The East Carolinian, August 26, 1997

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AUGUST 26, 1997
Stadium project troubled from beginning
Consultant walks out on
stadium project
l : ? '? US
?v F W F I
less than a month to go before ECl 's
first home football game contractors are still
riencing delavs with construction on the
insinn of I )owdy-Rcklcn Stadium.
Still tod i there is mass chaos on the cotv-
I here are trucks coming and
is well as construction workers scram-
bling in high gear, vet there are still no seats in
ippet deck. For a month now one of the 16
i support beams has been missing after
n torn down because it was defee-
moval of raker beam lb rook place
ii ulti isound lest showed consequential
lefects in the concrete, state
I hough timeliness is an issue, cost is not
"Ml the completed procedures will be test-
ed b ultrasound, -ras and other techniques
to make sure rhar rhe have been completed
property said Rye, university architect The
procedures should nor result in any additional
costs to the university
The repair has caused a dclav that has
ensured the new deck w ill nor be completed in
time for the first home football game against
the Wake Forest Demon Deacons.
"These kinds of problems ami repairs are
not uncommon in such projects. Similar work
had to be done on the C larolina Panthers stadi-
um in Charlotte and on several facilities built
for the Vlanra Olympics said Rye.
The defective beam is not the only prob-
lem, just the most obvious, a review ot state
records shows. A series of reports was tiled by
a Greenville construction consultant. Wallace
Bagley, that was hired by the project architect
to keep track of the projects progress. These
disturbing reports have been filed since the
time construction began in November
The first of many problems began when the
project was initially planned and bids tor a con-
struction companv took place.
The original contract included a provision
rhat the contractor would pav (150,000 for
each game placed with the upper deck not
Construction bids opened !asr August, and
at that rime evervthing changed. I he lowest
possible bid was 1( percent alxive ECl 's bud-
Winston-Salem architectural tlrm. Walter
Robbs Callahan & 1'ierce. advised ECU to
reduce or eliminate the penalty clause contract
in order to have more money
The clause was eliminated from the con-
tract and the cost was reduced. These actions
were criticized by mans in the General
Assembly. An agreement was made by the
House Speaker Harold Brubakcr to provide
ECl with $3 million from a state discretionarv
"liquidated damages clauses (we don't use
"penalties") were not used because they were
exacerbating the shortage of bidders. In addi-
tion liquidated damages clauses sometimes
help an owner with expenses of delavs. bur
rhev rarclv facilitate timely completion said
The upper deck expansion, which was supposed to be finished in time for
the first home game, is still in progress
ECU first
to adopt
Students and faculty
now on same system
ECl ' 'ruts have a new c-
Microsofi Exchange has
formerh used ecuvm accounts, mak-
i ' I she firsi
n the r?
Blake P
nl 'n
1 hav one
i ommon system for
both students and I
t,n ult Earnest Marshburn
"boui I M months
ago we went into a
scan h mode to find a better telecommunica-
tions svstem said Truest Marshburn,associ-
directot ol academic computing.
"Microsoft was
the first to real-
ly, step forward
and sav they
would work
with us to
develop one.
According to
M a rshburn,
other systems
have been
developed to
work commer-
i i.iIK. but none
have been
designed tor
Blake Price
will allow students
1 I ret eive such things as
to websites that could
d bv tin. ! mail svstem
to send you a I Kl. on
?.?mid have to write it
I MAIl 4
Students wait in one of many lines during the first week of classes to get their books
Third suit filed in Players Club alleged discrimination
Court dates are set
for 1998
J i u I II I S I I). k H 1 ! VI
Players (Tub. an apartment complex frequent-
ed by students, is still engaged in legal pro-
ceedings resulting from a suit brought against
them bv a former employee earlier this vear.
The former employee is Join Wynne, who
has alleged that the owner of Players Club,
John Barrett, and the property manager at the
time, leanme Northcutt, followed discrimina-
tors practices when renting the apartments.
Specifically, the suit alleged that plaintifl
Wvnne was instructed not to rent to black
applicants. Wynne also alleged that, on several
occasions. Defendant Barrett had made racial-
K discriminatory comments.
Barrett has denied all charges, and a coun-
tersuit has been tiled against Wvnne. The case
is currently in the deposition stage.
"We do have a trial date set tor May of
1998 said Erica Johnson, attorney for the
The countersuit alleges that Wynne is
guilty of slander against Barrett and
Northcutt, and that she stole from Players
"They are alleging that she took money
from the companv and that she deterred peo-
ple from living there Johnson said.
While Wynne's original statements in her
suit sav that she was tired from her job even
though she had done an exemplary job. the
countersuit savs that she resigned.
"Also, there are some slander issues in
there Johnson said. Truth is a defense to
slander, so we're not worried about the slan-
Charles Edwards, lead attorney for the
defense, has stated that he cannot comment
on the case due to professional ethics.
"It's against our canon of ethics to discuss
a case about to go to trial Edwards said.
Since the original suit and countersuit. a
third suit has also been tiled by Natalie Small,
who was m the process of moving into Players
Club and was asked to move. 'The manage-
ment expressed concern rhar her small chil-
dren would fall off the second floor. She is also
alleging discrimination in her suit.
The original sun is scheduled for Mav ot
next vear. and the second suit will go to trial in
expected to
More parking available
on campus than
past four years
s I U I- U" K I ! ! H
As the amount of students at ECl has
increased over the years, there has been a
enormous demand to increase the limited
amount of parking spaces. But ECl is doing
its best to alleviate the shortage of parking
spaces, by adding new lots and reconfiguring
the old ones
Parking Lots such as the Erwin parking lot
and the Rivers Building parking lot are being
"designed in a more efficient way according
to Dr. George "SATAN" Harrell, assistant vice
chancellor for administration and finance.
"Bv reconfiguring the Erwin parking lot we
created 19 new spaces" said Harrell.
The Rivers Building parking lot is expect-
ed to yield 11 new spaces.
Parking on Library Drive has already
increased, and it is expected to be expanded
"We've finished phase I of the Library
Drive parking lots. All of the spaces are cur-
rently online said Harrell. A minimal
amount of spaces will be temporarily taken off
line in or to begin phases II and III of the
Librarv Drive lots later on this year.
However there will be an equal amount of
tempora parking in the area to make up for
the areas t iken off-line.
This ? ar all freshman parking will be
located on Charles Blvd. next ro the Allied
Health Sciences building. Currently there
are 242 new parking spaces in the freshman
parking lot, and there are plans to have it
paved during the fall break. Overflow park-
ing will be provided on the grass lots near the
Athletic Complex on Charles Blvd.
'The old freshman parking lots located east
of Reade Street will be designated for vehi-
cles with Resident. Commuter. Limited and
Staff parking permits, and are also expected
to be paved in the near future.
More parking spaces will be available once
the stadium expansion is complete.
"When we get through with the stadium.
that entire area that used to be the intramur-
al fields will provide more than 500 parking
spaces said Harrell. "it has the potential of
being done in the next school year
"There is more parking than there has
been on campus for four years said Harrell.
In 1905 $35,000 was
appropriated by the
N.C. legislature to
support a school in the
East which would
train white women
Today that school is
opiniui; 5
Construction de i
Should they have told
lifestyle 6
'Wheels of Steel
Hessee joins us at
irts Medicine Clinic
A be offered to all
students this fall.
9 ?
e east Carolinian
'?' 1 BiOG.
?'?? I V 8
. ei braty
328-6366 newsroom
328-2000 advertising
d558 fa?
e mail

2 Tuesday. August 26. 1997
The East Carolinian

Lawmakers still trying to reach welfare accord
RALEIGH (AP) - As expected, North Carolina's welfare reform effort has
become a numbers game. But not just for those on the dole.
In the waning days of the legislative session, the debate over welfare
reform has lawmakers comparing notes and numbers, and the sum total
they've come up with is zero - as in no deal.
With all other major budget issues resolved, the House and Senate
members negotiating welfare are under pressure to reach a deal this week.
The two sides were to resume formal negotiations today on what
remains the only major obstacle to adopting a state budget and adjourning
the legislative session for the year. The state's fiscal year already is eight
weeks old.
An agreement on welfare reform seemed far off ftiday, when, for three
hours, sate Secretary of Human Resources David Bruton shuttled back
and forth down a hallway in the Legislative Office Building.
Senate Democrat conferees and their staff camped out in a conference
room on one end, munching on junk food. House Republican conferees
huddled in a legislator's office near the other end of the hall.
Immigrants to face food stamp cuts
CJHARLOTTE (AP) - Raisa Nemirovsky is an immigrant, elderly and poor.
Soon, she will be poorer.
Nemirovsky, who is from the Ukraine, is one of thousands of legal immi-
grants in North Carolina and South Carolina who will lose food stamp ben-
efits under a federal law which will take effect next month.
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
of 19 cuts a number of benefits to immigrants and does not make excep-
tions for those who cannot work.
Immigration officials say 3,610 immigrants in North Carolina and South
Carolina will have their benefits cut when the law takes effect.
Congress approved the welfare reform package last summer, cutting $54
billion from the national budget over six years. The plan put a five-year cap
on benefits for refugees who fled persecution from their native countries
and eliminated welfare aid for most other noncitizen immigrants as soon as
they arrive in the United States.
Anti-cigarette groups complain about Winston ads
WASHINGTON (AP) - Public health groups asked the Federal Trade
Commission to investigate RJ. Reynolds' new ad campaign for its additive-
free Winston cigarettes, saying the ads imply this brand is safer to smoke.
RJR recently reformulated its Winston brand to remove all additives,
saying it makes the cigarettes with just tobacco and water. The ads push
the brand with such slogans as "no additives, no bull" and "yours have addi-
tives - new Wins tons don't
Some ingredients added to cigarettes are listed as carcinogens, but the
Lung Association said removing the additives doesn't affect the nicotine
that makes cigarettes addictive or the tar that is largely responsible for lung
The ALA, American Cancer Society and American Heart Association
filed the petition with the FTC Friday.
RJR did not immediately comment.
After 1-day delay, NASA launches
bargain-priced solar observatory
CAPE CANAVERAL Fta. (AP) - After a frustrating day's delay, NASA
today launched a bargain-priced spacecraft on a five-year mission to study
the sun.
The unmanned Delta rocket blasted off late this morning with the SI 10
million solar observatory called Ace, one of NASA's cheapest spacecraft
ever. On-board cameras provided spectacular views of Earth and the burn-
ing boosters as the rocket sped out over the Atlantic Ocean.
It was the second launch attempt; Sunday's try was thwarted by shrimp
fishermen who strayed into the launch-danger zone offshore.
An hour after liftoff, Ace broke out of low Earth orbit at 25,000 mph and
began zooming toward the sun. Ground controllers applauded the news.
Ace, short for Advanced Composition Explorer, will spend the next four
months hurtling toward a point 1 million miles from Earth and 92 million
miles from the Sun. It is the fourth NASA spacecraft to be launched to this
imaginary point, where the gravity of Earth and the gravity of the sun bal-
ance each other.
North Korean envoy to Egypt reportedly defects
u. CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - North Korea's ambassador to Egypt has defected,
-E South Korean media reported today, in the first case ever of a top envoy
fleeing the communist state.
r North Korea's embassy in Cairo denied that Ambassador Chang Sung
oj Gil had defected, but gave conflicting accounts on his w hereabouts.
One official said Chang was in the embassy in Cairo. Another said he
was in North Korea on private business. Both spoke to The Associated
Press on condition of anonymity.
However, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry today said Chang has been
missing for three days.
Said Ragab, head of the ministry's Asia desk, said the North Korean
Embassy notified Egyptian officials Saturday that Chang left his home in
Cairo at noon Friday and had not been seen since.
The embassy asked the ministry to investigate, Ragab told the AR
Authorities have searched hospitals and departure records at airports
and seaports, but found no trace of the ambassador, he said.
Tense showdown between Israel, Palestinian troops
in Bethlehem
BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) - Armed Palestinian police intervened
yesterday to keep Israeli soldiers from chasing stone-throwers into
Palestinian territory, training their assault rifles on the Israeli troops in a
tense half-hour standoff.
The confrontation came in a day of angry, violent protests over Israel's
siege of Bethlehem, which has sealed in the city's residents since shortly
after the July 30 suicide bombings in Jerusalem.
The tensest showdown of the day started when dozens of Palestinians
threw stones at Israeli soldiers guarding Rachel's Tomb, an Israeli-con-
trolled enclave in the Palestinian-run town of Bethlehem.
Israeli soldiers fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the stone
throwers, then started approaching the Palestinian-controlled area.
Palestinian policemen quickly took positions behind walls and barricades,
pointing their Kalashnikov assault rifles at the soldiers.
The Palestinians eventually lowered their weapons when the fighting
cased, but remained in position.
The armed showdown signaled a further deterioration in relations
between Israel and the Palestinians, brought to their latest crisis by last
month's bombings by Islamic militants.
August 6
Larceny?A staff member reported the larceny of an amplifier and a VCR
from a locked room in the General Classroom Building.
Assist Rescue?A staff member was transported to PCMH by Greenville
Rescue after complaining of feeling light headed. The staff member was
working in the tunnel south of Cotten Hall.
August 9
Driving While Impaired?A non-student was arrested for DWI in the
Fifth and Reade Streets parking lot after he was observed driving in a reck-
less manner.
Transformer FireSteam Leak?A non-studentstaff reported a trans-
former fire at the Graham Building. Greenville Fire Department, Greenville
Utilities and an ECU electrician responded. The transformer caused a steam
valve to blow at Joyner. An HVAC mechanic was also contacted.
August 10
Missing Person?A non-student was stopped for an alcohol violation in
the Fifth and Reade Streets parking lot. During a routine records check, it
was found that the non-student was in the file as a missing person from
Craven County. Craven County Sheriff's Office was notified of the missing
Driving While Impaired?A non-student was found passed out behind
the wheel of his vehicle. His vehicle was still running and was in the bushes
at the northeast comer of the Brewster Building. The non-student was not
injured and was arrested for DWI.
August 17
Breaking & Entering & Larceny from a Motor Vehicle?A vehicle belong-
ing to a resident of Cotten Hall was broken into while parked south of
Spilman. A car stereo speaker system and amplifier were taken from the car.
.Assist RescuePossession of Marijuana & Paraphernalia?A resident of
Aycock Hall was discovered unconscious in his room due to extreme alcohol
intoxication. A small bag of marijuana and a bong were discovered on the stu-
dent's desk during the call. The student was transported to PCMH for treat-
August 20
Damage to Property?A staff member reported that the fence x the
Chancellor's residence had been painted.
frcenv?A resident of lones Hall reported the larceny of her parking
decal from her vehicle while parked on College Hill Drive.
ECU sociology student attends national meeting
Michelle Sachariat, an East Carolina University student from Wilmington,
attended the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association this
summer in Toronto as a member of the association's honors program.
Sachariat is a graduate student in sociology Top students from campuses
in the United States and Canada were invited to participate in the meeting.
ECU dean appointed to committee
W Keats Sparrow, the dean of the East Carolina University College of Ans
and Sciences, has been appointed to a two-year term on the North Carolina
Register Advisory Committee (NRAC). The committee decides if homes
and other properties are eligible for listing in the National Register of
Historic Places.
Sparrow's appointment was announced by Jeffrey J. Crow, state historic
preservation officer with the N.C Department of Cultural Resources. The
term of the appointment runs through July 1,1999.
ECU students receive women in science award
Tata D. White of Greenville and Nicole K Noren of Denton, Md students
at East Carolina University, have each received a Glaxo Women in Science
Scholarship that pays pan of their tuition and othr. costs for the 1997-98
academic year.
Funded by Glaxo Wellcome, a North Carolina pharmaceuticals firm, the
scholarships are awarded annually to outstanding students in Biology, chem-
istry, geology or physics. Preference is given to students who seek careers in
scientific research.
In addition to financial contribution, the award provides the students
with mentors who work in Glaxo's research division. The award winners will
also attend the annual meeting of the Glaxo Wellcome Women in Science
Scholars program held at Research Triangle Park each fall.
Washington County subject of ECU library exhibition
A Carolina County: Washington County, N.C, an exhibit of significant his-
torical documents concerning this nearly 200-year-old Albemarlc region
county, will be on view in East Carolina University's Joyner Library begin-
ning Aug.28.
The exhibition will be located in the library's Nonh Carolina Collection
on the third floor of the library's new wing. Among items on display are orig-
inal copies of a rare newspaper, The Old Flag, published in Plymouth in
1865, early Sanborn maps of Plymouth and facsimiles of handwritten census
records taken in the county. The exhibition was assembled from the
Collection's holdings by Alexander Keown of Raleigh, a graduate student in
the ECU Department of History.
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Advertising in The
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3 Tutsdcy. August 26. 1997
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ECU students have say in judicial matters
Becky alley
Each semester students complain about not having
enough of a voice in the government on campus, but
tew realize how easy it is to get involved with stu-
dent government. One of the most crucial student
government associations is the Honor Board.
The Honor Board is made up of two faculty
advisers and 29 students. These students review
allegations of student violations of the ECU Code of
Conduct to determine guilt or innocence. If guilt is
determined, they also decide what sanctions will be
The penalties can range from a written repri-
mand to expulsion from the university.
The Honor Board is responsible for making sure
students who need to be removed from the univer-
sity are removed and those who deserve to stay do
stay. That's a lot of responsibility said Karen Boyd,
associate dean of students.
Each case is heard by a board of five to seven stu-
dents and is presented by the student attorney gen-
eral and student public defender.
The student attorney general is Hayden
Jennings and the student public defender is
Scnya Johnson.
"Both Hayden and Sonya are excellent in
what they da They put in a lot of hours and
hard work, i think they are tremendous repre-
sentatives of the student body. They're the
kind of students we like to introduce to people
and say they are East Carolina University stu-
dents Boyd said.
lb be considered for the Honor Board a stu-
dent must be full-time, not a member in the
student legislature or executive council, main-
tain a 2.0 grade point average and must be in
good standing with the university.
After a student applies for the Honor Board
they must pass a series of interviews and have
their names forwarded ail the way to the SGA
executive council and then on to the legislature
where they are approved.
The Honor Board meets on an as needed
basis and members continually receive training
throughout their appointment.
The selection process begins in February of
each year and is open to all students who meet
the requirements.
Students should be aware of academic standin
All students, entering freshmen and
upperclassmen, need to be aware of
the consequences of academic proba-
Academic probation is any student
who has attempted 1-31 semester
hours and has a cumulative grade
point average (GPA) of 1.75 or less or
any student who has attempted 32
semester hours or more and has a
cumulative GPA of 2.00 or less.
Once a student is determined to
be on academic probation they will
remain there until the required GPA
is obtained. If they did not meet the
GPA requirements, they risk being
Students who arc placed on acade-
mic probation will receive written
notification from the registrar's office
and the proper marks will thenbe
indicated on the students university
The university record, your tran-
script, each semester, if you arc on
academic probation, it is going to have
academic probation; if you are on aca-
demic warning, it will have academic
warning. It is just like when you make
honor mil it will have honor roll said
Don Joyner, undergraduate studies.
Throughout the next semester the
student will be required to take part
in a series of intervention programs.
"If you are placed on probation you
have a semester to bring your grades
up said Joyner.
The first requirement the student
must fulfill is to meet with an adviser
or attend an academic review session.
These review sessions will be con-
ducted by the student's academic
department prior to the semester
This review session in given before
the start of school and includes dis-
cussions on: ways to succeed in col-
lege, hew to compute your GPA, grade
replacement and academic recovery
information. Students will also receive
a class attendance log and a list of aca-
demic assistance resources.
The student will also be required
to complete an academic review form
with their advisee
Students who fail to meet the
required GPA while on academic pro-
bation will be suspended from the
"After you are suspended the first
time and you come back in and you
still don't get your grades up the sec-
ond time you will be suspended for a
yeac said Joyner.
The third suspension is indefinite.
Once the student is suspended,
they may only appeal their suspension
if they have completed the interven-
tion strategies. Completion of inter-
vention strategies does not ensure
readmittance to the university.
'Anyone who has been suspended
has the right to write a letter of
appeal said Joyner.
All letters of appeal must be in the
registrars office by the date published
in the directory of classes for that
A survey was filled out by students
on academic probation and academic
warning about factors that contribute
to academic difficulty in the Spring of
49 percent of these students said
there was a lack of academic motiva-
46 percent of students said there
was inadequate balance between
extracurricular activities and class-
work, as well as, poor class atten-
Students should continue to be
aware of their grades and the conse-
quences if they should fail.
Lawmakers urge lifting tobacco liability protections
California lawmakers on Monday
urged final action on legislation which
would dear the way for Cai ifomians to
file product liability lawsuits against
tobacco manufacturers.
The legislation, by Sen. Quentin
Kopp, I-San Francisco, would drop
tobacco from a 1987 stats law barring
lawsuits against manufacturers and
sellers of products that are commonly
known to be inherently unsafe.
Kopp and the Assembly cosponsor.
Democrat Kevin Shelley of San
Ftencisco, said Monday that the bill
must become law if Califbmians are to
fully participate in the proposed set-
tlement reached between the tobacco
industry and attorneys general from
40 sates, including California.
The proposed 1360 billion settle-
ment would provide unprecedented
restrictions on cigarettes in
for sharp limits on tobacco makers' lia-
bility in lawsuits.
The bill has cleared the
Legislature once, but was returned at
the request of Gov. Pete Wilson. The
Republican governor wanted to clarify
that the intent was to allow actions
against tobacco companies, not relat-
ed businesses such as shippers, whole-
salers or retail stores.
Kopp said tobacco manufacturers
saw the governor's request ? an
opportunity to kid the bill, and redou-
bled already vigorous lobbying efforts
against it.
Kopp said tobacco companies went
so far as to try and build an alliance
with financially struggling counties,
arguing that the more money that
goes to individual plaintiffs, the less
there will be for lock governments.
Their efforts are typical; their
efforts are full of sophistry and deceit-
ful arguments Kopp said.
"Whose health are we going to pro-
tect?" Shelley added. "The health of
ordinary Califbmians, or the health cf
the tobacco industry?"
Tobacco Institute spokesman
Walker Merryman said the industry
feds no change in the Jaw is necessary
for Califbmians to benefit from the
settlement, because ail states will
receive reimbursement for the costs
of treating sick soakers once the set-
dement becomes final.
Merryman acknowledged that no
individual smoker in California would
be able to pursue a claim against the
industry unless the law is changed.
But he said allowing such suits would
"clog the courts with groundless liti-
"We've consistently urged that this
legislation be rejected he said.
The bill, amended to resolve
Wilson's objections, has passed the
Senate on a vote of 28-9. Shelley said
he would seek an early vote in the
Assembly, which returned Monday
from its summer recess.
The bill only narrowly passed the
Assembly in its first incarnation, on a
vote of 42-19.
If the bill makes it back to the gov-
ernor's desk with the changes he
requested, Wilson is expected to sign
it, spokesman Steve Tatum said.
Wilson has already signed into law
a bill by Assembly Speaker Cruz
Bustamante, D-Fresno, that stipulates
that the 1987 law does not bar the
state from filing a suit seeking reim-
bursement for the cost of treating
indigent Califbmians for tobacco-
related illnesses.
School officials tone down party image, but school still growing
WILMINGTON (AP) - A few years
ago, officials at the University of
North Carolina at Wilmington mar-
keted their school with pamphlets
picturing students in a convertible, a
surfboard jutting from the back seat.
Those days are gone, school
administrators say.
Under Chancellor James Leutze,
UNCW has toned down its image as a
seaside party school and beefed up
academic standards - this fell landing
its brightest freshman class.
Over the past few years, this 650-
acre campus of towering pines just a
few miles from the Atlantic Ocean
and the Cape Fear River has become
the fastest-growing in the University
of North Carolina system.
As UNCW turns 50 this year, sup-
porters turn to marry points of pride,
including an undergraduate marine
science department ranked fifth in
the world; an education college that is
a statewide model for its work with
public schools, and a creative writing
program that has lured noted writers.
Next month, UNCW breaks
ground on a new marine research cen-
ter and then starts construction of
two 100-studcnt dorms. Also under
way are plans for a 63,000-square-foot
student recreation center featuring an
indoor climbing wail.
"I see UNCW as a work in
progress says Leutze, a popular
Chapel Hill history professor for 19
years who was a top contender this
year for the presidency of the16-canv
pus UNC system. "It is a work in
progress with enormous potential
With its "UNC by the Sea" nick-
name, UNCWs proximity to the
ocean has long been the school's boon
and bane
Despite the success of its marine
science department, the school has
long suffered from perceptions that
students came here not to hit the
books, but to hit the beaches.
While trying to tone down that
image, school officials still admit it
can be a huge advantage.
Incoming freshman Randy Mickle
came to UNCW to study business.
But spreading his towel just south of
the Oceanic pier at Wrightsvillc
Beach, he says the beach life is hard to
"But you have to admit this is a
perk he says with a nod to the
Faculty members also say the
waves, water and sand offer a lifestyle
that is hard to beat.
"Writers love the ocean says
Professor Philip Riria, who left as
chair of the University of Minnesota
English department after 27 years to
take the same position in Wilmington.
"Let's face it, 27 winters is
enough, and I've always wanted to
live by the sea Furia says. Last year,
he unabashedly used Wilmington's
weather and waves to lure Pulitzer
Prize winner Philip Levine as poet in
residence for the coming spring
By making the environment a key
part of the curriculum - both in the
sciences and humanities - the univer-
sity also has been able to lure the best
students and faculty to the beach.
"A lot of the sharp marine biology
students arc surfers and kayakcrs, and
they have found the balance between
time in the water and time in class,
and they do wdl English professor
Bill Atwill says.
But besides selling the lifestyle.
UNCWs strategy tor improving acad-
emics - putting big resources into a
small number of disciplines to try to
make them the best - appears to be
paying off.
Department heads say thdr facul-
ty openings arc drawing more and
better applicants. The student body's
average grade point average has,
jumped a letter grade. And enroll-
ment is growing.
The university's enrollment is pro-
jected to jump from just over 9,000 to
12,500 by the year 2005.
Some faculty members fear all this
is happening too fast at a school that
has long has small class sizes and a
small-campus atmosphere.
But Leutze vows that will never
"We're not going to grow at the
expense of environmental or teaching
quality Leutze says. "I do not
believe that there has to be a conflict
between reasonable expansion and
caring about and catering to the needs
of the undergraduates in the class-
Others on campus agree, but they
hope UNCWs success doesn't get
the better of it.
"I like having small classes and I
like knowing the name of faculty
members across campus says
Sizemore, the biology chait "The only
scary thing is that we're improving so
i .
. ?

4 Tuesday. January 21. 1997
The East Carolinian
contiuned from page I
down on a post-it note, for example.
Now you can double click on it and
it will take you right to there (site)
Marshburn said.
Although all students have
accounts automatically set up on
Exchange, ecuvm accounts can still
be accessed. "You can forward email
from vm accounts to Exchange
Price said.
"The AC system will be up
through the end of this semester but
will be problematic after that. We
encourage you to migrate to the
Exchange system Marshburn said.
"As a whole it is much easier to use
than the AC mail svstem
The switch cost between
$100,000 - 150,000 to complete.
According to Marshburn, the funds
came from the academic computing
and administrative budgets. No stu-
dent fees were used, only state
Students who had ecuvm
accounts with screen names begin-
ning with "ug" will now have differ-
enr screen names. Like all other stu-
dents their screen name will be their
initials and birth date.
Students' passwords will be the
last six digits of their social security
numbers. Price advises students to
change this password for security
purposes. This can be done once
logged on to accounts under the
options menu.
The decision to change systems
was made by the Information
Resource Coordinating Council.
The council looked at several alter-
natives to the ecuvm system and
chose Exchange.
It can be accessed from any com-
puter connected to the internet.
"We've had people in Europe access
their ECU email accounts
already Price said.
Faculty and staff have already
been using this system for approxi-
mately one month.
ECU was ranked earlier this year
in Yahoo's list of top 100 wired col-
leges. "Frankly I would like to see us
move up on this list now Price said.
Employees in the computer labs
on campus have been trained in how
to use Exchange. Students may also
obtain help by calling the Exchange
hotline at 328-0077. E-mail accounts
can be accessed by logging on to the
internet and going to
NASA: Mir crew loses use of both oxygen-generating systems
(AP)-The three men aboard Russia's
run-down Mir space station were
left without any way to generate
oxygen Monday after both their pri-
mary and backup systems failed, at
least temporarily.
U.S. and Russian space officials
said they wouldn't know whether
the two Russian cosmonauts and one
.American astronaut on board were
able to fix either of the oxygen-pro-
ducing devices until the next sched-
uled communication with the sta-
tion on Tuesday morning.
Nonetheless, one N.ASA official
called it a potentially serious prob-
lem - one that could force an evacu-
"It could be that tomorrow it
could be no problem, or it could be a
fairly significant problem said
NASA spokesman Ed Campion. "If
you can't get either of the two sys-
tems back up, then you're facing a
serious situation
At the time of the cosmonauts'
last communication Monday with
Russia's Mission Control outside
Moscow, they were struggling to fix
the secondary solid fuel-burning sys-
The primary Elektron generator,
which had been turned off since last
week ro conserve pnwet had shut
itself down Monday after it began
overheating. Campion said.
"Before they went to bed, they
may have gotten things fixed. We
just don't know Campion said.
In Russia, calls to Mission
Control for comment around mid-
night Moscow time went unan-
swered after NASA disclosed the
problem. But CNN reported that an
unidentified offic il. while acknowl-
edging the problem, slaved down its
Even if both systems remain bro-
ken, Mir has enough oxygen to last
several days. Campion said from the
Johnson Space Center in Houston.
What's more, N.ASA astronaut
Michael Foale and his two Russian
crewmates could stretch their air
supply by using oxygen tanks set
aside for upcoming spacewalks.
NASA officials said they did not
know how much oxvgen those tanks
If neither oxygen-producing sys-
tem can be restarted over the next
several days, Foale and his two
Russian crewmates would have to
abandon ship in the attached Soyuz
There have been repeated prob-
lems with the new Elektron genera-
tor, carried up by space shuttle
Atlantis in May. But this is the first
time since February that a crew has
had serious trouble with the backup
system, in which solid-fuel canisters
are ignited to produce oxygen.
One of these canisters burst into
flames in February, filling the station
with smoke and almost causing the
crew to evacuate.
The cosmonauts were trying to
ignite a canister, or candle. Monday
when the system failed. They
replaced the igniter mechanism but
the canister still would not burn.
"This may be nothing more com-
plicated than putting a new candle
into the mechanism and they're
back in business said another
N.ASA spokesman, Rob Navias.
There was a bit of good news
Monday aboard Mir.
Commander Anatoly Solovyov
reported that power was flowing
through the makeshift hatch that he
and Pavel Vinogradov installed dur-
ing an internal spacewalk Friday to
restore power.
Indeed, Russian flight controllers
verified that an additional 40 amps
of electricity were flowing into the
station. But commands sent to move
three of the four solar panels mount-
ed on the outside of the ruptured lab
module were unsuccessful.
"There's definitely power com-
ing from the arrays Campion said.
"But how much and what the total
capability is is going to take a while
to understand
Until Monday, the station had
been flying at half-power as a result
of the June 25 collision with an
unmanned cargo ship.
Russian space officials, mean-
while, disclosed Monday that the
collision may have left as many as
seven tiny holes in the sealed-off
Spektr lab module.
The head of the Russian Space
.Agency, Yuri Kbptev, said the cargo
ship bounced off Mir seven times.
Space officials previously said
they believed only one or two holes
were punched in the Spektr module.
in the Life of a Minority Freshman?
GPA OF 2.50
contiuned from page
With no penalty clause the pro-
ject was rebid with Davidson Jones
Beers. The contract was signed in
October to begin the $14.2 million
Construction on I)owdy-Ficklen
Stadium began in November 1996
and shortly thereafter the disturbing
reports began.
These reports show that in
December the consultant, Wallace
Bagley, gave warning the deck would
be an "inferior structure" if the
workers didn't get their acts togeth-
On Dec. 24, Bagley pointed out
that the contractor had been disre-
garding the architect's specifications
and if there were no changes made,
the situation would just get worse.
In January Bagley called the con-
crete placing "nonprofessional" and
said that he had seen better place-
ment on bridges and water treat-
ment plants.
The problems did not stop here.
Masonry workers were reported
to have walked off the site after they
were injured from falling debris. The
debris fell as a result of a crane drop-
ping its "headache ball" onto seats in
the lower deck.
Bagley also reported that con-
crete was being poured in 99 degree
weather, far above optimum condi-
.After continuous frustration over
the project Bagley resigned in July
"Additional time was immediate-
ly devoted to the site by the archi-
tect and engineer to alter the course
of workmanship; the engineer actu-
ally spent some time inside the
formwork with the builders said
The Office of State Construction
has been on the site and is
impressed and happy with the
improvements thev have seen thus
The university has clearly stated
that they have inspected the project
from the beginning and in a recent
press release announced the project
would be delayed while additional
repairs are made.
One repair that will be made is
to modify steps in the raker beams
that support the seat risers for a pre-
cise fit. This repair is necessary
because the placement of concrete
involves rough construction and the
risers must fit exactly.
Another repair is to fill in areas
where the concrete did not fully
envelop the reinforcing steel.
Previous repairs did not account
for the expansion and contraction
with the changes in temperature
therefore this modification must be
made as well.
Because of required repairs the
stadium will not be ready for the
Wake Forest game or the South
Carolina game planned for Sept.20.
"Our No. one priority is to have
the work done right. We intend for
the expansion to be a first rate facil-
ity with no problems when it opens.
Every other consideration w ill take a
back seat to that said Five.
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a r -i?-
5 Tuesday. August 26. 19S7
The East Carolinian
CELESTE WILSON Managing Editor
MATT HEGE Adwrtismg Director AMANDA ROSS Sports Editor
JACQUELINE D. KELI.l'M Mews Editor TRACY I.AiBACH Assistant Sports Editor
AMANDA Al'STIN Asst. News Editor DAVID SOI'THERLAND Production Manager
ANDY Tt'RNER lifestyle Editor CAROLE MEKI.E Head Copy Editor
JOHN DAVIS Assistant lifestyle Editor JOHN Mt'RPHY Stiff Illustrator
BMM) dw ECU cownonffv van 1925. the tan CaroMwn autetta 12.000 copies ererv fotsda and Ttasdat Te lead editorial in each edition's the
apwwi at dw Ea.?mai 8aam Tn East Cardaan wlcomes tetters ro fte editor iimnaa n ZSQ wnfa whcti m?) be ed'ted t? aecencv or brtwy Tnt Easi
Cawshwan reserm ttw ngsa 10 edit or reieei leners lor puphtatw Afl leners most tie Boned. Leneit stwitd be lawanad to. caw t6m. rhe im
taratavw. PutfceNfls fatting, ECU Graemte. 2H5M3S1 For mtonniron, can 9tj.32B.t3W.
The expansion project on Dowdy-ficklen stadium has been delayed, and it will not be ready
for the first home game as originally promised. There have been changes in contractors, acci-
dents have happened, and the safety of the expanded seating is in question.
While accidents and delays can happen on any construction site, it seems to us that we've
heard something like this before.
Didn't the university promise us that the Student Recreation Center would be ready about
3) year before it actually opened? What about the new Joyner addition?
It seems to us that the university needs to estimate its construction time better. With all
the thousands and even millions of dollars being spent on all the various construction projects
On an ongoing basis, can't the university afford an educated opinion, as opposed to a guess?
We understand that the university is under a lot of pressure to provide the facilities and ser-
vices offered by other schools of a comparable size, and wants to be able to tell incoming fresh-
man that yes, we will have an expanded and improved library by the time you get here, and
yes, we will have the biggest and best fitness center for miles around.
There is also financial pressure involved. Take the case of the stadium expansion for an
example. Every time that we have a home game, an astronomical amount of money is spent on
this campus and in this town. The people who sell ECU merchandise, the owners of hotels,
restaurants, and so many more profit from football games. With expanded seating in the stadi-
um, ECU will be able to host bigger name teams, sell more tickets, and make more money for
fhe school and the town. So it is understandable that the University wants to get this stadium
project done.
But is it really worth it? With all that the university stands to gain from this expanded sta-
dium, all the problems that have been associated with the project seem to balance the scales.
Which way will they tip when the whole thing is finally finished?
The fact that this stadium expansion is so important would seem to indicate the necessity
?jbr doing it right. Are all construction projects really this trouble-ridden? Thousands of peo-
ple will be sitting on these high-rise seats for years to come, including ourselves, our fellow stu-
dents, faculty and alumni. All of us would like to think that everyone who sits in those seats
will be able to do so without worry. But given all the problems to date, will we be completely
The University has promised that doing a thorough, safe construction job is their first pri-
ority, and that nothing else will pressure or influence them to rush it at an unsafe pace. We
believe that they wouldn't want to do anything that would damage their reputation, and that
they do want to be safe.
With other projects being planned all the time, with projected completion dates ranging
from a few months from now and into the next century, we only wonder if the university will
estimate their working time any better in the future. If they could only be safe and punctual
at the same time, that would be even better.
Meat recall makes vegetarianism look good
like beef. I like to eat meat,
but do we really need to eat
so much? The whole issue
boils down to a simple ques-
tion: Is meat needed in our
diet?" The answer is
Let me start off by saying I eat
meat. That said, uc ?Jiall get down
to the nitty-gritty. It is time to
rethink an old idea whose time is
come. The idea is that of being a
Recently 25 million pounds of
beef were recalled. The recall was
issued by the Food and Drug
Administration. The meat is suppos-
edly contaminated with E-coli bac-
teria. Perhaps now is a good time to
rethink our love affair with meat.
Now don't get me wrong, I like
beef. I like to eat meat, but do we
really need to eat so much? The
whole issue boils down to a simple
question: "Is meat needed in our
diet? The answer is muddled.
Some interesting facts appear
when we look at those with reduc-
tions in their meat intake. In
Denmark during World War I, the
citizens had their meat imports
reduced by 30 percent. The death
rate fell 30 percent over the same
time period.
A study of Seventh Day
Adventist vegetarians and non-vege-
tarians produced some not-so-sur-
prising results. The non-vegetarians
had a three times greater risk of
developing heart disease than the
Numerous vegan, and vegetarian
colonies exist in the United States
these colonies survive without meat
and some without any animal by-
products; cheese, milk, etc. The
meat industry makes the argument
we need meat for its high protein
Fact is, when compared to other
plants, meat lacks the sustenance.
Most meat contains only 20-25 per-
cent protein by weight. This puts
meat in the middle of the food spec-
trum when it comes to protein.
Eating nuts and beans will get you
the same amount of protein.
In general, Americans eat too
much protein? a full 50 to 100 per-
cent more than is needed. Too much
protein is not good for the body
Studies have shown that
populations with high intakes of
animal protein have an increased risk
of colon cancer. Too much protein
also has adverse effects upon the
Eating too much protein brings
high levels of nitrogen into the body.
The excess nitrogen is taken out by
the kidneys. This places an unneed-
ed strain upon the kidneys. People
with kidney disease are encouraged
to eat low protein diets.
Sure, a good steak is tops on my
list when I go to a restaurant. A good
rich dessert is also high on the food
chain when I go out to eat. The
problem is that too much of a good
thing is bad for the heart, kidneys
and numerous other parts of the
body. The meat, like the dessert,
should be eaten in moderation.
I am not advocating a complete
and total ban on eating meat. All I
am asking is to look at vegetables
and fruits in another light and
rethink considering animals as food.
William S.
Freedom & responsibility, a delicate balance
In many ways, college is a
survival game, survivialof
the fittest and it is a game
that can be wonEach
persom has their own
balance between social life
and academic life, and the
task too many find daunting
is the accomplishment of this
College is, for many, a time of
irresponsible recklessness, of keg-
stands and bong hits, of making it
to class red-eyed and dry-mouthed,
of casual sex with virtual strangers.
Nowhere else in society is such
wild behavior acceptable, let alone,
the norm.
If this column makes it to press
(something I'm incredulous of), it
is with the intent of grabbing the
attention of those students who
Letter to the'Editor
may be on the border, those who
push the limit of beer bongs and
academic probation, even those, or
particularly those, re-admitted
after the fateful one semester pro-
bation has ended; welcome back,
by the way.
In many ways, college is a sur-
vival game, survival of the fittest,
and it is a game that can be won (I
am living proof that obtaining a
degree is possible). However, there
is a balance. Each person has their
own balance between social life and
academic life, and the task too
many find daunting is the accom-
plishment of this balance.
The question you have to ask
yourself is this: Do you really want
a college degree?
If yes, then it helps to clearly
define why and for what you want a
degree. Clearly defined goals clean
the path to clear progress. Know
what you want, then you can pro-
cure it. This is not difficult to
It's when you don't know what
you want that you are susceptible
to trouble. If you're not sure you
want a college degree or you don't
know in what you want a degree,
then you're in a vulnerable position.
I say this to make you think.
Reader, I've been there. I've
been privy to just about everything
mom and dad would faint at know-
ing was around Greenville. I've
spent time in jail (on more than one
I've also made the national
honor society, lettered on ECU's
cross country team, and have solid-
ly attacked the academia of gradu-
ate school.
You have to understand that dur-
ing college you have more responsi-
bility coupled with the most free-
dom you've probably ever had
before. These are polar opposites
that must be handled delicately.
You are a human being who has
wants, needs and desires; sadness,
elation and contentment. You are a
product of your past trying to make
sense of your present. Trying to
decide what you want four or five
years from now can certainly be dif-
ficult. However, it can be done.
Choose what you want to do,
English, Math, Psychology, Biology,
whatever. Choose it. Make that
determination and achieve your
You've only got one life to live,
so by god, live it to its fullest.
Education is the key to a more
enlightened and knowledgeable
life. Socialization is the key to
human understanding. Know your
balance. Know your responsibilities
and be happy.
Ayn Rand struck some truth
when she wrote, "The perfection of
one's abilities in a state of happi-
ness is the highest goal for human
beings Know thyself. Succeed.
Become life. It is your choice.
Quit sitting on your duffs; love your mother for all she provides
There is no way that the people of
North Carolina care at all about their
environment. Let's define environ-
ment. The environment is composed
of the air, the water and the land. First
of all, let's examine the air which all of
us need to breathe into our lungs in
order to stay alive. The N.C. humans
relate to their air by racing through it
in their fossil fuel burning machines,
using up oxygen while leaving behind
a trail of poisonous gases. Another way
the destructive North Carolinians
abuse their air is by putting in huge
corporate hog farms in river water-
sheds (note: this is the same principle
as water off a duck's back except sub-
stitute toxic airborne hog waste parti-
cles for breathable air).
Notice to anybody under 25 years
old: you are not a complete jerk yet
like most Americans between 25 and
50 years old who were fully educated
about the dangers of pollution when
they attended high school, when the
sky was still blue instead of dirty yel-
Now we could talk about pure
water, but since you can't find any, call
up the N.C. Department of Natural
Resources and Environmental Health
and ask them for some. You won't get
a straight answer or pure water, but at
least you'll be wasting their time!
Finally, we need to examine the
land. First, the great hardwood forests
of eastern North Carolina are sitting
in a big fat pile of wood chips at the
state port terminal. Where these
forests once were now stand corpo-
rate farms growing plenty of com to
feed big fat hogs, which are lots of big
fat waste to destroy our once beauti-
ful river estuaries and create a plague
for you at home. Pretty glamorous,
isn't it? I guess if you keep sitting
around and acting like sheep, then
things will just get worse.
John Huntet
More head City
" We do not need a First Amendment to
protect the popular and non controversial;
it is the unpopular and controversial that
requires our vililance
Oren J. Teicher, publishing executive, 1996
A f-
' -

6 Tuesday, August 26, 1997
The East Carolinian
CD reviews
Hessee's in it for the
'v?t? ?-r.j.
Todd Dengler & the
Don't Feed the
8 OUT OF 10
John Davis
assistant ufestyl.f. editor
It's no secret that I'm not a big fan of the local music scene. Rarely do I venture
dowmown to s local musictl acts strut their stuff. I spent the summer in
?Xnd I S the same way. I dig Ben ftkJs and the Squ.rrel Nut Zippers,
" KaboTal I'll give ttaNfl3 Carolina scene. I'm a pretty cynical bas-
urd about the whole issue really, because I'm such an art snob abounmus.cdd
to that the fact that I really can't stand roots rock and the whole Dave
MauhewJphn style of music and one could see why a self-pro-
duced EP 1bv Todd Dengler, a relatively unknown folksy gu.tar playing local
yokel is a bit of a departure from my normal character. m?wr
I can't help myself. As I sit here now writing the review; I'm tapping my feet
and hTmrmng along, much to the chagrin of Andy, my editor, who is trying to
Ssome work done. In spite of the obvious nods to Bob Dylan (who I actually
g, Tn3! stand Dylan sing-alikes), Phish and (deep breath) even the
?t?SKr??: b'uTnot in a way. Each song has a
cornSeteW different aura (Ugh. I used the word "aura Somebody shoot me)
S te oner,a"A LittfcPain sparkles like a C.S. Lewis novel its
Eft chorus and its Psalmic theme: "I swallowed my pr.deEvery once in a
533 andTchewed a bit on my reckless tongue but a little pa.n never hurt
Tvinc " Dengler's guitar work soars and dips throughout the track ,n a not-
ouke coumry way. "Porch Swing a stellar pop love song bnll.ant organ
XprovS byWes Lachot is a windows-down-w,ndn-the-face dnvmg-on-
S?y afternoon ditty. Dengler probably sings the phrase "porch swing ten
t many times but Jen Thomas's backing vocals make the error palatable.
g$SA sense of humor pokes through most n hi, most Oyterv?q?
tune'Resurrccted" whence he sings of Anne Sexton's (she s uck her
head in the oven) and somehow manages to bnng a down home gospel preach-
er feel to the song: "She had her head in the oven she was looking for a cure
thaS when she believed in my savior resurrected her from the floor. Erin
mter" S of an obvious pun but dam it if Dengler can't wme a catchy (and
?irfcy) love song or two. I wish I knew someone named Enn Water to it to.
"Songs of The Uninspired" is possibly Dengler's best song, with us .nsp.ra-
tional orn and the marching of Max Acker's drumming. Lyrically and vocally,
832K his most honest and skillful in this track The fcj closes ?? w
"Darken My Day which features yet another catchy chorus. Here Dengler lavs
ouVhis musical manifesto: "These songs ain't for you they am t for the world
ain't for news, the critics or the girls . bA-M.
Dengler sings because he loves singing and that love shines through on this
fabulouf first effort. Everything about the disc reveals the extreme care and
thought poured into the project (with the poss.ble exception of the cover art
which is it shabby), from the strong products to the great and the
near perfect performance of the Trenches themselves.
So I don't dig local music and I don't dig roots rock and 1 really don t dig folk
music Everybody's got to eat their words sometime and .f 1 have to eat them
over Todd Dengler's first CD, then I'll eat up with a grin.
This school year is bringing a wave of
eager new freshmen to our school, and
the enrollment rate here is at-an all-
time high. Some of them will drop
out, some will flunk out, and many
will stick to their goals and graduate,
most without having ever done any-
thing extraordinary or worthy of recog-
nition by the ECU community. Of the
freshmen who do have potential to
leave their mark on ECU history,
Shawn Hessee is certainly one who
should be counted.
Hessee hails from Hillsborough,
NC, and is a graduate of Orange High
School, where he learned a thing or
two about overcoming obstacles. Let's
just sav he has a wheelchair and he's
not afraid to use it. Having already
wrestled on his high school team for
five years and having played basket-
ball on the Chapel Hill team called
Wheels of Steel, Hessee is excited
about the challenges and opportuni-
ties college life has to offer, including
sports and a more involved social life.
"I want to get out of life all that 1
can he said honestly, and he expects
to meet open-minded,
accepting people who
are as comfortable with
his disability as he is and
to make a variety of new
friends. "Oh, by the way;
to get a good education
he added with a grin.
An easy-going guy
with a quick smile and a
keen sense of humor,
Hessee is unafraid of
making his voice heard.
In fact, he intends to
make a career out of
public speaking after
graduating with a degree
in communications. He is considering
tackling the press and the public on a
regular basis by doing public relations
for large corporations, but he also likes
the idea of becoming a motivational-
type speaker to school-age youth.
Twenty years from now, Hessee
hopes to have a house, wife and kids
and to be spending his time encourag-
ing kids to succeed. He enjoys listen-
ing to rap by groups like The Fugees
and rock by groups
like Matchbox 20.
He's also into
Christian music,
such as Jars of Clay.
Hessee hopes to
remain involved in
sports throughout
his college career by-
participating in pro-
grams lie
Wheelpower, ARISE
and the Wheelchair
Basketball League.
For more informa-
tion on these organi-
zations, you can con-
tact the Student Recreation Center at
Hessee intends to enjoy life at
East Carolina as much as anyone else,
and if there is anything he wants the
ECU community to know, it is this:
"Even though I use a
wheelchair to get around,
it doesn't mean that I'm
any different from any
other guy. Fmfun to be
with and I like to have a
good time and I;m a big
Shawn Hessee
Shawn Hessee
"Even though I use a wheelchair tdjj
get around, it doesn't mean that I'm
anv different from any other guy. I'rrw
fun to be with and I like to have H
good time and I'm a big flirt ?
movie review
Fall forward into the movie season
The summer movie season is on its last breath, and before you know it such sib-
lingblockbusters as Men in Btar and Air tone Om vnU be ?rf ?j
readv for video. For the most part, the summer of'97 proved to be ????'
fun flicks, nothing extraordinary or too thought-provoking, but still very enter-
ta"Much of that will change once the fall weather sets in. The fall movie season
is creeping its way into our lives, and that typically means more serious ene-
ma that shoots for the gold, na.nelv the Academy Award.
Like last summer, the fall will be packed with more movies than any one
human being should watch. Therefore. I offer a short but efficient guide to what
the next phase in cinema holds for its audiences. ,
Seven Years in T,lt - Brad Pitt may have talked trash about his last film Ike
Dmtt (Men. but that is not likely to happen with his latest project. Based or, the
memoirs o Heinrich Harrer (played by Pitt), this film follows the Manures of
an Austrian mountaineer who escapes a World War 1 prisoncamp and ends up
with a new perspective on life when he meets the Dala. Lama. This is a film
Pitt cares for deeply, so at least expect some solid effort. t
TkeHorZ mrrrr - Based on Nicholas Evans novel of the same title this
filnftaTurcsKT A and direction of Robert Redford. Redford plays a
omewhat spiritual character who has the power to hea a young girl after she .
mlured while riding a horse. If Redford repeats himself expect his directorial
skills to displav the same lyrical poetry that powered ARwer Runs Throughly
OUFrielis Jack Nicholson tones down his act a bit to play a novelist who
dogsfts his friend's spoiled pet. Along the way, the love bug b.tes Nicholson as
hedevelops a relationship with a coffee-shop waitress played by HelenHunt
While the basic premise may sound bonng, watching Nicholson act real
human emotion instead of showing off is never dull.
Mad Cay - John Travolta (does this man ever sleep?) plays a sccunry guard
Homey Helen'Hum tells Jafc Nicholson "sTie don't play that" in OU Friends.
who goes wacko and takes over a natural-history museum filled with hostage
Dustin Hoffman is the journalist who seizes the opportune to sell a story. Love
him or hate him, Travolta has never been hotter or better than he is now.
Anastot - The latest animated feature from Don Bluth is the alternate to
Disne Based somewhat on an actual historical account and featunng none
concertrlfw DuUard
Baker serves safe ska net
Egg jerky conquers the net
It's a special day when clubs in Greenville manage to draw bands that usually
won't leave the comfort zone of the Triangle area. It was supposed to be such a
Surdav night when the Knoxville based funk band Gran Torino was scheduled
to perform at Peasant's Cafe. Woefully, their van broke down m and they
hadftrta?etyhforSpe?ant's, the ska group Baker was able to take the stage in
Gran Torino's place. Baker's stage appearance was impressive as seven band
members piled onto Peasant's small corner stage.
Hailing all the way from Richmond, four horn players, a drummer, a bass play-
er and a guitaristlead singer started off a very promising ska-dominated set. The
hom section was excellent. The two sax players, trombone player and trumpeter
were as together as a high school marching band (hmmm?), and the rest of the
band was definitely proficient. They sounded great and were fun to watch but
as the set went on! their material lost its fresh edge and started to sound hke a
Bosstones CD on repeat. Don't get me wrong, the Bosstones are a good ska band,
and so is Baker. But as the set neared its end, so did .ts ong.nal.ty
Baker was seven guys with short hair wearmg khak. shorts and N.kes who
seemed to like ska music and enjoyed playing it. In general, the Peasant s crowd
was very responsive to the band and obviously had a great time dancing around
and singing along to the couple of Bosstones covers that they played.
fcter put forth a great effort and they seem like the kind of band that could
do very well in Greenville, especially at parties. They got involved with the small
crowd surrounding the dance floor and were really interested in getting every-
one to come down to the front and dance their asses off. It was great tha the
band was so energetic and enthusiastic about their music, which are qualities
that make Baker a definite crowd pleaser.
The mformnhiin kigkirar
is ike mad tkis folnmn
tnnels. Hutsimilarto
ritrns rfovns, ve're Hri-
ting lhr in any car. lt
ImMy stank tkt art in
search of all kings vrirrl
and flat nut slrangi.
Comt join us on ikis trip
into tkt a-ord of silli
sites and varty eel) pages
If the Prince of Love (right) has a site,
The internet can be invaluable. Enormous amounts of
information are at vour disposal. Some sources on the mter-
net mav help you with research papers, help you find a job
or help you meet people from across the globe.
Screw all that.
What I'm looking for is the weird stuff. The stuff that
results in head scratches and pondenngs of "They really
have this crap on the internet?" I am not alone in this pur-
suit I tvped in "weird stuff" on Yahoo and 66 entnes
appeared. As a way of comparison and a sweeping general-
ized statement of we the people, -normal stuff only gar-
nered a mere seven entries.
One man who defines weird is Joe Bob Bnggs, the guru
of B-movies. Joe Bob may be seeing his
biggest exposure yet on Comedy
Central's Tke Daily Show, with his weekiy
segment, "God Stuff" (he's John Bloom
on the show).
Joe Bob has several sites dedicated to him
on the net. One of the most interesting is
the site for his Saturday night TNT
MonsterVision show, a show dedicated to
some of the weirdest, god-awful best
movies ever. The site can be found at
tnt.turner.commonstervision. It keeps
you updated on the movies MonsterVision
will soon show. More interestingly how-
ever, it also provides you with "100
so should Jackee
Weird, where vou will find links to sites such as Wacky
Patent of the Month This month's wacky patent, U.b.
Patent 4 537,788, was patented by Valerie A. Proctor and
Franklin E. Cunningham. It is a bit of miracle invention; it
is the eeg jerky product and method of preparation. Please
tell me how I have lived this long without egg jerky.
Through the site, vou can also visit the site for New
Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum. Meet the staff and get
a sample of their collection of voodoo dolls. Just don t
them off or they'll put a hoodoo spell on your buttocks m a
second. . . ?.
There's another Joe Bob site of interest, located at
numedia.tddc.netjoebob. It has Joe Bob's two syndicated
columns, "Joe Bob's America" and "Joe Bob s Drive In. It
also has some cool links too, and one of those is The site is done by the sassy Betty Bonn.e
Burten. It's not just for women. Betty Bonn.e s dating tips
are hilarious, and there's a great tribute to pinup queen
Hr Dmh Show is one of the best shows on TV Its web-
site isn't quite as splendid, but it's still fun. Checkout the
Kathie Lee Gifford quote of the day or play Rve
Questions matching wit against guests on the show It s
all part of the Comedy Central site. While you re there
don't check out South Park's page. The hilariously wicked
cartoon show is gut-busting. The site is simply boring.
I'll continue to labor on the net, searching for the most
brain-numb waste I can find. I'm still hoping for a site ded-
icated to the preservation of Jackee, our most beloveo
national treasure, or the eradication of John Gnsham and all
things Grishamesque. So, if you have some time to waste,
there's fun to be found on the net, not to mention egg
What advice would
you give incoming
Don t Ike in the dorms.
Jerry McGovern
Have a ?nml time, but rememlier what you're in
Chris Raynor
Develnpe excellent stuh habits for your first year of
oileje ami allow yourself time to grow ami develnpe
as well as mature.
Dee Hunt
Be as open minded and tolerant as you possibly ran.
Janae Bracy
Music Educanon

7 Tuesday. August 26, 1997
1 jit-style

The East Carolinian
continued from page 6
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other than Rasputin as the main villain, this is one cartoon
that demands attention. Disney is fighting back by re-
releasing The Uttle Mermaid the same day that Anastasia
comes out. Talk about poor sportsmanship.
Armistad - Steven Spielberg's first attempt at serious
drama since Schmdler's List concerns the revolt of 52 West
Africans imprisoned on the slave ship Armistad. The cast is
exceptional, featuring the likes of Anthony Hopkins and
Pete Postlethwaite, and Spielberg is no spring chicken
when it comes to doing solid work.
Titanic - Bad publicity about the high costs of making
this historic epic has plagued James Cameron's ambitious
production. Still, advance word of mouth indicates that the
film itself is going to be fantastic. Look for Leonardo
DiCaprio, Bill Paxton, Kate Winslet and Billy Zane as the
passengers in jeopardy.
Jackie Brown - The long-awaited follow-up to Pulp Fiction
will soon be here. Quentin Tarantino comes out of hiding
with another violent tale set in the seedy underworld. Based on Elmore
Leonard's novel, Rum Punch, this film star? Samuel L. Jackson, Robert DeNiro,
Michael Keaton and the highly underrated Pam Grier.
Not all of the fall movies will be "serious There will be plenty of brain
candy for all. Look for Pierce Brosnan to play super agent James Bond once again
in Tomorrow Never Dies; Kevin Costner once again directs himself in the post-
apocalyptic adventure The Postman; Wes Craven continues on his horrifving suc-
cess streak with The Seruelto Stream; George Clooney and Nicole Kidman fight
and Samuel L. Jackson channel surf in Tarantino's next one. Jackie Brown.
a terrorist with a nuclear bomb in The Peacemaker, Sigoumey Weaver and Winont
Ryder fight monsters from outer space in Alien Resurrection; space marines fight
giant bugs from outer space in Starship Troopers; and Richard Gere fights bad guy
Bruce Willis in The Jackal.
Keep in mind that this list is concise, but the above should give you a good
indication as what to expect for your viewing pleasure. And don't forget, if noth-
ing mentioned above whets your appetite, Greenville has a thriving video maty
ket that should satisfy any movie craving.

Did you register your bicycle?
According to University regulations, bicycles operated or
parked on the ECU campus must be registered with the
Department of Parking and Transportation Services and
display a bicycle registration decal. Bicycle registration is
a deterrent to crime and aids in the identification of lost
or stolen bicycles.The ECU Police Department also
supports bicycle registration and will help you complete
the process if you need assistance. Just ask any police
officer, or stop by the ECU Police Department or
Parking and Transportation Services. Both offices are
located on E.Tenth Street
Bicycle rules of the road.
1. NC Motor Vehicle laws require bicycles follow the
same regulations as motor vehicles.
2. Bicycles parked or operated on the East Carolina
University campus must be registered with the Depart-
ment of Parking and Transportation Services and display a
bicycle registration decal. Bicycle registration is FREE and
permanent (a bike only needs to be registered once).
Bicycles found on campus in violation will be impounded
until proof of ownership is determined.
3. Bicycles may not be parked in the following locations:
? inside administrative or classroom buildings
? in stairwells or hallways of residence halls
?? on sidewalks, ramps or outside stairways
?" against or attached to any tree, bush, or plant
" against or attached to any public seating fixture
Bicycles will be removed by the Department of Parking
and Transportation Services if found in violation or if re-
ported by the Department of Environmental Health
and Safety, as such an obstruction may pose a
safety hazard.
4. Unregistered bicycles left on campus will be considered j
to be illegally parked.They may be impounded and
disposed of in accordance with NC State Statutes.
5. Bicycles may not be operated on the sidewalks of
East Carolina University. Bicycles will not be operated
in excess of 15 m.p.h. and operators will observe and
comply with traffic regulations, i.e stop signs, yield signs.
6. Bicycles operated on campus at night shall have
lights and reflectors in accordance with NC State Statutes. I
7. Bicycles impeding pedestrian traffic including access for '
the handicapped and blind may be impounded without
prior notification.
8. The Department of Parking and Transportation
Services will not be held liable for securing devices (locks)
which are damaged during impoundment
9. Bicycles on University property which are deemed
abandoned or derelict may be impounded.
10. To recover an impounded bicycle, you must provide
positive identification or ownership, such as the serial
number, and pay a $5 impound fee.
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8 Twsdiy. Augmt 28, 1997
1 i h 'style
The East Carolinian
Find out what counseling center is all about
Students encounter many challenges during their college years, and there are
nany orjanizations and offices on campus to help them cope with those cnal-
engcs. One of those offices is the Center for Counseling and Student
evelopment. j
Dr. Nancy Badger, a counselor for the Center, believes that most students
on't know very much about the Center's function on campus.
"We did a survey last year and found out the majority of students don t know
?rhat services we provide Badger said. "We provide individual counseling,
oup counseling and workshops
The workshops cover such topics as academic success, career exploration
choosing a major, stress management and others. Many of the workshops are held
in the Counseling Center, but others are conducted in residence halls, soronty
and fraternity houses, and in classes in an attempt to reach as many students as
possible. . , .
uWe want students to know what kind of issues they may encounter during
the year and give them some tips on how to handle them Badger said.
The Center also receives requests from groups to conduct workshops that are
custom-designed to fit a particular purpose, such as orientation sessions for vol-
unteer groups. . .
"We're always willing to be there, as long as it has to do with counseling. And
if it is outside our area of expertise, we can refer them to someone else who can
help Badger said.
Individual counseling sessions arc also available at the Center. Badger said
many students are initially uncertain about requesting counseling. In the past,
need for counseling held a negative connotation for many people. But that
stereotype has changed. he said.
"You no longer have t have serious problems to get counseling. 1 hat stigma
is gone Badger said. "It can be an academic or career concern, as well as some-
thing personal ?? !
According to Badger, r e reasons for requesting an individual counseling ses-
sion varv from having tro ble with a class to dealing with a recently ended rela-
tionship or a death in the .amity. Students are encouraged to contact the Center
for help on anv issue of cmcem to them. ? -
The entrance to the Center is around the corner from the Wnght Plaqe.
Students who want more information about workshops, individual and group
counseling sessions, or any other sr vices the center provides, can visit the office
on the second floor above the entrance or call 328-6661. ?
Counseling Center-
Fall Workshops
Academic Workshops
Academic Motivation- one-session workshop to help identify strategies to
increase motivation and improve academic performance.
Becoming a Successful Student-A series of six workshops to help sharpen
study skills and succeed academically.
Career Workshop
Choosing a Major and a Career-A four-session workshop exploring interests,
values, abilities, and personality in order to discover which occupations or
majors may match well with them.
Life Skills Workshops
Stress Management-A one-session workshop exploring the causes of stress,
the effects of stress, and techniques for coping with stress more effectively.
Personality What "Type" Are You?-A one-session workshop that helps identify
basic orientation on each of four traits of normal personality. Learn what these
traits may mean for relationships, careers and other activities.
Personal Development Groups
Enhancing Self-Esteem for Women- Five group sessions focsing on how self-
esteem affects daily life with ways to assess personal self-esteem.
Survivors of Sexual Assault- Multi-group sessions for women who have been
sexually assaulted as young adults (including rape, date rape or other unwant-
ed sexual behavior).
More features than a
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Apply at our office on the
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Served with soup, roll and fried rice
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Greenville, NC 27858
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Perfect for a long day of hiking, the Wasatch has
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holders, double-stitched seams, a reinforced
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plethora of spacious pockets.
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Inside Bicycle Post
Now Accepting Applications for
Production Assistants
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Bring Resume to
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"Tuesday 26 N.Cllt
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Groove Riders
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Colouring Lessons
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Melanie Sparks
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Stop Complaining about Campus Issues
Do Something about Them.
Register now for Student Legislative positions.
Also, positions for Elections Chair is open for the 97-98
school year.
Call 328-4726 or come by
Mendenhall 255 Between 9 a.m. & 5p.m.
Before Sept 5th 1997).

- 9 Tuesday. August 26, 1997
Jeff Buckley's passion will be missed
The East Carolinian
John n w i s
This morning I was sitting in the Percolator, which in the mornings is just lik
every coffee shop in America. The sun filters through the department store win-
dows while I sip on my too hot, too strong coffee listening to Tim and Sean talk
'about Amsterdam. Tim leaves and I talk to Sean momentarily- about Jeff
fluckley, one of the most promising young singersongwriters to hit the music
scene in the past five years. The conversation is somber; Bucklev passed awav
'this summer. His body was found floating in the Mississippi river; apparently
'Uhe New York resident went swimming unaware of the river's strong pull. Sean
looks away at the windows when I mention Buckley's passionate songs and we
agree that such passion is rare in music these days.
Oddly enough I had a similar conversation in another coffee shop. Cafe
Elliston, in Nashville, Tennessee about two weeks ago. 1 was talking to a fellow
"named Rich who, it turned out was a songwriter himself and a great fan of
Buckley. Like Sean, Rich looked away when talking about him. Rich wrote a
poem about Buckley's death, w hich he read later at a quiet poetry reading.
Buckley's musical career was short-lived; his one album, Grace, was never
i popular on the radio but has had wide influence on many a songwriter. So I've
j been listening to Grace again, soaking myself in its dark wet atmosphere, sw im-
Iming in its tide, wondering silly young man wonderings about fate and destiny
and irony; asking questions that have no answers, like "Why him?" Yes, it's
! cheesy and romantic, but I can't help myself.
Grace hit the tecords stores a scant three years ago with little fanfare.
LCharged with passion and melancholy, the album garnered strong support from
critics and an elite group of fanatic listeners. The entire album featured
Buckley's relatively unpracticed. raw backup bund that he preferred over skilled
studio musicians selected by record labels, licd with Buckley's unconven-
tional songvvriting and his Robert PtantBono-esque sense of grandeur, the
album is a simultaneously stirring and soothing collection of love affairs.
"Mojo Pin the first track comes off like one of Zeppelin's expansive rock
epics (think "Kashmir"). The title track, "Grace" rings spookily when Buckley
declares "It's my time coming I'm not afraid, afraid to die. m fading voice
sings "Last Goodbye" is a rising anthem propelled l Mick Grondahl's puls-
ing bass line and Buckley's urgent vocals. So ReaJ" pounds like a mixture of
Chris Isaac and Sonic buth. This song of lost love drifts spaeily amidst wet
reverb and siren guitars. Soaring along, the listener is ehided to a quiet halt with
Buckley's bracing, sweltering cover of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah "Lover, I
Should Have Come Over" is dark sweet drink of a ballad, while "Corpus Christi
Carol" features Buckley's burning falsetto interpreting the traditional hymn.
"Eternal Life" wakes the dead with its psycho-grunge guitar and jolted surreal
imagery. "Dream Brother" closes the
album on a quiet note, glowing with
Edge-like guitar landscapes and rhap-
sodic vocals.
Most artists don't make records
this good ten years into their careers.
On Gran. Buckley managed to capture
passion and bled it into his old-soul
songvvriting with a rare humble charis-
ma. I hate to be cliched and mention
what a shame and loss his death is, but
its true. Jeff Buckley's passion will be
sorely missed in nation as drab as ours
has become.
Jeff Buckley accomplished a lot in a much
too short life.
Dr. David L. Fitzgerald ? Optician Gary M. Harris
Carolina East Mall 601 S.E. Greenville Brvd
Highway 11 Greenville, NC
Greenville, NC ? 756-8787 756-4204
Gary M. Harris,
915 W. 13th Street
Washington, NC
77 US Hwy 64 E
Plymouth Market Center
Plymouth. NC 793-2103
Dr. David L.
209 E. 5th St.
Greenville, NC
$1 Bottle
Busch Lite
70's 80's retro dance party
continues every Tuesday
Receive Free Pass
to next Tuesday
before 11 p.m.
Wednesday 27
COfcecff philbgan
2r0NE Rob Hbllaway
$1.50 Hiballs
$1.50 Tallboys
9- 9:30
Thursday 28
Tuesday 2nd
Eakin will
be on
night from
8 p.m. to
9 p.m.
student-run media
To receive TEC,
check the subscription desired,
complete your name, address,
and send in a check or money
order to: circulation dept.
Student Pubs Bldg
Greenville, NC 27858
l First class mailS40
U Second class mail$110.00
Sub?dr.ptions begin with the first paper sent and run
(er one ni year . . i. ?
$1.50 Hiballs
$1.50 Tallboys
M WM HHl 5 P'ece Disco Band From Ohio
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Ladies Free untill 11 pm
Receive Free Pass
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(BaleA iAe
Be an e Jwm i
ECU Peer Health Educator
Peer Health Educators present:
educational programs in classes, residence halls, Greek
houses, and for clubs and student organizations.They
also help with health fairs and awareness events on
campus.Take the class for 1,2,or 3 Independent Study
hours, time TBA. Join us this Fall Semester.
For more info, call 328-6793
Health Promotion & Weil-Being.
'Wellness Awareness for Virtually Everyone

I ?
Student Email @ ECU
Beginning Fall 97 ECU Students will receive NEW e-mail accounts as a
part of an initiative to enhance campus electronic communtcation.
The new mail service is free and begins August 20, 1997.
You do ffltn need to appiy for this account, one will be ge
for you automatically.
The new service based on Microsoft Exchange will be phased in while ECUVM,
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Exchange mail can be accessed from anywhere (home, dorm, campus lab, etc) that you
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I have a userid of JTK0304. If there are two people with the same
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You can search for and confirm your userid from the ECU home page (h?p: by clicking on Telephone & E-Mail Information under About ECU or at:
Your iSfflHE will be the last six digits of your social security
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Then click on Change Exchange Password. Change your password to
something that you can remember but one that is not easily guessed.
Your e-mail address will be your userid followed by ? .
For on-line help, go to the ECU home page and click on
Telephone & E-Mail information under About ECU. Then click on On-line help tor
Exchange Web Access.
If you have any questions, or problems using your account, stop by
Austin 208 or call 328-0077.
I 1


11 Tuesday. August 26.1997
The East Carolinian
ThefoHomg briefs wen tain from USA Today onfae at vmw.usatodayjom:
Giants loss gives Dodgers lead in West
PITTSBURGH - Jermainc Allensworth's high-hop single broke a tie in a
four-run eighth inning and Pittsburgh swept San Francisco to drop the
Giants into second place for the first time in 106 days, winning 9-6 Sunday San
Francisco's fourth loss in five games and the Dodgers' 5-1 victory in Philadelphia
pushed the Giants out of the NL Wat lead they had held since May 10. The
Giants have been in first place all but 23 days. The three-game sweep matches
the Giants' longest losing streak of the season.
NCAA places Southern Miss on probation
HATTIESBURG, Miss. - The NCAA has placed Southern Mississippi on pro-
bationfbr 1 year because of minor problems involving the women's track pro-
gram.The university confirmed that the NCAA had imposed the probation -
whichdoes not result in any sanctions, loss of money or scholarships. The NCAA
had notified the school in March that the women's track team had notpartici-
pated in the minimum number of meets during the 1995- academic year. The
1-year probation will be imposed beginning this fall. The NCAA requires a
women's track team to participate in at least 12 indoor and outdoor meets dur-
ing the year, including at least 4 indoor and 4 outdoor meets. Also, at least 14
members must participate to be counted as a team.
In 5 meets during the winter and spring of 19, the NCAA found Southern
Miss had less than 14 women compete because of injuries and sickness.
Southern Miss also was cited for misinterpreting an NCAA bylaw that left
the school 1 short of satisfying the minimum number of meets. -
NCAA looks to shorten long overtimes
Overtime, a mostly rousing success in its initialapplication to major-college
football in 1996, gets, tweaking in "97: mandatory two-point conversion
attempts after touchdowns once teams reach a third OT
In other words, no game-prolonging, close-to-automatic extra-point Kicks.
It's an effort, rules committee chairman Vince Dooley
says, "to help protect the players against the possibility of haying to play in
extraordinarily long games in which they are more likely to be injured
in NCAA Division I-A last season, four of 26 overtime games lasted more
than two extra period Three Division I-AA games went more than two, includ-
ing Florida A&M's five-hour, 59-58 victory vs. Hampton in six OTs.
PATs, successful 94 of the time, were the safest way to force another peri-
od. The two-point success rate was 44.7 a year ago.
The committee voted to declare a tie if an overtime game cannot be com-
pleted because of weather, darkness or other conditions.
Panthers give up on holdout Kevin Greene
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Kevin Greene's bid to get more money out of the
Carolina Panthers ended Sunday when the ream released the NFI'a 19 sacks
leader. Greene had accumulated $292,626 in fines from the club during his
holdout. Hewas protesting the Panthers' failure to rework the second season of
his two-year contract. Greene, who turned 35 last month, was scheduled to
make between SI million and SI.6 million this season, depending on how many
incentive clauses he satisfied. To replace Greene, Carolina signed
Rcnaldo Turnbull. a Saints first-round draft choice and a Pro Bowl player in
1993 who was released by New Orleans on Friday in a cost-cutting move.
Rugby players look
forward to better year
The rugby teem it gaaring up for the beginning of the 1997 season.
North Carolina Matt Oathout,
president of ECU's rugby team, said.
Last year the rugby team won the
sue tournament for the sixth year in
a row. The extensive traveling to away
games might have tired other teams
out,but the Pirates wereabJe.tokeep
their minds on the game"
"In Radford (VA, we won three
games in one day with no substitu-
tions Oathout said.
Now the Pirates are looking to rec-
tify their past mistakes and bring
home more tournament victories.
"The conditioning really hurt us
last year. This fall, we're going to have
boot camp and more weight training
to make sure that doesn't happen
again Oathout said.
Vice President Matt Washburn
said practices will be tougher this
"Practice got to be really lack-
The ECU rugby team has only just-
begun practicing, but they are already
hungry for the Fall 1997 season. After
a spring season that brought both vic-
tory and disappointment to the play-
ers, their leaders are instituting
changes on both mental and physical
levels. They hope that the changes
will fire up both the veterans and the
newcomers to the team.
The rugby team had problems in
the spring season with a shortage of
players to substitute and mediocre
conditioning. Perhaps the hardest
blow to the first place team was when
they were bumped out of the nation-
al rugby tournament and second place
UNC-Chapel Hill took their place.
"We didn't even make it out of
Before the 1995 NFL expansion of the Carolina Panthers
and Jacksonville Jaguars, two teams were added to the
NFL roster in 1976. Name the teams.
(I'M ?'V'??' "ill oivyjiixtun 'js?h )jy tifi
m iiiy ixlml -wj :u' -Hl? imiXuo sun Jfwu) UMeuatf ifg ixwi. mi) ffJUfiuy Jflwy
Health Center extends services
Tracy Laibach
The University Health Center and Recreational
Services will be working hand in hand this Fall as
a Sports Medicine Clinic will be offered to all stu-
dents for the first time in ECU history.
Open to any student with a sports or exercise
related injury, the program will be held in the
Student Health
Center and will
provide educa-
tional tools as
well as free
medical assess-
ments for those
in need.
According to
Dr. Tome De
Beck, clinical
director of ECU -
Services, the
clinic will pro-
vide students
with many ser-
vices that have
not been avail-
able on campus
in the past.
"The clinic will
be developed
into a jmpre-
hensivc pro-
gram, where
students will
have a chance
to be informed
about injuries-
and ask any
questions" they
may have De
Beck said.
"With the
expansion of
the rec center,
more and more
people have
been attracted
What is aweable?
tk? sennas, iiiii&icatkm
How much ta it twr?
to working out, result-
ing in more injuries that
require professional
medical attention. The
new sports medicine
program has been creat-
ed to provide just that
When the Student
Rec Center opened its
doors in January, the
number of students
exercising on campus
sky rocketed to a boom-
ing 63.9 percent, with
anywhere from 1,900 to
2,500 students striving
for a healthier lifestyle
on a daily basis.
Aside from the goal
to educate, the clinic
will also provide physi-
cal therapy and rehabili-
tation programs. In a
partnership effort, doc-
tors from the Family
Practice Center will join
University physicians and therapists to deliver the
best possible care for ECU students.
Dr. John Seigel, team physician for ECU foot-
ball, along with Dr. Sam Adkins and Dr. George
Poehlman of the Family Practice Center will be
among t.he; doctors tq turn to for assistance.
According to De Beck, the whole idea of the
program is focused on providing equal attention
for all ECU athletes.
"The scholar athletes at ECU get tons of
attention and privileges, De Beck said. "But 95
percent of the athletes here are involved with
recreational and intramural programs. The clinic
will give these athletes the opportunities and
same privileges rhat they deserve
Nancy Mize, director of ECU Department of
Recreational Services, said that the clinic will
help many students make responsible decisions
concerning their athletic related injuries.
"The new Sports Medicine program, is a
tremendous step in the right direction for this
university Mize said. "In looking at the history of
recreational programs, this service is one that has
always been a void on campus. I expect that a
great number of students will be eager to partici-
pate and take advanrage of what is being offered
Dr. John Seigel checks for any sports injuries in senior Bridget Roberts. This service
.will be open to ail students with any kind of sports injuries.
Health Educator and ECU alumni Heather
Zophy was one of many to dedicate time and
effort to the program's development.
"The clinic is an excellent way to provide stu-
dents with the information they need concerning
their injuries and medical needs Zophy said.
"Whether a student has a current or past injury, a
nagging ache or pain, or even a medical question
we can help
The program's initial clinic will be held today.
Athletic trainers and therapists will be available to
assist students between the hours of 1:30 - 4 p.m.
on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Appointments are highly encouraged and can be
arranged by calling Health Services at 328-6841.
De Beck is hoping the clinic will open new
doors for the students involved with the ECU
Sports Medicine Program. Striving for degrees in
exercise and sport science, the students could
.learn a lot and get some hands on experience
through such an opportunity.
"We would love to have the Sports Medicine
students join us De Beck said. "Part of our mis-
sion is to educate, and it would be a nice way to
have different parts of the university come
Cheerleaders work hard for fans
There is more than meets the eye to the ECU cheerleading squad.
Although cheerleading does require an individual to shout, cheer, jump and
scream, it
also requires flexibility, stamina, physical endurance and tumbling skills. A
potential cheerer does not need any prior gymnastic or dance background, but
it does help, as second-year coach Paula Corbett said.
"We need well- rounded cheercrs who can tumble, cheer and jump equally
well Corbett said.
Cheerleading is a sp art with both varsity and junior varsity teams. Unlike any
other varsity team, varsity cheerleaders are not on scholarship. Last year a pro-
posal for book buying was presented, but still has not lieen approved yet. This
is to remind the squad that they will be rewarded for good academic perfor-
mance. If passed, returning students with a minimum grade point average
(GPA) of 2.0 will receive S150 and $50 thereafter for noteworthy grades.
"Academics are the first priority Corbett said. "Some squad members work
on top of school and cheering and still maintain a GPA of 3.4, so we try to reward
them for that
Even though varsity cheerleaders are not granted scholarships, video tapes,
phone calls and letters still pour in.
"I have even gotten letters and phone calls from agents and I also get things
from people who are sophomores and
juniors in high school Corbett said.
"Two-hundred kids come and see me
every year, it's amazing how much
interest there is in cheerleading
Because the'squad does not give our
scholarships, a lot of recruiting is done
and outstanding tryout performers are
chosen. The junior varsity team is cho-
sen almost entirely on the tryout basis.
"We need to find the princess and the
prince who will equal to the king of the
mountain Corbett said about picking
the right combination of guys and girls.
Varsity cheerleaders do have the bond
that most varsity teams develop over a
season. Because they are together most
of the day, especially on game days
-when- the dayasw from 9 a.nv to 6
p.m the squad is very close, resem-
bling tharbond of a family. Captains'
Tasha Smith and Brian Hughes try to
strengthen thatjwnd with their leader-
ship abilities and experience.
"Most of their social life is.amongst
themselves Corbett said.
Corbett "tries to keep this bond strong
by planning activities and having
Mandy Premo, a varsity cheerleader,
struts her moves over the weekend.
speakers talk about
many aspects of athlet-
ics, which keeps the
squad more focused
The squad went on an
adventurous trust walk
in the woods and
Corbett has people
come in and talk about
nutrition, stress man-
agement and some-
times other coaches
share their words of
A schedule of a
cheerleader is vigorous,
especially on game
"Our purpose is to
help support the (foot-
ball and basketball)
team and make sure
the students do too
Corbett said.
There are three
Important points the
squad wants to stress
this year. First, at the
first down, everybody
.yell, "Pirates second,
at the third" defensive
down stand up and
cheer and make noise,
and last and, according
to Corbett most
important, have every-
body arrive 20 minutes t
ahead of game time.
"This effort is being made to eliminate alcohol inside the stadium, cut down
on drunken spectators and have everybodv sing the fight song Corbett said.
Now with the Pirates being in Conference USA for football, the cheerlead-
ing squad is excited and this also gives them the opportunity to add new ele-
ments to their routines.
- "So-farw,ercarmot do basket tosses, but hopefully that will change Corbett
said, "We want to keep up with the Joneses
Being in Conference USA will also allow Corbett to get to know a small
group of coaches in a more intimate way.
"We will be the small family of Conference USA coaches Corbett said.
For the past two years, the varsity squad has been doing very well. Last year,
the team got an offer to go to the National Cheerleading Association (NG)
Cynthia Moreno, an ECU cheerleader, helps lead try outs for
the cheerleading squad this past weekend.
How do you
think ECU will
do in
n the street
think that ECU has an excellant
chance against
the larjser schooli. ami could
Jamie High
I expect them to finish in the top half
of the conference.
Tim Horing
Gradate Student
- -Pretty new team, few
returning startersr . .
I'm waiting to see, VUgive them a
Sharon Malone
Gradate Student
think they 7 do great in Conference
Lisa Jones
? ?
? - ?
m am ii

12 Tuesday. August 26, 1997
The East Carolinian
Former athletes announced as inductees into ECU Hall of Fame
Bill Cain, Paul Gay, Marcia Girvcn and
Cary Godette have been selected as the
1997 inductees into the ECU Athletics
Hall of Fame.
Bill Cain, the Pirate Athletics
Director from 1975 to 1980, has been
the only ECU alumnus to serve in that
capacity. Cain's relationship with ECU
spans over four decades as a student-
athlete, coach, administrator and edu-
cator. An offensive and defensive end
for the 1957-59 Pirate football teams,
Cain, a Rockingham native, served as
co-captain on the 1959 squad, earning
All-Carolinas conference honors. After
graduating in 1960 with a bachelor's
degree in HealthPhysical Education,
Cain continued his studies at East
Carolina, earning a master's in
Education. After coaching and teaching
in the high school ranks, Cain returned
to ECU in 1968 as head freshman foot-
ball coach and recruiter. For the next
several years, he held various coaching
and administrative positions within the
athletics department, and was named
Director of Athletics in 1975. Under
Cain's leadership, Dowdy-Rcklen
Stadium underwent a major expansion
project in 1977-78, boosting capacity
from 20,000 to 35,000 and adding a
continued from page II
adaisical Washburn said. "People
weren't showing up. Now, if you don't
show up for two practices a week, you
won't play in that game
Despite the problems they faced
last season, the rugby team kept a
positive face.
"A lot of the younger guys on the
team got experience in those later
games Washburn said.
The veteran members of the team
are also assembling a player manual
for the younger players. It will include
the history of rugby, its rules, and,
most importantly, a playbook, similar
to the books given to football players.
The turnout at practice has been
outstanding so far. There have already
been 12 so far and the number is
expected to swell to 20. The team
pursued more aggressive recruiting
practices that undoubtedly con-
tributed to the swelled ranks.
" "We recruited right next to the fra-
t amities over the summer Washburn
said. "We're having more people come
oijft than I've ever seen since I've
ten at ECU
Oathout notes that the team is
cfjnsisting of younger players now.
"It's mostly younger guys coming
out now Oathout said. "The average
ajje of the team is 22, and most of the
new members are 18. They're picking
up the game really fast
The rugby team will face off
against some talented teams this sea-
"The Cape Fear Men's Club in
Wilmington aren't fast, but they're a
vry technical team Oathout said.
, Oathout also mentioned the
Appalachian game as sometimes hard,
tljanks to the five-hour trip.
j "We have a lot more talent than
otnet North Carolina schools
dathout said. "Still, we wouldn't be
ale to do it without Grey Hodges
a$d the rest of the people at Rec
Services. A lot of schools don't help
oat with transport and stuff like that
i For information on joining the
rtjgbv team, call Matt Oathout at 752-
0511 or Matt Washburn at 754-2434
or leave your name and number with
Student Recreational Services.
Ffactice is Tuesday. Wednesday, and
TJhursday on the intramural fields off
of 14th Street. No experience is nec-
essary and there are no cuts. Anyone
interested is encouraged to come out.
modern scoreboard. Cain also played
key roles in the development of the
ECU Athletics Hall of Fame and the
Pirate Club. Cain is currently working
at the university as interim chair of the
Department of Exercise and Sport
Science in the School of Health and
Human Performance. He and his wife,
Frances, reside in Greenville.
Paul Gay was a multi-sport student-
athlete at East Carolina College from
1951-55. A halfback on the football
team from 1951-53, Gay was named All-
State and All-North State Conference
during the 1953 season. The Wilson,
N.C. native also played baseball, bas-
ketball, and golf for the Pirates. After
graduation, Gay coached and taught
numerous sports and subjects at
Lancaster High School in Lancaster,
S.C Broughton High School in
Raleigh, N.C, and Sanford Central
High School in Sanford, N.C. He was
at Sanford Central for 25 years, serving
as a biology and physical education
teacher, head football coach, and athlet-
ics director. As football coach, Gay led
his teams to eight conference champi-
onships, four co-state championships,
and one state championship. In 1973 he
was named the North Carolina Coach of
the Year by the Associated Press. The
Sanford community honored Gay by
renaming the Sanford Central football
stadium the "Paul B. Gay Stadium
Gay has also been inducted into the
North Carolina High School Athletic
.Association Hall of Fame. He and his
wife, Jan, also an ECC graduate, cur-
rently live in Sanford, where Gay works
in insurance sales.
Marcia Girven becomes the eighth
ECU women's basketball player to be
inducted into the ECU Athletics Hall
of Fame. Girven, a native of Dale City,
Va was a four-year starter for the Lady
Pirates, and broke numerous records
that still stand today. She holds the
record for most game appearances (120)
and most games started (117). She was
just the second player to record over
1,000 points and 1,000 rebounds in her
career. (Girven's teammate and fellow
Hall of Famer Rosie Thompson was the
first.) No other Lady Pirate has accom-
plished this feat since. Girven is also
ECU's record-holder in blocked shots
for a single game (12), season (95), and
career (212). Chosen as the Best All-
Around Player during her junior and
senior seasons, Girven was also voted
1980-81 MVP by her teammates. The
1980-81 squad went 22-7 and finished
the season ranked 17 in the country
after a birth in the AIAW Regionals.
Girver ?Huared in 1981 with a bache-
! r's c a. -ess Administration,
an currently , dale Citv Va
work ? as a regioi. ! -aK manafr for
IMAN Cosncics.
Havelock native Car- Godette 'vas a
standout defensive player ft the
Pirates from 1972-76. An All-Amenta
defensive end in 1976, Godette record-
ed 54 tackles, including 10 quarterback
sacks and 16 tackles for loss. His accom-
plishments earned him an invitation to
the 1976 American Bowl in Tampa, Fla.
Godette also captured numerous hon-
ors prior to his 1976 season. He was
named Outstanding freshman in 1972,
an All-Southern Conference selection
three times, an All-State selection
twice, 1975 MVP and Best Defensive
Player, and honorable mention AP All-
America in 1975. Godette also served as
the team's co-captain in 1975 and 1976.
During Godctte's ECU career, the
Pirates compiled a 32-12 record and
won three Southern Conference
Championships. After earning his bach-
elor's degree in HealthPhysical
Education and Driver's EdTraffic
Safety. Godette stayed on with the
Pirates for three season as the defen-
sive line coach. After assistant coaching
stints at Wyoming and Cincinnati,
Godette returned to his alma mater in
1990 to once
again coach
the defensive
line. He
moved into
the NFL
ranks in
1995, joining
the Carolina
staff. He is
currently the
line coach for
the Miami
Dolphins, liv-
ing with his
wife, Ruby, in
will be honored by the university on
October 10-11, during East Carolina's
Athletics Hall of Fame weekend.
(Top to bottom) Cary
Godette, Marcia Girven,
and Bill Cain will be
inducted into the ECU
Hall of Fame on Oct. 10-
11 during ECU's
Athletics Hall of Fame
weekend. No picture of
Paul Gay could be
The rugby team wilt open up their season on September 6 against the Seahawks of UNC Wilmington.
continued from page 11
competition. Since the squad has to
raise its own money to attend such
events, the squad voted not to go.
This past summer at camp in Myrtle
Beach, the squad got another offer to
go to the NCA national competition
in Daytona Beach this April.
And this year the squad is going
to compete. The squad achieved
very high ranks at the camp. The
Pirates were voted best all around by
the camp staff, most collegiate by-
other cheerleaders and the second-
best fight song. Four Ail-American
cheerleaders were named out of 60
Three of those Ail-Americans
were from East Carolina. These peo-
ple are Will Cooper. Ian Propsr and
Ragan Tayfoe. The Pirates were also
voted best all-around for its mascots.
Two All-American mascots are Laura
Carr and Jim Baker.
Although fund raising is the only
way the squad can raise money, they
are only allowed one fund raiser a
year. Money can also be donated, but
it must be donated to the Pirate
Club for the cheerleading squad.
And of the total earnings, half must
go to the dance team and the other
half is for the cheerleading squad.
The squad, is determined to go to
nationals this year and Corbett has
some goals for the squad.
"I expect them to finish in the
top 10, they have that potential, so
the key is to set the goal and stay
with it
So the next time you sec a cheer-
leading squad, namely the Pirates,
take time to appreciate all the long
hours of practice that goes into prac-
ticing routines, jumps, tumbles and
perfecting a pyramid. Remember,
cheerleaders arc athletes, too.
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Women's competitive basketball
schedule announced
Games with a pair of ACC schools, a
Southeastern Conference opponent, and a
Christmas Tournament at Miami, Fla. - along
with a full CM slate, highlight the 97-98 ECU
women's basketball schedule, announced
Friday by Head Coach Anne Donovan.
"I am very excited about this season's
schedule Donovan said. "I consider this to be
the most competitive schedule we've had
since I've been hew. Since coming to ECU wc
sn committed to strengthening our sched-
ule, and I think we've now taken a step to the
The Lady Pirates will host two Tobacco
teams as N.C. Stats and Wake Forest
th come to Williams Arena at Minges
liseum this fall, with the Wolfpack being
U's regular season home opener on
ember 25. During the holidays, the team
will travel State for the University of Miami
Christmas Classic which also includes Maine,
Delaware State and host Miami. The Lady
Pirates take a break to travel to SEC opponent
South Carolina) a team they haven't faced
since the 88-89 season.
The CAA season begins January 2, when
the Lady Pirates host American. Each team
will meet both at home and on the road before
coming together for the CAA women's' basket-
ball Championship. The 98 tournament will
take place February 25 to March 1 in the
Richmond Coliseum. In last years tournament,
the Lady Pirates defeated third seeded
Richmond and Virginia Commonwealth en
route to the championship game against even-
tual NCAA runners up Old Dominion.
Donovan expects the conference to be
even more competitive this season than it had
in years past.
"I think we will be a very competitive con-
ference. We saw signs of that last year. I think
the gap between Old Dominion and the rest of
the league will close further
1997-98 ECU Women's BasketballSchedule4Sun.GEORGE MASON2 p.m. William 5 Mary7:30 p.m.
S Sun.FOREIGN EXHIBITION2 Old Dominion7:35 p.m.
18 Hampton7 South Carolina7 p.m.
21 Virginia James Madison7:30 p.m.
29 Sat.UNC CHARLOTTE5:45 American7 p.m.
2 Tues.WAKE FOREST7 George Mason2 p.m.
6 Campbell2 Virginia Commonwealth 7 p.m.
20 Sat.DAVIDSON4 Richmond2 p.m. ;
27 Sat.vs. Maine6 p.m.13Fri.WILLIAM & MARY7 p.m.
(University of Miami Christmas Tourney)15Sun.JAMES MADISON2 p.m.
28 Sun.vs. MiamiDelaware State68 UNC Wilmington7:30 p.m.
(University of Miami Christmas Tourney)22Sun.OLD DOMINION2 p.m.
25-1WedSun. CAA TournamentTBA
2 Fri.AMERICAN7 p.m.j
Meet People FromoD
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en nouses
Methodi Student Center
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Program Information
Meet Reiurnin?
Students And
2 - 4 AND 6 PERSON
All prices include
delivery , setup and pickup.
at Hendenhall Student Center ?
A jazzy night with theThe Wortof amons Count Baste Orchestra. Student
tickets are now available at the Central Ticket Office for10. All tickets
purchased at the door are $20.
Use your ECU ID to take a free virtual vacation to the Benelux Countries -
Netherlands, Belgium, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. TUESDAY, SEPT. 16 AT
4 OR 7:30 PJW. (N HENDRIX THEATRE. An all-u-can-eat theme dinner is
served at 6 p.m. for just $12. Dinner tickets must be reserved by Thursday,
Sept. 11 with meal cards, cash, check, or credit card.
Jim Carrey's Liar, Liar (PG-13) will screen in Hendrix Theatre AUG. 21 -23 AT
8 P.M. Your student i.D. get you a guest in for free.
The East Carolina University Student Union Presents the
ECU Student Union
Opening Reception
Wednesday, August 27,1997 6:00 pm
MendenhaH Student Center
Multi-Purpose Room GET INVOLVED!
Meet committee diaiB, find out about trie Student Union.
Free ice cream sundaes
?)? UNdergrouNd
Catch the latest up-and-coming bands for free in The Pirate Underground
This week: Deep Fuzz and Sky Dive
Name Our Center Contest - if you can come up with
just the right name for our bowling center, you will
win a free bowling ball and bag and all the prestige
and press that goes along with being a kingpin. Pick
up your entry form at the bowling center. Deadline
for entry is Sept. 30. Call 328-4740.
Unlimited bowling every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each
month from 8-11 p.m. at the bowling center for just 5
bucks (includes shoe rental). Come hungry for free pizza
and drinks from 8-9 p.m.
Give your Monday a boost from 1-6 p.m. with 50C
bowling (shoe rental included).
Make Wednesday and Friday discount days by rolling 10
frames for just $1 (shoe rental included) between 1-6 p.m.
Six kicky students grabbed
some great prizes at the
MSC Open House House
of Style party on Aug. 17.
They were: Elizabeth
Woodard (mountain bike),
Ian Knox (color TV), Ateah
Charles (answering
machine). Christina
Yarbrough (cordtess
phone), Lindy Hemming
(two Grease tickets) and
Kara Lynn Jefferles (CD
player). Keep your ears
open and your eyes peeled
for future MSC events.
? ????
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tRfi- Wfitfr
Free live music!
MendenhaH Student Center
Social Room
(Across from WZMB)
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ust 28,1997
Sky Dive
SERVICES: Central Ticket Office ? Bowling ? Billiards ? Video Games ? Student Locator Service
? ATMs ? Food ? Computer Lab ? TV Lounge ? RidesRiders Board ? Art Gallery WJJB
HOURS: Mon - Thurs. 8 a.m11 p.m Fri. 8 2 a.m Sat. 12 p.m12 a.m Sun. 1 p.m11 p.m.
?LJk ' 8b ? -mm .jnifc f WmL
4m JLJm
Presented by the ECU Student Union
For More Information, Call the
Student Union Hotline at 328-6004.
? " lWf?11

14 Tuesday. August 26, 1997
The East Carolinian
Carolina Panthers make
changes on roster
CHARLOTTE (AP) - Less than
eight months removed from the NFC
championship game, the Carolina
Panthers don't look like they're head-
ed back in that direction any time
They played poorly throughout an
exhibition season that ended without
them coming close to winning a single-
game. They lost 19 NFL sacks
leader Kevin Greene to a contract dis-
pute. Their highest-drafted lineman
ever has taken another fall from grace,
this time by losing his starting job to
the last plaver chosen in the 12th and
final round of the 1992 draft. And
quarterback Kerry Collins reportedlv
was punched by one teammate and
used a racial epithet to describe
another - all in the same night.
"It's another day in the life and
times of professional athletes out-
side linebacker Lamar Lathon said
Monday. "Things like this go on. What
you would not like to happen is stuff
to get out in the public
Now that Carolina's problems are
on display for all to see. the Panthers
are trying to prevent them from
becoming a distraction as they pre-
pare to open their third season
Sunday at home against the
Washington Redskins.
"We have won without a lot ot tal-
ent around here because we were a
close-knit team and a close-knit fami-
ly Lathon said. "And we want to con-
tinue to be that way"
The Panthers, who went 12-4 last
year and won the NFC West,
preached patience as thev muddled
through an 0-4 exhibition season in
which they were outscorcd 103-51.
The team's patience was tested
when Greene refused to report for a
minieamp in June, starting a 75-diy
holdout that ended Sundav with the
Panthers releasing him and signing
Renaldo Turnbull.
The changes didn't end there. On
Monday, Matt Elliott, the "Mr.
Irrelevant" of the 1992 draft who
joined the Panthers as a free agent in
1995. was promoted to starting lett
guard. He replaced Blake
Rrockermever. the 29th overall pick in
the 1995 draft. Brockermeyer original-
ly was a left tackle for Carolina but
had trouble there and was mined to
the right side. That didn't work out.
either, so the Panthers switched him
to left guard in the offseason. Now
he's not starting anywhere.
Nothing the team has done this
summer, though, has caused as much
of a stir as Collins' actions on the final
night of the team's training camp ear-
lier this month at Wofford College in
Spartanburg. S.C.
One newspaper reported Sunday
that Collins was punched in the face
by tackle Norberto Davidds-Garrido
at a Spartanburg bar. Another paper
said that later that same night.
Collins, who is white, directed a racial
epithet at wide receiver Muhsin
Muhammad, who is black, while the
two were in a dorm room at Wottord.
Coach l)om Capers said Sundav
night that he had spoken with all par-
ties involved and that all necessary
apologies had been made.
Davidds-Garrido and Muhammad
both met with reporters Monday, and
both players disputed the newspaper
Davidds-Garrido said he and
Collins were in a dorm room on cam-
pus - not drinking at a Spartanburg bar
- when the quarterback was struck.
Davidds-Garrido said he and Collins
were wrestling playfully and that he
accidentally poked Collins under one
"Me and Kcrrv. we're square, he-
said. "We talked alxur it. We knew it
was just an accident. It's nothing
Muhammad said Collins did not
direct anv epithets at him.
"I don't know how certain people
got the information that they got. but
the information thes got was false,
he said. "1 don't even understand how
mv name was brought up into it in the
fashion that it was
Muhammad said (Papers felt it was
necessary to speak to several players
"because obviously as reported there
was some type of statement made
that was offensive to some people on
the team. But the issue was resolved.
Collins underwent surgery
Mondav morning to have four plates
removed from his jaw. which was bro-
ken in an exhibition game earlier this
month. The team released a state-
ment from Collins late Monday after-
"While unintentional and not
intended in a malicious manner. 1
understand that m remarks were
inappropriate and do not reflect mv
feelings in any way the statement
said. "I made a serious mistake and
regret my action. 1 have apologized to
mv teammates. 1 have a great respect
and affection for all of m team-
(lapers and some of the team's v et-
erans are calling for a new commit-
ment to closeness and political cor-
rectness, but it doesn't appear to be a
movement that has completely taken
hold. Witness cornerback 'lbi Cook's
comments Mondav when he was
asked about Collins" alleged remark.
"1 just think it was an unfortunate
accident that happened, you know -
just like drunk driving or you get in an
argument w ith your wife and you push
her and she falls down Cook said.
Mexican Restaurant
Mori-Fn 11-3
fcJ Mon - Fn 2-5 Sat, Sun 11-b
U.S. Open begins in
Arthur Ashe Stadium
NEW YORK (AP) - Five years ago at a
clinic for juniors, 12-year-old Venus
Williams met Arthur Ashe and posed
with him for a photograph she keeps
among her tennis treasures.
On Monday, in a match that would
have made Ashe proud. Williams
debuted at the VS. Open on the first
dav of plav in Arthur Ashe Stadium
and pummeled a 119 mph ace on her
final point to close out a 5-7. 6-0. 6-1
victory over lrisa Neiland.
Ashe devoted his last years to
encouraging inner city kids like
Williams, who learned the game on
the courts of Compton, Calif on the
southern edge of Los Angeles, where
the sound of gunfire was not too dis-
tant. She still remembers stopping
practice once against her sister.
Serena, when they thought the bul-
lets were headed their way.
Williams' arrival at the IS. Open,
appropriately enough, came amid the
birthday celebration of another black
tennis pioneer. Althea Gibson, who
turned 70 and won the first of her two
straight national singles titles 40 vears
ago. A few months ago. Williams got
the chance to talk with Oibson on the
"It was definitely a privilege play-
ing on this court Williams said. "And
it was definitely a perfect name to
name the court after, rthur did a lot
for the game, a lot for the world. He
was a great role model. Not just on
the court, but off the court.
"For plavers like myself and a lot of
other African-American plavers on the
tour. (Oibson) paved the way for us.
So it's important that we recognize
this, that I recognize it. and for me to
know my history
Williams never doubted, even as a
voung girl, that she would one day
plav in the U.S. Open.
'When Serena and 1 played, we
alvvavs just expected to be here she
saidWhen I was 10. 1 had been ptay-
ing, like, six years. So it was just what
1 expected, not what 1 hoped. I just
knew I would be there.
After a nervous start, the No. 66-
ranked Williams settled into a eon-
trolled power attack against the 31-
vear-old Neiland. who is more accom-
plished as a doubles player. Williams'
extraordinary mm talent .md impusinj
height, which allow her to overcome a
deficiency in coaching and ton little
experience in matches, was evident
on a couple of leaping overheads.
"I like doing that shot a tot the 5-
foot-11 Williams said.
Of her 11'? mph ace, winch
mched the fastest serve ot her
career and was just ,i bit of! Brenda
SchultAkCirthv 12.1 mph record.
Williams nonchalanth said she couW
hit it that fast whenever she wants.
"She's a breath of fresh air said
former champion John McEnroe.
Change was in the air all around
the IS.Open on a balmy first day as
teen-agers Anna Kournikova and I alia
Osterloh also scored impressive victo-
Kournikova, a 16-year-nld who is
one of the most promising prospects
on the women's tour, crushed Sabine
Appelmans 6-2, 6-0. Kournikova
reached the fourth round of the Open
last vear in her Grand Slam debut.
The 19-year-old Osterloh. who
won the NCAA title last spring as a
freshman at Stanford after leading the
school to the team championship,
gained her first victory as a pro by
beating Barbara Rittner6-3. 1-6. 6-3.
"Even though 1 won mv first round
(at the Open) last year as an amateur,
it's different now that I'm playing as a
professional. I'm really excited said
Osterloh. who is thankful she post-
poned her pro career until now.
"This is my timetable she said.
"1 want to plav for a long time. I fin-
ished high school, got to go to the
senior prom. 1 had a really normal
teen-age life. That's exactly what 1
wanted. I just felt like I didn't want to
jump right into the tour. I played a
few tournaments here and there, just
getting my feet wet. 1 wanted to
mature a little bit, get stronger, expe-
rience college life, take some courses,
make some really good friends
The first match in Arthur Ashe
Stadium was won bv Tamarinc
Tanasugarn. a 20-vear-old from
Thailand, who beat Chanda Rubin 6-
4. 6-0,
Men's No. 4 Ooran Ivanisevic, who
has been making an art of getting
upset in curious ways in (rand Slam
matches, fell 4-6, 7-5, 6-1,7-6(7-3) to
No. )1 DtTRl Pescariu of Romania.
Ivanisevic lost in the first round at the
Trench Open to Magnus Gustafsson,
then lost in the second round at
Wimbledon to Magnus Norman
despite serving 46 aces.
This time. Ivanisevic served a
mere 24 aces, played from the base-
line as if he were on clay, and dumped
a lot of balls into the bottom of the
net lie hit 75 unforced errors to
No. 14 Mark 1'hilipjioussis got
through his opening match, edging
K.inm lami of Morocco 6-3, 6-4, 3-6,
In a match between two plavers
who once would have been seeded
high and expected to meet in at least
the quarters, unseeded Todd Martin
showed he's recovered from elbow
surtierv in a 3-6, 6-V 6-4. 6-2 victory
over Jim Courier.
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15 Tuesday, August 26, 1997
The East Carolinian
The Szechuan Garden advertisement that
ran on August 19, 1997 contained incorrect
ad prices. The East Carolinian regrets any
confusion that this may have caused.
Future ECU opponent crushes
Wisconsin Badgers, 34-0
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Student Organizations
Student Leadership Development Programs
has important information lor you which includes:

Homecoming Details
"Get a Clue" Information
Organization Registration Forms
Interest Card from Prospective Members
All of this is waiting for you in your maflboses located at:
Room 109 of Mendenhatt Student Center
Don't let fun times, deadlines, and prospective members pass
you by. Come on in and see us today
Should you need additional details, please call us at
Less than an hour after the Kickoff
Classic, in the interview room
beneath Giants Stadium, Wisconsin
coach Barry Alvarez and Paul
Pasqualoni, his counterpart at
Syracuse, came face-to-face, shook
hands and had a few words for each
"You have some team Alvarez
told Pasqualoni, whose Orangemen
had just routed the Badgers 34-0 on
"We played much better than we
anticipated Pasqualoni said.
.Alvarez raised his eyebrows, man-
aged a smile, and replied: "Why the
heck did you do it against me?"
Probably because Syracuse was so
desperate to start the season with a
victory, a rare feat the past few years.
"Winning this first game gets the
monkey off our backs from previous
seasons Syracuse left tackle Brad
Patkochis said. "Now we have the
first game out of the way
Last season, the Orangemen
opened with losses to North Carolina
and Minnesota en route to a 9-3 sea-
son that included a co-Big East title
and a Liberty Bowl victory.
Two years ago. it was a second-
game loss to East Carolina, but the
Orange still finished 9-3 with a Gator
Bowl victory. And three years ago, a
season-opening loss to Oklahoma led
to a 7-4-1 season.
And now it's on to bigger and bet-
ter things.
Already, Syracuse has moved from
No. 17 to No. 13 in The Associated
Press poll. The schedule doesn't look
as imposing, either, with only one
ranked team - Miami on Nov. 29 -
remaining and possible toughies
against Virginia Tech and West
On Saturday, North Carolina
State, yet another Carolina challenge,
visits the Carrier Dome.
"After this game, we're going into
North Carolina Sure with a lot of con-
fidence quarterback Donovan
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McNabb said. "It's a lot better to
start off this way
McNabb, now a solid Heisman
Trophy contender (behind
Tennessee's Peyton Manning) after
passing for 211 yards and one TD
and running 21 yards for another
score, is one of several players who
has been through the early-season
Experience was the key to victo-
ry against Wisconsin.
"There are lot of older guys on
this team, enough to say 'relax'
when we need to said senior guard
Brent Warren, one of 12 returning
starters. "It's one play, wipe it out.
We had some bad plays, but it was
just get back in the huddle and run
another one. That's different than
In last year's 27-10 loss to North
Carolina, Warren said the
Orangemen weren't ready for some
of the Tar Heels' new wrinkles.
"That game for us was immaturi-
ty Warren said. "They came out
and did some stuff we weren't ready
for and we lost it. This year,
Wisconsin came out and did some
little things and we just relaxed, set-
tled down and made it work
In addition to having a bunch of
veterans back, the offense has
become more versatile under coordi-
nator Kevin Rogers. Against the
Badgers. McNabb was 11-for-14,
Rob Konrad had 76 yards on eight
carries and tight ends Kaseem
Sincere and Roland Williams caught
key passes. Tailback Kyle Mclntosh
chipped in with 66 yards as the
Orange rushed for 227 yards and
passed for 243.
In winning 10 of their last 11
games over two seasons, the
Orangemen have outscored the
opposition by a whopping 428-146.
On defense, the Orangemen eas-
ily shut down the heralded Ron
Dayne, who finished with 46 yards
on 13 carries - the lowest output of
his 14-game career. With seven new
starters, the defense gained lots of
confidence by holding the Badgers
to 223 total yards, just 60 on the
McNabb said the impressive win
should send a message.
"It lets people across the country
knew we're a team that tries to play
hard and win McNabb said.
"People talked about me and Ron
Dayne before the game. People got
to see that we're a team that wins
with a team effort
N.C. State coach Mike OCain,
who watched the first three quarters
of Sunday's game, noticed a differ-
ence in McNabb this year.
"He was a very confident man
out there OCain said. "He knows
the offense. He was in total control
of himself and didn't hardly miss.
There's no doubt who their leader
Of course, Pasqualoni remains
"From an execution standpoint,
we're by no means perfect and
we've got some work to do he said.
"But this was a good win early in the
The ECU football team held their
second scrimmage before the start of
the season on Saturday, which was
closed to the public and media. In
that game, fullback Scott Hariey sat
out after the first three possession
with a bruised shoulder. Split end
Larry Shannon sustained a sever
sprain ankle in that game.
The ECU Media Board
The board is seeking full-time students interested in serving as the day
student representative on the Media Board, the 11-person board which
governs the media at ECU.
The day student representative is one of nine students on the board and is
expected to attend a late afternoon meeting monthly.
For information, contact: ECU Media Board office
2nd floor, Student Publications Building
Deadline for applications is Friday, Sept. 5 at 5 p.m.
- .


The East Carolinian
For Rent
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
bedroom apartment. Clean and in
good location. Must be responsible
and concerned about school. $225 per
month plus utilities. Call 355-5412.
bedroom apartment, $197.50 a month
per person plus phone and low elec-
tric bill King's Row Apts 1.4 mile
from campus, on bus route, spacious
bedrooms. Call 413-0764 and leave
share 3 bedroom townhouse at King-
ston Place. $870 per semester. Re-
spond ASAP to Anna at 919-449-0923
or Jamie at 919-441-1449.
bedroom townhouse. Grad student
preferred. Non-smoker. $250 plus 12
utilities. 353-4190.
bedroom? Recent graduate seeks
roommate. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom
duplex near campus. Lots of extras.
Non-smoker. $250month plus 12 util-
ities. Call 758-2232, leave message.
MATE wanted, would have own bath-
room. Rent $300 per month plus 12
utilities. Located in Dockskle. Avail-
able Now. Call 752-1074.
apartment on 5th Street 12 rent and
12 utilities. Graduate preferred. Call
Susan at 768-8567. Fall Semester
bedroom house across from ECU.
Rent $145 plus utilities and phone.
Needed to move in ASAP. Contact
Tara, 758-1152.
ONE ROOM. 6220.00 A month, no de-
posit. Washer, dryer. Pay one fourth of
utilities. Across the street from cam-
pus bus stop. Need to rent immediate-
ly. 353-1634.
share 3 bedroom house 1 mile from
campus. 13 rent, utilities arid cable.
Nice neighborhood. Call Kim, 758-
2800, after 6PM. 830-9036.
room apt. University Apts
$175month 1st months, on ECU Bus
Route. 12 cable, phone, utilities. Nik-
ki, 758-4325. Need by August 31.
shale 3 bedroom duplex on East
Third Street. $165mo. phis 13 utili-
ties. Cell Yance, 830-2062.
bedroom duplex, $200 a month plus
13 uMitiee. Washerdryer, big screen
TV. Call Dave at 752-1463
block from camps on Holly St. Cats al-
lowed with deposit. Rent $305 a
month. 757-9387.
ED: 3 bedroom, Tar River, has pool,
washer and dryer, semi enclosed yard,
cable, 3 blocks from campus. Call
Dave at 752-0009.
FROM campus. Own room and bath.
$230 per month plus 13 utilities. Call
752-8118, Josh, Blaine or Derek.
$50-65, couches $75-100, end tables
$10-25, daybed $10, shoe rack $10,
arm chairs $50, twin bunk beds. Good
quality. OBO. 321-3495, leave mes-
hutch, asking $120.00. Heavy bed-
room dresser, asking $60.00. All prices
are negotiable. Phone Babs at 754-
table with 4 chairs. $75. Call Amy at
328-1723 (8-5) or 321-25230 (after 5).
1891 HONDA NtGHTHAWK 750. red,
excellent condition, 11K miles. $2600
OBO. 353-5697.
color printer, paper. Print Shop, Apple-
works, manualsexcellent condition,
one owner. Ideal for student. $500.
TOYOTA. CELtCA, 1981 GT, 84K,
Loaded. SS400. 551-3815.
Goshawk 300, just tuned, great for
getting around campus. $125. Call
Brandon at 754-8094 after 3:00 p.m.
cost? 1985 Toyota Corolla, silver 2-
door for only $895. Call 355-7904.
Absocold; great condition; wonderful
price, it needs a home soon so for
more information, please call Kara,
dining roomdining area table and 4
chairs Plus 2 leavesseats 6 to
811IS195.00. Call 355-5873.
Help Wanted
AM, PM banquet staff. No phone calls.
Apply at Ramade Plaza. 203 W. Green-
ville Blvd. between 8:00 and 5:00.
PART-TIME Ml HOME caregiver need-
ed for two children Tuesdays and
Thursdays, 7AM to 6PM. 752-5922 af-
ter 6PM.
Team needs guys who like to flip and
twist. Call Coach Rose, ext. 0010 or
come to Minges Pool Office.
pavement Cell today, 747
For Sale
1996 800 Model, used very little.
Comes with bar ends and water bottle
rack. Call John at 328-3786. Asking
SOFA WITH A PULL-out queen size
bed and a matching loveseat. 3 years
old. Please call 757-0938.
DBR AXIS PRO WXT, LX, X-ray, Sigu-
no Cranks, 8-speed cassett matrix and
Bontrsger rims, profile superlite han-
dlebar. Call Hal, 756-3393 before 9:30.
good condition. Selling for $40. Con-
tact 328-3546, ask for Tameika.
1987 ISUZU TROOPER 4WD. runs
good, body damage. $1800 OBO. Call
1993 HONDA DEL SOL, 42k, black,
$9,995. Walnut Coffee Table (50in. x
23in), $30. Walnut phone stand dim.
x 25in.) $15. Come take a look! Call
Tom @ 830-6943.
frame only $150.00 or best offer. Four
drawer chest $30.00 or best offer.
Need to sell, moving out of state. 353-
100 financing available. Student dis-
counts. Finance for less than $35.00 a
month. Call Alfred at (919)355-7057.
Free carrying case.
sitter to heip stay at home mom care
for three smaH children. Prefer upper-
level or grad. student in child educa-
tion field. Must have experience with
small children 3 yrs. and under; good
references; own transportation; non-
smoker; extremely reliable; energetic;
flexible and eager to wok; salary ne-
gotiable; mostly evenings and wee-
kends; occas. day hours; occas. over-
night. Call Paula, 356-9569.
JOIN THE BBC - Join the Buffalo Brew
Crew. BW-3 is now hiring kitchen,
cashier, and door staff for FaN Semes-
ter. Apply within M-F, 1-5PM, 114 E.
5th St.
TO care for 17 month old. Some even-
ings, plus Friday and Saturday nights.
Non-smoker. Must have own trans-
portation, references required. 353-
Greenville Recreation & Parks Depart-
ES. The Greenville Recreation & Parks
Department is recruiting for 12 to 16
part-time youth soccer coaches for the
fall youth soccer program. Applicants
must possess some knowledge of the
soccer skills and have the ability and
patience to work with youth. Applic-
ants must be able to coach young
people ages 5-15, in soccer funda-
mentals. Hours are from 3:00 p.m. un-
til 7:00 p.m. with some n.ght and wee-
kend coaching. Flexible with hours ac-
cording to class schedules.This pro-
gram will run from September to mid
November. Salary rates start at $5.15
per hour. For more information,
please call Ben James or Michael Daly
at 830-4550 after 2:00 p.m.
for four year old with mild lung dis-
ease. Own transportation, references,
criminal check. Hours are 12-5:00 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday. May also
need someone on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. Call 830-9082 after 5:00
p.m. and leave message.
vicing and selling of office furniture.
Must be enthusiastic, positive and
willing to work. Call 931-6904 and
leave a message.
Credit Card fundraisers for
fraternities, sororities &
groups. Any campus
organization can raise up
to $1000 by earning a
whopping SS.OOVISA
application. Call
1-800-932-0528 ext. 65.
Qualified callers receive
STUDENT to pick up my child from his
school end keep in my home from
2:30 to 6:00, Monday thru Friday.
Please call Donna Walker at 758-9240
after 6:00 p.m. to inquire.
needed to work in wallpaper, window
treatments and carpet department
Students please call 758-2300 to set
up a time for an interview.
WFXI FOX814 IS LOOKING for a fall
intem. Candidate must get credit for
internship. Creative business or com-
munications major preferred. Must be
willing to work a minimum of 20
hours a week. Intern will team various
aspects of television, including copy-
writing, sales and production of com-
mercials. Applicants should send re-
sume to LSM. WFXI-TV, 600 Country
Club Dr. Suite C, Greenville, NC 27858.
WFXI, GOCOM Broadcasting is an
EOE employer.
PART-TIME JOB. RPS is looking for
Package Handlers to load vans and
unload trailers 3:00 a.m8:00a.m. M-F
for $7.00 hr, tuition assistance. Fu-
ture career opportunities. Applica-
tions at 2410 United Drive, Greenville.
NEED A JOB? PLAY at day and make
money at night! Work nights andor
weekends and have your days free
with The ECU Telefund. Make your
own schedule! $5.50hr. olus bonuses!
Stop by the Raw! Annex, Room 5 bet-
ween 3-6PM for more info.
PART-TIME CMLD CARE needed 2:30-
630 1-2 afternoons per week for 2
children. Must have own transporta-
tion and provide references. 355-7598
before 10PM.
WANTED for work with Bethel UMC
Youth group. Applicant must have a
Strong Christian faith. Youth meet
from 5:00p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday
evenings. Pays $30.00 per week. Call
PART-time substitute positions. Flexi-
ble hours. Great for students. Please
call Tammy Janowski at 756-6229.
who is energetic and loves children, to
help a mom with her home daycare,
M-F 2:15-5:15. Good pay- Call 321-
INSTRUCTOR positions at River
Birch Tennis Center. Tennis playing
and teaching experience required.
Start and of August. Call 830-4559.
New Members: Jamie O'Loughlin, Va-
nessa Monturo, Amy DuParc, Kimber-
ly Finch, Sarah Burnette, Ashton An-
derson, Amanda Sessoms, Lisa Har-
ding, Angie Winfree, Wendy Myers,
Dana Gajowski, Randi Scharver, Jen-
nifer Little, Jenna Matyiko, Staci Re-
ece, Celeste Lassiter, Andrea Long,
Stacey Curtis, Amber Quesenberry,
Elizabeth Blanco, Rashanna Waddel,
Kelly Worsely. You are a great group
of girls. We love you, the sisters of Chi
one has a successful RUSH. Have a
great semester.
lavaiiere from Theta Chi. Love, your
Zeta sisters and new members.
STALUNGS ON her recent engage-
ment to Caulder Munnell of Phi Kappa
Tau, and to Kristy Salem on her en-
gagement to Jeff. Love, your Zeta sis-
ters and new members.
everyone back to school and hopes
everyone has a great semester.
Northwester: MatMl Life
Sales Internship Available
Rated in Top 10 Internship Programs
by Princeton Review
at 355-7700
Ml- sell trips, earn
cash and go free Student Travel
Services is now hiring campus
repsgroup organizers. Lowest rates to
Jamaica, Mexico & Florida. Call 1-800-
looking for drummer bass keys lead to
form a band. Experience and vocals a
plus. Call Patrick today, 355-9568.
with trundle. Great condition. Please
call 757-0938.
August 30th. Special rate for ECU stud-
ents, faculty, and staff. Call Tom
Younce, 328-4390.
first meeting on Sept. 3 at 4:30p.m. in
Minges Room 142.
ested in finding out what aqua fitness
is all about join us for free aqua fit-
ness on Aug. 28 in the Student Recrea-
tion Center pool. Dept. of Rec. Servic-
Marrow Foundation, Inc which was
established in December, 1996 to ass-
ist patients who have ceived a Bone
Marrow Transplant or on the waiting
list, will be having their 2nd Annual
MarrowThon Walk on October 4,1997
at J. H. Rose Track & Field. All pro-
ceeds will benefit Bone Merrow Re-
cipients Aid their families. We will ac-
cept any donation s if groups or indi-
viduals cannon walk. If interested in
participating please contact Marlene
Anderson, 758-7297 or Connie Gor-
ham-Walston 355-7012.
Topics include alcohol and other
drugs, sexuality, eating healthy, sexual
assault, and stress management. Once
trained, you can do presentations in
the residence halls, classrooms, and
GREEK houses. What every your
major, this is a great opportunity to be-
come an experienced presenter. For
more information contact Health Pro-
motion and Well-Being, 210 Whichard,
YOUR academic year by attending
Youth Discipline class at St James
United Methodist Church on 6th
Street The class is designed to explore
the Bible and learn how to be a Disci-
ple. You wilt form close bonds with the
group as you attend weekly meetings
on Monday nights from September to
May. Open to any Christian denomina-
tion. Call Lanie Shive at 752-6154 to
sign up andor for more details.
& Allies for Diversity) will hold its first
meeting of the semester on Wednes-
day, August 27th at 7:30 p.m. in Gener-
al Classroom Building Room 3006.
Hope to see you there!
for free food and prizes on Aug. 27
from 4-5:30 p.m. for a chance to meet
the aerobics instructors and find out a
little bit about each aerobics class.
Dept of Rec. Services
to learn how to present workshops
and programs? Become an ECU Peer
Health Educator. For 2-3 hours each
week this semester you can learn how
to design and present workshops, and
about leading a healthier lifestyle.
an s
Looking for a great JOa with
a great company? C
Brody'a offer:
Flexible hours'
Clothing discount!
Part Tins Opportunities ins
Junior Sportswear,
Young Men's, and
Customer Sendee
Applications accepted daily
lpm-5pm, at Customer Service,
BioqV aThe feUsa
tine l ? ?
Sports Writers
on 9m second floor
of the Student Pub
course facilitators, join us on Sept 13
for a chance to meet people in experi-
ential education. Be sura to register by
Sept. 1 in the SRC main office. Dept of
Rec. Services.
SONG AND QUEEN OF the halls: join us
on Sept 4 from 4-6:00 p.m. on College
Hill for fun, competition amongst the
halls, and food and prizes. Dept. of Rec
cial Olympics will be conducting a S 3C-
cer Coaches Training School on Satur-
day, September 27th from 9am - 4pm
for all individuals interested in volun-
teering to coach soccer. We are also
looking for volunteer coaches in the
following sports: Basketball Skills,
Team Basketball, Swimming, Rollers-
kating and Bowling. No experience
necessary. For more information
please contact Dwain Cooper at 830-
4844 or Dean Foy at 830-4541.
ED for retail sales. Must be energetic,
outgoing, and have great communica-
tion skills. Apply in person. Affordable
Home Fashions, 3110-A South Evans
Next to Bowen Cleaners). No calls
days per week for my 3 and 8-ycar old
sons. Need experienced, fun-loving,
energetic student with reliable trans-
portation. Please call 353-7446.
Fashions, a local Women's Clothing
store, is now filling part-time posi-
tions. Employees are needed for Sat-
urdays andor weekdays between
10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The positions
are for between 7 and 20 hours per
week, depending on your schedule
and on business needs. The jobs are
within walking distance of the uni-
versity and the hours are flexible. Pay
is commensurate with your experi-
ence and job performance and is sup-
plemented by an employee discount.
Apply in person to Store Manager,
Joan's Fashions, 423 S. Evans Street,
Greenville (on the Downtown Mall).
WFXI FOX814 IS LOOKING for a fall
intern. Candidate must get credit for
internship. Creative business or com-
munications major preferred. Must be
willing to work a minimum of 20
hours a week. Intern will learn various
aspects of television, including copy-
writing, sales and production of com-
mercials. Applicants should send re-
sume to LSM, WFXI-TV, 600 Country
Club Dr. Suite C, Greenville, NC 27858.
WFXI, GOCOM Broadcasting is an
EOE employer.
children - ages 4 and 1, all day on
Tuesdays or Wednesdays. No smok-
ers. Call 355-7875
Greek Personals
riage to Daniel Hoggard. Love, Zeta
Tau Alpha.
We love our Zeta Babies!
Tutors needed:
The Department of
Athletics, Office of
Student Developement, is
currently hiring full-time
ECU students and
graduate students to tutor
student athletes in all
subject areas.
Minimum 3.0 GPA required
Call 328-4550
? the i? ?
ad info
OPEN RATE-$3 for 25 or
fewer words
STUDENT RATE-$2 for 25
or fewer words
Must present a valid ECU l.u. to qualify.)
Additional words over 25 are
5t each
AD EXTRAS-Bold type is $1
extra 8 All caps type is $1
(Charges for extras are in addition to the
line ad charges shown above.)
4 p.m. FRIDAY for the next
4 p.m. MONDAY for the next
Take the Spotlight
tional Honor Society Members. Our
first annual meeting is scheduled at
5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 26 in
the General Classroom Building in
Room 1010. We look forward to see-
ing you. Please come.
an organizational meeting Wednes-
day, August 27th at 7:00 p.m. in Men-
denhall Room 212. For more informa-
tion, call David at 353-0808.
weekend at Hanging Rock State Park
Sept. 5-7 to experience 3ome of the
best climbing in North Carolina. Be
sure to register by Sept. 1 in the Stud-
ent Recreation Center main office.
Dept. of Rec. Services.
aid Steak Yew Mile
Warts Ymtytiei!

Ali letters to the Editor mint
b typed & 250 words or
lew Most include your
name, m?jor,year, and
phone. Send to:
The East Carolinian
2nd Floor Student.
Pub. Building
Greenville, NC

Your Voice Matters!
s j?

? S E N D A

?Ml (Ml

O m
25 o



x ? ? . i ?v ? ? A ?

The East Carolinian, August 26, 1997
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
August 26, 1997
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