East Carolinian, October 2, 1968

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

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'fast Carolinian
East Carolina University
East Carolina University, Greenville, X. C, Thursday, October 1968
Number 6
Final Election Slate Awaits
Results 01 Wednesday Run-Oft
m Bowling, UP; Porby Rhodes
V. President
jrff Mann, UP
Earnestine McEachern. UP.
Linda Ttfff
Tommy Autry; Gary Longs-
th, UP
Gary Oa.spenni. UP: David Al-
len. "SP
V President
gteve Davis, UP
r Montgomery: Patricia
l: ;iipson
tnne Jenkins. UP
: cuilford. UP
V. President
i oiyn Breedlove, UP: Paul
Helen Cook; Nonie Austin, UP
Sherry Presnell, UP: Stephanie
. i.ifer
. Morrisette, SP
V. President
Yoy. UP; Patsy Simmons
Evans, UP; Diane Kirby
Janet HoUimon. UP; Sharon
W I rd
Mary Singleton. UP
Linda Crawford; Judy Pope
Claire Lewis; Chris Smith, UP
Carolyn Simmons
Kris Lusk; Annie McLntyre
Marion Barick; Beverly Ann
Matthews, SP
I Run-off l
Sallie Irby, Mary Gnifin UP
Bob Prout. SP Bob Robin-
son, UP
SGA Approves
Quarter Budget
The following budget appropria-
tions were approved by the SGA
legislature on September 19.
"A" budget appropriations are
made for 1968 beginning with fall
?or. Thev include:
SGA External Affairs $1,343.64.
Central Ticket Office $11,925.00
ECU Plavhouse $5,800.00. Movies
$4 175.00. The Rebel $4,840.00
Buccaneer $6,112.50. Cheer-
leaders $1,500.00. Student Gov-
ernment Executive Council $3
399.98. Spirit Committee $250.00
Senior Class $50.00. Special Com-
mittee on Faculty Evaluation S3
Budgets for the entire academ-
c year 1968-69 were:
Special Events Committee $2
ooo.OO. Pull - time salaries 111
184 60. ID Cards $1,900.00.
Len Mancini, UP; Richard Wa-
ters, UP
Johnny Williams: Tommy Rob-
inson, UP
Steve Sharpe, SP; Jim Carey,
Bill Mosier (SP) 392
Carleen Hjortsvang (SP) 350
Chipper Linville (UP) 348
Danny Bland (UP) 334
Cherry Stokes (UP) 326
Bill Richardson (SP) 324
Sue Yow (UP) 284
Bev Jones i UP I 277
Owen Strickland UP J64
Joan Evans (UP 261
Linda Rollins (UP I 257
Judy Christiansen UP) 255
Bill' Diuguid SPt 252
Nonie Austin (UP) 247
Janet Hollimon (UP) 246
Dianne Capps (UP) 237
Dede Clegg (UP) 235
Janet Moore (UP) 234
Cassie Zachary (UP) 234
Janet Kern (UP) 220
Ann Reinhardt 226
Nancy Sheppard (UP) 218
Pam Frazier 218
: Denotes winner. Other will
be decided in a run-off.
nVETURE CAMERAMAN?Staunton Waterman, noted photographer
aJventurirnd produce, of "Man Looks To The Sea" readies his camera
for MtK underwater. The travel-adventure film will be shown Monday
night in Wright.
Waterman Brings Adventure
Of Oe an Lile To Screen

James C. Gardner. RepubUcan nojifor Govern? Nf
Una will be on campus this Friday to .l ? Tttend the informal
of Kast Carolina. All interested persons ???? ??l? p.m. The
meeting which will be held in the cY?De,wV?lIf n FCU
vis,t is sponsored by the Yonng Pub"ca C'UVeferential election as
The Rorky Mount natvie last week won aP?erenua
the ECU students' choice for the next state governor.
stanton Waterman, professional
diver, explorer, and photographer,
will present his travel - adventure
film, Man Looks To The Sea
Monday, October 7, at 7 p.m. in
Wrigl t Auditorium. This will kick-
off the 1968-69 ECU Lecture Seine
consisting of ten programs.
Man Looks To The Sea" is a
colorful, humorous, stirring, dra-
matic story of the sea. It concerns
the explorers, hunters, and scien-
tists In their quest for adventure
and challenge.
The film is a composite of three
expeditions in both the Atlantic
and Pacific. Living and workng
wit hteh native fisherman, he doc-
umented the Polynesian's rela-
tionship to the sea, as well as the
Flue Vaccine
The infirmary has a limited sup-
ply of flu vaccine. It will be avail-
able in a series of two njections
for those students who have not
had the series. The first shot
should be taken in the first of Oc-
tober- the second in the first of
December. For those students who
Just need a booster, they can ob-
tain it during the first of Decem-
ber. Please come by the Infirmary
between 12 Noon and 2 P.M. Mon-
day through Friday.
life and ecology of the lagoons and
deep reefs. By using refined tech-
niques and specially designed equ-
ipment, he has recorded detail and
action unique in underwater films.
Stanton Waterman heads his own
movie production company, mak-
ing television and lecture films,
and research documentaries. A-
wards that he has won include the
?Underwater Photographer of the
Year presented by Jacques Cos-
teau; and three top honors from
the United Kingdom international
Underwater Film Festival.
Stanton Waterman graduated fr-
om Dartmouth College, continued
graduate work at Columbia Univer-
sity, and is a member of the Ex-
plorers Club. His films have appear-
ed periodically on ABC Television.
He is married and has three child-
According to Dean Alexander
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs,
'Stanton Waterman really makes
a terrific show. This is his third
consecutive season at ECU, and I'm.
sure that everyone will be well
pleased with the performance
Angel Flight Opens Rush
To Pretty Side Of AFROTC
Frances Heads Youth For Nixon;
Vctive YRC Sees Wallace Threat
George R. Francis, Jr. was Of-
ficially apponted to head up the
North Carolina Youth for Nixon
mpaign at a press conference
held by Charlie Jonas, Jr. ? Chair-
man of the State Nixon for Presi-
dent Campaign, and Willis Smi'h
Chairman of the United Citizens
I - is a Jr. at East Carolina
majoring in Political Science and
??tHmics. Presently he is serving
President of the State Student
Legislature of North Carolina, and
JsChXan of the University Par-
ty here at East Carohna.
Formerly he has served in the
legislature :us Speaker Pro Tem-
fore and Parlimentarian and was
rhfir man of the ECU Young Re-
pXans. Last summer Fnmclj
represented the U.S. at jSMUN
amfeniKv in Geneva. Switzer-
lav active in Republican politics
. vwirq he has recently
for man: years, ue "?
worked with the National Youth for
Nixon-Agncw, and the United Citi-
zens for Nixon-Agnew.
Francis pointed out that in
?Choice 68" returns, Richard Nix-
on was the choice of well over half
the campus's in N.C.
When asked wr it he thought
would be the major threat to Nix-
on's N.C. Campaign Francis said,
T consider Mr. Wallace to be the
major threat to the Nixon Cam-
paign in N.C
The General Chennault Flight at
East Carolina University invites
all interested coeds to Angel Flight
Fall rush. Rushees must have fif-
teen ECU hours and a "C" aver-
age. There is no military obliga-
Rush will be held on Monday
and Tuesday, October 7 and 3, at
700 p.m. in Room 201 of the Un-
ion. School clothes will be appro-
Angel Flight is an honorary ser-
vice organization of dedicated col-
lege women who have the interests
of the United States Air Force, the
Air Force Reserve Officers Train-
ing Program, the Arnold Air Soc-
iety and their universities at heart.
There are flights serving over 100
colleges in the United Stated and
Puerto Rico and comprising over
3,000 women in this non-profit or-
The purpose of the national Angel
Flight are: to advance and promote
interest in the Air Force, to edu-
cate the college women to military
service and to promote the Arnold
Air Sociey million. Ansel Flight is
recognized by the United States
Mr Force and receives support
from the Air Force Association
through the Arnold Air Society's
The first Angel Flight was found-
ed at the University of Omaha in
Feburary, 1952. Angel Flight be-
came a national organization in
April. 1957.
In eight years ECU'S Angel Flight
has grown from a girl's drill team
helping the Air Force ROTC with
secretarial services to a thirty-one
member service sorority whose pur-
poses are: to maintain a high mo-
rale within the AFROTC unit of
East Carolina University by serv-
ing as official hostesses; to further,
through service, the recognition of
the AFROTC of East Carolina Uni-
versity; to acquaint members of
Angel Flight with the Air Force,
Air Force ROTC. the air age and
air education. Angels participate
in the annual blood drive on cam-
pus, the Marchathon, Air Force
ROTC Week, Parent's Day and var-
ious other campus activities.
The General Chennault Flight
has several local honcrs which
come periodically throughout the
school year. These are the Home-
coming Candidate, the Little Col-
onel, the Military Ball Queen, the.
Best Pledge award and the Lead-
ership award. The Flight has been
honored by having Who's Who stu-
dents. Homecoming Queen and fin-
alists, the Buccaneer Queen and
finalists, city beauty queens and
officers in various campus organi-
Girls interested in Angel Flight,
the Air Force and campus and
community service, are welcome at
Fall Rush. Remember there is no
obligation in the service after grad-
ual' VT.

lM ??'?

2?East Carolinian-ThursdayOctoberi
The Right Of Dissention
I asi week the EAST CAROLINIAN began an editorial
colu dXrth a columnist's vievvsof region Alsoon
the column agenda are essays deaJmgwith j?? ffi-
cal thought, conservative political thought, and campus
'people may wonder about the justification of ,
to, ,?Si student newspaper for consumption
EKS people. The very diversity of subjects cover-
ed pn-vides a ready explanation.
This nublication doe- not ask that the members o
StoniSitoivote careful thought about the issues pn
Wnt11 e right of dissention with the views of these u.lumni
is onl inherent to each member of J1
writers even expert some oi their readers to disap
some of the opinions presented m their worKS.
The EAST CAROLINIAN has a special area prescri
for tho? pfrsons who wish to put their disagreement in writ-
Z T) EC Forum is designed specifically for that purpose,
and also serves as an outlet for student opinion on a variety ol
other subjects. .
Every student on this campus can find some aspect
life her, with which he would like to disagree and improve
Only when those disagreements are aired openly can a
meaningful reform occur. The ECU Forum is designed to fill
that void in campus life.
Politics Looks Eastward
The campus Gardner for Governor group has ann
that gubernatorial candidate Jim Gardner will be on the Las.
Carolina University mall Friday in an inform; . sessu i
Gai popularity with the students of ECl y
vealed last week, when he swept a mock election thai
him a is Democratic opponent, Lt. Go Bo Scoti
Friday's visil b the Congressman ai ernatoriai
candidate points oul the u ?f East Carolina Umvere
ity and the East in the upcoming election. Both candidate
ha ? ? nly courting the student body, in hopes of ?
ing their and their parents' votes in November.
It also demonstrates quite vividly the increase in presl
of this institution since it became a mll-fledged university
last year. Prior to that date, candidates for election often over-
looked the value of person) I campaigning in the ECU ar
nr. rood politics" to openly campaign in this are
as rated by Gardner's Friday visit (one of several in
the past six months). The Democrats also have been quick to
realize the value of East Carolina University and eastern
North Carolina to their campaigns, as Scott has also mad
trips to speak in the area.
Perhaps this type of attitude toward East Carolina and
the East reveals a changing trend in state politics; perhaps
the often-criticized drive for university status by this insti-
tution's president has paid off in increased emphasis on the
East in state political circles.
If such is the case, Dr. Leo W. Jenkins deserves a great
deal of gratitude from the people of eastern North Carolina
for his efforts in this area. Though his primary motives may
have been directed exclusively at obtaining university status
for East Carolina, the side-effects seem to have been quite
favorable to the residents of the seaboard side of this state.
Visits by such political figures as Gardner and Scott do
more than emphasize the increased prestige of East Carolina
University; they build it to even greater heights.
When a one year old university can command such atten-
tion from important political figures, the direction of the
political wind seems to be taking a definite change for the
better . . . and that change is largely the result of the work
of this university's president.
East Carolina University and the people of eastern North
Carolina owe Dr. Jenkins a debt of gratitude for his work.
(?) last Carolinian
Published lemlweekb by th? students f Blast Carolina University,
Orr-privilip, North Carolina
IntareoHegi&te Press. Associated CoDegiate Press, United Stjites Student Press Association
Serviced by
Collegiate Press Service, Intercollegiate Press Service, Southern Intercotlepiate Prese
Service. Press Service of Associated Collegiate Press
Editor-in-Chief Wes Sumner
Hats Off
? no believe that Use EAST
-AROLINIAJN published an Editor-
the Greenville Po-
? your mind? Do
floe University
protects tl?- stu-
atner? Well it's
the only unifying
?. i is your
the Greenville
aJ ?
S .
re Is.
ask how
nd policemen
side and how
estioned about
i side. May-
? k there is
Section. Tf
should tell
ECU Forum
dual Will begin to lose his happy
frame ol mind.
in a big university an Individual
is lost That is a plain fact. A per-
son needs to find a loyal group of
people to depend on. One may find
such a group in your dorm suit. -
mates, a newspaper, a club, a lit-
erary magazine, or a fraternity.
Certainlv fraternities have their
faults but doesn't every group? It
iust depends on one's sense of iden-
tity Dress is a matter of one own
tastes. Among college students, it
is different all over the nation
in closing. I would like to state
that a fraternity can produce In-
dividuality. One is encouraged to
go out and do things fr his scho-
1 his fraternities, and his broth-
many parking
ble on camn
norm students
etc Tjjg, many students
? ich catag rj an registered at
rCV Find out how many students
?heir wed. off by the
Greenville Police since school start-
ed. You might be nmnred at your
isk the Administration for the
umber oi available spaces
for students on campu theri
count them yourself. Alo investi
e the legality of the five dollar
a . for automobiles on
pus when as published in the
?T CAROLINIAN the money I
i build parking lots. Thi
problems of the students but n
. and responsibility
and tell
you do . ? ? r thi respo
' lo
that are aris-
i believi J stu-
ised ause re-
nsibli , :ople ignore new prob-
perhaps in your article "Pe-
Blow their Cool" you have be-
to accept your responsibility
Hats off to the EAST CAROLIN-
R. W. Johnson
What m the hell Is James Hord
trying to do lo me? i am referring
to his editorial in the September
19 issue of the EAST CAROLIN-
Knowing that typical ECU api
by is still ruling the roost, I deem
it necessary to write a lettor in de-
fense of the Greek system.
I certainly like to see my name
in the paper, but not when I find
Hord turning my own creation (ie
Pseudo Man i against me.
Fraternities when used properly
are a great asset to any campus
They bring a person out. This can
be seen by a quick look through
last year's BUCCANEER.
Look at the pictures of (1) the
student government, (2) the Mar-
shall, (3) the Who's Who sec-
tion. A great deal of these people
are members of a fraternity or a
In May, when I began my self-
imposed exile out here, I was con-
fronted with hippies, beards, bells,
and bangles; levls, torn jeans, and
paint spattered sweatshirts. After
several months of this, an indivi-
Thank you, Mr. Hord. Aside from
my few comments. I find your edi-
torial quite enjoyable.
Larry Mulvihill
Mr Larry
One point I would like to clarify.
I was not alluding to the con'ro-
versial "pseudo-man" in a derog-
. i ? nw or facetious manner In-
stead. I was merely using his im-
age in an objective manner to con-
vey my point.
In order to acquaint the fresh-
men and new students with "psue-
do-man I would like to quote from
your column "The Watering Hole
Jan. 11. 1968. You wrote,
'pseudo-man' has established him-
self as the all-time campus clod.
Two days ago. he walking through
the C.U with his head ;o far up
in the clouds, that he tripped over
the tassels on his loafers and slam-
med his head into the mouth of a
nearby trashcan
Or, to borrow a quote from the
Oct. 12. 1967 issue in which you
were describing "pseudo-man
? Picture this it possible: One cool,
suave male, sunglasses, hair Im-
maculate and his tassel loafers pol-
ished to a blinding glare. Couple
these with pants pulled up to his
armpits, sweater tucked into his
waistband, and shirt with the fly-
away collars
Any slur which you may nive
read Into my article is unfortunate.
Anyway, thanks for your comment.
Dissention Is welcomed at any time
James Hord. Editorial Edit
The WORD Speaks
Ry Bob Lindfelt
i a I week 1 opened a stag?
ting of life that fits nearly all
pie in the world today. Thi
was based on the negativ
that surround us and pern
through our life. Fear, Worry. Dou-
bt, and Disbelief were the key
characti rs In the settin i the i
influence man more than i tiything
else. Just look at our mode of life
I V. radio, newspapers
everyday conversation
centers of references
negativism in our life
and 'Ui
All 'hose are
for Injecting
In this article, I would like
how a source that is the only thing
in the world that can eliminate
these characters of Fear. Worry.
Doubt and Disbelief, and replace
them with an abundant life of con-
fidence trust, faith, and believ-
People today, especially young
people, want something that m.k
es sense, something that they car.
really get a hold of and work in
their life to get some questions ans-
wered about life, death, the future
and be able to live the more abun-
dant life. The source is the integ-
rity and inerrant accuracy of the
Word of God.
Now let us use logic and common
sense. If God is Perfect, the crea-
tor of the heavens and earth, then
logically his word must be perfect.
And if it is perfect then it can-
not be split into a thousand dif-
ferent versions as our denomina-
tions have. If we want truth, we
have to get back to the author of
truth. And only in studying his
word in its accuracy and greatneas
can we find truth.
What I propose is that people go
back to the word of God, rightly
dividing it, so that they might
know what God truly has to say.
From Ihe Executive Desk
David Llovd
Business Manaeer
Mnnaeintr Editor
Production Manager
News EdltorB
Featurp Editor
Editorials Editor
Sports Editor
Circulation Mnnairer
Advertising Manager
Layout Staff
Ahbpy Foy
Richard Foster
Dale Brinson
Nelda Lowe
Jo net FulbHscht
Chios. Crawford
Whitney Hadden
John Lowe
Don Benson
Butch Roberts
Gerald Robertson
David Dai
Mary Jane Phillips
Dave Spence
Chuck White
Kenny Winston
Jamex Hord
Rpid Overcaah
Walt Whittemore
Liana Foster
Bob Lindfelt
Walt Quads
Butch Roberts
Charles Mock
Subscription rate $5.00
MbHIbc address: Bsx 2516, giist Carmlina University Station. Greenville rJ r
Telephone: 7?-5?16 or 758-842C. extension 264 ' C
This is the first of a series
weekly articles I will attempt
write in hopes that these few words
Will add "a little light" on the sub-
ject of the Student Government
Many people have noticed the
new addition in the S.G.A. this
week. Mrs. Carole Alexander, a
graduate of Kansas State Teach-
ers College, received her B.S. de-
gree in Business in 1963 and start-
ed to work as the new S.G.A. sec-
retary this past Monday morning.
With Mrs. Alexander comes an
abundance of experience, enthus-
iasm and interest that will greatly
aid the S.G.A. and in turn you,
the student.
To help the S.G.A. maintain a
more businesslike operation dicta-
phones will be added to the execu-
tive and legislative offices. Mrs.
Alexander, with the use of the dic-
taphones, can keep the S.G.A. re-
cords and files up to date. I invite
each of you to come up to the of-
fices and meet your new secretary.
All the executive officers thank
each of you for the turn-out in last
week's electon of Legislative and
class officers. More people partici-
pated in these elections, candidates
and voters, than in any election the
past three years.
Many things are coming up in
the near future pertaining to you.
The idea of a Bill of Rights for the
students will be presented to the
S.G.A. legislature during its first
several sessions. Also, the inde-
pendence of the EAST CAROLIN-
IAN, salaries and partial printing
cost, will be suggested and dis-
cussed In the Legislature. This in-
dependence will enable the paper
to print larger and more profes-
? tonal issues.
I think I will dim down for now.
but remember, "Keep he 111 le
light burning And come 10 see
me if I may be of any Help
For the word of God i-
, powerful, and sharper tti
ed sword, piercing evei
assunder of soul and
and spin and of the joint- and
marrow, and is a discerner of 'he
thoughts and intents of the he rl '
Hebrews 4:12.
Next issue completing this eries
Is "The Way Home
Students Concerned
Over Campus Housing
One of the problems facing East
Carolina m its campus grow"
In the area of campus houi
Many ECU students are concerned
over the policy of dorm construc-
tion. Mast of the new mens' do-nr-
are beam constructed at the top of
College Hill Drive and the new
womens' dorms are being constru-
tod at the other extreme end of
the campus in the area, of Fletch-
er and Greene Dorms. Students
feel that this policy of segregated
dorm construction defeats one of
the purposes of a co-ed institution.
Once East Carolina starts ex-
panding across Fifth Street from
Fletcher .Dorm and builds dorms
all the way down to the river, all
of them womens' dorms, imagine
the walk a student living on the
"Hill" will have, to go get his date
who lives in a dorm facing the Tar
Many of the universities of the
nation and the South have experi-
mented with Co-Ed Dormitory
Complexes, that is, one dorm, men
and one dorm women, loca'ed in
close proximity, with communal
recreation and eatb;g accorm da-
tlons. Some of the more progres-
sive schools have tried co-ed B?"
gle dorms set up on a basis 0 one
floor women and one floir men or
one suite women and one suit
men. These schools have vritneea
a distinguishable drop in the level
of promiscuity and other provoca-
tive incidents such as pregnances
and have found that the level ?
mautrity observable in co ed dorm-
itory students was decidedly high-
er than segregated dorm students.
One of the main argument pre-
sented against this type of setuo a
the women are oftentimes not reaw
lor this type of living, but if tne
are able to leave their homes ai?
go to a large city and get an apart-
ment without any supervision, tney
certainly are ready for integrate
living wth the opposite sex In Gre-
enville. North Carolina.
accept all notices of interest to
the student body subject to the
approval of the staff. Notices
f?r the Tuesday issue mus j
in by 4 p.m. on Sunday: a01
by 1 r m. Tuesday f?r Thurs-
day issue.
The 1
To G
?The Dicke
: .cover-v
isic of "The
group simpl:
on The music
different and definite!
najor uifluei
ummer Lynd
, : classical,
Warren The 1
their own i
draw fror
hln nd the music
3 . they gre
ran Cralg
nuenced by
or heard
lead singer is
who calls
usked about
toward girl S
?n?)r -he replied,
not really a
thing that 1
?v v . The Dicke:
two years i
:ps with fer
We Five" and
(. the Papas N
including Gn
loplin, but
(!( ? feel that this r
r0 m ich further thi

7 using his im-
manner to con-
;aint the fresh-
nts with "psue-
te to quote from
Watering Hole
?stablLshed him-
e campus clod,
talking throuRh
head 30 far up
he tripped over
aiers and slarn-
the mouth of a
quote from the
! in which you
iible: One cool.
asses, hair im-
UMe loafers pol-
g glare. Couple
lulled up to his
ucked into his
rt with the fly-
you may nave
? is unfortunate.
? your comment
next at any time
litorial Editor.
f God ifi ?
sharper fch
piercing ?
ier of soul nnd
the joint and
discerner of 'he
ta of the heart
lems facing I
mpus growth is
campus hoir
ts are concerned
" dorm construe-
lew metis' doffl3
ted at the top o
e and the new
?e being constru-
extreme end of
! area of Fiotch-
Dormu Btudentf
icy of Begreg ted
l defeats one of
co-ed institution.
oilni starts ex-
Ifth Street from
nd builds dorms
to the river, all
dorms, Imagine
nt living on the
o go get hi? date,
m facing the Tar
niversities of the
uth have expert-
-Ed Dormitory
s, one dorm men
omen, loca'ed in
with communal
?atb;g accomida-
ie more progre
? tried co-ed ?in"
on a basis of one
one floir men or
a ivnd one suite
?Is have witn. aseo
drop in the level
id other provoca-
ch as pregnances
that the level M
tie in co ed dorm-
m decidedly high-
;d dorm students
in argument pr
Is type of setuD ?
centimes not re??
living, but if they
their homes ana
and get an apart-
r supervision, tney
idy for integrated
posite sex in Ca-
:es of Interest tn
ly subject to the
te staff. Notices
iy issue roust be
on Sunday: a0"
?sday f?r Thurn-
fThe Dickens' Swing Out
To Groovy Beat 01 People
East Carolinian?Thursday, October 2. 1968?3
of "The Dickens has
?The Dickens-? Thai
music -
i !bed as raga - rock
c- jazz -and just, abou
else. But in point of
i oup simply defies clas-
; The music is fresh and
and definitely their wn
(1 -fL, major influences, accord-
rummer Lyndon Hemhorn.
, ? .classical, Musak. and
Warren The Dickens write
eir own material, but
draw from traditional
; ? the music of Bob Dylan.
bey greatly admire As
Ian CraJg says. "Weve
.anuenced by everything
r heard
ad singer Is a dark-eyed
brunette who calls herself Zak
? ked about the currenl
?trend toward girl singers in rock
jhe replied, "I think It's a
not really a trend at all.
i thing that happened '
The Dickons" first gnl
two years ago. the only
ps with female vocalists
We Five" and "The Mamas
? the Papas Now 'here are
including Grace Slick and
oplin, but "The DickC'l
el that this movemen- will
20 much further than it has il-
rhe group came orlginaUj fi
Canada though Zak Is a nai
?u American citizen. Lyndon lias
everal stories about how he came
to join the group. According
?!?'? he wain across Niagara Qor-
e and 'hen worked in New Yori-
Another more likely story is thai
he stole his mother's purse and
bought a plane ticket. Jim Ackroyd,
leader ;uid bass player, offers a
brief explanation of Lyndon. "He's
wierd The group has played in
Greenwich Village and other parts
of the country. At the conclusion
of their current tour they plan to
! lease I heir first album
As to their goal as a group fan
. "We have the same pre")
materialistic goals as everyone
i Laughing i i: the backgi ound i
"We wanl to make people hap-
py add Jim. "We thrive on
"My goal to get some
soles for my slices says Lynd
as he displays a gaping hole m the
bottom of his boot. Then he con-
tinued in a more serious vein. "We
just want to make people groove
make them smile
'C Average Tags
Leaders On Campus
Last Carolina University ha ac
complLshed a feat that man ha
been working on since the begin-
ning of time. EC has placed a defi-
nite tag, a "O" average, on leader-
hip, beauty, the ability to make
decisions, the ability to get along
with others, ingenuity, skill, and
the general ability to function as
? part of the University.
I. not being one to gripe, would
like to give a few examples of the
ispects of good character that have
been "tagged
Students Sport? Hfniquarter
Dial PL 2-4156
Hour Glass Cleaners
14th and Charlea St. Corner Across Erom Harder .
Complete laundry and Dry Cleaning Service
First, tudent legislators bave to
have a 2.0 average. This assuredly
eliminates .some very capable and
concerned sutdents who just don't
happen bo have a "C" average at
the time oi elections, or who pos-
sibly have never had a 2.0, Thus,
leadership Is "tagged
Secondly, and possibly more ridi-
culous, is the fact that in order to
be a contestant in Homecoming or
any school sponsored contest of this
nature, one must have that ol'
"C Here we have personality
and beauty pinned with a "TAG"
Most campus organizations re-
quire the basic "C" for member-
ship. Unieasonable as it. may seem,
the 2.0 average is a prerequisite
for being an integral part of East
Carolina University.
In offering a solution. I feel thai
as a Freshman one must be re-
quired to gain a favorable average
to participate m school activities
a.s well as to gel off to a good
start m academic affairs However.
after the freshman year, mes study
habits are very basically set. Then
after the first college year, arbi-
trary rules are unfair il i I ipen-
ly discriminatory.
Rumor has it that beginning next
quarter a "C" average is required
for use of water fountains, bath-
room facilities. Soda Shop privi-
leges, etc.
In Downtown Greenville
The Talented Turtle
The season's real wardrobe
maker! Goes with
everything . . . everywhere
? Sizes 34-40
? ion i Orion
? Whit- ami assorted colors
. i
- r - ? mm
- A r ; ?
NEW SCIENCE STRUCTl RK?Work on the new Science BuildinK draws
near conclusion, as workmen attempt to ready the strueture for use next
'Rosemary's Baby' Brings
Suspense To Local Screen
Movies in the Greenville area this
week are of only routine interest
with the exception of the Plaza
Cinema's current attraction, "Rose-
mary's Baby The film, which
stars Mia Farrow and John Cas-
savetes, is based on the best-selling
suspense novel of the same name by
Ira Levin. Those who have
read the book will enjoy
the director's detailed faithfulness
to the original and will find them-
selves being caught up in the sus-
pense even though they know the
story. For those who haven't read
the book, the story concerns a
young married couple who move
into an old apartment building
where strange things happen. After
ijecoming pregnant, the young wife
begins to suspect everyone from
her neighbors to hei husband of
trying to tamper with her unborn.
The suspense builds to an unsus-
pected, surprise climax. Go see it;
it's a chiller. he film play until
Wednesday the 9th.
For a good laugh, you might take
in the Friday free flick 'Wright, 7
and 9 pm "The Ghost and Mr.
Chicken Don Knotts stars as a
timid typesetter on a small town
newspaper. He is persuaded by his
boss to stay overnight in a haunt-
ed house bo get a good story and
become a full-fledged reporter.
The State Theater is playing
"Any Gun Can Play" until Satur-
day the 5th. The flim is a run-of-
the-mill western starring Ed Byr-
nes and Gilbert Roland Pans in
the Month of August with Char-
les Aznavour and Susan Hamp-
shire, will then play through Tues-
day, the 8th. The plot centers on a
husband and father who becomes
a summer bachelor in Paris and
finds a new romance with a Sit-
ing English model. She leaves for
home, but not before the brief en-
counter turns into full-blown lov
??Villa Rides a Mexican western
-tarring Robert Mitchum. begins
Wednesday the 9th.
Today is the last day to see (he
new Tavlor-Burton film. "Boom
ai the Pitt Theatre The film
which was critically panned, is bas-
ed on Tennessee Williams' Broad-
way flop. "The Milk Tram Doesn't
Stop Hen- Anymore Beginning
tomorrow and playing through
Wednesday the 9th will be another
tragi-comic western. "Bandelero
starring Dean Martin. James
Stuart, and Raquri Welch. In it,
Dino and his band of desperates!
,re about to be hanged. The Visit-
ing hangman is in reality one of
their mem James Stuart I and he
helps them escape. They ill go to
the Bandelero country of Mexico,
where they capture a senorita (Ra-
quel Welch i for hostage to use
against the posse that ;s hunting
for them.
For those who can set to a TV.
The CBS Thursday N'ight Movie
tonight will be Tennessee Williams'
"Night of the Iguana with Rich-
ard Burton and Ava Gardner.
Students interested in making; $3.00-55.00 per hour part-time may
contact Doug Emerson at The Fixture House. Great part-time op-
portunity for men or women. Transportation is necessary. Phone
5-9 p. m.
: Pizza? Spaghetti and Tossed Salads j
Coffee, Tea, Milk, Drinks and Beer
Free Beverage with Each Pizza


Corner 9th and Dickinson Avenue
Any Order For Take Out
I" ! 1
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(? ?M' J

4?East Carolinian?Thursday. October 2, 1968
BEAl'TY AND TALENT-Susan Walton, a 19 year old special education
major from Jacksonville has been selected as this week s Coed of the
WeTk. Susan, who spends a great deal of her spare time practicing for
her position on the varsity cheerleading staff, has compiled an enviable
record in her 19 years. She was Miss Jacksonvlle. 1968. Miss Congeniality
of Blueberry Festival, 1967. and Miss Onslow County, 1968. in addition
to being named North Carolina Peach Queen of 1967. At ECU, Susan was
last years Pi Kappa Phi Homecoming Representative, and is a Chi Omega
News Briefs
Dr. Elmer Browning
A tribute to Dr. Elmer R. Brown-
ing, head of East Carolina Uni-
versity's program of instruction in
business from 1936 to September
1968, went into the Congressional
Record this month.
It was entered by Congressman
Walter B. Jones, D-NC, First Dis-
trict, who called Dr. Browning an
"unsung hero, one of those who
during their careers have accept-
ed a challenge to contribute .heir
talents to improvement of this
Rep. Jones included excerpts from
a recent address to an ECU School
oi Business convocation by the
new dean, Dr James H. Bearden.
Dr Bearden's remarks outlined the
growth in quality and quantity of
the ECU business program under
Dr. Browning's leadership.
Dr. Browning led the way as
ECU'S business department became
a school gained accreditation by
the American Association of Colle-
Honors Former Dean
Students who are interested in
taking Latin should report to the
Department of Romance Lang-
uages in Graham 101 immediately.
An organizational meeting for
the ECU Gymnastics (J4UD will be
held Thursday, October 3, at 7:00
p.m. in Room 142 Minges Coli-
seum. Gymnastics Club films will bo
shown and all interested students
are invited to attend.
To all young men who would like
to be a part of campus life. Circle
K offers an opportuniy to break
into the university scene.
Circle K welcomes freshmen a
well as upper classmen to attend
their informal rush at 7:00 p.m
Monday October 7, m Room 204 of
the Union. There will be no obli-
gation involved and the purpose is
solely to acquaint you with Circle
Anyone interested in working as
Attorney General or Public Defend-
er for the Women's Honor Council
should file in the Assistant Dean
of Women's office by Monday, Oct-
ober 7.
There are also vacancies f J ?erve
on the staff of either the Attorney
General or Public Defender.
Do you like children? Do you plan
ro teach? Then you should be a
member of ACE ? Associaton of
Childhood Education. The organi-
zational meeting will be held Tues-
day. October 8 in Room 129 of the
Education - Psychology building
at 7 p.m.
Events on the calendar for ibis
car include the sale of mum cor-
sages at Homecoming, a Christmas
project for underprivileged child-
ren, the state ACE meeting, and
the international ACE meeting In
Why not take off an hour from
studies and see what ACE is a:l
about. Remember ? October 8 ? 7
p.m. ? 129 EP. Please come!
elate Schools of Business (AACSB
Sd added a Master of Business
Administration degree program.
The former ECU dean is now
teaching in the graduate business
program of Marshall University,
ids alma mater, and is serving as a
kev consultant in Marshall s effort
to establish soon an MBA program,
gain AACSB accreditation and or-
ganize its business instruction into
a new College of Commerce.
Dr. Alvin A. Fahrner
A veteran East Carolina Uni-
versity professor, Dr. Alvin A.
Fahrner. is on leave from the Uni-
versity to help with a manpower
education study for the Coastal
Plains Regional Commission. As 9
consultant from higher education.
Dr. Fahrner is woriung with a Co-
lumbia, S.C. firm. United Dynam-
ics, Inc on a study wnich covers
159 coastal area counties in the
Carolinas and Georgia. The pur-
pose of the study is to expand man-
iwwer development programs to
provide skilled personnel for in-
The Commission was formed un-
der Title V of the Public Works
and Economic Development Act cf
1965. Forty-five of the counties in-
volved are in eastern North Caro-
Dr. Fahrner joined the ECU his-
tory faculty in September 1960. He
has an AB degree from Hampden-
Sydney College and MA and PhD
Cleaners & Launderers
Cor. 10th & Cotanche Sts. Greenville, N. C.
Cleaning 3 Hr. Shirt Service
Located 1 Mile S. E. of Greenville on Highway No. 43
Phone: 756-2048 Days; 756-3821 Nights
Why Pay More? Shop Spain's
Corner of 14th and Charles Streets
Open Sundays 12:30-7:00 p. m.
2nd floor Sportswear
Going to the Fair?
New Shipment of
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3.99 to 10-99
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? Sizes 8-18
In Downtown Greenville
Eastern Carolina's Most
Complete Sportswear Shop
degrees from the University ot
North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Dr. Gene D. Lanier
Gene D. Lanier. Chairman of the
Department of Library Science at
East Carolina University, anci three
ither library science faculty mem-
bers, are attending the North Car-
olina Association of School Libr-
arians Conference In Durham, o t.
Dr. Lanier, who drill mtr Kiuce
the speaker at a banquet Friday
night, is currently serving on the
Executive Council id director of
the Association. He is also chair-
man of the Education for Lib.
anshlp Committee of the North
Carolina Library Association, the
parent organization
The speaker will be Mrs. Mebane
Holoman Burgwyr .1 North Caro-
lina author. Dr. J Lloyd Trump,
Associate Secretary of the Na-
tional Association f Secondary
School Principals, will ifive he
keynote address on Thursday even-
Miss Emily S. Boyee Of ECU, who
will moderate the library supervis-
ors session Friday, is currently
chairman of the Publications Com-
mittee of the Association and ser-
ves on the Budget Committee. As
Chairman of the School and Child-
ren's Section of tiie Southeastern
Library Association, she will ser.e
as the official representative from
that group to the conference.
Other ECU faculty members at-
tending the conference will be Mrs.
Lois T. Berry, and Mlrs Prances
B. Everhart.
FOR SALE: Component Hi Pi
System - Contact Tony" ? 752-
6733 ? 1019 East Wright Road.
NEEDED: Male .tudent to share
apartment. Air conditioned, furn-
ished, one block from campus, rea-
sonable. - 810 Cotanche, Apt. No.
I after 7:00 P.M
from any photo
Z ft. x 3 ft.
only $?s
(4.9S ??!??.) ?Jik
?Send any black U white or color
photo (no negatives) and the name
package (or reasonable facsimile) to:
POSTER-MART, P.O. Box 165,
Woodside, N.Y. 11377. Enclose $1.95
cash, check, or money order (no
CODs). Add sale? tax where appli-
Poster rolled and mailed (post
paid) in sturdy tube. Original mate-
rial returned undamaged Satisfaction
Get a
Tot Stapler
(including 1000 staples)
Larger size CUB Desk
Stapler only $1.69
Unconditionally guarantead.
At any stationery variety, or book ttore
, rrwnural football ei
iSSTSS of action j
Ece among the teai
fe"dS leading the
??r League with a 2-0
? oY TTorfelt from
g team and a 40-8 vl
tScd 'the Rebels 33
f Vi??. and the Yanl
? t aem 6-6 in the sec
JieBembers we tied f
E P-Mtion with the Ya
b n l records by virtue
Fl by the Yankees ov
fcsyRaiders in their
1 m Fraternity League
Lek Alpha Phi Omeg
L the only undefeated
t 3-0 record. They ha.
tVer PW Kappa Tau
fcma Pi- Lambda Chi
bv Theta Chi handily ar
t iinfii.ni:

M ol ECU. who
brary supervis-
es currently
ilications Oom-
iation and st-r-
Dbmmlttee. As
100I and Child-
j Southeastern
she will ser.e
.sentative from
? members at-
oe will be Mrs.
Mr - Prances
udent to share
ditioned, turn-
1 campus, rea-
iche, Apt. N.
'it white or color
I and the name
le facsimile) to-
P.O. Box 165.
7. Enclose $1.95
ney order (no
tax where appli-
id mailed (post
. Original mate-
iged Satisfaction
)irtv Dozen, APO Lead
Intramural Football Kicks Oft At EC
East Carolinian?Thursday, October 2, 1968?5
, .mural football entered its
t imA wS of acUon with great
H??rp Song the teams. Inter-
W80 I nlav trds week found the
k?en leading the Indepen-
S fague with a 2-0 record by
i rf Tforfeit from the Shady
team and a 40-8 victory over
rvfc The Little Bombers
ffi the Rebels 33-7 In their
tffj. ?;J and the Yankee.i rallied
?Jltoeffl 6-6 in the second game.
S1 Btmbers we tied for the sec-
lnosition with the Yankees with
Kd "r cords by virtue of a 12-6
t n hv the Yankees over Tucker-
K Raiders In their first game.
, Z v. aemity League action last
L pi Alpha Phi Omega emerged
r the'only undefeated team with
frSSd. They had victories
L, Phi Kappa Tau and Delta
1 pj Liunbda Chi was beaten
bJ Theta Chi handily and then re-
bounded to upset previously unde-
feated Pi Kappa Phi 19-15, on a
brilliant display of scoring by Bill
Austin, who tallied all of Lambda
Chi's points.
Phi Epsilon Kappa remained in
strong contention for the top spot
with victories over Sigma Phi Epsi-
lon and Kappa Sigma. Pi Kappa
Alpha, which lost its opening game
has jumped back into contention
with three straight wins to join
Lambda Chi, Phi Epsilon and PI
Kappa Alpha in a tie for second
place, all with 3-1 records.
The deadline date for Cross-
country and badminton Is Friday,
October 4, and Volleyball competi-
tion will start this coming Monday,
October 7 at 4:00 p.m. Schedules
may be picked up in the intra-
mural office at Minges Coliseum.
Bullet Guard Expects To
Flare With NBA During '69
Teams Balance Out In
Of Intramural Football
He may be nearing his "Last
Hurrah" but veteran guard Don
Ohl of the Atlanta Hawks feels
the coming National Basketball
Association season will be one of
the finest of his pro career.
2nd Week
iGlamor Beauty Shop
110 E. 5th Street
Experienced Hairstylist
' Phone 758-2563
Fraternity Schedule until October
October 3
Teams Field Time
Sigma Phi Epsilon vs
Pi Kappa Phi 1, 4:00
Kappa Alpha vs
Sigma Chi Delta 2, 4:00
Phi Kappa Tau vs
Phi Epsilon Kappa 1, 5:00
Alpha Epsilon Pi vj
Lambda Chi Alpha 2, 5:00
October 1
Delta Sigma Pi vs
Theta Chi
Pi Kappa Alpha vs
Kappa Sigma
Alpha Phi Omega vs
Pi Kappa Phi
Tau Kappa Epsilon vs
Sigma Phi Epsilon
October 8
Phi Epsilon Kappa vs
1, 4:00
2, 4:00
1, 5:00
2, 500
1, 4:00
264 By-Pass
OPEN 4 A. M.
Joi The 5jQX2 Crowd
Pizza m
421 Greenville Blvd.
(264 By-Pass)
Call Ahead For Faster Service
Telephone 756-9991
Sigma Chi Delta
Kappa Alpha vs
Lambda Chi Alpha 2, 4:00
Phi Kappa Tau vs
Theta Chi 1, 5:00
Alpha Epsilon Pi vs
Kappa Sigma 2, 5:00
Moving over to the Independebt
League, their schedule until Oct-
ober 8th is as follows:
October 3
Teams Field Time
Belk Hall vs
Tuckerstein's Raiders 3, 4:00
Dirty Dozen vs
AFROTC 3, 5:00
October 7
Jones Hall vs
Little Bombers 3, 4:00
Yankees vs
Scott Hall 3, 5:00
October 8
Baptist Student Union vs
Aycock Hall 3, 4:00
Shady Oak Bombers vs
Rebels 3, 5:00
As of press time, Tuesday, Oct-
ober 1, the standings are as follows:
Fraternity League
Alpha Phi Omega
Phi Epsilon Kappa
Lambda Chi Alpha
Pi Kappa Alpha
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Pi Kappa Phi
Kappa Sigma
Sigma Chi
Kappa Alpha
Theta Chi
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Phi Kappa Tau
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Delta Sigma Pi
Saad's Shoe Shop
Prompt Service
Located?Middle College View
Cleaners Main Plant
Grand Avenue










f ilAftCHISf
,v,fi ?
The Little Mint of 14th Street
Has Inside Seating
All Burners and Hotdoffs now cooked with Live Charcoal
Hamburgers . Hotdogs
Cheeseburgers JW S?dm??
French Fries Apple Turnovers
Soft Drinks Super Shakes
Home of the Big Fellow
.erved with cheese. ,ettuce and our special sauce on a 6" seesame seed bun
Serving Mammy's Fried Chicken
with French Fries, honey, rolls and wetnap.


10th Street 264 By-Pass
Memorial Drive
Ayden, N. C.
Independent League
Diry Dozen
Little Bombers
Bapitst Student Union
Tuckersetin's Raiders
Shady Oak Bombers
Ohl, who was obtained from
Baltimore last January 21, had a
14.0 point per game average last
season in 70 games?31 in Hawks
Ohl, a former University of Illi-
nois All-American, will be start-
ing his ninth season of pro ball,
but his first full campaign with
the Hawks when the Atlanta Club
meets his old mates In Minges Col-
iseum on October 12th. He was
originally drafted by Philadelphia
(in 1958) but decided to play a
couple of seasons of amateur bas-
ketball with the famed Peoria Cats
before turning to the pro ranks.
Philadelphia sold the rights to
his contract to Detroit in 1960, and
Ohl proceeded to set scoring marks
with the Pistons during his four-
year stay with that club. He was
traded to Baltimore in a seven-
player deal in 1964.
He has appeared in five NBA All-
Star games, a tribute to his over-
all play. .
The past two seasons have not
been especially happy ones for the
Edwardsville, Illinois native He
suffered a knee injury with Balti-
more three years ago and the ail-
ment hampered his play during that
period. And Ohl claims the Bullets
failed to set-up a proper condition-
ing program for him last summer.
"I've worked on a recovery pro-
gram every day at Jewish Hospital
in st. Louis the past summer Ohl
said, "and the knee is 100 per cent
better than it was when the sea-
son ended
"Our former team doctor, Stan
London is one of the best bone
men in the country and he feels
the leg should be stronger than
before the injury Ohl relates "I
know I have much more mobility
than I had before and that means
I can get my shot away quicker.
We had a happy club last year at
St Louis and I wasn't ever happy
at Baltimore. That's one reason
I'm looking forward to playing this
season. I still feel I have at least
two good years left
The Safari Twill Suit ? a new fashion trend inter-
preted by College Hall in their famous Soft Shoulder
Authentic DUKE Model.
Coat, vest and pants $89.95
Tailored by COLLEGE HALL Fashions
To the Order of
315 Evans Street
Downtown Greenville
tt ?f.nm
' ' ' '

6?East r:ir?linian?Tluu-Mlay. October 2, 18
East Carolina Cross-Country
Flees Away With Victories
The East Carolina Cross-Country
team started theii
the right fool by trouncing the
University oi Richmond and v"ir
ginia Military institute as Ken V i
and Don Jayroe, the lines' two
top runners, each came in with a
first place finish. Voss finished sec-
ond in the Richmond meet to Jay-
roc and came in first against V.M.I.
When Jayroe was unable to com-
pete, along with two other ECU
Against Richmond on Saturday.
East Carolina captured 11 of the
top 12 positions in a field of 25
runners. For ECU. Don Jayroe
came in first with a fine nine of
26-minutes and 48 seconds over the
five mile course, and Ken Voss was
second in 27 minutes and 15 sec-
onds. The final score of the meet.
with low score winning, was ECU
18. Richmond 45.
On the following Monday, 'he
ECU Swim Team
Elects Co-Captains
Seniors John Sultan and Robert
Moynihan have boon elected co-
captains of the 1968-69 edition of
the East Carolina University -v.vim-
ming Team by theii teammi te
Both Sultan, who hails from
Pitchburg, Mass .
who is from Alexandria. Virginia,
are two year lettermen. Sultan Is
a pholosophy major while Moynihan
is majoring In m
Moynihan. who did not swim in
h school, begins his fourth yen
competitive swimming for the
Pirates. He swims itrictly : ee
le and is the 1968 Southern Con-
champion in the event.
Sultan was Massachusetts State
Champion in the 100 yard free-
style in 1965 when he was a sen-
ln high school. In 1968, he broke
a Southern Conference record in
?? yard individual medley with
time of 4:40.26.
Sultan received an honorable
ntion for All-American while
competing in the NCAA Swim
Championships held last season in
Atlanta, Georgia.
Both M . Sultan were
mbers of the relay team which
et varsity record in the 400 yard
Pirate harriers beat v.M.l. by
the perfect score oi IS to 50. Ken
Voss set the pace foa the Pirates
as he finished with a time of 26
minutes and 31 seconds for the
hilly 5.2 mile course. The Pirate-
swept the first seven places in
the meet enroute to their smashing
The next test for the Pirate dis-
tance runners will be on Saturday
October 5, at the Daytona Beach
Bucs Yardage Rise
Despite Defeats
phomorc tailback Mike Mill-
?? d 149 yards in total offense last
k in his first start, to move in-
third place in the East Carolina
?rsity statistical picture
Billy Wightman. who saw limited
luty Last week because of an in-
remains the total offense
leader with 179 yards in three
games. Fullback Butch Colson, who
tlly had more net yards than
entire team in rushing against
Louisiana Tech last week, has
climbed into second place. Colson
has 147 yards rushing In three
games and three passing on two
completions in four attempts.
Jimmy Adkuis is the leading
iver with six to his credit for
117 yards and two tOUChdoWl
Bob Withrow snared four against
I ouisiana Tech and now has 80
d i with six reception for the
- ;iSill.
As a team, the Pii at
tig 211 yards a g ime to 276 for
the opposition. The Bucs have giv-
en tip 319 yards rushing and 509
25 Delicious Flavors
of Ice Cream
: v a Delicious Banana Split
or Sundae
264 By Pase, Greenville
c.i Si
State Bank
and Trust Co.
5 Points
Greenville, N. C.
Member Fit I f
Newman Mass Every Sunday
Raw 130 al 12:30 P. M.
Mass and Discussion Wednesdays
5:00 P. M. V-flut
Summer and year round j,
illustrated magazine with
Paid, Havel, meet people
Ulg people 17 to 40 For
plete details .and applications
mVKflfi ft ational Student Information Service' USIS?
J3J, rue Hotel des Monnaies, Brussels 6, Belgium '
invitational in Florida.
Results Against Richmond
Top Ten Runners
1. Jayroe
2. Voss
3. Guest
4. Ross
5. Martin
6. Davis
7. Day
8. Kidd
9. McNerney
10. Schappert
ECU 26:4H
ECU 27:15
Rich 27:33
ECU 27:45
ECU 28:12
ECU 28:52
ECU 29:01
ECU 29:07
ECU 29:37
ECU 29 39
Results Against V.M.I.
Top Ten Runners
1. Voss
2. Day
3. Davis
4. Schappert
5. Osborne
6. Ross
7. McNerney
8. Martin
9. Dick
10. Lears
ECU 26
ECU 27
ECU 28
ECU 28
ECU 28
ECU 29
ECU 29
VMI 29
VMI 29
VMI 30
SWIM CAPTAINS?.Members of tin- l'MiK-i East Carolina swimming t-am
have selected John Sultan and Robert Moynihan as captains for the np.
ominjr season. Both are veterans of the Pirate pool wars of las, (rear,
Big problem.
Simple solution
New Honda.
This lean, lithe Honda 125 Super Sport can be the answer to a lot of
problems besides parking.
Consider price. You can buy this beauty at an impressively low initial
price; fuel it for a fraction of what you'd spend on a four-wheel gas
gulper. And, of course, there are the pleasantly painless costs of main-
taining and insuring a Honda.
The 125 Super Sport couples lightweight economy with red hot per-
formance features. Its dependable four-stroke parallel twin eng.ne pro-
duces a dazzling 13 bhp; acceleration that matches the best of them
And stylmg. The 125 Super Sport is nothing but class from its stream-
ed Pipes to its sculptured tank to its rugged telescopic front forks
The sleek and sassy 125 Super Sport. Is there a better way to solve
your problems?
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East Carolinian, October 2, 1968
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 02, 1968
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