Children riding train

Children riding train
Children riding an Atlantic Coast Line train as a promotional event for the security caravan leaving for Washington DC. Date from negative sleeve.
October 08, 1962
Original Format
6cm x 6cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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Entered by Admin Oct 09 2009

Mary Wesley Harvey is the middle child (with the big ugly grin and hair below my ears), Susan Ward is on my right (with blond hair, open smile), below Susan is Bonnie Hahn Porter, and to Bonnie's left is Lynn Masten (not sure if it's Maston ir Masten), the boy to Lynn's left is Garlen Dunn (I think) with his hand at his ear, and the boy above him is Eddie Rawl.

Candace Pearce Mar 15 2009

Girl with darker hair in center is Mary Wesley Harvey, girl with blond hair to right of Mary Wesley and slightly lower is Susan Ward

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