Daily Reflector, December 4, 1897

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0. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner,


TERMS :.°25 Cents a Month.

Vol. 6.


itt lredtintal DECEMBER 4, 1897.

- =

No. hi

v Wi




Fiung. in the camp of}.


eeevue epee eeetervee* soe eeve eee tee ®

weeoreerteoevnevrreeoevevueeeer ea he ee oe

actual value 1dc., 20e,

and 25e.






The Undersell Man.



I cial aiden all

Made by Orange Va., Obseryerer.



They Will Have a Good Engine

oeas ems

Live in a. worry if you want to die ia

@ hurry.

There is no profit in law"you al-
ways get it at cost.

A oprivate secretary� is the one in
which the bottle is kept.

the passengers oftentimes,

think of home, sweet home,

Willscomebody please invent a sew-
ing machine thet will hemisphere ?

The lips of many a man areT scalded
by the free use of concentrated tie,

The stuffing has been knocked out of
Turkey, and Greece is on top at last.

Our girls are the sweetest, because


Gloves are very long"and so are
imittene »? . sc
mittens,� when the young lady is in

dead earnest.

Poor people have coarse dinners as

see the difference.

In the gloaming, ob my darling, hear
my hungry cry; bring me with your

loving fingers, one big oyster try.

Fair Phyllis made 2 big mince pie in
and novel; her father
seived it with a sigh and used it for a



A man is very like 4 gun"that fact!
please try to affix; forif he finds heTs
charged teo much, why, thatTs the
time he kicks.

About the first thing a woman finds |
out when she moves into a new house |
is wheT her there are any knotnoles in
the backyard tence between her
her neighbor.


We havea very plain and explicit
language. When a man fails in DS
iness, we say say he has ogone up,�

when we really mean that he has ogen-)
down.� Queer, isnTt it ?

SE RRA rt el a


Curtails Their Fun.

Some towns in the State will net
allow fire crackers ete., to be exploded |



It robs the boys of many!
joy and lots ef noise if they canTt touch |
off pop crackers and explode bombs.
All the same it is not improbable that
such a prohibition will grow in favor
as the years go by.

oT think baby will be a_ politician,�
said Mr. Youngpop as he removed the
third tack from his offspringTs mouth ;
ohe iga natural tax collecTor,�

Trains are now fullex"and so are)

Wherever charity doth roam let her)

they are Orange maidens"made of!

well zs the rich. Of ocourse� you can!


The tollowing contributions to the
furd to build an engine house for Hope
Fire Co., have come in since last report:

Witz, Son & Co., dealers in boots and
shoes, Baltimere, through J. C. Cobb
& Son, $5.
| W.E. Neal with John R. Cary &
Co, wholesale grocers,
through S. T. White, $5.

Schl.ss Bros, & Co., fine clothiers,
Baltimore. through Frank Wilson, $5.

J. Herzberg & Co., clothiers, Balti-
more, through Frank Wilson, $3.

W. T. Ailen & Co., cloihiers, Phila-
delphia, through H. M. Hardee, $5.

R. M. Sultan, wholesale dry goods and)
clcthing dealers,
H. M. Hardee, $3,

I. Whitehall & Son, clotbiérs, Bal-
'timore, through H. M, Hardee, $5.

Standard Oil Co., Norfolk,
J L.starkey & Bro., $5,

John B. Hurst & Co., wholesalers of
dry goods and notions, Baltimore,
through J. P. Cherry & Co., $5.

Ulman, Boykin & Co., wholesale
liquor dealers, Baltimorg, through B.
W, Jolly, $5.

Amount previously reported


Baltimore, through



Total contributions to date $212.00,

The Piedmont Bank at Morganton

has failed,

During the fiscal year ending Decem-
ber Ist, there were manufactured in
North Carolina 26,929,000 pounds ot

plug tobscco, 6,300 of snuff, 4,029,000

o valuable Jots to this object.
jent | judges say that these lots are worth

cigars and 33,091,000 packages of cig-

bushels of eorn on about

. Pym
raised 37)

five acres if!
land"it requirea just 2 dsy and a_ half
to plow over it,

James Forester

That is 75 bushels to
the acre." Wilkesboro Chronicle.

The will of the late Mrs. N. L. Shaw
Ihas been probated before the Clerk of

sf ¢ AA te .

The Cod Ware is With Us

And we want to show you our splendid as-

sortment of ==="



y) HATS,

Our stock is the largest, fin-
e:t and cheapest ever shown
in North Carvlina. Come in
and take a look before you
bur. It good goods at low
prices is what you want, We
can sell you.




There Are More


the Superior court, and in the dispesi"
tion of her property che generously
provides for the new Baptist church to |
be built here, donating two beautili!,

Come i-

some $750.00, She also provided that
lot after the deat! of her
husband, should go to the Ministerial
fund of W. F. College."\Warrenton

ther store

spasms eatiliied A EA,

oFair, but false!� muttered the con-
ductor as he bit the edge of the lead
nickel given io him by lis prettiest


ne eer egpeganmcenenenertii ti 4

every week,
your D

us. Try it
Compare the p




Save something every day

This you can do if you buy


us with those you have
bees paying others, lay |
aside the difference, and
see what a nice little sum
you will have for Christmas.

every month,

one month.
rices you pay



to any kept in town. Ready
Cape Coats, Bed Quilts and:
| Blankets, Fiannels, Robes.

comfort-giving wearabieg at ous storethaa in any other
two or three estabiishments compined in this town.

There Are More

recpie- we've clothed this season than any past year,

There Are More

who will come here to take away some of the genuine
cood things we give for so little. Be one among the
many who are happy to trade here.

Ladies Choice Wrap: and
ohals, Beautiful and Stylish 3
Dress Goods---a line superior ¥

Clothing, Overcoats,


and all other goods are here that are needed and helptat
to your comfort and health. No where will you be treated
more fairly, more honestly than here. Ask your neighbor
where he trades, where you can do the best for yourself,
and heTll send you to



q "4 ~VDD | ifetime judicial position, but he may Missing Letter Contest. - 2 : ; ag
me B A {LY REFLECTOR change his mind. senator Elgins is lo """ | -- ; :
oh oo SS | at present posing as 4 frend vf both| Washinzton, Dee, 3."The Post~ a t : , | I
, is taking a firm : , al
lled omissing

Scott and Goff, but it is believed that | office Department
_"_"_"" """""""" it will be found when there is a show|stand against the so-ca :
@FERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY). of hands that he i8 on the side of letter� and omissing word� contests

which are being conducted by a number

= a Scertt. rm
| Senator Mallory, of Florida, has -of publishers to increase the subscription

J 1. J, WHICHARD. Editor.

Beyered 98 cecon d-Alaas mall matter. :
son Cuba, which he | of their papers. All newspapers and] §



pronounced view
a : doesnTt hesitate in announcing. He periodicals containing advertisements

gipscrTPTTON RATES. | said: oSpainTs apparent willingness | of this character are forbidden trans-
- $3.1) to prant autono By is but a pretext of mission in the mails under the anti

lot R ay ge on Cul
oe to: ES ntccists

yer vesr. of? to cure any case of constipation.
! ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED iyeere rp or srne true uo matures. Sa


i*w@e month, * ~ * * ont * * HM -. oy 4 o

soo aaT. mtd delay against positive action by our lottery regulations. ple and booklet free. 4d. STERLING BEMEDY (0.. Chicago, Boatresl, (.: Spoccoooces
Tatjvored in town bv carriers without | government. = It ought not to deceive reesei | /

axtre cost. any one familiar with the record o| Cascarets stimulate liver kidney and
~beral ande
tee are hera andcan he R. Lie DAVIS, PresTt.

Advertiang TA |
inant? 1} inT bowels. Never sicken, veakeh OF
had on anp'ieation to the editor or at | SpainTs oft-broken pledge to the | bo T R. A. TYSON, ViceePres. | Jc Ly LITTLE, CashTor

ner . rive. 10¢.

the 0M a people of that oppressed island. I do art REORGANIZED JUNE 15th, 1896.
per al not know what action Congress will] - comme iienmeasiinall .

wae ancien © Ne cnrresnonient at] take, and I am not in the confidence of Negroes on the Grand Jury. STATEMENT (OFJTH®

w nnstah re int yet, whoa will 7 .
ble eae ~cornt vee ag it oeenrs the administration. As far back as : h . 7 ~ |
saan ne alot ue nape lainlv}1858 a U.S. Senator from my State The November term of Granville ' e an of r eenville,
, . : : : ° i . * . °
gsden von ome side advocated the independence of Cuba, | Superior Court, which convened on ank of G ha

9 e *

Monday last, will long be remembered
by the people of the county, as it is Atthe Close cf Business Oct,T 5th, 1897.

"""""" and the arguments then made are

SarcreaT. DECEMBER 4, 1897. | absolutely applicable today. He gave ople 9

nes adetailed account of the perfidity of | the first time in the history of Gran- | "RESOURCES. LIABILITIES.
one the Spanish government which would ville that nine negroes composed half Loans and Discounts $56,792.58 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
WASHINGTON LETTER. . a �,� the lj Of course, so far Premium on Stock 1,000.00; Surplus and Protits 1,462.09
serve without modification at the | 0 grand jury. © » § Due from Banks 90,865.30} Deposits subject to Cueck 67,507.02
= present time, ~The autonomy tarce|as politics goes the jury Was largely ete ah and Fixtures 1,507.25 hie a 607.90

_ one 4 . ., ash Items ,619. shiers Checks ort, i 943

(From onr Regulst Correspondent.) |has been tried before.� Senator Republican with a Populiss foremane) Ogsh in Vault 25,139.49 § Bills Payable 8 ontstanding wees
_____"$ Time Certificates of Deposit 3,605.00

There were some four Democrats on
Total $113,923.67 a

Wasnrvaron, D. ©, Dec. 3 97. | Mallory thinks there can be only one
the jury, and they looked rather | Total ~ $113,992 C%

Ts it the business of Congress to] right sattlement of the Cuban question,
Yecislate for the interests of the whole|and that is the independence of the jlonesome. ~the days cf 1865-70
people, or only to do what Mr. Mc- | island, and he regards it as the duty of}under the Moore Jones regime will
Rinley thinks will be beneficial to him | this country to aid in bringin z it about, | not compare with the present order. of
and to the Republican party T Such a| forcibly it necessary. things brought about by our Populist
. question would seem to admit of but| It ~ooks now as though no attempt friends under the guise of reform avd
ene answer. Yet, Mr. McKinley is| will be made to pass a bill providing oanything Lord, to beat a Democrat.�
aid of Czar Reed and Mr. | for the retirement of vhe greenback®, "Oxtord Ledger.
even in the house. The reason is |

We study carefully the separate peeds of our patrons, and shall be glad ta ha\ ©
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good sanking

secking the
Cannen, chairman of the House cow-
mittee on Appropriations, to prevent Republican opposition, which is out-
the House Jegislating for the whole |spoker, especially among Representa~| When bilious or ecettve, eat a Cas-

ovle. Because the Dirgley tariff| tives from the west and middle west. | caret, candy cathartic, cure cuaranteed
Lew hes failed to provide the monev| The only way a bill providing for the|1°- 2d¢
needed to properly carry on the gov-| retirement of the greenbacks could be " as
ernment, and because he does not dare | put through the House would be to a
to tell Congress 80 and ask for addi~| vet it endorsed by a caucus of the
tional tariff legislation to furnish more} Republicans, and then it would not be
revenue, Mr. McKinley wants to Ge-j certain, as there would probably be
grive the people who pay the heavy| enough Republicans who would refuse
taxes called for by the Dingley tariff} to attend or be bound by the caucus,
of privileges to which they are clearly} jn addition to the solid. vote of the
It Reed enters the deale=| Democrats and Populists, to defeat the

ranma aaa

"_" O"""




"_"""-() __" -

Laziness in the Land.

Loafers are enemies to society, for
~they not only suffer the loss of moral
backbone, but they flash the discovery
hefore their tellows that it 1s possible
to scramble through the world _without

We have .utt received & new
m, (hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
@ \fins and Ceskets, in weed, metal«

lic and cloth ever brought te

entirled. ;
Cannon has already done so"0 pub-} pill. much effort. The world 18 divided ~ Greenville.
lic building bill, no matter how urgent "" gnto two classes.. The frowsy begga od We aie propaved t ~9 embalm-
the need, will ke allowed to go through : r|of sturdy frame whining at your door ing in ali its forms.
e - �,� Dp n't T . T | ; . fe ra 7 £
° obacco Spit and (Smoke You | 4 the child of the wealthy killing ESTABLISH Personal atiention gi to:
? given to con=

: iding
the House; no bill providing ~or the Lite Away. : , oneeivabla fashion
time in every conceivablo f[ashion; ducting funerals and bodies en-

payment of any private claim against |
ASE) 2 every mark of respecT.

the government, zo matter i | | |
hom the you want to quit tobacco using] quintiness, rags and respectibility blen a

is nor how mach those to W easily and forever, b ; i
* 2 a oe w] 1�,� ~ ~ 4 §
money is due may be suffering, will be in y iy i aa ' ~1 the common downtall of all that 1s ORK SIDES & SHOULDER Our prices are lower than ever,
oo one, magnetic, full of new ble and} pest i an ns The race has
y ~ river and|". OO ye om best in human nature. 1e Te . ,
allowed to pass, and no vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder- . eat of Ve do not want monopoly but
solely by the sweat 0 suvite con petition.

~opriati i assed. itherto gained
harbor appropriation will be passed] worger that makes weak men strong. hitherto g

Czar Reed may bite off more than he} Many gain ten pounds in ten days the brow in some form or another anT JARMERSAND MEKCHANTS BUY We can be found at any and all
can chew, it he attempts to carry out | Over 400,000 cured. Buy No To-Ba. | We who toil see no other way 10 el ing their yearTs supplies a find |times in the John Flanagan
a wir , , ; ant 1 the opegs,""-Orapge Ta b- | their interest to get our prices betere pur| Bugey CoT 7143
e ideas. Neither he vor Mr rom your own druggist, who will | further progress. Orapge Va, ge , ugegy CoTs building.
ed ie os b woe ~at thiv guarantee a cure. Bookiet and sample | carver ° chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete &
cKinley will be as strong at tI) nailedtree, Ad. Sterling Remedy Co | u allits brancues. BOB GREENE & CO
. " . = . nen TTL A, °
geesion as they were at the extra ses-| Chicago or New York. , . _"

=o+ their favors have mostl bee "
gion ; their favors have mostly been | Somewhat changing therr tune, FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR CREER VILLE

@stributed. It is well known that " ; |
Things to Know. Protectionist organs now boast of the

filure to get through a pablic vmanh of ~their policy in tl
at at chia dietri loreat triumph of their policy 1m 1e . |
building bill for his district has cost : : . : ; "" ,
ueing Mix stove blacking with vVin6- | tact that American manutacturers are i ;

any Representatives their seats, and . . :

met . the Re venci tative will all gar ; this makes 1b stick better |everywhere driving foreign products! arways AT LOWEST MARGeL PRIUE
Seen ane ne their const and also gives a better polish. out of neutral markets. According to - -
be passed on by their constituents. hia ih ts. ording

: their peculiar logic American manu-

There has been much talk which came To cool a hot dish quickly set
sacturers have overcome foreign Tobacco. Snuff &C, open on:

The next session af ths school wit

itin water and salt; this will cool

to nothing about a revolt against), seals in toreT \
Beed by the House, but in this case it far mere rapidly than if it were ibn in foreign markets eae ihe MONDAY SEPT. ¢, 1897
oo, . i tariff protects Americans from oreign :
there is likely to be a sure enough re- stood in cold water only. vompetiti coqnal an ket, That we buy diroc) from Mamufactus.. » ®enjand continue for 10 months.
volt, *, a ig 1°¢ oare F _ P 1: . UC 7 100 in ie nome mar Cle lin.T yore VL! ae ny. yer: \ e@ UL anT
a ore : boi a the weit d an cell is to say, American consumers must | cie stock of Ihe terms are as follows
* Loo, rub them with dry salt ,which w
a . . wate y ? h . I pay more for goods in order that Primary k nglish per mo. 200
A scrapping match between two) give & brilliant polish to the}, -oieners may 1 hem ¢ :
| prominent West Virginia Republicans, glass. mete: hi uy them elpaper" FU RN ITU RE Intermediate " * #2 BE
; « 2 va) 1 �"� :
Mr. F. A Scott, who isa member of Greaae-ataine 0 Philadelphia tecore. | Higher ome $3
. rease stains On & cary
the Republican National Committee, b oved i viet in may . always on hand and soldat prices to suit} Languages (each) TT $1 00
and who expects to become Commis eremoyed in & variety Of Ways: Notice. the times. Our goods are all bought and .
. . one ot the simplest is to take a sold for CASH therefore, having no1isk} The work and disclpline of the schoo
gioner of Internal Revenue about the ~oce of blotti . This is to notify all parties that to run we sellat a close margin. wil) be as heretofore.
first of January, and Judve Nathan pl e 0 0 Irg paper, ay it we W. Higgs. Jesse Speight, and W. F, . We ask a conti P . T .
a SO olaunder the grease mark and aj Morrill, trading under the firm name , sk & continuance ol you
Goff, who was once in the Cabinet J) -_: . : : : , . - | libecal patronage.
abinet and] similar piece on the top of the of the Greenville Supply Co. have this .
: who has just declined a Cabinet port m | aay dissoived their said partnership W PLRAGSDALE,
; mark. ~Then press the part witb | by mutual consent, All parties having |
Barbers. "_"" =

eluims against said fiim will please

folio, is indicated by the anounced as

: . e is * . * . 2

pirants ct both of them"a desire to alah un b fan vie a br ne present them at the office of Greenville |

gicceed Senator Faulkner, whose |S ettin pias hgoth fer atin son Me csa ¢ ! " : ""

; r tng a ' , | blotting paper. ¢ nother methoc persons indebted to the said

term will expire March 9, ASI. | - Greenville Supply Co. will please come A B.PENDER, *
® T

West Virginia Democrats laugh at the |'8 to add, OtRe borax to warm | gorward and settle at once.
water in which seap has been| This Noy. th, 1897.

A SPECIALTY. Primary, Second-
ary or Tertiary Sypillis permanently

7 expecteions of Messrs, Goft and Scott,| 7. s1H1C

: avd say that they have noT doubt of a dissolved and well brush the 1. Bae FASHIONAPTS: BARB Es eae 1s 18 0 Oa. oe viise un

; a ia an rity nthe next Leg.(Stained part with thie mixture.) JROBH BERIGHT, | Can be found below 5 Aire Ponts treated ot Maraaty. if you prefer to
. Fi] aL. next door to Reflector, office, come here we Will contract to pay rail-

road fere and hotel bills,{and no charge

Ammonia 1s also usefal ; it should
= . """ lif we failtocure. If you have taken

oe cneeneemenall

jslarure. Meanwhile Goff and Scott

are preparing to fight each cther, bo diluted with water and rub- The G ' , ~

y were both in Washing . | bed on the carpet. | Lhe Greenville Supply Co. formerly | mercury, iodide potash, and_ still have |
ria sah can . ibaa son a P compoess oe ; wa gg Ally AMES A. SMITH aches and ahs, Mucous Patches 10
s . Kinley. ) ; iy | : T . mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples Copper |

Baving already more factional party Belle Bovd in Lrouble. lfrenivad gwendgeencns by mutual con- TONSORIAL ARTIST,) Celoved Spots, ries On a cart wt |
esd " , rs) 0 \ 5 5

fights than he knew what to do with? li rea pathy the rag ues wan GREENVILLE, N. ©. ant hae y Nag eo ee agen
men 3° ) , : : . out, it is this Syphilitic Bloo oison

Mr. McKinley tried to nip this one in Belle Boyd, the tamous woman . spy the public that the business of said mirm P ay vey sclenes Cleaning, Dyeing that we guarantee to cure. We solicit |
the bud by asking Goff to b of the Confederacy, who lectured i _ by conducT Egg hPa ha an iag Gents Clothes a specialtY the most obstinate cases and challenge
o become] T ectured in| W. Higgs and W. F. Morrill, under te 3 , the world for a case we cannot CUTe, |

Attorney General when Mr. McKenna this State a tew years ago is under ara gs of bie Greenville S ipply - anes __. This disease has always baffled the skill

o, We appreciate the patronage of of the most eminent physicians, :


arrest in Lexingt
ington, Ky. tor anj|the public so generously given in the. H ERBERT EDMUNDS, 000 capital behind our unco

alleged attempt to jump a board bill. past and solicit the continuance of the FASHIONABLE BA guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed
te |

de nominated for the Supreme Court,
same in futur 2. oe SOON ab Address COOK REM-

'' Dut that gentleman declined and said

that nothing but . seat in the Senate Press dispatches state that none of her
q : nti tases . . J. W. HIGGS, 1 attention CO., 480 Masonic Temple Chicae

would tempt him to give up his present frienda, have come to her reliet as yet. we oF, MORRILL. [cee a to elegney il, ? : |

/ i . o. ~ - om } Yuu, ' rey : é

ee ee : ' 63 | .


* Atlantic Grast Line

tee sens tite

Schedule in Effect Nov. 29th, 1897.
Departures from Wilmington-


DAILY No 48"Passenger"Due Veg-
9.35 a.m. Nolla 10.52 am. Warsaw 11.10
aTm, Goidshoro 11.58 am, Wil

gon 12.43 p m. Rocky Mount

1.40 p m,. Tarboro 2.50 p m,

Weldon 4,23 p m, Petersburg

6.28 p m, Richmond 7.15 pm,

Norfolk 6.05 p.m, Washing- |

ton 11.39 pm, Raltimore 12,53
am, Philadelphia 3°45 a m,
New York 6.53 am, Boston
3,00 p m.

DAILY No 40"Paseenger"DucMag
7.15 pm. noiia 8.55 p m. Warsaw 9.10
p m,, Goldsboro 10.10 p m,
Wilson 11.06 p m. Tarboro
6.45 am. Rocky Mount 11.57
/ pm, Weldon 1.44a m, Nor-
folk 10.30 a m, Petersburg
8.24 a m, Richmond 4.20 a m,
Washington 7.41 am, Balti,
more 9.05 4 m, Philadeipnia
11.25 am, New York 2.02 p
m, Boston 9.00 p m.
DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake
~40 p a. Waccamaw 5.09 p m, Chad
beurn 5.40pm Marion 6.43 p
m, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-
te: 8.42 p m, Columbia 10,05
7, Denmark 6,30 a m, August
to8.20am, Macon 11.80 am,
Atlanta 12.15 p m, Charles-
ton 10.20 pm. Savannah 2.49
a m. Jacksonville 8.20 a m,
St. Augustine 10.30 am,Tam
pa 6.45 pm.

DAILY No. 49."Passeiger"Boston
9.45 P.M. 1.03 nn. New York 9.00 pm.
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Balti-
more 2,50 am, Washington
4.30 am, Richmond. 9.05 am,
Petersburg 9.50 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.50 am, Tarboro
12.12 rm, Rocky Mount 1.00
pm, Wilson 2°14 pm, Golds-
boro 3.10 pm, Warsaw 4.02,
pm, Maguolia 4.16 pm,
DAILY No. 41."Passenger--Leave
%.50 A.M, Boston 12.00 night, New
York 9.30 am, Phifadelphia
12.09 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pm,
Washington 38.46 pm, Rich-
mond 7.80 pm, Petersburg
8.12pm. Norfolk 2,20 pm,
Weldon 9.43 pm, ~Tarboro
6.01 pm. Rceky Mount 5.45
am. Leave Wilson 6.20 am.
Goldsboro 7-01 am, Warsaw
7.53am Magnolia 8.05 am.

DAILy No. 61"Passenger----Leave
xcept New Pern 9.20 am, Jackson-
unday yille 10.42 am. This train
'40 P.M. arrives at Walnut street.


DAILY No. 54"Passenger"Leave
12,15 P. M. Tampa 8.00 am. Sonford 1.50
pm, Jacksonville 6 35 pm,
Savanna 12.50 night, Charles-
ton 5.80 am,Columbia 5.50
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon
9.30 am, Augusta 3.05 pm,
Denmark 4.35 pm. Sumpter
f.45 am, Florence 8.55 am,
Marion 9.35 am, Chadbourn
10.35 am, Lake Waccamaw

11.06 am,

Train on Scotis d Neck Branch 2oad
eaves Weldon 3.55 p, m., Halifax 4,39
p.m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.20 p
m., Greenville 6,57 p, m., Kinston 7.55
p.m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.50
a. m., Greenville 8.52 a. m. Arriving
HaliT x at 11:18 a. m., We'don 11.33 am
daily except Sunday.

[rains on Washnigton Branch leave
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 2.20 p.m
arrives Parmele 9.10a. m., and 4.00 p
m,, Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
farboro 3.30 p- m., Parmele 9.35 a, m.
snd 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
11,00 a. m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex-

yt Sunday. Connects with trains on
ceotland Neck Branch.

Train leaves varoorv, N C, via Albe-
marle & Raleigh R.R. daily except Sun-

ay,at 5 30p.m.,Sunday 405 P. M;
errive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.00 p. m.
Returning leaves Plymouth daily except
Sundoy, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a m.,
errive Tarboro 10.05 a.m and 11. 00

Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves
Gold&boro daily, except Sunday, 7.10 a
m. arriving Smithfield 8.30 a, in. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 9.00 a. m,, ar-
rives at Goldsbors 10,25 a, m.

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
&., leave Latta 6.40 pm, atrive Dunbar
7.50 p m, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Cliot6.10am, Dunbar 6.80 a m,
oye Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-


Train on Clinton Branch leayes Wai-

-gaw for Clinton daily, except Sudday,
11 20a,m.and 4.15 p, m: Returning
leaves Cinton at7.00 a. m. and8,00 1, m.

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, allrail via
Riehmone.'alse at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and VarolinaR RK for Noniolk
£ne all points North via Norfolk.

GenT! Pass. Agent

T. M. EMERSON,Tratfie Manager,
J. R.KX VUY. GenTl Manager,

The Oldest
Daily Newspaper in

North Carolina.

The Onl" Five-Dollar Dailv
its Class inthe State

| He Lives at Home.

Mr. W. T. Strtckland, of Franklin
county, was in town last week and

| gave us an interesting account of Mr.

Kenuel Tant. Mr- Tant1is about 76
years cld and lives five miles sou-h of
Louisburg and yethe nas not been to
that town sirce the close of ,the ware
He passed through oLousburg return-
ing home at LeeTs surrender in April,
1865, which is the last time he looked

Tant enjoys good ~ealth but believes
in living strictly at home, and auring
all phat time was never known to
leave it but once. On that occasion re
was induced by one of his friencs to
ride out to CliftonTs mill, abou: 24
miles distant. He is happy and con
tented and this is perhaps the sequel
of his isolated habits.

Mr. Strickland also told us of
ancther man his section of the
county who was born in the year 1800


and made a good crop in 1893, doing
all the plowing and other work fh ime
self."Henderson Gold Leat.

Answer DidnTt Suit.


An editor of a
wourning the los3 of ~wo subscribers.

western paper
No. 1 wrote asking how to raise his
~wins safely, while the other wanted to
know how to rid his orchard of grass"
hoppers. The
terward by mail, but by accident he

answer was sent

that the man with twins received this
answer: oCover them carefully with
straw and set fire to it, and the little
pests, after jamping in the flames tor
a few minutes will be speedily settled.T
And the man with the grasshoppers
was told to give castor oil and rub
their gums with a bone." saz atte.

Juss try eo tL. bux Of Cascarets,fthe
finest liver and * »°! 1eguator ever



only is possible, whether as a test of ex-
cellence in journaiism, or for the meas-
urement ol quan, timevalues



after a career os nearly twenty years of
uuinterrupted growth is justified in
claiming that the standard first estab-
lis ed oy its founders is the one true
gest of

A Perfect Newspancr.

To publish all the news promptly and
and succintly and in the most read-
b'e form, without elision or parti-
san bias, to discuss its significance
with frankness, to keep AN OPEN
to give besides a complete record
of current thought, fanvies and dis-
coveries in all departments of hu-
man activity in its DAILY FDI-
TLONSs of from 10 to 14 PAGES,
and to provide the whole for its pa-
trons at the nominal price of ONK
CEN J"that was from the outset,
and will continue to be the aim of

a A . ,
The Pioneer
one ¢ nt morning newspaper in the
United States, THE RECORD still
Witness its unrivaled average daily cir-
culation excceding 160,000 copies, and
and an average exceeding 120,000 copies
tor its Sunday edivions, while imitations
of its plan of publication in every im-
portant city of the country testify to the

he price at Which it issold THE REC.
ORD has established the stands rdTby
which excellence in journalism must be

The Daily Edition.

year or 25 ceuts per month.

The Daily and Sunday

editions together, which will give

to. mation of all that isgoing on in
the world every day in the year
including holidays will be sent for
$4,00 a year or 5 cents per month
Record Building,

upon the oViliage on the Tar.� Mr.

put them in the wrong envelopes, sO

truth of the assertion that in the quan-|
tity and qua'ity of its contents, and in| 4¢

of THE RECORD will be sent by | $
mailtoany address for $3.00 pet | xc

its readers the best and freshest in- | 3



ecient mete

BAPTIS5i"services every Sunday,
woring and evening, Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rev. A. W. Setzer,
Pastor. Sunday school 9:30 A, M.
C, D. Rountree, Superintendent.

CA THOLIC"No regular services.

~EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A.
Greaves, Rector. Sunday schoo! 9.30
A. M. W.3, Brown, Superintendant.

METHODIST"Services every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. A B. Ellington, Superin-

PRESBYTERIAN"Services " third
Sunday, morning and evening. Rev.
J. B. Morton, Pastor. Sunday school
9:20 A M. E. B. Ficklen Superinten-


AVF. & A. h."Greenville Lodge No

jug. J. M, Reuss W. M. L./I. Moore,

I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. of P."T'ar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C. C. A. B. Ellington K. of
R. and 8.

R. A."Zeb vance Couucil No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening. W.b.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every Friday evening. Johr
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

oALL of H, Pitt Council 236 meets
every Thursday night, J. B. Cherry
Cy W. B. Wilson. See.

Everybody Says} So.

Casearets Candy Cathartic, the
most wonderful medival discovery of
the age, pleasant and refreshing to the
iaste, act gently and positively on
kidueys, liver and howels, cleansing
the entire system, dispel colds, cure

and biliousness.
box of C, C. C, today. 19, 25, 50
cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure
by all druggists.


Cctton and Peanut,

BR law are Norfolk rices Of oltoL
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commissiou Mere
chants of Norfolk «

Good Middling Of
Middling Pog
Low Middling 4 15-14
Good Ordinary *4}

Prime 2
Extra Prime 2t
�"�ancy 3 28
Spanish 60 to 75

.. Tone"quiet.



; Offers his services to the
© citizens of Greenville and the 2
dc public generally. 7 »:
Spouting and Stove Work,
# specialty.T
Satisfaction guaranteed or
me, no charges made. Tobacco ¢
4© Flues made in season. Shop Q
on Dickinson Avenue.

Philadelphia, Pas? sae

284 meets first and third Monday even-|_

has a nice asscrT ment ot tho3e Fountain Pens
also a beautiful li::e of Pearl Handle Gold Pens

You will be astonished when you see them and
earnhowvery cheap thev are.

headache, fever, habitual constipat:on | oe F
Please buy and try a} $30

(yreenville Market.
Corrected by 8. M. Schultz.
Buiter, per lo 15 to
Western Sides 5t 00 6
Sugar czved Hams 10 to 124
Oorn 40 to 50
Corn Veal 50 to 60
Flour, Family 4.75 to 5.75
hard 54 to 10
Oats 35 to 40
Sugar 4} to 6
Coffee 34 to 20
Salt per Sack 65 to 1 £0
Chickens 12} to 20
Egress per doz 124 |
Bee swax. per 20 |
Cc' ton Seed,per bushei 1) to

bhbbahy What Is It? ghhbbhl

It is a picture ot tae celebrated




Best in use The outfit ot no business man is
complete without one.

The Reflector Book Store

You may never.

But should you vver@=""== "

oagg Come to see us, ="


Anything from 2j@===

Wisiting Card y

soeemmmedt 5 OF

Bull Sheet Poses

ea aac ERIS

eect ee nemmonaneaes

: The Eastern Reflector.




The Daily Reflector,


Gives the home news
every afternoon atthe
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are you a sub-
seriber? = It notT you
ought to be.

% aaty

Is only. $1 a year. I
contains the news every
week, and gives informa-
tion to théT farmexs, es-
pecially those . gréwmg "
tobacco, that is -worth "
~many times morethan "
the ~subseription pfice.:

r .
. f +
* Ache 4) {
i eral ~ ~

i) ow Q ee ¢

~ f 3 «

tae a a

5 ~

Oreates many anew business,
oEnlargos many an old business,



Nome dh sk o. eke Bae
ete oy eg pea
ie Eada Lea




fission aes

A Gist ot What is Going On

rman ene


Cotton 5 1-16.


Passenger and mail train eo1ng Firs: Saturday.
nortb.arrives 8:52 A.M. Going

south, arrives at 6:57 P. M.

Three weeks to Christmas.

This 1s pneumonia weather.

North Bound Freight, arrives

; N. Abram & Co., ni .
9:50 4. M:, leaves 10:10 A. VW ram & Co., are opening @ stock

jof goods in one of Bernard stores.
Sonth RoundT Freight, arrives
6.00 P. M. leaves 2:15 P.M |

There will be no Sunday school in
the Preshyterian church tomorrow.

The Reflector Book Store has a few
teacherTs Bibles, _ elegantlybound.
The price is astonishinzly low.

Steamer Tar River arrives from
Washington Monday, Wednerday
and Friday, leaves for Washing-
ton!Tuesday. Thursday apd" Sat-

66 C � .
urday. The ocandy stew� in the Masonic

building, Friday night, was very enjoy"
sble and the young people report a
good time.

For Renxt." New six room dwelling

house, all conveiences, desirable loca-

tion. Apply to, J. W, Hiacs.



BASKETS == Work waste
baskets, junch busketa, market baskets,
~and all other kinds of baskets at Zeno

Preserves many a large business, :
Moore & BrosT.

Revives manv « dui] bnsiness,
G. A. McGowan & Uo, have a ful
line ot Burial Robes for ladies and gen
tlemen at extremely low prices, also
Mourning Hat Bands for men.

Rescues many alos: business,
Saves many a failing basinese-
Secures success to anv tai ness.

8 someyrem

FRESH Flakes
small and larve Homiry, white Beans
shicdded Ccd Fish, Mountain putter
é S. M. Scuurtz.


To oadyertise jadicious|:,� use
the columns of the Rernecron,

penumiatinoniptetcin ~tennant eam enuettie. eminem


octet nme naen etait = 4
gett men 4

| The Reflector Book Store has just

Weather Bulletin. | received a nice fot of new stationery"

Hedgers, day books,recript books, record
{ *
~books, paper, correspondence cards

+ + ne

Showers, probably clearing Sunday,

, with envelopes, tablets, pencils, rubber
colder Sunday might. I

bands, ete.

N OT i C FE ! The Public are

warned not to cash or trade for Check
No 7643, amount $51.80, payable to C.
R. Hardy or bearer, as payment of same
has been stepped at
Grenville, said check having been iost.
November l!ith, 1897. .



That is the way all droggists sell
IC for Chills, Fever and all forms of
Malaria. It is simply Jron and Quinine
in a tasteless form. Childre love it
Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating
Tonics. Price. 50a.

a bs a
24 {0
EEREE ated
We a

aonT We iy

But the Same Old Year, and You

The Bank of].

| pay you to call at my store betore buy-
: |fections, in fact everything for Sante

oo | Claus.


eres a Cl

Have Seen These Names

J. A. Crews left this morring.

J. M. Moore weat to Wilmington

Rev, FE. D. Brown came ever from
Kinston this morning to fill his appoint-
ment at Falkland Sunday.

Capt: Williams, a conductor on the
C. & O. railroad and Dr. Enslow, of
Huntington, W. Va., who have been
enjoying a few days hunting trip down
here, left this morning for their home.


The ladies ot the Episcopal church
will fiive their next musicale, second of
the series, at the rooms of Mrs. A. M.
Moore on Morday night, 6th. Pro-
gramme will appear tomorrow.

Two Remarkable Men.

Dr. Gus Smith, of Ironton, is ia ene
aspect a most remarkable man. He is
about 35 years of age and was never
known to drink a drop of water or to
cat a bite of supper. He eats heartily
at break~ast and dinner and drinks muk.

There is a young mar ia Cleveland
county who is hairless. He hesa stand.
ing offer of ten dollars tor every hair
that can be found on him from the
evown of his head to the sole of his feet.

--Lincolnticn Journal.


Where You Can Worship; Tomor-

Methodist chureh"Sunday-school at
9:30 A. M.

Baptist church"Sunday School at
9:30 A. M. Services at ll A. M,
and7 P.M. by Rev. A. W. Setzer,
South Greenville Sunday-school at
4 P.M, D. D. Haskett, Superintendent.
Episcopal chureh Sunday School
at 9:30 A. M.

oThis,� said Wigwae. as he survey)
ed hig newly laundered shirt, oI con-
cider a fine example of irony.�

My Christmas stock is in and it) wil
A full line of ~loys, voile, Con-

Priees Jower than anvwhere

else James Lona.

mas is rapidly anproach-
ing, only a short while
and the eventful day is here,


. prepation must be made that i
' if may be one of joy and giad

ness. Seetoit that you have
supplied yourself with some
of the many useful, servicea-

ble and substantial things of life that can here
be found in such great variety and abund-
ance. If there isa girl or lady that has not been
supplied with a


Jlew Christyas Press

they should come now while our shelves are
filled with beautiful patterns and trimmings.

(Bley f. a� uy A rue are ~ a a é 5 A F .

It may be the children
need Shoes, Underwear,
Handkerchiefs, Gloves or
Neckwear. Someroomin
the house a new Carpet,
Rugs, Curtains and Chairs
The bed may bein want
ot someall wool Biankets
and Marsailles Counter-

- ws;

eo" os




In fact you may want and
~things that yon have been oputting off�
- ter to a close.

whether you want to buy or not.

Yours toplease,



need many other
: long
Xmas isa good time to bring the mat-
Come look through our stock


ry A handsomely illustrated book ef
200 pages descriptive of Texas and
lp the resources of that great otate
will be mailed to any address on
receipt of eight cents to cover post
X wz: D. J. PRICE.
G P&T. AL & GON.R.R,
A Pa'estine, Texas,
Fast Texas lands are attracting
S considerable attention. Mention
this paper.



Valuable o0 Prayer.


N Tuesday, the th day of Decem-

per 1897, we will offer at public

sule the residence of Mrs, M. A. Jarvis

and two adjoining vacunt lois, situated

in the town of Greenville, on the corner

of Cotanch and 2nd streets near the
Macon Hotel.

There are several out houses - on the


Weare already here with the goods
ut is all right to look after the dollars,
saving them, then you will call now ané@ make your p

for. It

in every line you may eall
put if you are really desirous
urchases while
rices too cheap to quote.

goods are going low down. Come and be convinced. P


gon eee

ee annie a eit :

Christmas Goods
Fills the Store
- With New Lite.
resin snk sew GS GS. ET

cuit i to Christmas. Modern fashion makes

Clothes beautiful. Enterprise adds
objects that are artistic or curiousto the mer-
chandise attractions. Thus the festival thrill
is created, and thisstore becomes a public place

LangTs Cash House.



_ ste peepee caesarean tA ITE Ae

A. G, COX, Vice Pres. AssTt Gashice
G. 3, CHERRY, $ .


CAPITAL: Minimum $10,000 ;| Maximum $100,000.
Organized June Ist, 1897.

he, ~4. IAs
The Bank of Pitt Uounty,

-TAHIS Bank wants your triendship and a shar
if not all, of your businesss, and wil grant

every favor_consistent with safe ana sound

banking. We invite correspondence of a per:

sonal interview to that end.



a large


iON AL d Fit

Sale to take place at 12 o'clock M. if
not sold privately before.
Greenyille, N.C

Land Sale.

By virtue ofa decree of thy Superior
Court of Pitt county made jn a certain
special proceeding therein ~ pending en
titled et als against J. H. Whitehurst
and wife, I will on Monday, December
27th, 1897, before the Court House door
in Greenville, sell at public saie to the
highest bidder, for cash, that certain
tract or parcel of land situated in Car-
olina township, Pitt county, and on the
west side of Bear Branch, adjoining the
lands ef W. R, Whichard and others the
boundaries of which are fully set out in
a deed executed by Council James and
wife to Jane A, Warreu now on record
in the office of the Register of Deeds of
Pitt County in Book T, T. pages 408
and 409.

This Noy. 24th. 1897,

| MO


just arrived. Come and
see us.


Phone No. 10.



This is to notify my friends and pat- :

rons that I have this day withdrawn (AIS Ky ANN) FIO
S a

from the partnership of The Greenville
ah Wh

Supplv Co, and have connected myself

with R. L . Dayis & BrosT under the
1,0, COBB & Sie

firm name of Speight & Co. ari will
va |

continue to buy cotton and produce as
before under said firm name. Thank-
ing my friends for their past patronage,
I assure them that their interests will
always have my careful consideration.

I think I am better prepared to handle
their business than ever before andso-
jreit a continuace of their patronage,
o?his Nov. 16th, 1897. "



Daily Reflector, December 4, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - December 4, 1897
December 04, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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