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1 result for "Casstevens, Frances H"
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Casstevens discusses the life of Thomas L. Clingman, a historical figure he encountered while working on a thesis. During the Civil War, Clingman became associated with the “Clingman Raid.” It was rumored at the time Clingman led into Illinois a group of thieves that supposedly stole horses and terrorized local communities. Casstevens argues that Clingman probably had nothing to do with this raid because he was never caught or officially proven to have been in Illinois. The author also demonstrates how Republican leaders might have created the hoax to increase their support in the 1864 election. Included in the article is a brief biography of Clingman who was a North Carolina antebellum statesman born in Surry County.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 52 Issue 8, Jan 1985, p11-12, il
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