Eastern reflector, 1 July 1891

A whole year
dollar, v
in order to get it you
Department that can I surpassed no
where in section. Our work always
Earthquake shocks cont iii
Ice in Maine is selling at a
a ton.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
A for the Insane-A Hew Play
Def Dumb.
Ga., has
on bobtail cars.
opened war
is said to be insane.
The Jacksonville Tribune
has suspended publication.
No change will be made for the
m the an Ministry.
Minister is ill with in
and Bismark with
In Chicago the Saturday half-
has extended to the letter
Dan Rice, the veteran showman,
has into the circus ring
The Now Jersey agricultural so-
voted to forbid pools at its
September fair.
One factory alone in Tampa,
Fla., expects to turn out
cigars this year.
Twenty conductors on the
Central railroad were dis-
charged for stealing fares.
Secretary Proctor declared that
desertions from the army have
greatly decreased this year.
Deer, it is reported, were never
so plentiful in the Dead River
region as they are now.
A family named
mother and in a
tenement house fire in Now York-
Ten police stations select-
ed in New York for attention of
women under the new matron sys-
In Norwood, R. I., last week a
a house was built and the family
moved in, all in twenty-four
John Brooks, of Mich.,
celebrated his birthday an-
this week in good
The mill weavers at Fall
River, Mass., yesterday be-
cause of unjust dismissals by the
At a tire the hose
kinked and escaped control,
knocking firemen down and into
tho Allegheny river.
The engines and two cars of an
excursion train of fifteen broke
through a bridge in Switzerland,
with a loss of over fifty lives.
An attempt was made
day to blow up the monument in
Rome inscribed to Victor
el, Garibaldi, Cavour and
Governor of Nebraska
threatens to tho militia of the
State to recover an alleged, horse
from tho Wyoming
A subterranean river been
discovered in Benton county. Mo.,
by the caving of earth over it.
stream is said to be twenty-
five feet deep,
Doctor's bills have been
to the New York Central
railroad for for alien
to the injured in the
town explosion.
Regular Correspondence.
NEW Juno 25th, 1891
The of the
Insane Asylum is
quite a success. Some time ago tho
pat up a structure, in
which are by
the inmates of the asylum, some of
whom have considerable
am always sure of getting a full
says Superintendent Dent,
I have difficulty in getting
patients who prove acceptable as
actors. The plays selected are all
light comedies. We want to
our patients laugh our
is proving a great success
Twice, a week perform-
are given, to all the
patients look with great
It is surprising how rend
and quickly these afflicted
their parts. They give a pet
would compare favor-
ably with many professional
given in a regular
liberality in providing
such a play house should
A diminutive play ground has
established in one of the crowded
of the city, which will
dun lit be of great benefit to the
little people in those quartets.
play ground, or
as it Is called, is the work of a few
young women the neighborhood,
who are trying to accomplish as
much good as their limited
will permit. Their back
yard, x feet, is said to be the
largest piece or unoccupied ground
In tho tenth ward. It is covered
with sand and fitted up with
swings, which children arc
lowed to enjoy, each in turn one
hour. There is such eagerness
among these little ones for a place
to that every Saturday they
sit for two or three hours on the
front stoop awaiting their turn.
This is the only play ground that
great neighborhood, and the
is made that the city should
extend the idea, and, if necessary
tear down a whole block of houses
in order to furnish the children a
suitable play
David aged nineteen, and
son of Mr. William agent
for David Dudley Field's estate,
left his fathers office possession
of all bis faculties, last Monday to
go up town to collect some rent.
He did not return, and as foul play
was suspected a general alarm was
sent out on Wednesday, which
the of the young
man in street, a battered
and braised condition, bis money
and hat gone, his clothes torn, and
unable to talk or bear. Further
investigation showed that he bad
been robbed of on Monday
night. The robbers have all been
arrested. At first it was thought
that perhaps the young man was
hamming deaf and dumb, but he
has been examined by expert
who agree that bis affliction
genuine, but are wholly at a loss
to account it. Young
writes an account of bis being rob-
bed which agree with the facts
gathered by the police, lie became
deaf and dumb he was rob-
and wholly unable to give
any account of himself during
Tuesday. The ease is a
great mystery.
Edwin Arlington.
Hawthorne, N. J., was swept by
and orchards, killing
domestic animals aid near-
every window in town.
Pacific Coast item is a San
Francisco yield of
apricots is the will be
precedented, but prunes will show
the smallest yield since 1883.
stirred up
by stories about the spirit of Dr,
haunting the cot-
For several nights the
house has been surrounded by an
excited crowd
Condition vi
Those who are in ill-health are
confronted by a condition, not a
theory, although there are
people ready and anxious to
theorize about it. In ninety-nine
cases oat of a hundred S. S. S- will
do the of renovation. case-
of indigestion, loss of appetite and
general debility, this wonderful
medicine acts with almost
certainty. It restore the ac-
of the liver, blood
sad builds up the system. As a
tonic for young and old it is without
rival. Though it is powerful in its
effects, the youngest or the oldest
can take it with the most
effects. S. S. S. has be-
hind it a record of ball a century,
and is more popular as a
remedy to-day than ever before.
There is nothing
the Harrison administration.
When it isn't depleting I he Treasury
or patching the tariff it is
and refreshing the White House.
Philadelphia Times.
A weeks ago there
in columns an article
at ten i ton to a request from Dr.
John A. New York, that
surviving Confederate prisoners
furnish him with accounts
to Northern prisons
the war so that he might
them. The request was made
bemuse, he had already published
t he Century an article showing,
from that Con-
prisoners the North
were treated worse daring the war
than were Northern prisoners in the
South, which publication bad called
upon him bitter denunciation
from Northern writers, who also
questioned his veracity.
to this appeal Dr.
has received a number of
communications fully substantiating
his and of re-
published to show
that he was more than justified in
his charges, if. is from. Captain P.
is enough to make the blood
creep with horror. Says Captain
do not know whether the
who were confined in Camp
Morion indulged in rat-eating or
not, but I do know that the
who imprisoned in Fort
Delaware ate rats and were glad to
get them. I Lave seen the poor,
hungry creatures along the walls
with clubs waiting for a rat to
pear, and oftentimes I have seen a
man a ho was lucky enough to cap-
one have to fight to keep it.
D. M. Mason, who is now ticket
agent of Baltimore and Ohio,
Oakland, were together, and
we were captured, on May 11th,
and were released on June
20th, Many of the prisoners
were afflicted with scurvy and died
on account of the prison faro. The
suffering of others were beyond de-
It is to imped that other
Southern victims of Northern prison
treatment during the war may like-
wise give in their as
matters of history. Not for the
purpose or reviving old animosities
or keeping alive sectional bate, but
only that tho South may be
in the eyes of the world.
Ever since the war the South has
been sitting passively by, allowing
Northern writers and Northern ma-
to make her history for
her, and what is the result We
have been held up to the execration
of mankind as the most barbarous
of barbarians, treating Northern
prisoners like dogs and shooting
them down in cold blood upon the
slightest provocation. Libby prison
has been transported to and erected
in Chicago as a monument to South-
cruelty, while the falsehoods
have grown as they have been,
tune and lime again, reiterated by
the Northern press, Northern stump
and Northern Congress-
men. Yet it is a matter or fact that
the South treated prisoners of war
with more consideration than her
prisoners received, notwithstanding
she was unable even to take proper
care of her own soldiers
righting in the field to defend her
against her invaders. And more
than this, responsibility for the
death suffering nearly every
prisoner a Libby
and elsewhere can be traced direct-
to the n of Lincoln, Grant,
Si-ward and Sherman, who, despite
the appeals or Confederate
refused an exchange. This is his-
it is a damning that
poor was most unjustly hung
murdered for the crimes of
Northern authorities.
The South cannot afford longer
to silently suffer- being
or to have her history writ-
ten by her enemies. She must as-
herself for her own protection,
and in order that the oft-repeated
calumnies of her barbarity may be
silenced forever. t is necessary,
therefore, that the survivors of the
horrors of Northern prisons follow
the example of Captain
and let it be known what they had
to undergo at the hands of a Gov-
which bad ports of the
world open to it, and was
able to show them at least
common humanity.
Mr. M- A. Marry, Wilmington,
Del., had one of my
severe headaches and was
ed to try your valuable
medicine. I never any-,
thing to do me so much
Raleigh Chronicle.
Tho following from the New York
is those signs which
come from the Northern press that
South is no longer undervalued;
in fact, that is being estimated at a
very high value. Tho error of the
North was that Southern people
would not work; they were too lazy
to work; they were too proud to
work, fitted to enjoy only
the ii of slave labor, and when
slavery was extinguished then what
there was of Southern energy would
collapse. Therefore the amazement
of the North is proportioned to its
misconception. It calculated upon
seeing thing; it is now seeing
quite It to see
desolation of war
continued ruin and poverty;
it sees revival of industry and
extended beyond what bad
ever been other words,
it had expected to see
that the baud of the
had lost its cunning, when in fact it
finds that that race is the same
everywhere, the same always in its
with adversity, the
always in its triumph over bard
When Hie Herald sues, as it will
see. how wonderful are the
Southern pro-
then it can appreciate tho
force of tho iris u it as
the expression of
is the
future is
Statistics are said to dull and,
stupid. That may as a
thing, but when y u take an
inventory of your property
that you are worth just three times
as much as you wens ten years ago
thou figures more
ting than poetry more thrilling
The Booth will back us up in
these statements. When it
itself together after the war it found
that It had nothing bat bankruptcy
and pluck as capital in trade. Its
motto was, past, is nowhere;
the future is and it
drew its belt one bole tighter and
started in the race.
statistics which represent its
progress arc as exhilarating and
cheering as old wine. Its coal out-
put twenty years ago was about two
million tons; now it is nearly
teen million tons, in 1880 it thought
it was rushing along at a breakneck
speed because it had erected mills
on its streams and manufactured
one hundred eighty thousand
bales of it had raised;
but in J, only ten years later, it
manufactured five hundred thous-
and bales and male contracts for
more mills.
Before war the sleepy
lay the sou on top of iron
whose value was only suspected
tho people's
attention, they let
sleep on. Now the are work-
ed, the bonanza has been uncover-
ed, dreams of wealth have become
an inspiration; roar of the forge,
tho bum of are heard
and old
is beginning to tremble in her boots
as she surveys and
The South has rolled up its sleeves
and proposes to be rich again
richer than r. It has all the
natural resources which attract
and enterprise. Young
from the the lookout for a
career are making investments
there, helping to develop the
try, always receive a warm
welcome. tides of population,
kept apart so long, are mingling
waters, and unless the
raise a row there won't be any
North or any South twenty years
from now, in stead we
shall bare a united, contented
prosperous country.
Therefore, hang the politicians
let the good go on.
Sheppard's soul is
again, and all because
rebels are building
to traitors and liberty
goes through
lie asks, we smile in
mental while all this
goes on. No, Brayer, no. You
need net. There is no law to com-
you to smile any more than
there is to hide your ears and pro-
vent you from showing what a first,
class ass yon are whenever you get
a half a chance. You should never
mile bat always look serious
wear natural expression of the
species to which you
I would give anything in world
to know whether he in earnest or
not, is the thought tint passes
through the minds of most young
girls when they have received a good
many calls from some handsome
beau ideal who seems to just suit
their fancy.
But how can ever And out they
cry, despairingly. for some
magic glass that would mirror his
heart and show me what Is written
on its tablet
Let me tell you, my dear, how to
discern whether a young man is
really attracted toward you or not.
over ideas for yourselves.
When a man bas to be
urged to call on you hove
to make opportunities to see him, or
find excuses to write to him, d spend
upon It, you are having your trouble
for your pains, for, believe me, he's
not particularly attracted toward
not in love. If be cads
irregularly, and not he is not
troubling himself about whether or
not any one else may step in win
you from him. Love always makes a
fearful that he may by any slip
of destiny lose his treasure, and ho
never feels safe until after he
won the object of his adoration. It
is truly said that love makes a man
bashful and unassuming in his man-
When a man is eager to have you
invite your neighbor's pretty
to help entertain him when be
calls, be is not in love with you, for
eyes of a lover are shut all
smiles and glances but those of her
whom he has called to see.
If you are twenty-five years old,
and he is thrown in contact with
young girl, and you see his eyes
restlessly wandering toward the
girl of sixteen summers, you may
know then at once that however
bright and witty you may be, he is
not tor you. For even should you be
unfortunate enough to marry him,
you would not be blessed with the
heavenly bliss which wedded people
should love of each other.
A gentleman should do all the woo-
for, though he may come to see
a girl once or twice, who plainly
shows like to have he
never comes the time, for
it has been said
When a woman throws herself at a man's
She'll soon herself at his
For the girl has to make advances,
the man is not in love.
When a man is remiss in his at-
be is not in love.
When he neglects to perform any
little act of kindness that falls his
way, be is not in love.
When puts off his engagements
he is not in love. Of course, in
gent eases, he may not lie able to
help it, but if it is at all possible,
word should always be scat, or he
cannot be called in love with you.
As Rosalind says in As You Like
man who comes one minute late
is not in
A young man who continually
asking to be introduced to your
young lady friends is n it satisfied
with you, for he is not in love; nor is
he in love who always brings a mar-
gentleman companion with
him when calling upon you, for
when real love enter bis heart he Is
jealous, to a certain extent, of all at-
bestowed upon others. He
to make sure of obtaining
you, and will not knowingly throw
others in your way if lie really
for you.
Another, and an excellent plan of
revealing the secret
which some do not oven dare own to
themselves, is through his
when he away from you.
As a general rule, when lovers are
separated, his letters should come
often. Do they Does he seem to
find consolation in writing yon let-
long and
He may send you one every day
for a long time, and then write every
three or days, This, you say, is
probably because he busy. Then
they every week, then two
weeks apart, they are dictated,
and they don't come at
all; for. little by little, he has gently
broken loose from
very of mere friend-
ship which bound yon together and
which yon believed lore. A
should come often and
many to your one, for oh your little
finely written missives bring balm
and relief to him, if he dose not
care to receive them, be is not in
love. Do not kneel before bis picture
sad weep your eyes out for
Forget him, and say to
cure I bow fair be be,
If he be not fair to
He simply n A in love.
any there is a big
group of spots coming into sight
the edge of the sun. Their
appearance is very formidable. The
bright surface of the solar globe
scams to have been torn and broken
through in a wonderful manner. All
around the black spots the glowing
service is heaped up into vast
elevations that shine much
brighter than the surrounding parts
of sun. It needs but a glance to
sec a convulsion is
occurring there. masses
of vaporized matter, including met-
turned into clouds by beat, are
being hurled tens of thousands of
miles high. In a few days the rota-
of the sun will have brought
this disturbed region near
of the disk. It will be worth watch-
for daily and hourly marvelous
changes will take place there, the ex-
may bee MM weaker, an I the
gradually disappear, or there
may he a far greater outburst that
will shatter the brilliant shell of the
sun over millions of square miles.
The New York Sun, commenting
on the above in the mean-
time, great storms and tornadoes
cur on the earth, they will no doubt
be ascribed to the influence of this
disturbance on sun,
should jump to conclusion that
the solar explosions really do pro-
duce storms. If it can be proved
that electricity is an important
in the generation of tornadoes,
then the storm producing influence
of sun spots will probably be admit-
by many men of science who
doubt it at present, for the earth
ways responds with a magnetic
thrill to the convulsions that shake
its mighty ruler in the
The Sanford is
for the
a neighboring county a min-
was traveling along in a wagon
and overtook a peddler with a heavy
pack to carry. The man of God
asked the peddler to ride with him
he did so. Soon they reached a
branch, and while the parson was
watering his horse be asked the
if he was prepared to die. The
effect was electrical, for the peddler,
not divining his meaning, took
to the woods with greasiest speed
and it was several days before he
could find the owner of the pack.
Soon after this the same preacher
meeting a roan in an ox asked
him if he on bis way to Heaven.
To which be you ever
see anybody start there an ox
On another occasion this same
preacher asked a boy if he knew his
letters. The boy said yes, and re-
them. preacher
him to say them backward and he
did so. Tho boy then asked the
preacher if he knew the Lord's
prayer. He said yes, and repeated
it. The boy asked him to say it
backwards, but he had to give it up.
The boy told him to quit preaching.
Try a
A wells known medical is
so strong an advocate of change that
he your if
you can; if you cannot do that,
your failing your
house, change your room, than rear-
range year II hie
every family should go sway once a
year for a month's stay under
surroundings-, if this is not
changes of a week at a time
will probably tare you a doctor's bill
if you have become in
health. Make a expeditions
as you can during the go
once a week if possible sad you will
find them more efficacious to build
up strength than any tonic that
can be administered. If possible get
different food the family at such
times than are daily
ed to, even if it is not delicate. A
change of food will often stimulate a
jaded appetite. When children or
grown people begin to loss appetite
and seem listless, better than a stock
of tonic for blood is a visit at a dis-
where there is a complete
change of scene and food.
world Is ever better,
one must make it so. It don't seem
to grow that way own account.
It's a plain ease, that if each
were the world would
be right. Then, to make the world
right, each must make
himself right. When this is done
some one will have made the world
right. That one will be each one.
Let us each take a large dose of self. J
and at
From tar Exchanges.
Hickory Press
The Battle Ground Co. will
a big celebration on July
Speeches by prominent men and
civic and military displays will be
the order of the day.
Henderson Quid It is stated
that Mr. J. B. Underwood, of
whose recent invention
of a wonderful cigarette machine has
excited considerable has
refused for a three-fifths
interest in it.
Concord Time. Last Friday the
wife of Bard, colored, who lives
on Mr. Cat, Boat's plantation In No.
gave birth to three
They are all well developed, living,
hearty and doing well. The woman
has thrice before presented her
band with twins.
Wilmington Mr. Harriss
Northrop has n banana plant in his
yard, on Fifth street, which is fruit-
nicely, the young bananas now
averaging about three inches in
-------Senator Vest expresses
the opinion that the Democratic
Presidential ticket will be Cleveland
and Gray.
Salisbury We have seen
a white sparrow, a partridge
and white raccoon, and have heard
of a white crow, but this morning
saw and tasted some white black-
were grown by Mr. T.
P. of and have tho
taste of the blackberry the
only being in color.
the exodus agent who has tarried
thousands of people from this State
to points father South, passed
through tho city to-day on the east-
bound train. He is possibly
going to eastern part of the
Slate to sec it he can work an
exodus lever again for the fall.
Miss Eliza Potter, of Wilmington,
who is pleasantly in
Durham, is now sailing across the
deep blue sea for Europe and other
points where she will spend many
months. She is by her
grandmother, Mrs. Worth.
One of the
exciting took place last
Sunday, between the bark Emma
Parker, tug Alex. Jones and pilot
boat Harper, from the Frying Fan
light ship to this port. The Harper
had put a pilot on board of the Par-
per, and the Jones coming along
to tow the bark, which offer
was refused. Then all headed for
Southport, with the heavy wind
almost directly astern. The Jones
reached here first, about two miles
ahead of the bark which beat the
Harper a mile. Jones won
place by setting sail, in addition to
her steam. Time was over ten knots
per hour.
Statesville Saturday
afternoon last Mr. It. II. Joyner's
two horses, which were hitched to
his wagon and were left by driver
near the head of Front street, took
fright and ran toward home. At the
intersection of Walnut and Race
streets an electric light pole stands
well out in the street. Just before
reaching this, the broke
and one of the horses went on one
side of the light pole and the
other on the oilier side. When Ilia
wagon struck the pole it came to n
dead halt. of the horses wore
thrown violently to the ground and
every particle of. gearing, to
the bridle, was stripped from one of
them. Tho was slight.
Special Notice.
In adopting the Advance
Um this year Tun will
lie continued to no one for a longer
than it Is paid for. If yon last
Just after your name on the margin
the paper the
subscription expires weeks
from this
it i to give you notice unless re-
newed in that time The
will cease to you at the
of the two weeks.
Col. C. S. Win
stead and A. J. Hester, Esq., while
over to Roxboro last Monday
morning, came near having quite a
serious accident. Shortly
home, the Col.
raised umbrella which frightened
the horse and he began to run with
all his might, and before very
far threw both gentlemen out of the
Col. Winstead received a
painful wound in the shoulder
and Esq. Hester one In his but
neither was seriously hurt. The
friends of the gentlemen were quite
uneasy for awhile Monday morning.
horse did not atop running until
it got to town, and when caught had
part of the buggy hanging to him.
Later, when tho two gentlemen
rived in Roxboro with friends who
hod gone out to look them,
everybody was greatly relieved to
know that accident though pain-
to both, was no worse.
Concord Standard.- A on
Robt. Wallace's place has a mule
that is grit, A well, feet deep
was being dug, but at present work
was suspended. It was covered with
some poles and old plunk. The mule
ran it and broke through. It
was some time before anything could
be done. Everyone believed
mule dead, hut it was discovered
that be was standing up and switch-
his tall. A messenger was low-
into the well. Had the mule a
broken leg, it was intended to fill it
up. mule was drawn out. Ha
walked off and began eating grass.
No damage. This occurred only
several days ago and Mr. Wallace
says that it is almost too
strange to believe
Morrison, of No. brother of
Mark, was fishing, for a bucket in
well. The plank gave way and
Linn started By
good look he succeeded in catching
the roped and reversed himself be-
fore falling over eight feet. He
ed himself out. lie then cot fear-
fully frightened.
The author of the following lines
to lie a tramp, as the prayer
they contain recalls
days, we give them place . the Watch
Near the
Iii my blanket bed I lie.
Baaing through the shades of night
At the star on high;
O'er mo spirit In the air
Silent vigils seem to keep.
As I breathe my childhood's prayer,
I lay me down to
sings the
In the boughs of yonder tree;
laughingly mountain rill
Swells the midnight
may lie lurking near
In the canyon dark and deep;
I breathe on ear,
pray thee Lord my soul to
Mid the stars one face I sec,
One the Saviour called away,
Mother, who, In infancy,
Taught my baby lips to pray;
Her sweet spirit hovers near
In this mountain break.
Take mo to her, Saviour dear,
I should die before I
grows the flickering light,
As each ember slowly dies;
Plaintively the birds of night
the air saddened
Over me they seem to
may never more
I lisp, If I should die,
pray thee Lord soul to
One of the best qualifications
to possess is that of usefulness.
Young man, young woman, you are
worth but little without it. Yen
will occupy but small space in
loss in history when you
are gone, if you have not been use-
It docs not take towering
or munificent wealth to secure
the unending benedictions of a
by your having lived.
The ability lo smile away a sorrow,
to touch away a burden, to ease
aching heart, to change fear to Joy,
despair to hope, and restore to a
blighted life a purpose, arc gifts of
usefulness which will gladden your
life by bringing joy into that of
A man going home from his
at a late hour in the night saw that
the occupants of a house
flush with the street had left a win-
up, and he decided to warn them
and prevent a Putting
his head into the window he called
out, Good That
was all he said. A whole pail of
water struck him in the face, and as
he staggered back a woman shrieked
out, I tell you what you'd
get if you wasn't home by ten
Dr. W. II.
Dear your request I will state
my case. Some years ago I contracted
in its most violent form while
living at Newark. X. J. I consulted
various physicians and took numberless
preps rations recommended
cures but it stuck to me like a brasher
or mere like a mother-in-law. f Anally
came South, and while here tried new
remedies, said to always cure malaria,
and It still stuck t me and yon knew
the broken- down condition I was la when
I came to you. You put me talking year
P. P. P. Ash, Poke Root
and I improved rapidly,
and am to-day In as good health as I
ever was in fact, better. As s remedy
for a broken-down constitution It has no
equal. Yours etc.,
T. P.
Take Take Knight's
for dyspepsia and
it will you.
KN H. O.
Prompt attention given to collections.
Attorney at-Law,
. C.
Prompt and careful attention to
L. C.
M. c
Ll U.
In all the court.
N. C.
r Practice in all the Courts.
Till. J
X. C
In upper
Photograph Gallery.

Greenville, N.
The new of Wake
Forest College students
the past year- This was
not large w the year before,
but it is said tho average
dance was better.
1st, M.
Publisher's Announcement
line e insertion.
Commissioners and t
of no
Ox-l rule order to avoid
future trouble
will I demanded.
in person by letter.
all changes of w Tuesday
be found a e
Since T. J. Jarvis left the
executive office there has been no
one to occupy it who has shown
neater zeal for tho education
the people than Gov. Holt has
done since he was called to the
chair. He shows himself greatly
interested, and if nothing happens
we may expect good results m
education from his administration.
Representative Ten-
who is one of the most j
prominent candidates for
of the House of Representatives,
has no doubts about the election
of a Democratic President next
year. Hero are tho reasons he
recently gave for believing the
result of the national campaign to
be a at the
popular vote of this country ; it is
Democratic overwhelmingly. Stop
and think of tho long array of
Democratic Governors now
power, the number of State
we control. All this
country is Deni
that the doctrine of
that party is nearest the public
heart and has the public
but over and above all this,
the tremendous upheaval of last
fall in the Congressional
voicing the condemnation
by the people of the Republican
tariff measure, puts tho Democrat-
party a position from which
it cannot be rooted by all tho Re-
publican Governors and
yet to be elected. That was
the first great result of a measure
that will retire the Republican
party from power in 1892.
can prevent our success next
Cotton keeps on getting lower
and lower. It has now gotten so
low that there is no profit in
it. It can raised in tho
Southern States so cheap that it
is useless for us this section to
try to compete with them in
it. As long as our farmers in
North Carolina undertake to raise
cotton and buy corn and pork they
will fill a poor man's place. Tho
South Atlantic and Gulf States is
the natural home for cotton.
Along the Atlantic Slope and
Highlands other crops will do
better, that is, is more profit
in raising other crops. This being
tho case, our farmers ought to
stop raising cotton and try things
which there is profit.
For Newest
Lowest Prices
They carry the largest stock of
of any store in Greenville. Look over this
J. B. Cherry.
J. R.
J. O.
Men's Suits 15.00,
Nice All Wool Pants
Thin Coats
; and Silk Shirts
I p all styles and sizes
styles and best brands of
I Slippers
Silk Mohair coats and j Gent's Wool Hats
Gent's Low Quarter Shoes Straw Hats
; Nice Check
Low button shoes White Lawn in all styles
i Nun's Veiling and many
Oxford Ties I'll other fabrics.
Children's shoes i. ft to pr yd.
and Ladies shoes nice brown domestic
We beg to inform our friends and patrons that we now the
most complete stock we ever had. To our lady friends
we wish to say that our stock of Dress Goods will com-
------pare favorably with line in town.-------
In Wool Fabrics we have lien j In all grades of Men and
Cashmeres, Albatross . Hats we have nice styles
and in the leading J and will sell at prices to please
All we ask is that you call and examine our stock prices
The Executive of the
North Carolina Press Association
met in Raleigh last Wednesday
and decided to hold tho next con-
in Winston the 12th, 13th
and 14th of August- Boys, were
you not tampering with Father
constitution when yon
changed it from the last
day in July The time is all
right with us though, if it suits
Prof. F. P. Hobgood has been
chosen President of Richmond
Institute. He graduated
with the degree of A. M. at Wake
Forest College several years ago,
and has devoted himself to
female education. He was triad
pal of Raleigh Female Seminary
several years. From Raleigh tie
went to Oxford and began tho
Oxford Female Seminary, and
a fine of it. was
first to the
Wheat, corn, tobacco, oats, peas
and all kinds of vegetables do well
in this section. There is no
in selling for cents a
pound when it costs more than
that to raise it. It is said by some
who have lived in both States that
it takes labor to get a cotton
crop ready to begin work on it
in North Carolina than in does to
work the whole crop in
Texas. In addition to Texas
will produce more to tho acre than
North Carolina. Where then is
the wisdom trying to make cot-
making business in
State There is simply no
wisdom m it. And we arc glad to
sec that our farmers begin-
tiling to realize this. It would
Lave been much better for them
As the amount of taxes paid is,
in many small, it is earn-
upon the Clerks or the
various comities to make as great
as possible their
In case the tax was paid by a
or the blank can
readily be changed to suit the facts.
Taxes paid by a guardian arc to be
repaid to the wards if the guardian-
ship has been settled.
case of the death of a tax-
payer, the tax can be only
to a representative that
is, to an or administrator.
It is no part the duty of the
Governor to decide or advise as to
rights of the of kin, or of
of any other
claiming from the personal
The MM rules of law
govern all cases, and when the
money is once paid to the claimant
the duty of the Governor is per-
The money will be paid on
warrants upon tho State Treasurer.
Arrangements will he made, if ix-
whereby such warrants can
be collected through banks in all
parts-of the State.
Thomas M. Holt,
always been the party of the
people could, off
handed, come within million
dollars of the amount out in
pensions by this Government
July 1st, The figures were
this k. up at the pension
Blackberries are ripening rapidly.
Some heavy at
Wilmington, in the vicinity of
Scotland Neck, and
Auburn at the beginning of the
county- Crops being rapidly cleaned
The Scientific A is author-
for the statement that little
parsley, or a grains of coffee,
or even a swallow or two of
if taken after onions, will
their unpleasant effects
upon the breath.
and here is the total grass, though labor scarce and
Just think, one
lion, two hundred and eighty-four
seven hundred and sixteen
thousand dollars. If this money
was all fifty dollars bills the
average man's life would not be
long enough to count not even if
it were possible for him to work
continuously at the task.
Col. G. Ingersoll and Mr. J.
W. to fame as one j proved crops,
of the Kings, were closeted which is much
with Mr. Harrison for nearly two
hours one day this week, and there
is reason for believing that the sub-
under discussion was silver. It
is somewhat puzzling why these
gentlemen should have attempted
to surround their visit to Washing-
ton with so much mystery. At the
hotel where they stopped the
not reliable. Dover, Craven
-crops doing well, except
oats are rusting some. Burgaw,
Tender Two light showers.
Creeks, branches and wells are dry
out. Crops backward, but
clean. Faison,
crops doing well just now. Weather
favorable. Clinton, Sampson
weather has greatly
better. Corn very
Spring and Summer shades.
In Cotton Fabrics we
Pins Apple Tissues, Swiss
Zephyrs, Batiste, Out-j
Cloths, Lawns, j
Ginghams, a full line of Whites
Dress Goods, la all of these j
lines you will find beautiful
styles. No prettier to
in town.
our customers.
We invite comparison of
prices of the following
Notions, Gent's Furnish-
Goods, Trunks, Valises,
Hardware, Crockery, Tinware,
Wood and Willow Ware,
Provisions, and all
kinds of Farming Implements
and Furniture.
good. Scotland Neck, Halifax
the 10th,
20th, 21st and 22nd damaged crops
in some neighborhoods very much
where they were heavy. Much
I complaint of grass. Labor scarce
j and high. Corn crop light land
I very poor. Cotton grassy and at,
least three weeks late. Irish
female it sooner.
i ; m change on Md BOon
Carolina. Richmond
in curing him for her
renowned Institute, and North
Carolina is a loser by his depart-
from us.
Here is an item we find in the
Henderson Gold Leaf which
speaks so plainly for itself that
comment upon it unnecessary.
We only ask that every young
who sees the Reflector shall
read the item carefully, giving it a
few minutes serious thought and
see what conclusions they will
rive at. The Gold Leaf says
thing we not
. stand is why ladies are not
as particular about the moral char-
of the men they associate with
as men are the opposite sex.
Let the breath of suspicion rest
upon a woman and she is avoided
by won ; but a man may known
to be dissipated and dissolute
lacking in morals and wanting in
he is still recognized
by what we call society and allowed
the companionship of
men. Strange, isn't it V
Ex-United States senator,
Joseph E. of Indiana,
June He was in the
year of his age. Ha had come
from tho humblest walks of life to
lie greatest men of the
Ho during his life
Attorney General, as
Congress, and a
d States Senator. He was one of
the truest and ablest Democrats
of the nation. He had once or
twice considerable following as a
Presidential candidate, although
he never nominated for
dent I A. Hendricks
man ever more loved in
His death is a blow to
the Democratic party, for never
was hi service and advice more
needed than at present. His ad-
could always
be relied on. There is no man in
the Democratic party for whom
Mr. Cleveland had a higher re
Oar great men rapid-
died within the last year. Be-
Mr. Senators
Hearst and Wilson have and
our farmers will be independent
again. In addition to adversity
of crops, ought to be
made a profitable business, and
can be made so if prop-
Instructions of of North
Concerning the of the
Unite Direct Taxes
Raleigh, Jane
Section or the-Act of Con-
approved March pro-
tor refunding the direct
taxes, directs as no
part of money hereby
shall be paid out by Gov-
of any State or Territory, or
any other person, to any attorney or
agent any contract
vices now existing or heretofore
made between the representative
State or and any at-
or agent. All claims under
trust created shall be
filed with the Governor of such
State or Territory within six years
after passage of this act; and
all claims not so filed shall be for-
ever barred, and money
thereto shall belong to the
The taxes were collected m the
Beaufort, Bertie,
wick, Cabarrus, Carteret, Caswell,
Craven, Cum-,
Davidson, Edges
Granville, Greene, Guilford,
Halifax, Hertford, Hyde Johnston,
Jones, Mecklenburg,
New Hamster,
Northampton, Onslow, Orange,
Pitt Rockingham,
Rowan, Sampson, Wake, Warren,
Washington, Wayne, Wilson.
Copies of the lists taken from
records in the Treasury Department
of the United States have been sent
to Clerk of the Superior Court
of each of these counties, and
blanks for use of persons in
application to Governor for
sums appealing on lists to be
due them.
Clerks will furnish blanks
to persons whose names, or those of
their intestates or testators, are on
the list, and will be to see
the blanks are properly filled
out in every instance. If a
tor tax can be produced it
be sent with the application to
Governor, and when receipt is
our Regular
of neither of them appeared on the j toes being Crop short,
register. Such a precaution was j but prices good Weldon, Halifax
i Col. A. Andrews is
I deal of newspaper praise on the
i report of his promotion to the
of First Vice-President of the
i Richmond Danville. All this is
highly deserved and more too; and
should increased when it is known
that he decided the groat honor and
larger emoluments because it
ed his removal to New York City.
He would not sever his associations
with North Carolina. He is too
proud of his Slate, and her people;
too ranch wrapped up in the develop-
of North Carolina to be tempt-
ed There are not many men
who have state pride to such an ex-
North State.
Our stock of Shoes and Slip-
is very attractive. We
think we can suit you both in
quality and fit. One of the lead-
Shoes with us is our Opera
Toe with Common Sense Heel.
absurd when both of then- are well
known to every newspaper man of
any prominence Washington.
the President's
private Secretary, is now regarded
as a political boss.
of the District of Columbia,
one democrat, one republican and
favorable and
farmers getting crops out of grass.
Ram fall 2.03. City, Pas-
in various parts of the county
the past seven days, but being
badly distributed some localities
are still suffering from
and especially to the Dem-
many other leading men of the
nation. AD of whom will be of two sons
for their service to the
to the ownership, which
to blank, need no
filled out,
Harrison and his cabinet have had
a time to-day over the present and
prospective condition of the Treas-
They have got a
breathing and deficit
which existed a few days ago has
been succeeded by a f-mall
balance; but soon after
the first of July calls will begin to
be made for cash to meet the
made at tho last
of the billion dollar Congress,
and the question is, where to get
the money to pay them The rev-
of the Government both from
custom duties and internal
are falling off at an appalling
rate. The extension of the
per cent, bonds, while, a
little help, can hardly be considered
a drop in- the bucket when the
that will be needed is con-
Something has got to be off;
that's as certain as anything
be. But to decide what, is what is
driving the administration wild.
All this month thousands pen-
certificates, all ready to be
issued, have been piled up in
Pension Office in order to stave off
payment of the for which
they call An gain a
millions is to be made by
changing the form of the Treasury
Statement so as to show the money
on deposit with National Banks as
in Treasury,
and Secretary Foster is credited
with intending, if he get the
Attorney General to give an opinion
that it will not be illegal, to issue
certificates for general
against the twenty-odd million
of fractional silver now in the
Treasury. It looks at th is time very
much as if the Democratic House of
Representatives will find it
to investigate some of the con-
financial juggling, and as
if there was going to be serious
trouble, perhaps impeachment for
So many of the candidates for
Speaker of the House have been in
town this week that everybody was
tho next Sneaker of.
the House is in The sen-
was originated by a bright
newspaper man when
joined Mills, Springer,
son and several already here.
Representative of
Arkansas, has some interesting
views of the present political
of He
present condition is that of
general unrest; for thirty years the
public mind has been clouded by
the smoke of battle; public
in, all matters of polities has
been more or less influenced by
remembrance of war, and
has entered into every process
of reasoning. Now people are
beginning to think for themselves,
and economic questions, not
are occupying their attention.
The people are not satisfied that
things should stay for all time as
they are, they know there's
something wrong and are de-
to right it. They will go
at it awkwardly, not being rued to.
dealing with questions, and
wilt make some mistake and
do things be hurtful, bat in
end they will accomplish tho
is seek, and see
that the flu will be a triumph
for democracy, which, is and has
one army officer, who is supposed to i drought. Corn is small looks
have no politics, decided to remove
the Health Officer, a republican,
against whom charges had
preferred, to appoint in his
place a democrat, their
was the local
papers before it was officially con-
called a halt,
because the new man was a demo-
and Mr. Harrison
arrived the next day
and no change was made.
parched and shriveled the dry
weather. is growing, but
the fields are grassy. Labor
in great demand. Rain fall 1.10
inches. Wilmington, Sew Hanover
were almost
daily the past week and
were marked by light precipitation.
A severe one occurred at P. M.
when he I on the 21st, during which the wind
endorsed attained a maximum velocity of
Or are Ml worn nothing
It is general Try
It cure you, a appetite.
by In medicine.
Attention, Log Men
One New B IF. P. vertical and
Engine, up for tram raid purposes,
hauling Terms easy.
Apply to
It. L.
Greenville, N. C,
I miles per No damage, how.,
is known to have resulted. A
; heavy ram fell on the afternoon of
, the which fell in
A of our five and in ten
Townsman. minutes. Bare fall SI inch.
H. P. Battle, Ph. D.,
Philadelphia Times. Director.
Thomas J. Jarvis, ex-governor of
North Carolina, and later ex-minis- on the th Haw
High School,
AUGUST 12th, 1891.
ii rest month.
to 82.00
Brazil, is making a brief visit
to this city and New York on a
business mission. Mr. Jarvis was
legislator, lieutenant governor and
governor of bis State during the
living ordeal of rescuing the old
commonwealth from the
who rioted in her public and
private places after war, until
and private credit were de-
and devastation worse than
that wrought by cruel war cast its
terrible shadows over the people of
every race and condition. It was
under his administration as govern-
or that the people began hope-
work of rehabilitating the State,
and only the constitutional mandate
hindered bis continuance in his
high office. He was strongly press
ed a cabinet portfolio under
Cleveland, and was voluntarily ten-
the Brazilian mission by
President. Although crowding to-
ward the patriarchal age, Governor
Jarvis is of the vigorous
active men of his section, and his
name is honored alike in North and
the Week Ending Friday, Jane 36th
Foreign Languages, each.
expenses for months
need be hut little over
We carry the largest and best
selected stock of Furniture in
our to-n and will sell at
We have a nice line of Mat-
This is a long felt want with the which we will sell at low
ladies. figures.
In Men and Boys Shoes we; Carriages we have
have n i and prettiest line ever
best line ever earned by us- A ,,.,
We have sold L. M. Reynold's
Shoes for the past two years and We realize the importance of
find them to be the best line ever selling goods at a small
handled by us. This spring we We do not claim to sell goods
will have a complete line of
these Shoes and when our friends
are in need of good shoes we
will be pleased to serve them.
at cost, but do claim and back
up our assertion, that we will
give you honest goods for your
honest money.
See Us Talk With Us Try Us
Central Raleigh, N. C.
reports of of the
Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin is-
sued by the North- Carolina
Station and State Weather
Service for the week ending Friday,
Jane 26th, 1891, show that very
favorable weather has prevailed gen-
during the past days.
rain has been rather unevenly dis-
in some places rather
heavy rains fell Sunday and Monday
evening-; in others ground is
yen dry and rain would be
In parts of the Western Dis
and the northern portion of
the Eastern District not enough
rain has fallen to be of much
fit. of sunshine with
excess of temperature baa caused
considerable improvement in all
crops, and has enabled farmers to
cultivate and get some extent
of weeds and grass. Cotton is
proving, but continues to he small;
and very few farmers have yet
cleared their fields of grass.
condition of cotton is estimated to
be about improvement of I
per cent, daring toe last three
weeks. Tho condition or tobacco is
excellent. Corn is gaining in color county.
and generally Improving taster than
cotton. TM wheat harvest i
crop safely stored in barn.
At a of tho friends of the
recently projected Norfolk,
Company in Philadelphia ex-Gov-
Jarvis was invited to speak
on country through which the
new road will pass.
Mr. presided and in-
ex-Governor Jarvis.
a pleas it t reference to his visit
to this city a few years ago with
the Governors of the original
States, Mr. Jarvis to de-
scribe the country through which
new railroad is to pass. It will
run between the roads of the At-
Coast line and the coast, and
will shorten the distance between
Charleston Philadelphia
miles. The virgin forests and fer-
tile trucking sections through
which it will pass were described.
Mr. Jarvis said that he believed
that, properly located built,
road would pay from time
miles were completed. It could be
equipped tor a mile. The
steady growth and increasing pros-
of the South were mentioned
especially North Carolina. The
will cut the rich pine
lumber section of North Carolina,
forests that have never been touched
Speaking of rich trucking dis-
of Newborn Mr. Jarvis said
when miles bid been built
road would connect with
miles of independent roads, at
present outlet, except such
as the Atlantic Coast line chose to
give. The chances of develop-
of the country along the route
of tho road were discussed, in
most parts the line is practically
out of territory of the Atlantic
Coast line, and will not
to a great extent.
Mr. Jarvis closed by speaking of
the earning of the
tic Coast line. It pays the interest
its bonded debt and per cent,
on its and also has a fund
Of which it builds branch roads. Its
stock is not on market.
More than pupils enrolled last
Seventeen boarders, live from
Pitt county. Climate remarkably
healthful, building. The pros-
for tho fall session are very good.
For further particulars or
address, .,,.,
Z. D,
N. C.
Tobacco Flues
Hardware of Description,
All for sale cheap for
Latham k Pender,
Greenville, N. C.
Ladies we know full well you remember how greatly the juices
after the reduction surprised yon in our last year Spring
Goods, so we now make spring
the following goods
Edging, Swiss
Embroideries, India
Linens, and Check
Teasel Summer
Cashmeres, Ginghams,
lies, Percale,
and all the many other things in a Spring stock. Look at
-------reduced prices
Ginghams at
Ginghams at
Ginghams at
fl at
Teasel at
Teasel at
Hamburg at
White-Goods at
take pleasure In announcing to
people of and the
pie of
rounding country that my
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY
Car Load Peed Oats, Car load Corn, Car load No. Hay,
Car Load Rib Side Meat, Car Load St. Louis
Heavy Mess Pork, Granulated Sugar.
Sugar, Gail Ax all kinds.
Rail Road Mills Snuff.
Rico Molasses, Tubs Boston Lard.
Star Lye, Gross Matches.
Also full line Baking Powders, Soda, Soap, Starch, Tobacco, Cigars,
Cakes, Cracker, Candles, Canned Goods, Wrapping Taper, Paper Sacks.
Special prices Riven to the wholesale trade on large quantities of
THIS la to notify U that Ls
Cash employed by for
Months from January 1st, He left
ma without cause on the 27th of June,
1891. Lee Cash was employed by
me in Granville county and brought to
Pitt county. All persons will take no-
not to employ him under penalty of
law without permission.
H. M.
June 1881.
Is now arriving and ready tor
I have secured the services of a
City Trimmer who will execute work to
suit the most fastidious taste. The new
stock will be sold at the lowest margin
that millinery have ever been
handled before market.
Also a splendid line of Fancy Goods.
Vases, Jewelry, Curtains.
Linen Shades, These will be
q at as they mint be disposed of
by the last of June. Al who wish to
make nest bargains for themselves
should at ones and see me before
purchasing elsewhere.
Wire Tobacco Hangers
ran be properly Spaced no
Down on tho Wires when cured. and in the Market.
sticks Complete IT Hires t
Mick. .
. .
mm Wire for I
Treaties go farina;
Houston, Halifax Co., Vt.

25.000 25.000
various styles wash
Ginghams, Ginghams
Ginghams. Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams,
Ginghams, GINGHAMS. Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams
Our Summer Stock.
Menu, Youths, and Boys
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
N. C
Local Sparks
No to inform the
people of Greenville and surround-
Mr. C T.
is only authorized agent, in
Greenville for sale of our ladies
fine shoes. Any other ties offer-
for sale, are so with-
out our consent purchasing
E. P. Co.
Butter Ice at
year 1891 is hall gone.
Have your Engines repaired ready
fall by G.
New Home Machine
for sale by J. C Lanier,
Saturday is the glorious
For Macbeth's Pearl top Lamp
Chimneys go to B. Cherry Co.
Now is to have ma-
overhauled. Call The
G. Works.
Cotton are plentiful now.
Fresh Boss Biscuits for the well
sick at the Old Brick Store.
Lace Flour is always uniform
quality at Old Brick Store.
Ointment will cure
skin disease on or beast.
This is the seventh month of the
Wanted FOE Bees-
wax and Hides, at the Old Brick
Have you read directions
wrapped Sugar Coated
Yeast T
Drink is nourishing
and strengthening, at Old Brick
Two weeks to the big Norfolk ex-
Fob Spanish Pear
nuts and Cow Peas at Old Brick
has weak eyes or
Sugar Coated
Bedsteads, Bureaus,
Mattresses at the Old
Have you read
Yeast T
The Board of County Commission-
will meet next Monday.
Dr. J. Marquis the dentist,
still continues to with great
Cradles and
Brick Store.
Just received New Sluing Butter
finest Cream C at the Old
Brick Store.
The days are now growing shorter
but it is not yet perceptible.
Go to Tyson's if you
want a good smoke and get a
den Seat
You can get Ne Spring Butter
on Ice at every alter-
noon at o'clock.
Tyson keep a fine
lino of California and other
fine goods.
The dry weather has made the
streets and roads very
Co's fine
grade Celebrated
kept by Give
it a trial.
Bead advertisement of
Morgan Co., Cotton Factors
General Commission Merchants on
third page.
If yon want something nice go to
and get some
of their New Spring Butter
rived to-day.
If you failed to give in your taxes
the blame is upon yourself only.
The lime is now out.
Alexander, Morgan Co.,
highest prices, quick sales
and return,
be convinced.
Every Department
will fee the effect
of our reduction sale
to Come
II yon want highest market prices
for your Irish Potatoes and other
produce, ship to Alexander, Morgan
Co., Norfolk, Va.
A plenty of lime about your
during this warm weather may-
help to keep off sickness.
To avoid carrying over stock to
another season Mrs. Fannie Joyner
will now begin selling spring
and summer millinery at reduced
Macbeth's Pearl top Lamp
are made only of finest
and best quality of glass for with,
standing the heat. For sale by J.
B. Cherry Co.
Several parties came hero on the
train Saturday evening and took the
steamer for Ocracoke.
The assignment of Latham
Pender will not interfere
Tobacco trade. Farmers are
requested to come for their as
early as they can, and floes are
Prof. W. J. Matthews wishes to
announce that if one desires t
nave any land surveying done
the summer he is at their
vice, and will do it for at any
time at very moderate rates.
The second cotton blossom this
season was brought to the
last Thursday, 25th, by Mr. John A.
It is now my purpose to continue
my instructions in music next fall.
I am thankful for patronage I
hare received thus far and solicit a
continuance in the future.
Mrs. A. D.
Don't fail to call and inspect
goods on my and cent counters.
Things that will surprise you. A
beautiful line of bridal presents just
arrived. Picture frames of all sizes
and shape a specialty. Art mate-
rial kept constantly on band.
This month gives us live each of
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
The five Wednesdays will call for
Miss Mamie Duckett has been very
sick the past week.
Mr. J. J. Cherry, Jr., has been in
town the past few days.
Miss Lucy Knight, or Bethel, is
Mrs. I. A. Sugg.
Miss Murray, of Wilson, is visit-
Mrs. K. O.
Mr J. D. Pearce has been very
sick the last week or two.
Mrs. J. M. Latham left last week
to visit friends at
Mrs. C. Stephens returned home
last week from a visit to her son in
Mrs. M. V. Dancy is very sick at
the borne of her lather, Mr. John
Miss Lillie Baker returned Mon-
day morning from a visit to relatives
Prof. W. J. Matthews left
day morning to visit his old homo in
Gates county.
Mr. W. S. Bernard has returned
home from Virginia Theological
Miss Mamie Redmond, of Edge-
has come to Greenville to en-
Miss Art School.
Cadets J. J. Nobles, Jr., and W.
H. Dixon returned home last week
from Davis School at Winston.
Miss Sadie one of the teach-
at the Oxford Orphan Asylum,
returned home last week to spend
the holidays.
Mayor G. James was confined
to his home with sickness last week.
We were glad that he was able to be
out on Monday.
Mr. A. B. Ellington returned Mon-
day evening from a visit to Peters-
burg. Ho left his family there to
spend the summer.
Mr. J. L. Sugg has been in Ashe-
the last few weeks working at
life insurance business. hope he
is succeeding up there.
Mrs. L. H. Wilson is in Wilson
attending the bedside of her son, Mr.
Claude V. Wilson. At last reports
he was slightly better.
Mr. W. B. Brown and family left
yesterday Beach. They
will also spend some days with Mrs.
Brown's parents near Norfolk.
Mr. J. E. Tucker, a young man of
this county who has been a
very successful school in Alabama,
is visiting in the
. Mr. J. L. of our drug-
gists, has been visiting relatives in
Jones county. Ur. Laugh
was in charge of drug
store during his absence.
Mrs. B. F. Sugg is in Wayne
her mother who is so
sick she is not expected to recover.
Her sister, Mrs. Dr. E. II.
Willow Green, died last Friday.
Misses Ada, Lida and Mary
the former from Carthage and
the two latter from have
been spend the past week or two
with their grand Mrs. O. P.
II um
Mr. E. A. Brown, who a year or
two ago left this county to engage in
business in Louisiana, came back
last week on a visit to his parents
near Greenville. He scorn's to like
the country down there.
Mr. Alex. left Saturday
for Tarboro where he will spend a
few days and then go on a prospect-
tour to several of the tobacco
markets of the State. hope lie
will have a pleasant trip.
Mr. E. N. who was shot
several weeks ago has so far
ed as to be able to get out and was
in town yesterday. We are glad to
note his improved condition and hope
he will soon be entirely well.
Miss Lucile Owens, who was vis-
Miss Louise Latham, and
Misses Addie and Marcia Latham,
who were visiting Mrs. Dr. Brown,
returned to their homes in Plymouth
yesterday. Miss Sugg, of
this place accompanied home
for a few days vi sit.
were glad to see in town this
week Mr. L. Schweitzer, of Lake
City, who is visiting Mr. M.
Lang. About thirteen years ago
he was clerking here for Mr. Lang
and is by many of our
people. He left Greenville to go to
the West and is prospering out there
in the mercantile business.
Ex-Gov. T. J. Jarvis returned
last week from Philadelphia, where
he had been attending a meeting
directors of the Norfolk,
Charleston lie
says there are some excellent gentle-.
men at the head of this proposed en-
and the outlook for building
the road is very encouraging.
Washington will have a big
on Friday, with speeches,
races, base ball, fire works, etc.
There will be an excursion from
We are requested to announce that
a protracted meeting will begin at
Antioch Baptist Church on the sec-
Sunday in this month, and at
fourth Sunday, lie v. T. J.
Taylor, of will assist in
the latter meeting.
The Tim-s is going to
show up some men who have been
swearing falsely in giving in their
taxes. To do this all around would
give the papers a big job. It is
astonishing how some people will
violate the oath they take at such
Davis it Gregory, tobacco ware-
housemen, have moved their business
from Oxford to Richmond. There
are many Pitt county farmers who
have pleasant recollections of this
reliable firm, and though they have
moved out of State Pitt will not
forget them.
Don't forget the mealing of the
Davis Monument Association at the
Court House next Saturday alter-
noon. Mr. G. B. King will deliver
an address and it will be a gem. All
the old soldiers of the county are re-
quested to be present, and the ladies
especially invited.
A; Pender, hardware mer-
chants, made an assignment last
Friday. We do not know what the
assets or liabilities are, but hear that
the former will more than cover the
latter, and it is expected that the
firm will soon be on its feet again.
Tyson Rawls are assignees.
and Williams of
LaGrange, were in Greenville
day inspecting the pews in the
list Church, with a view of having
some similar to them made for the
Presbyterian church at LaGrange
They liked the pews and made a
contract with Cox A Carroll to furn-
the at LaGrange.
Don't all at Once.
There is hardly a town in which a
newspaper is published that docs not
contain several persons who think
they can edit a paper better than the
man who docs it. We shall not
to argue this is not true,
but if there is such a man in Green-
ville, and lie wants to give it a week's
trial while the editor takes a holiday,
let him apply at the office
between now and next Monday.
I for Ocracoke.
During the Ocracoke season the
steamer Myers will leave Greenville
on Tuesdays and Thursday at A. M.
and on Saturdays at p. i. making
close connection at Washington
with steamer Alpha direct for
coke. Fare for the round trip between
Greenville Ocracoke is 83.50.
That popular summer resort is now
open has greater attractions than
ever before. Board per week.
New Officers.
On last Wednesday, St. John's
Day, the following officers were in-
stalled for Greenville Lodge A.
F. A. for the ensuing
M. King, W. M.
U. Harding, S. W.
Z. Moore, J. W.
C. D. Rountree, Treas.
Wiley Brown, Sec.
J. H. Harris, S. D.
B. F. Sugg, J. D.
J. S. C. Benjamin, Tiler.
The List Secured.
Yesterday Mr. E. A.
Court Clerk, received the direct
tax list of Pitt containing the
names with of those to
whom this tax is to be returned by
recent act of Congress and the State
Legislature. He also has blank
for the same which can be
had upon application at his office.
The Reflector has not had time to
closely examine the list since it came
but may give some interesting
about it next week.
At meeting of the tobacco ware-
house directors last Saturday the
Greenville Land Improvement Co.
tendered them a half acre lot situated
on Ninth street upon which to erect
the warehouse. It was accepted and
the company will purchase another
adjoining lot the same size so as to
give them all the room desired. The
directors employed Mr. R. J. Cobb
to take the matter in. hand, collect
the already subscribed, increase
the stock as occasion may demand,
make contracts for the necessary
lumber and get the building started
as early as possible. Mr Cobb is
looking after the lumber this week.
Only about two weeks to the State
Guard encampment at
The Greenville Guard do not seem to
be brushing up much, but we sup-
pose they will ready.
As there has been no practice and
preparation for it we guess there will
be no boat race on the 4th. But the
boys should be practicing and give
us one as soon as they can get in trim.
art exhibit given by Miss
Mollie Rouse will take place at the
Opera House on Friday, July 10th,
1891. Everybody invited to attend.
A pleasant evening for all.
Quite a number of colored people
came up Washington to this
place on an excursion last
day. The colored Masonic
celebrated the day and paraded
the streets.
The Sash.
Mr. C. D. paralyzed some
of boys Monday. So many of
them were out Sunday with black
around the waist that be con-
to set them a style, and
appeared in front of his store with a
full foot-and-a-half green calico sash
encircling his This was
made more conspicuous by a chalk
diamond enclosing the letters O. D.,
which he said stood for
Stunning as it was did not hear of
any of the ones fainting,
though one was heard to remark he
would lie out next Sunday in a pink
sash with cream rosette
of Chill Can
Last week, there was placed in the
Church of this place a bean-
double memorial window which
was donated to the church by the In-
Class of the Sunday School.
The windows were made by Wm. A.
at his art glass works
In Vs., whose reputation
for beautiful work in this line is
second to no one in out country.
This window is made in two sections
according to the plan of church
The design upon each
section is strikingly beautiful and
impressive, and so fitly in keeping
with what it represents. One of
them contains a painting of the
Savior blessing little children, under
which is the inscription, little
children to come unto On the
other is an equally beautiful picture
of the Good Shepherd with a flock
and a sheep-fold in the back ground,
and this the inscription,
My There is also upon the
windows, by the Infant
The whole shows exquisite
beauty in design and perfectness in
workmanship. It is truly a work of
art and reflects credit to the
Mr. makes a
specialty of work for ecclesiastical
and domestic purposes. He has sent
windows to various parts of Virginia,
North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia
and other States, they will stand
comparison with any northern work
that can be placed beside them.
Now a word about the donors of
this window and how they managed
to secure it. The Infant of
the Baptist Sunday School was or-
nine years ago by Mrs. M.
M. Nelson and has long been the
pride of the school and church. It
was organized with five little boys
girls, and the teacher added to the
number by asking any little children
she saw who did not attend if they
would not like to go to Sunday
School and join her class. In a few
months the number had reached
teen and continued to grow until it
reached forty, that number now being
in her class. In the nine years one
hundred and fifty different children
have been taught her. In May of
last year She formed the happy idea
of Paving her class present a memo-
rial window to the church. When
mentioned to them the little
were eager to engage in such an
and she apportioned out
the amount of work she wanted each
one to do, telling them to make all
their money If possible
for them to do so. They set to work,
some selling flowers, some attending
to poultry, some running errands
and doing little bits of work that a
child can do, and in no great lime
they had brought together the
amount required for the window.
The was purchased some
months ago, but a combination
circumstances prevented its being
placed in position until recently.
Not only the church in it i-t
placed, but the community as well
owe a debt gratitude to Mrs.
Nelson and the members of her class,
as what they have done is an
the town as much as to the
building in which the window is
Mr. Jesse Briley, of Bethel town-
ship, passed away at Ms home on
Monday about o'clock. lie was
years of age, and a gold citizen.
Peace to ashes.
On last Wednesday, inst., at
his home four miles from Greenville,
Mr. Noah Forbes, Sr., departed this
life, after an illness of nearly three
weeks. He was born in April, 1812,
and was in his 80th year at the time
of death. He was a brother of Mr.
Alfred Forbes, of this Next
week the Reflector will give a
of the life of Mr. Forbes
his great service to the
The Greenville Land and Improve-
Company is getting in shape to
push forward their work now.
Reflector office turned out a large
lot of nice stationery and blanks for
them last week.
Cotton blooms began to get
the -lose of weep. Mr. B.
E. reported that he had one on
the and en Saturday Mr. Joe
Hearne sent us a large cotton stalk
that bad a blossom and squares
ob It. ,
the Methodist
Church in this town on Wednesday-
morning June 24th. at o'clock, Rev.
R. B. John, officiating, Mr. Henry II.
Wilson and Miss Susie Brown were
There were no attendants save the
ushers, Messrs. D. E. House, J. Ii
C. Laughinghouse and R. W,
King, who preceded the bride and
groom up the aisle, and as the party
entered the wedding march was
played by Mrs. J. B. Cherry.
The church had b. on very tastily
decorated with flowers for the
and though the hour was early
the church was well filled with friend
of the couple to witness the ceremony.
The bride was attired in a neat
traveling costume, and after the
the happy couple took the
north bound train Washington
City to spend a week the capital.
They return Greenville this eve-
and make their home with the
parents of Mr. Wilson, corner Greene
and Fourth streets.
They received a large number of
very bridal presents.
The Reflector extends best wish-
es for a happy life. .
District Conference.
The Conference for Washington
District of the M. E Church meets
to day at Aurora, Beaufort county.
The steamer Myers left here
day morning a party of ministers
and delegates on board. In the party-
were Rev. G. A. Presiding
Elder of the District, R.-v. R. B.
John, pastor Church
R. M. Hearne delegate from
Greenville, Rev. Mr. Williams, pas-
tor at Hamilton, Rev. Mr.
pastor at Mr. Davenport,
delegate from Williamston, Rev. T.
J. Doily, paster at Bethel, and Mr.
Taylor, from Elm City.
All except those from this town came
in on the train Monday evening and
spent the night in Greenville.
The following marriage licenses
were issued during the month of
II. Moore and Km ma
L. Case, W. If. Brown and Nana
Fleming, H. II. Wilson and Susie
Brown, W. R. Crawford and Julia F.
Allen, G. W. and D. A.
Celia Jas. Harris and Fran-
Vines, Israel Harris and Sarah
Jessie Andrews and Addie
Staton, Alex Delia
ham, Henry Brown and Easter
Blount, F. R. Ida
Joe Harris and
Williams, Charles Midge and
Matilda Davis, Joseph Langley and
Sarah Lanier, Lewis Hosier
Late last Friday evening Coroner
H. F. Keel received information that
a colored man had been drowned
just before noon that day near Sum-
Hill, six miles below Greenville.
The Coroner drove down and viewed
the body, which had been recovered
from the river, and found it
profusely at the mouth, nose an
car;. He could not for
bleeding and returned to Greenville
to consult physicians about it. They
told him it was unusual for drowned
persons to bleed so, which led the
Coroner to believe there have
been some foul play connected with
the man's death.
Saturday morning he summoned a
jury consisting of J. C. Chestnut, W.
B. James, R. D. Cherry, L. H.
son, W. J. and S. N. Allen,
and went down to hold an inquest.
Upon investigation the Coroner
learned that the drowned man, WiN
Little, aged about while in
bathing with several was
drowned, it being supposed that he
had been taken with cramp. The
others reach him in time to
save him. They went up to Mr. A.
J. Moore's, who lives not from
the rivet, and told what had occur-
red. Mr. Moore assisted by a color-
ed man constructed a drag out of
some well hooks and went to search
for the body. They found it after
having been in the water little more
than an hour.
Dr. B. T. Cox, county physician,
assisted by Dr. W. E. Warren, made
a postmortem examination, but said
he could And no evidence whatever
of foul play. The jury returned a
verdict that the man came to his
death by accidental drowning.
When the doctor opened the man's
skull to examine the it was of
unusual size fiat ho weighed it
and found it to weighed ounces.
My son William Oscar Hill, aged
years, having my home without per-
mission remaining away, I hereby
warn all persons, under tho penalty of
the law against giving him employment
or harboring in any way.
Big ale.
Under the terms or s decree of Pitt
Court case of W. Cox vs.
J. C. Chestnut. I will sell before the
Court House door on Mon-
day tho. 6th day of July, 1801, the com-
Livery belonging to Chestnut
A Cox, consisting in part of
horses, mule, phaeton, hacks,
Buggies, road cart and cart, several
sets of harness and other articles usually
used a livery stable.
Term Cash. F. O. JAMES,
Is now receiving her stock of line
-Having just purchased two big of-
Comprising everything in the; notion
We are now making
extra effort to close our sum-
mer stock, which we propose to do, at their
value. Also propose to sell our . stock of-
d Shoes,
at cost to make room for fall stock,
when in need of anything in the way
Clothing, Shoes, Hats,
Yours truly,
In front Old Brick Store.
lire to come us
of i Notions,
c N
HT. C.
Hi-U mi
The Season i- waning and we
I he Ki. i ban o
We place on same list.
We will sell
Somethings in .
bargain that ill plea
V I I.
Alien you want
Hals reduced
Hue in lid i
i .
a filling
------201 S
It la a hard matter to form any
idea as to what the result of this
year's crops in Pitt will be.
From what we gather it seems that
taken by sections general crops
on the South side of the river are in
better condition and show more
favorable prospects than those upon
the north side. Mr. Worrell Moore
told us Friday that he had been
at bis present home, near
Swamp Church, for nearly forty years
and that within of the twelve
miles from there to
he has never seen crop pros-
poorer than they arc year.
The day Mr. Harries
told us that up Falkland the
crops were good, that the
weather had brought them out
considerably and made prospects
much better. He thinks that the
cotton crop is doing than corn.
Also a nice line of Gilt and Silver Braids
and Satin Fans.
We are prepared to sell goods cheaper
and give batter bargains than
any other in town.
trim to suit the most fastidious, even
if their taste be at all
taT This season I have secured
Milliners Mrs. E. A. and Mrs.
both ladles of large ex-
and well-known to the people of
Your patronage is solicited and
faction promised on every purchase made
Greenville, N. C.
and return,
Special attention will be given ladies
their attendants. A special officer
appointed by tho Governor will lie on
board to keep order. The managers will
use every means possible to make this
the most pleasant excursion that ever
passed over the Atlantic Coast Line.
Raleigh, N.
For Sale and Rent.
We have the following property for j
sale rent.
One lot with two story
four rooms, good
house, and stables for rive horses. For
sale cheap; or rent t per month, with
Two good building lots In
ville. Desirable locations.
One house and halt lot, live rooms,
garden and stables, good well water.
One house and lot, five rooms be-
sides cook-room and dining room. Two
story house, good well water.
For sale or house and lot
in single story, six rooms,
cook-room and dining room attached;
Rent for month.
acres of land adjoining the Fe-
male Institute, property lying on each
side the railroad and near the depot.
Good location for dwellings and
Prices of any the shove property
made known on application.
The two corner stores in the Tyson
Building, also rooms in the upper
story of same building.
One house on Pitt Street owned by
Mrs. P. E. Dancy. eight rooms,
good yard and garden. For rent WU per
month. finished
We make the collection of rents a
If you contemplate buying,
ling, renting, call and see us, or
respond with us.
Real Estate Agents,
Guarantee highest market prices, quick returns.
-.-.- . v .-
N. C
All kinds ed in strictly
At lowest current rates.
For Sale.
37th. 1881, my
Machine Shop, In will
at public auction for cash one Horse
Power Vertical in
Engine. Said engine is being tor
repairs. It Is splendid working r
and almost good as new
It. I,, lit
X. C.
Fashion Bazaar.
have just I ho
markets where I
mm m mm
every conceivable style and shape In
Hats and Trimmings. Also have In
Stock and to disposed f flowers, s-
Tips, Caps. Mull and Silk
Hats, Kid Gloves. Handkerchiefs,
Notions, keep coo
on hand Trimmed
Call and examine my stock, I
tee satisfaction.
Mn. It, i
i Greenville, N. C.
Pipe, Hollowware, Tin-
ware, Doors Sash. Locks,
Butts and Hinges, Glass, rutty,
Paints and Oils,
The trade
Benson is the best evidence
the I sell i the stove
the people. The public are
to examine my stock
D. D.

Greenville, N. C.
the thief who stale your
Anne went off in by mil next
morning, an hour U-fore Dr.
bets came home from the city to find
her gone. The noose
empty and ho
was glad to be called away to a scarlet
fever at Hollow. At
tea Mrs. seemed to have changed
into a petrifaction of her former self,
the Holmes family had crept into
their inexpressive, flat featured shells,
and Mids Carver was furtively watch-
the scene and drawing her own con-
about Anne's sudden flight
Evidently the had discovered
something unfavorable to their paragon.
communicated her suspicious to the
Widow and they waited
patiently for an explosion that did not
come. There were no more jokes at
table about the doctors growing
no more or lift or active
Without girlish laughter
and bright presence the had sud-
turned into a vault.
The change in Sirs. struck cold
on the heart. He suspected that
she blamed him for not having traced
the stolen money or captured the thief,
and speculated as to what further steps
he could take to show his zeal. He was
under a cloud, and he fell into the way
of entering and leaving the house stealth-
himself in his and
smoking more cigars than were good for
Ho watched the smoke wreathe
About his head by the hour and Anne's
appear and vanish away, and his
blues grow daily of a deeper indigo hue.
He noticed as a significant sign that tho
floral offerings that once adorned his
office table had ceased to appear.
ho thought seriously of asking Mrs. Bis-
sell what done to forfeit her es-
teem, and then his pride rebelled, and
he concluded to fall into the business at-
of boarder and landlady. He did
not. even dare to inquire-after Anne or
when she was coming home, for all his
questions were met with but frigid
He see that Mrs. suffered
silently, but tho loss of her interest
money, the of
the worries of poor help were sufficient
to account for her low spirits. Only
Miss Carver in the changed
of affairs. She now firmly believed
the doctor was a thief, and that tho Bis-
sells had found out, and for some
reason were hushing matters up;
was willing to in scientific
conversation even with a man of his
suspicions character, now that had
the field all to herself, and Anne's
beauty was no longer beaming on
the opposite side of the table. In spite
of her belief in his turpitude she was
half disposed to go over to the little pill
theory, for tho doctor was very generous
in his medical opinions ho gave gratis on
her pet diseases. Miss Carver had tried
her best to fathom the mystery of Anne's
absence and Mrs. freezing, up
toward tho doctor, but without
They've found out something pretty
black about him, you may be she
said to tho widow, I never saw a
make a -bolder than she did
after that man, and they were all just
to oat him
A month had gone by and Mrs. Bis-
sell showed no sign of relenting toward
the young doctor. She was more and
more polite and formal and
and it occurred to her that he
would soon be looking out for a fashion-
able boarding place, where the climate
was more salubrious, for the spread of
scarlet fever in Hollow had
given him plenty of hard work, and it
was no uncommon thing to have the
d. bell broken twice a week by the in-
of night messengers. One
evening she was sitting in her own
room with a great pile of stockings be-
fore her, fresh from the wash and await-
the darning needle, when the doctor
burst in without stopping to knock. He
held a long official looking document in
his hand, and his face was flushed with
eager, happy excitement.
me, Mrs. for forget-
ting my manners. I hurried in to tell
you that I have just had great news
from the Boston chief of police. They've
caught the thief that stole your money,
and got back all those marked bills but
one that has mysteriously disappeared.
it is sure to to light in
do you Mrs. asked
sharply, clutching the arm of. her chair
and looking up bewildered through her
caught the said he,
raising his voice with the impression
she had suddenly gone deaf.
was en old state prison bird, who had
just been discharged from the
He pretended to be a plumber
and roofer by trade, and was engaged
here with early in the summer.
He intended, it seems, to clean out Lit-
but got scared after he had
robbed you and left town
that's the very man that
tended to mend my cried Mrs.
said the doctor, smiling,
it seems the fellow took the opportunity
to go through your bureau
A hot flush burned on Mrs.
thin cheek, and she put her hand before
her eyes for very shame.
she cried In a stifled, choked voice,
broken with sobs, ought to go down
on my knees and humbly beg your par-
The doctor looked startled and mys-
in the world do you mean,
She rose slowly and tottered to her
closet, and unlocked a little writing
desk on the lower shelf and took out the
text dollar bill, and came shamefaced
and and laid it on the doc-
tor's knee. He took it up, it
all over, as Anne had done, and
in one corner the faint letter B,
with a little cross in blue ink.
said he, astonished, is the missing
bill. How did you come by it, Mrs.
The flooded landlady
brown face id to the roots of her
gray hair, even ups or
her ears. yon know, Dr. ,
you gave it to mo for she said
slowly. gave it to your He ran
hands through his light locks and sat
dumb for a moment, stricken with
prise. Then a light broke in on
see now, he exclaimed. that
scoundrel Doyle, whose thief s name is
Shifty Mike. He me in that night
for the baby, the first night call I had in
I see now it was all a trick
to pass this bill off on me and save him-
self from suspicion, for there really
wasn't anything serious the matter with
the child. When he offered to pay me I
remember at first I thought I could not
make change for so large a bill, but
finally I did manage, and then I
it into my pocket, and no more
about looked at it, in fact,
day I gave it to
Mrs. did not look up. Her face
I was still scarlet, and she was trembling
like a leaf. The doctor rubbed his fore-
head, still perplexed. has just
curred to he said, smiling a little
wistfully, you might have thought
but no, yon did not think I was a
his sunny smile broke out
all his thing is too ab,
surd. You suppose that I had,
sneaked up there into the attic and taken
your money out of the bureau
The poor woman looked so distressed
he wanted to spare her. Miss
he stammered, Miss Anne
could Miss Anne really think I had
Tho words choked him and he
topped short.
protested Mrs.
stretching out her hands. could
never think anything to your injury.
She believed you were a perfect gentle-
man, and as honest true as the sun.
She said would stake her life on it,
and she got down on her knees and
me promise I would never let yon know,
would never breathe a word to harm
you in this town. knew if it once
got wind such as motioning toward
Miss Carver's room, soon tear
your reputation piecemeal. said
she'd go away and not come until
you were cleared, as she knew yon
would be in some way, and the poor girl
has been sick waiting, but never lost
Mrs. and then
went on in a low, broken voice, was
to blame, doctor, and I ask you to for-
give me, though I don't know as yon
ever can, and now I guess I must go and
telegraph to Anne to come right
and she rose from her chair.
said the doctor, quite pale, and
putting his hand on lie r arm. me
go to Bell's Cove. I have something to
say to If come Hack together
to-morrow afternoon we shall come back
pledged to each other for
and Mrs. began
to cry. always did say yon were the
only young man I ever should care to
have for a son. we are poor,
folks, though I say it for Anne,
she's a good
The doctor and Anne came home to-
the next day, and now Dr.
bets has the largest practice in Little-
field. Ho paid off tho mortgage on
the place, and Bridget has
been living in tho family for several
years. The have long
ago forgotten that the doctor's wife was
ever outside the of the set.
Miss has enthusiastically adopted
the little pill practice, and now speaks
of Mrs. as
plying that she has always lived with
her on terms of the closest intimacy.
New Tim
El rat of
Ovid us that the first temple o
Vesta, at Rome, was constructed of
walls and roofed with i hatch,
like the primitive lints the inhabit-
ants. It was little other than a
covered fireplace, and was tended
by the unmarried girls of the infant
community. It served H tho public
hearth of Rome, and on it glowed,
throughout the year, the
sacred fire, which was supposed to have
been brought from Troy, and the con-
of which was thought to be
linked with tho fortunes of the city.
tho close Of 1887, according to
the estimates . York
bankers who Are connected with.
financial Institutions, English
invested between
end in tho United
A That Produced a
In Boston Society.
The colored this city have
learned that it is possible to take the
kink out of their-hair, and there Is
quite the discovery.
The rush to have crisp locks straight-
is becoming general, alt hough but
few of those who have been
smoothed out are-willing to admit that
hair was ever otherwise than
straight and glossy. The fad as yet has
not reached the male sex, and at the
Sunday evening meeting of the
church one of tho deacons warned the
sisters against their sinful pride in at-
tempting, to improve on the Lord's
handiwork. He was followed by a
sister, who i
God had Intended us to
straight hair he would have given
us in the beginning. God never in-
tended it, and I, for one, shall be con-
tent with what I've got. It's a be-
fore tho Lord, and a vanity to have
your hair
The idea was introduced by a young
colored woman from Virginia. She
herself has a glossy bang and black
hair as straight as that of the late Sit-
ting Bull. She says her own hair was
formerly crisp and kinky, but that an
old Canadian woman told her how to
make it straight, and this information
she is now Imparting for a
The customer is told first to wash
her hair and come with It well dried.
She does so, and then operation
A preparation that is amber colored
and of the consistency of cream is taken
from a large jar and rubbed thorough-
into the hair, and where it was en-
lusterless before it begins to as-
a gloss. This is rubbed so
into the scalp that none of the
hairs can fail to have received a
Then vigorous brushing is re-
sorted and the short hair begins to
If it were an inch long before, It la
now fully two Inches long, and if be-
fore it bad up in what old
fashioned, southern people term
it v now ready to be
into a loose twist or a loose coil at
back. The operation takes about four
hours and is permanent in its effects.
It gives the colored woman a very In-
like appearance, and the few who
will admit having been treated claim
they did it merely to make the labor
of combing their hair so much the
easier. One of them
thing I know, and that is that
It is terribly convenient to have straight
hair. I never before realized what- a
blessing Before I dreaded toe
pat. of it, and now I don't
OH fir Crape.
was a old company that v
away ill when
v and with the Do
you remember that big I'm- in Hotel Row.
one freezing night, when people
were pulled out of the burning rooms
mid came down the ladder In their night
and how Greene brought
down two In
slung to Ids back
He got dreadfully, from so
much and suffered from it live
or more. thought once he was
In consumption sure But. finally
lie of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy
and tried it. and it cured him up as sound
I tell ton, Joe,
remedy is a great thing. It as
good a man and as brave a as
ever trod shoe
Red Pepper at a Church
The small worked off a stock of
at the parish social of Holy
; cents church, which was held at the
rector's residence one evening. The
i boy in question was on band early, and
i was demurely seated In a corner when
; his elders arrived. One by one, as
they approached amiable rector
and his wife, to extend tho greetings of
the evening, they were seized with a
I violent sneezing and coughing. Final-
I the whole room was in an uproar.
A general panic of influenza seemed
imminent. It was only when a sup
pressed giggle from the corner was
heard that suspicion pointed in that
direction. The urchin was hast i y
I before a judge and jury,
amid a burst of sobs and tears, that
showed his pleasure to be at low ebb,
ho confessed to having sprinkled the
floor with red popper.
I After a lengthy lecture from tho pas-
I tor he was handed over to tho
of tho church who were present as
; a special subject for prayers. Indian-
Two off Napoleon's Hairs.
St. Helena is picturesquely situated
at the foot of a huge hill of sheer
I on top of which is the fort where
i the garrison is stationed, and there Is a
I most wearisome ascent by hundreds of
steps to summit. The interior of
I the island is full of luxuriant
I and many are tho birds of bright
J plumage flit from tree to tree.
impregnable natural walls that
round St. Helena are grandest on tho
north side, where tho precipices of
i Sandy bay are full of caves and giant
cliffs. Though little this Is a
i scene of lonely grandeur. Down
of feet below the jutting crags
j lies a stretch of sand by the sea
I and a semicircle of impassable rocks,
but when tho tide is in no bay is seen.
My hostess showed mo among other
curios two silver hairs that worn once
part of n lock cut from Napoleon's head
after death. The precious relic had
dwindled down to two solitary hairs,
by sealing wax, for the frequent
and pathetic requests from old French
veterans, who with tearful eyes had
begged for one and who
left their medals and orders on their
hero's grave, had always overcome the
generous of for
had not herself been carried in her
nurse's arms to see his first interment,
and years afterward hod she not
watched ceremony whoa his re-
mains were taken in to France I
A Girl's Experience in a Light-
Mr. and Mrs. are keep-
of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand
Beach, Mich, and are blessed with a
daughter, four years old. Last April
she was taken down with fol-
lowed with a dreadful Cough and turn-
into a Fever. Doctors at home and
at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she
grew worse rapidly, until -he was a me re
of she tried
Dr. King's New Discovery and after the
use of two and a half bottles, was com-
cured. They say Jr. King's
New Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet you get a trial bottle
at John L. s Drug store.
The fire in tho Letter house was a sad
blow to the social ambitions of the
With daughter in tho height of
and another having just mode
her debut, the had arranged a
social campaign of great splendor. On
the very day that ushered in the short
season of nine weeks the homo was dam-
aged by fire. The most pathetic thing
about the disaster was the destruction of
apart of tho Parisian wardrobe of the
young ladies, recently imported at a cost
Poor Nannie Letter, bundled out of
bed and tho house in great haste, caught
a glimpse of a number of blackened
and burned Worth gowns, and straight-
way went into hysterics. At the house
of Mr. Rock, a neighbor, she lost all con-
of herself for a time and filled the
air with her lamentations. Her grief
was short lived, however, and she is now
as gay and ming as ever in the full
whirl of society. The rental
paid by Mr. Letter to Mr. Blaine has
been generally overstated. When Mr.
Letter took the house ho did pay
a year, when the lease was renewed
some ago the rental was reduced to
year and the uses and insurance,
or in Chi-
Tub First Step.
Perhaps you are run down, can't eat.
can't sleep, can't think, can't do any-
thing to your satisfaction, and you won-
what ails you. You should heed the
warning, are taking the first step
into Nervous Prostration. Von need a
Nerve Tonic and In Electric Hitters you
will find the exact remedy restoring
your nervous system to its normal,
healthy condition. Surprising result
follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic
and Your appetite returns,
good digestion is restored, Liver
and Kidneys resume healthy action.
Try a bottle. Price at John L.
Wooten's Drug Store.
Botanic Stood
I I SKIM a.- S
Mia. Is Urine, a. J
an the
he from an Ha I
I i
, i a care, II , i
. i FREE i
The best salve in the world for cuts,
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, chapped hands,
corns, and all -Kin eruptions, and
cures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give
or money refunded. Price cents per
box. For sale by no. I.
n to mis bosoms.
Portrait, and cots of hotel, factor.
Kt, machinery, made to order from
New York City.
Blood Cure.
A standard household remedy
In use more Than years. A
cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula,
Prostration. Constipation and all disease of
the Blood, Stomach and
for Clear
A compound, up in
and sent mail at cost
medicine, packages, sufficient for
quarts, sufficient
for pints.
A reliable Agent wanted in this locality,
by all A
B-wk i-m
time. R. CO . P
is known around the world and
lately been carried into
by Stanley. It is
unapproachable for purity,
and effects. As
Tut, delicious and
proved and Cookery,
Advice to Women
If you would protect yourself
from Painful, Profuse,
Suppressed or Irregular Men-
you must use
I have again opened a-
Greenville and invite my old
and patrons to roe a call. I
can supply all your wants in way of
clean shave, a stylish hair cut, a de-
shampoo, or anything else in the
line. Patronage solicited.
A Broad Assertion.
We have invented a Hanger suitable
for curing tobacco in the leaf and take
privilege of announcing that we be-
it to be the best and cheapest
for hanging leaves
in and that as much tobacco can
be put in the barn by using our hangers
as by any other plan now before the pub-
By using our hangers you can use
any kind of stick from a round pole to a
common lath with perfect
We will furnish a hanger free to any
person who will apply. Price
per hundred.
Any person wishing Information con-
hangers or tobacco sticks will do
well m or Mr. A.
of Greenville, N. C.
k. April
This will certify that two members of my
family, after having for
treated without benefit by
wen; at length completely cured by one bottle
of Female it
effect is truly wonderfuL J. W.
Book tn WOMAN mailed FREE, which contain
Information on female Mil
sale BY
it M ft Ow em of
P. P. P.
Cures scrofulA.
Malaria, eM
. Me.
P. P. b a tonic an
I lie What's This
Why another new by Alfred
in the of the afflict-
ed. By calling on or the
above named barber, yon can procure a
bottle of is invaluable
for and mil mid causing the
Winkles hair I be soft and
glossy, only r three application a
week is a common hair
brush in all to be used after the
vigorously for a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and,
on Bells
Brashes, Medicine, Samples
Free. Write row. Dr. Bridgeman,
X. Y.
r M Mood la
Are tn
by BE and blood
P. P. P. Ask, hoot
Li Block,
For sale lit Xi. Wooten's Drug Stoic
Printers and Binders,
N. C
We have the largest and most complete
establishment of the kind to be found in
the State, and solicit order.- for all classes
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
Solid us your orders.
N. C.
Nothing better for
Cream. Full
Rest on Earth.
mile by
S B.
I have to the new MaMe on
Fifth street in rear Capt. White's,
Store, where I will constantly
keep on hand a line line of
Horses and Mules.
I have and fancy turnouts for
the livery and can Suit the most
I will run in connection a DRAY-
AGE BUSINESS, solicit n share of
four patronage. Call and lie convinced.
Greenville. N.
Has Moved to next Door Court House
My Factory Is we'll with the best . put in
but work. We keep with the times and tin I if improved styles
Material used in all work. All styles of Springs are use you can from
Storm, oil, Ran, Horn, King
Also keep on hand a full of ready
year round, which we will AS
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
the people of this surrounding counties for past favors we hep. to
a of the same
K. K. Met
A. I. Met
B. It
and Schedule
No No No
April daily Fast Mail, daily
daily ex Sun.
12,30 pin B pm
Ar am
Tarboro SB am
Ar Wilson pm nm
Ar Fayetteville
I-v Goldsboro am
Av Magnolia
Ar Wilmington
No No No
dully daily dally
ex Sun.
Wilmington loam
Magnolia am
Warsaw II
Ar Wilson
am pm pin
A Rocky Mount
Tarboro am
pm pm
except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Bond
loaves Halifax M. arrives Scot
land at 4.15 M. Greenville 6.02
M., f-10 p, in.
leaves 7.00 n. ii Greenville
8.10 a. m. Arriving Halifax It Km a.
Weldon 11.25 a. m. dally except Sun-
freight leaves
Mondays, Fridays, at
7.00 a. in., arriving Scotland Hook 10.03
a. m. 2.10 n. m., Kinston
4.26 p. in. leaves
Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays a t
arriving Greenville 12.00
noon, 8.20 p. in. Weld on
p. in.
Train leaves Tarboro, C,
R. R. dally except
P M, Sunday P M, arrive
N C, P M, P M.
Plymouth 7.50 p. m., 5.20 p. m-
Returning Plymouth daily
a. m., Sunday 9.00 a. mt
Williamston, N C, m.
arrive Tarboro, N C, A M
Train on Midland X C Branch
Goldsboro dally A M,
Arrive X C. AM,
turning leaves C AM,
arrive Goldsboro, N A M.
Tram on Nashville Branch loaves Rocky
Monet at P M, arrive Nashville
P Hope P M. Returning
A M, Nashville
M, arrive Mount A
Train on Clinton Branch leaves
for Clinton dally, except Sunday, at
and U AM Returning leave
ton at A If, P.
with Mos. W
Southbound train on Wilson A
Branch is No. Northbound Is
No. Dally except Sunday.
Train No. South will atop only a
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection a
for all points North dally. Al
via Richmond, dally except Sun
t. R.
M. Passenger
Wholesale and Dealers in
A Always on Haul
Fine Horses s specially.
Union St. Norfolk Va
Smith's Shaving Parlor.
A. SMITH, Prop.
Greenville, N. C.
We have the tho easiest
Chair ever in the art. Clean towels,
sharp and satisfaction guaranteed
in every Call and Le con-
Ladies waited on at their
clothes specialty.
lug their year's supplies will
their Interest to get our
Is complete
in all its branches.
buy direct from Manufacturers,
yon to buy at one profit. A com
stock of
always on and sold at prices to
the times. Our goods are. all bought and
wild for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to sell at a close margin.
N. C.
A Preparation tho most
remedies known to science for the
cure of disease. This Preparation has
been over years, and where-
ever known has been in steady demand.
used In a family it becomes the
household remedy. It has been endorsed
the leading over
country, and has effected
other remedies, with the attention
the most experienced physicians, have
for years failed. This Ointment Is not
just up for the of making
money, h of long and the
high it is
owing entirely to Its own but
little effort ever been mads to bring
It the bottle of this
Ointment will lent to address on
receipt of One Dollar. The usual dis-
count to Druggists. All Cash Orders
promptly attended to. Address all or-
and communications to
Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor,
B. S.
with me in the Undertaking we
arc ready to serve the people in that
a All notes and accounts
me for past services have been placed in
the hands of Mr. for collection
We keep on hand at all time a nice
stock of Cases and Caskets of nil
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case, down to a
Pitt county Coffin. arc
up with all conveniences and can
satisfactory services to all who
obtained, and all business In the U. S,
Patent or In the Courts attended to
for Moderate Fees.
are opposite the U. S. Patent Of-
lice engaged Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents in loss time than
more from Washington.
the model or drawing is sent
advise as to free of charge,
and we. make no change unless we ob-
refer, here, to the Post Master, the
Supt. of the Money Order Hid., and to
of the U. S. Patent Office. For
advise terms and reference to
actual clients in your own State, or
address, C. A. Co.,
Washington, D. C.
l tor
not,, Take
ii i-in, in i-,.
SM all
Al or
. for , Hal
care In the selection, growing and testing of our Seeds is
only send out such Seed as will grow produce factory results.
will In it-
two of Heel i very r
log to for Seeds, mention
DESCRIPTIVE containing Information
about Farm and Garden Seeds mailed free upon
T. W. WOOD SONS, g South 14th Street. RICHMOND, VA.
Shaving, Cutting and Dressing Hair
the House, at which place
I have recently located, and where I have
everything In my line
with all the improved appliances;
sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside of shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
Tin Him
J. S. Greenville,
N. M. Tarboro, Gen
K. F. Kg
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer is the flues
boat on the river.
been repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort, ac
and convenience of Ladies.
A Table furnished with
best tho market
A trip op the Steamer
not only comfortable hut attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday,
ind at o'clock, A. u
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday,
Saturday at o'clock, a. M.
Freights received dally and through
Lading given to all points.
R- r. 1.1. Area
N, Greenville. N. C-
Pill Co Co. N C
Pros., Gilliam,
Cotton Factors,
Commission Merchants.
We have Lad ex-
at the and
prepared to
the of shippers.
All to
hands will receive prompt and
Manufacturers of Hall's Patent
Pianos Organs Furniture
Baby Carriages and
Largest House and Largest Stock in the South.
No matter what Piano or Organ you want to its for rate-
and prices and we will save you money.
Opposite Main t., Norfolk.
Odors to the of surrounding a of following good
not to be In this market. And to be
pure straight goods. DRY GOODS of all NOTIONS, GEN
kinds, Gin and Mill Hay, Rock Lime, and
Hair, Harness,
Agent for Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I ofTer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, less per cent for Cash. Bread Prep-
ration and Hall's Star Lye it jobbers Prices. Lea and pare Lbs.
Oil, Varnishes Paint Colors, Wood Pumps, Salt and and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give mo a call and I guarantee satisfaction.
imitations which they claim to b
-V same as IT'S
are not, and besides are PEAR LINE is never
y ell goo grocers. by Mew to
. . j.
Month If right Men
board in
P- W. Co., P,
Now Ready
To show the of lot of
Views of Animal.
Family Ac, taken at
Short Notice, Copying from
to life In Inks, Crayon or
Head for fine Photographs, i
N. C
over brought to
you want a good Drive Horse
Horse or a good Work
Mule fail to me me.
I can yon at
reasonable prices.
now ample room to
all horses left in my charge
I tout attention given,
Greenville. N. C.

Eastern reflector, 1 July 1891
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 01, 1891
Original Format
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Joyner NC Microforms
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