Camp Leach

Camp Leach
Instructor with a group of boys kneeling behind a pole in front of a cross at Camp Leach. Date from negative sleeve.
July 09, 1960
Original Format
6cm x 6cm
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East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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Alan Peters Dec 04 2021

I went to Camp Leach in 78 & 79 two of the best Summers of my life, stayed in cabin 8 both years, I know one of my counselors name was Ned and I think Eric also, used to love going to the dance, got my first kiss at camp, swimming/sailing canteen and the stoies and singing by the campfire !! I've ever heard something about knock kneed tobble knocker or something hahaha I know I said it wrong LOL

Billy Barwick Jan 04 2021

I grew up as a member of St. Peter’s in Washington, & attended Camp Leach in the summers from 1969 to 1974. Along with the fond memories of the camp fire skits, chants, & songs, fun meals in the mess hall, the swimming & sailing, softball & teatherball games, and of course the big dance on the basketball court, l’ll always cherish one particular historic night. Late in the evening on July 20, 1969, our councilor rounded up his little cabins group of boys, & marched us over to a cabin with a big screened porch, where we joined a large number of fellow 10 year olds sitting cross legged on the wooden floor. Within a half hour, more kids squeezed into the porch until it seemed like the whole camp was packed in there. High up on a shelf at the far end of the porch was a small television, which was positioned so that everyone could see it. Everyone was quite excited & loud initially, but as what seemed like hours passed, campers dozed off one by one on the floor. I must have dozed off myself, but thankfully I was awakened in time to witness upon that little tv, the grainy live images of Neil Armstong’s first steps on the moon.

John Williams Jul 05 2020

I attended Camp Leach choir camp during the late fifties to early sixties. It was usually in mid June to July. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures from those wonderful summers spent along the Pamlico river . I would love to see any that You would share.

Mark Arcuri Jan 25 2017

I went to this camp in the summers of '79, '80, and '81. I have the best memories of this camp. Cabins, campfires, sailing, canoeing, good food, dances, chapel, the canteen. I'd always come back with a good tan. My kids go to Camp Trinity in Emerald Isle, NC and they are having the same fun I did!

WWMoore Apr 20 2009

The "pole" the campers and their counselor are kneeling behind is the communion rail at the outdoor chapel at Camp Leach. The picture was taken with them on the "inside" of the rail in order to have the stone altar as the background. I was raised in St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Washington and was at Camp Leach many times.

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