The East Carolinian, November 21, 2000

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

the 1 ? ?
Find out what's happened on
campus in crime scene
Volleyball falls to Virginia Tech
Pick of the Week: Carrey in
"How the Qrinch Stole Christmas
Thespians for Diversity
The ECU Thespians for Diversity will per-
form a skit beginning around noon Wednes-
day, Nov. 29 in Wright Plaza.
AIDS Memorial Quilt
The unveiling of the AIDS Memorial Quilt
will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov.
29 in Mendenhall Student Center. Mayor
Nancy Jenkins will be there to give the proc-
lamation. The quilt will remain on display
through Dec. 1.
Do you think the media Is
guilty of racial profiling?
Vote online at
Did you quit smoking during the
Great American Smokeout?
96 Yes
3 No
HIGH 43 LOW 17
18 days to go
until Graduation
ACM Contest
Programming Winners
The department of computer science
reports that their team members, Brian
Adams, John Overton, Jon Rogers and alter-
nate Ronald Bonham finished 17th out of
139 teams at the Mid Atlantic Regional
on Saturday. The 16 teams that finished
ahead of them were: 10 from Duke, Virginia
Tech, and Virginia; two each from Maryland
and Johns Hopkins University; and one
each from West Virginia and George Wash-
ington. Universities that sent teams that fin-
ished ahead of ECU include North Carolina
State University, UNC Chapel-Hill and Wake
The final performance of "A Sense of
Place" is scheduled for 8 p.m. Tuesday Nov.
21 in McGinnis Theatre. Tickets to the ECU
Playhouse production range from J6-$10
and are available at the box office in McGin-
nis Theatre or by calling 328-6829.
Thanksgiving Break
There are no classes Wednesday, Nov. 22
and Thanksgiving Day .Administrative offices
are open Wednesday. Administrative offices
are however closed for the Thanksgiving
holidays Thursday and Friday.
The ECU Pirates will play their final regu-
lar season game at 1:30 p.m. Friday Nov.
24 against C-USA rival Southern Mississippi.
The game in Hattiesburg will be televised on
TV's Fox Sports Net.
Food exhibit
The North Carolina Collection at Joyner
Library is exhibiting food recipes from North
Carolina's past along with old photographs
and antique kitchen utensils. The exhibit
was created by Fred Harrison, a member
of the library staff, and includes kitchen
tools on loan from Greenville's East
Carolina Village of Yesteryear. It will be
on display through January 2001. Contact:
Joyner Library's North Carolina Collection,
Rep, Jones speaks to ROTC
Ewnoni J?ne?hB Repub,k!an m??nt tor North Carolina's Th.rd Congwssionakfiistrict, addressed members of ECU'S Air Force ROTC Monday
IXSSSSShls emts ,0 ,ncrease ,he stren9,h of ,he united s,ates miWarthe issues of ,ow ? ?w?
Students, community address racial profiling
Intercultural Student Affairs holds
second social injustice meeting
Heather Ingle
Several community members and media representa-
tives gathered on Monday night to hold a forum for
students on the issue of racial profiling in the media.
The purpose of the forum was to increase awareness
of cultural and social misconceptions and to examine
effective resolutions.
The forum, sponsored by the Office of Intercultural
Student Affairs, ECU Student Union Cultural Awareness
Committee and Student Life Staff Development, was
led by a panel of different community members who
each took turns speaking and addressing questions
from the audience.
Each panel member had different opinions on
racial profiling in the media, and all gave suggestions
on how the issue need to be addressed.
Jaime Espinosa, director of LatinoHispanic Eco-
nomic Development at Pitt Community College, said
that the latinoHispanic population has grown to over
10,000 in the Greenville area and that diversity is no
longer just about African-Americans and whites.
"I think the media plays a very important role in
the development of the community Espinosa said,
"I think the media needs to become more aware of
growing diversity in the community
One panel member felt that the media is already
addressing racial profiling and that the media reports
what the public provides them with.
"One policy that we have implemented at Channel
7 is that we no longer do mugshots said anchor
Lynnette Taylor from WIT'N-7 News.
Taylor informed the audience that mugshots only
reinforce the race of the perpetrator rather than
the crime itself. This, she said, only perpetuates
Other panel members took a different view.
"Not only does media report news, but media also
has the responsibility of shaping the ideas of American
citizens said Thurston Jackson, general manager
of WZMB radio. "Unfortunately, in my opinion, the
media has done a very poor job in doing that
Jackson said that it is the responsibility of the media
to realize they are moral agents to the public rather
than present issues as sensationalism.
Two other panel members addressed law enforce-
ment's role in racial profiling.
"Race is not a requirement of police reports unless
it is needed for a suspect's description said Melissa
Bartlett, public affairs coordinator for the Greenville
Police Department.
"law enforcement does not support any sort of
profiling said Major Cooper of the State Highway
Many suggestions were provided by the panel
members on how to address racial profiling in the
media. A few panelists said that stereotyping was
the problem while others said the news needs to be
reported as fact rather than making color an issue.
Some felt that the solution lies in a better informed
media, and community.
"The way to stop it is to promote understanding
through forums like this Taylor said.
"Racial profiling will always be present in the
media said senior special education majoT Kristie
Hardin, a member of the audience. "What matters
most is how we, the community, will react to it. Until
we become better informed about the issues facing the
media, things will not change
This writer can be contacted at
Women's status in U.S. improving slowly
Jennifer Hoyt
report released Wednes-
day paints an improving
but still grim picture of
the status of women in
the United States, which
received average or below
average grades in each of
the five categories stud-
The independent,
nonprofit Institute for
Women's Policy Research
concluded that women's
status has improved in
some states, but nation-
wide women are not
"sharing equally in the
fruits of progress
"American women are
on a slow and uneven
road to equality said
Heidi Hartmann, the insti-
tute's president and CEO.
"Some states are stuck
in a rut, while a few
are building superhigh-
ways. Most states have
women on a two-lane
road making slow progress
toward equality
The Status of Women
in the States project stud-
ied political participation,
employment and earn-
ings, economic auton-
omy, reproductive rights,
and health and well-being
in all 50 states and the Dis-
trict of Columbia based on
data provided by govern-
ment agencies and other
The project found
?In no state do women
receive equal pay with
men. Nationwide, women
are paid 74
cents for every
dollar paid to
number of
women with-
out health
insurance has
increased in
most states
and poverty
rates for women are 50
percent higher than for
?Women vote at
higher rates than men, but
they remain under-repre-
sented in elected state
and federal government
"Women are making
progress toward political
equality, but at the current
rate of change it will take
over a century to complete
their journey
said Amy Cai-
azza, director of
the project.
But the
news for
women was not
all bad. They are
earning degrees
and starting
their own busi-
nesses more
now than ever before. And
the wage gap between
men and women is nar-
Still, the study argues
that disparities among
states and regions are
significant and must be
"Variance in specific
public policies undoubt-
edly accounts for some of
the contrast in outcomes
among the states the
report says.
"In a time when the
federal government is
transferring many respon-
sibilities to the state and
local level, women need
state-based public poli-
cies to adequately address
these complex issues
The study is part of
a larger educational pro-
gram funded primarily by
the Ford Foundation, with
donations from Motorola
Corp the Minnesota
Women's Foundation and
the Wallace Alexander
Gerbode Foundation.
Nationwide, 68.3 per-
cent of women registered
to vote and 58.9 percent
voted in 1992 and 1996.
Connecticut and Ver-
mont received the best
overall marks, followed by
Washington and Hawaii.
Mississippi was named the
worst state for women,
with Alabama and Ten-
nessee tied for second-to-
"Not many states will
be proud to bring these
report cards home Hart-
mann said. "Most states
got C's. Nobody got
straight F's, but even the
two best states, Connecti-
cut and Vermont, didn't
get straight A's. There are
no star students
In related news, the
Henry J. Kaiser Family
Foundation and Lifetime
Television reported this
week that 70 percent of
women think elected offi-
cials pay too little atten-
tion to health issues that
affect them.

2 The East Carolinian
Tuesday, November 21, 2C
Tuesday, N
Larceny; Damage to Property-A
staff member reported a sign was
taken from a room in joyner
Library. The theft also caused
minor damage to the wall to
which it was secured.
Assault on a Female-A staff
member was assaulted outside of
the Harris Building by an ex-boy-
friend. She was transported to
PCMH for evaluation. A warrant
was obtained against the male
subject to be served by the Pitt
County Sheriffs Office.
found Property-An anonymous
caller advised finding bicycles in
the wooded area north of Jones
Hall during an ecology class. Offi-
cers arrived and found two bikes
and a clock radio. All property was
Harassing E-mails-A student
reported receiving several
harassing e-mails In which the
person used abusive language. A
possible suspect was identified.
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia;
Possession of Marijuana-A
student reported a marijuana
odor coming from a room in Car-
rett Hall. Officers responded and
issued a student a state citation
and campus appearance ticket
(CAT) for simple possession of
marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
Possession of Marijuana; Possession
of Drug Paraphernalia; Underage
Possession of a Malt Beverage-A
student reported a marijuana
odor coming from a room in
Aycock Hall. Officers responded
and issued three students state
citations and campus appearance
tickets (CATs) for the referenced
Ho 17
Damage to Property-A student
reported his vehicle was
vandalized while parked in the
Curry Court Lot.
Nov. 18
Hit and Run-A student reported
his vehicle was struck while parked
west of the Old Cafeteria Building.
NOV. 19
Visitation Violation-A student in
Belk Hall was issued a CAT after
two males were discovered hiding
in her closet at 5:15 a.m. The two
males, non-students, were issued
trespass warnings for the incident.
Possession of Marijuana; Possession
of Drug Paraphernalia-Two
students in Aycock Hall were
issued state citations for the ref-
erenced charges after officers per-
formed a consent search of their
room. One of the students was
also issued a CAT for underage
possession of alcohol.
Perfect Harmony
The ECU School of Music's Concert and Symphonic bands, under the
direction of instrumental instructor Chris Knighten, performed in front
of the audience in Wright Auditorium, (photo by Laura Kowalski)
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imber21, 2000
ids, under the
3rmed in front
Tuesday, November 21, 2000
The East Carolinian 3
; Blvd.
BYMUYOKHFt .????.?.
Crossword 47
1 Oil-spi formation
6 "Viva Vegas"
9 Gushes
14 Capital of Vietnam
15 High mount
16 Effrontery
17 Bergman Oscar
19 Tin Pan
20 Young Scots
21 Make like new
23 Not on tape
24 Jogs
25 Sailors' drink
29 in the bag!
31 Original
32 Goida of Israel
33 Network of
35 That's folks!
38 Use again
40 Pension $
41 Ms. West
42 Conceit
43 Drumstick
44 Alternative to a
satellite dish
46 Put on
47 Want
48 Scandinavian
49 Geological time
51 American uncle
53 Cosby kid
54 Foul up
57 Conceal in one's
60 1948&1952
Decathlon winner
62 Needle case
63 Michael of "Pole
to Pole"
66 "Street Scene"
68 provocateur
69 First Shaker
70 Potential oak
71 Sidestep
72" Miniver1
73 Melodies
1 Auxiliary verb
2 Tropical porch
3 Not
29ISO 31132
C 2009 Tttjuw Modi SwvIcm. Inc.
AlfioManr -
4 Pamper
5 Set of parts
6 Surgeon's tool
7 Elvis Costelo hit
8 Splashed and
9 Disfigurement
10 Suffering with a
cold symptom
11 Lamprey
12 Like a little Scot
13 Clouds'milieu
18 Creative skill
?? CHy on Lake
26 Water-
27 Lubricated
28 Maddoxand
30 Identical
33 Embroidered loop
34 Impetuous
36 Most recent
37 Drummer of The
Find the solution to
this puzzle on our
Click on the crossword
puzzle button.
58 Moolah
59 Bearings
61 Poker fee
63 Block of paper
64 Earlier
65 Ran in front
67 Squealer
39 Swindles
45 Towering
50 Man with a
52 Quick impression
55 Reputations
56 Manipulate

who's the next contestant?
. NOVEMBER 30 ? 8 pm
Partners In Campus Life
? iirid - nvaiood aiavi ? 39N3tivho dooH virh - oniioohs

14 The East Carolinian
Tuesday, November 21, 2000
Edtorb Chief
LMta, Aims Fifty
Sports Editor
Layout Chsgnar
Features Fifty
Head Copy Editor
Fouutaiiiead Editor
Layout IXsagim
ServWjtCUsrce 1925, IIb Eaa CaioWan pnts II.OOO copesaery luesday
and Tlusday iWnq ok roffJii arartmtt via and VM on WkhkOivs itm)
die aiwwAXr We-1, the mini ofrhe eiitonal ion) and is imliw by edfccal
board members. The East Caminan woleomes totters Id the editor whtfti are
lirted t 250 wads (wtiUi may be wiled tar agency or brevity) We reserve
Ore riqhi to Mil a rrjca icncrs and at fellers musl be signed and vx-Judrj a
IflMphwe runtv Wlws may he serl ? u-rai 10 rit)rill?r.?uuJu i? to ThR
East CattHnhn, Student Pubicatmns Utfttuj. GrcenvUe, NC 27858 4353. Call
252-S28-6366 to more nhmalion
Although women
have come a long
way in the last few
decades, we at TEC
think women still
have a long way
to go. When will
the day come when
a becomes Com-
mander in Chief of
the United States?
Will this day ever
come? Is the U.S.
ready for it to come?
It's hard to believe that in this day and age, females are still considered
a minority, oppressed by a country that claims equality at the very core
of its existence. Is it believable that nationwide, women are not "sharing
equally in the fruits of progress?" Well, for many women, it is believable.
In fact, it's a reality.
It's shocking that women don't receive the same pay as men in any state
of the union. No, it's not shocking-it's sickening. How can women be paid
74 cents for every dollar that men are paid? Though there have been many
improvements, it's surprising that we as a nation haven't come further.
In this presidential election, more women voted than men; however,
women still remain under-represented in elected state and federal government
It's not as if our campus is immune to sexism. Someday, most ECU students
will in one way or another encounter a sexist experience whether it be while
applying for a job or even walking down the street.
There are a number of positive facts that we should applaud the nation for
embracing. Today, there are more women embarking on entrepreneurships
than ever before. Women, through hard work and determination, are obtaining
high-ranking positions, such as Hillary Clinton, who managed to break through
the stand-by-your-man mentality to become a N.Y. senator.
Although women have come a long way in the last few decades, we at TEC
think women still have a long way to go. When will the day come when a
woman becomes Commander-in-Chief of the United States? Will this day ever
come? Is the U.S. ready for it? Wake up, it's a new millennium. It's not too
much to ask for equal pay, let alone equal treatment.
Paid ad urging Gore vote biased
Dear Editor,
Moment that can last a lifetime
Over the last few weeks, TEC
has been covering events and issues
regarding the 2000 Presidential
Election. I can honestly say that
am extremely disappointed with
the way the information was pre-
Every article that I read was
obviously biased. Almost every
article attempted to persuade read-
ers to cast their vote for Al Gore. My
favorite was the advertisement on
the back page of one issue, which
listed each candidates platforms,
and then stated at the bottom, "We
strongly urge you to vote for Al
(iore on Nov. 7
The staff of TEC is responsible
for presenting information to stu-
dents in an informative and fair
way, not in a way that suggests
that you are trying to convince
everyone to conform to your way of
thinking. That should be reserved
for the opinion column, yet I see
"opinions" all over the paper.
The students of ECU should
have been able to read our newspa-
pers and learn about the candidates
without getting subliminal mes-
sages to vote for a certain one. It is
nice to know that TEC is staffed by
a bunch of bleeding heart liberals
that are so desperate to gain votes
for their "I'll promise you anything
to get a vote candidate that they
attempt to brainwash readers into
their way of thinking.
If you think that all of your
articles about Bush's DWI and his
misuse of the English language
made one bit of difference, I can
assure you that it did not with me.
I voted a straight Republican ticket
last Tuesday.
Oh, and just out of curiosity,
if it is a newspapers responsibility
to keep people informed, why
were the slip-ups of Al Gore never
mentioned in the paper? Let me
guess-you all really believe that he
invented the Internet.
Meghan Brucia
Change the world. Impossible,
right? Not necessarily. Change does
not always occur on a grand scale.
It is not always an event that is
recognized by the masses. It can
start with the simplest act and have
a pyramid effect that can touch the
lives of people now and throughout
your lifetime.
Take the idea from the recent
movie based on the book "Pay
It Forward by Catherine Ryan
Hyde. Simple influences paid for-
ward without expectation of return
become a movement that has global
proportions. If you have read the
book or seen the movie, you know
that the main character never fully
realizes the value of his attempts to
change the lives of people.
Giving effort or time or partici-
pation often seems to be something
that we do without glimpsing major
effects, because we fail to see the
big picture. When we volunteer,
we often do so for credit or for a
brief feeling that we have given of
ourselves to a worthy cause. Seldom
do we stop to think about the small
differences we make in people's
lives and how one moment of
involvement may impact someone
far into the future.
Think about how it makes you
feel when someone takes the time
to pay you a compliment, put forth
a smile, or make an effort to lend a
hand or show they care, and how
it can impact your day. It doesn't
require a huge time commitment.
It doesn't involve giving money.
Getting involved does not take
away from your daily routine or
your university experience. It can
only serve to enhance your life
and create opportunities to meet
new people. Your actions have
the potential to make a lasting
impression. Lives may even be
saved by ordinary people and in
small ways.
Take these examples into
account-the person who stays with
a friend that has had too much to
drink or takes away the car keys,
the person who learns about breast
cancer at a campus program and
later encourages someone he or she
loves to have a mammogram.
Or the person who offers sup-
port to someone who is trying to
quit smoking, or who recognizes
the symptoms of depression and
gets a friend needed help. The list
goes on and on.
Students, faculty and staff can
make a difference by participating
in campus events. Opportunities
are everywhere. Call the Volunteer
Center. Attend programs. Bring a
friend. Share what you find out
with others. When you increase
your own awareness, you may pass
on information to someone else
that could change a life now or in
the future.
You may never see the results,
but somewhere, someday, someone
could be wishing they could thank
you. Don't be surprised if you find
that the biggest change you see
is in yourself or that the life you
change is your own.
Many students come to ECU
with the hopes of gaining an edu-
cation that will lead to a career
which will make a difference in
the world. Why wait? Let's make
ECU recognized as a place where
change begins. Let the students,
faculty, and staff of ECU set the
example other universities will
want to follow.
Don't wait until you leave
campus and enter the work force to
make your mark on the world. You
can start by "paying it forward"
right here, right now.
Beth Credle is currently the director
of Health Education Sr Promotion at
ECU Student Health Services and an
ECU alumna.
Dear Editor,
I am a recent graduate of ECU,
a Democrat, a woman and a public
school teacher as well as angry and
frustrated at the lack of research
of the opinion writers on staff. In
particular, Faisal I.odhi. Lodhl's
Gore soundbites were ridiculous.
I would think TEC would expect
their writers to actually have facts
to back up their opinions. The
wealthiest one percent receiving
the most taxes back? Well, my first
year salary as a teacher in North
Carolina must qualify me for that
top percent because under the Gore
plan my husband, an ECU student,
and I do not qualify. We are not
independently wealthy and paid for
college through loans and jobs.
I guess Lodhi did not take the
time to research, thoroughly, the
Gore or Bush tax plan. Because if he
had then he would have watched
the program on PBS about the Gore
and Bush tax plans: Who do they
really help? This was conducted
by an accountant and it was non-
partisan. It showed three families of
different economic circumstances.
Two out of three benefited from
Bush's tax plan not Gore's. The
person who benefited from Gore
was a single mother with three
children, that worked and received
federal assistance. Gore would
help her by giving her even more
money to pay for child care. She
made $18,000 a year and has three
dependents. So Gore wants to give
taxbreaks to people that pay little
to no taxes as it is?
That makes no sense. A second
family profiled made $70,000 a
year, stay at home mom and five
children. No daycare expenses. The
Bush plan benefited them the most
by increasing each dependent's
"worth" by $500. Bush's plan lowers
the rate at which any person that
pays taxes by about six percentage
The third family made $200,000
a year, two dependents and one
will be heading to college in two
to three years. Bush's plan, again,
helped them the most. The big
$10,000 college credit in Gore's
plan applies to only one child and
equals to roughly $2,800. This is
only an $800 improvement on the
current plan; additionally under
the current plan, monies spent on
every child that a family has in
college can deduct it from taxes. So
Gore's plan is better. I think not.
So one would have to logically
conclude that Bush's plan benefits
the most people.
By the'way I voted for Bush.
I guess I like a guy that wants to
give me back my money that I pay
in taxes.
Marquita Winslow
Greenville resident
LCMtK iu mt tUIIUI
Not all organizations to blame for missing letters
Dear Editor, did not receive a letter about the who make the financial decisio
In regards to the "Our View"
editorial on Tuesday, Nov. 14, I
am concerned about the comment
that were directed to the 198 orga-
nizations on campus that did not
respond to the request for dona-
tions regarding the AIDS Quilt and
AIDS Awareness Week.
I understand how frustrating
it Is to look for outside help, only
to not receive any, however I do
not feel that the blame should be
put on the student organizations
On Monday, Nov. 13,1 received
a phone call from one of the staff
members of TEC to inquire why I
did not respond to the request letter
that was sent to me. I responded by
saying, "What letter?" We contin-
ued to talk for a minute concluding
that I wasn't the only person who
did not receive a letter about the
request for donations.
My concern is with the way in
which this situation was handled.
To write an article and have it
sound like the other organizations
on campus don't care is, in my
opinion, unfair. I am sure that there
are organizations that probably did
receive that letter of request and
it went from their mailbox to the
trash can. I don't doubt that.
I do, however, feel that It should
be addressed that there were also
organizations that never laid eyes
on any such letter.
In the future, I feel that if there
are organizations on campus seek-
ing help from their peer, they need
to go through the proper routes
to do so.
Mailing a letter is OK to do but
it seems to me that actually putting
a letter in the hands of the people
who make the financial decisions
for their organizations would be the
best system, for a better response.
I would also like to include that
these organizations play active
roles in the community and can
not possibly donate to everyone
seeking funds.
I feel that it also needs to be
addressed that the statements about
"selfishness" and "thinking only
of ourselves" were absolutely inap-
propriate statements for some. To
say that all 198 organizations could
care less about a disease that kills so
many, completely insults those that
knew nothing about the request
for donations.
In the future, I feel that the
facts and feelings of others should
be taken into account before any
criticism is written and printed.
Adam Mitchell
ECU Student Union President
funtor art metals major Erica Shmkwytch was misquoted in the Thursday, Nov. 16 edition of TEC. Stankwytch had no
comment mardint her participation in the 24th Annual Great American Smokeout.
This election is very close, as
was indicated by most or all of the
polls taken before the election. It is
our responsibility to make sure that
the person who actually received
the votes is the next president.
We have to make sure that those
who make the decisions regarding
the election don't make those deci-
sions because they have some spe-
cial interest in this election.
Almost every state has been
counted and the winner has been
declared for that particular state.
Now the only state of any real
interest is Florida, since its 25
electoral votes will decide who the
next president will be.
While the counting procedures
and court hearings continue in
Florida, one has to wonder how
fair this whole process is going
to be. When you look at those
who are in the middle of some of
the most important decisions to
be made, you find that they are
The secretary of state has been
very active in the Bush campaign
and has a lot to gain if he gets
elected. Most in favor of continu-
ing the recounts are Democrats,
keeps going and going
while those if favor of stopping
now and declaring the winner are
Republicans. It's hard to imagine
that Bush supporters would want
to stop the recount if they were
It is very important that every
vote gets counted accurately, even
if it means we have to wait a little
longer before we know who the
winner is. How can we stop now
when the vote count isn't complete
It was very irresponsible for
Secretary Katherine Harris to declare
that she will not accept any more
votes. Basically she is saying, "I
don't care who received the most
votes, I want to stop while my
candidate is up Sorry, but that's
not how we elect our leaders in this
It is also a fact that Harris
doesn't really know too much about
elections and has never even been
involved in the election process
before. She usually lets her staff take
care of all the details. How then can
we expect her to make the logical
and right decisions now?
How can we have someone from
the Bush campaign decide how we
are going to elect our leader?
Gov. George W. Bush says that
he doesn't like hand recounts. His
reasons are that machines are more
accurate, more reliable and they
don't have any preference over who
wins or loses. He fails to mention
the fact that the machines have a
2.5 percent error margin, that the
machines are not new and do not
use the best technology and that
the machines don't even count the
votes they cannot read.
How then can every vote be
counted? He is saying that he
doesn't trust the people to count
the votes even though he just spent
his entire campaign saying, "I trust
It's a wonder that the state
with so many Republicans in high
positions is the only state with
controversy, hard to read ballots
and those who want to certify the
election before even counting all
of the votes.
The only reason they want a
rush to judgment is because their
candidate is up right now and that
is the only thing they seem care
Citizens benefit from Bush's tax plan

ember 21, 2000
Tuesday, November 21, 2000
iwash readers into
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The East Carolinian 5
(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You have to keep a secret from a friend.
You gave your word. Meanwhile, work on a
project with others, but don't gossip.
(Dec. 22-jan. 19)
You have the opportunity to advance your
career. Co on a friend's advice and you'll be
in the right place at the right time.
Can. 20-Feb. 18)
You're in touch with a person far away,
but getting there is difficult. Don't despair.
Things need done before you take time off.
(Feb. 19-March20)
Figure out what you'll be paid and how
much the job will cost. Learn about a contro-
versial topic to be in a position to make a
Jiiasie of-Ifrance
Today's Birthday: Join friends in spir-
itual inquiry and find the balance you've
sought. You'll become more outspoken in the
(March 21-April 19)
Watch what you say and do. Get someone
with different skills to take action. They will
be more effective. They will stand up for you.
(April 20-May 20)
Quick thinking is required. A friend gives
good information; that helps a lot. Ask for
help before it's needed.
(May 21-June 21)
A romance involves a frank discussion. You
don't always agree, but that adds to the
(June 22-July 22)
Somebody at home needs attention. Be
careful around sharp objects. You can finish a
project, but don't rush.
(July 23-Aug. 22)
You're learning quickly, so take on a chal-
lenge. This project is more difficult that it
appears, so stay relaxed.
(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
You want to fix up your home or move to
better surroundings. It may be possible, but
will take planning. Consult an expert.
(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You're moving quicklyand want to get
things done. Making decisions is easy, but
don't get hasty. Listen to feedback.
(Oct.23-Nov. 21)
You're careful about what you say, but
others aren't as wary. That's good because
they'll tell you whatever you want to know.
The latest Travel Adventure Film will focus on France, a country rich in culture as well as history, (file photo)
Travel Adventure Film
Series returns to campus
Maura Buck
Bonjour! Who doesn't love all that Prance has
to offer? Who hasn't munched on a croissant and
thought, "I love those Frenchmen?" Perhaps, the
reactions weren't that dramatic, but for all those
who love France, this Travel-Adventure Film won't
The film, by Dr. Dwayne Merry, begins at 4 p.m. and
7M) p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 28 at
Hendrix Theatre in Mendenhall
Student Center (MSQ. Dinner
will begin at 6 p.m. in the Great
Room of MSC.
"I have been to France and
I can't say enough about how
much I love it said freshman
Elisha Ficalora. "I would encour-
age any student to go just to try
to give them incentive to someday visit the country
The film first travels back in time to explore the
prehistoric cave paintings and then on to the people
of Camac who erected the stone monoliths. Following
French history, the movie next touches upon the route
of invading the Romans through their triumphant
arches, across aqueducts and Into the amphitheaters
that are now used as bullrings.
"We, as Americans, have very strong historic ties
with the French and we always will said French
professor Dr. Stephen Dock.
The next leg of the journey takes a trip to Roquefort
where the famed French cheese is produced. The film
also serves as a great means of sightseeing. Merry
captures such French wildlife as vivid flamingos, white
horses and black bulls with lyre-shaped horns. Before
moving on to Avingnon and Bayeaux, the religious
cities of Loudres and Rocamadour are also featured.
The next sight is widely recognized for its horrific
significance in American history, the beaches of
We, as Americans, have very strong
historic ties with the French and we
always will.
Dr. Stephen Dock
French Professor
Normandy are shown along with the Somme Valley
and Verdun. For those women who have a love for
perfume, the film visits the famous Fragonard perfume
factory in Gasse.
"As a French student, I believe that it would only
benefit me to go to a Travel-Adventure Series said
junior English major Mary Ruth Helms. "I think that
it would be interesting to experience a small part of
French culture
The remaining destinations are scattered throughout
the enchanting city of Paris. Patrons will climb the
Eiffel Tower, see the Arc de Triomphe, and walk along
the world famous Champ Elysees. Finally, the ever-
famous Cathedral of Notre Dame will be surveyed as
well as the l.ouvre.
Merry, a professor of anthro-
pology and archeology at Orange
Coast College in California, is an
avid traveler who explores the his-
tory of France in his film, France.
From the prehistoric cave paint-
ings of Lasceaux to the beaches
of Normandy, patrons will be
exposed to the many different
sides of France. Merry explores the romantic city of
Paris and discovers the glittering extravagance of
In addition to the movie, viewers can purchase
a theme dinner in accordance with French cuisine.
Theme dinners are available to those who attend the
cinematic feature.
The 2000-01 Travel-Adventure Film and Theatre
Dinner Series will take travelers to Netherlands, Croatia
and Slovenia, Portugal and an odyssey from Alaska to
the Keys for the remainder of the year.
Individual tickets to France are available at the
Central Ticket Office located on the main floor of
MS(. Individual film tickets are $6 per person and
individual dinner tickets are $18 per person. ECU
students may receive up to two dinner tickets for
free as long as they bring their ECU One Card to the
Central Ticket Office.
Dinner tickets for students are $12 per j)erson and
See FRANCE page S
From the School of Hospitality Management
Left: The Fall Luncheon Series has taken place every
Tuesday and Thursday this semester. Students from
Ihe School of Hospitality Management prepare meals
for patrons as part of a semester class called quantity
Above Professor Jim Chandler oversees the course,
yet encourages the students to be creative with
these layered fruit desserts known as Peaceful Island
(photos by Matt Vick and Laura Kowalski)
French silk pie recipe
What you'll need:
1 2 cup butter
34 cup sugar
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
1 chocolate crumb crust (9-inch)
In a small bowl, cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add melted
chocolate and vanilla. Beat until smooth. Add one egg and beat for five minutes. Add
remaining egg and beat five more minutes. Pour mixture into crust (crust must be cool) and
chill until set, about three hours. Spread with whipping cream if desired.
Recipe courtesy of Ihe Si hoot ol Hospitality Management.
Pick of the Week:
"How the Grlnch Stole Christmas"
Jim Carrey portrays the Grinch, a character based on
the 1957 book by Dr. Seuss. The film is narrated by
Anthony Hopkins, (photo from World Wide Web)
Maura Buck
"You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch Though
his character may be a little on the crabby
side, actor Jim Carrey effectively performs a
familiar character in a most unfamiliar way in
the new redition of Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch
Stole Christmas.
Ron Howard's rendition of the pseudony-
mous author Theodor S. Geisel's 1957 children's
classic comes to life as never before. Carrey's
reported five hour daily make-up sessions
during production brought the old childhood
character to life, in a
For all of us who
still turn the 1966
Christmas television
special for a great
sense of fulfillment
during the holiday
season, this is defi-
nitely no substitute.
ghastly green, grouchy
kind of way.
Carrey merges with the
physical features of the
Grinch from the mad
scientist hair to the
row of crooked, yellow
teeth, that from time
to time chomp on glass
for dinner.
The Seussian scen-
ery in the Yule-obsessed
town of Whoville spar-
kles like a mysterious Christmas package that
looks too perfect to open, almost. The murky
Mount Crumpit, home to the cranky Grinch,
is decadent in its own dank and completely
disgusting way. Even the Grinch's answering
machine that threatens violence to anyone who
leaves a message, then cordially invites the caller
to press the star key "if you want to fax
The Grinch, obviously a guy who fancies
himself on making others miserable, is portrayed
as a creature with a heart two sizes too small.
One of the most interesting aspects of the film,
beside the make-up and scenery, is the actual
plot. If you think you are a pro at Grinch trivia,
Actually, the plot is quite different than one
would expect it to be. In fact, the story goes
into detail on what it is that makes the Grinch
the bitter gangrene fellow that we know him
to be. That's right, folks, one of life's nagging
questions, why is the Grinch so miserable?,
is answered in just over 102 minutes. Then,
appropriately, his heart grows three sizes.
For all of us who still turn the 1966 Christmas
television special for
Will it go down in
history as a Christ-
mas classic like its
predecessor? Proba-
bly not, but if you
like the story and
you can't get enough
of the crazy Carrey,
you'll like this spin-
a great sense of fulfill-
ment during the holi-
day season, this is defi-
nitely no substitute.
Instead, it is an in-
depth look at a char-
acter we have always
loved, even in his sim-
plest days.
The same life lesson
is very much present
within this modern
version of The Grinch.
With a little help horn
one of the cutest little
girls in the entire
world, Cindy Lou Who, played by Taylor
Momsen, the Grinch learns that Noel isn't about
the gifts but about togetherness.
As expected, there are laughs available for
adults and children alike. The kids will love
some of the Grinch's tirades while the adults
will love the humor that looms over the heads
of most children. For example, at one point,
the Grinch sits in his recliner speaking of
"wallowing in self-pity" and "staring into an
abyss" for things to do on Christmas Eve. Of
course that is before he gets "his idea, his
wonderfully awful idea
Anyone who has stomped up the steps as a
child in the name of justice or slammed a door
here or there to emphasize just how angry they
are, will find it easy to have compassion for this
furry fellow we know as the Grinch.
Undoubtedly, it is a fun holiday movie.
Believe it or not, one doesn't have to be eight
years old to enjoy the mythical set or some of
the classical Carrey "I am a psycho maniac,
now 1 am completely calm" lines which are
trademarked in some of his other fims-The
Mask and Are Ventura.
Will it go down in history as a Christmas
classic like its predecessor? Probably not, but if
you like the story and you can't get enough of
the crazy Carrey, you'll like this spin-off.

6 The East Carolinian
Tuesday, November 21, 2000
Environment impacts economy
DURHAM, N.C. (AP-States with
the best environmental records
ialso offer the best job opportuni-
ties and climate for long-term
?economic development, a new
study by the Institute for Southern
Studies indicates. And Vermont
ranked among the top performers
for its showing in both categories.
"In the 2000 elections, political
leaders were still debating about
whether protecting the environ-
ment will cost obs said Chris
Kromm, director of the nonprofit
institute and co-author of the report.
"What this study finds is that the
trade-off myth is untrue. At the
state policy level, efforts to promote
a healthy environment and a sound
economy go hand-in-hand
The study, Gold and Green
2000, uses separate lists of indica-
tors to evaluate each state's eco-
nomic performance and stresses on
the environment.
The 20 economic indicators
include annual pay, fob oppor-
tunities, business start-ups and
workplace injury rates. The 20
environmental measures range
from toxic emissions and pesticide
use to energy consumption and
urban sprawl.
The report ranks states on each
indicator, and the sum of the ranks
produces a state's final score.
Seven states rank in the top
IS for both economic and environ-
mental health. Vermont, Rhode
Island and Minnesota rank in the
top six of both lists.
"Now we have two similar stud-
ies that point to the same con-
clusion: states can have a strong
economy and protect the environ-
ment said study co-author Keith
Ernst. "And states that sacrifice
their natural resources for quick-fix
development aren't improving their
long-term economic prospects
Are you tired of not getting a
seat on the HI transit bus?
We are the only complex in town to
offer express bus service to ECU. In
addition to:
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? Individual leases
zsfoae& "wove
3305 E. 10th St. 752
FRANCE from page 4
they may use their ECU meal plans
and declining balance to purchase
the dinner. Reservations for dinner
must be made by Nov. 21. Contact
the Central Ticket Office with
?any questions at 328-4788 or visit
their Web site at
This writer can be contacted
at features&tec. ecu. edu
dual Housing
Spacious 2 bedroom apartment located on 3rd St.
Quiet neighborhood. Cats allowed with deposit. Water,
sewer & heat included.
2 bedroom, 2 bath located at Dogwood Hollow. 2
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Available December 1, 2000.
2 bedroom, 2 bath located at Parkview Apartments.
No pets. Water, sewer & basic cable included.
Spacious 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhouse located at
Kingston condominiums. No pets. Water, sewer & basic
cable included.
Hite Properties 752-8900
to Owrton's on
Red Banks Rd.
(LlmHed lime only)
2 for Tuesday PISTACHIO NUT - Pistachio flavored custard & real pistachio
nuts. S'MORES - Milk chocolate bits with graham crackers S marshmallows in
vanilla custard.
22) Wednesday PUMPKIN PIE - Uke Grandma's Pumpkin He.
(?4) Friday BAILEYS IRISH CREAM - Chocolate flakes in Irish Creme flavored custard. !
(?5) Saturday GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE - Chocolate caramel flavor with coconut
- fudge and pecan pieces.
(26) Sunday TURTLE SWIRL - Chocolate custard with a caramel swirl and pecans
LEMON - A creamy, lemon custard.
27) Monday BUTTER PECAN - Classic style.
PfltSl fstfrsttiui
2 for Tuesday RAINFOREST CRUNCH - Cashews, Brazil nuts, & almonds In
vanilla with a caramel swirl. DREAMSICLE - Orange flavored custard with strokes
of vanilla.
(29) Wednesday STRAWBERRY BON BON - Strawberry custard with marshmailow
- swlri and chocolate flakes
(30) Thursday BLACK FOREST TORTE - A light chocolate cherry custard with
chocolate flakes, cherries and chopped walnuts
:ifJ 'JflJW TftHi
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The burntos are out there
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We're offering you a chance to be a winner! With all the
pressures that final exams week often comes with, we thought
we'd do something that would at least provide a break from
all the stress. You could win dinner for two at one of the
following restaurants:
Basil's, Lone Star Steak House, or Ragazzi's.
We're calling it CANNED MUSIC! Here are your options if you
want to register to win: simply bring a canned food item to
one of our two live remotes before exams, along with a musical
track of your choice, and you will be automatically registered to
win dinner for two at a local restaurant Your second option is
listen to WZMB and hear "The sloppy turkey eater If you call in
and give your name, it will be entered into the drawing.
The live remotes
Wed Nov. 29
Mon Dec. 4
The drawing will take
place on tues dec. 5
Kappa Delta Congratulates the new
initiates of it's Gamma Sigma Chapter.
Kasey Baker
Nikki Baker
Melissa Ball
Elizabeth Blevins
Mary Beth Bonar
Jenny Brennan
Tammy Burkett
Heather Crisco
Christina Dukes
Margarette Duncan
Nicole Ensrude
Lizi Fisher
Terrell Floyd
Corey Haddon
Lexi Hasapis
Crystal Hickman
Rachel Hughes
Marianne Hume
Katie Humphrey
Ginger Johnson
Candice Kimbrough
Lisa Blair King
Jennifer Kwiatkowski
Christy Laffon
Mandy Leonard
Amanda McCrea
Christine Maness
Karen Matthew
Danielle Mershon
Beth Moore
Erica Moore
Melissa Motahari
Anna Sparrow Nelson
Johanna Nowicki
Arwen Parris
Emily Phipps
Nicole Rail
Neta Roberts
Christa Roe
Stephanie Sanders
Sara Saunders
Jenn Smith
Katherine Snyder
Nikki Speer
Lisa Stoltenberg
Alicia Stouffer
Anne Swinson
Summer Talley
Lissa Thomas
Sabrina Thompson
Kim Trueheart
Shelli Verone
Neille Walker
Jennifer Williams
Linda Wong
Charee Woodard
LeAnn Woods
Lisa Woods
Kati Zarbock
Tori Johnson
Rachel Kirk
Anne Lucas
Kathleen Meaney
Tina Oyerbee
Fulshruti Patel
Meredith Shallanberger


uesday, November 21, 2000
The East Carolinian 7
Louisville wins
first C-USA title
Louisville clinched its first Conference-
USA title and its first conference title of
any kind in 28 years with a 32-13 win over
Houston Saturday.
The Cardinals were paced by Dave
Ragone who threw for two touchdowns
and Nathan Smith who kicked four field
The Cardinals, who lost to ECU earlier
this season, earned a spot in the Uberty
Bowl on Dec. 29 in Memphis.
Nadeau wins
season's final race
Jerry Nadeau waited until the last race
of the NASCAR 2000 season to take his
first checkered flag. Nadeau overtook Dale
Earnhardt in the NAPA 500 at the Atlanta
Motor Speedway with seven laps to go to
get the win.
The 30-year old Nadeau was on his
103rd career start.
The race marked the end of the career
of NASCAR veteran Darrell Wartrip. Wartrip
finished 34th.
Chapman retires
Phoenix Suns guard
Rex Chapman has
decided to call it quits
after 11 seasons in the
NBA. Chapman was
drafted by the Charlotte
Hornets in 1988 out of
Kentucky. He had stints
with the then-Washing-
ton Bullets and the Miami Heat.
Chapman joined the Suns in 1996 and
led them to playoff berths in each of his
four seasons with the team.
Chapman averaged 1S points and
three assists per game during his career.
Woods wins 10th
Tiger Woods
won his 10th tour-
nament of the
year. Woods cap-
tured the title at
the Johnnie Walker
Coif Classic in
Bangkok, Thailand.
Woods shot a
65 on Sunday to
complete a
25-under 263 for the tournament.
Woods would be tied with Byron
Nelson and Ben Hogan as the only golfers
to win 10 tournaments in one season.
However, since the tournament is not on
the PGA tour, it does not count.
Semlnoles back
in front
After beating arch-rival Florida Satur-
day, the Florida State Seminoles jumped
back into second in the BCS standings.
The Hurricanes fell back to third.
The two teams have been battling
most of the season for the final spot in the
BCS title game.
The Seminoles have completed their
season. The Hurricanes face a pivotal
game with Boston College this weekend.
A strong showing could move them ahead
of the Seminoles and into the Orange
Oklahoma is still in first with a 2.95
rating. The Noles are in second at 5.55
and the Hurricanes are in at third with a
Washington is fourth with a 10.46 and
Oregon State is fifth at 13.33. Virginia
Tech is sixth with a rating of 14.10.
Sixers remain perfect
The Philadelphia 76ers kept their win-
ning streak intact with a 114-90 win in
Boston Monday.
The Sixers were led by point guard
Allen Iverson who scored 26 points. For-
ward Theo Ratliff added 21 in the win.
With the victory, the Sixers improve to
10-0. The team is the last unbeaten left
in the NBA.
Volleyball finishes positive season
Pirates fall
to Virginia Tech
Ryan Downey
The ECU volleyball
team finished up its season
with a one-sided 3-1 loss
to Virginia Tech this week-
The game was the last
game for seniors outside
hitter Cinta Claro, middle
hitters Sarah Kary and
I.uCinda Mason. Senior
outside hitter Liz Hall
didn't play due to injury.
Due to expulsion from
the CAA, the season will
end without an appear-
ance in a conference
tournament. The Pirates
will begin competing in
Conference USA in the
2001-2002 season.
"Unfortunately we left
the court without the
result we would have
liked said Pirate Head
Coach Colleen Farrell.
"We would have liked to
have the seniors go out
on a winning note, but we
won't let this take away
from it. They have done
a lot to get this program
going the right way
With a chant of togeth-
erness, ECU's three able
seniors took the court
for their final game as
teammates at ECU. The
game started low for the
Pirates with the team fall-
ing behind early.
Led by a gutsy perfor-
mance from Mason, who
had a team high 16 kills
on the night, the Pirates
were able to climb back
into the game tying the
score at 6-6 before another
Hokie run put the game
one away, 15-9.
ECU started game two
off with the Pirates jump-
The ECU volleyball team finished their season at 17-13 following a loss to Virginia Tech Friday. The team showed much improvement under
first-year Head Coach Colleen Farrell. Farrell is the eighth coach in ECU history. The 2000 Pirates posted their best season since 1982 when
the Pirates went 26-15 under then-Head Coach Lynn Davidson Due to the fact that ECU is heading to Conference USA next season, the team
will not be able to compete in the CAA tournament slated for later this month. The 3-1 in Minges Coliseum loss marked the end of the careers
of five Pirate seniors, (file photo)
ing to an early 4-1 lead
on their way to a gusty
16-14 win; giving the
seniors their final win on
their home court. After
intermission the Hokies
handed the Pirates a 15-0
loss. That was their first
shut out loss since a 1997
contest- against James
Game four featured
another strong perfor-
mance by Virginia Tech
holding the pirates to four
points on their way to a
15-4 win.
The Pirate volleyball
team had one of its best
seasons finishing with a
17-13 record which is
eight more wins then last
-The team had its best-
season since 1982 when
they went 26-15.
A new standard has
been set for volleyball
at ECU, and this years
seniors were a big part
of that. All four rank in
the top 10 in the ECU vol-
leyball record books. Claro
holds a career record for
kills as does Kary for block
I feel Hke the four
a legacy, and hopefully
the under classman will
continue it Claro said.
Claro who will be serv-
ing as a student assistant
next season.
With the regular
season over the Pirates
have the rest of the semes-
ter to look back at their
During the winter
semester the Pirates minus
the seniors will start the
spring season which fea-
tures tournament play in
order to gear up for the
next fall season when the
Pirates will be bringing in
four new players.
"I thought over all it
was a really good season,
said sophomore setter
Mandi Orban. "We just
played a lot of tough teams
at the end
This writer can be contacted
Mountaineers top Pirates 42-21
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP)-West Virginia
gave coach Don Nehlen the chance to postpone
his retirement.
Brad Lewis threw for a career-high 290 yards
and two touchdowns to lead West Virginia to a
42-24 victory Saturday over ECU in Nehleh's final
home game.
"It's good to see him smile Lewis said. "He's
been trying to keep the focus off his retirement,
but it was nice to get this win for him. We wanted
to go out and play our hearts out for the seniors
and for the coach.
"Emotions were real high before the game and
that continued throughout. There was something
in the locker room today that we were really fired
West Virginia's 42 points were a season high,
although its total yards, 395, were pale by com-
parison. The Mountaineers also got a defensive
touchdown and some scoring help from ECU's
special teams.
West Virginia (6-4) joins East Carolina (6-4) in
becoming bowl-eligible, but the main blemish in
Nehlen's 21 seasons at West Virginia is losing eight
consecutive bowl games.
With several bowl-eligible teams in the Big East
and Conference USA, both teams can improve
their chances this week. West Virginia heads to
Pittsburgh on Friday and ECU is at No. 24 Southern
Miss on Saturday.
"I don't know if six (wins) will do it or not
Nehlen said.
ECU, which erupted for 327 rushing yards
against West Virginia a year ago, was held to just 1
on the ground Saturday.
"We got behind early. They were stopping the
run so well that we had to pass said quarterback
David Garrard. "That was the biggest difference. It
took away from what we wanted to do
Lewis, playing with a sore knee and throwing
hand, completed 12 of 24 passes, an average of 24
yards per completion. He opened the scoring with
a 49-yard TD pass to Antonio Brown and capped
it with an 18-yard TD toss to Khori Ivy with eight
minutes remaining.
Brown had six catches for 179 yards. Ivy has
caught a pass in 38 straight games, the third-longest
streak in Division 1-A.
Garrard was 25-of-41 for 280 yards and helped
ECUcut into a 19-point halftime deficit.
Marcellus Harris took a short pass from Garrard,
broke three tackles and scored from 45 yards out
to make it 29-17.
Later, backup quarterback Arnie Powell took a
handoff from Garrard and threw a 33-yard TD toss
to Aaron Harris to cut the lead to 32-24.
West Virginia sends coach out with win
W.Va. (APJEhe fanfare was
low-key for Don Nehlen
in his final home game
at West Virginia on Satur-
No fireworks. No pre-
game speeches. No sitting in a rocking chair
for a "This Is Your Life" retrospective. Glamour
was never his style.
Perseverence was, and Nehlen traded the
fanfare for one more chance at securing a bowl
After the Mountaineers 6-4 beat ECU 42-24
Saturday, his players hoisted Nehlen onto their
shoulders. The WVU band played "Auld Lang
Syne" and fans in the half-empty stadium yelled
"Nehlen! Nehlen
"We wanted to send coach Nehlen out a
winner said linebacker Chris Edmonds. "It
was just like in the movies carrying him off the
field. He's getting a little old and he was a little
worried we'd drop him, so we didn't take him
all the way off
The coach-a self-described "nobody special"
-didn't acknowledge the crowd's roars, but
simply trotted off the field.
"It's the last time down the tunnel said
Nehlen, who is retiring at season's end.
He then paused to recall his thoughts at
that moment.
"You say to yourself, did I do the right thing
and what am I going to do? It's time for
someone else to run this program he said.
Before the game, Nehlen and his 11 seniors
"Before he got here, this place
didn't even exist, and now look at it.
Keith Graley
Tight end, WVU Football
were introduced to a crowd of
40,389, the smallest at Moun-
taineer Field this season,
although the game coincided
with Thanksgiving Break for
"This was one day that it
didn't matter what the weather was like said
Brad Hunt, a WVU defensive tackle from 1983-87
and a current season ticket holder. "I'm not going
to miss coach Nehlen's last day here
Doc Stevens, the stadium's public address
announcer for more than 40 years, became choked
up while reading Nehlen's accomplishments
during the introductions.
At halftime, film clips and tributes from former
players were shown on the video scoreboard.
"I was afraid for a while our team was watch-
ing that and we Were going to blow it Nehlen
Nehlen earned his 200th career win last week.
He's the only West Virginia coach to have walked
the sidelines at Mountaineer Field, which opened
the year he arrived in 1980.
"Before he got here, this place didn't even
exist, and now look at it said Keith Graley, a tight
end on the 1988 team, one of two undefeated
seasons under Nehlen. The other, in 1993, was
Nehlen's only Big East title.
In front of Graley sat Tom Bowman, the
captain of the 1985 squad who turned down
a scholarship offer at Notre Dame to come to
West Virginia.
"Why? Because of coach Nehlen Bowman
said. "West Virginia should be proud
But West Virginia scored 10 straight points in the
fourth quarter to put the game away.
"We weren't looking ahead to Southern Miss
said ECU Head Coach Steve Logan. "David played
his best game
The first half was full of scoring off bouncing
ECU's Chris Howell recovered a Lewis fumble at
the West Virginia 9 and Garrard scored from 2 yards
out two plays later.
Early in the second quarter, a snap sailed over the
head of ECU punter Kevin Miller, who kicked the
bouncing ball through the end zone. West Virginia
was given possession at the 1, and Avon Cobourne
scored for a 15-7 lead.
A minute later, Garrard threw a wild lateral pass
at the ECU 20. The ball was batted around and West
Virginia's Jason Davis fell on it in the end zone.
l.ate in the quarter, I?wis was hit as he threw but
completed a 28-yard floating pass to Phil Braxton.
That set up a 1-yard run by Wes Ours for a 29-7
lead. The 29 first-half points were the most for West
Virginia this season.
West Virginia's James Davis, who entered the
game with two sacks this season, tied a school record
with four sacks, three on one drive.
TEvery play 1 went through, I thought it would
be my last. I knew I had to keep going and keep
going Davis said.

? The East Carolinian
Tuesday, November 21, 2000
Carruth murder trial begins
NFL player Rae Carruth had his
pregnant girlfriend killed because
she refused to have an abortion, a
prosecutor told jurors in opening
statements Monday.
"She was adamant in her
refusal Assistant District Attorney
Gentry Caudill said. "She wanted
to have that baby
A defense attorney blamed the
shooting on a friend of Carruth's
who was angry because he wouldn't
provide money for a marijuana
Carruth, a former wide receiver
for the Carolina Panthers, is
charged with first-degree murder
for allegedly hiring someone to
shoot 24-year-old Cherica Adams
on Nov. 16, 1999. She was eight
months' pregnant with his child
when she was shot.
Adams' baby son was delivered
by emergency Caesarean section
and survived. Adams died a month
The prosecutor, who is seeking
the death penalty, told jurors that
Carruth and his accomplices laid
a trap, with the 26-year-old player
blocking her car so another man
could pull alongside and shoot
"When the shooting stops, foot-
"lf my son had done this, I would
be in front of this camera saying
he deserves to be punished
But my son didn't do this. He is
Theodry Carruth
Mother of accused
ball hero Rae Carruth drove away
and left Cherica Adams and his
own son for dead Caudill said.
Before she died, Adams made
statements and wrote notes, which
the jurors will be allowed to see.
"She wrote that Rae blocked the
front and he never came back
Caudill said.
Defense attorney David Rudolf
said Carruth didn't give money to
Van Brett Watkins, who already has
admitted pulling the trigger.
Watkins, 40, who is expected
to be a key prosecution witness,
has said Carruth hired him to kill
Adams, but also told a jailer he
shot Adams only because she made
an obscene gesture at him from
her car.
Carruth's lawyers have con-
tended that Watkins' mental state
is questionable because of anti-
psychotic drugs he has taken.
Rudolf said the shooting had
"absolutely nothing to do with the
fact that she was pregnant
Rudolf said Carruth "partici-
pated in the pregnancy He went
and bought baby furniture They
agreed to co-parent this baby
In a Court TV interview before
the statements, Carruth's mother
proclaimed his innocence.
"If my son had done this, I
would be in front of this camera
saying he deserves to be punished
but don't kill him Theodry Car-
ruth said. "But my son didn't do
this. He is innocent
During jury selection, lawyers
for Carruth, who is black, made race
an issue as prosecutors repeatedly
dismissed blacks from the jury.
Superior Court Judge Charles Lamm
ruled the dismissals were based on
opposition for capital punishment
and other factors other than race.
The completed jury has seven
white men, two white women and
three black women. One black man
is among the four alternate jurors.
Two other men are also charged
with murder: Michael Eugene Ken-
nedy, 25, accused of driving the car
from which the shots were fired,
and Stanley Drew "Boss" Abraham,
a passenger in the car. They will be
tried separately.
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The East Carolinian 9
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BEECH STREET Villas, three bed-
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ROOM FOR Rent at Pirate's Cove.
Need someone to take over lease, no
deposit required Choice of any room.
Contact Mark at 329-2862.
Street, one bedroom $355 6 two
bedroom $420, Pets allowed with fee.
Call Wainright Property Management
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PRIVATE ROOMS Available Jan. 1st.
walking distance from campus. Large
room 15'x15'), washer and dryer,
basic cable included, private phone
line. Call Mike at (252) 830-3735.
WALK TO ECU. 1 Bedroom APT.
$300-325 Month. CALL 758-6596.
201 N. Summit St: Charming home
completely remodeled 3-4 BR. 2B
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Must see! Available, call 752-9816
before 9pm.
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townhouse at Twin Oaks. Available
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to ECU. $615 month for other months
plus deposit. At least 6 month lease.
Please call 752-2851. Thank You.
1 BR-2BR. water 8- cable included.
DW a disposal. ECU bus line, pool
6 pvt. laundry. On-site mgmt. &
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WALK TO ECU. 3 Bedrooms. 2 Bath
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FEMALE NON-Smoker needed to
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bus line, washer dryer available. Rent
negotiable. Call 919-961-0524.
NEED A place to live during Spring
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ter. Fully furnished. WD. tanning,
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2 bedroom 1 bath apartment at Wes-
ley Commons South. 227.50month
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share 2BR 2BA in Dogwood Hollow.
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bedroom townhouse. Perfect for grad
or medical student. $285month plus
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ROOMMATE WANTED for 3 bedroom
2 bath duplex 6 blocxs from campus
Washer and dryer. $250month plus
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proofread 1
rapher at your event, or party.
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web. Call Coastal Photography at
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FOR SALE 1999 Ford Taurus LX.
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vacations $129! springbreaktrav- 1-800-678-6386.
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of instructors with great test scores
to teach the MCAT and SAT. Make
at least $15hr for SAT and $20hr
for MCAT sharing your wealth of
knowledge with future college and
medical students. Interviews will
be conducted on campus in early
December. Call 1(800)2-REVIEW for
more info.
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cessing and filing. Interested persons
please submit resume and list of hours
available for work to PO Box 1220,
Greenville. NC 27835-1220
WZMB IS currently accepting applica-
tions for the spring. 2001 semester
for the following positionsprogram
director, music director, production
manager, promotion manager, grants
manager, web engineer, news direc-
tor, sports director, specialty show
hosts, and DJs. Applications for these
positions are available at WZMB radio
station and should be submitted
before December 6. 2000. WZMB is
located in the basement of Menden-
hall Student Center, across from the
social room. 328-4751.
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ENERGETIC FEMALE who loves child-
ren needed to care for three children
ages 8.7.and 3. Prefer child develop-
ment, elementary education major
Flexible hours with some overnights
and weekends. Must be nonsmoker.
neat, organized, responsible, safe
driving record, and own car. Possibly
some hours cleaning, ironing, and
other household jobs. References
required. Excellent pay and benefits.
Call 752-1572.
$1000-$2000 this quarter with the
easy three
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required. Fundraising dates are filling
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or visit
PART-TIME help needed. Candle sales
at Carolina East Mall. Contact Wesley
HOLIDAY JOBS Available. Joan's
Fashions, a local Women's clothing
store, has positions for students
remaining in the area during Christ-
mas Break. Depending on student's
desire, the positions may be extended
beyond the holiday period and can be
for 10 to 40 hours per week, depend-
ing on your schedule and business
needs. The jobs are within walking
distance from ECU and the hours are
flexible. Pay is commensurate with
your experience and job performance
and is supplemented by an employee
discount. Apply in person to Store
Manager. Joan's Fashions, 423 S.
Evans Street, Greenville (Uptown
DANCERS EXOTIC 1000- 1500wk
18up. No experience All nationalities.
919-583-8041. SIDS Goldsboro.
HIRING FOR, the holidays. We pay in
cash if you are looking for a quick way
to earn a lot of money with a great
company, call Sybille 252-916-9471
of luck to all students graduating
in December You've done a great
ALPHA OMICRON Pi would like to
congratulate Lindsey Adcock, Emily
Cox, Kelly Feeg, Christine Gebhardt.
Allison Grover. Emily Guffey. Julie
Hough. Ashley Jay, Jessica Lang,
Jennifer McClotsky. Meredith Myers.
Stephanie Rackley. Sarah Seligson.
Erin Shaulis, Stephanie Simcox. Jamie
Vonlear. and Laura White on being
initiated. We love you girls!
JENNIFER KUBAL, you did a great job
as Vice President of New Member
Education. We are all so proud of
everything that you accomplished.
Love your Delta Zeta sisters.
sisters of Delta Zeta: Jennifer Byrd.
Holly Carraway, Courtney Cumming.
Ashley Davis. Jessica Delehman.
Shoshanna Goldenstein. Jennifer
Green. Kristin Lichtner. Heather Loop.
Kate Mitchell. Kelly Noonan. Ashleigh
Randell. Sue Rodemer, Stephanie
Smith. Krystle Stevens. Courtney
Welford. Nikki Rass. Allison White.
Michelle Yeary and Jenny Zinn. We
are so proud of you all!
THETA CHI. Thank you for the great
tailgate for the last home game.
Can't wait until next year! Love. Alpha
Delta Pi
Beta Alpha Psi new treasurer! We're
proud of you! Love, your sisters.
THE SISTERS and new members of
Delta Zeta would like to thank Phi
Psi for another great social, lets get
together again soon.
ALPHA DELTA Pi would like to thank
our dates for a great time on Friday
THE SISTERS of Delta Zeta would
like to thank all of their dates that
attended this years Rose formal. Like
always it was a blast!
EPSILON SIGMA Alpha would like to
congratulate their new sisters for Fall
2000: Mary Baynard, Renee Benton,
Sallie Bissette, Brandi Boyette, Crystal
Braswell, Dana Carter. Ginger Clark.
Melissa Davis. Ashley Gros, Brooke
Kilkoin. Jennifer Peak, Hayley Peters.
Crystal Simons, Jennifer Wilson, and
Karen Winslow. Love your sisters and
pledge mom.
THANK YOU Lambda Chi Alpha for
a great tailgate. What a great way
to end the season! Love the sisters
of Delta Zeta.
ALPHA OMICRON Pi would like to
congratulate Laura Phillips. Michelle
Neptun. and Lian Oxenham on getting
the opportunity to study abroad next
semester. Good Luck! We love you!
CLIMBING at Pilot Mountain. Dec 2
Pilot offers many options from begin-
ner to expert to test yourself on the
rock. The cost of the trip is $30 and
the Registration Deadline is Nov.27.
For more information please call
are invited to the workout party of
the year! This party features multi-
impact dance moves set to tunes of
the season guaranteed to get you
in shape for the holidays. The pro-
gram is FREE! Check Class schedules
for times or call 328-6387 for more
7pm-8pm. This workshop is FREE
to all members and will be held at
Adventure Outdoors in Arlington
Commons across from Pet Smart
The registration Deadline is Dec 5
and limited spots are available so sigp
up early. For more information pleasfc
call 328-6387.
Italy and Greece in Summer 2001 and
earn ECU college credits in theprq-
cess. Inexpensive group rates. Schof-
arshipsavailable. For more informs
tion. email or
call 328-4310 and leave a message

10 The East Carolinian
Tuesday, November 21, 2000
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The East Carolinian, November 21, 2000
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 21, 2000
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