Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, October 25th, 1864

Oct, the, 25, 1864
Camp Davis on the Sound Six miles from Wilmington

Dear Wife

Well Mag my health is very at present I hant bin Sick Since last I Saw you Well MI there is a great fus here a bout a fight cuming of Sum of those days it was yester or to day but I dont see no yanks yet to fight jenerl Brag is in comand here now tha are making redy for a fight But I Dont feel No way concearned a bout it my self it ma be and it ma not I Dont think there is much Danger this is the third leter I Sent you Since I recd yours I Sent one by Hays I tried to Send your Palmeto[note] by him but he coldent cary it I will Send it the first ch

the wether is cold at night Down there Well M.I.C. got git your wheat Sowed as Soon as you can and dont give up any of your stock to the pres master if you can help it I dont think he will take a soldiers horses dont return my watch you can get it fixt if want to if you have mony to Spare keep a Sharp look out for to hire your your hands for a nuther year Dont wat to tha are all hired I expect there will be plenty to hire Dont return two much corn

Nuthing more

Only By the Blesing of god and his mercy I remain I Remain yours til Death
R.C.C. to. M.I.C.

Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, October 25th, 1864
Letter from Confederate soldier Robert C. Caldwell to his wife Mag Caldwell. Robert is serving as a private in Company C., 10th Battalion, North Carolina Heavy Artillery near Wilmington, N.C. He writes from Camp Davis on Masonboro Sound that there is talk of fighting soon and that General Braxton Bragg is in command. He advises Mag on sowing wheat and hiring farm hands, and tells her to resist giving any livestock to the Confederate press masters.
October 25, 1864
Original Format
12cm x 20cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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