Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, October 29th, 1863

Oct the 29 1863

Dear Wife

I take the present operunity of answern your kind letter which I red wit pleasure it found me in bad health I have bin in bad health for ten days with my bowels sumthing like flux and fever I am sum beter now but not well yet I have bin on the Sick list for a week I am taking sprits of terp and lodnum[note] all the time I am not confind to bead I think I am over the wors but it has worred me bad Sam C. is Sick agin with the chills but is better gut them Stopt again out of a beven bin sick & grunting

Mag I am in the tent writing you this is lection day here I have voted for Ramsy I dont know wheter I don rite or not Mag I herd George Ander is kild pore fello that is the last of him I wod like to here from D.A. Caldwell an W. Lee write Soon an let me no this is a hard place I received my box B Larry gut here Safe but the box dident do me much good for I hant eat any thing for two weeks but a little coffe biscut crumb in it I wrote you 2 leters last week the 18 20 and hant gut much nuse to write to you Mag I C

Mag the days is hot and the knights is cold big dues the helth of this place is improving rite Smart the isent more half of the btalion sick now there is no bad sickness here chils an fevers and belleake you never hurd of the like there is the Shabbys folks ever you Saw in your life/all tired of this war I dont think no wonder war is a hard place Share Soldiers fairs like hogs and cows take wether just as it cums

Mag I think I will be able for duty in a few more days I feel a good ale beter to day my bowels is beter I hant bin much Sick all the time I past a good ale of blood my misry was in the lore parts of my bowels I had Sum fevor and head ake Price has gut back he [illegible] a cook our uther cook went to Virginia

I Shal Close by Sining my Self your husband and friend

M I Caldwell

Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, October 29th, 1863
Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to his wife Mag Caldwell. Robert is serving as a private in Company C., 10th Battalion, North Carolina Heavy Artillery near Wilmington, N.C. Robert writes that he has been sick with "flux and fever" and has been too sick to eat much of the food Mag sent him. His brother Samuel Caldwell and others in the camp are also sick. He tells Mag he voted for James Ramsey for North Carolina Senate.
October 29, 1863
Original Format
12cm x 20cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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