Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, February 18th, 1864

the Feb 18, 1864

Dear Wife

I seat This morning to drop you a fu lines to let here from R.C. Caldwell I am well but very cold. last knigh was the coldest knight I most ever felt and this is the coldest day I ever felt this is four leters I have rote this week this is 4 I have rote to you I want to Send me a Box with Hugh Housten when he comes back that will be the firt of march you will here what day he comes back I want you to Send me a ham raw and 40 pounds of flour Send Sum place and git sum plank and make me a biger box hant mack Slap Sum plan[illegible]

Well Mage I am two cold to rite much this morn I am So cold I cant think of any thing to rite I want to here from Mother and all the perticklers about her I dont expect to get home soon I want Sum Sap hard soap and coff and canels[note] my tobacco dus very well the eggs you sent me was broke all smash

I must close I am so cold cant rite Nuthing more
R.C. Caldwell

I wrote uncle Dave and Allen a leter

R.C.C. to M.I. Caldwell

Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, February 18th, 1864
Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to his wife Mag Caldwell. Robert is serving as a private in Company C., 10th Battalion, North Carolina Heavy Artillery and writes from Fort Caswell in Brunswick County. Robert tells Mag the weather is very cold, so cold he can hardly write. He asks her to send him a box by one of the soldiers home on furlough, and wants her to include a raw ham, 40 pounds of flour, soap, coffee, and candles.
February 18, 1864
Original Format
11cm x 20cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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