The East Carolinian, September 25, 1990

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BUt iEant (Eartfltman
Servmq the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.64 No.48
I i ay.Septi mbi r 25 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
Bike thieves
have field day
Record number of bicycles stolen
B) Michelle - astello
si.iit Writei
Keith Kn
Incidcncesol bi v lo thefts
onampus ha c m? reasing
dramatically as two wheel
ers have been reported stolen
thi- semester
dine to I ieu tenant
of E l"s O
Prevention Department
this year .i total f W hi w lei
have been stolen at a reported
total valued $12 s Already
this number exceeds the
amount stolen last year
In Q89 50 bi v cles w ere
reported stolen throughout the
vear and 5 wen rep i tod sto
li run 1988 Vsof V . - ' 'ub
lie Safety has had .it.1
stolen bus cles reported
Knox said that unre
and improperly secured bi
cvcles in 'In main targi I
thet! 1 ho oeoole
i tru
he pee
who are out t
sh i .i bn i le
? a
1 he i ulprits are usually F.( I stu
dents or juvenile teenagers who
li e in the ne.irb university om
mui '
luveniles come to campus
prepanxi to steal bicy leswith wire
r?i bolt cutters and look for .i bi
evele that is unregistered because
these are the ones that cannot be
easily Irai ed Knox said
Some teens ride a new bi
cvclecvery week Sometimesthcy
mav disassemble two or three bi-
CVCles and make ,i new one that
( annot be easily traced
Bi v les are required to be
registered on campus Registra
tion is tree to E 1 student- .tiu is
permanent Knox said that it is i
good idea to register bicycles be
i iuse if a bicvele is registered the
; , iht ot rei oven is mm h
problem with
? ? ? bikes is that tl ? ?
rial number i other pertinent
? n that will help ' li '
n ? l d It
and t OV
? ? I
p lio can
Gantt receives
By Latoya Nankins
suit Writer
File Photo
According to Public Safety reports. 33 bicycles have been stolen since the beginning ot the
F all semester
bike belongs to immediately
Kn said
So tar this year, I'ublu Safety
has re ovcred nme bicycles tor a
cry value of $1 245 -V i ord-
mgti Knox Public Safety has had
bikes stolen m the price range of
$ SO to $1,000, so any bike is a likely
target I urther bicvclesareagreed
? I e the easiest modeof rranspor
? e;on on campus rherefore, the
I for a bit cle is great in a
1 o prevent bicvele then Knox
mm nds that students prop
erl secure the front wheel and
do a stationary object such as
impus bike ra ks w ith a inch
security! boltort lock "Gener
ii se loi ks cannot be cut or
pried open. Knox said
1 o aid in polii e re i ?very of a
stolen bicyck it is a good idea I
engrave a driver's license number
or social security number in an
in onspi uous place on the frami
ECU professor
writes on
By Ann Edwards
st.nt Writer
Exhibits and other informa-
tion explaining the harmful aff v Is
of censorship are on display in
area libraricsand bookstores dur-
ing Banned Books Week which
com ludes i riday
The week coincides vsith the
release of a book on the topi o
book banning written by E I s
(,ene Lanier, an expert in the field
"A book is easier to ban than
explain said Professor I anierol
the I iepartmentof 1 ibrarv and In
formation studies
1 or this reason, it is impor
tant tor people to be aware o ai
vocal in prote ting their i irst
Amendment rights, he continued
As a professor in the Depart
ment ot I ibrarv and Information
studies. I v I anier teai hes a la
on Libraryollcction Devi
ment Marge segment of thestud
ies involve education on I irst
Amendment rights, he said
In the summer of
Lanier plans to conduct a seminar
Oil mtellei tual tree lorn whl h
emphasizes the positive rathi r
than the negative approaches that
censorship connotes
1 or several de ? groups
have attempted to ban liti I it I
they found objectional ' bje
tionable material ranges from
references to theoo ultti druguse
and sexual edu ation nd a.
cording to national reports this
practice has not abated at ill said
Dr I amer. whohaslvendr ribcd
as a "First Amendment purist
"If they (censors) sean hlong
enough, they'll find something to
censor in every work said 1 anier
"They are sincere in their attempts
toproteet youth trom 'unpleasant
topics'and real lifeand thev have
every right Ub" hesaid 'Butatthe
?ne time, what thev try to ban
goes to vour children and mine
See Banning page 2
are m. re bikes on campus
than ever before Knox said
I or safety r asons publu
safet removes bicycles that
ire m, hored to unauthorized
ireas su h as stairways and
r r
orwheels rhis way police have a handicapped ramps
backup meansof identifying a sto bike ??' public
len bicycle ECl registered bikes
that have been stolen are more
likely tobespottedby police and if
the serial number has been re
moved there will be another iden-
tification number that the i ulpnt
wouldn't have know n about
'We are currently using il
the bicy le racks that w h i ? ?n
ampus and are in the pr ? ? ?
getting more where they are
needed Au- to the fa I that there
if el , . ; ??: ? ?? red
ones Students ho have lost
then es mas - ontac t
publii sati ? ' see it their
. i
?een impounded
I ki
fee i l " i- required for
? ? med bi v i les
are stored i i i roximately
. months.alter that time.
? ? ends them to
Raleigh t ?? sold as State
Dictionary banned for
'objectionable words'
By Ann Edwards
sun Writer
Photo- Tim Hampton
it s hard to fathom that J D Salinger's I he Catcher in the Rye was
? e on the censors banned book list
What does The ?" ti on Hen
plavs and I D Salinger's book The
Catcha in the Rye have in common?
Salinger's book is a give-away;
it is one of many works ot literature
including novels, plays and short sto
ries,which is. mcens rs' banned bt ?ks
But The American Heritage I ?
ti mary was at ne tinx- als i a banned
Reasons for O3nsorshipare var-
ied According to the book denature
for Today'soung Adults, in the 1970s,
when censorship became common-
plaee. Nxik banners listcxi six criteria
tor oensorshfo. Literature could vit
ish-rust oneof theobjtvtionsand boon
the lilt list
These objections included the
?deemed offensive because
of sex
? seen as an attack on the
American dream or the country
("un-American" or "proomrnie
? labeled peacenik or pact
? considered irreligious or
? vlieil to promotera
dal harmony or stress civil nghts
ot the civil rights move-
? regarded as offensive
in language
it secmsas though anything
matmightbeenjrjyed by someone
islikdy h i fcelsomecensi ir'sscom
and moral wrath Although tht
list varies from year-to-year and
school district to school district,
theft ilk ?wing v i irksusuallymaiiB
the top ten hit list
li Cat ha in :hc Rye
i one ot the n-K st w ideK censored I
2) Go As AHce
f) if Ms ?.??' vfenfjohn
Steinbtx k)
4i ? vpes of Wrath
5 i CaU '?: 22 Joseph
Bi. ? New World
.(Aldoiis 1 luxlev
7 ?; ifthefliefWiBiam
8) I Kill .j Mockingbird
il larper 1 ee)
9) Slaughterhouse-Fiat
i Kurt onnegut)
10) wrr (Judy Bloom)
A Harvey Gantt tor I S Sen
ate representative met with E I
students rhursday night to help
organize a campus campaign.
Darell Fricke a spokesperson
tor Gantt, spoke to 41 students
interested inbackingGanttagainst
incumbent lesse Helms in the
November Senate race.
Fricke told the audience that,
a, cording to the latest polls. (,antt
is in the lead bv 1 percent A
percentage which is equal to about
12,000 persons or a small college
"1 was very surprised at the
strong support on the EC L cam-
pus We haven't had that much
support trom the ECl S .A so the
movement will probably be all
grassroots Fricke said
'Students will make a differ-
ence in this olcv tion. he said
"People who are mislead by Helms
ads are Helms supporters We
need to get to the ones informed
lhe meeting was then turned
over to the students to organize
theEC L movement toelectt iantt.
On top of the agenda was voter
registration In order to register
one must present a valid driver
license and be a resident of the
country tor HI days
It is also possible to vote by
absentee ballot it registered in an-
other country, it you send in the
ballot JO days before the election.
students decided to have a
booth in front of the Student Store
Wednesday rhursday and Friday,
as well as one in front of
Mendenhall student Center up
until the sixth of October.
The purpose of the booth is to
encourage campus-wide voter
registration and distribute infor-
mation about (iantt.
Other events concerning
Gantt s campaign are scheduled
up to election day on Nov. 6.
There will be a state-wide
college rally foi GanttatN C State
( Vt. 1 at 3 p.nv Gantt is scheduled
to appear
On Oct 17, there will be a con-
cert at the Attic. Bands involved
are the Amateurs, 1 he Farth Mer-
chants and In Limbo. Admission
is $5 and all precedes go to the
i Iantt campaign.
According to Doug 1 iobbs. a
Political Science major: "Helms is
too far right. Hedoesn t represent
theNCcitizens He only represents
himself With Gantt we can hope
for the best
Students, faculty fight campus violence
By Marie Hodge &
Jeff Blyskal
Editor's note This is the first
installment ot a two part series
i orx erned with violent i rimes on
America's i ampuses
eanneC lerv. I ehigh I niver
sitv lass ot '89 would have
three students to their dormitory. lent crimes were committed bv hazards of l?e on vamp Bu
Wordswereexchanged.andapack students, according to the C enter concerned parents, students and
n , K r suddenlv smashev the for the Study and Prevention o, college administrators are taking
.L . t.?,i?n,1,iTows,)nstate actionaround the country and set-
ting examples for others to follow.
Here's what every college
should o to control violence on
Start a camptts-wakch program.
of a female student with a lowsonState
bn k University in Maryland.
Despite the idyllic images col- Fraditionallv most colleges
legebrochurcspresent,vioiencets have kept quiet about crime
a fact of life on the nation's cam- Fearing adverse publicity, thev
5ity'Class Ol 'v? would have puses Last vear alleges reported t " agr0e that" anv
griduatedbstiune4 Instead,her to the FBI atota. of .violent ???u lnreducrirnesT
?!2tt?EiE. fflssssag SSEFS SSaS-
!S2aHB fflSSaKSS SSSS?21 torampantnear
Jeanne savagely tZSZttZ. 'TSSBSS? campus "Every mght cars were
i:tvoK a?forn,a arson and n.tor-veh.cle aooutenn, hascrea a danr-
Awareness is the key
to preventing campus bi-
cycle thefts
Personals. For Sale,
Help Wanted. For Rent
and Services Rendered.
State and Nation7
Police arrest suspect
for the murder of two hik-
ers on the Appalacham
Trail in Pennsylvania.
New campus support
group will provide victims
of sexual assualt wuh sup-
port and help.
A look at last
weekend's 20-10 victory
over Southwestern Lou-

Hhc ?a?t (Tarulinian September 25,1990
ECU Briefs
President of NOW to visit ECU
campus Sept. 27 during N.C. tour
Women's rights activist Moll) Yard will visit ECU Thursday,
Sept. 27, as part of a three J.i lour of North Carolina campuses. She
will sp?wk at7p ni in the C .reat Room ot Mendcnhall Student C enter
Ms. Vmi. president ot tin- National Organization tor Women
(NOW), is appearing with NOW s Campus aravan tor Women's
I ives,a multi-media pro abortion rightscampaign specifically aimed
at students The public is in ited to attend theara an program
Women's rights, reproductive freedom and the importance ot
this car sVnateole lion will be discussed at the rails A video pres
entation on minor's rights and abortion laws will be screened and
voter registration tables will be nearby to assist potential voters
The II visit is hosted bj the K I Women's Studies Program
and the Women s Studies Alliam e
NOW intoi the Campus Caravan to politicall) empower
those most d i " toJ b the re enf U S Supreme( ourf deci
sions on parental involvement young Americans said t heryl
Dudasik Wiggsol the E I Women s Studio Program.
NOW has targeted key campuses in North Carolina on a
whistle stop tour to organize students and to galvanize pro-choice
voters she said
ECU faculty member appointed
director of teacher education
Parmalee Phillips Hawk a member ot the K I School ot fc'du
cation faculty since 181 h is boon appointed diroctoi ol tea here. In
I ation at ECl
She will super ise the development implementation and evalu
ation lI policies and procedures regarding teacher education pro
crams on campus and oversee the orientation stall development
and evalual icher edu tacults ECL currently has $
distini 11 lion progi ims
During hei wars at i Hawk h?s been involved in the
development of several vide education initiatives including
the Initiallyertified Personnel Program, the leacher Performance
ppraisal Instrument theModcK linical reaching Program and the
I ateral Entry Program
She has also served on the state's Task Eorce tor the Improve
menl ol s ondarv Education and has been a re ipient ol the sso
ciation ol leu her 1 ducators' Distinguished Research Award
Announcing Dr Hawk's appointment ECl School of Educa
tionDcan harles oblesaid I am absolutely confident that she is
the right person for the joh She has ,i ,ist experience and a lone,
commitment ot sen ice to this university and to teacher education
I look forward to working v ith her in this new role
School of Art student to present
exhibit of work downtown in Oct.
Vrtworkb) I i ' ' e of Selma, a senior student in the
M I School of Art, will be on display Oc? 20-27 at the University
Frame Shop and Art lallery at 516 South Cotanche street
Her exhibition will feature a varietj ol metalwork jewelr
items, (locks .md pie esof sculpture ornamented with enamelwork
and acrylics Also on view will be several black and white photo
Margolis, a 1988 graduate of
Drexet. One evening in October
1987, Margolis heard a scream
outside his window When he in-
vestigated, he found a woman ly-
ing on the sidewalk, her hue
bloody I ater the same night, two
University students were romped
and beaten by neighborhood
Determined to fight back,
Margolis called a meeting ot
Drexel's Interfraternity ssocia
tion and formed Town Watch
Fraternity volunteers now patrol
the campus and its surroundings
from evening until the earl
morning hours 1 ravelmgm pairs.
they report suspicious activity via
walkie talkie to a central radio post
staffed b sorority volunteers, who
then contact Philadelphia police
"There's no doubt the program
has reduced crime in the Town
Watch area says lohn Hood,
crime-prevention officer in the
polk e department's loth district
ock and monitor i i I he
night eanne lerv was murdered,
dorm residents had propped open
a locked door, as was frequently
done to permit late night pizza
deliveries, loanne may also have
lett her own door unlocked, m
anticipation of her roommate's
I ehigh was aware ol its door
problem Security patrols kept
records, and relocked propped
doors In the6 I 2 months Jeanne
was ,it I ehigh, there were
mt idents ot propped doors says
her father Howard (lerv "In
(eanne's dorm alone there were
1 so proppings "
Although Lehigh has.i pol?
of disciplining door proppers, "no
one has ever been caught admits
Marsha 1 hincan. vice president ot
student atlairs
Now,aspartofanout-ol court
settlement with IheC lerys, Lehigh
hasagreed totrya pilot door-alarm
program. In this, keys a re replaced
with plastic ards: a machine
records the time and the identity
Continued from pnqe 1
ot each card user, and a building
wide alarm sounds in ase ol in
trusion. Also, exterior dooi an
wired to notify police it the are
propped open i simple measure
that may be the obstai le prevent
mg another burglan . rapi
Improve lighting i ? I
emergency phones At night I
tifully landscaped campus .otter
shadowy hiding pi es tor ?
ecrs, rapist and robber
?-Itlution to this problem is im
Continued from page I
proved lighting
Alter the 1 niversity ol V ir
gmia in harlottesville instituted
i i ampus watch, trimmed back
bushes and installed lighting u I
telephone i all I
violent nme on campus dropp !
? percent tnd property cm
? c-nt
. ? ? Im
The East Cjrolini.m s nop .u c eptmg applications
tor News Writers, If you want to ham the ins-and-
outs otthv newspaper industry, stop b) the ottu e
in the Publications Building; orcaM 757-6 'hh. see
whit the student newspaper can do tor you.
Putt-Putt Golf & Games
rwi P
n ot the artist iss heduled forOct 26 from 7 p m
t ofltpilcd trom I I I N?-ws Hurrau rcpOfti
Crime Scene
Five DVVI arrests keep ECU Public
Safety occupied during weekend
September r
0831 V ?
gallv p.irked bu i les on I
an ottu i r checked out ille
oped ramp Same were re
1038 An officer hecked area south ol Mendenhall tor two ve
hides impeding traffic in that area One vehicle was towed, and the
other was given a i nation
2110 An ol ' cr Residence Hall and confronted
subjects repeatedly hitting a . i with a frisbee
2237 n officer responded to an activated tire alarm at Aycock
Rcsidei el activated at the 3rd floor east of the
and they attempt to overstep their
In l?80 P inned Rooks Weeks
were jointh founded b the
moru an Booksellers Association,
tlic merii an i ibrary Association
and the National Association ol
( ollege Stores rhe groups hope
to emphasize that imposing infor
mation restraints on literature is a
lot more damaging than exposing
the information, said I amor
! )r I anier w ho tra els
around the country emphasizing
theimportan. ? f proti ting one s
larst Amendment rights, became
interested in this pursuit while
working inounter Intelligence
in Western Europe
I hoard about the 1 litlcr
book banning n i ed the
same thing could happen here I in
the United States) udDr.l anier
People tak then i phi for
granted 1 nov travel acrcss the
nationedu ating people its mit the
nghtsof individ h ? ???.? ind
the freedi n f the pn
i or his - menl
tectmg First Amendment rights
I anur has re. ei I awai Is from
the Playbo) v itioi ind the
American I ibrarv ssociation
in ibook released last 1 riday,
by attorney and author William
Noble, "Bookbanning in America
Who Bans Books? Knd Why
an entire chapter is devoted to Dr.
Lanier'seffortsin fighting the book
censors in Northarolina and
hostages stay
around the i ountn
I hs stand i n bookl
and i ensorship kept him in the
publu eye and librarians a ross
ortharolina i ontinued to seek
his assistance as one challenge a(
ter.mother was hurtled at St hools
public libraries and major book
stores, said Noble in his book
Dr l anier ret ently com
pleted his second term on the
American Library Association's
Intellei I recdomommittet
and he serves on the same com
mittee with the Southeastern 1 i
brar ssoi uition He als
renth i hairs the ommittee in the
North aro i ibi n ? '?
As ban I the Board ol
Advisors ol i foi th
Ameri? an Way in North
smce 1988, I )r 1 anier makes
sorshiponeol the top priorities
their agenda ? ?? '?
appointed ?? tl M A sommit
. profi ? il Ethics and th
I ? ? ? en an Assck lation
otS hool 1 ibranans 1 lealsosei
is i iaison ot the lntelle tual I n ?
lorn-Round Table
As an . n Firsl
Amendment rights, Dr Lamer
advises librarians on censorship
problems and questions. 1 le esti-
mates that he has responded to
over 100 requests trom librarians
this yearconcerningproblems with
groups that have complaints about
material on the libraries shelves.
FREE Squeeze Bottle
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2 Large Shrimp Platters $11-50 J
Dine InorTai J
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2903 S. Evans St.
Call 756-2011
? -i 3 -g
known subject with fireworks
2 5 An of fit er observed a wrecker rcmo ing a vehicle smith
of Scott Residence! I .11 rhe operator advised that Publu satet had
railed No call was made from Publi Safct) and contact was not
: h with the owner rhe vehicle was returned
253 Art ? iffii i i i he ked on ,u intoxicated non student north j
o( Spitman Building rhe subject was determined to be capable ot
walking and d to ??- atk home
September 20
111" An officer removed an illegally parked bicycle at old
lovner 1 ibrar
1 4 At old lovner I ibrarv. an office? with a welder checked
illegally parked bicy les fhe sobjei Is were given w.irning tickets
September 21
0006 An officer stopped a vehicle west of Mendenhall student
( en?e and issued a state i it at ion to student tor I V I A second
ottuer issued campus citations to student passengers tor alcohol
v iolations.
0018 An officer stopped a vehicle bv the 1Kb house and
arrested student for I W1
M)k An ottu or stopped a vehicle east of the Fletcher MJusk
( enter and arre ited student tor I H I
18 t )ffw ers stopped a vehi le south of I'ublu s.itut m ar
; rested student tor I !
111? An ottu er assisted a student with the Uh ation ot a stolen
, bikr ihe bike was recovered
September 22
0149 An officer issued a verbal warning to a non student tor
publu urination at thoultureenter
i I40P Mfurs r'sp, nded to I instead Residence Hall regarding
,m intoxicated and unconscious female ampus citations were
issued to two students for underage consumption.
September 23
0159 An ot'i, er assisted another officer with a male sleeping in
? lemenf Residence Hall lobby Same was transported loSiay Rest
Jcn- Hall
0202 An office? banned a non student east of Flanagan tor
public urination and mtortoreru e w ith a poln e offkwf
0224 Several officers checked the wooded area around Jones
,idon e I lall tor a female M reaming Rt-port unfounded
;pi An,a- ,r t, .pp. d a ehu le at Mm and Mh Streets and
arrested operatot tor i
rime s.rn is l.ikn fn.m Hi, 11 FCU Cuhlu" Safety l"d?
in Raleigh
RAI 1-K .11 I l' lhirt
three of the 111 former hostages
trom the Vfiddte Easf that arrived
in Raleigh sundav plan to stav in
ortlu arolina, bringing that total
to 14. officials said Monday.
Sunday's freedom flight was
the third to come to Raleigh
Durham International Airport in
1 I days nA the eighth total flight
It wasapparontlv the last chartered
flight scheduled bv the Stale He
"This operation went very
smoothly, said Eric lolbert as-
sistant director of Emergency
Management The hostages
seemed rclievedand verv grateful
tor the help we were able to give
them "
fhe I 1 I former hostages in-
cluded 76 adults and $5 children
under the age of 12, according to
North Carolina Department ot
(rime Control and Public Safetv
One of the former hostages
was ,i diabetic who was taken to
Rex Hospital for observation. Her
condition was unknown.
Another woman was having
problems related to a recent
childbirth, but decided she would
fly to Texas Mondav to receive
treatment, officials said
Thirty families, or 14t people,
will settle in the Wake County area,
including seven families from
Sunday's flight
Director of Advertising
Adam Blankenship
Advertising Representatives
Ken E.irley Julie Rostoe
John Semelsberger Nee hoi Boone
Nellie Van Den Dungen
Advertising Production Manager
Warren Kessler (Graphic Artist)
National $6.00
Local Open Rate $5.O0
?er column inch
Frequency Contract
Dicounts Available
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 - 5:30

v?hc ?att (Earoltntan Swu mm n 25.1990 3
Student Union
urges awareness,
By ohn Fuller
SjmvijI l I ho t .isl V
rhc Il Student I nion
General sscmbl) deckled Situi
ii.n to improve itndcnl aware
ness and pai In ipation in the
1 ampus ox panization
We want the students to
knov that we do more than
sponsor programmed entertain
men I Ken 1 rake president i(
Student I nion .?ui
Besides sponsoring mm ies
holiday vacations and visual irts
show s the Student I nion i
nizes minontN art' events and i
nightclub featuring live i omed
and mush (known as theoffot
Walt Disney World . representatives will
present an information session n the Walt
I Hsney V rld illege Pr igram ?n M rul.i.
()ctober 1. 1990. at 7 00 pm in R - m 1026 t
(Ik- General lassroom Building Attendance
.n (his presentation is required t interview
Interviews are scheduled foi I?? da
ut ber 2, L990, at 8:am in the o p
)ttu .? All majors an en ourag? d to attend.
Photo- Tim M.implon
rhel? ? lent Union Program Board Consists of
house Msoundertheauspuesol . M, ? Jt,miqan (second row) Lee Ann Thamngton CarotSansour Lisa Man
the union arc th i ijoi s .?? , ugherty and Patrick Kennedy
series and special concerts teatui
ine smaller hands like the So IV ui It is funded b) run by and most comprehensive of an stu
hc; concert on the Mall this rvmtorth, I I Is Drake said dent organization on campus. Th,
nMl tursenioi slid is the first year that these programs
the Student nioi has a vearh are tv.nv, offered to all the com
t ?nta i
?!tiv c
Wednesday at u r m
nother lej I the union
plans spei ial events sin
i30()00() 'his mittce members.
foot on the Mall and for the first monevisdistnbutedamongthell
time ever a Haiti "m ditterent committees vluch ha ' imiuw?l
MgesCohsou, a total comhin, I -ho is interested toapph no
1 rake H?d that Jui ing fus
? sidetit last veai a thi eai
d, , lining In nd in it lend in e .it ? ;
Student ' ? was re to tr to repi ni '
versed ' t " ' ' planning universtt
and promotn n ol the e ents s,nJ
Praki si upsw mg in at ndtheSt
? nue
i nt I nion is the mitt.
nrin iple pi ramn ency ot J? ?. ?
, , i ause there are still i few posi
. tionsavailable rheStudentl nion
. , , of fers students a unique opportu-
. i nitv to develop strong leadership
)ravt. skills that can give them .i com
petitiveodgewhen the graduate
m, n 1 irake addt d
com Students can call the24hour
I program hotline i 104) tofind
out about. nrrent campus events
Warehouse doc hired safety hazard, destroyed
H Robin I ripp
Spe? i" The I .1-1arolinian
thi ? '
ine in
1 hee naVVan house
ECLov ' 'I ? ' ? ' "
. vdrd was li ! List the Ian I
month Km ause ' structun
had ? '
thosi ?? ? ? ,1!Ki " rnisti
I he a a rohoiiN : '
' ? ' t ? : l: '
r ? ? l??r tl Vtott ,ini ?
parti I ' me hov id tor t
taken 1st E.R.I
? : ? tt Buck Of I
I I w en t a
thi .wehi inse w as razed to t'1
ground 1 he i oncrete foundation
ais torn up and removed and the
? pert level was graded for
pi iper in ater runofl
1 ?rei lor ol Physi al Plan!
? , rt Webb said, 1 he! niversit
; immediate plans tor the
emptv lot beyond simple land
ipmg and beautifii ation "
? bb alsti maintains th.u the
v ?. h (use '??? as tern down for
safetN reastmsonl adding that
il the benefit ol funds thek?l
? ?? iin emptv
hen you're tired ! our
textbooks relax ith:
And the only place to find
Local tk Out of Town
r The Plaa ? Greenilk'
355-5075 800-562-8178
Open MonFri. 9-5 Closed Sat-Sun
Offices also in liH?,h Chapel Hill. KIP ft Wilmington

?Jj? i?mt (Earnltman
OSEPH L. JENKINS k General Managet
MlCHAEl G. MARTIN, Managing Editor
Tim Iampton. News I'ditor
DoUC MORRIS, Sports Editor
Michaei Albuquerque, Asst NewsEditot Earli M. McAuley, Assi SportsEditor
V : Gici i. State and Nation Editoi
MaTI KlNC, Features I ditot
Pt Nevcloski, Asst Features Editor
Carrie Armstrong, Specials fi insEditor
lit MR 1 1 UtH R,opy Editor
Am Edwards, Cony Edifor
Mli 1AEL 1 VNC, Editorial Production Managet To& BaRBOUR, Circulation Manager
jEFl Parki (, Sfaflllustratoi Sn i; ROSNER, Systems Manager
CHRIS Norm , ??r. m Fechnician PlIONG I I ONC, Business Manager
MaR M O'Sl I , Classified ds Fechnician DEBORAH Daniels, Secretary
lh- I ast Carolina
affects til . ui?
Ih, EasU at ii i
creed ii
i her. is .i maji
Letters si dbeli
s served the East Carolina campus comnuinil) since 925 :n phasiing intonn.iiioiiihaulirci.ily
uringtheECI school year. The East Carolinian pub - i week with actrculation of 12,000
?serves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisemei nhatd senminate on the basis ol ace sex,
:? 1 he masthead editorial in each edition docs not necessai represeni the views ol one individual,
up ntonol the Editorial Board Fhe EasU ai Union welcomes letters expressing all points of view
led to 250 words oi less For purposes of decency andbrcvity Fht EasU arolinian reserves the right
. cation Letters should be addressed to fhe Editor. hi East Carolinian. Publications Bldg EC!
. c. N.C !7SM;or a 919) '57 6366
Page 4, Tuesday, Septembei 25, 1990
Campus bike thefts could be prevented
It seems thai people art- using the old
adage "it won't happen to me" more and
more these days I ittle do thev know
Arashol bicycle thefts have left many
ECU students without a means ol transpor-
tation toand from campus And U l Public
Safet) officers are finding it increasingly dif-
ficult to trace ,nd find these stolen bicycles,
primarily because the owners simply fail to
register or even report them And wheredoes
the fault rest1 The owner oi course
But the owners ol these bicycles are
getting upset because Public Safety nd the
Greenville Police can do little to recover their
lost property It is almost like the owners
w ant to blame the noli etor what the thieves
did But it is the responsibility ol theov nerto
register his bicvele not the police
Pu h ts i nl been able t t
recover nine of th W bicvcles reported sto-
len in 1990 ! or the students that have been
the victims ol bike thieves, their only hopeol
recovery is proper identification and regis-
tration Since there is no tee tor bicycle reg-
istration, whv don't more owners take ad-
vantage ol this service by Public Safety? It
k ould be attributed to laziness
It is illegal to ride or p.irk an
unregisteredbicvcleoncampus.( hvnersma)
be shocked to find out that thieves did not
take their bikes, but Public Safety may have.
It seems senseless not to use the system
since there is no cost Besides, it beats having
to buy i new bike
As the number ot bicycles on campus
increases, people should become more a ware
ot their presence and 'take precautions to
pre ent theft Owners should not be afraid to
spend a little more money and buy a thief-
proof lot k It it prevents the theft ot the bike
?ne time then it certainly is worth the cost
But don't think that any bicycle is safe
I: t thiel ants it b td enough, he will get it.
i chant es : gettii it back are bettei
? is registered than when it is not.
And it your bicycle is stolen, do not
tssume that it is lost forever Report it to
Public Satetv Your bicycle could be the next
one thev find
m -? c! ii
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1 ' . r CJe ?Jf,f i i i ? ' - " '?' ' r - f ? ? - ?
y????- :?;
mirrrK3bz2's. ?
Dugan's dismissal may be questioned
By Darek McC tillers
l ditorial Columnisl
rhe circumstaru cs surround
ing the firing of Ieneral Mi hael I
Dugan are typical ol how
leaders seeks todeceiveitscitizens
Defense Secretan Richard B
t, henev stated his reasons lor
dismissing Dugan is he h id
'endangered mm irtt
demeaned other branches ol thi
militarv and ? ? . n
judgemenl at a
1 lowever, the prudent
?v ill see right through this la
General Dugan had stati
the loinlhiets nl Stati had
c luded that the onh efh . "
militarv option lot dn i i in
tvrv cs ,ut of Kuvvatl ?? ? ?
btmbing ol Baghdad to "d
late the senior Iraqui leadei :
making presidi ? Idan
I lussem his tamil ind
commanderspnmarv tan
utting edgi
n lad
veracit ol ?: ? tati
i (aimed thai the .vei ; tei
tialh a v iolatn n : ?: tai
presidential exe uti. ?
prohibiting tl assinal
foreign leaders, such actions .ire
no! w ithout prc edent
me Reagan administration
offii ials have stated thai tiu
! ibya bombings were an attempt
?. it hieve such an obji
ieneral 1 Higans's immediate dis-
missal and switt denials denote or
raise questions about the honestv
ot the informatii n tl have
been i et vi ng vvi t h regards l " ?
mission in Saudi r i
.ni stated tl it n
?? ials had dr . ? nj ' ?
immediate targets in I
irder ol pnont nr lei
stallations, airfields u I rati
ballistic missile laum l ? ?
v ommunication; entet
quoted .is saying that Isrj
, had ad vised
, ti i hurl Sadd in
? ? ?? . ?
11 : n istress
? ? ; ?
nstian I can't a ; I I
lives foi
fall ??'? ? ? ?

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that we must consider, as we
pi : in this i risis, is lo;
lues it is n ecrel tl il I
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la nation
? ?erbs 16 12 it iti
'1 tO kl! .
ur oil
tl ?
Education is the state's top priority
Work must go on, even during vacations
Bv Dinah Eng
Gannett Nevs Service
I need a blue-collar man with
a pick-up truck s,iui my friend
I a mil' .is she hauled a load ot
lumber ofl the roof ot her bealen-
up ! dge harger.
? ,is the year we pitched
a tent ov er a floor oi mismatched
boards he ause we i ouldn t haul
theg ps wagon onto the mudd)
Castle I ionn grounds in time for
opening vl.iv
Opening Day tor the seven-
week Mil higan Renaissance fes-
tival comes in mid-August every
year, and my friend Lynne owns
the gypsy iamp there
Visitors to the festival see a
fantasvland of medieval enter-
last h1 years, with many ol the
craftspeople and artisans working
the circuit from city to dty
Some "Rennies" are full-tim-
ers Others, like Lynne, work the
festival only a few weeks out ol
the year when it opens in the- dty
where thev live
he Michigan Renaissance
Festival, one of the oldest and
largest of the festivals, is in its 11th
year Itscurrent site,between Flint
and Pontiac, has been open five
Every year, i visit my friend
Lynne over the Labor Day week-
end, and become a Renniefor three
I pack the same colorful
dresses, shawl and hair-piece of
dried flowers and ribbon each
time, pulling the "costumes" out
tamment ousting knights, court
jesters and fair maidens who take of the closet with fondnes-
the public back to a time of bawdy For me, the fun of the festival
merriment "s not just in "pretending" to be a
What they don't see is the of- gypsy in the woods. It is in seeing
ten grinding hard work that goes old friends every September who
into creating the illusion 1 either know through the festival
Hundreds of renaissance fes- or through Lynne.
rivals, large and small, have There's Kae, a stained glass
opened across the nation in the artist who made a beautiful
purple-edged mirror that hangs
in mv hall at home; Cassie, who
has made special garlands and
hairpieces in pinks and purples
tor me; .ind Nancy, whose portrait
ol me one year was Lynne's
birthday present to me
I hose in the gvpsv camp
i hange from year to year, but
l vnne's daughter (.en. grand-
daughters Krista and Cary, part-
ner Ben and mv dear friend Ruth,
are family to me.
Being with those we love has
seemed especially poignant these
last few weeksastheuncertainties
in the Middle Fast continue.
I ach morning, before heading
out to the festival, I'd turn on CNN
in the motel room and listen for
any developments in the Kuwait
Normally, when 1 go on va-
cation, I totally ignore the news. 1
refuse to watch it on TV, won't
read any newspapers and won't
listen to news on the radio.
But this story of greed, hos-
lagesand international diplomacy
is setting into motion changes in
See Work, page 5
By Marc Basnight
After the adjournment ol the
BsH) short session ol the ; Ieneral
Assembly, man) residents still ha e
lingering questions about North
Carolina's budget sa itatesena-
torinbmately involved in forn
ing the budget, 1 would like to at-
tempt to answer some
lo start, let me outline ?rne
bask facts, fhe authorized I ?
budget totals-fi: 94 billion
i H this amount, 63 perceni i
$8.15 billion, flows through the
(Ieneral Fund. Fhe ncxl in
portionof the budget $2 62billion,
or 2(1.2 percent comes to the state
in the form oi federal funds
Another s"4C million, or 7 ?
percent, of the budget isdesignated
tor the I lighway 1 und, with an ad
ditional $290 million going into the
special Highway trust Fund Ihe
rest of the budget $950 million
consists ot various supported re
Ananalysisofthei Ieneral 1 und
Operating Budget will give von a
sense ot the state s spi nd pnoi
ties. 1 X the total amount i ited
in the (Ieneral Fund, 4" 1 pei enl
will be spent on public s! ? 'is.
Another 1-1 8 percent Df
General Fund budget will be spent
onthestate'suniversirv system and
m additional 5 perceni will go tor
the community college system
Without a doubt, education, in all
its various torms. is this state s '
And despite the impression ol
ten left by media reports, there have
been steady and substantial in
i rcases in spending from the
era! Fund on public schools even
vear. In itjs s, spendingonpublit
schools increased over the previous
vear by 1; 7 percent
It increased another 6.8 per
centin 1 87,11 1 percent more in
1987 88,and 9 9percent in lws 89
In h'sw 90, spending increased an
additional 6.5 percent, and it in-
creased another u percent, or
$194.8 million, in 1990-91
It is worthwhile noting that this
last increase took place in the face oi
a $335 million revenue shortfall, and
that despite the shortfall, teachers

I t to sun ? ? that
bv theIeneral As
I) initseffortstodeal with this
shortfall is trick) because at the
budget reducl
' iture had ?
? ? ? ? ? r additional pro
i I ipital projects elimi-
emor Martin .is he
ilanceth - bud
Som 1 thi idditional items
fundi d foi this fiscal year in
$137.6 million in prior capital
ts that were restored I
Iget; $39.4 mil n for Sen i
2 which will create a performai
based accountability program
ourpublk schools;$23 2milli
new apital improvements -
million tor corre lions ;
$11 s million to mcel federal and
State mandates ti ?? St viai pn grains
and $10 ; million for programs
aimed at reducing infant mortalit)
Hie list goes on All together
these additional programs totalled
more than $300 million l We this
See Budget page 5

iTlic ?aBt(?aruliiiianS?pr?M?fcH 25,1990 5
Continued from page 4
Figure was added to the projected
revenue shortfall of $335 million.
the legislature had to come up with
more than $600 million inadditional
! o cover this amount, the As-
sembly a cekrated certain taxes, to
the tuneol $253.7 million; reduced
other authorized expenditures in
the 1990-91 budget by $2447 mil
lion instructed department heads
to make anothei $97.9 million in
discretionary cuts;authori2edaone-
time transfer of $17millkinfn im the
I (ighway I rust Fund totheC Ieneral
! lint! and raised $7.6 million In
increasing vai ious fees
rhe ' ieneral ssembly also
' ok the unpnx edented Stcpol CTC
ating .i rainy vl.n fund ol 141
million Hie proceeds ol this re
verse can onh be allocated by ac
tion ol the legislature, either in .i
special session or during the regu-
lar 1991 session.
In addition, the Assembly en-
a ted .?special appropriations pro-
ision that requires a review ol the
state's revenue outlook before
money allocated forcapital proje ts
m.n be spent
Several inter-related, unantici
pated factors Kl to the revenue
shortfall Foremost among these
factors is high interest rates that
resulted from leveraged buy outs
rgi rs. acquisitions, and other
? inns ol - orporate restnu turing.
In recent years, we have wit
nesscda shift in thecorporate world
fron equitv financing todebt From
the state s point ol . ? w this is a
particular!) important issue be
. ause interest pavments are tax de
duchble while dividends that is,
profits paid to shareholders arc
V,s , orporate debt increased
? ite profits declined sharply
nrai tu all all forecastersmissed
this trend
Other factors contributing to
the shortfall included the uncer-
tainty ol investors in the fac ot in-
consistent Congressional action
with regard focapital gains deferral
and a sharpdechne in new car sales.
Pheshortfall jeopardized Norm
Carolina's AAA credit rating and
caused Standard & Poor s to place
that state on its credit watch.
Fo underscore the state s fiscal
integrity the legislature made so -
eral important changes in the bud-
get process including the creation
ol the 'rainy day fund; adoption
ol a resolution that encourages the
long-term view ol the budget;
stretching out Senate Bill 2 from
tour to five years; and authorizing
the Budget C Hfiee to identity poten
tial permanent cuts in programs
These measures led Standard
iV Poor's to remove North Carolina
from its credil watch thus guar-
anteeing the state's sterling credit
Although the state's c redit rat-
ine, may be intact, the outlook tor
North Carolina's econom) and
hence for tin- state's budget, is not
good All ol our indicators point
toward adei line Fhetotal number
ol non farm jobs, as well as payroll
employment in manufacturing,
continues to fall.
rhe rate ol growth in the pn
vate service sector is clearly slow
me too I liring by state and local
governments has come to a stand
still rhe housing real estate
markets continue to spiral down
rhe slowdown in the economy
makes the prospects tor the state
budget in 1991 92 espe ially
gloomy In fact, on the last day ol
the 1990 short session, the ? ieneral
Vssembly adopted a resolution that
predicts the 1991-92 (ieneral 1 und
Operating Budget will face a $484
million shortfall.
If a recession occurs, the pro
jected shortfall is sure to balloon
nd now we must stir the uncer
t.untv n the Middle last into this
Estimates from the state indi
cate that it the wholesale price ol
in effect take SI .2 billion in annual
spending power out ot North
Carolina's economy For the nation
as a whole, economists estimate .i
price increase ol this magnitude
would reduce real annualized eco
nomic growth by 1.2 to 1.5 percent
But this is not the bad news
The bad news is, even before the
invasionol Kuwait, thesesameana
K sts were only projecting a rate t
economic growth for the next three
quartersof 5 percent or less Inlight
ol this analysis, it is ease to undei
stand why many people, mysell in-
cluded, believe hard times ire
What, thru, does the future
hold1 First, 1 think we must admit
that however weak the economy
wasa month ago, it is weaker today,
.md likely to gel weaker vet I think
we also need to admit that, despite
recessionary pressures, state taxes
will probably increase.
Ihe( ieneral Assembly hases
tabhshed a study commission to
examine a broad range ol possible
tax options, but it seems safe to
assume the legislature willint rease
the state sales tax, while possibly
creating now or raising existing
user fees. Finally . 1 think we w ill
sec a slowdown in the expansion ot
state sen i es, as well as some uts
L WUM.L1 v? ' v? f'O-s
ft i vfe?xmw i f
i ?
Continued from page 4
? nal
i ?? is th 1st District I :
resent ifi I the NA Gt net tl
Is til
The East Carolinian
iw accepting applications tor stafl writers it you want to become a part ol a grown
f college joumaist, apply today at the Publications Building (across from
tier I ibrar
the way the world operates that
will be with us for decai l? doo imc
s i turnalisl I v onder what
: . ? tory As an
evervda ' itii.i
tvould end, wil ? tiding
: ? uld n i?
I ? . ? . eryday
world thei i job I ? Aur.
friend ? ? e to be
? ind
It , ? ler how
,v iron t
in it alread 11v t our
payi ? hot her Su i reme
Court mee Dd
Souti r is actu ' igainst
: ,nd I that
gut ? ' I ' eon
fantasN and A h it might
not seem I toi h our li i ?? is only
ahn ath.i ' mee in
someone else's existence.
I he livelihood oi a Rennie
depends on pleasing crowds into
opening their pocketbooks. It's a
good day whenitdoesn tram,the
mosquitoes are under control and
the turkey legs don't burn Not to
mention hoping that there's still
toilet paper in the privies at the
end -a the -w
I or the hostages in Kuwait.
the reality ol their capture and the
fantasy ol a quuk release must
seem more bleak with every
passim- day
but we can continue to keep
hope and the prospect oi peace
alive by not turning away from
the story. Our thoughts are
prayers, and we are alw a s pray
It isbv extending peace in our
hearts and minds that itbecomesa
Forinevery aspect of our lives,
we usually cot what we ask tor
It we aro irresponsible, we
suffer the consequences It we are
ir . i rtat we want, ii mam
Inside ih' gyp ? ? ??nip is a
crove ol trees that are new tied
with numerous colorful ribbons
It s called the w ishing grove, and
those who visit the gypsy amp
get a ribbon to '?? ish on 1 he trick,
i if i ourse, is to put a tion 1.1 the
wish in your lite to make it i ome
1 nne never found the blue-
collar man to do handvwork
around the camp She ended up
doing most ol the entires herself
But, the v.amp grows more
festive every year, mi she s now
dm ing a blue pu k up tru k
Keep informed of t
issues, events and
people affecting th
ECU campus and
iihc iEast (Carolinian
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The East Carolinian
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Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925

oltje Saat Ulamlinian
September 25,1990
MEED( IREENERY? I am now buy-
ing any football, basketball, and
baseball cards you hae Any year,
any shape, fUgiveyoua fair amount
Call rim.830 5.vuor 757-6366.
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Armour-Ironmaster models; $300 ?
S800 tor Wilson - 880225 models,
S200 $600 Wilson - 8813 models; $23
$300 Ping Answer-models. Call 524-
typing and photocopying services
We also sell computers software, and
. Lwnputeraccessories 24 hours in and
ut (luaranteed typing on paper up
i Ml hand ivritten pages SDFPro-
fessii nal omputerServices, 106East
Street (beside Cubbie's)
(Greenville, N 752 ?694.
i RealCnsisCentci
. : a temale
? rtei - ?? ii to meet w i u to
it lp prevent other rapes on campus.
rokeepvourconfidentiality call Rape
( risis i enter at 758 4 J57 or write in
the East Carolinian Fast Carolina
niversitj Publications Bldg
I ireenville NC 27858
:OiA Bl M rO rYPE? Call I he
vordsmith for professional typing
id word processing services As-
stance in creating and editing text
ailable Speedv turnaround. 756
SPEC1A1 (XASION Make any
c ? ne to remember. Our
m isines will add that spe-
touch I all CLASS ACT 1 M-
Ol SINE at 757 5240 for information.
? : ? gressive You car I
. B isl i Move!ali 752
cessing for papers sports.letters.
Data-bast and address-merging
available Professional help in resume
writing typing Call roniFairat355-
11 1 P AN 1FD: Female bartend-
r wanted Must be 21 Apply in
person at Bogies. 7524kS.
1 COKING FOR: a fraternity, soror-
. tv or student organization that would
ke to make $500 - $1,000 for a one
week on-campus marketing project.
Musi beorganized and hardworking.
all Jenny or Kevin al 800)592-2121.
ATELY No experience necessary
Excel i ' i) Work at home Call
toll-free I S00-395-3283
tribute "Student Rate" subscription
cards at this campus. Good
income For information and applica-
tion write to: COLLEGIATE MAR-
.Ave Mooresville, NC. 281 IS.
honerv store Responsible creative
individual Apply in person at
lefferson's, 1720 W. 5th St
Assemble products at home Call tor
information. 504-641-8003 Ext 5920.
ATELY: No experience necessary
Excellent pav! Work at home Call
toll-free: 1-800-395-3283.
HELP WANTED: Part-time sales
person that can do heavy lifting. Ap-
ply at Youth Shop Boutique, Arling-
ton Village.
Front desk position available Week
day and weekend hours. Call Knstv
at 756-9175 for more information
available in luniorSportswear Ac-
cessories Men's.Good pav Flexible
schedulesClothingdiscountsin time
tor building fall wardrobes Apply
Brady's The Plaza M-W 1-4 p.m.
AM-FM seeks part-time operator for
week-end and occasional week-night
work Experience helpful, valid
operator's permit helpful. For ap-
pointment call 757-0011 M-F 9 a.m. -
5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer
WIEDER ULTRA 1000 lb capacity
weight bench and 120 lb weight set
$200 or best offer. 758-7630.
PAi IN-sTATE mmON? Read
Residency Status and Tuition, the
practical pamphlet written bv an at-
torney on the in-state residency ap-
plication process! Now available:
Student Stores, Wnght Building.
FOR SALE. Women's ten-speed bike
S45stcreocabinetS50; exercise rower
$7. 756-5854.
FOR SALE: Single bed loft, stained
and sturdy. SI 20 neg. Kenmore re-
frigerator used onlv 9 mos. Perfect
for dorms. $90. Call 7524052.
BIKF: New tires, 9000 miles Needs
tune up, otherwise wonderful condi-
tion. $330, call after 5:30 p.m ask for
Milton. Phone 825-0104.
Station Wagon. Automatic sun roof
ACstereo. In good condition. SI .21X1
firm Call 757-6511 (days). 746-2369
Come bv and check out the lowest
prices in town! Tye Dye Ts $10, lank
$8 and even Pantsfor$24 Our hours
are 11-6 every day unless were
hungover. so keep us in mind when
your shopping downtown We are
located two stores up fromubbies
FOR SALE 2 end tables 2 swivel
rockers. 1 center table, 1 console
television All pieces in good condi
tion Call 752-7043 Ask tor Keid
FORSA1 F: A 7-piece living room set
at a very low price and a bedroom set
including mattresses at S250 In good
condition. Call 752-7284
FORSA1 F: 1 pr.Ohnskis. 195cm,w
saloman 547 bindings c ,roat Condi
tion. Call 752-7043 Ask for Reid
FORSAl E:Mid sizemicrowave:$T0
student desk. $25 large dog housi
$50: Call 758-3751 All must be sold
?: i
IT STARTED CH I jusl singii
birthday song but we wire nol
isfied so we carried 1
do. So we v ted oi OOI I Rl I
we tht pledgi . : - ? .
to distant land stopping I ere
there, I istening to this po i -
his speech was onh fan rhe n
was going or I i! i iftei houi
set out tor - to find
shower Harr' B-da Stacv! I
you had a bias
WANTED Loving hom for
week old lost kitten Black i
white under :N;r Loves peo
very affectionate Ca '52-8931
AZD is proud to w Icon I i
De Bose and Elizabeth I
the Beta Pi pledge i lass i ove,
sistersol Alpha . ! lelta
:ng Myra Winget I ira I uq
and Miss Ellis! Hav i . i
you all good luck Love v. our Big
ERS OF AOPI: President lackie
Brooks; Vice-Presidenl Marc)
Adcox; Secretan A Hudson
Treasurer, en nif Orl r
Panhellenis:Mu helle Robinson and
Jennifer Spivey; Philatrop v-usari
lennille; Historians Christine
Johnson; Chaplan: Kim Faulkner,
Social: Jill Shannon; Scholarship:
Dena Price; Songleader: Heather
Al lh.N I ION l A: The tail it?
party was a bias; v w ill definite v
have to get together again soon
Love, the Brothers and Pledges of
Kappa Sigma
Al PHA SIGMA PHI rhesistersof
Alpha I Vita Pi would like to thank
you so much tor Friday's
Margaritaville We really had a blast
and look forward to the next time
we can gel together I hanks again'
1 ove, rhesistersof Alpha Delta Pi,
It vow still don't have a date tor
stranger, use your scamming
techniques wisely because you onlv
have tour days left! i let psyched!
B I thought I would t.ike timeout to
tell vou that I love you and I think
you're the greatest
1 ove, Punkin!
rOJENlSh MALOWAY I'm really-
excited about getting to know vou
and Alpha Chi Omega Thanks tor
being such a big help so far See ya
tonight' Your little Pro
I HE I A lit, AIF AND103: Alpha
Sigma Phi and Alpha Phi, The Theta
Chi'sand of course the AOPTs, All
gathered to watch ECl on the rise.
The liquid we drank and the food
we ate, who would've known it'd
be so great Thanks Mpha Sig we
had a blast, and hopeournexts ial
5ets here fast1 AOPI
1 i RI CON 1ER Congratulations
en vour engagement! We wish vou
the best i ? luck
will always he
o e, vour s:sters of
ha i telta
AMBER i. et ready for a semester
full ol fur ind wild times Good
lu( k w ith pledging
( ambell fared C ockman, Edd
Little George forres fhomasBell
mes irdener, and ireg Pearce
fcx coming new brothersof Kappa
WITH A ROOMMATE 3bedroom 2
bath rownhome at I win Oaks Fulh
shed w ith laundry facilities and
convenient to campus S225monthly
( all 1 Sanisel at Clark Branch 355
2iXXl oi 46 3667
Beautiful Place l
28991 SthSited
?I ex ilcd V ti i i i
?N n M.i i it Shopp ng? ? ' rs
? m i Hlghwav Iiirvi s:idn,4i
I Offer S300amomh
? ? i : ' 1 or I ommj Wtlhami
'y, I 5 or830 ?
i in op n pi B, 12 5 y pm
j r me M ?? -I- ' .?? ? od apart
ncrjvcf! ktM 'tr ?? and ma : a Hnan
?-T" .?vr IN t. naalea mtat?mwiy $195ai
ivr MOBBfHOM KIvim.n
r . ? j i
car Brauk Valley Cou rv Cl
( . i ? ?! I 'intT? W til tarns
'5ft 'R15
Sigma A lone time isn't even a
word, hut we're all glad vou finall
made it 1 ove. the Brothers
PHI OMEGA I hank you so n I
tor having us We all are antu ipal
ing an exciting, tun, and cl i enj
ingsemester Love Pledges
ro THE PI H ;es Ol Al PHA
DEI PA PI We just wai t d to ? II
vou guvs how happ we an to
have vou pledge ADPI and how
proud we .ire of the awesome job
you'redoing. Keep it up! I ove I he
sisters of Alpha I Ita Pi
know vou are worl hard, your
teamwork and effort is really show
ing We are proud ' vou! AL -
thankstol ATDADDi BAKl R i I
GUIDO tor yor help in coa I i
I ove, the "sisters
1 hanks for ii
testing social last '? ? ITu
LemonMerii guewasi
I ove. the Girls ol Eta Pi
while you wait
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Sorrv No Pets
Interest meeting Sunday, September
23 Meet at Information Desk in
Menda hall at 8:30 p.m Munchies
served 11 ?rm?informationcaI1752-
1751 or 752 8324
il Wednesday, September 26 from
7 p n s p rn in Jenkins Audito-
rium rhe Covenant Plavers will be
here to challenge our hearts and
minds with skits and dramatic per-
formances Don't miss it. All are in-
vited Refreshments will be provided
Following the program. Come and
bring a trend.
Students tor the Mother Earth will
meet Ihursdav,September27,at5:15
p m in Mendenhall Student Center
in the Social Room.
A Graduate Student "Dessert" will
beheld on Tuesday, September 25th
at The Methodist Student Center at
9:30 p m. This is an informal recep-
tion; refreshments will be provided.
Alpha Epsilon Delta will meet to-
night , Tuesday, September 25 at 7
p.m. in Flanagan 201. Dr. Ira Hardy
will be speaking on the issue of mal-
practice. All new and old members
are invited to attend. Any students
interested in becoming a member of
AED are asked to meet at 6:30 p.m
Applications for the homas W. Riv-
ers Foreign Exchange Endowment
Fund study broad scholarship will be
due in the Center for International
Programs, 1002 GCB, by October I.
The Rivers fund is intended to pro-
mote study abroad and the genuine
interest in learning about other cul-
tures. The requirements for eligibil-
ity are explained inthe application
form. If you are planning to study
abroad next semester, you may ap-
ply for this scholarship now. If you
are planning to study abroad this
summer, you should wait for the
February 1 or April 1 applicationdate.
The scholarships are awarded four
times per year. Vou may contact the
Center for International Programs at
757-6769 or stop by 1002 GCB tor
further information.
Open to anyone interested m foreign
languages and cultures, is having its
first meeting in the foreign language
office lounge (3rd floor GCB) at 4
p.m. on Wednesday, September 2h
All interested are welcome.
Alpha Epsilon Delta, the premedical
honor society, is sponsoring an op-
tometry conference on September 27,
from 2 - 5 p.m. in Mendenhall 244 All
AED members and interested stu-
dents ae encouraged to attend Ad-
missions officers from several schwls
ofoptometry will be present.
The League of Women Voters of
Greenville- Pitt County will of fer voter
registration at East Carolina Univer-
sity for ECU faculty members on the
lobby of the faculty lounge in the
Mendenhall Student center on
1 hursday September 27, from 11:30
a m. to 1:30 p.m. All students, facultv
and personnel mav register on
ednesday, October 3, from 10 a.m
to 2 p m in the book store lobby. All
medical school faculty, students and
hospital staff and personnel mav reg-
ister Mondav, October 8, from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m. in the back hallway of the
Brodv Building, ECU School of
This program is designed for young
adults whose lives have been affected
pastor present by having been raised
in a home or environment where al-
cohol or other dysfunctional behav-
iors were present. Thev meet each
Tuesdav at 5 p.m. at the Counseling
Center in Wnght Building, Room 312.
For more lnformatin, call 757-6793.
Monday, October 1, at 4:30 p.m
sponsored by the Women's Studies
Alliance, a student-based feminist
organization here at ECU. The Take
Back the Night March will call atten-
tion to violence against women on
campus and in the surrounding area.
Come out and show your support. In
conjunction with ??? event thi WS
Alliance will bi - rtg I shirts foi
S10, with proceeds g ? nefil
the Victim Assistance Program For
more information m the march or to
buv a T-shirt, please call Katee Tullv
in Rural Education, 757- 4153, or the
Women'sStudiesProgram, 757 rs
The ACP Pacemaker a ward - w. :
Expressions Magazine is now ac
cepting poetry, fiction, non fiction,
articles, etc. for review tor the No-
vember issue It your submission is
used, vou will be paid 75 cents per
column inch oi copy, except for p-
etrv. Offices are located in the Publi-
cations Bldg. across from (oyner Li-
brarv The deadline tor submissions
is October 10, 5 p m
Wes-fel is a Christian fellowship
which welcomes al students, and is
sponsored )ointlv bv the Presbste-
rian and Methodist Campus Minis-
tries. Come to the Methodist Student
Center (501 E 5th, across from Garrett
and every Wednesday night for a
delicious ail you can eat I
cooked m i ?2.51 ITus
I for 1
"s 2. JO -or more infi i -
WED 926: Dom Pereira voice se
rtior recital at Fletchei Re ta Hall 7
p.mFKH FRJ 28 (acquertaWi a
soprano,and ludith Naisang so
rrano. Senior Recital al Fletcher Re
cHal Hall,7p.m .FREE MON
Faculu Recital featuring Mark Ford
percussion, and feffery (arvis tuba
at Fletcher Recital Ha 3 p m
FREE Dial757-4370forth Schoolot
Musics "Recorded Calendar
All those interested in playing Li
crosae in Spring "91 Come to a man-
datory meeting in the bottom o: Me
morial Gvm Rm 106 on luesdav,
September 25 at 430 p m
A new Bible Study Group will begin
meeting at The Methodist Student
Center on Tuesday, September 25, at
7:30 p.m. The study will focus on

September 25,1990
Sire i?a0t (Earoiintan
Letter to Gulf
gains world wide
fame came to a Chapel Hill man in
the middle ol lunch Saturday.
Edwin 1 Brown was eating
bench toast topped with yogurt
and truit when the telephone rang
and a reporter asked it ho had sent
a letter to King 1 fuS9ein ot lordan.
The answer was yes.
1 lussein, the king of a nation
that borders Iraq and has been
caught in the middle ot theTersian
Gulf crisis, made an address to the
American people over the Cable
NewsNetworkal 1 pm.Saturday
Hussein began his speech by
saying, A thoughtful, perceptive,
humane letter ot encouragement
trom m- American citizen bv the
name ot Mr Edwin Brown of
Chapel Hill. North Carolina,
whuh I recently received, helped
reinviuorate my belief in the ulti-
mate decency and sense oi fair
play ot the -meru an people, and
indeed in the decency ot man-
(lussein then went on to read
mailed to me King ot lorcian trom
Chapel Hill Aug 26
1 didn't see the speech
Brown scud while relaxing in an
armchair in his hying room "I
didn t know a thing about it
Brown, a ? year-old profes-
sor of classical literature, said that
he had written to the king because
he thought that Hussein should
be recognized tor his attitudes
toward the crisis m the Middle
Basically 1 wanted to remind
him that there are a lot ot little
people on his sule. he said It
seemed to me he was getting an
unfair amount ft criticism trom
all sides 1 wanted to assure him ot
the ultimate sense ot decen and
tair play among the American
Hussein has walked a tight-
rope smce Iraq's Aug 2 invasion
of Kuwait, generally siding with
his powerful neighbor Saddam
Hussein et trying to promote
peace negotiations
U.S officials have been un-
derstanding of Hussein's di
lemma, to a point, but his open
support for Saddam has chilled
the once-close U S lordanian re-
See Letter, page 8
White-collar time
Accused in the savings
and loan scandal.
Charles Keating faces
up to 10 years in jail it
convicted. In 1989.
more than half of those
convicted of white-coll
crime ? fraud, forgery
counterfeiting and
embezzlement ?
avoided a prison
Court cases
Suspect in custody
for murders on
Appalachian Trail
Source: Administrative othce ot U.S. Courts
annual report 1989
For 12 months
ended June 30
Jeff Diomse, Gannett News Service
Preservatonists fight to save
Virginia's rich, historic heritage
From (ieorge Washington s
Mount Vernn to Ihonuis
lefferson s Monti, ello n m
orktown to Appomatl ? pi
ervationists are fightii
irginia's rich istas arid hist i
rheir foes are those wh
to build modern homes la t tries
and office buildings ilongside
C ivil War battlefields and I8th
century plantations
What Virginians have dene
very well is to save the houses
where Jefferson and Washington
have slept and ate' saysarter
I ludgins, director ol the ei ?? i
for Historic Preservation at Man
Washingtonollege in
Fredericksburg. It'seas) to save
those things which are one ol i
"The more diffi ult thing i I
go the next stop and save the sur
rounding land, whi hputsthesite
in perspective It sou lose the set
ting, you losethe ontexi You lose
the meaning of what the world
was all about to begin h ith
"It's very, very difficult to gel
people to understand thatanyone
who goes to visit Monticello will
have an experience that's dimin-
ished dramatically it the stand
untain and Raze on the rear
. nd ?' " I miniums
Vii preservationists
lon'l tand alone
, ross the nation main his-
toric sites are threatened b de-
velopment and neglect, sa) sPeter
Brink, vi e president for programs
and sen icesat the National 1 rust
Historic Preser ation in
V ashington
I or example, in South Pasa-
dena, Calif . a proposed 6 mile
freewa would cut through five
National Register historic distric ts
and destroy 1,500 homes
What s needed is a way to
' m development,channel it sou
doesn t obliterate the country-
side brmk says.
Preservationists also need to
plan ahead so the) arc working to
control development before the
bulldozers are rolling he adds.
! hat is happening now at
ntietam National Battlefield Park
in Maryland, much ol which is
still privateh owned
! iistoru sites are often saved
by, not in spite of, developers,
Brink sa) s
rhree fourthsol the time, we
consider ourselves partners with
d i lopers he says
University of Virginia in
( harlottesville dropped plans to
swap lantiat the base of Monticello
Mountain so a largeof ficecomplex
could be built on the site
People in stattord County
have debated whether the land
adjoining George Washington's
boyhood home should be zoned
tor commercial use
Inulpeper, a . California
developer Lee C. Sammis has ac-
quired 5,200 acres along the
Rappahannock River on land
w here the Battie of Brandy Station
was fought in 1863. Historians
have described that as one of
history's last great calvary battles.
Sammis has offered for public
use 242 acres that a historic con
sultant deemed significant to the
battle, says Michael Armm, de-
velopment director tor the project
called Elkwood Downs The land
offered is connected by trails.
Armm agreed that "there has
to be some perspective a butter
around the property. But some
critics complain that "if you stand
on the site and look around, you
shouldn't be able to see anything
that wasn't seen from the battle
he says.
See Historic, page 8
A suspect is in custody in the
sla vingsof two young hikers along
the Appalachian Trail that had
residents locking their doors and
others heeding warnings to stay
off the famed route's Pennsylva-
nia leg
A 3S year-old man wearing
the boots and backpack of one of
his alleged victims was arrested
Friday night near Harpers Ferry,
W.Va officials said.
Mollv LaRue, 2?, and her
friend. Geoffrey Logan Hood, 26,
both teachers and social workers,
were the eighth and ninth to be
killed on the trail in its 50-year
history. Ms. LaRue, ol Shaker
Heights, Ohio, was stabbed re-
peatedly. Hood, from Signal
Mountain, Term was shot three
West Virginia authorities said
David Casey' Horn was arrested
without incident while hiking near
larpersFerry. Magistrate Patricia
NolandotlettersonCountv.W 'a,
said Horn had been charged in
Pennsylvania with homicide in the
deaths ol Ms LaRue and Hood.
Horn is King held without
bail at the Eastern Regional fail in
Martinsburg. W Va , pending
In a telephone call two davs
beforethecouple were found dead
Sept. 13, Ms. LaRue seemed happy
on her Maine-to-C.eorgia hike,
according to her father, lames
"She probable was never
happier in her lite he said.
Ms I aRuechattered about the
2,140-mile trail and the reunion
with her parents set for 10 days
away, said LaRue, an Ohio min-
Ms. LaRue and Hood, both
veteran hikers, died more than 12
hours before they were discovered
in the lean-to about three miles
trom Duncannon, said Perry
County Coroner Michael J.
About 1,500 people use the
trail every year The last slaying
on the trail was in 1988 near
Shippensburg, Pa, about 38 miles
southwest oi Duncannon.
The killers in the previous
murders were captured and con
victed. The only other serious
problem along the trail this year
was a series of booby traps and
suspicious fircsonaU-mile stretch
in Tennessee.
Residents and hikers who
regularly pass through
Duncannon, about 10 miles north
of Harnsburg, are shaken bv the
latest slavings
"We usually never lock our
doors said Jim Dovle. who owns
the Dovle hotel where Ms. LaRue
and Hood staved the night before
thev died. "Now we'll start
Hikers are commonplaco in
Tern. County, a largely rural area
and the state's only county with-
out a traffic light. Many hikers
stav at the Doyle, making sun- to
sign the trail log at the bar before
moving on
AbovetheentrvbvMs 1 aRue
and Hood, a hotel worker wrote
"Ceottrev Hood and Mollv I aRue
? Murdered cm the trail 9-12-90
Tim Y eoman, the hotel's bar
tender, remembers talking with
the victims tor two hours
"You get to halfway know
em. then all of a sudden you find
out ? bam ? this person don't
exist no more Yeoman said
I he Appalachian Trail Con-
ference, a voluntary group that
keeps an eve on the trail posted
warnings along it urging hikers to
skip the Pennsylvania portion
until the case is solved.
Two hikers who arrived at the
Doyle soon after the killings
heeded the advice. But two men
and a woman resumed hiking
Wednesday afterabrief stay at the
"I'm going to keep going.
hopefully counting on the old
theory that lightningdoesn'tstrike
in the same place tw ice, ' said Mark
Powers, 23, of suburban Wash-
LaRue, from Shaker Heights,
said he was pleased to hear that
some hikers will keep going
"Because it happens to one
person, vou shouldn't give up
That's just as much insanity as
what happened to Mollv he said.
"Two lives is enough. Let's not
give them the trail, too
itt challenges incumbent
Source Fnergy Information Administration
Helms sounds off on familiar themes
Democrat Harvey C.antt cam-
paigned through central orth
Carolina on Saturday, knocking
incumbent Sen. Jesse Helms' tele-
vision commercials and challeng-
ing the Republican to a debate.
C.antt told a crowd at a fund-
raising dinner in Rockingham
County that Helms is hiding bv
refusing to debate him.
Helms has said he won't de-
bate Ciantt, calling debates "dog
and pony shows"
"He doesn't want you to talk
back to him, so he's decided not to
debate us Cant! said.
"My opponent has decided to
sort of thumb his nose at North
Carolina public. He has decided
to insult vour intelligence by some
oi the pap you've been seeing on
Gantt's campaign dav started
with the Mule Day Parade in
Benson, and moved to a Women
for C-antt rally in Raleigh, an ap-
pearance in front of the state As-
sociation of Black Elected Officials
in Durham, and a barbecue in
Chapel Hill before heading to
The Gantt campaign started
Saturday distributing yellow
warning stickers for people to put
on their television sets when
Helms campaign commercials
The stickers, in the diamond
shape of a traffic sign, say
"Warning. Jesse Helms' ads may
be hazardous to the truth
C.antt said it was a chance to
make a point in a light-hearted
"I'm getting a little bit tired of
always saving the guv's (Helms)
distorting C.antt said in an in-
terview before the Wentworth
"1 thought maybe we ought
to put up some warning signs e
get a little bit overly serious and
grim about this campaign But as
long as the public watches 1A I
carefully and takes these com
mercials that Helms is putting out
withagrainof salt, we'll make our
point he said.
The Helms campaign has re
peatedlv said that its ads are
esse Helms sounded off on fa-
miliar themes in Asheville on
Saturday M he condemned big
spending bv government and
federal meddling in local schools.
'TIB a conservative, he's a
liberal Helms said ot I Vmcxrratic
challenger Harvey C.antt during a
20-minute press conference. He
later spoke at a Republican dinner
at the Grove Park Inn.
While answering questions
about the federal role in education.
Helms said desegregation has had
at least one detrimental effect by
causing quality black schools to
Referring to a former black
school iii the Raleigh area, 1 lelms
said students goingthere received
a solid education and took great
pnde in their school. But when
desegregation wasmandated from
the federal level the school was
eliminated, he said
He also said his vision tor
North Carolina centers on reduc-
ing the mammoth federal budget
"If weehminate irresponsible
spending in Washington, D.C
North Carolina would be better
off Helms said
Helms said the issue of fed-
eral spending separates him from
his opponent.
i .antt's solution to a prob-
lem is to throw money at it. Mine
is to be responsible the senator
Another area where the fed-
eral government has caused
problems is the schools, Helms
Since the federal government
hasbegun meddling in education,
the quality has gone down he
1 ocal and state governments
know best how to run schools,
said 1 lelms, whose votes against
federal education bills have been
,i focus of t lantt's television spots.
What the U.S. deficit could buy
Oonaressional leaders are stalled on ways to lower
the federaPbudget deficit which next year could
reach $1i 65 billion. That amount would cover:
190 Stealth bombers
10O years of food stamps for
423,077 families of four
10O years of
guaranteed loans for
165,000 students
Source: USA TODAY research
Bob Laird. Gannett News Service

Ollic iEaut (Unrulinian September 25,1990
Around the State
Drag boat racer dies after hitting
shore at 100 m.p.h. during finals
WAX HAW ?Some are calling Ronnie Dew r a hero
The 27-year-old drag boat racer staved with his boat,
Fool's Gold after its throttle apparently stuck Saturday
evening and it slammed into shore at 100 mph at the 1990
US. Prag Boat Association World Finals at Cane Creek
Other racers and witnesses said Pew staved with Ins
boat to steer it away from other racers It he had bailed out
they said, others might have died
It uist stuck ide open, said fellow drag boat drivei
Dan Flagg. "You could see him trying to stop it It all
happened so tast
Dew s boat crashed into woods and burst into flames
Officials called an end to the day's racing OnSunda flags
flew at halt stafl at the Union Count) park
Festival founder pleased with sales
despite rememberance of Hugo
Cl IAR1 OT11 Grant hitne) was smiling as Festi
al in the Pai k ame to a c lose aftei six daj s w ithoul am
maioi disruptions like a hurricane
Hugo arrived in . harlotte as the festival was jus!
cranking up last yeai causing organizers to earn el it aftei
two da) s
Whitne) who founded the aits festival 27 years ago
estimated thai tins yeai s crowds topped the previous
record ol 250.000 visitors in 1988
While some food vendors reported that business was a
little down this i ai artists reported good sales
Charlotte citizens gather to welcome
Soviet Jews following relocation
CHARKOI li More than 100 people gathered to
honoi Soviet Jews who resettled in Charlotte aftei being
part ol an international relocation effort mounted foui
months ago
Mike Strugatsk) left his homeland forever with his
wife Vera his mothei Rose son Eric and whatever the)
couldcarr) OnSunda) at the Jewish Communit) Centei
more than 100 p? ople honored the Strugatsk) s and se en
other families
A ninth famil) is expe U d to arm e inharlotte this
week More than l million lews have applied to leave the
Soviet I nionsino first allowed to emigrate last yeai
Continued Irom page 7
"Some kid .i hundred years ing west from Washington form J
from now is going to get inter a compa t and are raising mone)
estedintheCivilWarandwantto tobu) propert) rhecompactand
see these places He'sgoingtogo its negotiations with developers
down ilu re and be standing in a led to Watertord being removed
parking tot I'm fighting for thai from the National I"rust's list ol
kid says Brian Pohanka a local endangered historic places
historian Hewasoneofhundreds Would berestorersofhistorn
protesting the pi.ins on the 127th pnpert) . an take advantage ol
anniversary ol the battle in June rehabilitation t.? . redil w hich al
It s too late tor some !?? s .i one-time incorru
places.Factories spew smoke tax deduction of 20 percent of the
across the (ames River from federal income tax up to $
Shirk) Plantation ml harlesC it) hunk says
County I ast year. 53,500 tourists
visited the plantation built in the In Virginia, the rhreatemd
1700s . subdivision has boon Propert) Fund created in lSM
built downriver from the factories pre ides $! 00 a vear to hel
Frees planted across the river restore and save historn pi .
in Chesterfield Count) have ties says David Brown, e
helped some to obscure the sight live director ol Preservation Mli
says Charles Carter whose fam ance of Virginia and director ol
ily lives on the plantation the fund
'Tourists .ue dismayed 1 "he money is used to creau
have had more than one grouj of revolving fund to buv p ; "
i nglish folk who said, Wt d and resell them and to bu i i -
m m
Every Wednesday Night
? ? ? r i ? ? 1
PRoqi ssix i Dam e
now on compact disc
? $1.00 Tall Boys
? $100 Kamakazee
? $2 50 Pitchers
(ladies Free Until 10:30)
? I1?TT
nevei allow this
nce the historic integrit)
ot an area has been affected, il
doesn't go back the other wa)
ments thai restrk t m hal a itei
o ner i ould do w ith the pn?p
i :
I he state also allow slex alith
li Watertord, residents con ti freee real estate taxes
erned about developmi nl iix 1
toric property at a
Continued from page 7
lit M
stn t
Hunting clubs face closing as the
cost of leasing land increases
Wli MINGTON Some hunting clubs in Southeastern
C. say they are being squeezed out ol their backwoods
sport by the spiraling costs o( leasing land from papei
Clubs are closing, sa) members ol the Wilmington
basedoncemed Sportsman Association, and when the
clubslose members either mo e to other clubs, hunt on
publk l.mds such .is Holl) Shelter and Angola Ba) game
kinds or simply give it up
Officials from the Concerned Sportsman Association
which has 15 clubs from Southeastern North C arolina sa
that the hulk ot clubduesgoto land leases For some clubs
the dues ha e reached $600 a year fora deer hunting season
thai runs Irom Oct 15 to an 1
The hunters have written a letter to I S Sen lorn
Sanford, D N.C ami officials at PaperCo to
complain about the prices
Bobby Beasonol International's Wilmington office said
the teasing prices .ire set by market forces, and it a club
cannot afford to pay the going rate, it either should add
more members or cut the amount ol land it leases
Committee tables proposal to limit
mowing along N.C. highways
RAl E1G11 A committee ol the state Hoard ol 1 rans
portation has tabled a proposal to cutback on mowing
alone, highways despite claims it would save mone) and
provide habitats for animals
Charles Shelton, chairman ol the Maintenance and
Equipment Committee, said the panel was concerned about
safety problems roo much growth alone, roads might
block the sun making it difficult to clear snow and ice, he
Wildlife officials sa) a similar program in Missouri
resulted in sa ings of $1 1 million, but Shelton said he did
not believe the proposal would result in any savings lor
North Carolina
Researchers find that foods high in
fat tend to taste better than other food
c HAPEl IIII I One ol the biggest problems in
fighting obesity is that foods high m fat tend to taste better
than other foods, researchers at a conference on obesity said
at the I Iniversity ol North Carolina al Chapel Hill
"Youcandoubleananimal'sbody weight just by letting
it eatrise mail ol a can said Kelly Brow nell. a psychiatry
professor al the University of Pennsylvania, during the
conference Friday
Other researchers said genetics plays a role in 60 per
cent to 7b percent of all cases ol obesity, that the typical
American diet is 40 percent tat. and that even people with
a tendency to gam weight can sta trim through sensible
eating and exerx ise
c ompilrJ from Ksiociatod Prtss Reports
I've had totakelom b ,
turns in im life Brow n sai I
just wanted him to know thai
som ? people were behind him
I'm not offering ad i ?
nc encouragemt nl in mak
ing the effort to stave oft the ir
1 don t e en know the latest
wrinklesinhisproposals Bi
said It's mostl) an attitude ind
.i mentality that I admin 11
mostl) a fundamental feelti
his part that the Arabs themselves
must put their own house in ord
and not tune the order imp. I
n m the outside
Brow n s.ik! thai Iv I
the problems in the Middle bast
would onl be ? ompoundt I
I ? ? , ? ? ?
a m bottles ti iss d intotht a
mat thai had
id i "? i mtt
nwnsa d
n to I - " '
202 Greenville Blvd S.W.
Greenville, NC
Grand Opening
All Day Saturday, September 29th
r trsszr
shekfKW Uil? sMfcW I WHI "Uk
, "
nai hti II ?afckwy
?.? li Mihh-o ? ???' ?
All Premium Brands
(Beer, Wine & Mixed Drinks)
Does Not Include Doubles
Buffalo Wings
Nlgh?vioxl ??" ? to
"A;( A The Knife" in a Musical Masterpiea
THREEPENNY OPERA - October R JS, J9, 20 and 22
I Rousing mwnantu Comedy
THE RAINMAKKR ? NgcrjPccggr 1, 3 and 4
Beth "Crimes i tin Heart") Henley's Htoeh famih Caper
Ilu Tennesse Williams' Classit
THE GLASS MENAGERIE - Marchjjjj 25 and 6
A Galvanic h ning i ?' Dam 1
Live Terrific Shews for ONLY $30.00
K Mail:
Easl Carolina Piayhouse
.isi ("drohini Uaiversit)
Greenville. NC 27858
Or. Chnrgs bj phase:
(919) 757-6829
Or. Canac bj:
NKCuiiniN I he .it re
Monda) Fridaj
in (?) am until 4 (M) pm

3lte ?aat (ffarglinfan
September 25.1990
MI Unco
Bruce Frye
By Michcal Harrison
st.itt Writer
Musk tan Bruce Frye performed rues
night m the Coffeehouse in
lendenhall rheentire concert made tor a
mque night of amusemenl and thorough
Hie m t consisted of tunes with a coun-
try .vestern and folk sound Musician John
li assisted Frye but remained relatively
throughout the majority of the show.
tu sounds of Frve's voice sounded
rt able cross between the voices
lohn Denver and Willie Nelson The
erall sound was smooth and relaxing. In
vtween songs Frye would chat a little
th mdience, which basically con-
' amusing, often risque )okes and
though relatively tew people at-
?neert. the response of the
who were there was very good.
i re ery receptive to the music and
e himself, w ho kept everyone amused
irmance flowing smoothly
in i rye s act, he began to receive
? ? r songs by everyone from Jimmy
? Eri v lapton Frye was very
Igeable about the requested mate
nmmenced toadmirablv perform
"v,ill everything that u,is asked of
New support group
for assault victims
to begin this week
nsure the enjo) men! of the audi
i bartender vvas on hand, as well
I i number of different typesof non ak oh
laiquihs and non alcoholic beer
ram director j Marshall said that in every res
tti ndai i '??
Bruce Frye
Tuesday night
Fil? Pholo
? '??ndenhali Coffeehouse last
et tex
oncert was a success. He said that i
- .vent into arranging thisevent, and he made.t sj
fi . people in the audience left before the perforrr ?
? ? most intereshng aspects of the concert was I
is .i ; . .innlortaWe. Often in similar m tting .
bit timid or self-conscious, but everyone who
? ? ind festive
omedian rodd i ohn s performance on Sept. II was a
Marshall said Even though the Coffeehouse is equ
7? people about 120-130 were in the room that nig I
people collected in the hallways leading to th
. that they could hear as much as they could tl
For an iplanation for the show ssuccess
? . : ? likes to laugh
: i is not typically a country-western or
intertable and enjoyed the Frye
that .an besaid about theentire
it in stvrofoam bowls, and prac-
bv i the damage that stvrofoam. no
mttt used, inflicts on the em ironment.
? rminthe offeehouse in October
:? I should make a point to be there
ire ill free, and if the performance
th Frve concert, most everyone will
Union, call the student program
? ? AZMB(FM913)fordetailsabou?
?n as someone would leave, someone else ??? ould I'
? ?
By Susan L.avvler
Staff Writer
Approximately .V00O women
at ECU will have an experience of
forced sex during their college
years. Victims of sexual assault
can om a newly formed campus
support group. Sexual Assault
Survivors, at the Counseling
Center Starting Wen Sept 26,
the group will provide a chance
tor survivors to support and help
one another.
Cathy Beckman and Diana
Burke are co-facilitators tor the
group. "We call ourselves facili-
tators btx:auseve're helping them,
we're going to discuss the
issuesno leading or in-depth in-
terrogation, ust ongoing support
between survivors. ' Berkman
Beckman has worked at the
Counseling Center since Novem-
ber 89andhascounseled students
assaulted by strangers and even
mere frequently, those assaulted
bv their dates or acquaintances
St ime women asked about supp rt
groups, so Beckman and Burke
decided there was a need tor one
on campus
Beckman said support groups
are w idelv know n to be crv ben
eticial for icttms lv; tuse people
in varying stages ?f re ? an
share healthv and productive
coping skills and discuss how to
deal with family and tnends She
added. 'Not everyone needs a
group individuals vary in terms
of coping skills it depends on
their present support system and
how they deal with crisis and
she added. Although there
is increased attention to the crime
of sexual assault,a vh um still feels
alone otherscan t understand
Ixx kman said education about
sexual assault isespeoall) impor-
tant on campus because the high
est rate ot date and acquaintance
rape occurs between the ages of
lh-24. She said the socializing that
urson i ampust reatesa p ??
tiallv dangerous em iron meet
Drinking can be a factor also,
in 75 pert ent ot a? quaintam e
rape cases, alcohol use or ibuse
was involved ' (I of IA I leaJth
Service bro? hure)
Beckman adv tsed on possibk'
defenses against assault, "Ncvt r
go alone on a tirst date, double
date or go with agnmpof fnends
Pay attention to gut instim ts Let
somebody know where you're
going '
She stressed Be very ch ar
about what sou vs. i 11 and will not
engage in Miscommunication
,no misinterpretation of theother
person's expectations are the
leading SOUn CSOt date rape
Some w? i men may be hesitant
to believe th art vk tims,perhaps
of a dress the wore or the drinks
they had Beckman atd fhese
wromen should talk to someone
vt ith some krw iwledg" tbi il '
Fhey feel they re at fault it is not
their fault w hen tht v re taken
advantage of or w hoi they i
able to give i onsent it the n
Beckman r I
masters degree in C hnical Psv
chology at E I in 1W9 Burke is
a resident In tor at lenient
dorm i ' ?? - '
i ounseling
Tvlme, -
c ounseling c entt r is trying I
form a st iua! i si tit resoui
center on camj
and .peer training ' ' ?
try ing to st t upa joint pn ject u l
REAI risis i , nt r
SASisfrei ;eand :
only to v. i . -
and staff v
t, ounseling Centei ' r' i
and mon tnt i il n ib it "
kman said
has been a ictim should thi
knowledge hi rsell positn ?
survivor If you're a survivor you
can join other survivors to help
and be helped all the ounsel
inc; c entei at 757 f66l
orkshop offers
ntinual success,
i 'ntertainment
By )oe Horst
stjff Writer
s theater department,
I little known facet which
. . d continual successover
irs This is the workshop
, . here students and fac-
iliki in produce one-act
! s tr the enjoyment of all.
rkshop program was
.How ?studentsagood
luctory experience into the
? : ? the theater With no
. t being allocated tor this
ram pt rtormances consist of
imal scenery and lighting.
,J i mi t.d in this way helps the
rkshops by allowing them to
more adventuresome in their
itcrial i ontenl with fewer re-
irsals and performances than
directed David Higgins' "Part-
ners' to open the 1990-91 work-
shop season Sud lohnSheann's,
id ol the theater department,
hen I saw the students' work, I
is tr. mendousJy impressed.
1 he) at ted with great reality, au-
thority and concentration, and a
,1 sense of character and cir-
Sheann also added that "they
Ithe students) are at a level equal
to anything at this stage of train-
ing as any professional schools in
New York or Los Angeles.
Speaking from 18 years expert-
ii e, this work is head and shoul-
iers above most undergraduate
See Workshop, page 10
Campus Army ROTC gears up
for state competition in Oct.
Bv Lewis Coble
Staff Writer
John Rutherford ECU Photo Lab
ECU graduate student Ray Irvin coi dtl rapids this
weekend on the French Broad Ri er il ; N
I he hast Carolina Army
ROTC Ranger Challenge Team
will be competing in the Carolina
Brigade Ranger Challenge
Shootout at Ft lackson, S.C on
( Yt 26 28.
he ECU Army ROTC team
will be competing against other
?rmv ROTC teams from 22 other
colleges, such as State, Campbell,
l( and North Carolina A&T.
The Carolina Bngade Ranger
( hallenger Shootout isa competi-
tion composed of 22 teams and
. at h team is made up of nine
members with one alternate.
The con petition is comprised
ot seven events: Army Physical
Training Test (push-ups, sit-ups.
and two-mile run), hand grenade
throw, M16 rifle marksmanship,
Mlr rifleM60 machine gun as-
sembly , constructing a rope
bridge, iand navigation and 10K
road march with packs
Execution of each event is
timed and the team with the low-
est overall time is the winner
I he ECL Army ROTC Train-
ing program tor the competition
consists of daily physical training
and specialized training tor each
Cadet 1st lieutenant Darren
Broomesaid rhe guys have been
really motivated. It takes a lot oi
determination to get up at five in
the morning to train "
According to Broome all of
the participants are in excellent
shape and all are experienced in
the competition All of the team
members haveeither served in the
Army or have participated in the
event before
Captain Can Leamon said
that theeventsall takeplaceinone
da) therefore making it a physi
calhy and mentalK challenging
l Hir goal is to in
confident We ba ethej tia
and the experience to w in it. said
According toaptatt
Leamon The Ranger hallengt
is an extra-curricular type actn
it All the students are volun
leers and they all tram on their
own time
Each team that participate re
ceivesacertificateand thetopthree
teams rco iv a plaque or troph
The top two teams go on to i om
pete in the Regionalompetition
in the spring
Professor lends students advice on managing finances
. . i -imviimm t-nrthermore school month Poff savs, estim
By Sheri fernigan
Staff Writer
Do you ever find yourself
selling or pawning your valuable
items because you're flat broke
And wondering where all sour
money went7
Kent Poff, assistant professor
of managerial accounting and
taxes explained how students um
manage their budgets
First, get a sense ot how much
you have and how much you're
spending. What are your ish
receipts? Perhaps )ob earnings,
loans, grants or an allowance from
parents Poff remarks said.
ish disburse
i i mav consist of tu
rent utilities,
food and clothing among other
miscellaneous iten
1 lavt twoaccounl a avings
and chei kinj i unt
At the beginning ol a school
i ar ft r ? .ample, put all your
miuner can ill daddy's
money and air. financial aid from
the hooioi government into your
sav ing . a count
I lav ing an idea of what your
. ash disbursements will be forone
semester, transfer enough money
10 your checking account to pay
your bills. Plan to write checks for
everything so that you can keep
records more easily of how much
monev vou're spending and what
you re spending it on.
This way, you'll know when
to stop Poff commented. Put
extra money in your checking ac-
count for unexpected costs.
You shouldn't design one
budget for the entire semester or
year, as many students do. It's
usually inaccurate to figure in-
come and expenses for one year
and divide everything by 12.
Some months you may expe-
rience heavy cash outflows. For
instance, August and January are
tuition months, and car insurance
is due twice a vear Furthermore,
vou can t be sure you'll have the
same income or other financial
sources later in the year
Poff recommends to plan a
vearlv budget and a specific bud-
get for each individual month
Beginning each month, prepare a
At the end of the month,
compare your performance to
what vou originally planned Phis
allows you to see if or where vou
need to change your spending
If you want to know what your
allowance will be for personal
spending or saving during each
school month Poff says estimatt
your cash disbursements tor tw
semesters, and subtract the tota
from your cash receipts Divide
what vou have left bv nine the
number of school months ihe
final figure is your allowance
"It takes time to do this a
counting' he adds "But after it s
done, you're glad "
Pott also suggests some ways
of living more cheap!)
Eating out, rather than cvxk
ingathome.costsaboutn. percent
mote. He pulls out his calculator
to figure approximate prices tor a
VDonald s meal and a home
See Workshop, page 10

ijl?c Saet (Earolinian September 25,1990
This Week in Film
Hendrix features flicks that explore
inner struggles of three protagonists
llus week I lendm I heatre features thrive films explore the
innei struggles 't three ver different protagonists M Left Foot"
steps in on Wednesilav, telling the storv of a man struggling for sell
worth, dignity, love and whiskev In I Love You to Death screening
l"hursda through 5aturda wo see .1 man struggle (and fail) to
become faithful to his wife ndonSundaItMtlu-r relatesthc
st ii ,1 teenaeed i ??? lei Irn Jinr, tor ,i viild without
I leathei
U Left loot directed b im Sheridan is the intriguing true
stor of lit 1 -t Brown, the pne winning novelist and painter horn
,i victim of eerebal pals rhe talented young man is seen since birth
struggling to communicate and re.itr with his onl active limb his
lot t toolhnst plaved b Pamel Pa Lewis who won last yeai s
1 ), ?? ' -r Rest ctor tor this performance learns earh in his life that
he will have to.iccept and adapt to his disabilities in order to reach his
Continued from paqc 9
Film takes fanciful look at witches
mostei is 1 - i
I ' tin
Nov I iand li
nn ?? ? I 'i
dull f 1 the tall ?? Club direi t J h ' itl 1 me
a . ? ; kern, and "ran
I he d 1 rec 1
. -
, ,
i : ind
rainm V?i
I .
- hopprogi 11 lot
? ? ? ? ks to be ai
. . ?, ?
By Stuart Oliphani
Suit Wilier
? il I
: a- Luke
? ' -
llsts Ills
the latest Warner Brotl
release Witches
t he I
A ? ? ? hv Roald
, , ? 1 '
,ws ! uki pL
i iih 1
Hi til
s witht-tr ! waiting to receive an award toi his
, in ? k He is wheeled mtoa irbvanurse Hu ring the
irse begins Ion id hiist ??' - nd tl
rsatioi I'rom this scei tl hln - n ? 1 !
tl.ishh.K ks thai tells the ston nl hnst s lite
1 hi ist s mothet. pla ed h 1
. ?? s foi this role is I
supportshnst throughout his lite SI untmues in her sup rl
even alter his fathers gives up on him viewing him as a mental cri
,md a financial liahihtx ITungschangi I tvovei manearlvscei
,u-i We -ee vounghrist tt to communicate .is he
? ? vord on the old hai I rol th Hi ????
home I'he ? ? let ind emotiona U r whal
Continued Irom page 9

in,1 1 ?
d.i 1 1 it kei a ho won he
? ine n lu' bi'luA es
hist pint
1 Left I ool liabli 11 pirational I .??'
fai to 1 lrisk and rapture is to be tl . ? hi n
( tin ?. si iritual ornermess his unquenchable avuhtv toi I
sual juices of life Inis is a trul wonderful film sure to maki v
I ml loud and t r .is well
? rtd mo ie 1 1 o e i on to l ath I tin ai
ist of charactei ho pla it .1 Iv al
: ? nv' A merica n ma rriag
; na wl ; . . ? ??

SEPT. 26.1990 zcm

'Saturday N.ght Live 'The Late Show 'The Cosby Show
'Cinemax 'Comedy Tonight (most appearances;
Heathers Sunda night's featun
irtraval ? ' I h schixl hi, evei mat
i . ? ii ???? . .t . 1 lit in. - I.
. ?
I his .ul
it its I
name I fr.itI loin
tin lot theci pi t ?
,n 1 ompli e in tnakn
i'u il Liu eh von
ipades that I
fl?0stortovotetomortw. There wiH be ypter registration tables at
both, the Sex Wfcs's show(on the Mall) and at the Johnny Quest
nhnnJni Hun. ?f-Ut
snow(at tne Newueii).
209 E.5th St.
The Suntanc
?si trei
Left I
s P 111
i'H shuddei I km t m
? ;? ? ivk at 1 lendm
ntertamnii 'nl in I
i ill tx' snow
1 on to I
1? r 1 d a
1 valid Ft I si
( 1st
I ? Li ? : ?
n ?hursda nij
. I 1. ?ept !atS
s 1 11 i -dniissun t? I
irrent si nn stei
tudenl n tiln
. u I liki to tha -
I a I
H h'hn (.ibsun
Basic math helps minorities succeed
Mi: riti ivl ' i ' ?? ' il hra and eometn -?. '
:? ?? 11 ? ? vhites.savsaf legendird stud Itsl
tudents who take basic math courses do almi I i ??
? ?? ? fj txvrs f:perl is the stud si
the real kev apt 11 ' ' tr taken after algebra in 1
i urrii ulums
Golf memorabilia offers collectibles
Ciolf nu'tnorabiha isi uning to the fore in tl intiqm ind
fn i Main items made pi 1 I 1430 are ?onsidi red
colkvtibles In demai I e rvthing from balls and wtunJen
irt, I ind magazines Pi run : '
? ? . ? ? . 11imber tf pla
Commercials let Armstrong live on
mis Armstrong n of the nust beloved musicians vhen ht
; it age "1 in 1471 Now, his unique voice h
sound-a I ikes singing in ads. I smgArmsti 1 .? iij
with Young .t 11( art M. ? I ? . with Vou reSti
You with a Spool ind I
1 ni '
ECUStudent Union
MakingiIThings Happen at ECU
What's up?
Call ihe Program Hotline 757-6004
To Find Out What is Happening at ECU
New York j
? , , ?
Council Travel!
7: i Mih Itrccl B 1
Duchin -c IT i ?
919 286 4664
in tli,inks ti i
e i .lii.i.i.i 1 't v
nl ould I al
th "We' eCot a FaceYi u i an
Heavenly wear honors Virgin Mary
Sisters Kathj Hollywood and l.orraim Hak of thi Sisters tt th
:? icntation of the Blessed Virgin Marv in Miami Shores I l.i havi
comeup witha lineof saintl 1 shirts sweatshirts and ptsters rhe
read Miracle-achiever and proud of il rhe men handise iffi ril
through New York based AUegianci dvantage willbi sold through
si in ii ls and parishes
Inflation soars ahead of pay raises
Many ' S workers could fe I pturer this vear Inflation is soaring
ahead of p,u raises rhe govi rnmenl s,u s prices ,irr rising at a f.2
percent annual rate, while raists an less than six percent A study b
Vmerican Comptmsation Assm l.itmn s.ns p,n hikes next year
will probably be the same In only three ol the past 15 yearsdid wage
nn rcases fail t" exceed pru c hikes
This Week at Hendrix Theatre
W E D . , S t P T . 26 8 P M
Sun S t p t 30 8pm
ECU ID or Current Film Pass is Required for Admission
& -Tt- x
Get your own
18 "x 24 "color poster
of the coolest girl
on campus,
Laura Palmer.
Send a $3 check or MO
and your address to:
P.O Box 4640
Westbury. NY 11592
(PS. She's still dead.)
Thurs. , Sept 2 7 7 & 9pm
Fri Sat Sept 28, 29 8pm
n e Student Union
: i 'CiOl Concerts Committee
A hap H i iill based rock band
Wed Sept 26 From 8 - 10 pm
student union

Il)c EastQkirulfman ?
Rock & Roll IS not Applebee's provides full service in a casual atmosphere
j 1 mt ? t 11 a variety of appetizers, sandwiches with Pitas. And not to mention si
dead, it just smells
like it might be
avarieryofappetizers.sandwiches wtthPitas And not to mention ?i
and entrees, but it alsohas .1 full super salads from the lace. Salad
service bar f"hese bartenders totheSteakorChickenFa)JtaSalad
pplebees Neighborhood make any .i.uirvrrs drink in the both served in a crispy tortilla shell
Grill and Bar has been open for a book And if it's not in the book, alway yyV
By Robin Duffy
Staff Writer
By ay Busbee
month Since its grand opening
on Aug 20th, Applebee's has sal
isfied many a( ireenvilleappetite
' all now about Pavlov s Dogs right? Many years ago, this
ied Pavlov had .ill these dog ? sitting around the house
lit for thvdav 11 ' ?he started messing around with
?? inds
?? 1 ,1 the d(gs so well thai when he rung these bells
In from 1 sound sleep, gather up then
? 1.1I studies i lasses
I. then 1 r reaction at vv ork in the woi M
, 1 it 11 1 . to vour nearest watering hole
11 ii ,11
1 s ' i 1 IS ,1 1 S T ,n 1 lv Hi
11 ? r uini the roi 'in Chai 1 ire that v irtually
matoseoroi fire, will hunch over like a man
, pair inci lart making thrashing motions with his nghl
? 11 ???! kofberibei 1 inything rhemen
;in in ancient tribal nteknownas air-guitanng
ttli ki in facl but air guitat lates back thousands ol
:? ???? the name has changed over the vears; for example,
! was known bv the unwieldv term ol ail
ike the atmosphere and the the weekend sucl
nist tell Ihem what's in it, and Ihetraditionalappetiers.burgi
they'll whip it up for you I here and sandw i hes and some nol o
are il.nK drink specials through traditional taste bud li mpl
? , .
the list
ebee 1
? ? nrthi
1 as
Neighborhood Spei laltie
MarguentaWednesdays toucan as the Riblel Plattei
make this your own Mexican ntghl you bring an
pecially on Mondays for .99 cenl and enjoy your Marguerital frozen forthi?e Over a
i 11 . rK.u.r. rivr lew. ,thm, ,iIiih' liukiTv roaslodnhlir
people there It's .i great place t
go V ith i group ?'t friend
drafl s.iui I.11 nv Philhj
I Applcbee sisl acasual plai e
w ith? l.iss It tills,1 void in the food
service market, catering to a more
I iu) hi. k (rowd said efl Shore
I Hiring its tirst week ol oj
iron the rocks) with some ?i.ling
fajitas, ,1 platter of n.i. hosor some
spii iiuesadillas
Rnjoy Monday night football
over .1 few 99 1 enl dratts ? a h
Mondav r before and aftei i I
1 k 1 ? r v n 1 ted r 1 b I .
in barb iiui auceand ith
.1 sideol fri nch frii
1 i trv id' . airi 1 thered
eration pplcbces opened its football g.?mes Or come in tor
doors to about 10,000 guests SahirdayandSundaybrunchfrom
General Manager Billy Heaton is 11 a.m to 1 p.m for $2.25 Bloody
more than pleased with the Marys and Screwdrivers
restaurant s results
Applebee's is v, hal some .ill
f you re in for i qui k In
htn k out the ombos sour,

. .
k a no 1 ngran 111 1
I I in a world
ro 11
? ? . uffer thi ugh axA2by i
, nger 1 imed Bob Ov Ian? All 11
, un ,i phrase t tually
te an guitar 01 iented
the 1 lallelujah
tures tbo K ru s to the
11 honv it real I v
I 1 r el lo Hoi '? ? ' ? von
.?? x iouls But I ? not all
, . bra was
,i down sized restaurant thai s salad combo, chili and hall club
more ol .1 cross between ,1 fast combo and others p; leboe
food place and a formal sit-down also provides to-go lunches 01
restaurant Fastfood meaning von dinners for those Type A's 01
eel your food as quickly as pos run
sible But you also get an enjov And for all you tremendously
able sit down meal with full sir fit or even unfit weight watchers,
vice staff in a casual vet festive there are a variety of Lite Bites
atmosphere n luding .1 hii ken 1 ingers Has
Applebee's not only provides ket, Fettuccini Alfredo, I hix Stix
Continued from paqe 10
reative touches in order to retain thewiardrv of IimHen i
I . . . U , r. I
I '? ?
? ?r his


. Vifoi
well, il ifeto sav thatI ivi 1 n
1 ii with soap
nbod.i olent and pi I I pa infi
k and rare flora
tl the til ? ! .it I irt
?? . ne with the immi ?
. . .? a Fat dil what ' dirt!
af went I 1 ? n ? 1(,(
l great band I formi lam ?
, tuallv I was theonlv guv in the
n MTV,1 11 Ion t think I took the
mv hair out and pierced my nose (just
. iround prai ti ingthe myriad inflei tionsof
? i once in awhile played guitar.
failed the MTV multiple-choice exam When
. . vhv i wanted to be on MTV well, 1 kind of started
thai : from what they told me later, screamed
? heaps of dough and truckloads of chicks
ip 1 to talk about the kids and ar
, . . rabbing I r tho ish
. . . ? enl in turn musu into fun and 'or
. . ntspaid u.i iy in thestreel soi an
tarl . ? tai heroics is on a beach
?? 11 ? o it' 1 hod
. , honfin 1 ear night an audience and a guitar
. . ? tsmplao ' ' sn't matter if you can tplay
? v, I ? ? I las 1 leas
rvii il H -bll be Mv Dog Has Fleas but it II be the most
Mv Dog 1 las 1 leas you ve ever hoard
Copyright 1990 Jay Busbee HellcnbachPublications
,1 modern flair In most 1 in tim
stances witches are seen as ugly
. ut faced hags stooping over .1
N iling cauldron muttering the
dreaded Shakep irean In he,
bubble bubble toil and trouble
ov ever. 11 '? tche
,n ii, h is seen mi in ?? 1 deci .ei
n example ol this would be th
( 1 lighWiti h plavedby An
geln a 1 luston
?ttor 1 uke sparentsarekilk I
in .1 car a 1 idenl I uke and
1 ,randma 1 lelga play ed by vel
? ran ai tress Mai '? "? 1 Img t ikea
?, ,1, ation at a po-di omish hotel
Standing in the lobby 1 lelga 11 I
I uke witness the arrival ol some
verv peculiar conv entioncers
I iding the entourage is Miss
Frnsl I ligh Witi h
I 00kii ike a very at
tractive heiress than a wit h M
Frnst walks with nose upturned
to the hotel desk arrogantly ad
dressing her peei s along the way
lust bv lookim; at Miss Ernst you
mid guess thai she is .1
v lt h, or would ou '
1 ordmgtol irandma l lelga
there are basn allv three way s to
determine it someone is a witch
II Witches have a purple tint to
then ey os 21 V iti bos have no
toes, therefore they must wear
pra in al shoes 0 Being bald w ith
a lumpy itchy scalp condition,
u iti hes aro forced to wear u igs
As the mo mo continues, 1 uke
hides in the convention hall and
discovcrsthc w it hes terrible plot
to transform the hildren ol F.n
gland into mice I ho witi hes ro
veal themselves to the audien e
I he once attra? tive Miss
Frnsl is seen in her true form, a
truly hideous appearance I uke
is then discovered ant! 1- given the
sei rot potion that quickly trans
forms him into a mouse
After I uke s transformation,
ffe? Is Km omi ipp irenl -
a m luso ' uke isable to arry ?n 1
: . ; ? mdcpress human
i hrei t. ir i olas Ri eg av - nds
ietei - ? imiuise state
,is 1 ii kemnglv sweet, but it
;lt t(?r tin
andienci av larn he -
1 erall ' ? ;n"
e tremelv w ,1 onsidi 1
its incredil ' .vevei
V it. he is - ? ' ?;?'???
HC ' ftilCSi
f m 1
1 . . i v
s I 111.1
hw T'i ' 1' v' 111.
. 1

? ?
Ci . : tp'
? . ?. ? . ir p
H need an easily act essibte job7
api 1 ' ' '
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. . p , 1 . iei pp d m tso refriseratoi
arv In r ??? tve rei tas
. ? ' ?' '
v ? e in the Re lei e Halls
Must be s vvated
? ? earn
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e rei m $4 pet hour
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Ca . . ? ? itlon757 4264 or 757-6149
- ?? ,? tember26,1990
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YOU receive the presents
The party ends Saturday, September 29.
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51tc lEast (Karulinian
September 25,1990
Pirates defeat Southwestern Louisiana, 20-10
By Doug Morris
Sports Editor
The ECl football team dc
feated the Ragin Caamsot South
western Louisiana 20 10 sum
dav night rhe Pirates win
broughttheir record to 2
Both teams had problems in
the tirst halt but in the SC
halt, the Pirates look control of the
game tor a w in
?tter the game head coach
DiH I ewis said l m pleased that
m eappeared to ha e the right stutt
to be able toovercomc someol the
earty adversity and hang in until
w c cot our opportunity
We bad some good field po-
sition in the late third quarter and
on the fourth quarter and were
able to take ad antage ot it and get
thw points when we needed to
The Pirates won the loss and
elected to kick off Senior Robb
Impcrato booted the Kill to the
one yard line where it was re
turned by I rov Taunc to the 23
From there, I SI drove 56yards to
thePirates 21 yard line setting up
theCajuns first field goal attempt
Mike I emoine'skickbounced
off the right upright w ith 10 03 left
in the tirst quarter leaving the
score 0 0
I he Pirates took Over on their
own 21 hut on the second plav. ot
the drive junior runningback
David Daniels tumbled to the
e ajuns senior Kncbaeker.Dwayne
I si then took the ball and
drove to the Pirates 14, and wore
forced to kick a field goal 1 emoine
made this attempt w ith 5 02 left in
the first qviarter
ttor exchanging possession
twice ECl drove hSyardsin four
pla s to the USL21 to end the first
quarter Then two plays into the
second quarter the Piratesevened
the score w ith a 33 j ard Imperato
field goal with 14:49 left in the
lhe struggled earij in the
second halt witnCedricVan Buren
dropping the ball on the kick off
before running the ball back to the
l! vard line Seven plays later
quarterback ion Blake ptw tied fine
ball toemptv field and Fontem "
recovered tlv ball t ? he( a uns
In a four-minute drive I
v ajuns carried tlv ball do? n I
the end tone Sophomore quar
terback James Freeman ran the Kill
in the right side to score ett tor the
Cafuns I emoine added the extra
point to make the score. IS! hv
I v I b
QnthePirates next drive they
ad anced the Kill 22 ards to their
aji 3 vard line On the next
play, M U biting tumbled the Kill
after catcrengan 8 vard Hake pass
Senior safett Van Ra Vlexand i
reci leered returning tht ball
yards for USl with? left in I
fheCaiunsreturned witha26
Jurc ??. ? w .ner attempts to stitl arm Soutriwestem Lou. rresnmaniinetxKe'Marc Le -x .light the FVaH
lagmCafuns Fisher had tour receptor41 yards on the day helping the Pira- ?? ? rdl 2 for the
I ?pcd b son walked the bail into ? dra Km the final
? ? ridrone giving the Pirates th?
, k; Outstanding in th
it their On the Cajuns' next drive, the th
oWIi ? rl kor Kim Herbert Pirates stopped them at theii plehon toi
punted the ball off the sid - W Herbert dropped th i Huron
? ? rates the punt and d ' " ' ' : '
the" - rws had 12 tackles and
the P

The Pirates took the ball
son wide in five plays, drove it into th
with Imperato add
?t ?
? ?
? '
Tae kwan do club demonstrates self-defense
Bv Malt Mum ma
Statt Writer
rhe ECl tae kwan do club
held its annual demonstration
Wednesday night led b fourth
degree Mack belt B5 Lee
rhe demonstration served I
??how people basic self-defense
maneuvers against various
weapons as well as some more
flamboyant feats of strength b
! ec that included walking on a
bed of nails and walking on eggs
? tckwando members -
ran through a tew drills to show
what ii v lass would be like
The demonstration informed
ts of the fact that there is a
tae kwan do club which enh
Pholo by ? Rodney Strickland j
These members of the Pirate Soccer team warm up before confronting Navy
Midshipmen sink Pirates in soccer, 2-0
Bv Matt Mumnta
Staff Writer
The ECl soccer learn lost to
Navy 2-0Sunday in w hat turned
out to be a wery physical game
ECL' received tour of the
seven yellow cards along with
one ejection in the last fifteen
minutes of the game It was a
rough game today admitted
captain TonvCarr "but wedidn't
play all that bad
"We played well the first
twenty minutes of the first halt
and then we let our legs go
away said ECU coach Bob Lust
after the game ECU generated
virtually no offense Mi only at-
tempted one shot on goal which
came in the second half
Navy stored once in each halt
and effectively shut out ECL's
offense Every time ECU started
to drive and put something to-
gether a mistake turned the ball
over and ECL was unable to de-
"Navy is a very fit team
Whether or not you can run with
them is always a big question,
said Lust
Another big problem was the
efection that forced ECL to play
with onlv ten plavers. "We had a
guv ust get stupid said Lust of
Rob Scatise who was ejected with
about fifteen minutes left to play.
e had nir chances we ust
didn t finish said Carr,
It we get carr enough
chances he s the one who can put
it in the goal tor us. said Lust.
Another bright spot was
Matt Coppola on the defensive
end of the field who had some
kev tackles
"Matt s probably got the
most experience of anybody
we vegot playing in the Kick
and if he keeps his temper under
control he's a good solid Kick
said I.ust.
The team plays Lenoir Rhviie
College al home on Tuesday at
3:30 p ill
started last year and that two dif-
ferent classes are offered by the
club Bom classes are open lo
those with no experience in karate
I ev w ho has been practicing
tor twent) vears, teaches the more
advanced class which meets
Monday and Wednesday a:
p.m. in the Christenburj Gym.
Rob Thompson, thoclub president,
teaches a less formal class on
Tuesday at 7
So many people weren i in-
terested in a particular karate as
they were interested in bask self
defense, said rhompson
The club is perfect tor stu-
dents, it COStS tivedollars . sen S
te it s on campus and it i nly
meets a tew times a week added
Thompson vtuo is trying to siart
sparring sessions with I c -
Chapel Hill and N.C State We
haven t got much though jusl
names and numbers
lor those who want to learn
selt defense or iust get in shape-
call Rob Thompson at 830-5183
wins, 1-0
By Joe Atkins
Special to The Last Carolinian
The EC L women's soccer club
opened their N.C Eastern Pni-
sion with a convincing win over
the Pioneers oi Chapel Hill
TMav was dominated by the
Lady Pirates who out shot their
opponents 15-2. The Piratesgame
winning goal came during the 8
minute mark of the match to end
the almost scoreless game. The
Pirates winning goal came on a
corner kick bv senior halfback
Susan Lewos. Lcvvos's kick was
redirected by sophomore lean
Monaghan to the back of the net.
The defense was anchored by
See Women's page 14
Poto t?v - Sl?v? Sl?l?v
B S Lee illustrates a throw on a c'ub member at Wednesday s tae
quan do demonstration m Chnstenbury Memorial Gymnasium
Florida barred from bowl
game this year by NCAA
rhe NCAA says the penalty could
have been tougher. IheL niverstt)
of Florida believes it could have
been fairer.
The Gators were placed on
two vears probation Thursda) tor
rules violations in football and
basketball, and university officials
don't think the punishment fits
the crime.
Thisvear'srootKill team won't
he allowed to participate in a bowl
game Kvause of infractions that
occurred in the N80sunder former
coach Galen Hall.
And the basketball program
will lose three scholarships over a
two-year pencxl and must return
at least OOOit earned from its
appearance in the 1988 NCAA
tournament becauseol violations
that drove former coach Norm
Sloan from his job
e are not entirely comfort-
able with a set of penalties that
appear to us to penalize the
innocent for the sins of a prior
generation school president lohn
Lombardt said
Florida felt its cooperation
during a lengthv investigation
should be rewarded with a lenient
sentence And. according to the
NCAA's letter of finding, it did
The NCAA chose to impose
less than the minimum proscriKxi
See Soccer, page 13

o in- tEast (Earaltnian s ?? ? 25.1 99
Sports Briefs
IOC e pels 1 raq from Asian games
vel prevails in close race
holds ofl Maryland, 1-2
Recycle this newspaper
Specif $1.00 Coupon
Men's Hair Styling Shoppe
Where d everyone go
v ins; I ovt se erl injured

rious in Winstonup
is PC. SeniorGolf Classic
ka died Saturdav night
.sionerallows Kay to return
The East
Order your college ring NOW.
vposit Required:

Hljc ?aa (Earoltntan September 25,1990J3
Sports Briefs
IOC expels Iraq from Asian games
BEIJING (AP) The Olympic Council of Asia expelled Iraq
from the Asian (lames for its invasion of Kuwait, despite Iraq's
insistence thai the sprts body should stay out of politics.
Iraq also n,b suspended Irom the council until Kuwait's
National v l mpi C ommittec is able to function normally in its
homeland again Iraq invaded Kuwait on Aug. 2, and most ot
Kuwait s potential competitors for the Sept. 20-Oct. 7 games
u ere trapped ihere
l he vote was 27-3. with five abstentions and one invalid
ballot, officials said Two other members of the 38-membcr
. oun il Mongoliaand Afghanistan stayed out of the voting.
Beach Towel prevails in close race
B a h l owe! backed up his pre-race billing as the top 3-
sen old in the field, taking a wire-to wire 1 12-length victory
m the 45th I ittlc BrownJugat the DelawarcCounty Fairgrounds.
Starting from the third post position, driver Ray Remmen
pushed Beach rowel to the rail at the outset of the championship
and w as never headed, winning the third of pacing's Triple
( rown events in 1 33 3-5.
Beach rowel paid $2 St) in winning tor the 15th time in 19
,tarts tins vear In rhe Pocket was second, followed by Kiev
tnov? i
NX . State holds off Maryland, 4-2
Dario Brose scored one goal .nA assisted on another to
v No 10 North Carolina State to a 4 2 Atlantic Coast Con
ton over No 7 Maryland Saturday.
, cored off al lenry Gutierrez assist to put the WoIfpa k
up 1 (i 10 minutes into the match Roy I assitertooka pass from
Pom tanner to put NX State up 2-0 at the 39:34 mark and Tanner
? off a Brose assist tor a 3-0 lead.
Andretti wins; Foyt severly injured
1 1 Kl IART i AKE, Wis. (AP) Michael Andretti kept alive
championship hopes with a victory Sunday in the Tcxaco-
? ivoline 200, a race marred by a crash m which A I lovt was
? msh injured.
Vndrctti needed to finished ahead of CAR 1 -PPGC up point
lMler -l Unsei r to remain in the battk? for the scries title, and he
I , rtainoi that by running off tohis second victon ma row
? fifth of the season.
ndretti edged Emerson Fittipaldi, the defending series
b 2 04 seconds Kick Mears finished third, just ahead
, i tlu wmmngest driver in lndy car history . broke his left
n d left heel, dislocated his left knee and right ankle, and
k a toe on his right foot
Bodine victorious in Winston Cup
1 KIIVA II I I Va. (AP) Geoff Bodine shook of! the
ffocts of an earlier wreck and charged back tocapturctheGoody's
. instonup race Sunday.
p me took the lead to Slav when he passed Mark Martin on
. ? and he (Milled away to a 4.53-second victory over Dale
irdl Martin finished third
Dent wins PGA Senior Golf Classic
HMOND Va (AP) JimDentshota7-under-par65for
? i , Iflassie on Sunday.
?erit's 14-under-par 202 total tied the 54-hole tournament
? un the 6,444-yard Hermitage Country Club course set two
ico bv rnold Palmer.
Karkoska died Saturday night
O fexas(AP) BayloroffensivelinemanJohnKarkoska,
hl, , lapsed durmg football practice Sept. 13, died Saturday
- ,rkoska 19 a redshirt freshman from Aldine High School in
. ,? died Mist before the start of Baylor's 7 p.m game with
, Houston State University.
I), R ovington, Baylor team physician, said sw medial
ihMs treating Karkoska could not determine the exact cause
,ih. but said he had "a total system failure
Commissioner allows Kay to return
RW YORK! AP) NFL Commissioner Taul Tagl.abue said
Recycle this newspaper
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Whered everyone go?
Junior wide receiver Dion Johnson ogs into the end zone for an easy
Pirate touchdown alter un.or quarterback Jefi Blake tound h.m wide
open Johnson had 2 receptions tor 43 yards and one touchdown in
the game Saturday
First Wachovia means unlimited potential for personal
irrowth and career advancement for outstanding East Carolina
I mversity graduates. Individuals who are ready to accept the
challenges of a career in the financial servKesindustry contad
Career Planning and Placement tor an interview or runner
?-nation. First Wachovia
recruiters will be on campus
? nterviews October 24.
Continued from page 12
penalties in a ease involving ma
lor violations because, among
other things, it forced 1 fall and
Sloan to resign last October
I he bowl ban tor this season
was the only punishment of the
football program, and there was
no ban on television appearances
for either sport
the basketball program s
scholarships will be restricted
during the 1991-92 (13 total. two
below the NCAA limit of I5)an
uw; 43 seasons 114 total). Florida
must repay revenue from the lwss
t A tournament because
V cmori Maxwell, the school's all-
time leading scorer, played for the
i ;itorsafter receiving money from
an agent.
First-year football coach Steve
spurrier slid the bowl ban was a
more severe penalty than Honda
"This has been a clean-run
program in the last tour or five
years spurrier said. "There's
been no cash payments, no buying
tickets of players, no falsifying of
The decision to prohibit the
football team from going to a bowl
game essentiafly knocks the Gators
ot the Southeastern Conterenee
titl" picture SEC rules bar mem
bers that are ineligible tor
postseason play to win the crown
nc has given Denver broncos tight end Clarence Kay the
, t to continue playing despite his status as a three-
lerol the league's drug policy
. , ICcd the possibility of a lifetime ban because of his
?on as, September in Edgewater, Colo tor dm ing while
irodbv alcohol. Kay met withTagliabueon July 23 todiscuss
The East
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eljc Ca?t (Barolftlfat! September 25,1990
Maryland wins over N.C State
COLLEGE PARK U (API It was very important for us
Four games four last-minute to win going into Michigan said
finishes Maryland has yet to have defensive ba? kMike rhomas,who
aneas) timeofil andquartern k ret overed the fumble that set up
Scott Zolak has flourished under Dan DeArmas Ramc-winning
the pressure
1 lehasprodui ed three lourth
quai ter u lories and seems to c, t i an heal Mi higan
better at it ever week Yes he did Downb nine points mid waj
throw a fourth down interception through the fourth qua rtei Satur
prior to the came winninc march li against rtlu aroltna State
kick Now that we're3-1 wecan minutes against the nation's s?
no into next week feeline vvt
Marx land nev er quit
mi mum ter ne( vs i
But he was 12-foi Is t.M ! i - . u I
111 the final pel iod and
s, nni dm es i't sn hJ ! :
1 11 used to ad i
hi said lu t.u t,I thin!
. nil t,u mr ad it In
? like the pn ssun I tl
? - 1 ; ?)? relaxed I pet la ind VVolfpack and pain .1 bit ol mo
it ol rh thm w hen there's
ttm I f'? us more
! le II eel plenty of it nexl wet k
nn rboi but .it least Man
land will entei the game on .1
mnp note
Clemson blows
out Appalachian
State, 48-0
! reshman Ronald illiams
rushed lor Is I ards and throe
touchdowns in his first start as
!th r,inked Clemson defeated
ppalachian State Ison Satur
with two minutes left anything swing
could happen. We weren't inst The VVolfpack, meanwhile,
eoing to give up must rebound against a surpns-
Not even when faced with the ing irlh( arolina team that im
task of scoring 10 points in eight proved to 3 I by beating Kentucky
in Saturdax
ond-ranked defense Not even N. State's biggest problem
when Zolak's fourth interception this year is its offense Although
appeared to assure Maryland nl .1 the defense has allowed an aver-
second straight loss 'i ol I- points per game, the
But N.C State running back VVolfpack has onl) two victories
Aubrey Shaw fumbled the ler in four outings
1 when the WoI?pa? k got rapinsrecovered .it midtield and
th I ill with 1:27 left and a 12 h1 DeArmas'25-yard field gud with Offensively we showed some
lead did the Terrapins Mirrendcr II seconds left enabkxl Maryland improvement but not enough
Phe determination paid off to salvage a 13 12 victon fter oach I'u k Sheridan said We
Presented with an unlikely turn being the victim of several such were inconsistent running the
? Maryland rallied to beat the Knishcs in years past, the Terrapins option executing the option
finally seem to have convinced ('m seven rushes produced
ek s road the football gods to come over to 1 115 yards, and .1 botched
??' igainstNo 7 Michigan theirsidc pit, hot on the conversion after
rhere'sanewattitudeonthc I think somebodv up there State's second touchdown kepi
team this veat said defensive likes us Zolak said We've been open the window 1
tackle Lubo Zizakovu who on the opposite end of that for that Marylam
blocked two kicks Weknewthat years It's good to sec the tide smashedopen
Continued from page 12
freshman oey Pierce Goalies score close until the end ECUwas
Missy Cone and laime Pierce greatly frustrated by the Pioneer's
helped to shut down the Pioneers goalie who denied thcmscoreson
experienced attack rhe Pirates three individual breakaways
aggressive midheld play wasted We still have a lot of things to
bv sophomore Kern Griffiths
C hnspinsniore and Susan I ewos
1. hir midtield showed oit its
experience today by heads up play
and , ommunii ation explained
I m. h Stuart I ram k
The Pirate's qui k striking 1 t
tense had numerous attempts to
seore. however, their inahilih to
i on vert kepi the game ind tinal
. ork 1 n but we werepleased from
our first showing expressed
1 o.n Ii I rain k
! he I ady Pirates team m
was high tor the season opener
and was supported by a I
turnout ol boisterous tans rhe
i 'irate take to the road ag
their trong rival I'M
V ilnungtononS pi H I ITie will
retui ' I ? 1 " to battle ag unst
Chang holds on
to win match
e entuallv
Detroit Lions Taylor banned for life
Dl rROIT (AP) rhe life whal But were real, stii Wejust woman in the mouth a
time suspension o( corncrback mirror society and the problems
111 r I a lor tor iolattng tin
of today To think otherwise would September
V1ENN Austria 1 P)
1u haclhang 1omploted a dra
matu v omebai k from two sets
down to bcat HorstSkoff and give
the' nitedStatesa ; 2 it lory over
Austria in their I av is up s mi
final Sept 24
C ham who was trailing two
sets to one w hen darkness halted
it complaint play Sunday overcame Skoff
istance abuse policv be totally unrealistic or to have
our head buried in the sand
The I ions said thev won t
I ions knew l.nlorhada appeal the league action based on
historv of trouble when thev taylor's third positive test tor
l I s sul
caught the Detroit 1 ions bv sur
was settled out ot court and I a
lor paid the woman unspecified
1 ,n ior also had numerous
trattit lolations.ind missed court
Monday l-f,r?-7(4-7),6-4,fV43
I he victorv propelled the
I nited States into the I a isup
final against Australia No 'v
1Vi 2 in I lond.i It isthe first time
picked him up just before the 1989 substance abuse l"ayloT can re appearances, according to court the I nited States has reached the
season in the deal that sent lames apply for admission to the league records He has nocriminal record t.nal since 1984
tnestotheSeattlcSeahawks l'he in a year
in Mil higan,a i ordingtot takland
he I nited Mateshasa re. 1 I
1 old day ' ??? hi. h plav started
minutes late bci ause ol rain But
skofl i?. r warmed up, spray ing
shots all over the court and having
ntrol of his serve
? 11 held serve only three 1 I
1(1 times Unlay. "hough( hang lost
his ser e f ?ur of nine times, he
1 i inthetinalcamcol thefourth
? ind finished the set with 1
vinner on his third set
? ?
( ham; appeared to injure a
it. in the matt h but he had
built up a. 01 n tor table lead bv then
? pleted his. omebai k with
1 ? . ; . 'turn past s.kott
skott w as leading bv .1 s.
thought he had Inked his prob
Neither I.nlor nor his agent 'Hl,m P?"
Williams vvl id rushed loi lom!
lack MilNot p.oulderolo .could
" ards eiit. ring
w asplav im; in plat
but late Wednesdav night, be reached by telephone Thursday
i thev learned that trouble had
Rodne blunt scon I n runsot 4,
ind ;s ards as ' mson ran its
re. ord to 1
! reshman '? 1 rick
ithi rsp ? ?n v h 'id rushed tor
Hist lb yards this season gained
v ards m. In SI ird
t? n. hdew n run ?? '
tound 1 a lor again this tune
'or ?txd
I errv has been nothing but
great here lerr has been nist
super I ions oat h WavneFontes
s.ud lhnrsd.n His work ethics,
his habits tiu'elinr, ethu s held
I a lor has been dogged by
trouble for most of his seven-year
career whuh began when he
hosen b the SeattleSeahaw ksas
the 22nd player in the 1984 colle
eiate draft
1 Hinng his professional . a
rcer raylorhad I a. klesand 1" states has not won the Cup sn
inter, options including two he 1
returned tor iu hdi 'w ns
I a lor started the tirst two
IH Davis Cup titles while Austra lav vhen play was halt
. is se ond a ith 2fi 1 he 1 nited
w hen it beat 1 ran. I
Chang becami thi
meruan in " years to win I1
regular seas??n games with the fifth match ? 1 Davis' i ei
lions 1 recording 1(1 tackles after ben nbvtw isets. Pkn
Nine v 11 ' -Mil Bruci last accomplished that feat
Seattle. Tavlor twice tested McNorton 1 1 ond-year player ,n m;
positive for substance abuse lie
cs, everything has boon tust wastreatedonceandfoughtal988
,t tour game suspension in court
ll eigl '?lxilr bea?mes th. s, venth
took lessthan t l plaverbanncl for life under after he allegedly p
idrug 1 But lie is
first I ions ptavei evei ws
, . . . I tor lolatir 'Iv ; . ' .
; It's disappcinting I ions
VppalachianSl rtxlits ' ' manager 1 hu? k s, hmidt
tirst shiitout in 77 ean l.itu
.iv Cmckett 1 place him in
the 1 ions vt. ? ? 1 n adv des 1
nebac kei
irgeel with assault v ; ? 1 ' ' lu ' : k
unched a rjA Bd"
i bin IS ,vho ? ' '
. . 1 1
has .
his 1 .
Neither play 1 1 ??? is sharp
? : irkness Kott veiling
? . irK ill ol his sh ?
11 I utlast d hang
? . ? i 1 1 ? ? r 1 1
? t two sets
n th. tirst tow , im
1 tel thei rvived a set
. ? ippmg up the
p the last three
I ?? ik. r !o take
? ' thll ; sot
? , .? ?? 1 ? ?'? '? ind
? ?. is the
n tor
in its first
ining 163
1 lead But
in the tirst
ba k to 1483
? ? Mountaini ? 1
ind shut ut '
mson w hu h b
IV.n h Stati
( Icmson ?
three possessions
ards en route to a
the I igersdid littli 1
half, gaining just 17 more ards
But Appalachian State was
even worse I he V mntaineers
managed just 52 11 I the tirst
minutes v th 1 ' but (i ards
coming in the tirst pei I bel n
IXX1 at Death Valli .
( hrist iardix ki t thei igers
off in impressive fashion w hen he
hit i yard held goal w ith I0:2f
to go in the tirst quarter 1 he kii k
tied the AtlanticoastC onterence
and school record set b Obed
riri in P' against Wake t -rest
I wo minutes latei the igers
made it 10-0 w hen 1 arr ; ans
made an oer the shoulder 1 at h
in the end -one , if ,1 pass 11
? hane ameron tor 1 1 vard
The defense then t into the
a t Dexter Da is pi k.d oft 1 P I
( ampbell pass at the lemson ;s
card line with H ()9 left Williams
raced Is ards on the first play
from sk rimmagc and - m d five
plav s lator on a 4-vard ru ?. ?
( 31 i left
i Iliam spnnti d fh yards on
the tirst pla from scrimmage in
these. half tothi ppal u hian
Statel Fourplavslater Williams
took a pit 1 h around the left tor his
? ;id I P with I I I ' left
1 ampbell then fumbled on the
Mountaineers tirst plav ol the
third period I ineb.n k. r Ed
McDaniel caused tlu- tumble ind
recovered it at the Appala. hian
state 1 1
I he rigors gained just 4 ards
on three plav s and were Ion ed to
settle for,ardot ki's 24 yard field
goal w ith 11 23 left in the quarter
After Witherspoon s 11 tearly
in the fourth period. Williams
broke loose tor his last IP with
1041 left.and PauK aputoscored
on a 1 sard run w ith 5 10 to go tor
riemson's final points
said It 1 ertainly hurts the foot-
ball team It sets us ha. k some
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The East Carolinian, September 25, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 25, 1990
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