Eastern reflector, 12 August 1891

A whole for
ONE fl
But is order to gel it yea
that can be surpassed
here in section. Our work always
your orders.
England's trade is in poor
thousand census clerks have
been discharged.
The death front cholera in
Mecca k a day.
fires destroyed
property in California.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
Si th Great
Sew Journal
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
of people have been
by floods India.
Carrier pigeons are to be used
in British war ships at Halifax.
The New peach
to be an immense one.
are fighting for the
direct right of way to the world
The world fair commissioners
received much in
Mobile wants to have a mail line
Bicycle riding vanes the mo-
of study for the women at
of steamers from there to been written lo bat not jet
America. replied.
The great umbrella question is
about to be solved by
a company whose sole ob-
will be to loan and receive back
umbrellas. The United States Um-
Providing Company is the
name of the concern, which has a
capital or will begin
operations this city by end of
this week. If a person wishes to
Guatemala has appropriated
f in gold for an exhibit at
the world fair.
August 17th was selected as the
date for the extra session of the
Tennessee legislature.
Secretary of the Interior Noble
has placed his resignation in the
bands of the President.
A clerk robbed the
bans in Berlin of by for-
and false entries.
Fifty kegs of powder exploded
and wrecked the Alabama Great
Southern Depot at Birmingham.
Residents of Memphis, Tenn.,
raised money to support the claims
of dissatisfied miners in the courts
The police statistics show that
persons are dependent
charity for subsistence in
Jealousy between France and
Germany is retarding the work of
be world fair commissioners in
A Chicago inspector
asserts that railroad companies
importing hundreds of Italian
Tax marriage of Minister Lin-
daughter to Mr. will
take place in London early in
Chicago's is credited
with doing registered letter
business than any other
in the Union.
Australia ships large
of eggs to the markets. It
takes six weeks for them to reach
the markets.
Mrs. Louisa Irving, of
ton, Mass., years old
took her first ride on a railroad
train last week.
Soap is not much in favor in
India. It is said last year
the amount per capita need there
was only one
It is reported that and
Kassia have entered into a new
commercial alliance by winch each
will give preference to the pro-
ducts of the other country.
Kansas has been completely
boycotted l v the tramps this sea-
son. The chances for getting
are so good that it is not sate
for a loafer to strike the State.
Within the next two months it
is expected that the large crops
will use up every available freight
ear, thus canning a famine of cars,
especially for the transportation
Blood Curs has cared
thousand of It will
you. Ask druggist for it.
adversity a man hardly
whether he is or not.
New York, Aug. 1891.
The latent scheme to come to light
for a raid on Uncle Sam's treasury
is that proposed by Mr. W. K.
ex-Mayor o
Bluffs, who is now in the city. Mr.
Vaughan that the Gov-
appropriate the sum
of 400.000,000 the purpose of
pensioning the in this
try who were formerly slaves. This
am is no; to be donated as a free
gift, bat as a reimbursement the
labor performed by the slaves while
they were held in bondage. Mr.
has a bill this purpose
now before Congress, and it is his
intention to pledge any presidential
candidates to favor the bill or he
will tarn the whole vole
against him. In case all the can-
refuse, he will organizes
new with the single plank of
slave indemnity for its
England will be asked pay her
snare for having introduced the in-
into this country, for
purpose Victoria has
Colon bus, Kansas, can
is the quint essence boast of the shortest acquaintance
of meanness. It has its being in aDj engagement before carnage of
the lowest order men and its
in the most polluted
pools of infamy. The scoundrel has
reached t he of
and needs hell to make
him the companion of devils.
rampant, but usually it larks, like a
to the innocent in
its slimy, hideous folds.
The brought to
light by the libel Mis-.
against the Boston Herald for 30.-
is the basest that has
any place in the world. One of the
characters of the county is
a middle-aged living four
miles north of The Jas.
Watson, was an old bachelor, and
the country round for the
neat manner in which be kept his
A few days ago a friend of
bis who had stopped a few
The That Were Asked by
People Last Tear.
What was the name of the first
steamer that crossed the Atlantic,
and bow long did it take sett The
Savannah, in 1819. Twenty days.
What is the cost of a steamship
like the Majestic
Concord Standard.
Superstition is in the land; it is
broadcast. Superstition is in the
North as well as in the South; it is
the West as well as in the East.
Yes, it is and ever since
the world began to exist.
Mothers teach it to their children
and fathers endorse it. The mother
,, , , ; hunts tip something to scare her
hat steamship the , . .
make it away from
est cab a
The a little child is
sometimes strong enough to lift a
whole family up to heaven. .
It is hard to get some peseta to see
that anything is wrong noon which
they have set their hearts.
There ought be more religious
people who arc religious when they
can't have their own way.
The devil n good day's work
when he turns an eminent preacher
Special Notice.
In adopting the ash tn Advance
for this year Tn wit
be continued lo no one for a longer time
than it is paid for. If you find
just after your name on the fin
the paper the
subscription expires two
it is to give you notice that unless re-
newed in that time Tim
will cease going to you at the
of the two weeks.
men to pass a , make it do something.
. . , T . in the closet,
hundred and fifteen miles. , . ,
. ,, I be animal that ruins
Mow many steamships are there
in jest that Watson ought to get a
wife to take care of such a neat
house. mid if friend
would get a good woman
some place, to make it quit doing into a patent medicine advertisement.
The chances for being happy with
seen atmosphere of politics preacher and not keep him too long
in many a day. i from bis corn he would like a wife.
Mies I la m in was employed by the ; The friend took him at his and
Sew York Mad and to; came here and told a most
write down Mr. Blame. The Mail widow, Mia. Warren,
and Express article had a good home for her. He told
cal decay appeared, and the j her of circumstances and
Herald charged Miss peculiarities, and said he believed
with being a liar, with never baring he would make her a good
seen Mr. with at Mrs. to be pleas-
Bar Harbor with disreputable char- ed with the idea, and told the gen-
and for this Miss to call again next day.
suit. Mum ad- Next morning she told the match
having written the article maker that she would follow his ad-
Blaine's physical decay, bat Vice. A minister was procured
herself with the plea that she was the party drove to the farm of Wat-
orders and only did as she i sou. The farmer was plowing com,
was directed by the Mad but when told that his friend had
brought him a wife he went to the
engaged in the transatlantic pas
trade About
What is the longest steamship
now in service in the world The
that he feet long.
What Captain has been the long-1.
est in the service. T, , n T ,
Captain Brooks of the Arizona, DOt
Union Line.
How many passenger were
landed in New York during
children and gives them disease and
makes them puny and puts soars on
their bodies and on their hands, that
causes them to learn lo lie and to
on to the scare
and keeps the child forever
illiterate. The nurse does
something that Is very bad in
She teaches, in an unconscious
God in heaven arc not very good,
unless we are happy with God on
If you don't know what else you
can do for the Lord, see how much
sunshine can carry into your
own home.
Keeping your money in the pocket
when God calls it, is one of the
ways in which a good many people
help the great enemy of souls.
Every soldier who deserves the
name of soldier, wants to be in the
front rank in battle, and every Christ-
The Washington says
is rather confusing
her explanations of the Blame
house. Mrs. Warren was
ed and, after five talk,
Watson told the minister they were
sensation, bat she claims that while ready to be married, and the rev
acting as the accredited represents- i gentleman tied the knot. As
five of the Mail and ceremony was
through that paper writ- Watson told hie bride that the
ten instructions an house was charge and the fields
avail himself of the company's
vice be has simply U pay a the Republican j were as be corn needed
script ion lee for which he is
given a metal check The
las will be on deposit at numerous ,
September. .
the city i .
does not know, but that hack again plowing.
the famous Mail and Express dis-
Stations scattered all over the city
and ultimately every in
country. Whenever a member is
national committee to keep Mr. be would go to the field.
sick by correspondence the minister a liberal fee,
stated paper at least until hall an hour after be
Why these
thousand one hundred
and eighty a
How much coal is consumed by
of the great liners in twenty
four hours About tons or
pounds a minute.
What is the average
a single York to Liv-
What were the dimensions of the
Great Eastern, was
what was her horse
power feet long, feet broad
feet launched on
horse power She
bad both dew heels and screw.
What is the length of a nautical
knot in laud measure four. A
load mile is feet.
What is the distance sailed,
way, the child tn say for this, j who is n Christian in more th
for that, for we, and
such stuff numerous to men-
This is digression, but the
is nurse
name will be sure have a great
deal trouble with devil.
If there was no pi caching done ex.
which comes from
because she is a dangerous angels would almost stop hoping
. and should eliminated from I that the world would ever be brought
tic arena raising children. The to
in a rain-storm he has only i path was
to step into of these convenient
i with her orders. She says she Ks-
as called from the field he was York to
New York to Hook,
miles; Hook to Roche's Point
northern track, miles; south-
i track, miles; from Roche's
What Isn't.
It isn't going to church to I
receiving the check back again,
man may take the umbrella to San
Francisco if he pleases it
in there or he nay leave it at
of depots in New
There will be depots at all
hotels, elevated railroad
stations, so that no one
will ever need to own an umbrella,
or get wet.
of money publicly, simply that
. I
This is the of may of you
Col. editor o; from church
the Mud professed a
saint, blatant pretender of jg to
excellence, a to It Had
man the of who-e whenever you
shoe he is not worthy to unloose. not
Several members or the ft
can Committee are ODe or
ed in the conspiracy. No wonder j and
I use of the horse collar is more
mane and better than the average
But it is
palling and horrifying and should be
legislated against in the family and
elsewhere. The grown man sees a
and he sees ghost in the
corner, and he hears it in the
woods in some old house, lie
can't help it, because a part of his
education was on In
some quarters the cows are stilt be-
witched and the milk gels sour, and
the old only support of
chip dry. A family
without a cow is in a serious plight,
j provided family on milk.
Springs go dry because a witch was
in the community and bewitched it.
Some people do not move on Friday,
and they are mortal 13- opposed l
hanging on that day. Some people
I be the
A band or forty Arabs arrived W resigned the chairmanship It sitting the house
that committee. His practiced and mu, refusing to eat
disciplined could act j ,
stand such intolerable stench. It all the HOund
We have no partiality for t, of the me
personally and no fellowship with and and ten ones on
his politics, but we bottom
employment of such means to It ,.
this city one day last week the
steamship Antwerp.
They came Lebanon
Syria, and most them
are very intelligent. Among the
number is Joseph a
sponge-diver, who it is
said can stay in the depths or the
sea three minutes.
to depth fathoms, or
feet. He of the
of a diver in this
try. Some cl the Arabs have been
in this country before, and have
gone home again to get their wives
About twenty of them will go to
Havana to engage in agricultural
pursuit, while the rest will stay In
Edwin Arlington.
I Dirt an J the Devil.
To keep debt, dirt and the devil
my cottage has been my great-
est wish ever since I set up house-
keeping. Surely these form a trinity
of evils that should lie carefully
guarded against. A man who is in
debt is a slave, toiling to meet
demands of another. He cannot call
what be possesses bis own. He had
better a great deal have less and owe
Look at it. Elliot Shepard and
several members or the Republican
National Committee employing a
disreputable woman to haunt
private walks or a gentleman and
publish lies to his
must desperate straits to res
sort to snob
A Little M Home.
Southern Churchman.
Do not he afraid a little fun at
home. Do not shut up your house
lest the sun fade your carpets; and
your hearts, lest a laugh should
shake down a few of the musty old
cobwebs that are hanging there. It
you want to ruin your sons, let them
think that all mirth and social en-
must be at the threshold
without when come at night.
When once a home is regarded as
only a place to eat, drink and sleep
in, the work is begun that ends in
man anything according to
apostolic injunction than to and reckless
for which he is re-i Young people must have j ceases
to do in prayer-meeting, and letting
devil tell you to do in bus-
It isn't whipping boy for
smoking while yon have a cigar in
your own mouth.
isn't telling the to say
It is helping a man to reform
when lie Is trying to.
It is alleviating troubles of your
I el low men and women.
It is not repeating evil reports
your neighbors.
It is giving kind words for abuse.
It is acting part or peace-
It is helping a fellow to get a job
when he needs it.
It is keeping your word and prom
It is doing onto as you
would be done by. .
It is allowances for other
people's faults, knowing not the
but which in whole or in
part belongs to another. A man in
debt is like a man overboard with a
great weight about his neck, with
which, by great exertion, he may
reach the shore, but which, never-
may sink bun any mo-
But whatever excuse may be
made men going into surely
none can be offered for their living in
dirt. Soap and water arc cheap,
and brushes sad brooms are not
very expensive.
Said a gentleman the other day,
Where do yon get such earnest and
endorsements of your Panacea
from right around the
Springs and the water has
been sent. It at home,
people are proud of and delight telling
strangers of Its miraculous It
is sold at Drug Store.
Panacea Spring A Hotel Ct.
Oxford, H.
fun and relaxation if they do not
find it at their own
will seek ii at less profitable places.
let tho doors and windows we a
be cheerfully open in sum-
and make the home delightful
with all those little parents so
well understand. Do not repress the
buoyant spirit of your children.
Half an hour of merriment within
doors blots out the remembrance of
many a care and annoyance during
the day, and the safeguard they
can take with them into the world is
the influence a bright home
It is truth sham-
It is praying be merciful to
The Norfolk Virginian says that
P. Homer, the financial agent
of the Carolina Construction Com-
which contract for
building the Norfolk, Wilmington
Charleston Railroad, is in that
and everything is Wis these may
done to hasten completion be overcome, the
Mr. A- B. Boston, Mass. I road.
I ordered and distributed one Mme th
tween the Alliance and the
i ordered and distributed one T become a fas. Tim
, , . , , ., i the Richmond and Danville system district attorneys under
large bottle, of ,,.
among my friends afflicted with the Norfolk Carolina road ex- trust if it
headache, and in every case H has from Norfolk to N.
afforded almost instantaneous ,
i, , , thirteenth at a
Between points are. records , ,,, ., . ,
table; will go hungry first.
They are forever on the lookout for
the thirteen th. These are
sometimes among the educated
those who have grammar,
speller and studied
French and chemistry.
There about which
some people superstitious, but
cannot name them and
besides cannot help it. Rut
the next generation lot us have no
more in the shed, under
Sandy Hook Reek
Harbor, near Roche's
What is the first light sighted on
the British coast
Bull, Cow and Calf, south coast
of Ireland.
The American coast.
Nan or Fire Island.
What Is tho greatest number of
Immigrants ever lauded New
York in a year in a day ,
in Nearly P
e Magazine.
Alliance is
ed to It was largely owing
to its vigorous that Con-
passed -trust law,
How to Borne
Take it is no use to foam or
fret, or to do as angry
Attorney-General Miller has who has got hold of tie
United States district pushes, shakes and
everywhere to enforce. Take j the lock until both
the law, says Alt I w still
lay it by tho aide of everything The chief secret of comfort
looks like a trust your district. If in not nines to vex us,
the latter measures up to the law awl in our undergrowth
city. Engineers are aged in
eating and making the final survey were
then suit. These prepay
rations for the law into
ought to be pleasing to
our Alliance friends, and doubtless
will be, except that should one
their pet schemes to
the law, they would suddenly dis-
cover that amendments were need
ed. This would certainly be the
case should Alliance fall into
the well-baited trap set for it by
that same which was
once by farmers
their organs from the to
Pacific. This scheme involves
the establishment of a central mer-
bunking and commission
house in New In Chi-
with branches all over the
country. These central
would buy everything needed by
their branches, receive sad sell
kind of produce, furnish
and receive deposits; be, in foot,
to their branches, and they in tarn,
to individual customers, what
the Southern used to be to
the planter. To carry out this
plan would require n very
large expenditure,
is said that the National Cordage
Co., has generously offered to fur-
the capital, provided the
Alliance obtain all its bag-
and binding twine exclusively
from that corporation is
or small pleasures. Try to regard
present vexations as you will
them a month hence. Since
not get what like, let-as like what
we can get. It is not riches, it is not
poverty, it is human nature is
the trouble. world is like a
looking-glass. Laugh at it it
laughs back; frown at it and it
frowns back. Angry thoughts can-
the mind aid dispose it to the
worst temper in of
fixed malice and revenge. It is
while in this temper that most men
become criminals. Show your sense
by saying much in a few words. Try
to speak some kind word or do some
kind deed each day of your life.
You will be amply repaid. Set your
work to song.
This remedy Is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
mention. All who have used
Bitters sing the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and It
is guaranteed to do all that Is
Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of
the Liver and Kidneys, will remove
Boils, Salt Rheum and other
erased by impure
drive Malaria from the and
vent as well as cure nil Malarial fevers.
For cure of Headache, Consumption
and Indigestion try Electric
Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money
and 01.00 per
bottle at Jno. I. Woolens Drug Store.
A man can tell a lie by a wink of
the eye, a of the bead, or a shrug
of the shoulders, it is as truly a
lie as. if the deceptive Impression had
been by plainly
Some people profess a willingness
to trust God with their souls, but
never reach a point where they can
trust him money. This
shows which they prize the highest.
The growth of grace is like
polishing of metals. There is first
an opaque surface; by and by you
sec a spark darting out, then a strong
light, till at length it sends back a
perfect image of sun
upon it.
Some For Teaching.
Study constantly and carefully
the pupil's language lo learn what
words he uses and the meanings he
gives them.
Secure him as full a state-
as possible of his knowledge of
the subject, to learn both his ideas
and his mode of them,
and lo help lo eon-eel his language.
your thoughts as far as
possible in the pupil's words, care-
fully correcting any defect in the
meaning he gives them.
Use short sentences, mid of the
simplest construction. Long sen-
tire the attention while short
ones both stimulate
At each step the foot rests
hernia on the ground.
r. If the pupil evidently fails to
understand the thought, repeat it in
other language, and if possible with
greater simplicity.
Help out tho meaning of the
words by all available illustrations;
preferring pictures and natural ob-
for young children.
When it is necessary to a
new word, give the idea before the
word. This is order of nature.
Seek to increase the pupil's
stock words, both in number and
in the clearness extent of mean-
All true enlargement of a
child's language is increase or his
knowledge, and of his capacity for
editor who wrote the follow-
understands what ho is talking
editors are well ac-
with the man who takes
more papers than he reads; and con-
has no use for bis local
paper. He takes a published
in Portland, Maine. It contains
the latest news about the
Last Adventures of
Mose, the Bandit etc., and
while he is storing his mind with
such information his wife reads back
number almanacs. But let him get
into troubles he rushes to the local
paper to help him out and wants it
bad. If his baby or wife dies he
wants a column yet he
help his local paper out by
subscribing. This is also the same
man who wants a fifteen line local
puffin your paper just to fill up, you
Those who believe that Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy will cure them are more
to get well than those who don't.
If you happen to be one of those who
don't believe there's a matter of to
help your faith. It's for you If the
of Dr. Sage's remedy cant cure
no matter how bad or of how long stand-
your catarrh in the head may be.
The makers are the World's Dispensary
Medical of Buffalo, X. V.
They are known to every newspaper
publisher and every druggist In the land,
and can easily ascertain that their
word's at good as their bond.
A woman loves one, that is all
Her heart answers once to love's sweet
She may be careless, or vain, or gay, bat
she only loves once.
And Is for arc.
Whatever her life or her grief hath beta
man her heart within.
Her sorrow may hide behind a
Hut she loves one all
She may dance and flirt with
listen to wooing again and again,
nut once, only once her love is
As deep as the sen, and as
One voice only can stir her
One man only her life control,
Only one love she knows in her
Only one man of herself a part.
She may smile with another, or stand at
his side,
And hear the. world call her another
man's bride.
But ever for one her heart makes ,
I or she only loves once, and once i
a. Little Girl's Experience In a
Mr. and Mrs. are
of the Gov. at
Beach, Mich, are blessed wit a
daughter, four years old. Last April
she was taken down with fol-
lowed with a dreadful Cough and turn-
into a Fever. Doctors at home and
at Detroit treated her. but in vain, she
grew worse rapidly, until she was
she triad
Dr. King's New Discovery and after the
use of two and a half bottles, was cent-
cured. say King
New Discovery is worth its weight In
sold vet you may get a trial bottle free
at John L, Wooten s Drug store.
Why This
The statistics show that last year
the country had an income of tOO,.
from the sugar imported, the
rate duty two cents a
The last Congress made sugar free
and offered a bounty of two cent
per for every pound produced
in the United States. It required
the applications for this bounty
should all be in by the first of July,
the beginning of fiscal year.
as enough have
filed to require about t
pay the bounty. This makes a
of in income
of the country for the present fiscal
year, and if the sugar raisers
their production rapidly
next year as they did last,
the next four or live years the
try will have to pay to the
raisers a
Why is it that the man who raise
sugar should receive a bounty, while
the man who raises or tobacco
or wheat or corn pays, a tax
Is it a mere exalted business
the sugar planter entitled to me
a other farmer
Here is a question that tho
should keep before people
of the country.
To all whom it may concern
great pleasure testifying to the
ions qualities of the popular remedy fee
eruptions of the skin, known as P. P. ,
I for several years with an a-B
sightly and disagreeable erupt Ion on my-
and tried various remedies to re
move it, which accomplished the
object until this valuable
was resorted to. After taking three
ties accordance with I
now entirely cured.
Of the of Johnston A Douglass.
II. L.
M. C,
Office In Skinner Building, upper
opposite Gallery.
o EN M.
Prompt attention given to
You wind your watch once a day.
Your liver and bowels as re-
If they key.
The Key Is Dr. Pierce-s Pleasant
lets. a
ii. long,
Prompt and careful attention to
Collection solicited.
a. ft
Practice In all the court.
. Cl
N. C.
In all the Courts.

Greenville, N. C.
The following pauper
John Stocks 4.50, Margaret Bryan
H D Smith 2.00, Daniel
Is per yew.
. one-half column one year,
two one month,
Column steading MM cents per
line tor Insertion. .
Advertisements, such
future treble pF AD AN
will be demanded.
Contracts for mentioned
in person or by letter.
tor N v Advertisements and
order to receive prompt in-
the day following.
The having a large
found a
through to reach the
One Philadelphia ship building
firm has contracts with the Navy
department aggregating
Th Carthage Blade has just
celebrated the close its
year. It found newspaper
somewhat of an up-hill
Washington, August 1891.
There is among the
department clerks, for the idea is
out that the old stand and deliver
style of campaign
contribution is to come in again,
in order to raise a fund to help
out the champion of
what has been called the most
vicious piece of class legislature
in our history, in his Ohio fight.
It is well known that Mr.
the new chairman of the
can National executive committee,
is what is known as a
and his frequent con
who belongs to the same school,
and others high in the depart-
has started the rumor that
the boys, and the girls too, will
soon be given a very plain hint
that subscriptions to
the campaign fund v
be acceptable and in order.
It is not probable in view of Mr.
Blaine's very plain
of the bill as the
most shameful measure ever pro-
posed to a civilized people that
either ho or his friends will make
any very pronounced efforts to as
in erecting the author of the
bill Governor of Ohio, in fact
there, are people who believe they
are more likely to assist in defeat-
him. , , ,
The administration is scattered
around rather this
week, and nothing but the merest
routine business is being conduct-
ed to the absence of the
heads of departments. Secretary
Foster was the last to go, and be-
fore going he denied that he
would become a candidate for the
Senate in case withdrew.
Notwithstanding his denial there
are good reasons for the belief
that ho is now in Ohio laying
wires to do that very thing.
Democrats here greatly
pleased to hear from Republican
sources that Senator Quay pro-
2.00, Bryan 2.00, Susan
2.00, Asa 4.00, Winifred
Taylor James Masters 2.00,
Alex Harris 12.00, Martha Nelson
2.00, Jacob 1.50, Julia
Dunn 1.50, Wm 5.00,
1-50, Haddock 1.50,
Lucinda Smith 1.50, Lucinda Smith
1.50, John Baker 1.50, Nancy Moore
3.00, Lance 2.00, W B
ton, County House, 144.31.
The general orders were
John Gay 2.20, J J Dancy H
A 2.14, H 2.16, J
It Jolly Rhoda Barnhill 1.55,
Booth 1-22, John Flanagan
7.58, John Flanagan
Mitchell B S 10.96, J
F Miller 1.25, Oct Coke 1.30, W A
2.76, J A K Tucker 61.95, B
H Hearne 20.00, Dr B T Cox 28.10,
Dr B T Cox 20.00, B A 2.75,
Young ft My.
Tobacco Growers
J. B. Cherry.
J. R.
J. G.
Oxford is Your Market
, i
but by hard knocks and sticking
its heels deep at every step it
has managed to get along up
hill to the fifth mile post.
hope it will reach the
The Chamber of Commerce of
sent out a
novel and attractive invitation to
the North Carolina editors. It
was a long folded card one side of
which contained a of a
plug of tobacco which was very
The other sides of the card con-
the invitation and program
of 19th annual meeting of the
North Carolina Press Association.
from the present outlook cotton
will bring a very low price this
fall. It is not recorded that the
was ever lower but once,
and that was years ago. The con
sequence of this is the cotton crop
will be very much decreased next
year. Many farmers declare their
intention of abandoning its
entirely. The farmers are
more and more coming to the line
that the Reflector has been
since its existence-
diversifying Our
word for it. there will be a greater
variety of planted in Pitt
next year than was ever known in
the history of the county. And
more prosperity may be looked
ii a Wt
The press dispatches last week
that Willie Davis, the
young North Carolinian who was
under sentence of death at Fort
Worth, Tex., has died in his cell
in the jail there. He was to have
been hanged on the 10th of this
month. It is believed now by
many that he had been supplied
with some kind of acid and took
life. He is accredited
repeatedly that he
Mid not die upon the gallows.
Young Davis in the same one over
so much interest was
in this State last fall, when
it was stated that he was under
unjust sentence of and an
appeal for funds was made that
his case might be taken to a high-
court. It will remembered
that while the appeal going
around Greenville made a liberal
response. The effect failed to get
him another trial decision
of the lower court was sustained.
The State Alliance is
in session this week at Morehead.
The meeting is looked to with con-
interest, as the outsider
cannot know in advance whether
the extremist or the more
of the order are to control
its movements. There are many
excellent men in the Alliance
some of the best in all our land
who have only the welfare of their
fellow-laborers and the general
good of their country at heart. On
the other hand there are men who
have admission into the
order who would pollute the
poses which it was organized,
whose only interest is and
who hope by stirring up
to get themselves into
power and advance their
aims. We hope the better
will prevail and shape the
future policy of the order. If so
much good can be accomplished.
If the extremists rule there is
to fear.
poses to manage the Republican
campaign in Pennsylvania this
year and that in his efforts for
vindication ho may even become
chairman of the Republican state
committee. Nothing could be
better for the Democrats than this
the only fear is
that it may not be carried out.
The fact has been recognized by
the Democrats ever since tho car-
of Republican financial
crookedness, begun by
and not ended by Treasurer Bard
though he is tho last one
that was that the Demo-
party has ft good fighting
chance to carry Pennsylvania this
year, and that chance will certain-
greatly improved if the man
who was forced out of the chair-
of the Republican Nat-
Committee in to
the openly expressed sentiments
of prominent newspapers and men
in his own party shall attempt to
openly manage the Republican
Tho meeting of tho
committee of the National
of Democratic clubs,
which is to be held next in
New York city, was called to hear
reports as to the progress made in
new clubs and to
discuss ways and means of
creasing the rapid progress
ready made. Secretary Gardner
our meeting the
President of our Association, Hon.
F. Black, of
will start upon a tour of
Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and Illinois,
his purpose being to strengthen
our organization in those States.
Our meeting will have no bearing
on the interests of any
candidate, and under our
present constitution we are ob-
to confine ourselves to the
tariff as the leading
Mr. thinks to fool the
Democrats by giving it out in
newspaper interviews that the
Republican national committee
will take no part in the State cam-
this year, but he makes
a mistake as big as a house. The
Democrats know that Mr. Clark-
son's committee is already taking
an extensive part in the
campaign in Ohio and Iowa, in
addition to its laborious duties in
pushing the Blaine and Alger
Presidential ticket through the
National League of Republican
clubs, of which Mr. is
president, and also that it is en-
gaged in hustling among the pro-
manufacturers for
to the big corruption fund
which it has been decided to raise.
Payments made on account of
pensions since tho first of the
month foot up which
brings the Treasury very near to
tho deficit point again, although
by the juggled figures tho
plus is shown to be in excess of
Commissioner of Immigration
Owen, who make tho break of
writing a letter saying that Welch
tinplate workers could brought
to this country under contract,
can make no more such errors, as
an official order has been issued
by tho Treasury department stat-
that all decisions relating to
immigration will be made by As-
Secretary This
reduces Owen to a mere clerkship,
and if he was a man of
he would throw up the
20.43, G M Mooring 5.80, T E Keel
G V Newton 11.60,
Fleming 5.00, C Dawson 7.60.
J N Bryan made petition in
form asking that the valuation of a
certain tract of laud at Bluff,
in township, ho reduced,
the same excessive. The
was granted reducing the
from 1750 to
G A Stancill complaint that
on the tax list 1891 for town
ship his land known as the
land is valued at which is ex-
add that would a
fair valuation; one other tract known,
as the mill site is at
when is a fair valuation; one
other tract known as the Randolph
farm valued at when is a
fain valuation, and petitioned that
corresponding reductions be made,
which was granted by the Board.
James Joyner, colored, and
Knox were exempted from payment
of poll tax.
for a new road in
was read to he laid over
until next year.
Ordered that the orders allowed to
Haddock for June, July and
August he
Ordered that Julia Dunn, a pauper,
hereafter draw once In months.
Ordered that Nancy Moore at this
meeting and hereafter he allowed
until further ordered.
Ordered that C Dawson be in-4
to meet with N R Cory from
Swift Crock township, and William
Smith from township, at
bridge and examine the
same in regard to necessary repairs
of said bridge.
John S Powell Co., Bethel, were
granted license to retail liquor fur
six months from July 1st.
The following persons were allowed
to list taxes
Greenville F
Latham, T B Langley, J F Evan, C
T Watson.
Carolina R Perkins.
Falkland S Owens.
Township -W H Slaughter
Township W A W.
Swift Crock T
Winfield. William Dixon.
Therefore we are going
Bring it along, the more the merrier. We are prepared to pay
market. Freights are cheap, a mere trifle when increased prices
are taken into account. Out railroad facilities are good. Send
your tobacco to Oxford, N. C, you will get good prices and quick
Buyers for all classes and from every part of the world
are located in Oxford. You will find us
Business and no
Hunt, Cooper Co., Meadows Warehouse,
Bullock Mitchell, Banner Warehouse,
Cozart, Rogers Co., Warehouse,
R. V. Minor Co., Minor Warehouse.
R. P. Knott, Manager Alliance Warehouse.
that will
and make us room for
J. M. Currin, Buyer,
W. Reed, Buyer,
John Meadows, Buyer,
Wilkinson Bros., Buyers,
Meadows Yancey, Buyers,
D. S. Osborn, Buyer,
E. O. Buyer,
E. G. Currin, Buyer,
O. S. Snoot, Buyer,
J. D. Bullock, Buyer,
John Webb, Buyer.
W. A. Bobbitt, Buyer,
C. F. Kingsbury, Buyer,
B. Glenn, Buyer.
We beg to inform our friends and patrons that we now have th
most complete stock we ever had. To our lady friends
we wish to say that our stock of Dress Goods will com-
-------pare favorably with any line in town.--------
In Wool Fabrics we have Hen-
vie Cashmeres, Albatross
in the leading
Spring and Summer shades.
In Cotton Fabrics we hove
Pine Apple Tissues, Swiss
Zephyrs, Batiste, Out-
Cloths, Lawns,
Ginghams, a full line of White
Dress Goods, In all of these
lines you will find beautiful
, In all grades of Men and
Boys Hats we have nice styles
and will sell at prices to please
our customers.
We invite comparison of
aid of the following
Notions, Gent's Furnish-
Goods, Trunks, Valises,
Hardware, Crockery. Tinware,
Wood and Willow Ware,
Provisions, and all
styles. No prettier to be found kinds of Farming Implements
in town. I and Furniture.
of imitations, buy only
fixed wire
the genuine
We have a good many
27th at early mom many
our people were very much surprised to
learn that at on Sunday night
Miss Matte Brown Moore had passed
from earth to the land. It was
net known by many she was so She
was born July 17th She was a
member of Mt. Pleasant church, having
baptized by Rev. Latham
on the in May 1889.
The burial services were by
A. Hunter, and her body rests,
near her home until the morning- of
Redirection. The pall bearers were
Messrs. W J Matthews, J L Little. E A
L C Joe Starkey
and Robert
her illness she was very pa-
and after or days the fever
bought the end of Its victim.
No one of all this -section bade fairer
to live than Brownie Moo-e. She wax
strong, and the glow of health shown
brightly on her cheeks. Her submission
and readiness to die was sweet to behold.
In all her sickness and even unto death
she gave only evidence of joy and hap-
How can we sorrow for her as
if she had no hope.
During her Illness she sans such
as Lover of my Praise
from whom all blessings
must it be to b
She leaves a father, mother and two
sisters and a brother to mourn death,
but their loss is her eternal gain. We
extend our sympathy to the bereaved
ones, to pray that this may be a note of
warning to any of us who are not ready.
In this sad dispensation of Providence is
illustrated the injunction of the scrip-
ye also ready for in an
hour as ye think not the son of man
In Jesus blessed
only her body is dead, and she is
gone to a higher of
a redeemed soul no longer hindered by
the body of A. D. II.
This is forbid all persons hiring or
harboring Crawford Bullock, who Is
contract to work for me until the end
of the year 1801. Any person hiring the
said Crawford Bullock from this date
will do so under penalty of law,
Aug 4th 1891 n J HESTER
Summer Goods,
-which for the next
we will sell at
Modern Tobacco Barn Company.
Our stock of Shoes and Slip
is attractive. We
think we can suit you both in
quality and lit. One of the lead-
Shoes with us is our Opera
Toe with Common Sense Heel.
This is a long felt want with the
In Men and Boys Shoes we
have in stock and to arrive the
best line ever carried by
We have sold L. M. Reynold's
Shoes for the past two years and
find them to be the best line ever
handled by us. This spring we
will have a complete line of
these Shoes and when our friends
are in need of good shoes we
will be pleased to serve them.
, Notice.
Having executor of the
will and testament of Mrs. Luisa S.
Hill, late of Pitt county N. C, this is
to notify all persons having claims
against the estate of deceased to
exhibit them to tho undersigned, on or
before the 9th day of July 1892, or this
notice will plead in bar of their re-
All persons indebted to said
estate will please pay-
This July 9th J. N.
in order to
It you to
Classical m Sob.
The next Session of this School will be.
gin on MONDAY, AUGUST 24th.
Tuition per term of
Primary, per session.
Intermediate, per session, 10.00
Languages, each, 3.00
The School will be thorough in all of
instruction, mild hut Arm hi Its
having in view at all limes the
full preparation young men and
for active business life, or successful col-
courses. Board can be obtained
with the principal, or at other places in
town at reasonable rates. One half of
tuition payable at the middle the
term, the r at its close. For
further particulars see or address,
A. B.,
Greenville, N. C. Principal.
Pipe, Hollowware, Tin
ware, Nails, Sash. Locks
Butts and Hinges, Glass, Putty
Paints and Oils,
The increased stove trade this
season is the best evidence that
the I sell is the stove for
the people. The public are in-
to examine my stock be-
fore purchasing-
Notice to Creditors.
The Judge of Probate of Pitt County
having issued letters testamentary to
me. the undersigned, on the 6th day of
August, 1891, on the estate of Calvin
Stokes, deceased, notice Is hereby Riven
to all persons Indebted to the Estate to
make immediate payment to Die under-
signed, and to all creditors of said estate
to present their claims properly
to the undersigned, within
twelve months after the date of this
notice, or this notice will be plead In
bar of their recovery.
This the day of August, 1891.
Ex on the estate Calvin Stokes
Aug. 3rd, 1891.
The Board of Commissioners of
Pitt county held their regular
this date, C Dawson,
chairman, G M Mooring, T E Keel,
Fleming and C V Newton.
The minutes of previous meeting
were read and the following
That J H be notified to
come before the Board at the next
meeting and explain the account
lowed him for listing and assessing
property in Carolina township for
the year 1891.
We have made
in price already, there will be
many more made in the next
Pitt county.
You are hereby that the above
entitled action has been commenced in
the court to obtain a divorce,
returnable on the 2nd Moo-
day after the 1st Monday in September,
1891, against you in favor of the Plain-
tiff, at which time pad place you will
pear if you think proper, and answer, or
demur to the complaint of the Plaintiff,
Ordered that J A K be or judgment will be prayed at the
try Term. 1892, of said court, s asked,
in said complaint Witness my
and seal this August 5th, 1891. i
E. A. MOTS, f
to refund the sum of J.
being the amount overpaid on claim
allowed him a; last meeting by mis
take of the Board.
I take pleasure in announcing to the
people of Greenville and the
rounding country that my
Is now arriving ready for j
I hare secured the services of a
Trimmer who will execute work to
suit the most fastidious taste. The new
stock will be sold at the lowest margin
that millinery goods have ever been
handled before in this market.
Also a splendid line of Fancy Goods,
consisting of Steel Engravings, Oil
Paintings, Picture Fancy
Tablets, Flush Goods, China and
Vases, Jewelry,
Linen Shades, Ac. These will be
out at cost as they must be disposed
by the last of All who wish to
make great bargains for themselves
call at once and see m before
Mechanic Arts
will begin its third session on September
3rd, 1891, increased facilities and equip-
In every department. The past
successful year has given further evidence
of its practical value, and its young men
are already in demand for responsible
positions. Total cost, 8100.00. Each
County Superintendent of Education
will examine applicants for
address. ALEX. HOLLIDAY,
Raleigh, N. C. President.
Male and Female.
Fall Term opens Monday, August
Pull corps of efficient and
teachers. All the English branches,
with Music. Art. Elocution and
Ancient Languages, taught
by the most approved
We the largest and best
selected stock of Furniture in
our town and will sell at prices
to please.
W e have a nice line of Mat-
tings which we will sell at low
Tn Children Carriages we have
the and prettiest line
am Carried us.
realize the importance of
selling goods at a small profit.
We do not claim to sell goods
at cost, bit, do claim and back
up our assertion, that we will
you honest goods for your
honest money.
See Us Talk With Us Try Us
Ladies we know full well you remember how greatly the prices
after the reduction surprised you in our last year Spring
Goods, so we now make another spring
on the following goods
Edging, Swiss
Embroideries, India
Linens, and Check
Teasel Summer
Cashmeres, Ginghams,
lies, Percale,
and all the many other things in a Spring stock. Look at the
-----reduced prices
Ginghams at
Ginghams at
at f
Teasel at eta.
Teasel at
Hamburg at
Hamburg at
Goods at
Tho Next Term Sept- 3rd,
Entrance Examinations. Sept. Ma-
Tuition per term. Needy
men of talent and character will
rill be
aided with scholarships and loans. Be-
sides the General Course of study,
which offer a wide range of elective
studies, there courses in , Med-
and Engineering. For
C., address the President,
Chapel Hill, N. C .
Hamilton is situated on a bluff near
the river, and Is the most
beautiful town In Eastern Carolina, the
streets being wide and shaded with silver
maples It is healthy, and society is
high-toned and moral. There are four
churches, and nearly every family in the
place belongs to some Christian
mm trip.
Every school and girl in North
Carolina should visit the
Exposition to lie held In Raleigh In
The Principal will pay the rail-
road expenses of all boarding pupils who
enter the first week of the school for the
term to Raleigh and return. The board-
pupils will thus be enabled to see
railroad expense the greatest
exhibition of Southern products and re-
sources ever exhibited. No other school
In Eastern Carolina offers such an in-
to its boarders.
Beard, English Branches Ac,
Board, English
Greek, Ac.,
Board, English Branches, Latin,
Music on Organ or 6.00
If paid in advance for the entire term
I a discount of per cent, will lie made
I from the above rates. Otherwise bills
will monthly.
For circulars or other Information a
flam i I ton, Martin Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES
Car Load Feed Oats, Car load Corn, Car load No. Hay,
Car Load Rib Side Meat, Car Load St. Louis
Heavy Mess Pork, Granulated Sugar.
Sugar, Gail Ax Snuff, all
Rail Road Mills Snuff. Snuff.
Rico Molasses, Tubs Boston Lard.
Star Lye, Gross Matches.
Also full line Raking Powders, Soda, Soap, Starch. Tobacco, Cigars,
Cakes, Crackers, Candles, Canned Goods, Wrapping Paper, Paper
Special prices given to the wholesale trade on large quantities of th
above goods.
Board on Supervised Mess Plait
Barracks, Mess Hall, Superintendents
OF TEACHERS. Open September 1st, 1891. Send for register.
New Buildings including
Barracks, Mess Hall, Superintendents Quarters, etc. MIL
R. BELL, N. a
m it. M a.
Patent Win Tobacco
Wires are movable. Tobacco can ho properly on and
Down on the Wires when cored. Simple-t. Cheapest Best In the Market.
when Cash the
complete to
Wires No
Sample and Wire for S rents.
fobs and Carina
on to
TOBACCO M Hot ton. V.

R. Lao's
N. C
Local Sparks
We offer
25.000 25.000
25.000 25.000
various styles wash
Ginghams. Ginghams
Gingham. Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams.
Gingham. GINGHAMS. Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams.
Ginghams. Ginghams,
Ginghams. Ginghams.
Ginghams, Ginghams
Picnics arc in their prime.
Cart for sale J. C
The days are slowly growing short
Not many days more vacation
Inferior Court this
Saturday was the editors birthday.
The merchants say that shopping
is dull.
The Stale Alliance is in session at
Second supply Fruit Jars at
the Old Brick Store.
Sec notice
in this issue.
Action for
Next year is leap year. Then the
girls get a chance.
Moonlight nights. How about a
hay ride or excursion
Latest styles of Shirts. Collars
Cuffs at C. T.
Look up the notice the public
school in this issue.
First the Corned
Mullets at the Old Brick Store.
It is predicted that cotton will not
bring but cents this
Fresh Boss Biscuits for the well
and sick at the Old Brick Store.
Your attention is directed to the
Notice to Creditors by Isabella Stokes
Point Flour is always uniform
in quality at Old Brick Store.
Pitt is whooping right up as the
finest tobacco county of the State.
Ointment will cure
any skin disease on man or beast.
Turner's almanac predicts cool
frosty weather the latter part of
good Telegraph roles wanted.
will be given at this
Capt. C. A. White is improving
the street in front of his handsome
Wanted foe Bees-
wax and ides, at Old Brick
The majority papers the State
are in the hands the
Devil this week.
has weak eyes or
Our Summer Stock.
Hens, Youths, and Boys
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
will feel effect
at our reduction tale
Don't Fail to Come,
We heard a farmer say, who lives
in Beaver Dam, that tin. bad
taken hold of his hogs.
The G Lanier dwelling house
is for tent. Apply to Matthews x
W hie hard.
See notice of Sale by F. James
receiver, to take place September Till
in front of Court House.
All work done by the
lion Works is It.
We see in the Advocate that
has a
Thai town is ahead.
Bedsteads. Bureaus,
Cradles and Mattresses at the Obi
Brick Store.
We hear several
tried it, say they will
plant tobacco next
The Free School will not
with other regular work of the
Institute. Z. D.
Olive, who has recently con-
ducted vocal classes at be-
gun a class at Saturday.
Tobacco Thermometers
and at D.
Store at until o'clock.
Mr. A. J. Best is in
stationary packages, de-
serves the patronage our people.
To-day the Guards have inspection
by Inspector General Smith. A full
is desired by the Captain.
We are now ready to repair all
kinds of Machinery. Castings
made to order. Cash price for old
iron by Greenville Iron Works,
A. B. Ellington, Proprietor.
Mr. Samuel Vines living on Dick-
Avenue has some as fine
co growing as we have seen anywhere.
A very nice sample of tobacco was
handed in on Monday from Mr.
Baker, it was of the pea-green
assignment of Latham
Pender will not interfere with
Tobacco floe trade. are
requested to come for flues as
early as can, and floes
The frame of the tobacco warehouse
is up and the work advances. Hurry
it, workmen The farmers are wait-
to sell tobacco.
It looked like Winter time on Sat-
morning as the Steamer Greet-
ville left mooring and sailed down
the Tar. She had aboard bales of
Greenville Institute. Um
both sexes, will tall term
August 35th, 1891. For terms or
circulars address Principal.
Z. D.
Greenville, C.
All of our subscribers who wished
their Reflector changed to Winter-
ville the new at Mr. A. G.
can have it done by notifying
A co and beautiful line of
Bureau Scarfs and Mats in linen,
Ladies, and Children's
lie Caps, Infest Sacks and Fas-
in Newport Scarf
for Ladies, for sale by Mrs. Fannie
We learn that the R. S. Tucker's,
Mill at discovered to
be on fire about o'clock Sunday
but with
a few buckets water before any
damage done. It was of an in-
Miss Lillie Cherry Is convalescent.
Col. I. A. returned Saturday
Mr. J. arrived from
ville on Thursday-
Mr. J. Joyner and returned
Saturday from the seashore.
Mr. Abe passed through
here on his way to Tarboro Saturday.
Mrs. Ella returned from a
pleasant trip to Springs last week.
C. R. o. Cobb and
family left Monday for a trio to Nor-
Mr. W. Southern Express
Manager, has been In town for a few
Miss Williams, Tarboro. was
in town Sunday visiting the Misses
Miss Mamie Bernard left Monday
morning for the western of the
Mr. K. our clever
returned Monday from a trip to
his old home.
Rev. R. B. John and Mrs. John re-
turned home last Thursday from their
visit to Chatham.
Mr J. D. Williamson returned U
A she ville, Monday where he will spend
a while for his health.
Mrs. K. A. and daughter. Mis
Mary, accompanied Mr. E. A.
Monday to Morehead.
and Mrs.
left Friday for a visit to Mrs. L. E.
Cleve, at New Borne.
Little Miss Betsey Jane Greene re-
turned evening from a visit to
Wilmington and Monroe.
Mrs. A. B. returned Monday
from an trip to relatives and
friends at Gary, her former home-
Mr. of Tarboro.
stopped over in town a few days last
week while returning home from
We were pleased to shake the hand of
Mr. J. F. of Carthage. Moore
county, who formerly resided here,
last week.
I. L. Janus, of this place, and
Sadler, of Washington, took the
train Monday for Morehead City to at-
tend the Dental Association.
A party of young men consisting of
Messrs. Peters, Brown and
of Tarboro, passed here early
Monday morning in a yawl boat
Washington pleasure bent.
Bis many friends here learn with
pleasure that Mr. C. F. Wilson, editor
of the Wilson has recovered
from his recent severe sickness and is
able to resume bis duties on the paper.
Mr. W. S. Bernard, who during the
vacation is for
churches and in
Bertie c came home to spend last
week, lie returned to his duties Sat-
S. S. Burgaw, Pender
count v, arrived here on last Friday even-
arid accompanied by his daughter.
Miss Maggie, who has been visiting here,
went down to Washington to visit
and friends.
Mr. George one of the largest
and most wealthy farmers of
county, is in Greenville looking for to-
lauds with a view of growing to-
in Pitt county next year. We
welcome men to the Golden
Another evidence that Pitt
county is attracting the attention of
Mr. M. R. left Friday on his
purchasing tour to
markets of the north. Knowing
his excellent taste selections, we are
confident no the size of this can
surpass the stock of goods he will bring
back with him. He gives special care to
his purchases and gets just what will
suit his patrons at home.
Mr. F. A. member of the State
Executive Board, Mr. J. J. Laughing-
house, delegate from the Pitt County
Alliance and Mr. OS- Spam, delegate
from Greenville took the train
Monday to the meeting of
the Slate Alliance at Morehead. Messrs.
F. Ward. D. T. House, Carr, of
s. B. Alex-
of Charlotte, and Capt. Thorn, of
Halifax, were on the train to attend the
Last week Superior Court Clerk
Move was showing at his office some
splendid of tobacco that
were cured on his farm.
Last Thursday Mr. II. F. Keel
brought us another sample of tobacco
cured on bis place. It is beautiful
mahogany and pronounced of fine
The street force in charge of
Policeman Moore were doing some
work on the thoroughfares last week.
In some places the work was very
Summer seems lo have shelved
the matrimonial market. do
not even bear a rumor now, but sup-
pose the harvest will increase with
the fall.
There is not as great a rush now
on the Clerk's office for direct tax
applications as a few weeks back.
But a large part of the tax is still
uncalled for.
There will be a at
way place on Thursday, August 20th
and a big time expected. Thanks
lo the committee Messrs J. W. Parker,
T. L. and others for an in-
When tobacco come to
town they invited to call at the
office an examine the to-
same lea. Every pie brought
us is labeled and put on exhibition
for comparison.
There will be given a delightful
picnic on Friday the 14th at Parker's
Chapel, by the young men the
neighborhood, and a big time is ex-
Many thanks to the commit-
tee for an invitation.
The of Stamina How
Star and to the
of County.
Hotel de Tucker has another
Friday last Sheriff Tucker received
a dated at Petersburg, Vs.,
and signed J. L. Mayo, Wilson Po-
lice, which contained the informal
that George Dudley had been
and would be up
in the next day.
Saturday morning about o'clock
Mr. drove into town from
son Dudley in custody- Their
first ice on the streets
a bit of excitement, as everybody
them recognized the prison-
and the news spread rapidly over
that George Dudley had
There was n rush in the
that the vehicle went and
soon after its at the Court
House a large crowd gathered around.
The colored people were largely in
the majority and were
to gel a peep at George. The
prisoner was quickly removed to the
jail and placed in an upper cell,
which excluded him from view, and
the crowd slowly dispersed.
A reporter was on
band and was admitted into the jail.
When we first saw Dudley he was
standing in the upper corridor wait-
for the door the cell to De
locked. Being brought back home
where his crime was committed and
passing before the gaze of so many
people that knew him, had made him
somewhat nervous and restless. He
was securely handcuffed and ex-.
pressed some anxiety about the
manacles being removed. The key
to them had been accidentally left
Wilson and few minutes time were
consumed in devising means for
opening the. locks. The prisoner
had shaved off his
we thought he looked a trifle darker
than usual which may have been
caused from sun burn. However, a
glimpse was sufficient to show that
he was beyond doubt George Dudley.
Officer Mayo was interviewed and
gave the particulars of the capture.
He said lie was connected with the
Wilson police force and with his as-
Mr. had been on
the lookout for Dudley. A
weeks ago they had information that
Dudley around Wilson but
could not him. He had an
uncle living close Wilson and find-
out this the officer went to his
house but Dudley had fled the
day. Subsequently the officer
were told that Dudley had been in
the three weeks, that at
limes he had been disguised as I
woman doing conking and oilier work
about his uncle's. The officers kepi
on the alert and gained the
of a young colored man who
knew something of Dudley's
Through him it was learned
that Dudley wrote to a color-
ed woman at Wilson and last week
they secured possession a letter
received by her, tho letter Dud-
assumed name Dunn
and gave instructions to
mail, lo him in care
Stock Farm, Richmond, Va., as he
was at wink on
from that city.
Mr. Mayo went to Richmond
Thursday night and morning
went lo the house of Mr.
in the city. lie.
had out to Ml.- ho proceed
there. Finding Mr lie
explained the object of his
and told that such a man as he
described was at work tile
stables. then to
catch Dudley without his
suspicion and giving him u
to The two men instead of
going t. stables proceeded
to the race and manifested in
iciest in horses that were, ho
exercised went to
stable Mr. walked
into a box stall in which a handsome
mare was kept. Mr. called
Dudley told him to go bring the
animal out that the gentleman might.
examine Dudley went into the
stall and a third party who had
admitted into the secret closed the
door, shutting up officer and prisoner
together. Mr. Mayo is a powerful,
fearless man, and far than
takes to relate Hie circumstance he
had Dudley handcuffed. Dudley
seeing that he was trapped offered no
resistance to the officer. At first he
denied that he was George Dudley,
but when Mr. Mayo produced and
read the letter he bad written the
woman at Wilson he confessed that
be was right man. The officer
took Dudley back to Wilson on the
evening train and at o'clock
day morning started through the
country for Greenville,
to The weapon was
not on his person but in his room
when the arrest was made.
Blow, and two
other colored Peter Clark and
Joyner. were in a room to-
playing cards. Dudley and
Blow over ten cents, Blow
was in the side and lied
from effects of the wound. Dudley
made his . Clark and Joyner
were both swore at the
Coroner's Investigation that Dudley
did killing. Al the lime of e
all bad agreed to tell
Blow received the wound by falling
out of the door upon his knife. Gov.
offered reward for the
rest of Dudley and his delivery to
the Sheriff Pitt county at Green-
It is no uncommon sight to sic
bales of last year's cotton crop on
streets. Though we are right on
the of new crop there
is still some of the old in the
suppose there arc farmers who
will have part of two crops on hand
at the same time.
The Crops.
The crops are all about laid by,
although they arc not in u good con.
owing to the wet. we
have had. There has been no mark-
ed change in the past week. The
season from now on will determine
the cotton crop. Corn in some
Is poor. Nearly of the to-
tanners arc curing or are
paring to cure.
Stop Thorn,
Some of the adopting
ordinances against boys jumping on
and off the trains. Would it not be
wise for tho of Green-
ville to take such a step Go to the
depot here most any day and
can sec numbers of boys Jumping on
and off the moving cars. is use
loss for the trainmen to say anything,
their warnings go unheeded. The
boys should be forced to desist from
such a practice if they cannot be
to do so,
There was no services at the
Church Sunday.
The pulpit of Methodist Church
was occupied both morning and
night the pastor, Rev. John,
and be preached excellent and
instructive sermons.
Service only night at the
Church where Mr. Thomas
ham, son of Dr. J. D. gave
a very interesting and instructive
talk on a have in
Mr. George a former to-
manufacturer of Durham, N.
C. now a large planter of
county, went out with LA.
Sugg on yesterday lo sec the tobacco
farms and the curing. lie visited
farm K. M.
J. W. Allen, J. A. and sons,
on the lands of the Land
Improvement Company and others,
saw a great deal the tobacco
on the road. He says ho has Refer
seen anything lo equal the tobacco
growing in Pitt county before, and is
highly pleased with he saw.
Mr. intended leaving on the
boat yesterday but has remained
over until to-day he
is so much in the
of the OvuM New Golden
He leaves and
Be Speculated,
I almost
breathless into Ute
Thursday after dinner, eager to
to drawing a good cigar, alter
giving a puff's the
slopped long enough to
ought to have seen me
in pork just Thinking
he had made some Mg deal and
struck a Interrogated as
when he
el was coming by the pound
I saw Sergeant Smith selling a
hog and I After
-lopping to think that ho must now
sell before closing the speculation
and ascertaining how it will pan out
ho I trust my
park simulation will come out
the fellow whose mother said he
always had a scheme at breakfast, at
dinner the was prospering
and at his scheme was bust-
FOR and HEN.
if -i
No merit-
n I trillion.
Bad. In
Art. Practical In
with and
Col. A. Supt.,
ad M. O.
For Sale and Rent.
James Smith, the Barber, is always
on the alert to improve bis facilities.
He is now running three chairs
secured another man last week.
For a cool, pleasant and refreshing
shave call on him and he says he can
satisfy you.
The blooming in
full bloom in Greenville on last Fri-
day night. Mrs. Ryan had nine
blooms, Mrs. Lang had ten and Mrs.
V. II. bad two. They
perfectly beautiful and wen-
much admired by all.
A good time sow to be looking
after the condition of the county
roads. There has been much rain
to soften the roads and there Will
soon be large hauling to do over then.-.
Hence if are not looked after
in time extremity bad roads may
Later in the day the reporter was
admitted to the cell occupied by the
prisoner and found that he bad re-
covered his restlessness the morn
He talked freely but was very
guarded in bis words concerning his
movements while evading arrest.
Said he did not care to say much
until after advising with his conned,
when ho would not Blind telling all
about it. He only spoke of three
places to which he had been, Wilson
Trenton, N. J., and Richmond. Said
when he went to Trenton it was with
view of going further and getting
entirely oat of tho way. He took a
wrong train there by mistake and
when he found himself was at Rich-
Here be went to work for the
purpose of getting sufficient money
to carry him off and was employed
about three weeks. Said he had
kept right well postal as to what
was going on in Greenville, and many
things he talked about substantiated
this. He saw the Reflector at
Wilson and knew all about the re-
ward offered for him.
George Dudley stands charged
with the killing of Redmond Blow on
the of May, particulars of
were previously published in, the Ra
We have the following property for
sale and rent.
One two-third lot with two story
house, four rooms, good
house, and stables for five horses. For
sale or rent per month, with
Two building lots in
ville. Desirable locations.
One house lot, five rooms,
garden an stables, good well water.
One house and lot, five rooms be-
sides cook-room and dining room. Two
story house, good well of water.
For sale or house and lot
in single story, six rooms,
cook-room and dining room
Rent for per month.
Prices of any of the above property
made known on application.
Estate Agents
Greenville, X. C
To Patrons of While School,
We adopt this method to
that our Public School will be opened
Tuesday, August next, at a. m.,
at Institute building, under the
of Prof. Z.
The school will be conducted In rooms
separate and apart from those used for
the regular course of the. Institute.
We desire to assure the that
competent teachers have been engaged,
and their children will receive thorough
instruction under good discipline and
wholesome restraint.
J. B. YELLOW LEV, Chair.,
Greenville. W. C,
the terms of a Decree of Pitt
Superior Court in of W. II. Cox
vs J. I will sell before the
Court House door in Greenville on Mon-
day, the 7th September. 1891, the fol-
lowing personal that was not
sold at the sale on July belonging
to the firm of Chestnut A Four
Horses, one set of Harness, and a few
articles usually kept shout a livery
stables. Terms rash.
To the of Greenville an I
Von will see from
in this issue of the Kansas
that I have assumed
the Greenville Male Academy.
I taught this school for you
the Fall 1688 to the Spring
and you gave it your liberal
patronage. one will concede
that Greenville needs a large, first
class school. No town its
size, whatever else it have, is
complete without No can
do this alone. The
unaided accomplish it. But people
and teacher united for this end will
be ii re to succeed.
No one will deny that a large
of is annually spent
in sending boys to distant
might lie saved with such a
school among you. J come among
you this lime for the purpose of
giving such a school as you and I
will take a pride in. It is desire
that the school shall have a sufficient
number of pupils to justify tho cm.
of assistant teachers, so
that the work may be more,
done. Will you assist me lo
do this I shall endeavor to give
instruction equal to that given in any
similar institution. My purpose is,
with assistance and support of
parents, the discipline,
coupled proper instruction, such
as will always insure success in any
male school.
Young men and boys may here lie
prepared for success in any depart-
of business or thoroughly
pared for entrance into any of the
Colleges the State or the
If those things are facts the
only thing necessary for the
of the school is that shall have
your endorsement and support, fan
I rely on this
Patents and guardians having sons
and wards which It is necessary they
should board from home to secure
educational advantages arc hereby
assured that these soys, if sent to
this school, shall proper
both in and out school. A
limited number can obtain board
with the principal, and be
under his nil of
the lime. would like to have
liberal patronage from the Country,
and will assure patrons
their interests will not be overlooked.
To one mill all we would say send us
boys and help us make Green
ville Male Academy to no
academy in State. Will
you do this Any de-
sired may he had by seeing or
ting to me. Thanking you your
past patronage and soliciting a con-
of the same, I am
Yours Hilly,
It Is iii of people Wherever
Panacea Water or heard
of that in dyspepsia, in Chronic
BUM and Scrofula has all in nil no ii
Mow this Is not claiming the earth, bat
it is we can get some of the
and most distinguished men in North
Carolina to on
for particular.
Is hereby given that l have this
day issued letters declaring -I.
a. V. T. Tyson. John It.
Jacob Joyner, R. J. A.
K. Oscar Hooker, L.
title. C. W. W. Allen. O. I.
B. K, Patrick and their
sites and a under
the name style of The Greenville
Tobacco Warehouse company, for the
set forth in the articles of agree-
and plan of which
have been and recorded
with all the privileges and
conferred by chapter of the Code of
North Carolina and the laws
The main business proposed to lie
done by the Corporation is the general
of buying, selling, scoring,
marketing and otherwise in
The place of business of said Corpora
is Greenville. Pitt county, North
None of the stockholders f said
arc to lie responsible to any
greater or further extent than the assets
the and individually to
the extent of tho shares of stock to
which have subscribed.
authorized capital stock of said
Corporation Is fifty thousand dollars to
be divided into two thousand shares of
The length of
said is to I ten
This of July, 1891.
Clerk Superior Court.
For Young Ladies,
Fall opens September 1891.
A thorough preparatory course of
with a Full Collegiate Course
to that of any Female College in
the South. Standard of Scholarship
usually high. Facilities for study of
Music Art
Telegraphy. Type-Writing and
Beautiful and lo-
cation. Moderate Steady in-
crease of patronage. For
Wilson. X.
M Hi
-Having just purchased two big lots of-
Sample Notions.
Comprising in the notion line, we to sell
We are now making an extra effort to close out our entire
mer stock, which we propose to do, at less than their
value. Also propose to sell our entire stock of
d Shoes,
at cost to make room for fall stock. Be sure to come to see as
when in need of any-thin in the way of Dress Goods, Notions,
Shoes. Hals. it.
Nothing, Shoes, Hats,
Yours truly.
In I mm Old Brick Store.
C. T.
JOHN F. President.
S. S NASH. ,,
A. L. I LB RON ER. Sec. Treas
Soliciting Agent.
Is located at the landings of the Washington
Greenville Boats and at the depot of the
A R. Railroad.
Will be ready for business by September
faring made the largest Bras in the
States to Buyers at our we can obtain here good price
for your Tobacco a oilier market in the Slate. How convenient
this will lie fur our to ship their tobacco by boat
one day and attend in person the next day. Those of
our friends living within n miles load their teams
lo our Warehouse where will
class tor their teams.
The Hour will be in of a competent manager and
Our friends obtain any information of Mr. Alex at
. am a
The Season i waning and we will these at a rather carry
We place on the same list. Somethings in this line are a job and we a
that will please you.
We will also sell Straw Hals at reduced prices.
Don't forgot us when yon wan
something In this line.
-Ladies a perfect fitting Corset should try s-
------294 C-B a la Spirit.------
highest market prices, quick sales and prompt
Printing Press for Work. State
and price. Address,
C. W.
So. Front St.,
N. C.
nib lira in
I. C
Offer their to
work in their line. All work en-
to U Will be
Ah kinds Risks placed in strictly
At rates.

Has Moved to next Door Court House
My Factory h well with best ll up
We keep up with limes and Improved styles
. work. All styles of Spring are you can
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Raw, Horn, King
Also keep on hand a full of ready
year round, which will sell AS as tub lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favors we hope to
merit a continuance of the same
Ar. via to
If you would protect yourself
from Painful, Scanty,
Suppressed or Irregular Men-
you must
, of Hairs Patent
Pianos Organs Furniture
I Baby Carriages and
Largest House and Largest Stock in the South.
No matter what Piano or Organ you want write to us for
and prices and we will save yon money.
Opposite Main t., Norfolk. Va.
Offers to the havers of and surrounding counties, a line of the following goo
to be excelled in this market. And all an
hi tin-, T
pure straight rood. GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS GEN.
kinds, Gin and Mill Belting, Hay, Rock Lime. Paris, and
TEHran Bridles addles. . . .
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which oiler to the trade at Wholesale
you have articles too
y to be washed in the ordinary
finest laces or embroideries
wash them with PYLE'S PEARLINE,
in the manner directed en each package.
There is no rubbing, hence no wear and
tear of the fabrics.
When you have something exceedingly
. coarse and that you
dread the washing PYLE'S PEARLINE on it
There is no rubbing, hence no wear and tear on yourself.
We guarantee PEARLINE to be harmless, but beware
of the imitations.
PEARLINE is the modern means for easy and good
crashing and cleaning.
Manufactured only by JAMES PYLE. New
I Private School In N. C. during tho
year Just closed. Lo-
for health-
Prepares for
College, Teaching,
Business. Full
Including Shorthand,
and Tel-
Write for
. HOLT, Proprietors, OAK K, C.
Holt Halt. New
I removed to the new stables on
street In rear White's
Men, where will constantly
keep on hand a Hue of
Horses and Mules.
e fancy turnouts for
very and can suit the most
I will run in connection a DRAY-
and solicit a of
Call and be convinced.
Greenville. S. C.
Now Ready
To show the finest of lot of
Kim a mm
am and
Fan. to
It t
An It pet;
Hand nail red
ever brought to Greenville.
II you a good Drive Horse
Draft Horse or a good Work
Mole don't fail to see me.
I can furnish yon at
reasonable prices.
Feed Stables
recently been enlarged and
low l have ample room to
all horses left in my charge
Host attention given.
Greenville. N. C.
I have again opened
A. H- an SHOP
Greenville invite my
and former patrons to give me a call.
can supply all your wants In the way of
a clean shave, a stylish hair cut, a de-
shampoo, or anything else in the
line. Patronage solicited.
N. C.
This th it two of my
Immediate tor
from R
Of to
So much been said use of
at the gin house that we cull par-
attention to a new book entitled,
About published by
Y. H contains Information re-
yarding patents, Ac., and should
lie read by every Intelligent A
postal will get it.
A Broad Assertion.
We have invented a Hanger
for curing tobacco In the leaf and take
the privilege of that we be-
it to be the best and cheapest
for hanging tobacco leaves
in and that as much tobacco can
be put in tho barn by using our hangers
as by any other plan now before the pub-
By using our hangers you can use
kind of stick from a round pole to a
common split huh with perfect
We will furnish a hanger free to any
person who will apply. cents
per hundred.
Any person wishing con-
or tobacco Sticks will do
well us or Mr. A.
of Greenville N. C
Greenville, n. U.
The best salve In the world for cuts,
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, chapped hands,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and
cures piles, or no pay required. It
i s guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price J cents per
box. For sale by Jno. L.
Extract of
For Delicious For improved am.
Beef Tea. Economic Cookery
One pound of Extract of equal to
forty pounds of lean beef. Genuine
only signature of J. In
and Schedule
No No No
April 0th, dally Fast Mall, dally
dally ex Sun.
Weldon 12,80 pm pm
Ar am
Ar Wilson p m pm am
Ar Fayetteville
Goldsboro am
Av Magnolia
Ar Wilmington
No No No
dally daily dally
ex Sun.
Ar Goldsboro
v Fayetteville
Ar Wilson
Wilson am pm
At Mount
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pm pm
Dally except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Roar
leaves Halifax 8.82 P. M., arrives Scot
land Neck at 4.15 P. M. Greenville 6.02
P, M., Kinston p. m. Returning,
leaves Kinston 7.00 a. in. Greenville
8.10 a. m. Halifax a. in.
Weldon 11.25 a. m. daily Sun-
Local freight train leaves Weldon
Mondays, Wednesdays and at
7.00 a. in., arriving Scotland Neck 10.03
a. m. Greenville 2.10 a. in., Kinston
4.25 p. m. Hemming leaves Kinston
Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at
10.00 a. m., arriving Greenville 12.00
noon, Neck p. in., Weldon
p. m.
Train leaves Tarboro, N C, via
A Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day, P M, Sunday P M, arrive
N C, P M, P M.
Plymouth 7.50 p. m., 5.20 p. m-
urning leaves Plymouth daily exec p.
6.20 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a. mt
N C, 7.40 a m, 0.58 am.
arrive Tarboro, N C, A M
Train Midland N C Branch
Goldsboro Sunday. A M,
S C, AM. Re-
turning leaves a A M,
arrive Goldsboro, N 0.10 A
at P M, arrive Nashville
P Hope P M. Returning
leaves Spring Hope A M. Nashville
M, arrives Rocky Mount A
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at
and AM Returning leave
ton at A M, and P. M. connect
at Warsaw with Nos. and
Southbound train on Wilson A Fayette
ville Branch is No. Northbound is
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only a
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection a
Weldon for all points North dally. Al
rail via Richmond, and dally except Sun
via Bay Line.
J. R. KENLY, Transportation
T. M. Passenger .
Town Tax Sale.
I have this day levied on the following
lots or parcels of land in Bethel,
county and will sell the same on
day, the 8th day of August. 1891, at Car-
son's Brick Store in the Town of Bethel.
N. C, to satisfy the taxes and cost due
on them for the year
Name. Sec. Tax Cost Total
w 11.01
And OM It.
And often
To ll their projects chow II;
Bat spoken from tho
and cares
nil appears. I ho
That God bins
Life often Is a mail,
Where thorns and brier
And you your land
Small troubles Inn and fret you.
It lights the eye and dries tho tear.
When all these Ills distress you.
If from a friendly you hear
Tho common phrase, God bless real
And when heart would speak
Its Impulse sweet and tender,
And oilier word are all too weak
Its to render,
Or gratitude- ii medium seeks
which It yon.
Thee, In the I speaks
Baboon mid
A curiosity In the way of baboons Is
offered out at tho zoological garden,
the name of the animal being
Rooks Until lately Rocks had the
reputation of being a quite well behaved
inhabitant of tho but recently
he developed an astonishing love for
rats, and In consequence It Is almost
Impossible to keep the place tree from
the infesting rodents The baboon la
fed on sweet potato.-w, and It is
when mealtime- conies for him
to break a piece off of a potato and
throw it a corner which he knows is
a den of rats, thus endeavoring to en-
them from their lair to become his
When within his reach he fondles
them In bis own burly manner, which
is none too and not knowing
the frailty of the little beast he actually
kills them with kindness. Finding the
diminutive rodent lifeless It is
torn to mourn and he immediately
seeks a biding place for the body in the
straw which litters his cage. When the
keeper cornea to remove tho the
baboon line the rat well concealed, and
is loath to part with It. He barks and
sets a howling, and it re-
quires tho combined strength of three
keepers to deprive Rocks of his treas-
North American.
Men and Their
Men are often more fussy and par-
about insignificant tilings than
women. There are thousands of men
in New York who go miles out of their
way to get shaved. I know men who
come down on the elevated, and who
get off at some intermediate point to
patronize a favorite barber. They have
done so for years. The array of
cups in any shop illustrates the
strength of tills shaving habit When
a busy business man will sit half an
hour In one of these shops and fumble
the flash papers while he waits for his
particular tonsorial artist to be at lib-
it strengthens tho conviction that
he la weaker than a woman. The man
who doesn't learn to shave himself while
his beard Is young is laying up a life of
slavery to public barbers. In the
course of an ordinarily long lifetime he
will spend about three years sitting
around a barber shop and a year or two
more going and York
The In Operations.
A late Invention In dental practice Is
the device for protecting the lower lip
of the patient while operating. It con-
of a suitably shaped strip of Ger-
man silver pinto, bent to form when
placed in position an inverted letter L.
A soft rubber pad is held within the
bent portion, which Is detachable, and
Is hi tended to rest upon the teeth to
render tho device more comfortable and
A loop of Is attached to
bra tower ma, which the
lip. this also protects
the fingers of the dentist from the cut-
ting edges of the lower teeth, assists
keeping the mouth open, and possibly
partially distracts the mind of the pa-
from the York
Negroes In Heaven.
knew an Irishman in
Mr. Whit tier said, bis eyes twinkling at
tho remembrance, was very much
opposed to social equality for the
I said to lint there are many
Catholic In Brazil, tho West
Indies and other places. Thy church
accounts of them as it docs of thee.
And have to come to It In
heaven. have to meet the
there on I thought
that had silenced him with an
answerable argument. He sat musing
for a moment, then looking up at me,
can't the Lord make them white
In heaven. Mr. Boston
new watch needs careful
when it comes in contact with
the bodily magnetism of tho wearer.
Even a change from one man to an-
will throw out the regulation of a
fine some common
by a the
Man Makes a Desperate
In one the wildest portions of
Wisconsin when It was a wild frontier
state bad settled the noted pioneer
Bank a man whose wonderful
endurance of limb la In a measure
by this sketch.
One dark and rainy night of the year
the brave pioneer, whose reckless
nature had won for him the title of
and by which he was
known far and wide, found himself
some fifteen miles from home and with
the river, swollen and
lent from the recent rain, between him-
self and his destination.
Wolves howled upon every hand, but
he paid no particular attention to
them, pressing steadily on In the
At length, however, ho noticed that
tho grim scavengers of the forest were
beginning to congregate In large
into the trail behind
drawing uncomfortably howling
and snarling at one another as they
This served to give him a slight
easiness of mind as he urged his horse
Steadily the horde of wet, shaggy
forms increased in number until it
seemed a thousand of them were
crowding along upon the pioneer's
track, making night hideous with
their babel of snarling voices.
How swiftly in pursuit came that
writhing mass of now thoroughly en-
raged brutes, and though tho pioneer
was swift of foot ho had to
put forth every effort to keep of
their way, n ml there in the darkness of
the Wisconsin wilderness ensued a
race for and death.
The ground was fairly smooth, and
this aided man some-
ho was compelled to use
spurs mercilessly to escape those clash-
Like the very wind ho sped along,
his only hope lying in reaching the river
in advance of his fierce pursuers, for
once across the turbulent current he
would be safe
But fully five miles lay between him
and the river, and it indeed be
a miracle to reach It; but wholly
daunted the reckless fellow sped on,
his teeth closed firmly and his eyes
gleaming with all the Are of Ids wild,
excitable nature.
Mile after mile was cast behind, and
daylight was beginning to steal over
the land the swift and swollen
hove in sight.
T o ground sloped toward It, and
down this descent flew pursued and
pursuers, with scarce feet separating
For over five miles had that desperate
continued, and now, exhausted as
he was by his superhuman speed,
performed a feat that was simply
marvelous and almost unparalleled.
Tho banks of the stream were high
and projecting, and scarcely eighty rods
below tho river fell over a mass of jag
rocks that no one could hope to
pass over olive, while it would be
possible to effect a when once
in the turbulent current.
With that horde of raging beasts
close behind him, and the dangerous
river below, and fully twenty-five feet
between Its banks, the brave pioneer
was truly In a most
But, scarcely realizing bis
In his and frenzy, he
galloped down slope, and, putting
every effort of his homo's fast failing
strength In one mighty leap, landed
squarely upon the other bank of the
The wolves were unable to check
their headlong and many of
their number went over the bank and
swept away, the exhausted
steed sank trembling upon tho ground.
Three hours later, however, he
reached his cabin in safety, and In a
few day bad fully from tho
effects of that terrible ride for life
about tho most extraordinary one In
the entire record of the west.
life was one of remarkable
adventures, and now. n man of superior
endurance, although nearly sixty years
of age, be resides at lake, Minn.,
where his life is still a stirring and
eventful one. Yankee Blade.
sense are
Among the curiosities on
in the British museum is a Chinese
bank note during the reign of
the Emperor A. D., 1868-98.
This is supposed to the earliest spec-
of a bank note in existence.
the violinist, is a small
of swarthy complexion and black hair.
He is a Spaniard by birth, and is forty-
seven years old. He Is extravagantly
popular In his native town, to which he
pays an annual visit.
On the destruction of the hair
through a bruise or abrasion of the
scalp a free application of oil to the part
may result in producing hair of the
normal color.
James, W J, e Main,
Moore, John, e Main,
Staton, J. S., e Main,
Teel, T P. e
Andrews, P W,
Shaw. L.
C J.
Hunter, W W,
Jenkins. M G,
Ward, Robert,
J J.
Gainer. G W
1.60 1.70
1.60 2.60
1.00 2.60
1.00 1.90
w James, 1.30
e Main,
w Main,
w James,
.-. ,.,, . 1.60 2.40
B. n Tarboro, 1.60 2.40
Manning, s Tarboro, 1.60 is
Town Tax Collector.
A Customers.
Retail druggists have two classes of
patrons whose patronage does not help
swell the profits of the business, and
yet these patrons are very numerous.
They are tho people who ask, I
look at your city and
you please sell me a postage
All drug store proprietors are slaves to
the custom of keeping a city directory
for public use, and but few of them
can give any good reason why they
should do so any more than retail
grocers or the keepers of cigar shops.
But the relentless slot machine has in-
between the apothecary's
profitless good nature and the postage
stamp and city directory patrons. An
automatic clasp is now attached to the
city directory, with this in-
across its face, one,
cent in the slot and it will
In many drug stores will be found a
little ease d, in a
One of Chicago's young men had
been calling on one of Chicago's young
ladies for a time. Tho young lady has
brother, and a few Sundays ago
the little brother mid the admirer of
the sister were loft in each other's so-
don't yon bring your
with you some asked the
brother. have no violin, my little
said the admirer of the sister.
thinks you added boy.
did he asked the lover,
shows he thinks I have a violin
said the ever Innocent youth.
heard him tell ma that he guessed
you were Addling around after some
The foregoing is a true story,
the sequel to which is tho lover has
ceased to fiddle. Herald.
Cape Cod Is Disappearing.
There isn't tho least doubt but that
Cape Cod Is gradually being eaten up
by the greedy ocean. Less than
years ago a lighthouse was placed on
the headland by the government. The
-l deed calls for ft plat of ten
the embraces
On a point just north of tho
stations at Highland light tho face of
the bluff has moved In nearly feet
In the last seven years At this rate It
is only a question of time when Cape
Cod will be a thing of the past-St
Louis Republic.
Horses Instead of
That Paris accepts tho horse as a
partial substitute for every
one ought to know by this time. Per-
haps a page from my own experience
may assist In justifying Prance In what
is but one of tho gastronomic
by which she has mm inter-
national renown.
I speak of France because I
that It was In Paris, which have he-
own authority for regarding as Prance,
that found Its first
Introduction Into modem civilization.
That horses been eaten ever since
there were human beings to eat them
is as certain M that there are human
and horses.
Tho Frenchman, no matter what his
other weaknesses be, Is a true
philosopher when It conies to his own
nourishment. No weed is too humble
for a salad. If it be but savory. No
experiment Is too daring which holds
tho possibility of a now sensation to
palate. I have always
tho man who ate the first oyster MM at
least a Frenchman.
Tho Roman chronicler tolls us, with
u shudder of his stylus, bow ho
natives of Gaul eating snails
Who that has tasted of the snail soup
of Provence, or picked tho
shell a la will not these
rude barbarians above the poor
in Now York Epoch.
a ii l n
I P. P. R
Prisoner Away.
There is a good story of
from prison that was effected by two
prisoners of war. Getting control of n
pair of they beguiled n sen-
guard relieving and presently
jumped from tho wall. dislocated
his ankle, and his companion to
dispatch him and his own escape.
Tho companion, however, hoisted him
on Ids back, and before the alarm was
sounded reached a neighboring river
running full This had to
swim with his disabled friend. Reach-
tho side, they fashioned n
now heard tho alarm sounding,
on which tho well escape cuts his linger,
smears Ids with blood, binds up
his has his hands tied by
lame and in this plight they
a farmhouse. Hero
explains that ho has taken tho es-
cape, but is in requires
horses. These cheerfully furnished
by the loyal husbandman, and the pair
beyond tho enemy's lines.
York Hun.
Colleges and Degrees.
Nothing cheapens tho
than tho careless conferring of degrees.
To degrade a degree into a mere per-
compliment, without duo regard
to its essential propriety, is to wound
education In tho of its friends.
This sensitiveness of the leaders of
cation to tho of degrees is a
of the deeper interest in tho higher
But It must not forgotten
that the is not exact. There is
no point which primary education
ends and begins. Sec-
education Is only more
ranking for New
The day a visitor entered the
public library and passed some time In
looking at the list of new books. Then
he went to tho counter and In a few
moments Librarian stepped along
to attend to his wants. Some time was
passed in inquiring tho latest
publications, when he suddenly
you any late books by Charles
, i
R P.
P. P. W t-W.
I r I -t r
new discovery Alfred
In way of helping
hi hug on or addressing I
name can
nil causing the
huh i lie and
glossy, only t r ft
week is and n common
brush is all to lie used alter the
scalp vigorously fur a few minutes with
the Preparation. Ti a hot tin mid be
convinced, only cunts.
Ask, r
P. P. P.
For sale J, L. Drug Store
n. s.
me in lilting W.
are ready to serve the people in that
a All note-
me for
hand- of Mr. fin i
We Keep on hand all times a
stock of Ilia ml i i I of aH
kind- can furnish
from the down
We are
with all conveniences and can
Satisfactory ill who
Ill CA
V Way to Mean Rings.
remove quicksilver from
To remove quicksilver from gold
rings, hold tho rings over of a
candle until they covered with
smoke, then take half a of
boiling water, In two
Of vinegar, half a teaspoonful of salt,
find three grains of Stir to-
and put in the lot them
stay in tho liquid for three Then
take out and rub off with a piece of
I skin. Detroit Free
At eating, tho African having
always first washed his hands and
rinsed his mouth, sits upon tho ground,
holds the larger pieces between his
teeth while ho cuts off n bite with his
knife, but not use both hands to
hold food, In gnawing bones;
with tho usual dishes he lays his right
arm over his knees, and reaching Into
tho pot molds the thick mess into lumps
about the of u walnut, which ho
throws Into his mouth with a Jerk,
without scattering any of the food. To
take out vegetables or soup ho presses
a hollow into lump and dips with
It. Politeness is shown to tho host or
housewife eating by smocking
loudly enough to Paul
in Popular Science Monthly.
Printers and Binders,
1ST. a
We have largest and most complete
establishment of the kind lo he found In
the Slate, and solicit orders for
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
us your orders.
all dullness In the II. Si
Patent office or In the Is attended M
for Moderate Fees,
me opposite the U. S. Patent
lieu engaged In Talents
can obtain pat in less time I ha n that
more remote from Washington.
model or drawing is
advise us to flee of chef
we make no unless we
We refer, line, to the Post
of the Money Order Did., and M
of tin Patent oilier. M
advise terms and reference M
actual clients In your own State,
address. c. A. Snow A Co.
i. D. C.
K. K. Mill
A. L. Mil
Wholesale and
Dealers In
Mill Of,
a Sandy
Fine Horses a
Satisfaction guaranteed
and i Union St. Norfolk Va
Smith's Shaving Parlor.
A. SMITH, Prop.
Greenville, N. C.
We have the the easiest
Chair ever used the nit. Jean towels,
sharp Ion guarantees
In every Instance. Call and lie con-
Ladles waited on at their
Culling mid I Ires-lug Hall
r tile Opera at which
I have located, and where
everything In my Hue
with nil the Improved appliances j
Sharpened at reasonable
i for work outside of
Tar Transportation
J. S.
N. M. MM
Capt. R. F. Jon I'M, Washington, l
The People's Line for travel on la
The Steamer is the
and quickest bout mi the river. Slick,
been thoroughly repaired, refurnish,
Fitted UP specially for comfort,,
best market affords,
A trip on the Steamer n
not only comfortable bill alt
Leaves Washington Monday,
Friday at o'clock, A. H.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday
Saturday at o'clock, a. M.
received daily and
Lading given lo all points,
r. I. J.
ran all
Botanic Blood Balm
form f H-
In up
-a n in
Stolen Dos In
Stolen dogs that are to be sold to
dealers are first rendered
able. It the animal has long hair, he
is clipped; h he b and white, the
stealer blackens him all over with a dye
that holds its color for several
weeks. Short haired dogs have their
ears and tails cut. The dealers who
sell these dogs may be frequently seen
In the Champs Elysees, Bois de
or in the public gardens, lead-
five or sis animate at a time. Other
dealers make their trades at tho dog
markets, of which there are
Sunday afternoons at the horse market
on the Boulevard Port Royal, and on
Tuesdays at the bird market on the
aux The dealers pay a
tax of three cents for each place
pied by a New York
If yon are sick with any of tho worst
forms of Dyspepsia- It yon are a
ting Thomas as to the efficacy of mineral
waters write and let us send you
from some of the most eminent
physicians In Worth Carolina. They en-
Panacea Water as but few mineral
waters in the world are endorsed It Is
sold at
Spring Hotel Co.
Oxford, K. C.
their year's supplies will find
their Interest to get our prices before
In all Its branches.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A coal
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to sulk
the times. Our goods arc all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, haying no risk
to sell a close margin.
N. C.
Preparation the most
tent remedies known to science for the
of disease. Tills Preparation has
been in use over fifty years, and where,
over known been steady demand.
used In a family It becomes the
household has been endorsed
by the leading physicians nil the
country, and has effected cures where all
remedies, will, the attention of
Pill Co N
C. Co
r. m.
Cotton Factors,
Al I ASTERS the most physicians, have
for failed. This Is not
used and . ,, for the purpose of making
by but Is of long standing slid the
Introduced generally.
The best Porous Plaster B.
all and weak
dike other plasters, so be u
get the rename with the pie
i of a bell on the back-cloth
lust gotten pm w
money, bulls of long standing and the
high reputation it has obtained Is
owing entirely i. efficacy, as but
little effort has ever been to bring
It before tho public. One of this
Ointment will sent to address on
receipt of One Dollar. usual
count to Druggists. All Cash
promptly attended to. nil or-
tiers communications to
T. P.
For Bale.
One hall of a town lot In
which is situated a dwell-
with outhouses and well.
Apply o
J. B,
Attention, Log Men
. One New L. P. vertical Boiler and
ill led up f r
Terms easy.
I Apply to
Commission Merchants
of conn h
We have Lad many
at the and M
prepared to handle I
advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted I
will receive prompt Ml
careful attention
ft to
Portraits, cuts of colleges, hotels,
In, nude
New York
Blood C
A household
In more than
A tip m
for y
lb Bra
Brushes. Curlers. A; Medicine,
Tree. Write now. Dr.
Broadway, N. Y.
to size, Inks, C
Head quarters for fine
Call us.
N. L

Eastern reflector, 12 August 1891
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 12, 1891
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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