The First Baptist Church, Lumberton, North Carolina; one hundred years of Christian witnessing, 1855-1955


Engraving of First Baptist Church of Lumberton North Carolina One Hundred Years of Christian Witnessing 1855-1955

July 1, 1955

Mr. Henry D. Ward, Chairman

Board of Deacons

First Baptist Church of Lumberton

Lumberton, North Carolina

Dear Sir:

On the following pages you will find the historical review of the First Baptist Church of Lumberton, N. C., prepared by the Centennial Committee of that church at the request of the Board of Deacons.

This is submitted to the Board of Deacons, and to the Church, with the recommendation of the Committee that the same be approved as official information concerning the work and the progress of our church during the past century. It is not a complete history, for several reasons. In the first place, records prior to 1855 were not completely available to the committee, and the research to obtain information about early Baptists in Lumberton was necessarily restricted to other sources. In the second place, it would be impossible within the scope of our work, financially and otherwise, to include the story of the labor and devotion of all who have participated in God's work in this congregation, and some who have been prominent in our church's program could not be mentioned by name. For these, the apologies of the committee are extended.

In submitting this report, the members of the present Centennial Committee would like to acknowledge the helpful advice and information given it by one of its former members, Mr. E. J. Britt, who passed away during the time this information was being prepared.

In addition, the undersigned, as Chairman of the Committee would like to commend Mrs. F. K. Biggs, Sr., Mrs. C. H. Durham, Mr. Ingram Hedgpeth, Mrs. H. M. Baker, Mrs. H. T. Pope, all members of the committee, for their splendid effort and cooperation in preparing the information herein contained, and also would like to express appreciation to our pastor, Dr. D. Swan Haworth, and his staff, for their contribution. Without these, this work could not have been possible.

Respectfully submitted,

I. Murchison Biggs, Chairman Centennial Committee



Lumberton, North Carolina 1855—1955

Copyright 1955

First Baptist Church

Lumberton, North Carolina

Ambrose Printing Co. Printer

Nashville, Tennessee

October 20-30, 1955


“Our Church and the Denomination”

Speaker: Dr. James L. Sullivan, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, Nashville, Tennessee.


The Choirs of our church, under the direction of Mrs. W. D. Renyolds, will lead in this service.


“Our Church in Retrospect”

The Centennial Committee will present a history of our church; I. Murchison Biggs, Chairman.


“Our Church and the World Baptist Fellowship”

Speaker: Dr. Arnold T. Ohrn, General Secretary, Baptist World Alliance, Washington, D. C.


“Our Church Witnessing for Christ”—Revival Services

Speaker: Dr. Norman W. Cox, Executive Secretary, Southern Baptist Historical Commission, Nashville, Tennessee

Music Director: Robert McNabb, Minister of Music and Education, First Baptist Church, Fairmont, N. C.


Letter of Recommendation3
Program Centennial Week5
In Memoriam10
Resolutions and Original Roll12
For Lo, These Years The Baptists Were Here15
The Lebanon Church16
A New Church is Constituted (Lumberton Baptist Church)18
Our Pastors, Past and Present21
Baptist Deacons28
Church Officers30
The Ordinances of the Church31
Prayer Meeting32
Ministers Ordained by Our Church33
A Great Church Sings35
The Church Buildings41
Sunday School Buildings49
Homes of Our Pastors51
Our Spiritual Children
Sandy Grove Baptist Church54
East Lumberton Baptist Church55
West Lumberton Baptist Church56
North Lumberton Baptist Church57
Godwin Heights Baptist Church58
Local Missions59
Sunday School60
Baptist Training Union62
Woman's Missionary Union64
The Men's Fellowship Club67
Kingergarten Library68
Vacation Bible School69
Looking Forward73



We dedicate these pages to the late Doctor Charles Henry Durham, pastor and pastor emeritus of this church, whose long years of service blessed our church and town.

Charles Henry Durham was born in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, July 13, 1868, son of the late Dr. and Mrs. L. N. Durham.

He acquired his academic education in Shelby, was graduated from Wake Forest College in 1893, and received his theological training at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. Wake Forest College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1922.

His pastoral duties began at the First Baptist Church in Gastonia, North Carolina. While in that city he married, on November 24, 1896, Essie Modena Moore, who died May 2, 1911. The children of this marriage are: Wilma, now Mrs. David H. Fuller, Lumberton; Margaret, now Mrs. Jasper L. Memory, Jr., Wake Forest; Kathleen, now Mrs. Howard M. Reaves, Mobile, Ala. On April 25, 1916, he married Sadie Tatum of Davie County, North Carolina, now living in Lumberton.

On September 1, 1900, Dr. Durham became pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lumberton, remaining here fourteen years. He resigned on April 15, 1914, to accept a call to the Brown Memorial Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and was pastor of that church for four and a half years.

Dr. Durham returned to Lumberton in 1918. In his two pastorates he served this church for a period of thirty-seven years before his retirement in 1941, after which he served for ten years as pastor emeritus. He was elected pastor emeritus on August 13, 1941, and, as ever, was faithful in service and beloved by all. A man of prayer, a good pastor, a faithful teacher by precept and example.

He was one of North Carolina's eminent Baptist leaders. He served four years as President of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention; was Trustee of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for twenty-two years; was the North Carolina member of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention for twelve years; Trustee of Wake Forest College for twenty-one years; Moderator of the Robeson Baptist Association for thirty-three years.

His passing occurred on May 8, 1951, with interment in Meadowbrook Cemetery, Lumberton, North Carolina.

In Memoriam

PAUL FLOYD BARNESDied in Walter Reed Hospital, World War II
WILLIS CARL BRITTKilled in Germany, World War II
WILBER YATES BULLOCKKilled near Okinawa, World War II
CARL DEAN FLOWERSKilled near Cassino, World War II
NORRIS AMBROSE LOVETTKilled in aircraft crash, Deland, Fla., World War II
EDWARD JOHN POPEDied, Petersburg, Va., World War I
WILLIAM ANDREW ROACHKilled over Kiel, Germany World War II

Our Father, vouchsafe unto the loved ones of these thy tenderest mercies and the consolation of thy sustaining grace. Amen.

Since this church was organized in 1855, America has engaged in five wars which demanded the services of the young members:

1. The Cause of the Confederacy, 1861-1865

2. The Spanish-American War, 1898

3. World War I, 1917-1918

4. World War II, 1941-1945

5. The War in Korea

A complete roster of those who served in these wars is to be found in the records of Lumberton. At this time, we ask that you silently remember all who served.

The records of this church reveal that during these wars, our congregation served in a spiritual way those who were engaged in the armed forces. In reviewing the records, it is interesting to note that during the War Between the States, our members were active in furnishing its absent warriors with literature which would be of religious benefit to them. In 1863, a collection for the purpose of sending the Biblical Recorder

to the soldiers amounted to $15.96, (1) and another collection for “Army Colportage” amounted to $110.50. The colportage collection purchased Bibles for the members of the Lumberton church in service. (2)

The burdens felt during wartime years by those here in Lumberton is likewise reflected in our records. Church minutes for the month of April, 1866, reveal “a petition to Brother A. Paul Repiton and through him asking for aid and assistance in supporting our pastor . . . it having been intimated that on account of there being but few in number and that few having lost nearly all their property by war . . . some assistance for this church being in accordance with said intimation.”

At a later date, Brother Repiton was a visiting speaker in our church, but no record of assistance through him for our stated need was found in the minutes.

There is no reference in our records to the Spanish-American War of 1898, but the heartaches of war cannot be recorded, and in all of the armed conflicts of our nation, this church has displayed a keen interest in those serving our country.

Although we are not at war with any nation today, our church maintains a list of its members in uniform, and these are remembered constantly in our services of worship.

Father, in Thy care and keeping we place these young members, and ask for thy blessing upon them. Help us. O God, to be grateful, always, for the sacrifices made by those who served our Nation. Amen.

(1) Minutes, June 26, 1863, Book 1, P. 79.(2) Minutes, Sept. 26, 1863, Book 1, P. 80.


WHEREAS in remembrance of our deceased members of all years, a complete list having been preserved in the minutes of our church, from 1855 to 1955, and WHEREAS space does not permit us to record all the names of those, both living and dead, whose love and devotion for God, made possible the history of His church;

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved, That we hold all who contributed to the growth of our church in remembrance on this day.

SECOND: That the following roll of this church (1855-78) is considered a memorial to all deceased members and was used here to remind the readers that their church will ever be strong if all, with God's help, do His work.

The Lumberton Baptist Church Membership 1855-1878
Male MembersJoinedHowMale MembersJoinedHow
Alfred Biggs (died 1857)1885Back SwampAlbert Lawson (died 1871)1868Baptized
James Blount (died 1873)1855Antioch
Fenry T. Pope (died (1898)1855AntiochRalz. W. Sellers1868Baptized
Emanuel Branch1868Baptized
David Gunn1855AntiochStephen E. Ward1868By Letter
Daniel McKeithan1855AntiochH. R. Price1868By Letter
James A. Phillips1855AntiochArch Ivey1868By Letter
Benjamin Freeman1855AntiochEnoch Ward (died 1871)1868Baptized
John Hill1856Back SwampGeorge H. Todd1868Baptized
Dewey Channel1857LebanonWalter Gunn1868
Thomas A. Norment1857LetterA. S. Wishart1868
Charles Ivey, Jr.1857LebanonRobert A. Rozier1869Antioch
Wm. A. Bledsoe1858Bear SwampLewis Ivey1869Baptized
Ed Bledsoe (Son of Wm.)1858Bear SwampHosea Cook1869
Elziph Bullard1869Antioch
Solomon Crump1858BaptizedJohn H. Caldwell1869Saddletree
James Rozier1858LebanonJames P. Davis1869Raft Swamp
Thad N. Bond (Letter)1858Augusta, Ga.Matthew R. Baggett1870Raft Swamp
Richard H. Moore1858Back SwampElias Barnes (died 1874)1870Baptized
Henry C. Prevatt1859Baptized
Alfred R. Prevatt1859BaptizedJ. T. Phillips1871Antioch
James S. McNeill (died 1907)1859BaptizedRev. W. S. McDiarmide1872
Benj. W. Ivey1859Big Branchdied 1873
Neill D. McNeill1860Back SwampSamuel S. Phillips1872Antioch
Dr. Warren Williams1860Big BranchWashington L. Phillips1872Antioch
Wm. C. Graham1861Richmond Co.Wellington Wishart1872Antioch
George W. Draffon1861Columbia, S. C.H. H. Ellis1872Saddletree
James Bryant1862AntiochW. B. Hall
Alex Watson1862BaptizedB. F. Hall1872Baptized
James Newton (died 1870)1862BaptizedBerry Ivey1872Baptized
James R. Baldwin1872Abbottsburg
Rev. C. T. Anderson1862Greenville, S. C.Robert E. Wishart1873Baptized
C. R. Hinton1864AntiochB. A. Ivey1873Antioch
Zak ClewisA. M. Baker1873Antioch
A. M. RackleyW. H. Ellis
Walter Hartman1868BaptizedJohn R. Carter
Jasper S. Thompson1868BaptizedOwen Edwards1873Baptized
Philip Walters1868BaptizedStephen Wiggins (L) (died 1903)1874Back Swamp
Berry Godwin1868Baptized
Reuben King (died 1869)1868BaptizedCharles Bullock (L)1874Ashpole
Rev. John F. McMillan1874Ashpole
Dausey D. McNeill1868James T. Bullard1875Baptized
Emory D. McNeill1868Stephen West1875Baptized
George McKay1868B. L. Crump1875Baptized
Willie Whitfield1868O. W. Watson1875Baptized

Male MembersJoinedHowMale MembersJoinedHow
John K. Freeman1875BaptizedF. W. Gough (came to Lumberton 1875, parents died 1877)1879Baptized
Walter P. Hartman1875Baptized
William R. Ivey1875Baptized
Robert D. Caldwell1875Baptized
Walter Newberry1875BaptizedA. P. Caldwell1879Baptized
Robert Ivey1875BaptizedF. H. Batson1879Baptized
George W. Phillips1875BaptizedC. M. Baldwin1879Baptized
John Johnson1875BaptizedE. K. Procter, Jr.1879Baptized
Marshall V. McDuffie (L)1875Fayetteville(died 1902)
E. C. Watson1879Baptized
John C. Barnes1876Back SwampRichard Ivey1879Baptized
Henry E. Hamon1876AntiochAlfred Ivey1879Baptized
H. B. Ellis1877AshpoleSandy Sanderson1879Baptized
Thomas E. Phillips1877FayettevilleMarchal Bodiford1879Baptized
Lott Britt1877Mt. EliamAngus Harden1879Baptized
Joseph A. Thompson1878Back SwampWilliam Smith1879Baptized
(died 1880)Willis Craft1879By Letter
T. N. HigleyBaptizedWillis Ivey1879By Letter
Albert P. BennettBaptizedJenkins Bennett1879By Letter
Z. A. WhitfieldBaptizedW. B. Pope1879
R. E. Council1878AntiochRev. W. T. Jordan1879W. F. C.

Female MembersJoinedHowFemale MembersJoinedHow
Susan Gunn1855AntiochMrs. C. R. Hinton1863Baptized
Celia E. Biggs (Jenkins)1855Back SwampMary A. Boyd1868
Alice Calder (died 1875)1868
Sarah Blount (died 1879)1855AntiochMartha D. Ivey1868Baptized
Emily Blount )McLeod)1855AntiochLouise Davis (Edwards)1868Baptized
Catherine A. Freeman1855Antioch
Martha E. Smith Williams) (died 1905)1855Mt. EliamCharity E. Barnes (died 1872)1868
Christian Smith (died 1879)1855Mt. EliamMary A. Johnson
Penelope Norment1868Baptized
Ann E. Freeman (died 1871)1855AntiochCornelia Norment (Bryan)1868Baptized
Nancy Ivey (King)1855AntiochPenelope Virginia Norment1868Baptized
Mary Biggs (died 1879)1855Back Swamp
Milliachy Hill1856Back SwampMattie Higley Barnes1868Baptized
Harriet Pope (died 1895)1856AntiochMartha Godwin (died 1905)1868Baptized
Nepsey Channel (Letter)1857Old LebanonEdna Godwin (French)1868Baptized
Mary Regan (Barnes)
Susan BullardCynthia Ivey (Collins)1868Baptized
Susan W. Ward (Thompson)1858BaptizedSarah Ivey1868Baptized
(Mrs. R. H.) Mary A. Moore.—1858Back SwampMartha Jones1868Baptized
Harriet Lawson1868Baptized
Mary Ann Prevatt (Bledsoe)1858Mary Brumble1868Baptized
Jeanett Ivey1868Baptized
Susan Prevatt (Barnes)1858Fanny Bond1868Baptized
Ovabella Prevatt1858Sally Bond (died 1870)1868Baptized
Martha Prevatt1858
Laurancy Bledsoe (wife of William)1858Bear SwampMary A. Wishart1868Baptized
Jane Price1868By Letter
Artha Fine Bledsoe (daughter of Wm.)1858Bear SwampEleanor Branch1868Back Swamp
Ann Wright1868Baptized
Emily C. Crump1859SaddletreeChloe Davis1868
Mary Hill1859Mt. EliamMary E. Wishart1869Back Swamp
Susannah Hill1859Mt. EliamEffie Sanderson1869Baptized
Emily Ward1859Mt. EliamEmily Cook (Mrs. Hosea)1869
Sally Gilbert1859Baptized
Elizabeth PalmerSarah Bullard Elizah)1869
Mary Warwick1860Antioch
Flora Warwick1860AntiochSusan Davis1869Baptized
Mary S. RobinsonPriscilla Ivey1869Baptized
Martha C. Graham1861Caroline Ivey1869Baptized
Elvy Bodiford1861Mt. EliamPenolope O Berry1869Baptized
Thelmah DraffonSusan McNeill1869Baptized
Helen A. Sheets1862BaptizedChelly Gilbert
Martha Oates1862BaptizedElizabeth Davis1879
Hester Ottaway1862BaptizedMary J. Baggett1870Ashpole
Nancy Hill1862BaptizedMary Branch (died 1906)1870Harnett Co.
Polly Davis (Johnson)1862BaptizedOrpah Cook1870Baptized
Jane Draffon (Nobles)1862BaptizedAmanda Cook1870Baptized

Female MembersJoinedHowFemale MembersJoinedHow
Elizabeth Ivey1870BaptizedElizabeth Dillyard (died 1879)1875
Joanna E. Pittman1870Baptized
Fannie M. Draffron1870BaptizedRoxey Bodiford1875Baptized
Louisa J. Birthbright1870BaptizedNelly Bodiford1875Baptized
Mary J. Freeman1870BaptizedSusan H. Bodiford1875Baptized
Minerva V. Freeman1870BaptizedO. E. Watson1875Baptized
Martha Wilson (Boon)1870BaptizedEllen Bodiford1875Baptized
Malissa D. Phillips1872Florence Hardin1875Baptized
Joanah Phillips (Sam)1872AntiochLulu McNeill1875Baptized
Delany M. Wishart1872AntiochLora Ellis1875Baptized
Amanda McDiarmide (died 1873)1872By LetterPenny J. Lewis (Milsaps)1875Baptized
Sarah Hall1872BaptizedRosetta Collins1875Baptized
C. E. Hall1872BaptizedAlmercia Lewis (Powers)1875Baptized
Emma J. Pope (Higley)1872BaptizedE. N. Baker1875Baptized
Mary A. Davis1872BaptizedMrs. Fannie Bosser (Hayes)1875Baptized
Vina Davis1872Baptized
Louiza Davis1872BaptizedElla Sellers1875Baptized
Amanda Edwards1872BaptizedRosa Rozier (Lytch)1875Baptized
Sallie Davis1872BaptizedVina Phillips1875Baptized
Charlotte Britt1872BaptizedSarah J. Hardin1875Baptized
Nettie Davis (Phillips)1872Florence E. Davis1875Baptized
Mollie Bryan1875Baptized
Susan A. Baldwin1872AbbottsburgMalinda Israel1875Baptized
Martha A. Crump1873AntiochKaty Edmund1875Baptized
Josephine McNeill1873AshpoleRosella Revels1875Baptized
Victory Campbell1873BaptizedMary E. Phillips1875Baptized
Sallie A. Allen (Dick)1873BaptizedMary A. Barnes1876Back Swamp
Caroline Powers1873BaptizedM. J. Hamon1876Antioch
Eleviry Ivey1873AntiochN. M. Hamon1876Antioch
Elizabeth Baker1873AntiochMartha E. Ollis1876Deep Creek
Emergrade Ivey1874Big BranchPheriba Bodiford1876Saddletree
Ellen Lawson1874Ellen Ivey1876Hog Swamp
Emma Wilkins1874Alice Phillips1877
Lizzie Caldwell1874BaptizedJane J. Bennett1877By Letter
Jimmie E. O Berry1874Maggie Ward1877By Letter
Mollie Jones1874BaptizedRebecca Edwards1878Baptized
Verne Crump1874BaptizedTemperence Ivey1879Baptized
Kate Davis1874BaptizedAbbie Crump1879Baptized
Marty M. Ivey (McDonald)1874BaptizedSalima Phillips1879Baptized
Elizabeth Phillips1879Baptized
Mariah Wilkins1874By LetterPeggy Sanderson1879Baptized
Missourie Council1879By Letter
Emily Jones1874Big BranchRebecca Ivey1879By Letter
Catherine Ann Wiggins1874Back SwampJ. F. Bennett1879By Letter
Caroline Bullard1875By LetterAllis Hayes1879Baptized
Ellen Bullard1875BaptizedMary M. Baldwin1879By Letter

Slave MembersJoinedHowOwner
Moses1856AntiochCharles Ivey, Jr.
Agnes1856AntiochCharles Ivey, Jr.
Mary1856AntiochCharles Ivey, Jr.
Isaac1856AntiochCharles Ivey, Jr. Joined by Letters
Rachel1859BaptizedJohn W. Smith (Granted letter to join Sandy Grove 1874, B-1, page 162)
RobertJohn W. Smith
PennyJohn B. Thompson
SusseyHenry T. Pope
SarahHenry T. Pope
John1862AntiochJames Blount
Mary Ann1862BaptizedCharles Ivey
RachelT. A. Norment
Lucy1862R. H. Moore
Nelson1862J. W. Smith
David1864AntiochR. C. Rhodes
Emanuel Fulmore1870AshpoleThese joined after war.
Sandy Smith1870Bear Swamp
Erick Cobb &1872Big Branch
Flora Cobb, wife1872Big Branch
Hannah Bell1872No colored members after 1872.


“And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee.”

Deut. 8:2.

In celebrating the One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Baptist Church of Lumberton, North Carolina, it seems timely to look backward with reverence to the scriptural origin of our church, and then to recall those who came to this continent centuries later, seeking religious freedom. Many contributions have been made by spiritual leaders whose work and assistance cannot be recorded here due to limitations of time and space.

We claim that Baptism is a public declaration of loyalty to Christ, who founded our Christian Church. (Romans 6:3-5). It is unfortunate that we are unable to tell the entire story of the church from its birthplace on the Jordan. Our Baptist people have not fully preserved church records, so that even the history of our local church in its early days must be pieced together.

As early as 1739, settlers in search of religious and other freedoms were finding homes in what was then Bladen County, North Carolina, and had located themselves as far to the west as the present location of Anson County. This information is revealed by pertinent North Carolina records. We know that there were settlers in this area in 1739, who came not solely to obtain grants of fertile soil, but who were also attracted by the promise of freedom to worship God as they chose; we also know that some of these settlers were Baptist people.

In 1756, the Rev. Stephen Hollingsworth organized the twenty-third Baptist church in our state, in Bladen County, and the history of North Carolina Baptists credits our ancestors in this area with church affiliation since that time. A few years later, in 1758, the problems of travel over long distances caused the South Carolina Baptist Association of Charleston to authorize annual meetings of ministers in the Pee Dee River Area, and this later caused the churches of North Carolina to withdraw from the South Carolina Association, of which we were then a part.

On November 6, 1769, the Kehukee Baptist Association of North Carolina was organized. Among those who were prominent in setting up this Association was Elias Fort, who lived near the present location of Mt. Tabor Church, east of Big Raft Swamp, in what is now Robeson County. The minutes of the Kehukee Association of 1774 tell us that delegates to its meeting were sent from “Red Banks”, although that congregation had no pastor. Red Banks Plantation, which was owned by John Willis, was located on the banks of a stream then known as “Drowning Creek”, and later known as Lumber River, and the delegates to the Kehukee Association meeting in 1774 from “Red Banks” were William Travis and John Noyes. By 1778, there were fifty Baptist Churches in our state, including the one then known as Red Bank, which, although without a minister, was kept up by influential members, including Travis and Noyes. There was a Baptist church called “Saddle Tree Creek” under the care of an elder in 1789, and “Ashpole Church” (Fairmont), and others were organized at that time and earlier. The settlers who lived in the Red Bank area prior to its becoming a county seat in 1787

(when Robeson County was carved from Bladen), lived on farms and plantations. They shared a contented community life and worshiped in organized groups long before the village of Lumberton was established on John Willis’ plantation, at which time, Red Bank became known as Lumberton.

It is interesting to connect the early members of the Red Banks congregation with the prominent events of their times. Both the Fort and Travis families were associated with the early history of our county. Patrick Travis was one of those responsible for the selection of Red Banks Plantation as the site of our county seat in 1787, and John Noyes was appointed by President George Washington as the first postmaster of Lumberton in 1794. Noyes was also listed among those participating in the drawing of town lots when Lumberton was first subdivided. (1)

As early as 1805, the churches of this area were organized into the Cape Fear Baptist Association. This association was later divided in 1883, when the Robeson Baptist Association came into being. On March 26, 1830, the Missionary Baptists organized the North Carolina State Convention, and we learn from these organizational changes and their dates that our Baptist people were keeping in step with the growth of the population of the state. Congregations would form, often without regular pastors, but with the help of ministers who came and administered the ordinances of the Lord's Supper, and of Baptism. These congregations would grow into established churches, they into new associations, all in the missionary spirit.

Our churches grew as did our state, and our Baptists were leaders in progress. Lumberton Baptists have always taken a lead in the educational and civic betterment of our city and state, and the adage that “education and religion go hand in hand” might well have been originated here. An educational movement, begun in 1836 gave us our first public school laws in 1830, and Lumberton obtained its first public school in 1840. Our schools, together with the plank roads which came into being in 1849, brought significant changes in our town and its churches. It was about this time that growth of the town impelled many denominational groups, including our own, to constitute themselves as churches and to build houses of worship. We do not know the exact date of the first formal organization of a Baptist church in this locality, or how many times churches were constituted here.


We do know that there was a Baptist congregation which met at Red Banks Plantation on Drowning Creek, and that just as Red Banks became Lumberton, and Drowning Creek became Lumber River, the Red Banks congregation became the Lebanon Church at Lumberton, N. C. Our Baptist predecessors apparently renounced the early custom of naming churches for the stream upon which the church was located, but it is interesting to speculate concerning the origin of the name “Lebanon” as applied to our fore-runner. Lumberton is named because of its location on the Lumber River, and some have said this river got its name because of the large and beautiful trees growing in this area. Lebanon, in Biblical times, was also noted for its fertile soil and especially for its cedar trees which furnished timbers for Solomon's Temple. It is highly possible that the early members of the Baptist congregation here chose the name of their church because of some such comparison.

(1) See: N. C. Colonial Records: History of North Carolina Baptists; also see early deeds and wills in records of Robeson County, N. C.

The Lebanon Church was in existence as early as December 29, 1832, for it is found as a member of the Robeson Union of Churches at that time. Resort to the records of this Union and to the minutes of the Antioch church must be had for glimpses into the history of Lebanon, for details of its organization cannot be located, nor can any minutes of its meetings.

For instance, when the Robeson Union was organized in 1832, Lebanon Church was represented by a delegation consisting of Henry B. Howell, James Phillips, James A. Rozier, Banjamin Freeman, and Jesse Goodman. Goodman was one of the committee chosen to present a constitution for the Union at this meeting, and Phillips, Rozier and Freeman were later to become members of the present church. (2)

Further reference to the minutes of this Union disclose that in August, 1841, “it was agreed that the next Union meeting would be held with the Lebanon Church in Lumberton, N. C.”, and we know that Lebanon continued in existence until after October 13, 1851, for a deed bearing that date and granting a parcel of land to Lebanon Church is found in the Registry of Robeson County.

Exactly what brought about the dissolution of the Lebanon Church is not known; several reasons have been advanced, ranging from a “fire of destruction”, to a shortage of ministers. The early history of the Red Bank Church and a look at the census records of 1850, which reveal the presence of only seven Baptist clergymen in the county, lends weight to the latter suggestion.

Some knowledge of the membership of the Lebanon Church is gained by a perusal of the minutes of the Antioch Church during the period from 1853 to 1855. This church was constituted in 1827, and was located about six miles East of Lumberton.

Interesting and revealing excerpts from the minutes of the Antioch Church are as follows:

(1) “Allen Smith, Edith Speight and Morning Hawthorne from the Lebanon Church, dissolved, joined this church September 8, 1853” . . . “During a meeting forty-one members were added to this church.”

(2) Conference Antioch Church, September 1854: “Cherry, a slave sold by John Rowland to L. Wood of Wilmington, applies through Brother Benj. Freeman for a letter of dismissal to join the church at Wilmington. Sister Cherry is not a member of this church but was a member of Lebanon and said Church has become extinct. The greater part of the members came to this church and they agree to send her a letter of recommendation.”

(3) Conference Antioch Church, 1854: “James Kelly, Daniel McKeithan, Emily Blount, Katherine Freeman, Ann E. Smith and a slave to John W. Smith were received at a protracted meeting in Lumberton conducted by Elder P. C. Conoly, are desirous to become members of this church, and they were received.”

(4) Conference Antioch Church, February, 1855: “Unanimously agreed to recognize Brother John W. Smith, deacon of Lebanon Church, dissolved, as one of the deacons of this church.”

(5) Conference Antioch Church, July, 1855; “The following were granted letters of dismissal to enable the Brethren to constitute a church at Lumberton: Henry T. Pope

(2) See first membership roll, ante, p.12.

and wife, Harriet; James A. Phillips; Daniel McKeithan; James Blount and wife Sarah and daughter, Emily; David and Susan Gunn; Katherine Freeman and Martha E. Smith.”

(6) Conference Antioch Church, June, 1856: “Moses and Aggy, slaves belonging to Charles Ivey, Jr., were granted Letters to join church at Lumberton.” (NOTE: These were the first negro members of the Lumberton Baptist Church.)


The Lebanon Baptist Church of Lumberton was dissolved sometime between 1851 and 1853. Soon after, those Baptist living in Lumberton found the need for creating a new church. Many of the former members of Lebanon, together with others, constituted a church here on July 1, 1855, which for forty-six years was called “The Lumberton Baptist Church. This church was given the name which it now bears, “The First Baptist Church of Lumberton”, on July 26, 1911, (3) as a result of a desire to differentiate this congregation and its properties from other Baptist churches which had been organized here after 1855, and to designate it as the oldest of the then existing Baptist churches in Lumberton.

Our church is the offspring of the Lebanon, Antioch, Back Swamp, Mount Eliam, Big Branch and other Baptist churches of Robeson County. We would like to include in this history the early records of these churches, but the limitations of space require that we confine ourselves to those portions of our church minutes which establish the relationship.

On December 10, 1853, Jacob Thompson, John B. Thompson, Alfred Biggs, Elias Prevatt, Elder Furney Prevatt, Benjamin Freeman, Lemon W. Thompson, John Hill, Henry Prevatt, David T. McNeill, Uriah Ivey, Andrew J. Thompson, John Thompson, Benjamin Woodell, Elder William B. Bullard of Big Branch Church, Henry T. Pope and David D. Gunn of Antioch Church met at Back Swamp Church in conference and “made known that subscriptions had been put into circulation for the purpose of raising funds to build a house of public worship in or near Lumberton, N. C., for the Baptist Denomination.”

Elder Furney Prevatt presided as Moderator over this conference, and Benjamin Freeman served as Clerk. A committee was appointed to act as Trustees and empowered to collect funds and let the contract to build the proposed building. These were:

1. James Blount, age 59 farmer

2. David Gunn, age 33, carpenter

3. Benjamin Freeman, age 51, merchant

4. Henry T. Pope, age 35, farmer

5. John B. Thompson, age 43, farmer (4)

Acting under their appointment, these men and other interested persons soon completed the construction of the new church building, and “a number of the members met in said house” in May 1855. At this meeting, Elder Haynes Lennon, Daniel McKeithan and Benjamin Freeman were appointed as a committee to prepare a constitution and rules of decorum for the government of the congregation. (5)

(3) Minutes, Book 5, page 113.(4) Ages and occupations obtained from 1850 census.(5) Minutes, Book 1, page 11.

On July 1st, 1855, Elder Haynes Lennon and Elder D. B. Ayers, together with members of the Back Swamp, Mt. Elam, Antioch, and other Baptist Churches, convened to constitute the Baptist Church in Lumberton. The covenant and rules of decorum adopted by our church at this meeting are shown on pages 76-77.

This covenant of 1855 indicates that our church was in its origin a branch of the early Regular Baptist denomination in North Carolina, and the early minutes of the church sometimes use the term “Regular Baptist Church of Lumberton” as a designation.

The use of this term is explained by Dr. G. W. Paschal in his History of Wake Forest College 1834-1865, in Vol. 1, page 18, where he says:

“It was the peculiar contribution of the Particular Baptists who about the time of our Revolution began to call themselves Regular Baptists, to insist upon a close church organization and a strict discipline, and regular periods for celebrating the Lord's Supper. They took care that only the redeemed of the Lord should be in their churches, and that all should be bound in a warm Christian brotherhood. In the early days they imposed a rigid Calvinism and taught the Baptists such theology as they have.”

Baptist history is in accord with Froude, who said: “History is a voice forever sounding across the centuries the laws of right and wrong. Opinions alter, manners change, creeds rise and fall, but the moral law is written in the tablets of eternity.”

The minutes of our church state that those who constituted it signed its covenant, and a willing signator to this document expressed a knowledge of it, a faith in it, and gave his solemn promise to God and to the church to keep it. Upon signing this covenant, all members entered into the full fellowship of the church.

Through the past century, there have been some changes in religious customs among Christian people. These have been no more drastic than those which are noticable in our homes, our schools, our politics and our sciences. Some changes are reflected in the church covenant adopted by our church in 1933, shown on page 78, and by the further fact that even as these pages are being written, our church is engaged in the drafting of a third covenant.

The rigid code of conduct imposed by the early church upon its members was not always fulfilled, and we would be remiss in the duty to report the truth if it were made to so appear here. As the minutes of the church were reviewed to obtain the facts about our early history, many breaches of discipline were uncovered. Each offender was cited to appear before the church in conference, sitting as a trial body, for a hearing of the accusation against him. When the erring member came and acknowledged his faults and asked for the forgiveness of the church, he generally was excused. Some, however, did not meet the necessary requirements and were excluded.

There was one brother, for instance, who repeatedly reported himself for having been “out of order” since the last conference, expressed his sorrow and his intention to “desist”. As his confessions seemingly evidenced repentance, he was forgiven, so often that the injunction to forgive the brother “seven times seven times” seems to have been carried out. Finally, after he persisted in “being out of order”, he was excluded from the church.

In one year, fellowship was actually withdrawn from more people than were admitted to the congregation. This did not halt the growth of the church for long; it seems that the “spring pruning” stimulated strength.

In the early years, nearly every member had some accusation of delinquency laid against him, the citations including both major and minor offenses. Among the charges recorded were:

“Getting very angry at the May party at the Female Academy May 26, 1860.”

“Neglect of duty and failure to attend three successive church conferences” (the accused was suspended from church for three months)

“Neglect in paying a just debt” (the creditor was allowed to collect a note against his brother member)

“Two members reconciled in their dispute over property lines.”

“For the evils of falsehood; using profane language; allowing fiddling and dancing in his house; quarreling; dancing; social card playing; selling liquor, wine and cider; using ardent spirits for beverages; intoxication; breaking the Sabbath by singing canaille songs on Sunday”.

These were not all, but are only indications of the type of disciplinary action taken by the early church.

The Baptist Church at Lumberton has always forbade the breaking of the Ten Commandments, and since its inception its members have been cited for so doing. In those early years, when a member was disciplined, the church covenant was read to the member before the session and remarks were made on the evil of sin. The records of these early trials, and the minutes made over the period of a century, reveal that there have always been in our church those who promote sobriety, purity of conduct and Christian example, just as there have always been those who erred. A faithful picture of any group of human beings over a century of time will certainly reveal that “to err is human, to forgive divine.”

Of interest to our members in the present day, when so much pressure is upon us to abandon the time-tested concept of the holiness of the Sabbath, are the Sabbath resolutions adopted by the church in 1903, which are printed verbatim on page 78 of this review.


“And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you; and to esteem them very highly in love for their works sake.”

1 Thess. 5:12-13

As suggested in the sketch of the early history of our congretation the “Red Bank” church was without a pastor so far as can be ascertained from the records. In 1850, in fact, there were only sixteen clergymen of all faiths living in our county who were listed by the census takers, and none of these lived within the town of Lumberton. A look at the census records of that year tells us that seven of these sixteen were Baptists. They were: Elder William B. Bullard, age 47; Elder P. C. Conoly, age 54; Elder Elias Davis, age 54; Elder John F. McCall, age 40; Elder Furney Prevatt, age 42; Elder Isham Stone, age 45; and Elder Joshua Williams, age 46.

These first Baptist Elders were itinerant missionaries, who traveled far, going from one protracted meeting to another, preaching that “salvation was free”, and baptizing their converts in nearby streams. They organized religious groups, which often grew into churches, and were instrumental in the religious development of our area. These men were not only ministers; they were in large part supported by their own farm lands, and to the end of their days, they practically gave away their ministry with their doctrine.

The early minutes reveal the uncertainty of the minister's income. On October 7, 1855, just after the church had been organized, it was resolved that “funds raised for Elder Lennon, as Missionary the past year, be paid over to him, and that we do not apply to the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina for aid in his behalf.” (1)

Later on, in November of the same year, the conference agreed “to call Elder Lennon to the pastorate of this church and that he be allowed to attend at such times as may suit his convenience”, and “Benjamin Freeman and James Blount were apponted to ascertain on Friday what Elder Lennon will do and in the event we cannot obtain his services that the same committee confer with Elder P. C. Conoly and know if he will serve us and that they guarantee Elder Conoly that this church will raise thirty dollars toward his support.”

Despite the miniscule amount offered for his support and the absolute lack of any definite future commitment for that purpose, the minutes of December 1855, tell us that a letter was read from Elder Conoly, and he evidently accepted the call, as he presided over all conference meetings held during the ensuing year until the November meeting.

Until 1879, the pastors serving our church gave only one-fourth of their time for that purpose, but in October of that year, an annual salary of $200.00 was granted to a pastor who was to give half his time. (2) By 1882, the church had grown in stature to the

(1) Minutes, Book 1, page 36.(2) Minutes, Book 2, page 33.

point where services were held every Sunday, and in 1900, the pastors salary had increased to $800.00 per year.

During the period from 1855 to 1882, it was the custom of the church to elect pastors only for the Associational year. In the minutes toward the close of each year, a procedural pattern was formed. The pastor would name a pulpit committee and excuse those named from the meeting in order that they might act to recommend a pastor for the next year. If a change was desired, the committee would make no recommendation at that session.

This uncertain method of selecting pastors and arranging their tenure was changed on November 13, 1881. At that time, it was voted that the pastor should be engaged so long as the relationship between pastor and church was “pleasant”, but whenever it was timely for a change, the church would give its pastor at least three months notice and the pastor would give the church the same consideration in time.

Throughout the years, our pastors have consistently preached Baptist principles, such as the Lordship of Jesus, regeneration as the basis of church membership, the right of private interpretation, the separation of church and state, and immersion as described in the Bible. We have been exceptionally fortunate in the capabilities of our leaders and the results of their work. We thank God for his under-shepherds who have led us during these years.

It has ever been the custom of our church for the pastor, or the minister who served the pulpit when we had no pastor, to serve as moderator in the church conferences. When the pastor was absent and no minister was present, one of the deacons presided. The minutes of the conferences between 1855 and 1861 reveal that these were irregularly held and many different individuals served as moderators. A table reflecting the presiding officers and clerks of these meetings and the dates they were held is shown on page 79, and may be helpful and revealing.

Our pastors, with their photographs where obtainable, and a brief biographical sketch of each, are as follows:

1855, 1858-1861, 1862-1965

Elder Haynes Lennon

Elder Haynes Lennon was a missionary pastor, appointed by the North Carolina Baptist State Convention, and at one time he had charge of several congregations in this area. He served us from July 1, 1855 until October 7, 1855. (3) He was named, with others, to prepare the Covenant, Rules of Decorum, etc., in May 1855, for the government of the proposed Lumberton Church. He was assisted by Elder D. B. Ayers in consistuting our church on July 1, 1855. Rev. Lennon was called by this church several times before he accepted, and he served as pastor from November 1858, until August 1861. He was recalled as pastor in September, 1862, and remained thereafter until October, 1865. In all, he led this church for six full years, and had it in his charge for a longer period.

(3) Minutes, Book 1, page 36.ELDER P. C. CONOLY

Elder P. C. Conoly was the first minister to accept a yearly call as the pastor of our church. He was a Robesonian, but not a resident of Lumberton. He led our church during the year 1856. Prior to that time, he conducted a revival in Lumberton in 1854, and baptized six or more converts who united with the Antioch Church and later became charter members of the Lumberton Baptist Church. He supplied the pulpit of this church first in September, 1855. Elder Conoly assisted in the ordination of Rev. A. R. Pittman and other ministers of Robeson County. (4)

Elder P. C. Conoly


Elder C. T. Anderson was called as pastor of this church in November, 1861. He came here from the Beaver Church in Greenville, S. C., and was the first resident pastor of the present First Baptist Church of Lumberton. He resigned August 16, 1862, and accepted a call to Whiteville, N. C. where he held a pastorate from 1863—1865. Elder Anderson was active chairman of a committee on Army Colportage during the War Between the States.

(No photo available)


Elder Elias D. Johnson, a native of Robeson County, and for many years the pastor of the Great Marsh Baptist Church near St. Pauls, N. C., where his old home may still be seen, served as moderator and preached here in June, 1857, and again in October 1858. He accepted a yearly call to this church on October 15, 1865, and resigned in October, 1866. He offered to serve until a new pastor could be secured, and his services continued until May, 1867.

Elder Elias D. Johnson


Doctor David N. Gore, of Columbus County, N. C., preached in this church first on January 9, 1868. He was engaged to fill the pulpit in replacement of Elder Johnson, who had kindly served for seven months after his resignation. Elder Gore gave one-fourth of his time, as pastor, for five months. He served as an Associational Missionary for the Board of Domestic Missions of the Cape Fear Baptist Association from 1860 to 1882.

Dr. David N. Gore

(4) See Robeson's Minutes, Resolutions and Obituary honoring Rev. A. R. Pittman, Deceased.



Reverend Alfred R. Pittman came to this church as its pastor on August 16, 1868, having been employed to serve for one year to preach two Sabbaths each month for an annual salary of $75.00, which amount was pledged by the pulpit committee. He was also a native of Robeson County and lived near the Ashpole Baptist Church. He resigned as pastor here on September 22, 1877. He was an outstanding Baptist leader in Robeson for forty-one years.



Elder W. T. Jordan came to Lumberton as pastor of our congregation from Wake Forest College, and presided over our conference for the first time on December 22, 1878. He served us for nine years and was given a letter of dismissal on July 24, 1887, to unite with the Baptist Church of McMinnville, Oregon.



Elder O. P. Meeks, a native of Covington, Ky., was called to Lumberton from Cornwall, N. Y., and became our pastor on January 16, 1887. He and his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Meeks, brought their letters on January 23, 1887. On April 7, 1889, shortly after his resignation, they were given letters to unite with the Baptist Church at Warsaw, N. C.



Reverend Charles J. Thompson held the pastorate here for one year, 1889-90. The conference minutes record that he was granted a letter to unite with a Baptist Church in Kentucky. He returned to Lumberton in April, 1907, and assisted our pastor, Dr. C. H. Durham, in a revival meeting.


Dr. Furman H. Martin served this congregation from 1891 until 1893. He came to us from the Oak Grove Baptist Church of Horry County, S. C., on October 11, 1891. Upon his resignation, he and his wife, Mrs. Olivia Goode Martin, removed to Portsmouth, Va., where he had been called as pastor of the First Baptist Church of that city. Their children were: William Furman, Julien, and John Gates Martin.



Doctor Livingston Johnson and his wife, Mrs. Fannie Johnson came to our church, uniting by letter from the Rockingham Baptist Church on April 21, 1895. According to our minutes, he gave notice that he had been called to the Greensboro Baptist Church on September 15, 1895, and he was granted a letter to unite with that church on February 2, 1896, after serving our church for less than one year.



Reverend J. N. Booth of Union, S. C., was called and preached here first on January 12, 1896. He and his wife, Mrs. Sarah Booth, were received as members on February 2, 1896. His resignation was accepted in October, 1896, and they were dismissed by letter to unite with a Baptist church in Washington, D. C., on March 1, 1897. At the time they were here, the Booths had two small children who were too young to become church members.



Doctor George J. Dowell of Snow Hill, N. C., accepted a call to Lumberton, N. C., on January 9, 1898, and came to us from Durham. He and his wife, Tranquilla Avery Yates Dowell, and their children, William B. Dowell, Rosina Dowell (later Mrs. R. T. Coburn of Raleigh, N. C.), Elizabeth Dowell (Mrs. M. C. Jenkins), George J. Dowell, Jr., Pattie Dowell (Dr. Pattie Simmons Dowell, Southern College, Hattiesburg, Miss.), and Alvis Yates Dowell, were admitted to membership here on February 6, 1898. Rev. Dowell resigned in May, 1900, and removed to Caroleen, N. C., where he accepted a call to serve churches in Caroleen and in Henrietta, S. C.


1900-1914, 1918-1941
Pastor Emeritus, 1941-1951


Doctor Charles Henry Durham was called to Lumberton on September 2, 1900, and served as our pastor until he resigned on April 14, 1914. After an absence of four and one-half years, he returned as our pastor in 1918. Following his return, he was our minister until his resignation and retirement in June, 1941, following which he was elected pastor emeritus, remaining with us in Lumberton until his death on May 8, 1951. He served us longer than any other of God's servants, and it is to him that this volume is affectionately dedicated. The reader's attention is called to the dedication page for complete biographical details of Dr. Durham's life.



Doctor Charles L. Greaves began his pastorate in Lumberton on June 21, 1914. He and his wife, Mrs. Stella Paschal Greaves and children, Carl P. Greaves, Richard E. Greaves, and Mary Ruth Greaves, came into the fellowship of this church from the Hawkinsville Baptist Church in Georgia. Dr. Greaves tendered his resignation here to accept a call to the First Baptist Church in Bowling Green, Kentucky, effective October 15, 1918.



Doctor John Glenn Blackburn, called May 4, 1941, preached his first sermon in our church on June 1, 1941. He and his wife, Mrs. Margaret Blackburn, brought their church membership here from Greenwood Baptist Church, Bowling Green, Kentucky, on June 15, 1941. Dr. Blackburn resigned effective January 1, 1948, to accept a call to the Baptist Church at Wake Forest, N. C. He and Mrs. Blackburn, with their two small sons, Glenn Jr., and James Leslie, now live at Wake Forest, where he continues to serve the church while also acting as chaplain of Wake Forest College.



Reverend Philip James McLean was called to this church on April 4, 1948. His first sermon here was in May, 1948. He and Mrs. McLean and their children: George, Joanne, and Mary Phillis McLean, brought their letters with them from the Central Baptist Church of Newnan, Ga. Following his resignation here, he and his family were given letters to unite with the Ponce DeLeon Baptist Church of Atlanta, Ga., on December 12, 1951.


Dr. D. Swan Haworth, our present pastor, came to us on November 15, 1951, from the First Baptist Church of Vicksburg, Miss. He and his wife, Mrs. Freddie Lou Haworth and their children, David, Martha Lou, Richard and Robertson, were the first to live in our new parsonage at 207 East 20th Street. For further biographical information about Dr. Haworth, the reader is referred to the sketches of the present church staff on page 71.





From time to time, as the needs of our congregation and our pastors have required, our church has had assistants to the pastor, who have served in almost every area of the church's work from the clerical duties in the pastor's office to active ministry among our people. The first such assistant was Mrs. H. T. Pope, who served with Dr. C. H. Durham. Later Rev. Jack Southard came to assist our pastor. He was with us from 1948 to 1950. More recently, Rev. William L. Heath, whose picture is on page 72, has worked with our present pastor. Grateful acknowledgment is made to these who have worked with our pastors in the ministry to our people.

The first Educational Director was Miss Naomi Braswell 1937-1943. Others were Miss Frances Freeman, Miss Jessie Parker.


“Look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.”

Acts 6:3

Records are not available to inform us of the identity of the deacons of the early Red Bank congregation or of the Lebanon Church of Lumberton. Again, we are forced to turn to other sources, and we find in the records of the Kehukee Baptist Association, of which Red Banks Church was a member, that William Travis and Postmaster John Noyes were two influential deacons in the Baptist Church in 1791.

The minutes of the Antioch Church, dated February, 1855, recognized as one of its deacons Brother John W. Smith, who had formerly been a deacon in the Lebanon Baptist Church.

Through all the years which have elapsed since those times, the deacons of the Baptist Church at Lumberton have been laymen who have served as assistants to their pastors and in many varied capacities. In their care is vested the “oversight” of both pastor and church. They assisted in the communion services, read hymns, served as finance committees to secure the funds for the pastor's salary and for the necessary monetary needs of the church. (1)

In the minutes which record the organization of this church, the names of the first deacons are not set forth, but we do find the names of the trustees. From among the trustees, we find two men, Benjamin Freeman and James Blount, who presided as moderators at the early conference sessions when the church was without a pastor. Prior to December 26, 1868, James Blount lived in Florida for a short time, and Benjamin Freeman had a business in Wilmington, N. C.

Among the interesting facts found among the minutes of our church is the story of one of our elected deacons, Sheriff Reuben King. The minutes record that on December 26, 1868, “Berry Godwin, Reuben King and Henry T. Pope were elected deacons of this church to serve with John Hill, the present acting deacon. The ordination to take place on the fourth Sunday in January, 1869.” (2)

A subsequent entry, dated Saturday, January 23, 1869, says that “Henry T. Pope, Reuben King, and Berry Godwin were examined on their Christian experiences, which examination was satisfactory to the church.” (3)

On the following day, Sunday, January 24, 1869, “after sermon by Elder H. Lennon, Brothers Berry Godwin and Henry T. Pope were ordained as deacons of this church.” The absence of Sheriff King at the ordination is extremely noticeable in the minutes, but is not explained. Perhaps fear prompted the church clerk from making further reference or explanation for the absence of the Sheriff from the ceremony, for this was

(1) Minutes, Book 2, page 52.(2) Minutes, Book 1, page 95.(3) Minutes, Book 1, page 96.

the period during which the infamous “Lowry Gang” was operating in this area and conducting a reign of terror.

Some years later, after the Lowrys could no longer burn a church or harm a member, a history of their depredations was written, and in it we find the reason why Reuben King was never ordained as a deacon of our church. He was shot from ambush, while sitting in his home talking with Brother S. E. Ward, our then acting Church Treasurer, by members of the Lowry gang, on Saturday night, January 23, 1869. At the time of the murder, Brother Ward was seriously and painfully wounded, his wounds later producing his death. (4)

Brother James P. Davis was later elected to replace Reuben King, and he, together with Henry T. Pope, Berry Godwin, and John Hill, served us as the first deacons of the present church.

Those deacons who have served this church before the institution of the rotation system are listed as follows:

Benjamin FreemanNov. 1858S. F. CaldwellSept. 12, 1920May 22, 1938
John HillNov. 1858Dr. R. T. AllenSept. 12, 1920Feb. 15, 1945
Berry GodwinDec. 26, 1868Oct. 17, 1901Dr. H. M. BakerDec. 3, 1925Feb. 28, 1945
Reuben KingDec. 26, 1868Jan. 23, 1869E. M. JohnsonDec. 3, 1925Living 1955
Henry T. PopeDec. 26, 18681897A. J. HolmesDec. 3, 1925Mar. 17, 1946
James P. DavisNov. 28, 1869R. A. McIntyreJune 8, 1930Living 1955
Samuel PhillipsMay 27, 1876R. C. LawrenceJune 8, 1930July 7, 1944
S. E. WardMay 27, 1876Mar. 14, 1888Dr. J. A. MartinFeb. 8, 1933Living 1955
W. R. FreemanMay 27, 18761902W. A. RoachFeb. 8, 1933Living 1955
R. D. CaldwellDec. 25, 1880July 16, 1920F. E. CarlyleOct. 8, 1938Living 1955
Solomon CrumpDec. 25, 1880July , 1892C. E. SullivanOct. 9, 1938Living 1955
Frank Gough1885Aug. 22, 1930O. L. HenryOct. 9, 1938Living 1955
Jenkins Bennett1885Jan. 15, 1928R. P. BlakeSept. 6, 1939Living 1955
E. K. Proctor, Jr.1889Oct. 3, 1902R. G. CashwellOct. 9, 1939Living 1955
Col. T. F. ToonJuly 6, 18991902David FullerOct. 9, 1939Living 1955
Stephen McIntyreJuly 6, 1899Oct. 18, 1925R. A. HedgpethOct. 9, 1939Living 1955
Dr. H. T. PopeNov. 9, 1899Feb. 12, 1936Ingram HedgpethOct. 9, 1939Living 1955
J. A. BranchJan. 23, 1903Mar. 25, 1930
William BarnesJan. 23, 19031926Dr. W. C. HedgpethDec. 4, 1940Living 1955
Q. T. WilliamsJan. 23, 1903Mar. 20, 1931Henry WardDec. 4, 1940Living 1955
L. H. CaldwellJan. 11, 1914July 22, 1935
L. R. VarserJan. 11, 1914Living 1955Dr. Stephen McIntyreDec. 4, 1940Living 1955
K. M. BiggsJan. 8, 1919March 13, 1947Ed. A. AllenDec. 4, 1940Living 1955
J. D. ProctorJan. 8, 1919June 28, 1930E. T. BakerDec. 4, 1940Living 1955
T. W. BullockJan. 8, 1919Mar. 26, 1933Dr. N. O. BensonDec. 4, 1940Living 1955
E. J. BrittJan. 8, 1919Apr. 23, 1955Edgar A. WombleNov. 7, 1945Living 1955
C. B. SkipperSept. 12, 1920Aug. 1, 1939William BestNov. 7, 1945Living 1955

In 1947, a movement was begun in our church to adopt a rotating system of electing deacons. There was considerable division of opinion with reference to this subject, but the church voted to place into effect this method of electing deacons and determining their tenure. Effective January 1, 1951, our deacons serve a term of four years, their terms being staggered so that each year four of the twenty-four constituting the board are retired. Under this method, no deacon who is retired from the board is permitted to succeed himself for a period of one year, following which he again may be returned to serve. Prior to the time this system went into effect, the following men constituted the Board of Deacons: E. T. Baker, Paul R. Blake, N. O. Benson, W. M. Best, E. J. Britt, F. Ertle Carlyle, R. G. Gashwell, David H. Fuller, Ingram Hedgpeth, W. C. Hedgpeth, R. A. Hedgpeth, O. L. Henry, E. M. Johnson, Stephen McIntyre, W. A. Roach, C. E. Sullivan, H. D. Ward, E. A. Allen, J. A. Martin, L. R. Varser, and R. A. McIntyre.

(4) Lowry History, page 78.

Since the rotation system went into effect, the following men have served (5) on our Board of Deacons:

H. P. AllenE. T. Baker*Dr. Colin P. Osborne
I. M. BiggsPaul R. Blake*L. R. Varser*
Henry F. BullockF. Ertle Carlyle*Franklin Biggs
John E. RankinR. G. Cashwell**E. M. Johnson*
J. Leroy TownsendIngram P. Hedgpeth**F. R. Bray
W. M. Best*Dr. W. C. Hedgpeth**John S. Gardner
O. L. Henry*Dr. Stephen McIntyre*James S. Newbold
R. A. Hedgpeth**Henry D. Ward**Dr. Frank P. Ward
F. K. Biggs, Sr.E. A. Allen, Sr.*Robert F. Burns
Dr. E. R. HardinE. A. SundyJ. D. Harris
John J. HoodC. G. TownsendE. V. Prevatte
R. A. McIntyre**Dr. H. M. Baker, Jr.Dr. D. E. Ward
C. E. Sullivan**David H. Fuller*F. Eli Wishart
W. C. WattsM. H. McLean, Jr.
* Member of the Board before January 1, 1951.
** These deacons all served prior to January 1, 1951, and have been twice elected to the board under the rotating system.

Of those above listed, the following now compose our Board of Deacons:

John S. GardnerR. A. HedgpethDr. Frank P. Ward
David H. FullerE. M. JohnsonRobert F. Burns
M. H. McLean, Jr.R. A. McIntyreJ. D. Harris
Dr. Colin P. OsborneF. R. BrayE. V. Prevatte
L. R. VarserDr. H. M. Baker, Jr.Dr. D. E. Ward
Franklin BiggsDr. W. C. HedgpethHenry D. Ward
R. G. CashwellJames S. NewboldF. Eli Wishart
Ingram P. HedgpethC. E. SullivanE. J. Britt*
* Deceased April 23, 1955.


Those men who have served so faithfully and so well in the laborious tasks of managing our funds and keeping our records since 1855 are named as follows:

Daniel McKeithan1855S. E. Ward1872Grover T. Page1912
Henry T. Pope1856Jesse T. Phillips1876L. R. Stephens1916
T. A. Norment1859J. A. Thompson1878(Guion Lee replaced Mr. Stephens while in service)
Henry T. Pope1861F. H. Batson1879
T. A. Norment1866S. E. Ward1880W. L. Parham1918
Henry L. Pope1868E. K. Proctor, Jr.1883Dr. R. T. Allen1921
Stephen E. Ward1869Frank Gough1884Henry Ward1945
A. S. Wishart1870Woodberry Lennon1909John Rankin1947

Henry T. Pope1858J. A. Thompson1880W. A. Yost1906
S. E. Ward1869Robert D. Caldwell1881James D. Proctor1909
J. T. Phillips1872E. K. Proctor, Jr.Robert A. McIntyre1930
S. E. Ward1876C. B. Skipper1896R. G. Cashwell1945
Tom Higley1878Ira L. Pope1896John S. Gardner1954


James Blount1853James McNeill1869Dr. Henry T. Pope1918
David Gunn1853E. K. Proctor, Jr.1902James D. Proctor1930
Benjamin Freeman1853Frank Gough1902E. J. Britt1930
Henry T. Pope1853R. D. Caldwell1902S. F. Caldwell1938
John B. Thompson1853L. H. Caldwell1902R. A. McIntyre1938
A. S. Wishart1869Stephen McIntyre1902Ingram P. Hedgpeth1941
Berry Godwin1869Q. T. Williams1913E. M. Johnson1955

(5)Robert D. Caldwell was elected as deacon on December 10, 1950, to serve under the rotating system, but passed away January 4, 1951, prior to his ordination.THE ORDINANCES OF THE CHURCH

Since the beginning, our church has followed the teachings of the New Testament in connection with the baptism of believers and the observance of the Lord's Supper on the part of these baptized believers.

In the early days of our church, baptismal services were held in the waters of nearby Lumber River. In later years, baptistries were provided in the church sanctuaries, and the services conducted there.

Our church minutes reveal that the church has observed the ordinance of the Lord's Supper through the years, and one of the early entries states that “The church agreed to commemorate the Lord's Supper on June 22, 1856 and extend a general invitation to the deacons of sister churches to assist in Communion Service.” One of the early Lebanon Church deacons, Brother John Smith, who later was also a deacon of the Antioch Church, is mentioned as one of those who officiated at this service. (1)

References in the minutes to the appointments provided by the church for the celebration of the Lord's Supper give us interesting insight into the way our forebears conducted the service. In May, 1858, Charles Ivey and David Gunn were appointed to raise sufficient funds by subscription to purchase “communion furniture”, which included a wooden table and a communion service consisting of a large pewter pitcher, plated with silver and having hinged lid such as found on the old German steins, two bread trays with handles, and two half pint size communion cups. All of the members of the church sipped wine from one of the two goblets as they were passed among the congregation during the service.

Communion services were not held at stated intervals at first. On February 26, 1859 and in July, 1859, similar entries in the minutes say that “the Lord's Supper was administered to members of this church and members of sister churches of like faith and order”, and the failure to list communion services at other regular intervals is quite conspicuous. (2) On January 21, 1860, the church in conference set apart the fourth Sabbath in the months of March, June, September and December, as the times at which thereafter the Lord's Supper would be celebrated. (3)

Due to changes in the church services, on March 20, 1887, the quarterly Communion date was changed to the third Sunday, and later to the first Sunday in January, April, July and October, which is the time still set aside for these services.

In 1911, our church acquired individual communion cups for use in the Communion Services, and these are in use today.

“As often as ye eat the bread and drink the cup ye do proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.”

(1) Minutes, Book 1, page 39.(2) Minutes, Book 1, pages 46, 52 and 59.(3) Minutes, Book 1, page 59.


“Pray without ceasing, In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

I Thess. 5:17-18

That prayer has concerned the members of this church is displayed by the fact that continuously for one hundred years, weekly prayer services have been held.

Lumberton Baptists did not wait for a national proclamation setting aside a day of thanksgiving. In August, 1870, it was agreed in conference to set apart the fourth Saturday in March and September of each year as days of fasting and prayer, when thanks would be returned to the Almighty for the gifts received during the year, and when petitions would be made for his further blessings, if consistent with His will. (1)

These special “fast and pray” days were timely, as March opens the planting season in this climate and September marks the harvest.

Special services have been held on Thanksgivings and “Watchnight” services on New Year's Eve since 1855. The nature and times of other “special prayer” services varied. In times of severe drought, the congregation met and prayed for rain; in times of epidemic disease, prayers were offered for the sick; in times of war, petitions for peace were made. Our people have had an abiding faith in the power of prayer, and have continuously felt that an omnipotent God answered their supplications.

In 1878 and 1879, the young men of the church met weekly on Tuesday evenings to pray and a regular weekly prayer service for all members was held on Friday nights. At a later date, the weekly prayer service was arranged on Wednesday evenings, and this is the present time set for this purpose.

Through prayer our advance through the years has been made possible. It has stimulated the spiritual growth of all our members. In this atomic age, we realize more than ever the need for daily contact with God, but there has never been a time when it did not concern us to make daily contact with the eternal source of spiritual power.

(1) Minutes, Book 1, page 115.MINISTERS ORDAINED BY OUR CHURCH

“Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

Mark 16:15

This church, from its origin, has encouraged and helped those who needed support to enter Baptist schools, and has stimulated ministerial education, both of which are vital parts of the Baptist program.

Learning was never required of an individual called of God in order that he might be qualified to preach the gospel in the Baptist church, but our clergymen have always been required to be examined and ordained by a presbytery called by the church.

In the early years, our church may have ordained certain ministers whose ordinations are not reported in the minutes. Rev. John Gough, a brother of Deacon Frank Gough, is reported to have been among the first ordained. He held a pastorate in the Robeson Association in 1893. Rev. William B. Pope, a son of Deacon Henry T. Pope, was also reported to have been ordained by this church. He held a pastorate for years in Brunswick County, N. C., around 1884. The Pope family is one of the older families of our state.

The minutes of December, 1878, state that: “Rev. John McMillan was duly ordained to the full work of the ministry in the presence of Elders John Mcnroe, Haynes Lennon, Dugold C. McMillan, Stinson Ivey, and W. T. Jordan.” At that time, Rev. McMillan was active in Christian service here, but was given a letter of dismissal on January 4, 1880. (1)

Professor R. E. Sentelle, head of the Lumberton Schools, was ordained by this church as a minister on December 12, 1908. Those assisting in this service were Rev. S. L. Morgan, Rev. I. P. Hedgpeth, and Rev. C. H. Durham. (2) Mr. Sentelle ministered to several churches in this area, including Ten Mile, St. Pauls, and others.

On April 23, 1937, Archibald F. Ward, Jr., was ordained here by a presbytery consisting of Dr. James H. Franklin, Dr. E. McNeill Poteat and Dr. Charles H. Durham. Mr. Ward is a son of Mr. A. F. Ward and Mrs. Elizabeth Ward, a grandson of Deacon Stephen Ed and Mrs. Rebecca Cobb Ward, and a great grandson of Mr. Eric and Mrs. Emily Ward. All of these are and have been leaders in our church since it was organized, and two of the present members of our Board of Deacons are brothers of Mr. Ward. Mr. Ward's paternal ancestor, Rev. John Bethune, was a chaplain in the Revolutionary War, and he is also a direct descendant of the Cobb and McMillan families who furnished Robeson with outstanding ministers in the early days.

A license to preach the gospel was issued by our church to James Alfred Martin, Jr., on July 31, 1935. Mr. Martin was ordained by this church on August 22, 1943, being examined by a presbytery consisting of Dr. Charles H. Durham, Dr. I. P. Hedgpeth, Dr. J. Glenn Blackburn, and others. Mr. Martin is a son of Dr. J. A. Martin and Mrs.

(1) Minutes, Book 3, page 13.(2) Minutes, Book 5, page 88.

Mary Jones Martin. His father was one of our deacons, and his mother directed our choir for many years.

Rev. Ed Humphrey was ordained in a special service held in our church on Sunday night, August 26, 1945. Mr. Humphrey's ancestors were early ministers in our county and he descends from one of the earliest settlers here, Chambers Humphrey. Mr. Humphrey is serving as a missionary in Nigeria.

In more recent years, licenses to preach were issued to a number of young men, now in school. Among those were: R. L. Stocks, Edwin Bullock, Robert D. Caldwell, III, Jack Beverly Liles, Lawrence Thaddeus Prevatt, E. T. Baker, Jr., John Blake and others.

It is fitting that we call attention here to the number of young men and women of our church who, although not called to the preaching ministry, have felt led of God to engage themselves in religious education, church music, medical missions, and other areas of vocational Christian service. We take pride in these, as well as in our ministers, and thank God for them.


“Speaking to yourself in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”

Ephesians 5:19

Since David played his harp to drive the evil from Saul's spirit, music has directed man's emotions. It kindles his love, calms his fury, marches him to war, and guides his thoughts toward God. All through the centuries, music has been a major part of religious worship, and never more so than at present.

Congregational singing was an inspiring part of our religious services in the early days, when Deacon Benjamin Freeman would read from the single available hymnal, line by line, the words of the sacred songs, while the tiny group of worshipers sang the melody from their hearts without benefit of either organ or piano accompaniment.

The first reference to hymnals in the minutes of our church is found in the record for March 25, 1876, when “Brother S. E. Ward presented twenty-four hymn books to the church, given by Brother Berry Godwin, one large Bible given for the pulpit by Brother W. H. Ellis and one hymn book for the pulpit given by Brother S. E. Ward.” (1)

When the new church building was dedicated in 1881, the pastor, Rev. W. T. Jordan, read the hymns. No reference is made to an organist in the minutes for that day, but one of the older members now recalls the presence of a large organ in that church which derived its voice from a foot-treadle. (2)

Miss Maggie French, (Mrs. A. W. McLean), was elected organist by the church in conference on June 27, 1900, and so far as the minutes reveal, was the first person to be elected for that purpose. (3) Others who served voluntarily in this and other capacities connected with the music for our services were: Messrs. Frank Gough, Ed Freeman, C. B. Skipper, Woodberry Lennon and Frank Gough, Jr.; Misses Ethel Williams, Minnie Lennon, Margaret Ward, Rebecca Ward and Lina Gough; Mesdames R. D. Caldwell, R. T. Allen, H. T. Pope, L. R. Varser, J. A. Martin and M. F. Townsend.

The 1st Minister of Music was Miss Ruth Turner 1944-48. She was followed by Miss Lois Brooke and Mr. Joseph E. Williams.

The first pipe organ was purchased for our church in 1910. Chimes were later given to our church by the families of the late Rev. R. A. Hedgpeth and Mr. W. Oscar Thompson, in their memory.

The will of the late Mr. Shelton M. Musselwhite left a bequest of $2,500.00 to our church, and on January 11, 1950, the conference voted to place this money in the Organ Fund, and it was applied to the purchase of a new electronic organ for $4,000.00.

(1) Minutes Book 1, page 185.(2) Minutes Book 2, page 58.(3) Minutes Book 4, page 160.

The present choirs and directors are:

SanctuaryMrs. W. D. Reynolds28
Chapel (High School group)Mrs. W. D. Reynolds25
Carol (4th, 5th, 6th & 7th grade age group)Mrs. W. D. Reynolds35
Cherub (1st, 2nd, & 3rd grade age group)Mrs. B. S. Mills22
Celestial (Kindergarten)Mrs. O. L. Barnes22

During the last century, by comparison, the advances made in our music are phenomenal. Today, the well-trained voices in our five choirs would more than fill the seats in our first church, and any one of the five choirs would more than equal the total membership in 1855.

In the worship services of today, when Mrs. Reynolds touches the organ, the voices of our choir, ranging from high to low, refresh the spirits and lift our hearts. We are grateful to the many persons, now and in the past, who have contributed to this important part of our worship.

Indenture made in 1853


“I will build my church.”

Matt. 16:18

Photograph of a church building similar to the first church building of the Lumberton Baptist Church

The photograph at right is of a church building similar in design and structure to the first church building constructed by Baptists in Lumberton. No photograph of the original building was available for the purpose of this history, and this is included in order that the reader might obtain an impression of the stark and rustic simplicity of that early sanctuary.

The first church building of the Lumberton Baptist Church was built in 1854. It was built without benefit of blueprints, and was a small, unceiled, hip-roofed wooden building. The cost was $475.00, and it was built by John Hays.

Some of the details of the building and its appointments are to be found in the minutes of our church. For instance, we know it was lit by candlelight, for in May, 1858, a committee was appointed to raise money by subscription to purchase candles and candlesticks, and later a bill for a forty pound box of adamantine candles, at 28c per pound, was paid by the church.

We know that it was equipped with a bell, for on February 1859, the members agreed that in the future, “the bell (would) be rung at sundown on Saturday of every monthly meeting as a signal that there will be preaching in this church at candlelight.” About 1881, this bell was donated to the Sandy Grove Baptist Church, where it is still in use today, its tonal quality surpassing others of more recent manufacture.

Apparently, the need for improvements and additions to the building was soon felt, for in March, 1859, the church agreed “that the Trustees who had been appointed to raise funds and superintend the building of the House of Worship for the Baptist denomination of Lumberton be now recognized by this church as the Trustees of the same and be clothed with all the power and authority that is invested by law in such cases made and provided by Act of the General Assembly,” and in August of that same year, James Blount, Henry T. Pope and T. A. Norment were named to make improvements about the church. Subscriptions of $60.00 were made to ceil the church and add a portico, and in the winter of 1859, James Blount donated a stove. When we realize that for several

years, the first members of our church apparently worshiped in winter without any heat in an unceiled building, we can understand that they were indeed “warmed by the love of God.”

This church was located upon property given to our church by Sheriff Reuben King, by deed dated December, 1853, and registered September 18, 1869, in our county registry. This deed locates for us the site of the church building, it being for “one acre of land near the Town of Lumberton—beside Temperance Hall lot.” At this location, Baptists worshiped for some twenty-five years. Some indication of the progress of Lumberton is given by the fact that this property was at that time not within the village of Lumberton, and today would be located on the North side of Tenth Street, West of Elm Street, and East of Water Street.

This “meeting house” was sold and remodeled into a residence, and is now the present home of Mrs. J. Q. Beckwith, at 104 West 10th Street. Prior to his death, Mr. Beckwith informed us that the church once had a steeple and that where the bell cord entered the roof could be seen in the attic of his house.


Lumberton Baptist Church 1881-1910

The little frame church which was built in 1854 continued in use during the period of reconstruction (1865-1876), but the congregation and Sunday School grew in such numbers that on June 22, 1874, the subject of building a new church was introduced in the church conference. (1) A vote was cast on May 22, 1875, favoring the construction of a new church, and Messrs. A. S. Wishart, Henry T. Pope, Berry Godwin and James McNeill. Trustees, were authorized to accept a deed for a lot from “Mr. Giles Leith”, who proposed to give a lot for that purpose, and to draft plans and present them to the next meeting. (2)

On June 26, 1875, the Trustees reported and a building committee was appointed consisting of Berry Godwin, Henry T. Pope, J. S. McNeill, Dr. Warren Williams, Solomon Crump, Stephen Wiggins, and S. E. Ward, and to these the plan of building was referred.

The deed from “Mr. Giles Leigh” is recorded in the registry of Robeson County, and its date is in accord with those found in the minutes, but no further reference is

(1) See deed dated June 7, 1878, Robeson County Registry.(2) Minutes, Book 1.

made in the minutes to the property location contained in this deed, nor to any report of this committee.

Nothing further was done about the proposed new building until 1878, when, on June 17th, Mr. James McD. French and his wife executed a deed to the Trustees previously named, conveying a lot in the center of the town, at the corner of Fifth and Walnut Streets. It has been stated that Mr. Berry Godwin donated this lot, and it is regrettable that the then Church Clerk failed to record this donation in the minutes.

In securing this new location, the church was filled with a new determination to erect a modern house of worship which would be adequate for the vision of new growth and greater service which was in the hearts of its members. On April 26, 1879, a building committee, authorized to let the contract and superintend the construction of a brick church was named. Messrs. James McD. French, Joseph A. Thompson and James McNeill served on this committee. (3)

They were authorized on May 4, 1879 to sell the old frame church and lot, and to use the funds received for the building of the new church. In addition, Sisters Godwin and Carlisle and Brother W. T. Jordan were named on November 28, 1880 as a committee to solicit funds for the purpose of buying “sofa, chairs, chandeliers, lamps, etc.” for the new church. (4)

The first services were held in the new church on March 27, 1881, and it was dedicated on the third Sunday in May, 1881. (5) The clerk, in recording the minutes of this occasion, said: “Altogether this was a proud day for Lumberton, and was so regarded by all its citizens.” At the dedicatory service, Dr. T. H. Pritchard, President of Wake Forest College dedicated the building; Rev. W. T. Jordan read the hymns; the opening prayer was offered by Rev. Stinson Ivey, and the closing prayer was made by Rev. A. McA. Pittman, a son of Rev. A. R. Pittman.

This building was erected at a cost of over $5,000.00, a princely sum in that day, and it remained in use for twenty-nine years. The minutes record an expression of appreciation from the Presbyterian Church of Lumberton for its use during the time their church was undergoing repairs. (6)

After the present church building was constructed in 1910, the building was used for a number of purposes. On November 14, 1915, it was turned over to the Young Men's Baraca Class to be fitted up as a gymnasium and reading room, with this class to assume the financial responsibility for doing this.

The records tell us that on December 29, 1915, the electric chandeliers then in the old church were given to the Baptist church at Red Springs, N. C., and that the water heater then in the old church's basement was to be lent to the Baraca Class to be used in connection with their Reading Room and Gymnasium.

On December 16, 1917, a sale of this building and the lot upon which it was located was confirmed to Mrs. A. W. McLean at a price of $2,150.00. At the same time, the church voted to pay debts of $1,550.00 on its parsonage and $275.00 on the West Lumberton Baptist Church, so the proceeds were wisely used.

Soon after this sale, this building was converted into the McLean Apartments, and may be seen on the corner of Fifth and Walnut Streets today.

(3) Minutes, Book 3, page 6.(4) Minutes, Book 3, page 24.(5) Minutes, Book 2, page 56, 58.(6) Minutes, Book 5, page 112.


First Baptist Church of Lumberton 1910-1964

Lumberton's population increased, economic conditions improved, the Baptist Church thrived, the Sunday School flourished and the modern brick church which was dedicated in 1881 was not adequate to seat the congregation in 1907. The problem of additional space was discussed in conference on May 1, 1907, and the Trustees were again asked to make recommendations with respect to accommodating the membership. They reported on May 15, 1907, asking all members to make financial preparation for the erection of a new house of worship. Following the harvest season of that year, a prospective drawing of a proposed new building was presented by Mr. Charlie B. Skipper, and on November 7, 1907, the members subscribed $18,000.00 for the new sanctutary. A committee was appointed to select a lot, to confirm the plans, and to collect the funds, consisting of Messrs. K. M. Biggs, R. D. Caldwell, L. H. Caldwell, Stephen McIntyre, C. B. Skipper, E. J. Britt, Frank Gough, John P. McNeill, Q. T. Williams and John T. Biggs. (1)

On November 27, 1908, the Trustees purchased a lot on the corner of Walnut and Sixth Streets at a price of $2,000.00, and on March 31, 1909, the church voted to erect the new building at a cost of $25,000.00. The 290 members who had entered the subscription in 1907 were asked to pay one-fifth of their subscriptions by June 1, 1909. In December, 1909, the church had an overdraft at the bank of $600.00, the reason given in our minutes being that the quality of materials used in the construction of the church was excellent, and therefore had cost more than originally planned. Those of us who

(1) Minutes, Book 5, pages 70, 71, 90.

have been recently disturbed by the problem of raising funds for our extensive remodeling program might take heart from this.

Our pastor, Rev. Charles H. Durham, together with Mr. C. B. Skipper and Mr. Frank Gough, were named to purchase a pipe organ on April 13, 1910, and John T. Biggs, John P. McNeill and L. H. Caldwell, merchants of our city, were asked to purchase the carpet.

The first services were held in the completed building on Thanksgiving day, 1910, and the dedicatory service was held on May 5, 1918. The completed building, including its furnishings, had cost $42,000.00, and our people were very proud of their new house of worship. The dedicatory sermon was delivered by Rev. C. H. Durham, and the opening and closing prayers were offered by Rev. George J. Dowell and Rev. I. P. Hedgpeth.


“A glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without wrinkle.”

Ephesians 5:27

Interior of First Baptist Church of Lumberton 1910-1964

Our church has not always been spotless, but the interior of this sanctuary made significant spiritual impressions upon all who worshipped here. The pulpit, the baptistry,

the choir, the golden pipes of the organ, the oak furniture, the pronounced green in the carpet, the soft cream walls, the pale shades of brown in the mosaic moldings and two beautiful pictures of the Christ are now happy memories of what was to our people a glorious place to worship.

The pictures, which hung on either side of the pulpit and choir, were given to our church by one of our members, Mrs. Margaret French McLean. They were reproductions of two famous originals, one inspired by Luke 22:39-44, depicting Christ in Gethsemane, and the other being inspired by Revelations 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” A mural genius of German birth, Mr. C. Melch, with his Master's help, put feeling into these paintings which furnished a sacred atmosphere to our services for forty years. The artist surely believed that Christ “withdrew and prayed . . . and there appeared an angel unto Him from heaven strengthening him”, for Mr. Melch would not paint a stroke if there were spectators present. After climbing upon the scaffold from which he painted, the artist also bowed his head in silent prayer before he attempted to brush upon the walls of our church the lovely portrayals of Christ.

When the seating capacity of our sanctuary was required to be again enlarged in 1954, and plans were made for the remodeling for that prupose, it was with sincere regret that our people found that the walls upon which these pictures were painted had to be moved and that the pictures could not be preserved.

Some minor changes and additions were made to the main church building between 1910 and 1954, but the principal expenditures recorded in the minutes during that period are for maintenance.

Our church ground were never landscaped until 1923. Prior to that time, the grounds were cleaned off each fall and spring by members of the congregation who came to cut the growth of weeds, and to rake and sweep the sanded lawn clean. In 1923 and 1924, Mrs. F. K. Biggs and Mrs. H. M. Baker volunteered to do the foundation planting of the main church building, and since that time, these two have served almost continuously on the ground committee.

Mr. Theodore Pope planted the front of the Educational Building about 1930, and about 1939, Mr. Robert D. Caldwell, Jr., who was then chairman of the Works Projects Administration for Robeson County, arranged for W. P. A. labor under the supervision of Mrs. Biggs and Mrs. Baker, for grading and leveling the grounds, planting grass, and to re-set shrubbery which was donated by members of the congregation. Mr. H. B. Wilson, late of Washington, D. C., who at that time maintained a residence here, donated some beautiful crepe myrtle bushes, and many others contributed in this manner.

When the Children's Building was completed in 1950, Mrs. Biggs was ready with some ten or twelve boxwoods which had been rooted in 1935 for use on the church grounds, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackmon contributed twelve large azaleas to grace this building.

The First Baptist Church of Lumberton

The First Baptist Church of Lumberton 1955


This is the Sanctuary made ready for our Centennial Celebration. Its construction has increased the seating capacity for our worship services from 750 to 1100, thus enabling us to include more of our great church family in the public worship of God.

Our Building Committee has led us in the construction of a beautiful as well as a spacious, air conditioned Sanctuary. It is Georgian in style, with its antique glass windows, deep red carpet, walnut pews with white box ends, cloister gray walls and colonial white woodwork, where all will be privileged to worship in the beauty of holiness. The Building Committee has been composed of R. A. Hedgpeth, Jr., Chairman; J. Leroy Townsend; F. K. Biggs, Sr.; H. P. Allen; Mrs. R. A. McIntyre (1952-1953); Mrs. E. R. Hardin (1953-1955); and Miss Lina Gough. In July of 1954, upon recommendation of the Women's Missionary Union, Mrs. H. M. Baker, Sr., Mrs. E. M. Henderson and Mrs. J. N. Britt were asked to serve in an advisory capacity “in selecting interior decorations.” All of these have worked faithfully and diligently.

At this writing the new Sanctuary is nearing completion and by the time of our centennial week, will be occupied by our church. During the time of construction all worship services have been held in the Auditorium of the Lumberton High School. The attendance has shown an increase during the months, likewise the additions to the membership, and the offerings have moved up. This has been a successful test of the “ties that bind our hearts in Christian love.”

The Building Fund Committee had as its chairman for 1952-1953, John Hood; and for 1954, M. H. McLean, Jr. In 1955, the Building Fund was made a part of the church budget. More than half of the needed $230,000 will have been raised by the time of the completion of the building and arrangements have been made to borrow the balance and pay back in annual installments. This bank note has been underwritten by our people.

We now worship in the fourth new Sanctuary built since 1855. We thank God for it and will use it to glorify His name, to invite people to accept His Son as Saviour, and to inspire His followers to become more Christ-like.

New sanctuary 1955



In 1926, our Sunday School had completely outgrown the space provided for it at the rear of the 1910 church building. The Trustees were asked to make plans for the erection of a new and separate building for the religious education of our people. They reported recommending that the old wooden parsonage, then located on the south side of the church lot, be razed, and that the new Sunday School Building be erected there. A building committee consisting of K. M. Biggs, L. H. Caldwell, E. J. Britt, Frank Gough and L. R. Varser, with W. A. Roach as its Treasurer, was appointed, and the work was begun. In 1928, the old parsonage, then valued at $10,000.00, was torn down, and it was replaced with a three story brick building containing eighteen rooms, valued at $35,000.00. Our church was required to become heavily indebted in order to construct this building, and the intervening depression years caused this debt to be a heavy burden for a while; however, with definite help from God, and under His leadership, this obligation was discharged on April 3, 1940, and this building continues to be of great use in carrying on the work of our church.


Realizing a further need for expansion in the Sunday School, the church in conference on February 13, 1946, appointed a building committee consisting of J. Leroy Townsend, chairman, W. M. Best, treasurer, W. A. Roach, F. K. Biggs, Dennis W. Biggs, J. F. Starling, R. A. McIntyre and Mrs. H. M. Baker and Mrs. J. N. Britt, to make plans for additional space for this department. On October 9, 1946, this committee employed Mr. James B. Urquhart, of Columbia, S. C., an architect, together with Mr. Walter H. Thomas, of Philadelphia, Pa., as consultant, to prepare the plans for the new building. When these were completed, Mr. W. M. Burney, a local contractor, was employed to construct the building.

This building was erected on a lot to the rear of the main church building, and facing on Seventh Street, which was presented to the church as a memorial to the late Kenneth Murchison Biggs and his wife, Mrs. Mamie Duckett Biggs, by the Biggs family.

The building has become known as the “Children's Building”, and was erected in 1949 at a cost of $100,000.00. It provides facilities for some 600 children, from babies to twelve-years-olds, and is used extensively in the children's work of the church. This building was dedicated in special services held on October 15, 1950.


As our Sunday School and church kept growing, more and more space was needed to house us. On June 16, 1954, the Trustees authorized the purchase of the former home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McIntyre, located on the southeast corner of Sixth and Walnut Streets, from J. Leroy Townsend and R. A. Hedgpeth, at a purchase price of $22,150.00. Prior to this purchase, Mr. Townsend and Mr. Hedgpeth had made this building available to our Sunday School at low cost, and it was purchased from them for the exact amount of their investment. This residence building has been converted and is now being used by two department of the Sunday School, one department of the Baptist Training Union, by the Boy Scout Troop, for youth gatherings, and other activities.


Elders Lennon, Conoly, Elias Johnson and A. R. Pitman, four of the early pastors of this church, also served other churches at the same time they ministered to us. They were not residents of Lumberton, and therefore for some years, no residence was required by our church for its pastor. Following these four, seven ministers accepted calls to this church, remained here for short periods and accepted calls elsewhere. During the period from 1878 to 1887, the church employed a pastor and gave him board. Later, it became the policy of the congregation to pay the pastor an annual salary of $700.00 and to allow him an additional $60.00 per year for the rental of a residence. Naturally, the homes available for rent for $5.00 per month were not elegant; they were small, warmed in winter by fireplaces and affection, lighted by oil lamps, and air-conditioned by the cracks.

Experience taught our people that a sermon began in the parsonage, and that to a degree, the pastor's period of service and the opportunity of securing able men to lead us depended upon the facilities offered. The first reference in the minutes to this problem is dated July 24, 1902, when a plan for building a parsonage was discussed and “a resolution to borrow a sum not exceeding $1,500.00 for the purpose of erecting a house to be occupied by the pastor” was passed.


On July 31, 1902, Brother E. K. Proctor and his partner, George B. McLeod offered to give one-half acre of land in their North Lumberton property to the church, for the purpose of erecting a pastor's residence. Brother Proctor died on October 3, 1902, and on October 9, 1902, the minutes tell us that the church voted, because of the distance of the lot offered from the church building, to select a lot on East Fifth Street, then valued at $400.00, and agreed to raise funds by subscription to buy it. Upon this property was erected our first parsonage. Entries in our minutes from time to time relating to repairs and improvements to this dwelling tell interesting stories of the improvement in living standards felt in our community. For instance, in May, 1906, there is an entry stating that a deep pump was put down at the parsonage; on May 15, 1907, while the church was being repaired and painted, the pastor's home and its fence were painted; in November, 1908, a report to the church showed a total indebtedness of $710.00 for water works and remodeling, and there is an entry in March, 1909, that the church raised $400.00 to erase all debts on the parsonage.

In 1913, the First Baptist Church purchased the W. S. McDiarmid residence located on the corner of Walnut and facing Sixth Street, and this dwelling was in use as our parsonage for some fourteen years. This house was torn down in 1928 and replaced with the Educational Building. For a short time, the pastor lived in the W. I. Linkhaw house at Third and Water Streets. This has been replaced with business property.


The Baptists in Lumberton were impressed (1921-1927) with a growing need for space in the Sunday School, and at the same time, they realized a new parsonage was a dire necessity. The depression sharply reduced all building programs, and our church was too hard pressed financially to erect two much-needed buildings. Our pastor, Dr. Durham, apprehended the intensity of the church's problems and offered to buy his own home. His offer was accepted, and it made possible the erection of the Educational Building in 1928. Dr. and Mrs. Durham purchased their home on Sixth Street in 1928, and there he lived until his death in 1951. At present, the home is occupied by his widow, the beloved “Mother Sadie” Durham.


When Dr. Durham retired and became our pastor emeritus in 1941, it became necessary to find a home for our new minister, Dr. J. Glenn Blackburn. Our Trustees purchased the residence of Mr. and Mrs. David Fuller, at 1705 N. Walnut Street for a purchase price of $8,750.00, plus the assumption of a deferred paving assessment not then due for payment. In 1951, the church resold this property to Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, and it is now occupied by them as their residence.



The present parsonage of our church is a modern brick, two-story residence of colonial architecture, located at the corner of Walnut and Twentieth Streets. It was built in 1952, with two of our members, C. Guy Townsend and Willie D. Linkhaw, supervising the construction. Mr. Hollis L. Ivey, Architect, of Lumberton, prepared the plans, and the estimate finished cost of this residence was $27,000.00.


God has directed the missionary vision in our congregation in such manner that Baptists have expanded in Lumberton, so that five other Baptist churches have been organized from our church. As our town and its Baptist population expanded, these churches have become independent parts of our city's religious life. They are:

1. The Sandy Grove Baptist Church, organized in 1873.

2. The East Lumberton Baptist Church, organized in 1907.

3. The West Lumberton Baptist Church, organized in 1915.

4. The North Lumberton Baptist Church, organized in 1918.

5. The Godwin Heights Baptist Church, organized in 1953.

Prior to 1865, it was customary that colored slaves should join the churches of the white people, and many colored people were members of our church. After the Emancipation Proclamation, and at the end of the War Between the States, although money was scarce, the leaders of our church prayerfully advised those who had freedom for the first time and helped them to adjust their religious life in their own church. This movement involved a considerable sacrifice to our congregation, for at the time, this church was unable to pay the salary of its own pastor. The efforts of both races in the adjustments required during this period displayed a deep felling of love on the part of both the white and colored people.


The minutes of our church reveal that twenty colored members worshiped along with their “white folks” from 1855 to 1872. During the period following the War, from 1865 to 1871, many problems faced the two races, and the fact that the two continued to worship together here during that time is indicative that when the organization of the church for the colored people was undertaken, it was done with the approval of both races. This was done in 1873. (1)

Prior to that time, our minutes of 1871 state that “This church recommends to its delegates to favor the Home Mission Program for the colored population in the bounds of the Robeson Union.” This was evidently the beginning of the great work of Negro Baptists in this county.

On October 12, 1873, Sandy and Rachel Smith, Emanuel Fulmore, and Erick and Florence Cobb, together with others, were granted letters of dismissal to join a colored

(1) Minutes, Book 1, page 125.

church to be organized at “Sandy's Grove.” The name of this new church indicates that Sandy Smith probably had to do with its organization.

In 1949, the Sandy Grove Baptist Church had grown to the point that it spent $60,000.00 in remodelling their church building, increasing the value of its church property to $100,000.00. Its present Sunday School Enrollment is 509, and its budget for the year 1955 is $11,067.57. Its present church officers are: Rev. W. D. Burton, Pastor, R. L. Hardin, Secretary, and A. L. Spearman, Chairman of the Budget Committee.


About 1895-1900, the textile industry came to Lumberton, bringing employees who lived in villages adjacent to the textile plants. These were out of the city limits of Lumberton, and quite some distance from established churches. Because of the inconvenience resulting from the problem of transport to nearby churches, our Baptist people felt it a privilege to organize Sunday Schools and missions in these villages. At a meeting of our deacons on September 24, 1900, a meeting house for the villagers of East Lumberton was proposed. (2) Prior to that time, our church had sponsored a mission in that community. Subsequently, in the church conference of January 22, 1902, our pastor, Dr. C. H. Durham, spoke about the work at East Lumberton, and requested that our members contact Mr. Frank Gough, chairman of a committee to collect funds to build a house of worship in East Lumberton, and stated that work on the building was to begin at once. (3)

The following month, February 1902, our church adopted a resolution to build and dedicate a house of worship in East Lumberton, and to accept this program as a part of our work, with a Sunday School to be organized and religious services to be conducted in the East Lumberton building. (3) On March 30, 1902, Mr. Gough and Mr. William Barnes were chosen as Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent, respectively, of the proposed Sunday School at East Lumberton, which was to begin on April 6, 1902. (4) On April 19, 1903, Dr. Durham held a week of meetings at the East Lumberton Chapel, at which several persons were converted and joined the church there. From this Sunday School and mission grew the East Lumberton Church, which was organized and endorsed by our church in a service by Rev. J. M. Fleming, assisted by Dr. Durham, at 3:00 P.M., February 17, 1907.

Among those first granted letters from this church to join the new East Lumberton Church were: Mrs Martha Brisson; Miss Harriet Brisson; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith; Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Edmund; Mr. and Mrs. John L. McPhail; Sarah, Emma and Nancy McPhail; Mr. Columbus Crump; Mrs. Lilly Nance; Lillian Nance; Mr. and Mrs. Grover Tyson; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilkinson, and later, several others. (5)

On October 23, 1907, our church agreed in conference that a deed for the lot purchased in 1902, and the chapel building in East Lumberton would be made to the church

(2) Minutes, Book 5, page 4.(3) Minutes, Book 5, page 6.(4) Minutes, Book 5, page 8.(5) Minutes, Book 5, Church Roll.

there. Later on, this little chapel building was replaced by an excellent brick building and this church is now doing a great work. The East Lumberton Church was admitted to membership in the Robeson Baptist Association and declared an independent church on October 29, 1907.

The 1954 report of the congregation at East Lumberton reveals that it now has 858 members and that contributions for all objects in 1954 amounted to $56,432.19. The present pastor is Rev. B. M. Glisson.


The minutes of our church of November 27, 1908, contain the following entry: “As a result of Revival Meeting held by Brother Paul during the past week at West Lumberton, 9 members were added to the Lumberton Baptist Church.” (6) The following year, our church appointed officers for a Sunday School at West Lumberton, with Mr. James S. Barnes as Superintendent, and Misses Lillian Proctor and Annie Ruth Caldwell as teachers. (7) About two years later, March 30, 1910, Mr. Jenkins Bennett made a deed of gift to the Lumberton Baptist Church for a lot upon which our church was to erect a chapel for the West Lumberton people, and our church thereupon named a committee to build this building. The building committee consisted of Messrs. K. M. Biggs, J. A. Branch, James Barnes, and Jenkins Bennett. (8) Mr. Biggs reported to the conference on July 20, 1910, that the total cost of the building was $740.00. (9)

On October 10, 1915, our pastor, Dr. Charles L. Greaves, spoke to the conference concerning the need of churches at both West Lumberton and North Lumberton, and stated that it was the duty of the Lumberton Baptist Church to establish places of worship convenient for its members without transportation, so they could feel keener interest in the church. Two months later, on December 10, 1915, letters of dismissal from our church to unite with the proposed West Lumberton church were granted to Mr. Jenkins Bennett and Mrs. Dovie Bennett; Mr. J. A. Barnes and Mrs. Mary L. Barnes; Mr. J. A. Singletary, and Ada, Ora, Sallie and Clegg Singletary; Mrs. Lizzie Graves; Mrs. Lena Alexander; Mr. Emory Musselwhite and Mrs. Ola Musselwhite. Others were given letters later, and at conference on January 19, 1916, Mr. Frank Gough reported that the West Lumberton church had been organized.

The West Lumberton Baptist Church was dedicated on Sunday, May 5, 1918, at 3:30 P.M., in a service conducted by Rev. G. J. Dowell. He had assisted in the dedicatory service of the new First Baptist Church on the morning of that day, and so two of the greatest forward steps in our work were taken on the same day.

Although we had organized the West Lumberton Baptist Church as an independent church many years before, due to an oversight, the title to the property upon which it is located was never transferred to its Trustees until January 11, 1948, when, in order to

(6) Minutes, Book 5, pages 79 and 83.(7) Minutes, Book 5, page 98.(8) Minutes, Book 5, page 104.(9) Minutes, Book 5, page 104.

correct the error, our Trustees were authorized to execute a deed for this purpose. This church, while smaller than the East Lumberton Church, is rendering valuable service in the area which it serves. It now has a membership of 240 persons, under the leadership of Rev. E. L. Coleman, pastor. In 1954, its total contributions reached a level of $6,031.00.


Soon after the establishment of the Sunday Schools in East and West Lumberton, a Bible class was begun in North Lumberton, and here too, a church soon grew. The minutes of our conference of October 10, 1915, tell that our then pastor, Dr. Charles Greaves, impressed our congregation with the need for a house of worship at North Lumberton, and thereafter, on December 10, 1915, letters of dismissal from our church to unite with a proposed North Lumberton church were granted to Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDuffie and their children, Alex, Jr., and Sallie McDuffie; Mr. Millard Ross, W. W. Lula and Eliza Ross; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Pridgen; Bertha Hardy; Nathan Foley; Miss Ida Graves, and Fannie Hayes. Later others left our church to join this group in the new church. Our records reveal that Rev. W. R. Davis held revival meetings in the North and West Lumberton communiteis, which influenced many to unite with these churches at about that time. By January 10, 1916, Mr. Frank Gough was able to report to hte conference that the North Lumberton Baptist Church had been organized, and on April 6, 1918, the Trustees of our church purchased a site for the North Lumberton Church from A. W. McLean, at a price of $500.00. One of our deacons, Mr. Luther H. Caldwell, was one of the organizers of the Sunday School at North Lumberton, and was most active in the establishment of this church and in its work, until his death July 22, 1935. He taught Sunday School there for 16 years.

On April 4, 1948, our Trustees executed a deed to the Trustees of the North Lumberton Church for the property upon which this congregation worships, thus finally breaking the last official connection and making the North Lumberton church entirely independent. This church now has 184 members, led by Rev. J. C. Halliburton, pastor. In 1954, its financial program produced total contributions amounting to $7,627.45.


The Hut

For some time members of our church had been discussing the need for a Baptist Church in the new and rapidly growing area of Lumberton known as Godwin Heights. On July 19, 1953, our church set up a special committee to work “in connection with the establishment of a new church or churches in our surrounding area.” This committee worked with similar committees from all other Baptist churches in Lumberton with the Associational Missionary, Rev. J. D. Barnette, serving as Chairman. Our church was selected by this larger committee as the sponsoring agency for the new organization to be established in Godwin Heights.

On Sunday, December 13, 1953, the new church was organized. Our pastor preached, the articles of faith were read, and those desiring to become charter members of the new church were aked to place their names on the new roll. Thirty-eight people came forward, twenty-one of these from our church. All together, considering later additions, there were 168 charter members.

On December 16, 1953, a resolution was presented to our church in conference that we “look with favor upon the organization of the newly organized church group and pledge to them the moral and spiritual support of our membership.” In that year that followed, forty-two other members of our church transferred their letters to the now named Godwin Heights Baptist Church in order that they might assist in forming the nucleus of the new fellowship. Rev. H. W. Baucom served as the first pastor of the church. Rev. John Poe is the present pastor. Property for the church has been secured on the corner of Godwin Avenue and 7th Street Road. During 1954 our church contributed $6,000.00 from the “miscellaneous missions fund” toward the purchase of this property. The first year of the new church's history their total income from all sources amounted to $33,477.35. They now have 316 members with some 300 in regular attendance at the Sunday School and 105 in Training Union. The above photograph is of “The Hut,” a temporary building which is being used for all services of the church except Sunday services. All Church worship services will continue to be held in the Rowland-Norment School until the plans for the new building are realized.

“Ye shall be witnesses unto me.”Acts 1:8

Our church has continuously attempted to carry out the missionary purpose of Christ. The early minutes reveal that financial assistance was given to several growing churches and mission centers.

On January 2, 1898, consideration was given to the organization of a mission among the people living on the West side of Lumber River along the Lovett Road, and a committee consisting of Col. T. F. Toon, chairman, and Messrs. W. W. Carlyle, E. K. Proctor, A. S. Wishart, E. B. Freeman, and W. W. Singletary were appointed for that purpose. (1) Another light thrown on the work in those days is taken from the minutes of January 12, 1916, when Brother T. F. Barnes asked that he be relieved of the work of this church among the Indians near Lumberton, and Messrs. W. Pink Barker and J. A. Branch were authorized to take over this work in his stead. In addition, our church has over the years made contributions to several small churches in aiding them to pay a pastor, and the church is presently making annual contributions to the Indian Orphanage at Pembroke. (2)


At a site on the Elizabethtown highway, donated by Dr. Horace M. Baker in 1929, is built Bethel Baptist Church, which was constructed from materials salvaged from the old parsonage at Sixth and Walnut Streets, and donated for this purpose by our congregation. This church has continuously been interested in the operations of Bethel, and has contributed to its support.

A small mission called “Pope's Cross Roads” was a favorite object of our church for a number of years. The community and the mission there have grown and there is now a thriving church there, the site for which was donated by Mr. Haynes Wilcox. Among other churches mentioned in our records were the Red Springs, St. Pauls, and Sand Hills Baptist Churches.

In more recent years, a residence in South Lumberton has been used by the Baptists of Lumberton in which to hold services of worship for groups living there who are not affiliated with any church. For a number of years, Mr. C. E. Sullivan has done an invaluable work in supervising this mission, and many of our young people have shared the rich experience of doing their initial work in Christian service in this place.

(1) Minutes, Book 4, page 52.(2) In 1955, $800.00 is included in our budget, for this purpose.


First Baptist Church of Lumberton

The value of a Sunday School cannot be told in dollars and cents, nor in numbers. It is impossible in this life to estimate the value of an institution whose main business is to teach God's Word and lead men and women, boys and girls, into spiritual development and in Christian activity and Christ-like living. One hundred years of such service cannot be summed up in terms used in summing up a business institution. The Sunday School is the teaching agency of the church. The Bible is its textbook. The teachers are men and women who have accepted the teachings of the textbook and have dedicated their lives to the Master teacher, and their talents to be used in leading people to know and serve Him.

The First Baptist Church of Lumberton has every reason to rejoice in the record made in this department of its work. There would be a long, long list if we could call to mind the many who have found the way of eternal life through its channels.

The first Sunday School class organized in our church was on the fourth Sunday in February, 1859, when it was agreed by the church that the first lesson was to be recited on that day at ten and one-half o'clock. On January 25, 1875, Reverend J. F. McMillan, H. T. Pope and Dr. Warren Williams were appointed a committee to draft plans and resolutions for the connection of the Sunday School with the church.

The Robeson Baptist Association was organized in 1883. In its first report to the Association in 1884, the Sunday School reported an enrollment of 125, with ten officers and teachers. In 1890 enrollment of 194 with 23 officers and teachers; 1894 enrollment of 160 with 18 officers and teachers; 1930 enrollment of 823 with 83 officers and teachers; 1945 enrollment of 995 with 96 officers and teachers and 1955 enrollment of 2000 with 182 officers and teachers.

From the above tabulation it will be seen that the growth has been continuous, not only in enrollment but that the ratio of ten pupils to one teacher or officer has been practically followed through the years, which as our Sunday School Board sets forth is the proper ratio.

It is a matter of unusual interest that we have had as General Superintendents men who have given long years of devoted service. From 1855 to 1884 there seems to be no record from which we can know who the General Superintendents were, but since 1884, a period of sixty-five years or more, only five men have shared this honor: W. R. Freeman, 1884-1894*; R. D. Caldwell, 1894-1918; E. J. Britt, 1918-1940; H. D. Ward, 1940-1941; and Ingram P. Hedgpeth, 1941-1955.

It is also of unusual interest that Mr. W. L. Parham, Sr., became assistant church literature librarian in 1914 under the direction of L. Rexford Stephens, who was at that time librarian and served in this capacity until Mr. Stephens entered the services of his country in 1918 when Mr. Parham succeeded Mr. Stephens and is still serving in that capacity today.

* No photograph of Mr. Freeman could be located.

R. D.




W. L.

The Sunday School has followed the leadership of our denominational plans and our Sunday School experts. It has been loyal and generous to all denominational causes. Especially since 1900 it has shown a very devoted interest in the orphanage and has given many thousands of dollars to its support. In 1911 it had the distinction, according to an editorial in one of our papers, of giving more to the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville “than any other Sunday School in the world gives to a similar institution.” The editorial writer stated that this statement had been made several times and had never been challenged.

The growth of the Sunday School has made it necessary to enlarge our plant from time to time. In 1928, the Educational Building was erected, giving additional space for several departments and classes. In 1950 the Children's Building was added. This building housed all children through the Junior Department. In 1954 the McIntyre home was purchased and in it we have our Young People's Department.

All of this program has not just happened. It has come about because of the wise planning and fine cooperation of pastors, superintendents, officers and teachers of the Sunday School. We would not forget the work of enlistment by members of classes and departments under the leadership of class and department officers. It has come about by the united effort of all these forces.


“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

2 Timothy 2:15

The Baptist Young People's Union of America, an independent organization not fostered by any Baptist body, was formed at Chicago in July, 1891. Although unions had already begun to function in some Southern churches, and some states were holding conventions, the Southern Baptist Convention did not look with a great deal of favor on the B. Y. P. U. of America. This attitude was due largely to the fact that the organization was independent in nature. Dr. W. W. Barnes, in the book The Southern Baptist Convention, 1845-1953, states that it was _ _ _ “winning the young people of the churches that were allied with the Convention.” Also the convention felt it was not in position at that time to take in a B. Y. P. U. as an auxiliary to itself.

The movement gained strength, year by year. Those interested met in the First Baptist Church of Atlanta on November 21, 1895, and discussed the matter again. The final steps in organizing the young people of the Southern Baptist Convention came about in May, 1896, in Washington, D. C. Not too closely tied to the Convention at first, the new organization became more closely connected as the years went by.

North Carolina, one of the first states to organize its young people, held its first annual meeting in Durham, N. C., in 1910. Early records indicate training union activity in various churches of Robeson County about this time. For instance, there were eight unions in existence in 1915, even before the organization of the Associational B. Y. P. U. had taken place. One of our own leaders, Dr. Horace Mitchel Baker, Sr., formed the Robeson Associational B. Y. P. U. in 1919, the first organization of its kind in North Carolina.

Dr. Baker, who was President (that office is now called Director) from 1919 to 1938, was given the following tribute by Rev. A. P. Stephens at the Associational Meeting in 1923:

“The success of the union is due, in no little measure, to the relentless efforts of the Association's President, Dr. H. M. Baker, a busy surgeon, who finds time to further the interests of our Lord's Kingdom in a great way.”

There were others of the Lumberton Church who contributed to the growth and strength of training union work of Robeson. Among those who served as Associational Directors were R. P. Blake and Edgar A. Womble. Along with the individual leaders, the church produced unions that were leaders in themselves. The church was commended for leading out in establishing other unions. In 1922, Dr. Baker made this statement:

“All the organization work of the County, with the exception of two unions organized by the union at Back Swamp has been carried on by them (Lumberton Church) during the past two years.”

And in 1923, Rev. A. P. Stephens said:

“Honorable mention should be given to the Unions in the First Church of Lumberton. These progressives have given illustrative programs that have kindled interest in the hearts of the careless and indifferent.”

It was originally intended that the training program be set up for young people from 17 years of age and over. The next step was to grade the unions to take care of the Juniors and Intermediates. Before long, the adults of the churches began to meet at the same time for similar programs. Thus, the adults added themselves to the training union because they felt a definite need for it. In 1934 the name Baptist Training Union replaced the no longer descriptive title, Baptist Young People's Union.

This church has led and has followed the progress of the Training Union since it began. Records for some of the years are incomplete, but according to available information, the following have served as directors: C. C. Blake (1927), Miss Naomi Braswell (1938-1940, 1942-1943), R. P. Blake (1941), Edgar A. Womble (1944-1945, 1947), Miss Frances Freeman (1946), Mrs. Ed Wells (1948), Joseph Williams (1950), Allen Price (1951), Clifford Elkins (1952-1953), and William L. Heath (1954-1955). In addition to these, there have been those who have devoted themselves to leadership responsibilities in the Story Hour, Junior and Intermediate Unions and as sponsors of the Young People. Space does not permit all of this group to be named, but their devotion to the task explains the marvelous history and guarantees the future for our Training Union.

At present, we have eight departments, graded according to age, from the nursery through adults. The enrollment is 350, with an average attendance of 220.






The Woman's Missionary Union of North Carolina was organized in January, 1886, and the Woman's Missionary Union, auxiliary to the Southern Baptist Convention, May 11, 1888.

The Woman's Missionary Society of this church was organized on March 2, 1887, a little more than a year after the organization of the North Carolina W. M. U., and for sixty-eight years has been a growing organization, a valuable asset to the First Baptist Church of Lumberton.

At the first meeting, which was presided over by Mrs. R. D. Caldwell, the following officers were installed: Mrs. O. P. Meeks, president; Mrs. S. C. Carlyle, vice-president; Mrs. R. D. Caldwell, corresponding secretary; Mrs. A. J. Vampill, treasurer; Miss Edna Godwin, recording secretary. There were fifteen charter members of this organization, whose names were: Mrs. O. P. Meeks, Mrs. S. C. Carlyle, Mrs. A. J. Vampill, Mrs. R. D. Caldwell, Mrs. Frank Gough, Mrs. S. E. Ward (later Mrs. T. F. Toon), Mrs. S. C. Freeman, Mrs. C. E. Bryan, Mrs. H. Barnes, Mrs. Sue Pitman, Mrs. B. Godwin, Miss Edna Godwin, Miss Varina Crump, Miss Sue Crump, and Mrs. W. W. Carlyle. In reading the minutes of the early meetings of this organization, one is impressed with the earnest desire of these charter members to become a part of the world's greatest enterprise, the spread of the gospel. To the list of their names should be added the following, who came into the work soon after its organization, and joined heartily in the endeavor: Mrs. E. K. Proctor, Mrs. John Duckett, Mrs. Mamie Duckett Biggs, Mrs. I. P. Hedgpeth, Mrs. S. McIntyre, Mrs. R. T. Allen, Mrs. John P. McNeill, Mrs. Alf H. McLeod, Mrs. W. J. Prevatte, Mrs. Q. T. Williams, Mrs. Clarence Townsend, Mrs. J. A. Branch, Mrs. Sam Branch, Mrs. N. H. Jones, Sr., Mrs. I. L. Pope, Mrs. L. R. Varser, and Mrs. H. T. Pope. All of these with the exception of Mrs. H. T. Pope and Mrs. I. L. Pope have passed on to their reward, but truly, “their works do follow them.” Mrs. H. T. Pope is still an honored and active member of our society, and Mrs. I. L. Pope is our oldest living member.

The wives of our pastors have always taken an active part in leading the women of our church in this field. Beginning with Mrs. O. P. Meeks, the first President, all rendered valuable service. Mrs. F. H. Martin, Mrs. Livingston Johnson, Mrs. J. N. Booth, Mrs. George J. Dowell, Mrs. Essie Moore Durham, Mrs. C. L. Greaves, Mrs. Sadie Durham, Mrs. J. Glenn Blackburn, Mrs. P. J. McLean, and Mrs. D. Swan Haworth should receive special mention for their work in the missionary society.

For many years, a uniform Plan of Work, prepared by the W. M. U. of the Southern Baptist Convention, has been the guide of our local group. Following this plan, the

Missionary Society has brought into active service many women and young people in our community, who have been trained and developed in Christian living and in missionary activity. Our women have participated substantially in the special offerings and funds of State, Home and Foreign missions, and have established and completed several special memorial funds, The “Dovie Caldwell Memorial” of $500.00 was established in 1918. After Mrs. Caldwell's death in December, 1918, the memorial was increased in April, 1919, to $1,000.00. In November, 1923, the “Rebecca Ward Toon Memorial” of $750.00 was established by the Robeson Woman's Missionary Union, honoring Mrs. Toon as the first Superintendent of that organization. This memorial was later taken over by our Society and was completed in 1926. In November, 1922, a Memorial Room in the Baptist Hospital at Winston-Salem was established, honoring Mrs. H. T. Pope. This memorial was shared by our Society and the Robeson W. M. U.

As the Woman's Missionary Society grew, it became necessary to think about the development of leaders, as well as individuals, creating a closer personal touch and bring about a division of responsibility and work. The “Circle Plan” seemed to be the answer, and in 1915, the membership was divided into five circles. These were increased to eleven in 1925, and they were named in honor of several of the devoted workers, as follows: Lizzie Gray Proctor; Essie Durham; Dovie Caldwell; Stella Greaves; Kate Smith McLeod; Rebecca Toon; Carrie Hedgpeth; Sarah Johnson Pope; Civil Stephens; Fannie Heck; and Hesba Jeannette Britt. Presently, there are fifteen circles working under the circle plan, doing yeoman work in increasing interest, distributing the work, and enlarging the contributions to missions. The Society has grown from its original fifteen charter members to more than 350, and in gifts from $50.17 the first year to $5,298.52 last year, not including offerings made through the church envelopes.

A table showing the officers in past years and the present officers and committees is shown in the appendix. It is regrettable that the limitations imposed upon this work prevent the recording of the names of all of those who have served faithfully and well in the various official positions of this organization. Many have rendered outstanding service who could not be included here. To say that one is a member of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church of Lumberton means that one has had a vital part in the carrying on of its work.

No word on the history of our Society would be complete without mention of the prominent part its membership has played in organizing similar societies in other churches and in organizing the W. M. U. of the Robeson Baptist Association. The latter was organized in 1895, we believe, at Raft Swamp Baptist Church during the meeting of the Robeson Baptist Association. Mrs. T. F. Toon was the first superintendent and Miss Anna Thompson served as Secretary, both being members of the Society at our church. From this initial organization, the Robeson W. M. U. has grown to include 55 Woman's Missionary Societies, and 159 auxiliaries, with a total membership of 4000. The names of those from our church who have served as Superintendent of the Robeson W. M. U. are shown in the appendix.

A full graded Woman's Missionary Union requires the maintenance of a Sunbeam Band, a Royal Ambassador Chapter, Girls’ Auxiliary, a Young Woman's Auxiliary, and a Woman's Missionary Society, and for years these groups have functioned in our church. In addition, our church has gone a step further, and for many years we have had a Junior Girls’ Auxiliary, a Junior Royal Ambassador, and a Junior Y. W. A.

In May 1888, just about a year after our W. M. S. was organized, the Sunbeam Band came into existence and has functioned continuously since that time. The Biblical

Recorder in its February 5, 1936, issue stated that our Sunbeam Band “was one of eleven which had continuous work for fifty years, and one of sixteen bands reporting in the first copy of the minutes of our North Carolina W. M. U.”

It may be of interest to know that the charter members were Nettie Pitman, Bettie Caldwell, Chattie Caldwell, Mary McNeill, Charity McNeill, Emma Robeson, Mary Gray, Bertha Linkhaw, and Maggie French. These names were given in a report of Sunbeams prepared by Mrs. John P. McNeill a few years ago.

In addition to the three women who were in charge of Sunbeams at the organization, the following have served as leaders and assistants through the years: Mrs. H. T. Pope, Miss Rosena Dowell, Miss Clyde Dowell, Mrs. George J. Dowell, Miss Clara Johnson, Mrs. John P. McNeill, Mrs. I. P. Hedgpeth, Mrs. M. W. Floyd, Mrs. R. T. Allen, Mrs. Mamie Duckett Biggs, Mrs. P. S. Kornegay, Mrs. E. M. Britt, Mrs. A. V. G. Wishart, Miss Lillian Proctor, Mrs. J. A. Martin, Mrs. C. H. Durham, Mrs. J. V. Williamson, Miss Vivian McNeill, Mrs. Ben Floyd, Mrs. Nannie W. Crump, Mrs. H. M. Baker, Mrs. R. A. McIntyre, Miss Kathleen Durham, Miss Ruth Branch, Mrs. N. O. Benson, Mrs. Murphy Bennett, Mrs. W. A. Lacy, Mrs. Frank McGrath, and Miss Barbara Ellen McIntyre. Miss Barbara Ellen McIntyre is the present leader and Mrs. P. A. Roberts, assistant.

Many of the substantial men and women of our church today were members of the Sunbeam Band in their day and rendered service in official capacities.

The Intermediate Girls’ Auxiliary was organized in 1915 with Mrs. C. L. Greaves as leader. Mrs. E. R. Hardin followed Mrs. Greaves, and we have had in succession: Mrs. E. M. Johnson, Mrs. Robert Caldwell, Mrs. A. V. G. Wishart, Mrs. F. K. Biggs, Miss Amanda Allen, Mrs. S. F. Caldwell, Mrs. R. B. Harper, Mrs. E. M. Henderson, Miss Frances Freeman, Mrs. W. C. Watts, Mrs. W. Y. Floyd, Mrs. Alton Taylor, Mrs. Parker West, and the present leader, Mrs. John Floyd.

It is not known exactly when the Junior Girls’ Auxiliary was organized, but it has the distinction of having a Counselor who has served longer than any other Counselor of young people, so far as our records show. Miss Margaret Pitman was elected Junior G. A. Counselor in 1927 and is still serving in that capacity. There have been assistants from time to time who have rendered valuable service. Mrs. Mary Raybon is assisting at this time.

We have had Royal Ambassadors since 1908. Mr. Addison White was the first leader. In 1911, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Varser took over the work. Mr. B. M. Sibley served for twelve years, after which Mrs. H. M. Baker, Mrs. R. A. McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Baker, Mr. Edgar Womble, Rev. Jack Southard, R. L. Stocks and Edwin Bullock served. Mrs. H. M. Baker is the present counselor of Intermediate Royal Ambassadors.

Mrs. O. L. Henry gave several years as counselor of Junior Royal Ambassadors, and Mrs. Robert Caldwell, Mrs. Joe Meehan, Mrs. George Allen, have been her successors. Mr. James Raybon is in charge of this fine group at this time.

December, 1898, Mrs. Mamie Duckett Biggs and Mrs. George J. Dowell were appointed a committee to invite young women to join the missionary society. Five persons accepted the invitation: Misses Mary McNeill, Lizzie Prevatt, Alma Roberts, Sudie Phillips, and Artemesia Rozier. Later an invitation was extended to girls over fifteen years of age in the Sunbeam Band. This seems to have been the beginning of the Y. W. A.

In keeping with the plan of W. M. U., a Young Ladies’ Society was organized in 1899 and functioned regularly. It was not until 1907 that the name Y. W. A. was adopted by the W. M. U. The Young Ladies’ Society became Young Woman's Auxiliary in 1908. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. R. D. Caldwell. December 1912, a Junior Y. W. A. was organized with Mrs. N. H. Jones, Jr., as leader. We still have two auxiliaries, the Charles Durham Y. W. A., under the leadership of Miss Blanch Plott; the Margaret Blackburn Y. W. A., with Mrs. W. L. Heath, leader.

For many years much credit for the success of the young people's work is due to Mrs. E. M. Johnson, Mrs. E. J. Britt and Mrs. H. M. Baker. They have shown a deep interest in this phase of our work and have given to it many years of devoted service.

In closing this sketch we want to acknowledge and express appreciation for the beloved pastors of the church who have been wonderfully helpful in their wise counsel and encouragement. We have looked to them for leadership and feel that under such leadership the Lord has graciously blessed us and used us.

Many years of devoted service in time, talents, prayers, and personal effort are dedicated to the glory of God and we look to Him to lead us into greater accomplishments in the years to come.

“Laborers together with God.” “That the world may know.”


In January 1953, a club was formed for the men of the church. Monthly meetings are held by this group. It is always a supper meeting, designed to promote fellowship among the men and an interesting program is always planned.

The following have served as presidents of the organization:

Dr. L. R. Hedgpeth1953
Dr. N. O. Benson1954
Mr. Leslie J. Huntley1955

These monthly meetings have proved to be very informative for all of those attending. Matters of church importance, of denominational interest and of world-wide missionary interest have been brought to the attention of the men, thereby creating a deeper interest in the local church, enriching the fellowship among the individuals, and promoting increased missionary giving on the part of all.


With the fall of 1955, our weekday kindergarten for five year olds entered its seventh year. Approximately 175 children, including those now enrolled, have participated since September, 1949. Miss Julia Ann Armstrong was the first kindergarten teacher. The boys and girls met in the educational building until the Children's Building was completed during that school year. In 1950-51, Miss Ethel Howard, assisted by Mrs. R. Durham Prevatte, was in charge of the five year olds, and Mrs. Paul Davis taught the four year olds—the only four year group we have had. The third year, Mrs. Henry Ward and Mrs. Paul Davis served as co-teachers. Since 1952, Mrs. Sarah Burford has been in charge. Her assistants have been: Mrs. Gwendolyn Prevatte, 1952-53; Mrs. James Phillips, 1953-54; and Mrs. William L. Heath, 1954-55.

In addition to her other duties as Elementary Director, Mrs. Burford directs the kindergarten activities and personally conducts them during the morning hours, Monday through Friday. Along with her assistant she devotes Monday afternoons to planning the program for the week ahead. The 1955 Kindergarten Committee is composed of Dr. F. P. Ward, Chairman, Mrs. Henry Ward, Mrs. C. P. Osborne, Mrs. E. A. Sundy, Mr. J. E. Bryan, Mrs. J. S. Newbold, and Miss Ruth Prevatte, who work in close cooperation with Mrs. Burford in this field.

Meeting in the Children's Building of the church from nine to twelve o'clock, the boys and girls are engaged in a well-planned program that includes directed activities in interest centers, group meetings, refreshment periods, and out-door play. The kindergarten program is designed with the thought of providing the child of five with an education appropriate to his stage of development, satisfying to him in the present, and preparatory for the years immediately ahead. This education seeks the physical, mental, social, and spiritual development of each child.

Parents of the children pay a registration fee of $10.00 and $10.00 monthly tuition. The balance of cost is supplemented by the church in order to keep the kindergarten in operation and to constantly improve the weekday educational program. We consider it a most valuable investment.


It is interesting to know that a library for the church has been in existence for about fifty years, although it has not always been active. In its earliest stages, it was made up of approximately 200 character-building books. The library has been kept in various places throughout this time. Records give indication that during some of the years, books were kept in the office of the Educational Director, with that person acting as librarian.

In August, 1948, Mrs. Paul Davis was appointed by the pastor to serve as librarian. Mrs. Davis arranged the books, cataloged them, and made them ready for distribution. On June 11, 1952, she was elected Librarian by the church, in conference; and the library, containing reading material for all ages and interests, was formally dedicated on Spetember 10, 1952. Mr. Ingram P. Hedgpeth was chairman in 1954 when an “April Book Shower” brought a harvest, which increased this educational department to more than 1,050 volumes. At the present time Dr. Horace M. Baker, Jr., is chairman and Mrs. Paul Davis continues as librarian.


Recognizing the need for a concentrated period of Bible study, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Durham conducted a Vacation Bible School for the boys and girls of the church in the summer 1925. In the thirty years which followed, there has been a successful school each summer. In 1926, records indicate that there were 189 enrolled, 11 workers, and daily average attendance of 128. The school lasted four weeks, Monday through Friday.

From the records available we find that the enrolment has ranged from 132 in 1936 to 485 in 1953. The 1955 school enrolled 418, including 123 faculty members, and continued over a two-week period. Using material well-prepared for its purpose, our church contributes much to the child who attends Vacation Bible School, where he is given opportunities for worship, missionary activities, Bible stories, memory work, handcraft, and many other valuable experiences.


“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”

1 Cor. 13:13

The accomplishments of our church during the past century could never have come about if our people had not been good stewards of the material things committed into their hands by the Almighty. Throughout the years, Lumberton Baptist have, with willing hearts, brought offerings according to their grace, faith and possessions, in order that the work of our church might be carried on.

For many years, the church did not operate under a formal budget. Systematic contributions to our church were begun about 1869, when the male members of the congregation were asked to “give yearly the sum of $2.00 to support the Gospel.” (1) On March 3, 1883, small, plain envelopes were distributed to the members for their church contributions, upon which the contributor might write the amount and object of his offering. One of these small envelopes, yellowed with age, was found in the records, its actual size being 1¼ by 2¼ inches, exactly half the size of the envelope in present use. From 1878 to 1887, our benevolences were allotted from designated months, March to Foreign Missions, June to Home Missions, September to State Missions, and December to Ministerial Education. From 1901-1910, these allocations were increased, with the offerings of November and February being given to Foreign Missions, March and April to Home Missions, May and June to Ministerial Education, July to Sunday School Missions, August and October to State Missions, and the Thanksgiving offering being designated for the Orphanage and Christmas Day's offering being allocated to aged ministers.

In 1890, our church was thirty-five years old; it had a total membership of 256, was holding regular weekly and mid-week services, and its contributions totaled $1,660.36 for the year. A great indication of our growth is seen by comparing our contributions of modern times with those of 1890.

In 1942, a local budget was adopted and in 1943, a complete operating budget (local and missions.) Records for all of the past dozen years are not available, but the following facts are found in the church books:

1943$ 24,000.00195263,000.00

Thus, in the last twelve years, our church membership has increased 38% and our church budget has increased 441%.




Born in Knoxville, Tennessee, January 8, 1906, B. A., 1927, Wake Forest College. Th.M., 1930, Ph.D., 1934, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; study trips, Palestine and Europe, 1931, 1934, 1947. Pastorates: Fourth Avenue Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky, 1935-1939; First Baptist Church, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1939-1951; First Baptist Church, Lumberton, N. C., 1951- . Trustee, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1942-1951; Board of Directors, Biblical Recorder, 1952- ; Vice-Moderator, Robeson Baptist Association, 1954-1955; President, Lumberton Ministerial Association, 1955.



B. A., Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi.

B.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.



LL.B., Jackson School of Law, Jackson, Mississippi.

B.R.E., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.



B.A., Louisiana College, Pineville, Louisiana.

B.M., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.



B.S., Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi.



East Carolina College.

Additional Special Studies: Flora McDonald College (Dep't. of Music) Juilliard School of Music, Private Instruction.


Assistant to the Pastor

Educational Director

Elementary Director

Church Secretary

Organist and Choir Director


Mrs. W. L. McArver, Hostess

Mrs. William L. Heath, Assistant in Kindergarten

Mrs. Dalcho Bailey, Treasurer Assistant

Miss Ann Sessoms, Treasurer Assistant

Mrs. Jean B. Bryan, Treasurer Assistant

Mrs. Hal Coleman, Office Assistant

Anderson Taylor, Building Assistant

Delton Morgan, Assistant at Mission

William Love, Janitor

Mrs. Grace Cooper, Maid

Mrs. Jessie Belle Gaddy, Kitchen Assistant

The following Nursery Assistants are also employed by the church for Sunday and Wednesday services:

Mrs. Knox Bullard

Mrs. H. F. Bullock

Mrs. Murphy Bennett

Mrs. Gwendolyn Prevatte

Mrs. J. I. Aiken


We advance into another century with gratitude to God for our heritage, and for all those who prepared the secure foundations of our denomination in America. An examination of the history of our church fills us with love and admiration for those who have labored here and who now can serve no more. While it is good to reflect upon the splendid achievements of this church during the past century, these do but challenge us today to greater and greater advances in the work of God's Kingdom. May we, as we examine the past, become inspired by the enthusiasm, fidelity and diligence of those who have gone before, so that we will henceforth use every opportunity to fulfil our personal obligation to God and His church.


Church Covenant—185576
Rules of Decorum—185577
Sabbath Resolutions—190378
Lumberton Baptist Church Conferences 1855-186179
Superintendents—Robeson Woman's Missionary Union80
Presidents—Woman's Missionary Society81
Secretaries—Woman's Missionary Society81
Treasurers—Woman's Missionary Society81
General Officers—Woman's Missionary Society—195582
Committees—Woman's Missionary Society—195582
Young People's Work83
Church Roll—1 July 195584
Letter of Acceptance92

July 1, 1855

“We do now in the presence of God, Angels and Men without any known reserve devote ourselves to God, and choosing Him for our God and portion forever, promising most solemnly to make His word the rule of our faith and practice.”

We engage to take heed to ourselves, our conversation and company, we promise to be honest in our dealing and diligent in our calling, to shun the ways of sin and pursue the ways of holiness, we engage to a faithful watch and care over each other and a regular but scriptural discipline and to provoke each other to love and good works, to be tender of each other person's character and estate and to be just toward all men. We engage to perform the duties contemplated in our articles and in the Holy scripture such as religiously observing the Sabbath and attending public worship with our families statedly and in season, secret and family prayer, and the religious instruction of our families, restraining our children from balls and all places of vain recreation and other vicious courses and to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

In short whatever the Lord commands, we promise to observe and whatever He forbids to carefully avoid. All which we engage to perform through the gracious assistance of God to whom we glory forever and ever, Amen.

Whereas we the members of the Baptist church of Christ at Lumberton, consider that the habitual use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage is an alarming evil in our land, as the general tendency of such a course is to drunkenness and consequently injurious to individuals, to society and to the church in particular, therefore, resolve that we the said church do severally and individually agree and covenant together to abstain from the use of all intoxicating drinks as a beverage, and do hereby order this obligation to be incorporated in our church covenant as binding on each and every member of the Lumberton Baptist Church.”

July 1, 1855

I Each conference shall elect a Moderator and shall be opened with prayer.

II The clerk shall call the names of all male members at each conference and note the absentees.

III The absentees of the previous conference shall render their excuses for nonattendance and if satisfactory to the church shall be excused, otherwise be dealt with as the New Testament requires.

IV All cases continued from last conference to be brought forward to their time and order and to be disposed of in the most judicious manner.

V Inquire into the spiritual condition of the church and all matters connected; discipline shall be disposed of in due form before any other matter be introduced.

VI Any matter whatsoever connected with the church allowable in conference, may be brought to its notice; such as receiving individuals to membership, granting letters of dismission, appointing delegates, etc.

VII All motions made in strict conformity with the foregoing rules and receiving a second shall be taken under consideration, be debated and disposed of as the conference may deem best.

VIII No member shall speak more than twice on any one subject, without permission from the Moderator and shall confine himself to the subject in hand so as to give his views always with an eye to the scriptural settlement thereof.

IX No member shall interrupt another while he is speaking, he may be called to order should he depart from the subject.

Adjournment by prayer, praise or benediction at the option of the Moderator.


“Therefore we the Lumberton Baptist Church offer the following resolutions, that our members refrain from:

FIRST: Riding on trains on the sabbath as a pleasure or a convenience in business.

SECOND: Renting or driving stock for gain or wordly pleasures.

THIRD: Lending influence to work done on the Sabbath in mills.

FOURTH: Loitering around the Rail Road Station, Hotels, Court House, or streets, gossiping and reading secular newspapers.

FIFTH: Habitually absenting themselves from church, Sunday School, Prayer Meeting, whether from over-work during the week, neglect or any other cause that may be avoided.

SIXTH: We do not believe that God will prosper us spiritually if we do not remember The Sabbath Day to keep it Holy. (Ex. 20:8) God blessed the Sabbath Day and sanctified it because in it He had rested from all His work. (Heb. 4:4) Verily my Sabbath ye shall keep for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generation that you may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you. (Ex. 31:13) Six days thou shall do thy work and on the seventh day thou shalt rest that thine ox and thine horse may rest. (Ex. 23:12)

Adopted by the First Baptist Church of Lumberton, N. C.
September 3, 1933

“We do now in the presence of God, Angels and men, without any known reserve, devote ourselves to God, and choosing Him as our portion forever, promising most solemnly to make His word the rule of our faith and practice.

We engage, therefore, to keep ourselves unspotted from the world, and walk together in Christian love.

We do engage diligently to perform the duties enjoined upon us and each of us in the Holy Scriptures and we do hereby adopt the New Testament as our rule of practice.

We do, hereby, engage severally and collectively with each other, and with our Saviour to observe and to do whatever is enjoined upon us and to avoid with scrupulous care all things forbidden by our Saviour in His Holy Word.

We do further engage that, when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church of like faith and order, where we can, and where we will, as we have engaged to do here, carry out the spirit of this Covenant and the principles of God's Word.”

(1) Minutes, Book 5, page 32.THE LUMBERTON BAPTIST CHURCH CONFERENCES 1855-1861

Elder Haynes LennonAugust 5, 1855Dan McKeithan
Elder P. C. ConolySeptember 1855Benj. Freeman
Elder Haynes LennonOctober 7, 1855Benj. Freeman
Mr. Ben FreemanNovember 16, 1855Henry T. Pope
Elder D. B. AyersDecember 22, 1855Benj. Freeman
Elder P. C. ConolyMarch 22, 1856H. T. Pope
Elder P. C. ConolyApril 1856H. T. Pope
Elder P. C. ConolyMay 1856Ben. Freeman
Elder P. C. ConolyJune 1856Ben. Freeman
Elder P. C. ConolyJuly 1856Ben. Freeman
Elder P. C. ConolySeptember 1856Ben. Freeman
Elder P. C. ConolyNovember 2, 1856Ben. Freeman
Elder Jesse RogersNovember 30, 1856H. T. Pope
Elder Elias D. JohnsonJune 1857Ben. Freeman
Mr. James BlountNovember 1857Ben. Freeman
Elder Haynes LennonDecember 1857H. T. Pope
Elder William B. BullardMay 1858H. T. Pope
Mr. Benj. FreemanJune 1858H. T. Pope
Elder Haynes LennonJune 27, 1858H. T. Pope
Mr. Benj. FreemanJuly 27, 1858H. T. Pope
Mr. Benj. FreemanAugust 21, 1858H. T. Pope
Elder Furney PrevatteSeptember 25, 1858H. T. Pope
Elder Elias D. JohnsonOctober 1858H. T. Pope
Elder Haynes LennonNovember 1858H. T. Pope
Elder Haynes LennonDecember 1858H. T. Pope
Mr. Benj. FreemanJanuary 1859H. T. Pope
Elder Haynes LennonFebruary 1859Ben. Freeman
Elder Haynes LennonMarch 1859Ben. Freeman
Elder Lennon served monthly until December 1859
Mr. Banjamin FreemanDecember 1859H. T. Pope
Elder Haynes LennonJanuary 21, 1860Thomas A. Norment
Elder Haynes LennonFebruary 25, 1860Thomas A. Norment
Elder Lennon and Thomas A. Norment served until December 1860
Mr. John HillDecember 22, 1860Thomas A. Norment
Elder Haynes LennonFebruary 23, 1860H. T. Pope
Elder Haynes LennonMarch 23, 1861T. A. Norment

(Courtesy of Mr. B. Frank McMillan)

The index to wills in Robeson County Court House registered several bequests to this church. Others may have named it as a beneficiary but the index carried only the following:

4376E. K. Proctor, Jr.
594A. K. Flowers
5313S. A. Edmund
6166Cale A. Inman
6168R. D. Caldwell
6278Dr. Neill Archie Thompson
7227Quitman T. Williams
978W. O. Thompson
9455K. M. Biggs
1063S. Musselwhite

(Courtesy of Mr. Douglas Kinlaw)

BB-147William McNeillLebanon Church10-13-18511851
HH-474Reuben KingLumberton Baptist Church12-185310-14-1867
PP-508Giles LeithLumberton Baptist Church6-7-18576-19-1875
(Gift Deed—see Church Minutes Book 1)
SS-91W. J. Brown et ux, et als
(Q. Release Heirs of Reubin King)Lumberton Baptist Church9-5-18759-28-1876
SS-123Alf Rowland et als
(Q. Deed Heirs of William Bount)Lumberton Baptist Church9-5-18759-28-1876
3A-147James McD. French et uxLumberton Baptist Church6-17-187911-10-1880
3D-618Lumberton Baptist Church(Old Church Sale)12-18818-21-1884
4J-466Columbus CountyLumberton Baptist Church East Lumberton Church Lot1-7-19021-7-1902
4L-556Stephen McIntyre et uxLumberton Baptist Church (1st Parsonage Lot)11-6-190211-24-1902
4P-554George G. French ((Lot No. 60)Lumberton Baptist Church6-4-19036-4-1903
4P-556Lumberton Baptist Church (Lot No. 59)George and Margaret French6-4-19036-4-1903
5I-118Lumberton Baptist ChurchEast Lumberton Baptist Church11-15-190712-12-1907
5N-73K. M. Biggs, et al.Lumberton Baptist Church11-27-190811-27-1908
5U-262Jenkins Bennett et uxLumberton Baptist Church3-30-19105-10-1910
(Gift Deed for West Lumberton Baptist Church Lot)
6G-241Lumberton Baptist ChurchL. R. Varser3-31-19134-18-1913
6G-337K. M. Biggs, et alsFirst Baptist Church4-5-19135-10-1913
6T-163First Baptist ChurchMargaret French McLean12-17-191712-28-1917
9K-132David H. Fuller et uxFirst Baptist Church10-7-194110-10-1941
10R-394K. M. Biggs EstateFirst Baptist Church10-18-19484-22-1949
(Gift Deed lot for Children's Building)
10R-462First Baptist ChurchNorth Lumberton Baptist Church3-31-19495-20-1949
(Gift Deed for North Lumberton Baptist Church Property)
11-C-363First Baptist ChurchDavid Fuller et ux12-3-195112-7-1951
11C-365David Fuller et exFirst Baptist Church12-3-195112-7-1951

Robeson Woman's Missionary Union
(Eight of the twelve were members of our Church)

Mrs. T. F. Toon1895-1900
Mrs. Mamie Ducket Biggs1901
Mrs. H. T. Pope1902-1906
Mrs. R. D. Caldwell1907-1918
Mrs. H. M. Baker1925-1926
Mrs. Alf H. McLeod1927-1928
Mrs. I. P. Hedgpeth*1942
Mrs. J. G. Stephens1943-1955
* Mrs. I. P. Hedgpeth was elected Superintendent Emeritus in 1943.

Woman's Missionary Society

Mrs. O. P. Meeks1887-1889
Mrs. E. K. Proctor*1889, 1895-1897, 1904-1917
Mrs. R. C. Ward1890
Mrs. R. D. Caldwell1891, 1903
Mrs. F. H. Martin1892-1894
Mrs. J. N. Booth1896-1897
Mrs. John Duckett1897 and 1898 (8 months)
Mrs. George Dowell1898
Mrs. H. T. Pope*1899, 1900, 1927-1929
Mrs. Mamie Duckett Biggs1901, 1902
Mrs. C. L. Greaves1918
Mrs. John P. McNeill1919-1922
Mrs. H. M. Baker1923
Mrs. Alf H. McLeod1924-1926
Mrs. E. R. Hardin1930, 1931, 1954, 1955
Mrs. A. F. Ward1932-1934
Mrs. M. F. Townsend1935, 1939
Mrs. E. J. Britt1936-1938
Mrs. C. Guy Townsend1940-1944, 1947
Mrs. George Deans1945, 1946
Mrs. J. N. Britt1948, 1949
Mrs. Robert Caldwell1950, 1951
Mrs. R. A. McIntyre1952, 1953


Miss Edna Godwin3 yearsMrs. J. C. Hutto1 year
Mrs. E. K. Proctor4 yearsMrs. Frank McGrath2 years
Mrs. R. C. Toon1 yearMrs. E. A. Allen1 year
Mrs. John Duckett1 yearMrs. M. F. Townsend1 year
Mrs. Mamie D. Biggs1 yearMrs. Guy Townsend1 year
Mrs. S. McIntyre2 yearsMrs. R. C. Ivey1 year
Miss Ina Higley3 yearsMiss Ethel Pitman1 year
Mrs. R. T. Allen4 yearsMrs. H. M. Leckie1 year
Mrs. Essie Durham5 yearsMrs. A. G. Willis1 year
Mrs. I. P. Hedgpeth17 yearsMiss Mildred Williams2 years
Mrs. Fodie Huggins1 yearMrs. O. B. Kinlaw2 years
Mrs. D. H. Fuller10 yearsMrs. Julius Singletary1 year
Mrs. W. A. Roach1 year


Mrs. A. J. Vampill12 yearsMrs. C. H. Durham6 years
Mrs. E. K. Proctor3 yearsMrs. Paul Blake2 years
Mrs. S. McIntyre26 yearsMrs. Leroy Townsend4 years
Mrs. W. A. Roach5 yearsMrs. Ingram P. Hedgpeth5 years
Mrs. E. R. Hardin5 years
* Mrs. E. K. Proctor was elected President Emeritus March 7, 1923. Mrs. H. T. Pope, Nov. 29, 1948.


President EmeritusMrs. H. T. Pope
W. M. U. Counselor & HistorianMrs. C. H. Durham
PresidentMrs. E. R. Hardin
1st Vice PresidentMrs. Eli Wishart
2d Vice President & Standard of ExcellenceMrs. Paul A. Davis
Recording SecretaryMrs. Julius Singletary
Ass't. Recording SecretaryMrs. Frank McGrath
Corresponding SecretaryMrs. V. D. Baker, Jr.
TreasurerMrs. Ingram P. Hedgpeth
Ass't. TreasurerMrs. R. C. Ivey
Stewardship ChairmanMrs. J. G. Stephens
StatisticianMrs. A. R. Pittman
Ass't. StatisticianMrs. D. E. Ward
Music ChairmanMrs. R. S. Davis
Ass't. Music ChairmanMrs. E. K. Howard
Community Missions ChairmanMrs. R. D. Caldwell
Home Missions ChairmanMrs. Theo Mees
State Missions ChairmanMrs. O. L. Barnes
Foreign Missions ChairmanMrs. Ed. Wells
Mission Study ChairmanMrs. Henry Ward
Ass't. Mission Study ChairmanMrs. D. Swan Haworth
B. W. C. AdviserMrs. I. R. Burleson


Year Book Committee: Mrs. Fletcher Sessoms, Chairman; Mrs. Paul A. Davis, Mrs. Eli Wishart.

Executive Committee: Composed of General Officers, Circle Leaders, Committee Chairman, Counselors of Young Peoples Organization, and all past presidents.

Committee on Young People's Work: Mrs. E. J. Britt, Chairman; Sunbeam, G. A.; R. A.; and Y. W. A. Counselors; Fostering Chairman from each Circle.

Enlistment Committee: Mrs. Eli Wishart, chairman; Enlistment chairman from each circle.

Program Committee: Mrs. Paul A. Davis, chairman; program chairman from each circle.

Literature Committee: Mrs. V. D. Baker, Jr., chairman; literature chairman from each circle.

Community Missions Committee: Mrs. R. D. Caldwell, chairman; community missions chairman from each circle.

Mission Study Committee: Mrs. Henry Ward, chairman; mission study chairman from each circle.

Stewardship Committee: Mrs. J. G. Stephens, chairman; Mrs. Ingram Hedgpeth; Stewardship chairman from each circle.

Social Committee: Mrs. W. P. Elam, chairman; Mrs. N. O. Benson; Mrs. Carlton Lindsey, Jr.; Mrs. John Hood; Mrs. J. N. Britt, Jr.; social chairman from each circle.

Food Committee: Mrs. D. J. Hedgpeth, Chairman; Mrs. Dick Prevatte; Mrs. W. M. Burney; Mrs. M. R. Rich; Mrs. Nash Kinlaw; Mrs. John Gardner.

Kitchen Committee: Mrs. R. L. Stocks, chairman; Mrs. C. S. Bristow; Mrs. Alton Taylor.

Tribute Committee: Mrs. Guy Townsend, chairman; Mrs. A. F. Ward, Miss Mildred Williams.


DirectorMrs. E. J. Britt
Adv. to Y. P. OrganizationsMrs. E. M. Johnson
Sunbeam LeaderMiss Barbara Ellen McIntyre
Assistant Leader, SunbeamMrs. P. A. Roberts
Junior Counselors, G. A.Miss Margaret Pittman
R. A.Mr. James Raybon
Intermediate Counselors, G. A.Mrs. John Floyd, Jr.
R. A.Mrs. H. M. Baker
Y. W. A. Counselors Charles DurhamMiss Blanche Plott
Margaret BlackburnMrs. William Heath

As of July 1, 1955

*Non-resident — **In Service

Abbott, Kermit L.Barnes, A. HicksBiggs, I. M.
Abbott, Mrs. Kermit L.Barnes, Mrs. A. HicksBiggs, Mrs. I. M.
*Adcox, Mrs. Monte B.Barnes, Arthur R.*Biggs, Miss Jeanette
Aiken, Mrs. J. I.Barnes, CarolBiggs, Dr. J. Irvin
Aiken, Mary Jean**Barnes, Billy HughBiggs, Mrs. K. M.
Albritton, Mrs. PaulBarnes, Mrs. Billy H.Biggs, T. Beverly
Albritton, Paul, Jr.*Barnes, CecilBiggs, Mrs. T. Beverly
Aldridge, James W.Barnes, Fred G.Blackmon, Linda
Aldridge, Mrs. James W.*Barnes, Mrs. HubertBlackmon, W. G.
Aldridge, JeffBarnes, LacyBlackmon, Mrs. W. G.
Aldridge, JimmyBarnes, Mrs. LacyBlackmon, Norman
Alexander, Dr. J. B.Barnes, Dr. O. L.Blake, B. T.
Alexander, Mrs. J. B.Barnes, Mrs. O. L.Blake, Mrs. B. T.
Allen, E. A., Sr.Barnes, Mrs. W. N.Blake, James David
Allen, Mrs. E. A., Sr.Barnes, W. N., Jr.Blake, Ernest
Allen, Dr. G. C.Barnette, Rev. J. D.Blake, Mrs. Ernest
Allen, Mrs. G. C.Barnette, Mrs. J. D.Blake, Ernie, Jr.
Allen, G. C., Jr.*Barton, Mrs. T. W., Jr.Blake, Mrs. Jas. Harold
Allen, PeggyBass, J. AlbertBlakeley, Helen
Allen, HerodBass, Mrs. J. AlbertBlanchard, C. E.
Allen, Mrs. HerodBatts, Mrs. F. B.Blanchard, Mrs. C. E.
Allen, H. Pitman*Baxley, Mrs. BettyBlanton, Judy Carolyn
Allen, Alice ElliotBaxley, C. F.Blevins, Mrs. George
Allen, Gerald PitmanBaxley, Mrs. C. F.Bluemel, Mrs. Ernest
Allen, H. V.Baxley, CarolynBlythe, Mrs. Mamie M.
Allen, Mrs. H. V.Baxley, GailBolton, Mrs. Henry
Allen, HerbertBaxley, Hal B.Boney, A. Edwin
Allen, R. G.Baxley, Mrs. Hal B.Bowen, F. L.
Allen, Mrs. W. R.Baxley, Mr. TroyBowen, Mrs. F. L.
Anderson, Mrs. Karl E.*Baxley, RudolphBowen, Mrs. Jessie
Andrews, AnnetteBennett, Mrs. C. J.Boyd, Kenneth E.
Andrews, Mrs. J. BundyBennett, Charles EdwardBoyd, Mrs. Kenneth E.
Andrews, J. MelvinBennett, Gene AutreyBoyd, Billy
Andrews, Mrs. J. Melvin*Bennett, JohnnyBradley, John W.
Andrews, RebeccaBennett, KnoxBradley, Mrs. John W.
Antone, Mrs. W. E.Bennett, Neil ArchieBradley, John W., Jr.
Atkinson, Mrs. O. T.Bennett, SammyBranch, Mrs. Ferris
Austin, Mrs. James W.Bennett, VivianBranch, Miss Ruth
Ayers, Mrs. John S.Bennett, G. R.Braswell, J. Hoyt
Ayers, John Stedman, Jr.Bennett, Mrs. G. R.Braswell, Mrs. J. H.
Bennett, JohnBraswell, Bobby
Bailey, DalchoBennett, Mrs. MurphyBray, F. R.
Bailey, Mrs. Dalcho*Bennett, EarlBray, Mrs. F. R.
Bailey, Mrs. G. L., Jr.Bennett, JannieBray, Linda Lee
Bailey, Hicks*Bennett, LillianBridges, Mrs. Emma
Bailey, Mrs. HicksBenson, Dr. N. O.Bridges, W. S.
Baird, Dr. N. G.Benson, Mrs. N. O.Brigman, Spurgeon
Baird, Mrs. N. G.Benson, JulianneBrisson, James
Baird, GeorgeBenton, JamesBristow, Mrs. C. S.
Baird, Norma LucretiaBenton, Mrs. JamesBritt, Adrian M.
Baker, E. T.Benton, James, Jr.Britt, Mrs. Adrian M.
Baker, Mrs. E. T.Berkley, RussellBritt, B. C.
**Baker, Eddie, Jr.Berkley, Mrs. RussellBritt, Mrs. B. C.
Baker, EmilyBest, WilliamBritt, Caswell P.
Baker, James VernonBest, Mrs. WilliamBritt, Mrs. Caswell
Baker, Mrs. H. M., Sr.Best, VirginiaBritt, Joe Freeman
Baker, Dr. H. M., Jr.Biggs, Carlyle B.Britt, Nancy
Baker, Mrs. V. D., Sr.Biggs, D. W.Britt, Charles
Baker, V. D., Jr.Biggs, Mrs. D. W.Britt, Edwin
Baker, Mrs. V. D., Jr.Biggs, F. K.Britt, Joyce Anne
Baker, ElizabethBiggs, Mrs. F. K.Britt, E. H.
Baldwin, Mrs. G. W.Biggs, F. K., Jr.Britt, Mrs. E. J.
*Barden, Mrs. O. L.Biggs, Mrs. F. K., Jr.Britt, Louten Rhodes
Barfield, CarolynBiggs, H. FranklinBritt, Rowland
Barker, Miss BerthaBiggs, DavidBritt, E. J., Jr.
Barker, Mrs. C. M.Biggs, H. Franklin, Jr.Britt, Mrs. E. J., Jr.

Britt, Ellery J.Bullock, H. F.Covington, Mrs. E. P.
Britt, Mrs. Ellery J.Bullock, Mrs. H. F.Covington, Tommie
Britt, Mrs. E. M.**Bullock, H. F., Jr.*Cox, Kermit
*Britt, SamuelBullock, Peggy AnneCox, R. C.
Britt, E. M., Jr.Bullock, HiltonCox, Mrs. R. C.
Britt, Evander C.Bullock, Mrs. HiltonCranfill, M. Smoot
Britt, Mrs. FannieBullock, Hilda FayCranfill, Mrs. M. Smoot
Britt, Mrs. F. N.Bullock, Mrs. J. A.Cranfill, Mrs. P. E.
Britt, Norma JaneBullock, EdwinCranfill, Paul, III
Britt, Reginald*Bullock, JamesCreech, James E.
Britt, Forrest*Bullock, Mrs. JamesCreech, Mrs. Jas. E.
Britt, Mrs. ForrestBurford, Mrs. SarahCrofton, G. B.
Britt, AlfriedaBurford, Martha LouiseCrofton, Mrs. G. B.
Britt, Forrest, Jr.Burford, Mary ElizabethCrump, Herman
Britt, Miss GertieBurleson, Mrs. Marion A.Culbreath, J. C.
Britt, J. ClarenceBurney, Mrs. W. M.Culbreath, Mrs. J. C.
Britt, Mrs. J. ClarenceBurns, NancyCulbreath, Charles
*Britt, Mrs. J. H.Burns, Robert F.Culbreath, Nancy Helen
Britt, Dr. J. N.Burns, Mrs. Robt. F.*Culbreath, Mrs. J. T.
Britt, Mrs. J. N.*Butler, Mrs. MonroeCulbreth, John C.
Britt, J. N., Jr.Butler, Mrs. MurchCulbreth, Mrs. John C.
Britt, Mrs. J. N., Jr.*Butler, KennethCurrin, John Albert
Britt, Lacy D.Byrd, Thomas HaroldCurrin, Mrs. John A.
Britt, Mrs. Lacy D.Byrd, W. L.Currin, Mrs. W. B.
Britt, LennoxByrd, Mrs. W. L.Currin, W. R.
*Britt, Mrs. Leon H.
Britt, LindaCaldwell, Mrs. L. H.Daniels, Mrs. Lee A.
Britt, Luther J.Caldwell, M. F.Daniels, Preston, Jr.
Britt, Luther, Jr.Caldwell, Mrs. R. D.Daniels, Mrs. Preston, Jr.
Britt, Miss MargaretCaldwell, R. D., III*Daniels, Mrs. Warren E.
*Britt, Mrs. MargaretCaldwell, S. F., Jr.*Darrus, Mrs. Morris
Britt, PaisleyCaldwell, Mrs. S. F., Jr.Davis, Ambrose
Britt, Mrs. PaisleyCanady, GordonDavis, Mrs. Ambrose
Britt, CarolynCanady, Mrs. GordonDavis, Bruce Reynolds
Britt, Pattie SueCanady, Carey GordonDavis, C. C.
Britt, Peggy J.Canady, LutherDavis, Peggy Elaine
Britt, Phyllis DaleCanady, Mrs. LutherDavis, Leon
Britt, PurdieCanady, Arston NealDavis, Mrs. Leon
Britt, Mrs. PurdieCannon, Mrs. VernonDavis, Peggy
*Britt, Ertle KnoxCapps, Mrs. W. R.Davis, Paul A.
*Britt, R. B.Capps, Mary JoyceDavis, Mrs. Paul A.
Britt, R. L.Carlyle, F. E.Davis, R. S.
**Britt, Clyde LeeCarlyle, Mrs. F. E.Davis, Mrs. R. S.
Britt, Ramon PaulCarr, FranklinDavis, R. S. Jr.
Britt, Robert CarlCarr, Mrs. FranklinDavis, Stacy
Britt, RobertCarter, Mrs. BobbyDavis, Mrs. Stacy
Britt, Mrs. Sam C.*Carter, HildaDavis, Mrs. Wade H.
Britt, Betty Tolar**Cartwright, ErnestDavis, Archie Billy
Britt, Jas. Clayton*Cartwright, William J.*Dawson, J. C.
*Britt, Theodore*Cartwright, Mrs. Wm. J.Dawson, Mrs. J. C.
Britt, Thomas*Cason, Mrs. WilliamDean, Fletcher
Britt, Mrs. ThomasCashwell, J. P.Dean, S. C.
Britt, Mrs. T. O.Cashwell, R. G.Dean, Mrs. S. C.
Britt, Mrs. W. C., Jr.Cashwell, Mrs. R. G.*Deese, Mrs. Lena F.
Britt, Billie RoseCashwell, Richard*DeMond, Mrs. G. G.
Britt, YvonneCashwell, RussellDew, Luther, Jr.
Britt, W. S.Chitty, Mrs. O. P.*Dew, William Creed
Broadway, J. R.*Clark, H. S.*Dixon, Miss Lois
Broadway, Mrs. J. R.*Clay, Mrs. K. B.Dover, G. L.
*Bruce, Mrs. WayneClegg, Mrs. R. E.Dover, Mrs. G. L.
Bruton, Mrs. J. B., Sr.Clewis, C. C.Dover, Ellen Jane
Bruton, William D.Cobb, Miss LollieDowdle, Mrs. Paul
Bruton, Mrs. Wm. D.*Coghill, Mrs. C. L.*Dowless, Mrs. J. W.
Bryan, J. E.Cole, C. C.Drawdy, F. D., Jr.
Bryan, Mrs. J. E.Cole, Mrs. C. C.Drawdy, Mrs. F. D., Jr.
Bryan, Mrs. M. J.Cole, LindaDriscoll, James T.
Bryan, Max**Cole, Charles, Jr.Driscoll, Mrs. Jas. T.
Bryan, Mrs. Max*Cole, Mrs. Chas., Jr.Driscoll, Jim
Bryant, Mrs. EdwardColeman, HalDriscoll, Mrs. T. R.
Bryant, J. C.Coleman, Mrs. HalDriscoll, Fred Lee
Bryant, Mrs. J. C.Collins, Betty JeanDriscoll, Mrs. Fred Lee
Bullard, Mrs. BelleCollins, BillyDuffell, Mrs. A. E.
Bullard Carl*Collins, DouglasDunbar, Henry O.
Bullard, Mrs. CarlCollins, E. H.Dunbar, Mrs. Henry O.
Bullard, J. ErvinCollins, Mrs. E. H.*Duncan, Carlton
Bullard, CliffordCollins, H. A.*Duncan, Mrs. Kenneth
Bullard, Mrs. CliffordCollins, Mrs. H. A.Dunie, Mrs. Jakie
Bullard, Knox*Collins, JackDurham, Mrs. C. H.
Bullard, Mrs. KnoxCollins, Mrs. J. T., Jr.
Bullard, Elizabeth E.Collins, JaniceEakes, C. A. D.
Bullard, RonnieCollins, Mrs. NashEakes, Mrs. C. A. D.
Bullock, BrendaCollins, Jo Ann*Earle, R. K.
Bullard, CarlCollins, Mrs. R. M.Edens, Mrs. L. C.
Bullock, Mrs. Carl*Cook, Mrs. Wm., Jr.Edmund, Miss Ruth

Edwards, Mrs. FrancesFreeman, Kay FrancesHarrelson, Mrs. John
Edwards, FrankFreeman, Robt. EarlHarrelson, Carlton
*Edwards, Mrs. FrankFreeman, Mrs. Robt. EarlHarrelson, Mrs. Bruce
Edwards, Mrs. W. F.Freeman, JoanHarrelson, Miss Alene
Edwards, Mrs. S. C.Frost, Mrs. H. Wilson*Harrill, Jack Mills
*Edwards, CarolynFuller, D. H.*Harrill, Mrs. Jack M.
Edwards, RussellFuller, Mrs. D. H.Harrill, Paul H.
Elam, W. P.*Fuller, Dr. D. H., Jr.Harrill, Mrs. Paul H.
Elam, Mrs. W. P.*Fuller, Mrs. D. H., Jr.Harrill, Mrs. V. M.
Ellis, Alex*Fuller, Gene*Harris, Mrs. Edith W.
Ellis, WarrenHarris, J. D.
Ellis, Mrs. LouisHarris, Mrs. J. D.
Ellis, DavidGaddy, R. W.Harris, Glenda Jolly
Elmore, W. E.Galloway, Mrs. N. O.Harris, Sandra
Elmore, Mrs. W. E.*Galusha, Miss NancyHartley, A. M.
*Ennis, RenoGardner, John S.Hartley, Mrs. A. M.
*Etheridge, Mrs. DwightGardner, Mrs. John S.Hatchell, J. L., Jr.
Evans, Miss MargaretGentry, Mrs. Bill W.Hatchell, L. W.
*Evans, MarianneGerrald, Marvin H.Hatchell, Mrs. L. W.
Everleigh, Mrs. C. A.Gerrald, Mrs. Marvin H.Hatchell, Thomas
**Everleigh, Bobby**Gerrald, CoswellHatchell, Stuart
**Everleigh, Carl, Jr.*Gerrald, Mrs. CoswellHaworth, Dr. D. Swan
Everleigh, Sara*Gibson, Mrs. E. F.Haworth, Mrs. D. Swan
*Gibson, Foster, Jr.Haworth, David
*Gibson, KingHaworth, Martha Lou
Fairfax, H. A.*Gibson, WarrenHaworth, Richard
Fairfax, Mrs. H. A.Glaze, John B.Haworth, Robertson
**Fairfax, H. A., Jr.Glaze, Mrs. John B.Head, Thomas J., Jr.
Falls, C. D.Gleaton, J. B.Head, Mrs. Thos. J., Jr.
Falls, Mrs. C. D.Gleaton, Mrs. J. B.Heath, William L. (Rev.)
*Farmer, Mrs. A. G.Glover, Mrs. E. J.Heath, Mrs. Wm. L.
Farmer, Mrs. A. L.Glover E. J., Jr.Heath, Billie Ruth
*Farmer, Sara FrancesGlover, Mrs. E. J., Jr.Heath, Regina
Faulk, Alva S.Goodwin, Roy A.Heath, William L., Jr.
Faulk, Mrs. Alva S.Goodwin, Mrs. Roy A.*Hedgpeth, Mrs. Adeline Herring
Faulk, Betty MackGoodwin, Roy A., Jr.Hedgpeth, D. J.
Faulk, Mrs. FannyGoodyear, Mrs. E. O.Hedgpeth, Mrs. D. J.
Faulk, Mrs. Beatrice M.Gore, HubertHedgpeth, Danny
Faulk, D. C.Gore, Mrs. HubertHedgpeth, Marianne
Faulk, Mrs. D. C.*Gornto, GeorgeHedgpeth, Ingram P.
Faulk, Mack*Gornto, Henry WardHedgpeth, Mrs. Ingram P.
Faulk, VoydGough, Miss LinaHedgpeth, Dr. L. R.
Faulk, Mrs. Voyd*Graham, Miss Mary RuthHedgpeth, Mrs. L. R.
Faulk, JoanGrasser, H. L.Hedgpeth, Joe
Fennell, John B.Grasser, Mrs. H. L.Hedgpeth, L. R., Jr.
Fennell, Mrs. JohnGray, BillyHedgpeth, Mrs. R. A., Sr.
Fennell, John B., Jr.Gray, FerrellHedgpeth, R. A., Jr.
*Fisher, JanetGray, SonnyHedgpeth, Mrs. R. A., Jr.
*Fisher, Phyllis*Gray, Mrs. W. H.Hedgpeth, Ann
Flowers, Mrs. Clement M.Greene, John F.Hedgpeth, Dr. W. C.
Flowers, GardnerGreene, Mrs. John F.Hedgpeth, Mrs. W. C.
Flowers, Mrs. GardnerGriffin, BufordHedgpeth, Drina
Flowers, JimmyGriffin, Mrs. BufordHedgpeth, W. C., Jr.
Flowers, LarryGriffin, DonnieHedgpeth, Jane
Flowers, H. T.*Gustina, Mrs. F. L.*Helps, O. L.
Flowers, Mrs. H. T.Guy, Ray Ann*Helps, Mrs. O. L.
*Floyd, A. J.Guy, WillieHenderson, E. M.
Floyd, Ben G.Henderson, Mrs. E. M.
Floyd, Mrs. Ben G.Henry, O. L.
Floyd, B. G., Jr.Haden, Mrs. E. L.Henry, Mrs. O. L.
Floyd, Mrs. B. G., Jr.*Hales, Mrs. David**Henry, Everett
Floyd, Ben IIIHall, Mrs. JessieHenry, O. L., Jr.
Floyd, DonHall, Albert Lee, Jr.Herring, Mrs. Janice
Floyd, Mrs. DonHall, J. LutherHerring, Sue
Floyd, Mrs. EvaHall, Mrs. J. LutherHerring, M. R., Sr.
*Floyd, F. MarionHall, Charles*Herring, M. R., Jr.
**Floyd, John EdwardHall, James E.*Herring, Mrs. M. R., Jr.
Floyd, Mrs. John EdwardHall, T. A.*Herring, Roy
Floyd, J. W.Hall, Mrs. T. A.*Herring, Tommy
Floyd, Mrs. J. W.Hall, Cynthia AnnHester, T. Y.
Floyd, Johnny*Hall, JohnnyHester, Mrs. T. Y.
Floyd, Mrs. JohnHall, WilliamHewitt, Gene W.
Floyd, Mrs. W. Y.Hall, Mrs. WilliamHewitt, Mrs. Gene W.
Floyd, Betty JeanHamilton, Mrs. F. D.Hickman, Atlas
*Floyd, Yates W.Hamilton, LeonHickman, Mrs. Atlas
Ford, MaxieHarden, Miss Bessie G.Hickman, James
Ford, Mrs. MaxieHarden, BillHickman, Mrs. James
Fountain, L. E.Harden, Miss Della MaeHickman, James, Jr.
Fountain, Mrs. L. E.Harden, James MitchellHickman, Mrs. Jeff
Fountain, Brenda SueHarden, Miss ThelmaHigley, Gilbert, Jr.
Fountain, JimmyHardin, Dr. E. R.*Hilburn, Mrs. Ben
*Fowler, Mrs. C. J.Hardin, Mrs. E. R.Hilburn, Mrs. D. D.
Freeman, A. M.Harrell, Mrs. J. T.Hilburn, D. D., Jr.
Freeman, Mrs. A. M.Harrelson, JohnHill, Hugh

Hill, Mrs. HughJames, Curtis NealLamb, Mrs. James
Hill, Bobby LeeJames, Mrs. Willie E.Lamb, Mrs. R. L.
Hill, Betty Dare*Jemes, Mrs. F. M.Lamb, Raymond C.
Hinds, William A.Jennings, BobbyLamb, Mrs. Raymond C.
Hinnant, CherryJennings, Dr. G. B.*Lamb, Rudolph
Hobbs, Mrs. Joe D.Jennings, Mrs. G. B.**Lamb, William N.
Hobbs, Douglas*Jernigan, Howard L.*Lamb, Mrs. William N.
Hodge, Mrs. B. B., Jr.Johnson, E. M.Lambeth, W. O.
*Hodges, Mary JeanJohnson, Mrs. E. M.Lambeth, Mrs. W. O.
Hoffman, E. N.Johnson, Miss LoisLambeth, Ann
Hoffman, Mrs. E. N.*Johnson, MackLambeth, Ben
Hofler, Miss IolaJohnson, T. L.Lambeth, Walter
Hogan, Miss GaynelleJohnson, Mrs. T. L.*Landis, Mrs. Ned
Holland, James U.Johnston, W. C.*Landis, Ned, Jr.
Holland, Mrs. James U.Johnston, Mrs. W. C.Lane, Eugene
Holland, Elizabeth*Jones, Mrs. Bobby*Lassiter, Mrs. Marie
Holland, Mrs. R. E.Jones, David A.*Lefelar, Mrs. George
Holland, MarjorieJones, Mrs. David A.Leggett, R. F.
Holland, Robert*Jones, Mrs. IdaLeggett, Mrs. R. F.
Holmes, Mrs. A. J., Sr.*Jones, Mrs. J. A.Leggett, Franklin
Holmes, A. J., Jr.Jordan, J. M.Leggett, June
Holmes, Mrs. A. J., Jr.Jordan, LeroyLeggett, Mrs. Hilton
Holmes, RichardJordan, Mrs. LeroyLemar, Mrs. Evelyn M.
*Holmes, R. H.Julian, J. V.Lennon, Miss Minnie
Honeycutt, Miss LillieJulian, Mrs. J. V.*Lewis, Mrs. Ashley
Hood, John J.**Julian, BillyLewis, Mrs. Effie
Hood, Mrs. John J.Lewis, Durham E.
Hood, John J., Jr.Lewis, Howard M.
*Hooper, Mrs. Richard M.Kaufman, Mrs. MaudeLewis, Mrs. Howard M.
Howard, Mrs. E. K.Kennedy, E. W.Lewis, Tom L.
*Howard, Mrs. J. T.Kennedy, Mrs. E. W.Lindsey, Carlton
Hudson, Eric HaroldKennington, J. E.Lindsey, Mrs. Carlton
Hudson, Mrs. E. HaroldKennington, Mrs. J. E.Lindsey, Carlton, Jr.
Huggins, JackKennington, JimmyLindsey, Mrs. Carlton, Jr.
Huggins, Mrs. Jack**Kinlaw, CharlesLineberry, Joseph L.
*Huggins, James*Kinlaw, Mrs. CharlesLineberry, Mrs. Jos. L.
*Huggins, Mrs. JamesKinlaw, D. G.Linkhaw, A. H.
Huggins, J. B.Kinlaw, Mrs. D. G.Linkhaw, Mrs. A. H.
Huggins, Mrs. J. B.Kinlaw, D. G., Jr.Linkhaw, William D.
Huggins, Johnny**Kinlaw, JackLinkhaw, Mrs. Wm. D.
Huggins, LynberryKinlaw, Mrs. DockeryLinkhaw, Marilyn
Huggins, Mrs. LynberryKinlaw, Durham O.Littlefield, B. E.
Huggins, Mrs. J. M.Kinlaw, Mrs. Durham O.Littlefield, Mrs. B. E.
Hughes, W. M.Kinlaw, JamesLittlefield, Susan
Hughes, Mrs. W. M.*Kinlaw, J. W.Littlejohn, C. B.
Humphrey, Mrs. BertieKinlaw, Mrs. EmoryLittlejohn, Mrs. C. B.
Humphrey, D. Boyd*Kinlaw, VanceLivermore, R. H.
Humphrey, Mrs. D. BoydKinlaw, Sylvia JeanLivermore, Mrs. R. H.
Humphrey, Jean FrancesKinlaw, Mrs. Knox*Livingston, Mrs. P. O.
*Humphrey, Mrs. Onita M.Kinlaw, Knox, Jr.Lloyd, Gettys
*Humphrey, Rev. J. Edward*Kinlaw, Mrs. LloydLloyd, Mrs. Gettys
*Humphrey, Mrs. J. EdwardKinlaw, MackLoizou, Mrs. Carrie Pope
Humphries, WilliamKinlaw, Mrs. MackLong, Mrs. Charles
Humphries, Mrs. Wm.Kinlaw, MichaelLovett, Ed
Huntley, L. J., Jr.Kinlaw, MyraLovett, Mrs. Ed
Huntley, Mrs. L. J., Jr.Kinlaw, Dr. Murray C.Lovette, Mrs. R. A.
Huntley, RosaKinlaw, M. Carlyle, Jr.**Lovette, Lenehrew
Hutaff, W. R., Jr.Kinlaw, Nash B.Lovette, S. Gilbert
Hutaff, Mrs. W. R., Jr.Kinlaw, Mrs. Nash B.Lovette, Mrs. S. Gilbert
**Kinlaw, Max N.Lyles, Harry
*Kinlaw, Nash T.Lyles, Jill
*Inman, PopeKinlaw, Mrs. Nash T.Lynch, C. W.
Ivey, Mrs. HollisKinlaw, O. B.Lytton, J. Hugh
Ivey, Mrs. HaynesKinlaw, Mrs. O. B.Lytton, Mrs. J. Hugh
Ivey, GraceKinlaw, W. T.Lytton, Clyde
*Ivey, Mrs. JackKinlaw, Mrs. W. T.
Ivey, R. C.Kirby, Mrs. Rudolph
Ivey, Mrs. R. C.Kisley, Mrs. JohnMcArver, Mrs. W. L.
Ivey, R. C., IIIKittrell, O. K.McArver, Ann
Ivey, Mrs. R. R.*Knowlton, Mrs. DouglasMcCallum, Mrs. J. M.
Ivey, DixonKornegay, P. S.*McCallum, Betty
Ivey, Robert KnoxKornegay, Mrs. P. S.McCallum, James
Ivey, W. B.Kornegay, Mary Earle**McCarter, Harold
Ivey, Mrs. W. B.McCorkle, J. W.
McCorkle, Mrs. J. W.
Lamb, AllenMcCorkle, Georgia
*Jackson, FredLamb, Mrs. AllenMcCorkle, John W., Jr.
*Jackson, Mrs. Fred**Lamb, Allen ThompsonMcCorkle, Mrs. J. W., Jr.
*Jackson, Mrs. J. S.Lamb, BobbyMcCorkle, Joe
Jackson, KennethLamb, H. C.McDonald, Mrs. J. L.
Jackson, Mrs. KennethLamb, Mrs. H. C.**McDonald, James Franklin
*Jackson, VernonLamb, Mrs. Henry*McDonald, Mrs. R. C.
James, Curtis D.Lamb, MarthaMcDuffie, Miss Cora
James, Mrs. Curtis D.Lamb, JamesMcDuffiie, Mrs. Isolene

McEwen, GeorgeManess, Mrs. Dewey R.Oliver, Mrs. W. H.
McEwen, Mrs. GeorgeMartin, Mrs. Billie B.Osborne, Dr. C. P.
McEwen, Doris GreyMartin, Dr. J. A.Osborne, Mrs. C. P.
*McFarland, Mrs. E. J.*Martin, T. S.Owens, Jean
McGill, Mrs. D. N.*Martin, Mrs. T. S.Owens, JoAnn
McGrath, Mrs. F. B.Martin, Mrs. Worth B.Owens, John
McGrath, Frank, Jr.**Martin, DavidOwens, O. P.
McGrath, Marilyn*Martin, FredOwens, Mrs. O. P.
McIllraith, Mrs. W. J.Martin, William
McIntyre, Mrs. Stephen*Maxwell, Mrs. Gussie
**McIntyre, Stephen, IIIMeares, Mrs. J. B.Page, A. P.
McIntyre, SusanMeares, StanleyPage, Mrs. A. P.
McIntyre, J. T.Meares, Mrs. J. W.Page, Ellis E.
McIntyre, Mrs. J. T.Meares, PaulPait, Craven
McIntyre, Miss Barbara*Meares, RudolphPait, David W.
**McIntyre, DanMeehan, Mrs. J. L.Pait, Mrs. David W.
*McIntyre, HubertMees, Mrs. T. H.*Pait, F. J., Jr.
McIntyre, TilletMees, Theo H.Pait, Jack
McIntyre, Regan*Meiers, Mrs. J. F.Pait, Mrs. Jack
McIntyre, Mrs. ReganMelvin, Mrs. J. D.Pait, Ronald
McIntyre, Robert A.Memory, H. H.Pait, Shirley
McIntyre, Mrs. Robt. A.Memory, Mrs. H. H.*Pappos, Mrs. Mae C.
McIntyre, Robt. A., Jr.Miller, M. H.Parham, W. L., Sr.
McIntyre, Dr. StephenMiller, Mrs. M. H.Paris, Franklin Lee
McKeithan, Mrs. N. A.Miller, Mrs. W. B.**Paris, George E.
McKeithan, Mrs. R. N., Jr.Miller, W. F.*Paris, James
McKenzie, Paul H.Miller, Mrs. W. F.Parker, Dr. J. R.
McKenzie, Mrs. Paul H.Mills, Mrs. B. S., Jr.*Parnell, Ann
McLamb, Mrs. JamesMills, Bonner IIIParnell, Charles
McLaurin, A. E.Mills, Mary KatherineParnell, Mrs. Charles
McLaurin, Mrs. A. E.Mitchell, E. E.Parnell, Betty Sue
McLaurin, C. E.Mitchell, Mrs. E. E.Parnell, John A.
McLaurin, Mrs. C. E.Mitchell, E. E., Jr.Parnell, Mrs. John A.
McLaurin, Nancy*Mitchell, Mrs. T. H.**Parnell, Tommy
McLean, Miss Annie*Moody, Elsie MaeParnell, Robert I.
McLean, Mrs. A. W.Moore, Wm. ShepherdParnell, Mrs. Robt. I.
McLean, CameronMoore, CharlesParnell, Bob
McLean, CulbertMoore, Dr. L. J., Jr.Parnell, Bobby Lynn
McLean, Mrs. CulbertMoore, Mrs. L. J., Jr.Pate, Mrs. Elwood
*McLean, EarlMoore, Miss MaryPate, Mrs. Marvin
McLean, H. S.*Morehead, JimmyPate, Marvin, Jr.
McLean, Mrs. H. S.Morris, Billie JeanPayne, James W.
**McLean, James*Morris, JuanitaPayne, Mrs. James W.
McLean, Lavinia*Morse, Mrs. C. D.Peacock, J. D.
McLean, M. H., Sr.Murphy, Charles R.Peterson, L. A.
McLean, Mrs. M. H., Sr.Murphy, Mrs. Chas. R.Peterson, Mrs. L. A.
McLean, M. H., Jr.Musselwhite, J. EarlPeterson, Donna
McLean, Mrs. M. H., Jr.Musselwhite, Mrs. J. Earl*Philbeck, Mrs. R. G.
McLean, Malcolm IIIMusselwhite, BarbaraPhillips, Mrs. Elton
McLean, William Duncan**Musselwhite, Robert DavidPhillips, J. B.
McLean, RobertMusselwhite, TroyPhillips, Mrs. J. B.
*McLeod, John B.*Musselwhite, Mrs. W. E.Phillips, James H.
McLeod, M. G.**Phillips, Tommy
McLeod, Mrs. M. G.Phillips, Mrs. Clara H.
McLeod, MelissaNash, Mrs. Vernon L.Phillips, Mrs. Inez
McLester, James D.Navy, Mrs. M. C.Phillips, John W.
McLester, Mrs. James D.*Netter, Mrs. A. A.Phillips, Mrs. John W.
McLester, Keith*New, Mrs. W. H.Phillips, J. W.
McLester, RobertNewbold, J. S.Phillips, Mrs. J. W.
McLester, SandraNewbold, Mrs. J. S.Phillips, J. W., Jr.
McLester, WilliamNewton, Miss FoyPhillips, Sudye Jane
McMillan, Mrs. E. B.*Newton, Mrs. RichardPhillips, Mrs. Rowland
*McMillan, J. G.Nicholds, C. G.Phillips, Judith
McMillan, Mrs. WayneNicholds, Mrs. C. G.Phillips, Rowland
McNeill, BillyNicholds, CarolynPierson, Mrs. Patricia
McNeill, Charles D.*Nichols, Miss Mary FrancesPittman, Dr. A. R., Jr.
McNeill, Mrs. Chas. D.*Nimocks, Mrs. W. G.Pittman, Mrs. A. R., Jr.
McNeill, Eddie L.Noble, J. C.Pittman, B. E.
McNeill, E. S.Noble, Mrs. J. C.Pittman, Mrs. B. E.
McNeill, Mrs. E. S.Noble, Robert M.Pittman, Ben
McNeill, Mrs. GradyNoble, Mrs. Robt. M.Pittman, Miss Ethel
McNeill, KennethNoble, SamPittman, J. C.
McNeill, G. V.Noble, Mrs. SamPittman, Mrs. J. C.
McNeill, Mrs. James D.Nordan, J. B.Pittman, Edgar
*McNeill, Mrs. James DuncanNordan, Mrs. J. B.Pittman, Jimmy
McNeill, J. L.*Norton, Mrs. E. L.Pitman, Miss Margaret
McNeill, Mrs. J. L.Nye, R. H.Pittman, Miss Nina
McNeill, John TomNye, Charles*Pittman, Ray
McNeill, Patricia AnnePlakakis, Mrs. Gus
McNeill, NormanPlakakis, Gus, Jr.
McNeill, William A.Odum, John RoscoePlott, Miss Blanche
McPherson, Mrs. A. G.Odum, Mrs. John R.*Poche, Mrs. W. H.
Malinsky, Mrs. A. J.Olive, T. C.Pope, Miss Martha Clyde
Maness, Dewey R.Olive, Mrs. T. C.Pope, George G.

Pope, Mrs. George G.Rabon, Linda FayeSessoms, Mrs. Chas., Jr.
Pope, Mrs. H. G.Rabon, WayneSessoms, Ronald Avery
Pope, Mrs. H. T.Radcliff, Mrs. E. G.Sessoms, F. P.
Pope, Miss Sadie RaeRankin, John E.Sessoms, Mrs. F. P.
Pope, Mrs. Ira L.*Ratley, RaefordSessoms, Paul
Pope, W. B.*Ratley, Mrs. RaefordSessoms, Sylvia
Poston, BarbaraRaybon, James M.Sessoms, R. Martin
Poston, GayleRaybon, Mrs. Jas. M.Sessoms, Mrs. R. Martin
Potter, William L.Raybon, James M., Jr.Sessoms, Russell
Potter, Mrs. Wm. L.Raybon, Mrs. James M., Jr.Shaw, Mrs. J. W.
Potter, Mary FlorenceReynolds, W. D.Shaw, John W.
*Powell, Mrs. BillReynolds, Mrs. W. D.Shaw, Rebecca
Powell, StinsonRice, WyvisShaw, Robert W.
Powell, Mrs. StinsonRice, Mrs. WyvisShaw, Mrs. Robert W.
Powers, Mrs. N. K.Rich, Mrs. M. R.Shaw, S. J.
*Preher, Mrs. H. C.Richardson, Mrs. AlmaShaw, Mrs. S. J.
Prevatte, Mrs. Chas. R.Riley, P. B.Shook, A. E.
Prevatte, Mrs. C. M.Riley, Mrs. P. B.Shook, Mrs. A. E.
Prevatte, Miss Dovie*Riley, April*Shook, Marie
Prevatte, Mrs. EarlRiley, Etho*Shook, James
Prevatte, E. A.Riley, Martha*Shook, Mrs. James
Prevatte, Mrs. E. A.Riley, Peggy JeanShooter, Mrs. L. G.
Prevatte, EdwardRoach, W. A.Shooter, Mrs. W. H., Sr.
Prevatte, Mrs. EdwardRoach, Mrs. W. A.*Sibley, Moncue
Prevatte, E. V.Roberts, Mrs. P. A.*Silver, Mrs. S. A.
Prevatte, Mrs. E. V.*Roberts, WaylandSimmons, Grady L.
Prevatte, DyanneRobbins, William H., Jr.Simmons, Mrs. Grady L.
Prevatte, Mrs. LillieRobbins, Mrs. Wm. H., Jr.Simmons, Grady L., Jr.
Prevatte, Mrs. EvaRobinson, Mrs. Madge*Simmons, Gusta F.
*Prevatte, Jimmie*Rogers, Miss Marie*Simmons, Mrs. Gusta F.
Prevatte, Shelby Faye*Rogers, Mrs. Frank B.Singletary, Bobby
Prevatte, Joe*Rogers, Mary BeatriceSingletary, Mrs. Bertha
Prevatte, J. RowlandRogers, H. H., Jr.Singletary, Julius
Prevatte, Mrs. J. RowlandRogers, Mrs. H. H., Jr.Singletary, Mrs. Julius
Prevatte, Miss RuthRogers, Faye*Singletary, Mrs. Carl
Prevatte, Mrs. LawrenceRogers, JeanSingletary, Mrs. Voncile
Prevatte, DonaldRogers, Hubert N., Jr.Singletary, Mrs. Nora A.
Prevatte, JohnnyRogers, Mrs. Hubert N., Jr.Skinner, Mrs. W. L.
Prevatte, Lawrence T., Jr.Rogers, Mrs. J. W.**Skinner, Copeland
Prevatte, RayRogers, WillieSkinner, Mrs. W. L., Jr.
Prevatte, Miss LoisRogers, Mrs. J. W.Skipper, Miss Lorene
Prevatte, Miss MarjorieRogers, Mrs. JulianSmall, Mrs. B. R.
Prevatte, Mrs. L. J.*Rogers, ShirleySmall, George
**Prevatte, HoraceRowan, Mrs. BeadieSmall, Mrs. S. S.
Prevatte, Luther, Jr.Rowell, Mrs. L. B., Jr.Small, James
Prevatte, Mrs. Luther, Jr.Rozier, Mrs. AnnieSmith, Mrs. T. B.
Prevatte, M. A.Rozier, Miss IdellSmith, Betty Jane
Prevatte, Mrs. M. A.Rozier, CarltonSmith, Ellen Rae
**Prevatte, AltonRozier, Mrs. EuniceSmith, Mary Lou
Prevatte, Donald**Rozier, BillySmith, Vonnie
Prevatt, R. M.*Rozier, Mrs. L. W.Smith, Mrs. C. L.
Prevatt, Mrs. R. M.Rozier, Mrs. Neil F.Smith, Donnie
**Prevatt, R. R., Jr.Rozier, LarrySmith, Jerry
Prevatte, W. MaceRozier, R. C.Smith, Robert
Prevatte, Mrs. W. MaceSmith, F. Julian
Prevatte, RonaldSmith, Mrs. Walter S.
Prevatte, Mrs. Wright J.*Sanderson, Mrs. JamesSmith, Glenn
**Prevatte, David DixonSanderson, Mrs. S. D.*Smith, Mrs. G. Vincent
**Prevatte, FredSanderson, LouiseSmith, Henry
**Prevatte, RussellSanford, Mrs. R. D.Smith, Mrs. Henry
**Price, CharlesSansbury, A. B.Smith, Mrs. Marvin
*Price, Mrs. CharlesSansbury, Mrs. A. B.*Smith, Mrs. Susie Hinds
Price, Mrs. JulianSansbury, Austin, Jr.*Smyles, Mrs. Kathleen
Price, Mary ElizabethSansbury, DoraSoles, R. J.
Price, W. L.*Scherer, Mrs. ThomasSoles, Mrs. R. J.
*Seago, J. M.Soles, Jerry
Price, Mrs. W. L.*Seago, Mrs. J. M.**Spivey, Billy
Price, Billy*Seago, J. M., Jr.Spivey, Lillian
Pridgen, C. N.Sealey, BettySpivey, Joan
Pridgen, Mrs. C. N.**Sealey, CarlStanley, Shelton
Pridgen, Woodrow W.Sealey, I. P., Jr.Stanley, Mrs. Shelton
Pridgen, Mrs. Woodrow W.Sealey, Miss JackieStanton, Mrs. A. R.
Pridgen, Johnny Woodrow*Sealey, Johnnie**Stanton, A. R., Jr.
*Pridgen, Mike**Sealey, PaulStanton, Mrs. A. R., Jr.
Pulley, Mrs. C. L.Sessoms, A. P.Stanton, David
Pulley, Miss JackieSessoms, Mrs. A. P.Stanton, Julia Ann
*Pulley, Mrs. R. L.Sessoms, AnneStanton, Mildred
Pulley, R. L., Jr.Sessoms, BobbyStanton, Mrs. T. H.
*Pulley, MaxineSessoms, Gerald*Stanton, Mrs. Tom
*Purvis, BudSessoms, Jas. BeltonStaples, Mrs. E. H.
Sessoms, C. B.Starling, Ann
Sessoms, Mrs. C. B.Starling, J. F.
*Sessoms, Miss NellStarling, Mrs. J. F.
Quick, Oscar**Sessoms, RayStarling, J. F., Jr.

*Starrack, Mrs. JackThompson, Cecil L.Ward, Mrs. H. D.
Stephens, Mrs. B. F.Thompson, Mrs. Cecil L.Ward, Betty
Stephens, Miss NannieThompson, Barbara JeanWard, Henry D., Jr.
Stephens, Carrie AnneThompson, Peggy AnnWard, Mrs. M. D.
Stephens, CecilThompson, D. G.*Warden, Mrs. B. M.
Stephens, ErtleThompson, Mrs. D. G.Warwick, Mrs. C. A.
Stephens, Mrs. ColvertThompson, RonaldWarwick, Nancy
Stephens, Mrs. C. G.Thompson, Tony Ray**Warwick, George
Stephens, Mrs. FredThompson, HenryWarwick, William
Stephens, Mrs. J. G.Thompson, Mrs. HenryWarwick, Charles E.
Stephens, Joe M.Thorndyke, Mrs. J. K.Warwick, Mrs. Chas. E.
Stephens, Mrs. Ralph C.Thorndyke, John KnoxWarwick, Chas. Hardy
Stephens, Ralph W.*Thrower, Mrs. H. T., Jr.Warwick, Elizabeth
Stephens, Mrs. Ralph W.Tilley, Mrs. CoraWarwick, Henrietta C.
Stevens, Raymond Lee*Tilley, OrmandWarwick, Mary Carol
Stevens, Mrs. Raymond L.*Tilley, MarthaWatts, W. C.
Stevens, R. L., Jr.Tolar, Mrs. T. R.Watts, Mrs. W. C.
Stevens, Wayne ThomasToney, Mrs. RaymondWatts, Betty Ann
Stocks, R. L.Townsend, Miss AmandaWatts, Edith
Stocks, Mrs. R. L.Townsend, Miss Eliza*Welch, Mrs. Arno L.
Stone, Miss BeatriceTownsend, C. Guy*Welch, Betty
Stone, Mrs. BruceTownsend, Mrs. C. GuyWellington, Tommy
Stone, Mrs. Curtis*Townsend, ClarenceWellington, Mrs. Tommy
Stone, HarryTownsend, KendrickWells, Edward B.
Stone, E. D.Townsend, Miss ElleeWells, Mrs. Edward B.
Stone, Mrs. E. D.Townsend, Miss Mae C.Welsh, Mrs. Ed
Stone, HelenTownsend, J. LeroyWest, D. Truett
Stone, Vandaleen DaleTownsend, Mrs. J. LeroyWest, Parker
**Stone, Walter HopkinsTownsend, James NealWest, Mrs. Parker
*Stone, Elsie LeighTownsend, Mary AnnWhite, J. D.
Stone, R. C.Townsend, J. Leroy, Jr.White, Mrs. J. D.
Stone, Mrs. R. C.Townsend, Dr. M. F.Whitener, Earl A.
Stone, RandyTownsend, Mrs. M. F.Whitener, Mrs. Earl A.
Stone, R. J.Townsend, SarahWhitener, Jeanne Dale
Stone, Mrs. R. J.Townsend, Mrs. WalterWhitener, Ralph
Stone, StanleyTudor, John A.*Wlihoit, Thomas
Stone, William E., Jr.Tudor, Mrs. John A.Wilkerson, DeLeon
Stone, Mrs. Wm. E., Jr.Tudor, JohnnyWilkerson, Mrs. DeLeon
Strain, SammyTuton, Mrs. EarlWilkerson, Mary Barnes
Sullivan, C. E.Tuton, RonaldWilkerson, Terry
Sullivan, Mrs. C. E.Twitty, O. W.Wilkerson, F. M.
Sundy, E. A.Twitty, Mrs. O. W.Wilkerson, Mrs. F. M.
Sundy, Mrs. E. A.Tyndall, James PaulWilkerson, Mrs. Luther
Sundy, Betty JoTyre, AltonWilkerson, Rupert
Swann, J. C.Tyre, Mrs. AltonWilkins, Jerry Lee
Swann, Mrs. J. C.Wilkins, Mrs. Mary
Swann, StephenWilkins, Herman
*Underwood, CharlesWilliams, Miss Annie G.
Williams, Miss Mildred
Taylor, AndersonWilliams, Bert
Taylor, Mrs. AndersonVarser, L. R.Williams, Mrs. Bert
Taylor, Miss Ala Mae*Veasey, Mrs. Rex M., Jr.Williams, Dewey
Taylor, A. W.Williams, Mrs. Dewey
Taylor, Mrs. A. W.Williams, E. T.
**Taylor, MaxWade, E. C.Williams, Mrs. E. T.
Taylor, SandraWade, Mrs. E. C.Williams, Emily Rose
**Taylor, WhittedWalker, H. R.Williams, Ervin, Jr.
Taylor, Ena FayeWalker, Mrs. H. R.Williams, Tolly
Taylor, CarlWalker, J. C.Williams, Mrs. Homer
Taylor, C. R.Walker, Mrs. J. C.*Williams, Mrs. James H.
Taylor, Mrs. C. R.Wallace, H. T.Williams, Mrs. James O.
Taylor, Mrs. Edward R.Wallace, Mrs. H. T.Williams, Anna
Taylor, Mrs. E. T.*Walters, Mrs. D. P.Williams, Jimmy
*Taylor, Jenkins*Walters, J. B.*Williams, Mrs. J. C.
Taylor, Harold A.Walters, Miss LinnieWilliams, J. T.
Taylor, Mrs. Harold A.Walters, Mrs. WalkerWilliams, Mrs. J. T.
Taylor, Jean LouiseWalton, H. P.Williams, Barbara E.
Taylor, Vickie SueWalton, Mrs. H. P.Williams, Donald E.
Taylor, Mrs. HarryWard, A. F.Williams, James F.
Taylor, JoeWard, Mrs. A. F.Williams, Teddy
*Taylor, Miss Ina MaeWard, CharlesWilliams, Mrs. Mamie
Taylor, Mrs. Joseph A.Ward, Mrs. CharlesWilliams, M. W.
**Taylor, Lacy H., Jr.Ward, Charles, Jr.Williams, Mrs. M. W.
Teague, MiltonWard, Dr. D. E.Williams, Robert
Teague, Mrs. MiltonWard, Mrs. D. E.Williamson, Ertle
Teague, Jane FayeWard, E. L.WWilliamson, Mrs. Ertle
Theodore, AlexWard, Mrs. E. L.Williamson, Frank, Jr.
Theodore, Mrs. AlexWard, Brenda JoyceWilliamson, Mrs. Frank
*Theodore, Miss DorisWard, Edward Lee, Jr.Williamson, Horace C.
Theodore, JudyWard, Dr. F. P.Williamson, Mrs. Horace
Thompkins, Mrs. WilliamWard, Mrs. F. P.Williamson, Mrs. Irene
Thompkins, TiltWard, Frank, Jr.Williamson, Mrs. J. M.
Thomas, John H.Ward, Mary AliceWilliamson, J. V., Sr.
Thompson, Mrs. A. S.Ward, H. D.Williamson, Mrs. J. V., Sr.

Williamson, J. V., Jr.Wishart, F. EliWishart, Mrs. Wallace
Williamson, Mrs. J. V., Jr.Wishart, Mrs. F. EliWishart, Miss Willie
Williamson, CarolynWishart, Betty RoseWitt, Mrs. M. B.
Williamson, John V., IIIWishart, F. Eli, Jr.*Womble, Anne
Willis, E. J.Wishart, Mrs. G. B.*Wrenn, Mrs. Jack Lee
Willis, Mrs. E. J.**Wishart, DavidWright, Mrs. B. F.
*Willoughby, BillyWishart, J. EmpieWyatt, Robert
Willoughby, Mrs. ErnestWishart, Mrs. J. Empie
Wilson, A. L.Wishart, Johnny
Wilson, Mrs. A. L.Wishart, Mrs. JessieYork, W. R.
*Wilson, Arthur, Jr.Wishart, WallaceYork, Mrs. W. R.

July 22, 1955

Mr. I. M. Biggs, Chairman Centennial Committee First Baptist Church Lumberton, N. C.

Dear Sir:

It was with a great deal of pleasure and pride that I examined a copy of the History of our Church as prepared and written by you and your committee. As Chairman of the Board of Deacons, and personally, I want to thank you for the splendid manner in which you have completed this very fine work.

This History was presented to the Board of Deacons at their regular meeting on July 11, and the board by unanimous vote accepted this document and extended its sincere thanks to you and your committee for the excellency in which this project has been carried on.

Any history is a record of “what happened”. If “what happened” was not as it should have been, then the product would not justify a history. I'm so glad that those who went before us built in such a manner that we could be proud of our history. How I wish that I could thank each and every one!

Ours is a great heritage. My sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks goes out to those who made this heritage possible. My earnest prayer is that we of the present generation will conscientiously and constantly keep before us our debt to the past, our needs for the present, and our obligations to the future!

Sincerely yours,

Henry D. Ward, Chairman

Board of Deacons

First Baptist Church

The First Baptist Church, Lumberton, North Carolina; one hundred years of Christian witnessing, 1855-1955
The First Baptist Church, Lumberton, North Carolina; one hundred years of Christian witnessing, 1855-1955. Lumberton, [1955] 92 p. illus. 24 cm.
Original Format
Local Identifier
BX6480.L85 F573 1955
Location of Original
Joyner NC Stacks
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