Eastern reflector, 29 July 1891

r-CS C U
A whole, year only
in order to gel it you must
-----PAY I IN I ADVANCE.-----
that M be surpassed
where in this section. Our work always
gives satisfaction.
damaged crops in
Kev. Dr.
crop yield.
a bin
It is said bears are killed
storms caused
damage in Missouri.
The flow of water into Colo-
desert increases.
Jay Gould is suffering from
attacks of
Canadians will erect a
to Sir John
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Berlin women have formed a
league to wage war on the corset.
Destitution among the lower
classes in Germany is becoming in-
The watermelon crop in Georgia
is pronounced largest over
ed there.
A lunatic attempted to
President of the French
dealers have been
shipping direct to
Last week the east ship-
of freight Chicago
The of Spain borrowed
the of Paris
Troops placed on tin;
frontier lo heap out
refugees from
The London Times urges
to exhibit fully at
Chicago World's Mr.
The birth of a boy baby with a
full set teeth puzzled the medical
men of Houston; Texas.
It was reported that the French
govern bad decided to remove
the embargo on American pork
Sam Small, the evangelist,
is about to establish in Atlanta, Ga.
a paper to be known as the
Two storms met over Newport, N.
II. and caused a terrific electric dis-
Many houses were burn-
Mass., is very much
excited over tho escape of a
snake from a museum in that
The How lava from Vesuvius
has greatly increased and has reach-
ed the rear of observatory at Na-
The proclamation closing the lob
factories on the coast of New
has reduced hundreds of
parsons to a condition of starvation.
Yellow fever prevails in
and Rio, Brazil, and numerous bod-
of pauper immigrants are pa-
the streets begging for
Mabel Mason, daughter of the
keeper of the lighthouse at Mama-
Lake Erie, has been awarded
a silver medal for saving a man
from drowning.
ft is proposed to Chi-
building that was erected
by Ecuador at which is a re-
production of the
occupied by Incas of
Postmaster General
business with wrecked keystone
batik of Philadelphia may have been
perfectly honest and. legitimate,
bat It is very unfortunate for him
and for administration that it
should require so many
republicans appear to be
placing more dependence upon
big than upon t heir record or
to them of
bole in Ohio and low this year.
This isn't the first time re-
publican party has had
to claim credit for good
childhoods hour with careless joy.
Upon the stream we glide,
With youths bright hopes we gaily peat
To reach the other
Oh bright joyous youth, look
well to your footsteps for
beset you every side- How
many a youth has gone out to bat-
with temptation and stem real-
of life with buoyant hopes
whose prospects for the future were
as golden as the leaves of autumn.
What a battle has to
do right, when there are so many
influences combined to make them
do wrong. It may be almost
to take a castle by straight for-
ward but suppose at night
is a traitor within, and he
goes down and draws the bolt and
swings open great door, and
then the castle falls immediately.
This is tho trouble with all
they have foes within and foes
without. There are a great many
who try to make young people at a
sign of weakness to pure. The
man will toss bis head and take on
dramatic attitudes, tell of his own
and ask the youth if
he not like to do the same,
and they call him verdant, and say
he is green and unsophisticated,
and wonders why he does not break
from his mother's apron strings,
and they say will show you
around town. Come with us, you
ought to see the world, it will not
hurt you. Do as you please, but it
will I he making The
tempter has come, the whisper is
don't want to be odd, nor
can I afford to sacrifice there friends
and I'll go and see for
From the gales of hell there goes a
shout of victory. Farewell, fare-
well to all earthly restraint
to that innocence which, once
gone, never comes back. There are
temptations of every form of
every stage of The
youth when he first goes into dis-
is very particular where he
goes. It is in a hotel
perhaps; he could not be tempted
one those corner
with stained glasses and a mug of
beer painted on a signboard. Ob,
no, there must be no
while he takes his glass.
It must be a place where elegant
gentlemen come in and click their
cut glasses drink to the an-
of flatten sentiment.
Tho inebriate does not remain like
this, there is another stage. The
habit is imbibed, a thirst is formed
and must be gratified. The down
grade is steep now, the bottom is
reached, he is only playing
or bogging a drink now, play
away ye victim of king
The clock strikes twelve; it is a toll-
of the bell of at the
burial of a soul. He is going home
with hot breath, of eternal
woe flushing his cheeks. Going
home, yes home to the
broken-hearted wife horror
stricken What a home.
coming. Brothers, lathers,
bands, is case J
Have you, taken up that sort of do-
bliss, elevated it high in the
air until the sunlight it and
all the danced about I he
brim, and then dashed it down in
desolation and woe until all the
harpies of darkness clapped their
hands and the voice of
uttered a loud Ha, Hal If so,
bright as your morning dawned
high as those golden hopes of tho
future appeared, this is your noon,
may God in his infinite mercy
pity you.
Water is the liquid which God
the Eternal brews tor all bis
Not the simmering still,
over choked with poisonous
and surrounded with sickening
odors corruption doth your fa-
in Heaven prepare the precious
essence of hie. tee pure,
water. But in the green glade and
mossy dell, where the wild.
the child loves to play,
there God brews it. And down,
low down the deepest valleys,
the ion mains and
the rills sing, and high on
mountain tops, where the naked
granite glitters gold lo the sun,
where storm cloud brews, and the
sporting in the cataract, sleeping in
glazier, dancing in the bright
hail shower, folding its bright snow
curtains softly around the wintry
world and wearing many colored
iris, that seraphic zone of the sky,
whose warp is the raindrops
earth, whoso roof is the sunbeam or
heaven, all checked over with
flowers, by mystic hand
of refraction. No poison
on its brink, its foam brings not
madness and blood stains
its glass, pale widows and
starving orphans weep no burning
tears in its depth, no drunken,
shrinking ghost from tho grave
curses it in words eternal
pair. Speak on, would you ex-
change it for demon's drink,
Nellie Wilson,
Pitt Co., N. C.
Men Who Hurt a Town.
An unknown exchange tells in a
few clear-cut, laconic paragraphs of
who hurt a
They are those-
never push their business.
Who distrust public spirited men.
Who down their town to
Who oppose everything does
not originate with them.
Who wear faces when
talk of locating in a
Who refuse to subscribe
the building of churches and schools
Who fault with all
with which they are not
Who oppose every public enter-
prise that is not likely to be of
benefit to themselves.
Who never subscribe, advertise
in or tn way patronize their
home paper, and are always ready
to fault with everything it con-
The fact that Senator Gorman
whose superb management won
only national democratic victory
during the past thirty years
ring the election of in
has taken advisory charge of the
various state campaigns, in his ca-
of acting chairman of
National Committee daring the ab-
Europe of Senator Brice,
chairman of that Committee, is of
j itself enough to cause every demo-
to led encouraged as to
this year. Senator Gorman has no
superior as a political and
he has expressed himself as being
determined to do his level best to
win everywhere the
have a lighting chance.
are unwilling to believe the
charges which are so freely made in
the newspapers to the
that the method of the modern
evangelists are saturated with the
commercial spirit. But we warn
the brethren who are engaged
revival work that
ill afford to do anything that
will give the least support these
allegations without. No preach-
is entitled to get a year
for his and no preacher
can get it fur any great length
time without ruining his reputation
ville Advocate.
There are a great many
reasons for republican
party for misery of the
of the country for several years
past than there are thanking it
for the exceptionally good crops
the year, tariff
of the republican party was
directly responsible for the bad con
of the farmers, -which the by if are to be tramps
Naturally in depicting far-
past and present en
bis precarious existence, drawn
from a heavily mortgaged farm, and
the legislation, always unfavorable
for him, a certain license should be
allowed speaker or writer, thus
farmer. But is there
not danger in exaggeration of
the farmer's condition, in gross mis-
statements of the heavily
farms, which are likely to do
mischief, rather than good Will
not misrepresentations of existing
conditions, in the end result
both to the individual far-
mer and his cause The farmers
have many grievances,
red many wrongs, and their de-
recognition, legislation
for their interests, as well as for
other are perfectly
In the campaign to fought
these rights, the farmer's advocate
cannot hope to gain access bis
party by making state-
concerning the poverty of
the farmer, and impossibility of
bis ever being able to pay his debts
Speaking of any section
does not tend to aid it. If tho lands
of Kansas are mortgaged for
value, it would indicate dis
honesty somewhere or a
of all reason. Any
i e must also alarm cap-
ital, and make it the harder for the
needy farmer to secure loans, If his
section is to be so
mortgaged already. It must also
tend to increase the interest rate,
for the conditions represented being
so bad, capital risked sec-
demands greater pay for its
Nor is it wise to
sent tho farmer as bordering upon
a condition of pauperism. There is
nothing inspiring in regarding the
farmer in the light of a mendicant,
it is debasing does groat
to the who does not de-
alms, tho equal just
legislation and representation which
have been denied him
The safety for the farmer's cause
lies in a simple, honest statement
of the abuses under which ho has
struggled, and a corruption of them
as fast as possible. Abuses of years
cannot be righted in a day, but their
infliction can cease, with the
cessation of injurious legislation,
and legislation recognizing tho far-
mer, lite position will be one of
prosperity and independence
Facts and arguments honestly
presented will claim the attention
of all voters, misrepresented
or grossly exaggerated figures
of mortgaged lauds, lose their
and once proven
but tho farmer's
and delay the ins now so great-
needed, in legislation for the far-
is coming from
Europe right in the midst the
hot weather to push tho or
of republican clubs.
There is a lesson in this for some
the slow-moving democrats, who
have not yet perceived tho
of this club movement its
bearings great fight
nest year. Senator Brice, in his
recent circular letter commending
the National Association of Demo-
Clubs, stated a self evident
truth when lip that cam-
which has already begun
though there arc people so blind
and deaf as not to have discovered
that fact, would be largely fought
good crops t ,
mating Providence has now given
them will only partially alleviate.
Of course every intelligent farmer
knows things as we
do the republicans claim of
it for the good crops causes us to.
print it.
Secretary Bask is trying to con
it behooves every democrat to see
that his party has strongest
hand. Howl Why, by a
by inducing las neighbors
to do
thunder storms crash, and away
far out on the wide, wide sea, where
the hurricane makes music, and the
big raves roar, chorus sweeps
the march of There he
brews it, that beverage of life
and health water. Everywhere
it is a thing of beauty, gleam-
dew-drop, shining in the
summer rain, in
till tho leaves all seem to tarn to
living jewels, spreading a golden
veil over setting sun, or a white
gauze around midnight moon,
James H. Cordon pastor M,
E. Wilson N. C, I
have used and never
in a instance, failed to obtain
unsophisticated people of immediate, relief from headache
Germany and of the j when, directions were
of the American hog. He is
sounding the praises of the four
footed not of the other kind
which makes itself conspicuous in
the railroad car by taking op about
lour times as much as it is entitled
men who so easily discovered
first landing place for a
Chicago newspaper should at once
be put on the track of Marsh,
W hat the wild waves of the At-
are saying these days to Mr.
Harrison isn't probably half as in-
as what Mr. Harrison said
to Mr. about his con-.
with wrecked Keystone
Thousands have been cured of
dyspepsia by
Care. Ask your druggist for it.
A Bask Hunker.
This is the slighting remark is
often applied to women who try to seem
young, though they no longer look so.
Sometimes appearances arc deceitful.
Female weakness, functional trouble,
displacements and will
add fifteen years to a woman's look.
These troubles arc by the use
Dr. Favorite Prescription.
this remedy, all you whose beauty
and freshness I- tiding from such causes
no society
It's guaranteed to give
every case, or money paid
for it returned. guarantee on bolt I e-
Scotland Democrat,
A very intelligent
waiting to the and
gives utterance to a very significant
fact concerning the unity of the Al-
and the Democratic party.
In speaking of the Democratic plat-
form adopted at the last State con-
and the Alliance, he
was no difference then,
and there is no difference now, in
North Carolina, between the Alli-
and the Democratic party.
United then for war, offensive and
defensive, they onward,
shoulder lo shoulder, to battle
to victory, at the November
The Democrat believes that the
foregoing quotation from the
respondent to the News and
is the basis for operations in the
next campaign. There is really no
difference the objects and aims of
the Alliance and other Democrats.
They do not all sec the way out of
present difficulties alike, but this is
no good reason for any split in the
party. The demands of the AIM
are the demands of the Demo-
party in a general way. The
plan, or bill, is the
cause of some difference of opinion,
but it should not be the cause of any
serious breach. And we give it as
our opinion now, as we have done
before, that if the split comes be-
tween the Alliance and others of the
Democratic party, it will be the
of extremists on either
Harmony Democrats in-
side and outside the Alliance is the
only thing that can save the country
from the clutches of the Republican
party in the next contest We think
any one will sec this upon cool and
sober reflection.
In the North the old Republican
will whip into line almost
every single man that has ever borne
allegiance to that party. In tho
Wet perhaps a split may have some
advocates from both the. Democrat
and Republican parties. In the
South the will be solidly
Republican, as it has been for twenty
years. This will be the case with
tho vote, now party or no new
party. So then, according to our
opinion, the matter will stand thus
in the event of a new party A dead
sine thing for the Republicans North,
a very strong chance for them with
the solid vote in the South.
Now, to us in the South there is
more concern for our own section
than for any other. want to
maintain while man supremacy here ;
and there is only one way to do it
and that is for the Democratic- party
to shoulder to shoulder in the
fight as they did in the last
in North Carolina. If we do this,
we can and will come out
the Alliance hour Its share
of tR spoils and glory according lo
its numbers in the tight; if do
not, then we believe that the govern-
good old North Carolina will
toned over into the hands of
party that has never yet proved
self a friend to the people.
Try pop-corn for nausea.
Try cranberries for malaria.
Try a bath for rheumatism.
Try ale for stomach cramps.
Try clam broth for a
Try cranberry poultice for
saliva when
led with sou- stomach.
Try a wet towel to the back of
neck when sleepless.
Try tot removal of
freckles, tan and butternut stains.
Try to cultivate an equable temper
and don't borrow trouble ahead.
Try hard wine full
three times a ague and
Try a hot, dry flannel over the seat
of neuralgic pain, and renew it
Try snuffing powdered borax up
the nostrils for cold in the
Try taking your cot liver oil in
tomato if you to make
it palatable,
breathing the of
tine or carbolic acid to relieve the
whooping cough-
Try a cloth wrung out cold
water pat about the at night
for tho core throat.
Try an extra pair of stockings out-
side of your shoes when in
cold weather.
Try walking with your hards be-
hind yon if you yourself
Try a silk handkerchief over your
face when obliged lo go against a
cold piercing wind.
News and Observer.
The Republicans hope to succeed
in electing their candidate for Pres-
next year through tho aid of a
third party in the South. They
know that if such a party de-
strength in North
Carolina, Virginia, Missouri and
Tennessee, to render those Slates
doubtful, it would offset the losses
they anticipate defections in
tho North and West. if the
South should remain solid, as here-
in casting her vote,
every reasonable calculation will
then point to the election of a Demo-
President. The New York
Times has the following to say on the
For is plain that if the Demo-
can count on the electoral
voles of the South, which they ob-
1888, any division brought
about by a third party in the North
would be more in their favor than
than that of the Republicans. In
the there will be Electors
chosen. Of those the south with
furnish. A will be
and with the South will be
but votes to be obtained. Now,
putting aside the older Stales, such
as New York, New Jersey.
and Indiana, which were
Democratic last ear, and which
would furnish votes, there arc
States in the West where the Alli-
is known to be strong and
where the Democrats would sure
to gel most aid from a
party, that would make up the
majority needed.
Take, for instance, the electoral
votes of Kan
Michigan. Minnesota,
Wisconsin. Here arc votes in
a half dozen Western States, every
one of which has returned a
of Democratic Congressmen to the
present House of Representatives.
It is reasonably certain that if there
is to lie a ticket in the
field in these Stales, Republicans
will And it harder to recover their
supremacy than Democrats to re-
theirs, and that the
the Democrats for getting their need-
ed votes are much better than the
chances of the Republicans for re-
gaining the all of which they will
need. The facts arc clear enough,
therefore, to make tho development
in tho South of the interest.
Concord Standard.
Old uncle Bill Boat, of No.
township, Cabarrus county, died
other day and his body was buried at
Bethel, Ho was about eighty years
Old, was a was known
lo he miserly in his habits to a won-
degree. His only companions
were I doge, old
man who hail been with him
during his life. Curious to
in his ho hop nothing
but her old ago MM a worn-out con-
a penny or even a
shanty to cover her head. His
estate consisted of 1,800 acres
land, his homo containing
acres ho loft jointly to his two
nephews, and Peter Boat.
The former is his The
balance was left to other nephews in
acre lots each. To his nieces he
gave nothing. In his dilapidated
he had. a safe which was
thought to hold thousands of dollars.
When this was opened the
found was a punched
Further was instituted and in
bureau drawers, old cupboards,
in pitchers, jars in old clothes pock-
els, in old stockings and in
in his miserable house was found
in gold, besides a large
gold dust He
had on hand only a few hundred
in paper money and no notes or
mortgages of any consequence. In
tho search a package from a Char-
bank was found containing
several hundred dollars that bad
never been opened at all. This was
received by him in 1890. Last
spring he made tax returns and gave
in as money on hand
Perhaps he did not know how
much be bad stuck about in differ-
places. He bad corn and
on hand four years old. some hay
that has been stacked twenty-five
years. He his conscience by
leaving of bis hard earnings to
Bethel Church. He made bis will
only three weeks ago, and there is
much talk about contesting it, tor
some of his kin have been left with-
out anything.
of Wake
is short in his accounts with that
county to the amount of
A Bey's Love Letter,
The Henderson Gold Leaf says
The most unique, fervent and de-
love letter we have had the
pleasure of reading since tho days
when we used to be in that kind of
business came under our
notice a few days ago. The boy who
wrote it is about old, and
the girl is presumably in the same
neighborhood. With a not
to call any names, we have been
to print the charming missive.
Here it is
love you and
wish you would write to me I
you and I wish I could kiss you.
you look so rosy. I love you,
don't you love inc I wish you
would write to me. I guess you love
I don't care you don't, I will
write to you I want you to
write to me. and if you have no lead
pencil I will give you one and some
paper. I am so glad that you love
Emma, you tell boy
that lives beside your house that you
was going to slap my nose Emma,
I could not help but cry when that
boy told me. Emma I thought you
thought more of me. I have given
you twenty-five worth
of candy, and you don't treat me
well, besides I giro you some
There is no doubt about condition
of that boy. He is in love. He may-
be only years old, but if he lives
to lie lie will never be any more
in love than he was when ho pencil-
ed this letter.
Ont After Dark.
Wilson Mirror.
Keep the home evenings.
Almost invariably lads who have
been allowed to roam free at night
have come to moral shipwreck and a
social destruction. The exceptions
have been where there was a strong
intellect, a wholesome temperament
and peculiar social influence. Men
and boys, women girls, whatever
may have been their culture, feel that
there is something different in the
streets at night than that Which is in
the which excites
apprehension, or creates alarm, or
gives license. Boys that are
demure by day will say things
at night they would blush to utter
in tin- daylight. The result of
our observations is the clear con
that it is absolutely
that parents know exactly where
their children from sundown lo
sunrise. No boy ought to be allow-
ed to go along the pavement of
his father's house after sundown.
It ought not to be u Hard restriction;
to a boy lb us trained from infancy it
will not be. It is natural that a
child should lo go off to play
in the dark with oilier children.
The desire never comes until the
has begun lo be corrupt.
Sometimes, for quiet, parents will
allow their children to go the
to play awhile with some
other children. Sometimes this is
allowed through mere carelessness.
never knew it to fail to end dis-
have in our mind
one or two striking cases of where
mothers have pleaded for this liberty
for their children and arc now reap-
the bitter fruit.
you don't like the sub-treas-
bill give us something
This is what hear and read.
Do those who thus state their case or
their demands, ever expect to get
anything from the Republican
party except tho continuance in force
of the laws which have depressed
labor by withholding its just rights
and its just demands Do
the people expect that the
can party will repeal the high tariff
declare in favor of the free
coinage of silver, or enact any
directly or indirectly on a line
with the objects and aims of the Al-
Don't everybody know that
the Republican party has always,
and docs now, oppose every political
and economic principle the Alliance
would make a part of the legislation
of the country Where then is
something better to come from. It
will come from the Democratic party
as soon as it can get control of the
government. And if the people
really want reform, if they prefer re-
form to the elevation of a few
to office, let them continue to
rally around tho Democratic standard
and when victory is achieved the
remedial reforms needed will quickly
News and Observer.
Every man who puts a tin roof on
house is given a
of beauties of
can legislation, by having to pay
91-00 a box more tot bis roofing tin
than charged before the tin
schedule of the bill went
into effect. Ask your tinner if this
isn't straight.
Special Notice.
In adopting the Cash In Advance Sys-
for this year Tub will
be continued to no one for a
than it is for. If you find lUmped
just after your name on the margin
the paper the
subscription expires two weeks
it is to give you notice that unless re-
newed In that time Tub
will cease going to you at the expiration
of the two weeks.
What curious tales has in store,
With all its and Its may-bes
The sage of eighty years and more
Once crept a nursling on the floor
Kings, judges, all were
The fearless soldier who has faced
The serried bayonet's gleam appalling.
For nothing save a pin misplaced,
The peaceful nursery has disgraced
With hours or bawling.
The mighty monarch, whose renown
Kills up the stately page historic.
Has howled wakened half the town
And finished up by gulping down
His or paregoric.
The justice, who, in
Condemns a wretch to strangulation
Has thrashed hi- nurse and spilled Ills
sprawled across his mother's lap,
Ah, lite has many a reef to shun
Before in drop our anchor,
But when its course is nobly run
Look aft, for there the work was done,
Life owes its headway to the spanker.
Confession of an Editor.
Marine Journal.
Following is the confession of an
editor, clipped from one of our ma-
exchanges. He says in making
up his yearly
asked to drink,
drank requested to retract,
retracted, invited to parties
and receptions by parties fishing for
puffs, took the hint, didn't
take the threatened to be
whipped, been whipped,
didn't come to
ed whiskey, gin, etc., if he would go
after them, been after them,
1,210; asked what's the news,
told, didn't know,
about It, 90.800; to
church. changed politics, ex-
to change still, gave to char-
gave for a terrier dog,
cash or. hand,
To Prevent Calves From Sacking.
Mew York Times.
It is wholly unnecessary cruelty
to split a tongue lo prevent it
sucking a This may most
easily be prevented by proper train-
A calf should never suck a cow,
the cow and calf arc both better for
it, and then the troublesome habit la
not contracted, nor will the calf,
when a now, ever acquires the habit
of sucking herself. But the calf
may be from stealing milk by
putting a band around its nose, in
which a few wire nails are driven a
an to form a row of spikes, and fast-
the band to a headstall. The
cow will he in no danger from this,
as at the first prick she will drive off
the calf.
Eczema, scalp covered with eruptions
doctors valueless. P.
tried and the hair to grow again
again, not a pimple can be seen, and
I. P. P. again proved itself a wonderful
skin cure.
Scrofula is impurity la the blood
which accumulating the glands of
neck produce unsightly lumps or swell-
which cause painful, running
on arms, legs or feet which develops
ulcers in the eyes, ears or nose, often
causing blindness or deafness, which la
tho origin of pimples, growths
and many other manifestations usually
ascribed to P. P. P Is
friend in need. A course of this
able blood purifier and you will be a well
man. If you suffer from Scrofula In
of its various forms, be sure to take
P. P.
Prompt attention given to collection.
v-at-La w,
N. C.
Prompt and careful attention to
Collection solicited.
t a skinner,
m. c.
Practice In all the courts.
a Specialty.
J. L.
In all the Courts.
W. C
Office in Skinner Building,
opposite Photograph Gallery

The over ready to The second chapter increases in
out baits X. unsuspecting and takes you out into
tried to set It trap water. At a
at lie Is made to the large
wary Democrats knew elegant steamer owned and
their tickets too we and did j commanded by that courteous
In B. Clark. He has
H I TOES, and
and cautiously excluded the
been in nautical life only
a few ears but has rapidly develop-
ed into one cf the best and safest
OS THE participation, hoping
to get in a while Dem- j Navigator know to North Carolina
Mail Matter. and a split in Drums the fail, winter
Publisher's Announcement.
The is nor
one year, mt -ball year,
column one
one week, V weeks.
Two inches on week.
two weeks, one Month,
I Democratic Ibis State, in
which ease it bean easy mat
lo turn U over lo
by toe la
i to toe for the
Republicans. Bat plan I
No Democrat
present and those
h Mr. C-
aid bad II o r
selves. Tl so Hie; re-
I swallowed Me-
Inserted Local
line each Insertion.
el protective tariff,
. a Democrat
sac as , . .
and their View.
ii e.
converted to
t, o a
. -v. ;
be charged tar legal rate and
has some torn and.
,., because -1
fixed rule as to tin-
hi order to avoid ; are of Tennessee in
tutu trouble payment ; t of i
i h r
above, o I convicts at Creek will
will be mean
through to reach
were at fed Creek
of the miners were
Those who wove not
uncharged felt to
work side With the men in
The in
have to spell New
N. C, We
and s; Mug his steamer is
used in transporting freights be-
and several of
Northern This
she fitted up for
her capacity
enlarged and several state rooms
added. live
with The
three trips per
i ,. and
having close
with the lot river
Occasionally she make a trip to
New She safest and
beat steamer pat on these
i and is sea-worthy la every
of dawn
each week made by day and
by night, the oiler being
While at din-
Capt. Clark told as that his lit-
sou Eddie, who m purser of
the is f the
and what is to be
. pared for meals. little
low can pal many of the exp.-n-
caterers to shame, a better
r,. net than that spread before us
It is to get ready
Therefore we are going
be supplied.
reason for the change.
The tow. was named Sew and a conflict. Got.
from foe city of out the bi. to to en
There is much force the law but the bold
The trip down river and
the is delightful
and interesting; It aim
hours run from Washington and
stripes. They armed themselves free the slightest
and determined that the Hip
not work in the about
Tins I a suspension of work boors including the transfer.
cause to New York
Now Jersey as
there is to spell New New-
The comment last
upon at the
Exposition the tier Mr.
Patrick hr. some inter-
est Let lie mi
all over the conn and five Pitt
such an exhibit and advertisement
as will be a c edit to her. No c
of the comity should be left
should come together
and unite in this work- There
be no way for advertising
our advantages and
the outside world.
were not frightened into
The public opinion of the
country seemed to be
on the slue of the resisting miners
journey's end was reached be-
v- m which
the second chapter
Chapter three opens with
more Interest, for we Had at
is the largest of a
of inlands that, break the
and for several days it looked as and
if a conflict in arms Ir is two miles in width
was not himself .,, to in length.
Tobacco Growers
J. B. Cherry.
J. R.
J. G.
Oxford is Your Market
Bring it along, the more the merrier. We are prepared to pay
market. Freights are cheap, a mere trifle when increased prices
are taken into account. Out railroad facilities are good. Send
your tobacco to Oxford, N. C, you will get good prices and quick
returns. Buyers for all classes and from every part of the world
are located in Oxford. You will And us
All Business and no Prejudice
Hunt, Cooper Co., Meadows Warehouse,
Bullock Mitchell, Banner Warehouse,
Cozart, Rogers Co., Warehouse,
R. V. Minor Co., Minor Warehouse.
R. P. Manager Alliance Warehouse.
very much taken with the law, but
an it was a law he felt it was his
duty to enforce it. At last a con
was reached and it was
agreed to let the work for
able time, and the Gov
n sources to
The Democrats of Ohio are go-
the I for i ll it
and if possible. Got. Camp-
bell is reported of
gratifying to see
how the Democratic papers and
people, so opposed
. I i
and av w . t i
shows a
era y.
doubts right to oppose
but when he was
it was c i
their right and
to rally to the Democratic
is the choice of a large majority
s in Ohio-and it
is the of every lover of
and fro; government to fall
in line and help a
majority and bury
Democrats will
by their colors Mr.
will be retired to
The fight will be v
the which
the parties stand widely apart and
arc led by men of different views
not only on the tariff but on
economic questions.
Campbell squarely to the
Democratic platform which is
loudly for tar. reform, while Mr.
is everywhere known-as
the author and champion of the
monstrosity which beam bis name.
The eyes of the nation are turned
and there will be fought
the greatest battle of this year.
The Democrats propose to leave
unturned. Senator
frill act as chairman of the
National Committee
in absence of Senator
that means a great deal. He
says ho is determined to win
wherever there is a fighting
chance. Some of the ablest
a reason
The are the most
of any oh the coast.
The hotel a splendid location
. a point lacing the Sound.
and both sides of the
budding are large doable balconies
which command views
is to call a special session of
legislature to repeal or re- of the water and island, while from
model the law. W be
done by the legislature, whatever
statue they may pass ii is evident
the bravo miners, although
they are poor, arc determined that
they will not put themselves on a
level with and work side by
with the criminals who arc sent
there as a punishment for their
crimes Not only not do
it but no self respecting set
people will do so. In view of the
trouble, and of the eminent
threatened it is probable that .;,.
., law will be repealed.
I . i
We have for years heard of
it has long been our desire
i this delightful place, bur,
and another
lug, it has remained the past
w be
baa been, when a trip to
was contemplated with more
or less dread by those wishing to go
the having be
taken cf getting hero almost
getting away when
coupled with no certainty of
making the voyage a vessel of
absolute safety. such
arc now removed the trip
the the view extends for
milt s. to the rear is a beaut i-
lake about half a mile
across. Sum lake is used as an
harbor for small boats, and is also a
delight lo children, as they can
wade and silver water
to hearts content.
Surf bathing is accessible and
grand. A tram road r a as from the
hotel end it is not too
far to over one does not
care So i de fine Par-
every day return
. j . . . .-. of I
j, h i a
on i.;. island and in more
SOT one else. The writer
tried him twice to see it we could
not come up with found
ourselves left about three to
that will
and make us room for
may be made entire safety, with
comparative rapidity, and relieved
from any discomforts whatever
except that- now and then s traveler
over-soother With gentle
of the waves and indulges
in a diversion of
our own case this was escaped,
hence the voyage here Drought
forth nothing but pleasure.
Hot is readied
Easy enough as a bit personal
experience will explain. At o
o'clock last Thursday we
the Old Dominion Cos splendid
steamer at Greenville
is commanded by that prince of
commanders. Capt. W. A.
Know Capt Of course you
do, as who has ti a voted on Tar
river that does not know him. It
has been said man's can
be leached through his
and If there was corner of ours
Capt. bad failed to reach be-
fore, he made upon it this
time and came out lull possession.
only has perfect
of every inch of his craft from bow
to rudder, but he fully
the needs of those who take passage
with him and what is best suited
to their com fort. Realizing that a
traveler having to arise as as
o'clock is the brightest person
alive, he brings them entirely out of
their by hob
speakers in the will take
part in the campaign. Mr.
Gov. Dill, Gen. Palmer,
id oar own Zeb
will take part in the cam-
predict they will
lively for Mr.
The Alliance in
Ohio will not put out any ticket, but
said that they will
Simpson of Kansas,
reported to be speakers also to tin
in behalf of Campbell.
A Senator is also to be to coffee soon after leaving the
Hon. John and
when he seats his passengers to
wilt the breakfast, ho feeds like lords.
rid the in view Alter the twenty-
She hotel is under the manage-
of of Washing
ton, who are also proprietors of
Hotel Nicholson. They lave a
wide reputation as and
know bow t-; please their guests.
There in a good Italian band here
who music for the hotel.
The includes all delicacies
of the water.
is an
place as as a popular resort.
Several people live on the
soul.- of hem W well to
do. There are two here,
both the Methodist
one the
South end with
church. A light
feel high stands in the
midst of the a mile
torn the betel. There is of
here the visitor need
not grow dull. These hurried notes
given you a brief idea of what is
and if you to spend a
few days or weeks come
At the time of warding this,
Sunday, several people from Pitt
county are here, J. J. Cherry
wile, A. L. Blow and two daughters,
l. J. and family, Misses
and Lizzie Moore,
U. A. tattoo, Fleming,
Id. 8.-W.
We have a good many
J. M. Buyer,
W. Reed, Buyer,
John Meadows, Buyer,
Wilkinson Bros., Buyers,
Meadows Yancey, Buyers,
D. S. Osborn, Buyer,
E. Buyer,
E. G. Buyer,
O. S. Snoot, Buyer,
J. D. Bullock, Buyer,
John Webb, Buyer,
W. A. Buyer,
C. F. Kingsbury, Buyer,
B. Glenn, Buyer.
We beg to inform our friends and patrons that we now have th
most complete stock we have ever bad. To our lady friends
we wish to say that our stock of Dress Goods will com-
------pare favorably with line in town.-------
In Wool Fabrics we have Hen-1 In all grades of Men and
Cashmeres, Albatross Boys Hats we have nice styles
and in the leading will sell at prices to please
Spring and Summer shades. j our customers.
In Cotton Fabrics we have We invite comparison of
Pine Apple Tissues, and juices of the following
Zephyrs, Batiste, Out-j Notions, Gent's Furnish-
Cloths, Lawns, Goods, Trunks, Valises,
Ginghams, a full line of White Hardware, Crockery, Tinware,
Dress Goods, In all of these Wood and Willow Ware,
lines you will find beautiful caries, Provisions, and all
styles. No prettier to be found; kinds of Panning Implements
in town. I and Furniture.
Beware of imitations, buy only the genuine
fixed wire
Modern Tobacco Barn Company.
Summer Ms,
--which for the next-
we will sell at
in order to
Close Out.
It will pay yon to
For the
County to fas
Heretofore there has been a
the State of North Carolina,
known as where
the growth of hue tobacco a as
Pitt county to
front and to be the
as contra distinguish-
ed from the Golden which now
the shades and dona the
plume of Old
Not, that we love less, bat
K mo Put tobacco
has heretofore aloes toe weed has
been grown her rich and fer
tile soil, obtained the lushest
taken premiums it her--
they entered the for fine
wrappers, both Mahogany and
which the Be-j five the to .
aw have in United i thus the
States Senate. chapter. idea X
We have made some
Large Reductions
in price already, there will be
many more made in the next
Select School for m
Mi's S. will re-open her
School in Greenville. X. C, on
Tuesday, Sept 1st,
instruction given In Primary
Intermediate and Higher English Stu-
French and Elocution.
Tuition in English, per
for all grades. Latin and French, each
Elocution per month.
For any other particulars apply to
Co. N. C
University of
as executor of
last will testament of Mrs. Luisa s.
Hill, of Pitt county X. C, this is
to notify all person having claims
against the estate of said deceased
them to the undersigned, on or
before the day July 1802, or this
notice will Vie plead in bar of their re-
parsons Indebted to said
estate will please make Immediate pay-
This July J. N. Bynum
The Term Begins Sept. 3rd.
Entrance Examinations, 2nd.
Tuition per term. Needy young
men of talent and character will he
aided with and loans. Be-
sides the General Course of Study,
which a wide range of elective
studies, there are courses Law, Med-
and For
address the President,
Chapel Hill, N. C .
Classical and Mathematical
Our stock of Shoes and We the largest and best
is attractive stork of Furniture in
think we can suit you both in , .
quality and lit. One of the lead- and at
Shoes with us is our Opera
Toe with Common Sense Heel. We have a nice line of Mat-
This is a long felt want with the tings which we will sell at low
ladies. figures.
In Men and Shoes we T . ., ., . .
have in and to arrive have
best line eyer carried by us. P v
We have sold L. M. M-
for the past two years and realize the of
find them to be the best line ever selling goods at a small profit,
handled by us. This spring we j We do not claim to sell goods
will have a complete line of-j at cost, but do claim and back
these Shoes and when our friends
are in need of good shoes we
will be pleased to them.
up our assertion, that we will
give you honest goods for your
honest money.
See Us Talk With Us Try Us
The next Session of this School will be.
gin on MONDAY, AUGUST 84th.
Tuition per term of
Primary, per session, t 7.75
Intermediate, per session. 10.00
Higher 12.50
Languages, each.
The School will be thorough in all of
its instruction, mild hut firm In its
having in view at all times the
full preparation of young men and boys
for active business life, or successful col-
courses. can he obtained
with the principal, or at other places in
to u at reasonable rates. One half of
tuition payable at the of the
term, the remainder at its close. For
further particulars see or address,
W. II. A. B.,
N. C. Principal.
Male and Female.
Pipe, Tin
Doors, Sash.
Butts and Hinges,
Paints and Oils,
The increased stove trade this
season is the best evidence that
the I sell is the stove for
the people. The public are in-
to examine my stock be-
fore purchasing-
fall Term Monday, August
Full corps of efficient and experienced
All the English branches.
with Music. and
Ancient Languages, taught
by moat approved
Ladies we know full well you remember how greatly the prides
alter the reduction surprised you in our last year Spring
Goods, so we now make spring
on the following goods
Edging, Swiss
Embroideries, India
Linens, and Check
Teasel Summer
Cashmeres, Ginghams,
lies, Percale,
and all the many other things in a Spring stock. Look at the
Ginghams at H
lo Ginghams at
I'M Ginghams at
Teasel at eta.
Teasel at D
Hamburg at
Goods at
Wholesale and Betel Dealer In AND
Car Load Feed Oats, Car load Corn, Car load No. Hay,
Car Load Rib Side Meat, Car Load St. Louis
Heavy Mess Pork, Granulated Sugar.
Sugar, Ax all kinds.
pr M Rail Road Mills Snuff. Snuff.
Rico Molasses, Tubs Boston Laid.
Star Lye, Gross Matches,
I take pleasure in announcing to the
people of Greenville and the
rounding country that my
is now arriving and ready for
I have secured the services a
City Trimmer who will execute work to
suit the most fastidious taste. new
stock will be sold at the lowest margin
that millinery goods have been
handled before in this market.
Also a splendid line of Fancy Goods,
consisting of Steel Engravings, Oil
Paintings. Fancy
Flash Goads. China and
Vases, Jewelry, Lace
Linen matter, will
out at cost, a. be disposed
by the last June. All wish to
make great bargains fur themselves
call see before
purchasing elsewhere.
Hamilton is situated on a near
the river, and Is the most,
beautiful town In Eastern Carolina, the
streets being wide and shaded with silver
maples It is and society is
high-toned and moral. There are four
nearly every family in the
place belongs to some Christian
school boy and girl In North
Carolina should visit the
Imposition t l held in Raleigh In
The Principal will pay rail-
road expenses of all boarding pupils who
enter the first week of the school for the
to Raleigh and return. The board-
pupils will thus be enabled to gee
without railroad expense the greatest
exhibition of Southern products and re-
sources ever exhibited. No other school
in Eastern Carolina offers such an In-
to its boarders.
Board, English Branches Ac,
Board, English Branches, Latin,
Creek, Ac.,
Board, English Branches. Latin,
Music on Organ or
If paid in advance for the entire term
a discount of per cent, will lie made
the above rates. Otherwise bills
will be monthly.
For circulars or other Information ad-
Hamilton, Martin Co., N. C.
tor nailing
line Baking Powders, Soda, Bop, Tobacco.
above goods.
Cakes, .
Special prices given to the wholesale trade
Paper, Paper Sack,
i large quantities of the
Board oh Mass
Barracks. Mess Hall, Superintendents
OF TEACHERS. Open September 1891. Send for register.
New Buildings including
Barracks. Mess Hall, Superintendents Quarter, etc. FULL CORPS
Patent Wire Tobacco Hangers
Wires are movable. Tobacco can be properly Spaced on and Bulked
Down on the Wires when cored. Simplest, Cheapest and In the
when Accompanies the
Complete IT -Wires to
1.000 Wires
Wire S
TOBACCO HANGER CO., Houston, Halifax Co.,

We offer
various styles wash
Ginghams, Ginghams
Ginghams, Ginghams
Ginghams. Ginghams,
Ginghams, GINGHAMS. Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams
Our Summer Stock.
Mens, Youths, and Boys
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
O----- Every
will feel the effect
of reduction sale
Greenville, N. C.
Almost August.
rain now.
Plenty of apples in town.
Cart Tor by J. Lamer.
How does weather suit you.
The matrimonial market is dull.
The farmers are looking cheerful.
Pitt and to beat.
Jam and cheap at
the Old Brick Store.
Saturday will the first day of
Latest styles of Shirts, Collars
and at C. T.
The Katydid three
months hence.
Fresh Foss Biscuits for the well
sick at the Old Brick Store.
Look up the card from Prof. Hags
dale in this issue.
Lace Flour is always uniform
quality at the Old Brick Store.
Chickens and eggs bring good
prices on our streets.
Ointment will care
skin disease man or beast.
The crops are growing and
grass is getting out of it.
good Telegraph Poles wanted.
Particulars will be given at this
Our town had the usual of
drummers the past week.
Wanted fob Bees-
wax and Hides, at the Old Brick
The grape crop promises well.
There is an abundant yield.
If has weak eyes or
scratches, try
It was almost cool enough for fires
several mornings last week.
The J. C. Lanier
is for tent. Apply
Quite a crowd in town Saturday
but not much trailing going on.
All work done the Greenville
Iron Works is B.
The are here jet,
and they are not allowed to leave.
Cheapest Bedsteads,
Cradles and Mattresses at the Old
Brick Store.
Be sure read all the advertiser
in this issue and profit thereby.
Go to Congleton if yon
want a good smoke and get a
den Seal Cigar.
We saw four bales of cotton on J.
B, Cherry Co's yard the day,
Congleton a Tyson keep a fine
Hue of California and other
line canned goods.
Regular meeting of the Board of
County Commissioners next Monday.
The Latest Improved Brown
ton Gin the
U. Agent Pitt county.
The word of tongue or
The blackberries have already beep,
Thurber, Cos Hue
grade Celebrated
Kept by Congleton ft Tyson. Give
it a trial.
There arc
than that if you should mash your
advertisement Alexander.
Morgan Co., Cotton Factors and
General Commission Merchants
third page.
Old July is most gone, and when
she is gone, she will be gone, gone if
she won't.
dwelling house
to Matthews
want something nice go
Congleton and get some
of their New Spring Batter
rived to-day.
See school advertisement of Ham-
Institute. Hamilton, N. C, in
Mr. Frank Wilson has typhoid
Mr. C. G. was on out
this week.
Mi- U. R. Lang went t Tarboro
Miss Aileen left last week
for Norfolk.
Mr. A. L. Blow and two daughters
are at Ocracoke.
Mr. H. A. Sutton returned from
Ocracoke Monday.
Miss Harriss, is visiting
friends at
Mrs. F. G. James returned Friday
from a visit to
Mr. J. arrived in our
city on last Saturday.
Misses Fannie and Emily Higgs
arc on a visit to Scotland Neck.
Mr. S. M. Schultz returned last
week from a trip to Wilmington.
Miss Mary of Scotland
Neck, is visiting the Misses Higgs.
Mrs. Chas. Skinner and two
left last Thursday for Nag's
Miss Hattie returned to
her home last Saturday in Greene
Mayor F. G. James returned Sat-
from a pleasant trip to
Billie Buck, returned
Friday from with the
Mr. J. B. returned last
Thursday from quite an extended
trip to
Gov. and Mrs. T. J. Jarvis left last
week for Morehead where they will
sojourn for a while, then will spend
some time at Cleveland Springs.
Be. J. N. H. will fill
his regular appointment here at the
Opera House on Sunday night,
August The public invited, tents
Our jolly friend, Mr. Ales Hells
returned last Friday from
Tarboro where he has been in at-
upon his tobacco ware-
Rev. T. J. Taylor, of
passed through town last
on his way to to aid
A. Hunter in protracted services,
where he will preach this week.
Prof. Z. has taken
the of Greenville
for the next session. He has
taught in this school, also
Bethel, and is well known to the
people this count. He is an ex-
teacher. will give fuller
particulars of the coming session of
the Institute as soon as be
W. J. Matthews, who for the
past year has had charge of the male
school at this place, has accepted the
of a larger school at
Wadesboro and will leave
charge early in August. Ids
stay in Greenville we have known
Prof. Matthews intimately can
recommend him to the people among
whom he will locale as an upright,
honorable Christian gentleman. The
wishes him success.
Prof. H- or Gran-,
county, will move his family to
Greenville about the middle of Au-
gust will take charge of the male
school here at the of the
sessions in and is too well
known by the people of Pitt county
to need any inundation at our
bands. As an instructor he stands
without a superior, tho
predicts that he will have a
flourishing school. See advertise-
The other day little Miss Emma
Harris gave us a real curiosity in the
way of a sweet potato vine. A large
potato of last year's crop hail sprout-
in where they were kept,
and from it had grown a very
vine. Not being where it could
get any sunlight the vine was so
bleached that the leaves are almost
white. It is very pretty well as a
have been called upon to an-
the sad of Miss Mattie
Brown Moore, which occurred at her
home, near Greenville, on Sunday
night at 12.15 o'clock, surrounded by
devoted parents and loving friends.
She was years old en the 17th of
this month and had been sick of
fever only days. She was
a devoted member of the Disciples
Church. Her remains were
last Monday evening at o'clock in
the family burial ground.
take pleasure in commending
the University to our people. Its
Faculty contains sixteen teachers of
learning and experience. Its Pro-
of Medicine and its Director
in the Gymnasium look after the
physical development of the students
Its instruction has proved itself
equal to that of the largest North-
Universities. There is no Deed
for any North Carolina boy to go
outside the State to be educated.
The University publishes a small
pamphlet which gives detailed
on all points, and which may
be had by addressing President
Winston at Chapel Hill.
Oak Institute-
Before deciding what school yon
will patronize next year be sure to
write to Messrs. J. A. A M. II. Holt,
Oak Ridge, N. C, for their beautiful
This Institution in point
of beaut- and health of location
equipments, and those things,
ally, which go to make up a great-j
school. different were
enrolled last year. The Principals
are erecting another
new building to cost over o
Sixteen years ago this was a small
school occupying one room and
having only twenty-five pupils;
next school will occupy three
large buildings containing over
rooms, filled with students from all
over the South. This is success
worth quoting. Sec ad, another
more credit doe Mrs. B. A.
than a other one for
bringing into existence this
neighborhood Sunday School,
was organized March 1890 with
pupils. Mr. W. G. Smith
the school with growing
until the beginning of the
present year he community
when Mr. T. E. Little took charge
At present writing there are about
names enrolled. The school con-
to prosper until it is indeed
a blessing to the section in it
exists. W. L. C-
The attention of growers
is called to the column advertise-,
of the tobacco of
Oxford. They want your tobacco.
The Greenville Guard will have an
election of officers op, the first Toon
day in August, 4th, and a n.
is desired.
Don't Fail to Come.
M. R.
her column
Alexander, Morgan Co.,
highest prices, quick sales
and return. Try
be convinced.
The tobacco farmer is the that
now feels the beat over the crop pros-
ahead of him,.
If you want highest market prices
for your Irish Potatoes and other
to Morgan
Co., Norfolk, Va.
Tobacco curing is now going on
all over the county and the
have their hands tali.
To avoid carrying over stock to
another season Mrs. Fannie Joyner
will now begin selling her spring
and summer millinery at reduced
The seaside resorts are all well
patronized and Greenville has
at the most of them.
ladies gold watch,
with chain about inches long at-
finder will he liberally
rewarded by leaving it at the Re-
Look out for advertisement of
Greenville Institute next week. Fall
session will open Tuesday August
We are now to repair all
kinds of Machinery. Castings
made to order. Cash price for old
iron by Greenville Iron Works,
A. B. Ellington, Proprietor.
Miss S. Lucy Joyner has an ad-
in this issue of her ex-
school which opens Tuesday
September 1st, 1891.
The assignment of Latham
Fender will not interfere with the
Tobacco Hue trade. Farmers are
to come for their flues as
early as they can, and flues are
I have Just received a beautiful
line of Belts and
Also a pretty assortment of
cine and laces, which can
sell very low.
After the recent excessive rains it
is very necessary that the streets and
private premises of the town should
be thoroughly cleaned.
Many thanks for the following
from of our
certainly give us one of the neatest,
newsiest papers in the
There were services at the Baptist
Church on Sunday morning last.
None in the Methodist or Episcopal.
interfered with the services at
Dr. Resigned.
Dr. J. D. last Sunday
placed before the Baptist church of
this place his resignation as pastor,
resignation to lake effect tho of
October, unless there appear
reasons to himself or the church why
his relation as pastor should continue
longer. He offered his resignation
preparatory to accepting a call to
Tarboro, which has been open to him
for several months, and which he has
been by a number
ministers and others in
other pails of tho He has
served tho at this place for
nearly fifteen years, it was a
scene of great sadness and tears bath
with pastor and people when he
placed his before them
and work together.
Dr. has greatly endeared
himself to the people of this entire
community by his and faithful
service, inly fur his own church
but cause religion
throughout this He is
greatly beloved by it be
a matter of deep regret both with his
church and the public generally foe
him to leave Scotland Neck-
His work in this, will
be an monument to his
memory Neck
To of Greenville and
You will see from an advertisement
in this issue of
that I have assumed charge of
the Greenville Male Academy.
I taught this school for you from
the Fall of 1883 to the Spring of
1885. and you gave it your liberal
patronage. one will concede
that Greenville needs a large, first
class school. No its
size, whatever else it may have, is
complete without it. No teacher can
do this alone. The people cannot
unaided accomplish it. But people
and teacher united for this end will
be sure to succeed.
No one will deny but that a large
amount of money is annually spent
in sending boys to distant schools
that might be saved with such a
school among you. I come among
you this time for the purpose of
giving such a school as you and
will take a pride in. It is my desire
that the school shall a sufficient
number of pupils to justify the em-
of assistant teachers, so
that the work may be more
done. Will you assist mo lo
do this I shall endeavor to
instruction equal to that given in any
similar institution. My purpose is,
with the assistance and support of
parents, to make the discipline,
coupled with proper instruction,
as will always insure success
en may
prepared for success depart-
of business or thoroughly
pared for entrance into of the
Colleges the State or the
If these things arc facts the
only thing for the success
of the school is that it shall have
your endorsement and support.
I rely on this
sail guardians having sons
and wards which it is necessary they
should board from home to secure
educational advantages are hereby
assured that these boys, if sent lo
this school, shall have proper
both in and out school. A
limited number can obtain board
with the principal, and thereby be
directly under his supervision all of
the lime. We would like to have a
liberal patronage from the country,
and will assure these patrons that
their interests will not be overlooked.
To and all would say send
boys and help us make Green-
ville Male Academy second to no
town academy in the Slate. Will
you do this information de-
sired may be had by seeing or
ting lo me. Thanking you for your
past patronage and soliciting a con-
of the same, I am
Yours truly.
as-catch can scramble for the votes
pie to Mr. Mills I
for Speaker, would be
ed by his election to the Senate.
Represent Oats, of Alabama,
who is here on business, losses no
to warn the Southern
democracy the danger which he
thinks menaces it in the Farmer's
Alliance. He are
certain men who joined hands
with the Alliance simply with a de-
sire to advance their personal in-
and pull down man
who gained any political
Unless the democrats of
the South come to some under-
standing and determine to live up
to the principles of the democratic
party, the Alliance, in its to
dominate that section may capture
Alabama, Ge and the two Car-
It caused little surprise hero to
learn that Secretary Foster will be-
come a candidate for the Senate, in
case the republicans elect the
in Ohio this year, as R has
been known for some time that, the
administration influence would be
thrown against
The Spanish minister hurriedly
returned to Washington this week
from Cape May where his family
are now staying, there is an
unverified rumor that there is a
somewhere regarding the re-
agreement with Spain,
which for some reason Mr. Harrison
has never yet The
usual mysterious silence is
at the department and the min-
will Bay nothing further than
that he was called to Washington
by business.
It is extremely difficult just now to
find a cabinet officer in Washing
ton; they flit in one day and out
the next and are more intent upon
having a good time than in attend-
to tho of the
Under the of
. department just
the First Assistant Post master
General will attend to many things
that been looked after by Mr.
and that
twill have more time to look after
bis private business, order that
he may be in a position to make a
large campaign contribution next
year. This is reform.
Having just purchased two big of-
Sample Notions.
Comprising everything in the notion
line, we propose to soil
W. H.
We are now making an extra effort to close out entire sum-
mer stock, which we propose to do, at less than their
value. Also propose to sell our entire stock of
at cost to make room for fall stock. Be sure to come to see
when in need of anything in the way of Dress Goods, Notions,
Clothing, Shoes, Hats,
Yours truly,
In front Old Brie Store. C T,
JOHN F. resident.
S. S. NASH, ,
C. W.
A. L. Sec. Treas
Prof U. Olive, of Wake
is in Pitt county in the interest
of vocal music If any church or
Sunday school desire a class taught
at 91.00 per scholar for a series
twelve lessons they can direct mail
in care of office. Prof.
Olive was prepared for this
work Prof. Eugene Wilson, at
Chapel Hill,
Now-a-days when people want any-
thing look in the newspapers o
find whore to get it. If they want the
services a painter, a carpenter, a
plasterer, a plumber, or any other me-
or tradesman, they Expect to
find a card in the papers. They look
for it. If they find one the advertiser
gets a job. Judicious advertising
Is located at the landings of the Washington
Greenville Boats and at the depot of the
A R. Railroad.
Will be ready for business by September
Having made the largest Leaf Tobacco firms in the United
to have their Buyers at our sales we can obtain here
for your any other market in tho State. How convenient
Ibis will be for our county friends to .-hip their tobacco by boat
one day and attend the sale person tho next day. Those of
our living within a miles can their teams
and to our Warehouse where they will find first-
class for their teams.
Correspondence and consignments solicited.
of a competent auctioneer of several year
Mr. Alex at
The Boor will lie In
Our Pitt county friends can obtain any Information
Watermelons are quite plentiful
and Billie says he can stand side by
side with tho most blessed of this
worlds goods and enjoy the luscious
Sunday School at Smith's
Social and gatherings
are always a benefit to people.
They create a stronger
Thursday was the day sot
apart for Mr. T. K. Little's
School to have its second picnic
Beaver Dam Township. When ac-
was taken and it was decided
to a picnic- All connected
with the school, bent their en-
put wits to work
determined to know no such thing
as failure. When the day dawned,
judging from the foul clouds which
the heavens, everybody
more or less feared pleasures of
day would be marred by tor-
rents of mitt. At times slight
showers visited us, but umbrellas,
top buggies school house
were covering.
Mr. Andrew Joyner had been in-
to address the Sunday School
on this occasion. Our Mr.
C. L. Tyson had the pleasure of in-
the speaker with a few
of bis appropriate remarks, which
were in his easy, winning way, all
complimented him.
Mr. Joyner began by he
had received a call to address
an audience anywhere be
more than be did this one. He
spoke about minutes showing the
wonderful progress advance-
Beaver Dam has made for
last years. He urged the
importance of people, and
the in reading and ac-
themselves with
grandeur of the Bible, in place of
is often novels, trashy
literature, etc. His speech has
highly complimented, and to say
the least of it, it was a model Sun
day School address. after Mr.
Joyner closed Mr. O. L. Tyson beck-
to him to come one, and in be-
half of Misses and Lizzie
Smith presented the speaker with
as lovely a as it is
for bands of maiden to arrange.
At o'clock Mr. A. A. Joyner in
a polite manner invited crowd
dinner, requesting the ladies to
go on the inside and the gentlemen
on outside of table. It is
but justice to state that the table
was loaded, with all wholesome
food and viands heart
desire or appetite crave
After every solitary one of this
throng of people bad satisfied his
appetite to the toilets extent
there was enough food left to have
fed, at least, half as many more.
The evening was spent in riding,
Your attention is directed to the
new advertisement of Young
in this issue. They you
something to your interest and you
abide by it.
Mr. II. F. Keel handed us on Sat-
a sample of tobacco cured on
his farm, and it was pronounced by
all as first quality of mahogany and
will bring a good price.
It is that large truck
crops will be planted around Greens
ville next year. May it be so. Our
people are becoming more and more
interested in this direction.
The John Flanagan Buggy Co.
have had twelve orders for buggies
from parties in Washington this
year. They shipped one down last
week and are now making three
others to go.
E. A. Esq., Clerk Superior
Court, requests us to say that he will
be absent from his office the second
week in August, AU persons having
business will please make a note of
this as he will necessarily be absent.
The Greenville Guard returned on
Friday last in great shape and all
expressed themselves as having a de-
time. They arrived here at
and accompanied by the Wash-
Light Infantry marched down
Evans street in front of armory
where Greenville Guard came to
a present and the Washington com-
passed by, taking the steamer
for home. generally. there is
Washington, July 1801.
Tho Harrison crowd were badly
stampeded by the publication in
this last
the fact that the had in
the slang of the day
their schemes of making Mr.
too full, newspapers, to think
of being a candidate next year, and
denials the order of the
day ever since, but the Blaine
lows are by no moans satisfied with
denials, because have in their
position a number of republican
papers which printed Washington
specials supposing them to be sent
by and
therefore to be not only true but to
be strictly in accordance with the
sentiment of the administration,
rather its bead, and they refuse to
believe that it is a mere coincidence
that these papers are all
wheels. They don't think the ex-
that was out
of substitute is a satisfactory one.
The oddest part of this -comedy
of is that these super
Harrison men have
man they were to
help they sharply
lectured, by proxy, by Mr. Harrison,
who be may fear
Blaine doesn't approve of this
of disposing of him. whole
affair is furnishing no end of amuse
for democrats.
It is now stated at the State de-
the arbitrators in
the sea controversy will
shortly appointed, agreement
having been reached between the
department and Sir Julian
the British Minister,
papers sent to Mr. Harrison.
A gentleman from Texas, who
though prominent in Slate is
modest that he doesn't wish his
name mentioned, has, by a few
words more or less carelessly
given those interested the
contest something to think
about. He is con-
pressure being brought to
bear upon Gov. Hogg to persuade
him to call an extra session of the
legislature. He has given inti-
his intentions, but if he
calls the extra one of its
ties will be to a United States
Senator, and I rather think that
Representative Mills be
although a combination of
other aspirants, among whom are
the Governor and Mr. who
was so promptly by the Gov-
as successor to Senator Rea-
might result in his
If legislature of Texas should
meet extra session any time be-
fore next December it is certain
some very strong democratic
influence from outside of that State
be brought to bear to get Mr.
Mills elected Senator, because that
remove him the Speak-
contest, and a
other are ready and
ling to go into a good catch
Pull of
Civil En-
Instruction In i
Art. Practical course in
For with terms
L CO.,
1ST. c.
; It
SOUTH I Before Clerk
Pitt County. I Slip. Court.
Notice is hereby given that I have this
day issued letters declaring It. J. Cobb,
G. F. Evans, G. T. Tyson. John It.
Jacob Joyner, it. J. A.
K. Oscar Hooker, James L.
Little, C. W. J. W. Allen, O. L.
Joyner, B. Patrick and their
ates and successors a under
the name and style of The Greenville
Tobacco Warehouse Company, for the
p-ii lose set forth in the articles of agree-
and plan of Incorporation, which
have been tiled and recorded in this
office, With all the privileges and powers
conferred by chapter of the Code of
North Carolina and the laws
The Main business proposed be
done by the Corporation is the general
business of buying, selling, storing,
marketing and otherwise dealing In
The place of business of said Corpora-
is Greenville, Pitt county,
None of the stockholders of said Con
are lo be responsible to any
greater or further extent than the assets
the Corporation, and individually to
the extent of the shares of stock to
which they have subscribed.
The authorized capital stock of said
Corporation is fifty thousand dollars to
be. divided into two thousand shares of
twenty-five dollars each. The length of
said is to lie ten ;
This 11th day of July,
ft. A. MOVE,
Clerk Superior Court.
Mechanic Arts
will begin its third session on September
3rd. Increased facilities and equip-
In every department. past
successful year further evidence
of its practical value, and its young men
are already in demand for responsible
positions. Total cost, Each
County Superintendent of Education
will examine applicants for
address. Q.
X. C. President.
m- m-
Tin; Season is waning and we
will sell these Goods at a sacrifice rather than carry
them over.
place on the same list. Somethings in this line are a job and we can give you a
bargain that will please you.
We will also sell Straw Hats at reduced prices. Don't forget
something in this line.
--------Ladle desiring a perfect fitting should try a-
-294 C-B a la
Potatoes. Potatoes.
Guarantee highest market prices, quick sales and prompt returns.
For Young Ladies,
Fall Session September 1891.
A thorough preparatory course of
study, with a Fall Collegiate Course
to that of any Female College in
the South. Standard of Scholarship tin.
high. Facilities for the study of
Music unsurpassed.
of Telegraphy, Type- Writing and
Short-hand. Beautiful and lo-
cation. Moderate charges. Steady in-
crease of patronage. For
Wilson, N. U.
Me a
All kinds placed in
At lowest current rates.

Greenville, N. C
Worn of M
More Tip Young
Scotland Seek Democrat.
email things sometime serve I
as oft of to a mac's gen-
W hi u lady
of a man recently very favor-
ably as Mi general but
bating quite a while
-he said had
active. Sue said,
too n you jg
Sew, is a point r
We MM no
Lee Lady nM who was the
abject of her n mark; but this little
incident i. aw -s
by v bumS
MS i mi to slowly.
; . Us loses
real battlers; by drag-
i a poor impress-
And many limes
have much to a young man's
mom Get a on you young
mat, i you gel left.
Ts Limit
Franklin Times,
i L- price of is
great among the
Carolina and they
are . Uniting pros
u decrease acreage,
in f g one bulb of
and by other de-
vices, rte Alliance of
Ma. court
pledge ourselves to plant
tea horse in
ISSi; tan get co-
of all the cotton states, so
as to of cot-
toe, a so obtain the due reward
oar labor.
Seeded, That request slate
Alliance Car a convention of
growers or the south,
of or color, to meet not
than December 1st next, to
consider the same.
The First Step.
Perhaps you are rim can't eat.
can't sleep, can't think, can't do any
to satisfaction, and you won-
Sou should bead
warning, you are taking the first Step
into Von need a
Kane Tonic and in Electric Bitters you
will lied exact for restoring
war nervous system to its normal,
healthy condition. Surprising result
follow the of great Tonic
and Your appetite returns,
good is restored, and the Liver
and Kidneys healthy action.
a bottle. Price at John L.
Drug Store.
The German Navy.
Germany has under construction
tour battle ships a ten
defense vessels. Th.-
tons carry
belt and over gun, their
mated speed is eighteen knots. The
length is feet; beam, feet;
1-4 feet. battery is
rattier weak. If correctly reported, con-
of three -2-inch breech
lending rifles and f-inch.
The other new vessels are ten at st
defense vessels of . Si tons each and
eighteen knots- speed. The battery Is
three breech loading rifles
mounted in one forward on
each side and one aft. The
is 1-2 Inches, and the belt to
The extension of German commerce
and the building of tho North sea and
Baltic canal have caused to
increase her naval force, and as her
mercantile marine seems to be In
rapidly it is very probable that farther
additions to her naval strength will be
made in the York
An Cat.
Engineer of the electric
light station at Omaha, Neb., tells of a
oat that met with a thriving experience.
frequented station, and
one day Jumped on t lie big belt that
was driving the dynamo. It landed on
the under belt going toward the small
trolley, and in a second it was whisked
around the As it went
nothing bat a portion of Its tail was
left oat. It came out of the ordeal as
flat as a piece of paper, but with no
bones broken. It was the thinnest cat
in America for several days, bat grad-
regained its and
and is still a fixture of the place.
is a gum derived from the
root of a plant which grows in Persia,
Afghanistan and other parts of Asia.
Tie root is cut, and a thick, milky juice
exudes, which, when dried, gives the
of commerce. The overpower-
offensive smell is due to a volatile
oil, which can be removed by dissolving
the gum in alcohol and distilling the
compound. Disagreeable as it is to
western in Persia and many
parts of the east it is used as a
for Louis Globe-Demo-
A more powerful than
quinine in counteracting levers is said
hare been, discovered in Mexico. It
a plant called the
pf which contains a substance
to liters-
The national -powder mill at St Me-
m ranee, has recently
been lighted by incandescent lamps,
to be the first mill of
its class on the Continent to use electric
A Little Experience in Light-
flaws e
Gov. at Band
Beach. Mich. m are with a
year old. April
she Mas down with fat-
with and min-
into a at
at lint ill -i-. she
rapidly, until she
she tried
Dr. Discovery and after the
life of two and a halt bottles, com-
cored. They say
new is worth its weight in
gold, yet you get a trial bottle free-
st John L, s Drug store.
Music stores down few and
far between, and it is therefore only
necessary to say that the one in which
occurred the incident here related it
situated not very far from the city hall.
The young lady clerks were busy in
the early morning arranging stock,
when a young man entered whistling.
All looked up at him so sharply that
he was somewhat and
mered, a piece
of music don't know th.
name of
This caused a Utter, upon he
hastily was whistling it when
I came in. Do you know what I
whistling r
Ne one knew.
He then first heard it
at Manhattan It has been
floating through my memory ever
since. Last night heard it again and
determined to buy it Now, how can
you remember it so well and can
give me the melody perhaps I can
recognize suggested one of the
young ladies.
I Certainly I will
it for eagerly replied tho gen-
and, turning head so as not
to blow directly in her face, he essayed
to whistle. He puckered his lips, but
alas, he could not give the melody.
His face flushed, and after two or three
vain attempts and mumbling some-
thing about again when he
found the he went out of the
bow he could not tell.
course there wore some laughing
incident after he left,
but nothing was thought of it
late in the the same
gentleman rushed into
the perspiration trickling down hisT
and shouting; got I've got
Before he halted half way down the
length of the store tho
were several of right
and left, fearing to in contact
with what to them a crazy
man. At this he looked around as if
startled, and when tho bookkeeper,
looking up from his desk, asked,
have you answered, considerably
rattled, melody I lost this morn-
The young lady who had then waited
on him, appreciating the situation,
him and said, it,
He looked at lier in blank amaze-
essayed again to whistle it, failed,
and had it all the way across
the park; whistled it all the way. I
have lost it again and rushed out of
the store as abruptly as he entered it.
So far as known be has not yet ob-
the York Herald.
It is delightful to read of two persons
In the same profession who are happily
married. Identical tastes and pursuits
bring about a certain harmony of re-
which is both rare and beautiful.
the great singer, married the
tenor Mario, and some incidents told
of them and their children prove an
unusually happy domestic life.
The identified her own
success entirely with that of her
band, always preferring his advance-
to her own. Perhaps the clever
reply which she made to Emperor
Nicholas of Russia was half serious in
embodying this spirit of self surrender.
said his majesty jocosely,
pointing to her children, are
your little
she returned, are
my little
The children an
story of their own sensations at one
of their mother's public triumphs in
Dublin. admirers had dragged
her carriage to the hotel, and she had
sung to them again, if she were
tearing the asunder and
singing from depths of her
The enthusiasm of the listeners knew
no bounds.
climbed up lamp
said one of the children, in after years.
thought they would come into the
room, and when one of the speakers
called out, Leave is of your
fright was In a
chorus of pitiful little voices we begged
not to leave us behind; we
would be such good
A Part That need Treatment.
should like-to contribute my
said a coffin drummer. used to be
an undertaker in Cincinnati. Ono day
a German in around
his hat and a woe begone, expression
upon his face. under-
be asked. I admitted the
broiler have died,
and I would like to send him to his
home in New York.
way to ship
better freeze the body and
send it on I suggested.
you for my
Twelve I replied.
Twelve dollars Don't that was a
deal Couldn't you done it
replied that twelve was the low-
est price.
replied the German, wiping
away a tear, you to freeze
poor Fritz you just freeze him to
feet don't need it for
was been frostbitten last winter any-
Captain the
are you roasting there A goose
Volunteer his
goose was during a skirmish felled to
the ground by a thrust of the bayonet;
whereupon it was punished for at-
tempted night before the enemy by be-
stripped of its uniform; in vulgar
parlance Afterward, bow-
ever, it stood with exemplary courage
the baptism of fire, and is now about
to be buried with
What a
The tarantula sometimes
over six square, but more
frequently fear or five inches. The
writer has a stuffed specimen that ex
tends about six and a half inches. A
shaggy coat of hair covers the surface
of the great spider. It is supplied with
long, bony legs and two dangerous
or each armed with
a sharp sting and poison sac. The
strikers are frequently mistaken for two
long legs, and from this arises the idea
that tho creature has stings on its feet
Two powerful projections, resembling
jaws, protrude from the head. Under
each of these is a curved poison
similar to a cat's claw, but long
like those of a which
may be lifted, extended and hooked
into A person thus
or bitten must, cut tho
at once, for spider does not,
willing to unhook its
Two old fellows were in the seat be-
hind the car. They had met
by accident after a long separation,
and having discussed the the
crops and the they
fell upon domestic matters.
married a didn't
asked one.
my first woman was a Gray-
ling. Good woman
I bet site was good If she was
one of old Hiram
she wasn't as good to work as
some of the other girls. Now when it
come to brush and with
the she wasn't much
her back give out and all
said other sympathetic-
but then she was better than
most women. I didn't do as well
that so Le's see who did you
many last time
married that girl of Ben
you one who used to look
so healthy. She got sick with typhoid
fever right after harvest two years
ago, and lost all her hair. When she
got well she was always at me
for money to buy a switch. Now,
my wife had on a good switch when
she died, and we didn't even put it in
coffin with her. But do you think
that Evans woman would put thing
on her No, sir. She said if I
couldn't afford as many hair switches
as I could wives I might go to grass.
Just goes on that way, you
said the other man.
be wanting a new coffin all to
herself, the next thing you
Chicago Herald.
Adv m mar
ii you protect yourself
from Profuse Scanty,
Suppressed or irregular Men-
must use
will i .;, two members of my
i . for
Km from
at by one
effect Is truly J. w.
Book which
i oh all female
A Household Remedy
Db Di
Botanic Blood Balm
malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be- i
sides being efficacious in toning up II c .
and constitution.
when Impaired any cause Its I
almost properties I
justify us in a cure. If ,
directions are followed.
A Literal Proposition.
not heard paragon of
For a
its has been a house-
hold word mid has become a
for nil that Is excellent, pure Hint
ill journalism. is delightfully en-
without resort to cheap
instructive without being
prosy or pedantic. Combining the liter-
qualities of expensive
with the bright,
it leaves nothing to be
desired by the average reader. It is
upon as a visitor by
every who reads it. while thous-
ands regard it Indispensable and
would an no account go without it. An
enormous circulation of copies
per Week attests its wonderful
the these are
those who unfamiliar with its
passing merits as paper, the pub-
Fret to them
for the i year, over live
for only cents; a club of lour
for or a club of All our
readers should subscribe at once. Sam-
We will send you the and
the Weekly Fret for the rest of the
year cents. Send your sub-
Of to
has been said about the use of
the that we call par-
attention to entitled,
Fact About
of Binghamton,
S. Y, It contains full information re-
costs, patents, Ac, mid
I by every A
postal will get it.
A Broad Assertion.
H a u ran
p. p. p.
Cures scrofulA.
las aw all rt,
Poison, ale.
P. P. k an
P. P. P.
Cures rheumatism
tacit blood k la
an U
another new discovery by Alfred
in the way of helping the afflict-
ed. calling on or addressing tin-
above named barber, you can procure .
bottle of that is
for eradicating and mil and causing the
hair i be soft and
glossy, only r three application a
week is an-.; a hair
brush is all to Ire need after nibbing the
vigorously for a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle mid
convinced, only cents.
N. C.
j t . i v i,. B. S.
with me in the Undertaking business we
are ready to serve the people in that
a All notes and accounts due
inc for past services have been placed la
the hands of Mr. Sheppard
P. P. A.
P. P. P.
Cures dyspepsia
For sale at T. Wooten's Store
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Banal and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything
from the finest Case down to a
Pitt county Coffin. We arc
with all conveniences and can i-.
satisfactory services to all who
Town Tax Sale.
have day levied on the following
lots or parcels of land in Bethel,
county and will sell the same on
day, the 8th of August. ISM. at Car-
son's Brick Store in the Town of Bethel.
N, C. to satisfy the taxes and cost due
on for the year
Name. Tax Cost IV nil
Keel. J S.
W e Main,
c Main,
e Main,
c Main,
e Main,
. w Main,
e Main,
i-Main, 1.90
1.80 1.70
1.60 2.60
Moore, John.
Staton. J.
Teel. T I.
Shaw. L.
Hunter, W W,
Jenkins. M G. e Main,
Ward, w Main, 1.60
J. l.
Gainer. Q W.
Manning. Elk. 1.60 8.10
Ton n Tax Collector.
For Sale.
One half of a town lot in Greenville
upon is situated a dwell-
outhouses and well.
Apply to
J. D.
is to all persons that Lee
was by me for Eleven
Months from January 1st. 1801. He left
me without on the 27th of June,
SaM Lee Cash was employed by
me in Granville county and brought to
county. All persona will take no
not to employ him under of
law without
ii. m.
June 1881.
Log Men
New P. vertical Boiler and
Engine, fitted up tram
B. L.
N. C,
High School,
Tuition, 82.00
Foreign each, -50
Board, including washing,
lights, fuel. 8.00
One's expenses for months
need be but little over
More than pupils enrolled last
Seventeen boarders, five
Pitt county. Climate remarkably
Good buildings. The pros-
for the fail session arc very good.
For further or
Z. D.
N. C.
For Sale and Rent.
We have the for
and rent.
One two-third lot with two story
house, four rooms, good
house, and stables tor five bones. For
sale cheap; or rent SB per mouth, with
stable SO.
Two good building lots in Skinner-
ville. Desirable locations.
One house and half lot, rive rooms,
and stables, good well water.
One house and lot, five rooms be-
sides cook-room and dining room. Two
house, good well of water.
For sale or house and lot
in single story, six rooms,
cook-room and dining room attached;
Rent for per month.
acres of land adjoining the Fe-
male Institute, property lying on each
side of the railroad and near the depot.
Good location for dwellings and
The two corner stores in the Tyson
Building, also several rooms in the upper
of same building.
One on Pitt Street owned by
Mrs. P. E. Dancy. Has eight rooms,
and For rent per
it Nicely finished dutiable
location. .
We make collection of rents a
H contemplate buying,
ling, or renting, call and see us, or
respond with OS.
Prices of any of the property
made known on application.
Heal Estate Agents
K C.
obtained, and all business in the V. S,
Patent office or in the Courts attended to
for Moderate Pees.
We arc the S. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents in less time than those
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing is sent
advise as to free of charge,
and we make no change unless ob-
refer, here, to Post Master, the
of the Money Order Did., and to
the U. S. Patent Office. For
advise terms and reference to
actual clients in your own State, or
address, C. A. Snow Co.,
Washington, D, C.
Has Moved to next Door Court House
My Factory i well equipped with the best Mechanics, consort . t put up
but first-class work. We keep up with the times and , improved styles
Rest material used in all work. All styles of Springs are use. you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ran, flora, King
Also keep on hand a full of ready
the. year round, which we will sell AS low as
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favors we to
merit a continuance of same
We have invented a Hanger suitable
for curing tobacco in leaf and take
privilege of announcing; we be-
it to be the best and cheapest
for tobacco leaves
in barns and that much tobacco can
be put in the barn by using our hangers
as by any other plan now before the pub-
our hangers you can use
any kind of stick from round to a
common split lath with perfect
We will furnish i hanger free to any
person who will apply. Price IS cents
per bandied.
Any person wishing con-
hangers or tobacco slicks will do
well with or Mr. A. Forbes,
of N. C
K. C.
Printers and Binders,
We have tho largest and most complete
establishment of the kind to be found In
the State, and solicit orders for all classes
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
n your orders.
The salve in world cuts,
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
chapped hands,
all eruptions, and
Clues piles, or no pay
is to give
or mm. refunded. Price cents per
law. For sale by J Woolen.
s the world
lately bees serried lino
It is
for purity.
and beneficial effects. As
i- delicious and re-
prove-1 and Cookery,
and Schedule
So NoW
Weldon 12,30 pm B
Ar am
Tarboro am
Ar Wilson p m pm am
Goldsboro S am
Av Magnolia
Ar Wilmington
No No No
daily daily daily
ex Sun.
Wilmington loam
Magnolia i am
Ar Goldsboro
Ar Wilson
Wilson S am pin pm
Ai Rocky Mount
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pm pm
except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax 3.82 P. M., arrives Scot-
land Neck at 4.15 P. M., Greenville
P. M., 7.10 p. m. Returning,
leaves Kinston 7.00 a. m., Greenville
8.10 a. m. Arriving Halifax a. m.
Weldon 11.25 a. in., daily except Sun-
Local freight train leaves Weldon
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at
7.00 a. m., arriving Scotland Neck 10.03
a. m., Greenville 2.10 a. m., Kinston
4.25 p. m. Returning leaves Kinston
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at
10.00 a. m., arriving Greenville 12.00
noon, Scotland Neck 8.20 p. m., Weldon
6.20 p. m.
Train leaves Tarboro, N C, via
Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day, P M, Sunday PM, arrive
P M.
Plymouth 7.60 p. m., 5.20 p. m-
Returning leaves Plymouth daily
Sunday 6.20 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a. nit
Williamston, K C, m, 9.58 am.
arrive Tarboro, N C, A M
Train on Midland N C Branch leave
Goldsboro dally except Sunday, A M,
N C, A M. Re-
turning N C AM,
arrive Goldsboro, N C, A M.
at P M, arrive Nashville
P M. Hope P M. Returning
AM, Nashville
M, arrives Rocky Mount A
M. daily, except Sunday. .
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at
ton and P. M. connect
at Warsaw with No.
Southbound train on Wilson A
Branch is No. Northbound Is
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only a
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection a
Weldon for all points North Al
via Richmond, and daily except Sun
i. R.
K. B.
A. L. Mel
Wholesale U-ml Dealers In
A Always on
Horses u specialty.
No-, tad i -ii it. Norfolk Va
ill bit I
for Shaving, Cutting and Dressing Hair
Opera at which place
I have recently located, and where have
In my line
with all the Improved appliance;
and comfortable chairs.
Razors sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside of my
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
of Hall's Patent
Pianos Organs Furniture
Baby Carriages and Mattings
Largest House and Largest Stock in the South.
No matter what Piano or Organ you want write to us for
and prices and will save you money.
Opposite Main t., Va.
N. C.
Chair ever in art, Clean towels,
sharp razors and satisfaction
in every Call and be
dies walled on at their
Cleaning clothes
i- lag their year's ill Bad
their interest to get our price baton
chasing elsewhere. complete
in all its branches.
at Lowest Market
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com
stock of
always on hand and sold at price.-i to
the times. Our node are all bought and
for CASH, therefore, no risk
to sell at a close margin.
X. C.
a. Preparation tho most
tent remedies known to science for the
cure of disease. This Preparation has
been in use over fifty years, and where,
ever known has been in steady demand.
Once used a family it becomes the
household remedy. It been endorsed
by the leading physicians all over
country, and has effected cures where all
other remedies, with attention of
the most experienced physicians,
for years failed. This Ointment is not
just gotten up for purpose of making
money, but Is of long and the
high reputation it has obtained is
owing entirely to its own efficacy, as but
little effort ever made to bring
it before tho public. One bottle of this
Ointment, will be sent to any address on
receipt of One Dollar. The usual dis-
count to All Cash Orders
promptly attended to. Address all or-
and communications to
T. F.
Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor,
N. C.
Tar Hirer Company
J. S.
N. M. Lawrence, Tarboro, Gen
Cant. K. F. Washington, Gen Ag
People's Line for travel on
The Steamer ii lines
and quickest boat on the river.
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted-
Fitted up specially for the comfort, ac
and convenience of Ladies.
A first-class furnished with th
best the market afford;.
A trip on the Steamer
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at o'clock, A. M.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, a. m.
Freights received daily and through
to all points.
a- F. JOKES, J. f.
Men to the of Pitt and surrounding counties, of the following good
not to be excelled In this market. And to be an
pure straight goods. DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, GEN.
kinds, Gin and Hay, Rock Lime, and
rat Co. N C P
r COBB T. H.
C. N C
Cobb Bros,,
Cotton Factors,
Commission Merchants.
We have Lad many ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle Cotton to
the advantage of shippers.
All business lo
will receive prompt and
careful attention
Portraits, and cuts of colleges, factor-
machinery, made to order
New York City.
Blood Cure.
Thousands of peddlers and
many unscrupulous grocers
are trying to force on the pub-
lie, dangerous imitations of Cad-I
Considering the popularity of Pearline,
this Is not surprising. We want to warn the public
against the use of these articles. They are danger-
to fabric and hands. PEARLINE is never
peddled, but sold by grocers everywhere.
Each package bears the name of JAMES PYLE. New York.
School fur.
Just closed, lo- p J.
for h
Full Bust
-hr r-1.1 teas
Write for
rim j . L
J. A. M. C,
In sac snore than A
tire care
and all disease
Blood, and
A botanical .
and sent snail
medicine. for
A locality.
impound, put in
I at of
of Animal.
Family token at
Short Notice, from
to life In Inks, Crayon or
B Manager.
my Belts
Brushes, Curlers, A Samples
Free- now. Or.
Broadway, N. Y.
I have removed Lo new nil
Fifth in rear Capt.
Store, I will
keen a line line
wad Mules.
I have and for
and can suit the moist
I will nip. n DRAY-
and solicit a
patronage, and be convinced.
Greenville, V,
to Mt
have a
and invite my
and former patrons to give a call. I
can supply all your wants in tho way
a clean a stylish, hair cut, n de-
shampoo, or anything else In the
line. solicited.
Now Ready
To you the finest of lot of
ever to
want a Drive Horse
Draft Horse or ; Rood Work
Mule, to see me.
I cap furnish yon at
Feed Stables
been enlarged and
now l ample room to
all horses left in my charge
Greenville. N. C.

Eastern reflector, 29 July 1891
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 29, 1891
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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