Letter from David Crockett to John H. Bryan, May 26, 1829

Dear Sir

I am requested by a gentleman who lives on your land to write to you for the Purpose of Soliciting you to give him a leace [sic] he bought a gentleman's improvement and Paid fifty Dollars there was a Small field & Cabben [sic] on it and he has had the use of it two years he wishes You to extend his Privaledges [sic] to what would be the Custom of the Country which would be five years to come I informed the Gentleman that I was well acquainted with You and thought You would give him a leace [sic] if You give him a leace [sic] he will Clear twenty acres and Plant you one hundred fruit trees also Mr. Wm L PettyJohn lives on your land and wishes also to take a leace [sic] if You conclude to give these leaces [sic] write them and enclose them to Dresdon to me Mr. Elisha W. Glass is one and Mr Wm L Pettyjohn is the other Pleas[sic] to answer this letter as soon as Possible I am well and family hoping these lines to find you in the alike

Your Friend, David Crockett John H. Bryan

P.S. Pleas [sic] to write immediately as these Poor Men is uneasy and wants to know the Result.

I have said nothing about my next Election I think if I am not Flattered I will Beat 5000 votes I have Backed out Mr Miller and Mr Alexander has taken the tract he run against me in my last contest I beat him 27 & 48 votes and I have no doubt of getting a much larger majority in very next Race I Remain your Sincear [sic] friend in hast [sic] direct your letter to Trenton

David Crockett Hon John H. Bryant

Letter from David Crockett to John H. Bryan, May 26, 1829
Letter from frontiersman and soldier David (Davy) Crockett to North Carolina attorney and Congressman John H. Bryan. Crockett writes from Dresden in Weakley County, Tennessee on behalf of two men, Elisha W. Glass and William L. Petty John, who want to lease land in Tennessee that is owned by Bryan. Crockett also discusses his chances of winning an upcoming election.
May 26, 1829
Original Format
39cm x 30cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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