The East Carolinian, October 10, 1996

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October 10,1996
Vol72,No. 15
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
14 pases
Vehicles trapped in lot during flood
Rainfall overflows
iililLidKl Parkin9areas
Across The State
RALEIGH (AP) - On Mon-
day, the second annual NC Child
Health Report Card was issued by
a coalition of health care and
child advocacy groups. The report
indicated the health of NC chil-
dren has never been better.
The broadest indicator of
children's health - the number
of deaths among North Carolin-
ians 18 and younger - shows the
state has never been better. The
89 deaths per 100.000 children
reported in 1995 was the lowest
RALEIGH (AP) - President
Clinton was endorsed by 40
North Carolina chief executives
"What's impressive to
me, really, are the job creation
numbers- 10.5 million new jobs
in the nation and 315,000 here
in North Carolina said former
Lt Gov. Bob Jordan. The group
of North Carolina supporters in-
cludes 2,500 business leaders,
such as state Democratic party
chairwoman Libba Evans and
former party chairman Tom
Across the Country
turning to the campaign trail af-
ter the first presidential debate,
Bob Dole pressed his comeback
quest Monday by insisting he's
the candidate that voters can
trust ? and suggesting he might
name some prospective Cabinet
choices in advance, including re-
tired General Colin Powell.
Dole tried to build on the
momentum claimed from
Sunday's showdown in Connecti-
cut, although early polls sug-
gested the debate had produced
little movement in the race.
Tropical storm Josephine began
lashing Florida's coast Monday
night with 70 jnph winds and
high surf, spawning tornadoes
and dumping up to 5 in. of rain
across the state.
Pushing a storm surge of 6
to 9 feet at the peak of high tide,
the storm's center was expected
to strike land at midnight about
30 miles south of Tallahassee.
Around the World
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu re-
fused to budge Monday from his
demand for improved security for
Jewish settlers in Hebron before
Israel will honor it's agreement
to withdraw forces from the city.
The Israeli prime minister ac-
cuses the Palestinians of under-
mining the peace process by try-
ing to pressure Israel with vio-
LAND (AP) - Bombers struck at
the center of Northern Ireland's
security Monday, detonating two
car bombs inside the British
army's headquarters and raising
fears the providence could again
become a battleground between
the IRA and pro-British. Thirty-
one people were wounded.
Angela Koenig
Staff Writer
Tuesday's rain turned several ar-
eas of the ECU campus into swimming
pools of water.
The ECU Police Department re-
ported flooding in the parking lot by
Minges Coliseum and Dowdy-Ficklen
Stadium, the commuter lot at the
bottom of College Hill and the com-
muter lot on Charles Blvd.
"The lot at the bottom of Col-
lege Hill was the worst, especially the
end on the east. The eastern end is
the lowest and had several feet of
water Teresa Crocker, director of the
ECU police department said.
"It looked like about three feet
of water in the back low corner (of
the commuter lot). I'm judging that
based on the water being about at
windshield level on some of the cars
in the back (northeast) corner said
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Facili-
ties Dr. George Harrell.
The police department assisted
with directing traffic, starting stalled
cars and getting students to cars in
flooded areas during the rain.
Students whose automobiles suf-
fered damage need to have the dam-
age assessed by the police department
as soon as possible.
"If a report is needed for insur-
ance purposes they (students) will
need to come to our department If
we're talking about damage to carpet
in a car, they (students) would not
want to wait a week to have us assess
it" Crocker said.
Crocker also said that the univer-
sity will not be libel for any damage
caused to the cars because "flooding
is considered an act of God
"The university intends to pay for
vehicles that were towed from the
parking lots. While there were a num-
ber of cars that could not be towed
prior to being submerged in the wa-
ter, we did manage to save 70 vehicles
from damage said Layton Getsinger,
associate vice chancellor for business
"Any students who had their text-
books damaged by the water in their
vehicles can take them to the student
store and we will replace the books if
they are in stock. If the books are not
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Students who parked cars in the commuter lot on College Hill Drive neverexpected to return
to a flooded lot and damaged vehicles. Seventy vehicles were saved from damages. Others
were not as fortunate.
in stock, we will express order replace- There was very little damage to at the bookstore and a few other iso-
ment books or refund the purchase facilities on campus. lated incidents of roof leakage Dr.
price of the book(s) Getsinger said. "We had a little water intrusion Harrell said.
Members of
the Kappa
Chapter of
Delta Sigma
Theta Soror-
ity, Inc.
pose at a
Members of Kappa Sigma Chapter Officers:
Pamela O. Gilchrist
Portia T. Jacobs
Lowanda Cain
Myeisha McQueen
June Thomas
Arneatha Gillis
Lateshia Stacey
Ettina Russel
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Recording Secretary
Kappa Sigma Chapter of
Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. Agenda for
the month of October.
October 10th: After
Game Jam at the Max
Night Club; $3 for
students, $5 for non-
students, and $1 for
October 17th: Crimson
and Creme Social "Health
Forum 7-9 p.m.
Underground Room MSC.
October 24th: Crimson
and Creme Social
"Career Assessments"
guest speaker: Elola
Moore Underground
Room, MSC, 7 - 9 p.m.
Sorority house
models face lift
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U4kv ta. ?
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When it rains
The Delta Zeta sorority house
being closed for a year due to
Marina Henry
News Writer
The newly refurbished Delta
Zeta Sorority (DZ) house is now re-
opened. The DZ house was closed
at the beginning of last year due to
structural and environmental dam-
ages. The house had fallen into dis-
repair and had many environmental
problems that needed correcting, in-
cluding asbestos siding and lead
paint on the outside.
Repair was delayed during the
first part of the year due to environ-
mental requirements which needed
opened this semester after
structural and environmental
to be met, such as termite treatment.
In all, the reconstruction took over
five months.
"The national organization of
the DZs closed the house and di-
rected most of the reconstruction
and refurbishment said DZ Presi-
dent Jessica Theobald.
"They directed the whole thing,
basically, but 1 got to make a few de-
cisions on sleeping arrangements,
beds and carpeting
The national organization pro-
vided the funds for the renovations,
which totaled about $250,000. Win-
See LIFT page 3
Photos by ANN JiVIDEN
Alex Brown, Nick Lane, and Marc Crippen were among the many students who helped
pull flooded vehicles from the commuter lot at the bottom of College Hill. The three
students assisted until 5:00 Tues.evening. Charles Boulevard, in front of Minges, was
closed due to flooding. A lone car in the Darryl's parking lot was trapped Tues. afternoon.
Campus celebrates
Greek Week
Fraternities, sororities host myriad of
events during festivities this week
Jennifer Barnes
Staff Writer
Fraternities and sororities across campus join forces this week during
Greek Week to promote their organizations and to provide the ECU commu-
nity with information about the Greek system.
The fraternities and sororities join together for a week of fun and togeth-
erness Oct. 6-12. Last Sunday, an intramural rugby game for sororities fol-
lowed by the Greek god contest, sponsored by Alpha Xi Delta started off the
week long celebration. Monday. Pi Kappa Alpha sponsored the Greek goddess
contest. Bill Burnette, president of the Interfraternity Council (!FC), was
pleased with the outcome of the events.
"It was a great success Burnette said.
Burnette said there was a mud football game on Wednesday at the Big
See GREEK page 3
Hanks shines in That Thingpage U
Pack Dowdy-Ficklen tonightpage ?3
S PO u4XUtf,
Pirate Football goes nationwidepage C7
Partly cloudy
High 73
Low 55
Mostly clear
High 63
Low 43
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(newsroom) 328 - 6366
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The East Carolinian
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Greenville, NC 27858
Student Pubs Building;
across from Joyner
? ijii ?ja

Thursday, October 10, 1996
The East Carolinian
Freethinkers organize Alliance
October 1
LARCENY - A staff member reported the larceny of a fire extin-
guisher from the first floor of Fletcher Hall.
LARCENY - A student reported the larceny of a compact disc
player, compact disc case and several compact discs from his vehicle
parked at Allied Health.
October 4
LARCENY - A student reported the larceny of the hood ornament
from his vehicle. There was no visible damage to his vehicle.
LARCENY - A staff member reported the larceny of two frisbee
golf goals from Harrington Field.
LARCENY ? A student reported the larceny of her parking decal
from her vehicle parked west of Greene Hall.
HARASSING TELEPHONE CALLS - A student reported receiv-
ing harassing telephone calls for approximately two weeks.
ASSAULT ON FEMALE - A student reported she was assaulted
west of Student Publications by an intoxicated male. The suspect put
his arm around the victim's waist and pulled her hair.
October 7
MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT - A resident of Fletcher Hall reported
the larceny of her vehicle. The victim parked her vehicle south of
Fletcher Hah with the engine running for a few minutes. The vehicle
was recovered by the Pitt County Sheriff's Department following a
VICIOUS DOG - Several residents of Garrett Hall reported a vi-
cious dog between Garrett Hall and Jenkins Art. Animai Control was
notified to pick up the dog. The owner of the animal arrived and took
control of the dog.
Hall reported the breaking and entering of her vehicle while parked in
the Third and Reads Streets parking lot, near Sub Station II. A cas-
sette player and four speakers were taken from the vehicle.
LARCENY A resident of Belk Hall reported the larceny of her
bicycle from the rack west of Belk Hall.
LARCENY - A staff member reported the larceny of her purse
from the Mailroom at Family Practice Center.
October 8
LARCENY - A resident of Fletcher Hal! reported the larceny of
her parking decal from her vehicle parked south of Garrett Hall.
Compiled by Amy L Royster. Taken from official ECU police reports.
Argues there is
life without
Sarah Wahlert
Contributing Writer
The Campus Freethought Alliance
(CFA) will coordinate the activities of
atheist humanist and skeptical student
groups protecting the rights of non-
believing students nationwide.
The group's founding statement,
titled "A Declaration of Necessity" de-
clares, "Our task is to demonstrate, by
argument and practice, that it is pos-
sible to lead a good and meaningful
life without religion. Ethics and mo-
rality can be based on rational ideal
and humanistic values
Besides being dedicated to the
promotion and enhancement of is our hope that the alliance which ad-
freethought, skepti-
cism, secularism,
non-theism and hu-
manism, the "Decla-
ration" also states as
a goal, "to possibly
aid in ameliorating
the negative cond:
tions of society at
"Student reli-
gious organizations
exist on virtually all
college and univer-
sity campuses. Free-
thinkers often feel
awkward, desperate,
or isolated from their
peers because of
their lack of
beliefDerek Araujo.
Campus Freethought
often feel
desperate, or
isolated from their
peers because of
their lack of
? Derek Araujo, President
of the Campus Freethought
vocates healthy
skepticism and
critical think-
ing, will serve
as a supportive
network for
young free-
thinkers, pro-
viding them
with the much-
needed em-
bracement of
like-minded in-
also feels that
the state of the
world calls for
the unification
of non-believ-
President of the
Alliance said. "It
"It has been revealed through
polls that religious fundamentalists
play a large role in American politics,
threatening the rights of freethinkers
and religious minorities alike
Working with Free Inquiry, the
nation's largest circulation humanist
magazine, the CFA plans to sponsor
speaking tours of member campuses
by distinguished humanists and skep-
tics, and is planning a 1997 national
conference of student freethinkers.
The alliance will hold regular na-
tional meetings and congresses, to hold
informational sessions on freethought
to direct the focus of the Alliance as a
whole. The first coordinating meeting
will take place on the weekend of No-
vember 1. It's focus will be on "secu-
larism and patriotism
More information can be attained
through the website address of the
CFA. which is: http:
Less hassle for commuting students
opportunities open
Amena Hassan
Staff Writer
This fall, the department for
continuing education has started a
new program for commuting stu-
dents. The program has cut out the
need for students to commute by
opening other educational centers
with partners across the eastern
part of the state.
"The North Carolina Legisla-
ture chose East Carolina University
as one of the four participants in
the program Diana M. Henshaw,
director of the department said.
"Many of the students who take ad-
vantage of the approved program
cannot leave their jobs, homes, or
children for extended periods to
commute. To even drive a few
hours is a hardship and adds the
expense of gas and extra meals that
could be made at home
The four partners in the pro-
gram are Carteret and Craven Com-
munity Colleges, the Marine Corps
Air Station at Cherry Point (for
easy accessibility to marines) and
Havelock Middle School. The av-
erage age of the students is 34.
Twenty-six percent are from the
Department of Defense, 15 percent
are minority students, and 70 per-
cent are women.
Instructors from ECU, who are
partially funded by grants, travel
to the partner sites to instruct stu-
dents. Students learn information
through instruction and also
through the Internet. "Alongside
face to face instruction, students
are gaining the additional benefit
of learning Internet technology"
Henshaw said.
"In many cases, the students are
young men and women who left col-
lege in the past but feel it is neces-
sary to finish their degree retrain,
or upgrade training Henshaw said.
"Some have associate degrees at
community colleges but need to ad-
vance with a degree at ECU Ac-
cording to a sampling of student
comments from the Fall 1995
CarteretCraven Partnership Pro-
gram, students find traveling to
Greenville would be extremely diffi-
cult; many appreciate the variety of
degrees that are now being offered
to them in the areas where they live.
John Connelly, one of the pro-
See COMMUTE page 3
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LMend yew fipst amendment pigfrts!

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The East Carolinian
Thursday, October 10 1996
from page I
PI s low house
: lably M)Stbedrooms
ii girls, andone bedroom
3 i
n a sorirty without
resented maitychallenges

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64 Ait (Behind lohn's Convenient Mart)
.tnd problems for the DZs. Their
pledg numberdi
ficull to carrj the I ?
of the sorority.
' ?Organizing meetings, keeping
in touch about sorority business and
running the business pai I as a whole
was difficult as a whole without the
house Theobald said "When the
treasurer lives in an apartment and
you need to purchase something for
the sorority, you have to run over to
the apartment to get a check
The morale of the DZs was not
affected by the construction, howe
Although the sisters had to live apai I
thev gathered weekly to watch
"Friends and held meetings in their
presidei I - apartment
" It is easier to run a sorority from
a house, but as far as the sisterhood
jnd being with eacl " - ' ?
mg ?
oui unity, hut instead brought us
closer togethei "? gre
to the extra et to stay a
sorority without a I said
Their number of pledges has in-
creased this year. and. united with the
girls from before, have become a .
motivated and dedicated group.
'The pledges that we got when
we didn't have the house showed the
girl's true dedication to the sorority
as a whole. We were at a disadvan-
tage with the other sororities. The
new pledges are just a dedicated to
the DZ
Tin roritv
whole during their
riod prompt- : I
"Thi .
The DZs ai
rginization and
"I feel that it i
the Panhelleni
. ? ized
Find it in our
classifieds. Only $2
for 25 words with
vaild student I.D.
GREEK from page I
Splash driving rai g
They hose down the field and
it really fun Burnette said.
"Delta Chi is sponsoring it
V . ording to John Mazanez, from
Phi Kappa Tau, the football game will
by a late night at Kappa
re will he an all
, . Igati r I 10 sponsored by
Kappa Alpha, and afterward, a late-
night at Sigma Phi Epsilon. Friday
night a hand party is scheduled for
nities md sororities. The
? Far Too lones will he playing at
ent sponsored by Kappa Sigma,
K ippa Alpha. Phi Kappa Tau and
l an Kappa Epsilon.
The week ends Saturday with the
('?reek Olympics. Pi Kappa Phi will be
sponsoring the final event.
Besides being fun. Burnette said
ere is a more serious side of the
Greek Week is about celebrat-
ing the Creek system as a whole
ette said. It is about unity and
Burnette hopes that thus week
will enlighten many people as to what
the real basis of the Greeks is.
We want to show the campus
what the Greek system is really ab i '
Burnette said.
Burnette realizes that so ???
people have the wrong idea about
Creek fraternities and sororities
'Most people think that all we do
is party, but that is not t!??
Burnette said. ' We participate in a
variety of events, like fundraisers and
many other things
Burnette stressed how Greeks
were strong on unity, and said that
he was pleased with the success
far this week.
'The turnout Sunday and Mon-
day night was phenomenal Burnette
On a last note. Burnette referred
to a saying that he had heard. He
thought that it truly fit the Creek at-
mosphere. It doesn't matter the let-
ter, we all Greek together.
COMMUTE from page 2
gram coordinators and advisors, ad-
determination he encoun-
- in his students. "It's a great
group of students who are motivated
yet have very complicated lives shuf-
fling different aspects of their lives
gi ther. Our mission is to bring the
university to the students Connelly
also says he learns important things
from his students. "I know anything
is possible when I see students jug-
FRIDAY, October 11
SATURDAY, October 12
For More Information, CaB the
Student Union HotSne at 328-6004.
AH films start at 8:00 PM unless otherwise noted
and are FRE to Students, Faculty, and Stall
(one guest allowed) with valid ECU D.
No BackpacksBookbags Allowed in Hendrix Theatre
?7 Advertising
in The East
Carolinian can
For more
information call
gling with and moving various shifts.
Recently I talked to a lady who runs
a day-care center during the day. goes
home and takes care of two children
helps them with their homework and
begins her studying when they sleep.
around 9 at night Connelly said.
For more information, contact
the department of continuing edu-
cation on the first floor of the Erwin
meeting at
5:15 p.m.
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Then you don't have time to be sick!
Get your Flu Shot at the
Call 328-63 I 7 NOW to make an
appointment for your flu vaccine.
Flu shots will be given starting October 15th.
Supplies are limited so call NOW
re an appointment time.

? .
? ?
Thursday, October 10, 1996 The East Carolinian
Lake Imp USA
John Murphy

'pcwt 0?iet&
Location. - Hattisburg,
founded- 1910
?enrollment - 13,000
Head Coach. - Jeff
ff ickname- Golden
Colors - Black & Gold
Stadium - M.M.
Conference- USA
Current Record 4-1
ten v trsn
USM leads series 15-6
1995- ECU 36
USM 34
Notes: Last year ECU
pulled out the victory, on
a 29-yard field goal by
Chad Holcomb, as time
With the bye last week, the Pirates
have had plenty of time to prepare
for a Southern Miss team that
almost sent them home with a loss
last season. But a 29-yard field
goal by Chad Holcomb as time
expired gave the Pirates a 36-34
victory and a trip to Memphis. (L)
Offensive and defensive players
have practiced to gear up for the
Eagles tough defense. (R) The band
will entertain with pre-game and
half-time shows. (Bottom) Fans of
all ages enjoy football Saturday at
Amanda Ross
TEC Sports Editor
"Pirates shoot down Eagles on
national television
ECU 24
USM 21
Dill Dillard
TEC Asst. Sports Editor
" Pirate 'D' shuts down
sputtering USM 'O
ECU 31
USM 13
Brian Bailey
WNCT-TV Sportscaster
"Crandell connects with
Scott Richards for three
touchdown passes
ECU 24
USM 13
Brandon Waddell
TEC Editor-in-Chief
"Nichols and Hariey
have career games on
ESPN ?, '
ECU 24
USM 14
Dr. Richard R. Eakin
ECU Chancellor
"The Pirate passing offense
gets in gear
ECU 21
USM 14
Brandon Waddel! ? Editor-in-Chief
Celeste Wilson ? Production Manager
Amanda Ross ? Editor
Andy Farkas ? Staff Illustrator
Rivals battle for win, respect
Brian Paiz
End Zone Writer
In the 1960's Aretha Franklin was sing-
ing about it. In the 1980's, Rodney
Dangerfie!d felt that he wasn't getting any.
Now it's 1996, and there are two college foot-
ball teams that are striving for it - ECU and
Southern Mississippi.
These two programs are not unfamiliar
with each other as they get ready to battle
Thursday night in front of a national televi-
sion audience on ESPN 2. This series has had
some of the most memorable games in re-
cent memory, and on Thursday night buckle
up because as we like to say in the south
"this one's going to be a barn burner
The Golden Knights bring a 4-1 record
into Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium, with impressive
wins on the road over Georgia and Louisville,
and USM Head Coach Jeff Bower knows his
team can only get better.
"I don't think we are anywhere close to
what we can be yet Bower said. "I think we
can be much better
Coach Steve Logan knows to watch out
for a Southern Miss, team that doesn't pass
up any opportunities.
"They're just an opportunistic bunch
Logan said. "That's really the way they've
always been down there
USM quarterback Heath Graham has
struggled this season, so Bower looks to be
making a move to sophomore Lee Roberts.
Roberts has only attempted two passes all
season, and has no yardage to show for, but
Bower said he had no choice in making the
"We have to be better offensively and
we can't wait until something bad happens
and then say we should have done something
a week ago Bower said. "We have to make
some changes. We have to address that right
now because this is the time that you do it
Bower is very impressed with the Pirates
this season, and he knows that ECU will be
gunning for a win Thursday night, which would
probably bolster them into the Top 25.
"East Carolina is a very good football
team Bower s?'d. "I think they are a top 25
team. They are 3-1 coming into the game, and
are very scary offensively
As much as the offense has struggled for
USM, the defense and special teams have made
up for it. The Golden Knight defense is fourth
in the country against the run, allowing just
60.8 yards per run, and USM's special teams
accounted for most of the scoring in the Louis-
ville game. These are two phases of the Golden
Knight attack that ECU Logan knows that
Bower will be looking for Thursday.
A player Bower knows his Golden Knight
defense will be looking for is Pirate sopho-
more running back Scott Hariey.
Look for ECU to keep the ball in the air
equally as much on the ground.
"I don't think it's going to be who can throw
the best, it's going to be who can run the ball
better Logan said.
Hariey, who has rushed for 638 yards in
the '96 campaign knows how important this
game is to ECU'S season.
"I think we've got a good enough game
plan this week that we can go in there and pick
at them all game Hariey said.
The game will begin at 8:05 p.m. tonight.
Fans are encouraged to get in the stands at least
30 minutes before the game to fill the stadium
for the pre-game show on ESPN.
If you want to
be on national
television, get to
the stadium
Larry Shannon
strives for better
each game
Look for the
latest up-to-date
stats on both
October 1C, 199?
?:CS P.m. en EtSN 2

Thursday, October 10,1996
The End Zone
Events organized for fans enjoyment
Amanda Ross
End Zone Editor
This week's nationally televised game is
going to begin with a bang - literally.
The hype surrounding the game that will
? be on ESPN 2, has been surfacing all sea-
; son. Officials are planning special events to
! take place during the game, to ensure that
; the excitement lasts from the beginning to
the end.
This is only the third nationally televised
Sjame from Greenville, and will be the only
college football game on television tonight.
xThls game will not only promote the football
team, but it will benefit fans and the city of
. Greenville.
Lee Workman, Assistant Athletic Direc-
tor for Sales and Promotions is gearing up
Jor the major event.
"Certainly any time we can get the op-
portunity to put our best foot forward to a
national audience it will benefit the stu-
dents Workman said. "When they gradu-
ate the name recognition is out there for
Athletic officials are urging fans to get
to the stadium at least 30 minutes before
the kick-off. At 7:30 p.m. ESPN will hold
their pre-game show and it is vital that when
the cameras pan around to the stands that
they be full of cheering ECU fans.
"A lot of folks may never get to the cam-
pus and this may be the only time they get
to form an image of East Carolina Work-
man said. "When they turn on the tube Thurs-
day night and see a full house, they'll say,
whoa that's a big time place. But if they
turn it on to see a half empty stadium with
no enthusiasm, their impression is just not
To start the show, the football team will
enter amidst a huge cloud of smoke with
fireworks going off.
"We've got a special entrance planned
for Thursday night Workman said. "We've
got some fireworks, smoke and music blar-
ing over the PA
Some significant officials in the world
of football will be in attendance for the game
The vice-president of programming on
ESPN, will be here to watch his first game in
Greenville and another newcomer will be in
attendance. Michael Slive the commissioner
for Conference USA will witness, in person,
the Pirate football team in Dowdy-Ficklen.
The director of the Liberty Bowl will also make
the game.
Fans are encouraged to make banners
to put up around the stadium to show school
spirit. Banners must support ECU and must
.6 fOL TilU2L6PAYA TtLCNlitP cAME-
non-perishable food and drop them off at boxes located
S gt each gate to help replenish the food banks
'i feet to the stands early to watch the special entrance planned
:or the football team
-Check out half-time recognitions of the menwomen who
helped get this area back in working condition after the
LrTJife earlier you get into the stadium, the better chance you
have to be on the pre-game show when the cameras pan
around to see the crowd
HPut up banners, paint your face and wear anything purple to
show spirit
be approved by Workman by calling him at
Half-time festivities will include recognition
of the men and women who helped to get people
in this and surrounding areas back on their feet
after Hurricanes Bertha and Fran. Fans are also
asked to bring non-perishable foods to the game
and drop them off at boxes located at each gate.
"After the hurricanes came through, we
wanted to do something in some small way for
those people who got us back up and going
Workman said.
This game is sure to be a lavish affair and
fans are encouraged to show spirit any way they
can. A lot of planning has been put into
Thursday's game and it is sure to be a game no
one will forget.
"It's going to be a lot of fun Workman
said. "Something a little different than we have
ever done before
; ? v.rj Snotu Mtduini HuiMinc ? Ctt.n.illt Sank Cai.litu ????? ? Pho?? SI?3I?-4570
Dear ECU Students
National television?Conference rival Bowl game implications Electric atmosphere. .Your Pirate
football team is fired up!
How do your Pirates have the best chance to win? With ECU Students filling the student section
making as much noise as possible for the entire game.
Many people across the country will form their perceptions of East Carolina this Thursday night as
they watch the game. This is your (every student and fani opportunity to make a statement with a full
stadium that ECU fans are the best m the country
I encourage you to hang banners showing support of your team at the game, paint your faces, and
display purple and gold enthusiasm in the stands Have a great time while being responsible in your
actions before, during and after the game.
The cameras will go on in Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium twenty OOt minutes before the game. Let's get
loud Thursday when the lights go on. Then let's take (he noise up to a new level with a smoke and
fireworks filled team entrance, when the Pirates kick-off. for the for every First Down Pirates, on
third don n plays for the opposing team and. for the ' Hev. Hey. ECYou Look So Good To Me"
cheer at the end of ball games.
1 am confident you will give
home field advantage h tllhni
final horn.
Get loud and be proud'
your team the best opportunity to win Thursday night with a spirited
the stands early, staying in the stands and making noise through to the
Steve Logan
Head Football Coach
ECU Pirates
EtlRKnt Acran Fmf?bw

Efll FacultyStaff
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Thursday, October 10,
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Present your ECU
FacultyStaff ID and
purchase up to four (4)
tickets at a special
$10.00 (each) price,
(regular price $18.00 each)
In addition, all fans are
encouraged to bring non-
perishable or canned items for
the disaster relief food bank for
Hurricanes Bertha and Fran recovery
efforts. These will be collected
at the gates.
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the World Wide Web
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The End Zone
Thursday, October 10,1996
Shannon ieaps to new heights
Dill Dillard
End Zone Writer
In recent years, with the success of
former Pirate Jeff Blake and the current
Buc signal caller Marcus Crandell, ECU'S
football program has been often referred
to as "Quarterback U
Now as any football fan know, behind
great quarterbacks are great receivers on
the other end of great pass plays. Junior
split end Larry Shannon has been on the
receiving end of more than his share of
passes from Crandell.
At 6'6 205 pounds, Shannon gives
any quarterback an impressive target, not
to mention his ability to leap up to get the
ball. Shannon has broken a team record
for the highest vertical leap for a wide re-
ceiver at ECU with a leap of 38 inches. With
his frame and ability, along with excellent
speed, Shannon gives a quarterback the
freedom to put the ball up in the air and
let him go get it.
After being red-shirted in his freshman
year in '93, Shannon saw action in every
contest in the '94 campaign. The Starke,
Fla. native opened eyes by coming in and
registering 17 catches for 226 yards along
with his team leading six touchdown grabs.
Most of his touchdown receptions came off
what has now become Shannon's signature
pattern, the "fade
"Well, it's a pattern where I can utilize
my height and I can just go up and get the
ball Shannon said.
After a fantastic freshman year, Shan-
non followed it up by improving the very
next season by grabbing 24 catches for 346
-yards and five touchdown's.
"Ever since I got here, Coach Logan
has worked with me on going up and get-
ting the ball, using all of my abilities, and
it has been something we've been able to
take advantage of Shannon said. "It al-
ways seems to be there
It is no secret that when the Bucs are
in striking distance, that a lob from Crandell
to Shannon is a serious threat in the back
corner of the end zone. Of course with a
weapon like Shannon, most teams keyed in
on the big 80 on his jersey which somewhat
took away the fade.
The only problem for Pirate opponents
is that this guy can go deep as well as pull
down the red zone jump ball from a shorter
defensive back. In his two years as a Pi-
rate, Shannon has averaged 14 yards a
catch, and was remembered by most Pirate
fans as the receiver that pulled down the
67 yard touchdown pass during the first ECU
offensive play of the West Virginia game.
"Most guys I face are shorter than me,
which gives me an advantage and gives
Marcus a bigger target Shannon said.
"Most DB's probably think I'm slower be-
cause of my height which also catches them
off guard
This season, Shannon has kept the ball
rolling, leading the Pirate receivers with 14
grabs for 188 yards along with three touch-
downs. Even as a junior, Shannon has been
recognized for possible post season acco-
Earlier this season, Shannon was se-
lected as one of 21 receivers put on the
"Watch List" for the Biletnikoff award given
at the end of every season to the best of
college football's receivers.
"It's an honor to be recognized, but
it's not going to affect me, I'm just going
to go out and do my job the best I can
Shannon said.
The "Watch List" will be narrowed
down to 10 semifinalists later this month,
and the winner will be announced in De-
Split End, Larry
breaks a tackle
against a Tulsa
defender last
year. This
season the
nominee, leads
the team in
receiving with
263 yards.
Eec. yards Avc. TD LG
18 263 14.6 4 46 UCr
Photo Courtesy of ECU SID
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Thursday, October 10,1996
The End Zone
34307PENALTIES (No.Yards)45387
624TH DOWN CONV. (AttMade)14
Photos Courtesy of USM's Media Guide
(L) Last season Jerris McPhail rushed for 88 yards against USM. This year Scott
Harley will take to the ground. (R) Running back Eric Booth, comes into Dowdy-
Rcklen ranked sixth in the nation on kickoff returns. For '96 he has 398 rushing
Southern Mississippi by the numbers
4?The Golden Eagles' national ranking in rushing
defense. USM is giving up just 60.8 yards per
game on the ground this year
8? The number of bowl games Southern Miss has
played in. The last time the Eagles went to a Bowl
was the 1990 All-American Bowl
10 ? The number of times Southern Miss (Sjjj
and ECU have squared off in Greenville. The jm
Golden Eagles hold an 8-2 series lead in those
19 ? The number of seniors on the 1996 Southern
Miss football squad
49 ? Southern Miss ranking in the preseason CNN
USA Today Coaches' Poll J
51 ? Number of winning seasons In Southern Miss
football history
318 ? Average weight of the starting five across the
offensive line for the Golden Eagles

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5 Thursday, October 10, 1996 The East Carolinian
Remember to
bring canned
goods to the
stadium so the
food banks can
be replenished.
Are you pumped?
We are definitely ready.
When ECU hosts Southern Mississippi tonight on
ESPN 2, it will be only the third time a game has been
nationally televised from Dowdy-Ficklen.
If ever fan support was needed it is now. The pre-
game show will start about 20 minutes beforethe game
and the cameras will pan around the stadium showing
the crowd. If we don't have the stands full before the
game, it will look pathetic.
ESPN is so sure we'will have a good showing of fans,
they made the ECUMiami game their prime-time game
on Saturday, Oct. 19, at 7 p.m. Now we wouldn't want to
disappoint them; would we?
Some big-time officials are going to be at this game
and the more fans we have, the better recognition we
will have. The vice president of programming for ESPN
will be in attendance as well as the commissioner of
Conference USA and the director of the Liberty Bowl. .
This is a big game as far as the bowl berth goes since
ECU has participated in the Liberty Bowl for the past two
years. Officials not only make their bowl selections based
on the team record, but also the crowd support.
During the game, special events have been organized
to ensure that the game is a blast. When the Pirates take
the field, look up in the sky and you'll think it's July
4th. That's right; fireworks will be blasting off along with
smoke when ECU makes their entrance.
During half time, the heroes of the two hurricanes
will be recognized for their hard work and determina-
tion for getting us back where we are today.
Before you go to the game, be sure to stop by the
grocery store to pick up non-perishable food to put in
boxes that will be located at every gate. Since the hurri-
canes, the food banks have been depleted and it is vital
that they be replenished.
This is our chance to show the entire country what
ECU football is all about. The team and coaches have
been asking for respect from the football world and its
fans and now is the time.
This game is going to lead to bigger and better deals.
It's already landed us a prime-time spot next week against
Miami. It doesn't get any better than this.
The siren will bl&re across the PA to signal that game
time is near. At that time we hope you'll pack up the
food, head to the stadium and fill every seat.
So far student ticket pick-up has been successful. Now
we just need to make sure that when the cameras start
rolling, the fans are there to show their spirit.
Just think, this may be one of your only chances to
get on national television. So when the game starts to-
night, wear your purple and gold, show the country your
ECU pride.
Take another look at
domestic violence
This month marks the anniver-
sary of OJ. Simpson being found not
guilty in the murders of Nicole Brown
and Ron Goldman. During the
Simpson trial and the media circus
? S that surrounded it, the subject of do-
' mestic violence was brought into the
spotlight Domestic violence tears at
?? the very fabric of family and is an
; extremely troubling issue.
Women's advocate groups are to
H be commended for their efforts to
end spousal abuse. However, as with
; any cause, an extremely liberal view
can prove detrimental to one's ef-
; i forts. Columnist John Leo points to
an important?study of domestic
abuse. The study began in 1975 and
! ? was most recently updated in 1992.
In the May 13, 1996 issue of U.S.
News and World Report Leo states
that, due in large part to the efforts
of women's organizations, husband
abuse toward wives has declined
since 1975. During that same time
though, spousal abuse toward hus-
bands has remained static. As a re-
sult, instances of wives assaulting
husbands are now higher than hus-
bands abusing wives.
Ironically, under mandatory ar-
rest laws, states are now seeing more
wives arrested for petty assaults than
husbands. By focusing on one side
Steve Higdon
Opinion Columnist
So, ladies, think
twice before you
stop your
boyfriend; under
liberal legislation
you may be the
one arrested.
? ;

of the issue and demonizing men.
Leo maintains that far left groups
have missed a prime opportunity to
lower all domestic abuse cases. Also,
in typical liberal fashion, arrest laws
that were supposedly meant to help
women are now getting them ar-
rested. So ladies think twice before
you slap your boyfriend, under lib-
eral legislation you may be the one
This is not to say that women's
abuse is to be trivialized; it is a very
legitimate issue. Instances of hus-
band to wife violence are much more
violent. Women are much more likely
to be seriously injurttj or killed in a
domestic violence incident. The time
has come for solid reform that pro-
tects the rights of women and chil-
dren rather that penalizing victims.
It is good to know that people
are working to stop such violence.
Ann J4. Barnhill is such a person.
Mrs. Barnhill is a trial lawyer special-
izing in domestic violence and fam-
ily law. Since 1979 Mrs. Barnhill has
fought for the rights of abused
women here in Pitt County.
With sexual harassment and do-
mestic violence so prevalent in soci-
ety Mrs. Barnhill is a bright light on
the horizon. In an unprecedented
move Ann Barnhill is running for
election to the district court bench
in Pitt County. She is the first
woman to ever file for election for
this position in Pitt County's history.
If elected Mrs. Barnhill will be the
first woman and the first Republican
to be elected to this position. In the
true Republican tradition she will
fight for individual rights, this time
the rights of battered women. Help
to show that Pitt County is a pro-
gressive community with the inter-
ests of women and family at heart.
Lets help to break Pitt County's
"Good 01' Boy" network with the
election of Ann H. Barnhill to Dis-
trict Court Judge.
The East Carolinian
Brandon Waddell, Editor-in-Chief
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Matt Hcge, Advertising Director
Marguerite Benjamin, News Editor Randy Miller, Asst. Prod. Manager
Amy L. Royster, Assistant News Editor Cristte Farley, Production Assistant
Jay Myers, Lifestyle Editor Ashley Settle, Production Assistant
Dale Williamson Assistant Lifestyle Editor David Blgeiow, Copy Editor
Amanda Ross, Sports Editor Rhonda Crumpton, Copy Editor
Dill Dillard Assistant Sports Editor Carole Mehle, Copy Editor
Matt Heatley, Electronics Editor Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Andy Farkas, Staff illustrator Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial in each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited
for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should
be addressed to Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For Information, all (919)
Vote pro-choice b&'96
I cannot think of an issue that
engenders more disagreement,
more anger, more screaming and
yelling. It's something that most
politicians usually try not to touch
with a ten-foot pole. But it's a topic
that is on the minds of many, and
it's something that we are going to
tackle this week.
With all of my other liberal ar-
ticles. I guess you don't have to be
a rocket scientist to guess where I
stand on this issue. I believe that
no man or woman has the right to
dictate what another woman can or
cannot do with her body. It's true
that most Democrats share my view
and most Republicans are pro-life.
Let me say one thing. I highly
respect the conscientious decision
for someone not to have an abor-
tion. I respect people who do not
agree with the procedure; and I re-
spect families who feel abortion is
wrong. What I do not respect is in-
dividuals on the pro-life side who
want to mandate what a woman can
and cannot do with her own body.
Here's an important distinction
to make. I'm not pro-abortion. I
don't know anyone who is. What I
am, and what a majority of Ameri-
cans are, is pro-choice. That is, all
we want is the ability for women to
make the choice themselves, with
their family and their God. If people
are against abortion, then they
have every right to decline to have
one; and that's fine.
The Republican party platform
states that they support a consti-
tutional amendment banning all
abortions. That means if a woman
is raped, she would not have the
Larry Freeman
Opinion Columnist
rncjjvot? .

right to terminate that forced preg-
nancy. If a woman is a victim of
incest, she would not have the right
to terminate that pregnancy. If a
woman's life was in danger, she
would not have the right to save
her life. If a woman's child were to
be severely deformed, she would
not have the right to save that child
from a life of torture and pain.
I know that many will disagree
with my previous statements and I
welcome that. Our country is built
on the fact that reasonable men and
women can disagree. However, I get
really tired of pro-lifers who claim
that we who disagree are Godless;
that they have a mandate on mo-
rality. First of all, most of the
people who are screaming and fuss-
ing are on the pro-life side. I drove
by a pro-life rally in Raleigh the
other day, proudly displaying my
ClintonGore bumper sticker. Well,
besides all of those offensive "Abor-
tion Kills Children" signs, some of
those people gave me the meanest
looks, and one of them gave me the
finger. What kind of morality is
I hate to bring this up as well,
but sometimes pro-life arguments
are somewhat intellectually lacking.
I read the Reflector the other day,
and instead of seeing a letter to the
editor where the writer expressed
his disagreements with President
Clinton on the abortion issue, the
writer called Clinton a "baby killer"
and proceeded to deem him "Willie
Scissorhands Feeble words from
a feeble mind. Also, speaking of
morals, I haven't heard of pro-
choice people acting violently.
What I have heard is of several doc-
tors who have been killed by pro-
life extremists, who try to use the
issue to justify murdering someone.
Make no mistake, there are many
good, honest people on the pro-fife
side (I know several of them). How-
ever, I'm saying there are some real
morons on the other side, plain atid
Well, this wasn't the easiest of
columns to write, but remember fhe
point: Disagreement on the issues
is fine, but restricting freedom is
the greatest evil of all. In a perfect
world, we would all be pro-choice.
There would not be a minority of
people who sought to deny worrjen
their reproductive freedom. Thjfere
would be reasonable people dis-
agreeing on which choice to make,
whether or not to have a first-tri-
mester abortion. But this isn'J a
perfect world, and for many djys
to come, you'll see the best, and
worst, that the pro-life movement
has to offer.
Aetten fo t6e
Students need flood relief
To the Editor,
As I drove past the commuter lot
on the hill Tuesday afternoon, a
thought occurred to me. I would like
to offer a solution to the problem of
the legislative bill paying SGA Execu-
tives' tuition, books, and fees. As
stated by Miss Nix, the SGA Execu-
tive officers are the "highest leaders
on campus Along with that position
should go not only the highest level
of accountability but also the highest
vel of concern for the welfare of their
Perhaps, as a move in the right
direction, the SGA legislature should
propose a new bill that would instead
use that money to aid the dozens of
victims of the flood in the commuter
lot at the bottom of the hill. I am sure
that there were many people who lost
textbooks and other essentials, not to
mention the damage to their cars. I
believe that those students who have
unwittingly been spending their hard-
earned money so that SGA executive
officers can have a free ride on the
system would appreciate knowing ex
actly how concerned their electe4 of-
ficials are about their situation in this
time of need.
This is just a friendly reminder
to pay attention to your representa-
tives and decide for yourself how genu
ine their concern is for you, the stu-
Lucy Goodwin

? ?? ? i m ? ? ? ??
Thursday, October 10, 1996
The East Carolinian
Mission: Impossible at 8
p.m. in Hendrix Theatre through
Oct 12.
NC Symphony Pitt County Concert
Series presents Leiia Josefowicz,
violin, at 8 p.m. in Wright Audito-
One Step Beyond with Frog Legs
at the Attic.
ECU Jazz Faculty at Staccato Cafe.
Bobby Messano at Wrong Way
? ??????? ? ? ?
Grinch at Peasant's Cafe.
77e Hollow, a play by Jim Macak,
runs through Oct 12 at the N.C.
Museum of Art in Raleigh.
Leo Kottke at the Cat's Cradle in
Jazz at Night at 8 p.m. in
Mendenhall Great Room.
School of Art Lecture with Gabriel
P. Weisburg at 3 p.m. in Speight
Agents of Good Roots at the Attic.
Henry Acrobat at Peasant's Cafe.
The Last Resort Band at Wrong
Way Corrigan's.
Richard Thompson Band at the
Cat's Cradle in Carrboro.
Aids Memorial Quilt day
trip to Washington D.C. Bus leaves
Mendenhall at 6 a.m. and leaves
D.C. at 9 p.m. Tickets are $25 per
I person. Only 45 seats are available.
Call 1-800-ECU-ARTS or 3284788
for reservations.
; Grainger with Love Apple at the At-
Derek T. Hall at the Cellar.
? fc ?
Big Stoner Creek at Peasant's Cafe.

Big Bertha at Wrong Way
? ???????(?????
Widespread Panic with Leftover
Salmon. Vertical Horizon and Back-
sliders at Walnut Creek in Raleigh.
Nikki Meets the Hibachi at the Cat's
Cradle in Carrboro.
Jessamine, Labradford at the Liz-
ard & Snake Cafe in Chapel Hill.
Mari Kodama, organ, at 2
p.m. in AJ. Fletcher Recital Hall.
Allyen Bail at the Attic.
Violin virtuoso
to play tonight
V ?
Greenville Comic Con from 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. at the Ramada Inn. Ad-
mission is free.
?? ?
Mothers Against Jesse in Congress
(MAJIC) Benefit with Steve Earle
at the Cat's Cradle in Carrboro.
Music of Beethoven and
Poulenc" at 8 p.m. in AJ. Fletcher
Recital Hall.
1 Always Patsy Cline at 8
p.m. in Wright Auditorium
in AJ. Fletcher Recital Hall.
Velcro Pygmies at the Attic.
? ???????? i
Almighty Senators at Peasant's
Jay Myers
Lifestyle Editor
Some people's careers start
when they leave college. Others be-
gin before they ever reach college.
And there are tons of people out
there who have never found their
niche, who are still searching.
Yet, who would ever think of be-
ginning a career at the tender young
age of ten? Leila Josefowicz would,
that's who.
Josefowicz is a virtuoso violin-
ist from Los Angeles who began her
musical studies in 1980, when she
was three. In 1987, her career as a
professional musician began when
she dazzled the world by perform-
ing on the NBC television special.
"America's Tribute to Bob Hope
In 1994. at the age of 17, she
received the prestigious Avery
Fisher Career Grant and had perfor-
mances at Carnegie Hall and the
Academy of St. Martin. Besides
these stellar accomplishments, her
career has also included perfor-
mances with the London Symphony
Orchestra, a tour of Japan, and ap-
pearances with many major orches-
tras in the United States. Josefowicz
has even released an album of the
Tchaikovsky and Sibelius concertos
on the Phillips Classics label. And
she's only 19.
Well, tonight at 8 p.m. in Wright
Auditorium, this young violinist will
kick off the 15th anniversary Pitt
County concert season for the North
Carolina Symphony. Josefowicz will
perform Beethoven's "Concerto in
D major for Violin and Orchestra
Maestro Gerhardt Zimmerman will
lead the orchestra in Mozart's "Sym-
phony No. 34" and in Sinfonia by
contemporary American composer
Oily Wilson.
After the concert tonight,
Josefowicz plans to do a return tour
of Japan, make her concert debut in
Australia and tour Europe, as well
as continue her studies at the Curtis
Institute of Music in Philadelphia.
Needless to say, she may not be re-
turning to North Carolina for a
while, so do yourself a favor and
catch her now before she gets too
old to play anymore. Just kidding.
Concert series tickets are $25
for adults, $20 for students and se-
nior citizens, and $15 for children
under the age of 12 and are avail-
able by calling 355-0858. Single tick-
ets are also available through the
ECU Central Ticket Office at 328-
4788 and are $17 for adults. $15 for
students and senior citizens, and
$10 for children under the age of
12. And. as always, tickets will be
available at the door tonight.
&D TZevteco,
Everthins Sucks
Andy Turner
Staff Writer
John Davis
Staff Writer
Sweet, jaded 16.
1 often rode around at night in
my friend's truck. (He drove because
he had the cassette player). We drove
out behind the grocery store where
we both worked as bagboys. There
was a long stretch of road out there
that was all dirt and gravel - the land
of doughnuts. Spinning round and
round with the truck, we kept the
windows open, dirt kicked up in the
air, and all the while, the radio played
loudly - really loudly. It was dough-
nut music - the Replacements, Black
Flag, the Dead Kennedys, Angry Sa-
moans, and, of course, the Descen-
The Descendents' music was the
perfect companion for parking lot
mayhem and for cynical (with no idea
why) 16-year-olds. The band sang
about girls ("Silly Girl"), food ("I Like
Food") and girls ("Sour Grapes").
Formed in 1978. the group trans-
formed into All in 1987 with lead
singer Milo Aukerman splitting and
ex-Dag Nasty lead man Dave Smalley
taking over. Smalley was the first of
three lead singers All would retain.
Descendents Bill Stevenson. Karl
See DESCEND page 8
Although spared from Bertha and Fran for the most part, Tropical Storm Josephine did
manage to drown some sorrows in Greenville on Tuesday. Badly hit were the commuter
lot near College Hiil (above top and right) and a valley near Christenbury Gym (above left).
MAte fZ.euecuL
That Thing
Hanks does
Usually when a group of young
college students get together to
form a rock band the result is some-
thing either promising but not
quite up to par (so that they have
to wait five to ten years to come
into their own) or something so
mindless and inconsequential that
the band gains instant but fleeting
Weezer fits into neither of
these categories, falling in with the
rarer sort of 20-something bands,
such as Pet Sounds-era Beach Boys
or War-era U2. that somehow have
a maturity in songwnting and tech-
nical ability far beyond their years.
Rivers Cuomo. Weezer's singer
songwriter and resident musical
genius, can easily stand next to
Brian Wilson in lyrical and melodic
grace, and next to the Edge in mu-
sical ability. Weezer's infectious
noise-pop is clever, fun and yet
emotionally charged.
Drawing from such diverse in-
fluences as the aforementioned
Beach Boys and '70s theater-rock
like Kiss and Queen, as well as from
classical literature and pop culture.
See WEEZER page 8
Photo Courtesy of 20th Century Fox
Tom Hanks (center) leads a cast of relative unknowns to
stardom ih his movie directorial debut, That Thing You Do.
named The Wonders, and it perfectly
illustrates how the business aspect of
the music industry cares nothing for
artistic integrity.
Even though a story about a strug-
gling band who makes it big to only
fall by the end is not exactly the most
original concept. Hanks puts such a
snappy, innocent spin on the whole film
that the story markedly becomes his.
The result, That Thing You Do, while
not very intellectually challenging, is
as fun. snappy and pure as any song
from the earlv davs of rock n' roll.
Dale Williamson
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Many contemporary pop musi-
cians should be able to identify with
Tom Hanks tjrst plunge as a writer
and director. His film. That Thing You
Do. centers around the rise and fall of
a one-hit wonder band, appropriately
Name: Kwame Rigsby
Dept Communications
Job: President.ECU
Thespians of Diversity
Dale Williamson
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
See HANKS page 7
Mission: Impossible
Tom Cruise and Brian DePalma both accomplished the seemingly im
possible last summer when they transformed the hit '60s television series
Mission: impossible into a certified hit feature film. While the ads for this
Cruise flick hyped the action in the film. Mission: Impossible turns out to be
a spy story with more brains than brawn.
This is not to say that this story, involving a renegade group of spies
fighting the system in an effort to clear their names of federal charges, does
not have its share of action. The finale, while not quite as explosive as it
could have been, does feature Cruise battling some baddies on top of a speed
ing locomotive. However, the hulk of the film is more subtle, and more com
plex, than that.
Many critics complained about the plot being incomprehensible. Ignore
those idiots. While Mission: Impossible is a film that warrants audience at
tention. the plot is more predictable than incomprehensible.
Some may grow bored with the movie's methodical pace, but others wil
delight in this thinking person's action thriller. The film's must-see scene
features an incredible break in at the Pentagon While this scene has virtuall)
nodialogui oi sound effects, it proved to be just as exciting as any tornado in
Twister, one blockbuster action film that showed no sign.s of intelligence
Kwame Rigsby is one ECU student
who sees the good inherent within cul-
tural awareness. Rigsby is the president
of the ECU Thespians of Diversity, an
organization that strives to create cul-
tural tolerance through the dramatic art
form. Witliin the small community that
the Thespians have created. Rigsby has
found a home for himself and his tal-
"I found out about the Thespians
in 1993 Rigsby said. "They were called
the Black Thespians back then. I went
with my brother, Olayta and that's where
I met Reginald Watson" Mr. Watson is
a lecturer in. the English department and
the founder of the Thespians.
Being an undergraduate commu-
nications major. Rigsby put his talents
and his interests to good use for the
Thespians. "I have been in charge of the
music and bringing the sound systems
to the programs. I also work at bringing
in more actors
Rigsby sees the Thespians as a very
worthwhile organization that has much
more to offer the community than sim-
ply an evening's entertainment "I get
the feeling that we haw a lot of talented
people in the group Rigsby said. "Hope-
fully when we come fully together this
semester, we can continue with our tu-
torials at the local schools and the boy's
and girl's clubs
These tutorials are voluntarily con-
ducted by members of the Thespians of
Diversity in an effort to encourage local
school children in their educational pur-
suits. According to Rigsby, the tutorials
serve the community by "helping the
students with the classes in which they
are not doing their best Most of the
students are athletes, but I try to get
other students involved
Rigsby was born in Goldsboro. but
he has seen his share of the world. "1
spent most of my life in Naples. Italy be-
cause my father was in the military. .n
See SPOT page 8

? .
. i. .
7fte East Carolinian
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HANKS from page 6
The opening credits wonderfully
set up the mood for the entire film by
playing a catchy pop '50s tune over a
montage sequence of Tom Everett
Scott (who eerily looks just like a young
Tom Hanks) working in an appliance
store. Ah, those were the days, filled
with soda pop, ponytails and
Studebakers. The times were young,
innocent and pure.
Or so Hollywood, the source of
all of my "50s knowledge, would like
us to think. While Hanks captures the
nostalgic idealism of the pre-Vietnam
era. he still slips in hints of what the
future holds for America. Scott's father,
who runs a locally owned business, be-
moans the fact that a super mart is
open on Sundays. "I don't think I want
to live in a country where a man has
to work on Sundays to support his fam-
ily the hard-working father states.
But the focus of Hanks' film is the
music, the '50s sound that symbolizes
the supposed innocence of an era. Ev-
eryone is familiar with this sound. We
hear it daily on the golden oldies sta-
tion where the Beatles sing about the
joys of holding a girl's hand. But any-
one who listens between the lines of
such lyrics will many times discover a
less innocent interpretation of these
joyous songs. Yes, even the '50s had a
dark side.
However, instead of indulging in
such dark territories, Hanks only
touches upon them lightly and, instead,
allows his film to ultimately be light
fun and, yes, innocent
The Wonders, four guys who get
national attention with their song
"That Thing You Do are a perfect
metaphor for countless bands that have
worked in the music industry. They are
young, vibrant cute and reckless. And
they are a product for the recording
studio to manipulate and drain.
The band's lead singer and main
creative talent wants to make more
records because it is the music he cares
about However, the band's manager
(played perfectly by Hanks himself)
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In Carolina cost Moll ? Jo,
wants to focus all energies on exploit-
ing the Wonders' current hit as much
as possible. The money is with the hit
single, so the hit single is what gets all
the attention. Current musical stars
like Eddie Vedder and Billy Corgan can
probably identify with this dilemma.
Hanks could have easily made a
"serious" film in which we witness the
growing, inner conflicts within the
band slowly eat away at its members
until they just break apart from one
another. We could have watched the
creative pulse of the band withdraw
into his music and himself to the point
that the band no longer is a unit. We
could have even stayed with the band
as they and their music both lose their
innocence because the times force'
them to become more "experienced
But all of that has been done be-
Instead, Hanks makes That Thing
You Do more like American Graffiti
than The Doors. And, admittedly, that
decision seems to have been the right:
one. The film, like Hanks himself, has
a natural pureness. The actors (mostly
unknowns, with the exception of
Hanks and the incredibly talented Liv
Tyler) are all effortlessly effective in
their individual roles. The cinematog-
raphy and editing (professionally ac-
complished by Tak Fujimoto and Ri-
chard Chew respectively) don't try to ?
detract from the story with dazzling
effects. Even the music (some of which
was written and produced with the
help of Hanks) carries such an
' uncontrived sound that one could eas-
ily picture the fresh-faced Beatles
crooning such tunes.
After winning two Oscars in a row
and starring in numerous box-office
blockbusters. Hanks set himself up for
disaster by writing and directing his
own feature film. Not surprisingly,
though, Hanks once again proves that
he is not a one-hit wonder by creating
a film worthy of his talents and his
nice-guy image. While I do hope that
Hanks sinks his teeth into some juicier,
more controversial topics in the future,
That Thing You Do is an appropriate
starting point for a man who does his
thing so well.
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?' r-rlm?titm
Thursday, October 10,1996
The East Carolinian
WEEZER from page 6
Weezer have managed to outshine
their 1994 debut in every way with
their new record by creating a
catchy yet intimate musical tapes-
Titled Pinkerton, after the
westerner in the play Madame But-
terfly who falls in love with a Japa-
nese beauty, the album centers
around just this theme. There are
several long-distance love songs on
the album ("Across the Sea "el
Scorcho "Butterfly"), and the
cover art features a painting of a
Japanese village, a black-on-black
photo of a Japanese lady, and a map
of Japan.
It's probably a safe guess to say
that Cuomo (or someone else in the
band) has fallen for a fan from Ja-
pan. The references are all over the
album. Though all of these love ref-
erences are plainly heart-on-the-
sleeve, they are delivered with a
sense of humor that only could
have come from the composer of
"Undone - The Sweater Song
In "The Good Life Cuomo de-
clares, as if it is a life-and-death mat-
ter, that "I just need to admit that
I want sugar in my tea Hear me,
hear me - I want sugar in my tea
(Eastern cultures use no sweetner
in their tea.)
The clash of cultures is defi-
nitely an issue, but a resolvable one,
or so Cuomo asserts in "el
Scorcho where he sings with
gusto "I'm a lot like you, so please,
hello, I'm waiting. I think I'd be
good for you, and you'd be good
for me ?
Some of the other songs,
though not quite close to the cen-
tral theme, still focus on unrequited
love, sometimes in unexpected
ways. "I'm dumb, she's lesbian
Cuomo laments in "Pink Triangle
What '90s male can't relate to that
dilemma? "She looked so straight
when she was on the dance floor,
and oh-so sexy "
"Tired of Sex" is the realization
of a male slut that there's more to
DESCEND from page 6
love than, well, than unrestrained
The music on the album is still
solidly Weezer, but noisier. Gone
are the catchy, Cars-esqe '80s key-
boards. In their place are even
catchier '90s guitar noodles and
noises. The album opens up with a
feedback-filled drum stomp that
slides easily into the angst-filled
first line of "Tired of Sex
Cuomo's sense of musical com-
-position is by no means gone,
though. The guitar lines are still
wonderfully attractive and hooky.
The melodies are as fun and sing-
alongable as ever. The chorus of
"Falling For You" has got to be one
of the best chorus melodies this de-
cade. Dance music has rarely
sounded this rock and roll, at least
not since the '50s.
"Why Bother" is a perfect
party song, in spite of the fact that
the song is all about the fear of
being hurt in a relationship. You
still can't help but sing along and
tap your feet as the song promotes
relational suicide.
Cuomo's ability to contrast
moody themes with catchy, fun mu-
sic is topped only by the indomi-
table songwriting team of Lennon
and McCartney. Weezer is tighter
than before, tripping along complex
polyrythyms and vocal harmonies,
and they have improved from the
repetitive strum pattern that was
all over the first record. The over-
all musical canvas sounds less fuzzy
and more gritty and groovy, pull-
ing Pinkerton to heights that the
first album could not reach.
It is a sad thing to note that
this is Weezer's last album as
Weezer. Rivers Cuomo will be fin-
ishing his college education (at
Harvard) and band-mates Matt
Sharp and Patrick Wilson have de-
cided to develop their side project,
The Rentals. But then again, it's
kinda nice, knowing that an album
as superb and sublime as Pinkerton
will be Weezer's swan song.
Alvarez and Steven Egerton remained
on with All, releasing six albums, nu-
merous EPs and a live album, Trail-
Now, nearly ten years later, Milo
is back with Stevenson, Alvarez and
Egerton, and the Descendents are
once more with the release of Every-
thing Sucks on Epitaph Records.
Do the Descendents still have
what it takes to rule the parking lot
and provide inspiration for the teen-
age art of "la doughnut?"
Start your engines.
Everything Sucks features 15 fast
and forever furious songs. Only one
song eclipses the three-minute mark,
and, in fact eight songs don't even
make it to two minutes. They still sing
about girls ("Sick-O-Me"), girls ("She
Loves Me") and food ("Coffee Mug").
Milo and the boys show on "Rot-
ting Out" that they were jaded Cali-
fornian basket cases when Billy Joe
and Green Day were still dookving in
their pants: "Shove all your problems
under the rug Then you wonder
where the smell came from
Nevertheless, if the Descendents
indeed have as many problems of the
female kind as Everything Sucks (and
actually all of their albums) seems to
indicate, then it probably sets a record
for the number of heartbreaks one
band can suffer. In "I'm the One
Aukerman sings, "No one knows as
good as me We're just good friends
And you come to me for sympathy
You tell me that I'm not your type
But you still call me late at night
Every time he picks a fight After all
he's said and done And in "Sick-O-
Me he sings again, "Relationships de-
teriorate I've seen if from the start
Easy as it is to fall in love It's
easier to fall apart I won't let it fall
apart" The above-mentioned record-
setting stress is especially evident in
these two tracks.
My only complaint with the al-
bum is the widespread use of the
word "suck Not only do they say
"This place sux" in "This Place but
actually, "Everything Sucks" today
The reformed Descendents, how-
ever, do not suck. They're older, just
as happily angry, and, in fact, they
seem to play even faster and harder
than they did as young punks in the
'80s. The songs are simple and filled
with silly girls, but Everything Sucks
remains perfect punk pop.
How do you like your doughnuts?
OJJT vll from page 6
1990,1 moved back to the States. I gradu-
ated from Kinston High School and en-
rolled at ECU in '94
While Rigsby is unsure as to where
the future may carry him, he does plan
to keep working with the Thespians if
he is able. But more than anything, he
encourages other students to get in-
"I encourage everyone who has any
talents within them or anyone who wants
to help to come by one of our meetings
Rigsby states.
If anyone is interested in joining
Rigsby and the Thespians, please call 328-
6684 for more information.
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Thursday, October 10, 1996
The East Carolinian
Workers recognized for
efforts during game
David Councilman
Staff Writer
The summer of 1996 will be one
that many North Carolinians would
soon like to forget. Two devastating
hurricanes. Bertha and Fran, blew
their fury through N.C. Many residents
throughout N.C. lost everything they
had. and many towns were hit tragi-
cally hard by wind, rain and tornadoes.
What resulted from this was a major
clean up effort and hard work from
many North Carolinians.
In typical North Carolina resil-
ience, people from this great state
pulled together and helped each other
through thus trying time.
Tonight at the ECU and South-
ern Mississippi game the "heroes" of
these two hurricanes will be recognized
as "The Heroes of the Hurricane
"The idea came from the ECU ath-
letic program and the goal was to rec-
ognize all the people who worked so
hard to recover North Carolina, and
also expose these people to Pirate foot-
ball ECU Athletic Director Mike
Hamrick said.
In conjunction with the Emer-
gency Management officials, ECU will
distribute discount cards to personnel
from the fire and rescue. Red Cross,
National Guard, utilities, department
of transportation, law enforcement and
cable companies.
The card is good for one compli-
mentary ticket and additional tickets
will be at ten dollars a ticket Person-
nel from 19 Eastern North Carolina
counties, from Raleigh to all the east-
ern counties will receive these tick-
"We wanted to bring tribute to
the large number of individuals whose
efforts have helped to rebuild, the
many areas of the eastern part of our
state which were affected by the hur-
ricanes Hamrick said.
The personnel, along with receiv-
ing the discount cards, will be hon-
ored at half time during a nationally
televised game on ESPN2. As of right
now, the athletic office does not know
if these people will be shown on the
nationally televised game.
tragic events.
"These organizations have dem-
onstrated a commitment to do every-
thing they can to rebuild this area,
and this is a small way of saying
thanks to these dedicated individu-
als Hamrick said.
So tonight Pirate fans, give these
people a special ovation; they have in-
vested a lot of sweat and tears in put-
ting North Carolina back together
again. Without the efforts of these in-
dividuals, N.C. might still be in
Remember. Pirates, as you are
cheering the Bucs on loudiy, for an-
other home win and a possible spot
in the Top 25 national rankings, that
the special individuals being honored
at half-time deserve your respect and
admiration. Show them what the
"Spirit of the East" is all about.
They may have helped clean up
your town or helped one of your fam-
ily members get through a very try-
ing time. Without them, the football
game being played tonight may not
have been able to be played.
Coming off a hard loss last week to Virginia Tech, the ECU Rugby team came back this week to destroy the
University of South Carolina 50-0.
The scoring started early for ECU. Two minutes into the match, after three consecutive penalties against the
Gamecocks, the Pirates were awarded their first of several trys for the day.
"We simply took advantage of their ignorance and our hustle team President Todd Ward said.
ECU's offensive surges highlighted the match. Rookie Richie Cunningham had several long runs to the outside,
scored one try and had one try called back. Cunningham was worried about his ability prior to the match, but stepped
up and proved himself worthy of the A side start
"We worked the outside all day team Captain Mike Myers said. "Their defensive skills?on the wing were poor at
best so we attacked it"
Myers had a solid day with three 30- meter-plus runs for tries and one penalty try. Eric Kunckle. Kendal Jones
and the ECU pack all added to the scoring barrage.
"ECU owned their pack, with 600 plus pounds in the front row it's hard not to dominate Jr. "Son of Satan"
Manning said. "Stolen lineouts, eight man shoves and zealot - like defense really takes the heart out of a team and
that's what we did tore their hearts out"
In the second game of the day. ECU faced a determined USC "B" side. One long run to the outside and a penalty
play from 15 meters out proved to be too much for the young ECU "B" side. USC couldn't convert the points after for
either try and the score at half was 10-0.
The ECU team dug their heels in for the second half. Rookies Jamie. Brad Noris and "B" side all-star Kevin
"Meatball" Sellars all had excellent efforts to include a game winning try from Sellars. The final score was 12-10.
These wins make ECU's match record to 2-1. The next contest for the Pirates will be Saturday at the Allied
Health field against the Cape Fear Rugby Team.
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The band will show off
thier new uniforms to-
night on national televi-
sion. Here, the band
entertains the crowd
during half-time.
Runners gear up for meet
Women's cross
country team
heads to Auburn
Sean R. O'Brien
Staff Writer
ECU Women's cross-country
team is expecting a good showing
this weekend as they prepare to run
in one of the biggest meets of the year
at Auburn University.
The meet will host 40 schools and
over 300 women runners this week-
end, as the Pirates prepare to face the
most challenging field of the year. This
meet will bring in the top runners
from across the southeast, mid-west,
northeast and western states. Head
Coach "Choo" Justice sees this meet
as a way to evaluate the program and
see where the teams runners need to
be, as the Colonial Athletic
Association's conference meet is fast
"We see this meet as way of see-
ing how we stack up against some of
the best teams in the country Jus-
tice said. "We're going to go into this
meet and hope that we can improve
on our individual times and to pre-
pare for the CAA conference meet,
that is the most important meet for
us of the year
The Lady Pirates will have to
compete this weekend without their
top runner from last year, Suzanne
Bellamy. Bellamy has not been able
to run in any of the meets that the
team has competed in this year be-
cause of a recurring tendonitis prob-
lem. Running without Bellamy is a
major setback to the team's overall
performance because of her ability to
run up front. She was named CAA
rookieof-the-year last year as a fresh-
man, but Justice will be looking to
other runners to step up in her ab-
"We're a middle-of-the-road type
of team right now, we're not great,
but we're not terrible either, but we're
half speed without Suzanne in the
lineup Justice said. "We are looking
for several of our runners to get the
job done this weekend, particularly
Kerri Hartling and Karen Reinhard
Reinhard, a junior from Burke.
Va? knows how important it is for the
team to do well. She is one of the co- '
captains on this year's cross-country
squad and understands the struggles ?
that her team is going through with-
out their top runner. She also hopes a
to improve on her individual time of ?
19:19 in the team's first meet of the 4
season, in which she placed third. ?'
"Having Suzanne out has hurt us
quite a bit as a team Reinhard said.
"She is our strong leg on the team
and with her out it really puts a dent
in our overall conference record
As for Reinhard's personal goals
for the match, she only has one.
"I'm not getting too wrapped up ?
in how 1 place, as much as 1 am con-
cerned with my time Reinhard saidi "
"I would like to close in on 18 min- ?
utes if at all possible, which is where
I need to be for the conference meet.?
As for the team as a whole, 1 hope
we can close the gap between the top
five teams in the conference
The women's cross-country team
will head off to the N.C. State Cham1
pionship Oct. 19 following the Au1
burn meet this weekend. The CAA '
Championship will be held outside-
of Greenville this year at Lake Kristi
on Nov. 2. "
Time for 8 breal
The Student Pirate Ctab it aponawtag ttfr to Btactoburg, Vte. watch
ECU take on Virginia Tech on Nov. & if anyone
Mark Wharton at 328-4540.
IRec SouAiceb VtfrcUtfe
Intramural soccer kicks off
David Gaskins
Rec Services
The 1996 intramural soccer sea-
son is set to kick off next week with
registration meetings and team sign-
ups leading to the opening of the sea-
son on Wednesday, Oct. 23.
The registration meeting will be
conducted on Monday. Oct. 14 at 5
p.m. in Mendenhall Student Center,
Room 244. AH team captains should
plan on attending this meeting in or-
der to obtain necessary information
and paperwork for participation in
the league. Unaffiliated play-
ers seeking a team should also at-
tend the meeting for assistance in
placement on a team. Team sign-ups
will be conducted the following day
on Tuesday. Oct. 15 in Christenbury
Gym. Room 104-A from 10 a.m. to
3:30 p.m. Leagues will be offered in
men's independent gold, men's inde-
pendent purple, fraternity gold, fra-
ternity purple, men's residence hall,
women's independentresidence hall
and sorority.
The gold level is designed for
experienced players who wish to par-
ticipate in a highly competitive atmo-
sphere whereas purple leagues are
designed for teams who are recre-
ational or somewhat competitive but
less advanced in skills and experi-
The various leagues offered are
intended to provide a level of skill
and competitiveness appropriate for
anyone desiring to play. League times
are available on a variety of days and
times in order to accommodate the
schedules of participating teams.
The soccer preview is a new pro-
gram which will provide additional
pre-season play opportunities for a
limited number of teams in a jambo-
ree format on Monday, Oct. 21 and
Tuesday. Oct. 22.
More detailed information and
sign-up guidelines for this program
will be discussed at the soccer regis-
tration meeting.
Regular sea-
son play will be-
gin on Wednes-
day, Oct. 23. All
teams will play a
four game regu-
lar season fol-
lowed by a single
elimination play-
off within each of
the respective di-
visions. Games
will be held at
the North
Ficklen Stadium
In order to
teams should
send a represen-
tative to the reg-
istration meeting, complete a ros-
terparticipation contract, and sign-
up for a league the following day.
Regulation teams are composed of a
minimum of nine players but there
is no roster limit. The offside rule is
not in effect and slide tackles are not
permitted. Participation is open to
currently enrolled students and fac-
ultystaff of ECU. The 1995 program
was composed of 68 teams with the
"Tappa Kegs" capturing the all-cam-
pus gold title. While Lerone Jenkins
and a few other members of this team
have been spotted around campus,
there is considerable question as to
whether this team will return to de-
fend their title.
In order to
participate, teams
should send a
representative to
the registration
complete a roster
contract, and
sign-up for a
league the
following day.
Oye Oyediran, a key member of;
last year's independent gold runner-
up, "The Ruckus is expected to lead j
a team in a challenge for the cham
pionship. Among the women, Christy 1
Hamilton also returns with several i
team members from "The Krush" as I
they will be seek
ing a second con- j
secutive women's ;
title. However, ru- J
mor has it that
Rahha Gil is!
building a power- !
house to unseat
the defending
In the
purple league, Ri- j
chard Bousted
will be seeking to
complete the sea-
son without
drawing a single
red or yellow
card and Chris-
tian Mew contin-
in his at-
tempt to win his
first intramural contest.
The biggest news at this level
revolves around the tremendous
amount of free agent dollars being
spent by Geoufrey Anderson of "My
Damn Team to assemble a dynasty
and shoot to the top of the stand-
While he has already recruited
soccer superstars Brian Weingartz.
Daniel Finn and David Adam, several
players are presently restructuring
their contracts in an effort to fit
prized free agent Vu "Bicycle Kick"
Donie under the salary cap.
For more information on the soc-
cer program, please contact David
Gaskins at rec services at 328-6387.
ESPN announced that the ECUMiami game wfll be met prime-time game on Oct. 19
tt wiM be the Pirates second consecutive appearance on national television with this
weeks coverage on ESPN 2 of the Southern Miss garr?e.TWSw? be ECli's first time In
history as the prime-time Saturday game. The game w?f begin at 7 p.m.
Don't forget to bring non-perishable food to the game and drop off to the boxes
located at each gate. The food banks of eastern North Carolina are depleted and this
is an excellent opportunity to replenish them.
?" y

Tuesday, October 10, 1996
The East Carolinian
For Rent
Now Taking Leases for
I bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
3 brnv 2.5 bath townhouse near Greenville
Athletic Club. Very nice with lots of room.
$270. month and 12 utilities. Call 355-
Club Apartments. Washer Dryer, use of all
amenities, split cable, phone and utilities 4
ways. Call Today! 321-7613. Very Affordable.
SWF LOOKING FOR SWF nonsmoker to
share 2 bedroom apartment. $200month
tully furnished excluding bedroom. Call 830-
9889. Leave message.
AVAILABLE - 1 bedroom apartment Walk-
ing distance to ECU campus. 524 sq. ft Large
walk-in closet, washerdryer hookup. Water,
sewer, basic cable. $340.00 per month. No
pets allowed. Call Woodcliff Rentals & 758-
5005. p
ROOMATE WANTED TO SHARE a two and living room fully fur-
nished apartment. Lew rent and ask for
Brian 551 3766.
Short walk to campus. Woodlawn Apt. ?
next to Alpha Omicron Pi house. 3 bedrooms,
2 12 baths, mint condition. 5th Street
Square - Uptown - Above BW3, 3 bedrooms,
2 12 baths, sunken living area. Luxury Apar-
tment. Also available - "The Beauty Salon"
? 3 bedroom apartment If you see it you'll
love it! Call Yvonne at 758-2616.
2 bedroom. 2 bath condo on Breezewood
Drive. Fire place, vaulted ceilings, washer
dryer hook-up,dishwasher,AC, balcony, pool,
own bathroom. Great Apartment Great price.
Free cable. Call Nancy at 321-2969.
ERS Club Apartments. WasherDryer, use
of all amenities, split cable, phone and utili-
ties 4 ways. Call Today 321-7613. Very Af-
house with all amenities, walk to campus,
about $150 month. Call 757-9683 for info.
2 bedroom apartment $185month plus 1
2 utilities. Very nice and on ECU bus route.
A must see. Call 758-8927.
For Sale
?" f?
4.500 differentterns
Largest Library of Information in U.S.
Oroei Catalog Today with Visa MC or COD
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all extras. Asking $80 OBO. Call Mark at
S500. Large entertainment center, $150.
Kicker box two 12" woofers, $150. Alphuso-
nik amplifier. 300 watts, $200. Brian 752-
STARTING at $100.00. RECOMPUTE, 303
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Tue-Wed-Thurs. 10am4pm 757-2740
gotiable. Includes users manual. Call Donna
at 756-5857.
HUFFY H.I.S. 10 SPEED bike, black. Pur-
chased in August Ridden twice. Paid $140,
asking $95. Call 752-5304. Ask for Jennifer.
tires, new clutch, blue, 96,000 miles. $2700
OBO. Brian at 752-1891.
1987 LINCOLN TOWN CAR fully loaded -
dark blue - leather interior, cold AC Need
the money S800.00. 749-5932. Leave mes-
FOR SALE - portable drafting board $40;
stationary exercise bike with large seat $50:
set TV trays S10. After 5:30 pm 758-5712.
up to $25-S45hour teaching basic conver-
sational English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Ko-
rea. No teaching background or Asian lan-
guages required. For info, call: (206) 971-
3570 ext J53626
Now Hiring Playmates. Top Pay. All shifts.
Must be 18 years old. Call today 747-7686,
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AIRLINE JOBS - Applications are now be-
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AAA credit Get out of debt Learn how to
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velope. Opportunities Unlimited, P.O. Box
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for 4 children aged 5 to 10. References and
reliable car with seat belts required. Call 758-
2106 or 758-3077 after 5 pm.
circulars. For info call 202-393-7723.
money, career possible. Call 757-9683 for de-
applications for 3rd shift employees. Very
flexible starting pay $5hour. Call Jan or
Joy at 752-3647.
- Conversational English teachers needed in
Prague, BudapesC or Krakow. No teaching
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FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion in
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THANK YOU TO THETA Chi for our pre-
downtown Friday night We had a blast! Love,
the sisters and pledges of Chi Omega.
LATE the new officers of Junior Panhellenic,
President Chrissy Dukeit, Alpha Delta Pi;
Vice Presidnet Carmen Land, Alpha Phi;
Secretary Erin Adam, Chi Omega; Treasurer
Whitney Farmer, Zeta Tau Alpha; Public
Relations Michelle Gottshalk, Alpha Omicron
Pi; Chaplin Mandy Johnson, Delta Zeta; So-
cial Denise Evans, Sigma; Campus Project
Rachel Schutz, Pi Delta; Sister Project
Katherine Lutz, Carrie Augustine, Alpha Xi
Delta; Community Project Frankye Hubbard,
Pi Delta; Fundraiser Project Emily Marce,
Alpha Delta Pi.
ALPHA PHI - We would like to thank you
for all of your help and support Parents'
Weekend was a blast! Let's keep up the tra-
dition. Love, Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
PHI TAU - It was great seeing you again.
Hope we get together again soon! Love, the
sisters and pledges of Chi Omega.
CHI ONEGA - We had a great time Thurs-
day night. You guys looked so groovy!
Thanks for being such good sports. Love,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
week" greeks of the week: Alpha Delta Pi -
Lindsay Peeler, Susan Mdin: Alpha Omicron
Pi - Tawni Hines, Kara Blaha; Alpha Phi -
Traci Sorrel, Heather Tilley; Alpha Xi Delta
- Alice Walden, Harriet Turner: Chi Omega -
Lori Sherman. Emma Thomas; Delta Zeta -
Tabbi Gra, Lisa Waterfield; Sigma - Kristy
Schalles; Zeta Tau Alpha - Amelia Burney,
Catherine Trudell; Pi Delta - Melissa Hicks,
Stephanie Jones
WE LOVE OUR GREEK Gods! Congrats
Andy for winning! Great job Ryan! You rep-
resented Chi Omega well! Love, the sisters
and pledges of Chi Omega.
CHI OMEGA - We hope you had fun solv-
ing those riddles. We always have a good
time with you guys. Love, Sigma Alpha Ep-
GREAT JOB CHI OMECA Rugby players.
Thanks to Slick and Jerry for your help.
THE SISTERS OF PI Delta are proud to
introduce the 1996 Kappa pledge class! Our
new members are: Melissa McAnnally, Lau-
ra Hollingsworth, Rachael Schulz, Mylissa
Latham, Carrie Barrett Stephanie Ortiz, Ju-
lie Guy, Leslie Garris, Frankye Hubbard, Mer-
edith Dowty, Jamie Finch, Ann Elms, Kelly
Goodman, Elizabeth Greno and Leslie
A SPECIAL THANKS TO Stephanie Jones,
Jamie Finch, and Carrie Barrett for partici-
pating in Creek goddess! You guys are the
best! Love, your Pi Delta sisters.
PHI TAU: THANK YOU for a great time
Friday night We hope to do it again. Love,
the Alpha Phis.
SIGMA ALPHA EPSILQN - We had a great
time searching for the Hidden Treasures with
you Saturday night Hope we can do it again!
Love, the sisters of Chi Omega.
have had 124 years of awesome sisterhood.
Let's keep the tradition growing strong.
Love, your sisters.
PI DELTA WOULD LIKE to congratulate
everyone who played in the Alpha PhiGam-
ma Rugby tournament, especially Alpha Phi
and Alpha Delta Pi for winning! Can't wait
for next year!
thank Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Phi, and Chi
Omega for letting us represent you in Greek
Cod. Hope we represented you well.
WE WOULD LIKE TO congratulate the Al-
pha Delta Pi Rugby Team and their coach
Mark on a job well done. Thanks Alpha Phi
for the great time Sunday! Love, the sisters
of Alpha Delta Pi.
KAPPA SIC - Thanks for a great time last
Friday night at the hall crawl. Love, Alpha
Delta Pi.
DELTA ZETA - Well DZ ladies, the 2nd an-
nual Toxic Waste social was an absolute blast
The air was full of the smell of paint, "Louie
Louis" on the stereo, and a bunch of paint-
ed people gettin' crazy! We appreciate you
girls being there and can't wait to do it again.
Sincerely, the Brothers and Pledges of Al-
pha Sigma Phi.
PI LAMBDA PHI. TO all the brothers who
went to Charlotte on Friday, Pearl Jam
Ruled! And a special thanks to all the broth-
ers who worked hard last weekend to make
Conclave a success.
and supported the Alpha Phi Rugby Tour-
nament. It was a huge success! We couldn't
have done it without you. Love, Alpha Phi
TO THE DELTA ZETA football team. Great
win against Chi Omega. Special thanks to
Samantha and Torri. You played great! Keep
up the good work! Love your sisters.
TO ALL CHI OMEGA Blind Dates Look-
ing forward to an exciting night on Satur-
day! Get ready to have fun!
THANKS TO THE CHI Omega football team
for a great season! We are proud of you! Love,
the Sisters of Chi Omega.
ANDY CRAWFORD - Congratulations on
being crowned Greek god. We're proud of
you. Your brothers, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
skills with the Outdoor Living Skills Work-
shops. On Oct 15 at 7:00 pm the Adventure
Program is offering a Knot Tying workshop.
Register by Oct 11 in 204 Christenbury. For
more info call Rec Services 328-6387.
al Services is offering a Linville Gorge Climb
Weekend, Oct 25-27. Breath taking scenery
is common place in Linville Gorge as you
climb top rope and multipitch. Previous
climbing experience is a must Interested in-
dividuals must register in 204 Christenbury
by Oct 14. For more info call Rec Services
explore new heights! Learn all the basic skills
of climbing and belaying at the Recreational
Services Climbing Tower on Oct 10 & 14
from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm at the Climbing Tow-
er. Register one business day before each ses-
sion in Christenbury 204. For more info call
Rec Services 326387.
NAM Wall. Visit The Wall of ECU October
14 & 15, 9 am - 2 pm in front of The Wright
Services Intramural Sports Program is hav-
ing a SoccerPreview Registration meeting
Oct 14 at 5:00 pm in MSC 244. For more
info call Rec Services 328-6387.
We also buy GOLD , SILVER, Jewelry-Also Broken Cold Pieces
& Stereo's, TV's, VCR's, CD players
HRS. THURS-FRI10-12,1:30 -5& SAT FROM 10-1
come into the staff parking lot in front of wachovia downtown, drive
to back door & ring buzzer
tudent Swap Shop
TUES, OCT. 8 - Big River-Adventures of
Huck Fiun;Production of ECU Dept of Thea-
tre Arts and the School of Music; ticket in-
formation call 32845829, Messick Theatre.8
pm Tues, Oct 8 - Guest Recital, "music of
Desenclos, Bonneau and Milhaud Anjan
Shah, saxophone, AJ Fletcher Recital Hall,
8 pm; Wed, OcL 9 - Senior Recital. Will
Tynch, saxophone, AJ Fletcher Recital Hall,
7 pm; Fri, Oct. 11 - Senior Recital, Russell
Tinkham, tuba, AJ Fletcher Recital Hall, 7
pm Fri, Oct 11 - Jazz at Night directed by
Carroll V. Dashiell Jr The Great Room, Men-
denhall, 8 pm; Sat, Oct. 12 - Junior Recital.
Erik Harris, euphonium, AJ Fletcher, 4 pm;
Sat, OcL 12 - Graduate Reciatl. Heather
Struber, basson, AJ Fletcher, 2 pm; Mon,
OcL 14 - Wind Chamber MusicThe Music
of Beethoven and Poulenc" featuring Nathan
Williams, clarient Christine Gustafson, flute.
Christopher Ulffers, bassoon. Petrea War-
neck, oboe, Eileen Cress, horn, Barbara Mc-
Kenzie. piano, AJ Fletcher, 8 pm.
THE 1996 Student Homecoming Commit-
tee is looking for convertibles. If you are
interested in participating in the 1996 Home-
coming Parade please call 3284711 and
leave a message for Amber or J. Thank you
for your help! The 1996 Student Homecom-
ing Committee.
VISIT "THE WALL" IN front of the Wright
Place, Oct 14 & 15, 9 am - 2 pm. This is
"The Wall" built by alcohol.
The East Carolinian
Advertising Department
is accepting applications
for the position of
Please come by
The East Carolinian
for an application.
Current resume is required.
The East
4p.m. FRIDAY for next
Tuesday's edition
4p.m. MONDAY for next
Thursday's edition
25 words or fewer
Each word over
25, add 5
For bold, add$1
All Greek organizations
must be spelled out - no
abbreviations. The East
Carolinian reserves the
right to reject any ad
for libel, obscenity
andor bad taste.

The East Carolinian, October 10, 1996
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 10, 1996
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