Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, December 8th, 1864

December the 8. 1864
Savannah, Ga

Dear Wife

I am Stil Spared By the Blesing of a kind father Well Mag I was in a powerful Storm of barrls yesterday I fot the yanks all day there was a bout one hundred of us faced 3 or 4 thous yanks we fot and fell Back throu Swamps and fields to we got to the R rode then got on the train to Savannah this took place 24 miles from Savannah on the rode to Macons out of the hundred men wee lost forty 3/43 the 10 btt was all that was in it apart of 3 Co of it 25 of Co C was in the fite Cornlis Alex Bob Query BM Ingram and my self we all come of safe but Bob Query I Dont no wether he was kild of taken prisner out of 25 men we lost 6 I am in the war now Mag But the Lord has Brot me Safe throw So far I fee like I am safe unde his han I am sory for Query no one noes how will stan or fall in war I dont no whether wee will stay here or no I think we will be in it in a few days a gin Sherman is comen on

Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, December 8th, 1864
Letter from Confederate soldier Robert C. Caldwell to his wife Mag Caldwell. Robert is serving as a private in Company C., 10th Battalion, North Carolina Heavy Artillery. Robert writes from Savannah, Georgia that his unit has been in a day-long battle with Sherman's army. He says he is really in the war now but feels that God has brought him this far and will continue to care for him. He mentions a soldier in his Company who was unaccounted for after the recent fighting.
December 08, 1864
Original Format
19cm x 25cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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Richard J. Siebels Feb 18 2013

Thank you for making this letter available on line. The "Bob Query" mentioned in Robert C. Caldwell is my great, great grandfather. He was in the 10th Battalion, was a POW and is one of 30 or so confederate soldiers buried in Beaufort S.C. (U.S. Cemetary). Bob Query's wife was Matilda Caldwell Query, possibily a relative of Mr. Caldwell's.

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