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Circulation 4,000
East Carolina University
Vol. 55 No.
28 June 1979
News leak discussed by ECU media board
llll (
ion I'ii
New- Editor
Media Board voted Tuesdaj to appoint a
inmcc to investigate a possible reorganiza-
' ?e ECl Photo Lab. Charles Sum Student
"I' ni. made the motion to stud) possible
streamlining the operations ol ' the lab.
Member ol the subcommittee will be named at a
ure dale.
Wcording ln john Grogan, filing head of the
???' Lab, linancial information for the lab budget
mplete, pending receipt of quotations from
uppliers who provide equipment and supplies to
Ihc Board will consider the budget when
mnplcte figures arc received.
Member Mike Smith, noting that the current
mg arrangement of the Media Board meetings
inbled a "group discussion" more than a board
img, moved that future meetings provide for
pjrale seating tor board member- and the general
the Board passed this motion.
ll o the board's discussion, however,
red around a news leak on the board and
liancellor Brewer's recommendations for the
KOI M VIM1Koperations manual.
flu discussion ol the news leak concerned a
last week's FOUNTAINHEAD which quoted
reliable source close to the Media Board" as
thai certain discussions about former Photo
head photographer Pete Podeszwa were held in
a closed executive session. Such sessions are
closed to the public and their proceedings are not
official!) released to the media.Board member Mr.
Rudolph Alexander deplored the leak of minutes of
I lie executive session, saying that it was "terribly
unfortunate that some of that information was
published in the paper last week Alexander added
thai when the Board goes into executive session to
discuss personnel matters, 'We hold reputations,
sometimes, of people in our hands and that "I
know thai minutes ol executive meetings have been
made available to people outside of the Board
Alexander maintained that the leak of minutes
could ailed the honesty with which issues are
discussed in closed session, and that such
inhumation "should not be available to everyone or
else you've held an open meeting He reminded
the Board that the purpose of executive sessions
involved, at times, "someone being called on the
carpel lor not doing his job and other "sensitive
Alexander then proposed that executive session
minutes not be sent to members of the board for
their review, but that a single copy of the minutes
be kept in a locked file in the office of the Media
Board secretary.
Charles Sum president of the Student Union,
disagreed with the proposal, objecting to being held
responsible lor minutes without having a copy for
evaluation. "What have we learned from Water-
gale Sune asked. "What have we to hide as a
Ihe motion to restrict executive session minutes
to a single topy died lor a lack of a seconding
motion, whereupon Mr. Alexander moved that the
Board should cease having executive sessions
" because it's a farce. If you go into one, I will not
attend Alexander said. This motion, too, died for
lack ol a second.
Ihe other topic ol controversy concerned
proposals Irom Chancellor Brewer concerning the
FOUNTAIN HEAD operations manual, which will be
before the Board for approval. Mr. Alexander read
the proposals, adding that Dr. Brewer had given
permission lor his name to be connected to the
Ihe points covered by Brewer included:
Letter- lu the editor of FOUNTAINHEAD not be
written b) any stall members. According to
Alexander, Brewer feels "very strongly that
FOUNTAINHEAD should not print letters to the
editor Irom any member of the editorial staff
The operations manual must state thai
advertising rales and forms used must be approved
b) the Media Board.
In policies pertaining to personnel, the
operation- manual must reflect just cause and due
process in matters involving firing and dismissal.
According to Lynn Beyar, FOUNTAINHEAD
editor, the personnel statement regarding firing
procedure has alrea.lv been incorporated into the
diali proposal ?l tin operations manual.
Significant debate wa triggered by Brevier's
talemenl concerning Media Board regulation
concerning the letters to die editor policy Student
I moii I're-ideul Sune said thai "I refuse to l?
dictated to. Vre we wailing here for him to tell u-
what h. do? Sune also commented, roganhng the
proposed regulation ol advertising rate thai "the
Board should not involve itself in the internal
operation- ol an) publication, and we're getting into
tl?i? now.
I" other matters before the Board, Hubert Jones,
-peaking lor the KcIm-I staff, requested that Board
.action be taken to provide tor June paychecks lor
compilation ol "The B??-( ol the Reltel eeording
hi Join's, tin project, which will present a -election
ol ih. pa-i 20 years ol The Rebel, is three-fourth-
complele. Mr. vandci oiuitieiited that L -
W hisiiaiii, formei Keliel editor, tiad indicated lu
board that a liiii-uc?l product would lie deliver
tin Media Board, which then would publish
manuscript when it fell thai it could afford lite
pul.ii. ale.n. Jon agreed to present the eompk
manuscript to the b dia Board at a future date.
Ihe meeting ended with the board lhai,?
Dean James fucker hir his service hi the Board
linker, who retire- at the end ol tin- month.
been a b.ard member since its inception u
After 25 years at ECU
Dean Tucker retires
Dn i-i loi o .v erl
inI tin -iiu ??
Dr. James H. Tucker, retiring Dean of Student Affairs
Local blood shortage
motivates area drive
Ihe Tar River Blood
Center will be holding a
Blood Drive on Tues-
day July 3 in Wright
Vuditorium, Irom 9 a.m.
to o p.m. The Center, a
division ol the American
Red Cross, is holding
tin- drive in effort to
-tav ahead ol the blood
net d lor the 4th of July
According to Chris
Roue, Field Represen-
tative lor the center,
the) arc expecting
severe shortages during
tin a week of "critical
importance He stated,
I he wor-t times to get
blood are the week of
Christina- and Julv U"
Rovve al-o stressed the
fact that "If the
students give blood, it's
not going to mess up
their holiday. The)
won't feel any adverse
ellects, a- long as thev
eat a good breakleast
Rowe explained that
although the drive is to
combat shortages
expected this week, the
need lor blood is an
ongoing thing. The
center, which covers 60
hospital- within the
region, trie- to operate
on UK) pints of blood
per day, but is now
dovn to approximately
300. II thi- continues,
the center may have to
cancel the blood they
are present I) supplying
lor surgery and provide
only lor emergencies.
ll students would
like to give blood next
week and cannot make
it to Wright Auditorium
on Tuesday, they may
give at the Tar River
Center, located on Rte.
13 between the old
hospital and the Alco-
holic Rehabilitation
Center. Hours they will
be taking donors are
Monday, July 2, and
Friday July 6, from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tomorrow will mark the end of i era in student
allair when Dr. James H. Tacke retires as dean
of student affairs.
Tucker's career at ECU as spanned nearly a
quarter of a century.
The boxes have all haen packed with
memorabilia and personal papers, the diplomas and
degrees have all been taken down from the walls
where they hung for so many years.
Dr. Tucker came to ECU in 1955 at the
invitation of Dr. Messick, who at that time was the
president ol East Carolina College.
Tucker's first position was dean of men and
director of student personnel.
At that time the division of student affairs
consisted of the dean of women, dean of men, a
secretary, and a few student helpers.
There were 2,800 students then and faculty
members lived in the dorms and served as resident
advisors and counselors.
Tucker recalls that the division of student affairs
began to grow in the late 50's with the addition of
a director of housing and traffic.
In 1958 Tucker became the director of the
division of student personnel and placement. Two
years later he became the dean of student affairs
when Dr. Ueu Jenkins became chancellor.
Tucker said that the biggest change in student
life has been the abolition of many old rules and
'The rules and regulations for students have
been liberalized considerably, not all at once, but
over the years said Tucker. "We had a strict
dress code in those days. Girls couldn't go to the
tennis courts unless they were fully clothed, with a
coat and everything See TlCkER. P.3
Pity the poor
Hearing-impaired program expand.p.3
Gordon MiehaeU releases Stargazer -p.5
Mack, M ay nor chosen in 1SBA ?lraft,p.7
Honor student receives award
for acheivement in English
Stall V nter
Kaii ii Brock ha-
been chosen b the
ECl English Depart-
ment In be the recipient
I the Ru?ell M.
Chriimau Memorial
Scholarship ward.
Ms. Brock is an
English major Irom
Jacksonville and will be
a -inior in the tail. She
is a member ol the
National Honor Society,
Phi Sigma I'lu, ami the
Society lor Collegiate
Journalists. Karen also
serve! a associate
editor lor the ll7')
edition ol Ihe Rebel.
ECl a Lite; ary rt-
Each year, the
award i- presented in
ineoi'iv ol Uu?eii M.
Christ man. an F.Cl
Ellgli- . . !cor w ho
died i:i l7fi Ihe award.
ttahh-ii it t.v Lhn-t-
maii - lamilv alter his
death, i- intended to
promote the ludy l
I he recipient ol ihe
e a risinu
.1' ' ?
a ?itl v 111. ' i i:
.It ?! Ill 1.
1 ih ?iwjr-l. Karen
it I ii.iii
I i .i-
- . 1 am
? : ?? I.I
Illxliglll -t
11 ' -ill.
iward iiui-I I
senior majoring in
English, and i- chosen
bv a committee ol
i ii.i i ; In .i v at
j.h -I 111. I
student in summer school
Thousands 'of stud-
ents are expected to
enroll in the second
summer session, beg-
inning this week at
ECU. For a chance to
get up on hours, or
catch up on missed
credits, the students
made the trek to
Wright Auditorium
Wednesday for regis-
tration. A three-day
drop-add period also
begins on Wednesday
and will continue
through Friday.
According to univer-
sity ligures, there were
some 1,379 studnels
enrolled for the first
session, which ran from
May 21 through June
2(. The current session
will run live weeks, to
be followed by a two
week break before
regular fall semester
classes begin. For those
enrolled throughout the
summer, the tune at
the beach will have to
be -andw idled in on
weekends, between
quizzes and papers.
Housing, cost of living rises at ECU
Assistant News Editor
Attending ECU will
cost 5.7 more than it
did last year.
According to Robert
Boudreaux, ECU finan-
cial aid director, the
cost will rise from
12,725 to $2,880. "This
is based on a 'reason-
able budget' that con-
siders some students
live and eat off campus,
and cook in their
rooms said Mr. Bou-
Although tuition of
in-stale residents will
remain at $364, room
charges and meal fees
will increase.
The cost of dormi-
tory rooms increased to
S524 from $476 last
The cost of a meal
plan (3 meals, all 7
days) increased to
$1,150 from $1,000 last
Adding to the prob-
lem of campus-housing-
cost, is the shortage of
rooms to fill the enrol-
lment demand.
"Housing in the fall
is critical said Kay
Farrell of the ECU
housing office. Presently
there is a waiting list of
325 women and 255
men desiring campus
housing. "However, off-
campus housing is cri-
tical too added Ms.
Ms. Farrell suggest-
ed that students fill
in an application for
campus housing but
look off-campus to be
sale. A list of off-
campus rooms, apart-
ments, trailers, and
houses is available from
the housing office. If a
student should find one
and settle on off-campus
housing hisher applica-
tion fee ($60) would be
Figures furnished by
Diana Morris from the
Institutional Research
Center in Raw I Building
show that last fall
12,f76 students were
enrolled at ECU's main
campus. Of this figure
5,435 students lived in
dorms, and 434 lived in
fraternity or sorority
houses; while 6,607 stu-
dents lived in private
housing or commuted.
Karen Brock, award recipient
.? . -
400000mm ??? ?-? ? ? m ? 0 ? ? t wi
? - - - - - - . r , Ml 4 v 4 9 f ? - - f - -
Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 28 June 1979
Students, press have rights
Anyone who has ever taken a
history course Knows that the First
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
guarantees freedom of the press.
However, there has been some
misunderstanding recently on this
campus as to who, if anyone, has the
right to tell a newspaper what it can
and cannot print.
It has been suggested to
Fountamhead by the administration
that a provision be made in our
Operations Manual restricting printing
of letters to the Editor. This provision
would allow for printing of letters by
anyone but Fountamhead staff
members, (see story p.1)
In the jnterest of upholding the
First Amendment as well as the
rights of the individual students, we
choose not to incorporate this into our
First of- all, as Michael D.
Simpson, director of the Student Press
Law Center (Washington, D.C.)
stated, it is my opinion that
university administrators or media
boards may oversee aspects of
newspaper production, which are not
related to content This clearly
shows that i the administration has no
voice over what is contained in the
student newspaper. The university
administration entrusts the hiring of
a newspaper editor to the Media'
Board, an, organization representative
of the administration and of the
student population. The Media Board
is expected to use this power to hire
an editor who they feel is
Therefore, it i6 up to the
editor's discretion to print or not to
print any letters she receives.
Furthermore, such a provision
would violate the rights of those
students who-are staff members- of
this publication. A responsible
newspaper writer is one who reports,
and communicates facts. This does not
allow for opinion, except in the case
of an editorial or a review. If
Fountainhead writefs are to abide by
this, then where, are they to voice
their opinion?' Graffiti on the side of a
university building, perhaps. I believe
that it is completeJy wrong to deny
these students the same right any
other student has to express their
opinion, simply on the basis of where
they work.
In answer to any question concer-
mg Fountainhead s right to reject the
administrative suggestion, our attor-
neys have prepared the following
interpretation: "The First Amendment
to the Constitution of the United
States guarantees freedom of speech
and of the press for every individual,
and is applicable to the states through
the Fourteenth .Amendment. Further-
more, First Amendment rights extend
to students; and school administrators,
members of the faculty and student
advisors may not infringe upon those
rights hy using unreasonable rules
l . ir-
and possesses good
upprry women
G.C. Carter
I guess that the
moments that I really
live lor are the times
when I ran have a little
peace ol mind. Accom-
plishments have their
ilaee; the) can make
me leel really good. But
even belter are those
lew times when I can
forget all the things 1
am pushing myself to
do, ami the things that
I know are i anting me
difficulty, and all the
things I "should have
done Peace.
Sometimes I really
have it, you know. I
can look at the sky and
the trees and the flow-
ers and actually see
them! And feel good!
Everything is alright ?
it's good just to be
And then a car horn
at close range almost
frightens the breath out
ol me, and I ?.ur
shrieks and whistles and
Hc baby, vou want a
Lynn Beyar
Steve Bachner
Robert swaim
Jim Barnes
Jeff Rollins
Jimmy Dupree
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper ol
East Carolina University sponsored by the Madia
Board of ECU and it distributed each Tuesday and
Thursday during the academic year (weekly during
the summer)
Editorial opinions are those ol the Editorial Board
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions ol the
university or the Media Board
Our oifices are located on the second floor ol the
Publications Center (Old South Building). Our mailing
tddiess is: Old South Building. ECU. Greenville.
N C 27834
Our phone numbers are 757-6366. 6367. and
6309 Subscriptions are $10 annually, alumni M
annually Subscription requests should be addressed
to the Circulation Manager
1 guess you have to
be woman to under-
stand how it feels. To
know that you can
expect this, or some
variation of the theme,
just about every time
you walk down the
street. To know that
there is nothing that
you can do, because if
a woman is walking
alone, she is considered
"fair game Of course,
the guys involved ra-
tionalize, a woman en-
joys this kind of public
treatment, even though
she doesn't show it.
And, of course, it
completely blows my
peaee ol mind.
When I was younger
suetwsineidents used to
make me feel horribly
ashamed, and I blamed
myself. I would ask
myself, 'Am I doing
something to make
these men think I'm a
street-walker (a term
that has some very
interesting conno-
tations)? ' There was a
lot of talk going around
back then, about how
women deserve every-
thing they got, in the
way of lewd stares,
suggestive language,
and rape. They were
for it by
shorts and
other warm-weather ap-
The odd thing
about all of this was
that the blame never
went on the guys ?
such things were "a
girl's responsiblity
I suppose it's part of
the definition of in-
justice, that there's no
"getting used to it In
the years that passed
between back then and
now, something hap-
pened. Turns out I'm
not so young anymore.
With age comes ex-
perience, and with ex-
perience comes the a-
bility to see things from
more than just one
point of view. 1 have
come to the conclusion,
alter many painful
years, that if a man
cannot handle seeing a
tree woman walking
down the street, then
that's his problem, not
Perhaps women
should organize, and
prosecute such offenders
for slander, defamation
of character, solicitation,
or maybe a few other
things. Think we could
win any cases?
Sure would be nice
to walk down the street
without being harrassed.
Oh, yea, and for you
guys who are so sure
that we women are
really getting off on
your erbal abuse ?
this is for you (as if 1
thought you had read
this far): although I
realize that you have
been socially perverted
to act in animal ig-
norance, it still hurts
and angers me every
time you violate nr
priaey with your ob-
scene compulsions. And
it hurls and augers me
every time 1 hear you
verbally molest another
To the women read-
ers: we're all in this
thing together, you
Just tell me who is
going to object to a
little peace of mind now
and then?
Are women deprived of peace of mind?
Jim Barnes
The 'me first' syndrome
' pervades our society '
There is, m very ,ral sense, nothing quite as
repulsive as a student who, armed with a razor
Jb.Ude slices an article out of a bound periodical so
ihai In- can take it home and use it for research or
a class assignment.
Ridiculous, you say? No big deal, you answer?
NX ell just lor a moment consider the implications of
the above act. Aside Irom being criminal, which
mutilation definitely is, there are certain moral
repugnancies inherent in such an act.
first, exactly who does this person think heshe
is to deprive other students of what, by payment of
student fees, is legally theirs to use while in the
library? Consider this carefully, especially if you are
one ol the SOBs who has ever done this before.
W hat is so important about your project that you
alone must possess the article, to the exclusion of
some 14,000 other students who at some time may
need the article? And you can certainly bet that
someone will need thai article, because most of this
mutilation i done to lulhll class assignments or
paper topics, and there are no one-student classes
aiA not that many original research topics around
llii'M' day
What becomes of the article when you are
through with it, my porcine friend? Do you throw it
away, use it to line your bird cage, or file it away
lor luture use ? your future use? Whatever you do
with it, you may be sure that hundreds, even
thousands ol other students suffer from your act.
Notice 1 said other students ? or don't you believe
in a comraderie of the university community?
A foolish question, obviously. Anyone who stoops
to such an act is doing one thing and one thing
only: thinking of himselfherself only. You know the
syndrome ? what have you done for me lately?
What can 1 get? How can life be made easier for
me? The rest of the world be damned.
Contemporary chonicler and phrase-maker Tom
Wolfe calls this syndrome the "Me First
Generation An apt description, I think. "Me
hirst" pervades our society, and the rot can be
smelted Irom coast to coast. Everyone wants what's
coming to himher, but no one is considering the
cost to society. Indeed, if a person is so ego-centric,
society exists only to serve himher ? there is no
reciprocity. Society withers under the big "I
Its not just in the library, friends. Open your
eyes and look around. The attitude is epidemic ?
give me my gasoline, raise my wages, fix my car
firsl, let me break the line. Hey, I've got a special
reason ? I'm ME.
The independent truckers want everything to
favor them, so they are willing to let produce spoil
and rot. Prices go up, and they will pay more for
lettuce too, but with their requests granted, they
will be able to afford it, right? To hell with anyone
else, just give me MINE.
I am just as sympathetic with labor as the next
person, but when organized labor begins to be just
as oppressive and pig-headed a big government.
iiu-n I fail to sft- much of a difference. Does
anyone think of the good ol all anymore, or doe-
that concept rot in the graves of Bentham and the
'Me First'
is a sickness, and it is just a-
learsome as cancer; it metaslasies just as insidioush
and thoroughly. This attitude has more implications
than some merry-go-round effect where if vou give
me mine, I'll give you yours. Look at where that
altitude has gotten the nation todav.
This may be a painful pill to swallow, but none
of us is more important than the society of which
we are a part. God, it must kill some people to
even consider such a proposition, but there it is.
ou could die tomorrow, and things would not grind
to a halt. If you think that I'm a fool for pointing
out the obvious, I ask you ? is it reallv thai
obv ious?
The person who iiccs the article out ol the
journal has pronounced his her importance over
anyone else who has access to or need lor the
article right? You tell me how reallv obvious it
With everyone in this country Mc-Firstina we
will stretch the tenet and foundations of our o,etv
until they are no longer recognizable. A. U,tXil '
Mc-hrst dominates thinking, there will be no in.
ol history - tradition and culture will assume'
backseat to the whims ol instant sell-gralilu ation.
Why the ful.n.nation, you ak Well ,t docs!
take much to convince me that things are ??, cromj.
lo get belter but worse. And it's ,lul ?K "
shortage that I mind a much a, ? j. tlu. MlkJ
that will eventually ruin the freedom, hit for u. to
enjoy in this country, ll vou project the Me First
attitude to energy then you have the o, companies
ami yes, the little guy an the corner gu. Nation
who raises his prices as high as he ran because
you see, he has to look alter himself.
So you get mad. After all, if ,?s gUv npuinir
you oil, ihe? you d belter get busx before there ,
"one led lor you, right? There vou have
Someday some group will want it all, ami t?u-v rfcl.
that lasc.sm. The seeds are there, whether vou eare
u M.evc or not. Cutting a? drlH.U. VN1,ha
'?lade may no, sec, lkt. ?u. mo
that can done to a society of students, but the
a h,7 ?? , U?? ? reprehens.ble. and p,ople
should think a bit on t,aL f P
Think about these things the next time vou
search lor that much-needed article onK to find a
gap where the arhcle should be, and thmk for a
" nute or two about the person who d,d it. Mavbe
I- she will be careless w?, the razor - I hope so
Forum policy
Letter, to tne editor must be 1) typed or printed; 2) signed; 3) including
uriters address and phone number; and 4, be turned in to Fountainhead
off? br12 noon Wednesday
loiitiiitK'tl fnitn
T?? said IhV, lh
er leaves ECUafter quarter-century?
28 June 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
"e,was no visitation in the
for lemalt a nd there was ? 10
One ul ihe ma,e students.
'h'rS l? iast SaJve.r?h'ngt8 that has taken P,ace
extracurricttiw aetivihY decline of interest in
There . Ulv,l,ei? by students.
S 3 nf c
'lracurriculars like ,U ?, interest in certain
eVer ?u. Jootball e Had a dance after
Tucker. ?tbdil 8ame in those days said
anT as a ? of
rest at ECU as well as across the
ues then.1
t liit- 60's
a"d visitation
, id Tucker.
were the controversial
"I have been privileged to serve on the staff of
the Division of Student Affairs under Dr. Tucker's
leadership for the past 17 years. It has been a
personal pleasure working with Dr. Tucker, and I
will alwas be grateful to him for the confidence
and support he has shown me over the years.
When he retires on June 30, I will really miss him.
He has made many contributions to student life at
Last Carolina University and the university loses a
dedieated administrator upon his retirement
Tucker said that he has no definite plans after
retirement. He added though, that he wants to do
some fishing and maybe play a little golf.
'hat racial
lk "? handled
u?o! Tucker.
said that
problems also came in
't pretty well with minimal
?? are now a7h n.h " S,r?akinS and
ining ot the past.
tanged as the times h
'ThV ftUOents have
fiauged, said T -L
lAliHLAD coneermntr Dr.
Mr. S.
utW? "HUributiowi to the'lci
w My3 l
FOUND: Money clip with a sum of money attached.
Identify the intitals on the clip, describe the clip
and it will be returned to you. CALL: Virginia Beach 804
112 E Fifth Street
Tucker: for the record
Marriage - married to
the former Virginia
Dan- Jackson of Ayden,
three children.
Education attended
the public schools in
vision County; received
BA in education from
Appalachian Slate Uni-
versity M. Ld. from
UNC-CH; Ph.D. from
Career taught public-
school 1940-41: served
11 lMo&Km
f 1
? feoturing
?tOWquoise & Indian
?metal and solid brass
belt buckles
?do-it yourself
leather kits
lOVo discount
jewelr) when
present this ad
in U.S.
avy during
engag-d in
private business 1916-50;
associate professor ol
education at Purman
IV53-55; came to ECU
in 1955.
expands to serve eastern N.C.
Bv Franceine Pern
LCI New- Bureau
l,u Us inception
three years ago, ECU's
Program lor Hearing-
Impaired Students has
grown rapidl) and
extended u outreach
" ihe eastern North
Carolina communitv.
Ihe program chief
purpose, to interpret
C"k? ii classroom lec-
tures and discussions
into sign language lor
deal -In.lent i carried
I bv seveal full-time
stall interpreters and
lour students who
interpret part-lime.
V, present, most of
these learned to "sign"
Irom growing up with
deal parents or siblings
"i were trained else-
where, but this is likelv
change, said Michael
Lmesl, director of the
In about five years,
expect to be able to
iram enough interpre-
ters here to -upplv the
demand on campus
he said.
A I r e a d v several
hundred students and
Mall meinber:
leai nI'll
ha - ii'
tiding our open
language classes
In addition to Ernest
and hi- assistant, Doris
Parker. the program
emplovs three pro-
lessioual interpreters:
Bob Coltrane ol
Charleston, S.C
Shannon Gilley ol
Greensboro and Jim
Haslup of Baltimore.
I heir work is sup-
plemented bv student
interpreters Dennis
Hamrick of Shelby,
Christine Stone of
Manteo, Wendy Cronert
ol Greenville and Keith
Hcnrv of Raleigh, and
l?v Dannv Brav. a Vo-
cational Rehabilitation
interpreter who assists
at evening classes.
From an original six
deal students, the
program has grown to
serve 15, including two
graduate students, as
well as several hard-ol-
hearing students whose
hearing impairments
mean the) must have
assistance with note-
-laking in class.
Irom the beginning,
the LCI program has
coordinated special
noteiaking services, as
well as counseling and
lulpring for Rearing
unpaired students, and
has extended its scope
to help the often dis-
oriented deal student
sociall) as well.
"Ihe deal students
w ho tome to LCI
generally leave the
protected en irotiment
ol the residential school
lor the deal and have
to adjust to living and
learning in the hearing
world explained
It s a considerable
shock lor many of
sponsored an official
campus organization,
the LCI Sign Language
Club, for deal students
and hearing students
interested in communi-
cating with the deaf,
arranged lor campus
theatrical productions
and lectures to be
manually interpreted,
and developed a
relatively new and in-
teresting skill "Sign-
ing popular songs.
Interpreting music is
a highly specialized art,
involving rhythm and
miuie as well as word
translation, and LCI's
stall interpreters are
now recognized lor their
expertise in this area.
EC I interpreters
have performed and
conducted song-signing
workshops at the
La-tern N.C. School for
the Deaf in Wilson, at
the N.C. Association for
the Deaf convention in
New Bern and at a
KaleiK'1 program
sponsored by the N.C.
Registry lor the Deal.
riiey have been
tentatively approached
about appearing at the
next convention of the
National Association for
the Deaf.
Meanwile, more
growth is indicated for
the LCL program.
Ernest has written to
high school guidance
counselors in the Carol-
inas and Virginia,
specifically describing
the facilities ECU can
oiler hearing-imuaired
students who wish to
pursue college degrees.
In the past, most
bright students with
severe hearing impair-
ments usually went to
Gallaudet College in
Washington, D.C a
liberal arts college for
the deaf, he said.
ECU can offer deal
and hard-of-hearing
students the opportunity
to enroll in a variety of
programs heretofore un-
available to them.
During the academic
war 1978-79, for ex-
ample, the program
assisted students ma-
joring in sociology, in-
dustrial technology,
home economics edu-
cation, business ad-
ministration, special
education, science ed-
ucalioti and psychology
Mori- student inter-
preter- will be neede
in the lulure to lakj
care ul the increased
(loud, noted Ernest.
?v VV ? are very inler-
fe-ted m hiring students,
vho. already have -ome
kills iii -igmng and can
ller them the advanced
training thev need he
Classroom and lab-
oratory interpreters
must learn special sym-
bol- u-ed in scientific
and technical college-
level subject as well
as the "Ameslan"
(American Sign Lang-
uage) and linger spell-
ing used in normal
communication with the
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Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 28 June 1979
Joyner fights book theft
News Editor
Although Joyner
Library's theft security
system "i working as a
good deterrent all
students need to co-
operate with the library
to assure' its continued
service to ECU,
according to Ms. Dee
Brockman, circulation
librarian at Jo)ner Li-
brary .
Stating that the in-
cidence ol book theft
ha unproved a "great
deal in the past two
years Brockman
pointed to a two-step
security program in-
stituted to combat book
theft. The first step was
to secure perimeter
doors in the library and
to lock windows in an
ellort to discourage
I he perimeter doors
arc secured by a mag-
netic system which will
open the doors only in
the event of fire or
upon activation trom a
t untrol panel at the
8158,000 prant
circulation desk. No-
ticing that staff h.d ob-
served books ailing
out of the windows
the staff locked win-
dows, which can only
be opened with a
special key.
The second and most
noticeable step taken to
defeat theft was the in-
stallation of an elec-
tronic book detection
system at the main
lobby circulation desk.
The system is designed
to alert circulation per-
sonnel if a book is
being taken from the
building without first
being checked out.
Embedded in the spine
ol each book is a
magnetic strip which
must be de-activated at
the circulation desk, or
else an alarm will
sound when the book is
taken from the librarv.
The electronic de-
lection system, besides
thefts, is also
the library
according to
Brockman. Prior to the
installation of the
system, student check-
ers were used, and with
the rise in minimum
wage, maintenance of
the book detection sys-
tem is less expensive
than salaries paid to
student checkers.
Whereas book theft
has declined to "be-
tween one and five
percent of books that
are checked out
Brockman stated, "the
problem of mutilation
has raised its ugly
head Mutilation is the
term used to describe
the removal by razor or
other means of articles
in bound publications
and current magazines.
While mutilation has
"increased a bit
according to Brockman,
the addition of copying
machines in the lobby
has been provided to
curtail some of this
Ms. Brockman feels
that misuse and theft of
library materials is "a
?vicious cycle "The
whole problem of theft
and mutilation seems to
start with a student
who can't find a title,
and feeling a sense of
deprivation, he tries to
steal another book
Brockman continued.
"Today's student asso-
ciates a library of this
size as part of the
'establishment and
some cmplo) a double
standard that it's alright
to sleal from, the 'esta-
In actuality, Ms.
Brockman observed, the
book thief is stealing
from his fellow stud-
ents, making it harder
lor them to condui
I heir research and
Brockman feels that
the key to eliminating
theft and mutilation
rests with each indivi-
dual student. Drawing
an analogy to the gas
shortage, she noted that.
Carter can't do any-
thing about it; it's up
to each of us. The
same is true of librarv
theltil's time people
realized that they have
to co-operate" in order
to assure that the
library will be able to
provide maximum ser-
vice to the university
ECU Med school researches
spinal meningitis vaccine
ECU Medical Writer
Investigators at the ECU School of Medicine are
exploring alternatives for a new vaccine against
Memopl ? influenzae, the major cause of spinal
meningitis, andother serious infections in children.
L Dan M. Granoff, associate professor of
pediatrics and director of pediatric infectious
ts. s, says the goal of the project is to studv
various components of the bacterial ceil wall which
nay stimulate immunity in very young children. The
is funded by a three-year, $158,000 grant
the National Institutes of Allergv and
lutccltuuia Disease.
Meningitis, an inflammation of JU. coverings of
he brain and spinal cord, may affect people of all
- by tis more common in children two-months to
he-years-old. Each year, the diease strikes 15,000
20,000 children in the US.
Earlier research in the development of an
unsalislactory vaccine from the "capsule" sur-
rounding the bacteria. (Some of the field tests on
vaccine were conducted in Mecklenburg County,
Hie vaccine worked well in adults and older
children, but unfortunately, it failed to provide
immunity the under 18 to 24-month-old group
shut get. the most infections Granoff said during
a recent interview. "Most adults already are
immune to the ,Incase not because they have been
dueled with this particular agent, but because their
bodies have been in contact with other bacteria with
1 losely related structures
The structure of the bacteria will come under
lose inspection by Granoff and his colleagues
during the study. The project will focus on
antibodies which work against surface components of
the bacteria other than the capsule. The other units
may be capable of stimulating antibodies in young
children who lail to respond to the capsular vaccine
Crauol! said. '
We plan to do a sytematic study of the outer
IV" Im'?ane of the organism to try to define,
chemical!) and immunoligically, the surface com-
ponents ol the bacteria that appear to be important
in immunity he said. "Chemical methods will be
used to separate the cell wall into its proteins and
other constituents to see if any of them show
potential lor development into a vaccine
He noted that manv vaccines useful in young
inlanls are primarily composed of proteins.
Spinal meningitis was a fatal disease before the
introduction oi antibiotics in the I940's. Today,
medication and intensive care can save about 95
percent of the children infected. But Granoff says
20 percent of the survivors may be left with
residual effects ranging from mild behavioral
problems to mental retardation and seizures.
GranofT said the Hemophilus bacteria has become
resistant to many ol the antibiotics used to treat the
disease. He also said that changes in society have
altered the way in which the disease is transmitted.
'Physicians used to see isolated cases of the
disease is a family he said. "But now with
changing child care patterns ? day care centers,
extended families and the use of frequent
babysitters ? we're finding more children under
live years old brought together for long periods of
time. We're beginning to notice outbreaks which
lead us to believe that the disease is more
contagious than we originally thought
In a study conducted by Granoff earlier this vear
in Fresno, Calif he and members of the local
health department found that in one day care center
where two cases ol the disease had been reported,
50 percent of the children were infected with the
Vt hat is needed to prevent the disease is an
effective immunization program. "In other childhood
diseases ? polio, tetnus and whooping cough ?
we never developed cures, but we do control these
diseases with vaccines. We need that control for
spinal meningitis because advanced technology and
treatment are not effective in reducing the spread of
infection or the resulting disabilities said Granoff.
Jy(ondaij night
g fi.m. in thz cHzndxix Dfie.ab
Sfiotii.oxe.cl by tke
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ith tin- new session of summer
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new courses. nd, just like the price
of tfusolinc. vou can In- sure lMMk??
will cost vou more than thev did last
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28 June 1979 FOUNTAINHEAO Page 5
Gordon Michaels
releases Stargazer
" JEFF Rfinivw '?'
Trends Editor
in, h is
Cordon Michael h
Nar?ar. "which i ? J"M re,eased a ?e? album,
'? reminiscent of the work of
u?es the almost jazzy rhvth
like good, funky
Mh-IwH fuvLi Lg , A' " Punctuated by
li piano and McCartnevosquevo.ee.
- ?H" LHle cut ol the album and i, ,s
' constantly looks at the sky,
employs a Carribean rhythm
Phasue man's relationship with his
?? n.age from pre-history. "Monkey
ii melodic en
Indoor 1 ?vr i
a song about two lovers,
- g aiouud inside on a rum JJV "r fr J
n a rainy day. Cofieee and
' ? magazines and you, you, you and the
1 ?'?? - no ivhere to go
1 larcalehing thunderburst.
Monkey Mother"
? '? 111 ? I 1,
ahm-kcy pop song that is very affect
e song begins
arranging lor the whole orchestra, bo many pop
artists only compose lor a band which limits their
ahililv to inspire interest. But Michaels' songs each
have a different sound. The new alburn, Stargazer,
as a whole has an appealingly fresh and well
produced sound.
lumin Brown" is the last song on the first
side ol the album and as its title might suggest, it
i about lying around on the side of the ocean,
being at the beach. The lyrics begin, "Here I am
again with a bongo by the ocean
vgain, Michaels employs a kind of islandish
rhythm to help come) the song's vacation-like
quality. "Turnin Brown" is Michaels' "Wasted
way Again in Margaritaville
file second side of the album begins with "Find
I"f Angle Tt has a lunky, Billy Joel-like rhythm
and character. There is also some tremendous
rhythmic guitar work done b Larry Beale. It is a
Ming thai emplores the listener to "go ahead be a
man, go find the angle
Michaels returns to the Island mitil on the
album in the song "Bermuda "In a silver bird we
"Gordon Michaels is a songwriter in the tradition
of Billy Joel, Paul McCartney and Al Stewart. His
m usic is never offensive. "
Ju' "tibcrtu gels into a tremendous guitar solo
I I "?i Lovers Vnd, again. Michaels plays a
Xi ? - proves in- ability to write a tender love
ballad with the poignant song to Emily called "This
'? " '? is haunting and sweet and innocent.
arrangement. done with soft instru-
- and lush vocal arrangement, emphasizes
l"v? His harmonies are rich and his
g ? pretty.
Indeed, Michaels has an exceptional talent tor
ill tl to a sunny beach He uses the vibes more
on this song than in the others and this reviewer
wishes thai he would use them more. "Danein' sun
on the water, sea-gulls glide through the skv
Tglv Hamona" is Michaels' weaker version of
Eleanor Rigby "Ramona" is a song like the
thousands ol songs about ugly, lonely people, which
only pretty, popular people write. It is hall pitying
and hall condescending. In fact, the lyrics become
jeering at tunes. This song is definitely the low
point on the album.
Singer-songwriter Gordon Michaels
The Yellow Magic Orchestra
Danny Dies in Dublin" i- an lri-h song. This
i- a genre which Michaels obviously handle- well.
He must have deep Irish roots.
I he lluling woodwind- bring to mind the Irish
country-side and the Irish quest lor freedom from
lhe rcpresive British. "Danny Dies in Dublin" is a
lery lonely song that one senses could er easily
be made into a canticle.
favorite Song- is a song in moderate tempo
A,lil a mildlv interesting beginning and somewhat
i taming melody. It i- alright, no more ami m.
.? Certainly, this one i- mil a- f?i as most
-mig- on the album.
Cordon Michael- i- a songwriter in the tradition
"I Billy Joel. Paul McCartney and occasionaliv
?mind- one o Stewart. Hi- music i- never
"tleu-ive, il at him- it lacking, other turn it is
l??vely, and lhal - -aying a lot lor a popular
New album comes from Japanese group
I rends Editor
new band Irom Japan has jut come out with
a highlv "computerized" sounding album. The name
I he band and the album is the Yellow Magic
Orchestra. Both the highly technological means bs
which the band makes their music and the slightly
Oriental sound ol the music bring to mind the
bands Japanese background.
I he ln-t song i- entitled aptly enough.
Computer Came It is a -oiig that sounds like it
has come to us out ol the twenty-first century. The
Wllow Eight Orchestra i- a highlv talented group
ol musicians who are busy making a new kind of
music, which the song Computer Games" proves.
firecracker i- an electronic song that al lease
has a melody, hwereas "Computer Game"
abandoned melody altogether. Il it can be imagined,
i oiuputeri.eil rumba. 1 he sound- are new.
elore and it i- the new sounds which
m.iN. iiii- album so relrcshmg and different. In his
song I he band uses elect roiucallv altered voices in a
slip! Isiuglv appealing w av .
Four members
I he lour gentlemen who make up this baud are
livuichi Sakamoto, keyboards, electronics. percussion,
orchestration; ukihim lakahashi. drum per-
cussion, electronics, meals; lianuuomi Hosono. bass,
electronics, keyboards, arrangements and Hideki
Matstiiake who dot- ihe inicro computer pro-
gi am uiing.
(,n ihe lu-i -ide o the album, the songs,
rirecracker, Simoon "Co-mn Surfin
Computer Came all merge into one highlv
etleclive and appealing electronic sUlle. Aellow
Maun is truly an innovative album.
Icllovv Magi. . or as it would be in Japanese.
I "ng I oo, l- a lunky, original-sounding d-
simg. It has highlv compelling intensitv that would
make it great In hear ami dance In in some di-
ll" au-e n iheii producing ng- ol tin- qualitv. we
will be hearing more Iroin and abntil the bellow
Magi. Orchesira.
Wllou Xlagii i- an iulcresling album in lhal
tin -ong- are m separated by (be traditional -dent
hand between them, but lather ihe How naturallv
inln one another giving the album a unique unilv
and cnhcraucc.
La femiiie (.liiuoi-c i- a li-tinetie litscn
piece that ha- an in-i-teiit rhythm along with
strange, wend, vocals thai add nddlv to the Mine, it
i- hard to tell whether ihe elect rntlieallv altered
voice i- -peaking m French or m English r both.
Ncvcrtbcli? i- i- a verv -c lemale one.
ltei a lovely ami . aim "Bridge Over Troubled
Mn-ie tin- hand gel- down and cook- on a wild
elect mui linale tailed Mad Pierrot. " j
mipoible iml In le -wept up in (hi- highlv -pirited
nuillbel .
Yellow Magic
Cover of the Yellow Magic album
ellovv Magi. i- the name a ?ew album
,iu group who plav good creative electronic music.
We will look forward lo what ihev do next. This
album collies on veltow vinyl lor tho-e ot vou who
like gimmick
Some diverse thing- art- happening on the
musical scene ihe-e days. Herb Alperl just released
hi- new disco number. "Ki-e "Rise" is a
coiiipellmg di-co -oug that really show- Alpert's
latin heritage.
St .met line- the rhythm i- almost like a flamenco
rhythm. Ihe characteristic Alper! trumpet wails
through ihe song like a hurl latin lover. The
percussion part ol the orchestra trucks on from first
l" last in a driving, swinging disco beat. "Rise" is
a song that voull probably be dancing to tomorrow
0 ?0 ? - '5-rf 1
Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 28 June 1979
Hilary Taylor writes book on Whistler
Trends Editor
Dr. Hilar) Taylor, art historian,has just written a
book on the carl) impressionist painter, James
McNeill Whistler. James McNeill Whistler has been
the subject of much attention, both during his
lifetime ami since his death in 1403.
Taylor says thai "The notorious wit and
fashionable dandy could not easily be recognized
,i- an artist ot serious intention
In tin- 1870s the American-born Whistler was
among the most controversial figures in the London
itrld. His painting with their emphasis on
colour and composition leaned dangerously
i abstraction.
- ol the tune were trained to value detailed
nanj ol them Whistler's more
lun paintings were mere sketches, r even
I : . the influential critic John Ruskin
in mi print ot "flinging a pot ot paint in
. " Thai remark led to a nototious
between Whistler and Ruskin which
the subject matter tor Whistler's
will) hook. The Gentle rt of Making
I llclllll1
- Taloi points out. Whistler' devotion to art
,a been over-shadowed b) Ins tame as a
: a dandy. He has been too readily
i ted with t he butterfl) which always
iiipauied his signature.
Iiii book, though, is the first full-length study
; it n years to concentrate on the aims and
achievements of the artist, rather than on the
v anl personalit) of the man. Dr. Taylor
- the whole range of Whistler oeuvre,
: orative schemes to large-scale oil painting
Shi elate- the avant-garde aspects ot his work;
artling new appoaches to the planning ol a
m and the handling of paint, which were
ml stages in the emergence ol a more
- - ionisl ie kind ol art.
constant battle against his detractors,
employed the weapons of journalism.
. man ol his pronouncements in print.
the Ten o'clock Lecture are scrutinized
g the) cast on his art.
favlor mentions the influence- that helped to
-hapi Win-tier attitude Custace Courbet,
Japanese prints, the art ol the Low
gs ol Poe and Baudelaire and
- the poel Mallarme and the literary
final chapter of the book look- at the impact
? V. n his friend- and arti-tie followers.
. ?? Whistler's earl) years, his training.
and influences. She collect- the "White
which make up a theme ol purity
exoticism that W hi-tler returned to
- with in- Nocturnes and his idea
I be like music. He called his
paintings by musical terms like nocturnes and
Taylor looks at Whistler in his role as artist in
society. And then she handles the immense!)
important Ruskin trial. She talks about Whister's
years in Venice and London and relates in lull his
famous "Ten o'clock Lecture She then talks about
lln portrait- ol hi- later years and their impact on
Inends, followers, writers and critics, and the world
"I ail in general.
I he reporductions in thi hook are good but
-omelimes come ofl a little bit weak, perhaps
because ol the Hat texture of the paper finish.
Otherwise, tl
Ms particular book .t-cli a-?n from it
II r.wllll I'll . I . I 1 i r?i ??
,m! ut. I:
.in extrciiK
well prodiji ed i lume
b H
allu McNeil Whi-lhr. D)
i ki.1.(111 i-ta ol London i- .i new I
publi-he.1 liv Mi"1
MI b) Jpoyner Library.
jii-i pin
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2:00 am
On 5th St. across from
the Book Barn
Good Food
& Good People
Vegetarian diets
MonSat. 11a.m. -9p.m.
One of the 4 White Girl' paintings
Sweet-aholic' comes
II) Ll K W KS1
Stal V riler
1 think I
to Ink the
? lie but
I Imd rm
to the
or j us I lav-
he pool, 1 see
t hot elate
M&M and
. ; - i oming at
S drop everv-
I am doing and go
and bu)
I i an that will
in ur.
roommate has
tin same problem ex-
i epl her t?ier , ru Kna i-
thai i- t hoeolale, she II
dive nil
One da) we deeided
that tin- i- no g??.n ?
we've go! lo stop thi-
or we II become rol-
liipolies or diabetics.
So we deenled not to
hake anything sweel in
uur apartment ? which
ui- down on hall ol
our food -uppls and
u-t eat sweets when
we were on a bat
Farm V ell, that was
la-t weekend ami when
I i aine back Iroin m)
lupine tiw n on Sunda).
1 walked into the kit-
elien and -aw a eake
pan with a huge choc-
olate eake m it. That
was ju-t the beginning
ot uur "Fat Farm On
Mouda. we went to
the -lore, bought choc-
olate-earmel cookies,
-ult drink and etc.
Since we have been
al the "Fat Farm
we've eaten a whole
chocolate eake in 3
da a paek ol eookie-
iii 2 days, a jello-yogert
pie in ila etc. ami
i In- i- just V ednesdav.
We use i" ha e bets
in sec who could gi the
lollgc-t W 'I llollt e.itlllg
,lll -wert I went ?'
da) - and iii) room mate
went 2 weeks.
eouldu t take it any-
more, m whole bod
-tailed shaking, m
hands automatical!)
pii ked up m s ear ke -
and belorc I knew it 1
was chewing on a ear-
mel bai.
Those 2 week that
in room in ate was
tasting Iroin sweets ?
i' J weeks ol hell
loi her. She was doing
exlrenii'lv well ttir the
I u -i das Sin acted
normal, the rest ol the
him she started pacing
around her room like a
eaged animal and -he
would howl on the
stroke ol 111 (midnight).
She eouldn t take it
an) more so she luialU
went in Jerry's Sweet
Shop ami had an or-
ga-m right there among
the chocolate brownies
ami eclairs. She finally
lound the true meaning
o ecslacv.
Ballet and jazz dance
Non-credit jazz classes offered
LCI News bureau
Non-en dit evening
m ballet and
exercise lor
person "I various levels
Me m da nee
offered bv
LCI - l)i i-iuii ol Con-
tinuing Education this
The six dance elas-
-e- planned begin Jul)
lb and end Augustl 23.
Instructors are Mau-
reen Stevens, a BFA
dance student at FCL
who previously taught
dance in several studios
lor the Beaufort Count)
rt- Council and has
danced professionally in
summer stock produc-
tion and Lisa Jones,
w ho has st udied i n
Chicago and al the
I diversity ol Arizona.
Belore ino nig to
Greenville Iroin Denver,
Colo. Ms. Jones was a
stall member ol the
Denver Civic Ballet ami
taught adult ballet and
ilamereie classes.
Further information
about the -ummer
dance classes is avail-
able from the Oltiee ol
Non-Credit Programs,
A disco party is planned
when Skylab hits ECU
Special lo Fountainhead
While I was sucking on a beer the other night I
overheard plans about an unbelievable Disco party
that i- planned lor ECl when Skylab twirls down
on our campus.
The word is already out because I heard that
Chancellor Brewer has decreed that he intends to
let Skylab fall on campus. The chancellor's
generosity doesn't stop there even; he intends to fly
all deposed ECL administrators in for the party on
DC-10s so that they, too, may get properly
grounded during the fun times.
ECL s Alumni committee has picked the mall as
the site for the Disco party so that when the black
charred mass lands profits can be garnered. You
see, all Islamic ECU alumni then would take the
Hijera from Mecca to Medina via Greenville. Also
during the Disco party many organizers feel that
touching the hgjt to the ground seven times by the
Islamic types cJB be disguised as the disco freak.
Informed mrc -ay that the bulk of the disco
crowd is cumin! into Ureenville from Chapel Hill
since they are the only people with their noses and
eyes stuck hig enough in the air to appreciate the
disco light occurring during reentry.
Dress for the parly will be semi-formal but ready
for any hot stuff. Indications are that heat resistant
black pants are simply a must, Nike tennis shoes
will be in great demand, and bullseye Carolina blue
shirts will complete the fashion passion.
The music for the event should be excruciating.
Appropriate for the season and the occasion Donna
Summer's HIT single "I Will Survive" will be
played and wilh 5,000 pieces of skylab hitting the
party the beat should be overcoming!
It should be more fun thafbusiness statistics;
be there and get into the (uJife and boogie to
the fallout ? this party HtfHKpne 8iant steP for
disco and a gigantic crash fopPulkind!
FOR HANDICAPPED children, sum
mer can be boring Not so m Hous
ton Tx . where the March of Dimes
sponsors a camp for youngsters,
with special needs Counselor Billy
Folts joins Ins Shuler for crafts
Other activities include swimming
and dramatics The March of Dime
aim is birth defects prevention
The National Foundation
- March of Dimes
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White Plains, NY 10602
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28 June 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
Mack, Maynor chosen early in NBA draft
Oliver Mack
to join Lakers
(Photo by John Grogan)
Jimmy DuPree
Cagers excel in classroom
The college athlete is often eatagorized as the
man on caiii)u; care free outside ot his
pra lice schedule.
Several ECl basketball players have, in the past
- veral month found that classroom responsibilities
and responsibilities to themselves and their
teammates arc inseparable.
I. i tared academically ineligible at the end of
spring semester, seniors Prank Hobson and George
Mav nor and sophomores Dave Underwood and Al
roii were enrolled in the first session of summer
school in order to attempt to regain eligibdtlv .
ini. according to head roach Dave Udom, the
determined foursome indeed earned their right to
'It look- like all ol them will be eligible, said
Odom. "I am totally pleased with their eftoria.
o one missed a single class and that's very
important. They have a total attitude change
towards academics.
Vnothcr old face that will return to the purple
at id gold will be Herb Gray, returning for his final
year ol eligibility alter quitting the team midway
through la-l season.
"I am extremely pleased that he will return
-aid Odom. "He is a proven player and everyone
who has cen him play tells me he is very talented.
"I talked to Herb in Washington, D.C. and I'm
pleased with his attitude. I'm not concerned with
whv he left.
"He want- to be a good player Odom
New wrestling coach named
ECL Athletic Director Bill Cain announced
recently the signing of Ed Steers to serve as
wrcthng coach, replacing the now departed Bill
Steers, a 1968 graduate of the Citadel, brings to
ECL a history of excellance as a wrestling coach.
Vd hilc working on his Master's Degree, Steers
served as a graduate assistant at William and Mary
in 1969 and 1970.
He served as all-Army wrestling coach in '71
and '72, followed by his return to William and
Marv as head coach for the past five seasons. His
1978 squad won the NCAA Eastern Regional
"I'm really pleased to have a man hke Ed jotn
our staff" Cain commented. "I've seen his teams
perform ' several times and have been very
Impressed w.th their performanced each time.
"He's an outstanding coach and will be a fine
addition to our staff and the physical eduction
fault as well
B JIMMi 1)1 PRhh
Sports Editor
East Carolina University's basketball program
received a shot in the arm with Monday's National
Basketball Association draft, as two members of the
197&-79 squad were chosen in the early rounds.
Oliver Mack, who holds most of ECU's single
season offensive records, was chosen in the second
round by the desperate Los Angeles Lakers, who
eagerly grabbed many of the top available guards in
the draft.
"He 9s a shooter and a scorer
and that's what the Lakers
Dave Odom
Mack will join the Laker rookies amongst a host
ol talented new guards, as well as the returning
I'lie most notable, perhaps, of the Lakers signees
i- Earvin "Magic" Johnson, the refugee of
Michigan's national Championship squad who
decided to turn pro after two years ol college ball.
Veteran Lou Hudson, nearing retirement, and
Norm Nixon served as the Lakers' hackcourt aces
this season, with LA finishing low in the standings.
He a shooter and a scorer and that's what
the Laker- are alter offered Odom. "It all
depends on how hard Ollie wants to work.
-uprise to many Pirate faithfuls was the fourth
round -election of junior guard George Mav nor by
the Chicago Bulls.
Pirate Coach Dave Odom m-i-i however, that
the selection ol the Burs premier ballhandler was of
no -uprise to him and will not affect Mavnor's
-talus on the 19.9-80 Pirate roster.
I knew he was going to be drafted, 1 just
didn'i realize it would be so high says Odom. "A
'he general managers had contacted me about
George, -o I wasn't surprised
Odom readily explains Maynor s situation by
means ol a comparison to the drafting of Larry Bird
by the Boston Celtics in last years draft.
Maynor can sign with Lhicago and forego his
linal vear of collegiate basketball, but as Odom
-tales, "He would be taking an awful risk
By the Bulls drafting him this year, no team can
tamper with Mav nor for a period of one year.
Maynor, in turn, may not negotiate with another
team lor that same period.
I he advantage- to both parties are numerous.
Maynor has tin security of knowing he has already
been dialled and can sign with the Bulls
immediately alter the conclusion of the 1980
w hen asked if In- plans to join the Bulls soon,
Mav nor replied, "I feel that I owe the school
another vear; and I want to work towards my
1 want to be one of the most aggressive
?lelensive players on the court
He could -ign now with the Bulls, but as Odom
poml- otii "he couldn't get the big monev or a
?iilract thai would insure him a spot on the
I o-it I .
By staving in school, he may have a super
season, -uch a- Larrv Bvrd did this vear; that
kv?uld I'1" l?"i a better position for negotiation
in i year.
"I think East Carolina basketball fans should be
p??iud, staled Odom. "Mack and Mavnor were
i hoseii higher than anv pair from North Carolina
Only North Crolina State University had more
il.au oik- pl.ivei dralted (three) and those came after
i i li ? l.t.l I IUO.
Pirates search for
backup quarterback
Sports Editor
With the 1979 Pirate
lootball season just a-
round the corner, a
major question mark for
ihi- squad is at the
quarterback position.
Specdv Leander
Green returns for his
senior year as the
number one quarter-
back, but the backup
signal-caller slot is still
up for grabs.
"Vie're in the same
position we were in last
vear states ECU QB
coach, A'l Kincaid.
"Steve Greer came on
as the number two
quarterback and played
a lot when Leander was
"I think he got a lot
of undue criticism last
vear because many
people didn't realize he
was playing with a hip
injury he got in the
(North Carolina) Stale
"Leander had a
great spring practice; he
has a i hatlt e to be the
be-t wishbone quarter-
back we've had here
Green enters his fi-
nal campaign as a
Pirate with impressive
statistics, including pi-
loting ECL's Indepen-
dence Bowl victorv, but
the Bucs lack a tested
"Henry Trevathon is
our lop reserve at this
point staled Kincaid.
He's a smart player;
he has the highest or
second highest grade
point average on the
"Henry does have
experience, but he has
limitations; hi' knows it
and we know it. He's
not as last as Leander
or some of the new
Also returning from
la-t year's squad is
walk-on Aaron Stewart;
a -peedv player with a
strong arm.
Stewart, a Greens-
boro native, sustained
an eve injurv during
spring practice, but
Kincaid reports he has
made "good progress
"W ere real excited
about him Kincaid
-aid. "He's a lot like
Jimmy Southcrland (al-
ternate at QB with
Green in 1977 season).
He has a strong throw-
ing arm but he has
poor technique because
he never had to throw
much in high school
A player the Pirate
coaches were counting
on to provide depth last
season, John Felton,
missed the entire sche-
dule due to a knee
injury sustained in the
East-West High School
All-Star Game in Julv.
"He will be ???
sidcrcd a ireshmuii
explained Kincaid. "His
knee still isn't al full
strength, though
The other returnee is
Jess Ebcrt, who Kincaid
characterizes as being
"a loi like Henry (Tre-
"He doesn't have
the speed of Leander or
Aaron Slew art, but he
did a good job lasl year
with the -coul team
Joining the relum-
ing quarterbacks will be
two irginians.
Portsmouth native
Carlton Nelson brings to
ECL an impressive
gridiron history. While
a junior in high school,
the 6'1" freshman
played splii end for his
2-8 squad.
As the starting QB
during his linal season,
he directed his team to
an 8-2 mark and a bid
in the slate playoffs.
The other incoming
potential star is Greg
Slew art of Sianton. His
accolades as a prepsler
include Firsl Team All-
"It's real lough for
a freshman to come into
ibis ly' of offense
offered Kincaid.
"There's so much to
learn. It's too much lor
a person to learn in one
Pirate fans can look
for more passing next
season, according to
"We would like to
average 15-20 passes a
game, as opposed to
10-11 lasl year he
ttid. "It's very im-
portant for us team-wise
to have a good year
"Vtere playing the
toughest schedule ever
at East Carolina. North
Texas State is as good
as any team we face.
"I think it's a sci
dule all our fans
looking forward to
George Maynor draftee1
by Chicago Bulls
(Photo by John Grogan )
Beginning Monday Julv 2. 1979 the Office ot
Intramural Sports again oilers action packed tun and
enjoyment. Students currently enrolled for the
second session ol summer school and lacultv -tat!
member- are eligible to participate. The de-ire to
have a good time supersedes the need to pe-
great -kill Come along ami participate in the
activities that make summer fun to have around.
Drop in at the Intramural Office and sign up a- an
individual or a team, flic IM Office i- located in
Kootn 201 ol Memorial Gymnasium and i- open 8:00
a.m. to 5:10 p.m. Mondav through Friday.
1 he top-seeded and undefeated Routitltrippers
were dethroned in the linal game ol the l-t session
summer schol tournament lasl Wednesdav afternoon,
by a scrappy team called Murderer's Row.
Murderer's How gained the right to advance o t
semi-finals be defeating Heartbreak Kid- 8-5,
the Round trippers breezed bv Bronx Zoo 15-5
added clement ol uver-the-lenec homo run- i??i ih?-
arsii Softball field created eeileine?i and
challenge to the final encounter, hred t t ? wa-
the winning pitcher lor tin- victorious Murderer-
Row team.
In Men's -ingles competition mike Hclsaheck
defeated Rover I Barnhill 21-7. 21-11 to take the
championship title. The Doubles competition w.t-
w oil by Robert Barnhill and Jell Ledbetter by
defeating Mike Hel-abcck and Tall. Smith 21-9
9-21, 21 II.
The top -??deil team of Bill) Helton and Bobhv
Little remained undefeated bv winning over Robert
Barnhill and Mike Bumgardner in the final match
bv a -i??re ol 10-0. In Tennis Singh- action Cliff
Moore took the championship title bv defeating Billv
Helton in the final match. Moore pulled a surprising
upset over top-seeded Bobbv Little, 10-5. to advance
lu the finals. Bill) Helton defeated Richard Strong
10-2 on his wav to the final malch.
Overcast skies and cool temperatures set the
stage lor the first summer golf classic at Ayden
Country Club Thursday, June 21st. Lee Fulcher shot
a fiery first round of 35 and matched this with a 39
to share 1st place honors with Joey Noble who fired
two 37's for his 74 total. Rock Piekard and Mike
Rogers tied al 80 for the second place finish with a
39-41, and 42-38 rounds respectively.
- ? 1 "? ? ?
? m '?
' xMUin tn
" n t 1 ?
Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 28 June 1979
Sports in brief
Ali officially resigns title
'? SMT" Wimbledon
I Iu .i11 (hciIk talilf
I hrcc tint i' world lining alxnii W tnililttliHi
In d u i ili t boxing i il uuiTiht lahililv.
champion Mu hammed N il goes tor cighlh
Hi, uiiig thai hi- i- ce?lc?l Alhur Ashc ol
" loiigci billing h iIk- I nited Static.
Ashc loll in three
-el- lo Unseeded Chris
kaciicl ol Australia,
kaciicl i? (.urrcnll)
auk. .I I V) in the
J ?tin VI?K ii r? h ?
a?lx.im'?l through In
lll-l luiikI opponent to
?i - "inl round matchup
uiih I ? llov i nuiitrv man
bu i Mottram, Wed-
ncxla) .
I lino1 Mcctlcd Jinunv
Connor defeated Ji-an-
I raiu ui Caujoik- ot
Iran 0J, 6-7, 7-5,
Kill 111 -1 ? 11 lor 15
1 "iiii.I- . nun I iniH-tl
I ii. -la that In- i-
? ' Mining ln urlil
fb?ni$? oiialion
ii -an Lrrboii
&? - "Id. on ran I jo
like w.ti- ago.
'in S7- car-old
t i - ? reportedly
Ii i !? ? il I ? ,j pounds
ii-gainiitt; llit title
Ii "in I ?? Spoilt al-
fa i Ui?o.
? -all light an
I'i i'la v hi
Cn against
I inMiia- Smith
Hi i-iidan Br-
I Ii- '?nl ilini I
???' ii m rrase ui
'jMii.ii . i ; i ami
In tin women niat-
i In lop seeded Mar-
tina aralilova dclea-
led lana Harlml ol
South Africa 1-0, 6-2,
I In' defending
i iniiupiou u ill iiki face
lor (.Iiii-
Lvi-u i
i" I IIUIUIh'I tUO MTllnl, 111
? in Imal
Leon Spinks
hornier world lua-
wt-igiii lioxuig champion
l.i mi Spiiik was dc-
li an d Suilda) l? a
o i linn al knockout l
Son; Ii 11 it an Gerrie
l?? itt in Hie lirl
Lady Pirate strives
towards improvement
lt DhllMh NKWBV
-i-iani Sports Editor
larua Girven, kill ? center lor
kvomi ii - basketball team, will be
urniiig lor her third year of
ijH'liiion lor the Lad) Pirates.
t.irxen, a junior from Woodbridge,
ui majoring in Business Ad-
ioii, completed last season's
fi; a- the third rebounder in the
? .ill .
Looking lorward to next season,
Ij i i: realizes it will be somewhat
dillereiil, but she remains optimistic.
Several new recru n- joinging
l In tcani w huh ,?, , coin ribute
gnath i" faille pi.? .
1 think we will have more depth
uei ear, (Jirven aid, It will be
like a lnh -tart. We're playing a lot
? ?I nationally ranked teams and we'll
know what to expect this time.
M Irohman year, we didn't
play any national teams. Last year,
iliouirh. we learned a lot b plaving
? ' in.im?:i ami State (.North
.i iaii I Diversity). Now I
Il! I fVIH Cl .
I In Lmy I'irates finished last
-eaon with a 11 1 record.
Our team is really better than
? ?in record show Girven said.
Mosl ol the games we lost, we lost
by less than live points. Some games
iv e lost by only one or two points.
I hose were the real hearbreakers.
Wo lost to Carolina (l.NC-Chapol
Hill) in the Stall- Tournament
scmilmals by one point in overtime.
I'hat really hurt
riie team i well-prepared,
though. I" ? workouts last year
hi? luded . . veighl training,
along n iiim hours of dailv
plat lit. t .
On Monday, Wednesday, and
r ri?l? o'?i tilt wfigtits cvt-ry
uiorning around -even. Some of the
other players had eight o'clock
tlasses so they'd lilt around ten at
night alter practice
Between practicing and weight
training, it appears thai there would
l?e little time lor energy and lor
studies, but Marcia Girven finds the
time somehow.
It is tough to keep up with
school sometimes. A lot of times
we re on the road traveling so we'll
ju-t bring our books and study on
the vans. uu just have to discipline
v outsell or else you won't get vour
work done
I was really lucky. Most of my
piolcssois understood. My teachers
were really responsive to me. They'd
ask rue when out ne.xl game was and
wish me link Girven said.
Most people think women's
basketball i- boring, or maybe that
we dun ! ho a ood team. But if
Iney It .tlll Aii MH. ur games,
they II ot.ahb . nj. i In ui
It seems like no matter what
kind ol a record the men's team has
? il doesn't make any difference.
I in not taking anything away from
Ihe guvs because I think they have a
pretty good team. But I don't know
whal il II lake lo bring people out to
see our games
I limk lorward to next year. I
ihink v. i , the ability to do better
ihau lal season
Spuiks, who barely
trained for the nation-
ally televised fiasco,
was put , ?. eanvas
lime limes m the
opining round. With
?he three knockdown
rule uoi waivcred Uoet-
?e was declared the
x iclor.
Jackson desires
to be traded
I hough ankee own-
er George Steiiibrenner
denies rumors lo that
ellecl, slugger Keggie
Jai'ksoii has been placed
on waivers, and report-
edly has asked to be
Jackson supposedly
is reluctant to return to
lhe auks with old foe
Billy Martin in the role
ol manager.
Jackson was placed
on waivers "roulinelv '
by the New ork front
ollice, but he does not
waul In wear the pin-
stripes when he returns
Ir.mii the iujuii l li-t.
Pirate club
pushes for
record year
Hy MI.I.N M. I) MI)
ail i iler
The Purple Gold
Rush ciuilniues.
The Pirate Club is
prepariug b?r the up-
coming loolbali -ea-on
and it inembership
11 ? i ? ?s go mg w ell,
ai. ? r.tttrg to assistant
Pirate Club Director
Mike Carroll.
1 here are currently
2'XXJ members across
the slate. Carroll also
stated that a lot of
money is coming in for
the athletic scholarships
that are given by the
Pirate Club.
We arc also getting
more money from the
western part of the
stale than ever before
said Carroll. "Our
billboards are really
helping the drive
As in the past,
preceding all the home
loolbali games this year
the Pirate Club building
will be open for its
I icket sales are also
going well this year,
according to the ECU
athletic ticket office.
I his is a good sign thai
the large crowds al
Ficklen Stadium will
again be present lor
another year of Pirate
Want to
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