The East Carolinian, July 30, 1997

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Trustees approve dining hall site
Board members vote to build
new cafeteria on west campus
vTAFf ??PTf
ITtlWHI n?(. ?il?Tlo?iS
The Board of Trustees accomplished several hmporrant
items of business recently, a highlight hems rhe approval of
a site far a new mulri-million dollar dining hall.
The board approved several changes for Dining Services
as rhe university seeks to improve dining services on cam-
pus. The Trustees approved the complete renovation of
the Galley Jones Basement will he the site of rhe new
Galley after it undergoes complete renovation and expan-
The new Galle will seat approximately 250 and will
"let ne exa?d r?f cswjtaukBens to the newn officers for
rh?r apport and vsmmm to Eaa Carolina" Or. Richard
: ta hope and tjb pray tttat the stisikfm ren-
iameSepi.T3lacM??iA oybbw w be comptead by Sea 13 ahhough the conoac-
Wate forrgst tar has apefierced delays said Eaton.
? iiiuiiunuiii aihW H"il ? Ruf T TMawa atetes and fane coaches, trainers, phya-
Vfe&er rmerriatial Human fBrfaroawce daw and adnunisaatars tow W nations. rteir ramrnems
Center find ECU a prs iraiwg taofey we? iawrabte said Eaton.
include a coffee house, lounge space, an open food court
and an entertainment area.
The ECl Board of Trustees has officially voted on and
approved the site for rhe new dining halL
The first order of business at die meeting of the ECL
Board of Trustees was the induction of the new members
and an mecrs to rhe board.
New members are: Dan V fcnbw of rayertcvilkr.
Henrv G.Williamson of Winston-Salem: and Willie Martin
of Wilmington, DeL
Ncw officers include former vice-chairman Gene
Ravneld. of Chapd HiB. who was named chairman: far-
mer secretary Phillip Ouian of Greenville was named
vice-chairman and Charles Franklin of EHzabcth dry
took over rhe role of secretary.
"Let me extend my congratulations to the new officers
far their support and commitment to East Carolina said
Dr. Richard Eakm. Chanccflor of ECl L
The Board of Trustees has a total of 12 members.
An update was given on the The Rov T Walker
International Human Performance, as it has completed
its second successful session on JuK 19.
-Twenrv-chrcc athletes and nine coaches, trainers,
phvsicians and administrators from 10 nations, thenr com-
ments were favorable and without exception they think
their experience here wii be beneficial to their athletes
. and their nation said Eakin.
Undergraduate and graduate studies gave a brief sum-
man of how academic affairs and enrollment stand today-
Enrollment far both departrnents is projected to be up
for the upcoming school year. This increase includes ZOO
more undergraduate students and 116 more graduate stu-
af Trustees net m Friday I
aents al business mdudirtg approving a I
The number of applications submitted to graduate
studies is down by seven applications, but the number of
the students accepted increased from 319 to 435.
The athletic department announced a possible contract
with Fax Sports SouthThe contract would include an
agreement that Fox Sports South wiB tdevisc 11 athletic
events m the next three years. The athletic events project-
ed to be televised arc mens basketbafl and football and
women's basketbafl.
ECU alumnus
publishes first novel
Whisper from past
TEC employee
IftCff fMM O. fcf 1.1 J M
ss1TVT MV1 (lliruK
Rns Martin, a 1"1 graduate of
EastJirolina I rnvcrsirv and a for-
mer staff member of both 7aV rMBT
(rrJmm and Thr Rrrrl. s about to
pubhsh a book, entitled Ulmptr
ify Sour.
Martin's life smcc
graduating from VfX
has taken him to a
varierv of places and
through a variety of
careers, the most
recent of which is
Martin. i
Greemille native,
attended ECl from
1957 to 1961 as an
undergraduate, then
returned in 1965 to work on a
graduate degree, mtnch he fin-
ished m 1967. He says in looking
hack, his experiences with the
publications made a significant
"It put me in touch with some
of the things I wanted to do. and
put me in touch with people m
the field Martin said
Martin head a vanctv of posi-
tions at Thr feat Cmmtmm
l worked at Or vV (jtraimtum
for probably three years and
worked first as assistant sports
editor, then new editor and then
rhe associate editor Martin saad.
In his senior year of undergrad-
uate srudv he was asked to work
on Tkr RAvi. and held the posirion
of RtM editor for that star. Martin
sad he was impressed with the
technology of today, which
enables Tkr RArfs current staff to
accomplish much
more than he and his
'As I look back on
those old magazines. I
think ?c did i good
job with the printing
technology we had
Martin said.
After finishing his
undergraduate degree
in social studies in
1961. Martin entered
the military and spent
three years as pan of a sccunty
agency in Panama. After finishing
his graduate degree m English in
1967. he worked on several news-
papers, including the Raint
Tmn, WtrmJmra Rnxtni. Tit lhah
Rfflnfor in Greenville and the
Broad begins tenure as
UNG-system president
; ?fii
mj machines have ben hart a! work to create a new
behtrvt! the renovation ate of Joyner Ufcrary ttns week
lft frW HbrF?lhmLn. Ampst mj
( jjriii al iin- jot ally M-mttlr mmBmmmm.
SlmJrmn arr icrtvmr to atlfwi. Farmartkf. raU
Moth Corbert Broad, farmer executive vice
chancellor and chief operating officer of
California State I niversky. became presi-
dent of the 16-campus Lniversrry of North
Carolina svstem last Fridav Broad. 56. suc-
ceeds (ID. Spanglcr. 65. wtio retired this
summcT after 11 years as presidem.
Broad said she had a number of things on
her agenda to tackle right away as president-
They include irnpfcmenring a budget, and
formulating ovcrafl plans and strategics with
chancellors and with the Board of Governors
to outline the agenda.
"Budgets can be much more effectively
manageable with accountability on one hand
and managerial flexibifity on the other
Broad said.
Broad hopes to secure an increase of man-
agerial flcxftility on CNC campuses- This
would give individual schools the freedom to
utilize sources if the chancellor is provided
with flexibility to use those sourccs.
-Thc biggest problem with budgets is
that they come with a lot of restrictions on
how the sources can be used Broad said.
The single most important strategy for
maintaining low tuition, m Broad's opinion,
is to enhance access to higher education. She
hopes to generate additional sources far rev-
enue available to the universities to serve the
projected growth of the system, which is
expecting a large
potential growth cf
students- Broad wiS
seek to diversify
revenue sources
through fund rais-
ers, federal govern-
ment and legisla-
Broad stated
that in order fur
North Carolina to
be cornpctitivc with
the economy the
University must pby an important role.
"The University is the economic engine
far North Carolina Broad said.
Broad does have long term plans far the
system as welt
"I did not come imo North Carokna with
a plan developed somewhere else to be
implemented here Broad said-
She insisted that the changes would come
from within the state through business, rhe
public, rhe legislanrr and the individual uni-
Broad stated that the reputation of the
l"NC system played a part m her decision oo
come here.
"The Uriivcrsiry of North Carolina has a
marvelous reputation for quality passion, and
commitment of citizens to the I ruvcrsity
Broad said.
It appears that some in the state have a
mutuafh high opinion of Broad.
"We have entrusted to you the greatest
treasure of North Carolina said Senator
Leslie Minner in a note to Broad.
"It is a great honor to be here Broad
Officials warn North Carolinians to prepare for hurricane season again
Season runs from June 1
to November 30
BliVOON Mist
rrwf iimi
Orhciak say it is hurricane season again and
hope North Carolinians learned the impor-
tance of preparation from last years harsh
btow-s to the coast.
Hurncanc season officially runs from June
1 to November 30. and last tm there ?erc a
(otal of 13 tropical storms, nine of which
ticcame hurricanes, according to the National
Weather Service.
A hurricane starts as a storm svstcm that
lifestyle. 4 - mvmsDKt
Cheac Bm ; . ,ma t
McMob serves uvTn
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conference USA c
the east t.arolimanphone
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forms over tropic waters off the Atlantic, and
once the storm starts to farm, it gets classified
as a tropical depression If the winds in a trop-
ical depression grow in intensity to -Ml mph. it
is re-ebssified as a tropical storm and n
receives a name. Once the winds in the storm
reach speeds of 75 mph. the storm is upgrad-
ed to a hurricane. Hurricanes arc usualh com-
pact storms with maximum wind velocities
extending 5 to 60 miles from the eve.
Gafe-force w inds can be felt from as far as
300 miles outside the eye. which is whs everv-
onc in eastern North Carolina should be con-
cerned if a hurncanc is headed for the N.C.
coast. While storms develop both carry and
late in the season, late summer to carh fall
tends to he the time when hurricanes most
commonly do serious damage to the coast.
.According to the National Weather Service.
What do you think the
president of the UNC
System does?
the following primary steps of preparation
should be taken care of if a humcanc seems
hkch: check flashlights and their batteries;
check battery-operated radios and televisions:
make sure large antennas, satellite dishes and
other outdoor objects such as lawn furniture
arc tied down or put avvav. double-check evac-
uation routes, review rhe status of yout flood.
home and automobile insurance policies.
As the chances of an oncoming humcanc
increase more preparation and precautions
should be taken. One should check the win-
dows and shutters on the house, making any
repairs necessary. Make arrangements for pets
in rhe event you have to evacuate, fill the gas
tank in the rat as carts as possible, as service
station lines tend to get long after a humcanc
warning, and be sure to have plenty of cash on
"Students should be prepared to leave
campus and go to their homes rf they arc far-
ther inland said Bobby Joyner. Rn County's
emergency management coordinator.
It would be wise to stock up on the follow-
ing before lines in the grocerv store get long
and supplies become diminished: fresh batter-
ies: bottled water, canned foods (plan enough
meals for the new three days in the event you
lose power): infant care items such as diapers
and formula; a first aid kin candles; matches:
and games or activities such as cards or board
games to occupy the time. If you don i have
one already, you should get a small AM Radio
as large radios tend to drain harrenes quiddy-
Most hurricanes move at a rate of 10-15
miles per hour, so there should be ample wam-
Hurricane Fran caused damage n campus ?? e
surrounding area, mending 5tb St shown here
fife photo
ufcavBBatrJwawag Jdimkmk, xhrrrrhrmmn
; nrrlei! mm ami ki a s-z Amrtf lit m,i.
Brian Stakes
ikitik sh rrir i. a i imm?lalt tkr nmi oi all thr
v ki,i,l- m Surtk (jirrJtna ft f,mpjr sir max
? i,l km an i moan me a ?' n set fir e
program or mi txftr or prufttt.
Dana Brooks
rimt that tit prr.vdrwt tnry B ?rt tumm desn
as lot: a psklf. and approvr fuming for
ttmmtpnfi ? I??' ?'? was
Man Davis
Hbaj zrJfamlvatatKMselol
Ja? Caaoretti
Ictifsfiitr ttbcaiior

The East Carolinian
Graduate student receives scholarship
Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society in Business
recently awarded $1,000 scholarships for use during the
1997-98 academic year to sixty outstanding Beta Gamma
Sigma members form as many chapters throughout the US.
David A. Giles of East Carolina University was named as the
1997-98 recipient from his chapter.
Giles is a graduate student majoring in accounting at East
Carolina Unrwraky. Selected by his focal Beta Gammf??jp? chapter, Giles was
named as his chapter's recipient bind an hei outstanding academic achieve-
ments, leadership and community service activities.
Greenville man arrested after
deceiving ECU students
Robert Eddie Domiknwtri was arrested Wslnesday in the
puking lot of R-nggoW towers. He was charged with 11
counts of obtaining property by fine pretenses and one
count each of possession of cocaine and possession of drug
KilS'sWdW'W"?1 EC" "?????
separate times-end asked for help in recovenng his car,
which he said had beentowed. He asked lor a ride and also for money. In at least
two of the eases, the suspect allegedly directed the victims to luiown drug areas
where he used the money given him to purchase cocaine, which he used in front
of the victims.
ECU receives American Cancer Society grant
East Carolina University has received a three-year, $187,500 Institutional
Research Grant from the American Cancer Society to assist in encouraging young
faculty and students te pursue careers in cancer research, the Society has
Announced. ?? ?
The grant targets ECU junior faculty, health sciences students and medical
professionai-in-training who have interest in research and would benefit from
mentoring by senior faculty before pursuing further grants.
Student charged with assault and damage to property
ECU student Thomas Nathaniel Dean, 23, was arrested Saturday morning for
assaulting a 49-year-old man who parked in front of his home to attend a yard
sale. According to the victim, Dean was intoxicated and yelled at the victim for
Mooting dwonScwaywirthtt cat ,???,?.
Dean allegedly assaulted the victim and also caused an estimated $300 dam-
age to the victim's car with a tree limb. Dean was charged with simple assault
and damage to personal property.
continued from page 1
"The television exposure we
have had has in some way benefited
our program said Steve Logan,
head football coach.
Administrators hope to be able to
remove the chemistry department
from the Flanagan Building as soon
as possible and to expand and
improve on all the science depart-
Planning is taking place to decide
on a location to build a new building
to house the chemistry department.
Trustees briefly discussed
whether or not additions to Dowdy-
Rcklen Stadium will be completed
by the Sept. 13 game against Vke
Forrest. Contractors working on the
stadium will have to work a third
shift to complete the upper deck. As
a precaution, the University has
stopped selling tickets for the new
seats. If the worst happens, the over-
flow of students will be temporarily
seated in the end zones.
"Wfe will continue to hope and to
pray that the stadium renovation will
be completed by Sept. 14 although
the contractor has experienced
delays said Eakin.
According to the Dairy Reflector,
the Board of Trustees met in closed
session on July 24 to discuss whether
ECU will continue to be involved in
the N.C Alignment Group, a group
of four of the state's largest medical
centers. Medical centers included
are Pitt County Memorial Hospital
and the ECU School of Medicine,
Bowman GnryBaptist Hospital
Medical Center, Carolinas
HealthCare System and the
University of North Carolina Health
Care Systems.
The group was formed to share
information in order to become more
efficient in care.
This map shows ECU'S wast campus, tlw
recently appravM Ml for I new mutti-
miilNHi dollar tiannKH) hall.
Voting did not take place in dis-
cussions on Friday.
The dining hall will be built on
west campus between Clement and
Fletcher Residence Halls, where the
amphitheater now sits, and will face
Reade Circle.
Overcrowding at Mendenhall
Dining Hall will soon come to an
end. Expected seating capacity for
the new facility will be 600, com-
pared to 370 at Mendenhall
"Mendenhall is operating at
twice the volume it was designed
for said Al Matthews, vice chancel-
lor for student life
The dining hall is expected to
cost approximately $7.4 million and
will be funded by dining bond
Discussions focused primarily on
how the dining hall will affect the
relationship between the university
and the downtown business area.
"We have strived to be good
neighbors. I think there should be a
willingness for some give and take
said Eakin.
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continued from pig I
SANFORD, N.C. (AP) - Federal immigration officials overreacted when they
detained 17 Mexicans in trying to prove a connection between the incident and a
smuggling operation in New Ifork City, friends of those detained said.
The Mexicans, most of whom are speech- and heanng-impaired, lived in two
adjoining houses and shared rent and expenses.
Federal aaents on Friday raided the two houses in Sanford after receiving a tip
that the 14 adults and three children were forced to make beads, key chains and
other trinkets and sell them. The Mexicans were taken to an Immigration and
Naturalization Services office in Charlotte.
Earlier in the week, authorities found 57 deaf Mexicans living in two cramped
apartments in New Tfork. In that case, eight people have been charged with run-
ntnc a smuggling ring and keepir the Mexicans against their will. Two undocu-
mented deaTimmigrants from Mexico were arrested in Chicago over the weekend
on similar charges. The Chicago defendants are linked to a similar operation in
New York, INS officials said.
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) - Lindy Pendergrass doesn't spend much time in the
Coker Arboretum at the University of North Carolina these days, but it s not hard
him to remember the days he spent 32 years ago crawling, digging and squint-
As a young Chapel Hill police officer. Pendergrass investigated the Jury 30,
15, murder of a university student. .
"I can close my eyes and visualize everything down there, said rendergrass,
the Orange County sheriff. "I often think about that case, every time I go down
Raleigh Street
On Wednesday, 32 years will have passed since an unidentified man stabbed
Suellen Evans to death in one of the most peaceful spots on campus.
Chapel HUl police launched their most intensive review of the case in recent
Evans, who was 21 and a rising junior who had just enrolled at UNC-CH that
summer, took the garden path through the arboretum as the shortest way back to
her room in Cobb Dormitory She had planned for a weekend tnp home to
Mooresville, and was in a hurry to pack and get her hair done.
Waskmgon Star.
Following his years in the news-
paper business, he became news
director at an NBC station in
He then decided it was time for
something different. Citing rhe high
stress level in the news business, he
switched to teachinav-Hwmething
he had wanted to do for a fong time.
"I've been teaching in a high
school for 13 years. I teach English as
a second language. I'm the coordina-
tor of the program for Roanoke City
Schools Martin said.
An added fringe benefit of teach-
ing, he said, was that it gave him
more time to write. He started writ-
ing short stories about 10 years ago
and wrote two previous novels which
he never tried to publish before
writing Whisper Ah Name.
"The story is developed from
experience ? it's really a sifting down
of experiences over the years. It's set
in North Carolina, and it's really a
story about a triangular relationship
between three people and they're all
very different Martin said.
Martin was in Greenville on
Fridav for a book signing at Barnes
and Noble. His book is being pub-
lished by Tryon Publishing in
Chapel Hit and is now available.
Martin said he encouraged any
current students interested in writ-
ing or publication work f get
involved with campus publications
at ECU, citing his own experiences
as proof that the involvement can be
"Mv undergraduate days were
really happy. Something new to dis-
cover every day And my experience
at Tie Fast Canmm and The Mrl
were responsible for that The train-
ing I received m student publica-
tions was invaluable Martin said.
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continued from ptgt t
MIAMI (AP) - The medical examiner's office released the body of Andrew
Cunanan, and a funeral home on Sunday prepared the remains for shipment to his
family in California. .
The body was released Saturday to one funeral home but was later transferred
to another because of media scrutiny, said Therman Wilkes, who is responsible for
the shipment of Cunanan's remains.
"We wanted to do this as quietly as possible, wilkes said.
The remains will be flown to Glenn Abbey Memorial Park in Bonita, Calif.
Neither Wilkes nor Glenn Abbey would comment on whether there will be a cre-
mation or burial. ,
Authorities suspect Cunanan in a cross-country killing spree tnat left rive men
dead - including fashion designer Gianni Versace - in four states and prompted an
intensive manhunt.
Cunanan killed himself on Wednesday with the same .40 caliber gun he
allegedly used to kill three of his victims, including Versace.
Authorities continued to examine Cunanan's activity pnor to his suicide and
whether any one was aiding him.
ing for an oncoming storm. However,
some storms have been known to
move at speeds almost double this
According to the National
Weather Service, once a hurricane
watch is declared for an area, the
storm will make landfall within the
specified region within 36 hours of
the start of the watch.
The hurricane watch covers a
broad region, and this area should
expect at least gale-force winds
(30 mph), high waterflash flood
situations, and even tornadoes. By
this time, more serious precautions
should be made as such winds often
stay at hurricane strength even hun-
dreds of miles inland.
According to the National
Weather Service, hurricane Hugo
(1989) battered Charlotte, North
Carolina (which is about 175 miles
inland) with gusts near 100 mph,
downing trees and power lines, and
Icausing massive disruption. And, of
course, last year hurricane Fran did
damage to the areas surrounding
Greenville and Raleigh before it
made its way up through Virginia.
Once a hurricane watch has been
declared for your region, there's a
good chance you'll feel the brunt of
the storm, according to the National
Weather Service. If you live in a low-
lying area, you should evacuate
The storm is less than 24 hours
away, and you've got lots still to do.
Board up windows around the
house, or tape them up with lots of
masking tape, and turn off your gas
lines. Check on the safety of elderly
relatives if they live close by Be sure
to turn your fridge all the way up in
order to keep your food fresh for as
long as possible. Keep the television
andor radio on regularly for weather
and evacuation updates. Write down
the names and locations of evacua-
tion shelters dose to your home.
It is recommended that you do
not stay alone during hurricane
weather. Not only might you need
help in case something serious hap-
pens, you also have to have a way to
constantly monitor what's going on
throughout the storm's passing,
which is not an easy task for one per-
son over a 36 hour period.
Once the hurricane has hit, you
should stay put.
There arc times when conditions
change, however, and you may need
to leave the house during the storm.
Falling trees may be threatening the
house, serious flooding may be
imminent, or you need to get med-
ical attention for you or a family
If it is absolutely necessary that
you drive, drive slowly as it makes it
easier to watch for debris and
obstructions, and high winds and
slick conditions can easily throw you
off the road.
Keep your trips short if at all pos-
sible. Head to the closest evacuation
shelter, police station or hospital. If
you need to get someplace further
along, there will be people at those
locations to help you.
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SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - U.N. relief workers have concluded tto?duv-
astating diought means famine-threatened North Korea can expect little from
this vear's harvest, North Korea's state news agency said Monday
North Korea's Korean Central News Agency quoted U.N. adv.ser Chnstin
Hnherto as savine any rains would come too late for this year s crops.
sTtuK representatives from the United Nations and relief agencies
toured Hwangju and Pongsan counties, 31 miles south of North Korea s capital.
TheTaccompanied bv management officials of cooperative farms, went
round maize fieldVand admitted that drought damage was ser.ous, the agency
North Korea already suffers from chronic food shortages aggravated by severe
flooding in 1995 and 19. North Korea said Saturday it now is battling a wide-
spread drought that has laid waste to 716,300 acres of farmland and 704,300 tons
of grain.
The reclusive communist state, which preaches self-reliance as a guiding phi-
losophy, is already dependent on outside food aid. U.N. agencies estimate the
country needs 800,000 tons of emergency food assistance before October to avert
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$Vhen they say three's a crowd, they mean it.
" The influx of approximately 2900 freshman has caused quite a problem with the housing
department. They don't have enough room. In fact, they are so limited with their space that
ECU housing is having to triple people in the residence hall rooms. And we thought two m
a room was plenty. . . ,?
The biggest residence hall room on campus is in Jarvis, and the room size is 11TV x i . .
Now three people will be crammed in a room, not to mention that there is still a waiting list
for people to get in.
- It's obvious ECU is becoming a more popular school. Soon the administration is going to
have to look into accommodating people and not cramming three in a room like sardines,
r The housing department says there are about 70 people on a waiting list, i heir plan is to
I have students triple up for a couple weeks, then, after school starts, they will disperse the
students to rooms where people didn't show up.
But it seems to us, at this point, that if people have already paid their money there wi
i probably not be a lot of no shows. So the question remains, after all this is through, what will
they do with the remaining people, if there are still some left over?
Some people have no other choice but to live on campus, and if they are turned away or
I are going to have to triple up, what kind of sense does that make? It really doesn't.
; ECU has never had a problem like this and we are all waiting in anticipation as to how
Lthev will handle this situation. If problems like this continue in the future, ECU is going to
.have to revamp their residence hall space and build more rooms to accommodate the
Increasing number of students who are having to live on campus.
That is what NjG State has done. They have bought off-campus hotels and university
I apartments to accommodate the influx of their students. Could this be a prospect that ECU
? will need to consider?
I Let's say, for instance, that ECU bought apartments. They could be used for seniors only
II This is actually how The University of Richmond is run. Only seniors have access to apart-
jj ments on campus. Their students have to live on campus, but at least as a senior they can
?Shave an apartment instead of one room.
i This might be a problem that will only last this yea; but who knows? Many students,
after one or two years, move off campus, but tiienagainsmeof theupperclassnn payfor
private rooms. They shouldn't be penalized for wanting a private room, but stuffing three
I'm a room or having to turn damipaildam?fftt ?
I - With three in Znon, that tfclWtyoughi ya?m&y?ir commercial will certamfy
Be in effect.
McDonald's may be renamed McMob
known for the fast
food and billions
served, is earning
one of
corporate mafia.
Ronald McDonald: funny clown-
tvpe person or member of the
Corleone family?
McDonald's, known for the fast
food and billions served, is earning
another reputation. The reputation
is one of corporate mafia. The
Ronald McDonald we all know and
love engages in practices that would
make many sick: everything from
intimidating employees to breaking
and entering
The McMob has taken to "influ-
encing" their own employees to lie
to police. In France, Monsieur.
Lamti Hassen, a McDonald's
employee, was accused of armed
robbery at the restaurant where he
works. Hassen was accused of the
robbery by a fellow employee. The
reason behind this accusation was a
simple one: greed.
At the time, Hassen was the
reprsentativedelegate to the union.
McDonald's like most international
corporations, does not like unions.
McDonald's even tried to bribe
Hassen. Hassen has a chance to be
fired with a severance pay of 855
previously unpaid overtime hours,
paving off the remainder of his car
and help in finding a job outside
McDonald's. The rewards came
with one stipulation: renounce
union involvement. Hassen decided
against this tvpe of extortion.
Having employees lie to police is
bad enough, but forcing them to
work in a pool of sewage is disgust-
ing A McDonald's store of the year
did just that. This marvelous store of
the year had a little problem with
their sewage system: it did not drain.
Since the drain was clogged, sewage
was forced back up the pipe. The
kitchen area floor was covered with
raw sewage.
The employees followed their
managers' orders and worked. Some
employees had to overturn bun tins
to stand on while they worked
amidst the two inches of sewage.
This wading in liquid feces hap-
pened twice at this store. I guessed
the second rime made it store of the
Another case of the McDonald's
crime involved espionage.
McDonald's hired an investigation
agency to infiltrate the most notori-
ous of all crime families, the London
Greenpeace organization. A court in
the United Kingdom had evidence
presented to it that investigators
had broken into the London
Greenpeace office. First Nixorr, now
Ronald McDonald. When will the
insanitv stop?
The breaking and entering is not
McDonald's first brush with the law.
In 1973, McDonald's was ordered to
stop using Sic detector test when hir-
ing staff. Was the lie detector used to
weed out convicted felons or maybe
those w ith a tendency to take home
a little extra cash? No, the lie detec-
tor was used in the hiring process to
find out if prospective employees
had union sympathies.
Some business-tvae people will
sav business is all about profit.
These same people will also say if
the employees do not like working
conditions they can leave, and that
McDonald's has a duty to look out
for its investors. The part 1 do not
like is the business types would be
The dirty to look out for investors
does not include exploiting people,
forcing people to work in crap and
criminaiiarceny; The business types,
-I would- refer them to Miehael
Moore, who says, "If business is all
about profit bow about selling,
crack?" From what 1 hear and see,
crack has an extremely high profit
The bad part is not that
McDonald's engaged in this kind of
corporate crime. The bad part is
they are not the only ones who arc in
the news. How many other corpora-
tions are eager to squeeze employ-
ees for less money?
Prepare your heart for what matters this semester
passion, when you
it have a dream
no matter how
seem, when every
possible hurdle
viands before you,
? press on.
ands calloused, nails lined with
'?Jflack grit, dirt-forehead damp with
; sweat. My feet hurt. My stomach
; gnarls with hunger. My hands shake
! from exertion and work, work, work
I and more work.
! Over 20,000 words into the novel
! and the rejection slips keep coming-
thank you for your interest in Farrar,
Strauss; thank you for your interest
in The New Yorker; thank you for
our interest ii Ilarcourt, Brace-
thank you, thank you, thank you;
I however, we at The Poughkecpsie
Review regret to inform you that
we're arc unable to find a place for
your work.
Invigorated by defeat, I ptess on.
When you have a passion, when you
have a dream, when you believe that
no matter what people tell you, no
matter how dire the prospects seem,
when every possible hurdle stands
before you, press on. Never accept
defeat. Only accept the absolute
best. Never compromise your confi-
dence or your belief in what you do.
Strive for genius.
Life is free will, if you free your
will to be the absolute best and stop
at nothing less.
July is soon to come to a close and
with it summer school intensity.
Relish in your achievements.
Prepare your mind for autumn to
come. Keep your focus. Keep your
concentration. Look beyond the
moment and realize your dreams.
This is the absolute horizon of
Grandfather worked as a butcher
during the 1930s for $5 a week.
Father grew up with three brothers
and two sisters, all sharing two bed-
rooms and one bathroom. I remem-
ber the tiny house from my carry
childhood. I remember the concrete
front porch, painted gray with speck-
les of chipped paint here and there.
I remember the hole in the living
room wall covered over with plaster,
once connecting to a furnace (before
my aunts and uncles paid to have
central heating put in for my grand-
My father worked 30 years, never
once using the two weeks of paid
vacation the sales company offered
him each year. When he retired, he
had over a year cf paid vacation accu-
mulated and enough money to buy a
house with a pool and twenty mile
views, not too far from the Biitmore
Estate. Hard work pays.
Mother was a painter, she sold
her work for meager sums to help
pay the mortgage, to save for my
brothers' and my college education.
Now I read Baudrillard, Richard
Ford and Toni Morrison, work two
jobs and dream of a doctorate in
English. My fiancee and I will both
have our graduate degrees next
spring She wants to teach children;
she loves kids. I want to teach at a
university and write novels, and I
We will be together. She calls rne
her oak tree, and I say to her, "You're
worth my life
Life is great if you work for great-
ness. Love what you do and do it
I saw a personalized license plate
the other day that read U MATTER.
I could not help but think what a
champion heart that person must
As summer winds to a close, enjoy
the lavover. Take some time to relax
and free your mind. Tell your parents
you are proud of them. Tell them
vou love them.
Then prepare yourself for over-
drive this fall. I know I will be ready,
and ! am sure you will be too. Peace
to all.
Friends make college life bearable
College is a time
when lifelong
friendships are
I personally believe
that men make great
A tiny sign hangs on the front door of
mv apartment. It reads, "A friend
walks in when the rest of the world
walks out
Friendship is a strange thing It
comes in all shapes, sizes, colors and
ages. It's easy to find and just as easy
to lose. But it is. by far, one of the
most wonderful and fulfilling
aspects of lite.
College is a time when lifelong
friendships are formed. You rely on
your friends for almost everything
whether it's their opinion, the truth,
a ride home or whatever. You are
affected by their actions and words
as tfiey are by yours.
I personally believe that men make
great friends - well most of the time
they So! Three of my closest bud-
dies are guys, and even though each
is so different from the other, a
strong thread of similarity runs
through them. They are all brutally
frank, impatient and pretend to act
as if nothing bothers them. But they
are also very helpful, kindhcarted
and arc good listeners.
Take my good friend Marc, for exam-
ple. Here's a guy who has a straight
4.0 GPA and yet doesn't think twice
about photcopying loads of his notes
for me just because I've been too
lazy in class to take my own.
Recently, a professor asked me to
give an impromtu presentation in
class. Of course, I was ill prepared
and, despite my protests, I had to
walk to the front of the room, where
I mumbled a few incoherent sen-
tences. Then, feeling totally miser-
able, I returned to my seat. Marc
leaned over and said, "Ciood job
That simple gesture meant a lot to
me and I immediatelv felt better
about the whole incident. He
politely listens to all of my rarrrings
and ravihg?, which are more fre-
quent than I'd like to admit.
However, he is not one to mince
words either. He tells me that even
though he reads all of my columns
(yipeee), he finds them quite pes-
simistic and wishes I would lighten
up. .v
Ash, who happens to be my neighbor
and best friend for these past five
years, always gives me.the.same
advice. "Get over it he says,
regardless of the fact that I was hit
by a drunk driver, had pneumonia
and failed a couple of tests! If I did
not know for sure that he. was actual-
ly being very sincere (in a weird
way), our friendship would have
ended years ago. He's a big softie.
For example, when I'm hungry, he
makes me ep sandwiches at three
in the morning He also up
at the Raleigh .airport after trips and
fixes the flat tires on my car. All in
all, a good guy . , - .
Now, it would be w rang of me it 1
did not mention that females make
very different, but just as good,
friends as well. Joanne, who is my
partner-in-crime and co-sufferer in
our French classes toother, has been
a steadfast and wonderful friend.
Even though, she spends hours
attending to her family and home as
well as going to school full time, she
alwavs has time to listen to my
numerous gripes and fears. Not only
that, she cooks delicious food, which
I enjov tremendously.
Friendship is definitely one of life's
most' precious treasures. Don't
waste another moment - make a
"In the pursuit of the truth, it is necessary to be
Tim Russert,
fair and persistent,
journalist 1996
but also important to be civil
' i


4 Wednesday, July 30. 1997
The East Carolinian
CDreyiews geer doesn't have to be expensive
OK. So these are the mid-year-mid-sum-
mer-albums-1-wan ted-to-re vie w-but-
them-now mini-reviews. Got it?
-Bantam Rooster, Deal Me In: Bantam
Rooster are two Michigan guys, Eric Cook
on drums and T. Jackson Potter on guitar
and vocals, who kick up a lot of rock-n-roll
dust Crypt Records style. Their hell-bent
rockabilly is not terribly original, but they
make The Rev. Horton Heat look like a
choir boy. The 16 songs on the album clock
in at a little more than 30 minutes. The
very raw and primitive "Lawdy Lawdy
"Miss Luxury and "In the Manner to
Which I'm Accustomed" are juvenile delin-
quent rock at its best. '
-Lynnfield Pioneers, Istmp Comp E.P:
Noisy bastards, these guys are. Lynnfield
Pioneers remind me of a less-bluesy, more-
spastic Chrome Cranks. A lot of the vocals
are rap-based, but the band's sound is not
akin to the angry-goatee rock of Rage
Against the Machine; songs like "Latoya"
and "Contact High" are closer in spirit to
Oraagr-era Jon Spencer Blues Explosion.
These guys have a full-length album slated
for release in October on Matador.
-Link Wray, Missing I-inks, volumes 1-4:
Dunn native and original punk Link Wray is
a bad man. Norton Records is giving this
American original his dues with this four
volume collection of hard to find Wray
songs. So far, I've only listened to Vol. 2 (Big
City After Dark), which has a lot of good
stuff and some not so good stuff that would
have been better off not released. The title
track, "The Bad and the Good" and
"Street Fighter" are Link Wray at his high-
octaned best. However, some of the live
cover songs cause the album to drag; "I
Want You I Need You I Love You I hate
3 OUT OF 10
-Cagney and Lacee, Six Feet of Chain:
Dean Wareham, from Luna, and his wife,
Claudia Silver, released this small collec-
tion of country and soul covers. Standouts
on the album include "Memphis" and
"Greyhound Goin' Somewhere Minnie
Riperton's "Lovin You" is where sweet
turns to wretched sap. Fortunately, it's one
of the album's few blemishes.
-Freakwater, Darning Under Hater: This
album was originally released in 1991, but
Thrill Jockey re-released it earlier this year.
Catherine Ann Irwin and Eleventh Dream
Day's Janet Beveridge Bean both have gor-
geous voices and do justice to the memory
of the Carter Family on songs such as
"Selfishness in Man" and "You're Still on
My Mind There are few original songs on
the album, but "Your Goddamn Mouth"
gives listeners an early example of lrwin's
songwriting abilities.
-Palace Music, Lost Blues anil Other Songs:
Nice, little, quiet songs. This is a collection
of seven inches and other stuff released by-
Palace and its ever changing name (report-
edly Will Oldham is dropping the Palace
name after this release). "Ohio River Boat
Song "Valentine's Day" and "Little Blue
Eyes" are good examples of Oldham's
swooning folk music. If you can avoid
falling asleep while listening to this, you'll
love it.
-Yo La Tengo, Can Hear the Heart Beating
As One: I think this is my favorite album
title of the year. Yo La Tengo has demon-
strated that it cannot be labeled on past
albums, and this album is no different.
From the feedback-full, yet melodic
"Sugarcube" to the country sweetness of
"One PM Again Yo La Tengo proves itself
capable of many styles, yet also capable of a
cohesive album.
-Guided by Voices, Mag Farxhig
Robert Pollard is back with a new band
(Tobin Sprout and the old Voices help out
on a few songs). The album, perhaps,
shows a more abrasive side of Guided by
Voices, but the sweet melodies and
Pollard's pop-perfect voice are still evident
on "I am a Tree 'Bulldog Skin" and
"Choking Tara It'll be interesting to see
how long Pbllard and Cobra Verde stick
-Mission of Burma, Signets, Calls, ami
Manhes: Rykodisc is rc-releasing a good part
of the Mission of Burma catalog. I his
album was originally released in 1981.
Pioneers of loud guitar indie-rock. Mission
of Burma cranked out anthemic rock
Superchunk stvle. hut without the roman-
ticism. "That's When 1 Reach lor Mv
Revolver" and "Academy Fight Song" will
Pat Reid
assistant lifestyle editor
Before ever listening to Flipp's self-
titled debut CD, I already didn't
like them. They looked like every
other cheap band who didn't have
much of a chance getting anywhere
musically, so they decided to milk
the "alternative image" for all it was
worth. Now that I've actually heard
the CD, I still hate the image, but I
have hope for the band.
Before I even get into the music,
I must say that Flipp has to be the
luckiest band ever. After singer
Brynn Arens, bassist Cherry Forever,
and drummer Kilo Bale recorded a
version of the Who's "My
Generation" for fun, a friend wanted
to shoot a video for it to test his new
floodlights. The $5 video soon
found its way to New York with
Arens. where he plaved ir for fri -nds
and anyone he thought might have
connections (including a janitor at
Warner Brothers).
The good reviews sent .Arens
back to Minneapolis to recruit his
brother into the band. Their second
gig before 30,000 at "Edgefest" in
Wisconsin drew notoriety when
Arens started a mud fight and
mooned the crowd earning a spot on
MTV News. Soon after, the band
won an MTV contest for best home-
made video and ended up opening
for White Zombie. Between all this
publicity and an ever-growing fol-
lowing, the band was soon signed
and recording their debut album.
This brings us to the CD itself.
Flipp starts off promisingly enough
with a light little tune called "1 Wish
I Was Planet Whereas so many
bands these days seem to think they
have to break new ground and do
something totally unheard of, or use
unusual sounds or timing, Flipp
comes out pounding and sticks to it.
No big surprises, just a simple
peppy song.
"Bleed" comes next and contin-
ue where "Planet" left off.
If vou are over 21, chances are you have had your fair
share of Milwaukee's Best, Natural Lite. Bud and
other such stale beers usually found at college keg-
gers. But when the time comes that keg beer just
won't do the trick, you may realize that you have
developed standards. You know, one day Beast is
just fine and the next day nothing but Heineken
will suffice.
This is the kiss of death for the college student
who depends on that $2.89 six pack to curb a crav-
ing for beer. Beer drinkers may eventually find
themselves leaning toward the more expensive
selection of beers for several reasons. The more
expensive imports and microbrews provide a
greater deal of variety than your average Anheuser-
Busch dealer. This makes it easier to find some-
thing to suit your tastes. Unfortunately, once you
have had a taste of the good stuff, it's hard to go
back to the schwagg.
However, if you find
yourself in this situa-
tion (broke and
needing good beer)
there are a few alter-
natives. 1 am not try-
ing to advocate ways
to get drunk for
cheap (if that's what
you want. Peasant's
has a great mug night
on Tuesdays), but being the beer snob that I am. I
knew I had to find an alternative to premium beer
at a college beer price. So I decided to choose nine
beers at random, all under five bucks for a six pack
of bottles, and rate them in an attempt to find
something affordable, yet drinkable.
The research took all weekend and was a
long and laborious process. I struggled with my
decisions as I tasted and tasted again, making sure
the data was correct and that my decisions were
unbiased. The nine samples I tried were Dundee's
Honev Brown, Miller High Life, Bud Ice, Saranac
Summer Wheat, Michelob Amber Bock, Micheloo
Classic Dark, Michelob Gold Pilsner, and just for
good measure, Pabst Blue Ribbon and Schlitz Malt
Michelob seems to be trying to captute the
microbrew market. Unfortunately, theit recipes
don't have that microbrew variety. Maybe they need
to narrow their production. But the Amber Bock at
$4.29 a six pack was great and the best beer I sam-
pled. It was a good amber beer, smooth and rich
without being bitter, and free of any funky after
The Golden Pilsner, also S4.29, tasted too much
like the Amber Bock, but not as good. I wouldn't
buy this again.
.Another good one was the Honey Brown. It's fla-
vor is similar to Newcastle Brown Ale, but not quite
as bitter, and at S4.49 a six pack, it's half the price
of the English ale.
1 had a neutral reaction to the Michelob Classic-
Dark . the Pabst Blue Ribbon, and the Schlitz Malt
Liquor. All are drinkable but not much better than
keg beer. PBR is the cheapest at $2.79 for a six pack
Warning: Too much cheap beer may result in a serious social decline
of cans, and even though it is the most watered
down beer I have ever had, drinking PBR make me
feel like a part of Americana. The only bonus to the
Schlitz Malt Liquor is that if you don't finish it, you
can screw the cap back on and drink it for breakfast.
A few beers to stay away from are Bud Ice and
Saranac Summer Wheat. Bud Ice may have a highei
alcohol content than regular beer but, trust me, it is
not worth it. Bud Ice is a complete waste of monev
and the only thing even remotely interesting aboui
this beer is its tacky bottle. But, of the nine beers I
t- ??,
Dependable Ford lifts Air:ForceOne
However, by now Arens vocal atti-
tude and the pointless lyrics start to
take their toll. Still there's some-
thing catchy about the song that
draws you in and makes you want to
listen anyway. Of course, by the
time 'Another Boring Day" starts,
vou may find yourself thinking it's
just another boring song.
Flipp definitely has some pluses,
such as good background harmonies
and definitive sounds for each song,
but the sum doesn't equal the
whole of its parts. Partly, this is the
band's fault, other times it's solely
.Arens fault. For example, "All In My
Head" starts off well with an omi-
nous guitar sound that gives way to
a loose bass riff, but Arens isn't con-
tent to just sing the song and insists
on slurring words here, holding
notes there and adding attitude to
everything that drags the whole
song down.
On "Slag the pop guitar intro
gives way to a totally different
sound once the lyrics statt. After 18
seconds of an excellent song, it
takes a downhill turn and fails mis-
Overall, Flipp's problems are
totally fixablc with a little work.
Maybe by their next CD they will
have a little more experience under
their belt and they'll be able to bet-
ter take their mix of pop. rock and
punk and make it work in the best
possible way. In the meantime, the
band will lie busy opening for anoth-
er pop, rock, punk fusion band,
Cheap Trick, at the Mission in
Raleigh on July 31 and in Winston
Salem at .iggv's on A ug. 2. Maybe
Cheap Trick's 20 years of experi-
ence will rub off on Flipp to lead
them to bigger and better things.
n I. E W11.1.1A l s o N
8 OUT OF 10
Harrison Ford is famous for being the thinking pet-
son's action hero, and with good reason. In an era of
bloated, big budget action blockbusters that carry-
little plot and zero characterizations, Ford's adven-
ture films offer less explosions and more substance.
Films like Blade Runner, Witness, Tlw Fugitive and
Clear and Present Danger are all filled with a maturi-
ty and sophistication rarely seen in the typical
Hollywood thrilier.
As a result, Ford has become a cinematic icon,
someone who has the star charisma of James
Stewart and the kick-ass attitude of John Wayne.
He has, in more ways than one, transformed into
Hollywood's vision of the American hero, someone
who represents noble ideals and will uphoid those
ideals no matter the obstacles or challenges. He is
someone the audience can always count on to win.
Keeping all of this in mind, it's easy to under-
stand whv Ford's newest film is not a stretch for
him. Air Force One casts Ford as none other than the
President of the United States (in this case, a fic-
tional one named James Marshall). However, this
President is not your typical sit-behind-a-desk
leader. This is a President who is forced into phys-
ical action in a desperate effort to save his family,
his countrv and, ves, his ideals. This is a role tailor-
made for Ford, and it is a thrilling event packed
with countless action sequences. Unfortunately,
chough, it does not rank as high on the intelligence
meter as it could.
The basic premise is hard to swallow, but once
you accept it, the rest will fall into place. All you
need to know is that this is another Die Hard on a
plane, only this time it's the President of the U.S
sneaking around and taking on a nasty group of
Russian renegade terrorists led by a trigger-happy
Ivan Korshunov (played by the always exceptional
Gary Oldman).
With actors like Ford, Oldman and Glenn Close
(who plays Vice President Kathryn Bennett), and a
director like Wolfgang Petetsen (who earned vast
critical acclaim for his claustrophobic film Das
Boot), one would hope for and expect a serious and
intelligent "what- if-this-really-happened" thriller.
Such is not necessarily the case. While Air Force One
does have its fair share of brains and gravity, it is
also filled with hard-to-swallow feats that almost
come off as being cartoonish.
Gary Oldman gets tough with Harrison Ford in Air Farce One
.Although the majority of the film is plausible,
certain scenes simply look silly. The climatic mid-
air rescue mission, for example, is technically pos-
sible, but the blue-screen effect destroys any sus-
pension of disbelief. This, though, can be blamed
on the limited technology available for such special
effects and the sheer difficulty of filming anything
so fantastic.
Other cornv scenes, however, can be blamed on
the script, written by .Andrew W Marlowe, which
flip-flops from being great to being standatd fare.
.An early scene onboard the plane shows the
President relaxing with his family and staff. It's a
serviceable scene that illustrates the kind of man
he is when not speaking before a committee or the
media. Unfortunately, portions of the essential dia-
logue here border on being cliche. For example,
Marshall at one point tells his daughter that she is
voung and doesn't need to be exposed to the harsh,
violent realities of life. Big, red letters spelling
"foreshadowing" might as well flash on the screen
at this point because we all know the horror that is
to come. .
But these complaints are minor, especially w hen
the film as a whole is taken into consideration
There is enough energetic action to satisfy am
adventure fan, and Wolfgang Petersen choreo
graphs each scene with the precision of a mastei
carpenter. While most action films, like Con Air 3Tc
Die Hard With a Vengeance, repeatedly throw so mam
quicklv edited visual flashes at the audience thai
action sequences have little or no logic to them. An
Force One stages each conflict in a purposeful man
ner and with a structured sense of pacing.
No high-profile actot is better suited than Fore
to execute the physicality of this film and stil
maintain a true sense of controlled leadership. Ht
alwavs manages to layer his performances witr
slight touches of subtletv. and this performance i;
no different. One of the film's most gut-wrenching
moments centers around the expression on I-ord
face at the verv moment he realizes he has to break
a terrorist's neck in order to stay alive and get hit
plane back. It's not the excitement of the fight thai
makes the scene work, but the sorrowful yet
angered expression in our hero's eyes.
Standing his ground just as professionally a'
30 Wednesday
Houseguest in Fleming Hall
Law rence Thomas at the Comedy
Zone at the Attic.
Cashmere Jungle Lords at
Blues Messenger at the Firehouse
Tavern. .
Sister Hazel at the Cat s Cradle in
Fly Bitches and Starry Wisdom
Band at the Local 506 in Chapel Hill.
Lilith Fair at Walnut Creek in
31 ihursday
Keller Williams at Peasant's.
Three bands for Three Bucks at
the Attic.
Shades Of Grey and Trading
Evans at the Firehouse Tavern.
Cheap Trick and Flipp at the
Mission in Raleigh.
Joe Williams at the Cave in Chapel
1 Friday
Redalia at the Attic.
Sourwood Honey at
the Firehouse Tavern.
Brother Monk and
To the Moon Alice at
the Cat's Cradle in
Jami.on 1997 at
Walnut Creek in
Sleazefest at Local
506 in Chapel Hill
(through Sunday).
Whiskeytovvn at the
Brewery in Raleigh.
2 Saturday
Life In General at
the Firehouse Tavern.
Tuscadero and Starry
Eyes at the Cat's Cradle
in Carrboro.
Blue Rags at the
Brewery in Raleigh.
Raleigh natives Whiskeytown play at the Brewery Friday i

Aug. 6, theSfassfteots Organization Is presenting a Hip Hop bene-
fit -of PICASQ. the PM County AIDS Service Organization, Inc.
Featured artists & traude: Maori, Shaft fuse and 4-Evermore. The
lane will take plaea 81 Peasant's Cafe from 7-10 p.m. Tickets
cost $? at the soor. AH proceeds will benefit PICASO's programs
people SMng ifthW disease. An after peny will occur at the Max
mkb h Greerwiflt et 11 p.m. with $2 admission discount with
I j
! Fjr more information, ?88 J.lacke with GrsssRoots Organization at
; 328-7745. Afeo with GrsssRoots are Eric Hood at 756-586? and David
I F??em8r; st 7?7-1417.
HEQ b it Qdfpo lotted VSf agency that provides support and
! assistance to people Irvine, with and affected by HiV disease in Pitt
I County. PJCAS0 is also dedicated to slowing the spread of HfV in our
I carnmumtvi
It's Showtime
continued from page 4
Veruca Salt and Local H at the
Ritz in Raleigh.
Counting Crows and The
Wallflowers at the Virginia Beach
4 Monday
Del Amitri and Jack-O-Pierce at
the Cat's Cradle in Carrboro.
Do you have an upcoming event
that you'd like listed in our It's
Showtime column? If so, please send
us information (a schedule would be
nice) at:
It's Showtime
co Lifestyle Editor
The East Carolinian
East Carolina University
Student Publication Bldg.
Greenville. NC 27858
Hungry, Pirate?
Go to CHICO'S and get a HUNGRY PIRATE!
it's the biggest burrito you've ever seen! And you
won't have to dig into your treasure chest
It's only $3.95. MonFri. 2-5 and Sat & Sun. 11 -5.
Air Force One
continued from page 4
Ford is Oidman, who is every bit the
ultimate icon of the bad guy as Ford is
the good guy. A scene in which
Oidman tells Marshall's daughter that
her father is a murderer, even if he
kills with authority from behind a
Presidential desk, effectively allows
Oidman to make Ivan less a monster
and more a victim of war. It's an excel-
lent shade-of-gray area that could
have been further explored but fades
away once the bullets start flying.
Without a doubt. Air Force One
owes a great debt to its two leads.
Ford and Oidman, both highly under-
rated actors, give the Film its main
thrusting force and raise the
respectability of the entire produc-
Other stand-out items include:
the political war in the White House
between Close and Dean Stockwell,
who insists that he. has the constitu-
tional right to make all the calls when
the President and his family are in
peril; William H. Macy's small but
eye-catching performance as a
Presidential aide who joins his boss in
the battle; and Michael Ballhaus'
exquisite use of lighting and camera
angles (the scene where Marshall
addresses the Russian government
simply looks gorgeous).
Air Forte One is not a great film, but
it succeeds where it needs to and, as
a result, should be a huge hit in the
States and abroad. This is a positive
thing. Since Hollywood is so desper-
ately trying to find the next big action
star (lately we've witnessed even hot.
young actor from Nicolas Cage to
Jason Patric pick up a gun and take off
his shirt), it's refreshing to know that
a 55-year-old pro like Ford can still roll
with the best of them.
He may be getting older, but you
can stiil count on him to win in the
continued from page 4
make you take to the streets or at
least sit in your room and plot
-The Makers, Hunger. The Makers
are by no means innovators. They
take their look and sound from '60s
garage rock and British mods. But
songs like "Small Town Depression"
and "Leopard Print Sissy" prove
these guys are tight as a tick and rock
better than most in this genre of
-Push Kings, self-titled: These
guys are a guilty pleasure. The songs
here are unbelievably poppy and
catchy; they are what good pop
should be, equal parts sincerity and
bubble gum. I challenge you to listen
to "Stay With Her" or "D.J and not
sing along. These guys should be at
the top of the charts.
-Bad Livers, Hogs on the Highrsay:
The Bad Livers are almost as good at
song titles ("Corn Liquor Made a
Fool Out of Me "Falling Down the
Stairs With a Pistol in my Hand") as
they are musicians. They combine
bluegrass, pui.k, polka and especially
rock-n-roll to produce an incredibly
fun record. The title track is the one
of the best songs of the yeat
-5 Chinese Brothers, Let's Kill
Saturday Night. New York country-
poppers Five Chinese Brothers aren't
your typical country band. How many
country bands write songs about
Cezanne? The title track, penned by
Robbie Fulks, and "Three Cool
Guys which pays homage to Jackie
Chan, along with Popeye and Buster
Keaton, are standouts. The hilarious
"Product of Dysfunction" contains
the best line of the yean "My girl-
friend is like a wading pool, she's shal-
low and full of pissI should have left
a long time ago but she sure knows
how to kiss
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continued from page 4
sampled, the Saranac Summer Wheat
was the most vile and undrinkable
beer of them all. Saranac should be
ashamed to bottle such a concoction.
If I got this beer for free I still would-
n't drink it. Yes, it was just that bad.
There were some winners and
there were some losers among the
nine beers that I sampled. Though
the Michelob Amber Bock tasted the
best and was fairly inexpensive, the
Miller High Life has to be my overall
primo choice. It's cheap at $2.99 for a
six pack of bottles. It's drinkable -
even tasty. It does not have any spe-
cial flavors or a fancy bottle or label;
it's just a good plain beer.
Remember, according to the
Surgeon General, women should not
drink alcoholic beverages during
pregnancy because of the risk of birth
defects. Also, consumption of alco-
holic beverages impairs your ability to
drive a car or operate machinery, and
may cause health problems.
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6 Wednesday. July 30. 1997
The East Carolinian
ECU welcomed in Conference USA
Charges of abuse force resignation
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - Tom Welch, who spent a decade bringing the 2002
Winter Olympics to Salt Lake City, resigned today as president of the local orga-
nizers following charges he abused his wife.
Welch announced the move at a news conference, saying he had met Monday
night with local members of the Salt Lake Olympic Organizing Committee's
executive committee and was not pressured to leave.
"While mv familv and I had many wonderful experiences along the way, we also
exposed ourselves to long-term stresses which we neither recognized nor fore-
saw he said. "One of the casualties was my marriage, which broke along the way.
We were unable to repair it
Welch, reading a statement, said reports of the "unfounded charges and alle-
gations" related to his wife were just too great for him to keep his job.
His departure comes eight days after being charged with bruising his 47-year-
old wife. Alma, during a scuffle at their home July 9.
The SLOC executive committee and members of the 40-member board are
meeting Wednesday to consider terms of Welch's contract as a consultant to the
committee. Welch said members had asked him to remain in that capacity.
Barkiey in court for day two of trial
CLEVELAND (AP) - Charles Barkiey was patting rear ends and joking as if he
were on the court, not in one.
Barklev; sued for $500,000 over a bar fight, was br?ck in court today for the sec-
ond day of his trial.
The Houston Rockets forward arrived Monday and mouthed an expletive to
the plaintiff, Jeb Tvler, before prospective jurors were led in to the courtroom. He
also signed autographs and patted the behinds of his two attorneys when asked to
stand as the judge entered the courtroom.
"You tell everybodv back in Houston I'm fine said Barkiey, who has accused
Tyler of making up a story to get money from him. "Unfortunately, being famous,
this is one of the drawbacks
During jury selection, plaintiff lawyer Timothy 5ta asked jurors, "Does anyone
have a problem with Mr. Tyler being from around Rochester, NY?" Barkiey, who
is from Leeds, Ala raised his hand.
In the July 7, 19 fight, Barkiey jumped past bouncers to repeatedly punch
Tyler, who was acting as a peacemaker during an argument about a woman, Ita said
in opening statements.
The scuffle happened last summer at The Basement nightclub when Barkiey
was in town with the U.S. Olympic basketball team. Barkiey has told police he
was the one who was attacked, and a defense lawyer said Olympic teammate
Reggie Miller will testify that Tyier threw the first punch.
ACC may have to settle for bowls
ASHEVILLE (AP) - Despite visions of a big conglomerate of leagues and second-
tier howl tie-ins. the Atlantic Coast Conference has had to face reality
Although the ACC became a major postseason participant when Florida State
joined the league in 1992, reluctance from other area means the league may have
to stand pat and sign extended agreements with the Gator, Peach and Carquest
"We were really interested in talking with some other leagues and oter bow Is
and having four, five or six together and maybe several more conferences togeth-
er ACC commissioner John Swofford said Tuesday. "For whatever reasons they
looked at it differently. .
"People have to do wwt they feel like is best for their league and that s what
thevdid . , .
Swofford did mention some other bowl possibilities, including a new bowl next
season in Nashville, Tenn but also said the league has had a very good relation-
ship with the three second-tier bowls now under contract. Those contracts expire
after this season.
"We want to step back and look at what opportunities might be there and be
as creative as we can be Swofford said.
The ACC champion is assured of a spot in the upper tier Bowl Alliance and the
Super Alliance, which begins a four-year run next season. The Gator Bowl then
gets to choose a second team from the league, the Peach a third team and the
Carquest a fourth.
With Florida State on top of the ACC for five straight seasons, some teams
have gone to the same bowl several times. That often leads to fan apathy and poor
attendance. . ? ? u ?.
Despite failing to strike a more encompassing second tier deal with confer-
ences like the Big East, Big Ten and SEC, Swofford still favors the current bowl
selection process over a decade ago, when it was basically a free-for-all.
Norman out of Anderson Consulting World Championship
of Golf
KOHLER, Wis. (AP) - Defending champion Greg Norman was ousted yesterday
m the semifinals of the international leg of the Andersen Consulting World
Championship of Golf.
Fourth-seeded Steve defeated his fellow Australian 2-and-1, advancing to the
final this afternoon against Ernie Els.
The winner of the match-play rourney gets a $200,000 paycheck and advances
to face European champion Colin Montgomerie of Scotland in the four-man world
finals at Scottsdale, Ariz, on Jan. 3-4, 1998.
Els beat Nick Price 3-and-2 on the unforgiving River Course at Blackwolf Run
in the other semifinal today
Norman, the world's third-ranked golfer, bogeyed holes 11 and 16 and con-
ceded the par-3 17th to seventh-ranked Elkington.
"Greg had a couple of bad holes Elkington said.
This is the last finals matchup to be determined. Hajime Meshiai won the
Japanese leg and will face Davis Love III, who won the U.S. regional, in the other
world semifinal.
It was difficult to tell which was tougher, the course or the competition, the
stiff winds or the sloping greens.
All four quarterfinal matches on Monday came down to the 18th hole. All four
losing golfers bogeyed the 469-yard, par-4 final hole.
Williams says 12 years is enough
SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP) - Carolina Panthers defensive end Gerald Williams
has decided that 12 years in the NFL is enough. Williams, who will turn 34 in
September, said Tuesday he plans to make the 1997 season his last.
"There comes a point in time in your life when it's time to get on with life's
work Williams said. "I've enjoyed this game. I've been blessed to play this game
for a number of years
Williams, coming off his most productive season in eight years, anchored the
right side of a line that helped the Panthers become one of the best defenses in
the NFL and advance to the NFC championship game.
"I think I'm at a good point in my life where I've done all that 1 can do in foot-
toll with the exception of earning that jewelry he said. "Pd like to do that this
year. If not, then it's time for me to get on with life's work
A second-round pick of the Steelers in 1986, Williams played his first nine sea-
sons in Pittsburgh before joining the Panthers as an unrestricted free agent in
March 1995.
He had 49 tackles last vear. the second-highest total on the defensive line and
the third-highest total of his career.
In addition to his on-field performance, which includes 413 career tackles and
25 12 sacks, Williams is extremely active in the community, donating large
amounts of time to various charities.
The Panthers made several moves in the offseason to increase their depth at
defensive end, including signing unrestricted free agent Rav Seals from the
Steelers in March. Waverly Jackson, an undrafted free-agent rookie from Virginia
Tech, has been impressive so far. drawing praise from Capers and his staff at two
minicamps this spring and during training camp at Wofford College.
Annual meeting of coaches and select
players takes place in Memphis
Football season is right around the corner and last week Conference USA offi-
cials, coaches and selected players met to discuss each schools upcoming sea-

Of course the buzz at this year's meeting was the addition of ECU to the
conference. Many coaches see the addition of the Pirates as a positive step in
building up the conference.
"We're building the conference from the top down rather than from the bot-
tom up Memphis Head Coach Rip Scherer said.
Scherer said ECU was a top choice to bring into the conference
"There were a lot of teams we could have added to this conference to create
numbers, but to bring in a program like East Carolina, as a coach, we're nuts to
welcome them with open arms, and I mean that very respectfully, because they
are a good team
Cincinnati Head Coach Rick Minter
agrees that ECU is a quality addition.
"We want to bring in quality teams that
add quality dimensions to our league
Minter said. "East Carolina is one of the
best teams out there
Minter, whose Bearcats will play ECU
on ESPN, sees the Pirates as a challeng-
ing team.
"It's going to be a tremendous challenge,
but we have added quality Minter said.
Most of these conference teams are
nothing new to Pirate Head Coach Steve
'Louisville and Houston will be new to
us other than that, we kind of know the
rest of the these teams logan said. "It's
not going to Ik- that big of an adjustment
really for them or us
He does feel the conference will lie a
strong contender and that people
shouldn't take Conference USA for
"This conference is going to be one of
the really strong conferences in the coun-
try" Logan said. "People berrerget ready
because it's going to happen
When quarterback Marcus Crandeil fell
to injury last season in the seventh game,
back up Dan (ionale, stepped in and
produced for the Pirates in a big way.
I,ast season Logan said it was a blessing
in disguise that Gonzalez was able to
some valuable
"The only thing that
really matters in my
opinion, a coach's opin-
ion, is that he is 3-1 as a
starter Logan said.
"He has proven he can
go in and win games.
That being the case,
I'm comfortable with
Danny. I always was
For Gonzalez, he
knows being the prima-
ry signal caller this sea-
son will add a little
more pressure from last
season, when he mainly
was the backup until
the last four games.
"Preparation isn't so
much the difference
,but knowing the lead-
ership has to come from
you puts a little bit of
pressure on you
Gonzalez said. "You
know leadership comes
Scott Harley. an All-American candidate for 1997. will look
to propel the Pirates to the top of the conference. ;
1397 Conference USA
predicted order of finish
(chosen by C-USA head
1. East Carolina
2. Southern Mississippi
3. LouisvHife
5. Houston
6. Memphis
I "Wane
NOTE Scoa Hartey was chosen
as thefreseason Offensive
step in and get some valuable game
experience because this year he has
gained confidence as a senior starter.
from the quarterback; the starting quarterback is where it needs to be and being
the back up. you don't feel that pressure. As the starting quarterback, you fee)
the pressure for more leadership
The nation's leading returning rusher, fullback Scott Harley, also has confij
dence in his quarterback since they have been playing together since hig
"I've been playing w ith Danny for years now, so I know whatever he is goin
to do Harlev said. "He gives me criticism and I can give him criticism and wi
won't take it in the wrong way I have the utmost confidence, just as evervbodf
else on the football team has
Logan predicts Gonzalez will have a productive year, if the offensive linej
winch only returns one starter, can put up the blocks for him.
"I'm hoping Danny can just go out and progress the natural learning curvf
and I think, by the end of the year, he is going to have a really good year, if ouf;
offensive line doesn't hold him hostage Logan said. J
Harlev has a little more confidence in his line for this season.
"Wc should surprise a lot of people Harlev' said. " lot of people think our
offensive line mav be a bad point of our football team, but I think it may lie of
the solid points of our football team
The addition of the upper deck is something coaches and players alike arf
looking forward to. j.
"It's a step forward Logan said. "It's going to allow us to bring in some ot
these quote 'brand name' people and get them in our place for a change. If wfc
can sell 43.000 tickets to any game this year, it will the single biggest gate 1(1
East Carolina historv I
Gonzalez has seen this football program improve over the years since hi s
"The program has come a long way since I have been here, and that come s
for the consistent effort that we're able to put into the last three or four ses ?
sons Gonzalez said. "Now they are adding seats and that is a testament to th:
kind of efforts the coaching staff and administration and fans have put in, as we I
as the plavers, and all the hard work is finally off
The Pirate season kicks off in West Virginia on Sept. 6, followed by the home
opener against Wake Forest on Sept. 13 in Dowdy-Ficklen.
Thomas trial begins Friday
Amy Bass
LC. works on a new shuffle board complex located on Elm St. across from the Elm St. Park. Now shuffle boarders of all ages
can enjoy the new facility.
Hogan leaves legendary memories
As of 2 p.m. Jury 28, Lawrence Thomas, a
reserve forward for ECU's men's basket-
ball team, was still in a Greenville jail,
pending two charges of second degree
attempted kidnapping, two counts of
assault on a female and one count of
assault by pointing a gun. Bond is set at
$61,000. '
Thomas' trial will begin this Friday
(August 1) in Courtroom Two on the sec-
ond floor at the Pitt County Courthouse
The alleged incidences occured in
Greenville between 19:00 a.m. and 11:00
a.m. on Jury 8.
The women, both twenty-two years
old, said they were approached by a black
male who asked for directions. One
woman said the male tried to force he
into a Chevrolet Cavalier with a gun. Both
women escaped unharmed.
Back up plan in works, if
upper level not ready
(AP) - The exact date is lost to time
and even the exact year is hazy. But
sometime in the mid 1950s a
Pennsylvania steelworker handed his
young son a cut-
down 5-iron and
said, "All you need to
know about using
this you can learn by
watching Ben
The moment
changed a life and
the words were
never forgotten.
The steelworker
passed on 30 years
ago, much too young.
Hogan died last
week at the age of 84 and was buried
Tuesday, leaving behind a legacy as
the best pure ballstriker ever to play
the game.
The child's love affair with golf
remains expressed 40 years later in
words written about the game and in
rounds played, always accompanied
by the memory of the steelworker,
the man who first handed him a
One story has Hogan
hitting his caddie with.
a I-iron shot and then
nailing the poor boy
two more times before
he could get up. He
was that accurate.
club, and by images of Hogan, the
man who swung a club better than
Memory is that wonderful place
where everyone lives for-
Hogan will live on in
memory and in anyone of
limited ability who suc-
ceeds purely through
hard work.
He will live on in the
photos and grainv film of
that exquisite swing that
exploded with a violent
snap of the wrists and
ended in the elegant fol-
low through with the per-
fectly extended right
And he will live on in the stories
told about him, stories w ith a theme
ot" perfection so unerringly similar
chat it makes no difference which
ones are true, partly true or com-
pletely made up.
Hogan almost never spoke on the
golf course and was just as sparse
with his words off it. It was left to
those around him to flesh out his
The stories all paint the same
picture of a man single-mindedly
devoted to golf.
In Hogan's day, caddies shagged
balls, standing in the practice range
while the pros hit balls at them. One
story has Hogan hitring his caddie
with a 1-iron shot and then nailing
the poor boy two more times before
he could get up. He was that accu-
One acquaintance said Hogan
always drove to the golf course below
the speed limit to develop a focus on
tempo even before he started hitting
The old-timers at Carnoustie in
Scotland, vvhere Hogan won the only
British Open he played, said he
walked the course backward to
understand it's subtle nature and
that he never hit a shot above shoul-
der high all week as he manipulated
the ball under the wind.
In 1945, while Hogan was missing
Rumors have been rapidly circulating
about the renovations to ECU's Dovvdy-
Ficklen Stadium, the main rumor being
that the $14.1 million dollar addition will
not be finished by the Sept. 13 deadline.
Henrv Van Sant, assistant athletic
director at ECU, said ECU has been tokl
bv Davidson, Jones and Beers, the con-
struction firm, that the upper level of the
stadium will be finished by the deadline.
The first home game of the season. again$t
Wake Forest, and a stadium expansion
dedication ceremony are both scheduled
for Sept. 13.
If the upper level is not finished arjd
inspected in time, a contingency plajn
states that bleachers will be set in both
end zones.
"We're keeping our fingers crossed,
said Van Sant. "We're going to have a real-
ly nice stadium. I think students, and
everyone else, will really appreciate it
when it gets through
Tickets are on sale, although, "We ace
not currently selling assigned seats to the
upper level said Van Sant.
Individual game tickets are also on sale
for all but one game, which is Pirate Club
Weekend against South Carolina on Sept
20. :
'???? i m ?'yir

7 Wednesday. July 30, 1997
The East Carolinian
continued fiom page 6
manv tournaments because of mili-
tary obligations, Byron Nelson -
whom Hogan had known since they
were 9 - was winning 18 tourna-
ments and 11 in a row.
A national news magazine ran a
cover story on Nelson with the head-
line: "Mr. Golf
When thev met head-to-head for
the first time after the article
appeared it was at the Portland
Invitational and Hogan played 72
holes in 27 under par, a mark no one
has yet to surpass, winning by 14
As Nelson stuck out his hand to
congratulate Hogan. the little man
in the white hat said: "That should
take care of this 'Mr. Golf stu.f
And then there is the dream
Hogan told about in which he saw
himself making 17 consecutive
holes-in-one only to trudge off the
course in anger after the 18th spun
out of the cup.
Even in a dream, Hogan was
telling us, perfection on the golf
course was not possible. But he came
as close as anyone.
-What has given him his edge
over the field?" sports writer
Grantland Rice wrote. "I've seen
Hogan finish a hard morning round,
grab a sandwich, and then go out for
an hour's practice before starting the
afternoon round
Another part of the Hogan mys-
tique was the notion that he under-
stood some mystery about the game
that no one else had yet to learn.
Deane Beman, the former PGA
Tour commissioner, first met Hogan
in 1953 and had many conversations
with him. One came in the 1980s
when thev talked about creating the
Hogan Tour - what is now the Nike
Eventuallv they discussed equip-
ment - shafts, balls, different mater-
ial being used.
"Finally, Hogan said, 'If I was
plaving today I'd play the surlyn cov-
ered ball and not the balata
Beman said. The balata was the
most popular ball with pros and
Beman asked why Hogan would play
the surlyn cover.
"There was a long silence and
then he said, 'Because it is better
Beman said. Again, he asked why.
"Another lengthy silence while he
stared at me Beman said. "And
then he answered: 'I'm not telling
The memory made Beman laugh
"If Ben Hogan had a secret'
Beman said. "He took it with him
Goodbye, Mr. Hogan. Dad was
right. It's a great game and you were
the best.
Qualifications begin today in
NASCAR's richest event
dition of the Brickyard is a powerful
lure. The money isn't too bad. either.
After just three races at the
Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the
Brickyard 400 has become
NASCAR's richest event and one of
the most prestigious stops on the
Winston Cup series.
Practice for Saturday's race begins
Wednesday. Qualifications are
Thursday and Friday.
"Obviously there's great history
and great tradition at Indy, but it's
also an incredible amount of money
defending Brickyard champion Dale
Jarrett said. "It's the most money of
anv race that we run, and that is
great motivation. We'd really like to
win it again
The Speedway on Tuesday
announced a purse of more than $4.8
million, and the value of other mer-
chandise awards likely will push the
total prize package past the record
$4.85 million set last year, the richest
payoff in NASCAR history.
Jarrett led only 11 of the 160 laps
last vear but passed Ernie Irvan on
the 154th lap and won under the yel-
low light after Robert Pressley
crashed with two laps to go. It was
the fourth victory of the season for
Jarrett, and he returns to the
Brickyard with three wins so far this
He is in fourth place in the
Winston Cup standings, behind
Gordon, Mark Martin and Terry
Gordon, who grew up in nearby
Pittsboro, Ind has started from the
pole each of the past two years. He
led the first three laps last year but
crashed on the 24th lap and was 74
laps behind the leader by the time
he finally returned to the race. He
managed only another 17 laps and
finished 37th among the 40 starters.
Martin started next to Gordon on
the front row last year and led 19 laps
earlv in the race. He finished fourth,
behind Jarrett. Irvan and Labonte.
"We were very consistent in the last
half of the season in '96, and I think our
finish in the Brickyard 400 went a long
way toward helping us win the champi-
onship said Labonte, the defending
Winston Cup series champion. "One of
our goals for the season was to finish in
the top 10 at the Brickyard. We were able
to do that for the first time, but we were
reallv sweating it.
"We were close at the end. We
weren't good enough to win, but we were
I the 1 ?
Make sure to catch
our Back to School issue
available August 19.
Name the baseball
player(s) with the most
Gold Gloves.
91 topm ijv uosuiqoy syoojq
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1 Mi Utrslif I ffriiJiy 1t 11. IS Sj,iii It 1
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Close to ECU
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Rent includes: Water & Gewor
On site oBtoo toe anil a 115-Broumiea Or.
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The East Carolinian, July 30, 1997
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 30, 1997
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