National Conference, 1992

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Institute of Outdoor Drama
1992 National Conference

Budgeted Actual
8750.00 9531.00 Registration & extra meals
Budgeted Actual
560.00 466.90 Thursday lunch
1050.00 937.46 Friday lunch
1275.00 1357.96 Saturday dinner
115.26 64.96 Riser fees
30.00 0 Coke breaks
100.00 0 Cash bar
205.20 0 Hotel room (1)
3335.46 2827.28 Sub-Total Holiday Inn
1582.50 1233.25 Wednesday dinner
560.00 460.00 Plane fare (2)
150.00 131.96 Car rental
120.00 142.01 Sumner Award
500.00 453.13 Speaker expenses (Allan Eckert)
700.00 581.25 Bus Transportation
500.00 577.07 Administrative Fees (Continuing Ed)
1500.00 1510.38 Brochure (printing & mailing)
0 205.50 Per Diem (2)
5612.50 5294.55 Sub-Total
8947.96 8121.83 TOTAL EXPENSES
-197.96 1409.17 Revenue over expenses

Institute of Outdoor Drama
National Conference on Outdoor Drama
October 21-24, 1992

Financial Statement

Participant receipts $ 9,686.00
Less: Refunds 55.00
Total Revenue S$ 99538200
Holiday Inn 2,827.28
Lunch 10/22 466.90
Lunch 10/23 937.46
Dinner 10/24 1,357.96
Riser fees 64.96
Cattlemans Dinner ) es By 4s |
Travel (Scott & Susan) 460.00
Bus transportation 581.25
Speaker Expenses (Allan Eckert) 453.13
Sumner Award 142.01
Brochure (print & mail) 1,510.38
Photocopies 30.73
Postage & phone 6.09
Supplies 20.25
Administrative Fee (Cont. Ed.) 520.00
Total Expenditures S 8,121.83

Total Revenue S 1,409.17

National Outdoor Drama Conference

COMPARISON TABLE (1987 - 1992)

1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992
Registration fee ae | 2 $3. 5:33 Be Fe eee Bees gf.
Income 4840 3566 4142 6545 11,799 9,531
Expenses 4467 3764 6772 5593 10,154 8,122
Revenue/(Deficit) 373 (198) (2630) 952 1,645 1,409
Total Attendance tr 75 68 68 94 76
Paid Registrants 67 45 50 59 61 52
Operating Dramas 18 19 21 23 25 23
Planning Groups 4 7 6 6 3 7
States Represented 20 18 17 21 17 18
Attendance Breakdown:
Board Members 10 3 4 5 13 7
Composers i ] ] ] 2 0
Consultants i 1 2 2 1 3
Designers na na na na na 1
Development Directors na na na na na 2
Directors 7 6 6 7 10 3
General Managers 16 19 18 21 25 25
Financial Officers na na na na 2 0
Local Participants na na na na 42 15
Others na na na na 6 3
Performers na na na na na ]
Playwrights 3 0 2 2 1 3
Producers na na na ] 2 0
Production Stage Managers na na na na i 0
Publicists na 3 6 4 4 ]
Spouses na 9 8 12 7 5

National Conference, 1992
Photographs, Budget, News Clipping, Photo Reel
Local Identifier
Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
Preferred Citation
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