rocky Mount
daily except Sunday With Norfolk
Carolina railroad for Norfolk all
points via Norfolk,
Southbound train on Wilson
Branch if No. Northbound is
No. Sunday.
Train leaves Rock
at PM, arrive Nashville
P Hope SO P M. Returning
Spring Hope A M, Nashville
8.35 A M, arrives Rocky Mount S A
except Sunday.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton daily, Sunday, t t
don't know, bee as I said, I
concluded to have nothing to do
with it as soon as I learned what
it meant, and as I came out strong
for the Democrats soon after I was
he said he would send to
me- Yours truly,
M. L- Reed.
Hon. F. M. Simmons,
Raleigh, N. C
of society, these gentlemen but should have taught i
discharge the plain duty of good him they were out of joint with tho
notions of our
in all godliness and honesty.
All good earthly governments
arc founded on the principles of
right as set forth in the Bible. In
not been afraid of making debts.
Extravagance also followed and
now wretchedness stares in the
face. .
What is the remedy Is it to
listen to quack doctors who
an increase of public debts by
issuing so much more money, and
recommend that the government
shall own everything No, that is
no remedy. The remedy must
come slowly. For the patient is
sick and cannot get well in a day.
If I am in honesty says my
property if necessary should be
used to pay my debts. I should
change my method of living by
making bread and meat at home,
and cease buying so much, AND
sell more. I should also cultivate
good will toward my neighbors
by seeking to wrong no one, not
taking anything from any man
lawfully, but should have good
will toward all men. Let me do
that which is right toward all men.
Let me above all put my trust
the Lord and do that which is
right. Let mo not seek to lay up
treasures on earth, but seek first
tho kingdom of God and His
righteousness pray for the
peace of Israel- Let do
to offend my brethren, but
honor tho Lord Jesus and
in the doctrine of Christ. He is
my King and lot mo serve Him.
Delight thyself in the Lord and
He shall give thee the desires of
thine heart.
I have written the above be-
cause I desire to see Baptists
abide in tho doctrine they have
been taught and not depart there-
from, and thereby bring reproach
and shame on the worthy name by
which they are called.
Every man has a right to vote
as it seems to him right, but let
every one of us seek to think and
act according to Bible principles.
Honest Man is the Noblest Work
thousand dollars, and get men to
take them as money. Pretty soon
one holding one of these j
notes wants the gold or silver for
this note, and finds I am utterly
citizenship. The facts which they
have disclosed clear the mists
from the present anomalous
situation in North Carolina,
and explain many things connect-
ed therewith, otherwise
could only result in injury
to the cause he wished to advance.
There have been many rumors
whisperings of the existence
here of this dangerous but
able because so radically at the letters of Messrs. Bell
with all tho known character-, there was no tangible
of our people. It evidence, and I now submit the I
for the refusal on the part of many proofs with full confidence that the
of those supposed to be under the conservatism of our people will
I influence of this society to hear not slow to repudiate it,
Cross, Camden Co. N- upon important fittingly rebuke the
turns affecting vitally their highest tabors and demagogues who dared
interest; it accounts for their re- introduce it.
i to read literature not
October 12th,
Hon. F. M. Simmons, Chairman,
Raleigh, N. C i
My Dear your stamp and sanction of the lead-
favor of recent date, in which you in this movement; it accounts
ask me to give you for publication for their bad temper and the ab-
what I know about the existence in their political conduct of
in North Carolina of an order that independence and
known as the I j which has ever been a
would say, at Gatesville, in Gates characteristic of tho North
i Carolina wherever found ;
automatic and
stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, I Mr. James B. Brinson, of Pamlico subservient manner in which in
and j county, Lecturer for their political evolutions they
General j First I being then Slate move and act; it accounts for the
o I j remark we frequently hear coming
should become a member of the from the simpler but more honest
F. M. Simmons,
State Ex. Com.
M, and P. county, in December, 1891, Mr. S
Otho Wilson, in tho presence of it accounts for the
The Paper He Reads.
that book covetousness is forbid- unable to pay it, what becomes of
den. The rich is not to take j my notes They die or become
away the poor man's worthless. Suppose a town con-
But each is to respect it will have water-works,
posses-ions of the other. The electric lights, parks, public build-
crazy, corrupt notion now floating, c- Ac, issues one mil-
in the brains or imaginations of dollars worth of bonds for
many men, that every man should j If it can sell them
be compelled to give up money then what Must not
property he has, and divide it with ; Mg on the citizens of
all others is forbidden by the that town to pay tho interest on
Bible, and every principle of bonds, and soon the bonds
honesty. The for the due and must be paid For r.
government to own everything is town or corporation must pay its
equally as foolish and dangerous, or debts as much so as an
A government ought to own as individual. Then what Distress
little as possible in order to bankruptcy follow. Govern
minister its functions for tho gen- must also pay their debts as
good. To put all things in the individuals and the citizens
government's hands is to sell our- of government must taxed
Notice to Shippers.
In order to make more convenient and
use of the vessels now em-
in the North Carolina service
and thus to better serve the inter-
of shippers, the
have decided to merge their
respective lines between Nor
folk and and
N. into
hoc. to be known as
tarn I Sired
Connecting at Norfolk with
The Bay line, for Baltimore.
The Clyde Line, for Philadelphia.
The Old Dominion Line, for New
The Merchants Miners Line for
ton Providence.
The Water Lines for Richmond, Va.,
and D. C.
The Atlantic Sf North Carolina B. R.
At Washington with
The Tar Steamers.
Also Calling at Island. N. C
The m
Service, with such additional sailings as
will best suit the needs o the
The direct of steamers
and e freedom from handling, are
among the great advantages this Line
oilers. The following gentlemen have
been appointed Agents of the New
John E. at Norfolk, Va.
John Son. at
S. H. Gray. t
S, C Whitehurst, at Roanoke Island-
J. J. Cherry, at Greenville. N. C.
The first will leave Norfolk
on airy 16th, from wharf
or. Water Clyde
and between the piers of the Clyde
Line and Old Co.
a. A.
V. P. G- M. Old Dominion Co.
son that I
I replied to Mr.
could not consent
of these people to the
to they cannot do what they know
Connect myself with the Baud
less he would first reveal to me
the character and purpose of the
order. This ho consented to do
upon my promising secrecy. Mr.
Wilson then read me the
which he wished me to take,
and outlined the general objects
and purposes of the order.
obligation was a very rigid
one, and according to my best re-
collection tho penalty of a dis
closure of the secrets of the order
was death.
The plan of organization was as
A National Chief, a
State Chief, a District and a
County Chief. The State Chief
received his orders from the Na-
Chief, tho District Chief
from the State Chief, and the
County Chief from the District
Chief. The membership in each
Congressional District was
and in each county, I think, no
more than This thirty were to
be especially selected for their
efficiency and influence, true and
tried men who be relied
upon under all circumstances, in
all meetings, etc.
It was the duty of these chiefs
and members to obey and execute
all emanating from their
and admit to be their political duty
because they are sworn to do other-
wise and it accounts for the
fact that a people
brave and free have apparent-
surrendered their independence,
fettered their consciences and
ceased to act as free men.
need not go an
of how these results might
logically flow from the means em-
ployed, for every intelligent man
readily understand how easily
a few men acting together in secret
under common orders and to a
end may shape and direct
the action of a multitude, each in-
acting for himself.
As the existence of this secret
society, upon and directing
the political convictions of these
people accounts for the
cites which have marked their re-
cent conduct, so that conduct
and supports the
I now lay before the people
of its active in our
The presence here of the Band
of Gideon recalls all too vividly
the or Heroes of
that night-mare in 1868,
which in the name of charity and
in the form of benevolence became
is your wife a Democrat
She is, but I am a Third party j
man, just the same.
Why is she a Democrat
Her reason is, that after reading
all the Democratic papers she
thinks Mr- Cleveland is the great-
earth, and that the
I party is the best, and
she will have her way or die.
Do you road the Democratic
No, I don't nor I wont.
Does your wife read your Third
party papers
Yes, and Republican papers, too
and what she don't know about
politics isn't worth knowing.
Then she is in a position to know
what she s about the Demo-
party ; she has read all sides
while you only read the papers
that back the old
and never gives you a flaw in your j
new party. I have met lots of men
like you, my friend, and you, like j
they, kicking and don't know
what yon are kicking at, and my
advice is just go home and road
all kinds of political news from
this day until the 8th of November,
and have confidence enough in
yourself to do your own thinking, j
and then if you are a Third party ,
man I will respect you as such, but
as it is I cannot
selves as slaves to the government
which would soon the bit-
of oppression. For
instance, if any cue party in power
possessed all tho railroads, land,
Ate-, it would manage to perpetuate
itself in power indefinitely; for
give it all the wealth or ownership
to pay their debts.
Our had a
war about years ago, it
contracted a debt of millions of
dollars. To pay this a great tax is
levied on the people. Then mil-
lions besides must be paid oat in
pensions to soldiers their
of the country and it easily will widows. Besides, this enormous
hire enough to vote for it expenditures by Congress must be
retain its power, and it would paid by the people. Also no one
make the people its servants and knows how much the people pay-
hold them perpetual to protect American factories
An instance of this is related against foreign competition. Be-
the Bible concerning the country I sides this of the people buy
of Egypt During the great j their flour and pork and nearly
when Joseph ruled the Egypt-1 all they eat and wear, what
sold their cattle, their land they produce does not sell for
and themselves Gen. and much. For instance, cotton, which I
they became servants, vassals the chief product grown in
slaves, and to this day Egypt is a. South for money, sells now at
base kingdom prostrated and per pork which
the power of their rulers. But I we buy at cents per
Israelites should not be so. Farmers say though it is cheaper
. to buy pork and pay for it cot- i
Which is better to have one man ; ton, or that they would rather
king or a host to be your king j grow a pound of cotton than a
American liberty our fathers pound of pork. But will a pound
fought for is fast flying away, and; of cotton buy a pound of pork
these Suppose it costs you six cents to
are despising liberty, and we j grow cotton, and you sell it for
are about to sell our birth cents, then how many
for a trifle. A government is an pounds of cotton must yon grow
or should be, for the to enable you to buy one pound
Weakness Onto.
To the inform your
readers that I have a remedy
the thousand and one ills which arise
from deranged female organs. I shall
be glad in send two bottles my
to any lady If they will send
their Express and address, lours
pie, and its officers should be pub
lie held accountable to
the people. Hence tho
should the masters the
officials the servants. But if we
surrender nil to the government
these officers will become the mas-
and we will be the servants.
What would yon think of
rowing money from your agent , money turned
What would you think of farmers
all your property to your
of pork at ten cents per pound
Answer, ten pounds of cotton.
But suppose it costs you seven
cents to produce cotton then you
could not buy a pound of pork if
yon should produce bags of
No wonder the people in
debt distress. The love of
the attention of
from producing
The live Business Man
-------in a--------
-----where it is read by-----
-----That Is why he uses-----
The Eastern Reflector
party and the Republicans where-
by the rank and file of the People's
party is betrayed into furthering
the plans of the Republican party.
My revolts against such
treachery and corruption, and I
will not allow myself to be made a
party to any such movement.
4- I am a white man, I love my
race, I believe in white supremacy,
and tho interests of my State and
my people are far dearer to me
than the office of Sheriff, therefore
I withdraw from the People's party
and am no longer to be considered a
candidate for the office Sheriff. I
desire before I close, to appeal to
the good men who have allowed
themselves to be persuaded into
the People's party movement, to
join me in this action. A thought-
and painstaking of the
political situation has convinced
me of the fact that by
dent political action at present we
can expect nothing but a
of Republican rule and that
character of legislation of which
we so justly complain. Let us
then, as true North Carolinians,
join the Democrats in fighting our
common enemy the Republican
As for myself, I to vote
the entire Democratic ticket from
Cleveland down and I hope
that my friends will join me in it
A. B-
Oct. 1892.
I had a malignant breaking out on my leg
below the knee, and and well
with two and a half cf
Other blood medicines had failed
to do ma any good. Will C.
bread and meat just after the
when cotton was high. We have
A. B. Peeler, the most influential
Third party man Cleveland
county, candidate of his party
for Sheriff has withdrawn from
that party and will support Cleve-
land and Carr. After
his party for the nomination con-
upon him, he
It is but just to those who hon-
me with the nomination that
I should state frankly my reason
for this action and I do so, as
briefly as possible, as
1st. remember the
of North Carolina and her
in the dark days from ;
the credit was ;
her treasury plundered ; the rights
of her citizens shamelessly and
wantonly trampled under foot ;
driven from her borders
her matchless resources locked up ;
the school fund taken to pay the
per of ignorant and vicious
men who loaded down the statute
books with scandalous laws. I re-
member how those dark days no
man's life, liberty or property was
safe and there were no public
schools for tho education of our
When I contrast this with tho
wise pure, economical, and
cent rule of the Democrats
and see that the Republicans are
endeavoring to take advantage of
the People's party movement and
regain control of the State govern-
I feel that it is my duty as a
North a white man
to withdraw from the movement
join the Democratic party in
its fight for the salvation of the
2nd. I see clearly that the fight
is between the Democratic and tho
Republican The People's
party cannot hope to carry either
the State or tho National election.
It might help the Republicans win,
and in that I see a
of the ills from which the
agricultural classes are now so
grievously suffering; I see the
bill menacing the liberties
of my people ; I see the shadow of
centralization threatening I see
among tho evils sure to follow, in
the nation, laws the
inter marriage of the races, mixed
schools, and in this State a repeal
of the government system
and thirty two of the best counties
in the State surrendered to
domination the horrors that
will follow inevitably.
3rd. I have evidence of tho
holy trade that has been made by
Exum to sell the State
to the Republicans for I
have tho best reasons to believe
a corrupt bargain exists be-
tween the leaders of the People's
I was troubled from childhood with an
ease of and three
cured mo permanently.
n I. T.
book on Wood and Skin mailed
free. Co. Atlanta, C.
Office in Skinner
opposite Photograph Gallery
Greenville, N
Greenville, N. C.
Prompt attention to business.
at Tucker Murphy's old stand.
OaT-Practice in all fie Courts.
Greenville, N.
N. O.
Prompt attention given to collection
h. long,
n. c.
Prompt and careful attention to
N. C.
Practice In all the Collections
h Specialty.
fa the Cure all Skin Diseases
This has been in use over
years, and wherever known has
been la demand. It has been en.
by tho leading physicians all over
country, and his effected cures where
all other remedies, with the attention
tho most experienced physicians, have
for years failed. This Ointment is
long standing mid the reputation
which It has obtained Is owing entirely
Its own efficacy, as but little effort has
ever made to bring it before the
public. bottle of this will
lie sent to any address on receipt of One
; Dollar. Sample box The
discount U. All Cash Orders
promptly attended to. Address all or-
j and communications to
X. c.

Greenville, N. O.
The is under There is no doubt at present but
that there exists in a
secret known
Entered at at
W. C, as second-class mail matter.
Of New York.
Of Illinois.
1st L- SMITH.
of Beaufort.
R A-
of Wake.
of Wake.
of Buncombe.
of Johnston.
of Mecklenburg.
I. K-
Elder P. D. Gold, editor
Landmark, Wilson, N-
the organ of the Primitive Baptist
church to say in
reference to the present political
situation which is worthy the
consideration of every honest
He is a his people
and what he says has great infill
with them. It is a noticeable
fact that not many of this
nation are grasping after the
shadow of the J party. We pub-
extracts from Mr. Gold's piece
on our page. Be sure and
read it. It is the expression of a
man is not a politician, and
yet of one who has the interest of
good government at heart
It is wonderful how consistent
some Republican speakers are. Mr.
Bernard argued here two weeks
ago to the that they were
not indebted to the Democrats for
their educational advantages, and
that en the contrary they were
not getting what they ought to
get, because they paid a large part
of the tax. To show them this he
stated that a considerable
of the school tax came from the
money paid for license to sell
liquor, and that they drank more
liquor than the white people there-
fore paid more tax. He said that
every time they took a drink, even
a that they were paying a
part of this tax- That is, the con-
pays the tax. He must have
forgotten that ho and his co-la
borers argue that the
pays the tax and not the con-
sumer. They will forget some
times and tell the truth. The
know that ail the tax on the
goods by them is paid by
the man who uses the goods-
Is there a Confederate soldier in
Pitt comity, or one who roads the
who has any idea of
voting I Third party ticket If
there be such let him think of this
for one Two Saturdays
C. M- Bernard. OH of the
white Republicans who is en-
to get the to
vote tho ticket and help
break up tho Democratic party in
this county, stood in tho
House in and tried to
inflame the by telling
them the Democratic party had
taxed them to pension
ate soldiers ; that Pitt was
taxed a for
purpose, and every time the
Sheriff came around for poll tax
he made the last one of them dive
down in his pocket and pay f
cents take care of tho men who
fought and tried to
keep them in slavery. And how
tho did cheer him Isn't
it astonishing that a Southern
born white man could stoop so
low as to utter such words He
ought to be ashamed to look a
Confederate soldier in the face.
Will any of them help the
and get control of
this and State by voting a
Third party ticket t We hope
will do so t
to Mr. W. B. Phipps, of
Chicago, for several copies of
Herald of that city which he has
sent us at intervals during the
campaign. The Herald is the
finest specimen of daily journal-
ism in America and is a perfect
newspaper in respect.
While in Chicago the past sum-
mer it was our pleasure to spend
part of an evening in the Herald's
handsome building, and were de-
lighted with what saw there;
everything from the press room
which contained tan modern per-
presses throughout the en-
tire building working with a
that was almost marvelous.
The editor Mr. J. W. Scott, had
then just returned from a
tour, and showed us into his
private editorial rooms which
were decorated with magnificent
floral offerings from the printers
in honor of his return. At his
desk ho is not only in direct com-
with every department
of the immense building, but has
the whole world at his elbow.
With a man of such brain and
energy as editor Scott to preside
over and direct the destinies of
the Herald, it is no wonder it has
become such a great paper. We
will add also that no paper in- the
Union is doing better work in this
for the Democracy than
tho Chicago Herald.
We went over to Parkers X
Roads for an hour Saturday to see
how the old soldiers were getting
along in their reunion- As
beheld them there, some with one
leg, some with one arm, some
maimed one way or it
made a feeling of shame come over
us to think that there lived a white
man in Pitt county who would
raise his voice against the Demo
party in North Carolina
try to inflame tho prejudice
of the against the white
because that party had
levied a tax o cents on each poll
and cents on each prop-
valuation for tho maintenance
of these crippled soldiers and to
keep some of them out of the poor
house. In Pitt county with a pop
of this tax reaches
tho fabulous sum of
Would to God that North Carolina
could give her maimed soldiers
and their widows ton times the
pittance they now get under this
tax, and that Pitt county was able
to make her proportion in-
stead of what she now pays.
No right thinking man can object
to the payment of a just pension
to any soldier, and there is no
complaint in the South at paying
a deserved pension to any Federal
soldier, but the fraud and
that is practiced under the
Federal system clearly shows the
abuse it is being put to and gives
just grounds for complaint.
tho fact is considered that here
years after the war has ended
there are more people drawing
pensions on a claim of wounds re-
in battle than out of
the army bearing even tho slight
est scratch, and that the number
grows larger every year, it is time
a reformation in this direction was
brought about. Every
wounded soldier is entitled to a
pension, but none but this class
should receive it.
The Republican bosses in
charge of the postal are
using tho mails in the interest of
the Republican party. Democrat-
literature, papers and in
several instances have failed to
roach the parties to which they are
addressed. Chairman Simmons of
tho State Democratic Executive
Committee recently mailed a letter
to every county chairman in tho
Stale, fifteen of which instead of
going to tho parties addressed
found their way into tho hands of
tho chairman of tho State
Executive Committee. Sec-
of the State Dem-
Clubs, also says his mail
has been tampered with, and these
are but a few of the many
The last issue of
of New York, a journal that has
been most shamefully and spite-
fully treated by the heads of tho
postal service so far as to be re-
fused admission into tho mails at
second-class rates in the face of
opinions from the best authority
in the country that it was entitled
to be so admitted, shows how the
service is in every
way possible against the Demo-
party and in favor of the
Republicans. Such literature as
the Republicans wish to send out
for campaign is smuggled
through th mails without the pay-
of proper postage thereon,
and in this manner they save to
their campaign a
week and swindle the government
out of just that amount. When
the Democratic committees send
out any literature they pay every
cont of postage that can be de
The indications are that
the Republicans look upon the
government as belonging to them
and they intend to run it to suit
themselves. The people
speak their disapproval of
corrupt methods and practices by
going to the polls on the 8th of
November and voting for Grover
The letters of
J. S. Bell, Senator from Clay
county, and M. L. Reed, member
of the House from Buncombe
confirmed the opinion
that the long suspected band
exists. Mr. Reed was initiated a
member, and the proposition was
made to Mr. Bell to become a
member but he declined. S- Otho
Wilson, the convicted deceiver was
at the head of the order in North
Carolina. The oath and form of
have also been made pub-
The oath is an
obligation. The members are not
only required to subscribe to it
but to pledge their lives to obey it.
The oath closes with these words,
I further pledge my life, my
liberty, and my sacred honor, and
should I willfully break this oath
I hereby surrender my body to the
just vengeance of the members of
All secret political societies are
a violation of the laws of North
Carolina and deserve the just con-
of every liberty loving
citizen of this State. The
of this Band accounts for
many things which have hereto-
fore been a mystery. Such as
men refusing to attend Demo-
speakings, hearing and dis-
cussing the issues involved in the
campaign, Ac., The Band is
said to exist in every county and
therefore we may pretty sure
that it is here in Pitt county. Fol-
low-citizens, whom do you think
is the chief We leave this for
you to answer.
You can now see something of
the infamy to which your leaders
have sunk in their desperate effort
to break up the Democratic party.
Do you want the days of the Union
League re enacted in your State
and county If you do not, come
out from among these men who
are seeking to lead you astray and
have no better motive than per
The liberties of every citizen of
the State are threatened by the
existence of such a society and
your condemnation of such is de
at tho ballot box on the
8th of November.
Read the letters of Messrs. Bell
and Reed on our first page and
then say whether you will longer
aid by even your countenance a
set of men who are thus banding
themselves together for your de-
Think seriously, act
wisely, and you will vote the Dem-
ticket as tho only hope of
your salvation.
and no one wondered that
this apostle of nothing proposed
that be no rejoinders. Mr.
logic and argument, to-
with his eloquence, apt
anecdotes and illustrations carried
inevitable conviction with them,
and what was probably intended
for a great Republican and party
rally was rapidly turned into a
great Democratic victory. All
honor to the noble, eloquent, i-
North Carolina will
honor him in the days that are to
Mr. Blackburn then took the
stand and made the best speech
he knew how for his party, and
claimed so much for them that we
would not have been surprised if he
had claimed that they I
America. His speech was one f
rankest prejudices, demagogue. .
blow, bluster, and o
of everything that was Democratic.
He forgot himself along towards
the close and expressed more
truth than intended, when he said
the reason the young men of East-
Carolina belong to the Demo-
party was because it is the
white man's party. Just before
closing he said his party was
ready to receive any of the Third
party that wanted to come to them,
that they are together; then a lit-
later said we can just knock
the party off the
back of the Democratic party, the
Radicals will sweep North Caro-
Butler had of so
backed down from making any re-
and the speaking closed.
-In order to close out our Furniture we offer our-------
Entire Stock Regardless of Cost
We are determined to close it out without delay. We have a
assortment of---------
Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads,
Bedroom Suits, Wardrobes, Wash-stands,
Towel Racks, Cradles, Cots, Wire
and Side-Boards.
The Democrats had a field day
of it in Greenville yesterday, not-
withstanding it was not a Demo-
appointment and the speak-
were pitted three to one
against them. Judge Furches.
Republican candidate for Govern-
or ; Mr. Butler, Third party
tor at large ; Mr. Demo-
elector at large; Mr. Black-
burn, Republican elector at large,
all spoke. The speaking com-
about o'clock and con-
until a little past which
was so near the hour for the Re-
going to press that we
could reserve only a short space for
a report.
The ball was opened by C- M.
Bernard, who stated that each of
tho speakers would be allowed one
hour, and that Butler and
Would have minutes rejoinder.
He then introduced Judge
and that gentleman led oil. The
Judge occupied his full time and
regretted that ho did not have
more, but his speech was tho
poorest we have yet heard from
any man pretending to be a great
speaker. In referring to the four
parties who had candidates in the
field ho said the Prohibitionists
were so few and far between that a
lantern and search warrant could
not find them. He knew nothing
of the Third party as it had never
done anything but make promises.
However he could not agree with
them on wanting the government
to own the railroads and telegraph
lines. Ho then spoke at length on
national matters and before
abused tho county government,
the election laws of this State,
the State printing the military
Said ho was going
to be the next Governor of North
Carolina, that the next Legislature
would Republican, and then
were going to wipe out these
The next speaker was the fa-
Marion Butler seemingly,
tho only man North Carolina
who has had cheek enough to
stump the State for that hater,
vile abuser, and slanderer of the
South, Jas. B. Weaver. Some of
the more distinguished of his fol-
lowers in this community had led
many to believe that Butler was a
fine speaker, and a great cam
But even these fellow's
feathers fell after hearing him.
Ho is nothing but a
thick skinned turn-coat,
and hired slanderer of the Demo-
party. Not a single
he attempted to make rose
higher than tho blatant bellowing
of a disgruntled demagogue.
Every man of intelligence must
have been thoroughly disgusted
at his puny effort and we must
think that in some way he was
laboring under some disadvantage
as ho fell so far short of even what
the press of the State has
him to be. We would like
to notice some things he said if
ho had said anything worthy of
notice, but even his friends can't
claim this for him. Poor, deluded
deceiver ho will soon land where
he belongs, in the Republican
and as the speaker following
said they will not get much
when they get him. Tho only
is he may by bis studied
demagoguery lead some good
low with hint-
Mr. C. B. Democratic
elector at followed Butler,
and oh, my didn't he skin him from
his crown to his sole- Mr.
reputation as a speaker and a
campaigner bad preceded him, and
he not only sustained it but added
new laurels to his already enviable
ability. He made Butler squirm
and twist under hit
From our Regular Correspondent.
Washington, p. C, Oct.
The man who devises some new scheme
to influence the government clerks of the
male persuasion to contribute to the re-
publican campaign fund and to promise
to go home and vote the republican tic-
is the fellow the republican bosses
are looking for just now, for the
session of the largest campaign fund ever
handled by committee ling not
prevented the republican committee
making its usual squeeze of department
and every day a new sort of
Influence is brought to bear upon those
who have neither contributed nor prom-
to go home to vote. The latest Is a
circular letter from the chairman of the
local committee of the precinct in which
the clerk votes, begging him to
and to come home for the election
and intimating that it may be dangerous
to his head not. to do both. The
officials of the New York State
can association do not hesitate to openly
say intend using all the
they s to have clerks from
that State who refute to contribute and
to vote dismissed. the Civil Service
says to law is not being
violated. Perhaps not; but It b being
evaded on all side.--, if not violated.
It ii such a thing to And Re.
publican member of the Cabinet engaged
in small political that, unless
the case is in some respect striking it
excites no comment here. At-
Miller occasionally
a man who endeavors to
polities out of his official acts; but he
has, this week, been guilty of demand-
nay, compelling the resignation of a
Democratic judge of the Utah Supreme
Court, for no other reason than his
politics. Tins too, In the face of the
written rule that judges of Territorial
courts be allowed to serve a term of
four miles they ate guilty of mis-
conduct, and the fact that the term of
this judge, who wag appointed shortly
before the close of the Cleveland
would have expired in a few
months anyway. The disposed official,
T. J. Anderson, takes what ho
considers his dismissal philosophically.
He place was wanted for a
Republican and one will now get It.
That's all there is to
The tone of field's some-
what belated letter of acceptance is de-
pleasing to Democrats. It shows
in the place that the Republican
managers thought it necessary to put be-
fore the public a special plea In behalf of
the Republican on the tariff and
kindred subjects, and it admits that the
control of the Senate and the House will
go to the Democrats with the election of
Cleveland and Stevenson. This
was. of course, inserted to scare out
the full Republican vote, but it
fail to have an excellent on the
Democrats, by pointing out tho facts
that for the first time in many years
have an opportunity to gain possession
of the entire Government, a prize well
worth striving for.
There is one happy Democratic
of the Stock Exchange,
he succeeded, after a long search, in find-
a Republican to cover his wager
that Cleveland would be elected. That
of Republican is and mighty
hard to just now.
Democrats have every reason to be
plea-fed with the political news which
comes to this city, as it indicates that
the end of Republican misrule is near at
The departments are all running with-
out heads this week, and the most of
them will be in that condition until
election, as nearly all of the Cabinet
members will take the stump after
Chicago, where they all
This is no bait but a legitimate offer and our prices will prove
We think it will pay you to come and see for yourselves.
At the Republican
convention in Fayetteville tho
other day, Judge Buxton, the
chairman, made a speech, in which
he strongly advocated a straight
Republican ticket in every county
in the State. He said he had no
use for tho Third party, or for any
man that you would have to hunt
with a torch every sis months to
find out he stood in politics-
Clinton Democrat.
Household Remedy
being efficacious In toning up the
system and restoring ha constitution,
hen Impaired from any cause. Its
almost supernatural healing properties
justify in guaranteeing a cure, it,
directions are followed,
BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta,
Having completed my store at
Pitt county, N. C, I am opening
a stock of
and cordially invite public to call
and examine
Our motto is Standard Goods at Bet
Prices for Cash.
Examine my stock before buying
elsewhere. It the goods and prices do
not .-nil nothing them.
Country taken in exchange
or Booth. W. R. WHICHARD.
by Peck's Invisible Tubular Ear
Cushions. Whispers heard.
Successful where nil Remedies
FAIL. books, it proofs free. Ad-
dress, Broadway, N. Y.
BEEF YEA cheapest
in the for Soups. Sauces and
Made Dishes.
To the Farmers of Pitt and ad-
It is with pleasure we beg to
announce that have just con-
arrangements to buy Cotton
Seed, and Peanuts direct for
We have an order for all tho
Cotton Seed can buy, and
tho highest market price.
We pay the same price for
that the mills pay and have a full
supply of sacks on hand for sale
cheap. It will pay you to see us
before shipping or selling your
have orders from the largest
Peanut factory in this country, to
buy all Peanuts we can, and
they allow to pay same they
pay, so you will make money by
selling us. Sell here and save
freight charges and commissions.
want Cotton seed in bulk, and
and Peanuts in sacks.
N. C
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned duly qualities
before the Superior Court Clerk of PR
county as to the last will an
testament of Frederick
notice is hereby given to all persons in
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all
persons having claims against said es-
must present the same for payment
before the 30th of October, 1893, or this
will Le plead in bar of recovery.
This tho 20th day of October, 1892.
Executor of Frederick White,
------If yon to
thin purchase of a PIANO and from
Ten to Fifteen Dollars
in the purchase of an Organ address
General for North Carolina,
who is now handling goods direct from
the manufacturers, as HIGH
for tone, workmanship and
and endorsed by nearly nil the
musical journals In the United Scales.
Made by Paul G. who Is at this
time one of tho best mechanics in-
of the day. Thirteen new
on this high grade Piano-
RIGHT PIANO which has been sold by
for tho six years in the eastern
part of this State and up to this time has
given entire The Upright
Piano just mentioned will be sold at from
in Rosewood, Oak,
Walnut or Mahogany cases.
from to in solid or Oak
Ten years experience in music
business has enabled him to handle
nothing but standard goods and lie does
not hesitate to say that he can sell any
musical instrument about per
cheaper than other agents are now offer,
all banks in Eastern Carolina.
Order COMPOSITION or send
your Roller Socks to be to
and Pearly St., New York,
for circular.
Dyspepsia, In-
digestion Debility.
For Malaria, Liver
All persons indebted
to M. R. Lang are here-
by requested to make
settlement the
next thirty days or all
claims will be placed
in the hands of our at-
for collection.
The books can be
found with Mr. Lang
who will duly receipt
for all payments.
Oct. Assignee.
For Rent.
A large brick store in the
Opera House Block, Greenville, lost
splendid room, with patent
tor, counters, shelving and drawers.
Apply to
Wit. LONG.
Greenville, X. C.
For Sale on Easy Terms
Double Store In I
offer for sale on easy terms Hie large
Double Store north side Fifth street,
east of Evan- street, with lot fronting
feet on Fifth street by feet deep. A
splendid bargain. Apply at one; to
Win. II. LONG,
We have for sale at Black Jack, Tilt
county, a good Cotton Gin,
saws, and u good Grist Mill, the rocks of
Moore county grit. These are almost
as good as new and will he sold cheap.
Apply either to
Mills. X. C.
W. Calico, N.
Tie of Culley and Edmonds is
hereby dissolved by mutual consent.
Those indebted to the firm will pay the
same to Herbert Edmonds.
Aug. 1802.
It gives me pleasure to announce to
our customers that I will continue
business the old stand. Every com-
fort and convenience will be found in
my shop. First-el shave and hair cut
can be had at limes. Thanking the
public for past I solicit a con-
of the same.
Action for Divorce.
Henry J County,
Sheppard J In Superior Court.
Defendant above named, is here-
by notified to be and appear before the
Judge of our Superior Court, at a Court
to be held for the County of at the
Court House in on the 8th
Monday before the 1st Monday of March
1803, and answer the complaint which
will be deposited In the of the
Superior Court of Mid
County, within the first three days of
said term, and let lie Defendant
take notice that if she fail to answer the
said complaint within the time required
by law the Plaint will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded the
Hereof fall not.
Given under hand and seal of said
Court, this 12th day Sept.
E. A.
Clerk Superior Court,
Martin th
Francis Purvis
Superior Court.
Summons for Relief
To the Sheriff of Martin
are commanded to
summon PURVIS, the de-
above named, if lie be found
within your county, to be and appear be-
fore the Judge of our Superior Court, at
a Court to be held for the county of Mar-
tin at the Court House in
on the 1st Monday of December,
and answer the complaint which will be
deposited in the office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of said county, within
first three days of said term, and let
the Paid notice that said
action is for divorce from the bond of
and if to answer said
complaint the time required by
law the plaintiff apply to the Court
the relief in the complaint.
Hereof fail not and of this summons
make due return.
Given my hand this 17th day of
C. S. C. Martin County.
Administrator's Notice
Letters of administration having been
issued to the undersigned by the Clerk
of the Superior Court of Pitt county,
on 90th day of September, 1832, upon
the estate of O. If. A. Griffin, deceased,
is hereby given to the of
said estate to present their claim, duly
authenticated, to the undersigned on or
before the 20th day of September,
or this notice will be plead In bar of
their recovery. All persons indebted to
said estate are to make
ate payment to the undesigned.
This the 27th day of September,
of C, M, A.
Are in
If so come to make you prices that
are conceded by our customers as lower
than can be gotten elsewhere. We
-------have the-------
Largest and Most Varied
Selection of Furniture
ever kept in our town.
from the
and can and will sell
low down. Our stock consists
Marble Top Walnut Suits,
Solid Oak Suits,
Century Finish Suits,
Walnut Finish Suits,
Marble Top Bureaus and Washstands,
Wood Top Bureaus and Washstands,
Ward Robes, Buffets, and Side-Boards,
Bedsteads of all grades and colors,
Wire Cribs and Beds and Cradles.
Marble Top and Solid Wood Top Tables,
Solid Walnut and Rockers,
Solid Oak Chairs and Rockers,
Fancy Reed and Wood Rockers,
Chairs of all grades, Lounges,
Bed Springs, Mattresses,
We are headquarters for-
and extend to all a cordial invitation to call on us when in wan
of any goods as we carry one of the best stocks of
ever kept in our town.
Yours truly,
. . .
We have bought of the Assignee the above stock amounting to
f worth CLOTHING,
J worth CLOAK,
worth HATS.
And a full line of Staples -Checks, Bleached and Unbleached
Domestics, Calicoes, This is by far the largest stock
in town and will be sold strictly at cost. Goods must be sold.
M. C.
Special facilities for handling Seed In any
quantity from all Tar River Landings.
Car Load Lots taken from any point in
Eastern North Carolina and Virginia.
Oil Mills,
N. C.
Mills on Tr River
prices mid terms write
K. V.
Sec. Tarboro, N. C
Owners and Manama
trips Washington and Tarboro and Way Landings.

Local Reflections.
Have you registered
Who are the in Pitt county
For soups use Succotash at
A light shower fell here Sunday after-
Big stock of Shoes just in
The river is low and in good fishing
from yesterday to
Just two months
Come on with your order for election
many arc coming in
Many of the trees have all their
The New Home Sewing Machine for
Brown Bros.
Can you spot the Chief of Gideon's
Band in Pitt county
The Raleigh fair centennial last
week was a big success.
Not enough weather yet to drive off
the flies and
come out to-morrow night
and hear Glenn speak.
New Home Sewing Machines and all
machine parts at Brown Bros. t
Only three days now in winch you can
register. Attend to this at once-
New Cream Cheese and N. Y. State
Butter at the Old Brick Store.
Registrar W. L. Brown was kept very
busy with his books last Saturday.
Want to eat good Boss
Biscuits at the Old Brick Store.
See notice to by Edward
man, executor of Fredrick White.
Cheapest Furniture. Bedsteads and
at the Old Brick Store.
For a sweet smoke go to
and get a Linden or Cardenas cigar.
Cash given for Produce. Hides, Egg
and Furs at the Old Brick Store.
The Democrats, Republicans and
are all the county.
Houses are needed in Greenville, and
a prospect for a still larger next
says Pratt's Food
for hog cholera. At the Old Brick
The convention is in session
at and will continue through the
First of the fancy buck-
wheat and cherry jelly at the Old Brick
Store. t
Have you heard anybody singing the
old song I belong to Gideon's
The date of the Weldon Fair is Nov.
1st to lilt. Git something ready to ex-
The Colombian holiday was not ob-
served here. No exercises of any kind
were held.
Mr. B. Sugg Dr. dental office was converted
marble yard here.
Mrs. R. W. King, returned home from
Kin-ton Friday morning.
Mr. Will Stocks has opened a grocery
store next door to Griffin's.
Mrs. A. L. Blow and Mrs. T. J. Jarvis
are visiting relatives in
Mr. W. W. Moore, of Asheville, is Ta-
his old home and friends here.
Mr. Walter, the photographer, moved
his gallery to Washington yesterday.
Miss Mattie Russell, of Washington,
has been visiting Miss Jarvis the past
W. P. Lancaster and Miss Maggie
Lancaster, of Wilson, are visiting Mrs. W.
II. Harrington.
Mr. I. Northrop, of Wilmington, was
in town last week on business connected
with Institute.
Mr. E. II. has been spending
several days in Northern markets
purchasing holiday goods.
non. R. B. Glenn, Democratic Elector
for the State at will speak in Green-
ville to-morrow night, 27th.
Messrs. W. R. B. II.
have the contract for carrying the star
route mail between Tarboro and Green-
Mr. C. C. Cobb, of the firm of Cobb
Bros., Norfolk, spent Saturday and Sun-
day with his relatives here. We were
glad to sec him and learn that the firm is
having a good business this fall.
Rev. S. C. of Roxboro, preached
in the church here Sunday morn-
and evening. He is recently from
college, has just entered the ministry,
and for a young man of his years his
mons are very creditable.
Sgt. J. Q. Smith a soldier of U. S.
army who for the past three years has
been stationed at Fort Atlanta
Ga., has served out his enlistment and
returned to Greenville last Thursday.
Jack is looking well and his friends art-
glad to sec him back at his old home.
Mr. and Mrs. of Conetoe,
Mrs. S. D. of Louisburg, Mrs.
Arthur of Plymouth, Mr.
Mrs. Warren, of Penny Hill, and
Miss Annie of all
relatives of the late Mrs. W. Wilson,
were here in attendance upon
The building occupied by Smith's bar-
shop was moved back off the street
Monday to make room for the large store
Brown A Hooker are going to build on
that lot.
Take the Slate over and most of the J
class party candidates have some kind of
a court record. What kind of
can be expected from such a
The boys say thank
bill overlooked putting a tariff On
and quoted at cents a
dozen for pretty girls. The rate for old
maids not mentioned.
The Weldon Fair Nov. 1st to 4th is
going to be a good one in every respect.
Take a day off go.
The weather turned considerably cool-
Sunday night and has since felt more
like winter.
will be fine exhibits of stock,
poultry and all farm products at the
don Fair. Be sure and go.
Give Glenn a big crowd to-morrow
night and hear one of the best speeches
of the campaign.
Bulbs now ready for
double and single, ail colors, each,
per dozen, by Allen Warren Son.
About the Sunday after election Phil-
lips will be thinking lie beard a voice say
go preach, go
The illustrated centennial edition of
the Raleigh Chronicle which come out on
Tuesday of last week was a handsome
and creditable publication.
Large lot Ladles Cloaks, latest style-,
at Brown Bros. If size wanted is not in
stock can have it made to order on short
It is important that every voters re-
should be looked after at once.
The books close at o'clock on
premiums arc offered for the
best exhibits at the Weldon Fair. There
is no reason why Pitt county cannot win
some of them. J
When you hear a class party man
blowing about that party going to sweep
North just ask him if he's heard
from Georgia
Happy and content is a home with
the Rochester, a lamp with the
light of the For
write Rochester Lamp Co., New t
The county roads arc reported in the
worst condition of the year, the sand
being so deep that they be traveled
over faster than a walk.
The next time preacher Phillips brag-
that he's going to take all the votes of
Pitt county right up in his contribution
whisper in his car.
A splendid open front heating stove,
coal burner, can lie bought cheap by
applying at this office. It is a suitable
stove for either office, sitting room or par-
Notice persons indebted to me
Guano will find their notes and ac-
counts in the hands of J. L. Sugg. They
will please call on him and settle the
same. H.
had a trap out Saturday with
nine rats, the catch of the previous night.
Some one remarked that if he didn't stop
that trap he would catch up all the J
pocket book containing a
small sum of money, a photograph and
There arc not many more days before
the election and some hard work for the
Democratic ticket should done. The
ticket i- going to be elected but work
will be required to do ii.
An Edenton merchant, we sec it stated
is serving a sentence in prison for selling
cigarettes to boys. The boys around here
are seen smoking cigarettes every day.
How do they get them
Preacher Phillips, the J class party
howler, says no room for the
in Newspapers
are not needed there and the editor will
not try to take hi- along with him.
the of those long handled
gourds that grow in Riverside Nursery.
The. handle to this one is Ii feet long.
Such gourds are a curiosity.
Mr. J. P. Cook, editor of the Concord
Standard, and Miss Jeanette if
Suffolk, Va., were married on the
Bro. Cook will have to leave his
productions now or lose some of his
Thursday on the Old Plank
road between Greenville and my home.
I lost a red leather pocket book, contain-
about and some papers. Finder
will be liberally rewarded retaining
same to W. G Case.
A few before he died Mr. A.
H. Barrow took a policy for in
the Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. of New
Jersey, of which Mr. J. L. Sugg rs agent.
On the 3rd inst his brother received a
check in full settlement of the policy.
The Reflector boys have named
three presses after the Cleveland family.
The big power press they call Grower, the
large job press is called Mrs. Cleveland
and the new job press is named for Baby
Ruth. So we've got the whole family
and they arc winners.
The Confederate Association of Pitt
county held its reunion at Parkers X
Roads, two miles from Greenville, on
Saturday. About veterans were
and the number of names on the
roster was increased to Mr. J. B.
Yellowley made them a short, address
that was generously applauded. Messrs.
I. F. and B. F. Sugg were select-
ed delegates to a meeting of the State
Association in Raleigh next Saturday.
At Scotland Neck.
Next Saturday Scotland Neck will
have a grand Democratic rally. Hon. W.
R. Henry will speak there that day and
the people will turn out with a large
procession of mounted men headed by a
brass band. The staunch
friend, Mr. T. W. will be chief
marshal of the day, and as he is a man
who never does things by halves all bis
arrangements will be perfect and carried
out to the letter. You may count on
Halifax being all right.
into a hall last Thursday after-
noon. In his reception room Dr. Frank
Pitt and Miss Maggie both of
Beaver were married, the ceremony
being performed by D. C. Moore
in his usual eloquent style. Rumor said
the happy couple on matrimony bent
to run away from the old folks, hence
they came to town together, were married
as quick as the license could be obtained
and left rejoicing. The bride lived in
Greenville not long since.
Pitt County Rifles.
The company in Green-
ville has been named Pitt County Rifles,
and is designated in the State Guard as
Co. II. 1st Gov. has com-
missioned J. T. Smith, Captain; B. F.
Sugg, 1st Lieutenant; J. A. 2nd
Lieutenant. The arms and equipments
for the company arrived last week. For
the present, the uniforms of the old com-
will be used. Capt. Smith requests
to announce that the company will
meet for drill Friday afternoon, 28th,
and every member is expected to report
promptly at o'clock.
Death of Mrs. W. B. Wilson.
Rarely, if ever, has it been our lot to
chronicle an event which cast as dark a
shadow over the entire town and com-
as the subject of the present
sketch. Three weeks ago there was
a happier home to be found than that of
Mr. W. B. to-day there is not a
sadder one. Not only is this home sad
but the whole town feels the gloom. No
one saw anything but the promise of a
long. and happy life for Mrs.
Wilson. Now she been taken from
earth, and an almost innumerable
of friends with a large circle of
have been behind.
Death loves a shining mark and it en-
this home on last Thursday at a
little past o'clock and took from
husband and children their most idolized
wife and mother. These afflictions arc
sad at any time and under any
stances, but in this ease the mystery of
God's wisdom seems more than ever
inscrutable. No place had a better
man than Mrs. Wilson. No one seemed
to have more to live for. No one seemed
to be more needed here than she.
yet she has been removed from time and
its cares and troubles to the realms of
bliss. God knows best. God does best.
We must be reconciled to His will.
Mrs. Wilson had been married nine
years. Never was there a more devoted
and affectionate wife. Never was there
a more cheerful and loving mother. Her
of character were
above the average human being. She
was intelligent, cultivated, and refined.
Every one who came hi contact with her
felt the impress of her noble character.
She was generous, cheerful and social to
a fault. was the life of all com-
and the one loved by all neigh-
But above and superior to all these
possessions was her lovely Christian
character. Her walk, her conversation,
her consecration have left an impress
upon her associates which eternity alone
reveal. No one met her but to be
better. No one left her but to be hap-
pier. She was a devoted member of the
Methodist church, and her life was
and fashioned by the gentle and
lovely walk of her risen Savior while He
was on earth. Mrs. Wilson, in person,
will lie with u- no more on earth, hut her
memory will remain, and her life work
will be verdant as long as there dis-
tress to relieve, comfort to be given or a
soul to be saved. Sometimes we are left
as to the home of a sou when
it has left this earth, but then is a home
prepared for the souls of the faithful and
to that blissful land angels bore the -spirit
of this devoted woman of than to
dwell through the circles of eternity in
companionship the spirits of the just
made perfect, and the tender, loving
Savior whom she served so faithfully
while she was on this earth.
lire. Wilson leaves a husband and six
boys to mourn her Her
companionship was their life and no
power can heal save that which saved
her. To her must ever be
sweet, with the blessed consolation that
bye and bye, up yonder, they may meet
where there will be no more death, no
more parting, no more sorrowing. For
the noble and idolizing, but new sad
heart broken husband, for the bright,
loving little boys, for the devoted father
and the affectionate sisters the
of the entire community are enlisted
and many be the prayers He
who knows and feels our sorrow- may
their wounds and give them the
sweet consolation that their loss is her
eternal gain.
The remains of Mrs. Wilson were laid
at rest ill Cherry Hill Cemetery Friday
afternoon, services being conducted in
the Methodist church by BeG. F. Smith
and at the grave by Rev. R. F. Taylor.
The pall bearers were Messrs. J. S. Smith,
,. A. Dupree, I. L. Little, F. G. James.
D. D. Haskett, C. W. J. R.
and D. J. Whichard. The attendance at
the was unusually large,, this in
itself the high esteem in which
Mrs. Wilson was held by the entire com-
Mr. Forbes showed himself to be a gen-
by the kind manner In which e
spoke of his opponent, Mr. F. G. James,
and in his arraignment of the Republican
party for their evil and vicious
he acted the partisan, or was
woefully wanting in information, when
denouncing the Democratic party for an
impossibility and refusing to give credit
due- He charged Cleveland and his
party with favoring the banking
system and opposed to the. free
of silver, and that they had a majority in
both Houses in the Congress and
done nothing. On being reminded that
a free coinage bill passed both Houses
and was vetoed by President Hayes, and
that the bill was passed over the
dent's veto, lie denied it being so. He
was asked how was Weaver on the. nation-
banking act He hesitated and said
he did not know; but recovering said lie
was against it. On being told that lie
favored it, lie challenged the proof which
was promised him. Mr. Forbes, listen
In 1874 Gen. J. B. Weaver
greenbacks and national bank notes our
business needs are well met. There can
be no better unity of paper
Gen. on the silver question in
1878 or found the Demo-
party which I had so vigorously
fought in the past, under the leadership
of the gallant gentleman from Missouri
and others leading in the good
work of of silver and they
passed a bill through this House for its
full and free reinstatement. I found the
Democracy bitterly opposed to de-
of the greenback currency
its wicked conversion into interest bear-
debt, and early in the winter of 1878
they passed a bill through this House
which put a stop to this
Now, Mr. Forbes, being informed by
authority that you cannot doubt, follow
your leader's example in this instance,
and tell the people the only hope of
reform is in the Democratic
party. Tell the people this grand old
party has been fighting for their interest
since 1865 against tremendous odds,
gaining strength each succeeding year,
and on the 8th of November, 1892, with
one united charge will capture the fort of
oppression and their grievances shall be
relieved. Will you tell them
J. K.
Is It
lea; Ms You Ire After
Which is admitted the finest stock of good in Eastern Carolina.
In order to make room for these I will begin at once running
off my entire stock in Greenville at greatly reduced prices. If
yon want
Call at my Greenville store
Opposite Old Store.
C. T. M U N F O R D,
remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who hive used
Electric Hitters sing the same song of
purer medicine does not exist
and it is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed. Bitters will cure all
diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will
remove Pimples, Boils. Salt and
other affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive Malaria tram the system
and prevent as well a- core all Malarial
cure of Headache,
and try Electric
satisfaction guaranteed,
or money and
per battle at Drug store-
It in
J. B. Wilson, St.,
Pa., -a lie will not be without Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife
who was threatened with Pneumonia
after an attack of when
various other remedies several
physicians had done her Hubert
Barber, of claims Dr.
King's New Discovery done him
good than anything he ever used
for Long Trouble. Nothing like it. Try
it. Free Trial Unities sit Drag
Store. Large Lottie-. and
This is beyond question the most
Medicine have ever
a doses invariably cure the
worst eases of Cough, Croup and Bron-
wide it- w mil success in the
cure of Consumption is without a
in the history of Since its
discovery it has been sold on a
a. test which no other medicine
can stand. If you have a cough we earn-
ask you to try it. Price
and If your lungs arc sore, chest, or
back lame, use Porous Plaster.
We are still making a specialty of
I nil
We have a first class assortment and close.
get our prices-
Do not fail to
and parts for all kinds of machines are sold by us.
Depositors for American Bible Society.
A cure for Catarrh,
Canker mouth and
each bottle there is an ingenious
nasal Injector the more successful
treatment of those complaints without
extra charge. Price Sold at
drug STORE.
Answer This Question.
Why do so many people we sec around
us seem to prefer to sutler and be made
by Indigestion, Constipation,
Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up
of the Tool. Yellow Skin, when for
we sell them Shiloh's
guaranteed to cure them Sold at J. L.
Drug Store.
Walter Bridges, Athens, Tens,
six year I bad been afflicted with
running sores, and an of
the hone in leg. I tried everything
I beard without any permanent benefit
until Botanic Blood Balm was
mended to me. After using bottles
the sores healed, and I am now in better
health than I ever been. I send
this testimonial because I
want others to be
What is the dismay of the early
who leaves bis cozy home on a
winter's morning in quest of lucre or
pleasure, when he finds himself suddenly
the victim of the treachery of a slippery
pavement. It will be a comfort to know
that Salvation Oil will cure his bruised
Have on hand a full line of Cooking Stoves, Kitchenware, Tin-
ware, Lamp Goods Taints, Oils, Glass and Putty.
We make cur own stovepipe and pans of cold rolled steel which
is far the most durable.
W don't try to keep the cheapest goods in town, oat if
want to get the most value for your money give us a call.
test White Oil cents per gallon.
Tin and Guttering less the Tariff.
A of Pitt, by
name, who is anxious to misrepresent
that county in the next
made a speech the
the discovery Arabs and savages, which was a fit-
no such thing as overproduction, but I that performance the clown
Falkland, X. C, Oct.
Mr. side show of the
performed at this place Saturday,
Oct. 22nd. When I arrived Mr.
candidate for the Legislature, was ex-
himself. He was relating, and
narrating and finally stated that Con-
Branch at Bethel dodged him,
he put some questions that Branch could
not answer. By Jupiter I thought, that
must be a smart fellow, and the question
was asked if he really was one of their
statesmen The answer came that he
honest plow boy and would get
through sometime. The idea then struck
me if he was no better plowman than
speaker, reform was essential on that par-
came their reformed preacher,
whose appearance was greeted with wild
yells from the and Judge
for cough and cold. Mr.
Wm. J. St.
Utica, ST. Y.,
Syrup has cured my two Children of
very bad sough and cold, which they
have had for some time. It cannot he
equaled for coughs cold. I have
ways used
some tickets. Owner call at Reflector ,.
,, . . , ., ins store full of goods, the poor farmer
office, identify property and pay for this them, but no money to buy with,
The Baptist church at Ayden will be
dedicated next Sunday, the sermon being
by R. T. Venn, of Scot-
land Neck At the same time Rev. R.
D. Carroll will he ordained to the min-
was underconsumption, and he,
ranted around about the merchant having about commence. He bowed,
and pawed, and brayed until perhaps out
of wind, stepped behind the curtain
l- there a man here who will say that
there is whined out.
A colored man arose and was jumped on
with. say there is over,
The crowd yelled and the
doodler Southerner.
was seen no more.
At this point it was requested that a
horse of another color be led out, but the
ring master put his foot square down on
this proposition.
Then came Mr. Forbes, candidate for
Senate branch the Legislature.
Notice to G
The undersigned having duly
before the Superior Court Cleric of Pitt
county as Executor to the last will and
testament of deceased
notice is hereby given to all persons in-
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all per-
sons having claims against said estate
must present the same for payment be-
fore the l.-t of October, or this no-
will be in bar of recovery.
This 28th day of September, 1892.
Executor of Edney Galloway.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sale Rheum,
Fever Sores, chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect or money refunded.
Price cents Nix. For sale at
Drug Store.
. ft grown.
roil to
Prices Low,
Terms Easy.
The J. L. home farm. Bea-
Dam township, adjoining the lands
of G. T. Tyson and J. H. Cobb. A line
farm of about acres, with good build-
and adapted to corn, and to-
A tine marl bed.
A farm near Ayden and lying
mediately on the railroad, formerly own-
ed by Caleb B. Tripp, which
about arc cleared. Good neighbor-
hood, churches and a school within
miles. Plenty of marl on the adjoin-
A farm of acres, three miles
from and miles
ville, with large, substantial dwelling
and out houses, known as the L. P.
home place, flue cotton land,
good clay subsoil, accessible to marl.
A smaller farm adjoining the above
known as the Jones place, acres,
dwelling, barn and house, land
A farm of acres in town-
ship, about miles from So
part of the tract.
of the Noah Joyner farm.
acres, adjoining the town of Marlboro,
located in an improving section
and can be made a valuable farm.
A small farm of acres,
about miles from Greenville, on In-
Well Swamp, with house, etc., for-
owned by Guilford fox.
A tract of about acres near Cone-
tin station, with cypress timber well
suited for railroad ties.
A tract of about acres in
township, near the Washington rail-
road, pine timber.
A tract of acres near Johnson's
Mills, pine and cypress timber.
Apply to Wm. II. LONG,
Greenville, N. C
S. M.
their year's supplies will
their interest to get our prices before
chasing elsewhere Is complete
n all its branches.
always at Lowest Market Priced.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com
stock of
on hand and sold at prices to
the times. Our goods arc all bought ant
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to sell at a close margin.
Is now ready to show her customers the
-----latest styles in------
Fall Winter
Mrs. ha.-just
from Baltimore where she attend
ed all the openings,
and made the very selections for
the trade here. My stock embraces
everything pertaining to the millinery
trade and lie sold at reasonable
prices. Mrs. M. D.
Greenville, N. C.
N. C.
Half Rolls Bagging.
Bundles New Arrow Ties.
Small Full Cream Cheese.
Tubs Choice Butter.
Tubs Boston Lard.
Boxes Tobacco, all grades.
Boxes Cakes and Crackers.
Stick Candy.
Kegs New Corn Mullets.
Barrels Gail Ax Snuff.
Barrels P. Snuff.
Barrels Railroad Mills Snuff.
Barrels Three Thistle Snuff.
Car load Rib Side Meat
Car load Seed Oats.
Car load Flour, all grades.
Kegs Powder.
Tons Shot.
old Virginia
Full line Case Goods, and everything
else kept in a first-class grocery
General Merchant,
-----Manufacturer of the-----
and dealer in Brackets, Turned or
Scrolled Work, Church Pews and all Building Supplies.
My Tobacco in all sizes are for sale at S. M. Schultz
Co., Greenville, and at my mill.
Will make satisfactory arrangements with to
furnish their customers.
J. COBB, Pitt Co.,
C. COBB, Pitt Co., N. C
to Cobb Bros.
Cotton Factors
Commission Merchants,
and Correspondence Solicited.
Mien to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, of the
not to be excelled in this market. And all guaranteed lobe First-cUss an
kinds. Gin and Mill Belting, Hay, Rock Lime, Plaster of Paris, and
ticking Harness, Bridles and addles
Agent O. N. T. Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobber price, less per for Cash. Bread Prep
ration and Hall's Star Lye it Jobbers Prices, Lead and pare LIB
Oil, Paint Colors. Cucumber Wood Pomps, Salt and Wood
Willow Were. Give guarantee satisfaction.
Ship your Cotton to the above old established house and you can draw the day
ship for value of your shipment. With twenty years experience
in the Commission Business, plenty of and every other possible facility for
Country Produce, especially Cotton, to the very best advantage and with
prompt dispatch, we respectfully solicit the patronage old and new friends,
believing that we are prepared in every way to do well for yon us any house in
the country. Faithfully yours. VAUGHAN BARNES.
--------DEALER IN------
K. e
And a lamp
must be when it is net f it is
no L good.
words mean
impress the truth more forcibly. All metal,
tough tad in three pieces only,
it is unbreakable. Like Aladdin's
of old, it is indeed a its mar-
light is purer brighter than gas light,
softer light more cheerful than either.
Look for this If dealer hunt the
Rochester, and style you want, scad to for or new
Slid we wilt send Ton s safely by of over 2.000
Start is the World. -i-
CO., Park Place, City.
J. Li. SUGG.
All kinds placed in strictly
At lowest current rates.

Was a big success and shows how well prepared we are to handle your
It is considered by all that we have the best lighted Warehouse in the State.
Every Farmer Selling on our Floor will be guaranteed
the very prices for their Tobacco
Satisfaction to
Some Sales recently made at the Greenville Warehouse. Compare them with other houses.
as, an,
N. W.
II. 15.2.-.
13.75. 12.7.-.
D. II. 18.75.
8.2.-. S
A. r. TURN
IVY 18.50,
SMITH IS, 12.25, 10.25.,. II. 13.35. 10.75,
N. 17.50. 15.75. 7.50.
G. W. 18.75. 17.75,
12.25, C.
TURNAGE ft 25.50,
BRYANT 13.75.
15.75. 0.75.
BILL 10.50.
M. E. 30.50.
18.50, 12.75,
M. R. 16.75,
16.75. 10.85, 12.75, 12.75,
R. 13.75, 20.50,
17.75. 13.75, 7.75.
MISS pounds at
BILL 16,13.50,
H. J. 8.50.
10.50, 8.25.
J. E. S. 10.75,
ERNEST 25.50,25, 23.50,
10.25, 5.20.
13.50, 10.25.
Storage and Insurance Free
G. F. EVANS, Proprietor
R- ID- Royster go.,
Reference- type samples furnished on application.
R. CO.,
Leaf Tobacco, and Scraps,
Refers to any member of the Tobacco Trade of Greenville, N. C.
Correspondence Solicited.
We are having daily breaks at our New Warehouse and are using our very best efforts to
get as high prices for your tobacco as can be had anywhere.
The Greenville market will be on an equal with
every market in the State. The Eastern Ware-
house has every convenience for selling your to-
and we will see that every pound brings full
Ample Accommodation for Planter.
Give us a trial and we will please you. Your friends,
want to see work begin on more
prize houses. They are needed.
Several Greene county farmer had
tobacco on the sales here last week.
Last week the warehouses here had
line breaks, and prices were all up
Mr. R. R. Carr, of Greene county, had
some fine at the Greenville
Squire Gregg Tyson had some more of
that fine Beaver Dam weed at the Eastern
Bob Royster is a hustler. He is a fine
judge of tobacco and the largest buyer
on the market.
Cooper's Warehouse, Henderson, is
ready for new chop tobacco. He
highest prices.
Many a dollars worth of tobacco has
been burned while being cured around
The old reliable Is Cooper's Ware-
house, Henderson. Send your tobacco
there. Cooper is the farmer's friend.
Mr. J. J. Frizzle sold some fine tobacco
at the last Tuesday,
prices all the way from to
Remember if yon send your tobacco to
Cooper's Warehouse, Henderson, you Smokers,
will obtain high prices and be happy.
Try It.
Mr. D. M. Edwards had some bright
tobacco on the floor of the Eastern last
Tuesday one pile of which went as high
as 11.30.
Here is good news to the farmer. Sell
your tobacco as Warehouse,
Rocky Mount, and you will be pleased
We will be glad If our correspondents
in the different markets will mail their
reports so as to us Friday night of
each week.
Ship your tobacco to Cooper's Ware-
house, Henderson, and he will work
honestly and faithfully for your best
Mr. J. C. Cooper, of Rocky Mount,
spent a day or two of last week here.
He is doing some good talking for the
Rocky Exposition.
Ship your tobacco to Ware-
house, Mount, and rest assured
that you will get satisfactory returns
from every sale. I
Just one week from to-day to
Tobacco Exposition at Rocky Mount.
Let's take up a good crowd. The rail-
road rate is one fare for the round trip.
Did you ever try Warehouse,
Rocky Mount Make trial on
something fine and if they don't give yon
the best pi ices going the old man will
eat the pile.
We overheard some side betting on
the breaks the other day. One fellow
said he could lose money at as fast as
on a game of poker. Both are straight
whore are yon going Right
straight to Burger's Warehouse, Rocky
Mount. What are yon going there
To sell my tobacco. They give tip ton
prices every time. J
A man has only to go on the breaks to
sec it is the bright tobacco that
the money. The common grades
are not much in demand but when a pile
of fine wrappers Is reached there is some
lively bidding.
On Aug, 11th, Cooper's Warehouse,
Henderson, sold new primings for R.
R. Carr at It, 15.50, and
and for F. T. Carr at 4.50 10.50
15.75 and Cooper can make M
as good sales for you.
Bro. of the Winston Tobacco
Journal, ought to come down and look
on Greenville market. He has been
promising the to and
when he does he is going home
just astonished at what Pitt county can
Warehouse, Rocky Mount, if
large, well lighted, has every
for the farmer and every con-
for handling tobacco. Try
them and you will be satisfied with the
Some branches of the American
co Company are trying to get up a boy-
on the Winston Tobacco Journal
because it has been fighting this Trust
since its formation and has been show-
how it robs the already poor farmers
of North Carolina and Virginia. You
are on the right side, Harman, and the
people will applaud your efforts to show
up this concern in its attempts to take
advantage of the farmers and get their
tobacco at prices far below the value.
The Journal looks too healthy for any
such boycott to hurt It, are glad to
up. gentlemen, and bid lively ;
this Is tobacco, the best that's going.
Give him oh, make it That
is the kind of music you hear at Berber's
Rocky Try them
with a shipment of your best
must, look out for old stock la begin
work on next season The old is
practically all in Hie hands of the leaf
dealers In the inland markets and hence
our dealers can naturally look for active
buying by the manufacturers from now
on until spring. It is safe to say there
will be a sufficient demand to take up
all the stock now held by the inland
dealers. fact that the crop was
found to be much more desirable for
working for purposes than was it first
supposed has greatly enhanced its value
in the minds of manufacturers, who will
be glad to get all of its waxy fillers they
can for their next year's work.
are becoming more and more
loath every year to work Rock from a
new crop until it has been thoroughly
tested. They know that the fillers
are satisfactory and are not afraid to
risk them in their next year's product.
Winston Tobacco Journal.
For week ending Saturday, Oct.
d by
e to
Reported by Owen Davis, Manager
Market active. Breaks heavy during
the past week. Trices generally very
satisfactory to sellers. are
almost strangers on our breaks and
whenever they are seen go like
cakes on a circus at high prices.
Board of Trade met to-day and re-elect-
ed old officers. It was agreed to have it
Incorporated at once. Our boys and
Henderson are determined
not to be led, but to lead.
5225- TRY THEM
W. Gravely,
No report received for
Primings to
Fillers to
good to to
Smokers to S
rs to
W rappers
Cheap Rates to Rocky Mount.
The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and
associated systems with accustom
liberality have agreed to furnish tickets
for the Grand Tobacco Exposition and
Land Sale November 2nd and 3rd at half
price or at the rate of one fare for the
round trip. Let no one miss this grand
opportunity of seeing the great progress
of this wonderful Eastern Carolina town.
Why Leaf Dealer Are Discouraged.
It is a fact that leaf tobacco dealers are
more discouraged at this time than they
have been for years. Many of them
have large stocks on hand and have
unable to dispose of same and in con-
sequence they look dubiously at the
and its prospects.
Underneath all this there lies a reason,
which, if the dealer would look at right-
would yield him a bit of
This has been a hard rear on the
trade In the East. Out people
are dependent upon the South for
gale of their goods and everybody knows
the Sooth has been close run for money
daring the past twelve months. Large
stocks of tobacco were manufactured
last year which the manufacturers have
been carrying, in addition to
a big supply again this year.
has kept there bard pushed for money
a number of manufacturers have
been doing a hand to mouth
buying leaf just as they needed It and
keeping no surplus ahead.
Tills method of working finds the man-
at the close of the year with
smaller stocks of leaf on hand than they
hart bad for years. From now on
Reported by A. I.
No report received for this issue.
By J S. Meadows, Reporter.
Smokers common, to
good, to
Cutters common, to
good. to
fine, to
Fillers common, to
good, to
tine, to
Wrappers common, t
good, to
tine, to
fancy, to
Market active for all grades and
foil Satisfactory to farmers. sales
have been very lull the past mouth. We
will soon the one million mark.
By E. M. Pace. Reporter.
want a sea n, but the cold
spell have Had full breaks and note
prices easier on common and medium
grades, wrappers and cutters have
held their own. Highest to-day was
from Greene county.
Bullock Mitchell,
Owners and Proprietors.
for Big Prices High Averages
are business at the same old i. where we are better prepared
ever before to handle lo advantage the fine bright Tobacco from the Golden
We a Corps of buyers who anxiOUS for
and Are willing to pay good prices for it. stands well on our
market and is eagerly sought after both by our order men and are
very glad that we can to the f Pitt and adjoining counties
tobacco has better tins yen- than we have known it In
years and that we look for good prices during the season. Hogsheads cm be
had FREE OF CHARGE by those planters shipping to us, by applying to s. II
Co. Greenville, N. or to Amos Cox,
that we bid lively on every pile put upon our and buy largely of all grade
we sell, and will see to It that yon shall have highest market price for ever
pound sold with Recollect that it you nothing to c our cheeks as
are payable In New York Exchange without to hold i ml for to try u
with good shipment and we will convince yon we from way
and that we every time on b cs and you know they k
Will have your tobacco graded tor you in skilled ban 1- at per
Thanking our friends for the very liberal pal b stowed upon us in the past
and pledging them our very best efforts to please them In the future, we arc
best wishes, Very truly your friends,
Oxford, N. C-
Alex. Reporter.
This week the quality of the offerings
generally were more undesirable than
last week, with only a sprinkling of good
to fine leaf, for the best which Me.
was obtained-
ts for year data
years Offerings of sold
to date crop sold In
1801, 1889 crop sold in 1800,
Sales for week, month and year, with
Louisville market
Com. lugs
Medium lugs.
Good lugs.
Com. leaf,
Medium leaf,
Good leaf.
1802 crop crop
8.50 to 2.00 to
4.00 to 4.50 2.75 to 4.00
4.50 to 5.25 Nominal
5.25 to
6.00 to 6.50
6.50 to 7.50
In merchantable condition.
The Beauty Standard.
The standard of female loveliness
varies greatly in different countries and
with individual tastes. Some prefer
plump and buxom type; some admire
the slender and sylph-like, some the
tall arid queenly maiden. But among all
people of the Caucasian race, one point
of is always pure.
Clear and spotless
the female be of brunette, or
hazel-eyed type. This first great
site of loveliness can lie assured only by
a pure state of the blood, active liver,
good appetite and digestion, all which
are secured by the use of Dr.
Golden Medical Discovery. It is
to accomplish all that is claimed
for it, or money refunded. If you would
have h clear, lovely complexion, free
from eruptions, moth patches, spots and
blemishes, use the Medical
The next session of this School will
begin on Monday, August 29th, 1892.
The advantages offered will be
or to those of any previous session.
t ire guaranteed every patron,
can be had at lower rates than at
any similar school In Eastern Carolina
We propose to do the best work for boys
that has ever been done in the town,
challenge proof to contrary.
Terms arc as follows, payable
Primary English pot month. 1.50
Intermediate English per month. 2.00
Higher English per month. 8.50
languages each,
you arc in town call to see me
or write from homes.
o cheerfully given. If
necessary a competent assistant will be
W. H.
Greenville, N. C, -Inly 87.1802.
Peanut Pickers and
Will and bushels et
Peanuts a day. Manufactured by Card-
Machine Co , Richmond, Ta.
Mount will have her Second Annual on
the 2nd day next
for Premiums after Tuesday night a. IS O'clock,
November lat, All preparations have been made lo make
Ibis one of the Grandest Tobacco Imposition ever held In
the State, and on that day the Queen City of the Golden
Leaf Tobacco Belt will open her gates and a right royal
welcome to all. Buyers from all over the Union will be
here. Remember the date, November 2nd,
My Factory Is well equipped with the i put up nothing
but We keep up with the times and the improved styles
Rest material used in all work. All styles of Springs are you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Horn, King
We also keep on hand a full line of h Made Harness Whip which we
ell lowest rates. s; attention given repairing.
N. C.
By virtue of a of Trust executed
to me by Janus E. Bullock and wife,
Bullock, on the 13th day of
October, and duly recorded In the
office of the Register of Deeds of Pitt
county, in pages and
I for cash to the highest bidder
at the Court Rouse door in Greenville,
on Monday, the 7th day of November,
It, a certain tract land lying and
being in Pitt county, nod more
described in said lid of Trust,
This 4th day of October.
W. J. E.
Barber Shop,
I take this to return
thanks to my many customers who have
given their liberal support in the p-t
have opened a new shop In old Club
House and would fully solicit a
of my former patronage.
I will nil that they shall receive
every getting the bent
shave and hair cut in town. All I
trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. All
of the rest Improvements in the
rial art will be In use In my shop.

Eastern reflector, 26 October 1892
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 26, 1892
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Joyner NC Microforms
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