The East Carolinian, October 2, 1997

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OCTOBER 2.1997
Police say assaults fact, serial rapist fiction
Recent rash of crimes
appear non-related
Rumors spreading across campus about
rapes and sexual assaults are based on three
incidents, but ECU Police believe many
stories are exaggerated.
"There are some rumors going around
that there have been several rapes and sex-
ual assaults on campus. There
is a rumor that there is a serial
rapist going across campus
said Detective Mike Jordan.
Jordan said there have been
three reported incidents on
campus recently. A student in
Jones Hall reported being
raped and the suspect has
been identified and was an
acquaintance of the female.
"Ws're just trying to final-
ize the investigation and then
get it to the DA's (District
Attorney) office Jordan said.
A female in Cottcn Hall reported being
grabbed in the crotch while in the hallway
of her dorm. The male was an acquaintance
and an arrest was made.
Another account of sexual assault was
made by a female in Fletcher Hall.
"What happened was a young lady was
walking down the stairs and reported being
grabbed but the suspect got away Jordan
These thing are
happening. There has
been a report of a
rape. I just don't hke
the kind of rumors
going around
Detective Mike Jordan
There is another rumor of a rape on cam-
pus, but police say the alleged victim has
not yet filed an official report.
"There is another unreported, uacon-
firmed report of a girt being raped in Garrett
(Hall) Jordan said.
The police department wants students
to be aware of these incidents but not fear-
ful due to exaggerations.
"These things are happening. There has
been a report of a rape. I just don't like the
kind of rumors going around Jordan said.
"Those rumors make people afraid and
scared, especially girls, and they get people
If a student is sexually assault-
ed on campus it is important
that they contact the; ECU
Police Department.
"Wc gather all the facts we
can gather and then present
in to the District Attorney (for
Pitt County) Jordan said.
In addition to contacting the
police, the Center for
Counseling and Student
Development provides sever-
al services to students who
have been sexually assaulted
including after hours counsel-
"If anything happens after hours all of us
are on a rotating on-call system so you don't
have to wait until the next day when the
office opens to sec us said Dr. Lynn
Roeder, director of the center.
The center is in the process of beginning
a support group for students who have been
sexually assaulted.
ECU to unveil new
logos in January
Pee Dee the Pirate, the school's mascot since the early 80s, will soon be joined by new logos.
ECU plans to continue
use of existing logos
Jim martin
East Carolina University is in the midst of
expanding its marks and logos and giving
PeeDec a new friend.
ECU officials are trying to keep this
event as quiet as possible.
"Everything will be unveiled around the
first few weeks of January at the beginning
of the spring semester said Lee Workman,
assistant athletic director.
Another big question remains: what
about new athletic marks and PceDee?
"The athletic department is exploring
additional marks for merchandising purpos-
es only, and PecDce himself will not be
changed said Mike Hamrick, athletic
It does appear there will be some sort of
addition to Pee Dee, although the universi-
ty docs not want to lose the Pirate, which
has been the school's mascot since the early
"It will be an update that students will
be pleased with said Ben Irons, university
No staff member would go into detail
about exactly what will be added. There will
be no deletions in the existing marks and
logos, just additions.
The University's recent suit with
Skully's has focused attention on the extent
of ECU's ability to limit another organiza-
tion's use of their marks or similiar ones.
With the new logos, the university is
going through certain steps to ensure new
additions will be the property of the univer-
sity alone.
"New marks are registered with the state
SEE1080. PAGE 3
Don't miss our special feature.
i tin' i ? ?
eastcarolinian presents
An in depth look
at campus issues
? sunny
Low 53
Low 54
Joyner Library is open
101 hours per week,
during the semester.
Isolated areas, like this part of the man" near the cupola, may be dangerous places for students to walk alone at night.
Inez Fridley running for re-election
Greenway project among
D.uvx Erxtemax
srm' ??itk?
Inez -Wdteyrmember of the Greenville
city council since 1986, is running for
Fridley is also the Associate Director of
Housing- Facility Management at ECU.
Fridley believes thai
the city council has
maintained a posi-
tive working rela-
tionship with ECU:
"ECU is a critical
piece of
Greenviliethe city
council) cares for
and considers the
university a lot
Fridley stated.
Fridley is running
against Steve
McLawhorn for City District 3. District 3
Inez Fridley
includes: Cotton, Jarvis, Fleming, and
Garrett halls, residents cast of Summit St
Tar River, Wesley Commons, and the apart-
ments on 10th St.
Some of the most notable accomplish-
ments for Fridley while she has been in
office are the expansion of the Greenway
system. Parks and Recreation programs,
downtown restoration, and the deveioi
ment of a Neighborhood Services team.
Inez is proudest of the Greenway system
funding. Through a lot of time and hard
work, Fridley and others were able to get
ECU lagp behind in graduate assistants' pay,
benefits not currently offered to TAs
Other UNC schools
offer higher salaries,
more benefits
ECU's graduate student teaching assistants,
on average, receive slightly less benefits
than other North Carolina universities.
lb determine this fact, ECU was com-
pared to other schools with a similar student
body population.
The statistical information is based on an
average. It fluctuates and there is a lot of
variation between departments.
North Carolina State University's
(NCSU) College of Education and
Psychology, on average, pays their graduate
student teaching assistants approximately
$4,100 a semester; however, this does not
cover room and board expenses.
XDur program doesn't cover housing, but
we do supply graduate teaching assistants
with medical coverage. State appropriated
funds offer the Student Preferred Care
Medical Insurance Plan, which doesn't
include dental coverage. However, it does
supply students with basic medical care
said Winnie Peoples, Administrative
Assistant at NCSU.
Unlike NCSU, the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill offers their graduate
teaching assistants medical benefits with
the possibility of receiving some form of
tuition reduction.
"At UNC the recommended stipend is
$4,200 per semester, however, there is great
variability among departments and the rate
they actually pay them. Out-of-state gradu-
ate students also receive tuition reduction
said Virginia Lee, Director Teaching
Assistant Development Center for Teaching
and Learning.
Both UNC and NCSU fail to offer other
compensation for graduate teaching assis-
tants; however, the University of North
Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) does.
"If an individual takes six or more hours a
semester they're considered to be a full-
time student. If they attend school full-
time, they're not subject to FICA tax. It is
important to remember that they must be
full-time to receive this benefit said Page
Morris, Budget Office of Graduate School at
According to UNCG's Graduate Schoolj
graduate teaching assistants earn approxi-
mately $3,500 a semester with no medical fix
housing coverage; however, they may be eli-
gible for a tuition waiver. Their eligibility
for funds and benefits is determined by
their department membership.
UNCG almost has as many students as
ECU, but their programs are noticeably dif-
"Graduate teaching assistants' pay varies
between departments, but, on average, it's
around $2,750 a semester. Our graduate
teaching assistants do not receive any med-
ical or housing benefits. Also, we don't offer
tuition reduction said Andrea Harrel,
Administrative Manager for the Division of
Research and Graduate Studies at ECU
ECU has approximately 18,000 students
and UNCW has an estimated student body
population of 9,000. ECU is twice as big,
but UNCW provides twice as many possible
future projects.
UNCW's graduate teaching assistants
receive approximately $7,000 for 10 months
of teaching; however, thev do not receive
any medical benefits, tuition reductions, i
SGA deserves a pat on
the back for a change

Mjgfc J
Ww Wi i

f ' 1
Athletes make the grade
The east Carolinian
across ttom Joynet library
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.? -
2 Thursday. Oetob?f 2. 1997
The East Carolinian
r oss the .state
mreVconvicted in pyramid scheme
GREENSBORO (AP) Three people have been convicted of operatinga
pyramid scheme that involved about $2 million and drew thousands of feo-
prlc to meetings in Greensboro
i Police had charged five people. June 3 with establishing, prornotingroper
ating and participating in a pyramid plan called, "A Networking Cgmmumty
of-Fnends v . . .
The charges came after detectives investigated two meetings new at me
Pbwer House of Deliverance Church. .
. Guilford District Judge Joseph Tumci; -convicted1 three people, Konda
Baker, Walter Lee Jones and Jasscn Roman Grant, all of Greensboro. The con-
victions were handed down Tuesday Two qther people were found not guilty.
. The judge ordered Baker, Jones and Grant each to pay a $200 fine and
court costs. He sentenced them triune week in jail, which was suspended as
lene as they are not convicted of a similar enme in the next two years.
Mark Gray, a Greensboro attorney .who Represented the five people
charged, said he will appeal the judge's decision to Guilford Superior Court.
Gray wants a jury to decide the case. -m
l Gray said most pyramid schemes are handled as civil matters without
criminal charges. Usually a restraining ordemjs issued, and the leaders are
ordered to stop the scheme, he said. 0 m
Collard story stresses cooks at restaurant
BEULAV1LLE (AP) ? Once the word got out about Collard Day at the
Wagon Wheel restaurant, things never were the same. , ,
' Five months ago, the local residents counted on Tuesdays as the day they
could expect fresh-cooked collards. It had been that way. for nearly 30 years
" But a newspaper storv that was reprinted across the state about the collard
cookery created such a demand that Collard Day was moved tp.Wcdncsdays.
That way, the cooks get time to prepare and rest.
Just five months ago, Collard Day was a quiet local tradition. After the
Wilmington Morning Star ran a story about the day, busmess nearly over-
whelmed the familv-run restaurant on N.C. 111 in Duplin County.
The change from Tuesday to Wednesday is a big deal at the Wagon Wheel.
It gives the staffMonday and Tuesday to rest before starting a nightlong shift
of preparing and cooking the green Southern delicacy.
' "It!s sort of like changing the Super Bowl from Sunday to Monday, sad
owner Bo Carpenter, who began notifying customers in August. I m a little
bit apprehensive, but it's something we needed to do.
The change also gives Carpenter some time off. Smcc taking over the
restaurant from his in-laws 17 years ago, he has worked 70-hour weeks and
usually spends his one dav off doing paperwork.
In the last two or three years, the demand for collards grown by 73-year-
old Zannie Atkinson has grown to the point that about 600 people were eat-
ing them on Tuesdays. The staff had to come to work earlier and earlier to get
the meal cooked.
Privatization of
PCMH reviewed
by commissioners
Possible change
shouldn't affect
Medical School
amanda briggs
staff wiitf.?
Negotiations for the privatization
of Pitt County Memorial Hospital
are being reviewed by the Pitt
County Commissioners.This reor-
ganization hopes to change Pitt
County Memorial into a private
not-for-profit hospital under the
control of local citizens. Few
changes arc expected as a result of
the privatization.
ECU's School of Medicine and
PCMH have been partners for the
past 20 years. Patients come to
PCMH and
the School of
Medicine for
If this health
care is affect-
ed, then the
School will be
affected the
education of
the medical
Dean of the
School of
Medicine and
Chancellor for
James A.
H a I I o c k
admits that
PCMH and
the School of
Medicine are
and that the
Information Tom Fbrtner said the
privatization will add flexibility in
the amount of care that the hospi-
tal is able to provide.
"The quality in the service that
the hospital could provide should
increase, due to the privatization.
The hospital would be better able
to manage their costs Former
Cost should not change, and
most people would not sec the
effect of the privatization. The
privatization should eliminate
some of the legislative red tape
that public hospital need to go
through to improve their position.
The hospital is in hopes that the
hospital will become more com-
petitive, so in turn create more
Many things arc not under-
stood by the public; one of the
points PCMH President Dave
McRae would like to stress is this
is not a sale.
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Eastgau Shopping Center
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Walk-ins Anytime
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"The University Medical School
is in support of the privatiza-
tion. Pitt County Memorial
Hospital is our partner in the
region. The privatization will
ensure the Academic integrity of
the medical, nursing, and allied
health schools. Our business
together is to try develop a health
care system for North Eastern
North Carolina. The privatiza-
tion is a building block that will
help tremendously; ECU School
of Medicine will see the spinoffs
James A. Hallock
Oean ol ihe School ol Medicine and Vice Chancellor
i. Health Sciences
18-month-old girlkilled in ATV accident
GARDEN WVa (AP) An 18-month-old girl who made news as a baby when
she was delivered in her parenrs' kitchen with help from 911 dispatchers was
killed in an aU-terrain vehicle accident, authorities said,
h Kendra Kalbaugh was riding on an ATV with three older girls when it
wrecked Saturday in Mineral County, state police said.
A linear-old was operating the ATV when it flipped after hitting a rock
, while it crecped backward down an embankment Saturday, state police
S Kendra died from head injuries. The other girls were unhurt.
Kcndra's birth in March 19 made headlines in the Mineral Daily
News-Tribune of Keyser when Cheryl Kalbaugh delivered the baby with
help from her husband, 15-year-old son and two 911 dispatchers.
Hooters settles classaction discrimination lawsuit
CHICAGO (AP) A long-standing sexual discrimination case against the
Hooters restaurant chain appears to be over.
A settlement has been reached that will pay a total of $2 million co men
who have been denied employment by the chain known for its voluptuous
T-shirt-and-shorts clad women bartenders and servers, according to a
report in today's Chicago Sun-Times. .
Three Chicago area men sued in 1993 and 1994 after being denied
employment atHooters' Orland Park restaurant. They'll each get just over
$19,000 in the settlement. .
Hooters originally defended its failure to hire men in the contested
positions, saying it was x providing vicarious sexual recreation and
adding that female sexuality is a bona fide occupation
The deal was signed earlier this month. It will be finalized after a
fairness hearing in November, the Sun-Times reported.
a r on nd the wot Id
school is in strong support of the
"The University Medical
School is in support of the privati-
zation. Pitt County Memorial
Hospital is our partner in the
region. The privatization will
ensure the Academic integrity of
the medical, nuising, and allied
health schools. Our business
together is to try develop a health
care svstem for North Eastern
North Carolina. The privatization
is a building block that will help
tremendously; ECU School of
Medicine will see the spinoffs
Hallock said.
Many people have been asking
what type of effects the privatiza-
tion will liave on the community
and the care that the hospital will
be giving. Director of Public
"This issue has
been talked
about a great
deal. In 1984 a
legal statute
was mandated
that allowed
non-profit pub-
lic hospitals to
convert to non-
profit private
McRae said.
"The only
change would
be in the cor-
porate struc-
ture, but the
control would
be focused on
the communi-
ty. The main
reasons for
changing is
because a pub-
lic hospital can
not f:ru:i'n
the same as a
private hospi-
tal, in terms of money, outside ser-
vice, disclosure, etc. The county
meeting Wednesday announced
that there will be further discus-
If the hospital does stay public,
some of the disadvantages would
include the patients going toj
other larger private hospitals, such
as Raleigh, Durham, and Norfolk.
Without the patients, the hospital
would lose their business. This, in j
turn, would be bad for the com-
munity, which receives $400 mil-
lion dollars in local income due to
the hospital. This would also have
a immense effect on the School of
"The Medical School needs for
the hospital to be successful. If!
one struggles, they both struggle.
They are intertwined Former
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SAG CHA Chicken (hot) $4.50
Steam Cooking No Extra Oil or Fat
r? I P ? ? O Of6" 7 DaVs a Week Mori-Sat ii?i0 ? Sun 12-9
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Formerly of Far
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Washington. NC
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South, Greenville
ECU teacher programs
receive re-accreditation
Poll says one-third of Ukrainians would selHrotes
KIEV Ukraine (AP) Basic tenets of democracy have not fully taken root in
Ukraine. ? . , ,
Nearly one-third of Ukrainians said they would sell their votes to the
? highest bidder in parliamentary elections next March, according to an
opinion poll published Tuesday in the Vseukrainskiye Vedomosti newspa-
Thirty-two percent of those queriedjaitheir votes could be bought by
political parties or candidates. Thrle who would take money quoted
prices .?
ranging from $U to $400, the pojijterssaid. ,
No margin of error was given fojfie ptatenjby the Yevrasia think tank,
which questioned 730 people rrfghtriies.v" "
While the results indicate a jaded elccwtate that; has little faith in its
representatives, 70 percent vScfc stilflvogcful that thejr lives will improve
after the elections to the 450-se9t"Verkfta)ffcRada. L
Paris authortiej ifsueSmog alert
PARIS (AP) Paris officials issued ?op-ievel smog alert for the filgt
time Tuesday, triggering measures that make public transport isec and
limit car use. , ?
Weak winds and unseasonably warm weather led to a dangerous buildup ot
nitrogen dioxide in the region around the capital, according to Airpanf, a
government body that monitors air pollution. The dangerous smog is
expected to last througFTWednesday.
The Level 3 alert means that only cars with odd-numbered license plates
will be allowed in the city on Wednesday. If the alert continues, cars with
even-numbered plates could drive in on Thursday.
Vehicles carrying three or more passengers are exempt. So are taxis, buses,
elect: cars or commercial vehicles. Parking in the city and public
I transportation are free while the restrictions are in effect.
The teacher education programs
at ECU have received full accred-
itation from the National Council
of Accreditation of Teacher
Education ?
(NCATE) and
the N.C. State
Board of
or licensure, is a
state right; there-
fore, ECU also
has to be accred-
ited by the state.
ECU has a
national and state
accreditation for
their teacher
education pro-
fram said Dr.
lawk, the direc-
tor of teacher
education at ECU.
ECU has been nationally cred-
ited since 1961; however, every
five years ECU goes through rc-
"ECU went through it in the
Spring of 19, but it has taken
until now for the official word to
be given said Dr. Hawk.
When students graduate from
.an undergraduate or graduate
djtgree and want to be licensed to
be a teacher, an administrator, a
school psychologist, etc Dr.
Hawk is responsible for making
sure all of the students have met
ail of the criteria.
"It is important to realize that
we have a very unique program at
"Certification, or licensure,
is a state right; therefore,
ECU also has to be
accredited by the state.
ECU has a national and
state accreditation for their
teacher education
Or. Hawk
director ot teacher education at ECU
ECU. Students have to meet very
different sets of criteria than other
schools on this campus. We have
so many external constraints; we
have to conform to so many state
and national standards. It takes a
lot of energy and work for the fac-
ulty and the administrators in the
teacher education program; as
well as for stu-
? dents. We're
presently gearing
up for the one
that will take
place in the year
2001 explained
Dr. Hawk.
"We are proud of
our education
programs at
ECU said Dr.
Emmett Floyd,
the interim dean
of the ECU
School of I
This school offers
36 professional
education programs at the gradu-
ate and undergraduate levels.
With an enrollment of approxi-
mately 1,800 students, it is the j
largest in the state.
Teachers must continue to
receive education in order to I
renew their teacher's license,
"Teacher education is an ever-
changing and ongoing process
said Dr. Hawk.
The school of education has!
received national recognition inl
recent years for its efforts toj
improve teacher education and!
the practice of education in the!
public schools.
Handicap parking spaces are
Students, faculty and staff of East Carolina University
should be aware that spaces designated for Handicap
parking are strictly regulated by state statutes and federal
regulations. Parking control officers enforce these regula-
tions, which are as follows:
It is unlawful to park or leave standing in a space
designated with a sign for handicap parking, any vehicle
not displaying a distinguishing license plate, removable
hangtag, or temporary removable hangtag;
It is unlawful for any person not qualifying for the
rights and privileges extended to handicapped persons
to exercise or attempt to exercise such rights or
privileges by the unauthorized use of a distinguishing
license plate, removable hangtag or temporary
removable hangtag;
x It is unlawful to park or leave standing any vehicle
so as to obstruct a curb ramp or curb cut for
handicapped persons.
Vehicles found in violation of the above regulations will
be cited and towed at the owner's expense.
In order to park legally in a campus handicap
parking space, an ECU handicap parking permit is
required. Individuals using a "distinguishing license
plate"or a "distinguishing removable hangtag" issued by
their state Division of Motor Vehicles that displays the
International Symbol of Access must also display a uni
versity HD permit or visitor's parking pass in order to
be considered legally parked.
Handicap parking is located in all areas of campus in
accordance with NC G.S. 136-30 and the American
Disabilities Act Signs are posted which designate parking
spaces for handicapped persons and state the maximum
penalty for parking in the space in violation of the law.
Individuals authorized for handicap parking may also
utilize Staff, Commuter, Resident, and University
Registered zones and spaces. Qualifying vehicles may
park for unlimited periods in parking zones or spaces
restricted as to the length of time parking is permitted,
such as metered spaces.
A Note about BICYCLE
Improperly parked bicycles can create a safety hazzard.
Thus, the university has developed regulations for parking
bicycles on campus. As a matter of theft prevention, all
bicycles should be securely locked. All bicycles should be
parked at legitimate bike racks. Bicycles parked in the
following manner may be impounded at the owner's
expense: inside administrative or class
room buildings; in stairwells or hallways of
residence halls; on sidewalks, ramps or
outside stairways; against or attached to
any tree, bush, or plant; or against or
attached to any public seating fixture.
Any unregistered bicycles left on campus
may be impounded until the owner can
show proof of ownership.To recover an
impounded bicycle, the owner must pay
a fine of $5 to the Department of Parking
and Transportation Services.
A message from
Parking and Transportation Services
305 E.Tenth Street

???? "???
3 Thursday, October 2, 1997
The East Carolinian
Parking During Fall break October 6-7, 1997
?Thirty minute loading passes will be available to freshmen and students with
unregistered vehicles beginning Thursday, Oct. 2,1997, at 4:00 p.m. These per-
mits are obtained at the residence halls and are good in "R" (Resident) areas
only. They are not valid in Staff, Handicap, fire zones, or metered spaces.
? Freshmen parking permits will be honored on campus in student parking
areas (not in Staff or Private) beginning Friday, Oct. 3,1997 at noon.
Unregistered vehicles and vehicles with student permits parked in Staff and
Private lots on Oct. 6 and 7 will be issued a campus parking citation and will be
subject to towing.
?All other parking regulations (Handicap, expired meter, no parking, impeding
traffic, etc.) will be enforced during Fall Break.
All questions pertaining to parking on campus during Fall Break should be
directed to Parking and Traffic Services at 328-6295.
Dr. Mouse and Dr. Earwick
4? are pleased to announce the relocation of
4rTl Animal Hospital
of Pitt County
From Greenville Boulevard to our new clinic at 107 TRADE ST.
(between Golden Corral &? Parkers Restaurant)
?Medicine & Surgery Small Animals ? Farm Animals & Horses
? Boarding - Air Conditioned
36-0148 Nights & Emergencies 355-3825
Nights & Emergencies
City Council
Register By:October 10
Vote Nov 4th
HimI for In ihv S?nr Mi-lanlmni tl-amjwijtn

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Feed your brain
continued from page 1
room and board assistance.
"Last year we signed a petition,
which is expected to eventually
offer graduate teaching assistants
more benefits. It would be nice to
have other compensation and
medical benefits, but, at this
Saint, it's not provided said Kate
rucc, Associate Dean at UNCW
In spite of their different tac-
tics, NCSU, UNC, UNCG, and
ECU all have one aspect in com-
mon: graduate teaching assistants
have to pay for their own living
"For the most part, graduate
students don't receive on-campus
housing. It's their responsibility to
find a place to live said Lee.
If you would like more informa-
tion about graduate teaching assis-
tant programs, please call Winnie
Peoples at (919) 515-5904 for
NCSU, Virginia Lee at (919) 966-
1289 for UNC, Page Morris at
(910) 334-55 for UNCG, Kate
Bruce at (910) 962-7397 for
UNCW, andor Andrea Harrel at
328-1468 for ECU.
continued from page 1
and federal authorities to ensure
protection, but first they are sub-
mitted to the U.S. Patent
Trademark Office Irons said.
"Extensive searches are done to
see if those marks are the same or
similar to someone else
The entire process could take
18 months or longer to officially
obtain new logos or marks for the
A question was also raised about
the company in charge of this pro-
ject. That information could not
be obtained.
, Information was available, how-
ever, about financial projections for
the university due to the new
"In the past there has been a
history of increases due to this
type of change, but if you are look-
ing for a specific projection, I afh
unprepared to give you that
Workman said.
For now ECU students wilNrait
to see the uncovering of the new
logos at the first of the year.
continued from page I
$300,000 from the state. The pro-
ject has received continued sup-
port from the community.
"This is a real asset to students
and everyone else in the district
Fridley said.
Fridley is also excited about the
Parks and Recreation programs
designed to help youth. Part of
the new program includes the
establishment of a Safe-House in
West Greenville. The
Neignborhood Services team is
being developed to, keep strong
neighborhoods strong Fridley
"Strong neighborhoods sur-
rounding ECU is to the universi-
ty's advantage. Many cities with
large universities have neighbor-
hoods with high crime rures sur-
rounding the university. We want
to mainrain a diverse neighbor-
hood around ECU Fridley said.
She is also busy working on
"good solid planning for city
growth Fridley stated that there
has been "extraordinary citizen
participation" in planning for
expansion. City growth projects
include new bike-ways and side-
walks, widening Hooker Rd and
effective land ue plans.
The 3-persort occupancy law is
a hot issue for this race. The law
was passed in 1981, before Inez's
first term. She does, however sup-
port the law.
"There is some rationale
behind this law. Condemned
housing problems, parking prob-
lems, and neighborhood quality
are ail factors which contributed to
this law Fridtey said.
Fridley is sympathetic to rent
costs being so high in the area.
She adamantly stated that this law
does not affect only students liv-
ing in areas surrounding campus, it
effects the entire city. Fridley, as
well as other council members,
feel that the 3-person ordinance
was a reasonable compromise.
"Most students now can afford
to live in decent and attractive
housing rather than having to live
in some of the older homes around
town Fridley continued.
Fridley stated that there had
only been 5 complaints of this
ordinance being violated in the
past 12 months. 2 of those com-
plaints came from residents near
the university.
"My main concern is whether
or not this is a true issue. I think
that it has come up because this
issue can be very inflammatory
Inez concluded.
Election day is Nov. 4. The
deadline for voter registration is
Oct. 10th. In order to participate
in this election, you must have you
registration cards turned in by
next Friday.
continued from page 2
"ECU must comply and meet
these changing standards every
five years said Dr. Hawk.
All teacher education programs
must meet a set of national stan-
dards that comply the accrediting
agencies. Accreditation by these
agencies assures that ECU's edu-
cation graduates have met pre-
scribed sets of standards that earn
them eligibility for employment in
all 50 states.
"That's who really makes the
difference, a teacher Dr. Hawk
The Urjjwecsitf'b,
Tennessee, KnoxviHe
Wednesday, Sept. 24?An enor-
mous turnout of 115 United'
Residence; Hall Council members'
crowded together to share ideas at a ?
biweekly meeting. The issue of
Aramark's handling of dining ser-
vices and the filling of vacant1
Student Government Association
scats were topics of discussion. ?
Students were encouraged to
submit any questions that they"
might have about the Aramark din-
ing'services after a recent concrover-
" sy with the company.
The SGA president is concerned'
?'??'about how empty seats within the
' legislature arc being filled. The
association is trying to arrange
things so that seats must be voted
on before they can be filled.
Thursday, Sept. 25?According
to campus leaders, graduate student
enrollments are down this year
which has resulted in a fresh mart
population boom. ??
The University of Tennessee's-
records offices show that cveri
though graduate and undergraduate
student enrollment has dropped try
931 students, the freshman populaV
tion has increased by almost 200.
Administrators attribute the,
overall enrollment decrease to tht
year's decline among UT graduate
The graduate student drop is
being attributed to a strong nation-
al job market and UTs current
health care program.
UNC-Chapei Hilf
Wednesday, Sept. 24?Members
of the Campus Y posted signs-
declaring "Nike. Just Don't Do Ic
throughout campus to protest
UNCs $7.1 million contract with
the sports apparel giant.
The students are protesting the
contract because of reputedly harsh
and abusive conditions imposed by
Nike on its workers.
A coalition of independent
groups will hold a speak-out on Nov.
7. The speak-out will address the
contract, commercialism at UNC
and Nike's labor conditions.
Thursday, Sept. ,25?An armed
robbery occurred near the Alderman
Residence Hall and has prompted
University Police to warn students
to take extra safety precautions.
A suspect carrying a semi-auto-
matic handgun approached three
female students waiting off Raleigh
Street to ride the shuttle. The sus-
pect reportedly made threats,
grabbed one of the women by the
arm and took their valuables. He
fled the scene when passers-by
approached. There were no injuries
There was a call box nearby, but
the victims were apparently too
shocked to get to it and use it.
& ? &

The East Carolinian
?as I Carolinian
?- MATT HF.GE M?ningDi.?m AMANDA ROSS Spons?dt?
"jic.Qt'Kl.lM- I). KKl.l I'M NewsHiim
AMANDA AUSTIN Assi. News Ediioi
ANDY Tl'RNER LifasiyteEdrtw
J04N DAVIS Assistant Lifestyle Ednot
TRACY I.M'BMMI Assistant Spoils Edirai
DAVID SOIMIERI.VND Production Manjgei
CAROLE MKIII.K Head Copy Editot
JOHN MIRPIIV Sljlt llluswiiot
Sews B ECU oeW'fflit sme S25 ?? Eki C?r?! wastes 0.000 apes ewi, lesdei M lliundty Th. ??) aWnrial m ?? ?K? n ?
r??wirirlth???njl8rs TI?iEi5iC???tinc?!m?raei?MUm?rtra2Mi
CurtMi rtstnei ? rqlBb ?? wa letteu In pMnw fc Hups must be s?rwd lettm straulil be (dorastd 10 opmton eta. d? Eia
Durtnuf MHoikts Biulft?9. ECU. deem W5MJH intotimMr. at 919.328 6366-
Vhat is it with ECU students when it comes to running for an office in the Student
merriment Association (SGA)? it has not been two years since spring SGA elections were
hly contested for faulty votes. AW,nn the past year, students have expressed their contempt
over a bill, now dead, which paid tneuition of the executive board out of student fees. The
ejection last week proved to be faulty also.
In the most recent election the students running for legislature couldn't even find the time
complete an expense report and turn it in. Since most of them didn't turn in their reports,
? three names appeared on the ballot.
Sut it doesn't stop there. All the students who were too lazy to turn in the expense reports
w?re not willing to give up; they decided to run as write-in candidates. And if that didn't irri-
tae you enough, things got worse if you were one of the students trying to vote for a write-in.
Each poll had their own set of rules and guidelines for voting and none of them were the same
as the rest. Voters were confused to say the least.
The pollsters were uneducated when it came to procedure. While some people were told they
cduld only vote for one write-in candidate, others were able to vote for 20 or more candidates if
trjjsy desired. Many students left the polls in a state of confusion.
Hn light of these events, the SGA has realized that the election was not well-organized. They
have earned our respect by standing up and doing the right thing. In an SGA meeting held on
Monday, Sept. 29 the decision was made that a new election would occur. The election will con-
sist of all write-ins and will be held on October 14. Candidate who did not turn in their expense
reports and won by write-in will have to run again. Imagine, our very own SGA, the political
body who has been at the heart of several ethical controversies in the past several semesters, is
going to do the right and fair thing.
f The attorney general and the SGA have proven that they are on top of things this semester,
ifhis is a small step but one which could snowball. Imagine, a student body who has faith in their
Representatives. Imagine elections in which thousands of students turned out to vote.
? Rr now, we at TEC arc proud of the mature step SGA has taken. We also hope they will con-
tinue to govern fairly throughout the year. If they do, they may manage to not only win our
inspect, but also win back the respect of the student body.

Professors should be graded too
i As you can see, there is a del-
icate relationship between stu-
'? dents and their professors,
ti&e it or note, there is a sort
of mterdependency. Simply
X put, we need each other.
How many professors and instruc-
rb would actually pass if we stu-
dents had to grade them on teach-
ing ability, advising skills, enthusi-
asm and personality? I have often
wondered what percentage of ECU
students feel that their professors
ajrjs worthy of respect, whether they
are inspiring or not, and if they are
looked upon as mentors.
3 There arc two sides to every
story. For each student who just
Ifyes hisher professor, there's
vays someone who insists that
ofessors suck
j'What exactly does this mean? I
faainly don't know but let me put
I a few ideas starting with the
attendance policy. Students are
required to be on rime for every
class which is really no big deal, so
rb argument here. However, there
have been incidents when profes-
sors themselves mm up five to eight
minutes late. Now, we know that
they are busy people (and all that
baloney!) and that tardiness will
occur on some occasions. But very
few professors actually have the
decency and grace to apologize to us
lowly students when they are late.
As one proceeds through the lev-
els of school, one ends up buying
more and more textbooks ? anoth-
er unavoidable fact. For those of us
on a budget, this is fine as long as
we are actually going to use them.
Unfortunately, many rimes this is
not the case.
So, thank goodness for those pro-
fessors who tell us at the beginning
of the course that wc? don't really
have to purchase the thiiji textbook
? even though they consider it a
"good idea Other profelsors help
out students by placing copies on
file at the library.
What's not okay, however, is
when a professor becomes very laid
back and causal during classroom
proceedings. He or she is so anxious
to get rated well, that they bend
over backward to be "buddy,
buddy ObiSSusry, you will gain
nothing frorjpruch a class and gener-
ally speakiag, it's a big waste of
time, efgffand money.
SomjF professors take their
expeaUKsons to the limits, quite for-
gettJK that they themselves were
stujgpnts at one time. I will scream
ttatftext time a professor bellows at
jH,that"This'i5 a 4000 level class;
you're niors. "A 20 page paper, a
?lass presentation plus a quiz all in
the same week should be nothing
for you Yeah, right. No one is
demanding leniency, but is it too
much to ask a professor to be some-
what fair and realistic?
Now, on to the horror stories and
(surprise, surprise) there are a few
out there, like the one about a cer-
tain instructor who grabbed the
computer mouse from a student
and left an inch long scratch on the
back of her hand. She said that the
student was going too slowly and
was holding up the class exercise.
Another professor described in
minute detail her bout with diar-
rhea. She left nothing to the imagi-
nation and then she wondered why
all the students looked so sickened.
What was she thinking of?
Please don't get die impression
that there arc no wonderful stories
about nice professors at ECU ?
because there arc several.
For instance, one professor is so
loved by her students that a certain
group of them took every course she
offered. Not only was she seen as
an excellent adviser and instructor,
but when she threw a party for
some of these students, they found
out that she's a great cook as well.
They still keep in touch.
A few other professors stay after
class to help with problems. Many
let you call them at home, while
others e-mail you with the informa-
tion that you requested.
As you can sec, there is a delicate
relationship between students and
their professors. Like it or not,
the ,e is a sort of interdependency.
Simply put, we need each other.
to the Editor
Reader changes opinion after letter
I know a lot of you are thinking,
Another bigoted letter from that
cjommie communications bastard
Well, please read on, because hope-
folly you will change your opinion,
31 say that 1 have changed mine.
K, so I'm wishy-washy; leave me
alone. ActualfyTT changed my opin-
ion last weekend, before my letter
saw print. After a deep discussion
with some friends of mine over bad
coffee and greasy eggs, I realized
that yes, 1 was wrong in my
thoughts. 1 still feel that business
owners should have a choice in
allowine people into their establish-
ment who choose a certain behavior,
be it smokers or people who wear
purple, etc. However, race is some-
thing you cannot choose for yourself.
Therefore, no business owner
should be able to prohibit a certain
race from entering hisher establish-
ment. I believe it would be a better
judge of society's character if every
owner did have that choice and
chose to do the right thing, but
unfortunately, we do not live in an
idealistic society.
1 commend the editors of The East
Carolinian for having the courage to
print an opinion that differed from
the norm of society. And I sincerely
apologize to anyone who was offend-
ed by my recent letter. I only hope
this retraction doesn't come too lit-
tle, too late. I know that many let-
ters wils come to the newspaper,
bashing me and my former opinion,
but that is the consequence of
action without thought, which is
ironically what began this controver-
sy ? the decision of the Two-Step's
Richard White
Interracial relationships should be sincere
Too often interracial
dating is done far
experimental purposes.
For example, on college
African-American male
athletes often attact white,
female students.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr civil
rights giant, fought "tooth and nail"
so that African-Americans could be
created with dignity and respect by
whites. He jolted the status quo by
aggressively and vociferously con-
demning racial segregation in
America. Further, King emphasized
che need for judging a man accord-
ing to his character's foment and
deeds rather than his race.
Moreover, King's struggle was for
social, political and economic justice
for aH African-Americans. Dtd Dr.
King shed his blood, sweat and tears
to promote interracial dating and
marriages in .America? If King were
alive today, would he say that
African-Americans who interracialfy
many have overcome?
Too often interracial dating is
done for experimental purposes. For
example, on college campuses,
African-American male athletes
often attact white, female students.
Once athletes build a certain repu-
tation, they tend to attract devoted
fans of various ethnic, racial persua-
sions. Another case in point is the
notion that African-American
women have to date white males
because of a shortage of African-
American men. African-American
women often say that, "Blacks are
either in jail, on drugs, infected with
HIV, or gangsters Arc these
women seriously searching for
devoted African-American males
who are responsible, family-orient-
ed and show respect for women? It'
women want to date men of anoth-
er race, they should have the guts to
admit it rather than use excuses to
justify a yearning to experiment
with those men. This also applies to
men who use sleazy excuses for dat-
ing women of another race.
It's virtually implausible and
impossible to promote harmonious,
interracial relationships in a country
that stresses race over qualification
in the job market or Eurocentrism
over equality for all Americans.
Additionally, when African-
Americans are predominately con-
sumers rather than producers,
America cannot be a paradise where
African-American women and white
men or African-American men and
white women date and sleep
together unnoticed. Perhaps
African-American women should
prioritize their commitments and
responsibilities and challenge racial
inequality and injustice. Also, white
men should not talk about the num-
ber of African-American men they
have slept with and make them the
laughingstock of barber shops, hunt-
ing clubs or golf courses. African-
American women are not guinea
pigs; they are humans who need
love and affection.
African-American women,
according to empirical studies, arc
more likely to select mates on the
basis of "earning capacity" or "ambi-
tion while men are more likely to
choose on the basis of physical
attraction (supported by Buss and
Barnes' "Preference in human mate
selection"). A given African-
American male may meet the earn-
ingsambition standard. However,
African-American women are less
likely to meet the currently valued
European standards of beauty (i.e.
long bkrfidc hMt, blue cvs, rhtn
noses, etc.).
Information regarding mate
availability and sex ratio indicates
that African-American males are
more attractive as marriage partners
among white women (from
Guttentag and Secord's "Too Many
Women: The Sex Ratio Question")
because of the existing white male
shortage. However, the influence of
friends, family and community arc
not realized in debates on interracial
A white man who recently said
he would date an African-American
lady was told the following by a
friend: "It's okay to be friendly to
them, but they have big lips; and
can you imagine running your hand
through their hair?" This outragcu-
osh ignorant comment evidences a
typical stereotype used by many
whites to regard AfricanTAmerican
women. In any event, interracial
dating and marriages should not
rake precedence over Dr. King's first
and foremost priority, the acquisi-
tion of economic, social and political
rights for all African-Americans.
to the Editor
Rec patrons: Christian music wanted
As a member of the staff on this
campus and a taxpayer for 30 years,
please allow me to comment on the
music at the Student Recreation
Center, of which I am also a member
(and, by the way, staff pays full
My sister, also a staff member
and taxpayer, are at the SRC every
morning about 6:15 a.m. almost
every morning. We have yet to hear
any Christian musk. Some of the
music is OK or tolerable, some of it
is obnoxious to us both, music that
sends messages, that beats down
the spirit within and belittles
women and men alike.
I love music and enjoy various
kinds of music, as long as it does not
send the message that immortality
is OK or there is no hope. The
believers on this campus have every
right to hear Christian music when
they work out, since they also have
to listen to offensive music when
they work out.
While we both would personally
lil. for all the music played to be
Christ-oriented, we know that is not
within the realm of reality, but don't
dare eliminate Christian music at
the SRC. When "choice" and "toler-
ance" are preached, why is it that
everything's tolerated except any-
thing having to do with Jesus?
Those who it offends will just
have to be in the same boat; you
have to row together to get some-
where, not row against each other.
Fair is fair, and besides, what is the
young lady who wrote the letter
'afraid of?that she might learn of
Him? His message to us is hope and
He commands us to love one anoth-
er-how can that be offensive to any-
one? Just because she hears a
Christian song doesn't mean she has
to become a Christian, just as 1 don't
have to become a result of that to
which I prefer not to be subjected.
Our Creator made us with a free
will. She can simply choose not to
believe, like we choose not to
receive the offensive music in our
spirits, even though our ears hear it.
Now, using your objectivity, and I
understand that all those who take
delight in learning take great pride
in their objectivity, if Jesus is the
truth, wouldn't you want to know? If
He isn't, you don't believe anyway,
so why would you care? You can just
feel sorry for us that simply take
Him at His word, just as we have
compassion for you because you
Sandy Martin
Summer Adventures
Bonnie Eschelman
Industry and Technology
to the Editor
Helms: closed nomination, closed mind
Senator Jesse Helms of North
Carolina is being praised by some for
standing for "principle" for blocking
the presidential nomination of
William Weld from the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.
What principle was it? Was it the
principle that, under our
Constitution, the President
appoints ambassadors "by and with
the consent" of the Senate? Hardly,
since the Senate was never permit-
ted to consider the nominee.
In fact, it was the principle that the
Constitution gets shoved aside
when in-house rules of the Senate
are in conflict. Under those rules,
the chairman of the committee con-
sidering a nominee can just refuse to
bring the name up for consideration.
That is the despotic rule that
Chairman Helms wielded. Never
mind that this is contrary to the
Constitution, or that it is unfair, or
that it denies the nominee his day
in court.
Furthermore if you disagree with
the Senator, don't bother writing
because you won't receie a reply.
Jesse doesn't care what you or I
Steve Franks
District Court Judge

Thursday. October 2. 1997
The East Carolinian
by Nick Holt and Kate Kohn
Seventeen Days in May
by Rich Cornwell
y,y v,e Cap1
Wty M, PWv Mite l$a
Vixi-Cort. p?rvtrt.

Fnrfaj, October 3rd, 19977:00pm
Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum
ECU Campus, Greenville, NC
with Special Guest Evangelist
Randy has preached in over 750 different churches in 43
states throughout North America, as well as China,
Russia, India and severaLolher foreign countries. Being a
victim of drug abuse and saved after attempting suicide
with a drug overdose, Randy knows how to deal with the
many problems facing today's generation. Over 1000
public high schools have allowed him to speak on drug
abuse and suicide. His two books, Down The One Way
Street, and Preventing Youth Suicide, have been effective
in his outreach.
Special Prelude
Mini Concert by
Movin' Up Quartet
rcial Guest Song Leader
Mass Choir of Area
Brass Praise Band
Lake Imp USA
MOE u? GorrJ bo some
of coufse.
tiOT All M
TUT FR06 OU&HrrAj?.
CoMFijab to tue Trz
Ctive, iw S4ib ywerHiwt
rS l?Abi-t SORBS, ttil,
but Tweee-u &? wo
,t Ate. wit
pPte LitreCfet
zrf? ?aosec-MiA;teb. -
1 Twelvemonth
5 Knife part
10 Trudge
14 ? podrida
15 Flaxen fabric
16 Rustic kind of
17 Secular
18 Father of Esau
19 English school
20 Genuflects
22 In an Imprecise
24 Darn It!
26 Genuine
27 Moon's shape,
at times
31 Mr. Kovacs
34 Smoked
35 Amerindians
37 Scatter
39 Footless
41 Forefoot
42 Old title of rank
43 Shows sorrow
45 Build
48 Transgression
49 Glossy
51 Stood with bad
53 Bamboo stem
55 Path
56 Laughs
59 Edible fish
63 Spoken
64 Something
67 Solitary
68 Duration
69 Ralson ?
70 Bird, to Caesar
71 Wheelless
72 Derisive look
73 Soaks flax
1 Egg portion
2 Ardor
3 "I cannot tell ?"
4 Marathon
5 Bleb
6 Fleur-de?
7 Literary
8 Distributed
9 Repeat
10 Introduces
11 Old instrument
12 Greek coin
13 Gainsay
21 Tatting
23 Yours and mine
25 Marsh bird
27 Talon
28 Fragrant flowers
29 Oust
30 Salty drops
32 Kind of stew
33 Weird
36 Enlarge
38 Direct one's
40 Spotted
44 Close tightly
46 Bar item
47 Fish in cans
50 Massages
52 Underground
54 City In Germany
56 Portable beds
57 Seed
58 Approachod
? 24"26?Hi
3435 jw?"m
4344454647 148
4950 1 BJ5152
?5354? 55
C t997 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
All righb reserved.
Answers from Tuesday
60 Relocate
61 Step ?! (hurry!)
62 Loch ?
65 Holy woman:
66 Poetic
ABA THjP E 1 OEMlAL( E D 1 TN A 1 S E DjAlNilT i ? N O B E 1 DEB 1 V EDI? E rHJa m e s N Ell 1 R A ' 1 OjN ALLY k DA B L E .JMA S A ? ? drama s r O MA C T s1 S O nUh O E MR 0 D E N T
A L 1 C E ijj S 1 NL 1 A HjO S TilO 1 1 ? T E A M E Dl ? b a spn ? DIO L LBS C D O V E TjAI1 1 G E TS T P E N $s E
Ires ides : i o e r 5 DBS E L E S . E DilC A V E 5 R eIt REE ?i s es and
This Event Is Proudly Sponsered By The Following Churches
? Unity ? Trinity ? Emmanuel
? Temple ? Grace ? Faith, Goldsboro
? Parkers Chapel ? People's ? Bethel, Kinston
? Belvoir
25 Off Your Entire Check At Darryl's
Jusi show your ECU student ID at the
Darryl's across from campus and get a 25
discount on your entire dinner check. Try our
famous Saucy Barbecued Pork
Ribs. Award Winning Fajuas
Grande. New Wood-Fire Grilled
Steaks. Fresh Vegetable Pasta.
Roadside Chicken Sandwich. Steak and Cheese
Sandwich. Spicy Buffalo Wings, or any of our
Delicious Desserts. It's all specially priced for
ECU students. So stop by tonight
and enjoy East Carolina's favorite
place for food and fun!
"Does noi include Alcoholic Beverages
800 East 10th Street ? 52-1907

6 Thursday. October 2. 1997
The East Carolinian
PAPA DOO RUN RUN to play for parents
Ron Cm-rib in i JR.
HILTON HEAD, SC ? It's a typically sunny California
morning in Cupertino, a small town nestled between
Santa Cruz and San Francisco. An 18-year-old Don Zirilli
and a group of his neighborhood friends have just com-
pleted another set in their sold-out coliseum of a garage
when the young keyboard playert mom opens the door.
"Donnie, when are you going to go out and get a real
job?" she asks her son who is graciously accepting a
standing ovation from the make-believe crowd of old.
tires, shovels, rakes and bicycles.
More than three decades later. Zirilli scratches his
head and asks himself that same question Zirilli is one of
the founding members of PAPAQOO RlJN RUNfive-
man band that grew out of humblegarage-band status to
being dubbed California's Ban&.i-by then-Governor
Dukmejian in 1988. To date, the bandstill tours nation-
ally and this year is making a stop irVjCfeeenville on the
campus of East Carolina University.
"This is the biggest surprise of my lif!KZirilli said of
the evolution of PAPA. "We all went to cofe ? I got a
psychology degree ? but none of us have hiJtttp use (the
degrees) yet
WHEN:Wed Oct. 10 at 8 p.m.
WHERE:Wright Auditorium
TICKETS:S15 for general public S12 for ECU facultystaff $7 for ECU Students Available at the Central Ticket Office in Mendenhall
Zirilli credits luck more than anything for the long-
term successes of he and co-founderbassist Jim Rush's
group, pointing to the band's unlikely rise to popularity.
"At the time, the Beatles were at the height of their
popularity Zirilli said. "Every block had a band.
Everyone was listening to the Beatles or the Beach Boys.
We decided to play the Beach Boysand we got lucky
Not entirely lucks, but the band did catch a few big
breaks?breaks that they created. After knocking around
California playing any high school gymnasium they could,
they signed on to play as one of the opening acts for
Tower of Power, a popular band at the time. When Tower
of Power was late for its appearance, the promoter rushed
over to Zirilli and asked him if his group could stay on
"He asked us to play longer. We had been working on
a Beach Boys medley he recalled. "We stayed and
played and the place came apart
PAPA had found its niche. From there, the band went
on the major night club circuit in California and scored
big with invitations for return engagements everywhere
they played.
The group jammed around for a few years, gaining a
strong cult following in their home state as well as in Las
Vegas, often opening for the Beach Boys and Jan & Dean.
At the time a couple of unknown bands. Van Halen and
The Doobie Brothers, frequently opened for PAPA DOO
The band's sets were basically Beach Boys and Jan &
Dean cover tunes as well as a few of PAPA's own originals.
But it was one of those PAPA originals that propelled the
band from potential fad to long-lasting mainstay.
"We had a hit record in 1973 Zirilli said of "Be True
To Your School "That was great. But it was the flipside.
"Disney Girls that really did it for us
"Be True To Your School" was big for PAPA because it
showed that the band could generate its own great music
as well as play cover tunes that sounded like the original
bands. The tune broke into the national top-40 charts as
well as garnering the top slot in California, endearing rhe
band to the heavy surf culture in
the state.
"Disney Girls" landed the
band a 15-year gig as Disneyland's
house band, quadrupling their
annual audiences and making
them a nationally known act.
"That record opened major
doors for us Zirilli said. "We
were able to do the Disneyland
thing as well as tour nationally
The band, which also includes
Jeff Foskett and Bobby Gothar on
guitars and Bo Fox on the drums,
released a debut abim,Caiforiia
Project, in the mid80s and a fol-
low-up CD, IfsAIke, in 1995.
While Zirilli credits luck for a
lot of the group's successes, the
band itself deserves a large share.
The group was named California's
Band because of its strong devo-
tion to its home state, something
that the state legislature noted
with the designation. More than
that, the band is fan-friendly.
"We're real conscientious
about the fans Zirilli said. "We
are all perfectionists and we want the show to be as good
as it can be. But, also, we have a lot of fun up there (on
stage) and we try to bring the audience into it
Their audiences range from grandchildren to grand-
mothers, but Zirilli said his group will always have a spe-
cial love for the college campuses.
"College outings are the best he said. "They get into
it more than the older crowds. Everyone is in their
(bathing) suits and up dancing. But, the music tran-
scends age
The band draws on music from the past four decades
and on a wide-range of performers from the Animals to
This is not a rant. The goal: to write
complete sentences and hopefully to
make some sort of point. Just another
ass with an opinion
Old folks don't slip with age
Dai.k Wii.i.i mson
s EM OR v K I I I. K
Mick Jagger refuses to die. So does Keith Richards. In
fact, the entire ensemble that currently makes up the
rock-n-roll legend known as the Rolling Stones defies
Father Time. After at least three decades worth of
albums, concerts and videos, one would sooner believe
that the Stones would roll over in their future-made
graves than sweat one more drop for the music industry.
But that is not what they are all about, nor is that
what rock-n-roll represents in its truest sense. Even
though Mick and the gang have reached an age when
they should be considering retirement options, the
Rolling Stones are once again burning up stages across
America and the world with yet another best-selling
The Stones may not exactly be the hottest thing on
contemporary rock radio, but their tour has generated
much more hype and excitement than most of the
younger, hipper rock acts currently touring, such as Live
or Counting Crows. The Stones have defied their critics
and their aching joints in an amazing effort to prove that
they still have what it takes to rock-n-roll.
Like another rock legend, Neil Young, emphasized in
one of his many great songs, "It's better to burn out than
to fade away
But the Stones are not the only grandparents who are
redefining their careers in the entertainment business
and, as a result, are being rediscovered by life-long fans
as well as an entirely new generation. In fact, a simple
glance at the entertainment industry within the last few
years reveals that it's not the youth who are breaking
waves so much as it's those people who have been in the
business longer than most undergraduates have been
Bob Dylan, who redefined the very notion of popular
music in the late '60s and early 70s alongside the Rolling
Stones, is once again the man of the moment. Just a few
days ago, this Jewish rocker played his canonical song,
"Knockin' on Heaven's Door for the Pope. This was a
historical moment for, not only the Catholic Church, but
rock-n-roll in general, and only someone with Dylan's
fatherly status as a rock-n-roll legend could have partici-
But Dylan's current hot streak does not stop with the
Pope. His new album. Time (Jut of Wfiwl. is receiving rave
reviews, the best reviews a Dylan album has gotten in
years. IS.A. Today gave the new album a four-star rating,
Entertainment Weekly honored it with its highest grade of
"A" and The Arsr York Times said Dylan hasn't been this
good since his hey-day in the 70s. Like the Stones,
Dylan has proven that he is not down for the count. He
still has something worthwhile to say.
The music industry is packed wirh "old timers" who
haven't lost their creative touch. Neil Young inspired and
rocked with such '90s grunge bands as Pearl Jam; Willie
Nelson still pulls together musical acts from all genres
for his Farm Aid concert series, and Johnny Cash has cap-
tured the attention and awe of the twenty-somethings.
But the music industry isn't the only area in the
entertainment world where the older crowd are active.
Any movie buff knows how a star doesn't need to be a
youthful stud to still pull in the crowds. Harrison Ford,
who turned 55 this year, proved in his blockbuster film.
Air Force One, that every young action-w anna-be star can
learn a thing or two from an old pro: Sean Connery. who
is too bald and too pudgy to still claim the James Bond
title, consistently illustrates how the older one gets the
sexier one can become; and Clint Eastwood, who was
well into his sixties before he was honored with not one
but two Academy Awards for his work on the modern-day
Western classic, L'nforgiven, is still getting more offers for
film projects than most actorsdirectors get in a lifetime.
As for the printed word, an area where years of expe-
rience and wisdom usually helps, the shakers and break-
ers are still the grandfathers and grandmothers. Kurt
Vonnegut Jr who has inspired an entire generation of
authors, once again breaks literary standards and forms in
his newest novel. Time Quake: Maya Angelou. w hose prose
and poetry have almost become required reading at most
schools, repeatedly creates some of the most vibrant
American literature being written today; and Arthur
Miller, whose great play. The Crucible, was recently trans-
lated into a major feature film, shows no sign of slowing
What these people, and many like them, illustrate is
the simple concept that you are only as old as you feel.
So, a word to the wise for all you youngsters out there:
don't discount the generation that paved the way for you.
They are still very much active in every aspect of the
modern world.
Look at me. I'm old.
PAPA DOO RUN RUN plays Oct. 10 as part of Parents Weekend.
ZZ Top.
"We like to have a good old party when we play Zirilli
said. "We have a basic set, but we are able to change on
the fly. We get a feel for the audience
For Zirilli, it's the audience that makes it all worth-
"Man, it's just fun. I've been fortunate he said.
"Come on, we work a couple of hours a night, three days
a week. I can't complain
Zirilli did say that when he stops home for a visit his
mom still asks, "Donnie, when are you going to get a real
College grads handle wiener
A college education allows you to drive around in an oversized hot dog. Study hard.
Shannon Meek
si u h WRITER
The scene is simple to imagine. You have just graduated
from college. Your future plans are to take a year off
before settling into adult responsibilities. You want to
relax, have adventures and tour the country side ? in a
w iener. This is not just an ordinary wiener, but one which
brings to mind a familiar jingle, "Oh, I wish I were an
Oscar Mayer Wiener
F.ach year, college graduates are chosen to drive a 27-
foot-long-hot dog on wheels around the country. They do
promotional appearances for the Oscar Mayer company.
The pilots of the Wienermobiles, better known as hot-
doggers, attend events such as the Super Bowl, Mardi
Gras. parades and charities.
They were even asked to toss buns on the Oprah
Winfrey Show, and have appeared in a Rodney
Dangerfeild movie.
Once the college graduates have been chosen, they
attend Hot Dog High. They discover the history of Oscar
Mayer wieners and more practical applications of the job,
like how to maneuver a 27-foot hot dog through traffic.
They are responsible for coordinating considerable
amounts of their entertaining and hectic schedule.
After completion of this course, they are given the
keys to the Wienermobile and hit the highways of free-
Hotdoggers are also given valuable roles in the Oscar
Mayer "Talent Search The 30 hotdoggers who are cho-
sen spend the months of summer auditioning "cute" kids
for all those Oscar Mayer commercials. The Hotdoggers
administer these auditions and learn about the creative
freedom of the company they represent. They also act as
their own moveable marketing firm for Oscar Mayer.
One Hotdogger from the east coast, Jason Clark, said
this about his experience aboard the Wienermobile.
"Driving a Wienermobile was one of the most chaotic and
fun years of my life. I loved it
In 1995, Oscar Mayer introduced its latest edition to
the Wienermobile. This high-tech version is complete
with televisions, VCR's, and even a condiment control
panel ? truly an innovative way to top a wiener.
Tonight Show host Jay Leno has even joined in on the
wiener discussion. Leno made a joke about the avocation
during one of his monologues. He commented, "The
Oscar Mayer Company is looking for recent college grad-
uates to drive their Wienermobiles. Who says there are
no good jobs for Liberal Arts majors?"
Chew on This series gears up
Student Union Lecture
Committee strives to bring
to campus entertaining
speakers of interest to faculty
and students alike
s I U I M K I I I X
T . Sri?:?? I ? ?? ?:? I t ??!vVfittccisur;i:iiinf?r
a bus war. I he ( mi ltk luncluimc lectu j scries will
run even, week starting in the spring semester and the
committee has already started work on the major lecture
Student Union lecture Committee chairman Don
Whitten is optimistic about the coming year.
"We're looking at some really interesring topics
Whitten said.
Topics for lectures are chosen based on student inter-
ests and relevant current issues. Speakers are invited to
lecture on campus if they address these interests in a way
that is interesting and entertaining to students.
"1 deem the program a waste if I'm spending students'
money and they aren't coming to see the shows Whitten
One of the concerns of Lecture Committee members is
gauging the interests and needs of East Carolina students.
"It's hard for six students to figure out what the mass
majority of students want said Lecture Committee
member Alyson Bucolo.
The Chev on This program has proven very successful
and rhe Lectures Committee is looking forward to making
it a weekly event.
A major goal of the Lectures Committee is to see Chew
on This present instructors with the opportunity to address
issues which they might not get to discuss in class.
"It was originally envisioned as a way for faculty and stu-
dents to mingle outside of the classroom Whitten added.
"I 'mid love v include the whole spring lineup w ith just
i.l ?
That's not to say that all topics have to involve serious
topics or classroom based discussions. Past topics have-
included such topics as a student's experiences in
Palestine, beer and faculty advisor J. Marshall's motorcycle
trip to Nova Scotia.
Future Cites on This topics include diving in .ntarctica.
AIDS in Pitt County, the evolution of the brain in science
fiction and ECl' student Andrew Riddle's rafting trip
down the Mississippi River.
Faculty members and students with ideas for future-
Lectures Committee programs are encouraged ro contact
the Student Union Lectures Committee at 328-4715.
i ? Aj

7 Thursday. October 2. 1997
The East Carolinian
Christian singer leaves legacy behind
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John Davis
The popular Christian folk-pop musician Rich Mullins
died Sept. 19 in an automobile accident in Illinois. At age
41, Mullins had spent nearly 15 years in the Christian
music industry as a songwriter and recording artist.
Mullins, who had a reputation for integrity and humility
in a very political and image-oriented Christian music
industry, left behind a legacy of
moving pop music flavored with
Appalachian folk influences.
Mullins was well-known for
foregoing the pop star's life for a
humble, almost ascetic existence.
He spent a large portion of his
money and time working with
Compassion International's relief
efforts for Native Americans. The
plight of Native Americans was
one of the things closest to his
heart, as is evidenced by his song,
"The Howling where he
described them as " a people bro-
ken and brave in the face of so
much fear driven from their
homes by the greed of a nation
whose treaties were as good as lit-
ter along the trail of their tears
Rather than focusing on his
image, he was usually wearing a T-shirt and jeans both on
stage and at church. He often performed without shoes.
Frank and honest, he would talk to his audiences as if
they were sitting with him around a dinner table.
Mullins began his musical career while attending col-
lege. In 1981, he formed a band called Zion, which
enjoved minor success, but only recorded one demo.
Mullins gained entry into the music industry via that
album because Christian pop star Amy Grant had heard
his song "Sing Your Praise to the Lord" and wanted to
record it. Soon thereafter, Mullins signed a contract with
Reunion Records. He recorded for that label for over ten
years, releasing seven albums and a musical.
Mullins enjoyed mild success from his Christian radio
hits "Awesome God" and "My One Thing the latter of
which featured a hammered dulcimer as the signature
instrument and marked the beginning of his exploration
in Celtic folk music. Unrelenting in his pursuit of artis-
tic improvement and quality in his craft, Mullins refused
to scttle-for radio success.
In 1993, Mullins released what is probably his best
and most important record, A IJrurgy, A lsgay, and a
Ragamuffm Baiut. Mullins' entire career was centered
around the dual themes of thirst for contact with God
and the enjoyment of God's creation. It was this album
that saw the artistic and musical realization of these
themes. Centered around the liturgy of an Episcopal
church service and the "legacy" of American culture, the
album was a strong step in Mulljs' development of His
interest in Celtic folk music. Filled with dulcimeje, bag-
pipes and tin whistles, the album carried an otherworld-
ly aura about it that bespoke of Mullins' deep, sparkling
affection for America and for his faith.
Mullins released two alburns after that and wrote a
musical which he was in the process of performing
around the country. The musical, Canticle of the Pkitu,
focused of the life story o'St. Francis of Assisi and fea-
tured musical contributions by members of Christian
pop band DC Talk. Mullins
was in the process of negoti-
ating a new record contract
when he died.
Though he was a powerful
voice in the industry, Mullins
had a humility and selfless-
ness, that, coupled .with a
dreamer's down-
Rich Mullins strove to find a balance between heaven and
the stuff of earth.
to-earth faith, made him stand out from the dime-a-
dozen sleepy Christian pop acts. Mullins himself wa
under no illusion about his position in the spotlight.
He once wrote in his journal, "1 am not very good
being religious and don't really feel bad about not being
good. I do wish I loved God and His creatures more
These past few weeks, there has been a nation of
Christian music fans, artists. Native Americans, family
and friends who would stand to testify that Mullins did
indeed have that love and spent his short life spreading
it throughout the country he loved so dearly.
Monday, September 29,1997,4:00 pm
MSC 224
Dr. Helen Grove, Dew
School of Human btwrcwnema! Science
Whit does it ate to survive in the
professional work world? Learn skife in
profeutorutem you win need in your career.
Thursday, October X 1997,4:00 pm
MSC Great Room 3
Mr. William Clutter, Director
University Unions & Mendenhall
Student Center
Meet with other student leaders and campus
administrators to discuss your orfantiabon's activi-
ties and current campus inues which adfect your
orfanoaoon. Be ready to share ideas, brainstorm
to cWvelc? scJuttora. and initiate changes. A light
dinner will be provided.
rt-eneiw ado is required ttytte
McH,Oct?ber 13,1997.4:00 pm
MSC MuW-Purpose Room
Ms. Beth Anne Pretty, Director
Oriemaoon and the first Year Experience
Improve your relationships and interpersonal
skilis by exploring subtleties of communication
across genders.
OPEN and FREE to all ECU students
Pre-Reoistration is required for the
"Special Programs" on
QctQb?L2, October 16,
and November 6
Call or Stop by
Student Leadership Development
Programs by noon the
day before those programs.
Thursday. October 16 1997.4:00 pm
Meet at 109 MSC
Mr. Steve Bobbit
Adventure Program Director
Are you lookinj for a way to
rMnertjxe your organisation or to get to know
new members! Learn fcm lames that you can
use with your organization to break the ice.
preregistraoor. Is required for this program.
Monday. October 20,1997,4:00 pm
MSC Multi-Purpose Room
Mr. Stephen Gray, Associate Director
University Unions
It is possible to fit all of your activities into the
week (f you know the secrets of time
management.Take some time to learn!
Monday, October 27,1997,4:00 pm
MSC MuhS-Purpose Room
Ms. Heather Zopny
Health Education Coordinator
Stress can effect you both mentally and physical-
ly, find out how to reduce stress and maintain
your health!
Monday, November 3,1997, 4:00 pm
MSC Mufti-Purpose Room
Mr. Manny Amaro, Director
University Housing Services
Whether personal or organizational, your
finances need to be in order. Get advice on how
to manage money so that you and your group
can stay in the black.
Thursday, November 6, 1997,400 pm
MSC Great Room 3
Mr. Earl Brown, Attorney
Law Office of EarlT. Brown
Enjoy a Beta dinner while sharing the leadership
experiences and philosophies of successful area
attorney. Mr. Earl Brown.
Pre-registration is required for this program
Sponsored by
Leadership Development
109 Mendenhall Student Center
Monday, November 10.1997,4:00 pm
MSC Multi-purpose Room
Student Leadership Development Program
It really is possible to bring about change m
your organization. Find out how!
Monday, November 't7,l 997,4:00 pm
MSC Muta-Purgfse Ro6?
Ms. Karen Boyd
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get hot urKiehiciar, and discover how to
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8 Thursday. October 2. 1997
The East Carolinian
Scream at The Wall
Pat Rkid
SENIOR tt K I l l.K
re we
js on the
stuff you miss and
zhe stuff you
missed. We will
ermine the books,
albums, movies and
Oelevison shows we
feel deserve further
exploration. It's
cpe stuff we dug
bqgk in the day
? ?
In 1981, Pink Floyd followed a trend
that was prevalent at the time: they
made a musical. David Bowie
had Ziggy Stardust, Bette
Midler had The Rose,
and the list goes on i
and on. But, as was i
their style. Pinky-
Floyd did things fffl
bit different, faftf-
say the leapt.
The end result
has beet called
everything from
an acid trip on
film to an attack on
the senses. In fact,
martf argue that in
order to fully understand
it you must be high, but I'll
take my chances evaluating it with-
out that experience.
Pink Fd first broke on the music
scene in the '60s as a four-piece head-
ed up by Syd Barrett and Roger Waters.
Eventually, Barrett asked his former
guitar teachcrMhvid Gilmour to join
the band. Then?, the way to a show
one night, it was suggested that Barrett
not get picked up and the band was
suddenly a four-piece again. After
breaking new ground with their exper-
imental and hypnotic music, the band
went on to become one of the biggest
bands of the '70s. Their legendary
album Dark Side Of The Moon remains
one of the best selling alburn of ail
time. ?
In 1979, the band released, double
album set called The Wall. It told the
story of a rock star named Pink Floyd
who had done too many drugs, played
too many shows and pushed himself
too hard. The result is a short trip over
the edge. Shojtly after its release, the
band began working with Alan. Parker
on a film vejsi6n of the story Two years
later, t'lte ljill was released in theaters.
Due to the need for expressing
thoughts for visual comprehension, the
movie contains songs not on the album,
and the album contains songs not in
(bvie, thus making each slightly
ndent of the other,
c movie blends real time, flash-
dementia and animation in a
ay that can be hard to follow at times.
Also, there are only two or three actual
lines of dialogue, so the music is vital to
the story. The first song, "When the
Tigers Broke Free (Pt. 1) is during a
scene in a bunker with Pink's dad.
Next we are in Pink's hotel room as the
maid tries to enter for cleaning. As the
door hits the chain lock, Pink's memo-
ry flashes back to a concert riot and the
roller coaster ride begins.
Due to the confusing nature of the
story, the best way to watch The Wall is
with a group of people. It also helps if
at least one of the people has some
background knowledge of Pink Floyd,
the band. I personally have seen it
more times than I can count and I still
pick up new things every time.
One insight into the movie given by
Gilmour is that Waters wrote it about
himself and his inability to cope with
fame. Whether you look at it from this
perspective or from a totally fictional
point-of-view, the movie is still a mon-
stet of a story made beautifully into a
movie. Parker and the band used cre-
ative animation and acting to an extent
that made The Wall a masterpiece in its
own right. This cult classic is not for
the weak of heart or mind, but it is also
definitely worth checking out.
nGot Something To Say?
Write a Letter to the Editor
Scheduled Events for October's
Aids Awarness Information
Time: 11-1:30
iPlaccs In front jf student bookstore
Oct. S)
AIDS 101: Workshop focusing on basic
jg$6rmat.oi on Aids & our community
Time: 7-8 " K-V St
Pl?ce: GC
oi Awareness Program
Place TBA
Oct. z
Plcaso Speaker Pannel
Time: 7-8
Place: GC 1031
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9 Thursday. October 2. 1997
The East Carolinian
Program urges athletes to strive for academic succpss
Athletes continue to
make the grades in
the classroom
The typical college student has a lot
to get done each day. Between
going to classes, keeping up with
studies, working, and socializing,
there is not much extra time for any-
thing else. So how in the world do
student athletes manage to fit prac-
tices, games, and study hours into
their schedules on top of
else that needs to be done?
Marvin Mitchell, assistant athlet-
ic director for student development,
said that mandatory freshman study
halls and tutoring programs are a
necessity when it comes to college
athletes and keeping grades where
they should be.
"All freshman student athletes
are required to attend mandatory
study hall sessions Mitchell said.
"Once the athlete meets the GPA
requirement that is set, the sessions
are no longer mandatory"
Some sports have higher require-
ments than others, as the head
coaches for each sport determine
the minimum for their athletes.
"Having the coaches set the
requirement is the best approach
because the coaches do the recruit-
Freshman business mangement major, Scctt Godwin a Pirate football player gets help
from Jeanie Paschal! a graduate student, audiology major.
ing Mitchell said. "Coaches know
their athletes well enough to set rea-
sonable standards
Assistant Athletic Director
Henry VanSant agrees that the
mandatory freshman sessions are
beneficial, as not one of ECU's
teams has an average GPA below a
"Many of our athletes would do
okay without the requirement, but
the teams cannot afford to lose even
one VanSant said. The athletes
are at an advantage to have a
Student Development team that is
so concerned for them
VahSant said that it is important
for to come forward and
seek (he help that is available when
they (are struggling or having diffi-
culty in a class.
Gttting athletes off to a strong
start academically has helped them
to achieve a higher graduation rate
than that of regular full-time stu-
"The goal of our program is to
help our athletes realize that there
are more reasons to be in school
other than to play sports Mitchell
said. "The most important goal is to
get an education
According to Mitchell, many stu-
dents fail to see the benefits of such
programs until after their schooling
is all over.
"Sometimes athletes will com-
plain that they don't want to attend
study sessions, or they don't have
time to meet with their tutor, but
someday their hard work will pay
off Mitchell said.
ECU athletes are pan of a pro-
gram called NCAA Champs Life
Skills, which aims to build a "total
student athlete" through participa-
a freshman football player, gets tutored by junior Collin Wilcox, who is an occupational therapy major. Athletes not only
work herd on the field, but also in the classroom
tion in community service events,
academic and athletic commit-
ments, personal development, and
career development.
"Many times, all that people hear
about are the actual games, or the
negative things that happen to ath-
letes. The positive things that ath-
letes do, such as community service
hours, often go unrecognized
Mitchell said.
Mitchell joined the ECU
Student Development staff in Dec.
1996 and is currently in the process
of fine-tuning the mentor program.
This semester, the program is focus-
ing on a group of five athletes to
evaluate positive and negative
results so that a more productive
program will exist in the future.
Last year, the teams bringir
the highest grade point aver
were the men's golf team and i
women's cross country team,
the putters posted a team average, t
3.0, the runners 3.1 average was'd&;
highest of all ECU sports teams.
Soccer player triumphs on college level
Amy Horton anchors
women's team
Steve losev
In only her second season as goalkeeper for
ECU's women's soccer team, sophomore Amy
Horton has shown herself to be an valuable mem-
ber of the Pirates.
Since she was a child, she took her team to vic-
tory after victory, as well as numerous champi-
onships. She has carried her drive to win from her
elementary school fields to Bunting Field and is
an essential part of the Pirates' defense.
Horton was born in Ashevilie and moved to
Raleigh when she was six years old. A year later,
just like many other kids her age, she caught the
urge to play soccer.
"My brother played the season before I start-
ed, and I thought ir looked like fun Hnrron said.
Her teams always seemed to have good luck
when she played. The team she played on in
middle school won the conference championship
two years in a row, a feat that had much to do with
Horton's contributions.
Until her freshman year in high school, she
played on the field. Her coach then decided she
could be a talented goalkeeper.
"Since I played basketball, my coach thought
that I would be good at using my hands at the
goal Horton said.
The switch turned out to be a good move.
That year, Horton's team made it to the state
semi-finals. Her senior year, the team got to the
quarterfinals. The highlight of her pre-coilcge
career was in 1995, when she played on a club
team that won the national championship.
Horton played soccer along with basketball all
four years in high school. She also ran cross coun-
try her freshman year.
Horton is a communica-
tions major who hopes ro get
a job in the field of public
relations or advertising after
she graduates.
When asked, Horton
speaks fondly of the experi-
ences she has had on the
"It's been really great see-
ing how much we've
improved she said. "The
win against Old Dominion
was pretty big
Her parents, former high school athletes
themselves, continually supported her decision to
play sports and her twin brother runs track and
cross country at UNC Wilmington.
"My family has always been really supportive
Horton said. "They come to my games even
Tracy Laubacrt,
Assistam Sports Editor
31-21, ECU
The Pirates look for
their second victory to
turn their season
around ami get back
on a winning trad.
redictions ?

Amy Horton
Celeste Wilson,
Managing Editor
17-13, ECU
Syracuse can't handle
improved running
by Pirates.
Amanda Ross.
Spans Editor
24-21, ECU
Pirates turn
Orangemen into orange
juice as ECU
dominates on both sides
of the ball.
Bye week allows Pirates to heal wounds
for Saturday's game with Syracuse
Syracuse hosts ECU
Saturday in Ganier
After having the last two weeks off, the
Pirates head to the Carrier Dome to take
on the Syracuse Orangemen.
Syracuse is 2-3 this season, while
ECU is 1-2. Both teams are coming off
bye weeks and ECU has used the extra
time to heal up some players injured dur-
ing the South Carolina match up.
Head Coach Steve Logan said they
have lost free safety Tavares Taylor for
the rest of the year, with a torn ACL.

Taylor is expected to have surgery in the
next two weeks and and won't hit the
football field again until spring ball.
"We're going to be without our start-
ing free safety, Logan said. "Tavares
Taylor tore his knee up; hell be out for
the season. He's already been red-shirt-
ed so he's going to lose his junior season,
the bulk of it anyway
Logan said a true freshman will be
used in Taylor's place. i
"We're going to activate a true fresh-
man, Kevin Ward to go ahead arid give us
some depth at free safety
Kelvin Suggs will also be out of the
ECU secondary for the Syracuse game
with an ankle injury he sustained against
the Gamecocks.
"I don't think Suggs will play, but he
is making better progress tharft Afc
thought he would Logan said.
Logan also mentioned that many1 of
the ankle injuries suffered at West
Virginia have been bothering some play-
"The rest of the
kids, the ankles that
we sustained up at
the West Virginia
game are starting to
come back around
Logan said. "Now
This week's
East Carolina at Syracuse 12:30 p.m.
Army at Tuiane 2 p.m.
Houston at UCLA 5:30 p.m.
Louisville at Southern Miss 5 p.m.
Memphis at Cincinnati 7 p.m.
we ve gone 2-3
weeks without beat-
ing those kids up any
Split end Larry
Shannon was expect-
ed to make his
comeback this'
Saturday, after suf-
fering a fracture in
his left ankle, but
Logan scratched
that idea since they I
are playing on astro-
turf this week.
"He was in pads on
Sunday and ran some
routes full speed Logan said. "He's still
a little bit tender, so we're going to wait
and get off the astroturf before we bring
him back
The Pirates have worked intensively
on their running game which has only
gained 154 yards on the ground for a total
of three games.
"We took Tuesday and Thursday (of
last week) and went out in full pads, we
never do that Logan said. "We did that
to try to address our running game situa-
tion. Go full speed and let the kids con-
tinue to work on the running game
Saturday's game will provide a better
idea of the progress of the running game.
"How we come out of it, I don't
know Logan said. "You ever know until
you play another game. Trying to discern
what you're doing when you're practicing
against yourself, I've never been able to
tell what's going on. It's just difficult, so
this Saturday will provide a little more
Part of the running game that has
stalled this year has been Scott Hariey,
who suffered a severely sprained ankle
during the West Virginia game. As the
nation's leading returning rusher, I larley
has only gained 84 yards for three games.
Logan has held Hariey out of practice
and contact drills to ensure his ankle
recovers fully.
"We held him out of all practice this
week (last week) and kept him in the
training room and brought him out and
let him run and catch the ball and run
some routes, these kinds of things but
we never hit him Logan said.
Despite the injuries, Logan feels good
about the effort his players are giving.
"I would be in a panic if we were not
playing hard, but the kids are playing
hard on both sides of the ball Logan
said. "Nobody has ever given up one
snap. As long as the kids play hard, we
can coach then we will get to where we
Game Notes,
Both teams are coming off bye weeks, with
Syracuse beating Tuiane 30-19 on Sept as ECU
lost to South Carolina the same day, 26-0.
Syracuse leads the series 5-2.
The last time these two"eams met was in 1995
as ECU came from beinjlpwn 21-0 to beat the
Orangemen 27-24 in the dkrier Dome.
Series History
1988 ? SU-al 4 at Greenville
1989 ? SU, 18-A6 at Syracuse
1991 ? ECU, 2-?at Syracuse
1992 ? SU, 42-21 at Greenville
1993 ? SU, 41-22 at Oxeenville
1994 ? SU, 21-18 at Greenville
1995 ? ECU, 27-24 at Syracuse
Quarterback comparison for games played this season
Dan Gonzalez, ECU
Donovan McMabb, SU

' m? i
J? V

10 Thursday, Cclobec 2, 1997
The East Carolinian
Harris Teeter
Your Neighborhood Food Market
Church leaders target Sunday sports
LEDYARD, Conn. (AP) Some local church leaders
say it is time for parents to pick Sunday School over
Sunday sports.
In a letter dated Sept. 18? leaders of five area
churches urged parents to unite against regional youth
athletic leagues that schedule ball games that conflict
with Sunday services.
"This may even require the tough decision that
participation in worship and Christian education offer-
ings take precedence over other activities on Sunday
the letter states.
The church leaders want parishioners to convince
athletic leaders in the region not to schedule games for
Sunday mornings.
They also said it is unfair for children to have to
choose between their obligations to a sport and their
Four hospitalized after bleacher collapse
WEST HAVEN, Conn. (AP) Four people were hospi-
talized Saturday, and more than a dozen people suf-
fered minor injuries, when a section of bleachers col-
lapsed just before a football game at the University of
New Haven.
The accident happened on the visiting side of
Robert B. Dodds Stadium, just before the 1 p.m. kick-
off of the game between New Haven and the
University of Indiana at Pennsylvania. Fire officials said
many of those sitting in the collapsed section were
members of the Indiana, Pa band.
AH four of the injured were band members. Two
were treated and released at The Hospital of Saint
Raphael. The other two were expected to be released
Saturday afternoon.
The game went on as scheduled, and the band per-
formed at halftime without the injured members.
Syracuse keeps Marv on the wall
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) Unless there is a public
clamor, Marv Albert's spot in the hall of fame at
Syracuse University's S.I. Ncwhouse School of Public
Communications is safe. Dean David Rubin said Friday.
The sportscaster's photograph will stay up on the
wall despite his guilty plea Thursday to assault and bat-
tery charges in the sexual assault case involving a
Virginia woman.
Albert attended Syracuse in early 1960s before leav-
ing for NYU. His photo hangs among other famous
Syracuse graduates lauded for their professional
Rubin said he needs to gauge reaction from faculty.
students and alumni before before giving any thought
to removing Albert's photograph.
"I wouldn't (remove it) because I don't think it is
appropriate for me to
do that Rubin said. ' I'm not going to make it an
issue myself. If this is an issue, it has to become an
issue because legitimately there are numbers of people
in this school who think it is
If the photo were taken down, it would be the first
time a graduate's photo has been expelled, Rubin said.
Greenwood man set slalom record
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) A 30-year-old Greenwood
man now holds the world record in men's slalom.
The International Water Ski Federation this week
approved Jeff Rodgers' performance.
Rodgers is the first man to run a complete pass of six
buoys at 10.25 meters (41 feet off the 75-foot rope) in
a record-capabilitv tournament.
He did it Aug. 31 at Trophy Lakes in Charleston and
went on to round one buoy at 9.75 meters (43 feet off)
to move the world record into the next line length.
' I'd been skiing deep into 41, but I really wasn't
expecting a run like that Rodgers said.
Bob Corson, chairman of the IWSF tournament
council, said Rodgers' run met the myriad technical cri-
teria for a record, including everything from the slalom
course to the position of the judges' towers to boat path
and time.
Clemson signs $8 million Nike endorse-
ment deal
CLEMSON, S.C. (AP) The Nike swoosh is going
to join the tiger paw as part of Clemson uniforms under
a multimillion dollar endorsement deal the school has
signed with the shoe company.
The deal was outlined Wednesday for the faculty
athletic council. It is
worth J8 million over eight years, faculty athletic
representative Cecil
Huev said.
Nike will provide shoes for the basketball, football,
soccer, baseball, golf
and cheerleading squads and uniforms for all but
The uniforms and shoes make up the bulk of the
deal, with the remainder in cash supplements to coach-
es. Basketball coach Rick Barnes will get $200,000 this
year for his endorsement, the same amount guaranteed
in his contract with the school, The (Greenville) News
reported Thursdav.
Florida State and North Carolina also have multi-
sport deals with Nike.
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11 Thursday. Octobir 2, 1997

Th? Eist Cirolinitn?- -
Golfers finish eighth, while volleyballers win another CAA game
The ECU Golf team carded an
eighth place finish at the IN'C-
Intercollegiate tournament on
Tuesday The Pirates shot a 298 in
the final round, which was one
stroke better than Monday's
round. They finished 19 strokes
off team champion Eastern
Kentucky, who scored a 10-over
578 for the tournament. Eastern
Kentucky and College of
Charleston tied after 36 holes, buy
EKU won the first playoff hole to
win the team title.
Sophomore Marc Miller contin-
ued to pace the Pirates, finishing
in ninth place. His three-over par
145 was just four strokes off the
individual champion, Ryan Tucker
continued from page 9
of Western Kentucky. Miller's
ninth place marked his second
straight top ten finish, while the
Pirates have had at least one golfer
finish in the top ten in every tour-
nament so far this fall.
Pirate sophomore Stephen
Satteriy recorded a two-over 73 in
Tuesday's round to move him up
from 63rd to 35th place. Senior
Kevin Miller also finished 35th
after shooting a 76 on the final 18.
The Pirates next tournament is
the prestigious Adams Cup of
Newport, held in Newport, R.I. on
Oct. 15-16. Head coach Kevin
Williams is hoping for a strong
showing from ECU at that tourna-
"I was disappointed with our
want to be. The kids want to play
good football on offense and
defense and can make that hap-
pen. We just need to work togeth-
er more as a unit and it will come
The Pirates have also been
practicing to keep Syracuse's quar-
performance here (in
Williams said.
"We're facing a
strong field up in
Rhode Island, so
we'll be working
hard the next
couple weeks to
get ready for that
The ECU vol-
leyball team Kim Walker
improved its Volleyball Coach
overall record to
12-7 while pick-
ing up its second
straight Colonial
Athletic Association victory by
defeating UNC Wilmington (6-12,
" was another confer-
ence win, which is good,
but we need to learn put
teams away when we
have the chance
1-2) in four games Tuesday The
Pirates knocked off
the Seahawks 15-13,
15-8, 14-16, 15-9 tot.
move to 2-1 in CAA
The Pirates' victory
came behind a solid
defensive effort.
Three ECU players
finished with at least
19 digs with fresh-
man Liz Hall leading
the way. Hall, who
also had a game high
of 18 kills, ended the
night with 23 digs for
her ninth double-
double of the season. Along with
Hall, Shannon Kaess recorded 19
digs while Cinta Claro added 19
digs and 13 kills.
Also playing a large part
Tuesdav was ECU's blocking.
ECU collected 10 team blocks to
UNCWs seven, with Sarah Kary
leading the charge. Kary finished
witb two solo blocks, tjlree block
assists, and had eight kills and six
digs. Setter Kristin Warner also
had five block assists in adoption to
her 38 assist. '
Though the Pirates camtf away
with a victory, head coach Kim
Walker hopes it was a learning
experience. The Pirates weie up
14-3 in the third game before let-
ting UNCW back in and finaHy
losing 14-16. ??' '
"It was another conference win
which is good, but we need to'
learn to puv&ams away when we
have the chance Walker said. ;
"We had hem on the ropes early1 ;
and didH'ufinish them. We are just
not at the mental level we need tan
be. But this team is young and we
wift-get there ? r
?l- Despite the temporary leo-v
down, ECU's offense came
'through as the Pirates outhit .
UNCW .121053 for the matck
In the second game, the Pirates hir'
.237 for the game while holding
? the Seahawks to 050.
The Pirates will take to tMiK,
road this weekend as they travel to
'?' American Friday, Oct. 3, arid ;
George Mason Sat Oct. 4, for msfc
pair of CAA matchups. niid
terback Donovan McNabb in
check during the game.
"Donovan McNabb is one of
those guys who you defend the ini-
tial play and then he runs around
and starts a whole new play fours
seconds later, and he's better on
the second play than he is the
first Logan said.
McNabb's ability to scramble
around to make the plays, will test
the Pirate defense.
"He's a special guy Logan
said. "When he's in the pocket,
I'm a little more comfortirafe then
when he gets outside the pocket.
That's when the fun really begins.
We are going to have to work on
the scramble drills this week and
guys in the secondary are going to
have to work on staying on their
man and not give up UO i
The game will be televised ?
locally on WNCTTV 9 beginning
at 12:30 p.m. wd

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as telephone collectors The
perfect part-time job. ExceMent
pay. Our grads get hsred based en
on their experience working for
us We also have a few day slots
open 4youhavetuHmommas or
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No investment & very little time
needed. There's no obligation, so
why not call for information today.
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club in Rocky Mount For info, call 442-
7550, leave message.
part time or full ti me 2-3 days per week
10-30 hours e week. $10 per hour.
Must pass credit check, criminal and
drug test. Send resume to PO Box 493.
Tarboro, NC 27886.
rentals end custom-made. Many ac-
cessories available. Frani Boberg,
Farmville, 753-4009.
ing muscles. Amateur masseur would
like to practice on your back. 1-800-
484-8546 (code 2465) or Brian, POB
8663, Greenville 27835.
Greek Personals
of Pi Delta want to thank their flag
footbaii coaches: Justin Jones, Eric
Gooby, and Luke Clark. Love, Pi Delta
congratulate our new Fail Pledges:
Gerals Atkins, Justin Taillon, Andy
Poole, Rob Servatius, David Belar, Karl
Hoeferlin, Michael Remington, Kevin
Scheuder, Steve Cay. Gregory Dreyer,
Willis Brantley, Joajl Harper, Charlie
Kramer, Jason Welsh, Will Young,
Bleze Thompson, 2bff Grosse, Jon
Kinne, Merk Bowker, George Detorres,
Preston Godwin, Tanner Almerson. Pi
Kappa Alpha
late Kmryn Woodell and Anna Cop-
perwalt on winning their tennis match-
es last week. We're proud of you!
Sigma Sigma Sigma
LISANE for winning Miss Black East
Carolina and to Yolanda Evan for re-
ceiving Soror of the Month! Love, the
ladles of Alpha Kappa Alpha
some social last Thursday! We had e
great time. Can't wait to do it again!
Love, Sigma Sigma Sigma
NEW Member of the Week: Use War-
fle end Sister of the Week: Brandy
Peel. Love, the sisters and new mem-
bers of Delta Zeta
members of Pi Delta. You did e great
job last Wednesday night. Thanks for
the Black and White Souvenir. We
loved it. Love, the sisters of Pi Delta
DELTAS ON your recent pinning:
Stephanie Cox. Leigh Hancock. Kirsten
Hill, Laura Kreps. Melissa Osborne,
Kim Register, and Heather Stand We
love you, the sisters of Alpha Omicron
at the social, Zeta Tau Alpha. Lets do it
again soon! Love, the fraters of Tau
Kappa Epsilon.
great Pref night You really showtd our
new girts a great time. We cant wait to
to it again! Love, Chi Omega.
Delta Pi, we had a great time with all of
you last Thursday. Lets get together
again soon. Love, Chi Omega.
would like to thank Social Chair Cress
Bell and Rush Chair Brandon Yeiverton
for their excellent work at their ep-
pointed positions.
pha, we are looking forward to work-
ing with you guys in the Greek Games!
Love, Alpha Phi.
nize Sisters of the Week: Karen John-
son and Leslie Brewer. Pledges of the
Week: Amanda Sessoms and Super
Senior: Tera Stutzman. We love you!
TO OUR SIGMA BIG Sisters: Thanks
for giving us Christmas In September!
We love you! The New Members of
Sigma Sigma Sigma
CARTEE for being elected the Sociel
Chair for Junior Panheilenfe. Love,
your Sigma Sisters
VIDSON AND Sage Kunlhan on your
nominations for Homecoming Court!
We wish you the beet of luck! Love,
your Sigma Sisters
herd work getting Big Sis Week to-
gether. Love, your Delta Zeta sisters
CHI OMEGA, WE HAD a great time
at the Quad with you last Thurs. Hope
we can get together soon! Love, Alpha
Delta PI
CLASS TRAVEL needs students to
promote Spring Break 1998! Sell 15
trips and travel free! Highly motivated
students can earn a free trip and over
$10,000! Choose Cancun, Bahamas.
Mazatlan, Jamaica or Florida! North
America's largest student tour opera-
tor! Call Now! 1-800-838-6411.
would like to congratulate Kelsha
Johnson for being the first runner up
in the Miss ECU Nubian Pageant We
are so very proud of you.
FROM pennies on $1. Delinquent tax,
Repo's. REO's. Your Area Toll Free
(1)800-218-9000 Ext H-3726 for current
SKA influenced band. Call Yance at
830-2082 or Robert at 752-8606.
time. At Home. Toll Free (1)800-218-
9000 Ext T-3728 for Listings, j
SEIZED CARS FROM $175.fPorsch-
es, Cadillacs. Chevys, BMVtJs. Cor-
vettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your Area.
Toll Free (1)800-218-9000 ExtA-3726
for current listings.
NEEDS good home. One year old
spayed female, has had shotsfand ten-
donotomy (cent stick out daws)- Cov-
ered litterbox provided. Call B4-2688.
C. E. Eppes Recreation Center, 4th
Street 8:00a.m1:00 p.m. Free
heightweight and blood pressure
measurements, fasting glucose and
cholesterol screening, bone marrow
drive and health education. Free Pre-
ventive Hearth Care. Come One, Come
Ail. Sponsored by the Student Nation-
al medical Association.
adapted recreation is holding this spe-
cial event on Oct. 4 from 9:00 am4:00
p. m. at the Student Recreation Center.
Department of Recreational Services.
TOBER'S AIDS Awareness Informa-
tion Booth. Oct. 1 and 2: Time: 11-1:30
Place: In front of Student Bookstore.
Oct 9: AIDS 101: Workshop focusing
on basic information on AIDS & our
community. Time: 7-8 Place GC1031.
Oct 13-17 AIDS & Alcohol Awareness
Program Time and Place TBA. Oct 23
PICASO Speaker Pannel Time: 7-8
Place: GC1031. In addition: Boxes will
be placed around campus for canned
food drive In support of PICASO. Loca-
tions: all month. 1. Mendenhall-nextto
Student Organizations Booth 2. Stud-
ent Health Center 3. GC-front and back
entrances 4. Health Promotion & Well
Being Otftce-Whieherd 210
Service Organization) and the Pitt
County HIV Intaragency Council Pres-
ent: Women and HIV presented by
Kathy Cochran, RN. BSN. C)C. Infec-
tion Control Nurse, ECU School of
Medicine. October 2nd, Noon-1:00
p.m. at the Beef Barn in Greenville.
Call Sharon Pogne 757-0234 for reeer-
vatfons-aeatSrtg is limited. Sponsored
by the Women's Network
FRI. OCT. 3 - SENIOR Recital. Ange-
la Suggs, piano, A J. Fletcher Recital
Hell, 7:00 p.m.
for see kayaking on Oct 12. Be sure to
register by Oct 3 in the Student Re-
creation Center main office. Depart-
ment of Recreational Services.
DATE: We plan to cook supper for the
Ronald McDonald House on Thurs.
Oct. 9th at 4:30. Plan to meet over at
the house and prepare their dinner.
Don't forget about the NCRTA Confer-
ence coming up on Oct 21 & 22. get
your registration in soon!
next meeting on Thursday, October
2nd at 7:00 p.m. in Ragedale Room
130. Anyone interested In law or law
school is welcome to come. OPEN TO
& Campus Administrators - Student
Leadership Development Programs
will present "Hot Issues" Monday, Oc-
tober 2nd at 4 p.m. In Mendenhall
Great Room 3. WIHiam Clutter, Direc-
tor University Unions and Mendenhall
Student Center wilt facilitate discus-
sions between student leaders end
campus administrators about current
campus issues. Call 328-4796 or stop
by Mendenhall 109 to register, it is
Free and Open To AH
BERS: There wilt be a meeting today
at 5:00 In 240 Rivers. Meet us after-
wards at Boll's for dinner - 6:30 p.m.
Anyone stilt Interested In joining,
come at 5:00 and bring $10 dues.
Questions? Ceil Mefghan at 830-6081.
THE EX88 MAJORSO.UB will meet
October 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the Pirate
Club Room.
the pre-downtown Tuesdi
had a great time! Love, "
night! We
gratulate Wendy Boulanger and her
election to Jr. Penhetlenlc Treasurer.
Love, the sisters and new members
ing' In the hood was a blast We ere al-
ready looking forward to doing it
again. Until then, peace out! Love, Chi
like to thank the sisters of Alpha Xi
Delta for All that great candy. Thanks
for thinking about us. Love, the sisters
and new members of Pi Delta
THANKS TO ALL THE Stgtna Sisters
for truly being as wonderful es we
knew you would be. S'gma love, the
New Members
Heaven & Hell Sociel lest Thursdey
was lots of fun! Thanks for a greet
time! Love, Alpha Delta PI
joyed Big Sis Week. Get psyched for
totiight Love, your Big Sisters.
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n Ifl ITICkffisi check the subscriPtion desired
fill II 11 KUICl complete your name, address,
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2 Thursday. October 2. 1997
t. ?
The East Carolinian
Rollerblades pose threat to pedestrians, buildings
Jtollerblades like any
b&er wheeled vehicle
Your friend is waiting for you at
Mendenhall. You are at Tyler Hall. It would
take too long to walk and too much time to
find a parking space. The bus is iot going
where you need to go. You think about you?
rollerblades. Now if only you could remem-
ber the rules for rollerblading on campus.
According to Dean of Students Ron
Speier, rollerblading rules are no different
than ones for bicycles.
"It is to be treated like any other
wheeled vehicle on the streets, no side-
walks or steps and in no campus buildings.
This applies to students and non-students
Speier said.
Senior Henry Brown used to rollerblade
to class but was unsure as to what the rules
are now.
"1 know we can't go in buildings any-
more Brown said.
So what happens to those who disobey
the rules?
"If an officer notices it a verbal warning
is given and if the student refuses to coop-
erate, heshe is referred to the Dean of
Students Sgt. LaFrance Davis of the ECU
Police Department said.
Speier stated the policy for handling
those students who disobey the rules is to
warn them "not to do it and to cease and
"Since people could get hurt, they need
to be told not to do it because the universi-
ty could be held liable Speier said.
Brown and his friends said they have
never been stopped on campus.
"I've never been told anything by offi-
cials Brown said.Putting signs on campus
stating where you can skate may not be
"I pay fees, I should be able to skate
where I want as long as I don't damage any-
thing Brown said.
"Blades ruin floors and cost money to
repair and repolish. Blades also take paint
off of outside handrails said Dr. George W
Harrell, assistant vice chancellor for admin-
"Some concerns that people have is if
they are on the road they could get hit by
cars Speier said. "But campus speed limit
is 15 mph, so sometimes skateboarders and
rollerbladers arc going faster than cars. If
everyone obeys the rules, there should not
be a problem
Rollerblading is not just for transporta-
tion, it is a way to spend time with friends
and have fun. Brown and several friends
often arrange to skate at night on campus.
"I skate at night rather than the day
because it's more fun, you can go faster
Brown said.
"I try and avoid people Senior "Catoe"
Catoe said.
One recent night Catoe and five friends
gathered at a parking lot to go rollerblading.
They stood together in the parking lot with
their rollerblades and protective gear on,
waiting for another friend to arrive. A new
face approached the group and introduced
himself. He is invited to join them and
treated like they had known him for years.
"It's really cool to meet new people that
you have something in common with
Catoe said.
Sophomore Kelsey Wheeler advertises
when a group of rollerbladers is going to get
together by putting fryers around campus
and by calling people. She likes to get
together with people to leam new things
and to have fun.
Students question safety of buses
Students feel rides risky, unpleasant ? especially when it rains
Bodies of students arc pressed against each other. Heavy bookbags tug and shift
on their shoulders and in their laps. Sweat, mingled with the overpowering
smell of perfume, aftershave and the pungent smell of Doritos fills the air.
Knuckles, gripped white, hang on for dear life as the bus turns the corner.
Welcome ro the ECU Shuttlebus at 2 p.m. I
Two girls plan their weekend while checking out a hot guy in front of
them. A guy tells his friend sitting beside him how drunk he got the
night before and how mad he got at a bouncer for not letting him
in underage.
Students shove, kick and step on each other to get a seat on
the bus. A girl on crutches hobbles toward the bus in hopes
of getting a seat. While trying to balance her bookbag, some-
one bumps into her and sends her flying. Lucky for her one
of her friends caught her fall, but not before yellingHey!
Watch where you're going
Days when the weather is less than perfect, people get
more vicious. On rainy days, it's not uncommon to see
students jerking each other's umbrellas and bags, mut-
tering obscenities and giving dirty looks. If you're an '
object and you're in the way, you will get moved. Once
you do get on the bus, the adventure begins.
"I almost saw a girl get run over by the shuttlebus 1 was j
on the other dav Sophomore Elaine Marozsan said.
' u- nus mi a hike and flcv acfl v strcei hi front of
us. Granted, it was her fault for not loo vine, but we were
going so fast leaving Minges that we almost didn't stop
in time
Incidents like these happen too often. Sgt. LaFrance
Davis, head of Crime Prevention at the ECU Police
Department, said no incidents like this have been reported
yet this semester. However, if such an incident does occur off I
campus (past Fourth Street), it is the responsibility of the
Greenville Police Department.
"When an accident involving a bus occurs, a formal report needs
to be filed and the proper forms need to be filled out Davis said.
"Once we get on the scene, the bus driver is looked at to see if
heshe is capable of driving and if the correct standards are being met.
If not, it is filed at the DMV"
"I'm not trying to give the bus drivers a hard time, but it's hard not to get I
angry when you get thrown from one side of the bus to the other and have to
catch yourself from flying through the windshield said Kathryn Hendrix, a
junior. "We slammed on brakes the other day halfway through a stoplight. The dri-
ver wasn't paying attention and was playing with the radio. Listening to the coolest song j
isn't going to do much for us if we all end up dead
Bus drivers offer tips to students
Driving not an easy job
VICTOR L. BANK I KM) he writer
You have heard the complaints that ECU buses are
over-crowded and late. Students say bus drivers are
uncaring and are there just to pick up a check. But is
that the whole story? Some students don't think so.
More than 40 drivers share the same daily frustra-
tions as other working students. Along with school
work, these drivers also have to worry about the lives of
others. Driving a 26,000 pound bus with over 40 pas-
sengers with eager cars racing to work is not the best
situation to be in-not to mention the hundreds of "jay-
walkers" along Tenth St. Driving a bus is not always a
"Commuter shuttles are stressful because there are
not enough buses to handle the students and the stu-
dents who are late to class because of it said Dean
Wheeler, a driver.
Senior William Stanley, who has been driving for
more than five years, offers a variety of tips to make
transit less stressful for students and drivers. Most
commuter passengers experience crowded buses
between ten till the hour and five after the hour. Times
other than that the buses are empty to one-third full.
"It would be good to plan ahead; getting to shuttle
stops half past the hour will help your chances of hav-
ing a seat to yourself Stanley said.
Bus drivers point out that transit has a number of
routes that run quite smoothly. Silver, Red, Brown and
Pirate Ride are consistently on time and less crowded.
It would be a great idea to use these routes instead of
commuter if at all possible.
"Passengers should allow the buses approximately
five minutes to get to the designated stops (for non-
shuttle routes) said Tanesha Jones, who has been dri-
ving for a year and a half.
The inconsistent traffic flow of Greenville makes it
impossible for all routes to be exactly on time. If you
still find yourself on a crowded bus, then check to see
if you can take an earlier time. Doing so can help you
beat the crowd of people who rush to class.
Tips for riding buses to class
LJ plan ahead to choose a route and time when
it is less crowed
LJ avoid riding the commuter shuttle at peak
times (between 10 till and 5 after the hour)
? Check out other routes for alternative
!??) (SAaAiB
t mgm
Bike registration, security
helps alleviate theft
Bikes must be
registered if parked
Jennifer Pendi.eton
When it comes to transportation
many students prefer riding their
bicycles over walking, driving or
using the bus system. What stu-
dents may not be aware of is the
fact that bicycle theft is a recurring
problem on campus. Every year over
100 bicycles are stolen from around
According to Johnnie I'mphlet,
captain of patrol division for the
ECU Police Department, last year
there were 353 counts of larceny
and over half were bicycle theft.
Not only are bicycles being
stolen, but parts are too. If the bicy-
cle is not locked properly it is possi-
ble for pans such as tires, seats and
even the bike frame r) be stolen.
This enables the thic- to take pars
from different bikes a.K) pu- the i
together to make a new bike.
There are a couple of ways to
prevent bicycle theft. First, it is
important to register your bike.
"If your bicycle comes on campus
and you are a student or staff your
bicycle must be registered. That's
what the regulations say said
Johnnie Eastwood, external opera-
tions manager for parking and trans-
portation services.
.cycle registi
? registration is
? first permit on thi
issued on July 9,
f ? to register your bicycle ?
contact the ECU Police f
Department at 328-6787 W

According to the ECU Police
Department, this regulation is not
strongly enforced. The police and
parking services officials do not
walk around checking bicycles for
decals, as they do cars, but if a bike
is found anywhere besides the bike



3 Thursday. October 2. 1997
si !? Ul
The East Carolinian
Pedestrian-bicycle collisions potential problem on-campus
Narrow sidewalks
contribute to threat
Holly Harris
The sky is blue, the sun is shining
and you are happily hurrying to
chemistry when WHAM!
Suddenly you're looking up at the
blue sky with a bicycle track across
your face.
Though it is technically against
university policy for bicycles to be
ridden on sidewalks, paved areas
like the one in front of the Wright
place act as main thoroughfares, so
it is a rule that is rarely if ever
enforced, according to Sgt. Mike
Benson of the ECU Police
In fact, due to planning and lay-
out it is impossible to access bike
parking in crowded areas like the
GCRawl racks without riding on
the sidewalk.
Adding to the problem are paths
that are far too slim for bicyclists to
reasonably navigate without weav-
ing in and out of slower traffic.
"There's just not a place to ride
with the narrow roads said Sgt.
LaFrance Davis of the ECU Police
Department. "The university
keeps beautifying, but they're
continued Irom page 2
racks it will be impounded.
"Bicycle registration shows proof of
ownership and gives us the authoriry to
enforce the law if neccessary Eastwood
The advantage to having bicycles reg-
istered is that the students' information
is on file. When students register their
name, social security number, local and
home address and phone number, the
bike's serial number and description are
all on file.
"When a bike is found or recovered,
ignoring the bicyclist's needs
Despite the fact that on most
busy class days the casual observer
can notice at least 12 near-miss
bicyclepedestrian collisions within
a half hour, there seems to be little
relief in sight.
"We're looking at that problem
and realize there's a need, but real-
ly we haven't made a lot of progress
in that area partially because to do
it we would be looking at bike
paths in part of the roadway we
would have to do away with some
on-street parking" said Dr. George
W Harrell, assistant vice chancellor
for administration and finance.
Davis added that the new con-
struction has definitely provided
more sidewalks, but reduced the
amount of legitimate places to
Collisions are normally not
reported to the campus police
department unless one party needs
medical attention, so there is some
doubt as to whether the university-
is truly aware of the problem. Only
two such accidents were reported
last year, but there has already been
one reported this semester.
For now, the only apparent solu-
tion, according to former Bicycle
Officer Benson is to get off and
navigate on foot when approaching
a large mass of pedestrian traffic.
All agree that the problem is,
Benson said, a matter of courtesy
students have 30 days to claim it, then at
the end of those 30 days if not claimed, it
becomes property of the state
Eastwood said.
"Bicycle registra-
tion is free and a one-
time thing
I'mphlet said. "Once
a student registers
their bike it is good
throughout their col-
lege career
Because the regis-
tration is a perma-
nent thing, if at any
time students' bicy-
cles are stolen off
campus the ECU
police can give neces-
?ji information,
such as the serial number, which can be
Students walk bites through the pedestrian walkway in front of the Wright Place. Many students choose not to ride through crowded areas for safety reasons.
"Ulien a btke is found or
recovered, students have 30
days to claim it, then at the
end of those 30 days if not
daimed, it becomes property
of the state
Jonnie Eastwood
external operations manager lor
parking and transportation services
used in recovering the bike. This can
even be done once a student has graduat-
'What you need to do is call
up and say 'Look I'm Johnnie
Eastwood. My bike's just
been stolen and I need to get
the serial number, etc. from
vou Eastwood said.
The second way to prevent
bicycle theft is to always lock
up your bike, even if you arc-
just running in to check a
grade or will just be a few
"BiKc theft is a crime of con-
venience Umphlet said. "If
there is a bike that is locked
up and a bike next to it that
is not locked up, then the
thief will take the one not locked up
Students lock their bikes to bike racks to prevent theft on campus
RyI recreational ? ? ? ? ? ?
y U services student Recreation Center Pool
for more information call 328-6387
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The East Carolinian, October 2, 1997
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 02, 1997
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