Mercantile and industrial review of Wilmington and New Hanover County, North Carolina

Photo of Orton Hotel

Mercantile and Industrial Review of

Photo of Murchison National Bank


A growing industrial and seaport city like Wilmington is a splendid place to make investments in real estate as the increase in value is only a question of time and increase in population, and Wilmington is growing more rapidly today than at any time in its history.

A gentleman who is in a position to render valuable and reliable service along this line is Mr. Herbert F. Wilder, who has been actively identified with the real estate interests of the city for the past ten years, thus placing him in a position to give expert information relating to Wilmington realty values. Mr. Wilder also handles a line of general insurance and is Secretary and Treasurer of the Hanover Building and Loan Association. His office is in the Wilder Building, which he owns.


A good place to manufacture successfully is evidently at a point where the raw materials accumulate or where they can be procured advantageously, and where at the same time there are ample facilities for sending the product to market. Wilmington, in a large measure and for certain branches of production, may be said to furnish these conditions. Situated at a focal point of three great systems of railroads and with convenient river and ocean water communication, connecting the locality with the markets of the United States and also with foreign countries, contiguous to great timber and lumber producing regions, and furthermore, being a great center of distribution for agricultural products, material can with facility accumulate here. Opportunities are presented in Wilmington to the manufacturer in certain lines of a much more advantageous character than are offered by larger cities, inasmuch that while in most respects equal conditions are at hand, the cost of living and labor and, therefore, production is lower at the same time that suitable and convenient sites are available at comparatively little cost.

1st. It is located on one of the most fertile and productive regions of the United States and one of the most thriving sections of the South.

Herbart F. Wilder's Office, Real Estate and Insurance.

2nd. It possesses admirable railroad facilities, connecting it directly with the entire country and opening up all parts for its products and for obtaining raw material.

3rd. It has a good system of steamboat lines, which ply on the water ways tributary to this port, bringing here from adjacent territory agricultural and other products, returning with merchandise to supply the wants of these localities.

4th. It has ocean communication with all parts of the world and two regular lines of steamships to New York, bringing the city into close and intimate contact with the principal ports of the Old and New Worlds.

5th. It is in direct contiguous connection both by land and water with the great lumber and bituminous coal regions of this and adjoining states.

6th. It has a complete system of electric cars in operation. The city is well lighted with gas and electricity and is efficiently policed and guarded against fire. The fire department of the city is particularly efficient, securing to residents the lowest insurance rates.

7th. The local government is now based upon strict ideas of economy consistent with safe and secure progress and the spirit of the people is decidedly in favor of every measure to make the rate of taxation low, while at the same time, all real improvements are well supported.

8th. The public school system is among the best in the South and affords excellent opportunities and facilities. The social advantages here are numerous, the tone of society healthy and the general morals of the community will compare with any city North or South.

9th. The cost of living here is much lower than in most cities of the South.

10th. The surroundings are delightful. The climate cannot be excelled. There are no epidemics, the locality is generally free from prevailing sickness, and the sanitary precautions are enlightened and vigilant. Recently a complete modern system of sewerage has been introduced, enhancing materially the healthfulness of the city.

11th. Available sites for manufacturing are in plenty and are low in price, and residential property is obtainable upon advantageous terms.

Further information relating to the advantages of Wilmington from a manufacturing point of view will be furnished on application to the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, Wilmington, N. C.


The country within a fifty-mile radius of Wilmington is offering today greater inducements to the farmer, and fruit and vegetable growers than almost any section of the United States. Here can be obtained at a relatively moderate price, lands of the greatest fertility needing little, if any, artificial fertilizing in the heart of a country which is steadily progressing. In no part of the United



Mercantile and Industrial Review


AN INDUSTRIAL EPITOME of the vast resources of the Cities and Territories contiguous to the Seaboard Air Line Railway — showing the splendid opportunities existing for the safe and legitimate investment of capital and the advantages offered for the establishment and development of all lines of Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Endeavor. Photographic flashes and vivid descriptions of points of interest.




W. A. GARRETT, Chief Executive Officer for Receivers,


L. SEVIER, First Vice-President,


T. F. WHITTELSEY, General Manager,


CHARLES B. RYAN, General Passenger Agent,


CHARLES R. CAPPS, General Freight Agent,


J. W. WHITE, Gen'l Industrial Agent,


H. B. BIGHAM, Assistant Gen'l Industrial Agent,


H. CURTIS, Assistant Gen'l Industrial Agent,


Wilmington and New Hanover County, North Carolina


Wilmington is located on the banks of Cape Fear River, 35 miles from its entrance to the sea and 11 miles west from the seashore. It is the seat of government of New Hanover County, and is one of the principle points of industrial and commercial operations in the state of North Carolina. The city is in 34 degrees, 14 minutes North latitude and 77 degrees, 57 minutes West longitude.


This city has an elevation of 38 feet above sea level, with sufficient slope to form excellent natural drainage, which makes the city one of splendid health.


The splendid location of the city, its equable temperature, and freedom from excessive heat and cold, shows the adaptability of the climate and Wilmington for the profitable conduct of all branches of commerce and industry. Snow seldom falls and remains on the ground only a short time when it does.


The normal rainfall for each year, covering a period of 25 years, was 54 inches. Heaviest rains occur in the summer, in the spring the fall is moderate. The percipitation is regular and usually can be depended upon.


The major portion of the views in this book were made by Mr. H. Cronenberg, and copies of them may be obtained from him on short notice.


When the census of this city was taken in 1900 the population was 20,976. It is now conservatively estimated at 36,000, and in addition to this there is always a large transient population in Wilmington. It being a central place for trade, commerce and shipping.


The Police Department is a well organized, effective force. It is composed of 43 men, five of whom are mounted. The department makes about 2,400 arrests per year, of which 90 per cent are convicted. Revenues derived from the department in fines amounts to $4,000 per year and is absorbed by the school fund.


The paid Fire Department of the city was established in 1897. There are now five stations and 36 men in the department, and a Gamewell system of alarms with 43 boxes in use. There are 135 fire hydrants and a new station is now being erected at Campbell and Fourth Avenue, which will cost $10,000. The equipment of the department is as good as money could purchase and it would have been an extremely ferocious fire indeed that would not get a black eye by the Wilmington department.


The streets of Wilmington are the pride of the city. They are wide and well kept and in many instances paved with substantial materials. In the residence districts the streets are terraced, and lined on either side with inviting shade trees, giving the city the complete appearance of home and comfort. Much care is taken to keep the streets cleared of all rubbish and litter, and the vigilence of the Street Department is commendable in this respect. Improvements and extensions are being made as rapidly as the needs of the city require, no expense being spared to

Wilmington's Water Front.

make the streets as serviceable and attractive as possible.

There are 15 blocks of parked streets, lined with trees and handsome grass boulevards, twelve blocks paved with brick, fourteen blocks paved with Belgian block and 120 blocks macadamized. The city will in the near future construct a beautiful park containing 30 acres, the site having already been secured.


One of the finest beaches on the Atlantic coast is Wrightsville Beach, which is only thirty minutes’ ride from Wilmington, and is reached by electric railway. This is a very popular summer resort, there being two very fine hotels here that have large and select patronage. The season extends from May until October.

A feature of this beach is the facilities afforded by the Wrightsville Beach Development Company in the matter of summer homes and cottages. This company completed during last season 17 cottages, which it has fitted up it an elegant manner with electric lights, sewer, porcelain baths, running water and all modern improvements. These cottages are for sale or rent, and can be had on very reasonable terms. The purchaser will here have a beautiful summer home situated between the two large hotels on the beach, within easy access of the city and surrounded with every comfort conducive to peace and happiness.

Cottages of Wrightsville Beach Improvement & Development Co.

The officers of this company are: J. Van B. Metts, President; H. E. Bonitz, Vice-President, and Thomas H. Wright, Secretary and Treasurer. The sale of the property being in charge of Mr. Wright.


Wilmington's Chamber of Commerce was organized in 1853, and has been in uninterrupted existence since that date. Six years ago the Produce Exchange was consolidated with the Chamber of Commerce, thereby making the Chamber more effectual than ever in its efforts to exploit the resources of Wilmington and New Hanover County.

The object of the Chamber of Commerce is to entertain the city's distinguished visitors, to foster and encourage industrial, commercial and agricultural effort in the city and county, to guard against adverse legislation effecting the welfare of the city and county, to look to the settlement of industrial concerns in Wilmington, to weld the business element of Wilmington and New Hanover County into a co-hesive, co-operative body with the singleness of purpose of promoting that which is good for the city and county and arraying its strength against that which is negative to the development of the city and county.

The Chamber of Commerce is composed of the foremost of Wilmington's business men, men who understand the needs of the city and who are not afraid to have their body assert itself on all points pertaining to the general welfare of the commonwealth.

By addressing the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, you will be able to receive an intelligent line of information on any point pertaining to the commerce and industry of the city and county.


The Public Library is situated in the City Hall. It was established in 1903 and now has 1,428 members. The circulation reaches 17,580 books per annum. Additions are constantly being made to the collection and the library has become a real public necessity.


The public schools of New Hanover County, including the City Schools, compare favorably with the best schools in the State and elsewhere. Washington Catlett is County Superintendent and John J. Blair, City Superintendent. The total census is: City—White 3,128, negro 2,806, total 5,934; Rural—White 730; negro 917, total 1,647; grand total 7,581.

The city schools, divided into two districts, No. 1 and No. 2, have two large graded school buildings and one high school for whites, and two graded schools for negroes.

The buildings are valued at $85,000 for whites, and $11,000 for negroes. They employ forty-three white teachers, three principals, one superintendent, total forty-seven; eighteen negro teachers, two principals, total twenty. Grand total sixty-seven.

The total enrollment 1905-’06 for whites was males 893, females 1,140, total 2,033; average daily attendance

Winter Scenes at Wrightsville Beach.

1,521. Negro enrollment—Males 553, females 646; average daily attendance 717.

The High School ranks with the leading preparatory schools in its curriculum, and its diploma is officially recognized by the State University and the State Normal and Industrial College.

A department of Domestic Science has been successfully conducted for four years, giving both the practical and theoretic side of cooking, with lectures on household science and economics.

There are several well equipped private schools in the city preparing pupils for college or business.

The rural schools are divided into fourteen districts, with fourteen white schools and twelve negro schools, employing thirty white teachers and twenty-four negro teachers.

These schools are taught by competent and experienced teachers. The buildings are comfortable and well furnished, many having patent desks.

There are twelve white schools with libraries, containing 1,333 well selected books, besides four circulating libraries, loaned by the Sorosis Society, and eleven libraries in negro schools, with 1,037 volumes.

Loading Lumber at Wilmington Docks.

Vocal music is taught in the schools by a regular teacher.

Last year $20,190 was paid to white teachers, of which $4,295 was paid the rural teachers and $15,895 to the city teachers; $6,945 was paid the negro teachers, of which the rural teachers received $2,525 and the city teachers $4,420.—Prof. Washington Catlett, County Superintendent Public Instruction.


The markets of Wilmington are among the city's distinctive features. They are always supplied with choice vegetables fresh from the adjacent farms daily, fish, oysters and other sea foods, native and Western meats, fowls and game in season. Go to the city markets and take a look around, and you will see there is little reason to go hungry in Wilmington.


Wilmington has splendid hotel facilities. Its hotels are numerous, the buildings are fine, and generally speaking they are intelligently conducted.


The wave of progress that is now washing the shores of Wilmington cannot be termed a boom, but is due to the natural growth of her various enterprises and not to the speculator. Whenever a building lot is offered for sale a ready purchaser can be found, who will erect a building at once, and not as the speculator hold for an advance. This has given to Wilmington's progress (what few cities that have made the advancement she has in the past five years can claim) a firm, sure advancement.

Wilmington and River Front Another River Front View, Market Street, Wilmington.


This firm began business in Wilmington in 1866, and was the pioneers in the steam foreign trade, having chartered the “Barnesmore” in 1881 to take the first ship load from Wilmington to a foreign port, previous to which time all shipments were made in sailing craft. The business has become so great, that now five or more steamers may be seen loading at its docks at one time.

This firm handles 350,000 bales of cotton per annum, has excellent dockage, warehouse and storage facilities and is probably the largest company of its kind in the South.

Alexander Sprunt & Son own and operate the Champion Compresses and warehouses, maintain branch offices in Liverpool and Bremen and have one of the best organized working forces in the cotton business in this or any other country.

Mr. James Sprunt is British Vice Consul and Imperial German Council at Wilmington. The firm is composed of this gentleman and Mr. William H. Sprunt.

British Ships Loading Cotton at Champion Compress Dock of Alex. Sprunt & Son.


There are two beaches so identified with the city's health and pleasure as to be classed as a part of the city. One of these is reached by means of trolley cars to and from every thirty minutes, the other by elegant passenger steamboat, the boat ride making the trip especially interesting and pleasing. These beaches have become prominent resorts, people coming to them for the summer from every State east of the Mississippi river. The Hotel accommodations at the beaches are large and ample for all who come and the amusements, such as dancing, boating, fishing and bathing are equal to any found anywhere. For recreation, pleasure or health, these beaches are ideal resorts. In fact they meet the requirements of any class or condition. For those seeking pleasure they are an Olympia. For those seeking rest a Mecca. for the sick a Panacea.


Some idea may be gained of the importance of this city as a seaport town from the fact that Consuls representing Great Britian, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Denmark are kept in Wilmington to look after the interests of the nations which they represent.

View of Champion Compresses, from A. C. L. Building. British Ships Loading Cotton at Alex. Sprunt & Son's Docks. Headquarters and Office Force
of Alex. Sprunt & Son, Cotton Dealers.

Designed and Engineered by
Burett H. Stephens.

The new fertilizer plant of the Swift Co., covers an entire square mile, including the buildings and yards, and represents an outlay of $300,000 and employs about 200 men. There is a 40-ton per day rock plant and about 100 tons of rock is acidulated per day. The capacity of the plant being 40,000 tons of fertilizer per year. The plant is situated on joint road between Seaboard Air Line and Atlantic Coast Line, and is equipped with 440 horse-power plant and 300 horse-power Corliss horizontal engine and two 150 K. W. generators, one of which is used for lighting and the other for their own trolley system. There are two 1,000 gallon underwriter fire pumps besides a 35,000 gallon water tank which gives a pressure in fire mains of 60 pounds to the square inch.

This is the most up-to-date fertilizer manufacturing plant in the South and was only located in Wilmington after a thorough investigation of the commercial attributes of several of the central Southern cities, the advantages of Wilmington proving far superior in every particular to any other location that could be found.

Swift's Fertilizer Works from River. Plant Designed by B. H. Stephens, Engineer and Architect.

and Consulting Engineer.

In the construction of large industrial plants in the South, Mr. Burett H. Stephens has been an active factor in the past few years. He came to Wilmington for the purpose of designing and engineering the immense Swift Fertilizer Plant, and after completing this enormous task, decided to remain in Wilmington and follow his profession here. The Swift plant, mention and description of which will be found on this page, attests to the ability of Mr. Stephens in his line. The Swift plant in Charlotte, one of the largest of its kind, was also designed and engineered by Mr. Stephens.

In the construction of large and heavy undertakings, Mr. Stephens has had a great deal of experience which enables him to serve his clients well and intelligently.


This building was erected by a company organized for the purpose with a capital of $150,000. There are 38 apartments in the building in suites of two, three, four, five, six and seven rooms, each suite having its own private bath. There are 22 housekeeping apartments with complete kitchens furnished with every utility known to the culinary science. All rooms are outside rooms with from one to four windows, steam heat, electric lights, elevator service and many other modern devices and necessities. The real estate firm of J. G. Wright & Son have charge of the property.


The sidewalks of Wilmington are the pride of the city. New walks are laid as fast as the streets are improved. The material used is concrete

Views of Wilmington's New Industry Swift's Fertilizer Plant. Cost $300,000. General View from Tracks—Acid Plant, Fertilizer Plant. Designed
by B. H. Stephens, Engineer and Architect.

and the sidewalks are a credit to the city.

I. M. BEAR & CO., Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers of Dry

One of the largest concerns of its kind in this portion of the South is the mercantile house of I. M. Bear & Co., which has been in business in Wilmington for the past fourteen years. The business of this company has grown so steadily that it found it was necessary to construct a large and commodious building for its occupation which it has just moved into. The building is five stories in height and contains 40,000 square feet of floor space. The premises occupied under one roof are the largest and handsomest mercantile headquarters in the two States.

This company manufactures the celebrated “Imperial Shirts and Overalls,” is importer and jobber of dry goods, is sole agents for the Glenham Mills, and keeps six salesmen on the road all the time. A purchasing office is maintained in New York City, which enables the company to pick up lots from manufacturers I. M. Bear & Co.’s Building. Chas. McMillan, Architect.
who at times are forced to get quick action on their out-put thereby enabling this firm to offer its patrons values that ordinary concerns cannot do.


Wilmington has one exclusively wholesale furniture house, which carries at all times a large stock of cheap and medium-grade furniture and house furnishings, which it sells at manufacturers’ prices.


Wilmington has a large number of retail stores. There are many fine, well-managed retail and department stores in the city. We doubt if there is a city in the South that has such a large out-of-town retail trade as Wilmington, so many of whose patrons go from so great a distance. The finer grades of clothing, dry goods, millinery, notions, jewelry, hats, shoes, furniture, carpets, heavy hardware and vehicles is practically controlled by Wilmington merchants for a radius of more than fifty miles.

Market Street, Postoffice, City Hall.


Southern National Bank Building, Chas. McMillan, Architect.

This institution began business September 18, 1905. When the bank opened only $100,000 of capital had been paid in, $100,000 additional being paid in installments, together with a surplus of $100,000, also paid in installments, giving total capital of and surplus of $300,000.

The bank distributed its stock principally in Wilmington with a good portion in the outlying neighborhood. It was sold only to successful business people, and to one hundred and seventy-five stockholders. One special advantage lies in the fact that no twenty of these stockholders hold the control of the institution.

Notwithstanding the bank is only twenty-seven months old, it now has deposits $1,250,000, and total assets $1,800,000. It has surplus and undivided profits amounting to $125,000, and has paid two dividends since organization. The bank is a depository for the United States Government, also for the State of North Carolina, and for county funds as well.

This institution occupies an elegant banking room, handsomely fitted with every modern convenience. During the recent financial panic, when currency was selling at a high premium, the Southern National Bank continued to supply its smaller banking correspondents in the Carolinas with currency, silver and gold, making shipments to them without premium. It has a large clientele with the smaller banks in the Carolinas and deals direct in making its collections at every banking point in the two States.

Statement of condition, December 3, 1907:

Loans and Discounts$ 871,732.20
U.S. Bonds & Premiums259,296.88
Furniture and Fixtures6,530.49

Due from banks$435,418.16
In our vault95,667.74549,085.90

Capital$ 200,000.00
!Undivided Profits, Net25,644.46
Bills Payable and Rediscounts105,000.00

U.S. Gover'ment50,000.001,057,465.52

!After dividends of $12,000 paid.


In the contemplated bond issue of $400,000 for street improvement, the fund will be expended at the rate of Carolina Apartment House. Cost $150,000 and contains 38 Apartments.
$100,000 per annum. This large amount will place the streets of Wilmington in splendid condition, enhance the value of business and residence property and reduce the rates of insurance in those parts of the city effected.


There are three mammoth hardware establishments in the city. Every one imports foreign goods in large quantities, carries a complete stock of domestic hardware, mill supplies, cutlery, tinware, agate and enamel ware, heating and cook stoves, farming utensils and building material. They possess every facility known to the wholesale hardware business for handling goods to advantage and can guarantee quality and prices to their customers.


The Murchisan National Bank Building.

The Murchison National Bank was established in March of 1899, and is now doing an enormous business with a capital of $500,000, surplus of $250,000 and deposits of $2,000,000. This bank has 2,000 local accounts and has connections with the largest and strongest banks in the Northern cities. Its foreign correspondent is that of Brown, Shipley & Co., of London, England, and the bank is depository for the United States Government, State of North Carolina, the City of Wilmington and for New Hanover and several surrounding counties.

They own their own magnificent building and have just strengthened themselves by consolidating with the Atlantic National Bank of this city, which will increase its already enormous business very greatly. The officers and directorate are men who have had wide experience in business matters and are conservative financial experts, many of whom are connected with the largest interests of the city. Mr. H. C. McQueen is President, and has been since its organization; Mr. J. V. Grainger is Vice-President and Cashier, and Mr. C. S. Grainger is the Assistant Cashier.


The street car service of Wilmington is one of the best of any city in the South of the same size. There are six miles of city tracks and 12 miles of suburban tracks, 30 cars are operated and about 2,306,528 passengers are carried annually. Seventy-four employes look out for the interests of the company, and their wages amount to $40,000 per year.


The gas works of Wilmington is operated by a private corporation. The company has a well-equipped plant with a capacity of 300,000 cubic feet in 24 hours and runs up to two-thirds of its capacity daily. The rates are reasonable and the service is all the community demands.


Wilmington has an extensive wholesale trade. There are 26 wholesale grocers in the city. There can be nowhere found a cleverer set of men than those engaged in the wholesale grocery business in Wilmington. They keep posted as to prices and market conditions. They always buy to advantage and are, therefore, able to give the very best prices. Molasses is brought here direct from the West Indies by the ship load. Much of the material is brought here in the crude state, refined and distributed. Domestic groceries are bought at first hand in large quantities. With its low rate of freight to Wilmington from the North, East and West, and the low rate of freight from Wilmington to interior points make it to the advantage of merchants to buy from Wilmington.


Wilmington has six wholesalers of dry goods, notions and hats. Nearly

Group of Wilmington Churches.

Wilmington Scenes.

every one of these large houses control the output of several mills.


Wilmington has two large wholesale establishments dealing in boots, shoes and rubber goods. They travel men and sell goods in nearly every Southern State.


Wilmington has three manufacturing chemists and wholesalers of drugs, chemicals, surgical implements and druggists’ sundries.


Wilmington has three concerns wholesaling paints, oils, varnish, putty, etc.


We have two wholesale fruit dealers who receive oranges, bananas, pineapples, cocoanuts and other tropical fruits in shiploads direct from the fields and groves. California and other Western fruits are brought here in solid carloads. There is one large candy and confectionary house, which carries an extensive stock of all grades of candies and confectioneries.


The clothing houses of this city also do a large and extensive wholesale business in the city.


The several railroads, ocean lines and river lines centering in Wilmington conspire to keep freight rates down to the very minimum, thus making this city a very desirable location for the establishment of all kinds of commercial and industrial enterprises. There never need he any fear of the rates being increased, as the water connections afforded by the city are a guarantee against any raise.


This establishment, one of the leading furniture houses, both wholesale and retail, in Wilmington, has been in existence as such for the past six years. Mr. Phares has invested in up-to-date stock about $10,000, and he employs four men to assist in handling his $20,000 per year business, which for convenience of his many patrons is cash or conducted on the easy payment plan. Besides his three-story store, he has a commodious warehouse.


One of the most splendid features of Wilmington and New Hanover County is their system of hard roads. There are 42 miles of these roads radiating out of Wilmington in three different directions, one of them leading to Wrightsville Beach. These are macadamized and built in a very substantial and durable manner, making Wilmington and adjacent country the rendezvous of the man with an automobile, the ride to the beach being exceptionally fine. The county is adding to the mileage of the hard road system each year, and in time the entire county will be made accessible by these roads.


Wilmington has one of the finest landlocked harbors on the Atlantic coast. It has ample room for enlargement of dockage facilities and has a depth at low water of 22 feet.

An organization is maintained in the State that has for its purpose the deepening of the channel between Wilmington and the ocean to 30 feet. This is a wide-awake body of business men and they constantly keep their project before Congress, and will ultimately carry their point to completion.


Any point that we have not gone into deep enough will be gladly taken up by the Chamber of Commerce of Wilmington and detailed information furnished upon application to the Secretary.

Gaston D. Phares&Co. building

Wilmington Residences.


The splendid drainage of the city, its fortunate location on an average elevation of 38 feet above the sea when it is only eight miles distant to the sea, its pure supply of water for domestic purposes, the activity of the sewer, sanitary, street and other city departments, all conspire to make Wilmington a very healthy city. The death rate is about 17 to each 1,000 population.


This is the third oldest Yacht Club in the United States. It was organized in 1853, and was incorporated in 1872, and has been in continuous operation since that time. The club has a fine home on Wrightsville Beach where during the summer months, the flower of Wilmington's business and professional men gather to devote their leisure to this most exhilerating sport, the Club being one of the social features of Wilmington's summer season.

The Club has 350 members, 25 sloops and several launches. The officers are C. W. Worth, Commodore; W. L. Parsley, Fleet Captain; E. S. Metts, Flag Captain; J. B. Peschau, Purser.


The waterworks of Wilmington are now owned by a private concern. There are 15 miles of mains and 1,500 patrons of the company.

The city has long since realized the importance of municipal ownership of the waterworks plant, and will either purchase the present plant or erect an entire new one. Bonds for this purpose have recently been voted, it being estimated that the water and sewer plants can be built for $500,000.


As in the case of the waterworks, the sewers of the city are owned by a private corporation. The charges are very similar to those made for water service. In the recent bond issue voted by the city, provision was made for the installation of a city-owned sewer department. The present company will be bought out or an entire new system installed.


One of the most influential business houses in Wilmington is the wholesale grocery concern known as the Wilmington Grocery Co. This company has a splendid trade throughout North Carolina and adjoining States. It handles a full line of staple and fancy groceries and grocers’ supplies, teas, coffees, spices, canned goods and in fact all items usual to such concerns. Mr. A. M. Hall is President and Mr. W. D. Hall is Secretary-Treasurer.

Wilmington Grocery Co.

Armory of the Wilmington Light Infantry. Market Street. Union School.


The fresh and salt fish and oyster business of Wilmington and vicinity is a large and growing item of commerce, several large concerns being engaged in this business. The varieties of fish handled are mullet, shad, black fish, trout, sea bass, rock, pig, flounders, croakers, spots, sturgeon, cat, drum, whiting, snapper, red mouth, herring, blue, bream, sheephead, stripped bass and innumerable other varieties. Large quantities of all kinds of fish are salted and packed in Wilmington and shipped to all parts of the country. Clams, terrapins and oysters are also shipped, and the Wilmington varieties are famous for their deliciousness.


Wilmington has in all 18 churches. Some of the buildings are very handsome and substantial structures. The churches are well supported and the societies of each are largely attended. Improvements are made from time to time and no effort is spared to keep the church accommodations right along with the development of the city.

WM. E. SPRINGER & CO., Wholesale

Metropolitan in all things is Wilmington, in its professions, trade, commerce, industry, arts, science, educational advantages, and in its hardware business. It is this last branch of trade to which we desire to call the attention of the reader. The above firm first began business in Wilmington in 1877, succeeding the firm that had been in business in Wilmington since 1856, thus making the present concern one of the oldest in the city, the members being Wm. E. Springer, who is now serving his second term as mayor of the city, and John C. Springer.

The line handled by this firm consits of hardware of all kinds and grades, tinware, stoves, crockery, Buck's stoves and ranges, Comfort wood and air-tight heaters, builders’ hardware, edge tools, sporting goods, cutlery and all items usual to such an establishment. A wholesale and retail business is handled that will amount to $100,000 per annum, and employment is given a large force of men.

Home of W. E. Springer & Co., Hardware Establishment.

Courthouse.. Cape Fear Club House.


The naval stores shipments of Wilmington for the last fiscal year amounted to 17,523 barrels of spirits and 103,712 barrels of rosin, having a total value of one and a quarter million dollars.


Railroad.—Wilmington has ample railroad facilities to properly care for a large volume of business. Its rail connections place the city and county in close communication with all the great markets of the North and East, and prompt service can be had in the matter of handling perishable products. The railroads centering in Wilmington take a healthy pride in the development of the country contiguous to the city, and do all in their power to foster the general development of the community.

Electric and Suburban.—The electric lines of Wilmington furnish the city with fine, intra-city transportation, there being many miles of splendidly built double track road in the city and also a fine line of interurban running to the beach, some ten miles away. The street car people are constantly alert to the needs of the city and make extensions as rapidly as the increasing population demand them.

Ocean Transportation.— Wilmington is a deep water port of no small consideration. The city is situated on the banks of the Cape Fear river, thirty miles from its entrance to the sea, and has a channel of 22 feet when the water is at low tide. This enables steamships of large tonnage to load and unload at Wilmington, and it is a common sight to see all the wharves in the city crowded with this craft, taking on and discharging cargo from and to foreign ports.

River Transportation and Coastwise Trade.—There are 145 miles of navigable inland waterway connected with Wilmington that is plied by hustling river craft which exerts a great influence in directing trade to the city. In addition, there is a large trade in coastwise business with Wilmington for the radiating center.

General Advantages.—These general advantages in transportation conspire to make Wilmington one of the most important ports on the Atlantic Seaboard.


Many of Wilmington's more substantial mercantile concerns have literally grown up with the city. This might be said of the above firm which was established in 1865 as Aaron & Rheinstein, succeeded in 1888 as F. Rheinstein & Co., and in 1895 changed to the present company. The business of a wholesale nature and one of the most comprehensive stocks of dry goods, notions and staples carried by any similar concern in the South is handled by this company. Its trade extends for 250 miles around Wilmington and seven traveling salesmen are kept on the road. The premises occupied are very imposing and finely adapted to the uses to which they are being placed.

Mrs. F. Rheinstein is President, L. Bluethenthal is Vice-President and Treasurer, and G. Dannebaum is Secretary.

The Rheinstein Dry Goods Co.’s Building.

—Will T. Snyder, B. Sc.,
Principal, 39 Garrell Building,
Wilmington, N. C.

The Garrell Building, Home Southern Business College. H. G. Bonitz,

This is a high-grade business college where young men and women can secure the best possible business training in Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping and English.

All work done in all the courses is practical from start to finish. The Bookkeeping course includes thorough instruction in Banking, Municipal and Private Corporation Accounting, Railroad Accounting, Cost Accounting, etc.

Breviscript, or The Gabelsberger-Barlow Shorthand, of which W. H. Barlow, Esq., University of Virginia, is author and Mr. Snyder is editor, is the system of shorthand taught. It is the shortest and best system extant, and meets the requirements of the reporter and amanuensis alike.

Mr. Snyder has had several years experience in training young men and women for business. He studied law at the University of Virginia and was admitted as a member of the Bar of Virginia. His lectures on the different branches of commercial law, that he gives to his pupils, have been found helpful and worth more than the cost of a complete course.

Thorough and efficient instruction is given by mail.


Wilmington is a city of homes—not rented habitations—but homes that are owned by their occupants. The palatial residence of the very fortunate and those of the less fortunate form a happy contrast, and in many instances are built side by side. Much enterprise is shown by the citizens in the care and pride they take in the appearance of their surroundings. The lawns and terraces in the resident sections of the city are splendidly cared for and an abundance of shade trees make a home in Wilmington a home indeed.


The Young Men's Christian Association is one of the city's most influential organizations for the good of the community. It has a membership of 300 and large, commodious quarters, the building having been erected in 1888 at a cost of $40,000. The Association quarters are fitted out with all the accessories usual to such institutions, and its work is along lines that have become nationalized by the Y. M. C. A.


The wholesale trade of Wilmington constitutes a very considerable item of the city's commerce. It has a large number of jobbing houses covering heavy and fancy groceries, hardware, dry goods, boots and shoes, drugs and druggists’ sundries, and other materials and finished products. The city's trade covers all the adjacent states and is becoming larger each year.

MAY 31, 1908.

General expense account$ 11,050.00
Police department36,403.00
Streets and wharves32,060.00
Fire department44,030.00
Public buildings2,590.00
Sanitary department22,652.00
Street lighting11,940.00
Water service9,250.00
City markets14,735.00
Special accounts7,100.00
Bond and interest account39,755.00

Wilmington Cotton Mills, Turpentine Still.


Wilmington has many enterprises of a national character that are doing much to advertise the city and its many diversified products. Notably among such enterprises is the Spirittine Chemical Company, which since its inception here in 1879, has been promoting the interests of the city by the manufacture of an unexcelled wood preserver and paint known throughout the world as “Spirittine,” with a successful record of 25 years, has proven the best and cheapest wood preserver on the market, is adopted by United States government and many leading railroads and ship builders, will never wash out nor evaporate, will remain in the wood forever. This company was incorporated in 1890 and each year has shown great advance in the distribution of “Spirittine products, and incidentally facts about Wilmington throughout the United States and Europe. The Spirittine Chemical Company is located on the river front, having 360 feet of water and dock space, employs 12 men, and travels two men. Their Spirittine Rubber Composition Paint and Roof Paint have been adopted by many Plant of Spirittine Chemical Co.
leading railroads, and upon application to the main office full particulars and testimonials as to the efficiency of “Spirittine” oil as a wood preserver will be tendered.


Wilmington is the metropolis for a large area of country, making it the natural supply center for the greater portion of the population of that area. This has conspired to make the city one of the very best retail centers in the South. Its merchants were ready to take advantage of the city's natural location, and have built handsome stores and filled them with merchandise of the latest and most marketable varieties, and the increased trade from year to year justifies their judgment.


The cotton receipts of the port of Wilmington from September 1, 1907, to January 1, 1908, amounted to 375,000 bales, having a value of $21,000,000. This number of bales would require 9,375 cars to haul them, being equivalent to 469 full train loads of cotton. Wilmington has two compresses, two cotton seed product manufactories, two cotton mills and one exporter. The greater portion of the cotton passing through this port is destined for foreign manufacturers.


This company was established in 1905. It handles short and long leaf pine lumber, both in the rough and finished. The firm runs one of the best equipped planing mills in the South, and its plant covers an area of 10,000 square feet, located on the Cape Fear river with good rail connections. The company also controls three mills in North Carolina and handles a volume of business that amounts to $35,000 per annum.

Seaboard Docks, Compress and Warehouse, Lumber Mills, Third Street, St. James Church, Masonic Temple.


Among the leading wholesale grocers and importers in Wilmington is found on Nutt street W. B. Cooper, who, since 1894, has been carrying on a steadily increasing business. He is a heavy peanut manufacturer, and has a fish packing establishment. He has a large warehouse for storage of imported nitrate of soda and muriate and sulphur of potash. He gives employment to twelve and travels four salesmen in Georgia, Florida, Alabama, North and South Carolina.

W. B. THORPE & CO., Coal and

One of the prominent concerns in the line of fuel and building material in Wilmington is that of W. B. Thorpe & Co., dealers in coal and wood, lime, plaster, hair, cement, marble dust, tar paper, shingles, laths, fire brick, fire clay, chimney pipe and brick. The company has large and commodious yards at the foot of Ann street with two hundred feet of water front, giving employment to a large force of men. Its facilities for taking care of large contracts are as good as can be had in Wilmington. W. B. Thorpe is President and Treasurer.


For the calendar year there were handled at the port of Wilmington sixty-two million feet of lumber, having a value of two million dollars. The importance of this port as a lumber Residence of W. B. Cooper, Wholesale Grocer.
market has been steadily increasing for the past fifteen years. There are thirteen dealers, one firm of exporters and seven manufacturers of lumber in Wilmington.


The growth of Wilmington is best depicted by the increased number of new buildings erected from year to year. There is scarcely a building at all suitable for any ordinary purpose that is vacant, the demand for houses for residence and business being far in advance of the supply. The value of buildings erected for the past four years was as follows. The year 1907 being estimated:



Statement showing the various sources from which the revenue is derived to defray the city's current expenses:

Merchants’ licenses$ 23,801.03
Liquor licenses36,230.00
Market rents3,512.22
Mayor's court1,624.23
Rent of buildings and docks1,713.70
Real estate and personal150,016.40
Back taxes6,058.82
Dog badges1,020.80
Rent of quarry machine131.25


Mr. Mahler handles a real estate and rental business which he began a little over a year ago. He has made a fine success of the undertaking and is making many handsome deals. Mr. Mahler's office is situated on his own property, and he resides in one of the handsomest residences in the city.

Wood Yard and Warehouse of W. B. Thorpe & Co., Orange Street, Princess Street.

HALL & PEARSALL, Incorporated,
Corner Nutt and Brunswick Sts.,
Wholesale Grocers and Commission

Residence of W.B. Cooper, Wholesale Grocer.

This house was established in 1869 by J. J. Edwards and B. F. Hall, both of Duplin County, who conducted a successful business on South Water street until the death of Mr. Edwards in 1876. After his death, Oscar Pearsall, also of Duplin County, became a member of the firm, which continued under the name of Hall & Pearsall until 1901, when the business was incorporated under the style of Hall & Pearsall, Incorporated, with a paid in capital of $71,000. The corporation has been doing a business of three hundred to four hundred thousand dollars per annum, keeps on the road two traveling men in the territory of Eastern, North and South Carolina, and employs altogether fifteen to twenty men, the annual pay roll for wages being $13,000 to $15,000.

B. F. Hall, President of the corporation, is now completing a large brick office and warehouse building, with all modern improvements, in which the business will be conducted after the first of January, 1908. This building is located at the corner of Nutt and Brunswick Streets, between the Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line Railroad freight depots, and is connected with both by private track at the rear of the building for receiving and delivering heavy goods in car lots. The building has three floors, covering about 25,000 square feet, with electric elevator and all the facilities necessary for handling goods with dispatch and at moderate expense.

The business is served by an efficient and polite office force, who are always glad to greet the patrons of the house.

Old and new friends and patrons are cordially invited to visit the house in its new quarters and inspect the stock and superior facilities for handling business.


This magnificent summer resort hotel is located on the seashore at Wrightsville Beach, only 30 minutes’ trolley ride from Wilmington. It contains 188 rooms, 25 of them are furnished with private bath, it is lighted with electricity, the water supply is secured from deep artesian wells and the general equipment of the hotel is such that perfect satisfaction is guaranteed the guest. The Seashore Hotel, Wrightsville Beach.
hotel is open from the first of June to the first of September, and is a very popular resort for patrons throughout all the Southern States, and many of the Northern States. The hotel is so situated that it is entirely surrounded by salt water, thus making visit of the mosquito an impossibility.


Statement showing volume of business handled during 1904, 1905 and 1906. From all indications, the business for 1907 will be considerable greater in all lines than in any of the preceding years covered by the statement:

Dry Goods2,500,0003,100,0003,500,000
Naval Stores1,000,0001,250,0001,100,000
Cotton Mills360,000700,000700,000
Shoes and Boots965,0001,100,0001,250,000
Building Material375,000500,0001,000,000
Fuel and Ice220,000260,000285,000
Cross Ties300,000300,000

This statement was taken from figures compiled by the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants’ Association.


One of the important factors in the transportation facilities of Wilmington is the lines of steamers operated by the above company, which has three steamers playing the waters of Cape Fear river, handling 60,000 passengers and 5,000,000 pounds of freight per annum. By special arrangements these boats make sea trips and are otherwise prepared to serve the public. Captain J. W. Harper is sole proprietor of the lines and is noted for the genial and comfortable accommodations he furnishes on his craft.


New Hanover is a seacoast county in the southern part of North Carolina and lies wholly within that physiographic division known as the Coastal Plain. Its topography is flat and its soils are nearly all sandy. The climate is mild and pleasant. Its agricultural development has been very backward, lumbering, the production of turpentine and rosin, fishing, and shipping having occupied the attention of the greater number of the inhabitants until recently. Of the total area of 122,000 acres, 50,000 acres were classed as in farms by the Twelfth Census, and of these 50,000 acres only 10,000 were given as improved.

There are two systems of agriculture in the county. One consists of Picking Strawberries
Lettuce Bed
Train of Refrigerator Cars Loaded with Strawberries
Sweet Potatoes--Apple Orchard in the Distance
general farming combined with some trucking and the other of truck growing only. In the line of general farming, the first important “money crop” was rice. This was replaced by the North Carolina peanut, which in turn was abandoned for cotton, and finally cotton was driven out by the small Spanish peanut, which, together with the North Carolina variety, is now the important money crop where general farming is practiced.

About 1885 the trucking began to receive attention, and since then the development of this industry has been rapid. The soils and climate are well suited to truck growing, and ample markets exist for all the produce grown. The amount of money invested in this industry in New Hanover County is very large. All the general truck crops are grown, with lettuce and early Irish potatoes as the most important ones. The bulk of the produce is shipped to northern cities.


The mild and genial climate of this section attracted settlers early in the history of the State, and in 1728 the county was formed and named after the House of Hanover, then on the English throne. Its three nearest neighbors—Pender, Brunswick and Onslow Counties, were originally parts of New Hanover, and to this day their people, in feeling and affection, are loyal to the parent county, and Wilmington is, as ever, the leading commercial town, not only for New Hanover, but for her three progressive daughters as well.


A lumber concern that handles a goodly portion of the lumber business of Wilmington is the Monira Lumber Company, which was organized during 1907. This company produces long and short leaf yellow pine lumber from their own mills near Wilmington and Sumter, South Carolina. The main office of the company is at 402 Southern Building.

Wilmington-Carolina Beach and Southport Steamboat Line, Steamers “Wilmington,” “Southport,” “Madeline.”


Wilmington boasts the largest and most up-to-date progressive cash stores in the State of North Carolina. Geo. O. Gaylord founded the above business in 1887 with a borrowed capital of $1,000 in Yatesville. Beauford County, N. C., and removed to Wilmington in 1888, opened a small cash store opposite the Market House, and today their three stores, of three floors and basement each, cover 38,300 feet of floor space. They are now building an addition at the back of their present building which will add 4,500 feet more, making with their warehouse 40,000 feet of floor space. They employ about fifty in their wholesale and retail business, having salesmen traveling North and South Carolina selling millinery, notions, laces and embroideries. They do a strictly cash business in their retail department, and their Shoe Store, and Clothing Store for men and boys are not excelled by any. They also have a large Five and Ten Cent department and an immense dress goods stock, house furnishings of every description, etc. This large establishment has been doing business in Wilmington for 18 years, owned and operated by Geo. O. Gaylord.


In Beaufort County, N. C., Geo. O. Gaylord owns about 1,000 acres of fine truck lands, a very short distance from the station of Malms and Famers, two miles from Northwest and about 13 miles from Wilmington, on the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. These lands are specially adapted for truck growing and fruit raising, being light lands, and they border on Hood Creek, giving them natural drainage, and the surface water is very good and easily obtained by springs or driven wells. They are at present covered by young timber, long leaf pine, oak and gum. There are two trains each way every day, and those locating homes on this Geo. O. Gaylord's Department Store. H. E. Bonitz, Architect.
tract can reach Wilmington at the small expense of 25 cents. Besides this land, Mr. Gaylord owns some very valuable city lots in Wilmington in the growing section of the city, and valuable farm properties improved with dwellings and barns. All titles on lands are guaranteed, and parties wanting specially fine opportunities should write Mr. Gaylord at Wilmington.


Wilimngton has become one of the largest grocery distributing points on the Atlantic Seaboard. The rates made possible by competition between all rail and water routes makes the saving in freight so great that Wilmington wholesale merchants have decidedly the advantage over their less favored competitors in the interior of the State. One of the principle factors in the wholesale grocery trade in Wilmington is the house of S. P. McNair, which was established in 1881, and has a capital of $50,000 invested in the business. The quarters occupied are large and commodious, having direct track connections for loading and unloading. The volume of business handled amounts to $250,000 per annum, and employment is given a large number of warehousemen, clerks and bookkeepers.


This is one of the largest establishments of its kind in the South and handles over 700 carloads of merchandise each year. They are dealers in hay, grain, flour, meal and provisions to the extent of about $300,000 per annum. Established in 1875, each year has shown a large increase and they now have a spacious warehouse and adequate docking facilities on the Cape Fear river with ample rail connections.

PREASE & PIVER, Sheet-Iron Work.

The operation of the laws of cause and effect are not more powerful in any field of intelligent effort than in the sphere of business. Fair dealings invariably bring increase of business and close attention to supplying the wants of patrons is surely rewarded by steady increases from year to year. Such has been the case with the firm of Prease & Piver, manufacturers of tin and sheet-iron work.

This company began business in Wilmington in 1895 and has one of the best equipped shops in the State for handling all kinds of tinning, sheet-iron work, cornice and sky lights, slate roofiing, hot air furnaces, and all sorts of mill work. The trade of the company extends over North and South Carolina and a force of 25 skilled mechanics is employed.

Photo of Hall&Pearsall building


Some conception of the growth of Wilmington and the commerce of the city may be gleaned from an examination of the growth of its postoffice receipts for the past eleven years, which amounted to 179.1 per cent.


R. R. Stone's Residence, Roofing and Tin Work Done by Prease & Piver.


Statement showing increase in city property values both personal and real for the period, 1904 to 1907:

Real Estate$6,373,717$6,420,923$6,555,035$7,548,776
Money on Hand129,48998,093119,767204,185
Solvent Credits349,306673,246390,577359,743
Corporation Stock1,048,7371,013,4491,197,1081,327,146
Stock in Trade755,213750,993820,6471,027,958

In 1902 the rate of taxation was $1.50 per $100, and in 1907 it was $1.40 per $100. The policy of the officials being to reduce the rate of taxes as the value of the property increases.


In the upbuilding of Wilmington the hand of the architect and designer is shown in all quarters. One of the prime factors in the beautifying of the city has been Mr. Charles McMillen, an architect and designer of wide experience and sound judgment Mr. McMillen established himself in Wilmington in 1883, and has been largely interested in the development and growth of the city, and has had the responsibility of making plans for some of the city's most beautiful structures, among them being the Masonic Temple, Southern National Bank, one of the most beautiful and substantial structures in the South; I. M. Bear & Co.’s new commercial building, just completed; the Messenger Building, residences of Mrs. P. L. Bridges, Jno. D. Bellamy, J. H. Rehder, Odd Fellows Building, and now has in process of construction the Masonic Temple at Raleigh, which will be the first fire-proof one in the State This gentleman's office is in the Southern Building.


This enterprising establishment was started four years ago in a 20 by 40 store and stock of $7,000, and the yearly business was $30,000. At present they occupy their three-story building, 30 feet front and 110 feet deep, carry a $35,000 stock, and do $100,000 business per year. This is one salient point in Wilmington's growth and says much for her enterprising business men of this establishment. Platt & Haar now employ twenty people and pay them $20,000 in wages.

Platt and Haar's Store.


One of the most important concerns of its character in the South is the Wilmington Granite & Marble Works, which is owned by Mr. R. D. Tucker, who began the business twenty years ago. A specialty is made of monuments, headstones and iron fences, an illustrated catalogue of which will be sent on application. This gentleman gives employment to twenty men, has a payroll amounting to $18,000 per annum, and does a very large business.

H. E. BONITZ, Architect.

Mr. H. E. Bonitz has been identified with the up-building of Wilmington since 1894. He has been interested in the planning of some of the handsomest structures in the city, among them being the Garrell Block and the Garrell Office Building, the Gaylord Building, Ahrens Brothers’ new drug store and a number of handsome residences. He makes a specialty of plans and specifications for schools and churches and has directed the construction of quite a Wilmington Granite and Marble Works.
number of bank buildings. His efforts are not confined entirely to Wilmington, as the greater portion of the work done in his office is for out-of-town patrons.

SOL. BEAR & CO., Producers of

Since 1853 this firm has been in the wine production business, and Bear's North Carolina Scruppernong Wine made from the pure juice of the grape of the same name, grown in the vicinity of its winery at Wilmington, has a splendid reputation as being an article of most excellent merit. The produce is of the most delicate, delicious and delightful flavor charactistic and peculiar to the Scruppernong and defies imitation or duplication. This wine ranks among the finest and most popular table wines made in this country. His company makes various other brands of wines and cordials and will be pleased to send descriptive literature on application.


At 109-111 North Front street is situated the above establishment which had its inception in 1873, and now occupies a four-story building which has 18,200 feet of floor space. Their fast increasing business requires three wagons for delivering, fifteen employes and three traveling men, who cover North and South Carolina. J. W. Murchison & Co. do a general hardware business, wholesale and retail, handling all the latest improved stoves, tinware, agricultural implements, etc., and they keep on hand a complete stock.

and Retail Grocers.

One of the largest wholesale and retail grocery companies in the city of Wilmington is that of the People's Supply Co., which has a capital of $100,000 invested in its business and handles a trade amounting to much more than that sum per annum. The company handles heavy and fancy groceries at wholesale and retail and has a Brooklyn branch in the city. The officers of the company are W. B. Cooper, President; I. W. Cooper, Vice-President, Cuthbert Martin, Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager.

Building of H. E. Bonitz, Architect., Sol. Bear & Co., Producers of Wine, J. W. Murchison & Co.’s Hardware Store, People's Supply Co.


Ahrens Bros., Wholesale Druggists., H. E. Bonitz, Architect.

In the development of Wilmington and its commerce, the wholesale trade of the city in drugs has kept pace with other lines, the city now being in position to handle orders of the largest magnitude and intricate nature.

One of the factors largely instrumental in bringing this favorable condition into effect in Wilmington is the Ahrens Brothers’ Wholesale Drug House. While the firm was only established in May, 1906, and occupied quarters at 108 Market street, having 4,050 square feet of floor space for 18 months—its business has grown to such an extent that it was found necessary to contruct a modern three-story building, having 12,000 square feet of floor space in order to facilitate the handling of its large and growing patronage. The firm travels two salesmen in North and South Carolina and gives employment to 12 other men.

Both Mr. Eduard and A. G. Ahrens have been closely identified with the city's interests for several years past and their advent into their new building is in strict keeping with the enterprising spirit they have shown in all of their business connectons.

FIELD AND LILLY, Architects and

This firm established business in Wilmington during 1907. It is composed Parsonage St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church to be erected at once,
Field & Lilly, Architects.

of E. Stanley Field (who came here to remodel the heating plant at the Orton Hotel, and he liked Wilmington so well that he decided to remain), and Henry M. Lilly, who was identified with the Rockingham Power Company. Both of these gentlemen are graduates of the foremost colleges in their lines in the country, and are prepared to handle any items in the line of architecture and engineering. The residence of Roger Moore was built by this firm.

Plans and specifications will be gladly furnished on Industrial, Public and Residence Architecture, and-Municiapl, Sanitary and Civil Engineering. Office in the Garrell Building.

JAS. F. WOOLVIN, Undertaker.

This gentleman succeeded his father in the undertaking business, which has been in continuous operation for the past thirty-three years. He has all the necessary equipment for this line of work and occupies his own building.

Jos. F. Woolvin's Building.

J. H. REHDER & CO., Wholesale
and Retail Dry Goods.

J. H. Rehder & Co.’s Dry Goods Store.. Chas. McMillan Architect.

In the line of wholesale and retail dry goods and notions the firm of J. H. Rehder & Company is one of the most prominent in this part of the State. This concern began business in 1887 and have built up a very large patronage by fair dealing and giving good values.

This business is located in the enterprising part of Wilmington, known as Brooklyn, and do as large a business in its line as any store in the city. The departments are all kept seperate and have managers for each by which method a very comprehensive check is kept on the demands of the company's patrons.

In the wholesale department there are two traveling salesmen, selling to customers throughout North and South Carolina, in addition to which nearly every small store in the city and adjacent counties makes their purchases from J. H. Rehder & Co.

W. T. MERCER CO., Incorporated,
Wholesale and Retail Furniture.

This is one of the largest mercantile establishments in the State. It began business in 1897, and now has branch stores in Fairmont, North Carolina; Bennettsville, Darlington, Sumter and Dillon, South Carolina, in addition to its large Wilmington establishment. The line carried embraces the entire list of house furnishings, such as furniture of all kinds and grades, special sorts, pieces and odd designs, carpets, stoves, refrigerators, lamps, linoleums, mirrors, and in fact anything to be found in a first-class, well-selected stock of furniture that is needed in the home, from the parlor to the kitchen. The wholesale department of the business is one of its most prominent features and the company purchases its stock in such quantities as to enable it to make prices that are a real inducement to other dealers.

ROBT. C. DeROSSET, Office Supplies.

In this day of up-to-date business methods, there is a great demand for improved systems for handling the clerical departments of all kinds of business houses. Mr. DeRosset realized this fact as early as 1898 and established an office supply house in Wilmington which has grown to be one of the foremost concerns of its kind in the South. The line handled consists of Blank Books. Stationery, Typewriters and Supplies, Filing Cabinets and Devices, Card Indexes, Desks and all other items necessary to properly equip the office, and also handles a full line of Kodaks and Kodak supplies.

W.T. Mercer Co.

Photo of W.T. Mercer Furniture Store

Robt. C. DeRosset Store

FRANK HERBST, Automobiles.

Wilmington is each day becoming better adapted to the needs of automobiling and Mr. Frank Herbst has been one of the chief factors in promoting the interest in this modern method of recreation and traffic combined, and the good roads movement. He has a thoroughly equipped modern garage and deals in everything needed on automobiles and boats. He has the State agency for the Maxwell Cars, and employs four men. He was established here in 1903.

Drawing of Automobile


W. Munroe & Co., Furniture.

In the retail business of Wilmington there is no concern better or more favorably known than the furniture and house furnishings store of W. Munroe & Co. which was established in this city in 1891. This business is located at No. 15 Front street. The establishment has constantly grown in the estimation of the public and now stands as a leader in its line. The many advantages afforded a store of its magnitude in the matter of buying, gives its patrons the opportunity at all times of procuring reliable and up-to-date merchandise at the most reasonable prices. The firm handles carpets, rugs, linoleums, mission and fine furniture, special designs and odd pieces, a specialty being made of the very best grades that can be had from the most famous factories in the United States. Mr. George S. Boylan is manager of the business.


Wilmington is fortunate in having such enterprising concerns as the City Livery Company, which is one of the largest of its character in the State. The business was originally established in 1876 and was incorporated in 1900 with sufficient capital to enable to do things on a large scale. In addition to conducting one of the best Livery, Sale and Feed stables in this part of the country, it also handles buggies, harness and wagons in very large quantities, this feature being added to the other business in 1900 and has made a splendid showing. The company handles the line of vehicles made by the Columbus Buggy Co., which have the reputation The Corbett Co.
Photo of Corbett Building of being as good as are made, and also sell the old reliable Hockney make of wagons. Mr. W. D. McMillan, Jr., President and Treasurer of the City Livery Company, is the moving spirit in the business.

THE CORBETT CO., Commission

In 1881 The Corbett Co. began the commission business in Wilmington and in 1900 the business of the firm had become so large that it was found advisable to incorporate it with a capital of $100,000.

The office and warehouse of the company is situated at the corner of Nutt and Brunswick streets. Here it has a large and commodious building containing 12,000 square feet of floor space with side track facilities alongside of warehouse that will accommodate five cars at one time.

The company gives employment to a number of men and has a pay roll that amounts to $10,000 per annum. Its trade extends over both the Carolinas and will amount to three quarters of a million dollars per annum. Mr. Corbett has been prominently identified with the business interests of Wilmington for a number of years.

City Livery Co.
Horse Sales Dep't.

Photo of City Livery


Colonial Inn, One of Wilmington's Popular Commercial Hotels.

The Colonial Inn is probably one of the best equipped hotels in this part of the State. It is run on the American plan, and contains forty rooms, which may be had single and in suite. The building is new and is equipped with all modern conveniences known to the business, and the rates are from $2.00 to $3.00 per day. Mr. J. A. Boyett, the manager, proposes to make this a high-class family and tourist hotel, and will have a representative at the arrival of all boats and trains. Mr. Boyett is also proprietor of the Wilmington Cafe, located in the Garrell Building. This is one of the high-class eating places in Wilmington and has the reputation of being the best.

O. H. WRIGHT & CO., Brokers and
Commission Merchants.

Seven years ago the firm of O. H. Wright & Co. began business in Wilmington as brokers and commission merchants. During this time they have succeeded in building up a very extensive trade which takes in all of North Carolina and South Carolina. The experience of the gentlemen composing the firm and its facilities for promptly handling everything in its line are such as to guarantee satisfaction to all who may deal with them. The office and warehouse of the company are located at 304-306-308-310 Nutt street and the members of the firm are O. H. Wright, R. A. Wright and J. S. Thompson.

Wm. Niestlie's Laboratory.

Pharmacist and Druggist.

This gentleman has been in business in Wilmington for the past 15 years and conducts a retail drug store and also manufactures special articles in the line of compound remedies and formulas. Mr. Niestlie gives his personal attention to his prescription department, thereby securing to his patrons the very best service obtainable. The articles manufactured and placed on the market by this gentleman are Liver Pills, Corn Cure, Croup Kura, Niestlie's Liniment for all pains and aches, Compound Syrup of Tar, Honey, Rum and Wild Cherry, Old Time Planation Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness and all affections of the throat and various other well proven and widely established remedies.


One of the prominent real estate and insurance concerns of the city is that of Smith & Lord, who handle a full line of life and fire insurance and city and suburban property, improved and unimproved. Also a complete line on the trucking possibilities of this locality can be had from this firm.

O.H. Wright&Co.
Brokers and Distributors.



The extensive building operations in Wilmington has created a demand for building materials of all kinds and the Carolina Cut Stone Co. is prepared to furnish building stone in any grades and in quantities to suit.

This company also handles stone and granite for monumental work and is prepared to furnish this in quantities to suit.

Estimates will be gladly furnished on work in Wilmington or any place in adjoining States. Address Mr. John Niggel, manager, for further information.


Mr. J. W. Bateson, proprietor of the Palace Market, conducts one of the best equipped places for the vending of eatables in the city of Wilmington at the corner of Market and Second streets. The line carried by this gentleman consists of choice beef, veal, mutton, lamb, pork, country produce, game and poultry in season. The business has been established eight years and employment is given eight men. Mr. J. W. Bateson has been owner of the Palace Market for the past two years.


The large amount of building going on in Wilmington creates a considerable demand for plumbing and other work of this nature. Mr. Theodore Schrader has one of the best equipped shops for the prompt execution of work of this character to be found in the city. He does plumbing and gas fitting, supervises his work in person and employs none but expert mechanics on all his contracts.


The above manufacturers of all grades of mattresses were established within the past year at the corner of Queen and Surry streets. Their plant covers 5,000 square feet of space, and they employ seven skilled workmen to meet the demands of their many customers throughout the State, which is the territory covered at present by the new enterprise in Wilmington.


This firm is the distributer of Alpha Portland cement, and manufactures and deals in brick and all kinds of building materials. The business was founded in 1889 and has been under the present management since 1900. The capital employed is large, employment is given forty men who are paid $15,000 per annum in wages. The trade of this company covers North Carolina and adjoining States, and they bring cement in carload lots from New York.



This is one of the largest laundries in the State. It was established 15 years ago and is owned by Mr. J. T. Harper. The equipment of this laundry represents an investment of $40,000, every machine in it is modern and up-to-date and the facilities of this laundry for doing first-class work and handling it promptly are the best to be had. The water supply of the laundry is secured from its own driven wells. Its trade extends over North and South Carolina and gives employment to 75 operatives.

Hanover Mattress Co.’s Plant.. Palace Market, One of the New Tenement Houses on which Theodore Schrader is doing the Plumbing and Tinning;
Roger Moore & Sons, Brick Plant.


Views of Chadbourn Sash, Door & Lumber Co.’s Plant.

One of the largest Industrial concerns in Wilmington and one that is a very important factor in the city's commerce is the Chadbourn Sash, Door & Lumber Company, which was organized in 1905 with a capital of $32,000 and now handles a business aggregating $150,000 per annum.

This company has modern mill facilities for manufacturing lumber, lath, shingles, scroll work, brackets, mouldings, porch work, columns, railings, store fronts, bank and office fixtures, interior finish, door and window frames, wire screens, for windows and doors, vegetable, fruit and fish boxes, newels, balusters, spindles and all other items usual to a first-class wood working establishment. It operates two saw mills and controls the out-put of several other mills in the State. Seventy-five men are employed and the pay roll is $40,000 per annum.


This industry was established in 1901 with $100,000 capital and has grown to be one of Wilmington's most important manufacturing concerns, now operating three plants in this city. It manufactures what is known as “Pure Crystal Ice,” and has a daily capacity of 175 tons which is eqivalent to 350,000 pounds. Ten wagons are kept busy and employment is given 100 men.

The Independent Ice Company furnishes the ice to ice Armour's refrigerator cars and has a storage capacity of 10,000 tons which it refills every year.


This company was established in 1873 as J. A. Springer & Co., and was succeeded by the present firm. In 1905 it was incorporated with a capital of $30,000.

This company handles in large and small quantities coal for domestic, steam, foundry and blacksmithing use, runs 15 wagons in the city in addition to furnishing large quantities of coal to boats and steamers. It has ample storage facilities on the tracks of the Seaboard and has 200 feet of water front and good docks. Besides a large local business this company also ships coal to all parts of North and South Carolina.


This wholesale shoe establishment had its inception in 1898. They handle all the best types of their line and spread the name of Wilmington with their products throughout North and South Carolina. They occupy a three-story building, travel one salesman, employ eleven people, and have one delivery wagon. The proprietors, I. W. Solomon and J. L. Solomon, are also proprietors of Solomon's Shoe Store, their retail branch.

Independent Ice Co., Springer Coal Co.


This company was established in 1903 with a capital of $25,000, employs 50 men and has a payroll amounting to $25,000 per annum. The company does mill, railroad and steamboat work; makes boilers, has a well-equipped foundry and does all kinds of machine and repair work. The entire plant is up-to-date in every particular and is prepared to accept undertakings of the largest magnitude.


Half a million bushels of hominy, grits and cornmeal seems to be a very large amount, but the Boney & Harper Milling Company has facilities for turning out and does turn out half a million per annum. This is one of the largest concerns of its kind in the South, and has been in active operation since 1887 and the volume of business handled each year amounts to $400,000.


This is one of the old stand-by industries of Wilmington. It was established in 1859 and has been in continuous operation since that time. The company has one of the best equipped plants in this portion of the South, and is prepared to build special machinery such as boilers, engines, sawmills, complete turpentine and wood distilling plants, light draft steel hull steamers, steel lighters, elevating and conveying machinery, re-builds second-hand machinery and sells for account of owner, acts as sales agents for new machinery of all purposes and will furnish plans and specifications for all kinds of work in its line free of charge and promptly.


In the matter of machinery, mill supplies and heavy hardware, the above firm is prepared to take care of orders of the largest magnitude and on short notice. It occupies spacious warerooms adjoining its store and also has a large warehouse on Seaboard Air Line tracks. This company began business at Newbern, N. C., and after twelve years of success in its line, moved its plant to Wilmington in order to have facilities to care for its increasing trade. Its capital is $75,000, and the volume of business handled is half a million dollars per annum.


One of the most interesting places of amusement in Wilmington is the Crystal Palace, a neat and intensely amusing theatre, giving eight performances daily. The Crystal has an orchestra of seven pieces, changes its moving pictures each day and has vaudeville acts three times each week. One of the interesting feats are the electrical illusions which are pleasing and entertaining to all who see them. The equipment and fixings of the Crystal Palace are as nice as anyone could desire them to be. The seating capacity of the Crystal Palace is about 300 including 60 box seats. The managers of the theatre are Van Duzen Brothers.


Each year since its establishment The “Sea King.”
in 1856, the above house has shown its supremacy in distributing, both as wholesalers and retailers, general hardware, stoves, tinware, pumps, paints, glass, sash, doors, etc., throughout North and South Carolina. Their large business requires four traveling men and twenty-five employees. In their two-story, double store and two two-story warehouses, there is a total of 28,600 square feet of floor space. This company has ample rail and water facilities, and the members of the firm are Marcus W. Jacobi and Jos. N. Jacobi.

Cape Fear Machine Works.
Boney & Harper Milling Company
Plant of Wilmington Iron Works
Hyman Supply Co.

S. L. SMITH & SON, Metal Workers.

Plant of S. L. Smith & Son Metal Works.

Wilmington's future is foreshadowed in a present prosperity, which is based upon the thoroughly tried principles of progress. Among the many departments of business which by their stabilitly and steadiness of growth indicate the validity of their claim to a place among the leading concerns of the city is the firm of S. L. Smith & Son. This company manufacture galvanized iron cornice and skylights, galvanized cornice gutters, ridge roll cresting and finials, revolving caps to prevent chimneys from smoking, and also manufacture and install the Atlantic Blower Systems. A specialty is made of iron, copper, tin and slate roofs. Install and repair shaving and sawdust collector, for planing, sawmills and shingle mills, also install chain conveyors for sawmills and blower systems for cotton mills. The equipment of the company is up-to-date in every particular.

JOE SCHAND, General Contractor
and Builder.

A beauty which is not so readily discernable, but which is nevertheless as truly existent as that of design is the beauty of excellent construction. Mr. Joe Schand is a general contractor and builder, who has studied his work well and is an expert in everything pertaining to it, which fact is attested by the high degree of constructive genius manifested in the Residence of Mrs. P. L. Bridges, Erected by Joseph Schand;
C. McMillan, Architect.

various buildings built by him in this city, among them being Mrs. P. L. Bridges’ residence; T. T. Mills’ livery; J. W. Woolvin's establishment; L. H. Voller's store; City Livery Co.’s stables; Peterson's and Rulf's store; Corbett Grocery Co.’s warehouse; St. Paul Luthern Church; Hall and Pearsall's new building and many others.

Mr. Schand began business in 1887 and building in Wilmington since 1904. He will be pleased to furnish estimates on any kind of structure in any part of North Carolina or adjoining States.


This company does electrical contracting, handles electrical supplies for lights, annunciators, bells and other electrical equipments. It is ready at all times to furnish estimates on any kind of electrical work at short notice. The business was established in 1904, occupies a three-story building and gives employment to twelve men. J. O. Brock is President and John Hall is Secretary and Treasurer.

Southern Electric Co.


Orrell & Alexander's Livery, Feed and Sale Stables.

Among the many accommodations for pleasure and business in Wilmington, none are more conspicuous than the business conducted by the firm of Orrell & Alexander, who conduct one of the best equipped livery, transfer and boarding stables in the city. This firm has as fine rigs of all kinds as are to be found in any city and its prices are moderate. The barns are located at the corner of Princess and Third streets.

JOS. F. LEITNER, Architect.

In connection with the building up and improvement of Wilmington and the approach toward the realization of its destiny as one of the greatest seaports on the South Atlantic, much importance attaches to the operations of skillful architects, and those who follow this most interesting profession must apply themselves to the study of both the theoretical and practical sides of the art, and in this connection we call the readers’ attention to Mr. Jos. F. Leitner, an architect of no mean ability and who is successor to the firm of Leitner & Wilkins. Mr. Leitner is well and favorably known in Wilmington, and has designed some of the finest structures in the city, and also several public buildings and railroad structures in various parts of the State. This gentleman has a reputation for proficiency in his line and will be pleased to confer with those who are in quest of an up-to-date architect. His office is in the Garrell Building.


This firm makes a specialty of developing suburban property anywhere. It handles city and suburban real estate, improved and unimproved, farms, timber and mineral lands, truck lands, factory sites, wharfage, and all kinds of real estate propositions. It now has a fine site for a glass factory on land that has an unlimited quantity of sand usable for this purpose and which is now furnishing sand for several factories. A line of general insurance is also carried.


Mr. O'Brien started general engineering and contracting in Wilmington in 1904, and his varied practical experience in designing and building complete power, industrial and lighting plants, bridges, sewer systems, waterworks and railroad construction qualify him for his position as an expert. He was consulting engineer for the Westinghouse-Church-Kerr Co., for some time, was one of Pennsylvania railroad engineers and was city engineer of Wilmington.


In the matter of machinery and mill supplies, the W. J. Reaves Machine Company has as good facilities as can be had in this part of the State in its line. It has been identified with this line of work in Wilmington for the past fifteen years, and has an extensive trade.

This company has a general machine shop, brass and iron foundry and boiler and blacksmith shops, splendidly equipped with every modern facility known to its business and it is thus in position to look after intricate problems on short notice. The company is also selling agents for the Fairbank's Gas, Gasoline, Stationary and Marine Engines.

Home of W. J. Reaves.


This is probably one of the most up-to-date concerns of its kind in the South. It has an equipment of four machines to press clothes, which will steam, clean and press them at the same time. Makes a specialty of ladies’ tailoring and sell men's clothing to measure. Has a department which works on ladies’ clothing exclusively. A plant for cleaning and shaping men's hats is also being installed. The Eureka Presing Club is owned by J. B. Farmer and has 1,200 subscribers.


Mr. Cronenberg came to Wilmington in 1883 from Columbia, S. C., and opened a studio which he has conducted continuously since that time. He makes a specialty of portrait photography, but does all class of work, including commercial photography and view work, as well as finishing and developing for amateurs. This gentleman did all the work in making the views in this book and can furnish copies of them on short notice as he has the negatives of them all.

Plant Navassa Guano Co.

Interior Eureka Pressing Club, Atlantic View Hotel, Office and Delivery Department Eureka Pressing Club.

Residence of L. H. Vollers; H. E. Bonitz, Architect; Joe Schand, Builder.


One of the prominent mercantile concerns of Wilmington is the above company, which is located at 123-125 North Front street. This firm began business 21 years ago, and now its yearly volume amounts to $200,000 and employs 35 clerks in its various departments. The line handled comprises all the staple and fancy novelties in dry goods, the latest patterns and designs in millinery, carpets, rugs and notions. The trade of the firm is in and around Wilmington.


The Orton Hotel is one of the principle hostelries in Wilmington. It was purchased by the present owner, Mr. J. H. Hinton, two years ago, and since that time he has spent $40,000 on improving it. The hotel contains 135 rooms, 40 of them having private baths. It is lighted by Orton Hotel.
Truck Gardening Near Wilmington.
gas and electricity, heated with steam, has electric elevators, long distance telephone in each room, and every other feature known and applied in the conduct of a modern hotel. Special care is given the dining room service. The Orton is located in the business district of Wilmington, and is easily accessible to all parts of the city.

I. M. Bear & Co.’s
Wholesale House.

(Continued from Second Page Cover) States are thrift and industry better rewarded. Fruits and vegetables can be raised here at as great a profit as in Texas or even California, and at the same time, in addition, they are three or four days nearer to a profitable market. Early vegetables grown here and strawberries yield the best returns, and general farming has also proved a thorough success. The locality has the best of railroad facilities and all parts of it are being settled by desirable and industrious people from the North and elsewhere. The general surface of the country is sufficiently above the mean tide level to afford good drainage. The soil varies somewhat in different localities, consisting, however, mainly of sandy loam, which is very fertile and suited to the growth of any crop which it is desirable to cultivate. By reason of the proximity of the Gulf stream an ample and seasonable rainfall is generally assured. Good clear water can be had at a depth of from fifteen to twenty feet in most localities. In addition unlimited supplies or the purest water is obtained from artesian wells sunk to varying depths as may arise. The climate of the Carolina Coast country is unexcelled in America. The winds coming inland temper the heat of summer and the cold of winter rendering the climate more equable and free from the sudden transitions of temperature found further north and west. It seldom [illegible text] above ninety or ninety-five in [illegible text] [illegible text] [illegible text] twenty-five in [illegible text] [illegible text] [illegible text] very seldom, while [illegible text] [illegible text] [illegible text] makes it refreshing [illegible text] [illegible text] [illegible text] days of summer. [illegible text] [illegible text] [illegible text] deliciously cool, the [illegible text] [illegible text] [illegible text] and pulmonary [illegible text] [illegible text] [illegible text] if any foothold [illegible text]

[illegible text] [illegible text] [illegible text] especially trucking, [illegible text] [illegible text] [illegible text] or smaller [illegible text] [illegible text] [illegible text] prosecuted here under [illegible text] [illegible text] [illegible text] conditions. [illegible text] [illegible text] [illegible text] and prospective [illegible text] [illegible text] into consideration land may be purchased here per acre ranging say, from $25 close to the city to as low as $5 a few miles distant. The chief crops raised in this vicinity for shipment are lettuce, strawberries, beets, potatoes, cantaloupe, tomatoes, peas, beans, asparagus, celery, cauliflower, squash, sweet potatoes, etc. Five different crops are frequently produced annually on the same land, in the following order: First, asparagus, then radishes, third, turnips; fourth, beans; fifth, cow peas. Two or three crops of the same kind that can be grown on the same land yearly without exhausting the soil or apparently lessening its fertility. Strawberries have met with the greatest sucess, and are the pride of the country. They are greatly in favor with new settlers, bringing a fair return the first season after planting. Strawberries are generally ready for the market here about the middle of April, going through on express time to New York in 24 hours and to Boston in 36 hours. They are of the richest aroma and most delicious taste, and invariably bring to their owners large profits. There is no difficulty in disposing of them, a ready market being available for all that it is possible to grow. Ten years ago strawberries were sent to destination mostly without refrigeration, and therefore did not admit of very wide distribution, as they had to be consumed quickly to avoid spoilage. By the refrigerator transportation a very different state of affairs exists. They now arrive at market firm, fresh and cold, and can be sent to localities impossible before. North Carolina strawberries and other products may now be seen exposed for sale in cities as far distant as Montreal and Toronto, thus better prices can be assured than hitherto.

Further information on this subject will be furnished by the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce.


There are few regions of Colonial America which are more interesting than the lower Cape Fear country, of which the city of Wilmington is the chief center.

Although not the original point of settlement, Wilmington became, as early as 1735, the place at which the permanent town on the Cape Fear was established.

The first settlement was on Town Creek, eight miles below Wilmington, where Sir John Yeamans established a colony in 1665, called Charles Town.

About fifty-five years afterwards, in 1723, the grandson of Sir John, Col. Maurice Moore, and his brothers settled the town of Brunswick, about eight miles below the original settlement of Charles Town, and sixteen miles below Wilmington.

This town of Brunswick attained prominence and lasted until about the opening of the American Revolution, when its population removed to Wilmington, and nothing now remains of it but the old walls of the Church of St. Philip, and some gravestones.

It is the most interesting relic of the Colonial period in North Carolina.

Wilmington was first called New Liverpool, then Newton, and finally received its present name in honor of Spencer Compton, Earl of Wilmington.

The river from Wilmington to its mouth in the Colonial period, during the Revolution, and during the War for Southern Independence, 1861-65, was fraught with tragic events unsurpassed in American history. The town of Old Brunswick was the scene of many of these events, beginning with the attack of a piratical fleet in 1741, when the pirates were defeated and driven off with heavy loss.

Among the articles captured from them was a painting, an “Ecce Homo,” which still hangs in the vestry room of St. James’ Church in Wilmington.

Again, in November, 1765, it was the scene of the “first armed resistance” (and successful resistance) to the Stamp Act in the Colonies.

Near it, on the opposite side of the river, occurred the famous battle of Fort Fisher in 1865, and later the attack on the old place itself, then known as Fort Anderson, took place, when the walls of the old church were again pitted with shot and shell.

Sixteen miles above Wilmington the first victory of the American arms in the Revolution was won at Moore's Creek Bridge on the 27th February, 1776.

In the graveyard of St. James’ Church in Wilmington is the grave of Cornelius Harnett, who was called by Josiah Quincy of Mass., “the Samuel Adams of North Carolina,” and in the same churchyard lie the remains of John Godfrey, the author of the first drama ever written in America.

These are only a few of the interesting historical events and memorials connected with the lower Cape Fear country, about which volumes have been written and will be written.

As to the attraction of Wilmington and its vicinity that now exist, reference is made to the facts and statistics attached to this brief memorandum.

It will be seen that the climate is perhaps the best in the United States, averaging 63 degrees for the year, and combining every advantage of the climate of Florida, without its debilitating heat, with those of the temperate zone, and offering to settlers the best trucking region in the country, with the most abundant facilities of transportation by rail and water that exist anywhere.

It is a delightful place of residence and surrounded by seaside resorts—a land of flowers and rare botanical growth, inhabited by a generous and hospitable people—and rapidly developing, commercially and industrially, a most inviting place for the capitalist, the workingman, or the gentleman of leisure.


THE purpose of the Industrial Department of the Seaboard Air Line Railway is the development and utilization of the raw material and natural resources and the settlement of desirable people along its line, and to furnish information and assistance to Manufacturers, Investors, Merchants, Workmen and Settlers who may be seeking a locality in which to establish an industry, open a business, make an investment or secure a home.

This department is in possession of tabulated information descriptive of the possibilities and resources of every mile of territory traversed by its rails. The information has been carefully gathered, is authentic and can be relied upon.

The adaptability of the various localities has been investigated from the standpoint of utility, and every phase of the Agricultural, Horticultural, Industrial and Commercial situation as existing along the line of the road has been gone over with such thoroughness and personal inspection that any information secured through this department may be depended upon as being wholly reliable.

The Seaboard Air Line is one of the greatest commercial arteries in the industrial system of this country, passing as it does through the Atlantic Seaboard States and tapping at its southern extremity the fair State of Florida, which is destined to become the winter garden of the whole north, it offers opportunities for stable investments that will produce handsome profits for those who are far sighted enough to take advantage of them.

This Department will be pleased to confer with responsible parties as to the business possibilities of the cities along its route and the advantages affered in Agriculture and Horticulture.



General Industrial Agent,

Portsmouth, Va.

H. B. Bigham

Assistant General Industrial Agent,

Atlanta, Ga.


Ass't General Industrial Age

Jacksonville, Fla.

Mercantile and industrial review of Wilmington and New Hanover County, North Carolina
Mercantile and industrial review of Wilmington and New Hanover County, North Carolina : an industrial epitome of the vast resources of the cities and territories contiguous to the Seaboard Air Line Railway showing the spleindid opportunities existing there for safe and legitimate investment of capital, and the advantages offered for the establishment and development of all lines of industrial, commercial and agricultural endeavor / issued by the Industrial Department, Seaboard Air Line Railway, Norfolk, Virginia. Norfolk, Va. : Industrial Dept., Seaboard Air Line Railway, [1907?] 32 p. : ill. ; 20 x 28 cm. At head of title: "The Seaboard." Original held by New Hanover County Public Library, Wilmington, N.C.
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NC 975.627 M
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New Hanover County Public Library
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