The East Carolinian, April 12, 1988

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Helen Thomas will be here this week to discuss
media and politics.
ECU Music Department brings out another top
musician ? Dan Davis. See page 8.
JPirates drop two of three to the Patriots. See page 10
?he iEast (ftarnlttttan
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. 62 No. 51
Tuesday, April 12,1988
Greenville, NC
12 Pages
Circulation 12,000
Construction creates asbestos
problem in Old South building
Suf f Writer
Faculty and students who
work in the Old Cafeteria Build-
ing received letters last week
warning them that they may have
been exposed to asbestos fibers.
"The university views the
risk here to be very slight said
University Attornev Ben Irons in
an interview Monday. Nonethe-
less, he said, the university "has to
take the matter very seriously
People who work in the
building received letters by certi-
fied mail that stated, "You have
been identified as possibly being
exposed to asbestos fibers while
vvorking in the Old Cafeteria
Building during the months of
November, 1987 thru March,
Workmen installed a heating
unit in the building during the
months mentioned in the letter.
According to the letter, "a
sprayed acoustical ceiling con-
taining a small percentage of as-
bestos was accidentally disturbed
by construction workers
The Old Cafeteria Building,
also known as the Publications
Building, houses the offices of The
East Carolinian, The Buccaneer,
Expressions and the Rebel. The
Print Shop and the Central Sup-
ply Office are also located in the
On Thursday, workmen re-
moved carpeting from the build-
ing to be tested for asbestos dust.
The asbestos that coats the
Sigma house a part of history
Staff Writer
The Sigma Sigma Sigma Soror-
ity is holding a private reception
at their home Saturday at 3 p.m. to
celebrate the house being de-
clared an historical Greenville
landmark. Steve Blade, chairman
of the Greenville Historical Selec-
tion Committee, the City Council,
the Planning and Zoning
Committee. SGA officers and the
entire sorority are expected to
attend the ceremonv.
Tamara Shatz, a member of the
Greenville Planning and Zoning
office, said that the Historic Plan-
ning Committe has been looking
for historical homes for about two
years, but has had little luck in the
Greenville area. Inez Fridley, a
member of the City Council and
one of the sorority's advisors,
submitted an application to the
committee on behalf of the Sigma
house, also referred to as the Skin-
ner House. The sorority was in-
formed several months ago that
the house had been accepted as an
historical property.
"We wanted to wait (to have the
reception) until our National
Founders Day and also until the
weather was nice to cut the rib-
bon, so to speak" said Natalie
Moore, sorority president.
The Greenville Properties
Commission regulations say for a
building to be considered an his-
torical property, it has to be of
special significance in terms of its
history, architecture, integrity of
design, setting workmanship,
feeling and or association.
Committee members said the
Skinner House possesses nearly
all of these qualities.
According to an historical
sketch prepared by Michelle A.
Francis, the principal investigator
in the history of the Skinner
House, the house was built in 1927
for a prominent Greenville physi-
cian Dr. I .C. Skinner and his wife,
Daisy Minor Skinner. The builder
and the architect are unknown.
The Skinners lived in the house
until their deaths, and then their
children sold the house in 1961 to
the Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority.
The group has made few modifi-
cations to the Colonial Revival
style home.
The house is located at 803 East
Fifth Street in what is referred to
as The College View section of
Greenville. This neighborhood is
considered one of the most intact
twentieth century residential
neighborhoods in the city. Con-
struction in this section began in
1909 with The East Carolina
Teacher's Training School, now
ECU, being the first building to go
up. Most of the homes in this sec-
tion were built between 1910 and
1930. The Skinner house has been
identified as one of the 33 most
architecturally significant build-
ings in the city of Greenville.
Since the designation of the
house and grounds, the City
Council has issued the sorority an
ordinance that must be followed.
The ordinance states that a suit-
able sign be posted indicating the
properites designation, and that
the sorority must have official
permission from the council be-
fore any repairs or alterations take
ceiling of the building is "one of
the most stable types according
to James Riggs of the Occupa-
tional Health and Safety office.
The asbestos is "100 percent
safe" when it is left undisturbed,
said John S. Bell, asst. vice-chan-
cellor for Business Affairs. Bell
said the university does not plan
to remove the asbestos from the
According to Bell, the univer-
sity has never had an asbestos
incident as serious as the one at
the Old South Building.
A routine test revealed the
asbestos while the heating unit
was being installed, Bell said.
Previous routine tests conducted
in the 1980s failed to reveal anv
asbestos, he said. The earlier tests
may have failed to reveal the
Chrysotile-type asbestos because
the testing methods were not as
advanced then, Bell said.
People who only worked in
the building before the construc-
tion work began were not endan-
gered by the asbestos, Bell said.
The university is holding an
orientation meeting Thursday to
answer questions and to begin
determining who, if anyone, has
been hurt by the asbestos. "At this
meeting the nature, health affects,
and medical surveillance regard-
ing asbestos will be discussed.
Also, questionnaires will be dis-
tributed to estimate individual
exposure according to the letter
warning the students and faculty
about the asbestos.
Bell said the letters may not
have reached everyone who
worked in the building during the
construction. He urged anyone
who worked in the building dur-
ing those months to come to the
orientation meeting.
The meeting is to beheld from
4-6 p.m. Thursday in the Multi-
purpose room of Mendenhall
Student Center.
Students from the Industrial Technoloy department work to build a playground for the Child Develop
ment Department. (Ellen Murphy ? Photolab)
Cooperation builds new playground
Staff Writer
Sometimes at ECU two depart-
ments with a mutual need can
turn to each other for help; that's
what happened this year when
the Department of Child Devel-
opment and Family Relations
needed a new playground and
went to the Industrial Technology
Department to give them the
opportunity for experience in
constructing one.
"We took the skills that children
need for development, like climb-
ing, running and peddling, plus
we had pictures of playgrounds
like we wanted and took the pic-
tures to Kurt said Kathy Shep-
herd, director of preschool educa-
Kurt Yanchenko is the instruc-
tor for the Construction Tech-
niques class that built the play-
ground. The construction started
on Feb. 25 and will hopefully be
finished this week. "Child Devel-
opment had the basic idea what it
would look like and we designed
it according to what they wanted,
we did the planning and schedul-
ing, estimated the material cost
and did the actual hands on con-
struction Yanchenko said.
This is the first year the Depart-
ment of Child Development and
Family Relations ran a full day
schedule for the children enrolled
in the program. The ages of the
children are three-five, and, start-
ing next August, two year olds
will be able to start the program.
This particular department
under the School of Home Eco-
nomics has been established on
the campus for over 50 years, so
when this new playground was
designed with the children's
needs and ages in mind, it only
added to the well established and
rapid growing reputation of the
"We wanted to have a con-
trolled environment for the kids,
have a quality environment to
train the teachers and serve as a
model for daycare Shepherd
Kurt Yanchenko said the con-
struction of the playground was a
great hands on experience for the
students and that the class would
be a good survey course for
people who are interested in con-
The new playground, which is
divided into two sections ? one
side for the two year olds and the
other for the three year olds or
better, contains two slides, a hori-
zontal ladder and net climber,
two swing sets, a sandbox, a con-
crete tricycle path and a combina-
tion tricvele shed and slide. For
anyone who is curious in eyeing
the new playground, it is located
behind the Croatan and the Nurs-
ing Building.
Off-campus lighting resolution sent to city
Auiatant Newt Editor
The SGA turned down a pro-
posal for a senior send-off party,
decided to reconsider a bill to
create a fine arts funding board
and passed an off-campus light-
ing proposal in their weekly meet-
ing Monday.
In introducing the senior party
proposal, Amar Singh, the junior
class president, said there is a
need to have a social function to
honor graduating seniors. Singh
requested $500 to pay for a rock
and roll band to play on the last
day of class at the top of College
Hill drive, popularly nicknamed
"Tyler Beach because it is adja-
cent to Tyler dormitory.
"It is just a good party to send
off the seniors Singh said about
the bill he authored.
Many legislators had problems
with the idea of the SGA funding
a party. Kelly Jones said a senior
bash would not be in the general
welfare of the students. Jones
made reference to past docu-
ments stating that the SGA has a
rcsponsibilty to appropriate
funds for the good of the students.
Also in disagreement with the
party was Steve Sommers who
said, "Student Government is not
the place to do this sort of thing
Larry Murphy said the cost of
the party would run higher than
$500. Murphy also said the SGA
would be liable if any accidents
occurred during the party.
One legislator came to the de-
fense of the party bill by saying
that he didn't think it was fair for
the SGA to appropriate money for
their own banquet and refuse
money for a social event that all
students could attend.
"Two weeks ago, we passed a
$1,500 banquet for ourselves but
when it comes to $500 for a party
for everbody we don't think it is a
good idea. This party would be
good for everyone Michael
Hadley said.
Despite Hadley's argument,
the SGA voted down the pro-
Also Monday, the SGA passed a
resolution requesting improve-
ments in street lighting surround-
ing the campus. Tripp Roakes,
who brought the resolution be-
fore the SGA, said that street and
sidewalk lighting on the
university's main streets, Fifth
and 10th streets, are inadequate.
Roakes said the resolution
would be sent to Greenville
Mayor Ed Carter in efforts to
begin the process towards im-
proved lighting near the ECU
campus. Roakes said SGA money
would not be used towards the
lighting project.
Considering an SGA fine arts
fundings board bill, the legisla-
ture moved to refer the bill back to
the Rules and Judicary committee
for further consideration. The re-
See ARTS, page 2
Greek Week to be held all this week
ie Sigma house has been named a city historicaTsTte by the Greenville Historical Selection Commit-
tee . The house, which once belonged to a prominent city physician, will be defeated as a historical site
Sunday as part of the Sigma's Founder's Day celebrations. (Ellen Murphy ? Photolab)
Auittant Feature Editor
Sunday was the start of Greek
Week at ECU. Greek Week is an
annual event sponsored by Inter-
Fraternity Council to bring the
Greek societies together in a way
that everyone can have a good
time with friends.
No one is really positive about
how Greek Week got started, but
it has become the highlight for
many Greeks; a welcoming cele-
bration kicking off spring's arri-
val, perhaps?
This year's celebration started
with a Sig Ep Baby-Buggy-Race
which was coupled with a
Hotdog Eatting Contest spon-
sored by Tau Kappa Epsilon, ac-
cording to IFC President, Shawn
The Kappa Alphas sponsored a
Tricycle Race at their house be-
tween 4 and 6pm Monday, with
Sigma Phi Epsilon and the Chi
Omegas coming out victors.
"Justin' Time" was scheduled to
play afterwards. Monaghan is
expecting this to go over very
well, knowing how popular
"Justin' Time "has become in the
ECU community.
Tonight the IFC is sponsoring
the Annual Greek Banquet at the
Moose Lodge for , Brothers
Wednesday the Alpha Sigmas
are holding a "Mexican Stand-
off at their house on W.5th St.
The Kappa Sigmas are hosting a
"Funky Nassau (a beer chug-
ging contest), Thursday at their
house on 10th St. Monaghan
boasts that this event has been
around for at least six years and is
one of the favorites of Greeks.
Friday the Phi Kappa Taus are
sending the week out on a raft in
their Raft Race. Afterwards all
Greeks will gather at the Phi Tau
house on 5th St. to party.
Saturday is the big Field Day.
Sponsored by Pi Kappa Phi, three-
on-three basketball, volleyball,
tug-of-war and an obstacle course
will finish up the list of events,
with a parry following at the Pi
Kap house on Hooker Road.
?m i? ihiitiigtfcii

APRIL 12,1988
Search for two Vice Chancellors continues I Eakin
Staff Writer
The search committees for Vice
Chancellor for Student Life and
Vice Chancellor for Academic
Affairs positions are narrowing
down the list of applicants and
conducting interviews.
The search committee for the
replacement of Dr. Elmer Meyer,
Vice Chancellor oi Student life, is
chaired by Pamela Penland.
Scott Thomas, a member of the
committee, said the deadline for
applications was March 22, and
they are still narrowing down
applicants. May 2 is the scheduled
selection date.
The committee's recommenda-
tion, if approved by Chancellor
Richard Eakin, will then be sent to
the Board of Trustees. Then, if
they arc in concurrence, the rec-
ommendation will be sent to the
Board of Governors for final ap-
Thomas said the committee
"felt very strongly that the Vice
Chancellor for Student Life
should be available for interviews
by the students he said inter-
view dates would be publicly
announced so students can par-
The search committee for the
replacement of Dr. Angclo A.
Volpe, Vice Chancellor of Aca-
demic Affairs, has already con-
ducted two interviews. Dr. Wil-
liam Bloodworth has served in
Volpe's absence since the vice
chancellor left last summer to
accept the position as president of
Tennessee Tech University. A
third incrvicw is scheduled for
April 18.
The first applicant, Robert E.
Fox, is currently dean of the
School of Professional Psychol-
ogy at Wright State University in
Dayton, Ohio.
The second interview was with
William Byrd who is dean of Arts
and SciencesatAppalachain State
University in Boone.
The third candidate, scheduled
for interviewing April 18-19, is
Phillip Thomas. Thomas is cur-
rently dean of Arts and Sciences at
Wichita State University in Wic-
hita, Ka.
The chair of the search commit-
tee, Dr. Carl Adler, said, "It's
possible, but very unlikely that
there will be anymore interviews.
There's not enough time
The committee will make its
recommendation to Chancellor
Richard Eakin "with any luck by
April 29 according to Adler. The
same process must then be fol-
lowed as for the vice chancellor
for student life.
The committee is looking for
"experience at dean's level, sig-
nificant experience in handling
budgets, and very significant per-
sonal scholarship through having
done research themselves ac-
cording to Adler. "They (the can-
didates) all share these qualities
Adler said he couldn't think of a
more important choice the
univcrstiy makes than deciding
on a new Vice-Chancellor for
Academic Affairs.
Beware of sex disease Gardnerella
This bacteria can be sexually toms. They may carry the bacteria medication you will be treated dom. You may protect yourself
transmuted. However, it is not and constantly rcinfect their part- witn WH be decided by your from contracting gardnerella by
ners. Since most men areasymp- health care provider. If you are using the following suggestions:
tomatic it is important for women taking the medication flagyl be )
to watch for symptoms, and when sure not to drink any alcphol. If - Use good genital hygiene
they appear they should see their vou do you will become ex- - Wear cotton underwear
health care professional as soon as tremcly nauseous and experience - Wipe from front to back so
possible. Symptoms of this type abdominal cramps, vomiting, you will not spread bacteria from
classified as a scxuallv transmit-
ted disease, but is a vaginal infec-
tion referred to as non-specific
Health Column
Sharon McDonald
vaginitis. Gardnerella is a bacte-
ria which lives in the vagina of
most women. It may be found in
the vagina one-third of the time.
The bacteria multiplies rapidly
causing a vaginal infection. Usu-
ally men do not have any svmp-
of vaginitis may include:
- Irritation and itching cither
in or around the vagina
- A thick greyish-white
mucous discharge
- An odor (fishy)
Gardnerella may be treated
with flagyl or other medications.
These medications are available
by prescription only. The type of
and headaches. Be sure you take
all of your medication even
though your symptoms may have
disappeared. It is important for
both partners to be treated so the
female will not be reinfected with
the bacteria. It is not wise to have
sexual intercourse while being
treated however, if it is
unavoidable be sure to use a con-
To call it UNC or UNC - CH
Some University of North Caro-
lina at Chapel Hill supporters say North Carolina State University's
they want thenameof thecampus name, William C. Friday, former
Greensboro News & Record. Carolina might also need a name
Recalling the furur created over change.
to revert to one it held from 1789 to
1963 - just the University of North
The General Assembly first
tacked "at Chapel Hill" onto the
end oi UNC in 1963 as a forerun-
ner of the 1971 reorganization that
spawned the 16-campus UNC
System. c
Robert C. Eubanks Jr chairman
of LNC-Chapel Hill's Board oi
Trustees, says the UNC Board of
Governors could initiate a name
change. But Philip G. Carson,
Board of Governors' chairman,
isn't enthusiastic.
"I think there are a lot more
important questions facing the
university Carson told the
Arts board bill
referred back
Continued from page 1
fcrral passed after the legislature
could not decide on amendments
made to the bill that would
change the number of groups to
be funded and the number of
board members.
The fine arts fundings board, a
new creation by the SGA, will
have the responsibility of over-
seeing $45,000 of student fees to
be allocated to several art groups.
The board will distribute funding
to the Visual Arts Forum, the
Marching Pirates, Gray Art Gal-
lon and Theather Arts.
Marty Helms said the board
will help the SGA appropriations
commi ttee through concentrating
on the individual art groups. The
board was "set up to alleviate
some of the problems with the
appropriation committee
Helms said.
During the announcement
period of the meeting, Claire Per-
talion announced that EROS, a
campus womens group, will hold
a sexual awareness day Thursday
from 10a.m. until 3 p.m. in front of
the new building. The group will
also hold a Take Back The Night
march at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday in
which women will band together
and walk in areas of the campus
that arc unsafe for women to walk
heesy House
Read the East
Features page!
It's (Come on,
you know what
I'm going to say,
don't you?)
president of the UNC System, was
leery of the Chapel Hill initiative.
"I don't think there's much
appetite for another round of
that Friday says. "I would think
that those immediately involved
would not want to raise a contro-
versial issue at this time
If the change goes through,
UNC Chancelor Chris Fordham
says the 16-campus system now
called the University of North
hold forum
The Equal Rights Organization
of Students, in conjunction with
Greenville NOW, is planning a
Sexual Assault Awareness Day
Workshop for April 14.
The day-long event will begin at
10 a.m. in front of the new general
classroom building and will con-
clude following a Take Back the
Night March at 7:30 p.m. Other
scheduled events include speak-
ers, workshops, and an open fo-
rum for suggestions on ways to
improve community safety.
Fordham suggests it might be
called the Consolidated Univer-
sity of North Carolina System or
some other name that more accu-
rately depicts its supervisory role.
for Jem
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And they're both repre-
sented by the insignia you wear
as a member of the Army Nurse
Corps. The caduceus on the left
means you're part of a health care
system in which educational and
career advancement are the rule,
not the exception. The gold bar
on the right means you command respect as an Army officer. It you re
earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O. Box 7713,
Clifton, NJ 07015. Or call toll free 1-800- US A- ARMY.
These salaried positions offer
an excellent opportunity to
gain experience and leader-
ship abilities that will benefit
you throughout your life. At
the same time, these positions
will enable you to make valu-
able contributions to East
Carolina University. For addi-
tional information and appli-
cations, contact the Associate
Dean of Student's Office in 209
FCL Nmn Bureau
Gov. James G Martin, Lt. G
Robert B. Jordan III and thechaii
man of the University of Nortl
Carolina Board ot Cover
Philip G. Carson, head a host
dignitaries scheduled to take pa
in the inauguration of East Cai
lina University chancellor Kw
ard Eakin.
Representatives of man.
leges and universities, faculti
and administrators, and del
gates from learned and ;
sional societies will march in
traditional academic pro-
to begin the formal 11 a.m. ceij
monv Fndav
Carson, an Asheville a
who heads the governing
the 16-campus University
North Carolina systen
liver the inaugural addres;
ernor Martin will speak
of the state as one
delegates to extend
upon the occasion.
Eakin, 49-year-old
Pennsylvania, will take
of office administered I
Gerald Arnold oi the N
of Appeals, a disting
nus and a past pr
ECU Alumni Assi
University of North
president CD. Spangler -
preside at the ceremony
tone Wright Auditorium
ECU campus. Eakin was the r
UNC system chancel! -
lected by Spangler after
ceeded William Frida .
One oi two nominee
a nationwide search for a
sor to retiring chancellor
Ho well, Eakin became th
chief executive officer
Carolina in the 81-year
the institution March 1 1987
In his first year as chance!
Dr. Eakin has stressed acadc
and university planning, cam
beautification, additional
toral level programs, t
Nixon says Ollie
to be pardoned
dent Reagan should pardon l
M. Poindexter and Oliver!
North if he believes they
necred the Iran-Contra I
serve the presidency accordin
former President Richard
Nixon said Sunday tha
grets not absolving his own ad1
ers for their role in the W
The former president wh(
driven from office in 197
Watergate, said Reagan
ask himself, "Did these two
do what they did believi
whether mistakenly or n
they had the appro val ot 'the p
dent, or were acting in ordc
serve his interests and woul
that approval?
"If the president, at ter con:
ing that, believes that that w aj
case, then he, the presk
would have a good case for j
doning, because then th
called crime would lack
tent Nixon said.
Poindexter. the former natj
securitv adviser, and N
served as a National 5 i
Council aide, face charge J
spiring to divert proceeds cf
U.SIran arms sales to the N
guan rebels at a time when
gress banned military aid tj
Reagan has made several
ments indicating he believ
former aids did nothing
and suggesting that he is taj
bly inclined toward pardon
his official position on th
remains one of neutrality, ad
ing to White House spokej
Marlin Fitzwater
Nixon,inanNBC-TY NUi
Press" interview aired Suj
said that in the early 197i
asked himself about parcil
former advisers H.R. Hald
and )ohn D. Ehrlichman
were convicted on char
conspiracy and obstructi
justice and served time in d
"I probably should havj
doned them Nixon said
not sure that the countrv
have taken it at that time-iti
little stirred up, as you
imagine. But, on the otherl
they had not done it for
The former president
"personal gain" also was
consideration in the Iran-
Nixon, 75, is making a s3
television appearances thij
to promote his new book.
Victory Without War
? ??it$tf ph $k

APRIL 12,1988
inues I Eakin's inauguration on Friday
e research themselves ac-
ling to Adler. "They (the can-
all share these qualities
r said ho couldn't think of a
e important choice the
ersti) makes than deciding
i nev ico Chancellor for
c Affairs.
& Receive
'REE With
s offer
ity to
ife. At
2 valu-
r addi-
I in 209

ECU New. Bureau . ??
economic development ana con- gural committee, will introduce
Gov. James G. Martin, Lt. Gov. stituent relations. His leadership the governor.
Robert B.Jordan III and the chair- style has been characterized by
man of the University of North openness and directness in corn-
Carolina Board of Governors, munication and administration.
Philip G. Carson, head a host of Eakin came to ECU with a
dignitaries scheduled to take part strong background in higher
in the inauguration of East Caro- education administration and as a
lina University chancellor Rich- professor of mathematics. He
ard Eakin.
Representatives of many col-
Greetings from universities of
Two former ECU chancellors, which Eakin is an alumnus will be
Drs. Leo W. Jenkins and John M. by Charles N. O'Data, vice presi-
Howell, both of Greenville, will dent for development, Geneva
serve as honorary marshals for College, Beaver Falls, Penn ECU
the academic procession. The medical school professor H. Tho-
senior ECU faculty member in mas Norris, an alumnus of Wash-
point of service, music professor ington State University, Pullman,
began his career in 1964 at Bowl- Beatrice Chauncey, will lead the Wash and Paul J. Olscamp,
ing Green State University, a procession with the official trus- president of Bowling Green State
The platform party will include
the president of the University of
Nebraska, Ronald W. Roskens, a
former president of the American
Council on Education (ACE), and
leges and universities, faculties comprehensive university with toes mace.
and administrators, and dele- 17,000 students in Bowling Green, Five former chairs of the ECU
gates from learned and profes- Ohio, and had served as a vice board of trustees also will serve as
sional societies will march in a president at Bowling Green since honorary marshals. They are
traditional academic procession 1983. Robert L. "Roddy" Jones of
to begin the formal 11 a.m. cere- East Carolina University is a Raleigh, C. Ralph Kinsey Jr. of
mony Friday. comprehensive university of Charlotte, Robert B. Morgan of Lt. Gov. Robert B. Jordan III.
Carson, an Ashoville attorney 15,000 students with a college of Buies Creek and Troy W. Pate of After a luncheon for the plat-
who heads thegoverning board of arts and sciences embracing 19 Goldsboro. form party and invited guests
the 16-campus University of departments and 10 professional The current trustees chairman, sponsored by the Student Gov-
schools including the state's Thomas A. Bennett of Winston- ernment Association, the inaugu-
youngost school of medicine. Salem, Alumni Association presi- ral program will feature a schol-
Carson is to be introduced by dent James A. Hicks of Greens- arly symposium on Leadership
David J. Whichard II of boro, faculty chair Conner and Ethics at which Roskens will
Greenville, editor and co-pub- Atkeson, assistant vice chancellor be the featured speaker,
lishcr of The Daily Reflector of - student life Carolyn A. On Thursday, the board of trus-
Greenville and vice chairman of Fulghum, Student Government tecs will meet and the inaugural
the UNC Board of Governors. Association president Scott Tho- program begins at 8 p.m. Thurs-
Max Ray Joyner of Greenville, mas and Greenville mayor Ed- day with an inaugural concert,
vice chairman of the ECU board of ward E. Carter will deliver greet- Bach's "The Passion According to
trustees and chairman of the inau- ings on behalf of their constituen- St. John
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North Carolina system, will de-
liver the inaugural address. Gov-
ernor Martin will speak on behalf
of the state as one of 10 official
delegates to extend greetings
upon the occasion.
Eakin, 49-year-old native of
Pennsylvania, will take the oath
of office administered by Judge S.
Gerald Arnold of the N.C. Court
of Appeals, a distinguished alum-
nus and a past president of the
ECU Alumni Association.
University of North Carolina
president CD. Spangler Jr. will
preside at the ceremony in his-
toric Wright Auditorium on the
ECU campus. Eakin was the first
UNC system chancellor to be se-
lected by Spangler after he suc-
ceeded William Fridav as UNC
One of two nominees chosen in
a nationwide search for a succes-
sor to retiring chancellor John M.
Howell, Eakin became the ninth
chief executive officer of East.
Carolina in the 81-year history of
the institution March 1,1987.
In his first year as chancellor,
Er. Eakin has stressed academic
and university planning, campus
beautification, additional doc-
toral level programs, regional
Nixon says Ollie
to be pardoned
dent Reagan should pardon John
M. Poindextcr and Oliver L
North if he believes they engi-
neered the Iran-Contra deal to
serve the presidency, according tc
former President Richard M.
Nixon said Sunday that he re-
grets not absolving his own advis-
ers for their role in the Watergate
The former president, who was
driven from office in 1974 by
Watergate, said Reagan should
ask himself, "Did these two men
do what they did, believing,
whether mistakenly or not, that
they had the approval of the presi-
dent, or were acting in order to
serve his interests and would get
that approval?
"If the president, after consider-
ing that, believes that that was the
case, then he, the president,
would have a good case for par-
doning, because then the so-
called crime would lack in in-
tent Nixon said.
Poindextcr, the former national
security adviser, and North, who
served as a National Security
Council aide, face charges of con-
spiring to divert proceeds of the
U.SIran arms sales to theNicara-
guan rebels at a time when Con-
gress banned military aid to the
Reagan has made several com-
ments indicating he believes his
former aids did nothing illegal
and suggesting that he is favora-
bly inclined toward pardons. But
his official position on the subject
remains one of neutrality, accord-
ing to White House spokesman
Marlin Fitzwater.
Nixon, in an NBC-TV "Meet the
Press" interview aired Sunday,
said that in the early 1970s he
asked himself about pardoning
former advisers H.R. Haldeman
and John D. Ehrlichman. Both
were convicted on charges of
conspiracy and obstruction of
justice and served time in prison.
"I probably should have par-
doned them Nixon said. "I'm
not sure that the country would
have taken it at that time-it was a
little stirred up, as you might
imagine. But, on the other hand,
they had not done it for personal
The former president said
"personal gain" also was not a
consideration in the Iran-Contra
Nixon, 75, is making a series of
television appearances this week
to promote his new book, "1999:
Victory Without War
The East Carolinian
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April 9, 198S
Page 4
The fever strikes
It's finally getting warm again,
which means students' minds are
turning more and more to thoughts
outside of the academic world.
We all set out, at the beginning of
the semester, with the most noble of
intentions. We all promise our par-
ents to keep our studies up, and to
make good grades despite the com-
ing warm weather.
Then, when the warm weather
finally gets here, something hap-
pens. It's an incredible something; a
wonderful something that sets souls
on fire and heightens the imagina-
tion. Unfortunately it also drives all
thoughts of books from our heads
and turns our thoughts to the more
pastoral occupations of laying in the
sun, enjoying the spring and de-
frosting from the cold winter.
Of course, however, the weather's
ciming is a cruel trick. Now is the
time when students should be crack-
ing the books even more, preparing
for final exams and long-put-off
term papers. Now is crunch time.
The question is posed by the stu-
dent: Should I study now or spend
some time in the sun?
While we recommend a healthy
dose of both, it is important to re-
member that we are here to learn. If
we don't pass the classes, we won't
be back next year to live through
another spring with our friends
Enjoy the sun, but keep up the work
Guest Cartoonist
Student says article not slanted

Bti Paul FriecCricfi
A I -? '?
v -? ?
V. i
The opinions expressed in these panels do not
necessarily reflect the opinion of the
Editorial Board of The East Carolinian
rArArt 1i
z. it was GRrtrr ?ic,ki vou uP.r
TNNTTvtKKi: couu6eT so t-ucvoy,
Atv i"x QOtol i$ To have: se wi-ft
CU.gT GOSH ptffMT S didm'T
TtKiK To euv oopoms AH&o of oh wai.L-er-rs call ta
HIGH-Tamd uf TAT HMPSHttf.

cWcfrLoZ kim NJ cotia?k hKro 'Detf eraser ncttas STvpeWi
I WtfJoA THAT 3T WAS kBll To
I &c MY Miss America crown
VjbicmrvrToTt world wice
To the editor:
I would like to address the issue
surrounding last Tuesday's article
about the assault in Garrett dorm and
the subsequent letters in Thursday's
First and foremost, Tuesday's ar-
ticle was not slanted. It revolved
around an actual event and contained
information given by eye witnesses. If
there is any distortion of facts, it can-
not be blamed upon the article, its
writer, or the editor of The East Caro-
linian, but upon the reliability of the
witnesses upon whose accounts the
article was based.
The article dealt with a newswor-
thy issue: A campus institution
abused its powers in physically as-
saulting an individual. Whether or
not he "deserved" it is a matter of
opinion. The fact stands that one
unarmed man was beaten by a group
of men with sticks, and that is an
atrocity. If the situation were re-
versed, and a group of white Greeks
assaulted a black student, I'm sure
that the writers of Thursday's letters
would not have objected to the article.
It is unfortunate that racial discord
ejsts in the United States of today,
and that there has arisen a system of
"reverse-racism" (i.e. minorities lash-
ing out against the dominant group).
For reasons both moral and legal, this
fact cannot be suppressed in the
If there is to be true racial harmony,
the incidence of conflicts both racial
and reverse-racial must be called to
public attention so that a solution
may be attained for the benefit of all
Thus, The East Carolinian had no
intent of inciting conflict by the publi-
cation of Tuesday's article. It was
simply attending to its duties as a
medium of public information.
Jim Shamlin
Dr. Carter's
track record
To the editor:
On the first evaluation of tenure-track
My department received from me,
Teaching experience, publications,
and a Ph.D.
On the second evaluation of tenure-
My department received from me,
Three research articles, teaching ex-
perience, publications, and a Ph.D.
On the third evaluation of tenure-
My department received from me,
Two reviews and an anthology,
Three research articles,
Teaching experience, publications,
and a Ph.D.
On the fourth evaluation of tenure-
My department received from me,
Two research grants,
Two reviews and an anthology,
Three research articles,
Teaching experience, publications,
and a Ph. D.
On the fifth evaluation of tenure-
My department received from me,
A Two-Hundred-Page Monograph,
Two research grants,
Two reviews and an anthology,
Three research articles,
Teaching experience, publications,
and a Ph.D.
On the sixth evaluation of tenure-
My department received from me,
A contract from a major publisher,
A Tvvo-Hundrcd-Page Monograph,
Two research grants,
Two reviews and an anthology,
Three research articles,
Teaching experience, publications,
and a Ph.D.
On the seventh evaluation of tenure-
My department received from me,
A journal advisory editorship,
A contract from a major publisher,
A Two-Hundrcd-Page Monograph,
Two research grants,
Two reviews and an anthology,
Three research articles,
Teaching experience, publications,
and a Ph.D.
On the eighth evaluation of tenure-
My department received from me,
An editorship of an international
A journal advisory editorship,
A contract from a major publisher,
A Two-Hundred-Page Monograph,
Two research grants,
Two reviews and an anthology,
Three research articles,
Teaching experience, publications
and a Ph.D.
On the ninth evaluation of tenure-
My department received from me,
A commitment of a scholarly confer-
ence on campus,
An editorship of an international
A journal advisory editorship,
A contract from a major publisher,
A Two-Hundred-Page Monograph,
Two research grants,
Two reviews and an anthology,
Three research articles,
Teaching experience, publications,
and a Ph.D.
On the tenth evaluation of tenure-
My department received from me,
Four articles and three reviews
A commitment of a scholarly confer-
ence on campus,
An editorship of an international
A journal advisory editorship,
A contract from a major publisher,
A Two-Hundred-Page Monograph,
Two research grants,
Two reviews and an anthology,
Three research articles,
Teaching experience, publications,
and a Ph.D.
On the eleventh evaluation of tenure-
My department received from me,
Another book contract, two chapters
in two books,
Four articles and three reviews,
A commitment of a scholarly confer-
ence on campus,
An editorship of an international
A journal advisory editorship,
A contract from a major publisher,
A Two-Hundrcd-Page Monograph,
Two research grants,
Two reviews and an anthology,
Three research articles,
Teaching experience, publications,
and a Ph.D
On the twelfth evaluation of tenure-
My department gave to me,
A denial of tenure from the chairman
of history.
John Marshall Carter, Ph.D.
Professor of history at ECU
to a response
To the editor:
I would like to respond to Mr
Godkin's letter on April the 7th,
which responded to my previous let-
ter condemning armed forces. First of
all,l wish to commend Mr.Godkinfor
responding at all. As citizens of the
United States we are fortunate
enough to voice our opinions, no
matter how opposing they may be.
For that freedom, I thank the
However, I feel that I must
straighten out Mr. Godkin's interpre-
tation of my letter. He stated that bv
condemning the armed forces I am
condemning the force which has
"kept the United States from becom-
ing a communist country 1 must ask
Mr. Godkin, when has the United
States been directly attacked by a
communist country? Our great na-
tion has not been attacked since the
bombing of Pearl Harbor.
The United States is not defending
at all, instead it is extremely offensive.
We have not been attacked in over
thirty years, yet within that time span
we have militarily invaded numerous
countries. 'To defend" implies that
one must protect oneself, yet I repeat,
the United States has not been at-
tacked since Pearl Harbor.
Unfortunately, the United States is
not the only country that takes the
offensive tact to "defend" itself. The
Soviet Union uses the same ploy but
for a different end - communism
rather than democracy.
In my letter, I was not criticizing the
United States' goals to uphold de-
mocracy, only their means. I extend
my criticism further to say that any
nation who uses military force (i.e.
killing a fellow human being) as the
means to achieve their end goal,
whether it be democracy, commu-
nism or religiously oriented, will be
bombarded by so called "peace niks"
who still uphold one of the basic
moral principles of mankind - Thou
shalt not kill.
I am thankful for the freedom that
we citizens of the United States have
established through the constitution.
My freedom is upheld through that
strong document, not through the
mass murdering of innocent people,
and I will spend my lifetime uphold-
ing that document. I will not, how-
ever, congratulate a soldier with
blood on his hands and eternal con-
In closing, I repeat a line from my
previous letter because the point was
obviously ignored: The future of our
planet can go in two directions: de-
struction or reconciliation. You de-
Tonya Batizy
R "
To the editor:
1 was indeed honored to s
my awkward attempt to discu:
the basic function of our arrm
forces, which vou graci . I
printed (March 29) elicited a rd
sponse from the vice-chairman d
the ECU College Republican
Mr. Hall (April 5)! It would had
been even more gratifying if I ha
been able to express myself in I
manner Mr. Hall could have uij
derstood, but the tact that m
incomprehensible effort sti
moved him to take pen in han
was most flattering.
Mr. V. . .
ment oi English fa
ready eloquentl)
pag - M irch 24) the : -
the ECU College Ret 1
seem to have with the fundamej
tal concepts of elemental") .
and rhetoric. I do 1
add anything to Mi nan!
insightful analysis of these unfc
tunately recurring d
nor do I intend
lapses as demonstrated I
worthy Mr. Hall
however, a few :
the estimable vi
which 1 would lit
Mr. Hall menl
"likely to be one I I
viving 61 s hippies Al
these years, 1 am still not
understand exactly what b
"hippie ' involves. I did b
teenager in the late - 1 h
hair down to my an
bell-bottomed ti
print shirts and hac
black light and day-g
my room. I listened to the E J
I wasglad thatbythetirr
register for the draft in '
. ton had declan d
honor, noonewas :
and 1 could go to ECL
Vietnam. As a
graduate 1 srnok .
did not experiment v
merely got stoned. I t
enjoyed purel) 1
often without a coi If 1
tvpe of behavior
"hippie then 1 mu
late the astute v.r H til r
powers of deduction
Mr. Hall wa-
that I was most likely the s
veteran of the Second V -
Nfy father cnlistecr f??t beftj
Pearl Harbor because his fatl
had died; someone had
his family and there w
comparable jobs ($21 a men
three hots and a col for Mexia
in south Texas. After spending
war on some islands in the S01
Pacific, he completed high scho
got a bachelor's degree and a sJ
ond lieutenant's commissior
the Marine Corps He wou
spending 33 years in, retired al
colonel and got to go to Korea a
Vietnam tor those
father is a veteran. Well pla)
Mr. Hall.
There is a point where
Mr. Hall is offense.
found the implicat
loyalty to the United Stal s I
questionable, th
"some secret Russian sp; tc
rather antagonistic as well
neous. The fact that the s
Mr. Hall and myself find
selves at odds over the na-
tion of the military hardl z
either of us the license I
the other's patriotism
I may find Mr. Ha
oi what the military d -
unsophisticated and naive
almost child-like r.
acknowledge a painful
but I would never think 1
the devoted vice- chairma
notable a group of
ECU College Repub
agent of the Soviet govemrro
" I mentioned that my it I
a colonel of Marine-
military bases during
Vietnam. Our fathers wore 1
age, loyalty and sacrifice in
of colored ribbons over
hearts; they periodically lej
with our mothers. Some retui
Some did not. We grew up'
ing in the red. white and
dream, got lumps in oiir th
when television stations e
the broadcast day with oul
tional anthem, but few
any illusions about what oi
thcrs were doing and what ij
happen to them. And after
ing over five and a half yean
the Fleet Marine Force and 1
to the rank of captain, 1 anj
vinced that the military is pr1
ily concerned with the orgi
killing of other people.
I am not too uncomfo
with the fact that our natioi
tains armed orgamzatioj
people constantly in train!
employ violence as part '
, ? .

3 a response
nd to Mr.
the 7th,
rcvious let-
cs. First of
I Mi i iodkinfor
:ens oi the
inions, no
may be.
I thank the
il I must
statcd that by
ccs 1 am
hich has
m becom-
1 must ask
the United
tcked bv a
mtnOur great na-
been attacked bince the
of Peart Harbor.
lited States is not defending
extremely offensive.
n attacked in over
in that time span
I numerous
implies that
t i repeat,
not been at-
. States is
"try that takes the
tend" itself. The
ploy but
end - communism
criticizing the
i uphold de-
r means. 1 extend
:her to say that any
3 military force (i.e.
human being) as the
end goal,
racy, commu-
riented, will be
illcd "peaceniks"
ne of the basic
mankind - Thou
freedom that
nited States have
igh the constitution.
upheld through that
not through the
nocent people,
ifetime uphold-
cument. 1 will not, how-
?tulate a soldier with
hands and eternal con-
repeat a line from my
' because the point was
i The future of our
can go in two directions: de-
)n or reconciliation. You de-
Tonya Batizy
n ?
College Republicians slapped
APRIL 12. 1988
To the editor:
I was indeed honored to see that
my awkward attempt to discuss
the basic function of our armed
forces, which Vou graciously
printed (March 29) elicited a re-
sponse from the vice-chairman of
the ECU College Republicans,
Mr. Hall (April 5)! It would have
been even more gratifying if I had
been able to express myself in a
manner Mr. Hall could'have un-
derstood, but the fact that mv
incomprehensible effort still
moved him to take pen in hand
was most flattering.
Mr. Whisnant of the Depart-
ment of English faculty has al-
ready eloquently noted on your
pages (March 24) the problems
the ECU College Republicans
seem to have with the fundamen-
tal concepts oi elementary logic
and rhetoric. I do not presume to
add anything to Mr. Whisnant's
insightful analysis of these unfor-
tunately recurring difficulties,
nor do 1 intend to discuss these
lapses as demonstrated bv the
worthy Mr. Hall. There were,
however, a few points raised by
the estimable vice-chairman,
which I would like to address.
Mr. Hall mentioned I was
likely to be one of those last sur-
viving bO's hippies After all
these years, I am still not sure I
understand exactly what being a
"hippie" involves. I did become a
teenager in the late 1960's. I had
hair down to my armpits. 1 wore
bell-bottomed trousers, paisley
print shirts and sandals. 1 had a
black light and day-glo posters in
my room. I listened to the Beatles.
1 was glad that by the time I had to
register for the draft in 1973 Mr.
Nixon had declared peace with
honor, no one was being called up
and I could go to ECU instead oi
Vietnam. As a college under-
graduate 1 smoked marijuana. I
did not experiment with it; I
merely got stoned. I thoroughly
enjoyed purely recreational sex,
often without a condom. If that
type oi behavior makes me a
"hippie then I must congratu-
late the astute Mr. Hall on his
powers oi deduction
Mr. Hall was also correct to note
that I was most likely the son of a
veteran oi the Second World War.
My father enlisted" just -before
Pearl Harbor because his father
had died; someone had to support
his familv and there were no
comparable jobs ($21 a month,
three hots and a cot) for Mexicans
in south Texas. At ter spending the
war on some islands in the South
Pacific, he completed high school,
got a bachelor's degree and a sec-
ond lieutenant's commission in
the Marine Corps. He wound up
spending 33 years in, retired as a
colonel and got to go to Korea and
Vietnam for those conflicts. My
father is a veteran. Well played,
Mr. Hall.
There is a point where the canny
Mr. Hall is offensively in error. I
found the implication that my
loyalty to the United States was
questionable, the bit about being
"some secret Russian spy to be
rather antagonistic as well aserro-
neous. The fact that the scholarly
Mr. Hall and myself find our-
selves at odds over the basic func-
tion of the military hardly gives
either of us the license to question
the other's patriotism.
I may find Mr. Hall's perception
of what the military does to be
unsophisticated and naive, an
almost child-like refusal to
achknowledge a painful reality,
but I would never think to portray
the devoted vice- chairman of so
notable a group of citizens as the
ECU College Republicans as an
agent of the Soviet government.
I mentioned that my father was
a colonel of Marines. 1 grew up on
military bases during the war in
Vietnam. Our fathers wore cour-
age, loyalty and sacrifice in rows
of colored ribbons over their
hearts; they periodically left us
with our mothers. Some returned.
Some did not. We grew up believ-
ing in the red, white and blue
dream, got lumps in oUr throats
when television stations ended
the broadcast day with our na-
tional anthem, but few of us had
any illusions about what our fa-
thers were doing and what might
happen to them. And after serv-
ing over five and a half years with
the Fleet Marine Force and rising
to the rank of captain, I am con-
vinced that the military is primar-
ily concerned with the organized
killing of other people.
I am not too uncomfortable
with the fact that our nation main-
tains armed organizations of
people constantly in training to
employ violence as part of our
foreign policy. I am not too
thrilled with it, but I accept it as a
necessary evil in an imperfect
Quite clearly, I am not one of the
"plaster saints" Mr. Hall would
believe bear arms in our nation's
service, but 1 acknowledge my
duty as a citizen and I have spent
a watch on the wall trying to keep
the barbarians from entering the
empire. I may not be a member of
Mr. Hall's Republican Party, but 1
am certainly not "some secret
Russian spy In this case, the
judicious Vice Chairman's power
oi deduction has poorly served
I am uncomfortable with flip-
pant statements such as, "If they
have to kill to protect us from our
enemies, I say get them all I
wonder on what Mr. Hall's enthu-
siasm is based. Lacking the pru-
dent gentleman's deductive
talents, 1 cannot even hazard a
1 wonder on what foundation
the sage vice-chairman bases his
assertions that "America's free-
dom is given by God that I am
"free today because of the ROTC
and U.S. Armed Forces Again,
my admittedly limited power of
deduction coupled with my igno-
rance of the Almighty's evident
intervention in our national his-
tory leave me at the advantage of
the learned vice-chairman.
1 believe freedom springs from
within each of us; that to nurture
it, rather than putting your faith in
institutions and others, "you'd
better free your mind instead
David W. Trevino
Citizen of Greenville
Luke is wrong
To the editor:
Luke Whisnant is an intelligent,
thoughtful individual and a great
writer. None who know him can
dispute this. However, his Mar. 24
Spectrum ("College Republicans
Teed Help in Rhetoric") was full
of error and misrepresentation.
Whisnant says the CR's letter
supporting SDI is "full of logical
fallacies. Perhaps, but this is only
because of lack of space, not be-
cause the CR's cannot logically
defend every point they made in
favor of SDI if provided with
enough space to fully support
their position. Example: Whis-
nant: "The CRs -ay that one suc-
cessful test - one missile, fired at
one target - prove that Star Wars
is feasible. This claim is ignorant
and naive Well, the CRs men-
tioned only this one tes: because it
involved the most diffic It pr of
SDI - the intercriy - and because
that is the o.ay one the C? could
mention in the space allotted, not
because we are "irnorant and
naive" or that there haven't been
many, many other tc s proving
SDl's feasibility.
Whisnant covered many points
in his letter, and I hope that my
fellow CRs will in other letters
respond to every one of them. As
for myself, I would like to make
four major points.
First, Whisnant strenuously
applied the rules of rhetoric to our
letter. As noted above, given
enough space, we CRs can (and,
through several letters, will)
completely and logically defend
our pro-SDI position. The point
I'd like to make is that it is the
liberalsdemocrats who have
been guilty of true ignorance of
rhetoric on this page in the past,
not the conservativesrepubli-
cans. If Whisnant would apply the
same rules of rhetoric to the letters
from liberals, he would find that
they are full of illogical, un-
founded, ridiculous and blatantly
ignorant statements, allegations,
tirades, false choices, and ab-
surdities, as we CRs point out
over and over again to which the
liberals rarely, if ever, respond.
Second, Whisnant claims: "The
only true defense against nuclear
weapons is to negotiate them out
of existence. Period What an
incredibly naive, ignorant, fool-
ishly idealistic statement! I sup-
pose Whisnant doesn't realize
that on Nov. 2, 1987, Gorbachev
said: "We're moving toward a
new world, the world of commu-
nism. We'll never turn from that
road In other words, the com-
munist goal is to rule the world,
and any negotiations such as
arms-control treaties will always,
either overtly or covertly, work
towards that goal. Lenin himself
called those in the west who be-
lieve we can negotiate with the
Communists ;n a non-military
manner (treaties, arms-control
negotiations) 'useful idiots
Lenin also said, Treaties are like
pie crusts - made ?c? be broken
Indeed, the Soviet have broken
every one of the 66 t??ties they've
signed with other nations since
Third, Whisnant notes that a
1,000 megaton attack would de-
stroy the U.S. - possible if SDI is
even 90 percent effective. Yes, and
that's precisely why the Soviets
would never deliberately attack
us with nuclear weapons. The
Soviets don't want to ruin the
valuable natural resources, tech-
nology facilities, and vast cheap
labor our land and people would
have to offer them if they took us
over. The goal of the Communists
is to sign arms-control treaties
with us designed to unilaterally
disarm us while thev cheat mas-
sivcly. Then, when they reach a
position of sufficient nuclear su-
periority, they'll use nuclear in-
timidation and blackmail on us
and force us to give up the U.S.
without firing a single missile.
Finally, Whisnant's entire ar-
ticle can be summed up as "SDI
won't work
And one single fact effectively
negates every argument he raised
against SDI: the Soviets have been
working on their own SDI for over
twenty years, spending $150 bil-
lion (15 times what we've spent)
on strategic defense. Questions
for Whisnant and other naive lib-
erals: if SDI won't work, why are
the Soviets moving forward as
rapidly as possible with their SDI,
and why are they so intent on
halting our SDI? It's obvious that
Soviets believe that SDI will work,
and that if the U.S. had SDI, their
chances of using nuclear black-
mail on us would be negated.
Michael D. Hadley
Political Science
The East Carolinian
is now accepting applications
for the Managing Editor.
Experience preferred.
Apply in person at the office.
No phone calls, please.
I Buy one Regular Shrimp
Dinner at Regular Price
J and get one FREE.
I With coupon only.
(Beverage not included. Good on Monday-
Thursday only with this coupon. Dining
Room Only.)
I Expires April 28, 1988

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These airfares are the lowe i rour.rjtrip rates from Greenville, NC currently in effect for
travel through May 20 Spa' 's !imltod and travel restrictions and advance purchase re-
quirements apply Rates si awr. on- for off peak travel Fares on other days are slightly
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355-5075 I
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Thursday, April 14th in front of the New Building
OPENING - Dr. Meyer
AWARENESS - Dr. Josi Camphina Bacote
PREVENTION - Sgt. Rhonda Gurley & Capt. Keith Knox
through campus & Greenville
The 'Take Back The Night March is a demonstration
against the fear which women live with all the time - the fear of
being attacked, which affects all women to some degree. If you
have ever been afraid to go somewhere alone at night, then you
are a victim of this fear.
Women will band together and walk where it would be
unsafe for a woman to walk alone. Join us in our efforts to strike
back against the fear.
Co-sponsored by N.O.W. & M.S.
o. ajs I
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APRIL 12, 1988
PART TIME: clean parking lots with
vaccuum sweeper I Opm - 2:30am
Tues.Thurs Sat nights. Must have phone
and transportation 830-1882
PART-TIME: Word Processing in Law
Firm. Transcribing dictation, answering
phone Hours 5-9 p m M-F. Experience
required Send resume Personnel P.O.
Box 1766 Greenville NC 27835
for ? weeks, June 16 - August 17.19 vrs or
older. Call Camp Morehead, Morehead
Citv NC 919-726-3960 Days or 919-726-
ATTENDANTS needed tor summer
work in Atlantic Bea.h Area. May 15th
Labor Dav $3 73 & Commissisons Send
Resume to Peach Bums Beach Service,
P O. Box 1452. Atlantic Beach, NC 28512.
Summer work or now' Lake front lodging
provided. Send Resume' to. Raid win
box 363 Lake Wacamaw NC
nterstcd in those with Human Service
background wishing to gain valuable
ce in the field No m notary
pensation, however ro -
and phone provided Ca I
XLAL Crisis Ctr. 758
WANTED: Models for L surc trlPerm
& Style Hair must be either virgin or
prei curled. Relaxed hair not
suitable Perms & Styles to be done by
outstanding stylists during State
Beautician Show at the Greem
Sheraton Vovicls needed foi I How
dates Apr Zi 2' 26 & 27.
HELP WANTED: Part-time interior
Design student - send Resume' to:
Designer 5010 East 10th. St Greenville
WANTED: Black Models needed tor Lei-
sure Curl Perm & Style 1 lair must be
either virgin or previouslv curled. Re-
laxed hair not suitable. Perms & Stvles to
be done by outstanding stvhsts during
State Beautician showat the Greenville
Sheraton. Models needed for following
dates April 24. 25, 26, & 27.
CAMPS - (Mas- Mah-kleo-Nac for Boys
Danbee for Girls. Counselor positions for
Program Specialists: All Team Sports,
especially Baseball, Basketball, Field
I lockey. Soccer, and Vollevball: 25 Tennis
openings; also, Archery, Riflerv and
Biking; other openings include
Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Yearbook,
Photography, Video, Cooking, Sewing,
Rollerskating, Rocketry, Ropes, and Camp
Craft; A; Waterfront activities (Swimming,
Skiing, Small CraftV Inquire Action
Camping (Bovs) 190 Linden Avc, Glen
Ridge, NJ 28; (Girls) 44 Center Grove
Road, H-21. Randolph NJ 07869. Phone
Bo- 2 M29-8522; (Girls) 201-328-2727.
COl.I.KGF. RHP WANTED to work 5-15
hours per week on campus starting next
tall term. Good income. For information
and application unle to: Collegiate Mar-
keting Services, 251 Glcnv. ood Drive,
'?' ? -esvilic. NC 28115
offer. Call Susan at 758-8241 758-348S.
blood sugar checked? Free information
about mam health related issues? You can
do all these things at the Health Fair,
Tuesday April 12, 3-6 p.m. Location -
outside area near Mendenhall. Come by
the tables sponsored by ECU Med School
student! (Rain date - Thursday).
OH HEAVENS: Oh gracious, Here's a
golden nugget 'cause ! know, you dug it.
Plan the partv how. Conatct the
TRASHMAN Dj service Do a desk-top
jig. Oldies, Beach, the Top 40, etcdial 752-
3587 We own platters that matter.
VIDEO DATlNGThe Wave of the
Future Meet your mate on a video tape.
Call tor details. Promotions Unlimited
Video Dating Service. 756-6163.
Outdoor poses only. Free proof prints
(limit 2). Enlargements avail. Ron 752-
QualityLaser Printing. Rush Jobs
Accepted Designer Type 752-1933.
typing and photocopying services. We
also so software and computer diskettes.
24hours in and out. Guaranteed tvping on
paper up to 20 hand written pages. SDF
Professional Computer Services, 106 East
th Street (beside Cubbies) Greenville, NC
IS IT TRLF: You Can Buy Jeeps for $44
through the U.S. governmentGet the facts
UKJav' Call 1-312-742-1142 Ext. 5271-A.
SHIRTS: For sale SS-S12. Designs that
are In; Tie dves done with special T-shirt
fabric paints so thev last longer. Ask for
Paul or leave a message 752-0607
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
FOR SALE: 4.5 cu refrigerator. Price
negotiable. Call 752-S738.
FOR SALE: 2 stained wood cabinets
with brick m-lav and 2 shelves. Can be
used as TV stand, night stand or as
storage cabinets in dorm rooms or
apartment. Excellent condidtion. Good
price. Call 752-8738
FOR SALE: Dining Room table, S40;
Chairs, S20; Entire Set, S60. Desk, offers
accepted. Swivel-Rocker Easv Chair,
S40. Call 752-6766 or 551-5705
FOR SALE: Double bod, SI 50 00. Under
one vear old. Excellent condition. Call
Lvnelle after 4:00 pm. at 758-3122.
FOR SALE: 1980 Volk. Rabbit 50 mil
gal. dependable, Neg. Call 752-5407.
SALE: B-Unit, 2nd Floor, Fully
furnished. Tax market-value S43,730.00.
Make me an offer. 919-787-1378.
FOR SALE: 1982 Pontiac phoenix, two
tone, five door, AC, bucket seats, rear
window defroster, 125,000 miles, good
condition. Call 758-4779, ask for Dan.
1983 HONDA: 650 Nighthawk, less
than 8000 mi. good condition. 4 valve 6
speed, shaft drive, $1000.00 Call Mark at
752-3133 after 6:00 p.m.
FOR SALE: Assorted furnishings
including coffee table, book shelves,
chiars, all at inexpensive student prices.
Graduating in May. Must sell soon. Call
758-4779, ask for Dan.
Sandwiches, Subs, Salads, Lasagne,
Spaghetti, and Beer. Fast Free
Delivery. Call Famous Pizza. 757-1278
or 757 0731.
FOR RENT: 204 E. 13th St. 1 Bedroom of
a 3 bedroom house. Full Furnished
Waterbed; AC. Included. $140 a month
utilities. 830-5314 For Summer only.
SUBLET: 1 bedroom apt; Village Green
behind Wash Pub for $190 (regularly
S240) May-July Great for 1st session of
Summer school! Call Tony at 757-1046.
ROOMATE NEEDED: for summer &
poiibly fall Ringgold Towers, private
furnished Br all major appliances incl.
microwave. Wate & Cable incl. in $200
mo. rent Call Spencer at 1-992-4543 8-5 or
collect after 5 at 929-0756.
Prefer upperclassman or grad,
nonsmoker, $113.75 month rent, 14
utilities, own room, available beginning
to mid may, one year lease. Call 758-6614.
bedroom house, located four blocks from
campus male prefered. $165 a month call
758-1274 after 5:30 p.m.
share 2 bedroom townhouse at
Georgetown Apts. Great location, closeo
campus and downtown. Available
immediately. Call 830-0272.
share 2-bedroom townhouse starting in
summer. Rent $155 & half utilities. Call
Donna at 756-0233.
the summer. Room available in May. 1 3
rent and 13 utilities. Nonsmoker. Call
Wendy at 752-1321.
ROOMMATE: for summer - own room,
washdryer, pool, air cond, furn, Tar
River Est. $125mo plus utilities. Call
Tracy 752-5115.
apartment with two girls. Beginning
August '88. 13 rent and utilities. Please
call Jenny or Debbie 752-1955.
NEEDED: Female roomatc, non-smoker
for the fall and spring semesters in a 3-
bedroom apartment at Eastbrook.
Serious student preferred. If interested
call Debbie at 758-1075.
Wildwood Villas townhouse during
summer school. Call Julie 752-4781.
bdrm townhouse No deposit, $150.00 a
month 12 utlities, Fireplace, dish-
washer, central heatair, washerdryer.
Call 756-2355 ext. 278 leave your name
and number.
FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartment
$320.00 a month. Sublease for May, June,
and July with an option to rent, for more
info call 830-0256 after 4:00 p.m.
roommate for the summer, two
bedrooms, one and one half baths,
livingroom, kitchen, dinette, cement
patio great for barbecues, fridge,
dishwasher, central air, quite
neighborhood, five minutes from
campus. 107-E Cedar Court. $160 per
month plus utilities. Call 75804779, ask
for Dan or Warren.
NEEDED: Roommate for next year. Rent
$110mo utilities. Wilson Acres. 830-
SPRING SPECIAL: Fairlane Farms Apts
- 2 br2 bath apt. - 894 sq. ft. 1 month free
rent with 12 month lease - $95.00 security
deposit - 355-2198.
Available May 8th to share 3 bedroom
apartment at Wilson Acres. Private
bedroom, 13 rent and utilities,
furnished except for bedroom. Non-
smoker. Call Dawn or Corey at 758-7368
or leave message.
RINGGOLD TOWERS: Apts. for rent.
Furnished, contact Hollie Simonowich at
Greenville Condo
Ringgold Towers
1 bd. fully furnished
$32000Owner will
consider 2nd mortgage
or trade equity for
other property.
Phone Frank Stone
at Southern Shores
A Beautiful Place to Live
?All New 2 Bedroom?
?And Ready To Rent
2899 E. 5th Street
?Located Near BCU
? Acroa From Highway Pat rol SUrt ion
Limited Offer - $275 a month
Contact J. T. or Tommy William
7S6-7815 or 830-1937
Office open - Apt. 8, 12 - 5 JO p.m.
Clean and quiet one bedroom furnished
apartments, energy efficient free water and
?ewer, optional washers, dryers, cable TV.
Couples or singles only. $195 a month, 6 month
lease. MOBILE HOME RENTALS - couples or
singles. Apartment and mobile homes in Azaloa
Gardens near Brook Valley Country Club.
Contact J.T. or Tommy Williams
LIBRARY: One room of two bedroom
apartment available for sublease May-
Aug. Fully furnished and air conditioned.
Very convenient (4 minute walk to
libarary). $145 per month plus phone,
cable and utilities. 757-0412.
ROOM TO RENT: Female nonsmoker in
Tar River. $125 mo. 14 utilities May-
Aug Furnished. Call Trish 852-3708 3
p.mll p.m. or before 1045 a.m.
units for rent ceiling fans, private
backyard storage, reasonable rates, call
758-1177 or 355-6756.
person to share 2 bedroom furnished apt
at Langston Park for the summer. Call
Chuck 757-0660.
apartment close to campus, only $315.00 a
month. Sublease May through August.
Call 758-1576.
LISA REUCHER, Congradulations! We
love you! Your A D Pi sisters.
GINNY & MICHELLE: "Were going to
Raleigh" is all we could say, did we not
blow those State men away there was
Michelle and her App. man and my Will
from Chapel Hill, did 1 not give him the
Big Chill! The end of the night was near
when the police took the beer and off to
the station Ginny did fear. It was a blast,
but girls - who got the middle! Love ya,
A O PI: Hope your weekend was great,
now its time to look for that date. Luau is
les; than 2 weeks away, we'll be
jammin' at the Rotary all day! So pull out
that grass skirt and get ready to sport that
Hawiian shirt!
Wednesday night was a blast! Thanks for
a great social. Have a good time during
Greek Week and get ready for Fridays
Raft Race. The Phi Taus.
NEW DELI WANTS YOU: to jam to the
best music. Catch the PONTIAC
BROTHERS Wednesday, and welcome
backlNDECISION Thursday,
don't miss 3 HITS Saturday. Don't forgot
about 'open mike' Tuesdays.
HEY WIMPS! The beach was a blast
Only one more month to party together
Remember you owe us one. Thanks a
bunch for a great weekend. Thumbs Up
Love Catherine & Wendy.
SAE: 1 lappy 1 lour at the Elbo Fri. 4-7 2
dollar teas - Why drive anywhere else.
ALPHA XI DELTA: would like to
congradulate Lambda Chi Alpha and
Alpha Delta Pi on winning All-sing this
year. Thanks for doing such a great job!
LOST: Gray Himalayian Cat, near
Johnston Street apts. Needs medication.
Reward Call 752-4379, 758-4251.
SPRING FLING: is coming soom. Next
Friday, April 22 at The Phi Tau 1 louse.
PLEDGE MOM: You may have had the
cruise set, but some will contest Our
Hard Core Zeta-ing was great - next time
add the pastel M-n M's. On our next
outing, we must remember to put papers
under you when we color especially
when the Butt Sisters begin to laugh.
"Zeta Love Keeps Fall in' on my head"
Were wer great or what? come on Big
Daddy-O, hiding the beer cans in the
ditch just to go to the Lighthouse7 You
were a good sport running red lights
looking for the way home while T2 and
Miss Miss argued over french fries m the
back. All and all it was great Next time
lets not remove the keys through the sun
roof. Thank you for a fun filled rotreat
Love, The Pledges of Zeta Tau Alpha
Tau fraternity will be sponsoring n
third annual raft race this Friday S gg
your rafts ready to got down The rnaostic
Congradulations on finishing up You are
now full-fledged little sisters VV, ;
the family! Love, The Brothers and little
BOOTH: in Front of the Student St,re
Today. Come Douse Mike Steel or .
favorite sorority girl. Proceeds will go to
the American Childrens 1 leart Fund, and
Sponsored by Phi Kappa Tau Frat.r- .
GROGS: Live Danny Beirne Trom slop
Castro Band. Tonight April 12th Be I
or be Oblong.
FOUND: 1 land hold calculator g
Chemlab Computer labortory in
Brewstcr Bldg. and identify.
being elected SGA V P! We knew you
could do it. We Love You The Zetas
ZETAS: and dates get readv tor O -
'88 its almost here'
DELTA SIGMA PHI: Although the
told us to beware, it's obvious that wo
didn't care Rolling dice and being the
three man wasn't so nice We all kno
rest, but hangin' with you guvs is a
the best. Thanxs! The A O Pi's
$1.50 Happy Hour
every night in April
10 - til?
Special Drinks:
Tequila Shots
Peppermint Schnappes
Whiskey Fizz
and Imports
110 E. 4th St. 752-5855
Outside Deck Open for 1988
All students who wish to try out for the
1988-89 Pure Gold Dancers must attend
an organizational meeting in room A-18
of Minges Coliseum Wed. April 13 at 7
p.m. Actual tryouts will be held April 14.
For more information call 757-6491.
The 1988 ECU Men's Basketball
Awards Banquet will be held on Sunday
April 17 at 12 noon at the Hilton Inn
Greenville. The public is invited to attend
Ticket cost is S10. For further informatior
or to purchase tickets, please call the Pi
rate basketball office at 757-6472 by Fri
day, April 15.
Looking for an easy, guaranteed fun-
draiser? The Dept of Univeristy Unions
needs ushers for its 1988-89 programs.
Please contact Lynn Jobes, 757-6611, for
more information
The Student Union Productions
Committee will meet Thursday April 14th
at 4:00 p.m.
The Accounting Society Spring blow-
out - Pig picking party will be on Friday,
April 22nd from 4 pm til 10 p.m. $2 for
members and S3 for non-members. Sign
up on April 11th thru the 15th in the
General Classroom building, room 3209
from 9 a.m. til 1p.m.
We will hold our monthly meeting on
April 18th at 4 p.m. in MSC Room 244.
Debra Bryant will speak on opening your
own CP.A. office. Elections take place so
please attend.
Psychology National 1 lonor Society is
presenting a lecture by Dr. Chia on Cross-
Cultural differences, values and attitudes
on April 13 at 3 p.m in Speight. All mem-
bers are encouraged to attend. Psi Chi
Scholarship applications for the fall are
available in Speight 107 and are due no
later than April 11.
All early childhood education club
members are invited to attend the spring
banquet on Wednesday April 13 at 5 p.m.
aTcjuincy's on Greenville Blvd.
E.S r meets Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. at
St. P. 'Is Episcopal Church on 4th Street.
In the E.S.F. there is no pressure to per-
form Call Allen Manning for mere infor-
mation at 758-1440.
The Sculpture Group of ECU presents a
student exhibition of current work on the
former location of Blount's department
store on the corner of 4th and Evans St.
downtown. March 29-April 19.
Auditions for flag and rifle positions on
the 1988 Colorguard will be held Sat
April 16, Sat April 23, and Sat May 21
from 12:00-4:30. Select one date to attend.
Any questions! Call Tracey 758-1217.
From the Heart Auction Tues April
19th, 7:00 p.m. at the Attic. Auctioned will
be a wide variety of merchandise, services
and trips. A 1 lilton 1 lead Island get-away,
antiques, home decor items, dinners, gift
certificates, retail items, appliances; serv-
ices?cleaning, decorating and repairs.
All bids are tax deductable. For more info
call Carol Brown at 752-9989. Sponsored
by American I Ieart Assoc.
Auditions for flag and rifle positions on
the 1988 Colorguard will be held Sat
April 16, Sat, April 23, and Sat May 21
from 12:00-4:30. Select one date, to attend.
Any questions! Call Tracey 758-1217.
The statement, "You are what you eat"
is really true. Come by the third annual
Life's a 1 lealth Affair on Tuesday, April 12
from 3-6 p.m. at Mendenhall. Sponsored
by the Student Health Service and the
West Area Residence Council.
The Equal Rights Organization of Stu-
dents, meets weekly, alternating between
Tuesday and Wednesday meetings. Meet-
ing dates for April are the 5th, 13th, 19th
and 27th. If you're interested in learning
more aobut feminism or women's issues,
please attend these meetings, in Brewster
B-101. Call 752-8014 for more information
We will have our last meeting Wed.
April 13 at 5:15 in MSC, multipurpose
room. Elections will be held for the next
school year and the end-of-the-year party
will be discussed.
Students for Martin present the current
and next governor: James G. Martin on
campus! Friday at 11:30 a.m. Contact 752-
3587 for more information.
Fantasy presents "There's No Business
Like Show Business Saturday, April 9th,
8:00 p.m Jenkins Auditorium. Tickets are
$2.00. Fantasy is a performance group
created by and for both hearing and deaf
The third annual Life's a I lealth Affair,
sponsored by the Student Health Service
and the West Area Residence Council,
will be held in Mendenhall Student Cen-
ter on Tuesday, April 12 from 3-6 p.m.
Come find out how you can live a health-
ier life.
A support group has been formed for
people who are caring for a parent,
spouse, or other loved one at home. The
group will meet at St. James United Meth-
odist Church at 2000 E. 6th St. on Tuesday
April 12 from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.
Contact Freda Cross, MSW 551-4490 or
Susan Redding, R.N. 757-0303
The American Marketing Association
will be hosting its first ever banquet on the
19th of April. Time and place will be
posted shortly. Dinner along with a spe-
cial quest speaker will be provided. The
cost will be $3.00 per person or $5.00 for
members and a guest. Money for the
banquet can be turned into Dr. Dudley's
office in advance.
A Bible study for those who are serious
about studying the Bible. Weekly meet-
ings (tentatively Tues. afternoon) will be
scheduled to accomodate those who are
interested. Kerygma is an interdenomina-
tional program sponsored by Presbyte-
rian Campus Ministry. For more infor
Call Mike at 752-7240.
There will be meetings every Thursday
at 6:00 in the culture center. Everybody
The ECU College Republicans will
meet every Tuesday night in room 221
Mendenhall at 7 p.m. Call 758-5775 or 752-
The Beaux Arts Ball will be held April
16 in Gray Art Gallery from 9 until 2. Open
to all ECU students, faculty and their
guests. Door prizes and the Band, The
Amateurs. BYOB. Costumes not required.
Sponsored by the VAF. ID. required.
$4.00 in advance and $5.00 at the door.
Auditions for the Golden Girls will be
held on Sat. April 23rd and Sun. April 24
for the 1988 Marching Pirates. Must at-
tend both days. For more information call
Teresa at 752-4369.
The Coral Reef Dive Club spring party
is on 4-16-88. For more information come
to club meeting on Thursday, 4-14-88 or
contact Rob or Glenn at 752-4399.
Applications are now being accepted
for the David B. and Willa H. Stevens
Scholarship for undergraduates enrolled
in the School of Social Work. It will be
awarded for the fall semester of 1988. The
Herman G. and Marian S. Moeller Fellow-
ship for M.S.W. students will be awarded
at the end of Spring Semester 1988. THe
recipients will be selected on the basis of
academic excellence, leadership activi-
ties, qualities of good citizenship and
dedication to the Social work and Crimi-
nal Justice Professions. Applications are
available from and should be returned to
the School of Social Work, Room 301, Al-
lied Health (Carol Belk) Building. Dead-
line: April 18,1988. For more information
call 757-6961, Ext. 258.
The physical education motor and
physical fitness competency test is sched-
uled for Tuesday April 26 at Minges Coli-
seum at 3:00 p.m. A passing score on this
test is required of all students prior to
declaring physical education as a major.
Any student with a medical condition that
would contraindicate participation
should contact Mike McCammon or
Mitch Craib at 757-6497.
Registration for Intramural Golf will be
held on April 18 at 5 p.m. in MG 102. For
more info call 757-6387.
Registration for Intramural Frisbee
Golf will be held on April 12 in MG 102 at
6 p.m. For more info call 757-6387.
Worship God and celebrate Commun-
ion this Wednesday night at 5:00 p.m. at
the Methodist Student Center. Also avail-
able: all-you-can-eat meal which is $2.00
at the door, $1.50 in advance. Call 758-2030
for reservations. Sponsored by Presbyte-
rian and Methodist Campus Ministries
The 1988-1989 Performing Arts Series is
sponsoring the following events: The
Ohio Ballet, Wynton Marsalis, The Acting
Company, The Atlanta Symphony, PHI-
LADANCO, The N.Y. Gilbert and Sulli-
van Players in Pirates of Penzance, The
Polish National Radio Orchestra, CABA-
RET, The ECUNC Symphonies in con-
KAREN SHAW, and Nadja Salerno-Son-
nenberg. For a brochure detailing the
events contact the Central Ticket Office in
Mendenhall, 757-6611, ext. 266. Office
hours are 11:00 a.m6:00 p.m Monday-
Wanted: Social Work Criminal Justice
majors and intended majors, to attend
meetings. Held the 2nd and 4th Monday
each month, at 4:00 p.m in Allied Health
bldg room 110.
Practice will be held Tuesday, Wednes-
day and Thursday from 3:30 until, at the
bottom of College Hill. All interested
players should attend. Those who have
received forms need to have them com-
pleted and ready to turn in.
Want to backpack the Appalachain
Trail? Planning a trip in May. Call Hugh at
If you are work-study eligible you may
be interested in a job off-campus this
semester or in the summer or fall of 1988.
Please contact the Cooperative Education
office, 2028 General classroom Building,
for further information.
Life planning workshop: This work-
shop is intended to provide assistance to
students unsure of the direction they wish
their lives to take. The Life Planning
Workshop will meet April 11,13,15, and 18
in 329 Wright Building. Please contact the
Counseling Center in 316 Wright Build-
ing, or call 757-6661.
Students for Economic Democracy will
meet every Sunday from 700 pm :n
Mendenhall 8-D. For more information
call 758-9760 or 746-6049
There will be practice every Tuesday
Wednesday and Thursday at 2:30 on In
tiamural Fields 5 and 6 behind Minges
Colliseum and on Sunday at 2 (XT New
players welcome.
Prime Time, sponsored bv Campus
Crusade for Christ, meets every Thursda
at 7:30 p.m. in Brewster C-103. Everyone is
Fnday nights are ALIVE more than
ever before! Join us at Jenkins Auditorium
(Art Building) at 8:00 p.m. Every FRIP.W
NIGHT for Christian Fellowship and
Bible teaching where JESUS IS LORD'
The 1988-1989 Chamber music Series
attractions include: Buswell Parnas Lu
visi Trio, National Gallery of Art Vocal
?e' Tokvo Stn"g' Quartet, and
OREGON For a brochure detailing the
events, contact the Central Ticket Office,
Mendenhall Student Center, 757-6611 ext
XX. Office hours are 11:00 a.m6:00 p.m
Monday-Friday This series is co-spon
sored by the Department of Universttv
Unions and the School of Music.
The newly reestablished University
Folk and Country Dance Club will hold
weekly dance sessions every Tuesday
night in April, begining April 5th and
continuing through April 26th, 730-930
p m. at the Ledonia Wright Afro-Ameri
can Cultural Center. Traditional dances of
New England will be taught. All sessions
are open to the public and you do not need
to bring a partner. Fees for dance series
instruction are $12.00 public, $1000 stu
dente jg.oo UFCDC
4889 for more information.
NiaMfi0?, fw the Intramural All
r?L7 Joumey will be held
rough April 15. For more info call 757-
meete? of Pristian Athletes will
wconoe16 ? others are
(AP)?North Carolina Denu
crats at annual county meeting
made sometimes pointed attacks
against Republicans and some-l
times bickered among themselvesl
as they chose delegates for dibtn,
Sen. Terry Sanford, DC,
delivered one of the sharpest par-
tisan attacks Saturday in Raleigh
when he said Republican C
Jim Martin had spent his first term
tending to his re-election effoi
rather than to leading the statt
But Sanford was on the recei
end of anothcrattackata Durl
County gathering when a bl
leader questioned his endc ?
ment of Al Gore's presidential
instead of the Rev. Jesse Jack-
Sanford suggested Martin, fac
mg a re-election challenge fr
Democratic Lt. Gov. Bob Jor
had let the Research Triangle '
lose its competitive edge lie .
Martin had presented few m .
initiatives to improve educal
and highways or to address othi
1 problems.
"We've seen a governor wh
has spent all of his time rur
for re-election instead of rur
Jesse Jac
Democratic presidential cor
tender Jesse Jackson tackled
sensitive issue in New York's .
primary by saying he would not
meet again with Palestine Libert -
tion Organization chief Yas
Arafat. Rival Albert Gore re
trained from fresh attacks I
Jackson but continued to play u
his own strong support for Isr
The New York primarv, with I
prize of 255 delegates, is e I
days away, and all three Dcnrto-I
crats were stumping in the si I
today. The trio had three debate
scheduled this week-their firs
full-scale faceoffs since last!
month's Super Tuesday cam-
Vice Prsident George Bush,
bidding to stay in the spotlight
although he virtually has the
Republican nomination wrapper
up, was beginning three days o
campaigning in New York today
Bush's only remaining rival. Pal
Robertson, has all but abandon
his effort.
Officials to re
RALEIGH (AP)?State educaj
tion officials will review a icU
range of North Carolina's social
studies courses to determine
whether the role of religion
adequate coverage.
Some State Board oi Education
members believe that textbooj
writers, fearful of breaching coi
stitutional demands for separ
tion of church and state. hav
failed to explain the imperial
role religion has played in histoi
board Chairman Howar
Haworth said Wednesdav
"The board just felt the p i
lum has swung too far, he -
The N.C. Department oi Pi
Instruction's division ol a
: studies, which is condud
study, may also deterr j
whether a supplementary text
teach religion is needed.
Current social studies texl j
ccntly were approved for
"Rather than wait five vears
adopt new ones, it makes -
that the Department of P I
Instruction look at the cur
and develp a supplemental texl
I Haworth said.
"If we can agree on t!
ment, we would ask the ?cl
education agencies and the teacl
crs to use it. However 1 am el
strong in my belief that law I
crning separation of church ai
state are most appropriate. TB
issue in no way goes against thaj
He said the text would not te:
religious dogma, but would
Dlain its role in historv
I Greenville Buyers Ml
I Memorial Drive
I Open
iMonday - Saturday
I Sunday 1-6

A M M ou may have had th
some will contest Ou
1-groat next time
-v, M n M s tn our
nember to put papers
we colot espociaHy
rs begin to laugh
' n on my head"
what? come on Big
the beer cans in the
the 1 ighthouse? You
running red lights
home while T2 and
french fries in the
- great Next time
?ugh the sun
filed retreat
eta Tan Alpha.
I'hi Kappa
sponsoring its
- I riday Si get
wn The majestic
p You are
Welcome to
and little
' Store
Pel or your
is will go to
I Fund, and
? m skip
2th Be there
go by
tor y m
Inew you
i Cocktail
the cops
- that we
? sng the
w the
- - always
51.50 Happy Hour
every night in April
10 - til?
. ccial C
Deck Open for 1988
-racy will
m 7 00 p.m. in
ry Tuesday,
it 2.30 on bi-
nd Minges
it 2 ? New
?v Campus
ry Thursday
Q E cryone is
? r more than
? - Auditorium
? ? pm Every FRIDAY
tor Christian Fellowship and
er music Series
. i'arnas-Lu-
t Art Vocal
g Quartet, and
?chure detailing the
the Central Ticket Office,
r 757-6611, ext.
? am-6 00 p.m
series is co-spon-
rtment of University
"1 "f Music.
ibhshed University
nd Country Dance Club will hold
lance sessions every Tuesday
?n April, begining April 5th and
taming through April 26th, 7.30-930
m at the Ledonia Wright Afro-Ameri-
r Cultural Center Traditional dances of
ew Lngland mil be taught All sessions
e open to the public and vou do not need
rnng a partner Fees for dance series
s-ruction are S12.00 public, $10.00 stu-
"b; M-OO UFCDC members. Call 758-
W for more information.
plnlii All
S.Jl f T?Urncv " held
rough April 15. For more info call 757-
llowsh.p of chnstian Athletes will
ub eperTuesdy at 930 at the Pirate
ScorSl CS' alhietes? ?d ers are
Jicome to attend.
APRIL 12,1988
Senator Sanford attacks Gov. Martin
(AD?North Carolina Demo-
crats at annual county meetings
made sometimes pointed attacks
against Republicans and some-
times bickered among themselves
as they chose delegates for district
Sen. Terry Sanford, D-N.C,
delivered one of the sharpest par-
tisan attacks Saturday in Raleigh
when he said Republican Gov.
im Martin had spent his first term
tending to his re-election effort
rather than to leading the state.
ul Sanford was on the receiving
nd ot"another attack at a Durham
County gathering when a black
leader questioned his endorse-
ment of Al Gore's presidential bid
instead of the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
sanford suggested Martin, fac-
a re-election challenge from
Democratic U. Gov. Bob Jordan,
ui let the Research Triangle Park
? its competitive edge. He said
Martin had presented few major
initiatives to improve education
highways or to address other
We've seen a governor who
spent all of his time running
for re-election instead of runnine
the state Sanford told the 27u
delegates at the Wake County
Democratic convention.
Phil Kirk, Martin's chief of staff,
said Sanford still seemed to be
"resentful" of Martin's efforts on
behalf of Sen. Jim Broyhill, R-
N.C in the 1986 Senate race.
"Terry Sanford's comments are
about what one would expect of
someone who is in Washington
and doesn't know what is going
on in North Carolina Kirk said.
"Obviously the people don't
agree with Sanford, or Governor
Martin wouldn't be so far ahead
in the polls
In Durham, Willie Lovctt,chair-
man of the Durham Committee
on the Affairs of Black People and
former county party chairman,
asked, Sanford, "Are you still
involved in the Stop Jesse Jackson
"I'm not involved in the Stop
Anybody Campaign replied
Sanford with a raised voice. "I
resent you twisting the facts to
bring disharmony to the party.
I've been a friend of Jesse Jackson
a long time
Sanford later tried to soothe
ruffled feelings, saying, "I might
think Mr. Lovctt's question harsh,
and he might think my answer
harsh, but when the primary's
over, you'll see me with my hand
out to Willie Lovett
But even as Sanford walked off,
Lovctt said, "Senator, you have a
problem, you know that
One Democrat later proposed a
resolution asking that Sanford
apologize, "for the disrespectful
manner in which the senator an-
swered Mr. Lovett's question
But a voice vote on whether to
consider new resolutions drew
little enthusiasm.
Democrats in several counties
voted to seek repeal of laws for-
bidding North Carolina from
adopting environmental laws
stricter than those at the federal
level. The resolutions sparked
some protests from supporters of
Sen. Harold Hardison, D-Lenoir,
who crafted those laws.
Hardison's statewide cam-
paign director, Mike Mann, had
asked party chairmen to postpone
any resolutions to repeal the
"Hardison Amendments Such
resolutions, he said, "would be
interpreted by the press as a vote
for or against the senator
But Hardison supporters at the
Mecklenburg County convention
chose not to dispute the measure.
"We didn't want to draw atten-
tion to it; we didn't want to make
it a big issue a supporter who
asked not to be identified told The
Charlotte Observor.
Similar resolutions were also
approved in Cumberland and
Wake counties.
Environmentalists were less
successful with a resolution to
remove North Carolina from an
eight-state compact to handle the
Southeast's low-level radioactive
waste. The idea was voted down
in Mecklenburg, Haywood and
Buncombe counties and was
tabled in Caldwell County. It was
approved unanimously in Hen-
derson County.
Many of the conventions of-
fered opportunities for speeches
against the Republican Party.
"Many of our government's
failures are not the result of in-
competency, they are conscious
efforts U.S. Rep. Steve Neal told
the Forsyth Countv Democratic
Jesse Jackson refrains from Gore tactics
Democratic presidential con
der Jesse Jackson tackled a
sensitive issue in New York's key
primary by saying he would not
neet again with Palestine Libera-
n Organization chief Yasser
ratat. Rival Albert Gore re-
frained from fresh attacks on
ackson but continued to play up
u n strong support for Israel.
The New York primary, with its day whether
prize oi 255 delegates, is eight again,
days away, and all three Dcmo-
rats were stumping in the state
oday. The trio had three debates
scheduled this week-their first
jll-scale faceoffs since last
month's Super Tuesday cam-
Vice Prsident George Bush,
bidding to stay in the spotlight
although he virtually has the
Michael Dukakis, the Demo- experience and his foreign policy
cratic front-runner, spent Sunday views, and said the nation needs a
, A L.???. 11 . tl ' 1 ? . 1 mm
at home in Boston celebrating the
Greek Orthodox Easter with his
family. Jackson visited Harlem,
whilcGore campaigned in a heav-
ily Jewish part of Brooklyn.
Jackson, who has been criti-
cized by Jewish leaders for meet-
ing with Arafat, was asked Sun-
he would do so
I would not-and it's not neces-
sary to do that he said on CBS'
"Face the Nation
However, he said, "We must
somehow get Israel beyond the
burden of occupation, and the
Palestinians beyond the pain of
being occupied
In the interview, Jackson went
far out of his way to be concili-
president, not a preacher
Jackson's mild rejoinder on
Sunday: "Well, both of us went to
Asked if Gore's remarks had
been unfair, Jackson said, "No, I
think that Al Gore has too much
character to be categorically un-
Gore, for his part, praised
Jackson for saying he wouldn't sit
down with Arafat.
"The statement Jesse Jackson
made trhis morning was very
only one who "Had the courage"
to criticize jackson.
But when he spoke, Gore didn't
discuss jackson.
Gore, also interviewed on the
CBS program, said he did ntot
intend to change his campaign
style despite criticism from
Democratic heavyweights like
party chief Paul Kirk and New
York Gov. Mario Cuomo over
attacks on the other Democrats.
Gore, meanwhile, said it would
be outrageous" to suggest the he
has been talking up his support
for Israel in order to woo New
Party. "Republicans hate our
government and have set about
wrecking it
Neal outlined the differences
between Democratic and Repub-
lican policies, putting particular
emphasis on the Reagan
administration's policy of sup-
plying aid to the rebels in Nicara-
"We give money - your money-
to the Contras. They use it to kill
and maim other Nicaraguans
Neal told about 200 people in the
audience. "The Contras are paid
Republican policies, he said,
have tripled the national debt,
diverted money from public
schools, accelerated the nuclear
arms race, and weakened govern-
ment programs such as Social
In Buncombe County, Chair-
man Herbert Hyde said he was
happy to avoid the fireworks that
plagued some Republican county
conventions last month as Pat
Robertson's supporters tried to
sway support.
"I have heard and read accounts
of the radicals' conventions and
all the commotion they've had
that's fine Hyde said. "I say, the
more they fight and argue and
don't use good sense, the better
In Salisbury, U.S. Rep. Bill
Hefner told Rowan County
Democrats the Dartv has a stron'e
track record.
"I hope we don't ever forget
where we've come from he said
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constructive. That's a change in York's substantial Jewish elector-
1-?? .? Tl 1 ? . 1 ITt ?TT?1? ? . ? ? mm
Republican nomination wrapped atory toward Gore, whose attacks
, was beginning three days of 0n Jackson got so heated last week
his position, I believe the Ten
ncssee senator sid as he cam-
paigned in Brooklyn.
Gore, appearing in heabily
Jewish neighborhoods, picked up
the endorsement of the state As-
ate. He said his position had been
the same throughout his congres-
sional career.
Jackson was preaching racial
"If lions and lambs can find
semblyman Dov Hikind. At one common ground, then blacks and
stop, Hikind introduced Gore by Jews, Hispanics and Italians can
denouncing Jackson as the candi- tincomrrttrrtOvmdr' he told a
date, who "embraces Yasser Ara- $?royid in NfeRObhfcHeIrr Har-
fat" and saying that Gore was the lem, Jackson delivered a sermon
at the Abyssinian Church,
rA?A? ? 1 a ? l r? i? ? ? i ? evoking the memory of slain civil
(Jiiiciais to review role of religion in schools rishts leader Dr Martin Luther
campaigning in New York today.
Bush's only remaining rival, Pat
RolSertson, Vias all but abandoned
his effort.
that party officials told hime to
tone it down.
In recent days, Gore has blasted
Jackson's lack of government
General Public: $5.00
ECU Students: $4.00
(Corner of Fifth & Eastern)
RALEIGH (AD?State educa-
tion officials will review a wide
range of North Carolina's social
studies courses to determine
.vhether the role of religion gets
adequate coverage.
Some State Board of Education
nembers believe that textbook
vriters, fearful of breaching con-
stitutional demands for separa-
tion of church and state, have
railed to explain the important
role religion has played in history,
board Chairman Howard
I laworth said Wednesday.
"The board just felt the pendu-
ium has swung too far he said.
The N.C. Department of Public
nstruction's division of social
studies, which is conducting the
study, may also determine
whether a supplementary text to
teach religion is needed.
Current social studies texts re-
cently were approved for five
"Rather than wait five years to
idopt new ones, it makes sense
that the Department of Public
i instruction look at the curriculum
and develpa supplemental text
laworth said.
"If we can agree on the supple-
ment, we would ask the local
education agencies and the teach-
rs to use it. However, I am very
strong in my belief that laws gov-
erning separation of church and
state are most appropriate. This
i ssue in no way goes against that
He said the text would not teach
religious dogma, but would ex-
plain its role in historv.
Members of the state textbook
commission said last fall that they
were concerned that the role of
religion received bland and ob-
scure treatment in the social stud-
ies books they reviewed. The
same concern has surfaced in
numerous national studies by
groups of varying political
"Its apparent to me that there
was real concern that the histori-
cal significance of religion had not
been adequately addressed in the
curriculum said Barbara Tap-
scott, chairman of the board's
program committee.
Warren Nord, director of the
Program in the Humanities and
Human Values at the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
reviewed nine high school history
books and six economics text-
books used in North Carolina and
found little about religion in any
of them.
The history books devote more
space to cowboys and cattle
drives than to all religion after
1800, he said. "The triumph of the
American Nation the top choice
of U.S. history books by the text-
book commission and local
school districts this year, has
nothing substantial about
religion's role in the nation's his-
tory, Nord said.
The economics books ignore the
Protestant ethic related to the
development of capitalism or reli-
gious criticism of capitalism,
Nord said. Moral and religious
considerations about solving eco-
nomic problems never are raised,
he said.
The Center Is Open
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APRIL 12, PJge 8
Dan Davis: Master of Dancing Mallots
k blue sweat-
with an
in his left ear and ciga
j pot kcl i an 1 )a is is a
s fore- and
ssive bl.iv k
Attor high school Dan did fol- and you go for it or you say, 'F-
low through. He immediately it It's hard work and you can't
came to ECU. 1 questioned him goof off. Some people don't rcal-
about his expectations. Dan re- ize the practice that goes into
members, "Everyone has there theseclasses. Sometimes you get a
thoughts about college, and 1 was lot done with two hours practice
no different, lust may expecta- and sometimes you get nothing
tionsi about college) were wrong, done. But you've got to practice.
rhings were not the way I'd Out of high school, there were, 1
thought they'd bo. Movies, such think, five people who went into
as Fa me a re a bunch of bull music; after four years, I'm the
' Rungs arc iit not like that. " only one remaining
?eing a Music Education Not only is Dan remaining,
Major, Dan remarks, There
comes a point when vou have to
get serious about the business,
out what it's reallv like

? ?
Iream of


?11 d, must
r Dan. One

? i -mall
il tal-

ones is
- hool of
? he
in, pcr-
he's thriving. Thanks to his three
greatest influencesinstructors,
Harold Jones, Mark Jones and
Paul Tardif, Dan took first place in
Student Union,
great entertainment
Still VN ritcr
rhis year s Barefoot on the Mall
will be Thursday, April 21 on the
mall in front ot oyner Library and
promises to be the biggest, most
diversified ever. The Student
nion thinks three bands, an art-
ist, a comedian, a mime, the Wiz-
d reptiles, and lots oi other
stuff will ensure something
for everyone.
v tivities and games will
ffered all afternoon including
ee cups and frisbecs, arcade
nes, personalitied video but-
ton your picture on a button,
I the Birthday Chronicle? a
lputcr generated front page of
tl w as news on your birthdav.
But don't forget about the
Bob and the Rockin' Horses will
kick it off at noon with their spe-
cial brand of blues, featuring Bad
Bob Tunnell on guitar, followed
by beach music at 1:00 with the
Then at 2:45 Denny Dent brings
his "Two-Fisted Art Attack" to
the mall. 1 le paints, very quickly,
huge paintings oi rock stars ac-
companied by their music.
Wrapping up the day's music
will be EU at 4:15; a band touring
on the strength oi their single
debut "Da Butt" from Spike Lee's
latest movie "School Daze
Barefoot's Master oi Ceremo-
See GET, page 9
the ECU sponsored Concerto
Competition last semester and is
to be featured in the ECU Sym-
phony Orchestra Presentation,
April 17.
Also, Dan has been a performer
at a 'josiah's' Lounge, Quality
Inn, in New Bern, performing
jazz, which is, of course, one of his
all-time favorites.
Talking on the future, Dan
admits, " I'm not too sure where
this is going-maybe back home to
teach music, (We had a good joke
and laugh on that one!), who
knows where all this will lead?
I'm just ready to get finished with
my last year
As an ending to my interview, I
pleaded with Dan, "PLEASE play
the marimba for me And he did.
Dan will fool you to the very,
very core. His modesty and
iness are no indication oi Ins
ability. After summoning accom-
panyment, Anthony, they ran
into a few abrs of "Concertino for
Marimba" by Paul Creston. My
first impulse was to laugh. What-
ever I had expected was wrong,
wrong, wrong!
Never, ever have I seen a musi
to describe it!
Another entrancing quality of
Dan's was his concentration I've
seen piano recitals before and
witnessed that intense oncentra-
tion. I've watched the fervor of a
sweating guitar attacker.
But the rapt attention that Dan
gave the marimba surpasses any
cal instrument played with such thing I've ever seen even though
enthusiasm. there were times when he would
Stance sturdv, mallots in hands laugh out loud or smih
poised and eyes Hashing, dan at his own pcrformar rhese
played music on those pieces of
wood-over-tubes like a man pos-
sessed. Wordslike hyped, incred-
ible, pulsating and dynamite
flashed through my mind. Now,
in the minds of a writer, those are
pretty strong words!
But so was the music! The Con-
certino was vibrant, crashing
strong?there are no other words
were truly endearing gestures,
making the mallots seem to a
alive and dance in Dan I avis'
Dan will be performing S
d.w, the I7th, in Wright Audito-
rium with the ECU Sympl
Orchestra, rhc presentation starts
at 3:15. The public is invited
don't miss this performance b
extraordinary artist.
Is "Bad Dreams" just another
snlatter movie to sicken?
'?-?at! Writer
Bad Dreams by the easy vir-
of Us title alone, sounds like
just another splatter movie in
general and "A Nightmare On
Elm Street" rip-off in particular.
The presence of heroine Jennifer
Rubin, featured in the third Elm
cquel, also looks conspicu-
And then there's the promo
tills you to forget Freddy,
and Leather Face because
: is v ill swing more guts than
the former three combined.
' ' rybc it's personal, but I don't
g the good name of
irris" drug through the mud.
r would 1 like to see "Bad
- dismissed as "just an-
itter movie I'm not
. it's "Citzen Kane I'm
saying the prducers man-
aged to do something different in
the third generation of a sub-
genre that's already showing
- I inbreeding.
Jennifer Rubin's character,
nthia, is the last survivor of a
mmune headed by a
im ones-styled Messiah named
1 larns This death cult was incin-
erated in some mysterious inci-
it that put Cynthia in a coma
and killed Harris and his other
Cynthia comes out of her coma
ten years later. Unfortunately,
I larris' spirit has apparently fol-
lowed her across time. He has a
disturbing tendency to flaunt his
i tra crispy visage in crowded
elevators or when she's alone in
her room. Cynthia is the only one
. ho can see him. It seems Harris
and his followers are piqued that
Cynthia backed out on them
when they were united in death.
They expect her to kill herself and
n them. . . or Harris will begin
slaughtering her new friends in
her stead.
Sounds, like standard slice n'
dice fare so far, eh? Unfortu-
nately, I can't give vou the plot
twist withou! revealing the end-
ing. The only hinfs I can drop are:
this movie makes a surprisingly
positive statement against the
annihilatistic tylingsof the typical
splatter movie, and it's unlikely
there will be a Bad Dreams 11:
Harris' Revenge.
Rounding out the cast are,
Roxanne, better known on "L.A.
1 aw who ends up a slick spot on
the pavement, and Bruce Abbot, a
horror veteran from "The ReAni-
mator who once again faces
bloodletting in the formerly anti-
septic halls of a hospital.
"Bad Dreams' doesn't frighten;
there are moments when it docs
disturb. To be frank, these mo-
ments are tasteless groos-outs
such as a boy inpaling his palm on
a knife and a baby crying as it's
burned to death. VVhatever its plot
merits, "Bad Dreams" doesn't
manage to surpass the self-indul-
gences inherent to the genre. Wait
until it's out on video. Two Cat-
heads, m &
The original Drifters, featuring Bill Pinkney, will appear as part of the Barefoot On The Mall lineup
scheduled by the Student Union. Other bands scheduled to appear include EU, the group featured on the
soundtrack of Spike Lee's new film, "School Daze
'Pontiac Brothers' known as singers
Staff Writer
The third album by the Pontiac
Brothers is here. Fans of early sev-
enties era Rolling Stones should
give this album a warm reception
Lead singer Matt Simon's voice,
although similar to Mick Jagger's,
shows strength, unique phrasings
and versitility which creates his
own personal style. The rest of the
Pontiac Bros, back Simon with a
hard, driving sound. Bassist Kurt
Bauman and Drummer D.A. Val-
dez supply the bareboncs, no
holds barred back beat. Ward
Dotson displays a western influ-
enced guitar style similar to the
SmithAereens. Ward also sings
lead vocals on "Creep Some of
the songs on "Johnson" stand out
more then others.
"Ain't What I Call Home" is a
fast paced song about the band
having to find a place to stay be-
cause all the Motel 6's are booked
up. The music is strong and the
refrain by the back up singers, "Is
this what you call home" and
"This ain't what I call home" are
sure to stick in your memory.
"Outta Luck" has a driving
backbeat, punctuated by unique
drum fills by Valdez. The lyrics
arc about being "Outta Luck If
you couldn't guess.
From "Creep "Some day
there'll come a time when 1 don't
hate you but one sentiment I'll
keep is that you'll always be a
creep" is about a guy feeling bad
aobut an ended relationship. It's
nice to see the band let Ward sing
a song because his voice adds
variety to the album.
"Drop of the Hat" is a straight
forward basic song about break-
ing up. The flowing beat of the
music and the strong voice of Matt
Simon combine to make this song
stand out.
"Doin' it Again" is about
remincscing and talking with a
good friend. One of the slower
songs on the album, but it still
retains it's hard edge.
"American Dream" is a sarcas-
tic song about being left out of the
American Dream.
Onter songs to check out are
"No Friends" and "Real Job
"Johnson" by the Pontiac Broth
ers rocks. These guvs aren"t vi-
tuosos, but if you want to hear
some basic rock, check 'em out.
WZMB has the album in heavy
rotation and will be glad to take
your request. If you do make a
request, turn up vour stero loud to
appreciate the band full v.
Incidently, the Pontiac Bros, are
playing at the New Deli Wednes-
day night.
See PONTIAC, page 9
?Pontiac Brothers' do the New Deli
?ft ? . Bilottistai
ft a chemist ai
bt amc his
N v ? ?
With in
finding just th
9 s . earless .
th '
" ?
sp -
Bi ?
Staff Writer
The Pontiac Brothers will be in Greenville Wednesday supporting
their new album, "Johnson
Ladies and Gentlemen, please
allow me this opportunity to in-
troduce the most rauchingest-ass
rauck and raul band to ever hit the
Emerald City. The name of the
band is "The Pontiac Brothers"
and they're doing a cannon-ball
into the deep-end of the New Deli
Wednesday night.
So, for all of you who arc shakin'
and shiverin' 'cause a pack of frat
boys are staging a coup d'eta on
the heaven that, at one time,
rattled the brains of anybody who
dared to think for themselves, put
your fears to rest. There will be no
best bod contests and no big
daddy cash prizes. Once again,
the Deli will house just a pure,
unadulterated rock and roll band.
Pain and simple, baby!
The Pontiac Brothers' new and
debut record "Johnson" does a lot
of recking. The first stench you
notice is the sound of the Replace-
ments. But baby, it smells good,
because The Replacements have
sold-out and 'The Pontiac Broth-
ers" haven't had the chance yet.
The song "Creep" wears the
funk of three day oid musk and a
fishy wet spot that wipes a smirk
right off my face. And my cheek-
bones hurt. Ouch! "Now I remem-
ber laughing and you'd be always
nagging. So, it feels so good to
know you're not around I'm
telling ya, break my heart.
This song is sung by the Broth-
ers' guitar player Ward Dotson,
who incidentally slid a slide up
and down the neck of a guitar for
the now legendary Gun Club.
"No friends" is another song
I'm looking forward to blistering
my eardrums on Wednesday
evening. Even when vou plav this
little diddley on low volume the
floor rumbles under your feet
However, this song is hard to lis-
ten to without twisting that vol-
ume knob clockwise.
So, if you didn't know what vou
were doing Wednesday night
now you do. If you have a test on
There will always be other papers
and other examinations, so, blow
nn K d y?U d?n,t haV
enough money to get in, consider
crime, a could be worth the risk
i 1
"Leonard" tak
WORST movi
to 1
worsi r
fro m
A war 1
first O
performance in
Daryi Hanr ?h's R
foundat n ?
"WallStn ?
Worst N - Stai
David Mei
what t
the "insuffei
muscle -
the arm-wr
"Cher the I
Elamc Ma ??? d
$35 r,
tied r r ?'?
author-d r Nor
Dance murdei
Get barefoot
on the mall
Continued from pagf 8
nie 1
be come 1
Tonight S
? man fame.
! Other
noon b
?reptiles in
? Plus as ?
.enough to lure
there will be Lestei
9Biime and j
i To close out the
ard oi Oz will be she ??
On the mall as soon
-Organizers are rw .
-ter-bohaved au 1
One last vear at tl
?"The Rock Horr
Ibvill also otter a
Bxoth where y
best loved or n
?personalities a bath w
I $need it or not
? In the event ot rain
Rnever happened at
?evrything will be n
Barefoot on the M
knual event sponsored
rStudent Union. Laurecn
Student Union Presid
!cited about this vear s Ba
She says that u ith all the t
tivities and gamescombinc
the different types ot im
promises to be the be I

APRIL 12. 19S8
rancing qualitv oi
nccntration 1 ve
; before and
. -d the fervor of a
tion that Dan
i surpasses any
even though
he would
rcalh big
ce. Thi -
- stures
? udito-
.1 so
t On The Mall lineup
oup featured on the
s a vi r.
? out of the
ut are
?ren"t vi-
???ant to hear
? check em out.
is the album in hcavv
nd will be glad to take
you do make a
r stero loud to
band fully.
y, the Pontiac Bros, are
? at the New Deli VVednes-
See PONTIAC, page 9
w Deli
eardrums on Wednesday
ening Even when you play this
le diddley on low volume the
or rumbles under vour feet.
?wever, this song is hard to lis-
i to without twisting that vol-
ie knob clockw
you didn't know what you
re doing Wednesday night,
w you do it you have a test on
irsday era paper due, forget it.
will always be other papers
id other examinations, so blow
?ff. And it you don't have
ough money to get in, consider
me. It could be worth the risk.
ilotti gives chewers Trident
ony Bilotti started out in a career
s a chemist, and chewing gum
?came his life.
Now retired, Bilotti is credited
ith inventing a sugarless gum
tter long and countless tries at
riding just the right way to make
sugarless gum taste as good as
he regular kind.
We chewed a lot of different
um formulas, an average of 15
ticks a day' said Bilotti in a
cent interview. "Some of it was
tul. It tasted like shoe tongues
Although Bilotti was part of a
am oi researchers trying to
?rfect a sugarless formula for
V'arner Lambert Co company
kesman Marshall Malloy
ailed Bilotti "a walking
ncyclopedia on gum
Bilotti, 65, or Parsippany, is the
nan behind a recent exhibit on the
He said he had begun research
on gum that could be used to
improve oral hygiene, and, in
1953, got the assignment of
perfecting a sugarless gum.
After about 360 different
experiments over nine years,
Bilotti found the formula that
would become Trident, which
now has sales of $100 million a
year, Malloy said.
Adams Jr. met Mexican President were added over the years, and
General Antonio Lopez dc Santa bubble gum was first marketed in
Anna following the Mexican- 1918, Bilotti said.
American War. Adams was The library exhibit included the
persuaded to import chicle to use first package of Trident, taken
as a rubber substitute for making from the production line Dec. 4,
tires for carriages. 1962, and original handwritten
The rubber experiment failed formulas for chewing gum by
but Adams decided to use the Beeman. Many of the articles in
chicle to manufacture gum in the the exhibit were found in boxes in
United States. His first patent for Warner Lambert storerooms,
The formula discovery came in gum was in 1871. Bilotti said.
1962, the same year American "Adams was in a store and saw Bilotti says scientists continue
Chicle merged with Warner a young girl buy paraffin wax to to look for ways to use gum,
Lambert. Bilotti said "the usual chew said Bilotti. After hearing which he calls "an excellent
studies and consumer work" that chewing substances sold
followed to develop a gum that well, Adams got the druggist to
was good tasting and chewablc. carry chicle balls, which he
A two year market test in manufactured, Bilotti said.
"The chicle balls had hardly any
taste Bilotti said.
Adams and other chewing gum
giants of the 19th century, Dr.
Edward E. Beeman and Jonathan
Wisconsin and Washington state
proved successful and the gum
was sold nationally beginning in
While Bilotti received the
world's first patent for sugarless Primley founded
Chicle in 1899.
vehicle for medicinal things It
can be used to administer
vitamins, aspirin, fluoride,
antacids, laxatives and other
substances, he said.
ustory of chewing gum at the gum in 1967, ancient Greeks and
clems County Free Library in Egyptians chewed tree resin and
lanover. Mayans chewed chicle, a resin
Bilotti graduated form Notre from the sapodilla tree.
)ame in 1947, and went to work But chewing gum is an
or the American Chicle Co American invention, Bilotti said.
forking on improving the flavor The idea started when
id chewability of gum. American businessman Thomas
'Leonard" takes award as the
VORST movie of year
LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Bill Bruce the shark splashed to
sby's$27 million movie turkey victory in the new Worst Special
Leonard Part 6" gobbled up Visual Effects and Creature
hrce Golden Raspberry Awards Creations category for his gut-
lead the flock in the eighth- wrenching portrayal of the
i: ial Oscar Eve parody poking toothy killer in "Jaws: The
tin at the year's worst in film. Revenge
Leonard which was Bruce, who starred in all four
tsowned by Cosby, captured "Jaws" sagas, also got his teeth
rorst-trophies in picture, into this year's "VVorst Career
:reenplay and actor categories
rom the Golden Raspberry
iward Foundation.
The Razzie award ceremony
unday night, 22 hours before the
kademy Awards show was to
art, was held at the Hollvwood
Roosevelt Hotel, the site of the
Bri Qcar show 60 years ago.
Achievement Award
The foundation termed it's
winner in the Worst Song
competition an "ovcr-hcatcd
obvious dity "1 Want Your Sex
written bv George Michael, was
from "Beverly Hills Cop II
Winners, if they dare to show
up for the ceremony, receive a
Pop star Madonna captured her trophy ot a golf-ball size
raspberry glued atop a film reel
and spray-pointed with gold.
The Golden Raspberry Award
Foundation consists of film
professionals and critics, as well
as frequent film-goers.
?cond Razzie crown as Worst
.flctress, this time for her
rformanee in "Who's .That
)aryl Hannah's Razzie stock
dropped with the 175-member
foundation who voted her VVorst
Supporting Actress for her role in
"Wall Street
VVorst New Star and VVorst
Supporting Actor awards went to
Eavid Mendenhall for his role as
pvhat the foundation described as
?the "insufferably whiney son" of
?muscle-man Sylvester Stallone in
Ithe arm-wrestling melodrama
"Over the Top
Elaine May, who directed the
535 million mega-bomb "lshtar
tied for VVorst Director with
author-director Norman Mailer
tor his "Tough Guys Don't
Dance" murder mystery.
Get barefoot
on the mall
Continued from page 8
nies between bands this year will
be comedian Joey Guiterez of
ight Show and David Letter-
man fame.
Other entertainment will be
provided throughout the after-
noon by "Reptile World" which
nsists of a man and several large
reptiles including a fifteen-foot
Plus, as if all that weren't
nough to lure you out of class,
there will be Lester, travelling
mime and juggler.
To close out the day, The Wiz-
ard of Oz will be shown outside
n the mall as soon as the sun sets.
Organizers arc hoping for a bet-
ter -behaved audience than the
ne last year at the showing of
The Rocky Horror Picture
Various student organizations
a ill also offer activities, such as
the ever-popular WZMB dunking
booth where you can give your
best loved or most hated radio
personalities a bath whether they
need it or not.
In the event of rain, which has
never happened at Barefoot,
cvrything will be moved into
Barefoot on the Mall is an an-
nual event sponsored by the ECU
Student Union. Laurecn Kirsch,
Student Union President, is ex-
cited about this year's Barefoot.
She says that with all the free ac-
tivitiesand games combined with
the different types of music, it
promises to be the best yet.
Various flavors and textures
Pontiac Bros.
Continued from page 8
Wednesday afternoon, from 5-6
p.m the Pontiac Brohtcrs will be
at East Coast Music and Video to
n?cet people and sign autographs.
WZMB will also be doing a remote
broadcast from East Coast Music
with the band.
The Pontiac Bros, play basic
hard rodnng music. According tot
he press release, "We're just thersc
four dorky guys from Orange
County who go out and get drunk
and then go home and cry. .
Check out band on WZMB, at East
Coast Music and Video, or at the
Deli on Wednesday night. If the
album is any indication, the live
show should be awesome.
The album was reviewed cour-
tesy of East Coast Music and
Wednesday, April 13 at 5 p.m.
Wednesday Night, April 13
tickets at the door $4
1109 Charles Blvd.
(Between Krispy
Kreme & Dominoes)
Student Union
Coming Attractions
Wednesday, April 13
8:00 p.m. Hendrlx
Thursday, April 14 - Sunday, April
8:00 p.m. Hendrix
The big and delicious
sandwich is a big, delicious bargain during Subway's
Two-for-Tuesday "Two for One" sale.
Enjoy America s favorite sandwiches and
salads on Tuesday. Buy one and get one FREE
And remember, we bake our buns fresh, on the spot!
Thursday, April 21
208 E. 5th St.
Sandwiches & Salads
The Plaza
'With purchase of 22 oz. soft drink.
Stan ton Square

APRIL 12.1988 Page 10
Pirates win one of trio with Patriots on road
When the East Carolina
baseball team was forced to
evacuate its hotel Friday night for
a false fire alarm, the Pirates knew
that the weekend would not be an
ordinary one.
ECU's three-game series with
George Mason wasn't ordinary at
all. In Saturday's double-header
in Fairfax, 'a the Pirates should
have lost both games, but didn't.
On the other hand ECU could
have won both eames. but
probably shouldn't. Then on
Sunday, it would have won the
third game but couldn't.
Sound confusing? Suffice it to
say that East Carolina came from
behind to defeat George Mason 8-
7 in eight innings in the first game
oi Saturday's double-header,
then produced a laterally that fell
short in the nightcap, 12-10. On
Sunday, ECU pitcher Gary Smith
went the distance on the mound
scattering nine hits, but still lost 3-
1 in a defensive struggle.
Last year ECU lost all three of its
games at George Mason's new
Spuhler Field, then came back to
defeat the Patriots twice in the
CAA Tournament. The Pirates'
one victory sends them to 22-11
overall and 5-6 in the Colonial.
East Carolina, with five wins,
and Richmond, with four
victories, will slug it out for the
tournament's third seed when
they meet in a key three-game
series at Harrington Field
beginning Saturday at 6 p.m.
Richmond swept William and
Mary in a three-game scries over
the weekend.
Saturday's extra-inning win
over GMU was ECU's biggest
comc-from-behind performance
since storming back to beat James
Madison in the championship
game of the conference
tournament last year.
The Pirates trailed going into
the top of the seventh and last
scheculed inning. The frame
started innocently enough as
Kevin Riggs drew a base on balls
that chased Patriot starter John
Hamshcr. Riggs advanced as
ECU cathcer Chris Cauble ripped
his third consecutive hit of the
day. David Ritchie followed by
drawing his team-leading 30th
walk of the year to load the bases.
Junior outfielder John Thomas
hit one deep enough to left to
score Riggs. Jay McGraw struck
out, and the bases were loaded
wi th two out and ECU trailing 7-4
for sophomore first baseman
Pure Gold
to meet
The Pirate baseball team raced home from George Mason with one win in three tries, lifting the record for the
season to 22-11. hile holding on to a 5-6 mark in conference play. (Photo by Hardy Alligood ? ECU Photo Lab)
All students who wish to tryout
for the 1988-89 Pure Gold Dancers
must attend an organizational
meeting in Room A-18 of Minges
Coliseum, Wednesday, April 13
at 7 p.m.
Actual tryouts for the dance
troupe, who perform at selected
home basketball games and other
outside functions, will be held
April 14.
For more information call 757-
Calvin Brown.
Brown ripped a single that
scored two more then went to
second as the tying run on a wild
pitch. Freshman outfielder Steve
Godin came through like a
veteran with a double that scored
Brown and knotted the score at 7-
Riggs led off the eighth by
reaching on an error, went to third
on Cauble's fourth hit of the day,
and scored on David Ritchie's
sacrifice fly, giving ECU an 8-7
Freshman M ike Whitten earned
his second consecutive victory
with two and two-thirds innings
of effective relief, and Gary Smith
earned his second save by retiring
the side in the eighth.
After winning such an
emotional game, getting up for
the second game may have been a
difficult task for the Pirates.
George Mason scored four
unearned runs off of freshman
starter Scott Stevens in the first,
then took an 8-0 lead in the fourth
including a three-run home run
by Chris Lawrence. But just as
quick as a fire drill, the Pirates
were back in it with six runs of
their own in the fifth frame.
ECU drew four bases on balls
and ripped four base hits
includinga two-run double by Jay
McGraw and a two-run single by
Brown, the CAA's leading RBI
George Mason, not to be
outdone, took a 12-6 lead in the
fifth with four more runs. ECU
scored twice in the sixth and two
more times in the seventh, but left
the eventual tying run at the plate
? final score 12-10.
On Sunday, GMU's Mike
Draper (seven hits, 11 strikeouts)
and ECU's Gary Smith (nine hits,
three strikeouts) went head to
head in a defensive struggle that
the visiting Pirates came out on
the short end of, 3-1.
Dayton Moore and Chris
Lawrence hit solo homers off of
Smith, and Dan Clements added a
run-scoring triple to account for
GMU's runs. The Pirates scored
once in the seventh, bu t struck out
11 times in the game.
The Pirates will host the Trojans
of Mount Olive Thursday night at
7 p.m. in a tune-up for the
weekend's big three-game series
with Richmond.
The 1988 East Carolina
University Men's Basketball
Awards Banquet will be held on
Sunday, April 17 at 12 p.m. at the
Hilton Inn-Greenville.
The public is invited to attend
the banquet this year. Master of
ceremonies will be WNCT-TV
Sports Director Brian Bailey.
Guest speaker for the event will
be ECU's Director of Athletics
Dave Hart.
For further information or to
purchase tickets, please call the
Pirate basketball office at 757-
6472 by Friday, April 15.
Ticket cost is $10.
Gilbride to lead strong Pirate offense on gridiron this year
Sport r ditor
With nine starters returning on
the offensive side of the football
iqg East Carolina University this
vpar. the question for first-year
offensive coordinator Kevin
Gilbride is not will the Pirates
score, but how much will they
Gilbride, who joined the Pirates
coaching ranks last fall, has
extensive experience with the
run-and-shoot offense which the
Pirates employ offensively.
Gilbnde came to East Carolina
after having served as offensive
coordinator for both the Ottawa
Rough Riders and the Montreal
Alouettes oi the Canadian
Football League. Gilbride joined
the Pirates after the Montreal club
folded prior to the beginning of
the 1987 season. Both clubs used
the run-and-shoot attack in their
offensive game plans.
Gilbride also coached on the
college ranks prior to going to the
Canadian Football League as he
led the Owls of Southern
Connecticut State University to a
35-14 record from the 1980 season
through the 1984 grid campaign.
The Owls were nationally ranked
on the Division II level for two of
Gilbnde's last three seasons at the
helm. The team also consistently
stayed atop the Division II
statistics in offensive categories.
Gilbride also served assistant
coaching stints on the collegeiatc
level at Idaho State (1974-1975),
Rhode Island (1976) and
American International (1977-
Gilbride and the Pirate
offensive coaching staff had one
major thing in their favor heading
into spring drills this year that
had never been awarded an Art
Baker coached team ? a
returning starting quarterback
(Travis Hunter).
Hunter directed the Pirate
offense last fall to a 5-6 record,
starting all 11 contests. The
sophomore signal-caller passed
for 1,107 yards and three
touchdowns last fall, while
rushing for 371 yards and five
"He's been everything we had
hoped for thus far Gilbride said.
"He still needs to continue to
grow and improve, but thus far
we are very pleased
Head coach Art Baker agreed.
"He's (Hunter) seen it all (in
scrimmages) Baker said. "I was
talking to one of the (defensive)
coaches the other day and he said
that the defense has thrown
everything but the kitchen sink at
him. So, he should be ready for
almost any type of defense
In a intrasquad scrimmage held
by the Pirates a couple of weeks
ago, Baker said that the Hunter-
led offense looked "absolutely the
best" since he had been coaching
at ECU.
Gilbride's addition at ECU
gives the Pirate run-and-shoot
offense just the shot in the arm it
needed to be the best yet,
according to baker.
"Kevin is well-versed in the
run-and-shoot Baker said. "He
is one of the top coaches of it in the
country. We are going to continue
to run the run-and-shoot and
hopefully (with Gilbride's
knowledge and input) get better
No one at the Pirate football
office, includingGilbride, isgoing
to deny that this year's Pirate
offense could be an exciting one, (a 49-3 loss' last year have to be
but the small things such as the overcome.
nine fumbles against Florida State "We feel that we can be a very
explosive offense Gilbride said.
"We showed flashes of that in the
latter part of last year (a 56-28
victory over Cincinnati and a
comeback effort that fell short at
Southern Mississippi in the final
game of the season) We simply
need to be consistent on a play in
and play out basis. We must
improve on gaining positive
yards on third and fourth downs
and short yardage situations
And if that can happen,
Gilbride feels that the could not
only make the Pirate fans happy,
but also surprise a few of the big
boys in the college football world
along the way.
"We probably have as tough a
schedule as anyone in the
country Gilbride said. "I would
like to see us go out and week in
and wee"k out play the best that we
possibly can and shoot for a
winning season.
"If you play your best week in
and week out then vou can
possibly sneak in a win or two
against the tough teams on the
schedule Gilbride continued.
"And that could make a good
season suddenly turn into an
excellent season
Lacrosse team wins
ECU head football coach Art Baker has been pleased with the offensive
unit on the practice Held thus far this spring. (File photo)
The East Carolina Lacrosse
team, led by hat tricks from Bud
Noel and Ken McKenna defeated
Davidson 12-7 Saturday at
Davidson. The Pirates broke a six-
all halftime tie by scoring six
unanswered second-half goals.
Adding to their three goal
performances, Noel had three
assists and McKenna one. Other
scorers included Kelly Hoyt (two
goals, no assists), Peter Gibbs
(two, one) Derick McWilliams
(one, none), Drew Bourque (one,
none) and Bobby Hodes (none,
A sloppy First half saw the
Pirates blow the lead four times
and then fall behind 6-5 before
McWilliams scored with 4:32
remaining to play in the second
quarter, to tie the score.
The Pirates did settle down in
the second half by mixing strong
defense and an effective clear and
a patient offense. Goalie amie
Young allowed only one goal in
the second half and posted 10
saves. Defensively the Pirates
were lead by Mark Henderson
and Earle McAuley.
With the score 6-6 in the third
quarter the Pirates unleashed four
unassisted goals in the span of
3:53. Both of Peter Gibbs' goals
were unassisted as well as Drew
Bourque's and one of Kelly
Hoyt's. Gibbs then assisted
Buddy Noel's third goal at 9:51 of
the third quarter.
The Pirates lone fourth quarter
goals by McKenna was countered
by Davidson's Ed Powell, who
had three goals and two assists on
the day.
The Pirates next see action this
Wednesday night vs. North
Carolina State at home, 8 p.m.
under the lights at intramural
fields next to Ficklcn Stadium.
Mattocks gives tennis team a powerful boost
Sports Writer
With long black hair, blowing in
the wind, she stands on the green-
paved court. A queen of superior
physical fitness waiting for the
return of the tiny yellow
fluorescent ball. Utter
concentration on the tennis match
she wants to be her best.
Susan Mattocks, 20-year old
junior tennis player at ECU, is a
transfer from Campbell
University where she was seeded
1 on the tennis team. Becoming a
Pirate nettcr in the fall of 1987,
Susan was ranked 3. After only
one semester of being a Lady
? Pirate, she worked up the ladder
to be seeded 1.
Susan's first encounter with
tennis came when she was 13
years old. Susan and her 13-year
old girlfriend, Susan Wade,
decided to take recreational
tennis that summer being offered
by the local recreation
department. The two young
women took up the tennis game
for two weeks, but Miss Mattocks
decided to devote all her free time
to her first two loves; softball and
speed skating. Susan was not to
pick up a tennis racket again, until
her junior year in high school.
Susan was asked by her Kinston
Junior High tennis coach to
consider trying out for tennis
team. Being virtually unskilled
and inexperienced, Susan was
doubtful of her abilities, but
decided to give it a try. After
much hard work, and unpleasant
tennis match experiences, Susan
had reached her goal. By late
season's end, she was ranked 1
on the Kinston High team.
"The team was actually pretty
good Susan says. "Not trying to
be conceited, I just picked up the
art of tennis pretty easily. To this
day, I am not a smoothly skilled or
picture perfect player; I tackle this
problem by playing a mental
tennis game. I love to see the
reaction of my opponent when
she is back on the court and I hit a
soft, short return
After having several colleges
contact her about softball and
tennis scholarships, the big
decision of where to attend had to
be made. More college financial
opportunities were present in
tennis than in softball. Campbell
University's campus and campus
life along with a little persuasion
from Susan's uncle, a former
professor there, captured her total
count of votes.
After two years of tennis at
Campbell, Susan made the
university switch for several
reasons. "I was dating a guy at
Campbell, and still am says
Susan. "He moved back to
Greenville and I followed. It was
also closer to home and over all a
lot cheaper on everything at East
Carolina. Most of all, I felt like I
would get more recognition at
ECU because we are bigger and
have a broader schedule, and
Coach Sherman knows tennis
inside and out. She has really
improved my game by making
me practice over and over the
basic skills I never learned
Susan's favorite tennis star to
watch is John McEnroe, "Becuase
of his intense aggression and
vocal intimidation explains
Susan. "But the person I like the
style of the most is Ivan Lendl. I
learn from this man. He is also a
mental player. Lendl is so cool out
on the court and when things got
tight, he bares down and pulls out
the match
Looking down the road, Susan
sees her tennis career ending at
East Carolina. "I will continue the
game; but I am definitely not good
enough for the pros says Susan.
"I hope to continue improving
because my father continues to
beat me to this day. I want that
game, BAD! My father (Tom),
mother (Edna), and sister (Sheri, a
freshman at NCSU) are big
influences in my life as well as
"The big thing tennis has also
taught me in everyday life is to try
to keep a cool head and be in
Lyle p
Lyle says patient e is the 15th
in his golf bag.
He used that qualit)
fullest Sunday to captur
championship he almost let
away - the Masters
"He's 99 percent ui
Mark Calcavecchia sa I
ruffled once
Can't st
stopping the Nevs
especially wl
pitchers aren't
The Yank.
undefeated team ii
beat the Mil waul
Sunday tor their
since 1933. An Arrw -
record six b -
including a lea
against Brewc i
"I guess we (pi
to follow the rul
said Yank'
Slaught, wh
two doubles an !
single that br -
M i 1 w a u i V
Trebel horn tl
complying with th
balk regulal
pitchers t ? come t
claim thin
in to time
East Carolina's
split a pair of game
afternoon to claim a tl
finish in the Virgini
Invitational at Chariots
The two-game splitb)
Tirates Sunday I i
season mark to
tournament, the Piratt
up, w.ith, ftn&-? recordl.S
Spartanburg 12-2 in the first
before bowing to Penn State
their nightcap.
In the opening game v
the Pirates jumped out
lead with a four-run b.
second inning. ECl ei
inning in a 2-2 deadl
opening up the sizeable lei
At the plate, the Piral
to victor' by jeannie Mi
three-for-four performance
ECU also bolted ou
early in the second gai
held a 2-0 lead after thi
of play. Penn State, how e i
the lead for good in the
with three runs in
The Nittany Lions
an insurance run in th.
the win.
The Pirates will retu
this Wednesday at hoi
entertain Virginia -
Cavaliers in a dou
These po:
to gain exj
will bene
same tin
make val

APRIL U, 1968 11
Sunday, GMU's Mike
per (seven hits. 11 strikeouts)
- Gary Smith (nine hits,
s tnkecuts went head to
a defensive struggle that
g Pirates came out on
rt end of, 3-1.
Moore and Chris
ce hit solo homers off of
? Dan Clements added a
nng triple to account for
runs The Firatcs scored
l 'he seventh, but struck out
in the game.
Pirates will host the Trojans
e Thursday night at
in a tune-up for the
fkend sbig three-game scries
r Richmond.
?88 East Carolina
v Men's Basketball
anquet will be held on
pnl 17 at 12 p.m. at the
public is invited to attend
anquet this vear. Master of
-ones will be WNCT-TV
ts Director Brian Bailev.
aker tor the event will
- Director of Athletics
?r further information or to
kets. please call the
- :ball office at 757-
ry Fndav. April 15.
s year
the way.
probably have as tough a
ledule as anyone in the
ntry Gilbnde said. "I would
to see us go out and week in
week ou t play the best tha t we
kibly can and shoot for a
p g eason.
you play your best week in
week out then you can
c bly sneak in a win or two
iinst the tough teams on the
ledule Gilbride continued,
id that could make a good
?r suddenly turn into an
ilent season
m wins
anent offense. Goalie Jamie
ing allowed only one goal in
second half and posted 10
es. Defensively the Pirates
re lead by Mark Henderson
Earle McAuley.
ith the score 6-6 in the third
irter the Pirates unleashed four
assisted goals in the span of
1. Both of Peter Gibbs' goals
re unassisted as well as Drew
lrque's and one of Kelly
lyt's. Gibbs then assisted
idy Noel's third goal at 9:51 of
third quarter.
le Pirates lone fourth quarter
Isby McKenna was countered
Davidson's Ed Powell, who
three goals and two assists on
I day.
le Pirates next see action this
dnesday night vs. North
rohna State at home, 8 p.m.
ler the lights at intramural
Is next to Ficklen Stadium.
I match
joking down the road, Susan
her tennis career ending at
t Carolina. "I will continue the
ie; but I am definitely not good
ugh for the pros says Susan.
tope to continue improving
ause my father continues to
It me to this day. I want that
Vie, BAD! My father (Tom),
ther (Edna), and sister (Sheri, a
hman at NCSU) are big
luences in my life as well as
te big thing tennis has also
;ht me in everyday life is to try
eep a cool head and be in
Lyle prospers with 15 th club
AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) - Sandy
I vie says patience is the 15th club
in his golf bag.
He used that quality to the
tullest Sunday to capture a major
championship he almost let slip
away - the Masters.
"He's 99 percent unflappable,
It came on Amen Corner, a testy when his tee shot hit the bank in
trio of Augusta National holes front of the green and rolled back
that often determines a Masters into the water.
Calcavccchia went through the
corner birdie-par-birdie, taking a
one-shot lead with five holes
Calcavccchia, playing in only
It didn't this time.
The 30-year-old Scot, who had a
four-shot lead at the turn, played
those three holes starting at No. 11
Mark Calcavecchia said. Lyle got in bogey-double bogey-par. The his second Masters, paired the
ruffled once. double at the par-3 12th came rest of the way and appeared
assured of at least forcing a
Lyle had other ideas.
He regained his composure and
moved into a tie with a 15-foot
NEW YORK (AP) ?There's no their set postitions. Apparently birdie putt on the par-3 16th.
stopping the New York Yankees, they are not, however, because ??th players had 6-undcr-par
especially when opposing Sunday's violations matched the totals when Lyle went to the final
pitchers aren't stopping. Brewer's total for 32 spring
The Yankees, the only training games,
undefeated team in the majors, Ted Higuera, called for two
beat the Milwaukee Brewers 7-6 balks last season, committed
Sunday for their first 5-0 start three Sunday. Chuck Crim's ba;k
Can't stop Yanks
He drove into a bunker
guarding the left side of the 18th
I thought it was over Lyle
since 1933. An American League helped Slaught score the tying said. "The bunker has a steep face
record six balks were called,
including a league-record five
against Brewers pitchers.
1 guess we (players) just have
to follow the rules a little better
said Yankees catcher Don
Slaught, who went 4-for-4 with
two doubles and hit a two-run
single that broke an eight-inning
Milwaulkce manager Tom
Trebelhorn thinks his staff is
complying with the new, tighter
balk regulations that require
pitchers to come to a full stop in
S oftb alters
claim third
in tourney
East Carolina's Softball team
split a pair of games Sunday
afternoon to claim a third-place
finish in the Virginia Softball
Invitational at Charlottesville, Va.
The two-game split by the Lady
Tirates Sunday brought their
season mark to 19-7-1. For the
tournament, the Pirates wound
up with, a42 record,a,S(tfe-y1(
Spartanburgl2-2 in the first game
before bowing to Tenn State 4-2 in
their nightcap.
In the opening game victory,
the Pirates jumped out to an early
lead with a four-run burst in the
second inning. ECU entered the
inning in a 2-2 deadlock before
opening up the sizeable lead.
At the plate, the Pirates were led
to victory by Jeannie Murray's
three-for-four performance.
ECU also bolted out to a lead
early in the second game as they
held a 2-0 lead after three innings
of play. Pcnn State, however, took
the lead for good in the contest
with three runs in the fourth
The Nittany Lions also added
an insurance run in the fifth to ice
the win.
The Pirates will return to action
this Wednesday at home as they
entertain Virginia's Lady
Cavaliers in a doubleheader
run in the seventh inningand Dan
Plesac balked home New York's
final run in the eighth.
"I could put another defender
in the outfield and the umpires
might not see it because they're
watching so much for balks
Trebelhorn said. "I might do that
tomorrow in Boston, put another
guy behind shortstop
"(Phil) Niekro cheated for 40
years and they're trying to make it
up in one year. Who are the
pitchers trying to deceive? I don't
understand. It's a complete
deception Trebelhorn said. "Go
ask the umpires. They must
understand the rule. They're
calling the balks
Balks are being called at a 300
percent higher rate that last year,
when 356 were assessed, and
home plate umpire Larry Barnett
knows exactly what the rules are.
"All the clubs in spring training
had clinics. If they continue to
abuse the rule, we'll continue to
see what happened today
Barnett said.
"Gentlemen, this is the way it's
going to be. Dr. Brown (AL
Prcsdent Bobby) signs the checks
and if he says enforce the rules,
we'll continue to enforce it
and I didn't think I could get the
ball over the lip onto the green
But, he did.
Finding a good lie, Lyle pulled a
7-iron from his bag and delii vered
a shot he called "absolutely
It landed well aboce the hole
and began rolling backway
toward the cup, finally stopping
10 feet shy.
He faced a put he had to make to
avoid a playoff.
It was a straight downhill putt.
It fell for a birdie-3 that made Lyle
the first British subject and only
the fourth foreign player to win a
green jacket at Augusta.
It complete a finaly-round 71
that left Lyle with a 7-under-par
score of 281 for four trips over the
6,905-yard Augusta National
layout and a one-shot victory over
Calcavecchia, who closed with a
It was his second consecutive
victory on the American PGA
Tour, coming on the heels of last
week's conquest in the Greater
Greensboro Open. ?
He became the first to win two
in a row on the tour since
Bernhard Langer of West
Germany followed his 1985
Masters triumph with victory in
the Heritage.
The last player to win
Greensboro ad the Masters in
consecutive weeks was Sam
Snead in 1949.
The $183,800 payoff for Lyle's
21st international victory lifted
his U.S. earnings for the year to
$591,821,most ever at thisstageof
the season.
It was Lyle's second major
championship. He won the
British Open in 1985.
Until the late dramatics, the
attention ha centered on an
exceptional round by Greg
Norman, the Australian who had
finished second the last two years.
Norman turned in a record-
tying 6-under-par 30 on the front
side on his way to an 8-under 64,
one shot off the Masters record.
It enabled his to climb from a
25th-place tic at the start of the
day to a tie for fifth place at 285.
Craig Stadler, the 1982 Masters
champion, also made a strong run
sharing the lead at five under after
the 12 hole.
Stadler finished alone in third
place at 283 after a 68. He was one
shot ahead of 1984 winner Ben
Crenshaw, who had a final 72,
never getting closer than two
shots of the lead.
Don Pooley shot 70 and Fred
Couples 71 to tie with Norman at
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No eligibility restrictions
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For additional information contact Jeamette Roth or Nance Mize
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APRIL 12,1988
Tracksters set records at meet
Sports Writer
Saturday's North Carolina
Collegiate State track meet
produced NCAA qualifying and
record breaking performances by
ECU's men's and women's track
Lee McNeill beat out N.C.
State's Danny Pebbles in the 100-
meter dash, running a 10.26
which was good enough for a trip
to Eugene, Oregon in June for the
NCAA Division I Outdoor
Women's senior, Sonya
Baldwin, took second place in the
women's 100-meter dash,
running a 11.83 and bettering the
previous ECU record of 11.94.
The old record was set in 1984
by Lady Pirate senior Linda Gillis,
and Baldwin tied that record in
"1 was able to get out of the
blocks on time and I felt good and
ran good said Baldwin, who will
compete again against Saturday's
100-meter winner Lamonda
Miller of Applachian State next
week at the ASU Classic.
"Probably the only way that I
can beat her is to have a great start
and hope that she has a bad start
said Baldwin.
The men's team collected
several second-place finishes
throughout the day of
Eugene McNeill, who finished
third in the 100 meters that his
brother Lee won, ran against
State's Pebbles again and was
edged out by one-tenth of a
second. McNeill recorded a 20.80
race as Pebbles ran a 20.70 race.
ECU's men's team placed
second and third in the 400-meter
run as Kclwyn Love finished in
48.04 seconds and Phil Estes
finished in 48.07 seconds.
Vanessa Smith brought home a
second and third-place finish for
ECU as she competed in the 200
meter and 400-meter dashes.
Smi th finished the 400 meters in
56.50 behind St. Augustines'
Veronica Williams who ran a
56.13. St. Augustine also won the
200 meter which Smith placed
third in as she ran the race in 25
seconds flat.
The women's 400-meter relay
team was edged out by St.
Augustines relay in that race.
ECU ran the relay in 46.58
seconds. St. Augustine ran it one-
tenth of a second better with a
46.48 second race.
ECU, whose goal is to qualify
for the NCAA's felt they could
have won the race, which was
their third second-place finish of
the season.
"We need to get our handoffs
down said Sonya Baldwin, a
member of the relay. "Our speed
is really coming along and I
believe that the improving our
handoffs would really make the
Women's coach Wayne Miller
said that he was pleased with the
Co-Rec V-ball showdown set
The Co-Rec Volleyball
Showdown of the Season is
coming up Wednesday night in
Minges Coliseum.
The two unbeaten teams - The
Good, The Bad and the Ugly and
Alpha Sigma Phi - go head to head
for first place in League 1. Earlier
this week, Silent Attack took on
winless Jones Legion of Doom to
wrap up their league season.
Volleyball playoffs get
underway Sunday, April 17 at
Minges Coliseum.
Registration for Frisbee Golf is
being held tonight at 6 p.m. in
Memorial Gym, Room 204. The
tournament is scheduled for
Wednesday, April 13 or
Thursday, April 14. Tee off times
each day will be assigned from 2
p.m until 6 p.m.
Tournament winners will be
determined by the lowest total
score after 18 holes at the Frisbee
golf course behind Harrington
Registration for the Spring 1988
Golf Classic will be held on
Monday, April 18 at 5 p.m. in
Memorial Gym, Room 102. The
tournament will be held on
Tuesday, April 19 and
Wednesday, April 20 at the
Aydcn Golf and Country Club.
USGA rules will be used in the
tournament and a $6 green fee
will be charged. For more
information, contact Mary
Malone in Memorial Gym, Room
Johnson and Clay Walker, 200
meters; Clay Walker, 400 meters;
Barry Scott, 800 meters; Alpha Phi
and the Boosters, 4 x 100; Tau
Kappa Epsilon, 4 x 400; Stephanie
Creasly and Barry Scott, 1 mile
Run; Stacey Stukenschmidt and
Barry Scott, 2 mile run.
Once again Don't forget to get
those entry forms in by
Wednesday, April 13 for the
Rental Tool CompanyI.R.S.
Softball All-Nightcr. The double-
elimination tournament is open to
Men's and Women's teams! Come
on out and enjoy the action!
day's performances, although he
had hoped for a first-place finish
from the relay team.
"We made a few errors that
costs us, but we can correct them
and the experience can benefit us
later said Miller. "I was really
pleased with the team and I have
to say that Sonya Baldwin's win
was the best performance of the
The men's team also had
finishers in the two hurdle events
of the day. Brian Williams, who
finished second in his preliminary
heat of the 100-meter hurdles,
finished fifth overall with a 15.08
in the finals. Dave Parker,
finished fourth in his preliminary
heat and went on to finish seventh
in the overall standings with a
15.43 final performance.
In the intermediate hurdles,
Udon Cheeks finished sixth,
running a time of 55.35.
Men's coach Bill Carson said his
team ran a great race considering
the condition of the track.
Carson's 400-meter relay did
not compete on Saturday after
team member Kelvin Wrighton
suffered leg cramps.
The relay team and the Pirates
will be in action next weekend as
they travel to the Dogwood
Relays in Knoxville, Tn.
The women's team will be on
the road to compete at the ASU
Classic, at Appalachian State.
Congratulations to the winners
in the 1988 I.R.S. Track Meet. The
winners include Jinnell Johnson
and Patrick Ricci, long jump;
Andrea Overby and Jeff Emerson,
Softball throw; Martha Walton
and Errol McCorvey, 55 meters;
Clay Walker, 100 meter; Jinnell
River Bluff Apartments
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hair designers
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IJc??!???I IEiLJ?. j
Co-Rec Volleyball playoffs are just around the corner.
Two teams have served their way into the front-runner
positions. The Good, Bad and Ugly (the team that has it all!)
and the Silent Attack (opponents only chance is to steal
signals) are both unbeaten in league play. The Good, Bad and
Ugly will go head-to-head on April 13th with another un-
beaten team, Alpha Sigma Phi. IMA RECK says having a
good mixture of people will give GB & U the edge. Silent
Attack has one contest left before playoff time, taking on
winless Jones Legion of Doom on April 11.
As for the titleIMA RECK says a Silent Attack is the
most deadly - every time.
" ran ? mm ? ?
Canoe Trip Registration
April 5-18
Frisbee Golf Registration
April 12 -6 p.m.MG 102
Rental Tool Company Softball All-Nighter
thru April 13 MG 204
Annual Golf Classic Registration
April 18-5 p.m. MG 102
ima neck's
top picks
Registration for the 2nd annual Pirate Pigout Soft-
ball All-Nighter ends on April 13. The tournament, set
for April 22-24, is being co-sponsored by Rental Tool
Company and Intramural-Recreational Services. The
entry fee has been set at $50 per team, with a roster limit
of 15 players. There are no players restrictions in the
tournament, although ASA rules as well as the 12-inch
ball will be used.
Men's and women's teams are eligible for the tour-
nament. The men's double-elimination brackets will be
set up in a 16-team format, while the women's double-
elimination brackets will be set up for the first eight
teams to enter.
Tournament winners will receive champion T-
shirts and trophies
For additional information on the tournament,
contact Nancy Mize or Jeanette Roth at 757-6443 ro 757-
Phone (W)
Team Name
Earliest Possible Playing Tune
'Make check payable to Department of Intramural-recreation Services
(Thru May 2,1988)
Monday & Friday -1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday - 3:30 p.m. - 530 p.m.
Now that all the intramural teams have played a few warm-up games (well call it our own spring training), IMA RECK feels
compelled to take a second glance at Softball teams. So
1. DAMN YANKEESThis hurts IMA RECK but Billy is back and those dad-bern north-
erners always win. Rats.
2. SUMPTHING SPECIALA real contender still. Don't forget, these guys know how to win.
1988 Pre-season Champs.
3. DA BOYSThis team must contend for some kind of title because they are
fundamentally sound. As you can tell by their name, it's nothing
fancy - just good ole' basic Softball.
4. SCOTT WISEGUYSMove into the rankings after IMA RECK's attention drawn to name.
Wiseguy is after all, a good T.V. drama series.
5. THE HIT-A-THONA pitcher's nightmare in color. These guys believe always in
rapping the ball. Forget the defense. Pitch the ball, NOW!
6. SIGMA PHI EPSILONThey've tried so hard all year. Sigma Phi Epsilon is the sentimental
favorite. Pride makes the difference.
7. DEVILS CROTCHSimply too hot to stop.
8. ALCOHOLICSPeople do incredible things when they are sloshed. But these guys are
talented and can drink opponents under the table. Beware of pre-
game invitations to Crow's Nest.
9. DIRTY DOZENWhen the game gets tough, the tough get dirty. Sliding? Maybe.
Maybe Not.
10. KORA IN HELLWhat in the world? You gotta at least respect the name.
1. FLUNKEESIMA RECK is such a bad pickeroner. The truth comes out. Take the
Flunkeez by three over the Enforcers. (Regular season only.)
2. ENFORCERSEnforcers are chilling in Florida as we speak. Will battle to the end in
regular season but put all money on these girls in the all-nighter.
3. BAKED POTATOESEarning more respect as the season rolls on. They can do more than
cook after all.
4. WAHOO S1TNKIESAre you guys a bunch of stinkers from Virginia or what?
5. DELTA ZETAYes, IMA RECK, sorority girls can play softball.
RACQUETBALL COURTS: Reservations can be made in person at 115 Memorial Gym or by calling 757-6911. Court reservations are made one day in advance
Monday through Thursday. Reservations are made on Friday for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Courts may be reserved in person from 11:30 a.m until 'lorn,
and 12 noon until 3 p.m. by phone. "
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The East Carolinian, April 12, 1988
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 12, 1988
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