Eastern reflector, 19 August 1891

A whole year for only
Hut in to get it you must
Department that can be surpassed no
where in -his section. work always
gives satisfaction,.
your orders.
has instituted it
I owl's
ha- been
Three are suffer-
from famine in
Proctor Knoll the race horse,
iii at Saratoga of lung fever.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Five hundred quarrymen
are strike at Pa.
Lr. Owen Thomas, is dead
It u rumored that France
Russia have signed treaty of
A horse walked out
of a window in New York and broke
it neck.
Milwaukee is to attempt a
during the
Chicago lair.
Miss Dollie Smith, the artist,
having studies in New York and
Boston, dad at the ago of
Ten prisoners, with a fine saw,
escaped from the county jail
Wis., Thursday night.
Mr. Frank Leslie's former ad-
the Marquis of
declared in a Lind m
John Be. I, who died at
Scotland, recently, at the age of
was a close friend of Sir Walter
The Detroit Convention has de-
there -hall he no color
the Grand Army of the
Sprocket the sugar
trust are selling sugar below four
cents h pound, wholesale, which
was eight u year since.
The latest railroad
is a locomotive without
a which hums its
smoke and lights a by
The wheat harvest is in progress
in California. In bulk and value
is expected I o be one or I he most
important harvests of recent years.
Dr. Baldwin of Florence, Italy,
arrived in the Majestic at the call,
it is said, of Secretary Blaine,
whom he treated successfully
George Theodora
nephew the great German Field
Marshal, was married at
, Wednesday, to Miss Jane
A banana eating contest at Tar-
Springs, Fla., ended in a tie
between two the racers, each
topping on the It is
It is reported from Ariz,
that the earthquake of July
changed course of the Colorado
which now flows through a
crevasse forty feet wide and a
thousand feet long.
Friday tight, in Danville, Va,
there was a big explosion. Two
railroad tanks filled with oil
One was leaking, and a fool
got to looking around with a torch
and set fire to the thing. The fool
was a lesson.
All Paris is laughing over the joke
about an American inventor who is
said to have patented a corset that
to bring about the reign of moral.
at once. If one of these is
pressed by a lover's arm it at once
emits a shriek like the whistle of a
railroad engine; and the inventor
claims i hat lie ha already married
three of daughters, owing to the
publicity thrust upon a back-
ward But the wits of Paris,
carrying out the joke to its utmost,
profess to fear that soon the parlors
will became unbearable, owing to the
simultaneous and continued whist-
ling of sue Ado
The managers of Panacea Spring
to make Panacea
water a to the afflicted of North
to bring
pie first
It shall be a home
The price now asked
y of our But the
shall ave it at the lowest
Springs A Hotel Co-
Oxford H. C.
Prom Watch-Tower.
We have carefully read Senator
Williams address before the State
Grange last December. Mr. W
is the Senator from Pitt and
also Master of the State Grange.
He has given all economic
a diligent study. The
between capital and labor has
engaged the attention of the
brainy Williams since the late
unpleasantness. He it, an
promising advocate of the free
and unlimited coinage of silver.
We extract the following from his
of whatever name or kind arc
now the tree and
coinage of silver. Wall street
and the gold bugs oppose it. They
know the scarcer the money is the
more power it possesses. They know
when is scarce, all things else
are low in price.
Smith, Hume,
all and every writer on
economy say that scarce and tight
money makes land cheap, and when
the price of land is low all things are
depressed. Silver was demonetized
in 1873. It was done by John Sher-
man, and passed through Congress
without hardly anyone knowing its
import. It is said the hill was not
even read. It is reported that Gen-
Grant said afterwards that if he
had known the contents of the bill
he would never signed it. It
cut about half the circulating me-
of the Union. Everything
commenced falling, and the
products of the farm went down
a ho SO per cent-, and landed prop-
since that time has I teen
It has the money
kings to buy up the homes of the
American people. The our free
homes arc going now, it will be only
a matter time when our country
will be owned by landlords.
was asserted during the debate
in the last Congress, and no contra-
diction has been made, that the
landlords already owned in
their own right an area land in
the United States larger than
Slate of with
gages on an hundred more,
hut and interest so high that it can
never, never be paid.
Lock, who wrote the first
Constitution for the colony of North
Carolina, said that whoever owned
the land owned the people. This
demonetizing silver Las destroyed
thousands of free homes, and was
and is a crime surpassing any rob-
ever committed by a Democrat-
or Republican government.
there is not a civilized
try on the globe that undertakes to
do an entire business on gold and
silver. Every nation confesses that
there is not enough of the precious
metals; so paper money is resorted
to as a flexible medium. The gov-
should issue legal tender
notes, to the amount at least to
per capita. Now it is calculated not
more than or per capita is in
circulation. The national banks
were organized only moneyed
men; they discriminate against the
farmer inasmuch as they refuse to
a dollar on his only
National Grange endorsed
the plan to loan money
on landed security at a low rate
of interest. Something be done
To save the homes of the people,
there is not money enough now even
to meet the interest. I lake the fol
lowing from the Bankers Monthly
Review, which is high authority on
finance. It gives the mortgages
registered against the sis leading
western agricultural States,
Kansas, Indiana,
Iowa, Ohio,
This makes an aggregate of
which at per cent interest
amounts to more than
annually. All the gold and silver
production is not enough to pay the
interest. I have been unable to find
out the of North Caro-
but from data received, I am
sure it approximates
This is alarming when we consider
that our entire property is only as-
at In this State
these mortgages are recorded at
per cent. It should never have been
more than per
If the above figures are
the condition of the country is
really It is true, and
very true that all the combines are
systematically organized to defeat
the measure now the Amer-
free coinage of
the silver dollar. It is asked by
those who oppose this method of
inflation what will be gained if all
the silver is to be coined free and
the amount to be without limit.
Mr. Williams ably shows that
when you make any article scarce
yon make the price high. If
is scarce its is high. The
object to be gained by the
limited coinage of silver is to in-
crease the volume of currency.
That the volume is too small can
not be questioned by those who
have given the financial States of
the country proper study.
We farther think that Mr,
Hams is right when he suggests
that the government issue legal
tender notes to the amount of
per capita. We will not become a
prosperous and happy people
every month is fed and every
body clothed. If meat is three
cents per pound it is very dear to
him who raise three cents.
Wilmington Star.
Poultry Is not classed
among I he of this conn-
for there are very few who give
special interest to it, and yet
as it is generally supposed
to be the sales of poultry
and eggs amount annually to about
addition to which
millions of eggs are annually in-
ported Europe, There are
who wouldn't think of
lug for market or of
eggs to market because they
it looks s jail. There are also
thousands of farmers. North and
South, i although they ate not
too proud to sell and eggs
never do sell them because they
have never attached any import a
to them as sources of income. They
raise enough for their own
all. We have known in
this State to kill their chickens be
cause i hey scratched up some of
their grain.
There are some poultry farms m
this country, a few, where the at-
of the proprietor- is given
to the raising or fowls and eggs for
market, and the surprising thing
about it is that there are not more
of them, and that the poultry and
egg buyers of the country have to
upon what is simply picked
up upon the farms.
There is no industry in this conn
try which yields as much money in
proportion to the capital invested.
It would not be an exaggeration to
say that at least eighty per cent, of
the received for poultry
eggs is clear profit, the fowls
feeding themselves from pickings
around the farm, which would other-
wise go to waste.
In the South the chicken is a
much more common article of food
than in the North, the per capita
consumption being at least twice as
great, which may be accounted
by the that raising chickens
gives but little trouble here, the
mate being so mild that there is j
danger of their being to
death In the winter if net well
housed, M danger of their
starving to death If not led by
hand. For tin reason the raising
of poultry is not attended the
South by the same risks and losses
which it is in the No-th, this
reason it would be morn profitable
and should receive more attention.
It may seem an incredible state-
that them are not poultry nor
eggs enough sent to market in
North Carolina to meet the home
demand, while all the larger
towns on the railroads they always
command a fair price and some-
times a very high price. this
city half grown seldom sell
tor less than twenty-five cents by
and eggs seldom less than
fifteen cents a dozen. At prices
like these are fortunes in
chicken farms to men who will
devote their attention to them,
and study the chicken so as to
be able to prevent or care the
diseases that sometime attack
and carry them This is most
serious drawback to
this as a special industry, for chick-
en cholera and other fatal diseases
sometimes sweep them off by the
it red. The cause of this we don't
know but investigation would prob-
ably show that it will be found
in the food they pick up, the
drink or in the ill
houses they roost in. The North-
chicken raiser has the same
to contend against. But
this does not occur often enough to
be an insurmountable obstacle to
success the business.
There may not be, in the language
of Col. Sellers, but
there is handsomely paying money
more in proportion to the laud,
capital and labor required than in
anything the Southern farmer can
engage in, and it it a business, too,
which he can increase as be desires,
without additional expense.
There is no danger of overstocking
the market, for there is no day that
chickens suitable for the table will
not a good price in the
nearest market town or in towns
easy access. With the advantages
the South has in wild wins
and abundance of food
the chickens can pick up this ought
to be great chicken section of
the country and ought to bring
to people as money as the
cotton crop now brings. It looks
like a small thing, but there are
possibilities in it.
A Hew Ferry Doctors
Brest Trip
We have received five copies of
North Carolina State Fair
j List, and are pleased to note
Regular j it ft
A ferry across the North river premiums on agricultural crops
is soon to be established for the sole
purpose of accommodating the fruit
and berry trade of the metropolis.
which has of late reached enormous
proportions. The will be con-
with the freight yard of the
Pennsylvania railroad in Jersey
City, and the roadways will be laid
with granite blocks between the
tracks, so as to facilitate the
of the fruit from the trains to the
wagons of the fruit dealers Work-
men arc now building bridge, if s
and sidewalks leading from the
house n the Jersey City side, and
the company ox peels to have the
fern in operation by the first
September. The establishing of
such a ferry for the accommodation
of vehicles oily is, believe, a stop
in the right direction. It is about
lime the great passenger ferries
should be allowed to carry nothing
but passengers, leaving the horses
and vehicles to be carried by other
boats. Why some such reform has
not been inaugurated is some-
thing I cannot understand.
The medical fraternity are very
much interested in the recovery of
Eddie the fifteen-year old son
of Col. A. E. secretary of the
Exchange, who accidental-
shot himself in the head on June
last while out hunting in the
Catskills. The boy hail tried to
cross a creek by jumping from
to stone, but had slipped, and his
had discharged, the bullet
in his brain. Probing demon-
that the bullet had divided,
and that there were two pieces of
lead in the boy's brain. H was
gradually sinking when it was de-
to clean out the wound and in-
drainage tubes so that
might be an opportunity of internal
healing. This was accomplished,
and some pieces of bone and shreds
of lead, besides several clots of brain
matter, were removed, but the bullet
itself was not Nevertheless
the ad began to improve immediate-
produced in North Carolina. For
instance, forty dollars is to be
for best cotton ; five
on best packed bale; seventy
dollars on best tobacco; about fitly
dollars on corn ; forty five dollars
on wheat; same on oats; about
twenty five dollars on rye; forty
live dollars on field peas, seventeen
dollars on ground peas; forty five
dollars on bay; dollars on glass
seed; nest ten pounds of flax five
dollars. are also splendid
premiums on horses, cattle, hog,
sheep and poultry. Nearly two
hundred dollars are offered c-u fruits,
fourteen dollars on dried fruits; five
dollars on a five pound home made
cheese; five dollars on best ten
pounds bard home made soap;
three dollars on best gallon home
made winning soap and
winning cheese to be given to the
North Carolina Home; six
dollars for best five pounds of starch
made from corn or wheat;
dollars on best two three
best ten pounds of beef; ten
dollars on hive of bees showing bees
working by having glass the side
of the gum; ten dollars for best ten
pounds of butter; three dollars for
best gallon of sorghum syrup or
molasses; two dollars best dozen
heads of broom corn. Premiums
worth more than fifty dollars are of-
on the best Irish
t dollars on best dozen
stalks or molasses cane.
The premiums on racing will be
such as lo insure a good turn out
stock. No horses except those own-
ed in North Carolina will tie allowed
to compete.
Pa mi i co, the famous trailer own
ed by Mr. Clarence that
took the premiums all the
Northern be placed on
weekly during the Expo
by special request of the Ex-
position management. lie will
compete North Carolina
horses as Pamlico is a most excel-
lent trotter Mr.
Charlotte Democrat.
The reports are now in for July,
showing the condition of
throughout the belt as or about
the same as the returns for June.
This slate of affairs did not fortify
the for an additional attack
on prices, hut rather caused them to
close out their shorts and await a
fresh supply rumors lo the
market again. In the list aver-
ages North Carolina
Happenings Here and There at
From oar Exchanges.
Concord Last year Ca
county produced
worth gold, Stanly produced
worth, and Rowan worth.
A mad dog bit two white
the oilier two Henderson
a few days ago before he could
killed. is feared
may result from the wounds,
s down to i they were at once.
alter the operation, to-day is
,, . . i. . would win all the prizes, but he will
as well and strong, mentally and
physically, as ever.
A dinner was given last week by
Capt. on board the steam-
ship Majestic in honor of Citizen
George Francis Train, who was
as the human
around the globe ever
The menu cards were
figures of World's Fair and
trip Omaha to
The event was quite
as the Majestic has just
beaten the record on crossing the
Atlantic. Captain end his
guest discussed the
of Mr. projected tour around
the world to be made in forty days
by a party of a thousand people.
The time lo start, it was agreed,
would be in December, as the party
would then catch cooler weather in
the Orient. It was estimated that
the expenses for one thousand guests
would be about per day.
A Safe Investment.
Is one which is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in case of fail-
a return purchase price. this
safe plan you buy from our
Druggist a bottle Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. It if
guaranteed to bring you relief In every
case, when used for any affection
Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Con-
of Lungs, Bron-
Asthma. Whooping Cough, Croup,
etc., etc It is pleasant and agreeable to
taste, perfectly sate, and can always be
depended upon.
Trial bottles free at John L.
I. K. editor
Index, Atlanta, Ga., have
used with unfailing,
prompt, decided
gall Bag Lost.
Concord Times.
On Thursday evening, July the
mail bag that was hung on the hook
the depot for the agent on the fly-
vestibule to grab as the train
went by, did not leave Concord until
one week later. The mail agent
made the grab, missed the bag.
It was knocked off into weeds
below the track. All went serenely
until Mr. D. B. Coltrane, cashier of
the Concord bank, who had
worth of checks in the bag, found
out that something was wrong.
Search was made and the bag was
fortunately found unmolested, just
one week later. It was returned to
and sent off by
first train. The mail is
only person directly to be blamed.
He ought to have reported the fact
at once that he had. tailed to catch
the mail.
only trot Pamlico for the amuse-
of visitors and not to take
All who make exhibits at the
State Fair of articles that can
used at North Carolina
Home, are urged to aid the old sol-
by making donations.
The brusque mid fussy impulse of these
days of false would rate down
alias worthless because one unworthy.
Ac if there were no motes in sunbeams
Or comets among stars Or cataracts In
rivers Because one remedy
professes to do what It never was adapted
to do, are all remedies Be-
cause one doctor lets his patient die, are
all Humbugs It requires a fine eye and
a liner brain to discriminate to draw
differential line.
that Dr. Golden
Medical Discovery and Dr.
Favorite Prescription have cured thous-
for a weak system there's
nothing than the and
that the Is the
hope of debilitated, feeble women who
need a restorative tonic and bracing
And here's the proof.
Try one or both. If don't help
you. toll the Worlds Dispensary
cal Association, of Buffalo, X. C. and
get your money back again.
This Fall's Elections.
Elections will be held the 3rd
of November in the following ten
Virginia will elect half its senate
a full house of delegates.
Iowa and Massachusetts will elect
Governor, State Officers and
Mississippi will elect three
road Commissioners and
Nebraska will elect Associate
Justice of the Supreme Court and
two regents of the university.
New Jersey will elect part of
Senate and Assembly.
Ohio will elect Governor, Stale
officers, Legislature and a proposed
amendment to Constitution pro-
for uniformity of taxation.
Pennsylvania will elect Treasurer
and Auditor General vote
whether a constitutional convention
shall be held and elect delegates to
New will elect Governor,
State officers, Legislature, ten
of Supreme Court and
Congressman from 10th Dis-
Maryland will elect Governor
State officers, a Legislature and rote
six proposed amendments to
the constitution.
The will each
elect a U. S. who will serve
six years from March 4th, 1802.
with Arkansas in lead
The and boll may
yet prove factors in catch
the speculative clement, which
been feeding on continued de-
The present heated term,
however, is favorable to what has
considered sickly crops, and it
will be a mailer of surprise
North Carolina gains live per cent in
averages for this mouth from that
cause. A strong effort will no doubt
made by the cotton in
this section to make opening
price seven so that planters
can base their hopes upon this Igor
and have them heightened or blasted
as the result will prove. The heavy-
decline in the price of last season
will stimulate manufacturing, and
bring with it as a matter of course
an increased demand, but while the
coining crop will be absorbed, the
difference in the total results as com-
pared with the growth of 1800 is
simply startling.
crop just marketed at
bales, and an average price of nine
we have and this
crop at bales at an average
of cents, or shrink-
age in the producing
wealth of the cotton belt. This is a
rather discouraging stale of affairs,
but it shows the great necessity of
this immense interest being organ-
The increase in acreage should
be kept apace with the demand, but
as goes that, down comes
the value on In the present con-
of cotton its markets, the
farmer must stop and think of the
future of his estate. Ninety three
million dollars worse off this winter
last, with wheat, coin an I meat
buy as yore, with advanced
prices for each, makes a out-
go to be added to the already
income. If, in light
shed upon mistakes, we do
profit thereby, the fault will hereafter
lie at our own door.
The a gang of
diamond robbers who have been
operating here a very high-toned
manner for a long time is the
of the week. The
were committed in a very clever
manner, generally right ii- the
presence of the owners.- The gang
operated on the very best class of
st the usual plan lie for a
woman to engage the salesman's
attention while a walked
with tho diamonds. this way
one lost worth of his
valuable stock in about two min-
and it took the five,
months to catch the Many
other have beer,
in a similar way, but the thieves
have escaped every time. They are
so dressed and apparent-
so wealthy that they are not
till it is late. The man
Howe, or Hamburg, who is now in
custody, seems to have been
leader, and a very clever one at
that. is an and
bis craving for the drug after be-
arrested caused to confess.
His female accomplice has also been
rested is held in bail.
A Father's Kiss.
Hartford Post.
A father was seeing bis son off
cars for some distant point.
There was a moment of quiet con-
between the two, perhaps, a
few words of such advice as a lather
should give a son, and then the train
came thundering into the station.
As the latter, a tall fellow well
along in his teens, stepped on the
platform, he extended his lips to his
father. There was a gentle kiss of
farewell, and the two separated.
There was no gush, no nonsense,
no ; the expression if
fatherly tenderness that had follow-
ed that son since he lay in the
Is there any danger that boy
straying from tho path affectionately
pointed out by his father or is there
any danger of that father ever
to excuse that son because he Is
wild We think not.
The gentle power of a mother's kiss
has been by poets, but is there
not also a wealth of tenderness and
a memory for good in tho kiss
of a father.
There is some excitement in Frank-
also dogs that have
gone mil,
Mr. C. A.
township, found,
one last week, a guinea nest
which were eggs. Mr. Peter
and wife, Malinda, of
township, celebrated their golden
wedding on the 38th of July. All
their living children and
numbering were present.
Carthage Last Saturday
King Carrie, colored, was placed in
jail shooting Sol. Alston, also
colored, about miles
from here, dangerously
him. They had a row about a
man, and Cm lie threatened lo shoot
Alston, whereupon he said me
And Carrie says he shot
him for fun.
Washington Biggs
Davenport, of Williamston, assigned
last week; liabilities The
failure of the necessitated the
individual failure of John
Biggs for Mr. Biggs has
for some time been director of the
Insane Asylum and general agent of
the Norfolk Southern Railroad. He
is favorably known throughout this
section as a careful business mans
Scotland Neck We
heard a gentleman say Sunday
he had the finest he had had in
ten years. This was so different
from tho general complaint we
could help noticing There is
a chance yet for a good
are sorry to learn that the hogs
around are dying of
era. those that die be hurried
good and deep so that other hogs
cannot near them, will prob
ably help to slop the spread of the
disease.------The Baptist Church of
this place last Sunday accepted Hie
resignation of Dr. J. as
pastor, which was mentioned in this
paper two weeks ago. The
lakes effect once, but Dr.
salary continues until the
first of October. The
called to its pastorate Rev.
W. L. Wright, or It is
not known whether or not Mr. Wright
will accept. He ranks among the
foremost preachers of the State and
it is the general expression of those
who know him that the church here
will be fortunate ill securing him as
its pastor.
Mr. Winter, formerly manager
of the Savannah Brewery, says he had
-in of the Heart for several
years. Often he was unable to walk
over B few blocks, his pain was so in-
he had trouble to get in breath;
he had physicians Philadelphia, his
former home, hut the b- st professor in
the university than could not give him
Coming here ho saw P. P. P.
advertised, tried two untiles, and is now
a well man. Bis pain has left him and
he can now walk all day. render
thanks to P. P. P., and nays its work-
ore wonderful.
Basing at tho University.
We are glad to know that the
students themselves, at tho
have such a spirit of
manliness as to cause them to de-
the custom of maltreating
Now that the
has taken lead, let all
colleges in abolishing rowdy-
ism from college life. The follow
resolutions passed by the sops
class the University
by the entire student
more honorable and more
valuable evidences of
many pages of
so-called enacted by
faculty and trustees
tho fact that the de-
of tho University de-
pends harmonious co-
operation its friends, and
upon the voluntary adoption
of true standards of manliness by
student body, the of 1801
in meting assembled do hereby
That the practice of hazing
new students is far beneath the
dignity of University men and
to spirit of a real
That new students who enter
the University hereafter shall not
be subjected to blacking or
treatment by this class.
T. B.
At a mass-meeting of all the
dents of the University it was
That students of
University endorse action
of class of 1891 and promise
their hearty co-operation in
from University life all
treatment of new
Special Notice.
In adopting the in Advance
tern for this year will
be continued to no one for a Mom
than it is paid for. If you find stamped
just after your name on the margin
expires two
from this
it is to give you notice that unless re-
newed in that time The tow
will cease going to you at the expiration
of the two weeks.
A gem 1- a gem,
Though it lie in die dust,
Should give it a thrust;
Though hidden awhile,
Still its virtues will shine.
Till it suddenly gleams
With a glory
Sand is but sand,
Though the wind, passing by;
should beat it above
To the stars of the sky;
Hut, by truth
And tin- of lame.
Forgotten it falls
To the soil whence it came
Though obscurity trample
And tread worth,
H will steadily rise
From the trammels of earth;
Though chance's vagaries
The worthless advance,
It will lire in dismay
Al Truth's conquering glance,
Detroit Free Press.
What to do Wits s Bad
Starve it. it nothing to
feed on. When something tempts
you 1.0 angry, do not yield to
the temptation. It may for a min-
or two be difficult to control
hut try it. Force yourself
to do nothing and the rising tern
Mir will be forced to go down, be
cause it has nothing to hold it
The person who can and does con
tongue, hand, heart in the face
of great provocation is a hero.
world may not own him or her as
such, but God does. The Bible
says that he that his spirit is
than ho that taketh a city.
What is gamed by yielding a
temper T For a moment there is a
feeling of relief; but soon cornea a
sense of sorrow and shame, with a
wish that the temper had bees
trolled. Friends are separated
a bad temper, trouble is caused by
it. and pain is given others as
well as to self. That pain
lasts for days, even
times for life. An outburst of tam-
per is like the bursting of a steam-
boiler ; it is impossible to tell before
what will be the result. The evil
done may never be remedied. Stares
your temper. It is not worth keep-
Lot it die
say, what is your opinion is
the leading virtue of this Pans
Water of which I hear so much down
at Littleton, X. C. it is this, In
the diseases which it there seems
to lie a permanency which no other
water effects- It not only relieves but
cures. It is a remarkable
Ask your druggist or send for a case
Panacea Springs Hotel Co.,
Oxford N. C.
Some of the London papers hare
been over some real estate
that town which is rated at
acre, which makes the
Chicago papers and call at-
to some patches of ground in
that city which have sold at rats
an acre, and several
large tracts which sold respectively
at a square foot, or at rate
of over acre.
great value real estate in that
town is one of the reasons why some
of the people don't wash
Wilmington Star.
Good looks are more than skin deep,
depending upon a healthy condition or
all the vital organs. If the Liver be la-
active, you have a Billions Look, if your
stomach disordered you have a
peptic Look and if your Kidneys be
you have a Pinched Look. Secure
good health and you will have good looks.
bitters is the great alternative
and Tonic acts directly on those vital
organs. Cures Pimples, Boils
and gives a good complexion. Sold at
John L. Drug Store, par
Tilt. J.
N. C,
Office in Skinner upper Hat
opposite Photograph Gallery.
M. C.
Prompt attention given to collections.
n. c.
Prompt and careful attention to
Collection solicited.
t a
n. c.
Practice In all the courts.
J. AL. L.
In all the Courts.

Greenville, N. C.
Editor ml
Mail Matter.
10th, 1891.
Publisher's Announcement.
L The is
year, one-hall
column one year, S-o.
Transient inch
one week, two weeks, om-
month 8-2. Two inches one week.
two weeks, one month,
Advertisements in Local
Column as items, ti cents per
Advertisements, as Ad,
and SUM,
Summons to etc. will
be charged at legal rates and must
has suffered loss
much because of no
rule as to the payment Of this class
of and in order to avoid
trouble payment in advance
toe demanded.
Contracts for any space not
length of time, can be
mads by application to the either
in person or by letter.
Copy tor K v Advertisements and
all changes of should be
handed in o'clock on Tuesday
in order to receive prompt in-
the day following.
The having a large
will be found a profitable medium
which to reach the public.
The Carolina Press As-
held its nineteenth an-
session last week in the
thriving city of Winston Salem.
It was an interesting meeting
fifty editors were present
and they were indeed royally en-
by the citizens of the
Twin City. The
bled at o'clock Wednesday
morning and an address of
come was delivered by Mr. J. C.
which was responded to
for the Association by Mr. H. A.
London, of Hie Pittsboro Record.
The remainder of the morning
session was devoted to the usual
Association work and reports of
In the afternoon the President,
Mr. J. P. of the States
ville delivered his ad-
dress, It was an able paper and
of much interest, especially to ed-
for it e them a deal of
. At o'clock the editors were
taken in carriages for a over
tHe city. To those who had not
before had the pleasure of visit-
it was indeed
a revelation. Even those who had
not been there daring a few
past hardly less astounded.
In the short space of ten years its
population has grown from
to Its manufacturing in-
have increased equally as
marry fold. In 1381 the
industries numbered only eighteen
while now there upwind of
some of them employing as
marry as five hundred hands. In
all are a hundred factories
Of different kind. There are six
land improvement companies do-
business hero and these have
enough property laid off de-
to a city of
people or more, and at the
rate that is marking the
growth of it will
require comparatively a few years
to develop all this new property
and be reaching out for more.
One of the land companies is
building a hotel to cost
which, would be a credit to any
city. This magnificent structure
will be completed by December.
has one of the
best systems of electric street
that is in operation any-
The shipments of
tobacco, principally plug,
near pounds
annually. Taking all in all it is
the livest town in North Carolina
and it is no wonder that people
are flocking there so rapidly-
Wednesday night the
was tendered a banquet and
at Salem Academy. Rev.
J. H. principal of this
honored institution that has a
brilliant record reaching over
nearly a century and has done
more for educating the women
of North Carolina and South
than any other institution within
one borders, proved himself a
prince of hosts and won the heart
of every guest. The concert was
given by the Salem Orchestra one
of the finest musical organizations
in the State. On this occasion
the annual oration by the
Orator, Mr. E. E. Hilliard,
. of the Scotland Neck Democrat
No reflection is
meant on any other when we say
that it was the beet oration to
which the Press Association of
North Carolina has ever listened.
The poem read by Mr. H. C. Wall
of the Rocket was a
brilliant and delighted the
Thursday morning after getting
through its other business the
Association elected officers for the
coming year. These are
A. Thomas, Louis-
1st Vice President-E. E.
Scotland Neck Democrat.
2nd. Vice
Dowd, Charlotte Times.
3rd. Vice A.
Deal, Wilkesboro Chronicle.
Secretary and B.
Sherrill, Concord
Executive CommitteeS. A.
Ashe, Raleigh News-Observer, H.
A. London, Chatham Record,
Thad R. Manning, Henderson
Gold Leaf, Josephus Daniels,
Raleigh Chronicle, H. A. Latham,
Washington Gazette.
W. Scott, Lenoir
Poet W. F. Marshal, Gastonia
M. Williams,
Newton Enterprise.
Delegates to National Press
P. Caldwell,
Statesville Landmark, Josephus
Daniels. Raleigh Thad
R. Manning, Henderson Gold
D. J. Whichard. Greenville
Reflector. E.
Scotland Neck Democrat,
J. P. Cook. Concord Standard, J.
A. Robinson, Durham Sun, C. L.
Stevens, South port Leader.
Charlotte was chosen as the
place for holding the next State
At the Association was
taken on an the
Roanoke Southern road to Mayo
Falls, near the Virginia line. Re-
were served on the
cars by the managers of the road
and the trip was an enjoyable one.
This road is a new one being
built from Roanoke Va., to Win-
with a view of extend-
it further South. It is being
constructed principally with Win-
capital aid is a
to the pluck and enterprise
characteristic of the city. This
road is through a splendid section
of country and is carrying large
trade to Winston.
Thursday night the editors
again assembled around the festal
board, this time at a banquet
spread by the
Chamber of Commerce in their
spacious hall. About persons
assembled around the tables an d
did ample justice to the splendid
menu. It was an elegant lay out.
Before tho occasion closed it
proved to be a feast of reason as
well as a feast of good things for
tho inner man. A number of
toasts were given out and re-
to by members of the
Press Association as follows
The Press, the leader of
thought, not tho follower of
S. A. Ashe, Raleigh News-
manufacturers, the mer-
chants, the builders of cities and
promoters of general
Josephus Daniels, Raleigh
Railroads, tho great ave-
of John R. Web-
Jerome Dowd,
Charlotte Times.
Carolina, its re-
and its R. A.
Deal, Wilkesboro Chronicle.
J. P. Caldwell,
women of North Carolina,
her daughters the queens of the
forest H. A. Latham,
Washington Gazette.
look upon the
sea and rejoice in the prosperity
of E. E. Hilliard, Scotland
Neck Democrat. .
the basis of a
nation's H. A. London,
All the speeches were of a
order of excellence and showed that
North Carolina has just cause to be
proud of her editors. Such was the
verdict of the people of Winston-
Friday morning the Association
and many citizens of the Twin City
were taken on an excursion over the
North North Carolina rail-
road to the town of
This is another new road that has
just been built through the fertile
Yadkin Valley and follows the
banks of the beautiful Yadkin
river. It bas opened up a section
that will come to the front in way
of progress. divided
into two sections separated by
the river. The new section is
called North Wilkesboro and it was
here that the party was dined. The
editors were taken for a drive over
property which the land
company are developing
and to points of around
town. In old Wilkesboro a hand-
some three-story hotel baa
Just been completed. In this a ban-
was given Friday night though
but few the editors could remain
over to it. A bras band was out to
the excursionists and the
whole town and surrounding
try turned oat to welcome
Half way back from
to Winston, at little town of
Elkin, another welcome was extend-
ed editors. train was to
stop there about half hoar and
was met by many and
ladies of town. As soon an
can, stopped boys approached
baskets of luscious fruit and little
girls bad exquisite button-hole
bouquets tied with ribbon for the
excursion t coincidences
will occur sometime, and one so
proved with this particular scribe-
When a Hi tie maid approached and
requested t be pleasure of decorating
our with a we
turned to show our acquiescence to
such a pleasure and upturned
to oar gaze a rosy lace with soft
blue eyes and surrounded by wealth
of auburn ringlets. Immediately
our bat was raised in acknowledge-
of the appreciation that like
finds in like. It worried Jim Cook
so because lie wasn't red headed
that he never smiled in half an
was reached in
time for the train South upon
which a number the editors took
their departure for home, carry
with them main pleasant
of Hie Twin City and the
unbounded hospitality shown them
While in Winston the editor of
I be was the guest or
Rev. R. W. a native of
Pitt county. Many of our readers
are interested this faithful young
minister the Christian Church
and will be glad to know that be is
held highest esteem by the
pie of his home. Alter
at the College of Bible at
u, Ky , went to Troy, N.
It is time to get
Tobacco Growers
Oxford is Your Market
J. B. Cherry.
J. R.
J. G. Maye
Y., Tor a few years and while there
was instrumental the building of
two magnificent of worship
which stand as monuments to his
energy. He is now engaged in a
work in the the
Board of Managers of the
Christian Missionary Conference
recognizing bis ability as a church
builder. His undertaking there is
meeting with most
success. Work was first commenced
on the annex for Sunday School and
lecture room, and that being now
completed will be used for service
while the work the
will be pushed rapidly for
We will not forget the
shown us by Mr. Stancill
and his excellent wife.
Therefore arc going
The meeting of the State Far-
at Morehead last
week was an enthusiastic one. The
attendance was large, every county
in the State being represented.
The meeting the
platform full. Very little was
said about a third party and the re-
forms to which the Alliance as-
will not be sought through
that channel Col. was present
made a stirring speech. When
the talk of electing officers begun
our townsman, Mr. E. A.
Pitt county's Superior Court Clerk,
was prominently for
President of the order, but bis
duties here at home were such
that could not allow his name to
De used. Mr. Butler, editor
of the Caucasian, was
President, and air. W. S. Barnes
was re-elected Secretary. Col.
Harry Skinner was at Morehead
during the meeting was ex-
popular with the
men. He is recognized among them
as the only in the State who
fully champions the Sub-Treasury.
He has, by the way, consider-
in demand making Al-
speeches late. He recent-
large gatherings at
Snow Hill, Maxton
Mount, and is on the to
speak at an Alliance Mass meeting
in Durham week after next.
It was quite a disaster that befell
Trinity College buildings at Dur-
ham not many days ago. On the
night of the 8th the main tower
which bad been completed
caved in and crashed to the ground,
bringing with it much the roof
and central part of building,
causing a damage of
Faulty workmanship and material
was said to be cause of the
tower giving away. faculty
had hoped to be to use
new buildings Tor the coming fall
session, because of accident
it has been decided to for
the present at the old buildings in
that will
and make us room for
Bring it the more the merrier. We are prepared to pay
HIGHER PRICES for WIRE. CURED than any other
market. Freights are cheap, a mere trifle increased prices
are taken into account. railroad facilities are good. Send
your tobacco to Oxford, N. C., yon will get good prices and quick
returns. Buyers for all classes and from every part of the world
fire located in Oxford. You will find us
All Business and no
Hunt, Cooper Co., Meadows Warehouse,
Bullock Mitchell, Banner Warehouse,
Cozart, Rogers Co., Warehouse,
R. V. Minor Co., Minor Warehouse.
R. F. Knott, Manager Alliance Warehouse.
J. M. Buyer,
W. Reed, Buyer,
John Meadows, Buyer,
Wilkinson Bros., Buyers,
Meadows Yancey, Buyers.
D. S. Osborn, Buyer,
E. O. Buyer,
E. G Buyer,
O. S. Smoot, Buyer,
J. D. Bullock, Buyer,
John Webb, Buyer,
W. A. Bobbitt, Buyer,
C. F. Buyer,
B. Glenn, Buyer.
We beg to inform our friends and patrons that we now th
most complete stock we ever had. To our lady friends
we wish to say that our stock of Dress Goods will com-
-------para favorably with any line in town.-------
In Wool Fabrics we have Hen
Cashmeres, Albatross
and in the leading
Spring and Summer shades.
In Cotton Fabrics we have
Pine Apple Tissues, Swiss
Zephyrs, Batiste, Out-
Cloths, Lawns,
Ginghams, a full line of White
Dress Goods. In all of these
lines you will find beautiful
styles. No prettier to be found j
in town.
In all grades of Men and
Hats we have nice styles
and will sell at prices to please
our customers.
We invite comparison of
and juices of the following
Notions, Gent's Furnish-
Goods, Trunks, Valises,
Hardware, Crockery, Tinware,
Wood and Willow Ware,
Provisions, and all
kinds of Implements
and Furniture.
Beware of imitations, buy only the genuine
fixed wire
We have a good many
Summer Hoods,
which for the next
we will sell at
in order to
Tobacco Barn Company.
Offer their services to those
any work in their line. All
trusted to u will be executed in a k en-
manlike manner. work-
Last Saturday evening Norfolk,
Va., had a very disastrous the,
destroying property to value of
more than a quarter million dollars.
Several prominent business houses
were burned.
For the
n, B. c.
Sitting alone in the shadows to-night,
With a puzzled, weary brain.
Thinking of loved and lost,
And all that have
I listen to rain drops fall
With a lulling, soothing sound,
Vainly trying to pen thoughts
That in my heart abound.
Who can count the drops of rain
Or who can stand apart
And dimly guess at the sorrowful things
Hidden away in human heart
Ah me, this weary life we live
Why were we born to this strife
Where la the need of the weary pain
That clew with life F
But we will leave It all
To Him who i Its above.
And while we struggle, mourn and chafe
We know that U
It to-
We have made some
Large Reductions
in price already, there will be
many more made in the next
Pipe, Tin
ware. Nails, Doors, Sash. Locks
Butts and Hinges, Glass, Putty
Paints and Oils,
The increased stove trade this
season is the best evidence that
the I sell is the stove for
the people. public are in-
to examine my stock be-
fore purchasing-
Classical and School.
The next Session of this School will be.
gin MONDAY, AUGUST 24th.
Tuition per term of
Primary, per session, 7.7.1
Intermediate, per session, 10.00
Higher 12.50
Languages, each, 3.00
The will be thorough in all of
its instruction, mild but firm its
having in view at all times the
full preparation of young men and boys
for active business life, or successful col-
courses. Board can be obtained
with the principal, or at other places in
town at reasonable rates. One half of
tuition payable at the middle of the
term, the remainder at its close. For
further particulars see or address,
W. H. A. B.,
Greenville, N. C. Principal.
Mechanic Arts
will begin Its third session on September
1891, increased facilities and equip-
In every department. The past
successful year has given further evidence
of its practical value, and Its young men
are already In demand for responsible
positions. Total cost, Each
County Superintendent of Education
will examine applicants for
Raleigh, N. C.
, Q.
Notice Notice
On Monday the 21st day of September,
A. D. will sell at the Court House
door In the town of Greenville to the
highest bidder for cash, three tracts of
land Pitt county, containing 1.171
acres and bounded as One
tract on the east side of Creek
adjoining the lands of Moses Joyner,
Clemmy Allen and others, known as the
place, described In a
deed from Ann Tyson to J. L.
Ballard and recorded in the Register of
Peeds office of Pitt county in Book V V,
page containing acres more or
One other track known as the
Whitty Nichols track, adjoining the J. L.
Ballard land, Jacob Elks land and others,
containing fifty-three acres more or less,
described in a deed from L. P. Beards-
to J. L. Ballard and
In the Register of Deed office of
Pitt Book L page . One
other tract known as the W. C. Moore
land, conveyed deed from W. C.
Moore to J. and recorded
the of Deeds in
in Book L page adjoining the
lands of late Hodges, J. J.
Moore lands, Proctor and others
containing fifteen acres, more or less, to
satisfy an execution In my hands for
collection against J. L. Ballard, and
has been levied on said land as
Male and Female.
Fall Term opens Monday, August
Full corps of efficient and experienced
teachers. All the English branches,
with Music. Art, Elocution and
Ancient Languages, taught
by the most approved
University No- Ca.
The Next Term Begins Sept.
Entrance Examinations. Sept.
Tuition per term. Needy young
men of talent and character will be
aided with scholarships and loans. Be
sides General Course of Study
which offer a wide range of
studies, there are courses In Law, Med
and Engineering. For cataloging
address the
Chapel Hill, N. C.
Hamilton is situated on a bluff near
the Roanoke river, and Is the most
beautiful town in Eastern Carolina, the
streets being wide and shaded with silver
maples It is healthy, and society is
high-toned and moral. There are four
churches, and nearly every family in the
place belongs to some Christian
Every school boy and girl in North
Carolina should visit the
Exposition to be held in Raleigh In
The Principal will pay the rail-
road expenses of all pupils who
enter tho first week of the school for the
term to Raleigh and return. The board-
pupils will thus be to see
without railroad expense the greatest
of Southern products and re-
sources ever exhibited. No other school
In Eastern Carolina offers an In-
to Us boarders.
Board, English Branches 960.00
Board, English Branches, Latin,
English Branches, Latin,
Music on Organ or Piano, 75.00
If In advance for the entire term
cent, will be made
from the above rates. Otherwise bills
will lie payable monthly.
Hamilton. Martin Co., N. C.
mark tad crowed red
We carry the largest and be
selected stock of Furniture in
sell at price
Our stock of Shoes and Slip
is very attractive. e
think we can suit you both in
quality and lit. One of the and
Shoes with us is our please.
Toe with Common Sense Heel, j We have a nice line of Mat-
This is a long felt want with the tings which we will sell at low
ladies. figures.
In Men and Boys Shoes . ,,,.,, .
have in stock and to arrive Children we have
best line ever carried by best and prettiest line ever
We have sold L. M.
Shoes for the past two years and
find them to be the best line ever
handled by us. This spring we
will have a complete line of
these Shoes and when our friends
are in need of good shoes we
will be pleased to serve them.
We realize the importance of
selling goods at a small profit.
We do not claim to sell
at cost, but do claim and back
up our assertion, that we will
give you honest goods for your
honest money.
See Us Talk With Us Try Us
Ladies we know full well you remember how greatly the prices
after the reduction surprised you in our last year Spring
Goods, so we now make another spring
on the following goods
Edging, Swiss
Embroideries, India
Linens, and Check
Teasel Summer
Cashmeres, Ginghams,
lies, Percale,
and all the many other things in a Spring stock.
-------reduced prices
Look at
Ginghams at
eta Ginghams at
Teasel at
Teasel at
Hamburg at
Hamburg at
White Goods at eta.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES
S Car Load Feed Oats, Car load Corn, Car load No. Hay,
Car Load Rib Side Meat, Car Load St. Louis
Heavy Mess Pork, Sugar.
A Sugar, Gail Ax Snuff, all kinds.
Rail Road Mills Snuff. Snuff.
Rico Molasses, Tubs Boston Lard.
. Star Lye, Gross Matches.
fl Also full Hue Powders. Soda, Starch. Tobacco, Cigars,
Crackers, Candies, Canned Goods, Wrapping Paper, Paper Sack.
Special prices given to the wholesale ft
above goods.
Hoard ON
Barrack, Men
Mess Plan. New including
Mets Hall, Superintendent Quarter, etc. FULL
Open September MB, 1891. Send for
R. KM., M. C
Patent Wire
Wire Tobacco be
Down ob th cared. Chat and Beat in the
PRICE, wan
Wires to
men Tint
. . a a
Culture and Curing
TOBACCO CO., Co., to.

conn tern
Greenville, N. C.
Local Sparks
V. B Lino's COLUMN
Is the place to
Ship your Tobacco
If yon want highest prices.
The schools will open next week.
Second supply of Fruit Jars at
the Old Brick Store.
The first open boll of cotton is
looked for-
Latest styles of Shirts, Collars
and Cuffs at C. T.
First the
Mullets at the Old Brick Store.
Crop prospects hare improved
slightly the past week.
Fresh Boss Biscuits for the well
and sick at the Old Brick Store.
Try Cooper's Warehouse,
son, N. C, the sale Tobacco.
He secures good prices all sales
and one to leave his
house dissatisfied.
Last week the Reflector Book
Store received a large lot of new
Point Lace Flour is always uniform
in quality at the Old Brick Store.
Ointment will
any skin disease man or beast.
See notice of land sale by the
to satisfy executions against J. L.
good Telegraph Poles wanted.
Particulars will be given at this
This month has been giving us the
hottest weather of the year. It is op-
Say I where are you going to send
that Tobacco f To Cooper's Ware-
Henderson. That's right
Ho guarantees better prices
any house in or of the State.
Mr. Ed. Randolph has opened a
grocery store at the corner lately
by Mr. Cox.
wax and Hides, at the Old Brick
If has weak eyes or
R. L. Griffin, Sr., has a notice in
this paper against any one employing
or harboring his son, H. L.
Cheapest Bedsteads, Bureaus,
Cradles and Mattresses at the Old
Brick Store.
It pays a man to raise good To-
it pays still better to get
good prices when it is sold. Send
to Cooper's Warehouse, Hen-
and the good prices are
The Governor turned the re-
ward over to Mr. L. Mayo on
Wednesday last for the capture of
George Dudley.
The Free School will not
with the other regular work of the
Institute. Z.
The assignment of Latham
Pender will not interfere with the
Tobacco line trade. Farmers are
requested to come their Hues as
earl; as they can, and tines
The Reflector Book Store has a
nice tablets, pencils, pens, inks
and papers for pupils. See them be-
lore you to school next week.
At the same place, Henderson. N.
C, you will find Coopers Ware-
house selling Tobacco for the
and getting the best prices for
them that can be obtained Your
shipments are solicited.
Institute For
both sexes, will begin tho tail term
August 25th, 1891. For terms or
circulars address the Principal.
Z. D.
Greenville, N. C
In tobacco circles Pitt county is
now styled The New Golden Belt, in
compliment to her superior yellow
Hear us, we are coming.
Cooper's Warehouse at
son, N. C, will furnish you bogs-
bead free and grade your Tobacco
at lowest So you can send
him your tobacco graded or
Always mark your name upon
all packages when shipped.
bridge will
be up for repairs about four or five
days No
vehicle can pass. A ferry for foot-
man will be kept. By order
Commissioners. B. H.
Bridge Keeper.
Mr. E. Little made the en-
tire force smile last week
by the presentation of a fine lot of
flat Dutch for which we re-
turn hearty thanks.
am now selling
the Chicago Singer Sewing Ma-
chine at cash and time.
Repairing of all Machines a
I can be found at my rest-.
and will guarantee all work
done. J. H.
A complete and beautiful line of
Bureau Scarfs and Mats in linen,
Ladies, Misses and Children's
Caps, Infant Sacks and Fas-
in Newport Scarf
for Ladies, for sale by Mrs. Fannie
One large lot have been
disposed of by Brown Bros, since the
local depository for the American
Bible Society was made with them.
Last week they received another
supply and can furnish any and
style of Bible at the cost of
attention Tobacco
Cooper's Warehouse, Henderson,
N. C, is now ready to receive and
ell ail grades of new Tobacco at
FULL and prom-
the planters Pitt and adjoin-
counties that no market or
in or out of the State shall
ell tobacco for more get wooer.
Give him
Mr. C. T. has returned
from the North.
Mr. Bruce Latham, has returned
home to Ply mouth.
Mr. J. R. returned Saturday
from Seven Springs.
Prof. J. H. of LaGrange.
was in town yesterday.
Miss Addie Randolph is reported
better we arc glad to learn.
Mr. C. D. was at Beau-
fort and Morehead last week.
Miss Bessie Jarvis returned from
Scotland Neck on last Friday.
Miss Mamie Redmond returned to
her home Monday in Tarboro.
Mr. E- A. Tall has taken a
as clerk with Higgs Bros.
Miss Mollie Rouse was called to
Tarboro Saturday by the sickness of
her brother.
Mrs. A. Sutton has been spend
the past week with relatives in
and near Kinston. ,
Mrs. Bright aid children,
g the family
of Maj. II. Harding-
Miss Ca Tie Cobb left last
day morning for Conetoe to spend a
while with friends.
Mr. J. W. Higgs left Monday for
New York to make purchases for the
firm of Higgs Bros.
Mrs. and children and
Miss Blanch Barden, of Plymouth,
are visiting Mrs. W. B. Wilson.
Mr. It. Bynum, of F has
engaged as clerk for Frown Bros.,
and entered upon his duties last week.
Mr. W. M. Moore is able to be
upon the streets again after his re-
cent spell of sickness. We note bis
improvement with pleasure.
Prof. W. H. who is to
take charge the male school here,
arrived with his family last Friday.
We are glad to lie is meeting
with favorable his
school which opens next Monday.
Dr. Charles J. of Green-
ville, N. one of the most genial
and accomplished gentlemen and
distinguished surgeons of the State,
was a visitor to our town last week,
the guest of his friend Dr. J. U.
Tucker. Henderson is ready at all
times to welcome with open gales
and hospitable hands such honored
visitors and would he glad to have
Doctor OHM oftener.
Henderson Gold
Elder W. A. Ross, of Pitt county,
was in town yesterday, lie tells
that the farmers of that section are
very much disheartened at the crop
prospect. The rains for the last two
weeks have been very damaging to
them. is looking well
and as hearty as he did when saw
him twelve years ago. He does not
drink from the fountain of J talk, but
he does obeys the laws of
kindly Mother Nature and she
ways treats such children kindly.
Wilson Advance.
We lose this week Prof. W. II.
He leaves us to take
charge of the Greenville Male School.
Prof. is a most excellent
teacher and the Green villa people
ought to give him a liberal
patronage for the sacrifice he is
in leaving his lovely country
home to comply with their request.
The Professor follows where duty
leads. Our loss is Greenville's gain.
We him well and may he carry
Greenville's always in the
front Oxford
The Scholar's Companion, very
thing for pupils, a neat box contain-
lend slate pencil, pen
Holder with pen. and inch rule, all
for cents. At the Reflector Book
part ions are getting active
the merchants now for the
coming fall trade. They should re-
member that a good advertisement is
as necessary to trade as a well select-
ed stock of goods.
Next week Mr. J. R. Moore, the
clever here, will begin
the erection of a nice residence on
the property he purchased of the
Greenville Land and Improvement
Company, near the depot.
If a few more dwelling houses of a
desirable class should be here
for rent it would be no hard matter
ft find tenants for them. There
would be more people here if they
could get houses to suit them.
Interest in the Guard Is looking
up. Eight applications for member-
ship are awaiting action at the next
meeting. Good Capt- Hooker says
the company must either wake up or
die. This looks like it is waking
While in the western part of the
Stale recently we heard a gentleman
who had in various sections
of the Slate say that he had been in
no Barber Shop in North Carolina
was furnished nicer than Culley
shop in
Stancill and Berry Stancill,
both colored, were arrested Monday
night and placed in jail on the charge
of being implicated in tho robbery of
Mr. Joel Gardner, June 4th. They
will have a preliminary hearing be-
fore a Justice of the Peace tips after-
Greenville Institute, for both sexes,
with the public school combined,
the management of Prof. Z. D.
will open next Tuesday
25th. The assistant teachers are
Mrs. Miss. Bettie Warren
and Miss S. L. music in-
Mies Minnie Carraway.
learn that the prospects point to
a large attendance.
Mr. Mrs. Rawls gave a
light fa i party last Tuesday night
complimentary to Masters Charlie
Farris, of Winston, and
of Baltimore. A large i of young
folks gathered about o'clock and
spent the time very pleasantly in
games and social chats. At o'clock
they were invited into the dining ball
and a splendid was served.
After upper they repaired to the
where music the
happy blending of voices w Idled the
time away.
Robert Hodges, colored, alarmed
the people in the vicinity of his home
on Greene street, yesterday morning
by severely beating his
had to go to her assistance to prevent
her being seriously injured. Rob was
under the influence of liquor and
placed in the guard house to sober up
after which Mayor give the
matter a hearing.
Next Friday, August 21st,
third Friday, and regular drill day,
officers and privates of the Green-
ville Guard are hereby commanded
to appear at your armory at o'clock,
in uniform, for practice and
drill. Every member expected as
business of importance will
By order of Captain,
O. Hooker, 1st Sergeant
On Wednesday, 12th inst., Mr. J.
J. Harrington, a popular man
of this county, was married in
folk, Va to Miss Mansfield, of
that city. After spending a days
at Virginia the happy couple
came lo Greenville on Saturday's
train. They remain here a few days
as the guests of Mrs. H. T. Dani.;
before proceeding to their home at
The extends
best wishes to them.
Last Friday was a gala day in and
around Parker's Chapel. It was the
time of the picnic given by Mess. R.
W. Ward. O. W. Harrington and
others. About o'clock the
crowd began to and the
general fun and enjoyment reigned.
Promenading, dancing and ever,
conceivable of fun was indulged
in. A large crowd from Greenville
were in attendance and everybody
expressed themselves as having a
delightful time and were to
leave. The general verdict by all
was, have another by all
Female School.
We hear that there is a very strong
sentiment among some of our
citizens to establish a
female school here. It is also being
stated publicly upon the by
reliable authority that such a school
has already determined upon
and will be opened under the charge
of a highly accomplished and
competent lady not later than
August 31st. Those interested in
the enterprise can confidently rely
upon its accomplishment. This
male school seems necessary from the
that there tire in the
community who will not send their
laughters to a mixed school, and it
must be established to give them ad-
vantages at home or they must he
sent elsewhere to build up schools
of other town-. Prof. John I,
late principal of Greenville Institute,
recognized the growing sentiment
here for such a school and changed
his accordingly the last session he
taught here. The success with which
he met showed the wisdom of such a
change. The Reflector believes
there is ample material in Greenville
and the country adjacent to sustain
separate schools both for males
females as well as mixed schools, and
would rejoice if such schools were es-
here as would render it no
longer necessary lo send a boy or
outside of-the county to get their ed-
wish nil educational
enterprises of every unbounded
The National
Last Wednesday morning it was
earned by some our boys that the
Tarboro Base Ball Club would pass
through Greenville. A delegation of
the borne club was immediately sent
to the boat to extend -an Invitation
to stop over and play our boys a game
that afternoon. The delegation went
and succeeded. The visitors were
promptly quartered at Hotel Macon
under management of that prince
of caterers Host At
four o'clock the two clubs assembled
at the grounds for the contest. Only
a few of the home team were in town
but the boys hastily collected avail,
able players and made quire a credit-
able showing. The two lean s were
made up as follows
Pippin Wm., lb.
Whitehurst, c.
Martin, cf,
Bryan, p,
Pippin, Joe, p.
Williams, If.
E. A., lb, c
Flanagan, If, p.
Smith, cf.
c, lb.
Bob, p. If.
The game started with the visitors
at the bat. The brilliant features
were the pitching of Bob and
tho second base play of Moore. For
six innings Bob held the Tar-
boys down to one solitary base
hit, striking eleven of their play
The visitors made their first
score in the sixth inning on a
cession -f errors by the home club.
The home boys scored first,
second, third and fifth innings on
timely batting coupled with a
errors on the part of the visitors.
Bryan started in to pitch for Tar-,
and, although he i. quite lively
and played a good game, covering a
large part of the infield, home
batters were too much for his curves.
Pippin was put the box by the
Visitors in the fourth inning and met
with better success, as owing to poor
base running by the home boys they
only scored one run off his delivery.
The game was called at the end of
the first half of the seventh inning
as per former agreement, to allow
some of the boys who arc members
of the military company to go out
with their company for inspection.
The score by innings fa. tallows
it S Total
I x
The Tarboro club is composed cf as
clever a set of young 1.8
ever honored our town and Green-
ville was proud to entertain them.
While in our city they conducted
themselves highly creditable, both to
themselves and to their clever Cap-
and Manager Mr. H. B. Shaw.
The game was umpired by Messrs.
Jack Reed and R. D. Cherry.
My son, R. L. nearly
. my borne with-
out permission remaining absent
I hereby warn all persons
under penalty of law not to employ or In
any way harbor him.
Of Pitt he Known eat at
the Exposition
at or Hot I
Mr. is being
said by the- intelligent thinking
men of Pitt county at this time,
whether Pitt county will he known
and represented the Great
Southern Inter States Exposition at
in October and
of tins year. Whether this
section of North Carolina, with its
wealth and resources be brought
before the people the State, the
nation and the world. Is it
that the light of be
hid a bushel at so important
a Intelligent labor and ac-
capital is looking to the
South now than At any period in the
last decade. AH around we see
our sister making rapid
strides toward enterprise and pro-
and shall Pitt county ad
of all others,
of eastern counties have a
vacant space at this great
lion f Will our people show to the
world that they are penny wise and
pound foolish t not every
person who should this great
show of North Carolina resources,
blush with when they are
asked where is Pitt county ex-
f Pitt county is now attract-
attention of enterprising
people from other sections, all
who see natural advantages we
out county, wonder why
are not rapidly.
answer comes, that her people
ere not alive to the times, and not
doing their duty to push before
eyes of world what our real
resources are. Indolence, and neg-
upon part of our people, and
selfishness of those who are able
to do more, and instead of fostering
enterprises, they, many of them
show by their conduct and
a hostility to all that tend
towards Pitt county upon
plane of success
usefulness that would make her the
pier, if not the superior, of any
county in the State, and the
motto, all ray fathers family I
love myself the best. So providence
provide for me the devil take tho
is highly with
a great many, where tilings
be expected. In the name
justice, in tho name of all that is
dear to those who are coming alter
in justice of him from whom
we claim William
let. M lie known and
for the good we possess,
and let I lie world know there
are wonderful natural
within our borders at this time,
when such extraordinary op-
is offered. Let the. Pitt
exhibit be placed in the
hands some live, active, working,
and thinking person or persons
who pride themselves in doing and
saying something for so great a
county as Pitt.
Attention is called to the change
T. advertisement in
this issue, also to the advertisement
of Greenville Iron Works, the
of Miss notice of
a stray taken up by J. S.
Ross, me notice in action for
vs etc.
The Fall Term of Greenville Male
Academy will next Monday.
24th, as heretofore announced.
It is exceedingly important that
r be present at begin-
of term. Board can be
had with the Principal for a limited
number of young men. Special
pains will be taken to give all pat-
satisfaction both as
to the instruction given and
discipline enforced. No one need
fear that they will be sending
ply to a public school. Send in
boys at beginning and let
us have a male school worthy of the
town. Remember the day for the
W. H.
A Card.
To the Citizens of and
desire to express my sincere
thanks for the many acts of kindness
and consideration shown to me white I
was forced to stay In your age by the
bedside of my son. No
could have done more under like cir-
and my con joins me In
saying we will ever remember you with
the kindest of feel i n gs.
Mrs. A. J. MOORE .
A Card.
To my have accepted a
position with Prof. Z. D. in
the Greenville Infinite, and I ask r- ca
one of you through the Reflector to
give to that institution the and
patronage you have given me in my
school. With the school interests
Greenville united I believe that we
can up in midst a school that
will be an honor to your town and
mm L. ER.
Taken Up
On morning, Aug. 17th. a
mole mule with a black streak
across weathers, was found in my field.
Owner can get same by proving property
and paying expenses.
N. C.
August 18th. 1891.
in, roll
Baud, In Music
Art. Practical m
for Banner, with awl
Col. A. C. DAVIS, Sot.,
This is lo forbid all persons hiring or
Harboring Crawford Bullock, who is
contract to work for me until the end
j-ear 1801. Any person
said Crawford Bullock from this date
will do so under penalty of the Ian-,
4th 1891 II J
UNDER the terms of a Decree of Pitt
Superior Court In case of W. II. Cox
I will sell before the
Court House door in Greenville Mon-
day, the of September, 1891, the fol-
lowing personal property that not
sold at the on July 6th, belonging
to the Arm of Chestnut Four
Horses, one set of Harness, and a few
articles usually kept a livery
stables. Terms Cash.
August 6th, 1891. F. G. JAMES,
Having qualified as executor of the
last will and testament of Mrs. Luisa S.
Hill, late of Pitt county N. C, this Is
to notify all persons having
against the estate of said deceased to
exhibit them to the undersigned, on or
before the 9th day of July 1892, or this
notice plead in bar of their re-
All persons indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay-
This July 1891. J. N. Bynum
Notice to Creditors.
The Judge of Probate of Pitt County
having issued letters testamentary to
me, the undersigned, on the 5th day of
August, 1891, on the estate of Calvin
Stokes, notice is hereby given
to all persons Indebted to the to
make immediate payment to the under-
signed, and to all creditors of said estate
to present their claims
to the undersigned, within
twelve months after the date of this
notice, or this notice will lie plead in
bar of their
This the 6th day of August,
on the estate of Calvin
Pitt coon
. . . .
Malayan S
Ton are hereby notified above
entitled action has commenced in
the court to obtain a
returnable on 2nd Mon-
day after the 1st Monday in September,
1891, against you In favor the Plain-
tiff, at which time and place yon will
pear if you think proper, and answer, or
demur to the complaint of the Plaintiff,
or judgment w ill lie prayed the
Term, or said court, as
in said complaint Witness my ham
and seal this August 5th, 1891.
K. A.
Clerk Superior Pitt Co.
To the rations of White Dis-
CO, Greenville Township.
We adopt this method to announce
that our Public School will
Tuesday, August 85th next, a. in.,
at the Institute building, under the
of Prof. Z.
The school will be conducted in rooms
separate and apart from those mod for
the regular course of the Institute.
We desire to assort the patrons that
competent teachers have engaged,
and their children will receive thorough
instruction under discipline and
wholesome restraint.
Greenville. N. C, 10th, 1891.
Action for Divorce.
Clarissa J
To Clarissa are hereby
notified that the above entitled action,
has been commenced in the Court to ob-
returnable on the Sad Monday after the
1st Monday in Sept., 1891, you
in favor of the plaintiff which time
and place you will appear. If you think
proper, and answer or demur to the com-
plaint of the plaintiff, or will
he prayed at the January Term, of
Court, as asked in said complaint.
Given under my hand this 17th day of
August. 1891. E. A.
Clerk Superior Court.
Greenville Iron Works.
,;, ,.
Engines, Mills, Ac., repaired,
I and Brass Castings nude to order.
Largest stock Pipe and Fittings in
-He sure so bring yaw work to
A. B.
Near depot. Greenville, N.
County. Court.
is hereby given that have this
day Issued letters declaring It. J. Cobb,
G. F. Evans, G. T. Tyson. John R.
Jacob R. J. A.
K. Oscar Hooker, James L.
Little. C. W. J. W. Allen. O. L.
B. Patrick and their
ates and successors a Corporation under
the name and style of The Greenville
Tobacco Warehouse Company, for the
forth in the articles of agree-
and plan of incorporation, which
have been filed and recorded in this
office, with all the privileges and-powers
conferred by chapter of tho Code of
North Carolina the laws
The main business proposed to
done by the Corporation is general
of buying, selling, storing,
marketing and otherwise in
The place of business of said Corpora-
is Greenville, North
None of the stockholders of said
are to be responsible to any
greater or further extent than the assets
Corporation, and individually to
the extent of the shares of to
which they have subscribed.
The authorized capital stock of said
Corporation Is fifty thousand to
be divided into two thousand shams of
twenty-five The length of
said is to be ten
This 11th day of July,
Clerk Superior Court.
Z. D. Principal.
Bettie Warren,
Miss Lucy Joyner, Assistants.
Mrs. Z.
Miss Minnie Carraway, Music.
Session begins Aug.
Instruction thorough. Terms reason-
able. Discipline firm but not severe.
For further particulars address.
Z. D.
Greenville, N. C.
urn h aunts
For Young Ladies,
X. C.
Session opens September 7th, 1891.
A thorough preparatory course of
study, with a Full Collegiate Course
equal to that of any Female College in
the South. Standard of Scholarship
usually high. Facilities for the study of
and Art unsurpassed. Depart-
of Telegraphy, Type-Writing and
Short-hand. Beautiful and lo-
cation. Moderate charges. Steady in-
crease of patronage. For
Wilson, N. O
C. T.
But has at last turned up to the great wonder
of the people, with a large
Stock of Fall Goods
cheaper than ever heard of before. Call to see
him he will tell you all about it.
He buys for cash and sells for the same old stuff.
In front Old Brick Store.
C. T.
A. L. Sec. Trees,
O. W r ALEX-
c. Soliciting Agent.
Is located at the landings of the Washington A
Greenville Boats and at the depot of the
A B. Railroad.
Will be ready for business by September
Having made the largest Cent Tobacco in the United
States to tUm e can obtain here a- good price
for your Tobacco n any Other market in State, How convenient
Ibis Will lie for our Pitt county friend- to ship tobacco by boat
one day and attend the sale in person next day. Those of
our friends living a can load their team
and drive to our Warehouse they
class accommodations for their tennis.
Correspondence and consignments solicited.
The floor will be in of a competent auctioneer of several years
Our county can obtain any information Mr. Alex at
i i-- m-
I m
The Season b waning and we will these floods at a rather than carry
them over.
We place on the same lift. Somethings in this line are a job and we can give you a
bargain that will please you.
We will also sell Straw flats at reduced prices. forget us when you was
something In this line.
-------Ladles desiring a perfect tilting Corset try a-------
------294 0-B a la
Guarantee highest market quick sales and prompt return
--------DEALER IN
N. O.
All kinds Risks pieced in
At lowest current rates.

Private School In K. C.
just closed. Lo-
during the
I r
newt Count.
Fail term
Write for
Ai to Wool
It you would protect yourself
from Painful, Profuse, Scanty,
Suppressed or Irregular Men-
hi n must
Moved to next Door Court House
My Factory is well with the beat Mechanics, put up
but ass we keep with the times r.-st improved styles
Rest i i. used in all work. All styles of Springs are you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King
Also keep on hand a full of ready
year round, v. e sail as as the lowest.
This will of my
family. r
were at length completely one bottle
Of Brad IT
effect is wonderfuL J. W.
Book to malted which contains
all tassels
Of Interest to
much baa been said about the use of
at the gin house that w. call par
cuter attention to a new book entitled,
About published by
Y. It contains full information re-
costs, patents, Ac., should
he read by every A
postal will get it.
A Broad Assertion.
Special Given to REPAIRING.
people of this and surrounding comities for past favors hope to
merit t continuance of he same
of Hall's Patent
We have invented a Hanger suitable
for curing in the leaf and take
the privilege of announcing that we be
it to be the best and cheapest
for hanging tobacco leaves
in barns and that as much tobacco can
be put the barn by using our hangers
as by any other plan now before the pub-
By using our hangers you can use
any Kind of stick from a round pole to a
split lath with perfect
We will furnish a hanger free to any
person who will apply. Price cents
per hundred.
person wishing in formal ion con-
hangers or tobacco sticks will do
well with us or Mr. A. Forbes,
of Greenville N. C.
Greenville, n. U.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, totter, chapped bands,
corns, and all eruptions, and
cures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price cent per
box. For sale by Jno. L.
Extract of
For improved am,
Economic Cookery
Pianos Organs Furniture
and Mattings
Largest House and Largest Stock in the South.
No matter what Piano o Organ you write to us for
and prices and we will save you money.
Opposite Main t., Norfolk. Va.
Offers to the barer, of Pitt surrounding counties, of the following good
not to be excelled in this market. And all guaranteed to be an
pure straight good. GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, GEN.
kinds. Gin and Mill Belting, Hay, Hock Lime. Paris, and
Hair. Harness, Bridles and addles.
Agent lot O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I oiler to the trade at
Jobbers prices, tents per dozen, less per cent for Cash. Bread Prep-
ration and Hall's Star Lye at Jobbers Prices, Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes Paint Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a Give a call I guarantee satisfaction.
For Delicious
Beef Tea.
One pound of Extract of Beef equal to
forty pounds of lean Genuine
only signature of J. you in
Town Tax Sale.
I have this day levied on the following
lots or parcels of land in Bethel, Pitt
county and will sell the same on
day, the day of August. 1891, at Car-
son's Brick Store the Town of Bethel.
N. C. to satisfy the taxes and con due
on their, tor the year
Name. Sec. Tax Cost
Keel. J S, w
James. W J, e Main, 1.60 1.70
Moore, John, e Main, 1.60
e Main, 2.60
Staton. J. S., e Main.
Teel, T P. e Main,
Andrews, F W, w Main,
Shaw. J L. e Main,
C J, w James, 1.80
Hunter, W W, e Main, 1.26
e Main,
w Main,
e Main,
w James,
Andrews, J B, u Tarboro,
Manning, s Tarboro, 1.60 2.30
Town Tax Collector.
1.60 2.60
1.60 1.90
M G,
Ward, Robert,
Carson, J J,
Gainer, G W,
and Schedule
No No No
April daily Fast Mail, daily
daily ex Sun.
Wholesale Weldon 12,30 pm pm
Ar am
you have articles too
to be washed in the ordinary
finest laces or embroideries
wash them with PYLE'S PEARLINE,
in the en each package.
There is no rubbing, hence no wear and
tear of the fabrics.
When you have something exceedingly
coarse and soiled-something that you
dread the washing PEARLINE on it
There is no rubbing, hence no wear tear on yourself.
We guarantee PEARLINE to be harmless, but beware
of the imitations.
PEARLINE is the modern means for easy and good
Ar Tarboro
Ar Wilson
Av Magnolia
m pm am
washing and cleaning.
Ar Goldsboro
No No No
dally dairy daily
ex Sun.
pm pm
Manufactured only by PYLE, New Yolk
I have removed to the new stables on
Fifth-street in rear Capt. White's
Store, where I will constantly
keep on hand a line of
Horses and Mules.
have beautiful and fancy for
the livery and can suit the most
I will run in connection a DRAY-
AGE and a share of
you Call and be
Greenville. N. C.
Prawn, for
Academy, Va
ft th.
to Color.
Tool. It Um worn
mm it for Coma,
recommend It.
All keep It. per bottle.
i on
Now Ready
To show the finest of lot of
ever brought to Greenville.
If you want a good Drive Horse
Draft Horse or a good Work
Mole don't fail to see me.
I can furnish yon at
reasonable prices.
Mr Feed Stables
have recently been enlarged and
cow l have ample room to
all horses left in my charge
Best attention given.
Greenville. N. C.
--------1 have again opened a---------
Greenville and invite my friends
and former patrons to give me a call.
can supply all your wants is the way of
a clean shave, a stylish hair cut, a de-
shampoo, or anything else in the
Tonsorial line. Patronage solicited.
Ar Selma
Ar Wilson
Wilson I am
At Rocky Mount
Ar Tarboro
Ar Weldon
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax 8.82 M. arrives Scot
land Neck at 4.16 P. M. Greenville 6.08
P. M., Kinston 7-10 p. m. Returning,
leaves Kinston 7.00 a. in., Greenville
8.10 a. m. Arriving Halifax a. m.
Weldon 11.25 a. m. daily except
Local freight train leaves Weldon
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at
a. m., arriving Scotland Neck 10.03
a. Greenville 2.10 a. m., Kinston
4.25 ii. hi. Returning leaves Kinston
Thursdays and Saturdays at
10.00 a. m., arriving Greenville 12.00
noon, Scotland 3.20 p. m., Weldon
6.20 p. m.
Train leaves Tarboro, K C, via
Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day, P-M, Sunday P M, arrive
P M.
Plymouth 7.60 p. m., 6.20 p. m-
leaves Plymouth daily
6.20 a. Sunday 9.00 a. mt
N C, 7.40 a m, 9.68 a m .
arrive Tarboro, N C, A M
Train on X C Branch leave
Goldsboro except Sunday, A M,
N C, AM. Be-
arrive Goldsboro,
Train on Nash villa Branch leaves Rocky
at P M, arrive
P Hope P M. Returning
A M,
M, arrives Mount A
except Sunday.
Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for daily, except Sunday, at
and AM Returning leave
tan A M, and S P. U. connect
Warsaw and
Southbound train on A Fayette
ville Branch to No. to
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South win stop only a
Wilson, Goldsboro and
Train No. makes dose connect ion a
Weldon for all points North daily.
rail via except Sun
day via Bay Line.
f. Dims,
General op.
Greenville, N-G.
Th. That the M of
Ceremony In
Whenever a festival came to the
arrangements fell into the of a
special class of tho community called
These were in fact the
bachelors of the community. They
formed a sort of society or guild, and
no one could be admitted without
proper and a vote of ac-
They wen rather a wild
set; they could not be called
and the was the fa-
rendezvous of these plea
merchant who had an to his
son's future would seldom consent to
his joining the band; and it was thus
where artisans,
sons had greater liberty, were mote
plentiful But Japan is a marrying
country; very few men, and still fewer
women, continue long and
no contained more than fifteen or
twenty There were two or
three classes; one class was off,
and. was expected to spend money hand-
; the others possessed less and
were called on for less. It was into the
hands of this gay company that the
for merry making were
ways placed. The occupation was a
congenial one, and this disposition of it
come about naturally enough.
There was one part of the duties,
however, which was not very pleasant
was, in fact, according to Japanese
ideas, even a little debasing. This was
the soliciting of contributions for
val expenses. The played the
disagreeable part in old Japanese life
that the book agent and campaign
fund collector play with us. As a
festival approached the went
to the and the house owners,
and received general directions about
the mode of celebration. Then a
went the rounds to collect sub-
Everybody knew how much
his neighbor was worth, and each was
asked to give a certain sum, according
to his means. J. It. In
It was in of the homes
scattered over the country, and those
familiar with the spirit there prevailing
know that of all spots where questions
of military merit are tenaciously dis-
cussed these are the most remarkable.
Leaving out the earnestly fought
relative to abilities of
generals, the doings of special
corps or regiments, tho interest with
which many individuals insist upon
their personally having been more or
less of a pivot upon which the fate of
a battle if not the whole war turned,
must be seen to be appreciated.
In this instance, that it was just after
Decoration Day, when campaign
are especially active and access
to the outer world with its mellowing
influences is easier, may have had some-
thing to do it. But it goes upon
record that never were three veterans
all belonging to different regiments
more strenuously self assertive regard-
the parts they had played in the
whole unpleasantness.
It hod gone from simple facts to the
farthest kind of long bow shooting
tho way home. you finally
cried tho one with the crutch, breaking
down all vocal opposition, tho first
Bull Run I remember shooting thirteen
of at a stretch
Root Machine,
A machine has been patented for use
in the office or the home which will
enable the to
achieved under new conditions of ease
and economy. The machine is so con-
that the operator can seat him-
self In front of it, place his feet on the
rests each side of a rotary roller, brush
the inner sides at the same time, and
by alternating the feet from rest to
the other enable the whole surface of
the shoe to be effectively polished.
Underneath the brush is a depressible
foot plate set on springs to afford easy
position for finishing the top of the
shoe. A belt from a driving wheel en-
gages with a V-grooved wheel on the
shaft of the brush and drives it at a
multiplied speed. The shoes ore cleaned
of dust or dried mud very quickly, and
the blacking is applied in the usual
manner by a daubing brush, after
which the polishing process is quickly
completed. New York Telegram.
Africans but Never Wipe.
Great attention is given in most of
the African tribes to the care of the
body. The teeth ore cleansed with a
stick which been chewed into a
kind of a brush. The hands are
washed frequently, not by turning and
twisting and rubbing them together
one within the other, as with as, but
by a straight up and down rubbing,
such as is given to the other limbs.
I manner of washing is so character-
that an African might be
by it from a European without
reference to the color. The sun is their
only in Popular
Science Monthly.
it. Kelly I git down to Let's
see you make a home run What
done with style, on
to the crook in Such
remark.- as these were being addressed
by a of taunting street urchins
to n parry of four men, throe of whom
pretty near being old men. for
their faces, unshaven for a day or two,
had a stubble of white beard, their
backs were bent a little, and their gait
was stiff. Yet these venerable men
were dressed up in jaunty baseball
suits, with natty caps jackets, and
trousers coming just below the
knee; and below those, rod stockings
and baseball shoes. Every man
them carried a bat, as if he were on the
way to play a game ball j but, erect
ed on the shoulders of each, was a big
placard, which told that these were not
baseball players at all. but only
They continued to parade idly up
and down tho streets, exactly in
gutter; and they still continue to do so,
as the Listener noticed this very morn-
The boys guy them wherever
they go, and they grin sheepishly, con-
of their humiliation. No doubt
they are men who need money
badly from day to day, for they could
hardly be persuaded to subject them-
selves to this ridicule if they were not
in need; and honest, too, since a dis-
honest man would find something less
irksome to do. They ought to be
photographed for the benefit of coming
generations, as a faithful illustration of
the spirit of enterprise hi the Nineteenth
Million, Stocking,.
There are about pairs of
cotton, woolen and lisle thread stock-
and socks bought in the city of
New York every year, and averaging
these at twenty cents a pair, the lowest
price being four cents and the highest
to the sum paid for them
would be just This, I am as-
sured by large dealers in hosiery, is
quite below the mark. But consider
the other or pairs of
mixed silk and pure silk stockings and
socks worn by rich girls and women,
actresses and others who like to make
a display of costly hosiery, and the fig-
are almost incredible. Their chief
material is pure and the stockings
range from in plain color up
Add to this list the fancy, all silk
articles, those hand embroidered with
all kinds of artistically wrought figures
produced in open work, and done to
match the costume, and tho prices
range from to But put the
average down to three dollars a pair,
and you can scarcely purchase an all
silk pair for and the bill of the
pairs is which added
to the half million dollars for the stock
tags worn by the classes amount
It would be no exaggeration to say
that it costs New York city every year
for sock and stockings for her female
population a round
enough to maintain nearly per
sons, a whole city, for a year in food.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
The Standard
When the London apprentice laughs
at tho of North Briton,
and when the is de-
pressed by the language of cultured
Americans, there is to be discovered
behind the laugh and the scoff an as-
that any departure from the
usage which obtains in London is most
deplorable. The laugh and the scoff
are the outward and visible signs of an
inward and spiritual belief that the
Londoner is the sole guardian and
tee of the English language. But this
Is a belief for which there is no
Tho English language is not bank-
that it needs to have a receiver j
appointed; it is quite capable of mind- j
tag its own business without the care of
a committee of Englishmen. If indeed
a guardian were necessary, what Eng-
would it be who would best
preserve our pure
herd of or the miner of North-
the Yorkshire man or the
cockney If it is not the London j
who is to set the standard, but
the Englishman of breeding, it is hard i
to discover the ground whereon this j
Englishman can claim superiority of
taste or knowledge over the other I
men to whom English is the
mother tongue, were born j
in Scotland, Ireland or America, in Au-
India or
Matthews in Harper's.
r. k r.
mi It with tor -f
ll ard
P. P. P.
Cures scrofulA.
T sit.-r, Scald Head, elf.,
T. P. P. H sad i
and III. Gold Mine.
Lemuel S., familiarly known as
Bowers, one of the
on the Gold
the had twenty feet
rich ground, from which he
realized over in a much
shorter time than it took him to spend
it. He bought tho best ranch in Washoe
valley, and on it built a large mansion
of fine granite, sumptuously fur-
throughout, costing nearly
He took his wife to Europe where
he bought stacks of fine oil paintings,
and piles of statuary about which he
knew nothing but the cost, and he
didn't care anything for he
wanted was for his
Sandy's mine soon gave out, and he
was financially embarrassed when he
died. His widow lives friends in
California. Sandy is buried beneath
lofty pines on the steep base of the
a hundred yards above
his lost home, and the Bowers mansion
stands as a monument to the
reckless expenditures of a
millionaire. Chicago
Honks for Who Lived Ago.
A lesson book for children is
to and it contains
on arithmetic which are said to
be found even in some current school
books. Here is a specimen of
old man mot a child. day,
my says ho; you live as long
as you have lived, and as much more,
and thrice as much as all this; and if
God you year in addition to
tho others you will just a century
What was tho lad's The
first book given to his people in Eng-
by Alfred the Great was
of to which ho ad-
Universal History of j
a very favorite book in monastery
In the Tenth century Aelfric,
wrote a in-
tended as a reading book to help boys
to speak It consists of
about everyday life. In
place a boy is made to say that he is
too young to eat meat, but ho was not
too young to drink beer, as he says that
he drinks ale. he can got In
tho century appeared a book on
astronomy for children, as well as a
map, now preserved in the mu-
incorrect and having fewer
fabulous countries than some made
n Of
H. tonic or,
P. P. P. Ash. Poke Hoot
P. P. P.
BROS., Proprietors,
Druggists, Block, GA.
For sale at L. Wooten's Drag Store
An Anecdote of Talleyrand.
Two friends of ladies of
rank, had chosen his study as a place
of meeting. They wished to select
some ring, some bracelet, for a gift, and
the great jeweler of Paris was to send
one of his salesmen with sufficient to
choose from. Of course the choice was
soon limited to two, and there paused,
until sitting at the
end of the long library, called
me undertake to help you to
make your decision. Young man,
these two trinkets tell me which you
one, certainly, your ex-
ended the
cynic, accept it
sweetheart, and I think, ladies, that
you had better take tho
La in Century.
In timekeeping qualities and in finish
there is no difference between a seven
jeweled watch, a full jeweled watch
and an adjusted watch. The
of a full jeweled watch is only in
tho patent regulator, by which the
can reduced to a few seconds per
month. Tho patent regulator moves
the lover the ten-thousandth part of an
inch at a time, while tho least move-
by the hand of the lever in cheaper
watches must be one hundred times
greater. All watches not adjusted to
temperature will run fast or slow when
subjected to changes. If can spare
time to regulate tho watch to tho new
condition there is little advantage
adjusted watch. Tho extra cost over a
seven jeweled watch is not in tho jewels,
which are worth one cent each, nor in
any finer work on the movement, but
solely in the labor of adjusting the
so that it will run the same in an
oven as in a of ice, and in the
profits to the factory. This factory
profit comes in higher grade move-
the seven jeweled being sold at
about York Truth.
Printers and Binders,
We have the largest and most complete
establishment of the kind to be found in
the State, and solicit order.- for all classes
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us j-our orders.
E. K.
A. L.
Brander Matthews in Harper's shows
that the of English is
no more the possession of
Englishmen than of Americans. Ho
asserts that Briticisms there are as
many and as worthy of and
collocation were the most of the
Americanisms the all embracing Bart-
gathered into his dictionary. In-
deed, If a Scot or a Yankee were to
pare a glossary of Briticisms on the
ample scale adopted by Mr.
and with the same generous hospitality,
tho result would surprise no more
than the Englishman. should find
in its pages many a word and phrase
and turn of speech common enough in
England and quite foreign to the best
usage of those who speak English
Briticisms as worthy of reproof as the
worst specimen of the mongrel speech
adopted by some humorists in
A Household Remedy
Write Short
A young woman in Pennsylvania
took a novel way of selecting a
band from her choice of six admirers.
She bade each one write her a letter
setting forth his proposal in due form.
When the letters came they ranged in
length from six lines to six pages. The
young woman, believing brevity to be
the soul of wit. chose the shortest
which ran
will always try to do my duty as a
The directness of this epistle won her
heart and she has married the writer.
Detroit Free Press.
What is a It is a grand
old name, but what does it meant
At one time, to say of a man that
is a gentleman, is to confer on him the
highest title of distinction that we can
think of.; even if we are speaking of a
At another, to say of a roan that be
to not a gentleman is almost to stigma-
tin him as a social outcast, unfit for
tin company of even if it to
only one haberdasher speaking of an-
Who is a gentleman, and yet who
The Prince of Darkness was one, and
so was Mr. John Halifax, if we are to
behave those who knew them beet, and
so was one according to the
Edward war, earl Lytton,
etc, and it certainly seemed as If ha
ought to know. -Harper's
The National Observer tells
of a French wine manufacturer who
has discovered that the vinous bouquet
to a matter not of original constituents,
but of fermenting agents, and who has
succeeded in making delicious vintages,
both red and white, to say nothing of
Irresistible brandies, out of barley, with-
out so much as a suspicion of grape
juice In them. The consumers of these
beverages keep up bygone traditions
by speaking knowingly of vintages
and bouquets and aromas and styles
and soon.
B. B.
Botanic Blood Balm
sides being efficacious In toning up the
system and
when any cause. Its
almost supernatural healing i
lustily us In guaranteeing a It ,
directions are
The Wat Sharp Also.
A new version of the Aim flam game
was tried on the cashier In
restaurant on Park row on Saturday,
but the cashier recognized game in
time to beat the players. There were
three of them, all young men, flashily
dressed Each laid a silver
down on the desk, and each laid a
teen cent check coin.
the cashier was fishing out eighty-five
cents change for No. in the row of
men the men changed places in the
The cashier laid the eighty-five cents
beside the first dollar, and No. in
row, who had been No. S when the
cashier began to make change, bot was
now nearest door, both the
dollar and the eighty-five cents change
toward him, and was about to gather
them up, when cashier gathered in
the pile with his right hand, while with
his left be raked in the other dollars
which still lay on the desk. Then be
distributed the proper change to the
men at They smiled viciously
at him, but departed without a word.
tumbled blame said one
of men as be stepped out of the
York Sun.
It-. U l V
by Physicians, but
introduced generally.
The best Porous Plaster
all and weak
other plasters, so be stir
a and get the genuine with the
of a bell on the
For Sale.
One half of a town lot In Greenville
upon which is situated a 6-room
with outhouses and well.
Apply to
J. B.
Or Jarvis Blow.
Attention, Log Men
One New II. P. vertical Boiler and
Engine, fitted up for tram road purposes,
hauling logs. Terms easy.
Apply to
Greenville, N, C,
Wholesale and Beta Dealers
A Good on Haul
Fine a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed
and Union St., Norfolk Va
Smith's Shaving Parlor.
A. SMITH, Prop.
Greenville, N. C.
have the the easiest
Chair ever used in the art. Clean towels,
sharp razors, and satisfaction guaranteed
in every instance. Call and ho con-
Ladies waited on at their
Cleaning clothes specialty.
their year's supplies will find
their interest to get our prices
is complete
in all its brandies.
RICE, TEA, to.
at Lowest Market
buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at profit. A com
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to sell at a close margin.
N. C.
Preparation the most
tent remedies known to science for the
cure of disease. This Preparation bits
been in use over fifty years, and where.
ever known has been in steady demand.
Once used in a family it becomes the
household remedy. It has been endorsed
by the leading physicians all over the
country, and has effected cures where all
other remedies, with the attention of
the most experienced physicians, have
for years failed. This Ointment is not
just gotten for the purpose of making
money, hut is of long standing and the
high reputation which it has obtained is
owing to its ow j efficacy, as but
little effort hits ever been made to bring
It before the public. One bottle of this
Ointment will be sent to any address on
receipt of One Dollar. Tho usual
count to Druggists. All Cash Orders
promptly attended to. Address all or-
and communications to
Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor,
Greenville, N.
Why another new discovery by Alfred
a of helping U
of pi-. is invaluable
mil and causing the
hair i lie perfectly soft and
only r tuns application a
week it and a common hair
brush is all to lie used after the
vigorously for a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and he
convinced, only cents.
B. B.
with In the Undertaking business
arc ready to serve the people in that
a All notes and accounts
me for services have been placed In
the bands of Mr.
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from finest Case down to a
Pitt We arc lilted
up with all conveniences and can
s to all who
Obtained, and all business in the U.
Patent or in Courts attended to
for Moderate Fees.
We arc opposite the U. S. Patent Of-
engaged Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents in less time than
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing is sent we
advise at to free of charge,
and we make no change unless we ob-
here, to the Pot Master, the
of the Money Order Did., and to
officials of S. Patent Office.
advise terms and reference to
actual clients in your own Suite, or
addle-. c. A. Snow Co.,
Washington, D. C.
Her Shaving, liming and Dressing Hair
the Opera Home, at which place
I have recently located, and where I have
everything in my
the improved appliances;
comfortable chairs.
sharpened at reasonable
for work outside of shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
The Tar Transportation
Greenville, Presides
LB. Cherry,
J. S.
N. M. Lawrence, Tarboro, Gen
Capt. R. F. Jones, Washington, Gen As
The People's Line for travel on
Tho Steamer Greenville is the finest
and quickest boat on the river.
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort,
and convenience of Ladies.
A furnished
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer It
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday,
and Friday at o'clock, a. m .
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, A.
Freights received daily and through
Lading given to all points.
R- F. I. J. treat
Washington N, C. Greenville. N. C
Pitt Co N
Co. N C
Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Factors,
Commission Mer
We have Lad many years ex-
at the business are
prepared to handle to
the advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to out
hands will receive prompt and
careful attention
Portraits, cuts of colleges, hotels, factor-
machinery, made from
specimen sheets.
Metropolitan Pratt
Blood Cure,
A standard household remedy
In successful more A
tire cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula,
Prostration. Constipation and all of
the stomach and Liver.
tot a
botanical compound.
at en
rat by mail at
medicine. La
for j pints
put up la jib, s
coil of
.- sample
A Agent wanted tn this locality.
CO., .
my Corsets Belts
Brushes, Curlers, Medicine, Samples
Write now. Dr.
Broadway, N. Y.
res. Family Gatherings, Ac., taken at
Short Notice, Copying from small
to life size, in Inks, Crayon or
Head quarters for flue
Call and tee us.
ff M

Eastern reflector, 19 August 1891
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 19, 1891
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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